Bitrate et vidéo

2009-12-20 Thread Zuthos

Lorsque je veut réduire une vidéo, j'utilise Avidemux, et je vais dans 
configurer la vidéo, changer le bitrate. Je met ensuite la valeur que je 
souhaite obtenir.

Tous fonctionne très bien. Mais, je ne comprend pas ce que je fait.

Me dit que le bitrate est en fait un débit binaire. Donc, quel est le rapport 
avec la taille de ma vidéo??

Merci d'avance

Description: Digital signature

Problème de PATH en mode console

2009-12-20 Thread Guy Roussin


Lorsque j'ouvre un terminal root sous gnome, j'obtiens cela :
r...@pcplat26:/homeL/guy# echo $PATH

Lorsque j'ouvre un terminal root dans une console (Ctrl-Alt-F1)
j'obtiens ça :
r...@pcplat26:~# echo $PATH

sans les /sbin et /usr/sbin ça marche nettement moins bien ...

Que se passe t-il ?

(Debian sid x86)

Guy Roussin

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Re: Bitrate et vidéo

2009-12-20 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Zuthos a écrit :
 Lorsque je veut réduire une vidéo, j'utilise Avidemux, et je vais dans 
 configurer la vidéo, changer le bitrate. Je met ensuite la valeur que je 
 souhaite obtenir.
 Tous fonctionne très bien. Mais, je ne comprend pas ce que je fait.
 Me dit que le bitrate est en fait un débit binaire. Donc, quel est le rapport 
 avec la taille de ma vidéo??

Houlà, tu vas faire sonner les systèmes de détection hautement 
sophistiqués (3x6 gus au fond d'un entrepôt industriel) d'hadopi!

En fait, c'est la même chose qu'un robinet: c'est la même eau qui coule,
pendant le même temps, mais avec un débit (qté d'infos) plus ou moins
Plus il-y-a d'infos, plus la qualité de la vidéo est élevée (bon, c'est 
pas tout à fait vrai: il-y-a d'autres parms qui comptent aussi, mais
j'vois pô mieux comme image).

Il existe de très bons papiers à porpos des compressions sur le net,
à commencer par les standards jpeg.

The 80's -- when you can't tell hairstyles from chemotherapy.

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Re: Bitrate et vidéo

2009-12-20 Thread Ludovic GOMEZ

Le 20 déc. 2009 à 10:33, Zuthos a écrit :

 Lorsque je veut réduire une vidéo, j'utilise Avidemux, et je vais dans 
 configurer la vidéo, changer le bitrate. Je met ensuite la valeur que je 
 souhaite obtenir.
 Tous fonctionne très bien. Mais, je ne comprend pas ce que je fait.
 Me dit que le bitrate est en fait un débit binaire. Donc, quel est le rapport 
 avec la taille de ma vidéo??
 Merci d'avance


qu'est ce que t'appelle taille de ma vidéo ?

si c'est le poids en octets, il est lié directement au bitrate de ton fichier 
1 min de vidéo à 1Mbits/s (Audio et vidéo) pèse 7.5 Mo (explication 1 min de 
vidéo correspond à 60 Mbits, en octets ça fait 60/8=7.5Mo)

si c'est la taille en pixel, cela n'influe pas sur le poids de ton fichier mais 
sur la résolution de ton image. Si la résolution choisie est trop grande pour 
le débit, ton image sera pixélisé : trop d'information à compresser.

D'autres facteurs peuvent entrer en compte, je te conseille la lecture de
Même si cet article est dédié au Mpeg 1 ou Mpeg 2, celà s'applique également à 
Mpeg4 (Xvid, divx, H264)

a plus
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Re: [HS] Salon RBLL2010

2009-12-20 Thread Franck Joncourt
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 01:02:40AM +0100, Kevin Hinault wrote:
 Bonjour à tous,


 J'aide à organiser les Rencontres Bretonnes du Logiciel Libre en Avril
 pour l'association Breizhtux. A cet effet, je souhaite proposer aux
 acteurs du Libre de participer autant pour présenter un stand que pour
 présenter des conférences sur les sujets qu'ils souhaitent. Est ce que
 des Debianistes (développeurs, mainteneurs, etc) seraient partant ?
 D'ailleurs est ce que je suis sur la bonne mailing-list pour ça ?
 Sinon corrigez moi :)

Tu peux tenter devel-french si tu veux cibler un peu plus les DDs et DMs.

 Les RBLL cette année auront lieu à Rennes plutôt qu'à St Brieuc, les
 détails viendront un peu plus tard mais nous ouvrons la possibilité à
 tous ceux qui serait intéressés de réserver un stand.
 Donc voilà, n'hésitez pas à me poser des questions où à me contacter.

Je prends note :)


Franck Joncourt

Description: Digital signature

[Resolu]: Bitrate et vidéo

2009-12-20 Thread Zuthos
Ludovic GOMEZ a écrit :

Merci de vos explications. Je comprend mieux.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Install de XP avec virt-manager sous lenny et xen

2009-12-20 Thread Jean Baptiste

Losque tu dis quil y a des accès disque puis plus rien: le domU est 
bien démarré ?

Pour vérifier, xm list doit retourner dom0 et domU

Si le domU n'est pas là, tu as un problème et il faut regarder dans les 

Ensuite, pour la console, netstat -tauplen |grep qemu-dm devrait 
retourner qque chose (sous toute réserve cependant: ça marche chez moi, 
mais une fois encore je n'utilise pas virt-manager. Il est donc possible 
que celui-ci utilise autre chose).

Dernière chose: tu fais tout en local où ton Dom0 est distant ? Dans ce 
cas, il faut peut-être faire un port-forwarding en ssh.

Mes 2 cents,

On 19/12/2009 22:44, Frederic Baldit wrote:

Le samedi 19 décembre 2009 à 17:13 +0100, Jean Baptiste a écrit :

Je ne connais pas virt-manager, mais je dirais que:
- Tu as oublié l'option console à la création de la VM
- Tu n'as pas installé les paquets nécessaires: virt-manager suggère le
paquet virt-viewer qui permet d'afficher la console VNC du domU.

si, virt-viewer est bien installé.
Je suis toujours bloqué, mais je me demande si le problème ne vient pas
de la façon avec laquelle je veux allouer de l'espace pour l'install de
XP. En fait j'ai coché Partition de disque normale et
indiqué /dev/sda3. Chez moi c'est une partition libre en fat32 de 100G
(j'ai libéré/partitionné cet espace justement pour installer mon XP
virtualisé). En fait cette partition est montée au boot (elle me servait
d'échange avec le vrai XP non virtualisé) par une ligne de mon fstab.
J'ai remarqué que si je ne démonte pas cette partition avant de lancer
la création de l'hôte j'ai un message d'erreur:

Device 768 (vbd) could not be connected. Device /dev/sda3 is mounted in
the privileged domain, and so cannot be mounted by a guest.

Par ailleurs, si je démonte la partition, ça commence (accès au CD
d'install) puis au bout d'un moment plus rien.
Je ne vois pa comment j'ai oublié l'option console à la création de la
VM, puisque jamais l'assistant de virt-manager ne m'en a parlé.
Bref, je suis bloqué.
Merci quand même.

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Re: [HS] Salon RBLL2010

2009-12-20 Thread JP Bochet (jeep)
 KH = Kevin Hinault

Le(On) Sun, 20 Dec 2009 01:02:40 +0100,
Kevin Hinault écrivait(wrote) :

   KH Bonjour à tous,

Kénavo Kévin,

   KH J'aide à organiser les Rencontres Bretonnes du Logiciel Libre
   KH en Avril pour l'association Breizhtux. A cet effet, je

Excellente initiative ... bevet Breiz ha Breiziz ! ;)

   KH D'ailleurs est ce que je suis sur la bonne mailing-list pour
   KH ça ?  Sinon corrigez moi :)

Nan, effectivement, cela ne concerne pas duf, essaie plutôt de ce
côté :

MAIS : Tu ne pourras pas y poster sans être adhérent de l'assoc'
'debian france' ... nonobstant, je te conseille d'y adhérer (c'est
valable pour les gens de duf AUSSI, tiens, pendant que j'y pense !),
pour ce faire, voir ma signature ; quant au site, c'est ici :

Si tu ne veux pas adhérer à l'association, tu peux également
contacter son président, Julien Blache, ici :
 'jblache at debian dot org'

Ceci dit, je vais lui envoyer une copie de ce post par mp et je fw
ton post sur la liste 'sl'.




Vous voulez soutenir, voire *participer* à la promotion du Projet
Debian en France ?
ADHÉREZ à l'association Debian France :

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Re: [HS] Salon RBLL2010

2009-12-20 Thread Julien BLACHE (JP Bochet (jeep)) wrote:


 Nan, effectivement, cela ne concerne pas duf, essaie plutôt de ce
 côté :

 MAIS : Tu ne pourras pas y poster sans être adhérent de l'assoc'
 'debian france' ... nonobstant, je te conseille d'y adhérer (c'est

La liste est ouverte à tous, et sert à coordonner les équipes qui
interviennent sur des évènements comme Solutions Linux (d'où le nom) et
autres comme les JDLL ou les RBLL justement.


Julien BLACHE  GPG KeyID 0xF5D65169

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Re: [HS] Salon RBLL2010

2009-12-20 Thread JP Bochet (jeep)

 Le Sun, 20 Dec 2009 16:32:48 +0100, ce très occupé Julien,
 dit JB-tout-court, nous narrait ceci, en substance :



MAIS : Tu ne pourras pas y poster sans être adhérent de
l'assoc' 'debian france' ... nonobstant, je te conseille d'y
adhérer (c'est

La liste est ouverte à tous, et sert à coordonner les équipes

Arf... au temps pour moi !
En fait, j'ai dû mal interpréter la 2ème partie de la phrase :
« Les mailing-lists [...]  sont ouvertes à tous ; seuls les inscrits
peuvent y participer pour réduire le spam transporté par les
listes. »,
sur le site, je sais cémal(tm).
Désolé. :/

 interviennent sur des évènements comme Solutions Linux (d'où le
 nom) et autres comme les JDLL ou les RBLL justement.

Auké, merci mon JB pour ces infos ... et la rapidité (comme
d'hab'(tm)) de ta réponse. ;)
L'essentiel [pour moi] étant que le contact soit noué ... et les
listiers [ohééé ! Ça *vous* concerne, les dufiens !] au courant de
l'existence de l'association, pour ceux -- bien entendu -- qui ne
l'étaient pas encore. :)

[serait-ce possible ??? :) ]


Quand un philosophe répond, on ne comprend plus la question qu'on
lui avait posé.

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Re: Bitrate et vidéo

2009-12-20 Thread maderios

Ludovic GOMEZ a écrit :

Le 20 déc. 2009 à 10:33, Zuthos a écrit :


Lorsque je veut réduire une vidéo, j'utilise Avidemux, et je vais dans 
configurer la vidéo, changer le bitrate. Je met ensuite la valeur que je 
souhaite obtenir.

Tous fonctionne très bien. Mais, je ne comprend pas ce que je fait.

Me dit que le bitrate est en fait un débit binaire. Donc, quel est le rapport 
avec la taille de ma vidéo??

Merci d'avance


qu'est ce que t'appelle taille de ma vidéo ?

si c'est le poids en octets, il est lié directement au bitrate de ton fichier 
1 min de vidéo à 1Mbits/s (Audio et vidéo) pèse 7.5 Mo (explication 1 min de 
vidéo correspond à 60 Mbits, en octets ça fait 60/8=7.5Mo)


si c'est la taille en pixel, cela n'influe pas sur le poids de ton fichier mais 
sur la résolution de ton image. Si la résolution choisie est trop grande pour 
le débit, ton image sera pixélisé : trop d'information à compresser.
Il s'agit de de la définition d'une image  et non de sa 
résolution, terme français traduit stupidement à partir du mot 
anglais resolution qui signifie bien définition.

En imagerie et en bon français :
- la résolution est le nombre de points ou pixels par rapport à une 
surface donnée. Ex : Une impression dont la résolution est de 600 pp = 
600 points par pouce. Les capacités de résolution d'un objectif 
(optique) s'expriment en lignes par millimètre.

- la définition est le nombre de points ou pixels totaux contenus dans 
une image, capeur, écran, etc. Ex : un capteur d'une définition de 20 
000 pixels, un écran d'une définition de 1920x1080 pixels. Idem pour 
la vidéo.

Bon dimanche

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Re: Bitrate et vidéo

2009-12-20 Thread Ludovic GOMEZ

Le 20/12/2009 18:21, maderios a écrit :
Il s'agit de de la définition d'une image  et non de sa 
résolution, terme français traduit stupidement à partir du mot 
anglais resolution qui signifie bien définition.

En imagerie et en bon français :
- la résolution est le nombre de points ou pixels par rapport à une 
surface donnée. Ex : Une impression dont la résolution est de 600 pp = 
600 points par pouce. Les capacités de résolution d'un objectif 
(optique) s'expriment en lignes par millimètre.

- la définition est le nombre de points ou pixels totaux contenus dans 
une image, capeur, écran, etc. Ex : un capteur d'une définition de 20 
000 pixels, un écran d'une définition de 1920x1080 pixels. Idem pour 
la vidéo.

Bon dimanche


désolé de cet erreur, j'avais déjà vu un article à ce sujet, mais par 
abus de langage, on a l'habitude d'utiliser résolution à la place de 
Merci pour l'explication détaillée je vais essayer de m'en souvenir pour 
la suite.

Bonne fin de dimanche également

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Re: demande d'éffacement de mail sur la receptin

2009-12-20 Thread gvo
Le Fri, 18 Dec 2009 15:04:57 + (GMT),
Claude LURIE a écrit :

 tous ces mails (40 ) qui attendent sur hotmail en page d'accueil je
 voudrais les détruires comment faut-il faire ?

Je ne sais pas comment on gère la boite hotmail désolé par contre si tu
ne joue plus tu peux désactiver la reception des mail déjà en te

Si tu ne veux pas te connecter je peux le faire pour toi.

Bonne soirée ;)


Description: PGP signature

apt-get exit-code

2009-12-20 Thread Gaël

Je rencontre un problème, tout bête certainement, mais même après
quelques jours de tests et moult googlisations, et ben ...

Je prépare un script qui utilise, entre autres, des commandes 'apt-get'
et je souhaite exploiter les codes de retour. Malheureusement, les
commandes 'apt-get' me retournent systématiquement 0, même lorsque la
commande 'apt-get update' ne peut atteindre ses dépôts du sources.list

Bien sûr, il m'est possible de ruser, et d'ajouter un certain nombre de
tests, mais il me semble quand même surprenant que l'on ne puisse pas
exploiter les exit-code (ou assimilés ?) dans le cas d'apt.

Merci et bonne soirée.



Si Microsoft inventait un truc qui ne plante pas, ce serait un clou.

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Re: apt-get exit-code

2009-12-20 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Gaël a écrit :
 Je rencontre un problème, tout bête certainement, mais même après
 quelques jours de tests et moult googlisations, et ben ...
 Je prépare un script qui utilise, entre autres, des commandes 'apt-get'
 et je souhaite exploiter les codes de retour. Malheureusement, les
 commandes 'apt-get' me retournent systématiquement 0, même lorsque la
 commande 'apt-get update' ne peut atteindre ses dépôts du sources.list
 Bien sûr, il m'est possible de ruser, et d'ajouter un certain nombre de
 tests, mais il me semble quand même surprenant que l'on ne puisse pas
 exploiter les exit-code (ou assimilés ?) dans le cas d'apt.
 Merci et bonne soirée.

tiré du man apt-get fr (avec la faute de sémantique originale):
   apt-get renvoie zéro après une opération normale, le décimal 100 en cas 

Pain is just God's way of hurting you.

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Re: apt-get exit-code

2009-12-20 Thread Gaël
Merci pour cette (re)lecture du man, mais cette réponse ne m'avance pas
énormément. En temps normal :

apt-get update
echo $?

et exactement le même résultat après désactivation de la carte réseau,
avec multiples W: Impossible de récupérer http://www [...]
et : 
W: Le téléchargement de quelques fichiers d'index a échoué, ils ont été
ignorés, ou les anciens ont été utilisés à la place.

g...@twelve:/$ echo $?

Le dimanche 20 décembre 2009 à 20:34 +0100, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a
écrit :
 Gaël a écrit :
  Je rencontre un problème, tout bête certainement, mais même après
  quelques jours de tests et moult googlisations, et ben ...
  Je prépare un script qui utilise, entre autres, des commandes 'apt-get'
  et je souhaite exploiter les codes de retour. Malheureusement, les
  commandes 'apt-get' me retournent systématiquement 0, même lorsque la
  commande 'apt-get update' ne peut atteindre ses dépôts du sources.list
  Bien sûr, il m'est possible de ruser, et d'ajouter un certain nombre de
  tests, mais il me semble quand même surprenant que l'on ne puisse pas
  exploiter les exit-code (ou assimilés ?) dans le cas d'apt.
  Merci et bonne soirée.
 tiré du man apt-get fr (avec la faute de sémantique originale):
apt-get renvoie zéro après une opération normale, le décimal 100 en 
 cas d'erreur.
 Pain is just God's way of hurting you.



Si Microsoft inventait un truc qui ne plante pas, ce serait un clou.

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``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To:

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Re: apt-get exit-code

2009-12-20 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Gaël a écrit :
 Merci pour cette (re)lecture du man, mais cette réponse ne m'avance pas
 énormément. En temps normal :
   apt-get update
   echo $?
 et exactement le même résultat après désactivation de la carte réseau,
 avec multiples W: Impossible de récupérer http://www [...]
 et : 
 W: Le téléchargement de quelques fichiers d'index a échoué, ils ont été
 ignorés, ou les anciens ont été utilisés à la place.

ça n'est pas une erreur critique

A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.

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``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To:

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Healthy lifestyle in the new year.

2009-12-20 Thread
Healthy lifestyle in the new year. 

Shop twenty-first century, 

healthy shop: 

Re: barra herramientas de gnome

2009-12-20 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 20 Dec 2009 01:02:30 -0500, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda

 Buena noche lista, resulta que moficando el evolution desde el synaptic
 borre mis barras de herramientas de mi menú (aplicaciones-lugares y
 sistema) y demás iconos de lanzadores que tenia en ella, ahora solo la
 tengo por medio de un lanzador gnome-panel el cual me permite
 activarla. Mi pregunta es ¿Como activar esta para que cuando ingrese a
 mi Debian Lenny esta aparezca desde el inicio?

¿Te refieres a la barra de menú personalizada? :-?

Botón derecho sobre el panel / añadir al panel / barra de menú 

No recuerdo si era necesario guardar la sesión para hacer los cambios 



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Re: barra herramientas de gnome

2009-12-20 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Hey Camaleón, ya lo hice eso mira así:

desaparecio gnome-panel
1. click derecho sobre el escritorio
2. crear un lanzador
3. en la nueva ventana que se abre en el primer espacio en blanco
escribe nombre panel sin comillas, ahora en el segundo espacio vacio
que dice   comando escribe: gnome-panel
4. aceptar
veras en el escritorio un icono nuevo si lo abres automaticamente
cargará el gnome-panel y asunto solucionado.

Lo anterior funciona pero lo que necesito es que cuando inicie Debian
la barra aparezca en el escritorio sin tener que hacerlo desde el

Permitanme un screenshot:


Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Linux Registered User #474919
Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze/sid \n \l
Máquina  #394093_User #143

La meta es conseguir, defender y mantener nuestra libertad

El día 20 de diciembre de 2009 05:25, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 20 Dec 2009 01:02:30 -0500, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda

 Buena noche lista, resulta que moficando el evolution desde el synaptic
 borre mis barras de herramientas de mi menú (aplicaciones-lugares y
 sistema) y demás iconos de lanzadores que tenia en ella, ahora solo la
 tengo por medio de un lanzador gnome-panel el cual me permite
 activarla. Mi pregunta es ¿Como activar esta para que cuando ingrese a
 mi Debian Lenny esta aparezca desde el inicio?

 ¿Te refieres a la barra de menú personalizada? :-?

 Botón derecho sobre el panel / añadir al panel / barra de menú

 No recuerdo si era necesario guardar la sesión para hacer los cambios



 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: barra herramientas de gnome

2009-12-20 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 20 Dec 2009 08:28:17 -0500, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda

 Hey Camaleón, ya lo hice eso mira así:
 desaparecio gnome-panel
 1. click derecho sobre el escritorio
 2. crear un lanzador
 3. en la nueva ventana que se abre en el primer espacio en blanco
 escribe nombre panel sin comillas, ahora en el segundo espacio vacio
 que dice   comando escribe: gnome-panel 4. aceptar
 veras en el escritorio un icono nuevo si lo abres automaticamente
 cargará el gnome-panel y asunto solucionado.
 Lo anterior funciona pero lo que necesito es que cuando inicie Debian la
 barra aparezca en el escritorio sin tener que hacerlo desde el lanzador.
 Permitanme un screenshot:

Entonces prueba guardando la sesión una vez que hayas cargado el gnome-
panel, quizá sólo te falte eso. 

En sistema / preferencias / sesiones / sesión actual te debe aparecer  
el gnome-panel :-?



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/etc/alternatives específ ico por usuario

2009-12-20 Thread d . sastre . medina

  Estoy intentando averiguar si update-alternatives (8) provee de
algún mecanismo que permita establecer preferencias a nivel de
usuario, algo como un directorio ${HOME}/.alternatives.
  Por lo que he podido encontrar [1][2] y la propia man, no existe
nada similar.
Entiendo que lo más simple es un alias, pero tengo la duda de si
alguien ha implementado una solución así. 


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Re: barra herramientas de gnome

2009-12-20 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Que bien. Camaleón esa era la solución!



Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
Linux Registered User #474919
Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze/sid \n \l
Máquina  #394093_User #143

La meta es conseguir, defender y mantener nuestra libertad

El día 20 de diciembre de 2009 08:44, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 20 Dec 2009 08:28:17 -0500, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda

 Hey Camaleón, ya lo hice eso mira así:

 desaparecio gnome-panel
 1. click derecho sobre el escritorio
 2. crear un lanzador
 3. en la nueva ventana que se abre en el primer espacio en blanco
 escribe nombre panel sin comillas, ahora en el segundo espacio vacio
 que dice       comando escribe: gnome-panel 4. aceptar
 veras en el escritorio un icono nuevo si lo abres automaticamente
 cargará el gnome-panel y asunto solucionado.

 Lo anterior funciona pero lo que necesito es que cuando inicie Debian la
 barra aparezca en el escritorio sin tener que hacerlo desde el lanzador.

 Permitanme un screenshot:

 Entonces prueba guardando la sesión una vez que hayas cargado el gnome-
 panel, quizá sólo te falte eso.

 En sistema / preferencias / sesiones / sesión actual te debe aparecer
 el gnome-panel :-?



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Re: /etc/alternatives específico por usuario

2009-12-20 Thread fernando sainz
El día 20 de diciembre de 2009 19:16, escribió:

  Estoy intentando averiguar si update-alternatives (8) provee de
 algún mecanismo que permita establecer preferencias a nivel de
 usuario, algo como un directorio ${HOME}/.alternatives.
  Por lo que he podido encontrar [1][2] y la propia man, no existe
 nada similar.
 Entiendo que lo más simple es un alias, pero tengo la duda de si
 alguien ha implementado una solución así.

Creo que tu mismo te das la respuesta.
Puedes usar bien los alias en tu .bashrc o similares o también
tendrías la opción de crearte un $HOME/bin donde poner enlaces
simbólicos a los programas que quieras y poner esa ruta prinero en el

En cuanto a lo del update-alternatives no se si sería posible, mira
las opciones en el man:

   --altdir directory
  Specifies the alternatives directory, when this is to be differ‐
  ent from the default.

   --admindir directory
  Specifies the administrative directory, when this is to be  dif‐
  ferent from the default.

Pero ten en cuenta que las alternativas se basan en que los
ejecutables de /usr/bin apuntan a /etc/alternatives que a su
vez apunta al programa real.


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Programas Streaming Shoutcast en Debian Lenny

2009-12-20 Thread Galnyerus
Saludos a todos...

Deseo saber con cuales opciones cuento en Debian (Lenny o Squeeze), para
realizar streaming por medio de un servidor Shoutcast (este ultimo es
imprescindible pues el servidor solo acepta este sistema), la razón para
ello es que deseo convertirme en DJ de una pequeña radio...

Ya conozco algunos buenos programas para realizar las mezclas tales como
Mixx y UltraMixer, pero desearía saber como hacer que uno de estos programas
haga streaming Shoutcast.

De antemano gracias por la ayuda que puedan ofrecerme.

-- Asi como un despiadado ángel, un joven Mesías llega a ser leyenda,
tomando todo lo que hay dentro de tí, haciendo que tus sueños te
traicionasen --

RE: error al enviar correo postfix

2009-12-20 Thread Leonel Hernández Grandela
Mis saludos a todos!! quiero darle muchisisisismas gracias por el gran 
avance que me ha ayudado a dar en mi instalación!!! al colega Carlos 
Valderrama .. todo me quedó de lujo :) .. con lo que ha ayudado ando 
casi al 100% con mi server de correos pues ya cuando creo un usuario vía 
web .. el sistema manda un mensaje algo raro ahí el cuál quiero cambiar 
pero aun no encuentro donde se predetermina eso si alguien sabe como 
cambiar favor de  dejármelo saber ;) ..  los directorios se crean de 
lujo también sin problemas ... solo que he estado mirando que en todos 
los usuarios que he creado para probar nadamás me crea una sola bandeja 
que la miro en el roundcube que es el cliente web que pienso implementar 
y es la bandeja es la de entrada ... y me gustaría que el sistema me 
autocrease estas bandejas por defecto al crearse el directorio .. 
Entrada, Borradores, Enviados, Basura,Papelera en la de entrada de hecho 
se guardarían los mensajes que ahí estén y los que entren nuevo que asi 
está ahciendolo el sistema por el momento sin problemas .. en Borradores 
que se guarden los borradores cada cierto tiempo o cuando el usuario los 
guarde :) .. en enviados lo mismo . se guarden los correos enviados 
todos los enviados .. en basura algo asi como lo que el usuario declare 
spam ... y en papelera pues los que el usuario elimine ... otro detalle 
que me queda es que no me permite eliminar ningún mensaje :-/ cuando los 
mando a eliminar me dice que no se ha podido eliminar y los permisos de 
la carpeta son del usuario vmail a full todos los permisos pues si algo 
anduviera mal creo no me creara los directorios y ya los crea 
perfectamente pero bueno como decía sin las bandejas que quiero se creen 
solas cuando añada un nuevo usuario al sistema ... otro detalle que me 
queda por arreglar es que cuando elimino el usuario vía web que chequeo 
el directorio de usuarios el perfil de el con su carpeta no se ha 
eliminado quisiera ver si cuando elimine el usuario se elimine su 
contenido de su carpeta también ... y el ultimo detalle para que me 
quede eso de maravillas es el tema de la cuota .. veo algo que ahi algo 
por ahi implementado acerca de la cuota pero he estado leyéndome acerca 
de eso dicen que hay que parchear postfix o algo así .. pero no me he 
puesto a inventar nada para no estropear este magnífico trabajo que me 
ha ayudado a hacer el colega Carlos Valderrama y esperaré por opiniones 
de los más expertos en el tema .. ... bueno si alguien puede ayudarme 
con algún aporte le agradeceré :) .. *GRACIAS*


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: /etc/alternatives específico por usuario

2009-12-20 Thread

  Estoy intentando averiguar si update-alternatives (8) provee de
 algún mecanismo que permita establecer preferencias a nivel de
 usuario, algo como un directorio ${HOME}/.alternatives.
  Por lo que he podido encontrar [1][2] y la propia man, no existe
 nada similar.
 Entiendo que lo más simple es un alias, pero tengo la duda de si
 alguien ha implementado una solución así.



La Voluntad es el unico motor de nuestros logros
Mstaaravin /

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JDownloader crash de X

2009-12-20 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
Hola, quiero saber si a alguien le ha sucedido esto, con el JDownloader
y kde4 apenas se abre el splash:

También si lo han solucionado, yo lo mas cerca que he estado es ejecutar
openbox --replace y así no molesta, luego hago kwin --replace y entonces
ya trabaja bien incluso con efectos gráficos.

El problema parece ser de kwin, pero quisiera saber si a alguien mas le
sucede antes de reportarlo como un bug.

Nota: he probado con y sin composición, y con OpenJDK así como con


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Re: /etc/alternatives espec ífico por usuario

2009-12-20 Thread d . sastre . medina
   Estoy intentando averiguar si update-alternatives (8) provee de
  algún mecanismo que permita establecer preferencias a nivel de
  usuario, algo como un directorio ${HOME}/.alternatives.
   Por lo que he podido encontrar [1][2] y la propia man, no existe
  nada similar.
  Entiendo que lo más simple es un alias, pero tengo la duda de si
  alguien ha implementado una solución así.
 Creo que tu mismo te das la respuesta.
 Puedes usar bien los alias en tu .bashrc o similares o también
 tendrías la opción de crearte un $HOME/bin donde poner enlaces
 simbólicos a los programas que quieras y poner esa ruta prinero en el
 En cuanto a lo del update-alternatives no se si sería posible, mira
 las opciones en el man:
--altdir directory
   Specifies the alternatives directory, when this is to be 
   ent from the default.
--admindir directory
   Specifies the administrative directory, when this is to be  
   ferent from the default.
 Pero ten en cuenta que las alternativas se basan en que los
 ejecutables de /usr/bin apuntan a /etc/alternatives que a su
 vez apunta al programa real.
  Gracias por la respuesta.
  Dado que lo quiero es hacer accesibles algunos programas compilados
bajo /usr/local a ciertos usuarios, con precedencia a los establecidos
en /etc/alternatives, me parece más adecuada la otra opción que
propones (mejor que el uso de alias): links simbólicos bajo
${HOME}/.dist/bin (en mi caso), que se evalúa en primer lugar en mi
  Gracias de nuevo.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: /etc/alternatives espec ífico por usuario

2009-12-20 Thread d . sastre . medina
   Estoy intentando averiguar si update-alternatives (8) provee de
  algún mecanismo que permita establecer preferencias a nivel de
  usuario, algo como un directorio ${HOME}/.alternatives.
   Por lo que he podido encontrar [1][2] y la propia man, no existe
  nada similar.
  Entiendo que lo más simple es un alias, pero tengo la duda de si
  alguien ha implementado una solución así.
Lo siento, no entiendo lo que propones.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Micrófono en HP-G60

2009-12-20 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El día 18 de diciembre de 2009 20:20, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:
 El día 18 de diciembre de 2009 18:54, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:
 El día 18 de diciembre de 2009 17:56, Omar Munoz Morales escribió:
 2009/12/18 Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
 Hola amigos, he buscado por muchos foros y blogs y lo único
 que he encontrado es indicarle a el módulo hda-intel de que
 equipo se trata, para ello edito el archivo /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
 agregando esta línea:
 options snd-hda-intel model=hp , también he puesto laptop-hp, pero sigue
 sin funcionar el micrófono. les dejo mi lspci. y mi

 La tarjeta en cuestión es esta:

 00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High
 Definition Audio (rev a1)
     Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device
     Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ
     Memory at c000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
     Capabilities: access
     Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel

 El ekiga tampoco me funciona, de hecho nisiquiera la salida de audio.


 La mejor opción es compilar ALSA indicandole el modulo HDA Intel, de
 esa manera funciona correctamente.

 Omar Muñoz M.

 Raro en lenny no tenía que hacerlo. Ahora en Testing y Sid no se, voy a
 probar compilando.

 Que cosas me da dos errores la compilación de alsa, tengo esto:

  ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid.
         include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing.
         Run 'make oldconfig  make prepare' on kernel src to fix it.

  WARNING: Symbol version dump
           is missing; modules will have no dependencies and modversions.

 Entonces descargo las fuentes del kernel, le hago make oldconfig, luego
 make prepare y ya no sale el primer error pero si me sale este error:

  CC [M]  /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.22/acore/hwdep.o
 /bin/sh: scripts/genksyms/genksyms: not found
 make[3]: *** [/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.22/acore/hwdep.o] Error 127
 make[2]: *** [/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.22/acore] Error 2
 make[1]: *** [_module_/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.22] Error 2
 make[1]: se sale del directorio `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32'
 make: *** [compile] Error 2

 Pero esto podría ser por no haber compilado esas fuentes??


Hola, para que todos nos informemos y nos sirva, hay un bug
en las headers de debian para el kernel, entonces ni modo, si
quieren compilar alsa tendrán que usar un kernel vanilla, osea

Siguiendo con mi problema, les cuento que el micrófono me trabaja
con el jack externo, osea con la entrada externa, pero el interno
no va. Alguna luz?


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Prueba de java

2009-12-20 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
Hola, a alguien le funciona la prueba de la java de sun?

He verificado con sun-java6-plugin, con OpenJDK y IcedTead
También he probado con qcj, pero nada, recuerdo que en lenny
esta prueba funcionaba, ahora estoy en sid.

Alguien con squeeze o sid que le funcione?, lo digo porque
por lo menos el cargador de fotos de facebook no me va y si
que lo necesito para migrar a mis clientes.


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Re: /etc/alternatives específico por usuario

2009-12-20 Thread
   Estoy intentando averiguar si update-alternatives (8) provee de
  algún mecanismo que permita establecer preferencias a nivel de
  usuario, algo como un directorio ${HOME}/.alternatives.
   Por lo que he podido encontrar [1][2] y la propia man, no existe
  nada similar.
  Entiendo que lo más simple es un alias, pero tengo la duda de si
  alguien ha implementado una solución así.


 Lo siento, no entiendo lo que propones.

Bueno, a ver si despabilamos un poco, dejás de ser tan pelotudo y
mejor te fijás lo que hay en /et/skel/
te parece.?


La Voluntad es el unico motor de nuestros logros
Mstaaravin /

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Re: Prueba de java

2009-12-20 Thread Luis Lezcano Airaldi
El dom, 20-12-2009 a las 17:27 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
 Hola, a alguien le funciona la prueba de la java de sun?
 He verificado con sun-java6-plugin, con OpenJDK y IcedTead
 También he probado con qcj, pero nada, recuerdo que en lenny
 esta prueba funcionaba, ahora estoy en sid.
 Alguien con squeeze o sid que le funcione?, lo digo porque
 por lo menos el cargador de fotos de facebook no me va y si
 que lo necesito para migrar a mis clientes.

A mí no me funciona, lo probé con sun-java6-plugin en Chrome y
Iceweasel. El plugin se carga pero lanza varias excepciones de class
not found.

Supongo que tiene que ver con la versión de java instalada.


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RE: error al enviar correo postfix

2009-12-20 Thread Luis Lezcano Airaldi
El dom, 20-12-2009 a las 16:06 -0500, Leonel Hernández Grandela
 Mis saludos a todos!! quiero darle muchisisisismas gracias por el gran 
 avance que me ha ayudado a dar en mi instalación!!! al colega Carlos 
 Valderrama .. todo me quedó de lujo :) .. con lo que ha ayudado ando 
 casi al 100% con mi server de correos pues ya cuando creo un usuario vía 
 web .. el sistema manda un mensaje algo raro ahí el cuál quiero cambiar 
 pero aun no encuentro donde se predetermina eso si alguien sabe como 
 cambiar favor de  dejármelo saber ;) ..  los directorios se crean de 
 lujo también sin problemas ... solo que he estado mirando que en todos 
 los usuarios que he creado para probar nadamás me crea una sola bandeja 
 que la miro en el roundcube que es el cliente web que pienso implementar 
 y es la bandeja es la de entrada ... y me gustaría que el sistema me 
 autocrease estas bandejas por defecto al crearse el directorio .. 
 Entrada, Borradores, Enviados, Basura,Papelera en la de entrada de hecho 
 se guardarían los mensajes que ahí estén y los que entren nuevo que asi 
 está ahciendolo el sistema por el momento sin problemas .. en Borradores 
 que se guarden los borradores cada cierto tiempo o cuando el usuario los 
 guarde :) .. en enviados lo mismo . se guarden los correos enviados 
 todos los enviados .. en basura algo asi como lo que el usuario declare 
 spam ... y en papelera pues los que el usuario elimine ... 

No estoy al tanto de tu problema, pero yo cada vez que creaba un nuevo
usuario usaba el comando mkmaildir y éste creaba los directorios de
correo en formato Maildir (con papelera, eviados, borradores, inbox),
después el servidor IMAP (Courier-imap) las detectaba automáticamente
cuando el usuario en cuestión accedía a través de la interfaz we
(Squirrellmail en mi caso).

 otro detalle 
 que me queda es que no me permite eliminar ningún mensaje :-/ cuando los 
 mando a eliminar me dice que no se ha podido eliminar y los permisos de 
 la carpeta son del usuario vmail a full todos los permisos pues si algo 
 anduviera mal creo no me creara los directorios y ya los crea 

Si no entendí mal, estás creando los usuarios a través de una interfaz
web? Porque si es así, el servidor web se ejecuta como usuario www-data
y no va a poder crear, modificar o eliminar directorios.

 pero bueno como decía sin las bandejas que quiero se creen 
 solas cuando añada un nuevo usuario al sistema ... otro detalle que me 
 queda por arreglar es que cuando elimino el usuario vía web que chequeo 
 el directorio de usuarios el perfil de el con su carpeta no se ha 
 eliminado quisiera ver si cuando elimine el usuario se elimine su 
 contenido de su carpeta también ... y el ultimo detalle para que me 
 quede eso de maravillas es el tema de la cuota .. veo algo que ahi algo 
 por ahi implementado acerca de la cuota pero he estado leyéndome acerca 
 de eso dicen que hay que parchear postfix o algo así .. pero no me he 
 puesto a inventar nada para no estropear este magnífico trabajo que me 
 ha ayudado a hacer el colega Carlos Valderrama y esperaré por opiniones 
 de los más expertos en el tema .. ... bueno si alguien puede ayudarme 
 con algún aporte le agradeceré :) .. *GRACIAS*

Con respecto a las cuotas, creo que se implementa en el servidor
POP3/IMAP, aunque no estoy seguro. Creo que si usás directorios Maildir
solamente hay que modificar alguna opción en algún archivo de
configuración del directorio.


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Re: Prueba de java

2009-12-20 Thread Federico Sciarretta Miliozzi
Luis Lezcano Airaldi wrote:
 El dom, 20-12-2009 a las 17:27 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
 Hola, a alguien le funciona la prueba de la java de sun?

 He verificado con sun-java6-plugin, con OpenJDK y IcedTead
 También he probado con qcj, pero nada, recuerdo que en lenny
 esta prueba funcionaba, ahora estoy en sid.

 Alguien con squeeze o sid que le funcione?, lo digo porque
 por lo menos el cargador de fotos de facebook no me va y si
 que lo necesito para migrar a mis clientes.

 A mí no me funciona, lo probé con sun-java6-plugin en Chrome y
 Iceweasel. El plugin se carga pero lanza varias excepciones de class
 not found.

 Supongo que tiene que ver con la versión de java instalada.


A mi tampoco me funciono, es mas probe desde un ubuntu y nada.

r...@byson:~# java -version
java version 1.6.0_0
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu12)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode)


Federico Sciarretta Miliozzi
Linux Registered User #399792
GNU/Linux Debian Stable

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Re: Programas Streaming Shoutcast en Debian Lenny

2009-12-20 Thread hubble
El Sun, 20 Dec 2009 16:19:17 -0400
Galnyerus va dir:

 Saludos a todos...
 Deseo saber con cuales opciones cuento en Debian (Lenny o Squeeze), para
 realizar streaming por medio de un servidor Shoutcast (este ultimo es
 imprescindible pues el servidor solo acepta este sistema), la razón para
 ello es que deseo convertirme en DJ de una pequeña radio...
 Ya conozco algunos buenos programas para realizar las mezclas tales como
 Mixx y UltraMixer, pero desearía saber como hacer que uno de estos programas
 haga streaming Shoutcast.

El streaming de sonido se puede hacer de 2 maneras:

1.- En tu máquina haces funcionar un cliente y además un servidor de streaming. 
El cliente coge la señal de audio, la comprime a ogg o mp3 i la envía al 
servidor de streaming a donde se engancharan los reproductores para coger la 

2.- En tu máquina haces correr un cliente de streaming que coge la señal de 
audio, la comprime a ogg o mp3 i la envía a un servidor de streaming que esta 
en otro sitio y este emite la señal para los reproductores.

La primera opción la puedes hacer toda con tu debian, usando, por ejemplo, 
ices2 como cliente e icecast2 como servidor. El inconveniente que tiene esto es 
que si lo haces con una conexión casera, en cuanto tienes un par de oyentes, se 
te han llevado todo el ancho de banda de subida.

La segunda opción es la que se usa en cuanto tienes un par de oyentes, es decir 
tu haces la señal en tu máquina y la envías con el cliente a un servidor 
dedicado que cuenta con un ancho de banda suficiente como para que soporte el 
número de conexiones necesarias. Como punto negativo está el hecho de encontrar 
un servidor externo bueno, bonito y barato :)   Por internet encontraras 
prestadores de servicios que te pueden ofrecer eso. Yo hace tiempo utilice que utiliza programario libre y era gratis. Con ices2 me apañaba.

Por lo que has escrito me ha parecido entender que usarás la 2a opción, para 
ello es necesario que sepas qué servidor utilizan ellos, para poder encontrar 
un cliente que se adecúe. Según dices debe de ser shoutcast, icecast-server es 
compatible Nullsoft Shoutcast y ezstream podría ser el cliente. 

te recomendaria que ejecutaras los siguientes comandos:

$ aptitude show icecast-server
$ aptitude show ezstream

apa, suerte.

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Re: Prueba de java

2009-12-20 Thread Matías Bellone
2009/12/20 Federico Sciarretta Miliozzi
 Luis Lezcano Airaldi wrote:
 El dom, 20-12-2009 a las 17:27 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Hola, a alguien le funciona la prueba de la java de sun?

 He verificado con sun-java6-plugin, con OpenJDK y IcedTead
 También he probado con qcj, pero nada, recuerdo que en lenny
 esta prueba funcionaba, ahora estoy en sid.

 Alguien con squeeze o sid que le funcione?, lo digo porque
 por lo menos el cargador de fotos de facebook no me va y si
 que lo necesito para migrar a mis clientes.

 A mí no me funciona, lo probé con sun-java6-plugin en Chrome y
 Iceweasel. El plugin se carga pero lanza varias excepciones de class
 not found.

 Supongo que tiene que ver con la versión de java instalada.


 A mi tampoco me funciono, es mas probe desde un ubuntu y nada.

 r...@byson:~# java -version
 java version 1.6.0_0
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu12)
 OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode)

En el frankenstein (medio squeeze, medio sid) que tengo en la laptop
anda sin problemas (pero sí dice que no estoy usando el recomendado
que es el 17, no el 16).

to...@eternia:~$ java -version
java version 1.6.0_16
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)

to...@eternia:~$ aptitude show sun-java6-plugin | grep
Package: sun-java6-plugin
State: installed
Version: 6-16-1
to...@eternia:~$ aptitude show sun-java6-jre | grep
Package\|State\|VersionPackage: sun-java6-jre
State: installed
Version: 6-16-1
to...@eternia:~$ aptitude show sun-java6-bin | grep Package\|State\|Version
Package: sun-java6-bin
State: installed
Version: 6-16-1
to...@eternia:~$ aptitude show iceweasel | grep Package\|State\|Version
Package: iceweasel
State: installed
Version: 3.5.5-1


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Re: JDownloader crash de X

2009-12-20 Thread Sylvia Sánchez

El dom, 20-12-2009 a las 16:48 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Hola, quiero saber si a alguien le ha sucedido esto, con el JDownloader
 y kde4 apenas se abre el splash:
 También si lo han solucionado, yo lo mas cerca que he estado es ejecutar
 openbox --replace y así no molesta, luego hago kwin --replace y entonces
 ya trabaja bien incluso con efectos gráficos.
 El problema parece ser de kwin, pero quisiera saber si a alguien mas le
 sucede antes de reportarlo como un bug.
 Nota: he probado con y sin composición, y con OpenJDK así como con

Qué feo que se ve esa imagen.  Yo no tengo JDownloader y por el momento
no he tenido el más mínimo problema con KDE 4.4 pero quién sabe...
recién lo estoy probando, no he podido hacer ni un miserable enlace.  
El que sí me ha hecho algún crash con las X ha sido Gnome pero nada que
no se solucione con un cambio de usuario.

Si tengo algún problema similar al tuyo te aviso


Re: /etc/alternatives específico por usuario

2009-12-20 Thread fernandojoseGmail wrote:

  Estoy intentando averiguar si update-alternatives (8) provee de
 algún mecanismo que permita establecer preferencias a nivel de
 usuario, algo como un directorio ${HOME}/.alternatives.
  Por lo que he podido encontrar [1][2] y la propia man, no existe
 nada similar.
 Entiendo que lo más simple es un alias, pero tengo la duda de si
 alguien ha implementado una solución así.

 Lo siento, no entiendo lo que propones.
 Bueno, a ver si despabilamos un poco, dejás de ser tan pelotudo y
 mejor te fijás lo que hay en /et/skel/
 te parece.?

Primero: a ver si cuidamos un poco las formas.
Segundo: Creo que deberías leer lo que preguntan antes de responder.
Es cierto que podría usar los ficheros de skel para meter los alias al
crear los usuarios, pero no es eso lo que el pregunta.



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Re: Alternativa libre a VirtualBox PUEL

2009-12-20 Thread fernandojoseGmail
Mario Daniel Carugno wrote:
 Si, se que esta el OSE. Pero ahi falta soporte para usb y otras cosas.
 Ademas es para correr en un host Windows, y no hay binarios oficiales.
 Por eso buscaba alguna alternativa libre con mas funcionalidad que el OSE.


Pues la alternativa libre que hay está en el propio linux y se llama
kvm (ver qemu también).



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offtopic - cartão sd bichado?

2009-12-20 Thread Bruno Buys
Tenho um cartão micro-sd que aparece como somente 60MB de capacidade, quando
o valor deveria ser 8GB. Após fuçar muito no cartão com editores de fs e de
partições, só me resta pensar que o cartão está realmente bichado. Alguém
tem alguma sugestão de alguma ferramenta power metal, que me faça recuperar
esse cartão?
Eis algumas saídas:

(plugando o cartão com um leitor de cartões)

[16533.216108] usb 5-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address
[16533.354399] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=05e3, idProduct=0715
[16533.354417] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=4,
[16533.354428] usb 5-1: Product: USB Reader
[16533.354436] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: Genesys
[16533.35] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: 9407
[16533.354756] usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[16533.844147] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[16533.844542] scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
[16533.845993] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[16533.846006] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[16533.846293] usb-storage: device found at 6
[16533.846299] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
[16538.845759] usb-storage: device scan complete
[16538.848142] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access Generic  STORAGE DEVICE
9407 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
[16539.017153] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] 118784 512-byte hardware sectors: (60.8
MB/58.0 MiB)
[16539.018385] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[16539.018400] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
[16539.018409] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[16539.021523] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] 118784 512-byte hardware sectors: (60.8
MB/58.0 MiB)
[16539.022752] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[16539.022766] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
[16539.022775] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[16539.022795]  sdb:

(plugando o cartão direto no leitor de cartões do note)

[17864.571714] mmc1: new SD card at address 0260
[17864.572140] mmcblk1: mmc1:0260 SD58.0 MiB
[17864.572355]  mmcblk1:

boson:/home/bruno# gpart /dev/mmcblk1

Begin scan...

* Warning: short read near sector(118640), 65536 bytes instead of 66048.
End scan.

Checking partitions...

Guessed primary partition table:
Primary partition(1)
   type: 000(0x00)(unused)
   size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0)
   chs:  (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r

Primary partition(2)
   type: 000(0x00)(unused)
   size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0)
   chs:  (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r

Primary partition(3)
   type: 000(0x00)(unused)
   size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0)
   chs:  (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r

Primary partition(4)
   type: 000(0x00)(unused)
   size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0)
   chs:  (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r

boson:/home/bruno# fdisk /dev/mmcblk1

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1856.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/mmcblk1: 60 MB, 60817408 bytes
4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 1856 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 64 * 512 = 32768 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x69737369

Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System



Re: offtopic - cartão sd bichado?

2009-12-20 Thread Paulino Kenji Sato
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Bruno Buys wrote:
 Tenho um cartão micro-sd que aparece como somente 60MB de capacidade, quando
 o valor deveria ser 8GB. Após fuçar muito no cartão com editores de fs e de
 partições, só me resta pensar que o cartão está realmente bichado. Alguém
 tem alguma sugestão de alguma ferramenta power metal, que me faça recuperar
 esse cartão?

Ola, tem certeza de que esse cartão e realmente de 8GB?
Tem muito cartão de memoria por ai falsos, dizem quem tem xGB, mas na
verdade só tem alguns MB, e vendem baratinho.

Dizem os cartões de memoria, quando blocos defeituosos são detectados,
ele são descontados da capacidade máxima, reduzindo assim a capacidade
total ao longo do tempo. Quem faz isso e o controlador embutido no

Também pode ser que o restante esteja protegido por
senha/criptografado (CPRM), uma das características dos cartões SD.
Não sei se existem programas para Linux que permita o acesso a essa
parte protegida.
Esse cartão foi comprada avulso, ou e de algum outro aparelho?

Pode obter mais informações sobre o cartão SD site
Onde também pode ser baixado um formatador, que deve funcionar somente
no windows.

Leitores USB costumam não ter acesso ao CPRM.

Pode tentar apagar os primeiros blocos do cartão com o comando
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1
badblocks -vvw /dev/sdb

Paulino Kenji Sato

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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 11:09:46PM -0800, Cecil Knutson wrote:
 Dear List,
   I just tried to install Debian 4.0r4a-i386 (Etch) on a Dell Dimension 
 Pentium 4/3.oGHz, 4GB RAM, using two different sets of DVDs.  

Pretty powerful one.

 With either set 
 of DVDs, the install routine would hang just after the Tasksel dialog box 
 asking to choose the software to install.  I tried it several different ways: 
 with and without the mirror, few and all selections, etc.  They all hang at 
 the Select  Install Software  - Please wait message.  There would be no 
 hard drive activity and the DVD would spin down after a minute or so.  I 
 don't know how long it would sit like that, but it sits for over 15 minutes.  
 I began to suspect the partitioner, as it seemed to format 160GB in record 
 time.  I have never seen any drive format as quickly.  Anyone have any ideas 
 as to what could be happening?  Thanks.

Etch is obsoleted distribution.  Unless you have specific reason, please
use current release: lenny.

I have no idea what is hapening on your system.  Are you connected to
network and tried to download packages?  URL for archive has changed so
old install disks are not expected to work without special tweak by the
user.  New URL for APT lines are

If you learn basics of APT system, it is not so difficult.


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RE: rsync hangs on big transfer Debian 5.0.3 pulling from WinXP SP3/ Cygwin 1.5.25

2009-12-20 Thread David Christensen
Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 When did you last run a full check/repair (chkdsk/scandisk/other
 tools) on the file system(s) from which you're pulling the files?

Thanks for the reply.  :-)

I don't recall the last time the Windows disk was checked.  The Linux
disk was checked at least once within the past week.  Checking both just
now yielded nothing; the backup script still hangs.

 If this is a nightly batch job, are you possibly also firing off some
 nightly cron process on the Debian box that may be monkeying with the
 network interface, causing an unrecoverable network reset or
 something similar?

I run the backup script manually.


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squeeze, amd64 and X problems, perhaps nvidia related

2009-12-20 Thread Anders Lennartssson
Some experiences with squeeze on a laptop.

0) The problems below are (at least for me) tricky to debug. I'm
asking for hints
on how to obtain more information about what goes on so that I can make a
formal bug report.

1) I'm experiencing some bugs with X on a laptop, either at wakeup or suddenly
in the middle of a seemingly normal session. It does not really lock,
but it totally
borks my screen by replacing tiles of the original screen content on
other places
of the screen area so it does look somewhat of a caleidoscope image. The
replacing may continue for 5-10 seconds and the limits between different tiles
are somewhat fuzzy though. Sometimes the computer becomes extremeley
slow and the cursor moves now and then in short steps. On one occasion I
think it actually did lock, i.e. I think  that X did not accept any
input, and then I
had to shutdown by the power button.

2) In some instances I have been able to shutdown the computer by
painstakingly slow X moves. When it reboots everything is normal.

3) On other occasions I have been able to switch to a virtual terminal
where no image/text is shown. Nevertheless I have been able to log
in blindly as root and request a reboot.

4) A couple of times the same stuff has happened at wakeup. Interestingly,
after closing the lid, waiting a short while so that it goes to sleep again, and
opening the lid, the computer made a normal wakeup!

5) Further, the problem of non-existant screen output on virtual consoles
have occured at several other times. Apparently, the VTs do in fact
function but it without text it is difficult to use them.

6) The problems occur on my Dell M2400 laptop on which I run Debian
for amd64. I started out with lenny but several weeks ago I upgraded to
squeeze in order to get later versions of some packages.
I run nvidia stuff from sid. The problems were present both with nvidia
version 185.18.36-2. and the current 194.42-3. I am using kde and the
2.6.31 kernel
from sid from which uname -a reports:

Linux laptop 2.6.31-1-amd64 #1 SMP Sat Oct 24 17:50:31 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

but I have seen the problem with the squeeze kernel 2.6.30 as well.

The M2400 has a nvidia graphics card of type  FX370M card for which
lspci reports:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 06fb (rev a1)

The nvidia packages installed are:
i   nvidia-glx                                       - NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
i   nvidia-glx-ia32                               - NVIDIA binary
driver 32bit libs
i   nvidia-kernel-2.6.30-2-amd64       - NVIDIA binary kernel module
for Linux 2.6.30-2-amd64
i   nvidia-kernel-2.6.31-1-amd64       - NVIDIA binary kernel module
for Linux 2.6.31-1-amd64
i A nvidia-kernel-common                 - NVIDIA binary kernel module
common files
i   nvidia-kernel-source                     - NVIDIA binary kernel
module source
i   nvidia-settings                              - Tool for
configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
i   nvidia-xconfig                              - The NVIDIA X
Configuration Tool

7) With lenny there were not any of these problems. In order to get
X working and sleep/hibernate I had to use a backported 2.6.30 or 31
kernel from backports, and the nvidia drivers from sid. This suggests
that the problems I'm experiencing now are are related to the squeeze


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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Kevin Ross

Osamu Aoki wrote:

Etch is obsoleted distribution. Unless you have specific reason, please
use current release: lenny.

I have no idea what is hapening on your system.  Are you connected to
network and tried to download packages?  URL for archive has changed so
old install disks are not expected to work without special tweak by the
user.  New URL for APT lines are

If you learn basics of APT system, it is not so difficult.


Etch isn't obsolete, it's oldstable.  It still has security updates.  
It won't be obsolete until Squeeze is released.

Also, Etch is not found on  Only Woody and older are 
on there.

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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Kevin Ross

Kevin Ross wrote:

Only Woody and older are on there.

And Sarge.  Forgot about Sarge.

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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2009-12-20 10:11 +0100, Kevin Ross wrote:

 Etch isn't obsolete, it's oldstable.  It still has security updates.

Which will stop in two months.  Why bother installing it when you have
to upgrade to Lenny soon anyway?

 It won't be obsolete until Squeeze is released.

Wrong, the support for Etch ends one year after the Lenny release.


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Re: [Fwd: Re: Alt key not working]

2009-12-20 Thread roberto
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Chris Jones wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 05:16:56AM EST, roberto wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Chris Jones wrote:
  Basically says that your Alt key is mapped to AltGr.
  $ xmodmap -
  keycode 113 = Alt_R
actually it worked again after restarting the kdm manager

thank you very much for your replies

  And check whether your Alt key is working again.
  น Followed by a dash, xmodmap reads your commands form stdin. After
  ?remapping your Alt key, you need to hit the Control and the D keys
  ?simulataneously to tell xmodmap that you're done.

 i can say that it started to work again, but i say also that its
 behavior its strange:
 Alt_L: i can switch between applications, by Alt_L + Tab
 Alt_R + Tab: i cannot

 To undo the change and get back to where you were:

 $ xmodmap -
 keycode 113 = ISO_Level3_Shift

 OK. I see from another post that you are running KDE?

 I don't have a KDE system anywhere, but I vaguely remember something
 about a control center, was it.. where you could do some keyboard
 remapping in a GUI.

 Is there anything in there where you can tell KDE that you want the
 right Alt key to do something different?

 Do you normally use the plain US keyboard layout..? Is there a place
 in the KDE GUI where you can add keyboard layouts and make one the
 default? If so what is the current default? Any mention of something
 like Alternate US International or such..?

 Do you have gnome or maybe XFCE installed? If so, when on the login
 screen, you should have a pull-down menu that lets you switch to another
 desktop - you could check whether this Alt-R behavior only happens in
 KDE. If you don't have any other desktop installed, you could apt-get
 XFCE and see if the Alt key works as you expect.

 Since you stated that it happened without your wittingly doing anything
 that might affect the keyboard, and barring the unlikely but more
 sinister possibility that someone else did - IOW, that you have been
 rooted¹ - I can only think that something that you recently installed
 must have tried to do you a favor without letting you know.

 Since I very much doubt debian, especially stable, would do anything
 like that, I was wondering if maybe you could have installed software
 from anywhere outside official debian repositories, either via
 apt/aptitude pointing elsewhere via /etc/apt/sources.list, or a .deb you
 downloaded, a tarball, CVS, git, mercurial trees, or closed source stuff
 that comes with a Windows-styled 'installer'..?

 What I'm saying is that stuff like that does not just happen, especially
 since I think you stated that you run stable, aka 5.0.

 What is the output of this command?

 $ locale

 And that one:

 $ setxkbmap -v 10 -print

 Alt_L: i can access menus of applications
 Alt_R: i can !

 Alt_L: i can access the i-th tab of firefox by Alt_L + i
 Alt_R: i cannot

 That's a cool trick.. unfortunately I mostly use Seamonkey and it
 appears to be only supported by FF.

 the actual output (after the above modifications) of xmodmap is:
 ~$ xmodmap
 xmodmap:  up to 3 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

 shift       Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)
 lock        Caps_Lock (0x42)
 control     Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x6d)
 mod1        Alt_L (0x40),  Meta_L (0x9c)
 mod2        Num_Lock (0x4d)
 mod4        Super_L (0x7f),  Hyper_L (0x80)
 mod5        Mode_switch (0x5d),  Alt_R (0x71),  ISO_Level3_Shift (0x7c)

 You want:

 $ xmodmap -pk | less
 113         0xffea (Alt_R)

 Says that my 113 is known by X as Alt_R, which I think is what you want.

 thanks again

 Not recommending the keycode thing as a solution. You really need to
 figure out what happened and caused the Alt key to start misbehaving,
 and undo those changes, or understand them and then decide how you
 should correct them. I have never even seen a PC keyboard with an AltGr
 key, so it's difficult for me to guess, but this article might refresh
 your memories and provide clues as to how this right Alt key apparently
 turned into an AltGr:

 Unfortunately, I don't know enough about these issues to do much more
 than ask questions that might push you in the right direction.


 ¹ Probably irrelevant, but a useful read anyway:

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Re: VDPAU? Sound when watching DVB-S2?

2009-12-20 Thread lee

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 07:40:09PM +0100, lee wrote:
 does the xine stuff used by kaffeine in Debian use VDPAU? If not, how
 can I make it use VDPAU?
 And how about the sound when watching DVD-S2 with kaffeine? I've
 installed the 1.0-pre2 version of kaffeine from experimental. That
 version finds HD channels, and I can see the movies, but there is no
 sound. So how can I watch and record DVB-S2 with sound?
 And then, how do I cut commercials out of HD recordings? Avidemux
 detects h264 but isn't useable with it; dvbcut doesn't detect any
 video when opening the recording. Cinelarra doesn't seem to do
 anything but create CPU load when opening the recording.
 Once the commercials are cut out, how do I get the recording onto a
 DVD to play it with a DVD player? Making DVDs works fine with non-HD
 recordings, but what about HD?

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Re: several udevd processes

2009-12-20 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
Michael Biebl wrote:
 Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
 On testing(squeeze) systems with udev version 149-1 there are running
 three udevd processes.
 Is this intended, and if yes, why?
 TIA for any hints.
 This is normal. Afaik this was done to speed up processsing of (new) devices.
 In previous versions, udevd spawned a new udev process everytime when a (new)
 device was processed.
 This processes you see now are called workers and the main udevd process 
 over the processing of devices to them instead of spawning new ones.
 I think the NEWS file has some references to that.

Thank you Michael for the explanation. Indeed, the NEWS file contains some
Best regards,

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Re: Please teach me about how to find drivers and how to install drivers.

2009-12-20 Thread Camaleón
2009/12/18 Kyuichiro Nakamura:

Still replying only to me :-)

 Thank you for kind advice.
 I will try as you suggested.
 I hope it goes well.

You're welcome.

Keep us informed.



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Re: VDPAU? Sound when watching DVB-S2?

2009-12-20 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 10:40, lee wrote:

 does the xine stuff used by kaffeine in Debian use VDPAU? If not, how
 can I make it use VDPAU?

First you have to have the nvidia driver 180.16 or newer, and from this:

it sounds like only Xine 1.2 has VDPAU. Sid, at least, has a
pre-release version under the name libxine2 (version 1.1.90hg+...),
but it seems like none of the other debian packages are built
to work with it.

Don't know about the rest.

Kelly Clowers

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Problem with Seagate HDD

2009-12-20 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

I had upgraded the HDD of my laptop Acer TravelMate3040 (working under
Debian AMD64) to the Seagate ST9500420AS 500 GB.
It seems that it works fine but I have the next result of the smartctl
In the beginning of using it I had the next result:
I have read that the smartctl can get very strandge results for Seagate
HDDs and it may be not so terrible as it seems.
Have anyone an opinion concirning this matter?
And the next question, how can I get the serial number of my Seagate HDD
without drawning it out from my notebook?
I want to send request to the Seagate technical support but tor it I
must register on their site with that number and their site don't want
it the serial number that I can get with exicuting commands smartctl
or hdparm.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: rsync hangs on big transfer Debian 5.0.3 pulling from WinXP SP3/ Cygwin 1.5.25

2009-12-20 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 09:37:22PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:
 Debian Users, Cygwin,  Rsync:
 I'm having trouble with rsync invoked on Debian 5.0.3 pulling files from
 Windows XP SP3/ Cygwin 1.5.25.  I posted to the Debian User and Cygwin
 mailing lists [1] and thought I was done two days ago, but I wasn't --
 after several hours of use of the Windows machine, rsync would again
 hang on Debian.
From my experience on the backuppc mailing list, most people seem to
have trouble with rsync over ssh on Cygwin.  The solution most people
use is to switch to rsyncd.  If you need encryption, run it over an ssh
tunnel.  For some reason this combination seems to be more reliable than
plain rsync over ssh.


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Re: Problem with Seagate HDD

2009-12-20 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 15:39:30 +0300, James Brown wrote:

 I had upgraded the HDD of my laptop Acer TravelMate3040 (working under
 Debian AMD64) to the Seagate ST9500420AS 500 GB. It seems that it works
 fine but I have the next result of the smartctl now:
 In the beginning of using it I had the next result:

You have to take care about the pre-fail values:

1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f   116   099   006Pre-fail  Always   -  
  7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f   067   060   030Pre-fail  Always   
-   17202967923
 10 Spin_Retry_Count0x0013   100   100   097Pre-fail  Always   
-   0

Raw_Read_Error_Rate and Seek_Error_Rate are very high.

 I have read that the smartctl can get very strandge results for Seagate
 HDDs and it may be not so terrible as it seems. Have anyone an opinion
 concirning this matter? 

Yes, I also saw these values were very high on my Segate drives and was also 
alarmed, but looking into Wkipedia [1] I discovered that Segate drives just 
another interpretation of that values, so unless you are getting another smart 
warning (or you hear some clack, clack noise coming from your drive), I would 
not worry for these.

01  01  Read Error Rate 
Indicates the rate of hardware read errors that occurred when reading 
data from a disk surface. A non-zero value indicates a problem with the disk 
surface, read/write heads, or the heads are not centered exactly over the 
Note that Seagate drives often report a raw value that is very high even 
on new drives, and does not thereby indicate a failure.

07  Seek Error Rate 
Rate of seek errors of the magnetic heads. If there is a partial failure 
in the mechanical positioning system, then seek errors will arise. Such a 
failure may be due to numerous factors, such as damage to a servo, or thermal 
of the hard disk. More seek errors indicates a worsening condition of a disk’s 
surface or the mechanical subsystem, or both. Note that Seagate drives often 
report a 
raw value that is very high, even on new drives, and this does not normally 
indicate a 

 And the next question, how can I get the serial
 number of my Seagate HDD without drawning it out from my notebook? I
 want to send request to the Seagate technical support but tor it I must
 register on their site with that number and their site don't want it the
 serial number that I can get with exicuting commands smartctl or

Any information about the drive unit (model, serial number and firmware 
version) should be displayed with smartctl -a /dev/sda.




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Re: Memory card has no UUID. How to give it one?

2009-12-20 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 12:59:51 +0800, jidanni wrote:

 I used dosfslabel to give this a label, # blkid
 /dev/sda1: SEC_TYPE=msdos LABEL=greengiga TYPE=vfat OK, now how
 can I also give it a UUID?

Mmmm... what is the output of ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/*?

I am not sure that vfat and ntfs volumes can handle so easily uuid. 
Maybe someone can confirm this point :-?

How did you format the memory card? I think mkfs.vfat should 
automatically set a uuid to the new filesystem.



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Re: Memory card has no UUID. How to give it one?

2009-12-20 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sun December 20 2009, Camaleón wrote:
 I am not sure that vfat and ntfs volumes can handle so easily uuid.
 Maybe someone can confirm this point :-?

an entry in my /etc/fstab:
/dev/disk/by-uuid/686C-7E81 /media/usb_DAWGS vfat 
users,atime,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid,noauto  0 0

yes, it works. at least vfat.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: What happened to xpdf in testing?

2009-12-20 Thread T o n g
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 12:52:54 +0530, Girish Kulkarni wrote:

 In my experience xpdf works much faster than Evince, especially while
 showing PDF files with a lot of graphics. 

I feel that Evince is super slow as well. Moreover, I found Evince super 
unreliable, crashes quite a lot.

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Is apt-get still the cool package installer?

2009-12-20 Thread S. Fishpaste
On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 18:21:34 -0600, in 
gmane.linux.debian.user wrote:


 For several years, I have enjoyed apt-get as a very powerful
 software install tool that doesn't require a mouse, but I have been
 finding it increasingly problematic over the past year or so.  I am
 beginning to suspect that apt-get is becoming aged and neglected.
 Is there a newer/more modern package tool that has been getting
 more development attention that I should be using instead?

I use aptitude due to the fact that I received advice on this very
list to use it as the preferred package manager several years ago.
Supposedly it's better at resolving dependencies than apt-get. It
works similarly from the console/term as apt-get.

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Re: Memory card has no UUID. How to give it one?

2009-12-20 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 09:16:24 -0500, Paul Cartwright wrote:

 On Sun December 20 2009, Camaleón wrote:
 I am not sure that vfat and ntfs volumes can handle so easily
 uuid. Maybe someone can confirm this point :-?
 an entry in my /etc/fstab:
 /dev/disk/by-uuid/686C-7E81 /media/usb_DAWGS vfat
 users,atime,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid,noauto  0 0
 yes, it works. at least vfat.

Yes, but the point here is how can you change that value. Not just 
reading, but modifying.

I guess uuid is set at the time of formatting, automatically, so I 
think it depends on the capabilities of the tool which was used to format 
the unit. 



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Why does man exit talk about rc and Plan 9?

2009-12-20 Thread Anthony Campbell
On this machine, man exit brings up a page about rc and Plan 9. On
another machine it just brings up exit. I think this may be why I am
getting error messages about exit: too many args from postfix on this

Both are using the bash shell. There is a package called rc but it
isn't installed. 

Googling brings up a lot stuff about the Plan 9 shell, which I have
never heard of and don't have here.

Can anyone tell me what is happening and how to get exit to work here?


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: Why does man exit talk about rc and Plan 9?

2009-12-20 Thread Nuno Magalhães
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 16:26, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 Can anyone tell me what is happening and how to get exit to work here?

Not really, but... Which branch? Which arch?

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Re: Verizon Novatel USB760 Wireless

2009-12-20 Thread Wayne

green wrote:

Wayne wrote at 2009-12-14 07:12 -0700:
  I am wondering if anyone has successfully install the Subject device  
on Debian?  My research has shown that some have had success on Ubuntu  
9.1 but I have not been able to locate any Debian success posts.

This is a 3G modem and, in my remote location, gets much faster  
downloads, on winbloz, then anything else I have tried.  It beats the
ATT sierra device by far.  Sierra is supported in the kernel but not  
this Novatel USB760 AFAIK.

Any info or pointers are welcomed.  I really need to get this working on  
Debian and don't want to switch to Ubuntu if possible.



PS  The Novatel is really strange.  Just tried to burn a Ubuntu cd to  
check it out and the Novatel had to be unplugged before k3b would run.

It seems the system thinks it is a cdrom device

This might be related to the purpose of the usb-modeswitch package.  Perhaps 
that will help get you started.

Thanks for that hint.  I tried that in sid but could not get the modem 
to connect.  I exchanged it for a MiFi and am attempting to connect to 
that with my current wifi adapters.  Have one that will connect, on XP 
using wpa, but am still trying to get it working on sid and testing in 

At least my wife has fast downloads now.  :-(



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Re: Why does man exit talk about rc and Plan 9?

2009-12-20 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 20 Dec 2009, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 16:26, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  Can anyone tell me what is happening and how to get exit to work here?
 Not really, but... Which branch? Which arch?

Debian Sid, on i386.


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: Memory card has no UUID. How to give it one?

2009-12-20 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sun December 20 2009, Camaleón wrote:
 I guess uuid is set at the time of formatting, automatically, so I
 think it depends on the capabilities of the tool which was used to format
 the unit.
this part is I think part of the device, I didn't select it or change it:

this is the folder I chose to open it into:

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: Why does man exit talk about rc and Plan 9?

2009-12-20 Thread John Hasler
man 3 exit
John Hasler

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Safe-upgrade problems

2009-12-20 Thread Wayne

Hey all

  An upgrade on sid on 12/18 as me stumped.  The bootup of that 
partition hangs at USBHID 2.6 .  Have tried on 2 different kernels

and both just stop.

  A testing upgrade on 12/17 and another on 12/19 boot but have a 
number of programs failing to start.  Clanv, Dovecot, atd, and firehol. 
 I have traced that to a change of permissions in /dev/null.

ls -l /dev/null should be
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2009-12-20 05:55 /dev/null

but shows up after reboot as
crw- --- --- 1 root staff 1, 3 2009-12-20 05:55 /dev/null

I can change the permissions back to the correct settings and init.d
the 4 programs and all is well until the next bootup.

I guess that one of the 'many' programs upgraded on the 17th is changing
the dev/null permissions but finding which one' is not going to be easy.

Just a heads up to testing users.  I didn't even notice it until a few 
programs I run with 'at' threw the errors.


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Re: Why does man exit talk about rc and Plan 9?

2009-12-20 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 20 Dec 2009, John Hasler wrote:
 man 3 exit
 John Hasler

Yes, that just shows 'exit'. OK, I'd thought that perhaps that was why
postscript post-install keeps complaining about exit, but apparently


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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dependency-based booting

2009-12-20 Thread Rick Pasotto
I tried updating sysv-rc today and have cleaned up most of the problems
that were preventing the update. The following packages still lack
LSB-Init information:


None of these is listed on

How do I correctly update these init scripts?

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator,
 but among those whom I love, I can:  all of them make me laugh.
-- W. H. Auden
Rick Pasottor...@niof.net

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Tomcat is only listening with ip6 and not ip4

2009-12-20 Thread Alan Chandler
I have just upgraded my server from lenny to unstable and I now find a 
tomcat application server backed has stopped working (front end on 
another machine has the jk_mod installed and links through using ajp on 
port 8009).

Using netstat --listening on the tomcat machine I find that tomcat is 
only listening with the ip6 protocol and not ip4.  Net result it has 
stopped working.

I haven't changed anything during the upgrade, and I can't see anywhere 
where it is defined what protocols tomcat is listening (at least there 
doesn't appear to be anything in server.xml).

How can I fix this so that tomcat listens using ip4 and not ip6?

Alan Chandler

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Re: Is apt-get still the cool package installer?

2009-12-20 Thread Anthony Baldwin
--- On Sun, 12/20/09, S. Fishpaste 

 From: S. Fishpaste
 Subject: Re: Is apt-get still the cool package installer?
 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 3:30 PM
 On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 18:21:34 -0600,
 in gmane.linux.debian.user wrote:
  For several years, I have enjoyed apt-get as a very
  software install tool that doesn't require a mouse,
 but I have been
  finding it increasingly problematic over the past year
 or so.  I am
  beginning to suspect that apt-get is becoming aged and
  Is there a newer/more modern package tool that has
 been getting
  more development attention that I should be using
 I use aptitude 

I second that.


translations  interpreting
tcl yer os with a feather 

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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Cecil Knutson
Hello, Osamu,
The system is connected to a home DSL network.  I did not try to 
download any 
packages, but that doesn't mean the install program didn't.  I was using the 
four-DVDs of the standard Etch distribution.  It does make sense that the 
install would hang if it tried to get files from the wrong address.  I tried 
to download the DVD images for Lenny  last night, but Bit-Torrent was just 
too slow (10 hours) and it was not at all clear to me what I was supposed to 
do to enable Jigdo.  So, I will have to make up my mind as to how to get 
Lenny and try that.  Thanks for the help.


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Re: Fw: Re: flash video sound issue [resolved]

2009-12-20 Thread Marc Shapiro

Anthony Baldwin wrote:

Hmmmturns out /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart does the

I have had other, intermittent, flash video sound issues that, while not 
identical, are similar enough that the same fix might work.  Nothing 
else that has been suggested has solved the problem, so I am going to 
try this the next time my sound goes into an endless loop.

Marc Shapiro

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Re: Tomcat is only listening with ip6 and not ip4

2009-12-20 Thread Alan Chandler

Alan Chandler wrote:
I have just upgraded my server from lenny to unstable and I now find a 
tomcat application server backed has stopped working (front end on 
another machine has the jk_mod installed and links through using ajp on 
port 8009).

Using netstat --listening on the tomcat machine I find that tomcat is 
only listening with the ip6 protocol and not ip4.  Net result it has 
stopped working.

I haven't changed anything during the upgrade, and I can't see anywhere 
where it is defined what protocols tomcat is listening (at least there 
doesn't appear to be anything in server.xml).

How can I fix this so that tomcat listens using ip4 and not ip6?

Netstat output

owl:/var/log/tomcat5.5# netstat --listening
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address 

tcp0  0 *:rsync *:*  LISTEN
tcp0  0 localhost:mysql *:*  LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:6543  *:*  LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:6544  *:*  LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:ssh   *:*  LISTEN
tcp0  0 localhost:ipp   *:*  LISTEN
tcp0  0 localhost:postgresql*:*  LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:8009   [::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:rsync  [::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:www[::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:auth   [::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:8180   [::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:ssh[::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 localhost:ipp   [::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 localhost:postgresql[::]:*   LISTEN
tcp6   0  0 [::]:https  [::]:*   LISTEN
udp0  0 *:mdns  *:*
udp0  0*:* 

udp0  0*:* 

udp0  0 *:ipp   *:* 

udp0  0 *:ntp   *:* 

udp0  0 *:33154 *:* 

udp0  0 *:6549  *:* 

udp0  0 *:323   *:* 

udp0  0 *:bootpc*:* 

udp6   0  0 [::]:40262  [::]:* 

udp6   0  0 [::]:mdns   [::]:* 

The strange thing here is that apache is listening only on the ip6 port 
80, but it is seeing requests from my browser

Alan Chandler

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Re: Fw: Re: flash video sound issue [resolved]

2009-12-20 Thread Anthony Baldwin
--- On Sun, 12/20/09, Marc Shapiro wrote:

 From: Marc Shapiro
 Subject: Re: Fw: Re: flash video sound issue [resolved]
 Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 8:02 PM
 Anthony Baldwin wrote:
  Hmmmturns out /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart does
 I have had other, intermittent, flash video sound issues
 that, while not identical, are similar enough that the same
 fix might work.  Nothing else that has been suggested
 has solved the problem, so I am going to try this the next
 time my sound goes into an endless loop.
 -- Marc Shapiro

I wonder if other sound programs I'm using are somehow contributing
to this issue, since restarting the sound system seems to resolve it,
(I use mocp for listening to tunes, sometimes use the lastfm client, those 
being my most used audio apps, gxine, totem and mplayer for occasionaly video 
Somehow, I doubt it.  I think it's specifically a Flash issue, but, 
I'm not exactly expert enough with flash or audio systems to determine that, 


translations  interpreting
tcl yer os with a feather

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Wireless Mouse vs. Cell Phone ??

2009-12-20 Thread David Baron
I have had problems with zillions of mouse message errors choking my /var 
partitions with multi-gigabyte syslog and daemon.logs. This cripples Xorg 
paralyzing KDE, KDM, and the only way to get on is from ssh outside, delete 
those files and reboot. I have succeeded in fixing things before it was too 
late from a KDE konsole/yakuake session, deleting the files and restarting the 
borked gpm mouse daemon.

Question is why? Certain qt4 programs were suspect but these have been either 
corrected or were not the cause.

One idea. USA cellular phones operate at 1.8 ghz, Europe phones at 900 mhz and 
Israel ones at 800 mhz. I live in Israel. What about that Microsoft wireless 
rodent. Be that also at 800mhz? Be that the problem?

I have meanwhile requested family members to keep their phones away from the 
computer and the mouse's transmitter. 

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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Cecil Knutson put forth on 12/20/2009 1:47 PM:
 Hello, Osamu,
   The system is connected to a home DSL network.  I did not try to 
 download any 
 packages, but that doesn't mean the install program didn't.  I was using the 
 four-DVDs of the standard Etch distribution.  It does make sense that the 
 install would hang if it tried to get files from the wrong address.  I tried 
 to download the DVD images for Lenny  last night, but Bit-Torrent was just 
 too slow (10 hours) and it was not at all clear to me what I was supposed to 
 do to enable Jigdo.  So, I will have to make up my mind as to how to get 
 Lenny and try that.  Thanks for the help.

Just do a friggin pure net install and be done with it already.  Every Debian
install I've ever done was a net install, never CD or DVD.  Local media installs
are for pussies, or masochists. ;)

Get the boot floppy images or net install boot CD ISO (tiny ISO file), or if
you're really cool and hip, make a net boot USB stick.  Boot, run the installer,
and when it starts grabbing files from the mirrors, go catch a sitcom episode or
cook dinner.  By the time you're done, the files will all have been pulled down.

To be completely honest, I can't understand for the life of me why anyone would
install any Linux distro from local media these days.  By the time the media
hits the shelves, there are hundreds of security updates you have to pull from
the web.  It makes more sense to do a net install and get all the sec updates
right off the bat.

Long live the net install.


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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Rick Thomas

On Dec 20, 2009, at 4:35 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

Cecil Knutson put forth on 12/20/2009 1:47 PM:

Hello, Osamu,
The system is connected to a home DSL network.

Just do a pure net install and be done with it already.

Hi Cecil,

Stan's suggestion is correct, in spite of the way he chose to state it  
(let's assume he was being humorous...)

The Lenny businesscard iso at

is only 36 MBytes.

It contains everything you need to start the installation.  It will  
dynamically download all the other packages you need for your  
*particular* installation, and *only* those things.  When you are  
bandwidth constrained, it's by far the best installation method for  
minimizing total waiting time.

And, it has the advantage of automatically giving you -- as an  
integral part of the installation process -- all the security and  
stability updates that have happened since the distribution was created.

Use it in good health!

Happy Solstice!


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Re: [Fwd: Re: Alt key not working]

2009-12-20 Thread Chris Jones
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 06:23:49AM EST, roberto wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:53 PM, Chris Jones wrote:

   Basically says that your Alt key is mapped to AltGr.
   $ xmodmap -
   keycode 113 = Alt_R

 actually it worked again after restarting the kdm manager

Now that you have a workaround, you probably want to find out what
causes this in the first place and the way to correct it in your
particular context. My guess is that there is a mismatch between your
keyboard map and your expectations - where you want the key marked Alt
on the right of your keyboard to be Alt and not AltGr.

 thank you very much for your replies

NP .. 


Please trim your replies to the list.. no sense posting back 100+ lines
of stuff that's no longer relevant and that nobody will read anyway. 


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Html code for playing local flash files

2009-12-20 Thread T o n g

I want to play the downloaded flash.swf files in my browser. I.e., I 
don't want to play them with an extra standalone player. But apparently 
firefox refuses to play them without a proper html file. 

So just for the learning purpose, what could be minimum html code be for 
firefox (and IE, sigh) to play the downloaded flash.swf file? 

Seeing the complicated object, classid, param name, embed, etc, etc tags/
attributes in the original html source make my head spin. Please help.


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Chris Jones
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 04:35:26PM EST, Stan Hoeppner wrote:


 To be completely honest, I can't understand for the life of me why
 anyone would install any Linux distro from local media these days.  By
 the time the media hits the shelves, there are hundreds of security
 updates you have to pull from the web.  It makes more sense to do a
 net install and get all the sec updates right off the bat.

Maybe because the above information is not readily available anywhere,
apparently not a

Getting Started

The latest stable release of Debian is 5.0. The last update to this
release was made on September 5th, 2009. Read more about available
versions of Debian.

If you'd like to start using Debian, you can easily obtain a copy, and
then follow the installation instructions to install it.

If you're upgrading to the latest stable release from a previous
version, please read the release notes before proceeding.

To get help in using or setting up Debian, see our documentation and
support pages.

Users that speak languages other than English should check the
international section.

People who use systems other than Intel x86 should check the ports

Any mention of net install in the above..? Or anything of practical
interest to anyone Getting Started, for that matter?

There is the cryptic you can easily obtain a copy... 

Seems to be precisely what the OP did.

 Long live the net install.


Let's add this to, say what it is, how it's done..


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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 06:12:29PM -0500, Chris Jones wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 04:35:26PM EST, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
  To be completely honest, I can't understand for the life of me why
  anyone would install any Linux distro from local media these days.  By
  the time the media hits the shelves, there are hundreds of security
  updates you have to pull from the web.  It makes more sense to do a
  net install and get all the sec updates right off the bat.
 Maybe because the above information is not readily available anywhere,
 apparently not a
 Getting Started
 The latest stable release of Debian is 5.0. The last update to this
 release was made on September 5th, 2009. Read more about available
 versions of Debian.
 If you'd like to start using Debian, you can easily obtain a copy, and
 then follow the installation instructions to install it.
 If you're upgrading to the latest stable release from a previous
 version, please read the release notes before proceeding.
 To get help in using or setting up Debian, see our documentation and
 support pages.
 Users that speak languages other than English should check the
 international section.
 People who use systems other than Intel x86 should check the ports
 Any mention of net install in the above..? Or anything of practical
 interest to anyone Getting Started, for that matter?
 There is the cryptic you can easily obtain a copy... 
When you click on the obtain a copy link, the first set of
instructions is to download a netinst cd.


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Re: Html code for playing local flash files

2009-12-20 Thread Nick Douma
Hash: SHA1

On 21-12-2009 0:03, T o n g wrote:
 I want to play the downloaded flash.swf files in my browser. I.e., I 
 don't want to play them with an extra standalone player. But apparently 
 firefox refuses to play them without a proper html file. 
 So just for the learning purpose, what could be minimum html code be for 
 firefox (and IE, sigh) to play the downloaded flash.swf file? 
 Seeing the complicated object, classid, param name, embed, etc, etc tags/
 attributes in the original html source make my head spin. Please help.

Just copy that original object tag, and change the reference to the .swf
file. Should work fine. If not:
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Wireless Mouse vs. Cell Phone ??

2009-12-20 Thread Stan Hoeppner
David Baron put forth on 12/20/2009 2:56 PM:

 One idea. USA cellular phones operate at 1.8 ghz, Europe phones at 900 mhz 
 Israel ones at 800 mhz. I live in Israel. What about that Microsoft wireless 
 rodent. Be that also at 800mhz? Be that the problem?

Right idea, wrong frequency spectrum.  Most wireless mice use the infrared
spectrum, not the radio frequency spectrum.  This is true of almost all remote
control consumer devices on the market since at minimum 5 years ago.

Thus, your interference, if that's the culprit, is likely coming from things
like remote control signals for TV, A/V receiver, DVD player, wireless PS3
controllers, Wii remote, pretty much any device in your entertainment center,
Bose (or other) clock radio w/remote screwed under a kitchen cabinet, etc.  The
vast majority of thousands of consumer gadgets on the market all use infrared
remote signals and I can't possibly name them all.  Anything you buy today with
a remote is going to be infrared, with a couple of exceptions, these being
remote controlled 'toy' cars/trucks/boats/airplanes/etc and wireless speakers,
or any device combo that won't always have open direct line of sight between


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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Rick Thomas put forth on 12/20/2009 4:10 PM:

 Stan's suggestion is correct, in spite of the way he chose to state it
 (let's assume he was being humorous...)

Humor was my intent.  I guess this is why I'm a computer geek instead of a stand
up comic. ;)


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Re: Html code for playing local flash files

2009-12-20 Thread T o n g
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 00:30:08 +0100, Nick Douma wrote:

Thanks Nick.

I thought the answer would be hard to find. But then found out that it 
too me more time to type than search, :-)

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: calling US 800 numbers from abroad via VoIP

2009-12-20 Thread Chris Davies wrote:
 My friend uses the Skype stuff, but all I want to do is make one or two
 calls to some 800 numbers, so don't want to subscribe to anything, pay
 any money, nor do I own a credit card.

As far as I have determined from here in the UK, Skype allows calls to
US 1-800 numbers without charge.


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Re: Wireless Mouse vs. Cell Phone ??

2009-12-20 Thread Miles Fidelman

Stan Hoeppner wrote:

David Baron put forth on 12/20/2009 2:56 PM:

One idea. USA cellular phones operate at 1.8 ghz, Europe phones at 900 mhz and 
Israel ones at 800 mhz. I live in Israel. What about that Microsoft wireless 
rodent. Be that also at 800mhz? Be that the problem?

Right idea, wrong frequency spectrum.  Most wireless mice use the infrared
spectrum, not the radio frequency spectrum.  This is true of almost all remote
control consumer devices on the market since at minimum 5 years ago.

This is a joke, right?

Wireless mice are radio frequency devices.  27mhz seems to be a popular 
frequency, though I've seen specs for devices that can be set to run 
anywhere from 27mhz to 2.4ghz.  As I recall, Bluetooth devices 
(including Bluetooth mice) run in microwave frequencies (2.4ghz range). 

Infrared is LIGHT, at frequencies in the Terrahertz range - MUCH higher 
frequency than radio, by multiple orders of magnitude.  Mice bounce 
infrared off the surface they're on, not for communicating with computers.

To the original poster: 

1.   Since you're seeing log messages, one thought is to simply wave 
various RF devices (mouse, phone, wifi router, ...) near your computer 
and see which ones trigger the messages (or if it's a laptop, move the 
computer around).  Or,

2.  Since your complaint is about lots of error messages clogging your 
disk, not about things like a wandering mouse pointer - you might try 
changing your logging config. file to stop capturing the zillions of 
mouse error messages.  (Of course, your other supposition might be 
correct - that the messages are software generated.)

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Re: Debian Etch Install

2009-12-20 Thread Justin The Cynical

Rick Thomas wrote:

The Lenny businesscard iso at 

is only 36 MBytes.

It contains everything you need to start the installation.  It will 
dynamically download all the other packages you need for your 
*particular* installation, and *only* those things.  When you are 
bandwidth constrained, it's by far the best installation method for 
minimizing total waiting time.

And, it has the advantage of automatically giving you -- as an integral 
part of the installation process -- all the security and stability 
updates that have happened since the distribution was created.

And to improve upon this, let me suggest setting up an apt-get cache, 
such as apt-cacher or apt-cacher-ng, and tell the machines to use the 
new apt proxy.  This alone will save you a lot of time (and bandwidth) 
when installing on multiple machines of the same arch when using a net 

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Tell me 'How to download and install driver'.

2009-12-20 Thread Kyuichiro Nakamura

Sir,I am just started to install Debian Linux on DynaBook SS 3480.
Please tell me about the method to download and install drivers,
especialy about installing. 
Is it necessary to convert ISO image?

I tried to install Debian Linux but it stopped because devices, such as
CD-ROM and LAN adapter. It seems that I have to install drivers.
Thank you in advance.
Kyuichiro Nakamura,Yokohama Japan

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Re: Wireless Mouse vs. Cell Phone ??

2009-12-20 Thread John Hasler
Miles Fidelman writes:
 Wireless mice are radio frequency devices. 

Many use infrared.
John Hasler

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Re: Tell me 'How to download and install driver'.

2009-12-20 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Monday 21 December 2009 01:40:46 Kyuichiro Nakamura wrote:
 Sir,I am just started to install Debian Linux on DynaBook SS 3480.
 Please tell me about the method to download and install drivers,
 especialy about installing.
 Is it necessary to convert ISO image?
 I tried to install Debian Linux but it stopped because devices, such as
 CD-ROM and LAN adapter. It seems that I have to install drivers.
 Thank you in advance.
 Kyuichiro Nakamura,Yokohama Japan

Your laptop isnt new, so everything must be recognized.
First, did you managed to boot on the install CD? Did you get to actually 
start the installation, ie choose language, keyboard? I f yes where did the 
process stop?
We need more explanation on what you did, and what went wrong in order to help 

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Re: Tell me 'How to download and install driver'.

2009-12-20 Thread Vass
В сообщении от Понедельник 21 декабря 2009 03:40:46 автор Kyuichiro Nakamura 
 Sir,I am just started to install Debian Linux on DynaBook SS 3480.
 Please tell me about the method to download and install drivers,
 especialy about installing.
 Is it necessary to convert ISO image?
 I tried to install Debian Linux but it stopped because devices, such as
 CD-ROM and LAN adapter. It seems that I have to install drivers.
 Thank you in advance.
 Kyuichiro Nakamura,Yokohama Japan

You may try install basic system from USB Flash device.
IIt will be easier.

from Linux:
from Windows:

Best regards, Vasiliy Sorokin.

C/C++(Qt) developer, Web developer
ICQ: 9445308
Skype: vassnekoline

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Re: Fw: Re: flash video sound issue [resolved]

2009-12-20 Thread Marc Shapiro

Anthony Baldwin wrote:

--- On Sun, 12/20/09, Marc Shapiro wrote:

From: Marc Shapiro
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: flash video sound issue [resolved]
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 8:02 PM
Anthony Baldwin wrote:

Hmmmturns out /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart does



I have had other, intermittent, flash video sound issues
that, while not identical, are similar enough that the same
fix might work.  Nothing else that has been suggested
has solved the problem, so I am going to try this the next
time my sound goes into an endless loop.

-- Marc Shapiro

I wonder if other sound programs I'm using are somehow contributing
to this issue, since restarting the sound system seems to resolve it,

I think it is strictly flash related.  I almost never use other 
multi-media type software and IIRC the only time that I have a problem 
is with flash.  In fact, it almost always occurs when my daughter is on 
a flash game, or other flash kid's site.

Marc Shapiro

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Re: Tell me 'How to download and install driver'.

2009-12-20 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Vass put forth on 12/20/2009 8:06 PM:

 DynaBook SS 3480.

 You may try install basic system from USB Flash device.
 IIt will be easier.

I believe his laptop BIOS is too old to support booting from a USB device.  It's
a Japanese or Asian market only model, and I don't read Japanese.  All I could
discern from the Toshiba website is that this model was released somewhere
around year 2000, making the technology inside 9 years old, almost 10.

I didn't do much with laptops at that time.  Did any/many/most laptops support
USB boot devices 10 years ago?  My limited experience then says no.


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Re: Tell me 'How to download and install driver'.

2009-12-20 Thread Consultores1
El lun, 21-12-2009 a las 09:40 +0900, Kyuichiro Nakamura escribió:
 Sir,I am just started to install Debian Linux on DynaBook SS 3480.
 Please tell me about the method to download and install drivers,
 especialy about installing. 
 Is it necessary to convert ISO image?
 I tried to install Debian Linux but it stopped because devices, such as
 CD-ROM and LAN adapter. It seems that I have to install drivers.
 Thank you in advance.
 Kyuichiro Nakamura,Yokohama Japan


What i do:

1. i do installation by cable, connected to the Laptop.
2. still connected, i install modules (drivers, using Synaptic). It
download and install drivers by itself.

To know pci devices:

As root # lspci or lsusb.

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Re: Tell me 'How to download and install driver'.

2009-12-20 Thread Mark Allums

On 12/20/2009 9:07 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

Vass put forth on 12/20/2009 8:06 PM:

DynaBook SS 3480.

You may try install basic system from USB Flash device.
IIt will be easier.

I believe his laptop BIOS is too old to support booting from a USB device.  It's
a Japanese or Asian market only model, and I don't read Japanese.  All I could
discern from the Toshiba website is that this model was released somewhere
around year 2000, making the technology inside 9 years old, almost 10.

I didn't do much with laptops at that time.  Did any/many/most laptops support
USB boot devices 10 years ago?  My limited experience then says no.

If OP can boot from CD, the only problem is if the installer loses track 
of the CD, which has happened to me.  On first boot, the installer loads 
from CD, then during boot, the CD changes locations, thanks to 
something, maybe a udev quirk.  After that, installation is difficult. 
If the installer recognizes a NIC, then I suggest a netinstall, or 
business card install.

If not, then adding another CD drive might help.  Borrow a USB drive and 
burn a second CD set, then try inserting discs in both drives.  Or 
booting off of the USB drive.

The same is true about LAN adapters.  Get a USB LAN NIC, and see if the 
installer recognizes it.

IF the laptop doesn't have a built-in USB port, there exist PCMCIA USB 
and LAN ports.  Try those.

Some Linux drivers can be loaded from a removable drive, such as a 
floppy, the same way as with Windows.  Thus, the fix would be locating 
the driver and putting it on a floppy (or CD).  The installer gives the 
user an opportunity to load kernel modules, this is what you need.  Find 
a module from a trustworthy source, and make it available to the 

Mark Allums

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Re: Tomcat is only listening with ip6 and not ip4

2009-12-20 Thread Alexey Salmin
I think it's related to discussion in debian-devel:

On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:24 AM, Marco d'Itri wrote:
 I am proposing to set net.ipv6.bindv6only=1 by default for new
 installations, to simplify configuration and administration of systems
 using IPv6 and to make the system behaviour match the one of all other
 operating systems, which default to this or just do not provide a

 When net.ipv6.bindv6only is set to 0, an application binding an
 AF_INET6 listening socket to any will receive on the same socket IPv4
 connections as well, with the endpoint addresses converted in the form

 When net.ipv6.bindv6only is set to 1, an application binding an
 AF_INET6 listening socket to any will only receive IPv6 connection and
 will need to create an AF_INET listening socket to receive IPv4

 Applications can change the behaviour for their sockets using setsockopt
 and the IPV6_V6ONLY option[2], and many already do this to prevent the
 need of adjusting their configuration depending on how the system is

 More information is also available in[3].

 While net.ipv6.bindv6only=0 is useful for daemons which are not designed
 to listen on multiple sockets, it is annoying because it requires
 dealing with IPv4-mapped addresses in logs and configuration files
 unless the program takes care to convert them to IPv4 addresses.

 I propose that netbase will create on new installations a file in
 /etc/sysctl.d/ containing net.ipv6.bindv6only=1.





Thus you should report a bug against Tomcat. Also you can replace
net.ipv6.bindv6only=1 with net.ipv6.bindv6only=0 in your
/etc/sysctl.d/ as a temporary solution.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 2:04 AM, Alan Chandler wrote:
 Alan Chandler wrote:

 I have just upgraded my server from lenny to unstable and I now find a
 tomcat application server backed has stopped working (front end on another
 machine has the jk_mod installed and links through using ajp on port 8009).

 Using netstat --listening on the tomcat machine I find that tomcat is only
 listening with the ip6 protocol and not ip4.  Net result it has stopped

 I haven't changed anything during the upgrade, and I can't see anywhere
 where it is defined what protocols tomcat is listening (at least there
 doesn't appear to be anything in server.xml).

 How can I fix this so that tomcat listens using ip4 and not ip6?

 Netstat output

 owl:/var/log/tomcat5.5# netstat --listening
 Active Internet connections (only servers)
 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address State
 tcp        0      0 *:rsync                 *:*              LISTEN
 tcp        0      0 localhost:mysql         *:*              LISTEN
 tcp        0      0 *:6543                  *:*              LISTEN
 tcp        0      0 *:6544                  *:*              LISTEN
 tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*              LISTEN
 tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*              LISTEN
 tcp        0      0 localhost:postgresql    *:*              LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 [::]:8009               [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 [::]:rsync              [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 [::]:www                [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 [::]:auth               [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 [::]:8180               [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 [::]:ssh                [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 localhost:ipp           [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 localhost:postgresql    [::]:*           LISTEN
 tcp6       0      0 [::]:https              [::]:*           LISTEN
 udp        0      0 *:mdns                  *:*
 udp        0      0    *:*
 udp        0      0    *:*
 udp        0      0 *:ipp                   *:*
 udp        0      0 *:ntp                   *:*
 udp        0      0 *:33154                 *:*
 udp        0      0 *:6549                  *:*
 udp        0      0 *:323                   *:*
 udp        0      0 *:bootpc                *:*
 udp6       0      0 [::]:40262              [::]:*
 udp6       0      0 [::]:mdns               [::]:*

 The strange thing here is that apache is listening only on the ip6 port 80,
 but it is seeing requests from my browser

 Alan Chandler

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