Re: 'Inverse' chmod?

1999-07-30 Thread Jiri Baum

Bob Bernstein wrote:
 Is there a command that will do (so to speak) the inverse of chmod, i.e.
 if given the name of a file return its current permissions in octal?

kpsestat = FILE

You can also get `hypothetical' permissions by replacing the `=' with a
mode modification a la chmod, for example,
kpsestat o+r FILE
gives you the permissions the file would have if its owner ran chmod o+r,
but doesn't actually change them.

However, it's in the tetex-bin package. Can't imagine why.

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Re: Enter mail, end with a single ..

1999-07-07 Thread Jiri Baum

Rolf Edlund:
 Sometimes when trying to send mail, I get these message (sendmail -q -v):
  354 Enter mail, end with a single ..
 And it just sits there, doing nothing ?

1) does it do that even if you do enter a message?

(It's expecting at the very least a set of headers, maybe giving it a
completely empty message confuses it.)

2) what MTA do you have? (ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail)

3) you do know that this is a server, and that user-friendly mail programs
exist, don't you?

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Re: samba printing..oops

1999-07-07 Thread Jiri Baum

peter moody:
 Hi all, I have a question.  I'm trying to set up some linux folks at work
 (we are in the minority) with the ability to print graphics (i'm not sure
 why, but the orders came from above...) I'm printing to an NT served hp
 laserjet 4. does pcl and all that.  i'v got magicfilter, but it's not
 configured properly.  some one told me that I need to check out samba
 printing docs, but i can't find the proper docs.


 anyone have any suggestions?

What I did here at home was set up two printers:

  + one pretty much like the above file (only I got rid of all the
  variables and hardcoded everything),

  + the other I turned on translate and replaced the cat on second last
  line with: fold -s ; echo -n ^L.

The idea is that text jobs go to the second one, and are line-broken and
ready for the printer to handle; it's called lp so that's what happens
when you hit p in mutt/tin/whatever. The first one is only used when I've
already stuck the thing through ghostscript. (Note: the ^L is the Control-L

Then again, I don't have magicfilter (I don't think). There's probably a
better way to do things.

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Re: Remove funny files

1999-07-07 Thread Jiri Baum

Allan M. Wind:
 On 1999-07-04 20:22, Rolf Edlund wrote:
rm -i Backupfiles/--exclude=files.txt
 There are 2 tricks:
   1. rm -i * (say no to everything that you want to keep)

No, this doesn't work. The shell expands the `*', and rm is once again left
with a filename beginning with two dashes. I know, I have a lot of
ex-umsdos directories mounted over samba.

   2. rm -- FILE

That usually works, but not for all commands.

(One that comes to mind is cd. You have to say cd ./DIRECTORY.)

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Re: Thanks

1999-07-07 Thread Jiri Baum

Carley, Jason \(Australia\):
 I had a similar problem which I traced back to gpm running expecting a
 mouse on com1 when it was actually psaux.  My modem was on com1 but
 wvdial couldn't find it due to gpm interfering.

I had a problem like that with a digital camera once - I actually took it
back to the manufacturer to be tested!

Turns out that Windows CE Services grabs the COM port even when it's
disabled (at least under Win95).

The solution is to open the Windows CE Services Properties, enable it, and
change it to use the mouse COM port. It'll complain, but you can ignore
that. You won't be able to close the properties box, but the change *will*
take effect as long as the box is open.

Yes, that's two Win95 bugs, one minor and one major, in one posting.

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Re: other news questions

1999-07-07 Thread Jiri Baum

 I have been following the thread about news, inn, nntpcache, etc.
 I would also like to set up a news server.  I currently have installed
 but have not configured inn and nntpcache.  I would like to have my setup
 mirror they way an isp would setup a news server.

I've been using leafnode, and it does all I want... From what I hear, it's
a lot easier to set up than inn (basically, you just point it at the server
you get your news from and that's it).

As for doing what an ISP would do: leafnode slots into the standard unix
news system, so it pretty much is that. As somebody observed, the news
system is pretty much like the mail system: MTA and MUA. Leafnode does the
transport-agent job (as does inn).

You'll also need a newsreader, be it tin (like I use), Netscape or
whatever. Just point it to get the news from the machine you have leafnode
on (or `localhost' if you only have one computer). Different users can use
different programs - it's all the same to leafnode.

 O ya, what is a newsfeed?

That's a server you get your news from.

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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-07 Thread Jiri Baum

Lex Chive:
 On Sat, Jul 03, 1999 at 06:28:37PM +0200, Sami Dalouche wrote:
   It's one thing to send Christmas gifs to people that are a couple of
   hundred bytes long; it's quite a different story when it's a huge,
   uncompressed bitmap which does exactly the same job. Sadly, in most
   e-mail clients either would be just a filename, with no immediate
   indication of how big it really is.
  If u insist to have a such function, maybe Mutt can do that...
 Mutt is not (should not) be concerned with fetching mail. From the doc:

I think something was lost somewhere along the way...

My paragraph above was talking about MUAs (especially under Windows) that
let the user attach huge files without so much as showing the size, much
less warning if it's bigger than 50K.

50K is the rule of thumb suggested by RFC 1855.

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Re: Enter mail, end with a single ..

1999-07-07 Thread Jiri Baum

 Rolf Edlund:
  Sometimes when trying to send mail, I get these message (sendmail -q -v):
Jiri Baum:
 3) you do know that this is a server, and that user-friendly mail
 programs exist, don't you?

Ralf G. R. Bergs:
 I think you don't get the point.
 He is trying to empty sendmail's queue, i.e. send pending messages to the

So he is. My mistake.

Why is the sending MTA attempting to send a blank message, then? (If that's
what it's trying to do?) May be an idea to check in its spool directory
whether the relevant message-ID is corrupt in some way.

 The above quoted message (Enter mail) is a message that the receiver-MTA 
 issues during the SMTP dialog. Obviously something went wrong, like the 
 connection timed out.
 A typical dialog looks like this:
   helo foobar

Shouldn't that be helo ?

   mail from[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   rcpt to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The above message (Enter mail) is being issued by the receiver-MTA after 
 the data command has been issued.


The variant sock it to me  sock it to me  end with is rare.

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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-07-04 Thread Jiri Baum

Sami Dalouche:
  The operative word being `need to'. It'd be a very good feature indeed
  if the e-mail client checked the size of the message and said, when
  appropriate, something along the lines of this is an unusually large
  message by Internet standards; are you sure? (y/N) and popped up a
  wizard for other ways of transferring the file.
 Hey ! Writing such a software for Windows os OK and usual but do not
 begin to do this under Linux !

Actually, I think I *was* talking about Windows, but why not Linux? (OK,
apart from the pop-up-wizard bit...)

Every mailer I've seen has a send/abort/headers/whatever screen just before
the message goes off. In elm, most of the screen is blank for that! It'd be
just as easy to use that part of screen for netiquette warnings.

(I think tin - the newsreader - does that for postings. After you compose a
post, when it's asking you whether you want to post/quit/edit/pgp, it often
shows a message saying your post exceeds 78 columns; people may have
trouble with that; the first line to exceed 78 columns is: `...' or
something on those lines.)

  It's one thing to send Christmas gifs to people that are a couple of
  hundred bytes long; it's quite a different story when it's a huge,
  uncompressed bitmap which does exactly the same job. Sadly, in most
  e-mail clients either would be just a filename, with no immediate
  indication of how big it really is.
 If u insist to have a such function, maybe Mutt can do that...

That's where it belongs, isn't it? (Well, maybe there should be a
standalone version of that program, too - you'd give it a prepared message
and it'd give back any warnings, with exit code 0 for OK, 1 for minor faux
pas, etc.)

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mutt samba Lock count exceeded, remove lock?: [y]

1999-06-29 Thread Jiri Baum

About a month ago, I asked about a problem, but never got any response.
Perhaps somebody will know the answer now?


recently, my father began reporting an error when trying to save from mutt
to a samba-mounted (W95) drive. Saving locally works fine.

The message is:
  Lock count exceeded, remove lock?: [y]

Responding one way simply pops up the message again, the other way the save
is aborted.

Any suggestions, please?

I've a mixed hamm/slink system:

hi  base-files  2.0Debian Base System Miscellaneous Files
hi  kernel-source-2 2.0.36-2   Linux kernel source.
ii  libc5   5.4.46-3   The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries
hi  mutt-i  0.93i-1.1  Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, PGP a
hi  netstd  3.07-2 Networking binaries and daemons for Linux
hi  samba   1.9.18p8-2 A LanManager like fileserver and simple clie
hi  smbfs   2.0.2-5Mount and umount commands for the smbfs.

(libc6 is version


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Re: Unwanted routing table entries

1999-05-27 Thread Jiri Baum

Dieter Jäger:
 The sl0 device entries are set up by the diald package, which task is to
 automatically dial up the line to your ISP if needed.

I guess the solution, then, is:

  a) if you want on-demand dialling, set up that (using diald),

  b) otherwise, get rid of the diald package

Avery Fay:
 I do know that they are created during the init process because when I
 delete they reappear after reboot.

Just by the way (and so you don't get confused later), the init process
is a technical term which doesn't mean what you think it means. What you
mean is called initialization, boot-up or start-up sequence.

The `init' process is the program that runs as process number 1; it starts
up after the kernel has finished its own initializations, and runs further
initializations (from the init.d directory), makes sure there are gettys
(or something) running on the six console screens at all times, and
oversees the shutdown of the system. It is configured and controlled with
/etc/inittab and /sbin/telinit

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Re: DHCP and Samba

1999-05-27 Thread Jiri Baum

Jens B. Jorgensen:
 When nmbd starts it figures out what IP address you're sitting on and
 then goes about the business of staking your claim to that name. It will
 *never* go back (not, at least, in the current version and I don't ever
 expect it to) and see if your IP address has changed.

To re-start nmbd, you can run
/etc/init.d/samba restart

(That will also re-start smbd.)

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Re: gawk, rsync, mirror

1999-05-27 Thread Jiri Baum
 Hello. I have two questions that I would appreciate some advice on, if
 anyone has time.  I'm running slink with a 2.0.36 kernel.
 [1] I'd like to try `gawk' instead of `mawk' (currently
 installed). But `mawk' can't be removed by dpkg since basefiles
 depends on it. Is apt smart enough to handle this situation? That
 is, if I try to: apt-get install gawk will it do the right thing?

base-files depends on awk
gawk provides awk

(at least in hamm)

So it should do the right thing, yes.

 [2] I'd also like to install a package to help me keep 3
 directory-systems (a small data-base that I maintain) on 3
 different machines in sync with one another. I gather that both
 `rsync' and `mirror' will do this. Is there anyone who can give me
 a sense of what the pluses and minuses of the two programs are?
 `Rsync' seems to be much smaller.

Depending on what kind of data it is, CVS might also be nice (though it'll
only really work for text files, not database files).

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fetchmail: SMTP 552 Header line is ridiculously overlong

1999-05-25 Thread Jiri Baum

recently, fetchmail refused to fetch and deliver a particular message,
claiming it got an SMTP error (from exim). Upon switching it to verbose, I
found the error message is:
  fetchmail: SMTP 552 Header line is ridiculously overlong

I can go read it manually from the POP server, but is there anything I
could do to help avoid such trouble in the future?

(Other than unsubscribe from debian-security-announce, of course.)


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Re: EMERGENCY 'umount /'

1999-05-25 Thread Jiri Baum

 So I decided to try the rescue disk. 
 After booting with linux-init=/bin/sh I was dropped into bash. I then
 tried to unmount the root filesystem so that I could mount it again as

I think you don't want to do that - the root filesystem you are in at that
point is *not* your normal filesystem, but the rescue root filesystem.

What you probably want to do is mount your normal root filesystem under
/mnt and fix it there.

  mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt
  cd /mnt/etc/kbd

That should get rid of the bad keyboard mapping; I assume without one it'll
be some sort of sane default, but if not, you'll also have to do:

  cp /mnt/usr/share/keytables/ /mnt/etc/kbd/

 However, when I entered the command
 umount /
 I got some message like can't open mtab: file doesn't exist or something
 like this.

Umounting the root filesystem is really bad... most anything you do needs
to access the disk, and if the root filesystem isn't mounted, it can't get
to it.

I'm surprised it let you do it at all.

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Re: cp: /MS/test.txt: Operation not permitted when copying to a vfat partition ?

1999-05-25 Thread Jiri Baum
 Can you tell what cp complains about ?

It can't chmod (I think) on the vfat partition. (vfat partitions don't have

You can avoid the error message for msdos and vfat partitions by mounting
them with the `quiet' option.

I haven't found a way to avoid the error message with samba disks.

 Now trying to copy test.txt to the vfat partition:
 [01:55:13 shaul]$ cp -v test.txt /MS/
 test.txt - /MS/test.txt
 cp: /MS/test.txt: Operation not permitted
 [01:55:23 shaul]$ ls -l /MS/t*
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 root dos 0 May 24 01:55 /MS/test.txt

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mutt samba Lock count exceeded, remove lock?: [y]

1999-05-21 Thread Jiri Baum

recently, my father began reporting an error when trying to save from mutt
to a samba-mounted (W95) drive. Saving locally works fine.

The message is:
  Lock count exceeded, remove lock?: [y]

Responding one way simply pops up the message again, the other way the save
is aborted.

Any suggestions, please?

I've a mixed hamm/slink system:

hi  base-files  2.0Debian Base System Miscellaneous Files
hi  kernel-source-2 2.0.36-2   Linux kernel source.
ii  libc5   5.4.46-3   The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries
hi  mutt-i  0.93i-1.1  Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, PGP a
hi  netstd  3.07-2 Networking binaries and daemons for Linux
hi  samba   1.9.18p8-2 A LanManager like fileserver and simple clie
hi  smbfs   2.0.2-5Mount and umount commands for the smbfs.

(libc6 is version


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https browser

1999-05-21 Thread Jiri Baum

is there a simple way of browsing https pages?

For normal web browsing, I use wwwoffle (version 2.1c-1) and Netscape on
the W95 machine but it doesn't seem to handle https; lynx (version 2.8-2)
says outright it can't handle it.

Any suggestions, or do I just have to install Netscape on the Debian box?

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Re: Beep

1999-04-23 Thread Jiri Baum
  How to make beep?
  I don't want to do peintf \a but i have a process which has no controlling
  terminal (from atd/cron)

 I just echo \a to /dev/tty8  It doesn't bother me there, and it makes a
 beeb (from out of a .procmailrc :-)

You could also use the wall command - it notifies all logged-in users.

 * also displays a message
 * notifies people even over telnet etc
 * distracting message presented to users
 * does nothing if no-one is logged in

It's in the bsdutils package.


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Re: pstogif

1999-04-22 Thread Jiri Baum
Philip Lehman:
 I managed to delete pstogif from /usr/bin somehow ;) Could somebody
 please tell me in which deb package this app is included so I can
 reinstall it?

If you just deleted it, dpkg should still think it's installed, so you
should be able to do dpkg -S pstogif.

Sorry I can't help more - I don't have that program installed.

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1999-04-22 Thread Jiri Baum

where can I find ssh 2, please?

thank you

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parallel run-parts?

1999-04-21 Thread Jiri Baum

is there anything like run-parts that would run all the scripts at the same
time, and then wait for all of them to finish?

I wouldn't mind having most of my ip-up.d run together - I suspect there's
a lot of time spent idle waiting for protocol negotiation to go through...

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Re: A file is not always what you think it is.

1999-04-21 Thread Jiri Baum
Hans van den Boogert:

 That makes me wonder: I have to install some packages on the notebook to
 get the external CD-ROM drive working. If I copy them from the CD-ROM on
 a DOS formatted floppy and then transfer to the notebook, will I get the
 same kind of trouble? 

Nope. Copying deb files back and forth and around is no problem at all.

The only trouble you might have is that the filenames are changed. That
only matters if you are using the Packages file, though; no problem if you
have dselect scan the directory, or install individual debs directly.

Oh, and if the package is bigger than the floppy then it won't fit.

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Re: How to bring a file from Windows to Debian?

1999-04-21 Thread Jiri Baum
 Quoted-printable is an abomination, and the least satisfactory of all the
 solutions to non-ASCII/non-RFC mail.
 As well as planting =20 at the end of long-line breaks (and granted
 there is a need for a solution to the long-line problem), any true =
 goes into =3D, as well of course as all characters with codes  128
 going into =XX. So far so bad.

You haven't touched half of it. ISTR reading that at least two currency
symbols codes end with a digit (pound and yen), causing people to think
amounts are an order of magnitude larger than intended.

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Re: 3 button mouse

1999-04-21 Thread Jiri Baum
 ] I just bought a new 3 button mouse for the convenience of better cut and
 ] paste, and find that I can't seem to make it work.

Fabio Olive leite:
 Most likely your mouse is (like mine) a dual mode mouse. Check if it
 doesn't have PC and MS written somewhere around the ball hole. For
 sometime this kind of mouse came with a nice switch below it that would
 select the mode, but then god-knows-why they changed it

Actually, I think there have always been the two approaches. I remember the
`hold down the mouse' idiocy from at least the early nineties.

The solution is to check the mouse in the shop before buying it.

 to an insanely great approach: the mouse defaults to micro$oft mode,
 which uses only two buttons (don't ask); if you want it to work in
 MouseSystems mode, which has three buttons, you have to turn on your PC
 holding the left mouse button down.

Come to think of it, this isn't nearly as ridiculous in Linux as it is in

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Re: A file is not always what you think it is.

1999-04-21 Thread Jiri Baum
Antal Ritter:
 That's it. #!/bin/sh would be ok, but the kernel (?) will not find
 #!/bin/shCR, and that's what the file not found referred to. This is
 one of my favourites.

Which, of course, suggests an alternative solution :-)
  ln -s /bin/sh /bin/sh^M

(Which wouldn't work very well unless you made /bin/sh^M a somewhat hacked
shell that handles DOS line ends; perhaps bash could do that automatically
when invoked as bash^M.)

Never mind.

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Re: Dayly cron job

1999-04-19 Thread Jiri Baum
Arcady Genkin:
 It seems like if the computer is turned off at 11 pm, the job never gets

That's right.

 Shouldn't it run as soon as the computer is powered on in case that it
 never got to run because it was off?

To get that, you can:

a) check out the anacron package, or

b) make a boot-up script that checks whether the job has been done
in the last ~24 hours, and does it if it hasn't been (and it's not
almost 11pm anyway)

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Re: Pentium bug Q

1999-04-19 Thread Jiri Baum
Thomas Ruedas:
  When booting I noticed the following message:
  Intel Pentium with F0 0F bug
  Workaround enabled.
  Does somebody know what bug this is and what workaround is implemented.

R. Brock Lynn:
 Have a look at the kernel code:
 (I'm referring to kernel 2.2.3 but it may be exactly the same for 2.0.34 for
 this particular feature.)
 See arch/i386/kernel/traps.c
 I don't know what it means, but there are two F0 0F's mentioned in that 
 And a function called trap_init_f00f_bug(void)

The other half of that code is in arch/i386/mm/fault.c (at least in 2.0.36)

If memory serves (and judging by the source code it does), what happens is
that when a particular invalid instruction is executed, the CPU freezes.
This is bad because the instruction happens to be a user-level one (ie,
anyone may execute it).

The workaround is kinda cute: just before freezing, the CPU looks up a
value from some table (IDT, I guess). The workaround arranges for that
particular part of the table to be permanently swapped out - that's what
trap_init_f00f_bug() does. That way, when somebody tries that trick, the
memory manager will be invoked, see what's happened and regain control.
That bit is part of do_page_fault().

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Re: mounting floppy disk

1999-04-19 Thread Jiri Baum

Jens B. Jorgensen:
  This would seem to indicate your kernel lacks floppy drive support!?
  What do you get from: 'cat /proc/devices | grep fd'?

Daniel González Gasull:
 Nothing.  :-( Here is my /proc/devices:
 ---begin quoted text---
 Character devices:
 Block devices:
  3 ide0
 ---end quoted text---
 Please help.  TIA.

In the block devices, you need a line that starts with 2 (that's the same 2
you see when you do ls -l /dev/fd0).

If you've recompiled your kernel recently, you probably forgot to include
floppy disk support. Just do make config again, and confirm everything
with Enter except answer y or m to the question about floppy disks.
Then recompile (make dep; make clean; ...).

(The option is called BLK_DEV_FD or Normal floppy disk support.)

Alternatively, if you did answer m, check that the module is being

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Re: Running a script from /etc/ip-up.d

1999-04-19 Thread Jiri Baum

Christian Dysthe:
 #! /bin/sh
 fetchmail -f /home/cdysthe/.fetchmailrc
 I also made a more complete script using:
 #1 /bin/sh

That should be #! and there shouldn't be a space after it.

 if [ -x /usr/bin/fetchmail ]
then /usr/bin/fetchmail -f /home/cdysthe/.fetchmailrc
 exit 0

Actually, there's not much point doing this. The reason everything else has
it is because when you uninstall a package (rather than purge), dpkg will
leave the ip-up.d script behind and it needs to handle that. I can't quote
chapter and verse, but it's in the policy.

 Another strange thing is that it works and collects mail if I add the
 line: fetchmail -f /home/cdysthe/.fetchmailrc to the xisp script in

What's the name of your script? You're only allowed to use letters,
numbers, dashes and underscores in filenames in the ip-up.d directory (same
goes for cron.daily and so on).

If it works when you add the same line to another ip-up.d script, then the
command itself is OK and I'd suspect something about the script or the way
it's invoked... like its name, owner, permissions, bad #! line or similar.

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Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-19 Thread Jiri Baum
Jae W. Chang:
 Yes, dselect isn't perfect. It doesn't have the most intuitive UI but...

Can I nominate that for the understatement of the month? :-)

 I'll forgo the useless UI feature set for something that just works. 

Another wonderful thing with dselect is that you can mix it with calls to

Sometimes I want handholding, and sometimes I know what I'm doing.

dpkg is also useful if I've downloaded a single package off somewhere, have
it sitting on the disk and I want to install just that.

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Re: Debian vs. RedHat

1999-04-19 Thread Jiri Baum

William R Pentney:
 Furthermore, is there a method of searching by package description,

less /var/lib/dpkg/available


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Re: Some email bounces = misconfigured exim?

1999-04-18 Thread Jiri Baum

Arcady Genkin:
 Well, I personally don't think that *that* is the problem. My outgoing
 mail bounces from the foreign servers, not sympatico's.

Why are you trying to send mail directly to foreign servers?

Simpler to give it all to your ISP and let *them* handle it. It's their
*job* to figure out how to talk to all the SMTP hosts on the planet, and
they have the resources to do it (including their own DNS, static IP,
permanent link, full-time staff to handle problems etc).

You should only need to figure out how to talk to your own ISP's SMTP host.
Most of them only require that you be calling in from their modem pool.

(My own mail address - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - is an MX-only domain pointing to
a commercial ISP; I have no problem using that address when sending e-mail,
provided I send it to whoever I've currently phoned (ISP server when I call
the ISP, university server when I'm on the uni modem pool). The machine I'm
typing on is called

In the routers section of exim.conf, use something like:

driver = domainlist
transport = remote_smtp
route_list = * bydns_a

(Actually, since I routinely call either the ISP or the university, I have
the ip-up.d/exim script place the mailserver name in a file and then I pull
it into the exim config using the $lookup function.)


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Re: Library update failure continues...

1999-04-14 Thread Jiri Baum

Curt Howland:
 My bug report got no action, since the suggested package to solve the
 library problem will not install without the missing file.

I don't know where the file comes from (my system has, but if
you need a file out of a package, you can always ar x and  tar x to
unpack it manually. Then copy the missing file where it belongs.

(That's copy the deb into a subdirectory, do ar x libwhatever.deb and
then tar xzf data.tar.gz.)

If you install a .so file in this way, don't forget to run ldconfig to
update all the softlinks and the cache.

Once you've got your system up and running, you should probably install
that deb using dpkg, so that it knows about the file.

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mount partition or disk

1999-04-13 Thread Jiri Baum

is there an easy (or canonical) way of (auto)detecting whether a disk is
partitioned, please?

What I have is a SCSI magneto-optical disk drive (230MB removable disks)
and a bunch of disks. With some of the disks, I need to mount /dev/sda1,
with others /dev/sda directly.

(The disks have existing data on them, written under DOS, obviously various
versions of either DOS or the driver.)

Any suggestions?

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Re: mount partition or disk

1999-04-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Jiri Baum:
  is there an easy (or canonical) way of (auto)detecting whether a disk is
  partitioned, please?
  What I have is a SCSI magneto-optical disk drive (230MB removable disks)
  and a bunch of disks. With some of the disks, I need to mount /dev/sda1,
  with others /dev/sda directly.

ktb (kent):
 This is a little out of my league but could you use cfdisk?

I don't see how...

cfdisk and fdisk are interactive programs for manipulating partitions; if
the disk is not partitioned, they read rubbish from the disk and let me
manipulate that. If I accidentally save it, I've probably just destroyed
the filesystem.

(Maybe I wasn't clear in my original mail; my problem isn't a blank disk
that I want to partition; my problem is a box of disks full of data, some
of which are partitioned like hard disks, others formatted in one piece
like floppies.)

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Re: mounting floppy disk

1999-04-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Daniel Gonz_lez Gasull:
  I have problems mounting /dev/fd0:
  # mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
  mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/fd0 as a block device
 (maybe `insmod driver'?)

Jens B. Jorgensen:
 This would seem to indicate your kernel lacks floppy drive support!? What
 do you get from: 'cat /proc/devices | grep fd'?

And what do you get for 'ls -l /dev/fd0'?

I get:
  brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 Apr 13 20:16 /dev/fd0

The important bits in that are the b at the beginning and the 2, 0 in
the middle.

You will get a different date and time - that's normal.

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Re: du -x

1999-04-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Chris Brown:
 First off, I'm persuing this because I'd like to make my life a 
 little easier when reviewing drive usage; I'd like (need) a way to 
 list summerized directory space used on a single filesystem for one 
 level of directories (below the current, perhaps).

du -x . | egrep -v '/.*/'

Which lists what you want (except the mount points, but you probably have
them all empty anyway). The way it does that is by throwing away all lines
that have two slashes in them.

Another thing that might be useful is
du -x . | sort -rn
which lists directories according to total size of the tree under them.
Thus, if /usr/lib is bigger than /var, it shows up above it. (Send it to a
file or through less, otherwise the interesting bits will scroll off...)


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Re: laptop filesystem panic

1999-04-13 Thread Jiri Baum

Chris Brown:
 Directory 825174: bad FAT
 Filesystem panic (dev 03:03, mounted on 03:01:454739)
 FAT error
 Filesystem panic (dev 03:03, mounted on 03:01:454739)
 fat_free: deleting beyond EOF

I used to get the same messages!

I'd go into DOS, run PC Tools DiskFix (which would find a whole lot of
errors and fix them) and/or chkdsk, and a week or two later they'd be back.

I haven't seen them for a while (fingers crossed).

This is on a desktop system.

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Re: LyX 1.0 for slink?

1999-04-13 Thread Jiri Baum
  Yeah, but lyx wants stuff like libc6 from potato and other essentials
  that will break a working slink dist.

 I have lyx 1.0 on my slink system. Lyx has a dependency on libc6. Not the
 new one, _any_ one. It won't upgrade you to the new libc6. (Well, I guess
 if you were running bo it would ;-)  ) All dependencies can be met with a
 slink system. If you don't want any other packages installed from
 unstable, just look up dependencies and install them from stable tree.

I presume the lazy man's way of doing this would be:
download the lyx .deb from potato
dpkg -i --force-depends lyx*.deb
point dselect at slink and do [S], 2x[Enter], [I], [C]

Would that work like I think it would?

(More importantly, am I a dangerous maniac with habits like that?)

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Re: adding a module to a kernel

1999-04-12 Thread Jiri Baum
Pollywog (about kernel compiling):
 Sort of.  I wanted to know if I could skip over the part where I have to
 answer all the questions.  I did not mind having to do the remainder of
 the steps.

Yes, you can skip the make config step, but wouldn't you normally want to
change the answer to at least one of the questions?

(Unless you are upgrading, of course.)

Note that once you've done make config once, it's a lot easier to do it
again because the defaults it gives you are your previous answers. So you
just need to hit Enter until you get to the thing you want to change,
change that single one, and continue with Enter until it's finished.


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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-12 Thread Jiri Baum
Jiri Baum:
  If you have messages that MUST not get into hostile hands, I suggest
  reading a good cryptography text (sorry, I'm not keeping up with it
  these days; is `Applied Cryptography' by Bruce Sterling...

Jonathan Guthrie:
 ITYM Bruce Schneier.

Yeah, that one. Bruce Sterling is someone else.

Weapon safety tip: before shooting yourself in the foot, remove it from
your mouth.


Re: root can't login

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

Bradley Bell:
 I'm running potato, and just upgraded libc6.  As can happen with unstable,
 it broke stuff.  bash for one.  since root has bash set as its shell, I
 can't log in as root.  I can log in as a normal user, which has tcsh for
 its login shell.
 SO, does anybody know any way I can get root on this box?  I can't reboot
 it with a rescue floppy, because the machine isn't here, it's at my work.

setenv SUSHELL /usr/bin/tcsh



Re: Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

James Mastros:
 I always run as root.  Avoids permission problems.)

Hmm, most permission problems are there to tell you you're doing something
dangerous. Always running as root deprives you of that warning.


Re: using FAT floppies- a drawback

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

 I was going about reformatting a floppy disk I use to backup my Exim
 filters and configs and I remembered something:  DOS floppies are limited
 to 8.3 type names.  I believe there are some ways around this

umsdos - unix filesystem on top of MS DOS - that way you'll be able to read
the files from a DOS machine. (There'll be an extra file visible in DOS,
which contains the permissions/ownerships/long names.) Be careful when
changing this under DOS - umssync can handle most changes, but replacing a
something (eg a softlink) with something of the same name but completely
different type (eg a directory) can mess things up no end.

vfat - win95 filesystem - provides long filenames but nothing else

You could also use tar (or one of its siblings) and write the tar.gz file
on an msdos-formatted floppy (as .tgz) or directly onto the raw device.


Re: Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

Michael Stutz:
 This works for the CD-ROM drive after doing chgroup audio /dev/cdrom;
 chgroup audio /dev/hdc as root (should I have done that?) but doing mount
 /dev/fd0 /floppy as a user still gets mount: only root can do that:

Only root is allowed to mount/umount things by default; users are only
allowed to do for things listed in /etc/fstab as user.

 $ mount /dev/fd0 /floppy/
 mount: only root can do that
 $ ls -l /dev/fd0
 brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 May 27  1997 /dev/fd0
 $ groups
 m dialout floppy audio dip

That means you can read and write the raw floppy (which can be useful
occasionally, but not often). To be able to mount it, you need the
appropriate line in /etc/fstab.


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

John Galt:
 What's the accepted method of sending a file to a person that MUST not
 get into unfriendly hands, but needs to get between users that have no
 access to the other's machine, due to dynamic PPP and hostile ISPs, then?
 This method should be as easy and as transportable as POPmail, not
 involve other servers in any way save routing, be able to be used
 internationally, and ensure delivery to only the intended person.  Give
 up? Well so do I.

E-mail certainly doesn't solve this problem, because there are far too many
easy ways to intercept it.

The correct solution is to encrypt the file appropriately, then transport
it using usual channels - whether e-mail or ftp.

What level of encryption is appropriate depends on the application.
One-time-pad is unconditionally secure, if you need that, but unwieldy.


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

John Galt:
  Most crypto is based on a similar setup to email,

Umm, no, cryptography is the art of writing messages that can only be
decoded by the intended recipient. Very little to do with e-mail.

If you have messages that MUST not get into hostile hands, I suggest
reading a good cryptography text (sorry, I'm not keeping up with it these
days; is `Applied Cryptography' by Bruce Sterling still the standard
reference?) or hiring a security expert, or both.

A program like PGP, properly used, can give you a reasonable trade-off
between security and convenience. However, depending on your requirements,
stronger encryption may be warranted (whether that means steganography or

Gary Singleton:
 CITATION to eliminate the dynamic IP problem.
 proftpd to provide file transfer protocol service.
 New ISP if yours is hostile.
 Lotus notes for document revision control.

I'd suggest CVS for collaborative document revision control.


Re: top like drive usage utility?

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

  Our drives have occasionally been going nuts with disk access.  They
  would for no reason just start reading the disk and go solid for 10
  minutes.  Is there a utility like top to check for who or what is
  accessing the disks?

There's fuser -mv /, but that just tells you which processes are
accessing the disk, not how much each is taking.

If you want to know possible culprits, check your /etc/crontab - by
default, it's set up to do some maintenance stuff between 5 and 6 in the

fuser is in the psmisc package


Re: where is my kernel source?

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

  My Slink had no /usr/src/linux.  /usr/src contained
  'kernel-headers-2.0.36/' and 'kernel-source-2.0.36/'  

Marlon Urias wrote:
 My /usr/src/ only contains kernel-headers-2.0.36, this isn't the weird
 thing about my installation either. I guess I'll try looking in the cd.

Look for kernel-source-2.0.36 package in the devel section (priority



Re: What advantage; gs-aladdin vs. gs?

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

Gary Singleton:
 I have to ask what the advantage of gs-aladdin is (if any)?

gs-aladdin is the newest version

gs lags behind some fixed number of years (maybe three but I don't

I use gs-aladdin because it has/had some driver that I needed.


Re: fdformat missing

1999-04-11 Thread Jiri Baum

Nathan E Norman:
 The real reason FAT filesystems are good for floppies is because it
 wastes the least space, while providing a decent medium for transferring

But if you're just going to put one tar.gz file on it, do you need a
filesystem at all?


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Jiri Baum

Stefan Nobis:
 Do you get the point? To send emails bigger than about 40-80KB without
 being asked to do so and without asking the recipient is not very nice
 and i would call it an offence.

Your point being?

Everyone knows that you shouldn't in general send files over about 50 KB
(or at least everyone that's read RFC 1855). Everyone knows you shouldn't
send large amounts of unsolicited information to people.

Everyone also knows that you should end each line with a carriage return,
except people who write web-browser mail facilities.

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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Jiri Baum
Steve Lamb:
  Ohh...  You mean make it easy for idiot users to send large
  attachments through a medium that wasn't designed for it, shouldn't be
  used in that manner, and causes more problems than is needed with each
  step of the way.
  If I were to do it I'd have the email client teach them how to send a

Hamish Moffatt:
 Wrong solution. Users should not have to adapt to technology (within
 reason); the technology should allow users to send huge email attachments
 if they need to. Otherwise it should be fixed.

The operative word being `need to'. It'd be a very good feature indeed if
the e-mail client checked the size of the message and said, when
appropriate, something along the lines of this is an unusually large
message by Internet standards; are you sure? (y/N) and popped up a wizard
for other ways of transferring the file.

It's one thing to send Christmas gifs to people that are a couple of
hundred bytes long; it's quite a different story when it's a huge,
uncompressed bitmap which does exactly the same job. Sadly, in most e-mail
clients either would be just a filename, with no immediate indication of
how big it really is.

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Re: samba: Operation not permitted (was: Re: vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted)

1999-03-28 Thread Jiri Baum

  JB == Jiri Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 JB I ask because I'd like to be able to use `mv' to move files. If it
 JB can't set permissions on the destination, mv behaves like cp.

Martin Bialasinski:
 On FAT partitions, there is no concept of permissions. So Linux uses
 values determined by the uid, gid and umask options on mount.

I know.

On FAT partitions, one can set them to be `quiet' about it, so attempts to
set permissions fail silently.

I'd like to be able to do the same with smbfs.

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Re: Zombies

1999-03-28 Thread Jiri Baum

Chris Brown:
 kill pid# did not work. Somewhere along the way the jobs attained the
 zombie status, and kill wouldn't touch them. I finally rebooted.
 Can someone explain what a zombie is and how to kill it?

The idea is that when a process dies, gets killed or just exits, its parent
must be notified; if this notification can't happen at once, the process is
labelled `zombie'. When notification goes through, the zombie disappears.

So basically it's being kept around for bookkeeping reasons.

To get rid of a zombie, you can also kill the parent.


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samba: Operation not permitted (was: Re: vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted)

1999-03-17 Thread Jiri Baum

Some time ago, there was discussion of the Operation not permitted error
on FAT partitions, and someone suggested the `quiet' option.

Does such an option exist for Samba? (smbfs)

   It comes from the fact that cp tries to set some permissions on the
   destination file. That is actually not possible for VFAT. 
   (I would prefer VFAT to silently ignore that)

Hamish Moffatt:
 Yes, quiet in the options line does this IIRC.
 zip for example encounters the same problem when creating a zip on
 FAT/VFAT, and removes the created zip file! Most annoying.

I ask because I'd like to be able to use `mv' to move files. If it can't
set permissions on the destination, mv behaves like cp.

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Re: set root execution permission for normal users

1999-03-10 Thread Jiri Baum

Conrado Badenas:
 I have just compiled a kernel for parport ZIP drive support, and now I
 would want to get an automatic way to mount and umount the drive. I have
 created the next script (/usr/local/bin/mtzip):
 /sbin/modprobe ppa.o
 /bin/mount /mnt/zip

Shell scripts can't be setuid. Use the sudo package instead.

 and added the next line in /etc/fstab:
 /dev/sda4   /mnt/zip   msdos   rw,user,noauto,umask=007,gid=25   0   2

So it's only modprobe that needs to be run as root. One possibility would
be to run the modprobe on bootup (if that would do what you need).

Yes, there is a good reason why shell scripts can't be suid. Ask me if

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1999-03-10 Thread Jiri Baum
 I had to put the commands in netbase instead, and I know that they will
 be overwritten when I upgrade.

No, they won't - netbase is a `conffile', which means if you change it dpkg
will ask you what to do.

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Re: printer_help_please?

1999-03-08 Thread Jiri Baum
Harold G. Stevenson:
  Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device or resource busy', attempt 34,
  sleeping 20 at 10:34:02

What else is using /dev/lp1?

fuser -v /dev/lp1

(That's if you have the psmisc package.)

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Re: Undersanding bootable media

1999-03-08 Thread Jiri Baum
Marlon Urias:

  In my quest to understand booting/LILO/MBR's  I've come a cross
  a phenomenon I dont understand. Friend of mine (linux guru-ish)
  said that to make a linux bootable floppy you had to use a lowlevel
  tool like dd as opposed to just copying the files over to the floppy.


  But dos floppies boot just fine by making copies of other dos boot disks.

That's because every DOS floppy has a valid boot sector on it. Try looking
at the first sector of a DOS floppy (umount /dev/fd0; less -f /dev/fd0).

Daniel J. Brosemer:
 (I'm not real clear on whether floppies have an MBR or just Hard Disks

No, they don't - they just have a Boot Sector.

Hard disks have a Boot sector in each partition, so there's a Master Boot
Record at the start that decides which of the partitions will be booted.

BTW, if you want to play with boot sectors, be aware that DOS in its
infinite wisdom keeps drive geometry there. Even when there's a perfectly
good partition table nearby, it still takes the data from the Boot sector.

 Short answer:  There are non-files which are important and I would guess
 that you are using a lowlevel tool in DOS without knowing it. 

No, it's because all DOS-formatted floppies already have a boot sector.

 Your friend is correct when he says you must use a lowlevel tool.

Yup. The DOS boot sector doesn't work for linux.


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Two smarthosts in exim - solved

1999-02-28 Thread Jiri Baum

some time ago, I have asked on this list how to switch smarthosts in Exim
back and forth, since I use two ISPs. I didn't want to have two completely
separate config files, since they'd be likely to get out of sync.

I finally figured out how I can do it: using the ${lookup...} expansion. So
far, it seems to be working.

In the smarthost router, I use
  route_list = *
  ${lookup{smarthost}lsearch{/etc/exim.smarthost}{$value}fail} bydns_a
(all on one line).

In ip-up.d/exim I have:


  if [ -e /etc/exim.smarthosts/$PPP_REMOTE ]; then
  cp /etc/exim.smarthosts/$PPP_REMOTE /etc/exim.smarthost
  cp /etc/exim.smarthosts/Unknown /etc/exim.smarthost
  elm -sunknown smarthost for $PPP_REMOTE root  /dev/null

  # Flush exim queue
  if [ -x /usr/sbin/exim ]; then
  /usr/sbin/exim -qqf

The files in /etc/exim.smarthosts are all one-line files of the form
If I need to change something else based on the ISP, I can add another line
to them.

For completeness, I added an ip-down.d/exim that switches back to None.

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Re: rc.boot for regular users

1999-02-28 Thread Jiri Baum
Andreas Rapp:
 I would like to start fetchmail in daemon mode at boot time
 as a regular user, not as root 

Try the `su' command with the -c switch.

 (I don't want fetchmail sending unresolved eMails to root, but to
 my account)

You can set fetchmail to send the e-mail to another user (using something
like to [EMAIL PROTECTED]), but obviously that only works if you are
getting fetchmail to send all e-mail there, not if you are getting it to
guess the recipient.

 Can regular users also have boot scripts ?

No, but then again regular users can't boot the machine, either...

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Re: ROOT created chaos !

1999-02-28 Thread Jiri Baum
Bal K. Paudyal:
 As root, I typed the following:
 chsh /bin/usr/tcsh when I meant chsh /usr/bin/tcsh.
 I just wanted to change the shell. But now because that shell file does not
 exist, the system does not allow me to log in as root. I tried to log as su
 but it does not work! There must be some way to change the things back!

sulogin takes the shell to use from the environment variable SULOGIN, if it
exists (otherwise it uses /etc/passwd)

So setenv SULOGIN /usr/bin/tcsh; sulogin should give you a root shell

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Re: dselect

1999-02-28 Thread Jiri Baum

jelmar andree:
 I'v download some packages (.deb) and with dselect after , A, U, S and
 then I(nstall) i get the following message; -no filename at -e line 12
 P chunk18 .

That sounds like an error in a shell script. Which package is it installing
when it gives that message? Are there any other messages immediately before
or after it?

 What to do, Is there something I do wrong?

No, doesn't sound like it.

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Re: compiling debian source

1999-02-27 Thread Jiri Baum
tracheotomy bob:
   How do I compile up Debian source code safely so that it doesn't
 upset dpkg?
 I don't want to upgrade to Slink and have to do the job all over again.

I understand the usual way is to change the version number to something
that's not likely to be exceeded - eg epoch 2.

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Re: Autostart application from console

1999-02-27 Thread Jiri Baum
John Plate:
  How can I have a console start up an application automatically when
  the system boots?

Jens Ritter:
 Look at the open package and the scripts in /etc/init.d and have a
 look at /etc/inittab, too.

The difference between the two being that the init.d scripts are run once,
whereas the /etc/inittab entries can be set to keep the program running on
the tty.

For /etc/inittab, I use the -n and -l switches to getty, like this:
#put a top on VT 11
#note: this runs as root, with kill priviledges and everything
11:23:respawn:nice /sbin/getty -n -l /usr/bin/top 38400 tty11

#show /var/log/syslog on VT 12
#note: /etc/cron.daily/syslogd kills whatever's using /dev/tty12
12:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -n -l /usr/local/bin/showlog 38400 tty12

I consider my console to be secure; if you don't, you probably want to give
top the secure switch (top s) - you'll need to put that in a shell script,
though, because getty doesn't let you pass parameters. The showlog script
is: date +$0 started %c; /usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/syslog

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Re: Dependency problem with libc6

1999-02-27 Thread Jiri Baum
 Should I use dpkg to force the downgrade of libc6 from the t version to the u 
 version and then rerun apt-get upgrade?
 Will it break the packages that depend on libc6_2.0.7u only temporarily?

Hmm, personally I've been running slink packages against the hamm libc with
no problems (apart from having to tell dselect each and every time that
that's what I want).

Presumably the best option would be to download a matched set of the latest
libc, libc-dev and libc-whatever, and use dpkg to install them.

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Re: Defining a new LaTeX-counter (off-topic)

1999-02-27 Thread Jiri Baum
Mark Wagnon:
 Johann Spies wrote:
  However the following file results in an error message when I run LaTeX:
 I am by no means a LaTeX guru, but I think the problem is that \bepaling
 isn't a TeX or LaTeX command.

If you are trying to print out the value of the counter, you need to say
*how* you want it printed out:
   \arabic{bepaling} or \roman{bepaling} or whatever

 If you're trying to increment the counter then according to A Guide to
 LaTeX2e by Kopka and Daly, you need to use the \stepcounter command like

To reset the counter, use

To make things easier, you can define a command:

\newcommand{\bepaling}{Bepaling \arabic{bepaling}\stepcounter{bepaling}}

(Note: if you are making a command that lots of other people might use,
it's a good idea to put all text in a separate command for localization's
sake. Ie, instead of `Bepaling' it would say `\bepalingtext'.)

There's a way to step a counter by more than one, but I think I only ever
did that with inbuilt counters or those allocated with \newcount.

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dos filesystem panic

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum

every week or two, I get a filesystem panic on one of my dos partitions,
and when I reboot to DOS, sure enough, it's a mess.

I don't know which comes first, the panic or the mess.

I fix it (PC Tools diskfix and/or DOS chkdsk), and a week or two later it's

Any idea what might be causing that?

The message in the log is usually `fat_free: deleting beyond EOF', and it
sets the filesystem read-only.

In kern.log, this is preceded by:
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: 03:01: rw=0, want=210587, limit=194737
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: 03:01: rw=0, want=210587, limit=194737
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
  Feb 16 07:31:04 legend kernel: 03:01: rw=0, want=210587, limit=194737

I don't think it's the kernel, since I recently switched from the default
2.0.34 to my own compiled 2.0.36+sym53c416

They are ordinary DOS partitions; I boot from one of them (using loadlin);
most commonly, the panic pops up when the disk is being used over samba (in
fact I can't remember it happening otherwise). BIOS spins the disk down,
but normally it spins up again whenever I access it.

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Re: Curious Question.

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum
Dan Willard:
  Just how closely does Linux match with Unix?  If I know Linux and sitdown
 in front of a Unix terminal am I just going to notice a few differences (ie
 file locations and a couple of commands) or am I going to be lost?  I think
 I already know the answer but would like confirmation. Thanks.

Probably the most noticeable difference will be between the GNU utilities
and the usual Unix utilities. Most obviously, normal unix doesn't have the
double-dash long options (ie, you must say `ls -a' rather than `ls --all').

Also, GNU utils often have more options; for example, tar might not have
the `z' option, so you have to compress as a separate step:
# tar cvf abc.tar ... ; compress abc.tar
rather than
# tar cvzf abc.tar.gz ...

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Re: How to give users certain privileges?

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum
 Additionally, it would be nice if they could shut down without my
 Ah ... one other thought.  Ctrl-Alt-Del is a safe reboot as defined,
 isn't it?

Yes (though faster than default).

Linux allows you to have one other combination that works like
Ctrl-Alt-Del; you could use that for the shutdown if you want... I believe
historically it would start up a new console, but Debian has it commented
out, so it does nothing and isn't bound to any key combination.

(If you trust your users, you can also make shutdown suid.)

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Re: Kernel: Unable to load interpreter

1999-02-22 Thread Jiri Baum
Chris Kaltwasser:
 Does someone know the meaning of this message?

I don't know what the message means, but I got it when I ran out of virtual

A way to check how much memory is free is using Shift-ScrollLock (with the
default keyboard map). This works even if there isn't enough memory free to
run `free'.

If you don't know what's gobbling up the memory, try running `top' and
pressing `M', which is the sort-by-memory key. You can leave it running on
a spare terminal, so that it's there when you need it (use the secure
option if necessary).

 The hard drive starts thrashing, and just about everything I try to do
 becomes impossible.

That would be consistent with running out of memory - first the computer
starts using swap (hence the thrashing), then it runs out altogether.

If you need a lot of virtual memory on a short-term basis, you can use a
file-based swap - not as efficient as a partition, but a lot easier to set
up. Wouldn't get rid of the thrashing, but it'd let the computer finish
what it's trying to do (assuming it's something that actually finishes

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Re: Which dirs to nfs-mount

1999-02-15 Thread Jiri Baum
Ole J. Tetlie:
 I'm trying to set up my brothers computer so that it just boots by
 itself, and then mounts /usr and friends from my computer.

Have a read through FSSTND, the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. One of its
purposes is to let you do exactly that. It's in the debian-policy package.

 Currently, I've tried to mount /usr /lib /bin /sbin and /etc.

/usr and /home you can

/lib /bin and /sbin you shouldn't (because they contain important admin
tools that you'll need in emergencies and/or to start up the network)

/etc you'll need to take much care with (and it's not big, probably not
worth the trouble)

/var I'm not sure - read the FSSTND.

 Eschew obfuscation(go on; look them both up)

Is it a worry if I know them both already?

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Re: /bin/open

1999-02-15 Thread Jiri Baum
Serge Gavrilov:
 Now i have installed Slink. But I have a problem: /bin/open does not work

Could it be a permissions problem?

You can tell by trying the same thing as root; if it works for root but
doesn't work for normal users, check the permissions on /dev/tty12 (or
whichever VT it's trying to use).

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Re: DSelect and ftp

1999-02-15 Thread Jiri Baum
Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven:
 I found some additional information about the cable modem:

Ah, you have a cable modem... and if it's not really Hayes-compatible,
you'll probably need to adjust the chat script that pon is using (most
likely in /etc/chatscripts/ ).

Once you get PPP up and running, that should solve the dselect problem.

As for the connection from minicom, minicom doesn't set it up as a network.
I think there *is* a way to hand it over from minicom to ppp, but I'm not
sure how, because I've never tried it. I assume one would quit out of
minicom using the `do not hang up' option, log in as root, and then do
pppd /dev/ttyS0 (or ttyS1). Somebody else actually tried it?


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Re: help Leafnode again

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
John C. Ellingboe:
 Thanks to Frank and Dave for setting me straight on the
 /etc/host.allow entries, I thought I had Leafnode working properly.  I
 was using leafnode version 1.4-10 and have now upgraded to version

I *think* I had some problem with a file that moved but wasn't deleted in
the original location on the hamm-slink leafnode upgrade, but I don't

I think my solution was deinstalling, getting rid of all its files except
/etc/leafnode.conf and reinstalling. Not elegant, but it should work.
Obviously that throws away all the downloaded news, but I'm only reading
two newsgroups anyway so who cares. (And my calls aren't metered.)

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1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Colin Telmer:
 I keep getting this message placed into my various mailboxes and can't
 figure out what is doing it.

I believe it's the server side of IMAP (but not POP).

Either pine or netscape might be accessing your mailbox using IMAP.

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Re: Easy way to make a packages.gz file?

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Becher, Andrew:
 Assuming I have a directory with many .deb files, is there an easy way to
 generate a packages.gz file for this directory?

If you just want dselect to install from that directory, you don't actually
need a packages.gz file - when dselect asks you where the Packages file is,
tell it to `scan'.

Not sure if that's what you were after.

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Re: Find

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Michael Stenner:
 as I said, the behavior you want is handled by the specific program, not
 the OS. It just so happens that most programs in Windows use the same
 key (ctrl-f) and look the same.  I think most good programs in linux
 will have a search behavior, but will just have different keys.

A lot of programs use / (slash) for this. Of those programs, all except
dselect have `find again' invoked by slash enter (ie leave the search

Most of the exceptions to the slash are programs that are expecting you to
type in text, and take the slash to be just something you're typing in.

Don't know why dselect is an exception for find again, but it's a an
exception for lots of UI things, so maybe it's just dselect...

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Thank you - Invisible files smbfs W95

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum

I wrote:
 I have a weird ongoing problem: I connect to a W95 box, smbmount a share,
 but some files on the share do not show up on directory listings

Thank you for your suggestions - I recompiled the kernel and switched on
the Win95 option and it works now. (I coincidentally upgraded to 2.0.36,
but I don't think that made a difference.)

Thank you

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Re: slashdot poll

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
  How about suggesting some improvements, rather than I don't like the
  Debian install?

   I find deselect as the only problem with debian.  The update section
 really needs work.

Actually, I'd say the `Access' and `Select' screens need work, especially

 Now I remember, it asks for a directory at the site you selected and if
 you haven't been there before

How about an `official ftp site' access method?

Connects to, downloads list of mirrors, gets the user to
pick nearest one. No need to ask for directories.

Now Select... I'm not aware of any other program in Linux that'd need to
show the help screen first up.

Let's see if I can think of them:

* When a bar is moved on up and down by arrow keys, the user expects a
menu; the Enter key should do something to the entry on which the bar is
(either install or toggle install/remove).

* The correct sequence for 'find again' is an empty search string (ie

* There's no way to collapse the listing - so I have to page through the
Up-to-date packages to get to the Available packages. (Parts of the listing
could perhaps be collapsed into lines that say 42 packages etc - pressing
Enter on one expands it out again.)

* The d and u keys are unusual; not sure how to fix that easily.

* The description of the O, o, I and i keys is rather terse; also, it may
be easier to pick from a menu than to cycle twice through just to see the

* The formulation Obsolete/local is unclear.

* Once a package is installed, there seems to be no way to see the
recursive dependency screen again (eg to find a suggested package).

That'll do for today

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Re: Removeing N lines from a file

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Lance Hoffmeyer:
 How can I use gawk or some other program to remove a number of lines
 from a text file.  Initially, I only need to delete the top 10 lines
 from a file

As others already wrote, use 
tail +11

 but it might be useful to know how to delete lines from any part of the

Well, since you are asking about awk, you might use something like:

  $NR  10 {print}

to remove just the first 10 lines, or if you need to get fancier

  sin($NR)  0 {print}

which will output those lines for which the sine of the line number is

 The top 10 lines from each of these files vary in what they may contain
 so I need to indiscriminately delete them.

Hmm, I don't know what your files look like, but it may be worthwhile to
use a proper pattern in gawk or perl, to guard against seemingly innocuous
changes in the input.

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Re: Installing Sound Card

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Doug Thistlethwaite:
 Thanks for the reply Andrei... Unfortunately it is a PNP card and I do
 not have windoze on the system to get the port numbers from.

In that case, you need isapnp and pnpdump.

The latter gives you an initial file to work from, you just need to decide
what IRQ etc you want - anything the card will take that's not already
listed in /proc/interrupts

One problem with the output is that it intermingles comment-comments with
comments that you should uncomment. Fortunately, all the things you need to
uncomment are in brackets. So it might offer you for some card:

# IRQ 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt
# (INT 0 (IRQ 4 (MODE +E)))

So you check /proc/interrupts, and find that it doesn't list 5 (of the
numbers given by pnpdump). So you change the last line to:

(INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))

Note the lack of the # at the beginning of the line, and the 5.

 As for my kernel, when I tried to make it, it asked me a ton of questions
 and didn't seem to have any defaults in it at all.

It does have defaults, but once you've been through it once, it uses your
previous answers as defaults.

To get a fresh start, move the file .config somewhere else. I think that
should do the trick.

 I ended up specifying the things I thought I needed, but obviously I
 didn't know what I was doing... :)

It offers drivers for a lot of things you don't have. Just make sure you
answer 'n' if you don't have the corresponding hardware. You don't need
drivers for XT hard disks, Appletalk or IDE tape drives unless you have
those things.

Remember that if the new kernel doesn't recognise something, you can easily
go back and add it in - once you've compiled the kernel once, compiling it
again is easy.

Note that with the PnP card, you'll need to tell it to make the soundcard
driver a module.

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Re: slink install and libc6

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
 I'm still at a loss as to why this is giving me problems in the first
 place.  From all I've read and ran across, 2.0.7t is less than  Why is dpkg having such a problem with this file?

I don't know what I'm talking about, but I was under the impression that
dpkg thinks that 2.0.7t is newer than, even though the
other way 'round is right. Or at least I have a vague memory of someone
posting some time back.

dpkg can't do the right thing if the versions are numbered mistakenly

Like I said, though, I don't know what I'm talking about.

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Re: pppd deamon dies unexpectedly

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
 I have tried setting up an internet connection with no success.
 Every time I try connecting, I get the message pppd daemon died
 It does dial, I hear the initial connection made, and then it quits.
 I've used the terminal window to see what the problem is, but it doesn't
 show anything.

You'll find more error messages in /var/log/ppp.log and /var/log/syslog

Sorry if you knew that...

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Re: PGP sigs..........

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Forwarded message - Steve Lamb - with PGP clearsigning markers removed:

On Tue, 9 Feb 1999 16:37:50 -0500 (EST), Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

No signature could be found.

Can anyone explain why some pgp emails are NOT readable like this one? I
have not been able to read Steve's postings and there are 2 or 3 others
that I've had the same problem with a few others.
I've used PGP for a few years myself and havent ever had anyone mention
that they couldnt read signed postings before. 

As I have already explained once in this forum (this is going to be a
FAQ pretty soon) I sign my postings with my DH/DSS key and not my RSA key.
Most people here appear to be using PGP 2.6.2 and not PGP 5.x or greater.
As a result PGP 2.6.2 does not see the 5.0 key.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: dselect, dpkg, apt, gnome-apt???

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
MacKenzie, Andrew:
 My only real problem is the methods of keeping current.  I install
 packages using dpkg -i packagename. 
 Is this the right way to do things in Debian?  I gave up on dselect
 because of the huge number of packages you must look at. 

You can mix and match dselect and dpkg.

So you can use dpkg when you know what you want, and use dselect when you
want to find out what's updated.

dselect should give you the same list as on the ftp site, but in addition
it's sorted by whether the package is Up-to-date, Updated, Available
or Obsolete/Local (which means `none of the above').


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Re: fax software?

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Daryl Williams:
 does anyone know if there are any fax server software that will run on

I use mgetty-fax, so now you have a complete set of responses (AFAIK).

We use it for both sending and receiving, no problems.

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Re: Network Not Working!

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Peter Ludwig:
 error connecting to (No route to host)

What does route tell you?

That's /sbin/route from the netbase package.

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Re: minor problems

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
 Another thing in X is that I can get the mixer set so that the sound is
 absolutely perfect, however when I reboot the system the settings all
 return to default.  Is there anywhere to force it to save the settings,
 or some file I could manually edit to force them?

Don't know how to save the settings, but if there's a command-line mixer
program (and I've no doubt there is), you could call it from somewhere in
your startup files.

 I have ShowSymLinks on in the proftpd.conf, and I have several symbolic
 links to other parts of my system in the /home/ftp directory that don't
 seem to be useful.  They work fine in shell mode, just not in ftp mode.

I'm under the impression that usually ftp runs under chroot, which would
mean that only symlinks entirely within /home/ftp will work.

Supposed to be a security feature.

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Re: DSelect and ftp

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Helge Hafting:
 You wrote:
  Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven:
   send (ATZ^M)
   expect (OK)
   -- Failed
  That'd definitely be a problem, but I'm not sure how it'd come about; why
  would a modem respond to `ATZ' with `NO CARRIER'?
 Simple enough - the modem wasn't in command mode, it was at the end of
 the previous dial

Oh, of course. Didn't think of that.

 (that failed) but somehow the modem wasn't put back in command mode when
 ppp or whatever gave up.

[to Helge Hafting] Possibly it hadn't timed out yet - long timeouts can
give rise to Heisenbugs :-)

 So dialer sends ATZ to a modem that is dialling already.  This normally
 makes the modem give up the dialling asap, and return NO CARRIER.  Trying
 ATZ again will usually work. 

[to Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven] So, once it fails with that, does trying again
help? Does it at least give a different error message?

If it's an external modem, it can be reset by switching it off and then on,
or if it doesn't have a switch by unplugging it from the electricity and
then plugging it back in.

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Re: Ping run-away

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
 Dean wrote:
  Just got debian up ( bare bones) and went to internet and to check I
  first pinged IPS, then and ping wouldn't stop. Finally got
  off internet by poff in another vc, ping cont. to try to send. Any
  suggestions on ping? Also what can I do to stop a run away like this?

Kelly Corbin:
 Try ctrl-c that will kill it and many other applications for that matter.

If that doesn't work, switch to another VC, find out the process number
using ps or ps x, then kill number. If that doesn't work either, you
can kill -9 number, but that's a very rough way to shut down a program
(with the normal kill, which is called `TERM', the program has a chance to
catch it and clean up after itself; with -9, otherwise known as `KILL', the
program just drops dead). If you have to do that to a program, have a look
around to make sure it hasn't messed up any of its files or anything.

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Re: NON-US means?

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Eliezer Figueroa:
 Packeges in non-us means that they are not in english?

It means that the US government would like to keep cryptography out of the
hands of its citizens and the only almost-legal way they have is to pretend
that they are worried about foreign terrorists.

Well, either that or they have rocks in their heads. Possibly both.

The main result is that foreign terrorists have a much easier time hacking
US computers.

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Re: Losing Linux (Again!)

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
Kent West:
 Here's what I'd try:
  1) Boot off a Win98 floppy that has the (or is it sys.exe?) and
 the (or is it fdisk.exe?) commands on it (or alternatively, you
 can run these commands from the hard drive).
  2) Run fdisk /mbr. This will partition the master boot record.
  3) Then run sys c:. This will copy the system files from the floppy to
 the hard drive.
  4) Pop out the floppy and reboot. You should be in business.

If that doesn't work, replace step 3 with:
  3a) run fdisk, delete all partitions and create a DOS partition, mark
  it active
  3b) format c: /s

It is good manners to use the `correct' fdisk to create each partition.

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Re: chmod on vfat

1999-02-13 Thread Jiri Baum
 On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, David Webster wrote:
  : work arounds to allow someone other than root to write to a vfat
  : partition?
Nathan E Norman:
 Yeah, use an fstab entry like this (this is ntfs but applies to
 vfat/msdos also afaik)
   /dev/hda1 /ntdrv1 ntfs user,exec,nosuid,gid=50,umask=002 0 2  
   /dev/hda2 /ntdrv2 ntfs user,exec,nosuid,gid=50,umask=002 0 2  
 In this case we allow the group staff write access; any user has read
 access. You could change the umask to mean that only staff has read
 access, and that normal users have no access whatsoever.

Note that no matter the permissions, only the owner of a file can do
certain operations to do with the 'inode'.

Every now and then, I need to create a file with a particular date, and I
want to do it on a smbfs drive. To do that, I need to become the owner (in
my case 'lan') or root.

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Re: DSelect and ftp

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum
Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven:
 send (ATZ^M)
 expect (OK)
 -- Failed
 Failed (NO CARRIER)
 Connect script failed

That sounds as if ppp (or chat) is sending `ATZ' to the modem, expecting to
get back `OK' but getting `NO CARRIER' instead. Is that right?

That'd definitely be a problem, but I'm not sure how it'd come about; why
would a modem respond to `ATZ' with `NO CARRIER'?

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Re: using dpkg

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum

  [bash]$ whoami; dpkg -i filename.deb
  dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.

I wrote:
 Why are those four programs not found?

And it was promptly pointed out that mblevin ne root.

I'm an idiot.

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Re: Dual Boot Woes

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum
Kent West:
 You can then go one step further and set up CONFIG.SYS  AUTOEXEC.BAT to
 offer the choice of which OS you want to boot into.

You can go a step further still and set up autoexec to run one or the other
depending on the presence of a particular file, so you can switch from one
to the other.

I have autoexec check for DOS.TAG, LINUX.BAT delete C:\DOS.TAG and loadlin,
and a script touch /c:/dos.tag and do shutdown -r now

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Re: Networking

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum

Bal K. Paudyal:
 I have two pcs at home with net-work cards, PC-A  PC-B. In PC-A there is
 no CDROM drive, I installed Debian Linux base from floppies. In order to
 make room for Linux, I had to get rid of Windows 95 at PC-A, but I have
 kept DOS6.22  Windows3.1.  Now, I can't connect to my Win95 PC-B using
 Windows Network  IPX/SPX protocol because there is no Windows95 or
 Windows for Work Groups at Linux/Dos PC-A.

You can network Win95 and Linux using samba and TCP/IP.

On the Win95 end, switch to the TCP/IP protocol. On the linux end, install
the smbfs and samba packages (perhaps also smb-nat), and make sure the
smbfs module is in the kernel (check /proc/filesystems).

One problem is that from the linux end, file listings tend to be
incomplete. I'm told recompiling the kernel will help, and I'm going to do
that RSN here at home.

 I want to transfer my important files to the DOS partition of my
 Linux/Dos system using some kind of network before I start playing with
 my very important and state of the art PC-B. Is there anyway I can
 network DOS with Windows 95?

The other way, which will probably be much less bother (but much less
flexible) is Laplink, as someone else already suggested.

Laplink is a wonderful program that can handle almost anything. However, we
use an old (pre-W95) version; I've no idea whether the current version is
still so robust. (The only thing our version had troubles with was W95 -
but even then all it needed was to run in MS-DOS mode.)

The two computers need to be connected by a serial or a special parallel
cable. Once up, laplink presents two boxes on the screen, a local one and a
remote one, and lets you copy between the two.


We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

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