Re: infovia++

1999-01-10 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Fri, Jan 08, 1999,

 de conexion, y  lo curioso es que la llamada  se establece y
 no se corta pero no me  da la direccion ip. (infovia tambien
 fallaba, no tanto, pero se cortaba  la llamada a los + de 17
 segundos, para cobrarla :-) )

Mira mi `/etc/ppp/options'

asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4
mtu 576

y mira algunas asignaciones de IP de mi `/var/log/ppp.log':

Jan  4 05:10:29 anarres pppd[696]: local  IP address
Jan  4 05:10:29 anarres pppd[696]: remote IP address
Jan  5 05:10:30 anarres pppd[730]: local  IP address
Jan  5 05:10:30 anarres pppd[730]: remote IP address
Jan  6 05:10:31 anarres pppd[1978]: local  IP address
Jan  6 05:10:31 anarres pppd[1978]: remote IP address
Jan  7 05:10:29 anarres pppd[680]: local  IP address
Jan  7 05:10:29 anarres pppd[680]: remote IP address
Jan  8 05:10:29 anarres pppd[705]: local  IP address
Jan  8 05:10:29 anarres pppd[705]: remote IP address
Jan  9 05:10:29 anarres pppd[1992]: local  IP address
Jan  9 05:10:29 anarres pppd[1992]: remote IP address

y el `options' es un fichero que no cambo de Infovía a Infovía
Plus, que me funciona en algunas conexiones que he hecho.


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Re: [SOLUCIONADO] Consultas sobre wmaker.

1999-01-10 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona

Hola a todos!

Gracias a todos los que me habeis respondido :-)

On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

   - Parece que tal como viene configurado por defecto, no permite cambiar el
   tamaño de las ventanas. Cómo puedo cambiar este comportamiento?
  Te aseguro que eso no es una opción de configuración...  ¿a qué te
  refieres? Recuerda que wmaker *solo* utiliza la barra inferior para
  cambiar el tamaño de las ventanas...

Pues en la versión que yo tengo instalada la barra inferior parece no
servir para esta función... :-?¿

  otra forma es presionando Alt
  ('Meta' en realidad) y el botón *derecho* del mouse y lo mueves...

Así sí funciona... muchas gracias :-)

   - Al poner el wmload como 'Autolaunch', lo que hace es arrancarme el que
   está en el dock y otro que aparece por ahí como ventana normal,
   estorbando. Esto es así o hay algo que no he hecho?
  arranca wmload como '/usr/bin/X11/wmload -shape -withdrawn'

Ops... metedura de pata mía O:-)
Apareció una línea 'wmload ' en el ~/.xinitrc

   - Ya van dos veces que al salir del wmaker ('Exit') me encuentro el
   mapa de caracteres de la consola cambiado (símbolos extraños).
   **No** se arregla con 'reset'. Le pasa a alguien más?
  Ese es pleito de la tarjeta de video:

Desde luego, no parece ser culpa de wmaker, porque ahora el KDE también me
lo ha hecho... :-(

No creo que dure mucho esta tarjeta, habrá que comprar una nueva.
Algún consejo? Matrox? i740? :-?¿

Muchas gracias.


Iñaki Llona
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Re: infovia++

1999-01-10 Thread xmanoel
El Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 09:36:42AM +0100, Fernando contaba:

Tengo problemas con la conexion a infovia+ ya que me fallan 2 de cada
3 intentos de conexion, y lo curioso es que la llamada se establece y
no se corta pero no

A ver que te comento:

  * Las llamadas te las cobran, narices si no te las cobran

  * Los de Telefónica me han dicho que están aún de pruebas con
  infovía+ o sea que puedes usar el 055 hasta finales de Enero.

  * A mi ya no me pasa esta semana (eso sí hasta ahora era un

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED](Vigo/Galicia/España)

01/09   James Patrick Page (Led Zeppelin) is born in Middlesex, England, 1945

Re: infovia++

1999-01-10 Thread Luis Clausell
Yep Fernando!

El Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 09:36:42AM +0100, Fernando escribió:

 Configure el ppp para que utilizara el CHAP y parece que cuando va bien
 lo usa,
 aunque en el ppp.logs me aparecen trazas de que primero intenta  la
 conexion con
 PAP, ¿ es esto normal ?

Lo único que he cambiado de I a I+ es el número de teléfono, ambas conectan con
PAP.  En un principio se pretendía que I+ identificara mediante CHAP, pero en
T parece que tenían problemas y a algunos ISP tampoco les convenía el cambio,
así que se dejó en PAP.

Aún así, sólo logré conectar cuando mi ISP realizó ciertos cambios en SU soft
y hard, parece que T no se lo ha puesto fácil.  También hay problemas con los
DNS por eso los fallos de autentificación, porque no 'conoce' el dominio.

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RE: S3Trio3D

1999-01-10 Thread Tinguaro Barreno Delgado


  Siento no poder ayudarte.

  En mi trabajo tengo un IBM Netfinity 3000 que trae incorporada una
S3Trio3D con 4mb. He tenido que instalar una tarjeta Cirrus Logic de 1mb
para ejecutar las X. Como te imaginarás, tengo unas ganas enormes de ver
a la S3 en su salsa.

  Según me han comentado, el paquete de las Xfree86 de Debian (3.3.2)
está pasando por unos cambios de organización grandes, y el mantenedor
quiere acabar con los problemas de estos cambios antes de actualizar
la versión de las X a la nueva 3.3.3. Es muy posible que la nueva versión
incorpore soporte para la S3Trio3D.

  Por ahora, esperar (creo que no será mucho, los mayores problemas se
solucionaron en Diciembre).

Tinguaro Barreno Delgado

Actualicación a Kernel 2.2.0-pre6

1999-01-10 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos,

hoy he actualizado por curiosidad el kernel de 2.1.125 a 2.2.0-pre6 mediante
parches, lo he compilado y funciona bien, pero no entiendo alguna cosa:

1) Aparece en /usr/src/linux/ el fichero Makefile.rej una vez parcheado el
   cuyo contenido es:
   *** 1,7 
   - EXTRAVERSION =-pre5
 ARCH := $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/ -e 
s/arm.*/arm/ -e s/sa110/arm/)
   --- 1,7 
   + EXTRAVERSION =-pre6
 ARCH := $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/ -e 
s/arm.*/arm/ -e s/sa110/arm/)
   y esto se supone es un fallo en el parcheado ¿me equivoco?, si no me
   equivoco, ¿qué puede haber pasado para que se produzca este fallo?.

2) Al arrancar el sistema se observa:
   Linux version 2.1.131 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #16 dom ene 
10 20:05:37 CET 1999
   y no entiendo dos cosas:
 a) ¿Por qué aparece el número de versión 2.1.131 si se supone que es
2.2.0-pre6?, he probado a hacer patch -p0  patch-2.2.0-pre6 haber
si por casualidad se me habia pasado parchear alguna version y me
aparece claramente:
patching file linux/CREDITS'
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] 

con lo que el parche patch-2.2.0-pre6 se supone está puesto.
 b) ¿Por qué me aparece #16 si es la primera vez que compilo esa
versión del núcleo?, ¿se refiere esta numeración al número
absoluto de compilaciones realizadas al núcleo desde que se instaló el 

Aprovecho para contaros que la lista de nuevas cosas y mejoras implementadas
en el nuevo kernel sobre el 2.0.36 es sencillamente ESPECTACULAR. Aun no 
sabiendo nada del
kernel, si se hace una make xconfig, llama la atención el tamaño del menú
principal de opciones de configuración del 2.2.0-pre6 respecto al del 2.0.36...
¡GUAUUU!... eso lo tiene que ver uno ;-)
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Actualicación a Kernel 2.2.0-pre6

1999-01-10 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  hoy he actualizado por curiosidad el kernel de 2.1.125 a 2.2.0-pre6 mediante
  parches, lo he compilado y funciona bien, pero no entiendo alguna cosa:

 y esto se supone es un fallo en el parcheado ¿me equivoco?, si no me
 equivoco, ¿qué puede haber pasado para que se produzca este

 A partir del 2.1.125 tienes que aplicar los siguientes parches para
 llegar al 2.2.0pre6

 patch-2.2.0pre1 (en el nombre indica que es contra el 2.1.132)

 y los tienes que aplicar todos y en ese orden.

  2) Al arrancar el sistema se observa:
 Linux version 2.1.131 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #16 dom
 ene 10 20:05:37 CET 1999

 entonces no estás arrancando el 2.2.0, pues ese señala 2.2.0pre?


Re: Actualicación a Kernel 2.2.0-pre6

1999-01-10 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, ene 10, 1999 at 03:39:19 -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
  A partir del 2.1.125 tienes que aplicar los siguientes parches para
  llegar al 2.2.0pre6
  patch-2.2.0pre1 (en el nombre indica que es contra el 2.1.132)
¿¿?¿?¿?¿ ¿Dónde encuentro eso?, ¡en no lo encuentro por
ninguna parte! :_(


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Mensaje de xconsole desconcertante

1999-01-10 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, acabo de actualizarme... (no se si bien o mal por ahora, estoy
en ello) al kernel 2.2.0-pre6 y me aparece el mensaje siguiente en la

Jan 11 00:15:43 akela kernel: es1370: dma timed out??

está referido al driver de la tarjeta de sonido (yo tengo una SoundBlaster
PCI64, que lleva el chip Ensoniq Audio PCI 1370) y no se que pasa con él. Lo
que si se es que cuando escucho algo con el x11amp al rato me empieza a
tornar el sonido a pitido estridente y he de quitarlo. Cuando
ejecuto Quake me sucede lo mimo que con el x11amp y además si abandono el
juego me aparece en la consola de Quake un aviso relativo a un time out del

El mensaje en la xconsole no me aparecia antes con el kernel 2.1.125, ¿de
qué va el tema?, ¿se puede arrglar o es un problema de que el módulo de
sonido para la es1370 es expermiental?.

Saludos y gracias

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: System won't boot, lilo.conf problem

1999-01-10 Thread shaul
Not a lilo expert but I think that you need boot=/dev/hda instead of 
/dev/hda1. Also, are you sure you don't need the compact line ?
BTW: I am sure that /usr/doc/lilo/* will be more helpful then me.

 I have the same situation to Tam. Whenever I boot my PC, It only 
 show  LI and freeze. The different thing is I have only one disk ( 
 2GB) and all dedicated to linux. No other operating system inside.
 The /etc/lilo.conf content is 
 read only
 I have been bothered by this problem for 2 weeks! Please help me 
 to solve the problem.
  My system is similar to yours (2 hd, Win95 on hda1, Debian on hdb). Perhaps 
  /etc/lilo.conf could help.
  [22:02:27 shaul]$ cat /etc/lilo.conf
  # /etc/lilo.conf
  [22:02:59 shaul]$ 
 I really need some (PLEASE). After I successfully installed the base 
   system, I configured the /etc/lilo.conf file and when I reboot, my sytem 
   displays this : 
   and then freezes. Hopefully someone can help me. 
   Now I will give you a description of what I am trying to do so you can 
   understand my problem better.
 I have two hard drives and I'll call them /dev/hda and /dev/hdc. 
   /dev/hda is a master on the first IDE chain and /dev/hdc is also a 
   but on the second IDE chain. I have DOS/win95 on /dev/hda and just 
   installed the base of Linux on /dev/hdc (dedicate only to Linux). 
   ***When I make the /root partition on /dev/hdc, I make it bootable***
   This is what I want to do:
 I want to have a choice to of DOS/win95 or Linux when I boot my system
   This is what I did, I not sure if it is right or not:
 -run liloconfig
   -said YES to the first question to install a partition boot 
 record on /dev/hdc. 
   -said NO to making a master boot record on my second drive 
 cuz to want to boot from /dev/hda and I assume that it is 
 right not making a mbr on /dev/hdc.
 -said NO to the third question, not making my /dev/hdc active.
   Now I go in /etc/lilo.conf and fix it by hand and this is what 
   it looks like: (I delete the original data that lilo provided such as 
   compact, install=/boot/boot.b, etc)
 root=/dev/hdc2   #hdc2 is my root partition
   This is the exact data in this file.
   I save this file and type the command lilo and I get this :
 Added windows *
 Added Linux
   Then I reboot
   and I system freezes atLI 
   Now I can't even boot DOS/win95 because I can't get my /etc/lilo.conf to 
   work. I tried to remove the file boot.0300 in the /boot dir on 
   /dev/hdc2 but that doesn't work . I also  have the file boot.0613 or 
   something like that in my /boot dir but I didn't delete(I am not sure 
   what it is).
   If you have the time, please help, THANKS! 
   Linux Rules!
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Re: System won't boot, lilo.conf problem

1999-01-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 04:22:15PM +0100, Peter Bartosch wrote:
  I have the same situation to Tam. Whenever I boot my PC, It only 
  show  LI and freeze. The different thing is I have only one disk ( 
  2GB) and all dedicated to linux. No other operating system inside.
  The /etc/lilo.conf content is 
 you have to write boot=/dev/hda here -- lilo should be written into the
 mba of the first drive not the first partition (which have no mba)

No, that's not correct. boot=/dev/hda1 is fine, as long as mbr or
the standard MS-DOS boot code is in the master boot record, and the Linux
partition is marked active.

I suggest leaving the configuration file alone and just running /sbin/lilo
again; that might fix it.

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Re: Search and Replace

1999-01-10 Thread shaul
 sed was made for that.  there are lots of other tools
 that are more programming-oriented (awk, perl, python...);
 sed is simple and a bit cryptic but good to get to know.

Are there www sites from where I can download introductory level texts for 
these tools ?

Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-10 Thread shaul
 I have found that there is much more packages available for
 debian than there are for Red Hat

Isn't it odd ? Given that there are much more RH users then Debian users (3:1 
ratio ?), how can it be ? Are there more programmers who use Debian then those 
who use RH ? Are all of this packages constantly maintained by both a Debian 
developer and an upstream one ?

Games, sound and multi processes OS ?

1999-01-10 Thread shaul
Since linux has many processes that are constantly switched by the processor, 
using the PC internal speaker is practically impossible. Isn't it ? Is there a 
similar problem with a sound card ?
Assuming that a work station is interactively being used by one user only, Is 
there a possibility to lock only the speaker since background processes do 
not, in practice, use it ?

Re: Disk maintenance

1999-01-10 Thread Christian Lavoie
 On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 09:49:11PM +, Christian Lavoie wrote:
  I've got a single ext2fs partition, so it is the root partition.
  That's the one I need to defrag/scan, so even having it mounted as
  read only won't help. (At least for the defrag)
  So as far as I can tell I need either:
  - A win95/dos based tool to defragment a linux partition (yeah right)
  - A floppy (or CD-ROM) based dist that won't access my HD at all. (And
  has the adequate tools)
  - Another computer with linux installed. (Forget it)
  - A way to boot without any root partition.
  But then, how does UNIX administrator were dealing with such issues?
  How can one scan and/or defrag a ext2fs?

 Hmmm. I think you should be able to defrag the root while it's mounted
 read-only, as long as the defrag tool knows to flush the cache 
 You can fsck the root while it's mounted no problem.

You're right for fsck, but not for defrag. So the problem still 

Re: help wanted for kernel install

1999-01-10 Thread jpjevans

Found it. It was in hamm and not in slink yet. I installed it
and now I'm compiling. Hopefully, it will end up ok. Wish me
luck! :-)

On  9 Jan, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
 On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, now I cd to linux and I'm in 2.0.36. This seems right to me,
   but I must still missing something, because make menuconfig
   produces the following errors:
   debian:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
 rm -f include/asm
 ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
 make -C scripts/lxdialog all
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.36/scripts/lxdialog'
 gcc -O2 -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE  -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c 
 lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
 In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
 dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.36/scripts/lxdialog'
 make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
 You need to install the curses3.4-dev package.

'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

rvplayer50 compression error

1999-01-10 Thread Wayne Cuddy
When I try to open site with Real Audio 5.0 I get this error.

File compression not supported. Cannot locate the requested RealAudio decoder.

For more information, please see Error 38 at:

Is there a solution to this?

Printing on win95

1999-01-10 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy all...

I've got samba set up to where I can print to a shared printer... But 
the files have to be text files, and I have to do it manually from the 
smb: prompt :(

WP8 will go through the motions, but will not print to the printer...

I created a script for this, /usr/bin/netprint  it looks like this:

smbclient dahouse\\hpdeskje -U BW07442 -P -c 'print'
My /etc/printcap file looks like this:


Anyone see anything wrong??

Thanks a plenty,

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-10 Thread Tim Heuser

Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:

 Hi Tim,

 I have Window$98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 running on a IBM ThinkPad
 385XD laptop without any trouble (sofar?).  I've kept a detailed log
 of all the things I did and can mail it if your interested.  You'll
 have to wait till tomorrow though, 'cause I don't have it here.

 Basically, I repartitioned the 4GB internal hard disk, did a recovery
 installation of Window$ on the C: drive and then put Linux on the
 rest.  From what you say (having things already partitioned), you can
 skip most of that and just jump in at the Linux installation.  I had
 the same problem as you mentioned: linux just won't boot.  The reason
 is that LILO can not boot Linux if the root partition is not in the
 first 1024 cylinders of the boot disk.

I will still need to repartition my 2nd hard drive as win98 didn't give me
any options when I installed it.

 My first work-around was a DOS boot-floppy that auto-execs loadlin to
 boot Linux.  Worked like a charm, but I found the floppy boot a little
 clumsy.  Following the loadlin docs, I modified the Window$ boot to
 give me a choice (much like LILO would have done if it worked).  So, I
 boot Linux through M$-DOS, but, hey, if it works, who cares?

Ah yes.  I thought of trying something like that but, when I tried to make
a boot disk (floopy) It wouldn't work (sigh).

 Now, if I could only get that silly Window$ logo at boot time replaced
 with something more Linux, like a penguin ...

Now THAT would be cool!


Re: 'time' protocol client/server for Debian?

1999-01-10 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Chris R. Martin wrote:

 Does anyone know of a simple time protocol client/server pair for
 Debian/Linux? I am refering to RFC868, not NTP.  It would be simple enough
 to write, but if someone has already done the work...

rdate and netdate (both in netstd) are RFC868 clients and the RFC868 time
server is built into inetd (which is in netbase).


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: uninstalling smail when a self compiled MTA is present

1999-01-10 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:

 neither dpkg --install packagename --auto-deconfigure nor dpkg
 --install --auto-deconfigure packagename works.

More ideas to get this command to work:

Maybe smail needs to be marked for removal.

# echo smail deinstall | dpkg --set-selections

Maybe equivs needs to `Conflicts:' and `Replaces:'
mail-transfer-agent, like exim, smail, sendmail etc. do.

(Is anyone reading that actually *understands* dpkg?)

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: HP 4000 N

1999-01-10 Thread Carey Evans
Jason Gunthorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I use lprng not lpr,
 hplj4000n:HP Laserjet 4000 N:\

 :[EMAIL PROTECTED]:sd=/var/spool/lpd/hplj4000n:\

You can replace these two lines with the following, and it will work
just as well, without the bounce queue stuff:


The cti-ifhp filters can also help in this case to do real accounting
using the printer's page counter, and set things like duplex printing, 

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: named/BIND 8.1.2-5 won't accept inbound zone xfers

1999-01-10 Thread Carey Evans
Ian Eure [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm having a really nasty time getting my BIND zone slave to update from the
 zone master. the slave keeps saying:
 Jan  9 13:24:21 Phaktory named[145]: Zone zone.domain (class 1) SOA serial# 
 (10719991) rcvd from [] is  ours (121219981)
 --- (names/ips changed to protect he innocent)

The serial number must increase for the zones to be updated.  The
usual method would make the serial numbers above something like
1999010701 and 1998121201, which means that the slave's old serial
number would be less than the new one on the master.

For example, using my ISP:

$ dig -t soa
;; ANSWER SECTION:   22h47m53s IN SOA (
1998122102  ; serial
2H  ; refresh
10M ; retry
3D  ; expiry
1D ); minimum

If they updated their records tomorrow, the serial number would change
to 1999011101, and would pick up the changes because
1999011101 (SOA record on  1998122102 (local SOA
record on

Anyway, the records on the master are *broken*. You should change the
serial number to 1999011001 (which is greater than 121219981), or
you'll have to try manually getting BIND to forget its cached zone
files and get the whole lot from the master again.  (And you'll have
to do this every year.  You *don't* need these problems in Jan 2000.)

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: Search and Replace

1999-01-10 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (shaul) writes:

 Are there www sites from where I can download introductory level texts for 
 these tools ?

awk: info gawk  (Install gawk package first)
sed: man sed, under SEE ALSO
Python: or /usr/doc/python/html/tut/index.html

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: Printing on win95

1999-01-10 Thread Carey Evans
Brant Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got samba set up to where I can print to a shared printer... But 
 the files have to be text files, and I have to do it manually from the 
 smb: prompt :(
 WP8 will go through the motions, but will not print to the printer...
 I created a script for this, /usr/bin/netprint  it looks like this:
 smbclient dahouse\\hpdeskje -U BW07442 -P -c 'print'

Shouldn't that be 'print -'?  Is really the password?


That should be an ASCII VERTICAL LINE |, not an ISO-8859-1 BROKEN

Try the script from the command line, i.e.

netprint  printme.txt

Once that works, try it with lpr:

   lpr -Plp1 printme.txt

_Then_ work on WP8.

 Carey Evans

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: Disk maintenance

1999-01-10 Thread Mark Panzer
Christian Lavoie wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 09:49:11PM +, Christian Lavoie wrote:
   I've got a single ext2fs partition, so it is the root partition.
   That's the one I need to defrag/scan, so even having it mounted as
   read only won't help. (At least for the defrag)
   So as far as I can tell I need either:
   - A win95/dos based tool to defragment a linux partition (yeah right)
   - A floppy (or CD-ROM) based dist that won't access my HD at all. (And
   has the adequate tools)
   - Another computer with linux installed. (Forget it)
   - A way to boot without any root partition.
   But then, how does UNIX administrator were dealing with such issues?
   How can one scan and/or defrag a ext2fs?
  Hmmm. I think you should be able to defrag the root while it's mounted
  read-only, as long as the defrag tool knows to flush the cache
  You can fsck the root while it's mounted no problem.
 You're right for fsck, but not for defrag. So the problem still
Try toms self-contained boot/emergency disk.
It has a load of Linux utilities on a single floppy disk.

Mark panzer
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Why not as a newsgroup?

1999-01-10 Thread Ed Cogburn
Mike Touloumtzis wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 08:12:40PM +0100, Thomas Adams wrote:
  On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 01:09:59AM -0800, Martin Waller wrote:
   I for one would no longer to be able to get the list.  I access the
   internet through a firewall.  The policy is restricted viewing only of
   some newsnet news groups.
   There is no way to either connect to a different news server nor post to
   So the newsgroup way would be impossible for me to access.
  O, pity you... Can't afford a private ISP? Come on, this is the
  most ridiculous argument I've ever read. If your employer's net access
  doesn't work properly, get a real ISP account for home.
 Whether or not you choose to acknowledge it, the firewall issue is
 a real one for many people (myself included).

This argument always seems to boil down to one or the other
(email-list vs. newsgroup).  This isn't what I'm advocating, nor
is it a realistic possibility, precisely because many can't use a
newsgroup.  I would hope for a news server which
was connected (gated?) to the email list, so that one could chose
their preference with the knowledge they are getting everything
that is going on the other email-list/newsgroup.  We would
restrict this server to serving only the official Debian lists,
including debian-user, and not the Usenet to keep the load down to
a minimum (someone at my ISP said their (full Usenet) newserver is
chewing up hard drives at the rate of one every 4/5 months).  One
could then choose their preference without having to give up
The problem as someone mentioned earlier, is that
supposedly doesn't have the resources for this.  I personally
don't know what it would take to set something like the above
scenario up.  Can somebody lay out the details of what this idea
would take?  At least we would have some concrete info to use in
this debate (instead of 'newsgroup suxs' or 'I like it the way it
As the traffic load on debian-user continues to grow (because of
growing popularity of Debian), this argument, like it or not, will
continue to increasingly show up on this list (IIRC, I've seen
this twice before already), and it won't help matters to keep
'blowing off' the minority in this debate.  Judging from some of
the responses to this thread, including my own I'm afraid, we've
got enough upset people, on both sides of the fence, as it is.

Ed C.

Re: rvplayer50 compression error

1999-01-10 Thread Wayne Cuddy
I downloaded that and had to make changes to my ip_masq setup.  It looks like
everything is working now.


On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

 Date: Sat, 9 Jan 1999 21:35:02 -0800
 From: Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: rvplayer50 compression error
 Wayne Cuddy wrote:
  When I try to open site with Real Audio 5.0 I get this error.
  File compression not supported. Cannot locate the requested RealAudio 
  For more information, please see Error 38 at:
  Is there a solution to this?
 Are you using the debian rvplayer installer package?
 see shy jo

Re: Why not as a newsgroup?

1999-01-10 Thread Mitch Blevins
For people who want to read the debian mailing lists as a newgroup
because of conevenience of using the client (as opposed to bandwidth
concerns), it is pretty easy to set up a local news-server to do this.

Just get the inn package and the newsgate package.
Configure inn and add a group for each mailing list.
Then, add something similar to this in your .procmailrc:

# Mail for debian-devel-changes
:0 w
* ^From.*debian-devel-changes
| mail2news -nfoo.debian-devel-changes -S

# Mail for debian-devel
:0 w
* ^From.*debian-devel
| mail2news -nfoo.debian-devel -S

# Mail for debian-mentors
:0 w
* ^From.*debian-mentors
| mail2news -nfoo.debian-mentors -S

# etc, etc

I am experimenting with this currently.  Although mutt has
great support for newsgroups, there are some things I like
better about slrn.  I also like that the news server keeps
all the messages archived for me without me having to hassle
with it in the mailing list mailboxes.

Note that this is a one-way newsgroup (read-only), but you can
set it up so that postings to the group are forwarded to
the mailing list.


Re: Slow system: problem isolated, need help with solution

1999-01-10 Thread Pete Harlan
 Ok, it turns out that
 pppd is somehow affecting my computer. Everything works just fine and fast
 without pppd running, but as soon as I attempt to dial out, things slow
 How do I go about it?

I had something like this happen to me; it turned out my external
modem was plugged into a bad serial port on my motherboard.  Switching
to the other port fixed it.

It was noticeable by checking /proc/interrupts; the bad port was
generating gazillions of interrupts per second.  Handling them was
bogging my machine down.

Good luck,


Re: HP 4000 N

1999-01-10 Thread Thomas Adams
On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 04:07:32PM -0500, Matt Kopishke wrote:

 I am trying to set up printing on a Linux box (Slink) running lpr.  The

I use hamm but that doesn't make a difference does it?

 printer is on a network, and has an IP address, how do I set this up?  I
 tried using the default network setup in the printcap that magicfilter
 make and pluging in the IP, but it does not work,

Now this /etc/printcap is used at work to print to an HP4000N:

#  This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig. 
lp|lj|hplj4000n|HP LaserJet 4000 N:\
#   :lp=/dev/lp1:sd=/var/spool/lpd/hplj4000n:\

This is basically a hack, because I do not know if the LJ4M filter I chose is 
the best suitable for an HP4000N and because doing things like ls -l|lpr 
generates a listing with a staircase effect. But because PS files print fine 
I'll take care of that on one of those days...

 BTW: I also need to have WordPerfect print, and from what I can see it
 uses it's own priter setup, how would I set this up?

Here I have no clue.

Problems: installing GIDE and running Siag-Office

1999-01-10 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I have a home box with a mix of Hamm and Slink and I'm trying to run
siag or xpw that I installed and have the error:

[09:07:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/dpkg$pw
pw: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: qt_error
[09:07:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/dpkg$siag
siag: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: qt_error
[09:07:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/dpkg$

My libguile4 is:

phantasy:/var/lib/dpkg# dpkg -l libguile4
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ NameVersionDescription

ii  libguile4   1.3-12 `' shared libraries for

My other problem is with GIDE. When I try to install it, this error

phantasy:/var/lib/dpkg# apt-get install gide
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 591 not
Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have
  gide: Depends:libglib1.1 Depends:libgtk1.1
phantasy:/var/lib/dpkg# apt-get install libglib1.1
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Sorry, libglib1.1 is already the newest version
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 591 not
phantasy:/var/lib/dpkg# apt-get install libgtk1.1
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Sorry, libgtk1.1 is already the newest version
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 591 not

Anyone can help me?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Re: uninstalling smail when a self compiled MTA is present

1999-01-10 Thread Marc Haber
On 10 Jan 1999 17:51:05 +1300, you wrote:
Maybe smail needs to be marked for removal.

# echo smail deinstall | dpkg --set-selections

This does not give an error message, but does not remove smail either.

(Is anyone reading that actually *understands* dpkg?)

Well, I surely do not :-(   Any documentation besides the packaging
manual, the manpage and the source?


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

raw sockets

1999-01-10 Thread Pere Camps

Is it normal to have 2 '1' raw sockets and one '6' raw socket?

If so, why is it caused by? :-?


$ netstat -a
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
tcp0  0 *:www   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:auth  *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:telnet*:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:ftp   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:printer   *:* LISTEN

udp0  0 *:talk  *:*
udp0  0 *:ntalk *:*
raw0  0 *:1 *:*
raw0  0 *:6 *:*
raw0  0 *:1 *:*
Active UNIX domain sockets (including servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node Path
unix  1  [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 45319149 /var/run/gpmctl
unix  1  [ ] STREAM   45319111
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   37717953 /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 37717952
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   4424391 /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 4424390
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   1546   /dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 1545
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   859/dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 858
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   717/dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 716
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   471/dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 467
unix  2  [ ] STREAM   461/dev/log
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 439
unix  1  [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 430/dev/log

-- p.

CVS problems

1999-01-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
A bit of a CVS problem:

[12:02am] hamish:~/tmp setenv CVSROOT :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path
[12:02am] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp cvs login
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVS password: 
[12:02am] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp cvs checkout test
cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied
[12:02am] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp 

I get similar messages on WinCVS trying to list modules. :-(

1.9.29 from slink.

Any ideas?

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: oops, gues MC is broken :)

1999-01-10 Thread Alexey Vyskubov
On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 12:41:57AM +1300, John Leget wrote:

 Just updated with potato, maybe not such a good idea :).
 Anyway seems Midnight Commander has broken, now comes up
 mc: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: stdscr

Yes, it's broken :( Looks like the problem in libgpm.

You can run mc if you will do the following:

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/

Alexey Vyskubov

Re: Debian Linux and AMD Computers

1999-01-10 Thread Alexey Vyskubov
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 12:42:46AM -0500, PATRICK DAHIROC wrote:
 i would like to whether Linux in general will run on an AMD based computer
 and if it does how well does it perform.

15:31:26 alv:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo 
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 5
model   : 6
model name  : AMD-K6tm w/ multimedia extensions
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 199.432432
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
sep_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mmx
bogomips: 398.13

Alexey Vyskubov


1999-01-10 Thread Chris Wong

I've got a problem with my Dual P2 system. I've done a fresh install, 
everything works great! I then, wanted to recompile using SMP, so I
the line, and then recompiled with the source the CD(2.0 hamm) installed
in my /usr/src/linux. From there, it doesn't detect my SCSI HDD. And then
it ends up not being able to mount the root fs. Please help.

AD Digital Media Inc. (c) 1998

Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-10 Thread Tim Heuser

 Gary Singleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  OK, so what I did is modify Rob @ slashdot's excellent 'Linux - Don't
  Fear the Penguins.' artwork (

ARG! I can't find the file to replace for Win98!  Anyone know where it is or 
what it
is called?

Netscape 4-0.7 segfaulting

1999-01-10 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I installed Netscape 4.0.7 using netscape-installer4 from Debian 2.0. I 
upgrade some things from 2.1 and now netscape is segfaulting. Ayone has an idea?
Is it better to get netscape from slink?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Debian and SuSE with Win98/FAT32 and NTFS

1999-01-10 Thread Danny R. Gray
Hello everyone,

I'm new to Linux but old to DOS, Windows X and Windows NT.

I have a Debian 'hamm' box at home with Windows 98, both on their own
drives.  I read on the page below;

that FAT32 for Win95B support is in Kernel 2.034, is this true and is it
read write?  Also, since FAT32 supposedly did not change much from
Win95B to Win98 does it still work?  What does the mount statement look

I have a SuSE 5.3 box in the office with NT 4.0 Workstation, both on
their own drives.  I read the page below and downloaded the driver file:
I could not find information on installing the driver and what the mount
command looks like?
Has anyone played with this and what luck have you had.  For now my boss
would like to develop his web pages on the NT side then boot Linux with
apache and copy the files over from NT to his test site. 


** As a side note,  I have recently experimented with RedHat 5.2,
S.u.S.E 5.3 and Debian 'hamm'.  You may have noticed that the RedHat 5.2
is not on a machine, enough said.  S.u.S.E. 5.3 is on my boss' machine
but (he likes the ease of use, I think it still ties a less technical
users hands - although less than RedHat), I could not get StarOffice 5.0
installed and am waiting on a response from the folks in Germany about
the glibc update instructions.  DEBAIN is on my home machine, again
enough said ;-)

Thanks in advance.

Danny R. Gray
Research Technician
Department of Pathology
UNC-CH School of Medicine

Re: Netscape 4-0.7 segfaulting

1999-01-10 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Solved: Installed netscape 4.5 from slink
Paulo Henrique
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 Hi Debian users,
 I installed Netscape 4.0.7 using netscape-installer4 from Debian 2.0. 
 I upgrade some things from 2.1 and now netscape is segfaulting. Ayone has an 
 Is it better to get netscape from slink?
 Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Debian and SuSE with Win98/FAT32 and NTFS

1999-01-10 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 11:00:14AM -0500, Danny R. Gray wrote:

 that FAT32 for Win95B support is in Kernel 2.034, is this true and is it
 read write?  Also, since FAT32 supposedly did not change much from
 Win95B to Win98 does it still work?  What does the mount statement look

Works fine, hamm system, 2.0.34 kernel, from /etc/fstab:

/dev/hda1   /win95  vfatnoauto,unhide

I can't imagine any difference with Win98. And yes, it's read/write.

your man pann

Re: Debian and SuSE with Win98/FAT32 and NTFS

1999-01-10 Thread Serge Gavrilov
On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 10:09:26AM -0800, Pann McCuaig wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 11:00:14AM -0500, Danny R. Gray wrote:
  that FAT32 for Win95B support is in Kernel 2.034, is this true and is it
  read write?  Also, since FAT32 supposedly did not change much from
  Win95B to Win98 does it still work?  What does the mount statement look
 Works fine, hamm system, 2.0.34 kernel, from /etc/fstab:
 /dev/hda1   /win95  vfatnoauto,unhide
 I can't imagine any difference with Win98. And yes, it's read/write.

Hello Pann!

Are you sure that you have FAT32 (not FAT16) ?

Serge Gavrilov 
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Hydroelasticity,
St.Petersburg, Russia |  URL:

Re: Debian and SuSE with Win98/FAT32 and NTFS

1999-01-10 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 09:16:45PM +0300, Serge Gavrilov wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 10:09:26AM -0800, Pann McCuaig wrote:
  On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 11:00:14AM -0500, Danny R. Gray wrote:
   that FAT32 for Win95B support is in Kernel 2.034, is this true and is it
   read write?  Also, since FAT32 supposedly did not change much from
   Win95B to Win98 does it still work?  What does the mount statement look
  Works fine, hamm system, 2.0.34 kernel, from /etc/fstab:
  /dev/hda1   /win95  vfatnoauto,unhide
  I can't imagine any difference with Win98. And yes, it's read/write.
 Hello Pann!
 Are you sure that you have FAT32 (not FAT16) ?
Quite sure:

desktop# fdisk /dev/hda

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/hda: 64 heads, 63 sectors, 1023 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 4032 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda111  781  1574464+   b  Unknown
/dev/hda2  782  782  81466528   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda3   *  815  815 1023   421344   83  Linux native

Command (m for help):

(If that partition were FAT16 fdisk would know its type.)
your man pann

Re: Debian and SuSE with Win98/FAT32 and NTFS

1999-01-10 Thread Tom Pfeifer

FAT32 itself did not change from Win98b to Win98. Linux can read/write
it with no problem provided of course that vfat support is compiled into
the kernel. A manually executed mount command would look the same as for
FAT16 - something like this:

mount -t vfat /dev/hdxx /mnt


Danny R. Gray wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I'm new to Linux but old to DOS, Windows X and Windows NT.
 I have a Debian 'hamm' box at home with Windows 98, both on their own
 drives.  I read on the page below;
 that FAT32 for Win95B support is in Kernel 2.034, is this true and is it
 read write?  Also, since FAT32 supposedly did not change much from
 Win95B to Win98 does it still work?  What does the mount statement look
 I have a SuSE 5.3 box in the office with NT 4.0 Workstation, both on
 their own drives.  I read the page below and downloaded the driver file:
 I could not find information on installing the driver and what the mount
 command looks like?
 Has anyone played with this and what luck have you had.  For now my boss
 would like to develop his web pages on the NT side then boot Linux with
 apache and copy the files over from NT to his test site.
 ** As a side note,  I have recently experimented with RedHat 5.2,
 S.u.S.E 5.3 and Debian 'hamm'.  You may have noticed that the RedHat 5.2
 is not on a machine, enough said.  S.u.S.E. 5.3 is on my boss' machine
 but (he likes the ease of use, I think it still ties a less technical
 users hands - although less than RedHat), I could not get StarOffice 5.0
 installed and am waiting on a response from the folks in Germany about
 the glibc update instructions.  DEBAIN is on my home machine, again
 enough said ;-)
 Thanks in advance.
 Danny R. Gray
 Research Technician
 Department of Pathology
 UNC-CH School of Medicine
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: SoundBlaster Vibra 16 jumperless card under Linux

1999-01-10 Thread Michele Bini
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 05:28:28AM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 Hi folks,
 This one has got me beat, and I'm hoping someone in debian-land might be
 able to help me out.
 I got a vibra 16 card (soundblaster) from a friend, but it didn't come
 with any driver disks or anything like that. Unfortunately it is a
 jumperless card, and I have no way of setting the IRQs and DMAs under
 linux (or even finding out what they are) so I can set it up to run
 under Linux.

Can you detect your card using pnpdump?


# pnpdump|grep ANSI
ANSI string --Creative SB AWE64 PnP--
ANSI string --Audio--
ANSI string --Game--
ANSI string --WaveTable--

If your card is soundblaster compatible, you should be able to
use it using the standard sb module (from recent 2.1.* kernels).

If your card is not pnp you can try using the 'default' IRQ and
DMA settings: irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5


Re: HTML-ized package listing on the web?

1999-01-10 Thread Martin Schulze
Jim Foltz wrote:
 I thought I remeber someone posting a link to a page
 which showed the Packages file in a framed HTML page.
 This was not the Debian package listing page, it was 
 an independent page.

I wonder if you are referring to or similar?



The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: Netscape 4.08 vs. 4.5?

1999-01-10 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Paul Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 As far as I can tell, 4.08 is the latest Netscape Navigator version, 4.5
 if the latest Netscape Communicator version. Communicator comes with
 Navigator, Composer, Messenger, and possibly other little tidbits.

I'm running navigator 4.5, not communicator.

Mike Stone

Problem with mailing list

1999-01-10 Thread Allens
Has anyone had trouble with the mailing list recently.  I was unsubsribed two
days ago. This has happened before so I re-subscribed, so I got one day of
messages, then was unsubscribed again.  (By unsubsrcribed I mean I stop
receiving messages for debian-user.

Peter Allen

Menu in fvwm2

1999-01-10 Thread Thomas Adams
Whenever I install a program which provides a menu entry I have to do an 
update-menus from my user account after installing a package. Otherwise 
there is no menu entry in fvwm2.

At work I use Window Maker and there the installation procedure takes care of 
the menu entry. It's not necessary to issue said command as user.

Can anybody out there explain this? Both systems run hamm although the 
installation method is different: At home I use dpkg-mountable pointing to the 
cdrom reader and at work I use dpkg-ftp. But somehow I doubt that this could 
be the reason for the difference.

Re: Kernel 2.2.

1999-01-10 Thread Marc Haber
On 07 Jan 1999 14:05:13 +0100, you wrote:
I believe that everything needed for linux 2.2.0 is avaible in slink. 

I am still running hamm on my machines and would like to delay the
update to slink until it's finally released.

I would like, however, to try the 2.2 kernel in a few days. Which
packets do I need to upgrade to the slink version to make 2.2 run? I
have heard that I'd need at least new binutils, fileutils and a later


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-10 Thread Tom Furie
ARG! I can't find the file to replace for Win98!  Anyone know where it is
or what it
is called?

If there isn't a 'logo.sys' in the root of your C: drive, then it's using
the default. Just put logo.sys in the root.


Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-10 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 01:58:11AM +0200, shaul wrote:
  I have found that there is much more packages available for
  debian than there are for Red Hat
 Isn't it odd ? Given that there are much more RH users then Debian users (3:1 
 ratio ?), how can it be ? Are there more programmers who use Debian then 
 who use RH ? Are all of this packages constantly maintained by both a Debian 
 developer and an upstream one ?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Probably has something to do with the open development architecture of Debian. 
100+ debian developers outnumber the redhat 'core' developers. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-10 Thread Christian Lavoie
   I have found that there is much more packages available for
   debian than there are for Red Hat
  Isn't it odd ? Given that there are much more RH users then Debian 
users (3:1
  ratio ?), how can it be ? Are there more programmers who use Debian 
then those
  who use RH ? Are all of this packages constantly maintained by both a 
  developer and an upstream one ?
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Probably has something to do with the open development architecture of 
Debian. 100+ debian developers outnumber the redhat 'core' developers.

Yep. But, IMHO, it has something to do with the feeling that if you 
work for Debian, you're working for the community, including yourself. 
If you work for Red Hat, you're giving money to someone who doesn't 
care about YOU, only it's bank account. Actually, that's the feeling I 

Christian Lavoie

Re: Kernel 2.2.

1999-01-10 Thread Dale E. Martin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:

 I am still running hamm on my machines and would like to delay the
 update to slink until it's finally released.
 I would like, however, to try the 2.2 kernel in a few days. Which
 packets do I need to upgrade to the slink version to make 2.2 run? I
 have heard that I'd need at least new binutils, fileutils and a later

Check out Documentation/Changes from the kernel that you try if you want an
accurate answer to that question.

+- pgp key available --+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|

databases and `mail merge'

1999-01-10 Thread Chris Frost
Hash: SHA1

I'm setting up a database of prospective colleges and would like to be
able to grab info from the database and somehow insert it into generic
documents. Ideally, it would be inserted into latex documents and fetch
the info from PostgreSQL, but if there's a strong need to use another
set of programs for this task, it'll do.

As an example, I'd like to be able to grab the address info which would
come from several fields (ie state, city, address, college_name) and
insert into my document for some condition (whether it be everything, all
schools with a certain mean sat range or whatever).

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 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject retrieve pgpkey or

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


GNOME and Packages

1999-01-10 Thread celtic-rogue
I am very new to Debian, and linux in general.  I installed hamm, base12
this afternoon, and tried to install GNOME with it but when I told the
install to get the packages from the floppies where I had copied the files
I downloaded from GNOME's ftp site it said there were no packages there?

Also.. I was told by someone in an channel that the dir
command worked in Debian, but it doesn't work for me.

Rogue - One who travels apart from the pack, and is wild and fierce.

Re: CVS problems

1999-01-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 11:57:52AM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 It looks like you have your repository in root's home dir (/root) which
 other users can not access.  I put mine in /src or /cvsroot.
  [12:02am] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp cvs checkout test
  cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
  cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied
  [12:02am] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp 

It's under /usr/local, actually. I can access it fine with
CVSROOT=/usr/local/... but not through networking, which is the main
way I want to access it.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

CVS problems

1999-01-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Still having CVS problems. Here's a more concise version:

Script started on Mon Jan 11 09:57:41 1999
 su -
yodeller# export CSVSROOT=/usr/local/rising/cvs
yodeller# cvs init
yodeller# logout
 setenv CVSROOT :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/rising/cvs
 cd tmp
 mkdir test
 touch test/wow
 cvs import test rising start

[Enter log entry]

cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
cvs server: Importing /usr/local/rising/cvs/test/test
U test/test/wow

No conflicts created by this import

 ls -l
total 1
drwxrwx---   2 hamish   hamish   1024 Jan 11 09:58 test
 rm -rf test
 cvs checkout test
cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied
cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied

Script done on Mon Jan 11 09:58:56 1999
Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Any good Debian books?

1999-01-10 Thread shaul
Try to look in debian's home page.

 I am searching for a good Debian Linux book. 
 Does one exist? I tried meta keyword searches as above and
 didn't come up with anything specific to Debian.
 I have Using Linux published by QUE - Slackware
 and Linux Unleashed published by Sams - Redhat5.1, OpenLinux and Caldera.
 Anything for Debian?
 I've still got some hurtles to overcome.
 Read my CD ROM. Dial my ISP. You know the basics.
 MAN pages are good, but I would like a good book.

Re: slink PPP hangup problem

1999-01-10 Thread shaul
What I trying to say is that IIRC, chat should only appear at the lines that 
describes the creation of the connection. And I do not understand why there is 
a line that mentions chat after the connection is made. That is, it is my 
understanding that chat terminates before the ppp connection is fully 
established. But I might be wrong.
Even if I am wrong, posting a more detailed log + configuration files can help 
in solving your problem.
Here is my log file:
[01:00:52 shaul]# tail -n20 /var/log/ppp.log.0
Jan 10 01:50:24 rakefet pppd[3130]: pppd 2.3.5 started by shaul, uid 1000
Jan 10 01:50:54 rakefet pppd[3130]: Serial connection established.
Jan 10 01:50:55 rakefet pppd[3130]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 10 01:50:55 rakefet pppd[3130]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan 10 01:51:00 rakefet pppd[3130]: local  IP address
Jan 10 01:51:00 rakefet pppd[3130]: remote IP address
Jan 10 01:51:35 rakefet pppd[3130]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jan 10 01:51:35 rakefet pppd[3130]: Modem hangup
Jan 10 01:51:35 rakefet pppd[3130]: Connection terminated.
Jan 10 01:51:35 rakefet pppd[3130]: Exit.
Jan 10 01:51:42 rakefet pppd[3165]: pppd 2.3.5 started by shaul, uid 1000
Jan 10 01:52:11 rakefet pppd[3165]: Serial connection established.
Jan 10 01:52:12 rakefet pppd[3165]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 10 01:52:12 rakefet pppd[3165]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan 10 01:52:18 rakefet pppd[3165]: local  IP address
Jan 10 01:52:18 rakefet pppd[3165]: remote IP address
Jan 10 02:26:02 rakefet pppd[3165]: Terminating on signal 2.
Jan 10 02:26:03 rakefet pppd[3165]: Connection terminated.
Jan 10 02:26:04 rakefet pppd[3165]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Jan 10 02:26:04 rakefet pppd[3165]: Exit.
[01:01:04 shaul]# 
 I don't understand at all what you are trying to say. I was connected to
 the internet. And then when i kill -INT pid of ppp I get the error that
 the hangup chatscript failed
 But the connection is terminated...
 On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, shaul wrote:
  Isn't the failing of chat (2nd line of in your messages) means that you 
  connected at all ?
   Hello All
   I have been using Debian Slink Linux for a while now, but I have a problem
   hanging up (terminating) a PPP connection.
   I have the latest version of PPPD installed, I have edited the chatscripts
   ect... to dial the interent, and i use pon to logon to the internet.
   But when it comes time to log off the internet I do have a problem. The
   problem is that when I run /usr/bin/poff. The program does not 'terminate'
   thet PPP connection properly. The connection is terminated but in
   /var/log/syslog I get the following messages:
   Jan  6 07:01:49 indolent pppd[296]: Terminating on signal 2.
   Jan  6 07:02:34 indolent chat[851]: Failed
   Jan  6 07:02:34 indolent pppd[296]: disconnect script failed
   Jan  6 07:02:35 indolent pppd[296]: Exit.  
   I have no clue how to fix this problem. I know that poff does work on this
   other debian box that I have, and it hangs up instantly off the internet.
   When I use poff of this machine I can't get off the intenret instantly it
   takes a few minutes then puts some errors out to syslog (shown above), I
   was just wondering if anyone has nay idea how to fix this. Or what kind of
   problem this is... And once in a long while sometimes the modem won't
   hangup when i execute /usr/bin/poff and I am forced to reboot the box.
   Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
   Thanks in advance,
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 Nikhilino Online Systems
 President / Founder

Re: databases and `mail merge'

1999-01-10 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 02:24:41PM -0600, Chris Frost wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 I'm setting up a database of prospective colleges and would like to be
 able to grab info from the database and somehow insert it into generic
 documents. Ideally, it would be inserted into latex documents and fetch
 the info from PostgreSQL, but if there's a strong need to use another
 set of programs for this task, it'll do.
 As an example, I'd like to be able to grab the address info which would
 come from several fields (ie state, city, address, college_name) and
 insert into my document for some condition (whether it be everything, all
 schools with a certain mean sat range or whatever).
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Two options for you:
1. Use something like PHP3 to create an HTML file, then print from netscape.
2. Use embedded perl (I think its in the eperl package) to embed commands from 
the perl packages for Postgres (check CPAN for the 
Perl Database packages)
Hope this helps. Your idea is neat! Perhaps release the database as public 
domain. In a few months, with volunteers, it could encompass several hundred 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Xig accelerated X

1999-01-10 Thread Myche'jae-Bel

I got this product (so far so good), and looked for a Debian wrapper
package so that dpkg would understand that X is installed and stop telling
me I'm out of dependency.

Anyone have a good idea what to do?


Mike =
Mike J. Bell  \_OThe above are my opinions.
UMBC Alumnus  _/\_   finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ \_PGP public key

Query re: netstd update

1999-01-10 Thread Roger Franz
I noticed when I updated my Packages file for proposed-updates that
the listing (i386) for Netstd's updated version is for m68k
architecture.  I know this is not the right version information, but I'm
uncertain how to correct it in my Packages file (or if I should

Any answers, comments, etc.?
