Permission denied.

2001-08-11 Thread krst

Czy wie ktos moze jak zrobic cos takiego:
gdy z poziomu usera uruchamiam komende wymagajaca uprawnien superusera
zamiast Permission denied dostaje zapytanie o haslo i jezeli dobrze
podane, to komenda jest wykonywana z prawami su?
Widzialem juz cos takiego kiedys w akcji (chyba na jakims redhacie, ale
glowy nie dam) wiec moze ktos z was wie jak to mozna zrobic i czy wogole
da sie...

Z gory wielkie dzieki,

Re: Permission denied.

2001-08-11 Thread Michal Szota
On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 06:00:48PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Czy wie ktos moze jak zrobic cos takiego:
 gdy z poziomu usera uruchamiam komende wymagajaca uprawnien superusera
 zamiast Permission denied dostaje zapytanie o haslo i jezeli dobrze
 podane, to komenda jest wykonywana z prawami su?
 Widzialem juz cos takiego kiedys w akcji (chyba na jakims redhacie, ale
 glowy nie dam) wiec moze ktos z was wie jak to mozna zrobic i czy wogole
 da sie...

man sudo

Michał Szota

Tłumaczenie - pytanie techniczne

2001-08-11 Thread Jakub Krajewski

Jak podchodzić do sformułowań typu man czy GUI, starać się przetłumaczyć
( w przypadku GUI potrzebne byłoby nawet pełne rozwinięcie bo skrótu
GIU raczej nikt od razu nie odcyfruje ;-) czy też pozostawić w oryginale?

Interesuje mnie przede wszystkim man, podręcznik systemowy czy też po prostu 
man? Być może na jakiejś stronie znajdę wytyczne? Byłbym wdzięczny za 

Jakub Krajewski | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ 15671406

Re: Tłumaczeni e - pytanie techniczne

2001-08-11 Thread Krzysztof Krzyzaniak
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 10:29:45PM +0200, Jakub Krajewski wrote:
 Jak podchodzić do sformułowań typu man czy GUI, starać się przetłumaczyć
 ( w przypadku GUI potrzebne byłoby nawet pełne rozwinięcie bo skrótu
 GIU raczej nikt od razu nie odcyfruje ;-) czy też pozostawić w oryginale?
 Interesuje mnie przede wszystkim man, podręcznik systemowy czy też po prostu 
 man? Być może na jakiejś stronie znajdę wytyczne? Byłbym wdzięczny za 

Manual lub podręcznik. Reszta zależy od kontekstu.

   (Krzysztof 'eloy' Krzyżaniak)-(PH  PWA Member)-([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Scripting en Bash(maybe Off-topic)

2001-08-11 Thread Santiago Vila
 Los elementos de mi empresa me han puesto a dar un curso de Unix y hasta el
 momento ha ido todo bien.Los tios a los que les estoy dando el curso son
 nulos en Unix,pero son programadores en plataforma Win.Bueno hasta aqui todo
 normal pero ahora el ultimo dia del curso,o sea el Lunes que nos viene
 encima,tengo que darles 5 horas de Scripting en Bash y la verdad es que no
 tengo el tema como para darles todo ese tiempo.Me gustaria por favor que
 alguien me comentara si es tan amable donde prodria encontrar informacion al
 respecto en castellano con ejemplos y demas porque estoy hasta el gorro de
 leer en Ingles.

Es curioso que en tal caso prefieras decir off topic en lugar de
fuera de tema, que es como se expresaría esa misma idea en español,
pero en fin ;-)

[ Para tu tranquilidad, GNU bash *no* se sale del tema de la lista ].

Hay un libro muy interesante que habla entre otras cosas sobre programación
en shell (en el shell de Bourne, esto es /bin/sh, que es el que se
debería usar para ser portable).

El libro se llama El entorno de programación Unix, y está en español.
Los autores son Brian W. Kernighan y Rob Pike, y la editorial es
Prentice Hall.

No es por hacer publicidad, pero me parece un libro precioso.

Espero que te sirva.

Re: UID de usuarios

2001-08-11 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 11:43:13AM +0200, Alfonso wrote:
 Yo creo que no hay ninguna regla, a mi entender, sólo hay dos tipos de UID: 
 el 0
 (cero) y cualquier otro por debajo de 65535 me parece. El UID=0 se le asigna
 inicialmente al usuario de nombre root, y es el UID=0 el que tiene 
 no el usuario root. El resto de UID's se asignan a los distintos usuarios
 cuales sean únicamente para distinguirlos.

En Debian, en particular, los UIDs  99 (por política) se encuentran
asignados de antemano por el paquete base-passwd.


Saludos: Configurar X-Windows

2001-08-11 Thread Francisca Ceballos

  Hola a todos, es mi primer mensaje a esta lista,
seguro que vendran muchos mas :), espero que no solo 
para consultar...

  Estoy instalando Debian en un 486, y ha llegado el
momento de configurar con XF86Setup, pero no encuentro
la configuracion para el mouse, he probado todas las
combinaciones posibles. En una S.u.S.E. en el mismo
ordenador, elegia cua0 y Microsoft y perfecto(en
potato no tengo ya el cuax). Tengo entendido que
quizas sea por el X-server usado por defecto que es
VGA16 y que no tiene soporte para raton, ?, en
fin, si quiero cambiarlo, ¿que paquetes tendria que
instalar? ¿voy bien?...
  En el 486 me haria falta VGA, pero tambien voy a
instalar en otro y necesitare SVGA...

 Gracias, saludos

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Re: Saludos: Configurar X-Windows

2001-08-11 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
El sáb, día 11 de ago de 2001, a las 01:11:34 +0200, Francisca Ceballos decía:

   Hola a todos, es mi primer mensaje a esta lista,
 seguro que vendran muchos mas :), espero que no solo 
 para consultar...
   Estoy instalando Debian en un 486, y ha llegado el
 momento de configurar con XF86Setup, pero no encuentro
 la configuracion para el mouse, he probado todas las
 combinaciones posibles. En una S.u.S.E. en el mismo
 ordenador, elegia cua0 y Microsoft y perfecto(en
 potato no tengo ya el cuax). Tengo entendido que
 quizas sea por el X-server usado por defecto que es
 VGA16 y que no tiene soporte para raton, ?, en
 fin, si quiero cambiarlo, ¿que paquetes tendria que
 instalar? ¿voy bien?...
   En el 486 me haria falta VGA, pero tambien voy a
 instalar en otro y necesitare SVGA...
Hola. Primero darte la bienvenida. Ya está :-)

A ver, esto viene en el XFree86-HOWTO:

  XF86Config may assume that your mouse device is /dev/mouse.  If you
  find this doesn't work, you may need to link /dev/mouse to whatever
  /dev/ca[01] the mouse is on.   If you find that XFree86 gives you a
  mouse busy error when gpm is running, you may need to link to
  /dev/ttyS[01] instead.

Si te funciona en consola debería funcionar sin problemas en las X. Para ver si 
en consola te funciona, instala el paquete gpm y configura el ratón con 
gpmconfig. Además, recuerda que en Debian los /dev/ttyS* (imagino que tendrás 
tu ratón en /dev/ttyS0, que es el com1 de DOS) corresponden con los /dev/cua* 
de otras distros.

Espero que sirva. Si dudas algo pregunta (dentro de nada serás tu quien 
conteste, ya lo verás). Un saludo.
Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán  |  Badajoz - Spain | Usuario Linux #184967
Desde Toshiba2140CDS | Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
mail -s gpg public key [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null 

Description: PGP signature

problemas en ventanas de gnome.

2001-08-11 Thread El Debianita User
Saludos Debiantias!!!
Esta es mi consulta,tengo gnome como entorno de escritorio y hay un
detalle molesto,es que cada vez que quiero minimizar una ventana esta no
se minimiza en la barra de tareas sino que desaparece como si yo
realizara un kill -9 pid... ,si bien entre en el menu de configuracion
de ventanas(en ingles)y hay una opcion para minimizar ventanas aun no he
podido encontrar la solucion...
Por otro lado halguien conoce halguna lista de correo de gnome en
Juan Ortiz


2001-08-11 Thread El Debianita User
Saludos Debianitas!!
Pues eso cuales serian los pasos basicos a seguir para hacer funcionar
una tarjeta de sonido en potato?
Tengo una placa integrada a la placa madre y se que es pci el SuSE (mi
anterior distribucion la habia tomado sin problemas),y se que potato lo
hara,pero como?

Re: problemas en ventanas de gnome.

2001-08-11 Thread Dios Del Tiempo
 --- El Debianita User [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : 
 Esta es mi consulta,tengo gnome como entorno de escritorio y hay un
 detalle molesto,es que cada vez que quiero minimizar una ventana esta no
 se minimiza en la barra de tareas sino que desaparece como si yo
 realizara un kill -9 pid... ,si bien entre en el menu de configuracion

Yo nunca he visto un comportamiento distinto en Gnome, siempre ha sido así para
mi; por otra parte yo no le veo ningún inconveniente. Simplemente mantén
presionado ALT y pulsa TAB para pasar de una ventana a otra, aunque estén

 de ventanas(en ingles)y hay una opcion para minimizar ventanas aun no he
 podido encontrar la solucion...

Si lo de ALT-TAB no te gusta, entonces en la parte izquierda del applet de los
escritorios virtuales hay una flecha hacia arriba; pulsa esa flecha y verás un
listado de todas tus aplicaciones actuales, pulsa en una y así será la ventana 

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No puedo usar OpenGL como usuario normal!

2001-08-11 Thread Seba

Buenas. El problema es ese, como root puedo usar aplicaciones con gl
perfectamente, pero con un usario normal apenas corro cualquier
aplicacion con gl me tira un Segmentation Fault. Tengo una Riva TNT2
con los paquetes nvidia-* instalados y lo unico que encontre en la
documentacion de esta es aniadir al usuario que quiero que use gl
al grupo video , pero ya hice esto y no da resultado. Alguna idea?


2001-08-11 Thread Rusty
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestras respuestas y vuestra ayuda.COmo ya 
esta lista sigue siendo cojonuda y me ha bastado escribir un mensajillo para 
solucionar un tema k me tiene preocupadisimo.Ahora solo me keda leer un poco 
y preparar la clase.Muchas gracias a todos,sois los mejores.
Muchos saludos
P.D-Thx tambien por el script de iptables,tambien me ha solucionado otro 

Re: Seguridad: _¿Cómo_saber_si_se_me_conectan?

2001-08-11 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Pero hay que tomar en cuenta que portsentry no te vigila los puertos
ocupados. Por ejemplo si tienes un servidor ftp oyendo el puerto 21, y
alguien quiere entrar ahí, sea benigno o no, portsentry ni se dará por

Carlos López wrote:
 Hola que tal,
 Bueno la respuesta es: portsentry (bajo mi punto de
 vista). Este soft te chequeará quien está intentando
 acciones contra tus sistemas en todo momento...
  --- Fermín_Manzanedo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: 
  a ver, el tema es que debe haber alguna forma de
  poder saber si un usuario hace telnet, ftp, finger,
  etc. a mi máquina (tengo una conexión con IP
  dinámica, pero nunca está de más saber sobre estas
  cosas ;).
  Si, ya se que en /var/log/ hay un montón de archivos
  de registro, ya los he mirado y efectivamente
  aparecen conexiones.
  La pregunta es si hay algún modo de poder saber al
  instante si me están intentando entrar.
  En /etc/hosts.allow tengo esto (lo saqué de una
  página man):
  # Permitir telnet y ftp solo a hosts de mi dominio y
  esta máquina.
  telnetd, ftpd: .dominiolocal .midominio .otrodominio
  spawn (usr/bin/finger -l @%c | /usr/bin/mail -s
  Acceso de %c fermin)
  # Permitir hacer finger a cualquiera pero dejar un
  fingerd: ALL: (usr/bin/finger -l @%h | /usr/bin/mail
  -s finger from %h fermin)
  Pero me parece que esto no funciona, porque en
  /var/log/ aparece alguna conexión y a mi no se me ha
  notificado nada.
  ¿Alguna sugerencia? Un saludo
  Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán  |  Badajoz - Spain |
  Usuario Linux #184967
  Desde Toshiba2140CDS | Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
  mail -s gpg public key [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Linux User #98419 -o)| Pon a volar tu mente... ¡¡Fuma  /\| dinamita!!  
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | 
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| 
referencia en |

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Re: Seguridad:_¿Cómo_saber_si_se_me_conectan?

2001-08-11 Thread Anabel

- Original Message -
From: Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Carlos López [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Fermín_Manzanedo [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Usuarios Debian
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: Seguridad:_¿Cómo_saber_si_se_me_conectan?

 Pero hay que tomar en cuenta que portsentry no te vigila los puertos
 ocupados. Por ejemplo si tienes un servidor ftp oyendo el puerto 21, y
 alguien quiere entrar ahí, sea benigno o no, portsentry ni se dará por

 Carlos López wrote:
  Hola que tal,
  Bueno la respuesta es: portsentry (bajo mi punto de
  vista). Este soft te chequeará quien está intentando
  acciones contra tus sistemas en todo momento...
   --- Fermín_Manzanedo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: 
   a ver, el tema es que debe haber alguna forma de
   poder saber si un usuario hace telnet, ftp, finger,
   etc. a mi máquina (tengo una conexión con IP
   dinámica, pero nunca está de más saber sobre estas
   cosas ;).
   Si, ya se que en /var/log/ hay un montón de archivos
   de registro, ya los he mirado y efectivamente
   aparecen conexiones.
   La pregunta es si hay algún modo de poder saber al
   instante si me están intentando entrar.
   En /etc/hosts.allow tengo esto (lo saqué de una
   página man):
   # Permitir telnet y ftp solo a hosts de mi dominio y
   esta máquina.
   telnetd, ftpd: .dominiolocal .midominio .otrodominio
   spawn (usr/bin/finger -l @%c | /usr/bin/mail -s
   Acceso de %c fermin)
   # Permitir hacer finger a cualquiera pero dejar un
   fingerd: ALL: (usr/bin/finger -l @%h | /usr/bin/mail
   -s finger from %h fermin)
   Pero me parece que esto no funciona, porque en
   /var/log/ aparece alguna conexión y a mi no se me ha
   notificado nada.
   ¿Alguna sugerencia? Un saludo
   Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán  |  Badajoz - Spain |
   Usuario Linux #184967
   Desde Toshiba2140CDS | Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
   mail -s gpg public key [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Linux User #98419 -o)| Pon a volar tu mente... ¡¡Fuma  /\| dinamita!!
 ICQ 94335020  _\_v   |
 Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de|
 referencia en |

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

depmod y kernel 2.4.x -Gracias

2001-08-11 Thread Fabian
Hola a todos,
Simplemente queria agradecer a todos los que me respondieron.
Muchas Gracias a todos, Saludos Fabian.

Description: PGP signature

Boa informação!

2001-08-11 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas
On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
Olá Kov e Pessoal!

Em Fri, 10 Aug 2001 18:04:06 -0300 (EST)
Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 é a este tipo de atitude que eu me referi! Estamos falando de GNU/Linux!
 E pelo que sei a Debian faz parte deste princípio... mais do que qualquer
 outra! [Favor corrigir se estiver errado!]
que atitude? quem fez alguma coisa? Pelo que entendo, o nosso amigo somente
quis ressaltar que o LDP-BR é realmente um projeto de todas as dists e
não um projeto Conectiva... não concorda? O fato de o coordenador ser usuário
de slack mostra a isenção do LDP-BR
Sim, concordo!

 Ao contrário desta lista que é específica para Debian, a LDP-BR não é
 propriedade de nenhuma distro, senão perde o valor!Creio eu
A LDP-BR perde seu valor se for de uma única distro mas o Debian-BR
perde o valor se for de todas =)
É um paradoxo, mas é verdade!

Nós estamos *assumidamente* trabalhando para fazer *em primeiro lugar*
um sistema *totalmente livre* e universal, o que não bate com a vontade
de todos, visto que a conectiva, por exemplo, tem um mercado específico...
Nós estamos *assumidamente* trabalhando para que o Debian seja a escolha
de mais e mais pessoas... o que significaria um tipo de competição com a
CNC, por exemplo... mas como nós somos uma comunidade e não uma empresa,
não vemos isso como competição, vemos como um tipo de mutualismo... (quando
eu digo 'nós' eu quero me referir a 'o Debian-BR', já que não tenho competência
para falar pelo Debian =))
Perfeito! Creio que é exatamente esta a idéia!

E se pararmos de traduzir documentação específica do Debian, não é o LDP-BR
que o vai fazer por nós, infelizmente... Mesmo que o LDP-BR queira ser
totalmente universal ainda aparecem uns Conectiva Linux dentro dos HOWTOs
Nosso foco até agora eram as man pages! E, se eu ví, passou batido!
De qualquer forma, ainda será decidido qual será a prioridade que virá!
Mas em todo caso, eu gostaria que fossem retirada toda e qualquer menção a
uma distro específica, a não ser que seja absolutamente essencial!
Tipo característica básico do sistema de arquivos, ext e etc!

Se a tradução tiver sido feita pela Conectiva, e seguindo-se os padrões de
hoje, será mencionado apenas o tradutor e revisor ao final de cada
arquivo. Mantendo-se, à risca, a originalidade do documento!
Isto, sem dúvida alguma será revisto, entretanto, ao traduzirmos os
HOWTO's por exemplo, pegaremos sempre, as últimas versões... que por sí
mesmo eliminaria qualquer menção 'não adequada'.

 De qualquer forma, se foi instalada uma distribuição Red Hat ou
  Conectiva Linux, tem-se a opção de instalá-lo como um pacote. Algumas
  outras distribuições também incluem os binários do Samba.
-- Samba-HOWTO

é nosso propósito fazer com que o Debian tenha também sua documentação
disponível, e por isso é que (isso era uma dúvida frequente anteriormente...)
não podemos ser LDP-BR... nossos propósitos, embora sejam de colaboração,
são totalmente distintos... O Debian tem problemas e soluções muito diferentes
das normais... dhelp, dwww, modconf, update-* devem ser documentados.. e
isso cabe a nós =)
Concordo, mas não se esqueça que mesmo a LDP-BR (ou a LDP) é um movimento
dos usuários...
Podemos, independente da distro, estar interagindo... embora, como você
disse existirem particularidades!

Não entendam isso errado... nós, os debianers, temos (tirando alguns
usuários meio nervosinhos =)) grande consideração pelo que o LDP-BR
faz, e com a CNC por ajudar nisso... embora todos saibamos que o projeto
é uma coisa voluntária e não uma coisa *da* conectiva =)
kov, para mim, isto está claro apesar de ter compreendido de forma
errada a menção ao Slack... a minha preocupação no momento é Gnu/Linux e

Contem com a gente, por que estamos lutando pelo mesmo ideal!
E divergências haverão sempre, resta aprender com elas

[]s Ricardo Castanho

Ricardo C.O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux user # 102240 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] user - SE440BX-2
PII-400-128Mb-2hd (13+4,3Gb) + Invicta 1L de Café Pilão©
Machine # 96125 - CL6 + PINE (This msg is 100% MS Free!)
Expect the worst, it's the least you can do.

Re: Mp3 e Ogg tocando acelerado

2001-08-11 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 10:00:06AM -0300, Elcio Mello wrote:
 1 - No infoCentro (Edficio Avenida Central - Av. Rio Branco, 153) no 2.o ou 
 3.o piso, na Computer Hostipal (ou Hospital do Computador, como é conhecido)
 2 - Num cemitério de computador (Rua Regente Feijó. Não sei o número. Vc 
 segue pela rua da Carioca, depois da praça Tiradentes, uma ou duas quadras 
 vira a direita, continuando o tal cemitério fica a esquerda), pra quem gosta 
 de coisas velhas lá é um oasis, tem tipo umas banquinhas de promoção estilo 
 (banca de R$ 1,00, de R$ 2,00 etc...), mas não vai esperando muito do lugar 
 pois é uma espelunquia.
 PS: Todos os dois lugares tem ótimos preços(adquiri meu 386 4MB, por R$ 36,00 

Interessantíssimo. Obrigado pela dica, talvez eu ache um Amiga ou outra
máquina com CPU 68000 pra rodar Debian m68k. :-)

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: Placa de Som Cm8330

2001-08-11 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 01:13:33PM -0300, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Em Fri, 10 Aug 2001 09:00:11 -0300
 Fabio Jr. Beneditto [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  PS.: Para quem se interessar, no domingo (12/08/2001)deverá ser liberada o 
  Sylpheed 0.5.2claws, em Para quem 
  desconhece este projeto, é uma equipe auxiliar de desenvolvimento, sendo os 
  responsáveis pela maioria dos patches e/ou novas implementações para o 
  Sylpheed original (qualquer coisa, basta consultar o arquivo AUTHORS :] )
 h... isso é interessante... vou dar uma olhada nas funções que
 esse inclui e vou ver se vale a pena dar um upgrade nos meus pacotes
 do sylpheed...

Pensei já ter te falado do sylpheed-claws há tempos :/

De qualquer forma... usem mutt. :-)

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: Novato pede ajuda

2001-08-11 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 11:53:39AM -, Luiz Carlos wrote:
 Ola pessoal, eu sou novato no debian de gostaria de ser ajudado no seguinte 
 quero fazer com que os logs de meu micro sejam direcionado para um 
 determinado terminal de console. Como faço isso.

Há um exemplo em /etc/syslog.conf; basta descomentá-lo e reiniciar o
syslogd, com /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart.
# I like to have messages displayed on the console, but only on a
# virtual
# console I usually leave idle.
#   news.=crit;news.=err;news.=notice;\
#   *.=debug;*.=info;\
#   *.=notice;*.=warn   /dev/tty8

Descomente a partir de 'daemon' até a linha com /dev/tty8.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _  Debian-BR Project
(_(_|| |(_)_)  |(_|\/|(_)|(_| uin#: 981913 (icq)

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: Novato pede ajuda

2001-08-11 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Oi Carlos,

O método que voce procura pode ser feito através do arquivo
no final do arquivo existe um bloco:

# NOTE: adjust the list below, or you'll go crazy if you have a
#  busy site..
*.=notice;*.=warn   |/dev/xconsole


Copie o bloco acima e coloque /dev/tty8 no lugar de /dev/xconsole
(não elimine o símbolo de pipe |).

Caso voce não use o xsysinfo ou outro utilitário de monitoração, você
modificar o próprio bloco original (mas não é muito bom..).

Só duas dicas: SOMENTE USE TABS QUANDO EDITAR O syslog.conf, ele não
com espaços e após modificar de o comando killall -hup syslogd. E as
mensagens do syslog serão copiadas para o terminal /dev/tty8 

 Luiz Carlos wrote:
 Ola pessoal, eu sou novato no debian de gostaria de ser ajudado no
 seguinte sentido:
 quero fazer com que os logs de meu micro sejam direcionado para um
 determinado terminal de console. Como faço isso.
 Luiz Carlos

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

A tecnologia moderna é capaz de realizar a produção sem emprego. O
diabo é
que a economia moderna não consegue inventar o consumo sem salário. 

--Hebert de Souza

atualizacao do kernel e instalacao modem motorola HSP 56 modem/fax

2001-08-11 Thread Carlucio Lopes

oi pessoal,

ha alguns dias estou tentando instalar meu modem 
motorola HSP 56 modem/fax
soh que no site o drive que consta e 
para kernel 2.4, sendo
assim baixei via window$ no site da o kernel 2.4 
nao consegui desconpactar o arquivo 
linux-2.4.0.tar.bz2, tentei tar, gunzip.
pode ser que tenha errado no comando para 

outrossim alguem me pode indicar um caminho melhor 
para que consiga instalar
este modem, eu sei que nao eh facil pois eh da 
familia wimodem (linmodem).

mas uma coisinha (off-topic talvez), visto que 
ainda estou familiarizando com o sistema
operacional, baixei uma apostilia para programacao 
C , soh ue para compilar exije 
a biblioteca ncurses.c, nao consegui achar 
pelo meu CD (revista arquivo linux nr.03).
apt-cache search "ncurses".

aguardo ajuda,


Re: atualizacao do kernel e instalacao modem motorola HSP 56 modem/fax

2001-08-11 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 11 Aug 2001 08:43:43 -0300
Carlucio Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 ha alguns dias estou tentando instalar meu modem motorola HSP 56 modem/fax
 soh que no site  o drive que consta e para kernel 2.4, sendo
 assim baixei via window$  no site da  o kernel 2.4 arquivo
 nao consegui desconpactar o arquivo linux-2.4.0.tar.bz2, tentei tar, gunzip.
 pode ser que tenha errado no comando para descompactar.
h se você vai atualizar para o linux 2.4 você precisa de uma porrada de
pacotes novos =)


 mas uma coisinha (off-topic talvez), visto que ainda estou familiarizando com 
 operacional, baixei uma apostilia para programacao C , soh ue para compilar 
 a biblioteca ncurses.c , nao consegui achar pelo meu CD (revista arquivo linux
 apt-cache search ncurses.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/] # auto-apt check /usr/include/ncurses.h 

apt-get install libncurses5-dev


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: atualizacao do kernel e instalacao modem motorola HSP 56 modem/fax

2001-08-11 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 11 Aug 2001 08:43:43 -0300
Carlucio Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:


E não mande email em HTML para a lista!!!


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: PS para PDF

2001-08-11 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos
Tem o ps2pdf ... se vc. instalou o ghostscript ele está aí ... além de pdf tem
outros formatos ... os comandos são sempre ps***

Um abraço,

HardBeat404 wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Galera , alguem pode me informar de algum programa que passe de
 postscript para pdf ??? eu infelizmente nao achei nenhum e quero
 passar aquele ps do livro linux total da conectiva para pdf ou entao
 algum visualizador postscript para windows


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2001-08-11 Thread HardBeat404
Hash: SHA1

Galera me diz uma coisa , alguem sabe na debian configurar o gpm de
modo que nao conflita com o X ? por exemplo na distro conec que vc
usa o gpm e nao precisa killar ele para funcionar o mouse no X


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Re: Fwd: Re: Mp3 e Ogg tocando acelerado

2001-08-11 Thread igor vanderlei

From: Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Mp3 e Ogg tocando acelerado
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 23:54:21 -0300

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 09:56:04PM -0300, igor vanderlei wrote:
 From: Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tenho um problema similar, mas com o MPlayer, um visualizador de
 DivX/MPEG/AVI e outros formatos. O som sempre sai r?pido. Deve ser o 

 on-board horr?vel da minha placa de som (AC97, do chipset da VIA).
 Algu?m sabe onde vende SB16 PCI baratinha no Rio? :-)

 ? igual a minha placa de som horr?vel :(
 se o problema ? da placa ent?o quer dizer que n?o tem jeito?

Olha, com o xmms, acho que você pode pegar o pacote 'xmms-crossfade',
configurá-lo como o plugin de Output padrão, e escolher 48000 Hz como
padrão em vez de 44100. Isso deixa as músicas normais aqui. No entanto,
fica horrível no MPlayer ainda, e pretendo mudar de placa o mais rápido
possível. Sinto saudades da qualidade da minha antiquíssima SB16 ISA.

Valeu pela dica, agora ta funcionando legal.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

libc6 2.2.3-10 quebrada.

2001-08-11 Thread Ricardo Sandrin
Alo pessoal,

Não se todo mundo já está sabendo mas pra quem usa unstable (sid) é 
recomendável deixar os pacotes da libc6 em hold!

dpkg --get-selections  arquivo (editem o 'arquivo', alterem a linha da libc6 
escrevendo hold no lugar de install)
logo depois
dpkg --set-selections  arquivo

Ricardo Sandrin...: rsandrin at ccinet dot com dot br

Re: libc6 2.2.3-10 quebrada.

2001-08-11 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 11 Aug 2001 17:47:27 +
Ricardo Sandrin [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 dpkg --get-selections  arquivo (editem o 'arquivo', alterem a linha da libc6
 escrevendo hold no lugar de install)
 logo depois
 dpkg --set-selections  arquivo
ou, simplesmente:

echo libc6 hold | dpkg --set-selections


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: GPM e X

2001-08-11 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 11 Aug 2001 18:27:59 -0300
HardBeat404 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Hash: SHA1
 Galera me diz uma coisa , alguem sabe na debian configurar o gpm de
 modo que nao conflita com o X ? por exemplo na distro conec que vc
 usa o gpm e nao precisa killar ele para funcionar o mouse no X
Basta configurar ele pra fazer repetição (aconselho msc), e manda
o X pegar o mouse em /dev/gpmdata  e o protocolo MouseSystems


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: PS para PDF

2001-08-11 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas
On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, HardBeat404 wrote:

Eu vi recentemente no freshmeat, um  programa chamado: ps2pdf!
Não cheguei a testar, mas chamou a atenção!
Existem outros, este foi o último!
[]s Ricardo Castanho

Hash: SHA1

Galera , alguem pode me informar de algum programa que passe de
postscript para pdf ??? eu infelizmente nao achei nenhum e quero
passar aquele ps do livro linux total da conectiva para pdf ou entao
algum visualizador postscript para windows


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Ricardo C.O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux user # 102240 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] user - SE440BX-2
PII-400-128Mb-2hd (13+4,3Gb) + Invicta 1L de Café Pilão©
Machine # 96125 - CL6 + PINE (This msg is 100% MS Free!)
Your supervisor is thinking about you.

Re: PS para PDF

2001-08-11 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos
Eu só conheço este ... se não me engano ... ele vem junto com ghostscript.

A propósito: tem alguma forma de saber de que pacote foi instalado determinado
arquivo ??

Um abraço,

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:

 On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, HardBeat404 wrote:

 Eu vi recentemente no freshmeat, um  programa chamado: ps2pdf!
 Não cheguei a testar, mas chamou a atenção!
 Existem outros, este foi o último!
 []s Ricardo Castanho

rede domestica

2001-08-11 Thread André Luís
 Olá pessoal
 Saudações e Felicidades a todos
Estou aqui com uma pequena (talvez sim, talvez não) duvida, como 
uma pequena rede domestica, composta por:
- dois computadores;
- duas placas de rede de 10Mbps;
- um cabo do tipo crossover (cabo invertido).
Esta rede é para o meu aprendizado sobre redes, mas eu não tenho 
informações de como faze-lo, sou leigo no assunto e tenho curiosidade de
saber como faze-la, tenho procurado pela internet informações sobre como
fazer esta rede domestica ( achei numa revista sobre o assunto, mas lá está
dizendo que no windows é mais fácil de configurar, eu achei que no linux
deveria ser também) . Se alguém puder me informar ( ou alguma documentação)
como fazer esta rede, serei grato.
Sem Mais, um abraço a todos
André Luís
p.s. Eu estou com o debian instalado no meu computador principal
(um pentiun II 333) e o outro é um pentiun 200 sem nenhum tipo de S.O.


Re: PS para PDF

2001-08-11 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos wrote:
 Eu só conheço este ... se não me engano ... ele vem junto com ghostscript.
 A propósito: tem alguma forma de saber de que pacote foi instalado determinado
 arquivo ??

dpkg -S arquivo

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

Se concentração ganhasse jogo, o time do presídio não perdia um.

--Neném Prancha, treinador e filósofo do futebol brasileiro.

Re: backups using tar - /dev/ht0

2001-08-11 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya bob...

mt is complaining

so you do NOT have /dev/ht0 as a device

until mt worksand you can hear the tape rewind and/or eject...
its NOT working yet...

manually creaate a device called /dev/ht0 with mknod...
and give it the type, and major and minor id

if the device is made properly... it should be like 
crw-rw 1 root disk 37, 0 May 5 1998 /dev/ht0

until ls -la /dev/ht0 looks liek the above line...
there is no point to doing any mt/tar commands..

what kind of tape drive do you have etc would dictate which
tape driver yu are gonna be using

c ya

On 10 Aug 2001, Bob Koss wrote:

  Alvin == Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Alvin did you try: cd /dev ./MAKEDEV ht0
 That's exactly what I did.
 Alvin= should work, if not...
 Alvin more info
 Alvin you do it the hard way # crw-rw 1 root disk 37, 0 May 5
 Alvin 1998 /dev/ht0 # # manually create the device that MAKEDEV
 Alvin failed to do..  # donno why it didnt work for you # root#
 Alvin mknod /dev/ht0 c 37 0
 Alvin when ready...  can you access the tape ( stick in a blank
 Alvin tape .. :-) )
 Okay, got /dev/ht0 made again. 
 Alvinmt -f /dev/ht0 rewind mt -f /dev/ht0 eject
 mt: /dev/ht0: Input/output error
 Robert Koss, Ph.D. | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
 Senior Consultant  | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java   | Extreme Programming
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sqrt C function

2001-08-11 Thread Paul Scott

Craig Dickson wrote:

Paul Scott wrote:

Well that may date me a little even though I am actively programming at 
this moment.  I will research this a little more.  My logic would be it 
would break the rules of the language to assume that conversion.

I don't see how. I see it as a legitimate compiler optimization. If you
have double f = 4;, and you compile 4 as a double-precision value
rather than as an int (which would then require an immediate
conversion), how could that possibly break a program?

I wasn't really addressing the optimization question.  You could easily 
be correct about that.  I was addressing the definition of the 
assignment (=) operator.  I didn't say it would break the program.  Just 
possibly thwart the programmer's intention in a more compilcated case. 
Since the code is correct I would expect it to work whether the 
conversion was done at compile time or execute time.

Take care,


Re: hard drive problems... misconfiguration?

2001-08-11 Thread Michael Mueller
As promised here's the summary of a weird day:

-drive mentioned in my earlier discussion checked out completely 100% good
after repair done by dlgdiag (dos) program from WD
-managed to reduce hda: irq timeout messages to 2-3 during the dselect
process; quite a nice time improvement too
-swapped ide cables - no change
-brought cables and HDD to an K6-2 500 on an AOpen mobo, HDD is hda and
CDROM is hdb - no irq messages, a perfect load!

Is it the Biostar mobo or is is the disk? I played with bios settings,
cables, and disks combinations all day.

At the end of the day, drive in question went belly-up.  Nuts!

I took my remaining parts and built a machine (Biostar mobo and WD HDD) and
loaded another distro with 2.2.12 - no disk errors.  I used dlgdiag on the
drive and found no problems.

I think I'll get an IBM HDD to replace the busted WD.

Is there any way that Debian could be at odds with the Biostar MoBo?

Should I just ignore those pesky messages?  Where do those messages come
from? The kernel or some driver?  Could it be a 2.2.19pre17 issue?


- Original Message -
From: Michael Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:; Hugo van der Merwe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: hard drive problems... misconfiguration?

 I am getting the same kind of errors shown below from your email (see mail
 with subject deselect and hda: irq timeout 10-9 ... 10-10).

 I have a brand-new Western Digital WB100EB.  I downloaded a diagnostic
 program from  It detected and repaired errors.  Now I am
 writing zeros to the drive and that is taking a long time.  When I'm done,
 will repartition and try loading again.

 I'll report findings shortly.


 hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
 hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=524418,
 ide0: reset: success
 hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
 hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=524418,
 hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
 hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=524418,
 hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
 hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=524418,
 hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
 hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=524418,
 ide0: reset: success
 hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
 hda: read_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=524418,
 end_request: I/O error, dev 03:01 (hda), sector 524355
 EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,1)): ext2_write_inode: unable to read inode
 block - inode=28353, block=65544

 To send me private (non-world-readable) mail, GPG encrypt it.
 1024D/60715698: 5F2E 8EC2 E0A4 5D25 0569  F281 4A6C D76D 6071 5698

 - Original Message -
 From: Hugo van der Merwe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 10:09 AM
 Subject: hard drive problems... misconfiguration?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Debian box unable to HTTP to - FIXED

2001-08-11 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 09:07:58PM -0500, Michael Buice wrote:
 I thoroughly enjoyed this ripping tale of intrigue, 
 adventure, and romance, but would you mind explaining
 to a debian-newbie exactly who or what the culprit
 was?  I've been having trouble connecting to various
 sites (,, to name
 a few) and I have absoluetly no idea why.  I've tried
 with 4 different web browsers, they all begin
 making the http connection and just hang.
 I can ping zdnet and sun but not ups.  I also can't
 ping amazon but I can load it in a web browser.
 I've also tried reconfiguring ppp (w/pppconfig).
 I get the same error when trying to connect to
 as our hero, so I was hoping the culprit to his caper
 could lead to the culprit to mine.

I'll share the secret, but only if you learn to reply _below_ the
message you are responding to (see a post earlier today for clues).

From a root prompt:

  # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=0

or add the following to /etc/sysctl prior to a reboot:



Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Way OT] SunOS question

2001-08-11 Thread David Z Maze
Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
HS There's a Sun Sparcstation at work that I would like to use
HS virtual terminals on, if it's even possible. So, is it ??
HS 'uname -a' tells me this:
HS SunOS fred 4.1.3 1 sun4m

The Linux virtual terminal support is provided by the Linux kernel
directly, so you're not going to get something identical on a machine
running Solaris (or SunOS 4).  It also has the annoying misfeature
that it only works on the physical console of the machine.  :-)

One common way around this is to use an excellent program called
screen.  You can get source from GNU, or [[ObDebian]] 'apt-get
source screen' on a Debian box and somehow export the source to your
Sun machine.  Screen lets you run multiple programs under a single
terminal window in pretty much any environment, and even lets you
detach a session, log out, and come back to it later.  It's a godsend
for working with, say, a VT320.

(And in fact right now, since I've just moved and we have no real
connectivity, I'm sending mail from Gnus in XEmacs running in a screen 
on a Solaris 8 machine, with the connection being a 14.4kbps modem
plugged directly into a VT320.  Having found the relevant frobs, life
is good, or would be for 10-year-old technology.  :-)

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Server/Gateway Linux Box

2001-08-11 Thread JakeCatfox
Hi, I'm building a Linux box that will serve as a server and gateway to split 
internet access from a cable modem to numerous machines (some Linux, some 
Winblows.) I'm putting in 2 network cards and a dual-processor motherboard 
with 2 Pentium II processors. What do I need to do to set it up to perform IP 
Masquerading, and how do I turn on dual-processing support in Linux? Do I 
just compile in Symmetric multiprocessing support into the kernel? Also, how 
do I set up file sharing so that every machine on my network can access the 
files on any other?

-- Deven

Re: matrox g450 and dri

2001-08-11 Thread Oleksandr Moskalenko
  Hi Matthew,

 I had exactly the same problem geting dri working on my G400 Dual Head
32Mb. What worked perfectly for me was a suggestion from someone on this
list! I copied their suggestions below. If you follow them you should
get everything working just fine. Remember though that you have to copy
your newly compiled mga.o to 
exit X, rmmod mga, modprobe the new mga and startx again. I'm pretty
sure it'll work for you and you won't have to downgrade to 4.0.3 or do
anything drastic. Moreover, mga_drv.o and mga_hal_drv.o from Matrox will
still work. The version mismatch is with the kernel driver mga.o from
what I could gather. Enjoy.



te: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 03:20:12 -0400
From: Chun Kit Edwin Lau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.20i
To: Oleksandr Moskalenko [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: Matrox G400 dri woes

Try the source at It works for me. I did the
1. d/l matrox mga_drv.o and mga_hal.o from matrox site
2. copy them to the appropriate x11 directory
3. d/l the dri from
4. compile the mga.o by make -f Makefile mga.o
5. cp mga.o to the appropriate /lib/modules/...
6. make sure you have X4.1.0

you should have dri acceleration now

* Matthew Garman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'm trying to get DRI to work with my new Matrox Millenium g450.  It's the
 dual head, 32 MB ram version.  I only have one monitor, so I really don't
 need the second head :)
 Anyway, here's my setup:
 Debian v2.2 (potato), but with the XFree86 4.1.0 binaries installed from  I'm running a self-compiled kernel version
 Here are the things I've done:
 I replaced /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/mga_drv.o with the file of the
 same name from Matrox's website.  I also dropped in the file names
 mga_hal_drv.o from the Matrox site.
 I compiled my kernel with support for agpgart and the corresponding mga.o
 module.  I verified that both agpgart.o and mga.o were loaded with lsmod.
 At this point, DRI still doesn't work.  My /var/log/XFree86.0.log file
 reports (II) MGA(0): direct rendering disabled.
 So then I did a bit of research (over at  I
 downloaded the replacement kernel modules (drm), compiled them and
 installed them (these kernel modules are available at
 Still the problem persists.  The most suspect line my
 /var/log/XFree86.0.log file is this one:
 (EE) MGA(0): [drm] MGADRIScreenInit failed (DRI version = 4.0.0, expected
 3.0.x).  Disabling DRI.
 Since I'm not really sure how all these pieces fit together, I'm not sure
 what file needs to be upgraded (or downgraded?).
 Thanks for any help you might have!
 I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, Take a bow for the new revolution
  Smile and grin at the change all around, Pick up my guitar and play
  Just like yesterday, Then I'll get on my knees and pray...
 -- Pete Townshend/The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oleksandr Moskalenko
Department of Agronomy
Purdue University
Imagination is more important
than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

Re: Server/Gateway Linux Box

2001-08-11 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 12:49:55AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm building a Linux box that will serve as a server and gateway to split 
 internet access from a cable modem to numerous machines (some Linux, some 
 Winblows.) I'm putting in 2 network cards and a dual-processor motherboard 
 with 2 Pentium II processors. What do I need to do to set it up to perform IP 
 Masquerading, and how do I turn on dual-processing support in Linux? Do I 
 just compile in Symmetric multiprocessing support into the kernel? Also, how 
 do I set up file sharing so that every machine on my network can access the 
 files on any other?

I've noticed a lot of your posts read like How do I do this, how do I
do that with no mention of whether you've tried anything or even
taken the trouble to look things up.  In the Linux world, this
behavior tends to get you ignored.

As someone who was brand new to Linux 7 years ago or so, I know how
you feel ... this is all new and quite daunting.  Unlike you, I didn't
have mailing lists to mine for data ... I had documentation on disk
and that was about it.  Some ftp sites had docs as well. This new
thing call the world wide web looked promising ...

So, I say to you:  STFW (search the fine web) and RTFM (read the fine
manual).  All three of your questions have been answered countless
times on this list (and others) so I'll only provide partial answers.

  # apt-get install ipmasq

The ipmasq package comes with a lot of documentation.  Read it.

Here's a hint for your second question:

  # apt-get install kernel-package

RTFM man kernel-package

Grab the kernel source of your choice from  Compile
it.  Enable SMP if you want to (HINT: it's enabled by default in the
config you get after untarring a fresh source tarball).

Your third question is too broad.  We don't know anything about your
network or what you're trying to accomplish.  If I were in your shoes
I'd postpone 3 until I had a firm grip on 1 and 2.

Sorry if you think I'm being an asshole ... but quite frankly if you
can't read and research on your own you probably don't need to be
running Linux.  Certainly not Debian/GNU Linux ...


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

Re: missing gnumeric dependancies

2001-08-11 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 02:06:56PM -0500, DvB wrote:
 I attempted to install gnumeric on my woody system and apt errored out. 
 Running apt-get -f install didn't help either and I finally figured out 
 that gnumeric depends on libgal4, which is no longer included in woody.
 I searched the woody packages and it appears that libgal was recently 
 upgraded to version 7 in woody but the gnumeric package still depends on 
 the older version. Any idea when gnumeric will be updated or if the 
 package maintainer knows about the problem?

The maintainer (or at least the person maintaining the package in the
absence of the official maintainer) does. It's waiting for various
things to be fixed before it can migrate to unstable. A recent
reorganization of the libgal* packages (still waiting in incoming for
approval) will help.


Re: I broke telnetd

2001-08-11 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 08:47:27AM -0600, Joel wrote:
 I was trying to install the latest version of telnetd.

Is that the latest from stable or unstable?

 I thought that dpkg would stop the install if my dependencies weren't
 met.  That didn't happen, however, and now telnetd is broken.

You should perhaps report a bug, although I suspect you might just be
asked to upgrade. Still, the dependencies should be correct as a matter
of principle. What kind of brokenness are you seeing?

 I noticed that I had version 0.12 installed previously.  Can I find that 
 version in a deb package anywhere?

If it's up, you could try, under slink.

 Please copy your answers to [EMAIL PROTECTED]




Re: autoconf[2.13] package broken?

2001-08-11 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 01:34:08PM -0500, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
 On 10 Aug 2001 18:24:57 +0100, James Green wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ autoconf --version
  Autoconf version 2.13
  At which various 'configure' scripts are bailing asking for 2.50 or
  above. It seems autoconf2.13 installs /usr/bin/autoconf-wrapper that
  looks as if it tries to tell which version the configure script is
  intended for use with, and points it in the right direction.
  Except it doesn't. I'm now unable to build software using autoconf, so
  stuff like zapping (my tv tuner) is growing old.
  Anyone know why this is happening? Can I assume that mving the
  autoconf-2.50 binary to /usr/bin/autoconf will fix this matter? If not,
  what will. And what's happening about a full resolution on this problem?
 Have you taken a look at this blurb in the 2.13 thingy in dselect?
 This package provides compatibility wrappers for autoconf, autoheader,
 and autoreconf that attempt to automatically choose which version of
 Autoconf to use, based on some simple heuristics.  For information on
 these heuristics or how to force use of a particular Autoconf version,
 see /usr/share/doc/autoconf2.13/README.Debian.gz.

Specifically, AC_PREREQ(2.50) in the should do, and that
(or something similar) is correct if the package's requires
autoconf 2.50.


messages reporting

2001-08-11 Thread C Wilson


This may sound really stupid, however I cannot seem 
to locate anything about it anywhere.
When I view the messages log file it is full of 
--MARK-- , what does this mean? I have never seen it 
on any other of the Linux boxes I have (running RH 
though). I am slowly trying to get to grips with Debian 
before I go swapping out all the RH 

Also any ideas on why I have ssh running  can 
log in from my internal network,I have allowed the IP range from work 
access, I can scan the box from work  it reports that the ports I have open 
are definitely open, yet I cannot connect (I even set up Apache to see if I 
could get a webpage, ie: some sort of connection happening between the box  
the remote)  yet I still get "connection refused by remote.." I have 
triple-checked that I have the ipchains set up correctly (  ran a packet 
through the chains to ensure the chains weren't to blame), any ideas, I have 
checked the config of ssh  all appears sweet, although I get this error 
when I even try to get the default page up in a browser on the remote. I 
am suspicious of my ISP "filtering" the connections, although wouldn't a std. 
nmap scan show my ports as closed or filtered if this is the case?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Debian box unable to HTTP to - FIXED

2001-08-11 Thread Michael Buice
On Friday 10 August 2001 11:37 pm, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 09:07:58PM -0500, Michael Buice wrote:
  I thoroughly enjoyed this ripping tale of intrigue,
  adventure, and romance, but would you mind explaining
  to a debian-newbie exactly who or what the culprit
  was?  I've been having trouble connecting to various
  sites (,, to name
  a few) and I have absoluetly no idea why.  I've tried
  with 4 different web browsers, they all begin
  making the http connection and just hang.
  I can ping zdnet and sun but not ups.  I also can't
  ping amazon but I can load it in a web browser.
  I've also tried reconfiguring ppp (w/pppconfig).
  I get the same error when trying to connect to
  as our hero, so I was hoping the culprit to his caper
  could lead to the culprit to mine.

 I'll share the secret, but only if you learn to reply _below_ the
 message you are responding to (see a post earlier today for clues).

 From a root prompt:

   # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=0

 or add the following to /etc/sysctl prior to a reboot:



You see, he CAN be taught! :)

Nathan, I appreciate the tip.  It led me to scour
man pages, kernel documentation, and even allowed
me to track down more information than anyone should
want to know about explicit congestion notification.


Re: kernel panic

2001-08-11 Thread Sebastiaan

I had this behaviour once. Fortunately I remembered that I overclocked my
processor and it was becoming summer, so the temperature raised, causing
an unstable system.

Just to be sure you are not overlooking something :-)


On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Marco Herrn wrote:

 Hello list,
 a few days ago I had the following error message while booting:
 kmem_alloc: Bad slab magic (corrupt) (name=kmem_cache)
 Kernel panic: kmem_cache_sizes_init: Error creating caches
 In swapper task - not swapping
 After a second reboot everything worked fine.
 But a few days later I had a similar problem, also on booting.
 This was the message:
 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 7fdaa0e4
 current-tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
 *pde = 
 Oops: 0002
 EIP: 0010:[c0121755]
 EFLAGS: 00010245
 eax:    ebx: c02b8444   ecx: 0015   edx: 8500
 esi:    edi: 7fdaa0e4   ebp: 00a0   esp: c02fbf80
 ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
 Process swapper (pid: 0, process nr: 0, stackpage=c02fb000)
 stack:  00a0  effef028 fff0  
  0010 0004 7fdaa0e4 c0300377 c0257ab8
 2000    000a0200 c0106000
 Call Trace: [c0257ab8] [c0106000] [c0106000] [c0100175]
 Code: f3 ...
 Unfortunately the screen suddenly blanked dfor some reason so I didn't have
 the chance to copy the rest of the message. Thats the reason for the three
 dots at the end.
 So what does this mean?
 I think it is a hardware problem, but which? Is it a problem with my RAM?
 I would be glad if someone could tell me.
 Thanks in advance
 Marco Herrn   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (GnuPG/PGP-signed and crypted mail preferred)
 Key ID: 0x94620736
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

.forward file format for exim

2001-08-11 Thread Sam Varghese
i have the following .forward file in my home directory:

#debian lists
if $h_From: contains debian-user or
   $h_To: contains Debian-user
   save mail/debian
theoretically, this should tell exim to sort incoming
mail into the files specified as per the exim documentation

since it doesn't work, i must be doing something wrong. this
box uses potato with a 2.2.19 kernel.

could someone enlighten me?

(Sam Varghese)

Kernel 2.4.8 Emu101k fails to build as modules

2001-08-11 Thread dude

Just a heads up

Re: Kernel 2.4.8 Emu101k fails to build as modules

2001-08-11 Thread Daniel T. Chen
Fixed in a patch that the maintainer sent to Linus and the lkml.

GPG key:

On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, dude wrote:

 Just a heads up

Galeon (unstable): Cannot find a schema for galeon preferences (gconf)

2001-08-11 Thread Karsten M. Self
I'm getting a dialog box with the following error when running Galeon
after the latest unstable upgrade:

Cannot find a schema for galeon preferences.
Check your gconf setup, look at galeon FAQ for more information.

Looking in the FAQ, I see:

We provide a script in the Galeon source root directory to setup a
basic gconf installation.

You have to run it passing $sysconfdir as the first paramater.  In
most cases:

./setup-gconf-source /etc

Expert mode

1. Edit the path file in the directory $sysconfdir/gconf/1.

A basic configuration for the default backend would look

include $(HOME)/.gconf.path

...I don't find a setup-gconf-source file in the Galeon package.  I'm
sufficiently a non-GNOME user that I've no idea how to go about setting
up a gconf schema (let alone what the damned things are).

I did find /etc/gconf/schemas/galeon.schemas, but it doesn't appear to
be doing the trick.  Note it's listed in conffiles (below).

Anyone got a fix for this?

Galeon package info:

Package: galeon
Status: install ok unpacked
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 3864
Maintainer: Jared Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 0.11.3+0.12pre1-0.1
Config-Version: 0.11.3-1.1
Depends: gconf (= 1.0.3), gdk-imlib1 (= 1.9.10-5), libart2 (=
1.2.13-5), libaudiofile0, libc6 (= 2.2.3-7), libdb3 (=
3.2.9-1), libesd0 (= 0.2.22-4) | libesd-alsa0 (= 0.2.22-4),
libgconf11 (= 1.0.3), libgdk-pixbuf2 (= 0.11.0-2),
libglade-gnome0, libglade0, libglib1.2 (= 1.2.0), libgnome-vfs0
(= 1.0.1), libgnome32 (= 1.2.13-5), libgnomesupport0 (=
1.2.13-5), libgnomeui32 (= 1.2.13-5), libgnorba27 (=
1.2.13-5), libgtk1.2 (= 1.2.10-1), liboaf0 (= 0.6.5),
liborbit0 (= 0.5.8), libpanel-applet0 (=,
libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2, libxml1 (= 1:1.8.14-3), oaf (= 0.6.5),
xlibs ( 4.1.0), zlib1g (= 1:1.1.3), mozilla-browser (=
2:0.9.3), libxml1 (= 1.8.14), libpanel-applet0
Suggests: gtm
 /etc/sound/events/galeon.soundlist a28407fd42b9c1ba0b2eec3f9bc339d3
 /etc/gconf/schemas/galeon.schemas newconffile

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

messages log file

2001-08-11 Thread Craig W

This may sound really stupid, however I cannot seem to locate anything about
it anywhere.
When I view the messages log file it is full of --MARK-- , what does this
mean? I have never seen it
on any other of the Linux boxes I have (running RH though). I am slowly
trying to get to grips with Debian
before I go swapping out all the RH boxes.

Also any ideas on why I have ssh running  can log in from my internal
network, I have allowed the IP range from work access, I can scan the box
from work  it reports that the ports I have open are definitely open, yet I
cannot connect (I even set up Apache to see if I could get a webpage, ie:
some sort of connection happening between the box  the remote)  yet I
still get connection refused by remote.. I have triple-checked that I have
the ipchains set up correctly (  ran a packet through the chains to ensure
the chains weren't to blame), any ideas, I have checked the config of ssh 
all appears sweet, although I get this error when I even try to get the
default page up in a browser on the  remote. I am suspicious of my ISP
filtering the connections (although after speaking to them they tell me
they don't), although wouldn't a std. nmap scan show my ports as closed or
filtered if this is the case?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


unable to stat

2001-08-11 Thread harsha

recenlty my system went haywire and had to run fsck when i did some
clearing and fixing of wrong values. among them was

I thought that the problem was solved, but when I ran apt-get update 
apt-get update. I came across this problem.

dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/e2fsprogs_1.22-2_i386.deb 
 unable to stat `./usr/share/man/man1/uuidgen.1.gz' (which I was about to 
install): Value too large for defined data type
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Hmmn is this a filesystem error or the package is corrupt? I did a
search on google. The reference where to some large file as much as 2Gb
gettting tarred or untarred.

what shall I do about this?


Re: Courier-IMAP

2001-08-11 Thread Ramin Motakef
Waldemar Brodkorb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello Ramin,


 Hmm, where you find this attribute?
 $ grep -ir mailMessageStore /etc/ldap/schema

In the qmail.schema:


Re: unable to stat

2001-08-11 Thread Daniel T. Chen
I remember this in 2.4.4 as a vm bug that trashed my ext2 fs. Mount that
partition readonly and e2fsck it. More than likely the file is probably
being reported as some insane size like ~14 GB. Upgrade to 2.4.7+ as soon
as possible, then repair your fs.

GPG key:

On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, harsha wrote:

 recenlty my system went haywire and had to run fsck when i did some
 clearing and fixing of wrong values. among them was
 I thought that the problem was solved, but when I ran apt-get update 
 apt-get update. I came across this problem.
 dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/e2fsprogs_1.22-2_i386.deb 
  unable to stat `./usr/share/man/man1/uuidgen.1.gz' (which I was about to 
 install): Value too large for defined data type
 dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 Hmmn is this a filesystem error or the package is corrupt? I did a
 search on google. The reference where to some large file as much as 2Gb
 gettting tarred or untarred.

Re: messages log file

2001-08-11 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya craig

 This may sound really stupid, however I cannot seem to locate anything about
 it anywhere.
 When I view the messages log file it is full of --MARK-- , what does this
 mean? I have never seen it

it means your system is not as busy as it should be

if your system was bz you'd see tons of stuff between --MARK-- that
makes those entries less significant noise in the log file

 on any other of the Linux boxes I have (running RH though). I am slowly
 trying to get to grips with Debian
 before I go swapping out all the RH boxes.
 Also any ideas on why I have ssh running  can log in from my internal
 network, I have allowed the IP range from work access, I can scan the box
 from work  it reports that the ports I have open are definitely open, yet I
 cannot connect

which is it... that you can login or that you cannot ???

am assuming you cannot...
- check that sshd is running on the target machine you are trying
to get into

- check that ssh is properly installed ... 
/etc/ssh/*  - check for the files and ip# and if you
allow/disallow root to login etc

 (I even set up Apache to see if I could get a webpage, ie:
 some sort of connection happening between the box  the remote)  yet I

what does telnet 80   say

is httpd running on that amchine ( )

 still get connection refused by remote.. I have triple-checked that I have
 the ipchains set up correctly (  ran a packet through the chains to ensure
 the chains weren't to blame),

doesnt sound like ipchains is passing it thru...

 any ideas, I have checked the config of ssh 
 all appears sweet,

how do you know its sweet ??? is it working???

 although I get this error when I even try to get the
 default page up in a browser on the  remote.

 I am suspicious of my ISP
 filtering the connections (although after speaking to them they tell me
 they don't),

Most ISP do NOT filter traffic to/from you... they have bigger worries

 although wouldn't a std. nmap scan show my ports as closed or
 filtered if this is the case?

nmap from where to who ???

any namp from  a machine to anotehr is subject to the ethernet traffic
and firewalls, routers, packet filters, and all the gizmos along the way

collection online free nmap audit(ors)...

urls to trojan detections, scanners, detectors, etc..etc...

c ya

sqrt C function(clarification)

2001-08-11 Thread R1nso13
I'm sorry not to have provided more information in my first e-mail although 
i'm very glad so many people responded to help, but i've done some more 

specifically i'm getting 'prase error in tmp/x' where x is a long string of 
characters that tends to change on every run of the complier (at least when 
i'm compiling other programs). I've tried the following and gotten no errors

#include stdio.h
#include math.h

double num=16.0;

int main()
 double sqrt(double num);

the following warns me that 'function sqrt does not match global variable' 
but still compiles

#include stdio.h
#include math.h

float num;

int main()
 float sqrt(float num);

and this one just doesn't work at all giving the parse error previously 

#include stdio.h
#include math.h

double num;

int main()
  num = 16; /*i've also tried 16. and 16.0 here*/
  double sqrt(double num);

I'm sorry I was not more clear with my first e-mail and hope this points out 
the problem better.  Also, how do I let gcc know that I want math.h to be an 
available library so i dont' have to use the -l option every time if run it?

one final thing: did any of you try comiling the non-working examples on your 
gcc's? did you get any errors?

thanks a lot

Re: Server/Gateway Linux Box

2001-08-11 Thread Osamu Aoki
I think you need to install task-newbie or install debian with newbie selected.
Then you have mc (midnight commwander) and documentation.  Just point
and click.

Then start mc and go to /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt.

There is all the answer.  Or you can go to

I did it prety much what you describe and have my memo as quick ref on
my site.  But you need to read real doc.

ipmasq package for basic masqarading.

samba for fileshare with M$.

nfs for file share w/ linux.

SMP need you to recompile kernel if 2.2.

cable modem (check protocol, fix ip, dhcp or pppoe?)

On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 12:49:55AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm building a Linux box that will serve as a server and gateway to split 
 internet access from a cable modem to numerous machines (some Linux, some 
 Winblows.) I'm putting in 2 network cards and a dual-processor motherboard 
 with 2 Pentium II processors. What do I need to do to set it up to perform IP 
 Masquerading, and how do I turn on dual-processing support in Linux? Do I 
 just compile in Symmetric multiprocessing support into the kernel? Also, how 
 do I set up file sharing so that every machine on my network can access the 
 files on any other?
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: Galeon (unstable): Cannot find a schema for galeon preferences (gconf)

2001-08-11 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 11:56:51PM -0700, Karsten M. Self 
( wrote:
 I'm getting a dialog box with the following error when running Galeon
 after the latest unstable upgrade:
 Cannot find a schema for galeon preferences.

I was pointed to the following post on debian-devel:

Correcting for typos, running:

$ gconftool --shutdown  
$ su -
$ GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults  gconftool 

...doesn't solve my problem.

...and, BTW, where's the gconftool manpage, eh?

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: Cnet Pro200 PCI fast Ethernet Adapter, road runner centralflorida

2001-08-11 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I compiled again the kernel with all possible network devices as M or Y,
except for a group of ARCnet cards. Any way the module dmfe.c does not
appear available. So I have no clue. Could that be a lacking feature in
kernel-source.2.2.19pre17? I checked, and dmfe.c is present in
Any ideas?
- Original Message -
From: tony mancill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: Cnet Pro200 PCI fast Ethernet Adapter, road runner

 On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

  I am trying to get my Linux box connecting to the net, but for some
  my ethernet card does not appear to be recognized by kernel. I think I
  marked Y or at least M in all close options for Ethernet Adapter when
  creating kernel image (using 2.2.19pre17 kernel-source, potato2.2rev3).
  way, would some one give good pointers and/or indications to get
  I am kind of clueless here. Thanks a lot,

 Hi Antonio,

 you've taken a step in the right direction by compiling a kernel with
 modular/built-in support for all of the types of Ethernet drivers.  What
 you need to realize is that the kernel doesn't automatically try to load
 of the modules.  You need to use modprobe to load the modular driver
 that corresponds to the chipset on your Ethernet card.  That CNet Pro200
 is based on a Davicom chipset, which correponds to the dfme.o module, so
 try modprobe dfme and then issue dmesg to see what the kernel had to
 say about it.

 Hope that helps,

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Danger + Survival = Fun  |(Neil Peart)

problems with configuring Debian

2001-08-11 Thread fouad HENNI
 I installed Linux Debian 2.2 r0 on my computer and I
need solution for the problems below:

1) My video card is Trident Blade 3D PCI/AGP (IPC),
so I installed the XF86_SVGA
   server but the computer often blocks when I
'startx'. I used to reinstall Debian. 
   When it works, the only graphic mode that I had is
the 320x200 with a very big police.

2) My network interface is a Realtek 8029 and I didn't
find in 'modconf' a driver for it.

3) My modem is a 'Motorola SM56 PCI speakphone Modem
#2' and was not detected.

Thank you.

HENNI Fouad.

Do You Yahoo!? -- Vos albums photos en ligne, 
Yahoo! Photos :

Re: messages log file

2001-08-11 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 04:57:58PM +1000, Craig W ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 This may sound really stupid, however I cannot seem to locate anything
 about it anywhere.  When I view the messages log file it is full of
 --MARK-- , what does this mean? I have never seen it on any other of
 the Linux boxes I have (running RH though). I am slowly trying to get
 to grips with Debian before I go swapping out all the RH boxes.

It's a timestamp.  You'll find the generating script in one of your
system crontabs.

 Also any ideas on why I have ssh running  can log in from my internal
 network, I have allowed the IP range from work access, I can scan the box
 from work  it reports that the ports I have open are definitely open, yet I
 cannot connect (I even set up Apache to see if I could get a webpage, ie:
 some sort of connection happening between the box  the remote)  yet I
 still get connection refused by remote.. 

Try running the client with verbose option:

$ ssh -v host

Check your sshd server messages, generally in /var/log/auth.log.

 I have triple-checked that I have the ipchains set up correctly ( 
 ran a packet through the chains to ensure the chains weren't to
 blame), any ideas, I have checked the config of ssh  all appears
 sweet, although I get this error when I even try to get the default
 page up in a browser on the  remote. 

What happens if you telnet port 80 from a remote site?  Does the request
show up in any system logs?

 I am suspicious of my ISP filtering the connections (although after
 speaking to them they tell me they don't), although wouldn't a std.
 nmap scan show my ports as closed or filtered if this is the case?

Check your ISP's AUP.  More and more are denying users server ports.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: unable to stat

2001-08-11 Thread harsha
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 03:34:38AM -0400, Daniel T. Chen wrote:
 I remember this in 2.4.4 as a vm bug that trashed my ext2 fs. Mount that
 partition readonly and e2fsck it. More than likely the file is probably
 being reported as some insane size like ~14 GB. Upgrade to 2.4.7+ as soon
 as possible, then repair your fs.

I am using the 2.4.7 kernel. I thought it was an installation problem. I
just checked it out.

ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/uuidgen.1.gz

p-wx--xr-x1 1577316331 12254897930 Feb 20  1910 

I deleted that file and then the upgrade went on smoothly. Does that
mean that the vm bug still exists or the possible reason is that it was
due to a improper shutdown?

thank you

Re: Galeon (unstable): Cannot find a schema for galeon preferences (gconf)

2001-08-11 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 11:08:47AM +0200, Leo Laursen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 In linux.debian.user, you wrote:
  I'm getting a dialog box with the following error when running Galeon
  after the latest unstable upgrade:
  Cannot find a schema for galeon preferences.
  Check your gconf setup, look at galeon FAQ for more information.
  Expert mode
  1. Edit the path file in the directory $sysconfdir/gconf/1.
  A basic configuration for the default backend would look
  include $(HOME)/.gconf.path
  =2E..I don't find a setup-gconf-source file in the Galeon package.  I'm
  sufficiently a non-GNOME user that I've no idea how to go about setting
  up a gconf schema (let alone what the damned things are).
  I did find /etc/gconf/schemas/galeon.schemas, but it doesn't appear to
  be doing the trick.  Note it's listed in conffiles (below).
  Anyone got a fix for this?

First, I'm redirecting response to list.  This is of general interest,
I'd hope.

 Making /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults world _writable_ fixes it.
 Faq said chmod -R 755; but that did'nt help.
 I tried chmod -R 777, and that works. (a litle drastic)
 After that Galeon wrote a lot of stuf in the dir.

WTF is /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults doing being world writeable?  Isn't
that just crying out for all kinds of nastiness?  And no, this isn't
aimed at Leo.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: .forward file format for exim

2001-08-11 Thread tempsch
On 11 Aug, Sam Varghese wrote:
 i have the following .forward file in my home directory:
 #debian lists
 if $h_From: contains debian-user or
$h_To: contains Debian-user
save mail/debian
 theoretically, this should tell exim to sort incoming
 mail into the files specified as per the exim documentation
 since it doesn't work, i must be doing something wrong. this
 box uses potato with a 2.2.19 kernel.
 could someone enlighten me?

Well, I run exim 3.12 here...

I don't know if case matters or not, but in my .forward I have
lowercase $h_from etc. and they work. I haven't played with logical
or'ing rules though, instead I use two or more rules after each other,
saving to the same folder. 
As to filtering mail from this list; why not use the X-Mailing-List
This is what I use:
if $message_headers contains X-Mailing-List: debian-user then
  save $home/Mail/debian-user

  Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out... 

Re: matrox g450 and dri

2001-08-11 Thread Cyan Ogilvie
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 09:10:20PM -0500, Matthew Garman wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 06:54:09PM -0500, Matthew Garman wrote:
  I replaced /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/mga_drv.o with the file of the
  same name from Matrox's website.  I also dropped in the file names
  mga_hal_drv.o from the Matrox site.
 This was my problem... in my haste, I didn't notice that the driver from
 Matrox's site are for XFree 4.0.x, whereas I'm running 4.1.0.
 Hopefully this might be useful to someone else down the road :)

Hmmm, I recently got a G400 working with X 4.1.0 using the matrox
mga_drv.o and mga_hal_drv.o (claims 4.0.3 or something).  Using the
drm from (version 3.0.something).  DRI working on first
head, multihead working great.  Had two days of pain before discovering
that xinerama and DRI won't play together :(

The mgapdesk util (from matrox, also avail as a debian package) is
great trying to get multihead going, then I just added the lines
to load dri and glx and all is happy.


Re: sqrt C function(clarification)

2001-08-11 Thread Shaul Karl
 I'm sorry not to have provided more information in my first e-mail although 
 i'm very glad so many people responded to help, but i've done some more 
 specifically i'm getting 'prase error in tmp/x' where x is a long string of 
 characters that tends to change on every run of the complier (at least when 
 i'm compiling other programs). I've tried the following and gotten no errors
 #include stdio.h
 #include math.h
 double num=16.0;
 int main()
  double sqrt(double num);
 the following warns me that 'function sqrt does not match global variable' 
 but still compiles
 #include stdio.h
 #include math.h
 float num;
 int main()
  float sqrt(float num);
 and this one just doesn't work at all giving the parse error previously 
 #include stdio.h
 #include math.h
 double num;
 int main()
   num = 16; /*i've also tried 16. and 16.0 here*/
   double sqrt(double num);

[12:13:02 tmp]$ cat sqrt.c
#include stdio.h
#include math.h

double num;

int main()
  num = 16; /*i've also tried 16. and 16.0 here*/
  double sqrt(double num);
[12:13:10 tmp]$ gcc -Wall sqrt.c -o sqrt -lm
sqrt.c: In function `main':
sqrt.c:9: parse error before `double'
[12:13:25 tmp]$ gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4/specs
gcc version 2.95.4 20010319 (Debian prerelease)
[12:21:32 tmp]$ 

You can not have a deceleration (double sqrt(double);) after a command (num = 
16;) in the same block. Replacing the order of
num = 16
double sqrt(double num);
fixed the warning for me. I can not reproduce the tmp/x error you are 
reporting. Maybe you should try to type the whole file from scratch, possibly 
in another dir?

 I'm sorry I was not more clear with my first e-mail and hope this points out 
 the problem better.  Also, how do I let gcc know that I want math.h to be an 
 available library so i dont' have to use the -l option every time if run it?

Do not know the answer for getting -lm by default. You might try info gcc. 
This will not be an issue with larger projects since one would use make:

[12:29:37 tmp]$ cat Makefile 
CFLAGS  = -Wall

cc -o $@ $ $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
[12:29:39 tmp]$ make
cc -o sqrt sqrt.c -Wall -lm
[12:29:46 tmp]$

 one final thing: did any of you try comiling the non-working examples on your 
 gcc's? did you get any errors?
 thanks a lot
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Re: sqrt C function(clarification)

2001-08-11 Thread Fredrik Jagenheim
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 03:44:17AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sorry not to have provided more information in my first e-mail although 
 i'm very glad so many people responded to help, but i've done some more 
 specifically i'm getting 'prase error in tmp/x' where x is a long string of 
 characters that tends to change on every run of the complier (at least when 
 i'm compiling other programs). I've tried the following and gotten no errors

With this;

#include stdio.h
#include math.h

double num;

int main()
  num = 16; 
  num = sqrt(num);  
  return 0; 

I don't get any problems with neither gcc version 2.95.4 20010703
(Debian prerelease) or gcc version 3.0.1 20010801 (Debian prerelease).

Both compiles just fine, and runs without any segfaults.

My bet would be that your compiler-enviroment is broken. Did you
compile/install it yourself?


Re: Re: OH NO! I can't login with any display-manager!!!

2001-08-11 Thread Bernard Reißberg
Hi Kent!

I think it's not window-manager related. I tried different windowmanagers and 
it's all the same problem. The display manager tells me login failed (in kdm) 
or authentication failed (in gdm) everytime I try to login with the correct 
log-in and password. So the only way to get into KDE or something like that is 
to start X manually. I have also the blackbox and the enlightment installed. If 
I start X with startx, the blackbox is loaded as the default. Could it be, that 
there occurrs a conflict, if X is started then automatically by kdm or so? Do I 
have to edit a config-file to change something?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 08.08.01:
 Bernard Reißberg wrote:
  Hi folks!
  I installed newly Debian potato on my laptop and got the KDE 2.1.2 from Everything worked fine but one: I can't login with kdm. 
  Everytime I try this, the login fails. But in textmode I can login without 
  any problems. I think this is not a problem caused by kdm, because the same 
  problem occured also if I try it with gdm or xdm. I tried it also with 
  different times of new installations of the whole system. But now I have no 
  more ideas what to do. I don't think that something is broken. The packages 
  are all actual from the potato-servers. Could somebody give me a hint, 
  please? I can only start my gui with startx. This should not be bad and is 
  maybe sometimes better than the automized start of of X, but I'm really 
  interested in the reason for this problem. Thank you very much!
 I suspect it may be window manager related. Perhaps startx is starting 
 one wm, such as icewm, and kdm/gdm/xdm/wdm is trying to start a 
 different wm, such as sawfish, and that one is non-functional. I believe 
 kdm offers a pull-down menu to try different wm's, so you might try that.
 Or is it telling you that it really is a logon issue, perhaps with a 
 message like Invalid logon or something, in which case it's not window 
 manager related.

Jetzt und nur hier Ihr original PREMIERE WORLD SportPaket 
plus 100 Euro ExtraPrämie:

Re: new install nfs not working

2001-08-11 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: new install nfs not working
Date: Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 10:20:04AM -0700


 uname: Debian of course.
 Linux 2.4.5 #1 Sat Jun 16 07:33:46 PDT 2001 i686 unknown
 Hello all.  Just installed nfs using apt-get but haven't got it to work
 yet. My /etc/exports hosts.allow and deny files are listed below but I
 think they are correct. On the client side the command:
 # rpcinfo -p my.nfs.server  My /etc/exports hosts.allow and deny files
 are listed below but I think they are correct. On the client side the

I don't.
No expert on NLS but I have it working so I'll try to heelp

 ---and the 3 config files
 # cat /etc/exports 
 #sample /etc/exports file:
Not what I have

# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be
# exported
#   to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
/pgm2 (rw) hard,intr,no_root_squash,nohide

Any box on the home network is allowed.
 # cat /etc/hosts.allow 

# hosts.allow  
portmap: : allow
rpc.ugidd: : allow

This is to allow to access files from
NO mountd here in mine.
 # cat /etc/hosts.deny 
Looks OK

I took a tip from the NFS Howto
  If you edit /etc/exports you will have to make sure nfsd and mountd
knows that the files have changed.  The traditonal way is to run
exportfs.  Many Linux distributions lack a exportfs program.  If
you're exportfs-less you can install this script on your

  killall -HUP /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd
  killall -HUP /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd
  echo re-exported file systems

I run this on each of my NFS Servers. My Potato  Woody boxen didn't have this.


Computers are a more fun way to do the same work you'd have to do
without them.

Re: sqrt C function(clarification)

2001-08-11 Thread Paul Scott

Shaul Karl wrote:

I'm sorry not to have provided more information in my first e-mail although 
i'm very glad so many people responded to help, but i've done some more 

specifically i'm getting 'prase error in tmp/x' where x is a long string of 
characters that tends to change on every run of the complier (at least when 
i'm compiling other programs).

You could still have told us what your command looked like but with 
answers you are getting you may not need to now.

None of the many variations of code that I tried gave the above error.

Were you thinking C or C++?  A slightly relevant point is that the 
optimizer removes the sqrt line in every case below since you are not 
using the result of the sqrt.

If you are thinking C then the casting you are doing should be (double) 
or (float) not just double or float.  That one change gets rid of all 
the errors from the following.

I've tried the following and gotten no errors

#include stdio.h
#include math.h

double num=16.0;

int main()
double sqrt(double num);


the following warns me that 'function sqrt does not match global variable' 
but still compiles

#include stdio.h
#include math.h

float num;

int main()
float sqrt(float num);


and this one just doesn't work at all giving the parse error previously 

#include stdio.h
#include math.h

double num;

int main()
 num = 16; /*i've also tried 16. and 16.0 here*/

 double sqrt(double num);

[12:13:02 tmp]$ cat sqrt.c
#include stdio.h
#include math.h

double num;

int main()
  num = 16; /*i've also tried 16. and 16.0 here*/

  double sqrt(double num);
[12:13:10 tmp]$ gcc -Wall sqrt.c -o sqrt -lm
sqrt.c: In function `main':
sqrt.c:9: parse error before `double'
[12:13:25 tmp]$ gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4/specs
gcc version 2.95.4 20010319 (Debian prerelease)
[12:21:32 tmp]$ 

You can not have a deceleration (double sqrt(double);) after a command (num = 
16;) in the same block. Replacing the order of

num = 16
double sqrt(double num);

This is another way of saying what I said about casting above.  In C++ 
declarations can occur anywhere but in C they must precede all of the 
executable statements.

As a last point Craig was correct about the optimizer - at least for gcc.

  float x = 5;

does indeed convert the integer 5 to a float 5 at compile time.

Paul Scott

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-11 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 04:31:52PM -0500, Aaron Hall wrote:
 On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Joey Hess wrote:
  HELP: No files on my system are owned by user or group bin. What
good are they? Historically they were probably the owners of
binaries in /bin? It is not mentioned in the FHS, debian
policy, or the changelogs of base-passwd or base-files.
 I can confirm that on Solaris 2.5, bin is the owner and group of most
 files in /bin, /usr/bin, et al. I don't go back all that far in unix, so
 I don't know why that is.

I can confirm the same for AIX 4.3.3



Re: dosemu

2001-08-11 Thread Stig Brautaset
* dman [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
 On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 10:40:47PM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | How do you use 'dosemu' and what is it ?
 It is a DOS emulator that, IIRC, requires DOS to really be installed
 on a partition.  It is useful if you have some programs that only run
 under DOS and you want to use them under Linux (for example the m68k
 cross-assembler and simulator the textbook came with last year).

heh, I ran this on my laptop right in front of my teacher -- he thought
he had found a way to trick me into using windows :) (Didn't have that 
textbook though.)

Regards, Stig

Re: Kernel panic, system crash, 01 01 01: help

2001-08-11 Thread Stig Brautaset
 Yesterday while browsing the via lynx, via a dialup 
 my terminal suddenly started spouting warnings. I wasn't able to capture 
 but one said, Unable to mount fs, unable to mount hdb.
 The other virtual terminal (F1) was logged on as root, and moments later it 
 hit the same way.
 I'm running Potato 2.something on hdb

Not anymore I'm afraid -- sounds to me like your hd has performed harakiri.

 on dual boot system with win98 on hda.  So. I rebooted, and the system can't
 even make it to LILO...I get the dreaded 01 01 01 01...thing.
 The startup floppy made it to a point, and then echoed Kernel panic: unable 
 mount root file system.
 Other conditions: it was 100 degrees in the shade yesterday, and we do not 
 air conditioning. Could that be a factor?

Very possible; in that heat I would take drastic measures as well.

 I'm interested in any advice re. etiology and solutions. Have not tried 
 reinstalling yet. 

I believe you will find that your hd has 'gone fishing', if you catch my drift.


Re: backups using tar - /dev/ht0

2001-08-11 Thread Bob Koss
 Alvin == Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alvin so you do NOT have /dev/ht0 as a device

Alvin manually creaate a device called /dev/ht0 with mknod...
Alvin and give it the type, and major and minor id

Alvin if the device is made properly... it should be like
Alvin crw-rw 1 root disk 37, 0 May 5 1998 /dev/ht0

Based on the instructions that you kindly provided yesterday, I have:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cd /dev
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dev$ ls -al ht0
crw-r--r--1 root root  37,   0 Aug 10 19:50 ht0

Alvin until ls -la /dev/ht0 looks liek the above line...  there
Alvin is no point to doing any mt/tar commands..

It looks like we're close.

Alvin what kind of tape drive do you have etc would dictate which
Alvin tape driver yu are gonna be using

This is an OnStream DI-30. The driver is supposed to be part of the
kernel. I'm running Potato with the supplied 2.2.19pre17 kernel.


Robert Koss, Ph.D. | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant  | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java   | Extreme Programming

kernel panic

2001-08-11 Thread Marco Herrn
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 03:20:15PM -0500, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
 Does your BIOS see the ram as all good?  If so you may need to find
 something that tests the memory a bit more rigorously.

The BIOS doesn't see anything bad.

 A quick scan of the packages list gives memtest86 and memtest.  Both
 look like they should help you out in testing your ram.

I tried memtest86 now (only with cache disabled, because I needed access to
my machine again and this part already took 11 hours ;-).
It didn't find any errors.

But I will try the test with cache enabled and memtest, when I have the

(GnuPG/PGP-signed and crypted mail preferred)
Key ID: 0x94620736 

kernel panic

2001-08-11 Thread Marco Herrn
On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 03:20:15PM -0500, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
 Does your BIOS see the ram as all good?  If so you may need to find
 something that tests the memory a bit more rigorously.

The BIOS doesn't see anything bad.

 A quick scan of the packages list gives memtest86 and memtest.  Both
 look like they should help you out in testing your ram.

I tried memtest86 now (only with cache disabled, because I needed access to
my machine again and this part already took 11 hours ;-).
It didn't find any errors.

But I will try the test with cache enabled and memtest, when I have the

(GnuPG/PGP-signed and crypted mail preferred)
Key ID: 0x94620736 

Upgrade broke gpm?

2001-08-11 Thread Mark Carroll
I'm currently tracking 'testing', and run dselect's 'update', etc. fairly
frequently. I prefer 'stable' but it's just so far behind some things.

My mouse has stopped working. I use gpm as a repeater to X.

I'm reasonably certain that it stopped working since I did my update
yesterday, gpm was upgraded, I answered no to something about restarting
it, and I later rebooted. syslog tells me nothing.

gpm-mouse-test mostly hangs, but once it did seem to find my PS/2 mouse on
/dev/psaux and got it running again. A reboot, and it died again.

I've also been trying a different mouse, to no avail.

Has anyone else upgraded very recently and had a similar experience?

-- Mark

Re: backups using tar - /dev/ht0

2001-08-11 Thread Bob Koss
 Alvin == Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alvin if the device is made properly... it should be like
Alvin crw-rw 1 root disk 37, 0 May 5 1998 /dev/ht0

Alvin until ls -la /dev/ht0 looks liek the above line...  there
Alvin is no point to doing any mt/tar commands..

Okay, a few chgrp's and chmod's later, my ls -al looks like you want
it to look. 

But I still get:

mt -f /dev/ht0 rewind 
mt: /dev/ht0: Input/output error


Robert Koss, Ph.D. | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant  | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java   | Extreme Programming

Chrooting a user?

2001-08-11 Thread Sunny Dubey

How would i Chroot a user?  I want him to be able to log into the machine 
like any other user, however his home directory would be his root directory, 
and he could do whatever he wants below it.  Something like this ..

(must have fixed-width font)
/home/user  --  /  Virtual-Root

and so forth.

Any ideas or pointers would be really appreciated, thanks.

Sunny Dubey

Re: missing gnumeric dependancies

2001-08-11 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 00:50:51 -0500, Colin Watson wrote:
 It's waiting for various things to be fixed before it can migrate to
  testing, ITYM.

 A recent reorganization of the libgal* packages

I talked to libgal's maintainer about it being a running target, and offered
a suggestion on how to make multiple libgal versions coexist peacefully; he
indicated he'd follow that suggestion.

 (still waiting in incoming for approval) will help.

I hadn't noticed that yet; good to see!

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: .forward file format for exim

2001-08-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 04:46:42PM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
 #debian lists
 if $h_From: contains debian-user or
$h_To: contains Debian-user
save mail/debian
 theoretically, this should tell exim to sort incoming
 mail into the files specified as per the exim documentation
 since it doesn't work, i must be doing something wrong.

Take a look at the From: and To: headers on list messages.  None of
them are From: the list address and many replies are To: the original
message's sender and Cc: the list.

Try filtering on the X-Mailing_List: header instead.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
To prevent unauthorized reading... - Adobe eBook reader license

Re: messages log file

2001-08-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 04:57:58PM +1000, Craig W wrote:
 This may sound really stupid, however I cannot seem to locate anything about
 it anywhere.
 When I view the messages log file it is full of --MARK-- , what does this

Anywhere?  Try man syslogd:

   -m interval
  The syslogd logs a mark timestamp  regularly.   The
  default interval between two -- MARK -- lines is 20
  minutes.  This can be  changed  with  this  option.
  Setting the interval to zero turns it off entirely.

Calling this a timestamp is slightly inaccurate, in that logs are only
MARKed when the interval passes without anything being written to the log.
The reason you don't see this on RH boxes is that they use messages
as their generic catch-all log, so it's never quiet for 20 minutes.
Debian hardly uses messages at all and instead dumps everything into

 Also any ideas on why I have ssh running  can log in from my internal
 network, I have allowed the IP range from work access, I can scan the box
 from work  it reports that the ports I have open are definitely open, yet I
 cannot connect

ping, traceroute, ssh -v, and check syslog on your home machine.
sshd is usually pretty good about logging the reason why it's refusing a
connection attempt.  It could also be tcpwrappers refusing the connection
before ssh/apache sees it, and it's decent with its logging as well,
though it tends to just log the refusal and not the reason.  Oh, also,
if your usernames are different, don't forget to use ssh -l user.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
To prevent unauthorized reading... - Adobe eBook reader license

Re: backups using tar - /dev/ht0

2001-08-11 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya bob

...beg/borrow/steal a (real) dds1, dds2, dds3 ide tape drive...
- hp series, exabyte series, etc

and try to read/write to that drive

c ya

On 11 Aug 2001, Bob Koss wrote:

  Alvin == Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Alvin if the device is made properly... it should be like
 Alvin crw-rw 1 root disk 37, 0 May 5 1998 /dev/ht0
 Alvin until ls -la /dev/ht0 looks liek the above line...  there
 Alvin is no point to doing any mt/tar commands..
 Okay, a few chgrp's and chmod's later, my ls -al looks like you want
 it to look. 
 But I still get:
 mt -f /dev/ht0 rewind 
 mt: /dev/ht0: Input/output error

Re: messages log file

2001-08-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 12:34:57AM -0700, Alvin Oga wrote:
 hi ya craig
  I am suspicious of my ISP
  filtering the connections (although after speaking to them they tell me
  they don't),
 Most ISP do NOT filter traffic to/from you... they have bigger worries

This was true two weeks ago, but several ISPs (including some big ones
like ATT) are now blocking inbound port 80 in an attempt to control
the Code Red worm.  Whether the blocks will be removed once the problem
pases remains to be seen.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not
safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. - Alan Cox
To prevent unauthorized reading... - Adobe eBook reader license

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-11 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I can confirm that on Solaris 2.5, bin is the owner and group of most
   files in /bin, /usr/bin, et al. I don't go back all that far in unix, so
   I don't know why that is.
   I can confirm the same for AIX 4.3.3

 FWIW, on IRIX most files in /bin[0], /usr/bin, /sbin and /usr/sbin are
 root:sys.  On HP/UX[1] /bin[2], /usr/bin, /sbin and /usr/sbin contain
 files owned by bin:bin, with a few seemingly random exceptions owned by

[0] This is actually a link to usr/bin.
[1] aka, a Developer's Nightmare (but I actually find it cute to be
greeted by (c)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985-1993 The Regents of
the Univ. of California, among a screenful of others, at login)
[2] Same deal, the link points to /usr/bin.

Marcelo | The Battle of Koom Valley is the only one known to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | history where both sides ambushed each other.
| -- (Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms)

kernel 2.4.x in potato?

2001-08-11 Thread Bob Koss

I'm still trying to get my OnStream tape driving working in Debian. I
was mistaken when I said that the driver was in the kernel. The driver 
doesn't appear until 2.4.  The kernel patches from OnStream are only
for 2.2.14 and 2.2.16. I'm running potato with 2.2.19.

So, can I upgrade my kernel to 2.4.? Has anybody taken a newly
installed potato system and just upgraded the kernel to 2.4? What
headaches are in my future?


Robert Koss, Ph.D. | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant  | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java   | Extreme Programming

Re: problems with configuring Debian

2001-08-11 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: problems with configuring Debian
Date: Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 10:52:36AM +0200

In reply to:fouad HENNI

  I installed Linux Debian 2.2 r0 on my computer and I
 need solution for the problems below:
 1) My video card is Trident Blade 3D PCI/AGP (IPC),
 so I installed the XF86_SVGA
server but the computer often blocks when I
 'startx'. I used to reinstall Debian. 
When it works, the only graphic mode that I had is
 the 320x200 with a very big police.
 2) My network interface is a Realtek 8029 and I didn't
 find in 'modconf' a driver for it.

search /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ for
'RealTek 8029' to find which module it requires
 3) My modem is a 'Motorola SM56 PCI speakphone Modem
 #2' and was not detected.

external or internal?

Office Automation, n.:
  The use of computers to improve efficiency by removing anyone
  you would want to talk with over coffee.

problems Debian 2.2

2001-08-11 Thread fouad HENNI
I installed Linux Debian 2.2 r0 on my PC but I cannot
execute tha 'traceroute' command.

Do You Yahoo!? -- Vos albums photos en ligne, 
Yahoo! Photos :

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-11 Thread John Hasler
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a writes:
 I can confirm that on Solaris 2.5, bin is the owner and group of most
 files in /bin, /usr/bin, et al.

Likewise on System III on my Onyx, IIRC.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: problems Debian 2.2

2001-08-11 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, [iso-8859-1] fouad HENNI wrote:

fH I installed Linux Debian 2.2 r0 on my PC but I cannot
fH execute tha 'traceroute' command.

try /usr/sbin/traceroute


   ' '(~)' '
Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
 Debian version 2.2.19,  up 43 min, 6 users, load average: 0.04

Re: kernel 2.4.x in potato?

2001-08-11 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: kernel 2.4.x in potato?
Date: Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 09:53:12AM -0400

In reply to:Bob Koss

Quoting Bob Koss([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I'm still trying to get my OnStream tape driving working in Debian. I
 was mistaken when I said that the driver was in the kernel. The driver 
 doesn't appear until 2.4.  The kernel patches from OnStream are only
 for 2.2.14 and 2.2.16. I'm running potato with 2.2.19.
 So, can I upgrade my kernel to 2.4.? Has anybody taken a newly
 installed potato system and just upgraded the kernel to 2.4? What
 headaches are in my future?

I changed 4 boxen to 2.4.x.  No worries.

Add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list
# Use these for kernel 2.4 update to Potato
deb potato main

then run
apt-get update  apt-get dist-upgrade

I use the kernels from so don't recall if you
get the kernel source with the upgrade or not.  If not you will have
to install the source  header packages.

I don't recall any headaches at all.  Do get the latest kernel tho.
2.4.7 is running fine here.
A bug in the code is worth two in the documentation.

Re: problems Debian 2.2

2001-08-11 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: problems Debian 2.2
Date: Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 04:24:53PM +0200

In reply to:fouad HENNI

 I installed Linux Debian 2.2 r0 on my PC but I cannot
 execute tha 'traceroute' command.

Did you install it?  whereis traceroute
if not then
apt-get install traceroute

Keyboard : Instrument used to enter errors into computer.

dpkg/dselect config files

2001-08-11 Thread David Dayan-Rosenman
Iscrewed up and erased the /var/lib/dpkg/status* files for dpkg/dselect, is 
there anyway to restore them ?


hostname with dhcp-client

2001-08-11 Thread Carl Greco
Anyone know how to set the hostname under dhcp?  I have
dhcp-client [2.0pl4-2]
debian 2.2 - potato [patched to date]
kernel [2.2.19]
I establish a lease with dhclient with the following config file, i.e.,

send host-name;
lease {
  interface eth0;
  option host-name;

I have used several combinations in the above config file including
setting the hostname and domain names separately.

I don't find an error message from dhclient; however, the hostname
assigned by DNS, i.e., from nslookup on the ip address, is not
`peregrine' but some combination of letter, numbers and dashes.

I found several messages in the Debian Mailing List Archives that
may be useful but it appears there is a problem with the database.  I
get the following message when I attempt to read one of the messages:

The requested URL
/www/debian-user/2001/debian-user-200107/msg02249.html was not found
on this server.

Carl Greco

Re: Server/Gateway Linux Box

2001-08-11 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Hi, I'm building a Linux box that will serve as a server and gateway to split
 internet access from a cable modem to numerous machines (some Linux, some
 Winblows.) I'm putting in 2 network cards and a dual-processor motherboard
 with 2 Pentium II processors.

That's a bit much but if you insist...

 What do I need to do to set it up to perform IP Masquerading,

man ipchains

 and how do I turn on dual-processing support in Linux? Do I just
 compile in Symmetric multiprocessing support into the kernel?


 Also, how do I set up file sharing so that every machine on my network
 can access the files on any other?



2001-08-11 Thread Daniel Link
hi ,

  i want to use a p133 as a gateway so the other computers on my
  network have access to the internet. i have one network card and one
  isdn cards which both run fine. what do i need to install/configure?

 Daniel  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cnet Pro200 PCI fast Ethernet Adapter, road runner centralflorida

2001-08-11 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 04:50:06AM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 I compiled again the kernel with all possible network devices as M or Y,
 except for a group of ARCnet cards. Any way the module dmfe.c does not
 appear available. So I have no clue. Could that be a lacking feature in
 kernel-source.2.2.19pre17? I checked, and dmfe.c is present in
 Any ideas?

You need to say yes to the very first question about experimental /
development drivers.

Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd. | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

Description: PGP signature

RE: upgrading more then one box by downloading the files once!

2001-08-11 Thread Arno Baier
I have done it 3 ways.

1) Set the /var/cache/apt/archive directory as an NFS dir, mount it on
the system to upgrade.

2) Use ssh.  scp the files you want to the other boxen archives
directory.  I used this now as it was faster and less work.

3) If you have a cd burner bnd all the system have a cdrom, backup the 
archives dir to cd.  Option 2 is still faster.

I'll try the first one.

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