Re: Creación de paquetes a partir de un CVS

2000-09-27 Thread Jose Angel Fdez . Luengo

El día Tue, 26 Sep 2000 19:01:26 +0200 alguien dijo:

 Ando haciendo un paquete Debian para Potato de un programa (Sylpheed) que 
 por CVS. ¿Como podría automatizar el proceso para que me generara el paquete 
 a partir 
 de cada versión actualizada por CVS?
 apt-get install cvs-buildpackage

lo tenía instalado, pero no soy capaz de hacer que funcione. El fuente del CVS 
queda en un
directorio llamado sylpheed y no tiene el directorio debian creado. Además, 
cvs-buildpackage espera que el directorio este en formato programa-versión

Nos leemos...
skaven at

Re: mensaje al arrancar

2000-09-27 Thread Saxa Egea

Normalmente se soluciona con un depmod -a.


At 23:24 27/09/00 -0400, Rodrigo De la Vega wrote:

Estoy viendo desde hace algunos dias este menssaje al arrancar:

Calculating module dependencies... done.
Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than
modprobe: insmod * failed

Que puede estar mal?


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Re: ¿Cómo_montar_un_irc_por_web?

2000-09-27 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 27 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 11:44:45 +0200, Juan Carlos Muro 

Otra cosa distinta es añadir y activar un módulo para que apache interprete 
Java, para las
JSP y los Servlets. Los servlets son como los applets pero que se ejecutan en 
el lado del
servidor, es decir, del apache. Por tanto, cuando accedes a 
es apache quien procesa el servlet y manda la salida por el puerto 80 hacia el 

 Parecido a como hace con los CGIs, no?

No sé si me explico o te lío más. En cualquier caso no dudes volver a 
preguntar si es

 Sí, ya  lo he pillado cuando  vi que el melange  constaba de un
 servidor  y  un  cliente  en  java. Entonces  tuve  claro  todo  el
 funcionamiento del sistema.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: mensaje al arrancar

2000-09-27 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Rodrigo De la Vega wrote:

 Estoy viendo desde hace algunos dias este menssaje al arrancar:

 Calculating module dependencies... done.
 Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than
 modprobe: insmod * failed

 Que puede estar mal?

Hmmm ... yo diría que has hecho un update-modules, pero no un depmod -a ... 
;-) me

El fichero /etc/modules.conf se *debe* de construir ejecutando (como root) 
Este comando lo que hace es leer todos los ficheros que hay en /etc/modutils y 
construir el
nuevo modules.conf, creando una copia de seguridad con el nombre 
modules.conf.old. Por otra
parte depmod -a lo que hace es generar las dependencias entre los módulos que 
compilados del kernel (para saber que módulos han de cargarse antes que otros 
para que estos
otros puedan funcionar) y genera un fichero llamado modules.dep en
/lib/modules/kernel_con_el_que_arrancas/. ¿Has compilado recientemente el 
kernel? ... O tal
vez tenías compilada una imagen del 2.2.17 y al actualizarte te ha machacado la 
imagen ... o
espera tal vez lo que te ha machacado son los módulos. Para evitar este tipo de 
problemas te
recomiendo usar el paquete kernel-package o bien la opción hold del dselect 
para mantener
tu imagen. Prueba a ejecutar como root depmod -a, a ver si eso resuelve tu 
problema ...


De nada.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I and I don't feel,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA but tightly hold up silently my hands
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  before my fading eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.and in my eyes your smile.
Phone: +34 964 728361   The very last thing before I go ...
Fax: +34 964 728435 Robert Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - The same deep water as you, Disintegration,
1989, Fiction Rec. -

¿Fin problemas wmaker+gnome?

2000-09-27 Thread Juan C. Amengual

al final solucioné lo de los mensajes del gnome en inglés. Mi nuevo
;-) .xsession:


if [ -x /usr/bin/pland ]
/usr/bin/pland -k
echo 2 AVISO: No se encontró el demonio pland

LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-1  - ¡new!
export LANG  -- ¡new!
WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/bin/X11/wmaker  ¡new!
export WINDOW_MANAGER --- ¡new!

if [ -x /usr/bin/pland ]
echo Matando el demonio pland ...
/usr/bin/pland -K

Con lo del LANG el gnome ya sale en castellano ... lo del
WINDOW_MANAGER era para resolver el problema del wmaker ... pero nada

En fin, voy a suscribirme a la lista de usuarios de wmaker a ver si
soluciono algo. Si lo consigo ya os informaré. Por si acaso, algún
gurú se anima os recuerdo el problema:

 2) Todas las modificaciones que hago en wmaker relativas a posiciones
 del dock y del clip, así como eliminación/adición/cambio en la
 configuración de los botones no se guardan de una a otra sesión.

Pues eso, de momento funciono a base de hacer un Restart desde el menú
de wmaker cada vez que toco algo ... pero eso no es plan!!


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I and I don't feel,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA but tightly hold up silently my hands
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  before my fading eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.and in my eyes your smile.
Phone: +34 964 728361   The very last thing before I go ...
Fax: +34 964 728435 Robert Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - The same deep water as you, Disintegration,
1989, Fiction Rec. -

Re: Socorro! un fichero fantasma!

2000-09-27 Thread antonioangel . sanzarrospide

Si haces un strace en el pid de la shell desde el que lanzas el comando
strace -ppid -ofichero salida -f.
Puedes ver lo que intenta hacer el scrip y donde va a buscar los ficheros.


Re: Configurar (recoger) correo-e

2000-09-27 Thread Santiago Vila
 Tras mucho navegar y preguntar pude configurar mi winmodem (un
 lucent que viene con los satellite de Toshiba). Ahora el problema es
 otro: Soy un enamorado del modo texto, y he instalado el programa
 mutt para recoger y enviar el correo-e. Enviar, si puedo (prueba de
 ello es esto), pero no se como configurar el sistema para que pueda
 recogerlo. Por lo que he podido ver, con eximconfig sol o puedo
 configurarlo para enviar el correo, pero no recogerlo. ¿Hay algún otro
 archivo de configuración para recogerlo? Imagino que si...
 ¿Alguien puede echarme una mano?

Para recoger el correo puedes usar fetchmail.

Re: Instalacion de KDE

2000-09-27 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:

 Hace un par de dias he recibido la debian potato-2.2 de opencd (4cds) en
 ellos se encuentra el KDE, pero cuando voy a instalar,por ejemplo el
 kdebase me da un fallo de dependencias, me dice: parece que no tienes
 la libstdc++2.9. He buscado en los paquetes de debian y he enconntrado
 otras old librerias que empiezan po esto mismo pero el nombre tiene mas
 extenciones que ahora no recuerdo. Sabeis donde esta? [...]

En slink. En potato parece que ya no está.

Re: uso de 128MB de RAM

2000-09-27 Thread Conrado Badenas
 Muchas gracias. Con esta opción ya me reconoce los 128 Mb. Pero el núcleo
 2.2.17 que utilizo de Debian por si solo no lo reconoce. Lo único es si
 hubiera alguna forma de hacer lo mismo con el make bzdisk que resulta más
 cómodo para compilar y el diskette tira más deprisa que con el otro método.

Pues no sé porqué el 2.2.17 no la reconoce. Quizás sea un problema
hardware de la placa madre o de la BIOS, pero no me hagas caso que no
tengo ni idea.

Lo mejor es que vuelvas a enviar un mensaje a la lista (ya han pasado
dos días desde tu primer mensaje, y la gente seguro que ya no se
acuerda) con un subject como El kernel 2.2.17 sólo reconoce 64M de RAM
de un total de 128M, y espera que alguien que sepa más te conteste. Si
nadie te contesta, prueba a los dos días siguientes con otro subject y
continúa así (eso es porque no todos los gurús están siempre, y a cada
uno le impresiona más un tipo de subjecto que otros)

Conrado Badenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PhD student  | Assistant Lecturer
Department of Thermodynamics | Department of Optics
Faculty of Physics. University of Valencia
c/. Dr. Moliner, 50
46100 Burjassot (Valencia) - SPAIN

Re: Socorro! un fichero fantasma!

2000-09-27 Thread Antonio Moragues
Hola, prueba a hacer un ldd ./xsetup a ver que te dice, sospecho que lo
que no encuentra es el ld-linux...


On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Joaquin Fenandez Piqueras wrote:

 Estoy instalando Matlab para unix en una maquina Linux. Tal y como he
 hecho decenas de veces en otras maquinas Linux, monto el CDROM, creo un
 directorio /usr/local/matlab y desde aqui ejecuto /cdrom/install 
 install es un script que llama a un programa que se llama xsetup. Pues
 el script me dice que no se encuentra este fichero. Lo he buscado
 personalmente y si esta!!! en el directorio donde dice que no lo
 encuentra!!!. Pruebo de ejecutarlo directamente ./xsetup y la shell me
 vuelve a decir lo mismo, que no encuentra el fichero xsetup.
 He probado de todo, lo he intentado ejecutar desde varias shells, sh,
 bash, ksh, csh, con el mismo resultado. He copiado el fichero al disco
 duro y tras comprobar que el fichero se ha copiado, paso a ejecutarlo y
 me vuelve a decir lo mismo, que no existe o que no lo encuentra!!
 Por cierto, el fichero tiene permisos de lectura y ejecucion para todos
 los usuarios, pero he probado de darle hasta de escritura y sigue igual.
 Alguna idea?? estoy alucinando ya que acabo de probar en mi ordenador y
 el xsetup funciona perfectamente! 
 solo falla en esta maquina en concreto.
 si necesitais mas informacion, o algun log, pedirlo que yo es la primera
 vez que me pasa una cosa asi y no se que mas poneros.
 Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 39921
 (Pasate por  ;-)

Re: Socorro! un fichero fantasma! (ld-linux???)

2000-09-27 Thread Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras
On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 13:46:54 Antonio Moragues wrote:
 Hola, prueba a hacer un ldd ./xsetup a ver que te dice, sospecho que lo
 que no encuentra es el ld-linux...

Que es el ld-linux


Re: Socorro! un fichero fantasma! (ld-linux???)

2000-09-27 Thread Antonio Moragues

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras wrote:

 On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 13:46:54 Antonio Moragues wrote:
  Hola, prueba a hacer un ldd ./xsetup a ver que te dice, sospecho que lo
  que no encuentra es el ld-linux...
 Que es el ld-linux

Es un programa enlazado estáticamente que se encuentra en /lib y  carga
las librerías dinámicas de los programas al arrancarlos, tal vez ese 
mathlab que tienes sea para otro sistema operativo e intente ejecutar un
loader que no tienes y al no encontrarlo te dice que no encuentra el

Esto es lo que pasa cuando ejecuto un binario de solaris x86 en mi linux:

$ file bin.sol_x86
bin.sol_x86: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1,
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
$ ls -l bin.sol_x86
-rwxr-xr-x1 amorague amorague26720 Sep 27 14:11 bin.sol_x86
$ ./bin.sol_x86
bash: ./bin.sol_x86: No such file or directory

prueba a hacer un strace al xsetup y nos cuentas.


Convertir datos xmcd de Slink

2000-09-27 Thread Juan C. Amengual

para escuchar música del CD uso el xmcd (¡genial! aprovecho para decir
:). Ya lo usaba en Slink. Hace un par de semanas que me actualicé a
potato y resulta que ahora la base de datos está en /var/lib/xmcd/discog
y además guarda la info de los CDs en formato html. La vieja (ha
pasado año y pico desde que instalé Slink ... ¡imaginad!) está en
/var/lib/cddb/ organizada en las mismas categorías pero ...

... si tenía un CD con id 5f0d9f09 pongamos por caso, en categoría
rock, resulta que en /var/lib/cddb/rock aparecía un fichero llamado
5f0d9f09 en formato texto. Ahora crea un directorio con ese mismo nombre
en /var/lib/xmcd/discog/rock/ con un fichero dentro llamado index.html
en formato HTML (obviously). ¿Qué puedo hacer para convertir mi vieja
base de datos a la nueva? Supongo que puedo escribir en
/var/lib/xmcd/discog puesto que pertenezco al grupo audio. Bueno, si
algún fan del xmcd me puede ayudar ... ¡bienvenido sea! Gracias.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I and I don't feel,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA but tightly hold up silently my hands
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  before my fading eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.and in my eyes your smile.
Phone: +34 964 728361   The very last thing before I go ...
Fax: +34 964 728435 Robert Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - The same deep water as you, Disintegration,
1989, Fiction Rec. -


2000-09-27 Thread Manufacturas Diversas, S.A. de C.V.

Kernel 2.2.15, unidad SCSI Jaz y muchos problemas

2000-09-27 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Desde que instalé el kernel 2.2.15 no paro de tener
problemas con mi unidad Jaz SCSI. La unidad parece ir mucho
más lenta y ayer mismo empecé a perder ficheros (error del
soporte, no del sistema de archivos). Alguien sabe si este
kernel tiene problemas con discos SCSI?


Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Socorro! un fichero fantasma! (ld-linux???)

2000-09-27 Thread Antonio Moragues

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Hue-Bond wrote:

 El miércoles 27 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 14:15:46 +0200, Antonio 
 Moragues contaba:
  Que es el ld-linux
 Es un programa enlazado estáticamente que se encuentra en /lib y  carga
 las librerías dinámicas de los programas al arrancarlos
  Creo que te refieres a /lib/, no a /lib/ld-linux.

A me refiero, me equivoque y puse ld-linux.

[no subject]


[no subject]


Re: Socorro! un fichero fantasma!

2000-09-27 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El Wed,27/Sep/2000 a las 12:37:43+0200, Joaquin Fenandez Piqueras escribió:
 Estoy instalando Matlab para unix en una maquina Linux. Tal y como he hecho 
 decenas de veces en otras maquinas Linux, monto el CDROM, creo un directorio 
 /usr/local/matlab y desde aqui ejecuto /cdrom/install 
 install es un script que llama a un programa que se llama xsetup. Pues el 
 script me dice que no se encuentra este fichero. Lo he buscado personalmente 
 y si esta!!! en el directorio donde dice que no lo encuentra!!!. Pruebo de 
 ejecutarlo directamente ./x
setup y la shell me vuelve a decir lo mismo, que no encuentra el fichero xsetup.
 He probado de todo, lo he intentado ejecutar desde varias shells, sh, bash, 
 ksh, csh, con el mismo resultado. He copiado el fichero al disco duro y tras 
 comprobar que el fichero se ha copiado, paso a ejecutarlo y me vuelve a decir 
 lo mismo, que no exist
e o que no lo encuentra!!
 Por cierto, el fichero tiene permisos de lectura y ejecucion para todos los 
 usuarios, pero he probado de darle hasta de escritura y sigue igual.

  a mi me pasó algo parecido hace tiempo y lo que ocurria era que fallaba
el comando que debia interpretar el script, es decir, el programa a
ejecutar es realmente un script cuya primera línea es por ejemplo


pero no existe el ejecutable /usr/bin/sh.

Mira a ver si es eso.

  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318265/86
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |email: 
Univ. La Laguna | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
38071 La LagunaSPAIN|PGP id: 0x1B519A0D

Description: PGP signature

Resetear procesos y perifericos

2000-09-27 Thread Roberto Meyer

Quisiera saber cual es la forma mas efectiva de matar un proceso y
resetear hardware (no vale apagar server, ok?) :-P

Proceso: ejecute 'mt -f /dev/st0 erase' a fin de borrar una cinta DAT SCSI
12/24GB y el proceso quedo colgado y 'duro de matar'.  kill -9 y otras
artima~as no funcionaron! - hice trampa, shutdown... (luego de 1,5hs de
Un camino: especificar el tama~o en bloques de la cinta solucionaria esto?
Espero probarlo pronto.

Perifericos: ya mas de una vez hemos colgado modems internos, grabadoras
CD, etc. y muchas veces no hay kill que aguante: el modem se pego porque
le hicieron un poff apenas arrancado pon o la grabadora de CD quemo y no
para mas.  Algunas veces ha funcionado resetear el bus con cdrecord, pero
en el caso de la cinta no encontre manera alguna.

Gracias por vuestro tiempo,

Roberto Meyer   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coord. UDIS tel: +54-261-4292681 int 60
Fundacion IDR   Mendoza - Argentina

Re: Preguntillas debian potato

2000-09-27 Thread Andres Herrera

El Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 09:01:01PM +0200, Santiago Romero disidio iscribir:
  3.- ¿Donde puedo informarme de una manera rápida y sencilla o con qué
  comando debo actualizar los paquetes que hayan tenido bugs? En RH
  tengo, donde veo todos los paquetes con
  erratas o bugs de seguridad, los bajo e instalo...

Busca la pagina sobre bugs y/o seguridad en el web de Debian. Por ahi tendras
la forma de suscribirte a la lista de avisos de seguridad. Entre esa lista y
el tener el en el sources.list (y hacer el apt-get update
y apt-get upgrade regularmente, por ejemplo en el cron o en el ip-up) no hay
bug que se resista :-)

  5.- ¿Están WTERM y POSTFIX en debian? El primero no lo encuentro y el
  segundo supongo que si pero no estoy seguro.

Postfix, si. wterm no (al menos por ese nombre, a no ser que este rabautizado
o escondido en algun otro paquete --que lo dudo--)

  Si no os importa, conforme vayan cayendo cosas iré haciendo otras pregun-
  tillas sobre Debian, es que estoy desbordado: me veo tanto que hacer :?

Hombree, lo mas triste es tener un ordenador delante y aburrirse ;-)

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AndresHE/cagarruta En Irc-Hispano  | N.Reg: 66054  
PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test4
Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD. 
Clave GPG:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Particionar el disco

2000-09-27 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El mié, 27 de sep de 2000, a las 09:07:32 +0200, Jose Mª Gálvez Aguiló dijo:
  Y despues como junto las swaps?
 Simplemente con fdisk, eliminas las dos swap y creas una sola
  Conlleva este metodo quizas algunos peligros?
 No pero la eliminacion de las particiones deberias hacerlo desde MS-DOS para 
 que no tengas nada en la swap
  Como me recomendais hacerlo? O con que otro programa?
 Yo he utilizado fips (está en el CD-1 de la DEBIAN) bajo MS-DOS
 coger del final, pero yo personalmente sólo he hecho
 eso con Windows... No sé con linux qué resultados dará...
 Yo lo he hecho desde MS-DOS con el fips y va bien, pero no creo que se pueda 
 cojer de la parte del principio. De hecho primero hay que defragmentar el 
 disco para que todos los datos pasen delante.
 quizá podrias añadir la swap a la ext2 y despues una vez que tienes una sola 
 particion (Ojo, no se si esto se tragaría tus datos) quitarla del final
 Hmm... Tal y como lo tienes yo lo que haría sería quitarle espacio a
 Windows (al final) y tener dos particiones de swap, una en cada disco
 ¿Que Tal tener una sola particion SWAP en /dev/hdb?
 Además, lei yo en algún sitio que, en sistemas con mucha carga, es mejor
 tener dos swap en discos distintos. Parece que va más rápido.
 Va mas rápido si se tiene el swap en un disco que no sea el del sistema 
 porque puede escribir o leer en ambos al tiempo. en cambio si están en el 
 mismo disco mientras lee o escribe para el sistema no puede hacerlo en swap.
Bueno, lo que voy a hacer ya lo he expplicado en el mensaje que acabo de
enviar, pero me gustaria saber que es mejor:
· una particion swap grande en el disco de win (como de grande?)
· dos particiones, una en el disco de win y otra en el de linux
· una sola swap grande en linux (me parece que no)
· y finalmente, serviria de algo poner mas de una swap en cada disco en
lugar de una sola? (lo pregunto por mera curiosidad, aunque supongo que
esto mermara el rendimiento del sistema por tener que repartir la
informacion en mas de una particion aunque sea del mismo disco)


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Re: Particionar el disco

2000-09-27 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El mar, 26 de sep de 2000, a las 03:56:23 -0400, Virgilio Gómez Rubio dijo:

 Hmm... Tal y como lo tienes yo lo que haría sería quitarle espacio a
 Windows (al final) y tener dos particiones de swap, una en cada disco. Si
 la partición de swap estuviese detrás de la de linux tal vez se podría
 desfragmentar la particiñon de linux poniendo todos los ficheros al
 principio, y luego coger del final, pero yo personalmente sólo he hecho
 eso con Windows... No sé con linux qué resultados dará...
Creo que eso se puede hacer con PartitionMagic (mover particiones dentro
del disco), luego arrancar con un disco de arranque y reinstalar el boot
de lilo, no?
  Además, lei yo en algún sitio que, en sistemas con mucha carga, es mejor
 tener dos swap en discos distintos. Parece que va más rápido.
pero si es mejor tener en dos discos, pues asi lo hare :)

Entonces, quito un poquito de la particion de win (esta en otro HD y en
dos particiones separadas, la nueva swap la pongo delante, detras o en
medio? :)), y me hago la nueva segunda swap, pero.. ¿COMO?

Habia un programa para quitar de win y separar en una particion nueva, no?
Como se llama y de donde lo bajo (mis cds de debian ahora los tiene un
amigo que no se cuando volvere a ver, aunque pronto tendre los de potato)?

Luego supongo que hay que usar el fdisk de linux y le pongo la etiqueta de
swap a la nueva particion.

Luego, como activo la nueva particion? Era algo asi como mkswap
nosequeopciones y despues swapon device, verdad?

Finalmente, si mi fstab es asi:
/dev/hda1   noneswapsw  0   0
le pongo lo mismo debajo pero con la nueva particion.

Me parece que esto es todo, no me dejo nada verdad?


Nos leemos

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Re: Preguntillas debian potato

2000-09-27 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El mar, 26 de sep de 2000, a las 09:01:01 +0200, Santiago Romero dijo:
  1.- En las Xterm no me funciona BORRAR, me actúa como un SUPR. Ya he
  modificado el inputrc para que vaya inicio, fin, los acentos y ñ,
  etc, pero no puedo con BORRAR :(
Oye!! Como has hecho que funcionen las teclas? enviame por mail los
archivos correspondientes si no es mucho pedir; es que estoy muy
interesado en hacerlas funcionar (lo molesto que es querer ir al inicio de
linea y que te pite el ordenador)

  3.- ¿Donde puedo informarme de una manera rápida y sencilla o con qué
  comando debo actualizar los paquetes que hayan tenido bugs? En RH
  tengo, donde veo todos los paquetes con
  erratas o bugs de seguridad, los bajo e instalo...
En el sources.list puedes poner (con preferencia por los ftp :))
deb stable updates
deb potato/updates main contrib
deb-src potato/updates main
contrib non-free

 Si no os importa, conforme vayan cayendo cosas iré haciendo otras pregun-
  tillas sobre Debian, es que estoy desbordado: me veo tanto que hacer :?
A mi no me importa, es mas, me parece que es la primera vez que escribo a
la lista y no es para hacer una consulta (o quizas es la segunda vez?)

 salu2 y gracias por vuestra ayuda.
De nada, nos leemos

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Re: Particionar el disco

2000-09-27 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

 Entonces, quito un poquito de la particion de win (esta en otro HD y en
 dos particiones separadas, la nueva swap la pongo delante, detras o en
 medio? :)), y me hago la nueva segunda swap, pero.. ¿COMO?

1.- Desfragmentar windows.
2.- Rearrancar en windows
3.- Volver a desfragmentar (paranoia aguda).
4.- Entras en linux
5.- Ejecutas fdisk y eliminas la partición de windows
6.- Creas una partición de windows (al principio) y otra de swap al final
 OJO, asegúrate de que el espacio ocupado por Windows es suficiente para
guardar los datos que tienes :-D
 También ponle el bit a la particiónde windows para poder arrancar
7.- Guardas los cambios.
8.- Añades una línea al /etc/fstab para la nueva swap
9.- mkswap /dev/nuevaparticióndeswap
10.- swapon /dev/nuevaparticióndeswap
11.- Ya está...

En fin. Creo que eso es todo. Yo siempre lo hago así y no suelo tener



Re: Preguntillas debian potato

2000-09-27 Thread Jose Miguel Gurpegui
On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 09:01:01PM +0200, Santiago Romero wrote:

  5.- ¿Están WTERM y POSTFIX en debian? El primero no lo encuentro y el
  segundo supongo que si pero no estoy seguro.

sí. WTERM está en woody: wterm_6.2.6-10.deb

Si vas a y pinchas en Paquetes Debian puedes buscar
que paquetes hay en estable y en inestable.



José Miguel Gurpegui


Re: Preguntillas debian potato

2000-09-27 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 27 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 21:39:24 +0200, Lluis Vilanova 

(lo molesto que es querer ir al inicio de
linea y que te pite el ordenador)

 Sí, es un tanto frustrante.  Yo estoy empezando a considerar la
 posibilidad de acostumbrarme a  algunas combinaciones de teclas que
 hacen lo mismo, aunque sólo  funcionen con los programas compilados
 contra readline.

^A: Principio de línea (?)
^E: Fin de línea (End)
^F: Flecha derecha (Forward)
^B: Flecha izquierda (Back)
^P: Flecha arriba (Previous)
^N: Flecha abajo (Next)
^H: Borrar
^D: Suprimir (Delete)
^K: Borrar hasta fin de línea
^U: Borrar desde principio de línea

 Vaya, aún me sé unas cuantas :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature


2000-09-27 Thread Fermín
tal y como me digisteis he instalado y configurado fetchmail, pero... sigo sin 
poder recoger el correo. Mi ordenador se conecta con el servidor pop3, pero 
tras decirme que tengo correo no hace nada mas. Esto es lo que obtengo si hago 
fetchmail -v:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ fetchmail -v
fetchmail: 5.3.3 interrogando (protocolo POP3) en Wed, 27 Sep 
2000 23:38:10 +0200 (CEST)
fetchmail: POP3 +OK POP3 Server Multiplexor
fetchmail: POP3 USER FMG4647
fetchmail: POP3 +OK password required for user FMG4647
fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
fetchmail: POP3 +OK Maildrop ready
fetchmail: POP3 STAT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 1719
fetchmail: POP3 LAST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0
1 mensaje para FMG4647 at (1719 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 LIST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK scan listing follows
fetchmail: POP3 1 1719
fetchmail: POP3 .
fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
leyendo mensaje 1 de 1 (1719 octetos)
fetchmail: SMTP 220 asterix ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Wed, 27 Sep 2000 23:38:15 +0200
fetchmail: SMTP EHLO localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 250-asterix Hello fmangu at asterix []
fetchmail: SMTP 250-SIZE
fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
fetchmail: SMTP 250 HELP
fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
fetchmail: SMTP DATA
fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter message, ending with . on a line by itself
#**fetchmail: SMTP. (EOM)
fetchmail: SMTP 250 OK id=13eOu7-Bg-00
fetchmail: POP3 DELE 1
fetchmail: POP3 +OK message deleted
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
fetchmail: SMTP QUIT
fetchmail: SMTP 221 asterix closing connection
fetchmail: terminación normal, estado 0

Pero en realidad ya no solo no me coge ningún mensaje, sino que ni tan siquiera 
elimina el mensaje del servidor(por otra parte menos mal, porque si no...:).
Cuando tras recoger el correo ejecuto mutt o elm o cualquier otro, la 
respuesta siempre es la misma: No mail :(
Con el netscape no tengo ningún problema para enviar y recibir el correo, pero 
me gustaría hacerlo desde modo texto, ¿qué puede ir mal?

Un saludo,

Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 Potato
Usuario Linux #184967 

Re: Hacer funcionar una grabadora HP 8210i

2000-09-27 Thread 31
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 En puedes encontrar Guia fácil de Debian
 2.2 (Potato), en ese documento se explica esto mismo.

no lo doy encontrado, puedes decirme mas o menos por donde sale?

Saludos borxa ;)

Re: Hacer funcionar una grabadora HP 8210i

2000-09-27 Thread 31
José Esteban wrote:
 El mié, 27 sep 2000 00:59:31 31 escribió:
  Me la han dado, la he puesto como maestra del segundo ide, luego he
  compilado un kernel con soporte de emulacion scsi, y scsi generic (el
  kernel 2.4.0test8), me la reconoce y tal.
 ¿ Sincronizaste el envío en el minuto 31? ;-)
 Yo acabo de instalar una 8100. Supongo que será más o menos lo mismo. He
 seguido un HOWTO que encontré en Linux Gazette. Te lo recomiendo. El
 título es largo, pero el documento corto: CD-Writing with an ATAPI CDR
 Mini-HOWTO. En otros lugares no lo he encontrado, aunque al menos en uno
 sí lo ví, no recuerdo donde.
 Te adelanto. Quizá lo que te falte, ya que parece que cdrecord la
 consigue ubicar en los parámetros 0,0,0 que le das (confirmalo con
 cdrecord -scanbus), sea añadirle al lilo:
 o quizá también, en /etc/modules.conf (o, mejor, en el lugar apropiado
 de /etc/modutils, con un update-modules después):
 options ide-cd ignore=hdc
 Pero mejor lo ves tu mismo en el mini.
ya lo he visto, y he hecho como pone allí, y sigue igual, algunas
llega a motar el cd, sobre todo cuando acabo de arrancar el
pero tarda bastante en motar, y lo normal es que falle pronto y no
pueda volver a se, la renconoce como una 8200, y es una
8210i, no se si habrá tanta diferencia como para que ya no

Con cdrecord -scanbus me sale esto
Cdrecord 1.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
0,0,0 0) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 8200 ' '1.0f'
Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) '   LG   ' 'CD-ROM CRD-8240B' '1.04' Removable CD-ROM
2) *
0,3,0 3) *
0,4,0 4) *
0,5,0 5) *
0,6,0 6) *
0,7,0 7) *

Así, la cosa es que la esta viendo de todas las formas que le
pero no monta ni funciona :(

Saludos borxa ;)

Re: fetchmail

2000-09-27 Thread Chafar
Fermín wrote:
 tal y como me digisteis he instalado y configurado fetchmail, pero... sigo 
 sin poder recoger
el correo. Mi ordenador se conecta con el servidor pop3, pero tras
decirme que tengo correo no
hace nada mas. Esto es lo que obtengo si hago fetchmail -v:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ fetchmail -v
 fetchmail: 5.3.3 interrogando (protocolo POP3) en Wed, 27 
 Sep 2000 23:38:10
+0200 (CEST)
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK POP3 Server Multiplexor
 fetchmail: POP3 USER FMG4647
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK password required for user FMG4647
 fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK Maildrop ready
 fetchmail: POP3 STAT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 1719
 fetchmail: POP3 LAST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0
 1 mensaje para FMG4647 at (1719 octets).
 fetchmail: POP3 LIST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK scan listing follows
 fetchmail: POP3 1 1719
 fetchmail: POP3 .
 fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK
 leyendo mensaje 1 de 1 (1719 octetos)
 fetchmail: SMTP 220 asterix ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Wed, 27 Sep 2000 23:38:15 
 fetchmail: SMTP EHLO localhost
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-asterix Hello fmangu at asterix []
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-SIZE
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 HELP
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
 fetchmail: SMTP DATA
 fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter message, ending with . on a line by itself
 #**fetchmail: SMTP. (EOM)
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 OK id=13eOu7-Bg-00
 fetchmail: POP3 DELE 1
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK message deleted
 fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK
 fetchmail: SMTP QUIT
 fetchmail: SMTP 221 asterix closing connection
 fetchmail: terminación normal, estado 0

 Pero en realidad ya no solo no me coge ningún mensaje, sino que ni tan 
 siquiera elimina el
mensaje del servidor(por otra parte menos mal, porque si no...:).

Para asegurarte de que no te borra los mensajes del servidor mientras no
estes seguro de que el sistema funciona, edita el ~/.fetchmailrc y en la
entrada de la cuenta que estas interrogando, añade al final keep, para
que no los borre.

Por otra parte, el dialogo que transcribes no deja lugar a dudas de que
se le ordena al servidor pop que borre el mensaje y, mas aun, el
servidor responde como si lo hubiera borrado. ¿Como sabes que no lo ha

Es posible que la entrega local se haya realizado, pues fetchmail, en
condiciones corrientes, no ordena borrar un mensaje si no ha sido
entregado localmente de forma satisfactoria. En este caso, quienes
podrian ayudarte son los que conocen exim y alguno de ellos quiza no lea
tus mensajes porque en la cabecera solo mencionas fetchmail. Prueba a
que aparezca tambien exim.

Ademas, vendria bien saber el contenido del ~/.fetchmailrc del usuario
que lo ejecuta fetchmail.

Siento no poder ayudarte mas, pero no desesperes, que al final las cosas
acaban andando y uno, en el camino ha aprendido un monton.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.


2000-09-27 Thread José Esteban
Fermín wrote:
 tal y como me digisteis he instalado y configurado fetchmail, pero... sigo 
sin poder recoger
el correo. Mi ordenador se conecta con el servidor pop3, pero tras
decirme que tengo correo no
hace nada mas. Esto es lo que obtengo si hago fetchmail -v:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ fetchmail -v
 fetchmail: 5.3.3 interrogando (protocolo POP3) en Wed, 27 
Sep 2000 23:38:10
+0200 (CEST)
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK POP3 Server Multiplexor
 fetchmail: POP3 USER FMG4647
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK password required for user FMG4647
 fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK Maildrop ready
 fetchmail: POP3 STAT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 1719
 fetchmail: POP3 LAST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0
 1 mensaje para FMG4647 at (1719 octets).
 fetchmail: POP3 LIST
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK scan listing follows
 fetchmail: POP3 1 1719
 fetchmail: POP3 .
 fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK
 leyendo mensaje 1 de 1 (1719 octetos)
 fetchmail: SMTP 220 asterix ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Wed, 27 Sep 2000 23:38:15 
 fetchmail: SMTP EHLO localhost
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-asterix Hello fmangu at asterix []
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-SIZE
 fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 HELP
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
 fetchmail: SMTP DATA
 fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter message, ending with . on a line by itself
 #**fetchmail: SMTP. (EOM)
 fetchmail: SMTP 250 OK id=13eOu7-Bg-00
 fetchmail: POP3 DELE 1
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK message deleted
 fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
 fetchmail: POP3 +OK
 fetchmail: SMTP QUIT
 fetchmail: SMTP 221 asterix closing connection
 fetchmail: terminación normal, estado 0

 Pero en realidad ya no solo no me coge ningún mensaje, sino que ni tan 
siquiera elimina el
mensaje del servidor(por otra parte menos mal, porque si no...:).

Para asegurarte de que no te borra los mensajes del servidor mientras no
estes seguro de que el sistema funciona, edita el ~/.fetchmailrc y en la
entrada de la cuenta que estas interrogando, añade al final keep, para
que no los borre.

Por otra parte, el dialogo que transcribes no deja lugar a dudas de que
se le ordena al servidor pop que borre el mensaje y, mas aun, el
servidor responde como si lo hubiera borrado. ¿Como sabes que no lo ha

Es posible que la entrega local se haya realizado, pues fetchmail, en
condiciones corrientes, no ordena borrar un mensaje si no ha sido
entregado localmente de forma satisfactoria. En este caso, quienes
podrian ayudarte son los que conocen exim y alguno de ellos quiza no lea
tus mensajes porque en la cabecera solo mencionas fetchmail. Prueba a
que aparezca tambien exim.

Ademas, vendria bien saber el contenido del ~/.fetchmailrc del usuario
que lo ejecuta fetchmail.

Siento no poder ayudarte mas, pero no desesperes, que al final las cosas
acaban andando y uno, en el camino ha aprendido un monton.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Hacer funcionar una grabadora HP 8210i

2000-09-27 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 28 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 00:40:24 +0200, 31 contaba:

Con cdrecord -scanbus me sale esto
Cdrecord 1.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
0,0,0 0) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 8200 ' '1.0f'
Removable CD-ROM

 Pero es  que si es  SCSI, aunque  sea emulada, tienes  que usar
 otros dispositivos, tales como /dev/scd0, /dev/scd1...

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Particionar el disco

2000-09-27 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 27 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 22:21:22 +0200, Lluis Vilanova 

Habia un programa para quitar de win y separar en una particion nueva, no?
Como se llama y de donde lo bajo (mis cds de debian ahora los tiene un
amigo que no se cuando volvere a ver, aunque pronto tendre los de potato)?

 Fips, anda por

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Particionar el disco

2000-09-27 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 27 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:24:08 -0400, Virgilio Gómez 
Rubio contaba:

5.- Ejecutas fdisk y eliminas la partición de windows
6.- Creas una partición de windows (al principio) y otra de swap al final
 OJO, asegúrate de que el espacio ocupado por Windows es suficiente para
guardar los datos que tienes :-D

 Uf,  si te  ha funcionado  siempre,  me alegro,  pero creo  que
 corres algún riesgo que otro.  El innombrable guarda información de
 geometría del  disco en  el sector  de arranque, ya  no a  nivel de
 particiones. Quizá  si los planetas se  alinean adecuadamente pueda
 surgir algún problema. Pero bueno, esto es off topic aquí. Quitando
 eso, tu método es muy ingenioso :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hacer funcionar una grabadora HP 8210i

2000-09-27 Thread Chafar
31 wrote:
 José Esteban wrote:
  El mié, 27 sep 2000 00:59:31 31 escribió:
   Me la han dado, la he puesto como maestra del segundo ide, luego he
   compilado un kernel con soporte de emulacion scsi, y scsi generic (el
   kernel 2.4.0test8), me la reconoce y tal.
  ¿ Sincronizaste el envío en el minuto 31? ;-)
  Yo acabo de instalar una 8100. Supongo que será más o menos lo mismo. He
  seguido un HOWTO que encontré en Linux Gazette. Te lo recomiendo. El
  título es largo, pero el documento corto: CD-Writing with an ATAPI CDR
  Mini-HOWTO. En otros lugares no lo he encontrado, aunque al menos en uno
  sí lo ví, no recuerdo donde.
  Te adelanto. Quizá lo que te falte, ya que parece que cdrecord la
  consigue ubicar en los parámetros 0,0,0 que le das (confirmalo con
  cdrecord -scanbus), sea añadirle al lilo:
  o quizá también, en /etc/modules.conf (o, mejor, en el lugar apropiado
  de /etc/modutils, con un update-modules después):
  options ide-cd ignore=hdc
  Pero mejor lo ves tu mismo en el mini.
 ya lo he visto, y he hecho como pone allí, y sigue igual, algunas
 llega a motar el cd, sobre todo cuando acabo de arrancar el
 pero tarda bastante en motar, y lo normal es que falle pronto y no
 pueda volver a se, la renconoce como una 8200, y es una
 8210i, no se si habrá tanta diferencia como para que ya no

Hablas de montar. O sea que lo que estas probando no es grabacion, sino
lectura. ¿Seguro que tienes en /etc/modules.conf una linea tal que asi:

options ide-cd ignore=hd?

donde ? es la letra de periferico de tu grabadora

Asegurate de que has reiniciado el sistema con esa linea puesta. Si no,
el controlador IDE se puede estar 'peleando' con el scsi.

Respecto a la modificacion de ide.h, descartalo. Yo no lo he hecho y me
funciona, y los identificadores de versiones que me aparecen son
identicos a los tuyos.

 Con cdrecord -scanbus me sale esto
 Cdrecord 1.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 0,0,0 0) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 8200 ' '1.0f'
 Removable CD-ROM
 0,1,0 1) '   LG   ' 'CD-ROM CRD-8240B' '1.04' Removable CD-ROM
 2) *
 0,3,0 3) *
 0,4,0 4) *
 0,5,0 5) *
 0,6,0 6) *
 0,7,0 7) *

Lo que es nuevo para mi (para quien casi todo lo es, no obstante) es que
aparezcan dos dispositivos scsi. Quiza vaya por ahi la cosa, aunque el
segundo tambien podria ser el lector.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Acentos en Netscape

2000-09-27 Thread Chafar
Hola a todos.

Pues eso, que soy usuario compulsivo de acentos y me gustaria usarlos en
el correo y mi Netscape no los traga.

Ya se que hay quien piensa que no se deben usar estas cosas en el
correo, pero yo no soy de la misma opinion. Asi como no veo razones para
utilizar formateos extraños (HTML,p.e.), existiendo la posibilidad de
adjuntar lo que a uno le de la gana, si creo que debe hacerse un
esfuerzo por que cada uno pueda escribir en su propia lengua. Me gustan
mucho los ordenatas, pero hay que someterlos, no entregarse a ellos.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Acentos en Netscape

2000-09-27 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 11:58:11PM +, Chafar wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 Pues eso, que soy usuario compulsivo de acentos y me gustaria usarlos en
 el correo y mi Netscape no los traga.

Que versión estás usando?

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature


2000-09-27 Thread Alejandro Coletto
Por favor necesito los drivers actualizados de la impresora Epson Stylus
600, donde los puedo conseguir. Gracias

Alejandro Coletto

Re: locale

2000-09-27 Thread Ola Lundqvist
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 01:34:04PM +0200, Rustan Rosen wrote:
 Vid alla möjliga tillföllen spottas nu:
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LANGUAGE = (unset),
 LC_ALL = sv_SE.ISO-8859-1,
 LC_CTYPE = sv_SE,
 LANG = (unset)
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).
 Jag har just installerat de nya woody-helix-paketen. Jag har sv_SE
 locale på datorn. Dselect skriker det  hela tiden, och exempelvis xmms
 Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
 åäö i program har bytts till aa, ae oe, men vid promten funkar det.
 Alien skriker:
 rpm: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by
 vid konvertering till .deb, men det kanske har med något annat att göra.
 Vet någon vad det är som gått fel?

Lösningen är att inte sätta LC_CTYPE utan endast LANG=sv_SE

// Mvh Ola

 - Ola Lundqvist ---
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Björnkärrsgatan 5 A.11   \
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +46 (0)13-17 69 83   |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED] +46 (0)70-332 1551   |
| UIN/icq: 4912500 |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

Re: locale

2000-09-27 Thread peter karlsson
Rustan Rosen:

 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LANGUAGE = (unset),
 LC_ALL = sv_SE.ISO-8859-1,
 LC_CTYPE = sv_SE,
 LANG = (unset)
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

Har du paketet locales installerat korrekt?

Vad säger locale och locale -a?

peter -

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:

Re: locale

2000-09-27 Thread Rustan Rosen
On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, peter karlsson wrote:
 Rustan Rosen:
  perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
  perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
  LANGUAGE = (unset),
  LC_ALL = sv_SE.ISO-8859-1,
  LC_CTYPE = sv_SE,
  LANG = (unset)
  are supported and installed on your system.
  perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).
 Har du paketet locales installerat korrekt?
 Vad säger locale och locale -a?

Paketet listas som installerat och konfigurerat i dselect.
locale -a gav ett felmeddelande jag ej kommer ihåg, så
jag testade att börja installera föregående version, vilket misslyckades,
och installerade nuvarande igen. Nu ger den följande utskrift, men
fungerar fortfarande inte, utan ger samma fel och inga svenska tecken. Var
ändrar jag LANG till sv_SE? Katalogerna /usr/lib/locale/ och
/usr/share/i18n existerar ej, vilket enligt 
localedef --help 
de borde göra.

flatline:~# locale LANG=C
flatline:~# locale -a

Script para acentuação!

2000-09-27 Thread Romero Motta
Olá pessoal,
Gostaria de um script que configure a acentuação no Debian 2.2?

compiling epic100 support into the kernel

2000-09-27 Thread adam.edgar
Im trying to recompile my kernel but from 'menuconfig' I can not find the
correct driver for my smc epic100. The epic100.c file is available under
drivers/net/ but it does not seem to show in the 10/100 section of
'menuconfig'. Could it possibly be under a different name? Im using 2.2.17
and have it working a module currently but id like to have it simply
compiled in. Any suggestions?
Adam Edgar,
Roll Tide Roll

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-27 Thread Arcady Genkin
David Z Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 AG How would I get a real-time CPU load information?  I found
 AG /proc/loadavg, but that's not what I need, since it only gives average
 AG load values.
 My /proc/loadavg looks like
 0.04 0.06 0.07 3/56 959
 The first three numbers are the average load over the past 1, 5, and
 15 minutes, as is reported by 'uptime' and what not.  3/56 means
 that three processes are currently running, out of 56 total.  959 is 
 the pid of the last process to run, here corresponding to a 'cat'

Right.  But those are *average* values.  I'd like to be able to read
real-time CPU load info.  For instance, if I run a CPU-intensive
process, the value in /proc/loadavg will change very slowly.  I need
to be able to read that CPU is 100% busy at least one second after
this happens.
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: Paranoid's Question

2000-09-27 Thread montefin
I loaf this list!


Bob Nielsen wrote:
 Hold on tight.  There are some strange things happening with today's
 On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 08:34:54PM -0600, montefin wrote:
  montefin fastens his seatbelt.
  Colin Watson wrote:
   montefin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Why hasn't woody done something really bad yet?
   Have I just been lucky for over two months playing 'apt-get upgrade
   roulette'? Or, am I in pain and just don't know it?
   Well, major libc6 upgrade coming up now, ho ho ho. Let's see what
   happens ...
 Bainbridge Island, WA
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

problem with sftp in Gftp

2000-09-27 Thread Michael Smith
I'm having problems using sftp and gftp.  I can download one file, and
then the system behaves like sftp doesn't send back a signal that it's
done, so gftp says that the transfer is at 100%, but still in progress.
I'm using woody (development debian) openssh 2.2.0p1, sftp 0.9.5, and
gftp2.0.7b(the most current debian packages).  It's one of the coolest
systems that I use at work, and almost stuns my wee little brain with
its potential, I just don't know which program is at fault.  Has anybody
else had similar effects?

BTW, sftp works great from the command line, so that functions.  I have
ideas that it might just be somewhere with how the three talk to each

Just something to chew on for awhile

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

Installation Problem

2000-09-27 Thread Satyajit Das
I have 6.4 GB Harddisk.

/dev/hda1-- dos
/dev/hda5- Win95
/dev/hda6- Swap
/dev/hda7- Slackware-2.2.13 kernel
/dev/hda8--- -- /boot
/dev/hda9-/storm-2.2.13 kernel

but problem is install LILO.
In storm Linux Linux OS boot Manager Configuration section I select
/hda7,give label= slack and kernel=2.2.13 type and click default boot
but when storm going to install LILO :
storm add
win95 add
2.2.13 partition not found (like this message)
please urgently help me,what I will do ?
how can install safely storm and slackware in same harddisk and LILO 
boot both linux properly.
If you suggest to make again partition I shall do according to your advise.

please reply

upgraded libc6 and libc6 and broke my system (Woody)

2000-09-27 Thread Pollywog
Watch out folks.  I upgraded libc6 and libc6-dev and my system is kind of
broken and I don't know if I can fix it.  I downgraded the two packages but I
don't believe things are really fixed:

/var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.postinst: ldconfig: command not found
dpkg: error processing libc6 (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libc6-dev:
 libc6-dev depends on libc6 (= 2.1.3-13); however:
  Package libc6 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing libc6-dev (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

running dpkg --pending --configure ...
dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
dpkg: 1 expected program(s) not found on PATH.
NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.

dpkg --configure returned error exit status 2.


New to Debian, boot problems

2000-09-27 Thread Willy Lee
Hello all,

I'm new to Debian, used to use RedHat.  I installed Debian potato (CD
from LSL) along with a new hard drive (installed as 2nd (slave) IDE)
recently, and I made the mistake of placing all of Debian, including
the root partition, on the 2nd drive.  Now, unfortunately, LILO won't
boot to the slave drive.  I have to boot from the boot floppy I
thankfully didn't skip making during the install.

I would strongly prefer to be able to boot from the hard drive, using
LILO to manage booting Debian and a legacy OS.  I would prefer to not
reinstall from the CDs, since I would rather not have to configure
pnp, X, etc. again.

The only other idea I have is to make an ext2 partition on hda, make
it bootable, copy all the files that would be in a root partition
over, then make lilo boot from there.  I already have ext2 partitions
on hda, left over from a RedHat install.  My Debian install on hdb
consists of /, /usr, and /home partitions.

How workable does this sound?  Has anyone else done something like
this?  Am I completely insane or missing something obvious?

Yours in Debian,

Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Re: Linux on HP 9000 C-Class

2000-09-27 Thread Charlie Kroeger

My Norton Virus snatcher says you're sending a virus in your HTML message.
it's called the:

WScript.kakworm virus


lilo and BeOS

2000-09-27 Thread adam.edgar
Does anyone know how to set up lilo to launch BeOS. Note win98
will have to boot from same HD. Do Both win98 and Be need to be on
bootable partitions?
Adam Edgar,
Roll Tide Roll

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-27 Thread Krzys Majewski
 Right.  But those are *average* values.  I'd like to be able to read
 real-time CPU load info.  For instance, if I run a CPU-intensive
 process, the value in /proc/loadavg will change very slowly.  I need
 to be able to read that CPU is 100% busy at least one second after
 this happens.

This is just a guess, but maybe you can't. Maybe the cpu is
either 100% busy or 0% busy, depending on whether or not linux
is running a program. After a minute, you can say, OK, a
program was running 20% of the time. Maybe a second is not
long enough to say anything interesting. -chris

RE: upgraded libc6 and libc6 and broke my system (Woody)

2000-09-27 Thread Pollywog
Okay I borrowed a copy of ldconfig from another system and then downgraded
libc6 and libc6-dev to the stable version, but locales complains that my libc6
is still too new and I am afraid to downgrade it further and break more stuff.

Did anyone else experience difficulty after upgrading libc6 and libc6-dev on
Woody today?


On 27-Sep-2000 Pollywog wrote:
 I cannot upgrade anything now because ldconfig is missing after I upgraded
 libc6 and libc6-dev.  I can't even upgrade the ldso package in order to get
 ldconfig back, because I need ldconfig in order to install anything.
 I am going to try using a copy from another machine.

RE: upgraded libc6 and libc6 and broke my system (Woody)

2000-09-27 Thread Pollywog
I cannot upgrade anything now because ldconfig is missing after I upgraded
libc6 and libc6-dev.  I can't even upgrade the ldso package in order to get
ldconfig back, because I need ldconfig in order to install anything.

I am going to try using a copy from another machine.


On 27-Sep-2000 Pollywog wrote:
 Watch out folks.  I upgraded libc6 and libc6-dev and my system is kind of
 broken and I don't know if I can fix it.  I downgraded the two packages but

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 12:54:11AM -0400, Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Right.  But those are *average* values.  I'd like to be able to read
 real-time CPU load info.  For instance, if I run a CPU-intensive
 process, the value in /proc/loadavg will change very slowly.  I need
 to be able to read that CPU is 100% busy at least one second after
 this happens.

Apples and unices.  System load and CPU usage are not the same thing.  They
tend to be correlated, but certain circumstances, such as an I/O-intensive
process, can drive system load up while CPU usage stays near 0.  System load
is just that:  _system_ load.  There's more to the system than just a CPU.

Unfortunately, when I poked around in /proc, I failed to find anywhere to
read CPU usage there.  Hopefully, though, someone else will see this, realize
that load (as in load average) isn't actually what you're looking for, and
point you in the right direction.  If you really get desperate, you can look
at the source for top and see where it gets its CPU usage information from.

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

RE: upgraded libc6 and libc6 and broke my system (Woody)

2000-09-27 Thread Alec Smith
Yep, it broke Exim for me. But hey, Woody is unstable for a reason. :)

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 Okay I borrowed a copy of ldconfig from another system and then downgraded
 libc6 and libc6-dev to the stable version, but locales complains that my libc6
 is still too new and I am afraid to downgrade it further and break more stuff.
 Did anyone else experience difficulty after upgrading libc6 and libc6-dev on
 Woody today?
 On 27-Sep-2000 Pollywog wrote:
  I cannot upgrade anything now because ldconfig is missing after I upgraded
  libc6 and libc6-dev.  I can't even upgrade the ldso package in order to get
  ldconfig back, because I need ldconfig in order to install anything.
  I am going to try using a copy from another machine.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Printing : Kernel 2.2.17 problems ?

2000-09-27 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
I'm printing successfull with CUPS (cupsys packages in woody; see also both with kernel 2.2.17 and 2.4.0-test5.

It's a great new printing system, but has replacements for all lpr
related commands (package cupsys-bsd) plus out-of-the-box working net
functions, web-interface, printer classes, multiple print queues,
genuin n-up printing etc.


Debian newbie.

2000-09-27 Thread Steve Juranich
I am very new to Debian systems.  I've been running RH-based systems for a
couple of years, so I'm not a linux newbie.  However, I have about a dozen
questions which I'm _sure_ are faq's.

Where does a guy like me go to get a good Debian-newbie faq?  I've checked, but all of those are too general for the problems
that I'm having (or they don't address the problems that I'm having).  Also,
the link to the faq-o-matic seems to be down. :(

Sorry for the trouble.


Stephen W. Juranich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical Engineering
University of Washington

apt-get upgrade broke apache

2000-09-27 Thread William Jensen
After a apt-get upgrade I see:

Syntax error on line 221 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into server: symbol dbm_close, 
version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Is this just par for the course when running woody stuff?  Occasionally stuff
breaks for a while?  I do not know what does, but I commented it
out and the server came up.  Any ideas on what to do to find out what broke
and how to fix it?


RE: upgraded libc6 and libc6 and broke my system (Woody)

2000-09-27 Thread Pollywog
It first broke Postfix here.


On 27-Sep-2000 Alec Smith wrote:
 Yep, it broke Exim for me. But hey, Woody is unstable for a reason. :)

RE: apt-get upgrade broke apache

2000-09-27 Thread Pollywog
It's like someone said a while ago; it is called unstable for a reason.  I
usually don't upgrade packages that might break the system, but I forgot my
own rule this evening :(


On 27-Sep-2000 William Jensen wrote:
 After a apt-get upgrade I see:
 Syntax error on line 221 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
 Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into server: symbol
 dbm_close, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time
 /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
 Is this just par for the course when running woody stuff?  Occasionally
 breaks for a while?  I do not know what does, but I commented
 out and the server came up.  Any ideas on what to do to find out what broke
 and how to fix it?

RE: apt-get upgrade broke apache

2000-09-27 Thread Jeremy L. Gaddis
Yes, that's the price for pay for running unstable software.
See Apache's site ( for info on what
mod_rewrite is and does.  OTOH, if you don't know what it
is, then you probably don't need it (almost definitely with


Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From:   William Jensen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, September 27, 2000 1:24 AM
Subject:apt-get upgrade broke apache

After a apt-get upgrade I see:

Syntax error on line 221 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into server: symbol dbm_close, 
version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Is this just par for the course when running woody stuff?  Occasionally stuff
breaks for a while?  I do not know what does, but I commented it
out and the server came up.  Any ideas on what to do to find out what broke
and how to fix it?


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt-get upgrade broke apache

2000-09-27 Thread George Bonser
 Is this just par for the course when running woody stuff?  Occasionally stuff
 breaks for a while?  I do not know what does, but I commented 
 out and the server came up.  Any ideas on what to do to find out what broke
 and how to fix it?

Yeah, I never take a libc upgrade on its first day out. Just about
EVERYTHING depends on it and sometimes other packages must be rebuilt with
the new libc to function properly and it takes a few days for these
packages to catch up. Since unstable is not designed to be a production
release, there is no (nor should there be any) requirement to submit
packages to the archive in any particular order.

The short answer is that this is what you have to live with when using the
latest development snapshots (to borrow a BSD term). It you are going to
live in unstable, it is to your advantage to read debian-devel.

Re: Installation Problem

2000-09-27 Thread Christen Welch
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 10:08:28AM +0600,
Satyajit Das [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In storm Linux Linux OS boot Manager Configuration section I select
 /hda7,give label= slack and kernel=2.2.13 type and click default boot

Never heard of it. All I can personally recommend is grub. It's easy, 
it's good, it's pretty (well, sort of)

 but when storm going to install LILO :
 storm add
 win95 add
 2.2.13 partition not found (like this message)
 please urgently help me,what I will do ?
 how can install safely storm and slackware in same harddisk and LILO 
 boot both linux properly.
 If you suggest to make again partition I shall do according to your advise.

Maybe the proper syntax is kernel = /vmlinuz? 

I know you may not be looking for a boot loader recommendation, but I 
figured, why not? It might solve your problem.


The important thing is not to stop questioning - A. Einstein

Description: PGP signature

Re: succesor to dpkg

2000-09-27 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 04:47:41PM -0500, Pat Mahoney wrote:
 I seem to recall talk of a new package system for debian.  The only things I
 remember are that it would understand rpm's as well as others, and I think
 its name started with the letter h.
 Can anyone help me with a URL?  Or am I dreaming?

i think your dreaming.  the closest you can ever get to just
installing .rpms is alien.  this is not a format issue but a lack of
policy in redhat land.  even converting rpms into .debs is a bad idea
IMO.  in the rare cases where i need to do that i convert to tarballs
and do everything manually into /usr/local

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-27 Thread William T Wilson
On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Krzys Majewski wrote:

 This is just a guess, but maybe you can't. Maybe the cpu is either
 100% busy or 0% busy, depending on whether or not linux is running a
 program. After a minute, you can say, OK, a program was running 20% of

It's a good guess.  In technical terms the load average is simply the
average number of processes in the runnable state over a period of time.  
You could take an instantaneous measurement of the number of processes in
the runnable state, but it wouldn't be a meaningful number.  (In fact,
this information is already produced by ps - running processes are marked
with 'R').  It's entirely possible that a lightly loaded system could have
many running processes at any particular moment, or that a heavily loaded
system could have few.

 the time. Maybe a second is not long enough to say anything
 interesting. -chris

It depends on what information you are really trying to get. :}

Re: Installation Problem

2000-09-27 Thread Matthew Dalton
Satyajit Das wrote:
 I have 6.4 GB Harddisk.
 /dev/hda1-- dos
 /dev/hda5- Win95
 /dev/hda6- Swap
 /dev/hda7- Slackware-2.2.13 kernel
 /dev/hda8--- -- /boot
 /dev/hda9-/storm-2.2.13 kernel
 but problem is install LILO.
 In storm Linux Linux OS boot Manager Configuration section I select
 /hda7,give label= slack and kernel=2.2.13 type and click default boot
 but when storm going to install LILO :
 storm add
 win95 add
 2.2.13 partition not found (like this message)
 please urgently help me,what I will do ?
 how can install safely storm and slackware in same harddisk and LILO
 boot both linux properly.
 If you suggest to make again partition I shall do according to your advise.

If you want LILO to boot multiple installations of Linux, it has to be
able to find the kernels for each one when you install it.

I have a similar situation, with Debian, Redhat and Slackware all living
on the same computer.

You only need to install LILO from one of the linux partitions. From
that partition, you then mount each of the other linux partitions
somewhere. I install lilo from my RedHat partition, and mount my debian
partiton at /mnt/deb and the slackware partition at /mnt/slack.

Next, you have 2 choices.

choice 1: you can copy the kernel files from the other linux partitions
to your lilo one, put the correct paths to them into your boot manager
configuration (or lilo.conf if you prefer to do it yourself), run
lilo... and that's that. Every time you upgrade a kernel you have to
repeat the procedure, copying the new kernel to the lilo-installed linux
partition and re-running lilo.

choice 2 (I did this): instead of copying the kernels, make a symlink to
them *from the path where the kernels would be if you were to boot up
into that installation*.
For example: I install lilo in my redhat partition. In my debian
partition, the kernel is /boot/linux-2.2.16. When redhat is running, I
have debian mounted in /mnt/deb, so the kernel file is found in
/mnt/deb/boot/linux-2.2.16 . I then make a symlink in redhat from
/boot/linux-2.2.16 to /mnt/deb/boot/linux-2.2.16, ie:

# cd /boot
# ln -s /mnt/deb/boot/linux-2.2.16 .

I do the same for the slackware partition kernel. Then I run lilo, after
making sure that I have my lilo configuration correct. It works!


Re: superformat?

2000-09-27 Thread Felix Natter
John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Michael Soulier writes:
  Seems it's still two steps, superformat and then mkfs to make an ext2
  floppy. Just seems a little wierd seeing DOS as the default on a Linux
 FAT16 is a pretty good format for floppies (that's what it was designed
 for).  Ext2 isn't.

minix fs is smaller, so it is probably is a better choice than ext2 for
floppies ? (although you can recover deleted (text-)data from ext2 rather
easily: see the Ext2-Undeletion-HOWTO; I'm not sure whether that's possible
with minix)

you can also use (v)fat in combination with tar, but that will give
you error messages like cannot chmod..

Felix Natter

which cgi to handle cgis...

2000-09-27 Thread Jaume Teixi
which cgi to handle cgis and statdistics ?


Re: SB live SMP drivers?

2000-09-27 Thread ferret

You seem to have the right idea with #1 below. Compiling the modules seems
to be a little tricky for some people, so I'll tell you how I handle it.

Install the alsa-source and other alsa debs. You'll have an
'alsa-driver.tar.gz' file in /usr/src that you'll have to extract yourself
(I believe it's done because upgrading the source in-place will likely
break it)

Now go into your kernel source tree (kernel-source-2.2.17?), run the
config (make menuconfig or make xconfig) and make sure you have sound
support marked as module, and none of the card-specific stuff selected.
Save your kernel config and then run:
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg modules-clean
make-kpkg [--revision=revision#] configure
make-kpkg modules
make-kpkg kernel-image

And the alsa drivers build will complain if you don't have pgp installed,
but I just ignore that.

No idea if the live will be happy, but I'm running an awe64 and a sb16 on
an SMP machine.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Svante Signell wrote:

 I've finally taken the time to install a Soundblaster Live card on
 my SMP-box. Trying to switch from oss- to to alsa drivers at the same time 
 Background is:
 1. SMP kernel compiled from kernel-source-2.2.17.
 2. Download of binary (non SMP) kernel-image-2.2.17 is set on hold.
 3. Installed alsa packages: alsa-base, alsa-utils, alsaconf
 Trying to install alsa-modules-2.2.17 to get access to the binary
 modules, such as snd-card-emu10k1.o the lock on kernel-image is
 released, downloading the (non SMP) kernel-image!!
 What to do?
 1. Download alsa-source-0.5.9c-4.deb and compile. If this
 is the recommended way to do this: how? Is there something
 simular to make-kpkg available?
 2. Download alsa-*.tar.gz from and
 compile from source.
 3. Download emu10k1.tar.gz from and
 compile from source.
 4. Skip the whole thing, and reinstall the old SB16 :-(
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TOT: Virus reports to the list and x-envelope-to:

2000-09-27 Thread C. Falconer
Have you noticed that since that virus attachment was sent to the list, 
there have been four or five warnings/reports from Exchange server 
anti-virus plugins?

1)  They're replying to the list, rather than to the x-envelope 
sender... whats the difference between errors and these 
virus warnings?

2)  Isn't it amusing that there are no such messages from Antivirus 
filter for Sendmail/Exim/qmail/$mta-of-choice


Re: TOT: Virus reports to the list and x-envelope-to:

2000-09-27 Thread George Bonser
 1)  They're replying to the list, rather than to the x-envelope 
 sender... whats the difference between errors and these 
 virus warnings?

Well, NOTHING is going to send anything to any x- header address. They
MIGHT send something to an Errors-To: header but SHOULD send to the
envelpe sender (bounce-debian-user..blahblahblah). Seems Microsoft is
inspecting the message body looking at From: or Reply-To: headers whis is

If you are going to bounce a message, send it to the envelope sender or
the Errors-To: address. 

 2)  Isn't it amusing that there are no such messages from Antivirus 
 filter for Sendmail/Exim/qmail/$mta-of-choice
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: TOT: Virus reports to the list and x-envelope-to:

2000-09-27 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 01:57:10AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
  1)  They're replying to the list, rather than to the x-envelope 
  sender... whats the difference between errors and these 
  virus warnings?
 Well, NOTHING is going to send anything to any x- header address. They
 MIGHT send something to an Errors-To: header but SHOULD send to the
 envelpe sender (bounce-debian-user..blahblahblah). Seems Microsoft is
 inspecting the message body looking at From: or Reply-To: headers whis is
 If you are going to bounce a message, send it to the envelope sender or
 the Errors-To: address. 

looks to me like the only header that seems appropriate is

that is the only real header with the bounce-debian-user-blahlbahlbah,
but that head appears in From (NOT From: with the colon) and in an

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: lilo and BeOS

2000-09-27 Thread hotpop
 Does anyone know how to set up lilo to launch BeOS. Note win98
  will have to boot from same HD. Do Both win98 and Be need to be on
  bootable partitions?

There is a (free!) version of BeOS that doesn't even have to be on
a partition. It's just a Windows executable that boots BeOS. I'm not
sure wheter a similar executable is also available for Linux.

However, you might want the 'real' BeOS...


libc6 problem after apt-get

2000-09-27 Thread Joel Dinel
After doing a routine apt-get dist-upgrade, I started having mail problems. 
When I do a simple mail somebody and I try to send the email , this is what I 
get :

send-mail: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by 

The email eventually goes through, but it's annyin as hell and it makes PINE 
try to send the email forever.

I dit an apt-get remove and apt-get install of libc6, still not working.

Any clues ?

Thanks !

Re: New to Debian, boot problems

2000-09-27 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Booting Debian (or any Linux) from the 2nd drive with Lilo is not a
problem. I'm booting from the 3rd drive. It should be just a matter of
getting /etc/lilo.conf set up right, and then reinstalling Lilo by
running the 'lilo' command as root.

Here's a basic template for /etc/lilo.conf for what you want to do:

boot=/dev/hda  (install Lilo to MBR of master drive)
prompt (display Lilo prompt on boot)
timeout=100(boot default after 10 seconds if no keybd input)
default=debian (set default OS )
  root=/dev/hdb?   (your root partition such as /dev/hdb1)
  read-only(mount root read only until fsck runs - standard)
other=/dev/hda?(location of your other OS such as /dev/hda1)

See 'man lilo' and /usr/share/doc/lilo/Manual.txt for more details on


Willy Lee wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm new to Debian, used to use RedHat.  I installed Debian potato (CD
 from LSL) along with a new hard drive (installed as 2nd (slave) IDE)
 recently, and I made the mistake of placing all of Debian, including
 the root partition, on the 2nd drive.  Now, unfortunately, LILO won't
 boot to the slave drive.  I have to boot from the boot floppy I
 thankfully didn't skip making during the install.
 I would strongly prefer to be able to boot from the hard drive, using
 LILO to manage booting Debian and a legacy OS.  I would prefer to not
 reinstall from the CDs, since I would rather not have to configure
 pnp, X, etc. again.
 The only other idea I have is to make an ext2 partition on hda, make
 it bootable, copy all the files that would be in a root partition
 over, then make lilo boot from there.  I already have ext2 partitions
 on hda, left over from a RedHat install.  My Debian install on hdb
 consists of /, /usr, and /home partitions.
 How workable does this sound?  Has anyone else done something like
 this?  Am I completely insane or missing something obvious?
 Yours in Debian,
 Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
 They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of

Re: CD distro

2000-09-27 Thread Rino Mardo
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 01:34:57AM +0800 or thereabouts, endroo wrote:
 can u guy there tell me where to get a economy/cheap CD distro of Debian
 2.2 ? Cheap Byte?!! there are a few to choose there...and i don't know
 which is the installable.
  // \\
 /(   )\
endroo ®™ 
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Who's watching the watchmen?

ICQ: 15096825

Re: Helix Icons

2000-09-27 Thread Kjetil Ødegaard

 How can you go about changing the color of the text for the icons in Helix
 gnome ? Right now, it's black text on a gray background. I'd like white
 text with no background (shaped text). I know where to set the shaped text
 (in the gnome file manager). but I can't seem to change the color to
 something else than black. It's a problem, because my background is black
 as well and I can't see the icons :)

There's actually no configuration option for this; you will have to add
this manually to your .gtkrc:

style gnome-desktop-icon {
fg[NORMAL] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
bg[NORMAL] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }

widget_class *DesktopIcon* style gnome-desktop-icon

This sets the foreground color to white and background to black (if you
use `Shaped text' the second line won't make any difference).

Just remember that if you change GTK+--themes, your .gtkrc file might be


VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...

2000-09-27 Thread andresin
Hi All!

Another newbie question
I am getting these messages often in a fresh installed debian system. day...
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
.. other day...
Sep 27 10:03:51 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 27 10:03:51 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Sep 27 10:03:51 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
Then after many things get killed and then the computer hangs and only
huge amount of
harddisk activity is seen X server gets hang and keyboard and all is
frozen.. then I reboot
and read the systemlog and see all this messages. Someone any clue about
is cousing this? It has happend 2 times in about 2 months. During the
last crash there
was running nothing special, netscape,  some fts and the usual services.

please cc to me adelhier at, I am not on the list

Re: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...

2000-09-27 Thread Moritz Schulte
andresin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sep 21 21:44:32 bokuheim kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for

this is a known problem of linux 2.2.16 and some linux 2.2.17pre's.
update to linux 2.2.17 (or 2.2.18pre, if you want) and this
problem should be solved.

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: libc6 problem after apt-get

2000-09-27 Thread Paul Seelig
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 06:27:49AM -0400, Joel Dinel wrote:

 After doing a routine apt-get dist-upgrade, I started having mail

That's the reward of naively trusting unstable/woody.  There have been
new libc6 packages uploaded which make it necessary to recompile lots
of other packages.  Woody has ceased being compatible with Potato.

 I dit an apt-get remove and apt-get install of libc6, still not working.
Remove the unstable/woody entry from /etc/apt/sources.list and
reinstall the Potato libc6 versions.  It is eventually necessary to
get them via FTP and install them manually with dpkg -i *.deb
because apt-get can't handle downgrades (this will change some time).

   Cheers, P. *8^)
    Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany

Re: lp module in Debian 2.2

2000-09-27 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello there,

first, check that the parport and the parport_pc modules are loaded (lsmod
as root, see 'man lsmod'). If not load them (insmod). Perhaps you have to
give the parameters of your parallel port to parport_pc, e.g. issue
something like:
insmod parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7
(change io and irq to the values which are right for your system)
If everything is fine there, the lp-module should load smoothly, e.g.
insmod lp
If there are error-messages during this process, it would be helpful, if
you could send them to the list.

On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Seung-woo Nam wrote:

 Hi everyone:
 I installed Debian 2.2 recently and the process went pretty smoothly
 except for lp module for printer support. The installation of the module
 fails even though I have a printer connected to the parallel port and I
 can't figure out whether it's parameter thing or something else. Could
 anyone help me?
 Seung-woo Nam
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: KDE2 for potato

2000-09-27 Thread Marc Maute
I have buy a german debian potato box
and they tell in the box that kde2.0 beta and koffice is 
I think i musst call the german guys, or


Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: libc6 problem after apt-get

2000-09-27 Thread Joel Gautschi
 I dit an apt-get remove and apt-get install of libc6, still not working.

the following thing worked for me (tk told me the whole thing on #debian):

tk I downgraded the libc in the following order:
libdb2_2.4.14-, libc6*.deb locales_2.1.3-13_i386.deb, all the
files need to be downloaded locally. If apt/dpkg complains about ldconfig,
you need to download ldso_1.9.11-9.deb, do dpkg -x ldso*.deb foo  cp
foo/sbin/ /sbin/ and retry

Install the downloaded .deb files with
dpkg -i

you should be able to find most of files on
otherwise search in potato.

hope this helps!


Re: CD distro

2000-09-27 Thread Thilan Hewage

I highly recommend this one: 

These people sell it the old way, good CD's
can u guy there tell me where to get a economy/cheap CD distro of Debian
2.2 ? Cheap Byte?!! there are a few to choose there...and i don't know
which is the installable.


Re: CD distro

2000-09-27 Thread romeu

Another question:
Can I download Woody cd images from the net? Most sites have only Potato.

Re: succesor to dpkg

2000-09-27 Thread Mike Leone
-- Original Message --
From: Ethan Benson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:48:43 -0800

On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 04:47:41PM -0500, Pat Mahoney wrote:
 I seem to recall talk of a new package system for debian.  The only things I
 remember are that it would understand rpm's as well as others, and I think
 its name started with the letter h.
 Can anyone help me with a URL?  Or am I dreaming?

i think your dreaming.  the closest you can ever get to just
installing .rpms is alien.  this is not a format issue but a lack of

There was a news blurb on slashdot recently, about someone working on a new 
package manager, to unify .rpm and .deb formats. Don't recall that it was being 
touted as a new package manager JUST for Debian, however.

So no, you're not dreaming.

Michael Leone 
PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF

new kernel and apt-get

2000-09-27 Thread mheyes
After reading the man page on make-kpkg, I configured and recompiled a new
kernel (2.2.17) using make-kpkg -revision Custom.5 kernel_image. This
produced the expected debian kernel package that installed correctly.
However, everytime I do an apt-get upgrade (woody) I end up getting the
kernel-image-2.2.17 1:2.2.17-1 package with everything else.

Is there another setting I need to change besides using make-kpkg to set
the revision level?


Michael Heyes

Re: superformat?

2000-09-27 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 26-Sep-2000 Felix Natter wrote:
 John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Michael Soulier writes:
  Seems it's still two steps, superformat and then mkfs to make an ext2
  floppy. Just seems a little wierd seeing DOS as the default on a Linux
 FAT16 is a pretty good format for floppies (that's what it was designed
 for).  Ext2 isn't.
 minix fs is smaller, so it is probably is a better choice than ext2 for
 floppies ? (although you can recover deleted (text-)data from ext2 rather
 easily: see the Ext2-Undeletion-HOWTO; I'm not sure whether that's
 with minix)
 you can also use (v)fat in combination with tar, but that will give
 you error messages like cannot chmod..

Unless you mount the floppy with the 'quiet' option.

Re: upgraded libc6 and libc6 and broke my system (Woody)

2000-09-27 Thread John Hasler
The problem appears to be that the new libc is not compatible with the old
libdb2.  You might try upgrading libdb2.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: new kernel and apt-get

2000-09-27 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 07:53:48AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After reading the man page on make-kpkg, I configured and recompiled a new
 kernel (2.2.17) using make-kpkg -revision Custom.5 kernel_image. This
 produced the expected debian kernel package that installed correctly.
 However, everytime I do an apt-get upgrade (woody) I end up getting the
 kernel-image-2.2.17 1:2.2.17-1 package with everything else.
 Is there another setting I need to change besides using make-kpkg to set
 the revision level?

try this instead:

--revision=3:custom.5 kernel_image

the 3: adds an epoch to your package which is greater then the epoch
on the debian package (which shouldn't be there). 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Exim - local error messages

2000-09-27 Thread Johann Spies
I want to configure exim to send error messages created when
unqualified local addresses are used back to the sender, but the
return messages always land up as frozen messages.

e.g. If I send mail to fred (and there is no such user on my system)
the exim debug trail reports:
Address testing: uid=0 gid=1000 euid=8 egid=8
  local_part=fred domain=localhost
  domain is local

real_local director skipped: prefix mismatch
calling system_aliases director
system_aliases director: lsearch key=fred
search_open: lsearch /etc/aliases
search_find: file=/etc/aliases
  type=lsearch key=fred
file lookup required for fred
  in /etc/aliases
lookup failed
system_aliases director failed for fred:
calling userforward director
userforward director failed for fred (not a user)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is undeliverable:
  unknown local-part fred in domain localhost

And the frozen message's header looks like this:

mail 8 8

970050354 0
-ident mail
-received_protocol local
-body_linecount 24
-frozen 970050354

119P Received: from mail by Johann with local (Exim 2.05 #1 (Debian))
id 13eEPS-v7-00; Wed, 27 Sep 2000 12:25:54 +0200
036  X-Failed-Recipients: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
050* From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
049F From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
059  Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
039I Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
038  Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 12:25:54 +0200

I have scanned /usr/doc/exim/spec.txt.gz but did not really find a
solution.  I hope somebody can help me with this one.

J.H. Spies Tel/Faks +27-21-876-2337 Sel/Cell +27-82 898 1528
 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into
  various trials, Knowing that the testing of your faith
  produces endurance.  James 1:2,3 

Re: Paranoid's Question

2000-09-27 Thread Colin Watson
On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 at 20:34:54 -0600, montefin wrote:
 Colin Watson wrote:
  Well, major libc6 upgrade coming up now, ho ho ho. Let's see what
  happens ...
 montefin fastens his seatbelt.

I wouldn't upgrade just yet. There are major problems with libdb2, to
start with, and for a while apt-get was mysteriously segfaulting (though
it seems to have fixed itself now, for no very good reason). exim was OK
only once I recompiled it, locales seem to be broken ...

Hang on for a while yet, I think.


Updated check-debian-cd

2000-09-27 Thread Francesco Potorti`
I made an update to my check-debian-cd script.  Now it knows about every
Debian CD in the r0 and 0a  series, and about the binary i386 slink CDs.
It also emits different return  codes depending on the failure mode, and
can usefully  be used to  check for  a whole series  of iso images  in a
single run.

I  suggest  it to  be  added  to the  pseudo-image  toolkit,  and to  be
mentioned in the FAQ as an easy way of checking a CD after having burned
it.  To check any Debian CD, just do:
it will automatically recognise the CD and check the MD5 hash.

To check a series of images:
  check-debian-cd *.iso

It can also be run in quiet mode from scripts.

Please note that I do not subscribe to either debian-cd or debian-user.

===File /var/mirrors/potato/check-debian-cd=
#! /bin/bash

## Made September, 2000 by Francesco Potortì [EMAIL PROTECTED]
## current version is 1.3
## This program is released under the GNU public license, whichever version
## BUGS:
## Does not work when file names given as arguments contain spaces


while getopts :qv option; do
case $option in
quiet=yes ;;
echo $cdversion; exit 0 ;;
cat -EOF
A program for checking Debian CDs and image files.
It reads /dev/cdrom or the given files and compares their MD5 
hash with
those contained in an internal database of Debian CDs.

usage: $(basename $0) [options] [files...]
   -q: run quietly, do not print informative messages
   -v: print last known version of CD images (currently 
exit 10


## List of known Debian cd image disks: length in $bs, md5sum, id string
## the list is complete as of September, 2000, apart from the slink sources
#Id- 312412 c2c046ed739d78d56b1c5b34202268d1 'Debian-i386 2.1 Disc 1  '
#Id- 265072 f126f97fb20f3e1dd4868ae1d3309d24 'Debian-i386 2.1 Disc 2  '
#Id- 315877 b0d41dc89753ed4af3927d2446e8c7fe 'Debian 2.2 r0 Src-1 '
#Id- 326892 3e6272d23a5f6a2f3c8ce92841eca119 'Debian 2.2 r0 Src-1_NONUS   '
#Id- 323574 c04d100965361437e0f970d781153274 'Debian 2.2 r0 Src-2 '
#Id- 321204 a8142b47bce78bc9678ba2dcf52984ba 'Debian 2.2 r0 Src-3 '
#Id- 316351 b5951d4325de81eeaa8514ec78ecab9d 'Debian 2.2 0a alpha Bin-1   '
#Id- 322398 c83fe57ba0f4dc615efcaed19dc166cc 'Debian 2.2 0a alpha Bin-1_NONUS '
#Id- 327489 3b24410ea4fb25e455f2855407d9cb0f 'Debian 2.2 0a alpha Bin-2   '
#Id- 258784 fde444ae21f8ea4f18909d4a7a5acd91 'Debian 2.2 0a alpha Bin-3   '
#Id- 304639 9e757c6cd952efb030383fd6dd327a0f 'Debian 2.2 r0 arm Bin-1 '
#Id- 304977 35bc41583a999c43f33021e0ae4c5716 'Debian 2.2 r0 arm Bin-1_NONUS   '
#Id- 317057 fff543d36e1e313944c463a24dfb4307 'Debian 2.2 r0 arm Bin-2 '
#Id- 50704  4a4f07b7c7130c39f74340e05260a2be 'Debian 2.2 r0 arm Bin-3 '
#Id- 321743 c4435b6a6b8dd91ea51bd69bfb8642df 'Debian 2.2 r0 i386 Bin-1'
#Id- 327271 aa81c0848d199e9317735a1af0a2e4cc 'Debian 2.2 r0 i386 Bin-1_NONUS  '
#Id- 328594 be04cd6d17159d66978ad227b26ed17d 'Debian 2.2 r0 i386 Bin-2'
#Id- 257243 13a1509ea29e4891004ca1c397b316a6 'Debian 2.2 r0 i386 Bin-3'
#Id- 322735 83b0c5b40ca5b31db973d2a28bcc50af 'Debian 2.2 r0 m68k Bin-1'
#Id- 329160 6ccad6848468e7eccb9a8550215cddc9 'Debian 2.2 r0 m68k Bin-1_NONUS  '
#Id- 330903 a73b2ea406e0c493361236ebffb5ebdb 'Debian 2.2 r0 m68k Bin-2'
#Id- 111328 5a8c7778d4e18ddd622df8c8f5d4f3e9 'Debian 2.2 r0 m68k Bin-3'
#Id- 319500 c4435b6a6b8dd91ea51bd69bfb8642df 'Debian 2.2 r0 ppc Bin-1 '
#Id- 324505 aa81c0848d199e9317735a1af0a2e4cc 'Debian 2.2 r0 ppc Bin-1_NONUS   '
#Id- 329991 be04cd6d17159d66978ad227b26ed17d 'Debian 2.2 r0 ppc Bin-2 '
#Id- 141048 13a1509ea29e4891004ca1c397b316a6 'Debian 2.2 r0 ppc Bin-3 '
#Id- 326020 b8eca28f7eb4c96ce7a6f74efbe2f9bf 'Debian 2.2 0a sparc Bin-1   '
#Id- 331717 e5065a6bd3bdaf44bd2f00951c119fb3 'Debian 2.2 0a sparc Bin-1_NONUS '
#Id- 326370 acce0bffbd85edf52f9a446da3c2cb56 'Debian 2.2 0a sparc Bin-2   '
#Id- 153459 25e78e58aac0f229a6d7d60bdc9849ae 'Debian 2.2 0a sparc Bin-3   '

shift $((OPTIND-1))
case $# in
0)  # no arguments
iso=$isodefault ;;
1)  # the image file or device
iso=$1 ;;
*)  # more than one file: recursive call
test $quiet  options=$options -q
for arg; do
$0 $options $arg
test $ec -gt $exitcode  exitcode=$ec  test $quiet  break
exit $exitcode

if [ ! -r $iso ]; then
echo Cannot read file $iso 2
exit 1

set - $(grep 

exim or smail?

2000-09-27 Thread Anthony Campbell
Why does Debian install exim by default? I've always had slight
difficulties with configuring it, whereas smail always works for me

I used exim at first when I upgraded to potato but now that smail has
reappeared in woody I've gone back to it with some relief.

Anyone else had a similar experience?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles:

Palo y tente tieso. (Spanish proverb)
Free translation: Holdfast is your only dog.

Re: New to Debian, boot problems

2000-09-27 Thread David Wright
Quoting Willy Lee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I'm new to Debian, used to use RedHat.  I installed Debian potato (CD
 from LSL) along with a new hard drive (installed as 2nd (slave) IDE)
 recently, and I made the mistake of placing all of Debian, including
 the root partition, on the 2nd drive.  Now, unfortunately, LILO won't
 boot to the slave drive.  I have to boot from the boot floppy I
 thankfully didn't skip making during the install.
 I would strongly prefer to be able to boot from the hard drive, using
 LILO to manage booting Debian and a legacy OS.  I would prefer to not
 reinstall from the CDs, since I would rather not have to configure
 pnp, X, etc. again.
 The only other idea I have is to make an ext2 partition on hda, make
 it bootable, copy all the files that would be in a root partition
 over, then make lilo boot from there.  I already have ext2 partitions
 on hda, left over from a RedHat install.  My Debian install on hdb
 consists of /, /usr, and /home partitions.

Only a few files have to be accessible to lilo, and I think they're
all in /boot (as long as you install your kernel there too).

There's no reason why /boot can't be a symlink to anywhere accessible
on hda (= 1023 cylinders), even if it's not an ext2 partition
(which you happen to have). What *is* important is that you rerun lilo
if you move any of these critical files (e.g. if they were in a DOS
partition which you defragged).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: New to Debian, boot problems

2000-09-27 Thread David Wright
Quoting Tom Pfeifer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Booting Debian (or any Linux) from the 2nd drive with Lilo is not a
 problem. I'm booting from the 3rd drive. It should be just a matter of
 getting /etc/lilo.conf set up right, and then reinstalling Lilo by
 running the 'lilo' command as root.

I think there may be a BIOS issue here rather than a linux one.

 Here's a basic template for /etc/lilo.conf for what you want to do:
 boot=/dev/hda  (install Lilo to MBR of master drive)

The BIOS has to be able to get at these files before linux gets a look-in.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: new kernel and apt-get

2000-09-27 Thread Moritz Schulte

 However, everytime I do an apt-get upgrade (woody) I end up getting the
 kernel-image-2.2.17 1:2.2.17-1 package with everything else.

 Is there another setting I need to change besides using make-kpkg to set
 the revision level?

How you set the revision level is answered in the other follow up. But,
IMHO it's a more elegant way to set _your_ kernel-* packages on hold
(You can do this in dselect with '='). Then, these packages wont get
upgraded unless you force it.

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: upgraded libc6 and libc6 and broke my system (Woody)

2000-09-27 Thread Pollywog

On 27-Sep-2000 John Hasler wrote:
 The problem appears to be that the new libc is not compatible with the old
 libdb2.  You might try upgrading libdb2.

That was the first thing I tried in order to fix things, but for some reason,
ldconfig disappeared when I upgraded libc6.

Thanks for reminding me; I had forgotten to attempt to upgrade libdb2 after I
installed a new copy of ldconfig.


 John Hasler
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, Wisconsin

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