Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-15 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Oct 13, 1999,

 $ grep rdate /etc/crontab 
 0 */6 * * *   rootrdate -s

Si no  me equivoco, le  estás diciendo  que lo ejecute  cada 6
horas en punto, ¿no? Un poco raro... :-)

Yo pondré esta:

18 4* * *   /usr/sbin/rdate -s

en el crontab de `root'.


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Enmascaramiento del correo con SEndmail

1999-10-15 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Oct 13, 1999,

 ¿Como os las ingeniais con sendmail si teneis dos cuentas de
 correo? Si cada  vez que quiero  mandar un correo  desde una
 dirección tengo  que poner un smarthost  diferente (servidor
 smtp) o se  puede poner de alguna forma  en el sendmail? Por
 ejemplo, para el correo  tengo fetchmail para recogerlo, sin
 problemas, mutt (más  lioso para usar dos cuentas  a la vez,
 vamos no se como...) y el sendmail.

Con 2 `', uno para cada usuario, y envías el correo

# sendmail -C/etc/mail/ -qScosme

# sendmail -C/etc/mail/ -qSpepa

O sea,  tienes un  `/etc/mail/' genérico,  y cuando
estás conectado utilizas las líneas  de arriba, en un script o
en `/etc/ppp/ip-up', por ejemplo.

Pero  si compones  un mensaje  y lo  envías con  mutt mientras
tienes  la conexión  abierta  el  servidor sendmail  intentará
enviarlo , utilizando el `' genérico...

Para  evitar  esto  había  que  trastear  algunas  lineas,  en
concreto esto:

###   SMTP Mailer specification   ###

#  @(#)smtp.m4  8.38 (Berkeley) 5/19/1998  #

Msmtp,  P=[IPC], F=emDFMuX, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
A=IPC $h
Mesmtp, P=[IPC], F=emDFMuXa, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
A=IPC $h
Msmtp8, P=[IPC], F=emDFMuX8, S=11/31, R=21, E=\r\n, L=990,
A=IPC $h
Mrelay, P=[IPC], F=emDFMuXa8, S=11/31, R=61, E=\r\n, L=2040,
A=IPC $h

Si en estas líneas en tu `' no aparece la letre `e'
detrás  de `F=',  ponla para  evitar lo  que ter  comentaba (y
reinicia sendmail).


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: OFFTOPIC. Re: Iddeo que ha cambiado?

1999-10-15 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Wed, Oct 13, 1999,
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona...

   No s'e  en que  sentido estar'a limitada  la conexi'on
 por Alehop. Yo he  usado telnet, HTTP, SMTP y  CVS sobre ssh
 (si  no  recuerdo  mal). A  velocidades  razonables,  contra
 m'aquinas en RedIris y fuera de Espa~na...

Pues hay que olvidarse del acceso a los servidores de news. He
probado tropecientos que  son acesibles desde I+,  y solo he
tenido  suerte  con 2  o  3,  pero  que tienen  incompleta  la
herarquía es.* y esp.*, :-(

Llamé al  teléfono de  info de Alehop  y dicen  que pasan. Les
pregunté porqué no habren el acceso  al de Iddeo y que no, que
es servicio de pago... Total, llevo algunas semanas conectando
desde Alehop y  voy a dejarlo, porque me he  quedado sin news,
ya que el servidor de RedIris,  que si me dejaba conectar pero
no  postear,  también está  fallando  (hoy  ni siquiera  había
mensajes del grupo linux).

Los de Airtel  dan cuenta POP y tiene servidor  de news. Voy a
provar una temporada a ver.


Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: undefined reference to `crypt'

1999-10-15 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Ricard P.G. wrote:

 Tengo un problemilla programando que creo que tambien incumbe a la 
 Debian en si:
 Me he puesto a provar de programar algo en C mediante la libreria libpq que
 proporciona postgres. La cuestion es que cuando compilo me aparece el 
 bash-2.01$ make
 cc -g -Wall -lpq  socket.o text.o db.o main.o -o prueba
 /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `crypt'
 make: *** [done_mud] Error 1

Está muy clarito. Te falta poner -lcrypt para que enlace con la librería.


 Supongo que me falta alguna libreria de encriptacion. La cuestion es que al
 instalar el paquete no me advirtio/recomendo/pidio otras dependencias ... no
 deberia haberme pedido que instalara la libreria crypt o algo asi?

Supongo que si.

 PD: Alguien sabe lo que me falta, no encuentro la libreria/paquete en cuestion
 Gracias ...
 .. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
o  M  d88b.
   /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
 (O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
   \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
   (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Bid and sell for free at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: undefined reference to `crypt'

1999-10-15 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Jordi Roman Mejias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  EO! Ni puñetera idea de que era
   Shaval, hazme un favo's, no te compres un circo con enanos
 que resultado obtienes de ?
 hardtech= select count(*) from vglobal2 where id557;

hardtech= select count(*) from vglobal2 where id557;
(1 row)

--- que esperabas?, los 92 registros sobrantes estan, eso te lo aseguro, cosas
como select * from vglobal2 where id557 me crean un volcado enorme en la
pantalla de registros semivacios (solo tienen el id y un par de frases

ehem, lo del circo de enanos no lo pillo ... 8^)

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: Off-topic Actualizar la hora

1999-10-15 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 14 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 14:48:23 +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas 

 0 */6* * *   rootrdate -s

Si no  me equivoco, le  estás diciendo  que lo ejecute  cada 6
horas en punto, ¿no? Un poco raro... :-)

 ¿Raro por qué?  Tengo conexión permanente, en la  medida que la
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]% timo me deja.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

¿Alguien trabajando con MPI?

1999-10-15 Thread Francisco José Avila Bermejo \(Monkiki\)
Me gustaria saber si hay alguien trabajando con MPI
desde Debian, porque a mi no me funciona nada con mas
de un proceso. Con un solo proceso si, pero con 2 ya no.



E.T.S.I. INFORMATICA Linux Booting 

Nueva Web: 

Compilando otra vez.

1999-10-15 Thread Hue-Bond
 Estoy empezando  a mosquearme con esto.  Compilando un programa
 me sale:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -ltcl: No existe el fichero o el directorio

 Pero juer!:

ii  tcl8.0  8.0.5-4The Tool Command Language (TCL) v8.0 - Run-T
ii  tk8.0   8.0.5-5The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.0 - Run-Ti
ii  tcl8.0-dev  8.0.5-4The Tool Command Language (TCL) v8.0 - Devel
ii  tk8.0-dev   8.0.5-5The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.0 - Develo

 U,  lo acabo  de arreglar.  Viendo que  las libs  se llaman y, cogí el Makefile,  busqué tcl y
 ahí apareció en  una variable noseque-FLAGS, lo  cambié a tcl8.0,
 cambié también tk a tk8.0 y ahora ya compila.

 Esto en redhat no pasaría... pero tampoco lo habría aprendido.


 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Framebuffers (was:Re: Unidentified subject!)

1999-10-15 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mirá, en la referencia tecnica dice que es VESA 2.0
 La placa es una Diamond 3D 2000 PRO con 4 mb.
 Pero solo el hecho de ser Vesa 2.0 ya indica que soporta frame buffer?

pedantic mode
Creo que es más correcto decir, que como hay un dispositivo framebuffer
que funciona con tarjetas VESA 2.0, tu tarjeta está soportada por él.
/pedantic mode

En cualquier caso, prueba simplemente. Sólo hay que compilar la opción, y
arrancar con un disquete, lilo o loadlin sin fastidiar el kernel que ya
tienes, y si algo no va, vuelves al antiguo.

NOTA: El framebuffer en principio permite acceder a cualquier resolución
soportada por la tarjeta. Sin embargo, el fb vesa no lo permite. ¿Por qué?
Pues porque para usar llamadas a VESA y cambiar de resolución, hay que
pasar por la BIOS, y Linux no puede permitirlo. 

Por esta razón, si entras en 640x480x256, así te quedas hasta que
rearranques el ordenador, porque la resolución sólo la puede especificar
en el arranque. Personalmente, sería razón suficiente para considerar esta
opción de framebuffer más como un juguete que como algo usable. Es mejor
presionar a los fabricantes de tarjetas para que hagan sus drivers de

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 Windows NT - Nice Try.

Re: [Off-topic: sólo España] Conexión ADSL

1999-10-15 Thread Fernando
Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
 Hace unos dias se comentaba por aquí algo sobre ADSL y
 Timofónica. Esto es lo que sé por ahora, si alguien tiene más info le
 agradecería que contactara conmigo.
 La información la he obtenido en
 y después llamar al telf. 902 15 20 25 y argumentar con operadoras,
 'tesnicos' y comerciales.
  - El servicio lo ofrece Teleline
  - NO existe por ahora un servicio que proporcione IP fija ni se prevé
en el futuro. Un 'tesnico' me aseguraba que la IP era fija cosa que
me extrañó. Colgué. Volví a llamar y me dijeron que la IP era
dinámica. Cosa bastante lógica.

Si no me equivoco la conexión que establece el modem ADSL es permanente
por lo que creo, la IP debería serlo también, no ?

  - El módem que ofrecen es un Efficient Networks 3060 es un PCI Winmodem
( ). Si buscais en DejaNews vereis que
da más problemas que otra cosa. Además NO FUNCIONA con GNU/Linux y
por lo que dicen en su web no piensan hacerlo nunca. Aunque hay una
nota sobre una lista de distribución de drivers en Linux.
Lo bueno es que según parece la gente de Efficient Networks no
acepta bug reports de los usuarios directamente así es que los
drivers deben ser la pera.

He oido en algun sitio que infonegocio o algo asi, que debe estar
relacionado con telefónica, ofrece el servicio de conexión con un modem
externo, conectado mediante red eth., eso si un poquito más caro.

  - He llamado a Teleline para ver si es posible contratar el servicio
SIN tener que comprar el módem pero... no me han sabido contestar.
¿alguien sabe de otra marca de modems ADSL que sean compatibles con
 Rafa C. Marcos



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: No recibo mensajes de la lista

1999-10-15 Thread Barbwired
Miguel Rodriguez Penabad decía:
 A proposito, lo que a mi me pasa ahora es que el servidor
 ya no tiene los grupos de noticias es.comp.os.linux.*
 ¿Sabeis lo que ha pasado, o si hay algun servidor de news gratuito que
 los tenga?

Creo que han cerrado el acceso hacia fuera de las universidades, no sé si me
explico, dejando sólo los grupos de charla. Ahora la que no contesta es y estoy más que harta de la mafia de las news...
~-root# fetchnews -v
1.9.4: verbosity level is 9
Trying to connect to ... failed.
Trying to connect to ... connected.
Getting new newsgroups from
Reading new newsgroups failed.
Read server info from /var/spool/news/leaf.node/
Disconnected from

   I love computing because it's the most logical thing in my world.

Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: [Off-topic:s?lo Espa?a] Conexi?n ADSL

1999-10-15 Thread dfm

No me lo he leido pero seguro que puede resultar útil. Es un

Re: [Off-topic: sólo España] Conexión ADSL

1999-10-15 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On vie, oct 15, 1999 at 01:27:56 +0200, Fernando wrote:
 Si no me equivoco la conexión que establece el modem ADSL es permanente
 por lo que creo, la IP debería serlo también, no ?

Os aseguro que la IP es fija. En Londres tengo un amigo que tiene ADSL en
casa con BT y los mails me llegan procedentes de la misma IP y si hago un
finger a la dirección de correo electrónica me confirma la IP.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Menús en Enligthenment de Potato.

1999-10-15 Thread TooMany

Como estoy de cambio de máquina cada 2x3 últimamente, creo que se ha
preguntado algo al respecto. Si es así, agradeceré que la persona que
solucionó la duda se ponga en contacto conmigo.
¿Dónde demonios están los menues en el enlightenment de la Potato? Antes,
en el que viene en la 2.1, pulsaba a la vez los dos botones del ratón y me
aparecía, pero ahora nop... ¿Alguien sabe algo al respecto?

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Jed de Potato

1999-10-15 Thread TooMany
Y sigo... ;-)

¿Sabe alguien por qué no me funciona el tabulador ni la tecla Supr en el Jed
que viene con la Potato (0.99.9 creo)?

Muchas gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

[Off-Topic] Kmail

1999-10-15 Thread DRodriguez
Hola, este es mi primer mensaje, y aunque no tiene mucho que ver con debian,
creo que este es el unico foro donde podre encontrar la solucion a un problema
con Kmail.
Kmail se colgo ejecutando los filtros, y resulta que me ha copiado 6 veces el
mismo mensaje en cada folder, tengo ahora unos 1000 y pico mensajes, de los
cuales solo sirve una sexta parte... he probado con uniq en los archivos de
texto de ~/Mail, pero nada, incluso en los *.index del Kmail tienen nº
identificativos diferentes, y el Kmail no tiene ninguna opcion, ni he
encontrado manera de aplicar filtros, para eliminar mensajes repetidos.
Algien sabe como solucionar esto?? 

Muchas gracias por todo


Type Bits/KeyIDDate   User ID
pub  1024/6A2227ED 1999/06/25 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 2.6.3i


makeinfo en slink?

1999-10-15 Thread Gorka Olaizola
¿Tiene slink este programa?
como puedo averiguar en que paquete esta?

(- -)
|   Smile... tomorrow will be worse. Murphy  |
| |
|  |

Como se hacen debs?

1999-10-15 Thread Gorka Olaizola
Estoy intentando hacer unos .debs pero no se por donde tirar.
¿Hay algún documento que diga como se hacen?
por ahora he hecho deb-make dentro del directorio de fuentes y me ha creado el
directorio debian. ¿Tengo que tocar algo ahí?

(- -)
|   Smile... tomorrow will be worse. Murphy  |
| |
|  |

Re: [Off-topic: sólo España] Conexión ADSL

1999-10-15 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 15 Oct 1999 a las 03:04PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez escribio:
 On vie, oct 15, 1999 at 01:27:56 +0200, Fernando wrote:
  Si no me equivoco la conexión que establece el modem ADSL es permanente
  por lo que creo, la IP debería serlo también, no ?
 Os aseguro que la IP es fija. En Londres tengo un amigo que tiene ADSL en
 casa con BT y los mails me llegan procedentes de la misma IP y si hago un
 finger a la dirección de correo electrónica me confirma la IP.

La verdad es que no se porqué estais tan seguros si no la disfrutais

Yo creo que no tiene porqué ser fija, ya que sobre el enlace físico ADSL
se transmite (o se puede transmitir) con el mismo PPP que se usa ahora
sobre RTC o cable de modem nulo entre 2 pcs. Y usando ppp, la IP puede ser
fija o dinámica. ¿no?

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
10/15   First draft card burned, 1965
10/16   Boromir reaches Rivendell (LOTR)
10/17   Council of Elrond (LOTR)
10/18   Boston Shoemakers form first U.S. labor org., 1648
10/18   Soviets anounce their probe took photos of the Moon's far side, 1959
10/15   First FORTRAN Programmer's Reference Manual published

Description: PGP signature

Re: OFFTOPIC. Re: Iddeo que ha cambiado?

1999-10-15 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Cosme Perea Cuevas writes:
  El Wed, Oct 13, 1999,
  Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona...
 No s'e  en que  sentido estar'a limitada  la conexi'on
   por Alehop. Yo he  usado telnet, HTTP, SMTP y  CVS sobre ssh
   (si  no  recuerdo  mal). A  velocidades  razonables,  contra
   m'aquinas en RedIris y fuera de Espa~na...
  Pues hay que olvidarse del acceso a los servidores de news. He
  probado tropecientos que  son acesibles desde I+,  y solo he
  tenido  suerte  con 2  o  3,  pero  que tienen  incompleta  la
  herarquía es.* y esp.*, :-(

Ya. Pero me temo que eso no es que est'e capado por Alehop,
sino m'as bien que Alehop no da ese servicio, y otros no se lo dan a
clientes de Alehop... Pero te entiendo.

  Llamé al  teléfono de  info de Alehop  y dicen  que pasan. Les
  pregunté porqué no habren el acceso  al de Iddeo y que no, que
  es servicio de pago... Total, llevo algunas semanas conectando
  desde Alehop y  voy a dejarlo, porque me he  quedado sin news,
  ya que el servidor de RedIris,  que si me dejaba conectar pero
  no  postear,  también está  fallando  (hoy  ni siquiera  había
  mensajes del grupo linux).

Esa parte es m'as bien que no quieren que gente que no sea
cliente de Iddeo pueda acceder al servicio de Iddeo... Y si eres de
Alehop (y no pagas), pues no eres de Iddeo. En fin, posiblemente no es 
la pol'itica m'as amigable del mundo, de acuerdo...

  Los de Airtel  dan cuenta POP y tiene servidor  de news. Voy a
  provar una temporada a ver.

Pues ya contar'as. Para mi, Alehop lo mejor que tiene es que
configuras, PPP, y listo. Ni llamadas por tel'efono, ni datos
personales, ni nada.


Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
   | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | Mostoles, Spain

problema con la BIOS...

1999-10-15 Thread cygar
 Buenas, la pregunta que voya  hacer no tiene nada que ver con Debian, es
mas ni siquiera con linux pero si alguien me la respondiera estaria muy
agradecido porque tengo una notebook parada hace meses ya que un virus
(CIH), le ah cascado la flash bios. pense que tendria un jumper sobre la
mother para flashearla pero no.
 Me temo a que mi unica solucion sera regrabarla en alguna grabadora
eeprom. no es asi? si es asi me gustaria que me dijeran si se consigue en
algun lado la imagen de la bios para grabarla y si tiene que ser
 muchas gracias

modulos de sonido

1999-10-15 Thread cygar
Hola, tras haber parcheado y compilado el kernel 2.2.12 (parchee 2.2.11 y
2.2.12) ya que antes usaba 2.2.10. me han traido problemas los modulos de
 Eh notado que despues de actualizar modutils /etc/conf.modules paso a ser
/etc/modules.conf, asi que mantuve todas mis opciones :
alias sound sb
alias midi opl3
options opl3 io=0x388
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

, desde que meti el 2.2.12 con sus modulos de 2.2.12, cuando los intento
cargar con modprobe me tira el siguiente error:

maquina1:/home/cygar# modprobe sb
/lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/sound.o: invalid parameter parm_io
/lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/sound.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/sound.o
/lib/modules/2.2.12/misc/sound.o: insmod sb failed
Asi que me parece muy raro ya que mantube todas las configuraciones, y
compile con las mismas opciones los modulos. (es decir los mismos modulos
que usaba antes)
 Si alguien tiene idea por favor que me mande una

Re: problema con la BIOS...

1999-10-15 Thread Jordi
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 05:30:04PM -0300, cygar wrote:
  Buenas, la pregunta que voya  hacer no tiene nada que ver con Debian, es
 mas ni siquiera con linux pero si alguien me la respondiera estaria muy
 agradecido porque tengo una notebook parada hace meses ya que un virus
 (CIH), le ah cascado la flash bios. pense que tendria un jumper sobre la
 mother para flashearla pero no.
  Me temo a que mi unica solucion sera regrabarla en alguna grabadora
 eeprom. no es asi? si es asi me gustaria que me dijeran si se consigue en
 algun lado la imagen de la bios para grabarla y si tiene que ser
  muchas gracias

Hola Cygar.

Que yo sepa esa es la única manera. Si a mi me pasara estaría en un buen lio
porque no se de ninguna grabadora a la que tenga acceso, espero que tu si
tengas la posibilidad de usar una. Sobre la imagen de la bios, debería estar
en la web del fabricante o por ahí. Si dices el modelo, te puedo ayudar a
buscarla si quieres.

Un saludo,


Description: PGP signature

Re: Exploits y otras yerbas...

1999-10-15 Thread Nitebirdz
Otro lugar donde tambien puedes obtener bastante informacion sobre temas
de seguridad es:


On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

 El martes 12 de octubre de 1999 a la(s) 11:29:49 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Existe algun lugar donde se reporten todos esos problemitas de seguridad
 (lease exploits)?
  La lista de correo más conocida  es bugtraq. No me acuerdo cómo
  es para suscribirse pero mira
  Just do it.
 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

SBLive! Installation

1999-10-15 Thread Christopher W Peers
Well, I've tried just about every installation instruction I've seen to
install the beta driver (0.3) for the sblive, and it's still not working.
I get the following error:

emu10k1: init_module: Device or resource busy

this is still the farthest I've gotten.

I'm running the 2.2.10 kernel on an AMD K6-2 350Mhz, and it's an SBLive
OEM card.  Any advice anyone?

The kernel is compiled with the proper options, and I've tried variations,
but I still get the same error. 


Re: Modem's and video cards for linux

1999-10-15 Thread Brad

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Micha Feigin wrote:

 i am planning on buying a new computer soon, which is supposed to run
 mainly on linux (Debian). The problem is, no sales person seems to know
 what hardware is windows dependent and what not.


 As far as i know the main problem is with modems and video cards.
 How can i recognise one that will work under linux.
 Any recomendations for video and modems?
 The only modem they could offer me which is shure to work is US robotics
 which is a bit expensive.

Check the Linux/Modem Compatibility Knowledge Base:

 The video card i was offered (since I static image handling mainly, and
 not video), is ATI xpert 8 meg AGP, How is it for linux?

Check the X docs, the X website (don't have the addy offhand), and the
mailing list archives.

 Also, should there be any problem with sound cards, if so, how do I
 recognise one that will work.

If you plan on using the OSS drivers in the kernel, check the kernel docs.

If you'd rather pay for sound support, check out the OSS website:

If you want to go with ALSA, check their website:

In addition to avoiding the SBLive, if for some reason they offer you a
SB16 make sure it supports 16-bit DMA. My ViBRA16C does, many people's
ViBRA16X's don't and they have all sorts of trouble...

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: New dpkg upload - please test!

1999-10-15 Thread Raul Miller
On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 06:14:15PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 To what end? No offence is intended to any maintainers, but
 some of the splits lately seem a bit pointless to me. After recent
 runs of 'apt-get dist-upgrade', I've been left without telnet,
 ftp and rlogin; these are so small it hardly seems worth the
 effort of separating them.

In addition to the tip by Wichert, I'd like to warn that 
apt-get dist-upgrade is designed to uninstall less important packages
if that would let a more important package upgrade to a new version.

In my opinion, these semantics are only worthwhile on a relatively
new installation where you're trying to work out the wrinkles.  
apt-get upgrade semantics are considerably safer.


xanim error :(

1999-10-15 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

when trying to run xanim (from netscape via plugger or from the
command line) I get the following error:

error in loading shared libraries
:undefined symbol:__register_frame_info

I installed xanim via `apt-get install xanim`.  Anyone know how to fix



1999-10-15 Thread Greg Wooledge
Miles Bader ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 peter karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Is there some secret mode in console-apt that makes it tell you what
   *other* packages it's going to upgrade or remove as a result of
   upgrading a particular package (because they're dependencies, or
   conflicts), like dselect does?

  I don't think so.

 I was afraid that was the answer...unfortunately console-apt simply
 isn't a sufficient replacement for dselect without this feature (in some
 form or another; maybe it could be less whizzy than dselect's, but it's
 gotta be there).

This works:

  jekyll# apt-get -s install ae
  Reading Package Lists... Done
  Building Dependency Tree... Done
  The following extra packages will be installed:
  2 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 190 not upgraded.
  Inst ae []
  Inst slang1
  Conf slang1
  Conf ae

Unfortunately, that doesn't show you what version it wants to use;
for that, I use this:

  jekyll# apt-get --print-uris install ae
  Reading Package Lists... Done
  Building Dependency Tree... Done
  The following extra packages will be installed:
  2 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 190 not upgraded.
  Need to get 200kB of archives. After unpacking 108kB will be used.
  Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
 slang1_1.3.8-2.1_i386.deb 164854 2e1bc6e0c30ed211024cd197f9c8b242
 ae_962-25.1_i386.deb 35360 59df7b78823f8304e7da3e3915ef6f7b

(Ugly, but functional.)

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt and From: line in mail

1999-10-15 Thread Greg Wooledge

  I can't find anything in my muttrc that would account for this. I also
  somehow doubt that qmail is rewriting a MUA-generated line (but I could
  be wrong).

It definitely should not.  I use mutt and qmail, and my From: line
(generated by my_hdr in ~/.muttrc) is left intact.

 If you set the MAILUSER and MAILHOST environment variables, qmail rewrites
 the from line as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Only in the absence of an MUA-supplied header line.  From qmail-header(5):

   qmail-inject looks for sender address lists in the follow­
   ing fields: Sender, From, Reply-To,  Return-Path,  Return-
   Receipt-To, Errors-To, Resent-Sender, Resent-From, Resent-

   If there is no From field, qmail-inject adds  a  new  From
   field with the name of the user invoking qmail-inject.

Also, I prefer the QMAIL* variables:

   The  user  name  in  the  From  header  field  is  set  by
   QMAILUSER, MAILUSER, USER,  or  LOGNAME,  whichever  comes

   The  host  name is normally set by the defaulthost control
   but can be overridden with QMAILHOST or MAILHOST.

 This is usually a good thing for
 machines on dial-up connections so that it looks like your mail came from
 your account at your ISP.

That's exactly what I use it for. :-)

Also note that you can set the *envelope* sender with environment
variables, so that bounce messages will go to your ISP mailbox:

   The default envelope sender address is  the  same  as  the
   default From address, but it can be overridden with QMAIL­
   SUSER and QMAILSHOST.  It may also be modified  by  the  r
   and  m  letters  described below.  Bounces will be sent to
   this address.

I cannot emphasize this strongly enough.  If you have to set your From:
header for any reason, you should make the envelope sender match.

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: dwnld .deb files with Netsc

1999-10-15 Thread Greg Wooledge
j way ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Hi, my Win95 Netsc 4.61 expands crets to cret-lf when dwnld'g .deb
 files.  Anybody know how to discourage this?  Tnx.

First, make sure that you're really downloading them, not saving them
after having converted them to text.  Hold the Shift key when clicking
on a link to force Netscape to download.  You should see the dialog box
that lets you specify a filename

Second, and more likely, you must make sure that the files are not being
modified during the transition from the Win95 system to the Linux system.
If you're mounting the Win95 partition locally onto a running Linux
system, this shouldn't be an issue.  If you're transferring the files
with FTP, make sure you're doing it in binary (image) mode.

Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |

Description: PGP signature

linux unformat

1999-10-15 Thread Luis
Could you tell me if  is it possible to recover a NT disk formated with
I had a 6Gb disk with 3 partitions (2GB for NT, 2 Gb for win95 and 2Gb
and i tried to install the RedHat Linux on the free disk space.
I choose the linux server custom instalation  and it formated all the disk
with linux file system. Is it possible to recover those NT and win95 files
on the first 4GB ?



Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions

1999-10-15 Thread Erich_Newell

Hi all. I am the epitomy of newbie.

I've finally had enough of MS (Multiple Sclorosis)..I'm tired of being
paralyzed. But I need help.

After plenty of review, and a couple disappointing attempts with RedHat,
I've decided to try
Debian. Primary reason being the quality / layout of information readily
available on the web site.
I'm guessing this will roll over to the mailing list as well..

I need to know what are the best (if any) alternatives available on Linux
for applications I use
on a daily basis.I also need to know a bit more about Debian now that
I've decided to give it
a go..

Quake / QuakeWorld  -- I'm guessing that the Linux build for these works on
the Debian distributionAny pointers? (Debian specific FAQ's)
Word 6.0   -- I've been told that StarOffice is pretty good? (Pros /
Cons please...)
Photoshop 5.0
Director 6.0
Palm Desktop
RioShell 3.0
Adaptec EZ CD4.0

Abit BP6
Dual Celery 450 (OC's to 504 )
128 PC 100
Seagate (Model?) 4.5GB UDMA33 Drive
3Com 3C905B
Diamond v770 Ultra
Iomega Zip 100
Iomega Jaz 2GB

I plan on running a dual boot at first, with all of my WinNT stuff staying
where it is..Any tips would be
much appreciated

I'll be posting specific questions once I get started ( CDs are on the way
still from CheapBytes )


-- Erich

(very) remote install

1999-10-15 Thread paul

I've been asked to install Debian on a server that resides several
thousand miles from where I am (I am in Philadelphia, the server is in
Korea).  Is it possible for me to replace the current RH installation with
Debian from my present location?  Where are docs pertaining to this?
The owner of the machine (call him john) wants to avoid the reboot, and
does not know (or trust) anyone at the remote location.  I BELIEVE I could
do this by installing and configuring a (minimal) base system complete
with his root password here, and then gzipping it, telnet to the remote
host as root, chroot  to a ramdisk, reformat /dev/hda, install the gzipped
and ready base system (configured for remote root access and RARP), start 
a script that will reboot the machine after I have logged off, then
john can telnet to his server, log in as root, change root's password and 
run dselect to install the rest of his system.
John does not think this will work he should know, he's had 20+
years working with Unix and Ive only two years on Linux. But he has not
suggested any other method.
What am I missing?  What docs can help me with this? has anyone
else on this list done something similar? Is there a HOWTO for this?
Should there be?
--Paul Wright--

Netmeeting and ipfw

1999-10-15 Thread P.J.M.J.Moors

In some news archive I found your message about ipfw and netmeeting (from
may 1998!). Did you get it working?
For me, I can receive audio and video, but can't send any.
Probably netmeeting is setting up peerconnections, sending audio and video.

How about ICQ? I sometimes am not able to setup a chat-connection. Probably
the same thing: the other party trying to set up a connection top me.

Are proxies for ICQ and netmeetring available?

If you have any suggestions please reply.



Re: SECOND TRY: Re: Group adm?

1999-10-15 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 12:25:35PM -0400,
Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Cogburn wrote:
  I've noticed several files in my normal user (ed) home dir, which,
  instead of ed as group owner, are given the group of adm.  These
  files are all types, a file created by Netscape while downloading, a
  sub-dir I created, and a config file (.xscreensaver) created by another
  process, as examples.  The user ed, isn't allowed to change this, I
  have to use chown as root to fix things.  Is this normal?  Why do they
  get the group of adm?

This is just a guess, and I don't know how it could have happened, but
your home directory might belong to group adm. My homedir is SGID, so that
all files are owned by the same group as it. If yours is set up the same
way, and I imagine it is, this might be it.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss.
 A dangerous across, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking-back,
 a dangerous shuddering and stopping.
 --Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: PGP signature

Re: (very) remote install

1999-10-15 Thread Matthew Dalton
Once you've reformatted /dev/hda, how do you transfer and unzip the base

paul wrote:
 I've been asked to install Debian on a server that resides several
 thousand miles from where I am (I am in Philadelphia, the server is in
 Korea).  Is it possible for me to replace the current RH installation with
 Debian from my present location?  Where are docs pertaining to this?
 The owner of the machine (call him john) wants to avoid the reboot, and
 does not know (or trust) anyone at the remote location.  I BELIEVE I could
 do this by installing and configuring a (minimal) base system complete
 with his root password here, and then gzipping it, telnet to the remote
 host as root, chroot  to a ramdisk, reformat /dev/hda, install the gzipped
 and ready base system (configured for remote root access and RARP), start
 a script that will reboot the machine after I have logged off, then
 john can telnet to his server, log in as root, change root's password and
 run dselect to install the rest of his system.
 John does not think this will work he should know, he's had 20+
 years working with Unix and Ive only two years on Linux. But he has not
 suggested any other method.
 What am I missing?  What docs can help me with this? has anyone
 else on this list done something similar? Is there a HOWTO for this?
 Should there be?
 --Paul Wright--
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

unformat linux

1999-10-15 Thread Luis
Could you tell me if  is it possible to recover a NT disk formated with
I had a 6Gb disk with 3 partitions (2GB for NT, 2 Gb for win95 and 2Gb
and i tried to install the RedHat Linux on the free disk space.
I choose the linux server custom instalation  and it formated all the disk
with linux file system. Is it possible to recover those NT and win95 files
on the first 4GB ?



linux unformat

1999-10-15 Thread Luis
Could you tell me if  is it possible to recover a NT disk formated with
I had a 6Gb disk with 3 partitions (2GB for NT, 2 Gb for win95 and 2Gb
and i tried to install the RedHat Linux on the free disk space.
I choose the linux server custom instalation  and it formated all the disk
with linux file system. Is it possible to recover those NT and win95 files
on the first 4GB ?



Alternative to fetchmail?

1999-10-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

Fetchmail has been acting up on me. I've been using it for over a year
to fetch email from my ISP via pop3, running it as a daemon. On two
occasions it would just die off for now apparent reason, and need to
be restarted. But what's worth, on three occasions it would refuse to
retrieve a certain message (would crash while trying to do so; no
output with --debug option). In such cases, I had to get the messages
with mutt or smth similar, and then fetchail would agree to function

Enough venting, though. What are alternatives to fetchmail to retrieve
email into local spool?

Arcady Genkin
  You should seek your enemy, you should wage your war -- a war for your
opinions.  And if your opinion is defeated, your honesty should still cry
triumph over that!  (F. Nietzsche)

dpkg-repack 1.0 bug?

1999-10-15 Thread Pollywog
dpkg-repack won't work and complains about bad permissions, but I don't see
bad permissions.  Example:

drwxr-xr-x  85 root root 7168 Oct 15 01:02 /etc
drwxr-xr-x  17 root root 1024 Aug 25 14:00 /usr
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Dec 14  1998 /usr/lib/wine

But the errors are:
lilypad:/home/pollywog#dpkg-repack wine
-- Creating control files
-- Copying files
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /.
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /etc
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/X11R6
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/X11R6/bin
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/X11R6/man
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/X11R6/man/man1
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/X11R6/lib
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/lib
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/lib/wine
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/sbin
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/bin
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/info
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/man
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/man/man1
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/doc
dpkg-repack: Bad perms on directory: /usr/doc/wine
-- Building package
dpkg-deb: building package `wine' in `./wine_0.0.981018-1.1_i386.deb'.
dpkg-deb: control directory has bad permissions 2755 (must be =0755 and
dpkg-repack: Error running: dpkg --build ./dpkg-repack-31632 .
-- Cleaning up
dpkg-repack: Errors were encountered in processing.
dpkg-repack: The package may not unpack correctly.

Is this a bug?  It certainly is not a feature.


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Re: unformat linux

1999-10-15 Thread Arcady Genkin
Luis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Could you tell me if  is it possible to recover a NT disk formated with
 I had a 6Gb disk with 3 partitions (2GB for NT, 2 Gb for win95 and 2Gb
 and i tried to install the RedHat Linux on the free disk space.
 I choose the linux server custom instalation  and it formated all the disk
 with linux file system. Is it possible to recover those NT and win95 files
 on the first 4GB ?

I think that you lost your data. The partitions were not only written
to disk, but initialized too.

Arcady Genkin
  You should seek your enemy, you should wage your war -- a war for your
opinions.  And if your opinion is defeated, your honesty should still cry
triumph over that!  (F. Nietzsche)

Re: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions

1999-10-15 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 05:01:19PM -0700,
 Quake / QuakeWorld  -- I'm guessing that the Linux build for these works on
 the Debian distributionAny pointers? (Debian specific FAQ's)

Quake works perfectly on Debian. There are Debian packages that will make
installing it easier. XQF makes it easy to browse QuakeWorld.

 Word 6.0   -- I've been told that StarOffice is pretty good? (Pros /
 Cons please...)

I use AbiWord for a lot of things, but it's far from complete, so I also
have StarOffice installed.


StarOffice has database software.


Gnumeric. I've never had to turn to its StarOffice equivalent. It also
understands more Excel files than StarOffice.

 Photoshop 5.0


 RioShell 3.0

I'm guessing that this communicates with a Diamond Rio. lists
quite a few apps for this.

 Adaptec EZ CD4.0


 Abit BP6
 Dual Celery 450 (OC's to 504 )
 128 PC 100
 Seagate (Model?) 4.5GB UDMA33 Drive
 3Com 3C905B
 Diamond v770 Ultra
 Iomega Zip 100
 Iomega Jaz 2GB

I have a friend with an Abit motherboard with a celeron, and it works
great. I can personally vouch for the network card.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss.
 A dangerous across, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking-back,
 a dangerous shuddering and stopping.
 --Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: PGP signature

Re: linux unformat

1999-10-15 Thread iehrenwald

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Luis wrote:



You've mailed this message four times now.  Please stop it.  If anyone has
ideas, they'll say something.  

--Ian Ehrenwald

Re: (very) remote install

1999-10-15 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, paul wrote:

 Korea).  Is it possible for me to replace the current RH installation with
 Debian from my present location?  Where are docs pertaining to this?
 The owner of the machine (call him john) wants to avoid the reboot, and
 does not know (or trust) anyone at the remote location.  I BELIEVE I could

You can't do it without rebooting.  You need to reboot to load the new
Debian kernel, the Debian C libraries, etc.

That said, you can certainly do it remotely.  What you need to do is this.
First, hope he's laid out his partitions in a reasonable manner, with a
small root partition, or that he has gobs and gobs of unallocated disk
space.  Get everything you need assembled on that root partition -
basically that means tar (which should already be there) and ftp.  I don't
think ftp has any other dependencies other than the standard libraries.

If he has only got one partition, and no other filesystems:

You may be hosed.  If you're lucky you can fit a (very) minimal Debian
installation into whatever he's using for swap.  You might end up having
to use one of the microlinux distributions intended for embedded systems
if his swap is really tight.

If he doesn't have any extra disk space, but does have reasonable

You'll also need to set it up so it will accept telnet connections.  That
means you'll have to set up the startup scripts to start in.telnetd in
single user mode and regular multiuser mode - probably on a nonstandard
port so it doesn't conflict with inetd and the regular telnet service
while you're testing it. in.telnetd, of course, will also have to be on
the / partition.

Now reboot, and make sure your new in.telnetd works, and that it is set so
that, in case your connection dies, your local power fails, you
accidentally log out or something, that the machine isn't left alone.
You'll probably need some sort of script to loop and keep it alive because
I think it always dies when its connection ends.

Now set lilo on the remote system to start up in single user mode.
Double check that your telnetd script is run from single user mode.  Now
cross your fingers, and reboot.  You should now be able to telnet into
single user mode, which will have an unused /usr partition, and so on.
You can now use the /usr partition to host your Debian root partition.

If he has extra disk space, or lots of swap that you can steal:

Skip all that garbage about hacking redhat to allow you to get at /usr to
recycle it. Just use some of this extra space to host your Debian root.

 do this by installing and configuring a (minimal) base system complete
 with his root password here, and then gzipping it, telnet to the remote
 host as root, chroot  to a ramdisk, reformat /dev/hda, install the gzipped

Unfortunately, chroot does not excuse you from the obligations of the
real root filesystem.  You really can't reformat an active partition and
expect it to work.  Most likely your kernel will panic.

Other than that, the plan is fairly sound.  Make a minimal Debian system,
put it in some free space *on its own partition*, set lilo to boot that
new kernel, and reboot.  You don't really need to chroot anywhere during
the process.

Whether to gzip is an interesting case.  Fun with named pipes will
possibly allow you to untar/zip on the fly.  You might, however, be better
off using something like ncftp which can make proper copies of complex
directory structures, sucking up the extra download time in exchange for
simplicity.  Of course, if you have lots of space, you can have your cake
and eat it too - load the gzipped tarfile containing Debian somewhere on
the system, then unzip it into the rest of the space.

 and ready base system (configured for remote root access and RARP), start 

Why do you need RARP?

 a script that will reboot the machine after I have logged off, then

... or just reboot it yourself?

   John does not think this will work he should know, he's had 20+
 years working with Unix and Ive only two years on Linux. But he has not
 suggested any other method.

Well, you'd be hard pressed to make this work with any other Unix flavor,
save perhaps FreeBSD.

That said, you'll be well pressed to make it work with Linux.  There is
certainly a possibility that something will go wrong while the system is
in an undefined state, or you will screw something up and when you try to
reboot it, it dies somewhere along the line, and the whole thing will die.
It could certainly happen, though it doesn't have to.

 else on this list done something similar? Is there a HOWTO for this?
 Should there be?

Gads!  Should this ever have to happen?

If you record what happens to you and what you do, I'm sure that it will
find its way into the collective consciousness somehow.

Now.  Are you sure you don't just want to keep using Red Hat? :}

Re: unformat linux

1999-10-15 Thread William T Wilson
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Luis wrote:

 HI Could you tell me if is it possible to recover a NT disk formated
 with linux? I had a 6Gb disk with 3 partitions (2GB for NT, 2 Gb for
 win95 and 2Gb free) and i tried to install the RedHat Linux on the
 free disk space. I choose the linux server custom instalation and it
 formated all the disk with linux file system. Is it possible to
 recover those NT and win95 files on the first 4GB ?

No.  :}

If you just change the partition table back to the way it was, then maybe
Scandisk will figure things out and recover some of your data.  Be sure to
use Linux fdisk for this, and not MS fdisk; the MS version will scramble
things irrevocably.  Even so, once the Linux filesystem has been written
on the disk, much of what was there before will have been overwritten -
especially if software was installed there.  It is not likely that much
data can be salvaged.

Re: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions

1999-10-15 Thread Justin Settle
 Hi all. I am the epitomy of newbie.
 I've finally had enough of MS (Multiple Sclorosis)..I'm tired of being
 paralyzed. But I need help.
 After plenty of review, and a couple disappointing attempts with RedHat,
 I've decided to try
 Debian. Primary reason being the quality / layout of information readily
 available on the web site.
 I'm guessing this will roll over to the mailing list as well..
 I need to know what are the best (if any) alternatives available on Linux
 for applications I use
 on a daily basis.I also need to know a bit more about Debian now that
 I've decided to give it
 a go..
 Quake / QuakeWorld  -- I'm guessing that the Linux build for these works on
 the Debian distributionAny pointers? (Debian specific FAQ's)
Quake 1/2 works fine but you need hardware acceleration for Q3A.  The
viper is a tnt2 chipset correct?  I assume that hardware accel for that
will come fairly soon.  

Many different development tools for linux exist.  Gcc, G++, perl, java
- I think there is basic and  I know there is fortran, and pascal.  

 Word 6.0   -- I've been told that StarOffice is pretty good? (Pros /
 Cons please...)
StarOffice works great with the slight problem that is big and slow but
on you machine I doubt you would notice. Pros - free.  Cons - a little

There is a whole slouh of sql's for databases.

Gnumeric is rumored to be a very good spreadsheet program.

 Photoshop 5.0
The GIMP is arguable the most famous linux app with good reason.  Almost
anything photoshop can do, the gimp can do.

I don't have experience with these programs.

 Director 6.0
Well, I only wish.  No macromedia software for linux.-Except for the
brand new flash plugin.  With the right scripting in cgi, php, or perl I
have seen some pretty spectaular sites though.

 Palm Desktop
More then likely software for this has been written as there is an
attempt to port linux to it.

 RioShell 3.0
I know there is software that allows linking to the rio but I don't have
experience with it.

 Adaptec EZ CD4.0
Xcdroast comes to mind; there are others.

 Abit BP6
 Dual Celery 450 (OC's to 504 )
 128 PC 100
 Seagate (Model?) 4.5GB UDMA33 Drive
 3Com 3C905B
No problem on anything above.

 Diamond v770 Ultra
Someone with a tnt2 set would have to answer but I think this has an X
server but I could be wrong.

 Iomega Zip 100
 Iomega Jaz 2GB
You don't say what kind of zip - all but usb are supported and usb is
coming.  I believe the Jaz is supported but again - I don't have one.  
 I plan on running a dual boot at first, with all of my WinNT stuff staying
 where it is..Any tips would be
 much appreciated

The Nt boot loader is a pain - you can't use lilo.  There is a howto for
this though.  I take you have partitioning all done as fips can split
and NTFS partition as of yet.

 I'll be posting specific questions once I get started ( CDs are on the way
 still from CheapBytes )

Well, I take it you got slink correct?  This could be a problem if you
need to support all of your fairly new hardware.  A 2.2 kernel has the
SMP advantage as well.  In any event, get your system up and you  can
apt-get up to potato if need be.

Good Luck, 
Debian potato w/2.2.12
#linux op (jus10) on

 -- Erich

Need SCSI Tape Help

1999-10-15 Thread Mike Barton
Hi all!

I'm using slink with an SMP kernel (2.0.36) on a dual Pentium Pro 200 with
256M RAM. The HD setup is a pair of 4 GB Seagate Barracudas on an Adaptec
2940UW along with an SCSI CDROM and a Tandberg 4222 tape drive. I've got a
really sweet server here except that I just noticed there are no /dev/st*
for the tape drive. Anyone know at what point during the installation these
get created? I've got another machine here with an SCSI tape with lots of
/dev/st*. I'd sure hate to mknod 'em all by hand on the new beast.


Re: dpkg-repack 1.0 bug?

1999-10-15 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 01:11:52AM -, Pollywog wrote:
 dpkg-repack: Errors were encountered in processing.
 dpkg-repack: The package may not unpack correctly.
 Is this a bug?  It certainly is not a feature.

I assume you are doing this in your home directory. It's caused by
the directories it's creating retaining the s+g bit from your homedir.
I suggest you use dpkg-repack in /tmp.


Re: Mutt and From: line in mail

1999-10-15 Thread markzimm
There must be something I misunderstand, then. I put the following into

my_hdr From: Mark Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So that my real name would show up as well as my address.

If you look at the headers in this message, my real name is gone.  This has
annoyed me for a while now.

-- Mark Zimmerman

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 07:38:06PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
   I can't find anything in my muttrc that would account for this. I also
   somehow doubt that qmail is rewriting a MUA-generated line (but I could
   be wrong).
 It definitely should not.  I use mutt and qmail, and my From: line
 (generated by my_hdr in ~/.muttrc) is left intact.
  If you set the MAILUSER and MAILHOST environment variables, qmail rewrites
  the from line as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Only in the absence of an MUA-supplied header line.  From qmail-header(5):
qmail-inject looks for sender address lists in the follow­
ing fields: Sender, From, Reply-To,  Return-Path,  Return-
Receipt-To, Errors-To, Resent-Sender, Resent-From, Resent-
If there is no From field, qmail-inject adds  a  new  From
field with the name of the user invoking qmail-inject.
 Also, I prefer the QMAIL* variables:
The  user  name  in  the  From  header  field  is  set  by
QMAILUSER, MAILUSER, USER,  or  LOGNAME,  whichever  comes
The  host  name is normally set by the defaulthost control
but can be overridden with QMAILHOST or MAILHOST.
  This is usually a good thing for
  machines on dial-up connections so that it looks like your mail came from
  your account at your ISP.
 That's exactly what I use it for. :-)
 Also note that you can set the *envelope* sender with environment
 variables, so that bounce messages will go to your ISP mailbox:
The default envelope sender address is  the  same  as  the
default From address, but it can be overridden with QMAIL­
SUSER and QMAILSHOST.  It may also be modified  by  the  r
and  m  letters  described below.  Bounces will be sent to
this address.
 I cannot emphasize this strongly enough.  If you have to set your From:
 header for any reason, you should make the envelope sender match.
 Greg Wooledge| Distributed.NET
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | because a CPU is a terrible thing to waste. |


1999-10-15 Thread Miles Bader
Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Is there some secret mode in console-apt that makes it tell you what
*other* packages it's going to upgrade or remove
  ...unfortunately console-apt simply isn't a sufficient replacement
  for dselect without this feature (in some form or another; maybe it
  could be less whizzy than dselect's, but it's gotta be there).
 This works:
   jekyll# apt-get -s install ae
   Reading Package Lists... Done
   Building Dependency Tree... Done
   The following extra packages will be installed:
   2 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 190 not upgraded.
   Inst ae []
   Inst slang1
   Conf slang1
   Conf ae

It doesn't have to be *exactly* like dselect, but it certainly has to be
more like dselect than that!


Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

Re: installing on a compaq deskpro

1999-10-15 Thread Marcin Kurc
Do you install on scsi? If not, can't you turn the scsi off in bios?

I use AHA-2940 on several servers and never had any problems, neither with 2.0 
2.2 nor 2.3 kernels.

If it helps any:

(scsi0) Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter found at PCI 17/0
(scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 10:46:13PM -0400, Richard Earley wrote: 
 I am having a problem installing on a compaq deskpro 6000. It uses a
 AHA-2940 SCSI
 controller and resets durring initial install of the kernel. The option to
 turn off the probe aic7xxx=noprobe is not helping. Is there any new
 updates (boot floppy images) which
 can get arroung this problem? (Yes this means I am stupid/crazy/happy
 enough to be
 a tester of kernels)
 Rich Earley

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

[PHILADELPHIA] PADS: Upgrading to Debian's ``unstable'' release

1999-10-15 Thread Chris Fearnley

The Philadelphia Area Debian Society (PADS)


Upgrading to Debian's ``unstable'' release

 When: Wednesday 20 October 1999, 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
 Speaker: Chris Fearnley, Senior Vice President Technology,
  LinuxForce Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Where: IQ Group, 6th floor (through the door with a big Q on it)
325 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA


   We will examine the rewards and dangers of using ``Potato'', the
   current ``unstable'' Debian release.  Debian developers must use the
   unstable release to prepare the next stable release for distribution.
   The discussion will aim to help users and developers who want to test
   and use this pre-release version of Debian.

 Social Dinner

   Attendees are invited to gather for dinner prior to the meeting at
   6:30 PM at The Mexican Post, 104 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA.
   Please RSVP so we can get an appropriate sized table.

 Keysigning: PADS meetings include a GPG keysiging (see the web page for

 Web Page:

Christopher J. Fearnley  |  Linux/Internet/Web Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Design Science Revolutionary|  Explorer in Universe
Dare to be Naïve -- Bucky Fuller

install, I'm in over my head

1999-10-15 Thread jh
Hi. I am doing a floppy install of debian. I am at the point of installing
the driver modules but am very confused. I have a 486sx computer with a
408mb hard drive and 16megs. of ram. I have made the first partition swap
with 32 megs and the rest a boot primary linux partition.

Anyway at the driver installation page I went to Block disks and disk like
devices. I installed, though I don't know what they do:
Linear, paride, raid0, raid1, raid5.
I could not install one module though it really sounds important:
xdxt hard disk controller
I get a message like:
Installation failed
/lib/modules/2.0.36/blocked/xd.0: init_module: device or resource busy

Also in the Device drivers for cd-rom drives I see two that would seem to
fit my setup. I have a Mitsumi cd-rom manufactured in September 1993. I see
mitsumi cd-rom and mitsumi cd-rom with extended features. When I try to
install these I get an error message like:
/lib/modules/2.0.36//cdrom/mcd.0 : init_module: device or resource busy
eval: 1: syntax error : eof in backquote substitution
script: cd /dev  rm -f cdrom  ln -s cdrom
eval: 1: syntax error: eof in backquote substitution
Could anyone give me some advice? Should I try some of the other modules
like aztcd, cdrom, optcd, cm206…? Do I need to enter something in the
argument section on any of the above? Could that be why the installation

I am sorry to be such a bother. It's probably hard to understand why
someone with my lack of understanding would try to install. This is just
for my home use. If I cannot complete the install tonight do my partitions
stay intact? I am a man but I am nearly having tears of frustration, for as
I was typing this out a few minutes ago with a Win98 sitting nearby I
suffered a fatal exception and lost all the detailed questions that I am
asking here just before sending it. Agh


Re: install, I'm in over my head

1999-10-15 Thread iehrenwald
   Linear, paride, raid0, raid1, raid5.

You probably don't need any of them.  paride is for parallel port IDE
devices.  All the RAID ones are for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.
I'm not sure what linear is for.

 I could not install one module though it really sounds important: 
   xd xt hard disk controller

I don't think you need that either unless you have a REALLY anchient
machine.  The normal IDE drivers should suffice.

 fit my setup. I have a Mitsumi cd-rom manufactured in September 1993. I see

Dunno what to suggest here.  I have an all SCSI system and the systems I 
work on are all SCSI also so I don't usually deal with that stuff.

 for my home use. If I cannot complete the install tonight do my partitions
 stay intact? I am a man but I am nearly having tears of frustration, for as

The partitions aren't going anywhere if you turn the computer off.  But
I'd suggest just leaving it on until you get some answers.  Just turn the
monitor off.

 I was typing this out a few minutes ago with a Win98 sitting nearby I
 suffered a fatal exception and lost all the detailed questions that I am
 asking here just before sending it. Agh

Ugh.  Sorry man.  The quicker we get you running Linux, the quicker the
road to recovery :)

--Ian Ehrenwald

RE: 24-bit graphics woes

1999-10-15 Thread Bill
I think the 24 bit colour problem is from one of the libraries Netscape
4.6 (and WP 8) was compiled with. Do a search in the mail archive and
and in Deja for more info. It seems to be a problem only at 24 bit. The
other problem I've never seen before, maybe another netscape bug, I'm
currently running at 16 bit myself.

Stuart Ballard wrote:

 Bryan Allen wrote:
  You might want to check out, they've got spiffy infos on
  supported cards. and yeah.. the 24 bit ugly netscape thing is
  being ghetto and ugly in 24 bit. try jumping it up to 32bit as soon
 as you
  can. x is generally a lot prettier when it's got the color depth
  it. :)

 Woohoo! It never occurred to me that 24bit might be simply
 than 8, 16 and 32 bits. My card is accelerated in all modes except
 typical huh?

 Switching to 32bit solved the speed issue, but the graphics seemed to
 get corrupted, giving an interesting color bleeding-like effect.
 Usually the left-hand side of any object didn't seem to get drawn
 correctly, or sometimes at all, leaving holes in the sides of my
 windows, and strange graphical artifacts on my menus. If anyone has
 ideas about *that*, I'd be *really* grateful (background: Trident
 ProVidia9685 graphics card, SVGA xserver, current potato)

 For now I'm in 16 bit and working fine (and fast) - thanks bryan :)


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Postscript Merging Dial-in PPP Access

1999-10-15 Thread Peter Ludwig

I'm trying to get a couple of things running for a
client here.  I need the system to be able to do two
things :-

1) Merge two postcript files.  I'm trying to run a
small script that converts the text output from
another program into Postscript, and then merge that
file with a previously createed postscript file.

Here's the script segment that does these things :-

--- Begin Script Segment --
for $source.*
 cat $file | enscript -p/tmp/ -R -B
 cat /u/ /tmp/ | lpr -PHPLaser
 End Script Segment ---

The HP Laser is a fully postscript capable printer, I
can print both files seperately, and the files are
able to merge print on a SCO box, but under linux the
files seem to not want to merge. is a background image that is needed
behind every page printed.

source.* is a collection of single pages (organised
through another section of the script, quite simple

Comments about this will be greatly appreciated.  All
help useful.

2) Dial-in PPP Access.  Before people start screaming
at me to read the manuals, I suggest they also look in
the documentation.  The current documentation is not
detailed enough for me to get the system to work.  I
can setup shell access using mgetty, but as soon as I
try and setup a pppd to run, it kills the connection
complaining about the lock files.

Any help here needed!  How-to files, please paste into
your reply all relevant sections, as the online
HOWTO's, and the local howto's onsite are not up to
the task.

BTW - I'm not on the mailing list (I don't have time
to sort through heaps of mail everyday).  Please post
all replies direct to me.


   Peter Ludwig

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: Word to the wise Re: is your WINE broken too?

1999-10-15 Thread David Coe
Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 14-Oct-99 David Coe wrote:
  Any time you're going to upgrade a wine package (or any other package
  that's either alpha status (like wine) or extremely critical to the
  continued operation of your system), I recommend you use dpkg-repack
  first,, to save a copy of the currently-installed version.
 I was wondering if I could do something like that, but I was not familiar with
 that dpkg option.  Thanks for the info.  I will record it for future use.

I should have said, ``dpkg-repack'' is a separate package, not a dpkg option.

Re: Proxy Server Problems (Possible Solution)

1999-10-15 Thread Bill

 a while ago, I wrote about a problem I was having
with a proxy server setup. I had two networks and
joined by a router. The proxy server was and though I could
ping, telnet on both networks to the other, the proxy server would only
work on the 1.0 network.
 It turns out that for a SOCKS 4 client to work it
must be able to resolve DNS names, the machines on the 1.0 network could
get to the DNS servers through a gateway to the net. But the machines on
the 2.0 network could not get to the DNS server. My solution was to install
a caching DNS server on the network and point all machines to it. Now both
networks can use the proxy server with no problem.
 I hope this helps someone with a similar problem.
Original Letter
Hello again,
 I have a problem. I have two networks
they have a router joining them. What I want to do is put a proxy
server on one network ( and have machines on both networks
have access to the Internet.
 Can anyone tell me which proxy server to use. I've
tried using SOCKS
and it lets the machines on the network communicate with
internet, but machines on the other network do not get out. I get
messages like:
Sep 30 14:09:26 debian sockd[5075]: Error in socks_GetDst: No such file
or directory; from host
Sep 30 14:10:07 debian sockd[5076]: connected -- Connect from
SSL(unknown)@ to debian.bermudez (1080)
Sep 30 14:10:07 debian sockd[5077]: error -- wrong version (0x47) from
host debian.bermudez.
Sep 30 14:10:07 debian sockd[5076]: terminated -- Connect from
SSL(unknown)@ to debian.bermudez (1080).
Sep 30 14:10:07 debian sockd[5076]: 414 bytes from, 0 bytes
from debian.bermudez
However I can ping and telnet from network to the other. The
network can get mail and all other net services I need but nada from
the network.
Socks route file - router are at x.x.x.13
# routes for sockd
# IP of interface destination netmask for destination
# eg:
#new lines
#original line added first
Socks conf file
# Replace 'my.domain' below with your own domain name before using.
# Make sure you retain the leading period.
#deny ALL .my.domain
#permit my.domain ALL
permit ?=n ALL
Thanks all
ps I think that route file looks fishy

Re: dpkg-repack 1.0 bug?

1999-10-15 Thread David Coe
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 01:11:52AM -, Pollywog wrote:
  dpkg-repack: Errors were encountered in processing.
  dpkg-repack: The package may not unpack correctly.
  Is this a bug?  It certainly is not a feature.
 I assume you are doing this in your home directory. It's caused by
 the directories it's creating retaining the s+g bit from your homedir.
 I suggest you use dpkg-repack in /tmp.

(But don't leave them there after they've been built, because /tmp
normally gets cleaned when you reboot.)

running apt from an at command

1999-10-15 Thread Pollywog
I ran 'apt-get -d upgrade' from an 'at' command and just figured out why this
did not work.  When it is run, apt-get asks if I really want to download, and
since there is nobody at the keyboard to enter Y, the command does not
execute.  Is there a way to enter the Y or to have the command execute
without being asked to confirm?



GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

ftp login banner

1999-10-15 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
Is there something like for the ftp service 
I want to disable these message: (Version 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.
Another posibility is to change to another ftp packagewhich one is the

Re: running apt from an at command

1999-10-15 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
Run it whi -y
apt-get will assume yes to all prompts and will and non-interactively

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 I ran 'apt-get -d upgrade' from an 'at' command and just figured out why this
 did not work.  When it is run, apt-get asks if I really want to download, and
 since there is nobody at the keyboard to enter Y, the command does not
 execute.  Is there a way to enter the Y or to have the command execute
 without being asked to confirm?
 GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
 *we all live downstream*
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: (no subject)

1999-10-15 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 11:43:11PM +0200, Leo Mignemi wrote:
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Somebody does this about once a day.  Is it possible to change the
instruction footer to something less cryptic?


It's later than you think.

Re: running apt from an at command

1999-10-15 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
Run it with -y 
apt-get will assume yesto all prompts and will run non-interactively.
sorry for the other message!!! 

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 I ran 'apt-get -d upgrade' from an 'at' command and just figured out why this
 did not work.  When it is run, apt-get asks if I really want to download, and
 since there is nobody at the keyboard to enter Y, the command does not
 execute.  Is there a way to enter the Y or to have the command execute
 without being asked to confirm?
 GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
 *we all live downstream*
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Newbie Non-FAQ(I think) questions

1999-10-15 Thread Oki DZ

 I need to know what are the best (if any) alternatives available on Linux
 for applications I use
 on a daily basis.I also need to know a bit more about Debian now that
 I've decided to give it
 a go..

Aren't you interested in browsing something on the web?


Re: (very) remote install

1999-10-15 Thread Oki DZ

William T Wilson wrote:
 Other than that, the plan is fairly sound.  Make a minimal Debian system,
 put it in some free space *on its own partition*, set lilo to boot that
 new kernel, and reboot.  You don't really need to chroot anywhere during
 the process.

This sounds good to me. I think adding a new harddisk would be nice; he
could just install the Debian on the new drive and set lilo up.


Sun floppy boot

1999-10-15 Thread Oki DZ

I tried to boot my Sun Classic off of a floppy yesterday, but it didn't
work. I don't know how to change the boot media in the prom monitor. I
have tried boot floppy, setenv boot-disk=floppy and go.

I have surfed the web too, trying to find a document on prom monitor.
But I haven't found anything related to the boot media.

How does the prom monitor see the floppy device? Is it as floppy,
/dev/fd0? Or anything else?

Any pointers please...

Thanks in advance,

printing special characters

1999-10-15 Thread Krosigk, Lorenz Von
where may I look for the reason that my Canon BJC 210 suddenly is unable to
print special characters like ñ, ö, ç, etc? I´ve been looking in the
Printing-HowTos, the LPRng - Documentation and the aps / magicfilter
documentation. But I didn't find anything that could help me to find out why
I can't print this stuff from one moment to another. 
Don't know if it's releated, but the last thing I did before the printer
stopped printing these characters was install StarOffice 5.1.
Any hint about where to look would be apreciated.


2.0.38 make install - unable to find lilo footprint

1999-10-15 Thread Andrew Hately
When I make install for the kernel 2.0.38 - which I didn't get from a
.deb, I just downloaded from Finland - when it comes to the part where every
other kernel says shall I run lilo? this one says it can't find a lilo
What is it looking for?


Re: ftp login banner

1999-10-15 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 12:48:11AM -0600, Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar wrote:
 Is there something like for the ftp service 
 I want to disable these message: (Version 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.

From the manual page:

If the file /etc/ftpwelcome exists, ftpd prints it before issuing the ``ready'' 

Is this what you are looking for?

 Another posibility is to change to another ftp packagewhich one is the



 Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
 Linux Amateur Radio Software Database

Re: ftp login banner

1999-10-15 Thread Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar
/etc/ftpwelcome works but I still get the FTP server (Version
6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) message...I want to disable that message!!

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Joop Stakenborg wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 12:48:11AM -0600, Luis Gustavo Madrigal Salazar wrote:
  Is there something like for the ftp service 
  I want to disable these message: (Version 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.
 From the manual page:
 If the file /etc/ftpwelcome exists, ftpd prints it before issuing the 
 ``ready'' message.
 Is this what you are looking for?
  Another posibility is to change to another ftp packagewhich one is the
  Joop Stakenborg PA4TU, ex-PA3ABA 
  Linux Amateur Radio Software Database
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I screwed up w/ shadow passwords

1999-10-15 Thread Martin Waller


I have on old 486 on which I installed debian (slink) (any excuse), but 
forgot my root password.  So I went in and edited /etc/passwords, where 
there were 'x's fro the password fields.

Then I changed the root password after deleting the 'x' in root's 
/etc/passwords entry.

But now, the password only works under xdm login.  Under console login, _no_ 
password is required.

How do I fix this?


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Very basic question

1999-10-15 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

I just put Slink on a new machine and am having problems adding users.

I want to add a user so that they /home/username as their home directory and
so that they can receive mail.

What is the command to set up a normal user?  Is it useradd -m username?
This doesn't seem to set ip a mail file in /var/spool/mail and the man page
has np reference to mail.

Thanks in advance.


Re: I screwed up w/ shadow passwords

1999-10-15 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Martin Waller wrote:
 I have on old 486 on which I installed debian (slink) (any excuse), but
 forgot my root password.  So I went in and edited /etc/passwords, where
 there were 'x's fro the password fields.
 How do I fix this?

these 'x's are ther because you have shadow installed, so you need to
delete rootpassword in /etc/shadow as you have done in passwd. set back
password in passwd to the 'x'. that should work. you may take a look to
manpages for shadow (man -k shadow), especially to pconv/pwunconv and
shadowconfig to swithc between shadow/passwd support.


Re: Very basic question

1999-10-15 Thread Martin Fluch
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Patrick Kirk wrote:

 I want to add a user so that they /home/username as their home directory and
 so that they can receive mail.
 What is the command to set up a normal user?  Is it useradd -m username?
 This doesn't seem to set ip a mail file in /var/spool/mail and the man page
 has np reference to mail.

adduser username

the /var/spool/mail/username file is created on demand.


If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
   - anonymous

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More mail grief

1999-10-15 Thread Patrick Kirk
When I try to delete messages in mutt, I get a message Unable to create
temporary file or perhaps its unable to create temporaty buffer.

Help mailbox is getting very full!


please help if you can ...

1999-10-15 Thread lanz
Please explain in layman terms ...
 ( I have read all faq's/howto etc) 


A system with a 2 GB hardrive and following partitions. 

1) 25 mb  dos/fat16
2) 500 mb  win95c/fat32
3) 1393 mb  ext2 (proposed)/(debian/gnu/ --- hurd and/or linux mix/match)
4) 128mb  swapfile  

Given the example above:-

Q1) I understand debian/gnu/hurd uses a ext2 partition
  Does this have to be a primary partition or can it be a partition
  within a dos/extended partition as a logical partition an ext2 etc
and be
  booted via grub instead,or for some reason must it be
  why,and for what specific reasons,and also can the swapfile be placed
  within a dos extended logical partition area instead of in the
primary area
  and/or can gnu/linux have a swapfile in such area/partition.

Q2) I understand debian/gnu/hurd can't simply be installed like linux,and
  the hurd requires linux to be present to install the hurd in the
  partition designated/planned for the hurd?.After the hurd is
installed can
  one remove the linux partition which was used to install the hurd in
  hurd/ext2/partition?I ask this because I have doslinux using 10 meg
  my dos partition and could use this just to install the hurd in it's
  or is there/will there be a dependancy between the hurd and

Q3) Once this Hurd has been installed I need to know if/and/how it
  with linux,mainly because I wonder if one can then install linux into
  same partition that the hurd resides or must linux reside in another 
  seperate ext2/partition instead of sharing same partition with the
  How does the hurd handle linux programs/software now/future and can
  you please define the 2 types/linux binaries and how they differ from
  what executables are/and how the hurd interacts with debian/linux and
  applications or is there a factor for recompiling linux stuff to work
  the debian/gnu/hurd.

Q4) I understand that if say I have a Debian/linux/ext2 partition running
  I can possibly install/run the hurd in a subdir of the linux
partition? T/F ?
  Perhaps this is only a plan for the future or can they exist in the
  partition but in different directories and I also assume if this is
the case
  installation packages must share libraries for compiling etc too ??? 

 Q5) Currently I run a doslinux version of linux in my dos partition which
  loop principle to boot my doslinux out of it's compressed file, but
  exists the option to setup this loop version of linux to boot from a
  ext2 partition also,which I thought might, be an interesting option
if also
  possible with the hurd for people using several os's for development

 Thanks ( in advanace/I'm trying to understand the faqs/howto explanations)

Jonathan Larsen-Rask
Lanz (web-nicname)







eterm: mutt slrn

1999-10-15 Thread J Horacio MG
I'm trying to have both mutt and slrn iconized and using eterm.  I added
the following lines in /GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/menu.hook:

mutt-e EXEC Eterm -T mutt-e -e /usr/local/bin/mutt
slrn-e EXEC Eterm -T slrn-e -e /usr/bin/slrn

but if I change the icon for, say, mutt, it also changes the icon for
slrn (and viceversa)... how can I have a differente icon for each one?

Also, I know there are special menus for mutt and slrn with eterm;  I've
got /usr/share/Eterm/themes/mutt/, 
which contains the files MAIN,, 
and the symlink pixmaps.list - /usr/share/Eterm/pix/pixmaps.list

how do I do in order to use it?  and, how about slrn (there's no


Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita
Valencia - ESPAÑA

man not working?

1999-10-15 Thread J Horacio MG
I can't make the `man' command working:

$ man man
No existe entrada de manual para man
(There is no man entry for man)

I recently compiled and installed mutt and gnupg in /usr/local, and
tried to compile/install QT as well;  it's ever since then that `man' is
not working.


Horacio Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita
Valencia - ESPAÑA

ppp not working

1999-10-15 Thread Samuel Varghese
i am new to debian but have managed to get a working set-up using 2.1.
however, i am unable to connect to the net. when i try to invoke ppp, i get a
message saying that there is no pppd module. what do i do? at what stage in the
install is the ppp module loaded? i thought that this was an integral part of
the system and did not need to be loaded separately.
any help would be appreciated. i am using the fv2wm X interface.

Re: HP 9070cxi ???

1999-10-15 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
Rob Reesor wrote:


 Sorry for the intrusion. I noticed your exchange muc.lists.debian.user. I'm
 having trouble posting, so thought I'd send email directly.

 I've just ordered a Red Hat Linux system and am having a hard time finding
 a printer. Seems that most of the printers listed on the various
 compatibility lists are no longer sold. The lists are very out of date.

 One list ( lists the
 970cxi as being perfectly compatible with Linux. However, it also claims
 that driver information is incomplete and there is no autoprobe available.

 Have either of you gotten the 970cxi working with Linux? If you don't mind,
 will you please let me know what printer you *have* gotten working with Linux?

 Many thanks,


I still have not decided what pirnter I am going to buy. I am still gathering
more information.

I have only gotten working an Epson Stylus Color 850 in my Debian linux box. I
have not tried to configure another printer yet. This model has been easy to
configure by using magicfilter.

  Manuel Arenaz

Re: I screwed up w/ shadow passwords

1999-10-15 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 02:06:05AM -0700, Martin Waller wrote:
 I have on old 486 on which I installed debian (slink) (any excuse), but 
 forgot my root password.  So I went in and edited /etc/passwords, where 
 there were 'x's fro the password fields.
 Then I changed the root password after deleting the 'x' in root's 
 /etc/passwords entry.
 But now, the password only works under xdm login.  Under console login, _no_ 
 password is required.
 How do I fix this?

Put the x back. What you really need to do is simply run passwd as root. 
wont require knowing the previous password.


Re: Very basic question

1999-10-15 Thread Patrick Kirk
adduser is the command I needed.

Many thanks!


Re: xanim error :(

1999-10-15 Thread Mark Buda
 Jonathan == Jonathan D Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jonathan hi, when trying to run xanim (from netscape via plugger
Jonathan or from the command line) I get the following error:

Jonathan   error in loading shared libraries :undefined
Jonathan symbol:__register_frame_info

That error can occur when you try to run a binary linked with glibc
2.1 on a system with glibc 2.0. Your choices are to use the xanim from
slink, upgrade to glibc 2.1, or build xanim from source.
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

Re: Postscript Merging Dial-in PPP Access

1999-10-15 Thread Cory Snavely
 1) Merge two postcript files.  I'm trying to run a
 small script that converts the text output from
 another program into Postscript, and then merge that
 file with a previously createed postscript file.

 Here's the script segment that does these things :-

 --- Begin Script Segment --
 for $source.*
  cat $file | enscript -p/tmp/ -R -B
  cat /u/ /tmp/ | lpr -PHPLaser
  End Script Segment ---

 The HP Laser is a fully postscript capable printer, I
 can print both files seperately, and the files are
 able to merge print on a SCO box, but under linux the
 files seem to not want to merge. is a background image that is needed
 behind every page printed.

 source.* is a collection of single pages (organised
 through another section of the script, quite simple

 Comments about this will be greatly appreciated.  All
 help useful.

Actually, this is probably more of a PostScript problem than a Linux
problem. In this case, though, I think the difference in behavior (between
the two UNIX systems) may be attributable to enscript. (I.e., no flames

Generally PostScript files are not appendable in this way. Now, maybe is specially designed to be used in that way, but the typical way
a PostScript programmer would have to make that work (modifying the showpage
function) is dependent on how the file that follows is prepared, and whether
*it* modifies the showpage function. (Typical reason a PostScript generator
might modify this function: implementing page numbering.)

I think what's probably happening here is that the version of enscript on
the system where this *does* work must generate a different (simpler)
PostScript prologue than the version on your Debian system. Namely, that
version of enscript probably doesn't modify the showpage function itself.

Under this theory, what would be happening is executes its code and modifies the
showpage function (probably) to lay down
the background first, then the rest of the

your enscript output comes along and undoes
those modifications

and voila, you get the symptoms you didn't describe 8), which are probably
either a) no output or b) same output as enscripting alone. Right?

Unfortunately, the fix for this problem (assuming that's what it is) is not
that easy. It would probably involve reworking to a more reliable
implementation, or reworking enscript's prologue to make it more tolerant of

For experimentation, I would also recommend trying to view the file with
ghostscript, and also moving it off the system and printing it from various
places (PCs, Macs, whatever you have around. If the symptoms are all the
same, then I think you can be assured the problem is in fact something like
I suggest rather than the Debian lpd, and you might want to consider
reposting in a PostScript forum.

Sorry if any of this sounds vague. Unless you know PostScript the details
aren't that helpful.


Re: More mail grief

1999-10-15 Thread Patrick Kirk
If su then everything works.  So it sounds like a permissions problem on

Anyone got any thoughts?


- Original Message -
From: Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 10:56 AM
Subject: More mail grief

 When I try to delete messages in mutt, I get a message Unable to create
 temporary file or perhaps its unable to create temporaty buffer.

 Help mailbox is getting very full!


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: keymap error when closing X

1999-10-15 Thread Ookhoi
Hi Lance,

[cc to kernel mailinglist]

 I get the following when closing Xwindows.
 What does this mean?
 How do I fix it?
 System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm -m 
 us -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap
 compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp   -eml Errors from xkbcomp are not 
 fatal to the X server
 keymap/xfree86 /var/tmp/xfree86.xkm'
 xinit:  connection to X server lost.
 I wonder if part of the problem is that 'us' is an empty file in 

I have the same message when I _start_ X. As soon as the XDM loginscreen 
is there, or when X is running, the mouse and keyboard don't work. They
do during boot. Don't know if the message is related with the malfunctioning
of the keyboard and mouse.

This is with kernel 2.3.21 pre-patch-2.3.22-2
Kernel 2.3.19 is fine (didn't test another)
Mouse and keyboard are PS/2
No gpm (disabled)
Debian Potato:
 XFree86 Version 3.3.5 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
 Release Date: August 23 1999

If I kill X via a remote login, keyboard works again (at console thus)

I would be happy to supply more info if nescessary.


Re: Netscape 4.71 Is Rock Solid Fast!

1999-10-15 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 06:03:24PM -0800, Adam Shand wrote:
  I am using A stable Debian Slink production system. Netscape version
  4.71 glibc2.0 from
 okay that makes sense then.  i suggest that if you like that version of
 netscape you don't upgrade to potato.  netscapes glibc 2.1 code sucks hard.
It does :-) But nothing prevents you from using the libc5 version of netscape
under potato (which is what I do)

I wouldn't call it rock solid, but it's useable and only crashes two or
three times a week (I usually leave it open with 6 or seven windows)


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the Plug almost always works.--unknown source

Description: PGP signature

Creating/Moving a partition

1999-10-15 Thread David J. Kanter
I'd like to make a new partition for /var because I don't have enough drive
space where /var is currently mounted (/) to run apt-get dist-upgrade.
What's the best way of doing this? I can create a new /var partition because
I've got plenty of available drive space, but what set-up files will I have
to modify to make sure things go smoothly?

I assume I'll have to change fstab. But then do I have to move all contents
of the current /var to the new /var? Could I create the new partition using
a temporary name, move all the /var stuff to it, then rename it to /var?

David J. Kanter
Debian 2.1

Re: Sun floppy boot

1999-10-15 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hello again :)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I tried to boot my Sun Classic off of a floppy yesterday, but it didn't
 work. I don't know how to change the boot media in the prom monitor. I
 have tried boot floppy, setenv boot-disk=floppy and go.

You were at the  prompt, which is the old-style boot rom for
compatibility with the Sun 3 and older.  When you're hit with that prompt,
you need to hit n and enter to get to the ok prompt, which is what
you're looking for.

At the ok prompt, boot floppy will work the way you expect.

 I have surfed the web too, trying to find a document on prom monitor.
 But I haven't found anything related to the boot media.

If you type help at the ok prompt you get some online help.

 How does the prom monitor see the floppy device? Is it as floppy,
 /dev/fd0? Or anything else?

The boot ROM knows floppy as well as /fd.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

apache ASP perl : config ?

1999-10-15 Thread ezz kha

please can someone help me with installing libapache-asp-perl ?
I don't know what to add in :

i set it to download the perl_mod.


2.3x and IP masquerading

1999-10-15 Thread David Natkins
If you are ready to live dangerously, I would suggest you join the 
the Linux Kernel mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  They
should steer you in the right direction.
David Natkins   
Fax to: (718) 488-1780
Phone:  (718) 403-2474

Re: SECOND TRY: Re: Group adm?

1999-10-15 Thread Ed Cogburn
Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 12:25:35PM -0400,
 Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ed Cogburn wrote:
   I've noticed several files in my normal user (ed) home dir,
   which, instead of ed as group owner, are given the group of adm.
These files are all types, a file created by Netscape while
   downloading, a sub-dir I created, and a config file (.xscreensaver)
   created by another process, as examples.  The user ed, isn't allowed
   to change this, I have to use chown as root to fix things.  Is this
   normal?  Why do they get the group of adm?
 This is just a guess, and I don't know how it could have happened, but
 your home directory might belong to group adm. My homedir is SGID, so that
 all files are owned by the same group as it. If yours is set up the same
 way, and I imagine it is, this might be it.

Thanks for the reply.

drwxrwsr-x   3 ed   ed   1024 Aug 11  1998 home

I don't know how the above happened for /home.  What should the
owner/permissions of /home be?

drwxrwxr-x  30 ed   ed   3072 Oct 15 05:41 ed

Its not SGID.  Should it be?

P.S.  The group 'ed' does exist, and it doesn't matter whether user
'ed' is a member of 'adm' or not.  'mkdir temp' in /home/ed (executed by
the user 'ed') always results in the group owner of the temp subdir
being 'adm'.

Ed C.

Re: 24-bit graphics woes

1999-10-15 Thread Ed Cogburn
Bill wrote:
 I think the 24 bit colour problem is from one of the libraries Netscape
 4.6 (and WP 8) was compiled with. Do a search in the mail archive and
 and in Deja for more info. It seems to be a problem only at 24 bit. The
 other problem I've never seen before, maybe another netscape bug, I'm
 currently running at 16 bit myself.

I remember this coming up a while back.  The definitive answer given by
someone then was that NS's problem with 24 bit color was a Netscape bug.

(which begs the question:  Why hasn't it been fixed since then?)

Ed C.

Re: (no subject)

1999-10-15 Thread Ed Cogburn
Rob Mahurin wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 11:43:11PM +0200, Leo Mignemi wrote:
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Somebody does this about once a day.  Is it possible to change the
 instruction footer to something less cryptic?

I doubt it would help, people just don't read.  I'm in other mailing
lists that use 2-3 lines to explain how to unsubscribe, yet I see this
kind of thing occur there too.

Ed C.

Any way to install modconf on current potato?

1999-10-15 Thread Stuart Ballard
Is there any way to get modconf to install on the current release of
potato? Failing that, what are the necessary commands at the console to:
1) See what modules my kernel is compiled to support (I know what they
are, just not the module names - they were never mentioned in make
2) See the help on a module's parameter format
3) Attempt to add a module into the running kernel with a given set of
4) Set things up so that the module I just added will be added next time
I boot as well

On a related note, I can't seem to get gnome-apt to install either - it
wants an unavailable version of libapt-pkg2.5. Any ideas on this one?



swap quotas?

1999-10-15 Thread Brian Servis

Is it possible to limit certain apps to limited amount of swap?  This
morning I sit down at my machine to find that something ate all my swap
which then proceeded to crash lots of daemons and my X session.  I don't
know what was the culprit but I wouldn't be supprised if it was
netscape.  I could care less if netscape crashes from lack of swap but I
don't really like having my xsession shutdown and all of my remote jobs
terminated and leaving my system in basically unusable state.

Btw, my setup is slink with lots of slink compiled potato packages, 256M
memory and two swap partitions of 149M and 128M swap.  Hmmm, I have some
free disk space (already formated) that I could add some swap files to.
Is there some daemon that could turn these on as swap gets full?  I
don't want these active at all times since they will be slow.  I'll see
what google finds on this.


Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: ppp not working

1999-10-15 Thread W. Paul Mills

Make sure ppp is in your /etc/modules file.
Also make sure the module exists -- /lib/modules/2.?.??/net/ppp.o

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Samuel Varghese) writes:

 i am new to debian but have managed to get a working set-up using 2.1.
 however, i am unable to connect to the net. when i try to invoke ppp, i get a
 message saying that there is no pppd module. what do i do? at what stage in 
 install is the ppp module loaded? i thought that this was an integral part of
 the system and did not need to be loaded separately.
 any help would be appreciated. i am using the fv2wm X interface.

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: Creating/Moving a partition

1999-10-15 Thread Andrew Hately
David J. Kanter wrote:
 I'd like to make a new partition for /var because I don't have enough drive
 space where /var is currently mounted (/) to run apt-get dist-upgrade.
 What's the best way of doing this? I can create a new /var partition because
 I've got plenty of available drive space, but what set-up files will I have
 to modify to make sure things go smoothly?
 I assume I'll have to change fstab. But then do I have to move all contents
 of the current /var to the new /var? Could I create the new partition using
 a temporary name, move all the /var stuff to it, then rename it to /var?

Thats what I would suggest.
Stop everything you can, copy the contents and do the final swapover in one
line, just in case
# mv /var /old_var ; mv /new_var /var

Another alternative is to create a whole new, bigger, root partition, copy
everyting to that, boot it from a rescue floppy and once there 
1) make it bootable, fix up /etc/fstab and /etc/lilo.conf and run lilo
2) remove the original root partition and replace it with an enlarged
It depends what else you've got on the disk, how much time you have, etc.


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