Re: Santé des SSD et SSD plus généralement

2011-10-28 Thread Nicolas KOWALSKI
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:44:28PM +0200, Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote:
 On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 23:27:03 +0200
 Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  perso je n'ai mis que discard
 C'est insuffisant: tout fichier *accédé* sans exception subit une
 MàJ de atime.

En squeeze avec des systèmes de fichiers ext4, c'est suffisant, car 
relatime est activé par défaut.

petole:~# grep ext4 /etc/fstab
LABEL=root  /   ext4defaults0   1
LABEL=home  /home   ext4defaults0   2

petole:~# cat /proc/mounts | grep ext4
/dev/disk/by-uuid/847a9b60-3fca-4596-9f5c-1e142acdde6f / ext4 
rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/sda3 /home ext4 rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0


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Re: Comment checker le service ssh ou le rendre bavard?

2011-10-28 Thread Nahliel Steinberg


J'ai un serveur en Debian squeeze  bits avec accés directsur internet.
Je reçois régulièrement des messages d'alerte de service down sur le
port 22/ssh.

Si j'ai bien compris tu le supervises ?

Si il est en dehors de ton réseau comme je le comprends, j'ai pour habitude de
mettre en écoute mes serveurs sur un autre port que sur celui par défaut.

le  par exemple, ou tu peux en chosir un autre qui peux évidement induire 
en erreur
les attanquants.

Exemple si ta machine n'utilise pas un service en particulier, mets-lui ce port 

verifier avec netstat --pluton s'il n'est pas déjà actif par exemple et donne 
lui le port

Je regarde dans les logs. A part des emmerdeurs chinois sur les ports 25
et 80. Y a rien. Comment faire pour rendre checker ce service pour
vérifier qu'il fonctionne ou au moins le rendre super bavard dans les logs?

Pour les logs, ca doit se paramétrer dans le sshd_config.

Coté supervision, j'utlise un check_service et je double la mise en checkant si 
le port est bien actif

netstat -ltn du port 22 et je renvoi en fonction le code d'erreur.

Si tu as snmpd qui tourne, tu peux rajouter une sonde qui walk la mib et 
récupère si le process fonctionne bien.


fin du message de Olivier Pavilla


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Re: Mutt et reply vers la liste

2011-10-28 Thread Nahliel Steinberg

Merci je viens de tester ça marche aussi.


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Re: Mutt et reply vers la liste

2011-10-28 Thread Nahliel Steinberg
Mutt, c'est un organe additionnel greffé il y a + de 10 ans, ça n'a
rien à voir avec un bête mailer...

J'aurais dit MUA ;-)
Une vraie muttinerie ;-)


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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread Nahliel Steinberg
Le 28/10/11 at  06:53, Olivier Pavilla a ecrit:
C'est vendredi, jours des trolls. Je peux donc poser la question.
Est ce spécifique à cette ML, de recevoir des coups de fil de
participants à cette ML? On pose une question et il y en a quelques uns
qui ne répondent pas sur la liste ou en perso. Ils appellent. Là où ça
devient flippant, c'est qu'ils font une recherche sur internet pour
connaître tous les numéros de phone que l'on a et vont jusqu'à appeler
les homonymes. Bin, ouais, je ne suis pas tout seul à m'appeler Olivier
Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
comportements mystic?

Sérieux ? On t'as téléphoner pour du support ?

Dingue si c'est le cas, ouvre vite une ligne payante à 5 euros la minute genre.

Tu vas devenir riche ;-)


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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread moi-meme
Le Fri, 28 Oct 2011 07:00:01 +0200, Olivier Pavilla a écrit :

 Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
 comportements mystic?

Je ne participe pas beaucoup mais cela ne m'est jamais arrivé.
Cela ne me viendrait pas l'idée non plus d'ailleurs : le mail suffit bien.

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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread fabrice régnier

Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
comportements mystic?

des noms :-)


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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread andré

Le 28/10/11 06:53, Olivier Pavilla a écrit :

C'est vendredi, jours des trolls. Je peux donc poser la question.
Est ce spécifique à cette ML, de recevoir des coups de fil de
participants à cette ML? On pose une question et il y en a quelques uns
qui ne répondent pas sur la liste ou en perso. Ils appellent. Là où ça
devient flippant, c'est qu'ils font une recherche sur internet pour
connaître tous les numéros de phone que l'on a et vont jusqu'à appeler
les homonymes. Bin, ouais, je ne suis pas tout seul à m'appeler Olivier
Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
comportements mystic?


Jamais arrivé !
Le mail me suffit si y a un besoin réel ...
Participe donc pas bcp, mais passe du temps à vous lire ...Merci pour les sujets
abordés, ai encore bcp à apprendre ...
Attention à la nuit des sorcières quand même,personnages mystérieux et 
créatures inquiétantes vous y attendent...
@ndré  ;-)

Re: Mutt et reply vers la liste [HS]

2011-10-28 Thread debiancbien
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 09:44:20AM +0200, Nahliel Steinberg wrote:
 Merci je viens de tester ça marche aussi.

Petite astuce préventive :
Quand un message est reconnu par Mutt comme destiné à une liste de diffusion 
(grâce à la configuration qui t'as été indiquée), l'écran « Index » n'affiche 
plus l'adresse de son expéditeur, mais celle de la liste de diffusion. C'est 
une aide à l'identification qui peut être pratique si on conserve ces messages 
dans la boîte de réception, mais c'est inutile si ces messages sont 
automatiquement transférés dans des dossiers réservés à chaque liste. Dans ce 
cas, pour obtenir un affichage « normal » de l'expéditeur dans les dossiers 
concernés, on peut utiliser des « folder-hook », comme dans l'exemple 
ci-dessous, à adapter selon sa configuration :

set my_default_index_format='%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l%4c?) %s'
set my_list_index_format='%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%?l?%4l%4c?) %s'
folder-hook . set index_format=\$my_default_index_format\
folder-hook @lists\.debian\.org set index_format=\$my_list_index_format\

Voir :

Dans l'espoir que cette astuce fera le bonheur de quelques quidams qui 
n'auraient pas encore fini leur muttation.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread Vincent Besse
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 10:59:43 +0200
andré wrote:

 Attention à la nuit des sorcières quand même,personnages mystérieux et 
 créatures inquiétantes vous y attendent...

Elles sont plus adeptes du coup de balai que du coup de fil.


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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread Frédéric Massot

Le 28/10/2011 06:53, Olivier Pavilla a écrit :

C'est vendredi, jours des trolls. Je peux donc poser la question.
Est ce spécifique à cette ML, de recevoir des coups de fil de
participants à cette ML? On pose une question et il y en a quelques uns
qui ne répondent pas sur la liste ou en perso. Ils appellent. Là où ça
devient flippant, c'est qu'ils font une recherche sur internet pour
connaître tous les numéros de phone que l'on a et vont jusqu'à appeler
les homonymes. Bin, ouais, je ne suis pas tout seul à m'appeler Olivier
Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
comportements mystic?

Il y a quelques années, j'ai aussi reçu un coup de fil d'une personne de 
cette liste suite à un mail où je recherchais un logiciel particulier. 
Cette personne, dont j'ai oublié le nom, avait cherché mon numéro de 
portable sur un annuaire payant. C'est assez étonnant comme sensation...

|  |
|   |

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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread Thierry Leurent
J'ai aussi eu le cas aussi. J'avais mon numéro de téléphone dans la
signature sur mon webmail.

C'est étrange effectivement.

Frédéric Massot a écrit :
 Le 28/10/2011 06:53, Olivier Pavilla a écrit :
 C'est vendredi, jours des trolls. Je peux donc poser la question.
 Est ce spécifique à cette ML, de recevoir des coups de fil de
 participants à cette ML? On pose une question et il y en a quelques uns
 qui ne répondent pas sur la liste ou en perso. Ils appellent. Là où ça
 devient flippant, c'est qu'ils font une recherche sur internet pour
 connaître tous les numéros de phone que l'on a et vont jusqu'à appeler
 les homonymes. Bin, ouais, je ne suis pas tout seul à m'appeler Olivier
 Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
 comportements mystic?

 Il y a quelques années, j'ai aussi reçu un coup de fil d'une personne de
 cette liste suite à un mail où je recherchais un logiciel particulier.
 Cette personne, dont j'ai oublié le nom, avait cherché mon numéro de
 portable sur un annuaire payant. C'est assez étonnant comme sensation...

 |  |
 |   |

 Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

 Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Thierry Leurent
Phone  : +32 476/20.23.98
E-mail :
Website (en developpement) :

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Santé des SSD et SSD plus généralement

2011-10-28 Thread Thibaut Chèze

Merci pour les réponses.

Je me permet d'essayer de recentrer le débat. Pour les questions
d'hibernation, j'ai lu que la plupart des info avaient été traitée dans
un autre fil. En ce qui me concerne, la swap est surtout pour une
gestion correct des processus qui consomment trop de ram, pour que
l'oomkiller puisse s'exécuter en toute quiétude... (j'ai déjà vu des
kernel oops de l'oomkiller qui ne pouvais allouer les ressources
nécessaires à la mort d'un processus...

Mais bref, avec vos réponses je pense qu'on a fait le tour sur le
système de fichier ext4 en ce qui concerne les optimisations pour les
SSD. En revanche, personne n'a abordé le sujet du SMART...

Petites nouvelles de ce coté-ci, après mise à jour des firmwares et
secure erase la plupart des attributs SMART ont été réinitialisés...
Et donc je vous pose la question, d'après vous dois-je apporter credit à
ces indicateurs ou simplement au fait que le test SMART passe ?
Quelqu'un a t'il de l'expérience en particulier avec le SMART et les SSD
? les SSD OCZ ?
Je vous joins le fichier SMART d'après le reset.

Merci encore pour vos réponses,


Le 27/10/2011 11:58, Thibaut Chèze a écrit :

 Je viens vers vous car comme certains je me lance dans le monde du SSD
 et comme tous j'ai quelques difficultés...
 J'ai quelques interrogations qui restent sans réponses, mais j'y
 reviendrais par la suite.

 Tout d'abord, le SMART. Je sais qu'il y a moins d'indicateurs sur les
 SSD, que certains sont même très mal renseignés (comme pour les disques
 durs au début) mais voila, j'ai des SSD, je surveille le SMART et
 j'aimerai bien avoir d'autres avis sur la santé de ces disques.
 Je joins quelques fichiers contenant le SMART:
  - Les sd[bc] sont les fichiers d'origine, juste après le
 branchement des disques
  - Les sd[bc] sont ceux recueillit après deux badblocks
 sur les disques (pas de partitions encore, directement le device)
  - Les sd[bc] sont ceux recueillit après deux autres
 badblocks sur les disques et tests court et long de SMART

 J'ai trouver sur le net une référence de certaines des valeurs mais
 cette source n'indiquait pas les valeurs normales et/ou unités
 ( par
 exemple). N'hésitez pas si vous pouvez éclairer ma lanterne.
 Je suis quelques peut intrigué par la valeur Power_On_Hours (9), qui
 diminue avec le temps :-$, peut-être le MTBF (temps moyen entre deux
 pannes), mais à ce moment la, je crois que je devrais m'inquiéter.
 Il y a aussi les valeurs des Raw_Read_Error_Rate (1),
 Hardware_ECC_Recovered (195), Soft_Read_Error_Rate (201),
 Soft_ECC_Correction (204), qui sont parfaitement identiques et qui
 augmente avec le temps, sur un disque dur, je le remplacerait
 Et finalement la valeur du Temperature_Celsius (231), qui si l'on en
 croit le lien donné plus haut signifierait SSD_Life_Left et qui si la
 valeur est exacte, indiquerait que les disques sont en fin de vie...

 Qu'en pensez-vous ?

 Mes autres interrogations portent principalement sur le TRIM et le
 système de fichier ext4.
 J'ai lu dans une autre conversation qu'il était conseillé de mettre la
 swap dans un fichier sur une partition formatée en ext4 et montée avec
 l'option discard.

 Ok pour l'ext4 avec l'option discard pour activer le TRIM, mais la
 swap, le fichier est créer, quand la machine swap, est remplit, mais en
 aucun cas supprimer quand la machine déswap,  et donc le TRIM n'est
 jamais utilisé dessus ? je me trompe ? Du coup aucun interrêt à ce que
 se soit un fichier sur une partition...

 Autrement, il me semblait qu'il existait une option sur le système de
 fichier ext4 pour faire une sorte de round-robin des blocs et ainsi
 allongé la durée de vie des SSD, mais je n'arrive pas a en trouver la
 moindre trace, aurais-je rêvé ? Quelqu'un à t'il déjà entendu parler
 d'une telle option, en projet peut-être ? Automatique ?

 Y'a t'il d'autres options que relatime, noatime et discard qui
 seraient intéressantes pour un SSD ?

 Pour revenir sur le TRIM, comment indiqué manuellement au SSD que les
 secteurs sont disponibles ? D'une part car j'ai fais mes badblocks
 dessus et que du coup normalement tout est occupé, mais aussi pour la
 partition swap, lors d'un arrêt ou démarrage (avant le swapon) histoire
 de... Autrement, j'envisageais de mettre un ext4 sur une partition qui
 fait tout le SSD, la remplir avec un fichier, et supprimer se fichier...

 Merci d'avoir pris le temps de me lire, et d'avance merci, pour toute
 l'aide que vous apporterez, à moi-même, mais aussi aux autres qui
 lierons ceci par la suite.


smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [x86_64-linux-3.0.0-1-amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen,

Device Model: OCZ-AGILITY3
Serial Number:OCZ-09TN473816WJX5YI
LU WWN Device Id: 5 e83a97 ef4214d3d
Firmware Version: 

Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread Alain JUPIN
Le vendredi 28 octobre 2011 à 06:53 +0200, Olivier Pavilla a écrit :
 C'est vendredi, jours des trolls. Je peux donc poser la question.
 Est ce spécifique à cette ML, de recevoir des coups de fil de
 participants à cette ML? On pose une question et il y en a quelques uns
 qui ne répondent pas sur la liste ou en perso. Ils appellent. Là où ça
 devient flippant, c'est qu'ils font une recherche sur internet pour
 connaître tous les numéros de phone que l'on a et vont jusqu'à appeler
 les homonymes. Bin, ouais, je ne suis pas tout seul à m'appeler Olivier
 Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
 comportements mystic?

J'ai moi aussi connu cette expérience à la fois étonnante et
inquiétante du coup de fil lié à une question sur cette liste.


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: Santé des SSD et SSD plus généralement

2011-10-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 08:09:47 +0200
Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:

 En squeeze avec des systèmes de fichiers ext4, c'est suffisant, car 
 relatime est activé par défaut.
 petole:~# grep ext4 /etc/fstab
 LABEL=root  /   ext4defaults0   1
 LABEL=home  /home   ext4defaults0   2

La seule différence entre atime et relatime, c'est que le 2nd n'effectue
pas une MàJ systématique mais seulement si l'heure d'accès actuelle est 
inférieure à l'heure d'accès précédente.
Sur un portable avec une dérive positive de l'horloge C-MOS non-corrigée
(70% des cas), on se retrouve avec des tas d'écritures en plus.

Donc noatime, nodiratime ET norelatime (parce que c'est le défaut pour
les krnls  2.6.30) - à part pour ceux qui utilisent certains vieux pgms
tel que mutt ou de vieux compilateurs, qui se basent sur atime pour 
déterminer s'il y a eu modif ou non des fichiers.
 petole:~# cat /proc/mounts | grep ext4
 /dev/disk/by-uuid/847a9b60-3fca-4596-9f5c-1e142acdde6f / ext4 
 rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
 /dev/sda3 /home ext4 rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0

A partir du moment où la machine est sécurisé par un onduleur, ou est un
portable, il est préférable de passer 'barrier' à '0'.
Et il est conseillé de passer 'data' à 'writeback', mais uniquement pour les
partoches ≠ / (risque de freeze au boot sinon); voire même de ne pas
utiliser de journal du tout.

Il faut aussi changer le type du scheduler.

Qq articles sur le sujet (les meilleurs étaient sur mais il
semble down pour le moment):

Hear about...
the careless contortionist who accidentally swallowed his pride?

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread François TOURDE
Le 15275ième jour après Epoch,
Olivier Pavilla écrivait:

 C'est vendredi, jours des trolls. Je peux donc poser la question.

Ici, les trolls sévissent maintenant à d'autres jours de la semaine,
semble-t-il :)

 Est ce spécifique à cette ML, de recevoir des coups de fil de
 participants à cette ML? On pose une question et il y en a quelques uns
 qui ne répondent pas sur la liste ou en perso. Ils appellent. Là où ça
 devient flippant, c'est qu'ils font une recherche sur internet pour
 connaître tous les numéros de phone que l'on a et vont jusqu'à appeler
 les homonymes. Bin, ouais, je ne suis pas tout seul à m'appeler Olivier
 Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
 comportements mystic?

J'ai moi aussi reçu des coups de fil de deux personnes de la liste :P

Le premier était pour me proposer un job, j'étais au chômage à ce
moment-là, et depuis je continue à bosser pour cette personne pour mon
plus grand plaisir.

Le second (et 2/3 autres après) sont venus d'une personne de cette
liste, qui était aussi sur la liste FreeRunner comme moi, si ma mémoire
est bonne.

A l'époque, et encore maintenant, je ne mettait pas mon numéro sur la
liste, et j'ai trouvé la démarche un peu bizarre. Il a fallu quand même
que je devienne assez désagréable (ceux qui me connaissent ici peuvent
mesurer l'ampleur de ce terme ^^) pour que les coups de fil cessent.

Je préfère poster avec mon vrai nom, histoire que les gens puissent
éventuellement filtrer mes contribs, et j'assume de ne pas être anonyme
comme certains, mais j'avoue que cette démarche m'a un peu surpris, et
même estomaqué.

Si ma mémoire ne me fait pas trop défaut (et elle le fait pourtant
souvent), la personne en question se prénommait bernard. Sans garantie
toutefois, donc.

François - Psychopathe non pratiquant

Si la pierre tombe sur l'oeuf, malheur à l'oeuf.
Mais si l'oeuf tombe sur la pierre, malheur à l'oeuf.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Comment checker le service ssh ou le rendre bavard?

2011-10-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 09:43:30 +0200
Nahliel Steinberg wrote:

 Si il est en dehors de ton réseau comme je le comprends, j'ai pour habitude de
 mettre en écoute mes serveurs sur un autre port que sur celui par défaut.
 le  par exemple, ou tu peux en chosir un autre qui peux évidement induire 
 en erreur
 les attanquants.

On peut aussi (à partir du moment où les accès se font par machines Linux)
installer knockd, qui n'ouvrira le bon port qu'après une succession de
pings sur des ports bien spécifiques.
Le Sce reste totalement invisible jusqu'à ouverture, et le redevient dès
sa fermeture.

The difference between this school and a cactus plant is that the
cactus has the pricks on the outside.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 06:53:30 +0200
Olivier Pavilla wrote:

 Est ce spécifique à cette ML, de recevoir des coups de fil de
 participants à cette ML? On pose une question et il y en a quelques uns
 qui ne répondent pas sur la liste ou en perso. Ils appellent. Là où ça
 devient flippant, c'est qu'ils font une recherche sur internet pour
 connaître tous les numéros de phone que l'on a et vont jusqu'à appeler
 les homonymes. Bin, ouais, je ne suis pas tout seul à m'appeler Olivier
 Donc. Est ce spécifique à cette ML ou y a t-il quelques personnes au
 comportements mystic?
Jamais arrivé (mais tous mes n° sont en LR/LO/LI).

Mais je serais toi, je ferais attention par ce quesi la personne a
ton adresse et qu'elle est déséquilibrée, elle peut se pointer chez
toi à 11h00 du soir pour te couper le kiki (ou pire: violer le chien:)

Qui sait ce qu'il peut se passer dans la tête d'un tueur psychopathe
et assoiffé de sang, surtout à la nuit tombée...

Monitored by the American Human Association.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Mutt et reply vers la liste [HS]

2011-10-28 Thread Nahliel Steinberg

set my_default_index_format='%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l%4c?) %s'
set my_list_index_format='%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%?l?%4l%4c?) %s'
folder-hook . set index_format=\$my_default_index_format\
folder-hook @lists\.debian\.org set index_format=\$my_list_index_format\

Voir :

Dans l'espoir que cette astuce fera le bonheur de quelques quidams qui 
n'auraient pas encore fini leur muttation.



Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: Santé des SSD et SSD plus généralement

2011-10-28 Thread Anthony Bourguignon
 Donc noatime, nodiratime ET norelatime (parce que c'est le défaut pour
 les krnls  2.6.30) - à part pour ceux qui utilisent certains vieux pgms
 tel que mutt ou de vieux compilateurs, qui se basent sur atime pour 
 déterminer s'il y a eu modif ou non des fichiers.

noatime implique nodiratime donc ça en fait un de moins ;) .

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Re: [H.S.] Les coups de fil des participants de cette ML.

2011-10-28 Thread Olivier Pavilla
Le 28/10/2011 12:11, Thierry Leurent a écrit :
 J'ai aussi eu le cas aussi. J'avais mon numéro de téléphone dans la
 signature sur mon webmail.
 C'est étrange effectivement.

Ce qui me rassure,même si ça ne l'est pas. C'est que je ne suis pas un
cas isolé...

Le seul browser compatible 3G, c'est Lynx.
-+ bolosse45 +-

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Problème de clavier

2011-10-28 Thread Christophe Gallaire

Georges a dit dans un souffle :

Le lundi 24 octobre 2011 14:03:38, D. Barbier a écrit :


 Voilà le résultat de la commande : setxkbmap -print

 setxkbmap -print
 xkb_keymap {
 xkb_keycodes  { include evdev+aliases(azerty)};
 xkb_types { include complete};
 xkb_compat{ include complete};
 xkb_symbols   { include


J'ai eu le problème de clavier et de fonte, j'ai résolu avec :
  dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

si sa peu servir



J'ai essayé toutes les solutions proposées sur la liste mais rien y fait. Je ne
comprends pas ce qu'il se passe...


Christophe Gallaire

Attention ! Suppression des mails entrants dont la taille est supérieure à 2Mo !
N'envoyez, s'il vous plaît, que des pièces jointes en formats ouverts. 

Nouveau carnet de route :
Timeline :
Clé de chiffrement : 7803

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problème de clavier

2011-10-28 Thread D. Barbier
Le 28 octobre 2011 17:34, Christophe Gallaire a écrit :
 Georges a dit dans un souffle :

 Le lundi 24 octobre 2011 14:03:38, D. Barbier a écrit :


  Voilà le résultat de la commande : setxkbmap -print
  setxkbmap -print
  xkb_keymap {
  xkb_keycodes  { include evdev+aliases(azerty)};
  xkb_types     { include complete};
  xkb_compat    { include complete};
  xkb_symbols   { include


 J'ai eu le problème de clavier et de fonte, j'ai résolu avec :
  dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

 si sa peu servir



 J'ai essayé toutes les solutions proposées sur la liste mais rien y fait. Je
 ne comprends pas ce qu'il se passe...

Que te renvoie setxkbmap -print quand tu ne gardes que ta
configuration avec oss_latin9 ?


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Re: Problème de clavier

2011-10-28 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:34:17 +0300
Christophe Gallaire wrote:

 J'ai essayé toutes les listes proposées sur la solution mais rien y fait.
 Je n'ai pas comprendu qu'est ce qui se passe...

Si je comprend bien, c'est la galère (DSL, pas pu m'empêcher:)

Est-ce que tu as bien essayé de remplacer le driver 'kdb' par 'evdev'
et de ne laisser que les sections: 
* InputDevice = Keyboard
* InputDevice = mouse (si besoin est)
* Device  = Carte graphique
dans xorg.conf?

Qq chose comme ça:


Section InputDevice
Identifier Keyboard0
Driver evdev
Option XkbRulesxorg
Option XkbModelpc104
Option XkbLayout   fr
# Touche COMPOSE (pour avoir certaines accentuées) = LEFT_W$
   Option  XkbOptions  compose:lwin
   Option  XkbVariant  oss

###   MOUSE

Section InputDevice
# Logitech Optical 3 BTs + Wheel
Identifier Mouse0
Driver evdev
Option Protocolauto
# Chger pr une résol. plus musclée
Option Resolution  3500

###   GC

Section Device
Identifier NVIDIA
Driver nouveau

###   EOF

A shortcut is the longest distance between two points.

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Re: Comment checker le service ssh ou le rendre bavard?

2011-10-28 Thread Lucas

 On peut aussi (à partir du moment où les accès se font par machines Linux)

Il existe également des client knockd pour windows (et en cas extrême on
peut même s'en sortir avec un netcat).

 installer knockd, qui n'ouvrira le bon port qu'après une succession de
 pings sur des ports bien spécifiques.

Un peu de doc sur le portknocking :

Mais le portknocking t'aidera seulement si la cause de tes coupures viens
d'un bruteforce trop violent. Ca reste quand même exceptionnel (pas le
bruteforce mais un bruteforce qui DoS).
Que donne : grep 'authentication failure' /var/log/auth.log |wc -l ?

Il est également possible que ce soit au niveau de ta sonde qu'il y ai un
problème. D'ailleurs c'est quoi cette sonde ? Elle fait quoi, juste un
handshake ou une connexion ssh ?

Pour augmenter la verbosité des log de sshd :

man sshd_config 5 :
 Gives the verbosity level that is used when logging messages
from sshd(8).  The possible values are: QUIET, FATAL, ERROR, INFO, VERBOSE,
DEBUG, DEBUG1, DEBUG2, and DEBUG3.  The default is INFO.  DEBUG and DEBUG1
are equivalent.  DEBUG2 and DEBUG3 each specify higher levels of debugging
out‐put.  Logging with a DEBUG level violates the privacy of users and is
not recommended.

Si tu veux réduire le bruteforce et donc la charge sur ton serveur ssh tu
peux également regarder du coté de fail2ban (* )* qui est moins poilue que le

My 2 cents,

PS: Moi je parie sur la sonde !

Re: Santé des SSD et SSD plus généralement

2011-10-28 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Fri, 28 Oct 2011 02:01:29 +0200
Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit:
   Ben alors qu'est-ce que t'attends pour ajouter 'noatime' aux lignes de
   /etc/fstab, nantédiou!?
  Mais je n'ai pas envie de l'ajouter ! ;)
 Alors ne pose pas de questions sur la durée de vie des SSD,
 ça m'évitera de perdre mon temps.

Mais je n'ai pas posé de question ...


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Re: chiste del día RESUELTO

2011-10-28 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

El 27/10/11 22:09, Nicolas Bevilacqua escribió:
 On 27/10/11 16:32, Nicolas Bevilacqua wrote:
 On 27/10/11 07:43, Gerardo Diez wrote:


 Encontré esto que quizás te funcione.

 Saludos, Nicolás.

 Lo modifiqué un poco y abajo esta el resultado :-), solo hay que
 agregarlo al crontab e indicarle a thunderbird/icedove que tome la firma
 del archivo de texto que genera el script.
 Saludos, Nicolás.
Muchas gracias, he usado esta opción,

La morcilla reciente, cómela con tu pariente.

Por favor, NO utilice formatos  de archivo  propietarios para el
intercambio de  documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT,CSV
o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
fabricante  concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.

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Re: Virtualizar Debian Lenny en VMware

2011-10-28 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

El 27/10/11 18:26, Gorka escribió:
 Ahora voy a hacer tres cosas que no hacía antes:
 La primera es desmontar /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 antes de montar /dev/sda1,
 porque si no he visto que me aparecen las dos como montadas en /boot
 cuando ejecuto mount, y eso es imposible.
 La segunda es cd /boot Creo que te refieres a esto con lo de chroot al
 directorio donde el instalador ... (en realidad estoy por el 'Recovery 
 no en 'Instalación Gráfica', pero supongo que da igual).
 La tercera es, tras el cd /boot ejecutar /usr/sbin/grub-install --root-
 directory=/ /dev/sda1 (creo que serían estos parámetros) como me
 aconsejas en lugar de un apt-get install --reinstall grub

 Ahora os cuento ...

 Pues este último comando me devuelve ...
 /dev/sda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.

 Así que vuelvo al apt-get install --reinstall grub, que me devuelve ...
 Unpacking replacement grub ...
 Setting up grub (0.97-27-etch1) ...

 Supongo que se ha hecho correctamente. 'exit' - 'Modo Rescate - Reiniciar el
 Sistema' para comprobarlo ...
 Error loading operating system

 Seguimos igual.

 Veo que estas intentando virtualizar una maquina procedente de un proliant
 cd HP sobre un ESXi te digo que lo he hecho un monton de veces así que no
 te desanimes.
 Veo que en la maquina física tenias un sistema de volúmenes lógicos, que
 están mapeados, cuando se virtualiza se suelen perder los volumenes lógicos
 (a mi me ha pasado sobre todo con Red Hat que siempre crea volúmenes
 lógicos y siempre se pierden, con debian no recuerdo si he virtualizado o no
 algo con VL.) verifica que respuesta de mount es correcta, pues el te lee el
 fichero /etc/mtab que puedeno ser correcto si se quedo grabado en la
 virtualización, comprueba en /dev que es lo que existe, es imposible que
 exista /dev/cciss pues eso es el dispositivo raid hardware de los proliant,
 tamvien puedes usar fdisk -l /dev/sda para ver que estructura hay en el
 Si se ha mantenido la estructura de VL recuerda que no se puede arrancar de
 una partición lógica, el /boot que estar en otro disco o en una partición 
 Si todo esta correcto (incluido el contenido de /boot) pero no te arranca 
 un problema del gestor de arranque ejecuta grub-install --recheck /dev/sda
 (o el disco que sea) teniendo en cuenta que:
 Tienes que poner el --recheck para que se de cuenta que ha cambiado la
 estructura de discos y no intente instalarlo en un lugar erróneo.
 El grub tiene un fichero de configuración que debes de retocar
 (/boot/grub/menu.lst) o si no sabes, cuando tengas todos los discos
 montados puedes probar dpkg-reconfigure grub o dpkg --purge grub; apt-
 get install grub (si haces esto ultimo asegúrate de tener acceso a internet,
 pues lo vas a borrar).
 En definitiva
 Verifica que todo esta montado bien (incluido el /proc) Verifica cuales
 pueden ser tus discos y su estructura de particiones Verifica que en /boot
 este lo que debe estar Reinstala el gestos de arranque.
 Correcto, sí señor, es un Proliant. No estoy desanimado del todo (aún, 
 je-je). Sólo un poco. Creo que me lleváis por buen camino. 
 Este es el /etc/fstab de la máquina física ...
 # file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
 proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
 /dev/mapper/maquina--fisica-root /   ext3 
 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0   1
 /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 /boot   ext3defaults0   2
 /dev/mapper/ maquina--fisica -swap_1 noneswapsw 0   0
 /dev/hda/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
 Y este es el /etc/fstab de la máquina virtual ...
 # file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
 proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
 /dev/mapper/maquina--fisica-root /   ext3 
 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0   1
 /dev/sda1 /boot   ext3defaults0   2
 /dev/mapper/ maquina--fisica -swap_1 noneswapsw 0   0
 /dev/hda/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
 Por el contenido de fdisk -l ...
 /dev/sda: 256 MB (...) /dev/sda1 (...)
 /dev/sdb: 146.5 GB (...) /dev/sdb1 (...)
 ... estoy casi seguro de que el disco / está en /dev/sdb1 y /boot en 
 /dev/sda1, por lo cual modifico /etc/fstab para hacerlo coincidir con ello ...
 # file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
 proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
 /dev/sdb1 /   ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0   1
 /dev/sda1 /boot   ext3defaults0   2
 #/dev/mapper/ maquina--fisica -swap_1 noneswapsw 0   0
 /dev/hda/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
 Como no sé qué hacer con la swap voy a probar comentándo esa línea.
 ¿Así estaría bien el /etc/fstab?
 Sin embargo si hago ls -l /dev/maquina-fisica/ ...
 (...) root - /dev/mapper/ maquina--fisica-root

RE: Redireccionar con .htaccess

2011-10-28 Thread Gorka
 ¿Puedo hacer de alguna forma (con .htaccess o con los sites-enabled de
 apache2) que vaya a Es decir, … de un subdominio
 a una página concreta que no es index. Lo que quiero evitar es tener
 que crear el falso /nivel/ con un redirect de html dentro.
 ¿Es esto posible? ¿Cómo?
Pues con los virtualhost de apache quizás te sirva. Defines un
virtualhost, por ejemplo /etc/apache2/sites-available/subdominio
y dentro pones algo como (fíjate en los ejemplos de apache)

VirtualHost ip.publica.que.tengas
       DocumentRoot /donde/tengas/la/pagina/que/quieres/mostrar
       ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/subdominio.error.log
       CustomLog /var/log/apache2/subdominio.access.log combined
       TransferLog /var/log/apache2/subdominio.access.log

Te ha faltado poner el Redirect
/ ahi dentro, y seguramente quitar
tantos logs, total para una redirección :)

Esto es exactamente lo que andaba buscando.

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RE: Virtualizar Debian Lenny en VMware

2011-10-28 Thread Gorka

  Ahora voy a hacer tres cosas que no hacía antes:
  La primera es desmontar /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 antes de montar /dev/sda1,
  porque si no he visto que me aparecen las dos como montadas en /boot
  cuando ejecuto mount, y eso es imposible.
  La segunda es cd /boot Creo que te refieres a esto con lo de chroot
  al directorio donde el instalador ... (en realidad estoy por el
  'Recovery Mode', no en 'Instalación Gráfica', pero supongo que da igual).
  La tercera es, tras el cd /boot ejecutar /usr/sbin/grub-install
  --root- directory=/ /dev/sda1 (creo que serían estos parámetros) como
  me aconsejas en lugar de un apt-get install --reinstall grub
  Ahora os cuento ...
  Pues este último comando me devuelve ...
  /dev/sda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.
  Así que vuelvo al apt-get install --reinstall grub, que me devuelve ...
  Unpacking replacement grub ...
  Setting up grub (0.97-27-etch1) ...
  Supongo que se ha hecho correctamente. 'exit' - 'Modo Rescate -
  Reiniciar el Sistema' para comprobarlo ...
  Error loading operating system
  Seguimos igual.
  Veo que estas intentando virtualizar una maquina procedente de un
  proliant cd HP sobre un ESXi te digo que lo he hecho un monton de
  veces así que no te desanimes.
  Veo que en la maquina física tenias un sistema de volúmenes lógicos,
  que están mapeados, cuando se virtualiza se suelen perder los
  volumenes lógicos (a mi me ha pasado sobre todo con Red Hat que
  siempre crea volúmenes lógicos y siempre se pierden, con debian no
  recuerdo si he virtualizado o no algo con VL.) verifica que respuesta
  de mount es correcta, pues el te lee el fichero /etc/mtab que puedeno
  ser correcto si se quedo grabado en la virtualización, comprueba en
  /dev que es lo que existe, es imposible que exista /dev/cciss pues
  eso es el dispositivo raid hardware de los proliant, tamvien puedes
  usar fdisk -l /dev/sda para ver que estructura hay en el disco.
  Si se ha mantenido la estructura de VL recuerda que no se puede
  arrancar de una partición lógica, el /boot que estar en otro disco o en una
 partición fisica.
  Si todo esta correcto (incluido el contenido de /boot) pero no te
  arranca sera un problema del gestor de arranque ejecuta grub-install
  --recheck /dev/sda (o el disco que sea) teniendo en cuenta que:
  Tienes que poner el --recheck para que se de cuenta que ha cambiado
  la estructura de discos y no intente instalarlo en un lugar erróneo.
  El grub tiene un fichero de configuración que debes de retocar
  (/boot/grub/menu.lst) o si no sabes, cuando tengas todos los discos
  montados puedes probar dpkg-reconfigure grub o dpkg --purge grub;
  apt- get install grub (si haces esto ultimo asegúrate de tener acceso
  a internet, pues lo vas a borrar).
  En definitiva
  Verifica que todo esta montado bien (incluido el /proc) Verifica
  cuales pueden ser tus discos y su estructura de particiones Verifica
  que en /boot este lo que debe estar Reinstala el gestos de arranque.
  Correcto, sí señor, es un Proliant. No estoy desanimado del todo (aún, je-
 je). Sólo un poco. Creo que me lleváis por buen camino.
  Este es el /etc/fstab de la máquina física ...
  # file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
  proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
  /dev/mapper/maquina--fisica-root /   ext3 
 ro 0   1
  /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 /boot   ext3defaults0   2
  /dev/mapper/ maquina--fisica -swap_1 noneswapsw 0   0
  /dev/hda/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
  Y este es el /etc/fstab de la máquina virtual ...
  # file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
  proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
  /dev/mapper/maquina--fisica-root /   ext3 
 ro 0   1
  /dev/sda1 /boot   ext3defaults0   2
  /dev/mapper/ maquina--fisica -swap_1 noneswapsw 0   0
  /dev/hda/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
  Por el contenido de fdisk -l ...
  /dev/sda: 256 MB (...) /dev/sda1 (...)
  /dev/sdb: 146.5 GB (...) /dev/sdb1 (...) ... estoy casi seguro de que
  el disco / está en /dev/sdb1 y /boot en /dev/sda1, por lo cual modifico
 /etc/fstab para hacerlo coincidir con ello ...
  # file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
  proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
  /dev/sdb1 /   ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0   1
  /dev/sda1 /boot   ext3defaults0   2
  #/dev/mapper/ maquina--fisica -swap_1 noneswapsw 0   0
  /dev/hda/media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0   0
  Como no sé qué hacer con la swap voy a probar comentándo esa línea.
  ¿Así estaría bien el /etc/fstab?
  Sin embargo si hago ls -l /dev/maquina-fisica/ ...

Re: Problema con vsftpd on squeeze sparc

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:18:50 -0600, Roberto José Blandino Cisneros


 root@nfs:/var/log# ftp -p -v -d localhost Connected to localhost.
 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection ftp

 Ostras... es un bug:

 [sparc] 421 Service not available and disconnects users

 ¿Ves como era importante que te conectaras en local? ;-)
 Ese bug es para i386, en mi caso sucede en sparc, pero de igual forma
 lleva siempre a que está relacionado a la arquitectura.

Tienes que leer con más calma :-)

El bug *es específico* para el paquete de la arquitectura sparc, es 
decir, la tuya. Prueba instalando la versión que sugieren (2.3.4-1) a ver 
si sigue fallando.



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Re: chiste del día RESUELTO

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 09:38:59 +0200, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 El 27/10/11 22:09, Nicolas Bevilacqua escribió:
 On 27/10/11 16:32, Nicolas Bevilacqua wrote:
 On 27/10/11 07:43, Gerardo Diez wrote:


 Encontré esto que quizás te funcione.

 Saludos, Nicolás.

 Lo modifiqué un poco y abajo esta el resultado :-), solo hay que
 agregarlo al crontab e indicarle a thunderbird/icedove que tome la
 firma del archivo de texto que genera el script.
 Saludos, Nicolás.
 Muchas gracias, he usado esta opción,

De nada, me alegra que te haya servido ;-)



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Re: Error en Nautilus

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:56:47 +0200, J. OCTAVIO AVALOS escribió:

 Tengo que añadir en el asunto que tambien me sucede lo mismo con los
 accesos en el escritorio. El problema es que si quiero entrar en mi
 equipo, papelera, Red ... Me sale un mensaje de error: No se pudo
 mostrar trash (Equipo, Red ...) El archivo es de un tipo desconocido y
 por mas que busco en google no encuentro la solución. En varios hilos se
 indica que hay que instalar gvfs-backends, pero este archivo ya lo tenía
 instalado, lo reinstalé pero sigue sin funcionar.

Si buscas en Google por el mensaje en inglés, aparece esto:

Mira a ver si te sirve pero OJO, leelo con calma porque lo he visto así 
por encima y no sé hasta qué punto es correcto... sugiere renombrar /usr/
local para iniciar con uno limpio lo cual no sé hasta qué punto es 
buena idea :-?



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sobre MRTG (como hacer para ver 1 grafico por fila )

2011-10-28 Thread Julian Perconti
Hola lista, alguien sabe como hacer para que el MRTG con RRD y el .cgi de 
mrtg-rdd muestre en el index 1 grafico por fila en lugar de 2 columnas por fila?
No se si me explico, osea por defecto genera 2 columnas y un grafico en cada 
una de ellas y asi sucesivamente con X cantidad de graficos, routers, etc.
Busque en la documentacion oficial pero no dice mucho al respecto, se me hace 
la idea de que tengo que modificar el .cgi que genera el index puede ser? (en 
realidad no genera, si no que lee creo.)
Gracias de antemano, saludos.

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matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Francisco Bravo Andrade

resulta que quiero renunciar y decir chaoo jefe en la oficina. por lo
tanto necesito de su sabiduría para matar mi pc con debían conozco el
comando pero nunca lo eh tipiado en un terminal así que la duda la
tengo. además si ustedes saben de algo sutil y bello para hacerlo me
gustaría mucho que me ayudaran.-

pd= matar pc es borrar todo.-
pd= comando

# rm -Rf /   = sera cierto que lo hace.-

Gracias totales.-?¡

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Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread López Denazis Santiago

El 10/28/2011 12:05 PM, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:


resulta que quiero renunciar y decir chaoo jefe en la oficina. por lo
tanto necesito de su sabiduría para matar mi pc con debían conozco el
comando pero nunca lo eh tipiado en un terminal así que la duda la
tengo. además si ustedes saben de algo sutil y bello para hacerlo me
gustaría mucho que me ayudaran.-

pd= matar pc es borrar todo.-
pd= comando

# rm -Rf /   = sera cierto que lo hace.-

Gracias totales.-?¡

Yo utilizaría dd desde un live... ¿tan mal te vas de ese trabajo?

Santiago López Denazis
Open your source, open your mind.

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Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Felix Perez
El día 28 de octubre de 2011 12:05, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

 resulta que quiero renunciar y decir chaoo jefe en la oficina. por lo
 tanto necesito de su sabiduría para matar mi pc con debían conozco el
 comando pero nunca lo eh tipiado en un terminal así que la duda la
 tengo. además si ustedes saben de algo sutil y bello para hacerlo me
 gustaría mucho que me ayudaran.-

 pd= matar pc es borrar todo.-
 pd= comando

Es en serio la pregunta?
Ya esto marca niveles extremos de estupidez, ya rayando lo delictual.
No creo que este sea el lugar para preguntar esto. Si lo prefieres
busca un manual, estúdialo y asuma solo.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Orlando Nuñez
El 28 de octubre de 2011 10:35, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:


 resulta que quiero renunciar y decir chaoo jefe en la oficina. por lo
 tanto necesito de su sabiduría para matar mi pc con debían conozco el
 comando pero nunca lo eh tipiado en un terminal así que la duda la
 tengo. además si ustedes saben de algo sutil y bello para hacerlo me
 gustaría mucho que me ayudaran.-

 pd= matar pc es borrar todo.-
 pd= comando

 # rm -Rf /   = sera cierto que lo hace.-

 Gracias totales.-?¡

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Orlando E. Nuñez A.
Telefono: 04263609858

Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:05:51 -0300, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

 resulta que quiero renunciar y decir chaoo jefe en la oficina. por lo
 tanto necesito de su sabiduría para matar mi pc con debían conozco el
 comando pero nunca lo eh tipiado en un terminal así que la duda la
 tengo. además si ustedes saben de algo sutil y bello para hacerlo me
 gustaría mucho que me ayudaran.-
 pd= matar pc es borrar todo.-
 pd= comando
 # rm -Rf /   = sera cierto que lo hace.-

Podrá recuperar los datos con alguna herramienta como Photorec.

Ejecuta un formateo a bajo nivel con las utilidades del fabricante del 
disco duro o busca alguna aplicación que se encargue de dejar 
irrecuperables los datos del disco, como dban o similares.

Ahora bien, me parece una auténtica canallada además de ser denunciable :-



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Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Teu
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/xxx

Camaleón wrote:

El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:05:51 -0300, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

 resulta que quiero renunciar y decir chaoo jefe en la oficina. por lo
 tanto necesito de su sabiduría para matar mi pc con debían conozco el
 comando pero nunca lo eh tipiado en un terminal así que la duda la
 tengo. además si ustedes saben de algo sutil y bello para hacerlo me
 gustaría mucho que me ayudaran.-
 pd= matar pc es borrar todo.-
 pd= comando
 # rm -Rf /   = sera cierto que lo hace.-

Podrá recuperar los datos con alguna herramienta como Photorec.

Ejecuta un formateo a bajo nivel con las utilidades del fabricante del 
disco duro o busca alguna aplicación que se encargue de dejar 
irrecuperables los datos del disco, como dban o similares.

Ahora bien, me parece una auténtica canallada además de ser denunciable :-



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Re: Problema con vsftpd on squeeze sparc

2011-10-28 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros
2011/10/28 Camaleón
 El Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:18:50 -0600, Roberto José Blandino Cisneros


 root@nfs:/var/log# ftp -p -v -d localhost Connected to localhost.
 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection ftp

 Ostras... es un bug:

 [sparc] 421 Service not available and disconnects users

 ¿Ves como era importante que te conectaras en local? ;-)

 Ese bug es para i386, en mi caso sucede en sparc, pero de igual forma
 lleva siempre a que está relacionado a la arquitectura.

 Tienes que leer con más calma :-)

 El bug *es específico* para el paquete de la arquitectura sparc, es
 decir, la tuya. Prueba instalando la versión que sugieren (2.3.4-1) a ver
 si sigue fallando.

Probado, y sigue igual.

Tiene que ver con la arquitectura.



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Busque y Encuentre

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Re: Problema con vsftpd on squeeze sparc

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 10:55:39 -0600, Roberto José Blandino Cisneros

 2011/10/28 Camaleón

 Ostras... es un bug:

 [sparc] 421 Service not available and disconnects users

 ¿Ves como era importante que te conectaras en local? ;-)

 Ese bug es para i386, en mi caso sucede en sparc, pero de igual forma
 lleva siempre a que está relacionado a la arquitectura.

 Tienes que leer con más calma :-)

 El bug *es específico* para el paquete de la arquitectura sparc, es
 decir, la tuya. Prueba instalando la versión que sugieren (2.3.4-1) a
 ver si sigue fallando.

 Probado, y sigue igual.

Pues añade esta información en el bug que te he enviado para que el 
encargado del paquete lo sepa.

 Tiene que ver con la arquitectura.

Pues claro que tiene que ver con la arquitectura. El paquete para sparc 
es el que falla.



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Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Francisco Bravo Andrade
El 28/10/11 13:53, Teu escribió:
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/xxx

 Camaleón wrote:

 El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:05:51 -0300, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

 resulta que quiero renunciar y decir chaoo jefe en la oficina. por lo
 tanto necesito de su sabiduría para matar mi pc con debían conozco el
 comando pero nunca lo eh tipiado en un terminal así que la duda la
 tengo. además si ustedes saben de algo sutil y bello para hacerlo me
 gustaría mucho que me ayudaran.-

 pd= matar pc es borrar todo.-
 pd= comando

 # rm -Rf /   = sera cierto que lo hace.-
 Podrá recuperar los datos con alguna herramienta como Photorec.

 Ejecuta un formateo a bajo nivel con las utilidades del fabricante del 
 disco duro o busca alguna aplicación que se encargue de dejar 
 irrecuperables los datos del disco, como dban o similares.

 Ahora bien, me parece una auténtica canallada además de ser denunciable :-



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Hasta el momento nada sutil y bello, filo borro mi cuenta y aires
nuevos. a los talentosos le sobran ventanas abiertas para entrar.-

Gracias totales.-

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Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 14:26:09 -0300, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

 Hasta el momento nada sutil y bello, filo borro mi cuenta y aires
 nuevos. a los talentosos le sobran ventanas abiertas para entrar.-

Es que no hay nada de bello en destruir un sistema operativo :-/



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Re: matar un debian a la mala.

2011-10-28 Thread Francisco Bravo Andrade
El 28/10/11 14:39, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 14:26:09 -0300, Francisco Bravo Andrade escribió:

 Hasta el momento nada sutil y bello, filo borro mi cuenta y aires
 nuevos. a los talentosos le sobran ventanas abiertas para entrar.-
 Es que no hay nada de bello en destruir un sistema operativo :-/


Tienes toda la razón perdón. borrare mis datos personales solamente y la
ira enfocarla en otra cosa mas productiva.- gracias nuevamente.-

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Re: Error en Nautilus

2011-10-28 Thread J. OCTAVIO AVALOS
El día 28 de octubre de 2011 16:24, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:56:47 +0200, J. OCTAVIO AVALOS escribió:

 Tengo que añadir en el asunto que tambien me sucede lo mismo con los
 accesos en el escritorio. El problema es que si quiero entrar en mi
 equipo, papelera, Red ... Me sale un mensaje de error: No se pudo
 mostrar trash (Equipo, Red ...) El archivo es de un tipo desconocido y
 por mas que busco en google no encuentro la solución. En varios hilos se
 indica que hay que instalar gvfs-backends, pero este archivo ya lo tenía
 instalado, lo reinstalé pero sigue sin funcionar.

 Si buscas en Google por el mensaje en inglés, aparece esto:

 Mira a ver si te sirve pero OJO, leelo con calma porque lo he visto así
 por encima y no sé hasta qué punto es correcto... sugiere renombrar /usr/
 local para iniciar con uno limpio lo cual no sé hasta qué punto es
 buena idea :-?



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Lo extraño de mi caso, es que no es solo la papelera, de repente
dejaron de funcionar los accesos en cairo-dock (stack) a las carpetas
de Nautilus, el logout y shortcuts, pero sin embargo puedo entrar en
Nautilus desde esta barra pero tan solo como navegador de carpetas.
Tampoco funciona el acceso a Red (siempre desde nautilus) y por
último, por el momento, la instalación de paquetes .deb con Gdebi
escogidos desde el menú contextual.
Dejo de funcionar todo a la vez.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Error en Nautilus

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 21:00:08 +0200, J. OCTAVIO AVALOS escribió:

 El día 28 de octubre de 2011 16:24, Camaleón
 El Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:56:47 +0200, J. OCTAVIO AVALOS escribió:

 Tengo que añadir en el asunto que tambien me sucede lo mismo con los
 accesos en el escritorio. El problema es que si quiero entrar en mi
 equipo, papelera, Red ... Me sale un mensaje de error: No se pudo
 mostrar trash (Equipo, Red ...) El archivo es de un tipo desconocido
 y por mas que busco en google no encuentro la solución. En varios
 hilos se indica que hay que instalar gvfs-backends, pero este archivo
 ya lo tenía instalado, lo reinstalé pero sigue sin funcionar.

 Si buscas en Google por el mensaje en inglés, aparece esto:

 Mira a ver si te sirve pero OJO, leelo con calma porque lo he visto así
 por encima y no sé hasta qué punto es correcto... sugiere renombrar
 /usr/ local para iniciar con uno limpio lo cual no sé hasta qué
 punto es buena idea :-?

 Lo extraño de mi caso, es que no es solo la papelera, de repente dejaron
 de funcionar los accesos en cairo-dock (stack) a las carpetas de
 Nautilus, el logout y shortcuts, pero sin embargo puedo entrar en
 Nautilus desde esta barra pero tan solo como navegador de carpetas.
 Tampoco funciona el acceso a Red (siempre desde nautilus) y por último,
 por el momento, la instalación de paquetes .deb con Gdebi escogidos
 desde el menú contextual.
 Dejo de funcionar todo a la vez.

Octavio... en ese mismo hilo de los foros de Ubuntu que te he puesto 
indican un enlace a otro foro de Fedora donde otro usuario tiene 
problemas muy parecidos a los que mencionas (le dejan de funcionar 
algunos applets, le aparecen los errores de la papelera, la red y equipo 
al acceder a nautilus...) en fin, que le eches un vistazo detenidamente y 
si lo estimas conveniente pues haces las pruebas que dicen a ver si te 
soluciona algo.

P.S. Recuerda que hagas lo que hagas *nunca borres* los archivos o las 
carpetas, es mejor moverlos a otro lado.



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Re: Error en Nautilus

2011-10-28 Thread Francisco Bravo Andrade
El 28/10/11 17:12, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 28 Oct 2011 21:00:08 +0200, J. OCTAVIO AVALOS escribió:

 El día 28 de octubre de 2011 16:24, Camaleón
 El Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:56:47 +0200, J. OCTAVIO AVALOS escribió:

 Tengo que añadir en el asunto que tambien me sucede lo mismo con los
 accesos en el escritorio. El problema es que si quiero entrar en mi
 equipo, papelera, Red ... Me sale un mensaje de error: No se pudo
 mostrar trash (Equipo, Red ...) El archivo es de un tipo desconocido
 y por mas que busco en google no encuentro la solución. En varios
 hilos se indica que hay que instalar gvfs-backends, pero este archivo
 ya lo tenía instalado, lo reinstalé pero sigue sin funcionar.
 Si buscas en Google por el mensaje en inglés, aparece esto:

 Mira a ver si te sirve pero OJO, leelo con calma porque lo he visto así
 por encima y no sé hasta qué punto es correcto... sugiere renombrar
 /usr/ local para iniciar con uno limpio lo cual no sé hasta qué
 punto es buena idea :-?

 Lo extraño de mi caso, es que no es solo la papelera, de repente dejaron
 de funcionar los accesos en cairo-dock (stack) a las carpetas de
 Nautilus, el logout y shortcuts, pero sin embargo puedo entrar en
 Nautilus desde esta barra pero tan solo como navegador de carpetas.
 Tampoco funciona el acceso a Red (siempre desde nautilus) y por último,
 por el momento, la instalación de paquetes .deb con Gdebi escogidos
 desde el menú contextual.
 Dejo de funcionar todo a la vez.
 Octavio... en ese mismo hilo de los foros de Ubuntu que te he puesto 
 indican un enlace a otro foro de Fedora donde otro usuario tiene 
 problemas muy parecidos a los que mencionas (le dejan de funcionar 
 algunos applets, le aparecen los errores de la papelera, la red y equipo 
 al acceder a nautilus...) en fin, que le eches un vistazo detenidamente y 
 si lo estimas conveniente pues haces las pruebas que dicen a ver si te 
 soluciona algo.

 P.S. Recuerda que hagas lo que hagas *nunca borres* los archivos o las 
 carpetas, es mejor moverlos a otro lado.


Ah mi me paso algo semejante en ubuntu 11.04 nautilus no funcionaba
adecuado. no me preocupe por rana de ubuntu respalde y cambie a fedora
solucionado.- claro esto es cómodo por la sencilla razón de que era pc

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Re: Redireccionar con .htaccess

2011-10-28 Thread Jose Pablo Rojas Carranza
Y si hace un redirect 301 en el .htaccess?

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El 28/10/2011, a las 02:38 a.m., Gorka escribió:

 ¿Puedo hacer de alguna forma (con .htaccess o con los sites-enabled de
 apache2) que vaya a Es decir, … de un subdominio
 a una página concreta que no es index. Lo que quiero evitar es tener
 que crear el falso /nivel/ con un redirect de html dentro.
 ¿Es esto posible? ¿Cómo?
 Pues con los virtualhost de apache quizás te sirva. Defines un
 virtualhost, por ejemplo /etc/apache2/sites-available/subdominio
 y dentro pones algo como (fíjate en los ejemplos de apache)
 VirtualHost ip.publica.que.tengas
DocumentRoot /donde/tengas/la/pagina/que/quieres/mostrar
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/subdominio.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/subdominio.access.log combined
TransferLog /var/log/apache2/subdominio.access.log
 Te ha faltado poner el Redirect
 / ahi dentro, y seguramente quitar
 tantos logs, total para una redirección :)
 Esto es exactamente lo que andaba buscando.
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2011-10-28 Thread mordoc zero
Hola gente, e visto que se nombra mucho a los Troll, pero que pasa acaso no
existe ningun Morlok??

La verdad es que yo estoy intentando aprender linux y no tengo la capacidad
que otros, ni encuentro bien el rumbo, y busque ingresar a esta lista para
pedir ayuda, pero todo lo que pude ver cuantos Trolls hay. Pero ningun
Morlock existe para guiar, solo quiero tener mi sistema debian squeeze
funcionando casi tan estable como slackware, si alguien me puede ayudar a
conseguir info, desde ya muchas gracias, pues me canse de leer y releer los
FAQ HowTo y demas de debian, pero ni los man me ayudan frente a los cuelgues
de mi hermoso KDE4.  Y ni hablar sobre los errores del inicio
mi /var/log/boot

-- Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting console screen modes.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: ^[]R^[[9;30]^[[14;30]Skipping font and keymap
setup (handled by console-setup).
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting up console font and keymap...done.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Recovering nvi editor sessions...none found.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting kernel variables ...done.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting sensors limits.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Starting NFS common utilities: statd idmapd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Starting polipo: polipo.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Enabling additional executable binary formats:
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Starting system message bus: dbus.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Starting ACPI services
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Starting Hardware abstraction layer: hald.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:09 2011: Starting network connection manager:
Sat Oct 29 00:31:10 2011: Starting GNOME Display Manager: gdm.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Not starting K Display Manager (kdm); it is not
the default display manager..
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Starting anac(h)ronistic cron: anacron.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Saved ALSA mixer settings detected; aumix will not
touch mixer. ... ^[[33m(warning).^[
Sat Oct 29 00:31:12 2011: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:13 2011: Starting ClamAV virus database updater: freshclam.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:14 2011: Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:15 2011: Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:17 2011: Starting dictionary server: dictd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:17 2011: Starting MTA:/etc/default/linux-igd not
configured: linux-igd not running
Sat Oct 29 00:31:18 2011: Starting irmp3: irmp3.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:18 2011:  exim4.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:18 2011: ALERT: exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog has
non-zero size, mail system possibly b
roken ... ^[[31mfailed!^[[39;49m
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting kerneloops:
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC :.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Loading cpufreq kernel modules...done (none).
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting inputlirc
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: CPUFreq Utilities: Setting ondemand CPUFreq
governor...disabled, governor not availabl
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation
Sat Oct 29 00:31:20 2011: Starting netfilter userspace log daemon: ulogd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:20 2011: Starting Linux Video Disk Recorder: vdr - aborted
(to enable the daemon, edit /etc/def
Sat Oct 29 00:31:20 2011: Starting VirtualBox kernel modules.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:21 2011: Starting FTP server: vsftpd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:21 2011: vtun disabled, please adjust the configuration to
your needs ... ^[[31mfailed!^[[39;49

Pero realmente no se ven los errores de udev, luego de hacer un
#dpkg-reconfigure udev

**habiendo echo los cambios en /etc/udev/rules.d/55-hdplalalal y en el
pase los SYSFS por ATTRS como me lo pide el inicio pero no hay cambios y en
ningun lugar aparece nada, en los IRC de debian nadie responde, no se si es
porque todos saben demasiado y esto es muy tonto como para no resolverlo...o
realmente a nadie le paso y nunca les pasara. Desde ya muchas gracias por
haber perdido su tiempo leyendo este mail.



2011-10-28 Thread aldo . rivadeneira
Si el problema es el inicio de kde tienes que checar primero el error que te 
marca del kdm verifica que sea el default para que pueda inicializar 

Primero lo primero 

Saludos cordiales,
Enviado desde mi oficina móvil BlackBerry® de Telcel

-Original Message-
From: mordoc zero
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 00:47:40 
Subject: TROLL

Hola gente, e visto que se nombra mucho a los Troll, pero que pasa acaso no
existe ningun Morlok??

La verdad es que yo estoy intentando aprender linux y no tengo la capacidad
que otros, ni encuentro bien el rumbo, y busque ingresar a esta lista para
pedir ayuda, pero todo lo que pude ver cuantos Trolls hay. Pero ningun
Morlock existe para guiar, solo quiero tener mi sistema debian squeeze
funcionando casi tan estable como slackware, si alguien me puede ayudar a
conseguir info, desde ya muchas gracias, pues me canse de leer y releer los
FAQ HowTo y demas de debian, pero ni los man me ayudan frente a los cuelgues
de mi hermoso KDE4.  Y ni hablar sobre los errores del inicio
mi /var/log/boot

-- Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting console screen modes.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: ^[]R^[[9;30]^[[14;30]Skipping font and keymap
setup (handled by console-setup).
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting up console font and keymap...done.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Recovering nvi editor sessions...none found.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting kernel variables ...done.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:05 2011: Setting sensors limits.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Starting NFS common utilities: statd idmapd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:06 2011: Starting polipo: polipo.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Enabling additional executable binary formats:
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Starting system message bus: dbus.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Starting ACPI services
Sat Oct 29 00:31:07 2011: Starting Hardware abstraction layer: hald.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:09 2011: Starting network connection manager:
Sat Oct 29 00:31:10 2011: Starting GNOME Display Manager: gdm.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Not starting K Display Manager (kdm); it is not
the default display manager..
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Starting anac(h)ronistic cron: anacron.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:11 2011: Saved ALSA mixer settings detected; aumix will not
touch mixer. ... ^[[33m(warning).^[
Sat Oct 29 00:31:12 2011: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: avahi-daemon.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:13 2011: Starting ClamAV virus database updater: freshclam.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:14 2011: Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:15 2011: Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:17 2011: Starting dictionary server: dictd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:17 2011: Starting MTA:/etc/default/linux-igd not
configured: linux-igd not running
Sat Oct 29 00:31:18 2011: Starting irmp3: irmp3.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:18 2011:  exim4.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:18 2011: ALERT: exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog has
non-zero size, mail system possibly b
roken ... ^[[31mfailed!^[[39;49m
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting kerneloops:
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC :.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: saned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Loading cpufreq kernel modules...done (none).
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting inputlirc
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: CPUFreq Utilities: Setting ondemand CPUFreq
governor...disabled, governor not availabl
Sat Oct 29 00:31:19 2011: Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation
Sat Oct 29 00:31:20 2011: Starting netfilter userspace log daemon: ulogd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:20 2011: Starting Linux Video Disk Recorder: vdr - aborted
(to enable the daemon, edit /etc/def
Sat Oct 29 00:31:20 2011: Starting VirtualBox kernel modules.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:21 2011: Starting FTP server: vsftpd.
Sat Oct 29 00:31:21 2011: vtun disabled, please adjust the configuration to
your needs ... ^[[31mfailed!^[[39;49

Pero realmente no se ven los errores de udev, luego de hacer un
#dpkg-reconfigure udev

**habiendo echo los cambios en /etc/udev/rules.d/55-hdplalalal y en el
pase los SYSFS por ATTRS como me lo pide el inicio pero no hay cambios y en
ningun lugar aparece nada, en los IRC de debian nadie responde, no se si es
porque todos saben demasiado y esto es muy tonto como para no resolverlo...o
realmente a nadie le paso y nunca les pasara. Desde ya muchas gracias por
haber perdido su tiempo leyendo este mail.


Re: SSH och OpenVPN

2011-10-28 Thread Stefan Alfredsson

On 2011-10-18 12.58, Jeremiah Foster wrote:



Jag försöker sätta upp OpenVPN mellan min Debian-server och JoliOS som körs 
under VirtualBox på Windows XP.

Port 443 är det enda jag kan använda på JoliOS/XP och det är på den port som 
OpenVPN-servern på Debian lyssnar.

Egentligen behöver jag bara SSH-access, men då port 22 inte är öppen tänkte jag 
försöka med OpenVPN.

You can tell ssh to listen on port 443 if you want. Note that you
cannot have another daemon listening on that port then, like a web

För ssh, SSL och openvpn finns det faktiskt lösningar för att dela port
(dock lyssnar de inte inte samtidigt på porten, det är mer en sorts 



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Re: Alguma forma mais rápida para ler um arq texto sequencial em bash

2011-10-28 Thread hamacker
Só para concluir este assunto.

Removi do meu script a parte do while read SQUID_LINHA ; do...done que
embora fosse sequencial e com uma tacada só me proporcionava analise de
quase todo tipo de acesso e separação por usuario - era lento pra danado !
Com mais de 12h, o negócio não terminava.

Bem, o que fiz ?
parei de fazer a leitura sequencial, usei um 'awk' para pegar todos os
usuarios contidos no log e depois um grep para pegar usuario por usuario e
refiz a saída usando outra sintaxe do 'awk' formatando o resultado,
resultado ?
O tempo caiu para 11min, por isso AWK rocks !
E só leva 11min porque tem um grep no meio que remove do log acessos
considerados de livre acesso e leva 9min! senão seria tudo em 2min.

Só preciso conhecer melhor essa ferramenta porque olhando a sintaxe sem
saber o que faz parece código alienigena.

[]'s a todos.

Em 21 de outubro de 2011 16:50, hamacker escreveu:

 Olha é muito dificil eu não usar um pipe, pegar o primeiro parametro assim


 Eu já uso a bastante tempo, mas não há como pegar o segundo parametro,
 terceiro,... dessa forma, eu tenho que fatiar o relatorio colunado do squid
 e despachar para outro arquivo aquilo que for importante.
 Quando meu script chegou a esse laço while já passou pelos greps da vida
 que eliminaram efemeridades que não me interessavam.

 FINISH=$(wc -l $SQUIDLOG|cut -d  -f1)
 while read SQUID_LINHA ; do
   PARAM_DATA_UNIXTIME=`echo $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 1`
   PARAM_DATA=`date +%d-%m-%Y+%H:%M -d 1970-01-01 $PARAM_DATA_UNIXTIME
   if [ $PARAM_DATA = $DATA_DESEJADA ] ; then
 PARAM_DURACAO=`expr $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 2`
 PARAM_DURACAO=`date +%H:%M:%S -d 1970-01-01 $DURACAO_SEGUNDOS sec`
 PARAM_CLIENTE=`expr $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 3`
 PARAM_RESULTADO=`expr $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 4`
 PARAM_BYTES=`expr $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 5`
 PARAM_URL=`expr $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 7`
 PARAM_LOGIN=`expr $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 8`
 PARAM_MIME=`expr $SQUID_LINHA|cut -d   -f 10`
 done  $SQUIDLOG

 Na realidade eu perco muito tempo na filtragem, o log do squid tem vários
 dias armazenados, mas se eu quiser pegar os dados do dia 20-10-2011, e os
 logs contém arquivos desde o dia 15 então tenho que avançar 5 dias
 linha-a-linha para finalmente chegar aonde eu desejo. Isso tem sido uma
 tortura para mim pq mesmo apenas o while read SQUID_LINHA ; do ... done já
 demora bastante até chegar o dia 20.

 Eu precisava dum jeito mais rápido.
 Eu tô pesando seriamente em facilitar o meu lado por mudar as configurações
 do squid só para não ter que converter o formato unixdate e realizar um grep
 mantendo apenas a data desejada. Daí a velocidade aumentaria bastante, a
 questão é que se eu alterar o formato original do squid, nunca mais vou
 poder usar algum programa analizador de logs que houverem para ele.


 Em 21 de outubro de 2011 15:32, Paulino Kenji Sato pks...@gmail.comescreveu:

 2011/10/21 hamacker
  Ola pessoal,
  Eu tenho uma rotina dentro dum batch que reformata e audita o que desejo
  arquivo de log do squid, porém a medida que o log do squid aumenta
  insustentável o tempo para ler este arquivo

  Será que há algum outro algorítimo ou função que poderia usar para
 melhor a
  performance ?

 Reescreva isso em awk, perl ou python, ou outra linguagem de sua
 preferencia, e não use system('cut -d -f');

 O problema do seu script e que faz muito fork, chamando programas
 externos, como o cut e ou wc.
 O cut -d   -f 1  pode ser feito em bash, assim:


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Re: Ambiente gráfico minimo.

2011-10-28 Thread Márcio H . Parreiras
Experimente o LXDE. Elegante, leve e extremamente rápido. Usa GTK+,
então tem uma certa semelhança com o Gnome.

    Márcio H. Parreiras

    GNU/Linux Professional


    Pedro Leopoldo - MG - Brazil

  Faça a mudança:;

  Livre-se dos vírus e outras ameaças digitais:;

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Ambiente gráfico minimo.

2011-10-28 Thread Rafael

Boa tarde a todos da lista.
Estou encaminhando esta mensagem para agradecer a todos da lista que me 
ajudaram, estou seguindo os conselhos dado e no momento testando o 
gnome-core, que a primeira vista esta sendo tudo que eu procurava.

Mais uma vez agradeço a todos e tenha um ótimo final de semana.

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Re: Ambiente gráfico minimo.

2011-10-28 Thread Luiz Paulo Colombiano
Uso wmaker numa máquina bem velhinha (k6-II- 550) e ne um note meia boca


#solução_para_o_lance_da_wireless_não_funfar :)


Em 28 de outubro de 2011 11:58, Márcio H. Parreiras m...@mhp.eti.brescreveu:

 Experimente o LXDE. Elegante, leve e extremamente rápido. Usa GTK+,
 então tem uma certa semelhança com o Gnome.

 Márcio H. Parreiras

 GNU/Linux Professional


 Pedro Leopoldo - MG - Brazil

   Faça a mudança:;

   Livre-se dos vírus e outras ameaças digitais:;

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..:Luiz Paulo Colombiano:..

Contra Negantem Principia Non Est Disputandum

Graduando Eng Elétrica - Unifacs
Linux User # 415937

O possível só é atingível através da tentativa de se atingir o impossível.

Karl Liebcknecht

Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, driver ipw not supported? CLI only

2011-10-28 Thread J. Bakshi
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 00:43:08 +0100
Raf Czlonka wrote:


 There's no need to run wpa_supplicant by hand - it integrates nicely
 with ifupdown. You can simply put:
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
   wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
 into your /etc/network/interfaces (add wpa-debug-level 3 if you're
 having problems) and use ifupdown.

I am doing it differently and it is  complex.

1. I have following at /etc/rc.loacl

` ` ` `
wpa_supplicant -B -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 -c  /usr/local/etc/my.wpa_supplicant.conf

` ` ` `

and at /etc/network/interfaces I have

` ` ` `

mapping wlan0
 script guessnet-ifupdown
 map default: office-wifi
 map  office-wifi open unknown
 map timeout: 12
 # map init-time: 12   # for slow drivers
 map verbose: true
 map debug: true

 iface office-wifi inet dhcp
test wireless  mac  00:1C:F0:3D:4C:C9
post-up  /root/bin/FIREWALL start

# if all else fails: pick an open network
 iface open inet dhcp
 test wireless open
 wireless-essid any
 wireless-mode auto
` ` ` `

How can I remove the wpa related entry from rc.local and add directly at 
/etc/interfaces ?


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Fetchmail certificate problem

2011-10-28 Thread Johann Spies
With the following fetchmail config:

 poll  protocol imap:
   no dns
 #  port 993
   user js here
   password xxx
#   ssl 
#   sslcertck# Check the certificates
#   sslcertpath /etc/ssl/certs   # Path to the certificates
   mda formail -s /usr/bin/procmail -f- -d js@localhost

I get this error message:

fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: self signed certificate
fetchmail: This means that the root signing certificate (issued for 
 is not in the trusted CA certificate locations, or that c_rehash needs to be 
run on the certificate directory. For details, please see the documentation of 
--sslcertpath and --sslcertfile in the manual page.
fetchmail: Warning: the connection is insecure, continuing
anyways. (Better use --sslcertck!)

But I get my email.

Changing it to uncomment

sslcertck and 
sslcertpath /etc/ssl/certs

I get this:

fetchmail: Server CommonName mismatch: localhost !=
fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: self signed certificate
fetchmail: This means that the root signing certificate (issued for 
 is not in the trusted CA certificate locations, or that c_rehash needs to be 
run on the certificate directory. For details, please see the documentation of 
--sslcertpath and --sslcertfile in the manual page.
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:s3_clnt.c:1059:
fetchmail: upgrade to TLS failed.
fetchmail: Unknown login or authentication error on
fetchmail: socket error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)

In this case fetching the email fails.

The service provider sent me a certificiate which I did put in the path
referred to in the configuration but it did not solve the problem.

How can I solve this problem?

Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a  
  branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast
  them into the fire, and they are burned. 
 John 15:6 

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Re: Getting sound working

2011-10-28 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 28/10/2011 01:09, Harry Putnam wrote:  writes:


Run a mixer (e.g., alsamixer) and check to make sure nothing's muted
and that the volumes are set to reasonable levels.

Egad, that was it, alsamixer showed the volume being really low.

OK now I've got sound and happily listing to wbez

One thing I don't see is a way to increase/decrease sound in the
separate speakers.

Only seems possible to increase/decrease both at once.

in the attached screen grab, starting from the left.  1 and 3 are the
only columns that have any effect and either of those turns both
speakers up/down together.

Using F6 allows one to pick the sound card...`default' shows only one
column and `Intel ICH5' (as in the screen shot) shows several columns
but only the two mentioned above actually seem to do anything.

Fortunately my speakers each have there own amp and consequent volume
setting.  But shouldn't I be able to adjust that kind of stuff in the

IMHO alsamixer your friend in many on-board-sound-cards weirdness issues.
From alsamixer help (press H in alsasmixer to get all other keyboard 

Q W E  Increase left/both/right volumes
Z X C  Decrease left/both/right volumes

You can only set left/right volume if the soundcard supports it for that 
channel. This usually doesn't work e.g. for master, it usually does for 
PCM. You can easily test out which channels support stereo with the 
above keys.


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Re: Debian on Nokia N900?

2011-10-28 Thread Selim T. Erdogan
Victor Nitu, 27.10.2011:
 Hi there,
 Nokia released some time ago some smartphones using a Debian-based
 OS, which they called Maemo.
 I was wondering if anybody on this list had any previous experience
 with the N900, trying to setup a
 vanilla Debian system. The arch used would be armel, and I guess the
 original phone software (well,
 the important pieces) can still be installed via apt-pinning from
 the Maemo repositories.

Ask the debian-arm list too.

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Re: Debian on Nokia N900?

2011-10-28 Thread Victor Nitu

On 10/28/2011 10:22 AM, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:

Ask the debian-arm list too.

Thanks. I'm on my way.

Kind regards,

Re: Dual monitor setup

2011-10-28 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 01:49:23AM +0100, Raf Czlonka wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 07:51:02AM BST, Johann Spies wrote:
   I tried to check the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.
   But it's not there.
   Why is there no /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, then what configuration file is 
   the X
  I dont't know and would also like to know.
 Since quite a while back, Xserver, shipped with Debian and other
 distributions, doesn't require xorg.conf file - it uses auto-detection.
 You can still use xorg.conf however, and for dual monitor setup it might
 be a better idea to create one.

This seems to come up time and time again. I wonder if it would be
sensible for Debian to create a dummy xorg.conf file that just said
something like:

 # By default, autodetects hardware so configuration is usually
 # not necessary. If, however, you need to override the autodetection,
 # you can add the relevant Sections to this file.

That way, all the documentation on the internet that says add this to
your xorg.conf should still make sense to newbies.

Darac Marjal

Description: Digital signature

Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, driver ipw not supported? CLI only

2011-10-28 Thread Brian
On Thu 27 Oct 2011 at 17:42:18 -0700, wrote:

 BUT... I had actually tried the wext driver as well...and it had failed
 with this output:
 root@eve:~# wpa_supplicant -Dwext -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -ieth0 -d
 Initializing interface 'eth0' conf '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver

If the wireless interface is indeed eth0 there could be lots of debugging
ahead of us. If not .

As Raf Czlonka has already said, using /etc/network/interfaces and its
integration with wpa_supplicant is the way to go. You do not even need a
wpa_supplicant.conf file.

   iface eth0 inet dhcp
   wpa-ssid myssid
   wpa-psk passphrase

should give a working setup.

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Re: Fetchmail certificate problem

2011-10-28 Thread Chris Davies
Johann Spies wrote:
 I get this error message:
 fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: self signed certificate
 fetchmail: This means that the root signing certificate (issued for 
  is not in the trusted CA certificate locations, or that c_rehash needs to be 
 run on the certificate directory. For details, please see the documentation 
 of --sslcertpath and --sslcertfile in the manual page.
 fetchmail: Warning: the connection is insecure, continuing
 anyways. (Better use --sslcertck!)

 But I get my email.

It looks like your Internet Mail Provider (IMP) is offering TLS with a
self-signed certificate. So fetchmail is correctly warning you that the
certificate provides no confirmation of identity and little assurance
of security.

 Changing it to uncomment
 sslcertck and 
 sslcertpath /etc/ssl/certs

 In this case fetching the email fails.

This is correct. Have you read the fetchmail documentation for the
sslcertck option?

 The service provider sent me a certificiate which I did put in the path
 referred to in the configuration but it did not solve the problem.

 How can I solve this problem?

What's the problem you're documenting?

- your IMP hasn't got a trusted certificate?
(IMO there's really little excuse for this.)

- your IMP doesn't know what it's doing?
(Is C=US/ST=Someprovince/L=Sometown/... really what's in the
certificate? If so, I'd look elsewhere. Seriously.)

- you don't understand why fetchmail's complaining at you?
(See above.)

- you've put some certificate somewhere and it doesn't work?
(If you accept your IMP's root certificate then you are trusting them
for everything. If it's just the braindead self-signed certificate
then you have a chance of keeping your security intact. But you do
need to do more than just put the certificate in the /etc/ssl/certs
directory - read fetchmail's sslcertpath documentation.)


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RE: CA Issues

2011-10-28 Thread Paddy Tollan

first sorry for the HTML the output from the output of ls -l /root/CA/* is

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1419 cacert.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 index.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 887 key.pem
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 newcerts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2110 openssl.cnf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 private
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 875 req.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3 serial 

ls -l /root/CA/private* produces:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 963 cakey.pem

I am using as my template


 Subject: Re: CA Issues
 Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 15:13:37 +
 On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 09:33:46 +, Paddy Tollan wrote:
 (please, avoid using html formatted messages)
  Hi I am trying to generate a self signed CA certificate for a debian
  mail server I am able  to start the process but when it comes to signing
   the certificate eg running the command openssl ca -out cert.pem -config
   ./openssl.cnf -infiles req.pem
  I get the error msg error opening CA private key CA/private/cakey.pem
  no such file or directory error opening private key the directory and
  file is there at /root/CA/private/cakey.pem so not sure what to do to
  fix this any help valued i am using the file at this website as my base
 Are you using the suggested openssl.cnf file as template?
 What's the output of ls -l /root/CA/*?
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Icedove attachments

2011-10-28 Thread Mark Panen


I am having problems with *.jpg and *.pdf attachments in icedove. Some 
open some don't, i use okular for the pdf's but sometimes icedove asks 
me to save the file, which i don't want to do.

The preferences are set up correctly.

Debian Squeeze 6.0.3 amd64, KDE 4.4.5

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Re: Debian on Nokia N900?

2011-10-28 Thread Johann Spies
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 09:22:53AM +0200, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:

  Nokia released some time ago some smartphones using a Debian-based
  OS, which they called Maemo.
  I was wondering if anybody on this list had any previous experience
  with the N900, trying to setup a
  vanilla Debian system.

I have a N900 and did setup Debian using the Maemo provided packages.  I
could even run openoffice on my N900 in the Debian environment.

I removed it again as it used up a lot of space and was a bit slow.



Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain 
  thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.  
   Psalms 55:22 

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RE: Fetchmail certificate problem

2011-10-28 Thread Arno Schuring

 fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: self signed certificate
 fetchmail: This means that the root signing certificate (issued for 
  is not in the trusted CA certificate locations, or that c_rehash needs to be 
 run on the certificate directory. For details, please see the documentation 
 of --sslcertpath and --sslcertfile in the manual page.
 fetchmail: Warning: the connection is insecure, continuing
 anyways. (Better use --sslcertck!)

 fetchmail: Server CommonName mismatch: localhost !=
This might still cause a problem when you get the certificate working.

 The service provider sent me a certificiate which I did put in the path
 referred to in the configuration but it did not solve the problem.

/etc/ssl/certs is a managed location (yes, I know, not strictly FHS compliant).

You need to put the certificate in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates (from 
memory, please double-check with the ca-certificates documentation) and re-run 


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Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, driver ipw not supported? CLI only

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 09:46:25AM BST, Brian wrote:
 As Raf Czlonka has already said, using /etc/network/interfaces and its
 integration with wpa_supplicant is the way to go. You do not even need a
 wpa_supplicant.conf file.

You don't, for simple setup that is indeed enough.
If you have several wireless networks you can keep your interfaces file
tidy and organised, not to mention that roaming mode won't work without
wpa_supplicant.conf file.

iface eth0 inet dhcp
  wpa-ssid myssid
  wpa-psk passphrase

I also recommend actual PSK rather than passphrase.

man wpa_passphrase.


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Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, driver ipw not supported? CLI only

2011-10-28 Thread J. Bakshi
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:36:26 +0100
Raf Czlonka wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 09:46:25AM BST, Brian wrote:
  As Raf Czlonka has already said, using /etc/network/interfaces and its
  integration with wpa_supplicant is the way to go. You do not even need a
  wpa_supplicant.conf file.
 You don't, for simple setup that is indeed enough.
 If you have several wireless networks you can keep your interfaces file
 tidy and organised, not to mention that roaming mode won't work without
 wpa_supplicant.conf file.
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 wpa-ssid myssid
 wpa-psk passphrase
 I also recommend actual PSK rather than passphrase.
 man wpa_passphrase.

I am doing it differently and it is  complex.

1. I have following at /etc/rc.loacl

` ` ` `
wpa_supplicant -B -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 -c  /usr/local/etc/my.wpa_supplicant.conf

` ` ` `

and at /etc/network/interfaces I have

` ` ` `

mapping wlan0
 script guessnet-ifupdown
 map default: office-wifi
 map  office-wifi open unknown
 map timeout: 12
 # map init-time: 12   # for slow drivers
 map verbose: true
 map debug: true

 iface office-wifi inet dhcp
test wireless  mac  00:1C:F0:3D:4C:C9
post-up  /root/bin/FIREWALL start

# if all else fails: pick an open network
 iface open inet dhcp
 test wireless open
 wireless-essid any
 wireless-mode auto
` ` ` `

How can I remove the wpa related entry from rc.local and add directly at 
/etc/interfaces ?


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Re: laptop wireless setup, wpa_supplicant.conf, driver ipw not supported? CLI only

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 07:04:10AM BST, J. Bakshi wrote:
 How can I remove the wpa related entry from rc.local and add directly at 
 /etc/interfaces ?

Please read /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian.gz - you can find
all the answers there.

A couple of hints:

wpa-driver nl80211
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

in /etc/network/interfaces.

id_str in wpa_supplicant.conf

P.S. Please send only one reply, not four exactly the same ones.

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Re: Choosing a distribution (was: Just a simple query)

2011-10-28 Thread Linux Tyro
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:11 PM, francis picabia fpica...@gmail.comwrote:

I think you read something into that which wasn't stated.  I never
 mentioned openSUSE.

You might have never used that, that's why, I guess you didn't mention.

 In Debian it requires only a quick couple of reboots to load the newer
 kernel, etc.

That's a great thing.

 Another thing that would make me hesitant is the future
 of Suse.  A distro which is owned by someone new
 every few years comes with some uncertainty.

I didn't know this fact! But new persons too can handle the task smoothly
provided they are perfect.

 I've seen comments on many mailing lists and forums of people who
 went through a series of distros, say any three of gentoo, ubuntu,
 slackware, fedora, debian, cent os, mint, before settling on one they
 These where often users straight from Windows.

One of the easiest distro, I came to know is PCLinuxOS in this list, the
list you are saying could be a little old, now a days PCLinuxOS (as someone
points here too), is radically simply, simpler and more like Windows.

 Personally, it took me several years and a second visit to using
 Debian before it became my preferred distro.

 It can also be a question of documentation, bug handling, user community,
 etc.  All of those things you only know by trying it out and doing

You are from the technical field only so have a lot of time testing and
trying other distros, but we are from other field, we need something good at
this moment, like Debian/openSUSE/PCLinuxOS.

When I got into Linux in 1996, searching for help in Alta Vista on Linux
 was always returning info on Redhat, so this became my choice.
 Today, it is nearly the opposite - Redhat information is barely out there.
 Community support and documentation is a major factor in my view.

Time changes many things, many new developments incorporated(since

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:06 PM, Anthony Campbell

A distribution that does everything with the GUI certainly makes things
 easier for beginners, but I think that unless you take the plunge and
 become comfortable with the command line you are likely to progress
 only slowly.

I do agree with you.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:53 AM, francis picabia fpica...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yes, however, if you are curious in addition to willing, the GUI front
 end can be educational.  Change something in GUI which impacts the
 firewall, authentication, etc., and then look at the file system to
 see what files it changes and with what content.  This was me with
 Redhat in '96 and it built knowledge I could take to Slackware, etc.

I guess this must have impact on the system files, GUI too asks for
authentication (as for what I know)!

But more significantly, the older generation of Unix users were
 introduced to stuff gradually.  It was like going through school, but
 we were introduced to each piece as it came into maturity.  We were
 not on the web, we probably didn't have email except to other users on
 the same Unix system.  We started with vt100-ish terminals, not any sort of
 Windows. We did have
 lots of time to experiment with shell scripting, regular expressions,
 awk, tricks in vi (it was called fred when I first used it) etc.  This
 was our elementary school period we built up the basics of living and
 working from the command line.  Even when XFree86 came along, it was a
 bit of research to find how to configure your particular video card,
 monitor, mouse, etc. with the windowing system.

That was old times when email was not so common as it is now, but you have
good experience.

 For someone starting today, there is a mountain of information to
 learn all at once.  They have to sort out what is worth learning.  I
 don't know how they would go about it.  Of course to me it makes sense
 to learn it the same order it was developed, but really, a bunch of it
 can be forgotten (e.g. uucp).

It is forgotten, today people learn only the things they require or want to
work in, and that's why they take so long to grep perfection!

 I think it is getting to the point where more and more, only the
 developers (or people able to read and understand the code) will have
 inside knowledge on changing
 low level config.  It is like that now for projects like Horde Webmail
 or Mailman.

Of course, general people cannot do level of technical changes or editing
such files...The general people only use the system which developers do
provide them!

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Robert Blair Mason Jr.

 Beyond just stability and freedom, I also didn't like the openSUSE way
 of doing things.  I find that debian's package management and system
 administration tools are very robust.  I haven't yet had a good
 experience with YaST.  For me it's always been slow, slightly clunky,
 and annoying, like when YaST settings override settings in
 configuration files.  I 

Re: Just a simple query

2011-10-28 Thread Linux Tyro
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Patrick Bartek wrote:

If you are truly a Linux tyro. . . .  In my opinion, PCLinuxOS is one of the
 best distributions to start with simply because it's designed from the
 ground up for those coming from another OS like Windows, or who have no
 Linux or OS administrative experience at all.  It is designed to work right
 out of the box.  No additional work required for the most part.
  Administration and configuration is all through GUI utilities.

 You can still learn Linux on it like any other Linux distro: set up
 servers, firewalls, etc.  PCLinuxOS afterall is still Linux underneath the
 flashy GUI.

Thanks for this, seems really like Windows.

Re: Observing IP Conflicts

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 03:46:51AM BST, green wrote:
 Volkan YAZICI wrote at 2011-10-27 12:16 -0500:
  I have two servers A and B, where both knows the IP address of itself
  and the other. Assume A goes down (that is, A is not reachable via
  ping), then B temporarily takes the IP address of A via IP aliasing.
 I have not used it, but you might want to look at the vrrpd package.

Or ucarp. I guess keepalived has been mentioned already and since
you're not running a cluster it might be an overkill.


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Re: how to fix dpkg error about

2011-10-28 Thread Mitchell Laks

The answer to how to fix dpkg errors caused by faulty entries in the available 
file is the following

see this url for the solution

Symptom: Every time an apt-get command is run, some sort of error or warning is 
reported stating that an available package has a corrupt version number.

Cause: The ‘available’ file used by dpkg contains erroneous information or is 

Solution: Rebuild the ‘available’ file.


1. Back up current file
as root do the following

 cp /var/lib/dpkg/available /var/lib/dpkg/available.broken

2. Delete current ‘available’ file
 dpgk --clear-avail

3. Rebuild ‘available’ file
apt-get  update

then it will be ok

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2011-10-28 Thread Bob Brewer
On my up-to-date sid distro, my /var/log/boot hasn't been updated since 
13 April 2011 (BOOTLOGD_ENABLE is set to Yes in /etc/default/bootlogd).

This looks to be the same as  Bug 624289 which was raised against the 
sysvinit-utils package but perhaps should have been raised against the 
initscripts package.

I haven't been able to find any workarounds to run bootlogd at boot time 
and need to look at my boot data so I would be interested to know if 
there any alternatives to bootlogd.


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Re: Getting sound working

2011-10-28 Thread Harry Putnam
Lorenzo Sutton writes:

 Q W E  Increase left/both/right volumes
 Z X C  Decrease left/both/right volumes

 You can only set left/right volume if the soundcard supports it for
 that channel. This usually doesn't work e.g. for master, it usually
 does for PCM. You can easily test out which channels support stereo
 with the above keys.

Ahh, yes I see.. works for PCM.

Sorry I hadn't investigated far enough before posting.

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Re: Software Raid, recovery after drive broke

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 06:12:37PM BST, Tom H wrote:
 I'm sorry that I've confused you. I was just pointing out that the
 demarcation line between mdraid and dmraid isn't as straightforward as
 you made it out to be because mdadm (which is an mdraid tool) can be
 used to manage dmraid arrays.

You hadn't confused me :^)
I've never claimed it cannot. The difference is quite substantial


dmraid discovers block and software RAID devices (eg, ATARAID)
by using multiple different metadata format handlers which
support various formats (eg, Highpoint 37x series).
It offers activating RAID sets made up by 2 or more discovered RAID
devices, display properties of devices and sets
(see option -l for supported metadata formats).
Block device access to activated RAID sets occurs via device-mapper
nodes /dev/mapper/RaidSetName.
RaidSetName starts with the format name (see -l option) which can be
used to access all RAID sets of a specific format easily with
certain options (eg, -a below).

mdadm is for kernel software RAID and can handle *any* block device,
no underlying RAID required whatsoever.


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Re: iptables limitations

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 06:39:42PM BST, Jim Pazarena wrote:
 I have been using debian as a border router, and using
 iptables to drop connections to various IPs which hit my honeypot.
 I am wondering, if there is a point where too many iptables rules
 impede the speed of the network?
 How many drops can I entertain, before I should look at some
 other method of firewall blocking?

It shouldn't matter.
Set your default policy to DROP and allow only the ones you need.


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How to listen to abel prize lectures of 2007 in iceweasel. lectures are in mp4 format but are not opening even with vlc installed

2011-10-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
I am trying to listen to some Abel Prize math lectures

the urls are located on these pages

I cannot listen to the lectures by atiyah, bismut singer or witten



on the pages it says

All videos are MPEG4 (mp4) viewable by means of the free QuickTime (v.6.5) 
Most videos are available in three qualities: double ISDN (112kbs), ADSL1 
(384kbs) og ADSL2 (768kbs).

note the more recent lectures such as 2011  are available and fully watchable 
on the web page.

I have vlc installed but when i click on the lecture i get a black box in the 
left upper quadrant of the screen and no video.
when i right click and say show controls then it 
shows the controls and says idle
but does not give me a forward button to play it.


Mitchell Laks

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Re: Getting sound working

2011-10-28 Thread Harry Putnam
Scott Ferguson writes:


 If you still have KDE installed...
 use the Kmixer - it should be under the Multimedia section of Klauncher
 (your menu) - or you can start it using:-
 $ kmix

 It'll appear in the systray - right-click on it, Show Mixer Window =
 Mixer = Settings = Configure Kmix - tick Dock in SystemTray (to make
 show in systemtray the default setting).

None of that happens here.. Apparently, as seems sort of usual for
this install, there is some problem.

`kmix' from the command line appears to do nothing whatever.  Nothing
appears in system area on bottom right of bottom panel.

From Menu = Settings = SystemSettings = Multimedia
 you can set up your default profiles for different sound usage.

Thanks, on mouse hover it says
Multimedia contains 3 items:
 Audio CDs
 CDDB Retrieval

When opened and pressing phonon I see many settings for the sound
Thanks for that.

 Hint: Menu = Help is a good place to start.
All the nifty stuff shown there does not happen for me.

aptitude shows it installed but broken.

  iB  kmix - volume control and mixer

Using the menus like: click the big K, then slide right one item in
the bottom horizontal list of main headings to
`applications'/then up to `Multimedia'/ scroll down to `soundmixer' (kmix)

Pressing that gives me a tiny bouncing happy face (or maybe it is
supposed to be a speaker) with sound waves emanating from it.  It
bounces for something like 20/30 seconds, then disappears. Again,
nothing appears in system area, including in the `hidden icon'

However, I am able to make all the adjustments with alsamixer,
including adjusting right/lift volume, once someone posted the key
combos. (That I should have found myself)

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Re: How to listen to abel prize lectures of 2007 in iceweasel. lectures are in mp4 format but are not opening even with vlc installed

2011-10-28 Thread John L. Cunningham
It looks like the problem is on the server side. Can you confirm that
these specific videos can be viewed in Quicktime?


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 09:57:32AM -0400, Mitchell Laks wrote:
 I am trying to listen to some Abel Prize math lectures
 the urls are located on these pages
 I cannot listen to the lectures by atiyah, bismut singer or witten
 on the pages it says
 All videos are MPEG4 (mp4) viewable by means of the free QuickTime (v.6.5) 
 Most videos are available in three qualities: double ISDN (112kbs), ADSL1 
 (384kbs) og ADSL2 (768kbs).
 note the more recent lectures such as 2011  are available and fully watchable 
 on the web page.
 I have vlc installed but when i click on the lecture i get a black box in the 
 left upper quadrant of the screen and no video.
 when i right click and say show controls then it 
 shows the controls and says idle
 but does not give me a forward button to play it.
 Mitchell Laks
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Re: Just a simple query

2011-10-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2011-10-28 at 17:56 +0530, Linux Tyro wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Patrick Bartek
 If you are truly a Linux tyro. . . .  In my opinion, PCLinuxOS
 is one of the best distributions to start with simply because
 it's designed from the ground up for those coming from another
 OS like Windows, or who have no Linux or OS administrative
 experience at all.  It is designed to work right out of the
 box.  No additional work required for the most part.
  Administration and configuration is all through GUI
 You can still learn Linux on it like any other Linux distro:
 set up servers, firewalls, etc.  PCLinuxOS afterall is still
 Linux underneath the flashy GUI.
 Thanks for this, seems really like Windows.

When you wrote about other OS I suspect you were only talking about
Windwos and perhaps MacOS too. A lot of dinos like me came from QL, C64,
Atari's TOS etc., so a terminal emulation based Linux is closer to what
we were accustomed, than a Linux that mimicries Windows or MacOS.
Perhaps you can compare oldish MacOS and the Atari's TOS, anyway, all in
all your imagination is nonsense.

I don't know PCLinuxOS, but I'm sure it won't work OOTB for all needs.

People might read the list's archive, so please don't write such
careless generalisations.

I didn't read the thread, just this mail. For some people the computer
is a useful tool and not a useless toy. For CNC and professional music
you might choose another Linux distro, than for office and other needs.

FWIW I don't like Suse, but some aspects of Suse are better than e.g.
for Debian, while my favourite is Debian. Suse doesn't change the owner
very often, just one time Suse was bought by Novell.

I might be mistaken, but that's what I experienced.

2 Cents,


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Re: gtk theme problem

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 19:03:43 +0200, DebianTR.WP wrote:

 On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 16:34 +, Camaleón wrote:


 Anyway, what's the exact error you are experiencing (a wrong theme, a
 warning message)? And how can you reproduce the error (it happens when
 opening an application...)?
 When I switch to absolute This theme will not look as intended because
 the required GTK+ theme engine 'pixmap' is not installed. is the error
 I get. (Appearance Preferences, Theme tab)

Mmm... have you tried by installing another theme? 

If you've downloaded Absolute from a site different to Debian usual 
repositories (i.e., it's an external package), maybe the problem is 
localized in that specific theme :-?

 When I switch back to Clearlooks, there is not an error any more. But,
 some applications don't use the theme. They look like as if there is not
 an engine nor a theme is installed.
 I also ran evolution, for example, from the terminal to see if it would
 give an error message about the theme or gtk but nothing happened.

This has been discussed not so much time ago... IIRC you needed to 
install gnome-themes-standard, gnome-icon-theme and gnome-icon-theme-
symbolic (although I still have an ugly look in some applications, 
like gnome-terminal, in one of my computers running wheezy).



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Re: Just a simple query

2011-10-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2011-10-28 at 16:20 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I didn't read the thread, just this mail.


Yes, I read about one point of a second mail, but I didn't read anything
more. Note, people searching the archive might do the same as I did.

Don't care to much about migrating from one OS to another regarding to
the GUI, resp. software. Take care about hardware issues, especially
about drivers that can't be redistributed regarding to GPL issues.

Your hardware doesn't work with Linux? For some people this hardware
might work, but they might offend the GPL.

+ 2 Cents,


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alsa-tools update in Wheesy

2011-10-28 Thread Richard
I've just downloaded another batch of updates including alsa-tools.
Now when I start an app I have a huge list of cant find this ect.
Is there anyway I can suppress them

Yer tis

richard@debian:~/SDR/wsjt-rev2454$ Gowsjt
jackd: no process found
WSJT Version 9.1 r2442 , by K1JT
Revision date: 2011-09-13 20:56:36 +0100 (Tue, 13 Sep 2011) 
Run date:   Fri Oct 28 12:39:00 2011 UTC
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM front
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround40
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround41
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround50
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround51
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround71
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM iec958
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM spdif
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM spdif
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM hdmi
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 
error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or 
ALSA lib pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM hdmi
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 
ALSA lib conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned 

Re: Broken packages............

2011-10-28 Thread Wu-Kung Sun
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Charlie wrote:
  On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:25:18 +0200 Arno Schuring suggested this:

Charlie ( on 2011-10-27 16:35 +1100):

   Depends: libavutil50 (4:0.6.2-99) but 5:0.7.1-0.1 is to be
 installed or libavutil-extra-50 (4:0.6.2-99) but it is not

Do you have debian-multimedia in your sources.list by any chance? Or
have had it?


 I do Arno.

 deb testing main non-free

 Is that a problem? Does it use an old libavutil50 package?

It looks like debian-multimedia has xvidcap built against
libavdevice52 which has since been replaced by libavdevice53.
If I'm right, only the DMO maintainers can fix this so I've copied
that list which I hope is ok.

I've used recordmydesktop to save some oreilly webcasts. You might
want to try that as an alternative.

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Re: Just a simple query

2011-10-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
OT: Just for entertainment. Some guys of my age might be accustomed to
the Fairlight CMI's OS, based on a 68000 as the Atari is based too, but
a little bit more expensive than the Atari.

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Re: Sharing files on a local network

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 04:39:28PM BST, Claudius Hubig wrote:
 SSH (Secure Shell) - you don't need security on home-only network.
 That at least explains the millions of bots out there. Of course you
 need security on a home-only network, even if it is not accessible
 from the internet. And given that at least the Debian box appears to
 have direct internet access, you should definitely care about
 security, especially since IPv6 is not years away anymore.

You don't need security on your LAN interface. Never had I mentioned
that you shouldn't have firewall on your WAN interface.
Your WAN should be your firewall and if that's not sufficient enough
then there's something wrong with your network setup.
Obviously by not needing security I didn't mean not securing your medium
and having, e.g. unencrypted wifi.

 Of course, and you don’t have to set up that NFS share at all, it
 simply appears? Please, be realistic. SSHFS is as simple as:

Do I really need to mention that you still need to set something up?
Nothing works without any minimal configuration. Please, be realistic.

 client:# apt-get install sshfs
 server:# apt-get install sshd
 client:# sshfs user@server:/dir /mountpoint

That's exactly what I meant - mount per user rather than per system.
It's good for users accessing their files, not necessarily for file
sharing which the user mentioned.
With NFS mounts you depend on the filesystem permissions and ACLs or
you can kerberise it, you don't need user accounts on the server.


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Re: Choosing a distribution (was: Just a simple query)

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 22:53:17 +0530, Linux Tyro wrote:


 However, I have not understood the meanings of all these packages (this
 is what people say here), I guess, openSUSE is good to start with.
 While, Debian too could be a rock solid, but I don't know why I am going
 to try (with a Live CD) both - openSUSE as well as Debian.

By trying both LiveCDs you will see how the two system look like, how 
they're organized and the most important part for a LiveCD: you'll can 
try out the hardware detection. 

 A general con with the any Linux distro is that it needs to be learned a
 little to get it work perfectly. The general cons with Windows are that
 it is highly unsecured, easy to attack and nothing as resourceful as in
 Linux. The pros with any Linux system are that these are resistant to
 any of the viruses and highly resourceful to get out of these!

Before installing Debian, I left one of my spare systems loaded with a 
LiveCD for some time to start getting in touch with the system (a LiveCD 
also allows you to install software applications, although disk space 
is somehow limited). At the time I installed openSUSE (2003) there was 
not such option called LiveCD so I had to blindly install the OS 
without testing it before so nowadys you have a great advantage ;-)


 This is not a problem for a single home user because I think even if the
 period is of 18 months, one (here 'I') can learn at least some basics of
 Linux, and after 18 months can install/upgrade the newer version and
 then for next 18 months - again it is safe. The basic fundamental of the
 newer upgraded version too would remain the same as that of the one with
 was it got replaced, please let me know if it is like thatmean am I
 correct in this sense?

I don't understand this :-?

In openSUSE (as in other distributions) you have the chance to:

1/ Perform a full install (from scratch)
2/ Perform a mid-install (by keeping your /home partition, if available)
3/ Perform an offline upgrade (by booting from a DVD/CD install media)
4/ Perform an online upgrade (from a running system)

Option 4/ has been added recently and is officialy supported when 
upgrading from one version to the next one (that is, you can jump from 
11.3 to 11.4).

 And that's why I go for its trial on the coming Sunday.

I wish you the best of the lucks. Feel free to come here if you finally 
don't find yourself confortable with openSUSE but I'm sure you will do. 
They also have a great and supportive user community :-)
 I am thankful to all of you who told the great experiences, these all
 are useful for me for everyone so that as a matter of generality, only
 the accurate facts are known. As a matter of great interest, I am sure
 (100%) that whatever distro (either Debian or openSUSE) I use, I am far
 better in the long run as compared to Windows (which I don't want to use
 only because of security).

Choosing between openSUSE and Debian is a very easy decision: whichever 
you finally select you will win :-)



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Re: How to listen to abel prize lectures of 2007 in iceweasel. lectures are in mp4 format but are not opening even with vlc installed

2011-10-28 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 10:26 Fri 28 Oct , John L. Cunningham wrote:
 It looks like the problem is on the server side. Can you confirm that
 these specific videos can be viewed in Quicktime?

I actually never thought of that!
Oops - I dont run windows or mac!

I will try to ask friends what they see.

Thank you

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Re: Sharing files on a local network

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 11:46:54PM BST, Arno Schuring wrote:
  SSH (Secure Shell) - you don't need security on home-only network.
 That depends. If you're running a wireless setup, even with WPA2
 protection, I'd still advise security.

Let's not get paranoid - firewall + RSN should be enough on a home

  IMHO, it's not - dozens of options for both the server and client.
  You simply mount the NFS share and it's transparent to the system.
 Well, in all fairness - NFS requires that the user ids on all systems
 match. Forcing such a match can be quite troublesome.

If we're talking about r/w access then it might be, yes. Then you'll
need NIS, LDAP or Kerberos.

  FUSE as it name suggests is in user-space, NFS is supported in the
  kernel. You don't have the overhead.
 Overhead is peanuts :)
 No, not really. But for a home setup, convenience trumps performance.
 And besides, when's the last time that your desktop machine was pegged
 on CPU?

I use some ancient machines, but I guess it's just me ;^)

 For the current situation, I'd advise sshfs. If it's integrated in
 Nautilus, all the better. But SSH is only point-to-point -- as soon as
 you're sharing files with more than 2 machines, NFS is the way to go.

Thank you, that's exactly the point I was trying to get across, file
access and file sharing are two different things.

 My 2 cents: even for Linux-only systems, there really is no
 satisfactory answer to the OP's question besides Samba/CIFS. All
 (Unix-)native solutions have their roots in enterprise (managed)
 networking, which implies manual setup. In terms of autodiscovery and
 autoconfiguration, nothing can hold a candle to the original SMB.

If we're talking about file sharing, not per user access, then r/w
will always be an issue, regardless of what protocol you're using,
unless you don't care about security at all.

Regardless of how you look at it, you'll need to set it up somehow -
either a server with a user database on it (SMB, SFTP, etc.) and
authenticate every time you connect to it, even if it's just for r/o
access; or set up a file storage server (e.g. NFS) with minimal effort.


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Re: Choosing a distribution (was: Just a simple query)

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:41:46 -0300, francis picabia wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 10:10 AM, Camaleón wrote:


 Maybe you think that because you see openSUSE as a transient step to
 finally reach Debian but it is not: openSUSE is powerful enough to fit
 any requirements, from the most basic to the most advanced usage so it
 can be used as a start point to get the user introduced into the Linux
 world as well as a final point, to use it on clusters and HPC systems.
 I think you read something into that which wasn't stated.  I never
 mentioned openSUSE.  Maybe confused with the other part of this thread?

Well, this whole thread is about Debian and openSUSE so I was comparing 

 My point is that many reviews go by how slick the graphics are in the
 installer and the desktop once installed, but this counts for very
 little in the overall worth of the particular distro.  Yet, neophytes to
 Linux often go by reviews, or bandwagons.

Having the possibility of managing the system from a GUI is important for 
newcomers (it was crucial for me who was used to windows...). What the IT 
press and blogger reviewers show can be sometimes biased and I guess 
that's one of the reasons the OP is asking for feedback here, where 
real users lie.

 (needless to say you can also perform in-situ upgrades in openSUSE)
 Really?  Everything I've seen says it is not supported.  

Yes, really. It is docummented at their wiki:

And I personally did it on one of my systems (from 11.3 → 11.4), it 
worked nice.

 However I don't use Suse so I wouldn't be on top of the latest here. I
 am talking about major upgrades, like 11 to 12, not 11.3 to 11.4. 

For such big jumps the official supported method is using the DVD (off-
line upgrade) but AFAIK, it is the same here in Debian, only one jump 
is supported which does not mean that you cannot upgrade from Debian 4 to 
Debian 6, but like openSUSE, that scenario is noy oficially supported, 
but still you can do it if you want :-)

 In Debian, the system can stay up and we don't boot from medium to
 perform a major upgrade. In Debian it requires only a quick couple of
 reboots to load the newer kernel, etc.

The same remains true for openSUSE, as I said, since newer versions 
(IIRC, 11.3 onwards).

 I dropped openSUSE in favor of Debian just because they (openSUSE)
 reduced the security patches support period from 24 to 18 months. This
 wouldn't have been a problem if I were a home user that only has one
 computer to attend, but as an admin I need to manage servers and
 workstations and having to update every 18 months all the machines is
 not something I can support.
 That is pretty much like the Fedora life cycle.  Yuck.

Not quite. Fedora support cycle is even more limited (13 months!).

 Another thing that would make me hesitant is the future of Suse.  A
 distro which is owned by someone new every few years comes with some

That's always a risk, true. But now SuSE is a stand-alone business, no 
more part of Novell but a self-managed project of Attachmate.

 Testing other distributions can be a true headache for first time linux
 users... I -having using linux boxes since 2003- had to accustomed to
 the Debian-way system and still costs me a bit to get used to it (and
 I'm using Debian since 2009!).
 I've seen comments on many mailing lists and forums of people who went
 through a series of distros, say any three of gentoo, ubuntu, slackware,
 fedora, debian, cent os, mint, before settling on one they preferred.
 These where often users straight from Windows.

Yes, that's the most usual path that linux users take but I'd say not for 
the newbies ones.

 Personally, it took me several years and a second visit to using Debian
 before it became my preferred distro.

I had no compelling reasons for make the change from openSUSE to Debian 
(true is that I like openSUSE) but their support cycle change. But now 
I'm fine here, I mean, if openSUSE would back to a 24 month of relase 
support cycle I would think more than twice before turning back ;-)

 It can also be a question of documentation, bug handling, user
 community, etc.  All of those things you only know by trying it out and
 doing immersion.

Sure. openSUSE docs are not like Debian's one, that's for sure and they 
have less packages precompiled and ready to be installed, that's also 
true but they also have a knowledgeable user community and a nice 
infrastructure for developers and community users.

 When I got into Linux in 1996, searching for help in Alta Vista on Linux
 was always returning info on Redhat, so this became my choice. Today, it
 is nearly the opposite - Redhat information is barely out there.
 Community support and documentation is a major factor in my view.

True! In the last days I've read a couple of comments from different  
users stating I was a Redhat user but I won't come back!... I wonder 
why O:-)


Re: Sharing files on a local network

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 04:33:55AM BST, yudi v wrote:
 Samba looks like the best option as I will be adding windows clients and a
 solaris file server.

You hadn't mentioned Windows previously.
Had you provided that information at the beginning I would've suggested
Samba as well.


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Re: Sharing files on a local network

2011-10-28 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 03:15:09PM BST, Camaleón wrote:
 SSH is still the winner, IMO: Solaris and linux include ssh client 
 facilities and windows has WinSCP or FileZilla that allow SFTP 

Too many 3rd party software programs required, most of them don't
integrate with the rest of the system nicely or at all, e.g. explorer,

 If you finally go for the samba alternative (which is a complete 
 headache), just ensure to put a good (and monitored) firewall between the 
 host -that runs samba- and the Internet...

That's where SSL or SSH tunnels come in handy ;^)


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Re: Choosing a distribution (was: Just a simple query)

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 14:46:45 -0400, Robert Blair Mason Jr. wrote:

 On Wed, 26 Oct 2011 20:58:51 + (UTC) Camaleón


 I'm not sure that stability and freedom were inside the novice
 part but anyway, openSUSE is also stable (rock solid) and cares about
 your freedom ;-)
 Beyond just stability and freedom, I also didn't like the openSUSE way
 of doing things.  

Which way you think is that? They have a very nice community plenty of 
helpful users and a good infrastructure.

 I find that debian's package management and system administration tools
 are very robust.  

Mmm, I guess yes.

 I haven't yet had a good experience with YaST.  For me it's always been

Now is very fast!

 slightly clunky, 

No way! It's perfect for novices :-)

 and annoying, like when YaST settings override settings in
 configuration files.  I always thought that if a user changed a config
 file, that meant they wanted it changed.

Yes, that was true for some time... I think this has been corrected 
nowadys and manual editions for the config files are respected from YaST.

 Debian also has a much more centralized repository system (i.e. not
 having to add a new repo every time you want to install something). I
 view it as a convenience advantage - I can always add an extra repo if I
 want to, but for standard packages I shouldn't have to mess with that.

openSUSE has a similar layout: there are the official supported repos, 
semi-official ones and then you have the community based repos.

One of the advantadges of openSUSE for newbies and this kind of repos is 
that they can have a stable version of openSUSE and easily add a repo for 
upgrading their KDE or GNOME full environment, and this is something 
difficult to get in Debian (you have to run the testing branch or 
carefully pin the selected packages and that's not for begginers).
 Choose aptitude and dpkg and you can't go wrong.

zypper also does a good job.

 So yes, I'm one to blindly point to debian :D

Welcome home ;-)



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Re: Sharing files on a local network

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 17:01:46 +0100, Raf Czlonka wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 03:15:09PM BST, Camaleón wrote:
 SSH is still the winner, IMO: Solaris and linux include ssh client
 facilities and windows has WinSCP or FileZilla that allow SFTP
 Too many 3rd party software programs required, most of them don't
 integrate with the rest of the system nicely or at all, e.g. explorer,

One program is too many for you? ;-)

 If you finally go for the samba alternative (which is a complete
 headache), just ensure to put a good (and monitored) firewall between
 the host -that runs samba- and the Internet...
 That's where SSL or SSH tunnels come in handy ;^)

I prefer the usual way: it's easier to manage, administer and setting up.



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Re: How to listen to abel prize lectures of 2007 in iceweasel. lectures are in mp4 format but are not opening even with vlc installed

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 09:57:32 -0400, Mitchell Laks wrote:

 I am trying to listen to some Abel Prize math lectures
 the urls are located on these pages
 I cannot listen to the lectures by atiyah, bismut singer or witten


You will need a SMIL player. This is the source code for one of that 

EMBED SRC=Atiyah.smil WIDTH=1030 HEIGHT=715 TYPE=video/quicktime 

BTW, this is the full link:



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Re: CA Issues

2011-10-28 Thread Chris Davies
Paddy Tollan wrote:
 first sorry for the HTML the output from the output of ls -l /root/CA/* is
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2110 openssl.cnf

It seems that your keyboard has run out of fullstops and commas. Can
I please suggest that you get it filled up again, so that your writing
becomes easier to understand.

That's not the openssl.cnf available following instructions at for download at Even if you have
copied and pasted, and included the (invalid) Begin/End labels, that
should still be only 1932 bytes.

Can you tell us how you have customised it?


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Re: bootlogd

2011-10-28 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 13:30:18 +0100, Bob Brewer wrote:

 On my up-to-date sid distro, my /var/log/boot hasn't been updated since
 13 April 2011 (BOOTLOGD_ENABLE is set to Yes in /etc/default/bootlogd).
 This looks to be the same as  Bug 624289 which was raised against the
 sysvinit-utils package but perhaps should have been raised against the
 initscripts package.

Mmm, in wheezy it works fine, maybe because I have 2.88dsf-13.12 
version for sysvinit-utils package :-?

 I haven't been able to find any workarounds to run bootlogd at boot time
 and need to look at my boot data so I would be interested to know if
 there any alternatives to bootlogd.

/var/log/boot file is almost empty because boot messages are splitted 
in two separate files (kern.log for kernel messages and boot for the 
services part). 

I don't know of any alternative to bootlogd facility but at least kernel 
messages can be delayed for user to review them in real-time.



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