Re: Request to join the team

2021-07-31 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Guilherme,

> My name is Guilherme Xavier, I've been a Debian user for over 15 years and 
> for a few years I've been studying a lot about packaging in Debian. I've done 
> some QA work and now I'm looking to bring some new packages to Debian more 
> precisely related to security.

Awesome, welcome to the team,

> I am packaging the "Seclists" from Kali ( 
> for Debian and I would like to be part of the team if possible. I am being 
> mentored during the packaging by Samuel Henrique who has given me many tips 
> during the process. I also request the creation of the package repository in 
> salsa. I hope I can help the team.

I have created the repo and gave you Salsa's maintainer role:

Can you also apply to join the org on Salsa?

There should be a button for it, otherwise you're gonna have to ask
Raphaël to add you.

I will review seclists in the next couple of days, right after I
review pocsuite3.

Thank you for your contributions!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for join the team

2021-07-19 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Tian,

Sorry for the delay in the reply,

I have created a repo under the team's org and gave you permission,
you can push start pushing your changes there:

The packaging seems to be in a good shape, I have a few suggestions/questions:

1) d/copyright: You can remove the comments on lines 7-8 and also make
the first Files entry (on line 10) shorter by stating "Files: *", this
means that anything not called out in the other copyright entries
below will fall into the wildcard one.

2) pocsuite3/thirdparty/: There seems to be a few python libraries
vendored in that folder, I'm not sure if they're patched or just plain
vendored. Generally speaking we can't use them and should instead rely
on their packaged versions on Debian, eg.: make the package depend on
"python3-prettytable" instead of using the vendored version. This can
also help by making d/copyright even simpler if you can remove it from
the orig tarball (either with a repack or if you can provide a tarball
without it, as upstream).
Now, I understand that ansistrm, for example, is not packaged on
Debian, and so It should be fine to keep this one as it is, but
otherwise could you try to use the ones already packaged on Debian and
make sure they are not shipped in a vendored manner for pocsuite3? You
can keep them in the orig tarball if you'd like, and we can also
discuss using vendored libs if you need them, please let me know if
that's the case, and also let me know if you need help or would like
more details about it.

3) pocsuite3/data/cacert.pem: I noticed this file contains both the
public and private parts of the key, to initialize an http server on
port 666 and wrap the socket with ssl. I believe this is fine (it's
gonna be up to the ftp-master to confirm that it's ok), but I wonder
if you thought about generating a self-signed cert at runtime[0]
instead of reusing the same one for everyone? Note that you don't need
to make this change, I'm just wondering if there's any pros and cons
that I'm not considering since there's a chance you've already
discussed this with other developers of pocsuite3.

4) flake8 + black: Just a suggestion here, not a blocker for having
pocsuite3 on Debian; flake8 seems to detect a lot of small thing that
you probably want to have it fixed, and black can automate some of
those changes for you. None of them seem to really be causing any
bugs, but having flake8 enforced at development stage will definitely
spot an issue for you eventually.

5) docstrings: This is also just a suggestion and definitely not
required for packaging pocsuite3 on Debian: I noticed some docstrings
in the code are not in english, this is not a big deal since the code
itself is in english and I could understand it without issues (at as
far as I went, since I didn't read everything). I think it's a good
idea to eventually translate them to english (you can keep both
languages) to make it easier for others to contribute. But again,
please take this as a suggestion for a low priority improvement.

[0] Alternatively, it should also be possible to generate it at the
install-time of the deb package with the pre/postinst maintainer

Thank you for your contributions!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Bug#990302: ITP: bulk-extractor -- A stream-based forensics tool for triage and cross-evidence analysis, which scans the media and extracts recognizable content

2021-07-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Jan,

> Unfortunately the repository, that you reviewed is very much
> work-in-progress and it was not intended by me, that somebody else looks
> at it.

My bad, I had the wrong impression that it was ready for review, but
it's not that bad since I only did an overview anyway.

> Since I originally posted on the mailing list due to the licensing
> issues, which could be resolved by
>  a) discussing with upstream
>  b) reimplementing the JSON-scanner-code with libjson-c

Ah, I thought this one was solved (probably because I didn't read the
whole discussion on Github).

> I am aware of not using the network during the build. Actually I just
> copied the rules-file from the Kali-repo and did nothing else to it,
> sorry that you looked at it and wrote a thorough review about it, did
> not intend that, but thanks for that anyways.

No need to say sorry, it was a fault on my side but it wasn't a waste
of time anyway.

> I thought, I will package scaedan and dfxml as separate Debian packages,
> since they are generic and of use for others.
> If you don't know about dfxml, here is a short quote from the abstract
> of the original research paper:
>  "Digital Forensics XML (DFXML) is an XML language that enables the
> exchange of structured
>  forensic information. DFXML can represent the provenance of data
> subject to forensic
>  investigation, document the presence and location of file systems,
> files, Microsoft
>  Windows Registry entries, JPEG EXIFs, and other technical
> information of interest to the
>  forensic analyst." [0]
> Furthermore, the NIST is concerned with dfxml [1]. Dfxml is currently
> primarily used by universities and analysts looking at the traces of
> applications, so I think, it would be a valuable addition Debian --
> independent of bulk_extractor, don't you think so?


> Right now I am discussing and working with upstream on the organisation
> of the dfxml-project [1].

Ack, perks of working on Debian packaging, sometimes you get to
contribute upstream and before you know your name appears under
AUTHORS in some project :)

> - python3-dfxml: containing the python implementation of dfxml
> - python3-dfxml-tools : containing helpful tools building on the Python
> dfxml-implementation, like fiwalk, idifference and so on
> - libdfxml: containing the C++-implementation of dfxml as shared library
> as it is used by bulk_extractor (and maybe future software?!?)
> - scaedan: a package needed by bulk_extractor
> What do you think about it, do you think this is reasoable and that I
> will find a sponsors for those packages?
> If you think so, then I will file the corresponding ITPs in the course
> of the next week.

It seems very reasonable, yes, and I/we can sponsor them for you. Just
be careful when deciding if/to bundle some of those packages into a
single source package (it sounds like python3-dfxml and
python3-dfxml-tools come from the same sources).

> This is a great hint and it concerns be13_api. So if I understand
> correctly, I could just add the be13_api-submodule in the salsa-repo,
> right?

That's correct, but the way you do it matters; you have to repack
upstream's tarball to include the submodule and add the "-ds" suffix
to upstream's version, then import that new orig tarball into your
repo (you will also have to modify d/copyright things to explain the
repack). Tell me if you face any issues when you get to do it.

Thank you for your work!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for join the team

2021-07-02 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Tian,

> I have fixed most of the problems in the latest upload.
> pocsuite3_1.7.6-1 is now at
> Please let me know if there is any other mistakes I have to fix.
> Thank you very much for your attention.

Grand, did you manage to get a Salsa account? I've reviewed the upload
to mentors but it would be better if we could do reviews based on git
(you could also make use of salsa-ci to automatically build and detect
some issues[0]).

The package is failing to build for me due to 2 reasons:
1) Missing build dependencies: You will have to add python3-requests
and python3-requests-toolbelt to fix this. I believe you might be
building your package in a dirty environment, which contains other
packages installed that could trick you into believing that the
Build-Depends field is correct.
For building packages I suggest using sbuild[1], this will ensure you
get a clean environment for every build.

2) Unit tests are using the internet: Our policy states that a package
should not use the internet during its build process[2], and our
debhelper's python integration will automatically discover and run
unit tests.
In order to fix this you will have to disable the tests which require
internet access, or disable all of the tests by overriding the dh_test
with a noop[3].

[0] You can push a configuration like this
and configure your repo to use it (Salsa's default is gitlab-ci.yml,
you will need debian/salsa-ci.yml)
 For packages in the main archive, no required targets may attempt
network access, except, via the loopback interface, to services on the
build host that have been started by the build.

Thank you for your work, and let me know if you need help getting a
Salsa account or have questions about how to solve any issues.

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intent to repackage Kali's bulk_extractor

2021-07-02 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Jan,

> However, pkg-security-team's "Kali-Debian-tracker-spreadsheet" states

Oh, I had forgotten about that spreadsheet, I thought nobody was looking at it.
I have to consider updating or removing it to avoid confusion with old
data (last run was in 2019).

If anybody reading this considers that spreadsheet[0] useful even with
old data from 2019, let me know. It helped me get an overview of kali
vs debian packages around that time but I stopped updating it, I'll
dedicate some time to see if the script[1] still works.

> the following Lintian errors regarding bulk_extractor:
> ```
> - 1 possible-gpl-code-linked-with-openssl
> - 1 license-problem-json-evil

I can see you already fixed these two issues with upstream, which is a
really nice thing.
I'll review your package during this weekend.

Thanks a lot for your work and sorry for the late reply.

[1] it's generated by a somewhat poor bash script, so it's prone to
issues all the way.

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for join the team

2021-06-24 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Tian,

> I’m Tian Qiao, a security researcher belongs to knownsec 404 team.


> I’ve packaged a new security related tools, and plan to put it into Debian 
> repo.

Cool, I haven't yet checked the software itself but I can give you
some feedback on the packaging, it looks like there's a few lintian
findings you will have to get fixed before we can consider the
The most important ones are of type "E/Error", but it's a good idea to
try to fix all of them, you can see the list of findings under
"Package has lintian errors" in the mentors page.

We can help you fix them if you have questions, so give it a try and
feel free to ask for help.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: rsakeyfind - Request for review of autopkgtest addition

2021-06-06 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Jan,

Merged, I liked your solution and it's also gonna be very helpful to
debug the aeskeyfind issue you found[0].

I'd like to point out one interesting thing from the MR, which I
believe other from the team might also like to know:

Apparently there's a race condition in doing:
(command) &
ps aux | grep command

I'm not sure where exactly it comes from, but Jan mitigated that by
adding a short sleep between the commands.



Samuel Henrique 

Re: rsakeyfind - Request for review of autopkgtest addition

2021-06-05 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Jan,

> I want to ask for a review of a recently created merge request
> concerning the memory forensics software `rsakeyfind` [1].
> I added autopkgtests to check the correct functionality of the created
> package. These include a smoke test to check its startup behaviour as
> well as tests to verify the extraction of a 256-bit and a 2048-bit RSA
> key from pre-generated, but sizewise tiny process memory dumps, which
> contain key material generated either by Openssl or with the help of the
> Python library pycryptodome [2].

This is a really nice contribution!

> If you think, that I should add the helper scripts and/or the
> documentation regarding the creation of those memory dumps also, please
> let me know.

I left a comment there related to this, I believe you will have to
automate the generation of those dmp files because otherwise we have
issues due to missing their source code.

Thank you for your contributions!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: john - Request for review of merge request - Add autopkgtests

2021-05-29 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Jan,

> recently I submitted a merge request to add autopkgtests to the
> hash-cracking software `john` [1].
> I want to kindly ask for a review and a merge of this addition, if it
> fulfills the quality standards.

Awesome, I just merged your MR.

> Furthermore, I wonder, whether you took into consideration to package
> the "jumbo"-version of `john` also, which contains helpful features for
> the real world password-cracking use of `john` -- especially in a
> forensics-context? In Kali this version is already packaged [2]. Would
> you accept this version -- e.g. with a package-name like `john-jumbo` or
> `jtr-jumbo` -- as an addition?

We had a brief discussion about this back in January, the conclusion
is that we want to have the jumbo version packaged but only after
bullseye's release.
Check out this thread for more details:

Thanks for your contribution :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Scalpel - Request for review of merge request - Closes #980064

2021-05-18 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Jan,

> I am kindly asking for a review of this merge request which closes
> #980064. Thanks already in advance.

Thank you for working on this, I've left a comment about a small
changelog issue.

I don't think we can upload this change to unstable due to the freeze,
but we are good to merge and leave it in debian/master, to be uploaded
as soon as the freeze is gone.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for review/upload of regripper 3.0-1

2021-05-18 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Arnaud,

I believe you mentioned you were interested in reviewing this upload,
do you still have plans to do it?

I can help but I wanted to avoid duplication of work.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Introductory Message - Contributing to Debian Forensics Environment

2021-05-18 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Jan,

Welcome to the team!

Please feel free to reach out if you need any help/sponsor and also to
bug me if it takes too long for you to get a reply, I try to
prioritize helping people over working on my packages (as I believe
it's more effective to unblock someone) but as you can see, it might
take a few days.
If you have a request pending a response for at least 2 weeks, please
let me know and I'll prioritize it.

I've sent you a private reply before, as I was busy, but now I've got
enough time to catch up with the backlog, sorry for that.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Membership removed from project proytunnel

2021-05-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

> Please re-assign me to the proxytunnel project.

Done, I've set the new expiration date to be end of 2022.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for review/upload of stegseek 0.5-1~exp1

2021-04-17 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Francisco,

> I'm looking for a sponsor for a new package, stegseek [1].
> Please, could you review and upload it for the experimental?

Uploaded, thanks for working on it :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Last days before the soft freeze

2021-02-08 Thread Samuel Henrique
Improved UDD query (with a commented time window filter):

select bapase.source,
from bapase, all_sources
where bapase.source = all_sources.source and
  all_sources.maintainer_email = '' and
  /*bapase.upload_date <= '2020-01-01'::date and
  bapase.upload_date >= '2018-01-01'::date and*/
  bapase.unstable_version is not null
group by all_sources.source, bapase.source, bapase.upload_date,
bapase.testing_version, bapase.unstable_version, bapase.rc_bugs
order by bapase.upload_date

Slightly shortened result of query:
source|upload_date|testing_version |rc|
openscap-daemon   |2018-07-25 20:50:30|0.1.10-3| 0|
scap-security-guide   |2018-07-26 19:07:41|0.1.39-2| 0|
bdfproxy  |2018-09-11 21:39:33|| 1|
dsniff|2018-11-05 01:03:59|2.4b1+debian-29 | 1|
statsprocessor|2019-07-08 17:09:37|0.11+git20160316-2  | 0|
onesixtyone   |2019-07-16 10:34:33|0.3.3~git20190328-2 | 0|
doona |2019-08-03 13:34:17|1.0+git20190108-1   | 0|
sandsifter|2019-08-05 07:09:50|1.04-1  | 0|
python-darts.lib.utils.lru|2019-09-04 12:20:05|0.5-5   | 0|
swatch|2019-09-15 23:24:13|3.2.4-3 | 0|
dhcpig|2019-09-24 14:49:28|1.5-3   | 0|
binwalk   |2019-10-17 09:49:06|2.2.0+dfsg1-1   | 0|
pyaff4|2019-10-20 16:35:34|0.27+really0.26.post6-1 | 1|
python-vulndb |2019-11-17 08:42:15|0.1.3-2 | 0|
arp-scan  |2019-11-27 17:49:09|1.9.7-1 | 0|
samdump2  |2019-11-28 17:21:29|3.0.0-7 | 0|
nasty |2019-11-28 18:34:34|0.6-4   | 0|
libewf|2019-12-03 16:21:14|20140807-2  | 1|
unhide|2019-12-14 00:34:16|20130526-4  | 0|
rekall|2019-12-26 14:40:17|1.7.2~rc1+git20190104+dfsg-2| 1|

>> As usual, I'd be happy to sponsor any uploads, and we have about 2
>> days left for this work (for the packages that take 10 days to
>> migrate).

> I miscalculated it, we have until around this Friday for the uploads
> to reach testing (if urgency set to medium and without regressions).

I'm actually not being exactly correct on this again, so please refer
to the official doc at:

We can still upload "Only small, targeted fixes" up until at least 2021-03-12.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro + Re: Heads up: Bug#981055: O: john -- active password cracking tool

2021-02-08 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Axel,

> > I was about to send an email talking about this, I started working on
> > it myself to get an idea of how much work will be needed and I totally
> > gave up trying to get it for bullseye (especially considering the
> > deadline for NEW is tomorrow).
> Would the jumbo patch have to go through NEW? I only see john,
> john-data and john-dbgsym in Kali (i.e. same package names as in
> Debian).

Oh noes, that was a brainfart, the actual deadline is 2021-02-12 (only
small changes allowed after this date), still not enough time though.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: ed2k-hash (0.4.0+ds-4) ready for upload

2021-02-07 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

> According to I am still missing DM
> permissions for ed2k-hash. Would you please check this?

I had forgotten about it, it's done now, thanks for the heads up!


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro + Re: Heads up: Bug#981055: O: john -- active password cracking tool

2021-02-04 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Axel,

> sorry for the late reply.

No worries, it wasn't late and I don't mind if you take your time :)

> Will hopefully finish that part this night and upload. Didn't find
> much time for packaging the past few days.


> I though do _not_ intent to import 1.9.0 or the Jumbo patch before
> Bullseye. There are quite some reverse dependencies to john and I do
> not want to break any of them at this stage of the freeze as I don't
> know that much about the Jumbo patch. I just know that Kali already
> has it (and 1.9.0) packaged.
> I also have not much of an idea how well the licenses of the Jumbo
> patch have been reviewed for inclusion in Debian, which could pose
> another source for RC bugs.

I was about to send an email talking about this, I started working on
it myself to get an idea of how much work will be needed and I totally
gave up trying to get it for bullseye (especially considering the
deadline for NEW is tomorrow).

> * Check how much the packaging from Kali and Debian differs.
> * Check how well debian/copyright was maintained in Kali for the jumbo
>   patch part.
> * Eventually merge the two packagings and upload the result to
>   Experimental (at least if we're still in the freeze then).

I agree with your plan of action.
Here are a few notes I got from my quick look at it:

* d/rules is still complex and quite different, so reviewing them will
take a good chunk of time.
* d/patches does not change much, it will be easier to sync from kali
(assuming we won't need more patches on top of it).
* d/copyright from kali looks good but there's still about 4 hours of
work needed to finish it (as debmake -k shows me). I have started it
but it's a slow process because it's the most boring thing ever. So
far I haven't spotted any license incompatibility but I'm afraid there
might be some binaries on the sources (haven't confirmed it yet).
* d/watch from kali is pointing to github, I changed my local version
to keep using upstream's website as the signatures are only provided
there, it was an easy change.
* testing will have to be extensive, considering the scope of the
changes and how john has all sorts of tweaks for different

> In other news: I just uploaded plaso with the last RC bug fixed.

Great, thanks for joining the team :)

Samuel Henrique 

LinPEAS - Linux Privilege Escalation Awesome Script

2021-02-02 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello team,

I just found out about this interesting project, haven't tried yet and
shellcheck complains about a bunch of stuff but it looks like an
interesting project:

This "privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite" also provides a
script for Windows but I guess there's not much use for us (only if we
want to package as a payload).


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Last days before the soft freeze

2021-02-02 Thread Samuel Henrique
For future reference, here's an UDD[0] query to sort our packages by
the last_upload date:

/* pkg-sec old uploads */
select all_sources.source,
   MAX( as last_upload
from all_sources, upload_history
where upload_history.source = all_sources.source and
  all_sources.maintainer_email = '' and
  all_sources.release = 'sid'
group by all_sources.source
order by last_upload

These are the result up until 2019:


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro + Re: Heads up: Bug#981055: O: john -- active password cracking tool

2021-02-01 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Axel,

That's a nice introduction, welcome to the team :)

If I understood correctly, you're working (or about to start working)
on packaging the jumbo version of john, is that correct?

I haven't looked deep into the kali packaging[0] of it yet so I don't
have an idea of how much work it will be, so feel free to ask for
Considering we have until around Friday to make it to bullseye, I can
spend some extra time on it to make it happen (if it's feasible, of



Samuel Henrique 

Re: Last days before the soft freeze

2021-02-01 Thread Samuel Henrique
> My approach to it is currently to pick any package with the same
> version in stable and testing and working on a new upload

I have uploaded the last package now, the only one left with the same
version as in stable is "crack", which Giovani is currently working on
to solve an issue reported by blhc.

> I'd like to take a look at any packages that are not shipping the latest
> upstream version and see if it's sane to package it (talking about
> small upstream changes here) and then take a look at any open bugs we
> have.

Alright, so I guess now it's the time to look at any open bugs and
newer upstream releases.
I was thinking about helping folks with john (getting the jumbo
version in time), and packaging arpwitch[0].

> As usual, I'd be happy to sponsor any uploads, and we have about 2
> days left for this work (for the packages that take 10 days to
> migrate).

I miscalculated it, we have until around this Friday for the uploads
to reach testing (if urgency set to medium and without regressions).



Samuel Henrique 

Re: ed2k-hash (0.4.0+ds-4) ready for upload

2021-02-01 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

> I prepared ed2k-hash (0.4.0+ds-4) on salsa [1] and added myself as
> uploader.

Great, I just sponsored it.
There was a lintian warning which I solved, it was the
Can you check if your tooling is showing you that lintian for commit
093ad388f6f147b3b055849577ff3fb0c9a49281? There's no fault in missing
lintian warnings, I just ask this to confirm that the tooling is
working properly (as sometimes we might get weird behaviors).

> Please review and upload the package or grant upload permissions to me
> so that I can do the upload myself.

I'll gladly give you DM permissions after the package arrives on unstable.

Thanks for your work :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Last days before the soft freeze

2021-02-01 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Francisco,

> tableau-parm (,
> rephrase (,
> xprobe (,
> p0f ( and
> arpon

Awesome, thanks for working on them!

I have only two small notes from the reviews, I have applied the
changes myself and sponsored all of them but it's worth noting:

rephrase: sometimes when building with Rules-Require-Root set to false
fails, the reason is either d/rules or makefile trying to change
either the permissions or owner of files, and most of these times this
operation doesn't have any effect as debhelper will set the correct
attributes for the files.
This happened to be the case with rephrase, so this is the patch I
used to enable "Rules-Require-Root : no":

arpon: skip-systemd-native-flag-missing-pre-depends: Lintian was
throwing this warning so I added the "Pre-Depends" field as requested
by it.

Once again, thanks for your work :)

Samuel Henrique 

Last days before the soft freeze

2021-01-31 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Team,

As you know, we are close to the soft freeze for the bullseye
release[0], so I started working on the packages that didn't have any
uploads made after the last stable release (mid 2019).

If you feel like looking for something to work on, I would be happy to
have someone helping me tidying up our team's packages.

My approach to it is currently to pick any package with the same
version in stable and testing and working on a new upload, even if
it's just to bump the usual stuff like debhelper and policy, most of
the packages can benefit from a simple rebuild (which will use an
updated tooling, like a newer compiler).
For pretty much all of the ones I worked on there was more to it
though, like the famous "Rules-Require-Root"[1] field or even a
missing upstream signature, so I can say it's not that boring.

After taking a look at the packages with the old last-upload date, I'd
like to take a look at any packages that are not shipping the latest
upstream version and see if it's sane to package it (talking about
small upstream changes here) and then take a look at any open bugs we

As usual, I'd be happy to sponsor any uploads, and we have about 2
days left for this work (for the packages that take 10 days to


[1] For which in one case I could patch upstream to enable a "rootless build"

Samuel Henrique 

Re: libpff_20180714-3 is ready for upload

2021-01-16 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Aleksey,

> [1]

Awesome, uploaded, I will give you DM permissions once the package
hits the archive,

Thanks for your work!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: libpff_20180714-3 is ready for upload

2021-01-10 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Aleksey,

> Or, alternatively, you can grant me DM rights for libpff upload.

I'm happy to do that, although I don't think I can give you DM rights
for a package you're not the maintainer/uploader, but even if it's
possible, what do you think about adding yourself as an Uploader? I
can see the last 3 uploads were done by you (since 2018) and you have
been doing a good amount of work there.

Cheers :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: rhash_1.4.1-1 is ready for upload

2021-01-08 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Aleksey,

> Could you, please, give me DM upload rights for rhash?

Done! Thanks for your work!

It should take a few minutes for the permissions to take effect, you
will receive an email once it's done

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload libvhdi_20201018-1

2020-12-21 Thread Samuel Henrique

On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 08:40, Raphael Hertzog  wrote:
> If we don't have packages affected by the symbol removal (which looks like
> to be the case given that all packages are still building) then we don't
> need to bump the SONAME and we don't need any transition. Feel free to
> upload to unstable right away.
> We don't have to care about programs manually compiled by the user, those
> are outside of our control. And honestly, we're not speaking of a popular
> library here so...

Agreed and uploaded!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro and Intent to Package

2020-12-04 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Christian,

On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 at 15:33, Christian Blichmann 

> Thanks for checking in with me. I still want to package this, but
> other work items have prevented me from continuing with this. I'll see
> that I squeeze some time in this week for this.

That' s great to hear, I don't really remember how much is still missing to
be done as I know you pushed more changes.
I take it that since you still have intent, and packaging is on salsa, the
rest of the team is free to help on any changes needed and hopefully we can
make it reach bullseye :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: tomb (2.8.1+dfsg1-1~bpo10+1) ready for upload

2020-12-04 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

I prepared tomb (2.8.1+dfsg1-1~bpo10+1) for buster-backports [1].

> Unfortunately my request to the backports team to get uploads
> permissions for tomb has not been answered yet.

Yeah, the backports ACL requests usually takes some days to be acked.

Uploaded, have a good weekend :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Switch to KGB

2020-11-27 Thread Samuel Henrique
Thanks for that Raphaël and Unit193 :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro and Intent to Package

2020-11-27 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Christian,

I hope you are doing well,

I'm sending a ping on this thread as we are getting closer to the bullseye
freeze, but there's still time to get this package on it.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload libvhdi_20201018-1

2020-11-27 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello all,

We talked to libvhdi upstream,
> in short, soname bump won't happen yet and
> he says "Checking with git whatchanged -p include/ I don't
> see any
> mayor API (and therefore ABI) changes in the last ~4 years; a couple of
> functions added and a couple of non-functional write functions were
> removed.".

For reference, this was the ticket:

> Samuel, would you like me to request a transition slot for libvhdi

I thought about this, as we have the option of performing the upload
without a transition. My conclusion is that we should get the opinion of
the release team on this, to lean on the safer side, so my suggestion is to:
Upload what we have now to experimental;
Create a bug for the release team explaining the issue and asking if they
want us to do a transition or if just the binNMUs are fine.

Views from the rest of the team are welcome :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping: Review of Tomb for CVE-2020-28638

2020-11-15 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

I prepared fixed versions of tomb for unstable [1], 2.7+dfsg2-2, and
> buster-backports [2], 2.7+dfsg2-2~bpo10+1. Please review these. I added
> myself as uploader, so feel free to provide upload permissions to me.

Nice, upload sponsored and I just sent the dcut command to give you upload
If you haven't yet asked to be added to the backports ACL, you can do so by
following this link's instructions:
In the meantime, I'm happy to sponsor the backports upload as well, ping me
when the package has reached testing.

> Regarding buster I assume I should provide a 2.5+dfsg1-3 on a
> debian/buster branch in the repository. I would only add the security
> fix, nothing else. Is this the way to go?

That's correct, you should branch from the last buster upload. Please note
that you must follow a different process for stable uploads, assuming this
will be a buster-updates upload (and not buster-security, which is fine by
me), these are the instructions:

Basically, you create a bug against and wait for the ACK
for the upload (freel free to CC me). I suggest taking a look at the
current open bugs to look for examples.

Thanks for your work :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload libvhdi_20201018-1

2020-10-26 Thread Samuel Henrique
> > I prepared a new version of libvhdi, release 20201018.
> I have reviewed your changes and they all look fine except for the
> symbols file update;
> In that commit we can see that there are interfaces being removed, and
> any time you get interface removal or signature change you need to
> bump the SONAME, as we don't know if any package that depends on it
> will break.

FTR, Francisco correctly pointed out to me that upstream has not bumped SONAME.
This means we have an issue at hand here, upstream removed interfaces
and should have bumped its API, we as the Debian maintainers can
introduce a "distro specific" new version (do the bump ourselves) but
that is not recommended and should only be the last resort[0].

Our ideal way forward here is contacting upstream, exposing the issue
and asking for a new release with the correct bump, especially since
this is likely to be an oversight by them.

Can you open an issue on their issue tracker?

> For reference:

An extra reference which is very on point to this issue:

[0] I can see one argument being made that we could avoid the distro
bump even by rebuilding the rdeps (just like a transition) but without
the bump, thus basically "hiding" the backwards compatibility
breakage, the risk here being that things built outside our official
repos might inadvertently break when linked against the new package.
In the end, if upstream does not provide a new release with a bump, we
will have to evaluate which will be the alternative with less


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload libvhdi_20201018-1

2020-10-25 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Francisco,

> I prepared a new version of libvhdi, release 20201018.

I have reviewed your changes and they all look fine except for the
symbols file update;
In that commit we can see that there are interfaces being removed, and
any time you get interface removal or signature change you need to
bump the SONAME, as we don't know if any package that depends on it
will break.

As I know you already have previous experience with sleuthkit, this
SONAME bump will require a transition as well.

For reference:

I recommend reading the whole section and please feel free to reach
out to me or to the list if you have any questions,

Thanks for your work

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload dfdatetime_20200824-1

2020-10-23 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Team,

On Wed, 21 Oct 2020 at 13:31, Gianfranco Costamagna
> in the meanwhile I sponsored it :)

Thanks GIanfranco :)

> Il mercoledì 21 ottobre 2020, 09:55:09 CEST, Raphael Hertzog 
>  ha scritto:
> I'm fine with this. I would however highly suggest Francisco to sign his
> commits so that anyone can look back at his history of signed commits and
> make his own judgment on his work.

Good call,

> If you are wondering seriously about granting him DD right, then why
> isn't Francisco a member of pkg-security yet ? He should be able to push
> his signed commits and you can review that.

I have asked him to apply to the team, I don' t know if he did but I
also don't have permission to change members rights in the scope of
the team, only of the packages, so I'm currently giving him temporary
permissions on the packages he's working on.
Francisco, can you ask to join the team through Salsa?


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload libfsntfs_20200921-1

2020-10-18 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Team,

I usually sponsor Francisco uploads and I advocated for his DM application.
Francisco is doing a great job, and I think it would be good if his
work got more visibility from the team.
I'm thinking about the road to DD, where he will need at least 2
advocates, so he will be sending more requests to review to this list
and I'll try to leave them up for someone else.
Now if anybody tells me they're fine with advocating someone solely
based on the activity on this list, without sponsoring their uploads,
I can continue doing the reviews and we move the discussions to here.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload dfdatetime_20200824-1

2020-10-18 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Team,

I usually sponsor Francisco uploads and I advocated for his DM application.
Francisco is doing a great job, and I think it would be good if his
work got more visibility from the team.
I'm thinking about the road to DD, where he will need at least 2
advocates, so he will be sending more requests to review to this list
and I'll try to leave them up for someone else.
Now if anybody tells me they're fine with advocating someone solely
based on the activity on this list, without sponsoring their uploads,
I can continue doing the reviews and we move the discussions to here.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping: ed2k-hash ready for review

2020-08-31 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

> I updated ed2k-hash [1]. Please review and upload.

Done, please feel free to add yourself as an uploader so I can give
you DM permissions next time, if that's ok with you.

Thanks for your work :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Bug#968246: dnstwist: Autopkgtest failure due to depgrecation warning with dnspython 2.0.0

2020-08-11 Thread Samuel Henrique

> On Tuesday, August 11, 2020 1:38:52 PM EDT Peter Wienemann wrote:
> > @Security tools team: I requested a review/upload of a new version of
> > dnstwist last week [0]. Given Scott's planned NMU it might be good to
> > hold off the upload of the new version until the NMU is acknowledged.

I'm sorry for that, your request skipped my TODO list, please feel
free to ping me directly on the future:

dcut ftp-master dm --uid ">"  --allow dnstwist
Uploading commands file to (incoming: /pub/UploadQueue/)
Picking DM Peter Wienemann  with fingerprint
Uploading samueloph-1597179981.dak-commands to ftp-master

You should be good to perform the uploads for dnstwist now :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping - New ncrack package

2020-08-09 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Marcos,

> I tested the package with this patch and it performs well as far as i
> can tell.

What I was initially worried about were tests that touched that
specific part of code, so I was interested in getting a testcase that
covered that. I'm not sure if that's the test that you performed but
(as per the rest of this email) that's ok.

> I also tested it with your suggestion (appending -fcommon CFLAG) and it
> also builds and seems to work properly.
> Meanwhile upstream does not adopt a solution, i would prefer to stick
> with this hack as the use of -fcommon flag seems to be discouraged at
> least by Gentoo distro devs [1]

The reason Gentoo discourages that is because it's not fixing the
problem upstream, it makes GCC10 fallback to the same behavior as GCC9
(-fcommon), this change is the less intrusive one as we are 100% sure
that we will not change the behavior of upstream. I believe the reason
Gentoo discourages that is that they want to encourage people to fix
I would say that this is also Debian's position on the matter since we
always fix upstream when possible. Although this comes with the
presumption that we are sure of the fixes applied and that's where I
was a little bit worried, but I took a look at it again and double
checked that the variable being removed is unused.

debian/0.7+debian-2 sponsored!

Thanks for your work Marcos!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping - New ncrack package

2020-08-06 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Marcos,

Hmm, I'm kinda wary of the patch you picked[0], it has not been
reviewed by upstream yet and it's removing the variable definition
instead of making use of a declaration with "external" on the other
instance, that's also not what Arch is doing[1] (submitter mentions
that they found the issue on Arch).

Are you confident that this fix won't introduce any issues and have
you considered instead to fix it by making use of the "-fcommon"



Samuel Henrique 

Re: help with sleuthkit symbols

2020-07-29 Thread Samuel Henrique

> > I discussed this with Francisco and we decided to drop the symbols
> > file for sleuthkit, that is mainly because sleuthkit is in parts
> > written by Cpp, but also because the extra complexity on maintaining
> > such file is not worth it, considering the only package using
> > seluthkit's library is sleuthkit itself.
> Reverse Depends:
>   libtsk-dev,libtsk13 4.6.5-1
>   sleuthkit,libtsk13 4.4.1
>   guestfsd,libtsk13 4.2.0
>   libguestfs0,libtsk13 4.2.0

Hmm, apparently I missed libguestfs, but that's fine.

> Removing the symbols is a bad approach. Symbols are essential to watch
> ABI status. Is need to think about the current and future of the
> packages depending on the library.

Removing the symbols file is the recommended approach for cpp
projects, and I think there might be a misunderstanding with regards
to what they serve for, they are not essential to watch for ABI
status, we use SONAME for that, and each new release needs to be
checked regardless of the symbols file (this new release is one
bumping the ABI).

I understand they do help by optimizing shlibs to not so strictly
depend upon new releases, which I don't think takes effect when an ABI
bump happens (I'd be curious if that happens). But in general they are
a good-to-have thing, not essential, recommended not to have it with
cpp projects, and only to be made available by the maintainer if the
person really knows what they're doing (as all the symbols need to be
carefully checked).

>If the problem is only
> "symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision", simply
> remove the revision digit from each line inside the symbols file.

As I mentioned before, this wouldn't be enough, a symbols file needs
to have each symbol checked, and in the case of sleuthkit, some
symbols are coming from the compiler and not sleuthkit itself
(sleuthkit currently has an RC bug because of this). I'm also
considering the maintenance cost of such thing, which would be not
ideal, so I consider it better to just drop the symbols control file.

For reference, you can take a look at a recent discussion about a similar case:


Samuel Henrique 

Re: help with sleuthkit symbols

2020-07-29 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Team,

I discussed this with Francisco and we decided to drop the symbols
file for sleuthkit, that is mainly because sleuthkit is in parts
written by Cpp, but also because the extra complexity on maintaining
such file is not worth it, considering the only package using
seluthkit's library is sleuthkit itself.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload rhash_1.4.0-1

2020-07-20 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Aleksey,

Given that I knew I wouldn't need to ask for any changes in your
upload, I let this review request skip ahead of my TODO list.


Just a reminder (I believe I said it before), please apply for DM, I
would be happy to advocate for you :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro and Intent to Package

2020-07-11 Thread Samuel Henrique
 get confused
(thinking that a CLA is needed), the copyright information of d/rules
would still live in d/copyright. This is not a blocker.

The patch is fine, but there might be a potential to make it more
straightforward, it looks like its goal is to not make use of
debhelper flags and strictly follow what's defined in upstream.
I understand you probably know most or all of this, but I will try to
be detailed;

Debhelper does not override flags per se, it just sets them on the
environment (setting them through the command line would cause the
override), which means the easiest way to not use them is to set the
variables in the Makefile with "=" instead of "+=" on the first call
to the variable assignment statement.
eg.: when the makefile has "CFLAGS +=", one can patch the first
assignment statement of that variable to "CFLAGS =", instead of
changing all the assignments.
The quickest example I could find is from Kali, that's an example of
the inverse-case (to use the debhelper flags instead of overriding
them) (please note that the patch description and title is wrong

Using debhelper flags is advisable since they change as time passes by
and they're all chosen with security and reliability in mind (think
hardening), this means that the binaries will automatically receive
the improvements of the newly defined debhelper flags. For a better
visualization of the thing, you can run "blhc --all" on the buildlog
to see which flags are missing, this is one of the checks we do on our
CI and on the packages in the archive (note: I later found out that
this patch wasn't actually overriding the debhelper flags, so blhc
will only show findings not related to the patch).

I tried to investigate what was the reasoning behind the patch, so
let's see if I can help;

Seems like the issue is (without the patch): error: ‘bool nsjail::NsJailConfig::has_chroot_dir()
const’ is deprecated [-Werror=deprecated-declarations]
... error: ‘const string&
nsjail::NsJailConfig::chroot_dir() const’ is deprecated
... error: ‘bool nsjail::NsJailConfig::is_root_rw()
const’ is deprecated [-Werror=deprecated-declarations]
cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors

There are three occurrences of this type of error, debhelper makes it
an error, the default is to be a warning.

Considering all of this, I can see that the patch does fix the issue,
but only because it appends "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" to the
CXXFLAGS, please note that doing "override CXXFLAGS +=" would still
have the effect of appending to the debhelper flags because of the
operator "+=".

I have pushed an alternative simplified patch to the branch
"debian/samueloph/deprecation_warning", please take a look.
There's another alternative to the issue, which is to fix the
"deprecated-declarations" warnings in upstream, but working around it
with this patch is fine. I also could not really point out what was
the deprecation issue based on gcc's output.

d/salsa-ci.yml and d/gbp.conf: You can push those files, copying them
from another project, but if not, they will eventually get pushed by
our script. The benefit is that by pushing the ci definition you will
already start making use of it, as the CI is already enabled.

>From lintian: "I: nsjail: hardening-no-bindnow usr/bin/nsjail":
You can add the following in d/rules to enable all the hardening flags:
"export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all"
It will make debhelper set extra flags to increase the security and
reliability of the binaries.

Just in case you've missed it; lintian spotted a few typos on the
project, you might wanna fix that or log a ticket. Please note that
this is definitely not a blocker and can be addressed in the future, I
just wanted to report them out.

Alright, I believe that's it, I tried to perform an in-depth review
since it's the first contribution to the team and some of the things
here are not blockers, please feel free to discuss any of the topics.

Thank you for your work and contributions :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro and Intent to Package

2020-07-07 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Christian,


Awesome, you don't need to bother with mentors since we are working as
a team and we have salsa, anytime you need a review/sponsor you can
ask for one and we will take a look at the head of debian/master, that
will make things slightly easier.

> A few things:
> - The package looks lintian clean, except for the distribution. Is
>   correct distribution for now? Or should I change this to "experimental"?

The correct distribution will be unstable, that is unless you have an
explicit reason to keep it experimental, but those cases are rare and
I don't think it applies here.
Usually is a good practice to only change when the package is ready to
be uploaded, but that's on a best effort basis as a way of minimizing
the overhead, this means you are free to err on the side of setting
the release to unstable before the package is ready instead of waiting
for someone to review to perform the change, sometimes the
reviewer/sponsor will do the change themselves when it's ready.
So the gist of it is that you can either set it to unstable when you
think the package is ready or wait for the sponsor to do so, it's up
to you.

> - Since I used CDBS, the maximum debhelper compat version I could use is 10.
>   IIUC, this is fine?

I took a look at d/rules and it looks like you're not using anything
specific to cdbs, I recommend switching to debhelper fully as cdbs is
considered legacy.
The switch should be fairly easy, you just need to remove cdbs from
B-D and add the vanilla debhelper catch-all target on d/rules:
dh $@

Note the tab usage (on d/rules), you can take a look at other packages
from the team as a reference. I also recommend using
"debhelper-compat" in d/control, as the other packages, so you can
remove the file d/compat (debhelper-compat declares both the compat
level and the debhelper version).

With the move to debhelper, you will be able to use version 13.

> - Upstream does not provide GPG signatures, so I can ignore the
>   debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature warning, right?

That's right, strictly speaking only lintian errors are blockers, the
rest of them are good to fix but sometimes it's not something doable
from the packaging side. In this specific case we are talking about a
possible improvement that needs to be done on the upstream side
(provide a key and signature of tarballs). Considering you're also
upstream you can fix it, but it's totally up to you.

> Let me know what you think. I'm also a bit unsure about the repo management.
> Upstream lives in GitHub and uses Git submodules. For now I uploaded a 
> snapshot
> of the full source tree to debian/master, is that acceptable? What's
> the best practice
> here?

Sorry I didn't review the package yet, so I will comment with a
general case in mind;
If you package a snapshot of a repo, the version needs to have this
information appended in the upstream part of it, like in the example
of one package we have:
instead of 3.7.18-1
Note how the version gives information about the date of the snapshot
and the commit picked. This version manipulation is something we do on
the packaging side when importing the upstream tarball.

Submodules are not an issue, but they might be a little bit
cumberstone if the tarballs provided by upstream don't have them
checked in (that is, when the submodule usage is not abstracted away
in the tarball).
Sometimes there are issues related to submodules, but they happen
because the submodule is a library that should be packaged separately.
Not all libraries need/should be packaged separately, but some do, so
it's on a per case basis.

I will review the package soon, so I will be able to give a more
specific feedback,

Thanks for your work,

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro and Intent to Package

2020-07-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
> I do have some experience with creating packages in Debian format (I
> also maintain the commercial BinDiff package [0]), but it'll be good
> to take some time and review the Policy :)

Cool, in this case you're gonna make good use of lintian, our linter
tool that catches some good chunk of policy violations.
Llintian gets called on salsa-ci automatically (together with some
other tools to check package issues) and it's also a good idea to make
sure you run it when building the package locally (if you don't
already) so you can catch the issues before pushing.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Intro and Intent to Package

2020-07-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello all,

> I have filed 964199
> ( for this.
> My salsa username is "cblichmann".

I created and gave
you permissions[0].

For the sponsoring of your work, what I would recommend is to either
ask for a review in this mailing list or contact someone directly [for
when you'd like a specific person to review the work].

Feel free to reach out if you need help with anything, sometimes it
might be easier to have someone bootstrap the packaging with all the
git branches (upstream, pristine-tar and debian/master), as a summary,
what you will need to start the work is:
1) Generate a simple packaging which at least builds, so you get a
.dsc artifact, you can generate that with dh_make[1].
2) Import the generated .dsc into a git structure with "gbp
import-orig --pristine-tar build.dsc"
3) Push the repository to salsa, and from now on you can track the
work in there, and make use of salsa-ci[2].

Some other small things might change in the repository when I run the
script that baselines our projects, which should happen this weekend,
but none of these changes will affect your work.


[0] I set and expiration date of end of 2021, as a good practice, when
we reach that date, if you're not a DD, somebody can extend that for
you with no issues.
[2] I configured the CI in the repo, it will run when a
debian/salsa-ci.yml file gets pushed.

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Webhook for arno-iptables-firewall

2020-06-07 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

> from my observations when having pushed bug fixes for arno-iptables-
> firewall I suspect the tagpending webhook [1] is missing from the
> project as I never saw pending upload notifications. These
> notifications seem to show up regulary for other projects.
> Can you please check this?

We periodically run a script that puts our packages in compliance
which does, besides other things, set the tagpending webhook, last
time I run this was about a month ago, so all the repos created before
that should have it.

I checked arno and it does have the webhook there, what I believe is
happening is that you're not using the format "closes: #" which is
what the webhook looks for, basically the commit title has to have the
same closes statement that you would put in changelog.

> At least for proxytunnel I can see it is set [2], while for arno-
> iptables-firewall I cannot even acess the settings [3].
This is happening because you had "Maintainer" permissions on
proxytunnel and "Developer" on arno-iptables-firewall, I added the
given permission for you with an expiration date of Dec 2022. If by
that time you're not a DD, anybody will be happy to extend it.

Tell me if you're still having issues,


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping: please review proxytunnel

2020-05-19 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven and Julian,

Changes force-pushed to the team's repo and package uploaded.

Julian, I noticed you will no longer be an Uploader of the package
with this new version, I've read your reply to the initial bug report
from Sven and I believe that's what you wanted. If not, please let us

Sven, you did a very good job on the package and I gave you DM
permission so you can work on the new upstream release
"v1.10.20200507" that happened a few days ago :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping - New release for nmapsi4

2020-05-16 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Marcos,

dcut ftp-master dm --uid ""  --allow nmapsi4
Uploading commands file to (incoming: /pub/UploadQueue/)
Picking DM Marcos Fouces  with fingerprint
Uploading samueloph-1589667616.dak-commands to ftp-master

Guess you can do this one yourself now, happy uploading :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping: please review proxytunnel

2020-05-16 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

I did a review on the package and I have a few comments, I'll split
them into letters to help the discussion:

A) import of package to git
I believe the git repo was created by importing the latest dsc instead of doing:
gbp import-dscs --debsnap --pristine-tar --debian-branch=debian/master
Which uses debsnap to import all previous dscs.

The side effect of this is that you lose the tags pointing to the
previous releases and all of them gets bundled up in a single commit.
Fixing this requires recreating the git repo with that command,
re-applying your changes (you can chery-pick them after adding the
current work's remote and doing a git fetch), and force pushing the

Now, I won' t ask you to do this, because the practical benefits are
not so big considering the latest release is from oldstable and the
extra work needed to do it. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether
or not to do so, and if you decide to do it, just push it to a new
repo under your account and ping me to force push it to our team's

B) missing tags
Tags seems to be missing in the repo, can you do a git push --tags?
There should be tags for the upstream releases and for the debian ones
(in this case, only the latest one).

C) copyright
You can use the command "debmake -k" to check that some copyrights
declared are slightly wrong, note that debmake suggests the wrong
license and gets confused with the LICENSE.txt file but the findings
itself are correct. Some files declared as "GPL-2 with OpenSSL
exception" are actually "GPL-2+ with OpenSSL exception" and some MIT
are actually ISC. Small things but they need to be addressed.

A suggestion I'd like to give is to keep the licenses' long
description at the end of the file, to ease the human reading, you
declare only what's the license name and then at the end of the file
you declare all the licenses' text. Like in this example:

D) debhelper
Since you will have to push changes, you can take this opportunity to
also bump DH13.

I believe that's all, you did a very good job with the package and
I'll be happy to upload it after you solve these small issues.

Thanks for your work.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD Ping: please review proxytunnel

2020-05-13 Thread Samuel Henrique

Sorry is taking me so long to review, but I will get to it before the
end of the week,

As usual, if someone has the time, feel free to do it before me.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: RFS: New dnstwist upstream version and bug fix (was: Test suite issue fixed for dnstwist)

2020-05-04 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello SZ Lin and Peter,

On Sun, 3 May 2020 at 16:09, SZ Lin (林上智)  wrote:
> Thanks for taking this, I'm on the national holidays.

Enjoy your holidays :)

> According to the team wiki [1], it elaborates to submit merge requests to
> submit the result of the work in most cases.
> Therefore, generally, I review the MR which includes three branches in
> Salsa once the repository exists in the team.

(talking about this scenario in general, as in this specific case
Peter should have permissions to push to the repo and wouldn't need to
deal with MR/forking)
hmm, we may have to rethink this approach and document that is okay to
ask for a review on the person's own fork. Unless Salsa does support
multiple branches as source and dest in an MR, but...

> IIRC, the MR function in Salsa will handle three different branches
> and act accordingly.
> (please correct me if I'm wrong)

I had tried this in the past and it wasn't a feature, searching online
also didn't gave me any results of people managing to do this. Thus I
believe it's not possible to do so, if you happen to confirm that it
works, please correct me.

Peter, the package is good and I uploaded it with a small change in
the changelog to put the "new release" statement at the first line.
Since this is the first time I sponsor an upload of yours, I will not
give you DM permission now, unfortunately, but will happily do so in
the next 1/2 uploads.

I wasn't aware of the existence of this package, it's very interesting
and I will try it out myself for some domains I own, the autopkgtest
also leads to some interesting results, hahaha.

Thanks for your work

Samuel Henrique 

Re: RFS: New dnstwist upstream version and bug fix (was: Test suite issue fixed for dnstwist)

2020-05-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
> Peter, I noticed you are the maintainer of the package and is also a
> DM, so I gave you permission to the repository, maintainers should be
> able to push to their packages' repos.

I forgot to mention, this permissions will expire at the end of 2021,
so if you're not a DD by that time just ask someone to bump the
expiration for you.

Samuel Henrique 

Re: RFS: New dnstwist upstream version and bug fix (was: Test suite issue fixed for dnstwist)

2020-05-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Peter and SZ Lin,

> > Can you send the MR to the team repository[1]?
> >
> > [1]
> what precisely do you want me to do? Usually a MR relates one source
> branch to one destination branch. But the mentioned changes affect three
> branches and a tag. How am I supposed to map this to a normal MR?

Peter, I noticed you are the maintainer of the package and is also a
DM, so I gave you permission to the repository, maintainers should be
able to push to their packages' repos.
I also pushed all your changes to the team's repo, so from now on
please feel free to commit there directly. I hope this reduces the
overhead of contributing for you.

SZ Lin, one thing I usually do when reviewing things like this is, I
review the changes on the person's fork and then push them to the
official repo when done. an MR might help, but as Peter mentioned, is
only doable when only one branch has changes.

We are already 7 days after Peter's initial request for review, so if
nobody beats me to it, I will do it tomorrow.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Granting janitor bot direct commit rights ?

2020-05-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hi all,

> Thus I'm really tempted to grant commit rights.
> What do you think?

I think it's a good idea as well.

Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD ping [Brutespray]

2020-04-26 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Stéphane,

> I followed your recommendations and modified the control file. It's cleaner 
> that way.
> (Sorry for the last two commits, it's ugly, I should have been careful and 
> pushed this in one go)

Don't worry, I believe the work we do on Debian is the best way to
learn real world git and you will always find something you can
improve while at it.

> In fact, since several people have been involved in maintaining this package 
> (including those helping me),
> I wonder if my name is really legitimate in the "Uploaders" field of the 
> d/control file.

Well, nobody's gonna say it's not legitimate, that's for sure, the
thing is that we always need to have at least one person in the
Uploaders field, this person being the first level contact for package
issues, the team being the second. For me having my name in the
Uploaders field is more about easily spotting things that needs to be
made (bugs, new releases...) as I'm unfortunately currently spending
most time in those packages other than the ones from the team. Our
team does not have strong ownership enforcement so you are definitely
encouraged to fix things from other packages and you should put your
name as an Uploader if you're interested in it (it's a good idea to
contact the current Uploaders through this list first).

I noticed the tags "debian/1.6.8-1" and "debian/1.6.7-1" were pushed
to the git repo, I removed both and pointed "debian/1.6.8-1" at the
right commit, don't forget to remove these tags from your local clone
and update from the remote. As a rule of thumb, the person who does
the upload of the package is the one who should push the "debian/"
tags, preferably signed by their gpg key (which I should/will start
doing soon).

> Thank you for your patience and your precious help Samuel.
You're welcome, I'm happy to help.

Package uploaded, keep up the good work :)

Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD ping [Brutespray]

2020-04-26 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Stéphane,

> Upstream was kind enough to push another release 1.6.8 so I wasn't sure if I 
> had to keep version 1.6.7 in the changelog file.
> I finally decided to update the above fields for version 1.6.8, but I'm not 
> sure so tell me if I was wrong.

You did the right thing, we only need to keep the changelog entry if
an upload was made. Some people like to keep the release field of the
changelog as "UNRELEASED" until right before the upload to denote
that, while I rather check the tag to see if there was an upload as
changing to UNRELEASED->unstable would require an extra commit just
for that.

> Thank you for all these clarifications. I think this new v1.6.8 fix now that 
> ambiguity properly.

That's correct, and it was fixed in the best possible way.

> I can see another lintian warning "changelog-should-not-mention-nmu", should 
> I remove the Uploaders line in d/control ?

I see that you solved that by changing your name in d/changelog but I
do believe you want to change the entry in d/control instead. Just
consider that you can chose how your name/email is written and
d/control, you also control how it gets automatically written to
d/changelog[0] and you need to make those two matches because
otherwise our tooling will not recognize the upload as being made from
either the maintainer or the uploader (in our case it would need to be
marked as team upload). Now, with this in mind, consider which is the
way you want to have that written and put your tooling[0] and
d/control in sync and you will never again have this issue. The
developers reference has some good explanations about NMU and Team
Uploads in case you're not aware of it yet[1].

> I also added a quick test (brutespray -h)

That's a nice addition, I'd like to ask you to add the restriction
"superficial" to it, every test which uses only "-h" should have this
restriction, and if you find one without it, feel free to change it.
The "skippable" restriction can be removed in favor of "superficial".
For more info, you can refer to the docs at [2].

The rest of the package is all fine, so as soon as you update the test
(and change your name in d/control, if you decide to follow that way)
I will do the upload.

Thanks for your work :)

[0] You can add this to your bashrc and gbp/dch will pick it up:
DEBEMAIL="your email address"
DEBFULLNAME="your name"


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD ping [Brutespray]

2020-04-23 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Stéphane,

Your changes are fine, but there are two issues now:
1) I believe you forgot to update d/changelog with the new changes,
you need to add:
  * Bump to standards-version version 4.5.0
  * Add Rules-Requires-Root: no
  * Update Uploaders field to match changelog

2) If I understood correctly, upstream just re-released 1.6.7, which
should never ever happen as it causes confusion as there is now two
1.6.7 releases of brutespray (even if upstream hides the first one).
The package is currently not building with gbp as the files are
differing, you can see that the pristine-tar branch is not updated and
the tag brutespray-1.6.7 points to the first 1.6.7 release.

Since this happened, I suggest packaging a git snapshot of the
repository, so you can use something like 1.6.7+git20200423.fd9a370-1
and/or suggest upstream to release 1.6.8 since there is ambiguity over
1.6.7, but it could be that only Debian got affected by it.
Another alternative would be to fix the pristine-tar and upstream
branches to be in sync with the 1.6.7 you want to use, but that might
be tricky and in the end I wouldn't be able to see from the version
number which of the 1.6.7 releases are you using.

That being said, I do understand that the diff between both 1.6.7
versions is very small, and doesn't affect the functionality of
brutespray, but now that you imported both to the repo, the issue
needs to be solved.

Again, my suggestion is to go for the easiest approach to package a
git snapshot, as it will make it clear which commit you're using.

What are your thoughts on this?

Also, as a fun fact, the first ever official release of Debian was 1.1
because the project got bitten by the same issue, although caused by a
third party:


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Maintaing proxytunnel through the team

2020-04-22 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello all,

Sorry I don't have much time to add some meaningful into the
conversation, I also think it's better to remove the ".1." as the date
+ commit id already fulfills its role.

Sven, I gave you Developer access to the repo, feel free to push when
you'd like to, the package does not need to be ready/working, I just
called it out in case you haven't noticed or you'd like to rewrite the
history. Feel free to pick the version format you think it's best, we
don't enforce a format in the team and I can see there is a good
discussion about it in this thread so I'm fine with whatever you pick.

Also, thanks for your inputs Marcos and Julian,


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD ping [Brutespray]

2020-04-22 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Stéphane,

> > 2) "P: brutespray source: rules-requires-root-missing" Lintian is
> > complaining about this[0], I know it's pedantic but it's nice to have,
> > tell me if you have questions on how to address it.
> Thanks, If you could show me how to use diffoscope properly, to make
> sure everything's okay, I wouldn't say no... :)

Alright, so it's fairly simple, diffoscope is available under the
diffoscope package, and what you need to do is build the package
twice: one time with the package as it is, and one time with the
"rules require root" change, then you run diffoscope against the two
different .debs that you produced, if the output is empty, then you
know that the change didn't affect the binaries and thus it's fine.

If there are any differences, then you know you can't apply the change
and you don't need to investigate why, but this case is very rare from
what I've seen.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: DD ping [Brutespray]

2020-04-21 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Stéphane,

> I've made a new release of brutespray (debian/1.6.7-1 ).
> Could you please review it ?

I removed some cruft from the changelog and then noticed an issue, so
can you take a look at the following?

1) Your name in d/control is not matching what is in d/changelog, you
should fix that and Lintian should not complain about: "brutespray
source: changelog-should-mention-nmu"

2) "P: brutespray source: rules-requires-root-missing" Lintian is
complaining about this[0], I know it's pedantic but it's nice to have,
tell me if you have questions on how to address it.

3) "I: brutespray source: out-of-date-standards-version 4.4.1
(released 2019-09-29) (current is 4.5.0)" Please take a look at the
Debian policy upgrade checklist and bump the version to 4.5.0.

Thanks for your work on the package!


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Maintaing proxytunnel through the team

2020-04-21 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

I believe the package is a fit for our team yes.

The repository is created at
But before the push I'd like to ask you about the latest upstream
release imported: 1.9.1+git20200123.1.eff4d41

What's up with the "1.eff4d41" part? I didn't investigate but I assume
the last one is part of the git commit hash, but I don't know about
the ".1.".
I feel like I'm missing something, generally I prefer to use only a
date for tarballs coming from git snapshots, and I believe they are
more clean, though I recognize it's not as precise as having the
commit id.

The package is also not building for me, and I believe it's a general
issue, it's better if you take a look at that before we push it to the
team's repo as you can freely mess with the git history for now.

Thanks for your work,

Samuel Henrique 

Re: I'm a DM now, was: Re: arno-iptables-firewall 2.0.3-3 ready for review and upload

2020-04-01 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

$ dcut ftp-master dm --uid "" --allow
dcut ftp-master dm --uid "" --allow arno-iptables-firewall
Uploading commands file to (incoming: /pub/UploadQueue/)
Picking DM Sven Geuer  with fingerprint
Uploading samueloph-1585779012.dak-commands to ftp-master

Done :)

Feel free to ping the list, or me, if you have any trouble.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Our policy around gbp.conf

2020-02-09 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello all,

On Sun, 9 Feb 2020 at 00:25, Samuel Henrique  wrote:

> I ended up not doing it before the end of FOSDEM, but will do it soon (in
> 7 days time),
> Thanks. It would be nice to have a script to configure our repositories
>> with that kind of change.
>> In Kali I have this:
>> Feel free to re-use adapt and make it available in the pkg-security-team
>> repo:
> That' s great, will do it.

Just pushed it to all of our packages, I used those scripts and pushed
modified versions to the samueloph branch of our pkg-security-team salsa


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Our policy around gbp.conf

2020-02-08 Thread Samuel Henrique
I ended up not doing it before the end of FOSDEM, but will do it soon (in 7
days time),

Thanks. It would be nice to have a script to configure our repositories
> with that kind of change.
> In Kali I have this:
> Feel free to re-use adapt and make it available in the pkg-security-team
> repo:

That' s great, will do it.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Our policy around gbp.conf

2020-01-30 Thread Samuel Henrique
Just a heads up that I will be pushing this before the end of FOSDEM.

This is the final version:

debian-branch = debian/master
pristine-tar = True

sign-tags = True

filter-pristine-tar = True

patch-numbers = False

multimaint-merge = True


Samuel Henrique 

About your NMUs on pkg-security packages

2020-01-29 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Adrian,

It's very likely that the pipeline never worked for them and that you were
the first one to trigger it.

I can't confirm right now but I would say don't worry about it.


Re: arno-iptables-firewall 2.1.0-1 ready for review

2020-01-25 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

Uploaded, and once again, thanks for your great work.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: arno-iptables-firewall 2.1.0-1 ready for review

2020-01-23 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

I believe you forgot to push the pristine-tar branch, can you do it?


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Our policy around gbp.conf

2019-12-30 Thread Samuel Henrique

> I'm curious about the benefit of putting gbp.conf in each package
> > instead of using ~/.gbp.conf. It's painful to have to update this file
> > once the team decided to change the default configuration afterward, and
> > I didn't see any extraordinary setting that we need.
> Large scale update are not so complicated with the appropriate tools.
> Change of gbp.conf doesn't require an upload so it's ok.
> We want external contributors to have the proper settings and we want
> contributors who can be part of multiple teams with different settings...
> The most important setting is the "debian-branch" and the "pristine-tar"
> one. The others are minor.

Yeah, my idea is that having this as a team policy will reduce the work of
maintainer, as we can automate the creation and update of this file.

As Raphaël said, the fundamental ones are debian-branch and pristine-tar,
because with them anybody who gbp clones the packages would be able to
work on it, even if this person didn't setup their gbp.conf.
The minor ones are good to have, as there are no downsides and they seem
to fit the workflows people follow in the team.

It's important to note that we will be skipping the ci when pushing such
and that he maintenance of the file would not be left to maintainers, we
can do
it the same way it was with salsa-ci, and I volunteer myself to do it.

> > Apart from that, I'm not sure the status of dep14 [1] (it shows
> > "draft"), I think it's beneficial for development across the packaging
> teams.
> >
> > [1]
> I should probably drop the draft status by now.

+1, I think the "Source", "Recent Changes" and "History" fields also needs
to be

> > > I agree it's painful to have to update this file when you work in other
> > > branches, hence why I use "ignore-branch" and tend to not hardcode the
> > > branch in the configuration file..
> >
> > How about using .git/gbp.conf (per repository)?
> It doesn't help with the fact that you have to use different values for
> "debian-branch" when you are in debian/master or in debian/buster or in
> debian/experimental...

 +1, and it also hides the file from the salsa wgui, which is not that much
of a big
deal, but in an similar pro/cons scenario I would rather have it in


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Our policy around gbp.conf

2019-12-30 Thread Samuel Henrique

> > D) [import-orig] filter-pristine-tar = True
> > I don't understand exactly what this does, found this description:
> > out files from tarball passed to pristine tar".
> > What is this filtering? Can somebody give me an example?
> It just means that we store in pristine-tar the tarball after it has been
> filtered (and not before).

Ack, this seems like it should be gbp's default.

> > D) [pq] patch-numbers = False
> > I don't use pq yet, and I feel bad for that, but I don't know what this
> > option does
> By default the patches generated in debian/patches/ are named like the
> output of "git format-patch", i.e. 0001-Foo.patch, 0002-Bar.patch, etc.
> With this option the numbered prefix is dropped and avoids churns when you
> reorder the patch series.

Ack, this seems good to me.

> > E) [dch] multimaint-merge = True
> > I don't understand this option.
> When you generate the changelog, all entries for each maintainer are
> grouped in a single block instead of having multiple blocks respecting
> the timeline.

Got it, also good to me.

> > What are your thoughts?
> I would drop "cleaner", "export-dir" and keep the rest. export-dir is
> still a matter of personal preference and might require other changes
> (like DEBRELEASE_DEBS_DIR=../build-area) to fully benefit from it.

Dropped (see updated proposal at the end of email)

> > On a side note, I think the option "debian-branch" could support having
> > variable for the current branch as its value, this way gbp.conf could be
> > easily reusable in a debian/experimental or debian/whatever branch.
> What do you mean?

I mean that debian-branch should support a value like "$this-branch" when
through debian/gbp.conf, and then when gbp parses the config it sets that to
the branch which the file persists. This would allow one to use the same
file between the different debian/* branches and the current checked out
branch would be the debian one.

> I agree it's painful to have to update this file when you work in other
> branches, hence why I use "ignore-branch" and tend to not hardcode the
> branch in the configuration file..

So the disadvantage of debian-branch is that when we branch from
debian/master, we need to either change gbp.conf or explicitly pass
--debian-branch=debian/NAME to the commands. Considering you said yes
to C), I assume your idea is that somebody who doesn't wanna have this
problem will set ignore-branch in their ~/.gbp.conf, correct me if I'm

So the updated proposal would be (drop export-dir and cleaner):

debian-branch = debian/master
pristine-tar = True

sign-tags = True

filter-pristine-tar = True

patch-numbers = False

multimaint-merge = True


Samuel Henrique 

Our policy around gbp.conf

2019-12-29 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hope you're having nice holidays these days.

I was reading our team's wiki[0] again, with attention to one thing that I
always felt I didn't understand completely, and so I would like to discuss
with you.

In the section "Git packaging tool and repository layout", regarding the
suggestion to use ~/.gbp.conf, I wish to propose us to have a default
debian/gbp.conf in debian/master of all of our packages.

A) pristine-tar = True
I think this is already the default, at least that's what I understood from
reading gbp.conf(5) and the file /etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf.
-- I finish reading the manpage and found out that the commented values are
the default ones[2], so by running gbp config buildpackage I found out that
pristine-tar is False by default. So I guess this options should stay there.

B) cleaner = /bin/true
For not running dh_clean before the build, I believe this option is just a
complexity saver because we run the build on "../build-area/", this means
option is not critical, but we want it.

C) [buildpackage] ignore-branch = True
I believe this option could be superseded by "[DEFAULT] debian-branch =
debian/master" instead, so we can remove the two current ones we have (other
one under [dch])

D) [import-orig] filter-pristine-tar = True
I don't understand exactly what this does, found this description: "filter
files from tarball passed to pristine tar".
What is this filtering? Can somebody give me an example?

E) [import-orig] debian-branch = debian/master
Move this one to [DEFAULT], as suggestd in C)

D) [pq] patch-numbers = False
I don't use pq yet, and I feel bad for that, but I don't know what this

E) [dch] multimaint-merge = True
I don't understand this option.

I believe we should agree on which options we want to have as the team' s
default and have it on all of our packages (I can do the mass pushing), I
assume we will all at least agree on the settings that are fundamental for
packaging to work, like the debian-branch and pristine-tar one, but we can
go a little further and agree on things like "export-dir", "sign-tags" and

The first proposal that comes to mind for me, so we have a base to discuss,
the following:

debian-branch = debian/master
pristine-tar = True cleaner = /bin/true

sign-tags = True
export-dir = ../build-area/

filter-pristine-tar = True

patch-numbers = False

multimaint-merge = True

What are your thoughts?

On a side note, I think the option "debian-branch" could support having a
variable for the current branch as its value, this way gbp.conf could be
reusable in a  debian/experimental or debian/whatever branch.

[2] I believe all the defaults should be set in
/etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf instead
of in the code, I'll see what the gbp maintainers think of it.

Samuel Henrique 

Re: arno-iptables-firewall 2.0.3-3 ready for review and upload

2019-12-02 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

> Your suggestion is an honor to me. I just studied what's on nm.d.o and
> intend to apply soon.

It's all result of your hard work :)

> PS.: If you've been contributing to the team for some time and
> > you feel like you're ready to become a DM/DD, feel free to ping
> > whoever worked more with you to discuss about it, sometimes
> > we just overlook things and forget to ask people to apply.

I forgot to make it more clear, this PS. part is for the rest of the team.

I will advocate for you (Sven) as soon as you apply, just ping me.
For DM only one advocate is required, more is better, sometimes other
people from the team might do it when they see your application, or you
might ask them directly, but you already have the required number of
advocates so you can start the process as soon as you want, it's your
call now to wait or not :)


Samuel Henrique 

Re: arno-iptables-firewall 2.0.3-3 ready for review and upload

2019-12-01 Thread Samuel Henrique
Also, would you like to apply for Debian Maintainer?

I'd like to give you upload permission for arno-iptables-firewall.

This should reduce the delays in the upload :)

I'm trying to take a look at the work people has done to the team,
sometimes we might miss people who should be DM/DDs already.

PS.: If you've been contributing to the team for some time and
you feel like you're ready to become a DM/DD, feel free to ping
whoever worked more with you to discuss about it, sometimes
we just overlook things and forget to ask people to apply.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: arno-iptables-firewall 2.0.3-3 ready for review and upload

2019-12-01 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

Uploaded, sorry for the delay.

Samuel Henrique 

Re: 3.0~rc5+dfsg1 in Debian

2019-11-10 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Unit,

> > I really appreciate your work, but version 3.0 of testssl has a
licensing issue
> > that needs to be resolved before packaging it for Debian: upstream
decided to add
> > a clause to their GPL license stating that any public use of it must
mention where they've
> > got the program from. I'm worried as to how this relates to the DFSG,
more specifically:
> >
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I'm reading, the section you point
to is
> already in Debian[0], and was actually there since the initial
upload[1]?  There
> was a minor wording change in 5257c2f3 but as I understand it one was
> bound to the license anyway.

I'm not sure, this specific part seems troublesome for me:
"If you enclose this script or parts of it in your software, it has to
be accompanied by the same license (see link) and the place where to get
the recent version of this program."

The fact that this license is being called GPL-2 bothers me as well, it's
not plain GPL-2.

> > I *think* this is ok (didn't thought enough about it) but I feel like a
discussion on debian-legal
> > would be better and I don't feel confident uploading this without it.
> >
> > Did you notice that as well? What are you thoughts on it?
> I'd think since the initial upload passed review, the wording change
wouldn't be
> any cause for alarm since that's just about having to obey the license.
But I
> would happily read any other opinions!

The problem is that d/copyright is wrong as it doesn't say it ins't plain
GPL, so it could
have happened that ftp-master didn't notice that when reviewing the first

I will raise a thread on debian-legal next time I have some free time to
see what people
think about this. But it's sure that in a best case scenario at least
d/copyright will need
to be changed.

Thanks for your work!

Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request to review and upload snoopy_2.4.6-6

2019-11-10 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Aleksey,

Thanks for working on this, uploaded.

You forgot to add the hashtag to the closes entry in changelog, I did that
for you.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: [request-for-help] o-saft maintenance and openssl

2019-11-05 Thread Samuel Henrique

What I would like to do here is to ask upstream to bundle/vendor the old
version of openssl o-saft need, and build it and install inside the o-saft
and statically linking to it.

I would say to try to bundle as minimal things as possible from the old
release but I didn't investigate it to know how much realistic this
stripping down is.

I imagine it could also be possible to try to make it as hard as possible
to link against it,
but again I didn't investigate so I don't know how realistic this is.

Considering upstream is willing to help, this would be good things to ask
for, I just don't
wanna ask for a bunch of stuff, having upstream spending time implementing
it, so then
I get blocked later because I asked for something that is unacceptable bu
the ftp-master

So I would like if some other team members could give me some insights on
this, if they
think this is feasible, or even if they don't have any idea about it.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: 3.0~rc5+dfsg1 in Debian

2019-11-05 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Unit,

After looking into again, I noticed on the release page[0] it
> states
> that 2.9.5 won't be supported once 3.0 lands, and encourages distributors
> to
> pick up 3.0rc5.  I did some packaging work[1] to import the new version,
> refresh
> patches, and other minor things and it'd be cool if you could pull the
> changes.
> This version is specifically interesting as it has support for TLS 1.3.

I really appreciate your work, but version 3.0 of testssl has a licensing
that needs to be resolved before packaging it for Debian: upstream decided
to add
a clause to their GPL license stating that any public use of it must
mention where they've
got the program from. I'm worried as to how this relates to the DFSG, more

I *think* this is ok (didn't thought enough about it) but I feel like a
discussion on debian-legal
would be better and I don't feel confident uploading this without it.

Did you notice that as well? What are you thoughts on it?

On a sidenote, if I remember correctly, testsssl suffers from the same
issue as o-saft,
another ssl vuln detector, as it needs to have an old version of openssl to
check for legacy
stuff, otherwise it won't support them.


Samuel Henrique 

[request-for-help] o-saft maintenance and openssl

2019-10-13 Thread Samuel Henrique
ed openssl enables the full power of o-saft
>   me)   I'll further improve contrib/ (installing Perl
> mudule
> only if missing, trying to install in /usr/share/o-saft/lib, ...)
>   we)   you tell me where you need assistance ;-)

Does it make sence to provide two packages: o-saft and o-saft-dev ?
> Then only o-saft-dev has the dependency libperl-critic-perl.
> There is already which removes the files not used at runtime,
> actually it's the diff of o-saft and o-saft-dev :-)
> You may use it like:
> env inst=/usr/share/o-saft --install --n
> Let me know if I should improve or adapt

So yeah, we need to think about a way of having o-saft with support
for all of the openssl things, and also probably split the package into a
and a dev one.



Samuel Henrique 

tomb (2.6+dfsg1-2~bpo10+1), please review and upload

2019-10-06 Thread Samuel Henrique


Objections to enable salsa-ci in our packages?

2019-10-05 Thread Samuel Henrique
All done, yml pushed and pipelines enabled for all of our packages.

I'm fine with it, but please make sure to skip the CI for the initial
> push. Otherwise you will have grumpy salsa admins. They asked the python
> team to not do this at all. (But python team has many more packages)

That's interesting, I didn't realize we could control that with the git
push command.
In order not to trigger the pipeline I just pushed the .yml file before
setting up the
project to use it, this way it only trigger on the next commit and the yml
is already there.

> You should also update the configuration in
> to configure
> the non default CI path to debian/salsa-ci.yml.


On Mon, 30 Sep 2019 at 08:05, SZ Lin (林上智)  wrote:

> Would you update this in the team's wiki?

Wiki updated as well.

The next commits will spin up the pipeline, and if anything goes wrong, you
will receive an email about it.

Happy pipelines everyone!

Objections to enable salsa-ci in our packages?

2019-09-29 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hey team,

If nobody objects, I will be enabling and pushing salsa-ci.yml to all of
our packages soon.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: tomb: Bug #935197 fixed, please review and upload new version

2019-08-24 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven,

Uploaded, thanks for your work, and congratulations on being listed as an


Samuel Henrique 

Fwd: reducing volument of KGB notifications on IRC

2019-08-18 Thread Samuel Henrique
What do you say we do the same on our channel?

-- Forwarded message -
From: Antonio Terceiro 
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 17:03
Subject: Re: reducing volument of KGB notifications on IRC

> > > To reduce the volume of KGB notifications on IRC, I intend to run the
> > > following:
> > >
> > > $ salsa --group ruby-team update_repo --all --kgb --irc
> > >
> > > - squash_threshold=1 will make KGB notify only once each time multiple
> > >   commits are pushed
> > > - pipeline_only_status=failed makes KGB notify only when pipelines
> > >   (i.e. no new is good news).
> > >
> > > This is an attempt to reduce the wall of notifications on #debian-ruby
> > > and leave more space for us humans to chat.
> > >
> > > Thoughts?
> >
> > I'd always say that it is a good idea to see who's doing what under the
> > Ruby team.
> > At least, I'd like to see other's commit; helps me explore the different
> > ways. For instance, the other day, Daniel's commit of setting and
> > exporting LANG/LC_ALL to C.UTF-8 for tests did help me with something I
> > was stuck on.
> > I am not sure if I'd want to see KGB "squashing" the commits :/
> > But of course, it is a team decision :D
> >
> > OTOH, I am fine by the CI thingy. Not an ardent fan of viewing CI logs.
> fair enough. I noticed that the python team has two channels:
> #debian-python for humans, and #debian-python-changes for notifications.
> maybe we could do something similar?


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Tomb 2.6+dfsg1-1 not migrated to testing

2019-08-18 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Sven et all,

After you sent this email somebody triggered a binNMU so now it should be
all fine.

I believe this happened because SZ Lin didn't make a source-only upload,
and that is required for the testing migration now.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Help with t50 i386 non reproducibility, or, possible "march=native" like problem

2019-05-13 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello GengYu Rao,
> So there should be problem with -march=native -ftree-vectorize.

Thank, with your help a little bit of investigation I was able to fully
understand the problem. Here are the steps I took to investigate:

1) I knew the "march=native" flag was already disabled by a patch we are
applying on top of the upstream source code, but I wasn't sure about the

2) Looking at the Makefile code[0] I found out that this flag is only used
when in amd64, and the reproducibility problems are happening on i386, so
let's check the i386 build logs to make sure.

3) The build log[1] of the first try is using the flags:
cc -g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/1st/t50-5.8.3=. -fstack-protector-strong
-Wformat -Werror=format-security -std=gnu11 -O2 -DNDEBUG -flto
-fno-stack-protector -I src/include -std=gnu11 -Wdate-time

And the on the second build[2] we have:
cc -g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/t50-5.8.3/2nd=. -fstack-protector-strong
-Wformat -Werror=format-security -std=gnu11 -O2 -DNDEBUG -ftree-vectorize
-flto -fno-stack-protector -I src/include -std=gnu11 -Wdate-time

4) How come -ftree-vectorize is being used on a i386 build log?! Let's
check how the Makefile is detecting the architecture[3]:
ARCHITECTURE = $(shell arch)

5) Now we just found out that one of the i386 machines used for
reproducible builds is doing cross compilation, and that the Makefile is
buggy, I fixed this by removing all of the architecture specific stuff[4],
and uploaded as 5.8.3-2.

Now, are we all in agreement wrt this being a RC bug worth of asking for an
unblock to the release team?

On an extra sidenote, the Makefile is overriding one of the hardening flags
that we use on Debian and our tools are not detecting that, the build is
being made with the conflicting flags "-fstack-protector-strong" and

Thanks for your help GengYu Rao


Samuel Henrique 

Help with t50 i386 non reproducibility, or, possible "march=native" like problem

2019-05-12 Thread Samuel Henrique

We've always had problems with t50's new upstream forcing some CPU specific
instructions, like hardcoding "march=native" in the Makefile.

Usually the main signal of this type of problem is the non-reproducibility
of the package, the diff being some assembly instructions.

The problem is that we are seeing this happening now[0], and I believe we
should make sure that this is not the case before releasing it on Buster.

I tried taking a look but couldn't find anything, so I'd like to ask for
the team's help, as I know we have people good at this kind of stuff.

The main objective here is identify the source of the non-reproducibility
on i386, in order to know if it's related to some cpu specific thing being
changed at compilation time, which would consist of RC bug.


Samuel Henrique 

mdk4 (0~git20181205-2) is not suitable for Buster

2019-05-12 Thread Samuel Henrique
Control: severity -1 serious

Thank you for your work Santiago, I appreciate all of the bug reports I've
received from you so far.

I'm taking the opportunity of this bugreport to bump the severity and block
mdk4 from entering Buster, as the current version in Testing is a git
snapshot not officially released.

Considering we don't know for sure what is causing this FTBFS and that is
very likely that there are other bugs in this version, I find it better not
to ship it on Buster.

Also, for those who need it, there is already mdk3, the previous generation
of it, the main difference is that mdk3 doesn't support 5.8Ghz AFAIK.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Upload to experimental for dnsrecon

2019-04-15 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hi Marcos,

Thanks for your support and advice.  In the following days (weeks) i
> will try to meet some more DD in order to get signatures for my key.

Perfect, if by that time I haven't written an advocacy for your
application, ping me and I will look into that, I reckon Raphaël is gonna
write one already but you will need two.
I have some stuff from DebConf19 to work on during the following days.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Upload to experimental for dnsrecon

2019-04-15 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello all,

$ dcut ftp-master dm --uid "" --allow dnsrecon
> Uploading commands file to (incoming:
> /pub/UploadQueue/)
> Picking DM Marcos Fouces  with fingerprint
> 7CB8AFFD56032FE35A347D2E6ACCBD0FA3B7447C
> Uploading samueloph-1555352551.dak-commands to ftp-master

Thanks for all your work Marcos,

I've seen that you started the process for becoming a DD but you're missing
one more DD signature on your key[0], if you're planning to attend
DebConf19[1] by any chance, which is a good way of getting a bunch of
signatures, today is the last day to request for bursaries (during the
registration part).

If not, you will have to find a way of getting one more DD signature before
starting the process.



Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for DM rights for swatch

2019-03-03 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Marcos,

I prepared a bugfix release for swatch [0] in order to close all its
> open bugs (just two...).

There's only one bug being closed on d/changelog.

> Please, review and upload or give me DM rights on it so i can upload it
> myself.

Unfortunately, we're out of time for Buster[0], whatever we upload from now
on should be treated as a package for the full freeze and must follow the
given requirements[1], that is:

> Changes which can be considered
>1. targeted fixes for release critical bugs (i.e., bugs of severity
>critical, grave, and serious) in all packages;
>2. fixes for severity: important bugs in packages of priority:
>optional or extra, only when this can be done via unstable;
>3. translation updates and documentation fixes that are included with
>fixes for the above criteria;
> [0] The minimum age required for a package to migrate to testing is 10
days, and the full freeze starts at 2019-03-12.


Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for review/upload chkrootkit

2019-02-28 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Marcos,



Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request review/upload recon-ng

2019-02-28 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Marcos,



Samuel Henrique 

Re: Request for review/upload of rifiuti 20040505-3

2019-02-23 Thread Samuel Henrique
Hello Aleksey,



Samuel Henrique 

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