Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread deloptes
David Wright wrote:

> Well, as I explained, I don't use a DE so I wouldn't have a clue.
> There presumably are people here who use TDE. I see it mentioned
> a lot.

I use the 14.1 - DEV version, but also in previous one I have never
experienced automounting.
Could be that Gene installed automount package and it is not working as

I don't have that big file to test khexedit - I test with 1GB+, but it
displayed properly.


Re: how to change network setting after installation

2018-02-09 Thread john doe

On 2/10/2018 7:42 AM, Long Wind wrote:

i've just installed stretch, minimal installationnow i want to change network 
from  cell phone hot spot to router
i've not installed X window

Have a look in/etc/network/interfaces.

John Doe

Re: HP LaserJet 1018 amb Debian 9

2018-02-09 Thread Josep Lladonosa
2018-02-10 8:34 GMT+01:00 Josep Lladonosa :

> Hola, Narcis,
> Deu ser un bug de l'instal·lador. Ell prova a instl·lar considerant que la
> versió és 9.1 però no se'n surt.
> Algun cop ho havia resolt no massa 'elegantment' però crec que aquest cop
> sí que ho he fet afegint la versió 9.3 al lloc on correspon i m'ha funcionat
> Quan s'executa hplip-*.run, aquest descomprimeix una carpeta i continua
> execució. En surts. Dins la carpeta del que ha descomprimit, hi trobaràs un
> ./installer/distros.dat
> -Cerca-hi la secció:
> # 
> [debian]
> index=2
> versions=7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,7.6,7.7,7.8,7.9,8.0,8.1,8.
> 2,8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6,8.7,8.8,9.1
> display_name=Debian
> alt_names=
> display=1
> notes=
> package_mgrs=dpkg,apt-get,synaptic,update-manager,adept,aptitude
> package_mgr_cmd=su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y $packages_to_install"
> pre_depend_cmd=su -c "dpkg --configure -a",su -c "apt-get install -f",su
> -c "apt-get update"
> post_depend_cmd=
> hplip_remove_cmd=su -c "apt-get remove --yes hplip hpijs hplip-data"
> su_sudo=su
> ppd_install=ppd
> udev_mode_fix=1
> ppd_dir=/usr/share/ppd/HP
> fix_ppd_symlink=0
> drv_dir=/usr/share/cups/drv/HP
> -Afegeix a la línia de versions la distro 9.3:
> versions=7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,7.6,7.7,7.8,7.9,8.0,8.1,8.
> 2,8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6,8.7,8.8,9.1,9.3
> - Posteriorment cerca-hi la secció de la distribució [debian:9.1] i la
> repliques a sota canviant-ne els 9.1 per 9.3:
> # *
> [debian:9.3]
> code_name=Stretch
> supported=1
> scan_supported=1
> fax_supported=1
> pcard_supported=1
> network_supported=1
> parallel_supported=1
> usb_supported=1
> packaged_version=3.17.10
> release_date=09/12/2017

Afegeixo que a més, a la nova secció li he afegit un "refinament" que ha
estat canviar també la data del desplegament de la 9.3 ;-)

> notes=NOTE: Disable the CD Sources in your apt sources.list or the install
> will fail and hang.
> ppd_install=drv
> udev_mode_fix=1
> ppd_dir=/usr/share/ppd/HP
> fix_ppd_symlink=0
> drv_dir=/usr/share/cups/drv/HP
> ui_toolkit=qt5
> native_cups=1
> policykit=0
> # This libdir_path will be used only for 64 bit machine.
> libdir_path=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
> [debian:9.3:cups]
> packages=cups,libcups2
> [debian:9.3:cups-devel]
> packages=libcups2-dev,cups-bsd,cups-client
> [debian:9.3:gcc]
> packages=g++
> [debian:9.3:gs]
> packages=ghostscript,ghostscript-cups,ghostscript-x
> [debian:9.3:libcrypto]
> packages=libssl-dev
> [debian:9.3:libjpeg]
> packages=libjpeg62-turbo-dev
> [debian:9.3:libnetsnmp-devel]
> packages=libsnmp-dev,snmp
> [debian:9.3:libpthread]
> packages=libc6
> [debian:9.3:libtool]
> packages=libtool,libtool-bin
> [debian:9.3:libusb]
> packages=libusb-1.0.0-dev
> [debian:9.3:make]
> packages=make
> [debian:9.3:pil]
> packages=python-imaging
> [debian:9.3:ppdev]
> packages=
> commands=su -c "modprobe ppdev",su -c cp -f /etc/modules
> /etc/modules.hplip,echo ppdev | su -c tee -a /etc/modules
> [debian:9.3:pyqt]
> packages=python-qt3
> [debian:9.3:python-devel]
> packages=python-dev
> [debian:9.3:pyqt4]
> packages=python-qt4
> [debian:9.3:pyqt4-dbus]
> packages=python-qt4-dbus
> [debian:9.3:python23]
> packages=python
> [debian:9.3:python2X]
> packages=python
> [debian:9.3:reportlab]
> packages=python-reportlab
> [debian:9.3:sane]
> packages=sane
> [debian:9.3:sane-devel]
> packages=libsane-dev
> [debian:9.3:scanimage]
> packages=sane-utils
> [debian:9.3:xsane]
> packages=xsane
> [debian:9.3:cups-ddk]
> packages=
> [debian:9.3:python-dbus]
> packages=python-dbus,python-gobject
> [debian:9.3:dbus]
> packages=libdbus-1-dev
> [debian:9.3:python-ctypes]
> packages=python-ctypes
> [debian:9.3:cups-image]
> packages=libcupsimage2,libcupsimage2-dev
> [debian:9.3:policykit]
> packages=policykit-1,policykit-1-gnome
> [debian:9.3:python-notify]
> packages=python-notify
> [debian:9.3:network]
> packages=wget
> [debian:9.3:avahi-utils]
> packages=avahi-utils
> [debian:9.3:gtk]
> packages=libcanberra-gtk-module
> [debian:9.3:python3-notify2]
> packages=python3-notify2
> [debian:9.3:python3-pyqt4-dbus]
> packages=python3-dbus.mainloop.qt
> [debian:9.3:python3-pyqt4]
> packages=python3-pyqt4,gtk2-engines-pixbuf
> [debian:9.3:python3-dbus]
> packages=python3-dbus,python3-gi
> [debian:9.3:python3-xml]
> packages=python3-lxml
> [debian:9.3:python3-devel]
> packages=python3-dev
> [debian:9.3:python3-pil]
> packages=python3-pil
> [debian:9.3:python3-reportlab]
> packages=python3-reportlab
> [debian:9.3:python3-pyqt5-dbus]
> packages=python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5
> [debian:9.3:python3-pyqt5]
> packages=python3-pyqt5,gtk2-engines-pixbuf
> [debian:9.3:pyqt5]
> packages=gtk2-engines-pixbuf,python-pyqt5
> [debian:9.3:pyqt5-dbus]
> packages=python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5
> [debian:9.3:automake]
> packages=automake1.11
> [debian:9.3:epm]
> packages=epm
> +
> Deses i executes el./hplip-install de la carpeta principal 

Re: HP LaserJet 1018 amb Debian 9

2018-02-09 Thread Josep Lladonosa
Hola, Narcis,

Deu ser un bug de l'instal·lador. Ell prova a instl·lar considerant que la
versió és 9.1 però no se'n surt.
Algun cop ho havia resolt no massa 'elegantment' però crec que aquest cop
sí que ho he fet afegint la versió 9.3 al lloc on correspon i m'ha funcionat

Quan s'executa hplip-*.run, aquest descomprimeix una carpeta i continua
execució. En surts. Dins la carpeta del que ha descomprimit, hi trobaràs un

-Cerca-hi la secció:


package_mgr_cmd=su -c "apt-get install --force-yes -y $packages_to_install"
pre_depend_cmd=su -c "dpkg --configure -a",su -c "apt-get install -f",su -c
"apt-get update"
hplip_remove_cmd=su -c "apt-get remove --yes hplip hpijs hplip-data"

-Afegeix a la línia de versions la distro 9.3:


- Posteriorment cerca-hi la secció de la distribució [debian:9.1] i la
repliques a sota canviant-ne els 9.1 per 9.3:

# *

notes=NOTE: Disable the CD Sources in your apt sources.list or the install
will fail and hang.
# This libdir_path will be used only for 64 bit machine.
commands=su -c "modprobe ppdev",su -c cp -f /etc/modules
/etc/modules.hplip,echo ppdev | su -c tee -a /etc/modules



Deses i executes el./hplip-install de la carpeta principal del que s'havia
A mi, si més no, la instal·lació ha seguit endavant...


2018-02-09 17:56 GMT+01:00 Narcis Garcia :

> He provat a posar en marxa l'esmentada impressora i em dóna problemes.
> He instal·lat els paquets: hplip hpijs-ppds printer-driver-pxljr
> Al web de HPLIP diu que aquesta impressora està suportada des de la
> versió 2.7 i el HPLIP instal·lat ja és la 3.16
> D'entrada hi ha un controlador «HP LaserJet 1018 Foomatic/foo2zjs-z1
> (recommended)» amb el qual no 

how to change network setting after installation

2018-02-09 Thread Long Wind
i've just installed stretch, minimal installationnow i want to change network 
from  cell phone hot spot to router
i've not installed X window

Re: Limerick twiddling (was Re: I do not want to install Linux)

2018-02-09 Thread rhkramer
On Friday, February 09, 2018 04:58:49 PM The Wanderer wrote:
> I don't know about the distros, but Bali is the name of a place (and I'm
> relatively sure I've heard it pronounced that way), and Kali is the name
> of a Hindu goddess (and I'm even more certain it's pronounced that way).

Ok, it seems that most references agree with your pronunciation.

I must have bad ears (or listened to the song with a bad transistor radio when 
I was a kid).  I tried listening to the song several times, and, although 
sometimes I thought I heard it my way, I guess she really says / sings it your 

Re: Fosdem rasspberry !

2018-02-09 Thread ptilou

Le lundi 5 février 2018 00:50:02 UTC+1, ptilou a écrit :
> Bonsoir,
> J'ai testé la distrib , y a ce PB continuelle de l'authentification WIFI, et 
> donc c'est quoi les clés de hash du bon système, je vais pas corriger les 
> amusements de certain ...
> Sinon, chez Fedora ils m'ont dit que sur une tablette il existe une signature 
> de l'OS, et que chacun est spécifique au matériel, moi sur la takara le dev 
> il a oublié une partie de la commande du téléphone, je pense que lui aussi 
> doit être dans l'erreur, ou peut-être que lui même est une erreur ?
> ( moi aussi je raconte des conneries mais c'est normal)
> Je ne savais pas que mon publics etait aussi nombreux, et je compte sur vous 
> pour les clès de hash ...

J'ai  découvert quelque chose extraordinaire aujourd'hui, j' ai changé la Box 
orange, sans connexion avec internet l'adaptateur hdmi/vga ne fonctionne pas ! 
Je me rends à la Vilette le repaire des install partie, l'adaptateur fonctionne 
! La machine avec laquelle je poste refuse d’ouvrir le bios, donc demain pour 
booter sur Linux je démonte le DD, au lieu d'aller flaner à Paris !

Au truc, la messe à Bruxelles un recruteur sur administration système m'a dit 
de prétendre à 5 K€ brut par mois sous Linux, pour ce tarif je fais fumer le 

On m'a volé deux DD de sauvegarde et tous mes supports optique qui sont ma sécu 
informatique, et on m'a cassé 3 machines, le bios ne fonctionne plus, on dirait 
que l'on veut m’empêcher de travailler sous Linux pourquoi à votre avis ?

Bon je veux bien les caractéristiques de l'alim raspberry, je l'ai perdu elle a 
disparu l'alim, et la ligne de commande avec IP pour récupérer les sources, je 
suis un peut parano c'est la raison de l'IP (Pas de DNS)...

> Ptilou

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 14:37:16 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> your count=122070 was too small. It should have been 128912. See
> below.
> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$ /sbin/gdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img
> > [...]
> > Caution: invalid backup GPT header, but valid main header;
> > regenerating backup header from main header.
> You cut off ~ 56 GB of the original device data. At the very end of
> the original there is the GPT backup copy. So it was not copied.
> > Warning! One or more CRCs don't match. You should repair the disk!
> This is not a good sign. GPT has checksums in the header block. One
> for the header itself and one for the partition entries array.
> If any does not match, then some partition editing did not what it
> was supposed to do.
> Well, old sins ...
> > Total free space is 108670973 sectors (51.8 GiB)
> gdisk seems still to believe in the size which it found in the copied
> GPT header block. Hopefully this misbelief would end if the image was
> copied successfully to a new storage medium.
> Nevertheless, gdisk or an other partition editor will then have to
> adjust this size field in the GPT (and the checksums) to the real
> storage device size.
> > Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
> >1  648063   3.9 MiB 8300  loader1
> >280648191   64.0 KiB8300  reserved1
> >38192   16383   4.0 MiB 8300  reserved2
> >4   16384   24575   4.0 MiB 8300  loader2
> >5   24576   32767   4.0 MiB 8300  atf
> >6   32768  262143   112.0 MiB   0700  boot
> >7  26214416500735   7.7 GiB 8300  root
> The first six partitions should be like on the original card.
> I am not so sure about number 7.
> Does it have the same size on the original card ?
> If it is like on the original:
> For a good copy up to the end of partition 7 you would have had to
> copy  16500735*512/65336 = 128912 blocks.
> So now your copy lacks the last 6842 * 65336 = 447,028,912 bytes of
> partition 7.
> With a copy of 128912 * 64 KiB the image file should be good and you'd
> only have to solve the riddle why the new card did not take the bytes
> you copied to it (or why it put them at the wrong place).

Blame that on gparted which did not update the ending GPT table when I 
shrank part 7 from 59.6 GB to about 7 so it would fit on a smaller sd 
card. but:
gdisk /dev/sdd

seems to have fixed that, gparted is now as happy as a clam.

> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 14:28:15 Brian wrote:

> On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 10:52:08 -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > On Fri, 09 Feb 2018, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need a
> > > quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make
> > > udev aware that gparted was running.
> >
> > udev doesn't automount by default;[1] it's likely just exposing the
> > fact that a device has been inserted with specific parameters to
> > whatever (some DE?) is doing the automounting.
> Gene Heskett is probably using an outdated, unsupported version
> of Debian. etch, potato. squeeze, that sort of thing. So there is
> little point in looking for a fundamental cause of the observation.
Wheezy, up to date a/o yesterday. /dev/ssd is not in my /etc/fstab. Yes. 
its old but not unsupported yet.

> On something more modern, udev will automount if the device is
> listed in /etc/fstab and is accessed. So not by default - but it
> can be arranged.
> > 1: At least, it doesn't here, and I haven't specifically changed
> > this configuration.
> LABEL=ARCHIVE-9 /media/ARCHIVE-9 vfat
> ro,gid=1000,fmask=0117,dmask=0007,noatime,noauto,user,x-systemd.automo
>unt,x-systemd.idle-timeout=5,x-systemd.device-timeout=1 0 0
> mounts the device and unmounts it five seconds after it is ceased
> to be used.
> A really nice feature of systemd. systemd.mount(5).

Sounds usefull. But I'm not there yet because of linuxcnc. I do have one 
machine running jessie, on a pi, and that works well for any i/o that 
doesn't have to go thru its internal usb2 hub. But keyboard and mouse 
events are unarmed in that gateway, and only get thru around 95% of the 
time. The fun part is the constant reboot until you hit a boot where it 
works. But it may take 5 or 6 reboots to get to that condition. When it 
pi@picnc:~/linuxcnc/configs/sheldon-lathe $ uptime
 17:38:24 up 33 days, 21:55,  3 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.20, 0.17
uptimes are quite decent as above.

What I've seen of stretch has required a big piss-elm club to get it to 
march to my drummer, but when thats been done, it marches very well 
indeed. hasn't added an arm64 build to their 
offerings, but this rock64 built it from src in under 45 minutes. And a 
v4.14.15-rt13 kernel from vger built in:
sys 6m6.884s

And I'm probably building stuff it will never use yet.
The pi might be able to do that, but the times would like watching an oil 
based paint dry, likely days instead of minutes.

That kernel above is why I need the copies, as no one has yet wrote a 
kernel make install that works on a u-boot system. So that part will be 
dragging both the spinning rust where that kernel is living, in here, 
and figuring out how to erase whats there for ayufan's kernel, and put 
my v4.14.15-rt13 bits and pieces in its place. But probably not yet 
tonight as its dinner time and I need to go see what my dear woman wants 
to eat. I am now her caretaker. She fell and broke a hip a year ago, but 
is so far down with copd that there will not be a recovery even after it 
was replaced. Dragging an oxygen hose, the 10 feet to a potty chair 
takes a half hour to recover from. A Good Christian woman, she's 
tolerated me for 29 years now.

This is the "till death do us part", part.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: I do not want to install Linux

2018-02-09 Thread Forest Feighner
On Fri, 2018-02-09 at 13:58 +, Curt wrote:
> On 2018-02-09, Richard Hector  wrote:
> > 
> > Hmmm ... needs work on both scanning and rhyme, I'm afraid :-(
> > 
> > There once was a scammer from Bali
> > Who did all his hacking on Kali
> > The state of Nigeria
> > He said was inferior
> > So he routed all his scams through Mali.
> > 
> > Though I'm not sure how much 'hacking' is done by scammers.
> > 
> > And it won't work so well for rhotic accents.
> There once was a hacker from Bali 
> Who did her forensics on Kali
> One fine day to be rude 
> She modeled in the nude 
> Got fingered by Tom and Dick and Sally.
> > Richard

There once was a hacker from Bolly!
Liked her way around K(C)ali
Not to be rude
But(t) she modeled in the nude
How crude, She pinged 'em instead!

> > 
> > 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 14:11:27 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Friday 09 February 2018 13:56:35 David Wright wrote:
> > On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 12:34:05 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Friday 09 February 2018 11:50:46 David Wright wrote:
> > > > On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 04:20:51 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > > On Friday 09 February 2018 04:11:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > > > > That is not the problem, something is automounting the
> > > > > > > partition as soon as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the
> > > > > > > time you start the resize, its mounted again and gparted
> > > > > > > is locked out.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual
> > > > > > execution of the gparted helper programs shows the same
> > > > > > problems, then you will have to do it without resizing. I.e.
> > > > > > the oldfashioned way of making a new partition with a new
> > > > > > filesystem into which you copy the files of the old
> > > > > > filesystem.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Have a nice day :)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thomas
> > > > >
> > > > > I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really
> > > > > need a quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I
> > > > > could make udev aware that gparted was running.  That would be
> > > > > ideal. So would meaningfull gparted error reporting without
> > > > > having to wade thru a kilobyte of (spit) html. I'm going back
> > > > > to bed...
> > > >
> > > > Would I be write in thinking that killing sdd just there
> > > > prevents the
> >
> >↑ I'll write "correct" next time. You'd think I, of
> > all people, could spell that word.
> >
> > > > appearance of /dev/disk/by-{this,that and the other} appearing
> > > > also?
> > >
> > > It must be doing an end run by that means. Can that be fixed too?
> >
> > Circumvent what by what? Are those files there or not? I don't know
> > what you mean by "fixing" until you say whether they're there and
> > whether they're desired.
> >
> > > > Do you run with a DE? What would happen if you tried all this in
> > > > a VC before starting X? My experience of wheezy, jessie (which
> > > > you're running?) and stretch is that nothing has ever
> > > > automounted itself unless I boot from a live stick. But I only
> > > > run fvwm.
> > >
> > > This machine is running TDE as its x-gui, r14.0.5 it says.
> >
> > Well, isn't that why things get automounted, then? ISTR people doing
> > similar battles when their disc burners tried to automount blank
> > discs. You had to turn it off somewhere.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David.
> somewhere. That was the implied question.

As for looking at that file, hexdump finally got to the end of it, and 
1961ff5b0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
00  ||

Which tells me the backup GPT table, if it exists, is actually at the end 
of the disk, after another 50Gb of of 's. But how do I "fix" the 

Ran my script again, hexdump thinks its ok, gdisk says:
I might fix it with the x->e function so I did. Quit, reran it, looks ok, 
quit and reran gparted, which is also happy. Time to go to the garage 
and play in the fast lane. 

Now, if it won't boot the original card, which I haven't fixed with gdisk 
x,e,w but will boot the other 2 two, I'll be a happy camper

Later, and thank you for all the advice.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Limerick twiddling (was Re: I do not want to install Linux)

2018-02-09 Thread The Wanderer
On 2018-02-09 at 16:50, wrote:

> On Friday, February 09, 2018 01:04:49 PM The Wanderer wrote:
>> On 2018-02-09 at 12:49, wrote:
>>> There once was a hacker from Bali
>>> Who did her forensics on Kali
>>> One day to be rude
>>> She posed in the nude
>>> Got fingered by Tom, Dick, and Sally.
>> The meter and scansion of that are better, but the first syllable of the
>> rhyming word isn't consistent.
>> The "a" in at least one (and I think both) of "Bali" and "Kali" matches
>> one in "call", "fall", "mall", or "wall", or the "o" in "doll"; by
>> contrast, the "a" in "Sally" matches the one in "pal", "Hal", or
>> "shall".
> Interesting, I guess it depends how you pronounce things.  I would pronounce 
> Bali as in Bali Hai (sp?) from an old show or movie or something, where Bali 
> is like B(Hal) Lee.  Is there an official pronunciation of Bali and Kali as 
> in 
> the distros?

I don't know about the distros, but Bali is the name of a place (and I'm
relatively sure I've heard it pronounced that way), and Kali is the name
of a Hindu goddess (and I'm even more certain it's pronounced that way).

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: I do not want to install Linux

2018-02-09 Thread rhkramer
On Friday, February 09, 2018 02:15:51 PM Curt wrote:
> On 2018-02-09,  wrote:
> > On Friday, February 09, 2018 08:58:24 AM Curt wrote:

> > There once was a hacker from Bali
> > Who did her forensics on Kali
> > One day to be rude
> > She posed in the nude
> > Got fingered by Tom, Dick, and Sally.
> Right. I miscounted the last line (a syllable too many).
> I was going for 9-9-6-6-9 (which I thought was the traditional
> thingamajig).
> Of course with "posed" instead of "modeled" you're losing word play
> (digital forensic models as well get it, I'm sure).

Well, I missed that originally.

Modeled is almost 3 syllables, but I want to count posed as 1 syllable (so I 
am inconsistent).  ;-)

If it should be 9-9-6-6-9 I guess it needs more tweaking.  It works for me as 
is ;-)

Re: Limerick twiddling (was Re: I do not want to install Linux)

2018-02-09 Thread rhkramer
On Friday, February 09, 2018 01:04:49 PM The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2018-02-09 at 12:49, wrote:

> > There once was a hacker from Bali
> > Who did her forensics on Kali
> > One day to be rude
> > She posed in the nude
> > Got fingered by Tom, Dick, and Sally.
> The meter and scansion of that are better, but the first syllable of the
> rhyming word isn't consistent.
> The "a" in at least one (and I think both) of "Bali" and "Kali" matches
> one in "call", "fall", "mall", or "wall", or the "o" in "doll"; by
> contrast, the "a" in "Sally" matches the one in "pal", "Hal", or
> "shall".

Interesting, I guess it depends how you pronounce things.  I would pronounce 
Bali as in Bali Hai (sp?) from an old show or movie or something, where Bali 
is like B(Hal) Lee.  Is there an official pronunciation of Bali and Kali as in 
the distros?

Anyway, not a big deal, I think I'll just think of it like in Bali Hai.

Have a good day!

> The name "Molly" would work for the rhyme, but isn't as good a match the
> stock phrase which is being referenced...

Re: [off-topic] Re: VPS para multiples dominios

2018-02-09 Thread Oswaldo Franco
Gracias Aradnix


El 9 de febrero de 2018, 16:26, Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus <> escribió:

> Hablar de VPS es un mundo de posibilidades. En realidad la ventaja que
> adquieres con un VPS respecto a un servidor compartido es como cuando te
> mudas de piso (o apartamento) a una casa: te olvidas de lidiar con los
> vecinos molestos y de compartir, en vez de las instalaciones del inmueble,
> los recursos de hardware para tener una disposición más plena de ellos.
> A partir de eso de derivan muchas cosas y las posibilidades son enormes,
> no sé si infinitas pero vamos, no es algo que se pueda abordar a cabalidad
> en unos cuantos mensajes de correo. Yo creo que puedes hacerte de un vps no
> tan caro y con no tantos recursos para hacer las respectivas pruebas de los
> sitios que quieres albergar, ya para la producción de los mismos no sé si
> un VPS te baste, peor aún, si eso sea recomendable, ya que de acuerdo al
> tamaño del sapo es la pedrada.
> Ya hay muchos proveedores que te ofrecen vps con alguna distro gnu/linux,
> como centOS, Debian, Ubuntu, etc. Tendrás que buscar opciones... y creo que
> por ahora no tengo más que decir del asunto.
> Suerte
> ​Aradnix

GNU/Linux User # 508524

Re: [off-topic] Re: VPS para multiples dominios

2018-02-09 Thread Aradenatorix Veckhôm Avecælus
Hablar de VPS es un mundo de posibilidades. En realidad la ventaja que
adquieres con un VPS respecto a un servidor compartido es como cuando te
mudas de piso (o apartamento) a una casa: te olvidas de lidiar con los
vecinos molestos y de compartir, en vez de las instalaciones del inmueble,
los recursos de hardware para tener una disposición más plena de ellos.

A partir de eso de derivan muchas cosas y las posibilidades son enormes, no
sé si infinitas pero vamos, no es algo que se pueda abordar a cabalidad en
unos cuantos mensajes de correo. Yo creo que puedes hacerte de un vps no
tan caro y con no tantos recursos para hacer las respectivas pruebas de los
sitios que quieres albergar, ya para la producción de los mismos no sé si
un VPS te baste, peor aún, si eso sea recomendable, ya que de acuerdo al
tamaño del sapo es la pedrada.

Ya hay muchos proveedores que te ofrecen vps con alguna distro gnu/linux,
como centOS, Debian, Ubuntu, etc. Tendrás que buscar opciones... y creo que
por ahora no tengo más que decir del asunto.


Re: [off-topic] Re: VPS para multiples dominios

2018-02-09 Thread Oswaldo Franco
Disculpen por el #offt-opic listeros.

Gracias de igual manera por sus comentarios.


El 9 de febrero de 2018, 11:54, alberto  escribió:

> Pues si, efectivamente creo que es Off-topic, asi que modifico el Asunto...
> Dicho esto, tu consulta es muy basta y generica, pero a grandes rasgos lo
> que necesitas para la web, es lógicamente que los registros A de los
> dominios que quieras que apunten, apunten a la IP pública de tu VPS, y
> luego discriminar con los virtual servers de tu servidor web.
> Para el correo, lo mismo pero con los MX de los dominios, y luego,
> configurar tu MTA para aceptar el correo de todos ellos.
> saludos,
> On 09/02/18 17:09, Oswaldo Franco wrote:
> Hola listeros, no sé si este tipo de pregunta pueden hacerse a la lista.
> pero es que quiero adquirir un VPS en Linux y quiero configurarlo para
> alojar varias páginas web de mis clientes.
> Qué servicios debo configurar para tener seguridad y optimización, bueno
> además de lo que quiero lograr (alojar varios site)?
> - Se configurar el servidor web y el dbms.
> - Pero por lo menos para crear correo de los dominios de mis clientes?
> - Y para que cada dominio apunte a cada site?
> Cualquier aporte es válido, gracias de antemano.
> Saludo.
> --
> GNU/Linux User # 508524

GNU/Linux User # 508524

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread David Wright
On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 14:11:27 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 09 February 2018 13:56:35 David Wright wrote:
> > On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 12:34:05 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Friday 09 February 2018 11:50:46 David Wright wrote:
> > > > On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 04:20:51 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > > On Friday 09 February 2018 04:11:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > > > > That is not the problem, something is automounting the
> > > > > > > partition as soon as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the
> > > > > > > time you start the resize, its mounted again and gparted is
> > > > > > > locked out.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual execution
> > > > > > of the gparted helper programs shows the same problems, then
> > > > > > you will have to do it without resizing. I.e. the oldfashioned
> > > > > > way of making a new partition with a new filesystem into which
> > > > > > you copy the files of the old filesystem.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Have a nice day :)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thomas
> > > > >
> > > > > I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need
> > > > > a quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make
> > > > > udev aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal. So
> > > > > would meaningfull gparted error reporting without having to wade
> > > > > thru a kilobyte of (spit) html. I'm going back to bed...
> > > >
> > > > Would I be write in thinking that killing sdd just there prevents
> > > > the
> >
> >↑ I'll write "correct" next time. You'd think I, of all
> >  people, could spell that word.
> >
> > > > appearance of /dev/disk/by-{this,that and the other} appearing
> > > > also?
> > >
> > > It must be doing an end run by that means. Can that be fixed too?
> >
> > Circumvent what by what? Are those files there or not? I don't know
> > what you mean by "fixing" until you say whether they're there and
> > whether they're desired.
> >
> > > > Do you run with a DE? What would happen if you tried all this in a
> > > > VC before starting X? My experience of wheezy, jessie (which
> > > > you're running?) and stretch is that nothing has ever automounted
> > > > itself unless I boot from a live stick. But I only run fvwm.
> > >
> > > This machine is running TDE as its x-gui, r14.0.5 it says.
> >
> > Well, isn't that why things get automounted, then? ISTR people doing
> > similar battles when their disc burners tried to automount blank
> > discs. You had to turn it off somewhere.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David.
> somewhere. That was the implied question.

Well, as I explained, I don't use a DE so I wouldn't have a clue.
There presumably are people here who use TDE. I see it mentioned
a lot.

No, I was more interested in your nobbling of sdd in rules.d and
whether that had the consequence of preventing the creation of
the appropriate symlinks under /dev/disk/. It seemed somewhat
brutal; I thought there might be side effects.


Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

your count=122070 was too small. It should have been 128912. See below.

Gene Heskett wrote:
> gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$ /sbin/gdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img
> [...]
> Caution: invalid backup GPT header, but valid main header; regenerating
> backup header from main header.

You cut off ~ 56 GB of the original device data. At the very end of the
original there is the GPT backup copy. So it was not copied.

> Warning! One or more CRCs don't match. You should repair the disk!

This is not a good sign. GPT has checksums in the header block. One
for the header itself and one for the partition entries array.
If any does not match, then some partition editing did not what it
was supposed to do.
Well, old sins ...

> Total free space is 108670973 sectors (51.8 GiB)

gdisk seems still to believe in the size which it found in the copied
GPT header block. Hopefully this misbelief would end if the image was
copied successfully to a new storage medium.
Nevertheless, gdisk or an other partition editor will then have to
adjust this size field in the GPT (and the checksums) to the real
storage device size.

> Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
>1  648063   3.9 MiB 8300  loader1
>280648191   64.0 KiB8300  reserved1
>38192   16383   4.0 MiB 8300  reserved2
>4   16384   24575   4.0 MiB 8300  loader2
>5   24576   32767   4.0 MiB 8300  atf
>6   32768  262143   112.0 MiB   0700  boot
>7  26214416500735   7.7 GiB 8300  root

The first six partitions should be like on the original card.
I am not so sure about number 7.
Does it have the same size on the original card ?

If it is like on the original:
For a good copy up to the end of partition 7 you would have had to
copy  16500735*512/65336 = 128912 blocks.

So now your copy lacks the last 6842 * 65336 = 447,028,912 bytes of
partition 7.
With a copy of 128912 * 64 KiB the image file should be good and you'd
only have to solve the riddle why the new card did not take the bytes
you copied to it (or why it put them at the wrong place).

Have a nice day :)


Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Brian
On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 10:52:08 -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:

> On Fri, 09 Feb 2018, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need a
> > quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make udev
> > aware that gparted was running.
> udev doesn't automount by default;[1] it's likely just exposing the fact
> that a device has been inserted with specific parameters to whatever
> (some DE?) is doing the automounting.

Gene Heskett is probably using an outdated, unsupported version
of Debian. etch, potato. squeeze, that sort of thing. So there is
little point in looking for a fundamental cause of the observation.

On something more modern, udev will automount if the device is
listed in /etc/fstab and is accessed. So not by default - but it
can be arranged.

> 1: At least, it doesn't here, and I haven't specifically changed this
> configuration.

LABEL=ARCHIVE-9 /media/ARCHIVE-9 vfat 
 0 0

mounts the device and unmounts it five seconds after it is ceased
to be used.

A really nice feature of systemd. systemd.mount(5).


i3 wm sound volume and brightness

2018-02-09 Thread Robert Ford
Two questions:
- How to bind hot key so that there would have volume sound display on screen?
- How to bind hot key so that brightness would also display on screen?

My i3 config for sound volume and brightness is

The problem is configuration for sound works but there is no display. And for 
brightness, xbacklight -inc N or xbacklight -dec N returns message

No outputs have backlight property

I read that's because xbacklight can't find the corresponded backlight in 
/sys/class. I am aware that changing the value at 
/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight works, but I am looking for somewhat more 
portable way.

i3-wm 4.13-1
debian 9.3


Re: I do not want to install Linux

2018-02-09 Thread Curt
On 2018-02-09,  wrote:
> On Friday, February 09, 2018 08:58:24 AM Curt wrote:
>> There once was a hacker from Bali
>> Who did her forensics on Kali
>> One fine day to be rude
>> She modeled in the nude
>> Got fingered by Tom and Dick and Sally.
> I'm not a poet, and forget any rules that I may once have supposed to learn, 
> but I think this sounds just slightly better (minor wordsmithing):
> There once was a hacker from Bali
> Who did her forensics on Kali
> One day to be rude
> She posed in the nude
> Got fingered by Tom, Dick, and Sally.
Right. I miscounted the last line (a syllable too many).

I was going for 9-9-6-6-9 (which I thought was the traditional

Of course with "posed" instead of "modeled" you're losing word play
(digital forensic models as well get it, I'm sure). 

“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class
is running the country.” – Kurt Vonnegut

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 13:56:35 David Wright wrote:

> On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 12:34:05 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 09 February 2018 11:50:46 David Wright wrote:
> > > On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 04:20:51 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > On Friday 09 February 2018 04:11:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > >
> > > > > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > > > That is not the problem, something is automounting the
> > > > > > partition as soon as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the
> > > > > > time you start the resize, its mounted again and gparted is
> > > > > > locked out.
> > > > >
> > > > > If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual execution
> > > > > of the gparted helper programs shows the same problems, then
> > > > > you will have to do it without resizing. I.e. the oldfashioned
> > > > > way of making a new partition with a new filesystem into which
> > > > > you copy the files of the old filesystem.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Have a nice day :)
> > > > >
> > > > > Thomas
> > > >
> > > > I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need
> > > > a quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make
> > > > udev aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal. So
> > > > would meaningfull gparted error reporting without having to wade
> > > > thru a kilobyte of (spit) html. I'm going back to bed...
> > >
> > > Would I be write in thinking that killing sdd just there prevents
> > > the
>↑ I'll write "correct" next time. You'd think I, of all
>  people, could spell that word.
> > > appearance of /dev/disk/by-{this,that and the other} appearing
> > > also?
> >
> > It must be doing an end run by that means. Can that be fixed too?
> Circumvent what by what? Are those files there or not? I don't know
> what you mean by "fixing" until you say whether they're there and
> whether they're desired.
> > > Do you run with a DE? What would happen if you tried all this in a
> > > VC before starting X? My experience of wheezy, jessie (which
> > > you're running?) and stretch is that nothing has ever automounted
> > > itself unless I boot from a live stick. But I only run fvwm.
> >
> > This machine is running TDE as its x-gui, r14.0.5 it says.
> Well, isn't that why things get automounted, then? ISTR people doing
> similar battles when their disc burners tried to automount blank
> discs. You had to turn it off somewhere.
> Cheers,
> David.

somewhere. That was the implied question.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 13:13:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > When did fdisk learn about GPT part tables?
> Dunno. It recognizes GPT by type "ee" of the "Protective MBR" entry in
> the partition table of the MBR:
> >  Device Boot   Start End  Blocks   Id 
> > System rock-img-shrunk.img 1  1   12517171162585855+
> >  ee  GPT
> For further investigations use gdisk:
>   /sbin/gdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img
> which should show the partitions you know.
gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$ /sbin/gdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.5

Warning! Disk size is smaller than the main header indicates! Loading
secondary header from the last sector of the disk! You should use 'v' to
verify disk integrity, and perhaps options on the experts' menu to repair
the disk.
Caution: invalid backup GPT header, but valid main header; regenerating
backup header from main header.

Warning! Error 25 reading partition table for CRC check!
Warning! One or more CRCs don't match. You should repair the disk!

Partition table scan:
  MBR: protective
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: damaged

Caution: Found protective or hybrid MBR and corrupt GPT. Using GPT, but 
verification and recovery are STRONGLY recommended.

Disk rock-img-shrunk.img: 15624960 sectors, 7.5 GiB
Logical sector size: 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): 1C7D4C86-35A6-4E6A-B3E3-2A6BEB44FDD0
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 125171678
Partitions will be aligned on 64-sector boundaries
Total free space is 108670973 sectors (51.8 GiB)

Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
   1  648063   3.9 MiB 8300  loader1
   280648191   64.0 KiB8300  reserved1
   38192   16383   4.0 MiB 8300  reserved2
   4   16384   24575   4.0 MiB 8300  loader2
   5   24576   32767   4.0 MiB 8300  atf
   6   32768  262143   112.0 MiB   0700  boot
   7  26214416500735   7.7 GiB 8300  root

Humm, atf? Decode plz. This is (presumably) a u-boot machine, no grub 
stuff to be found.

> > gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$  /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdd
> >   Device Boot   Start End  Blocks   Id  System
> > /dev/sdd 1  32768   125042687625049607 
> This is probably an unpartitioned "disk" with MS-Windows filesystem.
> In any case it is not a copy of rock-img-shrunk.img .
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Re wicd vs network-manager

2018-02-09 Thread Glenn English
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 10:51 AM,   wrote:

> I can't find it but I suppose you mean several connections on the 
> same interface, since the official website says two interfaces won't be 
> possible before version 2.0 (last one is 1.7.5).

No, I was thinking of multiple nics (there are 2 Ethernets in my
box),. But I'd forgotten to mention why I dumped wicd -- on Jessie and
Buster, at least, wicd won't allow more than a single active
connection at a time. I went to /etc/network/interfaces. Takes a
little more thought (and a lot less RAM), but everybody's happy now.

Glenn English

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread David Wright
On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 12:34:05 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 09 February 2018 11:50:46 David Wright wrote:
> > On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 04:20:51 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Friday 09 February 2018 04:11:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > > That is not the problem, something is automounting the partition
> > > > > as soon as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the time you start
> > > > > the resize, its mounted again and gparted is locked out.
> > > >
> > > > If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual execution of
> > > > the gparted helper programs shows the same problems, then you will
> > > > have to do it without resizing. I.e. the oldfashioned way of
> > > > making a new partition with a new filesystem into which you copy
> > > > the files of the old filesystem.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Have a nice day :)
> > > >
> > > > Thomas
> > >
> > > I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need a
> > > quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make udev
> > > aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal. So would
> > > meaningfull gparted error reporting without having to wade thru a
> > > kilobyte of (spit) html. I'm going back to bed...
> >
> > Would I be write in thinking that killing sdd just there prevents the
   ↑ I'll write "correct" next time. You'd think I, of all
 people, could spell that word.

> > appearance of /dev/disk/by-{this,that and the other} appearing also?
> >
> It must be doing an end run by that means. Can that be fixed too?

Circumvent what by what? Are those files there or not? I don't know
what you mean by "fixing" until you say whether they're there and
whether they're desired.

> > Do you run with a DE? What would happen if you tried all this in a VC
> > before starting X? My experience of wheezy, jessie (which you're
> > running?) and stretch is that nothing has ever automounted itself
> > unless I boot from a live stick. But I only run fvwm.
> >
> This machine is running TDE as its x-gui, r14.0.5 it says.

Well, isn't that why things get automounted, then? ISTR people doing
similar battles when their disc burners tried to automount blank discs.
You had to turn it off somewhere.


Re: Problems in debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso and debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-3.iso

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Serge LAOT wrote:
> ./pool/main/m/mono/libmono-compilerservices-symbolwriter4.0-cil_4.6.2.7+dfsg-1_all.deb
> ./pool/main/m/mono/libmono-compilerservices-symbolwriter4.0-cil_4.6.2.7+dfsg-1_a.deb

The names you see on DVD are truncated to 65 characters, while retaining
the .deb suffixes. You are probably looking at the Joliet tree, not the
ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge tree which GNU/Linux mounts by default.

Mounting Joliet would match the default behavior of operating system which
your mail client is running on:
> User-Agent: ... Windows NT 10.0 ...

Cc'ing debian-cd:

Interestingly, debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso was made with xorrisofs
option -joliet-long. which would enable longer Joliet names.
But production of debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso did not use it.


If i download
and mount it without disabling Rock Ridge, i see the longer name


If i mount the Joliet tree by "-o norock", i see the truncated name


This truncation is caused by xorrisofs option -J without a specs relaxation
option like -joliet-long.
The truncated length of 65 is correct, because Joliet prescribes 128 bytes
which suffices for 64 UTF-16 characters. The dot iin the name does not
count for that limit.

Looking at the files .disk/mkisofs of debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso and
debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso reveils that netinst had -joliet-long
whereas DVD-2 had not.

Have a nice day :)


Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Don Armstrong
On Fri, 09 Feb 2018, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need a
> quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make udev
> aware that gparted was running.

udev doesn't automount by default;[1] it's likely just exposing the fact
that a device has been inserted with specific parameters to whatever
(some DE?) is doing the automounting.

1: At least, it doesn't here, and I haven't specifically changed this

Don Armstrong

Who is thinking this?
I am.
 -- Greg Egan _Diaspora_ p38

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

correcting myself:

> > /dev/sdd 1  32768   125042687625049607  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

> This is probably an unpartitioned "disk" with MS-Windows filesystem.

The "1" probably is the partition number. I mistook it for the boot flag.
So the stick is partitioned with one partition.

Have a nice day :)


Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Gene Heskett wrote:
> When did fdisk learn about GPT part tables?

Dunno. It recognizes GPT by type "ee" of the "Protective MBR" entry in
the partition table of the MBR:

>  Device Boot   Start End  Blocks   Id  System
> rock-img-shrunk.img 1  1   12517171162585855+  ee  GPT

For further investigations use gdisk:

  /sbin/gdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img

which should show the partitions you know.

> gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$  /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdd
>   Device Boot   Start End  Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/sdd 1  32768   125042687625049607  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

This is probably an unpartitioned "disk" with MS-Windows filesystem.

In any case it is not a copy of rock-img-shrunk.img .

Have a nice day :)


Limerick twiddling (was Re: I do not want to install Linux)

2018-02-09 Thread The Wanderer
On 2018-02-09 at 12:49, wrote:

> On Friday, February 09, 2018 08:58:24 AM Curt wrote:
>> There once was a hacker from Bali
>> Who did her forensics on Kali
>> One fine day to be rude
>> She modeled in the nude
>> Got fingered by Tom and Dick and Sally.
> I'm not a poet, and forget any rules that I may once have supposed to learn, 
> but I think this sounds just slightly better (minor wordsmithing):
> There once was a hacker from Bali
> Who did her forensics on Kali
> One day to be rude
> She posed in the nude
> Got fingered by Tom, Dick, and Sally.

The meter and scansion of that are better, but the first syllable of the
rhyming word isn't consistent.

The "a" in at least one (and I think both) of "Bali" and "Kali" matches
one in "call", "fall", "mall", or "wall", or the "o" in "doll"; by
contrast, the "a" in "Sally" matches the one in "pal", "Hal", or

The name "Molly" would work for the rhyme, but isn't as good a match the
stock phrase which is being referenced...

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing Debian on Chuwi Hi12 Tablet

2018-02-09 Thread Michael Lange

> Now when I boot up the device I get 10 seconds of Android loading
> graphics before it kicks into Debian. Android was removed months ago.
> Now if you can give me some guidance as to how to remove the annoying
> Android graphics ..

hmm, not sure about that one (never dealt with android myself), just to
make sure, we are not possibly talking about the bios/efi splash screen
here, the one which e.g. on my laptop shows a lenovo logo for a few
seconds ?



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

Is not that the nature of men and women -- that the pleasure is in the
learning of each other?
-- Natira, the High Priestess of Yonada, "For the World is
   Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky", stardate 5476.3.

Re: I do not want to install Linux

2018-02-09 Thread rhkramer
On Friday, February 09, 2018 08:58:24 AM Curt wrote:
> There once was a hacker from Bali
> Who did her forensics on Kali
> One fine day to be rude
> She modeled in the nude
> Got fingered by Tom and Dick and Sally.

I'm not a poet, and forget any rules that I may once have supposed to learn, 
but I think this sounds just slightly better (minor wordsmithing):

There once was a hacker from Bali
Who did her forensics on Kali
One day to be rude
She posed in the nude
Got fingered by Tom, Dick, and Sally.

Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Felix Miata
Gene Heskett composed on 2018-02-09 12:09 (UTC-0500):

> So how the hell do we stop udev from automounting it?

Create a noauto /etc/fstab entry for it using UUID or LABEL.

tsk, tsk, tsk for not remembering your Swiss army knife mc before starting the
thread. :-)
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Whatever else you
get, get wisdom." Proverbs 4:7 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

Problems in debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso and debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-3.iso

2018-02-09 Thread Serge LAOT


I have found some discrepencies between filenames in './pool/main/' and 
the filenames in 'md5sum.txt'.

MD5 signatures of the real file in DVD and the file in 'md5sum.txt' match.

30 in DVD 2 and 1 in DVD 3. Here is the list :

DiskFile in md5sum.txt  Real file

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 11:50:46 David Wright wrote:

> On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 04:20:51 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 09 February 2018 04:11:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > That is not the problem, something is automounting the partition
> > > > as soon as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the time you start
> > > > the resize, its mounted again and gparted is locked out.
> > >
> > > If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual execution of
> > > the gparted helper programs shows the same problems, then you will
> > > have to do it without resizing. I.e. the oldfashioned way of
> > > making a new partition with a new filesystem into which you copy
> > > the files of the old filesystem.
> > >
> > >
> > > Have a nice day :)
> > >
> > > Thomas
> >
> > I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need a
> > quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make udev
> > aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal. So would
> > meaningfull gparted error reporting without having to wade thru a
> > kilobyte of (spit) html. I'm going back to bed...
> Would I be write in thinking that killing sdd just there prevents the
> appearance of /dev/disk/by-{this,that and the other} appearing also?
It must be doing an end run by that means. Can that be fixed too?

> Do you run with a DE? What would happen if you tried all this in a VC
> before starting X? My experience of wheezy, jessie (which you're
> running?) and stretch is that nothing has ever automounted itself
> unless I boot from a live stick. But I only run fvwm.
This machine is running TDE as its x-gui, r14.0.5 it says.

> Cheers,
> David.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 11:11:12 Stefan Pietsch wrote:

> On 09.02.2018 16:36, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find
> > khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.
> >
> > Do we have one of those critters that will let me scan thru a file
> > that big looking for data besides 00 00, and will do it yet this
> > year?
> >
> > Story so far:
> >
> > 64 gb card from a working rock64. Edited 60-persistent-storage.rule
> > to exclude /dev/sdd so gparted could shrink the last partition down
> > to a usable size, but still above the occupied area.
> >
> > Used dd to make a file of the first 8Gb, wrote that 8Gb to another
> > identical 64Gb card. gparted says its a blank card. So I want to
> > inspect the file, but khexedit, with no scroll bar, makes that down
> > arrow scan a multiyear project.
> >
> > Do we have a better hex editor?
> If you like the command line try radare2:
Looks interesting, will it run on 32 bit wheezy?
> Regards,
> Stefan


Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 11:01:38 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> > # skip rules for inappropriate block devices
> > KERNEL=="fd*|mtd*|nbd*|gnbd*|btibm*|dm-*|md*|sdd",
> > GOTO="persistent_storage_end"
> That's a neighbor of where i once stopped to experiment.
> So now:
> KERNEL=="fd*|mtd*|nbd*|gnbd*|btibm*|dm-*|md*|zram*|mmcblk[0-9]*rpmb|sr
>4", GOTO="persistent_storage_end"
> But still immediate "No medium" and nearly immediate ejection of tray.
> (It seems that it ejects if the previously inserted tray was empty.)
> I switched off-and-on the USB box with the drive. No improvement.
> Grrr.
> > bs=65536, then count=122,070 covers 8Gb [...]
> > 779520 bytes (8.0 GB) copied, 399.487 s, 20.0 MB/s
> Sparsely and only ISO GBs.
> I'd rather assume the larger count=131072 = 8589934592 = 8 GiB.
> > dd if=/dev/sdd of=rock-img-shrunk.img bs=65536 count=122070
> > gparted can't see a thing except an empty card. WTF?
> Here you copied /dev/sdd to rock-img-shrunk.img.
> Quote from the other thread, "a hexeditor please":
> > Used dd to make a file of the first 8Gb, wrote that 8Gb to another
> > identical 64Gb card.
> By what command did you copy the file to the other card ?
dd if=rock-img-shrunk.img bs=65536 count=122070 of=/dev/sdd
Which is the reverse direction of the command generated that file...

> What do other partition editors report about rock-img-shrunk.img
> and the other card ?
> E.g.
>   /sbin/fdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img
>   /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdd

When did fdisk learn about GPT part tables?

gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$   /sbin/fdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on 'rock-img-shrunk.img'! 
The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

Disk rock-img-shrunk.img: 7999 MB, 779520 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 972 cylinders, total 15624960 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

  Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
rock-img-shrunk.img 1  1   12517171162585855+  ee  GPT

gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$  /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdd

Disk /dev/sdd: 64.0 GB, 64021856256 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7783 cylinders, total 125042688 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdd 1  32768   125042687625049607  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT


> (I assume they do not need hdparm -z which lets the kernel re-assess
> the partition table.)
> > Do we have a better hex editor?
> First parts of partition tables should be to see within the first 1024
> bytes.
>   dd if=/dev/sdd bs=1024 count=1 | od -t x1 | less
> The partition table of an MBR begins at byte 446, octal: 0676.
> It ends 64 bytes later before 0776, where you should read "55 aa".
> GPT header begins at byte 512, octal 01000, by "EFI PART":
>   0001000 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54 ...
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Snelheid harddisk

2018-02-09 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Voor een klein architectenbureau moet ik een server voor dataopslag
maken. Eigenlijk werkt er vooral 1 architect.

Zul je het verschil merken tussen een 5400rpm disk en een 7200rpm disk?
Er wordt met Samba en een Gbit netwerk op toegegrepen.
Het gaat om veel kleine bestandjes, maar samen wel veel data tijdens
openen en opslaan van een project.

We zitten te denken aan deze disks:


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

[off-topic] Re: VPS para multiples dominios

2018-02-09 Thread alberto
Pues si, efectivamente creo que es Off-topic, asi que modifico el Asunto...

Dicho esto, tu consulta es muy basta y generica, pero a grandes rasgos
lo que necesitas para la web, es lógicamente que los registros A de los
dominios que quieras que apunten, apunten a la IP pública de tu VPS, y
luego discriminar con los virtual servers de tu servidor web.

Para el correo, lo mismo pero con los MX de los dominios, y luego,
configurar tu MTA para aceptar el correo de todos ellos.


On 09/02/18 17:09, Oswaldo Franco wrote:
> Hola listeros, no sé si este tipo de pregunta pueden hacerse a la lista.
> pero es que quiero adquirir un VPS en Linux y quiero configurarlo para
> alojar varias páginas web de mis clientes.
> Qué servicios debo configurar para tener seguridad y optimización,
> bueno además de lo que quiero lograr (alojar varios site)?
> - Se configurar el servidor web y el dbms.
> - Pero por lo menos para crear correo de los dominios de mis clientes?
> - Y para que cada dominio apunte a cada site?
> Cualquier aporte es válido, gracias de antemano.
> Saludo.
> -- 
> GNU/Linux User # 508524

Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 10:53:58 wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 09, 2018 at 10:36:10AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Greetings all;
> >
> > Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find
> > khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.
> >
> > Do we have one of those critters that will let me scan thru a file
> > that big looking for data besides 00 00, and will do it yet this
> > year?
> >
> > Story so far:
> [...]
> You sure you want an *editor*, as in "you plan on edit things"?
> If not, hexdump -C is your friend (it will abbreviate reams of
> zeros and other repeated stuff by default). From hexdump's fine
> manual:
>   The options are as follows:
>   [...]
>   -v  Cause hexdump to display all input data.  Without
>   the -v option, any number of groups of output lines,
>   which would be identical to the immediately preceding
>   group of output lines (except for the input offsets),
>   are replaced with a line comprised of a single asterisk.
> Cheers
> -- t

Thanks, it is working fine, but even at 7*10ee33 fenceposts a minute, 
will take it a while to get to end end of the files data.  That will be 
at offset about e000 I think. Maybe a bit more, but the first gig 
sure isn't blank. I am thinking the file is probably good. And despite 
adding that skip me rule to udev, the source card is being shown as 
mounted on my tde gui.

So how the hell do we stop udev from automounting it?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: infra replication + firewall

2018-02-09 Thread daniel huhardeaux

Le 09/02/2018 à 16:36, Samuel Cifuentes a écrit :



j'aurais besoin d'un avis expert sur la config suivante

l'existant :

site 1 :

une livebox pro V2 avec un débit pourri, paire de cuivre impossible à 
upgrader, etc.

un hyperviser proxmox avec 4 vms

debian stretch openvpn

debian stretch dolibarr1

debian stretch dolibarr2

debian stretch openmediavault

3 utilisateurs locaux et quelques nomades qui passent par la vm 
openvpn pour l’accès aux autres vm (ERP dolibarr et NAS Openmediavault)

VPS chez OVH avec une instance Nextcloud (fichiers + synchro 
agenda/contacts smartphones et Thunderbird)

mis a part les débits, tout ceci tourne comme une horloge

site 2 :

monté à l'arrache

livebox pro avec un débit confortable

debian stretch avec backuppc + openvpn sur un pc recyclé en serveur

le backuppc sauvegarde aussi l'instance Nextcloud d'OVH

NAS openmediavault sur un deuxième "serveur" synchronisé via 
cron/unison avec le NAS du site1

le tout sans avoir planché sur la sécurité, mis à part fail2ban qui 
tourne sur chacune des machines exposées à internet

et maintenant le projet :

renforcer la securité et en outre, sur le site 2, achat d'une machine 
hyperviseur proxmox  pour virtualiser la totalité des machines du site 
2 (Raid5?, rai6?, ZFS ?)

ainsi que l'instance Nextcloud qui pourrait etre rapatriée en local 
pour des raisons essentiellement économiques.

puis sur chacun  des sites, un mini-pc fanless 4 ports (j'ai vu ça sur 
amazon) qui servirait de firewall (pfsense ?, IPfire ?, autre chose ?) 
permettant de fabriquer un tunnel (ssh? openvpn, autrechose?) entre 
les deux sites et fournir un acces openVPN aux nomades et en outre 
d'assurer le routage/filtrage pour la future DMZ sur laquelle 
tournerait l'instance nexcloud virtualisée.

les deux VM Nas devraient être totalement synchro pour qu'un 
utilisateur local ou nomade retrouve l’intégralité des fichiers sur 
chacun des deux NAS (unison, rsync ? autrechoose?)

ça donnerait a peu prés ça :

site1 :livebox( je coupe la wifi)  > firewall + wifi > proxmox 
(vm-openvpn, vm nas1, etc.)

site2 : livebox (je coupe la wifi) > firewall+wifi > proxmox patte 1 
(les vm LAN)

                                                    > proxmox patte 2 
(la DMZ)

en bref, sur chacun des sites ne subsisterait que l'architecture 
suivante : box > firewall > hyperviseur

voilà le projet en gros

je serais trés interessé par des retours d'expé"rience, commentaires 
et suggestions

Je n'utilise pas Proxmox mais un host avec 2 VM et gestion VLAN: l'une 
routeur/pare-feu (Sophos UTM 9), la seconde pour les services que je ne 
veux pas gérer via UTM pour des questions de souplesse, essentiellement 
dnsmasq et openvpn.

Sur les sites, FAI => switch manageable avec VLAN x (un différent pour 
chaque FAI) => UTM => Intranet (VLAN y)

Cela fonctionne très bien.


HP LaserJet 1018 amb Debian 9

2018-02-09 Thread Narcis Garcia
He provat a posar en marxa l'esmentada impressora i em dóna problemes.
He instal·lat els paquets: hplip hpijs-ppds printer-driver-pxljr
Al web de HPLIP diu que aquesta impressora està suportada des de la
versió 2.7 i el HPLIP instal·lat ja és la 3.16

D'entrada hi ha un controlador «HP LaserJet 1018 Foomatic/foo2zjs-z1
(recommended)» amb el qual no funciona (l'ordinador pensa que imprimeix,
però la impressora ni s'immuta).
Els demés controladors llistats per CUPS tenen l'anotació «requires
proprietary plugin». Suposo doncs que no hi ha més remei que instal·lar
el paquet privatiu proporcionat des de

Descarrego i executo:
$ ./
error: debian-9.3 version is not supported, so all dependencies may not
be installed. However trying to install using debian-9.1 version packages.
-> Li dic que continui així, i endavant amb les propostes predeterminades.
error: A required dependency 'pyqt4-dbus (PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for
PyQt4)' is still missing.
error: A required dependency 'pyqt4 (PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python
(for Qt version 4.x))' is still missing.
error: Installation cannot continue without these dependencies.
error: Please manually install this dependency and re-run this installer.

Arreu he llegit que el problema està en què a Debian aquests paquets
s'anomenen python-qt4-dbus i python-qt4 respectivament. He provat a
modificar els fitxers de l'instal·lador per rectificar-ho, però encara
que sigui amb els nous noms no es dóna per satisfet.


I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Fred

On 02/09/2018 08:36 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:

Greetings all;

Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find
khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.

Do we have one of those critters that will let me scan thru a file that
big looking for data besides 00 00, and will do it yet this year?

Story so far:

64 gb card from a working rock64. Edited 60-persistent-storage.rule to
exclude /dev/sdd so gparted could shrink the last partition down to a
usable size, but still above the occupied area.

Used dd to make a file of the first 8Gb, wrote that 8Gb to another
identical 64Gb card. gparted says its a blank card. So I want to inspect
the file, but khexedit, with no scroll bar, makes that down arrow scan a
multiyear project.

Do we have a better hex editor?

Thanks all;

How about using a text editor (like nedit) that has a search function.

Best regards,

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread David Wright
On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 04:20:51 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 09 February 2018 04:11:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > That is not the problem, something is automounting the partition as
> > > soon as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the time you start the
> > > resize, its mounted again and gparted is locked out.
> >
> > If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual execution of the
> > gparted helper programs shows the same problems, then you will have
> > to do it without resizing. I.e. the oldfashioned way of making a new
> > partition with a new filesystem into which you copy the files of the
> > old filesystem.
> >
> >
> > Have a nice day :)
> >
> > Thomas
> I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need a 
> quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make udev 
> aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal. So would 
> meaningfull gparted error reporting without having to wade thru a 
> kilobyte of (spit) html. I'm going back to bed...

Would I be write in thinking that killing sdd just there prevents the
appearance of /dev/disk/by-{this,that and the other} appearing also?

Do you run with a DE? What would happen if you tried all this in a VC
before starting X? My experience of wheezy, jessie (which you're
running?) and stretch is that nothing has ever automounted itself
unless I boot from a live stick. But I only run fvwm.


Re: VPS para multiples dominios

2018-02-09 Thread Galvatorix Torixgalva

pues depende de lo que quieras alojar en la pagina web, que no es lo mismo
una web que va a tener pocas visitas (tipica web de prueba) y que necesita
pocos recursos (poca ram, poco procesador, poco disco duro, etc) que justo
lo contrario.

Si vas a usar cms (wordpress por ejemplo) el tema de la seguridad y
optimizacion va a base de plugins. Algunos gratuitos, otros de pago.

El tema de los correos puede ir en la configuracion del vps o tenerlo ya el
propio dominio.

Lo que de el dominio apunte al site es cosa de la configuracion del dominio.

P.D: me apunto esto para crear un curso sobre cms en linux :D



de virus.


Re: New Kernel fails to boot when laptop is plugged in

2018-02-09 Thread Marc Auslander
Have you tried adding pti=off to the kernel boot line?  This is supposed
to turn off the spectre/meltdown "fix".

Henning Follmann  writes:

>I have a strange issue with the newest kernel
>4.9.0-5-amd64 on this 2011 Macbook Pro.
>As far as I can see it has to do with the power management of this laptop.
>Whenever the laptop is on power supply the boot process stops hard after
>I enter the passphrase for the encrypted lvm. There is one last message
>that it tries to mount root but it stops hard there. There is also no log
>(of course not because there is no device to write to yet).
>when I unplug the laptop during boot it boots fine.
>Previous kernel do not show this behavior.

Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 10:42:06 Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

> On sex, 09 fev 2018, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Greetings all;
> >
> > Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find
> > khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.
> I find it hard to believe it doesn't. And some (old, it's true)
> screenshots I found show a scroll bar.
> Perhaps the scroll bar is hidden unless the mouse is over it?
> > Do we have a better hex editor?
> emacs with hexl-mode?

I had forgotten that mc could do a quite stirling job of that, and it 
shows the last valid data at around 5.3 gb into the file, so the file 
seems to be good. But next, fix the missus some breakfast.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Stefan Pietsch
On 09.02.2018 16:36, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find 
> khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.
> Do we have one of those critters that will let me scan thru a file that 
> big looking for data besides 00 00, and will do it yet this year?
> Story so far:
> 64 gb card from a working rock64. Edited 60-persistent-storage.rule to 
> exclude /dev/sdd so gparted could shrink the last partition down to a 
> usable size, but still above the occupied area.
> Used dd to make a file of the first 8Gb, wrote that 8Gb to another 
> identical 64Gb card. gparted says its a blank card. So I want to inspect 
> the file, but khexedit, with no scroll bar, makes that down arrow scan a 
> multiyear project.
> Do we have a better hex editor?

If you like the command line try radare2:


VPS para multiples dominios

2018-02-09 Thread Oswaldo Franco
Hola listeros, no sé si este tipo de pregunta pueden hacerse a la lista.
pero es que quiero adquirir un VPS en Linux y quiero configurarlo para
alojar varias páginas web de mis clientes.

Qué servicios debo configurar para tener seguridad y optimización, bueno
además de lo que quiero lograr (alojar varios site)?

- Se configurar el servidor web y el dbms.

- Pero por lo menos para crear correo de los dominios de mis clientes?
- Y para que cada dominio apunte a cada site?

Cualquier aporte es válido, gracias de antemano.


GNU/Linux User # 508524

Re: infra replication + firewall

2018-02-09 Thread

désolé pour les envois multiples  

Le 09/02/2018 à 16:36, Samuel Cifuentes a écrit :


j'aurais besoin d'un avis expert sur la config suivante

l'existant :

site 1 :

une livebox pro V2 avec un débit pourri, paire de cuivre impossible à 
upgrader, etc.

un hyperviser proxmox avec 4 vms

debian stretch openvpn

debian stretch dolibarr1

debian stretch dolibarr2

debian stretch openmediavault

3 utilisateurs locaux et quelques nomades qui passent par la vm 
openvpn pour l’accès aux autres vm (ERP dolibarr et NAS Openmediavault)

VPS chez OVH avec une instance Nextcloud (fichiers + synchro 
agenda/contacts smartphones et Thunderbird)

mis a part les débits, tout ceci tourne comme une horloge

site 2 :

monté à l'arrache

livebox pro avec un débit confortable

debian stretch avec backuppc + openvpn sur un pc recyclé en serveur

le backuppc sauvegarde aussi l'instance Nextcloud d'OVH

NAS openmediavault sur un deuxième "serveur" synchronisé via 
cron/unison avec le NAS du site1

le tout sans avoir planché sur la sécurité, mis à part fail2ban qui 
tourne sur chacune des machines exposées à internet

et maintenant le projet :

renforcer la securité et en outre, sur le site 2, achat d'une machine 
hyperviseur proxmox  pour virtualiser la totalité des machines du site 
2 (Raid5?, rai6?, ZFS ?)

ainsi que l'instance Nextcloud qui pourrait etre rapatriée en local 
pour des raisons essentiellement économiques.

puis sur chacun  des sites, un mini-pc fanless 4 ports (j'ai vu ça sur 
amazon) qui servirait de firewall (pfsense ?, IPfire ?, autre chose ?) 
permettant de fabriquer un tunnel (ssh? openvpn, autrechose?) entre 
les deux sites et fournir un acces openVPN aux nomades et en outre 
d'assurer le routage/filtrage pour la future DMZ sur laquelle 
tournerait l'instance nexcloud virtualisée.

les deux VM Nas devraient être totalement synchro pour qu'un 
utilisateur local ou nomade retrouve l’intégralité des fichiers sur 
chacun des deux NAS (unison, rsync ? autrechoose?)

ça donnerait a peu prés ça :

site1 :livebox( je coupe la wifi)  > firewall + wifi > proxmox 
(vm-openvpn, vm nas1, etc.)

site2 : livebox (je coupe la wifi) > firewall+wifi > proxmox patte 1 
(les vm LAN)

                                                    > proxmox patte 2 
(la DMZ)

en bref, sur chacun des sites ne subsisterait que l'architecture 
suivante : box > firewall > hyperviseur

voilà le projet en gros

je serais trés interessé par des retours d'expé"rience, commentaires 
et suggestions


Re: Websites die niet werken met Firefox-esr

2018-02-09 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Paul van der Vlis:
> Hieronder twee Wordpress websites die niet werken met Firefox-ESR:
> Met Chromium werkt het gewoon, en ik hoor ook met de gewone Firefox.
> Iemand een idee wat er aan de hand is?

Ik kan er wel _iets_ meer over zeggen.
Precies hetzelfde verschijnsel doet zich voor bij de nieuwste
Seamonkey, 2.49.1.
Nog twee sites waarvoor dit geldt:

De eerste is gemaakt met Joomla. Met Wordpress heeft het dus kennelijk
niets te maken.
De code voor de tweede heb ik nota bene eigenhandig geschreven, met de
Bluefish code editor. Nu is deze site wel te openen als die locaal op
mijn PC staat, maar niet als hij op de server staat.

Er is dus iets in geslopen waardoor Seamonkey moeite heeft met de
server. In mijn geval is dat de Mijndomein webhoster.

Mijn oplossing was om terug te gaan naar de op een na laatste versie,
2.48, zolang dit niet opgelost is. Wellicht is dat ook voor Firefox-ESR
een voorlopige oplossing.

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

> # skip rules for inappropriate block devices
> KERNEL=="fd*|mtd*|nbd*|gnbd*|btibm*|dm-*|md*|sdd", 
> GOTO="persistent_storage_end"

That's a neighbor of where i once stopped to experiment.
So now:


But still immediate "No medium" and nearly immediate ejection of tray.
(It seems that it ejects if the previously inserted tray was empty.)

I switched off-and-on the USB box with the drive. No improvement. Grrr.

> bs=65536, then count=122,070 covers 8Gb [...]
> 779520 bytes (8.0 GB) copied, 399.487 s, 20.0 MB/s

Sparsely and only ISO GBs.
I'd rather assume the larger count=131072 = 8589934592 = 8 GiB.

> dd if=/dev/sdd of=rock-img-shrunk.img bs=65536 count=122070
> gparted can't see a thing except an empty card. WTF?

Here you copied /dev/sdd to rock-img-shrunk.img.

Quote from the other thread, "a hexeditor please":
> Used dd to make a file of the first 8Gb, wrote that 8Gb to another
> identical 64Gb card.

By what command did you copy the file to the other card ?

What do other partition editors report about rock-img-shrunk.img 
and the other card ?
  /sbin/fdisk -l rock-img-shrunk.img
  /sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdd

(I assume they do not need hdparm -z which lets the kernel re-assess the
 partition table.)

> Do we have a better hex editor?

First parts of partition tables should be to see within the first 1024 bytes.

  dd if=/dev/sdd bs=1024 count=1 | od -t x1 | less

The partition table of an MBR begins at byte 446, octal: 0676.
It ends 64 bytes later before 0776, where you should read "55 aa".

GPT header begins at byte 512, octal 01000, by "EFI PART":
  0001000 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54 ...

Have a nice day :)


Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread tomas
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Feb 09, 2018 at 10:36:10AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find 
> khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.
> Do we have one of those critters that will let me scan thru a file that 
> big looking for data besides 00 00, and will do it yet this year?
> Story so far:


You sure you want an *editor*, as in "you plan on edit things"?

If not, hexdump -C is your friend (it will abbreviate reams of
zeros and other repeated stuff by default). From hexdump's fine

  The options are as follows:
  -v  Cause hexdump to display all input data.  Without
  the -v option, any number of groups of output lines,
  which would be identical to the immediately preceding
  group of output lines (except for the input offsets),
  are replaced with a line comprised of a single asterisk.

- -- t
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On sex, 09 fev 2018, Gene Heskett wrote:

Greetings all;

Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find
khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.

I find it hard to believe it doesn't. And some (old, it's true)  
screenshots I found show a scroll bar.

Perhaps the scroll bar is hidden unless the mouse is over it?

Do we have a better hex editor?

emacs with hexl-mode?


infra replication + firewall

2018-02-09 Thread Samuel Cifuentes


j'aurais besoin d'un avis expert sur la config suivante

l'existant :

site 1 :

une livebox pro V2 avec un débit pourri, paire de cuivre impossible à 
upgrader, etc.

un hyperviser proxmox avec 4 vms

debian stretch openvpn

debian stretch dolibarr1

debian stretch dolibarr2

debian stretch openmediavault

3 utilisateurs locaux et quelques nomades qui passent par la vm openvpn 
pour l’accès aux autres vm (ERP dolibarr et NAS Openmediavault)

VPS chez OVH avec une instance Nextcloud (fichiers + synchro 
agenda/contacts smartphones et Thunderbird)

mis a part les débits, tout ceci tourne comme une horloge

site 2 :

monté à l'arrache

livebox pro avec un débit confortable

debian stretch avec backuppc + openvpn sur un pc recyclé en serveur

le backuppc sauvegarde aussi l'instance Nextcloud d'OVH

NAS openmediavault sur un deuxième "serveur" synchronisé via cron/unison 
avec le NAS du site1

le tout sans avoir planché sur la sécurité, mis à part fail2ban qui 
tourne sur chacune des machines exposées à internet

et maintenant le projet :

renforcer la securité et en outre, sur le site 2, achat d'une machine 
hyperviseur proxmox  pour virtualiser la totalité des machines du site 2 
(Raid5?, rai6?, ZFS ?)

ainsi que l'instance Nextcloud qui pourrait etre rapatriée en local pour 
des raisons essentiellement économiques.

puis sur chacun  des sites, un mini-pc fanless 4 ports (j'ai vu ça sur 
amazon) qui servirait de firewall (pfsense ?, IPfire ?, autre chose ?) 
permettant de fabriquer un tunnel (ssh? openvpn, autrechose?) entre les 
deux sites et fournir un acces openVPN aux nomades et en outre d'assurer 
le routage/filtrage pour la future DMZ sur laquelle tournerait 
l'instance nexcloud virtualisée.

les deux VM Nas devraient être totalement synchro pour qu'un utilisateur 
local ou nomade retrouve l’intégralité des fichiers sur chacun des deux 
NAS (unison, rsync ? autrechoose?)

ça donnerait a peu prés ça :

site1 :livebox( je coupe la wifi)  > firewall + wifi > proxmox 
(vm-openvpn, vm nas1, etc.)

site2 : livebox (je coupe la wifi) > firewall+wifi > proxmox patte 1 
(les vm LAN)

                                                    > proxmox patte 2 
(la DMZ)

en bref, sur chacun des sites ne subsisterait que l'architecture 
suivante : box > firewall > hyperviseur

voilà le projet en gros

je serais trés interessé par des retours d'expé"rience, commentaires et 


infra replication + firewall

2018-02-09 Thread postmaster aviance


j'aurais besoin d'un avis expert sur la config suivante

l'existant :

site 1 :

une livebox pro V2 avec un débit pourri, paire de cuivre impossible à 
upgrader, etc.

un hyperviser proxmox avec 4 vms

debian stretch openvpn

debian stretch dolibarr1

debian stretch dolibarr2

debian stretch openmediavault

3 utilisateurs locaux et quelques nomades qui passent par la vm openvpn 
pour l’accès aux autres vm (ERP dolibarr et NAS Openmediavault)

VPS chez OVH avec une instance Nextcloud (fichiers + synchro 
agenda/contacts smartphones et Thunderbird)

mis a part les débits, tout ceci tourne comme une horloge

site 2 :

monté à l'arrache

livebox pro avec un débit confortable

debian stretch avec backuppc + openvpn sur un pc recyclé en serveur

le backuppc sauvegarde aussi l'instance Nextcloud d'OVH

NAS openmediavault sur un deuxième "serveur" synchronisé via cron/unison 
avec le NAS du site1

le tout sans avoir planché sur la sécurité, mis à part fail2ban qui 
tourne sur chacune des machines exposées à internet

et maintenant le projet :

renforcer la securité et en outre, sur le site 2, achat d'une machine 
hyperviseur proxmox  pour virtualiser la totalité des machines du site 2 
(Raid5?, rai6?, ZFS ?)

ainsi que l'instance Nextcloud qui pourrait etre rapatriée en local pour 
des raisons essentiellement économiques.

puis sur chacun  des sites, un mini-pc fanless 4 ports (j'ai vu ça sur 
amazon) qui servirait de firewall (pfsense ?, IPfire ?, autre chose ?) 
permettant de fabriquer un tunnel (ssh? openvpn, autrechose?) entre les 
deux sites et fournir un acces openVPN aux nomades et en outre d'assurer 
le routage/filtrage pour la future DMZ sur laquelle tournerait 
l'instance nexcloud virtualisée.

les deux VM Nas devraient être totalement synchro pour qu'un utilisateur 
local ou nomade retrouve l’intégralité des fichiers sur chacun des deux 
NAS (unison, rsync ? autrechoose?)

ça donnerait a peu prés ça :

site1 :livebox( je coupe la wifi)  > firewall + wifi > proxmox 
(vm-openvpn, vm nas1, etc.)

site2 : livebox (je coupe la wifi) > firewall+wifi > proxmox patte 1 
(les vm LAN)

                                                    > proxmox patte 2 
(la DMZ)

en bref, sur chacun des sites ne subsisterait que l'architecture 
suivante : box > firewall > hyperviseur

voilà le projet en gros

je serais trés interessé par des retours d'expé"rience, commentaires et 


a hexeditor please

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
Greetings all;

Trying to scan thru an 8Gb file dd has made of an sd card, I find 
khexedits lack of a scroll bar to be a huge hindrance.

Do we have one of those critters that will let me scan thru a file that 
big looking for data besides 00 00, and will do it yet this year?

Story so far:

64 gb card from a working rock64. Edited 60-persistent-storage.rule to 
exclude /dev/sdd so gparted could shrink the last partition down to a 
usable size, but still above the occupied area.

Used dd to make a file of the first 8Gb, wrote that 8Gb to another 
identical 64Gb card. gparted says its a blank card. So I want to inspect 
the file, but khexedit, with no scroll bar, makes that down arrow scan a 
multiyear project.

Do we have a better hex editor?

Thanks all;

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

HS : infra réplication + firewall

2018-02-09 Thread postmaster aviance


j'aurais besoin d'un avis expert sur la config suivante

voici l'existant :

site 1 :

une livebox proV2 avec un débit pourri, paire de cuivre impossible à 
upgrader, etc.

un hyperviser proxmox avec 4 vms

debian stretch openvpn

debian stretch dolibarr1

debian stretch dolibarr2

debian stretch openmediavault

3 utilisateurs locaux et quelques nomades qui passent par la vm openvpn 
pour l’accès aux autres vm (ERP dolibarr et NAS Openmediavault)

VPS chez OVH avec une instance Nextcloud (fichiers + synchro 
agenda/contacts smartphones et Thunderbird)

mis a part les débits, tout ceci tourne comme une horloge

site 2 :

monté à l'arrache

livebox pro avec un débit confortable

debian stretch avec backuppc + openvpn sur un pc recyclé en serveur

le backuppc sauvegarde aussi l'instance Nextcloud d'OVH ci-dessus

NAS openmediavault sur un deuxième "serveur" synchronisé via cron/unison 
avec le NAS du site1

le tout sans avoir planché sur la sécurité, mis à part fail2ban qui 
tourne sur chacune des machines exposées à internet

et maintenant le projet :

renforcer la securité et en outre, sur le site 2, achat d'une machine 
hyperviseur proxmox  pour virtualiser la totalité des machines du site 2 
(Raid5?, rai6?, ZFS ?)

ainsi que l'instance Nextcloud qui pourrait être rapatriée en local pour 
des raisons essentiellement économiques.

puis sur chacun  des sites, un mini-pc fanless 4 ports (j'ai vu ça sur 
amazon) qui servirait de firewall (pfsense ?, IPfire ?, autre chose ?) 
permettant de fabriquer un tunnel (ssh? openvpn, autrechose?) entre les 
deux sites et fournir un acces openVPN aux nomades et en outre d'assurer 
le routage/filtrage pour la future DMZ sur laquelle tournerait 
l'instance nexcloud virtualisée.

les deux VM Nas devraient être totalement synchro idéalement en temps 
réel pour qu'un utilisateur local ou nomade retrouve l’intégralité des 
fichiers sur chacun des deux NAS (unison, rsync ? autrechoose?)

ça donnerait a peu prés ça :

site1 :livebox( je coupe la wifi)  > firewall + wifi > proxmox 
(vm-openvpn, vm nas1, etc.)

site2 : livebox (je coupe la wifi) > firewall+wifi > proxmox patte 1 
(les vm LAN)

                                                    > proxmox patte 2 
(la DMZ)

en bref, sur chacun des sites ne subsisterait que l'architecture 
suivante : box > firewall > hyperviseur

voilà le projet en gros

je serais très intéressé par des retours d'expérience, commentaires et 
suggestions :)


Re: Re wicd vs network-manager

2018-02-09 Thread David Wright
On Fri 09 Feb 2018 at 11:51:34 (+0100), wrote:
>   I can't find it but I suppose you mean several connections on the same 
> interface, since the official website says two interfaces won't be possible 
> before version 2.0 (last one is 1.7.5). 

Technically, the answer to your first post is the three files
/etc/wicd/*conf whose location emphasises that its effect is designed
to be system-wide: when you logout (or before you login), the
connections are left up for further use. (There's a ~/.wicd/ which is
left empty, confirming that that is *not* where any configuration is

Your guess in this post is correct. From man wicd:

 For wired connections, users have many options for determining what
 network settings to use.  Wicd allows creation of an unlimited number
 of wired profiles, each of which has its own unique settings.  The
 user can choose to automatically connect to a selected default
 profile, choose a profile from a pop-up window every time wicd
 connects, or have wicd automatically choose the last profile used to
 manually connect.

IOW wicd is to make it easy for ornery users to dynamically find and
configure a (=one) network connection wherever they find themselves,
through any of a cli, gui, or tui (curses, what I use; works in a VC).

But if you're plumbed in with two or more NICs, I think you'd be
better off using /etc/network/interfaces. And the newish interface
naming scheme may help you to be sure of which NIC is which, even
when they're identical models (unlike in days of yore).


Re: Debian buster & gnucash

2018-02-09 Thread Michael Stone

On Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 04:24:05PM -0800, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
You're right and they are saying it's RC-buggy, I should have looked 
further into it than I did before posting, my bad and it's probably 
not a good idea to be running an app like GNUCash on testing or Sid in 
the first place.

Yes, I'd suggest adding stable to sources.list instead, and sticking 
with that version. 

Mike Stone

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 05:17:35 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> > Got the sonofabitch, I added sdd to the ignore line
> > in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules.
> What exactly did you do ?
> ("ignore line" does not give me insight when looking at the file.)
> > I wonder if I could make udev
> > aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal.
> Ideal would be if the systemd/udev community would take into respect
> that they are not the only ones who want to access devices.
> If i execute
>   dd if=/dev/sr4 count=1 of=/dev/null
> while the DVD drive tray is out, then the tray gets pulled in,
> followed by the immediate error message "No medium found", and then
> the tray comes out immediately.
> On a second try, the tray stays in. But again dd reports "No medium
> found" and fails.
> I can see the theoretically sufficient waiting loop in function
> sr_do_ioctl() of drivers/scsi/sr_ioctl.c . It should really suffice,
> because i have a similar repetition loop in libburn, and i can see by
> libburn's SCSI log that the drive only emits the expected reply
> messages which should cause the sr_do_ioctl() loop to repeat the SCSI
> command in question.
> Everything in the kernel looks like it should work. Nevertheless, some
> entity must be accessing the drive without going through sr_do_ioctl()
> and obviously it has no clue of the peculiarities of a DVD drive.
> This looks much like the footprints of systemd and udev.
> I fiddled with 60-persistent-storage.rules too, but could not cause a
> change in behavior.
> Thus my request to see your succeful remedy for sdd.

# skip rules for inappropriate block devices

is the addition.

Now to calculate how much of sdd to have dd make a copy of. IOf I use a 
bs=65536, then count=122,070 covers 8Gb, and it says 7.74 now belongs 
toi part 7. The first 6 parts only occupy about 140 megs.
lets see if this gets me a working image once dd'd back to any card 16Gb 
or bigger.

dd if=/dev/sdd of=rock-img-shrunk.img bs=65536 count=122070
Based on my pisspoor short term memory, I wrote me a script to make 
endless copies :-) Now lets see if that works. Seems to be, led in 
reader is blinking.
122070+0 records in
122070+0 records out
779520 bytes (8.0 GB) copied, 399.487 s, 20.0 MB/s

But gparted can't see a thing except an empty card. WTF? Looking thru the 
disk file the above dd invocation generated. Slow slogging with 
khexedit. No scroll bar. Standing on down arrow is 16 bytes a line, some 
data even readable stuff in the first few pages, but its  at 
0004: offset yet. I give up on khexedit, there has to be a better 
tool for BIG files.

So I'll post this, see if the missus is ready for some coffee & see what 
else I can find to inspect this image file that at least has a 
pageup/pagedown function.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: New Kernel fails to boot when laptop is plugged in

2018-02-09 Thread Forest Dean Feighner
You might try some kernel parameters.

Ignore loglevel setting - this will print /all/
kernel messages to the console. Useful for debugging.
We also add it as printk module parameter, so users
could change it dynamically, usually by
Quite a few could be helpful in finding the error:


On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 7:17 AM, Henning Follmann 

> Hello,
> I have a strange issue with the newest kernel
> 4.9.0-5-amd64 on this 2011 Macbook Pro.
> As far as I can see it has to do with the power management of this laptop.
> Whenever the laptop is on power supply the boot process stops hard after
> I enter the passphrase for the encrypted lvm. There is one last message
> that it tries to mount root but it stops hard there. There is also no log
> (of course not because there is no device to write to yet).
> when I unplug the laptop during boot it boots fine.
> Previous kernel do not show this behavior.
> -H
> --
> Henning Follmann   |

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:22, Gabriel Philippe a écrit :

Je n'arrive pas à l'importer ensuite, mais c'est secondaire pour moi
et il y a cette extension ensuite.

Ca fonctionne mal en l'ouvrant depuis le gestionnaire de fichiers. Mais 
par "fichier" "ouvrir" dans Icedove/Thunderbird, pas de souci.

Par contre mefiance: il m'arrive que certains courriels avec caracteres 
speciaux dans le sujet, non compatibles avec les caracteres toleres par 
le systeme de fichier, ne soient jamais enregistres sans aucun message a 
ce sujet... C'est encore un sujet sur lequel je suis un peu en conflit 
avec les developpeurs...

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: I do not want to install Linux

2018-02-09 Thread Curt
On 2018-02-09, Richard Hector  wrote:
> Hmmm ... needs work on both scanning and rhyme, I'm afraid :-(
> There once was a scammer from Bali
> Who did all his hacking on Kali
> The state of Nigeria
> He said was inferior
> So he routed all his scams through Mali.
> Though I'm not sure how much 'hacking' is done by scammers.
> And it won't work so well for rhotic accents.

There once was a hacker from Bali 
Who did her forensics on Kali
One fine day to be rude 
She modeled in the nude 
Got fingered by Tom and Dick and Sally.

> Richard

“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class
is running the country.” – Kurt Vonnegut

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread hamster

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:51, Yann Serre a écrit :

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:45, hamster a écrit :

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:29, Gabriel Philippe a écrit :

2018-02-08 17:42 GMT+01:00 hamster :
Je ne fais pas parce que je n'ai jamais eu le besoin. Mes mails 
sont a leur
place dans thunderbird, il y a des fonctions de recherche très 
qui permettent de fouiller dedans de facon très efficace. Je n'ai 

ressenti le besoin d'enregistrer des mails au format .eml et je n'en
comprend pas l'interet. Au contraire, je trouve ca moins pratique 
parce que
c'est bien plus facilement le bordel et c'est bien plus difficile 
pour faire
des recherches un peu avancées dans les mails. Mais sans doute 
as-tu un

usage différent du mien.

Environnement professionnel, besoin d'enregistrer (dans des
répertoires partagés par exemple) des documents reçus par mail, avec
le mail d'origine à côté pour pouvoir à la fois retrouver le document
original tel que reçu (sans modifications ultérieures), et avoir une
preuve d'envoi datée (qui vaut ce qu'elle vaut). Un fichier .eml
permet un classement précis, et on peut le retrouver facilement des
années après, sans chercher dans des dizaines de milliers de mails, en
particulier si c'est dans la boîte de quelqu'un d'autre (qui a
éventuellement quitté l'entreprise).

En effet.

Pour un usage comme celui la, j'aurais tendance a faire une boite 
mail partagée, a laquelle tous les utilisateurs se connectent en 
imap. Cette boite ne servirait pas a recevoir des mails mais juste a 
etre un espace de stockage partagé. Dans cette boite on peut faire 
des dossiers et des sous dossiers, comme dans une arborescence 
classique, et y mettre les mails concernés dedans, en les déplacant 
ou en les copiant. Les documents recus en pièce jointe resteraient en 
pièce jointe. Comme toutes les boites mail, ca serait aussi 
consultable avec un webmail. Et ca permettrait de profiter des 
fonctions de recherche avancée des logiciels de mail, qui font des 
recherches en utilisant les métadonnées, ce qui est bien plus 
efficace que de rechercher dans des fichiers .eml en utilisant juste 
le nom du fichier.

Sauf si on a la volonté d'archiver du matériel ancien de manière 
indépendante du reste... (genre Cold Cases avec un cas dans un carton)

Pour ca, on laisse thunderbird faire une copie locale de ce qui est sur 
le serveur, puis on met dans le carton le dossier de profil de thunderbird.

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:45, hamster a écrit :

Pour un usage comme celui la, j'aurais tendance a faire une boite mail
partagée, a laquelle tous les utilisateurs se connectent en imap. Cette
boite ne servirait pas a recevoir des mails mais juste a etre un espace
de stockage partagé. Dans cette boite on peut faire des dossiers et des
sous dossiers, comme dans une arborescence classique, et y mettre les
mails concernés dedans, en les déplacant ou en les copiant. Les
documents recus en pièce jointe resteraient en pièce jointe. Comme
toutes les boites mail, ca serait aussi consultable avec un webmail. Et
ca permettrait de profiter des fonctions de recherche avancée des
logiciels de mail, qui font des recherches en utilisant les métadonnées,
ce qui est bien plus efficace que de rechercher dans des fichiers .eml
en utilisant juste le nom du fichier.

On utilise cela avec Thunderbird dans mon universite et ca fonctionne 
assez mal. Les listes de discussion Sympa sont la meilleure solution.

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: apt-get update error

2018-02-09 Thread Frank

Op 08-02-18 om 22:27 schreef Sven Hartge:

Forest Dean Feighner  wrote:

On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 3:36 PM, Greg Wooledge  wrote:

On Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 03:26:40PM -0500, Forest Dean Feighner wrote:

The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file is
not readable by user '_apt' executing apt-key.

-rw--- 1 root root   32 Feb  6 17:58 trusted.gpg

Synaptic strikes again. :(

Ah, so the error is from using Synaptic rather than from the update of

That's the only recent update I've done and I didn't realize Syaptic would
write the file.

The problem is from synaptic creating /etc/apt/trusted.gpg with too
narrow permissions,

Actually, it's not synaptic that's doing that, but the executable 
software-properties-gtk when it's called by synaptic. So if you run that 
separately, you'll also end up with a messed up /etc/apt/trusted.gpg file.


Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Yann Serre

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:45, hamster a écrit :

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:29, Gabriel Philippe a écrit :

2018-02-08 17:42 GMT+01:00 hamster :
Je ne fais pas parce que je n'ai jamais eu le besoin. Mes mails sont 
a leur
place dans thunderbird, il y a des fonctions de recherche très 

qui permettent de fouiller dedans de facon très efficace. Je n'ai jamais
ressenti le besoin d'enregistrer des mails au format .eml et je n'en
comprend pas l'interet. Au contraire, je trouve ca moins pratique 
parce que
c'est bien plus facilement le bordel et c'est bien plus difficile 
pour faire

des recherches un peu avancées dans les mails. Mais sans doute as-tu un
usage différent du mien.

Environnement professionnel, besoin d'enregistrer (dans des
répertoires partagés par exemple) des documents reçus par mail, avec
le mail d'origine à côté pour pouvoir à la fois retrouver le document
original tel que reçu (sans modifications ultérieures), et avoir une
preuve d'envoi datée (qui vaut ce qu'elle vaut). Un fichier .eml
permet un classement précis, et on peut le retrouver facilement des
années après, sans chercher dans des dizaines de milliers de mails, en
particulier si c'est dans la boîte de quelqu'un d'autre (qui a
éventuellement quitté l'entreprise).

En effet.

Pour un usage comme celui la, j'aurais tendance a faire une boite mail 
partagée, a laquelle tous les utilisateurs se connectent en imap. Cette 
boite ne servirait pas a recevoir des mails mais juste a etre un espace 
de stockage partagé. Dans cette boite on peut faire des dossiers et des 
sous dossiers, comme dans une arborescence classique, et y mettre les 
mails concernés dedans, en les déplacant ou en les copiant. Les 
documents recus en pièce jointe resteraient en pièce jointe. Comme 
toutes les boites mail, ca serait aussi consultable avec un webmail. Et 
ca permettrait de profiter des fonctions de recherche avancée des 
logiciels de mail, qui font des recherches en utilisant les métadonnées, 
ce qui est bien plus efficace que de rechercher dans des fichiers .eml 
en utilisant juste le nom du fichier.

Sauf si on a la volonté d'archiver du matériel ancien de manière 
indépendante du reste... (genre Cold Cases avec un cas dans un carton)

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread hamster

Le 09/02/2018 à 14:29, Gabriel Philippe a écrit :

2018-02-08 17:42 GMT+01:00 hamster :

Je ne fais pas parce que je n'ai jamais eu le besoin. Mes mails sont a leur
place dans thunderbird, il y a des fonctions de recherche très puissantes
qui permettent de fouiller dedans de facon très efficace. Je n'ai jamais
ressenti le besoin d'enregistrer des mails au format .eml et je n'en
comprend pas l'interet. Au contraire, je trouve ca moins pratique parce que
c'est bien plus facilement le bordel et c'est bien plus difficile pour faire
des recherches un peu avancées dans les mails. Mais sans doute as-tu un
usage différent du mien.

Environnement professionnel, besoin d'enregistrer (dans des
répertoires partagés par exemple) des documents reçus par mail, avec
le mail d'origine à côté pour pouvoir à la fois retrouver le document
original tel que reçu (sans modifications ultérieures), et avoir une
preuve d'envoi datée (qui vaut ce qu'elle vaut). Un fichier .eml
permet un classement précis, et on peut le retrouver facilement des
années après, sans chercher dans des dizaines de milliers de mails, en
particulier si c'est dans la boîte de quelqu'un d'autre (qui a
éventuellement quitté l'entreprise).

En effet.

Pour un usage comme celui la, j'aurais tendance a faire une boite mail 
partagée, a laquelle tous les utilisateurs se connectent en imap. Cette 
boite ne servirait pas a recevoir des mails mais juste a etre un espace 
de stockage partagé. Dans cette boite on peut faire des dossiers et des 
sous dossiers, comme dans une arborescence classique, et y mettre les 
mails concernés dedans, en les déplacant ou en les copiant. Les 
documents recus en pièce jointe resteraient en pièce jointe. Comme 
toutes les boites mail, ca serait aussi consultable avec un webmail. Et 
ca permettrait de profiter des fonctions de recherche avancée des 
logiciels de mail, qui font des recherches en utilisant les métadonnées, 
ce qui est bien plus efficace que de rechercher dans des fichiers .eml 
en utilisant juste le nom du fichier.

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Gabriel Philippe
2018-02-08 17:42 GMT+01:00 hamster :
> Je ne fais pas parce que je n'ai jamais eu le besoin. Mes mails sont a leur
> place dans thunderbird, il y a des fonctions de recherche très puissantes
> qui permettent de fouiller dedans de facon très efficace. Je n'ai jamais
> ressenti le besoin d'enregistrer des mails au format .eml et je n'en
> comprend pas l'interet. Au contraire, je trouve ca moins pratique parce que
> c'est bien plus facilement le bordel et c'est bien plus difficile pour faire
> des recherches un peu avancées dans les mails. Mais sans doute as-tu un
> usage différent du mien.

Environnement professionnel, besoin d'enregistrer (dans des
répertoires partagés par exemple) des documents reçus par mail, avec
le mail d'origine à côté pour pouvoir à la fois retrouver le document
original tel que reçu (sans modifications ultérieures), et avoir une
preuve d'envoi datée (qui vaut ce qu'elle vaut). Un fichier .eml
permet un classement précis, et on peut le retrouver facilement des
années après, sans chercher dans des dizaines de milliers de mails, en
particulier si c'est dans la boîte de quelqu'un d'autre (qui a
éventuellement quitté l'entreprise).


Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Gabriel Philippe
2018-02-08 17:36 GMT+01:00 jérémy prego :
> bonjour,
> pour enregistrer un mail précis sur son ordinateur au format eml:
> 1. ouvrir le mail que l'on souhaite enregistrer
> 2. menu fichier, puis ouvrir le menu enregistrer comme et choisir fichier
> ...

Merci... C'est tout simple et j'aurais dû le trouver sans demander. :-(

Je n'arrive pas à l'importer ensuite, mais c'est secondaire pour moi
et il y a cette extension ensuite.


New Kernel fails to boot when laptop is plugged in

2018-02-09 Thread Henning Follmann
I have a strange issue with the newest kernel
4.9.0-5-amd64 on this 2011 Macbook Pro.
As far as I can see it has to do with the power management of this laptop.
Whenever the laptop is on power supply the boot process stops hard after
I enter the passphrase for the encrypted lvm. There is one last message
that it tries to mount root but it stops hard there. There is also no log
(of course not because there is no device to write to yet).
when I unplug the laptop during boot it boots fine.
Previous kernel do not show this behavior.


Henning Follmann   |

Re:Re wicd vs network-manager

2018-02-09 Thread rodaryj
I can't find it but I suppose you mean several connections on the same 
interface, since the official website says two interfaces won't be possible 
before version 2.0 (last one is 1.7.5).

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

> Got the sonofabitch, I added sdd to the ignore line 
> in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules.

What exactly did you do ?
("ignore line" does not give me insight when looking at the file.)

> I wonder if I could make udev 
> aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal.

Ideal would be if the systemd/udev community would take into respect that
they are not the only ones who want to access devices.

If i execute
  dd if=/dev/sr4 count=1 of=/dev/null
while the DVD drive tray is out, then the tray gets pulled in, followed by
the immediate error message "No medium found", and then the tray comes out
On a second try, the tray stays in. But again dd reports "No medium found"
and fails.

I can see the theoretically sufficient waiting loop in function sr_do_ioctl()
of drivers/scsi/sr_ioctl.c . It should really suffice, because i have a
similar repetition loop in libburn, and i can see by libburn's SCSI log
that the drive only emits the expected reply messages which should cause
the sr_do_ioctl() loop to repeat the SCSI command in question.

Everything in the kernel looks like it should work. Nevertheless, some
entity must be accessing the drive without going through sr_do_ioctl()
and obviously it has no clue of the peculiarities of a DVD drive.

This looks much like the footprints of systemd and udev.
I fiddled with 60-persistent-storage.rules too, but could not cause a
change in behavior.
Thus my request to see your succeful remedy for sdd.

Have a nice day :)


Re: Sound devices.

2018-02-09 Thread Michael Lange

On Thu, 08 Feb 2018 11:48:46 -0800 wrote:

> Hi,
> sox is installed and 
>   play /usr/share/sounds/ekiga/ring.wav
> produces the sound.
> According to
>   cat /usr/share/sounds/ekiga/ring.wav >/dev/dsp
> should also.  In fact it gives nothing but the command prompt.

probably the snd-pcm-oss driver is not loaded and thus /dev/dsp does not



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

Suffocating together ... would create heroic camaraderie.
-- Khan Noonian Singh, "Space Seed", stardate 3142.8

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread hamster

Le 09/02/2018 à 09:17, Stephane Ascoet a écrit :
Bonjour, j'utilise de nombreuses extensions de cet auteur sans soucis 
pour ma part, beaucoup sont indispensables pour rendre 
Icedove/Thunderbird plus fonctionnel/adapte aux besoins de chacun.

La t'en a dit trop ou pas assez. Refile nous la liste des extensions 
utiles, que ca nous serve a nous aussi.

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 04:11:42 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > That is not the problem, something is automounting the partition as
> > soon as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the time you start the
> > resize, its mounted again and gparted is locked out.
> If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual execution of the
> gparted helper programs shows the same problems, then you will have
> to do it without resizing. I.e. the oldfashioned way of making a new
> partition with a new filesystem into which you copy the files of the
> old filesystem.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

I killed udev for /dev/sdd, gparted works now. But I really need a 
quicker way than editing a udev rule. I wonder if I could make udev 
aware that gparted was running.  That would be ideal. So would 
meaningfull gparted error reporting without having to wade thru a 
kilobyte of (spit) html. I'm going back to bed...

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 03:52:05 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Friday 09 February 2018 03:05:23 deloptes wrote:
> > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > Trying to make a backup image of a 64GB bootable sdcard. Th os say
> > > its 59.b GB when it mounts the original, but pull copy to a file
> > > and its nearly a megabyte bigger than 64gigs.  So obviously the
> > > file is bigger than a brand new unformatted disk.
> >
> > Hi Gene, you should know each partition has header or meta data,
> > that is not visible after mount. I can't recall where, but there was
> > a document (perhaps on Debian) that explained how the meta data
> > looks like. So basically with each partition operation you add a
> > layer on top of the physical device. For example you create a luks
> > partition, it adds some meta data (perhaps 1-2MB), you add a LVM on
> > top it also adds some meta data, you add the partition, it also adds
> > some meta data.
> >
> > The other concern could be that the 64GB are actually GB by 1000
> > (sales GB) and not GiB.
> > For example my HDD and SSD report this
> >
> > sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
> > Disk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
> >
> > sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
> > Disk /dev/sdb: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
> >
> > I bought 500GB which seems to be equivalent of 465.8 GiB
> I've been playing in the night with gparted, which loads up the
> operating card out of the rockchip, which shows that a bit over 4GiB
> is used out of 59.6GiB for partition 7, the last partition in it, so I
> unmount it, select move/resize, and pull the right end of the gui's
> part 7 bar down to about 10GiB. which then shows 49GiB and change of
> unallocated space.
> All of these sd images are shrunken in a similar manner, and once
> installed on whatever size of sd card you have, and that will hold the
> decompressed image, 8 gb is more than enough, and the last partition
> will be autoexpanded on the next boot to allocate the rest of the
> card.
> So raspian, ayyufan, and all these guys obviously have a way to do
> this shrinkage down to only whats used.
> But running gparted as root, it refuses to resize the SOB so I can
> turn around and reinstall a working system on an 8, 16, 32, 64 or even
> a 128GiB card.
> But gparted, running as root, refuses to do it, and its log info makes
> zero sense.
> Because I want exactly the same file as you can down load. And this
> includes the stuff I've built and installed to get it to a fully
> working for my purposes install.
> But, and heres the but, I have got to be able to make copies of a
> working install, but with a realtime kernel I've built. That way, I
> always have a backup system on the last card that I don't have to
> start over from scratch to rebuild.
> Heres that log from telling it to resize part7.
> Sorry about the html, but thats how gparted saves it.
>  Transitional//EN'
> ''>  xmlns='' xml:lang='en-US' lang='en-US'>
> GParted Details
> GParted 0.12.1 --enable-libparted-dmraid
> Libparted 2.3
> Shrink /dev/sdd7 from 59.56 GiB to 6.91
> GiB00:00:01( ERROR )
> calibrate /dev/sdd700:00:00(
> path: /dev/sdd7start: 262,144end: 125,171,678 />size: 124,909,535 (59.56 GiB)
> check file system on /dev/sdd7 for errors and (if possible) fix
> them00:00:00( ERROR )
> e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sdd7
> /dev/sdd7 is mounted.
> e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)e2fsck: Cannot continue,
> aborting.
> Now part7 is NOT mounted which would explain the e2fsck failure.
> Now, it does NOT tell me that e2fsck failed in the messages I see on
> screen.
> > Why don't you tar.gz or tar.bz2 your data instead of pulling
> > multiple 0-bytes into backup?
> That should be adequately explained above.
> > regards
>  Transitional//EN'
> ''>  xmlns='' xml:lang='en-US' lang='en-US'>
> GParted Details
> GParted 0.12.1 --enable-libparted-dmraid
> Libparted 2.3
> Shrink /dev/sdd7 from 59.56 GiB to 8.34
> GiB00:00:01( ERROR )
> calibrate /dev/sdd700:00:00(
> path: /dev/sdd7start: 262,144end: 125,171,678 />size: 124,909,535 (59.56 GiB)
> check file system on /dev/sdd7 for errors and (if possible) fix
> them00:00:01( ERROR )
> e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sdd7
> /dev/sdd7 is mounted.
> e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)e2fsck: Cannot continue,
> aborting.
> So I go back and repeat it, see above and it 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Gene Heskett wrote:
> That is not the problem, something is automounting the partition as soon 
> as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the time you start the resize, its 
> mounted again and gparted is locked out.

If explicit unmounting does not help, and if manual execution of the
gparted helper programs shows the same problems, then you will have
to do it without resizing. I.e. the oldfashioned way of making a new
partition with a new filesystem into which you copy the files of the
old filesystem.

Have a nice day :)


Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 03:33:38 Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Th os say its 59.b GB when it mounts the original
> > [...]
> > gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$ dd of=/dev/sdd bs=64k
> > if=working-rock64.img dd: writing `/dev/sdd': No space left on
> > device
> > 976897+0 records in
> > 976896+0 records out
> That's the usual confusion between ISO GB (= 1 billion bytes) and
> programmer's GiB (1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).
> dd's "k" are programmer's KiB (= 1024).
> 976896*64*1024 = 64021856256 = 64.02 ISO GB = 59.63 programmer's GiB.
> So it failed when it had already reached the 64 ISO GB limit.
> No chance to return the card to the seller for being undersized, i
> guess.
> > So nominally 600k of card disappeared.
> The old card is obviously slightly larger than the new one.
> > Obviously I need to restrict dd to about the first 10 gigs as there
> > is not any data beyond that anyway.  So wash, rinse and repeat. But
> > I need too, to shrink the file system, and the last partition on the
> > card to low enough I could use a 16GB sdcard as the test tool
> You need to do it in a qualified way.
> The partition table would be easy as soon as you identified what type
> it is: MBR partition table or GPT.
> > partition 7 is around 125k bigger than the disk
> The task of shrinking a filesystem depends much on its type.
> E.g.
>t4_filesystem.html (Disclaimer: I have never done this.)
> > Why hasn't such a utility been done?
> I guess because most people just buy a bigger medium.
That is not the problem, something is automounting the partition as soon 
as gparted unmounts the SOB, so by the time you start the resize, its 
mounted again and gparted is locked out.
> Normally i would advise to copy old partition 7 file by file into a
> freshly formatted filesystem in the slightly smaller partition 7 on
> the new card. But the bootability might get damaged that way.
> You would be lucky if the boot loader on the old card does not refer
> to partition 7. I'd flatly give it a try:
> - Copy the old card by dd up to the start of partition 7.
>   This will most probably copy the oversized partition entry of old
>   partition 7.
> - So use a partition editor to delete partition 7 on the new card.
>   Create an new partition 7 of a size that matches the card size.
> - Create a new filesystem in the new partition 7.
> - Mount both partitions 7 of old and new card.
>   Copy all files from old partition 7 to new one. E.g. by cp -a.
> If the new card then does not boot, you have to find out which boot
> loader is installed, what it uses on partition 7, and how to
> re-install it so that it works properly with new partition 7.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 09 February 2018 03:05:23 deloptes wrote:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Trying to make a backup image of a 64GB bootable sdcard. Th os say
> > its 59.b GB when it mounts the original, but pull copy to a file and
> > its nearly a megabyte bigger than 64gigs.  So obviously the file is
> > bigger than a brand new unformatted disk.
> Hi Gene, you should know each partition has header or meta data, that
> is not visible after mount. I can't recall where, but there was a
> document (perhaps on Debian) that explained how the meta data looks
> like. So basically with each partition operation you add a layer on
> top of the physical device. For example you create a luks partition,
> it adds some meta data (perhaps 1-2MB), you add a LVM on top it also
> adds some meta data, you add the partition, it also adds some meta
> data.
> The other concern could be that the 64GB are actually GB by 1000
> (sales GB) and not GiB.
> For example my HDD and SSD report this
> sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
> Disk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
> sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
> Disk /dev/sdb: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
> I bought 500GB which seems to be equivalent of 465.8 GiB
I've been playing in the night with gparted, which loads up the operating 
card out of the rockchip, which shows that a bit over 4GiB is used out 
of 59.6GiB for partition 7, the last partition in it, so I unmount it, 
select move/resize, and pull the right end of the gui's part 7 bar down 
to about 10GiB. which then shows 49GiB and change of unallocated space.

All of these sd images are shrunken in a similar manner, and once 
installed on whatever size of sd card you have, and that will hold the 
decompressed image, 8 gb is more than enough, and the last partition 
will be autoexpanded on the next boot to allocate the rest of the card.

So raspian, ayyufan, and all these guys obviously have a way to do this 
shrinkage down to only whats used.

But running gparted as root, it refuses to resize the SOB so I can turn 
around and reinstall a working system on an 8, 16, 32, 64 or even a 
128GiB card.

But gparted, running as root, refuses to do it, and its log info makes 
zero sense.

Because I want exactly the same file as you can down load. And this 
includes the stuff I've built and installed to get it to a fully working 
for my purposes install.

But, and heres the but, I have got to be able to make copies of a working 
install, but with a realtime kernel I've built. That way, I always have 
a backup system on the last card that I don't have to start over from 
scratch to rebuild.

Heres that log from telling it to resize part7.

Sorry about the html, but thats how gparted saves it.'>

GParted Details

GParted 0.12.1 --enable-libparted-dmraid
Libparted 2.3

Shrink /dev/sdd7 from 59.56 GiB to 6.91 
GiB00:00:01( ERROR )

calibrate /dev/sdd700:00:00( 

path: /dev/sdd7start: 262,144end: 125,171,678size: 
124,909,535 (59.56 GiB)

check file system on /dev/sdd7 for errors and (if possible) fix 
them00:00:00( ERROR )

e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sdd7

/dev/sdd7 is mounted.

e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)e2fsck: Cannot continue, 

Now part7 is NOT mounted which would explain the e2fsck failure.
Now, it does NOT tell me that e2fsck failed in the messages I see on 

> Why don't you tar.gz or tar.bz2 your data instead of pulling multiple
> 0-bytes into backup?
That should be adequately explained above.

> regards'>

GParted Details

GParted 0.12.1 --enable-libparted-dmraid
Libparted 2.3

Shrink /dev/sdd7 from 59.56 GiB to 8.34 
GiB00:00:01( ERROR )

calibrate /dev/sdd700:00:00( 

path: /dev/sdd7start: 262,144end: 125,171,678size: 
124,909,535 (59.56 GiB)

check file system on /dev/sdd7 for errors and (if possible) fix 
them00:00:01( ERROR )

e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sdd7

/dev/sdd7 is mounted.

e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)e2fsck: Cannot continue, 

So I go back and repeat it, see above and it says the partition is not 
mounted on the gparted screen, but the error message says it is. So 
something is automounting it, what do I kill to stop that?

Thanks for any hints.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Th os say its 59.b GB when it mounts the original
> [...]
> gene@coyote:~/rock64.imgs$ dd of=/dev/sdd bs=64k if=working-rock64.img
> dd: writing `/dev/sdd': No space left on device
> 976897+0 records in
> 976896+0 records out

That's the usual confusion between ISO GB (= 1 billion bytes) and programmer's
GiB (1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).
dd's "k" are programmer's KiB (= 1024).

976896*64*1024 = 64021856256 = 64.02 ISO GB = 59.63 programmer's GiB.

So it failed when it had already reached the 64 ISO GB limit.
No chance to return the card to the seller for being undersized, i guess.

> So nominally 600k of card disappeared. 

The old card is obviously slightly larger than the new one.

> Obviously I need to restrict dd to about the first 10 gigs as there is 
> not any data beyond that anyway.  So wash, rinse and repeat.
> But I need too, to shrink the file system, and the last partition on the 
> card to low enough I could use a 16GB sdcard as the test tool

You need to do it in a qualified way.
The partition table would be easy as soon as you identified what type
it is: MBR partition table or GPT.

> partition 7 is around 125k bigger than the disk

The task of shrinking a filesystem depends much on its type.
(Disclaimer: I have never done this.)

> Why hasn't such a utility been done?

I guess because most people just buy a bigger medium.

Normally i would advise to copy old partition 7 file by file into a freshly
formatted filesystem in the slightly smaller partition 7 on the new card.
But the bootability might get damaged that way.

You would be lucky if the boot loader on the old card does not refer to
partition 7. I'd flatly give it a try:

- Copy the old card by dd up to the start of partition 7.
  This will most probably copy the oversized partition entry of old
  partition 7.

- So use a partition editor to delete partition 7 on the new card.
  Create an new partition 7 of a size that matches the card size.

- Create a new filesystem in the new partition 7.

- Mount both partitions 7 of old and new card.
  Copy all files from old partition 7 to new one. E.g. by cp -a.

If the new card then does not boot, you have to find out which boot loader
is installed, what it uses on partition 7, and how to re-install it so
that it works properly with new partition 7.

Have a nice day :)


Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Jean-Bernard Dubois

Le 08/02/2018 à 17:28, Gabriel Philippe a écrit :



J'ai beaucoup de mal avec Thunderbird... Une opération aussi simple
qu'une sauvegarde de mails, ou l'enregistrement quelque part d'un mail
précis, semble être très compliquée.


Avec Outlook, un cliqué-glissé d'un mail vers un répertoire permet
d'obtenir un fichier .eml. Quand ou double-clique sur le fichier .eml
depuis le répertoire, on obtient le mail dans une belle fenêtre

Avec Thunderbird Ctrl^ S permet d'obtenir un .eml
Un double click sur un .eml permet d'ouvrir une belle fenêtre Thunderbird.
Jamais tenté le cliqué-glissé mais je m'en passe.

Jean-Bernard Dubois
Gaïa Converter

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 08/02/2018 à 17:28, Gabriel Philippe a écrit :

Avec Thunderbird, impossible... Le seul espoir semble être de passer
par une extension, "ImportExportTools". Elle n'existe pas sous forme
de paquet Debian (mauvais signe), ne semble pas référencée
officiellement parmi les extensions de Thunderbird par Mozilla (du
moins je ne la trouve pas en la cherchant dans le gestionnaire de
modules), et je n'ai vraiment pas envie d'aller téléchercher une
extension je ne sais où sans vérification fiable de signature ou de

Bonjour, j'utilise de nombreuses extensions de cet auteur sans soucis 
pour ma part, beaucoup sont indispensables pour rendre 
Icedove/Thunderbird plus fonctionnel/adapte aux besoins de chacun.

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: Thunderbird et le monde extérieur : mbox, maildir, import et export ?

2018-02-09 Thread Stephane Ascoet

Le 08/02/2018 à 18:23, hamster a écrit :

Si on veut que ces vieux mails n'apparaissent plus dans thunderbird, on
peut aussi les sortir du dossier de profil. Par exemple si on met tous
les vieux mails dans un dossier qu'on appelle "archives" on va trouver
dans le dossier de profil un fichier qui s'appelle "archives" (si on est
au format mbox) ou un dossier qui s'appelle "archives" (si on est au
format maildir). Il suffit de le déplacer hors du dossier de profil. Et
pour relire ces vieux mails, il suffira de remettre ce qu'on a enlevé a
sa place (ou faire un lien symbolique). Pas besoin de passer par des
fonctions d'import et export.

Bonjour, il m'est arrive de faire l'equivalent de ce que tu dis, mais en 
un peu plus propre: je cree differents profils (parametre "-P" au 
demarrage de Icedove/Thunderbird). On peut aussi en avoir un courant et 
un ou plusieurs autres avec des archives.

Cordialement, Stephane Ascoet

Re: libgparted bug.

2018-02-09 Thread deloptes
Gene Heskett wrote:

> Trying to make a backup image of a 64GB bootable sdcard. Th os say its
> 59.b GB when it mounts the original, but pull copy to a file and its
> nearly a megabyte bigger than 64gigs.  So obviously the file is bigger
> than a brand new unformatted disk.

Hi Gene, you should know each partition has header or meta data, that is not
visible after mount. I can't recall where, but there was a document
(perhaps on Debian) that explained how the meta data looks like. So
basically with each partition operation you add a layer on top of the
physical device. For example you create a luks partition, it adds some meta
data (perhaps 1-2MB), you add a LVM on top it also adds some meta data, you
add the partition, it also adds some meta data.

The other concern could be that the 64GB are actually GB by 1000 (sales GB)
and not GiB.
For example my HDD and SSD report this

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
Disk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors

I bought 500GB which seems to be equivalent of 465.8 GiB

Why don't you tar.gz or tar.bz2 your data instead of pulling multiple
0-bytes into backup?
