Ayuda con Samba (Parece que ya va)

2000-10-05 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Si recordais el mensaje de anoche, la comparticion estaba conseguida, pero
en algunos ordenadores, se quedaba bloqueado el Office al grabar. Bueno pues
hoy he estado hablando con el propietario de la red, y me ha dicho que ha
funcionado todo OK.

Anoche le deje instalando el Service Release 2 para Office, que no se si
tendra algo que ver, pero hoy me ha dicho que han surgido problemas menores
con impresoras, configuraciones de Outlook y tal.

Ahora mismo no se porque funciona alli, porque hoy he configurado un
servidor Samba en una red con 49 PCs sin ningun problema con ficheros.

Diran que Linux no dispone de servicio de asistencia tecnica, pero con
listeros Linuxeros/Debianeros, quien necesita un servicio de estos.

Muchas gracias a todos.

Re: hdr_format

2000-10-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 04 de octubre de 2000 a la(s) 23:28:58 +0200, Lluis Vilanova 

Quizas se ha suprimido esta opcion de la configuracion de mutt, o quizas
la han cambiado de nombre; dime que es lo que se supone que hacia, a lo
mejor sale algo con otro nombre

Mi version de mutt es la 0.95.3i

 Yo tengo 1.0.1-9. No creo que la hayan suprimido como tú dices,
 sino más bien la habrán añadido :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cuelgues de fetchmail en potato

2000-10-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 05 de octubre de 2000 a la(s) 01:58:36 +0200, Javier Viñuales 
Gutiérrez contaba:

On mié, oct 04, 2000 at 11:19:02 +0200, Fermín Manzanedo wrote:
 Hola, sabia de esto, y es muy útil para los que no paramos en un sitio
 fijo; me podríais decir algo más (i.e. como borrarlos del servidor, y para
 escribir...) o un sitio del que obtener documentación . Lo mismo estoy
 preguntando cosas imposibles, pero como no tengo ni idea...

del N

 dele N

 Más info: RFC 1939.

Y advertencia, si haces un 'retr N' o 'head M N' fechmail interpretará que
el mensaje ya ha sido leido y no lo descargará, borrándolo del servidor si
así lo tienes configurado.

 Para que no suceda, hacer top mensaje 999.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

glide v3

2000-10-05 Thread Rodrigo De la Vega
Hola listeros
Tengo una Voodoo3 3k y estoy tratando de hacer funcionar la
aceleracion 3d en Potato, para lo cual instale el device3dfx (si
problemas), y libglide2-v3, con lo que logro visualizar las aplicaciones
que usan 3dfx (xmame por ej.) pero no se ve nitido, mas bien boorroso.
Probe instalando tambien el paquete glide2-base, sin conserguir cambio
alguno. Por ultimo me baje el src.rpm de http://linux.3dfx.com, genere
el rpm de glide y lo converti a deb con alien, y todo funciono muy bien
(no he podido despegarme del UT aun...).
¿Porque no me habran funcionado los deb de glide que trae Potato?,
ahora tengo ademas el inconveniente de que al querer instalar las lib
Mesa3d me fallan las dependencias, ya que busca libglide2-v3 y no
glide-v3, que al parecer, solo difieren en el nombre ¿dpkg basa su
chequeo de dependencias solo en los nombres?, si es asi, seria lo unico
que extraño de Red Hat, ya que al menos rpm detectaba de que libreria se
trata automaticamente (sin perjuicio de los require indicados por el

Cualquier idea al respecto seria muy util

Re: MSP y Linux

2000-10-05 Thread Enrique
Diego Mariani wrote:
 Hola a todos,
 Instale una maquina linux en una empresa que usan Microsft Proxy
 server para conectar el resto de los equipos a internet, como hago para
 conectar mi linux a este server?
 Gracias desde ya, porque no tengo ni la mas palida idea.

*Creo* que tienes que definir la variable de entorno $http_proxy con el
formato http://server:port/  (o  http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/  si usa

Ídem con la variable $ftp_proxy.

Ya dirás si funciona...

RE: Clientes napster en potato

2000-10-05 Thread Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras
On Wed, 04 Oct 2000 18:09:42 Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
  Por cierto al Gnapster le tienes que especificar la direccion IP del
  servidor napster, si no no funciona.
 como se especifica?
 lo he buscado y no lo he encontrado

me parece que he tenido un lapsus mental. Hay que especificarle la 
direccion IP al Gnome-napster, no al Gnapster. La direccion IP la he 
sacado del napster de guindous.


Re: glide v3

2000-10-05 Thread TooMany
On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 01:37:29AM -0400, Rodrigo De la Vega wrote:
 Hola listeros
 Tengo una Voodoo3 3k y estoy tratando de hacer funcionar la
 aceleracion 3d en Potato, para lo cual instale el device3dfx (si
 problemas), y libglide2-v3, con lo que logro visualizar las aplicaciones
 que usan 3dfx (xmame por ej.) pero no se ve nitido, mas bien boorroso.
 Probe instalando tambien el paquete glide2-base, sin conserguir cambio
 alguno. Por ultimo me baje el src.rpm de http://linux.3dfx.com, genere
 el rpm de glide y lo converti a deb con alien, y todo funciono muy bien
 (no he podido despegarme del UT aun...).
 ¿Porque no me habran funcionado los deb de glide que trae Potato?,
 ahora tengo ademas el inconveniente de que al querer instalar las lib
 Mesa3d me fallan las dependencias, ya que busca libglide2-v3 y no
 glide-v3, que al parecer, solo difieren en el nombre ¿dpkg basa su
 chequeo de dependencias solo en los nombres?, si es asi, seria lo unico
 que extraño de Red Hat, ya que al menos rpm detectaba de que libreria se
 trata automaticamente (sin perjuicio de los require indicados por el

¿Has probado a instalarlo forzándolo? Creo que era dpkg --force-install
De todas maneras, si haces un dpkg --force-help verás cómo hacerlo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez

Sobre este tema, he visto algún planteamiento con el que no estoy del todo
de acuerdo.

Cuando se habla de si Debian crecerá o dejará de crecer en el futuro, creo
que lo que hay que considerar no es tanto el num. de usuarios como el de

Una diferencia que veo entre Debian y otras distros es que, en el caso de
las comerciales, mientras haya gente que se las instale (sobre todo gente 
que después vaya a pagar por servicios), habrá financiación, y por tanto,
desarrollo. Sin embargo, Debian tendrá desarrolladores mientras haya
desarrolladores interesados en Debian (como vosotros ;-D).

Mientras Debian sea la favorita de un gran número de usuarios con ganas de
pegarse con el ordenador, seguirá creciendo (aunque el numero total de
usuarios no crezca). No creo que ninguno de los que desarrolláis Debian
fuera a dejarlo porque el usuario medio-bajo no se cambiara a Debian.

En definitiva, pienso que mientras que en las distribuciones
comerciales se puede medir su crecimiento por el número de usuarios,
en Debian se debe medir por el número de usuarios que aportan algo al

Y ahí no sólo os meto a los desarrolladores, creo que casi
todos aportamos nuestro granito, mientras que el redhatero que quiere que
aquello se instale como Win sin tener NPI de lo que hay
detrás, probablemente nunca se preocupará de reportar 'bichos', de sugerir
cambios,... simplemente esperará la siguiente versión.

Conclusión: el debianero medio, aporta mucho más que el redjatero o susero
medio con lo que, aunque seamos pocos, mientras estemos bien avenidos...
Somos linuxeros concentraos!

Un saludo, y no me hagáis caso, que aún estoy un poco dormido.

PD: poned un '/a' detrás de cada 'o', que cada vez hay más debianeras y se
merecen un homenaje!

Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Fernando
Y si le cambio su Debian por Una Suse y Dos RedHat ;-)


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: ¿Con qué usuario se ejecutan los SSI?

2000-10-05 Thread Jaume Teixi

 root  4665  0.0  0.0  2596   64 ?SSep24   0:00 
 www-data  5857  0.0  0.6  2756  792 ?S14:01   0:00 
 www-data  5858  0.0  0.6  2812  856 ?S14:01   0:00 

nunca un proceso como apache debería correr bajo root, en Debian, la
instalación por
defecto del apache, en el httpd.conf te deja:
User www-data
Group www-data
y así es como debería permanecer con un usuario y grupo (www-data)
aislado del resto
del sistema y que solo se usa para apache.

bajo condiciones normales, los SSI los ejecutará el usuario que esté
corriendo Apache
(www-data) pero en condiciones percisas se puede modificar, consulta:


Jaume Teixi
Administrador de Sistemes
6TEMS - Ducform, SA

Re: your mail

2000-10-05 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez
On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Cypenguin wrote:

 hola gente
 desde argentina y con potato ¿instalado?... en fin.
 una pregunta basica y otras tambien:
 1) cual es el orden de preferencia en la instalacion de paquetes? suggest, 
 recomend, etc..

Lo importante es el orden de configuración. Si le das la orden de
instalarlos uno por uno con dpkg, pon primero los required. Los suggest y
los recomend suelen añadir funcionalidades, pero se puede instalar sin
ellos. Si lo haces on apt o dselect se encarga él de instalarlos en orden.

 2) si quiero gnome, que window manager me recomiendan?

El WMaker parece que funciona bien. Yo aún no lo tengo a mi gusto, pero lo
estoy intentando.

He leido que las últimas versines de AfterStep (mi favorito) empiezan a
ser compatibles con Gnome, pero no lo he probado.

Un saludo

Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez
On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Fernando wrote:

 Y si le cambio su Debian por Una Suse y Dos RedHat ;-)

je je!

Bueno, es que yo ya tengo tres o cuatro RedHats y dos Suses, pero creo que
acabaré haciendo un chisme de esos que tienen cosas colgando y que suenan
cuando se abre la puerta, porque pa otra cosa no las uso.


Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.

Re: Backup en DAT: herramienta?

2000-10-05 Thread Jaume Teixi

  Tenemos un drive DAT SCSI 12/24GB en un servidor compaq (modelo SDT-9000
  para ser mas exactos)
  Quisiera que me recomendaran alguna herramienta de backup teniendo en
  cuenta que:

Bajo Debian, si con mt llamas a /dev/st0   (o correspondiente) rebobinará por 
defecto pero si
llamas a /dev/nst0 (o correspondiente) entonces no rebobinara

Para tapes, la merjor herramienta sin duda es  dump/restore  y el uso de 
backups incrementales
El unico inconveniente es que no puedes trabajar con sistemas no-ext2
La gran ventaja es el interactive restore que permite elegir exacatamente el 
fichero a
restaurar, mostrar contenidos de la copia, 


Jaume Teixi
Administrador de Sistemes
6TEMS - Ducform, SA

¿que ocurre con los bugs en debian?

2000-10-05 Thread pfragosom
¿que ocurre cuendo se descubre y posteriormente se corrige un bug en
¿se coloca el paquete sin bug en stable?
¿se coloca el paquete sin bug en la siguiente versión de la distribución.
Lease Woody?
¿no se coloca en ningun sitio?
¿me podeis explicar muy brevemente la politica de seguimiento de bugs? ;-)

Re: Backup en DAT: herramienta?

2000-10-05 Thread Jaume Sabater

At 20:08 03/10/00 -0300, you wrote:

Tenemos un drive DAT SCSI 12/24GB en un servidor compaq (modelo SDT-9000
para ser mas exactos)

Quisiera que me recomendaran alguna herramienta de backup teniendo en
cuenta que:

- taper no se recomienda para gran cantidad de archivos, de acuerdo a su
propia documentacion: Note that currently taper is not really designed
for backing up more than about 30,000 files (unless you have a large
amount of physical memory)

- el drive SCSI rebobina la cinta al finalizar un comando de ´mt´, cosa
que kbackup no maneja

Alguien puede recomendarme una herramienta para esto?  Gracias por vuestra


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Blu
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 09:43:28AM +0200, Ignacio Garcia Fernandez wrote:
 PD: poned un '/a' detrás de cada 'o', que cada vez hay más debianeras y se
 merecen un homenaje!

Y si mejor decimos [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina
On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 09:54:03AM +, Jaume Teixi wrote:
 Aún así, la instal.lación se ha automatizado hasta tal punto de parecerse 
 realmente a los
 primeros... pero Debian se debe a sus usuarios y sus usuarios son los que 
 quieren controlar
 que va hacer cada paquete, en que parámetros se va a basar y que registros va 
 a dejar y
 dónde... esto es lo que realmente distingue a Debian de las demás 
 distribuciones y lo que
 realmente significa que Debian sea un Sistema GNU mientras que los demas son 

Creía que lo que hacía a Debian un Sistema GNU era la DFSG, pero... :?

 Así es como la documentación de Debian está pensada para este tipo de 
 usuarios, y realmente
 es todo lo técnica que se puede...

Bueno :) Eso es que no has leído la documentación de la Debian 2.2
¿Se ha leído alguien la Debian Guide? :) Yo la traduje por unas
perrillas para cierta distribución en castellano, y oyes, estaba bastante
bien :)~~~

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina
On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 09:05:57PM +0200, Amaya wrote:
 David Serrano dijo:
   Yo empecé  con SuSE 5.1 y  en 5 meses probé  Debian. El próximo
   día 5 hará dos meses que instalé la Hamm :^).
 Si no me falla la memoria, son dos a¤itos ;-) Justo lo que llevo yo en este 
 Ay que ver lo mucho que me habéis apoyado en este tiempo!

Sólo por curiosidad. ¿Alguien siguió mi mismo camino?:

Slack - borrar - Slack - borrar - Debian  :)

De esto hace ya unos añitos (La debian era 1.3.1/bo) :)

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina
On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 10:59:15PM -0300, Andres A Rocchia wrote:
 En mi opinion lo que decia Antonio es que debian parece no estar dandole
 la importancia que se merece al numero de usuarios, no que todo deba centrarse
 en una carrera por conseguirlos, pero tampoco pretender que si estan bien, y
 sino tambien. Por otro lado DEBIAN tiene un contrato social que creo que 
 respeta y espero siga haciendolo, aca nada tiene que ver los intereses 
 comerciales de ningun inversor de turno. Las demas distros comerciales no 
 por el solo hecho de serlo las tenemos que defenestrar pensando que sus
 productos necesariamente seran mediocres a causa de esto, es mas ni el
 propio DEBIAN pordria existir si invertir en Linux no fuera negocio.

Andrés. En esta vida todo es cuestión de prioridades. En el Contrato
Social de Debian, una de las cosas más importantes que se dicen es que
Debian *se debe a sus usuarios*. Por eso existen cosas como non-free, que
en su día fueron muy necesarias (hoy por hoy lo siguen siendo, pese a lo
que digan algunos, y lo seguirá siendo por un tiempito, pese a lo que
otros vaticinen), ya que proporcionaban software que no tenían una
contrapartida libre siquiera de igual calidad (buena o mala, da igual).

Pero el asunto es que pensar en llegar a todos los usuarios posibles es
un pensamiento que suele ir asociado a una empresa. Cuantos más usuarios,
más beneficio. Bien cierto es que cuantos más usuarios, más posibilidades
de detectar errores, de que a alguien le entre el gusanillo y se meta a
desarrollador, etc., pero esas son las únicas razones que yo veo para que
Debian quiera tener más usuarios, y sinceramente, no creo que facilitar
las cosas, sea una vía para conseguir ese tipo de usuario (que entrará a
la distribución de todas maneras), de manera que creo que sea una
prioridad (lo cual se demuestra por la forma en que evoluciona la

Uno adopta una distribución libremente. Si decides entrar en Debian, no
creo que sea porque es más fácil que las demás, o porque es más bonita
que las demás. Debian tiene ciertas peculiaridades, valores, y
características que la hacen atractiva a un determinado tipo de usuario.

En mi caso, soy programador desde hace varios años, con lo cual mi bagaje
técnico en ciertos campos podría ser considerable. Sin embargo, como
administrador, posiblemente, no de la talla, o al menos me quede bastante
corto. Al fin y al cabo, administro mis máquinas casi por hobby, aunque
sea un área que siempre me ha atraído mucho. Obviamente, me podría sentir
más cómodo como administrador con otras máquinas, pero quizá el mismo
gusanillo que me hizo meterme con los ordenadores primero, y con la
programación después, hace que me guste hurgar en las entrañas de las
cosas, y aprender cómo funcionan desde dentro. ¿Será eso lo que me atrae
de Debian? ¿Que te facilita ciertas cosas, sin ocultarte en ningún momento
la cruda realidad?

Sin embargo, precisamente en mi venilla de administrador, hay cosas de
Debian que me atraen muchísimo. ¿Te has fijado en la inmensa cantidad de
herramientas (entre Potato y Woody han crecido una barbaridad) de que
dispone Debian para automatizar tareas de administración desde scripts? Es
impresionante. A mi juicio (a lo mejor me equivoco), creo que es la que
más versatilidad da a un administrador que quiera olvidarse por completo
de tener que tocar una máquina siquiera para tener que hacer lo mínimo.

Es cierto que aún tiene que avanzar un poco en la cuestión de
instalaciones desatentidas (esencial si quieres instalar 20, 30, 300
máquinas de un golpe), y lo que ha dado la puntilla es el sistema debconf.
Tardó lo suyo, y la gente nueva no sabrá apreciarlo, pero es un buen
diseño, escalable, configurable, y sobre todo, que permitirá, el día en
que todos los paquetes que lo necesiten cumplan con los requisitos de
debconf, que una Debian se pueda instalar con meter el CD y pulsar un

Muchos se rasgarán las vestiduras ante esta afirmación: ¡decir que es
bueno lo que consideramos anatema en otras distribuciones!, pero hay que
haberse leído las especificaciones de debconf para comprenderlo :')

Bueno... A ver si se me deja de ir la olla.

En resumidas cuentas:

* Debian se debe a sus usuarios, lo que no quiere decir que deba mejorar
  para buscar nuevos usuarios.

* Debian es la única distribución importante que es desarrollada por sus
  propios usuarios, en exclusiva.

Teniendo en cuenta estas dos afirmaciones, tenemos que:

* Debian tan fácil para sus usuarios, como sus propios usuarios (al menos
  aquellos que estén tan comprometidos como para ayudar a crecer a Debian)
  crean que deba serlo.

Tú me contestarás: Bueno... eso quiere decir que la distribución será
como los gurús quieran, porque son los únicos que pueden llegar a ser

Y creo que te equivocas. Lo mismo se ha dicho varias veces sobre el
software libre en general. Por ejemplo, hay una frase de un compañero mío,
que siempre me ha divertido mucho:

Linux nunca llegará 

Re: ¿que ocurre con los bugs en debian?

2000-10-05 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 5 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ¿que ocurre cuendo se descubre y posteriormente se corrige un bug en
 ¿se coloca el paquete sin bug en stable?
 ¿se coloca el paquete sin bug en la siguiente versión de la distribución.
 Lease Woody?

Los paquetes corregidos se colocan normalmente en unstable y ahí se quedan
hasta que unstable se convierte en frozen y luego en stable (o sea, que
puede pasar cierto tiempo hasta que llega a los CDs).

Si el bicho es un fallo de seguridad o es un fallo muy gordo, se pone
también en security.debian.org o en proposed-updates. Cuando sale una
nueva revisión de stable (por ejemplo, cuando salga la 2.2r1), se
consideran la incorporación de estos paquetes a stable.

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Fernando
Blu wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 09:43:28AM +0200, Ignacio Garcia Fernandez wrote:
  PD: poned un '/a' detrás de cada 'o', que cada vez hay más debianeras y se
  merecen un homenaje!
 Y si mejor decimos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A mi eso siempre me ha parecido una estupidez.

En castellano / español cuando se habla de un grupo se utiliza el masculino.
(Hay que respetar los protocolos, o nos empezaremos a parecer a Microsoft :-)


Si alguien tiene una idea mejor que lo diga. (Podemos mejorar el protocolo)
( por cierto, ¿ como pronuncias [EMAIL PROTECTED] ? :-)


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

RE: framemaker

2000-10-05 Thread Oriol de la Dehesa Demaria
 Tengo que ver habitualmente ficheros de framemaker.
 ¿ existe algun programa de visualización o conversión de este formanto ?

Qué yo sepa sólo tienes la beta de Framemaker 5.5.6 para Linux, que te puedes


E-Mail: Oriol de la Dehesa Demaria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key: http://www.icubo.com/pgp/oriol.asc
Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux

pregunta tonta sobre 2 procesadores

2000-10-05 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Hola a todos.
Acabamos de instalar linux en un pentium dual, y me gustaría saber
si hay alguna forma (estilo top) de saber que procesos/carga hay
en cada uno de los dos procesadores
Miguel Rodriguez Penabad[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos   http://emilia.dc.fi.udc.es/labBD
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)

Re: pregunta tonta sobre 2 procesadores

2000-10-05 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Miguel Rodriguez Penabad wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 Acabamos de instalar linux en un pentium dual, y me gustaría saber
 si hay alguna forma (estilo top) de saber que procesos/carga hay
 en cada uno de los dos procesadores


Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Ha salido la Potato

2000-10-05 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
La estoy probando ahora mismo, y como dicen los peques, los pequeños locos, 
está muy
chupi, chupi...
Saludos a todos.-
Linux registered # 128.563.

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:


 Hace unos minutos he comprado una edicion especial de Solo programadores

ISO-8859-15 (sobre el euro)

2000-10-05 Thread Hue-Bond

 Hace un par de décadas o tres me bajé un euro-1.5b3.tar.gz y lo
 intenté ver  pero no me  enteré de  nada en la  documentación. Esta
 noche lo intenté de nuevo y no me fue tan mal. Simplemente con un:

setfont /usr/local/src/euro-1.5b3/fonts/linux-console/lat9w-08.psf

 Ya se cambia  la fuente. Sólo resta cambiar el  keymap para que
 AltGr-e  genere  el keysym  currency,  y  AltGr-c genere  cent.
 Cargamos el nuevo keymap y conseguimos el ansiado símbolo del euro.

 Vamos a la consola  7, volvemos a la de texto  y ya se fastidió
 el tinglado. En  lugar del euro aparece  una ñ y en  lugar de á
 aparece  una beta  (y un  montón de  cosas más  que salen  mal). Al
 principio  del Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO  habla un  poco del  tema
 este,  en  la  sección  Resetting your  terminal,  pero  lo  hace
 demasiado rápido  y sin explicar bien  las cosas. Vamos, que  no me
 entero de lo que pasa con  loadunimap, ni del kernel unicode map ni
 na de na.


 Hay dos tipos  de fuentes, las que tienen un  unicode map en el
 mismo archivo .psf y las que no. Al poner las segundas con setfont,
 se borra el mapa unicode del  kernel pero al poner las primeras no,
 por lo que hay que hacerlo a mano con loadunimap o con el parámetro
 -u de setfont.


 Todo esto es lo que he sacado  en limpio de dicho howto pero de
 todas formas no me indica por qué  al ir a Xwindow y volver aparece
 mal. Hay un programa llamado  testfont, que saca por pantalla todos
 los caracteres de la fuente cargada.  Al volver a consola salen los
 mismos que en los viejos tiempos del ms-dos (cp437). Pruebo a poner
 loadunimap y algunos  cambian, se arregla lo de la  á, pero sigue
 apareciendo  una  bonita  ñ  en  lugar  del  querido  euro.  Sólo
 volviendo a setfont'ear la fuente vuelvo a verlo. El Danish-HOWTO y
 las páginas man de setfont y loadunimap no me aclaran nada.

 Seguro que hay alguien que sabe mucho de esto...

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: configuración red

2000-10-05 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:

 Tengo una red bien configurada a base de ifconfig y route add gw  pero
 al reiniciar se perderá, y supongo que algun dia cerraré esta debian :-)
 por actualizar el kernel, evidentemente XD
 pues donde es el mejor lugar para poner estos datos? en la instalación se
 preguntaron unos que puse mal, pero no encentro donde van ¿? ¿?

En potato la mayor parte de la configuración de red está en
/etc/network/interfaces, pero también hay algunas cosas en
/etc/resolv.conf (por ejemplo, el dominio predeterminado), en
/etc/hostname (el nombre de la máquina), etc.

[ Si todavía usas slink mira el /etc/init.d/network ].


2000-10-05 Thread Carlos López

Pregunta, ¿para poder instalar con glibc2.1 cual de
los tres parches que hay en technet.oracle.com se le
ha de aplicar a potato?


Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis @yahoo.com
en http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com

Re: qvwm (esto es un bug del paquete, ¿verdad?)

2000-10-05 Thread pfragosom

Si ocurre esto que se comenta, es que es un bug del paquete que se deberia
reportar ¿no?.

Ricardo Villalba dijo:

 No funciona, da una violación de segmento (no se sale de las X porque se
 intenta rearrancar una y otra vez, mira el ~/.xsession-errors).
 Borrándole (o renombrando, mejor) el fichero de configuración que se
 instala por defecto sí que arranca, pero con los menús vacíos.

 Me ha picado la curiosidad y lo he instalado. No es necesario
 el fichero de configuración por defecto; basta con poner en tu
~/home una
 copia del system.qvwmrc renombrándolo como .qvwmrc y comentar (un
;) las
 tres líneas del mismo que van en la sección [Indicators]. O, en su
 supongo que tener instalados xeyes, xbiff y xload, ya que son
los que
 dan la violación de segmento (no tengo ni la más remota idea en que
 paquetes de woody vienen). Comentando esas tres líneas, a mí me

 PD. [Unos minutos después...]
 Si tienes el wmbiff instalado, no hace falta que comentes la línea
del xbiff;
 basta con un enlace simbólico y también funciona. Lo mismo con el
 penguineyes. Pero no sirve el wmload.

Re: Cuelgues de fetchmail en potato

2000-10-05 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, oct 05, 2000 at 06:16:57 +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
  dele N

Me comí la e, lo siento.

  Más info: RFC 1939.

Si, lo tengo en mi HD, muy útil.

  Para que no suceda, hacer top mensaje 999.

¿Es por el top o por el 999?. Por el top seguro que no porque ya
me pasó que fetchmail interpretó mensajes ya leidos y me los borró hace una
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian es Debian

2000-10-05 Thread Marta Pla i Castells

 Y si mejor decimos [EMAIL PROTECTED]


A mi eso siempre me ha parecido una estupidez.

Vaya, vaya, muy bonito, si señor.

En castellano / español cuando se habla de un grupo se utiliza el masculino.
(Hay que respetar los protocolos, o nos empezaremos a parecer a Microsoft :-)

Hablando de protocolos, podría decirte muchas cosas pero solo te diré una: 
en castellano/español ya hace tiempo que se aceptó que se podía llamar a un 
colectivo en femenino (oficialmente). Así que espero que a nadie se le 
caigan los anillos por utilizar el femenino así como a todas nosotras no se 
nos caen por utilizar el masculino. ;-)

¿quién dijo que las matemáticas son odiosas?

Marta Pla i Castells   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

(Una matemática que no lo es)

Sabido es que un amor no correspondido es cosa bien triste, pues bien,
yo amo a las matemáticas pero ellas no me hacen ni caso. Isaac Asimov.


2000-10-05 Thread Jenny Tarazona


http://www.latinmail.com.  Gratuito, latino y en español.

Re: ISO-8859-15 (sobre el euro)

2000-10-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 05 de octubre de 2000 a la(s) 13:48:12 +0200, Hue-Bond contaba:

 Nuevamente he preguntado demasiado pronto :^/.

 Vamos a la consola  7, volvemos a la de texto  y ya se fastidió
 el tinglado. En  lugar del euro aparece  una ñ y en  lugar de á
 aparece  una beta  (y un  montón de  cosas más  que salen  mal).

 En la documentación  de SVGATextMode dice que el  servidor X al
 iniciarse guarda el estado de  los registros VGA, y cuando volvemos
 a  consola, restaura  esa información.  Yo cambiaba  alegremente la
 fuente de consola y  seguro que el problema era que  al ir y volver
 de X, el servidor restauraba dicha información y por ahí venían los
 tiros.  Cerré X,  cambié  la fuente,  volví a  iniciar  y ahora  ya
 funciona bien.

 Una vez con el euro (y el  céntimo :^)) en consola, probé a ver
 qué tal se veía el slrn con los mensajes de un grupo de noticias, y
 salen rayitas en lugar de letras :^o :^). No sé de dónde las quita,
 pero no me pienso quejar. 'man iso-8859-15' sale perfecta.

 Probé a  poner el euro también  en X y lo  conseguí sin mayores
 complicaciones. Ahora  me gustaría conseguir una  versión más nueva
 del euro-pack,  quizá con  fuentes más pequeñas  (soy un  amante de
 fuentes  pequeñas), pero  el ftp.freshmeat.net/pub/euro-pack  ya no
 existe y por el web no he encontrado nada...

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Hacer que un usuario pueda usar ethereal

2000-10-05 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Cuando ejecuto aplicaciones como 'ethereal', tengo problemas para
acceder a los dispositivos de red (p. ej a 'eth0'), ya que lo hago como
Esto me obliga a utilizar este programa y otros como root. ¿Hay alguna
manera 'estandar' de hacer que un usuario pueda? Quiero decir, algún
grupo especial o algo así ... A priori se me ocurrió cambiar el
propietario de 'eth0', pero cuél es mi sorpresa al caer que 'eth0' no
está en '/dev'
¿Alguna documentación donde venga eso bien explicado?


Juan Carlos Muro

BUG en modconf?

2000-10-05 Thread Andres A Rocchia

 Tratando de configurar mi SB 32 pnp, cosa que he logrado a medias...
 me parecio extra~o el comoportamiento de modconf al intentar instalar
 cierto modulo.
 En la sec misc, estan entre otros estos modulos:

 sbc60xxwdt  - (no description available)
 sb  - VIA 82cxxx audio suport

 bueno no se si es por un tema de compatibilidad o que, pero sb parece 
ser un link a sbc60xxdt ya que este es el que se intenta cargar cuando
lo hago con sb. Esto es asi o es un bicho?


Potato-2.2 stable o unstable?

2000-10-05 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia

Disculpad pero hay una cosa que me crea confusion. En el fichero
/etc/apt/source.list en tres de las lineas donde pone deb
cdrom:[...oficial...] /unstable... Pues eso porque pone unstable? no
quedamos en que la unstable era en estos momentos la wody? No deberia de
poner stable? Tengo los 4 cds de la potato-2.2 comprados a opencd.

Otra cosa que no se si esta relacionada con lo mismo. Cuando visualizo el
fichero source.list con el mc me sale el mensaje siguiente:error en el
fichero /root/.cedit/Syntax (linea 91) y bajo el mensaje abandonar le
doy al intro sin embargo y puedo editar el fichero normalmente. El la
linea 91 del fichero Syntax pone:include debian-source.list .syntax . A
que se debe todo esto?

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia Gnu/linux Debian Potato-2.2

Re: Potato-2.2 stable o unstable?

2000-10-05 Thread eloy
On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:

 Disculpad pero hay una cosa que me crea confusion. En el fichero
 /etc/apt/source.list en tres de las lineas donde pone deb
 cdrom:[...oficial...] /unstable... Pues eso porque pone unstable? no
 quedamos en que la unstable era en estos momentos la wody? No deberia de
 poner stable? Tengo los 4 cds de la potato-2.2 comprados a opencd.

Tiene toda la pinta de ser un fallo. Te pongo parte de mi fichero

deb ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free
deb ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/mirrors/debian-non-US potato/non-US main contrib 
deb ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/debian dists/proposed-updates/

deb ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security stable/updates main contrib 

 Otra cosa que no se si esta relacionada con lo mismo. Cuando visualizo el
 fichero source.list con el mc me sale el mensaje siguiente:error en el
 fichero /root/.cedit/Syntax (linea 91) y bajo el mensaje abandonar le
 doy al intro sin embargo y puedo editar el fichero normalmente. El la
 linea 91 del fichero Syntax pone:include debian-source.list .syntax . A
 que se debe todo esto?

Al parecer se trata del editor interno de mc. Se llama
cedit. Tiene una colorización (argh) de sintaxis especial para varios
tipos de fichero, entre ellos el sources.list . Pero para obtenerla debe
encontrar un fichero 'debian-sources.list.syntax'. Ese fichero al menos
yo lo tengo en '/usr/lib/mc/syntax/debian-sources.list.syntax'. Como ocupa
300 bytes o así, te lo adjunto.

Comprueba si lo tienes y/o si está correctamente escrito el

Saludos, Jose antonio.

-- Eloy
 Eloy Rafael Sanz Tapia -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
-- http://www.uco.es/~ma1satae --
--- GPG ID: 190169A0 / finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
Córdoba _ España ___ Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux 2.2.16 rabinf50

Re: Cuelgues de fetchmail en potato

2000-10-05 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 05 de octubre de 2000 a la(s) 15:48:32 +0200, Javier Viñuales 
Gutiérrez contaba:

  Para que no suceda, hacer top mensaje 999.

¿Es por el top o por el 999?. Por el top seguro que no porque ya
me pasó que fetchmail interpretó mensajes ya leidos y me los borró hace una

 top no los marca como leídos.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Enviar mensajes del queue de exim

2000-10-05 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El mar, 03 de oct de 2000, a las 09:07:41 +0200, Xose Manoel Ramos dijo:
 Locked es que algún programa está accediendo a este fichero. O si no
 hay ningún programa accediendo, que ha quedado un bloqueador perdido.
 No se... ¿te sigue saliendo al cabo del tiempo? ¿Has mirado a ver si
 tienes un demonio exim zombi por algún lado? 
Bueno, ya esta, como puedes ver, puedo enviar perfectamente desde exim. :)

El caso es que solo pasaba cuando queria enviar un mensaje que acababa de
escribir (con mutt),por lo que supongo que sera lo que ya has dicho antes,
que quedaba algun lock por ahi que exim aunno habia quitado (supongo que
pq acababa de entrar el mensaje en la cola).

Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: qvwm (esto es un bug del paquete, ¿verdad ?)

2000-10-05 Thread carlos saldaña
 Si ocurre esto que se comenta, es que es un bug del paquete que se deberia
 reportar ¿no?.

No me parece tan grave. He visto que tanto xload como xbiff y xeyes
vienen en el paquete xcontrib; luego si tienes instalado éste, el
qvwm te funcionará a la primera sin necesidad de editar nada.
Lo único que tal vez sí el qvwm debería sugerir  xcontrib a la
hora de instalarlo, pero no creo que pueda llamarse bug a esto.

carlos saldaña [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Grafisk DSelect

2000-10-05 Thread Jonas Jacobsson
Finns det något x-interface för dselect?
Om inte, VARFÖR!?

Jag är iofs nybörjare, men jag tycker det
är trist att man inte utnyttjar X så mycket
som möjligt. Menar, så länge det finns ett
textbaserat alternativ så är ju ingen skada

Vad tycker ni?


Re: Debian GPL

2000-10-05 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Guilherme Oliveira wrote:

 Boas !
 Existe alguma maneira de ao executar o dselect, apenas aparecer
 listado o software GPL ?

apenas para confirmar: quando você se refere a GPL está se referindo à
licença, i.e., ao texto literal ou ao espírito da licença?

no último caso, todos os software instalados pelo Debian 2.2
(distribuição oficial) são fiéis ao espírito da GPL, ou melhor, fiéis ao
texto e espírito da DSFG. 

 Outra pergunta: quando se insala o software predefinido pelo Debian,
 certamente é instalado software não-GPL. É possível desinstalar
 apenas esse software ?

Se você instalou o Debian via CD's oficiais não precisa se preocupar
pois só está com softwares que seguem a DSFG, que é reconhecida como uma
das melhores definições do que seja software livre.

Mario O.de MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario Prov. 19.21

Mark Spieth's ppp correction works for 2.2.17, supporting ltmodem.o driver

2000-10-05 Thread Marvin Stodolsky
Background: The Lucent supplied binary ltmodem.o winmodem driver worked
tranparently through kernels 2.2.14, but changes in ppp.o caused it to
fail for 2.2.15 and later kernels.  Mark today reported a potential
solution for 2.2.16 sources.

The email is transmitted under a just compiled 2.2.17 kernel, with its
own ppp.o and ltmodem.o, demonstrating the effectiveness of Mark's
correction to ppp.o.  A script log of a dialup is Attached, with a few
explanatory and clean up edits.

For reasons still obscure the Mark's patch did not work on my system,
though it checked on Mark's. It was easy enough to do it by hand,
however.  Thereafter:
make menuconfig
make dep
make-kpkg --version=mark.1 kernel_image modules_image
did the compiles and assembled them into Debian install packages.
After installation and reboot, the tests shown in the mark17.txt script
were run, followed by this 2nd current ppp session.

Thanks much Mark, from all of us.
We'll leave it to you to inform the ppp source maintainer.

Tomorrow I'll send the 
  kernel+modules in Debian and Redhat formats 
  the include/linux/tty.h edit of 2.2.17 source
to http://www.walbran.org for general access.  They may not appear for a
few days however, as Sean Walbran is traveling. The /boot/config-2.2.17
which will be installed is the compile configuration file.  It has more
options chosen than most of you need.  


 Mark Spieth wrote:
 in includelinux/tty.h
 in struct tty_struct
 copy poll_wait element to the bottom of the structure. this one is in the
 wrong position in pre 15s
 I got the same patch file again when I used yours. strange.
 a new patch is attached created from your tty.h
 otherwise try by hand
 markScript started on Wed Oct  4 21:52:56 2000

koala:~# uname -r

koala:~# insmod lt/ltmodem.o
lt/ltmodem.o: kernel-module version mismatch
lt/ltmodem.o was compiled for kernel version 2.2.12-20
while this kernel is version 2.2.17.

koala:~# insmod lt/ltmodem.o
Warning: kernel-module version mismatch
lt/ltmodem.o was compiled for kernel version 2.2.12-20
while this kernel is version 2.2.17

koala:~# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
ltmodem   453200   0  (unused)
nls_cp437   3872   2  (autoclean)

koala:~# Ptail 
  (is a script which does
   tail -f /var/log/syslog  )

Module  Size  Used by
ltmodem   453200   0  (unused)
nls_cp437   3872   2  (autoclean)

Using /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/slhc.o
Using /lib/modules/2.2.17/net/ppp.o
Module  Size  Used by
ppp20140   0  (unused)
slhc4372   0  [ppp]
ltmodem   453200   0  (unused)
nls_cp437   3872   2  (autoclean)
Starting PPP
Oct  4 21:54:12 koala pppd[233]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: abort on (BUSY)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: abort on (VOICE)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: send (ATZ^M)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: expect (OK)
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: ATZ^M^M
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: OK
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]:  -- got it 
Oct  4 21:54:13 koala chat[235]: send (ATQ0V1E1S0=0C1D2S11=55+FCLASS=0^M)
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]: expect (OK)
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]: ^M
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]: ATQ0V1E1S0=0C1D2S11=55+FCLASS=0^M^M
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]: OK
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]:  -- got it 
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]: send (ATDT3019178111^M)
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]: expect (CONNECT)
Oct  4 21:54:14 koala chat[235]: ^M
Oct  4 21:54:46 koala chat[235]: ATDT3019178111^M^M
Oct  4 21:54:46 koala chat[235]: CONNECT
Oct  4 21:54:46 koala chat[235]:  -- got it 
Oct  4 21:54:46 koala chat[235]: send (\d)
Oct  4 21:54:47 koala pppd[233]: Serial connection established.
Oct  4 21:54:47 koala pppd[233]: Using interface ppp0
Oct  4 21:54:47 koala pppd[233]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS14
Oct  4 21:54:48 koala pppd[233]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 magic 
0xeb4b75a7 pcomp accomp]
Oct  4 21:54:48 koala pppd[233]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  00 04 00 00 mru 
1524 asyncmap 0x0 auth pap pcomp accomp mrru 1524 endpoint 
Oct  4 21:54:48 koala pppd[233]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  00 04 00 00 mrru 
Oct  4 21:54:48 koala pppd[233]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0x0 auth pap pcomp accomp endpoint [MAC:00:c0:7b:9b:88:d0]]
Oct  4 21:54:48 koala pppd[233]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0x0 auth pap pcomp accomp endpoint [MAC:00:c0:7b:9b:88:d0]]
Oct  4 21:54:51 koala pppd[233]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 magic 
0xeb4b75a7 pcomp accomp]
Oct  4 21:54:51 koala pppd[233]: rcvd [LCP 

Re: Mark Spieth's ppp correction works for 2.2.17, supporting ltmodem.o driver

2000-10-05 Thread mark
note that it is not a ppp fix but a tty fix.
you can not use just the ppp.o compiled this way. This is a kernel rebuild
and reinstall fix. otherwise other things will break like console, normal
modems, etc.
what was done to tty.h is prefectly legit and a logical place to put the
new structure element. however, it is not backward compatible with
previous kernels.

please dont take the easy way out and just use a ppp compiled with the new
tty.h. this structure is too pervasive to not be consisent.


On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Marvin Stodolsky wrote:

 Background: The Lucent supplied binary ltmodem.o winmodem driver worked
 tranparently through kernels 2.2.14, but changes in ppp.o caused it to
 fail for 2.2.15 and later kernels.  Mark today reported a potential
 solution for 2.2.16 sources.
 The email is transmitted under a just compiled 2.2.17 kernel, with its
 own ppp.o and ltmodem.o, demonstrating the effectiveness of Mark's
 correction to ppp.o.  A script log of a dialup is Attached, with a few
 explanatory and clean up edits.
 For reasons still obscure the Mark's patch did not work on my system,
 though it checked on Mark's. It was easy enough to do it by hand,
 however.  Thereafter:
 make menuconfig
 make dep
 make-kpkg --version=mark.1 kernel_image modules_image
 did the compiles and assembled them into Debian install packages.
 After installation and reboot, the tests shown in the mark17.txt script
 were run, followed by this 2nd current ppp session.
 Thanks much Mark, from all of us.
 We'll leave it to you to inform the ppp source maintainer.
 Tomorrow I'll send the 
   kernel+modules in Debian and Redhat formats 
   the include/linux/tty.h edit of 2.2.17 source
 to http://www.walbran.org for general access.  They may not appear for a
 few days however, as Sean Walbran is traveling. The /boot/config-2.2.17
 which will be installed is the compile configuration file.  It has more
 options chosen than most of you need.  
  Mark Spieth wrote:
  in includelinux/tty.h
  in struct tty_struct
  copy poll_wait element to the bottom of the structure. this one is in the
  wrong position in pre 15s
  I got the same patch file again when I used yours. strange.
  a new patch is attached created from your tty.h
  otherwise try by hand

Mark Spieth, PhD
Digivation Pty Ltd
2 Mavron Street
PO Box 1058
Ashwood 3147
ph: +61-3-98855774
Mobile: +61-4-11515717

Re: Leftover .debs in /var/cache/apt/archives

2000-10-05 Thread Brian May
 Olaf == Olaf Meeuwissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Olaf BTW, apt-move in potato can't handle multiple package
Olaf sources.  How do you get it to move packages from both
Olaf Debian and Helix?

Use the apt-move from woody... ;-).

However, see bug #71500 first.

Re: realplayer and sound

2000-10-05 Thread Dan Pomohaci
Randy Edwards writes:
  Hi Dan,
 Does sound otherwise work on the system?  If not, check to make sure
  you have rw permissions on your sound devices.

Thanks Mike and Randy, you are right. I put myself in audio group and
now it works.
It was a problem of permissions, but the error message is weird.

Thanks a lot.


Slashcode, Scoop

2000-10-05 Thread Dr. Orange

Are there any (unofficial) debs for slashcode, scoop or similar?



Re: /dev/video: Operation not permitted

2000-10-05 Thread Erik van der Meulen
Some people responded to my question asking for more information
concerning this error. 
I'll give it a try.

I have purchased a Philips Vespa Pro Webcam, because it was reccomended
for support by the Linux community. Indeed, it has some very detailed
information on:


I run Debian 2.2 on a Dell notebook with kernel 2.2.17 so I had to do a
bit of work in order to get usb working. I choose the backport patch
over the upgrade to 2.4.0-test-something. Followed instructions on:


This all seems to work pretty well, judging from /var/log/messages (i'll
list portion of the log below.
(Acctually quite nice that a non-programmer like me can find instructions
to do things like patching kernels and building modules.)
But now we come to the tragic bit: I have built a new module pwc.o for
my 2.2.17 kernel (pre-built only exists for 2.2.16 or 2.4.0-test6)
according to the instructions. Now I load and it gives me:

  Oct  3 16:11:37 eme_lap kernel: pwc Philips PCA645/646 +
  PCVC675/680/690 webcam module version 5.05 PPro (UP) loaded.
  Oct  3 16:11:37 eme_lap kernel: pwc Also supports Askey VC010 cam.
  Oct  3 16:11:37 eme_lap kernel: usb.c: registered new driver Philips webcam
  Oct  3 16:11:37 eme_lap kernel: pwc Philips PCVC680K USB webcam detected.
  Oct  3 16:11:37 eme_lap kernel: pwc Registered as /dev/video0.

Which looks allright to me.
Any attempts to access /dev/video or /dev/video0 result in:

  /dev/video: Operation not permitted

Leaves me pretty clue less...
Anny suggestions much appreciated.

  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gpm no longer function after upgrading

2000-10-05 Thread ShunTim . Luk
Dear all,

After a recent upgrading, gpm (1.19.3-4) no longer
functioned. I lost the mouse pointer in mc. It seems that /dev/gpmctl is lost
although the gpm server did start at boot. I was told that it may be a pipe but
mknod /dev/gpmctl -p did not work. Reinstalling gpm and libgmp1 also didn't
work. I can use the mouse in X, though (with /dev/psaux as device and and ps2 as
protocol). I'm using woody with kernel 2.2.17 if that matters.

Would be grateful to any pointers to the solution of this problem .


Re: Leftover .debs in /var/cache/apt/archives

2000-10-05 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Olaf == Olaf Meeuwissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Olaf BTW, apt-move in potato can't handle multiple package
 Olaf sources.  How do you get it to move packages from both
 Olaf Debian and Helix?
 Use the apt-move from woody... ;-).

I figured so much, but since the sources.list in the original message
was pointing to stable ...

Olaf Meeuwissen   Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Re: MUTT + Procmail

2000-10-05 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-10-04 16:25:50, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 06:06:59PM -0400, Joel Dinel wrote:
   I store all mails from this list in ~/Mail/IN.debian-user. How can I go 
  read those mails in Mutt ? I can't see anything in the man pages...
 mutt -f ~/Mail/IN.debian-user
 or when in mutt hit `c' then =IN.debian-user ENTER
 or if you want mutt to inform you when new mail is dropped into that
 mailbox, add the following to your ~/.muttrc
 mailboxes ! =IN.debian-user
 you can add additional mailboxes to that list, they are seperated by spaces.

I use the following in $HOME/.muttrc to avoid having to maintain
mailing list info for both procmail and mutt:

# mailing lists
subscribe `find $HOME/var/mail/mailing_list -type f -printf '%f '; echo ''`

# mail boxes
mailboxes `find $HOME/var/mail -type f -not -name \*.cache -not -name \*.log 
-not -name sent\* -not -name archive -not -name trash -printf '%p '; echo ''`

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   icq: 44214251

Re: installer won't boot on Mac IIcx

2000-10-05 Thread Andre Berger
Richard Jeantheau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My apologies if this has been covered -- I'm brand new
 to the list and to Debian.

 I am attempting to install potato on a Mac IIcx. 

Go to debian-68k@lists.debian.org, you'll find the right kind of
people there :) (But of course also stay subscribed here!)

Installation on a Mac is usually hard -- the folks who complain
in articles on Linux installations on PeeCees should try _other
platforms_ before. But don't be discouraged, if your hardware supports
Linux (PMMU, FPU and so on), it's possible. 

Good luck!

-- Andre 

Re: Basic Debian firewall

2000-10-05 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 01:38:13PM -0600, Gary Hennigan wrote:
 Is the ipmasq package what one needs to install to get a basic
 firewall up and running under Debian? I'm using PMFirewall now, and I
 don't have any complaints with it. It was VERY easy to get a decent
 firewall up and running with it, but now that I know a bit more about
 ipchains I'm leaning toward using a Debian-only solution just to keep
 my firewall PC as consistent as possible.

works like a champ for me. i've used it with slink and ipfwadm,
and now potato with ipchains.

only thing i'd add to the startup scripts is a logging/flush
directive such as

( date ; /sbin/ipchains -nxvL -Z )  /var/log/firewall

...my isp charges per megabyte, so this is how i keep'm honest.

without such a 'log packet / byte count' log directive, every time
you run ipmasq your counts are all reset to zero as the new
firewall instance is (re)built from scratch. if that matters,
you'll wanna add -nxvL  /var/log/*something* to the rule-set
in /etc/ipmasq/rules/A03flush.rul: copy the *.def file there
and prepend your own logging facility as needed, before the
rules are all flushed.

things are more like they used to be than they are now.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] *** http://www.dontUthink.com/

R: Any knowledgeable Afio people out there?

2000-10-05 Thread marco frattola
i don't know if it HAS to be considered normal,
but that's what i used to get when using tob+afio to
do backups. usually a different tape fixed the problems
so i guess afio keeps on writing even after errors, and
get tons of other errors.

Marco Frattola (Pianificazione processi) - 
Cubecom S.p.A.
Via de Marini,1 3 piano Torre WTC
16149 GENOVA
tel. 010 6591184

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Barry Samuels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Inviato: martedì 26 settembre 2000 15.49
 A: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Oggetto: Any knowledgeable Afio people out there?
 After Afio has created an archive it produces a message similar
 'afio: Final count: 7m+12k+0 bytes written'
 Is the size given the size of the files before they were archived
 or is it the size of the compressed archive?
 My next query is not produced by Afio but by the SCSI Tape module
  when Afio was running.
 I use Afio in my backup script and the last backupo failed
 because, I think, the tape was faulty.  I have since re-run the
 backup successfully with a different tape.
 However during the failed backup the following messages were
 added to /var/log/messages:
 Sep 26 09:07:55 DATAMAN1 kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Info
 fld=0x3fff, Current st09:00: sense key Medium Error
 Sep 26 09:07:55 DATAMAN1 kernel: Additional sense indicates
 Medium format corrupted
 This in itself is not surprising but there were about 20,000
 similar lines.  Could that be considered normal under the
 Barry Samuels
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Big Problem !

2000-10-05 Thread Pep Ciuraneta
Hiya all !

These words are to thank all the people who has dedicated a little time
of their life thinking about my problem, related here a few days ago. I
have solved the problem by myself but thanks a lot anyway.

The problem was the qmail rc script, that was modified by me and it
seems that it didn't finish. i don't know why, yet. 

Thanks a lot !

..PEP CIURANETA SANCHEZ..Linux registered user 123250..
. Programador de l'Area de Servei CS3  . Tel: (+34) 93.401.7715   .
. Edifici U - Despatx 407  . Fax: (+34) 93.401.5855   .
. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya . Mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  .
..C/ Pau Gargallo 5 08028..

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: installer won't boot on Mac IIcx

2000-10-05 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 09:56:26AM +0200, Andre Berger wrote:
 Installation on a Mac is usually hard -- the folks who complain
 in articles on Linux installations on PeeCees should try _other
 platforms_ before. But don't be discouraged, if your hardware supports
 Linux (PMMU, FPU and so on), it's possible. 

folks who complain about GNU/Linux installations should try and
install Windows (on a blank unpartitioned disk).  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

/usr/share, why bother?

2000-10-05 Thread Jeff Lessem
I am very much in favor of the strongly adhered to filesystem layout
that Debian uses.  Having all of the configuration files in /etc,
means that when I got a new laptop the only part of the OS I saved
from the old to the new was /etc.  Stuff that changes is in /var, that
is great, right where it should be.  Architecture specific stuff not
on / goes in /usr.

This leaves all of the non architecture specific stuff (text, html,
perl scripts, emacs lisp, etc.) to go under /usr/share.  I use
/usr/local/share to have common TeX, etc. on completely different
architectures.  Makes things great for system management.  I only need
to install a new bibstyle in one place and my Linux and Tru64 boxes
all find it.  This is how it should be.

My problem though, is that Debian only seems to go halfway.  Just as I
cross mount /usr/local/share between all my computers, I want to also
cross mount /usr/share between all my Debian boxes.  In order for this
to make any sense though, there needs to be some sort of dpkg setting
to say, don't install /usr/share on this machine, it is a client.

I know, this can lead to problems where a package is installed on a
client, but not on the master server.  That is my problem as the
administrator though, and shouldn't be anybody else's concern.

Am I just dense, and such a setting is fully documented and I just
need to rtfm?  I know, disk space is real cheap, so wasting a few
hundred meg per machine isn't a big deal, and there isn't really
anything in /usr/share that I, as the administrator, need to be
changing, but it is just the principle of the thing.  I guess what I
mean is, why call it share if it isn't meant to be shared?

Mailbox directory with Mutt

2000-10-05 Thread Francois Fayard

I have a little problem with mutt.
When I want to change directory, everything is considered as if my mailbox
directory is my current directory. For example, I have to start mutt
in ~/Mail in order to change from a mailbox to another (Using: c + mailbox 
I've added : set folder=/home/fayard/Mail in my .muttrc but nothing seems
to change.

What can I do for that ?


Re: Mailbox directory with Mutt

2000-10-05 Thread Rino Mardo
in your ~/.muttrc you have to tell mutt your mailboxes.  in my setup i have
/var/mail/me and ~/Mail as locations for all my mailboxes and i would just
press c to change mailboxes.  i'm not in my debbie box right now but if i
remember it right it goes like this:

mailboxes /var/mail/username ~/Mail/


- Original Message -
From: Francois Fayard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 12:28 PM
Subject: Mailbox directory with Mutt


 I have a little problem with mutt.
 When I want to change directory, everything is considered as if my mailbox
 directory is my current directory. For example, I have to start mutt
 in ~/Mail in order to change from a mailbox to another (Using: c + mailbox
 I've added : set folder=/home/fayard/Mail in my .muttrc but nothing seems
 to change.

 What can I do for that ?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation)

2000-10-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Randy Edwards wrote:

Has anyone seen Joe Barr's article in LinuxWorld at

!-- Snip --

Anyone else have any thoughts on this article?

Thanks for the pointer, Randy! It was so refreshing to know that I'm not
alone in my
Debian installation blues. The article also pointed to a usenet news
which was
full of comments from other people in my position.

I was so amused to read yet another posting from a Debian fan (no names
mentioned) who
claimed that the install was so easy that A chicken could have done
it.  95% of the
time I was pecking at the Enter key. Trolls who go on like this really
aren't doing
Debian any favours, all they do is get people riled up, and start huge
flame wars!

But it got me thinking: I'd really like to see that chicken some time.
He probably
wears one of those t-shirts from http://www.thinkgeek.com/ with got
root? printed on
the back. Maybe an artistic-minded Debian fan could make a picture of
the chicken,
that could be used as an alternative to the penguin? He should be
standing in front of
a PC with the horrible dselect tree displayed on the screen, and should
be pecking
at the shiftQ key.

I for one would buy a t-shirt with the chicken printed on it. Any

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Re: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation)

2000-10-05 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 10:45:24AM +0200, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
 Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

there are exceptions.

things are more like they used to be than they are now.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] *** http://www.dontUthink.com/

Re: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation)

2000-10-05 Thread George Bonser
 things are more like they used to be than they are now.

Yeah, but if it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here.

ODP: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation )

2000-10-05 Thread Mariusz . Przygodzki
Do you have any other serious arguments which can confirm
your professional approach to discussion about Debian installation tools?

If not I suggest you send next e-mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is list for debian users.

Best Regards
Mariusz Przygodzki

-Oryginalna wiadomość-
Od: Peter Hugosson-Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wysłano: 5 października 2000 10:45
Do: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Temat: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation)

Randy Edwards wrote:

Has anyone seen Joe Barr's article in LinuxWorld at

!-- Snip --

Anyone else have any thoughts on this article?

Thanks for the pointer, Randy! It was so refreshing to know that I'm not
alone in my
Debian installation blues. The article also pointed to a usenet news
which was
full of comments from other people in my position.

I was so amused to read yet another posting from a Debian fan (no names
mentioned) who
claimed that the install was so easy that A chicken could have done
it.  95% of the
time I was pecking at the Enter key. Trolls who go on like this really
aren't doing
Debian any favours, all they do is get people riled up, and start huge
flame wars!

But it got me thinking: I'd really like to see that chicken some time.
He probably
wears one of those t-shirts from http://www.thinkgeek.com/ with got
root? printed on
the back. Maybe an artistic-minded Debian fan could make a picture of
the chicken,
that could be used as an alternative to the penguin? He should be
standing in front of
a PC with the horrible dselect tree displayed on the screen, and should
be pecking
at the shiftQ key.

I for one would buy a t-shirt with the chicken printed on it. Any

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: ODP: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation )

2000-10-05 Thread George Bonser
 I for one would buy a t-shirt with the chicken printed on it. Any

hmmm ... now that sounds really cool. Make the Debian mascot a
chicken! I kinda like it. How about a logo with a penguin and a chicken,
wing/flipper over each others shoulder! So cool!

Re: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation

2000-10-05 Thread Christen Welch
I could see a person new to computers having some problems
with installing Debian. It isn't the best install in the
world. However, anyone who has a good understanding of
computers (by this I don't mean Start-Programs-MS Word)
should be able to install Debian with little trouble. 

I've installed 1.3 and 2.1 on my system. I upgraded from 1.3
to 2, then to 2.1, and then was the victim of a hard drive
death. 2.1 seems to be a lot easier, with the ability to 
choose different installation types. 

I digress. My point is, Debian isn't difficult, even relative
to the other 'main' Linux based distros out there, to install. 
It could be made better, but it isn't worth not using 
Debian over.

We are what we repeatedly do - Aristotle

Description: PGP signature

Re: ODP: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation)

2000-10-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

 This is list for debian users.

Glad to hear it. I've been trying to get Linux installed for about 5 years,
and the only distribution I have looked at is Debian. Call me a masochist, but
I am lured by the idea of an OS that is rock-stable and easy to maintain and
update. If only it were easy to install, then Billy boy (not to mention redhat
and others) would all be looking for new jobs by now.

FWIW, I've ordered the Debian 2.2 set of 6 CDs from  http://www.cheeplinux.com
and have arranged a wife-free week in November for my next attempt. Right now,
I am in the preparatory stage of collecting as many hints, and as much
encouragement as possible. You might think I should be looking at redhat, but
that's just your opinion. Most people on this list seem to think that Debian
is worth perservering with.

The purpose of my post was to thank Randy for pointing me at a good article,
and to make a serious suggestion about a t-shirt design. We geeks like cool
t-shirts, and the fact that the Debian chicken is such a long-lived animal
suggests to me that he deserves to be immortalized for posterity. If I could
draw, I wouldn't be asking for help here.

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Bill Gates: The man who gave cream pies a good name.

tel;fax:+468 676 5010
tel;home:+468 756 93 58
tel;work:+468 676 52 70
org:A href=http://www.im.se;IMG SRC=http://www.nasdaq.com/logos/IMIC.GIF  ALT=Industri-Matematik International/A
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Development Specialist
note:Private mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Personal Homepage: http://www.netg.se/~hugge/
adr;quoted-printable:;;Kungsgatan 12-14=0D=0ABox 7733;103 95  Stockholm;;;Sweden
fn:Peter Hugosson-Miller

Re: problems with gnome

2000-10-05 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ok, so I install windowmaker, and chose it in the gnome control panel.
 It's listed as my current WM. However, I'm in enlightenment. 

Try to change to enlightenment and then immediately change back to
WindowMaker. This helped with WindowMaker and sawfish here, when I
wanted to run sawfish and after some major upgrading Gnome didn't
recognize any wm running at all.


Re: Dual NIC Problem

2000-10-05 Thread Christen Welch
Sorry for the tardiness of my reply...

Let me just give a run down of some stuff:

iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static
and you have the same type info for eth1 in there too

/etc/init.d/network shouldn't have anything in it

If everything looks ok here, and /etc/hosts.deny and 
/etc/hosts.allow are set up properly, I'm really
out of ideas. Sorry about that. If I can think of
something else, I'll be sure to post it. 


We are what we repeatedly do - Aristotle

Description: PGP signature

Re: gnome won't start now

2000-10-05 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 *sigh* I'm back to using icewm now, not that there's anything wrong with
 that, but I'm confused as to why I can't get gnome to start. 
 Reading the gnome-session manpages, it would seem that gnome expects a
 default session file, default.session, but it doesn't seem to be present in
 the gnome-session package. 

Well, in *my* gnome-session package (1.2.2-1) there is a gnome-session
file in /etc/gnome ... Maybe it helps if you try a reinstall of


Q: syslog-ng remote logging.

2000-10-05 Thread Andreas Rabus


sitting in my box, checking my logs... 
and trying to log from Host A to Host B with tcp i always get some strange
error Messages when starting my syslog-ng with option -d:

Error Creating AF_INET socket (Operation now in progress)

The log are setup up as in the demo configuratuion in the  doc dir.
src on host B allows tcp from host A, host A has destinations woth tcp.

Host A ist a woody, Host B a potato.

Is this a bug or am i that stupid?

Thanks in advance,



[ampersand online agentur]
[andreas rabus]

theresienstraße 29 / IV
80333 münchen
tel 0 89 - 28 67 72 - 27
fax 0 89 - 28 67 72 - 21

Re: Sound Blaster

2000-10-05 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 12:41:24AM -0700, Tino Ionescu wrote:
  I'm trying to install the driver emu10k1 for Sound Blaster Live 
  Driver's Makefile is complainig that it can't find modversion.h 
  Can anybody tell me what should be done?
 Are you sure it's not modversions.h? Plural? 
 I had no problems compiling this. All I had to do was modify the include
 paths to include the kernel headers. 
 ie. Add -I/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.17/include to CFLAGS in the

I had no problems compiling this, not even modify any include paths or
the like. All I had to do was `apt-get install kernel-source-2.2.17',
then `cd /usr/src ; tar -xvIf kernel-source-2.2.17.tar.bz2 ; ln -s
kernel-source-2.2.17 linux; cd linux' and, supposed you are in a
rxvt/xterm: `make-kpkg xconfig' and choose the appropriate modules in
the sound driver menu, `make-kpkg clean ; make-kpkg
--revision=custom.1 kernel_image'. When the module doesn't load
automatically (here it doesn't), use modconf to load it upon boot.


Re: mozilla netscape

2000-10-05 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
John Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
  So, can these two coexist? I've done it with debian packages, but I
  decided to check out one of the nightly builds of mozilla, and it did a
  whole bunch of stuff on its first invocation, and from that point on,
  netscape started mozilla. I'd run it as a normal user, so it couldn't have
  altered anything beyond my personal files, but even after I deleted
  .mozilla, and the nightly build, and uninstalled the mozilla deb package I
  was running, typing netscape still started mozilla! I don't know how, but I
  finally uninstalled netscape entirely and reinstalled it, which fixed the
  problem. How could that have happened if it could only alter my personal
 I am running Netscape 4.75, Mozilla M17-3 and the nightly mozilla builds 
 without incident.  I didn't do anything to install the nightly builds.  I 
 just made a menu entry for ~/mozilla/mozilla so they all get along fine :-).

With this line in your apt-get sources.list:

   deb http://galeon.sourceforge.net/nightly/debian galeoncvsm18/

you can download working M18 Debian packages with coexist perfectly
well with Netscape. There are even fresh galeon packages (see
http://silverchair.futureks.net/~solomon/galeon/ for further infos
and the deb-src line).


Re: Mailbox directory with Mutt

2000-10-05 Thread Francois Fayard
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:48:29PM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:
 in your ~/.muttrc you have to tell mutt your mailboxes.  in my setup i have
 /var/mail/me and ~/Mail as locations for all my mailboxes and i would just
 press c to change mailboxes.  i'm not in my debbie box right now but if i
 remember it right it goes like this:
 mailboxes /var/mail/username ~/Mail/

I've already tried this.

Let me describe what I want:
  All my mailboxes are under the directory /home/fayard/Mail/
  When you type c, you have:
Open mailbox ('?' for list): ~/Mail/callig  (Your current mailbox)
  And when you start to type a name, it changes into:
Open mailbox: d (if d is the first letter you have 
  What I want is to type debian-user to switch to the 
  mailbox, and I want automatic completion over all the mailboxes in 
  I'm quite sure I had that on an old distibution, and I can't find anything in 
the mutt


Re: Q: syslog-ng remote logging.

2000-10-05 Thread Mike Fedyk
Andreas Rabus wrote:
 sitting in my box, checking my logs...
 and trying to log from Host A to Host B with tcp i always get some strange
 error Messages when starting my syslog-ng with option -d:
 Error Creating AF_INET socket (Operation now in progress)
 The log are setup up as in the demo configuratuion in the  doc dir.
 src on host B allows tcp from host A, host A has destinations woth tcp.
 Host A ist a woody, Host B a potato.
 Is this a bug or am i that stupid?
 Thanks in advance,
 [ampersand online agentur]
 [andreas rabus]
 theresienstraße 29 / IV
 80333 münchen
 tel 0 89 - 28 67 72 - 27
 fax 0 89 - 28 67 72 - 21
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Find this in your /etc/init.d/sysklogd and make it similar on your receiving

# Options for start/restart the daemons~
#   For remote UDP logging use SYSLOGD=-r~

BTW, this is from a potato box.

Mike Fedyk   They that can give up essential liberty
Information Systems   to obtain a little temporary safety
Match Mail Productions Inc.   deserve neither liberty nor safety.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ben Franklin

fonts scaling w/h xfstt

2000-10-05 Thread Joel Dinel
I've got xfstt up and running and serving me with nice TrueType fonts. Now, is 
there a way to scale those fonts ? Right now I can only seem to get one default 
size. I remember having scaled TTF under RedHat. I'm sure there's a way to do 
it in Debian, I just don't know how...

Thanks !

ODP: ODP: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Install ation)

2000-10-05 Thread Mariusz . Przygodzki

 Glad to hear it. I've been trying to get Linux installed for about 5
 and the only distribution I have looked at is Debian. Call me a masochist,
 I am lured by the idea of an OS that is rock-stable and easy to maintain
 update. If only it were easy to install, then Billy boy (not to mention
 and others) would all be looking for new jobs by now.

I am under an impression but I am not going to put up to auction my Linux
years :-)
I spent a lot of time with different rpm distributions (now I know it was to
and I decided to stay on Debian because I am *not* a masochist.
I expect from any Linux distribution (not just Linux as OS - you mixed up
distributions with systems) to be easy to mantain and update so Debian
it's my preffered choice.
And I can pay very small price for installation tools without

 Most people on this list seem to think that Debian is worth perservering

I don't think I you can represent most people on this list in this area.
Of course, I respect your opinion as your personal.


Re: installer won't boot on Mac IIcx

2000-10-05 Thread Christian Pernegger
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:15:13AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
 folks who complain about GNU/Linux installations should try and
 install Windows (on a blank unpartitioned disk).  

In my experience that's the only thing that more or less works?

Try an older disk with a few badblocks - uaarg!


ex/nvi keeps mailing me...

2000-10-05 Thread Engelen

I have a pcmcia network card for which I have found a working kernel module,
but I cannot connect to the wireless internet here unless I change some
settings in the /proc/aironet/eth0 directory and run ifup. I have put together
a small script (my first one like this) to do this automatically, but it
doesn't really work perfectly. This is the script:

ex -s /proc/aironet/eth0/Config /dev/null EOF
echo paswoord  /proc/aironet/eth0/SSID
ifup eth0

Even though it is -rwsr-sr-x root root, it doesn't work unless executed with
'sudo' (??).
1) is there any script that is ran whenever it detects me putting the card in?
When I put it in, /var/log/syslog sais:
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: airo:  Probing for PCI adapters
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: airo:  Finished probing for PCI adapters
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: airo: MAC enabled eth0 0:40:96:38:da:4a
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: eth0: index 0x05: Vcc 5.0, Vpp 5.0, irq 3, io

2) Anyway, my biggest problem is that every once in a while I get lots of email
messages telling me that on (date,time) root was editing the Config file, Nvi
saved it and I can recover it with 'ex -r'. Why?

Arnout Engelen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian GNU/Linux - when code matters, not commercials

nvi/ex keeps mailing me....

2000-10-05 Thread Engelen


I have a pcmcia network card for which I have found a working kernel module,
but I cannot connect to the wireless internet here unless I change some
settings in the /proc/aironet/eth0 directory and run ifup. I have put together
a small script (my first one like this) to do this automatically, but it
doesn't really work perfectly. This is the script:

ex -s /proc/aironet/eth0/Config /dev/null EOF
echo paswoord  /proc/aironet/eth0/SSID
ifup eth0

Even though it is -rwsr-sr-x root root, it doesn't work unless executed with
'sudo' (??).
1) is there any script that is ran whenever it detects me putting the card in?
When I put it in, /var/log/syslog sais:
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: airo:  Probing for PCI adapters
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: airo:  Finished probing for PCI adapters
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: airo: MAC enabled eth0 0:40:96:38:da:4a
Oct  4 21:59:23 sirach kernel: eth0: index 0x05: Vcc 5.0, Vpp 5.0, irq 3, io

2) Anyway, my biggest problem is that every once in a while I get lots of email
messages telling me that on (date,time) root was editing the Config file, Nvi
saved it and I can recover it with 'ex -r'. Why?

Arnout Engelen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian GNU/Linux - when code matters, not commercials

Re: ODP: ODP: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Install ation)

2000-10-05 Thread Carl Fink
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:15:17PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I expect from any Linux distribution (not just Linux as OS - you
 mixed up distributions with systems) to be easy to mantain and
 update so Debian it's my preffered choice. And I can pay very
 small price for installation tools without

This is an unfair characterization.  The criticism isn't that the
Debian installer doesn't have graphics.  The criticism is that the
choices are both obscure and remarkably confusing in spots.

*I* don't have trouble with it either -- I've been using Debian for
several years and Linux for longer.  A first-time installer will be
(I say with complete confidence) mystified.

Now, is the first-time Linux user Debian's target?  Apparently not,
and that's okay.  Maybe Storm can cover that group.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: installer won't boot on Mac IIcx

2000-10-05 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:17:15PM +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:15:13AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
  folks who complain about GNU/Linux installations should try and
  install Windows (on a blank unpartitioned disk).  
 In my experience that's the only thing that more or less works?

in my latest experience an awful lot of MS install disks have a
distinct lack of fdisk.  (or anything else to create partitions with)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Weird spontaneous X (GNOME?) shutdowns...

2000-10-05 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
I don't know which package to report that bug on, so I'll ask you
folks first...

I had a couple weird spontaneous shutdowns of GNOME (it seems)... I
come back to my laptop and I see the GDM login screen, though I'm sure
I didn't log out.

The only thing in syslog is a

gnome-name-server[500]: input condition is: 0x10, exiting

that seems to be at about the time X shuts down.

Hmm, I can't say I checked gdm's log, or .gnome-errors when it last

I don't have any automatic logout daemons running.

System is a laptop (Vobis Highpaq Basic1 14), Celeron 566... compiled
my own kernel (2.2.17, slightly reduced from the Debian default, just
disabled some features I definitely don't need).

Anyone experienced the same?  Or have some hints where to look?  Any
pointers are appreciated...

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
  My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
  First there was nothing, and God created the light.  Now there was
 light, and there was still nothing, but you could see it.  -- Guy Sie

Description: PGP signature

Weird spontaneous X (GNOME?) shutdowns...

2000-10-05 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
Forgot to mention I've installed the latest Helix GNOME packages, and
the rest is woody (still libc 2.1.3).

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
  My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level
 I'm really quite busy. -- Hugo Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: ODP: ODP: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Install ation)

2000-10-05 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Carl Fink wrote:

 This is an unfair characterization.  The criticism isn't that the
 Debian installer doesn't have graphics.  The criticism is that the
 choices are both obscure and remarkably confusing in spots.

Actually, I'm done criticizing Debian - I now know it's only meant for Linux 
gurus, so
I've only myself to blame if I keep trying to install it, and keep finding it

The thing is, over the years I've learned so much about Debian that I feel I 
will be
able to do it soon - maybe 2.2 will work for me. Here's why:

- I know the vital newbie stuff like the 'reset' command, virtual consoles, 
'ls', 'su' and 'shutdown -h now'.
- I know where most of the important directories are.
- I know 'vi' well enough to edit the stuff that needs editing.
- I can use 'man' and 'grep'.
- I know to avoid 'dselect' like the plague.

now, if I could only get hold of that chicken...

 *I* don't have trouble with it either -- I've been using Debian for
 several years and Linux for longer.  A first-time installer will be
 (I say with complete confidence) mystified.

Spot on!

 Now, is the first-time Linux user Debian's target?  Apparently not,
 and that's okay.  Maybe Storm can cover that group.

I'm not (never have been) a quitter. If I can't get to grips with 'potato', 
then I'll
try again with 'woody'. And 'bullseye', 'jessie' and 'stinky' if needs be ;-). 
apt will get finished one day, and maybe someone will get round to writing a 
installer so that newbies can use it too. Only time will tell.

Enough about this already! What about that t-shirt?

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Microsoft: Bringing you ten-year old technology, tomorrow, maybe.

tel;fax:+468 676 5010
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fn:Peter Hugosson-Miller

Re: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation

2000-10-05 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, me wrote:

   3) If the reviewer had been a newbie, the complaints might have
 been forgivable. Deb is not (yet) for newbies. It's getting there,

If the newbie is a fiddler, he or she can manage with a little help from
(Debian) friends. When I started installing Debian on my Atari TT, I had
never seen another Linux distri before, I just knew a handful of Unix
commands from my account at the University mainframes. It is necessary
to have some people around to help and a certain stubborness to go
through and things will work out.
 disaster. 8) I switched *to* Debian because it was easy to install online.
I tried Debian because there were no alternative distris for
m68k-machines and was successful because the m68k-people were quite
patient with me. So finally, when I got my second computer, this time
not m68k, I changed from the preinstalled RedHat back to Debian, because
I like it better.

Whether Debian is suitable to a newbie, is pretty much dependend in the
newbie and (I guess) in the experiences he or she makes when contacting
the Debian lists.





Re: Mailbox directory with Mutt

2000-10-05 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:11:28PM +0200, Francois Fayard wrote:
 I've already tried this.
 Let me describe what I want:
   All my mailboxes are under the directory /home/fayard/Mail/
   When you type c, you have:
 Open mailbox ('?' for list): ~/Mail/callig  (Your current mailbox)
   And when you start to type a name, it changes into:
 Open mailbox: d (if d is the first letter you 
 have typed)
   What I want is to type debian-user to switch to the 
   mailbox, and I want automatic completion over all the mailboxes in 
   I'm quite sure I had that on an old distibution, and I can't find anything 
 in the mutt

ah thats easy:

Open mailbox: =dtab

notice the = that means automatically prefix it with ~/Mail

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Serial port tunnel...

2000-10-05 Thread Max Lock

 Hi folks,

 I'm sure I saw some software that will tunnel a serial port over IP and
make it appear as a local device on a remote machine. Does anyone have
any ideas where it may be located. I've been through freshmeat and
there's software to forward to an IP socket, by not a device file.

 -Cheers Max.

Max Lock, System Administrator, TELE2 uk.

Re: ODP: Debian chicken (was: Article: Debian's Daunting Installation)

2000-10-05 Thread Jason Quigley

--On Thursday, October 5, 2000 11:22 am +0200 Peter Hugosson-Miller 

Glad to hear it. I've been trying to get Linux installed for about 5 years,
and the only distribution I have looked at is Debian. Call me a masochist, but

Trying to install an OS - any OS - for 5 years! I wouldn't call you a masochist 
- something else - but, not a masochist!

Re: problems with gnome

2000-10-05 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 11:40:20AM +0200, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
 Try to change to enlightenment and then immediately change back to
 WindowMaker. This helped with WindowMaker and sawfish here, when I
 wanted to run sawfish and after some major upgrading Gnome didn't
 recognize any wm running at all.

I'll give it a shot when I want to try gnome again. Currently I'm cruising
in IceWM, and it's so lean and quick I'm not sure I want to go back. ;-) But
hey, it's gnome-compliant, so...

Thanks for the response,


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Cloning Debian/GNU

2000-10-05 Thread Denis J. Cirulis
Hello ! 
I want to make (of course if it's possible) some kinda instalation profile.
I want to add only these deb packages to be installed which i'll select, but I
want to automate this task cause too much time is wasted to choose packages on
each machine. If there is some kickstart install would you be so kind and point
me to the good documentation on how to implement this.

My other computer is a 4000 node Beowulf cluster.

Re: Serial port tunnel...

2000-10-05 Thread Robert Waldner
I guess you want to tunnel layer 2, not the serial port itself ;-)

l2tp is the protocol you´re looking for, l2tpd is the only
 implementation for *n?x I´m aware of URL:http://www.marko.net/l2tp/, 
 although at the moment it seems to only support PPP as 


On Thu, 05 Oct 2000 13:47:47 BST, Max Lock writes:

 Hi folks,

 I'm sure I saw some software that will tunnel a serial port over IP and
make it appear as a local device on a remote machine. Does anyone have
any ideas where it may be located. I've been through freshmeat and
there's software to forward to an IP socket, by not a device file.

 -Cheers Max.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: gnome won't start now

2000-10-05 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 11:44:54AM +0200, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:

 Well, in *my* gnome-session package (1.2.2-1) there is a gnome-session
 file in /etc/gnome ... Maybe it helps if you try a reinstall of

Ok, it's not where the manpage says it's supposed to be, but it's there.
Is that why gnome apparently isn't using it? It just sits there. No panel,
menus, nothing. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Backspace back to xdm. 
I could copy it manually, but I shouldn't have to according to the docs,
and common sense.


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: Mailbox directory with Mutt

2000-10-05 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:48:29PM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:
 in your ~/.muttrc you have to tell mutt your mailboxes.  in my setup i have
 /var/mail/me and ~/Mail as locations for all my mailboxes and i would just
 press c to change mailboxes.  i'm not in my debbie box right now but if i
 remember it right it goes like this:
 mailboxes /var/mail/username ~/Mail/

Right. And then when you're looking to change boxes, hit 'c' to change,
followed by 'Tab', and it will list everything listed under mailboxes. Note
that your spool folder is pointed to by !, and your spool directory
($HOME/Mail usually) is pointed to by =. For example, my mailboxes line is

mailboxes $MAIL =oclug =mutt =debian =pm-ottawa =gnome =latex =spambox =rootbox 
=gimp =icewm

...but I could change $MAIL to !. 

Also when you hit 'c', if there is new mail in any of these, it will
present the name of the next folder with new mail to allow you to cycle
through them. 


Re: Mailbox directory with Mutt

2000-10-05 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:11:28PM +0200, Francois Fayard wrote:

 Let me describe what I want:
   All my mailboxes are under the directory /home/fayard/Mail/
   When you type c, you have:
 Open mailbox ('?' for list): ~/Mail/callig  (Your current mailbox)
   And when you start to type a name, it changes into:
 Open mailbox: d (if d is the first letter you 
 have typed)
   What I want is to type debian-user to switch to the 
   mailbox, and I want automatic completion over all the mailboxes in 
   I'm quite sure I had that on an old distibution, and I can't find anything 
 in the mutt

Don't start with 'd'. Start with '='. Hit '=d', and then Tab to complete. 

This assumes that you've done a set folder=/home/fayard/Mail in your


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: Cloning Debian/GNU

2000-10-05 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 01:53:14PM +0300, Denis J. Cirulis wrote:
 Hello ! 
 I want to make (of course if it's possible) some kinda instalation profile.
 I want to add only these deb packages to be installed which i'll select, but I
 want to automate this task cause too much time is wasted to choose packages on
 each machine. If there is some kickstart install would you be so kind and 
 me to the good documentation on how to implement this.

you cannot entirely automate the install, but you can skip the entire
package selection process (which is the biggest thing IMO) by doing
the following:

source machine$ dpkg --get-selections \*  package.selections

destination machine# dpkg --set-selections  package.selections
destination machine# apt-get dselect-upgrade

that will remove any packages from the destination you removed from
the source and install any packages you installed on the source.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Serial port tunnel...

2000-10-05 Thread Max Lock
Robert Waldner wrote:
 I guess you want to tunnel layer 2, not the serial port itself ;-)

 Nope, I really want to tunnel the port, I want to have
/dev/virtual-ttyS1 and be able to open that device and read/write to it.
then have that data tunneled across a network to the real /dev/ttyS1 on
the remote machine.


Max Lock, System Administrator, TELE2 uk.

neighbour table overflow

2000-10-05 Thread Robert Lazzurs
Hello, I am a potato user, and I have setup my system fairly minimal,
nothing but c/c++ dev, x with icewm, gnome-libs, and apache and exim.

I keep getting the above message, but I cannot track the reason, it
happens when I access remote sites, for instance, when I ping my self, or
mess about with my pop server (I had that setup yesterday, I have trashed
my machine once trying to fix this, long story)

I have now compiled and installed a custom 2.2.17 kernel as I thought it
might have been a problem with the kernel image that debian provides, but
it is not!

Any help would be vvvnice :)

(please cc, as I am not on the list)

Robert Lazzurs  |  You can't stop me you know who I am
The Lazzurs Administration  |  This justifies now just what I am
+44 7092 157408 |  You crucify me, won't lay by my side
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  And know you'll need me until I die
AIM:lazzurs ICQ:66324927|  -=Coal Chamber=-
Yahoo:arl666_uk MSN:arl666  |  Boycott HackSDMI

Re: problems with gnome

2000-10-05 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-10-05 11:40:20, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
 Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Ok, so I install windowmaker, and chose it in the gnome control panel.
  It's listed as my current WM. However, I'm in enlightenment. 
 Try to change to enlightenment and then immediately change back to
 WindowMaker. This helped with WindowMaker and sawfish here, when I
 wanted to run sawfish and after some major upgrading Gnome didn't
 recognize any wm running at all.

Try this (in .xsession for xdm, .gnomerc for gdm when using Gnome Session):

export WINDOW_MANAGER=/full/path/to/e
exec gnome-session

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   icq: 44214251

Re: Weird spontaneous X (GNOME?) shutdowns...

2000-10-05 Thread John Foster
Jürgen A. Erhard wrote:
 I don't know which package to report that bug on, so I'll ask you
 folks first...
 I had a couple weird spontaneous shutdowns of GNOME (it seems)... I
 come back to my laptop and I see the GDM login screen, though I'm sure
 I didn't log out.
 The only thing in syslog is a
 gnome-name-server[500]: input condition is: 0x10, exiting
 that seems to be at about the time X shuts down.
 Hmm, I can't say I checked gdm's log, or .gnome-errors when it last
 I don't have any automatic logout daemons running.
 System is a laptop (Vobis Highpaq Basic1 14), Celeron 566... compiled
 my own kernel (2.2.17, slightly reduced from the Debian default, just
 disabled some features I definitely don't need).
 Anyone experienced the same?  Or have some hints where to look?  Any
 pointers are appreciated...
 Bye, J
I have noticed something similar a couple of times this week. If I have 
an x-window open, then switch to a console terminal, maybe walk away for
an hour or so; when I come back the x-window is closed and I have to log
back in. I have xdm with enlightenment and gnome running as my x-windows
system. I use a blend of Debian Potato, and Storm (ne Helix) Linux
packages. Wierd Huh!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

mysql location?

2000-10-05 Thread balayo
Hey list,sorry if this is a repeat. The original seems
to have bounced off of someones full mailbox. (wierd)I
have a couple of fairly easy ones, I think.I'm installing
php. I have tried to add mysql both withapt-get, and
by compiling it. I get a config error,no curses/termcap
library found, and I clearly do have libncurses.when
I chose to just use the mysql client and server debs,
I couldn't pin down the directory where mysql was
installed.The php configure option,--with-mysql=/path/to/dir/just
plain stumped me. If I compile mysql, I can just stick
itin /usr/local/mysql...Either way, I don't care,
just so long as I know what to tell php. any ideas?thanks.

Spend less time composing sigs.

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