Re: compilation module kernel

2011-11-30 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 29 Nov 2011 23:03:51 + (GMT),
vincent a écrit :

 en feuilletant le guide de développement d'un module
 noyau, je remarque que
 la compilation s'effectue avec make -C, ligne de commande située dans
 le Makefile
 pourquoi n'utilises-t'on pas gcc ?
 pour moi, make etait un utilitaire permettant d'executer les
 commandes du Makefile, mais pas un compilateur à part entière, je me
 trompe ?


aller pour une fois, pourquoi n'avoir pas ouvert le manuel à la
bonne page concernant make ?

littérature concernant l'instruction make :


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Re: tunnel SSH

2011-11-30 Thread Steven D
Pour utiliser firefox à travers un tunnel ssh, il est souvent nécessaire
d'envoyer les requêtes dns dans le tunnel.

Pour cela il faut aller dans la configuration avancé de Firefox : Nouvel
onglet à l'adresse about:config

Puis rechercher la clé *network.proxy.socks_remote_dns* et la passer à *true


Le 30 novembre 2011 08:53, Philippe Gayot a écrit :


 Il me semble que nous sommes sur la même longueur d'onde.
 La déclaration Hôte SOCKS Port 22 devrait fonctionner car le
 client SSH écoute sur le port 22
 Pour le moment, je souhaite que ce tunnel SSH se situe dans un cadre
 général ; par la suite, il est probable que le port sera changé.
 Dans la pratique, à partir d'une machine cliente (win XP)  à l'aide de
 putty, une 1ère connexion SSH est ouverte jusqu'au serveur de rebond puis
 une 2ème connexion SSH est ouverte du serveur de rebond vers la machine
 cible (serveur de virtualisation proxmox).
 Sous putty, cela fonctionne très bien : nous avons accès au système de
 fichiers de la machine cible.
 Nous souhaitons avec firefox (installé sur la machine cliente) avoir accès
 à l'interface web permettant d'administrer la machine cible proxmox.

 Par avance, merci.

 Le 29 novembre 2011 11:26, Jean-Jacques Doti a écrit :

 Le 29/11/2011 11:03, Philippe Gayot a écrit :


 Nous avons mis en place un tunnel pour encapsuler le HTTP dans SSH

 1) à partir de machines (Win XP, Putty, TightVNC Viewer) en réseau local
 2) vers l'interface Web (d'administration et de surveillance) du serveur
 de virtualisation proxmox (debian lenny)
 3)  via un serveur de rebond

 Les connexions se font via un serveur de rebond car son adresse IP
 permet à ce dernier de se connecter à n'importe quelle machine de n'importe
 quel réseau lan de l'entreprise.

 La doc suivante nous a aidé :
 et notamment la figure 40.2 située en bas de page et qui a pour titre
 *Exemple de tunnel SSH*.

 Un profil particulier de firefox a été créé sur les stations XP dans le
 but que l'interface web s'y affiche :
 Config manuelle du proxy
 Hôte SOCKS Port 22

 Mais firefox ne se connecte pas à l'interface web de proxmox ...

 Par avance, merci pour vos suggestions ...


 Il faudrait un peu plus de détails pour répondre précisément, mais à
 partir des quelques éléments que tu donnes, voici ce que je comprends :
 - il s'agit d'utiliser les possibilités du tunneling SSH et, en
 particulier, le rpoxyu SOCKS intégré à OpenSSH
 - pour cela, il faut ouvrir un tunnel ssh entre une machine A accessible
 par les clients et une machine B ayant accès aux ressources cibles
 - ce tunnel doit être ouvert sur machine A avec une commande du genre :
 ssh -D8080 userB@machineB
 - ensuite, il faut déclarer, dans firefox, un, proxy SOKCS sur machineA
 port 8080

 La déclaration Hôte SOCKS Port 22 ne fonctionnera pas, sauf
 si le client SSH écoute sur le port 22 (ce qui a peu de chances d'être le
 Le tunnel peut être lancé sur chacune des machines clientes mais c'est
 peu pratique. Il vaut mieux faire cela sur un serveur unique, après avoir
 modifié le paramètre GatewayPorts à yes dans /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

 En résumé :
 - machineA doit être accessible par tous les clients sur un port à
 définir (8080 par exemple)
 - machineB à accès aux ressources
 - sur machineA on exécute ssh -D*:8080 userB@machineB
 - sur les clients, on paramètre un proxy SOCKS sur machineA:8080

 On pourra améliorer tout ça en lançant le client SSH en arrière plan
 (options -f -n -N), voire en utilisant un wrapper du type autossh pour
 surveiller le tunnel SSH et le relancer au besoin.

 Cela correspond-il bien à ton besoin ?


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 Philippe Gayot

Re: tunnel SSH

2011-11-30 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:53:15 +0100,
Philippe Gayot a écrit :

 Il me semble que nous sommes sur la même longueur d'onde.
 La déclaration Hôte SOCKS Port 22 devrait fonctionner car
 le client SSH écoute sur le port 22
 Pour le moment, je souhaite que ce tunnel SSH se situe dans un cadre
 général ; par la suite, il est probable que le port sera changé.
 Dans la pratique, à partir d'une machine cliente (win XP)  à l'aide
 de putty, une 1ère connexion SSH est ouverte jusqu'au serveur de
 rebond puis une 2ème connexion SSH est ouverte du serveur de rebond
 vers la machine cible (serveur de virtualisation proxmox).
 Sous putty, cela fonctionne très bien : nous avons accès au système de
 fichiers de la machine cible.
 Nous souhaitons avec firefox (installé sur la machine cliente) avoir
 accès à l'interface web permettant d'administrer la machine cible
 Par avance, merci.


ce que j'ai compris :

-a) serveur linux
-b) machine à écrire bilou-bilou

les essais :

de la machine à écrire au serveur via putty   [ OK ]
de la machine à écrire au serveur via Firefox [ bug ]

par conséquent :

où est passsé le certificat ssl ?
est il possible de mettre un serveur ssh sur la machie à écrire ?
firefoof possède t-il les greffons nécessaires ?
est il possible d'employer les outils vpn ?

remarque :

j'ai l'impression d'être sur une plateforme d'appel et d'avoir
pine d'huitre au téléphone ...

monter le serveur ssh (win32) :

monter le serveur ssl :
utiliser un sélecteur de proxy :

documentation pour le certificat ssl :


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Re : Choix pour des volumes chiffrés

2011-11-30 Thread Nicolas Bercher
 De : Goldy
 Swap peut être chiffré avec une clé aléatoire qui sera réinitialisée à
 chaque démarrage de la machine. Ainsi il est possible d'avoir une
 partition home et une partition swap chiffrée sans nécessairement devoir
 saisir deux phrases de passe.

J'imagine qu'il n'est alors plus possible de mettre la machine en hibernation 
sur swap?


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Re: tunnel SSH

2011-11-30 Thread benoit szczygiel
schématiquement, tu tapes sur ta machine win: ssh -N loginrebond@machinerebond 
portlocal(4000 par ex):machinecible:portsurlamachinecible

ensuite tu donnes localhost:portlocal comme adresse à ton navigateur.

ou alors j'ai mal compris

message d'origine-
De: Bernard Schoenacker
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:18:29 +0100

 Le Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:53:15 +0100,
 Philippe Gayot
 a écrit :


 Il me semble que nous sommes sur la même longueur d'onde.
 La déclaration Hôte SOCKS Port 22 devrait fonctionner car
 le client SSH écoute sur le port 22
 Pour le moment, je souhaite que ce tunnel SSH se situe dans un cadre
 général ; par la suite, il est probable que le port sera changé.
 Dans la pratique, à partir d'une machine cliente (win XP)  à l'aide
 de putty, une 1ère connexion SSH est ouverte jusqu'au serveur de
 rebond puis une 2ème connexion SSH est ouverte du serveur de rebond
 vers la machine cible (serveur de virtualisation proxmox).
 Sous putty, cela fonctionne très bien : nous avons accès au système de
 fichiers de la machine cible.
 Nous souhaitons avec firefox (installé sur la machine cliente) avoir
 accès à l'interface web permettant d'administrer la machine cible

 Par avance, merci.


   ce que j'ai compris :

   -a) serveur linux
   -b) machine à écrire bilou-bilou

   les essais :

   de la machine à écrire au serveur via putty [ OK ]
   de la machine à écrire au serveur via Firefox [ bug ]

   par conséquent :

   où est passsé le certificat ssl ?
   est il possible de mettre un serveur ssh sur la machie à écrire ?
   firefoof possède t-il les greffons nécessaires ?
   est il possible d'employer les outils vpn ?

   remarque :

   j'ai l'impression d'être sur une plateforme d'appel et d'avoir
   pine d'huitre au téléphone ...

   monter le serveur ssh (win32) :

   monter le serveur ssl :
   utiliser un sélecteur de proxy :

   documentation pour le certificat ssl :


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Re: Choix pour des volumes chiffrés

2011-11-30 Thread Guy Roussin

Maintenant, l'installer de Debian propose d'utiliser LVM pour créer un
volume global (tout sauf /boot) et découper ensuite ce volume. Soit.

Pourquoi un /boot séparé ? depuis le support de lvm, raid, ... par grub2
je ne fais plus de /boot séparé.
grub2 ne supporte pas les volumes chiffrés ?

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Re: Choix pour des volumes chiffrés

2011-11-30 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 29 novembre 2011 à 18:25:49, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a 
écrit :
 Pour ce qui est de /tmp  /var/tmp, les encrypter n'offre un
 intérêt que si ce ne sont pas des partitions à part et si tu
 travailles sur de très gros documents.

  Euh, il dit qu’il voit pas ce qui invaliderait l’utilité du 
chiffrage si /tmp et /var/tmp sont à part (sauf si tu pensais 
plutôt au cas où ces répertoires sont en tmpfs). Et je comprends 
encore moins tes idées sur les petits documents…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Choix pour des volumes chiffrés

2011-11-30 Thread Damien Clauzel
Le 29/11/2011 16:32, jerome moliere a écrit :
 Quitte à faire bondir certains ,je ne vois guère l'intérêt d'aller
 chiffrer des partitions comme /usr par exemple , avec du logiciel
 libre chiffrer le contenu de binaires disponibles en open source me
 parait limite crétin...
Il faut chiffrer / tout simplement pour éviter que quelqu’un puisse
démarrer ton système via une clé USB, modifier tes binaires et
compromettre tes données.

Par exemple, on peut :
- remplacer ta version de login par une qui envoi par courriel les mots
de passe
- installer un keylogueur ou un cheval de Troie sur ta machine (coucou
la DCRI et la police qui peuvent désormais faire ça sans réelles
contraintes juridiques)

Bref, si tes données son immédiatement inaccessibles, elles ne sont pas
pour autant en sécurité.

De la même façon, avoir son /boot en clair sur la machine est une faille
de sécurité : rien n’empêche l’attaquant de remplacer ton initramfs par
le sien, qui installera alors ses cochonneries lors de ton prochain
démarrage réussi.

Bref, soit il faut conserver son /boot dans un endroit sur (clé USB dans
sa poche ?), soit appeler très tôt un script situé dans son volume
chiffré (donc fiable) afin de vérifier que l’initramfs et le noyau
utilisés sont bien les siens (comparaison de checksum ?). Le cas
échéant, le script éteint la machine en catastrophe.

Bon courage :)


Save the seals, save the world

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Re: Re : Choix pour des volumes chiffrés

2011-11-30 Thread Damien Clauzel
Le 30/11/2011 10:59, Nicolas Bercher a écrit :

 J'imagine qu'il n'est alors plus possible de mettre la machine en hibernation 
 sur swap?
Sisi, l’initramfs lance des scripts pour ouvrir les volumes, et ensuite
charge les données d’hibernation pour les restaurer.

Save the seals, save the world

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Choix pour des volumes chiffrés

2011-11-30 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 08:34:44PM +0100, Damien Clauzel wrote:
 Il faut chiffrer / tout simplement pour éviter que quelqu'un puisse
 démarrer ton système via une clé USB, modifier tes binaires et
 compromettre tes données.

Ce dont tu parles est un problème d'intégrité, pas de
confidentialité. Le chiffrement, ça sert à protéger la
confidentialité. Pour se protéger de l'attaque que tu
suggères, il faut utiliser des systèmes comme TPM.

 De la même façon, avoir son /boot en clair sur la machine est une faille
 de sécurité : rien n'empêche l'attaquant de remplacer ton initramfs par
 le sien, qui installera alors ses cochonneries lors de ton prochain
 démarrage réussi.

Ton BIOS n'étant pas protégé, ton chiffrement de /boot ne
sert à rien: rien n'empêche l'attaquant de remplacer ton
BIOS par le sien.


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Re: Arreter et demarrer AOE

2011-11-30 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le mercredi 30 novembre 2011 00:18:40 Judes Jean, vous avez écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,
 Avez-vous une idée de la façon d'arrêter le service AOE sur un serveur. 
 Dans /etc/init.d/ je ne trouve pas aoe ni aucun truc du genre.
 Est ce normal? 


Je ne sais pas si ton serveur est client ou serveur de volume AOE.
Mais ce que je trouve vite fait :
Coté client, le paquet debian est : aoetools, qui contient le script d'init 

Coté serveur, le paquet est vblade ou vblade-persist, et est géré par runit, 
pas par les scripts d'init. Là, je ne connais pas trop comment ça marche.

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Re: Problemas navegador predeterminado Icedove

2011-11-30 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 30/11/11 01:07, Juan Lavieri escribió:

Hola CruxoM

El 29/11/11 17:18, CruxoM escribió:

On 29/11/11 18:03, SM Baby Siabef wrote:

Hola a todos.

Estoy usando Icedove en testing (3.1.16) como lector de noticias para
llevar las listas que más me interesen. La verdad, lo aconsejo,
muchísimo más cómodo que tenerlo en correo, sin malgastar espacio y eso
y para el tema de las suscripciones muy cómodo. Y si este mail llega
bien, entonces de 10 [que no llegó en principio, no sé cómo se haría
desde el mismo grupo de noticias... ya investigaré] aunque por cierto
problemilla que os comento, de momento es de 8.

Tengo un problema el cual he buscado en internet por todas partes y
como si nada: cuando le doy a cualquier enlace (como ) , se abre Epiphany y no Iceweasel, que es el

Cosas que revisé antes de buscar y no funcionó:

1- Mirar si efectivamente Iceweasel es el navegador predeterminado en
GNOME: Lo es, está seleccionado.

2- Si Iceweasel es consciente del tema: Le doy a EditarPreferencias,
dentro de allí, submenú Avanzado, pestaña General... nada.

Luego, para que veáis que sí he buscado (lo suelo hacer), investigué en
los menús de Icedove y no aparece esa opción (cosa que es para
darles, pero vamos...)

Así que busqué en la web y...

[1]: Nada.

[2]: Éste fue flipante y no sé ya. Hago lo que dice tal cual. Veo que
al hacer eso, en efecto, y (los que parecen que controlan qué
navegador se abre) se modifica a /lib/iceweasel/iceweasel ...
¡pero como el que oye llover! Ni reiniciando ni leches, se abre

[3]: Como no aparece un listado de cosas a abrir en donde dicen, pues
como que no puedo tocar nada. Por cierto, por si sonaba la flauta, como
vi arriba que ponía una ruta diferente (en vez de
/lib/iceweasel/iceweasel ponía /usr/local/bin/firefox) así que probé a
poner eso (y su subvariante con iceweasel) pero nada...

Pues nada... la pregunta es...

¿Alguien sabe algo / tiene idea de algo?

Yo tenía el mismo problema pero en mi caso era el Konqueror el villano.

man update-alternatives

A ver que lea (...) OK, quizás sea eso.

Ya lo solucioné. He aquí el enlace gracias a la información de CruxoM:

¡Anda! Voy a probar...


Nada. Seguimos en las mismas.

Por cierto, ahora en Icedove aparece como navegador predeterminado (en y su subvariante https) x-www-browser. 
Tiene sentido, pero lo que no tiene es que está llevando otra vez a 
Epiphany :?

Gracias CruxoM.

Igualmente, gracias a ambos por intentar ayudar.

Un saludo.

Igual, espero lo resuelvas pronto.


SM Baby Siabef




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Re: Problemas con internet al cambiar de mother

2011-11-30 Thread Darío
Hola Iván
 ¿Marca y modelo de tarjeta de red?

Realtek PHY RTL8201EL, 10/100 MB/s
Integrada a la placa ASRockN68-VS3 UCC

¿Throughtput al hacer un netcat en red
Te lo debo, no tengo idea cómo hacerlo pero voy a averiguar.


|-| Por favor, no utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el intercam-
|-| bio de documentos, como DOC, XLS, BMP, PPT, RAR, MP3,  DWG,
|-| MOV,  FLV,  WMV, etc.  sino  HTML, ODT,  ODT,  DJVU,  PDF, TXT,
|-| CSV, PNG, FLAC, OGV, 7Z o cualquier otro que no obligue  a utilizar
|-| un programa de un fabricante concreto.
|-| Vea
|-| también

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Re: Bug 626898 pure-ftpd-mysql

2011-11-30 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 29-11-2011 a las 15:44 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió: 
 Alguien al instalar pure-ftpd le surgio el siguiente problema, en mi
 caso el errores es
 Setting up pure-ftpd-mysql (1.0.28-3) ...
 update-rc.d: warning: pure-ftpd-mysql stop runlevel arguments (1) do
 not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 1 6)
 Starting ftp server: Running: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql -l
 mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam -E -O
 clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -8 UTF-8 -u 1000 -B
 buscando encontre que el problema es un bug y que dice ya estar
 solucionado en 1.0.32-1, pero me pregunto, si esta solucionado, si
 instalo desde los fuentes de debian la corrección también debiera
 estar o no necesariamente, por que es de ahi de donde lo estoy
 instalando, o me vere en la obligación de compilarlo a mano, alguna
 idea o sugerencias?
/creo/ (nunca instalé algo desde las fuentes de debian, siempre fui a
las oficiales cuando tuve que compilar) que además deberías bajarte el


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2011-11-30 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 29-11-2011 a las 22:49 -0600, rantis cares escribió: 
 Creo que he encontrado un problema con respecto a mi propio tema...
 Estoy tratando de hacer memoria y pudiera ser que no quise instalar
 feather, si me aparece el logo debian debia haber instalado debian.
 hice tantas pruebas con diversas distros que simplemente pude haberme
 equivocado (lo mas seguro).
 pero he intentado instalar squeeze mediante usb y me sucedio lo mismo
 que cuando intente instalar y fue la ultima vez que pude ingresar a mi
 sistema (snif, snif).
 He intentado instalar squeeze con un disco duro nuevo mediante usb y
 la constante que he tenido desde este problema es que al llegar al
 analisis de discos para posteriormente venir la particion, se queda
 crasheado (estatico) en el 50% de analisis de discos. Fue cuando ahi
 al suceder esto, simplemente tuve que hacer CTRL+C y cancelar la
 Creo que fue la version SQUEEZE stable BUSSINESCAR, ahora baje la
 NETINSTALL y el mismo problema, cuando utilizo alguna otra distro
 simplemente no tengo ningun error.
 ¿Podria ser un error de DEBIAN SQUEEZE STABLE?.
me suena a que cuando hiciste el usb te equivocaste de disco. Algo como
tenías que hacer
dd if=debian.img of=/dev/sdX
donde X=unidad del usb, pero pusiste
dd if=debian.img of=/dev/sdY
donde Y=tu disco duro

 ¿Alguna idea para recuperar mis archivos?.
hacer una imagen del disco en otra parte (para no trabajar sobre los
datos originales) y probar suerte con photorec o similares


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OT snapshot kvm

2011-11-30 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

Quiero usar una maquina virtual sin que se modifique el disco original,
no conozco muy bien kvm, tengo mas experiencia con VMware, he pensado
usar un snapshot de modo que los cambios vallan a otro fichero (en
VMware es asi) pero con virsh me dice que no se pueden aplicar snapshot
a maquinas apagadas, ademas no me funciona.
¿estoy equivocado en la interpretación de los snapshort en kvm?
¿como se haria?
yo he intentado usar la orden virsh snapshot-create
/tmp/snapshot.xml/tmp/snapshot.xml contiene:
  descriptionDisco para el alumno/description
disk name='/home/Maquinas/plantilla.qcow2'
  source file='/home/alumno1/img-curso/disco'/

Más vale un mal plan que ningún plan.
-- Graffiti.

Por favor, NO utilice formatos  de archivo  propietarios para el
intercambio de  documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT,CSV
o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
fabricante  concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.

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2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 17:04:24 -0600, rantis cares escribió:

 El 29/11/11, Camaleón escribió:

 Exacto y me sale la siguiente imagen (solo que esta imagen no tiene el
 texto de instalacion)

Parece el disco de instalación de Debian :-?

 Bueno, para acceder a los datos sólo tendrías que conectar el disco
 duro a otro equipo o más sencillo aún, iniciar desde una LiveCD y
 copiar los datos a otro disco.
 Cuando arranco mediante knoppix, me detecta un disco duro llamado
 Debian Inst, al abrirlo me aparece una carpeta con los archivos que
 carga al arrancar el sistema (me refiero a la aparicion fantasmagorica).
 Fue de ahi de donde saque la imagen para subirla a imageshack. Se supone
 que es Feather 0.7.5 y sin embargo aparece el logo de Debian.

Sí, qué cosa más rara... ¿pero puedes iniciar el sistema, sea el que sea 
o se queda parado en algún punto? Si es así, ¿aparece algún mensaje de 

 Si Knoppix no te monta el disco duro automáticamente lo podrás hacer
 manualmente (fdisk -l te dirá dónde está el disco y con mount lo
 montas). Quizá necesites cargar los módulos del kernel para el sistema
 de archivos que uses.
 Ya ejecute la orden y ya me reconoce el disco que tiene dos particiones,
 la raiz / y /home, pero intento montarlos y no puedo. 

¿Qué error te da?

 Lo malo es que no se como cargar los modulos del Kernel para lograr mi

¿Qué tipo de sistema de archivos tienes? Para ext3/ext4 no deberías tener 
problemas. Si es ReiserFS o XFS o algún otro menos habitual entonces sí 
podrías necesitar cargarlos al iniciar la LiveCD o una vez que esté 

 El resultado es el siguiente:


 Disk /dev/sdb: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes 255 heads, 63
 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 =
 8225280 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O
 size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier:
 This doesn't look like a partition table Probably you selected the wrong
Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sdb1   ?  214592  330786   933323145+  66  Unknown 
 Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary. 
 /dev/sdb2   ?   1   1   0   72  Unknown 
 Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
 Partition table entries are not in disk order
 ¡Alguna sugerencia?

Huy... oye, esas particiones están un poco raras :-?

Inicia con la última versión del LiveCD de Gparted a ver si lo que te 
dice tiene más sentido.



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Re: Bug 626898 pure-ftpd-mysql

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:44:46 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 Alguien al instalar pure-ftpd le surgio el siguiente problema, en mi
 caso el errores es
 Setting up pure-ftpd-mysql (1.0.28-3) ... update-rc.d: warning:
 pure-ftpd-mysql stop runlevel arguments (1) do not match LSB
 Default-Stop values (0 1 6) Starting ftp server: Running:
 /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam
 -E -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -8 UTF-8 -u 1000 -B

Parece un mensaje de error cosmético... ¿tiene alguna consecuencia? :-?

 buscando encontre que el problema es un bug y que dice ya estar
 solucionado en 1.0.32-1, pero me pregunto, si esta solucionado, si
 instalo desde los fuentes de debian la corrección también debiera estar
 o no necesariamente, por que es de ahi de donde lo estoy instalando, o
 me vere en la obligación de compilarlo a mano, alguna idea o

Sí, la corrección debería estar aplicada en la última versión del paquete 
fuente que aplica Debian sobre el original.



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Re: OT snapshot kvm

2011-11-30 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
2011/11/30 Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

 Quiero usar una maquina virtual sin que se modifique el disco original,
 no conozco muy bien kvm, tengo mas experiencia con VMware, he pensado
 usar un snapshot de modo que los cambios vallan a otro fichero (en
 VMware es asi) pero con virsh me dice que no se pueden aplicar snapshot
 a maquinas apagadas, ademas no me funciona.
 ¿estoy equivocado en la interpretación de los snapshort en kvm?
 ¿como se haria?
 yo he intentado usar la orden virsh snapshot-create
 /tmp/snapshot.xml/tmp/snapshot.xml contiene:
  descriptionDisco para el alumno/description
    disk name='/home/Maquinas/plantilla.qcow2'
      source file='/home/alumno1/img-curso/disco'/

Cómo que no se puede hacer snapshot sobre una VM apagada, es cuando
más rápido se hace el snapshot

Pregunta, qué type='qcow2' estas usando...? con raw no se pueden hacer
snapshot, sólo con qcow2

La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

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Re: Problemas navegador predeterminado Icedove

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 22:03:08 +0100, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

 Estoy usando Icedove en testing (3.1.16) como lector de noticias para
 llevar las listas que más me interesen. La verdad, lo aconsejo,
 muchísimo más cómodo que tenerlo en correo, sin malgastar espacio y eso
 y para el tema de las suscripciones muy cómodo. Y si este mail llega
 bien, entonces de 10 [que no llegó en principio, no sé cómo se haría
 desde el mismo grupo de noticias... ya investigaré] aunque por cierto
 problemilla que os comento, de momento es de 8.

Sí, usar un lector de noticias es una gozada :-)

Yo lo tengo independizado: uso Pan para las listas de correo (cliente 
de news dedicado) y dejo Thunderbird como gestor de correo para e-mails, 

 Tengo un problema el cual he buscado en internet por todas partes y como
 si nada: cuando le doy a cualquier enlace (como ) ,
 se abre Epiphany y no Iceweasel, que es el predeterminado.

Parece que has probado varias cosas... te añado un par más:

Setting the browser that opens in Thunderbird - Linux

HOWTO: change Icedove default browser

Si tampoco funciona, seguiremos buscando :-)

P.S. Antes de nada, si vas a jugar con esos archivos (mimeTypes.rdf o 
user.js) haz una copia de seguridad de los originales. Y otra cosa, no 
los edites mientras tengas abierto el cliente de correo, cierra 
Thunderbird, editas los archivos y después lo abres.



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Re: Bug 626898 pure-ftpd-mysql

2011-11-30 Thread Roberto Quiñones
El día 30 de noviembre de 2011 11:47, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:44:46 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 Alguien al instalar pure-ftpd le surgio el siguiente problema, en mi
 caso el errores es

 Setting up pure-ftpd-mysql (1.0.28-3) ... update-rc.d: warning:
 pure-ftpd-mysql stop runlevel arguments (1) do not match LSB
 Default-Stop values (0 1 6) Starting ftp server: Running:
 /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam
 -E -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -8 UTF-8 -u 1000 -B

 Parece un mensaje de error cosmético... ¿tiene alguna consecuencia? :-?

 buscando encontre que el problema es un bug y que dice ya estar
 solucionado en 1.0.32-1, pero me pregunto, si esta solucionado, si
 instalo desde los fuentes de debian la corrección también debiera estar
 o no necesariamente, por que es de ahi de donde lo estoy instalando, o
 me vere en la obligación de compilarlo a mano, alguna idea o

 Sí, la corrección debería estar aplicada en la última versión del paquete
 fuente que aplica Debian sobre el original.



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Pues dejame decirte que solo esta para Whezy y no esta la corrección
para stable, tendre que compilarlo manualmente, ayer intente intalar
la version desde los repositorios de whezy pero tuve problema con
algunos paquetes que eran incompatibles, al final quedo la cagara, apt
dejo de funcionar y no hacia nada.


Roberto Quiñones

Owner - Service Manager and System
ACShell.NET – Internet Services -
San Martin #311 Santiago – CL (Chile)

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Re: Bug 626898 pure-ftpd-mysql

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:12:44 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 El día 30 de noviembre de 2011 11:47, Camaleón
 El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:44:46 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 Alguien al instalar pure-ftpd le surgio el siguiente problema, en mi
 caso el errores es

 Setting up pure-ftpd-mysql (1.0.28-3) ... update-rc.d: warning:
 pure-ftpd-mysql stop runlevel arguments (1) do not match LSB
 Default-Stop values (0 1 6) Starting ftp server: Running:
 /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam
 -E -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -8 UTF-8 -u 1000 -B

 Parece un mensaje de error cosmético... ¿tiene alguna consecuencia? :-?

 buscando encontre que el problema es un bug y que dice ya estar
 solucionado en 1.0.32-1, pero me pregunto, si esta solucionado, si
 instalo desde los fuentes de debian la corrección también debiera
 estar o no necesariamente, por que es de ahi de donde lo estoy
 instalando, o me vere en la obligación de compilarlo a mano, alguna
 idea o sugerencias?

 Sí, la corrección debería estar aplicada en la última versión del
 paquete fuente que aplica Debian sobre el original.
 Pues dejame decirte que solo esta para Whezy y no esta la corrección
 para stable, 

No, claro... a ver, el binario sólo está para wheezy, lo que tienes que 
hacer es generar el deb para squeeze con el paquete fuente donde se ha 
corregido el problema.

 tendre que compilarlo manualmente, ayer intente intalar la version
 desde los repositorios de whezy pero tuve problema con algunos paquetes
 que eran incompatibles, al final quedo la cagara, apt dejo de funcionar
 y no hacia nada.

No instales el paquete de wheezy, puede tener problemas de dependencias.



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Re: Problemas con internet al cambiar de mother

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:02:03 -0300, Darío escribió:

 El día 29 de noviembre de 2011 13:51, fuente obejuna escribió:
 Hola a todos.

 ¿Te hago una consulta? ¿Qué explicación te dieron en el local de
 sobre porque no andaría con una nueva placa de red? Me suena a verso.
 Muchísimo más barato comprar una placa de 10/100 M para probar que
 andar comprandote un nuevo mobo con toda la bola. Digo, los tipos al
 final viven de vender cosas.

 Si es un problema de hardware tendría que estar en la placa de red, y
 se arregla
 reemplazandola por otra, no remplazando TODO.


 Lo mando a la lista.
 Voy a tener en cuenta lo de la placa de red, primero pruebo con un
 liveCD. Qué placa me recomiendan?

Para probar cualquiera te sirve... personalmente nunca he tenido 
problemas con las tarjetas de red integradas (chipset Intel) ni con las 
PCI (chipset Realtek).



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Re: Bug 626898 pure-ftpd-mysql

2011-11-30 Thread Roberto Quiñones
El día 30 de noviembre de 2011 13:58, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:12:44 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 El día 30 de noviembre de 2011 11:47, Camaleón
 El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:44:46 -0300, Roberto Quiñones escribió:

 Alguien al instalar pure-ftpd le surgio el siguiente problema, en mi
 caso el errores es

 Setting up pure-ftpd-mysql (1.0.28-3) ... update-rc.d: warning:
 pure-ftpd-mysql stop runlevel arguments (1) do not match LSB
 Default-Stop values (0 1 6) Starting ftp server: Running:
 /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-mysql -l mysql:/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf -l pam
 -E -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -8 UTF-8 -u 1000 -B

 Parece un mensaje de error cosmético... ¿tiene alguna consecuencia? :-?

 buscando encontre que el problema es un bug y que dice ya estar
 solucionado en 1.0.32-1, pero me pregunto, si esta solucionado, si
 instalo desde los fuentes de debian la corrección también debiera
 estar o no necesariamente, por que es de ahi de donde lo estoy
 instalando, o me vere en la obligación de compilarlo a mano, alguna
 idea o sugerencias?

 Sí, la corrección debería estar aplicada en la última versión del
 paquete fuente que aplica Debian sobre el original.

 Pues dejame decirte que solo esta para Whezy y no esta la corrección
 para stable,

 No, claro... a ver, el binario sólo está para wheezy, lo que tienes que
 hacer es generar el deb para squeeze con el paquete fuente donde se ha
 corregido el problema.

OK, cuando llegue a ese punto vere esa opción de crear el deb en base
al codigo corregido.

 tendre que compilarlo manualmente, ayer intente intalar la version
 desde los repositorios de whezy pero tuve problema con algunos paquetes
 que eran incompatibles, al final quedo la cagara, apt dejo de funcionar
 y no hacia nada.

 No instales el paquete de wheezy, puede tener problemas de dependencias.

Es justamente lo que paso, intenten instalar la versión de whezy
considerando la opción de que no me diera problema, pero fue todo lo
contrario, lo hice y quedo la cagada, pero en fin.

Solo me basto con reinstalar debian de vuelta, ahora lo acabo de pasar
de lenny a squeeze y nuevamente estoy siguiendo los pasos para
instalar lo que necesito en esa maquina para hacerla funcionar con
ISPconfig 3, cuando llegue al punto del pure-ftpd-mysql hare lo que
dices más arriba.



Roberto Quiñones

Owner - Service Manager and System
ACShell.NET – Internet Services -
San Martin #311 Santiago – CL (Chile)

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Re: Deshabilitar SELinux en Debian 6

2011-11-30 Thread Roberto Quiñones
2011/11/24 Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
 On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Tio Oscar wrote:
 Buenas, necesito desabilitar SELinux, pero no se como

 Te recomiendo que si haces una pregunta tan estúpida, ta saques el
 programador  hacker de tu firma.

No existe pregunta estupida o tonta, estupido o tonto es quien no hace
la pregunta y se queda por la duda. creo que lo correcto es decir,
podrias averiguar un poco más en google para responder esa duda antes
de consultar, pero tampoco es el caso, encuentro que es una pregunta
valida que se puede hacer a la lista.

Respecto a sarcarse la firma, no tiene nada que ver con hilo del
correo. creo que estas cagando fuera del tiesto.

 La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros


Roberto Quiñones

Owner - Service Manager and System
ACShell.NET – Internet Services -
San Martin #311 Santiago – CL (Chile)

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Re: Deshabilitar SELinux en Debian 6

2011-11-30 Thread Darío
 No existe pregunta estupida o tonta, estupido o tonto es quien no hace
 la pregunta y se queda por la duda. creo que lo correcto es decir,
 podrias averiguar un poco más en google para responder esa duda antes
 de consultar, pero tampoco es el caso, encuentro que es una pregunta
 valida que se puede hacer a la lista.

 Respecto a sarcarse la firma, no tiene nada que ver con hilo del
 correo. creo que estas cagando fuera del tiesto.

Bien dicho!!

 Roberto Quiñones

 Owner - Service Manager and System
 ACShell.NET – Internet Services -
 San Martin #311 Santiago – CL (Chile)



|-| Por favor, no utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el intercam-
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|-| MOV,  FLV,  WMV, etc.  sino  HTML, ODT,  ODT,  DJVU,  PDF, TXT,
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|-| un programa de un fabricante concreto.
|-| Vea
|-| también

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Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:44:26 -0500, Walber Zaldivar escribió:

 Acabo de leerme el email de Eduardo Rosales (no tengo ni idea para
 resolver su problema de red) y lo que me dió mucha gracia fue la firma
 Ubuntu es una palabra africana que quiere decir: Gente que no pudo
 instalar Debian

Siempre me pareció un poco prepotente esa frasecita.

 Recordé cuando tenía instalado Ubuntu y me daba todo tipo de problemas,
 entonces me dije dejame instalar Debian que por algo es el padre de
 este Ubuntu. Fue con Lenny que hice el cambio, desde entonces descubrí
 que el problema era la alergia de mi PC a Ubuntu, a la pobre solo hay
 que acercarle un CD de Ubuntu para que se niegue a trabajar :) por
 suerte la cura fue simple: Debian stable. No sé a quien se le ocurrió
 decir que es un sistema para hackers, mi vida ha sido mucho mejor desde
 entonces, mi viejo PIII funciona y cada día me lo agradece ;)

Bueno, yo no creo que haya distribuciones malas o problemáticas sino 
usuarios que se rinden muy pronto o sencillamente que han tenido mala 
suerte con las versiones de los paquetes que puedan incluirse en una 
versión concreta de una distribución determinada... pero nada que con un 
poco de paciencia e interés no se pueda resolver :-)



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Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-11-30 Thread Tony Peña
Yo lo que pienso que puede significar cualquier cosa en africa menos esa
por lo que es erronea.. en la wiki explica

Su eslogan es *Linux for human beings* (‘Linux para seres humanos’) y su
nombre proviene de la ideología sudafricana
 (*«Igualdad/Lealtad hacia otros.»*).

El 30 de noviembre de 2011 14:16, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:44:26 -0500, Walber Zaldivar escribió:

  Acabo de leerme el email de Eduardo Rosales (no tengo ni idea para
  resolver su problema de red) y lo que me dió mucha gracia fue la firma
  Ubuntu es una palabra africana que quiere decir: Gente que no pudo
  instalar Debian

 Siempre me pareció un poco prepotente esa frasecita.

  Recordé cuando tenía instalado Ubuntu y me daba todo tipo de problemas,
  entonces me dije dejame instalar Debian que por algo es el padre de
  este Ubuntu. Fue con Lenny que hice el cambio, desde entonces descubrí
  que el problema era la alergia de mi PC a Ubuntu, a la pobre solo hay
  que acercarle un CD de Ubuntu para que se niegue a trabajar :) por
  suerte la cura fue simple: Debian stable. No sé a quien se le ocurrió
  decir que es un sistema para hackers, mi vida ha sido mucho mejor desde
  entonces, mi viejo PIII funciona y cada día me lo agradece ;)

 Bueno, yo no creo que haya distribuciones malas o problemáticas sino
 usuarios que se rinden muy pronto o sencillamente que han tenido mala
 suerte con las versiones de los paquetes que puedan incluirse en una
 versión concreta de una distribución determinada... pero nada que con un
 poco de paciencia e interés no se pueda resolver :-)



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Antonio Peña
Secure email with PGP 0x8B021001 available at
 Fingerprint: 74E6 2974 B090 366D CE71  7BB2 6476 FA09 8B02 1001

Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-11-30 Thread skorky duarte

lee mi firma!!!

Debian is 'the rock upon which Ubuntu is built'.
Linux User # 483582
Skype: skorkyduarte
Móvil: +58.0412.804.34.67

Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-11-30 Thread skorky duarte
bueno realmente me apresure a enviar el correo, lo que quise decir fue que
revisaras esto...


Debian is 'the rock upon which Ubuntu is built'.
Linux User # 483582
Skype: skorkyduarte
Móvil: +58.0412.804.34.67

Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-11-30 Thread Jawifi
El 30/11/2011 16:00, skorky duarte escribió:
 lee mi firma!!!
 Debian is 'the rock upon which Ubuntu is built'.
 Linux User # 483582
 Skype: skorkyduarte
 Móvil: +58.0412.804.34.67

Creo que esto ya se debe haber mencionado en alguna otra oportunidad,
pero pregunto, ¿es necesario? Digo, no se  si vale la pena discutir esto.

Yo por ejemplo uso Ubuntu, Arch y Debian, y no me siento mas ni menos
que nadie, tengo un server con ubuntu, otro con debian, en la pc de mi
hijo hay un ubuntu en la mia Arch y en la de mi esposa tambien, y nadie
se ha muerto.



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Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-11-30 Thread Orlando Nuñez
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo!

De hecho uso Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint y me parece una perdida de tiempo
y de energia querer hacer un hilo para criticar otra distribucion linux...
Tantos problemas que tenemos hoy en dia, como comunidad, para para ponernos
a pelear entre nosotros mismos

El 30 de noviembre de 2011 14:36, Jawifi escribió:

 El 30/11/2011 16:00, skorky duarte escribió:
  lee mi firma!!!
  Debian is 'the rock upon which Ubuntu is built'.
  Linux User # 483582
  Skype: skorkyduarte
  Móvil: +58.0412.804.34.67

 Creo que esto ya se debe haber mencionado en alguna otra oportunidad,
 pero pregunto, żes necesario? Digo, no se  si vale la pena discutir esto.

 Yo por ejemplo uso Ubuntu, Arch y Debian, y no me siento mas ni menos
 que nadie, tengo un server con ubuntu, otro con debian, en la pc de mi
 hijo hay un ubuntu en la mia Arch y en la de mi esposa tambien, y nadie
 se ha muerto.



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Orlando E. Nuñez A.
Telefono: 04263609858

Todo Capoerista tiene una sonrisa en su rostro, la ginga en su cuerpo y la
samba en sus pies

Fwd: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-11-30 Thread Miguel Matos
-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: Tony Peña
Fecha: 30 de noviembre de 2011 14:28
Asunto: Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

Yo lo que pienso que puede significar cualquier cosa en africa menos esa frase
por lo que es erronea.. en la wiki explica

Su eslogan es Linux for human beings (‘Linux para seres humanos’) y su
nombre proviene de la ideología sudafricana Ubuntu («Igualdad/Lealtad
hacia otros.»).

Y yo lo que pienso es que hay alguien en la lista que nintendió el
sarcasmo en el correo...

El 30 de noviembre de 2011 14:16, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 26 Nov 2011 14:44:26 -0500, Walber Zaldivar escribió:

  Acabo de leerme el email de Eduardo Rosales (no tengo ni idea para
  resolver su problema de red) y lo que me dió mucha gracia fue la firma
  Ubuntu es una palabra africana que quiere decir: Gente que no pudo
  instalar Debian

 Siempre me pareció un poco prepotente esa frasecita.

  Recordé cuando tenía instalado Ubuntu y me daba todo tipo de problemas,
  entonces me dije dejame instalar Debian que por algo es el padre de
  este Ubuntu. Fue con Lenny que hice el cambio, desde entonces descubrí
  que el problema era la alergia de mi PC a Ubuntu, a la pobre solo hay
  que acercarle un CD de Ubuntu para que se niegue a trabajar :) por
  suerte la cura fue simple: Debian stable. No sé a quien se le ocurrió
  decir que es un sistema para hackers, mi vida ha sido mucho mejor desde
  entonces, mi viejo PIII funciona y cada día me lo agradece ;)

 Bueno, yo no creo que haya distribuciones malas o problemáticas sino
 usuarios que se rinden muy pronto o sencillamente que han tenido mala
 suerte con las versiones de los paquetes que puedan incluirse en una
 versión concreta de una distribución determinada... pero nada que con un
 poco de paciencia e interés no se pueda resolver :-)



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Y para ser conceros... digo, sin-0's, es que yo me siento muy bien
acostumbrado a Ubuntu, y es que sí es cierto que la filosofía del
Ubuntu es acercar el software libre a aquellos que tienen pavor del
mismo; pero una vez que se domina todo lo que representa el software
libre, se puede ir escalando, hasta llegar a la raíz completa (en este
caso, es Debian)...

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Problemas navegador predeterminado Icedove (SOLUCIONADO)

2011-11-30 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 30/11/11 16:04, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 29 Nov 2011 22:03:08 +0100, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

Estoy usando Icedove en testing (3.1.16) como lector de noticias para
llevar las listas que más me interesen. La verdad, lo aconsejo,
muchísimo más cómodo que tenerlo en correo, sin malgastar espacio y eso
y para el tema de las suscripciones muy cómodo. Y si este mail llega
bien, entonces de 10 [que no llegó en principio, no sé cómo se haría
desde el mismo grupo de noticias... ya investigaré] aunque por cierto
problemilla que os comento, de momento es de 8.

Sí, usar un lector de noticias es una gozada :-)

Yo lo tengo independizado: uso Pan para las listas de correo (cliente
de news dedicado) y dejo Thunderbird como gestor de correo para e-mails,

Tengo un problema el cual he buscado en internet por todas partes y como
si nada: cuando le doy a cualquier enlace (como ) ,
se abre Epiphany y no Iceweasel, que es el predeterminado.

Parece que has probado varias cosas... te añado un par más:

Setting the browser that opens in Thunderbird - Linux

Finalmente, me sirvió algo que ponía ahí, que se resume en lo siguiente:

1- Poner las entradas siguientes a true:

2. Intentar abrir un enlace con Icedove y saldrá una ventana donde se 
debe elegir una aplicación para abrirlo. Se selecciona Iceweasel (o el 
que se quiera y ya está).Esto solo te lo pide una vez si marcas la 
opcioncita de esa misma ventana Recordar siempre esta aplicación para 
abrir http) [que, por cierto, irónicamente te recuerda que se puede 
tocar en el administrador de configuración, grr].

HOWTO: change Icedove default browser

Si tampoco funciona, seguiremos buscando :-)

P.S. Antes de nada, si vas a jugar con esos archivos (mimeTypes.rdf o
user.js) haz una copia de seguridad de los originales. Y otra cosa, no
los edites mientras tengas abierto el cliente de correo, cierra
Thunderbird, editas los archivos y después lo abres.


Pues muchísimas gracias a todos y en especial a ti Camaleón por darme la 
pistilla definitiva.

Ahora, con respecto a esto... esto huele tanto a bug de programación..., 
porque no es normal lo que hay que formar para corregir esto y peor 
todavía que en primera instancia ni el propio administrador de 
configuración del programa funcione... es para haberse matao. Lo suyo 
es que te dejen elegir entre tus navegadores... pero vamos.

Un saludo.

SM Baby Siabef

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Editor de diagramas con interlinks

2011-11-30 Thread Mario Daniel Carugno
Hola lista,

Alguien sabe si existe algun editor de diagramas que permita hacer
diagramas en varias paginas, y luego pueda hacer enlaces entre ellas ?
Por ejemplo, que al hacer dobleclick en el nodo de una pagina, salte a otra
pagina con otro diagrama


apt-get update

2011-11-30 Thread Carlucio Lopes
bom dia, 
nao estou conseguindo atualizar pacotes:
veja meu source.list

deb lenny/updates main contrib
deb-src lenny/updates main contrib

#mirros oficiais
deb lenny main contrib non-free
deb lenny main contrib non-free

notebook:/usr/src/linux# apt-get update
Atingido lenny/updates Release.gpg
Ign lenny/updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Ign lenny/updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR 
Atingido lenny/updates Release  
Ign lenny/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex   
Ign lenny/updates/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign lenny/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex 
Atingido lenny/updates/main Packages
Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Packages 
Atingido lenny/updates/main Sources 
Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Sources  
Err lenny Release.gpg 
  Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para (2001:12d0::125). - 
connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP: 2001:12d0::125 80]
Err lenny Release.gpg  
  Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para 
(2801:82:80ff:8000::4). - connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP: 
2801:82:80ff:8000::4 21]
52% [Conectando em (] [Conectando em^

alguem poderia me ajudar..

Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: linux user 285056

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: apt-get update

2011-11-30 Thread caio ferreira

Pela mensagem de erro que esta aparecendo, Não foi possível iniciar a
conexão para (2001:12d0::125). - connect (101 A rede
está fora de alcance) [IP: 2001:12d0::125 80], o seu computador esta
tentando fazer uma conexão como servidor da USP através de uma conexão
IPV6. A meu ver, será necessário desabilitar o IPV6 no debian do seu


 .''`.   Caio Abreu Ferreira
: :'  :
`. `'`   Debian User

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Carlucio Lopes wrote:
 bom dia,
 nao estou conseguindo atualizar pacotes:
 veja meu source.list

 deb lenny/updates main contrib
 deb-src lenny/updates main contrib

 #mirros oficiais
 deb lenny main contrib non-free
 deb lenny main contrib non-free

 notebook:/usr/src/linux# apt-get update
 Atingido lenny/updates Release.gpg
 Ign lenny/updates/main Translation-pt_BR
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
 Atingido lenny/updates Release
 Ign lenny/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
 Atingido lenny/updates/main Packages
 Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Packages
 Atingido lenny/updates/main Sources
 Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Sources
 Err lenny Release.gpg
  Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para (2001:12d0::125). - 
 connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP: 2001:12d0::125 80]
 Err lenny Release.gpg
  Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para 
 (2801:82:80ff:8000::4). - connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP: 
 2801:82:80ff:8000::4 21]
 52% [Conectando em (] [Conectando em^

 alguém poderia me ajudar..

 Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: linux user 285056

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RE: apt-get update

2011-11-30 Thread Mauricio Neto
Bom dia,
Os IPs que aparecem nas mensagens de erro são IPV6. Voce configurou rede IPV6? 

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:47:54 -0200
 Subject: apt-get update
 bom dia,
 nao estou conseguindo atualizar pacotes:
 veja meu source.list
 deb lenny/updates main contrib
 deb-src lenny/updates main contrib
 #mirros oficiais
 deb lenny main contrib non-free
 deb lenny main contrib non-free
 notebook:/usr/src/linux# apt-get update
 Atingido lenny/updates Release.gpg
 Ign lenny/updates/main Translation-pt_BR
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
 Atingido lenny/updates Release
 Ign lenny/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
 Atingido lenny/updates/main Packages
 Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Packages
 Atingido lenny/updates/main Sources
 Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Sources
 Err lenny Release.gpg
   Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para
 (2001:12d0::125). - connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP:
 2001:12d0::125 80]
 Err lenny Release.gpg
   Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para
 (2801:82:80ff:8000::4). - connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP:
 2801:82:80ff:8000::4 21]
 52% [Conectando em (] [Conectando em^
 alguem poderia me ajudar..
 Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: linux user
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Re: Virtualização com Xen

2011-11-30 Thread Gustavo Soares [SLot]
Claro que ele pode usar a virtualização com o Xen, uma correção 
paravirtualização(pvm) não precisa das flags do processador para ser 
executada, a virtualização cheia (hvm) que utiliza.

No caso da sua máquina, você pode sim virtualizar sistemas operacionais 
que necessitam de modificação no kernel (linux), caso utilize para 
virtualizar Windows, você não conseguirá utilizar pois depende da 
virtualização no modo HVM.

Maurício e Carluicio qualquer problema mandar na lista ou assinem a 
lista xen-br .


Em 29-11-2011 22:29, Mauricio Neto escreveu:

Este processador não tem suporte a paravirtualização. De uma olhada neste link:

Veja as caracteristicas em advanced tecnology, no final da pagina:

Tecnologia Intel® Turbo Boost  No
Tecnologia Hyper-Threading Intel   No
Tecnologia de virtualização Intel® (VT-x)  No
Intel® Trusted Execution TechnologyNo
Intel® 64  Yes
Tecnologia Enhanced Intel SpeedStepYes
Intel® Demand Based Switching  No
Bit de desativação de execução Yes

Não é o seu caso mas mas apenas para constar, sempre verifique na BIOS se a 
opção VT esta ativa e caso voce esteja com o Xen ja instalado a melhor forma de 
garantir se o processador suporta paravirtualização é verificar com o comando
cat /sys/hypervisor/properties/capabilities

Qualquer duvida é só escrever.

Mauricio Neto

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 20:41:47 -0200
Subject: Re: Virtualização com Xen


entao nao conseguirei instalar o XEN nesta maquina:

processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 15
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5450  @ 1.66GHz
stepping: 13
cpu MHz : 1667.000
cache size  : 2048 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 1
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 1
apicid  : 0
initial apicid  : 0
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 10
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm
constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl
est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm dts
bogomips: .48
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: linux user

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UIN: 19596909
Linux User: 124842
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Re: Virtualização com Xen

2011-11-30 Thread Mauricio Neto
acho que voce inverteu as necessidades.

Me corrija se eu estiver errado.

Para instalar o Xen não é obrigatorio o VT mas para rodar sistemas monoliticos 
como o Windows em um sistema hospedeiro como O Xen voce precisa da 

Mauricio Neto

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:33:04 -0200
 Subject: Re: Virtualização com Xen
 Claro que ele pode usar a virtualização com o Xen, uma correção
 paravirtualização(pvm) não precisa das flags do processador para ser
 executada, a virtualização cheia (hvm) que utiliza.
 No caso da sua máquina, você pode sim virtualizar sistemas operacionais
 que necessitam de modificação no kernel (linux), caso utilize para
 virtualizar Windows, você não conseguirá utilizar pois depende da
 virtualização no modo HVM.
 Maurício e Carluicio qualquer problema mandar na lista ou assinem a
 lista xen-br .
 Em 29-11-2011 22:29, Mauricio Neto escreveu:
 Este processador não tem suporte a paravirtualização. De uma olhada
 neste link:
 Veja as caracteristicas em advanced tecnology, no final da pagina:
 Tecnologia Intel® Turbo Boost   No
 Tecnologia Hyper-Threading IntelNo
 Tecnologia de virtualização Intel® (VT-x)  No
 Intel® Trusted Execution TechnologyNo
 Intel® 64  Yes
 Tecnologia Enhanced Intel SpeedStepYes
 Intel® Demand Based Switching  No
 Bit de desativação de execução Yes
 Não é o seu caso mas mas apenas para constar, sempre verifique na BIOS
 se a opção VT esta ativa e caso voce esteja com o Xen ja instalado a
 melhor forma de garantir se o processador suporta paravirtualização é
 verificar com o comando
 cat /sys/hypervisor/properties/capabilities
 Qualquer duvida é só escrever.
 Mauricio Neto
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 20:41:47 -0200
 Subject: Re: Virtualização com Xen
 entao nao conseguirei instalar o XEN nesta maquina:
 processor   : 0
 vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
 cpu family  : 6
 model   : 15
 model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5450  @ 1.66GHz
 stepping: 13
 cpu MHz : 1667.000
 cache size  : 2048 KB
 physical id : 0
 siblings: 1
 core id : 0
 cpu cores   : 1
 apicid  : 0
 initial apicid  : 0
 fdiv_bug: no
 hlt_bug : no
 f00f_bug: no
 coma_bug: no
 fpu : yes
 fpu_exception   : yes
 cpuid level : 10
 wp  : yes
 flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca
 cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm
 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl
 est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm dts
 bogomips: .48
 clflush size: 64
 cache_alignment : 64
 address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
 power management:
 Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: linux user
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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
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 through IMs, post on Twitter®, Facebook®, MySpace™, LinkedIn® – FAST!
 UIN: 19596909
 Linux User: 124842
 Emails:  |
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Re: Virtualização com Xen

2011-11-30 Thread Gustavo Soares [SLot]
Para instalar o Xen não é obrigatório o VT. Você precisa dele somente 
para instalar sistemas operacionais onde você não tem acesso ao kernel 
(exemplo Windows).

HVM == VIrtualização Cheia (precisa das flags do processador)
PVM == Paravirtualização (não necessita das flags do processador)

Você está confundindo HVM com PVM Maurício.


Em 30-11-2011 12:21, Mauricio Neto escreveu:

acho que voce inverteu as necessidades.

Me corrija se eu estiver errado.

Para instalar o Xen não é obrigatorio o VT mas para rodar sistemas monoliticos 
como o Windows em um sistema hospedeiro como O Xen voce precisa da 

Mauricio Neto

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:33:04 -0200
Subject: Re: Virtualização com Xen

Claro que ele pode usar a virtualização com o Xen, uma correção
paravirtualização(pvm) não precisa das flags do processador para ser
executada, a virtualização cheia (hvm) que utiliza.

No caso da sua máquina, você pode sim virtualizar sistemas operacionais
que necessitam de modificação no kernel (linux), caso utilize para
virtualizar Windows, você não conseguirá utilizar pois depende da
virtualização no modo HVM.

Maurício e Carluicio qualquer problema mandar na lista ou assinem a
lista xen-br .


Em 29-11-2011 22:29, Mauricio Neto escreveu:

Este processador não tem suporte a paravirtualização. De uma olhada
neste link:

Veja as caracteristicas em advanced tecnology, no final da pagina:

Tecnologia Intel® Turbo Boost  No
Tecnologia Hyper-Threading Intel   No
Tecnologia de virtualização Intel® (VT-x)  No
Intel® Trusted Execution TechnologyNo
Intel® 64  Yes
Tecnologia Enhanced Intel SpeedStepYes
Intel® Demand Based Switching  No
Bit de desativação de execução Yes

Não é o seu caso mas mas apenas para constar, sempre verifique na BIOS
se a opção VT esta ativa e caso voce esteja com o Xen ja instalado a
melhor forma de garantir se o processador suporta paravirtualização é
verificar com o comando
cat /sys/hypervisor/properties/capabilities

Qualquer duvida é só escrever.

Mauricio Neto

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 20:41:47 -0200
Subject: Re: Virtualização com Xen


entao nao conseguirei instalar o XEN nesta maquina:

processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 15
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5450  @ 1.66GHz
stepping: 13
cpu MHz : 1667.000
cache size  : 2048 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 1
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 1
apicid  : 0
initial apicid  : 0
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 10
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm
constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl
est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm dts
bogomips: .48
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

Carlucio Lopes - 62-8592-8800 msn: linux user

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Capture screenshots, upload images, edit and send them to your friends
through IMs, post on Twitter®, Facebook®, MySpace™, LinkedIn® – FAST!

UIN: 19596909
Linux User: 124842
Emails:  |

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

FREE 3D MARINE AQUARIUM SCREENSAVER - Watch dolphins, sharks  orcas on your 
Check it out at

UIN: 19596909

Re: apt-get update

2011-11-30 Thread Kleber Fortaleza
On Wednesday 30 November 2011 08:47:54 Carlucio Lopes wrote:
 bom dia,
 nao estou conseguindo atualizar pacotes:
 veja meu source.list
 deb lenny/updates main contrib
 deb-src lenny/updates main contrib
 #mirros oficiais
 deb lenny main contrib non-free
 deb lenny main contrib non-free
 notebook:/usr/src/linux# apt-get update
 Atingido lenny/updates Release.gpg
 Ign lenny/updates/main Translation-pt_BR
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
 Atingido lenny/updates Release
 Ign lenny/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Packages/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
 Ign lenny/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
 Atingido lenny/updates/main Packages
 Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Packages
 Atingido lenny/updates/main Sources
 Atingido lenny/updates/contrib Sources
 Err lenny Release.gpg
   Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para
 (2001:12d0::125). - connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP:
 2001:12d0::125 80] Err lenny Release.gpg
   Não foi possível iniciar a conexão para
 (2801:82:80ff:8000::4). - connect (101 A rede está fora de alcance) [IP:
 2801:82:80ff:8000::4 21] 52% [Conectando em
 (] [Conectando em^
 alguem poderia me ajudar..

isso as vezes acontece comigo também, imagino que possa ser algum problema na 
resolução de dns, pois após algumas tentativas, ele retorna a devolver o 
endereço ipv4.

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2011-11-30 Thread Mauricio Neto

Continuando com a questão da virtualização encontrei este link que achei interesante, principalmente a tabela de comparações entre os diversas implementações. Neto

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Re: apt-get update

2011-11-30 Thread Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins
Verifique o arquivo sysctl.conf e o diretório sysctl.d, ambos 
localizados em /etc

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Re: looking for a non-RAID SAS PCIe HBA that works with Debian amd64 OOTB

2011-11-30 Thread Philippe Marzouk
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 08:31:10PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:
 I'm looking for a non-RAID SAS PCIe HBA that works with Debian amd64 OOTB.
 Any suggestions?

I use an Adaptec ASC-1405 which works with the mvsas driver in the
standard linux Kernel.


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Synaptic 0.70: reporting wrong status for package?

2011-11-30 Thread Joost Kraaijeveld

Synaptic displays all packages in the status overview as one of auto
removable, local or obsolete and manual. But I do not have any
packages locally or manually installed: I always use Synaptic or apt-get
to do so. Also, removing some of the auto removable would result in
removing applications and libraries that are not marked as auto
removable. The same applies tot local or obsolete: it results in a
cascaded removal of packages.  

Does Synaptic display the wrong status? Or do the descriptions not cover
the meaning? Can I check somehow what the status of a packed is outside

I am running Debian Testing AMD64, latest updates as for today applied.



Joost Kraaijeveld
Askesis B.V.
Molukkenstraat 14
6524NB Nijmegen
tel: 024-3888063 / 06-51855277
fax: 024-3608416

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AW: [OT] Computer box as earth

2011-11-30 Thread Ralf Mardorf
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: David Christensen []
Gesendet: Mi 11/30/2011 02:59
Betreff: Re: [OT] Computer box as earth
On 11/29/2011 03:57 PM, Mark Panen wrote:
 On 30/11/2011 01:49, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 I have a router right next to my machine and have connected a data
 surge arrestor, can i connect the earth of the surge arrestor to the

You should terminate the surge protector ground lead under the faceplate 
screw of a grounded receptacle.  If you don't have a grounded 
receptacle, you need to hire an electrician to install one for you.




In Germany at least a bathtub should be grounded. If a concrete-footing ground 
electrode, the ground of the sockets etc. is ok can be measured with a special 
instrument that electricity providers should own.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Scott Ferguson []
Gesendet: Mi 11/30/2011 01:22
Betreff: Re: [OT] Computer box as earth
Check with a local electrician


+ 1

For good reasons interfaces often use galvanic isolation. A MIDInterface does 
use opto-couplers and the cable's shielding is just single sided connected, the 
ADAT-Lightpipe has become a standard for music, a measuring bridge should be 
battery-powered etc., IOW it's not only a question if your computer case is 
grounded. Minus of circuits could be connected to ground, this could cause 
loops, so some people use ground lift switches, at home such a switch often 
disconnect from ground, if you sell equipment this is forbidden, than you need 
to decouple with a special capacitor.
OTOH not connecting all devices to the same ground could lead in potential 
differences, e.g. grunded guitar strings could become very unpleasant, if you 
additionatley touch the case of a mixing console.
FWIW such devices don't protect against lightning strokes. Lightning protection 
needs 2 prestages in addition to a Type 3 SPD.

What information is given by it's user manual?

- Ralf

Re: AW: Gimp acting strangely

2011-11-30 Thread Alan Chandler

On 29/11/11 23:40, Ralf Mardorf wrote:


Yes, mv ~/.gimp* ~/.gimp.backup

Since GNOME3 is a PITA, take a look at gimp --help-gtk, anyway, at least
start it by gimp --verbose

Tried gimp --verbose and it started up fine.

Looks like it was a sid temporary glitch

Alan Chandler

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Re: gksu: Couldn't set environment variable...

2011-11-30 Thread Sthu Deus
Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:

Also, try to run gksu as root user.

 Why? I can do that successfully even under normal, new user.

Why not? We are just making tests to get more clues.

Because if a less privileged user can do it than it is OK to suppose
the root user will do the same.


ls -la | grep config
 Here it is:
 drwx-- 11 uname  uname   1024 Nov 25 00:33 .config


Mine is set to drwxr-xr-r and owner/group is my user. Check out the 
perms of this folder for the user where it works and them compare.

Sorry, same effect. And I think it is logical - for user has full

Interesting another thing:

1. under another (new user) it works.

2. For the given user it works but not for these two app.s...

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AW: Synaptic 0.70: reporting wrong status for package?

2011-11-30 Thread Ralf Mardorf
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Joost Kraaijeveld []
Gesendet: Mi 11/30/2011 10:08
Betreff: Synaptic 0.70: reporting wrong status for package?

Synaptic displays all packages in the status overview as one of auto
removable, local or obsolete and manual. But I do not have any
packages locally or manually installed: I always use Synaptic or apt-get
to do so. Also, removing some of the auto removable would result in
removing applications and libraries that are not marked as auto
removable. The same applies tot local or obsolete: it results in a
cascaded removal of packages.  

Does Synaptic display the wrong status? Or do the descriptions not cover
the meaning? Can I check somehow what the status of a packed is outside

I am running Debian Testing AMD64, latest updates as for today applied.



You can remove the 'auto removable' information. Perhaps you need an 'auto 
removable' package, that once was installed as a dependency for something you 
don't need anymore, e.g. you might need such a package for development or just 
compiling. You can check it using apt ;), but the result should be the same as 
for Synaptic ;). Be careful with removing packages, when apt tells you, that 
some packages aren't needed anymore. This tool is far away of being perfect. 
Since my Debian testing is broken at the moment, the latest upgrades are buggy, 
I'm now booted to Suse, so I don't have access to apt right now. Anyway, Google 
(usually is an enemy), but for such cases, it's your friend.

- Ralf

Detach Icedove from xterm itself called from terminal.

2011-11-30 Thread Paul Isambert

Hello there,

When started from gnome-terminal, Icedove stays attached to it. I can 
detach it by executing icedove .
The problem is, I can't seem to do that recursively, i.e. from the 
terminal call another terminal which calls icedove . The following 
works: xterm -e 'icedove' (with Icedove attached to xterm), but xterm 
-e 'icedove ' doesn't (xterm starts and closes immediately).

Any idea?


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Re: Re: Brightness after screensaver start - genome 3

2011-11-30 Thread Marcelo Luiz de Laia
 I would do it for you but I'm not experiencing the problem so it's
 better that *you* open the report because I cannot provide logs not 
 configuration files that show the problem :-(

I filled it! -:)

Linux user number 487797

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Re: Upgrading from Lenny to Squeeze

2011-11-30 Thread Stephen Powell
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 01:35:21 -0500 (EST), Marc Shapiro wrote:
 The problem was that the /etc/uswsusp.conf file (used by s2disk and 
 s2both) still had the old swap file listed as the resume device. 
 Correcting that and then updating the initrd seems to have solved the 
 problem.  At least the system fully boots without requiring any 
 intervention.  Unfortunately, s2disk does not work.  When I try (as 
 root) to run s2disk I get the 'Can not stat device...' message then. 
 Unless I can get this working really soon I am probably just going to 
 uninstall uswsusp as I have never used it in the past and don't see much 
 need for it on a desktop system that is usually up 24/7.

Excellent!  How were you able to figure this out?  I have no experience
with s2disk.  I don't have it installed, and I've been running Desktop
Debian systems for a long time; so you don't need it.

It could also be that a second reboot solved the problem.  Perhaps
during the first reboot something got written to the swap device,
now that /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume had valid information,
and that signature was detected during the second reboot.  I really
don't know.  In any case, I'm glad that you can now boot with no
manual intervention.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Viajes Buenavista te presenta....

2011-11-30 Thread Viajes Buenavista
Desucbre los cruceros especiales Viajes Buenavista para el 2012. !Te los 
ofrecemos todo incluído! incluso las excursiones. Si tienes un grupo y quieres 
gestionar tu crucero, escapada, excursión o cualquier tipo de viaje te 
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tradicional y la flexibilidad y el precio de internet . ¡Navega por nuestro 
chollos y te sorprenderás!

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Re: Detach Icedove from xterm itself called from terminal.

2011-11-30 Thread Clive Standbridge
Paul Isambert wrote:
 Hello there,
 When started from gnome-terminal, Icedove stays attached to it. I can
 detach it by executing icedove . The problem is, I can't seem to do
 that recursively, i.e. from the terminal call another terminal which
 calls icedove . The following works: xterm -e 'icedove' (with
 Icedove attached to xterm), but xterm -e 'icedove ' doesn't (xterm
 starts and closes immediately).
 Any idea?

Hi Paul,

First, about the error. Given the -e option, xterm runs the next
argument instead of the shell that it would run by default. So it's
trying to run an executable called 'icedove ', can't find it, and

The '' is shell syntax; you need to run a shell in the xterm. The
shell would need to both run the icedove command in the background,
and produce an interactive prompt. I don't know if there is a
straightforward way of doing that. The best I can think of is

  xterm -e bash --rcfile (echo icedove \)

or if you want the usual initialisation files to run, you could do

  xterm -e bash --rcfile (cat /etc/bash.bashrc ~/.bashrc; echo icedove \)

or use a dedicated rcfile:

  xterm -e bash --rcfile ~/.my-icedove-rcfile

where ~/.my-icedove-rcfile contains

  . /etc/bash.bashrc
  . ~/.bashrc

There are a couple of things I haven't figured out:
This does not to allow you to bring the icedove to the foreground.  
Nor does it seem to show stdout/stderr from icedove in the xterm, which
I guess you want.

Hopefully someone will provide a better answer.


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how to transfer APT packages between different devices?

2011-11-30 Thread Tom Roche

summary: My old laptop is up-to-date on LMDE (Linux Mint Debian
Edition), with many add-on APT packages. I'm now qualifying a new
laptop, from a different vendor, on which I have installed LMDE from
live USB. How best/easiest to transfer the packages from the first
laptop to the second, without causing (e.g.) driver problems? (And
please lemme know soonest, since I have much acceptance testing to do
but can't return for refund after 2 Dec 2011.)


I have a 2-year-old laptop (call it laptop_0) from one vendor. It
has served me well, but the battery is shot, the HD makes ominous
intermittent clicking noises, it's no longer SOTA, and in any case I
could use a backup laptop. This week my university put some quite
high-powered laptops on clearance for a good price, so I'm evaluating
one (call it laptop_1). I can return it by Friday (2 Dec) for full

I regularly backup my packages on laptop_0 using a script that

* copies /etc/apt/sources.list to a designated backup directory
* copies /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to the backup directory
* redirects `dpkg --get-selections` to a file in the backup directory

I have in the past restored my packages from laptop_0 to laptop_0
(e.g., after ubuntu upgrades) with a script that reverses the above

* restores /etc/apt/sources.list from the backup directory
* restores /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ from the backup directory
* redirects the backed-up package list to `dpkg --set-selections`
* apt-get install -y dselect
* dselect update
* apt-get dselect-upgrade
* aptitude update

I installed 64bit LMDE 201109 Gnome

from live USB (using unetbootin) on laptop_1 without difficulty. laptop_1 has 
some problems with LMDE, e.g.,

- it hangs if I try to suspend with a USB drive attached (but it 
sleeps/restores normally otherwise

- hibernation fails, i.e., instead of restoring it just reboots (but so does 

Other than that :-) it seems worth the price, but I've done relatively
little testing (e.g., power management, DVD and stream playing). To do
more a more substantial comparison I need to get roughly the same
packages installed on both boxes. (Particularly I want to benchmark
building and running a scientific model I help develop.) Unfortunately
there are important differences between the two (though both are 64bit
Intel with NVIDIA). I noticed this the hard way when I attempted to
restore (using the second procedure above) the packages from
laptop_0 onto laptop_1: laptop_1 booted, but then put up a crippled
GINA (the graphical login screen) into which I could not type (the
keyboard was not working, though the mouse was). Fortunately I just
rebooted and reinstalled LMDE (which took all of 10 minutes--one
suspects Windows will never install that quickly :-) and laptop_1 is
again functional.

So obviously my current package-restore procedure only works to
restore onto on the same device from which the packages were backed
up. I'm wondering, how best to do package-transfer? E.g., can I script
a procedure that is smart enough to not transfer inappropriate
packages (e.g., those causing driver conflicts)? Alternatively, I need
to know (more-or-less) or determine what not to transfer, so I can
edit my package list by hand (before running the package-restore
script), or otherwise human-run the process (hopefully with some tool

Or is it time for Something Completely Different? What do you believe
is the best way to transfer packages between non-identical devices?
Please lemme know soonest--I can't return laptop_1 for full refund
after 2 Dec 2011.

TIA, Tom Roche

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Re: Chromium in Sid not working

2011-11-30 Thread Stephen Allen
On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 05:28:26PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Stephen Allen wrote:
  Bob Proulx wrote:
   Stephen Allen wrote:
I don't use the Debian Chromium as it's too old.
   I think you must be thinking of the Chromium in Stable Squeeze which
   released with version 6.  That isn't the one under discussion.  Stable
   is stable and so that one won't be changing by intent.
  Browsers should be updated as they can be quite volatile. Therefore
  a fast moving target.
 Obviously by all of my postings about I am in
 complete agreement with you.  However others disagreed and darn them
 they pushed the browsers into Testing and Stable anyway.  Let's simply
 agree to ignore them.  It would be much better if those were in the
 squeeze-updates section aka the old volatile section.  You should
 become a DD yourself and then work to move the browsers to those
 All of that is a completely different topic from Stable Squeeze being
 a security release only archive until the next major Stable Wheezy
 release.  Stable means stable.  Thrashing there is very bad.  That is
 incompatible with our view of the current browser situation.  Let's
 not lobby for making changes to the stable archive.  That is what the
 squeeze-updates section is for.
---end quoted text---

Yup updated versions of all 3 branches of Chromium should be in
Squeeze-Updates IMHO. But since they aren't I've had to resort to
using Ubuntu's PPA's which are actually quite reliable.


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Re: Detach Icedove from xterm itself called from terminal.

2011-11-30 Thread Paul Isambert

Le 30/11/2011 14:29, Clive Standbridge a écrit :

Paul Isambert wrote:

Hello there,

When started from gnome-terminal, Icedove stays attached to it. I can
detach it by executing icedove. The problem is, I can't seem to do
that recursively, i.e. from the terminal call another terminal which
calls icedove. The following works: xterm -e 'icedove' (with
Icedove attached to xterm), but xterm -e 'icedove' doesn't (xterm
starts and closes immediately).

Any idea?

Hi Paul,

First, about the error. Given the -e option, xterm runs the next
argument instead of the shell that it would run by default. So it's
trying to run an executable called 'icedove', can't find it, and

The '' is shell syntax; you need to run a shell in the xterm. The
shell would need to both run the icedove command in the background,
and produce an interactive prompt. I don't know if there is a
straightforward way of doing that. The best I can think of is

   xterm -e bash --rcfile(echo icedove \)

or if you want the usual initialisation files to run, you could do

   xterm -e bash --rcfile(cat /etc/bash.bashrc ~/.bashrc; echo icedove \)

or use a dedicated rcfile:

   xterm -e bash --rcfile ~/.my-icedove-rcfile

where ~/.my-icedove-rcfile contains

   . /etc/bash.bashrc
   . ~/.bashrc

There are a couple of things I haven't figured out:
This does not to allow you to bring the icedove to the foreground.
Nor does it seem to show stdout/stderr from icedove in the xterm, which
I guess you want.

Thanks Clive for your help. Unfortunately Icedove stays attached to the 
uppermost terminal (which I want to close too, perhaps that wasn't 
clear). Even with the simplest form:

  bash --rcfile (echo icedove \)

when I close the terminal, it closes Icedove.

But at least I have learnt something!


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GRUB version

2011-11-30 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


Is there a way to find out what version of grub is installed in the MBR 
of a drive?


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Re: Synaptic 0.70: reporting wrong status for package?

2011-11-30 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:08:04 +0100
Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:

Hello Joost,

 Does Synaptic display the wrong status? Or do the descriptions not
 cover the meaning? Can I check somehow what the status of a packed is
 outside Synaptic?

Your understanding of the term manual is flawed.  It means *you* asked
for the package to be installed, via Synaptic, apt or aptitude, rather
than it being installed as as system requirement, or dependency of
another package, not from outside those systems. If you install a
package outside Synaptic et al, there is no way that they can know about
it, so it won't be listed in their databases, anyway.

Auto-removable packages are those that may get removed to make way for
new packages, if space gets short.  Theoretically, you should be able to
remove them without problem, but it's not always the case, as you've

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
Does she always shout at you, does she tell you what to do
Family Life - Sham 69

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Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-30 Thread Stephen Allen
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 04:24:17PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 11:33:08 +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  Well until then maybe GNOME 3 has evolved into a more usable state.
 It is usable right now. 
 Current version 3.0 (the one available in testing) is not as easy to 
 configure as it was GNOME 2.32 but when wheezy comes out (as the new 
 stable) it will include GNOME 3.2 or even 3.4 so things will have 
 improved a lot in comparison to the current state.
---end quoted text---

The only thing I dislike about Gnome3 is the Launcher. Other than that
it's not too bad. One can see it's going to be good for touch screens
and perhaps portable devices. 

It would be nice though if we could have a configuration option to use
Gnome3 in the classic sense for those of us using desktops/laptops
without touchscreens going forward. That just makes sense IMO.

Stephen, Toronto
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Re: Re: Error upgrading squeeze to wheezy

2011-11-30 Thread Mark Copper
I have also had this occur on my box:
   $ uname -a
   Linux rigel 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Mon Oct 3 04:15:24 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux

My question: has anyone tried installing libgstreamer0.10-0 with
Immediate-Configure disabled?

If not, is it something I can do without jeopardizing anything else?


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Re: Detach Icedove from xterm itself called from terminal.

2011-11-30 Thread Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins

I did not understand what you wanted, but i guess

`xterm -e `icedove ` ` is close to the command you are looking for.

The `` are used by bash to open a sub shell. (Assuming you are using bash).

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Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread mas
After recent upgrades (I am not certain when), I have lost the ability to
delete words by using Alt+BkSp in either gnome-terminal or terminator. How
to get that behaviour back?



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Re: AW: [OT] Computer box as earth

2011-11-30 Thread John Hasler
David Christensen writes:
 You should terminate the surge protector ground lead under the
 faceplate screw of a grounded receptacle.

You should do likewise with the ground leads of the computer and
router.  All three devices should supplied from the same grounded
circuit (preferably from the same outlet).  Your goal is to assure that
when lightning strikes the power line or the phone line all of your
machines are held at the same potential so that current will not flow
from one to another via the signal lines.
John Hasler

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Re: Detach Icedove from xterm itself called from terminal.

2011-11-30 Thread Paul Isambert

Le 30/11/2011 15:52, Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins a écrit :

 I did not understand what you wanted, but i guess

 `xterm -e `icedove ` ` is close to the command you are looking for.

 The `` are used by bash to open a sub shell. (Assuming you are using

Thank you Iuri, but the terminal still stays open.

What I want to do is the following: I have a Lua script which lets me
selects programs, then calls them with os.execute(program), and the
terminal where the Lua script runs closes too. Only with Icedove it
stays attached, so I'm trying very hard to detach it so the terminal can


Re: Re: GNOME 3 Alt-Tab takes two hands now

2011-11-30 Thread B
Check out Alt+Esc.  My initial impression is that is behaves much like
our beloved Alt+Tab of old.  It even seems to be workspace exclusive.

Re: gksu: Couldn't set environment variable...

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:00:16 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:

 Thank You for Your time and answer, Camaleón:
Also, try to run gksu as root user.

 Why? I can do that successfully even under normal, new user.

Why not? We are just making tests to get more clues.
 Because if a less privileged user can do it than it is OK to suppose the
 root user will do the same.

In this case is not a matter of privileges. It's a matter of 
configuration files that could have been messed up or set with the wrong 

As root user is usually never called to run GUI based applications, 
root's configuration files use to be clean as if they have been 
installed from scratch. How I could say it? Root user is, in this regard, 
like a virgin user :-)

ls -la | grep config
 Here it is:
 drwx-- 11 uname  uname   1024 Nov 25 00:33 .config


Mine is set to drwxr-xr-r and owner/group is my user. Check out the
perms of this folder for the user where it works and them compare.
 Sorry, same effect. And I think it is logical - for user has full
 Interesting another thing:
 1. under another (new user) it works.

Yes, and you can use this fact to compare the permissions for the 
configuration files for the user where it works and the other where 
 2. For the given user it works but not for these two app.s...

Look deeper inside at the ~/.config folder and check out the 
permissions that hold the files of that two specific applications.



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Re: GRUB version

2011-11-30 Thread Brian
On Wed 30 Nov 2011 at 08:37:33 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Is there a way to find out what version of grub is installed in the MBR  
 of a drive?

Is that not it at the top of the GRUB menu screen?

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Re: Brightness after screensaver start - genome 3

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:41:47 -0200, Marcelo Luiz de Laia wrote:

 I would do it for you but I'm not experiencing the problem so it's
 better that *you* open the report because I cannot provide logs not
 configuration files that show the problem :-(
 I filled it! -:)

Good job! :-)

I will have to open another bug (time permitting) for the backlight level 
that is not restored after each reboot.



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Re: GRUB version

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:37:33 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Is there a way to find out what version of grub is installed in the MBR
 of a drive?

grub-install -v will tell the installed version.

Anyway... IIRC, the version is printed at the top of the boot menu.



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Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:46:32 -0500, Stephen Allen wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 04:24:17PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 11:33:08 +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  Well until then maybe GNOME 3 has evolved into a more usable state.
 It is usable right now.
 Current version 3.0 (the one available in testing) is not as easy to
 configure as it was GNOME 2.32 but when wheezy comes out (as the new
 stable) it will include GNOME 3.2 or even 3.4 so things will have
 improved a lot in comparison to the current state.
 The only thing I dislike about Gnome3 is the Launcher. Other than that
 it's not too bad. One can see it's going to be good for touch screens
 and perhaps portable devices.

Yeah... There are many things I neither like of GNOME3+gnome-shell (and 
this remains true for other aspects of GNOME2) but the fact we don't like 
it does not reflect its usability, is just our personal taste :-)

 It would be nice though if we could have a configuration option to use
 Gnome3 in the classic sense for those of us using desktops/laptops
 without touchscreens going forward. That just makes sense IMO.

I bet you can use a different menu launcher other than what gnome-shell 
provides by means of additional addons or extensions.



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Re: Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:58:17 -0800, mas wrote:

 After recent upgrades (I am not certain when), I have lost the ability
 to delete words by using Alt+BkSp in either gnome-terminal or
 terminator. How to get that behaviour back?

Juts tested and it works here (wheezy and gnome-terminal) :-?

Have you relogin/restarted after the upgrade? Is it working for another 



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Re: Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread Sridhar M.A.
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 03:58:21PM +, Camaleón wrote:

Juts tested and it works here (wheezy and gnome-terminal) :-?

Have you relogin/restarted after the upgrade? Is it working for another 

Does not work for anybody :-( In fact, a similar issue is here :


Sridhar M.A. GPG KeyID : F6A35935
  Fingerprint: D172 22C4 7CDC D9CD 62B5  55C1 2A69 D5D8 F6A3 5935

A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you
actually look forward to the trip.
-- Caskie Stinnett, Out of the Red

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Re: Re: Detach Icedove from xterm itself called from terminal.

2011-11-30 Thread Clive Standbridge
Paul Isambert wrote:

 Thanks Clive for your help. Unfortunately Icedove stays attached to the
 uppermost terminal (which I want to close too, perhaps that wasn't
 clear). Even with the simplest form:
   bash --rcfile (echo icedove \)
 when I close the terminal, it closes Icedove.
 But at least I have learnt something!

and in reply to Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins, Paul Isambert wrote:
 Thank you Iuri, but the terminal still stays open.
 What I want to do is the following: I have a Lua script which lets me
 selects programs, then calls them with os.execute(program), and the
 terminal where the Lua script runs closes too. Only with Icedove it
 stays attached, so I'm trying very hard to detach it so the terminal can

Hi Paul,

I've obviously misunderstood your intention (I thought you wanted to
keep the second (and possibly the first) terminal open at an
interactive prompt).

It looks easier now.
I don't know anything about Lua, but searching around suggests that
os.execute executes its command in a shell, not directly. In that case
you should be able to use a command like


but if that causes icedove to be closed immediately, you could try

  nohup icedove 

Note I can't test any of this because I don't have LUA installed.

I hope this helps. Otherwise I'm out of ideas.


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Re: GRUB version

2011-11-30 Thread Walter Hurry
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:40:52 +, Camaleón wrote:

 On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:37:33 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Is there a way to find out what version of grub is installed in the MBR
 of a drive?
 grub-install -v will tell the installed version.
 Anyway... IIRC, the version is printed at the top of the boot menu.

The question aroused my curiosity, so I tried looking at the boot sector 

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr_backup.bin bs=512 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00038036 s, 1.3 MB/s
$ file mbr_backup.bin
mbr_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 
0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2 segment 0x200, GRUB version 0.94; 
partition 1: ID=0x27, starthead 1, startsector 63, 25173792 sectors; 
partition 2: ID=0x7, starthead 254, startsector 25173855, 208845 sectors; 
partition 3: ID=0x7, active, starthead 254, startsector 25382700, 
44194815 sectors; partition 4: ID=0x5, starthead 254, startsector 
69577576, 243000472 sectors, code offset 0x48, Bytes/sector 190, sectors/
cluster 124, reserved sectors 191, FATs 6, root entries 185, sectors 
64514 (volumes =32 MB) , Media descriptor 0xf3, sectors/FAT 20644, heads 
6, hidden sectors 309755, sectors 2147991229 (volumes  32 MB) , physical 
drive 0x7e, dos  4.0 BootSector (0x0)

One (slightly) interesting thing is that this reports version 0.94 
whereas the version of GRUB on the partition from where it was installed 
claims to be 0.97.

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Re: Detach Icedove from xterm itself called from terminal.

2011-11-30 Thread Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins
Well, the example i gave you opens another terminal (xterm) and opens 
icedove without closing the first terminal nor the second (assuming that 
you was using xterm in the first place).

If you want the terminal to be closed, you may use:

echo exit  xterm -e `icedove `  (if you want the xterm you use to 
open icedove closes)

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Re: Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 21:45:53 +0530, Sridhar M.A. wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 03:58:21PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 Juts tested and it works here (wheezy and gnome-terminal) :-?
 Have you relogin/restarted after the upgrade? Is it working for
 another user?
 Does not work for anybody :-( In fact, a similar issue is here :

I only have tested in gnome-terminal, can't say for the others.



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AW: how to transfer APT packages between different devices?

2011-11-30 Thread Ralf Mardorf
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Tom Roche []
Gesendet: Mi 11/30/2011 14:36
Betreff: how to transfer APT packages between different devices?
summary: My old laptop is up-to-date on LMDE (Linux Mint Debian
Edition), with many add-on APT packages. I'm now qualifying a new
laptop, from a different vendor, on which I have installed LMDE from
live USB. How best/easiest to transfer the packages from the first
laptop to the second, without causing (e.g.) driver problems? (And
please lemme know soonest, since I have much acceptance testing to do
but can't return for refund after 2 Dec 2011.)


I have a 2-year-old laptop (call it laptop_0) from one vendor. It
has served me well, but the battery is shot, the HD makes ominous
intermittent clicking noises, it's no longer SOTA, and in any case I
could use a backup laptop. This week my university put some quite
high-powered laptops on clearance for a good price, so I'm evaluating
one (call it laptop_1). I can return it by Friday (2 Dec) for full

I regularly backup my packages on laptop_0 using a script that

* copies /etc/apt/sources.list to a designated backup directory
* copies /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to the backup directory
* redirects `dpkg --get-selections` to a file in the backup directory

I have in the past restored my packages from laptop_0 to laptop_0
(e.g., after ubuntu upgrades) with a script that reverses the above

* restores /etc/apt/sources.list from the backup directory
* restores /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ from the backup directory
* redirects the backed-up package list to `dpkg --set-selections`
* apt-get install -y dselect
* dselect update
* apt-get dselect-upgrade
* aptitude update

I installed 64bit LMDE 201109 Gnome

from live USB (using unetbootin) on laptop_1 without difficulty. laptop_1 has 
some problems with LMDE, e.g.,

- it hangs if I try to suspend with a USB drive attached (but it 
sleeps/restores normally otherwise

- hibernation fails, i.e., instead of restoring it just reboots (but so does 

Other than that :-) it seems worth the price, but I've done relatively
little testing (e.g., power management, DVD and stream playing). To do
more a more substantial comparison I need to get roughly the same
packages installed on both boxes. (Particularly I want to benchmark
building and running a scientific model I help develop.) Unfortunately
there are important differences between the two (though both are 64bit
Intel with NVIDIA). I noticed this the hard way when I attempted to
restore (using the second procedure above) the packages from
laptop_0 onto laptop_1: laptop_1 booted, but then put up a crippled
GINA (the graphical login screen) into which I could not type (the
keyboard was not working, though the mouse was). Fortunately I just
rebooted and reinstalled LMDE (which took all of 10 minutes--one
suspects Windows will never install that quickly :-) and laptop_1 is
again functional.

So obviously my current package-restore procedure only works to
restore onto on the same device from which the packages were backed
up. I'm wondering, how best to do package-transfer? E.g., can I script
a procedure that is smart enough to not transfer inappropriate
packages (e.g., those causing driver conflicts)? Alternatively, I need
to know (more-or-less) or determine what not to transfer, so I can
edit my package list by hand (before running the package-restore
script), or otherwise human-run the process (hopefully with some tool

Or is it time for Something Completely Different? What do you believe
is the best way to transfer packages between non-identical devices?
Please lemme know soonest--I can't return laptop_1 for full refund
after 2 Dec 2011.

TIA, Tom Roche


Why don't you just backup your running Linux by tar from a live cd e.g. to an 
USB stick, partition the new drive and extract it on the new laptop? Make it 
bootable, start in recovery mode and change modules that need to be changed, 
e.g. the graphics driver.

2 cents,


Re: GNOME 3 Alt-Tab takes two hands now

2011-11-30 Thread Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins

You may configure that in the window manager

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Re: how to transfer APT packages between different devices?

2011-11-30 Thread Tom Roche

Tom Roche Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:36 AM
 My old laptop is up-to-date on LMDE with many add-on APT packages.
 I'm now qualifying a new laptop, from a different vendor, on which
 I have installed LMDE from live USB. How best/easiest to transfer
 the packages from the first laptop to the second, without causing
 (e.g.) driver problems?

Ralf Mardorf Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:13:28 +0100
 Why don't you just backup your running Linux by tar from a live cd
 e.g. to an USB stick, partition the new drive and extract it on the
 new laptop?

The old laptop's partitioning is very different from the new laptop's.
The old laptop is pure linux. The new laptop has a first rescue
partition from the vendor and a second W7 partition (which I would
like to keep for occasional use, notably ArcGIS), followed by the
linux partitions.

But the rest of your suggestion resembles what I believe I need:

 start in recovery mode

I shoulda thoughta that :-) and I know how. What I don't know is,
how to identify and

 change [packages] that need to be changed, e.g. the graphics driver.

How do I determine the names of the packages that need to be changed?
E.g., if I observe a graphics problem, how to tell which packages are

your assistance is appreciated, Tom Roche

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AW: AW: [OT] Computer box as earth

2011-11-30 Thread Ralf Mardorf
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: John Hasler []
Gesendet: Mi 11/30/2011 15:49
Betreff: Re: AW: [OT] Computer box as earth
David Christensen writes:
 You should terminate the surge protector ground lead under the
 faceplate screw of a grounded receptacle.

You should do likewise with the ground leads of the computer and
router.  All three devices should supplied from the same grounded
circuit (preferably from the same outlet).  Your goal is to assure that
when lightning strikes the power line or the phone line all of your
machines are held at the same potential so that current will not flow
from one to another via the signal lines.
John Hasler

Correct, if there's no task like professional audio recording or professional 
measurements, this is the best way to ground, by theory even for those task 
it's the best way, in practice it isn't for those tasks. Anyway, as mentioned 
before, a Type 3 device doesn't protect against lightning strikes, as long as 
for your house there aren't the Type 1 and Type 2 devices. If there aren't 
those prestages such Type 3 devices are useless against lightning strikes. 
Anyway, they protect against less dramatic overvoltage. I still don't think 
that such an overvoltage could be caused by circuit for a network connection, 
simple circuits could and AFAIK do protect against to high 'currents' and 
'overvoltage', I might be mistaken regarding to the circuit protection, but I'm 
not mistaken regarding to a Type 3 device as lightning stroke protection. I 
still connect such type 3 devices, even if for my house there aren't no type 1 
and type 2 devices. If you have good luck, it could protect your hardware, e.g. 
against overvoltage that isn't caused by lightning. Ahainst lightnink it never 
ever will protect without the prestages. A friend several times had bad luck.

0,02 EUR,


Re: GRUB version

2011-11-30 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Walter Hurry wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:40:52 +, Camaleón wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:37:33 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Is there a way to find out what version of grub is installed in the MBR
of a drive?

grub-install -v will tell the installed version.

Anyway... IIRC, the version is printed at the top of the boot menu.

The question aroused my curiosity, so I tried looking at the boot sector 

$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr_backup.bin bs=512 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00038036 s, 1.3 MB/s
$ file mbr_backup.bin
mbr_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 
0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2 segment 0x200, GRUB version 0.94; 
partition 1: ID=0x27, starthead 1, startsector 63, 25173792 sectors; 
partition 2: ID=0x7, starthead 254, startsector 25173855, 208845 sectors; 
partition 3: ID=0x7, active, starthead 254, startsector 25382700, 
44194815 sectors; partition 4: ID=0x5, starthead 254, startsector 
69577576, 243000472 sectors, code offset 0x48, Bytes/sector 190, sectors/
cluster 124, reserved sectors 191, FATs 6, root entries 185, sectors 
64514 (volumes =32 MB) , Media descriptor 0xf3, sectors/FAT 20644, heads 
6, hidden sectors 309755, sectors 2147991229 (volumes  32 MB) , physical 
drive 0x7e, dos  4.0 BootSector (0x0)

One (slightly) interesting thing is that this reports version 0.94 
whereas the version of GRUB on the partition from where it was installed 
claims to be 0.97.

Precisely. I have 4 HDD's and 1 USBkey. I boot from the latter. But what 
is on the 4 disks?

hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sda_backup.bin
mbr_sda_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, active, 
starthead 1, startsector 63, 19534977 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x8e, 
starthead 254, startsector 19535040, 957233025 sectors, code offset 0x0

hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sdb_backup.bin
mbr_sdb_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, starthead 1, 
startsector 63, 39070017 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x83, starthead 254, 
startsector 39070080, 39070080 sectors; partition 3: ID=0x83, starthead 
254, startsector 78140160, 39070080 sectors; partition 4: ID=0x5, 
starthead 254, startsector 117210301, 351582464 sectors, code offset 0xb8

hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sdc_backup.bin
mbr_sdc_backup.bin: x86 boot sector, LInux i386 boot LOader; GRand 
Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 0x3, boot drive 0x80, stage2 address 
0x2000, stage2 segment 0x200; partition 1: ID=0x83, active, starthead 1, 
startsector 63, 12109041 sectors; partition 2: ID=0xf, starthead 193, 
startsector 12109165, 147977363 sectors, code offset 0x48

hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sdd_backup.bin
mbr_sdd_backup.bin: x86 boot sector, LInux i386 boot LOader; GRand 
Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2 
segment 0x200; partition 1: ID=0x83, starthead 1, startsector 63, 
15631182 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x83, starthead 0, startsector 
15631245, 15631245 sectors; partition 3: ID=0x83, starthead 254, 
startsector 31262490, 15631245 sectors; partition 4: ID=0x5, starthead 
254, startsector 46893796, 109402589 sectors, code offset 0x63

hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sde_backup.bin
mbr_sde_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1 
version 0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2 segment 0x200; partition 1: 
ID=0x6, starthead 1, startsector 32, 4014048 sectors, code offset 0x48

Walter got a version for GRUB in the mbr, I get nothing.

IMO the man page for grub-install is wrong:

grub-install [OPTION] install_device

should say:

grub-install [OPTION] [install_device]

because 'grub-install -v' gives:

grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)

So if sde has 0.97 then sdc and sdd must also because they look the 
same. :-(

Too bad I did not know about GPT when I got new disks /sdc and /sdd.


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AW: AW: [OT] Computer box as earth

2011-11-30 Thread Ralf Mardorf
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Ralf Mardorf
Gesendet: Mi 11/30/2011 18:09
An: John Hasler;
Betreff: AW: AW: [OT] Computer box as earth
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: John Hasler []
Gesendet: Mi 11/30/2011 15:49
Betreff: Re: AW: [OT] Computer box as earth
David Christensen writes:
 You should terminate the surge protector ground lead under the
 faceplate screw of a grounded receptacle.

You should do likewise with the ground leads of the computer and
router.  All three devices should supplied from the same grounded
circuit (preferably from the same outlet).  Your goal is to assure that
when lightning strikes the power line or the phone line all of your
machines are held at the same potential so that current will not flow
from one to another via the signal lines.
John Hasler

Correct, if there's no task like professional audio recording or professional 
measurements, this is the best way to ground, by theory even for those task 
it's the best way, in practice it isn't for those tasks. Anyway, as mentioned 
before, a Type 3 device doesn't protect against lightning strikes, as long as 
for your house there aren't the Type 1 and Type 2 devices. If there aren't 
those prestages such Type 3 devices are useless against lightning strikes. 
Anyway, they protect against less dramatic overvoltage. I still don't think 
that such an overvoltage could be caused by circuit for a network connection, 
simple circuits could and AFAIK do protect against to high 'currents' and 
'overvoltage', I might be mistaken regarding to the circuit protection, but I'm 
not mistaken regarding to a Type 3 device as lightning stroke protection. I 
still connect such type 3 devices, even if for my house there aren't no type 1 
and type 2 devices. If you have good luck, it could protect your hardware, e.g. 
against overvoltage that isn't caused by lightning. Ahainst lightnink it never 
ever will protect without the prestages. A friend several times had bad luck.

0,02 ?,


PS: preferably from the same outlet

Only from the same socket. Even the direction you put in the jack could make 
a difference. I got a potential difference from different sockets connected to 
the same cutout, so it was the same circuit, but old houses ship with a lot of 
voodoo regarding to those thingies. In Germany a new house is safe, but old 
houses are disastrous. FWIW, you perhaps should google. In cities grounding can 
cause more issues, than protection, e.g. near a railway line. Btw. there are 
different methods how 3-phase current and AC are provided regarding to ground. 
There's corrosion of piping, star connections could have different methods 
regarding to earth, neutral and ground, IIRC there are three methods.

Re: Trouble with remote rsyslog

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:03:26 -0500, vr wrote:


 SENDING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)
 $ModLoad imudp
 $UDPServerRun 514 @

Just thinking out loud... shouldn't that IP be the one of the receiver's 



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Re: Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread Roger Leigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 03:58:21PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:58:17 -0800, mas wrote:
  After recent upgrades (I am not certain when), I have lost the ability
  to delete words by using Alt+BkSp in either gnome-terminal or
  terminator. How to get that behaviour back?
 Juts tested and it works here (wheezy and gnome-terminal) :-?

I've noticed alt keys not working in unstable for a couple of weeks
now.  gnome-terminal is not affected, but xterm and xfce5-terminal
certainly are affected.

I've not had a chance to diagnose it yet, but I do know that
testing with gnome-terminal may not show the bug!


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   Printing on GNU/Linux?
   `-GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848   Please GPG sign your mail.

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Re: GRUB version

2011-11-30 Thread Brian
On Wed 30 Nov 2011 at 16:25:14 +, Walter Hurry wrote:

 One (slightly) interesting thing is that this reports version 0.94 
 whereas the version of GRUB on the partition from where it was installed 
 claims to be 0.97.

I think it is Stage 2 which has version 0.94. May be a bug somewhere
but it's GRUB Legacy so nobody will worry about it.

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Re: GRUB version

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 11:28:32 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Walter Hurry wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:40:52 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:37:33 -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Is there a way to find out what version of grub is installed in the
 MBR of a drive?
 grub-install -v will tell the installed version.

 Anyway... IIRC, the version is printed at the top of the boot menu.
 The question aroused my curiosity, so I tried looking at the boot
 sector itself:
 $ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr_backup.bin bs=512 count=1 


 $ file mbr_backup.bin
 mbr_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1
 version 0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2 segment 0x200, GRUB version


 One (slightly) interesting thing is that this reports version 0.94
 whereas the version of GRUB on the partition from where it was
 installed claims to be 0.97.
 Precisely. I have 4 HDD's and 1 USBkey. I boot from the latter. But what
 is on the 4 disks?

 hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sda_backup.bin
 mbr_sda_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, active,


 hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sdb_backup.bin
 mbr_sdb_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, starthead 1,


 hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sdc_backup.bin
 mbr_sdc_backup.bin: x86 boot sector, LInux i386 boot LOader; GRand
 Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 0x3, boot drive 0x80, stage2 address

LILO or GRUB? :-?

 file mbr_sdd_backup.bin
 mbr_sdd_backup.bin: x86 boot sector, LInux i386 boot LOader; GRand
 Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2

LILO or GRUB :-?

 hugo@HDBB:/$ file mbr_sde_backup.bin
 mbr_sde_backup.bin: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1
 version 0x3, stage2 address 0x2000, stage2 segment 0x200; partition 1:


 Walter got a version for GRUB in the mbr, I get nothing.

Then it can be that there is no in there or that you have a different 
version (in your case, GRUB legacy) ;-)

(side note: remember that GRUB can be also installed into the first 
sector of a partition and not just into the MBR).

 IMO the man page for grub-install is wrong:
 grub-install [OPTION] install_device
 should say:
 grub-install [OPTION] [install_device]
 because 'grub-install -v' gives:
 grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)
 So if sde has 0.97 then sdc and sdd must also because they look the
 same. :-(

grub-install -v tells you nothing about the location of GRUB but the 
installed version of the package from the system you are currently 
running it.
 Too bad I did not know about GPT when I got new disks /sdc and /sdd.



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Re: Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:52:27 +, Roger Leigh wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 03:58:21PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:58:17 -0800, mas wrote:
  After recent upgrades (I am not certain when), I have lost the
  ability to delete words by using Alt+BkSp in either gnome-terminal or
  terminator. How to get that behaviour back?
 Juts tested and it works here (wheezy and gnome-terminal) :-?
 I've noticed alt keys not working in unstable for a couple of weeks now.
  gnome-terminal is not affected, but xterm and xfce5-terminal certainly
 are affected.


Mmm... in what way is xterm affected? I ask because I have it installed 
so I can also test :-)


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Re: Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread Roger Leigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 06:38:00PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 17:52:27 +, Roger Leigh wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 03:58:21PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 06:58:17 -0800, mas wrote:
   After recent upgrades (I am not certain when), I have lost the
   ability to delete words by using Alt+BkSp in either gnome-terminal or
   terminator. How to get that behaviour back?
  Juts tested and it works here (wheezy and gnome-terminal) :-?
  I've noticed alt keys not working in unstable for a couple of weeks now.
   gnome-terminal is not affected, but xterm and xfce5-terminal certainly
  are affected.
 Mmm... in what way is xterm affected? I ask because I have it installed 
 so I can also test :-)

I use irssi, and find that the alt-keys used to switch channels
instead produce superscripts e.g. ²³.  I thought that this was
behaving like the right AltGr key, but they are not exactly the
same, and xev shows them as Alt_L and ISO_Level3_Shift,


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   Printing on GNU/Linux?
   `-GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848   Please GPG sign your mail.

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Re: Trouble with remote rsyslog

2011-11-30 Thread Michael Biebl
A couple of issues:

On 30.11.2011 06:03, vr wrote:
 I'm having trouble getting remote rsyslog to work.
 Can anyone look over my config and offer clues what I've done wrong 
 SENDING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)
 $ModLoad imudp
 $UDPServerRun 514 @
 mail.warn @
 mail.err  @

On the client, i.e. the sending host, you don't need $ModLoad imudp and
$UDPServerRun 514, that is only need for the receiving server.

And as was already mentioned, you are sending the messages to yourself

 RECEIVING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)
 $ModLoad imudp
 $UDPServerRun 514

The options in /etc/default/rsyslog (as documented) are outdated. Keep
the default compat level (-c 4) and use the $UDPServerRun directive, as
you already did.

A trivial example:

sender (
*.* @

receiver (
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
*.* /var/log/all

That's all.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Missing Kbuild folder

2011-11-30 Thread Artifex Maximus

In my /lib/modules/3.1.0-1-amd64/source folder I have a Kbuild
symbolic link which links to a non existent
../../lib/linux-kbuild-3.1/Kbuild file. Is it intentional or might I
missing some packages? Might I need dpkg-reconfigure for some

My system is Debian Wheezy with all upgrades up to date.


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Re: looking for a non-RAID SAS PCIe HBA that works with Debian amd64 OOTB

2011-11-30 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 11/30/2011 2:34 AM, Philippe Marzouk wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 08:31:10PM -0800, David Christensen wrote:

 I'm looking for a non-RAID SAS PCIe HBA that works with Debian amd64 OOTB.

 Any suggestions?

 I use an Adaptec ASC-1405 which works with the mvsas driver in the
 standard linux Kernel.

Yes, but the Linux mvsas driver is (still) total crap (to use Linus'
favorite word).  Google mvsas and read the horror stories, or simply
search the linux-scsi and linux-raid mailing lists.  I'd steer way clear
of any Marvell SAS based cards, especially if doing mdraid.

The Marvell SATA based cards seem to be ok however, and use a different
driver, mv_sata.


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WLAN access point with Alix board from PC Engines

2011-11-30 Thread Ramon Hofer
Hi all

I have an AMD Geode Alix board from PC Engines [1] which I'm planning to 
setup as WLAN access point.
The board has two miniPCI slots.

So far I've read that I can't just use any WLAN card. It has to be 
capable of the master mode?

Does anybody have experience with miniPCI master WLAN cards?
Which card would you use?



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Re: Lost Alt+Backspace

2011-11-30 Thread Bob Proulx wrote:
 After recent upgrades (I am not certain when), I have lost the ability to
 delete words by using Alt+BkSp in either gnome-terminal or terminator. How
 to get that behaviour back?

This isn't directly relevant to your terminal but it is related
general information.

I use XTerms and I have this XTerm resource set for this purpose:


If I don't that that set then Meta (aka Alt) sends characters with the
high bit set.  I converted to using the escape sequence compatibility
mode which sends escape sequence equivalents.  I have had it this way
for a long time now and forget when the breakage originally occurred.
Probably when terminals started to support UTF-8 unicode encodings.

Basically M-DEL (0xFF, DEL is 0x7F and setting the high bit makes it
0xFF) is the character you should get with Meta-Backspace (aka
Alt-Backspace with Alt as the Meta key).  But that can be simulated by
ESC, DEL as two characters.  The libreadline default is emacs editor
mode.  M-DEL is an emacs derived behavior.  M-DEL (and also ESC, DEL)
deletes one word backward.  I wrote this paragraph but am not using
the high bit set meta mode (might not be true now) since I am setting
XTerm*metaSendsEscape:true to send the escape sequence instead.

I imagine that having the high bit set is interfering with Unicode
characters.  Perhaps someone versed in the variable length character
encoding of UTF-8 can jump in and explain this conflict in detail.  I
should avoid it now to try to avoid inserting incorrect information
but off the top of my head IIRC the high bit set means that it is a
multi-byte character and continues in the next character.  I think
there is an intrinsic conflict between the two different paradigms and
you simply have to pick one or the other.  I have forgotten.

Note that the tty driver has a werase character ^W which also deletes
one word backward too.  The tty driver is below the libreadline
behavior.  (Actually libreadline supersedes it but is programmed to
respect the tty driver settings to keep things consistent between


Description: Digital signature

Re: Trouble with remote rsyslog

2011-11-30 Thread Arno Schuring
Summarizing the other comments and adding my own...

vr ( on 2011-11-30 00:03 -0500):
 I'm having trouble getting remote rsyslog to work.
 Can anyone look over my config and offer clues what I've done wrong 
 SENDING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)
 $ModLoad imudp
 $UDPServerRun 514
The sender needs omudp (the output module), and is not a UDP server. @
 mail.warn @
 mail.err  @
You're sending to the wrong address

 RECEIVING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)
 $ModLoad imudp
 $UDPServerRun 514
This will work, but note that the recommended protocol for
rsyslog-to-rsyslog logging is RFC3195:
$ModLoad imrelp
$InputRELPServerRun 2514

That file should warn you that -r is deprecated, and it is not needed
if you load the correct modules anyway.

Finally, you're opening your syslog port on a public interface. Please
make sure you have an adequate firewall.


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Re: Trouble with remote rsyslog

2011-11-30 Thread vr

On 30.11.2011 12:49, Camaleón wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 00:03:26 -0500, vr wrote:


SENDING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)

$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514 @


Just thinking out loud... shouldn't that IP be the one of the 




oh crap... I had the SEND/RECEIVE IP's reversed in the email but 
they're right on the servers. Here's hopefully a clearer snip from each 
host, with the corrections mentioned so far, firewall confirmed off 
while testing to rule that out too, and rsyslog restarted at both nodes 
(and still not working):

mail:~# ifconfig | grep Bcast
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

mail:~# grep RSYSLOGD /etc/default/rsyslog

mail:~# grep @99 /etc/rsyslog.conf  @
mail.warn @

mail:~# egrep '(imudp|UDPServerRun)' /etc/rsyslog.conf
#$ModLoad imudp
#$UDPServerRun 514

mail:~# netstat -na | grep :514

prod:~# ifconfig | grep Bcast
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

prod:~# grep RSYSLOGD /etc/default/rsyslog

prod:~# egrep '(imudp|UDPServerRun)' /etc/rsyslog.conf
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514

prod:~# grep @99 /etc/rsyslog.conf

prod:~# netstat -na | grep :514
udp0  0*
udp6   0  0 :::514  :::*

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Injecting virtual dependencies into apt

2011-11-30 Thread Fredrik Tolf

Dear List,

I'm wondering if there's a way to inject virtual packages into apt. For my 
part, I'm running a HTTP server that I've compiled and installed from 
source, and because apt doesn't know about it, it wants to install Apache 
or some other package providing the httpd virtual for such simple 
packages as gitweb or wordpress. I would like to tell apt that the system 
has httpd installed. Is there any mechanism for me to do so?

I've been googling quite a bit on the subject without finding anything, so 
I'm starting to fear that apt can't do that.


Fredrik Tolf

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Re: VLC missing sound [solved]

2011-11-30 Thread Porcia Silvia
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 04:30:01 +0100
Scott Ferguson wrote:

  One might ask what made 'PulseAudio Output' the default on this system?
 Would need to know more about your system to answer that it's a
 requirement in several meta-packages. Possibly your DE (you don't say
 what you're running).

I show Xfce V.4.8

  Where does one go to see what is the 'default' for these necessary things?
 /etc/init.d and /etc/default will tell you a bit.

Thanks for this information
 NOTES: the default backend for PulseAudio is Xine, you can also choose
 Linux sound systems - are confusing. And PulseAudio cops a lot of FUD.
 A good article about it is:-


 You mention debian-multimedia earlier in the thread... the upstream
 developers (and the debian packagers) have long warned against mixing
 multimedia and the main debian repositories.

We take our chances.


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Re: Injecting virtual dependencies into apt

2011-11-30 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Fredrik Tolf wrote:

 I'm wondering if there's a way to inject virtual packages into apt. For my
 part, I'm running a HTTP server that I've compiled and installed from
 source, and because apt doesn't know about it, it wants to install Apache or
 some other package providing the httpd virtual for such simple packages as
 gitweb or wordpress. I would like to tell apt that the system has httpd
 installed. Is there any mechanism for me to do so?

 I've been googling quite a bit on the subject without finding anything, so
 I'm starting to fear that apt can't do that.

You can use equivs.

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