apt-get dist-upgrade breaks lilo

2001-11-08 Thread Charles Kaufman
I have a lab with 7 pc's. They have been running first debian 2.0, and 
then 2.1, for almost two years. The machines are identical and 
dual boot. The master boot program is NT, and LILO is one of the options
on it. There is one hard drive. NT is on the first partion, 
linux swap on the second, and linux on the third. The kernel is 2.0.36.

It has worked fine for all this time. The NT part still does.

This week (Tuesday Nov 6) I tried to upgrade to 2.2. I did 
(from ftp.us.debian.org) apt-get update, apt-get upgrade,
and then, on all but one of the seven, apt-get dist-upgrade.
Now, on all except the one treated differently, lilo fails
with LIL-. The other one still boots just fine, and reports debian 2.2
when it does. I can floppy-boot into the others and the systems seem fine
once I do, reporting debian 2.2, and I can run /sbin/lilo on them.

The lilo docs say that LIL- is a symptom of geometry mismatch.
I have tried various ways, in /etc/lilo.conf, to get the proper 
geometry to lilo, but without success.

When I run /sbin/lilo -q -v -v -v the output is not consistent.
I cannot find a guide to the output format so I am not sure if that
is a problem.

In particular it says, for example, 
   Linux * dev=0x80, hd=183, cyl=58,sct=105,

but the cyl and sct numbers are different if I repeat the command.

The reported 'partition offset' on the one that works does not agree
with that on the ones that don't.

I've tried -p fix, -P ignore, -l, with no success.

I downgraded to lilo version 20 on one of the machines, again
with no success. 

Can anyone help me get lilo to work?

Charles Kaufman

Re: apt-get dist-upgrade breaks lilo. Solved.

2001-11-08 Thread Charles Kaufman
I have discovered what I did wrong to cause this problem.
The NT bootloader requires that the boot sector of the linux
partition be an ordinary file in the NT filesystem.
Each time lilo is run that bootsector changes, so the NT
file has to be rewritten. That's what I forgot.
I copied the new bootsector
(dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/bootsec.new bs=512 count=1), mcopied
/bootsec.new to a floppy, and copied it to NT from there.
Now lilo boots just fine.

apt-get dist-upgrade must have asked to rerun lilo, and I
said ok,  while apt-get upgrade did not,  so that's
why the boot process was still ok on the one machine that
was not dist-upgraded.

Charles Kaufman
On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Charles Kaufman wrote:

 I have a lab with 7 pc's. They have been running first debian 2.0, and 
 then 2.1, for almost two years. The machines are identical and 
 dual boot. The master boot program is NT, and LILO is one of the options
 on it. There is one hard drive. NT is on the first partion, 
 linux swap on the second, and linux on the third. The kernel is 2.0.36.
 It has worked fine for all this time. The NT part still does.
 This week (Tuesday Nov 6) I tried to upgrade to 2.2. I did 
 (from ftp.us.debian.org) apt-get update, apt-get upgrade,
 and then, on all but one of the seven, apt-get dist-upgrade.
 Now, on all except the one treated differently, lilo fails
 with LIL-. The other one still boots just fine, and reports debian 2.2
 when it does. I can floppy-boot into the others and the systems seem fine
 once I do, reporting debian 2.2, and I can run /sbin/lilo on them.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

python-visual and libgl1

2000-09-21 Thread Charles Kaufman
I have a .deb file of python-visual from Carnegie-Mellon U.
It depends on libgl1. I cannot find libgl1.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Charles Kaufman

listres and viewres

2000-09-11 Thread Charles Kaufman
 listres and viewres fail with  

Symbol 'XawWidgetArray' has different size in shared object, 
consider re-linking

followed by 

Segmentation fault

There's some discussion about this under bug report #60390.

Is there a way to get these programs to run? Thanks.

Charles Kaufman

Re: Failed reboot after upgrade

2000-08-13 Thread Charles Kaufman
Thanks for the help.

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 12:37:05AM -0400, charles kaufman wrote:
  I have just upgraded from 2.1 to frozen. I had some difficulty with
  apt but the list helped me past it and all seemed well. 
  So I tried to reboot but the reboot failed.

 More helpful would be 'dmesg' output.  Followup posting this to the

I tried to summarize it. Of course I could only run dmesg for the 
version that did boot. Now I don't have that one either since 
I got past the problem (go down three lines) so dmesg is routine.

 Have you run or re-run lilo, with an appropirate /etc/lilo.conf file?
Yes, when the installation script offered.


I have discovered what I did wrong.

(I have already sent this explanation to the list. But I'm not
subscribed and I keep getting 404's when I try to read the
August  archives so I don't know if that got there.) 

I reread the upgrade transcript, and found a reference to the change 
in format of the path statements in modules.conf. Because I had added
a line to that file (about the irq and memory address for my network
card) the upgrade did not convert that file to the new format and
the required modules couldn't be found.

Why the reboot failed completely for one kernel but not for
another I don't know. 
But I booted the one that did work, followed 
the update-modules directions and they now both boot just fine. 

Some of the messages that fly by during the upgrade are critical, but it's 
not easy to tell which those are. The release notes 
said if you're updating from 2.0 or earlier, than do 
(something about update-modules, that I didn't want to know if 
I didn't have to). 
Since I was updating from 2.1, that made 
me think I didn't have to study update-modules too carefully. 
That was wishful thinking.

The 2.1 was itself an update from 2.0. Maybe that's why the 
configuration file was not in the required format.

Charles Kaufman

Failed reboot after upgrade

2000-08-10 Thread charles kaufman
I have just upgraded from 2.1 to frozen. I had some difficulty with
apt but the list helped me past it and all seemed well. 

So I tried to reboot but the reboot failed.
Some of the messages at reboot were about looking for a cdrom-
one brand after another, at 0x340 or 0x280 or 0x638 and on and on;
others were about attempts to load modules 
and others about kernel mismatches. It finally hung.

I pushed reset and choose a different kernel at the lilo prompt
and that did boot but only after many 'unable to handle kernel
paging request' messages during 'process modpobe.'

The kernel that worked is 2.0.36; the one I normally use is 2.0.34 and
that is what was running when I upgraded.

I did not change anything, that I know of, that had to do with modules.
The release notes say if upgrading from Debian 2.0 or earlier that
'update-modules force' should be run, but since I had 2.1 I did not
do that. 

I do have the script record of the upgrade.


Please respond to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Charles Kaufman

failed upgrade-solved

2000-08-10 Thread Charles Kaufman

Thanks for the help.

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Mathew Johnston wrote:

 Years of experience have told me that clean reinstalls are ALWAYS better than
 upgrades, so do that if possible.  Otherwise, I reccomend recompiling the 
 kernel and
 modules, then doing a make install in the kernel.  But dont take my word for 
 it, im
 sure someone more knowledgable will respond :)

I read the upgrade transcript, and found a reference to the change 
in format of the path statements in modules.conf. Because I had added
a line to that file (about the irq and memory address for my network
card) the upgrade did not covert that file to the new format and
the required modules couldn't be found.

Why the reboot failed completely for one kernel but not for
another I don't know. But I booted the one that did work, followed 
the update-modules directions and they now both boot just fine. 

Some of the messages that fly by during the upgrade are critical, but it's 
not easy to tell which those are. The release notes made me think I 
didn't have to study update-modules too carefully. That was wishful

Charles Kaufman

upgrade to potato; tetex-bin depends

2000-08-09 Thread Charles Kaufman
I have just tried to upgrade from stable to frozen.
I did apt-get update, which worked except for one timed-out file.
I did it again to get that file.
I then did 'apt-get --fix-broken --show-upgraded dist-upgrade'.
That seemed to go ok but stopped without asking very many
configuration questions, and reporting 47 out of (about) 150
packages not installed.
I  repeated the above command but it reported the same thing.
I then installed some of the 47, with dpkg, and that
seemed to go normally. I then tried apt-get -f install
and that reports Reading Package Lists ... Done
 Building Dependency Tree ... Done
 Correcting Dependencies 
and goes and goes and goes, using 99% cpu, for 5 or 10 or 20
minutes, which is as long as I've let it go before aborting it.

I've installed most of the 47, but am stuck on
tetex-bin. 'dpkg -i tetex-bin' reports 'tetex-bin depends on libz1,
which is not installed'. I can't find libz1, but tetex-bin's
depends, in the package archive, does include zlib1g.

Should I let apt-get run as long as it wants?
Is there a libz1?
Am I done for?

Charles Kaufman
(Please reply directly as I am not a subscriber.)

install manual for x86

2000-07-11 Thread Charles Kaufman
I am planning to repartition a disk that came with w98 on it. 
The installation manual for intel x86 discusses repartioning 
and refers to a program called fips, available in the tools/
directory on your nearest Debian mirror.
Can anyone help me to find that directory and/or that
Charles Kaufman

Re: install manual for x86

2000-07-11 Thread Charles Kaufman
Thank you for the directions to fips.

Charles Kaufman 

Re: g++ and libstdc++2.9 circular dependence

1999-11-16 Thread Charles Kaufman
Dear Kevin 
 dpkg -i foo bar seemed a little bit criptic to me. In case it was to you as 
 well, you can just type
 dpkg -i g++*.deb libstdc++2.9-dev*.deb
 Both packages will be installed without any problem. I know this because I 
 the same question as you had, and this was the (successful) suggestion I was 
Thanks for the translation. :)
Chuck Kaufman

g++ and libstdc++2.9 circular dependancy

1999-11-15 Thread Charles Kaufman
I am trying to install the version of g++ in stable, using
dpkg. g++ depends on libstdc++2.9-dev and libstdc++2.9-dev depends
on g++. dpkg will not allow the installation of
one without the other, as in catch-22. 
Must the installation be forced?  There is a bug report
about a similar problem with 2.10 but none about 2.9 that
I can find.
Charles Kaufman

latex2html and GIF

1999-10-07 Thread Charles Kaufman
Dear Debian
I cannot make latex2html produce images in GIF format. There is an option
in the config file which may be GIF or PNG. When I use PNG (the default)
it works. When I use GIF it reports 'this version of pstoimg does not
support GIF format.' I do have netpbm-nonfree installed as well as netpbm.
chuck kaufman

Re: new hard drive install

1999-07-01 Thread charles kaufman

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, David Wright wrote:

   Yes it really says FAT 12
 ... which you presumably don't have. (Actually I just saw my

Certainly not due to anything I did (on purpose, that is).

 very first FAT12 partition yesterday when I was mending someone's
 disk geometry settings. It was 9MB in size, which I'd guess might
 be too small for FAT16.) So it's picking up garbage.
  fdisk -l

  Disk /dev/hda: 255 Heads 63 Sectors 1027 Cylinders
  Units =Cylinders of 16065*512 bytes
  Device   Boot Begin Start End  Blocks  Id   System
  /dev/hda1  *11 64   51408+  6  DOS 16 bit=32M
  /dev/hda2  *   65   65192 1028160  83  Linux native
  /dev/hda3 193  193205  104422+ 82  Linux swap
  Segmentation fault.
 Doesn't that raise the question as to how you partitioned the disk
 in the first place? Presumably that didn't segfault or you wouldn't
 have been able to write the partition table at all.

It was the same program-linux fdisk.

 Did you use a different program, in which case what does it say
 and does it agree with the above? Or did you use the same program
 in which case it's a bit worrying that a program can write a
 partition table which it itself can't then read.

It looks like I should repartition the disc and try again.
It just seemed so close to working.
And the error message is so clear.
Oh well.
Thanks again for the help.

Chuck Kaufman

Re: Hard disk problems

1999-06-30 Thread charles kaufman
Dear Kaa: 
Thanks for the suggestions. 

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, [ Kaa [EMAIL PROTECTED]@hotmail.com wrote:

 Yes, but given that the kernel believes there is FAT12 partition, it seems 
 that there is something wrong with the partition table or at least the 
 reading thereof.
 Is the low-level reformatting/repartitioning an option?
I'm trying to avoid repartitioning. I will if nothing else works. 
But I don't know what 'low level format' means. I remember doing that
for DOS before there was IDE, but thought it wasn't needed anymore.
Thanks for all the information.
Chuck Kaufman

Re: new hard drive install

1999-06-30 Thread charles kaufman

 Not necessary. Recently i repartitioned my HD, moved Linux from hda2 to
 hda1. Never had any trouble after i restored my filesystem from backups
 and reran lilo (after editing lilo.conf and fstab)

I did almost that. Instead of restoring from backups I had the old and 
the new hard drives mounted at the same time and used cpio.
Did you have to tell the kernel where the new swap partition was?

Chuck Kaufman

Re: new hard drive install

1999-06-30 Thread charles kaufman

On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:  
 Check the boot= in LILO. I just recently had similar problems and it turned
 out that I was writing my new lilo to /dev/hda1 instead of /dev/hda.
Thanks. I've tried each of those and get the same error either way.

Chuck Kaufman

Re: new hard drive install

1999-06-30 Thread charles kaufman

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:
  Yes it really says FAT 12
 What does Linux fdisk -l show?

Here it is. The segmentation fault at the end is 
part of the output.(not encouraging)
The disk is not all partitioned.

fdisk -l

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1027. This is 
larger than 1024 and may cause problems with
1)software that runs at boot time (e.g. LILO)
2)booting and partitioning software from other OS's (e.g. 

Disk /dev/hda: 255 Heads 63 Sectors 1027 Cylinders
Units =Cylinders of 16065*512 bytes

Device   Boot Begin Start End  Blocks  Id   System
/dev/hda1  *11 64   51408+  6  DOS 16 bit=32M
/dev/hda2  *   65   65192 1028160  83  Linux native
/dev/hda3 193  193205  104422+ 82  Linux swap
Segmentation fault.

Chuck Kaufman

Re: new hard drive install

1999-06-29 Thread charles kaufman

Thanks Brad.
On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:

  kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:03
 It's still trying to mount root from hda3. i don't know why, since you say
 you've checked and rechecked to make sure /etc/lilo.conf is correct and
 you've run lilo with the correct settings...
 Since i can't think of anything else, is the device correct?
   $ ls -l /dev/hda2
   brw-rw   1 root disk   3,   2 Jun 17 22:13 /dev/hda2
ls -l /dev/hda2 gives 
brw-r--r-- 1 root root 3,2 Jul 28 1998 /dev/hda2

That's before it's mounted-I have been booting with tomsrtbt (thanks
to Tom!) so it might be different if it actually boots from that device.

Is there somewhere in the kernel that remembers it used to boot from


Re: new hard drive install

1999-06-29 Thread charles kaufman
Hello again

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, David Wright wrote:

 Quoting charles kaufman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): 
   kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:03

  Is there somewhere in the kernel that remembers it used to boot from

  Yes. When you copy a kernel (e.g. I copy /boot/vmlinuz to
 c:\loadlin\zimage for loadlin to boot from dos) you need to rdev it.
 Typerdev kernel-imageto see what it's set to and
 rdev kernel-image /dev/hda2to set it. This saves having to tell it
 where root is every time you boot it.


But the lilo manpage says rdev is no longer needed since the parameters 
can be set from the lilo prompt.

I tried it anyway. With the new drive at /mnt, I did 
rdev /mnt/vmlinuz /dev/hda2, and
rdev -s /mnt/vmlinuz /dev/hda3.

I then then reattached the new drive onto the first ide connector and
rebooted. It failed in exactly the same way as before.

In case they contains any hints, here are the messages which immediately
precede the panic:

partition check:
hda: hda1 hda2 hda3
[MS-DOS FS Rel.12, FAT 12, check=n,conv=b,uid=0,gid=0,umask=022]
Transaction block size=512
UMSDOS Beta 0.6 (compatability level 0.4 fast msdos)

the lines from [MSDOS..   to Transaction..  are then repeated,
and then it says 
Kernel panic : VFS Unable to mount root fs on 03:03.

Thanks again
Chuck Kaufman 

Re: new hard drive install

1999-06-29 Thread Charles Kaufman

Thanks again.

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, David Wright wrote:

 Quoting charles kaufman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:03 

 I think that may change everything. Allowing for typos, because you
 copied that off the screen, did it really say FAT 12? It looks as
 though it's either misread the partition table (perhaps it got the
 geometry wrong or something) or the kernel lacks some necessary
 functionality to handle the new disk. What does lsmod show when you
 have the disk on /mnt. Is it using a module to get at that disk?
 Could your partitions be misnumbered in some way? 
 Either way, I think you may need more expert help than I can provide.

Yes it really says FAT 12 (twice). That has seemed strange to me too.
The root device had been set as /dev/hda3;
 the lilo option should have changed that on the fly, as you say,
 but not the swap device. rdev changed them both,
and they are now set to /hda2 and /hda3 in the kernel. But as I said
in my last note it still fails with the same message.
insmod reports nothing.
There are no modules loaded. IDE support is compiled in, I believe,
since it has never needed any insmod 's.

(by the way it was man rdev not man lilo that said rdev isn't needed-
my mistake)

Chuck Kaufman

Re: your mail

1999-06-29 Thread charles kaufman

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, [ Kaa [EMAIL PROTECTED]@hotmail.com wrote:

   kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:03
 Are you sure you are not having BIOS/disk geometry problems? AFAIK with 
 certain BIOSes the Linux root partition must be within the first 1024 
 cylinders (typically, first 512Mb) of the hard disk, otherwise problems 
 appear. Since your first partition is DOS, the root partition may be outside 
 of that zone. This is basically a BIOS problem. Consult the LargeDisk HOWTO 
 for exhaustive detail.

Thanks for the hint. Of course I don't know whether it's a BIOS disk
geometry problem. In fact fdisk says the disk has 1027 cylinders.
But it reports hda1 (dos) is 1 to 64, hda2 (linux) is 65 to 192,
 and hda3(linux swap) is 193 to 205. That's beyond 512 MB but
well within 1024 cylinders.

However lilo works fine and the kernel boots fine. The trouble only
comes late in the startup process, after the partition check-which gives
the results it should-when it insists on trying to mount / on 03:03
while lilo and rdev and fstab all (seem to) have been told that the
 root device is hda2 not hda3. 

I appreciate the help. Thanks
Chuck Kaufman

new hard drive install

1999-06-28 Thread charles kaufman
 I am trying to switch my debian 2.0 to a new hard drive.
It was on a drive partitioned with dos on hda1 and hda2 
and linux native and linux swap on hda3 and hda4 resp.;

I partitioned the new drive with hda1 as dos, hda2 as linux native, hda3
as linux swap. I copied (only) dos c: to hda1, and all of the linux
to hda2. I altered lilo.conf to reflect these changes 
and ran lilo; I changed fstab. I also ran mkswap.
  Now with the new drive on the first ide socket I get the lilo prompt ok.
If I choose dos, then dos boots and runs ok. But if I choose linux, the
boot process runs part way and then hangs with a kernel panic after
the partition check, with the message
kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:03
The partition check gives hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 which is what I think it
should give.
I've checked and rechecked the lilo.conf stanza for linux
and it says root=/dev/hda2
and the fstab entry is the same.
  Can anyone suggest what I've missed or forgotten? I'll supply
more details if needed of course.

Re: make-kpkg terminated before completion

1999-01-09 Thread Charles Kaufman

On 8 Jan 1999, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   May I suggest the kernel_image target for make-kpkg? For most
 Yes you may-who better?
  people, the kernel-image-XXX-YYY package is the only one relevant;
  everything else is only there for completeness. And for personal use,
  you do not need the pgp signature. kernel-image target does not
  invoke pgp.
That's a very valuable hint. When I saw the .deb packages produced
all but one did seem superfluous and I only installed that one. man pages
seem ritually diffident. Are  examples or suggestions for typical use 
formally forbidden or discouraged? Or did I miss such a suggestion
in the make-dpkg page? 
 Thanks again for the help (and the program).

Re: make-kpkg terminated before completion

1999-01-09 Thread Charles Kaufman

On 9 Jan 1999, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Well, the detailed manual is in /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz,
  where I think it does indicate that only the kernel_image target is
Point well taken. I should have found it. Thanks for being so gentle.

On the other hand

Let's see...
/usr/doc (in disguise as kernel-something, not under its real name)
... who knows where else?

Anyway I'm sure you get the idea. Persistence required.

In the FILES part of the man page you do mention the Problems.gz file-
why not mention the the README, too?

All of which takes away nothing from how nice a package it is.
Thanks again.

Re: make-kpkg terminated before completion

1999-01-09 Thread Charles Kaufman

On 9 Jan 1999, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Hmmm. Sorry to follow up my last posting so quickly, but I did
  notice that the man page mentions /usr/doc/kernel-package in the see
  also section.
   As I said, I have now included a reference in the files
  section as well.
 MAKE-KPKG(8) Debian GNU/Linux manual MAKE-KPKG(8)
kernel-pkg.conf(5), dpkg-deb(1), dpkg-source(1),  make(1),
The Programmers manual,   The GNU Make manual,   and   the
extensive documentation on the directory  /usr/doc/kernel-
Feeble excuse:
The man page I have installed, dated May 2 1997, does not include the last  
clause of the above SEE ALSO section. It ends with 'The GNU Make manual.' 
(Which clause should say '... in the directory' of course.)

Re: make-kpkg terminated before completion

1999-01-08 Thread Charles Kaufman

Thanks for the quick reply. The output from du is exactly what you have.
But the directory is /usr/src/linux/include/net, not the one you have, 
if that makes any difference.

The file sizes are 7924 Nov 15 13:33 rose.h
110 Jul 13 16:47 rosecall.h

I did a tar zxpv linux-2.0.36.tar.gz again and these two files came out 
exactly the same.

The program did write these files  to /usr/src before it terminated:

   403844 Jan  7 17:05 kernel-doc-2.0.36_1.00_all.deb
  293 Jan  7 16:44 kernel-source-2.0.36_1.00.dsc

  7284235 Jan  7 16:44 kernel-source-2.0.36_1.00.tar.gz 
  7317502 Jan  7 17:04 kernel-source-2.0.36_1.00_all.deb
  Jan  7 17:05 linux/

I'll try it all again to see what happens.


Re: make-kpkg terminated before completion

1999-01-08 Thread Charles Kaufman

On 8 Jan 1999, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Are you sure that the source tree was not somehow corrupted? I
  can't reproduce the problem here. I do have include/net/rosecall.h

I repeated the make-kpkg exactly as before, as far as I could tell. This
time it completed, except for the lack of pgp, which is correct-I don't
have it-and I presume not critical. The tail of the output:

hown -R root.root debian/tmp-headers
chmod -R og=rX debian/tmp-headers
dpkg --build debian/tmp-headers ..
dpkg-deb: building package `kernel-headers-2.0.36' in
rm -rf debian/tmp-headers
touch stamp-headers
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux'
 signfile kernel-source-2.0.36_1.00.dsc
/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage: pgp: command not found
make: *** [stamp-buildpackage] Error 127

But I don't know why it's different this time.

make-kpkg terminated before completion

1999-01-07 Thread Charles Kaufman

 This is the tail of the output from make-kpkg build-package
modules executed from /usr/src/linux.
That directory was the top of the tree resulting from tar zxpvf
There is a kernel vmlinux in /usr/src/linux, dated about 7 minutes
before the make-kpkg command terminated.

I am using Debian Hamm, kernel 2.0.25, gcc 2.7.2, make-kpkg $Revision

Any suggestions?

This is the tail of the output from make-kpkg build-package modules
executed from /usr/src/linux.
That directory was the top of the tree resulting from tar zxpvf 
There is a kernel vmlinux in /usr/src/linux, dated about 7 minutes before 
the make-kpkg command terminated.

I am using Debian Hamm ,kernel 2.0.25, gcc 2.7.2.

   -o -name '*.bak' -o -name '#*#' -o -name '.*.orig' \
-o -name '.*.rej' -o -name '.SUMS' -o -size 0 \) -print` TAGS
make[2]: Leaving directory 
(cd debian/tmp-source/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.36; \
rm -f stamp-building stamp-build stamp-configure 
stamp-source stamp-image stamp-headers stamp-src stamp-diff stamp-doc 
stamp-buildpackage stamp-libc-kheaders)
(cd debian/tmp-source/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.36/include; rm -f asm; \
ln -s asm-i386 asm)
if test -f debian/official -a -f debian/README.Debian ; then \
   install -p-o root -g root -m 644 debian/README.Debian \
debian/tmp-source/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.36/README.Debian ; \
else \
sed -e 's/=V/2.0.36/g' -e 's/=A/i386/g' \
 /usr/lib/kernel-package/README.source  \
 debian/tmp-source/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.36/README.Debian ; \
install -p-o root -g root -m 644 .config 
dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-source-2.0.36 -Pdebian/tmp-source/
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME (pupdog) at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
chown -R root.root debian/tmp-source
chmod -R og=rX debian/tmp-source
dpkg --build debian/tmp-source ..
dpkg-deb: building package `kernel-source-2.0.36' in 
rm -f -r debian/tmp-source
touch stamp-source
test -f stamp-configure || make -f /usr/lib/kernel-package/rules configure
rm -rfdebian/tmp-doc
install -p -d -o root -g root -m 755 debian/tmp-doc/DEBIAN
install -p -d -o root -g root -m 755 debian/tmp-doc/usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.0.36
install -p-o root -g root -m 644 debian/changelog \
install -p-o root -g root -m 644 /usr/lib/kernel-package/LinkPolicy \
install -p-o root -g root -m 644 /usr/lib/kernel-package/README.doc \
echo This was produced by kernel-package version 4.11.  \
tar cf - Documentation | \
(cd debian/tmp-doc/usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.0.36; umask 000; tar xsf -)
gzip -9fqr debian/tmp-doc/usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.0.36
install -p-o root -g root -m 644 /usr/lib/kernel-package/copyright.doc \
dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-doc-2.0.36 -Pdebian/tmp-doc/
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME (pupdog) at 
/usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.
chown -R root.root debian/tmp-doc
chmod -R og=rX debian/tmp-doc
dpkg --build debian/tmp-doc ..
dpkg-deb: building package `kernel-doc-2.0.36' in 
rm -rf debian/tmp-doc
touch stamp-doc
test -f stamp-configure || make -f /usr/lib/kernel-package/rules configure
make  ARCH=i386 bzImage
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux'
gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 
-fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -pipe -m486 -malign-loops=2 
-malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586 -DUTS_MACHINE='i386' -c -o 
init/version.o init/version.c
set -e; for i in kernel drivers mm fs net ipc lib arch/i386/kernel arch/i386/mm 
arch/i386/lib; do make -C $i; done
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/kernel'
make all_targets
make[4]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/kernel'
make[4]: Nothing to be done for `all_targets'.
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/kernel'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/kernel'
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers'
set -e; for i in block char net  pci; do make -C $i; done
make[4]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/block'
make all_targets
make[5]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/block'
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `all_targets'.
make[5]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/block'
make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/block'
make[4]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/char'
make all_targets
make[5]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/drivers/char'
make[5]: Nothing to be