
2000-01-25 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo

Paren la rotativa.
Estamos salvados, ahora Jorge Rial
hace periodismo de investigacion.


2000-01-25 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo
He mandado un mensaje que dice en el subject Urgente
y empieza Paren la rotatva... ese mensaje no era para la lista de
debian me equivoque torpemente.
Las disculpas del caso a todos.


2000-01-25 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo

Tengo que armar un servidor proxi.
En donde trabajo tienen la licencia del Windows
NT pero yo queria de probar de instalarlo con Debian yo tengo la Debian
2.1 Slink.
La cuestion es que tengo que poder instalarlo
y dejarlo funcionando sin posibilidad de hacer muchas pruebas.
Paso a explicar la configuracion donde lo tengo
que armar.
Hay un RAS 3Com el cual se conecta por medio
de red al servidor proxi que tengo que instalar, este servidor se conecta
por red a un servidor web interno que funciona con windows NT (quiero decir
que no esta conectado a toda la web sino que es para usar una pagina interna).
La forma de funcionamiento es la siguiente la
gente llama, el servidor proxi los tiene que autenticar con contrasea
y les tiene que asignar una direccion IP y luego los conecta con el servidor
web (donde solo esta esa pagina WEB).
Creo que es una buena oportunidad para mostrar
que debian puede competir con software comercial.
Yo voy a tratar de recabar toda la informacion
posible, asi que el que quiera y me pueda decir donde puedo encontrar informacion
(en castellano si es posible) o me pueda guiar estare agradecido.
Muchas gracias a todos los de la lista.


2000-01-25 Thread Ivan Andres Hernandez Puga
A todos los que hayan leido mi mail anterior... 
1) efectivamente Alan Cox no fue el que estaba con Linus ni el que hizo el
2) Si fue en australia, pero en un zoo

En fin, no es tan pintoresca la historia como la habia leido hace unos años,
pero por lo menos es cierta



Yes... i'm a registered Linux user by counter.li.org... but i have forgotten
my number. Anyway who cares?

Free science and free software are just two aspects of the same complex
reality: long-term human survival.
Support humankind, use Linux.


The following invitation to get a free e-mail account is not from me. If you
want a web mail try to find another, cuz this need javascript. If it's
possible test it against Lynx or Links browsers.

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Nº 10 - Año II

2000-01-25 Thread Resumen

Amigo lector
Ahora en

Elija su preferida:


RE: Nº 10 - Año II

2000-01-25 Thread Alexandre Maneu i Victòria
Cada vez se lo curran más estos spammers de los cojones... Que quiere decir
elija su preferida? ...

| Amigo lector
| Ahora en
| http://www.estebanyribas.com.ar
| Elija su preferida:
| --
| Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: ISO9660 y mayúsculas

2000-01-25 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Barbie Dominatrix [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   lunes 24 de enero de 2000 18:52
 Para: Usuarios Debian Español
 Asunto:   ISO9660 y mayúsculas
   Tengo montando un CDROM en el que los nombres de los ficheros tienen
 mezcladas mayúsculas y minúsculas. Al acceder a cualquiera de esos
 ficheros puedo utilizar mayúsculas y minúsculas a mi antojo (si el fichero
 se llama COPYRIGH.TXT puedo acceder a él con CopyRIgHT.tXt si me da la
 gana), pero lo que me gustaría a mí es que todos los nombres se vieran
 completamente en mayúsculas o en minúsculas. 

   1.- El autocompletar nombres de ficheros en la SHELL (utilizo
 tcsh) funcione independientemente de mayúsculas/minúsculas en un ISO-9660.
   2.- Copiar los archivos de un CDROM a un ext2 de modo que los nombres de
 destino están en minúsculas (o mayúsculas). 
Ah, si te sirve que estén en minúsculas, tienes la opción map=normal
(es la opción por defecto ¿no te funciona?), que convierte mayúsculas a
minúsculas (sólo ASCII, las eñes y demás se irán al garete, basta con ver el
código fuente de /usr/src/linux/fs/isofs/dir.c).

Si no te convence nada de eso ... ¿qué tal se te da el C?, yo que tú
probaría a parchear la función isofs_name_translate de
/usr/src/linux/fs/isofs/dir.c, ahí donde pone
c |= 0x20;
c = ~0x20;

 Una reunión es una situación en la que se levantan actas y se pierden
   -- Axioma de Gour.
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo...

2000-01-25 Thread dfm


Este mes de febrero que empieza ya por fin probalemente me compre el K7,
puede que sea el 600, en cualquier caso tengo dos placas a elegir, me han
dicho entre una PC-Partner y una Gigabyte, la primera es considerablemente
más barata que la segunda que me ofrecen, en cualquier caso me gustaría
saber si realmente me puedo fiar de estas dos placas o si alguno de
vosotros sabe de alguna mejor. ¿En cuanto a tarjeta gráfica? ¿Cuál me
aconsejais? De vez en cuando juego...

Un saludo


RE: Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo ...

2000-01-25 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   martes 25 de enero de 2000 8:25
 Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Asunto:   Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito
 Este mes de febrero que empieza ya por fin probalemente me compre el K7,
 puede que sea el 600, 
o ... un 600 :)

 en cualquier caso tengo dos placas a elegir, me han
 dicho entre una PC-Partner y una Gigabyte, la primera es considerablemente
 más barata que la segunda que me ofrecen, en cualquier caso me gustaría
 saber si realmente me puedo fiar de estas dos placas o si alguno de
 vosotros sabe de alguna mejor. ¿En cuanto a tarjeta gráfica? ¿Cuál me
 aconsejais? De vez en cuando juego...
Las pruebas del K7 las hizo Ramiro, el del laboratorio de
Industriales o algo así O:).
Yo tengo un K7-500 en casa con kernel 2.2.5 y sólo puedo decirte que
va como la seda (y como una moto :) ). Eso sí, no he activado la opción MTRR
(Memory Type Range Registers), porque dicen que da problemas, hasta el
kernel 2.2.14 que creo que lo han arreglado (dicen que el kernel 2.4 vendrá
con cositas para el athlon :) ).

La placa que tengo yo es una Asus K7M, con tarjeta de sonido
incorporada (que no funciona bajo linux :( ), por lo que le tuve que poner
una SB 128 PCI y funciona bien.
La placa K7M (debido al athlon) *necesita* fuentes de 250W o más
(sobre todo si encima le metes una NV10 o GForce, entonces necesitas aún más

Respecto a la tarjeta gráfica tengo una TNT2 de 32MB que me costó
16K pelas y que es una maravilla. Acelera el OpenGL que no veas (yo programo
con OpenGL) y encima los de nVidia han sacado un glx para Linux (el servidor
X va la mar de bien) y ahora se han comprometido a desarrollar un glx
optimizado para linux que dicen que irá tan rápido como el de windows (y te
aseguro que la TNT2 con opengl en windows vuela). Aún no he probado la TNT2
con OpenGL en linux, pero algún día :)

Tuve algún problema de DIMMs de memoria (tengo dos de 128MB), y tuve
que cambiar uno porque el athlon se bloqueaba con ese DIMM y eso que en un
pIII ese DIMM funcionaba perfectamente (¿cosas del FSB? :-?).

Además al kernel le tienes que decir que te use toda la memoria con
el párametro MEM=256MB, porque si no sólo te pilla 64MB.

Yo no he hecho ninguna prueba de rendimiento, pero con 256MB de RAM,
puedes imaginarte a la velocidad que va el php+postgres+apache :) (sobre
todo teniendo en cuenta que vengo de un mmx 166 con 64MB). Ah! sí: El kernel
2.2.5 se compila en tres-cuatro minutos de reloj (módulos incluídos). Una
cosa curiosa es que si miras el top, linux siempre pilla toda la memoria
física disponible menos 10MB o así, hagas lo que hagas :-m (claro que con
256MB la swap no la toca ni para compilar el kernel).

Luego tuve algún problemilla con la caja, que la placa chocaba con
las bahías del CD-ROM, pero creo que era problema de la caja que me
vendieron que no debía ser muy ATX (porque la K7M sí que es ATX). Y con la
caja que tengo ahora, me sucede que el botón de power se comporta de una
manera muy extraña: cuando enciendes el ordenador, se encienden los discos,
los ventiladores y tal, pero no se enciende el ordenador y la pantalla
permanece como sin señal y no es hasta que le das al reset cuando se
enciende todo ¿es esto normal? :-?

En bulma (http://bulma.lug.net) tienes algún enlace a información
sobre athlon. Para comparativas de placas, athlon vs. pentium y demás, mira
también www.arstechnica.com y www.tomshardware.com.

 Un saludo
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo...

2000-01-25 Thread Ramiro Alba
 Este mes de febrero que empieza ya por fin probalemente me compre el K7,
 puede que sea el 600, en cualquier caso tengo dos placas a elegir, me han
 dicho entre una PC-Partner y una Gigabyte, la primera es considerablemente
Yo tengo 20 K7 600 con la ASUS K7M. Ningun problema excepto con el el
driver de multidisk (md): se queda clavado el proceso de boot; esto me
ha hecho que tuviera que botar de kernel tecra (2º Cd) para poder hacer
la instalacion. Tambien da problemas de reconocimiento de capacidad del
disco duro si este mayor de 8 Gb y estás utilizando un kernel de la
serie 2.0.x (caso de los discos de instalación)
con lo que tienes que pasar los parámetros del disco al kernel. Por lo
demás, no he detectado otros problemas
 más barata que la segunda que me ofrecen, en cualquier caso me gustaría
 saber si realmente me puedo fiar de estas dos placas o si alguno de
 vosotros sabe de alguna mejor. ¿En cuanto a tarjeta gráfica? ¿Cuál me
Las ATI son de las que mejor van, claro que no son específicas para
 aconsejais? De vez en cuando juego...

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 86 46
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


RE: Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo ...

2000-01-25 Thread dfm

Wow maxo, has contado tantas cosas que no se por donde empezar, bueno, ahí

Primero, veo que exclamas con lo del K7-600, ¿es muxo mejor o excalamas de
forma irónica? :P A mí me lo venden bien de precio, aunque no se si merece
la pena la diferencia del 500 al 600...

Antes de nada más darte las gracias por las referencias para tarjeta
gráfica que me has dado, se agradece y mucho :)

Sobre lo que comentas de la memoria que siempre te la coge toda menos 10
MB's pues, creo que Linux hace eso tengas la memoria que tengas, coge toda
la que puede y usa una gran parte como caché, no es que requiera grandes
cantidades de memoria lo que pasa es que así agiliza las operaciones de
memoria que tenga que realizar más a menudo (aunque no soy experto en el
tema probablemente te puedan indicar mejor y de forma más veraz que yo), en
el top al menos pone eso, un apartado que creo recordar lo llama cached.

Sobre la tarjeta gráfica yo estaba pensando en comprar una voodoo3, aunque
según veo en la web de 3dfx las voodoo 4 y 5 están a punto de caramelo, ¿
cuales son mejores o dan mejores resultados? Necesito opinión objetiva al
respecto :)

Un saludo y gracias


Re: Los menús de las X's ....

2000-01-25 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 07:20:00PM +, Correcaminos wrote:
   Despues de la última actualización que he realizado en Potato (este
 sábado), resulta que me he quedado con una décima parte de los menús que
 tenía. Es decir, si antes aparecían 15 editores en el menú de editores,
 ahora me aparecen 5 ...
   Despues de ejecutar un update-menus, la cosa sigue igual... aunque
 no me ha 'desaparecido' ni un solo programa. Por ejemplo, en 'viewer' no
 figura el gv, pero el programa 'existe' ...
   ¿Comentarios ...?

Bug conocido, están en ello (si no lo han corregido ya).

Re: Potato y Woody

2000-01-25 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Para los más expertos y en el ajo: ¿cuándo creéis que potato será
estable?  Me vendría de perlas un kernel 2.2.X sin necesidad de
pelearme con las dependencias.
A todo esto, una duda. Me gusta saber qué instalo y cómo (si no, a lo
mejor trabajaría con NT).  Sin embargo, me parece que Corel Linux OS
instala una Debian (kernel 2.2.4) con muchos adornos, que se pueden
eliminar y, posteriormente, es posible mantenerlo con dselect, apt-get o
dpkg (además de compilando a pelo).  ¿Me equivoco?   Es que me estoy
planteando usarlo como instalador de máquinas con Debian GNU/Linux.

Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Potato y Woody

2000-01-25 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Justo, justo, acabo de poner una encuesta sobre esto en

Lo siento, no lo pude resistir ;-)



Jaime Fernández Martínez writes:
   Para los más expertos y en el ajo: ¿cuándo creéis que potato será
  estable?  Me vendría de perlas un kernel 2.2.X sin necesidad de
  pelearme con las dependencias.
   A todo esto, una duda. Me gusta saber qué instalo y cómo (si no, a lo
  mejor trabajaría con NT).  Sin embargo, me parece que Corel Linux OS
  instala una Debian (kernel 2.2.4) con muchos adornos, que se pueden
  eliminar y, posteriormente, es posible mantenerlo con dselect, apt-get o
  dpkg (además de compilando a pelo).  ¿Me equivoco?   Es que me estoy
  planteando usarlo como instalador de máquinas con Debian GNU/Linux.
  Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | c/ Tulipan s/n
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

No consigo gravar :_(

2000-01-25 Thread Ricard
Tengo una gravadora muy mona SCSI 2x2x6 de marca y no hay manera
de hacerla funcionar. Os engancho aqui la salida de cdrecord a ver
si alguien me puede hechar una mano:

Zeus:/usr# cdrecord -eject -data speed=1 dev=4,0 image1.raw
Cdrecord 1.8a40 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
scsidev: '4,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 4 lun: 0
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 2
Response Format: 2
Capabilities   : SYNC
Vendor_info: 'SCSI-CD '
Identifikation : 'ReWritable-2x2x6'
Revision   : '2.00'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 1 in write mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting real write in 1 seconds.
cdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 00 00 28 00 06 31 A5 73 02 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x73 Qual 0x02 (power calibration area is full) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (valid)
cmd finished after 7.944s timeout 40s
write track data: error after 0 bytes
Sense Bytes: F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 06 34 DF 00 00 00 00 00 00
cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: F0 00 05 00 00 00 00 28 00 06 34 E0 2C 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x2C Qual 0x00 (command sequence error) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (valid)
cmd finished after 0.009s timeout 480s

Venga, gracias de antemano 8^)

Whoa...I did a 'zcat /vmlinuz  /dev/audio' and I think I heard God...
Ricard Pillosu is Doneval  I'll be in http://www.tharbad.f2s.com
See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem TOR NEC DONAVAM

Unidentified subject!

2000-01-25 Thread jvicente
Tengo una Thinkpad 390E, y después de compilar el kernel 2.2.13, no he
podido instalar paquetes usando dselect.

Traté de compilarlo como módulo e incluido en el kernel, pero no funciono.

El problema ocurre solo con dselect, ya que puedo montar los CDs de la
Citius y leerlos perfectamente...

Re: Problemas con Smail

2000-01-25 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
David Muriel wrote:
 Creo que en el mensaje original decía que ejecutando el smail como
 root no había ningún problema. Porque es el único que puede usar esa
 función. Por tanto es un problema de permisos. No se como serán los
 permisos que vienen con el smail, yo tengo instalado el exim (que
 venía por defecto con slink), y los permisos son:
 -rwsr-xr-x   1 root root   377428 nov  7  1998 exim
smail tambien tiene los mismos permisos.

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

RE: ISO9660 y mayúsculas

2000-01-25 Thread Barbie Dominatrix

El día 25/01/00 Tejada Lacaci, Antonio decía:

Tengo montando un CDROM en el que los nombres de los ficheros tienen
  mezcladas mayúsculas y minúsculas. Al acceder a cualquiera de esos
  ficheros puedo utilizar mayúsculas y minúsculas a mi antojo (si el fichero
  se llama COPYRIGH.TXT puedo acceder a él con CopyRIgHT.tXt si me da la
  gana), pero lo que me gustaría a mí es que todos los nombres se vieran
  completamente en mayúsculas o en minúsculas. 
1.- El autocompletar nombres de ficheros en la SHELL (utilizo
  tcsh) funcione independientemente de mayúsculas/minúsculas en un ISO-9660.
2.- Copiar los archivos de un CDROM a un ext2 de modo que los nombres de
  destino están en minúsculas (o mayúsculas). 
   Ah, si te sirve que estén en minúsculas, tienes la opción map=normal
 (es la opción por defecto ¿no te funciona?), que convierte mayúsculas a
 minúsculas (sólo ASCII, las eñes y demás se irán al garete, basta con ver el
 código fuente de /usr/src/linux/fs/isofs/dir.c).

  Pues no, no me funciona. A ver si es que tengo algo mal... Esto es lo
que tengo en el fstab:

/dev/hdb/cdrom  iso9660  ro,user 0   0

  Para montarlo he probado las tres combinaciones siguientes y ninguna
hace lo que yo quiero:

  mount /cdrom
  mount -t iso9660 -o map=n /cdrom
  mount -t iso9660 -o map=n,norock /cdrom
   Si no te convence nada de eso ... ¿qué tal se te da el C?, yo que tú
 probaría a parchear la función isofs_name_translate de
 /usr/src/linux/fs/isofs/dir.c, ahí donde pone
   c |= 0x20;
   c = ~0x20;

  Preferiría no tener que recompilar nada, porque me interesa que funcione
en varias máquinas, y en algunas de ellas no soy yo el administrador :-(

En una organización jerárquica, cuanto más alto es el nivel, mayor es
la confusión.
-- Ley de Dow.

Re: Los menús de las X's ....

2000-01-25 Thread Correcaminos
El Mon, Jan 24, 2000 a las 11:29:34PM +0100, Fermin Martinez dijo: 
 El dia Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 08:20:00PM +0100, Correcaminos ezpuzo:
  Despues de la última actualización que he realizado en Potato
  sábado), resulta que me he quedado con una décima parte de los menús que
  tenía. Es decir, si antes aparecían 15 editores en el menú de editores,
  ahora me aparecen 5 ...
  Despues de ejecutar un update-menus, la cosa sigue igual...
  no me ha 'desaparecido' ni un solo programa. Por ejemplo, en 'viewer' no
  figura el gv, pero el programa 'existe' ...
  ¿Comentarios ...?
 buenas... supongo que al actualizarte te ha instalado el menu por defecto,
 aunque en teoria no tendria por que hacerte eso. ¿que gestor utilizas??

Ya nos comentaba Jordi que es un bug conocido, con lo que me quedo
más tranquilo.

Respecto a lo del gestor de ventanas, la pregunta sería: ¿Que gestor
no utilizo...? }:-)


Es que soy un pelin masoca y me gusta probarlo todo :)

Post: ¿Ya tenemos 21 gestores de ventanas ?
   ___   _ _
 / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
| |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
| |_| | |_| | | | (__   http://www.gulic.org/
 \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic

Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

Re: Como Bajarse la POTATO?

2000-01-25 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 07:27:11PM +0100, Zuzen de la Cueva wrote:
 He estado mirando y resulta estar bajo 
 y por lo visto hay que bajárselo con rsync (en un Pseudo-Image Kit). ¿Es 
 esto correcto? No me gustaría hacerle perder tiempo y esfuerzo después 
 que se ofrece a hacerme un favor.
 ¿Una ayudita de alguien con experiencia en bajarse los CD's?

Si no me equivoco... cdimage.debian.org es el oficial pero hay otros
mirrors de los que puedes tirar via FTP y HTTP, antes de utilizar
cdimage.debian.org (que creo que no te dejará porque sólo da acceso rsync
a gente que lo justifique) prueba a mirar la lista de mirrors y ver cual de
ellos tienen la imagen de potato.


Instalar Debian sobre SCSi -- No hay manera

2000-01-25 Thread M. Angel Esteban


Estoy intentando instalar la Debian Citius 2.1 sobre un nuevo ordenador y 
resulta que no hay manera.

El sistema en cuestion es un 48666 al quese le ha puesto una Adaptec 2842 
Vesa Local Bus.

Como no se puede arrancar desde el CD (si desde el HD), haco un disco de 
rescate con la imagen resc1440.bin que aparece en el CD1. Una vez hecho 
esto, arranco el sistema con el susodicho disquette dentro. Miro en las 
opciones de arranque del disquete y leo que para esta controladora debería 
de poner aic7xxx=no_reset

Lo hago y que si flores, me dice que falta el modulo aiz7xxx=.norest

Por su puesto, si le doy directaemnte a enter, no puedo hacer nada ya que 
el programa de intalación ni siquiera reconoce el disco duro. Alguna idea? 
He instalado SUSE (tiene para crear un disco de rescate propio para la 
controladora) y ni un problema, pero Debian, que es la uqe quiero poner no 

Un saludo!

Usar paquetes de la Corel Linux

2000-01-25 Thread Roberto Ruisánchez Mazo
Hola debianautas,

 Alguno puede decirme si hay alguna contraindicación en instalar
 los paquetes de la Corel Linux en mi Debian 2.1...???
 Porque si no hay ningún inconveniente me voy a ahorrar bajarme el
 Netscape47 :)
 Por cierto, el lilo grafico que trae la corel, es una
 actualización?? O es lilo modificado por Corel?? Se puede
 instalar en Debian?? Usease, puedo yo tambien poner mi lilo en
 modo grafico con un fondo chulo???

See you..

Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo  - Linux Registered User # 114034 -
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...vive las Leyendas...
...¿Por qué debería preocuparme por la posteridad? ¿Qué ha hecho la posteridad 
por mí?  - Groucho Marx...

RE: Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo...

2000-01-25 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 09:43 a.m. 2000-01-25 +0100, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio wrote:
   Tuve algún problema de DIMMs de memoria (tengo dos de 128MB), y tuve
que cambiar uno porque el athlon se bloqueaba con ese DIMM y eso que en un
pIII ese DIMM funcionaba perfectamente (¿cosas del FSB? :-?).
Raro, por que el FSB del Athlon es de 100MHz, no de 200MHz.

   Además al kernel le tienes que decir que te use toda la memoria con
el párametro MEM=256MB, porque si no sólo te pilla 64MB.
Más raro. Yo tengo 96MB y los reconoce de una.

Eso no más...

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #52657 

Re: Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo...

2000-01-25 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 09:51 a.m. 2000-01-25 +0100, Ramiro Alba wrote:
 Este mes de febrero que empieza ya por fin probalemente me compre el K7,
 puede que sea el 600, en cualquier caso tengo dos placas a elegir, me han
 dicho entre una PC-Partner y una Gigabyte, la primera es considerablemente
Yo tengo 20 K7 600 con la ASUS K7M. Ningun problema excepto con el el
driver de multidisk (md): se queda clavado el proceso de boot; esto me
ha hecho que tuviera que botar de kernel tecra (2º Cd) para poder hacer
la instalacion. Tambien da problemas de reconocimiento de capacidad del
disco duro si este mayor de 8 Gb y estás utilizando un kernel de la
serie 2.0.x (caso de los discos de instalación)
con lo que tienes que pasar los parámetros del disco al kernel. Por lo
demás, no he detectado otros problemas
Los límites de los 8GB a veces son problemas del BIOS.
Eso si, PC-Partner es marca medio gato, te recomiendo la Gigabyte, o la Asus,
o la otra (no me acuerdo como se llama, mira en www.mpipc.com por

 más barata que la segunda que me ofrecen, en cualquier caso me gustaría
 saber si realmente me puedo fiar de estas dos placas o si alguno de
 vosotros sabe de alguna mejor. ¿En cuanto a tarjeta gráfica? ¿Cuál me
 aconsejais? De vez en cuando juego...
Las ATI son de las que mejor van, claro que no son específicas para
Que no? Probate una ATI Rage Fury MAXX a ver como te va...

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #52657 

RE: Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo...

2000-01-25 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 10:05 a.m. 2000-01-25 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sobre la tarjeta gráfica yo estaba pensando en comprar una voodoo3, aunque
según veo en la web de 3dfx las voodoo 4 y 5 están a punto de caramelo, ¿
cuales son mejores o dan mejores resultados? Necesito opinión objetiva al
respecto :)

Supongo que van a salir caras, bastante caras (con 128MB como no van a
Ahoritita mismo podés comprarte una con el GeForce, o una con la TNT2-Ultra,
o una Matrox G400, o una ATI Rage Fury MAXX.
Esas son de las mejores que hay ahora, eso sí con precio cercano a los U$300,
aunque la TNT2-Ultra está por los U$180.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #52657 

Pruebo a (no lelleer)

2000-01-25 Thread Da Boss
no lleer :D

Re: Problemas con Smail [Solucionado]

2000-01-25 Thread Lluis Vilanova
 Antonio Calvo Rodriguez wrote:
  Pueden ser los permisos del ejecutable.
  debe estar asi:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [~]$l /usr/sbin/smail
  -rwsr-xr-x   1 root root   301144 oct 13  1998 /usr/sbin/smail*
 Joer XD
 yasta solucionado, no me empane que el smail hay que asignarle uid (usea la s
 que aparece), aunque no entiendo como no me venia bien de antemano... :?
 En fins, muchas gracias a todos por vuestra ayuda :D

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

RE: Offtopic: ?quien hizo las pruebas con el K7? Necesito consejo ...

2000-01-25 Thread Jon Noble

El mar, 25 ene 2000 09:43:19 Tejada Lacaci, Antonio escribió:
   La placa que tengo yo es una Asus K7M, con tarjeta de sonido
 incorporada (que no funciona bajo linux :( ), por lo que le tuve que 
 una SB 128 PCI y funciona bien.

No tengo ni idea de si las tarjetas de sonido integradas que traen 
las Asustek han cambiado mucho, pero en mi tarjeta
Asustek TX97-X (un poco viejita ya la pobre) me funciona 
perfectamente, es compatible con una SB16.

Un saludo,


Re: Informacion de Licencias

2000-01-25 Thread Jordi
On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 01:42:31PM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
 No soy un especialista en temas de debian as? que si digo
 algo que no se ajusta a la verdad y alguna tonter?a espero 
 que me corrijan.

Te puntualizo algunas cosas.

 Debian tiene una pol?tica muy clara en cuanto a licencias.
 Establece una serie de requisitos para que una licencia pueda
 ser considerada libre o no. Las consideradas libres form?n
 parte de la distribuci?n oficial de Debian y las restantes
 pueden estar como non-free o non-us. Estos ?ltimos paquetes

Un programa puede ser libre y estar en non-us. GnuPG es GPL y está en esa
sección. Non-us es para el software que por alguna razón (normalmente leyes
de exportación de crypto) no puede estar en master.debian.org, y se aloja en
pandora.debian.org, que está en Holanda.

 no son considerados propiamente parte de la distribuci?n
 de Debian sino que se ofrecen para su descarga a trav?s de
 la red, pero no tienen el mismo tipo de mantenimiento o gesti?n
 que aquellos paquetes que form?n parte de la ditribuci?n de

Si te entiendo bien, dices que no se mantiene igual un paquete de main que
uno de non-free. Creo que no es así, la sección non-free son programas con
licencias restrictivas que según la Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG)
no son software libre y están fuera de main. Debian las empaqueta y las
soporta con su sistema de bugs, o sea, los mantiene de la misma manera que
mantiene un paquete 'free': están en los ftps, se puede reportar bugs sobre
ellos, etc. Simplemente no entran en los CD's porque no son parte de la
distro oficial, como bien dices, pero sí estan soportados por la
infraestructura de Debian.

 GPL, BSD, y Artistic son ejemplos de licencias libres, as? que 
 entiendo que en el cuadro de licencias del que hablo las
 columnas relativas a estos 8 puntos de la pol?tica de Debian ser?an
 conforme. Espero no estar diciendo muchas tonter?as.

La licencia Artistic es bastante ambigua y la FSF no la recomienda. Se puede
usar la licencia de X, por ejemplo.


Description: PGP signature

Mudança de E-Mail

2000-01-25 Thread gleydson
Venho comunicar a minha mudança de e-mail para [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Estou tendo muitos problemas com a conta [EMAIL PROTECTED] e 
nas duas últimas semanas somente consegui ler as mensagens via 
pop3, e quando conseguia acessar o sistema não tinha garantias que 
a mensagem era realmente enviada ao seu destinarário. Acredito que 
alguns usuários conhecidos desta lista de discussão estão tendo o 
mesmo problema e estejam impedidos de participar. 

O endereço [EMAIL PROTECTED] ainda vai continuar válido como 
redirecionamento para [EMAIL PROTECTED], desta forma os e-mails 
enviados a conta antiga não serão perdidos.

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!


2000-01-25 Thread gleydson
Recebi uma mensagem de Alfredo Palace Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
sobre o Projeto de documentação do Linux em Portugal, não conhecia 
a existencia do LDP-PT e acho que esta mensagem pode interessar os 
usuários Portugueses que participam da lista.

Na verdade fui também incluido no projeto LDP-PT. Não sem nem porque 
meu nome foi incluido, sei que apareceu na listagem :-), mesmo assim 
estou feliz de fazer parte deste projeto. 

Há algum tempo venho participando do LDP-BR, e sou o responsável 
pela tradução e atualização os documentos:

IP-Chains - Traduzido - 120Kb
Consultants-HOWTO - Traduzido - 560Kb
NET-3-4-HOWTO - 50% Traduzido - 205 Kb

Ambos estão atualizados e/ou em fase de revisão. 
Se alguma pessoa de Portugal, mesmo que não entenda 
muito do inglês, quiser entrar para o LDP-PT, esteja 
a vontade para pegar um destes documentos acima que 
traduzi e fazer a adaptação dele para o idioma 
Português e você estará dando sua contribuição para 
a comunidade Linux Portuguesa. Os interessados favor 
entrar em contado com Alfredo Palace Carvalho 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] do LDP-PT para mais detalhes de 
como entrar e manter um documento. 

Esta é a única contribuição que posso fazer por ter 
sido incluido neste projeto, pois não conheço os 
detalhes deste idioma. Ficaria muito contente se 
alguém desta lista pegasse um destes documentos 
para sua adaptação.

A lista de colaboradores do LDP-PT pode ser encontrado em:

O endereço do projeto de documentação do Linux em Portugal é:

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

IMP Problems, Please!

2000-01-25 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

I'm having some troubles in setting a webmail server. Almost
everything is working fine except for Creating new folders in HOME
directory as well as for saving sent messages.
Could somebody help me in solving this, please?
Things I can do at the moment are:
- sending email works fine;
- moving messages to and from already existing folders works
- including contacts into database works after fixing the table
names since it seems that mysql doesn't like underscore '_' in table
names (imp_prefs and imp_addr).
- saving preferences, like signature and language it's ok.
The HOME directories have permissions set to 2771 (rwxrws--x).
ONLY creating new folders and saving sent messages didn't work.

Am I the only who's having problems with this? Nobody uses
IMP/HORDE or everybody are having correct behavior? PLEASE, if you
are listening, help me Ivan!

Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21

Menu problem.

2000-01-25 Thread Christian Dysthe

I just saw that my menu (WindowMaker) is on a diet. It used to contain
almost all software installed, but now only a few items remains.

I tried to run update-menus, but got this error message:

cat: write error: Bad file descriptor
Update-menus[26346]: Script /etc/menu-methods//afterstep returned error status 

and the menus remains broken. What might be wrong?

I am running unstable.



Christian Dysthe
Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org
ICQ 3945810
eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Oracle on Debian potato

2000-01-25 Thread A. M. Varon

Anybody has experiences running Oracle on a potato system?


= == Andre M. Varon  - Technical Head
= =   == Lasaltech, Inc. - http://andre.lasaltech.com
= === =
=   = =  If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
= =   -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)

Changing default of FVWM for windows manager.

2000-01-25 Thread Tom Warfield
How would i change my default of FVWM for my windows manager to Windows


Couple Questions

2000-01-25 Thread Cameron Matheson

I just have a few quick questions:

1.  Is it possible to switch resolutions while in X (I like using
640x480, but occasionally I need 800x600)?
2.  to use pon as a normal user, do I just use chmod?
3.  would I be better off using the kernel source off the Debian 2.1
Slink CD, or the source I downloaded

Cameron Matheson

startx hell

2000-01-25 Thread Guyren G Howe
startx won't run. It gives me:

System: '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm
-m us -em1 The XKEBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:  -emp ?  -em1
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server keymap/xfree86

Figuring that this is because I have no keymap installed, I searched the
Debian package system for a keymap thingy. I found console-tools. However,
when I do

apt-get install console-tools

I get a character-mode (ncurses?) display labelled Debian Configuration
and then Configuring Console-data, which is asking me what keyboard layout
I want (qwerty, azerty, etc). However, this script does *nothing*. No
keystroke has any effect except for Ctrl-C.

So: how do I get startx to happen?


Re: dynamic IP's, IP masq and mail, can it be done?

2000-01-25 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-25 01:29:55, Ethan Benson wrote:

 I have a small network connected to the internet via a IP masq 
 gateway, and would like to get mail working, but the above setup is a 
 nightmare for mail it would seem.

Why?  Sounds like mail masq'ing.

 is it even possible for mail to work in such a setup or am i wasting 
 my time?

Depends on what you are trying to do.  Outgoing mail should be easy,
incoming mail wouldn't make sense unless you have a domain name (of
some sort).

 I got the gateway machine to send mail, but my fake domain still
 shows up in various places, such as the message ID and a second From

Hmm... sounds like you didn't masq the envelope.

 and in order to do that i had to setup a virtual table for all the
 local user accounts, otherwise when cron or something send mail to
 root it would go to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...

I used:

canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical

to map root to my normal email (in case my box dies,
it might have left a clue there).



sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical_sender

to map a user without a real email adderss to my email address


and finally:

recipient_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical_receiver

to have mail to the user without email be delivered locally
if send from my box.

 should I just get a static IP and a real domain name or is there some 
 way to make this work that is not too ugly?

There's no way around specifying your local acconuts as you have to
tell your mta that it's only authorative for a set of accounts.  You
could automative things using something like make with a dependency on
your /etc/passwd and some script to filter out the accounts that you
don't care about.

 (the way i got mail to work partially, was to disable dns lookups in 
 postfix, which allows mail to get delivered within the fake network, 
 and setting myorigin to alaska.net on the gateway


 and setting the vitual table to redirect root and such to localhost
 but other machines cannot send mail still. and the gateway i think
 does not send correct mail since it has all this fake crap in it...)

You probaly need to enable relay for your local network, but otherwise
it sounds like you're on the right path.

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Sendmail and Log files.

2000-01-25 Thread TKWJ3
I am wanting to know what ip address a email was sent from using a POP3 
account.  Currently using sendmail, and im wondering in debian where there 
are some logs that would show me this type of info.  I know what the email 
address is that the person used, but im not sure on where to find this kinda 
info in my logs.  Maybe the other thing to look for would be a log showing 
what the Sendmail connected to...just some thoughts, would be nice to know.

menu entries always sorted

2000-01-25 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
I've just discovered the menu package.  Neato.  Don't have to do my own
additions all the time anymore.  One question though: is it possible to
specify the positioning of certain menu entries?  I'd like to add an entry to
the top level menu where I would have my most often used programs, scripts,
etc, and I would like this to be the at the very top.  Likewise, I would
like to reposition the WindowManagers entry to be the very last one (it's
annoying having to dig through the menus to get to the Exit entry).  Is this
doable?  I'm using version 2.1.5-3 of menu, and WindowMaker.

One other thing.  Is the menu optimization code sufficiently stable?  It runs
fine for me as superuser, but when run as a normal user it dumps all the Game
menu entries into the top-level menu (which then has about 100 entries).

Anyhow, kudos to the people responsible for menu!

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

Lilo hdb

2000-01-25 Thread jchristensen

Like most of you, I like playing with opeating systems. I am having
difficulty using lilo to boot Win2K from hdb. Here's my lilo.conf file.


Both the linux image and the Win98 partition have no problems, but then
they both exist on hda. Right now I can boot my machine, input 'win2k'
at the LILO prompt, I get the message 'Loading Win2k' and then the
system freezes, either immediately or after a blank screen. The hdb1
partition is active. Am I missing something in my lilo.conf? Is it even
possible to use lilo to boot an OS from other than the first disk? 

If I change 'other=/dev/hdb1' to the MBR on hdb, i.e 'other=/dev/hdb' I
get a 'Partition entry not found error.' I don't think that is the right
direction, but I figured that I should try it. I know that Win2K
installed something to the MBR of hdb because if I swap hdb and hda,
Win2k boots just fine. Any suggestions?



Re: Attention: imapd gpoing back to $HOME as mailbox root

2000-01-25 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
Btw, the volume on debian-user is to high for me to read on a regular
basis so you should cc me if you want to get a quick(er) answer.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Joe Emenaker wrote:

 Argh! Okay. Does anybody want to suggest any other imap daemons that allow
 me to set the mailroot to $HOME/mail where it's supposed to be?

You can always recompile the package to do it the way you want to.  That
is one of the benefits of open source after all.  It's a one line change
and I provide instructions.

 Problem now is that, when you refresh your folder list, you see all of your
 files in your home directory. Many of these differ substantially from the
 normal inbox format. I wouldn't be surprised to see a new slew of
 complaints from sysadmins because all of their users are having trouble
 opening their core folder. :)

Which client are you using?  Everyone I use (MS outlook, Netscape,
Pine) let's you set this on the client-side.  All my folders are in
$HOME/mail.  I don't see any extraneous junk.

A sysadmin as opposed to some random shmoe with the root
password should diligently read documentation.  I haven't made a secret
of what I've done so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

 In all seriousness, though... I think that one of the mantras of
 user-friendliness these days is that the user shouldn't be allowed to easily
 select something wrong. If imapd uses $HOME for its mail directories,
 there's really nothing to prevent the user from being presented with a list
 of various files when they ask for a list of their mail folders.

It is the admins responsibility to see that the users have a proper setup.

 Up to this point, one of the attractive features of Debian is that it
 *fixes* the brain-dead defaults put in by the people who originally wrote
 the software.

But in this case, whether or not the  default is brain-dead is not easy to
determine.  To us having the mail root be $HOME/mail seems eminently
sensible.  But believe me many people disagrreed.

 Well, you could fix that by having some sort of big warning in the postinst
 script or something that required the user to hit a return so that you could
 be sure they see it.

That would be even more obnoxious.  People hate useless warnings.  
Perhaps now we have debconf this could be done in a less intrusive way but
even then I would not be sure that people saw it.  Besides I already have
a big warning in the most natural place for someone to look for it.  

 Actually, what we *really* need is some sort of consensus. I mean, it would
 be pretty nice if imapd and other tools (like procmail) all looked in the
 same default location without any configuration. I know Elm and Pine used
 $HOME/Mail and $HOME/mail at one time.

I can't speak for all Debian developers but I have you the users interests
in mind when I work on my packages.  If there was a consensus I would
adopt it no matter what my personal feelings are.  But in this case there
simply isn't one.

 Surely, I can't be the only one who sees the benefit in having all of the
 tools look in the same location for the Sent Mail folder, and Drafts,

You should make a proposal on the debian-policy list.  

 Aside from the fact that compartmentalization is a good thing. I mean,
 heck... while we're at it, why even bother using /var/spool/mail? Just dump
 all mail into /var/spool! :)

It's not symmetric.  If the root is $HOME you can store your all
you folders in a subdirectory like mail if you like.  If it is $HOME/mail
someone who wants them in $HOME is out of luck.

 But I don't expect this to change anyone's mind, I guess. What I'm really
 after is a suggestion for a replacement imapd since I'm obviously going to
 have to purge Jaldhar's. I tried the Cyrus-Imap, but wasn't able to get that
 to work right out of the box.

You hardly have to take such drastic measures but if the advice above is
unsuitable you can also try courier-imapd.  Haven't used it so I
couldn't tell you its' features though.


Re: xconsole has vanished!

2000-01-25 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Jan 24, 2000 at 07:32:29PM -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:
 Yesterday I updated my XFree86 packages, and now the iconized xconsole
 window that used to appear when starting fvwm is gone. If I log on as root,
 it's there but as a regular user it's not.
 What happened?

I'm guessing, but there was some discussion a while back that allowing
all users to view the output of /dev/xconsole was not a good idea.
Perhaps the configuration was thusly changed?  Anyway, to fix add
yourself to the group adm (adduser yourname adm), logout and login,
add a line in ~/.xession to start xconsole.
| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

samba server

2000-01-25 Thread zdrysdal
when duplicating a samba server... what needs to be copied across to the
new server to re-establish the origional samba shares/passwords?

Re: Lilo hdb

2000-01-25 Thread jchristensen
Alec, thanks for the info. I was useful as Win2k does have boot loader
similar to NT4's. I could just make hda1 the partition with Win2k by
physically swapping the drives and then use the boot loader from Win2k
(given the necessary tweaks).

That solutions is however more work than I'm willing to do to play with
Microsoft's latest bloatware ... I mean OS, whoops. Does anyone know a
way I can boot Win2k from hdb1 using LILO?



On 24 Jan, Alec Smith wrote:
 I don't know much about Win2k since I haven't had a chance to get my hands 
 on a copy yet, but if its anything like WinNT
 With NT 4 you have the NT Boot Loader from which you can boot NT, or 
 (surprise!) other OSes. The best way I've found to get everything going on 
 the system is to insert Linux into the NT boot loader. There's a How-To 
 which describes how to do this on kernelnotes.org. Essentially you want to 
 get Linux to put its bootsector at the beginning of the partition its on. 
 Then you'll use 'dd' to copy the bootsector from the Linux partition into a 
 file on a FAT partition. From there you can edit NT's boot.ini file 
 inserting a line which points at the bootsector file you made with dd.
 Win98 can also be inserted into the NT boot loader. For it you'll add a 
 line like
 c:\=Windows 98
 Since I don't know Win2k, I can't say if this info is of use, but hopefully 
 it is.
 At 04:57 PM 1/24/00 -1000, you wrote:

Like most of you, I like playing with opeating systems. I am having
difficulty using lilo to boot Win2K from hdb. Here's my lilo.conf file.


Both the linux image and the Win98 partition have no problems, but then
they both exist on hda. Right now I can boot my machine, input 'win2k'
at the LILO prompt, I get the message 'Loading Win2k' and then the
system freezes, either immediately or after a blank screen. The hdb1
partition is active. Am I missing something in my lilo.conf? Is it even
possible to use lilo to boot an OS from other than the first disk?

If I change 'other=/dev/hdb1' to the MBR on hdb, i.e 'other=/dev/hdb' I
get a 'Partition entry not found error.' I don't think that is the right
direction, but I figured that I should try it. I know that Win2K
installed something to the MBR of hdb because if I swap hdb and hda,
Win2k boots just fine. Any suggestions?



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Re: Attention: imapd gpoing back to $HOME as mailbox root

2000-01-25 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Joe Block wrote:

 You aren't.  Count me as a vote for $HOME/mail

I can't keep flip-flopping on this.  The default mailbox root will remain
$HOME.  You have three choices.

1. Learn to live with it.  (Remember you can always tweak your client.)

2. Recompile the package to your taste.

3. Find a different package.

I hate to be dictatorial but unfortunately their is no solution that will
please everyone.


Misskey resulted in chown entire directory tree

2000-01-25 Thread John Foster
Well this is a first. I do not even know exactly what I did. I do know
that the result is the changing of the owner/group of every file on my
complete directory tree to a single username.groupname. Any Suggestions
are really appreciated. Wierd thing is everything seems to work--some
things even better that before. What to do...
AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

lpd configuration problems

2000-01-25 Thread Joseph A. Martin
I have two machines I am working with. Odeen is a desktop
server with an Epson ActionPrinter attached to it. I can print from
odeen's command line without any problems. I have magicfilter
installed and it converts whatever I print into printer-specific
instructions through ghostscript.
Hallam is my laptop. I want to be able to print from hallam to
the printer on odeen. I have hallam set up using the ps300-filter with
odeen set as the remote machine. When I attempt to print a postscript
file from hallam I get the postscript commands as output on the
printer. No conversion is being done by odeen from postscript to the
printer's native format. What am I doing wrong here? Am I
misunderstanding something?


P.S. I have attached the printcap files from hallam and odeen in case
they are of any help.

the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.
# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
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#   @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
# This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
lp|ap3250|Epson AP3250:\
# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
# provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
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#   @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
# This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
lp|ap3250|Epson ActionPrinter 3250:\
#   :if=/etc/magicfilter/ps300-filter:\
dj722c|DeskJet 722c:\

installing debian linux from cdrom

2000-01-25 Thread Nam-Anh Pham
I recently got a debian linux cd (Slink release, version 2.1).  I tried to 
install it on my old 486, but it would not recognize the cdrom.  Do you have 
any advice?  My pc is an old 486 clone built in 93.  It has a Mitsumi 2x 
cdrom.  I thought it was ATAPI compliant, but am not sure.  The cdrom works 
fine under DOS, so at least I know it is not a defective cdrom.  If you have 
any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

I saw and tried the following command line posted on the debian site's 
faqomatic, but it did not work either.

 loadlin linux -n 5 boot=/dev/ram hdc=cdrom cdrom=debug,none 
scsi=debug,none initrd=boot.bin

Thanks in advance!  :) :)

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Allowing users to shutdown

2000-01-25 Thread Joseph A. Martin
I have set up a Linux workstation for my family's use. They
only need to keep the system on for short periods. (For various reasons I
don't want to leave it on full time.) They are using the icewm window manager,
which, when they hit ctrl-alt-del, gives them the option of shutting down or
rebooting the system. /sbin/shutdown has permissions that do not allow them
to use the shutdown command, unfortunately. What permissions must I
set to allow anyone on that system to shut it down?

the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

Re: Allowing users to shutdown

2000-01-25 Thread Ethan Benson

On 24/1/2000 Joseph A. Martin wrote:

I have set up a Linux workstation for my family's use. They
only need to keep the system on for short periods. (For various reasons I
don't want to leave it on full time.) They are using the icewm window manager,
which, when they hit ctrl-alt-del, gives them the option of shutting down or
rebooting the system. /sbin/shutdown has permissions that do not allow them
to use the shutdown command, unfortunately. What permissions must I
set to allow anyone on that system to shut it down?

you have to use sudo, shutdown is world executable, it just checks 
that the user executing it is uid 0

what i did for a similar situation was give the users in question 
sudo privileges to execute shutdown -h -a now and wrote a couple 
wrapper scripts that i put in /usr/local/bin

so users can just type shutdown and the system goes down.  for 
windowmaker i added a button to the dock which they can double click 
and the system goes down.

another trick i did is by adding that -a switch to shutdown, this way 
i can add a script to my .bashrc file to run sudo touch 
/etc/shutdown.allow and sudo rm -f /etc/shutdown.allow to 
.bash_logout this way when i am working on the system through ssh 
they cannot inadvertantly shut it down on me.  my wrapper scripts 
check for that file and either print out a useful message or call 
xmessage to put up a dialog with a useful message.

I assume you can configure icewm to call something else on control 
alt delete, just have it call sudo shutdown -h now, or a wrapper 
script if you go the route i did.

(btw if you use wrapper scripts like i did, you need to add a symlink 
from /usr/local/sbin/shutdown - /sbin/shutdown otherwise sudo will 
try and run your fake shutdown wrapper instead of the real one)

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

Re: Blocked high ports

2000-01-25 Thread Greg Woods
Bradley M Alexander wrote:
 I can
 pftp from one machine to another, but when I ftp, it connects then hangs.
 The only difference between them is passive ftp remains on port 21 while
 standard (active) ftp makes a connection then transitions to an arbitrary
 high port. The high ports are where I'm having problems.

Sounds like you are running FTP from behind a firewall. Try running
tcpdump to see if
packets are actually coming in and getting dropped, or getting dropped
somewhere before
they ever get to your system.


Re: ipchains diagnostics

2000-01-25 Thread hypnos
On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Michel D?nzer wrote:

  /sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
 The IP address looks funny. Sure it's private?

That's the private Class A network address.  It does
look like he is using a Class C network 10.0.0 though.
If not, it should be instead.

hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

hard disk not recognized

2000-01-25 Thread richart1
I found that I can get Linux to recognize my hard disk by unplugging it from
the Promise Technology Ultra ATA/66 controller card and plugging directly
into the motherboard. The only problem is now Windows can't see the disk! Is
there anything I can do so that both OSes can see the disk? Thanks.


dumb question, sorry in advance

2000-01-25 Thread dkphoto
I've just finished installing (a few days ago) Linux/Unix and am stuck on 
something really dumb.

I have figured out how to change shells, explore the file structure, use 
sh (a bit) and several other things, but I just can't seem to launch a 
simple game.


... I can't figure out any way to launch this and can't find anything in 
the man pages or in the THREE Linux books I have that tells me how to 
simply launch a program.

I know I'm going to have to change my name after this, but I give up. How 
is it done?

As Yet Undetermined Pseudonym to be Inserted Here

Re: Sendmail and Log files.

2000-01-25 Thread aphro
look in the headers of the mail..in your case the mail was sent from:

Received: from murphy.debian.org (murphy.debian.org [])
by bebo.firetrail.com (8.9.3/8.9.1) with SMTP id SAA01839
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 24 Jan 2000 18:46:21 -0800
Received: (qmail 19136 invoked by uid 38); 25 Jan 2000 02:45:54 -

in this case it only shows the mailing list server, it wiped out the other
headers, most of the time you can get the ip that the mail originated at
though from the headers.


On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

TKWJ3 I am wanting to know what ip address a email was sent from using a POP3 
TKWJ3 account.  Currently using sendmail, and im wondering in debian where 
TKWJ3 are some logs that would show me this type of info.  I know what the 
TKWJ3 address is that the person used, but im not sure on where to find this 
TKWJ3 info in my logs.  Maybe the other thing to look for would be a log 
TKWJ3 what the Sendmail connected to...just some thoughts, would be nice to 
TKWJ3 -- 
TKWJ3 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
9:30pm up 158 days, 9:36, 2 users, load average: 1.24, 1.08, 1.06

Re: dumb question, sorry in advance

2000-01-25 Thread Maciej Kalisiak
On Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 12:20:51AM -0500, dkphoto wrote:

You just answered your own question.

Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 

Re: hard disk not recognized

2000-01-25 Thread aphro
it may be a stupid question but i have to ask did you happen to reformat
the drive to use the linux filesystem(ext2fs?) or is it using a MS windows
compadible file system ?  i can't imaigne why a drive wouldnt be
recognized if the filesystem was compadible. with the exception of a
broken bios(which i've only seen once, long story im sure its not what
your experiencing)


On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

richar I found that I can get Linux to recognize my hard disk by unplugging it 
richar the Promise Technology Ultra ATA/66 controller card and plugging 
richar into the motherboard. The only problem is now Windows can't see the 
disk! Is
richar there anything I can do so that both OSes can see the disk? Thanks.
richar Bob
richar -- 
richar Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
9:32pm up 158 days, 9:39, 2 users, load average: 1.17, 1.15, 1.09

Re: dumb question, sorry in advance

2000-01-25 Thread aphro
if it is a binary program (do ls -l /usr/games/nameYourGame and look on
the permissions for the x flag) then just run /usr/games/nameYourGame

if it is not a binary program chances are your trying to run a program
when that is not an executable. if the program is in your $PATH then you
can just run nameYourGame and the system will do it..if it is NOT in your
$PATH then you must specify the full path.  Some programs even go so far
as to want you to be in the directory which you are running the program,
in this case you would cd /usr/games ; ./nameYourGame  ..the ./ tells
the system to run the command in the current directory, as the current
directory is not in your $PATH (it is considered a security risk if it

hope this helps!


On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, dkphoto wrote:

dkphot I've just finished installing (a few days ago) Linux/Unix and am stuck 
dkphot something really dumb.
dkphot I have figured out how to change shells, explore the file structure, 
dkphot sh (a bit) and several other things, but I just can't seem to launch a 
dkphot simple game.
dkphot /user/games/nameYourGame
dkphot ... I can't figure out any way to launch this and can't find anything 
dkphot the man pages or in the THREE Linux books I have that tells me how to 
dkphot simply launch a program.
dkphot I know I'm going to have to change my name after this, but I give up. 
dkphot is it done?
dkphot As Yet Undetermined Pseudonym to be Inserted Here
dkphot -- 
dkphot Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
9:32pm up 158 days, 9:39, 2 users, load average: 1.17, 1.15, 1.09

Re: dumb question, sorry in advance

2000-01-25 Thread Marcin Kurc
Rather /usr/games/nameYourGame :)
just type it in shell.

On Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 12:33:48AM -0500, Maciej Kalisiak wrote: 
 On Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 12:20:51AM -0500, dkphoto wrote:
 You just answered your own question.
 Maciej Kalisiak | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
 PGP-finger|www; (0x39AC36F5) 9F BB 9E 11 F0 1E 5D 20  0B 31 3D 37 47 D0 67 C7
 GE/CS d- s++:+ a- C++(+++) ULAI++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N- o? K? !w--- O- M- V--
 PS PE+ Y+ PGP+ t+ 5 !X-- R+ tv-- b+ DI+ G+ e+++(*) h--- r+++ y? 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator
http://me.indtech.edu   http://www.indtech.edu

RE: hard disk not recognized

2000-01-25 Thread richart1
The disk has 3 partitions. One is for Windows, the other 2 are for Linux.
The Linux part is formatted for linux and works fine as long as I don't use
the controller card. I'm wondering if Linux just doesn't know about this
kind of card? Bob

-Original Message-
From: aphro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 9:37 PM
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org; recipient list not shown: ;
Subject: Re: hard disk not recognized

it may be a stupid question but i have to ask did you happen to reformat
the drive to use the linux filesystem(ext2fs?) or is it using a MS windows
compadible file system ?  i can't imaigne why a drive wouldnt be
recognized if the filesystem was compadible. with the exception of a
broken bios(which i've only seen once, long story im sure its not what
your experiencing)


On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

richar I found that I can get Linux to recognize my hard disk by unplugging
it from
richar the Promise Technology Ultra ATA/66 controller card and plugging
richar into the motherboard. The only problem is now Windows can't see the
disk! Is
richar there anything I can do so that both OSes can see the disk? Thanks.
richar Bob
richar --
richar Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
9:32pm up 158 days, 9:39, 2 users, load average: 1.17, 1.15, 1.09

Re: dumb question, sorry in advance

2000-01-25 Thread dkphoto
just type it in shell.

I thought I was already in the shell when I typed it?!?

As Yet Undetermined Pseudonym to be Inserted Here

xhost changed...

2000-01-25 Thread Aaron Solochek
It used to be that I could open an eterm, su, and open whatever app
I wanted.  Now it complains about not being able to connect to the
display.  All of the sudden I need to xhost +localhost as non-root in
order to open and windowed apps.  This is annoying, how can I make root
have permanent premisisons to connect to the local xserver?

-Aaron Solochek

Re: dumb question, sorry in advance

2000-01-25 Thread Matthew Dalton
Show us exactly what you're typing and exactly what error message the
shell is giving you and we'll tell you exactly whats wrong and exactly
what to do.

dkphoto wrote:
 just type it in shell.
 I thought I was already in the shell when I typed it?!?
 As Yet Undetermined Pseudonym to be Inserted Here
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: dumb question, sorry in advance

2000-01-25 Thread dkphoto
in this case you would cd /usr/games ; ./nameYourGame  ..the ./ tells
the system to run the command in the current directory, as the current
directory is not in your $PATH (it is considered a security risk if it

Thanks, that was it. I forgot that commands don't make it to files in the 
same directory.

David Kachel

RE: Secure CRT

2000-01-25 Thread Trevor Gold

I tried
installing the secure crt I used the key generator, however, I cant connect!
It says that this license doesnt support telnet connections.

From: Ehren Wilson
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000
7:05 PM
To: Trevor Gold
Subject: Secure CRT

inn2 configuration files- help please

2000-01-25 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci

can someone tell me what is the correct value to be put in
/etc/news/inn.conf for the variable moderatormailer ?
I always get this error and inn doesn't start

# /usr/lib/news/bin/inncheck
/etc/news/inn.conf:16: modmailer has bad address



 Pierfrancesco Caci  |   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://gusp.infogroup.it
  ik5pvx - Firenze   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.3.39 #1 Sun Jan 16 19:11:35 CET 2000 i686 unknown

potato mirror

2000-01-25 Thread tphan


  I'm in the middle of mirroring the potato distribution and
  notice that there are about 300+ packages symlink to slink
  distribution.  Does this mean that I need to mirror slink



relocating mail server

2000-01-25 Thread tphan


  I'd like to setup my debian box to do mail server after I 
  mirrored the potato and installation.

  I'd like to know how to forward all the emails from my current
  email server to this new potato box?

  Here is the current setup:

 ISP  email  current mail server(hamm)

  I would like to setup:

 ISP  email  current mail server(hamm)
   tobe new mail server(potato)
  So I do not have to call the isp to switch back and forth
  before I actually move the mail server.



Re: Attention: imapd gpoing back to $HOME as mailbox root

2000-01-25 Thread Onno Ebbinge
At 10:23 PM 1/24/00 -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Joe Block wrote:

 You aren't.  Count me as a vote for $HOME/mail

I can't keep flip-flopping on this.  The default mailbox root will remain
$HOME.  You have three choices.

1. Learn to live with it.  (Remember you can always tweak your client.)

2. Recompile the package to your taste.

3. Find a different package.

I hate to be dictatorial but unfortunately their is no solution that will
please everyone.

Maybe there is...

You could patch the program to set the variable at startup from
a parameter or configfile. I haven't seen the source but reading a
variable from a parameter or config file at startup shouldn't be



Re: installing debian linux from cdrom

2000-01-25 Thread Bill Keegan
 Subject: installing debian linux from cdrom
 Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 19:54:14 PST
 From: Nam-Anh Pham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 I recently got a debian linux cd (Slink release, version 2.1).  I tried to
 install it on my old 486, but it would not recognize the cdrom.  Do you have
 any advice?  My pc is an old 486 clone built in 93.  It has a Mitsumi 2x
 cdrom.  I thought it was ATAPI compliant, but am not sure.  The cdrom works
 fine under DOS, so at least I know it is not a defective cdrom.  If you have
 any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.
 I saw and tried the following command line posted on the debian site's
 faqomatic, but it did not work either.
   loadlin linux -n 5 boot=/dev/ram hdc=cdrom cdrom=debug,none
 scsi=debug,none initrd=boot.bin
 Thanks in advance!  :) :)

I currently have a GW2K-486 running RH 5.0 with an older Mitsumi 2x cd.
This drive uses a proprietary bus and to load this driver I type
mcd=0x340,10 with the 0x340 (just like this) being the port and the 10
for the IRQ.  

At lilo try mount mcd=0x340,10 or add it to your /etc/conf.modules
options mcd=... then mount with /dev/mcd to your mount point.


Pathetic Performance

2000-01-25 Thread Bill Keegan
I'm running Corel/Debian v1.0 on a AMD 486-100. 24mb ram, 1G hd,
networked with three other PCs. This workstation is 5X slower then a
486-33 running RH 5.0 acting as a gateway, Samba server, mail, etc. I
welcome any suggestions towards finding what must be a gross

On the 486-100 every service not needed has been pulled from bootup,
Apache, Qmail, etc. Using windowmanager with Netscape 4.7 is painful and
literally 5 times slower in creating a new browser window or displaying
a new page the the 486-33.

I will begin by rebuilding the kernel with i486 optimization but I find
it hard to believe that Pentium optimization could slow it down this
much. Again any other ideas?


Re: Pathetic Performance

2000-01-25 Thread Patrick Kirk

Corel have a marvellous installer - I can get my laptop to look great with
it but it never even starts X with Debian.  However, you do need to
recompile the kernel immediately you decide to stick with Corel because it
loads loads of irrelevenat stuff.


Re: Pathetic Performance

2000-01-25 Thread Dänzer

--- Bill Keegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm running Corel/Debian v1.0 on a AMD 486-100. 24mb ram,

This is very little RAM.

 1G hd, networked with three other PCs. This workstation is 5X slower then
 486-33 running RH 5.0 acting as a gateway, Samba server, mail, etc.

How much does this one have?

 On the 486-100 every service not needed has been pulled from bootup,
 Apache, Qmail, etc. Using windowmanager with Netscape 4.7 is painful and
 literally 5 times slower in creating a new browser window or displaying
 a new page the the 486-33.

What gfx cards do they have? Do you use an accelerated X server on both? A
very important factor for system performance is also HD speed, swap space,

 I will begin by rebuilding the kernel with i486 optimization but I find
 it hard to believe that Pentium optimization could slow it down this
 much. Again any other ideas?

Don't bother. The kernels you're using are probably not especially optimized
for anything above an 386. It really shouldn't matter that much.


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: ipchains diagnostics

2000-01-25 Thread Patrick Kirk

Would you mind explaining when to use and
as I never understand and don't know if using the wrong one will break
anything.  If its an RTFM situatiion, a pointer at a howto would be


  /sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

 The IP address looks funny. Sure it's private?

That's the private Class A network address.  It does
look like he is using a Class C network 10.0.0 though.
If not, it should be instead.

hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: ipchains diagnostics

2000-01-25 Thread Dänzer

--- hypnos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Michel Dänzer wrote:
   /sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
  The IP address looks funny. Sure it's private?
 That's the private Class A network address.  It does
 look like he is using a Class C network 10.0.0 though.
 If not, it should be instead.

That's what I was trying to say :)


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Please tell me this is curable...

2000-01-25 Thread Patrick Kirk

Can you recall the name of any of these Windows utilities?  Or has nayone
done this in the past and have the awk script lying about?
 The problem is the lf - crlf switch.  Just reverse it.  There
 will be posts saying this won't work but it will.  You'd think
 it doesn't work because what about valid crlf pairs in the
 original data.  But they get changed to crcrlf by the ascii
 transfer and back to crlf by the fix.  It would be a problem
 if you were hitting the data recursively but you're just doing
 one pass.

 I know there are little windows utils to do this but someone
 can cobble up an awk one-liner or something.  I did it with rexx.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Please tell me this is curable...

2000-01-25 Thread Dänzer

--- rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know there are little windows utils to do this but someone
 can cobble up an awk one-liner or something.  I did it with rexx.

Am I missing something, or should dos2unix/unix2dos from the sysutils pckage
do the job?


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: ipchains diagnostics

2000-01-25 Thread Dänzer

--- Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would you mind explaining when to use and

With, the masquerading code will only forward from/to IPs
10.0.0.x, whereas with 10.x.x.x , which is probably what you want
(although it escapes me why anyone would need such a big private network? :)

 as I never understand and don't know if using the wrong one will break

If it's wrong, your packets probably won't get routed.


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

problem to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437) and others

2000-01-25 Thread Hans Ekbrand
At bootup I get (amongs other messages) the following two error messages:

Unable to load NLS charset cp437(nls_cp437)
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)

Is there any package missing, or what is the problem?

thanks in advance for any replies,

Hans Ekbrand

Re: Lilo hdb

2000-01-25 Thread Christian Rishøj

 Subject: Re: Lilo  hdb
 Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 17:27:50 -1000 (HST)
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Alec, thanks for the info. I was useful as Win2k does have boot loader
 similar to NT4's. I could just make hda1 the partition with Win2k by
 physically swapping the drives and then use the boot loader from Win2k
 (given the necessary tweaks).
 That solutions is however more work than I'm willing to do to play with
 Microsoft's latest bloatware ... I mean OS, whoops. Does anyone know a
 way I can boot Win2k from hdb1 using LILO?

Hi, perhaps this can help you. I am putting these lines in my lilo.conf
to be able to boot Win95 from hdb1:

 map-drive=0x80 to=0x81
 map-drive=0x81 to=0x80

The trick is to make Win95 think that it is actually booting from hda :D

- Christian

Re: Locate question

2000-01-25 Thread John Bagdanoff
I've noticed this the last few days with both slink to potato upgrade and a 
potato install on another drive.  The problem looks like the latest findutils
package.  I downgraded to the slink findutils which fixed the problem.


Svante Signell wrote:


 Sometime during updates from slink to potato the locate database is
 not updated any longer. Anacron is running after a reboot, but the
 updatedb does not locate recent files. Can somebody enlightenment me
 how things are workingtogether:
 find, locate, update, updatedb, anacron and cron.

 Svante Signell

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Please tell me this is curable...

2000-01-25 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (rick) wrote:
In article
 Maybe you transferred it in ASCII mode.  Hopefully you didn't transfer it
 in ASCII mode when you sent it to the NT box because then you'll never get
 it back.  If you did it in ASCII mode sending it back to the Linux system
 then you must simply resend it in binary.

The problem is the lf - crlf switch.  Just reverse it.  There
will be posts saying this won't work but it will.  You'd think
it doesn't work because what about valid crlf pairs in the
original data.  But they get changed to crcrlf by the ascii
transfer and back to crlf by the fix.  It would be a problem
if you were hitting the data recursively but you're just doing
one pass.

ASCII transfer isn't clever enough to spot CRLFs, then? (Can't test this
just at the moment, so I'll take your word for it.)

I know there are little windows utils to do this but someone
can cobble up an awk one-liner or something.  I did it with rexx.

awk '{ print \r $0 }' seems to do it, though this is only lightly

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new to debian...

2000-01-25 Thread Ron Rademaker
Just install in slink apt, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt can
find potato (add a line http/ftp site potato main contrib non-free), and
remove the 'stable' line. 

Now you do:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dselect-upgrade
and... when all goes well YOU HAVE POTATO (apt downloads automatic).


Re: Please tell me this is curable...

2000-01-25 Thread Philip Hands
Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can you recall the name of any of these Windows utilities?  Or has nayone
 done this in the past and have the awk script lying about?
  The problem is the lf - crlf switch.  Just reverse it.  There
  will be posts saying this won't work but it will.  You'd think
  it doesn't work because what about valid crlf pairs in the
  original data.  But they get changed to crcrlf by the ascii

Ah, good point.  Assuming it's true:

  perl -ne 's/\r\n/\n/g; print;'  broken.tar  fixed.tar

should do the trick.

Cheers, Phil.

Re: Please tell me this is curable...

2000-01-25 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson) wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (rick) wrote:
The problem is the lf - crlf switch.  Just reverse it.  There
will be posts saying this won't work but it will.  You'd think
it doesn't work because what about valid crlf pairs in the
original data.  But they get changed to crcrlf by the ascii
transfer and back to crlf by the fix.  It would be a problem
if you were hitting the data recursively but you're just doing
one pass.

ASCII transfer isn't clever enough to spot CRLFs, then? (Can't test this
just at the moment, so I'll take your word for it.)

I know there are little windows utils to do this but someone
can cobble up an awk one-liner or something.  I did it with rexx.

awk '{ print \r $0 }' seems to do it, though this is only lightly

... as long as I read the problem the wrong way round. I of course

  awk '{ gsub(/\r$/, ); print }'

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Oracle on Debian potato

2000-01-25 Thread Robert Varga

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, A. M. Varon wrote:

 Anybody has experiences running Oracle on a potato system?

I am running 8.0.5 without problems now. However the install was something
to mention.

In the following I assume you have installed oracle on another linux. If
you haven't, then see the document I mention at the end of my letter, 
for a step-by-step instruction list. However, you have to compare it with
my letter, since some things need to be done differently in debian. So
read both before starting to install oracle.

In short: you need to debianize a couple of redhat packages with alien.

  alien redhatpackagefilename

These packages are:


These can be found on RH6.0 and RH 6.1 mirrors in the RPMS directory.

After installing them, you need to chmod +x the following files:


The first is mandatory, the other two I am not sure, I chmoded them as

You must also link to make as gmake 

  ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gmake

After this, you can install oracle 8.0.5 almost normally, except one

the oratab.sh in orainst does not run properly on debian. You must change
the references to the GROUPS variable in it to somethin else, since GROUPS
varaible is readonly in bash. I don't know about this in sh. What I did
was to replace GROUPS to GROUPSPROG. take care however not to replace

After this install oracle, but don't create the database objects.

Before running root.sh, you need to patch the oracle binaries.

The patch tarball is at


Extract it to ~oracle/orapatch

cd into ~oracle/orapatch

sh glibcpatch.sh

It will take a little time to complete, there can be error messages along
the way, but they don't matter. They are missing files you did not
install because you not selected everything.

Type sqlplus to check that it worked.
If it segfaults then you have missed  something. If it gives you the
normal sqlplus prompt, then the patching was successful.

After this you can create the DB objects normally (you need to select the
RDBMS Standard item again). You must do this with the Install parts menu
item, since not everything is installed yet, so Create/Upgrade DB objects
won't work yet.

There is a couple of editing and chmod-ing and chown-ing to do...

After this it will work flawlessly.

See more details in http://jordan.fortwayne.com/oracle/rh6x.html

Instead of machinating with .profile files as described in that document,
just put the following in /etc/profile, modified accordingly to your
install decisions, but before installing, to spare yourself some problem:

export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/store/oracle
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/store/oracle/lib
export ORACLE_BASE=/store/oracle
export ORACLE_TERM=386
export ORACLE_DOC=/store/oracle/doc

and add /store/oracle/bin to the PATH statement.

The oracle TNS listener can only be started as user oracle. If you need it
to start at boot-up, then you need to do some more compiling other
packages (daemontools from Daniel J. Berstein). Send a letter if you are
interested in it.

Robert Varga

Exim retry problem

2000-01-25 Thread Abdul Aziz
Hi, I am using Slink (r2) and have a problem with exim after a new install.
I can send and receive local mail OK - and remote mail via my ISP is OK when I 
am on-line.
But external mail is not queued when off-line - I get error message in the 
/var/log/exim/mainlog which says:
retry timeout exceeded
almost as soon as the mail is sent.
I've looked at /etc/exim.conf and the retry section seems OK (it is 
uncommented, and I have'nt changed it). I've run eximconfig a few times but 
still the same problem.
It seems external mail isn't beeing queued as it should - and it did before
the new install.
Any suggestions and help much appreciated.

X hell!!

2000-01-25 Thread Steve Winston
Please give this newbie some advice.
  I have configured X to the point where I get an Enlightenment window
  one open terminal window that gives me access to the command line. 
  But I can't use any functions. When I try to open Eterm, Electric Eyes,
  etc., I get messages saying they are not included in the /bin/bash path. I
  check echo $PATH naturally, but I don't understand what path the
  stuff should go into. 
  Also, when I try to go into GNOME, following instructions from the OReilly
  Debian book, I am told much of the stuff, gmc, panel, etc., don't exist. I
  apt-get update or install or install --fix-missing with no luck or else to
  receive messages that 404 isn't found.
  Any ideas? Thanks in advance. STeve W

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: Please tell me this is curable...

2000-01-25 Thread Patrick Kirk
Success!  The ones that were put up in ascii and taken down in binary are
recovered.  The others need to be downloaded again but at least the most
important documents are recovered.

Many thanks!

My old mailbox is still in a tar-ball - did you get back about the beer


- Original Message -
From: Philip Hands [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: rick [EMAIL PROTECTED]; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Please tell me this is curable...

 Patrick Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Can you recall the name of any of these Windows utilities?  Or has
  done this in the past and have the awk script lying about?
   The problem is the lf - crlf switch.  Just reverse it.  There
   will be posts saying this won't work but it will.  You'd think
   it doesn't work because what about valid crlf pairs in the
   original data.  But they get changed to crcrlf by the ascii

 Ah, good point.  Assuming it's true:

   perl -ne 's/\r\n/\n/g; print;'  broken.tar  fixed.tar

 should do the trick.

 Cheers, Phil.

Re: Debian equivalent of RH's rc.local?

2000-01-25 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Eric G . Miller egm2@jps.net wrote:
Put your one-time script links in /etc/rcS.d and the actual scripts in

DO NOT do this. /etc/rcS.d scripts are executed at bootup before any
other service is running.

These scripts are executed at every runlevel.

No, /etc/rcS.d scripts are definitely not executed every runlevel.

There are
READMEs in /etc/rcS.d and /etc/init.d.

That's good advice, now follow it ;)

The From: and Reply-To: addresses are internal news2mail gateway addresses.
Reply to the list or to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miquel van Smoorenburg)

Unidentified subject!

2000-01-25 Thread Javi

ppp help needed

2000-01-25 Thread da Bobstopper
hello debian people

i've been getting annoying logs in /etc/var/ppp.log: 

Jan 25 22:37:32 butler pppd[10594]:  d4 95 13 08 94 61 a9 94 30 64 1a b9 46 4c 
e1 45 93 f0 33 06 60 66 07 39 62 06 40 31 79 b2 5a 46 d2 b4 31 61 cd 1c f2 d5 30
12 1b 05 93 30 02 09 23 3c 96 5f 7a 72 29 19 98 ff 69 64 2f 8d 62 e2 4e 23 ff 
90 61 3b 90 98 c3 90 c4 00 11 f4 44 23 57 57 23 82 87
Jan 25 22:37:32 butler pppd[10594]:  75 b2 8a 75 d6 b1 64 92 43 29 11 7a 07 07 
36 40 53 04 96 a6 54 4a 44 f4 4a 67 2b 05 09 99 3e 17 74 4a e3 ed 02 04 b1 97 94
b6 97 c7 aa 90 04 82 40 47 ae 2b 20 3e 12 a9 01 48 b3 e2 6f c3 e6 3e f3 e9 3e 
b4 12 40 e9 0b 2a 79 bd 41 73 d9 3d b8 c0 4b c3 fb 49
Jan 25 22:37:32 butler pppd[10594]:  59 88 4f 28 ca 31 77 2b 1e 94 ad 8b b2 d4 
2e 70 3a 4f a1 98 9a b3 8f
Jan 25 22:37:32 butler pppd[10594]: rcvd [proto=0xfd] 02 b1 7d d0 1c 05 87 e0 
0b 60 aa 71 a8 d4 9c 56 66 98 21 3d 96 c6 6b 7e 96 6f 67 16 73 67 50 6f 67 76 
79 67 b5 4c 06 37 fc 82 61 3a 4d d6 89 42 f4 b8 9c b9 6f 98 a8 35 28 31 f7 78 
89 8f
64 59 92 91 d7 60 79 61 7a 9e e2 da 06 51 7c 77 39
Jan 25 22:37:32 butler pppd[10594]:  9c 6d 81 c8 4b 15 03 06 51 49 2c 0a 05 2d 
d4 c2 77 a5 2b 83 c2 e3 33 e2 71 4b f3 e0 26 74 94 06 d6 6d 27 02 f5 8d 39 ae 40
39 80 4e 14 9f 66 92 5c 7b 09 e6 67 b6 74 3e c9 ea 02 06 78 67 a2 61 67 d8 a9 
62 98 98 25 78 ed 68 a9 f6 37 59 a0 18 06 20 2f 12 6e
Jan 25 22:37:32 butler pppd[10594]:  27 00 20 06 d1 d6 4a e4 b0 4b 24 b4 2e 22 
df 97 65 d5 3e 42 e9 77 b2 7e 90 f1 a8 9f c9 8e 75 af

this stuff goes on for about 5 pages within less than a second. it slows down
the connection drastically. if anyone has any idea at all what it could be could
you please tell me. the debug option has been turned off but no effect. i
look forward to a response

thanks in advance


da Bobstopper

Re: new to debian...

2000-01-25 Thread Jim Kannengieser
Thanks for the info on using apt. One more question, if you don't
mind Won't this take forever over my ISDN line? I have access to a T1
at work, so that might be the better choice. If not, then I'll try apt at
home over ISDN.


On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:

 Just install in slink apt, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt can
 find potato (add a line http/ftp site potato main contrib non-free), and
 remove the 'stable' line. 
 Now you do:
 apt-get update
 apt-get dist-upgrade
 apt-get upgrade
 apt-get dselect-upgrade
 and... when all goes well YOU HAVE POTATO (apt downloads automatic).

RE: potato mirror

2000-01-25 Thread Lewis, James M.

   I'm in the middle of mirroring the potato distribution and
   notice that there are about 300+ packages symlink to slink
   distribution.  Does this mean that I need to mirror slink
No.  I used rsync and told it to follow the symlinks.  I can
get just potato and just i386.  I can send you the script
if you want.  The rsync I am using is from potato but I started
from the one in slink.  The total space required is about 2.2G.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Get Paid To Surf The Web

2000-01-25 Thread PaidSurfer
If I haven't already told you, I recently joined 
AllAdvantage.com, a cool new Internet company that pays its 
members to surf the Web. You never pay anything and you don't 
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AllAdvantage.com has already paid its members hundreds of 
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Happy Surfing!

Member ID# IPP-719 

Setting up a PPP connection using a calling card

2000-01-25 Thread Christian Dysthe

this may be a little off topic, but please bear with me.

I am using Debian unstable on my laptop now and have a local dial-up
account using PPP. 

Sometimes when I travel I want to use a company calling card to dial my
local ISP and get mail and stuff having the long distance directly
billed to my employer. 

The problem is that using the calling card requires putting in a
customer number and a pin and finally my ISP's number. Does anyone know
where I can find information regarding how to do this? I have looked
several places but can not find information I am able to use. Windows
have calling card features in their dial software, but I can not find
info regarding this when it comes to Linux.


Christian Dysthe
Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org
ICQ 3945810
eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Re: downloading

2000-01-25 Thread Kent West
Gavin Schuette wrote:

 I want to download the debian operating system for a pentium processor,
 what should I do?
 I have tried the ftp site from my netscape browser and cliked on slink
 and it downloads a list of files only?
 Where is the link I clik to download the operating system itself?
 I would love to put it on my home computer.

There are several ways of doing this. If you're going to keep a DOS/Windows 
on this box, there's five or six files you can download to that partition which 
can use to install a minimal (and I mean minimal) base system.  If you're not 
to keep a DOS/Win partition, you need to download about 7 diskette images and 
floppies out of them (using rawrite2.exe, available on your download site near 
floppy images, to create them from DOS). Once you've got the base system 
you can get your network going and download the rest quite easily (but perhaps
slowly, depending on the type of connection you have.

You can read about both of these methods at
http://www.debian.org/releases/slink/i386/install, particularly section 5.3 and 

Trouble with X Windows...

2000-01-25 Thread Michael Jessop
...I just converted over (well, initialized my disk and started from
scratch) from RedHat 6.0 to Debian 2.1 (Slink).  I cannot get XWindows to
run correctly.  I have a Matrox G200 AGP card... is this NOT the equivalent
to the Millennium II AGP driver/card listed in the XF86Setup program?  If
not, what to do?  I am considering upgrading to Potato, but I do not even
know how to do that (with apt)...  Can someone help me out?  I'd like to get
up and running with Debian.

Thank you.


Re: dynamic IP's, IP masq and mail, can it be done?

2000-01-25 Thread Joe Block
Ethan Benson wrote:
 I have a small network connected to the internet via a IP masq
 gateway, and would like to get mail working, but the above setup is a
 nightmare for mail it would seem.
 is it even possible for mail to work in such a setup or am i wasting
 my time?  I got the gateway machine to send mail, but my fake domain
 still shows up in various places, such as the message ID and a second
  From line.  and in order to do that i had to setup a virtual table
 for all the local user accounts, otherwise when cron or something
 send mail to root it would go to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...
 I am using Postfix and have gone through pretty much all of the
 documentation on the web site and still don't have this all working
 very well, and it seems to be a very very messy setup.

I'm using postfix on slink to do this now.  It's been a while since I
set it up so I may be a little vague about some of the details, my
notebook with my debian notes has gone missing.

Do you have a domain already?  If you do, see if your isp will do uucp
delivery for you.  My home lan gets its mail via uucp from my desktop
machine at work.  If you don't have a domain and are unwilling to pay
for a top level domain, talk to the folks at dyndns.org about getting a
subdomain from them.

To do this (from vague memory, there may be a little more to it than

1) set up a uucp link between your home gateway machine and your isp. 
There is a howto on this, so I won't go into detail. 

2) set up your domain's dns so that your isp is the mx for your domain.

3) have your isp configure their end so that all mail for your domain is
transferred via uucp to your machine.

4) Set up your home machine to send all mail outside your domain to your
isp (check out the postfix faq for details) via uucp.  This isn't
totally necessary if you have a fast link - I have a cablemodem and do
all my outgoing delivery myself.

5) Set up your ip-up script to add a call of 'uucico -S ispuucpname' to
force a connection to pick up your pending mail  send out your outgoing

6) add a cron job to do 'uucico -S ispuucpname' every hour or so to pick
up your mail

If you want to have incoming uucp over tcp and use a seperate password
file for uucp (recommended), put the password entries into
/etc/uucp/passwd and add

uucpstream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd 
/usr/sbin/uucico -l

to your inetd.conf and then kill -HUP inetd

When I was using diald and ppp for a dialup connection, I had my ip-up
script touch /var/run/linkup and then had ip-down remove it.  Then I
could have cron jobs check to see if the link was already up before
doing anything.

The big advantage of having your mail come in over uucp is that it will
resume interrupted transfers where they left off, rather than making you
retransmit the whole message.  Very nice if you have timed local phone

If your own isp won't do this, there are companies out there who will,
including the consulting firm I work with (http://www.communiweb.net).

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

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