Re: Linux in der Schule

2003-05-28 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Wednesday 28 May 2003 11:19, Thomas Rösch spoke wisely:

 Geht vielleicht mit einem zentralen, fetten Server, wenn die einzelnen
 Rechner nur noch X11-Terminal spielen.

So läuft das bei uns in einem der Computerräume (der hier nicht von Lehrer-, 
sondern von Schülerseite gewartet wird). Das mit den Terminals funktioniert 
selbst mit 133 Mhz in Top-Geschwindigkeit (mal von den lokalen 
Disk/CD-ROM-Zugriffen abgesehen, die man nicht zwingend braucht). Siehe 


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Re: Icons auf dem IceWM-Desktop oder Launchbar

2003-03-22 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hash: SHA1
Hallo Liste!

Herzlichen Dank für die Tips. Ich werde jetzt die verschiedenen 
Möglichkeiten einfach durchprobieren.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)

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Icons auf dem IceWM-Desktop oder Launchbar

2003-03-19 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hash: SHA1

eine dumme Frage, in der ich leider durch apt-cache search und die 
IceWM-Doku nicht wirklich schlauer werde:

Wie bringe ich Icons auf mein IceWM-Desktop, so dass ich damit 
Programme starten (bzw. Befehle ausführen) kann?

Alternativ dazu: Gibt es ein kleines X-Programm, dass es ermöglicht, 
eine Zeile an Schaltflächen anzuzeigen, die genau diese Funktion 

Herzlichen Dank,
Daniel Kleine-Albers
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)

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Re: gpg und key retrieve

2003-02-12 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 12 February 2003 20:29, Thomas Braun spoke wisely:
 Hallo Liste,

 auch nach langen selber probieren bin ich nicht draufgekommen.
 Also ich will das sich gpg (kmail soll es dann halt wissen) automtisch von
 nem keyserver public keys holt und damit die email Signaturen überprüft.
 also folgendes in ~/.gnupg/options reingeschrieben
 keyserver x-hkp://
 (alternativ habe ich auch mal x-hkp durch http ersetzt).
 Aber nach wie vor versucht kmail nicht die public keys zu importieren.

Zum automatischen Retrieve reicht folgendes:
keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve

als Server habe ich folgende Zeile drinstehen:
keyserver x-hkp://

Bei mir funktioniert das in der Regel wunderbar, allerdings liegt das 
Konfigfile in .gnupg/gpg.conf (GPG 1.2) - .gnupg/options wird ignoriert.

hope it helps,
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Backupplanung

2003-01-29 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hash: SHA1


On Mittwoch, Januar 29, 2003, at 03:58  Uhr, Patrick Petermair wrote:

Vorteil: wie kbackup ein kleines übersichtliches ncurses Menü und gute 
Nachteil: ?

kann nur bis 2 GB zuverlässig backuppen - kommt also für 
Produktiveinsatz kaum in Frage.

Ich kann in dieser Hinsicht afbackup empfehlen - gutes 
Client-Server-System, gute Doku, Debs - ich setze das bereits seit ca. 
1 Jahr produktiv ein und bin damit sehr zufrieden.

Was ich unbedingt brauche:
-) Fähigkeit auf ein Tape (Compaq DLT 20/40) zu sichern
-) Full / Inkrementelles Backup
-) Mehrere Aufträge auf ein Band - da das inkrementelle Band bei uns 
immer von
Dienstag bis Sonntag durchläuft (Montag ist Fullbackup), müssen die 
logischerweise immer ans Band angehängt und nicht überschrieben werden
-) Schedulemöglichkeit - ob das Programm jetzt ein Script ausspuckst, 
welches ich
per Cron steuere oder das Scheduling selbst übernimmt ist eigentlich 
egal. Wenn
ich aber alles eingestellt habe, soll die Geschichte ohne mein Zutun 
laufen (bis
aufs Wechseln der Bänder, das erledige ich natürlich noch händisch :-)
-) Logfiles - muß ja schließlich wissen, ob das Backup erfolgreich war 
oder nicht

Alle Anforderungen können mit afbackup erfüllt werden... (Ich sichere 
auf SLR100 und DAT DDS4)

Noch eine generelle Frage: Wie schaut es mit der Hardwarekomprimierung 
aus? Muß ich
das im Backup-Tool angeben oder reicht es, das Laufwerk selber auf 
Hardwarekompr. zu
stellen? Oder muß ich sogar beides machen?

ich würde sagen, kommt drauf an, wie schnelle der betreffende Server 
ist (nicht das das Bandlaufwerk auf Grund hoher Komprimierung nicht mit 
maximaler Geschwindigkeit schreiben kann) und, ob Dir der Platz auf dem 
Band nicht ohnehin mit simpler HW-Komprimierung reicht. afbackup ist 
auch hier ziehmlich flexibel...

Hope it helps,

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)


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Re: Swap Groesse

2003-01-23 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Mario Duve wrote:


Welche Größe der Swap ist zu emphlen, bei 1GB Ram?

Gruss, Mario

Das kommt immer auf die Verwendung des Rechners an. Wenn sich auf dem 
Rechner mehrere Nutzer gleichzeitig in KDE/Gnome einloggen sollen 
(mittels remote displays) ist ein großer Swap (so 1-2 GB) zu empfehlen.

Bei allen anderen Anwendungen reicht bei 1GB RAM auf jeden Fall 
256-512MB swap.


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Re: Onlinebanking [was Re: Mozilla-1.0.1 kann kein Java]

2003-01-19 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Yevgen Reznichenko wrote:

liegt an ihr. Wie ist die Erfahrungen von den anderen 

Ich benutze moneyplex von der Firma in Verbindung mit HBCI 
(mit Chipkarte) und der Sparkasse Landsberg-Diessen. Ich bin damit 
restlos zufrieden. Der Kartenleser war mit den Linux-Treibern des 
Herstellers (Reiner SCT) problemlos zu installieren.


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SOLVED: Re: globale Einstellungen in kde2

2002-12-31 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

ich habe den Fehler gefunden:

man muss darauf achten, dass die globalen Konfigfiles in /etc/kde2 auch 
von den Benutzern lesbar sind. Wenn man diese einfach als root aus dem 
Home des Benutzers/.kde kopiert, werden in der Standardkonfig 
automatisch die Rechte so verändert, dass nur root lesen/schreiben darf 
(was in der Regel ja auch sinnvoll ist).

Dann kann man quasi alles vorkonfigurieren und auch im Nachhinein 
verändern (vorausgesetzt der Nutzer hat im gleichen Control Modul in der 
Zwischenzeit nichts verändert).

Danke für die Tipps.


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Re: globale Einstellungen in kde2

2002-12-30 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Michael Gerhards wrote:

Falls die User noch nicht existieren, kannst Du folgendes machen: Lege
die Standardeinstellungen unter /etc/skel/ so ab, wie sie später im
Home-Directory liegen sollen. (Also unter /etc/skel/.kde/...)

Wenn Du dann einen neuen User mit useradd -m ... anlegst, wird
automatisch alles kopiert.

Mehr Infos dazu gibt's, wie immer, in der Manpage zu useradd.

Vielen Dank für den Tipp. Dies ist allerdings nicht das, was ich suche. 
Ich möchte auch später globale Einstellungen verändern können (z.B. 
Proxy), zudem habe ich auch das Problem, dass der Großteil der Nutzer 
schon existiert. Es wäre denkbar, ein Skript beim ersten Einloggen 
auszuführen. Nur ich suche nach einem 100%-Standardweg (falls es sowas 


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globale Einstellungen in kde2

2002-12-29 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

ist es irgendwie möglich, Einstellungen in kde2 zu machen, so dass diese 
für alle Benutzer gelten, solange diese nichts anderes einstellen?
Ich denke hierbei vor allem an das Deaktivieren des arts-Servers und 
einheitliche proxy-Einstellungen, ... im Prinzip all das, was man im 
Control Center einstellen kann.

Ich habe schon probiert, die Konfig-Files (für den arts jetzt konkret 
kcmartsrc) von einem richtig konfigurierten Nutzer nach /etc/kde2 zu 
kopieren. Doch dies zeigt keine Auswirkungen (auch nicht, wenn ich bei 
einem anderen Benutzer vorher das komplette .kde-Verzeichnis lösche.

Ich bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar!


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Re: Drucken: Duplex und PS-Emulation

2002-12-27 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hallo Uwe!

Uwe Thormann sagte:
 HP bietet eine Laserdrucker-Serie an LJ2200, die Postscript-Emulation,
 Duplexdruck und mehrere Papierschächte haben. Sowas suche ich gerade.

 Fragen bleiben:
 Ist das ganau so gut, wie richtiges Postscript?
Postscript-Emulationen funktionieren zumindest einwandfrei unter Debian.
(Ich habe ein Brother mit BrotherScript-Postscript-Emulation mit ähnlichen
Features wie der 2200 und kann alle Features nutzen, die ich mit dem PCL-
Treiber unter Win auch nutzen kann. Du brauchst nur eine passende PPD (wird
mitgeliefert oder ist im Paket cupsomatic-ppd)

 Kann man Duplex über Postscript ansteuern?


 Kann man die Schächte getrennt ansprechen?


hope it helps

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Re: CDs Rippen in Schellack

2002-10-08 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Wolfgang Weisselberg sagte:
 Hi, Thorsten!

 Thorsten Haude ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote 40 lines:

 ich versuche seit Tagen, eine CD so zu rippen, daß das Ergebnis besser
 klingt als ein Radio mit defekten Boxen, leider vergeblich. Bisher
 habe ich versucht:

Auch gut ist das Kommandozeilen-Prog jack. Rippt bei mir in sehr guter

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Re: unstable Pakete

2002-10-04 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Michael Gerhards wrote:
 Adrian Bunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Danach kannst Du das Paket dann mit
apt-get -b source kino
erst im Sourcecode holen und dann automatisch erzeugen lassen. Evtl.
bricht der Kompilierprozeß zwischendrin ab, weil Dir noch Pakete fehlen.

Wenn dass der Fall ist ist ein serious oder höher Bug fällig, FTBFS.
In den Build-Depends hat zu stehen was das Paket braucht, tuts das
nicht - peng, bug.

 Hmm, das verstehe ich jetzt nicht. Mit apt-get source xy hole ich doch
 ausdrücklich _nur_ das Paket xy im Sourcecode. Und das -b sorgt nur
 dafür, daß das Paket automatisch im Anschluß an den Download erzeugt
 wird. Wo sollten denn da noch weitere (für die Kompilierung benötigte)
 Pakete geholt werden?

mit apt-get source wird immer nur der Sourcecode des angegebenen Paketes 
geholt. Dies ist KEIN Bug!

Die Build Dependencies werden nur aufgelöst und die notwendingen Pakete 
geholt, wenn man apt-get build-dep Paketname angibt.

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Re: HBCI Banking Software

2002-09-25 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Matthias Fechner wrote:
 möchte gerne HBCI unter Linux einsetzen, dabei kommt eine
 Kartenlesegerät mit USB zum EInsatz. Welche Software kann ich denn
 dafür hernehmen?
 Gibt es hierfür vielleicht auch ein Programm als .deb, mit apt-cache
 search hbci habe ich nichts gefunden.

Programm heißt moneyplex von - ist zwar nicht kostenlos, aber 
sein Geld echt wert und trotzdem leicht zu installieren.

Zum Karte lesen benutze ich einen Reiner SCT cyberjack (mit 
USB-Anschluss), den ich von der Sparkasse bekam. Reiner SCT bietet dafür 
sogar Linux-Treiber an, die ich zumindest noch selbst kompilieren 
musste, was aber mit der mitgelieferten README kein Problem war.

Hier ein Mini-HOWTO:
Dieses HOWTO beschreibt, wie man Chipkartenleser von Reiner SCT 
(momentan von der Sparkasse vertrieben) unter Linux verwenden kann.

#ctapi-Treiber von runterladen und entpacken
#im Treiberverzeichnis:
cd ctapi

cd /dev/
mknod ttyUSB0 c 188 0
#damit auch die Nutzer drauf zugreifen können:
chmod 2666 ttyUSB*

# nicht zwingend nötig, aber manchmal ganz nützlich
apt-get install usbmgr usbview

# load modules - geht mit debian kernels von der Stange oder
entsprechend konfigurierten ab 2.4.6
modprobe usb-uhci
modprobe cyberjack

# zum testen, Geldkarte einlegen und dann im Treiberverzeichnis
cd ctapi
./cjgeldkarte -l ./

# normalerweise kommt eine Ausgabe wie folgt:
Current account balance: .00

# Für Sparkasse gilt zur Zeit HBCI-Version 2.1

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Re: Uhrzeit anzeigen lassen

2002-09-25 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Torsten Puls wrote:
 wie kann ich mir die Uhrzeit anzeigen lassen?
 Auf Konsole.
 Ich will aber nur die Zeit im Format 16:30 sehen.
 MfG Torsten

RTFM: date --help
RTFM: man date

scheint echt kompliziert zu sein, sowas vor der Mailingliste zu 
probieren, trotzdem:

majestix:~# date +%k:%m

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Re: alsa; mausgeschwindigkeit; editor

2002-09-10 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

florian kriener wrote:
 ich hab gleich mal drei fragen:
 1. was könnt ihr mir noch für text-editroen empfehlen? ich habe bisher
 immer vim benutzt, nur hab ich gestern gemerkt, dass mich dieses ewige
 an und ausschalten des bearbeiten modus nervt. - dann hab ich emacs
 probiert, nur bringt mir der nicht viel. das ist in etwa so, als wenn
 ich von einem schweizer taschenmesser nur die pinzette benutzen würde.

Hier würde ich joe empfehlen.

 2. wie kann ich die mausgeschwindigkeit unter x ändern

man XF86Config oder - geht bestimmt, aber auswendig weiß 
ich's nicht.

 3. wie kriege ich meine soundkarte zum laufen. ich hab eine via8233
 northbrige. also müsste eigendlich mit dem via8233 treiber zu
 überreden sein. geht aber trozdem nicht.
 - welche kernel optionen muss ich genau einstellen, damits das tut?
 - wems hilft: mein board ist ein msi ms-6380...

Im Kernel muss nur dass sound modul selbst kompiliert werden. Ansonsten 
sind die Einstellungen nur an den alsa modulen vorzunehmen. Wenn Du die 
Module bereits hast, sollte's mit alsaconf recht komfortabel gehen. Dort 
einfach die Soundkarte auswählen und fertig. Mit dem Kernel-Treiber 
ansich hatte ich mit einer via686xxx nur Probleme.

 danke schon mal...

Vielleicht hilft's,


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Re: Geschwindigkeit der Liste

2002-09-10 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Hallo Frank,

ich glaube, das hat zwei Gründe:
1. Die Debian Server scheinen wirklich schneller geworden zu sein. 
Allerdings schon seit einiger Zeit. - rein so vom Gefühl her.

2. Die GMX-Server waren noch nie die allerschnellsten. Und Unis sind oft 
ziehmlich schnell.


Frank Lorenzen wrote:
 Hi all,
 hier in der Liste wurde ja früher öfters mal die Langsamkeit
 des Listservers bemängelt, was auch (bei einigen Mails)
 wirklich so war.
 Seit ich die Liste nicht mehr zuhause (GMX) sondern an der
 FH lese hat sich meiner Meinung nach die Reaktionszeit des
 Servers _sehr_ verbessert, ich habe (so ich denn ab und an
 mal was schreibe) nach ca. 20 Sekunden ! eine an die Liste
 geschickte Mail wieder in der Mailbox.
 Mag der Listserver einfach nur unseren Mailserver so sehr,
 oder ist die Liste allgemein schneller geworden?

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Re: Passwort und User abgleichen

2002-09-10 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Robert Huckstorf wrote:
 hi ...
 bin auf der suche nach einer effizienten und sicheren moeglichekeit zum
 abgleich von usern
 und passwoertern. Ich habe zur zeit mehrere linux rechner und bin es leid
 auf jedem einzelnen
 die user einzurichten.
 was wuerdet ihr mir empfehlen
 mein dank


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Re: reiser 2. mal

2002-09-06 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Hallo Tobias,

die aktuelle 1. Debian Cd (Woody 3.0 Binary 1) kann reiserfs nativ. Du 
musst dann nur beim Booten bei der Auswahl des Kernels bf24 eingeben, 
statt nur Eingabe zu drücken. Nach dem Konfigurieren der Tastatur kannst 
Du auf die zweite Konsole wechseln und reiserfsck ausführen.


Tobias Pape wrote:
 ich glaub, ich muss meinen reiser-journal-tree vom '/' neu aufbauen.
 ( mein /usr/lib/../perl//IO/ sagt mir can't stat atrributes:
 permission denied(13) UND DAS ALS ROOT)
 bloederweise brauch reiserfsck dafuer ein umountet device,
 so, wie komm ich an eine rescuedisk ran, auf der reiserfsck laufen kann
 (brauch die nich nen 2.4 kernel mit libc6 ??)?
 bitte helft mir, ohne kein anstaendiges debconf, ohne debconf keinfe
 vefnuenftige installation, aber die brauch ich grade...)

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Re: ssh ohne passwort von user@host nach root@host2

2002-09-05 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Vielleicht ist bei host2 der Nutzer root verboten (Parameter 
PermitRootLogin No in /etc/ssh/sshd_config).

Marcus Fihlon wrote:
 Am Don, 2002-09-05 um 17.14 schrieb Florian Krohs:
ich wuerde gerne als user@host1 ein ssh nach root@rechner2 machen.
geht aber leider nicht, und ich hab keinen plan warum das nicht
user@host1 - user@host2 funktioniert ganz normal.

hat jemand eine idee ??
 Geben ist seliger denn nehmen!
 Oder anders ausgedrückt: Hast Du eine Fehlermeldung?

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Re: apt-get über proxy: Konfiguartion?

2002-09-03 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


in usr/share/doc/apt/ gibt es ein Konfigurationsfile, das alle 
Einstellungen enthält, die in der apt.conf möglich sind.

Ich glaube es war:
Acquire::HTTP::Proxy http://yourproxy:port;;

- da bin ich mir aber nicht ganz sicher.

Hope it helps,

Stephan Ruehle wrote:
 Hallo Zusammen,
 wie kann/muß ich mein System konfigurieren, um über Proxy auf Win Rechner apt-get 
update zu nutzen (Netzwerk + Inet sind funktionsfähig).
   Methods /usr/lib/apt;
   Show-Upgraded true;
 pkgRPMPM false;
 Acquire::CDROM::Copy true;
// Leave list empty to disable
AllowedDupPkgs {^kernel$; kernel-smp; kernel-briq; kernel-ans; };
HoldPkgs {kernel-source; kernel-headers; };

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Re: Gimp and GIF

2002-05-02 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


try apt-get install gimp1.2-nonfree

majestix:/etc/samba# apt-cache search gimp
gimp1.2-nonfree - GIF support for the GNU Image Manipulation Program

Hope it helps,

On Donnerstag, Mai 2, 2002, at 04:30  Uhr, Daniel D Jones wrote:

Running testing.  Gimp, installed via apt-get, will not allow me to 
save a

GIF.  I can open and edit it, but trying to save says that it is an
unrecognized type.  The GIF extension doesn't show up (even grayed out) 

the list of types to save as.

Talking to friends who use Red Hat and Mandrake, both indicate that 
they were
able to use Gimp for GIFs without any extra action on their part.  
the web, I find lots of references to patent issues, as well as 
references to

a plug-in which will add GIF capabilities.  However, I don't find any
download links to the plug-in.

Could someone set me straight on the using Gimp with GIFs under Debian?

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Re: Web logfile analyzer?

2002-04-25 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


I'm using webalizer. It's quite easy to configure and gives useful stats.

Hope it helps,

On Donnerstag, April 25, 2002, at 12:47  Uhr, Quenten Griffith wrote:

I use awstats I think its in Woody, or you can go to

Michael D. Crawford wrote:

I'd like a recommendation for a web server logfile analyzer.  My web 

service uses apache.

I've used analog on Windows (where it's pretty hard to use) but I 
understand it
runs on Linux too so maybe you can tell me how to do what I want with 
Analog is complex to configure and some expertise seems to be needed 
to get the

most meaningful results from it.

What I need to do is find the number of unique views of each of my 
pages that
wasn't referred from within my site.  By unique, if a page gets viewed 
twice by
the same ip address or hostname, it would only show up once in my 
count.  I want

to count only the referrals that come from somewhere else on the web.

Mostly I check my log file using, for example:

grep GET /  access_log | wc

but that will show both the hits I get from offsite as well as the 

from other pages within my site.

On the other hand, it would also be helpful to see the number of 
referrals that
do come from within my site.  So if someone comes to a particular page 
I write
to attract traffic, and then goes to the pages where I talk about my 

that would be helpful to keep track of.

Finally, some people find my pages with the search engines.  The 
search terms
they user are often encoded in the URL of the referring page.  The 
syntax for
the URL would be different depending on the search engine.  I would 
like to know

what the search terms are that people are finding me with.

I don't believe in spamming the search engines, but I do believe it is 
worthwhile, and the right thing to do, to set out content that is 
useful to
people in hopes of driving traffic to my site.  But I have a limited 
amount of

time to do that and want to be more intelligent about how I do it.

Thanks in advance.

Michael D. Crawford
GoingWare Inc. - Expert Software Development and Consulting

Tilting at Windmills for a Better Tomorrow.

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Re: spamassassin at a system-wide level?

2002-04-24 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


I set such a thing up just yesterday using postfix. In, I edited 
content_filter to forward every mail through spamproxyd.

Here's the config, if you want to do it too:
content_filter= smtp:localhost:1

localhost:10025 inetn   -   n   -   -   smtpd -o 

To use this setup i have spamproxyd running with the following command 
(I made a very dirty init.d-Script, which doesn't work correctly yet - 
so do it yourself :-)

spamproxyd localhost:1 localhost:10025 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The first argument is the hostname and port spamproxyd listens to, the 
second where scanned mails go, and the last an email address, where 
mails identified as spam are sent.

Hope it helps,

On Mittwoch, April 24, 2002, at 12:26  Uhr, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:

Would it be possible for spamassassin to be run at a level where
all inbound mail gets run through it and spam forwarded to the local


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Re: Local mail delivery gone

2002-04-22 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


take a look at /etc/postfix/
There has to be a line looking like mydestination = (or similar)
Here you have to enter all local mail destinations (the parts right of 
the @sign), for example:

mydestination =

Then local delivery should work - everything which goes to another 
destination is delivered over the host configured with relayhost =

Hope it helps,

On Montag, April 22, 2002, at 07:49  Uhr, Steve Cooper wrote:

From craigw [EMAIL PROTECTED], on Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 10:04:51PM -0700:

On Sun Apr 21, 2002 at 09:23:25PM -0700, Steve Cooper wrote:

I have a working stand-alone Debian Unstable system with a DSL
internet connection.  It happily receives email from my ISP's POP
server using getmail.  I have no problem sending mail with postfix,
configured for a smarthost.  What doesn't work, and hasn't for a while
is local mail delivery.


It works for me but I'm no expert.
Do you have /usr/bin/mail? maybe scripts are trying to use that.
On my box /usr/bin/mail is a link to /usr/sbin/sendmail (postfix's), 

I suspect I may possibly have made that link myself. Not sure.

---end quoted text---

/usr/bin/mail is fine.  Must  be part of the standard install for



  \_O  \_O  \_O
 Steve Cooper  Redmond, WA

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Re: apt-get update via rsync

2002-04-22 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


it isn't exactly what you want, but you can install apt-proxy, which 
uses rsync to get the archives from the backend (=debian mirrors) and 
then apt-get update from your local apt-proxy source - look at the 
apt-proxy documentation for more info.

There's only one caveat: I recommend you using the rsync version from 
stable (potato) as i had some compatibility problems to the mirrors with 
newer rsync versions. I also found something about this problem on the 
web, but don't remember where.

Hope it helps,

On Montag, April 22, 2002, at 02:51  Uhr, Baurjan Ismagulov wrote:


I apt-get update daily via a dial-up line. I noticed that rsyncing an
uncompressed Packages file is up to 10x faster than getting the whole
compressed one. Using

rsync -Plptv

does work, but can I do the same via apt-get?

Please cc to me, I'm not subscribed.

Thanks in advance,

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Can't get the gameport to work

2002-04-21 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


i'm currently trying to get my gamport working. I have a via chipset 
motherboard with an onboard soundcard (under alsa driven by via686a) and 
gameport. I'm using a 2.4.17 kernel.

The problem is that i can't install the ns558 kernel module (which i 
think is needed for this gameport). Here is the output of a modprobe 

isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: No Plug  Play device found
/lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/ns558.o: init_module: 
No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, 
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/ns558.o: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/ns558.o failed
/lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/drivers/char/joystick/ns558.o: insmod ns558 

My idea was to give a parameter to the ns558 module, which specifies the 
address of the gameport. As I couldn't find any documentation about 
accepted parameters for this module, I tried ioport=0x200, iobase=, ... 
but there was always the response of no valid argument.

Any ideas?



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Re: apt fail

2002-04-21 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


install dpkg-dev first:
apt-get install dpkg-dev
then it should work.

Hope it helps,

On Sonntag, April 21, 2002, at 12:30  Uhr, Ernst-Magne Vindal wrote:

I'm trying to compiling pine on my debian-sid installation, but it fails
with this output.
Ay idea why?

This first part goes ok

ohyes:/home/ernst# apt-get build-dep pine
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libldap2-dev libssl-dev
1 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 60  not
Need to get 3192kB of archives. After unpacking 8478kB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
Get:1 sid/main libldap2 2.0.23-6 [172kB]
Get:2 sid/main libssl-dev 0.9.6c-2 [1289kB]
Get:3 sid/main libldap2-dev 2.0.23-6
Fetched 3192kB in 1m21s
(Reading database ... 22834 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libldap2 2.0.23-3.1 (using
.../libldap2_2.0.23-6_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libldap2 ...
Selecting previously deselected package libssl-dev.
Unpacking libssl-dev (from .../libssl-dev_0.9.6c-2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libldap2-dev.
Unpacking libldap2-dev (from .../libldap2-dev_2.0.23-6_i386.deb) ...
Setting up libldap2 (2.0.23-6) ...

Setting up libssl-dev (0.9.6c-2) ...

Setting up libldap2-dev (2.0.23-6) ...

Here is the problem.

ohyes:/home/ernst# apt-get source --compile pine
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Need to get 3518kB of source archives.
Get:1 sid/non-free pine 4.44-4 (dsc) [657B]
Get:2 sid/non-free pine 4.44-4 (tar) [3478kB]
Get:3 sid/non-free pine 4.44-4 (diff)
Fetched 3518kB in 1m30s
sh: dpkg-source: command not found
Unpack command 'dpkg-source -x pine_4.44-4.dsc' failed.
E: Child process failed

The last step should have been:
dpkg --install *.deb

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?



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Re: Is this enough ?

2002-03-31 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


that should be enough if you simply want to serve html-pages. If you 
want to use php-scripts with data from a mysql-database or even worse: 
java servlets like cocoon, there could be performance problems. It does 
work in any case - it's only a question of speed.


On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 04:25 PM, faisal gillani wrote:

Well i have a machine which is intel 200 mhz with 32
mb ram sitting in my backward can i use it as a debain
+ apache web server on my network for small load 30
users to be exact of users ?

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Daniel Kleine-Albers

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Re: home directory permissions

2002-03-05 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Hello Charlie,

dpkg-reconfigure adduser
It asks you, if you want this behaviour or not.


Charlie Grosvenor wrote:

I have just used the command adduser to add some users to my system. I
have noticed that each user added has read rights to other users home
directory. Why is this? how can i stop adduser from creating home
directories with these permissions?



pppd: capiplugin: capitty not ready, waiting for driver ...

2001-11-25 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


i'm running a router with pppd and the capiplugin (to use the same 
machine also for hylafax) with a AVM Fritz!Card PCI. It runs perfectly 
for about one day (it differs a little bit), but then it crashes with 
the above message (in the logfiles). The machine can't be rebooted nor i 
can login, so i have to press the reset-button.

Has anyone experienced this problem or has any other suggestions for 
solving this problem ?


firewall/router crashing

2001-11-24 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers


i have a problem with my router/firewall. It crashes after a few hours 
of usage without a reason. When it has crashed, i'm not able to login on 
the console nor via ssh (to check the running processes, etc.), but it 
is still pingable. I looked in all the logfiles, but couldn't find 
anything unusual. The last thing the box does, is trying to dial my 
provider via pppd and the capiplugin. And before the connection is 
completely established, the logs stop and continue at the next boot 
(pressing the reset-button).

The configuration:
debian testing
ppp with capiplugin (dial on demand)
hylafax with capi4hylafax
2.4.12 kernel

Any suggestions ??


Re: Linux auf alten Rechnern oder Live-CD

2001-11-22 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

Sehr geehrter Hr. Eckersberg,

normalerweise ist diese Mailingliste in Englisch, aber mir fällt es 
jetzt auch leichter, auf Deutsch zu antworten.

On Donnerstag, November 22, 2001, at 08:40  Uhr, Jörg Eckersberg wrote:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich bin Informatik-Lehrer am Europa-Gymnasium in Dessau und leite die 
Fachschaft Informatik. Zur Zeit bespreche ich in der 13.Klasse gerade 
das Thema Betriebssysteme. Ich möchte den Schülern die Möglichkeit 
bieten, einmal mit Linux zu arbeiten.
Es würden sich meiner Meinung mehrer Varianten anbieten. Deswegen wende 
ich mich an Sie, um mir Rat zu holen.
1. Unsere Rechner sind AMD K6 200 mit 2GB HDD. Zur Zeit sind noch 
300-400MB frei. Ist es sinnvoll, dort noch Linux zu installieren? Kann 
Linux die entsprechenden Partitionen ohne Datenverlust anlegen?

300-400MB sollten für eine sparsame Installation auf jeden Fall reichen, 
sie müssten dann vorher mit einem Tool wie PartitionMagic die Festplatte 
so verbereiten, damit der Bereich, auf dem Linux installiert werden 
soll, als eigene Partition verfügbar ist. Dann ensteht kein 
Datenverlust. Zum Schluss müssen sie lediglich lilo (oder einen anderen 
Bootmanager) entsprechend konfigurieren, damit auch Windows wieder 
gestartet werden kann.

2. Ich habe gehört, es gibt sogenannte Live-CD's, auf denen eine 
boorfähige Linuxvariante enthalten ist.

    a) Können Sie solch eine CD zur Verfügung stellen?

Da wäre beispielsweise die LinuxCare BBC, welche allerdings zur 
Systemrettung gedacht ist und daher nur eine Textoberfläche zur 
Verfügung stellt (auf der neuen Homepage lese ich gerade, dass es auch 
einen X-Server gibt, aber ich glaube ohne KDE): 
Interessanter für Sie ist wahrscheinlich demolinux, welches auf debian 
basiert und für den Anwender ziehmlich leistungsfähig ist - eine Menge 
Applikationen, gnome und kde, basiert auf debian: . 
Von der 2.0 Version habe ich eine CD, die ich Ihnen gerne kopieren kann.

    b) Kann man die CD nutzen und nur die entsprechenden 
Konfigurations-Dateien auf HDD speichern?

Demolinux kann das, soweit ich weiß.

3. Unsere Schule hat von der IHK Halle/ Dessau 20 alte PC geschenkt 
bekommen (486er, 33MHz, 100 MB HDD, kein CD-ROM) Es existieren aber 
keine Unterlagen oder Handbücher von den Komponenten.
    a) Kann man auf diesen alten Kisten ein Linux betreiben, das nur im 
Textmodus läuft?

Theoretisch ja, die Frage ist nur, wie schnell es läuft und, ob es noch 
Spaß macht, damit zu arbeiten. Würde sagen, das sollte man mit einer 
Kiste probieren.

    b) Ein Bekannter sagte mir, ich solle bootfähige ISA-Netzkarten 
kaufen, einen richtig guten PC anschaffen, dann könnte man die alten 
Rechner als Terminal verwenden und der neue PC würde alles rechnen. 
Könnten Sie mir dazu Informationen zukommen lassen.

Einige andere Schüler und ich (momentan K13 am Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium 
St. Ottilien) haben ein solches System an unserer Schule aufgebaut. Wir 
haben einen leistungsfähigen Server (2x 1Ghz, 1 GB RAM, RAID Array) und 
14 Clients, die jeweils zwischen Pentium 133 und Pentium 200. Das Ganze 
läuft in groben Zügen etwa wie folgt ab:
Auf der Client-Festplatte liegt lediglich ein netboot-image, das dann 
mittels dhcp/tftp den Kernel vom Server holt. Sobald der Kernel startet, 
wird ihm per dhcp eine IP zugewiesen und er mountet als nfs sein 
root-Verzeichnis readonly. Dann beginnt der normale Debian-Startup (der 
ein bisschen verändert wurde wg dem readonly root). Das gemountete 
root-Verzeichnis liegt auf dem Server in einem Unterverzeichnis. Ist der 
Client gebootet, startet es den XServer und fragt die grafische 
Oberfläche vom Server an. Von nun an, wird der Client nur noch zur Ein- 
und Ausgabe verwendet, die Rechenvorgänge finden komplett auf dem Server 
statt. In unserem System steht den Nutzern keine Konsole zur Verfügung, 
ist aber nur eine Konfigurationssache.

Weitere Infos gibt's vom Linux Terminal Server Project

Für weitere Infos stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Daniel Kleine-Albers

MfG Jörg Eckersberg
Am Hanfgarten 1
06847 Dessau
Tel.: 0340/ 512953
Europa-Gymnasium Dessau
Schillerstraße 37
06844 Dessau
Tel.: 0340/2400786
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Schulleiter)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mein Computerkabinett)

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: apt-get: precedence of apt_sources ?

2001-11-07 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Normally, apt takes the one first, which is the first one in the file. 
Don't know, if cds are treated specially.

hope it helps,


On Mittwoch, November 7, 2001, at 11:10  Uhr, tom schuetz wrote:

My apt_source has both ftp sites and cds listed on it.

How does apt determine which source to try first? Do I need to take the 
cd's off of the source document if I want to get debs from the ftp 



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Re: Install only the needed *applications*

2001-09-06 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Thursday 06 September 2001 10:40, Marco Fioretti spoke wisely:

 After using linux for some years, I now know which applications
 I like best for each task (text editing, graphics, www browsing,...).
 for the same reason, I also realize that I always end up with a lot
 of unneded stuff on my HD, unless I do spend a lot of time picking
 packages by hand, with trial and error.

 Now, let's assume that I have successfully installed the bare, bare
 debian system on a PC. At this point, **without net access**, what is
 the best (script based) way to:

1) install X11 with only the server for the card I actually

2) declare the *single applications* (not packages or packages
   I need, and let the system sort all the dependencies out and put
 on the PC the *minimum* set of debs needed (picking them from
   the CDs)?

 In other words, I would like to be able to say through a script:

**I** want to use {gcc, perl, mutt, apache, postfix,
   cups and not lpd,
   pppd, iptables, ssh
   blackbox and no other file managers,
   emacs without X support, bash, fetchmail,
   gimp and gimp only, no other GNOME things
   konqueror and no other kde things
   add your favourite apps here


   **YOU** (bare debian system) sort out all the dependencies and
   pick only what is needed from the CD(s) while I go to lunch

 keep in mind that I don't need some automatic multiple installation
 like kickstart in Red Hat, and, for several reasons not worth discussing
 cannot build and burn custom CDs. I only have one PC, and want to fully
 customize it for my needs in the shortest possible time right after
 installation, from the default debian cd set.

Any ideas?


   Marco Fioretti

apt-get install all the packages you need

i would recommend dselect, because you get the recommendations for additional 
packages, too, not only the absolutely needed depends. But that could be 
against that, what you really want to do.

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Fwd: Re: Install only the needed *applications*

2001-09-06 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Thursday 06 September 2001 11:32, Marco Fioretti spoke wisely:

  apt-get install all the packages you need
  i would recommend dselect, because you get the recommendations for
  additional packages, too, not only the absolutely needed depends. But
  that could be against that, what you really want to do.

 Which one of these methods is best for script use right after
 installation, i.e.:

   No net access yet
   Only the official debian CDs available
   Minimum manual intervention (hopefully just
   changing the CD when asked?)

Then you should use apt-get. If you install a bare debian system apt/dpkg
asks you, how many questions it should ask during installation. If you set
the priority to critical, you don't get almost any questions during

If you want to script, i recommend using apt-get because thats the simpliest
way. Simply make a script:
apt-get install the packages you need
there should be a parameter --assume-yes which causes even less questions to
be asked. see man apt-move

 I am quite expert with red hat, and have started to study debian
 One of the things I found most confusing is the relationship betweeen
 dselect (?dpkg?) and what not. When do you use one or the other? Why?
 Are there any online documents explaining this specific issues?

   Marco Fioretti

in short:
dpkg is the backend as rpm is on suse or redhat.
apt-get and dselect are frontends. With dselect you normally use apt-get as a
middle-part between dselect itself and dpkg.

the frontends have in common that the acquire the packages automatically
from cdrom, ftp, http, ...

with dpkg you can only install packages you have as files directly with dpkg
-i packagefile.deb

For further info have a look at:

hope that helps

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: An MP3 player

2001-08-28 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Tuesday 28 August 2001 16:59, David Frischknecht spoke wisely:

 Does anyone know where I can get a free MP3 player prepackaged into a .deb
 file?  Thanks.

 David A. Frischknecht

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make international calls for as low as $0.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger.

for x: xmms, freeamp
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and many more ...

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: kernel 2.4.x

2001-08-26 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Sunday 26 August 2001 22:51, Oren Gozlan spoke wisely:
 any info about kernel 2.4.x ?
 any one have tried it ?


i'm using it in conjunction with testing without _ANY_ problems

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: Sound is choppy

2001-08-26 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Sunday 26 August 2001 18:33, dman spoke wisely:
 On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 03:49:31PM -0700, David Frischknecht wrote:
 | Hello,
 | Whenever a sound is played under Linux, it sounds
 | choppy.  Could someone help me out with this?

 I had this problem before and it was due to choosing the wrong DMA
 channel.  Recheck your settings on it.

I had the same problem, for me it fixed with installing alsa. (Before i was 
using the sound directly with a kernel module without a software sound 
system between application and kernel)

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: XFree86\xf86cfg system crash

2001-08-25 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hello together,

xf86cfg seems to do not work without any parameters.
Try using xf86cfg -textmode . It worked fine for me many times.

hope it helps


On Saturday 25 August 2001 13:34, Pedro Neves spoke wisely:

 I'm having the same problem, and I also don't understand why thy ended with
 XF86Setup. I read that they're working on a replacement, but until it's
 available I guess the only thing to do is edit XF86 config manually...
 Regarding the mouse, there's a document in Xfree86 docs about the mice and
 its protocols.
 They also advise about possible crashes on some systems after running
 XFree86 - configure, so I guess yours and mine are some of those systems,
 although I cannot explain why it crashes (maybe something to do with
 probing procedures?).

 good luck


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 6:54 AM
 Subject: XFree86\xf86cfg system crash

  okay, so after learning that XF86Setup is not working anymore (why did


  do that? it seemed like a really good prog) i've installed


  etc. so that i could run XFree86 (and in effect, xf86cfg which is


  on it). So i installed the packages, and just ran XFree86 as root with no
  arguments to make sure that it was installed and everything, which it


   Then I ran XFree86 -configure (one of the suggested XF86Setup

 replacements i

  was referred to), and.. nothing. Screen goes blank and I have to hit
  ctrl-alt-delete several times before it reboots okay.  So then, being
  somewhat stubborn, I try to run xf86cfg which yields the same results.


  I should go with the old adage If you want something done right, do it
  yourself and edit the configuration file manually.  My dilemma is that
  my mouse isn't recognized.  When i just run the X sever by itself ( '$ X'
  ) ,


  starts but the mouse doesn't move, and startx complains about an invalid
  argument in relation to /dev/mouse.  So i guess i just need to edit the
  pointer section of the config file.  I've got the standard Microsoft
  mouse with a little roll button dealie, and pretty much a standard debian
  configuration, so what should i call the protocol and what's the device


  (and anything else i probably should tack on there)? Init isn't starting


  so i think its just a configuration file problem.
  But all the same, this xf86cfg thing has gotten kind of personal... i

 mean, i

  just want to be able to get it to work for no other reason than its
  really bothering me (well, not that much but still).  So any theories a/b
  why xf86cfg and XFree86 -configure are crashing my system?
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Daniel Kleine-Albers

Fwd: Re: how do i find out kernel-image parameters

2001-07-27 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Friday 27 July 2001 10:12, R. Prabhakar spoke wisely:
 i have installed a debian progeny distribution.

 i want to know if the kernel is compiled with CONFIG_IP_TRANSPARENT_PROXY
 defined. how do i do this? in general is there a way to find out what
 options have been set in the kernel?



Normally there is a file in /boot/ which has the name config-kernel version
and contains the kernel config parameters, if you use a precompiled kernel.
Don't know if this file is exactly the same in progeny, also it is based on

hope it helps


Re: How to create a local archive of debian ftp ?

2001-07-05 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
 mkinitrd-cd mkrboot mldvi mmake
   mmorph mmv mona motion mountapp mrt mscompress mtx multimon multitee
   mutt-ja net-acct netmask netspades-gtk netspades-server netspades-
   slang newsflash noffle npadmin nslint ntop oaklisp octave-epstk
   onshore-timesheet onshore-timesheet-el opalmod openacs openldap-
   guide opie-client opie-server opt orm panorama pas2html pcrd perl-tk
   perl2html pftp photopc phplib pictures pilrc pinfo pkf plib-doc
   pmidi postilion postit powertweak pretzel procinfo propsel psptools
   pstoedit ptknettools purity-off pyching pycmail pydict pyftpd pysol
   pysol-cardsets pysol-sounds python-kjbuckets python-mxstack python-
   mxtexttools python-mxtools python-reportlab python-slang python-utmp
   quickplot radiusd-cistron radiusd-livingston rcs-latex re read-edid
   realtimebattle redir remind robodoc roleplaying roxen-fonts-iso8859-
   1 roxen-fonts-iso8859-2 rplay rplay-client rplay-contrib rplay-perl
   rplay-server rproxy rsync ruby-manual rusers rusersd rxp s3mod sac
   samba-doc-ja scalapack-doc sced sclient scm scotty sed sendpage
   setcd sidplay-base sillypoker sing sitecopy skkfep slang1-ja slang1-
   ja-dev slib slice slrn-ja smupsd smupsd-monitor snack snack-dev
   solid-pop3d sound-recorder soundtracker space-orbit spellcast-doc
   spf sporum squidtaild srecord stardic statserial superd svgatextmode
   svncviewer sxid symlinks syslog-summary sysprofile tarcust task-
   games task-gnome-apps task-gnome-games task-gnome-net task-imap
   task-spanish task-x-window-system task-x-window-system-core tclexpat
   tcllib tclx8.0.4 tclx8.0.4-dev tcpreplay tcs tetex-src texinfo tf
   tftp-hpa tftpd-hpa tik tk8.0 tk8.0-dev tk8.2 tk8.2-dev tk8.2-doc
   tkchooser tkhylafax tkworld tob toolbar-fancy trans-de-en transproxy
   tree trscripts trueprint ts tua ude uisp umsdos unifont urlview
   user-ja uucp uwm vacation varmon vcg verilog-mode watanabe-vfont
   wavtools wemi wfinnish wm2 wmakerconf-data wmcpu wmdate wmfire
   wmgrabimage wmmand wmmatrix wmmixer wmmoonclock wmmount wmscope
   wmsensors wmspaceweather wmtop wmtz wmweather wn woody wpolish
   wspanish wxhelp x-face-el xarchon xarchon-theme-default xbatt
   xbreaky xdkcal xfishtank xflip xfonts-cmex-big5p xfonts-thai xfonts-
   thai-manop xfonts-thai-nectec xfonts-thai-vor xinv3d xkbsel xkbsel-
   gnome xkeycaps xlaby xlogmaster xmahjongg xmbase-grok xmountains
   xshipwars-images-st xshipwars-sounds-st xsitecopy xskat xtoolwait
   xzoom yh ytalk zh-trans zope-bytecodehacks zope-guf zope-
   pythonmethod zope-renderable zope-worldpilot zope-zieve zope-

  Wrote 752 entries to output Packages file.
 Building: woody contrib Packages.gz
  !! Package iraf has `Section: contrib/science', but file is in `misc' !!
  !! Package iraf-noaobin has `Section: contrib/science', but file is in
 `misc' !!
  !! Package nestra has `Section: contrib/otherosfs', but file is in `games'
 !! !! Package x11iraf has `Section: contrib/science', but file is in `misc'

  ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **
   ezmanage iraf-dev

  Wrote 30 entries to output Packages file.
 Building: woody non-free Packages.gz
  ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **
   eemu-client eemu-server gap4-gdat gap4-tdat libtao1.1 mpg123-alsa
   mpg123-esd mpg123-nas mpg123-oss-i486 zangband

  Wrote 55 entries to output Packages file.
 Building: woody non-US/main Packages.gz
  ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **
   arla arla-dev arla-modules-2.0.36 cfs gpasman gs-pdfencrypt
   libroxen-ldapmod unzip-crypt zmailer-ssl

  Wrote 9 entries to output Packages file.
 Building: woody non-US/contrib Packages.gz
  Wrote 0 entries to output Packages file.
 Building: woody non-US/non-free Packages.gz
  ** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **

  Wrote 10 entries to output Packages file.

 All done, exiting.

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: How to create a local archive of debian ftp ?

2001-07-05 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Thursday 05 July 2001 08:11, Steve Kowalik spoke wisely:
 On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 07:19:32AM +0200, Daniel Kleine-Albers uttered:
  which version of apt-move do you use? The one from potato?
  I recommend you to use the apt-move from testing/woody. I just set it up
  a few days ago - without any problems. I think apt-move hasn't many
  depends (even none, perhaps) so you don't need to upgrade your whole
  system just for

 No Depends?! Never let it be said.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache show apt-move | grep Depend
 Depends: awk, bc (= 1.05a-6), dpkg-dev (=, debianutils (=
 1.13.1), libapt-pkg-libc6.2-3-2-3.1, libc6 (= 2.2.2-2),

 So ner! :-)

Of course, it has depends, but if you have installed the version for potato,  
i think you don't need to upgrade many packages to use the new version.

Daniel Kleine-Albers


2001-06-24 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Sunday 24 June 2001 01:13, Juan spoke wisely:
 After install MySQL sever/client debian packages, is it ready for use? I
 mean, am I have to configure it?

It's immediately ready to use. But you should set at least a admin password 
with mysqladmin password yourpassword, so that not everybody could do 
everything with your mysql-server.

Daniel Kleine-Albers

Re: How to create a local archive of debian ftp ?

2001-06-23 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

On Friday 22 June 2001 09:54, you spoke wisely:

 First, thanks for your reply, and sorry for my last message about apt-move,
 I've didn't see you've answered me in this mailing list thread.

  How's you're sources.list?

 My sources.list looks like something like that :

 deb potato main contrib non-free
 deb potato/non-US main contrib

 deb-src potato main contrib non-free
 deb-src potato/non-US main contrib

 I'm creating the mirror on a machine using potato with hight bandwith (ADSL
 in french).
 But I want to mirror the woody archive.

You have to change the lines to woody and add your machine on top of the 
sources.list. You have to be careful with this because you shouldn't do any 
apt-get install or apt-get upgrade, otherwise your machine would have woody 
packages installed which could end up in a chaos. If you only run apt-get 
update, nothing on your machine will change (except the package lists of 
course). If you want to install something on your machine change the lines 
back to potato, comment your local mirror out and run apt-get update, install 
all the packages you need and then change back everything to mirror again. 
You could write a little script for doing this.

 But, If I add 'woody' on my sources.dist, my distrib will be updated to
 woody, not potato ?
 Is it ?

see above

  Remember to run apt-get update before running apt-move mirror.

 Really on a potato ?

yes, but don't run apt-get upgrade!


Logfile looks good for your config. 

hope all questions are cleared now.


Re: How to create a local archive of debian ftp ?

2001-06-21 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

On Thursday 21 June 2001 09:26, you spoke wisely:

 Well, I've tried to configure and use apt-move in order to mirror woody
 Things seems to go well, but my local archive is about 500 Mo and lot and
 lot of packages are missing.

How's you're sources.list?
You have to enter your local archive before the external sources, otherwise 
apt-move will download the whole archive from external everytime. You have to 
enter all the sources which you want to mirror in you sources.list file with 
the appropriate dists.

Remember to run apt-get update before running apt-move mirror.

 Do you know what's going wrong ?

 How big is your local archive ?
as i wrote in the last mail, about 4 or 5 GB

temporarily you need nearly the duplicate space cause apt-move first 
downloads the packages to cache and then afterwards moves it into the mirror 

 Do you know if there is something I've badly configured ?

 My .exclude is empty. Can I send you my apt-move.conf file ?

 Thanks for your reply,

 With kind regards.

 Gaël Pegliasco.

Do you get any errors from apt-move like Tried to dequeue fetching object 
or something?

You can send me your apt-move.conf but i don't think that the error is in 
this configuration file.

If you have a dialup connection it may be that your provider kicked you off 
and apt-move aborted cause it was not possible to connect to the host.

Are the packages-files generated? Can you access your local mirror correctly 
with dselect or apt?

in hope for a solution,


Re: How to create a local archive of debian ftp ?

2001-06-20 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

i'm mirroring woody and sid, but as i am currently not at the computer which 
mirrors it, i can't tell you the exact size. For both a 10GB HD is at about 
95% usage. So i think woody is about 4GB, but i don't know at this moment. 
Think about that i have some packages excluded like the kde i18n-files for 
the languages i don't need and all the hamradio stuff and some others.


On Wednesday 20 June 2001 10:28, you spoke wisely:

 Thanks, for your reply.
 I'm actually trying to use apt-move.
 I think it could determine itself which are te relevant packages for woody
 i386, and it won't download all the enormous pool directory which full fill
 my hard disk.

 Which distribution do you mirror ? If it is woody, how many disk size does
 it use ?

 With kind regards,


  I can't answer your question directly, but it looks to me that the
  files in the distros are sometimes only links to the pool.
  I'm creating and updating a mirror successfully with apt-move. (Even if
  it has a few disadvantages)
  You should have a look at this package. You can create a complete mirror
  for one distro without doing a lot of configuration work, but it's also
  possible to exclude packages that you never need (perhaps the
  hamradio-packages or something). Have a look in /usr/doc/apt-move/ too
  after installing the package.
  Hope that helps

Problems with kdm and sessreg - not all user sessions are recorded

2001-06-20 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hello to all,

i have a network with diskless X workstations running. Every client is asking 
the server for everything above the Xserver (using ver 4.0.3) with XFree86 
-query sonne (where sonne is the name of the server).

On the server X is configured to answer these requests and everything is 
working very well, but there is a little problem:

in kdm.options there is using of sessreg enabled (use-sessreg) (and sessreg 
is installing and working, of course), but with the commands users or who, i 
can only see the last logged in user and the console users directly on the 
server, of course. For example user test logs in on one of the workstations, 
users gives me the following:

test root root

(2 root consoles), also if there are 3 or 4 other users logged in. With who i 
get even the right client display (for example 

If this user logs out only root root is given back. The other users don't 
ahow anywhere, also if i can see their processes with ps axu or top.

I read in the manual page to sessreg that sessreg is calculating a slot for 
each login with the file /etc/ttys and /etc/X11/Xservers. So I added for 
every client an entry to Xservers, just to make sure sessreg could find the 
clients. But the file /etc/ttys doesn't exist on my server and the debian 
package search doesn't return any package which contains it.

Has anyone got a similiar problem or can at least tell me what I have to 
write to /etc/ttys to let this work?



Re: dhcp-client

2001-06-19 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Tuesday 19 June 2001 05:58, Mike Pfleger spoke wisely:

 I've upgraded two partitions from Debian potato (well, Storm, actually) to
 testing, and have installed dhcp-client for net access through my firewall.
 I can ping my firewall, and verify the eth0 to firewall traffic via the
 LEDs on my switch.  I can't however, reach anything past the firewall.  No
 net activity on the gkrellm LEDs, or the LEDs in the switch during pings to
 any outside IP addresses, ping just reports the network as unreachable.

 I'm sending this email from the same machine, via another install.  This
 installation is on a second removable HDD.  Thus, the hardware and firewall
 can be ruled out at culprits, as can Shaw.  I seem to remember getting a
 prompt for configuring netbase, where I had to enter a local IP address
 range, with the default being:
 In a fit of brilliance, I entered:
 And I strongly suspect that had something to do with my current grief.

 So... the questions for all you networking gods/goddesses are:
 - What file(s) should I be considering as culprits for the lack of
 - Does anyone know, offhand, where the above IP address range values have
 been stored?
 - What is the recommended course of action?

 I'm trying to move away from pump, which I am using on this install.

 Thanks in advance,


i think the is stored in /etc/network/spoof-protect. I suggest to 
you looking in this file and setting the right values for all configuration 
options. For me the file looks like this:

LOCAL_IFACES=eth0 eth1 ppp0

If you only have one network card and no other connection (like ISDN or 
something, you can remove the eth1 and ppp0 thing in LOCAL_IFACES.

Look in /etc/network/interfaces too for wrong settings. Normally there is one 
loopback and one eth interface entry.

After changing these files to the right values, do a /etc/init.d/networking 
restart to reconfigure your interfaces.

Hope that helps,


Re: XMMS playback fault!

2001-06-17 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
On Sunday 17 June 2001 19:08, Richard Collins spoke wisely:
 XMMS plays all mp3s too fast, and high pitched,
 It did this before upgrading to woody.  I have a AMD K6-5  550MHz on a
 TMC m/b with on board VIA chipset sound, but I don't think hardware is
 the problem.

 Any ideas???


I had a similiar problem. For me it got fixed after installing alsa. With the 
kernel module only you have these timing problems. (with every player)


installing a debian system within another debian system

2001-06-04 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hello together,

i just wanted to know, if it's possible to install a seperate debian system 
within another debian system with the normal utilities like apt, dpkg and 
dselect. What i want to do is, to have a simple possibility to maintain my 
linux terminal server. The mother system ist the one the server runs on. 
And the child system should be the one the clients get to run on (ltsp 

Has anybody any suggestions for a solution?



opengl setup with riva128 chipset

2001-05-27 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Hello together,

i've searched about 4 hours now to find a good manual or howto to set
up opengl support under debian linux for the nvidia riva128 chipset.
The drivers provided from nvidia don't seem to work with the riva128
chipset. Do you know a good howto or manual about setting up opengl
support with this chipset?

Another little question: how can i get back to the config menu for
the xserver-xfree86 package? The menu asking which video card, ...


Daniel Kleine-Albers

problems with apt-move

2001-04-13 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers

i have a problem with apt-move. I want to mirror the testing
distribution with the i386 packages on my unstable machine.
Configured like the comments in the config file told me, i just get
the following errors when i use apt-move mirror:

E: Can't find a file for package ... (due to missing arch).
E: Tried to dequeue a fetching object.

Both these messages appear at least 100 times. It seems that there is
a message for every package installed on my machine.

Can anybody tell me what these errors mean and probably how to fix

thank you

p.s.: apt-get works fine

Re: Can't get php working, please help

2001-02-14 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
Eivind Arnesen schrieb am 14.02.2001:

Sorry to bother you all with this, but I have simply
spent enough (=to much) time on this (browsing newsgroups and the

I cannot get php working with my apache server.
I have tried both php3 and php4, but with no success.

I'am currently running Apache/1.3.9 and php3 on Debian 2.2.

When I run apache -l I get:

Compiled-in modules:

I have installed apache and php3 using apt-get.  I have also
tried newer versions of apache and php, but none have worked.
I've uncommented Loadmodule ... php ... line in httpd.conf
and .php .php3 etc. are included in the file mime.types

When I try to open a php file in netscape, nothing happens!
(the html is ok, but phpinfo() for example does not work!)

Can someone help? Give me some instructions?

I hoped(thought) that apt-get install would spare med from such
I've managed to get it to work when I compile from source (using SuSE
linux), but I'd rather use apt-get whenever possible.  That's one of
main reasons that I wan't to use debian.


Have you added or uncommented the AddType directive in httpd.conf
where it is defined that the php-handler should be called, if a
request comes in for a php-page?

If you try to access a php file do you get back the source code? Then
the above should be the solution.


On the 8th day, God created Linux

Re: woody, apache, jserv

2001-02-14 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 14.02.2001:
I'm running woody on a server, I used dselect to install apache and
Now when apache tries to start up it errors saying:

Syntax error on line 120 of /etc/jserv/jserv.conf:
Invalid command 'SetHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not
included in the server configuration

Line 120 of /etc/jserv/jserv.conf

Location /jserv/
  SetHandler jserv-status

  order deny,allow
  deny from all
  allow from localhost

obviously line 120 is the SetHandler

is this something I need or can I just comment it out, or is
something that can
be fixed easily.


This handler show's up the status of jserv to you. For a productive
environment you don't really need it. But if it's important to you to
get server runtime information, then you should find the error. I
don't know about it now. I haven't these lines in my jserv.conf

Perhaps the module isn't loaded properly.

Re: Networking w/ Win98

2001-01-27 Thread Daniel Kleine-Albers
DSC Lithuania schrieb am 27.01.2001:
Okay, I have my system up, my ethernet NIC installed, and am getting
to like this.

However, I was playing with the network utilities, trying to figure
out how to link to our local Win95/98
Ethernet-10 network, and having little to no success.  Part of the
reason, I suspect, is that the Win95/98
network has NetBeui / SPX-IPX protocols (some also have TCP/IP,
though that is currently useless ),
whereas my Linux system looks like it wants NFS.  Now, I did install
TCP/IP with the Linux box as its
own domain name server.

So anyhow, I'm wondering:  what's the best way to get Linux boxes
linked to Win boxes?  And is there
a good HOWTO on Networking with Linux/Unix?  (also related... where
can I get to a web-based list of

I'm sorry I'm such a newbie; but I have only two books on Linux with
me, and 2 books on the generalities
of networks, so I have to ask questions.

Okay, a list of available HOWTO's you can find at
There you can easily search for HOWTO's regarding your Topic.
To get a connection with Windows you can use Samba which is available
as a package in debian. It provides file and printing services and
some extras.

I recommend to install on all the Boxes TCP/IP and to kick out the
NetBeui /IPX-SPX protocols if you don't really need them.