Re: cable cruzado

2000-11-11 Thread Amaya
Ricardo Rodríguez dijo:
 mi pregunta es, como hago para que mi 486 reciva sesiones telnet?, lo
 necesito por que en un tutorial de NFS y NIS dice que el primer paso para
 seguir el jugoso tutorial es poder hacer telnet a los host en los cuales va a

apt-get install telnetd
Pero si aceptas un consejo, no uses telnet, usa ssh que cifra la conexión y la
hace más segura.

Por cierto, y habando de NIS, de verdad dan tantos problemas las contrase¤as
shadow y el NIS o esto es un mito superado? Alguien lo tiene funcionando? 

  The easiest way to get the root password is to become system admin.

 Barbwired (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.3 Woody (Kernel 2.2.16) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Mensajes del gnupg

2000-11-11 Thread Jesús Carrete Montaña
El vie, 10 de nov de 2000, a las 12:33:50 +0100, Gerardo Lopez dijo:
 gpg: Firma creada el lun 06 nov 2000 13:52:14 CET usando clave DSA ID xx
 gpg: Firma correcta de xx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gpg: también conocido como  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gpg: también conocido como xx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 gpg: ATENCION: ¡Esta clave no está certificada por una firma de confianza! -
 gpg:   No hay indicios de que la firma pertenezca al propietario.  -
 gpg: Huella dactilar: la_que_sea
 ¿Que significan la penúltima y antepenultima línea? Quiero decir, ¿Cuando se
 conecta el mutt a red-iris que baja? ¿Que más necesita gpg para que no me 
 ese mensaje?

Significa que la clave que te has bajado no está firmada por tí ni
por ningún otro al qu hayas marcado como de confianza en tu anillo de

Un saludo.
.~. |/,_|-.|
/V\ |\L|(_||() @
   // \\Linux Registered User #158442
  /(   )\   Public PGP Key avaliable via e-mail

Description: PGP signature

Re: Controlador de sonido AC97

2000-11-11 Thread Enzo Dari
U !
Me llevó una mañana pero creo que ya tengo la placa funcionando con los
drivers de alsa sobre potato. Les cuento cómo:
Efectivamente los drivers de ALSA que vienen con woody soportan a esta
placa. Los paquetes que hay que instalar serían:
alsa-modules, alsa-base, alsa_utils y libasound1

Los alsa-modules parecen depender mucho del kernel que uno utilice,
de manera que consideré más prudente instalar el paquete alsa-source
y recompilarlo yo mismo. Tomé el alsa-source de woody (0.5.9d-4) lo
instalé y recompilé tanto el kernel como los módulos (con kernel-package
la cosa se simplifica mucho).

El paquete alsa-modules así generado se instala casi sin problemas en
potato. Casi porque depende de alsa-base de woody...
No hay problema, se puede instalar el alsa-base de woody (0.5.9d-4)
sobre potato.
alsa-base sugiere alsa-utils aunque no aclara que versión. Supuse
que también haría falta la de Potato (0.5.9b-1).
alsa-utils 0.5.9b-1 depende de libasound1 =0.5.5.
libasound 0.5.9-1 de woody se puede instalar sin problemas sobre Potato.
El problema es que alsa-utils 0.5.9b-1 también depende de libc6 =2.1.94
y aquí abandoné los paquetes de woody, me niego a instalar el libc6
Intenté recompilar nuevamente el paquete alsa-utils 0.5.9b-1 desde
los fuentes pero no tuve éxito (el aclocal se queja de que no tiene
definido el macro AM_PATH_ALSA).
(Respondiendo parcialmente la pregunta de Gabriel:
generalmente es posible tomar los fuentes de woody y recompilarlos
en potato para evitar la dependencia con las bibliotecas nuevas.
En *este* caso no funcionó, otras veces anda).

Finalmente instalé alsa-utils de woody con un --force-depends.
Hasta el momento (toco madera) no encontré el porqué de la
dependencia con una libc6 =2.1.94

Otras tareas:
- Agregar en modules.conf (o mejor: en un archivo aparte en el
/etc/modutils y luego ejecutar update-modules) las líneas sobre la
interdependencia de los módulos alsa. Yo puse tal cual lo que encontré
en /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/examples/modules.conf.
- Crear los devices: ejecutando el script que se puede encontrar en
- Cargar el módulo de la tarjeta:
modprobe snd-card-via686a
Ojo que por default el mixer está con todos los volúmenes en cero.
Ejecutar el alsamixer o cualquier otro para cambiarlos.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: es interesante slot ISA?

2000-11-11 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 03:26 p.m. 10/11/00 +0100, Ignacio Garcia Fernandez wrote:

Hola lista.
Las dos placas que tengo vistas son

ASUS A7V KT133 - Soporte para ATA/100

Giga-Byte GA-7ZX - 1 slot ISA

Si en este momento tienes alguna tarjeta ISA (un modem, o una
tarjeta SCSI), y no quieres comprar nada adicional, vete por
la GigaByte (que es más barata).

Lo del ATA100 no te servirá de mucho, los discos duros actuales
dificilmente superan los 40MB/s, así que el ATA66 que viene en
la GigaByte va a ser suficiente.


Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 user

RV: Caso G. Salzmann (Con Telefonos del INCUCAI y Fundación Favaloro)

2000-11-11 Thread Vicente Arbelo

- Original Message - 
ARGENTINA S.A.- Filial Córdoba 
Ippoliti ; Paganini,Comba Hnos y Cía ; Miriam Cajeao 
(Bagley) ; Claudio Cavina ; CRAFMSA 
Cpras ; DAPKA ; Diego Achával ; Gabriel 
; Juan Minetti S.A. ; JOSE GUMA 
S.A. ; Laura Gomez 
Ippoliti ; Paganini,Comba Hnos y Cía ; Miriam Cajeao 
(Bagley) ; Claudio Cavina ; CRAFMSA 
Cpras ; DAPKA ; Diego Achával ; Gabriel 
; Juan Minetti S.A. ; JOSE GUMA 
S.A. ; Laura Gomez 
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: RV: Caso G. Salzmann (Con Telefonos del INCUCAI y Fundación 

-Mensaje original-De: 
Sergio Stocca [EMAIL PROTECTED]Para: 
Estudio Samouelian y Asociados [EMAIL PROTECTED]; SEW Eurodrive 
Argentina S.A.- Filial Córdoba [EMAIL PROTECTED]; CARLOS GIL 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Javier Griner 
Eduardo C. Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
Jueves, 09 de Noviembre de 2000 11:04 a.m.Asunto: RV: Caso G. 
Salzmann (Con Telefonos del INCUCAI y Fundación Favaloro)

integrante de la organización, Juan Carlos García Salzmann, está atravesando una 
situación angustiante y dolorosa, ya que su pequeño hijo Lech de 4 años necesita 
con urgencia un transplante de corazón. Él mismo ha solicitado nuestra ayuda 
para poder localizar un donante y salvar la vida de su hijo vía cadena de mails. 
Tratemos de reenviar este mail a otras personas a fin de tratar de ayudar a que 
se produzca el milagro.

Cualquier novedad 
comunicarse con la Fundación Favaloro: (05411) 4378-1200 o al INCUCAI: (05411) 

Angel Reyes

PD.: Juan Carlos también me pidió que incluyera 
la foto de su hijo.
attachment: Lech.jpg

Re: libmng para potato

2000-11-11 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 01 de noviembre de 2000 a la(s) 18:41:29 +0100, Roberto Ripio 

Si alguien necesita el paquete libmng para potato, lo he puesto en

 Muchas  gracias  :^).  Estoy  instalando   el  KDE  2  para  mi
 padre.  El   caso  es  que   en  el   mirror  de  donde   me  estoy
 bajando  los paquetes  hay una  dependencia rota.  kdelibs3 depende
 de  libqt2.2_2:2.2.1-5.potato.1  y  en   el  ftp  esta  la  version
 2.2.1-4.potato.2. ?De donde  me puedo coger una  version mas actual
 que esa?  (Disculpad la ausencia  de acentos y del  interrogante de
 turno, pero no he configurado esta consola todavia jeje).



 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Crontab falla?

2000-11-11 Thread Alberto Rodríguez
Verán, tengo un servidor dando servicio web detrás de un cortafuegos.
El servidor web no es directamente accesible desde el exterior, por lo
que he puesto un redirector de direcciones y puertos (redir) para que se
redireccionen las peticiones al puerto 80 sobre la ip pública
(cortafuegos) hacia la ip privada interior(servidor web). 

Hasta aquí todo fenomenal. El problema radica en que en ocasiones se
muere el puñetero redir, por lo que he optado por realizar un pequeño
script en bash, que mire si el redir sigue activo y que en caso
contrario lo resucite.

El script en cuestión funciona perfectamente, es decir, si el redir no
está activo en el puerto 80 y yo ejecuto /rutacorrecta/script, éste
levanta el redir. Sin embargo si añado en el crontab:

0-59/5 * * * * /rutacorrecta/script

el script parece no ejecutarse nunca.

Sabe alguien donde puñetas puede estar el error?

Y ya que estamos con el tema, conoce alguien algún otro redirector que
no se muera como lo hace redir.

Gracias por adelantado.

Re: Mas de gnupg

2000-11-11 Thread Gerardo Lopez
Hola Roberto!

El sáb, 11 nov 2000, Roberto Ripio escribió:

 El Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 12:39:57PM +0100, Gerardo Lopez escribe:
  Como dije en un post anterior, tengo el mutt configurado para que coga las
  claves públicas de la gente que postea de red-iris, pero claro, para hacer
  eso debo estar conectado.
 Oye, ¿y cómo se hace esa maravilla?
 Un saludo,

Tonto estoy, no tengo el mutt configurado así, sino el _gnupg_ .
Para ello tengo puesto en el archivo ~/.gnupg/options esto:


  /_./\  .-.   
 \ \/, / [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  \ \ /  San Valero Informáticos | gribson en   

Re: Mas de gnupg

2000-11-11 Thread Andres Herrera

El Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 12:39:57PM +0100, Gerardo Lopez disidio iscribir:
 Me olvidaba de una cosa. Suelo leer el correo off-line, imagino que como 
 todos los de aquí. Como dije en un post anterior, tengo el mutt configurado
 para que coga las claves públicas de la gente que postea de red-iris, pero
 claro, para hacer eso debo estar conectado. Y me digo a mi mismo que ya sería
 la leche que al acceder a un correo firmado con pgp estando off-line, se 
 pudiera hacer algo para que al conectar a inet se descargaran todas las claves
 pgp de los mensajes firmados que hemos leido. ¿Es esto posible?

Pues con el wwwoffle se consigue muy bien.

La idea es que tienes andando el wwwoffle, de modo que cuando estás
desconectado está off-line (así que almacena las peticiones).

En tu ~/.gnupg/options debes tener descomentada la opción
honor-http-proxy, y además debes tener definida la variable de entorno


Y con eso quedan las peticiones almacenadas. Luego, cuando conectes,
haces el wwwoffle -fetch para que se baje todas las peticiones
pendientes, y ya tienes las claves.

El problema es que para incluir las claves en tu anillo deberías acceder
de nuevo a mensajes de las mismas personas, claro.

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AndresHE/cagarruta En Irc-Hispano  | N.Reg: 66054  
PAGÜERED BAI Debian Potato (sin colorines, se leer)| Kernel 2.4.0-test3
Toshiba 220 CS - P133 - 48Mb RAM - 6Gb HD. | con ReiserFS ;-)
Clave GPG:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Colorines

2000-11-11 Thread Gerardo Lopez
Hola Jaume!

El mié, 08 nov 2000, Jaume Sabater escribió:

 Al querer cambiar la configuración de las X, que la tenia a 640x480 color
 16 bits, y pasarla a 800x600x256 colores (a 1024x768 solo tengo 16
 colores), veo que cuando abro una ventanita (netscape, XGalaga, etc...) y
 meto el mouse dentro la ventana, el color de fondo se me lia (de azul a
 naranja, de verde a rojo...); y si meto el mouse fuera de la ventana lo que
 es la ventana se ve mal (y el color de fondo no siempre vuelve a la
 Eso, con 640x480xmiles de colorines no me pasaba...
 Aligual, al hacer el xfreeconfig la lié por algun lado? En principio tengo
 la targeta bien configurada, y el screen creo que también.

Eso es normal si tienes el server configurado para que muestre 256 colores, que
es lo que he creido entender que tienes.
Simplemente no puede mostrar tantos colores a la vez, y concentra la paleta en
la ventana sobre la que apunta el foco en ese momento.

 próximamente me compraré una VGA mas cañera, que la que tengo es una
 braga... ¿Qué me recomendais que sea baratito? Yo habia pensado en una S3
 3D/2X de 8MB, que tal va? (No me hace falta ninguna virgueria para jugar al
 Q3, sólo quiero aprovechar mi monitor)

¿Cuanta frecuencia soporta tu monitor y que resolución máxima puede coger? Te
lo digo porque el mio soporta 1600x1200 a 75 Hz, por lo tanto me conviene una
tarjeta que tenga 16 megas. Ahora mismo tengo la voodoo banshee y me va
estupendamente. Si esta todavía en stock la encontrarás tremendamente barata.
Respesto a la S3 que comentas, solo da problemas ...

Un saludo.

 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  /_./\  .-.   
 \ \/, / [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  \ \ /  San Valero Informáticos | gribson en   

Re: Crontab falla?

2000-11-11 Thread Enzo Dari
Alberto Rodríguez wrote:
 El script en cuestión funciona perfectamente, es decir, si el redir no
 está activo en el puerto 80 y yo ejecuto /rutacorrecta/script, éste
 levanta el redir. Sin embargo si añado en el crontab:
 0-59/5 * * * * /rutacorrecta/script
 el script parece no ejecutarse nunca.
Si el crontab es el del sistema (/etc/crontab) le está faltando
el campo del usuario. Después de los campos de la hora y antes
del script deberías poner el usuario que ejecutará el comando.
Si por el contrario es el crontab de un usuario cualquiera la
sintaxis está bien, podría haber algún problema con el path
dentro del script.
La sintaxis del crontab está explicada en su man page (de la
sección 5):
man 5 crontab

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Re: Mas de gnupg

2000-11-11 Thread Gerardo Lopez

La leche, es la leche. :))  Muchas gracias Andres.
Un saludo.
  /_./\  .-.   
 \ \/, / [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  \ \ /  San Valero Informáticos | gribson en   

Re: libmng

2000-11-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Yo me he instalado el KDE2 sin problemas añadiendo en mi
  archivo /etc/apt/sources.list la siguiente linea:

deb ftp:/ potato kde2

un saludo.

# Powered by: Debian 2.2 Potato (kernel 2.2.17)

cd de musica

2000-11-11 Thread Luis Zuccolo

Cuando trato de montar un cd de musica, no reconoce el formato.
Podria alguien decirme que debo hacer?


2000-11-11 Thread peter karlsson

Sedan jag uppgraderade till libc6 2.1.96 har jag råkat ut för att
program som kör gettext inte kan visa åäö. T.ex så visar min GnomeICU
numera Anvaendarinfo och inte Användarinfo...

Är det någon som råkat ut för detsamma, och som vet varför?

peter -

  Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:

Re: Rede no VMWARE

2000-11-11 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
   é sim. Escolha o ip pro seu Linux real com a mascara

Classe A?  Eu sou mais modesto.  Prefiro um ;)

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: off-topic Exim - sendmail

2000-11-11 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro

Eu uso via dial-up o sendmail direto.  Inicializo com somente
sendmail -bd que deixa o sendmail como daemon.  Como não passo o
parâmetro -qT, onde T é o tempo do delivery, os mails ficam armazenados:
Mail Queue (1 request)
--Q-ID-- --Size-- -Q-Time-
BAA02894  433 Sat Nov 11 01:30 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (host map: lookup ( deferred)

Para isto, basta alterar uma linha:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ more /etc/init.d/sendmail
set -e
# Start or stop sendmail
# enhanced sendmail startup
start() {
# Ok, really start the puppy
cd /var/lib/sendmail
#$START_CMD -- -bd -q$Q
$START_CMD -- -bd

Para descarregar os mails, uso um shellzinho simples:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ cat bin/
#! /bin/sh

conexao () {
eval ping -c 1  /dev/null 21

erro () {
echo Xit
echo Terminando conexão!!!
/usr/bin/killall wvdial
exit 1

getmail () {
/usr/bin/fetchmail  || erro

envmail () {
/usr/sbin/sendmail -q || erro
sleep 3
/usr/sbin/sendmail -q || erro

echo Discando com o wvdial 
/usr/bin/wvdial  /dev/null 21 
sleep 5

until conexao 
  echo Aguardando...
  sleep 3
echo Recebendo mails...
sleep 2
(getmail || erro)  /dev/null 21 
echo Enviando mails...
sleep 1
(envmail || erro)  /dev/null 21
echo That's all folks!
/usr/bin/killall wvdial
exit 0

O sendmail -q força o delivery dos mails.  Quando estou
conectado, não preciso passar comando nenhum.

   Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Upload em rede Fechada!!!

2000-11-11 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 E da minha rede win95 NADA passa para a internet, o firewall tem
 ipforward e so faz forward do proxy(que tem o squid instalado.
   O causo é o seguite, mues usuários do win95 presisão fazer
 upload para um servidor de ftp na internet, e ai alguem tem alguma
Use um NAT no proxy (ou ip masquarade, como também é
conhecido).  Leia o IPCHAINS HOWTO que lá ensina como fazer.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Problemas com o lilo!

2000-11-11 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 # If you have another OS on this machine to boot, you can uncomment the
 # following lines, changing the device name on the `other' line to
 # where your other OS' partition is.
 # restricted

Parece que o seu boot está no local errado.  Deveria estar em
/dev/hda que o master boot record do disco.  Tem que esta mais ou
menos assim:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ cat /etc/lilo.conf
boot=/dev/hda # onde ficará o lilo
fix-table # para bios antigas
linear# idem

E antes que eu me esqueça, beijinhos para vc também, Renatinha ;)

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Testando o MUTT

2000-11-11 Thread cyberdemo
Pequeno teste de mutt.
Que interessante, ele colocou meu ~/.signature sem eu nem setar nada :)

Carlos Laviola.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_|   uin#: 55799523 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594
And 1.1.81 is officially BugFree(tm), so if you receive any bug-reports on 
it, you know they are just evil lies.  -- Linus Torvalds   

Description: PGP signature

Unidentified subject!

2000-11-11 Thread Ricardo Santa Rita Oliveira
Instalei o Debian 2.2 e mantive na minha máquina o conectiva e o windows. Ainda
estou configurando o Debian, só depois é que poderei me livrar do conectiva.
Muitas informações eu peguei nas listas, mas outras eu não consegui achar. Como
ainda não configurei o modem no Debian, estou usando o cl5 para baixar o que
preciso. Coloquei um arquivo tar.gz que baixei em um disquete e quando fui
abrir este no Debian o nome foi reduzido para o padrão 8.3. como evitar isso, e
fazer com que o debian aceite nomes longos?
O driver funciona no Debian? posso usa o mesmo procedimento para
instalar este tipo de modem, que usei no conectiva?

Ricardo Santa Rita Oliveira


2000-11-11 Thread FRANZ


2000-11-11 Thread Rafael A . Schmitt

como faço para ter som no quake?
nas outras distros eu altero o /etc/sysconfig/quake e coloco

e no debian??


 * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * 
 Rafael Alexandre Schmitt
 Blumenau - Santa Catarina - Brasil
 Powered by Debian !
 * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *  

Re: quake

2000-11-11 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 como faço para ter som no quake?
 nas outras distros eu altero o /etc/sysconfig/quake e coloco

Veja em /etc/quake2deb.conf para o quake2.  Para habilitar o som
na mão é só chamar o quake com o parâmetro desejado (algo como ./quake +
set sound 1).

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: quake

2000-11-11 Thread Rafael A . Schmitt
* Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  como faço para ter som no quake?
  nas outras distros eu altero o /etc/sysconfig/quake e coloco
   Veja em /etc/quake2deb.conf para o quake2.  Para habilitar o som
 na mão é só chamar o quake com o parâmetro desejado (algo como ./quake +
 set sound 1).

eu tenho  o quake 1 , não existe esse arquivo por aqui...
e chamar com o parâmatro set sound tb não funciona


 * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * 
 Rafael Alexandre Schmitt
 Blumenau - Santa Catarina - Brasil
 Powered by Debian !
 * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *  

Re: How to contact administrator?

2000-11-11 Thread Jesse Goerz
I don't have a real problem with the plain text password issue.  I know this is
crappy security.  But here's the real problem.  This is a *huge* isp.  One that
has a nationally branded name.  (Which means I have to worry just as much
about who's inside their network as well, right? I probably shouldn't even
mention this as I'm sure this info can be used by someone motivated enough to
check my mail headers...) They are forcing me to use the same username/password
for ftp web page uploads as my user account  I could care less if someone
compromises my ftp web page upload and turns my pitiful little site into some
manifesto for the cUltOFfreeQqinessOhyEah!  But I do care if I have the FBI
knocking on my door telling me I hacked such and such site, see, here are the
logs, it's your account.

Thanks for all the advice though.  I'm going to start shopping around and see
what else is available.  In the mean time I've sent emails to every possible
combination of [EMAIL PROTECTED] that I think will get through to an
administrator.  Who knows, maybe my email will give some administrator some
ammo to take to the next board meeting ;-)


On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what does the ftp prompt say when you connect? sometimes that can give it
 away .. if your concerned about security then change isps. don't expect
 many isps to support secure file transfers though its not very common for
 end users to know how to do it so most don't support it.(I run an isp and
 i WISH i could close off ftp). keep in mind other plaintext protocols such
 as POP3 and IMAP4 if your using email with either of these your password
 is just as easily sniffed as it is using ftp.(I offer IMAP4 over SSL to
 customers but i dont think anyone uses it except me)
 if security is *that* important i suggest you change isps, or better yet
 co-locate a machine somewhere ..or get a good dsl line, or if you cant get
 dsl move to where you can :)
 before i get on an isp i always drill their support and administrative
 staff on technical issues before i even consider using them. ones that
 don't measure up don't get my business and yes i will pay 2-3x+ more for a
 isp that is good then dirt cheap or free for one that is bad (should note
 that i used to work for ...*cough* )
 On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Jesse Goerz wrote:
 jgoerz I'm trying to contact the sys-admin for my ISP because I don't like 
 jgoerz security they use for uploading personal web pages.  (They use plain 
 text ftp,
 jgoerz which is bad enough, but no, they have to do one better, they don't 
 allow you
 jgoerz to even change your username/password so anyone on the network can 
 sniff it and
 jgoerz have complete access to your account!)  Anyway, I know they run some 
 type of
 jgoerz unix and I need to know how to finger or whatever to find out who is 
 jgoerz the system.  I hoping that they aren't aware of this and that if I 
 point it out
 jgoerz a solution will soon follow.
 jgoerz Any suggestions, man ?, url source?.
 jgoerz Jesse
 jgoerz  -- 
 jgoerz Got freedom?
 jgoerz Got freedom and simplicity?
 jgoerz -- 
 jgoerz Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 7:44pm up 56 days, 5:02, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.03
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Got freedom?
Got freedom and simplicity?

Re: Dexter?

2000-11-11 Thread Mike
Hubert Chan wrote:
 Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I had somewhat similar problems.  Mine was horribly bad static all over th
  escreen any time there was a screen redraw.  Considering I've a clock on the
  screen, it was pretty much unusable.
 Try adding
 Option  NoAccel
 to the graphics device section in your XF86Config file (The section that has
 `Driver s3virge'.  It turns off hardware acceleration, so things may be
 slower, but at least it will work properly.

What I wound up doing - thanks to another post on this list - was use the
following lines:

 Option fifo_moderate
 Option pci_burst_on
 Option pci_retry

Still accelerated, and working just fine at 1280x1024 and 16 bit color.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to contact administrator?

2000-11-11 Thread brian moore
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 01:30:18AM -0500, Jesse Goerz wrote:
 I don't have a real problem with the plain text password issue.  I know this 
 crappy security.  But here's the real problem.  This is a *huge* isp.  One 
 has a nationally branded name.  (Which means I have to worry just as much
 about who's inside their network as well, right? I probably shouldn't even
 mention this as I'm sure this info can be used by someone motivated enough to
 check my mail headers...) They are forcing me to use the same 
 for ftp web page uploads as my user account  I could care less if someone
 compromises my ftp web page upload and turns my pitiful little site into 
 manifesto for the cUltOFfreeQqinessOhyEah!  But I do care if I have the FBI
 knocking on my door telling me I hacked such and such site, see, here are the
 logs, it's your account.

And just who is going to be inside their network?  If they're like most
reasonably sized ISP's, they don't give out shell accounts, they don't
put their colocated customers anywhere near their dialups, etc.  The
only one who can snoop your password would be someone who owned one of
the servers at your ISP.

Hint: if someone can snoop the wire at your ISP and you use PAP to
login, they can snoop your password.  The password is obfuscated but can
still be decrypted if you know the secret and if they know some
legit passwords, they can derive the secret.

 Thanks for all the advice though.  I'm going to start shopping around and see
 what else is available.  In the mean time I've sent emails to every possible
 combination of [EMAIL PROTECTED] that I think will get through to an
 administrator.  Who knows, maybe my email will give some administrator some
 ammo to take to the next board meeting ;-)

To the best of my knowledge there isn't a common secure replacement for
FTP (yes, I know about scp and 'sftp', both of which rely on ssh, and
both of which make it a rule that you need a shell on the remote machine
-- which adds a huge security risk in most ISP setups).

Blame the US Gov't for their crappy crypto policy stifling crypto
development for years.  Blame them for the RSA patent for holding it up
some more.  Blame RSA for many years of claiming to own any and all PK
crypto, whether it had any relation to RSA and DH or not.  Blaming the
ISP because they haven't written a secure replacement for FTP (and the
attendant server and clients) that doesn't add new security problems
seems really stupid.

CueCat decoder .signature by Larry Wall:
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
printf Serial: %s Type: %s Code: %s\n, map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack
'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= C x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g; 

secure ftp replacement (was Re: How to contact administrator?)

2000-11-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 11:10:01PM -0800, brian moore wrote:
 Blame the US Gov't for their crappy crypto policy stifling crypto
 development for years.  Blame them for the RSA patent for holding it up
 some more.  Blame RSA for many years of claiming to own any and all PK
 crypto, whether it had any relation to RSA and DH or not.  Blaming the
 ISP because they haven't written a secure replacement for FTP (and the
 attendant server and clients) that doesn't add new security problems
 seems really stupid.

agreed, however, US only restricts export, that leaves Canada and
virtually everywhere else in the world free to develop crypto.  the
RSA patent is now expired.  so what i am wondering, is there now a
project somewhere (Canada, the Netherlands etc) to build a secure ftp
replacement that is more in line with how ftp works (no need for a
shell, chrooted, etc).  

there is very little barriers now to building a replacement it just
needs to be done.  (and of course win* and macos clients have to be
written/fixed to work with it) 

really i don't think it should be that hard to modify the current
OpenSSH just a bit to do chroot() in a simpler and cleaner way, and
instead of running a shell run the sftpserv utility,  the various
gnome graphical ftp clients support this very nicely, you can't even
tell its scp and not ftp.  the only problem with this solution is it
prevents users from changing there passwd in the usual way (shell set
to /usr/bin/passwd) 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Which editor for programming?

2000-11-11 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
 Damien == Damien  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Damien the backronym like you mentioned below is amusing to as a
Damien fellow vim user. = but in all reality most of us hear have
Damien failed to deliver much useful advice to the original
Damien poster, outside of 'this is bad, use what i use'

That's the nature of these `conflicts': it's mostly about what one
likes, and not about absolute, precise, objective measurements.

I for one can't comprehend how one can do serious work done within
vi's two mode (One in which it beeps, and one in which it doesn't,
AFAIK according to Alan Cox ;-) And I love the simple (if you like
Lisp ;-) programmability of Emacs... when I need something it doesn't
do, I write it (or rewrite something that comes close).

But, even though I don't have vi installed here, if anyone would come
to work on this machine who wanted a vi, s/he'd get it, no questions
asked (not even How can you be so stupid and/or misguided... ;-)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
  My WebHome:
  First there was nothing, and God created the light.  Now there was
 light, and there was still nothing, but you could see it.  -- Guy Sie

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fonts too big in XF 4.01

2000-11-11 Thread Ekkehard Kraemer
Hubert Chan wrote:

 AFAIK, XF4 defaults to 100dpi, while XF3 defaulted to 75dpi,

 Start X with the -dpi 75 option.

 Also, edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, and change the order of the
 FontPath lines so that the 75dpi directories come before the 100dpi

 You may have to change /etc/X11/fs/config and do the same thing,

OK, I did these things, and everything works now as before (I need my
glasses again :-) ). 

Interestingly enough, fs/config contains a line

   default-resolutions = 75,75,100,100

(I left this as is).

Thanks a lot,

Re: Strange Message

2000-11-11 Thread Damien
 Why does the message pop up on my console, then, instead of going to a
 log file somewhere?

syslog has a log level. so does your console. change the log-level of the
console to avoid this.



An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine, but
 because people refuse to see it. -- James Michener, Space 

Description: PGP signature

Installing on PS/1

2000-11-11 Thread Boris Krivulin

I have a PS/1 machine type 2133, model type E26, with 3712kb of RAM.  
I was trying to install debian compact set (from 1.44 floppies), and  
got the following error after it tried to load the ramdisk, 

do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapd
do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapper
do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapper

the errors repeat. Is this because I am running out  of RAM ?  


Boris Krivulin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you are not running, you are wrong! -- Canadian military

Re: Strange Message

2000-11-11 Thread Mike Brownlow
Michael Abraham Shulman wrote:
 Every so often when logged into the console, I get a message looking
 like this:
 PAM_unix[28529]: (cron) session opened for user mail by (uid=0)
 Can anyone tell me what this means?  Is it a problem, and if so, what
 can I do about it?

This particular message is probably not a problem AFAICT. Is
this a recent event on a machine that hasn't been rebooted lately?
Does the unique part of the log messages involve cron? My machines
began doing this after an update yesterday (or day before...can't
remember) and the messages were appearing in vi, etc. After I
restarted cron, all was well again. This may have been a feature
isolated to all 3 of my machines though. :) *shrug*


Mike Brownlow
1024D/8AA6EAFD 3861 96B3 EEA2 285C BE23  F706 3E1E EBB2 8AA6 EAFD
Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. Pr10:12

Description: PGP signature

Re: disk hot-swap utilities

2000-11-11 Thread Ramin Motakef
Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I recently had the opportunity to use a FreeBSD feature that I found
 extremely cool.  I had built a machine, set it up as a server, deployed
 the server, then realized I needed to add a disk.  The machine and OS
 support hot-swapping SCSI disks, so I was able to add a whole new disk,
 previously 100% unknown to the system, without ever rebooting.  The tool
 to control the SCSI bus is called camcontrol on FreeBSD.  My question
 is, how is this done in Linux and Debian?  Is the functionality as
 mature and good?

I never haf the opportunity to work at a hot swap system, but this is
what works for my external SCSI CDRW Drive:
1) sync all disks
2) take away external terminate an
3) plug in the CDRW (fast!)
4) Turn Power of CDRW on
5) echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 5 0 /proc/scsi/scsi
 /   \ 
   /Host Channel ID LUN\
6) Done

Read about it in /path/to/kernel-src/drivers/scsi/scsi.c

It is not possible to hot-plug a disk in a normal PC, as you will
likely get a reset when you plug in the power connector of the disk
(draws quite a lot of current when spinning up, [i tried it]).

After all, i would say it is possible, baut mature and good


Problems sending e-mail

2000-11-11 Thread Hannes Schuddel
Hi there, 
I have a problem setting up an Exim/Mutt/Fetchmail combination. 
Fetchmail works, Mutt works, but e-mails sent on my dialup system 
(DSL / with pppoe) return undelivered, (local delivery works). 
[They are sent back to the from header]

The error message is like: 
Incompatibility between two sites on the route of the message
Authorisation failure at site '' for
recip '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Reason: This route is prohibited:
(policy none)

Running exim in debugging modes brings only the following error message:
  SMTP 250 rmail: You are bluffing - ``
everything else is all right.

I have also deinstalled exim and tried masqmail with the same result. 

This problem has been bothering me about a week now, so I am greatful for 
any help,


PS: If required I can provide additional information but it seems to be 
all in perfect order. (No error message in any log)

Sent through GMX FreeMail -

unbootable 2.4.0-test10

2000-11-11 Thread Svante Signell

After an unproblematic build of 2.4.0-test10 kernel (using make-kpkg)
for my woody based (SMP) computer rebooting results in:

boot: 240-smp1
Loading 240-smp1
Uncompressing Linux, OK, booting the kernel
NOTING HAPPENS AFTER THIS POINT, reset or power toggle is the only
way out

I wonder, what is the possible cause of this hang, and how to solve that?

I've built 2.2.x custom kernels (enabling SMP, alsa-modules,
lm-sensors, i2c) without any problems before.

A few questions:

1. Which differences (if any) are there between 2.2.x and 2.4.x
   regarding boot sequence?

2. Any changes needed in the BIOS setup?

3. Which modules have to be compiled into the kernel? For 2.2.x I
   found that the scsi driver aic7xxx had to be compiled in, not used
   as a module. I have both IDE and SCSI disks installed as well as

4. If there are problems with module loading, shouldn't the boot
   proceed further than above? I have the latest versions of modutils 
   (2.3.19-1) and mount (2.10o-1). Eventually the modules.conf file is
   not optimized for 2.4.0 (it is for 2.2.17).

5. Can I boot the kernel(s) 2.2.17 and 2.4.0-test10 by moving away
   modules.conf, for testing purposes?

6. Since the configuration order in the .config files have changed between
   2.2.x and 2.4.0 it is not so easy to compare them. Any hints? 

Hoping for help.
Svante Signell

Re: Dexter?

2000-11-11 Thread Neil Darlow
On 11/10/00, 8:54:27 PM, Hubert Chan wrote:

 Try adding

 Option  NoAccel

 to the graphics device section in your XF86Config file (The section that 
 `Driver s3virge'.  It turns off hardware acceleration, so things may be
 slower, but at least it will work properly.

Are we talking XFree86-3.3.x and XF86_S3V server here?

I use S3 Virge/DX cards and follow the recommendation for using the
XF86_SVGA server. The XAA features work nicely and a hardware cursor is
implemented. A good compromise.

Neil Darlow.

Re: Problems sending e-mail

2000-11-11 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 01:13:03PM +0100, Hannes Schuddel wrote: 

 Hi there, 
 I have a problem setting up an Exim/Mutt/Fetchmail combination. 
 Fetchmail works, Mutt works, but e-mails sent on my dialup system 
 (DSL / with pppoe) return undelivered, (local delivery works). 
 [They are sent back to the from header]
 The error message is like: 
 Incompatibility between two sites on the route of the message
 Authorisation failure at site '' for
 recip '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Reason: This route is prohibited:
 (policy none)

Is the SMTP-server you are using? Did you try
another one? 
Does this happen with all recipients or only with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Are you rewriting your local mail-adress?


Re: Problems sending e-mail

2000-11-11 Thread Ekkehard Kraemer
Hannes Schuddel wrote:

 Incompatibility between two sites on the route of the message
 Authorisation failure at site '' for

 Running exim in debugging modes brings only the following error message:
   SMTP 250 rmail: You are bluffing - ``
 everything else is all right.

It seems like you're connecting via T-Online, but want to use your
university SMTP server to send mails. The SMTP server sees that your
machine is, but your From: is something
other (whatever mail address you're using). So it assumes that you're a
spammer or something like that and doesn't accept the mail.

In your case, you can either simply use the T-Online SMTP server instead
(there are several, see for more information), or ask
the university adminstrator to change their SMTP host's behaviour (which
seems unlikely).


Re: Fetchmail, Procmail and multiple Email accounts

2000-11-11 Thread Stefan Janecek
In a galaxy not too far away, Jim Lisi spoke on Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 12:53:52PM 
 Glyn Millington wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 06:06:13PM -0500, thus spake Jim Lisi:
  Note: Please CC me, I am having problems with the email addrs subsribed
  to the list
  I am trying to setup fetchmail and procmail so that I can get mail from
  two email accounts
  and diliver that to my debian box into to subfolders under ~/Mail.
  fetchmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] via exim
  fetchmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] via exim
  Here's my .fetchmailrc (suitably doctored) for collecting from two ISP's
  set postmaster glyn
  set nobouncemail
  set properties 
  # next line when uncommented sends output to maillog -
  #  set syslog
   poll with proto POP3
   user aaardvark there with password  is aaardvark  here  
   stripcr warnings 3600
   poll with proto POP3
   user  [EMAIL PROTECTED] there with password xxx is glyn here 
  options stripcr warnings 3600
  procmail for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  send mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to ~/Mail/abc/inbox
  send mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to ~/Mail/xyz/inbox
  In your .procmailrc file insert the recipes


  That should do the trick.
  Glyn M
 Thanks. that seams to do the trick.  Just had to modify it since I only 
 have one userid (by choice)
 Only problem is with crossposted emails, they all end up in my first 
 Is there a way to make fetchmail add headers? (e.g. X-Source: abc.tld)

you could use formail in your procmail recipes to do that... i guess

:0 fhw
| formail -a X-Source: abc.tld

should do what you want, yet i have not tested it.

hope that helps,
 PS. sorry about the return addrs, my exim addrs masq filter seams to be 
 on the blink.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Recomended NIC for router/server

2000-11-11 Thread wulfie
There are some compatability issues between different NIC, hubs 
switches. You'd do well to check with you switch manufacturer which NICs
they recommend. I'll not name names, since I'd only be repeating info from
magazine articles rather than 1st-hand experience. 

To offload some of the processing onto the NIC you really need a
parallel-processing card, for which 3Com springs immediately to mind. Can
be expensive though.

Your server uplink should definitely be 100bastT if available, removing
one potential bottleneck - so long as the rest of the machine can process
all those disk I/O requests fast enough :) 

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Jim Lisi wrote:

 I am puting together a server/router/firewall mashine (yes its all those 
 I am looking for recomendasions for a good NIC to use.  It neads to be a 
 (prob 100 only would be ok, since I'm useing a 10/100 switch).  I also 
 nead 2 10baseT NIC
 for two aDSL modems so I'm looking for somthing that won't tax my 
 procesor to much
 (Note: if the 10/100 NIC farly cheap (50$CAN) I could use that for all 
 of them)

SpireLUG - the Chesterfield Linux User Group

horrible single `quotes' in font fixed

2000-11-11 Thread Richard P. Groenewegen
Hello all,

I've used the font `fixed' as long as I can remember and I liked the
fact that the backtick (`) and the single quote (') had a symmetrical
appearance.  Since I've been using xfree4 this has changed: the
backtick is slanted backwards and the single quote is completely
vertical.  How horrible!  Imagine how terrible my TeX-files will look!
Can anyone tell me how to get my old fixed-font back, or how to `edit'
this font?

Some people think abstraction makes things easier, while others think
it makes things harder.  It all depends on what you think are things.

Re: unbootable 2.4.0-test10

2000-11-11 Thread Moritz Schulte
Svante Signell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Loading 240-smp1
 Uncompressing Linux, OK, booting the kernel
 NOTING HAPPENS AFTER THIS POINT, reset or power toggle is the only
 way out

Just a guess...have you specified the correct CPU type?

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: Got KDE packages, what to do next

2000-11-11 Thread Francesco Bochicchio
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 09:51:07PM +, kentsin wrote:
 I have the KDE packages to my debian box. It has many packages, how could I 
 make them aware to dselect? 

I do something like this:

- put packages in a directory, say /usr/local/packages/potato/kde
- cd /usr/local/packages 
- create an empty file named 'override'
- dpkg-scanpackages /usr/local/packages/potato/kde override  
- Add in /etc/apt/sources.list the line:
  deb file:/usr/local/packages/ potato/kde/
- Run dselect, select 'apt' as access mode, execute the Update
  function and there you are (I hope ;)


Re: horrible single `quotes' in font fixed

2000-11-11 Thread Vee-Eye
Vi scribis:
 Hello all,
 I've used the font `fixed' as long as I can remember and I liked the
What's THE font fixed? Checking out xfontsel, there are 3 fonts named
fixed and a few other ones, which are fixed fonts 
 fact that the backtick (`) and the single quote (') had a symmetrical
 appearance.  Since I've been using xfree4 this has changed: the
 backtick is slanted backwards and the single quote is completely
 vertical.  How horrible!  Imagine how terrible my TeX-files will look!
IMHO, that's not a bad idea to be able to distinguish backticks from single
quotes ...
 Can anyone tell me how to get my old fixed-font back, or how to `edit'
 this font

1) Select a font with xfontsel and then paste your selection to ~/.Xdefaults,
rxvt*font: -misc-fixed-medium-*-normal-*-15-140-75-75-c-*-iso8859-1

man rxvt,xterm,X ...

Then your x-terminal-emulator (rxvt, like in the case above or xterm ...)
will start up with the chosen font.

2) Or if you are using a desktop environment like gnome or kde and its
respective terminal-emulator (gnome-terminal, konsole) choose your font
directly in the options menu


3) Add a new font to X and update the font-path ... and step to 1) or 2) 


(Dr.) Michael Hummel
fprint = F24D EAC6 E3D7 372C 9122 D510 EB24 01CA 0B56 B518

Description: PGP signature

Re: Newbie sound help

2000-11-11 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller

Peter, Nils,

I've identified the sound chip in question, it's a Crystal CS4236.
The settings in WinNT can be seen in this picture: . The alsa-related
stuff I've nstalled from the CDs can be seen in this excerpt from
root's .bash_history (commented by me): . I also made
a copy of the output from alsaconf (minus all the curses-stuff!),
where you can see that a file is missing: . Finally the file
created by alsaconfig is in .

So far I haven't compiled anything, as the module already exists.
If I run /etc/init.d/alsa start I get this text:
Starting sound driver: snd-card-cs4236 failed.

Feels like I'm getting close, but at the same time, maybe I have
missed something really obvious, just don't know what yet.

Ideas, anyone?

  // \\
 /(   )\

Re: Problems sending e-mail

2000-11-11 Thread Hannes Schuddel
Thank you very much, 
after changing to the t-online SMTP it worked right away. 

I wanted to use the server of my university because 
I thought of it being more secure, but didn't know of the policy 

So long.

Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Workstation and IP-Masquerading

2000-11-11 Thread Robert Kasunic

I have two PC's at home and would like to share my internet connection
(DSL) between them. As I don't want a third computer here running all the time
I was thinking to enable IP-Masquerading on one of them and build a
firewall on it as well. It will be running Samba too. Nevertheless I'd like to
continue using these PC's as Workstations.

Does that seem to be a useful approach? I would really appreciate any
opions or suggestions you might have. TIA.


using cvs

2000-11-11 Thread Tomas Sanchez 
: : :_
Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/116907
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm trying to test 'gote'. But the only way of getting it is via cvs. I've 
installed cvs, and now what. (please don't answer RTFM, but insted point me to 
the right ones)

the CVS-RCS-HOWTO mentions pserver (and so does the configuration script at 
install time) but I don't seem to have it.

As you can see, I'm quite a beginner in this issue (and in linux to) but i 
really want to try gote out. (gote - gnome open type editor,


Re: Workstation and IP-Masquerading

2000-11-11 Thread mike

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000 11:02:14 +0100, Robert Kasunic said:

  I have two PC's at home and would like to share my internet connection
  (DSL) between them. As I don't want a third computer here running all the 
  I was thinking to enable IP-Masquerading on one of them and build a
  firewall on it as well. It will be running Samba too. Nevertheless I'd like 
  continue using these PC's as Workstations.
  Does that seem to be a useful approach? I would really appreciate any
  opions or suggestions you might have. TIA.

Well i have the same situation with my cable connection and after
seeing all the cable hits my machine was getting from the net, even
though i had ipchains running i felt i wanted to isolate my pc with a
I estimated an old 486 and some NIC's would cost about a
$100. But since i didn't want another noisy big box around i
got a Netgear gateway-router for only a few dollars more.
This little gem has a 4-port 10/100 switch built in for your LAN,  
   acts as DHCP client and server, does NAT (ip masquerading), has programmable
filters just like ipchains rules, port forwarding and logs filter hits and more
to syslog so i can see the logs running xconsole on the desk top.
I was able to just plug it in and run with the default filter rules
later added more fliters  so that a outside port scan from shields-up and
hackerwhacker  shows my ports closed (about 2000 actually scanned).
You can read a review and user opinions at

gEEk||dOOd^Deb+iaNXFce$aaZZ goesPronto(-_-)

Re: using cvs

2000-11-11 Thread Colin Watson
I'm trying to test 'gote'. But the only way of getting it is via cvs.
I've installed cvs, and now what. (please don't answer RTFM, but insted
point me to the right ones)

OK :) Try the gote project page at, which has full instructions
(in my copy of it here, backslashes indicate line continuation):

   This project's SourceForge CVS repository can be checked out through
   anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following instruction set. The
   module you wish to check out must be specified as the modulename.
   When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter

   cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote \

   cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote \
   co modulename

   Updates from within the module's directory do not need the -d

The modulename is, unsurprisingly, 'gote'.

Hope that helps,


Re: using cvs

2000-11-11 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar

i set up procmail filter which sends all messages do debian-* lists to
special folder.

* ^Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Well in THIS case it didn't work... could anybody tell me why doesn't this
message contain any of these headers ?

On 11.11 16:20, Tomas Sanchez wrote:
- Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Received: from ( [])
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- Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 16:20:34 +0100
- From: Tomas Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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- Subject: using cvs
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- Hi!
- I'm trying to test 'gote'. But the only way of getting it is via cvs. I've 
installed cvs, and now what. (please don't answer RTFM, but insted point me to 
the right ones)
- the CVS-RCS-HOWTO mentions pserver (and so does the configuration script at 
install time) but I don't seem to have it.
- As you can see, I'm quite a beginner in this issue (and in linux to) but i 
really want to try gote out. (gote - gnome open type editor,
- regards,tomas
- -- 
- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRCNET admin of *.sk
 Christian Science Programming: Let God Debug It!.

Odchozí zpráva obsahuje viry.
Zkontrolováno antivirovým systémem AVG (
Verze: 6.0.167 / Virová báze: 80 - datum vydání: 6/29/2000


2000-11-11 Thread techlist
Has anyone been able to use ricochet wireless with Debian?  I ordered one and 
was wondering if anyone could give me any hints.  The product is shown on


problem mounting cdrom

2000-11-11 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Following is the part of my dmesg file that describes the ide
configuration including my cdrom.  Below this are the lines that are the
error messages when I try to mount this cdrom using mount /dev/hdc
/cdrom.  I hope somebody will know what the problem is here.  Thanks.

ide0: BM-DMA at 0xffa0-0xffa7, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xffa8-0xffaf, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA
hda: ST32520A, ATA DISK drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: ST32520A, 2405MB w/0kB Cache, CHS=611/128/63
hdc: ATAPI 48X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.11
VFS: Disk change detected on device ide1(22,0)
hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: command error: error=0x54
end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 2
ATAPI device hdc:
  Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
  Illegal mode for this track or incompatible medium -- (asc=0x64, ascq=0x00)
hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: command error: error=0x54
end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 2
ATAPI device hdc:
  Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
  Illegal mode for this track or incompatible medium -- (asc=0x64, ascq=0x00)
hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdc: command error: error=0x54
end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 0
ATAPI device hdc:
  Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
  Illegal mode for this track or incompatible medium -- (asc=0x64, ascq=0x00)
FAT bread failed

Re: using cvs

2000-11-11 Thread Tomas Sanchez 
: : :_
Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/116913
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, again!

my first q was:
 I'm trying to test 'gote'. But the only way of getting it is via cvs.
 I've installed cvs, and now what. (please don't answer RTFM, but insted
 point me to the right ones)

then i got the answer:
 OK :) Try the gote project page at, which has full instructions
 (in my copy of it here, backslashes indicate line continuation):
This project's SourceForge CVS repository can be checked out through
anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following instruction set. The
module you wish to check out must be specified as the modulename.
When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter
cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote \
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote \
co modulename

And I tried this whit the following result:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote
Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
  where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.
(specify --help-options for a list of options)
  where command is add, admin, etc.
(specify --help-commands for a list of commands
 or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)
  where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command
(specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)
  Specify --help to receive this message

The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control.
For CVS updates and additional information, see
Cyclic Software at or
Pascal Molli's CVS site at

I also tried the version mentiod above with -z3, this didn't work either.

So I problaby screwed the cvs setup. I'll try to redo that, but in the 
meantime, maybe someone knows something else I could try.


need help - inn2

2000-11-11 Thread Russ Cook
I am using the inn2 package to try to set up a periodic download
of newsgroups I read frequently.  I use a dial-up ISP, and have a
home LAN with three computers.  I have read the docs that came with
the package, and have read the network, cnews, and nntp sections of
a Linux reference book I have, but have been unsuccessful in setting
up my packages.  Below is an excerpt from the news.err log file, followed
by a cron message.

news.err follows

Nov 11 08:51:56 p90 innd: SERVER cant dbzinit /var/lib/news/history Numerical 
argument out of domain
Nov 11 09:10:01 p90 rnews: cant open_remote Connection refused
Nov 11 10:10:01 p90 rnews: cant open_remote Connection refused
Nov 11 11:10:01 p90 rnews: cant open_remote Connection refused

mail from cron follows

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Nov 11 12:03:30 2000
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 00:15:36 -0600
Subject: p90 Daily Usenet report for Sat Nov 11 00:15:01 CST 2000

Server status:
No file; did server die?
Can't send mode command (sendto failure) No such file or directory.

Disk usage:
/etc/news  16511484 Kbytes available
/var/lib/news  16511484 Kbytes available
/var/log/news  16511484 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/articles   16511484 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/incoming   16511484 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/outgoing   16511484 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/overview   16511484 Kbytes available

Batch file sizes:

Log file sizes:
ls: *.log: No such file or directory
   0 errlog 0 news 4 news.crit 4 news.err 4 news.notice

Lock files:

Server connections:
  2  ( )

TOTAL: 1  2

No file; did server die?
Can't send logmode command (sendto failure) No such file or directory.
No file; did server die?
Can't send pause command (sendto failure) No such file or directory.
No file; did server die?
Can't send flushlogs command (sendto failure) No such file or directory.
Cannot flush logs.
No file; did server die?
Can't send lowmark command (sendto failure) No such file or directory.
Expire messages:
expire begin Sat Nov 11 00:15:34 CST 2000: (-v1 -z/var/log/news/expire.rm 
Can't reserve server
Article lines processed0
Articles retained  0
Entries expired0
Files unlinked 0
Old entries dropped0
Old entries retained   0
expire end Sat Nov 11 00:15:34 CST 2000
all done Sat Nov 11 00:15:34 CST 2000
lowmarkrenumber begin Sat Nov 11 00:15:34 CST 2000: 
lowmarkrenumber end Sat Nov 11 00:15:35 CST 2000
expireover start Sat Nov 11 00:15:35 CST 2000
expireover end Sat Nov 11 00:15:35 CST 2000

Post expiration status:

Server status:
No file; did server die?
Can't send mode command (sendto failure) No such file or directory.

Disk usage:
/etc/news  16511480 Kbytes available
/var/lib/news  16511480 Kbytes available
/var/log/news  16511480 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/articles   16511480 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/incoming   16511480 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/outgoing   16511480 Kbytes available
/var/spool/news/overview   16511480 Kbytes available

Batch file sizes:

Log file sizes:
   0 errlog 0 news  4 news.err0 unwanted.log
   4 expire.log 4 news.crit 4 news.notice

Lock files:

Server connections:
  2  ( )

TOTAL: 1  2

My host name is p90, and my network is cook.  My isp is, and the
news server is  My ISP is russcook.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


modprobe lp failure

2000-11-11 Thread Nikolai Hlubek
Hi there, 

I was just trying to configure my printer and the modprobe lp
command fails. However I am able to start the printer manually 
by using insmod lp, but it fails at boottime. 

By searching in a few newsgroups I figured out that the lp.o 
module in kernel 2.2.17 is somehow broken. So I just wanted to 
know if there exists a solution yet without having to 
recompile the kernel because I don't have the time for 
that right now.

|  Escape the |  
|  Gates of hell. |  
| | 
|  Use Linux. |   

Re: horrible single `quotes' in font fixed

2000-11-11 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 02:39:47PM +0100, Richard P. Groenewegen wrote:
 Hello all,
 I've used the font `fixed' as long as I can remember and I liked the
 fact that the backtick (`) and the single quote (') had a symmetrical
 appearance.  Since I've been using xfree4 this has changed: the
 backtick is slanted backwards and the single quote is completely
 vertical.  How horrible!  Imagine how terrible my TeX-files will look!
 Can anyone tell me how to get my old fixed-font back, or how to `edit'
 this font?

As another poster said, you can change the default fixed font.  BTW, it
wouldn't affect you TeX-files at all, since TeX uses it's own fonts --
Computer Modern -- by default (others if you so choose).

#! /bin/sh
# ppp-address: What's my Internet Address for ppp0 ?
/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 2 /dev/null | grep 'inet addr:' | sed \

Debian 2.2 crashes with

2000-11-11 Thread Jatin Golani
Hi ppl,

let me first thank everyone that's been helping me.

I have a Debian 2.2 system..with GNOME and Window
Maker...on a pentium 133 Mhz..32 MB RAM...and 64 MB
Swapi've noticed this with Netscape 4.75 ...while
i'm trying to send mail using my webmail page...which
works fine in windows and has no Java,etc...if i type
a lot (i tried that with dummy data too)then
suddenly the system starts slowing down...the hard
disk starts running too mucheverything comes to a
crawl...if i go to another tty then it takes ages and
sometimes I get the message contionously VM:
do_try_to_free_pages; failed for kswapd...or netscape
of something or the otherand i cant even log onto
another tty or do anything elsehave to reboot.

Could someone explain the problem to meLinux is
supposed to be stable and i'm new to itwhat's the

Thanks a lot

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

Re: using cvs

2000-11-11 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 06:07:57PM +0100, Tomas Sanchez wrote:
 And I tried this whit the following result:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote

$ cvs -d:long pserver string checkout gote

You have to checkout the module. And the -z3 will have the transfer
be somewhat compressed (good for ppp connections).  When you want to
update the repository, just 'cd' into the 'gote' directory and run:

$ export CVSROOT=`cat CVS/Root`
$ cvs -z3 update -dP

There's a couple pretty good manuals about CVS as Debian packages --
cvsbook and cvs-doc.

#! /bin/sh
# ppp-address: What's my Internet Address for ppp0 ?
/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 2 /dev/null | grep 'inet addr:' | sed \

Prob: ne and ne2k-pci

2000-11-11 Thread André Esteves
Hi there!

I've had problems with ne and ne2k-pci modules.

kernel 2.2.17 - debian potato, with two ne2000 ethernet boards (one ISA,
the other PCI)

Although ne recognizes both boards it recommends the use os ne2k-pci for
the pci board. but when insmod ne2k-pci it will not recognize that

It seems that i need to make ne to only  install the isa board.

Can i have both ne and ne2k-pci working? How do i configure this mess...


Re: using cvs

2000-11-11 Thread Brent Buchholz
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 06:07:57PM +0100, Tomas Sanchez wrote:
 Hi, again!
 cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote \
 cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote \
 co modulename
 And I tried this whit the following result:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/gote

The error message that followed is the result of not giving cvs a command,
specifically login.  Try it again with login on the same line.


Would you like to play a game of hide and seek now?
If you have X-Ray eyes, promise not to peek now!
   --The Apples in Stereo Signal in the Sky (Let's Go)

Re: Fonts too big in XF 4.01

2000-11-11 Thread Brad
On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 02:08:48PM -0700, Hubert Chan wrote:
 AFAIK, XF4 defaults to 100dpi, while XF3 defaulted to 75dpi, so fonts
 specified using point sizes (1 point = 1/72 in) will be bigger.  Some
 applications specify fonts using pixel sizes, so they will stay the
 Start X with the -dpi 75 option.  IIRC, if you use the startx
 command, you call it as startx -- -dpi 75 If you use xdm, gdm, or kdm
 (or something else like that), you'll need to tell it to launch the X
 server with that option.  For xdm, edit the /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
 file, and add -dpi 75 to the end of the line that begins :0 local
 /usr/X11R6/bin/X11.  I'm not sure about the others.

One little-documented feature in X4 (that may change, but i hope not) is
the DisplaySize keyword in the Monitor section. I use that to tell X
that my monitor's displayable area is 319.024x239.268mm, and from that
and the pixel size X will calculate the DPI for me. Why it wants
millimeters, i don't know.

I did have to edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers, the default file passed
'-dpi 100' to X, which overrides this setting.

Even with this, the fonts in the Netscape controls were too large until
i put 75dpi before 100dpi in my font path... Or maybe i've just gotten
used to the too-small fonts from X3, so seeing them at the intended size
looked too big? ;)

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Workstation and IP-Masquerading

2000-11-11 Thread C. Falconer
Theres two options - you can do as you want and use one of the existing 
machines as a firewall/masq box etc, but it will have to be running 
linux.  It will work, but will be less secure, and more confusing than the 
second option.

Are you aware that any low-end pentium or 486 will work fine as a 
firewall?  it doesn't have to be a flash machine...  I was using a 486 SX33 
with 12 Mb ram and 500 Mb HD for about 12 months.  It doesn't need a 
monitor or keyboard (unless you want to display syslogd on it - herc mono 
monitors are very good for that.)   The other advantage of this is that 
things are easier all-round.

At 11:02 AM 11/11/00 +0100, you wrote:


I have two PC's at home and would like to share my internet connection
(DSL) between them. As I don't want a third computer here running all the time
I was thinking to enable IP-Masquerading on one of them and build a
firewall on it as well. It will be running Samba too. Nevertheless I'd like to
continue using these PC's as Workstations.

Does that seem to be a useful approach? I would really appreciate any
opions or suggestions you might have. TIA.


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Re: Installing on PS/1

2000-11-11 Thread C. Falconer

At 04:23 AM 11/11/00 -0800, you wrote:

I have a PS/1 machine type 2133, model type E26, with 3712kb of RAM.
I was trying to install debian compact set (from 1.44 floppies), and
got the following error after it tried to load the ramdisk,

do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapd
do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapper
do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapper

the errors repeat. Is this because I am running out  of RAM ?

Yes - debian's a bit of a cow there it needs 12 Mb of ram to do its 
thing, and it needs 8 to get far enough to make some swap space.  I had a 4 
Mb compaq concerto that did exactly the same until I added another 16 Mb 
ram.  In the meantime I installed smalllinux to see if it'd work.



Re: Dexter?

2000-11-11 Thread Mike
Neil Darlow wrote:
 On 11/10/00, 8:54:27 PM, Hubert Chan wrote:
  Try adding
  Option  NoAccel
  to the graphics device section in your XF86Config file (The section that 
  `Driver s3virge'.  It turns off hardware acceleration, so things may be
  slower, but at least it will work properly.
 Are we talking XFree86-3.3.x and XF86_S3V server here?

Nope.  This is X4 we're talking.

 I use S3 Virge/DX cards and follow the recommendation for using the
 XF86_SVGA server. The XAA features work nicely and a hardware cursor is
 implemented. A good compromise.

I used the SVGA server for some time.  But I kept having sporadic font
corruption under a few apps - Netscape and mutt were the most common - and
switched to the XF86_S3V server.  No more font corruption after that.  But
now I'm using X4, so it's a past issue for me now.  So far, it's working
well.  Not obviously better in any way, but no worse either.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: disk hot-swap utilities

2000-11-11 Thread kmself
on Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 11:42:30AM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hash: SHA1
 On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 05:21:11PM -0800, wrote:
   I recently had the opportunity to use a FreeBSD feature that I found
   extremely cool.  I had built a machine, set it up as a server, deployed
   the server, then realized I needed to add a disk.  The machine and OS
   support hot-swapping SCSI disks, so I was able to add a whole new disk,
   previously 100% unknown to the system, without ever rebooting.  The tool
   to control the SCSI bus is called camcontrol on FreeBSD.  My question
   is, how is this done in Linux and Debian?  Is the functionality as
   mature and good?
  Not my area of expertise, but I believe this is specific to RAID
  features.  I'd look to Linux-kernel specific documenation on this.

FYI, I prefer on-list responses.  This protects both of us -- me from
random queries, you from my underinformed knowledge.

 Hmm.  That's unfortunate.  I have heard some people mention some
 shortcomings in the kernel device naming scheme.  E.g. /dev/sda is
 always the scsi disk with the lowest (?) SCSI ID.  That would seem to
 prevent Linux from being able to handle hot swapping the way FreeBSD
 does.  It seems that if this is the case, then hot-swapping in a new
 disk could rename your boot device from e.g. /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1 or
 something bad like that.

My understanding is that the RAID interface itself provides single point
of contact for the device.  Physical arrangements beneath this are
handled by the RAID interface, and are transparent to the kernel or
remainder of the OS.  Again, I'd strongly recommend you read the
relevant docs.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: horrible single `quotes' in font fixed

2000-11-11 Thread Dan Christensen
Eric G . Miller writes:
 On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 02:39:47PM +0100, Richard P. Groenewegen wrote:
  I've used the font `fixed' as long as I can remember and I liked the
  fact that the backtick (`) and the single quote (') had a symmetrical
  appearance.  Since I've been using xfree4 this has changed: the
  backtick is slanted backwards and the single quote is completely
  vertical.  How horrible!  Imagine how terrible my TeX-files will look!
  Can anyone tell me how to get my old fixed-font back, or how to `edit'
  this font?
 As another poster said, you can change the default fixed font.  

But the question is, where did the old fixed font go?  Can it be
included in the distribution?  Or is there some other place to
find it?  I also liked it better.

 BTW, it
 wouldn't affect you TeX-files at all, since TeX uses it's own fonts --
 Computer Modern -- by default (others if you so choose).

I think he was referring to the .tex source files.  They do look funny
with unsymmetrical quotes.

While we are talking about fonts, does anyone know why the italic
version of the default fixed font looks to bad?  (I'm referring to
the default italic font that shows up in emacs, for example.)  It
has very blotchy vertical lines.


Dan Christensen

Printing problem

2000-11-11 Thread Paul
Hi everybody,

I am having problems getting my printing working.
When I try to print I get this error message

Hi everybody,

I am having a problem getting my printer working.
I have upgraded from Corel Linux 1.2 to a full Woody distro.
The printing that was setup in corel broke which I expected so I
installed printtool and the necessary dependent files.I can create a
but if I try to print I get Get_local_host: hostname
'' bad.
I am using an ADSL client called roaring penguin which uses PPPOE.The
name of the 
machine is paulmt and the ADSL provider is

If anybody could help me it would be appreciated.


Re: signing gpg key with old key ...

2000-11-11 Thread kmself
on Thu, Nov 09, 2000 at 09:35:56AM -0600, Jorgensen, Jens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Adam Shand wrote:
   how do i sign my new public key with my old private key?
  okay sorry to follow up my own message but i just figured it out.
  sometimes it seems that i have to write down (or explain it to someone
  else) in order to figure it out.
  if you need to do this it seems impossible from with in the --edit-key
  menu you need to do it on the command line like this:
  # gpg -u old-key-id --sign-key new-key-id
  so now my next question is.  my old key id is expired but i've used it to
  sign my new key.  i don't want people to use my old key.
  should i revoke my old key or will that illegitimize it's signature on my
  new key?
  should i move the expire date on my old key (and update the keys server)?
  if i do that how do i stop people from using it?

 The tools people use for sending you stuff should tell them that the
 key is expired. That should encourage them not to use it. If you
 revoke your old key that certainly invalidates the signature.
 Technically you can't change the expire date. I mean there's nothing
 to stop the software from changing the date and regenerating the
 signature but the server *should* recognize this and reject such a
 change since the old signature includes the expiration date.

My understanding is that you *can* change the expiration date, though
typically you wouldn't do so after the key had expired.  The change can
be propogated through public keyservers.

Question for the gallery:  Is there a good method for checking a local
keyring against a public keyserver to find updates and/or additional
signatures.  The best I can do right now is list the key IDs I've got
and do a 'gpg --recv-keys' to update this list.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Getting new keys (was Re: signing gpg key with old key ...)

2000-11-11 Thread Mike wrote:
 Question for the gallery:  Is there a good method for checking a local
 keyring against a public keyserver to find updates and/or additional
 signatures.  The best I can do right now is list the key IDs I've got
 and do a 'gpg --recv-keys' to update this list.

From my ~/.gnupg/options:

# GnuPG can import a key from a HKP keyerver if one is missing
# for sercain operations. Is you set this option to a keyserver
# you will be asked in such a case whether GnuPG should try to
# import the key from that server (server do syncronize with each
# others and DNS Round-Robin may give you a random server each time).
# Use host -l | grep www to figure out a keyserver.

That lets my system query a keyserver anytime a new key comes along, whether
it be a signed email or whatever.  This is how I've gotten all but a very few
of the keys used on this list, including yours if I remember correctly.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
  | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E| for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV | beginning of all unwisdom.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 2.2 crashes with

2000-11-11 Thread kmself
on Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 12:02:24PM -0800, Jatin Golani ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hi ppl,
 let me first thank everyone that's been helping me.
 I have a Debian 2.2 system..with GNOME and Window Maker...on a pentium
 133 Mhz..32 MB RAM...and 64 MB Swapi've noticed this with Netscape
 4.75 ...while i'm trying to send mail using my webmail page...which
 works fine in windows and has no Java,etc...if i type a lot (i tried
 that with dummy data too)then suddenly the system starts slowing
 down...the hard disk starts running too mucheverything comes to a
 crawl...if i go to another tty then it takes ages and sometimes I get
 the message contionously VM: do_try_to_free_pages; failed for
 kswapd...or netscape of something or the otherand i cant even log
 onto another tty or do anything elsehave to reboot.
 Could someone explain the problem to meLinux is supposed to be
 stable and i'm new to itwhat's the prob

This isn't a crash, it's a system slowdown.  Almost certainly resulting
from insufficient free memory.  Netscape is a memory pig, and 32 MB RAM
is almost certainly insufficient given the clients you're running --
GNOME is also fairly intensive.

Get more memory, get a better box, or ditch GNOME and/or Netscape.  96 -
128 MB is recommended for a typical current-generation workstation.

You can view system memory utilization with the command 'free':

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 95608  93704   1904  30496   3844  20256
-/+ buffers/cache:  69604  26004
Swap:   403772  99344 304428

...While GNU/Linux tends to utilized all available memory, what you want
to look at are the swap usage (97 MB in my case), and the 'buffers' and
'cached' values.  More swap use means you've got programs swapped out to
disk.  High values of swap mean there's not enough active memory for
software.  Buffers and cache are opportunistic use of memory for
recently read data -- I can essentially subtract 20 MB from my memory
utilization as this memory will be freed as it's needed (though this
then slows down disk access by making less memory available for

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting new keys (was Re: signing gpg key with old key ...)

2000-11-11 Thread kmself
on Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 05:17:43PM -0500, Mike ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: wrote:
  Question for the gallery:  Is there a good method for checking a local
  keyring against a public keyserver to find updates and/or additional
  signatures.  The best I can do right now is list the key IDs I've got
  and do a 'gpg --recv-keys' to update this list.
 From my ~/.gnupg/options:
 # GnuPG can import a key from a HKP keyerver if one is missing


 That lets my system query a keyserver anytime a new key comes along,
 whether it be a signed email or whatever.  This is how I've gotten all
 but a very few of the keys used on this list, including yours if I
 remember correctly.

This isn't the problem.  I've got the same configuration in my
.gnupg/options file.

I've got 400+ keys.  What I'd like to do is update any signatures,
revocations, or expiry date changes for these keys.  The gpg --recv-keys
command I'm running right now (see prior post) is the only way I can
think of to update this key data.  It appears to be working, but it's
not the cleanest process.

There are two general problems with a public key infrastructure:

  - Key distribution (the 'keyserver' line handles this).
  - Key modification updates.  

The second is the problem I'm tryin to resolve.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Joystick troubles

2000-11-11 Thread Juergen Fiedler

I am trying to get a joystick (any joystick) connected to my Woody
system and I was hoping to get some helpful hints from you people.
I have a SB Awe32 and I am trying to get a Logitech Wingman to work with
its gameport. I tried the same with a Sidewinder pad - same result.
I compiled support for traditional and Sidewinder sticks as modules.
I ran the following file through isapnp:

(READPORT 0x0273)

(CONFIGURE CTL00c3/361933426 (LD 0
(INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
(IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
(IO 1 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
(IO 2 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))
(NAME CTL00c3/361933426[0]{Audio   })
(ACT Y)))

(CONFIGURE CTL00c3/361933426 (LD 1
# Compatible device id PNPb02f
# ANSI string --Game--
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0200))(ACT Y)))

(CONFIGURE CTL00c3/361933426 (LD 2
(IO 0 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0620))
 (NAME CTL00c3/361933426[2]{WaveTable   })
(ACT Y)))

This is supposed to activate the game port of the Awe32 at I/O port
After that, I tried an 'insmod joystick' - no problem.
But a 'modprobe joy-analog js_an=0x200,0x003b' gave me the following
error message:

/lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/joy-analog.o: init_module: Device or resource
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/joy-analog.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/joy-analog.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.17/misc/joy-analog.o: insmod joy-analog failed

What do I have to do to get this joystick (or any joystick) working?
Any support would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Getting new keys (was Re: signing gpg key with old key ...)

2000-11-11 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, wrote:
 There are two general problems with a public key infrastructure:
   - Key distribution (the 'keyserver' line handles this).
   - Key modification updates.  

See attached script. Modify it for your needs, or write a new one that isn't
such an ugly hack :-)

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh
## GNUPG Maintenance script

### User-defined parameters

## Read-Only keyrings
ROKEYRINGS=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.pgp

## Keyserver list

PROG=`basename $0`

set +e

if test -x /usr/bin/time; then

runupdate() {
	# Does an update run
	gpg --batch --list-keys --fast-list | grep ^pub\  | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed s/^.*\\/// | xargs -r ${TIMECMD} gpg -q --batch --lock-multiple --recv-key $@

## First, update public ring from any readonly keyrings

echo ${PROG}: Updating RW keyring from RO keyrings...
echo ${PROG}: Keyrings: ${ROKEYRINGS}

${TIMECMD} gpg --batch --quiet --fast-import ${ROKEYRINGS}


## Now, refresh key data from dynamic sources

echo ${PROG}: Requesting fresh key data from public keyservers...

for i in ${KEYSERVERS} ; do 
	echo ${PROG}: Keyserver ${i}...
	runupdate --keyserver ${i}

## Now, rebuild database

echo ${PROG}: Rebuilding trust database...
gpg --batch --quiet --update-trustdb

echo ${PROG}: DONE.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 2.2 crashes with

2000-11-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi there. 

Before spending money on a new system you should 
really think about switching to a more Unix like way 
of handling mail. 

There are several programs which are very powerful 
when dealing with mail, and because they are used 
at the shell or out of a script they don't consume 
nearly as much memory as Netscape or Gnome. 

For example I use a combination of 
exim, fetchmail, procmail and mutt.
(I assume you have a dialup internet connection, too
 otherwise fetchmail is not needed)

-Exim delivers local and remote mail, 
-fetchmail gets your messages of the server
  (can be configured to check all your e-mail 
   addresses in one run)
-procmail sorts the messages to various files, 
  (is not needed but very useful if you are 
   subscribed to a few mailinglists)
-mutt finally is a text-based mail reader

Hope I convinced you ;-)


|  Escape the |  
|  Gates of hell. |  
| | 
|  Use Linux. |   

/bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory

2000-11-11 Thread Art Lemasters
  I am running woody.

  Running dselect in apt access mode, none of the upgrade
packages will install.  I also tried running apt-get.
The error message when trying to install is

/bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory
E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt returned an error
code (127) E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure
--apt ~

/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure *is* there and contains less than 127
  How can I fix this system so that it will upgrade for
the time being?

  Please reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for now, as I have no
e-mail account that will handle the volume of debian-user, yet.

Art Lemasters

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

Crystal CS4236B-104 with ALSA?

2000-11-11 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Has anybody managed to get the above sound chip working under 
Debian 2.2, using ALSA?

I've browsed the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archives for two
hours now. Plenty of people have had problems, nobody has
posted with a solution. Perhaps they've solved their own
problems, and not bothered to report back to the list?

I won't bother with posting my symptoms, they are identical
with most of the posts in the archive, concerning this chip. 
I'm not even sure if it is supposed to work at all ;-)

Any success story gratefully received!

  // \\
 /(   )\

Re: using cvs

2000-11-11 Thread Colin Watson
Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i set up procmail filter which sends all messages do debian-* lists to
special folder.

* ^Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Note that this won't cope with cc'ed or bcc'ed messages. Consider using
Resent-Sender: or X-Mailing-List: instead.

Well in THIS case it didn't work... could anybody tell me why doesn't this
message contain any of these headers ?

Maybe your mail server and/or procmail got confused by this rubbish

- Lines: 23
- : : :-
- : : :_
- Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The blank line just after Lines: seems to suggest that something isn't
fully RFC822-compliant in its header parsing: as far as I know, '-'
or whatever is a legal header name. My mail server (exim), my exim
filters, and my mail-to-news software handled it just fine. (Although if
you'd asked me beforehand about whether mailtonews would cope I'd have
said umm, not sure ...)

All the same, Tomas, if your odd mail headers are causing difficulty for
people then you might want to consider moving that stuff to a .signature
file or something.


Solved: Now X-Windows Problem: Re: /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory

2000-11-11 Thread Art Lemasters
  I solved the problem by reinstalling perl 5.6 via dpkg.

  Now there is another serious problem.  When x-windows
starts up via xdm, the screen goes blank and the whole
machine locks-up.  I had to use the rescue disk to mount
the hard drive and stop xdm from starting to reboot, get
into lynx and send this mail.  *...can't find any error
messages* or anything.  This has been happening since last
night's upgrade (woody).  ...any ideas?

  Please reply to this address as I am still looking for
an outside account that will handle the debian-user volume.

Art Lemasters

--- Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am running woody.

   Running dselect in apt access mode, none of the upgrade
 packages will install.  I also tried running apt-get.
 The error message when trying to install is

 /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory
 E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt returned an error
 code (127) E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure
 --apt ~

 /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure *is* there and contains less than 127
   How can I fix this system so that it will upgrade for
 the time being?

   Please reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for now, as I have no
 e-mail account that will handle the volume of debian-user, yet.

 Art Lemasters

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

  We shall serve God, family and country, in that order,
because without the one before it, each would perish.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

Re: signing gpg key with old key ...

2000-11-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 02:01:35PM -0800, wrote:
 My understanding is that you *can* change the expiration date, though
 typically you wouldn't do so after the key had expired.  The change can
 be propogated through public keyservers.

the problem is most implemenatations thing the expiration cannot be
changed and won't integrate the change.  (proprietary PGP, SafeMail
etc all assume this)  im not even sure all the keyservers will accept
a expiration change.  

 Question for the gallery:  Is there a good method for checking a local
 keyring against a public keyserver to find updates and/or additional
 signatures.  The best I can do right now is list the key IDs I've got
 and do a 'gpg --recv-keys' to update this list.

i don't know of a quick way no.  there should be something like gpg
--refresh-keyring or something.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory

2000-11-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 03:20:50PM -0800, Art Lemasters wrote:
   I am running woody.
   Running dselect in apt access mode, none of the upgrade
 packages will install.  I also tried running apt-get.
 The error message when trying to install is
 /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory
 E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt returned an error
 code (127) E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure
 --apt ~
 /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure *is* there and contains less than 127
   How can I fix this system so that it will upgrade for
 the time being?

looks like you got caught by dpkg 1.7.0 which has a broken
update-alternatives, this caused /usr/bin/perl to be deleted that is
the error your getting.  

create a /usr/bin/perl symlink yourself to fix it, usually its a link
to /etc/alternatives/perl which is a link to /usr/bin/perl-5.005 or
perl-5.6 something in your case (the perl upgrade is how the link got

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Solved: Now X-Windows Problem: Re: /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory

2000-11-11 Thread Alessandro Ghigi

Hi I am using woody and I am having the same problem. Last Sunday I did an 
upgrade and got the new XFree 4. Since then quite a few things have been 
getting worse and worse. The worst is that since 2 days starting X makes the 
screen black and the machine locks-up. Actually I don't think the machine is 
locked, it is just unable to read the keyboard (and mouse). While I was looking 
sadly at the black screen, anacron started the usual updatedb and did it fine 
(as far as I can guess from the noise!).

Other problems have been 
a) while using X, text is displayed well, but the characters I type are 
displayed too close to each other, so that it's impossible to read them.
b) suspend to disk works only from time to time.

Till now I have not succeded in fizing this. In case I can, I'll tell you.


  From: Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/116938
  Precedence: list
  Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I solved the problem by reinstalling perl 5.6 via dpkg.
Now there is another serious problem.  When x-windows
  starts up via xdm, the screen goes blank and the whole
  machine locks-up.  I had to use the rescue disk to mount
  the hard drive and stop xdm from starting to reboot, get
  into lynx and send this mail.  *...can't find any error
  messages* or anything.  This has been happening since last
  night's upgrade (woody).  ...any ideas?
Please reply to this address as I am still looking for
  an outside account that will handle the debian-user volume.
  Art Lemasters
  --- Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am running woody.
 Running dselect in apt access mode, none of the upgrade
   packages will install.  I also tried running apt-get.
   The error message when trying to install is
   /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory
   E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt returned an error
   code (127) E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure
   --apt ~
   /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure *is* there and contains less than 127
 How can I fix this system so that it will upgrade for
   the time being?
 Please reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for now, as I have no
   e-mail account that will handle the volume of debian-user, yet.
   Art Lemasters
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!
We shall serve God, family and country, in that order,
  because without the one before it, each would perish.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Prob: ne and ne2k-pci

2000-11-11 Thread John Bagdanoff
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 08:10:59PM +, Andr? Esteves wrote:
 Hi there!
 I've had problems with ne and ne2k-pci modules.
 kernel 2.2.17 - debian potato, with two ne2000 ethernet boards (one ISA,
 the other PCI)
 Although ne recognizes both boards it recommends the use os ne2k-pci for
 the pci board. but when insmod ne2k-pci it will not recognize that
 It seems that i need to make ne to only  install the isa board.
 Can i have both ne and ne2k-pci working? How do i configure this mess...

I have these 2 cards in my box, I compiled the ne2k-pci into the kernel:

and the ne, I compiled as a module:

Both then are recognized upon bootup.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Using Linux

nfs problems: can't find request slot

2000-11-11 Thread Colin McMillen
I have a shared /home directory under two machines: a box called
strago, running OpenBSD 2.7, and a box called shadow, running woody.

/home is an entire harddisk on strago, mounted on shadow through NFS.

The line I use in fstab to mount /home is:
strago:/home /home nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

Lately, the nfs connection to strago has been dying, for unknown
reasons, causing shadow to crash hard. (No ctrl-alt-del, Magic SysRq
Key, or any of that will work, nor can I telnet/ssh in from another host
and reboot from there.) This has been happening more and more
frequently, to the point that it has now occurred 5 times today.

Sometimes, if I can tell that the NFS connection has died, I can
quickly umount /home as root and remount it again, at which point
everything ends up working fine, with no crashes or anything.

The error messages I get (as logged in /var/log/messages) are as

Nov 11 19:12:46 shadow kernel: nfs: server strago not responding, still
Nov 11 19:13:01 shadow kernel: nfs: task 4940 can't get a request slot
Nov 11 19:13:02 shadow kernel: nfs: task 4954 can't get a request slot
Nov 11 19:13:09 shadow kernel: nfs: task 4955 can't get a request slot
Nov 11 19:14:47 shadow kernel: nfs: task 4956 can't get a request slot

It's not a (physical) connection problem between the two machines
(at least as far as I can tell) ... status LEDs on both NICs still blink, 
and the connection will work fine after the Debian box has been rebooted or
if I can quickly umount  remount /home. 

On the OpenBSD end, I was running nfsd with the options -tun 4 (which
means serve tcp and udp clients, with 4 servers. By advisory of the
OpedBSD mailing list, I pumped the # of servers up to 16, but the
problems persist. The machine isn't being used to export NFS to anywhere
else, so 16 servers should be more than enough for my needs (right?)

Anyone have any ideas on what's going wrong, and what I can try to fix

Thanks a lot, folks.

- Colin McMillen

Formating partitions

2000-11-11 Thread Clayton Stapleton
Hi Folks;
Is there a program that will write zeros to a Linux
partition? I need to clean up a hard drive and doing
a mke2fs does not erase the old data, so that is not
a formatting program.
The reason is that with each new installation of
Debian 2.2 I get worse and worse response from the
Clayton Stapleton
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Re: Formating partitions

2000-11-11 Thread CaT
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 06:32:24PM -0700, Clayton Stapleton wrote:
 Hi Folks;
 Is there a program that will write zeros to a Linux
 partition? I need to clean up a hard drive and doing
 a mke2fs does not erase the old data, so that is not
 a formatting program.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/partition
mke2fs /dev/partition


'We do more then just sing and dance. We've got a brain too.'
-- The Backstreet Boys

Re: Solved: Now X-Windows Problem: Re: /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory

2000-11-11 Thread Art Lemasters
   I forgot how to list the startup information (errors, etc.)
for X-Windows.  ...anyone remember how to do this?  ...might
help with a solution.  CC me with the answer, please.  Thanks.

Art Lemasters

--- Alessandro Ghigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I am using woody and I am having the same problem. Last Sunday I
 did an upgrade and got the new XFree 4. Since then quite a few
things  have been getting worse and worse. The worst is that since 2
days  starting X makes the screen black and the machine locks-up.
Actually  I don't think the machine is locked, it is just unable to
read the  keyboard (and mouse). While I was looking sadly at the
black screen,  anacron started the usual updatedb and did it fine
(as far as I can  guess from the noise!).

 Other problems have been
 a) while using X, text is displayed well, but the characters I type
 are displayed too close to each other, so that it's impossible to
 read them.
 b) suspend to disk works only from time to time.

 Till now I have not succeded in fizing this. In case I can, I'll
tell  you.


   From: Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   Precedence: list
   Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I solved the problem by reinstalling perl 5.6 via dpkg.
 Now there is another serious problem.  When x-windows
   starts up via xdm, the screen goes blank and the whole
   machine locks-up.  I had to use the rescue disk to mount
   the hard drive and stop xdm from starting to reboot, get
   into lynx and send this mail.  *...can't find any error
   messages* or anything.  This has been happening since last
   night's upgrade (woody).  ...any ideas?
 Please reply to this address as I am still looking for
   an outside account that will handle the debian-user volume.
   Art Lemasters
   --- Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am running woody.
  Running dselect in apt access mode, none of the upgrade
packages will install.  I also tried running apt-get.
The error message when trying to install is
/bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or
directory E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt
returned an  error
code (127) E: Failure running script
/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt
/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure *is* there and contains less than
  How can I fix this system so that it will upgrade for
the time being?
  Please reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for now, as I have
no e-mail account that will handle the volume of debian-user,
yet. Thanks!
Art Lemasters
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!
 We shall serve God, family and country, in that order,
   because without the one before it, each would perish.
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  We shall serve God, family and country, in that order,
because without the one before it, each would perish.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

Tulip networks cards

2000-11-11 Thread Ian Lee

I have been trying to find the module for a tulip 
network card in the insallation disks, but have not succeeded.

Are tulip cards supported and do i intialize the 
it is usuallay options=0 with a module called 

Please help


Re: signing gpg key with old key ...

2000-11-11 Thread kmself
on Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 03:43:37PM -0900, Ethan Benson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 02:01:35PM -0800, wrote:
  My understanding is that you *can* change the expiration date, though
  typically you wouldn't do so after the key had expired.  The change can
  be propogated through public keyservers.
 the problem is most implemenatations thing the expiration cannot be
 changed and won't integrate the change.  (proprietary PGP, SafeMail
 etc all assume this)  im not even sure all the keyservers will accept
 a expiration change.  
  Question for the gallery:  Is there a good method for checking a local
  keyring against a public keyserver to find updates and/or additional
  signatures.  The best I can do right now is list the key IDs I've got
  and do a 'gpg --recv-keys' to update this list.
 i don't know of a quick way no.  there should be something like gpg
 --refresh-keyring or something.

I ran my own little thang:

gpg --list-keys | grep '^pub' | awk '{ print $2}' |
sed -e '/^.*\//s///'  keylist
gpg --recv-keys `cat keylist``

...which did the job.  I'll time a run -- 496 keys I've got now.  Takes
a while at 56K.  And there were a number of updates -- signatures and
the like.

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Tulip networks cards

2000-11-11 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I have been trying to find the module for a tulip network card in the
 insallation disks, but have not succeeded.

What specific make and model of tulip is it?  Some of them aren't
supported by the shipped drivers.

 Are tulip cards supported and do i intialize the module,
 it is usuallay options=0 with a module called tulip.

The tulip module works fine - try specifying *no* options when you load
the driver.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: nfs problems: can't find request slot

2000-11-11 Thread Brian May
 Colin == Colin McMillen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Colin Anyone have any ideas on what's going wrong, and what I can
Colin try to fix it?

I sometimes get these errors, and then suddenly everything comes

ie. the same behaviour I might expect if I pulled the network plug out
for 60 seconds...

Sorry, I don't know why this should happen. Somebody once suggested it
might help to upgrade my coaxial network to a twisted pair network

e2fsck permission denied, file system read only, ...

2000-11-11 Thread Paindavoine, Matthieu \(MPAINDAV\)

I recently decided to make my computer slimmer, and removed a couple of
packages (mostly related to emacs). Shortly after, vim wouldn't work
anymore, giving errors with cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory, although that lib was there... And when I ended up
rebooting the whole thing, it didn't get passed the fsck, saying that the
root file system is mounted read only. I looked at /sbin/e2fsck, and it's
permission is set to br-xr-S--x, so I can't fire it up.
I welcome any suggestion (what else can I do at this point!). Thanks!


Bunches of virtual consoles

2000-11-11 Thread William T Wilson
So suppose I wanted to have more than 12 virtual consoles on my system,
but I only have 12 F-keys to select them with.

I know the kernel supports up to 255... is there any way to use more than

Re: Bunches of virtual consoles

2000-11-11 Thread C. Falconer

Yup - allocate 13-24 and you can use right-alt + F1-12

from 25 upwards you need to use alt + left/right arrow to get to them

At 11:28 PM 11/11/00 -0500, you wrote:

So suppose I wanted to have more than 12 virtual consoles on my system,
but I only have 12 F-keys to select them with.

I know the kernel supports up to 255... is there any way to use more than

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X 4.01 gives blank screen

2000-11-11 Thread Bob Nielsen
After the upgrade X gives me a blank screen.  Fortunately I can still
use 3.3.6, but I would like to get 4.01 working.  I have a generic pci
video card with a Cirrus 5430 chip and 2 MB.  I captured the startx
messages and saw the following listed as errors:

(EE) CIRRUS(0): No valid MMIO address in PCI config space
(EE) CIRRUS(0): I2C initialization failed

Any clues?

Bainbridge Island, WA

Debian potato / KDE2 - deb's

2000-11-11 Thread matthschulz
After doing an apt-get dist-upgrade (with stopped kdm) today I'm not longer
able to work with KDE2. kdm starts and gives me the blue backgound only.
Sometimes - I could not figure out yet under what conditions - it gives me the
kdm-login window but without icons and it wont take any keyboardinput.

When I start KDE2 from console it starts up but it gives me the desktop with
icons only - no panel. Rightclick brings the menu but logout does nothing.

Kernel 2.2.17, 128MB, (plenty of HDspace)

Anyone expirienced this or similar things or any tip how to fix this? 


Re: e2fsck permission denied, file system read only, ...

2000-11-11 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 10:58:14PM -0500, Paindavoine, Matthieu (MPAINDAV) 
 I recently decided to make my computer slimmer, and removed a couple of
 packages (mostly related to emacs). Shortly after, vim wouldn't work
 anymore, giving errors with cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or directory, although that lib was there... And when I ended up
 rebooting the whole thing, it didn't get passed the fsck, saying that the
 root file system is mounted read only. I looked at /sbin/e2fsck, and it's
 permission is set to br-xr-S--x, so I can't fire it up.

uh nice, fsck is fscked ;-)  

thats a setgid, not group executable not world readable block device.  

 I welcome any suggestion (what else can I do at this point!). Thanks!

your filesystem is corrupted, hopefully not too severely but you will
need to boot from a rescue floppy to fsck / and then see what is still
hosed after that, you will likely need to reinstall e2fsprogs, and
perhaps some other packages if you find further corrupted files.  

what kernel are you running?  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bunches of virtual consoles

2000-11-11 Thread William T Wilson
On Sun, 12 Nov 2000, C. Falconer wrote:

 Yup - allocate 13-24 and you can use right-alt + F1-12

Rock on.  I will never run out of logins again!  :}

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