Re: Re: Quel EDI pour une application node.js ?

2014-09-20 Thread Dominique Dumont
On Wednesday 17 September 2014 11:19:26 Adrien Poupin wrote:
 Ainsi et pour en revenir plus spécifiquement à Debian, dans le cadre du
 développement d'une application web en node.js, quelqu'un aurait-il un
 retour d'expérience sur un IDE qui se trouverait dans les dépôts, comme
 geany par exemple, ou encore sur un EDI propriétaire installé en local ?

Mes collègues utilisent sublimetext2, mais c'est propriétaire et ne tourne pas 
sous Linux. 

Perso j'utilise emacs avec js2-mode et le paquet de refactoring (js2-refactor 
?). Mais il faut installer des versions récentes de ces paquets avec Melpa 

Je m'en sert aussi bien pour éditer le code coté serveur web (nodejs) ou coté 
web app (angularjs ou enyojs)



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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le vendredi 19 septembre 2014, 23:50:43 Francois Lafont a écrit 


 Le 19/09/2014 20:38, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
Nan, les vrais puristes préfèrent la purée^W^W apt-get et
  utiliser debtags et [...]
 Juste par curiosité, c'est possible de faire ce que demande
 le PO avec apt-get et/ou apt-cache ?

  Non. Les tags ne sont utilisés que par debtags et aptitude (et 
synaptic…). apt-cache search ne regarde que les champs nom et 

 Puisque le PO a eu sa réponse, je me permets de prolonger un
 peu ce fil avec cette simple question : qu'en est-il
 réellement aujourd'hui en 2014 entre apt-get et aptitude ?
 Les deux sont-ils interchangeables, y en a-t-il un préférable
 à l'autre dans tel ou tel domaine ?

  Les deux sont interchangeables.
  apt-get est un peu plus rapide : aptitude perd un peu de temps 
en initialisation.
  apt-get et aptitude n’ont pas les mêmes algorithmes pour 
résoudre les dépendances. Quand il s’agit de faire une grosse 
màj sans vouloir éplucher en détail ce qui va être fait, apt-get 
est plus « sûr », plus conservateur. Aptitude a plus tendance à 
enlever des paquets.
  Mais, perso, je préfère aptitude : j’aime bien maîtriser ce 
qui est mis à jour, enlevé, remplacé, etc. Avec la GUI 
d’aptitude, je peux voir tout de suite ce qui est mis à jour, 
parcourir la liste, vérifier le changelog ('C'), vérifier les 
raisons ('i' ou regarder les détails du paquet), régler les 
problèmes de dépendances (fréquents aussi en Sid avec les 
paquets qui n’arrivent pas tous en même temps). Je peux aussi 
voir ce qui arrive au jour le jour : l’état est sauvegardé entre 
deux sessions, donc les paquets marqués à màj ('U') la veille 
sont encore marqués le lendemain quand je vérifie ce qui vient 
d’arriver, ça permet de vérifier incrémentalement (une ou deux 
fois par jour) mais de ne vraiment faire là màj que quand je le 
décide (une ou deux fois par semaine). Et tout se fait au 
  Si je devais faire la même chose avec apt-get, je passerais 
mon temps à taper des commandes et à revenir en arrière pour 
vérifier les sorties précédentes, voire même à les enregistrer 
pour faire des diffs…

  Donc, pour résumer :
— apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
  dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
— aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread Francois Lafont
Le 20/09/2014 12:16, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :

   Donc, pour résumer :
 — apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
   dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
 — aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.

Merci bien pour toutes ces explications. :)

François Lafont

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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread maderios

On 09/20/2014 02:09 PM, Francois Lafont wrote:

Le 20/09/2014 12:16, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :


   Donc, pour résumer :
— apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
   dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
— aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.

Et Synaptic pour gérer les paquets en 3 clics avec les avantages cumulés 
de apt-get et aptitude sans leurs inconvénients. Le seul problème de 
Synaptic, c'est qu'il est  trop facile de s'en servir, donc mal accepté 
par ceux qui prennent plaisir à se compliquer la vie...  :-)  :-)


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2014-09-20 Thread Kreatik


Ce que je dois faire est un sauvegarde externe d'une série de dossiers 
sensibles d'un client. Qui vont oui passer via le World Wild Wolf :)

J'ai pensé utiliser SSH. Vu le volume des  dossiers ce cerait stupide de 
faire autre chose qu'une synchro pour mettre à jour le dossier externe 
de sauvegarde avec les nouvelles données de la journée. La synchro sera 

Le but est de rapatrier d'un point A en passant par WWW vers un point B 
seulement les modifications et créations de la journée.

Je vais aller jetter un oeil sur le fil et unison

Déjà merci pour vos info

Le 19/09/2014 19:52, Genjinophil a écrit :


J'aurais besoin d'un avis et de quelques petits conseils de votre 
part. Voila je dois mettre en place une synchronisation de deux 
dossiers de distant séparé par la jungle d'internet. le tout est a des 
fin de sauvegarde. J'ai cherché et j'ai trouvé RSYNC, cela a l'air de 
convenir pour ce que je dois faire.

Mais en fait j'aimerais connaitre votre position si vous deviez faire 
de même. Es ce le bon système à utiliser ? Y a t'il autre chose ?  Je 
suis à la recherche de quelques conseils avisés.

Merci par avance

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2014-09-20 Thread JF Straeten


On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 05:12:56PM +0200, Kreatik wrote:

 Ce que je dois faire est un sauvegarde externe d'une série de
 dossiers sensibles d'un client. Qui vont oui passer via le World
 Wild Wolf :)

SSH est là pour ça ;)

 Le but est de rapatrier d'un point A en passant par WWW vers un
 point B seulement les modifications et créations de la journée.

C'est assez rapide et facile à faire avec rsync...

J'ai déjà fait ce genre de chose avec un script comme :

BKPDIR=../versions/$(date +%Y%m%d/%H%M%S)

rsync -aA -e 'ssh -p  -i /root/.ssh/lothar_rsa' \
--backup --backup-dir=$BKPDIR \
--log-file=/var/log/synchro.log \
--delete --numeric-ids --delete-excluded \

Le -e '...', ça sert à passer des options à ssh (ici, connexion sur un
port non standard sur le serveur distant [ -p ... ] et
authentification par clé [ -i ...]) ; tu peux virer si t'as pas.

Et avec --backup-dir=..., tu as une sauvegarde de l'existant à
distance dans /srv/versions/jours/heures avant que rsync ne mette
à jour la destination ; même remarque si pas utile.

 Je vais aller jetter un oeil sur le fil et unison

Si ça peut bouger des deux côtés en même temps et qu'il faut
réconcilier les modifs pour finir avec deux répliquas identiques,
alors unison s'impose. (Bien que certains le font aussi avec rsync,
mais c'est i) prise de tête et ii) ça reste dangereux.)

Sinon, dans un seul sens, la solution rsync est plus rapide.




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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread Vincent Besse
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:02:49 +0200
maderios wrote:

 On 09/20/2014 02:09 PM, Francois Lafont wrote:
  Le 20/09/2014 12:16, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Donc, pour résumer :
  — apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
 dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
  — aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.
 Et Synaptic pour gérer les paquets en 3 clics avec les avantages cumulés 
 de apt-get et aptitude sans leurs inconvénients. Le seul problème de 
 Synaptic, c'est qu'il est  trop facile de s'en servir, donc mal accepté 
 par ceux qui prennent plaisir à se compliquer la vie...  :-)  :-)

Est-ce que synaptic, comme le fait aptitude, mémorise quels paquets ont
été installés pour satisfaire des dépendances et propose de les enlever
quand on enlève lesdites dépendances? Auquel cas j' accepte de
rejoindre la rangée des gens qui kiffent à mort la complication :-)


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Debian abandonnerait E17

2014-09-20 Thread maderios

Je découvre que les paquets E17 seraient bientôt sortis de Debian en 
raison d'un bug constaté par deux utilisateurs.
Pour ma part, ce bug n'existe ni dans Sid ni dans Jessie. Je suis 
satisfait de E17.
J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre cette histoire d'écran noir et je me 
demande comment un simple rapport de bug non vérifié par la communauté 
peut mettre à mort des paquets majeurs.  A mon avis, le pb est ailleurs. 
Certains évoquent un manque de mainteneurs.
J'ai laissé un message sur la page du rapport de bug  pour signifier mon 

Avez vous constaté ce bug?

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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:02:49 +0200
maderios a écrit:

 On 09/20/2014 02:09 PM, Francois Lafont wrote:
  Le 20/09/2014 12:16, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Donc, pour résumer :
  — apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
 dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
  — aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.
 Et Synaptic pour gérer les paquets en 3 clics avec les avantages cumulés 
 de apt-get et aptitude sans leurs inconvénients. Le seul problème de 
 Synaptic, c'est qu'il est  trop facile de s'en servir, donc mal accepté 
 par ceux qui prennent plaisir à se compliquer la vie...  :-)  :-)

J'utilise synaptic depuis longtemps et il faut bien avouer que des fois il a
bien du mal et qu'un passage par apt-get devient salvateur.
Par exemple jusqu'à la dernière mise à jour de la libc il se prenait les pieds
dans le tapis et j'étais obligé de faire apt-get install -f depuis la console
pour remettre les choses en ordre.
Il aussi le défaut de ne pas être du tout explicite quand les dépendances sont
problématiques, car il n'affiche pas clairement ce qu'il manque. Il râle mais
on ne sait pas ce qui ne va pas alors qu'apt-get indique clairement le


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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread maderios

On 09/20/2014 07:06 PM, Vincent Besse wrote:

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:02:49 +0200
maderios wrote:

On 09/20/2014 02:09 PM, Francois Lafont wrote:

Le 20/09/2014 12:16, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :


Donc, pour résumer :
— apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
— aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.

Et Synaptic pour gérer les paquets en 3 clics avec les avantages cumulés
de apt-get et aptitude sans leurs inconvénients. Le seul problème de
Synaptic, c'est qu'il est  trop facile de s'en servir, donc mal accepté
par ceux qui prennent plaisir à se compliquer la vie...  :-)  :-)

Est-ce que synaptic, comme le fait aptitude, mémorise quels paquets ont
été installés pour satisfaire des dépendances et propose de les enlever
quand on enlève lesdites dépendances? Auquel cas j' accepte de
rejoindre la rangée des gens qui kiffent à mort la complication :-)

tu parles de apt-get autoremove ?


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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread maderios

On 09/20/2014 08:12 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

Le Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:02:49 +0200
maderios a écrit:

On 09/20/2014 02:09 PM, Francois Lafont wrote:

Le 20/09/2014 12:16, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :


Donc, pour résumer :
— apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
— aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.

Et Synaptic pour gérer les paquets en 3 clics avec les avantages cumulés
de apt-get et aptitude sans leurs inconvénients. Le seul problème de
Synaptic, c'est qu'il est  trop facile de s'en servir, donc mal accepté
par ceux qui prennent plaisir à se compliquer la vie...  :-)  :-)

J'utilise synaptic depuis longtemps et il faut bien avouer que des fois il a
bien du mal et qu'un passage par apt-get devient salvateur.
Par exemple jusqu'à la dernière mise à jour de la libc il se prenait les pieds
dans le tapis et j'étais obligé de faire apt-get install -f depuis la console
pour remettre les choses en ordre.
Il aussi le défaut de ne pas être du tout explicite quand les dépendances sont
problématiques, car il n'affiche pas clairement ce qu'il manque. Il râle mais
on ne sait pas ce qui ne va pas alors qu'apt-get indique clairement le
J'utilise Synaptic avec du pinning (Jessie+Sid), je n'ai pas constaté 
ces pb.

Cela dépend peut-être de la manière dont on a configuré apt et synaptic.
J'utilise également apt-get quand je suis sur la console, 
exceptionnellement aptitude.
Il est vrai que quand la maj est problématique, il faut passer par 
apt-get install -f  ou Dpkg, mais pour la maintenance courante, que de 
temps gagné!


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Re: apt-get versus aptitude [fût Re: Recherche des méta-paquets installés]

2014-09-20 Thread sylvain baal
perso apt-get install update dist-update upgrade clean autoremove ; que
je soit en mode graphique ou en mode texte j'utilise debian sur mon pc
et sur dixaine de serveurs et jamais eu de problème 

On 09/20/2014 08:12 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 Le Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:02:49 +0200
 maderios a écrit:

 On 09/20/2014 02:09 PM, Francois Lafont wrote:
 Le 20/09/2014 12:16, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :


 Donc, pour résumer :
 --- apt-get : installer un ou deux paquets sans beaucoup de
 dépendances ou faire une màj « en aveugle » ;
 --- aptitude : maîtriser les màjs.

 Et Synaptic pour gérer les paquets en 3 clics avec les avantages cumulés
 de apt-get et aptitude sans leurs inconvénients. Le seul problème de
 Synaptic, c'est qu'il est  trop facile de s'en servir, donc mal accepté
 par ceux qui prennent plaisir à se compliquer la vie...   

 J'utilise synaptic depuis longtemps et il faut bien avouer que des
 fois il a
 bien du mal et qu'un passage par apt-get devient salvateur.
 Par exemple jusqu'à la dernière mise à jour de la libc il se prenait
 les pieds
 dans le tapis et j'étais obligé de faire apt-get install -f depuis la
 pour remettre les choses en ordre.
 Il aussi le défaut de ne pas être du tout explicite quand les
 dépendances sont
 problématiques, car il n'affiche pas clairement ce qu'il manque. Il
 râle mais
 on ne sait pas ce qui ne va pas alors qu'apt-get indique clairement le
J'utilise Synaptic avec du pinning (Jessie+Sid), je n'ai pas constaté
ces pb.
Cela dépend peut-être de la manière dont on a configuré apt et synaptic.
J'utilise également apt-get quand je suis sur la console,
exceptionnellement aptitude.
Il est vrai que quand la maj est problématique, il faut passer par
apt-get install -f  ou Dpkg, mais pour la maintenance courante, que de
temps gagné!


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Re: Debian abandonnerait E17

2014-09-20 Thread Frédéric MASSOT

Le 20/09/2014 20:10, maderios a écrit :

Je découvre que les paquets E17 seraient bientôt sortis de Debian en
raison d'un bug constaté par deux utilisateurs.
Pour ma part, ce bug n'existe ni dans Sid ni dans Jessie. Je suis
satisfait de E17.
J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre cette histoire d'écran noir et je me
demande comment un simple rapport de bug non vérifié par la communauté
peut mettre à mort des paquets majeurs. A mon avis, le pb est ailleurs.
Certains évoquent un manque de mainteneurs.
J'ai laissé un message sur la page du rapport de bug pour signifier mon
Avez vous constaté ce bug?

En parlant de paquet viré de Debian, Roundcube est sortie de Debian 
testing en juin car les sources sont fournies avec les fichiers de 
jquery minimifiés :

N'est pas paquet Debian qui veut.  :o)

|  |
|   |
| +33.(0)  +33.(0) |

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Re: Debian abandonnerait E17

2014-09-20 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:32:38 +0200
Frédéric MASSOT a écrit:

 Le 20/09/2014 20:10, maderios a écrit :
  Je découvre que les paquets E17 seraient bientôt sortis de Debian en
  raison d'un bug constaté par deux utilisateurs.
  Pour ma part, ce bug n'existe ni dans Sid ni dans Jessie. Je suis
  satisfait de E17.
  J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre cette histoire d'écran noir et je me
  demande comment un simple rapport de bug non vérifié par la communauté
  peut mettre à mort des paquets majeurs. A mon avis, le pb est ailleurs.
  Certains évoquent un manque de mainteneurs.
  J'ai laissé un message sur la page du rapport de bug pour signifier mon
  Avez vous constaté ce bug?
 En parlant de paquet viré de Debian, Roundcube est sortie de Debian 
 testing en juin car les sources sont fournies avec les fichiers de 
 jquery minimifiés :
 N'est pas paquet Debian qui veut.  :o)

Si ce n'est que d'une sortie de testing dont il s'agit il ne faut pas
s'inquiéter outre mesure. C'est régulier qu'un paquet sorte de testing mais y
rerentre avant le freeze.
Tant que ça reste dans sid c'est que ça va revenir.



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Re: Re: Quel EDI pour une application node.js ?

2014-09-20 Thread Belaïd
J'ai déjà utilisé sublime text 2 et tourne bien sur linux
Le 20 sept. 2014 08:23, Dominique Dumont a écrit :

 On Wednesday 17 September 2014 11:19:26 Adrien Poupin wrote:
  Ainsi et pour en revenir plus spécifiquement à Debian, dans le cadre du
  développement d'une application web en node.js, quelqu'un aurait-il un
  retour d'expérience sur un IDE qui se trouverait dans les dépôts, comme
  geany par exemple, ou encore sur un EDI propriétaire installé en local ?

 Mes collègues utilisent sublimetext2, mais c'est propriétaire et ne tourne
 sous Linux.

 Perso j'utilise emacs avec js2-mode et le paquet de refactoring
 ?). Mais il faut installer des versions récentes de ces paquets avec Melpa

 Je m'en sert aussi bien pour éditer le code coté serveur web (nodejs) ou
 web app (angularjs ou enyojs)



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Era: Escritorio mas limpio

2014-09-20 Thread Juan José López
El Sat, 20 Sep 2014 05:33:01 +0200
Etemenanki escribió:

  Si instalas algo con un interfaz y ese algo luego lo desinstalas
  con otro, eso otro interfaz no tiene los datos de instalación en
  sus registros y ahí empieza el problema de que no se desinstalen
  bien los paquetes.
  Desterrando mitos que arrastra el pobre e incomprendido Aptitude
  por blogs y redes sociales incoming... :-D
  No estoy de acuerdo. Suelo utilizar aptitude como norma;
  ocasionalmente apt-get; y después de desinstalar paquetes 'para
  pruebas', paso deborphan.
 Ídem en lo de aptitude. apt-get y deborphan no los suelo usar, nada
 más alguna vez por curiosidad.

aptitude es mi centro de paquetes, y no entiendo como es que no ha
desterrado ya a 'apt-get' (excepto usos ocasionales). La facilidad que
da para examinar paquetes y sus dependencias es tremenda. Para mantener
un entorno mínimo, es tremendamente práctica. Miras un paquete, entras
en sus dependencias, y buscas paquetes con dependencias comunes que se
adapten a las tareas que quieres.

  apt-get y deborphan no tienen una 'base de datos' propia. Se
  limitan a utilizar la base de datos global de dpkg, que a su vez se
  limita a indicar los paquetes presentes en el sistema y sus
 deborphan ni idea por que no lo uso, apt-get no tiene una base
 propia, pero usa la de APT, que a su vez usa la de dpkg.

deborphan instala una utilidad llamada 'orphaner'. Se limita a buscar
paquetes que no son utilizados por ningún otro, lo que permite

A diferencia de 'aptitude', no utiliza datos propios. 'aptitude'
recuerda los paquetes que el usuario instaló el mismo (no como
dependencias de otros), y los mantiene en el sistema. 'deborphan' no
tiene en cuenta como se instaló el paquete; si ningúno depende de él,
lo propone para desinstalar.

Por ejemplo, si instalas un paquete para alguna tarea puntual, y luego
olvidas desinstalarlo, 'deborphan' te lo muestra como paquete
susceptible de eliminar.

Otro uso: algunos paquetes dependen de una de entre varias opciones;
'phonon' (de KDE) depende de 'phonon-backend-vlc' o de

En mi caso, suelo instalar primero el backend. Si lo hago con
'aptitude' y selecciono 'phonon-backend-vlc', cuando desinstale
'phonon' me mantiene el backend, porque lo instale yo (no fue

deborphan no tiene en cuenta eso, y siempre me propondra el backend
como paquete a eliminar.

 Aquí muestro algunas localizaciones para confirmarlo:
 apt-get que como no tiene base propia usa la de APT
 /var/log/apt/history.log + term.log
 dpkg (herramienta principal también sus registros)

 Estamos de acuerdo en que dpkg es la herramienta base (herramienta de
 bajo nivel), APT es una biblioteca considerada un frontend de dpkg
 (herramienta de alto nivel) y apt-get, aptitude, etc... son a su vez
 frontends de APT (más alto nivel aún xD). 
  aptitude si tiene datos propios, pero tan solo se percata de
  paquetes ELIMINADOS; es decir, si recuerda que un paquete estaba
  instalado y ya no lo está, propondrá su instalación. Solo propondrá
  desinstalar un paquete, sea cual sea el método de instalación, si
  se ha configurado para eliminar paquetes no utilizados por otros.
 Aptitude se percata de más cosas que solamente de los paquetes
 eliminados, mira por cada paquete los diferentes estados que hay en
 su base de datos:
   Package: linux-source-3.14
   Architecture: amd64
   Unseen: yes
   State: 1
   Dselect-State: 1
   Remove-Reason: 0
  De cualquier forma, todos los front-ends (que eso son) terminan
  llamando a dpkg con las opciones pertinentes; es este el que
  realiza el verdadero trabajo.

La verdad es que el hecho de que 'aptitude' y 'apt-get' guarden bases
de datos separadas en una mala solución, desde el punto de vista de
mantener un sistema limpio de paquetes no usados. 'autoclean' de uno y
otro, según eso, borran paquetes distintos. OJO, que no se esto a
ciencia cierta, pero es lo que se desprende de su organización.

 Cierto, el camino completo es, frontends → APT → dpkg.
  Eso implica que no quedan paquetes 'mal instalados' ni dependencias
  incumplidas, instalemos como instalemos. dpkg se encarga de ello.
 Yo no he dicho que haya problemas al instalar, ni que queden los
 programas mal instalados, ni que queden dependencias incumplidas por
 mezclar los frontends. Lo que he dicho es que los problemas vienen
 al desinstalar. Que te pueden quedar resquicios por ahí, pero nada
 que un buen administrador no sepa resolver, claro está.

Es lo que sobrentendí referente a la frase 'y ahí empieza el problema
de que no se desinstalen bien los paquetes'.

  No confundir lo anterior con la diferencia entre 'desinstalar' y
  'purgar'. Lo primero deja los 

Re: Actualización Phonon sobre KDE

2014-09-20 Thread Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso
On Friday 19 September 2014 10:36:13 Debian GMail wrote:
 Desde la actualización de antes de ayer en (testing), me está dando lata
 este cartel:
 Phonon's VLC backend failed to start.
 This usually means a problem with your VLC installation, please report a
 bug with your distributor.

¿Estás mezclando repositorios?

 vlc 1:2.2.0~pre3-dmo1
 vlc-nox 1:2.2.0~pre3-dmo1
 vlc-plugin-notify   1:2.2.0~pre3-dmo1

Esos paquetes son de debian multimedia. Testing tiene vlc 2.1.5 y no he 
experimentado problemas.

posibles soluciones:

- Mándales un bug a los de debian multimedia.

- Mira a ver si deb-multimedia tiene paquetes más nuevos, asegurate que 
instalas paquetes para jessie y no para sid.

- Pásate a los paquetes oficiales de jessie.


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Re: Envío de correos demorados con Exim4

2014-09-20 Thread JulHer

El 19/09/14 13:48, Mauro Antivero escribió:

Estimados, en mi lugar de trabajo tenemos un servidor configurado con
Cacti, el cual se encarga de enviar alarmas por e-mail cuando algo
sucede (por ejemplo un equipo deja de responder o se supera algún límite
de temperatura, tráfico, etc. establecido.

El problema que estoy teniendo es que a veces cuando hacemos un
mantenimiento y apagamos determinados equipos, claro está, se generan
varias alarmas. Estas se multiplican exponencialmente si por algún
motivo tenemos que apagar uno de los routers que conecta a este servidor
(en donde está el Cacti) al resto de los servidores. Pierde toda la
conectividad y entonces genera muchísimas alarmas.

Pues bien, está claro que lo que hay que hacer es detener el poller de
Cacti para realizar este tipo de tareas, pero fuera de eso me gustaría
saber que es lo que pasa que cuando se generan tantos correos estos
quedan frenados en la cola de salida del servidor en el cual corre Cacti.

Ya consulté con el administrador de correo de la cuenta que tiene que
recibir dichos correos y me dice que no hay nada que demore la recepción
de los mismos. De hecho tiene configurada una lista blanca para
aceptar sin peros la recepción de correos provenientes del servidor en
cuestión. Esto ya lo han chequeado varias veces y me dicen que el
problema no viene por el lado del servidor que recibe, así que por lo
tanto apunto a algo en la configuración de Exim4 que ante tantos correos
demore la entrega.

Como les decía, tomaré el hábito de detener el poller de Cacti, pero me
gustaría entender que es lo que pasa. Cualquier ayuda es bienvenida.

Pues probablememte lo que pasa es que exim al no poder entregar los 
correos (router apagado, etc...) los deja en la cola de correo a la 
espera de poder enviarlos.

La cola de correo en exim se procesa cada X tiempo, típicamente cada 15 
minutos durante la primera hora (a partir del inicio de la interrupción 
de la conectividad), cada hora durante las 16 horas siguientes etc...

Lo que debe pasar es que el correo sale cuando se procesa la cola y no 
inmediatamente al recuperarse la conectividad.

Se puede forzar un intento de envío de la cola de correo, para no tener 
que esperar a que le toque, con

# exim4 -qf

Un saludo


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Re: Escritorio mas limpio

2014-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:04:09 +0200, Etemenanki escribió:

 Como hemos comprobado, tanto apt-get como aptitude (de serie) hacen 
 exactamente lo mismo para instalar, lo que cambia es al desinstalar/
 purgar, que gestionan de forma diferente las dependencias. Por eso no
 es nada bueno mezclar interfaces.
 Un consejo a los novatos, hay que elegir un interfaz forever en cada 
 instalación si no queréis acabar con un buen lío en la gestión de la 
 paquetería, puesto que cada interfaz tiene su propia base de datos.
 Si instalas algo con un interfaz y ese algo luego lo desinstalas con
 otro, eso otro interfaz no tiene los datos de instalación en sus
 registros y ahí empieza el problema de que no se desinstalen bien los

Pues mal hecho, es decir, todos los gestores de paquetes tienen que 
alimentarse de los mismos datos para evitar precisamente ese tipo de 
situaciones. Porque una cosa es que se puedan configurar con opciones 
separadas (por ejemplo, que apt no instale los paquetes sugeridos y que 
aptitude sí lo haga) y otra cosa muy distinta es que un paquete se haya 
eliminado con apt y aptitude no se entere. A esto último lo consideraría 
un bug.

 Desterrando mitos que arrastra el pobre e incomprendido Aptitude por
 blogs y redes sociales incoming... :-D

Pues pensaba que la mayoría de la gente prefería aptitude como gestor de 
paquetes, de hecho es lo que recomendaban por aquí cuando llegué a Debian 
pero por algún motivo no me pude hacer con aptitude, quizá porqué al 
venir de openSUSE y estar acostumbrada a su fantástico YaST (que yo usaba 
en ncurses) aptitude me pareció rudo y tosco en exceso y opté por apt que 
se asemejaba más a zypper (también de openSUSE) y al que apt le da 1000 
vueltas :-D



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Re: Script para asignar tareas al teclado alfanumerico

2014-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:20:32 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 2014-09-19 9:29 GMT-05:00 Camaleón
 El Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:44:29 -0500, Debia Linux escribió:

 Alguna sugerencia que pudieran darme para hacer un script en bash para
 asignar tareas especificas al teclado alfanumerico.

 Por aquí preguntan algo similar:

 In bash, how do I bind a function key to a command?

 Me parece excelente, ya estuve realizando pruebas y efectivamente
 funciona, sin embargo solo funciona en la consola de comandos.

Claro, pensaba que buscabas un script para ejecutar en una consola sin 
entorno gráfico cargado.
 A mi me gustaria que pudiera yo ejecutar un script, minimizarlo (uso
 icewm) y ejecutar la combinacion de teclas fuera de la terminal. Es
 decir que funcione.

Si estás con un entorno gráfico cargado (icewm), el propio entorno 
tendrá definida la forma de gestionar las atajos de teclado que se 
llaman. GNOME, KDE, XFCE... permiten configurarlos de manera gráfica 
pero en icewm tendrán otra forma de hacerlo.

 Encontre que icewm permite configurar mediante el el archivo keys. Esto
 me parece aun mejor. Intentare ver que es posible.

Ya veo que al final lo has logrado de esa forma que además está 
documentado en su manual:



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Re: Actualización Phonon sobre KDE

2014-09-20 Thread Debian GMail

El 20/09/14 a las 05:35, Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso escibió:

On Friday 19 September 2014 10:36:13 Debian GMail wrote:


Desde la actualización de antes de ayer en (testing), me está dando lata
este cartel:
Phonon's VLC backend failed to start.

This usually means a problem with your VLC installation, please report a
bug with your distributor.

¿Estás mezclando repositorios?

Hace años que convivo con paquetes de distintas ramas y repositorios.
Lo que es multimedia, de
De lo restante, el 90% (testing), un 5% (stable) y otro 5% de sid o de 
donde lo haya compilado.

posibles soluciones:

- Mándales un bug a los de debian multimedia.

Estoy pensando hacer eso si persiste una semana más.

- Mira a ver si deb-multimedia tiene paquetes más nuevos, asegurate que
instalas paquetes para jessie y no para sid.

Son los de jessie. Apunta a la rama por el estado, no por el nombre.

- Pásate a los paquetes oficiales de jessie.


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Re: Actualización Phonon sobre KDE

2014-09-20 Thread Debian GMail

El Fri, 19 Sep 2014 10:36:13 -0300, Debian GMail escribió:


Desde la actualización de antes de ayer en (testing), me está dando lata
este cartel:
Phonon's VLC backend failed to start.

This usually means a problem with your VLC installation, please report a
bug with your distributor.

Parece que no es la primera vez que pasa.
Voy a probar.


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XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Alexis Saucedo
buenas tardes para todos, voy a hacerles una consulta sobre el entorno de
escritorio XFCE 4.8, cuando ingreso al mismo  menu de
aplicaciones/configuracion no me aperece en ninguna oprion Hardware, y
cuando ingreso a administrador de configuracion tampoco, salguien sabe si
este viene por default asi (no creo) o debo activar algo para poder ver
todas las configuraciones?, se que se trata de una info muy basica pero
busque en la web y no encontre nada realcionado a eso.

Saludos y gracias!

Re: XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Juan José López
El Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:25:57 -0300
Alexis Saucedo escribió:
 buenas tardes para todos, voy a hacerles una consulta sobre el
 entorno de escritorio XFCE 4.8, cuando ingreso al mismo  menu de
 aplicaciones/configuracion no me aperece en ninguna oprion
 Hardware, y cuando ingreso a administrador de configuracion
 tampoco, salguien sabe si este viene por default asi (no creo) o debo
 activar algo para poder ver todas las configuraciones?, se que se
 trata de una info muy basica pero busque en la web y no encontre nada
 realcionado a eso.

XFCE no tiene ninguna opción 'Hardware'. Como ya habrás observado, hay
na para el teclado, otra para el ratón/dispositivos de entrada, otra
para la pantalla, y otra para la gestión de energía

Si lo que quieres en una vistazo a los componentes hardware de tu
equipo (sin modificar nada), tienes que instalar algún paquete extra;
prueba con hardinfo, que usa Gtk2.

Da más detalles si buscas modificar algo concreto.

 Saludos y gracias!


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Re: XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:25:57 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

(ese html...)

 buenas tardes para todos, voy a hacerles una consulta sobre el entorno
 de escritorio XFCE 4.8, cuando ingreso al mismo  menu de
 aplicaciones/configuracion no me aperece en ninguna oprion Hardware, y
 cuando ingreso a administrador de configuracion tampoco, salguien sabe 
 si este viene por default asi (no creo) o debo activar algo para poder
 ver todas las configuraciones?, se que se trata de una info muy basica
 pero busque en la web y no encontre nada realcionado a eso.

A mí no me aparece esa opción, ¿qué información es la que te interesa? 
Porque tienes paquetes dedicados para eso como hwinfo (consola) o hardinfo 



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Re: XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Alexis Saucedo
Sigo renegando con la resolucion de mi monitor veo bien mal, estoy a
minutos de volver a instalar el windows del orto que odio por que veo
bastante mal con debian y hace mas de dos semanas que insisto con el asunto
por internet y metiendo mano en la config sin resultado, quiero ver si
tengo instalado lo correcto.

PD: escribo directamente desde gmail, acaso este tiene una config por
default html? por que siempre escribi de la misma forma.


El 20 de septiembre de 2014, 16:32, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:25:57 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

 (ese html...)

  buenas tardes para todos, voy a hacerles una consulta sobre el entorno
  de escritorio XFCE 4.8, cuando ingreso al mismo  menu de
  aplicaciones/configuracion no me aperece en ninguna oprion Hardware, y
  cuando ingreso a administrador de configuracion tampoco, salguien sabe
  si este viene por default asi (no creo) o debo activar algo para poder
  ver todas las configuraciones?, se que se trata de una info muy basica
  pero busque en la web y no encontre nada realcionado a eso.

 A mí no me aparece esa opción, ¿qué información es la que te interesa?
 Porque tienes paquetes dedicados para eso como hwinfo (consola) o hardinfo



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Re: XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:36:51 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

(te corrijo el html y el top-posting)

 El 20 de septiembre de 2014, 16:32, Camaleón
 El Sat, 20 Sep 2014 15:25:57 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

 (ese html...)

  buenas tardes para todos, voy a hacerles una consulta sobre el
  entorno de escritorio XFCE 4.8, cuando ingreso al mismo  menu de
  aplicaciones/configuracion no me aperece en ninguna oprion
  Hardware, y cuando ingreso a administrador de configuracion
  tampoco, salguien sabe si este viene por default asi (no creo) o debo
  activar algo para poder ver todas las configuraciones?, se que se
  trata de una info muy basica pero busque en la web y no encontre nada
  realcionado a eso.

 A mí no me aparece esa opción, ¿qué información es la que te interesa?
 Porque tienes paquetes dedicados para eso como hwinfo (consola) o
 hardinfo (GUI).

 Sigo renegando con la resolucion de mi monitor veo bien mal, 

Vale ¿pero qué tiene que ver eso con este hilo? :-)

Ya enviaste un mensaje sobre el asunto de la resolución pero no 
respondiste al último correo que te mandé:

Esa tarjeta gráfica que tienes es una (ejem) patata, pero con paciencia 
seguro que al final das con la tecla.

 PD: escribo directamente desde gmail, acaso este tiene una config por
 default html? por que siempre escribi de la misma forma.

El webmail de Gmail te guarda siempre la última configuración que usas, 
si mandas con html te lo pone con html y si mandas con texto plano usa 
texto plano. Independientemente de eso, siempre puedes cambiar 
MANUALMENTE la configuración ANTES de enviar un correo.



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Re: XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 04:36:51PM -0300, Alexis Saucedo wrote:
 Sigo renegando con la resolucion de mi monitor veo bien mal, estoy a
 minutos de volver a instalar el windows del orto que odio por que veo
 bastante mal con debian y hace mas de dos semanas que insisto con el asunto
 por internet y metiendo mano en la config sin resultado, quiero ver si
 tengo instalado lo correcto.

A veces instalar los paquetes de firmware del núcleo ayuda a que la
tarjeta gráfica nos dé lo mejor de sí misma.

apt-get install firmware-linux

(Debes tener non-free en sources.list para que lo anterior te funcione).

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Re: resolucion monitor

2014-09-20 Thread Alexis Saucedo
Perdon no habia visto este mensaje, mira cuando hago xrandr -q me dice:

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1280 x 768, maximum 1280 x 768
default connected 1280x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   800x600 0.0
   640x480 0.0

y el /var/log/Xorg.0.log

intente renombrar los drivers y lo mismo.

Gracias y saludos

El día 8 de septiembre de 2014, 11:04, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:59:44 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

 Corrijo el html y el top-posting... Alexis, tanto tiempo en la lista y
 aún haciendo las cosas mal ¿eh? ;-)

 El 7 de septiembre de 2014, 14:31, Camaleón


 ¿Y qué resolución tienes en el portátil? Es posible que el driver VESA
 la admita de manera nativa.

 Prueba a generar el modeline como te puse antes y añade esa línea en el
 xorg.conf que tenías a ver si lo admite pero como te digo, el driver
 VESA es muy limitado ;-(

 El modelo del Flatron es W1941S,

 Perfecto... veo que tiene una conexión D-SUB.

 lo que acabo de hacer hacer que el sistema cree el de
 nuevo, ahora si me muestra dos monitores


 No necesitas hacer eso, se supone que el portátil controla la salida de
 vídeo automáticamente cuando conmutas/activas el monitor externo. Lo que
 has hecho sirve cuando el sistema tiene una tarjeta con salida dual (dual-
 head) o tienes dos tarjetas gráficas instaladas pero no es tu caso.

 pero cuando me voy a menu de aplicaciones/pantalla solo me muestra un
 monitor que dice default, no deberia mostrarme los dos?

 Sí, bueno, depende... ¿estás con gnome-shell? ¿qué te dice ahora xrandr -
 q? También deberías asegurarte de que el portátil permita tener
 activadas al mismo tiempo las dos salidas de vídeo (pantalla integrada y
 monitor externo).

 reemplace el pedazo de codigo:

 Identifier  Card0
 Driver  vesa
 BusID   PCI:1:0:0


  Identifier SiS Card
  Driver  sis

 y cuando reinicio le pac comienza a levantar y simplemente cuando quiere
 levantar las x se queda en negro con el cursor parpadeando, no me da
 ningun error solo que no arranca, tengo q entrar por colsola, renombrar
 el archivo y reciem me permite levantar.

 Igualmente revisa el archivo que tienes en /var/log/Xorg.0.log por si
 hubiera volcado algún dato del error. Si no puedes usar el driver SiS en
 el sistema con el VESA vas a tener muchos problemas y un rendimiento
 extremadamente bajo.

 ¿Has probado a renombrar el archivo xorg.con para que el sistema intente
 detectar la configuración automáticamente y una vez iniciado el sistema
 activar la salida al monitor externo? Tiene que funcionar sin que hagas
 nada especial.



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Re: XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Alexis Saucedo
Gracias por responder, no habia visto la ultima respuesta del hilo del
tema resolucion de SIS driver, lo siento el echo de que pregunte por
la configuracion de drivers es que buscando entre otras cosas vi que
en el panel XFCE mostraba los drivers qu eestaban instalados


El día 20 de septiembre de 2014, 17:24, Santiago Vila escribió:
 On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 04:36:51PM -0300, Alexis Saucedo wrote:
 Sigo renegando con la resolucion de mi monitor veo bien mal, estoy a
 minutos de volver a instalar el windows del orto que odio por que veo
 bastante mal con debian y hace mas de dos semanas que insisto con el asunto
 por internet y metiendo mano en la config sin resultado, quiero ver si
 tengo instalado lo correcto.

 A veces instalar los paquetes de firmware del núcleo ayuda a que la
 tarjeta gráfica nos dé lo mejor de sí misma.

 apt-get install firmware-linux

 (Debes tener non-free en sources.list para que lo anterior te funcione).

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Re: XFCE 4.8

2014-09-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 08:10:51PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 El Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:36:51 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:
  Sigo renegando con la resolucion de mi monitor veo bien mal, 
 Vale ¿pero qué tiene que ver eso con este hilo? :-)

El monitor es hardware.

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Re: resolucion monitor

2014-09-20 Thread Manolo Díaz
El sábado, 20 sep 2014 a las 22:56 horas (UTC+2),
Alexis Saucedo escribió:

Perdon no habia visto este mensaje, mira cuando hago xrandr -q me dice:

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1280 x 768, maximum 1280 x 768
default connected 1280x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   800x600 0.0
   640x480 0.0

y el /var/log/Xorg.0.log

En el cual se lee:

[19.543] (II) SIS: driver for SiS chipsets: SIS5597/5598, SIS530/620,
SIS6326/AGP/DVD, SIS300/305, SIS630/730, SIS540, SIS315, SIS315H,
SIS315PRO/E, SIS550, SIS650/M650/651/740, SIS330(Xabre),

[19.862] (II) UnloadModule: sis
[19.862] (II) Unloading sis

Dado que dices que tu tarjeta es

Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA

y no está listada arriba, te puedes hacer una buena idea de por qué
rechaza usar el controlador sis y usa el genérico VESA en su lugar.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: Skicka svar till listan från GMails Webmail

2014-09-20 Thread Andreas Rönnquist
On Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:58:20 +0200,
Sven wrote:

On Sat, 2014-09-13 at 22:31 +0200, Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Någon sa i listan, att den är felkonfigurerad ?

Nej, listan är inte felkonfigurerad, det råder dock lite skilda
meningar om hur man hanterar Reply-To. Det vanligaste är dock att
sköta det så här.

Se även

Problemet är väl snarast GMails. 

I frågan jag ställde på deras support (som jag länkade tidigare i
tråden, besök den gärna och kommentera) så hävdar dom att det är
sändlistan som är felinställd och att dom inte kommer att göra några

Det verkar tyvärr inte gå att göra mycket åt detta. 

Så, slutsatsen blir väl - om du skall använda gmail med Debians
sändlistor (Jag gör det själv för vissa ändamål) - använd en vettig
e-postklient och inte webbmailen om du vill slippa extraarbete.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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Re: Skicka svar till listan från GMails Webmail

2014-09-20 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den 20 september 2014 16:57 skrev Andreas Rönnquist
 On Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:58:20 +0200,
 Sven wrote:

On Sat, 2014-09-13 at 22:31 +0200, Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Någon sa i listan, att den är felkonfigurerad ?

Nej, listan är inte felkonfigurerad, det råder dock lite skilda
meningar om hur man hanterar Reply-To. Det vanligaste är dock att
sköta det så här.

Se även

Problemet är väl snarast GMails.

 I frågan jag ställde på deras support (som jag länkade tidigare i
 tråden, besök den gärna och kommentera) så hävdar dom att det är
 sändlistan som är felinställd och att dom inte kommer att göra några

..och där står man som den omtalade hötappen. :(

 Det verkar tyvärr inte gå att göra mycket åt detta.


 Så, slutsatsen blir väl - om du skall använda gmail med Debians
 sändlistor (Jag gör det själv för vissa ändamål) - använd en vettig
 e-postklient och inte webbmailen om du vill slippa extraarbete.

Skulle jag i principip kunna göra. Men att ha både webmail och sköta
det lokalt, är inget som jag känner för. Inte i dagsläget iaf.

Så om det är ett absolut krav att jag enbart svarar till lilstan (när
jag glömmer att klippa och klistra). Så avbeställer jag hellre debian
listorna. Vilket jag skulle tycka vore väldigt tråkigt. Om det nu inte
går att fixa på annat sätt. Eftersom jag enbart prenumererar på
Debianlistor, så vet jag inte om problemet även finns i andra listor ?

Men du gjorde iaf ett försök Andreas. Det ska du ha all heder åt.


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Re: Skicka svar till listan från GMails Webmail

2014-09-20 Thread Joakim Roubert
On 2014-09-20 18:14, Rolf Edlund wrote:
 Skulle jag i principip kunna göra. Men att ha både webmail och sköta
 det lokalt

Lokalt och lokalt ... kör IMAP...


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Re: Skicka svar till listan från GMails Webmail

2014-09-20 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den 20 september 2014 19:30 skrev Joakim Roubert
 Skulle jag i principip kunna göra. Men att ha både webmail och sköta
 det lokalt

 Lokalt och lokalt ... kör IMAP...

Alldeles fö enkelt. :)


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Re: Skicka svar till listan från GMails Webmail

2014-09-20 Thread Rolf Edlund
 Den 20 september 2014 19:30 skrev Joakim Roubert
 Lokalt och lokalt ... kör IMAP...

Har aldrig använt IMAP, därimot vanlig POP när jag hämtat hem mails.

Med POP hämtar man ju hem allt eller inget.

Har läst hjälp texten för IMAP i GMail, men den säger inget om detta ?


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Re: Skicka svar till listan från GMails Webmail

2014-09-20 Thread Ivar Walfridsson

2014-09-20 20:45, Rolf Edlund skrev:

Den 20 september 2014 19:30 skrev Joakim Roubert

Lokalt och lokalt ... kör IMAP...

Har aldrig använt IMAP, därimot vanlig POP när jag hämtat hem mails.

Med POP hämtar man ju hem allt eller inget.

Har läst hjälp texten för IMAP i GMail, men den säger inget om detta ?

Nä, men
det förenklar ju handhavandet om du har en adress som du använder på tex 
stationär , bärbar + mobiltelefon och surfplattan! hurra för IMAP /iwar

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Re: Skicka svar till listan från GMails Webmail

2014-09-20 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den 20 september 2014 22:09 skrev Ivar Walfridsson

 2014-09-20 20:45, Rolf Edlund skrev:

 Den 20 september 2014 19:30 skrev Joakim Roubert

 Lokalt och lokalt ... kör IMAP...

 Har aldrig använt IMAP, därimot vanlig POP när jag hämtat hem mails.

 Med POP hämtar man ju hem allt eller inget.

 Har läst hjälp texten för IMAP i GMail, men den säger inget om detta ?

 Nä, men
 det förenklar ju handhavandet om du har en adress som du använder på tex
 stationär , bärbar + mobiltelefon och surfplattan! hurra för IMAP /iwar

Ok. Får se hur jag gör.

Man kan ju oxå följa med i mail arkiven.


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Re: chrome

2014-09-20 Thread Manoel Pedro de Araújo
O  shockwave flash nao carrega no chrome. alguem sabe como resolver?

Em 19 de setembro de 2014 23:05, Fred Maranhão

 que erro?

 2014-09-19 18:08 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
  Como corrigir o erro do shockwave flash no chrome? Uso debian com


Re: chrome

2014-09-20 Thread osvaldo luciano Santos

Sofri recentemente com a última atualização do chrome e tudo indica que o
arquivo está com algum erro. Encontrei dois caminhos
para a solução, testei apenas o primeiro e resolveu. Segue:

1º) Localize o arquivo em
/opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/ e o substitua por um de
uma versão anterior do chrome. Eu tinha o pacote da minha primeira
instalação em minha máquina. Abri o pacote, localizei-o no mesmo caminho e
colei-o sobre o que estava instalado. RESOLVIDO!

2º) Outra opção que encontrei segue basicamente a mesma ideia, mas não
testei, está neste fórum que
disponibiliza um novo pacote da pasta PepperFlash para instalação. O link
para download é

Espero ter ajudado, abraço!


2014-09-19 23:05 GMT-03:00 Fred Maranhão

 que erro?

 2014-09-19 18:08 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
  Como corrigir o erro do shockwave flash no chrome? Uso debian com

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Re: chrome

2014-09-20 Thread Daniel Pimentel (d4n1)
Se você instalou via APT, então foi instalado o chromium (versão open
source do chrome) caso contrario possivelmente instalou direto do site do
chrome. O pepperflash é uma boa solução para o navegador do google para o
plugin flash, porém o plugin flash-nonfree  funciona mais corretamente
porem para o icewheasel (firefox free). Caso queria usar o gnash que vem
por padrão seguindo o contrato social do Debian também funciona legal.
On Sep 20, 2014 6:29 PM, osvaldo luciano Santos


 Sofri recentemente com a última atualização do chrome e tudo indica que o
 arquivo está com algum erro. Encontrei dois caminhos
 para a solução, testei apenas o primeiro e resolveu. Segue:

 1º) Localize o arquivo em
 /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/ e o substitua por um de
 uma versão anterior do chrome. Eu tinha o pacote da minha primeira
 instalação em minha máquina. Abri o pacote, localizei-o no mesmo caminho e
 colei-o sobre o que estava instalado. RESOLVIDO!

 2º) Outra opção que encontrei segue basicamente a mesma ideia, mas não
 testei, está neste fórum que
 disponibiliza um novo pacote da pasta PepperFlash para instalação. O link
 para download é

 Espero ter ajudado, abraço!


 2014-09-19 23:05 GMT-03:00 Fred Maranhão

 que erro?

 2014-09-19 18:08 GMT-03:00 Manoel Pedro de Araújo
  Como corrigir o erro do shockwave flash no chrome? Uso debian com

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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 20 September 2014 05:40:40 softwatt wrote:
 I do not intend to upgrade now. I ask in order to learn. (:

At that rate, wait and read the release notes before upgrading.  Sometimes it 
is slightly more complicated than that.  E.g., I think, Squeeze to Wheezy.


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Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 19 September 2014 07:56:14 softwatt wrote:
 But that is not risk-free. What if the thing that's overwriting the file
 on startup dislikes not being able to write to the file and crashes?

 By the way, my solution would fail if the overwriting is happening after

softwatt, do you think you could quote??  Conversations with you in are 
virtually impossible to follow because you don't quote anything and the 
thread keeps jumping.


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Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 19 September 2014 15:57:38 Reco wrote:
 On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:38:23 +0500

 Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  thinks for your input. but i want to investigate which process is doing

 Please do not top post.

Better top-posting than not quoting at all.  Well, less awful anyway!!


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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Bret Busby
On 20/09/2014, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 20/09/14 01:38, Bret Busby wrote:
 On 19/09/2014, Scott Ferguson


 Have you successfully run any version of Skype on that build previously?

 In a message posted last month, was;

 Which'd be why I didn't read it.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Bret Busby
 Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 06:42:38 +0800
 Subject: Re: Skype access cancelled for Debian versions before 7


 With the Skype 2.2 (beta), running on Debian 6, I was able to connect
 successfully, and, successfully make videocalls, with people running
 Linux, and, with people running MS Windows.

 *If* that's the same build, then install the same version (2.2 beta) and
 then change it's version number to 2.4x.

It is m y understanding that Microsoft prohibited access to all
versions of Skype that are earlier than version 4.3.

How would changing the version number from 2.2.x to 2.4, fix the problem?

 If you have not kept an old version - either download one from one of
 the old-software archives, or let me know and I'll email you one (I
 have 2.2.x and 2.3.x versions).

 It worked, so Microsoft broke it.

 It's their software. Complaining that a for-profit company ceases to
 keep paying for your use of old software - after a number of years, on a
 platform that's no longer supported, seems, um, somewhat unreasonable.
 Especially if the stated reasons for not using an alternative is the
 logically recursive excuse that not enough people use it. Presumably
 that's not how you meant your comment to read.

No, that is not it at all.

The old sofware worked without problem.

Then Miscrosucks said Screw the lot of you - we will force you to
upgarde to our latest bodgy software, from your reliable software that
worked, and, to do this, we will insitute a barrier, so that versions
of the software that are earlier than our latest bodgy software, will
be forbisdden access to the facility.

It is like what the australian federal government did with television
- where they banned analogue television, that worked most of the time,
and imposed limited digital television, that does not work most of the
time, and is about as reliable as analogue television was, fifty years
ago - Oh, the temperature outside is above 25 degrees (centigrade),
so it is too hot for television, and television is off the air, or,
Oh, there is a gentle breeze outside, so the television signal has
been blown away.

And I have no idea as to from whence you derived this;

the stated reasons for not using an alternative is the
 logically recursive excuse that not enough people use it.

I do not see how you created that.



 :~# dpkg -l skype|tail -n1|tr -s ' '|cut -d ' ' -f3

 That version of Skype, was from when it was Skype Skype, before it
 became Microsoft Skype.

 It installed without problem, and, was able to be configured and run,
 without significant problems. The only problems, in configuration,
 were, from memory, choosing the device drivers for the sound input and
 output devices. Once they were set right, it worked okay.

 And so, Microsoft broke it

 You said that before. You also posted error logs that show your problem
 is that your system *can not run* the software - not because you can run
 the software but are denied access to the network because the version
 number is not the 2.4.x   :/

No - I posted no error logs that showed that the version of Skype that
I have installed, does not run - I do not know where you got that

I can load and run the version of Skype, that I have installed - I
have always been able to do that, since I got it correctly configured,
when the Skype exchange or server or however it is to be named, was
operational - I simply can not connect to the Skype exchange, as
Microsucks has put up the barrier, and crippled it.

From whence does the reference to 2.4.x, come?

Insofar as I am aware, Microsucks has blocked access to all versions
of Skype, that have version numbers less than (I say have version
numbers less than, rather than are earlier than, because of the
workaround) 4.3.

It has just occurred to me - I believe that the appropriuate term for
the Microsucks action, is crippleware. Microsucks has crippled
versions of Skype, that have version numbers earlier than 4.3.

I have no idea as to from whence, you got the ideas that yopu posted
in your message above. I trust that the message to which I have
responded, is from the real Scott Ferguson, and, not from someone
pretending to be him.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 20 September 2014 07:32:54 Bret Busby wrote:
 It has just occurred to me - I believe that the appropriuate term for
 the Microsucks action, is crippleware. Microsucks has crippled
 versions of Skype, that have version numbers earlier than 4.3.

I don't use Skype so can't test, but why not try just changing the number as 
has been suggested, and as has apparently worked for some other people?


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Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread softwatt
Why is quoting always needed?
Mail clients know which mail is a reply to which.

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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Bret Busby
On 20/09/2014, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2014 07:32:54 Bret Busby wrote:
 It has just occurred to me - I believe that the appropriuate term for
 the Microsucks action, is crippleware. Microsucks has crippled
 versions of Skype, that have version numbers earlier than 4.3.

 I don't use Skype so can't test, but why not try just changing the number as

 has been suggested, and as has apparently worked for some other people?


I had already tried one method of doing that - using  the suggested
method which involved using sed - which was offered as an alternative
to using a hexeditor (which option scared me), and the option using
sed, did not work, and I had posted the errors that arose from tring
to use the sed method.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Hans

 I had already tried one method of doing that - using  the suggested
 method which involved using sed - which was offered as an alternative
 to using a hexeditor (which option scared me), and the option using
 sed, did not work, and I had posted the errors that arose from tring
 to use the sed method.

Using a hexeditor is just as easy as using any text editor. Did you try it at 


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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 20 September 2014 08:00:16 Bret Busby wrote:
 On 20/09/2014, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Saturday 20 September 2014 07:32:54 Bret Busby wrote:
  It has just occurred to me - I believe that the appropriuate term for
  the Microsucks action, is crippleware. Microsucks has crippled
  versions of Skype, that have version numbers earlier than 4.3.
  I don't use Skype so can't test, but why not try just changing the number
  has been suggested, and as has apparently worked for some other people?

 I had already tried one method of doing that - using  the suggested
 method which involved using sed - which was offered as an alternative
 to using a hexeditor (which option scared me)

Ah!  That answers my question.  Perhaps the time has come to grasp the bull by 
the horns?  The lesser evil?  And it may turn out a good deal less fearsome 
than you expect.


 , and the option using 
 sed, did not work, and I had posted the errors that arose from tring
 to use the sed method.

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Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Saturday 20 September 2014 07:58:22 softwatt wrote:
 Why is quoting always needed?
 Mail clients know which mail is a reply to which.

Well, I find it very difficult to follow you, and at least one person has 
answered and said that he did not know the original question but...  Which 
encourages the thread to drift.


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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Joel Roth
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 09:04:41AM +0200, Hans wrote:
  I had already tried one method of doing that - using  the suggested
  method which involved using sed - which was offered as an alternative
  to using a hexeditor (which option scared me), and the option using
  sed, did not work, and I had posted the errors that arose from tring
  to use the sed method.
 Using a hexeditor is just as easy as using any text editor. Did you try it at 

I successfully edited mine with vim :-) 

Joel Roth

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Re: Jessie and Systemd integration

2014-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 19 sep 14, 11:36:58, T.J. Duchene wrote:
 Why is it not possible to create a completely generic shell script -
 basically ala SysV  that can parse systemd config files for those use cases
 where Systemd is undesirable?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Joe
On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:37:29 -0700
Don Armstrong wrote:

 On Fri, 19 Sep 2014, David Christensen wrote:
  On 09/18/2014 10:54 PM, softwatt wrote:
  Also, does a clean install offer any advantage over an upgrade?
  Yes, because:
  1. You get a systems programming product that has been through a
  quality assurance process.
 Users of debian test both upgrades and clean installs so this
 isn't really a big deal.
  2. It is easier to trouble-shoot if you run into problems -- both
  for you and for other people that want to replicate any issues you
 This also doesn't make much of a difference, so long as you're not
 using unofficial packages. If you're using unofficial packages, then
 good luck.

Indeed, but even official packages run into tens of thousands. For
example, I run freeradius on my stable server, which probably less than
0.1% of Debian users do. These days, it is in the repositories complete
with SSL, so in theory...

The range of possible clean installs is orders of magnitude smaller than
the possible range of systems needing upgrade. But, stepping around the
elephant in the room, most packages are either standalone or one of a
small group implementing a function using split-off libraries.
Upgrading one or a thousand packages is different only in quantitative
terms, as long as they are not 'integrated'.

It's still easier to be confident about a clean install, but you do
really need to have a log of what was done to the old system, or you
will spend months saying 'damn, haven't I done that yet to the new
installation?'. Always use a new drive/partition, and keep the old one
mountable from the new, if necessary on an external box, until you're
confident you've got everything right. Keep a copy of the old /etc
actually in the new installation.


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corrupted grub in wheezy

2014-09-20 Thread roberto
Hi, I'm trying to boot into my wheezy and am prompted with grub minimal
shell instead. I could boot a few weeks ago. I can't understand what's
going on now.
Here are important data:
when in the grub shell I do the following in this order:
grub ls
(hd0) (hd0,msdos1)

grub search --file /vmlinuz

grub set root=(hd0,1)
grub linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
grub initrd /initrd.img
grub boot

and linux boots perfectly into my wheezy. But what's that (hd0,msdos1)?? I
have only debian on this laptop.

Here's my partition table:
root@latitude:~# parted -ls
Model: ATA WDC WD2500BEVE-0 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 250GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B

Partition Table: msdos
Number  Start   EndSizeType  File system Flags
1  1049kB  246GB  246GB   primary   ext4boot
2  246GB   250GB  4291MB  extended
5  246GB   250GB  4291MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)

So I tried to make the changes permanent by this command:
root@latitude:~# dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
Installation finished. No error reported.
Generating grub.cfg ...

Found background image: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png

Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.14-0.bpo.2-486

Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.14-0.bpo.2-486

Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-486

Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-486

 No volume groups found

As far as I can understand, the issue seems resolved, but as soon as I
reboot, I receive the grub prompt again!

Could you please give me some hint on this issue?

Thank you very much in advance.


Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread Reco

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 07:30:50 +0200
mikael Flood wrote:

 it might be due to some configuration management agent running on the
 system which dictates a sane state of /etc/network/interfaces.
 might be puppet or cfengine.

I don't have much experience with puppet, cfengine, chef or ansible,
but the way I understand it - all of them require correctly configured
network to function. So if one of those tools is used at OP's host -
it's used wrong way, definitely.

And, it's very suspicious that such tool works only on reboot. Still,
if it's a misbehaving management agent - audit should show it (unless,
of course, said management agent will turn off audit).


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Re: [OT] /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread Reco
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 07:20:00 +0100
Lisi Reisz wrote:

 On Friday 19 September 2014 15:57:38 Reco wrote:
  On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:38:23 +0500
  Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
   thinks for your input. but i want to investigate which process is doing
  Please do not top post.
 Better top-posting than not quoting at all. Well, less awful anyway!!

[1] teaches us that:

Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.

 Why is top-posting such a bad thing?


 What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

And I really don't understand why a friendly reminder about top posting
(with a quote of a relevant part of original e-mail, mind you) is evil,
yet driving a topic to the off-topic is good :) No offense meant, as



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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread J M Cerqueira Esteves

I had Skype working after the editing suggested here,
but tested it again today and it is no longer able to sign in --- thus,
editing the version number may no longer be useful, at least for some.
[in fact I closed my account months ago, just kept an old testing
account for such tests anyway]

Best regards
   J Esteves

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Re: corrupted grub in wheezy

2014-09-20 Thread Brian
On Sat 20 Sep 2014 at 10:38:13 +0200, roberto wrote:

 Hi, I'm trying to boot into my wheezy and am prompted with grub minimal
 shell instead. I could boot a few weeks ago. I can't understand what's
 going on now.
 Here are important data:
 when in the grub shell I do the following in this order:
 grub ls
 (hd0) (hd0,msdos1)
 grub search --file /vmlinuz
 grub set root=(hd0,1)
 grub linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
 grub initrd /initrd.img
 grub boot
 and linux boots perfectly into my wheezy. But what's that (hd0,msdos1)?? I
 have only debian on this laptop.

Now you are in do:

   grub-install /dev/sda

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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Hans
Am Samstag, 20. September 2014, 09:38:28 schrieb J M Cerqueira Esteves:
 I had Skype working after the editing suggested here,
 but tested it again today and it is no longer able to sign in --- thus,
 editing the version number may no longer be useful, at least for some.
 [in fact I closed my account months ago, just kept an old testing
 account for such tests anyway]
 Best regards
J Esteves

Hi folks,
I can confirm this. Does not longer work here. However, it seems like 
Microf**ck uses another way to check the version, as an once saved 
login/password is working. 

You cannot connect again, once you have safely disconnected from the server.

As long, as your connection was preciously saved, it will connect again.

I am just working on it. If I find out more, I will inform you.



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Re: apache2 what is the standard way to enable modules?

2014-09-20 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2014-09-20 7:48 GMT+02:00 Bob Proulx

 Harry Putnam wrote:
  Raffaele Morelli writes:
   Is that what you are warning about?
   Nope, my warning was to use `a2enmod cgi` instead of `a2enmod cgi.load`
   (which is wrong)
  OK, thanks.  But once again you've failed to explain the nature of the
  Can you define what the nature of this wrongness is?  Will bad things

​​Seems like I missed ​​this, apologize

 a2enmod takes a simple name like cgi not a name with .load or .conf
 on the end like cgi.load.  You want a2enmod cgi without the
 .load on the end.



Re: Jessie and Systemd integration

2014-09-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 07:36:06AM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 12:55:41PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
  Erwan David writes:
   It is also importat to know if it is worth the effort to report bugs
   on software which happen in a systemd-shim or sysvinitcore without any
  Yes.  Provide patches when possible.
  If reportbug is used to report the bug from the affected machine then
  the extra information reportbug adds to the bugreport would show that
 I'm sure you don't mean that reportbug is able to automatically
 generate the patches. Did you clip too much?

No. :) That response was directed at Erwan's post. (I must have deleted
it, so replied to John's answer.) Sorry for the confusion.

I was referring to Erwan's concerns about the dependencies, which are
showm in a reportbug report anyway.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread softwatt
Can't I just do an rm -f -r /home/USER/.*  to get rid of hidden
config? Will they be recreated?

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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Reco

On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:48:33 +0300
softwatt wrote:

 Can't I just do an rm -f -r /home/USER/.*  to get rid of hidden
 config? Will they be recreated?

Don't do this *ever*. It's not obvious, but your command will happily
remove /home/USER/.. , so everything in /home/USER will evaporate.

This is more-or-less safe approach:

rm -rf /home/USER/.[a-z0-9]*


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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread softwatt
Thanks! But will they be recreated after the installation?

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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Reco
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:57:25 +0300
softwatt wrote:

 Thanks! But will they be recreated after the installation?

Right after the installation - of course not. No sane package manager
should change any file in the user's $HOME.
But, if we count the first launch of installed programs - it could
happen. It all depends on the software you're using.
For example, anything that's linked with libdconf will surely create all
kinds of blobs (and xml and stuff) in your $HOME.
Anything that's linked with libqt will happily produce blobs in your
$HOME too.
Somewhat oldschool mutt won't do anything by itself, but you can always
create a .muttrc by yourself.


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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 18 sep 14, 16:54:23, Gary Dale wrote:
 I personally prefer to always do a dist-upgrade since it is a more
 complete upgrade than the normal one. If your repositories always
 point to testing, this will keep you current. Other people prefer to
 just do an upgrade, claiming it is safer. However you might miss
 major changes, such as a switch from to LibreOffice.

That's not quite accurate. The significant difference between 'upgrade' 
and 'dist-upgrade' is that 'dist-upgrade' is allowed to remove packages. 
This is not always necessary to keep your testing or sid system 

Deciding whether removing a package as part of the dist/full-upgrade is 
necessary or dangerous requires some experience in running testing or, 
even better, sid. If one is not comfortable making this decision (and 
dealing with the consequences) there is always stable ;)

My own recommendation:

1. do an 'apt upgrade' / 'aptitude safe-upgrade' first
2. if there are held packages[1] *try* 'apt/aptitude full-upgrade'
   - if it proposes to remove a package you really need you should 
 probably wait it out
   - if it proposes to remove a package you never heard of it *might* be 
 safe to proceed (but if it breaks you get to keep both pieces)

[1] if there are no held packages 'full-upgrade' will not do anything, 
your system is fully up-to-date.

If you used 'apt' you might want to follow-up with an

apt-get autoremove

Other than that, whenever you're not sure about how to proceed 
copy-paste the *full output* of the command you're trying into a message 
to -user and ask for guidance.

Kind regards,
P.S. please note the 'apt' command is only available since apt 1.0.0 
(i.e. not in wheezy)
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 20 sep 14, 09:58:22, softwatt wrote:
 Why is quoting always needed?
Other readers might be missing previous messages (network delays, 
deleted it, etc.), but want to jump in now. Without any context they 
would be unable or could provide answers for a different question.

 Mail clients know which mail is a reply to which.

This is also not guaranteed, since mail clients handle threading 
differently (if implemented at all), depending on their (mis)features 
and configuration.

I'm advocating that each message should be as much as possible 
self-contained, but not longer. In practice this means you should keep 
enough context so that your message can be read on its own, but delete 
everything else.

Keeping the correct order of conversation makes it also easier to read 
and will increase your audience.

Further reading:

Hope this explains,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread mikael Flood
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Reco wrote:

 On Sat, 20 Sep 2014 07:20:00 +0100
 Lisi Reisz wrote:

  On Friday 19 September 2014 15:57:38 Reco wrote:
   On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 19:38:23 +0500
   Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
thinks for your input. but i want to investigate which process is
   Please do not top post.
  Better top-posting than not quoting at all. Well, less awful anyway!!

 [1] teaches us that:

 Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.

  Why is top-posting such a bad thing?


  What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

 And I really don't understand why a friendly reminder about top posting
 (with a quote of a relevant part of original e-mail, mind you) is evil,
 yet driving a topic to the off-topic is good :) No offense meant, as



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Sorry if my earlier reply wasn't all that helpful.

A configuration management agent might not always need network connectivity
to carry out changes to a local system.
The desired state is downloaded from a server and then applied by a local
agent on the system (cfengine),
but the agent also saves states locally, in case the machine looses
connectivity. Normally the agent also
operates at intervals while the system is live (powered on), but it is also
possible it only applies the changes at boot-up.

True, audit should show what the cause behind changes to

//Yours sincerely Mikael Flood

Re: Slight New Sound Problem

2014-09-20 Thread Martin G. McCormick
T.J. Duchene writes:
 I'm sorry you had problems with my suggestion.  Most often, these
 problems have to be handled by trial and error. I'm afraid I can only
 offer advice based on my own experience and the fact you mentioned you
 were using Pulseaudio.  I assumed you had it already installed and was
 using it.
So did I. If you hadn't gotten me checking in to
pulseaudio, I'd still think it was actually doing something
useful. Thanks for the assistance as it is just as important to
know what isn't a factor as it is to know what is.


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Re: Slight New Sound Problem

2014-09-20 Thread Martin G. McCormick
Chris Bannister writes:
 I reckon the guys on the 'linux-audio-user'
 ( mailing list
 would be the ideal place for help with this.

Probably so. I've exhausted all the obvious solutions

Thank you.


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Re: OT: Pepper Flash Crashes Everywhere

2014-09-20 Thread Paul van der Vlis
op 18-09-14 03:14, Patrick Bartek schreef:
 Anyone else experiencing this?  Haven't found any reports so far.
 Chrome  Pepper ran fine before update/upgrade a few days ago.  Figured
 I'd check before I started mucking about the system trying to fix it.
 Downloaded .deb directly from Google for the install which was about
 18 months ago. System always kept up to date.
 Wheezy 7.6 (64-bit).  Openbox 3.5.0-7 WM Only.  No other gui
 environments installed.
 Chrome 37.0.2062.120 (64-bit)

The newest pepperflashplugin links against GLIBC_2.14. So don't use the
lastest version, or you need a newer glibc.

This is what I do:

First install pepperflashplugin-nonfree when it's not installed.
Then do this as root:
cd /tmp/
dpkg-deb -x $debfile unpackchrome
mv -f $sofile /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree
chown root:root /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/
chmod 644 /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/
mv $debfile $cachedir

Then restart Chromium and flash should work correct.
Most code comes from: /usr/sbin/update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen

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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread softwatt
So, to sum it up: In my particular situation where I have a separate
partition for /home/ , the best upgrade would be:

1. Installing a brand new Debian but leaving /home/USER intact.
2. Deleting all the config stuff with `rm -rf /home/USER/.[a-z0-9]*`
3. Done.

Have I missed anything?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread softwatt
On 09/20/2014 02:02 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 20 sep 14, 09:58:22, softwatt wrote:
  Why is quoting always needed?
 Other readers might be missing previous messages (network delays, 
 deleted it, etc.), but want to jump in now. Without any context they 
 would be unable or could provide answers for a different question.

Thanks for your time, that explains it well.
(See? I've started using it ^)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Martin Read

On 20/09/14 13:01, softwatt wrote:

So, to sum it up: In my particular situation where I have a separate
partition for /home/ , the best upgrade would be:

1. Installing a brand new Debian but leaving /home/USER intact.
2. Deleting all the config stuff with `rm -rf /home/USER/.[a-z0-9]*`
3. Done.

Have I missed anything?

1a. *Back up* your dotfiles/dotdirs, just in case a program you use 
stores configuration state in there which you *don't* want to discard or 
manually rebuild when moving to the new version of Debian.

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Again skype 4.2 does not connect - new workaround

2014-09-20 Thread Hans
Hi folks,

Microsoft again is working against us. They have fixed the version patch. But 
don't hesitate: Here is a workaround I figured out.

First, I tried hard to change all version advices in the binary, but got no 
success. It looks like M$ does check something other. My suggestion is, it 
looks at the version of the login UI. There still is Skype 4.2  for Linux. 
However, skype -v is telling me just as version 4.3

skype 4.2
© 2014 Skype and/or Microsoft

skype 4.3
Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Skype

The second line makes no difference, changing the hexcode for it does not 
change anything. You can leave it!

So, my workaround is easy:

- delete ~/home/yourusername/.Skype
- Download version 4.3 from skype.
- extract the binary /usr/bin/skype from the package and put it in your ~/home 
- start the binary ./skype in your ~/home
- now very important: login and mark keep login data
- kill skype by ending skype, BUT DO NOT LOGOUT!

- now start the normal skype 4.2 which is installed in /usr/bin/

Voila, you get connected again!

I am still figuring out, what is the difference between 4.2 and 4.3 in the 
~/home/user/.Skype files. Maybe someone will have a look, too? 

As far as I can see, both skype versions (the patched one and the original 
4.3) connect as version So the difference might be some key?

If you know more, let me know. If I know more, I let you know.

Happy hacking


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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread softwatt
On 09/20/2014 03:18 PM, Martin Read wrote:
 On 20/09/14 13:01, softwatt wrote:
 So, to sum it up: In my particular situation where I have a separate
 partition for /home/ , the best upgrade would be:

 1. Installing a brand new Debian but leaving /home/USER intact.
 2. Deleting all the config stuff with `rm -rf /home/USER/.[a-z0-9]*`
 3. Done.

 Have I missed anything?
 1a. *Back up* your dotfiles/dotdirs, just in case a program you use
 stores configuration state in there which you *don't* want to discard or
 manually rebuild when moving to the new version of Debian.

Perhaps a better 1a would be to backup the entire /home just in case.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: /etc/network/interface file auto reset.

2014-09-20 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 9/19/14, Darac Marjal wrote:

 Put this into /etc/network/interfaces.d/br0

allow-hotplug br0
iface br0 inet static
address 10.xx.xx.18
netmask 255.xx.xx.xx
network 10.xx.xx.0
gateway 10.xx.xx.3
broadcast 10.xx.xx.255
dns-nameservers 10.xx.xx.8
bridge_ports eth1
bridge_stp off
auto br0

 Now, if something clobbers your /etc/network/interfaces file, hopefully
 it won't touch the br0 file and that'll still come up fine :)

*GREAT* point I felt should see another go to help highlight for
fellow users who haven't discovered dot d (.d) directories yet. Just
made the connection myself couple weeks ago via /etc/grub.d.

Our dot d directories are a place where necessary personalizations
remain static for programs that reset configurations on a regular
basis. On another thread, someone mentioned they create a backup, if
not an entirely separate place, for their own /etc directory because
of its importance to them. Excellent place to focus a piece of
self-training on with respect to preserving the kinds of tweaks such
as is being discussed here..

PS Apologies in advance if this shows up twice. Had a dialup glitch
JUST as it was sending but not seeing it posted yet.

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* I comment, therefore I am (procrastinating elsewhere) *

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Re: Again skype 4.2 does not connect - new workaround

2014-09-20 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Samstag, 20. September 2014, 14:20:59 schrieb Hans:
 Hi folks,

Hi Hans,

 Microsoft again is working against us. They have fixed the version patch.
 But don't hesitate: Here is a workaround I figured out.

I can still connect. With the same version patches 4.2 skype as before. Maybe 
was temporary issue on your side?

Anyway, it seems an alternative to Skype that is very easy to use becomes more 
and more important.

 First, I tried hard to change all version advices in the binary, but got no
 success. It looks like M$ does check something other. My suggestion is, it
 looks at the version of the login UI. There still is Skype 4.2  for Linux.
 However, skype -v is telling me just as version 4.3
 skype 4.2
 © 2014 Skype and/or Microsoft
 skype 4.3
 Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Skype
 The second line makes no difference, changing the hexcode for it does not
 change anything. You can leave it!
 So, my workaround is easy:
 - delete ~/home/yourusername/.Skype
 - Download version 4.3 from skype.
 - extract the binary /usr/bin/skype from the package and put it in your
 ~/home directory
 - start the binary ./skype in your ~/home
 - now very important: login and mark keep login data
 - kill skype by ending skype, BUT DO NOT LOGOUT!
 - now start the normal skype 4.2 which is installed in /usr/bin/
 Voila, you get connected again!
 I am still figuring out, what is the difference between 4.2 and 4.3 in the
 ~/home/user/.Skype files. Maybe someone will have a look, too?
 As far as I can see, both skype versions (the patched one and the original
 4.3) connect as version So the difference might be some key?
 If you know more, let me know. If I know more, I let you know.
 Happy hacking

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 01:48:41PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 P.S. please note the 'apt' command is only available since apt 1.0.0 

bash completion isn't working for me. Is it for you?

bash completion works fine for apt-get and dpkg.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Bret Busby
On 20/09/2014, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Saturday 20 September 2014 08:00:16 Bret Busby wrote:
 On 20/09/2014, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Saturday 20 September 2014 07:32:54 Bret Busby wrote:
  It has just occurred to me - I believe that the appropriuate term for
  the Microsucks action, is crippleware. Microsucks has crippled
  versions of Skype, that have version numbers earlier than 4.3.
  I don't use Skype so can't test, but why not try just changing the
  has been suggested, and as has apparently worked for some other people?

 I had already tried one method of doing that - using  the suggested
 method which involved using sed - which was offered as an alternative
 to using a hexeditor (which option scared me)

 Ah!  That answers my question.  Perhaps the time has come to grasp the bull
 the horns?  The lesser evil?  And it may turn out a good deal less fearsome

 than you expect.


Unfortunately, as indicated by subsequent posts in this and a later,
related, thread, Microshite's ongoing campaign of sabotage of
technology, has apparently overcome the particular fix.

Hopefully, sometime, someone will successfully destroy the
deathstar-like entity that is Microshite.

And, hopefully, the original Skype developers will create a new Skype
facility, free of Microshite.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: Upgrading to Jessie

2014-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 21 sep 14, 02:19:08, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 01:48:41PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  P.S. please note the 'apt' command is only available since apt 1.0.0 
 bash completion isn't working for me. Is it for you?
 bash completion works fine for apt-get and dpkg.

$ dpkg -L bash-completion | grep apt

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Let's have a vote!

2014-09-20 Thread lee
Martin Read writes:

 On 16/09/14 01:00, lee wrote:
 Shall we have a vote?  AFAIK, there's nothing that would speak against
 having one, in this very mailing list.  Why not ask the users?  Why
 should only Debian developers be allowed to vote but not the users?

 Debian users, on the other hand, are very much *not* a
 strongly-identifiable group; there is no formal mechanism whatsoever
 for being endorsed as an Official Debian User.

I'm aware that Debian users cannot be easily identified.  You could
even argue that all users of distributions based on Debian, like Ubuntu,
are Debian users.  In any case, how well someone can be identified as
belonging to some group doesn't allow to conclude anything about their
ability to make good decisions.

All this doesn't mean that we couldn't have a vote here, with the people
present in this mailing list.  This list is for Debian users, after all.

 As such, a vote by the users can, *at best*, be a vaguely indicative
 straw poll of those bona fide users who feel strongly enough about
 matters to participate in the first place;

Technically, yes --- practically, votes are used differently.  Besides,
votes are one of the major flaws of democracy.

 at worst, it will be a magnet for trolls, astroturfers, shills, and
 other such reprobates.

Yes, of course those will suddenly become aware that there's a vote
going on here and can be bothered to subscribe to the list and to take
part in the vote.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: Let's have a vote!

2014-09-20 Thread lee
st writes:

 lee wrote:

 Shall we have a vote?

 That's hardly necessary, seeing as how Debian developers have
 been disregarding their users' needs in the last few years.

Good point ...

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: Query about existence of way to free up unnecessary RAM usage

2014-09-20 Thread lee
B writes:

 On Sun, 14 Sep 2014 15:53:50 +0200
 lee wrote:

 Have you actually tested (with hot-pluggable disks) what happens when
 one of the partitions the system is swapping to suddenly becomes
 unavailable or difficult to access and what happens when the data (on
 one of the swap-partitions) becomes corrupted?

 Not recently, I had a swap disk failure 2 times, 15 years ago,
 I found the machine completely stucked, ~12-13 years ago,
 processes were killed and the machine was still running.

Huh? It was stuck but running?

How do you suppose that, when a disk to which the system has swapped out
the contents of emacs' buffers you've been working on fails, the system
shall obtain this data so that you can save your changes before shutting
down the system to replace the failed disk?  (And don't say use
hot-pluggable disks.)

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-20 Thread lee
Joel Rees writes:

 2014/09/19 5:27 lee

 Joel Rees writes:

  On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 10:43 PM, lee wrote:
  Joel Rees writes:
  Hmm. So. When you do a
  git status
  on the command line, with the current working directory at the
  appropriate place in the repostory, you have taken the trouble to
  specify your repository as something like
  instead of

 In one case, I cloned it; in another, I don't know anymore what exactly
 I did.

 This is something you really need to understand. I strongly encourage you
 to dig into it.

Well, I didn't make some sort of recording of what I did back then, so
there's no way to find out.

  I think git is the usual/default protocol when you clone a repository.

 I don't know --- look at an arbitrary repo on github, and you'll find
 yourself presented with an http URL to clone it.  Look at the emacs
 git-repo, and you're presented a git URL to clone it.

 You know, I don't use github. I just checked what they offer, and it looks
 like the web interface is optimized for web based use, which makes sense.
 But web-based is by no means the only interface.

There doesn't appear to be any interface which helps you with getting
informed about commits automatically.  A web interface is rather
unsuited for this.

 In any of the cases, I'm *not* being informed about new commits.  I need
 to look for them one way or another, and I'd rather get an email that
 informs me automatically.

 If git status is not telling you about pushes to the repositories you are
 accessing, you've got your HEAD set to something else, maybe a branch point
 or a historical point.

'git status' does tell me.  That's what the script is currently using.

 I had the idea that maybe you were just interested in the activity, not in
 the resulting code, which I see is not the case.

Yes, when there are new commits, I may want to pull them.  That's why I
want to be informed automatically when there are any.

 Probably not --- we'd have to ask the developers of git why such an
 important feature is missing.

 There are some that do. The hooks are available to the repository
 adminstrators in git.

Which doesn't really help the users ...

  And you should also consider that, with git, the assumption is that
  everyone is mostly working on their own clone of the repository,
  sometimes doing diffs and so-forth with other developers'
  repositories, and only occasionally going to a central repository.

 How would that work, or why would they make a copy at some point in
 time, work totally isolated on that for a year or for many years and
 only then look at a central repo eventually?  That doesn't make any
 sense to me.

 Years or days, or minutes, which you consider central is your choice.
 Shifting your HEAD to a different repository does require a bit of work in
 merging code, but the repository doesn't really care.

When there is a number of ppl working on something, you may have to
update your clone of the repo somewhat frequently rather than sticking
to what you already have, unless you prefer to work on outdated stuff.
When everyone is mostly working on their own clone, as you say,
they'll all be working on outdated stuff.

 Git is supposed to be a tool for collaboration, isn't it?  People
 working together on something would probably have a hard time to
 collaborate through isolating themselves by not keeping track of a
 central repo or by not keeping track of everyone elses repo.

 When they say git is for de-centralized collaboration, they mean it.

 Well, you do have to make choices about which repository you set as HEAD at
 any particular point in time.

When everyone is mostly working on their own clone, they do not
collaborate, neither non-centralised, nor otherwise.

 Once someone pushes to the central repo (or their own),

 There is no central other than the one you specify. And you don't push to
 your own (unless you decided to keep a local central of your own,
 separate from your working copy).

Then how do I load a file of my repo on github into emacs to edit it?
Do they offer some sort of remote access?  And what would I do when I
modified the file?  Do they offer some sort of remote control for git so
that I can commit my changes?

 You commit into your working repository and then push your commits to
 wherever you are pushing them to when you think it's time to push them
 outside your working copy.

The repo on github is a copy of what I have.  It's my repo, so of course
I push to it.

Other than that, yes, the way git thinks is extremely stupid:  It thinks
that repos are always remote and that such remote repos dictate what's
going on in your clone.  Actually, it's the other way round.

 everyone else
 may want to have the latest version

 Actually, not necessarily. Generally, you decide 

Re: Let's have a vote!

2014-09-20 Thread lee
Sven Joachim writes:

 On 2014-09-16 02:00 +0200, lee wrote:

 And I'd also like to hear what advantages systemd actually brings about
 that would make it desirable. should get you started.

I've read that page.  Where are the advantages?

 Systemd makes the boot process much simpler

No, it doesn't, it makes it cryptic, and makes simple things very
difficult to do.

 Systemd can handle the boot process from head to toe, without needing
 to use any of the existing shell scripts.

That's how systemd makes the boot process cryptic and non-debuggable.

 Systemd is straightforward.

No, it's very confusing and very convoluted, and there isn't even any
decent documentation. --- Later on, the page suggest that users read the
source code of systemd because there's documentation in the source.
Seriously ...

 Systemd unit files, unlike SysV scripts, can usually be shipped by
 upstream, or at least shared with other distributions (already more
 than 1000 existing unit files in Fedora) without any changes, the
 Debian specifics being handled by systemd itself.

So Debian even has its own version of systemd to make things more

 Systemd is incredibly fast (1 second to boot).

Who cares.  When I turn on my computer, it takes about 2 minutes before
grub loads, and it's totally irrelevant if booting from there takes a
second more or less.  I reboot my server only when it's required due to
software updates, and it takes quite a long time before grub loads.  I
reboot my computer only because it saves electricity when I turn it off
--- yet uptime is currently 14 days because I didn't turn it off
nonetheless.  And if it's turned off, I turn it on and go make a coffee.
That leaves my computer about 8 minutes to boot after grub loads.

 The transition plan is easy, since existing init scripts are treated
 as first-class services: scripts can depend (using LSB headers) on
 units, units can depend on scripts. More than 99% of init scripts can
 be used without a modification.

What's easy about this, and why use systemd when the existing init
scripts are fine?

 If there were so many people disagreeing that forcing systemd upon the
 users, why aren't there any of them speaking up and explaining why
 systemd is supposed to be such a great idea?

 Presumably because they have other, more important things to do (see

They might soon find out that they can't do these more important things
anymore because systemd gets in the way.

 Anyway, what is forced upon users is not systemd as PID 1 (aka
 systemd-sysv), but rather systemd-logind, shipped in the systemd
 package and usable together with sysvinit (or upstart) and

I don't want any part of systemd.  Already you can't even install gimp
without systemd anymore :(

But run gimp remotely, and it says it cannot connect to udev.  It still
runs fine.  So why would it depend on systemd?  That's a broken

 Here is another pointer as to why this is done:

I admit that users logged in in different ways might be supposed to have
different permissions is a problem.  Systemd doesn't solve this problem.

You can see that very easily on Fedora.  Create a user A and log in as
this user.  Create another user B to run software which, for security,
must not be able to access all the data of user A.  As B, logged in
locally (like user A running 'su B') run the software which needs to
play sounds, and you will find out what B is totally unable to play any
sounds.  You have no choice but to run the software as A, with access to
all of As data.

That just sucks.  How do you fix this problem?

 Shall we have a vote?  AFAIK, there's nothing that would speak against
 having one, in this very mailing list.  Why not ask the users?  Why
 should only Debian developers be allowed to vote but not the users?

 Because the people who do the work get to make the decisions, that's the
 way Debian works.

That would mean that the users are not a priority in Debian, which
contradicts Debians' social contract.

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Re: MDADM RAID1 of external USB 3.0 Drives

2014-09-20 Thread lee
Linux-Fan writes:

 On 09/14/2014 04:33 PM, lee wrote:
 Linux-Fan writes:
 On 09/14/2014 12:38 PM, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

 or even buy some additional drives (I know that it is often said that
 today drives are cheap but for me being comparatively new to
 computing, 60€ are still much for a HDD)
 Where do you get good 2TB+ drives for only EUR 60?

 In fact, I don't. That was a thoughtless aestimate and I wanted to avoid
 posting a price which is more than one can currently get disks for as
 this could have resulted in someone posting you are lying, you do not
 even need to pay 80€, here is one for 74€ or such.

ah, ok :)  Now you got ppl saying that you can't buy a good 2TB for only
EUR 60 instead :))

 I do not know, if you consider them good, but here is one for 71€

Dunno, I don't buy disks anymore that aren't rated for 24/7 operation
and don't support TLER.  If you're simply looking for much capacity and
low price, it might be a good choice.

Other than that, in my experience Seagate disks my have an unusually
high failure rate.

 Goodness, an HP Microserver fully made and ready for four drives costs 
 about twice the cost
 of a 4TB internal drive.
 These also have ECC RAM, and when a 2TB RAID-1 is enough for you, you
 can as well buy one of those instead of a SAS/SATA controller or a port
 multiplier.  IIRC, they consume only about 30W, so you can probably
 connect it to your existing UPS.  You can offload services to it and
 leave it running.

 I do not have a separate room to put the server into to avoid the noise

They are probably so quiet that this won't be an issue.  Did you look at
some pictures and/or videos?  IIRC, being quiet is one of the reasons
why people love them so much.

19 servers _are_ loud, though.

 and do not like the idea of running a server all the time to only
 provide storage for a single system (which is not always online).

Well, you can always shut it down when it isn't needed --- and IIRC you
didn't want to do that.

In that case, you're looking at buying a port multiplier or a controller
card.  If you want to buy a controller, check out the HP smart array
ones, preferably the 410.

 Although that is a better long-term solution (which I will likely follow
 the next time any storage is to be added), I think I will stay with what
 I have now and see how it performs.

USB disks?  Come one, you can't be bothered with shutting down a server
but you want to waste your time with USB disks and their unreliability?
How does that make sense?

And you're going to go that way anyway sooner or later, so why waste
your money now rather than going that way to begin with and enjoying all
the benefits now?

 Only problem is that you're going to like the SAS disks and find out
 how terribly slow your USB disks are ;)

 The same problem has already occurred when I used a business-class
 computer for the first time -- I will never buy a consumer-class model
 again... :)

What's a business class computer?

I've come to tend to buy used server class hardware whenever it's
suitable, based on the experience that the quality is much better than
otherwise, on the assumption that it'll be more reliable and because
there isn't any better for the money.  So far, performance is also
stunning.  This stuff is really a bargain.

I like stuff that just works, and I wouldn't even dream of messing with
USB disks for storage but buy an HP Microserver instead.  What you're
trying with these USB disks is a waste: Even when it's not the money, as
in amount of currency unit, it's also the amount of trouble you're
getting into and the problems you encounter, which all costs time and
nerves and creates downtime --- not to mention losing your data

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Re: MDADM RAID1 of external USB 3.0 Drives

2014-09-20 Thread lee
Linux-Fan writes:

 On 09/14/2014 04:35 PM, lee wrote:
 Linux-Fan writes:
 Also, the reliability of the external storage is required to be
 Then forget USB disks.  Get an HP Microserver and reliable disks.

 Sorry, forgot to insert a not :).
 It should read the reliability of the external storage is NOT required
 to be perfect (otherwise the explaination would not make sense, would it?)

What's the point of creating and attaching to your computer an
unreliable storage system which continues to give you trouble because
it's unreliable?

I can only guess that you want an unreliable storage system that
_doesn't_ give you trouble.  But then, an unreliable storage system is
rather useless anyway.

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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Re: corrupted grub in wheezy

2014-09-20 Thread roberto
On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Brian wrote:

 Now you are in do:

grub-install /dev/sda

I did as above, no error reported and still no solution at all.
When I reboot, I get the grub prompt again...


Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Samstag, 20. September 2014, 22:42:52 schrieb Bret Busby:
 On 20/09/2014, Lisi Reisz wrote:
  On Saturday 20 September 2014 08:00:16 Bret Busby wrote:
  On 20/09/2014, Lisi Reisz wrote:
   On Saturday 20 September 2014 07:32:54 Bret Busby wrote:
   It has just occurred to me - I believe that the appropriuate term for
   the Microsucks action, is crippleware. Microsucks has crippled
   versions of Skype, that have version numbers earlier than 4.3.
   I don't use Skype so can't test, but why not try just changing the
   has been suggested, and as has apparently worked for some other people?
  I had already tried one method of doing that - using  the suggested
  method which involved using sed - which was offered as an alternative
  to using a hexeditor (which option scared me)
  Ah!  That answers my question.  Perhaps the time has come to grasp the
  the horns?  The lesser evil?  And it may turn out a good deal less
  than you expect.
 Unfortunately, as indicated by subsequent posts in this and a later,
 related, thread, Microshite's ongoing campaign of sabotage of
 technology, has apparently overcome the particular fix.
 Hopefully, sometime, someone will successfully destroy the
 deathstar-like entity that is Microshite.
 And, hopefully, the original Skype developers will create a new Skype
 facility, free of Microshite.

As in the other thread again, it still works here. With version patched 4.2.

At least I can see online state of buddies after login in and it does log in.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Ideal Debian distro for Asus Notebook?

2014-09-20 Thread Sreedhav Sistla
Dear sir/Madam,
  I have an Asus Notebook ,Model: X550L with just
MSDOS on it. My intention was to install Linux Debian OS on it!

  I have read the
particular model was not listed under Asus) and need your help in selecting
the Debian distro'!  I have been using an Debian distro MX-14 Symbiosis for
6 months,so not a total newbie!
  Thanks and regards,

Re: Faking it with skype

2014-09-20 Thread Hans

 As in the other thread again, it still works here. With version patched 4.2.
 At least I can see online state of buddies after login in and it does log

Did you real disconnect or just close the application? Try to diconnect and 
reconnect. Does it work?



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Re: Ideal Debian distro for Asus Notebook?

2014-09-20 Thread Gary Dale

On 20/09/14 11:13 AM, Sreedhav Sistla wrote:

Dear sir/Madam,
  I have an Asus Notebook ,Model: X550L with 
just MSDOS on it. My intention was to install Linux Debian OS on it!

  I have read the particular model was not listed 
under Asus) and need your help in selecting the Debian distro'!  I 
have been using an Debian distro MX-14 Symbiosis for 6 months,so not a 
total newbie!

  Thanks and regards,

This is a reasonably powerful notebook that is probably running Windows, 
not MSDOS. Any version of Linux will probably run fairly well on it. It 
doesn't use any strange hardware so things should just work.

I recommend Debian/Testing (Jessie) which has been quite stable in use 
and is more up to date than Debian/Stable (Wheezy). You can also try the 
latest Linux Mint distribution, which is Debian-based and quite popular.

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Re: OT: Pepper Flash Crashes Everywhere

2014-09-20 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

 op 18-09-14 03:14, Patrick Bartek schreef:
  Anyone else experiencing this?  Haven't found any reports so far.
  Chrome  Pepper ran fine before update/upgrade a few days ago.
  Figured I'd check before I started mucking about the system trying
  to fix it.
  Downloaded .deb directly from Google for the install which was about
  18 months ago. System always kept up to date.
  Wheezy 7.6 (64-bit).  Openbox 3.5.0-7 WM Only.  No other gui
  environments installed.
  Chrome 37.0.2062.120 (64-bit)
 The newest pepperflashplugin links against GLIBC_2.14. So don't use
 the lastest version, or you need a newer glibc.

Yes, I discovered this.  Wheezy uses 2.13.  But why PepperFlash was
linked to the library used in Testing instead of Stable, I don't know.
Compulsive-obsessive behavior that one MUST have the newest of
EVERYTHING?  New Toy Syndrome?  Newer is Better myth? ;-)  Something
I've never understood.  If it works, why replace it?  

 This is what I do:
 First install pepperflashplugin-nonfree when it's not installed.
 Then do this as root:
 cd /tmp/
 dpkg-deb -x $debfile unpackchrome
 mv -f $sofile /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree
 root:root /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/
 chmod 644 /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/ mv
 $debfile $cachedir --
 Then restart Chromium and flash should work correct.
 Most code comes from: /usr/sbin/update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Thanks.  I'll check into this fix.  Unfortunately, I think, I'll be
stuck with an old version of Chrome/Pepperflash forever, since I'll
never be able to upgrade it on my Wheezy system because of the 2.14
problem.  I've read it's possible to run 2.14 and 2.13 on the same
system, but I'm wary of that option.  More research needed.

Thanks, again.


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Re: OT: Pepper Flash Crashes Everywhere

2014-09-20 Thread Sven Hartge
Patrick Bartek wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Sep 2014, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

 The newest pepperflashplugin links against GLIBC_2.14. So don't use
 the lastest version, or you need a newer glibc.

 Yes, I discovered this.  Wheezy uses 2.13.  But why PepperFlash was
 linked to the library used in Testing instead of Stable, I don't know.

You will have to ask Google this question.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: git: how to figure out with a script what the last commit on remote repo is without fetching it

2014-09-20 Thread Joel Rees
Well, your experience with git and mine are quite different.

On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:15 PM, lee wrote:
 Joel Rees writes:

Let's clear the conversation, it's too cluttered for me to make sense
of it any more.

cd to your local copy of the repository you want to do some work in.
Try these two commands:

git log

git branch --list -ar

What do they tell you?

Joel Rees

Be careful where you see conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.

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Re: MDADM RAID1 of external USB 3.0 Drives

2014-09-20 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 9/20/14, lee wrote:

 What's the point of creating and attaching to your computer an
 unreliable storage system which continues to give you trouble because
 it's unreliable?

*100% ditto*

This is coming from someone operating at an extremely low income
level: Buy the more expensive shtuff the first time 'round. Wait an
extra month, two months, buy a few less impulse items beforehand,
whatever it takes to afford it, but buy the better product. Cheap
stuff is cheap for a reason.

I'm sitting on a 2^64 - 1 partition right now because it was USB
connected. Best as I can tell, dog f*rted, porch floor shook, and USB
connection broke for a SPLIT SECOND while GRUB2 was installing anew.
Chances are very good that would NOT have happened if I'd had a more
stable setup..

After going through this several times lately, I think of it this way:
$25 for a cheap part when better quality is $50. That cheap part WILL
break and usually very soon. $25 DOWN THE DRAIN, boom, just like that
when that same $25 could have gone towards that $50 part I now HAVE to
buy anyway. Makes that $50 part now basically. $75 with an
increased potential for loss of critical data in the process.

As always, YMMV. Good luck!


Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* I comment, therefore I am (procrastinating elsewhere) *

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Re: corrupted grub in wheezy

2014-09-20 Thread Brian
On Sat 20 Sep 2014 at 17:07:44 +0200, roberto wrote:

 On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Brian wrote:
  Now you are in do:
 grub-install /dev/sda
 I did as above, no error reported and still no solution at all.
 When I reboot, I get the grub prompt again...

Let's give grub something which we know it likes and is really easy for
it to read.

   cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg-orig

Replace the contents of grub.cfg with

   menuentry Debian {
   set root=(hd0,msdos1)
   linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1
   initrd /initrd.img

Save and reboot. 

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