Re: generar swf amb programari gnu gpl

2007-07-29 Thread Josep Ma. Ferrer
Hash: RIPEMD160

En/na Carles Ferrando Garcia ha escrit:
 L'error tant a lenny com a ubuntu és el mateix, us envie les línies de
 la consola , a veure si algú avesat a compilar tots els dies em pot
 suggerir que puc fer.
 Vaig provar d'instal·lar g++-4.1 però l'error no va variar.
 -I/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default -I. -I. -I../include -I../src
 -I/usr/share/qt3/include -o qextscintilla.o qextscintilla.cxx
 make[3]: g++: Command not found
 make[3]: *** [qextscintilla.o] Error 127
 make[3]: Leaving directory

 Jo diria que et falta el paquet g++ (g++-4.1 o semblant). Què et
surt si tecleges g++ -v en una consola? Si dius que l'error no va
variar després de instal·lar el paquet és possible que encara manqui
algun altre paquet de desenvolupament.


- --
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Installation] Lecteur non reconnu

2007-07-29 Thread Arnaud FELTZ
Le 29/07/07, François TOURDE [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Le 13722ième jour après Epoch,

 Il m'est arrivé la même histoire hier, avec Debian 3.1 ... J'ai essayé
 plusieurs lecteurs DVD ou CD différents, mais toujours la même

 Il se trouve que cette machine possède 2 contrôleurs IDE, un qui fait
 SATA/PATA ou SATA/RAID sur lequel était branché le lecteur, et l'autre
 qui fait PATA ou RAID.

 Je suis passé en Debian 4.0 (Etch) avec le même installeur Netinstall,
 et tout va bien.

 A mon avis, c'est juste une question de pilote du contrôleur IDE, mais
 pour être sûr, regarde les messages de la log lors du chargement des
 pilotes. Tu peux avoir ça sur la console 4 il me semble, ou en lançant
 un shell sur la console 2 avec un 'more /var/log/syslog'.

J'ai pas de RAID, mais qu'un lecteur graveur en IDE dans tout le PC. En
fait, lorsqu'il tente de monter le PC, il me donne les erreurs suivantes
(tty4) :
hw-detect: Missing modules 'ide-mod  (Linux IDE driver), ide-probe-mod,
ide-detect (etc.)
Après il me dit que le montage a échoué!

Mais ce que je comprend pas, c'est que les pilotes manquent, j'ai pourtant
pris la netinstall de Debian qu'est sur le site officiel...

Z'avez une solution?

Pour la version 2.4 du noyau, j'ai pas ça dans les options de l'installation
avec la netinstall ETCH :(

Re: [Installation] Lecteur non reconnu

2007-07-29 Thread Arnaud FELTZ
Le 29/07/07, François TOURDE [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Le 13722ième jour après Epoch,

 Il m'est arrivé la même histoire hier, avec Debian 3.1 ... J'ai essayé
 plusieurs lecteurs DVD ou CD différents, mais toujours la même

 Il se trouve que cette machine possède 2 contrôleurs IDE, un qui fait
 SATA/PATA ou SATA/RAID sur lequel était branché le lecteur, et l'autre
 qui fait PATA ou RAID.

 Je suis passé en Debian 4.0 (Etch) avec le même installeur Netinstall,
 et tout va bien.

 A mon avis, c'est juste une question de pilote du contrôleur IDE, mais
 pour être sûr, regarde les messages de la log lors du chargement des
 pilotes. Tu peux avoir ça sur la console 4 il me semble, ou en lançant
 un shell sur la console 2 avec un 'more /var/log/syslog'.

J'ai pas de RAID, mais qu'un lecteur graveur en IDE dans tout le PC. En
fait, lorsqu'il tente de monter le PC, il me donne les erreurs suivantes
(tty4) :
hw-detect: Missing modules 'ide-mod  (Linux IDE driver), ide-probe-mod,
ide-detect (etc.)
Après il me dit que le montage a échoué!

Mais ce que je comprend pas, c'est que les pilotes manquent, j'ai pourtant
pris la netinstall de Debian qu'est sur le site officiel...

Z'avez une solution?

Re: problème driver NVIDIA

2007-07-29 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Thu, 26 Jul 2007 22:31:21 +0200

 Le Fri, 20 Jul 2007 14:37:50 +0200
 C. Mourad Jaber [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
  On 19.07.2007 22:42, Alexandre Gerussi wrote:
   pour une raison qui m'a toujours échappé, jamais le driver binaire 
   nvidia distribué dans debian n'a fonctionné chez moi.
   D'habitude je compilais directement à partir des sources de chez NVIDIA.
   Voilà que maintenant ca ne marche plus non plus: la compilation semble 
   bien se passer et puis boum:
   Building modules, stage 2.
  make -f /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-k7/scripts/Makefile.modpost
scripts/mod/modpost -m  -i 
   /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-k7/Module.symvers -I 

   -w /tmp/selfgz9162/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9639-pkg1/usr/src/nv/nvidia.o
  FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko uses GPL-only 
   symbol 'paravirt_ops'
  make[3]: *** [__modpost] Erreur 1
  make[2]: *** [modules] Erreur 2
  nvidia.ko failed to build!
  make[1]: *** [module] Erreur 1
  make: *** [module] Erreur 2
   - Error.
   ERROR: Unable to build the NVIDIA kernel module.
   Un problème de GPL apparemment, quelle est donc cette diablerie ?
  Un patch est posté sur le bug suivant :
  ça à marché sans problème pour moi - pas besoin de recompiler de noyau ;)
  @ +
 Ne marche pas pour moi:
 ld:--defsym paravirt_ops=0x: syntax error
 J'ai l'impression que ça vient du fait que je compile depuis un 2.6.18 pour
 faire un module 2.6.21 (m-a build -l 2.6.21-2-k7 nvidia-kernel-source)

Il y a bien un problème quand on compile pas depuis le noyau cible. Je viens
de réussir à booter sur le 2.6.21 est maintenant j'arrive à compiler le paquet.


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Re: [testing] passage au 2.6.21

2007-07-29 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 28 Jul 2007 21:38:37 +0200

 Le Sat, 28 Jul 2007 20:07:28 +0200
 Jerome Moinet [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
   Mon problème si je comprends bien les logs lors du boot (voir copie
   d'écran ci-dessous):
   c'est qu'il essaie de monter les systèmes de fichiers avant que les
   disques n'aient été découvert, non?
  J'ai eu le même souci avec une install testing sur une clé usb. La
  solution (en tout cas celle que j'ai appliqué) est la suivante :
  * création du fichier /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/00usb
  * chmod 755 du fichier
  * dedans il y a :
  sleep 5
  * reconstruction :
  update-initramfs -u
  D'après ce que j'ai compris, la prise en compte d'un disque usb est trop
  lente par rapport au boot, d'où le sleep 5 en début de boot pour
  attendre que le disque soit reconnu.
  On dirait que le nouveau noyau traite les disques scsi comme des disques
  usb (ou plutôt le contraire).
  hope this helps
 Oui ça tourne autour de ça effectivement. Je viens de trouver le bug #422217
 qui décrit mon problème. Toujours sans solution à ce jour...

Une solution plutôt que de toucher à l'initrd, comme proposer dans un
précédent message est d'ajouter 'rootdelay=5' sur la ligne append dans
lilo.conf. La durée est à adapter en fonction de chaque cas.


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Re: kdm + terminer la session

2007-07-29 Thread HEHO
HEHO a écrit, le 14.06.2007 22:13 :
 HEHO a écrit, le 13.01.2007 22:47 :
 et avant, le 17.12.2006 10:20 :
 et avant, le 15.12.2006 11:12 :
 re debian etch à jour (2.6.18-3-686).
 suite à un problème avec kde évoqué dans un autre fil je me suis rendu
 compte d'un disfonctionnement de kdm [...]
 bon, apparemment on dirait le bug #398589 ici :
 c'est résolu pour moi avec les mises à jour faites ce soir de :
 xserver-xorg-video-savage (2.1.2-3) ...
 rebelote cet après-midi avec la mise à jour de
 xserver-xorg-core version:
 xserver-xorg-video-savage version: 2.1.2-5
 sur un portable tecra 8100 (pIII 697Mhz)
 (VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/MX-MV (rev 11))
 en lenny à jour (2.6.18-4-686)
 sauf que là je ne tombe plus sur aucun shell juste un ecran noir,
 console inaccessible.
 donc magic-keys ou connection ssh depuis le lan pour un reboot et ça va.
c'est réparé avec le
remplacement de
xserver-xorg-video-savage 1:2.1.2-5
xserver-xorg-video-savage 1:2.1.2-6

donc (à mon niveau) le bug
(398589 marqué: done, Bug is archived. No further changes may be made)
se produit quand
xserver-xorg-core passe à une version supérieure
xserver-xorg-video-savage n'y passant qu'un mois plus tard environ.
bon voilà n'en parlons plus ce coup ci.
à plus.

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Re: question de dépendance, lenny nfs-kernel-server_1:1.1.0-11

2007-07-29 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
[EMAIL PROTECTED], samedi 28 juillet 2007, 23:29:03 CEST
 Bonjour à tous,


 (Je mets mes questions au début,
 bien qu'elles devraient être à la fin :
 1-- Qu'en est-il des dépendances un peu bizarres
 que je décris ci-dessous, qu'en pensez vous ?

  Que mettre les questions dans l’ordre est plus simple.

  Sinon, voir plus bas.

 2-- nfs-kernel-server est il un bonne solution
 pour agir sur un système de fichier distant, exactement
 comme si on l'avait monté en local avec mount ?

  Oui et non. Ça dépend de ce que tu appelles « distant ».
  NFS n’est pas des plus sécurisés, p.ex.

 3-- Est-ce que je peux supprimer mount, ça semble bizarre,
 lire la suite. Où est mount_2.13 ?
 Ce qui est probable c'est que je n'ai pas du tout comp-
 pris les sens des sections remplace et est en conflit
 avec de apt.


 Dans l'alternative il y a un peu de fouilli dans ces dépendances
 dans nfs-kernel-server et nfs-common.


 Je souhaite monter un disque distant,
 pour l'avoir chez moi, comme s'il était
 bêtement là.
 Mais ce n'est pas ça la question (pas pour l'inst-
 ant du moins).
 Je fais aptitude et là, je suis surpris par les info-
 rmations sur les dépendances du paquet :
 Ce que dit 
 $ apt-cache show nfs-kernel-server
 Package: nfs-kernel-server
 Priority: optional
 Section: net
 Installed-Size: 352
 Maintainer: Anibal Monsalve Salazar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Architecture: i386
 Source: nfs-utils
 Version: 1:1.1.0-11
 Replaces: knfs, nfs-server
 Provides: knfs, nfs-server
 Depends: nfs-common (= 1:1.0.8-1), ucf, lsb-base (= 1.3-9ubuntu3),
 libblkid1 (= 1.39-1), libc6 (= 2.5-5), libcomerr2 (= 1.33-3),
 libgssapi2, libkrb53 (= 1.6.dfsg.1), libnfsidmap2, librpcsecgss3,
 libwrap0, libblkid1 (= 1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-2)
 Conflicts: knfs, nfs-server
 J'ai souligné les lignes qui m'ont surprises.
 Avec aptitude c'est plus flagrant,
 car il dit clairement, avec les numérots de version
 à l'appuis, qu'il est en conflit avec lui-même.

  Non.  Il remplace tous les paquets qui fourniraient nfs-server
ou knfs  (qui sont des paquets virtuels).  Comme il les remplace
complètement,  il est aussi  en  conflit avec  eux pour empêcher
l’installation des _autres_ paquets.
  (Tu aurais aussi pu souligner les Provides et les inclure dans
ta réflexion.)

  Ce que tu n’as pas compris, ce sont les paquets virtuels.

 Pareil avec nfs-common
 qui est en conflit avec nfs client : lui-même (!),
 Et, ce qui m'a mis la puce à l'oreille,
 c'est que nfs-common remplace mount (2.13~)
 et que j'ai mount_2.12r-19

  Il y a une réorganisation en cours :  mount 2.13~rc2-3  vient
de débarquer en Sid et il dépend maintenant de nfs-common.
  (D’ailleurs, il faudrait vérifier les règles mais comme mount
est  « essential/required »,  nfs-common  devrait aussi l’être,
non ?)

 (Ainsi que nfs-common, je le répète).

  Non. nfs-common _n’est pas_ nfs-client. Il le _fournit_.
 Merci de me donner vos avis éclairés

  Le soleil brillait  quand j’ai tapé ce texte.  Je ne suis pas
sûr que  cela  garantisse sa  clarté,  son « éclairement »,  et
encore moins sa brillance.

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: problème driver NVIDIA

2007-07-29 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
Gaëtan PERRIER, dimanche 29 juillet 2007, 13:02:51 CEST
 Il y a bien un problème quand on compile pas depuis le noyau cible. Je viens
 de réussir à booter sur le 2.6.21 est maintenant j'arrive à compiler le 

  J’arrive largement après la bagarre (vacances, pas de nvidia en
ce moment, tout ça)  mais c’est  un  problème connu : les pilotes
nvidia  ont toujours  « préféré »  être compilés avec le noyau en
cours comme noyau cible.
  Une reconnaissance automatique mal venue ?

 Sylvain « nanère, je le savais » Sauvage

Re: kdm + terminer la session

2007-07-29 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
HEHO, dimanche 29 juillet 2007, 13:31:58 CEST
 HEHO a écrit, le 14.06.2007 22:13 :
  HEHO a écrit, le 13.01.2007 22:47 :

  Alors, on soliloque ? ;o)



 c'est réparé avec le
 remplacement de
 xserver-xorg-video-savage 1:2.1.2-5
 xserver-xorg-video-savage 1:2.1.2-6
 donc (à mon niveau) le bug
 (398589 marqué: done, Bug is archived. No further changes may be made)
 se produit quand
 xserver-xorg-core passe à une version supérieure
 xserver-xorg-video-savage n'y passant qu'un mois plus tard environ.
 bon voilà n'en parlons plus ce coup ci.

  Peut-être faudrait-il demander une dépendance plus forte entre
xserver-xorg-video-savage  et  xserver-xorg-core  pour  empêcher
l’installation avant que ...-savage ne soit recompilé.

 Sylvain Sauvage

VMWare-player sur Lenny/Sid

2007-07-29 Thread Patrice OLIVER

Je viens de récupérer la version 2.0 de VMWare-player.
Après un alien, j'ai récupéré le paquet Debian.
L'installation s'est déroulée dans problème.

Lors du, il est impossible de compiler un module
vmmon exploitable :

make -C /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-486/include/.. SUBDIRS=$PWD
SRCROOT=$PWD/. modules
make[1]: entrant dans le répertoire « /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-486 »
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/comport.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/cpuid.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/hash.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/memtrack.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/phystrack.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/task.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciContext.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciDatagram.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciDriver.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciDs.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciGroup.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciHashtable.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciProcess.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciResource.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmciSharedMem.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/common/vmx86.o
  CC [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/vmcore/moduleloop.o
  LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/vmmon.o
  Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 1 modules
  CC  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/vmmon.mod.o
  LD [M]  /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/vmmon.ko
make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.21-2-486 »
cp -f vmmon.ko ./../vmmon.o
make: quittant le répertoire « /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only »
sh: line 1:  7088 Erreur de segmentation  'insmod' -p
'/tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon.o' /dev/null 21
Unable to make a vmmon module that can be loaded in the running kernel:
There is probably a slight difference in the kernel configuration between the
set of C header files you specified and your running kernel.  You may want to
rebuild a kernel based on that directory, or specify another directory.

For more information on how to troubleshoot module-related problems, please
visit our Web site at; and;.

Le site vmware n'est pas d'un grand secours ...

Avez-vous rencontré ce problème ?



Re: VMWare-player sur Lenny/Sid

2007-07-29 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Quelle est ta version du paquet module-init-tools ?
Si c'est 3.3-pre11-2 essaie de revenir en 3.3-pre4-2 et ça devrait fonctionner.
Le sujet a été abordé sur cette liste dans un fil débutant le 16 juin.


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Re: latex2rtf et texlive

2007-07-29 Thread Sébastien Mengin
Le 28 Jul 2007 à 04:37, Sylvain Sauvage a écrit:
  Petite question supplémentaire : j'avais pris soin d'aller sur avant de poster ici, et je n'ai pas réussi à trouver les
  deux rapports que tu cites, en saisissant simplement latex2rtf dans le
  champ de recherche. Quelles entrées as-tu saisi pour tomber là-dessus ?
   Pareil que toi mais ensuite j???ai suivi le lien pour voir tous
 les rapports. Il est dans la dernière phrase du texte avant les
 rapports :
   See the archived reports or archived and unarchived reports

Vu, merci.


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Re: kdm + terminer la session

2007-07-29 Thread HEHO
Sylvain Sauvage a écrit, le 29.07.2007 15:18 :
 HEHO, dimanche 29 juillet 2007, 13:31:58 CEST
 donc (à mon niveau) le bug
 (398589 marqué: done, Bug is archived. No further changes may be made)
 se produit quand
 xserver-xorg-core passe à une version supérieure
 xserver-xorg-video-savage n'y passant qu'un mois plus tard environ.
 bon voilà n'en parlons plus ce coup ci.
   Peut-être faudrait-il demander une dépendance plus forte entre
 xserver-xorg-video-savage  et  xserver-xorg-core  pour  empêcher
 l’installation avant que ...-savage ne soit recompilé.
tu veux dire au niveau utilisateur dans /etc/apt/preferences ou bien
avec des hold?
ou tu veux dire sur le bug 398589?
mais il est done et archivé je ne sais pas trop comment faire.
et surtout ça veut dire, si c'est mis en place,
pas de mise à jour de xserver-xorg-core tant que
xserver-xorg-video-savage n'est pas d'equerre? non?
j'vais m'faire lyncher ;)


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Probleme batterie Macbook

2007-07-29 Thread Alexandre Neubert
Bonjour a tous,

J'essaye de monter une debian sid sur mon macbook (core 2 duo) comme seul
systeme (pas de partition OSX) et je rencontre des soucis avec la
reconnaissance de la batterie. En effet, Gnome applets me dit qu'il n'y a
pas de batterie presente, comme si l'ACPI n'etait pas configuré correctement
(le CPU frequency scalling marche pourtant).
Pour ce qui est des options du kernel, j'ai suivi ces deux tutoriels:

Voila ce qui a été fait:
* Recuperation d'un kernel 2.6.22 deuis
* Application du patch mactel pour ce kernel
* Recompilation du kernel a l'aide du fichier de config du tuto gentoo
* Une fois compilé, installation de cpufreqd

Voici une sortie de lsmod:

# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
hci_usb17500  2
rfcomm 40408  0
l2cap  24768  5 rfcomm
bluetooth  55524  7 hci_usb,rfcomm,l2cap
button  7824  0
ac  5124  0
battery 9924  0
cpufreq_powersave   1728  0
cpufreq_performance 1984  0
cpufreq_ondemand8268  1
cpufreq_conservative 7048  0
acpi_cpufreq9240  0
sbp2   23304  0
snd_hda_intel 261080  2
snd_pcm_oss43488  0
snd_mixer_oss  16704  1 snd_pcm_oss
appletouch 10048  0
snd_pcm79876  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
snd_timer  23428  1 snd_pcm
snd55140  9 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss,snd
soundcore   8160  1 snd
snd_page_alloc  9992  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
ohci1394   35504  0
ieee1394   95480  2 sbp2,ohci1394
thermal13320  0
processor  30652  2 acpi_cpufreq,thermal
fan 4740  0

Ai-je oublié qqch dans ma config de kernel pour faire reconnaitre la
batterie? Faut-il installer d'autres logiciels de config?

Merci d'avance



2007-07-29 Thread Philippe NIQUET

sous etch installation standard
avec iceweasel un site me demande d'installer le plugin java et me 
renvoie en manuel vers JRE version 6 update2
pourtant j'ai un dossier /usr/share/java mais il ne contient pas
l'outil de recherche me trouve un dans 

pour avoir le bon plugin dois-je :
- faire un lien entre /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
- ou installer la jre version 6 update2
-ou si mes souvenirs sont exacts n'y aurait-il pas un java libre ? et 


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Pbs divers sous Debian Etch

2007-07-29 Thread Wilfried Catteau


ayant installé récemment Debian Etch sur mon pc (noyau 2.6.18-4 que j'ai
compilé pour inclure le patch permettant de charger la table dsdt pour
l'acpi), je suis confronté à plusieurs pbs que je n'arrive pas à résoudre:

Pb n°1: le lecteur de dvd. (Pioneer DVD-120S)

Lorsque je lance Linux avec un dvd ou cd inséré dans le lecteur, je peux
alors l'utiliser sans pb. Par contre, si le lecteur de cd/dvd est vide
au moment du lancement de Linux, alors je ne peux plus utiliser mon
lecteur: la commande mount /dev/hda se bloque.
De plus, j'ai deux messages d'erreurs durant l'initialisation du noyau:
hda: request sense failure: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
hda: request sense failure: error=0x04 {abortedcommand}

Pb n°2: totem ne marche pas.

Quand je le lance, j'ai droit au message d'erreur suivant:
Creating link /home/willy/.kde/socket-debian.
can't create mcop directory

Qu'est ce que mcop et pourquoi utiliser un dossier .kde alors que
j'utilise Gnome.

Pb n°3: le service DNS.

J'ai un petit réseau local composé de plusieurs postes sous Windows 2000
pro et Linux dont 1 portable. Je n'ai aucun pb pour surfer sur Internet
sous Windows. Par contre, dès que je surfe sous Linux et après plus
accès à des sites internet (ou même en utilisant Synaptic), le service
dns de mon modem ne fonctionne plus, ni sous linux, ni sous aucun autre
poste, y compris le portable qui utilise une connexion WIFI. Linux
perturbe mon modem (un sagem routeur+WIFI+VOIP), mais pourquoi ? Je suis
obligé d'éteindre mon modem, puis l'allumer pour qu'il fonctionne de

Pb n°4: l'ACPI ne marche pas complètement.

Les répertoires /proc/acpi/fan et proc/acpi/thermal_zone sont vides.
J'ai tenté de résoudre le pb en corrigeant les erreurs dans la table
dstd mais cela ne marche toujours pas. Ma carte est une GigaByte GA-7NNXP.

Merci pour vos réponses,


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Re: kdm + terminer la session

2007-07-29 Thread Sylvain Sauvage
HEHO, dimanche 29 juillet 2007, 17:14:33 CEST
 Sylvain Sauvage a écrit, le 29.07.2007 15:18 :
  HEHO, dimanche 29 juillet 2007, 13:31:58 CEST
  donc (à mon niveau) le bug
  (398589 marqué: done, Bug is archived. No further changes may be made)
  se produit quand
  xserver-xorg-core passe à une version supérieure
  xserver-xorg-video-savage n'y passant qu'un mois plus tard environ.
  bon voilà n'en parlons plus ce coup ci.
Peut-être faudrait-il demander une dépendance plus forte entre
  xserver-xorg-video-savage  et  xserver-xorg-core  pour  empêcher
  l’installation avant que ...-savage ne soit recompilé.


 tu veux dire au niveau utilisateur dans /etc/apt/preferences ou bien
 avec des hold?
 ou tu veux dire sur le bug 398589?
 mais il est done et archivé je ne sais pas trop comment faire.

  Non.  Je pensais plutôt à un nouveau bogue sur ...-savage  qui
demanderait  que ce paquet ait une  dépendance plus forte sur la
version de ...-core.

 et surtout ça veut dire, si c'est mis en place,
 pas de mise à jour de xserver-xorg-core tant que
 xserver-xorg-video-savage n'est pas d'equerre? non?

  Seulement pour ceux qui installent ...-savage  et qui risquent
donc le bogue #398589.  Bon, comme tous  les pilotes vidéo  sont
indirectement « recommandés »  par xorg-server, il y a peut-être
pas mal de gens qui l’installent sans vraiment de raison...

 j'vais m'faire lyncher ;)

  Faire un rapport  de bogue  avec ou sans proposition est moins
risqué  que d’appliquer la proposition  (ce qui sera la faute au
mainteneur :o).

  Ce n’est  qu’une idée :  cela  permet de  contourner  le bogue
mais  est-ce vraiment la cause ?  Ne faudrait-il pas réouvrir le
#398589 plutôt ?

  Le plus simple serait d’en parler avec les mainteneurs de Xorg
avant d’en faire un bogue.

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: java

2007-07-29 Thread Sylvain Sauvage

Philippe NIQUET, dimanche 29 juillet 2007, 19:34:05 CEST
 sous etch installation standard
 avec iceweasel un site me demande d'installer le plugin java et me 
 renvoie en manuel vers JRE version 6 update2
 pourtant j'ai un dossier /usr/share/java mais il ne contient pas
 l'outil de recherche me trouve un dans 

  Laisse-moi deviner : tu es en 64 bits ?

  Le plugin Java n’est pas présent dans les paquets amd64. Une
des solutions est d’installer les paquets de
(v. 1.4 mais amd64 + plugin).

 pour avoir le bon plugin dois-je :
 - faire un lien entre /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
 - ou installer la jre version 6 update2
 -ou si mes souvenirs sont exacts n'y aurait-il pas un java libre ? et 

 Sylvain Sauvage

Re: LVM et Debian 4.0

2007-07-29 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Pascal a déjà répondu à la plupart des point, mais quand même quelques 

Le Saturday 28 July 2007 01:32:19 François TOURDE, vous avez écrit :
 Le 13722ième jour après Epoch,
 Donc un niveau d'abstraction supplémentaire à ce que j'imaginais, les
 VG. Par contre, quel usage d'avoir plusieurs VG sur un PV? (si
 toutefois c'est possible).

C'est pas possible, plusieurs PV dans un VG, mais pas l'inverse. Le PV, c'est 
l'unité de stockage de plus bas niveau. Mais il peut être agrandit 


 Donc /boot ne peut pas être en LVM, c'est ça?

Sous Debian, ça a eu marché, en sarge, avec lilo uniquement.
Lilo avait un patch et supportait le /boot en LVM.

A ma grande surprise, avec l'arrivé du noyau 2.6.17 je crois (dans sid), d'un 
coup ma machine perso ne bootait plus.
Le patch LVM avait été enlevé car plus maintenu depuis longtemps, et ça 
commençait à devenir incompatible avec le noyau je pense.

Du coup, au boulot, j'ai 2 sarge que je vais pas pouvoir upgrader 


 Mais si ton sda2 ne fait pas tout le disque, tu peux plus tard y créer
 une partition pour étendre ton VG?

Oui, soit ajouter un PV qui serait une nouvelle partition, soit agrandir la 
partition et faire un pvresize.

  Mon PV :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo pvs
PV VGFmt  Attr PSize   PFree
/dev/sda2  vgsys lvm2 a-   232,79G 9,51G

 Le PFree représente quoi là? La partie du PV non utilisée par des LV?

Oui. C'est pareil sur le VG car je n'ai qu'un PV dans mon VG :
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo vgs
  VG#PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  vgsys   1  11   0 wz--n- 232,79G 9,51G
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo pvs
  PV VGFmt  Attr PSize   PFree
  /dev/sda2  vgsys lvm2 a-   232,79G 9,51G


 Ah ouais, pas mal ça... Xen étant posé sur un LVM, il voit des LVs
 qui peuvent être vus par les OS hébergés comme des block
 devices... Giga cool ça...

Block devices, sur lesquels on peut faire du LVM :-D

 Ça me rapelle mon premier OS... VM/CMS :) Ça a l'âge de Joan Baez
 justement :)

Avec les systèmes Unix, et particulièrement notre pingoin, on peut empiler 
autant d'abstractions qu'on veut.
Au niveau des devices block, qu'il soit réellement physique, où le résultat 
d'un opération (loop, MD, LVM, Crypto, drbd, export aoe ou iscsi...).

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: kdm + terminer la session

2007-07-29 Thread HEHO
Sylvain Sauvage a écrit, le 29.07.2007 21:31 :
   Non.  Je pensais plutôt à un nouveau bogue sur ...-savage  qui
 demanderait  que ce paquet ait une  dépendance plus forte sur la
 version de ...-core.
 [...] Bon, comme tous  les pilotes vidéo  sont
 indirectement « recommandés »  par xorg-server, il y a peut-être
 pas mal de gens qui l’installent sans vraiment de raison...
ah tu vois ;)
   Ce n’est  qu’une idée :  cela  permet de  contourner  le bogue
 mais  est-ce vraiment la cause ? 
  Ne faudrait-il pas réouvrir le #398589 plutôt ?
à la lecture du #398589 je pense que c'est vraiment pas de mon niveau.
   Le plus simple serait d’en parler avec les mainteneurs de Xorg
 avant d’en faire un bogue.

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Personnalisation d'une debian live

2007-07-29 Thread Thierry B

Quelqu'un a t'il deja essayé de personnaliser une debian live minimale?

J'aimerais m'en faire une qui prend en compte le reiserfs, raid, lvm...

Si quelqu'un a deja fait, je suis preneur pour eviter bcp de recherches lol.

Merci :-)

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Pbs divers sous Debian Etch

2007-07-29 Thread Geoffroy
Hash: SHA1

Wilfried Catteau a écrit :

 Pb n°2: totem ne marche pas.
 Quand je le lance, j'ai droit au message d'erreur suivant:
 Creating link /home/willy/.kde/socket-debian.
 can't create mcop directory

Tu peux créer ce qui l'indique comme manquant, sur mon système cela
avait résolu le problème.

 Qu'est ce que mcop et pourquoi utiliser un dossier .kde alors que
 j'utilise Gnome.

Aucune idéé.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Przycinanie odtwarzan ych plików .mp3

2007-07-29 Thread Marcin Owsiany
On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 11:15:12PM +0200, Andrzej Mendel wrote:
 Wygląda na to, że dmix jest już skonfigurowany, tak jak powinien (od
 paru wersji ALSA dzieje się to automatycznie), ale coś zamiast korzystać
 z domyślnego urządzenia PCM (pcm.!default bodajże) korzysta bezpośrednio
 ze sprzętu, blokując go (urządzenie hw:0,0 bodajże). Jest to niemalże na
 pewno ESD, spróbuj pogrzebać przy jego parametrach, tak, żeby nie
 zajmowało wyjścia dźwięku, tylko korzystało po ludzku z dmix, tak jak
 wszystko inne.

Wygląda na to, że jesli esd korzysta z emulacji OSS, to nie leci to
przez dmix, tylko bezpośrednio do sprzętu.

Wystarczyło zainstalować libesd-alsa0 zamiast libesd0 i wszystko hula
cacy. Nawet nie muszę ESD ubijać przed odpaleniem Skype'a. Normalnie,

Marcin Owsiany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Upgradnąłem sobie do etcha - xorg problem :(

2007-07-29 Thread Wojciech Ziniewicz
28-07-07, Miroslaw Kwasniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):

 Pora wakacyjna, wreszcie miałem czas przejść na etcha.

 Ale mam wielki problem z X-ami :(

 Mój sprzęt to athlon 1600xp na płycie gigabyte 7ZXE (kt133a) + karta Matrox
 G450DH. Jądro dystrybucyjne 2.6.18-4-k7

 Przy próbie odpalenia drugiego xserwera: startx -- :2
 system zwisa totalnie - wyłącznie czarny ekran.

 Co robić?


popatrzeć w logi w /var/log/Xfree cośtam...

Wojciech Ziniewicz
Unix SEX :{look;gawk;find;sed;talk;grep;touch;finger;find;fl
ex;unzip;head;tail; mount;workbone;fsck;yes;gasp;fsck;more;yes;yes;eje
ct;umount;makeclean; zip;split;done;exit:xargs!!;)}

Duda de puertos de samba

2007-07-29 Thread Alejandro Muñoz Fernandez

¿Qué puertos tengo que abrir en mi portátil para que, desde otros ordenadores 
de mi red casera, se pueda acceder a los archivos de mi portátil?

Acabo de instalar guardog para configurar el cortafuegos fácilmente, y he 
activado tanto en «Local» como en «Internet» las opciones Microsoft SMB over 
TCP y Windows Networking NETBIOS.

Me pasaba lo mismo con Ktorrent, pero lo he solucionado abriendo los puertos 
6881 (TCP) y 6882 y  (UDP), pero los de samba no tengo ni puta idea de 
cuales son.

¿Puede alguien ilustrarme, por favor?

Muchas gracias por adelantado.

La Lola se va a los puertos; la isla se queda sola...

Instalacion minima con solo CD1 sin netinstall

2007-07-29 Thread CHristophe T
Hola todos,
Quisiera instalar lenny en un portatil mio. No estoy en casa asi que
no tengo los DVDs completos. No tengo interés en grabarlos de nuevo.
Uso aqui una connexion ppp0 asi que no puedo hacer una netinstall.
Quisiera grabar en un CD reutilizable el iso del CD1que me estoy
bajando, hacer una install con lo minimo necesario (es decir el
sistema de base, apt y pppoeconf) y bajar todo lo demas luego. No
quiero que me pida los demas discos, ya sé que suele pasar...
Alguién sabe si eso se puede hacer? Unas precauciones particulares?

De antemano gracias.
Christophe T

Re: Duda de puertos de samba

2007-07-29 Thread THOR (God of Thunder)
El Domingo, 29 de Julio de 2007 07:41, Alejandro Muñoz Fernandez escribió:
 ¿Qué puertos tengo que abrir en mi portátil para que, desde otros
 ordenadores de mi red casera, se pueda acceder a los archivos de mi
Resulta que  W$ envia las peticiones que hace a la ip del servidor 
linux-samba , al puerto 445, y el samba solo espera por el 139. 
seguro tu samba no esta o no puede escuchar por el  445, y los solucionas
redirigiendo en el firewall lo que venga por el puerto 445 al 139. 
o revusa la cobfiguracion del samba para q escucho por el 445
espero se a de ayuda
Juliocésar Prieto Lem -
Programmers never dies.. Only GOSUB without RETURN
user linux 218820. running linux 2.6.18-3-686
Fingerprint = 04CC 8521 D3BF EB25 7F95 7E77 BB0A 5235 8C1B EF4B

Re: Instalacion minima con solo CD1 sin netinstall

2007-07-29 Thread Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 02:58:33PM +0200, CHristophe T wrote:
 Hola todos,
 Quisiera instalar lenny en un portatil mio. No estoy en casa asi que
 no tengo los DVDs completos. No tengo interés en grabarlos de nuevo.
 Uso aqui una connexion ppp0 asi que no puedo hacer una netinstall.
 Quisiera grabar en un CD reutilizable el iso del CD1que me estoy
 bajando, hacer una install con lo minimo necesario (es decir el
 sistema de base, apt y pppoeconf) y bajar todo lo demas luego. No
 quiero que me pida los demas discos, ya sé que suele pasar...
 Alguién sabe si eso se puede hacer? Unas precauciones particulares?

Los discos están ordenados según la frecuencia con que la gente suele
instalar los paquetes, así que no deberías tener ningún problema con
esto, todo el sistema base debe estar en el primero. 

Hace mucho que no instalo de discos :-) Pero si mal no recuerdo, hay
una fase en la que te pregunta si tienes otros, además del que usaste
para arrancar. Simplemente en ese momento dile que no y el resto del
instalador seguirá adelante, desactivando las opciones (si es que
existen) que requieran paquetes de otros discos.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Lenovo 3000 c200 y sonido

2007-07-29 Thread Pablo Trujillo
El 28/07/07, Ivan Vanney [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Buenas, instale Debian Stable 4.0 y todo funciona barbaro menos el
 sonido...solo funciona si enchufo auriculares y se escucha muy bajo...con
 mucha dificultad, el alsa detecta la tarjeta, y el alsamixer no esta en mute
 como ningun mixer.
 En el gnome sin embargo en el icono de parlantito me aparece una X ,aunque
 nada esta en mute y todos los volumenes estan al maximo.
 Buscando en google vi que todos los q tienen esta laptop pasan por lo mismo,
 soluciones vi unicamente para Ubuntu, y ademas en una web de laptops para
 Linux decia q la ultima version de ALSA corrigio la falla, intente
 instalarla y me hizo lio con el sources del kernel, a pesar de q tb los
 habia instalado y ya ni el dmesg me la detectaba y asi reinstale Debian otra
 Si alguien tiene la misma laptop y encontro la solucion con Debian lo
 agradeceria,un saludo.

Prueba con la solucion que existe para ubuntu, ya que no es
dependiente de la distribucion es un patch al alsa para que detecte
bien la tarjeta, yo lo hice y le  funciono a mi debian,

no recuerdo si todos los pasos son validos para debian pero prueba a
ver, cuenta que tal te fue.


Re: Instalacion minima con solo CD1 sin netinstall

2007-07-29 Thread hector hector
Estas bajando alguno de los CD1?, es decir de los que tenes ya con el
escritorio incorporado, si es ese salvo que le indiques te instala el
sistema base + kde o gnome o xfce, segun el CD1 que hayas elegido, ya
te deja con los programas mas usados, y te pregunta si tenes mas CD.-
Por ahi una mejor opción puede ser si ya tenes instalado el sistema es
usar apt-move y que te cree el formato de repositorio de tu
/var/cache/apt/archives, con lo cual tendrias solamente los programas
que vos usas.-
Eso si tendrias que fijarte bien como configurar el apt-move.-


Cómo comprobar que mi Debian funciona bien

2007-07-29 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)


Algunas veces el sistema se cuelga, existe algún programa o algún 
comando vía consola, que verifique (que haga un diagnostico) si el 
sistema esta bien, y si hay fallos te los indique. Gracias de antemano 
por las respuestas.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

Re: Instalacion minima con solo CD1 sin netinstall

2007-07-29 Thread CHristophe T
2007/7/29, hector hector
 Estas bajando alguno de los CD1?, es decir de los que tenes ya con el
 escritorio incorporado, si es ese salvo que le indiques te instala el
 sistema base + kde o gnome o xfce, segun el CD1 que hayas elegido, ya
 te deja con los programas mas usados, y te pregunta si tenes mas CD.-
 Por ahi una mejor opción puede ser si ya tenes instalado el sistema es
 usar apt-move y que te cree el formato de repositorio de tu
 /var/cache/apt/archives, con lo cual tendrias solamente los programas
 que vos usas.-
 Eso si tendrias que fijarte bien como configurar el apt-move.-


Estoy bajando el CD1 por el torrent
Ya no hay debian instalado en esta compu. Voy a quitar una install de
fedora e instalar debian a su vez.

Christophe T

Re: Sin multimedia luego de actualizar etch a lenny

2007-07-29 Thread Constructora Pando
On 7/28/07, Constructora Pando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 He actualizado mi 'etch' a ''lenny'

y quede muy satisfecho por que ahora Inkscape esta en la versdion 4.5 ;-)

 algunos datos:
 pandorolof:/home/ale# uname -a
 Linux pandorolof 2.6.21-2-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 10 21:39:38 UTC 2007
 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 El problema que tengo ahora es que ningun reproductor tiene sonido:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ mpg123 one.ogg
 [../../../src/audio.c:269] error: Unable to set up output device!
 Constraints: 44100, 22050 or 11025Hz.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ mplayer
 Violación de segmento

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ xine
 Esto es xine (IGU X11) - un reproductor de vídeo libre v0.99.5.
 (c) 2000-2007 El Equipo de xine.
 Violación de segmento

 Pero si me voy a knotify  sonido  notificaciones: los sonidos  de
 los eventos se reproducen sin problemas...

Además, corre sin problemas alsamixergui, entregando todos los
controles de volumen

También puedo escuchar mp3, ogg con:

$ alsaplayer one.mp3

Esto lo he descubierto hoy... por lo que posiblemente el problema se
acote a una configuración de KDE...  pero el KinfoCenter  se cae al
tratar de seleccionar la opcion de sonido, me parece que alli se puede
llegar a la configuracion del sonido... ¿alguna otra opcion?

 KinfoCenter  se cae al tratar de seleccionar alguna de sus opciones

¿Se tendra que reinstalar?... trate de buscarlo como un paquete, pero
al parecer se tendria que reinstalar algun paquete general de KDE, que
no se cual es ¿Alguien sabe cual?

 no tengo instalado ninguna herramienta 'alsa', y si trato de buscar
 alsaconfig no la encuentro en los respositarios:

En todos las recomendaciones de configuracion de sonido se habla de
'alsaconfig', pero no tengo ese paquete y no lo encuentro en los
repositarios... ¿ya no se usa o cambio?

 pandorolof:/home/ale# aptitude install alsa
 alsa   alsa-oss  alsaplayer-esd alsaplayer-oss
 alsa-base  alsaplayer  alsaplayer-gtk alsaplayer-output
 alsa-firmware-loaders   alsaplayer-alsaalsaplayer-interface
 alsa-headersalsaplayer-common  alsaplayer-jackalsaplayer-xosd
 alsamixergui alsaplayer-daemon  alsaplayer-nas alsa-source

 tengo instalado lo siguiente referente a alsa:
  i   alsa-base
 i   gstreamer0.10-alsa
 i   gstreamer0.8-alsa
 i   libesd-alsa0
 i   libpt-plugins-alsa
 i   libsdl1.2debian-alsa

instalé también:
install alsamixergui
install alsaplayer
install alsa-oss
install alsa-tools-gui

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ lspci
 00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97
 Audio Controller (rev a2)

Tampoco existe '/dev/dsp' ni tampoco '/dev/sonido' ¡plop! no entiendo

 En mi particion de knoppix el sonido y multimedia en general funcionan
 muy bien (para descartar que sea problema de hareware)

 Agradecere me den alguna pista que es lo que podria estar fallando
 ¿Sera el sorce.list?
 - inicio mi source.list -
 ##  lenny  etch #
 deb etch main non-free contrib
 deb lenny main non-free contrib
 deb-src etch main non-free contrib
 deb-src lenny main non-free contrib

 deb lenny main non-free contrib
 deb etch main non-free contrib
 deb-src lenny main non-free contrib
 deb-src etch main non-free contrib

 deb lenny main non-free contrib
 deb etch main non-free contrib
 deb-src lenny main non-free contrib
 deb-src etch main non-free contrib

 ### Ya no me acuerdo para que puse esta linea
 deb testing main contrib non-free
 deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free

 deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
 # MythTv  avidemux, mythtv,
 deb lenny main
 ##Swiftfox 2
 deb unstable non-free
 ## instalar y configurar Xgl en Debian Lenny
 deb xgl/
 deb-src xgl/
 ### emacs 22 ###
 deb sarge main
 deb-src sarge main
  multimedia #
 deb etch main
 deb-src etch main

 deb lenny main
 deb-src lenny main

 ## para 'acroread' #

Sabeis de algun editor de UML bueno

2007-07-29 Thread xve
Hola a todos... hace tiempo que estoy utilizando el editor de UML Umbrello, 
pero la verdad es que funciona muy mal, desaparecen clases, se pierden las 
conexiones entre ellas, etc...

He estado buscando por internet, y la mayoria de editores UML utilizan Java, 
el qual no quiero utilizarlo.

Sabeis de algun buen editor de UML?

Saludos y gracias anticipadas


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalacion minima con solo CD1 sin netinstall

2007-07-29 Thread hector hector
Ese creo que trae gnome como gestor de ventanas, y no va a joderte
salvo que le digas que tenes los demas CD.-

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalacion minima con solo CD1 sin netinstall

2007-07-29 Thread CHristophe T
2007/7/29, hector hector
 Ese creo que trae gnome como gestor de ventanas, y no va a joderte
 salvo que le digas que tenes los demas CD.-

De acuerdo.
Termino de bajar, lo intento y os lo digo todo.
Muchas gracias!
Christophe T

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cómo comprobar que mi Debian func iona bien

2007-07-29 Thread Esteban Torres

José Manuel (EB8CXW) wrote:


Algunas veces el sistema se cuelga, existe algún programa o algún 
comando vía consola, que verifique (que haga un diagnostico) si el 
sistema esta bien, y si hay fallos te los indique. Gracias de antemano 
por las respuestas.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

Debes concretar más para que te podamos ayudar.

De todas maneras en /var/log/messages podrás ver mas información sobre 
lo que le ocurre.

Lo ideal sería que concretaras mas cuando se te cuelga, si es al abrir 
alguna aplicación, si es cuando conectas algún dispositivo, o si por el 
contrario es de buenas a primera. Apunta a la hora que se te queda 
colgado no nos postea las lineas del messages de esa hora para que 
podamos ver que es lo que está ocurriendo.

See you.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cómo comprobar que mi Debian funciona bien

2007-07-29 Thread IPv7
  Algunas veces el sistema se cuelga, existe algún programa o algún
  comando vía consola, que verifique (que haga un diagnostico) si el
  sistema esta bien, y si hay fallos te los indique. Gracias de antemano
  por las respuestas.
Algunas vece me a pasado, con diferentes maquinas, cuelgues totales,
inexplicables y aleatorios, recientemente, descubri, que updateando la
en muchos casos soluciona el problema.

  Un saludo,
  José Manuel
  Gran Canaria/España
  Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
  no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!
 Debes concretar más para que te podamos ayudar.

 De todas maneras en /var/log/messages podrás ver mas información sobre
 lo que le ocurre.

 Lo ideal sería que concretaras mas cuando se te cuelga, si es al abrir
 alguna aplicación, si es cuando conectas algún dispositivo, o si por el
 contrario es de buenas a primera. Apunta a la hora que se te queda
 colgado no nos postea las lineas del messages de esa hora para que
 podamos ver que es lo que está ocurriendo.

 See you.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-   El conocimiento es poder   -
- y el saber nos hace libres.-
Larga vida al ping!
echo 254  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
Linux User #405757
Machine Linux #310536

Re: Duda de puertos de samba

2007-07-29 Thread Alejandro Muñoz Fernandez
El Domingo, 29 de Julio de 2007 14:15, THOR (God of Thunder) escribió:
| El Domingo, 29 de Julio de 2007 07:41, Alejandro Muñoz Fernandez escribió:
|  ¿Qué puertos tengo que abrir en mi portátil para que, desde otros
|  ordenadores de mi red casera, se pueda acceder a los archivos de mi
|  portátil?
| Resulta que  W$ envia las peticiones que hace a la ip del servidor
| linux-samba , al puerto 445, y el samba solo espera por el 139.
| seguro tu samba no esta o no puede escuchar por el  445, y los solucionas
| redirigiendo en el firewall lo que venga por el puerto 445 al 139.
| o revusa la cobfiguracion del samba para q escucho por el 445
| espero se a de ayuda

Gracias. Ya va perfecto abriendo esos puertos.

There once was a man from Dunoon,
Who always ate soup with a fork.
He said When I eat
Either fish, foul or flesh,
I otherwise finish too quick.

Re: Cambio de nombre de usuario y contraseña en adsl con Debian Etch 4.0

2007-07-29 Thread Juan Pablo Romero Bernal

 Estimada gente de la lista: Les comento que recientemente en la oficina
 cambiamos de velocidad con respecto a una conexion adsl (les comento que
 vivo en Argentina y el isp es telefonica, y el servicio es speedy), teniamos
 una conexion de 256 kb y nos cambiamos a una de 512 kb, el problema surge
 con lo siguiente, la gente de telefonica, nos cambio el nombre de usuario,
 entonces tengo un servidor con debian etch 4.0r0, que era el que compartia
 la conexion a internet dentro de la lan, y que ahora no encuentro como hacer
 para que pueda cambiar el nombre de usuario y contrasenia en la conexion, y
 este acceda correctamente al servicio de internet, les comento que antes del
 cambio se conectaba sin problemas, pero ahora cuando corro el script que
 inicia la conexion, no da ningun tipo de error, pero evidentemente no esta
 conectado, porque no se puede utilizar ningun servicio de internet, probe
 con el pppoeconf pero cuando hace el procedimiento de reconocimiento del
 modem adsl me dice que no hay ninguno conectado a la interface o bien que
 un servicio ppp tiene el control del mismo, entonces la pregunta es:
 * como hago para cambiar el nombre de usuario y contrasenia para que vuelva
 a tener internet el servidor, o como se hace en estos casos cuando solo se
 cambio el usuario del mismo servicio.

Te recomiendo que mires el /var/log/messages y verifiques si en
realidad la autenticación está fallando.  Por otro lado, revisa el
contenido del archivo:
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets y cambia el usuario en la línea correspondiente
(y si es el caso la clave también).

Saludos y que Dios nos bendiga !!!

Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
Grupo Linux Universidad Distrital
Canal IRC (IRC Channel)
#glud (

Visita el sitio web de Software Libre en Colombia:

Re: Cambio de nombre de usuario y contraseña en adsl con Debian Etch 4.0

2007-07-29 Thread Salvador Garcia Z.
En tu caso yo seria mas practico tal vez, cambio el modem por un monden
router o consigo solo el router, desde ahi configuro mi cuenta de internet y
con eso dejo que debian se preocupe por cosas de mayor importancia.

Considera esa opccion, vale?

El día 29/07/07, Juan Pablo Romero Bernal [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Estimada gente de la lista: Les comento que recientemente en la oficina
  cambiamos de velocidad con respecto a una conexion adsl (les comento
  vivo en Argentina y el isp es telefonica, y el servicio es speedy),
  una conexion de 256 kb y nos cambiamos a una de 512 kb, el problema
  con lo siguiente, la gente de telefonica, nos cambio el nombre de
  entonces tengo un servidor con debian etch 4.0r0, que era el que
  la conexion a internet dentro de la lan, y que ahora no encuentro como
  para que pueda cambiar el nombre de usuario y contrasenia en la
 conexion, y
  este acceda correctamente al servicio de internet, les comento que antes
  cambio se conectaba sin problemas, pero ahora cuando corro el script que
  inicia la conexion, no da ningun tipo de error, pero evidentemente no
  conectado, porque no se puede utilizar ningun servicio de internet,
  con el pppoeconf pero cuando hace el procedimiento de reconocimiento
  modem adsl me dice que no hay ninguno conectado a la interface o bien
  un servicio ppp tiene el control del mismo, entonces la pregunta es:
  * como hago para cambiar el nombre de usuario y contrasenia para que
  a tener internet el servidor, o como se hace en estos casos cuando solo
  cambio el usuario del mismo servicio.

 Te recomiendo que mires el /var/log/messages y verifiques si en
 realidad la autenticación está fallando.  Por otro lado, revisa el
 contenido del archivo:
 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets y cambia el usuario en la línea correspondiente
 (y si es el caso la clave también).

 Saludos y que Dios nos bendiga !!!

 Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
 Grupo Linux Universidad Distrital
 Canal IRC (IRC Channel)
 #glud (

 Visita el sitio web de Software Libre en Colombia:

Re: Cómo comprobar que mi Debian funciona bien

2007-07-29 Thread Jose Arcangel Salazar Delgado
El 29/07/07, José Manuel (EB8CXW) [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:


  Algunas veces el sistema se cuelga, existe algún programa o algún comando
 vía consola, que verifique (que haga un diagnostico) si el sistema esta
 bien, y si hay fallos te los indique. Gracias de antemano por las
Estos fallos, son en su mayoria de hardware. Te recomiendo que uses
memtest y el smartctl desde un livecd (como el knoppix) para checar la
memoria y el disco duro.

  Un saludo,
  José Manuel
  Gran Canaria/España

  Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
  no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

Sin alsaconfig ni /ets/dsp luego de actualizar a lenny [era: Re: Sin multimedia luego de actualizar etch a lenny]

2007-07-29 Thread Constructora Pando
On 7/29/07, Constructora Pando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 7/28/07, Constructora Pando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  He actualizado mi 'etch' a ''lenny'
 y quede muy satisfecho por que ahora Inkscape esta en la versdion 4.5 ;-)

  algunos datos:
  pandorolof:/home/ale# uname -a
  Linux pandorolof 2.6.21-2-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 10 21:39:38 UTC 2007
  x86_64 GNU/Linux
  El problema que tengo ahora es que ningun reproductor tiene sonido:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ mpg123 one.ogg
  [../../../src/audio.c:269] error: Unable to set up output device!
  Constraints: 44100, 22050 or 11025Hz.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ mplayer
  Violación de segmento
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ xine
  Esto es xine (IGU X11) - un reproductor de vídeo libre v0.99.5.
  (c) 2000-2007 El Equipo de xine.
  Violación de segmento
  Pero si me voy a knotify  sonido  notificaciones: los sonidos  de
  los eventos se reproducen sin problemas...
 Además, corre sin problemas alsamixergui, entregando todos los
 controles de volumen

 También puedo escuchar mp3, ogg con:

 $ alsaplayer one.mp3

 Esto lo he descubierto hoy... por lo que posiblemente el problema se
 acote a una configuración de KDE...  pero el KinfoCenter  se cae al
 tratar de seleccionar la opcion de sonido, me parece que alli se puede
 llegar a la configuracion del sonido... ¿alguna otra opcion?

  KinfoCenter  se cae al tratar de seleccionar alguna de sus opciones
 ¿Se tendra que reinstalar?... trate de buscarlo como un paquete, pero
 al parecer se tendria que reinstalar algun paquete general de KDE, que
 no se cual es ¿Alguien sabe cual?

  no tengo instalado ninguna herramienta 'alsa', y si trato de buscar
  alsaconfig no la encuentro en los respositarios:
 En todos las recomendaciones de configuracion de sonido se habla de
 'alsaconfig', pero no tengo ese paquete y no lo encuentro en los
 repositarios... ¿ya no se usa o cambio?

  pandorolof:/home/ale# aptitude install alsa
  alsa   alsa-oss  alsaplayer-esd alsaplayer-oss
  alsa-base  alsaplayer  alsaplayer-gtk alsaplayer-output
  alsa-firmware-loaders   alsaplayer-alsaalsaplayer-interface
  alsa-headersalsaplayer-common  alsaplayer-jack
  alsamixergui alsaplayer-daemon  alsaplayer-nas alsa-source
  tengo instalado lo siguiente referente a alsa:
   i   alsa-base
  i   gstreamer0.10-alsa
  i   gstreamer0.8-alsa
  i   libesd-alsa0
  i   libpt-plugins-alsa
  i   libsdl1.2debian-alsa
 instalé también:
 install alsamixergui
 install alsaplayer
 install alsa-oss
 install alsa-tools-gui

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/video$ lspci
  00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97
  Audio Controller (rev a2)
 Tampoco existe '/dev/dsp' ni tampoco '/dev/sonido' ¡plop! no entiendo

Sin Alsaconfig (no se por que no lo tengo y no se como instalarlo
nuevamente, 'aptitude serch alsaconfig' no da candidatos para

sin '/dev/dsp' (no se por que desaparecio, habrá sido cuando actualice a lenny)

mplayer, xine reclama 'Violacion de segmento'

$ mpg123 one.ogg
... [../../../src/audio.c:269] error: Unable to set up output device!
Constraints: 44100, 22050 or 11025Hz.

pero puedo escuchar perfectamente con:
$ alsaplayer one.mp3

¿Alguna pista?
Agradeceré alguna sugerencia para dar con la solución a este problema

Uso KDE, pero instalé 'gnome' para ver si eso resolvía el problema,
pero naka, sigue igual el enfermo

Saludos y gracias por cualquier ayuda que pudieran darme

  En mi particion de knoppix el sonido y multimedia en general funcionan
  muy bien (para descartar que sea problema de hareware)
  Agradecere me den alguna pista que es lo que podria estar fallando
  ¿Sera el sorce.list?
  - inicio mi source.list -
  ##  lenny  etch #
  deb etch main non-free contrib
  deb lenny main non-free contrib
  deb-src etch main non-free contrib
  deb-src lenny main non-free contrib
  deb lenny main non-free contrib
  deb etch main non-free contrib
  deb-src lenny main non-free contrib
  deb-src etch main non-free contrib
  deb lenny main non-free contrib
  deb etch main non-free contrib
  deb-src lenny main non-free contrib
  deb-src etch main non-free contrib
  ### Ya no me acuerdo para que puse esta linea
  deb testing main contrib non-free
  deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free

Re: Sabeis de algun editor de UML bueno

2007-07-29 Thread Jose Arcangel Salazar Delgado
El 29/07/07, xve [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Hola a todos... hace tiempo que estoy utilizando el editor de UML Umbrello,
 pero la verdad es que funciona muy mal, desaparecen clases, se pierden las
 conexiones entre ellas, etc...

 He estado buscando por internet, y la mayoria de editores UML utilizan Java,
 el qual no quiero utilizarlo.

 Sabeis de algun buen editor de UML?

He usado dia para el UML, aunque no es todo lo bueno que yo quisiera.
Otra opción es el amaterasUML, el problema es que es para eclipse (por
lo tanto para java).
 Saludos y gracias anticipadas


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cómo comprobar que mi Debian funciona bien

2007-07-29 Thread consultores1
El dom, 29-07-2007 a las 17:04 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:
 Algunas veces el sistema se cuelga, existe algún programa o algún
 comando vía consola, que verifique (que haga un diagnostico) si el
 sistema esta bien, y si hay fallos te los indique. Gracias de antemano
 por las respuestas.
 Un saludo,
 José Manuel 
 Gran Canaria/España
 Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
 no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!! 

Si no me equivoco, lo que tu preguntas es que si hay en Debian, algun
programa que revise el sistema?

Creo haber probado md5sum y ...algocheck, no se de otro.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RES: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

Você pode tb usar o ulogd para poder manda as mensagens para um arquivo Texto 
ou ainda para um banco de dados.

De: Edmundo Valle Neto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada: sáb 28/7/2007 12:47
Assunto: Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

Gunther Furtado escreveu:
 hamacker escreveu:
 rapido no google :

 Para mim, não funcionou:

 ~$ dmesg | tail
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239
 ID=9219 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1814 DPT=6346 SEQ=1090771725 ACK=1000136658
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109
 ID=63248 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=16462 DPT=6346 SEQ=3228135934 ACK=1225491762
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239
 ID=9220 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1896 DPT=6346 SEQ=1284783804 ACK=1032352907
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239
 ID=9221 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1915 DPT=6346 SEQ=3342334428 ACK=1030418543
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=119
 ID=31548 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=31061 DPT=5048 SEQ=1006301889 ACK=726103319
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=238
 ID=16627 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=1503 SEQ=3643311717 ACK=1107441983
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239
 ID=33025 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=2594 DPT=6346 SEQ=1367316044 ACK=1373741058
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=245
 ID=16385 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4146 DPT=6346 SEQ=715772820 ACK=1511027191
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=42
 ID=22578 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4138 DPT=6346 SEQ=4104528971 ACK=1364154353
 ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00
 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109
 ID=36632 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=50485 DPT=6346 SEQ=2858024549 ACK=1156488689

O arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf no Etch já vem com uma linha comentada para
que mensagens de log de baixo nível não sejam mandadas para a console. É
só descomentar.

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
#kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

Isso tem o mesmo efeito do parametro -c 4 utilizado com o klogd no
sarge descrito na primeira mensagem desta thread.


Edmundo Valle Neto

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

2007-07-29 Thread Gunther Furtado

Edmundo Valle Neto escreveu:

Gunther Furtado escreveu:

hamacker escreveu:

rapido no google : 

Para mim, não funcionou:

~$ dmesg | tail
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9219 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1814 DPT=6346 SEQ=1090771725 ACK=1000136658 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 
ID=63248 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=16462 DPT=6346 SEQ=3228135934 ACK=1225491762 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9220 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1896 DPT=6346 SEQ=1284783804 ACK=1032352907 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9221 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1915 DPT=6346 SEQ=3342334428 ACK=1030418543 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=119 
ID=31548 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=31061 DPT=5048 SEQ=1006301889 ACK=726103319 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=238 
ID=16627 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=1503 SEQ=3643311717 ACK=1107441983 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=33025 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=2594 DPT=6346 SEQ=1367316044 ACK=1373741058 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=245 
ID=16385 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4146 DPT=6346 SEQ=715772820 ACK=1511027191 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=42 
ID=22578 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4138 DPT=6346 SEQ=4104528971 ACK=1364154353 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 
ID=36632 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=50485 DPT=6346 SEQ=2858024549 ACK=1156488689 


O arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf no Etch já vem com uma linha comentada para 
que mensagens de log de baixo nível não sejam mandadas para a console. É 
só descomentar.

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
#kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

Já tentei o procedimento, aparentemente, isto impede que as mensagens 
começadas por DROPPED e BLOCKED cheguem ao console, mas as mensagens 
começadas por ABORTED continuam chegando. Talvez isso possa ser 
corrigido alterando os valores numéricos da linha

#kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

mas eu não sei o que eles significam. Não achei nada no manual nem no 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# /etc/sysctl.conf - Configuration file for setting system variables
# See sysctl.conf (5) for information.

#kernel.domainname =

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

# Functions previously found in netbase

# Uncomment the next line to enable Spoof protection (reverse-path filter)

# Uncomment the next line to enable TCP/IP SYN cookies

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv6



[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dmesg | tail
input: cx88 IR (PixelView PlayTV Ultra as /class/input/input3
cx88[0]/0: found at :00:09.0, rev: 5, irq: 5, latency: 32, mmio: 

tuner 0-0061: chip found @ 0xc2 (cx88[0])
tuner 0-0061: type set to 43 (Philips NTSC MK3 (FM1236MK3 or FM1236/F))
tuner 0-0061: type set to 43 (Philips NTSC MK3 (FM1236MK3 or FM1236/F))
tuner 0-0063: chip found @ 0xc6 (cx88[0])
cx88[0]/0: registered device video0 [v4l2]
cx88[0]/0: registered device vbi0
cx88[0]/0: registered device radio0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=0 
DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=1181 SEQ=2351433501 ACK=0 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST 



Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - PR - Brasil

Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

2007-07-29 Thread Gunther Furtado


Você pode tb usar o ulogd para poder manda as mensagens para um arquivo Texto 
ou ainda para um banco de dados.

Obrigado, Thiago! Vou testar e aviso.

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - PR - Brasil

Re: Nomes das portas Ethernet

2007-07-29 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Davi Vercillo Carneiro Garcia escreveu:
 Caros amigos,
 Tenho um computador com somente 1 placa Ethernet. Infelizmente a mesma
 queimou e tive que trocar. O problema, se é que é um problema, é que o
 Debian esta chamando-a de eth1 ao invés de eth0. Isso deve ocorrer pela
 diferença de mac e ele deve guardar alguma identificação. Gostaria de
 saber se é realmente isso que acontece e como faço para resetar essa
 configuração e a minha nova NIC seja chamada de eth0.

Davi, se não me engano, tem que alterar o seguinte arquivo:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

2007-07-29 Thread Jerri Adriano Godinho

No Etch, vc encontra a opção KLOGD=-c 4 em /etc/default/klogd e não mais
no /etc/init.d/klogd.



- Original Message - 
From: hamacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cc: debianlista
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

voce não deve alterar o klog, isso é feito no syslog.conf :


Em 27/07/07, Amarildo[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Pessoal estou com um pequeno problema. Recentemente instalei o debia etch
com iptables, ssquid etc.
No meu debian antigo para que ele não jogasse seus log do bash colocava em
klogd, onde tinha KLOGD=-c 4 , mas nessa versão não tem isso.

Alguuem sabe me informar onde alterar para que o pitables não jogue seu
no bash??

Amarildo Costa de Ataide

 Alertas do Yahoo! Mail em seu celular. Saiba mais.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Como se usa um pen-drive???

2007-07-29 Thread Still
* Konnichiwa Sávio Ramos-sama:
 Tenho um pen-drive de 2GB e como só uso para máquinas com Debian
 formatei-o com XFS. Acredito que o problema seja este, o XFS. Quando
 levo o bichinho para outra máquina o Gnome o abre normalmente mas não
 consegue permissão para gravar, só ler.
 Como vários usuários podem gravar em um pen-drive com XFS? Se fosse
 aquela coisa FAT32 não aconteceria. Mas, não quero este sistema de
 Para que outro usuário grave alguma coisa tenho que usar o root. E,
 após gravar alguma coisa como root o Gnome não desmonta mais o
 Vejam o erro:
 Erro org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy.
 hal-storage-can-unmount-volumes-mounted-by-others refused uid 1001

Não sei quanto ao erro, mas vc deve colocar a seguinte linha no
seu /etc/fstab, por exemplo:

/dev/sda1   /pen_drive  autonoauto,user,umask=000   0  0

O que interessa realmente é o user e o umask=000. O user diz que
qualquer usuário pode montar e o umask=000 coloca os arquivos com as
permissões 777.


Nelson Luiz Campos  .''`. | I hear; I forget.
Engenheiro Eletricista : :'  :| I see; I remember.
Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303 `. `'` | I do; I understand.
gpgID: 55577339 Skype Still_by_Still `-   | Chinese Proverb

Description: Digital signature

Re: Nomes das portas Ethernet

2007-07-29 Thread Marcelo Castilho Manzano
Exatamente Adriano.. é isso mesmo...
dias atrás precisei alterar pois estava com 3 placas de rede no debian 4 e
foi esse arquivo que alterei e tudo deu certo...

Em 29/07/07, Adriano Rafael Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Davi Vercillo Carneiro Garcia escreveu:
  Caros amigos,
  Tenho um computador com somente 1 placa Ethernet. Infelizmente a mesma
  queimou e tive que trocar. O problema, se é que é um problema, é que o
  Debian esta chamando-a de eth1 ao invés de eth0. Isso deve ocorrer pela
  diferença de mac e ele deve guardar alguma identificação. Gostaria de
  saber se é realmente isso que acontece e como faço para resetar essa
  configuração e a minha nova NIC seja chamada de eth0.

 Davi, se não me engano, tem que alterar o seguinte arquivo:

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

|Marcelo Manzano|
|Cel.99603104  |

Interface virtual

2007-07-29 Thread Davi Vercillo Carneiro Garcia
Fala pessoal,

Eu andei pesquisando sobre interfaces de rede virtuais mas não consigo
encontrar nenhum tutorial que funcione. Estou precisando pra poder usar
em máquinas virtuais. O ideal é que essa dica funcionasse tanto no
Debian quanto no Ubuntu. Flw !

Davi Vercillo Carneiro Garcia


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

2007-07-29 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Gunther Furtado escreveu:

Edmundo Valle Neto escreveu:

Gunther Furtado escreveu:

hamacker escreveu:

rapido no google : 

Para mim, não funcionou:

~$ dmesg | tail
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9219 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1814 DPT=6346 SEQ=1090771725 ACK=1000136658 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 
ID=63248 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=16462 DPT=6346 SEQ=3228135934 
ACK=1225491762 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9220 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1896 DPT=6346 SEQ=1284783804 ACK=1032352907 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9221 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1915 DPT=6346 SEQ=3342334428 ACK=1030418543 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 
TTL=119 ID=31548 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=31061 DPT=5048 SEQ=1006301889 
ACK=726103319 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 
TTL=238 ID=16627 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=1503 SEQ=3643311717 
ACK=1107441983 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=33025 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=2594 DPT=6346 SEQ=1367316044 
ACK=1373741058 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 
TTL=245 ID=16385 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4146 DPT=6346 SEQ=715772820 
ACK=1511027191 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=42 
ID=22578 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4138 DPT=6346 SEQ=4104528971 
ACK=1364154353 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 
ID=36632 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=50485 DPT=6346 SEQ=2858024549 
ACK=1156488689 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0


O arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf no Etch já vem com uma linha comentada 
para que mensagens de log de baixo nível não sejam mandadas para a 
console. É só descomentar.

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
#kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

Já tentei o procedimento, aparentemente, isto impede que as mensagens 
começadas por DROPPED e BLOCKED cheguem ao console, mas as mensagens 
começadas por ABORTED continuam chegando. Talvez isso possa ser 
corrigido alterando os valores numéricos da linha

#kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

mas eu não sei o que eles significam. Não achei nada no manual nem no 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# /etc/sysctl.conf - Configuration file for setting system variables
# See sysctl.conf (5) for information.

#kernel.domainname =

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

# Functions previously found in netbase

# Uncomment the next line to enable Spoof protection (reverse-path 


# Uncomment the next line to enable TCP/IP SYN cookies

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv6



[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dmesg | tail
input: cx88 IR (PixelView PlayTV Ultra as /class/input/input3
cx88[0]/0: found at :00:09.0, rev: 5, irq: 5, latency: 32, mmio: 

tuner 0-0061: chip found @ 0xc2 (cx88[0])
tuner 0-0061: type set to 43 (Philips NTSC MK3 (FM1236MK3 or FM1236/F))
tuner 0-0061: type set to 43 (Philips NTSC MK3 (FM1236MK3 or FM1236/F))
tuner 0-0063: chip found @ 0xc6 (cx88[0])
cx88[0]/0: registered device video0 [v4l2]
cx88[0]/0: registered device vbi0
cx88[0]/0: registered device radio0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=0 
DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=1181 SEQ=2351433501 ACK=0 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 



É meio complicado dizer porque isso está acontecendo sem saber como você 

Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

2007-07-29 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto


Você não precisa NECESSARIAMENTE configurar o printk como 7, mas aí 
você deve configurar o log-level do iptables como 7 para não ser 
jogado na console.


Correção: Não precisa necessariamente configurar o printk para 4, 7 é o 

Edmundo Valle Neto

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

acle horario no squid

2007-07-29 Thread Leandro Moreira

Estou tentando criar acl's para liberação/Bloqueio no squid (2.6) estou 
usando as seguintes configurações:

acl horario time MTWHF 12:30-14:00
acl orkut dstdomain

http_access deny orkut !horario

Mas nao esta funcionando, já fiz varias pesquizas e parece que as minhas 
configuraçoes estao corretas. Algume pode me dar uma dica ou ideia do 
que estou fazendo de errado.


Leandro Moreira 
Linux Networking
Telefone: +55 (32) 9197-7909 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: acle horario no squid

2007-07-29 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Leandro Moreira escreveu:

Estou tentando criar acl's para liberação/Bloqueio no squid (2.6) 
estou usando as seguintes configurações:

acl horario time MTWHF 12:30-14:00
acl orkut dstdomain

http_access deny orkut !horario

Mas nao esta funcionando, já fiz varias pesquizas e parece que as 
minhas configuraçoes estao corretas. Algume pode me dar uma dica ou 
ideia do que estou fazendo de errado.


Sim, a sintaxe está correta. Mas se você quer que uma URL contendo www 
feche com o dominio coloque um ponto na frente do dominio. ACLs contendo 
o elemento dstdomain podem ser contornadas escrevendo o IP ao invés do 

Edmundo Valle Neto

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Boot sem autenticar

2007-07-29 Thread eDUamaral
Depois de pesquisar muito descobri uma forma que se adequa na seguinte situação:

Precisava de um AMBIENTE GRÁFICO LEVE (fluxbox-icewm, por exemplo), sem 
gerenciador de desktop nenhum, ou seja sem kdm, gdm, xdm.
Dentro desta realidade estava precisando do autologin.

Para isso fiz o seguinte;
1) Instalar o mingetty
# apt-get install mingetty

2) alterar o /etc/inittab
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --noclear --autologin usuario tty1
Obs.: Inserir o nome do usuário que irá logar automaticamente no X.

3) No profile desse usuário, basta inserir em ~/.xinitrc
exec fluxbox

Pronto!!! está feito o autologin sem auxílio de gerenciador de desktop.

De:Mario Felipe Rinaldi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Para:Fabio Guerrazzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Data:Sat, 21 Jul 2007 23:49:39 -0300

Assunto:Re: Boot sem autenticar

 lembrando que caindo direto como root não é recomndado

 On 7/21/07, Fabio Guerrazzi wrote:
   eDUamaral wrote:
   Bom dia Srs,
   Gostaria de saber se há como o Etch dar o boot e cair diretamente no
   ambiente gráfico, sem ter que autenticar? E se possível como root.
  Veja o gdmsetup, acho que ele faz essas coisas.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 P-p-por hoje é só p-p-pessoal (Gaguinho)

 Mário Felipe Rinaldi

 /* Isto é um comentário e você não pode ve-lo */


Eduardo do Amaral Moreira
fone 2221160

Bootsplash no Etch kernel 2.6.22

2007-07-29 Thread eDUamaral
Instalar o bootsplash com compilação de kernel é tranquilo.

inserir um patch disponível em:
/usr/src/linux/# patch –p1  bootsplash-3.1.6-2.6.22.diff

Agora ao configurar o novo kernel teremos a opção;
- Device Drivers  Graphics Support (*)Bootsplash configuration-bootup splash 
Que deverá ser carregada como native.

Agora basta recompilar o kernel.
# fakeroot --initrd --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image

O instalar o novo kernel gerado em /usr/src/.
# dpkg -i

Esse processo automatiza a recompilação em Debian.
As dependências são;
- kernel-package
- dialog
- gcc
- patch
- module-init-tools
- fakeroot
- binutils
- initrd-tools
- libncurses5
- libncurses5-dev
- make
- cpp
- Bzip2
- gzip

E finalmente instalar o bootsplash
# apt-get install bootsplash sysv-rc-bootsplash debian-theme-bootsplash

Recompilado o novo kernel, basta alterar /boot/grub/menu.list
Em /boot/grub/menu/list alterar a linha e deixar da seguinte forma;
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda1 ro vga=788 splash=verbose
initrd /boot/initrd-splash

Vga = 785 6540x480
Vga= 788 800x600
Vga=791 1024x768
Obs.: Esta resolução deve estar de acordo com o tema.
Verbose=mostra mensagens
Silent=não mostra mensagens de boot.

Assim estaremos usando o bootsplash original, porém agora preciso da ajuda de 
alguém para ir além, ou seja, quero customizar o bootsplash a minha maneira. 
Alguém da lista já fez isso??


Re: Como se usa um pen-drive???

2007-07-29 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:33:37 -0300
Still [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 /dev/sda1   /pen_drive  autonoauto,user,umask=000   0  0

1) Se eu colocar esta linha o fstab o Gnome-volume-manager vai seguir
estas instruções para montar o dispositivo automaticamente?

2) Para montar o dispositivo o usuário terá que saber a senha do root?
Não desejo que minhas filhas de 11 e 10 tenham acesso a esta senha.
Imagina o desastre...

Sávio M Ramos
Arquiteto, Rio, RJ
Só uso Linux desde 2000

Re: Como fazer p/ o iptables não jogar log no bash

2007-07-29 Thread Gunther Furtado

Edmundo Valle Neto escreveu:

Gunther Furtado escreveu:

Edmundo Valle Neto escreveu:

Gunther Furtado escreveu:

hamacker escreveu:

rapido no google : 

Para mim, não funcionou:

~$ dmesg | tail
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9219 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1814 DPT=6346 SEQ=1090771725 ACK=1000136658 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 
ID=63248 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=16462 DPT=6346 SEQ=3228135934 
ACK=1225491762 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9220 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1896 DPT=6346 SEQ=1284783804 ACK=1032352907 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=9221 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1915 DPT=6346 SEQ=3342334428 ACK=1030418543 
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 
TTL=119 ID=31548 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=31061 DPT=5048 SEQ=1006301889 
ACK=726103319 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 
TTL=238 ID=16627 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=1503 SEQ=3643311717 
ACK=1107441983 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 
ID=33025 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=2594 DPT=6346 SEQ=1367316044 
ACK=1373741058 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 
TTL=245 ID=16385 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4146 DPT=6346 SEQ=715772820 
ACK=1511027191 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=42 
ID=22578 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4138 DPT=6346 SEQ=4104528971 
ACK=1364154353 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 
ID=36632 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=50485 DPT=6346 SEQ=2858024549 
ACK=1156488689 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0


O arquivo /etc/sysctl.conf no Etch já vem com uma linha comentada 
para que mensagens de log de baixo nível não sejam mandadas para a 
console. É só descomentar.

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
#kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

Já tentei o procedimento, aparentemente, isto impede que as mensagens 
começadas por DROPPED e BLOCKED cheguem ao console, mas as mensagens 
começadas por ABORTED continuam chegando. Talvez isso possa ser 
corrigido alterando os valores numéricos da linha

#kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

mas eu não sei o que eles significam. Não achei nada no manual nem no 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# /etc/sysctl.conf - Configuration file for setting system variables
# See sysctl.conf (5) for information.

#kernel.domainname =

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7

# Functions previously found in netbase

# Uncomment the next line to enable Spoof protection (reverse-path 


# Uncomment the next line to enable TCP/IP SYN cookies

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4

# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv6



[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dmesg | tail
input: cx88 IR (PixelView PlayTV Ultra as /class/input/input3
cx88[0]/0: found at :00:09.0, rev: 5, irq: 5, latency: 32, mmio: 

tuner 0-0061: chip found @ 0xc2 (cx88[0])
tuner 0-0061: type set to 43 (Philips NTSC MK3 (FM1236MK3 or FM1236/F))
tuner 0-0061: type set to 43 (Philips NTSC MK3 (FM1236MK3 or FM1236/F))
tuner 0-0063: chip found @ 0xc6 (cx88[0])
cx88[0]/0: registered device video0 [v4l2]
cx88[0]/0: registered device vbi0
cx88[0]/0: registered device radio0
ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:02:2a:d2:e0:78:00:04:16:02:e3:f9:08:00 
SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=0 
DF PROTO=TCP SPT=80 DPT=1181 SEQ=2351433501 ACK=0 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 



É meio complicado dizer porque isso está 

Re: Como se usa um pen-drive???

2007-07-29 Thread Davi
Em Domingo 29 Julho 2007 19:59, Sávio Ramos escreveu:
 Em Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:33:37 -0300

 Still [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  /dev/sda1   /pen_drive  autonoauto,user,umask=000   0  0

 1) Se eu colocar esta linha o fstab o Gnome-volume-manager vai seguir
 estas instruções para montar o dispositivo automaticamente?

 2) Para montar o dispositivo o usuário terá que saber a senha do root?
 Não desejo que minhas filhas de 11 e 10 tenham acesso a esta senha.
 Imagina o desastre...

É muito estranho ter que recorrer a isso... Qual o sistema de arquivos 
Pendrive mesmo? XFS ou errei a discussão?

Davi Vidal

Por favor não faça top-posting, coloque a sua resposta abaixo desta linha.
Eu não respondo top-post/HTML post. Obrigado.
Please don't do top-posting, put your reply below the following line.
I don't reply to top-post/HTML post. Thank you.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Como se usa um pen-drive???

2007-07-29 Thread Still
* Konnichiwa Sávio Ramos-sama:
 Em Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:33:37 -0300
 Still [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  /dev/sda1   /pen_drive  autonoauto,user,umask=000   0  0
 1) Se eu colocar esta linha o fstab o Gnome-volume-manager vai seguir
 estas instruções para montar o dispositivo automaticamente?
 2) Para montar o dispositivo o usuário terá que saber a senha do root?
 Não desejo que minhas filhas de 11 e 10 tenham acesso a esta senha.
 Imagina o desastre...

1- Acredito que sim. Aqui eu uso o KDE.
2- Não. Tudo que é montado como user, é montado como o próprio usuário.


Nelson Luiz Campos  .''`. | I hear; I forget.
Engenheiro Eletricista : :'  :| I see; I remember.
Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303 `. `'` | I do; I understand.
gpgID: 55577339 Skype Still_by_Still `-   | Chinese Proverb

Description: Digital signature

Re: Como se usa um pen-drive???

2007-07-29 Thread Rodolfo Allan
Em 28/07/07, Sávio Ramos[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Tenho um pen-drive de 2GB e como só uso para máquinas com Debian
 formatei-o com XFS. Acredito que o problema seja este, o XFS. Quando
 Alguma luz?

Uma sugestão...

Eu usei o  ReiserFS para fazer o mesmo que você e não tive problemas.
Poderia tentar outros sistemas linux, se com esse não der certo.

Rodolfo Sebastião Estupiñán Allan
Departamento de Matemática
Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Naturais/Rondonópolis
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso

Re: IM on a home debian network

2007-07-29 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 07/28/07 22:30, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 28, 2007 at 09:59:05PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 07/28/07 21:52, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
 Instant messaging on a home network?  Try a low-tech holler:
 What ever happened to diald?

 Its an external Courier.  I meant push the button to turn it on.  It was
 only a humourous comment; my wife would kill me if I addressed her as
 SEE like I was calling in a cow;

It's even worse than that.  SEE is how you call a pig.

   my wife wouldn't know what a modem
 looks like.

I didn't either, until someone pointed one (a 300 baud acoustic
coupler, in fact) out to me, and said, That's a modem.

 To get the modem to connect, I ssh to that box and type:
   $pon courier
 and leave this VC 1 open.  VC 2 is ssh'd to the box and either mutt or
   $watch -n 20 from -c
 VC 3 is for net-related curses stuff (currently a wget session).
 VC 4 is where I type startx when I need to.
 There was a time when I had Ctrl-Alt-UP set in inittab to open a new vt.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: IM on a home debian network

2007-07-29 Thread Jonathan Kaye
Jesus Arocho wrote:

 I have a home network with 5 boxes, one of which is a server.  I run a
 combination of Ubuntu and Debian desktops and Debian on the server.  Is
 there a program available that will provide instant messaging within the
Hi Jesus,
You can try KSalup
KSalup supports two protocols :

 Communication with a computer running Winpopup or using the
 NetBios protocol over TCP sending and receiving messages through Samba.

 Communication with computers on a local subnet, using the
 Netbios protocol over UDP, compatible with almost all of the current
 (Kurupop, Pipo p, Salup, Windows NT, ...)
Registerd Linux user #445917 at

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clamav returns an ERROR in exim 4 mainlog

2007-07-29 Thread Robert Cates

Hi all,

I'm getting this error message in my exim mainlog and I have no idea why and 
what to do about it, please help:

malware acl condition: clamd: ClamAV returned 
/var/spool/exim4/scan/1IF2JG-0004Oy-Sh: lstat() failed. ERROR

I'm running debian etch and I suspect I need to add clamav as a trusted 
user, in other words I need to change some permissions, but I'm not sure 
where.  I'm using exim in the combined configuration mode.

So what's the best way to clear-up this problem?

Thanks in advance!

Need a brain boost? Recharge with a stimulating game. Play now!

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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Jeff D

On Sat, 29 Jul 2007, Tyler Smith wrote:

On 2007-07-28, Jeff D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

also, what version of debian are you running?  Is this machine behind a
firewall or do you have a firewall running on it?  You may also

I'm running Lenny on a laptop, usually connected to various wireless
routers. I recently noticed that firestarter wasn't actually starting
automatically, something to do with the network not being up when I
boot, and I don't always remember to turn it on after I connect to the
wireless router. Also, even when I am running firestarter I have to
turn it off in order to access my university via vpn.

I've pasted the results of all the tests you suggested below. I don't
understand much, but the md5sum mis-match for the rkhunter files is
definitely worrying. Am I going to have to re-install?



you can also install the debsums package, it will do a md5sum check
against installed packages.

root:chapter3# debsums -s

SNIP tons of debsum output

debsums: checksum mismatch libgcj-common file 
debsums: checksum mismatch libgcj-common file 

SNIP lsof output

do you have nmap installed on the local machine? you could run a nmap -sV
localhost against it and it should report back with something as well.

root:chapter3# nmap -sV localhost

Starting Nmap 4.20 ( ) at 2007-07-29 00:26 ADT
Interesting ports on localhost (
Not shown: 1691 closed ports
22/tcp  open  ssh OpenSSH 4.6p1 Debian 4 (protocol 2.0)
25/tcp  open  smtpExim smtpd 4.67
80/tcp  open  httpApache httpd 1.3.34 ((Debian))
111/tcp open  rpcbind  2 (rpc #10)
113/tcp open  ident   OpenBSD identd
929/tcp open  unknown
Service Info: Host: blackbart.mynetwork; OSs: Linux, OpenBSD

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.208 seconds

From the looks of it, it could have just been a false positive.  ive seen 
rkhunter report a few, not very often though.  I'd run rkhunter again, 
install chkrootkit, run that, see if the two match up.

As far as debsums reporting back on the rkhunter files, those will 
probably not match, as they can get updated.

8 out of 10 Owners who Expressed a Preference said Their Cats Preferred Techno.

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Re: Cron and mail

2007-07-29 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 08:16:25PM -0300, Sergio Belkin wrote:

  AS: does mail work on the system? can you mail from the command line? does
  AS: the cron job produce any output to mail?
  AS: A
 It seems that maildir (as I had configured it) won't work with cron (am I 
 right?) I've changed to mbox, and now it works...

Nitpick: maildir and mbox are just mail storages. I am using maildir 
just fine with postfix - maildrop - Maildir (AFAIK postfix can also 
deliver directly to Maildir and exim probably too).

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: A question of fonts

2007-07-29 Thread Glen Pfeiffer
On 07/28/2007 01:30 PM, Alan Ianson wrote:
 On Sat July 28 2007 12:30, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:

 It is available in the debian-multimedia repository.
 This package is in contrib. No need for debian-multimedia for 
 this one.

Whoops! Thanks for correcting that.


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Re: clamav returns an ERROR in exim 4 mainlog

2007-07-29 Thread Mathias Chauvin
Hi Robert,

I've had the same problem on my server. I think this is due to an access
deny on the mail data.
You may want to add clamav user to the Debian-exim group and restart
clamd so that the clamd process is able to access

Have a nice Sunday!

On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 06:51:10AM +, Robert Cates wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm getting this error message in my exim mainlog and I have no idea why 
 and what to do about it, please help:

 malware acl condition: clamd: ClamAV returned 
 /var/spool/exim4/scan/1IF2JG-0004Oy-Sh: lstat() failed. ERROR

 I'm running debian etch and I suspect I need to add clamav as a trusted 
 user, in other words I need to change some permissions, but I'm not sure 
 where.  I'm using exim in the combined configuration mode.

 So what's the best way to clear-up this problem?

 Thanks in advance!

 Need a brain boost? Recharge with a stimulating game. Play now!?

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work hard, die young
IT Stuff on

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Documented NFS/statd Debian Bug

2007-07-29 Thread Justin Piszcz

Subject: nfs-common: NFS volume no longer mounted on boo

Sun Jul 29 08:31:18 2007: Setting up networking
Sun Jul 29 08:31:18 2007: Configuring network interfaces...Starting 
portmap daemon
Sun Jul 29 08:31:19 2007: mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is 
required for remote locking
Sun Jul 29 08:31:19 2007:Either use -o nolocks to keep locks local, 
or start statd.
Sun Jul 29 08:31:19 2007: mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is 
required for remote locking
Sun Jul 29 08:31:19 2007:Either use -o nolocks to keep locks local, 
or start statd.
Sun Jul 29 08:31:20 2007: mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is 
required for remote locking
Sun Jul 29 08:31:20 2007:Either use -o nolocks to keep locks local, 
or start statd.
Sun Jul 29 08:31:20 2007: mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is 
required for remote locking
Sun Jul 29 08:31:20 2007:Either use -o nolocks to keep locks local, 
or start statd.
Sun Jul 29 08:31:20 2007: mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is 
required for remote locking
Sun Jul 29 08:31:20 2007:Either use -o nolocks to keep locks local, 
or start statd.

Sun Jul 29 08:31:21 2007: done.
Sun Jul 29 08:31:21 2007: Starting portmap daemon...Already running..
Sun Jul 29 08:31:21 2007: Starting NFS common utilities: statd idmapd.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg369274.html

Besides adding a manual fix for this, is there any ETA for a proper fix of 
the init scripts as NFS no longer mount due to statd not being started 
before it attempts to mount the shares from other machines?


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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-29 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

On Sat, Jul 28, 2007 at 05:23:26PM -0700, Alan Ianson wrote:

On Sat July 28 2007 15:45, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

Difficulty with nvidia is the main reason that I'm sticking with Etch.
Are you running an amd64 there? I have had no trouble on the amd64 with the 
nvidia drivers. There a couple issues that I know of for the i386 but amd64 
has been painless.. :)

Yes I'm running amd64.  However, since I'm on slow dialup and the amd64
box is the only one with a CD burner and lots of drive space, it would
be a major headache to have something happen that caused stuff to not

But what could happen if you tried it on a duplicate partition? So it 
doesn't work. You go back to the working partition.

My other boxes are a 486 and a PII and etch stuff needs so much

memory that using them to 'rescue' the amd64 is painful.  I've tried it
as part of verifying my backup strategy but its difficult.  

So, in effect, my Athlon box for me is mission-critical and I'll stick
with stable now that its etch.

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Asus P5K WS motherboard / Marvell IDE - CDrom not detected by installer

2007-07-29 Thread Mike Messick

Hi Folks,

I'm using the latest debian-testing-amd64-businesscard installer on an
Asus P5K motherboard with an ICH9 Southbridge and  Marvell 88SE61xx SATA /
PATA chipset.  I'm using an HP dvd1040i CDrom drive for installation.

The installer boots fine but cannot find any cdrom device to use.  When I
look at dmesg, I get the following output relating to the ide devices: 

Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHZ system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
pnp: the driver 'ide' has been registered
ata_piix: :00:1f.2: version 2.10ac1
ata_piix: :00:1f.2: MAP [ P0 P2 P1 P3 ]
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x000101f0 ctl 0x000103f6
bmdma 0x0001ff90 irq 14
ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x000101f0 ctl 0x00010376
bmdma 0x0001ff98 irq 15
scsi0: ata_piix
ata1.00: ATA-7: ST3500630AS, 3.AAK, max UDMA/133
ata1.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 0/32)
ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
scsi1: ata_piix
ata2.00: ATA-7: ST3500630AS, 3.AAK, max UDMA/133
ata2.00: 976773168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 0/32)
ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
scsi: 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access   ATA  ST3500630AS 3.AA PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
scsi: 1:0:0:0: Direct-Access   ATA  ST3500630AS 3.AA PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
ata_piix :00:1f.5: MAP [ P0 P2 P1 P3 ]
ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x0001a000 ctl 0x00019c02
bmdma 0x00019480 irq 22
ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x00019880 ctl 0x00019802
bmdma 0x00019488 irq 22
scsi2: ata_piix
ATA: abnormal status 0x7F on port 0x0001a007
scsi3: ata_piix
ATA: abnormal status 0x7F on port 0x00019887
SCSI device sda: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)
sda: Write protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
SCSI device sda: write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't
support DPO or FUA
SCSI device sda: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)
sda: Write protect is off
sda: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
SCSI device sda: write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't
support DPO or FUA
  sda: unknown partition table
sd: 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda
SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)
sdb: Write protect is off
sdb: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
SCSI device sdb: write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't
support DPO or FUA
SCSI device sdb: 976773168 512-byte hdwr sectors (500108 MB)
sdb: Write protect is off
sdb: Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
SCSI device sdb: write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't
support DPO or FUA
  sdb: unknown partition table
sd: 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdb
ide0: I/O resource 0x3F6-0x3F6 not free.
ide0: ports already in use, skipping probe
ide1: I/O resource 0x376-0x376 not free.
ide1: ports already in use, skipping probe

an lspci yields the following IDE devices:

00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation Unknown device 2920 (rev 02)
(prog-if 8a [Master SecP PriP])
  Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Unknown device 8277
  Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 22
  I/O ports at 01f0 [size=8]
  I/O ports at 03f4 [size=1]
  I/O ports at 0170 [size=8]
  I/O ports at 0374 [size=1]
  I/O ports at ff90 [size=16]
  I/O ports at ffa0 [size=16]
  Capabilities: [70] Power Management version 3
  Capabilities: [b0] Vendor Specific Information

00:1f.5 IDE interface: Intel Corporation Unknown device 2926 (rev 02)
(prog-if 85 [Master SecO PriO])
  Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Unknown device 8277
  Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 22
  I/O ports at a000 [size=8]
  I/O ports at 9c00 [size=4]
  I/O ports at 9880 [size=8]
  I/O ports at 9800 [size=4]
  I/O ports at 9480 [size=16]
  I/O ports at 9400 [size=16]
  Capabilities: [70] Power Management version 3
  Capabilities: [b0] Vendor Specific Information

01:00.0 IDE interface: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Unknown device 6121
(rev b1) (prog-if 8f [Master SecP SecO PriP PriO])
  Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Unknown device 8296
  Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 10
  I/O ports at bc00 [size=8]
  I/O ports at b880 [size=4]
  I/O ports at b800 [size=8]
  I/O ports at b480 [size=16]
  I/O ports at b400 [size=16]
  Memory at fe7ffc00 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1K]
  Capabilities: [48] Power Management version 2
  Capabilities: [50] Messsage Signalled Interrupts: Mask- 64bit- Queue=0/0
  Capabilities: [e0] Express Legacy Endpoint IRQ 0

So it looks like my 2 hard drives are showing up just fine, but I'm fairly
clueless as to why the kernel (2.6.21-2-amd64) isn't finding the CDrom

I've verified that the Marvell IDE/eSATA controller is enabled in the BIOS
as well (hence the initial booting of the installer CD).

I'm hoping someone on the list can point me in the right direction; if
this isn't the appropriate list then please accept my apologies for the

Thanks in advance,

Mike Messick   Dona 

Re: A question of fonts

2007-07-29 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 22:28:13 +0100, andy wrote:


 I do have the latest msttcorefonts installed. It just looks crap with
 Xmms and sometimes Iceweasel seems difficult to read too. But
 certainly Xmms is the worst of the bunch.

This could also be a problem with your settings for font display rather
than with the fonts themselves. I do not use XMMS, so here is a
demonstration of the influence of font settings on iceweasel (PNG image,
55.6 KB):

Maybe you can post your font settings and we can have a look:

awk '/fontconfig/,/^$/' /var/cache/debconf/config.dat

xrdb -query | grep Xft

  Florian   |

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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Tyler Smith
On 2007-07-29, Jeff D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From the looks of it, it could have just been a false positive.  ive seen 
 rkhunter report a few, not very often though.  I'd run rkhunter again, 
 install chkrootkit, run that, see if the two match up.

 As far as debsums reporting back on the rkhunter files, those will 
 probably not match, as they can get updated.

I ran rkhunter again, and then for good measure I aptitude --purged
it, reinstalled, and ran again. And then I thought maybe the whole
thing was compromised, so I purged it again, installed rkhunter 1.30
from sourceforge, and ran again. And I also ran chkrootkit. In all
cases they showed nothing happening, except for warning me that some
of my /bin executables had been replaced by scripts -- stuff like
egrep, fgrep etc.

So perhaps it was just a false positive. I'm going to read up on
security stuff now, so maybe I'll have some idea how to proceed the
next time.

Thanks for your help,


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Re: Asus P5K WS motherboard / Marvell IDE - CDrom not detected by installer

2007-07-29 Thread Douglas Allan Tutty
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 03:55:18AM -0800, Mike Messick wrote:
 I'm using the latest debian-testing-amd64-businesscard installer on an
 Asus P5K motherboard with an ICH9 Southbridge and  Marvell 88SE61xx SATA /
 PATA chipset.  I'm using an HP dvd1040i CDrom drive for installation.
 The installer boots fine but cannot find any cdrom device to use.  When I
 look at dmesg, I get the following output relating to the ide devices: 

[snip dmesg]

 an lspci yields the following IDE devices:

[snip lspci]
 So it looks like my 2 hard drives are showing up just fine, but I'm fairly
 clueless as to why the kernel (2.6.21-2-amd64) isn't finding the CDrom
 I've verified that the Marvell IDE/eSATA controller is enabled in the BIOS
 as well (hence the initial booting of the installer CD).
 I'm hoping someone on the list can point me in the right direction; if
 this isn't the appropriate list then please accept my apologies for the

Its not noise.  However, check out the installation manual.  It tells
you how to submit an installation report via the BTS with email to to the (I think) installation-reports psudo-package.

The 'maintainer' for the reports is the debian-boot team who write the

I would suggest that you subscribe to debian-boot, follow the
instructions in the manual and submit an installation report.  Since
they know how the installer works, they can be of more specific help.
They certainly were when I was in your shoes 8 months ago.

Good luck,


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poll: use of kernel schedulers?

2007-07-29 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


I am curious, how many of you play with kernel schedulers that are not 
in mainline?

To name just a few, there is CFS:

And there still is ck1 for 2.6.22 (and previous), but there will not be 
for 2.6.23 or beyond:

I have used both, with good results feeling-wise but statistics-wise 
there only is the current flame war on the kernel list, ultimately the 
reason that Con Kolivas quit.

I am currently running Debian's:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux debian 2.6.22-1-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 29 07:39:18 CDT 2007 
i686 GNU/Linux

to which 2.6.22-ck1 has been added.


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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Douglas Allan Tutty
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 12:48:16PM +, Tyler Smith wrote:
 On 2007-07-29, Jeff D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ran rkhunter again, and then for good measure I aptitude --purged
 it, reinstalled, and ran again. And then I thought maybe the whole
 thing was compromised, so I purged it again, installed rkhunter 1.30
 from sourceforge, and ran again. And I also ran chkrootkit. In all
 cases they showed nothing happening, except for warning me that some
 of my /bin executables had been replaced by scripts -- stuff like
 egrep, fgrep etc.
 So perhaps it was just a false positive. I'm going to read up on
 security stuff now, so maybe I'll have some idea how to proceed the
 next time.

Its tricky.  If you have been rooted, you can't trust anything on the
system, including aptitude.  As for reading, try the package harden-doc.

Good luck.


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Re: dumb question about aAdobe Acrobat....

2007-07-29 Thread Michael Fothergill

From: Douglas Allan Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: dumb question about aAdobe Acrobat
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 21:12:31 -0400

On Sat, Jul 28, 2007 at 11:39:18PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 15:57:11 -0500
 John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello John,

  Do you actually _need_ acroread?  Xpdf isn't good enough?

 IIRC, Xpdf doesn't have the ability to do form filling.  With acroread,
 you can fill out forms (they have to be set up to allow it, of course),
 and then print them, already filled in.  Obviously, you can't save the
 filled out form.

 With my cruddy handwriting, I need all the help I can get.   :-)

Sounds like a crazy propriatary scheme.  Whatever happened to sending
out the Latex of a document.  Recipients can latex it to view it, make
changes, get it right, then email the latex back.

Nevertheless it was chosen by the UK authorities as a method of filing 
accounts electronically.

As for printing but not saving an altered pdf, can't you print to file
(or get your print spooler to do it) so that you have a ps of the pdf?
Burst the ps pages apart, turn them into eps, encorporate them into your
latex document and away you go.

I am not interested in printing it.  Just editing it and submitting it and 
filing the accounts.

It may be that I could do it with an ordinary editor

Adobe just had to reinvent their own wheel, convince everyone else that
it was the only wheel around (so to speak) and make life difficult for


That may be in part true.  But there are a very large number of companies 
registered here and so a way of avoiding Adobe software is probably useful 
if I can figure it out and then point it out to others.

Even if it is a slightly funny work around.

Who knows, maybe I will discover some useful information in doing this that 
you can't find  already by searching the web after all

Or maybe not.


Michael Fothergill

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The next generation of Hotmail is here!

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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-29 Thread Douglas Allan Tutty
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 06:19:47AM -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Yes I'm running amd64.  However, since I'm on slow dialup and the amd64
 box is the only one with a CD burner and lots of drive space, it would
 be a major headache to have something happen that caused stuff to not
 But what could happen if you tried it on a duplicate partition? So it 
 doesn't work. You go back to the working partition.

The box uses LVM so I can't give Lenny its own actual disk
partitions.  Also, downloading a whole new installation is non-trivial
at 28.8 Kb/s (sometimes 14.4, sometimes 9600).  I'm many miles from the
telephone exchange.  It took a few days to install an ia32 chroot with
just base, mc, lynx, and iceweasel.


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Re: lenny: getting non-free nvidia drivers issue

2007-07-29 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 06:19:47AM -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Yes I'm running amd64.  However, since I'm on slow dialup and the amd64
box is the only one with a CD burner and lots of drive space, it would
be a major headache to have something happen that caused stuff to not
But what could happen if you tried it on a duplicate partition? So it 
doesn't work. You go back to the working partition.

The box uses LVM so I can't give Lenny its own actual disk
partitions.  Also, downloading a whole new installation is non-trivial
at 28.8 Kb/s (sometimes 14.4, sometimes 9600).  I'm many miles from the
telephone exchange.  It took a few days to install an ia32 chroot with
just base, mc, lynx, and iceweasel.

True. I forgot: you stated before that you were using LVM. I am running 
on a dialup modem myself and the last Sid upgrade took 2.5 days.


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Bug#403969: Info received (Bug#403969: tdfx crashes X with AIGLX but without (working) libglide3)

2007-07-29 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Thank you for the additional information you have supplied regarding
this problem report.  It has been forwarded to the package maintainer(s)
and to other interested parties to accompany the original report.

Your message has been sent to the package maintainer(s):
 Debian X Strike Force [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you wish to continue to submit further information on this problem,
please send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED], as before.

Please do not reply to the address at the top of this message,
unless you wish to report a problem with the Bug-tracking system.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Re: Disable gnome-power-manager?

2007-07-29 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hi Stefan.

Stefan Monnier, 29.07.2007 15:25:
 Now, recent versions of the gnome-desktop-environment depend on
 gnome-power-management, so it makes it inconvenient to deinstall the
 gnome-power-management package.  Is there a way to keep it installed but to
 deactivate it?

I don’t have it installed, but maybe
/etc/dbus-1/system.d/gnome-power-manager.conf is of help. It suggest that
gnome-power-manager is launched through DBUS, so you should be able to disable
it that way.

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Disable gnome-power-manager?

2007-07-29 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hi again.

Mathias Brodala, 29.07.2007 15:50:
 Hi Stefan.
 Stefan Monnier, 29.07.2007 15:25:
 Now, recent versions of the gnome-desktop-environment depend on
 gnome-power-management, so it makes it inconvenient to deinstall the
 gnome-power-management package.  Is there a way to keep it installed but to
 deactivate it?
 I don’t have it installed, but maybe
 /etc/dbus-1/system.d/gnome-power-manager.conf is of help.

Apparently, it is not. But README.Debian.gz is:

 GNOME Users: Starting GNOME Power Manager with your GNOME Session
 1) Add yourself to the powerdev group; this group is created by hal
= 0.5.6+cvs20060219-1.
 2) Open System - Preferences - Sessions
 3) In the Startup Programs tab, click Add
 4) Type gnome-power-manager, click OK.
 5) Log out of your gnome session, and log back in again.

You obviously can do the opposite to disable it.

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Disable gnome-power-manager?

2007-07-29 Thread Stefan Monnier
Am I the only one who finds the gnome-power-manager to be
fundamentally flawed?  A power daemon needs intrinsically to be
system-global and not specific to a particular login session.
This becomes obvious when there are several logins active at the same time
(on different virtual consoles), typically with different users.

Now, recent versions of the gnome-desktop-environment depend on
gnome-power-management, so it makes it inconvenient to deinstall the
gnome-power-management package.  Is there a way to keep it installed but to
deactivate it?


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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Tyler Smith
On 2007-07-29, Douglas Allan Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 12:48:16PM +, Tyler Smith wrote:
 On 2007-07-29, Jeff D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I ran rkhunter again, and then for good measure I aptitude --purged
 it, reinstalled, and ran again. And then I thought maybe the whole
 thing was compromised, so I purged it again, installed rkhunter 1.30
 from sourceforge, and ran again. And I also ran chkrootkit. In all
 cases they showed nothing happening, except for warning me that some
 of my /bin executables had been replaced by scripts -- stuff like
 egrep, fgrep etc.
 So perhaps it was just a false positive. I'm going to read up on
 security stuff now, so maybe I'll have some idea how to proceed the
 next time.

 Its tricky.  If you have been rooted, you can't trust anything on the
 system, including aptitude.  As for reading, try the package harden-doc.

That's what I was thinking. But is there any way a rootkit could
interfere with my downloading and compiling from source? I was hoping
that doing things 'by hand' would limit the possibilities for
compromising the result.

I will look at harden-doc. I'm working through the Linux how-to
security quick start at the moment.



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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Celejar
On 29 Jul 2007 13:47:30 GMT
Tyler Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2007-07-29, Douglas Allan Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 12:48:16PM +, Tyler Smith wrote:
  On 2007-07-29, Jeff D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I ran rkhunter again, and then for good measure I aptitude --purged
  it, reinstalled, and ran again. And then I thought maybe the whole
  thing was compromised, so I purged it again, installed rkhunter 1.30
  from sourceforge, and ran again. And I also ran chkrootkit. In all
  cases they showed nothing happening, except for warning me that some
  of my /bin executables had been replaced by scripts -- stuff like
  egrep, fgrep etc.
  So perhaps it was just a false positive. I'm going to read up on
  security stuff now, so maybe I'll have some idea how to proceed the
  next time.
  Its tricky.  If you have been rooted, you can't trust anything on the
  system, including aptitude.  As for reading, try the package harden-doc.
 That's what I was thinking. But is there any way a rootkit could
 interfere with my downloading and compiling from source? I was hoping
 that doing things 'by hand' would limit the possibilities for
 compromising the result.

In theory, certainly.  Your downloading agent is probably invoking
system libraries, which may be compromised and substituting bad
source.  The system may not even be running your download agent at
all!  Or it may subsequently lie to you and assure you that it's
running the downloaded app when it really isn't.  Whether all this is
at all plausible is a different question.

 I will look at harden-doc. I'm working through the Linux how-to
 security quick start at the moment.

-- - remote access via secure (OpenPGP) email - A Simple Sudoku Solver and Generator

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Re: How Debian BTS and its tools can be improved (user poll).

2007-07-29 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 10:49:29AM -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 03:34:58PM +, Oleg Verych wrote:
  What, on your opinion, can be done better in Debian BTS, reportbug?
 1)I agree with kamaraju (sp?) that submitter should be automatically
 subscribed to the bug, or even better, given the option to subscribe
 from within reportbug at submittal time. 

Or making the subscription as easy as replying to the ACK mail (without 
and additional ACK, as the reply already verifies that I'm not a 

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread John Hasler
 That's what I was thinking. But is there any way a rootkit could
 interfere with my downloading and compiling from source?

Of course.  They could have trojaned any of the tools you would use.  _No_
software on a rooted box can be trusted.  Including the shell.
John Hasler

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Re: Disable gnome-power-manager?

2007-07-29 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sun July 29 2007 06:25, Stefan Monnier wrote:
 Am I the only one who finds the gnome-power-manager to be
 fundamentally flawed?  A power daemon needs intrinsically to be
 system-global and not specific to a particular login session.
 This becomes obvious when there are several logins active at the same time
 (on different virtual consoles), typically with different users.

 Now, recent versions of the gnome-desktop-environment depend on
 gnome-power-management, so it makes it inconvenient to deinstall the
 gnome-power-management package.  Is there a way to keep it installed but to
 deactivate it?

When I install gnome I don't install gnome-desktop-environment. I enter that 
in aptitude and pick the items I want from there. gnome-power-management is 
recommended by gnome-screen-saver so when I install that I temporarily 
disable aptitude from automatically installing recommended packages.

Maybe the long way around but it gets me where I want to be.. :)

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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Tyler Smith
On 2007-07-29, Celejar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's what I was thinking. But is there any way a rootkit could
 interfere with my downloading and compiling from source? I was hoping
 that doing things 'by hand' would limit the possibilities for
 compromising the result.

 In theory, certainly.  Your downloading agent is probably invoking
 system libraries, which may be compromised and substituting bad
 source.  The system may not even be running your download agent at
 all!  Or it may subsequently lie to you and assure you that it's
 running the downloaded app when it really isn't.  Whether all this is
 at all plausible is a different question.

So if I'm compromised nothing is safe, and the only guaranteed way to
clear this up is to format my harddrive and reinstall. Given that the
only evidence of a problem is a warning about /bin/login listening
from rkhunter, which happened only once, and I have had no other
problems with my net connection or general performance of my laptop,
let alone mysterious withdrawals from my bank account or other signs
of stolen passwords, what should I be doing? 

From the advice received and what I'm reading, I'm getting two very
different messages - I must reinstall to be 100% certain that I'm
safe, and while I can't be 100% certain I'm safe it's pretty unlikely
that I have a real problem.

What would you do in my situation?



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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Douglas Allan Tutty
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 03:56:08PM +, Tyler Smith wrote:
 So if I'm compromised nothing is safe, and the only guaranteed way to
 clear this up is to format my harddrive and reinstall. Given that the
 only evidence of a problem is a warning about /bin/login listening
 from rkhunter, which happened only once, and I have had no other
 problems with my net connection or general performance of my laptop,
 let alone mysterious withdrawals from my bank account or other signs
 of stolen passwords, what should I be doing? 
 From the advice received and what I'm reading, I'm getting two very
 different messages - I must reinstall to be 100% certain that I'm
 safe, and while I can't be 100% certain I'm safe it's pretty unlikely
 that I have a real problem.
 What would you do in my situation?

Try this:

Boot the box from something like the install CD, go to a shell, mount
your / partition ro, noexec.

I think the install CD has md5sum installed.  Run:
#md5sum /bin/login.

On my i386, I get:

2ee32ff74e474c4d9fc9df6f1460980f /bin/login

If /bin/login is fine, then I'd forget about it.
If it differs, I'd wipe the drive and reinstall; from backups before
your first indication of a problem.  Then examine the difference between
that backup's data and your most recent backup.

Actually, to put your mind at ease, I've attached a file bin-MD5SUMS
which is the output of:

$md5sum /bin/*  bin-MD5SUMS

Put this onto a floppy and mount it when you boot your install CD.  Then
edit it so that, for example the /bin/login reads /mnt/bin/login.

You can then verify the whole /bin with
#md5sum -c bin-MD5SUMS

Here's the file, and good luck.


be2bfd8feb6bfb826593c087817be9d5  /bin/arch
72e1a7bbf8478e3dd08693bec6f4c50e  /bin/bash
01fcfa4919953518bbbc97b2637a27ad  /bin/bunzip2
a60f3c2c4dcedeec5b0e6cce4fd777c8  /bin/busybox
01fcfa4919953518bbbc97b2637a27ad  /bin/bzcat
dfaba3a92070a1881dd8ec64a26069a4  /bin/bzcmp
dfaba3a92070a1881dd8ec64a26069a4  /bin/bzdiff
2b11565d85da178b3a1942a22d20c624  /bin/bzegrep
ea97408418bc4c3a77c0048003198acc  /bin/bzexe
2b11565d85da178b3a1942a22d20c624  /bin/bzfgrep
2b11565d85da178b3a1942a22d20c624  /bin/bzgrep
01fcfa4919953518bbbc97b2637a27ad  /bin/bzip2
d231db40e391032509c4c4782653cb6e  /bin/bzip2recover
e243255b6cf3b9403df53cb9cd6176e1  /bin/bzless
e243255b6cf3b9403df53cb9cd6176e1  /bin/bzmore
c12e12da393d90fba841aa678aef5094  /bin/cat
117baf5142bb451a8a0c501cdbf43726  /bin/chgrp
aa1ab822de26dd9d455c8ac9163ba30e  /bin/chmod
b28ba00d8345041e4955ed970ed174ee  /bin/chown
a096cd237ee340b66f84a7867a2da2a7  /bin/cp
901cc68b293e3249a681ab4f396d1cd4  /bin/cpio
a9a89a3beefb30729ea4ae80d6335cb6  /bin/csh
2af9162bd0c10ecd3b77983a56d79f6c  /bin/date
02aec16981ffee391d957a28cd1190af  /bin/dd
53f20746bb14718e54a65b86510bcb82  /bin/df
1c4d91adb9b1fa383247d0334a389975  /bin/dir
5c54d6f8b6af629e4be985f52c21adb6  /bin/dmesg
638cead25982bc413a287e30a6b3fea4  /bin/dnsdomainname
177e77531159a20fbcf741136c02ce05  /bin/echo
73a8a6f1948231171a6586aef43f26a6  /bin/ed
1a1c4e75e82a51bc570350aa22184913  /bin/egrep
28b23332333e80869b5810c4105392c6  /bin/false
01b9524c8e60a5e167132a6e85452cd0  /bin/fgrep
5d3ff43e62be5f980abeb4100a018ff1  /bin/fuser
d274e7a42d015822ea25fb08ed19262c  /bin/grep
df40328a2c30b3dd195ef2f55d60cef4  /bin/gunzip
cd4aee768f1e3db05aac2b3f5a6219ae  /bin/gzexe
df40328a2c30b3dd195ef2f55d60cef4  /bin/gzip
638cead25982bc413a287e30a6b3fea4  /bin/hostname
01c8af0fc0fe16eab70368389a5482bb  /bin/ip
aca6202f58b4e514ac9c0501505c2076  /bin/kernelversion
083ec3e06bc9de75e00fcb6d6292b378  /bin/kill
2f67f424360319c65ab68c27984f4d06  /bin/ln
2ee32ff74e474c4d9fc9df6f1460980f  /bin/login
3a409d2e7d87fa96c89650c6aec35ac7  /bin/ls
8903244917679b8f5a19909e7e5d0fcc  /bin/lsmod
432c653790fe9d2562f0894bb922d46d  /bin/lsmod.modutils
e89d8739e436bf722668b838476d65cb  /bin/lspci
2b71253ac2aa883f6b65cc4d636fe8c8  /bin/mkdir
95887a0809f5a6de47e26d8b60ae28b1  /bin/mknod
641ec128955d32c613c201d45a9bf224  /bin/mktemp
cc51af5002e2d41a84aecb14fc9cbd79  /bin/more
27c66448968d6775d3f61ee07938938c  /bin/mount
dcfe6fa0df8251d56c7f6cd738181003  /bin/mountpoint
0658725a01811e897497f24838c79e75  /bin/mt
0658725a01811e897497f24838c79e75  /bin/mt-gnu
45fc16400d06a4cf9d69c8d619f9104b  /bin/mv
68de2870b06443403332c81022010a24  /bin/nano
f0169e77f969e17e013c295cd74346a6  /bin/nc
f0169e77f969e17e013c295cd74346a6  /bin/netcat
e00b5e934dfa34a968b33cb2566ecdec  /bin/netstat
3aba7c43d7978452e790220b0deb0e4e  /bin/pidof
7001afa26625989c85d05be0d4f93e4e  /bin/ping
d420db19497b56e632756884efd244e9  /bin/ping6
6140d156296de35a86fd154081b00f26  /bin/ps
b7ec22f9d3040fff114acfd4f6d226e7  /bin/pwd
72e1a7bbf8478e3dd08693bec6f4c50e  /bin/rbash
07e433957de1c39329ebd81d61ca44a2  /bin/readlink
bdd022ca8ec797544b3eddb817ce97f5  /bin/rm
34dd0e07f6abdd1531c7c0953752ab1d  /bin/rmdir
68de2870b06443403332c81022010a24  /bin/rnano
1622c90a9570641dd182d0eff4e9d95b  /bin/run-parts
d9be68996d0b87faeb83d1ad8951a481  /bin/sash

essential services? ssh, nfs?

2007-07-29 Thread Tyler Smith

I'm working through the security quick start how to, and I'm not clear
on what services are required and which ones I can safely remove. I'm
running a single laptop, which I connect to the net via wireless at
home or at cafes, and via an ethernet cable at work. 

1) I never login remotely, so I think I can safely do away with

tcp6*:ssh   *:*   LISTEN 3026/sshd   

2) The how-to suggests that for my setup I don't need anything to do
with NFS - netstat reports rpc.statd and portmap as listening. Can I
just purge nfs-common and portmap?

tcp *:37381 *:*   LISTEN 2603/rpc.statd  
tcp *:sunrpc*:*   LISTEN 2578/portmap

3) I have apache installed as a dependency of doc-central. netstat
shows it to be listening to all interfaces. Is there a way to set it
to listen only for local connections? I don't understand this very
well, but it seems I shouldn't need to listen to anyone from the
outside to connect to my docs.

tcp *:www   *:*   LISTEN 3826/apache 

4) The only remaining listeners I have are:

tcp localhost:929   *:*   LISTEN 3721/famd   
tcp *:auth  *:*   LISTEN 3661/inetd  
tcp localhost:smtp  *:*   LISTEN 3385/exim4  

What is auth? Since famd and exim4 are only listening to localhost,
can I conclude they are not a security risk?

Thanks for your help,


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Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hi Douglas.

Douglas Allan Tutty, 29.07.2007 18:35:
 Boot the box from something like the install CD, go to a shell, mount
 your / partition ro, noexec.
 I think the install CD has md5sum installed.  Run:
   #md5sum /bin/login.
 On my i386, I get:
 2ee32ff74e474c4d9fc9df6f1460980f /bin/login

You should also tell the exact version of the login package you are using.
Otherwise this number is useless.

With 1: on i386 I get this:

 004a41bb9196f1888bd89c2245910f46  /bin/login

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: /bin/login listening?

2007-07-29 Thread Douglas Allan Tutty
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 06:40:05PM +0200, Mathias Brodala wrote:
 You should also tell the exact version of the login package you are using.
 Otherwise this number is useless.

Sorry.  Stock, up-to-date Etch.  Aptitude shows it as version


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Re: essential services? ssh, nfs?

2007-07-29 Thread Jeff D

On Sun, 29 Jul 2007, Tyler Smith wrote:


I'm working through the security quick start how to, and I'm not clear
on what services are required and which ones I can safely remove. I'm
running a single laptop, which I connect to the net via wireless at
home or at cafes, and via an ethernet cable at work.

1) I never login remotely, so I think I can safely do away with

tcp6*:ssh   *:*   LISTEN 3026/sshd

2) The how-to suggests that for my setup I don't need anything to do
with NFS - netstat reports rpc.statd and portmap as listening. Can I
just purge nfs-common and portmap?

tcp *:37381 *:*   LISTEN 2603/rpc.statd
tcp *:sunrpc*:*   LISTEN 2578/portmap

3) I have apache installed as a dependency of doc-central. netstat
shows it to be listening to all interfaces. Is there a way to set it
to listen only for local connections? I don't understand this very
well, but it seems I shouldn't need to listen to anyone from the
outside to connect to my docs.

tcp *:www   *:*   LISTEN 3826/apache

4) The only remaining listeners I have are:

tcp localhost:929   *:*   LISTEN 3721/famd
tcp *:auth  *:*   LISTEN 3661/inetd
tcp localhost:smtp  *:*   LISTEN 3385/exim4

What is auth? Since famd and exim4 are only listening to localhost,
can I conclude they are not a security risk?

Thanks for your help,



the general rule of thumb, is if you dont use it, turn it off.  I'd turn 
off almost every thing.  You can leave exim and famd on.
to turn auth off, you can edit /etc/inetd.conf and comment out the line 
that starts with ident.

for portmap:
update-rc.d -f portmap remove
for rpc.statd:
update-rc.d -f rpc.statd remove
update-rc.d -f ssh remove

to bind apache to the localhost, in /etc/apache2/ports.conf change the 
Listen 80 to Listen, then restart apache.

8 out of 10 Owners who Expressed a Preference said Their Cats Preferred Techno.

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Re: essential services? ssh, nfs?

2007-07-29 Thread Douglas Allan Tutty
On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 04:11:55PM +, Tyler Smith wrote:
 I'm working through the security quick start how to, and I'm not clear
 on what services are required and which ones I can safely remove. I'm
 running a single laptop, which I connect to the net via wireless at
 home or at cafes, and via an ethernet cable at work. 
 1) I never login remotely, so I think I can safely do away with

If you don't need it, and a package isn't there to meet a dependancy,
get rid of it.

 tcp6*:ssh   *:*   LISTEN 3026/sshd   
 2) The how-to suggests that for my setup I don't need anything to do
 with NFS - netstat reports rpc.statd and portmap as listening. Can I
 just purge nfs-common and portmap?
 tcp *:37381 *:*   LISTEN 2603/rpc.statd  
 tcp *:sunrpc*:*   LISTEN 2578/portmap


 3) I have apache installed as a dependency of doc-central. netstat
 shows it to be listening to all interfaces. Is there a way to set it
 to listen only for local connections? I don't understand this very
 well, but it seems I shouldn't need to listen to anyone from the
 outside to connect to my docs.
 tcp *:www   *:*   LISTEN 3826/apache 

I've never run apache so don't know.

 4) The only remaining listeners I have are:
 tcp localhost:929   *:*   LISTEN 3721/famd   
 tcp *:auth  *:*   LISTEN 3661/inetd  
 tcp localhost:smtp  *:*   LISTEN 3385/exim4  
 What is auth? Since famd and exim4 are only listening to localhost,
 can I conclude they are not a security risk?

What do you have uncommented in /etc/inetd.conf?  I don't have anything,
so inetd doesn't start up at boot.

Finally,  as the last defence, do you have a good firewall setup?  I use
shorewall with a default net to all DROP and everything else REJECT,
then open ports as needed in rules.


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Re: IM on a home debian network

2007-07-29 Thread John Hasler
Ron Johnson wrote:
 What ever happened to diald?

It was obsoleted by the demand-dial feature of pppd which can be configured
with pppconfig.

Doug writes:
 Its an external Courier.  I meant push the button to turn it on.

Why do you turn it off?
John Hasler

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Re: dumb question about aAdobe Acrobat....

2007-07-29 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 21:12:31 -0400
Douglas Allan Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Douglas,

 Sounds like a crazy propriatary scheme.  Whatever happened to sending

Quite probably.  

 out the Latex of a document.  Recipients can latex it to view it, make
 changes, get it right, then email the latex back.

Because most people are completely unaware of TeX for generating

 As for printing but not saving an altered pdf, can't you print to file
 (or get your print spooler to do it) so that you have a ps of the pdf?

I've not tried, TBH.  The odd PDF that I've come across that allowed
data entry wasn't the sort of thing I needed to keep a copy of.  I
might play around and see what I can do.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent

I am alone there's nobody there
I Look Alone - Buzzcocks

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