Intent to coordinate WEB translations to Portuguese (announce)

1999-02-12 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
I am announcing this to debian-devel, debian-user-portuguese as
well as the webmaster at debian.

Since we finally got the official Debian WWW mirror in Brazil
working I am stepping ahead and offering myself to coordinate the
translations of the debian web pages into portuguese.

Debian is too good to be left apart by Brazilian people just
because there is little Debian specific documentation available in

Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Visite-nos em

Re: staroffice virge

1999-02-12 Thread JuanjoC \(PianoTuner\)
TooManySecrets wrote:

   Veamos... Si bien es cierto que el SVGA rula bien, una vez que se ha
   terminado la instalación, y se ha instalado el parche para la S3V, se 
   a poner el servidor SV3 y rula todo a las mil maravillas... Lo digo por

 Lo tienes en la web de Star Division, aunque suele venir (creo) en los cd's
 de las revistas que dan el StarOffice...

¡Genial!, el staroffice ha funcionado a la primera con el SVGA :-)). En 
cuanto al parche:
echaré un vistazo en la Web de Hue.

Gracias a todos. ¡Así da gusto!

This message has been written in 100% recycled paper

Powered by Linux Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.36
Running on CASIO fx-6300G Scientific calculator.

Registered User/Machine: 92691/34454


1999-02-12 Thread Emilio Castrillejo
Anoche me instale el kde 1.1 (pre) que viene en el ultimo CD Actual

He seguido pegandome con ello y ya me he dado cuenta de que la
distribucion de caldera es libc5, lo cual es la fuente de todos los

Lo que quería preguntar, entonces, es ¿qué implicaciones tiene mezclar
programas que llaman a libc5 y libc6? ¿Un programa puede utilizar
librerías dinámicas libc5 y libc6 a la vez? He visto que en
/etc/ se hace referencia a algo similar a libc5-compat. ¿Me
permite esto mezclar los binarios?

He preguntado a algunos conocidos y todos me recomiendan que sólo use
programas libc6. ¿Es así de radical el asunto?


Window Maker

1999-02-12 Thread Eugenio Serrano
Hola a todos,

He compilado window maker 0.51 en mi distribución Debian pero no consigo
que me aparezca como interfaz predeterminado... continúo viendo el

Aparentamente he compilado de manera correcta tanto el wmaker como las
librerías necesarias (libtiff, libjeb, libwraster, libprop...).

Alguna pista sobre como hacer de wmaker mi interfaz predeterminado?

Saludos y gracias por anticipado.

Re: TV

1999-02-12 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Jordi Roman Mejias y dice ¿Re: TV? 

   Continuando haciendo pruebas para ver la tele me he dado cuenta de que
 en la información que genera el servidor X (en mi caso XF86_SVGA o
 XF86_S3) la linea que da la información sobre el FB (¿Frame Buffer?)
 tiene delante el indicador '(--)' 
   ¿Eso significa que esta caracteristica esta desactivada, verdad?
   ¿Como la puedo activar?

NO, significa que es una caracteristica que el servidor X ha detectado por
el mismo.
Si apareciese con ** significaria que los datos los ha obtenido del fichero

2 es compa¤¡a, 3 es una org¡a!!!

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734

Re: Window Maker

1999-02-12 Thread ~ Miguel P.C. ~
At 13.18 12/2/99 +0100, you wrote:
Hola a todos,

He compilado window maker 0.51 en mi distribución Debian pero no consigo
que me aparezca como interfaz predeterminado... continúo viendo el

Aparentamente he compilado de manera correcta tanto el wmaker como las
librerías necesarias (libtiff, libjeb, libwraster, libprop...).

Alguna pista sobre como hacer de wmaker mi interfaz predeterminado?

mira en /etc/X11/window-managers

# This file contains a list of available window managers. The default
# Xsession file will start the first window manager that it can
# in this list.



en ese archivo se especifica el administrador de ventanas predeterminado
en este caso es el kde.

Añade tu entrada en el primer lugar de la lista y debería funcionar.

Saludos y gracias por anticipado.

 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

Re: Window Maker

1999-02-12 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Eugenio Serrano preguntó:
 Alguna pista sobre como hacer de wmaker mi interfaz predeterminado?

Ya tienes en tu fichero /etc/X11/window-managers algo asi:

(wmaker, antes que fvwm95)


Linux Actual 6

1999-02-12 Thread homega
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a dixit:
   Um el caso es que yo la vi cuando fui a la editorial a recoger
 mi cheque de la colaboración del número 5 (hace una semana)... no la he
 visto en los kioskos sin embargo... y me da la impresión (aunque no lo he
 confirmado) que los de la editorial pretenden retrasar el número 6 para que
 el especial (Solo Linux) esté más tiempo en los kioskos...

En Valencia ya ha salido el nº6... viene con dos CDs

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Re: Linux Actual 6

1999-02-12 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Si yo la acabo de ver hoy en un kiosko y el responsable nos ha
mandado un mail hoy diciendo que ha salido... espero que os gusten los
CDs... aunque como han dejado pasar un mes casi desde que se entregaron a
que ha salido la revista quizás los contenidos no son todo lo actuales que
a mí me gustaría...


On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 02:12:50PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a dixit:
  Um el caso es que yo la vi cuando fui a la editorial a recoger
  mi cheque de la colaboración del número 5 (hace una semana)... no la he
  visto en los kioskos sin embargo... y me da la impresión (aunque no lo he
  confirmado) que los de la editorial pretenden retrasar el número 6 para que
  el especial (Solo Linux) esté más tiempo en los kioskos...
 En Valencia ya ha salido el nº6... viene con dos CDs
 Un saludo,

Urgente!! Extended Memory

1999-02-12 Thread Alejandro Bratti
Que tal a todos!!

Tengo una pregunta para cualquiera que sepa, por favor necesito ayuda.
Yo se que esto no es una pregunta para la lista, pero alguien debe saber
como se puede hacer para poder escribir un programa en C++ con mas
memoria, extendida.  Lo que pasa es que tengo un problema, ya que estoy
creando un programa y se me acaba la memoria en la mitad de ejecucion y
ya no lo puede terminar. Que debo escribir en el header del programa
para que tenga mas memoria?

Es urgente!!
Gracias por su ayuda
Alejandro Bratti

No puedo crear el paquete kernel-image-2.2.1 con el make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread Conrado Badenas
¡Hola a todos!

Estoy intentando crear un paquete kernel-image-2.2.1 para instalar el
nuevo kernel. Bajé e instalé los paquetes kernel-source-2.2.1 y
kernel-doc-2.2.1, me he leído todos los ficheros de
/usr/doc/kernel-source-2.2.1/* y /usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.2.1/* (excepto el
directorio Documentation: 919 Kb de ficheros de texto comprimidos), y me
he actualizado los paquetes que se mencionan en

Lo menciono para que se sepa que me he leído casi todo lo que debería.

Bien, entonces hago un make menuconfig (mientras leo durante un día
entero los ficheros individuales bajo Documentation), al día siguiente
(hoy) hago make-kpkg clean y luego make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0
kernel_image, pero tras una hora de compilación me aparece esto:

Installing modules under
Installing modules under
Installing modules under
Installing modules under
Installing modules under
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.1
chmod 644 debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.1
test -f   cp \
test -f   chmod 644 \
dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.2.1-i586 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
parsechangelog/debian: error: unable to open substvars file
debian/substvars: No existe el fichero o el directorio
dpkg-gencontrol: error: syntax error in parsed version of changelog at
line 0: empty file
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29

¿Qué ha pasado? ¿Qué puedo hacer para arreglarlo?

En /usr/doc/kernel-source-2.2.1/Buildinfo y
/usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.2.1/Buildinfo.gz He leído que ambos paquetes han
sido creados con la versión 6.03 de kernel-package. Me he actualizado
kernel-package a esta versión y tras hacer make-kpkg clean;make-kpkg
--revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image sigue sin funcionar.

En la lista de correo debian-users me han dicho que haga make-kpkg
clean;make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1. kernel_image kernel_headers
(incluir kernel_headers además de kernel_image) pero sigue sin

¿Alguna idea?

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: No puedo crear el paquete kernel-image-2.2.1 con el make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
 dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.2.1-i586 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
 parsechangelog/debian: error: unable to open substvars file
 debian/substvars: No existe el fichero o el directorio
 dpkg-gencontrol: error: syntax error in parsed version of changelog at
 line 0: empty file
 make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29
 ¿Qué ha pasado? ¿Qué puedo hacer para arreglarlo?

Que variables de entorno de idioma tienes (LC_ALL, LANG, etc...) no
tiene que estar en nada 'raro' (es,.) mejor que las elimines.


Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Re: Creacion de ficheros .deb

1999-02-12 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Alvaro Alea wrote:

 Y entonces, va Santiago Vila y dice ¿Re: Creacion de ficheros .deb? 
   Y ya hablando de paquetes debian: para ser un el responsable oficial de
   un programa, ¿es necesario saber programar?
  No hace falta ser Linus Torvalds o Richard Stallman, si te refieres a eso.
  Para recibir informes de bug, aplicar parches, publicar versiones nuevas,
  etc. lo único que hace falta es tener un poco de sentido común.
 ya pero ¿ y si no te pasan el parche, solo te avisan y no tienes ni idea de
 como solucionarlo? ¿ Se pasa el paquete que sea a unstable hasta que
 alguien lo solucione ?

No, un bug es simplemente un bug. Casi todos los paquetes tienen algún bug
pendiente, y esto de ninguna forma quiere decir que el paquete no se pueda
usar, simplemente quiere decir que en informática nunca hay nada perfecto
(bueno, excepto el programa TeX de Donald Knuth, quien ofrece una
recompensa de 327'68 dólares si le descubres algún fallo :-)

Un paquete solamente desaparece cuando tiene un bug importante, de esos
que no lo hacen apto para el consumo humano...

Lo que se hace con los bugs es lo siguiente:

Cuando el fallo es tuyo (es decir, de empaquetamiento), entonces
eres tú el que has de resolverlo. Los fallos de empaquetamiento son
relativamente fáciles de corregir (aunque no todos).

Si el fallo es un fallo en el programa, entonces los informes de bug hay
que reenviarlos al autor del programa, o a quien en ese momento se esté
encargando de él oficialmente. Generalmente el autor original, siendo un
programa libre, es el primer interesado en corregir el error (aunque
también hay de todo).

Hay algnos errores que se corrigen inmediatamente, mientras que para otros
hay que esperar varios años y otros no se llegan a corregir nunca.

Nadie te echará la culpa de errores en un programa que no has escrito
tú, a menos que se pueda corregir de forma obvia.

  Lo que sí es cierto es que el inglés que se habla en debian-devel no es
  demasiado complicado.
 No, el problema que le veo no es por dificultad del ingles, mas bien es
 por volumen de correo,si tengo que apuntarme a un par de listas con
 volumen similar al que tiene por ejemplo de l-linux de calvo, pues me es

Haz la prueba del algodón: Apúntate unos días a debian-devel y decide tú

Es cierto que debian-devel tiene bastante volumen, pero en realidad no
estás obligado a leerlo todo a menos que quieras estar enterado de todo.
Lo que importa son las normas, y esas están todas recogidas en el paquete
debian-policy, en el manual de empaquetamiento, etc.

 33c4c3884c808cff7ad9141c9d7e85d3 (a truly random sig)

Re: libc5/6

1999-02-12 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Emilio Castrillejo wrote:

 Lo que quería preguntar, entonces, es ¿qué implicaciones tiene mezclar
 programas que llaman a libc5 y libc6?

No debería haber ninguna.

 ¿Un programa puede utilizar librerías dinámicas libc5 y libc6 a la vez?

Uno sólo a la vez generalmente no :-), pero puedes tener algunos programas
que funcionen con libc5 y otros con libc6.

 He visto que en /etc/ se hace referencia a algo similar a
 libc5-compat. ¿Me permite esto mezclar los binarios?


En Debian 2.0 las bibliotecas libc5 están en /usr/lib/libc5-compat y en
/lib/libc5-compat, con lo cual no se dan de tortas con las otras que están
basadas en libc6 (que aparecen en sus directorios normales /usr/lib y en
/lib), y que a veces se llaman igual.
 He preguntado a algunos conocidos y todos me recomiendan que sólo use
 programas libc6. ¿Es así de radical el asunto?

Depende de cómo sea el programa libc5 que estés obligado a usar.

El único problema serio que te puedes encontrar es que algunos programas
hechos con libc5, *mal hechos*, escriben directamente en el fichero
/var/log/wtmp. Este fichero ha cambiado de formato entre libc5 y libc6.

Si dejas que algún programa de los mal hechos escriba en ese fichero,
puede corromperse (el fichero, no el programa :-). Si el programa está
bien hecho, debe escribir en ese fichero a través de las funciones
proporcionadas por el sistema, y la biblioteca libc5 de Debian 2.0 (la que
hay en oldlibs) ha sido modificada para escribir en el nuevo formato,
precisamente para evitar este problema.

 4ea93d14f957c7faad336ab6ab976133 (a truly random sig)

Re: No puedo compilar el Kernel

1999-02-12 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso

El mensaje ha sobrepasado el número máximo de etapas

--- Mensaje devuelto 
Received: from gwcorreo ([]) by gwcorreo (Lotus SMTP MTA
v4.6.2  (693.3 8-11-1998)) with SMTP id 41256716.002FCCAC; Fri, 12 Feb
1999 09:42:05 +0100
esta linea se repite sucesivamente (con pequeñas variaciones). Vuelvo a
enviar el mensaje por si todavia sirve de algo y de paso por si me
podeis explicar por que ha sobrepasado el número máxomo de etapas :-)

En mi caso /usr/src/linux es un link simb=F3lico a /usr/src/linux-2.0.3=
anteriormente lo hab=EDa sido a linux-2.0.33 (que todab=EDa no he borra=
do) ;-)
El paquete para instalar las fuentes del nucleo creo que era
kernel-source_2.0.34*.deb  y no el linux-headers una vez instaladas las=

fuentes yo hago:

$ cd /usr/src/linux
$ make menuconfig
  (Configuras el nucleo
$ make-kpkg --revision 2.0.34_A.0 kernel-image
  (Se compila y genera el paquete kernel-image-2.0.34_A0_i386.deb)
$ cd ..
$ dpkg -i kernel-image-2.0.34_A0_i386.deb
  (con rearrancar con el nuevo kernel vlinuz creado ya esta terminado e=

A mi este proceso me funciona bien y me parece r=E1pido y sencillo (vie=
ne en
las FAQ de Debian).

Lucky  Kentucky decia:
 En el directorio /usr/src/linux no tengo nada. Si instalo las
 no me aparecen o aparecen las de la version 2.0.33 o 2.0.32 pero las =
 version 2.0.34 no.

 si alguna vez logro que aprezcan las 2.0.34 no se ponen en /usr/src/l=
 sino que estan en /usr/src/linux-2.0.34.

 Que debo hacer para eliminar las versiones anteriores y que funcione =
 Kernel mas nuevo?

_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ ) 
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|  40º25'N 3º39'O   |  
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+  

Re: gtkicq seg faults?

1999-02-12 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 RR == Robert Rati [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RR I d/led and installed gtkicq from potato along with the
RR dependencies it needs in order to run.  When I try and run the
RR program, I get this message:

RR Unable to connect to server port 35091
RR Segmentation fault

This version is somewhat strange. It will start the gnome panel when
called like this.

Try gtkicq -a


Re: trying to install to ThinkPad

1999-02-12 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
 Does anyone know how I can do this on a ThinkPad?  Caldera is easy to install
 on this machine, but I want to try Debian on it.

You'll have to be a little more specific--*which* thinkpad?



Re: fetchmail, why does it do this?

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Martin
Ingo Hohmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 12:01:16AM +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
  Well, maybe fetchmail gives up completely at the first
  broken message?
 At least, thats what it does here.
   But is my own system, and I am able to _MAIL_ to
   [EMAIL PROTECTED], it appears in his spool file, only fetchmail 
   won't get it back...

One thing that may be relevant here is the fetchmail smtphost
setting.  By default, when fetchmail delivers mail it retrieves, the
address it delivers to is the same as the local address that it was
assigned when getting mail.  An example:

I have a box that connects via a ppp dialup line.  When I connect, my
machine is assigned an IP address in the range 128.220.222.*.  For
example, let's say I dial in and get  Then, when
fetchmail connects to my mail server (, it notices that
the local end of the connection is at, and when it
turns around and delivers the mail, it attempts to deliver it to  That is, fetchmail delivers the mail to my machine
through the IP address associated with the ppp connection, instead of
the localhost ( address. (*) Now, since I don't trust the
other people who use my ISP to not try to use my machine as a mail
relay, my machine doesn't accept mail from IP addresses in the
128.220.222.* range.  (In fact, my machine doesn't accept mail from
anything but my own mini-network) Therefore, under the defaults,
fetchmail will fail to be able to deliver mail since the fetchmail
connection will appear to be coming from the IP address that my
machine got when it dialed in.  The default debian exim setup (which
is, in my opinion, a good way to do things) refuses to allow non-local
machines to deliver mail by just sending to the username, not to

The fix for this is to include the line:
defaults smtphost localhost
at the top of your .fetchmailrc file.  This forces fetchmail to
deliver mail to, which means that it will use the loopback
network interface, which is guaranteed to be local.  This means that
my machine accepts the mail, and also means that under debian's
default exim setup, delivery will be allowed to unqualified names.

(*) delivery to localhost used to be the default.  Why fetchmail's
upstream authors changed the default (with only a small note hidden
deep in the documentation) is completely beyond me - I can think of
only very unusual reasons why you'd want the current default behavior,
and many reasons why you'd want the old default behavior.  Fetchmail's
upstream authors have a history of introducing optional features which,
while useful in some cases, will cause many installations to break,
and then of enabling those features by default.  I believe this to be
evidence that the fetchmail author has taken his own writings on the
benefits of bazaar-style development too seriously to impose enough
sanity-checking control on fetchmail.  (For those of you who don't
know, Eric S. Raymond, fetchmail's upstream author, is the author of
The Cathedral and the Bazaar, which many consider to be the
manifesto of the open source movement.  Fetchmail is in fact the
program used as a case study in that article)  For further rantings
about this and other tendencies in the development of fetchmail, see
debian-devel for the past few days.

Re: Removeing N lines from a file

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Martin
Lance Hoffmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How can I use gawk or some other program to remove a number of lines
 from a text file.  Initially, I only need to delete the top 10 lines
 from a file but it might be useful to know how to delete lines from any
 part of the file.  The top 10 lines from each of these files vary in
 what they may contain so I need to indiscriminately delete them.  I
 figured gawk is what I would need to use to perform this task but if
 someone ones of something else that might do this that would be fine

Well, someone already mentioned sed, but why not just do:
tail +11  infile  outfile

(The + tells tail to start printing things at line 11; to get the
last 11 lines you'd use tail -11)

For similarly removing the end of a file, see head.

Losing Linux (Again!)

1999-02-12 Thread Stephen Lavelle
Firstly thanks for all the help offered, but I am not much further. I would
like to keep Linux but the person who will be using it can't handle it.
Here's what I've done:
(On a Toshiba T2110CS Satellite)
With Linux still there!
I used cfdisk to delete the Linux partitions existent and created a new DOS
FAT16 Primary, bootable partition.
I booted with a win98 start up disk in the a drive and then formatted the c:
Now when I boot my PC I get the the message missing operating system
I can still boot with the win98 disk in the drive and use fdisk:which says:

partition status type volume label Mbytes system usage
C:1   A  PRI DOS  335  FAT  100%
I'm at the end of my tether and further help would be appreciated.
PS My MSDOS 6.22 set up disks will not boot properly and if i place them in
the drive after having booted with the win98 start up disk i just get
'invalid dos' version if i try and execute a command.
There is no cd rom drive on the machine
Stephen Lavelle
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~
110 Heales Road,
Lara, Geelong, Australia

Re: bash scripting

1999-02-12 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Eugene Sevinian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi, ppl, 
 I would like to know, is it possible to fork the standard stdout
 of some command into another two or three pipelines. The idea is to avoid
 unnecessary disk load during temporary file writing/reading. So I need
 something like this:
 command1 | command2 | command3 | command4  file1 
  \-command5 | command6  file2
   \-command7 | command8  file3   
 Does bash allow such things?

I can't think of any elegant way to do what you want; I was hoping someone
else would come up with one.  Since no one has, here's an inelegant solution.

Someone suggested using `tee', which does split the output stream the way you
want.  Unfortunately, tee can only send one copy of the output to a pipe; the
rest must be to files.  The trick is to make those files be named pipes. (Also
called a `fifo', a named pipe is a special file, which one process can write
to while another process reads from it, having the same effect as a
command-line pipe.  Nothing actually gets stored on disk.)

Here's how to do it, using your example below:

  % mkfifo fifo1 fifo2
  % command1 | command2 | tee fifo1 fifo2 | command3 | command4 file1 \
 command5 fifo1 | command6 file2 \
 command7 fifo2 | command8 file3

The `mkfifo' command creates two named pipes, called fifo1 and fifo2, in the
current directory.  If you want, you can delete them when you're done, with
`rm fifo1 fifo2'.

The second, multi-line command really consists of three separate compound
commands, separated by `', so they run in parallel.

The first line uses `tee' to send output from command2 into the pipeline
command3 | command4 file1, as well as into the `files' fifo1 and fifo2.

The second line causes command5 to read from fifo1, which is really a copy of
the output from command2, and pipes command5's output through command6 into

Similarly, the third line causes command7 to read from fifo2, which is another
copy of the output from command2, and pipes command7's output through command8
into file3.

Good luck.

David Zelinsky

RE: Slink boot with SCSI

1999-02-12 Thread Antonio Alfredo Rivas Ojanguren
Some words describing the error may help. If it is possible add the messages
just before the startup hangs. I think you have change something in your
hardware that causes the error because slink boots very well with the 2940

Some tips: check the hardware connections, look for IRQ's confilcts, and
verify the BIOS settings of your motherboard and the SCSI adapter are
correct. If you chnge something in the BIOS before install slink then
restore the old settings and try again.

-Mensaje original-
De: Clyde Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Gary L. Hennigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: miércoles, 10 de febrero de 1999 1:11
Asunto: Re: Slink boot with SCSI

An Adaptek AHA-2940

On 9 Feb 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:

 Clyde Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 | When I try to boot to install Slink I get frozen up just before my
 | SCSI stuff loads.  The same disk works fine on my non-SCSI machines.
 | I have tried all the special rescue disks and they do the same.
 | Any idea what I am doing wrong?

 What type of SCSI adaptor are you using?


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Re: Losing Linux (Again!)

1999-02-12 Thread Jolyon Suthers
By the sounds of things when you formatted the drive - you didn't install
the operating system.
In order to do this you either need the 'sys' command; or the 'format'
If you have 'sys' run: sys a: c:
If you have 'format' (no copy of 'sys') run: format c: /s
That way it will transfer the Win98 bootup information to the drive.

A good utility for resizing FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2, Linux SWAP partition
(creating as well) is Partition Magic. I think you need at least version 5 -
this will resize all of the above partitions, as well as create them - it is
very very efficient at doing this job. I've used it on a number of occasions
with my primary Linux partition to increase it's size and havn't had any
problems or data lose.


Re: Losing Linux

1999-02-12 Thread Jolyon Suthers
I've done this very procedure on numerous machines, numerous times; and it
has worked perfectly every time. The only think that I must add is that
often if you haven't run LILO you can still have to recreate the master boot
record. And when you're using a boot disk, it can sometimes recreate it on
the disk itself - rather than the partition. (I've never been able to see
the drive letter option working) My method of ensuring that the right MBR is
redone, is to run the command from C: that way I can check to ensure that
the correct drive is being accessed.


First off, I know this sounds obvious, but make sure your BIOS settings
are letting you boot first from floppy, then HD, not from HD first,
which might cause this...  Then, if you had LILO installed, try using:

fdisk [drive letter] /mbr

on your HD's master boot record.  My fiance had a similar problem once
when she went from linux back to windows. That fixed it, although in her
case, it was in regards to being able to boot from the HD after moving
back to Windoze, as opposed to booting from floppy...

Also, are you sure the floppy's not corrupt? Might wanna check it on
another system.

That's just my guess, I've personally not tried to re-install Win95,
although my current system dual boots.  I hope this helps somewhat.


Stephen Lavelle wrote:

 I have asked previously on this list how to go about removing Linux from
 machine and reinstalling Windoze.
 I received the advice to remove the partitions using cfdisk and format
 drive as DOS fat 16. Having done this and put a bootable DOS install disk
 the floppy drive I just get the error message invalid disk... When
 with disk in the drive I just get the letters FA if I hit any key.
 I need some help with this problem.
 Stephen Lavelle

 Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
 ~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~
 110 Heales Road,
 Lara, Geelong, Australia

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slink install messed up hamm partition

1999-02-12 Thread John Bagdanoff

A couple of weeks ago I installed slink to hda5 from my hamm partition
(hdb1), and since then,  a message appears when  booting to hamm (thru
lilo)  that :

SETSERIAL command not found.

Now in 0setserial, I have changed /dev/ttyS2's irq to 3 (thats what my
modem is set to).  Now this change isn't recognized, so at the command
line I do a :

setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 3

Then I can use the modem.  When I come back to the computer after it's
been idle for a while, I have to do another setserial command to reset
the irq back to 3.  It's like the irq returns to it's default value when
I'm away from the computer.

Here's an excerpt from cat /proc/ioports before i do a setserial:

02f8-02ff : serial(auto)
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vga+
03e8-03ef : serial(auto)

and after setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 3:

02f8-02ff : serial(auto)
0376-0376 : ide1
03c0-03df : vga+
03e8-03ef : serial(set)

Any clue you can give me so I can fix the problem?
Thanks in advance

slink and libc6

1999-02-12 Thread MallarJ
A few days ago I mentioned that I have been having problems installing slink
because libc6 was giving me inconsistencies.  I still don't know what the
problem was, but I have a feeling it had something to do with dpkg.  When I
switched to the dpkg-apt method, everything went smoothly.

After finally figuring out how to use apt-get and the dpkg-apt method, all I
can say is - if you haven't used it yet - now's the time to learn.  It's


RE: /dev/radio

1999-02-12 Thread Shaleh

On 09-Feb-99 Nuno Carvalho wrote:
   I'm using kernel 2.2.1 with v4l support for AIMSLAB RadioTrack II.
   Meanwhile i'm not able to control my radio card from wmtune neitheir
 xradiotrack or whatever ...
   I think the main problem is I need a /dev/radio device and I just
 don't have it !
   Should I create it ? Which type of file is it ? What are the major and
 minor for mknod ?

Check out this site --

The fmtool package has both nifty test code and a README which gives all the
/dev info you need.

BTW you may want to mention to the maintainer of MAKEDEV that radio devices are
not listed.

WordPerfect: suddenly ending storing

1999-02-12 Thread Ingo Hohmann
Just to add some noise to the various WordPerfect threads,
these are the error messages, I get when I try to install it.

./install.wp: line 11:   764 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/wpinstg 
color grey /dev/null 2/dev/null
./install.wp: line 13:   765 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/$Exec $Menu 
$Values $bgcolor

btw, I use a normal Hamm-system, and have xpm4.7, libc5 and xlib6 
installed from the oldlibs (just for Wordperfect, so I don't know
if they would work in general)

An xwp file is created, but it gets a Segmentation fault, too.

Any ideas what's going wrong? 

thanks in advance


Of course, just because we've heard a spine-chilling, blood-curdling
scream of the sort to make your very marrow freeze in your bones doesn't
automatically mean there's anything wrong.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Soul Music)

Installing Sound Card

1999-02-12 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite

I'm looking for someone who would help walk me through the process of installing
my sound card on my 2.0.33 kernel system.  I have read the howto's and such and
I am totally confused!  My attempt to generate a kernel resulted in a 1.6MB
monstrosity that is to big to run...  I have been playing with this on and off
for 4 months...

My system is a P166 64MB system running the current debian release.  The sound
card os a SoundPro Soundblaster/PRO compatible card that has absolutely no
marking on it.  The chip it uses is a SoundPro HT1869V+ (F30446) 9729.

Thanks a million!


Re: Installing Sound Card

1999-02-12 Thread Mark Wagnon
Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
 I'm looking for someone who would help walk me through the process of 
 my sound card on my 2.0.33 kernel system.  I have read the howto's and such 
 I am totally confused!  My attempt to generate a kernel resulted in a 1.6MB
 monstrosity that is to big to run...  I have been playing with this on and off
 for 4 months...
 My system is a P166 64MB system running the current debian release.  The sound
 card os a SoundPro Soundblaster/PRO compatible card that has absolutely no
 marking on it.  The chip it uses is a SoundPro HT1869V+ (F30446) 9729.

I'm pretty much totally ignorant as far as setting up sound is
concerned, but here is what I did. Your mileage may vary.

The first thing you need to do is to find out all the info you can on
your sound card: IRQ, I/O addresses, DMA. You can get this info from
within win9X, buy going into the control panel, clicking on system, then
clicking on your sound card, or something to that effect. Sorry, but I
haven't used windows in a while :)

Now I got a list similar (with less detail) off of another mailing list.
I was lucky because the guy had the same card I have (SB AWE 64), and my
setting were the same. I don't know what all the specs are. I'll
indicate where I'm clueless with an '***', and I'll give you the values
I entered in brackets [].

Next get into the /usr/src/linux dir and type make xconfig.
Then do each of these:
click on Sound
click y for Sound card support
click y for Sound Blaster (SB, SBPro, SB16, clones) support
scroll down a little ways
click y for /dev/dsp and /dev/audio support
click y for MIDI interface support
click y for FM systhesizer (YM3812/OPL-3) support
enter your I/O base address for I/O base for SB...[I entered 220]
enter yor IRQ for Sound Blaster IRQ...[5]
enter your DMA for Sound Blaster DMA...   [1]
enter other DMA for Sound Blaster 16 bit DMA...   [1]***
enter your MPU for MPU401 I/O base... [330]***
enter -1 for SB MPU401 IRQ... [-1]***
scroll all the way down (leaving all other entries alone)
enter 65536 for your Audio DMA buffer size
that's it!
Save, exit, and recompile and you should be golden!

I hope this isn't too confusing :)

  __   _
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: WordPerfect: suddenly ending storing

1999-02-12 Thread Alec Smith
I've been running WordPerfect on Slink for awhile now... Works great. I
didn't have any problems with installation, or running afterwards.

My one complaint about WP? The extra dialog for closing the program,
setting preferences, etc. They ought to be rolled together like the
Winblows version -- With Exit on the File menu, etc.


At 03:57 PM 2/11/99 +0100, Ingo Hohmann wrote:
Just to add some noise to the various WordPerfect threads,
these are the error messages, I get when I try to install it.

./install.wp: line 11:   764 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/wpinstg
color grey /dev/null 2/dev/null
./install.wp: line 13:   765 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/$Exec
$Menu $Values $bgcolor

btw, I use a normal Hamm-system, and have xpm4.7, libc5 and xlib6 
installed from the oldlibs (just for Wordperfect, so I don't know
if they would work in general)

An xwp file is created, but it gets a Segmentation fault, too.

Any ideas what's going wrong? 

thanks in advance


Of course, just because we've heard a spine-chilling, blood-curdling
scream of the sort to make your very marrow freeze in your bones doesn't
automatically mean there's anything wrong.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Soul Music)

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Re: Voice Answering Machine

1999-02-12 Thread Joerg Friedrich
take a look at mgetty-voice package in section 'comm'

On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Nuno Carvalho wrote:

   It's only available, at the moment, software (vbox) and drivers
 support for doing a Voice Answering Machine with HiSax
 ISDN card !?
   Best regards,
Nuno Carvalho
Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
  Dep. Informatics Engineering
 University of Coimbra
   PGP key available at finger

Heute ist nicht alle Tage, ich komme wieder, keine Frage!!!


Re: Removeing N lines from a file

1999-02-12 Thread William Park

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

 How can I use gawk or some other program to remove a number of lines
 from a text file.  Initially, I only need to delete the top 10 lines
 from a file but it might be useful to know how to delete lines from any
 part of the file.  The top 10 lines from each of these files vary in
 what they may contain so I need to indiscriminately delete them.  I
 figured gawk is what I would need to use to perform this task but if
 someone ones of something else that might do this that would be fine

To remove top 10 lines,
tail -n +11
To show only top 10 lines,
head -n 10
To show only lines [11,20],
tail -n +11 | head -n 10

NIS and ippl

1999-02-12 Thread Max
Has anyone noticed any problems using the latest version of ippl in
potato together with NIS?  I have figured out that the extra network
traffic seems to be due to the interaction between the two programs.
Any ideas?  Please reply via e-mail.


Booting problems

1999-02-12 Thread Robert Rati
A friend of mine is having problems booting for some reason.  He makes a
kernel and uses a boot disk to boot Linux, and we just tried compiling the
2.2.1 kernels on his machine.  Now the boto disks says Loading Linux and
just stops.  We've tried compiling the 2.0.34 kernels, which is what he
was using before this happened, and the same problem keeps happening.
We've tried multiple disks, but can't get any kind of a different
action.  He doesn't want to use lilo (who knows why) and we use the

make dep clean zImage modules modules_install install

to compile a kernel.  Anyone have any ideas as to why this keeps happening
and a way to fix it?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

RE:PCMCIA cd-rewriter. Help!!

1999-02-12 Thread Mark Collier
Is anyone actually listening to me?

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Installazione su HD secondario?

1999-02-12 Thread claydona
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Daniele Rossi wrote:

 Vorrei sapere se è possibile installare Linux su un HD secondary master con

I would like to know if it is possible to install linux on a secondary 
master hard disk  with

 WIN98 sul primary master e realizzare una configurazione dual boot.

WIN98 as the primary master to get a dual boot configuration. 

 Grazie e cordiali saluti
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sorry I can ' t answer the question

angus claydon

Help: how to set the default X server???

1999-02-12 Thread Bruno Boettcher

regularly when updates of the X system are made, my Laptop looses his X server,
because a strange little Program replaces the link i am used to set on it
(/usr/X11R6/bin/X is, as an old Slackware user a link to the right server),
furher i use a server that comes from the redhat distribution since it is a
neomagic chipset

i looked at the update-* admin progs, but didn't find one for the X system, so
how is this supposed to work normally?

BTW other question:
i am setting this laptop for my sister (a computer-phobiac...) nad wanted ot
have a faces-xdm, took the one from kde, but the thingie refuses to store the
list of allowed users i try to learn it: after each reboot of the system this
list is erased and all (junk-)users appear once more. Furhter the size of this
is way too enourmous, where can i resize it(didn't find its ressources...)? 

Ans another one on the same theme: what variable does kdm set to be able to
choose the windowmanager?

acount at earthling net
Unsolicited commercial email is NOT welcome at this email address
To contact me replace acount by bboett in above addresses

Re: Help: how to set the default X server???

1999-02-12 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 12:39:23PM +0100, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
 regularly when updates of the X system are made, my Laptop looses his X 
 because a strange little Program replaces the link i am used to set on it
 (/usr/X11R6/bin/X is, as an old Slackware user a link to the right server),
 furher i use a server that comes from the redhat distribution since it is a
 neomagic chipset

On current Debian /usr/X11R6/bin/X isn't real Xserver but only wrapper.
Edit file /etc/X11/Xserver and write in first line real path to your
Xserver, for example: /usr/bin/X11/XF86_S3.


Unable to load any usable fontset

1999-02-12 Thread Mário Olímpio de Menezes


Every time I start gvim I get the above warning. Things seems to
work despite the msg. 
But, what means this? 
This begun after an update of my slink system.

Mario Menezes | Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP   | is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

is there mutt-i.deb?

1999-02-12 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I just compiled and installed mutt-i.tar.gz from the developer.
Does anyone know if there is a mutt-i.deb?  I didn't find one
in any of the non-US sites.  Does anyone use this.  I'm a PGP
NEWBIE.  I'm experimenting with this.  I would like to know how 
to make this work.  Alternatively, does anyone know in which
directory the pine396-src.deb and pine396-diffs.deb packages
get installed?  If my pgp key thingy below represents bad
netiquette (sp?), I apologize, like I said, I'm experimenting.
But I'm very eager to make this work correctly.


Certified Law Student
 Debian/GNU Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Below is my PGP key.  It is to be used for legally privileged
internet communication.

Version: PGPsdk version 1.5 (C) 1997-1998 Network Associates,


Re: NCR53C8xx Problem

1999-02-12 Thread ulisses

Hi all,

I'm having exactly the same problems with a ncr810 noname board, tried
everithing... with no luck at all... In my case I think it's a hardware

please let me know if you make it work

Thanks in advance,

- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key available at


Re: is there mutt-i.deb?

1999-02-12 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 03:21:39 -0800, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 I just compiled and installed mutt-i.tar.gz from the developer.
 Does anyone know if there is a mutt-i.deb?  I didn't find one
 in any of the non-US sites.

There is a mutt-i on nonUS for hamm (2.0) systems.
For slink and potato, you can use the mutt package from main.

 Alternatively, does anyone know in which
 directory the pine396-src.deb and pine396-diffs.deb packages
 get installed?

dpkg -L packagename will show you the files owned by packagename.

 If my pgp key thingy below represents bad netiquette (sp?),

It does, as it is a waste of bandwidth. If you want to point people to your
public key, upload it to a keyserver (e.g. and mention just your
keyID, or make your key accessible via finger and mention 
finger username@host.

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: xterm rxvt

1999-02-12 Thread Shao Zhang

Yes. I did try the ls option before. And It still does the same thing.

On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

 On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, oneiros wrote:
 Thus spake Shao Zhang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I have one xterm  one rxvt open. But when I typed the command
  'w', I have only got one entry:
  s2193893 ttyp0:0.0  9:28pm  0.00s  0.47s  0.07s  w 
 The other entry from rxvt is somehow missing.
 Is this normal??
 You'll need to compile it with the --enable-utmp option, otherwise it will 
 create the utmp entry that w(1) and a number of other utils look at to see 
 login records.  Plus, in order to write to utmp, the rxvt binary needs to be
 suid root.  utmp should never, ever be writable to anyone but root, so the
 suid is needed in order for it to make this entry.  Thankfully, it gives up
 root privileges immediately (before the window even opens), it there's no 
 to worry.
 Type rxvt -h to see if it's compiled in.  The list of compile time options 
 listed in parenthesis to the right of the version.
 Hmm dont believe I've ever had to recompile rxvt to have this. I'm running
 95% hamm including hamm rxvt. Simply start rxvt with the -ls option..
 man rxvt
   Start as a login-shell/sub-shell;  resource  login Shell.
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] date
 Thu Feb 11 07:56:56 EST 1999
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] rxvt -ls
 [2] 13311
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] last -1
 adrenttyp7:0.0   Thu Feb 11 07:57   still logged in
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] w 
 adrenttyp7:0.0   7:57am  1:11   0.36s  0.36s  -bash 
   (with others)
 Hope this helps
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Re: screen setup and vim

1999-02-12 Thread Shao Zhang

Oops, sorry about my lack of knowledge. Could someone explain to me what
screen is??



On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Rafael Kitover wrote:

 I've just started using screen (on everything, since it's so damn cool).
 And I have afew questions.
 Is there a way for vim to work reliably under screen? In some values of
 TERM everything looks screwy in insert mode, other times everything works
 just fine, other times I have to press enter a few times or something for
 screen to actually display and again when I kill it.
 xterm mouse sequences simply do not work. Is this possible under screen? I
 like mouse support in vim and clicking on stuff in lynx.
 Can I flatten the windows from another screen session into the current
 one? Can I make screen -R (which I have in my .zlogin) work when there are
 2 screen sessions for some reason and flatten both? I guess the answer to
 this is no, I should work on hacking screen sometime :)
 Rafael Kitover

Re: Few ideas

1999-02-12 Thread Christian Lavoie
  I've been pondering on Debian's future more and more, and I've
  wondered if:
  1) The package system could switch on something more source-based. I
  mean, there have been a few discussions on optimizing packages.
  (Debian-i686) On a compile it yourself, the package can hardly be more
  optimized to your computer.
 So get the source packages then.  :-)

 As far as I know, source is available for everything as that is
 a requirement for getting into the Debian distribution.
 You can download source packages, or get them from a CD vendor.
 The source is on a separate cd.

I know it's available. Hey, it's GNU/Linux! =)

My point is whether we could make this a standard part of 
apt/dselect/dpkg along with .debs

kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread Conrado Badenas
Hi all!

I am trying to create a kernel-image-2.2.1 package in order to install
the new kernel. I downloaded and installed kernel-source-2.2.1 and
kernel-doc-2.2.1 packages, read all the files
/usr/doc/kernel-source-2.2.1/* and /usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.2.1/* (except
Documentation directory: 919 Kb of compressed text files), and upgraded
the packages mentioned in

I mention that in order that I have read almost everything I should.

Well, then I make menuconfig (whilst continue reading for a whole day
individual files under Documentation), at the next day I make-kpkg
clean and then make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image, but
after one hour compiling, this appeared:

Installing modules under
Installing modules under
Installing modules under
Installing modules under
Installing modules under
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.1
chmod 644 debian/tmp-image/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.1
test -f   cp \
test -f   chmod 644 \
dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.2.1-i586 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
parsechangelog/debian: error: unable to open substvars file
debian/substvars: No existe el fichero o el directorio (FILE OR
dpkg-gencontrol: error: syntax error in parsed version of changelog at
line 0: empty file
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29

What has happened? What can I do to fix it?

In /usr/doc/kernel-source-2.2.1/Buildinfo and
/usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.2.1/Buildinfo.gz I have read that both packages
were produced by kernel-package version 6.03. I have upgraded
kernel-package to this version and now I am executing make-kpkg
clean;make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image. Should it work well

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: Installing Sound Card

1999-02-12 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 Next get into the /usr/src/linux dir and type make xconfig.
 Then do each of these:
 click on Sound
 click y for Sound card support
 click y for Sound Blaster (SB, SBPro, SB16, clones) support
 scroll down a little ways
 click y for /dev/dsp and /dev/audio support
 click y for MIDI interface support
 click y for FM systhesizer (YM3812/OPL-3) support
 enter your I/O base address for I/O base for SB...[I entered 220]

This value here is the first IO base that you get in Windows/Resources
window for your sound card. The second IO base value will work for MPU401.

 enter yor IRQ for Sound Blaster IRQ...[5] careful here. IRQ5 seems to be a very desired IRQ, and many
things tend to
grab it. I know on my machine, in Windows, it was conflicting with NIC,
and in Lin. I have my PnP modem on irq5. So, make sure first by
cat /proc/interrupts
that you don't have an IRQ taken already. 

 enter your DMA for Sound Blaster DMA...   [1]
 enter other DMA for Sound Blaster 16 bit DMA...   [1]***

Windows tell you the second DMA. 

 enter your MPU for MPU401 I/O base... [330]***

Put the second IO range that you get from Windows here.

 enter -1 for SB MPU401 IRQ... [-1]***
 scroll all the way down (leaving all other entries alone)
 enter 65536 for your Audio DMA buffer size
 that's it!
 Save, exit, and recompile and you should be golden!

But I'm wondering what you put in that kernel of yours1.6M?
Anyway, like Mark pointed out, just click Y for SB support, and such, as
described up there.

And I hope it's not a PnP card either.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   

Re: Installazione su HD secondario?

1999-02-12 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Yeah, that should be no problem. You can install it and use LILO to get
in, or boot from a floppy.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   

Going back to RedHat (but only for a while)

1999-02-12 Thread Patrick Colbeck

Well after using Debian for the last three months I am going back to Redhat,
queue flame war ...

Well actually this is only going to temporary as I want to track the latest
Gnome stuff and this is much easier on RedHat unless you have time to
complile all the assoiciated libraries etc every other day.

I just wanted to say thanks to all who helped me move to Debian in the first
place and offer some thoughts after running both systems.

I have run Redhat exclusively for the three yesr (4.0 - 5.1) then Debian for
the last three months (Hamm upgraded to Slink). I just installed RedHat 5.2
this week. I use it every day for my work so I guess I get a good feel for
how a distribution feels.

Well RedHat is slick, very slick. It installs easily in 15 minutes and
autodetects everything including a plug and play sound card. It also let me
configure a printer to the company Novell network through its GUI config
tool. Graphics card support is very good including latest Matrox products

However once installed it leaves a feeling of lack of depth. The number of
applications available in the distribution is limited compared to Debian.
Sure you can get them from the contrib directory at Redhats ftp site but
they aren't tested by anyone you just have to trust who ever decided to post
them. I would rather compile my own stuff than do that.

Also the documentation for RedHat is no where near as good as Debian. If you
buy official RedHat then you get a very nice thick installation manual but
the documentation in /usr/doc doesen't seem as good as Debians.

Linuxconf wil let you config most of the basic system stuff (user accounts
host files, etc) and it seems to work pretty well now (unlike in 5.1).
However you wont learn how stuff actually works by using it.

In conclusion RedHat is a good solid very proffesional distribution taht is
easy to install. Its perfect for the market they seem to be aiming at these
days (ie corporate server). However you will learn more with Debian and it
has many more WELL TESTED and integrated packages. 

So to all those Newbies struggling along with Debian keep it up its worth
it. Don't go to RedHat you may get it up and running the basics faster but
after that its not as good. Debian looks like it will soon catch in this
field though what with APT and so on. 

I will be junking RedHat as soon as possible and coming back to Debian as
soon as possible. Probably once Gnome 1.0 is out and Potatoe moves to freeze.

Again thanks to all those who have helped me out during the last few months
and see you all again soon.



 Patrick Colbeck  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Senior Analysttel:  you dont seriously expect me to 
 Azlan Ltd   give that out on the internet do you ?

apt/dpkg/dselect rtfm

1999-02-12 Thread MacKenzie, Andrew
On the subject of how to maintain a Debian system (and thanks to those who
responded previously), I am looking for the best source on how to become a
power user of apt / dpkg / dselect.  Is it the unfinished Admin guide in the
DDP or the /usr/doc files or where ...?

I am a realative newcomer to Debian and Linux but have always been able to
sort out my technical issues and would like to become self-sufficient and

Andrew MacKenzie

HDD LED ON continously with Kernel 2.2.1-ac5

1999-02-12 Thread ragOO

A real quirk has raised its head upon my Debian GNU/Linux box.  I have
compiled and put the devel. kernel 2.2.1-ac5.  When I boot into this test
kernel, the HDD LED glows ON and does not get OFF when there is no
seek.  It remains ON until I shut off the machine. Why is this so ?  
While compiling the kernel, I had enabled 'Direct DMA support'.  Is this
creating the wanton quirk ?  I presume that the HDD LED ON does not damage
my Hard Disk and am real puzzled...

ragOO, VU2RGU  
Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.Amateur Radio
Keeping the WWW   FREE..Debian GNU/Linux

Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Conrado Badenas wrote:

 Hi all!
 I am trying to create a kernel-image-2.2.1 package in order to install
 the new kernel. I downloaded and installed kernel-source-2.2.1 and
 kernel-doc-2.2.1 packages, read all the files
 /usr/doc/kernel-source-2.2.1/* and /usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.2.1/* (except
 Documentation directory: 919 Kb of compressed text files), and upgraded
 the packages mentioned in
 I mention that in order that I have read almost everything I should.
 Well, then I make menuconfig (whilst continue reading for a whole day
 individual files under Documentation), at the next day I make-kpkg
 clean and then make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image, but
 after one hour compiling, this appeared:

You forgot kernel_headers


make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1. kernel_image kernel_headers


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Xconfigurator ans sndconfig

1999-02-12 Thread Marant Jerome


Are there projects to convert RedHat utilities called Xconfigurator and
sndconfig to debs, in the short term ? If not are there similar projects
with Debian ? (I think that userfrendliness of the install process should
not be a RedHat leitmotiv :))

Could Alien do a good job for conversion ? 

Thanks a lot.

Jerome Marant (Sorry for my English, I'm just French :)) 


1999-02-12 Thread Marant Jerome

I didn't see kde stuff in the future slink distribution ?
(It was present in hamm)
Is there a good reasons for this ?

Jerome Marant.


1999-02-12 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 16:33:35 +0100, Marant Jerome wrote:
 I didn't see kde stuff in the future slink distribution ?
 (It was present in hamm)
 Is there a good reasons for this ?


If things go the way we hope, this will be fixed soon, when Qt 2.0
( is released under a
GPL-compatible license (

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 


1999-02-12 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

The KDE stuff is available in Debian package format from the KDE mirrors,
though.  The list of mirrors is available at:

You'll need to look around a bit for the packages, depending on what
mirror you choose, but they'll be in something like

You'll need the qt1g package from potato.


On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 16:33:35 +0100, Marant Jerome wrote:
  I didn't see kde stuff in the future slink distribution ?
  (It was present in hamm)
  Is there a good reasons for this ?
 If things go the way we hope, this will be fixed soon, when Qt 2.0
 ( is released under a
 GPL-compatible license (
 PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
 between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
 have the decency to betray his country.  
 - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


Ensoniq ES1370 configuration

1999-02-12 Thread David Webster
I have recompiled my kernel (2.2.1) with the es1370.o module and its
associated soundlow.o, soundcore.o and sound.o modules.  Also loaded
OLP2/3 stuff and mpu401.  All this stuff loads just fine at boot but I
still get no /dev/dsp /dev/sndstat devices at all.  Is there something
missing?  My system is a Gateway G6-266 and unfortunately Gatweay saw
fit at that time to ship an oddball, off-board IDE controller and this
oddball soundcard.  Both have given me fits with Linux.  Got the IDE
controller under wraps, finally, but this sound card is throwing me for
a loop.

How do you install autofs package ?

1999-02-12 Thread Philippe BARBELET
What are the steps to install the automounter system under 2.0.34 kernel ?




1999-02-12 Thread Jeremy M. Savoy

I'm new to Linux and am having trouble getting 
the x windows going on my machine. I have downloaded everything needed for the 
install base I selected at installation time(or at least I think I've got 
everything), but when XF86Setup runs and exits, it attempts to start the xserver 
and gives me the following error:

_X11TransSocketUNIXConnetc: Can't connect: errno 
= 111

It gives me this several times before aborting. 
Also, the XF86Config settings that I entered in XF86Setup are not saved in the 
config file, is this something that I will have to edit myself.

Again, I'm new to Linux but extremely interested 
in learning to use it. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Jeremy Savoy

Re: How do you install autofs package ?

1999-02-12 Thread Remco van de Meent
Philippe BARBELET wrote:
 What are the steps to install the automounter system under 2.0.34 kernel ?

First of all, make sure the kernel-based automounter is enabled in your
kernel. Second, install the `autofs' package. Most likely, it'll create an
/etc/auto.amnt for you; you can put the filesystems you want to mount using
the automounter in that file, and now those entries are available as
/amnt/entry on your computer.


SiS 6326

1999-02-12 Thread David B. Teague

I bought a Tiger Direct PC, K6-2 350, with an SiS 6326 8MB AGP video card. 
However, with that video card, I cannot get X to work. 

We found a card specific server on the Xfree ftp site with some support
for the SiS 6326. We downloaded both svga and svga16 servers, but cannot
get the card to work with either. What little does happen convinces my
colleague that the XF86Config file is not right.

If someone has a XF86Config file for the svga server that is known to work
with an SIS 6326, I'd appreciate your sharing it with me. 

Debian GNU/Linux: Because software should not be expected to crash.

RE: SiS 6326

1999-02-12 Thread MacKenzie, Andrew
I also have an SiS-based card and had a great deal of difficulty making it
work until I used Xfree86 3.3.3.  The SVGA server in this package has
support for the SiS card and all works great now.

What specific errors are you getting?

Andrew MacKenzie

-Original Message-
From:   David B. Teague [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Friday, February 12, 1999 10:32 AM
To: Debian User
Subject:SiS 6326

I bought a Tiger Direct PC, K6-2 350, with an SiS 6326 8MB
AGP video card. 
However, with that video card, I cannot get X to work. 

We found a card specific server on the Xfree ftp site with
some support
for the SiS 6326. We downloaded both svga and svga16
servers, but cannot
get the card to work with either. What little does happen
convinces my
colleague that the XF86Config file is not right.

If someone has a XF86Config file for the svga server that is
known to work
with an SIS 6326, I'd appreciate your sharing it with me. 

Debian GNU/Linux: Because software should not be expected to

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread Conrado Badenas
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 You forgot kernel_headers
 make-kpkg clean
 make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1. kernel_image kernel_headers

I've done it, and after 48 minutes I got the same error message:

dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.2.1 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
parsechangelog/debian: error: unable to open substvars file
debian/substvars: No existe el fichero o el directorio
dpkg-gencontrol: error: syntax error in parsed version of changelog at
line 0: empty file
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29

Any more ideas?

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread MacKenzie, Andrew
Newbie question:

I've compiled my own kernels (I am using a self-compiled 2.0.36) but use
make clean make dep and make xconfig.  What is make-kpkg?

Andrew MacKenzie

-Original Message-
From:   Conrado Badenas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Friday, February 12, 1999 10:36 AM
Subject:Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be
created with make-kpkg

M.C. Vernon wrote:
 You forgot kernel_headers
 make-kpkg clean
 make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1. kernel_image

I've done it, and after 48 minutes I got the same error

dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.2.1 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
parsechangelog/debian: error: unable to open substvars file
debian/substvars: No existe el fichero o el directorio
dpkg-gencontrol: error: syntax error in parsed version of
changelog at
line 0: empty file
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29

Any more ideas?

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /dev/null

Re: Ensoniq ES1370 configuration

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Elenius
David Webster writes:
OLP2/3 stuff and mpu401.  All this stuff loads just fine at boot but I
still get no /dev/dsp /dev/sndstat devices at all.  Is there something
missing?  My system is a Gateway G6-266 and unfortunately Gatweay saw

/dev/sndstat isn't supported by that driver (do you need it?
why?), see /Documentation/sound/es1370.txt (or something like that). 
But I have a /dev/dsp on mine. I compiled it as a
non-module. Maybe that helps (there's no real reason to have it as a
module, only ISA pnp cards require that). I've really had no problems
with card at all.

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

Incoming share in SAMBA

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Elenius
Thanks to the people who helped me with my samba issues. Now I wonder
if there is a way to have a classic incoming share in samba, a dir
that is writable by all, but not possible to download from, the way
I have it on my ftp server...

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

Re: Ensoniq ES1370 configuration

1999-02-12 Thread Shaleh

On 12-Feb-99 Daniel Elenius wrote:
 David Webster writes:
OLP2/3 stuff and mpu401.  All this stuff loads just fine at boot but I
still get no /dev/dsp /dev/sndstat devices at all.  Is there something
missing?  My system is a Gateway G6-266 and unfortunately Gatweay saw
 /dev/sndstat isn't supported by that driver (do you need it?
 why?), see /Documentation/sound/es1370.txt (or something like that). 
 But I have a /dev/dsp on mine. I compiled it as a
 non-module. Maybe that helps (there's no real reason to have it as a
 module, only ISA pnp cards require that). I've really had no problems
 with card at all.

Same reason anything else is a module -- I do not use it very often and do not
need the bloat the rest of the time.  Especially true on my laptop where
cpu/mem eat the battery.

RE: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread MacKenzie, Andrew
Thanks for the information, very useful.

This begs the question:  what packages do I need from Debian to have

Also,  what is the difference between Kernel headers and kernel source?

Andrew MacKenzie

-Original Message-
From:   Conrado Badenas [mailto:]
Sent:   Friday, February 12, 1999 11:04 AM
To: MacKenzie, Andrew
Subject:Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be
created with make-kpkg

MacKenzie, Andrew wrote:
 Newbie question:

No newbie at all if you compile your own kernels and install

 I've compiled my own kernals (I am using a self-compiled
2.0.36) but use
 make clean make dep and make xconfig.  What is make-kpkg?

It is the official way to compile kernels in Debian (see for
/usr/doc/kernel-source-*/debian.README.gz). I copy down here
the file
/usr/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz for the advantages and
disadvantages of this method:

Advantages of using make-kpkg
-- -- - -

I have been asked several times about the advantages
of using
 the kernel-package package over the traditional Linux way
of hand
 compiling kernels, and I have come up with this list. This
is off the
 top of my head, I'm sure to have missed points yet. Any

 i) Convenience. I used to compile kernels manually, and
involved a series of steps to be taken in order;
kernel-package was written to take all the required
steps (it
has grown beyond that now, but essentially, that is
what it
does). This is especially important to novices:
takes all the steps required to compile a kernel,
installation of kernels is a snap.
ii) It allows you to keep multiple version of kernel
images on
your machine with no fuss.
   iii) It has a facility for you to keep multiple flavours
of the
same kernel version on your machine (you could have
a stable
2.0.33 version, and a 2.0.33 version patched with
the latest
drivers, and not worry about contaminating the
modules in
iv) It knows that some architectures do not have vmlinuz
vmlinux instead), and other use zImage rather than
and calls the appropriate target, and takes care of
moving the
correct file into place.
 v) Several other kernel module packages are hooked into
kernel-package, so one can seamlessly compile, say,
modules at the same time as one compiles a kernel,
and be
assured that the modules so compiled are compatible.
vi) It enables you to use the package management system
to keep
track of the kernels created. Using make-kpkg
creates a .deb
file, and dpkg can track it for you. This
facilitates the task
of other packages that depend on the kernel
   vii) It keeps track of the configuration file for each
kernel image
in /boot, which is part of the image package, and
hence is
the kernel image and the configuration file are
  viii) It allows you to specify a directory with config
files, with
separate config files for each subarchitecture (even
for different config files for 2386, i486, etc). It
is really
neat for people who need to compile kernels for a
variety of
sub architectures.
ix) It allows to create a package with the headers, or
sources, also as a deb file, and enables the package
management system to keep track of those (and there
packages that depend on the package management
system being
aware of these packages)
 x) Since the kernel image package is a full fledged
package, it comes with maintainer scripts, which
take care of
details like offering to make a boot disk,
symbolic links in / so 

Re: Ensoniq ES1370 configuration

1999-02-12 Thread Kevin Doherty
And thus spake David Webster, on Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 09:11:28AM -0600:
 I have recompiled my kernel (2.2.1) with the es1370.o module and its
 associated soundlow.o, soundcore.o and sound.o modules.  Also loaded
 OLP2/3 stuff and mpu401.  All this stuff loads just fine at boot but I
 still get no /dev/dsp /dev/sndstat devices at all.  Is there something
 missing?  My system is a Gateway G6-266 and unfortunately Gatweay saw
 fit at that time to ship an oddball, off-board IDE controller and this
 oddball soundcard.  Both have given me fits with Linux.  Got the IDE
 controller under wraps, finally, but this sound card is throwing me for
 a loop.

I have an ES1370-based SoundBlaster PCI128 that I got working with 
ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, using the
alsa-modules, alsa-utils and alsa-source packages. You might want to look
into those instead of using the kernel's OSS/Lite stuff.

Kevin Doherty, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind.
   -- Rincewind (from _Eric_)

Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, MacKenzie, Andrew wrote:

 Newbie question:
 I've compiled my own kernels (I am using a self-compiled 2.0.36) but use
 make clean make dep and make xconfig.  What is make-kpkg?

It's part of the kernel-package package, which is a set of scripts that
make building kernels much easier - it turns your kernels into a debian
package that can be installed etc, and has scripts to make boot floppies
run lilo, and so on


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Ensoniq ES1370 configuration

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Elenius
David Webster writes:
One more question, sorry to bother you.

No problem.

When configuring your 2.2.1 kernel in the sound options did you just
select the es1370 card support or do you also need OSS system support
stuff?  And if so, what?

Nothing but es1370. It's already OSS compatible, so things probably
get VERY confused if you include both. No OPL/mpu things either. I
doubt it's compatible with those things. Again, the documentation that 
comes w/ the kernel source may something about that.
Tell me if it still doesn't work...

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

Re: Ensoniq ES1370 configuration

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Elenius
David Webster writes:
Went ahead and changed my kernel to remove the OSS stuff and loaded the
es1370 directly into the kernel (no module).  The driver loads just fine
and detects the card but does not creat a /dev/dsp device.  I have a
simple text base media player (bplay) and, of course it complains about
no /dev/dsp file. 

Humm.. strange, 'cause that's all I had to do. Maybe you need to run
the MAKEDEV script that's in the /dev dir... but don't blame me if
everything screw up then :)
Also I'll ask my friend who has the same type of card.

Just to check: You don't have any conflicting cards or something?

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

FreeWRL and Xswallow?

1999-02-12 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Has anyone successfully swallowed FreeWRL via Xswallow? I can't seem
to get it to work. Netscape keeps giving me an error about blib not
being found. If anyone has a functional xswallow.conf entry for
FreeWRL I'd appreciate a copy of that info.


Re: Ensoniq ES1370 configuration

1999-02-12 Thread Daniel Elenius
David Webster writes:
Went ahead and changed my kernel to remove the OSS stuff and loaded the
es1370 directly into the kernel (no module).  The driver loads just fine
and detects the card but does not creat a /dev/dsp device.  I have a
simple text base media player (bplay) and, of course it complains about
no /dev/dsp file. 

Oh, one more thing! Have you tried other sound players? For example
'play' in the sox package. Maybe bplay plays by piping to /dev/dsp
(which seems absurd but not impossible). That is not supported by the
driver, at least with some types of audio data (if you need it, you
could always bug [EMAIL PROTECTED] about it.

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

Re: NON-US means?

1999-02-12 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : John Hasler dixit:
 :  Horacio writes:
 :   There are some restriction laws on importing and
 :   exporting crypto into/out of the U.S. 
 :  The US has no laws restricting the importation of crypto.
 : I believe downloading any of the `international' versions of a crypto based
 : program is illegal within the U.S.  Else, why products such as PGP keep
 : having an international and non-international (read U.S.) versions?

There's a patent on the RSA algorithm which is valid within the US; PGP
versions used within the US must use the RSAREF implementation.

Outside the US, any implementation may be used, so one which is faster
is used instead.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #255

1999-02-12 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, John Bravacos wrote:

 : At 07:30 PM 2/11/99 -, you wrote:
 : The problem is that when  I boot (using defualt settings) with the rescue
 : disk, it can't detect my SCSI  hard disk. I haven't tried to load Debian
 : straight from hard disk, and don't I  want to. The Debian install prints
 : the following errors before entering the  install menu. (no particular
 : order)   IBM MCA SCSI: No SCSI Atteched
 : SCSI: 0  Hosts
 : SCSI: Detected total
 : Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI  card.   Specs about my PC can be
 : found in the attached  text document.CheersSimon Werner
 : I don't think Linux works with MicroChannel Bus machines.

It works fine with MCA, thanks.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Debian install Error (SCSI HDD on IBM PS/2 (486) not detected)

1999-02-12 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Simon Werner wrote:

  [NON-Text Body part not included]

Cool.  My mailer hates your email ...

The IBM SCSI card was detected, so that's good.  It didn't see any
devices on the chain, so that's bad.  The IBM MCA SCSI adaptor isn't the
best HBA ever made, so cabling is VERY important.  Same with
termination.  Finally, you may wish to read the Bootprompt HOWTO for
some parameters to pass to the kernel at boot time regarding your IBM
MCA SCSI adaptor.

I just retired a Model 90 with the same card, and cabling was a problem
for me initially.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: NCR53C8xx Problem

1999-02-12 Thread Christoph Keller
I have a GA-410 and have problem's to.
With the 2.0.36 I only had problem with the
Plextor 32x but not with burning.
Now with the newest kernel even my scsi disk has

Has anybody the GA-410 working with the newes kernel?


Re: dselect, dpkg, apt, gnome-apt???

1999-02-12 Thread Roberto Meyer
Hi, I´m new on the list and with Debian, please forgive my english from
now on :-)

David Z. Maze wrote:

 dselect should give you the same list of packages you can find on the
 FTP site.  IMHO it's marginally easier to use than FTP'ing packages by
 hand; YMMV.

I'm having trouble to reach debian ftp's site from dselect.  My machine 
is behind a firewall and a RH5.2 proxy server running squid.
It simply doesn't connect!

 AM I tried apt but it told me some of my packages were configured
 AM wrong and would not go on.  How would I change this?
 'dpkg --configure --pending', perhaps?  'apt-get -f install', if it
 complains about dependency problems.
I've installed libc6 running dpkg -i package, and now it fails 
installing any other package from dselect or even dpkg because it looks 
for libc5.  How do I update the dpkg database.  I tried with 'update'
dselect but it didn't work!

Thanx in advance.


How do I change to a color monitor?

1999-02-12 Thread simonst
I replaced my mono VGA monitor with a color monitor.  Now what do I change
in Debian (2.0, from Cheapbytes cd)?

Re: WordPerfect: suddenly ending storing

1999-02-12 Thread Dave Swegen
Am I the only one who after exiting WP has a process called wpexc ruuning?
I have to manually kill off the darn thing...


On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 02:11 -0500, Alec Smith wrote:
 I've been running WordPerfect on Slink for awhile now... Works great. I
 didn't have any problems with installation, or running afterwards.
 My one complaint about WP? The extra dialog for closing the program,
 setting preferences, etc. They ought to be rolled together like the
 Winblows version -- With Exit on the File menu, etc.
 At 03:57 PM 2/11/99 +0100, Ingo Hohmann wrote:
 Just to add some noise to the various WordPerfect threads,
 these are the error messages, I get when I try to install it.
 ./install.wp: line 11:   764 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/wpinstg
 color grey /dev/null 2/dev/null
 ./install.wp: line 13:   765 Segmentation fault  $Platform/ins/$Exec
 $Menu $Values $bgcolor
 btw, I use a normal Hamm-system, and have xpm4.7, libc5 and xlib6 
 installed from the oldlibs (just for Wordperfect, so I don't know
 if they would work in general)
 An xwp file is created, but it gets a Segmentation fault, too.
 Any ideas what's going wrong? 
 thanks in advance
 Of course, just because we've heard a spine-chilling, blood-curdling
 scream of the sort to make your very marrow freeze in your bones doesn't
 automatically mean there's anything wrong.
 -- (Terry Pratchett, Soul Music)
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 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

Re: slink install messed up hamm partition

1999-02-12 Thread John Hasler
John Bagdanoff writes:
 ...a message appears when  booting to hamm (thru lilo)  that :

 SETSERIAL command not found.

 Now in 0setserial, I have changed /dev/ttyS2's irq to 3 (thats what my
 modem is set to).

You changed something else, too.  The distributed 0setserial has the line:

#${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS2 ${AUTO_IRQ} skip_test autoconfig ${STD_FLAGS}

Which you probably changed to:

{SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS2 irq 3 skip_test autoconfig ${STD_FLAGS}

When you should have changed it to:

${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS2 irq 3 skip_test autoconfig ${STD_FLAGS}

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

RE: How do I change to a color monitor?

1999-02-12 Thread Shaleh

On 12-Feb-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I replaced my mono VGA monitor with a color monitor.  Now what do I change
 in Debian (2.0, from Cheapbytes cd)?

What needs changing?

What does netdate want back from udp-37 server?

1999-02-12 Thread simonst
I'm trying to write a mainframe (MVS) timserver (udp-37 only).  I test it
with a Debian 2.0 cmd netdate udp mvs.ip.address, which sends a 1-byte
0x0A message.  My server sends back a 32-bit unsigned number (# of seconds
since 1900-01-01, per RFC868), but the Debian netdate command times out.

 1. Why doesn't the netdate command send an empty datagram, per RFC868?
 2. What exactly is netdate expecting back from udp port-37?
 3. Why does RFC868 mention negative 32-bit values: -1,297,728,000 17 Nov
1858 GMT?

I would appreciate any help (or where I might find the netdate source).

CDDB updates

1999-02-12 Thread M.C. Vernon
Is there any way to upload a record to a CDDB server (either the cddb one,
or in a local record)? I have a cd in front of me that gcd refuses to play
because cddb doesn't produce a match for that CD id


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: How do I change to a color monitor?

1999-02-12 Thread simonst
The ls --color displays, and also Lynx screens, are still using
underlining  high-intensity, instead of real colors.

From: Shaleh
Subject: RE: How do I change to a color monitor?
Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 10:06AM

On 12-Feb-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I replaced my mono VGA monitor with a color monitor.  Now what do I
 in Debian (2.0, from Cheapbytes cd)?

What needs changing?

Re: WordPerfect: suddenly ending storing

1999-02-12 Thread Mário Olímpio de Menezes
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Dave Swegen wrote:

 Am I the only one who after exiting WP has a process called wpexc ruuning?
 I have to manually kill off the darn thing...

No, you aren't alone. I have the same problem here. And other, e.g., when
opening (or trying to) documents via NFS. WP locks!

BTW, I gave up (sp?)  with WP. Dozens of features only in commercial
version. The filtrix capabilities are a shame. Even a word 6/95/97
document fails exporting.  The rtf exported documents aren't recognized by
nobody in the world. I think Corel shouldn't release such version with so
many pitfalls.

I'm disappointed with WP. Definitely! I'll stay with StarOffice.

Mario Menezes | Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP   | is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

RE: CDDB updates

1999-02-12 Thread Shaleh

On 12-Feb-99 M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Is there any way to upload a record to a CDDB server (either the cddb one,
 or in a local record)? I have a cd in front of me that gcd refuses to play
 because cddb doesn't produce a match for that CD id

cddb should allow you to include a record in their database.  I think xmcd has
an intrerface to that.  Also try the site.

Re: CDDB updates

1999-02-12 Thread Jeff Noxon
On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 06:21:03PM +, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Is there any way to upload a record to a CDDB server (either the cddb one,
 or in a local record)? I have a cd in front of me that gcd refuses to play
 because cddb doesn't produce a match for that CD id

xmcd?  That's the program that started the CDDB.



chmod on vfat

1999-02-12 Thread David Webster
Only root can write to a vfat partition.  I suppose because vfat
contains no extended attributes for security you cannot simply chmod on
a file/directory to allow someone other than root to write to it.  Any
work arounds to allow someone other than root to write to a vfat

The latest NTFS driver shipped in 2.2.1 seem to work pretty nicely with
full chmod capabilites.

Re: NCR53C8xx Problem

1999-02-12 Thread Steve Beitzel
I am having a similar problem using this driver with 2.2.1.  My system
hangs on boot shortly after detecting my SCSI hard drive and my IDE CD-R
using SCSI emulation...everything works fine under it possible
that this driver conflicts with SCSI emulation in some way...?


   /  \
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Re: chmod on vfat

1999-02-12 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, David Webster wrote:

 : Only root can write to a vfat partition.  I suppose because vfat
 : contains no extended attributes for security you cannot simply chmod on
 : a file/directory to allow someone other than root to write to it.  Any
 : work arounds to allow someone other than root to write to a vfat
 : partition?

Yeah, use an fstab entry like this (this is ntfs but applies to
vfat/msdos also afaik)

  /dev/hda1 /ntdrv1 ntfs user,exec,nosuid,gid=50,umask=002 0 2  
  /dev/hda2 /ntdrv2 ntfs user,exec,nosuid,gid=50,umask=002 0 2  

In this case we allow the group staff write access; any user has read
access. You could change the umask to mean that only staff has read
access, and that normal users have no access whatsoever.

Have fun ...

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)


1999-02-12 Thread Cuno Sonnemans

Can someone send me his or hers original
/root/.bash_profile, file.
I messed up mine.
And i don't no what was in it.
Stuppid eh 


Re: WordPerfect: suddenly ending storing

1999-02-12 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Dave Swegen wrote:

 Am I the only one who after exiting WP has a process called wpexc ruuning?
 I have to manually kill off the darn thing...

I have this also with both WP7 and WP8.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: .bash_profile

1999-02-12 Thread Shaleh

On 12-Feb-99 Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
 Can someone send me his or hers original
 /root/.bash_profile, file.
 I messed up mine.
 And i don't no what was in it.
 Stuppid eh 

Nothing important -- you are not missing anything.

Re: chmod on vfat

1999-02-12 Thread servis
*- On 12 Feb, David Webster wrote about chmod on vfat
 Only root can write to a vfat partition.  I suppose because vfat
 contains no extended attributes for security you cannot simply chmod on
 a file/directory to allow someone other than root to write to it.  Any
 work arounds to allow someone other than root to write to a vfat

This is what I have done.  I created a group called dos with gid of
35(this could be whatever you want, see man for adduser). Then I just
added users of the local machine to that group(see man for adduser).
Then mount the drives with gid=35 and umask=007.  Below are the bits of
my fstab for my three vfat partitions.

/dev/hda1 /bri/cvfatrw,quiet,unhide,gid=35,umask=007,user
/dev/hda6 /bri/dvfatrw,quiet,unhide,gid=35,umask=007,user
/dev/hdc5 /bri/evfatrw,quiet,unhide,gid=35,umask=007,user

See man for mount and fstab.

If you don't use the quiet option(see man for mount)you get messages
like 'Operation not supported:..' because as you said above vfat
does not have extended attributes.  

Works for me,
Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

XF86SETUP Help needed...

1999-02-12 Thread Larry Shields WD9ESU

I know that this question has been asked before, but since I am a new user
of Debian, I need some help on setting yp XF86...

Now I started the XF86Setup prg., and went thru each one of the menus, from
the mouse, keyboard, which I chose 102, instead of the 101 type, then to my
Video card, which is an OAK, and in the list it had OAK Generic, and used
that, the card is a OTI-067/077 model...Then onto the monitor which as a
Horizontal freq., of 30-60khz, the vertical is 50-90hz, and what little info
thats in the manual that the Max resolution is 1024X768...

I have tried different settings 640X480 mode using 8bpp, even 16bpp and
1024x768 settings with SVGA to just plain VGA-16, I've gone thru all and
when I click the done, it then, takes the info that I have provided and
restarts it backup...

Then when I save the configuration, I then am returned to root, from there I
tried many times to startx, and I get this:

xinit: Connection refused (error 111) unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (error 3): Server error...

Is there anyone that maybe able to explain to me what I need to do to get it
up and running correctly, I would appreicate in hearing from anyone
concerning this issue...Since I have tried all of the different settings, I
am at a loss as to what is needed to fix my problem...


Larry Shields WD9ESU
AMPRnet:   IPaddr:
ICQ# 6221703

Re: What does netdate want back from udp-37 server?

1999-02-12 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Are you sure your server is replying with a correct destination port? The 
server needs
to send a packet back to the same port which the client used.


 I'm trying to write a mainframe (MVS) timserver (udp-37 only).  I test it
 with a Debian 2.0 cmd netdate udp mvs.ip.address, which sends a 1-byte
 0x0A message.  My server sends back a 32-bit unsigned number (# of seconds
 since 1900-01-01, per RFC868), but the Debian netdate command times out.

  1. Why doesn't the netdate command send an empty datagram, per RFC868?
  2. What exactly is netdate expecting back from udp port-37?
  3. Why does RFC868 mention negative 32-bit values: -1,297,728,000 17 Nov
 1858 GMT?

 I would appreciate any help (or where I might find the netdate source).

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: .bash_profile

1999-02-12 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Cuno Sonnemans wrote:

 Can someone send me his or hers original
 /root/.bash_profile, file.
 I messed up mine.
 And i don't no what was in it.

Look at  /usr/share/base-files

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