PowerBook 180

2000-10-12 Thread DrAk0
hola lista
Como estan
Tengo una PowerBook 180 de la mac y queria instalarle Debian m68k
pero esta maquina no tiene ni ethernet ni cdrom
solo floppy y segun lei el m68k no tiene soporte de instalacion via
diskquete para mac...
ayudenme con eso a ver

RV: Nuevo virus?

2000-10-12 Thread Carlos Mora Piedra

Esto me lo mando un Profesor asi que es verdad jejeje


Estimado estudiante:

Le transcribo un mensaje que me llegó sobre un nuevo virus:


Alguien está enviando un protector de pantallas con las ranas de Budweiser
muy bonito. Si lo bajas, lo perderás todo! El disco duro se estropeará y
alguien desde internet  te quitará tu usuario y contraseña de pantalla.

favor, distribuye este mensaje. Es un virus nuevo y perverso del que muy
poca gente ha oído hablar. Esta información fue difundida por Microsoft ayer
por la mañana.

Por favor, compártela con todos aquellos que conozcas y que naveguen por la
red. Una vez mas, reenvía este mensaje a TODAS las personas de tu libreta de
direcciones para intentar frenar su expansión. American On Line ha dicho que
se trata de un virus muy peligroso y que no hay remedio por el momento.


Re: Configuracion Lilo URGENTE !!!!

2000-10-12 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
El Wed, 11 Oct 2000 14:39:10 José Luis Castro escribió:
 Hola lista, necesito un favor super urgente, en el
 mensaje anterior solicite ayuda para configurar el
 lilo ya que no booteaba desde mi disco duro, pues
 resulta que carge Debian con rescue root=/dev/hda5 y
 todo perfecto, revise el archivo lilo.conf y estaba
 algo asi:
 ... etc
 pero esto es incorrecto porque deberia ser:
 ... etc

Lo siento pero no hay remedio, porque sobreescribiste el arranque de 
windows y (lógicamente) ya no está mas disponible.

La única solucion es reinstalar windows y darle las siguientes opciones 
en el lilo.conf:


para que instala lilo en el MBR y no en una particion.


Camilo Alejandro Arboleda.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: RV: Nuevo virus?

2000-10-12 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Carlos Mora Piedra 
  Cuando:   martes, 10 de octubre del 2000, a las 11:22, 
  Qué:  RV: Nuevo virus? 

 Esto me lo mando un Profesor asi que es verdad jejeje

Si das por hecho que todo lo que te dice alguien, sea quien sea,
es verdad, me temo que lo llevas fatá ;)

En cualquier caso, recuerda que hacer croossposting está muy mal
visto en la red.


Mi frase del dia:

En caso de 'insendio' salga cagando.
-- Graffiti. Pintada en el baño de una pizzería. 

Description: PGP signature

seccion non-us

2000-10-12 Thread Gerard
Tengo la debian potato, y estoy buscando el pine
y el gnupg, pero no los encuentro (estoy usando
el dselect; he probado el console-apt pero da un error
cuando intentas instalar un programa: no encuentra el path)
Segun tengo entendido el pine y el gnupg estan en la seccion
non-us pero no aparece listado en el dselect.

Por cierto debian cada vez me gusta mas... la unica pega
que le encuentro (si, soy un pesado, pero con las criticas
es como se mejoran los productos) son los instaladores:
dselect no es util para manejar una gran cantidad de paquetes,
y console-apt aun le falta bastante para alcanzar la funcionalidad
del yast1.
Veo que tardare en borrar el suse de mi ordenata :)

Hasta otra.


Client Linux para MS SQL

2000-10-12 Thread Gabriel Tabares Barreiro
Hola. Una peticion rara. Aqui en el curro tenemos todo MS (  :  ). Estamos 
haciendo desarrollo con ASP y MS SQL Server.

   Lo del ASP no tengo problema porque supongo que se podra acceder con Samba 
(y no corremos los programas localmente). Mi problema es como conectar con MS 
SQL server desde aqui (tengo que crear tablas y cosas asi, y la verdad no me 
apetece tener que hacerlo todo a mano ni crearme un front-end (?como se dice 
en espannol?) para hacerlo.

   ?Alguien tiene alguna idea? Me gustaria mucho poder cambiarme a Linux (y de 
paso demostrarles que no se cuelga cada dos por tres).

   Gracias de antemano


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como cambiar gmt

2000-10-12 Thread Humberto . Morell

Al parecer no me esta funcionando bien el cambio de hora de verano o
cuando definí en la generacion la diferencia de hora en una maquina
cometi un error.
El problema es que me actualizo de un servidor por ntpdate y la otra
pc la actualizo por rdate de la primera, pero tengo una hora de
diferencia entre ambas.
Mi pregunta
Existe algun fichero que tenga registrado el gmt?
De forma tal que yo pueda revisarlo y poner la diferencia de hora
correctamente o si es que el problema es el cambio de hora de
verano,poner la diferencia que me de correctamente la hora.
Saludos y gracias
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

RE: Configuracion Lilo URGENTE !!!!

2000-10-12 Thread José
Ya no pude terminar con esto ayer, en resumen les
comento lo que paso al final, primero intente
formatear la particion de win95, cree un disco de
inicio de win98 pero cuando empezaba a bootear se
quedaba colgada la pc y no booteaba, luego intente
recuperar la fat desde Linux con cfdisk, escogia la
particion donde tenia win95 (/dev/hda1) y le ponia que
fuera de tipo win95 fat32 pero cuando le daba write
me salia un error que decia algo asi: (se los escribo
como lo entendi porque no me dio tiempo de copiar el
mensaje) que se habia escrito como habia escogido pero
que cuando se intente volver a leer la tabla de
asignacion habia habido un error por lo que tenia que
bootear nuevamente para que la tabla de asignacion se
corrigiera. me paso esto como unas tres veces, me
desespere tanto que termine por quitar todas las
particiones del disco y dejarlo todo con win95 fat32  
:((( (con esto se fue mi debian) para mandar el disco
duro al departamento tecnico y que lo repararan ellos
o me dieran otro, pero encontre el problema de que
lilo todavia intentaba cargar Linux y logicamente
cuando lo hacia me daba un error de panico en el
kernel por el sistema vfat. como no podia enviar el
disco asi (porque se darian cuanta de que fue por un
error mio y esto podria traerme problemas) queria
dejar el disco completamente limpio (como si Linux
nunca hubiera estado) y en eso termine, de alguna
forma milagrosa (porque no me lo explico) logre cargar
con un disco de inicio de win98 cuando quise accesar a
la unidad c me dio error de que no era de tipo valido
(por la fat que era desconocida para el) lo formatie y
ahora le estoy pasando el scandisk. si todo sale bien
espero poder volver a particionarlo y volver a
instalar mi Debian. por ahora me urge instalar esa
miercoles de win95 (para poder trabajar) y depues
vemos que mas podemos hacer.

Gracias a todos, me ayudaron cuando los necesitaban y
eso es algo que les agradezco mucho.

Ahora me estaba preguntado que pudo haber pasado ???
alguien tiene una idea de que hice mal ??? les digo
para no volver a cometer el mismo error :(

--- daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 win 95 puede ser fat16 o fat32, este ultimo a partir
 de la 2da ed. de win95,
 o algo por el estilo; el fdisk que uses tiene que
 ser de este s.o o
 superior para ver un fat32 (p.ej. win98), si no te
 va a decir eso (que no
 lo reconoce).
  desde linux no vas a tener este problema, pues los
 sist.de archivos que usa
 win. los conoce a todos.
  desde tu linux podes mirar que sitema de archivos
 te dice que tenes en cada
 particion, si la particion en donde tendrias que
 tener win. (hda1 ?) no es
 de la linea fat, pues ahi no esta tu wind. (y si
 estaba...ya no esta)
  cuando se modifica el sist. de arch. , la
 informacion que estaba antes ya
 no se puede recuperar .
 Creo que hoy si termine con mi maquina :((( hice lo
 que me dijeron de fdisk /mbr pero no funciono
 resulta que la particion de win95 es de formato
 desconocido (deberia ser FAT16) cuando ejecuto el
 fdisk veo la particion como primaria pero con
 unknow me parece que hoy si termine de
 creo que voy a tener que reinstalar win95, alguna
 idea ?? puedo ponerle el tipo de fat que usa esa
 desde linux sin que borre mi informacion ??

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Re: seccion non-us

2000-10-12 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Gerard...

decías, el 12 de oct de 2000, a las 02:15 +0200:

 Tengo la debian potato, y estoy buscando el pine
 y el gnupg, pero no los encuentro (estoy usando
 el dselect; he probado el console-apt pero da un error
 cuando intentas instalar un programa: no encuentra el path)
 Segun tengo entendido el pine y el gnupg estan en la seccion
 non-us pero no aparece listado en el dselect.
Generalmente non-US no se incluye en los cd's distribuidos por razones varías.
De todas formas en el GUL (Grupo de Usuarios de Linux de la UC3M) tenemos un
servidor FTP (que administro yo) con una réplica de todo el árbol non-US y
main y contrib y non-free para la arquitectura i386 (slink, potato, woody)

Te recomiendo usar apt para descargarte los paquetes que te interesan, usando
el dselect. Has de seleccionar apt en el 'access' y añadir esta línea

deb ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian-non-US potato/non-US main non-free contrib
y luego buscas los paquetes con el dselect. Te advierto que el pine viene en
fuentes por su licencia, que no permite redistribuir binarios. Has de
instalarte el pine-dsc y pine-diff y leerte el leeme que te quedará en

Espero que te sirva todo esto ;)

Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

$ drink bottle: cannot open
opener: not found

RE: Configuracion Lilo URGENTE !!!!

2000-10-12 Thread Xavier Andrade
El problema estuvo en que pusiste
con lo que escribiste sobre la particion de windows.
Yo tuve un problema similar, pero pude usar el respaldo de los sectores
hecho por lilo.

Xavier Andrade

Anarchy may not be a better form of government, but it's better than no 
government at all.

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, José Luis Castro wrote:

 Ya no pude terminar con esto ayer, en resumen les
 comento lo que paso al final, primero intente
 formatear la particion de win95, cree un disco de
 inicio de win98 pero cuando empezaba a bootear se
 quedaba colgada la pc y no booteaba, luego intente
 recuperar la fat desde Linux con cfdisk, escogia la
 particion donde tenia win95 (/dev/hda1) y le ponia que
 fuera de tipo win95 fat32 pero cuando le daba write
 me salia un error que decia algo asi: (se los escribo
 como lo entendi porque no me dio tiempo de copiar el
 mensaje) que se habia escrito como habia escogido pero
 que cuando se intente volver a leer la tabla de
 asignacion habia habido un error por lo que tenia que
 bootear nuevamente para que la tabla de asignacion se
 corrigiera. me paso esto como unas tres veces, me
 desespere tanto que termine por quitar todas las
 particiones del disco y dejarlo todo con win95 fat32  
 :((( (con esto se fue mi debian) para mandar el disco
 duro al departamento tecnico y que lo repararan ellos
 o me dieran otro, pero encontre el problema de que
 lilo todavia intentaba cargar Linux y logicamente
 cuando lo hacia me daba un error de panico en el
 kernel por el sistema vfat. como no podia enviar el
 disco asi (porque se darian cuanta de que fue por un
 error mio y esto podria traerme problemas) queria
 dejar el disco completamente limpio (como si Linux
 nunca hubiera estado) y en eso termine, de alguna
 forma milagrosa (porque no me lo explico) logre cargar
 con un disco de inicio de win98 cuando quise accesar a
 la unidad c me dio error de que no era de tipo valido
 (por la fat que era desconocida para el) lo formatie y
 ahora le estoy pasando el scandisk. si todo sale bien
 espero poder volver a particionarlo y volver a
 instalar mi Debian. por ahora me urge instalar esa
 miercoles de win95 (para poder trabajar) y depues
 vemos que mas podemos hacer.
 Gracias a todos, me ayudaron cuando los necesitaban y
 eso es algo que les agradezco mucho.
 Ahora me estaba preguntado que pudo haber pasado ???
 alguien tiene una idea de que hice mal ??? les digo
 para no volver a cometer el mismo error :(
 --- daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  win 95 puede ser fat16 o fat32, este ultimo a partir
  de la 2da ed. de win95,
  o algo por el estilo; el fdisk que uses tiene que
  ser de este s.o o
  superior para ver un fat32 (p.ej. win98), si no te
  va a decir eso (que no
  lo reconoce).
   desde linux no vas a tener este problema, pues los
  sist.de archivos que usa
  win. los conoce a todos.
   desde tu linux podes mirar que sitema de archivos
  te dice que tenes en cada
  particion, si la particion en donde tendrias que
  tener win. (hda1 ?) no es
  de la linea fat, pues ahi no esta tu wind. (y si
  estaba...ya no esta)
   cuando se modifica el sist. de arch. , la
  informacion que estaba antes ya
  no se puede recuperar .
  Creo que hoy si termine con mi maquina :((( hice lo
  que me dijeron de fdisk /mbr pero no funciono
  resulta que la particion de win95 es de formato
  desconocido (deberia ser FAT16) cuando ejecuto el
  fdisk veo la particion como primaria pero con
  unknow me parece que hoy si termine de
  creo que voy a tener que reinstalar win95, alguna
  idea ?? puedo ponerle el tipo de fat que usa esa
  desde linux sin que borre mi informacion ??
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Re: telnet ftp

2000-10-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 11 de octubre de 2000 a la(s) 16:46:11 -0500, Lemus Moreno Jose A 

Alguien pregunto como quitar en /etc/passwd el shell pero de forma que no
entre a telnet pero a ftp si pueda entrar alguien que me pueda decir como

 Mi  primo me  llamó  al rato  diciendo que  lo  había vuelto  a
 intentar y ya le funcionaba  bien. Simplemente habilitando telnet y
 ftp,  pero poniendo  /bin/false como  shell del  usuario. Agradezco
 todas las respuestas y añado de paso que /bin/false ya estaba en el
 /etc/shells :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

paquetes para grabar sonido

2000-10-12 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
quiero grabar un par de cosas pero no se que paquetes puedo utilizar. 
¿Me podríais indicar? Musssas grasias ;)
Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes
http://www.astrored.net/elsol | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967

Re: XWindow

2000-10-12 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 03:12:02PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola, soy nuevo en Linux. He instalado satisfactoriamente mi paquete de 
 Debian 2.2 Potato, y ya me sale la comprobacion de nombre de usuario y 
 contraseña que me indica que la instalacion ha terminado. He instalado 
 las XWindow, pero ¿como puedo acceder a ellas?, ¿estan correctamente 
Si tienes todo instalado, con solo teclear startx debe funcionar. Pero como 
imagino que no lo habrás configurado todavía, esto tiene que esperar.
Lo primero es hacerte con las especificaciones de tu tarjeta de vídeo y el 
monitor. Luego debes tener algún paquete instalado para configurar todo (esto 
se puede hacer a mano, con el xf86config o con el XF86Setup). Como eres nuevo 
en esto (yo también) te recomiendo que utilices el XF86Setup, ya que es en modo 
gráfico y es muy intuitivo; xf86config es en modo texto, contestando a una 
serie de preguntas.
Una vez hayas configurado todo, te arranca el xvidtune para terminar de ajustar 
todo. Ahora si, con startx ya está.

 arranca directamente en XWindow. ¿Debo hacer algo mas?
Con el kde debes instalar kdm y con gnome el gdm. Con ellos al arrancar te 
salen directamente las X.

Suerte, un saludo.
Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes
http://www.astrored.net/elsol | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967

RE: Tareas De Todos Los Dias (Off Topic)

2000-10-12 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Ignacio Garcia Fernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Debian Users Spanish debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: martes 10 de octubre de 2000 15:55
Asunto: Re: Tareas De Todos Los Dias (Off Topic)

 Existe alguna aplicacion para programar en entorno grafico para las
 o sea algun compilador grafico para hacer aplicaciones X, o de que
 se hace esto.

Las libgtk son lo que buscas (creo). Te tienes que instalar el paquete
libgtk-1.2-dev de la sección developenemt de main. Te aconsejo que te
instales tambien el libgtk-1.2-doc. Con eso y un bizcoho puedes empezar
ver como funciona. Y volvemos al glade. El glade es un interfaz para
bibliotecas. Te aconsejo que empieces a programar sin el glade. Si te
la documentación y entiendes como funcionan las bibliotecas, te
muy fácil usar después el glade.

Bueno, no hay que olvidar la librerías Qt, que ahora ya son GPL, y en mi
opinión mucho mejores que GTK.

Y como ayuda hay programas como el KDevelop, QtArch, un diseñador que se
incluye en las propias Qt 2.2, etc. Claro que ninguno de estos programas
están potato... espero que en woody sí estén.

Ricardo Villalba

Problema SoundBlaster

2000-10-12 Thread VerdeOliva
Hola a todos.

Pues eso, que tengo una soundblaster AWE 64. Y el núcleo que utilizo es aún el

Lo parcheé con los drivers de AWE32 que encontré citados en algún howto. 

Recompilé y... funciona.

¿Cuál es el problema?

Pues que funciona a veces. Es decir, rara vez funcionan ambos altavoces, y
muchas veces solo uno de ellos, el derecho.

No tengo el sonido compilado directamente en el núcleo sino como módulo

Bueno, si a alguien le ha ocurrido que me lo comente. 

Un saludo.  



VerdeOliva  -- Usuario Linux Registrado #189.304
Debian 2.1 Citius
 --- Migrando a Debian 2.2 (Solo Prog. Linux)
Estamos condenados a ser libres -- Utiliza Debian

advertencia de insmod en el arranque de potato

2000-10-12 Thread Andres A Rocchia
hola lista, esta vez les escribo para por algo que me tiene intrigado,
no se si sea normal quiza halla estado ahi desde que intale mi potato,
pero yo lo acabo de notar, en el arranque me tira esto:

insmod: /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/unix.o cannot create 
/var/log/ksymoops/20001007154846.ksyms Read-only file system

entiendo que este modulo es para usar no se que sockets (no se ni lo que son)
y que ksymoops es el dir para debug de los modulos, los permisos de ksymoops,
son los correctos (644), no se que puede estar pasando, por otro lado, al 
menos que se halla cargado solo yo no intale el modulo unix por lo que paso
a preguntar si es necesario y para que sirve, intente desinstalarlo con el 
modconf pero no me deja porque dice que esta en uso. Alguna idea?


Tarjeta cirrus logic 5465 AGP

2000-10-12 Thread Mauricio E Ruiz Font
Hola, he instalado linux en una mauina con tarjeta de video agp con
chipset cl gd5465, 4 mb de memoria, pero tengo un problema :ya van  2
distribuciones que instalo y las 2 tienen el mismo problema, pescan bien
la resolucion, 32 bits a 1024  768, usando de SVGA server, pero sacan
interferencias , unas lineas b;lancas que barren las ventanas.  Deberia
correr bien a esa resolucion ya que asi lo dice el README.cirrrus de la
documentacion del XFree86 y ademas en otro sistema operativo cuyo nombre
no quiero mencionar si corre perfectamente con esa resolucion. El monitor
que uso es un viewsonic E40. Ya trate con todos los configuradores
posibles y todos me configuran a 32 bit con la resolucion de 1024 pero
igual siguen saliendo esas horribles rayas.

Supongo que a lo mejor debe havber otro mejor manejador, sabe alguien
donde puedo bscarlo, o como puedo solucionar este problema? 

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font

Re: Grabadora Hp-7200 cd-writer interna

2000-10-12 Thread Chafar
Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:
 Tengo la grabadora mencionada en el subject...
 Lo he echo y no funciona. Pero leo mas adelante en el citado manual que si
 tengo una hp 7100  o superior debo de modificar
 /usr/src/kernel-sources-XXX/drives/block/ide.h una linea que dice /* 10
 sec por otra ... Pero en /usr/src no tengo nada pues las fuentes estan
 compiladas en /vmlinuz Por lo tanto deduzco que esta opcion de modulos no
 va con mi HP y tendre que compilar a la manera tradicional. Es esto
 asi? Gracias.

Yo tengo una 8100 y no he tenido que recompilar nada, con Potato. He
seguido el procedimiento descrito en un artículo que encontré en Linux
Gazzete, llamado CD-Writing with an ATAPI CDR Mini-HOWTO. Me funcionó a
la primera; el documento es breve y la operación no es complicada.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: Configuracion Lilo URGENTE !!!!

2000-10-12 Thread José María Gálvez Aguiló
Seguro que despues ejecutas LILO?



2000-10-12 Thread Gerard
como se instala un src.deb?


apt-cdrom add

2000-10-12 Thread Josean
Estoy intentado actualizar el gnome con helix que lo tengo en el 4CD de la
revista soloprogramadores. El caso es que hago apt-cdrom para luego hacer
apt-get install (nosequé) y me sale esto:
E: unable to locate any packages files, perhaps this is not a Debian disc.
¿Como puede ser? ¿Me dáis algún consejo?
Un saludo.

===Aupa linux
===Debian 2.2 Potato
===Linux User # 187318

Re: Grabadora Hp-7200 cd-writer interna

2000-10-12 Thread Unikoke
Coordenadas temporales: Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 08:11:16PM +0200
Sujeto: Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
Comunicaba sobre: Grabadora Hp-7200 cd-writer interna

 Lo he echo y no funciona. Pero leo mas adelante en el citado manual que si
 tengo una hp 7100  o superior debo de modificar
 /usr/src/kernel-sources-XXX/drives/block/ide.h una linea que dice /* 10
 sec por otra ... Pero en /usr/src no tengo nada pues las fuentes estan
 compiladas en /vmlinuz Por lo tanto deduzco que esta opcion de modulos no
 va con mi HP y tendre que compilar a la manera tradicional. Es esto
 asi? Gracias.

La verdad es que te recomiendo que recompiles el kernel, y así
aproveches para cambiarlo por uno más modelno. No cuesta hacerlo y
tienes todo más a tu gusto. Yo tengo una HP 7500 y no he tenido ningún
problema al instalarla, simplemente me guié por el Grabadoras-Como de
LuCas. Ahí viene lo que comentas que hay que modificar, que es para
aumentar el tiempo de espera de la grabadora para que cierre bien los


---Llave pública vía E-mail. Asunto: Mandar clave PGP---
Debian 2.1 Slink + apt-get dist-upgrade = Debian 2.2 Potato
Spring is here, spring is here, Life is skittles and life is beer.

Description: PGP signature

Configuración del ratón en X

2000-10-12 Thread dsalimentacion.3021

Hola a todos:
Este es mi primer mail desde Linux. Mi problema es 
el siguiente:
Estoy intentando que mi ratón pueda cortar y pegar en X windows, y no
lo condigo. Mi configuración es la siguiente.
Utilizo Debian Potato de Sòlo Programadores.
Mi fichero gpm.conf es el siguiente:

Me funciona perfectamente el ratón en consola.

Los dispositivos que tengo en dev son:
dsa:/dev# ls -al gpmdata
prw-r--r--1 root root0 oct 12 13:32 gpmdata
dsa:/dev# ls -al mouse
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root7 oct 12 13:31 mouse - gpmdata
dsa:/dev# ls -al psaux
crw---1 root root  10,   1 jul  5 19:44 psaux

Mi fichero XF86Config es el siguiente:
Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/mouse

Me funciona perfectamente el ratón pero no puedo cortar ni pegar.

Me parece que para que me funcionara en X, tendria que tener
el XF86Config asi:
Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/psaux

Pero si introduzco esto en el XF86Config no me funciona el ratón, ni cambiando
el enlace mouse - gpmdata por mouse - psaux

¿ Me podriais indicar como tengo que configurar mi ratón para que funci-
one en X ?.
Muchas gracias.

Re: Tareas De Todos Los Dias (Off Topic)

2000-10-12 Thread Santiago Romero
El mar, 10 de oct de 2000, a las 07:42:32 -0500, JFreak dijo:

 ¿Como se hacen iconos de acceso directo? por ejemplo un icono de acceso
 directo en el escritorio a Emacs o cualquier otra aplicacion, ¿depende
 esto del manejador de ventanas?

 depende del gestor de ventanas... ¿cual usas? :?
 en KDE, solo tienes que coger el ejecutable, soltarlo sobre el escritorio
 y seleccionar ENLAZAR (o soltarlo en la barra o panel).
 Cuando hacen programas, usan alguna aplicacion como Freepascal que trae
 un entorno, el compilador y las herramientas de un editor de texto?

 no, el 99% se hace en GCC (Gnu C). Y si, aunque hay montones de alternativas,
 se suele hacer en simples editores que permiten llamar al compilador y ver
 los errores en el editor (emacs, vim, etc).
 Existe alguna aplicacion para programar en entorno grafico para las X,
 o sea algun compilador grafico para hacer aplicaciones X, o de que forma
 se hace esto.

 kdevelop, glade, vdkbuilder, y pronto delphi y Borland C++ Builder.

 Que usan para el correo electronico ? para redactar y bajarse el correo
 y todo eso ??

 mutt y slrn para correo y news, combinado con fetchmail y sendmail para
 leerlo offline.

 visita http://web.jet.es/s.romero/ en la seccion de articulos, I.Online.
 Los scripts, ¿en que hacen los scripts? donde hay informacion para hacer
 scripts?? ¿que son los scripts? todo sobre scripts

 man bash,
 aunque en http://web.jet.es/s.romero/prog/prog.html tienes 2 tutoriales en
 castellano de scripts bash.

Windows 2000 no se cuelg·
AMIBIOS v2.8. 65535Kb OK. Iniciando Windows 2000...
|  NoP / Compiler--[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  POWERED BY - Linux Debian 2.2  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|  http://web.jet.es/s.romero   |

Raton con rueda en Debian.

2000-10-12 Thread Santiago Romero

 Enas... hace 1 semana que tengo la potato, y ya la tengo mas o menos
 configurada y funcionando. Uno de los pocos problemas que tengo es
 que tengo un raton Genius con rueda (mas bien PAD) que en Redhat tenia
 asi (fichero XF86Config):

 Protocol Auto
 Buttons 5
 ZAxisMapping 4 5

 De esta manera ni siquiera necesitaba el imwheel, aunque si usaba este
 programa, aun era más inteligente la rueda (imitaba ARRIBA y ABAJO en
 lugar de RePg y AvPg).

 El caso es que he puesto lo mismo en debian y nada, que la rueda no
 funciona. Ni siquiera con el IMWheel. El raton es un PS2 funcionando
 como serie con el adaptador que lleva el raton en la caja. En Windows
 y en redhat la rueda funciona perfectamente, pero en debian nada...

 ¿Alguna idea?

To hear the voice of God, type cat vmlinuz /dev/audio
|  NoP / Compiler--[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  POWERED BY - Linux Debian 2.2  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|  http://web.jet.es/s.romero   |

Re: Raton con rueda en Debian.

2000-10-12 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, oct 12, 2000 at 10:16:36 +0200, Santiago Romero wrote:
  ¿Alguna idea?

Te adjunto mi '/etc/gpm.conf' y '/etc/X11/XF86Config'. Instala imwheel y pon
el ratón como PS/2.

Espero que te sirva.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs:   http://www.ctv.es/USERS/viguPersonal
PGP public key:  http://www.ctv.es/USERS/vigu/vigu.pubkey

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: apt-cdrom add

2000-10-12 Thread Chafar
Josean wrote:
 Estoy intentado actualizar el gnome con helix que lo tengo en el 4CD de la
 revista soloprogramadores. El caso es que hago apt-cdrom para luego hacer
 apt-get install (nosequé) y me sale esto:
 E: unable to locate any packages files, perhaps this is not a Debian disc.
 ¿Como puede ser? ¿Me dáis algún consejo?

Es que si montas el cuarto disco, verás que el árbol de directorios no
es el de una distribución debian, ni lleva la identificación debian del
cd. Por eso, apt no puede resolver el caso por sí solo.

Lo que sí debería ocurrir es que apt-cdrom te preguntara, por ejemplo,
el nombre con el que quieres identificar al disco para poder usarlo y,
luego, creo recordar, pedirte permiso para buscar ficheros 'Packages',
que son los que describen la ubicación, características, dependencias,
etc. de los paquetes. Al menos conmigo lo hizo así y encontró cinco
ficheros Packages.

Por cierto, parece que los editores se alinean con ciertas tendencias y
no incluyen non-free :-). En realidad, supongo que lo que ocurre es que,
a cambio, nos incluyen el non-US.

José Esteban
Granada. Spain.

Re: seccion non-us

2000-10-12 Thread Miquel
El jue, oct 12, 2000 at 02:15:02 +0200 Gerard ha dit:

 Tengo la debian potato, y estoy buscando el pine
 y el gnupg, pero no los encuentro (estoy usando
 el dselect; he probado el console-apt pero da un error
 cuando intentas instalar un programa: no encuentra el path)
 Segun tengo entendido el pine y el gnupg estan en la seccion
 non-us pero no aparece listado en el dselect.

pine (sus fuentes) está en la seccion non-free. GnuPG en cambio en
non-us (pues GnuPG SI es libre). Necesitas actualizar dselect con un
CD no oficial que incluya esas secciones (p. ej. con 'apt-cdrom add') o
bien vía ftp añadiendo esta linea a tu sources.list para non-us:

deb ftp://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US potato/non-US main contrib non-free

y la seccion non-free de cualquier mirror de debian. Por ejemplo:

deb ftp://ftp.hu.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free

 Por cierto debian cada vez me gusta mas... la unica pega
 que le encuentro (si, soy un pesado, pero con las criticas
 es como se mejoran los productos) son los instaladores:
 dselect no es util para manejar una gran cantidad de paquetes,
 y console-apt aun le falta bastante para alcanzar la funcionalidad
 del yast1.

umm, no se, cuando te habituas dselect maneja los 4500 paquetes sin
despeinarse y, si no te gusta, apt-get es realmente fantástico (dudo que
haya instaladores mas seguros, sencillos y eficaces)... De todas formas,
en Debian están trabajando en un nuevo instalador para futuras

 Veo que tardare en borrar el suse de mi ordenata :)

será solo porque quieras ;-)

 Hasta otra.




2000-10-12 Thread anders
Ibland när jag använder pdftotext får jag något felmeddelande om cant read
xref table eller nåt liknande.
Kan man göra något åt det?

Dedicatória do Debian 2.2 em português

2000-10-12 Thread Carlos Laviola
Seguindo o exemplo de voluntários espanhóis, italianos, alemães e de outros
países, resolvi traduzir a dedicatória do Debian 2.2 pro português.
Aproveitem pra ler e refletir, e me digam o que acharam (da tradução em
si). Vou enviar também a versão em inglês para efeitos de comparaçào.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _http://ukug.uk.freebsd.org/~claviola/key.txt
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_|   uin#: 55799523 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594
People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.  -- Linus Torvalds, regarding
the use of C++ for the Linux kernel

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Duvidas Netscape.

2000-10-12 Thread Romero Motta
Ola pessoal,
Gostaria de saber quais pacotes devo instalar para que o Communicator
funcione corretamente?
Baixei o Netscape 4.75 direto do ftp da Netscape.

Fontes True-Type

2000-10-12 Thread Romero Motta
Olá pessoal,
Qual o melhor servidor True Type para instalar no Debian?

Re: Fontes True-Type

2000-10-12 Thread Rodrigo S. de Castro
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 09:46:01PM -0300, Romero Motta wrote:
 Olá pessoal,
 Qual o melhor servidor True Type para instalar no Debian?

Eu utilizo o xfstt. É bem fácil de configurar.

Rodrigo S. de Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Empório Linux  http://www.emporio-linux.com.br

Re: [debian-br] Re: debian 2.2 é a escolha de info

2000-10-12 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

A conversa tocou tão fundo na ferida que até resolvi entrar na história. Eu
gostaria de chamar a atenção para um fato que a maioria das pessoas não presta
atenção: A falta de uma revista técnica de qualidade sobre informática. 
A maioria esmagadora das revistas de hoje vem com cd rom. Uma revista
que eu cheguei a gostar um pouco é a Linux Actual, uma revista portuguesa
sobre Linux. Porém, vem com cd rom, como as outras. Não existe hoje uma
revista que venda informação. Essa Linux Actual custa R$25,00 !!!
Hoje, encontramos revistas nas bancas que vendem CDs, não artigos e
reportagens. A reportagem é só pra justificar um pouco mais o preço da
revista. Como a informação está desvalorizada! 
Na minha opinião, isso deveria acabar. Os micros do futuro nem terão
mais disquetes, não terá sentido comprarmos revista apenas para econmizar
tempo de download. 

Eu também gostaria de achar uma boa revista TÉCNICA hoje. A Info virou
revista de negócios voltados para informática, é uma subdivisão da exame.

Me perdoem pelo trocadilho infâme, mas ainda bem que existe o
/usr/doc... (ou /usr/share/doc... ;-)

On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 12:50:20AM -0200, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Eu tambem percebi isso... eu adorava ler as info quando era menor. pegava as 
 da escola que minha mae era diretora e distrinchava... hoje, a info tá mais 
 pra um guia de internet e de produtos =( as matérias mais importantes (e de 
 capa), quando não falam de um novo lançamento, falam de Wap ou então: os 50 
 mais de INFO, 500 programas para você turbinar seu Windows ou Atualize 
 seu bookmark! confira os 100 sites mais quentes da área... =(
 Infelizmente a impressa especializada tá precisando de um `apt-get update'... 
 e rápido... pois senaum, quem naum vai conseguir seguir as tendencias naum 
 serao as empresas... e sim uma de suas fontes de informação, a imprensa 
 especializada =(

Marcelo Elias Del ValleUIN: 30595143
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mlinuxer.cjb.net MLinuxer

RE: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread Matthew Sherborne
Have you tried typing

telnet 25

? Maybe the IP is wrong?

Matthew Sherborne

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul McHale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2000 4:39 p.m.
 To: kmself@ix.netcom.com; Debian-User; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

  The server IP_NUM isn't running SMTP ?
  There is a firewall between your host and IP_NUM ?
  You're not connected to the same network ?

  The host is refusing your connection.  It's either IP filtered, denied
  through /etc/hosts.allow or equivalent for the system, or there is no
  SMTP server running.

 Additional information in response.  When I do the telnet, it is from the
 machine running the mailserver so networking and firewalls shouldn't
 interfere.  I can ping out from the machine.  PS shows sendmail is running
 with the following message:

 Sendmail: Rejecting connection on port 25 : min free: 100

 hosts.allow has sendmail: all.  IP filtering I'm not sure about.

debian-user: exim, unknown user.

2000-10-12 Thread Brendan J Simon
I have setup a mail server using exim.  I have it working pretty well,
but I can't figure out how to send mail for non existant users to a real
user.  eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't exist so I would like all mail sent to
this address to be forwarded to another account (eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I'd
appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.

Brendan Simon.

RE: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread Paul McHale
 Have you tried typing
   telnet 25
 ? Maybe the IP is wrong?

Another good idea!  Unfortunately, it gave the same results.

Paul McHale
   Work:   937-320-5495  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  1435 Edenwood Dr
   Fax:413-215-3232  Beavercreek, Ohio 45434
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread kmself
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:39:20PM -0400, Paul McHale ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  From: kmself@ix.netcom.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 10:28:26PM -0400, Paul McHale
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   When I type:
  telnet IP_NUM 25
   I get:
  telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection Refused

 Additional information in response.  When I do the telnet, it is from the
 machine running the mailserver so networking and firewalls shouldn't
 interfere.  I can ping out from the machine.  PS shows sendmail is running
 with the following message:
 Sendmail: Rejecting connection on port 25 : min free: 100
 hosts.allow has sendmail: all.  IP filtering I'm not sure about.

Anything regarding sendmail or port 25 in your system logs?

It ***helps*** to tell us everything relevant about a situation,
including whether or not you have command-line access to the system in
question.   We can't see your system or guess your network configuration
by telepathy.

Strongly recommend you take a look at this rant on problem reporting:

How to Report Bugs Effectively
jeff covey jeff.covey at pobox.com - February 26th 2000, 23:59 EDT 


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Web based administration, how?

2000-10-12 Thread kmself
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:24:51PM -0400, Rafael E. Herrera ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 During installation I chose a web based administration option. After
 installing Debian, it's not clear how you start using it. Can someone

Linuxconf, perhaps?

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: LILO 1024 error

2000-10-12 Thread Jack Morgan
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 05:10:58PM +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:
 I can't get lilo to boot a windows partition which is after the 1024 cylinder.
 I beleive that now it is able to, but...not sure how? 

Sorry to reply to my own post...
/sbin/lilo -L

(L) for lba32 option, boy it sure helps to read man pages...

Jack Morgan Debian GNU/Linux
Web-site:   www.mandinka.org

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread kmself
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:43:39PM -0400, Shaji N V ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 It turns out that I have a lucent winmodem which will not work on Linux ( I 
 have done around 2 weeks of research on it !!). So I have to buy a new 
 modem. Any one has any suggestions/for a cheap, good modem available in Best 
 Buy/Circuit City etc.? And it should work with Debian 2.2

Get a jumpered modem.
Get an external modem.
Get a modem that specifically lists GNU/Linux support.

Expect to pay ~$100 - $150.  You can get internal modems for less, but
they're significantly harder to debug and diagnose when they fail to
work correctly.  Some people think they make good coffee, sufficiently

You might also read:  http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/faq/

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian-user: exim, unknown user.

2000-10-12 Thread kmself
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 03:09:42PM +1100, Brendan J Simon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 I have setup a mail server using exim.  I have it working pretty well,
 but I can't figure out how to send mail for non existant users to a real
 user.  eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't exist so I would like all mail sent to
 this address to be forwarded to another account (eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I'd
 appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Fresh debian install on LVM partitions using 2.4 kernel: how?

2000-10-12 Thread Mark Phillips
I have bought a new 15Gig disk and want to do a fresh install of
Debian on it.  But I want to install it using logical partitions
installed on top of LVM.  I doubt the current dbootstrap install
allows for this.  To start with the 2.4 kernel is required to get the
LVM stuff.  I have compiled my own 2.4 kernel succesfully and am
running this on my old drive currently.  I somehow need the
installation program to boot using this kernel, and to allow me to use
LVM partitions.  Any ideas on how to do this?

Alternatively, (and a better solution if possible), it would be nice
if I could somehow set the basics up of my new drive manually, while
booted on my old drive.  For example, if I could install base2_2.tgz
myself, and set everything up myself.  Any ideas on whether this is

Please cc any replies directly to me, as I am not subscribed to the
mailing list.  (I haven't got enough disk space yet.)



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread Matthew Dalton
Shaji N V wrote:
 It turns out that I have a lucent winmodem which will not work on Linux ( I
 have done around 2 weeks of research on it !!). So I have to buy a new
 modem. Any one has any suggestions/for a cheap, good modem available in Best
 Buy/Circuit City etc.? And it should work with Debian 2.2

All external (but not USB) modems should work.

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

  It turns out that I have a lucent winmodem which will not work on Linux ( I
  have done around 2 weeks of research on it !!). So I have to buy a new

A very few winmodems will more or less work nowadays.  Of course they suck
just as much under Linux as they do under Windows.  But I have no idea
which these are.  Try www.linmodems.org.

If you really do have to buy a new modem, any modem which supports DOS, or
OS/2 will work, as will any external serial modem.  But external modems
usually cost a lot more.

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread John Griffiths
At 01:03 AM 10/12/2000 -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

  It turns out that I have a lucent winmodem which will not work on Linux ( I
  have done around 2 weeks of research on it !!). So I have to buy a new

A very few winmodems will more or less work nowadays.  Of course they suck
just as much under Linux as they do under Windows.  But I have no idea
which these are.  Try www.linmodems.org.

If you really do have to buy a new modem, any modem which supports DOS, or
OS/2 will work, as will any external serial modem.  But external modems
usually cost a lot more.

And external modems are very groovy in many other ways.

for instance if your phone lines are vulnerable to lightning strike the modem 
will cook (as opposed to your motherboard)

Re: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:39:20PM -0400, Paul McHale wrote:
  The server IP_NUM isn't running SMTP ?
  There is a firewall between your host and IP_NUM ?
  You're not connected to the same network ?
  The host is refusing your connection.  It's either IP filtered, denied
  through /etc/hosts.allow or equivalent for the system, or there is no
  SMTP server running.
 Additional information in response.  When I do the telnet, it is from the
 machine running the mailserver so networking and firewalls shouldn't
 interfere.  I can ping out from the machine.  PS shows sendmail is running
 with the following message:
 Sendmail: Rejecting connection on port 25 : min free: 100

You're low on disk space on /var -- sendmail will refuse to accept mail
until it has a place to put it.

CueCat decoder .signature by Larry Wall:
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
printf Serial: %s Type: %s Code: %s\n, map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack
'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= C x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g; 

Re: 60 gig drive

2000-10-12 Thread Robert Waldner
 i'd be more concerned with the bios then linux, especially if you plan to
 boot off the disk.

make a small /boot-partition at the beginning of the drive, so you can 
put your kernel there (it should fit entirely into the 1st 1024 
cylinders), and you should be off fine. Maybe you have to tell your 
kernel about the disk-geometry manually, like I have with my 20some-gig:


but that should do it.

Actually my bios thinks of a 500meg-drive ;-) but as long as the 
kernel stays in the 1st 1k cylinders, that´s no problem at all.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 01:03:49AM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
 If you really do have to buy a new modem, any modem which supports DOS, or
 OS/2 will work, as will any external serial modem.  But external modems
 usually cost a lot more.

they are typically more expensive because they are typically not

i recently looked at the available modems at CompUSA, and every single
internel modem was a winmodem, and very cheap.

you get what you pay for.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: PHP - A new approach

2000-10-12 Thread Steve Simons
On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 19:19:20 Andrew Sullivan wrote:
 Make sure that apache turns on module support for php when it runs
 apacheconfig: it never does do this correctly for me, and I _always_
 have to fix it by hand.  Make sure that your apache configuration is
 set up to process PHP files with the extension that you're actually
 using.  (I always use .php3, and that appears to work out-of-the-box
 when I've tried this.) 

/etc/apache/httpd.conf contains these:

LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp3.so
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3

I had to uncomment the first one, and my script is now called
 Go into /etc/php3/apache/php3.ini and look to make sure that your
 (mysql) module is loaded properly (it is never configured to load for
 me by default); alternatively, manually call the module for insertion
 from inside your PHP scripts.  This is slower if you're using the
 database on every page.

Would you mail me your php3.ini, please?
 That's all I've ever done.  Good luck.

Still doesn't work - netscape still wants to download the file :-(

Firewall (Linux new-comer)

2000-10-12 Thread Matthias Mann
Hi people!

I´m sitting on a single computer. Yesterday i´ve read the firewall-HOWTO and
was very confused cause there are examples for a network system. Is there
any possibility to build a firewall or other usefull security systems for my
machine? I like to use netscape navigator to have fun and for my work at
internet. And i don´t like that others have access to my computer. Wich
packages of Debian 2.2 potato  should i use for this purpose? Or is there
some better software available of other developers?

Have a lucky day!

Re: Firewall (Linux new-comer)

2000-10-12 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 09:07:04AM +0200, Matthias Mann wrote:
 Hi people!
 I´m sitting on a single computer. Yesterday i´ve read the firewall-HOWTO and
 was very confused cause there are examples for a network system. Is there
 any possibility to build a firewall or other usefull security systems for my
 machine? I like to use netscape navigator to have fun and for my work at
 internet. And i don´t like that others have access to my computer. Wich
 packages of Debian 2.2 potato  should i use for this purpose? Or is there
 some better software available of other developers?
 Have a lucky day!

Here's a small ipchains rule list for a dial-up (note: There's no
telnetd, ftpd, portmapper, fingerd, popd, imapd, or just about anything
else listening...).

:input ACCEPT
:forward REJECT 
:output ACCEPT
:ppp-in -
:ppp-out -
-A input -i ppp0 -j ppp-in
-A output -i ppp0 -j ppp-out
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 25 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 25 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 80 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 110:113 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 110:113 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 137:139 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 137:139 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 6000 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 6000 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 7100:7101 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 7100:7101 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 5432 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 5432 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p tcp --destination-port 27374 -j REJECT
-A ppp-in -p udp --destination-port 27374 -j REJECT

Use: $ ipchains-restore  /etc/ipchains.rules

/bin/sh ~/.signature:
Command not found

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread kmself
On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 10:15:11PM -0800, Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 01:03:49AM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
  If you really do have to buy a new modem, any modem which supports DOS, or
  OS/2 will work, as will any external serial modem.  But external modems
  usually cost a lot more.
 they are typically more expensive because they are typically not

They also include a case and power supply.  And probably sell in smaller
volumes than internal modems.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: pronounce

2000-10-12 Thread Geordie Birch
you'll have to ask linus torvalds  ;)

THUS SPAKE Yuji Toyoda, on Oct 12:

 Simple question. How do you pronounce apt-get?
 Especially I'd like to know how do everyone pronounce apt.
 Thank you for your help.

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread Kerstin Hoef-Emden


On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 10:15:11PM -0800, Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 01:03:49AM -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
   If you really do have to buy a new modem, any modem which supports DOS, or
   OS/2 will work, as will any external serial modem.  But external modems
   usually cost a lot more.
  they are typically more expensive because they are typically not
 They also include a case and power supply.  And probably sell in smaller
 volumes than internal modems.

But they are universally usable, easy to setup and you can connect it to
every exotic platform from C64 to Alpha with a serial interface (UART
16550!). The LEDs tell you what is happening right now - no black box!
Besides that, you win one place for an additional card inside.

I have got both an external modem hooked to an old computer and an
external ISDN-TA connected to my newer computer. It has some aesthetic
aspects as well. If you switch off the light in the night, the room
looks like it is christmas. ;-)





[no subject]

2000-10-12 Thread David Vest
There's something funny in Woody, look at this:

install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load
'/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.so' for module
DBD::mysql: libmysqlclient.so.9: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/DynaLoader.pm line 169.

started two days ago, this happens when I try to access my mysql from perl,
any ideas how to fix this?

070-5814660 / 013-4731909

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread Paul McHale
 Strongly recommend you take a look at this rant on problem reporting:

Let's see if I can better address it using the points from a summary you

Point 1: The first aim of a bug report is to let the programmer see the
failure with his own eyes.

This really applies to bug reporting.  I did show what was indicating the
problem.  Namely, telneting to the SMTP port.  Please see previous mail for
syntax used.

Point 2: In case the first aim doesn't succeed, and the programmer can't see
it failing himself, the second aim of a bug report is to describe what went
wrong. Describe everything in detail. State what you saw, and also state
what you expected to see. Write down the error messages, especially if they
have numbers in them.

Did this.

Point 3: When your computer does something unexpected, freeze. Do nothing
until you're calm, and don't do anything that you think might be dangerous.


Point 4: By all means, try to diagnose the fault yourself if you think you
can, but if you do, you should still report the symptoms as well.

Have tried.  Still no clue.

Point 5: Be ready to provide extra information if the programmer needs it.
If he didn't need it, he wouldn't be asking for it. He isn't being
deliberately awkward. Have version numbers at your fingertips, because they
will probably be needed.

Didn't include version number.  It is sendmail 8.9.3 for debian slink.

Point 6: Write clearly. Say what you mean, and make sure it can't be
Above all, be precise. Programmers like precision.

I think I was ...

 Anything regarding sendmail or port 25 in your system logs?

Syslog had the following line.

Oct 12 01:10:22 debian tcplogd: smtp connection attempt from localhost

No other mention.

 It ***helps*** to tell us everything relevant about a situation,
 including whether or not you have command-line access to the system in
 question.   We can't see your system or guess your network configuration
 by telepathy.

As shown in the syntax, I am running telnet from the command line.  As far
as network configuration, I am not sure what information would be important
here.  I am running the telnet from the command line of the server.  I can
ping out and have functionality in ftp.  I see the same error when using
localhost.  Can you be specific when you say network configuration?

Paul McHale
   Work:   937-320-5495  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  1435 Edenwood Dr
   Fax:413-215-3232  Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

Mustek Paragon 600 II CD

2000-10-12 Thread Marc Maute
can zou tell me if this scanner works or
where I can find some information.

Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

Re: printer setup problem

2000-10-12 Thread Irger Armin
Seung-woo Nam wrote:

 I configured my printer setting with printtool, however, when I try to
 print only thing I get is 'No spool file found' printed on the paper.
 The entry in printcap is identical to the one in my redhat which is
 working. I suspected ther is lp.lock file in /var/spool/lpd/lp
 directory. Would that be the problem?

 Seung-woo Nam

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


same problem here.
Got you an solution ?

cu armin irger

cron.daily problem

2000-10-12 Thread Igor Mozetic

I observed on one of our Debian 2.2 machines that daily cron still
didn't finish after 5+ hours:

# ps aux
root 28990  0.0  0.4  1188  536 ?S06:25   0:00 /USR/SBIN/CRON
root 28991  0.0  0.6  1724  796 ?S06:25   0:00 /bin/sh -c test 
-e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /e
root 28992  0.0  0.2   992  336 ?S06:25   0:00 run-parts 
--report /etc/cron.daily
root 29255  0.0  0.6  1720  808 ?S06:25   0:00 sh 
root 29256  0.0  0.6  1760  856 ?S06:25   0:00 sh 
/usr/bin/updatedb --localuser=nobody
root 29270  0.0  0.6  1764  860 ?S06:25   0:00 sh 
/usr/bin/updatedb --localuser=nobody
root 29271  0.0  1.0  2080 1340 ?S06:25   0:00 sort -f
root 29272  0.0  0.2   992  328 ?S06:25   0:00 frcode
nobody   29273  0.0  0.4  1104  532 ?D06:25   0:01 find / ( -fstype 
NFS -o -fstype nfs -o -fstype afs -o -fstype

# pstree   

Aparently find is stuck in an uninterruptible sleep (D).
Is there anything one can do other then leave it or reboot ?
(which is very undesirable)

-Igor Mozetic

IP masqing and caching

2000-10-12 Thread Triggs; Ian
Hi, I have searched the HOWTOs but can't seem to find out how to set up my
firewall which is using IP masquerading to save cache, is this even



Omniback II and Debian

2000-10-12 Thread Uwe Jans
I tried to back-up my Debian Host (Potato) with Omniback II. I had
Problems with die correct DNS Lookup. A Redhat 6.2 System work
Problems. The two systems looks almost the same ;-)

Here is the debug-file:

 10/12/00 12:40:31  VBDA.14933.0 [/src/lib/cmn/common.c
A.03.50 b216
gethostbyname() failed, h_errno=0 [host=dns.hs-bremen.de, retry=0]

10/12/00 12:40:31  VBDA.14933.0 [/src/lib/cmn/common.c
A.03.50 b216
gethostbyname() failed, h_errno=0 [host=dns.hs-bremen.de, retry=0]

10/12/00 12:40:31  BDA-NET.14933.0 [/src/lib/cmn/unix.c
 A.03.50 b216
CmnGetUserInfo: getpwuid() failed, errcode=0 [euid=0]

10/12/00 12:40:31  BDA-NET.14933.0 [/src/lib/cmn/unix.c
 A.03.50 b216
CmnGetUserInfo: getgrgid() failed, errcode=0 [egid=0]

10/12/00 12:40:31  BDA-NET.14933.0 [/src/lib/ipc/ipc.c
] A.03.50 b216
[IpcGetHostByName] gethostbyname (observ.rz.hs-bremen.de) returned 0

Ping works :
dns:/usr/omni/log# ping observ.rz.hs-bremen.de
PING observ.rz.hs-bremen.de ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.2 ms

What is wrong??

raid setup

2000-10-12 Thread Chris Mason
I had a drive failure yesterday so I am re-thinking my file server. I would
like to setup my debian machine as my file server with two drives, each 20
GB or more. I would like one to mirror the other, either as a raid setup or
just copying files that have changed every hour. The idea is not to protect
me against stupidity, but against mechanical failure.
I use the fileserver mainly for making a large number of images available on
the network, and for components of collaborative design projects, also
mainly images. A drive failure can set us back days, and I have found tape
drives to be useless. Even if they do back everything up, it takes too long
to find and restore anything.
I'm looking at a couple of cheap Seagate 20 GB drives, I would even consider
3 drives in a parity raid if that was do-able. Any comnments?

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island
http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts
Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenging: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pcmcia: Device busy

2000-10-12 Thread Rainer Dorsch

When I call /etc/init.d/pcmcia stop, I get from time to time the message

# /etc/init.d/pcmcia stop
Shutting down PCMCIA services: modulesds: Device or resource busy
i82365: Device or resource busy
pcmcia_core: Device or resource busy

The only real solution is then to reboot the laptop. Is there a better way to 
fix this problem?



URGENT! Sendmail question (Redhat conversion) HELP!

2000-10-12 Thread Ferrell, Tim
Title: URGENT! Sendmail question (Redhat conversion) HELP!

Let me start by saying I am not a network admin... but I play one on TV :-)

I have recently switch to Debian from RedHat 6.2 and have hit major turbulence porting the sendmail config. The machine in question is our firewall/DNS server and it was set up as the primary MX in DNS and sendmail was configured via the mailertable to relay all mail for our domain to our internal Exchange server. This worked fine under RedHat but I must be crossing wires now or something...

Here is the sendmail.mc I am using - it is basically the same one I used under RedHat:

-- 8 

# This file is used to configure sendmail for use with Debian systems.

VERSIONID(`@(#)sendmail.mc 8.9.3-21 (Debian) 2309')
define(`confTO_CONNECT', `1m')
FEATURE(`mailertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/mailertable')
FEATURE(`virtusertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable')

-- 8 

and in /etc/mail/mailertable I have the following line:


The config file builds ok (after squawking about empty dbs - access, relay_domains, and local_host_names) and sendmail runs. I receive mail but cannot send/relay - I get smtp Connection Refused errors in the mail.log. Also, under RedHat, the relay= section in the mail.log entries always showed the ip address of the host being relayed to ( whereas now it shows mcgeecorp.com - why is this?

I have temporarily put the rh box (which may have been hacked !! one reason for switching to debian) back in place until I can resolve this.

Please respond directly as I am not currently subscribed... 

Tim Ferrell McGee Corporation
Senior Software Developer (704) 882-1500 x374
Java/C++/VB/Oracle/WinNT/Unix [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Firewall (Linux new-comer)

2000-10-12 Thread mike

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 09:07:04 +0200, Matthias Mann said:

 Hi people!
  I´m sitting on a single computer. Yesterday i´ve read the firewall-HOWTO and
  was very confused cause there are examples for a network system. Is there
  any possibility to build a firewall or other usefull security systems for my
  machine? I like to use netscape navigator to have fun and for my work at
  internet. And i don´t like that others have access to my computer. Wich
  packages of Debian 2.2 potato  should i use for this purpose? Or is there
  some better software available of other developers?
  Have a lucky day

You can start with 'ipchains-firewall' script to generate the
initial set of rules (http://firewall.langistix.com) and also install
'gfcc' which is an easy way to modify the rules.
For more start-up tips go to linuxsecurity.com and read
October 2000 Linux Journal firewalls article.

gEEk||dOOd^Deb+ianXFce$everything goesPronto(-_-)

Re: printer setup problem

2000-10-12 Thread Irger Armin
Seung-woo Nam wrote:

 I configured my printer setting with printtool, however, when I try to
 print only thing I get is 'No spool file found' printed on the paper.
 The entry in printcap is identical to the one in my redhat which is
 working. I suspected ther is lp.lock file in /var/spool/lpd/lp
 directory. Would that be the problem?

 Seung-woo Nam

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


i got the same problem, my solution is magicfilters.

# dpkg --purge lpr
# dpkg --purge magicfilter

... deinstall all packages who have anything to do with printing.

# dpkg -i lpr_0.48-1.deb
# dpkg -i magicfilter_1.2-39.deb
# magicfilterconfig --force

under /etc/magicfilter are all filters you can access.

no i got all my 4 remote printers again. :-))

Only one question how can i configure that magicfilters prints 2 pages on one ?

cu armin

Package manager

2000-10-12 Thread egargiulo
Hi all.

I'm new to the lists and to Debian too.
I had installed Debian 2.2. The install process work fine but I don't
know how to install, remove o query the packages of the distribution. I
had used Redhat with rpm. Where can I find information about package
manager on debian?

Thanks and sorry for my english!

Eduardo Gargiulo

Installation problem

2000-10-12 Thread Claude Aeschlimann

I have a problem installing Debian 2.2 on my system (P166, 64MB RAM,
Adaptec 1542 SCSI board, 4GB SCSI HD and 3,5 IDE GB (win)) :
- The first part goes well (both my CD-ROM and CD-Recorder are
recognized) and I can install the base system.
But after the reboot, the installation procedure loops no ends on the
root password setting (I tried many different ones, with caps, no caps,
mixing numbers and letters). I tried going on a another console and set
a password there. It worked but then it loops on creating a user. I
succeded passing this step, but then it loops on scanning the CDs (be it
one, two or three) and I can't get to the selection of packages to
install. This is a loop story :-(

Did someone have this problem, can someone please help ?

Another problem is that when configuring lilo, I don't get the choice to
install it on hda (only sda /boot or /).

Thanks in advance for any help,

Claude Aeschlimann

Re: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: RE: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused
Date: Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:39:20PM -0400

In reply to:Paul McHale

Quoting Paul McHale([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  The server IP_NUM isn't running SMTP ?
  There is a firewall between your host and IP_NUM ?
  You're not connected to the same network ?
  The host is refusing your connection.  It's either IP filtered, denied
  through /etc/hosts.allow or equivalent for the system, or there is no
  SMTP server running.
 Additional information in response.  When I do the telnet, it is from the
 machine running the mailserver so networking and firewalls shouldn't
 interfere.  I can ping out from the machine.  PS shows sendmail is running
 with the following message:
 Sendmail: Rejecting connection on port 25 : min free: 100
 hosts.allow has sendmail: all.  IP filtering I'm not sure about.

Paul, have you tried changing the hosts.allow to

# Allow mail to anyone
smtpd: ALL

If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake
him up.

Re: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread Alec Smith
If I recall, the correct line to be used with Sendmail is

sendmail: all

to allow all users.

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Wayne Topa wrote:

   Subject: RE: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused
   Date: Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:39:20PM -0400
 In reply to:Paul McHale
 Quoting Paul McHale([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   The server IP_NUM isn't running SMTP ?
   There is a firewall between your host and IP_NUM ?
   You're not connected to the same network ?
   The host is refusing your connection.  It's either IP filtered, denied
   through /etc/hosts.allow or equivalent for the system, or there is no
   SMTP server running.
  Additional information in response.  When I do the telnet, it is from the
  machine running the mailserver so networking and firewalls shouldn't
  interfere.  I can ping out from the machine.  PS shows sendmail is running
  with the following message:
  Sendmail: Rejecting connection on port 25 : min free: 100
  hosts.allow has sendmail: all.  IP filtering I'm not sure about.
 Paul, have you tried changing the hosts.allow to
 # Allow mail to anyone
 smtpd: ALL
 If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake
 him up.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: BIOS32 entry (0xc00fa000) in high memory, cannot use

2000-10-12 Thread Lewis, James M.

 -Original Message-
 From: LTG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 2:35 PM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Installing LinkSys LNE100TX on Compaq Prolinea 590
 I have been trying to install the latest GNU/Debian
 release (Linux version 2.2.17 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc
 version 2.95.2 2313 (Debian GNU/Linux)) #1 Sun Jun
 25 09:24:41 EST 2000) flavor 'vanilla' on a Compaq
 Prolinea 590.  This machine has 98MB of RAM, a 6Gig HD
 and a 3.5 inch floppy drive.  I upgraded the BIOS with
 the latest Compaq ROMpaq: (version 98.05.20).  I have
 been able to sucessfully install the base system.
 Since I do not have a CDROM drive, my plan was to
 configure my PCI Ethernet card, a Linksys 10/100 LAN
 Card, Model LNE100TX - which uses the tulip driver, so
 that I could access Debian's packages at
 http://ftp.debian.org/debian/.  Unfortunately, I am
 unable to get my card to work.
 I orginally tried (during my initial install of LINUX)
 to install the tulip driver that came with this Debian
 release, but an error message resulted saying that the
 resource was busy.  Incidentally, I also tried to
 install the lp driver for parallel printer support,
 and I got the same error message.  Anyway, I yanked
 out the card and moved it to the other PCI slot.  I
 tried a full install of linux again, but was greeted
 with the same error message while trying to install
 tulip: resource busy...most commonly IO or IRQ
 I subsequently hit the HOWTO's on www.linuxdoc.org,
 where I read through the Ethernet HOWTO.  I learned
 that I should test to see if my card was even being
 found.  I ran  dmesg | more  and discovered that no
 eth0 existed.  Here is thye full output of   dmesg  :

 ---END DMESG---
 Notice the messages that read (maybe they have
 something to do with it):
 PCI: BIOS32 entry (0xc00fa000) in high memory, cannot
 PCI: Using configuration type 1
 PCI: Probing PCI hardware
 I tried to use Compaq's F10 Setup software for the
 computer to configure the card properly, but to I
 haven't a clue what I am doing with memory ranges and
 I/O ranges:  The software won't let me choose an I/O
 range less than 1000 - 10FF.  It also won't let me
 chose a memory range less than 4100 - 410003FF.
I had a similar problem with a compaq 486 prolinea.  The problem
is that the pci bios is located at a strange place.  There is a
utility that can relocate the pci bios code down to a place where
linux can find it.  I can't remember now what it's called but
it should be on the compaq web site.  I never got mine to work
but you might have more luck.  The 486 I was using had built in
scsi and I couldn't even install the base system (could not find
the hard disk).  I assume you have to boot to dos, run this utility
and then use the dos linux loader to boot into linux.


 Thanks in advance,

Re: Recording TV shows

2000-10-12 Thread Nate Amsden
not likely you can do this, i've found that even on a dual celeron 466
with 256MB of ram(ultra scsi hdds) i couldn't capture more then 5-10fps
at the most. kwintv can capture ..so can broadcast

again don't expect being able to capture 20-25fps. i'll try it again
soon on my p3-800 512MB but expect the same results


Binh Ngo wrote:
 Hi all,
 I want to record a tv show at a certain time. Any body know how to do
 this? I am running Debian Woody.  My setup is:
 winTV card
 soundblaster Live
 AMD K62 450
 128M Ram
 What program should I use to record the show? And how to use set it up
 to program at a certain time.
 Any help is appreciated.
 Binh Ngo
 Tell me and I'll forget
 Show me and I'll remember
 Involve me and I'll understand
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ICQ: 75132336

Re: 60 gig drive

2000-10-12 Thread Richard Kaszeta
Jeff Green writes (Re: 60 gig drive):
Assuming it is a scsi drive I know of no problems, we have several raid
arrays which Linux sees as single disks. I believe the largest single
partition we have in use is 240GB though this now uses ReiserFS as
running fsck on an ext2fs partition that size takes a stupidly long

Well, when I installed my 72 Gig Seagate SCSI drive in my Debian 2.1
system, running Kernel 2.2.10 with an AHA-2940U2W, it *did* take some
amount of doing with expert mode in fdisk to get it to install a
partition table that actually used all 72 Gig of the drive...

But other than that, it's worked just fine.

And he's right, fscking a 72 gig ext2fs partition takes *forever*.
Heck, just *mounting* it takes almost a minute.

Richard W Kaszeta   PhD. Candidate and Sysadmin
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   University of MN, ME Dept

Re: Suggestions for buying a modem

2000-10-12 Thread Raghavendra Bhat
Shaji N V wrote:

 Any one has any suggestions/for a cheap, good modem available ?
 And it should work with Debian 2.2

Get yourself a ZyXEL Omni 56K.  It is cheap and very good value 
for its price.  It also comes in USB port model...but I suggest 
U get the Serial one.  Please look up http://www.zyxel.com/
There is also an excellent article on this modem at Advogato 

Keeping the Air-Waves FREE.Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W FREE..Debian GNU/Linux

Port 1002

2000-10-12 Thread Manuel Hendel

does anyone know whats on port 1002. I can't find it in the
/etc/services and a nmap on the IP says unknown.

thanks Manuel

** Manuel Hendel, Internet Engineer   *   Fon +49 89 92699-0   **
** Cable  Wireless ECRC GmbH *   Fax +49 89 92699-808 **
** Landsberger Strasse 155, Haus 4*   URL http://www.ecrc.de   **
** D-80687 Muenchen   *   mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] **

Re: Package manager

2000-10-12 Thread John Travis

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 09:41:28 -0300
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Package manager
 Hi all.
 I'm new to the lists and to Debian too.
 I had installed Debian 2.2. The install process work fine but I don't
 know how to install, remove o query the packages of the distribution. I
 had used Redhat with rpm. Where can I find information about package
 manager on debian?
 Thanks and sorry for my english!

Well you will be pleasantly suprised once you get used to it (dpkg/apt are
head and shoulders above rpm :-).

man dpkg
man apt-get
man apt-cache


dpkg -i ... installs package
dpkg -r .. removes package
dpkg --purge. obvious

apt-get update ...update your sources.list
apt-get install foo.i386.deb ..retrieves/installs foo

Then there's dselect, but that's an entirely different thread 8^).



Re: Package manager

2000-10-12 Thread Vee-Eye
Sie schrieben:
 Hi all.
 I'm new to the lists and to Debian too.
 I had installed Debian 2.2. The install process work fine but I don't
 know how to install, remove o query the packages of the distribution. I
 had used Redhat with rpm. Where can I find information about package
 manager on debian?

man deb for the debian package format
man dselect for the user frontend (dselect is ok, but a bit confusing at the
man dpkg to get information about the medium-level package manager

another option is the apt- suite (apt-get and friends) man apt-get
there is an user frontend, too, capt

Have a look at the package tools chapter in the O'Reilly Debian book:

There is even a dselect tutorial at www.debian.org, IIRC.


(Dr.) Michael Hummel
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518
key: http://www.seitung.net/key

Description: PGP signature

suggestions for buying a printer

2000-10-12 Thread Alfredo Solano Martinez

I want to buy a laser printer, and I have no idea of this field, maybe
somenone can help.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Package manager

2000-10-12 Thread Matthias Mann
 Hi all.

 I'm new to the lists and to Debian too.
 I had installed Debian 2.2. The install process work fine but I don't
 know how to install, remove o query the packages of the distribution. I
 had used Redhat with rpm. Where can I find information about package
 manager on debian?

 Thanks and sorry for my english!

Easyest way to manage the debianpackages is to use the command dselect.
Infos about that you can find by typing man dselect or info dselect. To add
a package from the list, shown after typing dselect, you need to use this
sign : +. With - you delete a package without configurationfiles and with _
it will be removed with its configurationfiles.

Alternative way is to use the command dpkg. More about this tool is also
readable by typing man dpkg. dpkg -i packagename will work like rpm -i

have a lucky day

Re: PHP - A new approach

2000-10-12 Thread Brent Buchholz
On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Steve Simons wrote:

I had to uncomment the first one, and my script is now called
Still doesn't work - netscape still wants to download the file :-(

Move the file to /home/steve/public_html/hello.php3 and load


what's wrong with my sound card?

2000-10-12 Thread doodler

 My sound card is cmpci8738 .After I installed Debian 2.2 ,I recompiled the 
and the module for my sound card is installed properly when the system boots. 
For weeks
I can enjoy mp3 with mp3blaster and change volume with aumix ,but now I can not 
anything at all.The module for my sound card is still installed properly , I 
can see
it use lsmod. I only installed a few debs these days and there seems to be no 
I really confused ,may anyone give me some advices? Thanks.


Re-enabling Debian menus in Helix GNOME foot menu

2000-10-12 Thread Thomas Hood
Here's something it took me a while to figure out.

To enable the Debian menu hierarchy in Helix GNOME,
you have to go into the GNOME Control Center (under
Programs|Settings) and on the Menu tab in the
Global Menu box enable Distribution either
in the menu or in a submenu.

Thomas Hood

Re: Port 1002

2000-10-12 Thread J.A. de Vries
On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Manuel Hendel wrote:

 does anyone know whats on port 1002. I can't find it in the
 /etc/services and a nmap on the IP says unknown.

According to IANA port 1002 is unassigned. 
See http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers.


Grx HdV

Support bacteria - 
they're the only culture some people have.

J.A. de Vries aka HdV
Delft University of Technology
Computing Centre


Re: Package manager

2000-10-12 Thread Francois Fayard
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 09:41:28AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all.
 I'm new to the lists and to Debian too.
 I had installed Debian 2.2. The install process work fine but I don't
 know how to install, remove o query the packages of the distribution. I
 had used Redhat with rpm. Where can I find information about package
 manager on debian?
 Thanks and sorry for my english!

The base of everything in debian is dpkg. If you want to install a single
package, use dpkg -i package_file.deb. But if the package needs others
packages to install dpkg will give you an error. So don't use this kind of

So you have apt-get that deals with dependencies. All you have to do is to
put in a file where the system will find the packages (This file is
/etc/apt/sources.list) (If you've installed Debian with CDs, the CD lines
must be there).
Then to install for example wmCalClock :
apt-get install wmCalClock

If you don't know the names of the package you want to install, have a look
at apt-cache. For example apt-cache search mp3 will give you the names of
packages that deals with mp3.

So have a look at : man apt-get
man apt-cache


Re: suggestions for buying a printer

2000-10-12 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 04:19:46PM +0200, Alfredo Solano Martinez wrote:
 I want to buy a laser printer, and I have no idea of this field, maybe
 somenone can help.

Check http://www.linuxprinting.org for information on Linux-friendly
printers (and warnings about some unfriendly ones).  There is a list of
suggested printers which recommends the Lexmark Optra E312
(reasonably priced, Postscript) and some Brother models.  Based on
this, I ordered the E312, but haven't received it yet.  Lexmark has
some driver software on their site (rpm only, unfortunately) but it
should work with magicfilter or apsfilter as well.

The Lexmark driver can be converted to .deb with alien (it puts some
files in /usr/local, which is probably not a good idea, but shouldn't
really hurt).  Since I haven't yet received my printer, I haven't been
able to test yet).

Bainbridge Island, WA  http://www.oz.net/~nielsen

Re: Trouble installing Debian

2000-10-12 Thread Glenn Murray

My understanding now is that I have a Promise Technology card for
an ultra-ATA/66 (IDE) interface, and I need a Linux driver for this
card.  The ...disks-i386/current/udma66/ directory contains three files,


but no Readme, so I am a little at a loss.  The drivers tarball includes 
an install.sh script and from puzzling over it and install.bat it seems 
that the install.bat script is to be run somewhere it can find 
dosutils; it will create a boot floppy (?) which will apparently run 
the script to install the kernel modules onto the root filesystem.
[Confusion: I have no root filesystem, yet; does it mean a root filesystem
on the floppy?  But the drivers tarball won't fit on the floppy, etc.]
My question is: how do I use the files above with the installation CDs so
that the installation program can find the hard drive?

Thanks for any help,

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Matthew Dalton wrote:
   Weirdness:  I took the case apart.  The hard drive is a Western Digital
   IDE drive connected to a Promise Technology Ultra66 PCI card.  Nothing
   is plugged into the motherboard's primary ide controller, which explains
   why setup doesn't see it.
  Which setup?  Debian's installer or the BIOS setup utility?  If the
  latter, you should get a screen prompt for SCSI setup.  If not, find
  your system documentation and find out how to get to this.  At some
  point, you're going to be booting from SCSI and need to have this
   Besides the information below, Win2K also reports that there is a SCSI
   Promise Technology Inc Ultra 66 IDE controller (IRQ 09)
 Ignore what win2k says, it's dumb. You have an IDE controller, not a
 SCSI one.
   As I am running 2.2.17, it seems it should be recognized.  The readme
   goes on to give instructions to install the driver from floppy in 26
   simple steps.  Is there any point in doing this if the kernel can't
   recognize it anyway?  I am using the CheapBytes CDs.
 Use the files from:
 or your local mirror. They should also be on the cd (same directory).
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Re: port 113

2000-10-12 Thread Michael Steiner
Thank you to all who replied.

Kerlnel NFS Daemon and Mounting

2000-10-12 Thread Sven Gaerner

I have some problems using the Kernel NFS Daemon. I used the Userspace
Daemon before without any problems. Now I installed a 2.2.17 Kernel on a Potato
box and got the problems.
I can mount each exported directory. I'm using the option rw and the
directory is also exported rw but I'm not able to mount this directory rw. When 
want to write a file I get the error that I want to write on a Read-Only
FS. The User IDs are the same. That should not be the problem. The same
problem occurs on a Sun Solaris 2.6 (Sparc).
I'm using the option --no-nfs-version 3 in

I hope somebody has an idea how solve this.

Thanks in advance.


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Menu editor crashes in Helix GNOME

2000-10-12 Thread Martin Weinberg
I find that the menu editor dies when one attempts to edit
any user menu with the latest Helix version.  The system is
Helix + up-to-date Potato.

Has anyone else seen this and/or know a fix?



Re: Installing LinkSys LNE100TX on Compaq Prolinea 590

2000-10-12 Thread Michael Steiner
We are using still some of old 590 machines. One I'm using for syslogd,
bind etc...
Does your machine has an onboard eth and vga device like ours ?


Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Vienna, Austria

RE: Telnet to mail host replies connection refused

2000-10-12 Thread Paul McHale
 If I recall, the correct line to be used with Sendmail is

 sendmail: all

 to allow all users.

This is what it was set to.  I changed it to try the suggestion.
Unfortunately, it did not improve.  I think I might just upgrade to potato.
I know this is not the best cure, but I am interested in testing the new
storm release anyway.  Thanks for the help everyone!

Paul McHale
   Work:   937-320-5495  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  1435 Edenwood Dr
   Fax:413-215-3232  Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

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NFS new-comer question

2000-10-12 Thread Matthias Mann
Hi people!

Do i need anything for NFS at my single computer? I don´t plan to mount any
filesystem over an internetconnection or somthing like this. Whilst booting
i get this messages from the bootscript :

Starting NFS common utilitis : statd lockd
Not starting NFS kernel kernel daemon : No exports

Can i remove the NFS utilitis and NFS support of kernel to have a faster
boot and more space on harddisk? Or is something of this NFS support needed
to get a connection to the internet?

Have a nice day!

Re: Anacron fails on exim job

2000-10-12 Thread Francois Fayard
On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 12:39:46AM +0200, Kai Weber wrote:
 after updating from potato to woody I have these Mails in roots inbox:
 --- snip -
 Exim retry database in spool /var/spool/exim
 Failed to open database file retry: Invalid argument
 run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/exim exited with return code 1
 --- snip 
 What does this mean? I do not understand, what exactly went wrong that I
 could repair it. Any tips?

That's why it is called unstable...
Don't be afraid, I have the same problem. Just wait until the bug is fixed,
or switch back to Potato.


Re: suggestions for buying a printer

2000-10-12 Thread David A. Rogers
Lots of useful information at www.linuxprinting.org.


On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Alfredo Solano Martinez wrote:

 I want to buy a laser printer, and I have no idea of this field, maybe
 somenone can help.
 Thanks in advance.

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Schiller

Re: Anacron fails on exim job

2000-10-12 Thread Lee Maguire
[2000-10-12] Francois Fayard wrote:
  Failed to open database file retry: Invalid argument

 Don't be afraid, I have the same problem. Just wait until the bug is fixed,
 or switch back to Potato.

I think you can fix this one by just going into /var/spool/exim/db/ and
just deleting the database files (retry, waiti-remote_smtp)

New ones will be re-created.

Lee Maguire [EMAIL PROTECTED] traveling at the speed of time


2000-10-12 Thread Eileen Orbell

I have just installed Debian 2.2 after being a RH user for quite some 
time.  I currently trying to install the pine package which I downloaded 
from us.debian.org.

The commands I issued were
dpkg -i pine4-src.1.deb

I then changed to the usr/src/pine4 directory (AND READ THE READ ME FILE)
issued the commands in the readme file
but I get this error msg when I run
debian/rules binary

install bin/pine  debian/tmp/usr/bin
install bin/pine  No such file or directory

Any help would be appreciated...


Eileen Orbell
Software  Internet Applications
Capitol College
Don't Fear the Penguin.

Re: raid setup

2000-10-12 Thread Robert Varga

It is quite doable...

I suggest you use the latest stable kernel with the raid0.90 patches which
can be downloaded from http://people.redhat.com/mingo/raid-patches

You will need to use the raidtools2 package instead of raidtools or
mdutils. You can put everything on raid1 even root, if you want.

For documentation on what to do, look at the docs of the raidtools2
package. Everything is in there in details. I have put together a system
following instructions in it. (It is useful to use a third hard drive to
put the initial system on, or partition the system according to what you
will need to do (you will need a separate partition for the initial system
root, and the raid-root partitions will be created later).

I will put together a patched version of the install system so that one
will be able to install debian into raid1-root directly, and if I succeed,
I will post my work.


Robert Varga

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Chris Mason wrote:

 I had a drive failure yesterday so I am re-thinking my file server. I would
 like to setup my debian machine as my file server with two drives, each 20
 GB or more. I would like one to mirror the other, either as a raid setup or
 just copying files that have changed every hour. The idea is not to protect
 me against stupidity, but against mechanical failure.
 I use the fileserver mainly for making a large number of images available on
 the network, and for components of collaborative design projects, also
 mainly images. A drive failure can set us back days, and I have found tape
 drives to be useless. Even if they do back everything up, it takes too long
 to find and restore anything.
 I'm looking at a couple of cheap Seagate 20 GB drives, I would even consider
 3 drives in a parity raid if that was do-able. Any comnments?
 Chris Mason
 Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
 Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
 USA Fax (561) 382-7771
 Take a virtual tour of the island
 http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
 Find out more about NetConcepts
 Talk to me in real time with Instant Messenging: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Pine

2000-10-12 Thread Ray Percival
I have not looked in the recent past but have they cleared up the buffer 
overflow problems with Pine? If not you might be better off with something 
else. To try and answer the question have you tried
apt-get install pine ?
Should work like a charm.

-- Original Message --
From: Eileen Orbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 13:07:10 -0400

I have just installed Debian 2.2 after being a RH user for quite some 
time.  I currently trying to install the pine package which I downloaded 
from us.debian.org.
The commands I issued were
dpkg -i pine4-src.1.deb

I then changed to the usr/src/pine4 directory (AND READ THE READ ME FILE)
issued the commands in the readme file
but I get this error msg when I run
debian/rules binary

install bin/pine  debian/tmp/usr/bin
install bin/pine  No such file or directory

Any help would be appreciated...


Eileen Orbell
Software  Internet Applications
Capitol College
Don't Fear the Penguin.

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Re: Pine

2000-10-12 Thread Robert Varga

You need to install the pine4-diffs package as well. It contains the
patches and the dsc file, as well as the debian-package configuration
files. You also will need libc-client4.7 and libc-client4.7-dev, and
libncurses5-dev packages.

After you have installed both, switch into /usr/src/pine4.
Issue: dpkg-source -x *.dsc

After that, you can change into ./pine-4.21, and issue:
debian/rules binary

After it, you will receive the debian packages of pine, pico and pilot in
/usr/src/pine4, which you can install.


Robert Varga

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Eileen Orbell wrote:

 I have just installed Debian 2.2 after being a RH user for quite some 
 time.  I currently trying to install the pine package which I downloaded 
 from us.debian.org.
 The commands I issued were
 dpkg -i pine4-src.1.deb
 I then changed to the usr/src/pine4 directory (AND READ THE READ ME FILE)
 issued the commands in the readme file
 but I get this error msg when I run
 debian/rules binary
 install bin/pine  debian/tmp/usr/bin
 install bin/pine  No such file or directory
 Any help would be appreciated...
 Eileen Orbell
 Software  Internet Applications
 Capitol College
 Don't Fear the Penguin.
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