Re: wicd : connexion auto et sortie de l'hibernation

2009-05-10 Thread Cyrille

 je suis sous SID avec un chip Intel 3945. Depuis la disparition de 
 ipw3945 j'ai eu des soucis et ce jusqu'au noyau 2.6.29, iwlwifi et une 
 installation de wpa_supplicant. Un rapport de bug avait été ouvert.
Je viens d'installer le dernier kernel (SID), au boot, toujours pas de 
connexion automatique de WICD (malgré l'option cochée via interface graphique, 
y a t il un fichier de configuration à modifier manuellement ?)
Lancer manuellement je finis pas me connecter apres un temps d'attente assez 
Ma config acteulle
iwlwifi - SID
kernel - SID
wicd - SID
wpa_supplicant - lenny

En tout cas merci pour les infos diverses ! Bon dimanche.

A suivre.

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Re: HS : Ordinateurs pour éduquer nos jeunes enfants.

2009-05-10 Thread debianpmd
Le Saturday 09 May 2009 22:09:49 kaliderus, vous avez écrit :
 Une information qui m'a fait bondir :
e-classmate-dintel-dans-les-ecoles-francaises/ et on la retrouve un peu
html C'est un petit pc rigolo-ludique il me semble, qui n'est bien
 évidemment pas équipé d'un système très performant mais très fortement
 destiné à embrigader de jeunes cerveaux dans un environnement
 technologique exclusif et limitatif.
 Je me demande quel est la valeur moyenne du QI des responsables des
 marchés publiques de l'éducation nationale qui n'ont, semble-t-il, pas
 l'intention de faire des enfant de la république des esprits libres et
 créatifs ... et bien évidemment payé avec nos impôts.
 Cette situation m'attriste.

je suis bien persuadé que leur QI est correct.
c'est juste une vision de la société qu'ils ont.

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Noyau temps réel pour lenny

2009-05-10 Thread steve

J'aimerai obtenir un noyau temps réel pour pouvoir faire de la MAO sous

Dans les dépôts officiels il n'y a rien manifestement. Après quelques
recherches sur le net, il semble qu'il faille recompiler le noyau après
avoir patché le noyau avec le patch trouvé ici [1]. Le problème en
faisant ça, c'est qu'il va me falloir recompiler le noyau à chaque mise
à jour, si je veux garder un noyau plus ou moins robuste, ce qui ne
m'enchante pas tant que ça.

Je pourrai aussi chiper le noyau d'ubuntu-studio mais dans ce cas je ne
profiterai pas des patch Debian (me trompe-je ?).

Est-ce que vous connaissez une autre méthode ?

Merci pour vos retour d'expériences.



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Re: wicd : + pb download gros fichier

2009-05-10 Thread Cyrille
Aux problèmes précedemment cités s'joute celui (je l'avais oublié celui-là ;-) 
:  il m'est impossible de récupérer un gros fichier (comme par exemple une iso 
debian...), ça plante à environ vers 90/120 Mo de récupéré, écran de veille en 
route ou pas et différents tests montrant que ce n'est pas la gestion de 
l'alimentation qui coupe la connexion...)
Le driver de la puce semble être quand même assez instable par rapport à 
ipw3945 qui ne me posait pas de problème !

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Re: hadopi = connerie pour faire plaisir aux pseudo artiste / industrie

2009-05-10 Thread antoine
Le samedi 9 mai 2009, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit : a écrit :
  Avant même que la loi ne soit votée,
  Micro$oft intègre déjà un logiciel empêchant la diffusion de copies 
  illégales dans son window$ 7.
 Oui, la chose que l'on peut retirer des attaques actuelles contre les
 libertés individuelles, c'est que cela risque malheureusement de faire
 revenir en force les Palladium et autres traceurs inscrits dans le
 silicium, entrainant rapidement une criminalisation des machines ne
 l'utilisant pas.

Imaginons déjà le post-hadopi ... :

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2009-05-10 Thread Goldy
Kevin Hinault a écrit :
 Le 8 mai 2009 15:25, newbeewan a écrit :
 On peut se passer du java SUN sur Debian 4.0, mais pas pour déclarer ses

 En effet, avant de pouvoir déclarer le site des impôts vérifie notre
 configuration. Si Iceweasel est reconnu comme un navigateur douteux pour les
 impôts, en installant les paquets sun-java5-plugin et sun-java5-jre, on peut
 utiliser la télédéclaration.

 Voilà, simple information qui j'espère sera utile !! :)

 Une solution consiste à modifier le user agent de iceweasel pour qu'il soit
 vu comme un firefox :
 dans iceweasel utiliser l'url spéciale about:config

 puis chercher la clé general.useragent.extra.firefox et la définir à
 Firefox/3.0.9 et tous les sites repérant le useragent auront l'impression
 que c'est un firefox normal...
 C'est étonnant mais j'ai l'impression d'être le seul à n'avoir pas eu
 de problème est faisant la déclaration sur le site des impots, il ne
 m'a demandé ni java ni certificat x509 seulement des chiffres présent
 sur la demande de déclaration et sur la déclaration précédente.
 Je précise que je suis bien sur debian (lenny), que je n'ai pas java
 et que mon iceweasel a le user agent par défaut.

Non non, tu n'es pas le seul, je me demande d'ailleurs pourquoi certain
s'évertuent à utiliser le système de certificats.

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Re: nouveau module carte son

2009-05-10 Thread plop
Philippe Merlin a écrit :
 Le samedi 9 mai 2009, Klaus Becker a écrit :
 On Saturday 9 May 2009 22:04:17 Philippe Merlin wrote:
 Ayant un problème avec le son intégré de ma carte mère, ne voyant pas de
 solution j'ai choisi d'acheter une nouvelle carte son compatible linux.
 La carte son choisie est une terratec aureon 5.1 PCI et le driver
 snd-cmipci et là le bat blesse, je n'ai pas trouvé la méthode standard
 pour l'obtenir ou le charger.
 j'ai essayé comme une doc que j'ai trouvé de faire un :
 dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base   et là au lieu d'une liste de carte sons

Essaye aussi:

Est ce que cette carte fonctionne avec une Ubuntu Live CD, et
quelles sont les modules chargés alors?

Bonne chance.

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Re: Noyau temps réel pour lenny

2009-05-10 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier

steve a écrit :


J'aimerai obtenir un noyau temps réel pour pouvoir faire de la MAO sous

pas temps réel, basse latence (temps réel, c'est tout à fait autre

Dans les dépôts officiels il n'y a rien manifestement. Après quelques
recherches sur le net, il semble qu'il faille recompiler le noyau après
avoir patché le noyau avec le patch trouvé ici [1]. Le problème en
faisant ça, c'est qu'il va me falloir recompiler le noyau à chaque mise
à jour, si je veux garder un noyau plus ou moins robuste, ce qui ne
m'enchante pas tant que ça.

heu, tu es sous Linux, pas sous w$: ça n'est pas la course à une
nouvelle version bêta tous les 3 mois: tu ne changes ton kernel/soft QUE
si la nouvelle version fixe un bug embêtant ou si elle apporte des
fonctionnalités qui te manquaient avant, notamment en cas de hardware
très récent pour ce qui est du kernel - et ceci, particulièrement sous
Debian, où la stabilité a été favorisée en opposition à la nouveauté.

une fois encore, au risque d'enfoncer des portes béantes, nouveau
ne veut pas dire mieux, juste nouveau (un de mes amis avait encore
un kernel 1.0 qui tournait il-y-a 3 ans sur un 486 svr de mails)

Je pourrai aussi chiper le noyau d'ubuntu-studio mais dans ce cas je ne
profiterai pas des patch Debian (me trompe-je ?).

je ne suis pas un spécialiste d'ubuntu, mais c'est bâti sur une base
sinon, il-ya le site qui décrit tout en détail (et si tu es
en 64bits, qui a une install spéciale musique, basée sur Debian)

y'a d'autres sites intéressants (notamment un ingé son qui équipe des
studios  pros en Linux), mais c'est en Anglais.

Est-ce que vous connaissez une autre méthode ?

ProTools (nan, j'plaisante)

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Re: Offrir une connexion internet

2009-05-10 Thread BM

Zuthos a écrit :


J'ai une chambre d'hôte. Jusque la rien a voir avec Debian.

Toutefois, je souhaite offrir une connexion internet a mes clients.

J'ai cru comprendre, qu'il fallait garder les log pendant un an.

Peut être la solution serait que tu permettes à tes clients en wifi en 
mettant une fonera sur ton lan.


Espérant t'avoir aidé,


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Re: Offrir une connexion internet

2009-05-10 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 10 May 2009 17:11:25 +0200
BM a écrit:

 Peut être la solution serait que tu permettes à tes clients en wifi en 
 mettant une fonera sur ton lan.
 Espérant t'avoir aidé,

À ce sujet, j'ai quand même du coup filtré le traffic venant de FONERA:

Je n'autorise «que» les ports suivants en sortie venant du routeur FONERA:

tcp: 1:24 26:10238080 aol svn openvpn cvspserver mysql vnetd msnp 6891
4000 1937 

udp 1:1023 aol svn openvpn cvspserver mysql msnp 6891 6112

Le port 1937 est indispensable si on veut que le routeur soit marquée comme
actif chez FON. Le port 6891 est pour les transferts de fichiers via MSN, 4000
et 6112 en UDP sont pour les produits Blizard (starcraft  Co).

J'autorise tous les ports en sortie sauf le port 25.

François Boisson

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aptitude safe-upgrade : blocage au niveau de hald

2009-05-10 Thread Guillaume
Bonjour à tous.

Voilà le souci que je rencontre depuis quelques temps, avec les mises à jour 
(Sid) : aptitude safe-upgrade entraine, au cours de la maj, un blocage de mon 
portable, il se mettait en veille, sauf que... pas moyen de le réveiller :-P
En appuyant sur une touche pour stopper la veille, tout s'éteint, sauf le 
ventilo qui se met à ronfler.

Aucune combinaison ne me donne la main pour revenir en console, plus aucune 
diode n'est allumée (ni celle de l'indication de travail du disque dur, ni 
les deux de ma carte Wifi Pcmcia, ni celle du verrouillage numérique) ; seule 
solution que j'ai trouvée : l'extinction forcée, le reboot et dpkg --configure 
-a pour finir la maj.

Qui saurait m'indiquer une piste ?

Merci d'avance !

Mail garanti 0% Micro$oft

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Re: aptitude safe-upgrade : blocage au niveau de hald

2009-05-10 Thread François Cerbelle

Guillaume a écrit :
Voilà le souci que je rencontre depuis quelques temps, avec les mises à jour 
(Sid) : aptitude safe-upgrade entraine, au cours de la maj, un blocage de mon 
portable, il se mettait en veille, sauf que... pas moyen de le réveiller :-P


Qui saurait m'indiquer une piste ?

Si la mise en veille est en cause, tu devrais essayer de la désactiver. 
Si tu utilises sleepd, la commande sleepctl off la désactivera le 
temps de faire la mise à jour et la commande sleepctl on la réactivera 

Si tu es dans une interface graphique tout-en-un qui veut tout gérer, tu 
dois avoir la possibilité de désactiver la mise en veille dans une 
fenetre. xscreensaver-demo en est un exemple.

Souvent, lorsque l'ordinateur est connecté au secteur, la mise en veille 
est désactivée. Essaye de laisser l'ordi branché.

Dans le cadre de tests, tu peux monter les systèmes de fichiers avec les 
options sync et dirsync, mais ca va énormément ralentir certaines étapes 
de aptitude. L'autre solution pour minimiser les pertes est de lancer la 
commande suivante dans une autre session watch -n5 sync.


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Re: aptitude safe-upgrade : blocage au niveau de hald

2009-05-10 Thread Guillaume
Le dimanche 10 mai 2009, à 18:33:05, François Cerbelle a écrit :

 Si la mise en veille est en cause, tu devrais essayer de la désactiver.
 Si tu utilises sleepd, la commande sleepctl off la désactivera le
 temps de faire la mise à jour et la commande sleepctl on la réactivera

Bonjour et merci de la réponse.

Je m'aperçois que j'ai oublié une précision, c'est que, durant la mise à jour, 
la veille se met en route même si je ne reste pas planté à regarder sans rien 
faire, c'est-à-dire que si, en arrière plan, la mise à jour se déroule et que, 
en avant-plan, je suis en train de faire autre chose, mon portable se met en 


Mail garanti 0% Micro$oft

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Re: nouveau module carte son

2009-05-10 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le samedi 09 mai 2009, Philippe Merlin a écrit...

  # modprobe snd_cmipci  ?
 Merci pour ton aide, malheureusement dans mon cas , cela ne marche pas,  
 un noyau maison et  je ne sais toujours pas comment m'en sortir.
 module-assistant  de quoi ? ou compiler le module avec alsa-source ?

Je double le message, car le premier ne semble pas être arrivé : si
c'est un noyau maison, il te faut le reconfigurer, et le recompiler pour
y inclure ce pilote snd_cmipci

Le plus simple étant l'utilisation des noyaux Debian, qui fonctionnent
fort bien.


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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Un petit script de rien du tout

2009-05-10 Thread Luxpopuli Open source

J'ai besoin de vos lumières pour écrire un tout petit script qui sera
exécuté par cron.

Le script doit lire dans un répertoire connu, un fichier dont le nom est
également connu.
Le contenu de ce fichier est le suivant:

Je voudrais simplement que le script lise la ligne 1puis lance la commande:


Puis le script lit la ligne 2 et lance:


et ainsi de suite jusqu'à la dernière ligne.

C'est tout.

Merci de votre aide.


Re: Un petit script de rien du tout

2009-05-10 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 10 mai 2009 19:41, Luxpopuli Open source a écrit :

 J'ai besoin de vos lumières pour écrire un tout petit script qui sera
 exécuté par cron.


Il n'est point besoin de script ici, wget est capable de lire un
fichier ligne par ligne avec l'option -i .
Donc dans crontab, tu mets seulement (par exemple pour toute les 5
minutes) une ligne dans ce style:
*/5 * * * * wget -i ton fichier -P le repertoire où tu veux l'enregistrer)


Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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Re: Un petit script de rien du tout

2009-05-10 Thread Luxpopuli Open source
Merci beaucoup Kévin !
Je ne connaissais pas cette option qui est exactement ce qu'il faut.
Tu viens de me rendre un très grand service ! ;-)


Le 10 mai 2009 19:50, Kevin Hinault a écrit :

 Le 10 mai 2009 19:41, Luxpopuli Open source a
 écrit :
  J'ai besoin de vos lumières pour écrire un tout petit script qui sera
  exécuté par cron.


 Il n'est point besoin de script ici, wget est capable de lire un
 fichier ligne par ligne avec l'option -i .
 Donc dans crontab, tu mets seulement (par exemple pour toute les 5
 minutes) une ligne dans ce style:
 */5 * * * * wget -i ton fichier -P le repertoire où tu veux


 Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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Re: nouveau module carte son

2009-05-10 Thread Philippe Merlin
Le dimanche 10 mai 2009, Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :

 Le samedi 09 mai 2009, Philippe Merlin a écrit...

   # modprobe snd_cmipci  ?

 Je double le message, car le premier ne semble pas être arrivé : si
 c'est un noyau maison, il te faut le reconfigurer, et le recompiler pour
 y inclure ce pilote snd_cmipci

 Le plus simple étant l'utilisation des noyaux Debian, qui fonctionnent
 fort bien.

Oui vous avez tout à fait raison,  mais enfin ! les habitudes ont du mal à  
changer, j'ai donc recompilé mon noyau et j'ai rajouter le module  maintenant 
il apparaît dans un lsmod, mais toujours pas de son .
En faisant un aplay -l , j'ai deux cartes sons comme avant, ma troisième carte 
est toujours ignorée.
Je ne sais pas quoi faire, les docs existantes sont souvent vieilles et non 
adaptées à la version squeeze que j'ai, maintenant ou se trouve   les 
fichiers de config alsa  et comment les modifier !!!.
Comment si je fait un dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base  s'arrête sans message.
Alsaconf a  également disparu, même si  il n'était pas parfait  il rendait des 
Au secours, plus d'une journée pour configurer une carte son c'est pas 
brillant !!!
A l'avance merci.

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Re: Un petit script de rien du tout

2009-05-10 Thread Luxpopuli Open source
Je crois que je me suis un peu emballé et j'ai une difficulté supplémentaire
à surmonter.

En fait, le fichier original listes.txt contient ce genre de lignes:

Les commandes lancées sont donc:
wget -i

Comment puis-je enregistrer les fichiers sous les nom 134.xml, 132.xml,


Le 10 mai 2009 20:01, Luxpopuli Open source a écrit

 Merci beaucoup Kévin !
 Je ne connaissais pas cette option qui est exactement ce qu'il faut.
 Tu viens de me rendre un très grand service ! ;-)


 Le 10 mai 2009 19:50, Kevin Hinault a écrit :

 Le 10 mai 2009 19:41, Luxpopuli Open source a
 écrit :
  J'ai besoin de vos lumières pour écrire un tout petit script qui sera
  exécuté par cron.


 Il n'est point besoin de script ici, wget est capable de lire un
 fichier ligne par ligne avec l'option -i .
 Donc dans crontab, tu mets seulement (par exemple pour toute les 5
 minutes) une ligne dans ce style:
 */5 * * * * wget -i ton fichier -P le repertoire où tu veux


 Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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Re: Noyau temps réel pour lenny

2009-05-10 Thread Jean-Bernard EMOND

Le 10 mai 09 à 10:49, steve a écrit :


J'aimerai obtenir un noyau temps réel pour pouvoir faire de la MAO  


Je conseil : studio64 qui basée sur Debian

Mais pour moi le problème est ailleurs : c'est le support des  
périphériques audio.
Les dispositifs les mois onéreux ne sont pas forcements ceux qui sont  
le mieux supportés par les pilotes Linux... Et c'est ce qui freine  
encore pas mal de musiciens a passer a autre chose que Mac OS/X ou  

Dommages, mais cette situation perdure une fois de plus a cause des  
sociétés qui refusent d'ouvrir le code des pilotes et/ou divulguer  
les informations techniques de leurs périphériques audio !

Il faut savoir que la latence des noyaux Linux pour l'audio est très  
au dessus de ce qui se passe pour Windows ou Mac OS/X par exemple...  
Ca motive ;)  pour le traitement temps réel du son :P

Personnellement, j'utilise un Mac sous OS/X et un gros PC (2x4coeurs)  
sous Windows ou studio64.

Surtout évite ProTool arf ;)

Dans les dépôts officiels il n'y a rien manifestement. Après quelques
recherches sur le net, il semble qu'il faille recompiler le noyau  

avoir patché le noyau avec le patch trouvé ici [1]. Le problème en
faisant ça, c'est qu'il va me falloir recompiler le noyau à chaque  

à jour, si je veux garder un noyau plus ou moins robuste, ce qui ne
m'enchante pas tant que ça.

Je pourrai aussi chiper le noyau d'ubuntu-studio mais dans ce cas  
je ne

profiterai pas des patch Debian (me trompe-je ?).

Est-ce que vous connaissez une autre méthode ?

Merci pour vos retour d'expériences.



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Organiser son réseau derrière une freebox

2009-05-10 Thread Julien THERIER


Je n'ai pas trouvé de tutoriel pour paramétrer un réseau derrière une  

Je cherche surtout à faire de mon PC sous debian une base de données  
MySQL accessible de l'extérieur (scripts PHP).

Donc si vous avez un lien vers un bon tuto, je suis preneur.


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Re: Un petit script de rien du tout

2009-05-10 Thread Kevin Hinault

Le 10 mai 2009 21:16, Luxpopuli Open source a écrit :

Comment puis-je enregistrer les fichiers sous les nom 134.xml, 132.xml,

Facile mais pas super joli :

wget -i ta liste -P ton rep -E  rename s/html/xml/ ton rep/*.html

PS : pas la peine de me mettre en copie ;)


Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Organiser son réseau derrière une f reebox

2009-05-10 Thread mouss
Julien THERIER a écrit :
 Je n'ai pas trouvé de tutoriel pour paramétrer un réseau derrière une

le plus simple est de laisser la freebox faire la NAT, auquel cas c'est
elle qui prend l'IP publique. tu utilises alors des IPs 192.168.1.* en
statique (sauf sur les machines qui bougent). la route par défaut est (IP par défaut de la freebox).

je suppose que tu sais déjà tout ça. mais je préfère répéter que de
faire deux bandes...

 Je cherche surtout à faire de mon PC sous debian une base de données
 MySQL accessible de l'extérieur (scripts PHP).

sur l'interface oueb, tu peux rediriger des connexions.
(tu peux même spécifier une IP comme dmz, mais tu vas alors recevoir
toutes les conneries).

pour mysql, il faut donc rediriger l'IP publique, port 3306 sur l'IP
interne (192.168) de ton serveur mysql.

mais il faudra utiliser iptables pour n'autoriser cet accès qu'à partir
de la machine à laquelle tu veux donner l'accès. et puis, mieux vaut
faire du SSL ou du tunnel/vpn/...

cela dit, pourquoi tu veux que des scripts externes tapent aussi loin?
mieux vaut peut-être utiliser la réplication mysql...

 Donc si vous avez un lien vers un bon tuto, je suis preneur.

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Re: Un petit script de rien du tout

2009-05-10 Thread mouss
Luxpopuli Open source a écrit :
 Je crois que je me suis un peu emballé et j'ai une difficulté
 supplémentaire à surmonter.
 En fait, le fichier original listes.txt contient ce genre de lignes:
 Les commandes lancées sont donc:
 wget -i
 Comment puis-je enregistrer les fichiers sous les nom 134.xml, 132.xml,

peut-être un coup de...

grep ^http: ${file} | while read _url; do
base=`basename ${_url}`
wget -O ${base}.xml ${_url}

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Re: Un petit script de rien du tout

2009-05-10 Thread Luxpopuli Open source
Merci bien pour vos réponses ;-)

Mon script sert à créer automatiquement des playlist d'un lecteur flash.
Et je viens de me rendre compte d'une limitation de mon script dont voici la
version basique (sans renommage des fichiers):

  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 cd /var/www/linuxorable/femoca/design/plain_site/listesAlbums/
  3 rm -f *
  4 wget
  5 wget -i listes.txt

Et tout est pour le mieux. tant que je n'ai pas 500 ou 1000 playlist à
créer. Car alors mon idée de faire un «rm -f *» devient une très mauvaise
En effet, si faire 5 playlist prend 2 secondes en faire 500 ou 1000 prendra
plusieurs minutes. Et si je commence par les supprimer alors les internautes
vont se retrouver avec des player vides de playlist.
J'ai essayer l'option -nc de wget mais ce n'est pas bon.

En fait la seule solution est de créer une boucle de lecture et pour chaque
ligne lue de la forme (lue dans le fichier listes.txt) :

je commence par effacer le fichier «134» pour ensuite lancer la commande:


Merci encore pour votre aide,


Le 10 mai 2009 23:55, mouss a écrit :

 Luxpopuli Open source a écrit :
  Je crois que je me suis un peu emballé et j'ai une difficulté
  supplémentaire à surmonter.
  En fait, le fichier original listes.txt contient ce genre de lignes:
  Les commandes lancées sont donc:
  wget -i
  Comment puis-je enregistrer les fichiers sous les nom 134.xml, 132.xml,

 peut-être un coup de...

 grep ^http: ${file} | while read _url; do
base=`basename ${_url}`
wget -O ${base}.xml ${_url}

 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot
 ``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To:

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dpkg (dé)bloque

2009-05-10 Thread Shubbaka
Rien de probant sur le www ; google n'est pas mon ami, ou si peu !
Alors que fais je avec ceci :
(Lecture de la base de données... dpkg : erreur fatale irréversible,
abandon :
 la liste des fichiers pour le paquet « libxapian15 » contient un nom de
fichier vide
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
Je ne peux plus bouger un misérable paquet, enlever, installer...
Tenter de réinstaller le libxapian, de reconfigurer dpkg, de coup
install -f...
Bien, une idée ?
# Propulsé par GNU/Linux Debian Sid  Icedove
# Libérez votre ordinateur de l'oppression capitaliste,
# utilisez les logiciels libres !

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php.ini: master value et local value

2009-05-10 Thread Toba
Salut à tous,
Est-ce que quelqu'un a un même probleme que moi sur php.ini?
Je ne veux pas changer register_globals en off (la raison est mienne) sur le 
fichier principal. Mais un joomla! le requiert à off.
Mais le probleme est que mon php.ini local ne veut pas changer le Local 
Value. Il prend toujours la même valeur que Master value.

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment dire à php de prendre en compte les 
changements locaux?



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Plus de swap...

2009-05-10 Thread Goldy

J'ai un petit soucis sur mon serveur debian sous squeeze, il semblerait
que j'aie quelques petits problèmes avec ma partition de swap qui refuse
de fonctionner...

La configuration de mon serveur est un peu spéciale, car ce dernier est
installé sur un raid 5 partitionné avec lvm dont une des partitions est
chiffrée tout comme la partition swap, tout ceci est booté avec une clé
usb (merci à debian installer de permettre ça). La partition swap est
donc partitionnée dans LVM.

Comme je n'ai pas trop d'idée sur la manière bien concrète de
diagnostiquer le problème, avant toute chose, voici ce que dis la
commande swapon -a

 ~$ sudo swapon -a
 swapon: cannot canonicalize /dev/mapper/lolicon-swap_crypt: Aucun
 fichier ou dossier de ce type
 swapon: cannot stat /dev/mapper/lolicon-swap_crypt: Aucun fichier ou
 dossier de ce type
Le problème semble venir de LVM ? Je dois avoué que je ne sais pas pour
quel raison la partition n'existe plus pour le système.

Pour information, vgdisplay

 ~$ sudo vgdisplay
   --- Volume group ---
   VG Name   lolicon
   System ID 
   Metadata Areas1
   Metadata Sequence No  4
   VG Access read/write
   VG Status resizable
   MAX LV0
   Cur LV3
   Open LV   2
   Max PV0
   Cur PV1
   Act PV1
   VG Size   1,82 TB
   PE Size   4,00 MB
   Total PE  476937
   Alloc PE / Size   476937 / 1,82 TB
   Free  PE / Size   0 / 0   
   VG UUID   GmUYlL-NgJI-TuUs-jHUb-9fco-QBBV-y1ZOVP
Je suis en train de jeter un œil à la doc de lvm pour voir si je peux
identifier le problème, je rajouterai des informations si jamais j'en

D'ici là, si une bonne âme pouvait m'indiquer quelques commandes utiles
qui pourrait me permettre de voir où est problème (et accessoirement de
le corriger), je vous merci d'avance.

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Re: Plus de swap...

2009-05-10 Thread Goldy
J'ajoute la sortie de la commande vgdisplay -v

 ~$ sudo vgdisplay -v
 Finding all volume groups
 Finding volume group lolicon
   --- Volume group ---
   VG Name   lolicon
   System ID 
   Metadata Areas1
   Metadata Sequence No  4
   VG Access read/write
   VG Status resizable
   MAX LV0
   Cur LV3
   Open LV   2
   Max PV0
   Cur PV1
   Act PV1
   VG Size   1,82 TB
   PE Size   4,00 MB
   Total PE  476937
   Alloc PE / Size   476937 / 1,82 TB
   Free  PE / Size   0 / 0   
   VG UUID   GmUYlL-NgJI-TuUs-jHUb-9fco-QBBV-y1ZOVP

   --- Logical volume ---
   LV Name/dev/lolicon/system
   VG Namelolicon
   LV UUIDQdS6GN-P4PL-Wben-1Wj8-aE64-1ft3-PnhBj6
   LV Write Accessread/write
   LV Status  available
   # open 2
   LV Size15,00 GB
   Current LE 3840
   Segments   1
   Allocation inherit
   Read ahead sectors auto
   - currently set to 256
   Block device   253:0

   --- Logical volume ---
   LV Name/dev/lolicon/swap
   VG Namelolicon
   LV UUID22wr1v-29C2-m61Y-xd55-MIii-uJ6G-z3HCqL
   LV Write Accessread/write
   LV Status  available
   # open 0
   LV Size1,00 GB
   Current LE 256
   Segments   1
   Allocation inherit
   Read ahead sectors auto
   - currently set to 256
   Block device   253:1

   --- Logical volume ---
   LV Name/dev/lolicon/DATA
   VG Namelolicon
   LV Write Accessread/write
   LV Status  available
   # open 1
   LV Size1,80 TB
   Current LE 472841
   Segments   1
   Allocation inherit
   Read ahead sectors auto
   - currently set to 256
   Block device   253:2

   --- Physical volumes ---
   PV Name   /dev/md0 
   PV UUID   SgH8p7-OZsN-rEah-nYnX-nmJ9-ThgX-6hnAXZ
   PV Status allocatable
   Total PE / Free PE476937 / 0

LVM ne semble pas responsable visiblement, car la partition swap est
disponible, c'est le chiffrement qui semble poser problème. Mais là je
dois avouer que je n'ai aucune idée de la manière d'identifier ça.

Pour information, la swap est chiffrée avec une clé aléatoire.

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Re: php.ini: master value et local value

2009-05-10 Thread Grégory Bulot
Toba à écrit le Mon, 11 May 2009 01:48:36 +0300
 Salut à tous,
 Est-ce que quelqu'un a un même probleme que moi sur php.ini?
 Je ne veux pas changer register_globals en off (la raison est mienne)
 sur le fichier principal. Mais un joomla! le requiert à off.

 Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment dire à php de prendre en compte les 
 changements locaux?

Directory /CheminDesFichiersJoomla
  IfModule mod_php5.c
php_flag register_globals off
php_value register_globals off


Grégory BULOT

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Résolu: dpkg (dé)bloque

2009-05-10 Thread Shubbaka
Shubbaka a écrit :
 Rien de probant sur le www ; google n'est pas mon ami, ou si peu !
 Alors que fais je avec ceci :
 (Lecture de la base de données... dpkg : erreur fatale irréversible,
 abandon :
  la liste des fichiers pour le paquet « libxapian15 » contient un nom de
 fichier vide
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
 Je ne peux plus bouger un misérable paquet, enlever, installer...
 Tenter de réinstaller le libxapian, de reconfigurer dpkg, de coup
 install -f...
 Bien, une idée ?
Ok, j'ai viré /var/lib/dpkg/info/libxapian15.list et réinstallé
libxapian15 et aptitude est reparti.
Jusqu'à maintenant, après un safe-upgrade, tout fonctionne.
# Propulsé par GNU/Linux Debian Sid  Icedove
# Libérez votre ordinateur de l'oppression capitaliste,
# utilisez les logiciels libres !

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Re: /etc/resolv.conf y la madre que lo modifica

2009-05-10 Thread J. Enrique Barbeito Gadea

- Original Message - 
From: JAP

To: Debian Español
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:09 PM
Subject: /etc/resolv.conf y la madre que lo modifica


Tengo una máquina con acceso a dos redes, una red local y otra externa
He configurado hace ya cosa de dos años iptables y demás yerbas para que
el tráfico interno no colisione con el externo, y funciona bien.
Uno de los problemas que surgió en su momento, fue que network-manager
me liaba /etc/resolv.conf, razón por lo que lo desinstalé, y el mismo se
configura con un script al inicio, que aclara los tantos por dónde
buscar los servidores DNS.
Hasta hace cosa de un mes, funcionaba de 10.
Desde hace un mes, hay ALGO que en forma que no puedo determinar, luego
que la máquina funciona algunas horas, me sobreescribe /etc/resolv.conf
con sólo los DNS de la red externa (internet), y por ende, no resuelvo
ni a palos las locaciones internas.

La pregunta es: ¿alguien tiene una pista de qué servicio puede ser el
que esté haciendo eso?



Puedes solucionarlo editando el fichero /etc/dhclient-enter-hooks
# enter hooks for dhclient-script

# que no se sobreescriba resolv.conf:
function make_resolv_conf() { return; }

Espero te funcione. 

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Re: Conectar Dos ADSL a un Equipo Linux [SOLUCIONADO]

2009-05-10 Thread haldrik
Bien aquí la solución, gracias a todos por vuestros aportes:


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dpkg problem efter upgradering

2009-05-10 Thread Erik Zeke Svensson
Jag kör testing och eter uppgradering här om dan så går det inte att
köra apt eller dpkg.
Får följande meddelande:

dpkg: tolkningsfel, i fil /var/lib/dpkg/available nära rad 1:
 fältnamnet  måste följas av kolon

Har provat att lägga in kolon i slutet av rad 1 utan resultat.

Cattle die, kinsmen die, thyself too soon must die,
 but one thing never, I ween, will die,
fair fame of one who has earned.   Havamal

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Re: dpkg problem efter upgradering

2009-05-10 Thread Fredrik Jonson
On 2009-05-10 at 10:07, wrote:

 Jag kör testing och eter uppgradering här om dan så går det inte
 att köra apt eller dpkg.

Du kan återställa available-filen så här:

 dpkg --clear-avail
 dselect update

Om du inte har dselect installerat eller normalt bara använder
aptitude, apt-get och apt-cache för att söka efter och installera
paket så kan du ignorera det sista kommandot.

Fredrik Jonson 

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Re: Får inte mitt ljudkort att fungera i Lenny

2009-05-10 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den den 9 maj 2009 11:31 skrev Rolf Edlund

 AC'97   (AMD):                Not Present
 AC'97   (Intel):                 Not Present
 AC'97   (SiS):                  Not Present
 AC'97   (VIA):                  Not Present

Antar att detta betyder att ljudkortet är trasigt ?

Har försökt att hitta någon manual, för att se om det kan vara någon
jumper som behöver ställas om. Har letat på :

Bernard Baruch  - Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the
least disappointing. -

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Re: FW: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o Linux

2009-05-10 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini

se as coisas fossem feitas corretamente, os usuários de softwares
proprietários deveriam pagar pelas licencias de *todos* os programas
que usam (a maioria não faz isso, e os camelós agradecem). Isso pode
representar uma significativa quantidade de grana no orçamento de uma
familia. Eis um excelente motivo para preferir Linux sobre Windows...



2009/5/9 Welington R. Braga
 Podem falar o que quiser sobre os usuários vs Linux vs Windows mas a
 verdade é que não há motivos para um usuário que está acostumado com o
 seu Windows mudar para o Linux. Apresentem os argumentos: OpenOffice?
 Pra que ele tem o Msoffice e se quiserem se esforçar em usar um office
 diferente a Microsoft ainda empurra o tal do Works guela a abaixo dos
 novos proprietários de PCs e o openoffice ainda está lá se quiserem.
 Firefox? eles também tem. Jogos? É melhor nem comentar


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Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Em 08-05-2009 16:45, Daniel Bianchi escreveu:

Não consegui colocar no You Tube porque disseram que eu estava violando
os direitos da Fox. Isso porque usamos um lance dos Simpisons.
Bom está ai... quem se interessar veja, assim poderemos discutir.

Entre em contato com a Fox, diga que foi um trabalho universitário... 
Muito provavelmente eles lhe fornecerão o direito de reprodução de um 
trecho curto.


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Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread Bruno Buys

Renato S. Yamane wrote:

Em 08-05-2009 16:45, Daniel Bianchi escreveu:

Não consegui colocar no You Tube porque disseram que eu estava violando
os direitos da Fox. Isso porque usamos um lance dos Simpisons.
Bom está ai... quem se interessar veja, assim poderemos discutir.

Entre em contato com a Fox, diga que foi um trabalho universitário... 
Muito provavelmente eles lhe fornecerão o direito de reprodução de um 
trecho curto.


Sobre entrar em contato com a Fox, e sobre usar trecho dos simpsons, me 
lembrei dessa situação aqui. Vocês podem ler na íntegra em 'Free 
Culture', referência fundamental da cultura hacker. Veja em Para baixar o livro:

O trecho colado aqui começa na página 95.


Jon Else is a filmmaker. He is best known for his documentaries and
has been very successful in spreading his art. He is also a teacher, and
as a teacher myself, I envy the loyalty and admiration that his students
feel for him. (I met, by accident, two of his students at a dinner party.
He was their god.)
Else worked on a documentary that I was involved in. At a break,
he told me a story about the freedom to create with film in America
In 1990, Else was working on a documentary about Wagner’s Ring
Cycle. The focus was stagehands at the San Francisco Opera. Stagehands
are a particularly funny and colorful element of an opera. During
a show, they hang out below the stage in the grips’ lounge and in
the lighting loft. They make a perfect contrast to the art on the stage.
During one of the performances, Else was shooting some stagehands
playing checkers. In one corner of the room was a television set.
Playing on the television set, while the stagehands played checkers and
the opera company played Wagner, was The Simpsons. As Else judged
it, this touch of cartoon helped capture the flavor of what was special
about the scene.
Years later, when he finally got funding to complete the film, Else
attempted to clear the rights for those few seconds of The Simpsons.
For of course, those few seconds are copyrighted; and of course, to use
copyrighted material you need the permission of the copyright owner,
unless “fair use” or some other privilege applies.
Else called Simpsons creator Matt Groening’s office to get permission.
Groening approved the shot. The shot was a four-and-a-halfsecond
image on a tiny television set in the corner of the room. How
could it hurt? Groening was happy to have it in the film, but he told
Else to contact Gracie Films, the company that produces the program.
Gracie Films was okay with it, too, but they, like Groening, wanted
to be careful. So they told Else to contact Fox, Gracie’s parent company.
Else called Fox and told them about the clip in the corner of the one
room shot of the film. Matt Groening had already given permission,
Else said. He was just confirming the permission with Fox.
Then, as Else told me, “two things happened. First we discovered
. . . that Matt Groening doesn’t own his own creation—or at least
that someone [at Fox] believes he doesn’t own his own creation.” And
second, Fox “wanted ten thousand dollars as a licensing fee for us to use
this four-point-five seconds of . . . entirely unsolicited Simpsons which
was in the corner of the shot.”
Else was certain there was a mistake. He worked his way up to
someone he thought was a vice president for licensing, Rebecca Herrera.
He explained to her, “There must be some mistake here. . . .
We’re asking for your educational rate on this.” That was the educational
rate, Herrera told Else. A day or so later, Else called again to
confirm what he had been told.
“I wanted to make sure I had my facts straight,” he told me. “Yes,
you have your facts straight,” she said. It would cost $10,000 to use the
clip of The Simpsons in the corner of a shot in a documentary film about
Wagner’s Ring Cycle. And then, astonishingly, Herrera told Else, “And
if you quote me, I’ll turn you over to our attorneys.” As an assistant to
Herrera told Else later on, “They don’t give a shit. They just want the
Else didn’t have the money to buy the right to replay what was playing
on the television backstage at the San Francisco Opera.To reproduce
this reality was beyond the documentary filmmaker’s budget.At the very
last minute before the film was to be released, Else digitally replaced the
shot with a clip from another film that he had worked on, The Day After
Trinity, from ten years before.
There’s no doubt that someone, whether Matt Groening or Fox,
owns the copyright to The Simpsons. That copyright is their property.
To use that copyrighted material thus sometimes requires the permission
of the copyright owner. If the use that Else wanted to make of the
Simpsons copyright were one of the uses restricted by the law, then he
would need to get the permission of the copyright owner before he
could use the work in that way. And in a 

Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread Renato S. Yamane

Em 10-05-2009 15:21, Bruno Buys escreveu:

Renato S. Yamane wrote:

Em 08-05-2009 16:45, Daniel Bianchi escreveu:

Não consegui colocar no You Tube porque disseram que eu estava violando
os direitos da Fox. Isso porque usamos um lance dos Simpisons.
Bom está ai... quem se interessar veja, assim poderemos discutir.

Entre em contato com a Fox, diga que foi um trabalho universitário...
Muito provavelmente eles lhe fornecerão o direito de reprodução de um
trecho curto.

Sobre entrar em contato com a Fox, e sobre usar trecho dos simpsons, me
lembrei dessa situação aqui. Vocês podem ler na íntegra em 'Free
Culture', referência fundamental da cultura hacker. Veja em Para baixar o livro:
O trecho colado aqui começa na página 95.


Jon Else is a filmmaker. He is best known for his documentaries and
has been very successful in spreading his art...

Esse é o grande problema de primeiro divulgar, e depois pedir autorização.

Se a Fox lhe pedir US$10.000, você terá que pagar, pois o documentário 
já está sendo distribuido.


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Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread Alexander Moreira
Baixe, assisti no pc e em dvd.
Com a devida licença usarei para introdução em uma palestra já prevista
desde ano passado.
Muito bom o trabalho, em todos os aspectos.
*Seja livre!*

2009/5/9 Paulo de Souza Lima

 --- Em *sáb, 9/5/09, dan_trash bianchi*escreveu:

 Que bom que você gostou Bruno. Foi muito duro fazer.
 Beleza usa ai o que vocÊ precisar. Ainda temos material Caso você se

 Thiago, obrigado, quem fez o trabalho foi eu e o

 Caso alguem queira, também fizemos um trabalho escrito para a conclusão do
 curso. E acho que ficou bacana


 Daniel e Jota,

 Ficou muito bom, meus parabéns. Quero sua permissão pra usar em minhas
 aulas que dou, como voluntário, em um curso de informática para pessoas
 carentes em Curitiba. Estou tentando introduzir o software open source na
 grade e precisaria de argumentos pra convencer algumas pessoas.


 Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 

Não seja pirata, seja livre.
skype: alex_moreira
skype: alex_moreira

Re: problemas no site

2009-05-10 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA256

On 09-05-2009 10:35, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito wrote:
 Galera tentei entrar no site do Debian Brasil, e vi que o site ta todo
 O pode estar acontecendo?

O antigo wiki do Debian Brasil será substituído por
um novo conteúdo. O novo wiki pode ser visto aqui:

O provavelmente será um
portal ou uma página de conteúdo mais dinâmico e um pouco
diferente do wiki. :)

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Debian is switching to EGLIBC?

2009-05-10 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA256

On 07-05-2009 13:21, Ygor da Rocha Parreira wrote:
 O q vcs acham disto? =

Isso já aconteceu no sid. :)

A EGLIBC é um fork da GLIBC que mantém a
compatibilidade de API e ABI, a diferença é que o
upstream é mais amigável, assim, a EGLIBC
acompanha de perto o desenvolvimento pra trazer os
recursos e benefícios, em linhas gerais é o que
muitos mantenedores fazem nas distros, a diferença
é que eles tem um ponto comum agora pra compartilhar
melhorias que não são aceitas pela GLIBC.

Como o próprio mantenedor comenta, ele
poderia simplesmente ter colocado os patches no
/debian/patches mas a idéia é retornar os patches
para o upstream para que mais usuários possam se
beneficiar (colaborando também com outras distros).

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Dúvidas OpenVPN

2009-05-10 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA256

On 07-05-2009 10:03, Gustavo Arns de Borba wrote:
 Meu cenário é o seguinte: na empresa onde trabalho, existem dois escritórios
 em cidades diferentes. Na cidade A, meu servidor é cliente de duas VPNs: uma
 com um cliente da empresa e outra com o escritório da cidade B. Na cidade B,
 obviamente, fica o servidor de VPN entre os escritórios. Minhas dúvidas são
 as seguintes:
 1) Eu quero, a partir da rede do escritório B, acessar a rede do cliente em
 que o escritório A está conectado. Tentei fazer o roteamento, mas não
 consegui. O range de IP das 3 redes é diferente, imaginei que estando
 conectado na rede do escritório A, a rede do escritório B enxergaria a
 rede do cliente em que está conectado o escritório A sem precisar
 conectar-se a VPN de tal cliente. Isso é possível? 

Se eu entendi direito, sim.

Você parece estar conectado assim: C1 -- A -- B

Basta configurar o OpenVPN para empurrar rotas para os
clientes (push route), isso significa que você informará para B
que para chegar em C1 você precisa passar por A, isso não está
acontecendo atualmente porque provavelmente o pacote sai pelo
gateway pra Internet ao invés de ir até A que conhece a rota pra

 2) Preciso, também, acessar as máquinas das redes pelo nome, não somente
 pelo IP. Qual alteração de DNS tenho de fazer para conseguir tal coisa?

Você precisa ter um DNS que seja visível em todas as
redes ou fornecer instâncias estáticas através de arquivos
hosts (o que pode ser bem mais trabalhoso).

 3) Quero liberar o acesso à VPN para outros usuários além dos servidores.
 Sei que para tal, eles tem de ter o OpenVPN configurado na máquina e a chave
 criptografada. Até aí tudo bem: mas quero saber da segurança fazendo um log
 de acesso a partir de usuários. Isso é possível? 

Sim. Você pode emitir chaves individuais pra cada
usuário e fazer o log de quem conectou-se (com outros
detalhes). Quando um usuários perder o acesso, basta
revogar a chave dele no servidor e ele não conseguirá mais
acessar a VPN.

 Como vocês podem perceber, não entendo muito do assunto e pesquisei na
 internet, mas fiquei bastante perdido. Minha esperança é auxílio da lista :)

O OpenVPN HOWTO é bem completo e contém vários
exemplos similares às suas dúvidas.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: configurar usoários

2009-05-10 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA256

On 06-05-2009 12:56, Marcos Antonio Rufino do Egito wrote:
 Estou configurando um Telecentro, no momento temos 8 máquinas, 
 bom gostaria de saber se existe alguma forma de eu configurar
 os usuários de uma máquina e de depois repetir o mesmo para
 outras sem  ter de ir uma por uma fazendo tudo denovo na mão.

Você tem várias opções, algumas das principais seriam:

1) Configurar NIS
É antigo e em alguns pontos inseguro, mas funciona e é
fácil de configurar. Um ponto central tem as contas e
compartilha esse bando de dados com os demais
computadores, fornecendo a idéia de base de dados

2) Replicar as contas manualmente
Você configura uma máquina e clona ela. Há inúmeras
desvantagens, por exemplo, se um usuário trocar a
senha na MAQUINA1, a senha ainda será a antiga na
MAQUINA2, mas para o perfil de telecentro, pode ser
que funcione (especialmente se você bloquear a troca
de senhas).

3) Configurar LDAP
Como já foi sugerido, ele é mais esperto e mais
seguro que o NIS, um servidor central tem os usuários
e senhas e os demais autenticam-se nele.

Não é trivial configurar LDAP, mas você deve começar
pelo OpenLDAP Admin Guide e pelos vários tutorias que
podem ser encontrados na Internet.

Outra opção é o Debian-Edu cuja imagem configura um
servidor LDAP porque a distro é voltada exatamente
para a montagem de laboratórios.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Etherwake só funciona às vezes

2009-05-10 Thread Bruno Buys

Welington R. Braga wrote:

Atualmente não uso mais, mas tinha um problema desses quando usava e
que resolvi colocando o comando ethtool para reconfigurar os
parâmetros de Wanonlan a partir do init.d

wbr...@welingtondesktop:~$ sudo ethtool eth0 |grep -i wake
Supports Wake-on: pg
Wake-on: d

Observe neste meu caso que este recurso está desativado (d) e minha
placa só suporta os modos p e g (de acordo com a tabela abaixo tirada
do man ethertool)
  p  Wake on phy activity
  u  Wake on unicast messages
  m  Wake on multicast messages
  b  Wake on broadcast messages
  a  Wake on ARP
  g  Wake on MagicPacket(tm)
  s  Enable SecureOn(tm) password for MagicPacket(tm)
  d  Disable (wake on nothing).  This option clears all
previous options.

Para ativar eu ponho um script no init.d e que roda em todos os
runlevels com o seguinte comando:

ethtool --change eth0 wol pg

com isso o Status estará sempre on

wbr...@welingtondesktop:~$ sudo ethtool eth0 |grep -i wake
Supports Wake-on: pg
Wake-on: pg

Assim pode acontecer o que for que a máquina vai levantar.

2009/5/9 Bruno Buys

Boa noite, povo!
Preciso de ajuda pra por o etherwake pra funcionar aqui. O problema é que
ele só funciona depois que o micro é desligado pelo botão do gabinete da
cpu. Se eu desligo o computador por dentro do sistema, tanto logado
localmente quanto por ssh, o etherwake não consegue fazer a máquina ligar de
Quando estou logado no computador, uso o comando Desligar, do kdm. O kdm
chama o /sbin/halt pra desligar a máquina. Por ssh testei com o halt e com o
poweroff. Ambos conseguem desligar a máquina, mas a máquina não liga depois
com o etherwake.
Me parece ser algo de bios/acpi. Mas fucei um monte no bios e não achei nada
muito promissor. De qualquer forma, estou aberto a sugestões. Não sei bem
mais por onde pesquisar.
A placa mãe é uma abit kv8-pro, com cpu amd sempron 2400 soquete 754.
Rodando debian sid com kde.


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Valeu a força, Welington,
Ainda não resolvi, mas descobri outras coisas sobre o problema. Quando o 
grub boota a máquina com o parâmetro single, ou seja, este:

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-1-686-bigmem 
(single-user mode)

kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686-bigmem root=/dev/sda3 ro single 

initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.26-1-686-bigmem

e depois eu desligo pelo 'halt', eu consigo ligá-lo novamente pelo 
etherwake de uma máquina remota. O problema só ocorre quando o grub 
boota a máquina normalmente, ou seja usando:

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-1-686-bigmem
kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686-bigmem root=/dev/sda3 ro vga=788
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.26-1-686-bigmem

Quanto ao ethtool, eu testei com duas placas de rede. A máquina usa 
normalmente a rede onboard, que é pilotada pelo driver via-velocity. E 
eu tenho uma plaquinha pci com o realtek rtl8139d por aqui, então testei 
com ela também.

para a rtl8139d, usando o driver 8139too (eu já dei o comando pra 
habilitar os modos de wake-on-lan, no estilo do seu script):

hercules:~# ethtool eth1
Settings for eth1:
   Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
   Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
   100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
   Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
   Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
   100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
   Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
   Speed: 100Mb/s
   Duplex: Full
   Port: MII
   PHYAD: 32
   Transceiver: internal
   Auto-negotiation: on
   Supports Wake-on: pumbg
   Wake-on: pumbg
   Current message level: 0x0007 (7)
   Link detected: yes

Para a placa onboard usando o via-velocity, o comando não consegue 
habilitar o modo 'p':

hercules:~# ethtool --change eth0 wol puag

hercules:~# ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
   Supported ports: [ TP ]
   Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
   100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
   1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
   Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
   Advertised link modes:  Not reported
   Advertised auto-negotiation: No
   Speed: 100Mb/s
   Duplex: Full
   Port: Twisted Pair
   PHYAD: 0
   Transceiver: internal
   Auto-negotiation: on
   Supports Wake-on: puag
   Wake-on: uag
   Current message level: 0x0002 (2)
   Link detected: yes

Usando a placa onboard, com o computador desligado (mas ligado na 
energia), a placa acende os led's quando plugo o cabo de rede 

Re: FW: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o Linux

2009-05-10 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima

--- Em dom, 10/5/09, Marcelo Chiapparini escreveu:
De: Marcelo Chiapparini
Assunto: Re: FW: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o  
Para: Debian user portuguese
Data: Domingo, 10 de Maio de 2009, 8:20


se as coisas fossem feitas corretamente, os usuários de softwares
proprietários deveriam pagar pelas licencias de *todos* os programas
que usam (a maioria não faz isso, e os camelós agradecem). Isso pode
representar uma significativa quantidade de grana no orçamento de uma
familia. Eis um excelente motivo para preferir Linux sobre Windows...



Sou da mesma opinião...

“O futuro é Open Source”

Keith Curtis - ex-desenvolvedor da Microsoft

Paulo de Souza Lima


Linux User 432358

  Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

Re: FW: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o Linux

2009-05-10 Thread Hudson Lacerda

se as coisas fossem feitas corretamente, os usuários de softwares
proprietários deveriam pagar pelas licencias de *todos* os programas
que usam (a maioria não faz isso, e os camelós agradecem). Isso pode
representar uma significativa quantidade de grana no orçamento de uma
familia. Eis um excelente motivo para preferir Linux sobre Windows...

A típica resposta a esse argumento é: mas eu já uso Windows e todos os 
outros programas de graça (cópias não autorizadas).

Com software livre o risco de ser processado por cópia ilegal é zero, a 
consciência fica tranqüila, além de todas as outras vantagens.

Hudson Lacerda

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Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread dan_trash bianchi
Bruno e Renato...

Eu e o Jota estavamos discutindo exatamente isso na semana passada.

aí aí aí


2009/5/10 Bruno Buys

 Renato S. Yamane wrote:

 Em 08-05-2009 16:45, Daniel Bianchi escreveu:

 Não consegui colocar no You Tube porque disseram que eu estava violando
 os direitos da Fox. Isso porque usamos um lance dos Simpisons.
 Bom está ai... quem se interessar veja, assim poderemos discutir.

 Entre em contato com a Fox, diga que foi um trabalho universitário...
 Muito provavelmente eles lhe fornecerão o direito de reprodução de um trecho


 Sobre entrar em contato com a Fox, e sobre usar trecho dos simpsons, me
 lembrei dessa situação aqui. Vocês podem ler na íntegra em 'Free Culture',
 referência fundamental da cultura hacker. Veja em Para
 baixar o livro:
 O trecho colado aqui começa na página 95.


 Jon Else is a filmmaker. He is best known for his documentaries and
 has been very successful in spreading his art. He is also a teacher, and
 as a teacher myself, I envy the loyalty and admiration that his students
 feel for him. (I met, by accident, two of his students at a dinner party.
 He was their god.)
 Else worked on a documentary that I was involved in. At a break,
 he told me a story about the freedom to create with film in America
 In 1990, Else was working on a documentary about Wagner’s Ring
 Cycle. The focus was stagehands at the San Francisco Opera. Stagehands
 are a particularly funny and colorful element of an opera. During
 a show, they hang out below the stage in the grips’ lounge and in
 the lighting loft. They make a perfect contrast to the art on the stage.
 During one of the performances, Else was shooting some stagehands
 playing checkers. In one corner of the room was a television set.
 Playing on the television set, while the stagehands played checkers and
 the opera company played Wagner, was The Simpsons. As Else judged
 it, this touch of cartoon helped capture the flavor of what was special
 about the scene.
 Years later, when he finally got funding to complete the film, Else
 attempted to clear the rights for those few seconds of The Simpsons.
 For of course, those few seconds are copyrighted; and of course, to use
 copyrighted material you need the permission of the copyright owner,
 unless “fair use” or some other privilege applies.
 Else called Simpsons creator Matt Groening’s office to get permission.
 Groening approved the shot. The shot was a four-and-a-halfsecond
 image on a tiny television set in the corner of the room. How
 could it hurt? Groening was happy to have it in the film, but he told
 Else to contact Gracie Films, the company that produces the program.
 Gracie Films was okay with it, too, but they, like Groening, wanted
 to be careful. So they told Else to contact Fox, Gracie’s parent company.
 Else called Fox and told them about the clip in the corner of the one
 room shot of the film. Matt Groening had already given permission,
 Else said. He was just confirming the permission with Fox.
 Then, as Else told me, “two things happened. First we discovered
 . . . that Matt Groening doesn’t own his own creation—or at least
 that someone [at Fox] believes he doesn’t own his own creation.” And
 second, Fox “wanted ten thousand dollars as a licensing fee for us to use
 this four-point-five seconds of . . . entirely unsolicited Simpsons which
 was in the corner of the shot.”
 Else was certain there was a mistake. He worked his way up to
 someone he thought was a vice president for licensing, Rebecca Herrera.
 He explained to her, “There must be some mistake here. . . .
 We’re asking for your educational rate on this.” That was the educational
 rate, Herrera told Else. A day or so later, Else called again to
 confirm what he had been told.
 “I wanted to make sure I had my facts straight,” he told me. “Yes,
 you have your facts straight,” she said. It would cost $10,000 to use the
 clip of The Simpsons in the corner of a shot in a documentary film about
 Wagner’s Ring Cycle. And then, astonishingly, Herrera told Else, “And
 if you quote me, I’ll turn you over to our attorneys.” As an assistant to
 Herrera told Else later on, “They don’t give a shit. They just want the
 Else didn’t have the money to buy the right to replay what was playing
 on the television backstage at the San Francisco Opera.To reproduce
 this reality was beyond the documentary filmmaker’s budget.At the very
 last minute before the film was to be released, Else digitally replaced the
 shot with a clip from another film that he had worked on, The Day After
 Trinity, from ten years before.
 There’s no doubt that someone, whether Matt Groening or Fox,
 owns the copyright to The Simpsons. That copyright is their property.
 To use that copyrighted material thus sometimes requires the permission
 of the copyright 

Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread dan_trash bianchi
Esse realmente é um problema
Mas temos um problema maior Não temos US$10.000  

2009/5/10 Renato S. Yamane

 Em 10-05-2009 15:21, Bruno Buys escreveu:

 Renato S. Yamane wrote:

 Em 08-05-2009 16:45, Daniel Bianchi escreveu:

 Não consegui colocar no You Tube porque disseram que eu estava violando
 os direitos da Fox. Isso porque usamos um lance dos Simpisons.
 Bom está ai... quem se interessar veja, assim poderemos discutir.

 Entre em contato com a Fox, diga que foi um trabalho universitário...
 Muito provavelmente eles lhe fornecerão o direito de reprodução de um
 trecho curto.

 Sobre entrar em contato com a Fox, e sobre usar trecho dos simpsons, me
 lembrei dessa situação aqui. Vocês podem ler na íntegra em 'Free
 Culture', referência fundamental da cultura hacker. Veja em Para baixar o livro:
 O trecho colado aqui começa na página 95.


 Jon Else is a filmmaker. He is best known for his documentaries and
 has been very successful in spreading his art...

 Esse é o grande problema de primeiro divulgar, e depois pedir autorização.

 Se a Fox lhe pedir US$10.000, você terá que pagar, pois o documentário já
 está sendo distribuido.


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VirtualBox com 8gb ram

2009-05-10 Thread ..:: S.e.r.i.a.L ::..
Boa tarde amigos,

Tenho um servidor HP com 8gb de ram e rodando Debian Etch. Atualmente está
com kernel 2.6.29 com PAE ativo e uso de alta memoria (até 64gb).
Instalei o VirtualBox 2.2 e criei uma VM com Windows Server 2008 STD+SP1
Problema: Qdo estou editando o cenário da VM, não consigo usar mais que 3gb
de ram para a VM, sendo que o DebianO (através do comando top) me mostra os
8gb instalados no servidor.

Alguém sabe como resolver isso, pois preciso de 4gb para VM aonde vou rodar
m banco de dados.

Obrigado a todos,

..:: S.e.r.i.a.L ::..

Re: FW: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o Linux

2009-05-10 Thread Welington R. Braga
Um cidadão que ganha salário mínimo e aprendeu Uindus' e Uôrdi no
cursinho gratuito da comunidade, dado por uma ONG com muito boas
intenções, não vai trocar o sistema do seu computadorzinho comprado
com sacrifício só porque pode ser preso usando software pirata.

Se a policia subir o morro pra alguma coisa pode ter certeza que não
vai ser para prender quem tem computador com sistemas piratas, existem
assuntos mais sérios que envolvem a ordem pública para eles tratarem.

ps: Quando eu disse: ONG com muito boas intenções de maneira alguma
usei este termo com sentido pejorativo ou irônico e me referi as boas
ONGs que que realmente se prestam pra alguma coisa, que acredito
existirem embora haja joio e trigo misturado. Mas enquanto estas ONGs
ensinarem UNICAMENTE Microsoft * teremos problemas com software

2009/5/10 Hudson Lacerda
 se as coisas fossem feitas corretamente, os usuários de softwares
 proprietários deveriam pagar pelas licencias de *todos* os programas
 que usam (a maioria não faz isso, e os camelós agradecem). Isso pode
 representar uma significativa quantidade de grana no orçamento de uma
 familia. Eis um excelente motivo para preferir Linux sobre Windows...

 A típica resposta a esse argumento é: mas eu já uso Windows e todos os
 outros programas de graça (cópias não autorizadas).

 Com software livre o risco de ser processado por cópia ilegal é zero, a
 consciência fica tranqüila, além de todas as outras vantagens.

 Hudson Lacerda

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Welington Rodrigues Braga
MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
Linux User #253605

Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém
não desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém
não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9

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ipfm + mrtg

2009-05-10 Thread Júnior Bohn
Boa noite!

Alguem sabe como faço para usar o ipfm com mrtg para monitorar uma faixa de
ips inteira, tipo o que o mrtg faz com snmp.

Consigo com ele monitorar um ip, mas gostaria de monitorar o consumo de uma
faixa de ips virtuais inteira.

Agradeço qualquer ajuda.


100% movido a linux!

Re: FW: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o Linux

2009-05-10 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima

--- Em dom, 10/5/09, Welington R. Braga escreveu:
De: Welington R. Braga
Assunto: Re: FW: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o  
Para: Hudson Lacerda
Cc: Debian user portuguese
Data: Domingo, 10 de Maio de 2009, 20:18

Um cidadão que ganha salário mínimo e aprendeu Uindus' e
Uôrdi no
cursinho gratuito da comunidade, dado por uma ONG com muito boas
intenções, não vai trocar o sistema do seu computadorzinho comprado
com sacrifício só porque pode ser preso usando software pirata.

Não, não vai. Ocorre que essas ONG's, por mais bem intencionadas que sejam, 
ainda não enfrentam as verdadeiras causas do problema que se propõem a ajudar a 
resolver. Não vou entrar nos detalhes, mas o filme dos colegas que fizeram o 
TCC mostra bem a questão, embora nas entrelinhas.

Se a policia subir o morro pra alguma coisa pode ter certeza que não
vai ser para prender quem tem computador com sistemas piratas, existem
assuntos mais sérios que envolvem a ordem pública para eles tratarem.

Talvez sim, talvez não... Mas a questão é muito mais profunda do que essa: A 
polícia, se não faz, deveria fazer. E não faz porque não interessa ao poder 
público fazer... Isso, no entanto, não é uma questão a ser tratada nesse 

ps: Quando eu disse: ONG com muito boas intenções de maneira
usei este termo com sentido pejorativo ou irônico e me referi as boas
ONGs que que realmente se prestam pra alguma coisa, que acredito
existirem embora haja joio e trigo misturado. Mas enquanto estas ONGs
ensinarem UNICAMENTE Microsoft * teremos problemas com software

É exatamente a minha opinião. Mas acredite: é muito difícil encontrar 
voluntários pra dar aulas até de Windows. De Linux, então, é impraticável. 
Seria preciso que parássemos de discutir a questão em fóruns e partíssemos para 
a ação.

“O futuro é Open Source”

Keith Curtis - ex-desenvolvedor da Microsoft

Paulo de Souza Lima


Linux User 432358

  Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

Re: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas abandonarem o Linux

2009-05-10 Thread Eduardo F. dos Santos

  Uso o Linux há um ano e meio com bastante dificuldade, pois não  
tenho muito tempo para apredenr sobre a manutenção do sistema. Mas em  
nenhum momento me arrependo de ter migrado para o LINUX, ele não trava  
e não é tão pesado quanto é o windows. Além disso, só tive problemas  
com os drivers mais novos, todos os outros hardwares que conectei ao  
meu note foram reconhecidos pelo LINUX sem problemas.
  Eu acredito que o Linux, principalmente o Debian, poderia ser mais  
prático quanto a manutenção. Mas para isso acontecer é importante que  
os usuários se preocupem em contribuir com a melhora do sistema. Por  
isso, ao invés de discutirmos sobre qual sistema operacional é melhor,  
deveríamos discutir como melhorar o Linux. Não vamos valorizar as  
pessoas que não conseguem se adaptar ao Linux, por preguiça ou  
incapacidade, e voltam a usar o windows, fazendo questão de demonstrar  
sua revolta por não ter conseguido aprender a usar o sistemas. Dessa  
forma, teremos um sistema melhor e não ficaremos com a caixa de e-mail  
lotada com besteiras.


Citando Paulo de Souza Lima

--- Em sáb, 9/5/09, Renato S. Yamane escreveu:
De: Renato S. Yamane
Assunto: Re: OFF-TOPICS - Sete motivos que fazem as pessoas   
abandonarem o Linux

Para: Debian
Data: Sábado, 9 de Maio de 2009, 13:49

O Linux NUNCA irá ser significativo nos desktops domésticos enquanto os
usuários NÃO QUISEREM.

Na Faculdade de Administração, nossos professores sempre nos   
contavam a história do produto perfeito que todo mundo queria, mas   
foi produzido no meio da selva, sem nenhum meio de comunicação com o  
 resto do mundo. Resultado: o produto existia, tinha mercado, mas   
ninguém comprou porque não ficaram sabendo.

Às vezes fico refletindo sobre isso: O open source em geral,e o   
GNU/Linux em particular, se parece muito com esse produto ideal. Só   
que está imerso numa selva de mitos, marketing negativo,   
experiências frustrantes e muito falatório sem sentido.

Eu dou aula de informática como voluntário para pessoas carentes.   
São pessoas que tem dificuldade até para empunhar um mouse   
corretamente. Essas pessoas, se me permitem a comparação romântica,   
são como recém nascidos. Não interessa qual sistema vou ensinar a   
eles porque tudo é novo. Se eu ensinar Linux e open source, desde o   
início, eles vão se adaptar facilmente.

Se o usuário usa Windows há 10 anos, ele nunca irá mudar para Linux por um
simples motivo: Comodismo.
Para usar Linux você precisa QUERER.

Ou  ser obrigado.

E não adianta enfiar o Linux goela abaixo, como ocorreu com os
Computadores populares... Os usuários irão formatar o HD e
instalar o primeiro Windows pirata que aparecer na frente dele.
Enquanto os usuários não quiserem se aventurar com algo diferente, o Linux
nunca irá aumentar a sua popularidade.

É aí que eu discordo da maioria. Os usuários, pela sua definição,   
são comodistas. E são comodistas tanto pra Windows como pra Linux.   
Eu não conheço um único usuário que esteja disposto a formatar uma   
máquina, instalar um driver, ou configurar um teclado. O usuário   
quer fazer aquilo que está acostumado a fazer: USAR a máquina.
O problema é que quando compra uma máquina com Windows (que vem   
pelada, sem praticamente nenhum software), ele manda o sobrinho   
entendido instalar o que falta pra ele. O sobrinho entendido   
entrega pra ele uma máquina funcionando do jeito que ele quer,   
prontinha pra ele estragar tudo com todo tipo de malwares que,   
seguramente, vai baixar da internet e com permissões de   
administrador pra que ele não tenha dificuldades em fuçar o   
sistema e fazer algo, ou tudo, parar de funcionar de repente. Isso   
garante a grana da balada do fim de semana do sobrinho entendido.
Quando se compra uma máquina com Linux, o vendedor entrega o produto  
 e o cliente tem de se virar. O primeiro a criticar é o sobrinho   
entendido, que não entende nada de Linux, mas saca tudo de   
Windows, principalmente como crackear números de registro.  Como o   
sobrinho não sabe nada, nem é fácil encontrar alguém que saiba, o   
cara até pode ter a boa vontade de tentar, mas nunca vai se dar bem   
com um sistema que veio como padrão de fábrica e não está preparado   
para fazer aquilo que ele precisa que o computador faça. Resultado:   
Ganha a opinião do sobrinho entendido.

Na minha modesta opinião, depois de acompanhar a história do open   
source desde a origem, de ter passado pelo CP/M80, DOS, DR-DOS,   
MsDOS, Novel DOS, Windows 1.0 (que rodei em PC-XT feito à mão, de   
sucata), OS/2, SCO Unix, Windows 2.0 e posteriores, de ter feito   
parte do lado negro, de ter migrado para open source em 1997 e   
recair ao proprietário em 2003 e retornar, dessa vez pra ficar, ao   
open source em 2005, eu acho que estamos marcando passo 

Res: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread Bruno Gonsalves
Achei o livro em portugues

De: Bruno Buys
Para: Lista Debian
Enviadas: Domingo, 10 de Maio de 2009 15:21:55
Assunto: Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

Renato S. Yamane wrote:
 Em 08-05-2009 16:45, Daniel Bianchi escreveu:
 Não consegui colocar no You Tube porque disseram que eu estava violando
 os direitos da Fox. Isso porque usamos um lance dos Simpisons.
 Bom está ai... quem se interessar veja, assim poderemos discutir.
 Entre em contato com a Fox, diga que foi um trabalho universitário... Muito 
 provavelmente eles lhe fornecerão o direito de reprodução de um trecho curto.

Sobre entrar em contato com a Fox, e sobre usar trecho dos simpsons, me lembrei 
dessa situação aqui. Vocês podem ler na íntegra em 'Free Culture', referência 
fundamental da cultura hacker. Veja em Para baixar o livro:
O trecho colado aqui começa na página 95.


Jon Else is a filmmaker. He is best known for his documentaries and
has been very successful in spreading his art. He is also a teacher, and
as a teacher myself, I envy the loyalty and admiration that his students
feel for him. (I met, by accident, two of his students at a dinner party.
He was their god.)
Else worked on a documentary that I was involved in. At a break,
he told me a story about the freedom to create with film in America
In 1990, Else was working on a documentary about Wagner’s Ring
Cycle. The focus was stagehands at the San Francisco Opera. Stagehands
are a particularly funny and colorful element of an opera. During
a show, they hang out below the stage in the grips’ lounge and in
the lighting loft. They make a perfect contrast to the art on the stage.
During one of the performances, Else was shooting some stagehands
playing checkers. In one corner of the room was a television set.
Playing on the television set, while the stagehands played checkers and
the opera company played Wagner, was The Simpsons. As Else judged
it, this touch of cartoon helped capture the flavor of what was special
about the scene.
Years later, when he finally got funding to complete the film, Else
attempted to clear the rights for those few seconds of The Simpsons.
For of course, those few seconds are copyrighted; and of course, to use
copyrighted material you need the permission of the copyright owner,
unless “fair use” or some other privilege applies.
Else called Simpsons creator Matt Groening’s office to get permission.
Groening approved the shot. The shot was a four-and-a-halfsecond
image on a tiny television set in the corner of the room. How
could it hurt? Groening was happy to have it in the film, but he told
Else to contact Gracie Films, the company that produces the program.
Gracie Films was okay with it, too, but they, like Groening, wanted
to be careful. So they told Else to contact Fox, Gracie’s parent company.
Else called Fox and told them about the clip in the corner of the one
room shot of the film. Matt Groening had already given permission,
Else said. He was just confirming the permission with Fox.
Then, as Else told me, “two things happened. First we discovered
. . . that Matt Groening doesn’t own his own creation—or at least
that someone [at Fox] believes he doesn’t own his own creation.” And
second, Fox “wanted ten thousand dollars as a licensing fee for us to use
this four-point-five seconds of . . . entirely unsolicited Simpsons which
was in the corner of the shot.”
Else was certain there was a mistake. He worked his way up to
someone he thought was a vice president for licensing, Rebecca Herrera.
He explained to her, “There must be some mistake here. . . .
We’re asking for your educational rate on this.” That was the educational
rate, Herrera told Else. A day or so later, Else called again to
confirm what he had been told.
“I wanted to make sure I had my facts straight,” he told me. “Yes,
you have your facts straight,” she said. It would cost $10,000 to use the
clip of The Simpsons in the corner of a shot in a documentary film about
Wagner’s Ring Cycle. And then, astonishingly, Herrera told Else, “And
if you quote me, I’ll turn you over to our attorneys.” As an assistant to
Herrera told Else later on, “They don’t give a shit. They just want the
Else didn’t have the money to buy the right to replay what was playing
on the television backstage at the San Francisco Opera.To reproduce
this reality was beyond the documentary filmmaker’s budget.At the very
last minute before the film was to be released, Else digitally replaced the
shot with a clip from another film that he had worked on, The Day After
Trinity, from ten years before.
There’s no doubt that someone, whether Matt Groening or Fox,
owns the copyright to The Simpsons. That copyright is 

Re: teclado virtual do BB

2009-05-10 Thread Fred Maranhão
2009/5/9 Paulo de Souza Lima

 --- Em sáb, 9/5/09, Fred Maranhão escreveu:

 De: Fred Maranhão
 Assunto: teclado virtual do BB
 Para: Lista Debian
 Data: Sábado, 9 de Maio de 2009, 21:39


 É possível usar o teclado virtual do BB usando apenas software livre?
 sem java proprietário, sem plugins proprietários, etc?


 Olá, Fred.

 Eu uso o OpenJAVA e funciona normalmente.

apt-cache search openjava não retorna nada. procurei no (uso testing) e também não retornou nada. Este
negócio é livre mesmo? por que coisas com nome open que não estão
empacotados para debian, ou são muito recentes ou são open só no nome.

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Re: teclado virtual do BB

2009-05-10 Thread Fred Maranhão
2009/5/10 Igor Magalhães
 Meu caro, pode sim.

 Utilize por exemplo o Ubuntu, nele ja vem habilitado o teclado para todos os
 bancos e naum requer nenhuma instalação de plugins.

Não era esta a resposta que eu queria ouvir numa lista do debian.
Achei que estava subentendido que eu queria a solução no debian.

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Res: Documentário sobre software Livre.

2009-05-10 Thread Bruno Gonsalves
Tive uma idea (é só uma idea!)

E se quem quiser utilizar o video não mostrar (o que é uma pena) a parte dos 
Utilizar falas do Stallman, por exemplo.
Como diria um amigo meu: Tem muito material que agente pode aproveitar (Ele 
me fala isto toda vez que estamos editando algum video)

De: Bruno Buys
Para: Lista Debian
Enviadas: Domingo, 10 de Maio de 2009 15:21:55
Assunto: Re: Documentário sobre software Livre.

Renato S. Yamane wrote:
 Em 08-05-2009 16:45, Daniel Bianchi escreveu:
 Não consegui colocar no You Tube porque disseram que eu estava violando
 os direitos da Fox. Isso porque usamos um lance dos Simpisons.
 Bom está ai... quem se interessar veja, assim poderemos discutir.
 Entre em contato com a Fox, diga que foi um trabalho universitário... Muito 
 provavelmente eles lhe fornecerão o direito de reprodução de um trecho curto.

Sobre entrar em contato com a Fox, e sobre usar trecho dos simpsons, me lembrei 
dessa situação aqui. Vocês podem ler na íntegra em 'Free Culture', referência 
fundamental da cultura hacker. Veja em Para baixar o livro:
O trecho colado aqui começa na página 95.


Jon Else is a filmmaker. He is best known for his documentaries and
has been very successful in spreading his art. He is also a teacher, and
as a teacher myself, I envy the loyalty and admiration that his students
feel for him. (I met, by accident, two of his students at a dinner party.
He was their god.)
Else worked on a documentary that I was involved in. At a break,
he told me a story about the freedom to create with film in America
In 1990, Else was working on a documentary about Wagner’s Ring
Cycle. The focus was stagehands at the San Francisco Opera. Stagehands
are a particularly funny and colorful element of an opera. During
a show, they hang out below the stage in the grips’ lounge and in
the lighting loft. They make a perfect contrast to the art on the stage.
During one of the performances, Else was shooting some stagehands
playing checkers. In one corner of the room was a television set.
Playing on the television set, while the stagehands played checkers and
the opera company played Wagner, was The Simpsons. As Else judged
it, this touch of cartoon helped capture the flavor of what was special
about the scene.
Years later, when he finally got funding to complete the film, Else
attempted to clear the rights for those few seconds of The Simpsons.
For of course, those few seconds are copyrighted; and of course, to use
copyrighted material you need the permission of the copyright owner,
unless “fair use” or some other privilege applies.
Else called Simpsons creator Matt Groening’s office to get permission.
Groening approved the shot. The shot was a four-and-a-halfsecond
image on a tiny television set in the corner of the room. How
could it hurt? Groening was happy to have it in the film, but he told
Else to contact Gracie Films, the company that produces the program.
Gracie Films was okay with it, too, but they, like Groening, wanted
to be careful. So they told Else to contact Fox, Gracie’s parent company.
Else called Fox and told them about the clip in the corner of the one
room shot of the film. Matt Groening had already given permission,
Else said. He was just confirming the permission with Fox.
Then, as Else told me, “two things happened. First we discovered
. . . that Matt Groening doesn’t own his own creation—or at least
that someone [at Fox] believes he doesn’t own his own creation.” And
second, Fox “wanted ten thousand dollars as a licensing fee for us to use
this four-point-five seconds of . . . entirely unsolicited Simpsons which
was in the corner of the shot.”
Else was certain there was a mistake. He worked his way up to
someone he thought was a vice president for licensing, Rebecca Herrera.
He explained to her, “There must be some mistake here. . . .
We’re asking for your educational rate on this.” That was the educational
rate, Herrera told Else. A day or so later, Else called again to
confirm what he had been told.
“I wanted to make sure I had my facts straight,” he told me.. “Yes,
you have your facts straight,” she said. It would cost $10,000 to use the
clip of The Simpsons in the corner of a shot in a documentary film about
Wagner’s Ring Cycle. And then, astonishingly, Herrera told Else, “And
if you quote me, I’ll turn you over to our attorneys.” As an assistant to
Herrera told Else later on, “They don’t give a shit. They just want the
Else didn’t have the money to buy the right to replay what was playing
on the television backstage at the San Francisco Opera..To reproduce
this reality was beyond the documentary filmmaker’s budget.At the very
last minute before the film was to be released, Else digitally replaced the
shot with a clip from 

Untrusted packages

2009-05-10 Thread M. Lewis
I'm running Sid. I'm trying to install sun-java6-plugin, but aptitude is 
giving me 'untrusted package' warnings:

moe:~# aptitude install sun-java6-plugin
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  odbcinst1debian1{a} sun-java6-bin{a} sun-java6-jre{a} 
sun-java6-plugin unixodbc{a}

0 packages upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
Need to get 33.5MB of archives. After unpacking 96.2MB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]
WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!

Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.
You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that
this is what you want to do.

  odbcinst1debian1 sun-java6-bin unixodbc sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin

Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
To continue, enter Yes; to abort, enter No: n
Unrecognized input.  Enter either Yes or No.
Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
To continue, enter Yes; to abort, enter No: no

A search of the archives recommends that I have the 
debian-archive-keyring installed. Which I do have installed:

moe:~# dpkg -l | grep keyring
ii  debian-archive-keyring   2009.01.31 
GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
ii  debian-keyring   2009.04.04 
GnuPG (and obsolete PGP) keys of Debian Deve
ii  gnome-keyring2.26.0-4 
GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools)
ii  libgnome-keyring02.26.0-4 
GNOME keyring services library
ii  libpam-gnome-keyring 2.26.0-4 
PAM module to unlock the GNOME keyring upon
ii  python-gnomekeyring  2.24.1-1+b3 
Python bindings for the GNOME keyring librar

So I'm not sure why I'm getting these warnings. What do I need to do to 
correct these warnings?



 UNIX is many things to many people, but it has never been everything 
to anybody.

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 Linux Registered User #241685

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Re: dvd authoring footage from sd camcorder

2009-05-10 Thread Leonardo Canducci
2009/5/9 Arthur Marsh
 Leonardo Canducci wrote, on 2009-04-25 17:57:

 I have some footage shoot with a jvc hcsd camcorder I'd like to put on
 a dvd. Every clip is stored as a .mod file that should be a standard
 mpeg-ps file with ac3 audio. Once renamed as .mpg each clip plays out
 of the box.
 I'd just like to: join all clips together and put the whole video on a
 dvd without re-encoding.

I found a solution at last:
everio .mod files are that were  supposed to be dvd compliant are a mess.
They're not indexed and that causes dvdauthor to fail (VOBU error) and
video aspect is erroneously set as 4:3 in mpeg header, even if clips are
16:9. I couldn't find a way to correct this headers in linux (ffmpeg maybe?)
while it is possible to do so in windows (dvdpatcher or sdcopy).
Anyway I joined all the clips and rebuilt the indexes with avidemux, saved the
dvd compliant file as mpeg-ps and authored with tovid. In the last step I
had to manually edit the .xml file generated with makexml to force aspect
to 16:9 (video format=”pal” aspect=”16:9″/). Skipping this step dvdauthor
grabs aspect from video and sets it to 4:3 producing a dvd with wrong aspect.

Leonardo Canducci

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Re: Untrusted packages

2009-05-10 Thread Harry Rickards
Hash: SHA1

On 05/10/09 07:24, M. Lewis wrote:
 I'm running Sid. I'm trying to install sun-java6-plugin, but aptitude is
 giving me 'untrusted package' warnings:
 moe:~# aptitude install sun-java6-plugin
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Reading extended state information
 Initializing package states... Done
 Reading task descriptions... Done
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   odbcinst1debian1{a} sun-java6-bin{a} sun-java6-jre{a} sun-java6-plugin
 0 packages upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
 Need to get 33.5MB of archives. After unpacking 96.2MB will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]
 WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!
 Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.
 You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that
 this is what you want to do.
   odbcinst1debian1 sun-java6-bin unixodbc sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin
 Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
 To continue, enter Yes; to abort, enter No: n
 Unrecognized input.  Enter either Yes or No.
 Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
 To continue, enter Yes; to abort, enter No: no
 A search of the archives recommends that I have the
 debian-archive-keyring installed. Which I do have installed:
 moe:~# dpkg -l | grep keyring
 ii  debian-archive-keyring   2009.01.31 GnuPG
 archive keys of the Debian archive
 ii  debian-keyring   2009.04.04 GnuPG
 (and obsolete PGP) keys of Debian Deve
 ii  gnome-keyring2.26.0-4 GNOME
 keyring services (daemon and tools)
 ii  libgnome-keyring02.26.0-4 GNOME
 keyring services library
 ii  libpam-gnome-keyring 2.26.0-4 PAM module
 to unlock the GNOME keyring upon
 ii  python-gnomekeyring  2.24.1-1+b3 Python
 bindings for the GNOME keyring librar
 So I'm not sure why I'm getting these warnings. What do I need to do to
 correct these warnings?
What repository are you installing these packages from? Cat your
sources.list for us, and copy it into Pastebin. (cat /etc/sources.list)

- -- 
Many thanks
Harry Rickards

Version: 3.1
GAT/GCM/GCS/GCC/GIT/GM d? s: a? C UL P- L+++ E--- W+++ N o K+
w--- O- M- V- PS+  PE Y+ PGP++ t 5 X R tv-- b+++ DI D G e* h! !r y?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[OT] imap-server for short message services?

2009-05-10 Thread Samuel Bächler

Dear All

Does anyone know if there exists a kind of imap-server for sms' (the one 
you can send and

receive on your mobile phone)?

If this kind of server exists one can receive, write and delete sms' 
from your mobile phone

but also using a computer.



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Re: Untrusted packages

2009-05-10 Thread M. Lewis

Harry Rickards wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 05/10/09 07:24, M. Lewis wrote:

I'm running Sid. I'm trying to install sun-java6-plugin, but aptitude is
giving me 'untrusted package' warnings:



What repository are you installing these packages from? Cat your
sources.list for us, and copy it into Pastebin. (cat /etc/sources.list)

- -- 
Many thanks

Harry Rickards

Pastebin thinks it's spam for some reason.

I'm running approx on another server. The approx config is:

rattler:~# cat /etc/approx/approx.conf
# Here are some examples of remote repository mappings.
# See for mirror sites.

# These are the settings for use with approx

#debian experimental main contrib 
#deb-src experimental main 
contrib non-free



 REALITY.DAT not found. Atempting to restore Universe..
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Re: Untrusted packages

2009-05-10 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 01:24:32AM -0500, M. Lewis wrote:
 I'm running Sid. I'm trying to install sun-java6-plugin, but aptitude is  
 giving me 'untrusted package' warnings:

 moe:~# aptitude install sun-java6-plugin
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Reading extended state information
 Initializing package states... Done
 Reading task descriptions... Done
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   odbcinst1debian1{a} sun-java6-bin{a} sun-java6-jre{a} sun-java6-plugin 

What version of Debian is it? Any reason for not using openjdk packages
from the main repository?

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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GDM login screen freezes after suspend or hibernate

2009-05-10 Thread Klistvud
Howdie, users!

I'm on a HP Compaq 6715b running Lenny and have just recently installed 
the fglrx driver in order 
to play some games. Interestingly enough, the laptop seems to be 
running cooler now (50-55 C on average as opposed to 60-65 C with the 
radeon driver). Well anyhow, with the fglrx driver an issue started to 
show up: after a suspend to ram or a suspend to disk, it is impossible 
to change users. The GDM login screen just freezes the computer 
(impossible to move the mouse cursor, or to change to any of the 
virtual terminals, or to ctrl-alt-delete). Nothing 
is responding, the only thing I can do is shut off the power. I must 
point out that suspend/hibernate work _per se_, as does GDM login _per 
se_ (i.e. if the computer hasn't been suspended/hibernated after the 
last clean boot). Resuming works great, letting me log into the accoun 
where the suspend/hibernate was initiated, but if I then try to log 
out, the GDM login just freezes the machine. I've 
tried adding a file into /etc/pm/config.d containing the line


but doesn't seem to help a bit.

Where else should I look? Is there any log file that I should check?

Here's my /var/log/gdm:0.log if anyone can make anything of it...


X.Org X Server 1.4.2
Release Date: 11 June 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux Debian (xorg-server 2:1.4.2-10.lenny1)
Current Operating System: Linux debian 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Mar 27 
04:02:59 UTC 2009 x86_64
Build Date: 09 March 2009  09:53:09AM
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, Time: Sun May 10 12:53:32 2009
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
(II) Module ddc already built-in
(II) Module ramdac already built-in
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
 Warning:  Type ONE_LEVEL has 1 levels, but RALT has 2 
   Ignoring extra symbols
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
SetGrabKeysState - disabled
SetGrabKeysState - enabled



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Re: Rotating logs (and keeping the log's tail)

2009-05-10 Thread Frank Lin PIAT
On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 14:01 +0200, Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
 Frank Lin PIAT wrote:
  I use a wiki engine that produces an event log, which I want to rotate.
  Because the event-log is used to display the PageHits, I don't want to
  truncate the log every Monday. I wish the log could contain the last
  week, plus the current week, so the statistics are never empty.
  The scenario would be:
  On The 2nd Monday: store the last line of the log (i.e tag it)
  On the next Mondays: 
   * Save the top of the file (above the tag)
   * Delete the top of the current log.
   * Update the tag (to the bottom of the log file).
 Can't you just write a script that updates the tag to a separate file, 
 and use logrotate to do the normal logrotation? 

I was hoping that someone already wrote that script ;-) Anyway, here it
is (for those who may need it):

# - Rotate a log file, keeping the last period.

# This script is useful when you want to rotate a file 
# periodically, but you want the current log file to always
# contain two periods. (sometime needed for statistics)

#  Copyright 2009 Franklin Piat URL:
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see


# Unique lines only
#Use this script on logfiles that don't produce duplicate line
#(i.e Each line MUST contain date and time, at least)
# Disk Space
#The partition must have free space to make a copy of the last logfile
#  |  |
#  |  The traditional way to rotate a log file is to move it. Which is|
#  |  guaranteed to be atomic and immediate.  |
#  |  |
#  |  You may lose some new lines, appended while the rotation occurs.|
#  |  (because it has to copy and manipulate the log file. Typically if   |
#  |  you have more than 10 lines of log per seconds... that is  10  |
#  |  page hit per day!)  |
#  `--'

ARCHIVE=event-log.$(date +%F_%T)

set -e
if [ -s $LASTLINE -a -s $LOGFILE ]; then
pivotline=$(grep  -s -n -F -f $LASTLINE $LOGFILE | tail -n 1 | cut -d 
: -f 1)
#DEBUG: printf Rotate line #$pivotline:  2 ; cat $LASTLINE  2

if [ $pivotline -gt 1 ] ; then
pivotline=$(( $pivotline + 1 ))

if sed -n $pivotline,\$p $TMPFILE  $ARCHIVE ; then
## TEST: for test purpose, you can insert a sleep here to
##   simulate the copy of large log file.
#sleep 1

# Try to catch new lines (that occured during the cp above)
if [ -s $LOGFILE ]; then
 cat $LOGFILE 2/dev/null | tee -a $ARCHIVE  

#Restore the logfile in case of error (especially disk-space!)
echo LOG ROTATION ABORTED: probably insufficient disk-space. 
exit 1
if [ -s $LOGFILE ]; then
cp /dev/null $LASTLINE
# To test/stress this script you can generate a fake log using
# while true; do date +%s.%N | tee -a event-log  log; sleep 0.01 ; done



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Re: Encrypting incoming messages with GnuPG

2009-05-10 Thread Andy Smith
Hi Harry,

On Sat, May 09, 2009 at 11:14:14AM +0100, Harry Rickards wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone knew of a way, perhaps using /etc/aliases, so
 that all incoming mail addressed to my username (hrickards) is encrypted
 with *my* public key, so that when I read it only I can read it using
 *my* private key. If the mail was signed or encrypted beforehand, it
 could then be decrypted with my private key as usual.

Have you considered just using an encrypted filesystem?


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
Encrypted mail welcome - keyid 0x604DE5DB

Description: Digital signature

sid upgrade perl problem

2009-05-10 Thread Jude DaShiell
When I finished the upgrade, the locale environment variables were not set 
and later could not be set.  When I open man pages I get warnings about 
lc_all and language variables.  That stuff was selected back when I 
installed lenny though.  Can I do something to straighten things out?  I 
had used utf8 and that was probably a mistake.

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Re: Encrypting incoming messages with GnuPG

2009-05-10 Thread Harry Rickards
Hash: SHA1

On 05/10/09 13:17, Andy Smith wrote:
 Hi Harry,
 On Sat, May 09, 2009 at 11:14:14AM +0100, Harry Rickards wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone knew of a way, perhaps using /etc/aliases, so
 that all incoming mail addressed to my username (hrickards) is encrypted
 with *my* public key, so that when I read it only I can read it using
 *my* private key. If the mail was signed or encrypted beforehand, it
 could then be decrypted with my private key as usual.
 Have you considered just using an encrypted filesystem?
Yeah, I think I may just do that now. Thanks for all the help anyway

- -- 
Many thanks
Harry Rickards

Version: 3.1
GAT/GCM/GCS/GCC/GIT/GM d? s: a? C UL P- L+++ E--- W+++ N o K+
w--- O- M- V- PS+  PE Y+ PGP++ t 5 X R tv-- b+++ DI D G e* h! !r y?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Debian-uk] ill?

2009-05-10 Thread Harry Rickards
Hash: SHA1

On 05/10/09 12:09, Julian Gilbey wrote:
 Is it my imagination, or is missing a *lot* of
 binary packages at the moment?  I just tried updating my testing
 machine, and hit about 60 403's; a look at the directory listings via shows that there are loads of
 missing files, such as libg/libgems-ruby/rubygems_1.3.2-1_all.deb.
 Debian-uk maillist  -

I don't know if it's my problem or if it's the repo's problem, but
similar to this I haven't been able to download *any* packages from the
repository, since this morning. There were about 20 updates available, 1
403'd and the rest said they were downloading at my usual speed, but
stayed at 0%. Changing to the repo fixed this. By the
looks of it, the Kent mirror of seems to be alright.
The url is
As the debian-uk list seems to be very quiet, I've also CC'ed this to
the debian-user list/

- -- 
Many thanks
Harry Rickards

Version: 3.1
GAT/GCM/GCS/GCC/GIT/GM d? s: a? C UL P- L+++ E--- W+++ N o K+
w--- O- M- V- PS+  PE Y+ PGP++ t 5 X R tv-- b+++ DI D G e* h! !r y?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [vbox-users] Cannot build ko on patched kernel (resend)

2009-05-10 Thread David Baron
On Sunday 10 May 2009 11:46:55 Frank Mehnert wrote:

 On Saturday 09 May 2009, David Baron wrote:
  Trying to build the vboxdrv.ko for an rt-patched kernel. For some reason,
  the script is trying to (or thinks it sees) the unpatched version.
  m-a built modules do not have this problem.

 which VBox package did you install on which Linux distribution?
 Wild guess: If you are talking about the Debian OSE version please,
 please ask at the Debian mailing list.

Debian Lenny version from Sun's site.
However, could be a Debian problem so will CC to there as well.

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Re: Re: python-moinmoin and fckeditor

2009-05-10 Thread Frank Lin PIAT

 Florian Kulzer wrote
  On Thu, May 07, 2009 at 03:48:32 -0700, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
   The README.Debian says that FCKeditor has been disabled, but that 
   it can be reinstated. However, I've installed the
   Debian-maintained fckeditor package, but can't figure out what I 
   need to do to integrate it with moinmoin.
  This works for me for the current Sid versions of python-moinmoin
  and fckeditor:
 If anyone else has had this issue, it turns out that upgrading to
 1.8.2 and following the new README.Debian resolves this issue. I don't
 know if it can't be resolved with the 1.7.x version in stable, but the
 upgrade fixed it for me.

Lenny ship moinmoin-1.7. It rely on an old version of fckeditor. Since
nobody wanted to provide security support for it, the GUI editor was
disabled. It should only be enabled in trusted environment (but you are

Testing ships moinmoin-1.8. Upstream have upgraded to use the current
version of fckedior. So we modified moin package to use Debian's package
of that version of fckeditor.

We are considering to provide a backport of moin-1.8 (in
or similar), so people can use GUI. Feel free to file a wishlist bug if
you are interested.



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Re: sid upgrade perl problem

2009-05-10 Thread Osamu Aoki

We expect UTF-8 for post lenny default.

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 08:21:18AM -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 When I finished the upgrade, the locale environment variables were not 
 set and later could not be set. 

How did you know this?

 When I open man pages I get warnings 
 about lc_all and language variables.  That stuff was selected back when I 
 installed lenny though.  Can I do something to straighten things out?  I  
 had used utf8 and that was probably a mistake.


The default locale is in /etc/default/locale and my lenny system is:

$ cat /etc/default/locale 


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Re: Rotating logs (and keeping the log's tail)

2009-05-10 Thread Chris Jones
   I use a wiki engine that produces an event log, which I want to
   Because the event-log is used to display the PageHits, I don't
   want to truncate the log every Monday. I wish the log could
   contain the last week, plus the current week, so the statistics
   are never empty.

Say the logs you want to stat are:



Doesn't something along the lines of:

$ logrotate

$ cat /var/log/event-logs/log.week[01] | pagehits-stats

address this?

Or am I misunderstanding your question?


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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2009 #643

2009-05-10 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
 On Thu,23.Apr.09, 09:52:05, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
  I guess it's because sudo su does not require root's password, but
  users'. However this can have significant ipmact on system's security.

On 25.04.09 22:17, Andrei Popescu wrote:
 More than 'sudo'? BTW, there is also a '-i' option to sudo.

allowing sudo su is more dangerous than allowing most of commands
(not those that allow executing of subshell...)

It means that user can do anything with just his/her password, not needing
the root's.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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Enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.

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Re: not an 8139C+ compatible chip, Try the 8139too driver instead

2009-05-10 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 24.04.09 03:24, wrote:
 At boot with Linux 2.6.26-2-686 I see
 8139cp :00:0f.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible 
 8139cp :00:0f.0: Try the 8139too driver instead.
 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.28
 ACPI: PCI Interrupt :00:0f.0[A] - GSI 18 (level, low) - IRQ 18
 eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xe000, 00:0c:76:7d:c6:7d, IRQ 18
 eth0:  Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8101'
 $ lsmod|grep 8139
 8139too20320  0
 8139cp 16800  0
 mii 4896  2 8139too,8139cp
 Should it say trying instead of try? as it seems to try it itself anyway.
 If 8139too is to be used instead, then why is 8139cp still shown by lsmod?

apparently because it got loaded but not unloaded

On 24.04.09 08:23, wrote:
 Now in 2.6.29-1-686 it just says
 8139cp :00:0f.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible 
 chip, use 8139too
 I assume use here is short for using and means I, the emitter of
 this message, will use, and not you, the person reading this message,
 should use, and thus I needn't worry about it.

I think that it's the module telling user to try/use another module, but not
loading it. It's other script that loads 8139too.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
Windows found: (R)emove, (E)rase, (D)elete

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Re: IceApe on Lenny

2009-05-10 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
 Felix Miata wrote:
  After reading and the current status 
  IceApe is about as clear as Mud. It refused to install via apt-get, 
  and gnome-app-insta. I did get xulrunner-dev installed, but that didn't seem
  to accomplish anything - I don't see it in the KDE menu system. Bash can't
  find xulrunner or xulrunner-bin in the path. Is there a deb from which 
  can be installed into Lenny? I know I can install the seamonkey from the
  SeaMonkey Project's tarball. Is that what most other Lenny users are doing?

On 26.04.09 10:49, Ken Heard wrote:
 A package called iceape-browser is available in Lenny.  It provides a
 browser and a simple composer.  I use it for the latter only.
 Try aptitude show iceape-browser or apt-cache showpkg iceape-browser.

I only see iceape-dev and iceape-dev-bin. Where did you install that one
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
2B|!2B, that's a question!

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Re: IceApe on Lenny

2009-05-10 Thread Harry Rickards
Hash: SHA1

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
 Felix Miata wrote:
 After reading and the current status 
 IceApe is about as clear as Mud. It refused to install via apt-get, 
 and gnome-app-insta. I did get xulrunner-dev installed, but that didn't seem
 to accomplish anything - I don't see it in the KDE menu system. Bash can't
 find xulrunner or xulrunner-bin in the path. Is there a deb from which 
 can be installed into Lenny? I know I can install the seamonkey from the
 SeaMonkey Project's tarball. Is that what most other Lenny users are doing?
 On 26.04.09 10:49, Ken Heard wrote:
 A package called iceape-browser is available in Lenny.  It provides a
 browser and a simple composer.  I use it for the latter only.

 Try aptitude show iceape-browser or apt-cache showpkg iceape-browser.
 I only see iceape-dev and iceape-dev-bin. Where did you install that one
- From the looks of, it's only avaliable for Etch. Try
 using dpkg to install

- --
Many thanks
Harry Rickards

Version: 3.1
GAT/GCM/GCS/GCC/GIT/GM d? s: a? C UL P- L+++ !E W+++ N o? K+
w--- O- M- V-PS+  PE Y+ PGP++ t 5 X R tv-- b+++ DI D G e* h! !r y?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Sound woes

2009-05-10 Thread Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum

  And opening up a new browser, sound doesnt work in
 that one either. As
  long as the original browser is open, weather or not
 theres sound
  playing, nothing else can get sound.
  does that help narrow things down?
 One thing you could try is editing
 /etc/iceweasel/iceweaselrc and changing
 the wrapper to auto.  See
 /usr/share/doc/iceweasel/README.Debian for more
 I don't know anything about how PulseAudio and the
 setting in this config
 file relate to each other, so sorry if this doesn't

Im afraid that didnt help.

It looks like the browser, or Flash, when it grabs the sound card, doesnt let 
anything else have it, weather or not its using it. If I shut the browser, then 
other programs can use sound, but if i keep it open, then they cant. Simple as 

I dont know if its a Pulse thing or a FireFox thing or a Flash thing. Is there 
any way to determine this?



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Re: Sound woes

2009-05-10 Thread Nigel Henry
On Sunday 10 May 2009 20:27, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:
   And opening up a new browser, sound doesnt work in
  that one either. As
   long as the original browser is open, weather or not
  theres sound
   playing, nothing else can get sound.
   does that help narrow things down?
  One thing you could try is editing
  /etc/iceweasel/iceweaselrc and changing
  the wrapper to auto.  See
  /usr/share/doc/iceweasel/README.Debian for more
  I don't know anything about how PulseAudio and the
  setting in this config
  file relate to each other, so sorry if this doesn't

 Im afraid that didnt help.

 It looks like the browser, or Flash, when it grabs the sound card, doesnt
 let anything else have it, weather or not its using it. If I shut the
 browser, then other programs can use sound, but if i keep it open, then
 they cant. Simple as that.

 I dont know if its a Pulse thing or a FireFox thing or a Flash thing. Is
 there any way to determine this?


Hi Jen.

Iceweasel itself shouldn't grab the soundcard if your not on a site that uses 
flash for audio. If you close the webpage after listening to flash audio the 
soundcard is still in the being used state, correct?

Try these two commands below, which should show what is using the soundcard.

lsof -n | grep /dev/dsp
lsof | grep /dev/snd

You could also install the alsa-oss package if it's not installed, and start 
Firefox Iceweasel on the command line as below, which should allow you to 
use other sound apps.

aoss firefox

I don't know much about pulseaudio, except that it is known to be responsible 
for some problems, which is why I normally remove it, then your sound apps 
use alsa directly.

All the best.


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proofgeneral - wrong-type-argument stringp nil

2009-05-10 Thread Goesele

I'm not able to use proofgeneral (3.7.) under Debian lenny - neither
with Emacs (22.2.1) nor with XEmacs (21.4.21).

I can start proofgeneral, if I open for instance a phox (.phx) I get
the proofgeneral menu and syntax highlighting, but most of the
commands don't work. I get instead the wrong-type-argument stringp
nil error (traceback for XEmacs below).

Is this a known issue? Is there anything I can do to make proofgeneral
work under Debian lenny?

Thanks a lot in advance!


Traceback (XEmacs 21.4.21)

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  string-match([   \n
]+ nil 0)
  (if (proof-ass prog-args) (cons proof-prog-name (proof-ass prog-args)) 
(split-string proof-prog-name))
  (let* ((prog-name-list1 ...) (prog-name-list ...) (prog-command-line ...) 
(process-connection-type proof-shell-process-connection-type) 
(process-environment ...) (normal-coding-system-for-read ...) 
(coding-system-for-read ...) (coding-system-for-write coding-system-for-read)) 
(message Starting process: %s prog-command-line) (apply (quote make-comint) 
(append ... ...)) (setq proof-shell-buffer (get-buffer ...)) (unless 
(proof-shell-live-buffer) (setq proof-shell-buffer nil) (error Starting 
process: %s..failed prog-command-line)))
  (let ((proc ...)) (let* (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (message Starting 
process: %s prog-command-line) (apply ... ...) (setq proof-shell-buffer ...) 
(unless ... ... ...)) (let (... ... ... ...) (setq proof-goals-buffer ...) 
(setq proof-response-buffer ...) (if proof-shell-trace-output-regexp ...) (if 
proof-shell-thms-output-regexp ...) (setq pg-response-special-display-regexp 
...)) (with-current-buffer proof-shell-buffer (erase-buffer) 
(proof-shell-set-text-representation) (funcall proof-mode-for-shell) (unless 
... ... ...) (set-buffer proof-response-buffer) 
(proof-shell-set-text-representation) (funcall proof-mode-for-response) 
(proof-with-current-buffer-if-exists proof-trace-buffer ... ... ...) 
(set-buffer proof-goals-buffer) (proof-shell-set-text-representation) (funcall 
proof-mode-for-goals) (if proof-shell-fiddle-frames ... ...)) (message 
Starting %s process... done. proc))
  (if (proof-shell-live-buffer) nil (setq proof-included-files-list nil) (let 
(...) (if ... ...)) (if proof-prog-name-ask (save-excursion ...)) (let (...) 
(let* ... ... ... ... ...) (let ... ... ... ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer 
proof-shell-buffer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (message 
Starting %s process... done. proc)))
  (unless (proof-shell-live-buffer) (setq proof-included-files-list nil) (let 
(...) (if ... ...)) (if proof-prog-name-ask (save-excursion ...)) (let (...) 
(let* ... ... ... ... ...) (let ... ... ... ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer 
proof-shell-buffer ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (message 
Starting %s process... done. proc)))
  (save-excursion (proof-shell-ready-prover queuemode) (cond (... ...) (...) (t 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))
  proof-activate-scripting(nil advancing)
  (if ignore-proof-process-p nil (proof-activate-scripting nil (quote 
  (unless ignore-proof-process-p (proof-activate-scripting nil (quote 
  (progn (goto-char (proof-queue-or-locked-end)) (proof-assert-next-command))
  (if (eq proof-follow-mode (quote locked)) (progn (goto-char ...) 
(proof-assert-next-command)) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) 
  (proof-maybe-save-point (goto-char (proof-queue-or-locked-end)) 
  (progn (proof-maybe-save-point (goto-char ...) (proof-assert-next-command)) 
  (cond ((eq proof-buffer-type ...) (progn ... ...)) ((buffer-live-p 
proof-script-buffer) (with-current-buffer proof-script-buffer ... ...)))
  (proof-with-script-buffer (proof-maybe-save-point (goto-char ...) 
(proof-assert-next-command)) (proof-maybe-follow-locked-end))
  (lambda nil Process until the end of the next unprocessed command after 
point.\nIf inside a comment, just process until the start of the comment. 
(interactive) (proof-with-script-buffer (proof-maybe-save-point ... ...) 
  release-and-activate-toolbar-button(#buttonup-event button1up)

Andreas Gösele

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Re: [Debian-uk] ill?

2009-05-10 Thread Philip Hands
On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 02:41:57PM +0100, Harry Rickards wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 05/10/09 12:09, Julian Gilbey wrote:
  Is it my imagination, or is missing a *lot* of
  binary packages at the moment?  I just tried updating my testing
  machine, and hit about 60 403's; a look at the directory listings via shows that there are loads of
  missing files, such as libg/libgems-ruby/rubygems_1.3.2-1_all.deb.
  Debian-uk maillist  -
 I don't know if it's my problem or if it's the repo's problem, but
 similar to this I haven't been able to download *any* packages from the
 repository, since this morning. There were about 20 updates available, 1
 403'd and the rest said they were downloading at my usual speed, but
 stayed at 0%. Changing to the repo fixed this. By the
 looks of it, the Kent mirror of seems to be alright.
 The url is
 As the debian-uk list seems to be very quiet, I've also CC'ed this to
 the debian-user list/

The RAID controller had a bit of a brain hemorrhage today, and decided
that it would throw a load of bad blocks, which put several of the
file-systems into read-only.  If you were trying to access things at
that point, you'll have had trouble.

I was under the impression that the subsequent reboot had sorted things
out. Can anyone confirm/deny this?

Cheers, Phil.

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Re: [Debian-uk] ill?

2009-05-10 Thread Harry Rickards

On 10 May 2009, at 20:22, Philip Hands wrote:

On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 02:41:57PM +0100, Harry Rickards wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 05/10/09 12:09, Julian Gilbey wrote:

Is it my imagination, or is missing a *lot* of
binary packages at the moment?  I just tried updating my testing
machine, and hit about 60 403's; a look at the directory listings  
via shows that there are loads of
missing files, such as libg/libgems-ruby/rubygems_1.3.2-1_all.deb.


Debian-uk maillist  -

I don't know if it's my problem or if it's the repo's problem, but
similar to this I haven't been able to download *any* packages from  
repository, since this morning. There were about 20 updates  
available, 1

403'd and the rest said they were downloading at my usual speed, but
stayed at 0%. Changing to the repo fixed this. By the
looks of it, the Kent mirror of seems to be  

The url is
As the debian-uk list seems to be very quiet, I've also CC'ed this to
the debian-user list/

The RAID controller had a bit of a brain hemorrhage today, and decided
that it would throw a load of bad blocks, which put several of the
file-systems into read-only.  If you were trying to access things at
that point, you'll have had trouble.

I was under the impression that the subsequent reboot had sorted  

out. Can anyone confirm/deny this?

Cheers, Phil.

Yeah, it seems to be working fine for me now.

Harry Rickards

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Re: Untrusted packages

2009-05-10 Thread Jochen Schulz
M. Lewis:

 WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!

This can always happen if your (aptitude|apt-get) update happens in the
middle of your mirror being updated from the main repository. Maybe you
just need to update again.

I'm being paid to act weirdly.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Re: Rotating logs (and keeping the log's tail)

2009-05-10 Thread Frank Lin PIAT
Chris Jones wrote:
 Frank Lin PIAT wrote:
  On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 14:01 +0200, Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
   Frank Lin PIAT wrote:
I use a wiki engine that produces an event log, which I want to

Because the event-log is used to display the PageHits, I don't
want to truncate the log every Monday. I wish the log could
contain the last week, plus the current week, so the statistics
are never empty.

 Doesn't something along the lines of:

 $ cat /var/log/event-logs/log.week[01] | pagehits-stats

The problem is that the wiki engine only parse the current log file to
display the current statistics, by design :(
The long term solution is to modify the wiki engine, but I need a
solution until Squeeze is released.

(Actually, my problem is exactly the same as the command last, which
only parses /var/log/wtmp).


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xmms2, daap, audacious

2009-05-10 Thread Adam Hardy
I am stuck trying to play music from my daap server on another machine running 
xmms2 and audacious.

I've got the xmms2-plugin-daap package installed, but when i try this command:

xmms2 browse daap://isengard:3689

it lists all files with numbers instead of names.

in audacious, i just don't see anything at all - no songs even.

I have firefly running and browsing http://isengard:3689 in firefox shows the 
server config web interface saying that's running fine, and my girlfriend's mac 
with itunes can see the normal song titles etc.

any advice on what I might be doing wrong?


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Re: Re: Rotating logs (and keeping the log's tail)

2009-05-10 Thread Chris Jones
On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 05:58:27PM EDT, Frank Lin PIAT wrote:
 Chris Jones wrote:


 The problem is that the wiki engine only parse the current log file to
 display the current statistics, by design :(

Ouch..! Not very *nix, is it..?

But thanks for clarifying.. couldn't figure out what the problem was.



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php.ini change: no effect on Local Value

2009-05-10 Thread Toba
Hello all,

I want to set up Joomla! on a server.
I leaved register_globals to On in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini.
But as Joomla! requires register_globals to Off, I created a php.ini file in 
/var/www/joolma (the root directory).

Content of the file:

tsorpa:/var/www/joomla# cat php.ini
register_globals = off

But no effect when I check phpinfo(): register_globals is still set to ON on 
both Master Value and Local Value.

Does someone know why? Is my php.ini synthax incorrect? Have I to change 
something in main php.ini to permit a Local Value change?

Best regards,


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Re: [Debian-uk] ill?

2009-05-10 Thread Julian Gilbey
On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 09:03:24PM +0100, Harry Rickards wrote:
 The RAID controller had a bit of a brain hemorrhage today, and decided
 that it would throw a load of bad blocks, which put several of the
 file-systems into read-only.  If you were trying to access things at
 that point, you'll have had trouble.

 I was under the impression that the subsequent reboot had sorted  
 out. Can anyone confirm/deny this?

 Cheers, Phil.

 Yeah, it seems to be working fine for me now.

Ditto, thanks!


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Help with dict-client in Lenny?

2009-05-10 Thread s. keeling
Hi.  I've two Lenny boxes, both pretty much hand-crafted (as in no
Desktop Environment on install; I startx into fluxbox).

On one of them, dict-client works as expected.  It brings the result
up in a pager.  In the other box, no pager.  It just dumps it to
stdout.  How do I change this, or track down the problem?  I've looked
at, the manpage, googled dict pager, I can't see anything pertinent in /etc/dictd.
I have no ~/.dict*.


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Re: php.ini change: no effect on Local Value

2009-05-10 Thread Alex Infantes
On Domingo 10 Mayo 2009 18:44:01 Toba escribió:
 Hello all,

 I want to set up Joomla! on a server.
 I leaved register_globals to On in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini.
 But as Joomla! requires register_globals to Off, I created a php.ini file
 in /var/www/joolma (the root directory).

 Content of the file:

 tsorpa:/var/www/joomla# cat php.ini
 register_globals = off

 But no effect when I check phpinfo(): register_globals is still set to ON
 on both Master Value and Local Value.
 Does someone know why? Is my php.ini synthax incorrect? Have I to change
 something in main php.ini to permit a Local Value change?

 Best regards,


You could use .htaccess[1] instead of a local php.ini


Good Luck

Alex Infantes
Oruro - Bolivia

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Re: Untrusted packages

2009-05-10 Thread M. Lewis

Jochen Schulz wrote:

M. Lewis:

WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!

This can always happen if your (aptitude|apt-get) update happens in the
middle of your mirror being updated from the main repository. Maybe you
just need to update again.


Good to know Jochen! Thanks, apparently that was it. Today the install 
went fine, no warnings.



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Re: sid upgrade perl problem

2009-05-10 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 10 May 2009 08:21:18 -0400 (EDT)
Jude DaShiell wrote:

 When I finished the upgrade, the locale environment variables were not set 
 and later could not be set.  When I open man pages I get warnings about 
 lc_all and language variables.  That stuff was selected back when I 
 installed lenny though.  Can I do something to straighten things out?  I 
 had used utf8 and that was probably a mistake.

I had a problem like this one recently; search the archives for the
subject line locale errors.  The solution in my case was the removal
of a (legacy?) file '/etc/environment' which contained (only) the line:


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Re: Sound woes

2009-05-10 Thread Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum

 Iceweasel itself shouldn't grab the soundcard if your
 not on a site that uses 
 flash for audio. If you close the webpage after listening
 to flash audio the 
 soundcard is still in the being used state,
 Try these two commands below, which should show what is
 using the soundcard.
 lsof -n | grep /dev/dsp
 lsof | grep /dev/snd

The second command does show (i guess) that FireFox is the thing blocking the 

$ lsof -n | grep /dev/snd
mixer_app  4559  jen   21u  CHR  116,0  0t0 5715 
firefox-b  9631  jen  mem   CHR 116,16  5691 
firefox-b  9631  jen  151u  CHR 116,16  0t0 5691 

Im not sure where that leaves me, though.

 You could also install the alsa-oss package if it's not
 installed, and start 
 Firefox Iceweasel on the command line as below,
 which should allow you to 
 use other sound apps.
 aoss firefox

I tried this, but with no effect: restarting FireFox (i.e. Iceweasel) and i get 
the same thing--i can use other audio apps, until the first time i run an audio 
Flash app in FireFox, and then nothing else is available.

 I don't know much about pulseaudio, except that it is
 known to be responsible 
 for some problems, which is why I normally remove it, then
 your sound apps 
 use alsa directly.

If Alsa would do a good job with USB audio, id be more than thrilled to use it. 
I dont need fancy network sharing of my audio streams, or whatever else Pulse 

Thanks again



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Re: Help with dict-client in Lenny?

2009-05-10 Thread Charlie
On Sun, 10 May 2009 18:29:56 -0600 s. keeling
shared this with us all:

Hi.  I've two Lenny boxes, both pretty much hand-crafted (as in no
Desktop Environment on install; I startx into fluxbox).

On one of them, dict-client works as expected.  It brings the result
up in a pager.  In the other box, no pager.  It just dumps it to
stdout.  How do I change this, or track down the problem?  I've looked
at, the manpage, googled dict pager, I can't see anything pertinent in /etc/dictd.
I have no ~/.dict*.


This may help from man dict:

-c file or --config file
  Specify  the  configuration  file.   The  default  is
to  try ~/.dictrc and /etc/dictd/dict.conf, using the first file that
exists.  If a specific  con‐ figuration file is specified, then the
defaults will not be tried.

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Re: How to add page numbers to an existing pdf file

2009-05-10 Thread Paul Scott

On May 9, 2009, at 4:50 AM, M. Henne wrote:

Can someone tell me a tool, that can add page numbers to an  
existing pdf


Try pdftk.

Paul Scott

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Re: sid upgrade perl problem

2009-05-10 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Celejar wrote:
Jude DaShiell wrote:
 When I finished the upgrade, the locale environment variables were not set
 and later could not be set.  When I open man pages I get warnings about
 lc_all and language variables.

The solution in my case was the removal
of a (legacy?) file '/etc/environment' which contained (only) the line:


Which, because /etc/environment is not interpreted by a shell -- so there is 
no quote removal or word splitting -- left the double-quotes in the value 
assigned to LANG giving an invalid locale.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Cannot view xls file

2009-05-10 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis

It is a file generated by What's Up Gold that supposed to be a tabular data.
It can be viewed with MS Office 2003 as it should but not with OOo 3.0.1
from lenny-backports



Umarzuki Mochlis