Re: ClefAgreg

2008-01-11 Thread Guy Roussin


Peux-on créer la clé sans créer le cd ?



Francois Boisson a écrit :


Pour mettre à jour ce projet (pour rappel, une clef USB boutable fondée sur
une debian Etch avec les logiciels libres utilisés à l'agrégation de
mathématiques, voir ), j'ai
refait une version fondée sur un noyau 2.6.23 et n'utilisant cette fois que des
paquets Debian Etch (plus quelques paquets persos, j'utilise les capacités de
Xorg à s'autoconfigurer).  Je met à disposition outre la clef complète, une clef de base permettant de se faire
une clef personalisée (lire
pour voir comment) par simple ajout de paquets Debian.

J'aurais besoin de retour (en mail privé ou sur le site) pour cette version
notamment son comportement sur du matériel récent (CDrom SATA, USB exotique).

Merci aux éventuels testeurs, et bon usage sinon.

François Boisson

Guy Roussin

UMR TETIS Territoires, Environnement, Teledetection et Information  Spatiale

Maison de la Télédétection en Languedoc Roussillon
500, rue J.F. Breton
34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5

tél: fax:

Re: [Total HS] Choix imprimante laser multifonction +

2008-01-11 Thread debianpmd
Le Thursday 10 January 2008 22:41:15 Vincent Gay, vous avez écrit :
 Olivier FONTES a écrit :
  Le seul soucis que j'ai constaté qui est mineur, c'est que après avoir
  utilisé la fonction de scan soit depuis xsane soit directement en
  utilisant la fonction photocopie, le periphérique imprimante devient

 J'ai le même problème et ça me gonfle

 Si quelqu'un avait une autre solution, ce serait vraiment sympq


j'ai le même problème
comme sur cette canon j'ai turboprint je reset turboprint
pour les imprimantes sous cups il faut, je pense, essayer
sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
si ça marche se faire un petit fichier bash sur le bureau


Re: [Total HS] Choix imprimante laser multifonction +

2008-01-11 Thread debianpmd
Le Friday 11 January 2008 07:48:54 Pascal Ognibene, vous avez écrit :
 Aurelien a écrit :
  C'est les soldes et une copine à qui j'ai installé un Linux me demande
  ce qu'elle doit acheter comme imprimante. Alors, j'ai fouillé un peu sur
  le net, et notamment sur, histoire de vérifier les
  compatibilités, mais en fait, je ne suis pas très sûr de mon coup, ne
  m'étant pas intéressé aux imprimantes depûis longtemps.
  Elle veut une imprimante multifonction
  (scanner/imprimante/photocopieuse, pas de fax), laser, monochrome.
  j'ai vu quelques trucs, notamment une brother, un OKI et une HP.
  J'aurais naturellement penché pour la HP, mais j'ai été surpris de voir
  qu'elle est, tout comme la Brother, à mostly seulement sur, ce qui ne me rassure pas. Et du coup, je me suis
  demandé si ne s'occupait que de la partie imprimante
  des imprimantes multifonctions, ou traitait aussi de la partie scanner.
  Bref, je suis preneur de tout avis à ce sujet, du plus précis au plus
  large !

   J'ai une Brother DCP 7025 (laser NB). L'impression marche avec un
 pilote cups en 1200*600 dpi (pourvu que CUPS soit assez récent, sinon un
 .ppd est fourni sur le CD de l'imprimante).
   Pour le scanner, brother fournit un driver sane en paquet .deb. Ca
 marche avec tout de même une limitation : je suis obligé de lancer sane
 en root. (il y a sûrement moyen de faire autrement mais je n'ai pas
 cherché longtemps. Mon précédent scanner, lui, fonctionnait pour peu
 qu'on soit dans le groupe scanner).
   Cette imprimante fait également photocopieuse de manière très correcte,
 avec un chargeur de document.

pour lancer sane autrement qu'en root, il faut rajouter scanner au group
en root:
adduser mon_user scanner 
ou sinon appliquer ma petite méthode crassou (patchwork de googlelisation) là


Re: [HS] Recherche script de basculement d ecran pour laptop (XrandR)

2008-01-11 Thread GiGGz

Jean Baptiste Favre a écrit :

Une recherche de :
Fn+F7 sample script ubuntu
sur google me renvoie au moins un lien potentiellement intéressant:

Merci bien. je viens de le trouver. Bon ben je crois que j'ai du boulot 
pour ce we...

Ensuite, pour l'adapter, on pourra aller là:
linké ici:
pour savoir comment sont appelées les sorties en fonction du driver.



GiGGz a écrit :

Bonjour la liste,

Désolé pour ce petit HS. Dans le fil concernant le dual-head sur les
carte Intel, un des intervenants a parlé de script permettant de passer
en dual screen que l'on pourrait associé à la touche correspondante des
Je cherche un script offrant le même fonctionnement que cette touche
sous win, ie :
une pression : on éteint la sortie VGA
une pression : on clone la sortie VGA et l'écran LCD
une pression : on passe en bureau étendu.

Auriez vous vu un tel script sur le net ? Google ne m'a po trop
aidé...trop de réponse.

Merci d'avance

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Re: Son avec Intel HDA sur sortie numérique : pas facile...

2008-01-11 Thread Stéphane L.
ALSA peut aussi gérer les sources multiples via le plugin DMIX. Cela
se déclare dans le fichier ~/.asoundc ou /etc/asound.conf

Et du coup, plus besoin d'ESD


Le 11/01/08, r rignier[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 Essayer de remplacer ESD par alsa comme sortie sur toutes les applications
 Alsa sait gérer les cannaux multiple quand le matériel le supporte.

Re: info-bulles de gnome

2008-01-11 Thread Christophe Alonso

Le vendredi 11 janvier 2008 à 08:19 +0100, Pierre Crescenzo a écrit :
  Je suis en testing. Comment désactive-t-on les info-bulles de Gnome
  (bureau, panel, etc.) ?
 Merci, mais cela ne semble avoir aucun effet, même après redémarrage.

Ah. Dans ce cas, pas d'autres idées.

  Avec ixquick, première réponse...
 Je ne comprends pas cette partie de la réponse.

Pas grave.

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[HS] Recherche script de basculement d ecran pour laptop (XrandR)

2008-01-11 Thread GiGGz

Bonjour la liste,

Désolé pour ce petit HS. Dans le fil concernant le dual-head sur les 
carte Intel, un des intervenants a parlé de script permettant de passer 
en dual screen que l'on pourrait associé à la touche correspondante des 
Je cherche un script offrant le même fonctionnement que cette touche 
sous win, ie :

une pression : on éteint la sortie VGA
une pression : on clone la sortie VGA et l'écran LCD
une pression : on passe en bureau étendu.

Auriez vous vu un tel script sur le net ? Google ne m'a po trop 
aidé...trop de réponse.

Merci d'avance

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HS] Recherche script de basculement d ecran pour laptop (XrandR)

2008-01-11 Thread Jean Baptiste Favre
Une recherche de :
Fn+F7 sample script ubuntu
sur google me renvoie au moins un lien potentiellement intéressant:

Ensuite, pour l'adapter, on pourra aller là:
linké ici:
pour savoir comment sont appelées les sorties en fonction du driver.


GiGGz a écrit :
 Bonjour la liste,
 Désolé pour ce petit HS. Dans le fil concernant le dual-head sur les
 carte Intel, un des intervenants a parlé de script permettant de passer
 en dual screen que l'on pourrait associé à la touche correspondante des
 Je cherche un script offrant le même fonctionnement que cette touche
 sous win, ie :
 une pression : on éteint la sortie VGA
 une pression : on clone la sortie VGA et l'écran LCD
 une pression : on passe en bureau étendu.
 Auriez vous vu un tel script sur le net ? Google ne m'a po trop
 aidé...trop de réponse.
 Merci d'avance

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Re: Impossible d'imprimer depuis flash

2008-01-11 Thread Daniel Caillibaud

Olivier FONTES a écrit :
| Ma commande d'impression est lpr 

| Apparemment c'est un pb connu (trouvé sur le launchpad ubuntu par ex) 
mais je n'ai pas trouvé de solution...

| Si qqun a un pluginflash qui marche (je suis sûr que j'ai imprimé 
depuis cette même appli flash il y a qq mois)

Si tu utilise cups, ce qui normalement est le cas, deux solutions:
La crados: remplacer la commande d'impression par lp -d 

= marche pas

La un peu plus propre: installer le paquet cupsys-bsd qui permet 
d'utiliser lpr pour que cups imprime. Par défaut lp est la commande 
d'impression de cups. De mémoire il me semble que c'est avec le paquet 
cupsys-bsd que la commande lpr est disponible ...

J'avais déjà le paquet lpr (fournit  par cupsys-bsd) sans avoir tout cupsys-bsd.

Je pense que le pb viens du plugin flash.

Si qqun arrive à imprimer un contenu flash avec flashplayer-mozilla ou flashplugin-nonfree, je lui serai très 
reconnaissant de m'envoyer son ;-).


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Impossible d'imprimer depuis flash

2008-01-11 Thread Daniel Caillibaud


Je n'arrive pas à imprimer depuis flash, et ce quelque soit le navigateur.
J'ai testé avec iceweasel/galeon/epiphany et le plugin /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ v 9,0,115 (le 
dernier), v 9,0,60,235 (version livrée avec la beta de flex) et un vieux 7,0,25, mais à chaque fois ça me donne

daniel   31543 11.8  5.9 160412 61048 ?Sl   14:06   0:08 
/usr/lib/iceweasel/firefox-bin -a firefox
daniel   31678  0.0  0.0  0 0 ?Z14:07   0:00  \_ [lpr] 

et ça n'imprime rien.

J'ai testé avec un bête jpeg embarqué dans un swf v7 (, puis clic droit 
/ imprimer (si vous testez, faites-le avec une imprimante pdf, ça économisera du papier et de l'encre ;-) ).

J'ai essayé de changer des params firefox (via l'url about:config, avec le filtre print), notamment passer le 
print.use_native_print_dialog de false à true mais ça ne change rien.

Ma commande d'impression est lpr ${MOZ_PRINTER_NAME:+-P$MOZ_PRINTER_NAME}

Apparemment c'est un pb connu (trouvé sur le launchpad ubuntu par ex) mais je 
n'ai pas trouvé de solution...

Si qqun a un pluginflash qui marche (je suis sûr que j'ai imprimé depuis cette 
même appli flash il y a qq mois)


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Re: ClefAgreg

2008-01-11 Thread Francois Boisson
Le Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:59:50 +0100
Guy Roussin [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 Peux-on créer la clé sans créer le cd ?

Je mettrais sur le site d'ici ce soir une version plus générale avec
* avidemux
* mplayer
* audacity
* gimp
* Openoffice 2.3 avec java et le pilote jdbc pour mysql
* Iceweasel avec plugin mplayer et java

Le tout fait en gros 430 M. Ce sera (à partir de Vendredi soir ou 

Sinon,  deux façons de faire la clef sans CD.

1) Utilisation de VirtualBox ou de qemu si on arrive à faire marcher l'USB
(qemu est nettement plus fiable mais je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner

2)  À la «main»: la clef est supposée en /dev/sda, il faut syslinux
Si la clef n'est pas sûre faire
# mkdiskimage /dev/sda 0 64 32
(cela refait une gémotrie plus classique de la clef)
# mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1
# cat /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin  /dev/sda
# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/usb
# mount -o loop ClefAgreg-v3.0.iso /media/cdrom
# (cd /media/cdrom ; tar c .) | (cd /media/usb ; tar x)
# mv /media/usb/isolinux/minirt26.gz /media/usb
# mv /media/usb/isolinux/linux26 /media/usb
# mkdir  -p /media/usb/home
# cd
# umount /media/cdrom
# umount /media/sda1
# syslinux /media/sda1

François Boisson

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Re: Impossible d'imprimer depuis flash

2008-01-11 Thread Jean-Damien Durand
On Friday 11 January 2008 19:33:57 Daniel Caillibaud wrote:
 Il donne le même binaire, plus quelques autres.

Meme nom, mais pas memes fonctionnalités - c.f. les sources.

A+, JD.

Re: Impossible d'imprimer depuis flash

2008-01-11 Thread Daniel Caillibaud

Frédéric Massot a écrit :
J'avais déjà le paquet lpr (fourni par cupsys-bsd) sans avoir tout 

Attention à ne pas mélanger la commande lpr avec le paquet lpr. La 
commande lpr est fournie par les paquets lpr et cupsys-bsd.

Je ne mélange pas, le paquet lpr est bien fourni par le paquet cupsys-bsd, cf 
aptitude show lpr.

Si tu utilises CUPS il vaut peut-être mieux utiliser le paquet 

Il donne le même binaire, plus quelques autres.


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Re: ClefAgreg

2008-01-11 Thread Klaus Becker
Am Freitag, 11. Januar 2008 18:56 schrieb Francois Boisson:
 Le Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:59:50 +0100

 Guy Roussin [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
  Peux-on créer la clé sans créer le cd ?

 Je mettrais sur le site d'ici ce soir une version plus générale avec
 * avidemux
 * mplayer
 * audacity
 * gimp
 * Openoffice 2.3 avec java et le pilote jdbc pour mysql
 * Iceweasel avec plugin mplayer et java

 Le tout fait en gros 430 M. Ce sera (à partir de Vendredi soir ou

 Sinon,  deux façons de faire la clef sans CD.

 1) Utilisation de VirtualBox ou de qemu si on arrive à faire marcher l'USB
 (qemu est nettement plus fiable mais je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner


et comment faire à partir de VirtualBox ?


 François Boisson

Re: [HS] bureau à distance

2008-01-11 Thread Jacques



J'ai acheté un nouvel ordinateur. Bien plus puissant
que ceux que j'avais déjà. L'idée serait que les ordinateurs
moins puissant servent de terminaux X.
À la fois l'idée et la réalisabilité me semblent assez ancienne ??
On a des postes de travail ; ils se connectent etc, etc
il semble que ça existait déjà lorsqu'il y avait encore des

Mais je n'ai pas trouvé de description d'un tel système
sur internet..
Sûrement pas les bon mots-clé...

Avé, est un document qui explique 
ce que tu veux faire.

A plus.


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Re: ClefAgreg

2008-01-11 Thread Francois Boisson
Le Fri, 11 Jan 2008 19:01:22 +0100
Klaus Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 et comment faire à partir de VirtualBox ?

Tu boutes sur l'image CD et tu fabriques la clef comme indiqué sur le site. Il
faut le VirtualBox non libre qui accepte l'USB. 

J'ai essayé la manipulation et ça marche très bien. 

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Re: Impossible d'imprimer depuis flash

2008-01-11 Thread Frédéric Massot

Daniel Caillibaud wrote:

Olivier FONTES a écrit :
| Ma commande d'impression est lpr 

| Apparemment c'est un pb connu (trouvé sur le launchpad ubuntu par 
ex) mais je n'ai pas trouvé de solution...

| Si qqun a un pluginflash qui marche (je suis sûr que j'ai imprimé 
depuis cette même appli flash il y a qq mois)

Si tu utilise cups, ce qui normalement est le cas, deux solutions:
La crados: remplacer la commande d'impression par lp -d 

= marche pas

La un peu plus propre: installer le paquet cupsys-bsd qui permet 
d'utiliser lpr pour que cups imprime. Par défaut lp est la commande 
d'impression de cups. De mémoire il me semble que c'est avec le paquet 
cupsys-bsd que la commande lpr est disponible ...

J'avais déjà le paquet lpr (fournit  par cupsys-bsd) sans avoir tout 

Attention à ne pas mélanger la commande lpr avec le paquet lpr. La 
commande lpr est fournie par les paquets lpr et cupsys-bsd.

Si tu utilises CUPS il vaut peut-être mieux utiliser le paquet cupsys-bsd.
|  |
|   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

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Re: mise à jour woody vers sarge ou etch

2008-01-11 Thread Thierry Leurent
Je ferais un apt-get install apt-get avant de faire le apt-get dist-upgrade.
Apt à grandement évolué depuis sarge, il faut qu'il soit à jour avant 
d'installer le reste de la distib.

On Thursday 10 January 2008 16:29:04 Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:

 Le jeudi 10 janvier 2008, kabore yacouba a écrit...

  Lorsque je fais :
  # apt-get dist-upgrade , il y'a ce message qui s'affiche:
  0 package upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  je vous donne le contenu de mon /etc/apt/source.list:
  deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r0 - Unofficial security and 3.0r1a
  update and extras disk from
  (2003-09-24)]/packages/dists/woody/updates/ /
  deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r1 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-7

 Il n'y a que des cdroms comme sources, le message reçu est donc normal.
 Comment veux tu donc qu'il aille chercher une mise à jour ?

 Voici le mien, qui est fort basique (lenny), mais qui te donnera une
 idée :

 #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Lenny_ - Official Snapshot amd64
 NETINST Binary-1 20070802-09:21]/ lenny contrib main

 deb lenny main contrib non-free
 deb-src lenny main

 deb lenny/updates main contrib
 deb-src lenny/updates main contrib

 Attention, Attention…C'est du Lenny, donc testing.
 Ne recopie pas le mien si tu veux du stable. Remplace dans ce cas lenny
 par etch ou sarge.

 Personnellement, je ferai d'abord une maj vers sarge, puis vers etch. A
 voir d'autres avis.

 Fais un `apt-get update` d'abord, pour charger la nouvelle liste de
 paquets. Puis tu peux essayer de voir les sorties de 'upgrade' et
 'dist-upgrade' avec l'option --simulate d'apt-get. Le 'dist-upgrade' est
 souvent beaucoup plus sévère que le 'upgrade'.


 A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

Thierry Leurent
Phone  : +32 476/20.23.98
Website (en developpement) :

Re: [HS/Résolu] bureau à distance

2008-01-11 Thread fully_associative-debian

--- Jacques [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  J'ai acheté un nouvel ordinateur. Bien plus puissant
  que ceux que j'avais déjà. L'idée serait que les ordinateurs
  moins puissant servent de terminaux X.
  À la fois l'idée et la réalisabilité me semblent assez ancienne ??
  On a des postes de travail ; ils se connectent etc, etc
  il semble que ça existait déjà lorsqu'il y avait encore des
  Mais je n'ai pas trouvé de description d'un tel système
  sur internet..
  Sûrement pas les bon mots-clé...


Je profite de cette dernière (en date) réponse envoyée
pour remercier _toutes_ les personnes qui m'ont répondu.
Tous les points que j'avais soulevé ont obtenus des réponses,
et au moins une dans chaque message.
(Donc si qqun tombe sur ce fil, les réponses aux questions 
sont sûrement dedans).

Je ne vais bien sûr :) pas vous dire tout de suite si ça a
marché... Il faudra un peu de temps pour que je lise, ne serait-ce 
que les réponses en détail, puis une partie des documents,
et enfin que je mette ça en place.

La faisabilité, avec même éventuellement des outils anciens,
ne faisant aucun doute pour tout le monde (et l'inutilité,
éventuelle, des certaine solutions nouvelles comme VNC),
ça devrait pouvoir se faire.

Merci donc,

FA est un document qui
 ce que tu veux faire.
 A plus.
 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
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Re: [Total HS] Choix imprimante laser multifonction +

2008-01-11 Thread Pascal Ognibene

J'ai une Brother DCP 7025 (laser NB). L'impression marche avec un
pilote cups en 1200*600 dpi (pourvu que CUPS soit assez récent, sinon un
.ppd est fourni sur le CD de l'imprimante).
Pour le scanner, brother fournit un driver sane en paquet .deb. Ca
marche avec tout de même une limitation : je suis obligé de lancer sane
en root. (il y a sûrement moyen de faire autrement mais je n'ai pas
cherché longtemps. Mon précédent scanner, lui, fonctionnait pour peu
qu'on soit dans le groupe scanner).


pour lancer sane autrement qu'en root, il faut rajouter scanner au group

en root:
adduser mon_user scanner 
ou sinon appliquer ma petite méthode crassou (patchwork de googlelisation) là

Merci, mais c'était déjà fait (comme mentionné dans mon mail puisque mon
précédent scanner marchait très bien sans utilisateur root).
J'ai mentionné le problème ici car le driver fourni par brother ne 
fonctionne pas si on se borne à l'utiliser avec quelqu'un qui a le 
groupe scanner : il faut vraiment être root. En tout cas, si on suit les 
instructions de brother.


selin offer letter pyroxenite

2008-01-11 Thread jyotiprakash behera
 Save all your chat conversations. Find them online.

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Re: Instalacion de debian

2008-01-11 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
El mié, 09-01-2008 a las 14:36 -0500, Tonny escribió:
 en mi trabajo hay un server Sun Cobalt que queremos darle uso, claro 
 esta quiero ponerle debian etch, el problema es que no tiene tarjeta de 
 video, solamente tiene una ranura pci (aparentemente pero en el manual 
 indica que solamente sirve para red, ya que una tarjeta de video antigua 
 que probé no le funcionó
 ¿Hay forma de instalar debian sin tener video, osea remotamente?
Si, tendrás que empezar por ver la instalación remota por tftp, esto es
te tienes que montar tu propio servidor de bootp o pex (no conosco el
cobalt) y prepara la imagen para que arranque de red, en el instalador
se puede configurar para que la instalación se haga conectado por ssh
desde una dirección determinada, te aseguro que se puede pues hace como
dos años lo logre hacer con un blade al que no tenia acceso por la
ilo, me costo un poco y por pura estupidez no lo documente, por lo que
no me acuerdo de mas detalles, pero si quieres intentarlo estate seguro
de que se puede.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2008-01-11 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
El jue, 10-01-2008 a las 23:43 -0300, ciracusa escribió:
 Antonio Trujillo Carmona wrote:
  Hoy he montado un servidor para mi casa, dispongo de dos discos SATA de
  200G, lo primero que pense fue ponerlo en RAID0 pero la posivilidad de
  rotura de un disco (no son nuevos) me dio miedo (perderia todo con la
  rotura de uno solo, por lo que decidí no hacerlo.
  Instalando debian vi la posibilidad de hacer un LVM con lo que podria
  agrupar los dos discos, eso seria como un RAID0 pero LVM permite reducir
  el grupo con lo que podría eliminar el disco que empiece a dar problemas
  y al sustituirlo por otro volver a ampliarlo.
  ¿Sera eso posible o si se rompe un disco se pierden todos los datos como
  en el RAID0? 

 Antonio, según el caso que planteas (2 discos SATA), me podrías comentar 
 que ventajas tienes de poner un LVM sobre utilizar ambos discos por 
 separado (con las particiones adecuadas a tus necesidades)?
 Muchas Gracias.
Aunque se que en la lista el tema se ha desviado sobre pajas mentales
filológicas prefiero que me escribas a través de la lista pues este dato
puede ser útil a mas gente.
La respuesta es simple, es un servidor personal no dedicado (que tambien
puede servir de escritorio) en el que tienen acceso 4 personas (mi mujer
mis dos hijos y yo) a demás de servir de servidor de ficheros de
películas (para verlas en la tele con u TDT que permite ver películas
compartidas por red). el sistema debian para este equipo ocupa 6G 2G
para la swap me quedan 192G en un disco y 200G en otro, los directorios
de usuario no creo que ocupen demasiado, por lo que a las malas tendré
300G para un único directorio compartido, aunque podría dividirlo en
subcarpetas y enlazar unas carpetas de unas en otras para que todo fuera
bien es mas simple unirlo todo a nivel lógico y despreocuparse del tema,
claro lo malo de esto es en caso de averías, los datos de los usuarios
no me preocupan pues los replicare en otra maquina, las películas es un
poco mas coñazo pues me supondría tener que volver a ripear los dvd
que tengo (y eso es mucho tiempo), como mi experiencia es que los discos
suelen avisar cuando se van a romper lo único que quería saber es si
seria posible, cuando me mosqueara con un disco añadir otro al grupo
(como no tiene mas conectores SATA tendría que ser usb), mover
físicamente los datos para que la zona del defectuoso quedara bacía, y
reducir el grupo eliminando el defectuoso, posteriormente poner uno
bueno y repetir el proceso para eliminar el usb del grupo.
Por otro lado, si un disco se rompiese irremediablemente, ver si podría
recuperar los datos del otro, esta claro que con un RAID0 no pues para
ganar velocidad (es su fin) va escribiendo bites alternativamente en uno
y otro disco, pero con lvm esto no es así, simplemente cuando se llena
un volumen empieza a usar el otro, por lo que salvo a lo sumo el archivo
que quedara a caballo entre los dos discos los demás están
íntegramente en un único disco, por lo que no es descabellado pensar que
se puedan recuperar, y en este caso el usar lvm sobre ir creando una
estructura de enlaces seria comodidad.
por ultimo queda el tema de aprender, a nivel profesional me dedico a la
informática, en algunas maquinas (servidores) se configura el lvm para
disponer de otras opciones (snapshot o instantaneas para las copias de
seguridad y multipath o acceso a discos en SAN por canales
redundantes), el usar lvm añade un grado de complejidad con el que me
gustaría acostumbrarme por si me hace falta en el futuro. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: duda iptables

2008-01-11 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
El jue, 10-01-2008 a las 08:32 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
 Hola, quiero redireccionar un webserver que tengo en mi red local con ip 
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d x.y.z.w -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j
 LOG --log-prefix lalala DNAT lalala
 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d x.y.z.w -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j
 DNAT --to-destination a.b.c.d
 x.y.z.w es la ip con la que me ve el mundo, a.b.c.d es el webserver
 que está en otra computadora.
 La primera línea es para hacer un log y ver si funciona. Pero no
 funciona, aunque hace el log. No funciona significa que solo obtengo
 timeouts en el navegador.
 Se me ocurrió agregar otra linea igual, pero con OUTPUT (para los
 paquetes generados en esa computadora) y cuando pongo en el navegador
 x.y.z.w me reenvía correctamente a a.b.c.d, la pregunta es: ¿que estoy
 haciendo mal en lo anterior?
 pd: tail /var/log/syslog
 Jan 10 08:44:51 localhost kernel: lalala DNAT lalala IN=eth2 OUT=
 MAC=00:08:54:45:8f:fd:00:1b:d5:0f:42:93:08:00 SRC=e.f.g.h DST=x.y.z.w
 LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=124 ID=47944 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3682
 DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
 Jan 10 08:44:57 localhost kernel: lalala DNAT lalala IN=eth2 OUT=
 MAC=00:08:54:45:8f:fd:00:1b:d5:0f:42:93:08:00 SRC=e.f.g.h 0
 DST=x.y.z.w LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=124 ID=47945 DF PROTO=TCP
 SPT=3682 DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0[/code]
 ¿eso significa que al menos lot está intentando?
No estoy muy seguro pero creo que el problema esta en la ruta que siguen
los paquetes, me explico un paquete con dirección A de fuera de tu red
llega al router y este identifica que es una petición para el puerto 80
y lo redirige a la maquina correspondiente esta maquina recibe el
paquete, lo ve como un marciano (que no corresponde a la red) y no
sabe como contestarle. cuando la redirección es desde dentro de la red
si funciona porque el paquete no es un marciano.
Prueba a poner un MASQUERADE en el POSTROUTING para que el paquete
no sea un marciano, seria al así como:
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -o ethlaqueseainterna.
y nos cuentas

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [red LAN]

2008-01-11 Thread Antonio Trujillo Carmona
El mié, 09-01-2008 a las 18:25 -0430, alejandro escribió:
 ante todo Saludos estamos estrenando nuevo año
Bueno desde mi ultima intervención en la listas ha pasado tiempo, esta vez 
 estoy luchando para encontrar información sobre como montar una red LAN en 
 debian y no he tenido resultados en google si saben de algún link que me de 
 esta informacion por favor pasarmelo y si saben como montar una red lan en 
 debian y explicarme paso a paso seria genial incluyendo un router, un server 
 DNS y un switch ethernet multicapa necesito esa informacion y he buscado y 
 aun no la encontre, aun sigo buscando en mi amigo google y no tan amigo yahoo 
 es de carácter urgente se agradece la ayuda.
 Alejandro García
 estudiante de informática
Hace tiempo existia algo llamado la guia el enrootador, no se si esta
desfazada o no ni donde esta, puedes buscarla.
Mira esta enlace:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalacion de debian

2008-01-11 Thread Adri
El Divendres 11 Gener 2008 11:59, Antonio Trujillo Carmona va escriure:
 El mié, 09-01-2008 a las 14:36 -0500, Tonny escribió:
  en mi trabajo hay un server Sun Cobalt que queremos darle uso, claro
  esta quiero ponerle debian etch, el problema es que no tiene tarjeta de
  video, solamente tiene una ranura pci (aparentemente pero en el manual
  indica que solamente sirve para red, ya que una tarjeta de video antigua
  que probé no le funcionó
  ¿Hay forma de instalar debian sin tener video, osea remotamente?

 Si, tendrás que empezar por ver la instalación remota por tftp, esto es
 te tienes que montar tu propio servidor de bootp o pex (no conosco el
 cobalt) y prepara la imagen para que arranque de red, en el instalador
 se puede configurar para que la instalación se haga conectado por ssh
 desde una dirección determinada, te aseguro que se puede pues hace como
 dos años lo logre hacer con un blade al que no tenia acceso por la
 ilo, me costo un poco y por pura estupidez no lo documente, por lo que
 no me acuerdo de mas detalles, pero si quieres intentarlo estate seguro
 de que se puede.

Tambien lo puedes hacer por NFS, es así cómo lo hicimos en el trabajo. A lo 
mejor esto [1] te puede ayudar.



Adrià  García-Alzórriz

No creo que haya que lamentarse sobre el propio destino, pero a veces es
muy duro.
-- Svetlana Stalin. 

Re: duda iptables

2008-01-11 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El 11/01/08, Antonio Trujillo Carmona [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 El jue, 10-01-2008 a las 08:32 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
  Hola, quiero redireccionar un webserver que tengo en mi red local con ip 
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d x.y.z.w -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j
  LOG --log-prefix lalala DNAT lalala
  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d x.y.z.w -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j
  DNAT --to-destination a.b.c.d
  x.y.z.w es la ip con la que me ve el mundo, a.b.c.d es el webserver
  que está en otra computadora.
  La primera línea es para hacer un log y ver si funciona. Pero no
  funciona, aunque hace el log. No funciona significa que solo obtengo
  timeouts en el navegador.
  Se me ocurrió agregar otra linea igual, pero con OUTPUT (para los
  paquetes generados en esa computadora) y cuando pongo en el navegador
  x.y.z.w me reenvía correctamente a a.b.c.d, la pregunta es: ¿que estoy
  haciendo mal en lo anterior?
  pd: tail /var/log/syslog
  Jan 10 08:44:51 localhost kernel: lalala DNAT lalala IN=eth2 OUT=
  MAC=00:08:54:45:8f:fd:00:1b:d5:0f:42:93:08:00 SRC=e.f.g.h DST=x.y.z.w
  LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=124 ID=47944 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=3682
  DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
  Jan 10 08:44:57 localhost kernel: lalala DNAT lalala IN=eth2 OUT=
  MAC=00:08:54:45:8f:fd:00:1b:d5:0f:42:93:08:00 SRC=e.f.g.h 0
  DST=x.y.z.w LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=124 ID=47945 DF PROTO=TCP
  SPT=3682 DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0[/code]
  ¿eso significa que al menos lot está intentando?
 No estoy muy seguro pero creo que el problema esta en la ruta que siguen
 los paquetes, me explico un paquete con dirección A de fuera de tu red
 llega al router y este identifica que es una petición para el puerto 80
 y lo redirige a la maquina correspondiente esta maquina recibe el
 paquete, lo ve como un marciano (que no corresponde a la red) y no
 sabe como contestarle. cuando la redirección es desde dentro de la red
 si funciona porque el paquete no es un marciano.
 Prueba a poner un MASQUERADE en el POSTROUTING para que el paquete
 no sea un marciano, seria al así como:
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -o ethlaqueseainterna.
 y nos cuentas

Tiene sentido, pero estos días el nat está contra mí :'(
Mis reglas quedaron (prefix: iptables -t nat)

-A PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j LOG
--log-prefix lalala DNAT afuera:   
-A PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT
-A POSTROUTING -j LOG -o eth0--log-prefix MASQ---
-A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE es la ip pública y está en eth2. eth0 es la ip privada y es donde quiero llegar.
Hago la prueba y me sale el log 'normal' de la primera regla:
Jan 11 10:36:38 localhost kernel: lalala DNAT afuera:   IN=eth2
OUT= MAC=00:08:54:45:8f:fd:00:1b:d5:0f:42:93:08:00 SRC=
DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=124 ID=10340 DF

Pero el log del enmascaramiento sale bien extraño:
Jan 11 10:51:04 localhost kernel: MASQ---IN= OUT=eth0
SRC= DST= LEN=241 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64
ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=138 DPT=138 LEN=221 es la ip privada, eso va a otro router que
una de sus placas es a la red Lo rarísimo para mi es
que parece estar mandando al broadcast? (DST=, mi máscara
termina en 254.0, así que ese es el broadcast), suponiendo que dst
signifique destination, no debería poner o
Nacemos desnudos, húmedos, hambrientos y con frío. ¡Y eso es sólo el principio!

Re: Re:[OT] Mi Debian se queda sin red al arrancar un windows en la red local

2008-01-11 Thread Gonzalo Trujillo F.
El 10/01/08, Alejo Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 - Original Message -
 From: Jonay Domingo Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 4:23 PM
 Subject: Re:[OT] Mi Debian se queda sin red al arrancar un windows en la red

  Hola de un tiempo para acá he notado como mi máquina debian se queda sin
  red (al parecer el hub se queda colgado) cuando alguien arranca un
  windows (xp o vista) en la red local. El problema se soluciona cuando
  desenchufo el hub y lo vuelvo a enchufar pero la verdad es que resulta
  bastante molesto pues me fastidia todas las descargas. Todo va bien
  hasta que alguien mete el windows. ¿alguien sabe por qué puede pasar
  ésto y si existe alguna solución al respecto? Muchas gracias grupo.
  | Miguel J. Jiménez   |
  | ISOTROL, S.A.   |
  | Edificio BLUENET, Avda. Isaac Newton nº3, 4ª planta.|
  | Parque Tecnológico Cartuja '93, 41092 Sevilla (ESP).|
  | GPS: 37.408586°N, 6.0049081°W   |
  | Teléfono: +34 955 036 800 (ext.1805) - Fax: +34 955 036 849 |
  |  |
  | PKS : hkp:// - KeyID : 0xFFE63EC6   |
  | El conocimiento es simplemente una opinión en la que uno   |
  | confia lo suficiente para actuar en base a ella.   |
  | Orson Scott Card (Children Of The Mind) |
  Me pasa parecido en la red local de mi casa. Dispongo de un router wifi y
  conecto a el dos máquinas. Mi laptop personal (debian etch), y un pc de
  sobremesa con Microsoft Windows. En ocasiones y siempre coincidiendo con
  que esté conectado el equipo windows, Debian pierde la red y aunque
  parece conectado al router no me permite acceder a él. Con reiniciar el
  router y sin tocar nada en Debian todo vuelve a la normalidad.
  No tengo ni idea de porque pasa esto, y como me ha pasado en contadas
  ocasiones y no suelo usar el ordenador para descargar cosas no le he dado
  importancia. Es curioso cuanto menos.
  Un saludo. Jonay.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Que raro, tengo una red montada sobre 3 servidores Debian etch, y 75
 maquinas conectadas con windows XP y nunca tuve este problema...
 no se que tenga que ver, no sera algun problema de IPs o Puertas de Enlace o
 algo asi o problema con el nombre de los usuarios o con las mac o con los
 (pregunto desde mi ignorancia)

 Saludos, Ale.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

O algun porblema con el firmware de la tarjeta de red, una vez un
profesor me comentaba un problema bien raro que tenia con su tarjeta
de red, y la solucion fue actualizar el firmware de esta.


Problemas con conexion PPP

2008-01-11 Thread Josué Marrero Bermúdez


En mi empresa utilizo varias cuentas para correo, navegacion por WWW , etc

Resulta que una de ella nunca me querido funcionar..y que conste que 
tengo los datos del telefono, usuario y contraseña perfectos.

Cuando marco con wvdial me pone lo siguiente

-- Carrier detected.  Starting PPP immediately.
-- Starting pppd at Fri Dec 14 09:32:15 2007
-- pid of pppd: 11830
-- Using interface ppp0
-- Terminate Request
-- * no quoted text found in `rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x5 
Nn\034e\000\315t\000\000\002\3777663]' *

-- Using interface ppp0
-- Terminate Request
-- * no quoted text found in `sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3]' *
-- Disconnecting at Fri Dec 14 09:32:25 2007
Caught signal #2!  Attempting to exit gracefully...
-- The PPP daemon has died. (exit code = 0)
-- Auto Reconnect will be attempted in 5 seconds
-- Disconnecting at Fri Dec 14 09:32:33 2007

He probado 1000 opciones en ppp y no doy con el problema...alguien que 
me de una LUZ en el asunto.

Un saludo...Josué

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mutt guerrillero

2008-01-11 Thread Luis Miguel R.
Buenas, uso el mutt en etch, todo bien excepto la fecha que sale cuando
respondes un correo que me sale en inglés:

El Friday, 11 January del 2008 a las 07:31:13PM, Fulanito

En el .muttrc tengo configurados los locales correctamente (me supongo):
en consola:

en .muttrc:
set attribution=El %d, %n escribió:
set date_format=%A, %d %B del %Y a las %I:%M:%S%p

en consola:
($:~)date +%A, %d %B del %Y a las %I:%M:%S%p
viernes, 11 enero del 2008 a las 08:19:56

Alguna idea?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT]Problemas en Lista DEBIAN!

2008-01-11 Thread Alejo Sanchez

- Original Message - 
From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: [OT]Problemas en Lista DEBIAN!

El 10/01/08, Takayuki Payperme Kun [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

Que tal buen dia, al ver las respuestas que uno se encuentra creo que es 
una falta de lectura y hasta donde uno puede llegar, el quejarme de un 
SPAM no es por que tenga un correo en hotmail, simplemente es un llamado a 
todos los usuarios para que pongamos de nuestra parte y ayudamos a mejorar 
esa lista de SPAMS, no son pataletas ni lo menos, simplemente para darse 
cuenta. Creo que a veces el discutir un tema de estos es peligroso ya que 
como siempre hay usuarios que no le bajan a su ego, siento que esta 
comunidad si se le puede llamar asi, ya que no hay union entre nosotros 

Tambien agredezco a los usuarios que contestaron con algunas ideas para 
mejorar nuestra lista de los SPAMS y a los que no lo hicieron, por favor 
es una comunidad DEBIAN basta de atacarnos entre nosotros, yo se que a 
veces no es la solucion mandar un mail, pero si para tomar en cuenta o 
llegar a un acuerdo.

Hola, primero que todo por favor respeta algunas normas basicas de la lista:
No top posting
No html

Si 15 correos basura piensas que bastan para opacar todo el trabajo y
aporte de la lista, es tu decision personal buscar otros horizontes,
y no puedes arrojarte la representacion de otros usuarios.
Tengo almacenados en mi cuenta de gmail correos desde junio del 2005 y
busque tu correo y solo apareces desde el 31 de noviembre del 2007 y
ya te  atreves a reclamar y cuestionar la lista y la comunidad.
Personalmente con spam o sin el la lista es de una gran utilidad y
creeme que un poco de spam no me alejará de ella..


 Visita: manuales y comos usuarios 
DEBIAN - Linux User #427179


 Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 21:23:11 +0100
 Subject: Re: [OT]Problemas en Lista DEBIAN!

 El 9/01/08, ChEnChO  escribió:
 El 9/01/08, BasaBuru  escribió:
 El Miércoles 09 Enero 2008 18:54:09 Takayuki Payperme Kun escribió:
 Que tal buen dia, yo se que la mayoria de usuarios estamos artos de 

 alrededor de 15 correos diarios de basura, por lo menos,

 Si pero es una realidad que habrá que afrontar.

 ahora no bastante
 con eso me llegan confirmaciones acerca de la lista de debian que 

 mi salida de la misma, esto es muy molesto,

 Ups...puedes postear una (entera) pa que la veamos???

 ya que si esto sigue asi, nos
 obligara a muchos usuarios ha abandonar este herramienta tan util, 
 pero que

 tristemente los idiotas lammers spammers estan llenando con basura,
 sencillamente han aumentado el trafico severamente.

 Ese de que obligará... a mi no creo. Pero eso es una decisión que 
 solo te
 compete a ti. Estos comentarios no van a conseguir que la peña que 

 currando en el tema curre más rápido 8=}

 Ojala alguien pudiera contestarme y confirmar si tienen el mismo 

 de solicitudes falsas a la misma lista para abandonarla, ojala y se
 solucione esto ya, que me estoy enfadando de mandar alrededor de 10 

 diarios a list-spam.

 No se por que coño te enfadas con quien está arreglando el problema 
 (lo dices
 implicitamente) la realidad es que existe el spam y nos están dando 

 No creo que correos con este tono sirvan para nada, mas que para 
 rebotar a la


 Ya hemos pasado por esto antes y se resolvió con trabajo de miembros 
 de la

 comunidad Debian.

 Lo que puedes y supongo que harás es borrar el span y esperar a que lo
 solucionen. Pero con pataletas no vas a ninguna parte.

 Un saludo


 Quejarse de spam con una dirección de hotmail tiene delito.

 He dicho
 ZAS! en toda la boca! :)

 ... may the source be with you...

Make distant family not so distant with Windows Vista(R) + Windows Live™.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:

Coicido con lo de las normas, si todos cumplimos, mejor, por otro lado, el 
Spam, no es a diario, no recibimos 15 correos con Spam todos los dias, a 
veces (la mayor parte de los dias) no recibimos ninguno.o muy pocos.
Renunciar a la lista, por uns estupidez como recibir algun correo Spam de 
vez en cuando, me parece irrisorio.
por otro lado, me parece que se genera mas problemas a la lista, haciendo 
estos post interminables sobre discusiones que no llevan a nada, donde nos 
atacamos uno a otros, con mas de 20 o 30 correos cada uno, que recibir 2 o 
tres spam por dia...
Hasta  he visto correos que mandan los usuarios experimentados solamente 
insultando a 

Servidor deja de transmitir

2008-01-11 Thread Oscar Farfán

Buenas tardes

Tengo un servidor con debian etch, el problema es que derrepente deja de 
funcionar la pagina que esta en este servidor

es extraño porque dejo haciendo un ping por ejemplo a, veo en 
la pantalla que lo esta haciendo correctamente voy a un ordenador y 
cargo la pagina de internet que reside en este todo bien, despues de un 
rato sigue haciendo el ping pero si trato de accesar la pagina ya no 

lo que tengo que hacer es ir a este servidor y hacer un ssh a otro 
servidor y empieza a funcionar nuevamente la pagina

alguien sabe porque pasa esto y como lo puedo solucionar

aparentemente el servidor como que se duerme y se desconecta de la red 
aunque me sigue haciendo pines a otras paginas.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2008-01-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

buenas a todos los listeros...

la cuestion es que quiero instalar xfce4 en lenny con kde,el problema es
que para instalar xfce4 me dice de eliminar ciertos paquetes de kde
(kdbase-dev ; kdlibs4-dev ; libkonq4-dev y otros) que a mi entender son
paquetes necesarios para compilar y demas...
Asi que debere instalar un entorno minimo, el tema que no se que paquete
 debo instalar,busco algo como xfce4-core , xfce4-desktop pero no existen.
Alguien me podria decir cual/es deberia instalar para tener xfce4 minimo
sin perjudicar mi KDE ?

gracias anticipadamente

Key ID :0x2B16BF9B21E4B3B5
Telefono:(raspar aqui) |
No soy un experto en Linux sino un simple aficcionado en busca del
nirvana Debian :-).

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Reiniciar seleccionando SO en kdm

2008-01-11 Thread Sebastian Obregoso

Carlos Dávila escribió:

A Dimecres 09 Gener 2008, Sebastian Obregoso va escriure:
 Carlos Dávila escribió:
  Hola a todos
  Tengo configurado kdm para que al seleccionar Terminar... del 
menú K
  aparezca el menú de grub bajo el botón Reiniciar el ordenador, 
con lo
  que puedo elegir con qué SO quiero que se reinicie el equipo. 
Hasta ahí

  todo bien, pero el problema es que no hace caso de la selección y
  arranca con la opción predeterminada de grub.
  ¿Sabe alguien cómo puedo solucionarlo? En tiempos tuve instalado 

  en el que esta opción venía por omisión y funcionaba correctamente.
  Un saludo
  Carlos Dávila

 Me pasa exactamente lo mismo, busque si había forma de arreglarlo, pero
 lo único que encontré es como asignar el grub como bootloader en el kde
 para que te muestre la lista de SOs al clickear en reboot, nada de
 errores como el que nos pasa a nosotros. :(
 Si alguien le paso, que de una mano en el tema.
 Lo mas triste es que seguro esta estupidez está en internes pero no lo
 fucking encuentro!!!

Probad a poner en /boot/grub/menu.lst
default saved

i en cada entrada un



kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.23-1-686 root=/dev/sda3 ro quiet 
vga=791 single

initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.23-1-686

Perfecto, con «defaultsaved» funciona correctamente. El 
«savedefault» ya lo tenía.

Muchas gracias por la aportación.


Yo tenia la configuración igual que Carlos, lo de saved funciono 
No se porque le atribuía el problema a kde sin pensar en la 
configuración del grub.


Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT]Problemas en Lista DEBIAN!

2008-01-11 Thread Gonzalo Castro
El 11/01/08, Alejo Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 - Original Message -
 From: Felix Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 1:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [OT]Problemas en Lista DEBIAN!

 El 10/01/08, Takayuki Payperme Kun [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  Que tal buen dia, al ver las respuestas que uno se encuentra creo que es
  una falta de lectura y hasta donde uno puede llegar, el quejarme de un
  SPAM no es por que tenga un correo en hotmail, simplemente es un llamado a
  todos los usuarios para que pongamos de nuestra parte y ayudamos a mejorar
  esa lista de SPAMS, no son pataletas ni lo menos, simplemente para darse
  cuenta. Creo que a veces el discutir un tema de estos es peligroso ya que
  como siempre hay usuarios que no le bajan a su ego, siento que esta
  comunidad si se le puede llamar asi, ya que no hay union entre nosotros
  Tambien agredezco a los usuarios que contestaron con algunas ideas para
  mejorar nuestra lista de los SPAMS y a los que no lo hicieron, por favor
  es una comunidad DEBIAN basta de atacarnos entre nosotros, yo se que a
  veces no es la solucion mandar un mail, pero si para tomar en cuenta o
  llegar a un acuerdo.
 Hola, primero que todo por favor respeta algunas normas basicas de la lista:
 No top posting
 No html

 Si 15 correos basura piensas que bastan para opacar todo el trabajo y
 aporte de la lista, es tu decision personal buscar otros horizontes,
 y no puedes arrojarte la representacion de otros usuarios.
 Tengo almacenados en mi cuenta de gmail correos desde junio del 2005 y
 busque tu correo y solo apareces desde el 31 de noviembre del 2007 y
 ya te  atreves a reclamar y cuestionar la lista y la comunidad.
 Personalmente con spam o sin el la lista es de una gran utilidad y
 creeme que un poco de spam no me alejará de ella..


   Visita: manuales y comos usuarios
  DEBIAN - Linux User #427179
   Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 21:23:11 +0100
   Subject: Re: [OT]Problemas en Lista DEBIAN!
   El 9/01/08, ChEnChO  escribió:
   El 9/01/08, BasaBuru  escribió:
   El Miércoles 09 Enero 2008 18:54:09 Takayuki Payperme Kun escribió:
   Que tal buen dia, yo se que la mayoria de usuarios estamos artos de
   alrededor de 15 correos diarios de basura, por lo menos,
   Si pero es una realidad que habrá que afrontar.
   ahora no bastante
   con eso me llegan confirmaciones acerca de la lista de debian que
   mi salida de la misma, esto es muy molesto,
   Ups...puedes postear una (entera) pa que la veamos???
   ya que si esto sigue asi, nos
   obligara a muchos usuarios ha abandonar este herramienta tan util,
   pero que
   tristemente los idiotas lammers spammers estan llenando con basura,
   sencillamente han aumentado el trafico severamente.
   Ese de que obligará... a mi no creo. Pero eso es una decisión que
   solo te
   compete a ti. Estos comentarios no van a conseguir que la peña que
   currando en el tema curre más rápido 8=}
   Ojala alguien pudiera contestarme y confirmar si tienen el mismo
   de solicitudes falsas a la misma lista para abandonarla, ojala y se
   solucione esto ya, que me estoy enfadando de mandar alrededor de 10
   diarios a list-spam.
   No se por que coño te enfadas con quien está arreglando el problema
   (lo dices
   implicitamente) la realidad es que existe el spam y nos están dando
   No creo que correos con este tono sirvan para nada, mas que para
   rebotar a la
   Ya hemos pasado por esto antes y se resolvió con trabajo de miembros
   de la
   comunidad Debian.
   Lo que puedes y supongo que harás es borrar el span y esperar a que lo
   solucionen. Pero con pataletas no vas a ninguna parte.
   Un saludo
   Quejarse de spam con una dirección de hotmail tiene delito.
   He dicho
   ZAS! en toda la boca! :)
   ... may the source be with you...
  Make distant family not so distant with Windows Vista(R) + Windows Live™.

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:

 Coicido con lo de las normas, si todos cumplimos, mejor, por otro lado, el
 Spam, no es a diario, no recibimos 15 correos con Spam todos los dias, a
 veces (la mayor parte de los dias) no recibimos ninguno.o muy pocos.
 Renunciar a la lista, por uns estupidez como recibir algun correo Spam de
 vez en cuando, me parece irrisorio.
 por otro lado, me parece que se genera mas problemas a la lista, haciendo
 estos post interminables 

Compartir Ancho de Banda

2008-01-11 Thread ramirex

Necesito una forma interesante de dividir el ancho de banda de un
servicio ADSL, el problema es el siguiente.

Existe una galería que tiene varias tiendas, las cuales tienen mas de
una computadora, la galeria adquiero un servicio de internet ADSL de
800 Kbps y  la conexion es directa mediante un switch y las maquinas
se conectan mediante dhcp, el problema radica que cuando alguno de los
usuarios de la red usa algun p2p o torrent, nadie en toda la galería
puede nisiquiera navegar en forma decente.

Entre los requerimientos que me pusieron es que les asigne un ancho de
banda equitativo según la cantidad de maquinas que en un x momento
estén funcionando, que no les restrinja el uso de p2p y que tenga que
ser dhcp.

Ahora mi máximo problema es poder dividir el ancho de banda en un
determinado tiempo, alguien me puede dar la receta?

de antemano gracias


--- ramirex -
[powered by Linux]

GPG Key ID:  F36F6F8C

Re: Compartir Ancho de Banda

2008-01-11 Thread Blu
On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 08:25:56PM -0400, ramirex wrote:
 Existe una galería que tiene varias tiendas, las cuales tienen mas de
 una computadora, la galeria adquiero un servicio de internet ADSL de
 800 Kbps y  la conexion es directa mediante un switch y las maquinas
 se conectan mediante dhcp, el problema radica que cuando alguno de los
 usuarios de la red usa algun p2p o torrent, nadie en toda la galería
 puede nisiquiera navegar en forma decente.
 Entre los requerimientos que me pusieron es que les asigne un ancho de
 banda equitativo según la cantidad de maquinas que en un x momento
 estén funcionando, que no les restrinja el uso de p2p y que tenga que
 ser dhcp.
 Ahora mi máximo problema es poder dividir el ancho de banda en un
 determinado tiempo, alguien me puede dar la receta?

Yo lo haría haciendo que todo el tráfico de la galería pase por un router
debian y usando el paquete iproute, en particular la clase HTB, para
asignar el ancho de banda equitativamente.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Micro de 64 bits

2008-01-11 Thread Doctor Nemo
Tengo una par dudas:
Tengo un micro Intel core 2 duo. Quiero instalar lenny de 64 bits, pero lo 
único que encuentro en ADM64 ¿Está compilado para los AMD de 64 bits? Lo digo 
porque micros AMD tiene instrucciones propias que no tienen los Intel.
Segundo: ¿Se puede instalar lenny en un disco externo o sigue sin poderse como 
ocurría con Etch?

OBERON i686 GNU/Linux
#1 SMP 2007/11/19 15:02:58 UTC

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Compartir Ancho de Banda

2008-01-11 Thread Victor Muchica
On 11 ene, 20:00, Blu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 08:25:56PM -0400, ramirex wrote:

 [...] Existe una galería que tiene varias tiendas, las cuales tienen mas de
  una computadora, la galeria adquiero un servicio de internet ADSL de
  800 Kbps y  la conexion es directa mediante un switch y las maquinas
  se conectan mediante dhcp, el problema radica que cuando alguno de los
  usuarios de la red usa algun p2p o torrent, nadie en toda la galería
  puede nisiquiera navegar en forma decente.

  Entre los requerimientos que me pusieron es que les asigne un ancho de
  banda equitativo según la cantidad de maquinas que en un x momento
  estén funcionando, que no les restrinja el uso de p2p y que tenga que
  ser dhcp.

  Ahora mi máximo problema es poder dividir el ancho de banda en un
  determinado tiempo, alguien me puede dar la receta?


 Yo lo haría haciendo que todo el tráfico de la galería pase por un router
 debian y usando el paquete iproute, en particular la clase HTB, para
 asignar el ancho de banda equitativamente.



 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Falto la c xD
Muy buena pagina por cierto


Re: Micro de 64 bits

2008-01-11 Thread Jose Luis Rivas Contreras
Hash: SHA1

Doctor Nemo wrote:
 Tengo una par dudas:
 Tengo un micro Intel core 2 duo. Quiero instalar lenny de 64 bits, pero lo 
 único que encuentro en ADM64 ¿Está compilado para los AMD de 64 bits? Lo digo 
 porque micros AMD tiene instrucciones propias que no tienen los Intel.
 Segundo: ¿Se puede instalar lenny en un disco externo o sigue sin poderse 
 ocurría con Etch?
Es amd64, es un problema ya, creo, el nombre de la arquitectura,
realmente es un emt64.

Sobre el disco externo, si la BIOS soporta el disco externo entonces si
puedes, sino, puedes instalar el grub en el local el el /boot y de ahí
montar el externo y de ahí arrancar.

- --
Jose Luis Rivas. San Cristóbal, Venezuela. PGP: 0xCACAB118{about,acerca} -
`ghostbar' @,#debian-devel-es
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Java virker ikke i debian

2008-01-11 Thread Kresten Buch
Hej Gruppe.

Jeg kan ikke få java til at  virke i min nye debian distribution. Jeg
håber der er nogen der kan hjælpe mig.

Jeg har installeret jre-6u2-linux-i586.bin

Det gik fint og installeringen sluttede med et fint Done

Derefter har jeg oprettet en symbolsk lænke til mit .mozilla/plugins

ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_03/plugin/i386/ns7/

Det virker bare ikke og jeg kan stadig ikke få min netbank til at
virke. Det ser ud som om browseren tror den har java, for den spørger
ikke længere om den skal installere et pluging, men java virker ikke i
Desuden kan jeg heller ikke installere Limewire, der jo kører med java.

Håber der er nogen der kan hjælpe.
Mvh Kresten

Re: Java virker ikke i debian

2008-01-11 Thread Rico Secada
On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 18:59:27 +0100
Kresten Buch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hej Kresten.

Tilføj non-free til din source.list og så kan du gøre følgende:

# aptitude install sun-java6-plugin

Det er alt, hvad du behøver gøre. Ingen grund til at installere den

 Hej Gruppe.
 Jeg kan ikke få java til at  virke i min nye debian distribution. Jeg
 håber der er nogen der kan hjælpe mig.
 Jeg har installeret jre-6u2-linux-i586.bin
 Det gik fint og installeringen sluttede med et fint Done
 Derefter har jeg oprettet en symbolsk lænke til mit .mozilla/plugins
 ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_03/plugin/i386/ns7/
 Det virker bare ikke og jeg kan stadig ikke få min netbank til at
 virke. Det ser ud som om browseren tror den har java, for den spørger
 ikke længere om den skal installere et pluging, men java virker ikke i
 Desuden kan jeg heller ikke installere Limewire, der jo kører med
 Håber der er nogen der kan hjælpe.
 Mvh Kresten

Re: Placa Creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE sem som

2008-01-11 Thread Still
* Konnichiwa Paulo Roberto-sama:
 Oi Pessoal,
 Comprei recentemente uma placa creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE para  
 ripar fitas k7.
 No entanto não consigo nem obter som da placa.
 Ela foi detectada e usando o alsaconf foi configurada normalmente.
 Desativei minha antiga placa onboard na bios.
 Independente do programa que uso (xmms, mplayer, vlc), em nenhum deles  
 consigo audio, mesmo eles não detectando erro algum.
 Eu gostaria de saber se alguém já passou por problema parecido e pode me  
 Segue algumas informações sobre meu sistema (lspci, lsmod, dmesg, ls  

Qual a saída do cat /proc/ioports ?
Pelo que está parecendo, vc está carregando os drivers da
placa CMI (onboard) tb. Use o modconf para remover esses módulos, pois
pode ser que os programas estejam preparados para enviar as requisições
para /dev/dsp e não para /dev/dsp1, que acredito ser o dispositivo da
sua placa offboard.


Nelson Luiz Campos 
Engenheiro Eletricista
Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303
gnupgID: 55577339 Skype Still_by_Still

Description: Digital signature

Re: Cyrus + Postfix + Dspam + Clamav + Spamassassim - Mensagem não é entregue

2008-01-11 Thread Leonardo Rosa
Valeu, vou refazer a instalação sem o mailscanner.
Quando resolver, posto o resultado e o roteiro.
Leonardo Rosa
PiraíDigital - Depto Softwares Livres
Tutor - Informática (Bio Mat Adm)
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Linux User #425466 (
Debian GNU/Linux

Re: samba e impressoras...

2008-01-11 Thread Márcio Pedroso
desculpa se deixei dubia a minha pergunta, mas era isso mesmo que eu queria

Em 10/01/08, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 10-01-2008 20:21, Márcio Pedroso wrote:
  pra acessar uma impressora que esta em uma maquina win... tem que ter
  alguma configuraçao especial no smb.conf

 Isso era pra ser uma pergunta?

 Se era, então a resposta é não, você precisa configurar o CUPS
 para acessar a impressora via SMB e para isso precisa do cliente samba
 (samba-client), ou seja, não envolve configuração do smb.conf.

 - --
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
 Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Re: Abrir uma sessao rdesktop

2008-01-11 Thread Márcio Pedroso
uma conexao ssh... porque voce quer ou precisa usar o rdesktop? tem de ser
ele? aconselho o ssh... voce vai trabalhar em linha de comando...

2008/1/10, gunix [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Alguem saberia me dizer se é possivel abrir uma sessao rdesktop, apos
 carregado o X, sem que o X chame o XDM ou Gerenciador de janelas?

 Gostaria de fazer exatamento como o ltsp cosnegue fazer.


linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Re: Login automatico no xdm

2008-01-11 Thread Márcio Pedroso
ta usando o gdm, kdm ou o xdm???

2008/1/10, gunix [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 alguem sabe como faço para conseguirlogar automaticamente no icewm?


linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Re: Login automatico no xdm

2008-01-11 Thread gunix
Coloqui na pergunta

Porem mensionei errado quando perguntei. (Totalmente Errado) :)
Como faço login automatico no xdm?

Valeu Marcia


2008/1/11, Márcio Pedroso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 ta usando o gdm, kdm ou o xdm???

 2008/1/10, gunix [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  alguem sabe como faço para conseguirlogar automaticamente no icewm?

 linux user nº 432194

 Eu sou livre e você?

ltsp+ placa de rede silan

2008-01-11 Thread Luiz Noal
olá fórum
uso o ltsp e minhas placas de rede dos terminais são todas realtek 8139.
mas existe um clone das rtl8139, [mal]feito na china, que é reconhecido como

gostaria de saber se algum dos colegas já conseguiu uma imagem para boot por
essa placa, via pxe ou mesmo disquete.


Re: Abrir uma sessao rdesktop

2008-01-11 Thread Márcio Pedroso
sabes que da de acionar o ssh em ambiente graficon ne

Em 11/01/08, gunix [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Linha de comando nao.
 Na verdade preciso dele pelo motivo.
 Na empresa temos 100 PC e todos usando somente o ERP.

 Porem o ERP é uma sistema windows e infelizmente impossivel de emula-lo
 com o Wine.
 Porem todos os meus PC são terminal burros.

 Uso o LTSP e no mesmo consigo abrir diretamente a sessão rdesktop no lugar
 da XDM ou Gerenciador de login.
 Porem usando desta forma, no meu serviço de terminal service, aponta uma
 licença para cada terminal burro.

 Se eu optar, por logar no linux e depois abrir a sessao terminal, eu
 consumo apenas uma licença por dispositivo.

 Por este motivo to tentando...
 ou fazer com que depois do XDM eu acesse diretamente rdesktop  com o xdm
 fazendo login autoimativo.


 2008/1/11, Márcio Pedroso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  uma conexao ssh... porque voce quer ou precisa usar o rdesktop? tem de
  ser ele? aconselho o ssh... voce vai trabalhar em linha de comando...
  2008/1/10, gunix  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Alguem saberia me dizer se é possivel abrir uma sessao rdesktop, apos
   carregado o X, sem que o X chame o XDM ou Gerenciador de janelas?
   Gostaria de fazer exatamento como o ltsp cosnegue fazer.
  linux user nº 432194
  Eu sou livre e você?

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Re: Cyrus + Postfix + Dspam + Clamav + Sp amassassim - Mensagem não é entregue

2008-01-11 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Leonardo Rosa escreveu:

Valeu, vou refazer a instalação sem o mailscanner.
Quando resolver, posto o resultado e o roteiro.

Eu não diria que seria uma questão de simplesmente remover o 
Mailscanner, de alguma coisa  você precisa para fazer a intermediação 
com o antispam e o antivirus. E retirar o Mailscanner não explicaria 
porque as assinaturas não foram encontradas.


Edmundo Valle Neto

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DATa do Sistema

2008-01-11 Thread Clayton Nogueira
Em 10/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Clayton Nogueira escreveu:
  Tenho um servidor de e-mail postfix, rodando no Debian 4.0, meu
  horário de envio de e-mails está correto, mas meu horário de
  recebimento de mensagens está uma hora atrasada, rodando o comando
  date , a data e hora estão corretas, mas quando recebo algum e-mail,
  recebo com 1 hora de atraso.
  Alguém sabe me dizer porque isso pode estar acontecendo ?!


No caso o horário da sua máquina com Postfix e aque recebe pode
 estar correto, mas uma está com GMT-3, e outra, quando no horário de
 verão deveria, está com GMT-2. Então as mensagens chegam em uma máquina
 configurada com GMT diferente com 1 hora de diferença.

 1. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-3 (GMT = 18:00h), máquina que recebe
 está com GMT-2, então recebe com horário de 16:00h.
 2. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-2 (GMT = 17:00h), máquina que recebe
 está com GMT-3, então recebe com horário de 14:00h.

No primeiro caso, tem que acerta na máquina com Postfix, pois
 estamos em horário de verão. No segundo caso, tem que acertar na máquina
 que recebe, pois o Postfix está correto.


   Junior Polegato

   Um peregrino de problemas; Um pergaminho de soluções!
   Página Profissional:

Bom amigos, no meu servidor eu atualizei a data e hora com o comando


ficou belezinha. no Servidor de Dados da empresa, Win 2003 server, a
hora tb está atualizada, no entanto continuo percebendo a diferença de
horários nos e-mails.


Clayton Nogueira
Analista de Suporte
Linux User nro. #448808
Ubuntu User nro. # 15799

Re: DATa do Sistema

2008-01-11 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Clayton Nogueira escreveu:

Em 10/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Clayton Nogueira escreveu:

Tenho um servidor de e-mail postfix, rodando no Debian 4.0, meu
horário de envio de e-mails está correto, mas meu horário de
recebimento de mensagens está uma hora atrasada, rodando o comando
date , a data e hora estão corretas, mas quando recebo algum e-mail,
recebo com 1 hora de atraso.
Alguém sabe me dizer porque isso pode estar acontecendo ?

   No caso o horário da sua máquina com Postfix e aque recebe pode
estar correto, mas uma está com GMT-3, e outra, quando no horário de
verão deveria, está com GMT-2. Então as mensagens chegam em uma máquina
configurada com GMT diferente com 1 hora de diferença.
1. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-3 (GMT = 18:00h), máquina que recebe
está com GMT-2, então recebe com horário de 16:00h.
2. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-2 (GMT = 17:00h), máquina que recebe
está com GMT-3, então recebe com horário de 14:00h.
   No primeiro caso, tem que acerta na máquina com Postfix, pois
estamos em horário de verão. No segundo caso, tem que acertar na máquina
que recebe, pois o Postfix está correto.

Bom amigos, no meu servidor eu atualizei a data e hora com o comando
ficou belezinha. no Servidor de Dados da empresa, Win 2003 server, a
hora tb está atualizada, no entanto continuo percebendo a diferença de
horários nos e-mails.


  E como está seu time zone no linux:

$ date +%z%Z


  Junior Polegato

  Um peregrino de problemas; Um pergaminho de soluções!
  Página Profissional:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DATa do Sistema

2008-01-11 Thread Clayton Nogueira
Em 11/01/08, Clayton Nogueira[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Em 11/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Clayton Nogueira escreveu:
   Em 10/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
   Clayton Nogueira escreveu:
   Tenho um servidor de e-mail postfix, rodando no Debian 4.0, meu
   horário de envio de e-mails está correto, mas meu horário de
   recebimento de mensagens está uma hora atrasada, rodando o comando
   date , a data e hora estão corretas, mas quando recebo algum e-mail,
   recebo com 1 hora de atraso.
   Alguém sabe me dizer porque isso pode estar acontecendo ?
  No caso o horário da sua máquina com Postfix e aque recebe pode
   estar correto, mas uma está com GMT-3, e outra, quando no horário de
   verão deveria, está com GMT-2. Então as mensagens chegam em uma máquina
   configurada com GMT diferente com 1 hora de diferença.
   1. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-3 (GMT = 18:00h), máquina que recebe
   está com GMT-2, então recebe com horário de 16:00h.
   2. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-2 (GMT = 17:00h), máquina que recebe
   está com GMT-3, então recebe com horário de 14:00h.
  No primeiro caso, tem que acerta na máquina com Postfix, pois
   estamos em horário de verão. No segundo caso, tem que acertar na máquina
   que recebe, pois o Postfix está correto.
   Bom amigos, no meu servidor eu atualizei a data e hora com o comando
   ficou belezinha. no Servidor de Dados da empresa, Win 2003 server, a
   hora tb está atualizada, no entanto continuo percebendo a diferença de
   horários nos e-mails.
E como está seu time zone no linux:
  $ date +%z%Z
Junior Polegato
Um peregrino de problemas; Um pergaminho de soluções!
Página Profissional:

 a saída do comando é


 esse é o problema então né ?!

 Clayton Nogueira
 Analista de Suporte
 Linux User nro. #448808
 Ubuntu User nro. # 15799

Desculpem-me perguntar de novo. mas agora descobri que realmente o meu
problema é com o horário em UTC que está com 2 horas adiantadas...
tentei alterar e até agora nada, alguém tem algum passo mais simples
para fazer isso ?!

Clayton Nogueira
Analista de Suporte
Linux User nro. #448808
Ubuntu User nro. # 15799

Re: DATa do Sistema

2008-01-11 Thread Junior Polegato - Linux

Clayton Nogueira escreveu:

Em 11/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Clayton Nogueira escreveu:

Em 10/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu

Clayton Nogueira escreveu

Tenho um servidor de e-mail postfix, rodando no Debian 4.0, meu
horário de envio de e-mails está correto, mas meu horário de
recebimento de mensagens está uma hora atrasada, rodando o comando
date , a data e hora estão corretas, mas quando recebo algum e-mail,
recebo com 1 hora de atraso.
Alguém sabe me dizer porque isso pode estar acontecendo ?

   No caso o horário da sua máquina com Postfix e aque recebe pode
estar correto, mas uma está com GMT-3, e outra, quando no horário de
verão deveria, está com GMT-2. Então as mensagens chegam em uma máquina
configurada com GMT diferente com 1 hora de diferença.
1. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-3 (GMT = 18:00h), máquina que recebe
está com GMT-2, então recebe com horário de 16:00h.
2. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-2 (GMT = 17:00h), máquina que recebe
está com GMT-3, então recebe com horário de 14:00h.
   No primeiro caso, tem que acerta na máquina com Postfix, pois
estamos em horário de verão. No segundo caso, tem que acertar na máquina
que recebe, pois o Postfix está correto

Bom amigos, no meu servidor eu atualizei a data e hora com o comando
ficou belezinha. no Servidor de Dados da empresa, Win 2003 server, a
hora tb está atualizada, no entanto continuo percebendo a diferença de
horários nos e-mails

  E como está seu time zone no linux:
$ date +%z%Z

a saída do comando é
esse é o problema então né ?!

Não, seu servidor está corretíssimo! O problema é no cliente que não 
está com o time zone correto. Não sei como corrigir isso no Windows, 
se é que o cliente é Windows. Se o cliente for Linux, utilize os pacotes 


  Junior Polegato

  Um peregrino de problemas; Um pergaminho de soluções!
  Página Profissional:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DATa do Sistema

2008-01-11 Thread Clayton Nogueira
Em 11/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Clayton Nogueira escreveu:
  Em 10/01/08, Junior Polegato - Linux[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Clayton Nogueira escreveu:
  Tenho um servidor de e-mail postfix, rodando no Debian 4.0, meu
  horário de envio de e-mails está correto, mas meu horário de
  recebimento de mensagens está uma hora atrasada, rodando o comando
  date , a data e hora estão corretas, mas quando recebo algum e-mail,
  recebo com 1 hora de atraso.
  Alguém sabe me dizer porque isso pode estar acontecendo ?
 No caso o horário da sua máquina com Postfix e aque recebe pode
  estar correto, mas uma está com GMT-3, e outra, quando no horário de
  verão deveria, está com GMT-2. Então as mensagens chegam em uma máquina
  configurada com GMT diferente com 1 hora de diferença.
  1. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-3 (GMT = 18:00h), máquina que recebe
  está com GMT-2, então recebe com horário de 16:00h.
  2. Postfix manda às 15:00h = GMT-2 (GMT = 17:00h), máquina que recebe
  está com GMT-3, então recebe com horário de 14:00h.
 No primeiro caso, tem que acerta na máquina com Postfix, pois
  estamos em horário de verão. No segundo caso, tem que acertar na máquina
  que recebe, pois o Postfix está correto.
  Bom amigos, no meu servidor eu atualizei a data e hora com o comando
  ficou belezinha. no Servidor de Dados da empresa, Win 2003 server, a
  hora tb está atualizada, no entanto continuo percebendo a diferença de
  horários nos e-mails.


   E como está seu time zone no linux:

 $ date +%z%Z


   Junior Polegato

   Um peregrino de problemas; Um pergaminho de soluções!
   Página Profissional:

a saída do comando é


esse é o problema então né ?!

Clayton Nogueira
Analista de Suporte
Linux User nro. #448808
Ubuntu User nro. # 15799

Re: Placa Creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE sem som

2008-01-11 Thread Paulo Roberto
Removi o módulo cmipci e continua sem som em nenhuma aplicação e elas 
não estão trabalhando normalmente. Agora claro só tenho o /dev/dsp

Algo q não falei antes mas q continua acontecendo.
O firefox começa a consumir 99% do cpu qdo coloco pra tocar algum audio, 
o gmplayer apresenta o seguinte erro:

[AO_ALSA] Unable to find simple control 'PCM',0

#lsmod | grep snd
snd_ca0106 29412  1
snd_rawmidi22944  1 snd_ca0106
snd_ac97_codec 82912  1 snd_ca0106
snd_seq_device  7692  1 snd_rawmidi
snd_pcm68744  2 snd_ca0106,snd_ac97_codec
snd_timer  20932  1 snd_pcm
snd_ac97_bus2240  1 snd_ac97_codec
snd46756  8 

snd_page_alloc  9480  2 snd_ca0106,snd_pcm
soundcore   9248  1 snd

# cat /proc/ioports
-001f : dma1
0020-0021 : pic1
0040-0043 : timer0
0050-0053 : timer1
0060-006f : keyboard
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00a1 : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0170-0177 : ide1
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0290-0297 : pnp 00:0f
 0290-0297 : it87-isa
02f8-02ff : serial
0376-0376 : ide1
0378-037a : parport0
03c0-03df : vesafb
03f2-03f5 : floppy
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f7-03f7 : floppy DIR
03f8-03ff : serial
0480-048f : pnp 00:02
0500-0507 : pnp 00:0f
0778-077a : parport0
0cf8-0cff : PCI conf1
a000-a0ff : :00:0c.0
 a000-a0ff : 8139too
a400-a47f : :00:0b.0
a800-a81f : :00:0a.0
 a800-a81f : snd_ca0106
b000-b0ff : :00:05.0
d800-d80f : :00:02.5
 d800-d807 : ide0
 d808-d80f : ide1
e400-e47f : motherboard
 e400-e403 : ACPI PM1a_EVT_BLK
 e404-e405 : ACPI PM1a_CNT_BLK
 e408-e40b : ACPI PM_TMR
 e420-e423 : ACPI GPE0_BLK
e480-e4ff : motherboard
 e480-e4ff : pnp 00:02
e600-e61f : :00:02.1
 e600-e61f : motherboard
   e600-e61f : pnp 00:02
 e600-e61f : sis96x_smbus

Obrigado Still,
Mais alguma luz?

Still wrote:

* Konnichiwa Paulo Roberto-sama:

Oi Pessoal,
Comprei recentemente uma placa creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE para  
ripar fitas k7.

No entanto não consigo nem obter som da placa.
Ela foi detectada e usando o alsaconf foi configurada normalmente.
Desativei minha antiga placa onboard na bios.
Independente do programa que uso (xmms, mplayer, vlc), em nenhum deles  
consigo audio, mesmo eles não detectando erro algum.
Eu gostaria de saber se alguém já passou por problema parecido e pode me  
Segue algumas informações sobre meu sistema (lspci, lsmod, dmesg, ls  

Qual a saída do cat /proc/ioports ?
Pelo que está parecendo, vc está carregando os drivers da
placa CMI (onboard) tb. Use o modconf para remover esses módulos, pois
pode ser que os programas estejam preparados para enviar as requisições
para /dev/dsp e não para /dev/dsp1, que acredito ser o dispositivo da
sua placa offboard.


Nelson Luiz Campos 
Engenheiro Eletricista
Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303
gnupgID: 55577339 Skype Still_by_Still

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: server kurulumu

2008-01-11 Thread Kerem Can Karakaş

Ayşe Dursun yazmış:

bu adresteki tutorial den serveri kurdum. üzerine ispconfig kurdum. 
server şu an problemsiz çalışıyor. ispconfig'in stabil çalışması ve 
güvenirliliği konusu hakkında bilgim yok. Bu şekilde internete açmam 
güvenli olurmu olmaz mı ? bu siteden tüm bunları tutorial a dayalı 

* Web Server: Apache 2.2
* Database Server: MySQL 5.0
* Mail Server: Postfix
* DNS Server: BIND9

bu server ların yönetimi konusunda daha detayıl bilgi edinmek 
istiyorum. önerebileceğiniz bir kaynak, site var mı ?

yardımlarınızı bekliyorum. şimdiden teşekkürler.
Ispconfig sağlam olduğu uzun süredir bilinen bir uygulamadır. Ama eğer 
içinizin rahat etmesini isterseniz; her bağlantı için bant genişliğini 
sınırlayan ve saldırılara karşı sizi koruyabilecek bir ek firewall ya da 
sisteme eklenecek bir betik işinize yaratacaktır. Ama ispconfig aslen 
sistemdeki yerel paketleri kullandığından sistem işleyişi bakımından 
sorunsuzdur. Ispconfig betiğinin kendisi ile ilgili ise senelerdir  (3 
sene) kulanmama rağmen 24 saat içinde çözümlenmemiş ve yaması 
yayınlanmamış hiçbir sorun ile karşılaşmadığımı söylemeliyim. Sisteminiz 
muhtemelen piyasadaki bir çok sunucu üründen daha sağlamdır şu an.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

server yönetimi hakkında kaynak

2008-01-11 Thread Ayşe Dursun
ISPconfig ile herşey otomatik oluyor. ben bunların manuel configure etmeyi
öğrenmek istiyorum.bu server ların yönetimi konusunda daha detayıl bilgi
edinmek istiyorum. önerebileceğiniz bir kaynak, site var mı ?

   - Web Server: Apache 2.2
   - Database Server: MySQL 5.0
   - Mail Server: Postfix
   - DNS Server: BIND9

Re: server yönetimi hakkında kaynak

2008-01-11 Thread Kerem Can Karakaş

Ayşe Dursun yazmış:
ISPconfig ile herşey otomatik oluyor. ben bunların manuel configure 
etmeyi öğrenmek istiyorum.bu server ların yönetimi konusunda daha 
detayıl bilgi edinmek istiyorum. önerebileceğiniz bir kaynak, site var 
mı ?

Sunucu kavramı tek bir açıklaması olan bir kavram değildir. Sunucudan ne 
beklediğinize bağlı olarak değişir. Eposta sunucunuzda ne gibi 
özellikler olsun web sunucunuz ne iş yapacak mysql veri tabanlarınız 
nasıl olacak gibi bir sürü sorunun analizi ve cevaplanması gerekir. bu 
ihtiyaçlarınızın mesela ispconfig ya da smeserver, adminsparadise gibi 
ürünlerle çakıştığı durumlarda bu ürünler işinizi kolaylaştırabilir. 
Bunun dışında ne yapacağınız ise yardımın ötesinde bir analiz olmaya 
başlar. bu nedenle hem sistemle ilgili daha fazla bilgi edinmemizi, 
edinmenizi hem de daha ciddi zaman harcamamızı, harcamanızı gerektirir.

Bir de mümkünse ürün odaklı değil de ihtiyaç odaklı başlarsanız işe daha 
hızlı yol alma ihtimaliniz yükselecektir.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Midnight Commander + file(1) sorunu

2008-01-11 Thread Mert Dirik
Recai Oktaş yazmış:
 Bir kaç zamandır dikkatimi çeken bir sorunla bugün ilgilenme fırsatı
 buldum.  Benzer sorundan muzdarip olanlara da yararlı olabilir düşüncesiyle
 buraya yazayım dedim.
 Midnight Commander, nam-ı diğer mc sık kullandığım bir programdır.  Bu
 sık kullandığım programda en sık yaptığım işlem de F3 (veya Enter) tuşu ile
 dosyalara bakmak veya F4 ile düzenlemek.  Gel gelelim makinede tam tarihini
 hatırlayamadığım bir güncellemeden beri mc'deki bu göz atma ve düzenleme
 işlemlerinde, özellikle büyük dosyalarda, olağanüstü bir yavaşlık oluyordu.
 Örnek vermem gerekirse, 170K civarı bir dosyaya (1.4GHz'lik Pentium M
 işlemcili makinede) F3 ile bakınma işlemi yaklaşık 9 sn sürüyordu.
 strace(1) ile programın ne iş çevirdiğini inceledim ve bu bakınma/düzenleme
 işlemlerinde mc'nin dosya tipini tayin etmek için file(1) komutunu fork
 ettiğini farkettim.  Yani (en azından bu makinede) sorun file(1) komutunda:
 $ du -h iri.tex
 $ file --version
 magic file from /etc/magic:/usr/share/file/magic
 $ time file iri.tex
 iri.tex: LaTeX 2e document text
 sys 0m0.016s
 Görüldüğü gibi file(1) kararını ~9 s'de veriyor!  Süreç zamanı ağırlıklı
 olarak user tarafında olduğundan bunun çekirdek ile alakalı olmadığını
 düşünebiliriz.  Sorun Türkçe'ye özel mi?
 $ (export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8; time file iri.tex)
 iri.tex: LaTeX 2e document text
 sys 0m0.008s
 Biraz öyle görünüyor.  Devam edelim...
 $ (export LC_ALL=C; time file iri.tex)
 iri.tex: LaTeX 2e document text
 sys 0m0.000s
 $ echo 9.232/0.076 | bc
 121 katlık bir fark!  Öyle anlaşılıyor ki file(1)'ın bu yeni sürümlerinde
 öncelikle UTF8 ile alakalı ve Türkçe işin içine girdiğinde katmerleşen bir
 sorun var.  Burada verdiğim rakamları (mümkünse farklı dağıtımlarda) siz de
 doğrularsanız memnun olurum, hata raporu geçmeden önce emin olalım.  Geçici
 bir çözüm olarak aşağıdaki adımları uyguladım:
 $ cp /usr/bin/file /usr/bin/file.exec
 $ cat /usr/bin/file
 LC_ALL=C exec /usr/bin/file.exec $@
 (bu noktada Ctrl-D tuşluyoruz)
 Tabii bu çözümün yan etkileri olacaktır mutlaka.  Yine de önceden 9 s'de
 açılan bir dosyayı saniye altında açmak için buna değer...
etch'deki sürüm 4.17'de sorun yok gibi görünüyor.

@debian:~$ file --version
magic file from /etc/magic:/usr/share/file/magic
@debian:~$ ls -lh mbox
-rw--- 1 mert mert 209K Dec 22 20:16 mbox
@debian:~$ time file mbox
mbox: UTF-8 Unicode mail text

sys 0m0.008s
@debian:~$ (export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8; time file mbox)
mbox: UTF-8 Unicode mail text

sys 0m0.016s
@debian:~$ (export LC_ALL=C; time file mbox)
mbox: UTF-8 Unicode mail text

sys 0m0.008s

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Re: Where to report a problem with new 4.0r2 DVD images?

2008-01-11 Thread dusan . vodopivec
 But now images for DVD 2 and 3 have some missing files at
 dists/etch/contrib/binary-i386. Currently we only have Release file at
 DVD 2 and 3. Comparing with DVD 1 we have Release, Packages.gz and

On DVD 2 and 3 directory /pool/contrib does not exist.

 Because of that apt complains it cannot find Packages.gz for contrib and
 then break update process.

Just remove contrib item from DVD 2 and 3 lines in /etc/apt/sources.list

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Burn CD

2008-01-11 Thread hce
On 1/10/08, steef [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hce wrote:
  On 1/8/08, steef [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hce wrote:
  Is following burn CD command correct? I've got following errors:
   $ sudo cdrecord -scanbus
cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD 
  capabilities page.
  1,1,0   101) '' 'ATAPI CDROM ' '110B' Removable CD-ROM
  1,2,0   102) *
  1,3,0   103) *
  1,4,0   104) *
  1,5,0   105) *
  1,6,0   106) *
  1,7,0   107) *
  $ sudo cdrecord -v -eject speed=1 dev=1,1,0 cd.iso
  cdrecord: No write mode specified.
  cdrecord: Asuming -tao mode.
  cdrecord: Future versions of cdrecord may have different drive
  dependent defaults.
  cdrecord: Continuing in 5 seconds...
  TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
  scsidev: '1,0,0'
  scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
  cdrecord: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character. Cannot
  open SCSI driver.
  cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.
  cdrecord: For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord dev=help'.
  Thank you.
  what are you trying to burn: data, i guess? if so: include -data and
  -pad. what i remember of cdrecord: you should point to dev=ATAPI:1,1,0 ,
  try further with -tao or -dao within the command.
  hope this helps.
  To burn photos (JPG files) in iso. I tried following command, but failed 
  $ sudo cdrecord dev=ATAPI:1,1,0 speed=1 -tao -v -eject cd1.iso
  TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
  scsidev: 'ATAPI:1,1,0'
  devname: 'ATAPI'
  scsibus: 1 target: 1 lun: 0
  Use of ATA is preferred over ATAPI.
  Warning: Using ATA Packet interface.
  Warning: The related Linux kernel interface code seems to be unmaintained.
  Warning: There is absolutely NO DMA, operations thus are slow.
  Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
  SCSI buffer size: 64512
  atapi: 1
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
  Device type: Removable CD-ROM
  Version: 0
  Response Format: 1
  Vendor_info: ''
  Identifikation : 'ATAPI CDROM '
  Revision   : '110B'
  Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-ROM.
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wrong size for CD capabilities page.
  cdrecord: Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder
  found on this target.
  cdrecord: Warning: controller returns wron
  Thanks steef and hth.

 cdrecord does not seem to accept  your burner.. strange, but not
 unprecedented. i had a comparable problem with an optiac burner last year.

 you *could* try to insert -data and -pad on your commandline, but i do
 not think that will be much of a difference.

 in your position i should install wodim. for me wodim ended these problems.

Ok, I am going to install wodim (I've  never used it, may take me days
to learn it). Years ago, seems everyone used cdrecord for burning CD.
Is it in now days that the wodim is more popular than the cdrecord?

Thanks steef and Bob.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mount dvd error

2008-01-11 Thread hce
On 1/10/08, Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 08:36:22PM +1100, hce wrote:
  On 1/9/08, Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 10:10:14PM +1100, hce wrote:
Is cdck a command? I could not find it, or should I install it, what
is the package?
   package cdck.
  All right, I installed cdck package. Here is the interesting test:
  1. In my linux box for a DVD which could not be read, it was an error:
  $ sudo cdck -d /dev/hdc
  Unable to read TOC because unable to read TOC, reason: Input/output error.

 Why sudo?  If you are able to play a cd or watch a dvd as yourself then
 you shouldn't need sudo.  If you can't I don't know if sudo would help.

I acutally tried both sudo or without sudo, it got the same result.
You are right, I should not use the sudo in the first place.

  But, if I put that dvd disk to another machine Window XP OS, it works fine.
  2. In my linux box, I put another DVD disk:
  $ sudo cdck -d /dev/hdc
  ! TOC and lseek() return different information about size , using
  lseek()'s number of sectors which is 2077024
  Reading sectors 1-2077024
  2077024 ok
  CD overall:
 Sectors total: 2077024:
 Good sectors: 2077024:
 Bad sectors (incl. with poor timing): 0
  CD timings:
 Minimal = 11 usec (0.11s)
 Maximal = 151716 usec (0.151716s)
 Average = 204 usec (0.000204s)
  The linux box DVD drive works fine for some disks, but not for one
  disk which can be read from a window XP box, what is that tell me, my
  linux box dvd drive (LG Multi RW) is low quality, or not reliable?

 Same drive as me, I think, and I never have any problems.

  3. Is it correct for any blank CD / DVD it prints out:
  $ sudo cdck -d /dev/hdd
  Unable to read TOC because unable to open cdrom '/dev/hdd', reason: No
  medium found

 Well, any blank CD / DVD wouldn't have a TOC.  cdck may not be written
 to handle such things gracefully.  The drive/driver also may not be able
 to tell the difference between no medium and blank medium if you ask it
 to read the medium.

 If, with a known good CD, if you can't play it as yourself, i.e. without
 sudo, then your problem may be a permissions thing.  Ensure that you
 are in the cdrom, audio, and video groups.  Solve this problem first.

 Then use cdck without sudo.

 Re DVDs, have you got the codecs from  I.e. do
 you have their repository in your sources.list and do you have the
 necessary recommended/suggest packages of the dvd libs?  You may be
 missing whatever it is you need to play that DVD.

I have no problem to play DVD video as long as the DVD disk can be
detected and read by the DVD drive.

The problem was only for the particular DVD disk which cannot be
detected and read by my debina linux, but can be read by a window XP
machine, that is really bothers me.

Thank you.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

vesa 1280x800

2008-01-11 Thread Kum Gabor

Can somebody help me how to set up 1280x800 on Etch with vesa driver?
For me only 1280x720 is working. (video is SiS672)


Kum Gabor

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Re: Perl realted..?

2008-01-11 Thread pedxing
On Jan 11, 4:20 am, s. keeling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am coming back toperlafter a long time.

   The sample code these days also uses variable attribute my as:

      my $inst = Extutils::Installed-new();
      my @modules = $inst-modules();

   Can any demistify 'my' for me??

            # this just re-implements tail -1
            # usage:
            #   /this/file  /some/text/file.txt

            my $last;

            while(  ) {
              $last = $_;

            print $last;

 Now, try with the my $last; *inside* the while().  That last print
 line won't have a clue what $last is.

That doesn't sound right to me.  Scope doesn't change in a loop.  All
of this code is in the same scope, so the print statement will work

If you move the loop to a subroutine, then the two $last variables
will be independant due to separate scopes:

my $last=foo;
print $bar;
print $last;
sub scan_loop{
  my $last;
  while(  ){
return $last;

This will print out the last line and then foo because there are two
$last values, the one in the original scope and the one in the
subroutine scope.


NTFS and discover1

2008-01-11 Thread Per Tunedal Debian
as a new user I am puzzled about the inability of my Debian installation
to handle NTFS-partitions from start. I installed in expert mode and
chose to install support for NTFS.

The NTFS-partitions are shown alright if I click the My Computer icon on
my Gnome desktop. But they cannot be mounted when I click at the icons.
I get an error message from pmount stating that they cannot be mounted
because they are not detachable. (The partitions are on fixed drives.)

I note that the NTFS-partitions are mounted for reading if I boot with a
KNOPPIX CD. I searched the documentation and found that KNOPPIX uses
kudzu (and not discover1) for hardware detection. Synaptic doesn't offer
kudzu for Debian. hwinfo uses parts of kudzu, but cannot be used for
hardware detection.

Have I overlooked some settings during the installation? Or are there
any flaws in discover1?

It might be useful to add some instructions for NTFS in the installation

Per Tunedal

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GLIBC 2.4 for Debian Etch

2008-01-11 Thread Kum Gabor

Does somebody know something easy method of upgrading GLIBC to version 2.4 
from 2.3.6 without upgrading Etch to Lenny?


Kum Gabor

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Re: Burn CD

2008-01-11 Thread Joerg Schilling
Ok, I am going to install wodim (I've  never used it, may take me days
to learn it). Years ago, seems everyone used cdrecord for burning CD.
Is it in now days that the wodim is more popular than the cdrecord? 

Why do you believe that an extremely outdated version from cdrecord
where somebody even added bugs could become more popular than the official
maintained software? If you don't know this, wodim _is_ an extremely outdated
cdrecord where some people added bugs that never have been in the original.

The answer is that some Linux distributions try to force their users to use the 
defective fork instead of the original because they don't like to cooperate 
with the author.

Get a recent original from

and make sure to install cdrecord/readcd/cdda2wav suid root.

Note that even the mkisofs variant from the fork (called genisoimage) is full 
of nasty bugs that cause filesystem inconsisties. Linux may ignore these 
filesystem inconsisties but if you like to use your media on other platorms
or even with future Linux versions you should prefer maintained original 

The cdrkit project is dead since more than 8 months and it had only 8 months
of speudo activities do not bet on a dead horse.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work) Blog:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SOLVED: subversion/apache2 errors

2008-01-11 Thread michael
On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 09:28 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I've tried numerous variations for getting subversion working on apache2
  but whatever I tried gave the Could not open the requested SVN
  filesystem error. Does anybody have a simple guide to getting this
  working on Debian etch? Particularly, I guess, the necessary permissions
  for the repository (I'm using /usr/local/SUBVERSION for the root for
  repositories eg /usr/local/SUBVERSION/repos1). Thanks, Michael
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 could you please indicate your commands or more info ?
 Note: if I remember correctly, three characters '/' are needed, eg.
 svn import . file:///var/svn/repos/test

Here's some more info:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2/mods-available$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 
Forcing reload of web server (apache2)... waiting .

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2/mods-available$ ps -elf | grep apache2
1 S root 20585 1  0  78   0 -  2664 -  09:56 ?00:00:00 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
5 S www-data 20586 20585  0  84   0 -  2607 377250 09:56 ?00:00:00 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
5 S www-data 20587 20585  0  85   0 - 58037 pipe_w 09:56 ?00:00:00 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
5 S www-data 20589 20585  0  84   0 - 57998 pipe_w 09:56 ?00:00:00 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
0 S michael  20648 20429  0  78   0 -   820 pipe_w 09:56 pts/300:00:00 grep 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2/mods-available$ grep -v -e '^#' -e '  #' 
dav_svn.conf|cat -s

Location /svn
DAV svn

SVNPath /var/www/michael/SUB


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2/mods-available$ ls -alt 
total 36
drwxr-xr-x 7 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 11 10:05 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 11 10:05 ../
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 11 10:05 conf/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 11 10:05 dav/
drwxr-sr-x 5 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 11 10:05 db/
-r--r--r-- 1 www-data www-data2 Jan 11 10:05 format
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 11 10:05 hooks/
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 11 10:05 locks/
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data  229 Jan 11 10:05 README.txt

I've now realised that my mistake was to have 
SVNPath /var/www/michael/SUB
rather than 
SVNParentPath /var/www/michael/SUB

(since I want to repositorites below SUB)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Perl realted..?

2008-01-11 Thread pedxing
On Jan 11, 4:20 am, s. keeling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am coming back to perl after a long time.

   The sample code these days also uses variable attribute my as:

      my $inst = Extutils::Installed-new();
      my @modules = $inst-modules();

   Can any demistify 'my' for me??

            # this just re-implements tail -1
            # usage:
            #   /this/file  /some/text/file.txt

            my $last;

            while(  ) {
              $last = $_;

            print $last;

 Now, try with the my $last; *inside* the while().  That last print
 line won't have a clue what $last is.

my $last;
my $bar;
while(  ){
print $bar;
print $last;

sub different_scope{
  my $last=$_[0];
  return $last;

Actually, this is a better example, because it will actually work
#;-).  But the point is that scope doesn't change in a loop, but it
does in a subroutine.


Re: Burn CD

2008-01-11 Thread Kc9EYE
On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 07:35:51PM +1100, hce wrote:
 Ok, I am going to install wodim (I've  never used it, may take me days
 to learn it). Years ago, seems everyone used cdrecord for burning CD.
 Is it in now days that the wodim is more popular than the cdrecord?
 Thanks steef and Bob.

Hello, that is apparently a long story if you start to read into it. It
has somenthing to do with licensing and philosophy. As far as I can tell
from a user standpoint, the programs appear to be almost pin for pin 
from the command line as far as options and what not. Also if your sure
that the device your trying to write to is a burner, I would create a 
symbolic link called cdrw in your /dev directory to that specific
device file. It keeps the fudge factor down, and keeps you from
declaring the device in your command. Or, wodim from trying to guess the 
Good Luck 
P. Lane

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Re: Burn CD

2008-01-11 Thread Jochen Schulz
 Ok, I am going to install wodim (I've  never used it, may take me days
 to learn it). Years ago, seems everyone used cdrecord for burning CD.
 Is it in now days that the wodim is more popular than the cdrecord?

That depends on your definition of popularity. :)

Wodim is nothing but a fork of a quite old version of cdrecord and, as
far as I know, only exists inside Debian. The main reason for this fork
are a dispute over Jörg Schilling's (cdrecord author) licensing and (at
least I think so) the difficulties between the Debian maintainers and
Jörg Schilling. If you search this list's archives for mails from
Schilling, you will probably find a whole lot of flame fests with
insults coming from both sides.

Debian maintainers aren't the only ones finding it difficult to work
with Schilling, though, and as far as I can tell the licensing concerns
from the Debian crowd are (partly) valid. But obviously there are
various opinions on the subject. Jörg Schilling appears to scan Debian
lists for discussions about cdrecord/wodim anyway, so there is only a
very small chance to miss his point of view in case you're interested.

However, from a user's point of view, wodim is a drop-in replacement for
cdrecord as a CD (and DVD?) burning application. It works almost
exactly, if not better in some respects, like cdrecord did a few years
ago (I don't know which version of cdrecord wodim is based on). On the
other hand, wodim doesn't appear to be actively developed anymore, only
maintained. But since I have never had any problems with it, I don't
care very much.

Fashion is more important to me than war, famine, disease or art.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

modem hungup forever

2008-01-11 Thread Micaela Gallerini
hi all,
after the latest update when my internet connection break down, my
modem don't disconnect the port ttys0, infact if I try to connect
again (with pon and poff) there isn't any connection.

I try also to install again ppp, but there is the same problem.

any ideas, please?

my messages/syslog  log:

Jan 11 10:58:48 xxx kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Jan 11 10:58:48 xxx pppd[3461]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: abort on (BUSY)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: abort on (VOICE)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: abort on (DELAYED)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: send (ATZ^M)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: expect (OK)
Jan 11 10:58:49 xxx chat[3464]: ATZ^M^M

In internet il saper leggere è uguale al saper ascoltare nella
realtà, chi sa ascoltare possiede le chiavi di molte porte
Micaela Gallerini

Re: Burn CD

2008-01-11 Thread Nate Bargmann
When Debian changed from cdrtools to wodim, k3b never noticed and I
went along merrily burning CDs and DVDs.  Nary a problem noted.

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Goodbye

2008-01-11 Thread Michelle Konzack
Am 2008-01-08 08:09:58, schrieb Joel Roberts:
 I've gotten a lot of good information from this list, and hopefully
 supplied some as well, but I'm not going to weed through hundreds of
 spam e-mails weekly to pursue this any longer. If the list organizers
 can implement some anti-spam measures, I'll be happy to join again in
 the future. There's no reason for this quantity of spam to be making it
 through on a mailing list.

Sorry, but if the list organizers shutdown the spamfilters, you would
not stay longer as 5 minutes in this list  :-)

I have gotten over 5 million SPAM between 2007-12-17 and 2008-01-05 and
only arround 800 coming through...

I do not asume you have goten the same amount of spam, maybe not even
5000 so you have gotten around 1 spam in this time if you would use a
spamfilter on your system...

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: dying disk - data recovery recommendations

2008-01-11 Thread Dominique Dumont
Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Find a way to attach that drive to a functional system.  One way would
 be to use a 2.5 portable USB enclosure. 

No. from my experience USB will hang if the drive hit a wrong sector.

You should:
- attach the disk to an internal IDE (or sata) cable
- use dd_rescue to copy the image to a file (can be long) (or
- fsck the copied image.

Do not run fsck on a failing disk, it will make thing worse.


Dominique Dumont 
Delivering successful solutions requires giving people what they
need, not what they want. Kurt Bittner

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Burn CD

2008-01-11 Thread Joerg Schilling
Hello, that is apparently a long story if you start to read into it. It
has somenthing to do with licensing and philosophy. As far as I can tell

The story has nothing to do with licensing or philosophy but with the missing 
will for quality oriented collaboration with the Author.

The attacks against the cdrtools project started after I rejected to integrate 
a patch into the official source because it did not solve the problem but 
instead added bugs.

from a user standpoint, the programs appear to be almost pin for pin 
from the command line as far as options and what not. Also if your sure
that the device your trying to write to is a burner, I would create a 
symbolic link called cdrw in your /dev directory to that specific
device file. It keeps the fudge factor down, and keeps you from
declaring the device in your command. Or, wodim from trying to guess the 

You do not need to play these silly /dev/ games if you use the original 

If you only have one drive (this should be the case for  95% of all users),
simply omit the dev= parameter and cdecord will automagically find your drive.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work) Blog:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OT: Flash memory

2008-01-11 Thread ISHWAR RATTAN

It is way off but some one will direct me to
the right place..

I am interested in knowing the storage and access
architecture of 'Flash Memory'.

Storage: how is the storage viewed? Contiguous or
block based, is it possible to have random access etc.
As comparison to hard-disk scenario is the access
overhead (seek/rtotational/transfer delays) - do such
concepts apply to flash memory?

Access: USB interface is serial by nature, so, is the data
accessed in a serial/sequential way or some other technique
is used?

Thanks for your time.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GNU style Changelog for SVN in Emacs (was: emacs and svn)

2008-01-11 Thread Seb

I've asked in the Emacs NG, but have not gotten help.  I've recently
migrated a small repository to subversion from CVS.  I used to work with
PCL-CVS with Emacs to interact with my working copies and repository,
generating the necessary Changelog entries with 'A' (the equivalent of
`vc-update-change-log' from the global VC system).  I'm now doing this
with the psvn.el library, which doesn't provide a similar mechanism.
Unfortunately, `vc-update-change-log' is not implemented for SVN, so it
seems we're left with the nasty task of generating the Changelog entries
manually.  How do folks automate this?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Perl realted..?

2008-01-11 Thread Nelson Castillo
On Jan 10, 2008 1:23 PM, Chris Howie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 10, 2008 1:11 PM, ISHWAR RATTAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am coming back to perl after a long time.
  The sample code these days also uses variable attribute my as:
my $inst = Extutils::Installed-new();
my @modules = $inst-modules();
  Can any demistify 'my' for me??

 my declares a variable that exists within the current scope and is
 unreachable from outside the scope.  So a my declaration in one package
 cannot be reached from another package.  our is identical to my except
 that you *can* reach that variable from other packages.  A my declaration
 inside of a function just limits the scope and lifetime of the variable to
 that function.

I just wanted to point out that to take full advantage of my you
might want to program using use strict also.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Goodbye

2008-01-11 Thread Dotan Cohen
On 10/01/2008, Michelle Konzack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am 2008-01-08 08:09:58, schrieb Joel Roberts:
  I've gotten a lot of good information from this list, and hopefully
  supplied some as well, but I'm not going to weed through hundreds of
  spam e-mails weekly to pursue this any longer. If the list organizers
  can implement some anti-spam measures, I'll be happy to join again in
  the future. There's no reason for this quantity of spam to be making it
  through on a mailing list.

 Sorry, but if the list organizers shutdown the spamfilters, you would
 not stay longer as 5 minutes in this list  :-)

 I have gotten over 5 million SPAM between 2007-12-17 and 2008-01-05 and
 only arround 800 coming through...

 I do not asume you have goten the same amount of spam, maybe not even
 5000 so you have gotten around 1 spam in this time if you would use a
 spamfilter on your system...

I get about 700-1100 spams a day. Spamassasin on the server only
trickles 10-30 of those through a day (lately more, I've have to look
into that). Thunderbird sorts all of those. I get about two or three
false negatives (spam getting through) a day.

I go through both Spamassasin's and Tbirds spams, and I get about 1
false positive every two weeks, often less. And those are usually
too-spammy newsletters. None of my personal contacts has hit a false
positive in months.

That said, for mailing lists, I use Gmail. Great interface and spam filtering.

Did nobody notice that the OP posted in HTML? There are lists I
subscribe to that would have _removed_ him for that.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

Re: Perl realted..?

2008-01-11 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 01:51:44AM -0800, pedxing wrote:
 But the point is that scope doesn't change in a loop, but it
 does in a subroutine.

You are incorrect.  Every set of { braces } is its own (sub)scope,
regardless of whether they are separated out into a sub or not.

~$ perl -w -e ' { my $last = foo; } print $last\n; '
Name main::last used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at -e line 1.

~$ perl -w -e ' my $last; { $last = foo; } print $last\n; '

Or, if you like the code from the original question better, try

perl -w -e 'while () { my $last = $_ } print $last\n; '

and it *will* complain about $last being undefined after the loop exits:

~$ perl -w -e 'while () { my $last = $_ } print $last\n; '  .bashrc
Name main::last used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at -e line 1,  line 

I reckon we are now the only monastry ever that had a dungeon stuffed with
sixteen thousand zombies.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: Flash memory

2008-01-11 Thread Paul Johnson
On Jan 11, 2008 8:51 AM, ISHWAR RATTAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Storage: how is the storage viewed? Contiguous or
 block based, is it possible to have random access etc.

Like any other block (ie hard drive) device.

 As comparison to hard-disk scenario is the access
 overhead (seek/rtotational/transfer delays) - do such
 concepts apply to flash memory?

Yes, but the times involved are much smaller.

Paul Johnson

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: Flash memory

2008-01-11 Thread Ron Johnson

On 01/11/08 13:18, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Jan 11, 2008 8:51 AM, ISHWAR RATTAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Storage: how is the storage viewed? Contiguous or
block based, is it possible to have random access etc.

Like any other block (ie hard drive) device.

As comparison to hard-disk scenario is the access
overhead (seek/rtotational/transfer delays) - do such
concepts apply to flash memory?

Yes, but the times involved are much smaller.

How do seek and rotational delays affect Flash RAM?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian
because I hate vegetables!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: Flash memory

2008-01-11 Thread David Brodbeck

On Jan 11, 2008, at 11:21 AM, Ron Johnson wrote:

On 01/11/08 13:18, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Jan 11, 2008 8:51 AM, ISHWAR RATTAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Storage: how is the storage viewed? Contiguous or
block based, is it possible to have random access etc.

Like any other block (ie hard drive) device.

As comparison to hard-disk scenario is the access
overhead (seek/rtotational/transfer delays) - do such
concepts apply to flash memory?

Yes, but the times involved are much smaller.

How do seek and rotational delays affect Flash RAM?

If you spin around in a circle fast enough while holding the flash  
card, all the bits slide to the outside edge where they're harder to  
reach. ;)

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Re: What's your tools for C++ dev?

2008-01-11 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 06:08:31AM +0100, Misko [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard 
to say:
 And because I only have 33k modem internet connection I do
 not plan to add any online repository to that list.
 I would be willing to download single packages that I am
 interested in only if I could find URL to pass it to wget.

  You can try, which will link to
direct downloads of individual .debs.

 More seriously: I really would like to know what 'exactly' is
 non-free with some GNU documentations, or in other words
 what you can not do with it that you can do with documentation
 included in debian?

  The fundamental problem is that GNU believes it's OK for documentation
to contain large blocks of text which are unrelated to the subject of
the documentation and must be preserved unmodified in any derivative. 
In GNU documentation the invariants are typically political texts by
Richard Stallman, such as the GNU manifesto and (somewhat ironically)
Free Software Needs Free Documentation.  Any derivative of the
documentation has to contain these texts unmodified.

  This would be clearly non-free for computer programs (e.g., imagine a
license which said that you must include a particular function verbatim
and call it on start-up), since it means that you can't freely edit
those pieces, or excerpt other parts of the software without dragging
the invariants along; it's a straightforward restriction on modification
and re-use.  There is some dispute over what standards free
documentation should be held to -- obviously GNU thinks these licenses
are free -- but multiple resolutions in Debian have been passed
supporting the view that we should apply the same standards to free
documentation that we do to free software.

  Personally, I have yet to see an argument for labelling non-modifiable
documentation as free that I found convincing.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Movies, household network and 54g limits... (maybe...)

2008-01-11 Thread johnny

in my flat there are 1 router, 1 range extender, 2 vista, 1 XP and my
2 linux ubuntu (one of which is mail/samba/nfs/etc server, is
monitored via mrtg and contains a lot of music/movies). All, wireless.

The problem: when I listen to music or watch movies from my laptop (my
flatmates idem) the results are not so good... many freezes...

The graphs say it is clearly not bandwith fault. Reading around:
It is well known
that the medium access control (MAC) layer is the main bottleneck for
the IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs.

There are scientific publications around but seems the problem is not

1. Do you know something, please?

2. With the new N technology, the problem is solved? [I doubt but I
should test...]

Thank you so much,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: Flash memory

2008-01-11 Thread Ron Johnson

On 01/11/08 10:51, ISHWAR RATTAN wrote:

It is way off but some one will direct me to
the right place..

I am interested in knowing the storage and access
architecture of 'Flash Memory'.

Storage: how is the storage viewed? Contiguous or
block based, is it possible to have random access etc.
As comparison to hard-disk scenario is the access
overhead (seek/rtotational/transfer delays) - do such
concepts apply to flash memory?

Access: USB interface is serial by nature, so, is the data
accessed in a serial/sequential way or some other technique
is used?

What does Googling for flash memory theory operation return to you?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian
because I hate vegetables!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

how to customise Apache2 logs

2008-01-11 Thread michael
I'm trying to follow the subversion/svn example for putting svn-related
(over http) activities into a new log and decyphering the actions, but
nothing is appearing in the new log.

From, it

mod_dav_svn, however, can come to your aid. By activating an
“operational logging” feature, you can ask mod_dav_svn to create a
separate log file describing what sort of high-level operations your
clients are performing.

To do this, you need to make use of Apache's CustomLog directive (which
is explained in more detail in Apache's own documentation). Be sure to
invoke this directive outside of your Subversion Location block:

Location /svn
  DAV svn

CustomLog logs/svn_logfile %t %u %{SVN-ACTION}e env=SVN-ACTION

In this example, we're asking Apache to create a special logfile
svn_logfile in the standard Apache logs directory. The %t and %u
variables are replaced by the time and username of the request,
respectively. The really important part are the two instances of
SVN-ACTION. When Apache sees that variable, it substitutes the value of
the SVN-ACTION environment variable, which is automatically set by
mod_dav_svn whenever it detects a high-level client action.

I've added what I think is a suitable CustomLog (I've tried both
to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and/or
to /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf):
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/subversion.log %t %u %{SVN-ACTION}e

but although the file is created nothing is being added to it, and I'm
still seeing copies of the Apache/svn cmds in apache2/access.log:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/SUBVERSION$ tail /var/log/apache2/access.log - atmos_svn [11/Jan/2008:17:34:01 +]
PROPFIND /svn/atmos_modelling/OpenMP_2 HTTP/1.1 207 463 - SVN/1.4.4
(r25188) neon/0.25.5

Can anybody point out what I've overlooked?
thanks, Michael

Re: Perl realted..?

2008-01-11 Thread Chris Howie
On Jan 11, 2008 4:01 AM, pedxing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  # this just re-implements tail -1
  # usage:
  # /this/file  /some/text/file.txt
  my $last;
  while(  ) {
  $last = $_;
  print $last;
  Now, try with the my $last; *inside* the while(). That last print
  line won't have a clue what $last is.

 That doesn't sound right to me.  Scope doesn't change in a loop.  All
 of this code is in the same scope, so the print statement will work

Try again.

$ perl -le 'my $last = 1; while (true) { my $last = 2; last; } print $last;'

Chris Howie

Re: Syncing mail with a PalmOs device

2008-01-11 Thread Celejar
On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 15:35:58 -0500
Paul Cartwright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri January 11 2008, you wrote:
  I want to sync mail between a Debian box and a PalmOs device (Centro).
  I'd prefer to use something in Debian, but jpilot-mail has been removed
  [0], and pilot-mailsync [1] doesn't appear to be in Debian (it also
  seems to have been abandoned by upstream).  There's SyncMail for
  PilotManager [2]; I don't know if it's in Debian, and in any event it
  also seems abandoned; it doesn't seem to have been updated since 2000.
 I use kpilot and pilot-link to sync my Palm 680 to my Debian Lenny desktop.. 
 Of course I am running KDE.. there is a big thread(s) on kde-pim mailing list 
 about the palm devices..

I may have been unclear, but pilot-link works fine, and I assume jpilot
will too, once I configure it.  My problem is that IIUC, syncing the
data for specific apps requires conduits designed for the apps'
specific database formats, and I know of no conduit currently in Debian
that will handle mail (either Versamail, or the OSS GnuGotMail would be
fine).  Does kpilot contain a mail conduit?  I don't use KDE, but a
solid mail conduit might be a sufficient reason to install it.  I'd
think, however, that if it does contain a mail conduit, I should be
able to use it without the entire KDE framework.

Thanks for the reply,

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Vá: aptitude reinstall from file contained package names?

2008-01-11 Thread Paul Csanyi
2008/1/9, Douglas A. Tutty [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 02:37:30PM +0100, Paul Csanyi wrote:

  Now I want to reinstall all these packages listed in
  'installed_packages' file, with aptitude.

 I've never tried that automatically with aptitude and checking the man
 page suggests that its not possible.

I tried but have not success.

 If what you asked for really worked, then you would loose the main
 benefit of aptitude: keeping track of shifting dependancies and cruft
 controll.  Everything would appear to be automatically installed.

After all, I use aptitude to reinstall everything.

Regards, Paul Csanyi

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Re: How to filter out mailing list spam with bogofilter

2008-01-11 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 20:12:06 +0100 Nigel Henry wrote:
 I have a separate mailbox for the Debian-user list, and when the spam
 flood was in full flow everything turned up in this mailbox, ham, and
 spam, so no spam from the Debian list was sent to the wastebin.

I've got Sylpheed with bogofilter integrated.
In the 'junk mail' settings there's this option: 'Filter junk mails
before normal filtering'.
When checked, bogofilter captures all spam mails from the list, that is,
spam mails with the d-u address somewhere in the headers.

If your d-u filter (putting the list mail into your d-u folder) gets the
mail first, apparently these messages get out of reach of other filters.

I suppose KMail has a similar setting after bogofilter is added.

BTW: although bogofilter does not mark a message as spam if it is not
sure about it, it does mark messages as spam if it *is* sure about it.
I've inspected some 20,000 messages that were sent to the spam folder,
and none of them was falsely marked as spam.
It appears to be safe to send the messages that are marked as spam to
the trash folder directly.

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Syncing mail with a PalmOs device

2008-01-11 Thread Celejar

I want to sync mail between a Debian box and a PalmOs device (Centro).
I'd prefer to use something in Debian, but jpilot-mail has been removed
[0], and pilot-mailsync [1] doesn't appear to be in Debian (it also
seems to have been abandoned by upstream).  There's SyncMail for
PilotManager [2]; I don't know if it's in Debian, and in any event it
also seems abandoned; it doesn't seem to have been updated since 2000.

I may just try building pilot-mailsync from source.  Does anyone have
any advice?

What I really am trying to accomplish is the sending and receiving of
email from and to my Debian box via the net connected Centro, by
writing and reading the mail on the Debian box and syncing with the
Centro for transmission. [This is actually the opposite of what most
mail syncing conduits are apparently designed to do; they seem to have
been written for PDAs that have no net connection, and the transfers
are generally in the opposite direction, but I haven't yet experimented
to see if they can be usefully reversed.]  Is there a better way to do
this?  The carrier's (Sprint) TOS don't allow me to tether the phone or
use it as a modem (without paying substantially more for its
phone-as-modem (PAM) plan), even if it is technically possible, but I
believe that my idea would not violate the TOS.  Is there a better way
to do what I want?


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Re: OT: dying disk - data recovery recommendations

2008-01-11 Thread KS

On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 09:31:57 -0500, Douglas A. Tutty
 Perhaps, I've never needed to go that far.  The one time I thought I had
 a hard drive go bad and put it into another computer, it didn't get any
 errors on boot.  I just fsck'ed it and it was fine.  Turned out to be a
 hardware problem on the origional computer.
 My only experience with a laptop hard drive is on my IBM Thinkpad 600E.
 On that, you don't have to tear apart the unit:  one screw releases a
 cover and you slide out the hard drive.
Thinkpads, Toshibas, Dells, etc have been easy for hard disk
replacement. However, Macs involve quite a few screws with weird heads
to open them. This Powebook G4 had 19+12 screws!!

 So I've never actually needed dd_rescue so I don't know if it would be
 better.  As long as its not worse, then just that.  The important thing
 as I understand it is to get an image of the drive once then power off
 the drive.  Do all your fixing on a copy of the filesystem image.  Once
 you know what that needs, you can do it to the drive itself.

I connected the old hard disk via firewire to the powerbook and compiled
ddrescue to run on the G4 (new HDD and 10.4.11). It is just giving I/O
error in the syslog. I can't even be mounted. ddrescue has read 3MB in
the last half an hour and rescue zero bytes :(

Any other suggestions?

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Re: OT: dying disk - data recovery recommendations

2008-01-11 Thread Brian McKee

Hash: SHA1

On 11-Jan-08, at 3:43 PM, KS wrote:
I connected the old hard disk via firewire to the powerbook and  

ddrescue to run on the G4 (new HDD and 10.4.11). It is just giving I/O
error in the syslog. I can't even be mounted. ddrescue has read 3MB in
the last half an hour and rescue zero bytes :(

Any other suggestions?

Put the drive in a ziplock bag, removing as much air as possible and  
toss it in the freezer.

Pull it back out after it's cold soaked (couple of hours?) and hook  
it back up, leaving a freezer pack or something on top of it to help  
keep it cold while you try again.

Obviously this is a last resort  YMMV and if your cat demands  
a raise after the operation I claim no responsibility.
but I have had it work maybe twice in a over a half a dozen attempts  
at similar problems.

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Re: NTFS and discover1

2008-01-11 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 10:23:49 +0100, Per Tunedal Debian wrote:
 as a new user I am puzzled about the inability of my Debian installation
 to handle NTFS-partitions from start. I installed in expert mode and
 chose to install support for NTFS.

Your system is able to handle the NTFS partitions (full support for
reading, limited support for writing), it is just not (yet) configured
to mount these partitions automatically during boot.

 The NTFS-partitions are shown alright if I click the My Computer icon on
 my Gnome desktop. But they cannot be mounted when I click at the icons.
 I get an error message from pmount stating that they cannot be mounted
 because they are not detachable. (The partitions are on fixed drives.)

Normal users are not allowed to mount devices by default. Keep in mind
that the UNIX philosophy is modelled for a multi-user system; under
these conditions it makes sense that a random user cannot mess around at
the system level unless explicitly authorized by the administrator.

This philosophy can be somewhat confusing or awkward for single-user
computers. Pmount was written to alleviate that, but it works only for
removable devices in its default configuration. (If you run man
pmount and man fstab in a terminal you will get more details.)

 I note that the NTFS-partitions are mounted for reading if I boot with a
 KNOPPIX CD. I searched the documentation and found that KNOPPIX uses
 kudzu (and not discover1) for hardware detection. Synaptic doesn't offer
 kudzu for Debian. hwinfo uses parts of kudzu, but cannot be used for
 hardware detection.

I don't think this has anything to do with hardware detection. Knoppix
mounts every partition it can find because that makes the most sense for
a live CD.

 Have I overlooked some settings during the installation? Or are there
 any flaws in discover1?

 It might be useful to add some instructions for NTFS in the installation

Truth be told, I don't remember if the installer has an option to
auto-configure the mounting of NTFS partitions. Anyway, your system
seems to work fine, therefore it should be sufficient to do what is
explained here:

  Florian   |

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Re: OT: Flash memory

2008-01-11 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 06:47:03 +1000, Adrian Levi wrote:
 On 12/01/2008, David Brodbeck wrote:
  On Jan 11, 2008, at 11:21 AM, Ron Johnson wrote:
   How do seek and rotational delays affect Flash RAM?
  If you spin around in a circle fast enough while holding the flash
  card, all the bits slide to the outside edge where they're harder to
  reach. ;)
 Yes, but if you read from the outside edge then your bit density is
 greater and therefore your theoretical maximum transfer rate is
 higher, providing that the bits don't all fly around when you stop
 spinning. This benefit would outweigh the harder to reach bits. :-)

Doesn't all that depend on whether you are on the northern or the
southern hemisphere?

  Florian   |

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2008-01-11 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

David Brodbeck wrote:

On Dec 4, 2007, at 2:36 PM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Nate that's a very complete answer. Let me try to apply that to 
Oaxaca, Mexico. Thanks!

I can't provide any specific advice, because I don't live there.  But 
given the amount of manufacturing that goes on in Mexico these days, 
there must be electronic parts suppliers.  If you can figure out who the 
Mexican equivalent of Digi-Key is, you should be all set.

Let me finish the thread.
I ended up ordering an APC RBC2 battery replacement from the only one 
from APC's Mexican support list that answered:

It cost 460 MPesos = $42.13 + 15%tax + shipping.
The 1st 2 I had to pay at a bank before they would ship.

Biggest problem with the replacement process is the removal of the 
positive lead with the F2 clip that is protected by a plastic sleeve.

Never found a battery supplier in Oaxaca.


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