invisible console

2010-04-30 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I like an old-fashioned VGA text look on the console; in
/etc/default/console-setup I have


This used to work.

But after a dist-upgrade around April 10th, the behaviour changed.

1 -- cold startup works normally (and looks normal).
2 -- startx works OK
3 -- pressing control-alt-f2 (to go to the console temporarily)
now gives a (framebuffer?) screen with very small letters; at the
top of the screen there is a message from drm stating that the
resolution is set to 1250 x 1024 (instead of 640 x 480 which is
what I want).
4 -- presing alt-f7 gets me back into X.
5 -- pressing control-alt-f2 AGAIN gives a completely black
screen. Nothing visible. Going back to X with alt-f7 is still

uname -a gives:
Linux vega 2.6.32-3-686 #1 SMP Thu Feb 25 06:14:20 UTC 2010 i686

This kernel was installed recently; booting an earlier kernel,
e.g. 2.6.29-2, gets the old (proper) behaviour back.

Configuration error? Or bug? If the latter, which package?

Regards, Jan

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invisible console (solved)

2010-04-30 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Sorry. Missed a previous thread. Cured it by setting

  options radeon modeset=0

in /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf

This works (original value was 1).

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: Vuze (Azureus) broken after Apt-get upgrade

2009-12-18 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 Probably related to 
 there's a supposed work-around in Message-Id:, which should be in the
 archives.  I did not test the work-around because I do not use
 any Java applications regularly.

Thanks very much! I had the same problem and (because I had been
messing with my shorewall settings recently) thought it was my
fault. Your message prevented me from pulling my hair out.

Regards, Jan

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xsession errors

2009-10-15 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
On my machine the file ~/.xsession-errors grows and grows without
limits. I have to remove it regularly before it takes over my
whole disk; this has been the case for years. Last time I removed
it was September 21; now it is again already 135M in size! It
grows by the minute. It is mainly full of GDK-Warnings.

Did anyone else have this problem, either now or in the past? If
in the past, what did you do to solve it?

Regards, Jan

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install problem

2009-09-16 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
This is really an embarrassing question for an old Debian hand to
ask, but how do I install Debian?

I just bought a netbook which has no CDROM drive, but which can
boot from a USB stick. I could dd an Ubuntu image to the stick and
then boot from it. But I prefer just plain old Debian.

I found (through the Debian home page) an image called
debian-503-i386-netinst.iso. I dd'd it to the stick. But the
netbook does not boot from it.

There must be something very elementary which I did wrong. But what?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Silverlight/Moonlight/Tuva

2009-08-31 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
David Fox wrote:

 I didn't get it to work. I reloaded firefox, brought up the
 site again, same thing. It thinks the silverlight / moonlight
 isn't loaded, although the clicktrhough site says it is. about:
 plugins in firefox says it is too.
 The videos play normally; no mention is made that
 silverlight is a requirement.

Through Novell's bugzilla page I found another page which, just
like Microsoft's Tuva page, does not work:

It complains about silverlight/moonlight not being installed,
while in fact it is. But apparently, what is missing is
silverlight version 2, while Debian only has version 1.

What is especially galling about this situation is that the
Richard Feynman lectures on The Character of Physical Law are
now only available on Tuva. They've disappeared from Youtube. Such
things could make a person paranoid.

Regards, Jan

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2009-08-28 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Has anyone succeeded in using the moonlight packages in order to
view the videos at Microsoft's Tuva project? If so, which packages
are needed exactly / which tricks?

Regards, Jan

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Re: iceweasel puzzle (SOLVED)

2009-07-07 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

 export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
 in .xinitrc. The reference to makes me think this may
 be a similar problem.

Well -- this did not work. I finally decided on a new, especially
thorough, purging of anything having to do with java,
web-browsers, macromedia, and flash. Lots of times doing
updatedb and locate; removing many dot-files and
dot-directories in /etc and in my home directory.

Then installed (after saving bookmarks  passwords)

 - iceweasel
 - vuze (which pulls in lots of openjdk-6 stuff)
 - icedtea6-plugin (browser plugin for openjdk-6)
 - flashplugin-nonfree

All sun-java stuff had been purged (AFAIK).

And now it works. I mean both applets and the
login page work.The unsatisfactory thing is, I still don't know
which of the countless files I removed was the real culprit. But
it works now. Thanks all who thought about this.

Regards, Jan.

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Re: iceweasel puzzle

2009-07-04 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 With iceweasel 3.0.6-1 works as expected.
 You don't have Noscript enabled do you?

Java and Javascript are enabled and both work.
I tried moving the .mozilla directory out of the way; didn't help.
Thought it might have something to do with the flash plugin
(because locate strictlysudoku turned up some entries in
~/.macromedia), reinstalled and removed flash in various ways--
nothing helps.

The login popup window is blank, not only in iceweasel on my
computer, but also in Opera! So it is not an iceweasel puzzle only.

The login popup window is loaded somehow; I can read the source
code. I can save it as a file, and open the file with iceweasel or
opera: it is blank. Opera has two complaints (may or may not be

   ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
   preloaded: ignored.
   ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
   preloaded: ignored.

This might be significant, although I have not a clue what it
means. There are several files called and on
my system (installed by openoffice, sun jre, and openjdk6;
client and server versions). But this sudoku site does not use
java, only javascript. As long as you just want to play sudoku
(with logging in) you don't even need javascript.

In lynx, the saved login form is displayed (but of course in lynx,
I cannot play sudoku, because this a graphical thing).

N.B. ~/.xsession-errors keeps getting filled up with (to me)
incomprehensible warnings and errors, like:

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: instance of invalid
non-instantiatable type `(null)'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE
(instance)' failed

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
instance `0x90ecda8' has no handler with id `4276'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
instance `0x97d1908' has no handler with id `4536'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid
uninstantiatable type `(null)' in cast to `GtkObject'

(firefox-bin:5229): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: instance of invalid
non-instantiatable type `(null)'

So, if someone has any bright idea.. in the meantime I keep digging.

Regards, Jan

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iceweasel puzzle

2009-07-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I use iceweasel to visit the site
In the left-hand column there are ĺogin' and 'register' links. If
I click one of those, a window pops up, but it is completely blank.

On my wife's computer, which uses the same gateway/firewall, and
which is also more or less Debian (well, ubuntu), clicking the
links produces proper 'login' and 'register' forms.

Any idea of what could be the matter on my computer?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Unicode recommendations in a terminal - Please advise.

2009-06-28 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Chris Jones wrote:

 How should I set up my terminal - xterm - and what might be a 
 good unicode fixed font that could make the experience more
 true to life?

The Debian package xfonts-efont-unicode has very wide character
coverage (incl. Chinese/Japanese). For tips on how to set it up,
google my page Configuring xterm for UTF-8.

 Another thing is that I would like to be able to display all
 the glyphs of a given font so I can tell at a glance what
 scripts are covered.

I use xfd:

xfd -fn '-efont-biwidth-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*'

 xfd from the x11-utils package is fine, but it does not appear 
 to support Truetype fonts.

The efonts aren't Truetype. You get the oldfashioned xterm look 

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Re: java applets

2009-06-28 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Frank Lin PIAT wrote:

 Can you list the plugins in iceweasel, typically, with the _one_line_
 find /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/  -name *.so \
   | xargs -n 1 readlink -m | xargs dpkg -S
This gives:
realplayer: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
mozilla-acroread: /usr/lib/Adobe/Reader9/Browser/intellinux/

about:plugins in iceweasel, on the other hand, says I have plugins for

Shockwave Flash
Adobe Reader 9.1
Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible

So neither Icedtea (for openjdk-6) nor the Sun plugin are
available; and so, of course, applets do not work. It has been
like this for ages now; am getting a bit desperate. Whatever I do,
I cannot get a working Java plugin back.

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Re: java applets

2009-06-28 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Frank Lin PIAT wrote:
 On Sun, 2009-06-28 at 14:18 +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:

 If everything else fails:
 - Purge all JRE
   See:   aptitude search ?and(~Pjava-runtime,~i)
 - Purge iceweasel
 - Reinstall iceweasel
 - Reinstall sun-java6-plugin
 - Create a new user account
 - Test the JRE on

All else had already failed .. but this worked. I lost some prefs
and my bookmarks, but could restore them from backup.

Thanks very much!

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2009-06-22 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I just read this:

AFAICU the article recommends throwing out, among other things,
ALSA and pulseaudio, which it has harsh words for, and using OSS
version 4 instead.

Switching everything to OSS4 with its (alleged) built-in sound
mixing seems very attractive.

Does Debian support OSS Version 4 now? Is there a decent Debian
sound tutorial somewhere? Using Sid.

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2009-06-21 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I just want to install a Java runtime environment which will allow
me to see Java applets in action. It seems I have the choice of
(at least)

icedtea-6-jre-cacao (includes its own jre, apparently)
openjdk-6-jre (required by Azureus/Vuze; it does not seem to
accept other Javas)

Today I did another attempt: rigorously dpkg --purge'd any trace
of any other jre than openjdk-6-jre. It does not have a mozilla
plugin, but suggests installing icedtea6-plugin and
sun-java6-fonts. But then sun-java6-fonts wants to install
sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jre, and suggests sun-java6-plugin
and ia32-sun-java6-plugin. And the icedtea6-plugin does not work...

This is dependency hell. Does anybody know of a decent tutorial
for setting up jre, any jre, on Debian? With only one boundary
condition: it should work. I haven't been able to see applets
working for about half a year now.

Regards, Jan

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Re: java applets

2009-06-21 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Frank Lin PIAT wrote:

 Humm, installing sun-java6-plugin (or sun-java5-plugin or 
 icedtea-gcjwebplugin) should pull all the required

Yess.. but that means I'll have at least two jre's: sun-java6 and
the one required by Azureus/Vuze. How can I be sure that they
won't bite each other? Now, with only the openjdk-6-jre
installed, I don't see any applets working, but at least Iceweasel
does not crash/become unresponsive, as it did invariably on
applet-containing pages twhen there were 2 or more jre's.

 Does anybody know of a decent tutorial for setting up jre,
 any jre, on Debian?

 Hopefully, aptitude install sun-java6-plugin should be

But I need the openjdk-6-jre as well because of Azureus/Vuze.

 doesn't work is a bit short.

In this case it means: after restarting the browser, the plugin
does not show in about:plugins. And applets do not work; I get an
invitation to click something to download the plugin, but then it
says that there is no appropriate plugin available.

I know that, running Sid, I cannot expect the Moon. But I've had
this problem for 6 months or so now. And I haven't a clue which
package I should file a bug against. This is typically one of
those inter-package bugs for which the BTS does not seem to be
very suitable. Perhaps we need a java task force (as well as a
sound task force).

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: java

2009-06-21 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
 If you're running 32-bit, you'll probably just want the

I am running 32-bit. But if I kill openjdk-6-jre, I'd lose
Azureus/Vuze, which I use to download Korean soap operas. My wife,
who is addicted to the things, would kill me if I did.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled?

2009-06-10 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
emikaadeo wrote:

 I just enabled keyboard layout in 
 KSystemsettingsRegionalLanguageKeyboard Layout, and there,
 in advanced tab I check: Key sequence to kill X server

I filed a bug against xserver-xorg about the disappearance of
control-alt-backspace, and the maintainer (Julien Cristau) wrote
back saying

  DontZap will be changed back to off by default soon.

He also gave the tip to re-enable control-alt-backspace by
including in the XKBOPTIONS line in /etc/default/console-setup:


After which (to be on the safe side) you have to reboot.

I suppose this will be necessary (for those without KDE/Gnome)
until DontZap = off becomes the default again.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled?

2009-06-08 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Andrei Popescu wrote: (about getting ctl-alt-backspace back):
 You need
 OptionDontZap false
 in the ServerFlags section of your xorg.conf (check the manpage for 
 xorg.conf, I'm writing from memory).

This worked for about a week -- but nannyism has crept further. In
the latest Sid, even this trick doesn't work anymore. How to get
it back, I wonder.

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Re: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled?

2009-06-08 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
widux wrote:

 for me
   right-Alt + Print + k 
 does the trick!

How on earth did you find this out?

Also, do you know where this is set, so I could change it? Or is
it hard-coded somehow? Anyway, thanks for the information.

Regards, Jan

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replacing hard disk

2009-06-01 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
My wife's computer which runs ubuntu heron made a funny sound
today. I now think it must have come from the hard disk, which is
quite old; the motherboard and cpu are fairly new, however. And
just now the computer became unusable because it could no longer
save any files. /var/log/syslog told about a disk error which
resulted in the disk being remounted read-only. Restarting the
computer caused an fsck, and now the machine works again, but it
is clear that the disk is nearing the end of its life.

So tomorrow it's off to the computer shop to get a new hard disk.

Are there any tips on moving the whole system from the old disk to
the new one? Or do I just have to re-install ubuntu, re-install
any updates and extra programs which are installed, find and copy
modified config files, mails, bookmarks, etc?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled?

2009-05-31 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
IMHO disabling an old and trusted functionality is simply
introducing a bug, made worse by keeping silent about it (no word
about it in changelog.gz or NEWS.Debian.gz).

It must surely be a tiny minority of users who press
control-alt-backspace by mistake; I find it hard to imagine
even.  But for users who suffer from this syndrome there has
always been the possibility of specifying DontZap. Forcing it on
all users is a Bad Thing.

Regards, Jan

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Re: What hardware to use for Debian Firewall/Gateway or server?

2009-05-28 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Csanyi Pal wrote:

 Yes, with Debian Etch, but not with Debian Lenny! 
 So: can one install on it say a Debian GNU/Linux Lenny? 

I suppose you can, although I didn't try it. I think you can
install anything you want; I heavily customised mine (in fact I am
no longer using any of the Bubba-specific software provided by
Excito). Apt-get works; upgrading to Lenny is just a matter of
pointing your sources.list towards it, I think. The kernel is, so it should not be a problem (don't quote me on that,
though; I also do not quite understand why you should want to use
Lenny, rather than Etch, on a server. First prepare a rescue
stick before starting any experiments!).

Mind that it is a headless device. Everything has to be done
through ssh (or local telnet). It has no cd-rom drive, keyboard,
or monitor. But it is just a Debian system (for powerpc, not for
i386). Everything behaves just like your desktop Debian system.

Don't expect gigantic calculating power from this machine. It is
good for shifting bits around (what a home server/gateway should
do) but not for anything calculation-intensive. I mean, the low
power consumption and silent operation had to come from somewhere.
Absolutely fine though, as a server/firewall/gateway.

Regards, Jan

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Re: What hardware to use for Debian Firewall/Gateway or server?

2009-05-26 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Csanyi Pal wrote:

 What is the recommended new hardware for firewall/gateway or
 for a web, mail, file  printer server at a small home network?
 Any advices will be appreciated!

I am now using a Bubba 2, made by a Swedish company:

It runs Debian. More expensive, of course, than using an old
desktop or laptop computer (but the price is going down all the
time, now 212 euros for a unit with 500 GB hard disk), but it uses
almost no electricity, and it is silent (fanless). Very suitable
for 24/7 operation. I am very happy with it.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Alt-F7 fails

2009-05-25 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Steve Kemp wrote:
   You can dump a skeleton xorg.conf file by running, as root:

Yes, this gives an absolutely bare-bones xorg.conf with one
section  in it:

Section Device
Identifier  Configured Video Device

It works; and in fact, even without any xorg.conf, it works also.

I understand now that the goal of the recent changes was to get
rid of xorg.conf, because X should get the information it needs
from elsewhere, and automatically.

So far so good, but.. with this skeleton xorg.conf,
control-alt-backspace for getting out of X no longer works. What I
did was to insert, as the first section in xorg.conf, a
ServerFlags section:

Section ServerFlags
Option DontZapoff

By this means I got control-alt-backspace back. Or is there also a
non-xorg.conf way of getting the same thing?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Alt-F7 fails

2009-05-25 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
OK, I made a small write-up now (aimed at users like myself) about
the ‘New Input System’ in Debian. Comments welcome --

Regards, Jan

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Re: Alt-F7 fails

2009-05-25 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Andrei Popescu wrote:

 You could add
 to the 'Links' section.

Did that. Regards, Jan

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Re: Alt-F7 fails

2009-05-24 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Florian Kulzer wrote:

 X crashing when switching back from the console is most
 commonly caused by a problem with the video driver. There
 should be some related error messages in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or
 in /var/log/syslog. (Switching back and forth between X and
 console works fine for me; up-to-date Sid/amd64, intel driver.)

There was a backtrace in /var/log/Xorg.0.log:

0: /usr/bin/X11/X(xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x813265b]
1: /usr/bin/X11/X(xf86SigHandler+0x51) [0x80c5c71]
2: [0xb7fd3400]
3: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers// [0xb7956417]
4: /usr/bin/X11/X(xf86CrtcSetModeTransform+0x4b4) [0x80eee14]
5: /usr/bin/X11/X(xf86SetDesiredModes+0x124) [0x80ef1e4]
6: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers// [0xb793527d]
7: /usr/lib/xorg/modules// [0xb7706f08]
8: /usr/bin/X11/X [0x80dd9e1]
9: /usr/bin/X11/X [0x80ccdf4]
10: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions// [0xb79f0864]
11: /usr/bin/X11/X(xf86Wakeup+0x3c3) [0x80c6393]
12: /usr/bin/X11/X(WakeupHandler+0x52) [0x8090512]
13: /usr/bin/X11/X(WaitForSomething+0x1bb) [0x812ffeb]
14: /usr/bin/X11/X(Dispatch+0x7e) [0x808c61e]
15: /usr/bin/X11/X(main+0x3bd) [0x8071a5d]
16: /lib/i686/cmov/ [0xb7c72775]
17: /usr/bin/X11/X [0x8070f11]

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

It seems quite a lot happened to Debian Sid recently without me
being aware of it.

I did 2 experiments:

1-Deleted (well, renamed of course) /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Made sure
  that the keyboard description in /etc/defaults/console-setup
  was OK.
  Result: X works, OK it seems, without xorg.conf, and Alt-F7
  works also!

2-Feeling a little bit guilty about running X without xorg.conf,
  ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. I expected to get the well-
  know litany of questions. No such thing. Instead I got:
  dpkg: warning: obsolete option
'--print-installation-architecture', please use
'--print-architecture' instead.
  (repeated 3 times) Now what does this mean? Where is this
  obsolete option set?

Should users now just simply ditch /etc/X11/xorg.conf? On the
other hand it says  in the Input Hotplug Guide:

  First and foremost is that the xorg.conf is still absolutely
  necessary to set one's keymap when you're not using the default
  'us' map.

But it seems to work OK even with non-standard keyboard setup,
provided it is set in console-setup.

Confused, Jan

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Re: Re: keyboard mapping problem under X

2009-05-23 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Andrei Popescu wrote:
 changing /etc/default/console-setup should be enough, xorg.conf
 is ignored.

Aah.. That explains it.

 Restart hal, at least in theory.

Yes, in theory. In practice it may be different. I restarted it by
means of /etc/init.d/hal restart, and got some weird results.

It is also possible to make X ignore evdev altogether by setting
in the ServerFlags section of xorg.conf:

  Option AutoAddDevices off

Then you get the old behaviour back. xorg.conf again determines
what is going on. Of course without the benefits of evdev. But I
do not know what these benefits are anyway, so I do not miss them!

Regards, Jan

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Alt-F7 fails

2009-05-23 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
This may be a FAQ; if so, apologies.

On my Sid, I can go to the console from X by means of, e.g.,
Control-Alt-F2. This has been the behaviour of X for ages.

Also for ages, you could go back to X by pressing Alt-F7. However,
in Sid nowadays, this does not work. Pressing Alt-F7 simply kills
X, and all programs running in it. You stay in the console, and
have to restart X by means of startx.

A bug, obviously. But in which package? Has it been reported to
the Debian BTS? I couldn't find it.

Regards, Jan

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Re: keyboard mapping problem under X

2009-05-20 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Bruno Boettcher wrote:

 kbd is still on nodeadkeys...

It appears that the keyboard system in X has changed. There is now
something new and mysterious called evdev. To see if you have a
system with evdev, type

setxkbmap -print

and see if evdev is mentioned.

If it is, it seems that at the moment, to change the behaviour of
the keyboard, you must specify things not only in
etc/X11/xorg.conf, but *also* in /etc/default/console-setup. And
then you must reboot! Stopping and restarting X is NOT enough.
(There must be a better way though; I am going to investigate
this, because obviously my international keyboards and fonts
page needs serious updating.)

Regards, Jan

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Re: mplayer slowness and kernel

2009-05-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Florian Kulzer wrote:
 It seems that your xorg video driver has problems to use
 hardware video acceleration with the newer kernel. (A problem
 with DMA for hard drive or DVD access is also possible, but
 less likely, IMHO.)
 What do you get from:
 lspci -nn | grep -Ei 'vga|display|video|media'

00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller [0401]: Intel Corporation
82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller [8086:24d5] (rev 02)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc
RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] [1002:5964] (rev 01)
01:00.1 Display controller [0380]: ATI Technologies Inc RV280
[Radeon 9200 SE] (Secondary) [1002:5d44] (rev 01)

 grep -Ei '^\((ee|ww)\)|xv|/drivers/' /var/log/Xorg.0.log

With 2.6.26 kernel:
(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
(WW) The directory /usr/local/share/dosemu/Xfonts does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic does not exist.
(WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse'
or 'vmmouse' will be disabled.
(WW) Disabling Generic Keyboard
(WW) Disabling Configured Mouse
(WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module freetype
(EE) Failed to load module freetype (module does not exist, 0)
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module type1
(EE) Failed to load module type1 (module does not exist, 0)
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
(II) RADEON(0): Will try to use DMA for Xv image transfers
(WW) RADEON(0): DRI init changed memory map, adjusting ...
(WW) RADEON(0):   MC_FB_LOCATION  was: 0xf7fff000 is: 0xf7fff000
(WW) RADEON(0):   MC_AGP_LOCATION was: 0xffc0 is: 0xfc7ffc00
(WW) RADEON(0): Option XaaNoOffscreenPixmap is not used

With 2.6.29 kernel:

(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
(WW) The directory /usr/local/share/dosemu/Xfonts does not exist.
(WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic does not exist.
(WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse'
or 'vmmouse' wi
ll be disabled.
(WW) Disabling Generic Keyboard
(WW) Disabling Configured Mouse
(WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module freetype
(EE) Failed to load module freetype (module does not exist, 0)
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module type1
(EE) Failed to load module type1 (module does not exist, 0)
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
(II) RADEON(0): Will try to use DMA for Xv image transfers
(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled
(WW) RADEON(0): Option XaaNoOffscreenPixmap is not used

Thanks for looking into this. Regards, Jan

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Re: keyboard mapping problem under X

2009-05-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Bruno Boettcher wrote:
 Hello [..]

 i use, whilst living in France, a german keyboard...

You take the trouble to mention this: any special reason? For
instance, do you want to type mostly French on a German keyboard?

 still, dead-keys aren't working

 so, what possibilities remain to activate them? without
 redefining a whole new keymapping, especially since the system
 seems to have changed?

KDE or Gnome have GUI utilities that will make the keyboard do
what you want (i.e. without directly editing system files).
Probably in something called System, Keyboard.

If (like me) you want to avoid using KDE/Gnome, you can *also*
make the keyboard do what you want. The German keyboard is called
de. It has several so-called variants:

 -basic (this is the default, which has several dead keys)
 -nodeadkeys (no keys are dead)
 -deadgraveacute (only grave and acute are dead)
 -deadacute (only acute is dead)
 -ro (includes special characters for Romanian. I don't know why
  this is included in a German keyboard description; maybe
  German keyboards are commonly used in Romania)
 -... etc, etc, ...

See the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de. The variants are
described in sections beginning with xkb_symbols.

You can select whatever variant you want by typing in a terminal
(e.g. xterm) window:

  setxkbmap de [-variant name of variant]


  setxkbmap de -variant deadgraveacute

If you just want to use the basic variant, you just type

  setxkbmap de

You can use the setxkbmap command to experiment with keyboard
layouts and variants. Once you have selected what you want, you
can put it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, in the keyboard section, in a
slightly different format, using one line for the keyboard and
another for the variant, e.g.:

  Option XkbLayout de
  Option XkbVariant deadgraveacute

This will make your selection (semi-)permanent.

There are many more possibilities for handling the keyboard in X
(not so many on the console). For instance, you can switch between
entirely different keyboard layouts by defining a special key. For
details, see below, sections 6.1 and 6.2.

Regards, Jan

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mplayer slowness and kernel

2009-05-18 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
With the 2.6.29 kernel (from the linux-image-2.6.29-2-686
package), playing a movie with mplayer uses up to 95% cpu. mplayer
becomes very slow and jerky, with stuttering sound, and Your
system is TOO SLOW warnings. No twiddling of mplayer's parameters

When I go back to the slightly older 2.6.26 kernel
(linux-image-2.6.26-2-686), mplayer works properly again (about
20% cpu usage and no warnings or stuttering, even at full screen

Is this a known problem?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Lenny. Locales and Interface Language

2009-05-18 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Mark Goldshtein wrote:

 1. Is a default system locale independent from an interface
 language? I mean, is it possible to change a default system
 locale to whatever I like and there will be no harm to English
 interface I have? [..]

It depends on what you mean by changing the locale.

AFAIK the locale *mainly* determines the user interface.
Messages and prompts from programs, date and currency formats,
paper size (eg Letter for US locales), number format (e.g.
thousands separator is comma in some locales, period in others), etc.

Note that messages and prompts from programs for various locales
have to be provided by the programs themselves. If they are not,
messages, etc., will be provided in some default language
(invariably English). Also, it is up to the programs to pay
attention to the locale; if they do not, they will generate e.g.
numbers and dates according to the US convention.

So if you want to keep an English user interface, you have to keep
an English locale; but if you also want to read, input, and print
things in other languages than English, you should make sure that
your locale is a UTF-8 one, so you can handle all kinds of
languages and scripts. Examples: en_US.utf8, en_GB.utf8.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Bad sound

2009-04-20 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Andrei Popescu wrote:

 I may be a bit behind the times in using xmms. Is there a
 replacement (with approximately the same user interface) for xmms?

Audacious works very well. Thanks, Jan

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Re: Bad sound

2009-04-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Kent West wrote:
 Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
 The last few days, sound (in particular music) is very bad on
 my Sid system. It sounds distorted, as if above a certain
 amplitude the signal is clipped.

 I had this problem for about the last year; last week I
 discovered one of the 3D channels was too high.

How did you discover this? I mean by which program: alsamixer,
alsactl, or something else?

In the meantime I found that the problem only occurs when xmms is
used for playing music. xmms used to work very well until a few
days ago, but now it sounds horrible. Using mplayer instead makes
the same music files sound perfect again.

I may be a bit behind the times in using xmms. Is there a
replacement (with approximately the same user interface) for xmms?
Does anyone know why xmms suddenly started to behave so badly?

Regards, Jan

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Bad sound

2009-04-18 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
The last few days, sound (in particular music) is very bad on my
Sid system. It sounds distorted, as if above a certain amplitude
the signal is clipped.

Could this possibly be caused by software, i.e. a Sid upgrade? Did
anyone else notice this?

00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER
(ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)

Regards, Jan

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Re: Brother HL2040 printer/lpr stopped working after update

2009-04-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
beatrice wrote:
 I have a Brother HL2040 printer that worked perfectly well on
 my Debian testing with the .deb driver package Brother
 provides. I don't have CUPS installed, I use lpr. My printer
 stopped working without me changing any system configuration
 other than my usual package updating via aptitude.
 The communication PC- printer should be working. When a job is
 sent to the printer the printer wakes up, makes all the hot
 air noise it usually does, plus the led light blink as it
 always did while it is receiving data. The length of the
 blinking still varies with the amount of data sent.

I am afraid I can't help you now, but I have almost the same
problem. The only difference is that my printer is a Brother
HL2030 instead of a 2040. The rest is exactly as you describe.
lpr, and the problem started yesterday after an upgrade.

I'll let you and list know when I find a solution. I think it
happened before (maybe a year ago) but I can't remember what I did
to fix it.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Brother HL2040 printer/lpr stopped working after update

2009-04-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
The problem is, as you suspected, caused by ghostscript. I
downgraded to version 8.63 and it started to work again. You have
to downgrade 3 packages: libgs8, ghostscript, and ghostscript-x.
With any luck, the 8.63 versions of these packages are still in
your /var/cache/apt/archives, and you can install them with dpkg
-i. Otherwise you must go to and get the 8.62
versions from stable; it seems that 8.63 is no longer available.

Version 8.64 gives an irrecoverable error. I haven't found out
yet how Brother's way of using ghostscript triggers this error.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Brother HL2040 printer/lpr stopped working after update

2009-04-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
beatrice wrote:

 I think I'll write a couple lines to Brother's customer service
 anyway, now that I know I am not the only one with this

I don't know if the error is with Brother or with ghostscript. In
the meantime I filed a bug against ghostscript:

Actually I *think* that the error is with ghostscript. The Brother
scripts look OK to me.

I hope that 8.62 works for you; didn't try it myself. And indeed,
it happened before, so I stopped upgrading ghostscript for a
while, I remember now. I am not sure which previous version did
not work. Hope it was not 8.62..

Regards, Jan

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Grr! Sound problems again

2009-01-28 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
About a year and a half ago, after a lot of experimentation, I
finally got sound working OK on my Debian Sid system. The solution
turned out to be quite simple. To save others the same trouble, I
put up a kind of sound instruction on my website

But something must have changed in Sid recently, because sound has
become unreliable again. After I visit a sound-using site like
youtube (let's call this online sound), sound will no longer be
heard when playing a stored avi file with gmplayer, for instance
(offline sound). To play offline sounds I have to kill iceweasel
first (or call /etc/init.d/alsasound restart, which kills
iceweasel as a side effect..).

Well, I know this is Sid, which has this tendency of breaking
things which work by fixing them. But normally these things get
re-fixed after a few days. This new sound problem has now been
going on for a few weeks. I cannot file a bug report about it
because I have no way to know which program causes the problem.
Any help appreciated.

Regards, Jan

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Strange news problem

2008-12-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Icedove, which I use for mail and news, does not download headers
from subscribed newsgroups anymore. On the 29th of November it
still worked fine; I received some message headers (only a
handful) dated November 30; nothing since then.

The news server belongs to my ISP, but they say nothing has
changed and they got no other complaints about this. In fact when
I try another newsreader (pan), new message headers continue to be
retrieved normally.

So it really seems to be an Icedove problem. Even deleting the
news account and setting it up afresh does not produce any
messages after November 30.

I update/upgrade Sid regularly, but Icedove has not been upgraded
since October.

Any suggestions?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Strange news problem

2008-12-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Eduardo M Kalinowski wrote:

 Try with another profile (icedove -ProfileManager should let
 you create another, or move the .mozilla/thunderbird/ directory
 out of the way temporarily) to see if the problem still
 persists with a clean profile.

I tried both suggestions, but I still cannot see any news after
Nov. 30. Most mysterious.

(Hope this message make it to the list; I am not subscribed.
Normally I send messages to the list with a method involving both
the html archives and the linux.debian.user newsgroup, but the
latter does not work now :-(

May try a purge and reinstall of icedove and iceweasel.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Strange news problem

2008-12-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Sjoerd Hiemstra wrote:

 There are reports complaining about this in the
 nl.internet.providers newsgroup, w.r.t. news servers of your
 provider. still seems to work well.

Thanks very much! KPN's help desk is apparently not aware of
this problem. I thought the nova server was only for binaries,
but apparently it carries normal newsgroups as well.

Other list members: sorry to have bothered you with a problem that
has nothing to do with Debian.

Regards, Jan

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Re: java plugin (SOLVED)

2008-11-14 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I finally solved my java plugin problems (as well as, it seems,
several instability problems I was having with iceweasel) by:

1. apt-get removing and dpkg --purging any java-related packages
found by dpkg -l|grep -i java.
2. apt-get installing azureus (which pulls in openjdk-6*) and

Got the hint from this message on the debian-amd64 list (found by
searching; don't have an amd64 myself):

Maybe Debian is getting more sun-unfriendly. Anyway, it works now.

Regards, Jan

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java plugin

2008-11-05 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I have sun-java6-plugin installed (and thus also sun-java6-jre and
sun-java6-bin) but the java plugin does not appear in iceweasel's
about:plugins (and so java applets no longer work).

Running Sid; this problem seems to be fairly new. Any other Sid
users experience this?

Regards, Jan

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Re: java plugin

2008-11-05 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Wed, 05 Nov 2008 12:29:39 +0100
 Have you done as instructed at
1. Install Java Runtime Environment.
2. Make a symbolic link to in your Mozilla
Plugins directory. Use the copy located in the plugin/i386/ns7
directory of JRE 5.0 or later, or plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32 if you are
using JRE 1.4.2.
 The file you link to is
 in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- on my system.


I *think* that has already been done by apt-get. The only
difference seems to be that you have java-6-sun- while I
have java-6-sun-

I have the following symbolic links:

 -/usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins has - /etc/alternatives/
 -/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins has - /etc/alternatives/
 -/etc/alternatives has - /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/
i386/ns7/ - /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/
- /usr/lib/jvm has
java-6-sun - java-6-sun-

and finally, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
has the file, perms -rwxr-xr-x, owned by
root, size 137021 bytes.

That seems OK to me. For good measure, I downgraded from the Sid
to the Lenny version -- i.e. from to 1.6.0/07. But this
didn't help .. it is mysterious.

One thing: when re-installing (i.e. downgrading) sun-java there
was a warning:

update-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-6, but binary
format already installed by sun-java6

I don't know what this means. I have openjdk installed because it
was pulled in by the azureus package.

Regards, Jan

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Re: nfs problem

2008-10-31 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Kurian Thayil wrote:
 If I can remember correctly. Include the option no_root_squash
 in /etc/exports of B. It will be like,
 /home/storage/video   A(rw,sync,subtree_check,no_root_squash)
 You will be able to read-write as root if you include this

This did not really work. To my amazement, the following drastic
simplification worked:

on B: /etc exports reads

/home/storage/video   A(async) C(async)

A user on the home net (desktop machine A or C) can mount, read,
and write the shared directory now.

nfs remains mysterious. But I am slowly gaining experience, now my
home has become 100% Debian (two desktops and a

Regards, Jan

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nfs problem

2008-10-30 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Machines A and B both run Debian. There are no firewall rules
blocking any kind of traffic A--B.

I try to mount, by means of nfs, a directory of B to a mount point
on A, read-write.

/etc/exports in B has:
/home/storage/video   A(rw,sync,subtree_check)

/etc/fstab in A has:
B:/home/storage/video /mountB nfs \
user,rw,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,noauto  0  0

If I call (on A)
   mount /mountB

I can read the contents of /home/storage/video on B. But I cannot
write anything to it. I keep getting the message read-only

I hope there are some nfs experts here who can shed some light.

Regards, Jan

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Re: japanese input?

2008-09-24 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Dexter Filmore wrote:
 etch or lenny, doesn't matter, any will do.
 Need japanese input on both gtk2 and qt apps.
 Possibly mouse input, i.e. draw signs - the get instant-ocr'ed.
 What are my options here?

If you have a utf-8 system (i.e. the output of the locale
command shows UTF-8 suffixes) you could use, e.g., uim or scim.

Instructions here:

I use uim myself. The uim menu offers a handwriting input pad,
but it doesn't seem to be implemented in Debian. So you just
have to use the Japanese word processor method: type toukyou,
press space, get 東京.

Regards, Jan

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Re: cedilla on a us_intl keyboard

2008-09-24 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Strange. I thought the us_intl keyboard had been removed from
Debian years ago. Nowadays you use the us keyboard with the
alt-intl /keyboard variant/.

It seems that many Debian users (including members of this list)
are not aware of the glorious Unix Compose Key. You press
Compose, and then some other characters, and magically a character
is produced which is a kind of graphical combination of those
characters. So a c-cedilla (ç) is made by Compose, comma, c. A
German double s (ß) by means of Compose, s, s. A British pound
(currency) sign (₤) by Compose, L, =.

Etcetera, etcetera; hundreds of such combinations are pre-defined,
and you can also define your own.

Now where is the Compose key? I /think/ the Debian default is: the
right windows key is Compose (but I am not sure; it's been ages
since I set up a Debian system from scratch). In any case the
position of the Compose key can be specified through the GUI on
Gnome/Ubuntu and KDE. If you have no Compose key defined, you can
also set it by specifying in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, in the
keyboard section:

 Option   XkbOptions  compose:rwin

See also

Regards, Jan

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Re: cedilla on a us_intl keyboard

2008-09-24 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:

 It seems that many Debian users (including members of this
 list) are not aware of the glorious Unix Compose Key. You
 press Compose, and then some other characters, and magically
 a character is produced which is a kind of graphical
 combination of those characters. So a c-cedilla (ç) is made
 by Compose, comma, c. A German double s (ß) by means of
 Compose, s, s. A British pound (currency) sign (₤) by
 Compose, L, =.

 Good point Jan Willem, Florian has pointed this out before:

It seems I missed that thread. But anyway it is true that the
Compose key (a Unix/Linux feature, Windows doesn't have it) is a
very useful tool.

However, that thread did not quite answer the question posed by
its OP (Manon Metten). With the Compose key, you need 3 keystrokes
to make, e.g., á (Compose, ', a). If you use a true dead keys
method, you need only 2 keystrokes (', a). The downside then is
that to produce ' by itself, you need to follow the ' keypress by
a space, or press Alt-'. The choice between the dead keys method
and the Compose method is a matter of taste, depending on the
language(s) that you normally work with. For US users who only
need accented characters very rarely, the Compose method is
probably the best.

To enable true dead keys on an ordinary US keyboard you can set
a dead key variant in /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

 Option   XkbVariant  alt-intl

(Dead keys, which already existed in European mechanical
typewriters, were called dead because they did not advance the
paper-carrying carriage. So a following character overprinted them.)

The xkb subsystem on modern versions of Linux has many more
wonderful features, especially if you convert your system to utf-8
(which is easy, and already the default on fresh installations of
Debian, I believe).

Regards, Jan

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Re: re: how to close port 113

2008-08-04 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Jude DaShiell wrote:
 Install and run arno-iptables-firewall and tell it your
 internet port like eth0 or ppp0 and leave the rest of the
 defaults alone.  Port 113 will be closed once this is done
 since one of the defaults with arno-iptables-firewall is to
 first deny all ports then only open up those you specifically
 choose to open.

In general my advice would be to make your system secure /without/
a firewall. I.e. do not run services that you do not need, and
make the ones you /do/ need only accessible from the LAN, not from
the outside world. Then, you can run a firewall as a double
security. It is dangerous to rely on firewalls only for security
because it so easy to make mistakes with them.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Switch-off problem

2008-07-21 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Daniel Burrows wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 11:46:16AM +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:

 Now my theory is that the switch-off problem occurs after the
  following events:
 1 - I mount the remote usb drive.
 2 - my wife switches off her computer.
 3 - I try to umount the remote usb drive -- this cannot be
 I suppose the shutdown program also tries to umount nfs
 mounts, but fails, and then instead of skipping this step,
 just hangs. Does this make sense? If so, is there a way to
 solve this problem?

 You could try switching to a soft mount.  This can cause silent
 data loss when a server goes down, but I don't think that
 should be an issue if this is a read-only mount.  Just add
 soft to the mount options.  (I haven't tried soft-mounting
 for this particular case, so I don't know for sure that it will

Thanks much for pointing me to the soft option (which I did not
know about). Then by Googling I also found the intr option which
is said to be an alternative. But unfortunately neither option
cures the problem of shutdown hanging on the client when the nfs
server has gone off-line. Strange. This situation cannot be
uncommon in Linux home networking.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: Switch-off problem

2008-07-20 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Ron Johnson wrote:

 On 07/19/08 04:46, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:[..]

 Now my theory is that the switch-off problem occurs after the
  following events:
 1 - I mount the remote usb drive.
 2 - my wife switches off her computer.
 3 - I try to umount the remote usb drive -- this cannot be
 I suppose the shutdown program also tries to umount nfs 
 mounts, but fails, and then instead of skipping this step, 
 just hangs. Does this make sense? If so, is there a way to 
 solve this problem?
 Manually umount -l the remote drive before you shutdown?

This does not work. Manually umounting the nfs drive (after the
computer which hosts the nfs drive is switched off) just leads to
a hang, whether the lazy switch is applied or not. In fact I
cannot even type the umount command entirely: the system hangs
immediately after typing the first 3 characters (including the
leading /) of the mount point.

Anyway it seems (from /etc/init.d/ that the -l
switch, as well as the -f switch, is already applied by default.
Running Sid; kernel is a stock Debian one:

2.6.25-2-686 #1 SMP Wed May 14 16:42:03 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

It seems that nfs on the remote computer fails to send a command
(before shutting itself down) to the computers to which it
exports, telling them to umount. This may be a bug, or, much more
likely, a failure on my part to understand the nfs export system.
Anyway, I never had this trouble while samba was used for sharing,
rather than nfs.

Regards, Jan

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Switch-off problem

2008-07-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Recently my computer devolped a new problem: it sometimes does not
switch itself off when I do shutdown -h now. It hangs somewhere
during the shutdown procedure, and has to be switched off by means
of the mains switch at the back. Fortunately the filesystem is
ext3, so at the next boot it starts again without problems.

I /think/ the problem may be related to nfs. I recently converted
my wife's computer to Linux. A usb disk connected to my wife's
computer contains media files which we both can use. This common
usb disk used to be shared by means of samba/smbfs, but now it is
exported by means of nfs.

Now my theory is that the switch-off problem occurs after the
following events:

1 - I mount the remote usb drive.
2 - my wife switches off her computer.
3 - I try to umount the remote usb drive -- this cannot be done.

I suppose the shutdown program also tries to umount nfs mounts,
but fails, and then instead of skipping this step, just hangs.
Does this make sense? If so, is there a way to solve this problem?

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how to package?

2008-07-11 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Jan Brosius wrote:
 I have the source of the program maxima. I would like to make a
 debian package of it. Is there any place where I can find
 documentation about making debian packages?
 Thanks for any help Jan
Debian packages already exist. Try
  apt-cache search maxima
Regards, Jan

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A trick for non-supscrivvers

2008-07-11 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
This message originally had the title A trick for
non-subscribers. I send it again with the word misspelled.
The original version did not make it to the list because the list
interpreted the substring subscribe in the title as a request to
subscribe (which I do *not* want). Robots..

This is not a question but a tip. I just discovered this; of
course it may be old hat.

You want to participate in the list? But you don't want to
subscribe, because of the huge volume on the list?

The trick:

1. Use icedove as your mail/news reader, and tell Iceweasel
   you've done so.
2. Subscribe to newsgroup linux.debian.user.
3. Read messages from the newsgroup.
4. If you want to reply to a message, find the same message
   in Then click the
   reply to list link. If everything goes well, an Icedove
   mail compose window will come up, with an empty message area.
5. Now the trick: in this compose window, click options,
   quote message. In the compose window, the message (which will
   go to the LIST), the message from the NEWSGROUP will be

This works in Sid. No guarantees for other Debian versions.

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-07 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Ron Johnson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 07/06/08 15:06, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
 I'll just mention the follow-up. I just tried installing gtk+-2.10
 (compiling source from and indeed, print to
 lpr now appears in the print dialog. Without cups or xprint. Just
 lprng. So as soon as gtk+-2.10 appears in Sid, this problem will
 be over.
 You're a bit behind the times, Jan!  ;)
 $ apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-0
   Installed: 2.12.10-2
   Candidate: 2.12.10-2
   Version table:
  *** 2.12.10-2 0
 500 unstable/main Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Indeed. Very strange. And I even have it installed. But ff3 can
print to lpr only when I install the compiled-from-source version
of 2.10 (in /usr/local). As soon as I uninstall it, lpr printing
on ff3 becomes unavailable.

/usr/lib/gtk-2.0 (the Debian version) contains subdirectories:
   2.10.0  2.2.0  2.4.0  include  modules

No 2.12.0! I don't understand this numbering system.

/usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0 contains: 2.10.0  2.2.0  2.4.0  include
(no modules, but the same version numbers).

The real difference is probably to be found here: the Sid version has:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -alG /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/printbackends/
total 104
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  4096 2008-06-09 17:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 root  4096 2007-04-15 14:58 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 52980 2008-06-07 11:16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 13044 2008-06-07 11:16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 10084 2008-06-07 11:16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 11140 2008-06-07 11:16

While the compiled-from-source version (from has:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -alG /usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/printbackends/
total 92
drwxr-sr-x 2 root  4096 2008-07-06 21:26 .
drwxr-sr-x 6 root  4096 2008-07-06 21:26 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root  1315 2008-07-06 21:26
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 37984 2008-07-06 21:26
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root  1309 2008-07-06 21:26
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 34034 2008-07-06 21:26

I compiled by just ./configure, make, without setting any
options. So by default gtk does not have a cups print backend,
only lpr and file (when compiled on a cups-less system, I
presume). The Debian version has lpr and file, as well as
cups and something called test.

Maybe you can explain these findings. Anyway it seems that the bug
is not in ff3 but in libgtk2.0-0.

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-07 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 07 Jul 2008, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:

 I compiled by just ./configure, make, without setting any
 options. So by default gtk does not have a cups print
 backend, only lpr and file (when compiled on a cups-less
 system, I presume). The Debian version has lpr and file,
 as well as cups and something called test. [..]

 It didn't work here. I did the same thing and the appropriate
 stuff in /usr/local but I still can't print. Did you do
 something to make FF see the gtk-2.10 stuff?

Probably. I messed around a bit with the settings in about:config.
Some settings I have now:

print.postscript.cups.enabled  false  [AFAIK not a default
   setting; you have to create it]
print.print_paper_size 1
print.printer_list lp
print.save_print_settings  true
print.show_print_progress  true

Most of these about:config settings related to printing do not
seem to do anything, though. What do you mean by the appropriate
stuff in /usr/local? make install as root takes care of that.
make uninstall undoes the changes, useful for testing.

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-07 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Anthony Campbell wrote:

 I installed the gtk stuff in that way and I do have the entries
 you listed. But I don't seem to have the same printer entries
 in about:config.
 I have put
 print.print_printer  user_set  string lpr
 which doesn't seem to work. I can't see options for your other
 entries. How did you create an entry for

I set print.print_printer to PostScript/Default, not lpr. But it
does not seem to matter.

New preferences can be made by right-clicking anywhere in
about:config and selecting New. It does not seem possible to
remove such preferences once they are created. But the setting of
print.postscript.cups.enabled also did not matter. I changed it
from false to true and I can still print. I cannot remember
exactly which other about:config print things I changed, but I now
tried several other things, and none seem to matter.

I hope you get it sorted out. Which version exactly did you
download from Mine is gtk+-2.10.13. Tarball was called
gtk+-2.10.13.tar.bz2 (an older version, not the stable 2.12

BTW Mumia W., according to his message, stores his newly-compiled
gtk in an exotic location. I didn't do this. /usr/local (the
default when you compile from is exotic enough. Stuff
which is installed there has priority over similarly-named stuff
in /usr.

Do you have a printer named lp in printcap? (Or named as an
alternative, such as LaserJet|lp ?). Well, I suppose you do.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-07 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 Mumia M. wrote:
 I also created a startup script for firefox that sets
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the 'lib' directory where gtk+2.10's
 binaries are installed, e.g.:

 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/exotic/lib
 exec /usr/local/firefox-3.0/firefox

 Doesn't seem to help here. I don't have any lib directory in
 gtk-2.10; just engines, immodules, printbackends, and loaders.

 Perhaps I should have used an earlier version of gtk-2.10?

The standard self-compiled install puts *lots* of stuff in
/usr/local, e.g. in


/usr/local/lib contains a subdirectory gtk-2.0 which has engines,
immodules, printbackends, and loaders in it. But also
/usr/local/lib (above gtk-2.10, not inside it) will contain new
gtk things.

BTW Mumia, it seems you use a (probably non-Debian) firefox
(because you use Etch), which is also in /usr/local. I use Sid,
and I can now print with the standard Debian Iceweasel.

The difficult thing now is to pinpoint where the bug is, exactly.
Ihe official Debian source files of libgtk2.0-0 are much bigger
than the gtk+-2.10 ones on (23 MB vs 14 MB). To compile
the Debian version (which does not allow lpr printing through ff3)
you need to install *lots* of extra packages:
It seems the package was heavily customised. Maybe some bias
favouring CUPS was introduced. But ff2 worked fine, so I am still
not certain where the blame really lies.

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-07 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Ron Johnson wrote:

 On 07/07/08 09:14, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:

 It seems the package was heavily customised. Maybe some bias
 favouring CUPS was introduced. But ff2 worked fine, so I am 
 still not certain where the blame really lies.

 I'd say to file a bug against libgtk2.0-0 and see what response
 you get.

I just did. It is bug #489765 now.

Regards, Jan

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Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0) SOLVED

2008-07-07 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Filing the bug
immediately produced an answer: you have to enter

gtk-print-backends = file,lpr,cups

in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.

Then lpr printing works with standard Debian packages. I think it
is a bug that this is not done automatically, or at least with
some warning during install. Anthony, I hope that this will work
in your case.

It will need some more research to find out why it worked by
default with the user-compiled versions, but I think I won't be

Regards, Jan

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Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-06 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
On 06 Jul 2008, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 05 Jul 2008, Ron Johnson wrote:
 What is the reason that you don't install CUPS?

 1. because lpr/lpd and magicfilter work perfectly for me.
 2. because CUPS offers no advantage for me.
 3. because when I did use it in the past my output was slightly
worse than with my existing setup.
 4. because, in the light of the above, using it will involve me
in a fair amount of work for no clear benefit and possibly a
worse output.

You are right IMHO; it is a bug, not just the Inevitable March Of
Progress. It seems clear that the Firefox developers did not
intend to drop lpr support:

  - they don't say anything about such a change in the Release
  - in about:config there are still numerous references to
PostScript/Default, lpr., etc.
  - it seems such a silly thing to remove; very little code can be
saved by this.

Surely it is a bug. From this item on bugzilla:

it seems that until a few days before the Firefox 3 release (which
took place on June 17th) Firefox could not print *at all*. It had
a totally empty print dialog box. It seems they could fix it to
some extent before the release date, but not completely.
Unfortunate for those who have used lpr to complete satisfaction
for so long (and not only for directly-connected printers BTW).

There are lots of other bugs in the new Firefox/Iceweasel. A
particularly serious one (all resized images became black
rectangles) apparently was quietly fixed a few days ago. I expect
the same will happen with the lpr bug. In the meantime I'll just
soldier on with the inoticoming trick. I refuse to change to cups!

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-06 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Ron Johnson wrote:

 On 07/06/08 09:59, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:

 You are right IMHO; it is a bug, not just the Inevitable 
 March Of Progress. It seems clear that the Firefox developers
 did not intend to drop lpr support:

 - they don't say anything about such a change in the Release
 - in about:config there are still numerous references to 
   PostScript/Default, lpr., etc.
 - it seems such a silly thing to remove; very little code can
   be saved by this.

 Surely it is a bug. From this item on bugzilla:

 it seems that until a few days before the Firefox 3 release 
 (which took place on June 17th) Firefox could not print *at 
 all*. [..]

 That's weird.  Sid only has -rc_2_ and I can print just fine. 
 Unless Eric Dorland (the IW maintainer) fixed the code himself.

 There are lots of other bugs in the new Firefox/Iceweasel. A
 particularly serious one (all resized images became black 
 rectangles) apparently was quietly fixed a few days ago. I
 expect the same will happen with the lpr bug. [..]

 Where did you read this?  I resize pictures, and they don't 
 turn into black rectangles.  Unless what I'm thinking of isn't 
 what they are talking about...

It could be that the black rectangle bug (which occurs /
occurred, for instance, when a Web page serves a picture at a
specific size, not its natural size) only happened with ATI
Radeon cards. There are several bug reports about it, for instance
this Ubuntu one:

and very likely also Debian bug #487834. I have a Radeon, and
had trouble with this bug in FF3, not in FF2. But as I said, it
has disappeared (after an upgrade).

The lpr printing bug may also disappear soon. The bugzilla page
I mentioned now has a contribution by list member Mumia W. who
says lpr printing works again after installing GTK+2.10 (from
source). I'm going to try that..

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CUPS vs lpd (was Re: Giving up on Iceweasel 3.0)

2008-07-06 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I'll just mention the follow-up. I just tried installing gtk+-2.10
(compiling source from and indeed, print to
lpr now appears in the print dialog. Without cups or xprint. Just
lprng. So as soon as gtk+-2.10 appears in Sid, this problem will
be over.

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: killall firefox-bin

2008-06-29 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I wrote:

 Just writing this down gives me an idea: maybe it is a memory 
 leak thing. Next time it happens I'll check free. Hadn't
 thought of doing that so far..

OK. It happened again. Iceweasel totally frozen. free says:

  total  usedfree  shared  buffers   cached
Mem: 516128496924   19204   020524   216632
-/+ buffers/cache: 259768  256360
Swap:97992488  979836

OK. I do killall firefox-bin. Restart iceweasel; it works fine
again. free now says:

  total  usedfree  shared  buffers   cached
Mem: 516128445980   70148   021024   193668
-/+ buffers/cache: 231288  284840
Swap:97992488  979836

Not a great deal of difference I think, apart from the Mem free
value (but I always understood that the free -/+ buffers/cache
value was more important). Does this give any clues?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Mailbox conversion

2008-06-27 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Just to mention the follow-up: I used kmail and its convert
program on the old dbx files, and it worked fine. But the results
were in maildir format (each message in a separate file), not in
mbox format (a whole lot of messages in one file, which apparently
Thunderbird/Icedove are used to). But some googling revealed a
maildir-to-mbox shell script:

This produced mbox files that I could drop into my wife's
Thunderbird local mail directory. The only trouble was that the
script did not recognise filenames with spaces in them (even when
quoted with a reverse slash character). But simple renaming fixed
this. Everything works fine now. Thanks, list!

Regards. Jan

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Re: Mailbox conversion

2008-06-26 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Mark Grieveson wrote:

 If the idea of running a dos program on Linux nauseates you, 
 then I also read that Kmail, with the kmailcvt (kmail
 converter) package installed also works.

Actuallly I am quite a fan of dosemu (and even of DOS), but DOS
can't handle filenames longer than 8+3, let alone names with
Japanese characters in them.

I think I'll try the kmail route first; this has now been
mentioned twice.

Regards, Jan

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Mailbox conversion

2008-06-25 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Finally the motherboard of my wife's computer broke down, so I had
to replace it. I could not just get a new motherboard, because
they do not sell boards with 462 sockets anymore. The cheapest
solution was an MSI motherboard with AMD-64 dual core and one gig
of memory. You cannot get anything simpler nowadays. I can clearly
remember the time when such specs would have meant supercomputer
(as in several million dollars).

This operation made her old Windows 2000 unusable. You can run a
32-bit OS on a 64-bit machine, but some things (notably the ATI
display drivers for the new motherboard) refuse to install if the
OS is not 64-bit. A great opportunity to install Linux. I didn't
install Debian itself, but the 64-bit version of Ubuntu. After
some tweaking it works fine, including some difficult things like
Japanese input, printing through the home network, etc. Before
reformatting the Windows hard disk I first copied its contents to
a USB external disk. From there I could restore the mail address
book (Outlook - Thunderbird) and the browser favorites/bookmarks
(IE - Firefox). My wife thinks the new system is great.

After all this smalltalk, my real question: I still have lots of
old e-mail in Microsoft format (with names like in-2005.dbx,
out-2006.dbx, etc; some filenames are in Japanese, and the
messages inside the .dbx files are mostly Japanese). I searched
the web for converting dbx to mbox. Found lots of answers, most
of them seem old, and they do not agree. Is there a canonical
way to make .dbx mail archives available to Linux Thunderbird/Icedove?

Regards, Jan

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killall firefox-bin

2008-06-20 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
At least once a day I have to give the command killall
firefox-bin, because the systems just about freezes (at least the
browser does), and weird things happen to the X display. Do others
have the same experience?

Iceweasel as is it now unwisely called by Debian (although
according to ps aux the running process is still firefox-bin)
seems to be unstable somehow. I don't know why. I can't predict
when this freezing will happen, so I can't file a bug about it;
it just happens, about one time per day.

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: killall firefox-bin

2008-06-20 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Ron Johnson wrote:
 You don't tell us which Debian branch and version of IW you are

I am using Sid, but I still use the testing version of IW
( The Sid version is at the moment a little bit *too*
unstable (for systems with an ATI video card: see bug 485917).
So my experience with the unexplained freezing of IW is with (and possibly some of its recent predecessors).

The weird things with the X display I mentioned occur when I try
to move the window with the dead (or possibly only hibernating)
Iceweasel in it. It leaves pieces of itself, and of overlying
windows, all over the place. The most annoying thing is that I
cannot determine what triggers this, apart from that it happens
after IW has been in use for a while.

Just writing this down gives me an idea: maybe it is a memory leak
thing. Next time it happens I'll check free. Hadn't thought of
doing that so far..

Regards, Jan

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Re: USB drive names

2008-05-29 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Ron Johnson wrote:
 Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
  I bought some USB external hard disks recently. They automount
  beautifully on a Debian system.

 When you say that, do you mean the automount daemon, autofs, or
 a similar feature built into various desktops?

Sorry, I should have said on an xfce4 system. I do not know
which mechanism is used by xfce4.

Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote:
 You can just change the volume label of those drives to whatever
 you want.

Yes, this works, thanks. One needs mtools, because these external
disks have a vfat file system on them. I found a step-by-step
description here:

Regards, Jan

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Re: changing xterm colors

2008-05-29 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Jamie Griffin wrote:
 I've been trying to change the colors on my Xterm to have a
 black background and green text.

You can edit a text file called .Xresources in your home directory
(or create it if it does not exist).

Put the following lines in the file:

xterm*VT100*foreground:  green
xterm*VT100*background:  black
xterm*VT100*cursorColor: red

(Well, that is if you want the cursor to be red.)

Regards, Jan

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Re: changing xterm colors

2008-05-29 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Jamie Griffin wrote:
 Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
 You can edit a text file called .Xresources in your home
 directory (or create it if it does not exist).

 Put the following lines in the file:

 xterm*VT100*foreground:  green
 xterm*VT100*background:  black
 xterm*VT100*cursorColor: red

 I've tried that and it hasn't worked. Not sure what to try next
 - does anyone have any other ideas?

This definitely *should* work. If it does not work something weird
is the matter. Are you sure your terminal program is xterm? For
instance, do you see the VT Fonts menu if you do a
control-rightclick in the terminal window?

Regards, Jan

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USB drive names

2008-05-28 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I bought some USB external hard disks recently. They automount
beautifully on a Debian system. One is a LACIE disk, another one
is a Western Digital Elements disk.

They mount as /media/LaCie and /media/Elements respectively.
Question: is it possible to change those names? E.g., if I would
like to change the names to (say) Lassie1 and Lassie2, how could I
go about it? Also, where is the name of the mount directory (now
/media) stored?

Regards, Jan

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Icedove time categories

2008-05-16 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
After some Sid upgrades, Icedove now puts my inbox and sent
box messages into time categories:

- Today
- Yesterday
- Last week
- Two weeks ago
- Old mail

I do not need/want this feature, and have been looking for a way
to turn it off. Couldn't find it. Anyone knows how?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Icedove time categories

2008-05-16 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
John Allen wrote:

 View-Sort By-Group By

This did not work (it actually says Group By Sort G instead of
just Sort By in my case) but View-Sort By-Order Received
worked. Thanks!

Regards, Jan

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reportbug problem

2008-05-16 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I tried to file a bug via reportbug yesterday, and it was not
sent. Instead, the mail message was saved as a file in /var/tmp.
I've successfully sent bug reports through reportbug in the past,
so what could be the matter now? Using Sid.

Regards, Jan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: reportbug problem

2008-05-16 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Hugo, Michael, and Frank all pointed into the direction of exim4.
This was correct. Being conservative, I had always resisted
upgrading from exim3 to exim4 (because exim4's configuration is
more difficult). The latest sid upgrade apparently became annoyed
at this and removed exim3, declaring it obsolete -- but without
replacing it by anything else.. so I had no mta.

Why Sid suddenly has become so intolerant of exim3 I don't know.

I could continue to use e-mail (but not reportbug) because my
configuration is:

vega - procyon - internet

procyon is my Sarge home server (still running exim3). vega is
my normal computer. An mta on vega is only necessary for
programs like reportbug and mail (i.e. mail, the classic
program). Other programs (mua's like icedove) already know that
procyon is the outgoing smtp server. Maybe I can teach this fact
to reportbug and mail also (how?). If so, I won't need an mta on vega.

Anyway dpkg -l grep exim on vega revealed that exim3 had been
removed. So crossing my fingers I installed exim4 on vega and told
it that procyon was the smarthost. It worked. Thanks to all who

Regards, Jan

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2008-03-05 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel

When I run the sensors command, I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
VCore:   +1.44 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +3.84 V)
+12V:   +12.40 V  (min =  +5.84 V, max =  +0.00 V)
+3.3V:   +3.39 V  (min =  +0.10 V, max =  +3.23 V)
+5V: +5.04 V  (min =  +2.59 V, max =  +0.11 V)
-12V:+1.70 V  (min = -13.76 V, max = -14.91 V)
V5SB:+5.05 V  (min =  +0.27 V, max =  +3.44 V)
VBat:+0.16 V  (min =  +0.59 V, max =  +3.20 V)
fan1:  0 RPM  (min =  164 RPM, div = 128)
CPU Fan:1854 RPM  (min =   -1 RPM, div = 4)
fan3:  0 RPM  (min =  131 RPM, div = 128)
M/B Temp:+28.0°C  (high = +16.0°C, hyst = +10.0°C)  sensor = 

CPU Temp:+30.0°C  (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C)  sensor = diode
temp3:   -48.0°C  (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C)  sensor = 

cpu0_vid:   +1.388 V

Are these values reasonable, or is there something wrong with the 
lm-sensors configuration? I am especially wondering about the 
values for -12V, VBat, V5SB (don't know what this is), and 
temp3. Also, my box has 3 fans (PSU fan, CPU fan, case fan) and 
they all turn, but sensors says only one is turning. Anyone knows 
a good tutorial about setting up sensors?

Regards, Jan

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[OT] webcam colours

2008-02-26 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel

I have an extremely cheap (8 euro) webcam (Sunplus Technology Co.,
Ltd Flexcam 100, according to lsusb).

It works on my Sid box with 2.6.24-1-686 kernel, using the gspca
kernel module.

When I test it with camorama, the picture looks blue (i.e. blue
is the dominant colour). On the other hand, in Skype, the colours
seem OK.

Then I read somewhere that the gspca module should be loaded with
the option force_rgb=1. This reverses the situation: natural
colours in camorama, but blue picture in Skype.

Anyone else seen something similar?

Neither Skype nor camorama work without the gspca module loaded. I
wonder if there is a bug in a) my €8 cam  b) gspca  c) camorama
d) Skype.

Regards, Jan

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Icedove news

2008-02-09 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I recently started using Icedove for mail  news (until now, I 
only used Iceape or a hacked Fedora Seamonkey version).

I have some problems with news. I have subscribed to a few
newsgroups offered by the news server at my ISP (

Each time I click on a newsgroup (say, alt.html) a window pops up
asking if I want to subscribe to this newsgroup (to which I am
already subscribed). If I say yes, a side-effect is that in the
newsrc file (in my case ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/ a new line is created for this newsgroup.
The newsrc file therefore tends to grow without bounds, with many
duplicate lines.

Also, and because of this, it is impossible to unsubscribe from 
newsgroups. If I try to unsubscribe, the number of duplicate lines 
for this group in the newsrc is diminished by one. But as there 
are still many left, the next time I start icedove I am still 
subscribed to that group.

Do other list members also get these do you want to subscribe 
popups when using icedove for news?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Icedove news

2008-02-09 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel

On Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:30:41 Ralph Katz wrote:

Hi Jan -- No.  On up-to-date Etch, using icedove version
 (20071018), there is no problem here.  You could close icedove, move
 your ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/ out of the way, and
let icedove rebuild it upon restart.  Then re-subscribe to your
groups. I've never had your particular problem, but this solution has
worked for re-setting subscriptions and message-read data for me
before on earlier versions of thunderbird.

Thanks. This seems to have done it. I renamed the whole
~/.mozilla-thunderbird to ~/.mozilla-thunderbird-old, then dpkg
 --purge'd mozilla-thunderbird, thunderbird, and icedove, then
re-installed icedove. It proceeded to import settings (from where, I
cannot guess); but anyway it works now, and the pop-ups no longer occur.
Only the font of the messages had changed, but that could be fixed easily.

Thanks again, Jan

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2008-02-02 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
After converting my file system to ext3, I thought there would be
no more lengthy fsck's every 20 or so boot-ups. But they still

Some Googling revealed different opinions; some people say ext3
does not need periodic fsck's, others say even with ext3, it is
best to fsck every N boots, because PC hardware is cr*p. And
there are also several different methods (apparently) for
disabling periodic fsck's.

Is there a standard Debian doctrine or standard Debian
practice for this?

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: [OT] where is conio.h with getch()?

2008-01-21 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
You can use ncurses, but if it is only a getch() you want, you can
implement it using select() (not a function which is easy to
understand BTW). Just google for getch together with select.

A sample implementation is here:

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: which to use: ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS? [Was: new userquestion: debian on a Thinkpad T61]

2008-01-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Александър Л. Димитров wrote:
 Quoth Hugo Vanwoerkom:

 ext2. Never have used any other.

 I seriously hope that this was a joke...

Maybe it was, but I never used anything but ext2 either, and that
is no joke. It has worked fine for many years. I often considered
upgrading to ext3, but so far I've never taken this step. I
expect this is the same for many users of old.

I am especially put off by the Wikipedia article on ext3. It gives
a rather long list of disadvantages. One of them (No
checksumming in journal) even sounds pretty frightening. The list
of advantages is very short, and they are mostly advantages over
Reiserfs and other non-ext2 systems, not advantages over ext2.

But sometimes bugs in applications can cause a complete freeze of
X, incl. keyboard and mouse. It happens to me about once a year,
unfortunately also yesterday evening. In such a case there is
nothing you can do but pull the plug. Then when you reboot, all
sorts of alarming messages appear. By invoking fsck one can
normally get the system to boot again, but there may be
side-effects (e.g. my old iceweasel history was gone after the
reboot yesterday).

So now I am more or less ready to take the plunge. But I would
still like some advice.

1. Is it true that ext3 always lets you recover smoothly after a
   freeze and pull the plug, or after a power cut? Or are there
   still ifs and buts?
2. Is significant room on the disk (or partition) taken by the
   journal? By how much can I expect the disk capacity to be
3. It is said ext3 is slow. Does this apply to writing only, or
   also to reading? I.e., is there a danger that when I play a
   film with mplayer, I'll get the dreaded message Your system is
   TOO SLOW to play this?
4. I have my whole Linux system, apart from swap (i.e. the root,
   and everything that branches off it, like /boot, /var, /usr)
   just on one logical partition. Can I still convert to ext3,
   possibly by using a Knoppix or Ubuntu CD-ROM to boot from?
5. Where can I find reliable, step-by-step instructions for the
   conversion? There are several such instruction sites on the
   Web, but I am not sure they always agree.

PS: Kernel is 2.6.20-1-686

Regards, Jan

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Re: Re: Re: which to use: ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS? [Was: new userquestion: debian on a Thinkpad T61]

2008-01-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Paul Johnson wrote:

 Step 1: Get root privileges.
 Step 2: Type tune2fs -j /dev/whatever
 Step 3: Remount the filesystem ext3...

I did this, and indeed it was amazingly easy. On a partition of
about 24 G (well, this is an *old* disk!) a file /.journal of 128
M (indeed much less than 1%) was created instantaneously. Now
mount -l shows that I have an ext3 system.

What I did was (may have been over-cautious):

Step 1: close all applications, close X, get into a console.
Step 2: get root privileges.
Step 3: close the SMB connection to my wife's Windows machine.
Step 4: /etc/init.d/networking stop
Step 5: edit /etc/fstab; change ext2 to ext3 for my root device
(/dev/hda5 in my case).
Step 6: type tune2fs -j /dev/hda5. The journal was created
instantaneously (I'd expected this to take a long time.
but it did not).
Step 7: reboot.

Some steps may have been unnecessary, but it seems I have a
working ext3 system now. It is really easy. The real smoke test
will come, of course, when I pull the plug. Will do this now; if
you do not hear from me, the test will have failed. Thanks to all
who responded!

Regards, Jan

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Re: which to use: ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS? [Was: new userquestion: debian on a Thinkpad T61]

2008-01-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:

 Some steps may have been unnecessary, but it seems I have a
 working ext3 system now. It is really easy. The real smoke test
 will come, of course, when I pull the plug. Will do this now; if
 you do not hear from me, the test will have failed. Thanks to all
 who responded!

And it worked! I rudely pulled the plug when X and its apps were
still active, and after restoring the voltage the system rebooted
without any complaints. Hugo, you should convert to ext3 as well.

Regards, Jan

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Re: which to use: ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS? [Was: new userquestion: debian on a Thinkpad T61]

2008-01-19 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Curt Howland wrote:

 If I may interject, creating the journal just creates a blank

This would explain why creating the journal does not seem to take
any time. But strings showed that there was a lot of stuff (at
least lots of filenames) in it. Perhaps the journal is *created*
as a blank file, and then some background process immediately
begins to fill it? Anyway, whatever it does, it seems to be a very
clever system.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Open Office and German / Japanese Input

2008-01-15 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Dietrich Bollmann wrote:

 Every now and then I have to write something in German or
 Japanese.  And normally this entails about one week of trials
 to make Open Office work again with scim or uim (both input
 methods).  When finally everything works, it is normally too
 late for my letter but there is still time enough to give Open
 Office a chance to not work anymore when needed again.
 Any idea how to make Open Office work with uim or scim

If you have a UTF-8 locale (like en_GB.UTF-8; this is
case-sensitive) there is no need to ever change it again.

Google International text support on Linux and select the first
result. This explains all the details.

For Japanese, you need anthy (most convenient in combination with
uim). If you want to use scim (which is possible although I do not
recommend it) be aware that scim needs a line in
/etc/scim/global.conf, if you want to use it in an en_GB locale:

  /SupportedUnicodeLocales = en_US.UTF-8,en_GB.UTF-8

(the default is that scim only works with en_US.UTF-8; weird, but
this has not changed for years). Anyway, uim is better than scim
for international users (I think) because it has better support
for the Compose Key.

For German on an English keyboard you do not need any special
software. Just set up your keyboard to be the us keyboard with
the alt-intl variant. This can be used both for English and German.

When this is set up correctly, Japanese / German / English input
will work in all programs, including Openoffice, and will continue
working after upgrades as well.

Regards, beste Grüße, よろしくお願いします, Jan

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How to find the font?

2007-12-05 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
This question is not Debian-specific.

I am working in X (not in text mode), and some text is displayed
in some application; e.g. in iceweasel, but it could be something
else. So a part of my screen is filled with some text, in some
font, or in various fonts.

Is there any way to find out which fonts are actually being used?
I mean, ideally I would like to be able to select a part of the
displayed text, and then some application, daemon, or whatever,
would say, e.g.: this is Freemono, at 16 points. Is this possible?

Regards, Jan

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Re: cannot get mathml fonts to work in Iceape or Iceweasel

2007-10-13 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
H.S. wrote:

 I think I have succeeded in installing the fonts (see the
 output of some commands below). But I am not able to get proper
 rendering on this page:

MATHML in Mozilla products is still buggy in Debian (old bug, see
#401533 and others).

To get correct MATHML display, you can edit /etc/iceape/iceaperc,
changing MOZ_ENABLE_PANGO=1 to MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=1. However, this
only cures the *display* of MATHML. *Printing* MATHML still does
not work correctly. Also, disabling Pango has side-effects. Some
non-Latin scrips (like Devanagari) are not displayed (or printed)
correctly when Pango is off.

If printing MATHML is important for you, you can try to install
the Fedora Core version. FC cured the bug in December last year.

Regards, Jan

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Re: Simultaneous sounds, again (solved, probably)

2007-10-09 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I am pleased to say that I now managed to get simultaneous sound
working in Debian, almost perfectly.

My sound compatibility matrix is now:

  mp/s  xmmsyoutube   skype

mp/s   OKOK   OKOK

xmms   OKXOKOK

youtubeOKOK   OKOK

skype  OKOK   OKN/A

mp/s means mplayer with sdl audio output, as before. I had to set
this *both* by a line in ~/.mplayer/config:


and through the GUI (gmplayer, preferences, audio). It appears
both are necessary.

The X in the combination xmms-xmms should probably be N/A, because
xmms just does not allow running 2 instances of itself

Several reactions (on-list and off-list) suggested using a sound
daemon, but according to the 31 August 2007 entry on the
buglandia blog (, sound daemons
(like esd and arts) are now *outdated*, and even somewhat *evil*
(fundamentally wrong).

The solution is software sound mixing. Apparently, sounds can be
mixed by the hardware (the sound card) or by software. Windows
always uses software sound mixing by default. So sound mixing
always works on Windows, no matter what hardware you have. Linux,
developed by and for tech types, tries to use hardware mixing if
the sound card can support it (but by no means all of them do),
because this is more efficient.

Software mixing became something of a stepchild. But it appears
that in the more modern versions (of Linux and alsa; certainly in
Sid) software mixing works now. The flightgear wiki
( explains this better than I can.

To make it work, I followed a recipe on the alsa wiki
(, because the recipe on buglandia did
not work for me. What did was:

-- make sure there is NO /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc files
   present on the system.
-- export two environment variables:
   export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa
   export AUDIODEV=plug:dmix
   (you can put both commands in ~/.bash_profile).
-- make sure that mplayer uses sdl for audio output.
-- make sure there are no sound daemons running (jack, esd, arts,

It will now work after you log out/log in, and perhaps after
restarting alsa (/etc/init.d/alsasound restart). Well, I hope it
does. It now does for me.

Regards, Jan

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Simultaneous sounds, again

2007-10-08 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Trying to get multiple simultaneous sound streams working
on my Sid system, I got as far as the following:

  mp/s  mp/a   xmmsyoutube   skype

mp/s   OK   N/A XXXX

mp/a   N/A   X  XXXX

xmms   X X  XOKOK

youtubeX X  OK   OKOK

skype  X X  OK   OKN/A

Notes: - each row in the table begins with the sound using
 program which is started FIRST.
   - mp/s means: using mplayer to watch a local .avi file,
 with sdl audio output.
   - mp/a means: using mplayer to watch a local .avi file,
 with alsa audio output.
   - youtube means: watching a youtube (i.e. Flash) movie
 with iceape.
   - X means: the program which is started second produces
 no sound
   - XX means: the program which is started second produces
 no sound, and there are other problems (iceape freezing).
   - OK means OK.
   - N/A means: test cannot be done, or is meaningless.

So it seems that there is one group (xmms/Skype/youtube) the
members of which tolerate each other (all three can even make
noise together). There is another group (mplayer) which
allows multiple instances with simultaneous sound, but only if
sdl sound is selected. However, the two groups do not
tolerate each other. I cannot hear Skype ringing while playing
a local .avi file, for instance.

Does anyone get different/better results? Any tips?

I also think (but cannot prove this now) that a few months ago I
could hear skype while playing .avi movies, but that it became
impossible since (doubtless through some upgrade).

Sound hardware is AC 97 on motherboard.

Regards, Jan

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Re: AltGr on Japanese keyboard

2007-09-20 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
The jp keyboard layout (/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/jp) does not
seem to specify any 3rd (or 4th) level symbols. I do not know what
you want to do with your AltGr key, but if it is to get things
like AltGr-5 = Euro symbol, or AltGr-minus = dead macron key, you
could try


or perhaps in your case


I do not have a Japanese keyboard so I cannot test it completely.
Please tell if this works or not.

Regards, Jan

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Re: AltGr on Japanese keyboard

2007-09-20 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Oops, sorry, this should be without =, e.g.

setxkbmap us(alt-intl)+jp

or perhaps in your case

setxkbmap us(alt-intl)+jp(OADG109A)

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Re: How to fix Language error

2007-08-15 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
It seems that nowadays in Debian, you must set the locale by
running as root

update-locale LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8

This stores the locale value in /etc/defaults/locale (instead of

Regards, Jan

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