Re: UDMA 66 numa Epox MVP3G2

2001-02-26 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 14:15 de segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2001, Itamar Grochowski
Rocha enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

Caro Itamar,

  modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0
  udma1 *udma2

Não entendo muito sobre HDs, mas pelo que me lembro o modo de 66Mb/s é
o UDMA 4, e o de 100Mb/s é o UDMA 5. Se o hdparm informa que o máximo
que seu HD suporta é UDMA 2, talvez seja ele o culpado.

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: software amanda - backup

2001-02-13 Thread Alexander Gieg
On 12 Feb 2001, at 18:09, Hilton Fernandes wrote:

Caro Hilton,

 concordo com vc, so que e' muito estranho um cliente depender do
 servidor, ou um dos dois ter uma relacao circular com o conjunto
 comum de arquivos.

Também acho estranho a dependência entre cliente e servidor, mas não
lembro se ocorre. Imagino que o mais lógico é o cliente sugerir ou
recomendar o (ou *um*) servidor, e vice-versa.

 O esperado seria que cliente e servidor dependessem de uma base comum,
 que seria independente de ambos.

Imagino que isso não é feito pq a base comum, sozinha, seria inútil.
Mas é sempre possível instalá-la forçando as dependências. :-)

 Interessante que seja muito comum a situacao inesperada de dependencia
 circular.  Fosse um makefile isto seria bug...


(Minha experiência com programação se restringe ao Pascal e ao C que
aprendi no técnico de eletrônica. :-))

 Se e' tao comum assim, talvez porque nao pratica seja dificil
 separar bem a base comum dos arquivos. Ou talvez porque o criador do
 pacote queira evitar que alguem instale apenas a base, sem que
 cliente ou servidor sejam instalados.

O que faz sentido. :-)

 P.S.: boa sua assinatura.

Realmente. Tirei a citação do volume sobre Espinoza da coleção Os
Pensadores da editora Abril. Leitura muito interessante. Pena que
sofreu cortes (ou desapareceu) das edições mais recentes. E pena que a
coleção como um todo é *tão* ruim. :-)

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: software amanda - backup

2001-02-13 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 14:00 de terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2001, Gustavo Noronha
Silva (KoV) enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

Caro Gustavo,

 naum, vc estah se enganando... o binario para outra arquitetura eh
 recompilado para aquela arquitetura mas fica num braco diferente
 do ftp/http... vc nunca viu q o braco q vc usa chama-se binary-i386
 ?? existe o binary-alpha e por aih vai... por isso os binarios soh
 serao especificos de arquitetura se tiverem nomes diferentes, o que
 eh ridiculo e eh com certeza um serio bug!

 no symlinks here, naum faz sentido instalar um binario m68k no meu
 i386... neh verdade? entaum eu nem nunca vou ver esse pacote...

Existe também o binary-all, e um monte de pacotes dos binary-* são
symlinks para lá. Acho (não olhei) que os common genéricos ficam nessa
árvore. E ela obviamente não deve servir para nada isolada.

Desse modo, pode haver um blabla_versão_i386.deb e um
blabla_versão_m68k.deb que se ligam ambos a um
blablacommon_versão_all.deb, chamando-o simplesmente de
blablacommon_versão, que por sua vez se liga aos dois primeiros,
chamando-os apenas de blabla_versão. Assim, quando o apt ou outro
gerenciador encontra o arquivo linkado, acha que é daquela
arquitetura, quando na verdade não tem nenhuma.

 agora sim... aqui vc falou algo certo.. *mas*... vc pode querer
 instalar o common sozinho por uma serie de coisas, mas digamos que
 isso naum seja necessario a vc, o certo eh criar no caso 3 pacotes

Para isso existe a opção de forçar a instalação. Afinal, instalar
somente o common é algo no mínimo incomum. :-)

 cliente.deb server.deb common.deb... experimente ver algum pacote
 com essa formatacao, esses sim existem e saum muito comuns...


 uma dependencia ciclica me parece um tanto boba, a naum ser que
 vc queira uma modularidade realmente incrivel

Coisa que o Debian faz até não poder mais, não? ;-)

Para ver um pouco o quão detalhistas costumam ser, dê uma lida no
changelog.Debian da libc6. Tanta gente achou estranho uma libc depender
de outros pacotes que tiveram de voltar atrás e fazer um pacotão de

Entender o Debian é tão divertido quanto usá-lo. :-)

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

Para Gilberto Gomes Jose

2001-02-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
Caro Gilberto,

Tentei enviar mensagens em pvt para vc em seu endereço
[EMAIL PROTECTED], mas retornaram. Ele está correto?

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: software amanda - backup

2001-02-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 16:29 de segunda-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2001, Gustavo Noronha Silva 
(KoV) enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

Caro Gustavo,

 comum? huhuhu... eu acho q isso eh um bug,se existe isso naum
 deveriam existir 2 pacotes, mas um soh

Não sei se é o caso, mas imagine a seguinte situação: vc tem um
programa que existe em várias arquiteturas e tem tanto elementos
específicos (p.ex., os binários) para cada uma, quanto elementos
genéricos independente de arquitetura.

Em termos de espaço em disco, principalmente para quem mantêm as
distribuições, é muito mais prático ter um arquivo comum do qual
dependam as versões específicas, que por sua vez também dependem da
comum, do que ter um monte de binários específicos com zilhões de dados
repetidos, e os symlinks cuidam do resto.

Isso para não falar dos casos em que vc têm dois binários, como um
daemon e um cliente, ambos com montes de arquivos em comum. Também não
faria sentido tê-los copiados em ambos. Nesse caso vc tem arq1.deb e
arq2.deb dependendo de arq-common.deb, e arq-common.deb dependendo de
arq1.deb e/ou arq2.deb, ou de um arq genérico que ambos fornecem, em um
cenário ligeiramente diferente.

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: Trident 9680 e XFree 4.0

2001-02-08 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 21:23 de sábado, 3 de fevereiro de 2001, Alexandre Pereira da Silva
enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

Caro Alexandre,

 Tambem tive problemas com o X 4. Ele ainda nao funciona para todas
 as placas. Aconteceram problemas semelhantes comigo. Coisas que
 ajudam e colocar Option noaccel e Option sw_cursor em
 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Mesmo assim para mim nao resolveu totalmente o
 problema. A minha placa é uma sis530.

Experimentei colocar ambas as opções juntas (já tinha tentado o
NoAccel), mas não resolveu. Com o sw_cursor, a única coisa que
acontece é o cursor também ficar todo quebrado e na resolução

Parece que por enquanto teremos que ficar longe do 4.0. :-)

Seja como for, obrigado pela sugestão!

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)


2001-02-08 Thread Alexander Gieg
Caros todos,

Eu gostaria de saber se existe algum meio para acelerar o carregamento
de programas com o wine. Como meu micro é um Pentium 166MHz com meros
32MB RAM, o carregamento de qualquer coisa, mesmo o Paciência, demora
algo em torno de 3 a 5 minutos.

Existe algum meio de, sei lá, carregar as libs (ou seja o que for que
demora tanto) no sistema quando da entrada do X?

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg   Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG   uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285  sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP   (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: Info (v)Exame x Usuario final

2001-02-07 Thread Alexander Gieg
On 6 Feb 2001, at 20:37, Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) wrote:

Caro Gustavo,

Concordo que o tema seja bem off-topic, mas imagino que abordar alguns
pontos por uma ótica anti-marxista seja útil para alguns, pq isso foge
do discurso padrão da mídia aqui no Brasil e pode interessar-lhes.

 (...) as vezes penso que uma juncao do capitalismo com o socialismo
 seria o ideal... (...) O ser humano naum estah pronto para
 participar de uma democracia socialista (...) Eh por isso que eu
 admiro o Djalma, ele naum esperou o governo agir (pq tah na moda
 por a culpa de tudo no governo). (...)

Vou dizer algo que pode chocar muita gente, mas é o seguinte: o que
distingue, em termos de governo, um sistema capitalista puro (que não
existe) de um sistema socialista puro (que infelizmente existe e

No capitalismo puro, o governo é uma instituição muito, muito pequena,
e se parte do princípio que todas as pessoas são responsáveis por si
mesmas e livres para fazer o que bem entendam, desde que isso não
interfira jamais na liberdade de outrem, nem que os outros interfiram
na sua. Nesse tipo de sociedade, pois, não existem empresas do
governo, nem mesmo a seguridade social, que fica por conta de cada qual
através de contratos estabelecidos livremente com provedores de
serviços de saúde e/ou aposentadoria. Também não existem impostos:
fornece dinheiro para o governo quem quiser, na quantidade que quiser,
o que normalmente significa uma parcela das pessoas que nele votaram. E
mais: instituições assistencias, se existem, são sempre de iniciativa

No socialismo puro, o governo é tudo, e não existe qualquer tipo de
espaço livre por onde alguém possa fazer algo por conta própria. Todos
são funcionários estatais, agem dentro do estado, dependem e são
dirigidos pelo estado, que é soberano, onipresente, onipotente e, pela
instituição da delação pública, onisciente. Absolutamente todas as
empresas pertencem ao governo, e os impostos, além de atingir a todos,
são geralmente absurdamente altos, pois é o preço que se paga pela
megaburocracia e pela escravidão voluntária.

Entre os dois extremos há uma infinidade de tamanhos de governo e graus
de liberdade. Se chamarmos ao estado mínimo ultra-capitalista
democrático e sem impostos de extrema direita, e ao estado absoluto
ditatorial, autoritário e totalitário sem propriedade privada de
extrema esquerda, o que poderemos chamar de centro? Qual o meio-termo
entre capitalismo e socialismo?

Bem, para saber a resposta, sugiro que leiam o texto abaixo. Muito
revelador. :-)

 (...) tenho certeza de que podemos criar uma lista soh pra isso se
 for do agrado de todos, mensagens em pvt, por favor, caso se
 relacionem com esse topico

Talvez não seja necessário criar uma nova lista. Um fórum muito amplo
para esse tipo de debate se encontra no endereço abaixo (que
definitivamente foge da mesmisse). É entrar, ler, e se pegar
questionando a tudo e a todos. :-)

E vale também o próprio site principal:

E agora, melhor eu parar com o off-topic. :-)

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg   Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG   uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285  sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP   (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: Info (v)Exame x Usuario final

2001-02-07 Thread Alexander Gieg
On 6 Feb 2001, at 19:32, DephiNit wrote:

Caros todos,

  O que ele não imaginava é que os capitalistas iriam manter MENOS
  pessoas trabalhando em período integral...

O que pelo menos é melhor do que os comunistas, que mantém todos
trabalhando muito mais, ganhando muito menos, e com quase nenhuma
liberdade. :-)

 Cara, o captalismo esta se tornando o que o feudalismo era no final
 do século XIX!

Feudalismo? No século XIX? Rússia, talvez? :-)

 Ta na hora de acabarmos com isso!

Acabarmos com o que?

 E os caras tão ligado, por isso tão boicotando todos que querem
 acabar com a mordomia deles...

Boicote não é bem o termo. Eu usaria lobby, e mais, com amplo uso
de técnicas retóricas e da dialéticas erísticas. Nada de errado nisso,
aliás: cada qual puxa a sardinha pro seu lado. :-)

Alguém responda com sinceridade: COMO seria o mundo atual se os
softwares nunca, *jamais* tivessem se tornado produtos sujeitos a
copyright? Alguém acredita que teríamos PCs caseiros?

Tio Bill e Cia. podem fazer uns softwares horríveis, mas sem as
estratégias que usaram, por desonestas que sejam, sem o copyright que
permitiu a existência de empresas desenvolvendo softwares desvinculados
de hardwares proprietários, Linus Torwalds sequer teria *tido* um 386
(ou qualquer coisa semelhante) para pensar em criar o Linux.
Computadores? Só nas grandes empresas, nos CPDs de universidades e em
centros governamentais. Internet? Não, Arpanet.

Até mesmo o Gnome e o KDE, para existirem, dependem retroativamente das
pesquisa de usabilidade promovidas pela Xerox, depois pela Apple e por
fim pela Micro$oft para que seus produtos vendessem o máximo possível.

As soluções proprietárias podem até acabar um dia, mas o software livre
para uso *popular* só pode existir, hoje, por *causa* delas.

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg   Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG   uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285  sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP   (Baruch de Espinoza)

Trident 9680 e XFree 4.0

2001-02-03 Thread Alexander Gieg
Caros todos,

Instalei hoje o XFree 4.0 e estou com algumas dificuldades.

Para começar, achei estranho o script em debconf do xserver-xfree86,
apesar de todas as perguntas, não ter gerado o /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
Acabei criando-o via xf86config, o que não foi difícil, e apontando o
link /etc/X11/X para o novo servidor.

Seja como for, minha placa de vídeo é uma daquelas genéricas com
chipset Trident 9680 e 1MB RAM, e o monitor é um SyncMaster 3 com
suporte a DPMS. Essa combinação estava funcionando bem com o antigo
XF86_SVGA (ainda está, se eu apontar o link para ele), mas parece que o
4.0 está totalmente confuso.

Quando entro no modo gráfico, o cursor do mouse aparece perfeito, com o
tamanho que costuma ter em 1024x768 (uso 8bpp), mas as janelas não. O
texto e as janelas aparecem gigantescos, como se a resolução estivesse
em 320x240, e quebradas, i.e., com pedaços trocados ou duplicados
(creiam, é difícil explicar). O mais estranho, porém, é que o X-Windows
pensa que as janelas estão no lugar, pq se eu clico onde o botão
*deveria* estar, os pedaços dele na tela aparecem clicados, e a
função é executada.

Mudando a profundidade para 16bpp (o que me faz cair para 800x600) no
XF86Config-4, o resultado é o mesmo: o tamanho do cursor aumenta, tudo
parece estar em 320x240 etc. Se mudá-la para 24bpp (640x480), porém, o
servidor não entra, e retorna uma mensagem de erro informando que não
há nenhum Screen disponível. Desnecessário dizer que ambos os modos
rodam sem problemas no servidor antigo.

Experimentei alterar os parâmetro do driver no XF86Config-4 seguindo as
orientações do man trident, mas sem sucesso, e comparar as seções
deste novo arquivo de configuração com suas contrapartes parecidas no
arquivo antigo, para ver se havia alguma diferença substâncial (não

Resultado: por enquanto continuo com o servidor 3.3.6. Mas eu bem que
gostaria de alguma sugestão para poder usar o 4.0.2. :-)

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander Gieg  Nada estimo mais, entre todas as coisas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que não estão em meu poder, do que contrair
Nick: AlexG  uma aliança de amizade com homens que amem
ICQ: 2200285 sinceramente a verdade.
São Paulo - SP  (Baruch de Espinoza)

Re: boot-floppies (Sugestões)

1999-10-09 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 4:25 de 9 Oct 99, Ruben Leote Mendes enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

 (...) Não conheço o padrão ABNT. A primeira vez que ouvi falar dele
 foi nesta lista pelo que suponho que não. Por outro lado se o mapa for ABNT, o teclado de Portugal é bastante semelhante. As
 difereças estão descritas no inicio do mapa que enviei na minha
 mensagem anterior. (...)

So' uma dica: ABNT significa Associacao Brasileira de Normas
Tecnicas. Nao sei a que ponto Portugal segue as orientacoes tecnicas
brasileiras, mas acho dificil que sejam identicos, mesmo porque o
Window$ 95/98 tem ambas as opcoes. :-)

Para quem quiser se orientar, o teclado ABNT-2 tem as teclas de
acentuacao (circunflexo, agudo, crase e til) e uma com c-cedilha
agrupadas 'a esquerda do [Enter]; uma tecla com apostrofo e aspas
duplas normais, que *nao* se confundem com as teclas agudo e trema (o
que ajuda muito na hora de programar), ficam acima do [Tab]. Alguns
simbolos adicionais usados por aqui sao ativados com as teclas [AltGr]
mais alguma outra, e estao bem identificados. Varios modelos tambem tem
as teclas [Windows]. De resto, sao praticamente identicos ao US-

Como e' o teclado portugues?


[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

Re: Reply-to

1999-06-24 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 15:52 de 23 Jun 99, Lalo Martins enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

 Se bem me lembro é política do Debian não setar o reply-to. Segundo
 o listmaster, não é a maneira correta de se fazer, pq reply é pro
 autor, e se for pra lista seria followup. Na verdade existe um
 header followup-to ou coisa parecida que é usado nas listas do
 Debian (e no comando 'L' do mutt).

Uma pergunta: isso e' padronizado por alguma RFC? Imagino que a grande
maioria dos programas de e-mail no planeta nao suportam esse recurso...

[]'s Alexander Gieg (ainda usando o [quase] insuperavel Pegasus Mail no
W98 e sonhando com uma versao do Wine que nao tire as janelas do

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

Re: Manual de Instalação - Sombra x Escondida

1999-06-06 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 11:03 de 6 Jun 99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.

 Este tema é referenta a tradução da palavra shadow (shadow passwords mais

 Na tradução do manual de instalação, optei por sombra, e Paulo Henrique
 Baptista sugeriu a troca por Escondida.

 Qual é a opinião do grupo? qual é o termo mais popular para ser colocado
 no manual de instalação, supondo que esta lista seja democrática, então
 qual a opinião de voces? e porque?

Sugiro oculta, pois a pronuncia fica melhor: senha oculta, arquivo
de senhas ocultas. Pelo menos, e' menos pior do que senha
escondida... ;-)

O que nao faz muito sentido em portugues e' senha sombra, ou senha

[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

Re: lost+found

1999-05-11 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 21:02 de 9 May 99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.


 A minha placa e'uma Intel I430VX e no seu BIOS ela nao possui estes
 recursos de acesso 32 bits(acho que e' desabilitada por padrao).

Talvez seja habilitada por padrao. :-)

 Sempre que configuro computadores, desabilito esta opcao, porque nao
 sei como um programa da CMOS rodando em modo real 16 Bits
 conseguira permitir o acesso de 32 bits a um HD.

Nao, nao! Para um HD, 32 bits significa transferir conjuntos de 32 bits
de dados de uma vez ao inves de 16, o que gera algum ganho de
performance. Nenhuma relacao com os diversos modos de funcionamento dos

Obviamente, o firmware do HD precisa suportar esse recurso.

A menos que eu esteja muito enganado, o SO pode, isso sim, configurar
um acesso em modo protegido 'a controladora IDE, mas ai' ja' e outra
historia. No Windows para Workgroups ambos os recursos eram
identificados, respectivamente, como acesso a disco em 32 bits e
acesso a arquivos em 32 bits, e era possivel habilitar uma, ambas ou
nenhuma dessas opcoes.

 Esse suporte e' habilitado independente da Bios apos a inicializaçao
 do Linux, e a ativaçao desta opcao gera incompatibilidade com muitas
 controladoras mais antigas.

Pois e'. E quando essa controladoras mais antigas fazem parte da
propria motherboard cuja BIOS permite esse recurso... ;-)

 Eu solucionava o problema desabilitando os recursos 32 bits na BIOS. Ou
 seja, colocava os HDs no modo mais lento e arcaico possivel, mas
 resolvia: 32-bit Mode: OFF, Block Access: OFF, PIO Mode: 0 (zero) e
 assim por diante.

 Humm... nunca tive nenhum problema utilizando as opçoes Block Access e PIO
 Mode, algumas controladoras mais antigas nao suportam o Block Access (ou
 block mode) ou as vezes a controladora suporta mas a velocidade do disco
 rigido e' tao lenta que nao se nota ganho de performance. Alguns discos
 rigidos padroes XT que testei ha algum tempo em um 486 tiveram
 incompatibilidade com o block mode.

Descobri problemas com o PIO Mode quando alguns drives CD-ROM
simplesmente se recusavam a funcionar em modo auto. 'As vezes o auto
detectava modo 4, mas o drive so' funcionava corretamente em modo 3, ou
vice-versa. De qualquer modo, quando as coisas nao funcionavam bem,
colocar os dispositivos em modos menores tinha resultado...

 (...) As placas novas e baratas possuem hardwares que sao chamados
 de for Windows. O que se faz e' retirar o processador embutido
 destas placas, fazendo com que o Processador principal da placa mãe
 tenha que controlar o funcionamento deste periferico. Assim, sua
 firmware e' carregada e controlada pelo RUWindows, e normalmente a
 placa requer um funcionamento em tempo real do processador, que acaba
 por diminuir toda a performance geral do sistema. (...)

Ha' algum meio, talvez algum software, capaz de detectar a
(in)existencia desses dispositivos?


[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

Re: lost+found

1999-05-09 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 9:40 de 8 May 99, Gleydson enviou o texto que respondo abaixo.


 (...) Aconteceu que, da última vez utilizei o comando fsck.ext2 com a opção 
 Ele encontrou vários problemas com o sistema de arquivos e todos eles
 foram corrigidos para o diretório lost+found. Para minha surpresa, após
 reiniciar o sistema, havia perdido todos os sub-diretórios de /usr, /bin,
 /home e outros 2.

 Entrando em lost+found, verifiquei que lá existiam diversos sub diretórios
 no formato #100125 (que se não me engano são os inodos do disco), usando o
 ls nome do diretório, conseguia verificar outros diretórios dentro dele
 seguindo o mesmo formato #123456.

 Mas não conseguia utilizar o comando cd para entrar neste diretório e
 verificar seu conteúdo. Acho que o mesmo acontecia com o mv. (...)

Nao tenho dicas de como encontrar os nomes verdadeiros dos arquivos,
mas me lembro que, na epoca em que trabalhava com manutencao de
microcomputadores, muitas motherboards made-in-somewhere tinham o
pessimo comportamento de, vez por outra, gravar dados em lugares
errados nos HDs (ou talvez nao gravar, nao sei dizer) quando o acesso
ao disco do sistema operacional estava funcionando em modo 32 bits
(ie., Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 etc.) e a motherboard tambem
estava com os recursos de 32 bits para os HDs habilitados.

Entao, vez por outra um arquivo era corrompido um pouco, e chegava uma
hora em que uma parte da FAT era sobrescrita, resultando na perda de um
numero consideravel de arquivos.

Eu solucionava o problema desabilitando os recursos 32 bits na BIOS.
Ou seja, colocava os HDs no modo mais lento e arcaico possivel, mas
resolvia: 32-bit Mode: OFF, Block Access: OFF, PIO Mode: 0 (zero)
e assim por diante.

Tente isso, e talvez seu sistema funcione sem falhas. Nao e' preciso
dizer que, se o problema for *esse*, uma troca de motherboard seria um
bom investimento. E, se vc fizer isso, aceite uma sugestao: nunca, mas
nunca mesmo, compre qualquer motherboard que tenha x-pro no nome.
Elas sao baratas e sao facilmente encontradas em qualquer loja que
trabalhe com produtos paraguaios ou, como costumava dizer meu honesto
ex-chefe para os incautos e credulos cliente: de Miami, mas os
problemas e o pessimo desempenho nao compensam a economia. Garanto-lhe
que e' uma precaucao muito sensata... :-)

Talvez o kernel tenha algum tipo de solucao para esses problemas, mas
ai' ja' esta' alem de meu limitados conhecimentos.


[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

X, xdm + /etc/profile e outros.

1999-03-27 Thread Alexander Gieg
Ola' a todos!

Apos ficar algumas horas lendo paginas de manual e o Portuguese-HOWTO, 
consegui fazer a acentuacao no modo texto e no X funcionarem 
perfeitamente (no caso do X, substituindo a libX11). Agora, apos tanto 
trabalho, ainda restam tres pontos importantes, e gostaria da ajuda de 

1) Quando eu inicio um shell no console, e depois inicio o X (via 
startx), todas as configuracoes do /etc/profile estao presentes dentro 
do ambiente de trabalho grafico: dircolors, aliases, LC_ALL e etc. 
Porem, ao iniciar o X pelo xdm, aparentemente o /etc/profile nao e' 
lido! Ou seja, tudo volta a estar em ingles.

Alguem saberia me dizer como faco para o /etc/profile ser lido quando 
dou um login via xdm, do mesmo modo que ocorre quando dou um login em 
modo texto? Devo alterar algum arquivo, como talvez o 
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0? Se sim, o que devo mudar?

2) Quando eu estava usando o X com o XKeyboard habilitado, antes de 
desabilita-lo e instalar a nova libX11, a seguinte mensagem de erro 
sempre aparecia no console a partir do qual eu dava um startx, apos a 
sequencia de mensagens comuns do inicio do X:

 System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1
 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm -m us -em1 The XKEYBOARD keymap
 compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -emp   -eml Errors from xkbcomp
 are not fatal to the X server keymap/xfree86

Alguem sabe o que isso significa? Como nao estou usando mais o 
XKeyboard ela nao aparece, e antes parecia nao me afetar, mas nao deixa 
de ser estranho...

Fora isso, a mensagem de erro abaixo continua aparecendo sempre que 
saio do X, antes de voltar ao prompt de comando:

 waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/ refcount is 2, should be 1;

Qual a solucao para isso?

3) Por fim, creio que estou pronto para comecar a ler e responder meus 
e-mails a partir do Linux. Atualmente, no Windows, utilizo o Pegasus 
Mail, que tem recursos fantasticos que vao desde a escolha de cores 
para destacar cada mensagem dentro de uma pasta (uso muito esse recurso 
para diferenciar categorias de mensagens), ate' filtros extremamente 
avancados e suporte HTML (um tanto capenga, mas da' para o gasto), 
passando pela capacidade de ter n contas POP configuradas, cada qual 
com seu respectivo SMTP se for desejado, multiplas identidades, 
multiplas assinaturas independentes por identidade, suporte a PGP, 
capacidade de configurar cada minusculo detalhe de funcionamento, de 
trabalhar mensagens em modo digest como se fossem pastas normais, de 
apagar attachments indesejados e etc. etc. etc.

Ha' algum programa (ou combinacao de programas) de e-mail para Linux 
que me forneca tais recursos, ou mais ainda? Eu sei que, do ponto de 
vista da simplicidade, posso utilizar o proprio Netscape Messenger, mas 
nao tenho a minima vontade de ficar tao limitado, afinal, se fosse esse 
o caso, eu o estaria usando (ou o Outlook Express) no proprio W98...

Vale comentar que o Pegasus e' capaz de converter e trabalhar com 
arquivos de mensagens no formato padrao do Unix, portanto eu nao teria 
trabalho para converter minhas pastas atuais para algum outro programa.

Obrigado antecipadamente!

Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

Re: X, xdm + /etc/profile e outros.

1999-03-27 Thread Alexander Gieg
'As 14:40 de 27 Mar 99, Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodrigu enviou o texto que 
respondo abaixo.


  1) Quando eu inicio um shell no console, e depois inicio o X (via
  startx), todas as configuracoes do /etc/profile estao presentes dentro
  do ambiente de trabalho grafico: dircolors, aliases, LC_ALL e etc.
  Porem, ao iniciar o X pelo xdm, aparentemente o /etc/profile nao e'
  lido! Ou seja, tudo volta a estar em ingles.
  Alguem saberia me dizer como faco para o /etc/profile ser lido quando
  dou um login via xdm, do mesmo modo que ocorre quando dou um login em
  modo texto? Devo alterar algum arquivo, como talvez o
  /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0? Se sim, o que devo mudar?

 O /etc/profile é sempre lido, independente de si você se logar no
 console ou desde o xdm (shell de login). No entanto se, uma vez você
 logado rodar otra shell (shell de não-login), dentro de um xterm,
 p.e., o /etc/profile não é lido novamente. As varíaveis de ambiente
 são passados à nova shell mas não as configurações do ls --color,
 etc. se estiver usando o bash, você deve pôr essas configurações no
 arquivo ~/.bashrc. Cada shell tem seu proprio conjunto de arquivos de
 configuração para as shell de login e as de não-login

Infelizmente, isso nao e' bem verdade. Veja, eu fiz a experiencia!
Tenho diversas variaveis exportadas no /etc/profile, que sao lidas
perfeitamente quando dou login em modo texto, e que obviamente
continuam a existir quando ativo outro bash, ainda em modo texto.

Fora isso, no ~/.bashrc, tenho a definicao de alguns aliases que uso
frequentemente, em especial, alias dir='dir $LS_OPTIONS', sendo que a
variavel de ambiente LS_OPTIONS e' definida no /etc/profile.

Pois muito bem, quando entro no X via startx, todas as variaveis
definidas no /etc/profile continuam la' quando abro um xterm novo, bem
como os aliases definidos no ~/.bashrc. Tudo funciona perfeitamente!
Escrevo dir, e eis que aparecem os arquivos devidamente colorizados,
os aplicativos gnome aparecem em portugues etc.

Ai, entao, saio do X, reinicio o xdm com /etc/init.d/xdm start,
pressiono ALT-F7, dou um login normal, entro no xterm e... nada!

Todas as variaveis de ambiente definidas no /etc/profile simplesmente
nao estao presentes! O gnome esta' em ingles (afinal, nao ha' nenhuma
definica LC_ALL presente) e etc. Porem, os aliases definidos no
~/.bashrc estao la'...

Logo, chego 'a unica conclusao obvia: que o xdm nao esta' carregando o

Detalhe: tambem experimentei fazer o login direto no xdm apos um boot.
A situacao e' a mesma.

Alguma sugestao?

 (...) Esqueci falar, Você tambem tem o arquivo /etc/environment, no
 qual você pode pôr as varíaveis do ambiente que quer que estejam
 presentes em todos os programas, LC_LANG, .

Esse arquivo e' um shell script, como o /etc/profile? Pergunto, pois
costumo rodar o comando eval `dircolors -b` nesse arquivo, bem como
outros semelhantes, para que todos os usuarios tenham as mesmas cores

O que funciona perfeitamente nos logins em modo texto, mas no xdm...

Se alguem tiver alguma sugestao, por favor me avise!


Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

Re: Importação de programas

1999-03-21 Thread Alexander Gieg
 Receita Federal
na hora de verificar a documentacao do produto.

Esse e' o *unico* meio de pagar impostos apenas sobre o valor dos
disquetes e/ou CD.

Agora, vejamos a importacao pelos correios (ou transportadoras), a
unica que sobra para pessoas normais:

Em geral, ha' uma falsa informacao que corre por ai', de que produtos
com valor abaixo de US$50,00 (ou R$50,00 em outras versoes) nao
precisam pagar impostos. Outros dizem que softwares nao precisam. E
assim por diante.


Apenas dois tipos de produtos nao precisam pagar imposto: livros e
revistas, pois ha' uma lei que determina assim. Qualquer outro produto,
nao interessa qual seja, software ou nao, *deve* pagar 60% de II *e*
18% de ICMS sobre o valor total da nota fiscal internacional.

Se vc importar o produto por meio de uma transportadora que nao seja o
correio, e' exatamente isso que vc ira' pagar. O calculo do valor exato
e' simples: Total de Impostos = Preco * (II + ICMS + II*ICMS). Ou seja,
cerca de 89% de acrescimo.

Entao, vc me pergunta, porque vc ja' fez importacoes e nunca pagou
nada? E porque vc nao pagou o ICMS dessa vez, apenas o II?

Simples: os correios nao tem pessoal suficiente. De todas as encomendas
feitas, apenas um percentual (creio que de 10% a 15%, como nos
aeroportos, por falta de pessoal) e' barrado para verificacao. E, se
e' verificado que e' um produto que nao seja livro ou software, e'
retido e o comunicado do II enviado ao comprador.

O motivo pelo qual nao se cobra o ICMS e' que, em conversas com a
Secretaria responsavel (pelo menos aqui em SP), os Correios nao
concordaram em, ainda por cima, checar a necessidade do pagamento do
ICMS, pois nao ha' lei que o obrigue. Disseram, no entanto, que se a
Secretaria quisesse enviar fiscais para cuidarem disso, que nao haveria
problema. Como nao foram enviados, nao ha' quem cobre o ICMS.

Ja' as outras transportadores fazem tudo direitinho, conforme manda a
lei: II+ICMS. :-)

Portanto, nao adianta reclamar. Vc caiu na malha fina, e o unico jeito
de receber o produto e' pagando o imposto.

Alias, sobre esse assunto eu estava conversando com um fiscal dos
Correios, e ele me contou uma fato engracado que ocorreu com ele tempos
atras: um cara ligou extremamente nervoso dizendo que nao sabia porque
tinha que pagar o imposto, ja' que essa era a 14a. importacao que ele
fazia pelo correio e nunca teve que pagar nada.

Sabe o que o fiscal respondeu? Bem, ja' que e' assim, entao precisamos
verificar quais foram as outras 13 importacoes que o senhor fez, para
cobrar as taxas devidas que o senhor sonegou ao nao declara-las. O
reclamante, entao, respondeu meio sem folego: Ah... e' mesmo...? ...
... Entao acho melho esquecer o assunto O fiscal respondeu: Por
mim tudo bem. Ate' logo. ;-)

Basicamente e' isso. Enquanto a legislacao nao avancar, a situacao vai
ser essa mesma: 'as vezes vc paga, 'as vezes nao. Se bem que,
legalmente, vc deveria declarar que fez uma importacao todas as vezes
que a recebesse, e pagar o II e o ICMS por conta propria... ;-)

O Brasil e' um otimo pais, nao? Justa ou injusta, essa e' a lei! :-)

 E fica a idéia pra quem queira ganhar dinheiro vendendo CDs Debian
 made in Brazil.  Já me proponho como sócio.

Definitivamente, corre-se menos riscos... :-)

 Mas que faço com esses CDs lá no Correio?

Se vc nao pagar o II, uma hora vao jogar o produto fora. Mas cuidado:
se vc quiser pega-lo, vc tem um prazo para isso, a partir do qual e'
iniciada a cobranca pelo armazenamento dos produtos.

Espero ter ajudado a esclarecer. Lembre-se: nao existe tal coisa de
ate' um certo valor nao pagar impostos. Isso e' um erro que ate' as
operadoras de cartao de credito cometem, informando incorretamente seus


[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

CDs Debian 2.1, pkgsel, apt+dselect

1999-03-14 Thread Alexander Gieg

1) Agora que ja' faz alguns dias que o Debian 2.1 foi lancado, estou
instalando um sistema basico via Internet, mas obviamente que um 
de CDs ajudaria bastante. Alguem ja' teria disponiveis CDs oficiais 
em Sao Paulo? Se sim, quanto custaria?

2) Como meu modem PnP nao funcionou durante a primeira instalacao 
(demorei um pouco para entender o funcionamento do isapnp e do 
setserial), reiniciei o computador sem concluir a selecao de uma 
configuracao de instalacao. Percebi que o programa que fazia isso era o
pkgsel (ou algo assim) no diretorio /root, e imaginei que poderia
roda-lo depois.

Qual o que! Quando entrei novamente no sistema, o programa sumiu! 
Alguem sabe como faco para roda-lo novamente, se existe um .deb com 
ou se o unico jeito e' mesmo pegar os arquivos diretamente do

3) Existe algum meio do apt nao deletar os arquivos que ele baixou 
quando terminada a instalacao dos mesmos?


[]'s Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Amados, nao deis credito a qualquer Espirito: antes, provai
os Espiritos se procedem de Deus. (1 Joao 4:1)
- Leia: O Livro dos Espiritos, de Allan Kardec

GPL-like office suite package?

1998-10-25 Thread Alexander Gieg

Today many users like to use StarOffice and/or other graphical WYSIWYG 
office suites. Is there any project to make a GPL package with all the 
userlikeness of these packages, with the same resources (and less 
bugs ;-)) that MS-Office has?

Things like hundreds of functions, not very strict rules to use it 
(things like the two-returns-not-allowed from Lyx), hyper-easy 
(really dumb) macro language with on-the-fly sintax check and graphical 
window design, and those cool OLE2 ways to merge a program into 

Just curious...

Alexander Gieg

Alexander GiegSao Paulo / Brazil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 2200285   Nick: AlexG

Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits
whether they are of God. (1 John 4:1)
- Read The Spirits' Book, by Allan Kardec

Re: Motif v lesstif - was Re: Netscape Communicator 4.01b6 ...

1997-07-14 Thread Alexander Gieg
   What do you mean? Making Lesstif and Motif binary compatible?
   You must have OSF source for that :)

I know that if someone want to sell Motif, he needs to buy the source
from OSF and compile it. And if he wants to use the name Motif to
sell their compilation, he needs to pay extra royalties.

Well, when someone buy a compiled Motif (for about US$ 70,00), he 
receives a great amount of tools to develop applications with it, 
plus the libraries binaries. But there are *many* guys, like me, who 
won't use these tools. I, for example, would buy it only for the 
shared libraries, because with them many applications (like 
StarOffice) could work faster and with less memory.

So, I think: US$ 70,00 is really *much* money for only one or two 
files. I don't want to program with Motif, nor use the Motif Window 
Manager for X (I use Afterstep) so, why not someone sells only the 
libraries? Or even best: why Linux users don't join to buy the 
source, compile these libraries, and distribute them for free?

Maybe I'm crazy, but who knows? It's an idea... ;-)

[]'s Alexander Gieg
By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

There will be a time in which *all* the computers
 in the Earth will be using Linux! Amen!

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

POP3 Mailing List

1997-07-10 Thread Alexander Gieg

I know this isn't a Debian specific question, but I don't
know another place where I could ask. I was looking for
about 3 hours for the mailing list of the developers of the POP3
daemon, and don't found it. I've searched in Altavista, Infoseek,
Dejanews,, etc... :-(

Anyone know the address of a such mailing list? Please, if so,
CC the answer to these addresses: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

Is there some List of Developer's Mailing Lists in the 'Net?
This would be cool! :-)

Very much big thanks in advance!!! And excuse if my english
is poor...

[]'s Alexander Gieg

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Package configuration philosophy

1997-03-02 Thread Alexander Gieg
  It seems that someone is packaging LinuxConf. This software can
  also take care of the Linux's boot process, but the Debian
  developers seems don't know about it... :-(
 Linuxconf has some nice features but it has the serious drawback that it
 replaces the sysvinit.  This would break every single program that needs
 to be started at boot time.  Using Linuxconf would require changing
 nearly every important package so that they worked with linuxconf's
 non-standard boot script system.  Co-ordinating a massive change like
 this would be a nightmare...and I do NOT believe that the end result
 would be worth it - the same or better results can be achieved with far
 less radical changes to current standards.

Well, so, excuse me. Butt the GNU/Linux hackers doesn't like
challenges? I think making *all* the softwares compatible with
LinuxConf could be not a nightmare, but a very cool hacking
development, couldn't it? By the way, Debian is not commercial,
so we have very much time to make it work. If the work
takes 3 years (!), what's the problem? In this list, I saw
someone saying that the nature of Linux is change. So, why
not change it? The guys at LinuxConf are hardly working to
make their software compatible with RedHat, Slackware and
*Debian*. If we, instead of getting in their way, go to help

But I'm not a Debian developer (for now). So, if you don't
want this, I'll not continue to speak about LinuxConf. But
that it could be cool, it could! ;-)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

There will be a time in which *all* the computers
 in the Earth will be using Linux! Amen!

Re: .dir_colors

1997-02-23 Thread Alexander Gieg
  On Fri, 21 Feb 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the linux console doesn't do underlining... i use setterm -ulcolor 
 It does on Hercules video systems (ie old, old mono).
 For what that's worth.

With the SVGATextMode package installed, you can enable
underlining in *all* VGA and SVGA text modes. I really
like to use the 100x37x9 resolution with underlining.
With ls colors enabled, all the directories entries appear
with underlining. Really strange ;-)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

There will be a time in which *all* the computers
 in the Earth will be using Linux! Amen!

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word unsubscribe to

Re: CD-ROM -- how to mount, etc.

1997-01-17 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I  have an IDE atapi cdrom drive which is found when linux starts up:
 But, I can't mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom.
 Neither can I use CDPLAY.
 Could it possibly be since mcdx doesn't find the drive?
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know how to use CD-ROMs, because I don't have
one, but message hca: CD-ROM CDR_S16, ATAPI CDROM DRIVE
seems to say that the device is /dev/hca, and not
/dev/cdrom. Try:

mount -t isofs /dev/hca /cdrom

I think isofs is the correct file system type. If not,
see the mount manual page.

 Also, what is the linux equivelant to config.sys, I want to be able to
 remove some of the call to drivers when linux starts up, I only have
 about 20 devices, but linux attempts  to load about 50.

Well, Linux is a little more complicated to configure
than a simple config.sys file like in MSDOS.

*If* the drivers that you don't want are compilated as
modules, then you can edit the file /etc/modules and
comment them with #.

But *if* they are hard compiled in kernel, you need
to compile a new kernel by yourself. You'll need these


When *all* of them where installed, go to
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27 and do:

make menuconfig

and select what your kernel need, then, do:

make dep
make clean
make zImage

when all is finished, do this:

cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27/arch/i386/boot/zImage
cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27/ /boot/
rm /vmlinuz
rm /
ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.27 /vmlinuz
ln -s /boot/ /

then do this:

mv /boot/modules/2.0.27 /boot/modules/old-2.0.27

and then:

make modules
make modules-install

when all is done, run:


and you can boot your system, with your new kernel.
If the kernel is not what you want, do these commands
again, to make a new kernel.

Well, when the kernel is loaded, the files in the
directory /etc/rc.boot are executed. You can edit
these files, remove them or add new ones, wich do
the job of configuring many thing in the system,
like the serial ports. As with config.sys and
autoexec.bat, do a backup of them, but in another

When these configuration ends, the files in the
directories /etc/init.d are executed by the
symlinks in the directories /etc/rc?.d, in which
the ? in a number betwen 0 and 6, which represent
the runlevel of the system. The login prompt and
other things are in runlevel 2, so the commands
from /etc/rc0.d to /etc/rc2.d are executed.

The symlinks in these directories start with S or K,
have a number, and the name of the file in
/etc/init.d. The symlinks with K (from kill) are
executed first, in numeric order, with the parameter
stop, and then the symlinks with S (from start),
in numeric order, with the parameter start. So,
the symlinks in rc0.d, rc1.d, and rc2.d are executed,
and them the prompt apears.

When you shutdown, reboot or do a Ctrl-Alt-Del,
the symlinks in /etc/rc6.d are executed. You can see
many lines in your screen, with the first saying
something like Switching to run-level 6

If you want to know what these symlinks with start
and stop parameters do, look at the real files
in /etc/init.d

When you login, if you're using bash, the file
/etc/profile is executed, then ~/.bash_profile,
then ~/.bashrc. The file ~/.bash_profile is
executed only in the main login, but the file
~/.bashrc is executed by every new bash that
you run.

It's simple, don't is? ;)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

There will be a time in which *all* the computers
 in the Earth will be using Linux! Amen!

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Re: How do access hda, fd0, etc. ?

1997-01-16 Thread Alexander Gieg
  To mount your DOS partition, do:
  mount -t msdos /dev/hda /mnt
 I believe this is an error.  /dev/hda refers to the entire drive 0 on an 
 IDE system.  The partition is probably /dev/hda1.  Otherwise, a much 
 better explanation than I could have given!

Really. A little mistake :)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

There will be a time in which *all* the computers
 in the Earth will be using Linux! Amen!

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Re: How do access hda, fd0, etc. ?

1997-01-16 Thread Alexander Gieg
  Several people have suggested mounting the dos partition with:
 mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /mnt
  If any text files are involved, the different newline characters in
 and linux can cause problems.  Adding the conversion option to the file
 system specification in the mount command can reduce that problem.  Try:
 mount -t msdos -o defaults,conv=auto /dev/hda1 /mnt

I think the 'conv=auto' options is now default for msdos
and vfat file systems. If sometimes you *don't* want this,
like for copying binary files without risk, you need to
add 'conv=noauto' or something else.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

There will be a time in which *all* the computers
 in the Earth will be using Linux! Amen!

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Re: fvwm2 setup problem

1997-01-15 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I installed X-window and tried to add fvwm2 window manager in it.
 I used dselect for the installation and it completed successfully.
 When I excute startx, my PC starts to run X server but all the 
 sudden the screen will go back to Text mode. To understand what's
 going on, I run xinit first.  xinit started X server and displayed
 a window on monitor screen.  I can run xterm with no problem.
 But when I try to run fvwm2, I got the following message:
   can't load library ''
 I checked /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 directory for and found the
 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root13 Jan 14 16:08
 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 48716 Dec 17 00:53
 Can someone tell me why could not be loaded?

See if there is a line with /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 in the
file /etc/ If there isn't, add it. In both
cases, run the command ldconfig, and try again.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Suggestion: *Professional* CD distributions

1997-01-15 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hi, ALL.

I'm reading the messages about CDs here, and would like
to make a sugestion: wouldn't be good if one of the CD
distributors would make a realy *very* stable distribution,
with the last revision of the previous stable version?

This seems to be good for companies, because the newly
main distribution, like 1.2, isn't really so stable to
make a company to use it. Anything like the final very
*very* stable Debian Linux 1.1 (that I think is the
1.1.17, I don't know), in a *very* good CD media, with a
good CD box, the installation floppy disks in the two
formats (5.25'' and 3.5''), and some printed documentation,
mainly about installation and dselect, with instructions
about reading all the online documentation and some tips
and tricks, like newsgroups, lists of discussion, and
lists about paid Debian support services (is there
something like this?), all of this in a professional box,
like those of well known software companies?

And, when the Debian Linux 1.3 will be stabled, the
final Debian Linux 1.2.something version could be
sold in this way. This is good for companies too,
because I don't know any company wich like to do
upgrades in important softwares every week ;) Four
or less upgrades by year is a good thing for them.

Some comment?

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Installation of texbin (Update Debian 1.1 - Debian 1.2)

1997-01-15 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I wanted to upgrade a system to Debian 1.2.2. I ran into problems with
 the tex packages, because texbin refuse to install

Add the line /usr/X11R6/lib to the file /etc/,
and then run ldconfig.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: How do access hda, fd0, etc. ?

1997-01-15 Thread Alexander Gieg
 In Debian linux, I have certian files that I down-loaded via. a terminal
 emulator in dos, and it is on my dos partition, which is hda.  How do I
 access this drive and my flopply drive fd0 in linux?

You need to mount these partitions. You can use some empty
directory to use as mount point. If these directories doesn't
exist, create them with mkdir.

To mount your DOS partition, do:

mount -t msdos /dev/hda /mnt

To mount your floppy, do

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy

and your disks will be mounted. To change the floppy,
you *must* un-mount the floppy first with:

umount /floppy

change the disks, and mount it again.

Don't forget to un-mount *all* your manually mounted
systems before shutting down. Read the mount manual,

man mount

to known more about it and their options, like -t.

 Also how to I get back to the program that ran initially[first boot off
 the boot-floppy that was created], which asked what packages [ie.
 x-windows, comm programs etc] I wanted to install.  I have since
 downloaded some of these packages and have searched everywere for that
 nice colorful installation program on linux.



Don't forget to read dselect's documentation, or you
can have problems.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Printing softwares

1997-01-14 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hi, ALL.

I know that there are two main printing softwares: magicfilter
and apsfilter. I'd like to know what are the differences
between them. What are the main advantages of one and of
the other? I'm now using apsfilter, but would be some
advantage in using magicfilter?


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: C include files...

1997-01-14 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I recently had to REINSTALL everything becouse of a harddrive crash
 ask) and befor I had the libc include files, and now I can't find them,
 wich means I can't compile anything... any idea what package that would
 in... thanks...

Install libc5-dev_*.deb in .../devel

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: mouse problem

1997-01-14 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I m a new user of debian linux. I ve installed debian with a cdrom. There
 was the package gpm for the mouse. That works very good. But after, I ve
 installed Xwindows and when I mdo startx' the computer complains about
 device mouse busy. My mouse is on /dev/cua0. If I remove gpm, startx
 How can I solve this problem in order to have the possibility to have
 (a mouse when I use or not the xwindows)

Try to use /dev/ttyS0 instead of /dev/cua0, in *all*
the softwares that use it, like gpm and X. If any software
asks for some serial port, use the /dev/ttyS? in place
of /dev/cua?.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: X11 and keymaps on debian 1.2

1997-01-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
   Det er faktiskt ret godt, hvor mange har sine egne metoder at sætte
 tastaturet paa under X.  XFree86 kommer med et danskt symbol layout som
 default, saa du behøver faktiskt kun at vælge et danskt tastatur naar du
 kører xf86setup.  Men ellers saa fylder du bare ind dk istedet for de
 i sætningen.

Please, don't do things like *that*! This list is in
English! I *really* want to know what the guys here are
speaking about, specially if the subject is X11!

If someone here wants to speak in his/her natural
language, please do this by private e-mail. I'm not
very good in English, but other languages I know
less than nothing.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Arghh.. Problems with install.

1997-01-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
 Couldn't get a free page.
 out of memoryVFS:mounted root(minix filesystem)
 init:cache '/etc/' is corrupt
 I've got a 386DX/33 manufactured by Zeos computers. With 4M RAM and a 
 130MB ST1144AT HD. Mediavision Jazz chipset based soundcard integrated 
 with a Future domain TMC8XX SCSI controller and 2x CD-ROM. The error 
 message is the same whether or not I include the boot flag 
 tmc8xx=0xce000,11 or not. I also have a Diamond Stealth VRAM SVGA card.

 1.44 and 1.2 meg floppies. 

Well, the easiest solution is to buy more RAM (4Mb). If it's
impossible, you'll need, instead of the rescue disk, a set
of two disk, the first to boot, and the second to mount as
root. But for this you'll need two disk drives, because one
of them will stay with the root disk, and the other you'll
use to put the installation disks.

My sugestion? Buy more RAM ;)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: gcc can't find headers

1997-01-12 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I've been trying to bridge over to C++ and tried to compile my first
 program using gcc, but #include iostream.h didn't work.  The compiler
 couldn't find the standard headers.  I've looked on my system and they
 reside in /usr/i386-unknown-cygwin32/lib/g++-include.  I tried using the
 -I switch to no avail.
 I know next to nothing about the gcc compiler.  Any help would be
 appreciated.  By the way, it does compile C programs without a hitch.

You need to install the packages libg++27_2.7.2.1-3.deb and
libg++27-dev_2.7.2.1-2.deb. The headers that you have are
for the cross-compiler win32 version of gcc.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: PnP modem under Debian

1997-01-11 Thread Alexander Gieg
 Hi, does anyone have any experience getting a US Robotics Sportster
 28.8-33.6 PnP modem to work with linux? Or any PnP modem for that matter.
 I've done all the common setup stuff for the modem. I found that if I
 to use the modem under NT, I have to disable PnP in my bios. But if I do
 this for linux it changes nothing. 

Hi! I'm using a Sportster 14.4 PnP, and it works fine. I don't
use the PnP features, even in W95, and I've set its jumpers
to SEL, COM4, IRQ 3. Try this. Don't forget that in Linux, COM4 is
/dev/ttyS3 (or /dev/cua3, which isn't good).

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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What is the best window manager?

1997-01-11 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hello, all!

I like to know more about the window managers. There are
many ones, and I think that a good thing would be a list
of main resources, memory uses and so on about all of

I'm now using FVWM2, but I don't know if it's the best
for my needs. And learning all of the window managers
to select one is (IMHO) a waste of time.

One more thing: what's the menu package that some
persons are talking about?

Thanks for all.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Good buy or not?

1997-01-09 Thread Alexander Gieg
 The price I came up with was 400 bucks cheaper than the
 'sale' price at school, and had a better baseboard and
 hardware.  I'm very happy putting my own systems together
 and have seen the nightmares that others call computer
 systems.  I recommend taking the time, even if it takes
 you six months, to learn how to put your own together
 and doing it that way.  I also never shop through mail,
 try starting at 'A' under computer dealers in the yellow
 pages and asking prices, you'd be surprised sometimes.

It's true! You'll can find differences in prices about
70% for the same board. The only problem is the time
that you spend dialing... ;)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: back on list (I think)

1997-01-04 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hi. I'll answer the questions that I know.

   1. Texbin installation failed because Kpathsea could not convert
  some Metafont.  There was a bug report on this but I could not
  find the resolution.  This Texbin installation failure also
  caused the latex installation to failed.

Add the line /usr/X11R6/lib to the file /etc/ and
run ldconfig.

   2. Netscape could not be installed.

Do you downloaded the correct version of netscape from
ftp://ftp? ? It's the version 3.01. After
downloading, put the file in /tmp and try to install it

   5. The initial installation did not create /dev/scd0, /dev/scd1
  nor setup the symbolic link of the /dev/cdrom to /dev/scd0.
  Nor the /dev/sd[abc..]9 to /dev/sd[abc..]15.  I have to create
  these manually.

Known bugs. They'll be corrected in Debian 1.2.1

   7. All the X related libraries could not be located when running
  and X applications because the /etc/ldconfig.conf (I think
  that was the name of the file) did not include /usr/X11R6/lib.
  I added the entry in and run ldconfig, then the problem went

See answer 1.

   9. BTW, is there a java1.0.2-???.deb out there?

Yes. It's in three packages under the non-free
directory. The files in non-free can't be in CD-ROM,
so you'll need to download them from some mirror
or the main Debian's ftp site:

the files are: jdk-common_version.deb,
jdk-shared_version.deb and jdk-static_version.deb.
You need the common file, and one of the other two.
Don't forget to download the file Packages.gz too, if
you want to see a more complete list of packages in
dselect ;)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Lilo

1997-01-03 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I've never heard about Lilo before and it seems to
 be something useful. What is it ? Where is it ?

A software that let's you boot many operating systems,
and/or many versions of Linux kernels. It's installed
with the boot disks, or as a standalone package (see it
in .../base directory in your CD or at the FTP site).

Do this:

man lilo
man lilo.conf

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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PPP for non-root users?

1997-01-02 Thread Alexander Gieg

Today I tried to put running pppd in Linux to dial to my
ISP. I've read the documentation in /usr/doc/ppp, and
the pon, poff, plog and pppd manpages, and setup the
files in /etc/ppp and the files /etc/ppp.*, plus /etc/hosts
and /etc/resolv.conf.

The result is: as root, all works well. The pon command
dials, and in 10 seconds are all working. But when I try
to use pon like a normal user, the system dials ok, I'm
connected, but I can't access sites with their names, only
with their IP addresses. I think the DNS IP addresses are
not being set...

I tried a chmod u+s /usr/bin/pon /usr/bin/poff, but this
not seems to work.

One more thing: I've my login name and my brother's login
name configured in group dip in /etc/group.

Did I mistake something? Well, thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: [1.2 installation]: how to tell X to follow swapping of control and caps lock from loadkeys

1997-01-02 Thread Alexander Gieg
  What's the best way to swap the Caps Lock and left
  Control keys under X windows?  
 It's right in the man page for xmodmap:

In X Windows 3.1.2 this will work fine, but in 3.2
you will need to disable the new XKBD extensions and
use the old xmodmap method.

The XKBD has only one problem: its very, very, *very*
more complex than xmodmap. There isn't any HOWTO
(yet, I hope), so I'm reading the full documentation
(  300 pages!).

I think there is an easy solution to these problems.
Why simple things like writing are so complicated?

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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What's this?

1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

Some time ago, I sent a message asking someone what
are the PEX and XIE extensions for X Windows, but don't
received any reply. I don't found the answer in X
documentation, and loading or not these modules doesn't
seem to make difference in X jobs. What's the utility for

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Trident Video Card on X

1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

I've an old Trident 8900D SVGA Video Card, which works
well with X Windows, svgalib and SVGATextMode.

Problem #1:

The problem is that this card works only with 8 bpp in X.
The file /usr/doc/X11/README.trident say that the model
8900D can work with 16 bpp, sometimes with the lines
Option linear
DefaultColorDeep 16
(or something like those, I don't remember now) in the
proper locations. When I try on of that, or both, there
are error messages about my chipset don't supporting
the 16 bpp mode. In Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 I can
use 16 bpp.

Problem 2:

Other problem is that I can't use the 320x200 and
320x240 resolutions in X. These resolutions work well
in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, and the error messages
I receive says that there isn't dotclocks for these

I think the problem is that the XF86_SVGA don't know
that my card support Doublescan. How can I enable
Doublescan for my video card?

Some suggestions for these 2 problems?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

I've recompiled the kernel, and added the loop
option to it, to make possible mounting a filesystem
that is in a standard file, instead of writing it in
a disk before.

When all was working, I tried to mount a file which is
a copy of an msdos diskette, with the proper options
in mount command (loop, blocksize etc), but I don't have
any /dev/loop? device. How can I create one (or more)?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Innd problem

1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

When I've installed debian 1.2, and was presented to
the first time to dselect, I pressed enter, to use the
default options. The inn package was installed, and
there was no problem for some days.

But when was a light break, and system was off, and I
restarted them, I began to receive many messages

From: root
To: usenet
Subject: Boot-time Usenet warning on debian

Old .news.daily; need to run news.daily?


What this means? How can I stop receiving these

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Joystick in X Windows

1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

In the file XF86Config, section module, is write
that to use joystick there is the need to load the
module and some other things. It says
also that there is need for a device /dev/joy?, and
there is the need for kernel support for joystick.

I've a joystick port in my IDE card, wich works with
Windows 95. But I don't found any /dev/joy? device,
nor the module I've installed also the
xext and xinput packages, and the joystick
module isn't in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules.

Where is the module? And how can I make the proper
device in /dev ?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

Since I downloaded Quake, I only run it with the command
xquake. But since yesterday, when I see messages about
xf86quake, I tried this. The first time it said anything
like permission denied, as root do chmod 666 /dev/mem.

I make this, and when I tried to execute xf86quake, a
border appears on screen, then go away, and in xterm appears
this error message:

video memory unprotecting
VID: bank size = 65536 bytes
VID: ram = 1024 kb
Error: Video card bank size (65536) too small for
this res.
video memory protecting
video memory protecting

My system is configured to 1024x768, with virtual screen
size = 1024x768 too (I don't like the VS scroll effect),
running with 8 bpp, on a Trident SVGA 8900D with 1 Mb
DRAM. 16 Mb of memory, and 32 Mb of virtual memory.

Some solution? Or I need to use only xquake?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Problem with Maelstrom

1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

When I run Maelstrom, all goes ok, but when the ship
appear on the screen, sometimes the program exits,
sometimes it locks (and keyboard locks too).

Some clue to this?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Dosemu + FDOS problem

1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

I've installed the packages fdos (from bo) and
dosemu (from rex), that are reported to work
together. The installation goes ok, and I can run
the dos emulator, who boots from the FreeDOS disk,
but there is many error messages (something like
Can't find sector 1...).

When the boot stops, I can enter the C drive, but
none of the programs can be executed. The fdisk from
FreeDOS distribution (I downloaded it) don't work
well, giving 4 partitions *very* trouble.

I think the problem is in the harddisk who is
installed with dosemu, or dosemu itself, or fdos,
or... And when I write exit in the command line,
there is more error messages, and the emulator

Some solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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1997-01-01 Thread Alexander Gieg

Some days ago, I put a message asking if there is
some documentation about the new XKBD extensions to
X Windows, in place of the older xmodmap.

I don't received any reply. I *really* want to know
how I can configure my keyboard in X, with dead_keys
and all the other good things that there is in the
version 3.2, but I don't know *how*.

The XKBD are *very much* cryptografic than kbd! And
there is no keyboard for brasilian portuguese.

Anyone has any help?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: pgp packages, where are they?

1996-12-31 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I've looked all over and can't seem to find the pgp packages.  
 Where might I find them?

See at

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: word processers??

1996-12-28 Thread Alexander Gieg
  are there any word processers (ie wordperfect,word..) available
  for debian? i am used to word for windows but getting tired of
  to dos to use it. thanx
 There is something called SciText available as freeware.  I don't have
 site handy, but a websearch turns it up.  I personally couldnt get it to
 run, but it's a noble idea.  A free wordprocessor is possibly the last
 thing keeping many people from dumping windows completely.  Other than
 that, there are several commercial applications available.  I think there
 are links from and

In the contrib section of Debian, there is a good word processor
for X Windows, called LyX. It's not a real word processor, but
a graphic front-end to the text processor Tex. It's very good,
and I think that it has all the functionallity that normal users
need from a word processor.

Try it and see.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Debian and Windows95

1996-12-28 Thread Alexander Gieg
 In my opinion, Win95 is clear proof that MS is interested in
 writing software that sells and couldn't care less if it works.

And M$ sells the beta versions!!!

The beta softwares from Debian works better than the final
versions of the softwares from Macro$oft. When I'll can,
I'll *STOP* using anything that cames from Macro$oft...

Congratullations to the Debian team!

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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1996-12-26 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hello, all!

A little question: *What is* PEX and XIE? I tried to find
this in /usr/doc/..., but don't found anything.


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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1996-12-26 Thread Alexander Gieg

For a long time past, in the ages of Debian 1.1, there
was a default .fvwm2rc, which I like more than the new
one. Can anyone send an attached copy of that original
to me?


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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1996-12-25 Thread Alexander Gieg
  I've installed Debian 1.2 from scratch but dpkg indicates that it
  can't find when I try to install the texbin package.  I did
 I've had exactly the same problem, so it might be common.
 I don't know how to fix this (I used dpkg to force the install,
 but I guess not that is not the wat to fix this problem..)
 So I am very anxious to find out what the problem is??

This problem is *well* known!!! Add the line


to the file /etc/, and then, run the

ldconfig -v

That's all.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Suggestion

1996-12-24 Thread Alexander Gieg
  Here from Brazil, the connection speed to is below
  0.4 kbps. And the worst is that the other mirrors I tried,
  like (wich is about 10 km from here) are
  more slow (!).
 Is that different from /debian ?
 The administrator there is [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

I don't know. I'll see.

  So, I think that a good thing would be a bin-diff distribution.
 Unfortunately this is not as well-bounded a problem as a text diff.
 The reason is that when a program is re-linked, adding a single
 instruction or a byte of data may change a large number of address
 references in the program. You might use cmp -l between two versions
 of the same program to see how much of a problem this is.

Yes. After reading your reply, I tried do to a bin-diff betwen
the two versions of netscape (3.0 and 3.01) with the BinDiff
utility (from Dr. Dobb's Journal, May/1995), and the resulting
file was about 2 kb smaller than the originals!!! Not a good
idea, I think :-)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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1996-12-23 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hi, all!

I want to make a suggestion. Many persons like me have only
a 14400 modem, without CDROM and/or sound-card. Here from
Brazil, the connection speed to is below
0.4 kbps. And the worst is that the other mirrors I tried,
like (wich is about 10 km from here) are
more slow (!).

When I have to do a download of a 2.0 Mb updated debian
package, my connection bill increases tremendously! :-)

So, I think that a good thing would be a bin-diff distribution.
When a package is updated from, say, 2.0.3-2 to 2.0.3-5,
a bin-diff distribution can decrease very much that bill.
Instead of downloading a 2.0 Mb new package, I probably
want to make a 100 kb download. The time to execute
the undiff is very less than that of download.

I saw that there is a diff distribution for sources. Another
to the binaries isn't much dificult, specially in rex, is it?

That's all. Some suggestion?

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Can not boot kernel-2.0.27 with apt2840.

1996-12-21 Thread Alexander Gieg

 Also through I like the package approach. I wonder why the linux
 standard includes all the package files in system file locations??
 Looking at the dpkg-deb command I don't thing it would be too difficult
 to drop them into package subdirectories. And from the lists of install
 packages create an expaned PATH by/for /etc/profile. I believe this
 could all be done with out changing the packages in anyway. The
 advantage is more modular packages which are easier to clean up if the
 install scripts fail. Also packages could be exported more easily
 without requiring exporting all of /usr which in my oppinion is NOT a
 good idea.

But this would be a retrogression in the Linux directories tree,
as specified in the documentation at
Check it and you will see.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Can't load xlib library problems

1996-12-21 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I'm a new user installing Debian 1.2 for the first time.
 I'm running into instances where I get can't load library errors
 when installing X.
 When I run /usr/sbin/xbase-configure (as part of the xbase install)
 I get the error: can't load library:
 The file is in: /usr/X11R6/lib
 When I run /etc/init.d/xdm start as part of the xserver install, I
 get: can't load library:
 That file is also in: /usr/X11R6/lib
 xlib6 seemed to install ok. Any ideas or pointers to where to look?

As root, add the line /usr/X11R6/lib in the file /etc/,
and run the command ldconfig -v. This will solve the problem.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: zircon needs X11R6 package?

1996-12-19 Thread Alexander Gieg
 Well, zircon needs tk which needs tcl and X. And yes, I didn't notice
 before, but there is no X11R6 package, and there has been some discussion

 about what the dependancy should be, And for the life of me, i can't find

 where someone answered that.
 Help, anyone?

The xbase package has a virtual package named X11R6. Maybe
your xbase package isn't the newer version. It's the
xbase_3.2-1.1.deb, in x11 directory.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Accents like DOS and Windows?

1996-12-19 Thread Alexander Gieg

I've read *all* the documents in /usr/doc/HOWTO and /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini
about configuring the keyboard for non-us languages, and learned how
to use the dead-keys in text mode. Now I'm really close by stop
using Windows 95, but I'm with troubles.

In DOS and Windows, persons who don't have the ccedilla Ç key
and use this character, like me, can use the apostophre key followed
by the C key. But the dead_acute option in the '.map' files don't
do it. The result is 'c. The solve I encountered was using the
AltGR key in conjunction with the C key, but this is very
inconvenient. I don't found the solution in any of the HOWTOS or
man pages I saw. There is some manner of using the dead_acute
option to make the C key generates the ccedilla character?

Another question: I don't found how to make the X-Windows use
accents correctly. The documents I found are all about the old
method 'xmodmap', who doesn't have dead-keys. None of them talk
about the new 'xkdb' extensions, who have dead-keys. There is
some new HOWTO about using the xkbd? Where can I find it?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander Gieg

PS: My keyboard is an us-101 standard, without any extra keys.

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Dot-matrix printers

1996-12-17 Thread Alexander Gieg
  I have ghostscript (with all recommended/suggested packages),
  apsfilter, lpr and all the things necessary to print, but
  nothing goes to the printer! I don't know if I forget
  something, or didn't configured correctly. In W95 all works
  fine, but in Linux doesn't. Can anyone tell me the practical
  way of doing the things work, like do this, this, this and
  this; end.?
 Is a postscript file you are trying to print or a simple
 ascii file?


 Are you using the lpr command? You should have a look at
 /etc/printcap and change it to match your printer.

*That's* the problem! Even the simplest thing becomes
difficult! I don't understand how to use lpd, lpr, lpc,
lprm, printcap, etc, etc, etc. Very much details...

But, the worst thing in Linux, its complexity, is too its
best aspect. That's make the job funny ;-)

I really think that could be a,
with things like: Well, you have Linux in your computer.
You want to make Linux usable. Then, do these simple steps...

So, again, how can I make my printer work? It's connected. It's
online. It's working in Windows. It's working in DOS. I've the
packages installed. So? :-)

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Re: Dot-matrix printers

1996-12-17 Thread Alexander Gieg
About the message that I posted two days ago:

Nothing of the suggestions that I've received worked. So,
I uninstalled the 'apsfilter' filter, purged its files, and
manually removed all references to it. So, I've installed
the package again, and it works! I don't know why. If
someone know, could say?

Well, now my printer is working, and I'm happy :-)

Thanks to all.

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Dot-matrix printers

1996-12-16 Thread Alexander Gieg
 I've an old dot-matrix printer, a Citizen 200GX, and I'm at a
 *great* distance from purchasing any postscript printer. There
 is some way of print .ps files in this printer? It's epsons
 and/or ibm-proprinter compatible.
 Ghostscript can do this. It will take a postscript file as input and
 output many formats (including epson 8 and 24 pin). I use this to print
 to a color epson inkjet printer and it works well.
 Since it does everything in graphics mode, it will print slower than 
 you might be used to.

I have ghostscript (with all recommended/suggested packages),
apsfilter, lpr and all the things necessary to print, but
nothing goes to the printer! I don't know if I forget
something, or didn't configured correctly. In W95 all works
fine, but in Linux doesn't. Can anyone tell me the practical
way of doing the things work, like do this, this, this and
this; end.?


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Dot-matrix printers

1996-12-15 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hello, ALL!

I've an old dot-matrix printer, a Citizen 200GX, and I'm at a
*great* distance from purchasing any postscript printer. There
is some way of print .ps files in this printer? It's epsons
and/or ibm-proprinter compatible.


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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PCB, Abuse, Xaw* etc.

1996-12-15 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hello, ALL!

1) When I attempt to use PCB it doesn't work, saying that
   there is no They look in /usr/lib and /lib,
   so I tried to put a symlink in one of these directories
   to the real libXaw file, and runned ldconfig, but didn't

2) I'm trying to use the game Abuse (contrib) without X, but
   it seems to don't recognize the mouse. Other softwares
   works with mouse without problem. It's a bug in Abuse?

3) I've installed the Xaw3d and Xaw95 packages, and now I'm
   with three '' files, but the softwares don't seem
   to work with 3d decorations. I need to delete, move, copy,
   symlink or another thing any of these libraries? There is
   the need for recompiling some programs? I've read the
   documentation but, with sicerity, I don't understood
   anything. :-(

4) Where is the fdos package that dosemu needs? I didn't
   find it.

5) There are some packages required or suggested by another
   with aren't classified in any Package file of either
   rex, contrib or non-free, like xcompat and xcontrib.
   There is some problem if I'll do a manual installation?

6) Wath I do when a package needs another package that don't
   exists, like xbmbrowser, who needs pbmplus? I know
   that netpbm have pbmplus, but dselect don't, and give me
   some error messages.

Some solution for one or more of these problems?


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Problem with Kernal Source 2.0.27_1.00

1996-12-14 Thread Alexander Gieg
  I am in the process of setting up my machine to run debian,
  everything has been running reasonably well until now.  I downloaded
  the kernal-source-2.0.27_1.00.deb and attempted to compile a custom
  kernal.  I get most of the way through the make zImage phase and the
  process stops with the following error message 

Hi. I don't know about this, but i'm with problems in making
the kernel I compiled to work. All the compilation and linking
is ok. I've used the sequence:

make menuconfig
make dep
make zImage
make modules
make modules_install

that I think is correct. When it's done, I copy the 'vmlinux' file
to '/', update '/etc/lilo.conf', and execute '/sbin/lilo'. All is
ok, but when the system reboots, lilo begins an infinite loop:

Lilo loading Linux

Lilo loading Linux


So, I press SHIFT, and make the system load the old kernel.
What's wrong? It's some option that is necessary in kernel?

I've tried other things to, like a 'make clear', or mark and
unmark some options in menuconfig, but nothing works.

Other thing: I don't have a PCI bus in my machine, so I've
unmarked the PCI options in menuconfig, but in this case, there
is some unreferenced links to some ...pci... functions, and
the kernel isn't linked. So, I've remarked the PCI options.

The PCI functions are necessary for other options? If yes,
which are? They can be unmarked securely?


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Problem with Kernal Source 2.0.27_1.00

1996-12-14 Thread Alexander Gieg
  Hi. I don't know about this, but i'm with problems in making
  the kernel I compiled to work. All the compilation and linking
  is ok. I've used the sequence:
  make menuconfig
  make dep
  make zImage
  make modules
  make modules_install
 You should add a make clean just before make zImage (you don't
 need it if it is the first time you are compiling a kernel).
  that I think is correct. When it's done, I copy the 'vmlinux' file
  to '/', update '/etc/lilo.conf', and execute '/sbin/lilo'. All is
  ok, but when the system reboots, lilo begins an infinite loop:
 Proceed like this:
 cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27/arch/i386/boot/zImage /boot/linux-2.0.27
 cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.27/ /boot/
 ln -s /boot/linux-2.0.27 /vmlinuz
 ln -s /boot/ /
 I suppose you are using a PC. Your lilo.conf file should point to
 /vmlinuz. Run lilo and reboot the system. It should work.

Now it works! :-)

Thanks. I think that a good thing would be, for beginners like
me, a command help to do in prompt, like that of MSDOS,
but without those cryptographic technical aspects. Something
more clean than man or info, like ls do this, man do that,
cp do ..., including kernel compilation, what to do when a
library is in the directory but the program don't find it,
etc. Can anyone do this in a debian tips-and-tricks_1.0.deb
or what-you-ever-whant-to-know_1.0.deb package?

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Latex installation troubles

1996-12-13 Thread Alexander Gieg
I've cleaned my hd, downloaded the Debian 1.2 (rex), downloaded
all the packages that were set the first time the system executed
dselect, and installed them. All was ok, but when the dselect
attempted to configurate the latex package, there was an error
message: 'mf can't load'. The required link/file is at
/usr/X11R6/lib, so I attempted to put this directory in the file
/etc/, but this doesn't work, so I'm unable to install
the latex package and other packages. Has anyone a solution?
Could be an problem in the '' file?


Alexander Gieg.

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Latex installation troubles

1996-12-13 Thread Alexander Gieg
Thanks to J. Ramos Gancalves and David Ogilvie for the
'ldconfig' command. I don't know very well Linux, so I
didn't know this command. I'll attempt it.

Alexander Gieg.

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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MC and

1996-12-13 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hello, all.

This morning I've been installing some Debian packages, and I've
tried to install the Midnight Commander (../misc/mc_3.2.1-1.deb).

It installed without warning or error, but when I attempt to use
it, there is an error message Cannot find library

I thing, because the name of this library, that it's installed
with the gpm package. But the gpm package is installed, and I didn't
found this library in none of my directories. And gpm is working

In Debian 1.1 the Midnight Commander worked fine. Anyone know
where is the library, or if it changed its name?


Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: MC and

1996-12-13 Thread Alexander Gieg
 Mine is in /usr/lib/, is it in your PATH?

The file is not in /usr/lib, but
Daniel Stringfield (thanks!) send it attached to
me. I'll try it.


By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Help! I'm with mount problems...

1996-12-10 Thread Alexander Gieg
Hello again.

  I'm new to the Linux Wonderfull World, and surfing the Web,
  I found the Debian page. I downloaded the Debian Linux, installed
  it, and used (+/-) since October, but I've not much experience, and
  an energy problem caused the system to display this message when the
  computer rebooted:
  EXT2-fs error (device 03:41): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap
  for group 32 not in group (block 1310742)!
  [MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT 0,check=n,conv=b,uid=0,gid=0,umask=022,bmap]
  Transaction block size=512
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:41
 I don't understand completely this error message. It mentions both 
 EXT-2 and MS-DOS. I assume that your root filesystem is ext2.


  I've attempted to boot with a diskette, and tried to manually mount
  the fs, because I know that there is another tables on the partition,
  but I don't know the 'mount' program, as the ext2-fs, *so* well.
 Ok, to mount an ext2 filesystem:
   mount -t ext2 /dev/partition mountpoint
 From what I see above, your partition should be /dev/hdb1. A typical
 mountpoint is /mnt.

I tried this, but its results was an error message. :-(

 But beware, don't try to mount is without fsck'ing it.
 Try, before:
   e2fsck -f /dev/hdb1
 And see what it says.

The only boot disk that I have is the one of Debian Installation.
Do you believe that its root disk hasn't the e2fsck program? Can
you send this program attached in a reply, or say where can I find
it? I'll mount my W95 partition with the program in it, and will
attempt to use it...

 If it cannot fix the problems, then you'll have to use an
 alternate superblock, but that's another story.

Can you tell me how to do it? I think the problem is in the
first superblock, but don't know how to use another superblocks.

 If it works, you can try to mount it on mnt, check that
 about everything is ok, and reboot.

Now, a stupid question :-) How can I check that everything is
ok? I don't have books about Linux or Unix, and the little
things that I learned was with the 'man' command. With my poor
english, that was a true Mission: Impossible ;-)

Thanks again!

[]'s Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Re: Help! I'm with mount problems...

1996-12-10 Thread Alexander Gieg
   Ok, to mount an ext2 filesystem:
 mount -t ext2 /dev/partition mountpoint
   From what I see above, your partition should be /dev/hdb1. A typical
   mountpoint is /mnt.
  I tried this, but its results was an error message. :-(
 Looks like it's verty f**cked'up then...
 You linux root fs is on the first partition of the second hard drive 
 right ? Its device is /dev/hdb1 right ?

Yes. Yes.

   But beware, don't try to mount is without fsck'ing it.
   Try, before:
 e2fsck -f /dev/hdb1
   And see what it says.
  The only boot disk that I have is the one of Debian Installation.
  Do you believe that its root disk hasn't the e2fsck program? Can
  you send this program attached in a reply, or say where can I find
  it? I'll mount my W95 partition with the program in it, and will
  attempt to use it...
 Mmmh. I've sent it to you in a separate message (no need to send this 
 to the lists). I'm not 100% sure it will work as this is Debian 1.2's 
 e2fsck, there might be some library problems. If it doesn't work, 
 email me and I'll make you a statically linked version.

I tried, but there is the need of a libuuid... library. Please,
send the other version.

   If it cannot fix the problems, then you'll have to use an
   alternate superblock, but that's another story.
  Can you tell me how to do it? I think the problem is in the
  first superblock, but don't know how to use another superblocks.
 Use the -b option on the command line. SuperBlock backups are stored 
 every 8192 blocks (if you did format it normally, but I guess you 
 You will want to:
   e2fsck -b superblock -f /dev/hdb1
 The -f forces the check.
 You can try superblock=1 (will do the same as without the -b), 
 superblock=8193, etc... (yes is starts at 1).
 If you've got a small root fs, and got some spare room somewhere, 
 make a copy of the fs. In case something goes wrong, you'll be able 
 to restart from scratch.
 To do this, mount your spare space on /mnt and do:
   dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/mnt/copy-of-root-fs bs=1k
 Be sure you've got enough room...

In the second winchester (/dev/hdb) I've only two partitions: the
Linux partition (/dev/hdb1) with +/- 790Mb, and the Swap (/dev/hdb2)
with +/- 30Mb. My first winchester (/dev/hda) has only one partition
with 340Mb for my (eeck!) Windows 95 system. When I really know what
I'm doing in Linux, I'll stop using W95 :-)

  Now, a stupid question :-) How can I check that everything is
  ok? I don't have books about Linux or Unix, and the little
  things that I learned was with the 'man' command. With my poor
  english, that was a true Mission: Impossible ;-)
 If e2fsck completes, it should be ok. Then retry to e2fsck the
 root fs without any option. It should recheck everything, and you
 shouldn't get anymore errors.
 If possible take note of the questions e2fsck asks when repairing.
 It might tell you it found unlinked files, etc...
 Good luck.

I'll need it! :-)


[]'s Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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Help! I'm with mount problems...

1996-12-09 Thread Alexander Gieg

I'm new to the Linux Wonderfull World, and surfing the Web,
I found the Debian page. I downloaded the Debian Linux, installed
it, and used (+/-) since October, but I've not much experience, and
an energy problem caused the system to display this message when the
computer rebooted:

EXT2-fs error (device 03:41): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap
for group 32 not in group (block 1310742)!
[MS-DOS FS Rel. 12,FAT 0,check=n,conv=b,uid=0,gid=0,umask=022,bmap]
Transaction block size=512
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:41

I've attempted to boot with a diskette, and tried to manually mount
the fs, because I know that there is another tables on the partition,
but I don't know the 'mount' program, as the ext2-fs, *so* well.

Can anyone help me?

That's all. Thanks.

[]'s Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
IRC: AlexG

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