Re: [HS] Cryptage communications GSM

2012-06-22 Thread Mourad Jaber

On 20/06/2012 21:24, Cornichon wrote:

Bonsoir et d'avance désolé pour le HS.

Connaissez-vous un moyen de crypter les communications GSM ?
Je sais qu'il existe beaucoup de soft proposant ceci sur l'IP ; ce que
je cherche ne doit en aucun cas dépendre de la Data. Voyez cela comme
une surcouche au A5/1 et à l'utilisation des canaux GSM classiques.

Merci de votre aide,
Bien cordialement.


Je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut, mais Phil Zimmerman, l'inventeur de pgp réitère avec ce 
type de fonctionnalité pour les mobiles :

C'est envore en beta et privatif...



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Serveur de secours

2012-06-22 Thread Fabien LUCE
Hash: SHA1

Bonjour à tous,

je cherche à mettre en place un serveur de secours à l'aide d'un VKS
Comme je risque de déménager et de me retrouver sans connexion internet
pendant 1 mois, je voudrais deplacer provisoirement l'ensemble de mes
services (mails, web, jabber, ...)

Mon serveur principal @Home tourne sous Debian, mon FAI me donne une IP
dynamique qui est mise à jour par ddclient sur dydns.
Du coup mon fichier de zone est géré par mon registrar où l'IP de la plupart de
mes sous-domaines sont redirigé vers dyndns.

Je me demandais si la méthode que j'enviseageais était la bonne:
installer tous les services qui répondent exactement au même nom de
domaine et juste modifier le fichier de zone enfaisant pointer les entrées vers 
IP du nouveau serveur.

Ensuite pour récuperer les mails par exemple je me fais un petit rsync
quand le serveur principal est rétabli.

Qu'en pensez vous? Y a t'il des méthodes plus simple/plus efficaces?

Merci à tous!

- -- 
Fabien LUCE
Jabber ID:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Serveur de secours

2012-06-22 Thread Steven D
Ta démarche me semble la bonne.
En prenant un vks tu disposeras d'une ip fixe. En modifiant juste les
entrée dns tes services sont disponible depuis le vks.
Il faudras juste attendre un temps de propagations dns, d'environ 24 heures
maximum suivant les FAIs.


Le 22 juin 2012 09:42, Fabien LUCE a écrit :

 Hash: SHA1

 Bonjour à tous,

 je cherche à mettre en place un serveur de secours à l'aide d'un VKS
 Comme je risque de déménager et de me retrouver sans connexion internet
 pendant 1 mois, je voudrais deplacer provisoirement l'ensemble de mes
 services (mails, web, jabber, ...)

 Mon serveur principal @Home tourne sous Debian, mon FAI me donne une IP
 dynamique qui est mise à jour par ddclient sur dydns.
 Du coup mon fichier de zone est géré par mon registrar où l'IP de la
 plupart de
 mes sous-domaines sont redirigé vers dyndns.

 Je me demandais si la méthode que j'enviseageais était la bonne:
 installer tous les services qui répondent exactement au même nom de
 domaine et juste modifier le fichier de zone enfaisant pointer les entrées
 vers l'adresse
 IP du nouveau serveur.

 Ensuite pour récuperer les mails par exemple je me fais un petit rsync
 quand le serveur principal est rétabli.

 Qu'en pensez vous? Y a t'il des méthodes plus simple/plus efficaces?

 Merci à tous!

 - --
 Fabien LUCE
 Jabber ID:
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [HS] Cryptage communications GSM

2012-06-22 Thread Bzzz
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 09:09:42 +0200
Mourad Jaber wrote:

 Je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut, mais Phil Zimmerman, l'inventeur de
 pgp réitère avec ce type de fonctionnalité pour les mobiles :

Wai, mais il-y-a 100% de chances que ça ne soit que l'application
de ZRTP, qui demande... du data (pour ce qui est d'encrypter l'IM
c'est trivial et supporté par la majorité des svrs  clients).

La seule façon qu'il pourrait avoir d'encrypter du gsm, ça serait
d'intercepter le flux de données après mise en forme, de le passer à
la moulinette puis de le réinjecter directement dans la partie UHF;
et il-y-a peu de chances que ça soit possible directement sans
modifier le firmware.
Le PB Pal étant: comment passer un flux de contrôle simultané pour
resynchroniser la crypto en cas de perte de données?  Dans
l'encryption normale GSM, il est entrelacé avec les données voix.

Et de toute façon il faudrait tout revoir  sans aucune garantie
de bon fonctionnement parce que l'encryption standard ne se fait
qu'entre mobile et stations.

A remarquer que ça a existé, mais à quel prix et surtout à quelle
sécurité (ce sont des entreprises qui font leur beurre avec
gouvernements  militaires, alors il-y-a peu de chances que leurs
systèmes civils ne soient pas des passoires si la commande n'est pas
appuyée par un canal officiel...)

Lao Tseu a dit: Homme qui se couche en se grattant le cul
se réveille avec les doigts qui puent.

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Re: Serveur de secours

2012-06-22 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 22/06/12 à 09:42, Fabien LUCE a écrit :
FL Mon serveur principal @Home tourne sous Debian, mon FAI me donne une IP
FL dynamique qui est mise à jour par ddclient sur dydns.
FL Du coup mon fichier de zone est géré par mon registrar où l'IP de la 
plupart de
FL mes sous-domaines sont redirigé vers dyndns.

FL Qu'en pensez vous? Y a t'il des méthodes plus simple/plus efficaces?

Je connais pas dydns mais c'est pas possible de lui faire répondre que l'ip de 
tes sous-domaine
est celle du vks ?
C'est pas plus simple ? (car quasi instantané)

En tout cas si tu ne veux pas perdre de mail, coupe l'ancien serveur (et fait ) 
puis démarre le
nouveau puis bascule l'ip (un serveur de mail HS qq heures même qq jours n'est 
pas un drame,
les smtp réessaieront régulièrement et tu ne perdras pas de mail).


Nous n'héritons pas la terre de nos ancêtres,
nous l'empruntons à nos enfants.
Seattle (chef indien)

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Re: Lancement au démarrage d'une commande sudo modeprobe ...

2012-06-22 Thread Danilo Uccelli
Le 19 juin 2012 15:45, Bzzz a écrit :
 On Tue, 19 Jun 2012 13:22:28 +0200
 Danilo Uccelli wrote:

 J'ai placé la commande modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x0403
 product=0xEFE0 que je lançait dans un terminal, dans
 /etc/init.d/mon_script, rendu mon_script exécutable par un
 chmod 755  puis lancé update-rc.d mon_script default et là
 après redémarrage, il voit bien le périphérique.

 Ca n'est pas la procédure normale pour insérer un module demandant
 des options spécifiques.  Normalement tu dois créer un fichier
 .conf dans /etc/modprobe.d/ qui reprend les options nécessaires lors
 de l'insertion.

 Par exemple, j'ai 4 cartes audio: celle de la CM, celle de la TV,
 le MPU-401-UART de la CM et celle (USB) de la webcam; si jamais la WC
 est enfichée lors du boot, elle est détectée en premier, passe donc
 en 0 et oblige à recalibrer le mixer.

 ## AUDIO: Force MB audio in #0
 alias           snd-slot-0      snd-atiixp
 alias           snd-card-0      snd-atiixp
 ## TV in #1
 alias           snd-slot-1      cx88-alsa
 alias           snd-card-1      cx88-alsa
 options         cx88-alsa       index=1
 ## CAUTION: MPU-401-UART == #2 (always)
 ## WC in #3
 alias           snd-slot-1      snd-usb-audio
 alias           snd-card-1      snd-usb-audio
 options         snd-usb-audio   enable=1 index=3
 ## /AUDIO

Merci Bzzz,
Je comprend bien les raisons, je regarderai ça, dès que j'aurai un peu de temps.

Danilo Uccelli

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Re: Synchro fichier entre 2 serveurs pseudo temps réel

2012-06-22 Thread Bzzz
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:23:58 +0200
Grégory Bulot wrote:

 Je cherche à répliquer 2 serveurs _existants_ perso.
 Le simple rsync est loin d'un pseudo temps réél, sauf à le faire
 tourner toutes les 5 minutes mais c'est moins fun 

Ca serait bien qu'on sache ce que tu veux réellement faire dans le
détail, de la réplication de FS ou de DB ou...?

Si c'est juste pour faire du load balancing entre les 2, autant
n'utiliser qu'un seul set de données + une liaison Trapide 
pour alimenter le svr dataless.
A Linux machine! because a 486 is a terrible thing to waste!
(By, Joe Sloan)

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Re: Synchro fichier entre 2 serveurs pseudo temps réel

2012-06-22 Thread Grégory Bulot
Bonjour, Bonsoir, 

Le Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:37:33 +0200, Bzzz, vous avez écrit :

 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:23:58 +0200
 Grégory Bulot wrote:
  Je cherche à répliquer 2 serveurs _existants_ perso.
  Le simple rsync est loin d'un pseudo temps réél, sauf à le faire
  tourner toutes les 5 minutes mais c'est moins fun 
 Ca serait bien qu'on sache ce que tu veux réellement faire dans le
 détail, de la réplication de FS ou de DB ou...?

Le titre  spécifie : fichier

 Si c'est juste pour faire du load balancing entre les 2, [...]

 le load balancing n'a pas été sous entendu dans mes propos.
Mais je confirme que ce n'est pas du load balancing que je cherche à
faire, ni du crash balancing (histoire d'anticiper)

Quoique pour le crash balancing : je planifie de jeter à la
déchetterie l'ancien serveur d'ici 2-3 mois (le temps de tout migrer)


Grégory BULOT

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Re: Synchro fichier entre 2 serveurs pseudo temps réel

2012-06-22 Thread Gilles Mocellin

Le 22/06/2012 18:23, Grégory Bulot a écrit :


Je cherche à répliquer 2 serveurs _existants_ perso.
Le simple rsync est loin d'un pseudo temps réél, sauf à le faire
tourner toutes les 5 minutes mais c'est moins fun

Après quelques recherche, je pense qu'une solution du type
répond à mon besoin.

Malheureusement il n'y a pas de paquet debian officiel. Existe-t-il
quelquechose d'équivalent packagé debian ?

sont excluent (en première réflexion):
  - openafs
  - drdb
  - Moose FS
  - Gluster FS
Qui imposent : formatage, machine supplémentaire (trunk et autres
joyeusetés), ...

Peut-être quelque chose basé sur les évenements du filesystem, comme 
incron ?

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Re: Synchro fichier entre 2 serveurs pseudo temps réel

2012-06-22 Thread Bzzz
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:51:42 +0200
Grégory Bulot wrote:


 Le titre  spécifie : fichier

  Si c'est juste pour faire du load balancing entre les 2, [...]
  le load balancing n'a pas été sous entendu dans mes propos.
 Mais je confirme que ce n'est pas du load balancing que je cherche
 à faire, ni du crash balancing (histoire d'anticiper)

Alors alors, il-y-a là une discussion qui correspond à ce que tu
La réponse portant sur inotifywait parait intéressante, mais perso
je passerai plutôt par NFS en faisant des symlinks entre le point
de montage NFS du client et les dirs où sont les fichiers à 
synchroniser - à ça, j'ajouterai un rsync local créant toutes les 5'
des nom_fichier_original_SOS, de façon à ce qu'en cas de casse
tu puisses au moins relancer manuellement tes Sces en qq minutes sur
l'esclave, le temps d'écraser les symlinks par ces fichiers et de
relancer les daemons.

 Quoique pour le crash balancing : je planifie de jeter à la
 déchetterie l'ancien serveur d'ici 2-3 mois (le temps de tout
 migrer) /humour

Hmm, plutôt du crash unloading alors:)

Last yeer I kudn't spel Engineer.  Now I are won.

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Re: debian y squid

2012-06-22 Thread Francisco Rafael Del Roio


Acá está la lista de ubuntu en castellano.


Dios es la salida a cualquier problema que puedas tener en este mundo.

attachment: francipvb.vcf

Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-22 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 21/06/12 15:56, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 21 Jun 2012 13:37:53 +0200, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

El 21/06/12 13:15, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

¿Os ha pasado hoy al actualizar que Wine ha dejado de funcionar?


¿Qué puedo hacer en este caso? ¿Alguna idea o sugerencia?

Un usuario de la lista inglesa estaba en la misma situación (o parecida,
vaya, aunque creo que se debe a lo mismo...), el problema es que no hay
paquetes nativos para 64 bits (al meno de momento) y han utilizado la
nueva característica multi-arquitectura para compilar el paquete.

En resumen:

En resumen, que ni poniendo eso se arregla :(



Saludos, Camaleón :)

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Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-22 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 21/06/12 19:47, Javier Silva escribió:

El día 21 de junio de 2012 13:15, SM Baby Siabef  escribió:

Buenas a todos.

¿Os ha pasado hoy al actualizar que Wine ha dejado de funcionar?

Yo tengo una debian testing, con Wine en los repositorios de testing
funcionando hasta hoy.

Una actualización hoy lo ha actualizado a 1.4.1-1 (me parece), ha instalado
Wine64 pero ha borrado todas las librerías de Wine del ordenador (es decir,
libwine y derivadas).

en principio el paquete no te obligaba a instalarlo, quedaba marcado
para no instalar (al menos con synaptic). Una vez que has forzado la
instalación del paquete, deberías haberte fijado en que el resto de
libwine-* estaban en una versión diferente al paquete principal de
wine 1.4 frente a 1.2.3.

Aptitude me obligaba a instalarlo. Siempre hago aptitude update  
aptitude upgrade y para realizar la actualización, no me fijé que uno de 
los paquetes que quería borrar es todo libwine en favor de wine64 y wine 
1.4... así que...

Para poder seguir ejecutando programas con wine, puedes utilizar
PlayOnLinux, el cual te permite elegir la versión de wine que desees,
en función del programa a ejecutar, e incluso puede mantener 'unidades
virtuales' separadas por programas.

Hmmm... no es necesario en mi caso, no es tan grave... a corto plazo.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva.

P.S.: Espero que no utilices wine para ejecutar GIMP.

Lo uso para Internet Explorer, es que Iceweasel no me transmite confianza :P

No, lo uso para un programa muy concreto que no tiene alternativa Linux...

No sé qué hacer... ya veré.

¿A alguno de vosotros le ha sucedido lo mismo? ¿Podríais probar a ver si os
llega a funcionar?

Un saludo.

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Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-22 Thread Francisco Rafael Del Roio

El 22/06/12 08:48, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

El 21/06/12 19:47, Javier Silva escribió:

El día 21 de junio de 2012 13:15, SM Baby Siabef  escribió:

Buenas a todos.

¿Os ha pasado hoy al actualizar que Wine ha dejado de funcionar?

Yo tengo una debian testing, con Wine en los repositorios de testing
funcionando hasta hoy.

Una actualización hoy lo ha actualizado a 1.4.1-1 (me parece), ha 
Wine64 pero ha borrado todas las librerías de Wine del ordenador (es 

libwine y derivadas).

en principio el paquete no te obligaba a instalarlo, quedaba marcado
para no instalar (al menos con synaptic). Una vez que has forzado la
instalación del paquete, deberías haberte fijado en que el resto de
libwine-* estaban en una versión diferente al paquete principal de
wine 1.4 frente a 1.2.3.

Aptitude me obligaba a instalarlo. Siempre hago aptitude update  
aptitude upgrade y para realizar la actualización, no me fijé que uno 
de los paquetes que quería borrar es todo libwine en favor de wine64 y 
wine 1.4... así que...

Para poder seguir ejecutando programas con wine, puedes utilizar
PlayOnLinux, el cual te permite elegir la versión de wine que desees,
en función del programa a ejecutar, e incluso puede mantener 'unidades
virtuales' separadas por programas.

Hmmm... no es necesario en mi caso, no es tan grave... a corto plazo.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva.

P.S.: Espero que no utilices wine para ejecutar GIMP.

Lo uso para Internet Explorer, es que Iceweasel no me transmite 
confianza :P

Jajaj... confío mucho más en un sistema GNU/Linux.

No, lo uso para un programa muy concreto que no tiene alternativa Linux...

Quizás te podamos ayudar con una alternativa: pasa el pograma.

No sé qué hacer... ya veré.

¿A alguno de vosotros le ha sucedido lo mismo? ¿Podríais probar a 
ver si os

llega a funcionar?

Un saludo.

Dios es la salida a cualquier problema que puedas tener en este mundo.

attachment: francipvb.vcf

Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-22 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 22/06/12 14:01, Francisco Rafael Del Roio escribió:

El 22/06/12 08:48, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

El 21/06/12 19:47, Javier Silva escribió:

El día 21 de junio de 2012 13:15, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

Buenas a todos.

¿Os ha pasado hoy al actualizar que Wine ha dejado de funcionar?

Yo tengo una debian testing, con Wine en los repositorios de testing
funcionando hasta hoy.

Una actualización hoy lo ha actualizado a 1.4.1-1 (me parece), ha
Wine64 pero ha borrado todas las librerías de Wine del ordenador (es
libwine y derivadas).

en principio el paquete no te obligaba a instalarlo, quedaba marcado
para no instalar (al menos con synaptic). Una vez que has forzado la
instalación del paquete, deberías haberte fijado en que el resto de
libwine-* estaban en una versión diferente al paquete principal de
wine 1.4 frente a 1.2.3.

Aptitude me obligaba a instalarlo. Siempre hago aptitude update 
aptitude upgrade y para realizar la actualización, no me fijé que uno
de los paquetes que quería borrar es todo libwine en favor de wine64 y
wine 1.4... así que...

Para poder seguir ejecutando programas con wine, puedes utilizar
PlayOnLinux, el cual te permite elegir la versión de wine que desees,
en función del programa a ejecutar, e incluso puede mantener 'unidades
virtuales' separadas por programas.

Hmmm... no es necesario en mi caso, no es tan grave... a corto plazo.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva.

P.S.: Espero que no utilices wine para ejecutar GIMP.

Lo uso para Internet Explorer, es que Iceweasel no me transmite
confianza :P

Jajaj... confío mucho más en un sistema GNU/Linux.

No, lo uso para un programa muy concreto que no tiene alternativa

Quizás te podamos ayudar con una alternativa: pasa el pograma.

Se trata de Sevilla de JBF Software, un programa para tener controlado 
una competición de ajedrez y poner los resultados, actualizándose así la 
clasificación, etc...

El enlace es éste:

Pero vamos, en su día busqué alternativas y no encontré ninguna. Es 
posible que se me escapase algo o que realmente no las haya tan completa 
y profesional como ese programa.

No sé qué hacer... ya veré.

¿A alguno de vosotros le ha sucedido lo mismo? ¿Podríais probar a
ver si os
llega a funcionar?

Un saludo.

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Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Jun 2012 13:45:31 +0200, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

 El 21/06/12 15:56, Camaleón escribió:

 En resumen:
 En resumen, que ni poniendo eso se arregla :(

Pues entonces tienes un problema distinto.

¿Has probado a eliminar wine por completo y volver a instalarlo? 

Como han estado tocando ese paquete hace poco (y para más inri, usando 
el sistema de ese del multiarch para comilarlo) quizá te haya pillado la 
actualización en medio de algún cambio y se te haya quedado a medio 



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Re: Darse de baja

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 21 Jun 2012 11:40:05 -0700, Memo Robles escribió:

(ese html...)

 gracias :) camaleon...aun utilizas ubuntu?

Nunca lo he instalado :-?



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Re: cheese se cuelga

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:25:04 +0200, Fernando Mordi Guerrieri escribió:

 Hola a todos!

Hola :-)

Por fa, no uses html en los mensajes que se leen muy mal.

 Soy usuario de Debian Wheezy. Estoy usando Cheese para hacer registros
 de video con una cámara USB.
 El programa tarda en iniciarse.
 Cuando logro hacer un registro y luego paro la grabación, es imposible
 hacer una segunda filmación. La cámara deja de registrar y el programa
 deja de responder.
 Aún cerrando el preograma y reabriéndolo no logro hacer que funcione.
 Hago pkill cheese desde terminal o killall (desde terminal de root)
 y no se resuelve el problema. Intento reiniciar la sesión. Muchas veces
 eso no sirve y debo reiniciar el sistema.
 Les mando abajo y en el archivo adjunto la pantalla de la terminal
 cuando cheese se está ejecutando. ¿cómo podría resolver los errores
 que se me indican en la terminal?


Dos cosas:

1/ Prueba con otra aplicación distinta de Cheese para ver si te pasa lo 
mismo (y que no sea ninguna herramienta de GNOME ya que por los 
comentarios que se leen por Internet parece que el origen lo tiene un 
componente de GNOME no Cheese en sí mismo).

2/ Cuando se te quede pillado, recarga (modprobe -r ... modprobe ...) el 
módulo del kernel para la cámara web e intenta de nuevo.

 ** Message: Error: Le flux ne contient aucune donnée.
 gsttypefindelement.c(954): gst_type_find_element_activate ():
 Can't typefind empty stream
 totem-video-thumbnailer couldn't open file
 'file:///home/mordi/Vid%C3%A9os/Webcam/2012-06-21-153635.webm' Reason:
 Le flux ne contient aucune donnée..
 ** (cheese:5975): WARNING **: could not generate thumbnail for
 /home/mordi/Vidéos/Webcam/2012-06-21-153635.webm (video/webm)

Podría estar relacionado con estos errores:

Informa en el BTS de Debian :-?



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Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-22 Thread Javier Silva
El día 22 de junio de 2012 14:41, SM Baby Siabef escribió:
 El 22/06/12 14:01, Francisco Rafael Del Roio escribió:

 El 22/06/12 08:48, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

 El 21/06/12 19:47, Javier Silva escribió:

 El día 21 de junio de 2012 13:15, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

 Buenas a todos.

 ¿Os ha pasado hoy al actualizar que Wine ha dejado de funcionar?

 Yo tengo una debian testing, con Wine en los repositorios de testing
 funcionando hasta hoy.

 Una actualización hoy lo ha actualizado a 1.4.1-1 (me parece), ha
 Wine64 pero ha borrado todas las librerías de Wine del ordenador (es
 libwine y derivadas).

 en principio el paquete no te obligaba a instalarlo, quedaba marcado
 para no instalar (al menos con synaptic). Una vez que has forzado la
 instalación del paquete, deberías haberte fijado en que el resto de
 libwine-* estaban en una versión diferente al paquete principal de
 wine 1.4 frente a 1.2.3.

 Aptitude me obligaba a instalarlo. Siempre hago aptitude update 
 aptitude upgrade y para realizar la actualización, no me fijé que uno
 de los paquetes que quería borrar es todo libwine en favor de wine64 y
 wine 1.4... así que...

 Para poder seguir ejecutando programas con wine, puedes utilizar
 PlayOnLinux, el cual te permite elegir la versión de wine que desees,
 en función del programa a ejecutar, e incluso puede mantener 'unidades
 virtuales' separadas por programas.

 Hmmm... no es necesario en mi caso, no es tan grave... a corto plazo.

 Un saludo,
 Javier Silva.

 P.S.: Espero que no utilices wine para ejecutar GIMP.

 Lo uso para Internet Explorer, es que Iceweasel no me transmite
 confianza :P

 Jajaj... confío mucho más en un sistema GNU/Linux.

 No, lo uso para un programa muy concreto que no tiene alternativa

 Quizás te podamos ayudar con una alternativa: pasa el pograma.

 Se trata de Sevilla de JBF Software, un programa para tener controlado una
 competición de ajedrez y poner los resultados, actualizándose así la
 clasificación, etc...

 El enlace es éste:

 Pero vamos, en su día busqué alternativas y no encontré ninguna. Es posible
 que se me escapase algo o que realmente no las haya tan completa y
 profesional como ese programa.

Hola de nuevo,
me he descargado el programa y lo he ejecutado con la versión de wine
1.4.1 que puedes encontrar con Playonlinux. se hace la instalación sin
problemas y arranca de manera correcta sin dar errores. Una vez en
funcionamiento indica que al no estar registrado tiene unos límites y
blabla, pero funciona.

Te aconsejo que instales playonlinux:

apt-get install playonlinux

Vas al menú 'Herramientas/Gestionar versiones de Wine' y seleccionas
la 1.4.1 para empezar, que parece ser es la que acabe por defecto en
Wheezy (habida cuenta de su inminente congelación). Luego te accedes a
instalar un nuevo programa y seleccionas el instalador que hayas

Lo he probado con la versión Sevilla 14.5.3.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva

 No sé qué hacer... ya veré.

 ¿A alguno de vosotros le ha sucedido lo mismo? ¿Podríais probar a
 ver si os
 llega a funcionar?

 Un saludo.

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[NOTA] Celebración del centenario del natalicio de Alan Turing, recordado y documentado en Google

2012-06-22 Thread Miguel Matos
Alan Turing, homenajeado con un doodle que invita a pensar (más),or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osbcad=b

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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2012-06-22 Thread mattias

varken experimental eller sid har qt 4.8
hur göra?
den fanns där förr
kör testing

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Re: qt

2012-06-22 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Fri, 2012-06-22 at 22:07 +0200, mattias wrote:
 varken experimental eller sid har qt 4.8
 hur göra?
 den fanns där förr
 kör testing

Vad jag kan se har både testing och unstable 4.8:

$ rmadison libqt4-dev
 libqt4-dev | 4:4.8.2-1  | wheezy 
 libqt4-dev | 4:4.8.2-1  | sid

Den första fyran i versionsnummret kan du bortse från, det är en sk.
Debian epoch så det är alltså samma version, 4.8.2 i både testing och

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Monitoramento MSN

2012-06-22 Thread Dane

Sim, estou, mas ele tem um problema para minha demanda.

Ele só envia a msg de alerta de monitoramento para quem está na LAN do 

Em 21-06-2012 15:25, Rafael Bedendo escreveu:
Você está usando a versão do svn? Se não me engano o loos corrigiu 
isso a pouco tempo.


Rafael Bedendo

Em 20-06-2012 17:24, Dane escreveu:

Olá pessoal.

Estou com uma demanda para monitorar logs do msn.

Eu usava o msn-proxy que fazia exatamente o que eu precisava.

Mas ele não está suprindo minhas necessidades com o msn 2011.

Alguém usa algum software diferente?


Att. Dane Brand
Atua Sistemas de Informação
Skype: dane.atua
Fone: (54) 3045-4144
Celular: (54) 9673-8919
Linux User #548369

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Re: Monitoramento MSN

2012-06-22 Thread Dane
Por exemplo o msn-proxy só manda para  os usuários que estiverem na LAN 
do msn-proxy.

Sabe me dizer se o  imspector enviar para fora a o alerta?


Em 21-06-2012 14:35, Dilceu Luiz Pazinatto escreveu:

Ele manda sim.. só precisa configurar.. aqui não coloco a mensagem porque o
diretor não quer, mas lembro de ter configurado e funcionou. Devo ter em
algum lugar essa conf por aqui, se achar necessário procuro para te enviar.

Agora ele esta configurado somente para registrar os logs em arquivos texto
e coloquei uma app em cgi para mostrar os logs via web.


-Mensagem original-
De: Dane []
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012 10:59
Assunto: Re: Monitoramento MSN

Pois é , ele envia a msg de alerta para o usuário que a conversa está sendo


Em 20-06-2012 17:40, Dilceu Luiz Pazinatto escreveu:

Então estou na mesma situação que vc, por hora estou usando o
imspector, não tem uma interface legal como o msn-proxy que faz o
bloqueio por usuário e tal.. mas grava os logs.

[ ]´s

-Mensagem original-
De: Dane []
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012 17:25
Para: debian-user-portuguese
Assunto: Monitoramento MSN

Olá pessoal.

Estou com uma demanda para monitorar logs do msn.

Eu usava o msn-proxy que fazia exatamente o que eu precisava.

Mas ele não está suprindo minhas necessidades com o msn 2011.

Alguém usa algum software diferente?


Att. Dane Brand
Atua Sistemas de Informação
Skype: dane.atua
Fone: (54) 3045-4144
Celular: (54) 9673-8919
Linux User #548369

Att. Dane Brand
Atua Sistemas de Informação
Skype: dane.atua
Fone: (54) 3045-4144
Celular: (54) 9673-8919
Linux User #548369

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Re: Apertium error... seeking English - Español translation tool

2012-06-22 Thread John Magolske
* Camaleón [120621 11:23]:
 On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 22:45:07 -0700, John Magolske wrote:
  I'd like to use the Apertium translation tool [1], which can translate
  English - Español (and other languages too, but that's the pair I'm
  most interested in atm) ... 
 Debian sid has, if the above bug is still present in that version
 you should report a regression (ah... now I see you added a comment 
 there, good!). 

(wasn't me that added the comment)

 In the meantime, you can also try with the latest upstream packages (3.2)
 available in sourceforge:

I may install from there if that's the only way I can get it...was
hoping there would be some sort of work-around that would allow the
aptitude installed version to work.
 Or try with a different application, such as stardict, goldendict or 

It seems Apertium is the only application that does what I'm looking
for -- something that can take entire sentences, paragraphs, text
files, etc and translate them. All the other applications seem to
translate one word at a time.


John Magolske

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 6/21/2012 8:54 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 Yes i am aware of the jumbo frame and played a bit with it in
 openfiler thanks for reminding me that btw are you getting 600Mbps
 with Jumbo frame?

 I don't use jumbo frames here because:

 1.  Not all the desktop NICs support it
 2.  No single host _needs_ maximum GbE throughput
    We don't do large single file transfers
 3.  The servers can hit wire speed doing parallel xfers
    without using jumbo frames
 4.  My SAN is fibre channel

 I have done testing with GbE and 9000 byte frames and the information I
With reference to the Bruno point. he says it could be the bottleneck
on HD end regardless of what size of ram or Processor are we using. so
my question is have you tested
this on RAID 1?
 as i believe read right will highly effect the performance,

Second question is have you tested this on common SATA drives?

3. are you using Linux iSCSI or other sharing methods like FTP, SAMBA
etc. and if yes then how reliable iSCSI could be since i have a bit
bad experience with openfiler and iSCSI connection with XP Clients. so
i want to ask your opinion.

4. and the test results that you have shown are only tests or you are
working on it in productions (you know reliability is also some thing
that i need to know as i am going to be trying this in production)

5. would you please share some details of you SAN BOX
   like HARDWARE and OS level.


 gave you is based on that testing, the experiences of peers, and many
 articles read over the years where similar testing was performed.


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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 6/22/2012 2:22 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 6/21/2012 8:54 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 Yes i am aware of the jumbo frame and played a bit with it in
 openfiler thanks for reminding me that btw are you getting 600Mbps
 with Jumbo frame?

 I don't use jumbo frames here because:

 1.  Not all the desktop NICs support it
 2.  No single host _needs_ maximum GbE throughput
We don't do large single file transfers
 3.  The servers can hit wire speed doing parallel xfers
without using jumbo frames
 4.  My SAN is fibre channel

 I have done testing with GbE and 9000 byte frames and the information I

 With reference to the Bruno point. he says it could be the bottleneck
 on HD end regardless of what size of ram or Processor are we using. so
 my question is have you tested
 this on RAID 1?

Before you even progress to the things below, you must run iperf to
obtain a maximum baseline performance.  That is the measure of your TCP
transmit/receive throughout.  Then you know what you target maximum is
when you tune these other things.

  as i believe read right will highly effect the performance,
 Second question is have you tested this on common SATA drives?
 3. are you using Linux iSCSI or other sharing methods like FTP, SAMBA
 etc. and if yes then how reliable iSCSI could be since i have a bit
 bad experience with openfiler and iSCSI connection with XP Clients. so
 i want to ask your opinion.
 4. and the test results that you have shown are only tests or you are
 working on it in productions (you know reliability is also some thing
 that i need to know as i am going to be trying this in production)
 5. would you please share some details of you SAN BOX
like HARDWARE and OS level.

Let's take things one step at a time, please.


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Re: Up-gradation problem with gnome 2.14

2012-06-22 Thread Joy Sankar Sengupta
I have done both upgrade and dist-upgrade and got the same  type of
error.For dist-upgrade, the error is :- Errors were encountered while
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

The output of dpkg -l | grep dpkg:-

client:/home/student# dpkg -l | grep dpkg
ii  apt
Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  dpkg  1.13.25
 package maintenance system for Debian
ii  dpkg-dev  1.13.25
 package building tools for Debian
ii  type-handling 0.2.19
dpkg architecture generation script

Best Regards,
Joysankar Sengupta

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Brian wrote:

 On Thu 21 Jun 2012 at 11:34:06 +, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

  I think it is working now.But still getting some error while installing
  downloaded updates.
  dpkg: regarding .../ncurses-base_5.7+20100313-5_all.deb containing
  package uses Breaks; not supported in this dpkg
  dpkg: error processing
  unsupported dependency problem - not installing ncurses-base
  Errors were encountered while processing:
  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

 Have done an upgrade *and* a dist-upgrade? Please post the output of

   dpkg -l | grep dpkg

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Re: Up-gradation problem with gnome 2.14

2012-06-22 Thread Dom

On 22/06/12 08:51, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:20 PM,  wrote:

On Thu 21 Jun 2012 at 11:34:06 +, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

I think it is working now.But still getting some error while installing
downloaded updates.

dpkg: regarding .../ncurses-base_5.7+20100313-5_all.deb containing
package uses Breaks; not supported in this dpkg
dpkg: error processing
unsupported dependency problem - not installing ncurses-base
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Have done an upgrade *and* a dist-upgrade? Please post the output of

   dpkg -l | grep dpkg

I have done both upgrade and dist-upgrade and got the same  type of
error.For dist-upgrade, the error is :- Errors were encountered while
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

The output of dpkg -l | grep dpkg:-

client:/home/student# dpkg -l | grep dpkg
ii  apt
Advanced front-end for dpkg
ii  dpkg  1.13.25
  package maintenance system for Debian
ii  dpkg-dev  1.13.25
  package building tools for Debian
ii  type-handling 0.2.19
dpkg architecture generation script

So, it seems the version of dpkg that is currently installed doesn't 
support the Breaks: option. It must be a very old one.

I suggest that you first upgrade dpkg:

apt-get install dpkg

which should pull in the new version, then you can continue with an 
upgrade and dist-upgrade.


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Re: Up-gradation problem with gnome 2.14

2012-06-22 Thread Joy Sankar Sengupta
The outpur is given bellow:-

client:/home/student# apt-get install dpkg
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 dpkg: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.6) but 2.3.6.ds1-13etch7 is to be installed
   PreDepends: xz-utils but it is not going to be installed
 locales: Depends: glibc-2.11-1
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or
specify a solution).

Best Regards,
Joysankar Sengupta

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Dom wrote:

 On 22/06/12 08:51, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:20 PM,  wrote:

  On Thu 21 Jun 2012 at 11:34:06 +, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

  I think it is working now.But still getting some error while installing
 downloaded updates.

 dpkg: regarding .../ncurses-base_5.7+20100313-**5_all.deb containing
 package uses Breaks; not supported in this dpkg
 dpkg: error processing
 unsupported dependency problem - not installing ncurses-base
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

 Have done an upgrade *and* a dist-upgrade? Please post the output of

   dpkg -l | grep dpkg

  I have done both upgrade and dist-upgrade and got the same  type of
 error.For dist-upgrade, the error is :- Errors were encountered while
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

 The output of dpkg -l | grep dpkg:-

 client:/home/student# dpkg -l | grep dpkg
 ii  apt
 Advanced front-end for dpkg
 ii  dpkg  1.13.25
  package maintenance system for Debian
 ii  dpkg-dev  1.13.25
  package building tools for Debian
 ii  type-handling 0.2.19
 dpkg architecture generation script

 So, it seems the version of dpkg that is currently installed doesn't
 support the Breaks: option. It must be a very old one.

 I suggest that you first upgrade dpkg:

 apt-get install dpkg

 which should pull in the new version, then you can continue with an
 upgrade and dist-upgrade.


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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 6/22/2012 2:22 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Stan Hoeppner 
 On 6/21/2012 8:54 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 Yes i am aware of the jumbo frame and played a bit with it in
 openfiler thanks for reminding me that btw are you getting 600Mbps
 with Jumbo frame?

 I don't use jumbo frames here because:

 1.  Not all the desktop NICs support it
 2.  No single host _needs_ maximum GbE throughput
    We don't do large single file transfers
 3.  The servers can hit wire speed doing parallel xfers
    without using jumbo frames
 4.  My SAN is fibre channel

 I have done testing with GbE and 9000 byte frames and the information I

 With reference to the Bruno point. he says it could be the bottleneck
 on HD end regardless of what size of ram or Processor are we using. so
 my question is have you tested
 this on RAID 1?

 Before you even progress to the things below, you must run iperf to
 obtain a maximum baseline performance.  That is the measure of your TCP
 transmit/receive throughout.  Then you know what you target maximum is
 when you tune these other things.

ok, i'll be back with the results. shortly

  as i believe read right will highly effect the performance,

 Second question is have you tested this on common SATA drives?

 3. are you using Linux iSCSI or other sharing methods like FTP, SAMBA
 etc. and if yes then how reliable iSCSI could be since i have a bit
 bad experience with openfiler and iSCSI connection with XP Clients. so
 i want to ask your opinion.

 4. and the test results that you have shown are only tests or you are
 working on it in productions (you know reliability is also some thing
 that i need to know as i am going to be trying this in production)

 5. would you please share some details of you SAN BOX
    like HARDWARE and OS level.

 Let's take things one step at a time, please.


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Re: Up-gradation problem with gnome 2.14

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 14:36:42 +0530, Joy Sankar Sengupta wrote:

 The outpur is given bellow:-
 client:/home/student# apt-get install dpkg
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree... Done
 You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  dpkg: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.6) but 2.3.6.ds1-13etch7 is to be installed
PreDepends: xz-utils but it is not going to be installed
  locales: Depends: glibc-2.11-1
 E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or
 specify a solution).

You tried 'apt-get -f install'?

At this stage you might ask youself whether the time and frustration
involved in upgrading from something which is pre-Lenny is really worth
it. Is there any practical reason why you should not do a new Squeeze

If it were me in your situation I'd probably start by looking at what is
on the system now and installing dpkg and its dependencies by hand using
'dpkg -i'. Others might counsel aptitude. Either way it could involve a
a lot more effort from you and us than a new install.

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Re: Up-gradation problem with gnome 2.14

2012-06-22 Thread Jochen Spieker
 At this stage you might ask youself whether the time and frustration
 involved in upgrading from something which is pre-Lenny is really worth
 it. Is there any practical reason why you should not do a new Squeeze

ACK. It looks like the OP (inadvertantly?) tried to do something that is
not supported (skip a release) and more or less broke his system. An
experienced user would probably be able to fix it, but doing that
remotely via a mailing list is painful.

I worry about people thinking I have lost direction.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Up-gradation problem with gnome 2.14

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 12:10:24 +0200, Jochen Spieker wrote:

  At this stage you might ask youself whether the time and frustration
  involved in upgrading from something which is pre-Lenny is really worth
  it. Is there any practical reason why you should not do a new Squeeze
 ACK. It looks like the OP (inadvertantly?) tried to do something that is
 not supported (skip a release) and more or less broke his system. An
 experienced user would probably be able to fix it, but doing that
 remotely via a mailing list is painful.

Not so inadvertantly, I think. I'll shoulder some of the responsibility
for not insisting on /etc/issue being posted and not querying the wisdom
of upgrading from what appears to be a 2006 Gnome.

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Re: Root password usage - was [Re: Intermittent installation related problems]

2012-06-22 Thread Slavko

Dňa Thu, 21 Jun 2012 23:31:31 -0500 Mark Allums napísal:

   If you gave root a password during install, then you should

if you was used national keyboard (i don't know how it is in english) for
root password, you can go to problems, because installer do not follow the
keyboard choice during installation.

For me this happens, for example, with numbers, which are different in
english and slovak keyboard.



Description: PGP signature

git over smart-http; how to check /refs/heads/master

2012-06-22 Thread J. Bakshi

Dear list,

I am trying to make a pre-receive hook which can check /refs/heads/master
and based on the user name it allow/deny push to master. The git is configured 
smart-http here. So from apache log ; during push I can see

GET /git/test.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1 200 448 - 
POST /git/test.git/git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1 200 329 - git/1.7.10


How can I then check /refs/heads/master here ?

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 On 6/22/2012 2:22 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 9:45 PM, Stan Hoeppner 
 On 6/21/2012 8:54 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 Yes i am aware of the jumbo frame and played a bit with it in
 openfiler thanks for reminding me that btw are you getting 600Mbps
 with Jumbo frame?

 I don't use jumbo frames here because:

 1.  Not all the desktop NICs support it
 2.  No single host _needs_ maximum GbE throughput
    We don't do large single file transfers
 3.  The servers can hit wire speed doing parallel xfers
    without using jumbo frames
 4.  My SAN is fibre channel

 I have done testing with GbE and 9000 byte frames and the information I

 With reference to the Bruno point. he says it could be the bottleneck
 on HD end regardless of what size of ram or Processor are we using. so
 my question is have you tested
 this on RAID 1?

 Before you even progress to the things below, you must run iperf to
 obtain a maximum baseline performance.  That is the measure of your TCP
 transmit/receive throughout.  Then you know what you target maximum is
 when you tune these other things.

ok here you go with the details

this is the storage server NAS/SAN box

root@nasbox:/# iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -r

Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)

Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 65.2 KByte (default)

[  5] local 10.X.X.15 port 33819 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  5]  0.0-10.0 sec   744 MBytes   624 Mbits/sec
[  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 59971
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   876 MBytes   734 Mbits/sec

and here you go with my Virtualization Server based on lenny Qemu KVM

lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s

Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)

[  4] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 33819
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec744 MBytes623 Mbits/sec

Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, TCP port 5001
TCP window size:   539 KByte (default)

[  4] local 10.X.X.7 port 59971 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
Waiting for server threads to complete. Interrupt again to force quit.
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec876 MBytes735 Mbits/sec

  as i believe read right will highly effect the performance,

 Second question is have you tested this on common SATA drives?

 3. are you using Linux iSCSI or other sharing methods like FTP, SAMBA
 etc. and if yes then how reliable iSCSI could be since i have a bit
 bad experience with openfiler and iSCSI connection with XP Clients. so
 i want to ask your opinion.

 4. and the test results that you have shown are only tests or you are
 working on it in productions (you know reliability is also some thing
 that i need to know as i am going to be trying this in production)

 5. would you please share some details of you SAN BOX
    like HARDWARE and OS level.

 Let's take things one step at a time, please.


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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Bartek Krawczyk
2012/6/22 Muhammad Yousuf Khan
 ok here you go with the details

 this is the storage server NAS/SAN box

 root@nasbox:/# iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -r
 Server listening on TCP port 5001
 TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, TCP port 5001
 TCP window size: 65.2 KByte (default)
 [  5] local 10.X.X.15 port 33819 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
 [  5]  0.0-10.0 sec   744 MBytes   624 Mbits/sec
 [  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 59971
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   876 MBytes   734 Mbits/sec

 and here you go with my Virtualization Server based on lenny Qemu KVM

 lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s
 Server listening on TCP port 5001
 TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
 [  4] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 33819
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec    744 MBytes    623 Mbits/sec
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, TCP port 5001
 TCP window size:   539 KByte (default)
 [  4] local 10.X.X.7 port 59971 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
 Waiting for server threads to complete. Interrupt again to force quit.
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec    876 MBytes    735 Mbits/sec

Try using -u or f.i. -w 2M with TCP.
But your results are quite good already.

Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
 Try using -u or f.i. -w 2M with TCP.
 But your results are quite good already.

UDP only

root@nasbox:/# iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -u -r

Server listening on UDP port 5001
Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)

Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, UDP port 5001
Sending 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)

[  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 34677 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec
[  4] Sent 893 datagrams
[  4] Server Report:
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec   0.028 ms0/  893 (0%)
[  3] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 44331
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec   0.002 ms0/  893 (0%)

lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s -u

Server listening on UDP port 5001
Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)

[  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 34677
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth   Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec  0.028 ms0/  893 (0%)

Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, UDP port 5001
Sending 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)

[  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 44331 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec
[  3] Sent 893 datagrams
[  3] Server Report:
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec  0.001 ms0/  893 (0%)

 Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Bartek Krawczyk
2012/6/22 Muhammad Yousuf Khan
 Try using -u or f.i. -w 2M with TCP.
 But your results are quite good already.

 UDP only

 root@nasbox:/# iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -u -r
 Server listening on UDP port 5001
 Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, UDP port 5001
 Sending 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)
 [  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 34677 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec
 [  4] Sent 893 datagrams
 [  4] Server Report:
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec   0.028 ms    0/  893 (0%)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 44331
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec   0.002 ms    0/  893 (0%)

 lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s -u
 Server listening on UDP port 5001
 Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 34677
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total 
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec  0.028 ms    0/  893 (0%)
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, UDP port 5001
 Sending 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 44331 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec
 [  3] Sent 893 datagrams
 [  3] Server Report:
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec  0.001 ms    0/  893 (0%)

Use -b 1024M with -u. Forgot about that.

Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
TCP Result

iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -r -w 2M

Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  256 KByte (WARNING: requested 2.00 MByte)

Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, TCP port 5001
TCP window size:  256 KByte (WARNING: requested 2.00 MByte)

[  5] local 10.X.X.15 port 33832 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  5]  0.0-10.0 sec   754 MBytes   633 Mbits/sec
[  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 56931
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   856 MBytes   718 Mbits/sec

lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s -w 2M

Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size:   256 KByte (WARNING: requested 2.00 MByte)

[  4] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 33832
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec754 MBytes632 Mbits/sec

Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, TCP port 5001
TCP window size:   256 KByte (WARNING: requested 2.00 MByte)

[  4] local 10.X.X.7 port 56931 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
Waiting for server threads to complete. Interrupt again to force quit.
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec856 MBytes718 Mbits/sec

 Try using -u or f.i. -w 2M with TCP.
 But your results are quite good already.

 Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Alberto Fuentes

On 06/22/2012 04:15 AM, Greg Madden wrote:

1.  'APT::Default Release' in  '/etc/apt/apt.conf

I think apt.conf is no longer there... At least its long since last time 
i saw it... I just created a file in apt.conf.d/00default with such 


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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
root@nasbox:/# iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -r -u -b 1024M

Server listening on UDP port 5001
Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)

Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, UDP port 5001
Sending 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)

[  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 59300 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   777 MBytes   652 Mbits/sec
[  4] Sent 554058 datagrams
[  4] Server Report:
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   773 MBytes   648 Mbits/sec   0.057 ms 2895/554057 (0.52%)
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order
[  3] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 40630
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   585 MBytes   490 Mbits/sec   0.053 ms 393567/810629 (49%)
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order

lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s -u

Server listening on UDP port 5001
Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)

[  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 59300
[ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth   Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec773 MBytes648 Mbits/sec  0.058 ms 2895/554057 (0.52%)
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order

Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, UDP port 5001
Sending 1470 byte datagrams
UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)

[  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 40630 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.11 GBytes953 Mbits/sec
[  3] Sent 810631 datagrams
[  3] Server Report:
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec585 MBytes490 Mbits/sec  0.053 ms 393567/810629 (49%)
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Bartek Krawczyk wrote:
 2012/6/22 Muhammad Yousuf Khan
 Try using -u or f.i. -w 2M with TCP.
 But your results are quite good already.

 UDP only

 root@nasbox:/# iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -u -r
 Server listening on UDP port 5001
 Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, UDP port 5001
 Sending 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)
 [  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 34677 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec
 [  4] Sent 893 datagrams
 [  4] Server Report:
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec   0.028 ms    0/  893 (0%)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 44331
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec   0.002 ms    0/  893 (0%)

 lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s -u
 Server listening on UDP port 5001
 Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 34677
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total 
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec  0.028 ms    0/  893 (0%)
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, UDP port 5001
 Sending 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 44331 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec
 [  3] Sent 893 datagrams
 [  3] Server Report:
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.25 MBytes  1.05 Mbits/sec  0.001 ms    0/  893 (0%)

 Use -b 1024M with -u. Forgot about that.

 Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Bartek Krawczyk
2012/6/22 Muhammad Yousuf Khan
 root@nasbox:/# iperf -c 10.X.X.7 -r -u -b 1024M
 Server listening on UDP port 5001
 Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.7, UDP port 5001
 Sending 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:  110 KByte (default)
 [  4] local 10.X.X.15 port 59300 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 5001
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   777 MBytes   652 Mbits/sec
 [  4] Sent 554058 datagrams
 [  4] Server Report:
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   773 MBytes   648 Mbits/sec   0.057 ms 2895/554057 
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order
 [  3] local 10.X.X.15 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.7 port 40630
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   585 MBytes   490 Mbits/sec   0.053 ms 393567/810629 
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order

 lion:/mnt/vmbk# iperf -s -u
 Server listening on UDP port 5001
 Receiving 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 5001 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 59300
 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter   Lost/Total 
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec    773 MBytes    648 Mbits/sec  0.058 ms 2895/554057 
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order
 Client connecting to 10.X.X.15, UDP port 5001
 Sending 1470 byte datagrams
 UDP buffer size:   130 KByte (default)
 [  3] local 10.X.X.7 port 40630 connected with 10.X.X.15 port 5001
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.11 GBytes    953 Mbits/sec
 [  3] Sent 810631 datagrams
 [  3] Server Report:
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec    585 MBytes    490 Mbits/sec  0.053 ms 393567/810629 
 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order

So you can get about 700Mbps of TCP traffic and ideally 953Mbit of UDP
traffic. Try tuning your server-client applications and those sysctl
parameters which I posted you in my first reply.

Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.11 GBytes953 Mbits/sec
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec585 MBytes490 Mbits/sec  0.053 ms 393567/810629

can you please explain what these two lines mean in the output.
i can understand the values but i can not understand it like what is
1.11GBytes and what is 953 and etc.

 So you can get about 700Mbps of TCP traffic and ideally 953Mbit of UDP
 traffic. Try tuning your server-client applications and those sysctl
 parameters which I posted you in my first reply.

ok ill update you accordingly.


 Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: accented characters in text console

2012-06-22 Thread hvw59601

Siard wrote:

On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 09:25:00 -0500, hvw59601 wrote:

Unfortunately as I indicated compose don't seem to work.

Indeed, AFAIK Compose only works in X.  But you wrote:

I want to enter accented characters in a text console (not in X!)

and everyone seems to have missed that.

I remember at least one method to enter accented characters in a text
console, it's the same as in Windows:

Keep Alt pressed while entering the decimal code in the numerical

For example, Alt + 246 produces ö.  It works here (Wheezy).
Codes can be found in the manpage of iso-8859-1.

There are probably better ways, but I don't remember them at the moment.

Good idea. Unfortunately doesn't work here (also Wheezy).


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Re: Root password usage - was [Re: Intermittent installation related problems]

2012-06-22 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:31 AM, Mark Allums wrote:
 On 6/21/2012 9:58 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Brian wrote:
 On Thu 21 Jun 2012 at 13:55:49 +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 07:37:52AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 The new install will not accept root password. User password is

 That may be intended. I don't think Debian (out of the box) allows root
 to log in at all. Instead, you're expected to log in as an unprivileged
 user and then 'upgrade' to root (via sudo - which takes THAT USER'S

 You're thinking of Ubuntu. Overriding that in Ubuntu is possible, but
 requires some fiddling and is not generally regarded as worth the effort.
 (Ubuntu sets the root password hash to an impossible value at install,
 making root login impossible until you change it. After you do that, all of
 the various system defaults assume sudo is in charge, and fixing all of that
 is a real nuisance. Since it isn't necessary, sane people mostly don't

 If you gave root a password during install, then you should
 be able to log in at a VT with root, but not via SSH/*DM etc.

If you don't set a root password in d-i, you end up with a sudo
system like OS X and Ubuntu. There's no fiddling to enable root; you
simply run sudo passed and set a password for root.

Debian has PermitRootLogin yes by default in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
so you can login via ssh as root (if root is enabled).

 The current situation is a long series of test installations serving two
 A. understanding the ins and outs of the installation procedure
 B. eventually deciding just what I want in a final system

 The laptop serving as a test vehicle:
 is physically secure
 will not spend much time connected to the internet
 the hard drive as part of my experimenting will frequently be

 Root logins can be handy to have at times.

With sudo -s and sudo -i available, you're never without root login.

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Bartek Krawczyk
2012/6/22 Muhammad Yousuf Khan
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.11 GBytes    953 Mbits/sec
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec    585 MBytes    490 Mbits/sec  0.053 ms 393567/810629

 can you please explain what these two lines mean in the output.
 i can understand the values but i can not understand it like what is
 1.11GBytes and what is 953 and etc.

Those lines mean that your transfer wasn't stable (due to networking
or your hardware). In the first lune you see that the test took 10s
(0.0-10.0 sec) and iptraf transfered 1.11GBytes so it's 963Mbit/s. The
second line is the same test but in the other way (due to -r option
in iptraf). It can tell you that either one PC is sending the data way
slower or the other is receiving it slower than the other one or maybe
that just your network isn't just that stable to sustain 1gbps
throughput for a longer time.

To get more reliable results use -t 60 to test for 60 seconds and with
-i you can change the reports interval i.e. to 1.

Bartek Krawczyk

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Re: accented characters in text console

2012-06-22 Thread hvw59601

Siard wrote:

On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 09:25:00 -0500, hvw59601 wrote:

Unfortunately as I indicated compose don't seem to work.

Indeed, AFAIK Compose only works in X.  But you wrote:

I want to enter accented characters in a text console (not in X!)

and everyone seems to have missed that.

I remember at least one method to enter accented characters in a text
console, it's the same as in Windows:

Keep Alt pressed while entering the decimal code in the numerical

For example, Alt + 246 produces ö.  It works here (Wheezy).
Codes can be found in the manpage of iso-8859-1.

There are probably better ways, but I don't remember them at the moment.

Wait! You said 'numerical keypad' and I missed that the first time, and 
that *does* work! Thanks!


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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Bartek Krawczyk wrote:
 2012/6/22 Muhammad Yousuf Khan
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.11 GBytes    953 Mbits/sec
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec    585 MBytes    490 Mbits/sec  0.053 ms 393567/810629

 can you please explain what these two lines mean in the output.
 i can understand the values but i can not understand it like what is
 1.11GBytes and what is 953 and etc.

 Those lines mean that your transfer wasn't stable (due to networking
 or your hardware). In the first lune you see that the test took 10s
 (0.0-10.0 sec) and iptraf transfered 1.11GBytes so it's 963Mbit/s. The
 second line is the same test but in the other way (due to -r option
 in iptraf). It can tell you that either one PC is sending the data way
 slower or the other is receiving it slower than the other one or maybe
 that just your network isn't just that stable to sustain 1gbps
 throughput for a longer time.

 To get more reliable results use -t 60 to test for 60 seconds and with
 -i you can change the reports interval i.e. to 1.

net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_rfc1337 = 1

ok i am pasting above lines in /etc/sysctl.conf  with out reading much
since i am testing, i'll read the details later. ill update you the
results shortly.


 Bartek Krawczyk

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Fwd: the ghost of UEFI and Micr0$0ft

2012-06-22 Thread Harshad Joshi
For some reasons i am not able to get debian members response in my mailbox
to my query posted on mailing list.

So i have written a brief post about UEFI, Canonical and Microsoft over
here -

Canonical too has some plans for UEFI..experts can find the link in blog

Please post your views so that i can get to know what debian and FOSS
policies are about UEFI, BIOS and Grub 2. Or you can directly mail me your

-- Forwarded message --
From: Harshad Joshi
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 12:52 PM
Subject: the ghost of UEFI and Micr0$0ft

i was reading this article -

It is written by someone related to redhat and it describes implementing
UEFI secure boot in Fedora Core.

Lot of PC/laptop/tablets in 2012 and beyond will have UEFI instead of good
old bios.

I want to know what Debian is planning to do and how it will thwart this
potential threat to opensource software and now hardware architecture.

Will Debian community fight against this evil step taken by computer makers

All idea of opensource is not open unless we have access to open hardware

Harshad Joshi

Harshad Joshi

Re: Problem with Dovecot

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 18:22:54 +0100, Keir Snow wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 If this simple test fails then you better stop here, read the log and
 solve the problem in first place :-)
 keir@example:~$ telnet localhost 25
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 ESMTP Exim 4.72 Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:34:00 + 
 250 Hello localhost [] 
 mail from: sm01@localhost


Well, that's *my* user, you should have tried with yours (keir) 
instead :-)

 keir@example:~$ mailx
 No mail for keir
 No luck :-/ 

Let's see what's going on...

 Only relevant log entries seem to be:
 2012-06-21 17:35:06 1ShlHY-00081O-MW = sm01@localhost H=localhost 
 ( [] P=smtp S=352 
 2012-06-21 17:35:06 1ShlHY-00081O-MW 
 [2a00:1450:8005::1b] Network is unreachable 

This messages is because your Exim4 is still configured to use ipv6, but 
I don't think this is a fatal error, just a warning.

 2012-06-21 17:35:07 1ShlHY-00081O-MW = keir@localhost 
 R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp [] 
 X=TLS1.0:RSA_ARCFOUR_SHA1:16 DN=C=US,ST=California,L=Mountain View,O=Google 
 2012-06-21 17:35:07 1ShlHY-00081O-MW Completed
 Any ideas?

Yes. Okay, it seems your Exim4 is delivering (even the local messages?) 
to Gmail, and you will have to discover why happens so because the 
default Exim4 installation is not configured that way. 

What did you do? Maybe something like this? :-?

You know (or should know) that Exim4 can be configured for different 
roles based on your needs, you have more info here:

Hint: check your mailbox.



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Re: cyrus -- dovecot

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 19:30:40 +0200, Móczik Gábor wrote:

 2012.06.21. 18:07 keltezéssel, Camaleón írta:

 What's the exact output you get from apt?


 The following packages will be REMOVED:
 The following NEW packages will be installed:


Mmmm... is the same for the pop3 counterparts?

 Is there a way not to automatically remove Cyrus?

 I wonder what package/rule is the reason for the break or conflict
 Replaces: dovecot-common, imap-server 
 Provides: imap-server

 Replaces: cyrus21-imapd, cyrus22-imapd 
 Provides: cyrus21-imapd, cyrus22-imapd, imap-server 
 Conflicts: cyrus21-imapd, cyrus22-imapd, imap-server

So imap-server is the one making noise here, right? 

Lets see what the packaging guidelines have to say in this respect:

I would contact the Cyrus package maintainers and ask them about this. 
The conflict flag in cyrus seems too restrictive (although courier-
imap also has it), but maybe there's a strong reason for it we can't 
see :-? 



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Re: Re (3): Dying Iceweasel.

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 10:40:37 -0800, peasthope wrote:

 Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 14:26:49 + (UTC)
 There shouldn't be any conflicts between the security updates when
 using the backports repository...
 No /etc/apt/preferences here.  Could that help?

Can't tell... there should be no need for you tweak that file unless you 
are playing with testing/sid standard repositories along with stable's :-?

Anyway, I think priorities per se should not enforce the removal of a 
package, there has to be another reason for aptitute telling you about 
removing 13 packages.



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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 22:07:44 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Camaleón writes:

 What's what you want to get?
 I want to get again a testing/sid system, but this shall be my first
 time to upgrade from testing/sid to 'newer' testing/sid.
 I'm a feared what could happen with my system right away after the
 upgrade shall happen?

What...? That you fear something yet using testing/sid mixture? You must 
be kidding ;-P

 Could happen that that I can't use it a while?

What would happen if you keep your current repositories is that you will 
be still using testing until wheezy is released (next year) but once 
wheezy is out, you will be using a mix of stable and sid and I'm afraid 
that's not what you want.

 I use testing (not wheezy) as codename in my repositories, this
 way, once wheezy is released I'll be in the upcoming testing branch.


 deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free 
 deb wheezy main contrib non-free

I'd change this for testing codename instead wheezy to get a 
perpetual testing/sid mixed system regardless the current development 



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Re: any stable open source ldap software for SSO

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 09:06:39 +0800, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

 2012/6/22 Camaleón
 On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 10:30:57 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:

 If you're replying to my post you removed too much of the quoted text

 I admit that I have never extensively used OpenLDAP but, when we did
 our initial research, the feedback seemed to be that it could be
 unwieldy to manage and that the support had a tendency to be
 cantankerous and arrogant.  In contrast, the Directory Server support
 has been amazing both on the mailing lists and on IRC - John


 by the Directory Server, you meant 389 Directory Server??

I'm not John but I think yes, with some minor differences between 
Fedora's and Redhat's incarnation:



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Re: Apertium error... seeking English - Español translation tool

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 23:08:05 -0700, John Magolske wrote:

 * Camaleón [120621 11:23]:
 On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 22:45:07 -0700, John Magolske wrote:
  I'd like to use the Apertium translation tool [1], which can
  translate English - Español (and other languages too, but that's
  the pair I'm most interested in atm) ...
 Debian sid has, if the above bug is still present in that
 version you should report a regression (ah... now I see you added a
 comment there, good!).
 (wasn't me that added the comment)

Oh, you're right, sorry! I somehow confused you with the last reporter, 
maybe because of the recent date it was placed and because the error was 
the same as yours O:-)

 In the meantime, you can also try with the latest upstream packages
 (3.2) available in sourceforge:
 I may install from there if that's the only way I can get it...was
 hoping there would be some sort of work-around that would allow the
 aptitude installed version to work.

Add your comments in the mentioned bug report so the packager can confirm 
there's still a problem and corrects it or uploads a new version.

 Or try with a different application, such as stardict, goldendict or
 It seems Apertium is the only application that does what I'm looking for
 -- something that can take entire sentences, paragraphs, text files, etc
 and translate them. All the other applications seem to translate one
 word at a time.

You mean a real traslator (such as Google Translator)? Is that's so I 
think that at least stardict can do it when using an Internet 



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Re: aplay: main:682: audio open error: Device or resource busy, no audio

2012-06-22 Thread shirish शिरीष
at bottom :-

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 2:02 PM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
 Hi all,
 First of all please CC me if somebody answers as I'm not subscribed to
 the mailing list. I am on Debian sid and about 2 weeks back my audio
 has mysteriously gone kaput which means no audio. This is on dual-boot
 system and on MS-Windows there is no problem with audio so it's
 probably something with the software somewhere.

 First I thought it was something to do with pulseaudio hence filed a
 bug 676652 . Then talking to few people on IRC and on mail came to
 know it's possibly bug 985145 which was shared by some people on
 Ubuntu launchpad.

 Hence I removed both pulseaudio and almost all libraries of jack and
 arts save one (libjack-jackd2-0) because removing it would
 remove/touch almost 400 MB of apps.

 Then filed 677457 thinking it might have been perhaps a kernel upgrade
 issue hence along with the help of one of the maintainers downgraded
 the kernel to 3.2.18-1 from 3.2.20-1 but still the issue persists.

 Now can some of the Debian gurus suggest what should I try to figure
 out why I'm getting the device busy messages ?

 Looking forward to possible reasons.

ping on the above. For people who have not seen the bug here it's in
short and sweet.

This is my device list :-

$ aplay -l
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: VT1705 Analog [VT1705 Analog]
  Subdevices: 0/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 2: VT1705 HP [VT1705 HP]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

This is the error I get whenever I'm trying to play any sound.

$ aplay -D plughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
aplay: main:682: audio open error: Device or resource busy

Any ideas as to what could be making that device/resource busy ?

I used an oldish kernel but still the issue remained, now on the
current version for sid.

$ apt-show-versions -a linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64
linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64 3.2.20-1 install ok installed
No stable version
linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64 3.2.20-1 testing
linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64 3.2.20-1 unstable
linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64/testing uptodate 3.2.20-1

Looking forward to what the issue could be.

Bugs which I filed :-

Please CC me if anybody replies as I'm not subscribed to the list .

Thanx in advance.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
065C 6D79 A68C E7EA 52B3  8D70 950D 53FB 729A 8B17

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Gary Dale

On 22/06/12 10:17 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 22:07:44 +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:

Camaleó  writes:

What's what you want to get?

I want to get again a testing/sid system, but this shall be my first
time to upgrade from testing/sid to 'newer' testing/sid.

I'm a feared what could happen with my system right away after the
upgrade shall happen?

What...? That you fear something yet using testing/sid mixture? You must
be kidding ;-P

Could happen that that I can't use it a while?

What would happen if you keep your current repositories is that you will
be still using testing until wheezy is released (next year) but once
wheezy is out, you will be using a mix of stable and sid and I'm afraid
that's not what you want.

I use testing (not wheezy) as codename in my repositories, this
way, once wheezy is released I'll be in the upcoming testing branch.


deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free


deb wheezy main contrib non-free


I'd change this for testing codename instead wheezy to get a
perpetual testing/sid mixed system regardless the current development

He'd better comment out the sid lines or he'll still be getting mainly 
sid. Unless you want to test sid - something that I can't imagine anyone 
doing - you should only use sid to install certain packages that you 
want to test against the current testing environment. Running pure sid 
like he seems to be is just nuts.

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Re: wordpress, again

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 14:02:20 -0600, Glenn English wrote:

 I have a mildly working Debian WordPress install -- it makes pictures on
 the screen and adds posts and pages. The posts appear on the home page
 of the blog, and the names of the pages show up in the menu (default
 theme). But when I click on the name of the post, test2 for example, I
 get an Apache2 error:
 The requested URL /blog/blog/2012/06/21/test2/ was not found on this


 My /etc/apache2/conf.d/wp.conf file contains:
  Alias /blog /usr/share/wordpress
  Directory /usr/share/wordpress
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride Limit Options FileInfo
DirectoryIndex index.php


Just a quick note on this... The above should be used (according to the 
provided configuration template located in /usr/share/doc/wordpress/
examples/apache.conf) when you use no virtual hosts and your files are 
placed outside the /blog path. Are these two things true for your 
setup? :-?



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Re: Fwd: the ghost of UEFI and Micr0$0ft

2012-06-22 Thread John Hasler
Harshad Joshi writes:
 Lot of PC/laptop/tablets in 2012 and beyond will have UEFI instead of
 good old bios.

Bad old bios.  Very bad.  It was designed for 8080s and floppy disks.
It was excellent for that environment but it has been obsolete for

 Will Debian community fight against this evil step taken by computer

UEFI is not evil (though Coreboot is better), and there is a lot more to
it than the signing stuff.  Even the latter is not intrinsically evil:
it all depends on the implementation.
John Hasler

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Reading/posting to Debian mailing lists (was: Re: Fwd: the ghost of UEFI and Micr0$0ft)

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:26:17 +0530, Harshad Joshi wrote:

 For some reasons i am not able to get debian members response in my
 mailbox to my query posted on mailing list.


Most of the Debian mailing lists are open, meaning there's no need for 
users who want to post to be subscribed.

To receive/read the other users replies you can:

a) Subscribe to get a copy of every single post in your inbox
b) Read the mailing list using a newsreader

If you are subscribed you should receive an e-mail so if you get nothing 
something is going wrong and would need further investigation.

For the rest of the article I share most of your feelings but won't 
repeat because I alredy commented on this thread what are my thoughts on 



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Re: bash related question, adding variable into path

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 12:34:40 +0800, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

 below scripts stuck when i added id variable to a path.
 this script supposed to copy message files (from 18-22 june) from a
 zimbra store/mailbox of a user and copied it into /tmp
 echo Username? then [ENTER]:
 read username
 id=`/opt/zimbra/bin/mysql -e 'use zimbra;select id,comment from mailbox;' | 
 grep $username | cut -f 1` mkdir /tmp/$username 2/dev/null
 for i in `egrep '(1[8-9]|2[0-2]) Jun 2012'
 /opt/zimbra/store/0/$id/msg/0/* | cut -d : -f 1 | uniq` do
 cp $i /tmp/$username
 there must be something that i had missed...

Print/echo the $id variable to check for its current value as seen in 
runtime by your script :-?



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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 11:03:48 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:

 He'd better comment out the sid lines or he'll still be getting mainly  
 sid. Unless you want to test sid - something that I can't imagine anyone  
 doing - you should only use sid to install certain packages that you  
 want to test against the current testing environment. Running pure sid  
 like he seems to be is just nuts.

Somebody has to do it for the greater good. I hope you appreciate the
sacrifices in sanity made by us Sid users.

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Re: fonts used by evince

2012-06-22 Thread Paul Seyfert
I don't precisely know what fixed it but now the font is correctly
displayed for me. deleting files from /usr/share/fonts/ somewhat brought
unreproducible results. I started font-manager (which I believed to be
inactive since I commented out the corresponding entries in
~/.fonts.conf). In debuging earlier I added the symbol.ttf which comes
with cernroot to the user fonts of the font-manager (didn't help back then).
Now I removed symbol.ttf from the font manager and restored
/usr/share/fonts to how my standard package installation prepared it.
Now the plot gets displayed correctly.

my conclusion:
- no idea what went wrong before I installed font-manager
- symbol.ttf which comes with cernroot is behaving strangely
  using it for displaying causes wrong displaying of non embedded greek
- if you create pdfs always embed fonts
- I learned the gs command to repair pdfs.
- ttf files not only help displaying fonts, they can also break it.

Thanks for all suggestions,

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread John Hasler
Gary Dale writes:
 Running pure sid like he seems to be is just nuts.

I've been running pure Sid since it was invented.  Works fine.  Of
course it would be silly to run Sid and do daily updates.
John Hasler

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Re: wordpress, again

2012-06-22 Thread Glenn English

On Jun 22, 2012, at 9:10 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 Just a quick note on this... The above should be used (according to the 
 provided configuration template located in /usr/share/doc/wordpress/
 examples/apache.conf) when you use no virtual hosts and your files are 
 placed outside the /blog path. Are these two things true for your 
 setup? :-?

Yes. No virtuals and everything is in the MySQL files and /usr/share... 
/var/www/blog is completely empty. 

I've got virtual websites on the 'real' server. This is a new server, 
on the DMZ, but isolated from the main servers -- I'm trying to do a 
favor for a friend who wants to move his website from HTML to WP.

Glenn English
hand-wrapped from my Apple Mail

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Re: wordpress, again

2012-06-22 Thread Miles Fidelman


I notice you're still having problems, so, for what it's worth

I've had Wordpress running on Debian, with Apache for years, and 
recently did a reinstall after getting hacked.  Here's the step by step 
that I jotted down:

0. Caveat, this is running under Lenny, in a Xen VM - that shouldn't 
effect anything, but you never know:

1. Prerequisites
- apache w/ mod_rewrite, php, mysql - all installed from Debian packages 
with apt

- running as www:www

2. Set up DNS records for site

3. Download and install Wordpress (I've never had any luck with the 
packaged version)

- as root
cd /var


tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz

mv wordpress gd

- seemed to untar as www-data:www-data, but you may need to

chmod -R www-data:www-data ./site

4. Set up database using mysqladmin (note: php_myadmin makes things 
slightly easier)

mysql -p youradminpassword


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sitename.* to you@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 


4.  Set up Apache

--- my /etc/apache2/sites/site file (note: provides both http: 
and https: access) ---

--- note: needs to have your site's info inserted

VirtualHost x.x.x.x:80

DocumentRoot /var/site/

Directory /
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Directory /var/site/
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

LogLevel warn

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
ServerSignature On

Alias /doc/ /usr/share/doc/
Directory /usr/share/doc/
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128


VirtualHost x.x.x.x:443

DocumentRoot /var/site/

Directory /
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Directory /var/site/
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

LogLevel warn

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
ServerSignature On

Alias /doc/ /usr/share/doc/
Directory /usr/share/doc/
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128

 SSLEngine on
 SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem

a2ensite site
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

5. Set up Wordpress via installer URL

6. A little hardening
for some good guidnace

chmod 644 wp-config.php

mv wp-config.php ../

note: left wp-content directory in its normal place (I think moving it 
screws up my https: setup)

installed, set up, activated:
- Akismet (spam filtering)
- Better WP Security (NOTE: Includes a database backup function)
- Exploit Scanner
- Jetpack
- VSF Simple Block (blocks IP addresses)
- Wordfence (NOT activated, I use it's scanner occasionally)
- Wordpress Firewall 2 (does some automatic blocking of IP addressees 
based on behavior)
- WP Security Scan (also NOT activated, I use it's security scanner 

- configure things, including backups (I use Better WP Security for the 
database backup, my overall system backup for the static files in /var)

7. And, of course, update everything through the Wordpress dashboard, 
and then re-run security scans.

Hope this helps.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.    Yogi Berra

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Unmet dependencies installing eclipse from testing on a stable system

2012-06-22 Thread Vilius Panevėžys
Hi all,
I need eclipse = 3.7 to use plug-ins that refuse to work with the
eclipse version available in squeeze. So, I'd be happy with the version
from testing.

I've created apt.conf

$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf
APT::Default-Release squeeze;

and added sources for wheezy, complete sources.list is the following

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb squeeze main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main contrib non-free

deb squeeze/updates main
deb-src squeeze/updates main

# squeeze-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb squeeze-updates main
deb-src squeeze-updates main

# for LibreOffice
deb squeeze-backports main

# testing
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

deb wheezy/updates main
deb-src wheezy/updates main

However, I must be missing something

$ sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get -t wheezy install eclipse
Hit squeeze Release.gpg
Ign squeeze/contrib
Translation-en Ign squeeze/main
Translation-en Ign squeeze/non-free
Translation-en Hit squeeze-updates
Release.gpg Ign squeeze-updates/main
Translation-en Hit wheezy
Release.gpg Hit wheezy/contrib
Translation-en Hit wheezy/main
Translation-en Hit wheezy/non-free
Translation-en Hit squeeze
Release Hit squeeze-updates
Release Hit wheezy
Release Hit squeeze/main
Sources Hit squeeze/contrib
Sources Hit squeeze/non-free
Sources Hit squeeze/main amd64
Packages Hit squeeze/contrib amd64
Packages Hit squeeze/non-free amd64
Packages Hit squeeze-updates/main
Sources/DiffIndex Hit squeeze-updates/main
amd64 Packages/DiffIndex Hit
squeeze-updates/main amd64 Packages Hit
squeeze/updates Release.gpg Ign
squeeze/updates/main Translation-en Hit
wheezy/updates Release.gpg Hit wheezy/main
Sources/DiffIndex Hit wheezy/contrib
Sources/DiffIndex Hit wheezy/non-free
Sources/DiffIndex Hit wheezy/main amd64
Packages/DiffIndex Hit wheezy/contrib amd64
Packages/DiffIndex Hit wheezy/non-free amd64
Packages/DiffIndex Ign wheezy/updates/main
Translation-en Hit squeeze/updates Release
Hit squeeze-backports Release.gpg
squeeze-backports/main Translation-en Hit
wheezy/updates Release Hit
squeeze-backports Release Hit
squeeze/updates/main Sources Hit
squeeze/updates/main amd64 Packages Hit
wheezy/updates/main Sources Hit
wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages Hit
squeeze-backports/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex Hit squeeze-backports/main amd64 Packages
Reading package lists... Done Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libc6-dev : Breaks: gcc-4.4 ( 4.4.6-4) but 4.4.5-8 is to be installed
 libgcc1 : Breaks: gcc-4.4 ( 4.4.6-4) but 4.4.5-8 is to be installed
 libgomp1 : Breaks: gcc-4.4 ( 4.4.6-4) but 4.4.5-8 is to be installed
 libstdc++6 : Breaks: gcc-4.4 ( 4.4.6-4) but 4.4.5-8 is to be installed
E: Broken packages

I've tried doing an upgrade (did this simulated upgrade to get more
info afterwards)

$ sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get -s upgrade
Hit squeeze Release.gpg
Ign squeeze/contrib
Translation-en Ign squeeze/main
Translation-en Ign 

Re: fonts used by evince

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:48:23 +0200, Paul Seyfert wrote:

 I don't precisely know what fixed it but now the font is correctly
 displayed for me. deleting files from /usr/share/fonts/ somewhat brought
 unreproducible results. 

You deleted all the fonts under /usr/share/fonts/ path? :-?

 I started font-manager (which I believed to be inactive since I
 commented out the corresponding entries in ~/.fonts.conf). In debuging
 earlier I added the symbol.ttf which comes with cernroot to the user
 fonts of the font-manager (didn't help back then). Now I removed
 symbol.ttf from the font manager and restored /usr/share/fonts to how
 my standard package installation prepared it. Now the plot gets
 displayed correctly.

Not sure about the steps you did but what solved the problem for me was 
renaming/moving MS TrueType Symbol font from /usr/local/share/fonts/ 
thus forcing the system to use another one.

 my conclusion:
 - no idea what went wrong before I installed font-manager 

I don't think this is something related to font-manager :-?

 - symbol.ttf which comes with cernroot is behaving strangely
   using it for displaying causes wrong displaying of non embedded greek

The behaviour you get is similar to mine, despite in my case the source 
of the symbol font was different than yours.

 - if you create pdfs always embed fonts 

Always, always, always... some recommendations are good in theory but not 
that good when you put in practice :-P

- I learned the gs command to repair pdfs. 

By reinjecting/embedding the fonts, that's indeed a good trick when you 
have no access to the original document.

- ttf files not only help displaying fonts, they can also break it.

This is not because of TTF but a bug coming from a different place (in 
wheezy the problem is not present even using symbol.ttf).



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Re (4): Dying Iceweasel.

2012-06-22 Thread peasthope
Date:   Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:20:25 + (UTC)
 You mean the hex code, right?


 People who is interested in the Enterprise based version will know

What about the other 90 or 99% who just want a working browser?


I quoted directly from an earlier message.

 ... from where rock are you coming from? ;-P

My cave is wood.  Rock would be nice but I can't afford it.

 I was referring to the latest version of the stable branch, of course 

Sorry, I read latest in the mathematical sense.

 There has to be a detailed report you can read explaining it, 
 can't you find it?

If it turns up, will post it.

 Also, compare this output with the one provided by apt-get.

root@dalton:/etc/apt# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree  
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

So until the next system upgrade, use apt-get rather than aptitude.
instructed to install the Debian release.  I've modified 
the text to suggest the backport.  The page might bear 
further improvements, if anyone is interested.

Thanks, ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Bcc: peter at 

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Re: Unmet dependencies installing eclipse from testing on a stable system

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:48:13 +0300, Vilius Panevėžys wrote:

 I need eclipse = 3.7 to use plug-ins that refuse to work with the
 eclipse version available in squeeze. So, I'd be happy with the version
 from testing.


Have you considered in getting the upstream package instead¹? Being a 
java based application should be easy to install :-?




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Re: Re (4): Dying Iceweasel.

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 09:17:02 -0800, peasthope wrote:


 People who is interested in the Enterprise based version will know
 What about the other 90 or 99% who just want a working browser?

That they stick to the default browser (e.g., Epiphany)?

 I was referring to the latest version of the stable branch, of course
 Sorry, I read latest in the mathematical sense.

Well, maths are not usually confronted with common sense: if you see 
several versions available and you don't know what they are, you can ask 
before blindly installing one of them :-)

 Also, compare this output with the one provided by apt-get.
 root@dalton:/etc/apt# apt-get upgrade Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Uh? Nothing? What a surprise :-?
 So until the next system upgrade, use apt-get rather than aptitude.

Well, I would be also interested in deciphering aptitude logic but to be 
sincere, I'm not an aptitude user, I always go with apt-get, I find it to 
be more clear and comprensible...
 instructed to install the Debian release.  I've modified the text to
 suggest the backport.  The page might bear further improvements, if
 anyone is interested.


But I still prefer to get the packages directly from Mozilla site, 
they're always up-to-date and easy to install (but don't put this in the 
wiki or you'll be prosecuted -just joking :-P-).



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Re: Unmet dependencies installing eclipse from testing on a stable system

2012-06-22 Thread Vilius Panevėžys

On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:23:52 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:48:13 +0300, Vilius Panevėžys wrote:
  I need eclipse = 3.7 to use plug-ins that refuse to work with the
  eclipse version available in squeeze. So, I'd be happy with the
  version from testing.
 Have you considered in getting the upstream package instead¹? Being a 
 java based application should be easy to install :-?

Yes, I'll do that as a fallback, but installing packages the manual way
looses all the advantages of the package management system. Let's say
that's an exercise to learn how to use apt along the way, though
I actually need the newer version.

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Re: wordpress, again

2012-06-22 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 02:02:20PM -0600, Glenn English wrote:
 I have a mildly working Debian WordPress install -- it makes 
 pictures on the screen and adds posts and pages. The posts 
 appear on the home page of the blog, and the names of the pages 
 show up in the menu (default theme). But when I click on the 
 name of the post, test2 for example, I get an Apache2 error:
  The requested URL /blog/blog/2012/06/21/test2/ was not found on this server.
 Grep finds test2 in 2 mySQL files:
  Binary file wp_posts.MYD matches
  Binary file wp_posts.MYI matches
 Grep doesn't find 'blog/blog' anywhere in /usr/share/wordpress.

I would guess that you need to enable apache mod-rewrite.
do (as root, in terminal)
a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restart

then tell us what happens.

all tony, all the time!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Unmet dependencies installing eclipse from testing on a stable system

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 19:36:30 +0300, Vilius Panevėžys wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:23:52 + (UTC) Camaleón
 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:48:13 +0300, Vilius Panevėžys wrote:
  I need eclipse = 3.7 to use plug-ins that refuse to work with the
  eclipse version available in squeeze. So, I'd be happy with the
  version from testing.
 Have you considered in getting the upstream package instead¹? Being a
 java based application should be easy to install :-?
 Yes, I'll do that as a fallback, but installing packages the manual way
 looses all the advantages of the package management system. 

That can be if you stick to the stable repo but using a testing package 
can even break not only you Eclipse installation (remember that testing 
packages update very often...) but badly messing up with system packages/
libraries because of dependencies. I mean, just be very cautius with the 
repository priorities when feeding from both sources.

 Let's say that's an exercise to learn how to use apt along the way,
 though I actually need the newer version.

Sure! :-)



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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 10:56:04 -0500, John Hasler wrote:

 Gary Dale writes:
  Running pure sid like he seems to be is just nuts.
 I've been running pure Sid since it was invented.  Works fine.  Of
 course it would be silly to run Sid and do daily updates.

I'm not too sure about daily or regular updates being silly as opposed
to unnecessary, but I do like the attitude you have. How do you deal
with security updates? Subscribe to the relevant mailing list, I

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Re: fonts used by evince

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 16:11:49 +, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:48:23 +0200, Paul Seyfert wrote:
  - symbol.ttf which comes with cernroot is behaving strangely
using it for displaying causes wrong displaying of non embedded greek
 The behaviour you get is similar to mine, despite in my case the source 
 of the symbol font was different than yours.

I wonder whether it is. His has Copyright URW Software, Copyright 1997
by URW in the file.

This font is menace on a Debian system. As both of you have found out it
needs to be put somewhere where fontconfig does not look. Examining it
with fontforge reveals the unicode values for the glyphs are incorrect.
Not that the GPL version of the same font in wine has anything to boast
about - it too suffers from an identical defect.

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Re: wordpress, again

2012-06-22 Thread Glenn English

On Jun 22, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Tony Baldwin wrote:

 I would guess that you need to enable apache mod-rewrite.
 do (as root, in terminal)
 a2enmod rewrite
 service apache2 restart
 then tell us what happens.

Module rewrite already enabled

(I didn't do the restart.) 

In the admin state, the edit button finds the posts fine -- there's 
only a single 'blog/ in the URL to post.php, with a request to edit 
it and a post=n. In view, the repeat of the blog/ shows up again 
in a URL that looks like a directory that looks like an archive.

Do you know what piece of the PHP is creating this wrong URL? Is WP 
supposed to have created a directory called 'blog/', and my config 
is somehow confusing it? Would it be worth the time and effort to 
change /var/www/blog to something else (I tried that, and WP didn't 
care for it -- I needed some other changes that I don't know about...)

Glenn English
hand-wrapped from my Apple Mail

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Re: fonts used by evince

2012-06-22 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:25:55 +0100, Brian wrote:

 On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 16:11:49 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:48:23 +0200, Paul Seyfert wrote:
  - symbol.ttf which comes with cernroot is behaving strangely
using it for displaying causes wrong displaying of non embedded
greek letters.
 The behaviour you get is similar to mine, despite in my case the source
 of the symbol font was different than yours.
 I wonder whether it is. His has Copyright URW Software, Copyright 1997
 by URW in the file.

What file? You mean the .ttf font? :-?

When I open symbol.ttf from MC I see The Monotype Corporation plc/Time 
Solutions Inc. 1990-1992. All Rights ReservedSymbolRegular... blah, blah

 This font is menace on a Debian system. As both of you have found out
 it needs to be put somewhere where fontconfig does not look. Examining
 it with fontforge reveals the unicode values for the glyphs are 
 incorrect. Not that the GPL version of the same font in wine has
 anything to boast about - it too suffers from an identical defect.

Well, as I already explained, the same TrueType font works well in Wheezy 
so to my eyes is not the font that is a menace but a bug located 
elsewhere in both Squeeze and Lenny :-)



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Re: fonts used by evince

2012-06-22 Thread Paul Seyfert

 You deleted all the fonts under /usr/share/fonts/ path? :-?

no, I did as was suggested by brian (keep the X fonts and gsfonts)

 - ttf files not only help displaying fonts, they can also break it.
 This is not because of TTF but a bug coming from a different place (in 
 wheezy the problem is not present even using symbol.ttf).



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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread John Hasler
Brian writes:
 I'm not too sure about daily or regular updates being silly as opposed
 to unnecessary...

Daily and/or automatic updates when running Sid are silly because sooner
or later they will get you in trouble.

 How do you deal with security updates? Subscribe to the relevant
 mailing list, I suppose.

When running Sid you must read both debian-devel and debian-security.

-devel will warn you about breakages and transitions so that you will
 know when and when not to upgrade.  -security is obvious.
John Hasler
How do you deal
with security updates? Subscribe to the relevant mailing list, I

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Gary Dale

On 22/06/12 01:12 PM, Brian wrote:

On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 10:56:04 -0500, John Hasler wrote:

Gary Dale writes:

Running pure sid like he seems to be is just nuts.

I've been running pure Sid since it was invented.  Works fine.  Of
course it would be silly to run Sid and do daily updates.

I'm not too sure about daily or regular updates being silly as opposed
to unnecessary, but I do like the attitude you have. How do you deal
with security updates? Subscribe to the relevant mailing list, I
You miss the point of sid. It's not a distribution the way Wheezy is. 
It's a place to put packages for testing before they enter into the 
general testing pool. Testing against sid is almost useless when you 
really want to know if the package is ready for Wheezy.

If you run into a problem with a package from sid, you can say it 
doesn't work with Wheezy. However, if your system is entirely sid, all 
you can say it that it's not compatible with other sid packages. Since 
those packages haven't been vetted for the next release, the problem 
could be anywhere.

Basic rule of problem resolution is change one thing at a time. When 
you're running sid, everything changes all the time.

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Mika Suomalainen
On 22.06.2012 20:47, John Hasler wrote:
 Brian writes:
  I'm not too sure about daily or regular updates being silly as opposed
  to unnecessary...
 Daily and/or automatic updates when running Sid are silly because sooner
 or later they will get you in trouble.
  How do you deal with security updates? Subscribe to the relevant
  mailing list, I suppose.
 When running Sid you must read both debian-devel and debian-security.
 -devel will warn you about breakages and transitions so that you will
  know when and when not to upgrade.  -security is obvious.

I haven't read -devel. I have got all breakage announcements on this list.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably week ends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Mika Suomalainen
On 22.06.2012 20:59, Mika Suomalainen wrote:
 On 22.06.2012 20:47, John Hasler wrote:
  Brian writes:
   I'm not too sure about daily or regular updates being silly as opposed
   to unnecessary...
  Daily and/or automatic updates when running Sid are silly because sooner
  or later they will get you in trouble.
   How do you deal with security updates? Subscribe to the relevant
   mailing list, I suppose.
  When running Sid you must read both debian-devel and debian-security.
  -devel will warn you about breakages and transitions so that you will
   know when and when not to upgrade.  -security is obvious.
 I haven't read -devel. I have got all breakage announcements on this list.

Actually I subscribed to that list now. I had used Sid for months before
joining it and all breakage announcements have been on this list as I
said previously.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably week ends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Jochen Spieker
John Hasler:
 Gary Dale writes:

 Running pure sid like he seems to be is just nuts.
 I've been running pure Sid since it was invented.  Works fine.  Of
 course it would be silly to run Sid and do daily updates.

I do that for a couple of (+5) years now and didn't have many problems
yet. But then again, I don't run a desktop environment and mostly use
Iceweasel and terminals. Mutt, slrn, irssi and a few other programs are
running inside a screen session on a Debian stable system.

I will not admit to failure even when I know I am terribly mistaken and
have offended others.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Gary Dale

On 22/06/12 02:31 PM, Jochen Spieker wrote:

John Hasler:

Gary Dale writes:

Running pure sid like he seems to be is just nuts.

I've been running pure Sid since it was invented.  Works fine.  Of
course it would be silly to run Sid and do daily updates.

I do that for a couple of (+5) years now and didn't have many problems
yet. But then again, I don't run a desktop environment and mostly use
Iceweasel and terminals. Mutt, slrn, irssi and a few other programs are
running inside a screen session on a Debian stable system.

I just went several days without a working calendar on Wheezy. When 
you're running a system that you rely on, sid is nuts. Moreover, it's 
pointless. It doesn't help testing since the point of packages in sid is 
to get them to work with the current testing environment, not the 
current unstable environment.

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Gary,

Gary Dale wrote:
 It doesn't help testing since the point of packages in sid is 
 to get them to work with the current testing environment, not the 
 current unstable environment.

This is more or less obviously absolute bullshit. Running sid,
testing applications and reporting bugs against those packages does
help testing, especially since reporting these bugs early might even
stop the package from migrating to testing, keeping it release
critical bug free.

Best regards,

filibuster, n.:
Throwing your wait around.  telnet 4242

Description: PGP signature

Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 12:47:58 -0500, John Hasler wrote:

 Brian writes:
  I'm not too sure about daily or regular updates being silly as opposed
  to unnecessary...
 Daily and/or automatic updates when running Sid are silly because sooner
 or later they will get you in trouble.

And leaving the updating for an extended period won't? Sorry, I don't
follow that.

  How do you deal with security updates? Subscribe to the relevant
  mailing list, I suppose.
 When running Sid you must read both debian-devel and debian-security.

I'm inclined to go with that.

 -devel will warn you about breakages and transitions so that you will
  know when and when not to upgrade.  -security is obvious.

I'm not too sure I'd always rely on -devel for security information.

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Re: fonts used by evince

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 17:42:26 +, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:25:55 +0100, Brian wrote:
  On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 16:11:49 +, Camaleón wrote:
  On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:48:23 +0200, Paul Seyfert wrote:
   - symbol.ttf which comes with cernroot is behaving strangely
 using it for displaying causes wrong displaying of non embedded
 greek letters.
  The behaviour you get is similar to mine, despite in my case the source
  of the symbol font was different than yours.
  I wonder whether it is. His has Copyright URW Software, Copyright 1997
  by URW in the file.
 What file? You mean the .ttf font? :-?

Of course.

 When I open symbol.ttf from MC I see The Monotype Corporation plc/Time 
 Solutions Inc. 1990-1992. All Rights ReservedSymbolRegular... blah, blah

You have a different file from Paul then.

  This font is menace on a Debian system. As both of you have found out
  it needs to be put somewhere where fontconfig does not look. Examining
  it with fontforge reveals the unicode values for the glyphs are 
  incorrect. Not that the GPL version of the same font in wine has
  anything to boast about - it too suffers from an identical defect.
 Well, as I already explained, the same TrueType font works well in Wheezy 
 so to my eyes is not the font that is a menace but a bug located 
 elsewhere in both Squeeze and Lenny :-)

Where can we download this file to test?

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 13:55:55 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:

 You miss the point of sid. It's not a distribution the way Wheezy is.  
 It's a place to put packages for testing before they enter into the  
 general testing pool. Testing against sid is almost useless when you  
 really want to know if the package is ready for Wheezy.

 If you run into a problem with a package from sid, you can say it  
 doesn't work with Wheezy. However, if your system is entirely sid, all  
 you can say it that it's not compatible with other sid packages. Since  
 those packages haven't been vetted for the next release, the problem  
 could be anywhere.

 Basic rule of problem resolution is change one thing at a time. When  
 you're running sid, everything changes all the time.

Out of the maelstom of Sid is born stable.

Living in its turblent environment is not for the faint hearted. John
Hasler manages it very well and has no complaints. Others, like me,
stumble along but eventually see the light and eventually adapt to its

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Gary Dale

On 22/06/12 02:52 PM, Claudius Hubig wrote:

Hello Gary,

Gary  wrote:

It doesn't help testing since the point of packages in sid is
to get them to work with the current testing environment, not the
current unstable environment.

This is more or less obviously absolute bullshit. Running sid,
testing applications and reporting bugs against those packages does
help testing, especially since reporting these bugs early might even
stop the package from migrating to testing, keeping it release
critical bug free.

Best regards,

Again, the art of testing is to change one thing at a time. You can't do 
that when all the packages are in flux. Pulling particular packages from 
sid and testing them in the relative calm of testing is a much more 
easier way to isolate bugs.

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Gary,

Gary Dale wrote:
 Again, the art of testing is to change one thing at a time. You can't do 
 that when all the packages are in flux. Pulling particular packages from 
 sid and testing them in the relative calm of testing is a much more 
 easier way to isolate bugs.

But in order to isolate them, you first have to find them. And
routinely running a sid system is by far the best way to find as many
bugs as possible, which can then be reported and, if necessary, block
the transition to testing.

Best regards,

May cause drowsiness.  telnet 4242

Description: PGP signature

/etc/bash.bashrc instead ~/.bashrc

2012-06-22 Thread José Luis Segura Lucas
Hi all!

I have several computers with Debian installed. In all of them I have
unstable with, in some cases, some experimental packages.

In one (and only one) of then, when I open a terminal or connect by SSH,
my bash load the default system configuration from /etc/bash.bashrc,
instead of reading, as usual, ~/.bashrc.

I can think that I don't really have a ~/.bashrc (or have a mispelling
on the file name), but if I run bash from the terminal, my configuration
file in ~/.bashrc is loaded.

I add an echo on each files before sending you my problem to check
that the problem is the configuration file and not only a possible
misconfiguration on my ~/.bashrc file.

I tried with different users and all of them loads the same
configuration file (/etc/bash.bashrc). I didn't found any difference
between this /etc/bash.bashrc and my other /etc/bash.bashrc in my other
Debian installations...

Is there any other place where bash is configured and tell it to load
one config file or another?

I don't know what to do to fix this problem... any help will be very

Thanks in advance

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 21:39:29 +0200, Claudius Hubig wrote:

 Gary Dale wrote:
  Again, the art of testing is to change one thing at a time. You can't do 
  that when all the packages are in flux. Pulling particular packages from 
  sid and testing them in the relative calm of testing is a much more 
  easier way to isolate bugs.
 But in order to isolate them, you first have to find them. And
 routinely running a sid system is by far the best way to find as many
 bugs as possible, which can then be reported and, if necessary, block
 the transition to testing.

I hope you talking about genuine critical, grave and serious bugs rather
than my mouse is twitching sort of report.

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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread John Hasler
I wrote:
 Daily and/or automatic updates when running Sid are silly because sooner
 or later they will get you in trouble.

Brian writes:
 And leaving the updating for an extended period won't?

Did I say you should? -devel warns you about transitions and similar
events that mean that it would be best to wait a while before upgrading
anything.  It also warns you when you _should_ upgrade.

 I'm not too sure I'd always rely on -devel for security information.

Which is why I said you should subscribe to -security.  But then, you
should anyway.

John Hasler

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Re: Unmet dependencies installing eclipse from testing on a stable system

2012-06-22 Thread Lisi
On Friday 22 June 2012 17:36:30 Vilius Panevėžys wrote:
 Yes, I'll do that as a fallback, but installing packages the manual way
 looses all the advantages of the package management system. Let's say
 that's an exercise to learn how to use apt along the way, though
 I actually need the newer version.

Is the package you want available in Squeeze backports?


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Re: What to do when testing come to stable on a Debian wheezy/sid?

2012-06-22 Thread Brian
On Fri 22 Jun 2012 at 15:50:07 -0500, John Hasler wrote:

 I wrote:
  Daily and/or automatic updates when running Sid are silly because sooner
  or later they will get you in trouble.
 Brian writes:
  And leaving the updating for an extended period won't?
 Did I say you should?

No. But but you did say daily updates are silly. Which implies updates
at another (completely unspecified interval) are better.

   -devel warns you about transitions and similar
 events that mean that it would be best to wait a while before upgrading
 anything.  It also warns you when you _should_ upgrade.

I've never found debian-devel to be the best of guides for updating. Not
that it may not be useful but I think you are rather over-egging its
authoritive status.

  I'm not too sure I'd always rely on -devel for security information.
 Which is why I said you should subscribe to -security.  But then, you
 should anyway.

Which is where we came in.

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Re: how to increase through put of LAN to 1GB

2012-06-22 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 6/22/2012 5:45 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 [ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
 [  5]  0.0-10.0 sec   744 MBytes   624 Mbits/sec
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec   876 MBytes   734 Mbits/sec

 [ ID] Interval   Transfer Bandwidth
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec744 MBytes623 Mbits/sec
 [  4]  0.0-10.0 sec876 MBytes735 Mbits/sec

This shows sustained short duration transfer rates of 78MB/s and 91MB/s.
 That's not bad, but can be higher.  With good NICs, proper TCP tuning,
and jumbo frames, you should be able to hit a theoretical peak of around
117MB/s, or 936Mb/s.  That's about the limit after all the protocol
overhead.  And this assumes your PCI/e bus, mobo chipset, and host CPU
are up to the task.

These test numbers are a bit meaningless in real world use however, as
most of your iSCSI/CIFS/etc traffic will comprise concurrent small IOs,
transactional in nature, as is the case with the vast majority of server

So instead concentrating on your raw point-to-point GbE bandwidth, you
need to concentrate on the IO latency of your iSCSI and virtualization
servers.  Maximizing the random IO performance of these systems will do
far more for overall network performance than spending countless hours
trying to maximize point-to-point GbE throughput.

One of the few applications requiring long duration throughput is
network based backup.  And even in this case you're not streaming large
files, but typically many small files.  So again, system latency is a
bigger factor than throughput.

And in the event you do find yourself transferring vary large files on a
regular basis, and need max throughput, it's most often much easier to
attain that throughput using LACP with two NICs than to spend days/weeks
attempting to maximize the performance of a single NIC.


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Re: any stable open source ldap software for SSO

2012-06-22 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Fri, 2012-06-22 at 14:23 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 09:06:39 +0800, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
  2012/6/22 Camaleón
  On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 10:30:57 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  If you're replying to my post you removed too much of the quoted text
  I admit that I have never extensively used OpenLDAP but, when we did
  our initial research, the feedback seemed to be that it could be
  unwieldy to manage and that the support had a tendency to be
  cantankerous and arrogant.  In contrast, the Directory Server support
  has been amazing both on the mailing lists and on IRC - John
  by the Directory Server, you meant 389 Directory Server??
 I'm not John but I think yes, with some minor differences between 
 Fedora's and Redhat's incarnation:
Yes - John

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