et alors là ça marche ?

2013-10-23 Thread philippe monroux

si vous lisez mon message c qu'il est arrivé hein ?

Finalement j'ai fait un desinscription/inscription sous une autre adresse...

j'ai tout essayé mais vraiment les politiques de gestion des mails par
gmail + la conf d'exim et autres...c'est pas évident.

Alors si qqun a un lien pour me faire comprendre tout ça merci


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Re: et alors là ça marche ?

2013-10-23 Thread philippe monroux

bon là je pose la question par le site des archives de debian-user-franch vu
que la liste ne m'a tjrs pas renvoyé mon mail ds ma boite perso (et
donc je ne l'ai pas sur mon ordi)

ça met combien de temps pour la liste m'envoie le mail que je lui ai
envoyé ?


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Re: scanner Epson 3520-DWF

2013-10-23 Thread Dorian Carpentier de Changy

Le 22/10/2013 23:50, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
Il y a aussi un lien en bas de chaque courriel que tu reçois de la 
liste qui pointe vers l’archive officielle pour ce courriel, ce qui 
permet de retrouver plus facilement les messages du même fil. 

J'ai fait un essai de chercher une conversation dans les archives, celle 
de la liste frecnh.

Ca m'a renvoyé des résultats multiples et principaux en anglais.
Est-il dès lors poosible d'extraire que les résultats des archives de la 
debian-user-french? Avez-vous un lien, que je teste ...

attachment: dechangydorian.vcf

Re: et alors là ça marche ?

2013-10-23 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) :

 bon là je pose la question par le site des archives de debian-user-franch vu
 que la liste ne m'a tjrs pas renvoyé mon mail ds ma boite perso (et
 donc je ne l'ai pas sur mon ordi)
 ça met combien de temps pour la liste m'envoie le mail que je lui ai
 envoyé ?

Bon là je ne comprend plus rien

je résume. Mon FAI est je suis inscrit sur debian-user-franch
sous l'adresse qui est ds

Pour centraliser mes mails je transferts le webmail de sfr vers celui
de gmail où j'ai également une adresse : ***

Pour l'instant (phase de test) je n'efface aucun mail sur ces 2 webmails.

Les deux messages précédents que j'ai envoyés ne réagissent pas de la
même manière !

-le premier, je l'ai envoyé de mon MUA (mutt). Il a l'air d'être
arrivé sur debian-user-franch mais je n'ai pas reçu le renvoi de la liste sur 
le webmail
de (et donc celui de gmail non plus). Donc mon fetchmail n'a pas
pu le récupérer pour le rapatrier sur ma machine

-le second (la réponse au 1er), je l'ai envoyé par les archives de 
debian-user-franch en
cliquant sur le lien :
Reply to:
qui m'a ouvert mon mutt avec lequel j'ai fait l'envoi...Et là
le message arrive à la liste et la liste me l'envoie
dans mon webmail sfr (qui en fait une copie sur le webmail de gmail).
Mais impossible de le rapatrier par fetchmail sur ma machine (malgré
les option keep, fetchall de fetchmail). Je ne vois vraiment pas
pourquoi fetchmail ne les rapatrie pas...

qqun a une idée


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Re: scanner Epson 3520-DWF

2013-10-23 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mercredi 23 octobre 2013 13:16:24 Dorian Carpentier de Changy 
a écrit :
 J'ai fait un essai de chercher une conversation dans les
 archives, celle  de la liste frecnh.
 Ca m'a renvoyé des résultats multiples et principaux en
 anglais. Est-il dès lors poosible d'extraire que les
 résultats des archives de la debian-user-french? Avez-vous un
 lien, que je teste ...

  Pas tout compris… Tu connais le mot-clef « site: » de Google ?
Une recherche « toto tutu
french/2013/10/ » limitera les résultats…

 Sylvain Sauvage

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2013-10-23 Thread philippe monroux
j'espère le dernier ;-)

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Re: essai...

2013-10-23 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) :

 j'espère le dernier ;-)

allez un p'tit dernier pour la route


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conseils passage pop--imap

2013-10-23 Thread philippe monroux

Sur mon desktop, j'ai tjrs été en pop pour la réception des mails avec
la chaîne :


Mais depuis que j'ai un smartphone android je commence à me tâter pour
passer en imap car ça me semble plus logique qd on a +ieurs machines
pour lire les mails.

La tâche ne me semble pas insurmontable mais j'ai déjà des tas de
règles procmail qui me rangent proprement mes mails sur mon desktop
dans une arborescence ad-hoc assez importante et, évidemment, je
voudrais conserver cette structure arborescente.

D'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre, les courriers résident sur le
serveur distant (gmail en l'occurrence). Mais est-il possible de faire
une copie locale (sur ma machine) des mails que je veux conserver en
utilisant mon procmailrc existant ?

Sais pas si j'ai été très clair là...

Merci pour tout retour d'expérience liens ou autres.


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Re: conseils passage pop--imap

2013-10-23 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 04:48:05PM +0400, philippe monroux wrote:
 Mais depuis que j'ai un smartphone android je commence à me tâter pour
 passer en imap car ça me semble plus logique qd on a +ieurs machines
 pour lire les mails.

Une suggestion :

moi@la:~$ aptitude show ?name(offlineimap)
Description : outil de synchronisation IMAP/Maildir
 OfflineImap est un outil pour simplifier la lecture du courriel. Avec 
OfflineImap, il est possible de : 
 * lire la même boîte mail depuis plusieurs ordinateurs, avec la 
   réplication automatique des modifications (suppressions, etc.)
   sur toutes les machines ;
 * utiliser différents lecteurs de courriel pour lire la même boîte ; 
 * lire du courriel de façon déconnectée (sur un ordinateur 
   portable) en répliquant toutes les modifications à la reconnexion ;
 * lire une boîte IMAP avec un lecteur qui ne comprend pas IMAP ; 
 * utiliser SSL (connexions chiffrées) pour lire une boîte IMAP de manière 
   sécurisée avec un lecteur qui ne comprend pas SSL ;
 * synchroniser le courrier grâce à un algorithme sûr et qui tolère les 
   erreurs ;
 * personnaliser quelles boîtes doivent être synchronisées avec des 
   expressions régulières ou des listes ;
 * synchroniser le courriel de deux à quatre fois plus vite qu'avec 
   d'autres outils ou les routines IMAP spécifiques des lecteurs de
 En bref, OfflineIMAP est un outil qui permet de lire son courriel comme on le 
Site :

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Re: conseils passage pop--imap

2013-10-23 Thread Julien
Le mercredi 23 octobre 2013 à 16:48 +0400, philippe monroux a écrit :
 Sur mon desktop, j'ai tjrs été en pop pour la réception des mails avec
 la chaîne :
 Mais depuis que j'ai un smartphone android je commence à me tâter pour
 passer en imap car ça me semble plus logique qd on a +ieurs machines
 pour lire les mails.

oui c'est beaucoup mieux. Il y a une différence de taille avec IMAP :
les mails pas vraiment sur ton client, ce n'ai qu'une vue, tous est
sauvegardé coté serveur. Tu peux désinstaller ton client mail sans
problèmes, tu ne perds aucun mail.

 La tâche ne me semble pas insurmontable mais j'ai déjà des tas de
 règles procmail qui me rangent proprement mes mails sur mon desktop
 dans une arborescence ad-hoc assez importante et, évidemment, je
 voudrais conserver cette structure arborescente.

Il faut savoir où tu veux stocker tous tes mails ? 

- Est-ce que tu acceptes de mettre tous chez gmail (sachant que tu peux
faire des sauvegardes sur ton pc) ?
- Est-ce que tu veux conserver l'ensemble de tes mails sur ton desktop ?
(est-il accessible par internet ? serveur perso ?)

 D'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre, les courriers résident sur le
 serveur distant (gmail en l'occurrence). Mais est-il possible de faire
 une copie locale (sur ma machine) des mails que je veux conserver en
 utilisant mon procmailrc existant ?

offlineimap effectivement.

Le plus simple c'est d'avoir un compte imap principale en ligne (serveur
perso ou gmail ou autre). Ensuite tu remplis ce compte avec tes autres
compte pop (ou imap aussi) avec fetchmail/procmail ou un webmail.

Sinon pour créer un serveur IMAPS sur ton desktop : 

- Crée un maildir dans ton home commande maildirmake
- installe courier-imap-ssl

C'est fait !


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[no subject]

2013-10-23 Thread guillaumebeaupellet

J'aurais voulut savoir si je peux faire tourner Débian 7.2 sur un pcduino donc 
voici les caractéristiques : 
A Mini PC with Arduino type Interface powered by ARM Pro Spec:
CPU: 1GHz ARM Cortex A8
GPU: OpenGL ES2.0, OpenVG 1.1 Mali 400 core
Onboard Storage: 2GB Flash, SD card slot for up to 32GB
Video Output: HDMI
OS: Linux + Android
Extension Interface: 2.54 mm Headers compatible with Arduino
Network interface: RJ45 and USB WiFi Dongle

Si c'est possible il faut que je prenne quelle version de Débian ? 

4 chemin de la croze

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2013-10-23 Thread Émile CARRY

Le 23/10/2013 21:18, a écrit :



 J'aurais voulut savoir si je peux faire tourner Débian 7.2 sur un
 pcduino donc voici les caractéristiques : A Mini PC with Arduino type
 Interface powered by ARM Pro Spec: CPU: 1GHz ARM Cortex A8 [...]

 Si c'est possible il faut que je prenne quelle version de Débian ?

À priori, une wheezy doit pouvoir s'installer, il existe des images non 

pour cette cible :

De plus, le cpu est un allwinner A10 et je viens d'installer une debian
wheezy sur son petit frère le A13 (sur une OLinuXino Micro [1] )



 BEAUPELLET Guillaume 4 chemin de la croze 39100 BAVERANS France
 +33649678036 +32483437286

\o/ un jurassien! Faut passer nous voir chez Sequanux à Besançon...

Re: (none)

2013-10-23 Thread moi-meme
Le Wed, 23 Oct 2013 21:40:02 +0200, guillaumebeaupellet a écrit :

 J'aurais voulut savoir si je peux faire tourner Débian 7.2 sur un
 pcduino donc voici les caractéristiques : A Mini PC with Arduino type
 Interface powered by ARM Pro Spec: CPU: 1GHz ARM Cortex A8
 GPU: OpenGL ES2.0, OpenVG 1.1 Mali 400 core DRAM: 1GB
 Onboard Storage: 2GB Flash, SD card slot for up to 32GB Video Output:
 OS: Linux + Android
 Extension Interface: 2.54 mm Headers compatible with Arduino Network
 interface: RJ45 and USB WiFi Dongle
 Si c'est possible il faut que je prenne quelle version de Débian ?
 4 chemin de la croze

je ne sais pas si l'ARM est compatible mais regarde Raspbian sur 
Raspberry Pi.

Ça peut donner une piste.

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ssh: problema autenticación usando llave privada...

2013-10-23 Thread Walter O. Dari

Hola gente: no se si en el asunto me explico bien, pero acá va...

Desde hace unos 2 años vengo haciendo una copia automatizada con rsync y 
crontab desde un servidor de un cliente a uno de nuestros servidores.

Para hacerlo había copiado la clave generada con ssh-keygen en el 
servidor del cliente al authorized_keys del nuestro.

Hasta hace unos 12 días no había problemas. Ahora observo que la copia 
estaba desactualizada, por lo que ingresé vía ssh al servidor del 
cliente sin problemas, pero cuando desde el servidor del cliente quiero 
entrar al nuestro me pide password.

No logro entender que puede haber cambiado, pero tiene que ser algo en 
el servidor del cliente ya que al servidor nuestro otros clientes hacen 
las copias sin problemas.

Por las dudas, eliminé el contenido de .ssh en ambos servidores, generé 
nuevamente las claves en cada uno y las intercambié. Desde nuestro 
servidor ingreso perfectamente al del cliente, pero al revés me sigue 
pidiendo una clave.

Estoy medio desconcertado, esto es la primera vez que me pasa.

Les pongo la salida del comando ssh cuando lo ejecuto en el servidor del 
cliente para ver si me pueden dar una mano...

bksrpauto@debsr:~/.ssh$ ssh svrsw -v
OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to svrsw [] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: identity file /home/bksrpauto/.ssh/identity type -1
debug1: identity file /home/bksrpauto/.ssh/id_rsa type -1
debug1: identity file /home/bksrpauto/.ssh/id_dsa type 2
debug1: Checking blacklist file /usr/share/ssh/blacklist.DSA-1024
debug1: Checking blacklist file /etc/ssh/blacklist.DSA-1024
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version 
OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6+squeeze3

debug1: match: OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6+squeeze3 pat OpenSSH*
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: server-client aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none
debug1: kex: client-server aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST(102410248192) sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY
debug1: Host 'svrsw' is known and matches the RSA host key.
debug1: Found key in /home/bksrpauto/.ssh/known_hosts:3
debug1: ssh_rsa_verify: signature correct
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Trying private key: /home/bksrpauto/.ssh/identity
debug1: Trying private key: /home/bksrpauto/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Offering public key: /home/bksrpauto/.ssh/id_dsa
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Next authentication method: password
bksrpauto@svrsw's password:

... como ven, aparentemente reconoce las clave pero al final pide 
password, seguramente es algo que no estoy viendo, pero bueno, agradezco 
la ayuda.



Walter O. Dari
skype: waomda

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Re: ssh: problema autenticación usando llave privada...

2013-10-23 Thread Eduardo A . Bustamante López
Las cosas que te recomiendo que revises:

1) Verifica que en el cliente, se cumplan las siguientes condiciones:

 i) El HOME debe chmod ug=rwX,o= como *máximo*. Si no mal recuerdo,
 SSH se niega a leer una llave privada si tu HOME no cumple con esas

 ii) Tanto $HOME/.ssh como $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa deben ser legibles solo
 por tu usuario (chmod u=rX,go= ...).

 iii) Verifica que el owner:group de las carpetas anteriores sea tu
 usuario y tu grupo principal. En mi caso, por ejemplo, es
 dualbus:dualbus, una vez tuve problemas porque mi HOME era

2) Verifica que en el servidor se cumpla:

 i) El HOME con los mismos permisos que el cliente, es ug=rwX,o= como
 máximo, el ls -ld $HOME te lo confirmará.

 ii) Verifica que los archivos bajo $HOME/.ssh y también ese
 directorio tengan los permisos restringidos como en el caso 1.ii.

 iii) Que la parte pública de tu llave ( esté en el
 archivo $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys en su propia línea.

 iv) Revisa que el servidor OpenSSH esté configurado para aceptar
 llaves (PubkeyAuthentication yes).

 v) Verifica lo del punto 1.iii, owner:group deben coincidir.

Es lo que recuerdo ahorita de las cosas que me han pasado.

Eduardo Alan Bustamante López

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OFF-TOPIC-teleco] Duda en descodificador Ono

2013-10-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 22 de octubre de 2013 15:48, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:31:43 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas tengo una duda y no sé donde comentarla. Como aquí hay
 grandes conocimientos, creo que podría ser una buena cuestion.

 El caso es que me han instalado en casa un descodificador de ONO.
 Concretamente este:

 Y por lo que he visto en la instalación, los datos de los canales y la
 sincronización y demás la hace via cable coaxial, es decir, por

 Mira que yo nunca he tenido cable (no hay cobertura en mi zona) pero
 hombre, no hay más tu tía que TODO (Internet, TV, telefonía, radio...)
 vaya por el coaxial si sólo te han puesto un cable BNC.

 Ahora bien, el mero uso del cable coaxial no implica que el canal de
 transmisión sea Internet. Para CATV usarán radiofrencuencia al uso, digo
 yo :-?

 Mi pregunta es, entonces aquí la señal analógica o digital no interviene
 para nada en la sintonización de canales verdad?? Es decir,
 se recogen los canales por internet y se sirven por mp4 ya sea por
 conector scart o por hdmi...

 Hum... en IPTV me parece que es como dices, pero en CAVT tengo mis dudas.
 Yo diría que los servicios de Internet y TV van separados.

 Ay, pillín... qué querrás hacer que no dices :-)

 El hecho de servirlo desde el descodificador a la tele ya sea por scart
 o por hdmi implica modular o demodular la conexión...

 Siento si la pregunta es un tanto inoportuna en esta lista, pero no sé
 donde preguntar. Estoy mirando info y la verdad me intriga.

 Si nadie quiere contestar lo entenderé, no es el lugar oportuno.

 Por mi no hay problema, pero digo yo que mejor preguntarles a ellos que
 para eso les pagas ;-P



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Jejeje muchas gracias por contestar. Me ha quedado más claro.


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[OT] Accesibilidad: ¡¿Libertad 0?

2013-10-23 Thread Francisco Del Roio
Hash: SHA1


Hoy encontré un artículo interesante publicado por un miembro del
equipo de debian-accessibility, que, aunque no es tan reciente, sería
bueno que lo compartan y difundan.

El artículo en cuestión es este:

En realidad consiste en una transcripción de una conferencia, asi que
pueden verlo en video también.

Un saludo,
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: debian 7 no ejecuta lo que esta en cron.daily

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 22 Oct 2013 21:43:26 +0200, Eduardo Rios escribió:

 El 22/10/13 01:15, Alejandro Gabriel Sánchez Martínez escribió:
 Pues acabo de instalar dos debian 7 y resulta que no ejecutan lo que meto en
 Yo también sospecho que no se ejecutan. 

Una de las muchas ventajas de la informática es que las sospechas suelen poder 
fundamentarse con hechos ;-)

 No tengo mucha idea, pero tengo un script añadido por para enviar a su Web la info de mi máquina que
 tengo registrada allí, pero la info no se actualiza...

¿Y lo has puesto en /etc/cron.daily con los permisos adecuados?

 Segun /var/log/syslog:
 Oct 22 21:12:57 debian anacron[2580]: Job `cron.daily' terminated
 Oct 22 21:12:57 debian anacron[2580]: Normal exit (1 job run)

Dice que ha ejecutado una tarea (a través de anacron), pero para 
consultar el syslog mejor con:

root@stt008:~# grep -i daily /var/log/syslog*
/var/log/syslog:Oct 23 07:31:26 stt008 anacron[2321]: Job `cron.daily' 
/var/log/syslog.1:Oct 22 07:30:34 stt008 anacron[2273]: Job `cron.daily' 
/var/log/syslog.1:Oct 23 07:26:09 stt008 anacron[2321]: Will run job 
`cron.daily' in 5 min.
/var/log/syslog.1:Oct 23 07:31:09 stt008 anacron[2321]: Job `cron.daily' started
/var/log/syslog.1:Oct 23 07:31:09 stt008 anacron[3425]: Updated timestamp for 
job `cron.daily' to 2013-10-23

Esto es lo que me aparece en una Wheezy, y sí, se ejecuta, pero recuerda
que los archivos de registro rotan por lo que hay que consultar en todos 
ellos no sólo en el actual.

 y si pongo ...
 edurios@debian:~$ crontab -l
 # added by version 0.3.17
 6 4 * * 4 /home/edurios/ -m

A ver, el cron.daily es distinto del crontab por lo que si tienes la 
rutina definida en el crontab tendrás que consultar en el syslog para 
ver si cron ha ejecutado esa tarea a la hora indicada.

 Si lo ejecuto a mano el comando, si va...

Eso quiere decir que el script está bien programado.



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Re: [OT] Uso de patrones geométricos en LO

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:05:40 +0200, celtictux . escribió:

 Yo suelo Usar GIMPresionante para este tipo de cosas:
 Crear mis propios patrones, o bien...
 importarlos o exportarlos al formato que quieras, (Incluso importa
 formato de Fotoshop (EPS)).


 espero te sirva...

Gracias pero esa solución no me sirve (como he ido comentando en el 
hilo), por eso he abierto un informe de fallo en LO ;-)



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Re: [OT] Accesibilidad: ¡¿Libertad 0?

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:42:33 -0300, Francisco Del Roio escribió:

 Hoy encontré un artículo interesante publicado por un miembro del equipo
 de debian-accessibility, que, aunque no es tan reciente, sería bueno que
 lo compartan y difundan.
 El artículo en cuestión es este:

He optado por la versión en PDF, la encontré más inteligible debido a la 
extensión de la presentación.

 En realidad consiste en una transcripción de una conferencia, asi que
 pueden verlo en video también.

En la página principal del sitio, sí, hay varios formatos disponibles.

En cuanto a lo que se dice, pues completamente de acuerdo con los 
autores, la accesibilidad en Linux actualmente es una quimera y no digo 
que en Windows o MacOS sea perfecta pero está a años luz de nosotros :-/

Por otra parte es comprensible ya que no se trata más que de una fría 
cuestión de porcentajes y cuando los recursos escasean la democracia (en 
la que no creo en absoluto) es la primera que se resiente.



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Re: ssh: problema autenticación usando llave privada...

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:23:12 -0300, Walter O. Dari escribió:

 Desde hace unos 2 años vengo haciendo una copia automatizada con rsync y
 crontab desde un servidor de un cliente a uno de nuestros servidores.
 Para hacerlo había copiado la clave generada con ssh-keygen en el
 servidor del cliente al authorized_keys del nuestro.
 Hasta hace unos 12 días no había problemas. Ahora observo que la copia
 estaba desactualizada, por lo que ingresé vía ssh al servidor del
 cliente sin problemas, pero cuando desde el servidor del cliente quiero
 entrar al nuestro me pide password.


 ... como ven, aparentemente reconoce las clave pero al final pide
 password, seguramente es algo que no estoy viendo, pero bueno, agradezco
 la ayuda.

La clave (valga la redundancia) del problema la debe de tener el servidor 
al que quieres conectar en el archivo /var/log/auth.log, echa un 



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Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Maykel Franco
A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no
solo administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por
web, vnc, etc.

Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
magnifico software para probarlo:

Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


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Re: Debian 7.1 wheezy Congelado

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:54:38 -0300, Juan Pablo Leiva Burgos escribió:

 Buenas noches.

Juan Pablo, supongo que estás respondiendo a este hilo:

Debian 7.1 wheezy Congelado

Como es hace unos cuantos meses (junio 2013) sería conveniente que 
hubieras dejado alguna referencia al texto del OP, si no todo -que 
tampoco era un correo tan extenso- porque de lo contrario se pierde por 
completo el contexto y el tema que se trata.

 Bueno la verdad es que he estado leyendo sus mails, y el problema parece
 que es producido por java, por lo que les recomendaria que instalasen la
 version de Oracle y testeen con libreoffice.


Me gustaría saber qué es lo que te ha hecho llegar a esa conclusión :-?



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[OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:20:57 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no solo
 administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por web,
 vnc, etc.
 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:
 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


¿VMware no tiene un cliente nativo para gestionar hypervisores? 

Porque lo lógico sería que una solución propia funcionara más, digamos... 
suavemente y tuviera mayor nivel de integración que cualquier otra 
aplicación de terceros ¿no? :-?



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Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread C. L. Martinez
2013/10/23 Maykel Franco
 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no
 solo administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por
 web, vnc, etc.

 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:

 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


Buff ... No te lo recomiendo. Lo que yo hago es tirar de una vm con Win2k8r2...


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Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread C. L. Martinez
2013/10/23 Camaleón
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:20:57 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no solo
 administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por web,
 vnc, etc.

 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:

 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


 ¿VMware no tiene un cliente nativo para gestionar hypervisores?

 Porque lo lógico sería que una solución propia funcionara más, digamos...
 suavemente y tuviera mayor nivel de integración que cualquier otra
 aplicación de terceros ¿no? :-?



Se me olvidaba. Si tienes vSphere 5.x no et hace falta el cliente.
Tienes un via web. Instala el appliance vcenter (está basado en SLES)
y listos ... eso si tienes licencias :))

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Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:34:29 +, C. L. Martinez escribió:

 2013/10/23 Camaleón
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:20:57 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no
 solo administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por
 web, vnc, etc.

 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:

 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


 ¿VMware no tiene un cliente nativo para gestionar hypervisores?

 Porque lo lógico sería que una solución propia funcionara más,
 suavemente y tuviera mayor nivel de integración que cualquier otra
 aplicación de terceros ¿no? :-?
 Se me olvidaba. Si tienes vSphere 5.x no et hace falta el cliente.

Ya me parecía a mí.

 Tienes un via web. 

Espera... aquí¹ dice que necesita FlashPlayer 11.5.0 pero esa versión no 
existe para linux, espero que no sea un requerimiento sine qua non.

 Instala el appliance vcenter (está basado en SLES) y listos ... eso si
 tienes licencias :))

Hum... ¿vCenter no es vSphere? 

Qué follón, y cada vez que entro en la página web de VMware me mareo con 
los cambios. De verdad que compadezco a quien tenga que trabajar con los 
sistemas de esta empresa, que no digo que no sean buenos pero parece que 
cada día sacan el mismo producto con nombre distinto recortando 
prestaciones y aumentando el precio de sus licencias un 500% :-P




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Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de octubre de 2013 16:34, C. L. Martinez escribió:
 2013/10/23 Camaleón
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:20:57 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no solo
 administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por web,
 vnc, etc.

 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:

 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


 ¿VMware no tiene un cliente nativo para gestionar hypervisores?

 Porque lo lógico sería que una solución propia funcionara más, digamos...
 suavemente y tuviera mayor nivel de integración que cualquier otra
 aplicación de terceros ¿no? :-?



 Se me olvidaba. Si tienes vSphere 5.x no et hace falta el cliente.
 Tienes un via web. Instala el appliance vcenter (está basado en SLES)
 y listos ... eso si tienes licencias :))

Jajaj ese es el problema, que no tenemos licencias...Sería montar un
vsphere 5.x en una maquina windows y habilitar el servicio
web(teniendo la licencia) no??

Siempre he usado el cliente vmware vsphere client desde una máquina
virtual windows xp pero lo hace lentísima...

Me gustaría lanzar algo nativo desde linux...

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Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de octubre de 2013 16:57, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:34:29 +, C. L. Martinez escribió:

 2013/10/23 Camaleón
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:20:57 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no
 solo administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por
 web, vnc, etc.

 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:

 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


 ¿VMware no tiene un cliente nativo para gestionar hypervisores?

 Porque lo lógico sería que una solución propia funcionara más,
 suavemente y tuviera mayor nivel de integración que cualquier otra
 aplicación de terceros ¿no? :-?

 Se me olvidaba. Si tienes vSphere 5.x no et hace falta el cliente.

 Ya me parecía a mí.

 Tienes un via web.

 Espera... aquí¹ dice que necesita FlashPlayer 11.5.0 pero esa versión no
 existe para linux, espero que no sea un requerimiento sine qua non.

 Instala el appliance vcenter (está basado en SLES) y listos ... eso si
 tienes licencias :))

 Hum... ¿vCenter no es vSphere?

 Qué follón, y cada vez que entro en la página web de VMware me mareo con
 los cambios. De verdad que compadezco a quien tenga que trabajar con los
 sistemas de esta empresa, que no digo que no sean buenos pero parece que
 cada día sacan el mismo producto con nombre distinto recortando
 prestaciones y aumentando el precio de sus licencias un 500% :-P

JAJAJA estoy de acuerdo contigo Camaleón. Yo cada vez que entro a
descargarme el cliente, no sé ya ni cual descargar, ni cual es el
servidor jajajaja




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Re: OT: Lightning dejó de funcional tras actualización de Thunderbird oficial

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 14 Oct 2013 10:29:33 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

 El 14/10/13 10:12, Camaleón escribió:


 Piensan sacar una actualización de Lightning esta semana, así que yo de
 momento prefiero esperar antes de volver a la versión anterior de
 Thunderbird que es lo que recomiendan desde su blog oficial:

 Using Lightning 2.6 on Linux? Don’t upgrade to Thunderbird 24.0.1…yet!

 Lo que me preocupaba era haber perdido los datos del calendario y las
 tareas pero los he cargado en otro equipo que tengo con Windows en un
 Thunderbird de esos portables y se ven correctamente... ¡buf!

 ¡Camaleon, sos toda una detective!. Gracias por el dato.

Es que me interesa... me apunté al bug de mozilla y no paraba de recibir 
actualizaciones sobre lo que estaban haciendo a la espera de que lo 
solucionaran. Y a día de hoy siguen sin sacar una versión actualizada 
oficial :-(

 Con respecto a lo que acoseja Jesusda, el archivo es un xml y en la
 sección de versiones dice que la máxima y mínima es la actual, es decir
 que está en la versión correcta.
 Habrá que esperar esta semana a ver qué pasa y si pueden solucionarlo.

Pues he estado esperando hasta que ya me he hartado (no puedo estar una 
semana sin procesar las citas que me mandan en la oficina) y he instalado 
el archivo xpi¹ de la versión 2.6.1 que hay en la página de Lightning 
(ojo, no es la versión oficial porque Mozilla aún no lo ha revisado). 

Y aunque la documentación diga lo contrario, ese archivo xpi funciona en 
sistemas 64 bits y en idioma español pero no funciona con Thunderbird 
24.0 sino con la 24.0.1.




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Re: ssh: problema autenticación usando llave privada...

2013-10-23 Thread Walter O. Dari

El 23/10/2013 10:45, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:23:12 -0300, Walter O. Dari escribió:

  Desde hace unos 2 años vengo haciendo una copia automatizada con rsync y
  crontab desde un servidor de un cliente a uno de nuestros servidores.
  Para hacerlo había copiado la clave generada con ssh-keygen en el
  servidor del cliente al authorized_keys del nuestro.
  Hasta hace unos 12 días no había problemas. Ahora observo que la copia
  estaba desactualizada, por lo que ingresé vía ssh al servidor del
  cliente sin problemas, pero cuando desde el servidor del cliente quiero
  entrar al nuestro me pide password.


  ... como ven, aparentemente reconoce las clave pero al final pide
  password, seguramente es algo que no estoy viendo, pero bueno, agradezco
  la ayuda.

 La clave (valga la redundancia) del problema la debe de tener el servidor
 al que quieres conectar en el archivo /var/log/auth.log, echa un

Ni bien pueda lo voy a mirar y comento.

Gracias y saludos,




Walter Omar Dari

Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de octubre de 2013 17:01, Maykel Franco escribió:
 El día 23 de octubre de 2013 16:57, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:34:29 +, C. L. Martinez escribió:

 2013/10/23 Camaleón
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:20:57 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no
 solo administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por
 web, vnc, etc.

 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:

 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.


 ¿VMware no tiene un cliente nativo para gestionar hypervisores?

 Porque lo lógico sería que una solución propia funcionara más,
 suavemente y tuviera mayor nivel de integración que cualquier otra
 aplicación de terceros ¿no? :-?

 Se me olvidaba. Si tienes vSphere 5.x no et hace falta el cliente.

 Ya me parecía a mí.

 Tienes un via web.

 Espera... aquí¹ dice que necesita FlashPlayer 11.5.0 pero esa versión no
 existe para linux, espero que no sea un requerimiento sine qua non.

 Instala el appliance vcenter (está basado en SLES) y listos ... eso si
 tienes licencias :))

 Hum... ¿vCenter no es vSphere?

 Qué follón, y cada vez que entro en la página web de VMware me mareo con
 los cambios. De verdad que compadezco a quien tenga que trabajar con los
 sistemas de esta empresa, que no digo que no sean buenos pero parece que
 cada día sacan el mismo producto con nombre distinto recortando
 prestaciones y aumentando el precio de sus licencias un 500% :-P

 JAJAJA estoy de acuerdo contigo Camaleón. Yo cada vez que entro a
 descargarme el cliente, no sé ya ni cual descargar, ni cual es el
 servidor jajajaja




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Ya he conseguido conectarme...Ha sido un poco piratilla pero bueno
jejeje. Me instalado el vmware-workstation y le he metido una serial
por ahí de esas que hay en internet, que te las dan para que las
copies ejem...Le metido al licencia mediante linea de comandos y he
visto que tiene un apartado para connect to remote server...Te deja
conectarte a un vmware-workstation, esx o vmware center. Va genial.


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Re: OT: Lightning dejó de funcional tras actualización de Thunderbird oficial

2013-10-23 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

El 23/10/13 12:09, Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 14 Oct 2013 10:29:33 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

El 14/10/13 10:12, Camaleón escribió:


Piensan sacar una actualización de Lightning esta semana, así que yo de
momento prefiero esperar antes de volver a la versión anterior de
Thunderbird que es lo que recomiendan desde su blog oficial:

Using Lightning 2.6 on Linux? Don’t upgrade to Thunderbird 24.0.1…yet!


Lo que me preocupaba era haber perdido los datos del calendario y las
tareas pero los he cargado en otro equipo que tengo con Windows en un
Thunderbird de esos portables y se ven correctamente... ¡buf!

¡Camaleon, sos toda una detective!. Gracias por el dato.

Es que me interesa... me apunté al bug de mozilla y no paraba de recibir
actualizaciones sobre lo que estaban haciendo a la espera de que lo
solucionaran. Y a día de hoy siguen sin sacar una versión actualizada
oficial :-(

Con respecto a lo que acoseja Jesusda, el archivo es un xml y en la
sección de versiones dice que la máxima y mínima es la actual, es decir
que está en la versión correcta.
Habrá que esperar esta semana a ver qué pasa y si pueden solucionarlo.

Pues he estado esperando hasta que ya me he hartado (no puedo estar una
semana sin procesar las citas que me mandan en la oficina) y he instalado
el archivo xpi¹ de la versión 2.6.1 que hay en la página de Lightning
(ojo, no es la versión oficial porque Mozilla aún no lo ha revisado).

Y aunque la documentación diga lo contrario, ese archivo xpi funciona en
sistemas 64 bits y en idioma español pero no funciona con Thunderbird
24.0 sino con la 24.0.1.



En una netbook opté por instalar Seamonkey donde la 2.6 funciona bien.
En otra netbook con Kubuntu 12.04 aún no hay actualizado Thunderbird, 
intuyo que
esperan que se solucione el problema de incompatibilidad entre 
Thunderbird 24.0.2

y Ligthning 2.6


Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Skype: sergio.bess

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Re: OT: Lightning dejó de funcional tras actualización de Thunderbird oficial

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:48:26 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

 El 23/10/13 12:09, Camaleón escribió:


 Habrá que esperar esta semana a ver qué pasa y si pueden solucionarlo.
 Pues he estado esperando hasta que ya me he hartado (no puedo estar una
 semana sin procesar las citas que me mandan en la oficina) y he
 instalado el archivo xpi¹ de la versión 2.6.1 que hay en la página de
 Lightning (ojo, no es la versión oficial porque Mozilla aún no lo ha

 Y aunque la documentación diga lo contrario, ese archivo xpi funciona
 en sistemas 64 bits y en idioma español pero no funciona con
 Thunderbird 24.0 sino con la 24.0.1.



 En una netbook opté por instalar Seamonkey donde la 2.6 funciona bien.

Thunderbird 24.0 también funciona con la 2.6, pero me parecía exagerado 
tener que volver hacia atrás.

 En otra netbook con Kubuntu 12.04 aún no hay actualizado Thunderbird,
 intuyo que esperan que se solucione el problema de incompatibilidad
 entre Thunderbird 24.0.2 y Ligthning 2.6

Pues al paso que van...

Aún no se sabe de quién ha sido la culpa, si de Thunderbird por cambiar 
la compatibilidad de los binarios sin avisar o de Lightning por no sacar 
una actualización al tiempo, pero lo que sí parece evidente es que hay 
una falta de sincronización entre ambos proyectos... una pena, la verdad.



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Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 17:38:14 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de octubre de 2013 17:01, Maykel Franco escribió:
 El día 23 de octubre de 2013 16:57, Camaleón
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:34:29 +, C. L. Martinez escribió:


 Instala el appliance vcenter (está basado en SLES) y listos ... eso
 si tienes licencias :))

 Hum... ¿vCenter no es vSphere?

 Qué follón, y cada vez que entro en la página web de VMware me mareo
 con los cambios. De verdad que compadezco a quien tenga que trabajar
 con los sistemas de esta empresa, que no digo que no sean buenos pero
 parece que cada día sacan el mismo producto con nombre distinto
 recortando prestaciones y aumentando el precio de sus licencias un
 500% :-P

 JAJAJA estoy de acuerdo contigo Camaleón. Yo cada vez que entro a
 descargarme el cliente, no sé ya ni cual descargar, ni cual es el
 servidor jajajaja
 Ya he conseguido conectarme...Ha sido un poco piratilla pero bueno
 jejeje. Me instalado el vmware-workstation y le he metido una serial por
 ahí de esas que hay en internet, que te las dan para que las copies
 ejem...Le metido al licencia mediante linea de comandos y he visto que
 tiene un apartado para connect to remote server...Te deja conectarte a
 un vmware-workstation, esx o vmware center. Va genial.

Pues ahora si que ya no entiendo ná 8-)

¿VMware Workstation no es un hypervisor? ¿Un hypervisor para administrar 
otro hypervisor? Ay, mamita...



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Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 23 de octubre de 2013 18:10, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 17:38:14 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de octubre de 2013 17:01, Maykel Franco escribió:
 El día 23 de octubre de 2013 16:57, Camaleón
 El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:34:29 +, C. L. Martinez escribió:


 Instala el appliance vcenter (está basado en SLES) y listos ... eso
 si tienes licencias :))

 Hum... ¿vCenter no es vSphere?

 Qué follón, y cada vez que entro en la página web de VMware me mareo
 con los cambios. De verdad que compadezco a quien tenga que trabajar
 con los sistemas de esta empresa, que no digo que no sean buenos pero
 parece que cada día sacan el mismo producto con nombre distinto
 recortando prestaciones y aumentando el precio de sus licencias un
 500% :-P

 JAJAJA estoy de acuerdo contigo Camaleón. Yo cada vez que entro a
 descargarme el cliente, no sé ya ni cual descargar, ni cual es el
 servidor jajajaja

 Ya he conseguido conectarme...Ha sido un poco piratilla pero bueno
 jejeje. Me instalado el vmware-workstation y le he metido una serial por
 ahí de esas que hay en internet, que te las dan para que las copies
 ejem...Le metido al licencia mediante linea de comandos y he visto que
 tiene un apartado para connect to remote server...Te deja conectarte a
 un vmware-workstation, esx o vmware center. Va genial.

 Pues ahora si que ya no entiendo ná 8-)

 ¿VMware Workstation no es un hypervisor? ¿Un hypervisor para administrar
 otro hypervisor? Ay, mamita...

Jajaja, vmware-workstation yo siempre lo he usado para crear máquinas
virtuales...Pero no sabía que tenia un conector...Va de lujo os lo
aseguro...Incluso he instalado pfsense diciéndole que cogiera la iso
desde mi máquina local, es decir, ni si quiera he tenido que subir la
iso al servidor para instalar pfsense...La caña vamos...No hay mejor
cliente que uno nativo hecho por ellos desde luego...Te permite hacer
todo, crear VM en remoto en esxi server, cambiarle el hardware, etc

Me parece muy interesante poder usar vmware-workstation para esto y lo
mejor de todo no chupa más que un 3% de CPU.




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CD/DVD se ha perdido.

2013-10-23 Thread Debian GMail

Buenas tardes.
Se me ha perdido la lectograbadora de CD/DVD. (No físicamente)
Hace una semana que han desaparecido los dispositivos

No es problema de cables, y lo verifiqué; anda bien cuando inicio con un 

Es como que no existiese la lectograbadora para el sistema.

/etc/fstab está armado así:
# Discos auxiliares
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

Mi sistema jessie Linux jap 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ lspci | grep SATA
00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset 
Family 4 port SATA IDE Controller (rev 05)
00:1f.5 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset 
Family 2 port SATA IDE Controller (rev 05)

lshw no muestra ninguna lectorabadora.

No he encontrado nada en Google que me ayude; los únicos problemas son 
de personas que no pueden montar discos, no que hayan perdido los 

Si alguno tiene idea, agradezco de antemano.


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Re: [OT] Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 18:15:43 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 23 de octubre de 2013 18:10, Camaleón


 Ya he conseguido conectarme...Ha sido un poco piratilla pero bueno
 jejeje. Me instalado el vmware-workstation y le he metido una serial
 por ahí de esas que hay en internet, que te las dan para que las
 copies ejem...Le metido al licencia mediante linea de comandos y he
 visto que tiene un apartado para connect to remote server...Te deja
 conectarte a un vmware-workstation, esx o vmware center. Va genial.

 Pues ahora si que ya no entiendo ná 8-)

 ¿VMware Workstation no es un hypervisor? ¿Un hypervisor para
 administrar otro hypervisor? Ay, mamita...
 Jajaja, vmware-workstation yo siempre lo he usado para crear máquinas
 virtuales...Pero no sabía que tenia un conector...Va de lujo os lo
 aseguro...Incluso he instalado pfsense diciéndole que cogiera la iso
 desde mi máquina local, es decir, ni si quiera he tenido que subir la
 iso al servidor para instalar pfsense...La caña vamos...No hay mejor
 cliente que uno nativo hecho por ellos desde luego...Te permite hacer
 todo, crear VM en remoto en esxi server, cambiarle el hardware, etc etc.
 Me parece muy interesante poder usar vmware-workstation para esto y lo
 mejor de todo no chupa más que un 3% de CPU.

Bueno, eso es mejor que nada :-)

De todas formas parece que el cliente web de vSphere sí admite linux con 
algunas condiciones:

Aunque dice que necesita conectarse a un servidor vcenter (ahh, eso era 
lo que decía c.l. martinez) y no directamente a las vm, hum... me parece 
que ya voy viendo cómo tiene montado el negocio vmware: el hypervisor es 
gratis -que no libre- pero si lo quieres administrar (obvio...) hay que 
pasar por caja.

A ver si los de OpenStack se ponen las pilas y le dan un susto a estos de 
VMware :-)



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Re: CD/DVD se ha perdido.

2013-10-23 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:19:25 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

 Buenas tardes.
 Se me ha perdido la lectograbadora de CD/DVD. (No físicamente)

Menos mal, ya iba a llamar a emergencias :-P

 Hace una semana que han desaparecido los dispositivos /dev/sr0
 /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd
 No es problema de cables, y lo verifiqué; anda bien cuando inicio con un
 Es como que no existiese la lectograbadora para el sistema.
 /etc/fstab está armado así:
 # Discos auxiliares 
 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

En wheezy lo tengo exactamente como tú.

 Mi sistema jessie Linux jap 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1
 x86_64 GNU/Linux

¿Dices que tienes testing con ese kernel? ¿Seguro? :-?

 $ lspci | grep SATA 00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 6
 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 4 port SATA IDE Controller (rev 05)
 00:1f.5 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
 Family 2 port SATA IDE Controller (rev 05)

lspci no creo que detecte dispositivos ópticos sino los puertos.
 lshw no muestra ninguna lectorabadora.


¿Y qué te dice dmesg? ¿La reconoce?

dmesg | grep -i -e cd -e sr



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Re: CD/DVD se ha perdido.

2013-10-23 Thread Debian GMail

El 23/10/13 14:33, Camaleón escribió:

El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:19:25 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:

Buenas tardes.
Se me ha perdido la lectograbadora de CD/DVD. (No físicamente)

Menos mal, ya iba a llamar a emergencias :-P

Hace una semana que han desaparecido los dispositivos /dev/sr0
/dev/cdrom /dev/dvd

No es problema de cables, y lo verifiqué; anda bien cuando inicio con un
Es como que no existiese la lectograbadora para el sistema.

/etc/fstab está armado así:
# Discos auxiliares
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

En wheezy lo tengo exactamente como tú.

Mi sistema jessie Linux jap 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1
x86_64 GNU/Linux

¿Dices que tienes testing con ese kernel? ¿Seguro? :-?

Ehhh. sí.
No sé por qué no se ha actualizado.
Ya lo hice a mano.
Linux jap 3.10-3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.10.11-1 (2013-09-10) x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ lspci | grep SATA 00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 6
Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 4 port SATA IDE Controller (rev 05)
00:1f.5 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset
Family 2 port SATA IDE Controller (rev 05)

lspci no creo que detecte dispositivos ópticos sino los puertos.

lshw no muestra ninguna lectorabadora.

¿Y qué te dice dmesg? ¿La reconoce?
dmesg | grep -i -e cd -e sr

Dice cualquier cosa menos lo que quiero:
# dmesg | grep -i -e cd -e sr
[0.00] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
[0.00] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
[0.505250] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[0.517889] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.10-3-amd64 ehci_hcd
[0.537871] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 3.10-3-amd64 ehci_hcd


He seguido analizando, y metí dedos en udev.
El pobre registra las cicatrices de mi maltrato al sistema. En los 
últimos 5 años he puesto 6 tipos distintos de lectoras de CD/DVD.
Borré todo y he reiniciado la máquina y le he prestado atención a los 
logs de pantalla
...y parece que hay algún problemita en la grabadora, pues reporta 
errores aleatorios en ATA 3, que es donde está conectada.
La BIOS de la máquina no indicaba que hubiese problemas, ni los hay 
cuando una arranca desde un live-cd.

Por lo que puede deberse a tres causas:
1 - La lectograbadora está en vías de morir.
2 - La controladora de la placa tiene problemas.
3 - El maltrato del tipo pone y saca de discos, dispositivos, placas y 
demás, ha dejado cicatrices que no se cierran en udev, y el pobre está 
esquizofrénico. (Mi instalación ha sobrevivido durante 5 años, en 2 
discos rígidos distintos, en 4 placas distintas, con periféricos 
distintos, mediante clonados y migraciones.)

Hasta que no consiga otra lectograbadora, no quiero seguir probando.
Tengo miedo que si es una falla de ella, me embrome algún puerto S-ATA.


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Re: debian 7 no ejecuta lo que esta en cron.daily

2013-10-23 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Mon, 21 Oct 2013 18:49:16 -0500
Alejandro Gabriel Sánchez Martínez escribió:

 El Lun 21 Oct 2013 20:32:00 Fabián Bonetti escribió:
  On Mon, 21 Oct 2013 18:15:44 -0500
  Alejandro Gabriel Sánchez Martínez wrote:
  Hace así
  #touch /etc/cron.daily/my-script
  #chmod 644 /etc/cron.daily/my-script
  #chmod a+x /etc/cron.daily/my-script
  luego edita y mete el script allí
  #echo date  /var/log/date.log  /etc/cron.daily/my-script
 quiza no me explique bien, en crond.daily y en cron.hourly tengo un archivo 
 echo con vi que se llama date y con permisos 755 dentro de eĺ tendo lo del 
 date , pero no lo ejecuta.

si te explicaste bien , solo que hay gente que entiende lo que quiere

 ls -l /etc/cron.hourly/
 total 4
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 37 oct 21 18:23 date
 root@ldos:/# cat /etc/cron.hourly/date
 date  /var/log/date.log

cambia date por /bin/date
y proba

 tampoco si loponfo en daily es com msi no ejecutara nada del cron, si lo dejo 
 en crontab -e e roort si lo hace, pero lo s de hoora y diario no

revisa el /etc/crontab y fijate si en forma manual podes ejecutar las lineas

Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: Cliente esxi para linux

2013-10-23 Thread Javier Silva
El día 23 de octubre de 2013 16:20, Maykel Franco escribió:
 A más de uno habrá tenido el problema que se me presenta, que ya no
 solo administro KVM, XEN, o proxmox(KVM+OPENVZ) que lo podía hacer por
 web, vnc, etc.

 Ahora se me presenta la administración de vmware esxi, he mirado este
 magnifico software para probarlo:

 Si alguien conoce alguno mejor, se agradece y se comparte.

depende la versión de ESX que tengas, puedes acceder a las máquinas de
manera directa utilizando una página web que los host tienen para
poder realizar esta función.

Si los ESX son de la versión 5, puedes usar vSphere, que aunque
necesita FlashPlayer (algo incomprensible) y los menús se desplegan de
una forma 'extraña' se puede utilizar con las versiones de Flash que
tenemos en Debian, funcionando en Chrome sin problemas, e incluso
utilizando el plugin instalable para la consola.

El caso es que comprando licencia de vSphere, te 'regalan' licencias
de Workstation con las que gestionar las VM, aunque desgraciadamente
con Workstation no es posible realizar todas las tareas que podemos
hacer con vSphere.

Pienso que en este último 'movimiento' han bordado lo absurdo de la
gestión, imponiendo incluso el uso de un Servidor Windows con
SQLServer para gestionar los hosts y las VM cuando hay un número
considerable de éstas. Claramente, están perdiendo el norte.

Javier Silva.

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Re: ssh: problema autenticación usando llave privada... *** SOLUCIONADO ***

2013-10-23 Thread Walter O. Dari


El 23/10/13 12:24, Walter O. Dari escribió:


El 23/10/2013 10:45, Camaleón escribió:
  El Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:23:12 -0300, Walter O. Dari escribió:
   Desde hace unos 2 años vengo haciendo una copia automatizada con
rsync y
   crontab desde un servidor de un cliente a uno de nuestros servidores.
   Para hacerlo había copiado la clave generada con ssh-keygen en el
   servidor del cliente al authorized_keys del nuestro.
   Hasta hace unos 12 días no había problemas. Ahora observo que la
   estaba desactualizada, por lo que ingresé vía ssh al servidor del
   cliente sin problemas, pero cuando desde el servidor del cliente quiero
   entrar al nuestro me pide password.
   ... como ven, aparentemente reconoce las clave pero al final pide
   password, seguramente es algo que no estoy viendo, pero bueno,
   la ayuda.
  La clave (valga la redundancia) del problema la debe de tener el servidor
  al que quieres conectar en el archivo /var/log/auth.log, echa un

Ni bien pueda lo voy a mirar y comento.

Acabo de probar y luego mirar el archivo que me indicó Camaleón, la 
línea en cuestión (en nuestro servidor) mencionaba...

Oct 24 02:23:03 svrsw sshd[11074]: Authentication refused: bad ownership 
or modes for directory /home/bksrpauto

Me fui a ver el /home para ver los permisos del directorio bksrpauto y 
estaban así...

drwxrwxr-x  6 bksrpauto users 4096 oct 23 04:56 bksrpauto

Me llamó la atención el grupo users ya que bksrpauto no pertenece al 
mismo, por lo tanto, luego de un...

svrsw:/home# chgrp bksrpauto bksrpauto/

... pude entrar sin problemas desde el servidor del cliente, ya utiliza 
la clave y no me pide password.

No se en que momento, ni por qué, se habrá modificado el grupo de este 
usuario a users.

Gracias a Eduardo y a Camaleón por la orientación.



Walter O. Dari
skype: waomda

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Re: apt-get ou aptitude?

2013-10-23 Thread Shutdown -h now

O equivalente para o

# aptitude safe-upgrade
 é o
# apt-get install upgrade

enquanto o equivalente para o

# aptitude full-upgrade
é o
# apt-get install dist-upgrade


Em 18 de outubro de 2013 08:53, Gunther Furtado gunfurt...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Em 17.10.2013, quinta, Luiz L. Marins disse:

  Uso aptitude apenas para localizar os arquivos, pois ele informa se
  está instalado, e o apt-get não. Fora isto, só apt-get mesmo .. o
  aptitude mexe demais em coisas que não queremos que mexa, pois se
  desinstalarmos algo, ele quer instalar novamente; é um terror.

 Eu instalo e atualizo com aptitude, e expurgo com apt-get. A minha
 curiosidade é: existe algum comando do apt-get que faça o mesmo que o
 aptitude safe-upgrade?


  Em 17-10-2013 19:52, Tobias Sette escreveu:
   Comumente dizem que o aptitude veio para substituir o apt-get, que
   este último é inferior; mas no último guia de dist upgrade do
   debian é recomendado utilizar apt-get. Alguém sabe explicar?
   Version: 3.12
   GCS/CM/G/H/IT/L/SS d?(--) s++:+ a-- C+++ UL++ P+
   L !E@ W+++
   !N o? K- w !O !M@ !V@ PS PE-- !Y@ PGP t+ 5? X? R+ !tv b+ DI+ !D@ G
   e- h+ r-- y?
   Em 17 de outubro de 2013 14:48, Fred Maranhão escreveu:
   o aptitude search é extremamente poderoso, mas a sintaxe é meio
   logo aqui
   já fala dos parâmetros ?name e ?description, que acho que são o
   que você quer saber.
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 Cuando la guática pide comídica
  Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
  Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
  No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
  Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos. Violeta Parra

 Gunther Furtado
 Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: apt-get ou aptitude?

2013-10-23 Thread Gunther Furtado

Em 23 de outubro de 2013 11:24, Shutdown -h now sh11td...@gmail.comescreveu:


 O equivalente para o

 # aptitude safe-upgrade
  é o
 # apt-get install upgrade

 enquanto o equivalente para o

 # aptitude full-upgrade
 é o
 # apt-get install dist-upgrade

Tenho usado apt-get upgrade (sem o install) e a lista de coisas a instalar
realmente bate com o aptitude safe-upgrade.

estou satisfeito!


 Em 18 de outubro de 2013 08:53, Gunther Furtado 

 Em 17.10.2013, quinta, Luiz L. Marins disse:

  Uso aptitude apenas para localizar os arquivos, pois ele informa se
  está instalado, e o apt-get não. Fora isto, só apt-get mesmo .. o
  aptitude mexe demais em coisas que não queremos que mexa, pois se
  desinstalarmos algo, ele quer instalar novamente; é um terror.

 Eu instalo e atualizo com aptitude, e expurgo com apt-get. A minha
 curiosidade é: existe algum comando do apt-get que faça o mesmo que o
 aptitude safe-upgrade?


  Em 17-10-2013 19:52, Tobias Sette escreveu:
   Comumente dizem que o aptitude veio para substituir o apt-get, que
   este último é inferior; mas no último guia de dist upgrade do
   debian é recomendado utilizar apt-get. Alguém sabe explicar?
   Version: 3.12
   GCS/CM/G/H/IT/L/SS d?(--) s++:+ a-- C+++ UL++ P+
   L !E@ W+++
   !N o? K- w !O !M@ !V@ PS PE-- !Y@ PGP t+ 5? X? R+ !tv b+ DI+ !D@ G
   e- h+ r-- y?
   Em 17 de outubro de 2013 14:48, Fred Maranhão escreveu:
   o aptitude search é extremamente poderoso, mas a sintaxe é meio
   logo aqui
   já fala dos parâmetros ?name e ?description, que acho que são o
   que você quer saber.
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 Cuando la guática pide comídica
  Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
  Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
  No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
  Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos. Violeta Parra

 Gunther Furtado
 Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Parece falso el arrebol
que se desprende de su ser.
Viene del reino de Satán,
toda su sangre respondió,
quemas el árbol del amor,
dejas cenizas al pasar. *Violeta Parra

*Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

Interspire + Debian

2013-10-23 Thread Christian Rosa
Bom tarde PessoALL,
Alguém já implantou o Interspire ? Estou procurando materiais de estudo
pois preciso fazer um trabalho para um cliente antigo meu.
Que infraestrutura eu preciso ? Que serviçoes e pacotes e preciso estar
rodando no servidor ? Quais os passos as serem seguidos do inicio até o
final ?


   _Christian Rosa -
  °v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRASIL
 /(_)\  (51) 92281059
  ^ ^   MSN/SKYPE -
 Linkedin -
Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !

Re: Interspire + Debian

2013-10-23 Thread Christian Rosa
Exato Renato,
Estou com esse projeto, é um mail marketing. Eu imaginei que teria que ter
um LAMP instalado, mas e os disparos dos e-mail como é feito, preciso de um
mta no servidor ?
A respeito do knowlledge base, desconheço, mas é deles mesmo ou de uma
comunidade ?


Em 23 de outubro de 2013 16:52, Renato Batisteli Pinto escreveu:

 Olá Christian
 Tive bastante contato com Interspire, imagino que estas a te referir
 ao Marketter, não?. Eu recordo-em de ter visto na knowlledge base da
 deles informações bastantes completas. Digo isso porque na altura
 estava a ponderar instalar para um cliente e a instalação seria numa
 plataforma LAMP. Além disso, as vezes que precisei de esclarecimentos
 recebi um bom atendimento. Acho que é o melhor lugar para você obter o
 que precisa.

 Boa sorte


 Em 23/10/13, Christian escreveu:
  Bom tarde PessoALL,
  Alguém já implantou o Interspire ? Estou procurando materiais de estudo
  pois preciso fazer um trabalho para um cliente antigo meu.
  Que infraestrutura eu preciso ? Que serviçoes e pacotes e preciso estar
  rodando no servidor ? Quais os passos as serem seguidos do inicio até o
  final ?
 _Christian Rosa -
°v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRASIL
   /(_)\  (51) 92281059
^ ^   MSN/SKYPE -
   Linkedin -
  Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !

 Renato Batisteli Pinto
 *Sales Director*
 *+55 42 91489408*


   _Christian Rosa -
  °v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRASIL
 /(_)\  (51) 92281059
  ^ ^   MSN/SKYPE -
 Linkedin -
Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !

Re: Re: Teste para levantar um novo PDC SAMBA

2013-10-23 Thread Robson Américo
Boa tarde,

Julio, estava pesquisando sobre o assunto e acabei de tropeçar nas suas
aulas, e estou em situação bem semelhante (migrarei um domínio já
existente, com samba4, para outro servidor também com samba4).

Mantendo o SID do dominio, as estações não perceberão a mudança e vão
autenticar normalmente, ok, mas como manter os usuário, grupo e
principalmente as senhas já existentes atualmente?


Robson Américo

Desenvolvimento embarcado no Debian

2013-10-23 Thread Dyego Cantu
Olá pessoal,

Vocês utilizam o Debian para desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados?
Se sim, poderiam me indicar alguma fonte sobre a utilização de toolchain no

Tenho encontrado apenas tutoriais e ferramentas (vide Linaro) para Ubuntu.
Inclusive, gostaria de utilizar o gcc-arm, mas não encontrei no Debian.


Report Bug: Debian Wheezy e Jessie

2013-10-23 Thread Felipe FV
Boa noite a todos.

Já faz alguns dias que venho trabalhando na solução de dois problemas
relacionados às versões estável (Wheezy) e testing (Jessie) do Debian.
Porém, acredito que seja importante informar que não estou reportando o bug
via reportbug, pois utilizo o notebook para trabalho e não poderia mais

Sendo o mais objetivo possível, o que acontece é o seguinte: instalando a
versão estável do Debian em meu notebook, *a ventoinha/fan do processador
roda de 90% a 95% do tempo em velocidade máxima*, mesmo com os sensores
indicando temperaturas bem abaixo dos níveis críticos.

Na versão estável, o cpufreq-utils retorna que o driver carregado para o
processador não é o intel-pstate, mas mesmo assim as informações de limites
de processamento estão corretas. De qualquer maneira, achei interessante
tentar rodar um kernel mais recente.

Não funcionou. Tanto a versão testing quanto o último kernel
disponibilizado (3.11.6) não deram resultado, e ainda trouxeram o segundo
problema: *a perda do controle do brilho do monitor*, que deve ser feito
manualmente em /sys/class/backlight/intel (...).

Hoje estou rodando o Windows 8 no computador, mas realmente gostaria de
solucionar o problema, só que não posso ficar reinstalando o Windows
diariamente, pois a chave tem um número máximo de ativações, e já devo
estar chegando no limite.

Então a pergunta que fica é: há alguma solução para os problemas indicados,
principalmente o da ventoinha?

Informações importantes:
Dell Vostro 3560.
Intel i5-3230M 2.60 Ghz (Turbo Boost 3.20 Ghz).
3rd generation Intel HD Graphics 4000.
BIOS atualizada.

Agradeço a ajuda de todos!


Re: XFCE without GNOME/KDE parts (Debian Wheezy - HP Pavilion dm1)

2013-10-23 Thread recoverym4n
On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:18:10 +0200
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 That makes me wonder, perhaps this works because your install is that

There may be other differences. Versions, build options, etc.
And there's always ltrace and strace to make sure that the software
behaves exactly the way you want it.

 Impossible for my usage, fortunately I anyway mount from a
 terminal. I don't know if the OP could live without G and Dconf and

I didn't install that stuff simply for the sake of an clean experiment.
I'm pretty sure that thunar doesn't use GConf, DConf or GTK+3, so these
libraries were not needed.


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Re: Back in Time fails with Python errors

2013-10-23 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 04:11:09PM -0700, anx_dev wrote:
 Hi all,
 Back in Time is failing with a Python fatal error in Is anyone having 
 the same sort of error?

Possibly. Possibly not. If you listed what the error actually was, it
may be helpful in resolving it.

Karl E. Jorgensen

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Re: XFCE without GNOME/KDE parts (Debian Wheezy - HP Pavilion dm1)

2013-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf

On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:21:16 +0200, wrote:

On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:18:10 +0200
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

That makes me wonder, perhaps this works because your install is that

There may be other differences. Versions, build options, etc.
And there's always ltrace and strace to make sure that the software
behaves exactly the way you want it.

What will you strace, if you're missing the Trash can icon? ;)
And no, I don't need a trash can, even if I delete using the mouse I  
delete and don't move to trash, but usually I use a terminal for file  
browsing and operations like remove. The OP is missing the Trash can icon  
and there's nothing wrong with it, if people want a Trash can.

Impossible for my usage, fortunately I anyway mount from a
terminal. I don't know if the OP could live without G and Dconf and

I didn't install that stuff simply for the sake of an clean experiment.
I'm pretty sure that thunar doesn't use GConf, DConf or GTK+3, so these
libraries were not needed.

Thunar doesn't need them, but other software does. Don't ask me what  
software e.g. gtk3 needs, since I'm booted to

a very old Linux right no.

cat /etc/issue

Welcome to openSUSE 11.2 Emerald RC 1  - Kernel \r (\l).

uname -rm x86_64


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Re: Dying hard drive?

2013-10-23 Thread Jonathan Dowland

 On 23 Oct 2013, at 00:52, Celejar wrote:
 rdiff-backup is buggy (at least, it has at least one serious reported
 bug, known for years but not even acknowledged by upstream), untouched
 for years and apparently abandoned:

Yep. I've not hit that one but I've hit others. Despite this it's still better 
than rsnapshot IMHO, but it's not a great bunch to pick from.

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Re: Blacklisting threads - SOLVED

2013-10-23 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 21 October 2013 20:50:44 Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 03:11:03PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  That tedious.  It was/is getting broken all the time, thus
  getting tangled up with everything else.  It is beginning to be a
  real nuisance.

 Blacklist all the recent participants.

Thanks all for your suggestions.  I have followed this one!  


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Re: Dying hard drive?

2013-10-23 Thread Veljko
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:24:42PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 08:59:05AM +0200, Veljko wrote:
  Do you guys have any advice for this? Should I first run dd on those drives.
  They are part of RAID, so it should be difficult to read data from one drive
  alone, but what is the best way to be sure? And obviously, I'll have to 
  more than one drive.
 Running dd is fine, shred [options] /dev/sd? is even better.

But shred will take forever to finish. Well, guess there is no quicker way. 


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Re: Dying hard drive?

2013-10-23 Thread Veljko
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:01:07PM +0100, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 is rsnapshot doing something different to usual: have you got a lot
 more files in your backup? is it now having to delete old snapshots,
 whereas before it hadn't hit some critical threshold? I found it to
 scale very poorly when I was using it. rdiff-backup is almost a
 drop-in replacement and doesn't suffer the same problem (lots of
 work to adjust large hard link trees)
Nothing important changed. I'm quite happy with rsnapshot. It does take some
time to copy and delete lot of files, but it's expected. Before this issue
with HDDs I haven't had any performance issues. rsnapshot would copy and
delete and load would be low. I'm using RAID10 so that might helped. 

I understood that rdiff-backup is much faster, but I was put away from it
because of stalled development. Also, I like how every backup iteration of
rsnapshot looks complete. 


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audacity export wma format

2013-10-23 Thread François Patte

Is there a debian package to install FFmepg libraries for audacity?

I need to export some audio files to this format.

Thank you.
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

logwatch question

2013-10-23 Thread François Patte

Today, I get this warning from logwatch:

gzip: stdout: No space left on device
system 'zcat '/var/log/syslog.2.gz' 
/tmp/logwatch.X_4YucXv/syslog-archive' failed: 256 at /usr/sbin/logwatch
line 774.
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch exited with return code 2

Upto now there were no problems to run logwatch.

I understand that my /tmp partition is too small, but I don't understand
why logwatch needs more than 1 Gb to write the log digest?

I installed /tmp as tmpfs, is there a config file for logwatch where I
can modify this and tell logwatch to use /var/tmp instead of /tmp?

Thank you
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: XFCE without GNOME/KDE parts (Debian Wheezy - HP Pavilion dm1)

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 08:21, a écrit :

Impossible for my usage, fortunately I anyway mount from a
terminal. I don't know if the OP could live without G and Dconf and

I didn't install that stuff simply for the sake of an clean 
I'm pretty sure that thunar doesn't use GConf, DConf or GTK+3, so 

libraries were not needed.


Don't you have gstreamer installer?
I am interested in how to remove gconf2 and all it's family from my 
system, since I do not understand why I need a configuration system for 
stuff which is only used to play things in my web-browsers... which 
anyway needs flash-player to really play stuff. (it's not the only 
dependency I would like to remove, but it would be a good start. There 
also tons of dependency for libsdl which do not seems to make lot of 

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Re: sysadmin qualifications (Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 04:04, Jerry Stuckle a écrit :

On 10/22/2013 8:47 PM, wrote:

Le 22.10.2013 23:01, Jerry Stuckle a écrit :

On 10/21/2013 5:26 PM, wrote:

Le 18.10.2013 19:36, Jerry Stuckle a écrit :

On 10/18/2013 1:10 PM, wrote:

Le 18.10.2013 17:22, Jerry Stuckle a écrit :

On 10/17/2013 12:42 PM, wrote:

Le 16.10.2013 17:51, Jerry Stuckle a écrit :

I only know few people who actually likes them :)
I liked them too, at a time, but since I can now use 

pointers in C++, I tend to avoid them. I had so much 
troubles with

so now I only use them for polymorphism and sometimes RTTI.
I hope that someday references will become usable in 
containers... (I think they are not because of technical 

but I
do not know a lot about that. C++ is easy to learn, but hard 


Good design and code structure eliminates most pointer 
proper testing will get the rest.  Smart pointers are nice, 
but in

real time processing they are an additional overhead (and an
one at that since you don't know the underlying libraries).

Depends on the smart pointer. shared_ptr indeed have a runtime 

since it maintains additional data, but unique_ptr does not,
afaik, it
is made from pure templates, so only compilation-time cost.

You need to check your templates.  Templates generate code.  
needs resources to execute.  Otherwise there would be no 

between a unique_ptr and a C pointer.

In practice, you can replace every occurrence of
std::unique_ptrint by
int* in your code. It will still work, and have no bug. Except, 
course, that you will have to remove some .get(), .release() 

things like that here and there.
You can not do the inverse transformation, because you can not 


The only use of unique_ptr is to forbid some operations. The 
code it
generates is the same as you would have used around your raw 

new, delete, swap, etc.
Of course, you can say that the simple fact of calling a method
have an
overhead, but most of unique_ptr's stuff is inlined. Even 

speaking about compiler's optimizations.

Even inlined code requires resources to execute.  It is NOT as 

as regular C pointers.

I did some testing, to be sure. With -O3, the code is exactly the 
Did not tried with -O1 and -O2. Without optimization, the 5 lines 
pointers were half sized of those using unique_ptr. But I never 
softwares not optimized (the level depends on my needs, and 
usually I do

not use -O3, though).

First of all, with the -O1 and -O2 optimization you got extra code.

Did you try it? It just did, with a code doing simply a new and a 

with raw against unique_ptr. In short, the simplest usage possible.
Numbers are optimization level, p means pointer and u means 

It seems that it is the 2nd level of optimization which removes the

Which is why your -O3 was able to optimize the extra code out.  A
more complicated test would not do that.

I'll try to make a more complicated test today, which uses all common 
stuff between raw and unique pointers.

  7244 oct.  23 01:57 p0.out
  6845 oct.  23 01:58 p1.out
  6845 oct.  23 01:58 p2.out
  6845 oct.  23 01:58 p3.out

11690 oct.  23 01:59 u0.out
10343 oct.  23 01:59 u1.out
  6845 oct.  23 01:59 u2.out
  6845 oct.  23 01:59 u3.out

That means the template DOES create more code.  With -O3, your
*specific test* allowed the compiler to optimize out the extra 

But that's only in your test; other code will not fare as well.

Indeed it adds code. But what is relevant is what you will release, 
if by adding some switches (I am interested in that stuff now, but 
tired from now. Tomorrow I'll make testing with various switches to 
which one exactly allows to have those results, plus a better 

code. Sounds like a good occasion to learn few things.) you have the
same final results, then it is not a problem, at least for me.

Only in your simple case.

Now, I have never found any benchmark trying to compare raw pointers 

unique_ptr, could be interesting to have real numbers instead of
assumptions. I'll probably do that tomorrow.

I don't care about benchmarks in such things.  If I need a
unique_ptr, I use a unique_ptr.  If I don't, I (may) use a raw

I do not really like benchmarks, to be honest, but if I can learn 
something by writing some testing code, then why not.

If there is a performance problem later, I will find the problem and
fix it.  But I don't prematurely optimize.


when the unique_ptr object is destroyed, the object being pointed 

must also be destroyed.

If you do not provide an empty deleter, you are right. This is the
default behavior. But you can provide one, for example if you need 

interface with C 

Re: Boot Problems with 2.6.32-5-686 Kernel

2013-10-23 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 08:54:55PM -0700, Mark Phillips wrote:
I ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade this morning on an old server
(Debian Squeeze) and the system won't boot now. I get the error
kernel panic not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown
One of the updates was to kernel 2.6.32-5-686. I can boot in to safe mode
with this kernel, and the upgrade wiped out the older version of the
I have googled for possible solutions, but nothing helpful is popping up.
I am also running grub, and not grub2, but that is OK for this kernel
according to [1]
Any suggestions on how to proceed?

I would suggest that your first port of call is to update the initramfs.
You haven't told us what your root filesystem is, though. If it's a
common filesystem on a regular partition, then you should be fine. But
if you've got RAID or LVM or anything exotic going on, then try adding
rootdelay=30 to the kernel commandline, too.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian and UEFI and GPT

2013-10-23 Thread Steve McIntyre
Bret Busby wrote:

I am wondering whether the amd64 versions of Debian 6 and 7 install and 
run on a UEFI/GPT system.

From what I understand, FreeBSD does not yet install and run on a 
UEFI/GPT system, and so I assume that Debian kfreebsd also does not yet 
install and run on a UEFI/GPT system, and I am wondering whether the 
amd64 versions of Debian 6 and 7, install and run on a UEFI/GPT system.

Wheezy (Debian 7) for amd64 was the first release with native support
for UEFI. Earlier versions will recognise and support GPT
partitioning, but if you must have UEFI booting you will need version

The kfreebsd ports don't (yet) have UEFI support, I'm waiting for help
/ guidance to add it on our installation media.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
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Re: Configuring multiple IP addresses on VLAN interface using ifupdown

2013-10-23 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Bonno Bloksma wrote:

 allow-auto eth0.9
 iface eth0.9 inet static
   post-up ip address add dev eth0.9

 What I use is:
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

 auto vlan100
 iface vlan100 inet static
 vlan-raw-device eth0

 This is just one address: Steffen was looking for a multiple-address method.

 For that I use the post-up ip address add ... lines too.

 On an external gateway I have multiple lines like that to get all the 
 up for which that interface handles the incoming data.

 If each address is to have its own vlan then it is still doable but a bit more

And that didn't work for the OP using e-n-i...

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Re: linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 unbootable: /dev/disk/by-uuid not created

2013-10-23 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Jogi Hofmüller wrote:
 Am 2013-10-18 12:42, schrieb Jogi Hofmüller:
 Am 2013-10-18 10:35, schrieb Jesse Molina:

 As previously noted, this was a bug in mdadm and has already been fixed
 in the current version. Just update your mdadm package and then
 re-build your initramfs file with the update-initramfs command. Be
 sure to read the manpage for that command. Probably update-initramfs
 -u alone will fix your problem.

 Thanks for the hint. Read the bugreport before and figured it is not
 relevant since we are using mdadm 3.2.5 which is supposed to be working.

 Still, did the upgrade to 3.3-2: no change.

 BTW: all this happens on an Intel Serverbarebone (RZ1208GZ4GC) with
 SATA drives on C600/X79 series chipset SATA controler.

 A similar machine with Series/C200 Series Chipset SATA controler boots
 just fine with the same setup (linux-image-3.10-3-amd64 and mdadm 3.2.5).

 Does anyone have experience with Intel Serverbarebones? I figure it has
 something to do with the SATA controler ...

 I tried using linux-image-3.11-1 from sid today and got the same result. No
 RAID is created. I really don't know where to start looking now. Any ideas?
 Wrong list?

Feel free to find another list.

At what point does your boot stop?

Are you dropped to an initramfs shell?

Is the array assembled?

Are the by-uuid entries created?

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Re: upgrade to wheezy

2013-10-23 Thread Stephen Allen
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 02:20:43AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2013-10-23 at 00:05 +0200, mess-mate wrote:
  Thanks to all for the help !!
 You're welcome, but next time please write in plain text. On most
 mailing lists and this is one of them, HTML is frowned upon.

It was multipart message, using mutt moi didn't see any html. 

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Re: Start Synaptic with user password (NOT root password)

2013-10-23 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 11:09 PM, anx_dev wrote:

 Since the change for pkexec, Synaptic cannot be started with a user
 with sudo privileges. This is _very_ cumbersome if you have to admin
 several machines with a central NIS for users and allowing only the
 user sitting on the machine to have sudo on _that_ machine. Should
 I report a bug? Is there a easy way to change this configuration for
 all machines quickly?

How are the users given sudo access?

By default, members of the sudo group are pkexec admins:

$ cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-debian-sudo.conf

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Re: Start Synaptic with user password (NOT root password)

2013-10-23 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 20:34 -0400, Frank McCormick wrote:

 I have also had this problem for a while - I thought it was related to
 Mate which I run.
 gksudo will run it here...but pkexec will not.

 I don't know pkexec. Does it allow something gksudo doesn't allow?
 If there should be the need to log in as another user with gksudo, this
 does the trick:

 xhost +
 gksudo -u add_another_user_here $*
 xhost -

xhost + is a sledge-hammer.

xhost +si:localuser:another_user

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Re: Start Synaptic with user password (NOT root password)

2013-10-23 Thread Joel Rees
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:09 AM, anx_dev wrote:
 Hi all,

 Since the change for pkexec, Synaptic cannot be started with a user with sudo 
 privileges. This is _very_ cumbersome if you have to admin several machines 
 with a central NIS for users and allowing only the user sitting on the 
 machine to have sudo on _that_ machine. Should I report a bug? Is there a 
 easy way to change this configuration for all machines quickly?


Something like this help?

sudo synaptic

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart.

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Re: Once again about anacron cron cron.daily

2013-10-23 Thread Harry Putnam
Bob Proulx writes:

 Harry Putnam wrote:
 I'm still not getting the whole picture of what is supposed to happen
 on a machine with both anacron and cron installed.

 And you might be tired of having me respond about it.  :-)

Not on your life!  I have a certain fondness for descriptive and very
helpful posts here.

 I have lines like the one below in /etc/crontab 
 [...] test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd /  run-parts --report 
/etc/cron.daily )
 Ok, it tests for the presence of /usr/sbin/anacron, checks that it is
 executable and sees to it that this user has permission to run it.

 Yes.  The this user part is part that you trimmed off.  It runs as
 the root user.  The root user will always have permission.  Let me
 show the part you trimmed off.  (Times might be different.)

I was trying to say... I 'got' all that.  But I think your formulation
is a bit off.  test -x doesn't care who is running what... it checks
to see that the soul calling test -x has permission to run the app it
is called against... at least, that was my reading of `man test'.

But yes, in our subject case it is expected to be root..

From `man test'

   -x FILE
 FILE exists and execute (or search) permission is granted


 But where and when does anacron actually get called to run?
 That line appears to expect anacron to be called somewhere else.

 Yes.  The anacron itself is actually called from ... cron! :-)

   $ dpkg -L anacron

Bingo, thank you sir... now it starts to make sense... and thanks too
for pointing out what I  should have thought of as a way to get a clue
using `dpkg -L'.

And just a small supplement to help you understand why I didn't quite
follow the setup... On the first sign of trouble with logs not getting
processed, I checked what state anacron was in with
`/etc/init.d/anacron status', which gave a blank no reply which made
me assume, (apparently wrongly) that anacron was not running.

So, I started thinking it was not getting called.


 /etc/init.d/anacron start.  Why invoke-rc.d?  Because the local
 admin may have set up a policy-rc.d configuration that disables it.

I was just wondering why `invoke-rc.d', now I get that too, thanks.


 I've never taken any actions on anacron and don't remember even
 installing it purposely... so am I supposed to put it into a run

 I can't believe I didn't recommend to you at some previous time that
 you should probably just remove anacron.  Do you need it?  If not then
 remove it.  (I would 'purge' it and remove the config files too.)

You did, on the very first response to slightly different subject but
still involving `cron' and `anacron', might have been on the emacs
list though.

And about needing anacron. Yes, I guess I'm just the type of user that
anacron was designed for. My machine is shut off nearly every day, and
sometimes isn't started for a day or two.  When it is, there is no
rigid pattern time wise.

Seems like, if not anacron then I'd need to be a lot more trick and
careful with cron scheduling or do some scripting or the like.


 Or, does it get called somewhere else in the cron setup?

 Yes!  You have guessed it.

 Also there is apm support.  When power is plugged in and unplugged
 then anacron is run or stopped.

Interesting... and good to know.  It doesn't effect me at the moment
but at some point I will probably have debian running on a laptop.

Oh, and I hope you do not tire of answering my often poorly worded

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reset perms and ownerships

2013-10-23 Thread Mário Barbosa


( this is most likely a RTFM question, please just point me to the right FM)

One inexperienced colleague just something along the likes of...

 sudo chown someuser:somegroup / ; sudo chmod someperms /

(it's actually a little more elaborate than that, but you get the picture)

... and then came back to me for help.

I'm a sysadmin on the RH/CentOS camp, and my confort level with apt-* 
and dpkg* is extremely low.

Is there anything like rpm -V on the debian toolset? I'm trying to 
avoid punishing him (further) with reinstall...

Thanks in advance,
Mário Barbosa

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Re: Blacklisting threads - SOLVED

2013-10-23 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 09:41:57 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

Hello Lisi,

On Monday 21 October 2013 20:50:44 Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 Blacklist all the recent participants.  
Thanks all for your suggestions.  I have followed this one!  

Be aware though, that if somebody new posts to the thread, you'll see
their messages, and any quote(s) they contain so the thread re-emerges.
Also, blacklisting the people will block their posts to that, and any
other thread, not just those to the thread you were/are trying to quell.

OTOH, you might consider that a Good Thing®.   ;-)

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
It's cool to know nothin'
Never Miss A Beat - Kaiser Chiefs

Description: PGP signature

How to ditch nouveau driver with nVidia card

2013-10-23 Thread Harry Putnam
  Running Debian testing
  Video card (from lspci):

  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV36 [GeForce
FX 5700LE] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem:
Micro-Star International ...

I'm getting some kind of horrible sequence of events on many (not all)

It started a few months ago, and I suspect following some kind of
update but I didn't really notice it so much at first and didn't
really get busy checking into it Seems to have gotten worse

What happens is I get what looks like some kind of screen saver
effect, but during bootup, when X is not running.  Seems to break up
the colors from the grub boot screen and makes horizontal and vertical
patterns of lines with those colors.  But it takes over the screen and
no login appears, pressing enter or any other keys has no effect.
 (I boot to console No X, calling startx when I need it)

Using a reboot usually fixes it, and it comes up normally, but lately
its taking several reboots to get a clean boot.

During the problem screen, at least I can still ssh in remotely and
tailing /var/log/messages I'm seeing piles and piles of lines like
these: (wrapped for mail)

Oct 23 06:57:05 reader kernel: 
   [   52.162552] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR
- Ch 0/3 Mthd 0x0be8 Data 0x03f001b8

Those lines just poor out while the goofy screen is in place.

Once I get a clean boot, no more log messages.

I see by googling that the nouveau driver has some reported bugs
(Not necessarily debian bugs) involving exactly that log error.

I'd like to go back to the old `nv' driver I used to use when running
Gentoo, or some other driver that will work with my card and just
ditch that nouveau driver.

Can anyone guide me a bit as to how to do that?

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Re: Start Synaptic with user password (NOT root password)

2013-10-23 Thread anx_dev
Em terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013 22h30min02s UTC-2, Ralf Mardorf  escreveu:
 On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 16:09 -0700, anx_dev wrote:
  Synaptic cannot be started with a user with sudo privileges.
 Does it work if you use gksudo?
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Yes, it works with gksudo.

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Re: Start Synaptic with user password (NOT root password)

2013-10-23 Thread anx_dev
Em quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013 09h00min02s UTC-2, Tom H  escreveu:
 On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 11:09 PM, anx_dev wrote:
  Since the change for pkexec, Synaptic cannot be started with a user
  with sudo privileges. This is _very_ cumbersome if you have to admin
  several machines with a central NIS for users and allowing only the
  user sitting on the machine to have sudo on _that_ machine. Should
  I report a bug? Is there a easy way to change this configuration for
  all machines quickly?
 How are the users given sudo access?
 By default, members of the sudo group are pkexec admins:
 $ cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-debian-sudo.conf
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Interesting. I add the users to the sudoers on that machine using visudo. I'll 
try to add the users to the sudo group and test to see which password it asks. 

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Re: Start Synaptic with user password (NOT root password)

2013-10-23 Thread anx_dev
Em terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013 23h00min02s UTC-2, Ralf Mardorf  escreveu:
 On Tue, 2013-10-22 at 20:34 -0400, Frank McCormick wrote:
  I have also had this problem for a while - I thought it was related to
  Mate which I run.
  gksudo will run it here...but pkexec will not.
 I don't know pkexec. Does it allow something gksudo doesn't allow?
 If there should be the need to log in as another user with gksudo, this
 does the trick:
 xhost +
 gksudo -u add_another_user_here $*
 xhost -
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The idea is not to use xhost, as I would have to teach each user how to use it, 
and that can lead to a series of problems...

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Re: reset perms and ownerships

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 14:13, Mário Barbosa a écrit :


( this is most likely a RTFM question, please just point me to the 
right FM)

One inexperienced colleague just something along the likes of...

 sudo chown someuser:somegroup / ; sudo chmod someperms /

(it's actually a little more elaborate than that, but you get the 

... and then came back to me for help.

Hopefully he'll remember that using super user powers have to be made 
with care :)

I'm a sysadmin on the RH/CentOS camp, and my confort level with apt-*
and dpkg* is extremely low.

Is there anything like rpm -V on the debian toolset? I'm trying to
avoid punishing him (further) with reinstall...

It does not do any control (which is the role of rpm -V if I understood 
correctly the man), but apt-get --reinstall might help. But if he did 
the changes on /etc, it won't work, because configuration files won't be 
modified ( it removes and installs, not purge and installs ).

I think you might have solutions, but what has been changed, exactly? 
Software binaries in /usr? Configuration files in /etc? Other stuff in 

Maybe simply changing back the perms and ownerships might be simpler, 

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Re: gnome depends on adblock-plus

2013-10-23 Thread Marko Randjelovic
On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:45:55 +0200
Marko Randjelovic wrote:

 On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:46:16 +0200 wrote:
  I think that midori is still maintained?
 Never heard of it, except in Debian repo, anyway I'll give it a try.

I got very frustrated about Webkit (Midori uses Webkit). I found enormous 
number of bugs in CVE list, but most of them were related to products that use 
Webkit such as Google Chrome, I should determine if they originated from Webkit 
or those products, but it was impossible due to their number, then I wanted to 
check few of them, but it was also not possible because Webkit bug tracker 
didn't allow me to view relevant page, even when I registered and logged in.

Web browsers that use Webkit: kazehakase, arora, epiphany-browser, luakit, 
midori, surf, xxxterm.

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Re: How to ditch nouveau driver with nVidia card

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 14:26, Harry Putnam a écrit :

  Running Debian testing
  Video card (from lspci):

  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV36 [GeForce
FX 5700LE] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem:
Micro-Star International ...

I'm getting some kind of horrible sequence of events on many (not 


It started a few months ago, and I suspect following some kind of
update but I didn't really notice it so much at first and didn't
really get busy checking into it Seems to have gotten worse

What happens is I get what looks like some kind of screen saver
effect, but during bootup, when X is not running.  Seems to break up
the colors from the grub boot screen and makes horizontal and 
patterns of lines with those colors.  But it takes over the screen 

no login appears, pressing enter or any other keys has no effect.
 (I boot to console No X, calling startx when I need it)

Using a reboot usually fixes it, and it comes up normally, but lately
its taking several reboots to get a clean boot.

During the problem screen, at least I can still ssh in remotely and
tailing /var/log/messages I'm seeing piles and piles of lines like
these: (wrapped for mail)

Oct 23 06:57:05 reader kernel:
   [   52.162552] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0: PFIFO_CACHE_ERROR
- Ch 0/3 Mthd 0x0be8 Data 0x03f001b8

Those lines just poor out while the goofy screen is in place.

Once I get a clean boot, no more log messages.

I see by googling that the nouveau driver has some reported bugs
(Not necessarily debian bugs) involving exactly that log error.

I'd like to go back to the old `nv' driver I used to use when running
Gentoo, or some other driver that will work with my card and just
ditch that nouveau driver.

Can anyone guide me a bit as to how to do that?

Did you try to purge and reinstall nouveau?
Other solutions I can think about are to use the vesa driver but things 
will be slow, or to use the proprietary NVidia's one, but it's closed 
source ( I personally do not mind, but maybe you do ).

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Re: Rebooting and HDD spinup / spindown cycles [WAS: Re: Debian Wheezy - HP Pavilion dm1]

2013-10-23 Thread Curt
On 2013-10-23, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Isn't that plausible? I'm the source, I care for facts, not for claims
 from vendors.

From your favorite company:

 Power Cycles. The power cycles indicator counts the
 number of times a drive is powered up and down. In
 a server-class deployment, in which drives are powered
 continuously, we do not expect to reach high enough
 power cycle counts to see any effects on failure rates.
 Our results find that for drives aged up to two years, this
 is true, there is no significant correlation between fail-
 ures and high power cycles count. But for drives 3 years
 and older, higher power cycle counts can increase the
 absolute failure rate by over 2%. We believe this is due
 more to our population mix than to aging effects. More-
 over, this correlation could be the effect (not the cause)
 of troubled machines that require many repair iterations
 and thus many power cycles to be fixed.

 Power-on hours. Although we do not dispute that
 power-on hours might have an effect on drive lifetime,
 it happens that in our deployment the age of the drive is
 an excellent approximation for that parameter, given that
 our drives remain powered on for most of their life time.

Key findings:

· Contrary to previously reported results, we found
  very little correlation between failure rates and ei-
  ther elevated temperature or activity levels.
· Some SMART parameters (scan errors, realloca-
  tion counts, offline reallocation counts, and proba-
  tional counts) have a large impact on failure proba-
· Given the lack of occurrence of predictive SMART
  signals on a large fraction of failed drives, it is un-
  likely that an accurate predictive failure model can
  be built based on these signals alone.

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maintained web-browser ( was: Re: gnome depends on adblock-plus )

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 14:36, Marko Randjelovic a écrit :

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:45:55 +0200
Marko Randjelovic wrote:

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:46:16 +0200 wrote:

 I think that midori is still maintained?

Never heard of it, except in Debian repo, anyway I'll give it a try.


I got very frustrated about Webkit (Midori uses Webkit). I found
enormous number of bugs in CVE list, but most of them were related to
products that use Webkit such as Google Chrome, I should determine if
they originated from Webkit or those products, but it was impossible
due to their number, then I wanted to check few of them, but it was
also not possible because Webkit bug tracker didn't allow me to view
relevant page, even when I registered and logged in.

Web browsers that use Webkit: kazehakase, arora, epiphany-browser,
luakit, midori, surf, xxxterm.

I must admit that no webkit browser convinced me until now. You forgot 
uzbl, dillo, dwb... all of them are slow and/or buggy. I do not really 
think it is because they are using webkit, of course.

On the other hand, there are not a lot of graphical web browsers using 
another renderer. Except firefox, IE and opera, I do not know any to be 

If you have any suggestion of webbrowser to try, I will be happy to 
learn it's name, even it I need to compile it. Web-browsers are one of 
the most use tools nowadays, but no one is really good, even in 
The choices I have found are between fast and not too buggy ( 
mainstream ) which are bloated, and non bloated but surprisingly, slow 
and buggy as hell ( all other I have found ).

Of all the non-mainstream ones I tried, the only potentially usable one 
was midori.

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sluggish iceweasel

2013-10-23 Thread Stephen Powell
I have been using the iceweasel web browser for years; but in the past several
weeks using an up-to-date jessie system, iceweasel has become very sluggish.
Even the simplest operations, like scrolling the screen, have become so sluggish
that iceweasel has become almost unusable.  I just tried switching to Epiphany,
not known for lightning speed, but Epiphany is quite snappy compared to 
now.  Is it just me?  Or has someone else noticed this too?  Is there relief in

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Boot Problems with 2.6.32-5-686 Kernel

2013-10-23 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 3:54 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade this morning on an old server 
 (Debian Squeeze) and the system won't boot now. I get the error

 kernel panic not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown -block(0,0)

 One of the updates was to kernel 2.6.32-5-686. I can boot in to safe mode 
 with this kernel, and the upgrade wiped out the older version of the kernel.

 I have googled for possible solutions, but nothing helpful is popping up. I 
 am also running grub, and not grub2, but that is OK for this kernel according 

Are the root and kernel lines of the regular and recovery lines
diffeent (other than the recovery kernel line having single added)?

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Re: sluggish iceweasel

2013-10-23 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 09:07:21 -0400 (EDT)
Stephen Powell wrote:

Hello Stephen,

I have been using the iceweasel web browser for years; but in the past
several weeks using an up-to-date jessie system, iceweasel has become
very sluggish.

No problems here, Stephen.  Although, sometimes, flash can slow things a
good deal but quitting and restarting Iceweasel cures that.

I assume you've tried running in safe-mode and/or as a different user,
to see if those make any difference?

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
I hit the ground, boy have I arrived!
The History Of The World (Part 1) - The Damned

Description: PGP signature

Re: maintained web-browser ( was: Re: gnome depends on adblock-plus )

2013-10-23 Thread Linux-Fan
On 10/23/2013 02:50 PM, wrote:
 Le 23.10.2013 14:36, Marko Randjelovic a écrit :
 On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:45:55 +0200
 Marko Randjelovic wrote:

 On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:46:16 +0200 wrote:

  I think that midori is still maintained?

 Never heard of it, except in Debian repo, anyway I'll give it a try.


 I got very frustrated about Webkit (Midori uses Webkit). I found
 enormous number of bugs in CVE list, but most of them were related to
 products that use Webkit such as Google Chrome, I should determine if
 they originated from Webkit or those products, but it was impossible
 due to their number, then I wanted to check few of them, but it was
 also not possible because Webkit bug tracker didn't allow me to view
 relevant page, even when I registered and logged in.

 Web browsers that use Webkit: kazehakase, arora, epiphany-browser,
 luakit, midori, surf, xxxterm.
 I must admit that no webkit browser convinced me until now. You forgot
 uzbl, dillo, dwb... all of them are slow and/or buggy. I do not really
 think it is because they are using webkit, of course.
 On the other hand, there are not a lot of graphical web browsers using
 another renderer. Except firefox, IE and opera, I do not know any to be

And the developers of Opera decided to discontinue developing their own
engine which leaves even fewer renderers. On the other hand, WebKit has
been forked by Google for new Chrome browsers. This might (in the
future) cause two different WebKit-like rendering engines to exist.


 If you have any suggestion of webbrowser to try, I will be happy to
 learn it's name, even it I need to compile it. Web-browsers are one of
 the most use tools nowadays, but no one is really good, even in mainstream.
 The choices I have found are between fast and not too buggy ( mainstream
 ) which are bloated, and non bloated but surprisingly, slow and buggy as
 hell ( all other I have found ).

I am also still looking for a smaller browser. Iceweasel is the most
memory-intensive application apart from VirtualBox, 7-Zip and games I am
usually running. However, I also like (and need) the extensibility of
Iceweasel: I would not consider a browser useful unless you can disable
JavaScript by default enabling it only temporarily like with NoScript.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: gnome depends on adblock-plus

2013-10-23 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Marko Randjelovic wrote:

 I got very frustrated about Webkit (Midori uses Webkit). I found enormous 
 of bugs in CVE list, but most of them were related to products that use 
 Webkit such
 as Google Chrome, I should determine if they originated from Webkit or those
 products, but it was impossible due to their number, then I wanted to check 
 few of
 them, but it was also not possible because Webkit bug tracker didn't allow me 
 view relevant page, even when I registered and logged in.

Hasn't Google forked Webkit?

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Re: reset perms and ownerships

2013-10-23 Thread Mário Barbosa


On 10/23/2013 01:33 PM, wrote:

Hopefully he'll remember that using super user powers have to be made
with care :)

He will. :)

Is there anything like rpm -V on the debian toolset? I'm trying to
avoid punishing him (further) with reinstall...

It does not do any control (which is the role of rpm -V if I understood
correctly the man), but apt-get --reinstall might help. But if he did
the changes on /etc, it won't work, because configuration files won't be
modified ( it removes and installs, not purge and installs ).

I already did something along the lines of...

cd /var/cache/apt/archives
ls -1 *.deb | xargs sudo dpkg -Gi

(after manually fixing ownerships on sudo binaries, working dir's, and 
config/data files)

... which apparently solves some of the problems, but is far from fixing 
everything (ownerships of /etc and /var being just two examples).

I think you might have solutions, but what has been changed, exactly?
Software binaries in /usr? Configuration files in /etc? Other stuff in

Upon further investigation, here's what was done:

sudo chown -R someuser:somegroup /

Maybe simply changing back the perms and ownerships might be simpler, too.

Thought about it, but I have no reference to mimic (meaning: I have no 
definite list of previous user and group ownerships to refer/compare to).

Guess I'll bite the bullet and reinstall the machine (with the added 
advantage of solving other - unrelated - problems).

Thank you for your help,
Mário Barbosa

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Re: maintained web-browser ( was: Re: gnome depends on adblock-plus )

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 15:16, Linux-Fan a écrit :

On 10/23/2013 02:50 PM, wrote:

Le 23.10.2013 14:36, Marko Randjelovic a écrit :

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:45:55 +0200
Marko Randjelovic wrote:

On Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:46:16 +0200 wrote:

 I think that midori is still maintained?

Never heard of it, except in Debian repo, anyway I'll give it a 


I got very frustrated about Webkit (Midori uses Webkit). I found
enormous number of bugs in CVE list, but most of them were related 
products that use Webkit such as Google Chrome, I should determine 
they originated from Webkit or those products, but it was 

due to their number, then I wanted to check few of them, but it was
also not possible because Webkit bug tracker didn't allow me to 

relevant page, even when I registered and logged in.

Web browsers that use Webkit: kazehakase, arora, epiphany-browser,
luakit, midori, surf, xxxterm.

I must admit that no webkit browser convinced me until now. You 
uzbl, dillo, dwb... all of them are slow and/or buggy. I do not 

think it is because they are using webkit, of course.

On the other hand, there are not a lot of graphical web browsers 
another renderer. Except firefox, IE and opera, I do not know any to 


And the developers of Opera decided to discontinue developing their 

engine which leaves even fewer renderers.

I have read this information here and there. But for now, version 12 
still uses their home made engine, and it works correctly enough for me.

On the other hand, WebKit has
been forked by Google for new Chrome browsers. This might (in the
future) cause two different WebKit-like rendering engines to exist.


If you have any suggestion of webbrowser to try, I will be happy to
learn it's name, even it I need to compile it. Web-browsers are one 
the most use tools nowadays, but no one is really good, even in 
The choices I have found are between fast and not too buggy ( 
) which are bloated, and non bloated but surprisingly, slow and 
buggy as

hell ( all other I have found ).

I am also still looking for a smaller browser. Iceweasel is the 
memory-intensive application apart from VirtualBox, 7-Zip and games I 

usually running. However, I also like (and need) the extensibility of
Iceweasel: I would not consider a browser useful unless you can 
JavaScript by default enabling it only temporarily like with 

This is indeed a vital feature, to be able to disable JS on a per 
website base. I am quite happy that opera provides it natively. It is 
only sad that it is not easily accessible.
I personally favor websites which are usable without any plugin and JS, 
so I keep those features disabled by default, except websites I trust. 
At a time, I did the same for cookies, but now I simply forbid external 
ones. I should configure that back to no cookies at all I think.

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Re: How to ditch nouveau driver with nVidia card

2013-10-23 Thread Curt
On 2013-10-23, Harry Putnam wrote:

 I'd like to go back to the old `nv' driver I used to use when running
 Gentoo, or some other driver that will work with my card and just
 ditch that nouveau driver.

 Can anyone guide me a bit as to how to do that?

I don't think you can go back to the 'nv' driver, which was supplanted
by the 'nouveau' driver, without complications, though I could be wrong.

You can go forward to the evil (though tempting because it works
reliably (in my experience at least)) proprietary nvidia driver,
guidance for the installation of which is available here:

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Re: reset perms and ownerships

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 15:29, Mário Barbosa a écrit :


On 10/23/2013 01:33 PM, wrote:

Hopefully he'll remember that using super user powers have to be 

with care :)

He will. :)

Is there anything like rpm -V on the debian toolset? I'm trying 

avoid punishing him (further) with reinstall...

It does not do any control (which is the role of rpm -V if I 
correctly the man), but apt-get --reinstall might help. But if he 
the changes on /etc, it won't work, because configuration files 
won't be

modified ( it removes and installs, not purge and installs ).

I already did something along the lines of...

cd /var/cache/apt/archives
ls -1 *.deb | xargs sudo dpkg -Gi

But this will install everything you installed if you never cleaned 
that dir... you may find useful this command in the future:

$ aptitude search '~i'

The ~i means all installed packages. The generated list will include 
all automatically installed packages so it's not perfect for your needs, 
but I do not remember the exact syntax to exclude them. Aptitude's 
manual should help here.

(after manually fixing ownerships on sudo binaries, working dir's,
and config/data files)

... which apparently solves some of the problems, but is far from
fixing everything (ownerships of /etc and /var being just two

I think you might have solutions, but what has been changed, 
Software binaries in /usr? Configuration files in /etc? Other stuff 


Upon further investigation, here's what was done:

sudo chown -R someuser:somegroup /

wow... he really did that on /. You could add to the lesson to never 
use recursive changes on root directory I guess...

Maybe simply changing back the perms and ownerships might be 
simpler, too.

Thought about it, but I have no reference to mimic (meaning: I have
no definite list of previous user and group ownerships to
refer/compare to).

Guess I'll bite the bullet and reinstall the machine (with the added
advantage of solving other - unrelated - problems).

You could try to not reinstall the whole system with installer, but 
simply use aptitude (with the ncurse interface) to purge (and not 
remove, so that configuration files are removed and reinstalled) all 
packages. Then, installing them back, if you know what you need. Given 
that you still have the files in /var/cache/apt/archives it should not 
involve any downloading, and you will skip the installer's questions.
Between the purge and reinstalling, you could probably change back 
every ownership and perms to root in / (except /home of course) and 
remove users and groups which could have been installed by packages.

It is simply a solution which might be faster than reinstalling. Or 
not, it depends on what you have installed so far.

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Re: Blacklisting threads - SOLVED

2013-10-23 Thread Dmitrii Kashin
Lisi Reisz writes:

 On Monday 21 October 2013 20:50:44 Jonathan Dowland wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 03:11:03PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  That tedious.  It was/is getting broken all the time, thus
  getting tangled up with everything else.  It is beginning to be a
  real nuisance.

 Blacklist all the recent participants.

 Thanks all for your suggestions. I have followed this one!

Lisi, I'm afraid it was *not* a suggestion, but a very bad joke.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Blacklisting threads - SOLVED

2013-10-23 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 10/23/2013 10:20 AM, Dmitrii Kashin wrote:
 Blacklist all the recent participants.
 Thanks all for your suggestions. I have followed this one!
 Lisi, I'm afraid it was *not* a suggestion, but a very bad joke.

be careful what you ask for:)
rm -rf *

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: reset perms and ownerships

2013-10-23 Thread Mário Barbosa

On 10/23/2013 02:48 PM, wrote:

I already did something along the lines of...

cd /var/cache/apt/archives
ls -1 *.deb | xargs sudo dpkg -Gi

But this will install everything you installed if you never cleaned that
dir... you may find useful this command in the future:
$ aptitude search '~i'

The ~i means all installed packages. The generated list will include all
automatically installed packages so it's not perfect for your needs, but
I do not remember the exact syntax to exclude them. Aptitude's manual
should help here.

Thank you for this tip. Added it to my toolbox (my own private command 
cheat sheets).


Upon further investigation, here's what was done:

sudo chown -R someuser:somegroup /

wow... he really did that on /. You could add to the lesson to never use
recursive changes on root directory I guess...

In his defense, his only mistake was running a post-receive hook out of 
its context (different current dir, different user). What is written in 
that hook/script is my responsibility.

* Should he have done it? No.
* Should I have enforced proper working dir? Probably yes.

He is not a sysadmin, so maybe I should have anticipated some of these 
wildcard type of actions...

You could try to not reinstall the whole system with installer, but
simply use aptitude (with the ncurse interface) to purge (and not
remove, so that configuration files are removed and reinstalled) all
packages. Then, installing them back, if you know what you need. Given
that you still have the files in /var/cache/apt/archives it should not
involve any downloading, and you will skip the installer's questions.
Between the purge and reinstalling, you could probably change back every
ownership and perms to root in / (except /home of course) and remove
users and groups which could have been installed by packages.

It is simply a solution which might be faster than reinstalling. Or not,
it depends on what you have installed so far.

The idea of purging config files scares me quite a bit. Are edited 
files saved somewhere (like rpm does with the .rpmsave extensions)? 
Maybe then I'm trading one type of problem for another (the new one 
being validating that every config is set as needed)...

Berenger, thank you for your help. Please, waste no more of your time on 

Mário Barbosa

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Re: Blacklisting threads - SOLVED

2013-10-23 Thread Brian
On Wed 23 Oct 2013 at 13:27:11 +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:

 Be aware though, that if somebody new posts to the thread, you'll see
 their messages, and any quote(s) they contain so the thread re-emerges.
 Also, blacklisting the people will block their posts to that, and any
 other thread, not just those to the thread you were/are trying to quell.
 OTOH, you might consider that a Good Thing®.   ;-)

I think the OP probably realises that but it as well to spell it out for
other readers. A more surgical approach would be to target headers such
as References: and In-Reply-To: and filter on one or both of them. I
expect this would have its own drawbacks but at least it gets closer to
the blacklisting of all participants in a particular thread.

The idea is to get the Message-ID of the first post, but ones from
subsequent mails should also be useful. My perspective is that of a user
of Mutt. Mutt has the abilty to pipe a mail to a script; I think Kmail
can also do this.

In Mutt:

   macro index f4 |/home/brian/extract

extract has

   MID=$(cat - | grep -i ^Message-ID | cut -d -f2 | cut -d -f1) 

What is done with the Message-ID is up to you. Using it in procmail is
one idea. However, I collect mail with POP3 and have mailfilter filter
mails on the server, so the script also has

   echo DENY=\^References:.*${A}\  
   echo DENY=\^In-Reply-To:.*${A}\  

in it.

Pressing F4 in mutt takes a second and the DENY rules delete the mails
for the thread you do not want to see when the POP3 server is accessed. 


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Re: Blacklisting threads - SOLVED

2013-10-23 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Wednesday 23 October 2013 15:20:37 Dmitrii Kashin wrote:
  On Monday 21 October 2013 20:50:44 Jonathan Dowland wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 03:11:03PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
   That tedious.  It was/is getting broken all the time, thus
   getting tangled up with everything else.  It is beginning to
   be a real nuisance.
  Blacklist all the recent participants.
  Thanks all for your suggestions. I have followed this one!

 Lisi, I'm afraid it was *not* a suggestion, but a very bad joke.

I have been accused before of having no sense of humour. :-(  But it 
really _was_ a good suggestion.  I have been barely reading one of 
the posters for some time anyway because I find him/her such hard 
work to read and try to understand.

So you were helpful in spite of yourself!


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Re: Blacklisting threads - SOLVED

2013-10-23 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Wednesday 23 October 2013 13:27:11 Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 09:41:57 +0100
 Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Monday 21 October 2013 20:50:44 Jonathan Dowland wrote:
  Blacklist all the recent participants.
 Thanks all for your suggestions.  I have followed this one!

 Be aware though, that if somebody new posts to the thread, you'll
 see their messages, and any quote(s) they contain so the thread
 re-emerges. Also, blacklisting the people will block their posts to
 that, and any other thread, not just those to the thread you
 were/are trying to quell.

 OTOH, you might consider that a Good Thing®.   ;-)



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Re: Rebooting and HDD spinup / spindown cycles [WAS: Re: Debian Wheezy - HP Pavilion dm1]

2013-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-10-23 at 12:44 +, Curt wrote:
 On 2013-10-23, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  Isn't that plausible? I'm the source, I care for facts, not for claims
  from vendors.
 From your favorite company:
  Power Cycles. The power cycles indicator counts the
  number of times a drive is powered up and down. In
  a server-class deployment, in which drives are powered
  continuously, we do not expect to reach high enough
  power cycle counts to see any effects on failure rates.
  Our results find that for drives aged up to two years, this
  is true, there is no significant correlation between fail-
  ures and high power cycles count. But for drives 3 years
  and older, higher power cycle counts can increase the
  absolute failure rate by over 2%. We believe this is due
  more to our population mix than to aging effects. More-
  over, this correlation could be the effect (not the cause)
  of troubled machines that require many repair iterations
  and thus many power cycles to be fixed.
  Power-on hours. Although we do not dispute that
  power-on hours might have an effect on drive lifetime,
  it happens that in our deployment the age of the drive is
  an excellent approximation for that parameter, given that
  our drives remain powered on for most of their life time.
 Key findings:
 · Contrary to previously reported results, we found
   very little correlation between failure rates and ei-
   ther elevated temperature or activity levels.
 · Some SMART parameters (scan errors, realloca-
   tion counts, offline reallocation counts, and proba-
   tional counts) have a large impact on failure proba-
 · Given the lack of occurrence of predictive SMART
   signals on a large fraction of failed drives, it is un-
   likely that an accurate predictive failure model can
   be built based on these signals alone.

Don't confuse

12 Power_Cycle_Count


193 Load_Cycle_Count

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Re: reset perms and ownerships

2013-10-23 Thread berenger . morel

Le 23.10.2013 16:24, Mário Barbosa a écrit :

On 10/23/2013 02:48 PM, wrote:

I already did something along the lines of...

cd /var/cache/apt/archives
ls -1 *.deb | xargs sudo dpkg -Gi

But this will install everything you installed if you never cleaned 

dir... you may find useful this command in the future:
$ aptitude search '~i'

The ~i means all installed packages. The generated list will include 
automatically installed packages so it's not perfect for your needs, 
I do not remember the exact syntax to exclude them. Aptitude's 

should help here.

Thank you for this tip. Added it to my toolbox (my own private
command cheat sheets).


Upon further investigation, here's what was done:

sudo chown -R someuser:somegroup /

wow... he really did that on /. You could add to the lesson to never 

recursive changes on root directory I guess...

In his defense, his only mistake was running a post-receive hook out
of its context (different current dir, different user). What is
written in that hook/script is my responsibility.

* Should he have done it? No.
* Should I have enforced proper working dir? Probably yes.

He is not a sysadmin, so maybe I should have anticipated some of
these wildcard type of actions...

Checking all external data is always a good idea in programming. Users 
(humans or external softwares) can do really strange things sometimes.

You could try to not reinstall the whole system with installer, but
simply use aptitude (with the ncurse interface) to purge (and not
remove, so that configuration files are removed and reinstalled) all
packages. Then, installing them back, if you know what you need. 
that you still have the files in /var/cache/apt/archives it should 
involve any downloading, and you will skip the installer's 
Between the purge and reinstalling, you could probably change back 

ownership and perms to root in / (except /home of course) and remove
users and groups which could have been installed by packages.

It is simply a solution which might be faster than reinstalling. Or 

it depends on what you have installed so far.

The idea of purging config files scares me quite a bit. Are edited
files saved somewhere (like rpm does with the .rpmsave extensions)?
Maybe then I'm trading one type of problem for another (the new one
being validating that every config is set as needed)...

No, they are not saved, you have to do that manually (but it only 
affects those in /etc, not userland files).

Exactly as if you were trying to reinstall from scratch, in fact.

Berenger, thank you for your help. Please, waste no more of your time
on this.

Not a real loss of time.

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Re: How to ditch nouveau driver with nVidia card

2013-10-23 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-10-23 at 13:50 +, Curt wrote:
 On 2013-10-23, Harry Putnam wrote:
  I'd like to go back to the old `nv' driver I used to use when running
  Gentoo, or some other driver that will work with my card and just
  ditch that nouveau driver.
  Can anyone guide me a bit as to how to do that?
 I don't think you can go back to the 'nv' driver, which was supplanted
 by the 'nouveau' driver, without complications, though I could be wrong.
 You can go forward to the evil (though tempting because it works
 reliably (in my experience at least)) proprietary nvidia driver,
 guidance for the installation of which is available here:

Yes, nv already was removed from most distros, when nouveau was nearly
unusable. Nowadays nouveau is very good, I would test nouveau even for
3D acceleration, before using the proprietary driver.

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Re: sluggish iceweasel

2013-10-23 Thread Dmitrii Kashin
Stephen Powell writes:

 I have been using the iceweasel web browser for years; but in the past several
 weeks using an up-to-date jessie system, iceweasel has become very sluggish.
 Even the simplest operations, like scrolling the screen, have become so 
 that iceweasel has become almost unusable.

I do not see this problem. What is your hardware? 

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