gs question

1998-02-14 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
[ Due to the high volume, I'm not subscribed to this list.  Please send
reply to my private address.  Thanks! ]

To my dismay, I discovered that the Debian version of gs does not have the
escp2 driver compiled in.  I have an Epson LQ-300, which supports ESC/P2.
I can print with the epson driver, but the output looks horrible.  Has
anyone else her run into this problem?

Nathan L. Cutler livingston @ pha.pvtnet.cztel.:   ++420-311-671160
Livingston Professional Translations (CZ-ENG)fax:++420-311-671159
* * * When pretty good is not enough * * * mobile: ++420-602-251053

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libc5_5.4.23-4 installation warnings

1997-05-22 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
I just upgraded to libc5_5.4.23-4 and when I installed it, dpkg gave me
the following warnings:

# dpkg -i libc5_5.4.23-4.deb
(Reading database ... 11654 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libc5 5.4.20-1 (using libc5_5.4.23-4.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libc5 ...
Setting up libc5 (5.4.23-4) ...
ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory),
ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory),
Is this something I can safely ignore?


Nathan L. CutlerT R A N S L A T I O N S
Livingston, s.r.o.Legal, Business  Marketing

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Re: Where can I find xterm_color?

1997-01-20 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 John == John  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John I finally got X Windows up and running, and I'm using
John fvwm95, but when I try and start a new sheel, the message
John xterm_color appears in my login window.

John Also, how do I set the LS_OPTIONS so that my directory
John listings will be in color?  Right now I am using an alias,
John but that's a sloppy way to do it.  Also, does fvwm95 support
John colorized listings?

I don't know anything about fvwm95, but if you put the following line
in your .bash_profile or equivalent, 'ls' should display in color:

  eval `dircolors`

Note the backwards apostrophes.  If you want to see what it does, try
typing dircolors at the bash command prompt.

If it doesn't work, upgrade to fileutils 3.14-3 or higher.

If you want this to work in an xterm, you have to make sure you have a
color-enabled xterm.


Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Where can I find xterm_color?

1997-01-20 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Shaya == Shaya Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I don't know anything about fvwm95, but if you put the
 following line in your .bash_profile or equivalent, 'ls' should
 display in color:
 eval `dircolors`

Shaya I don't think this works anymore, I think the color-ls was
Shaya folded into the normal ls, and you have to put all the
Shaya aliases in your .bash_{rc,profile} manually.  However, I
Shaya can't verify this since my system at work doesn't seem to
Shaya want to accept any connections right now except for
Shaya telnet's to port 25 (so at least I know it hasn't crashed
Shaya :-) )

Thanks for pointing out that I'm out of date!  Upon taking a second
look, I noticed that I still have the color-ls package installed, and
my fileutils package is 3.12-4.  I'll have to upgrade.  But didn't
the person who asked the question specifically ask about how to set up
the LS_COLORS environment variable, and isn't that was 'dircolors' is
supposed to do?

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: lp1 out of paper

1997-01-19 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Alain == Alain Nadeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alain I know my printer is out of paper. Its also out of
Alain electricity, being that it's in a cupboard in the
Alain basement. Still, the above message is sent to
Alain /var/log/messages every 10 seconds, day in day out. I've
Alain recompiled my kernel (2.0.27) specifically disabling
Alain printer support, but that message is still spewed out every
Alain ten seconds. I cannot for the life of me find where that
Alain call is made. Could a kind soul tell me how to disable
Alain printer support for good (I do my printout stuff on the
Alain nice Laserjet at the office...).

I had this same problem.  It was extremely irritating.  I even tried
putting paper in the printer ;-) to no avail.  I finally discovered
that there was a long-dead print job on the queue.  When I 'lprm'd it,
the messages stopped.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Making kernel using make install

1997-01-18 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 kooij == J P D Kooij [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

kooij Regarding compiling and installing new kernels,

kooij I would like to know more about details of installing new
kooij (and older) kernels and have an overview of the process as
kooij well. IMHO this is something that is not quite exhausively
kooij covered in the documentation.

The definitive manual for configuring and installing a new kernel is
/usr/src/linux/README.  By following the directions contained here,
and reading the help entries for the individual configurable items
when running 'make config', you can make any kind of kernel you want.

What more can you ask for?

If you want to hack the kernel, see the Kernel Hacker's Guide, by
Michael K. Johnson, at the following URL:

kooij But when compiling kernels is
kooij addressed, they only tell you to do make this, make
kooij that. There's hardly any documentation of what the makefile
kooij does, is supposed to do and can do for you.

kooij Of course, there's the kernel-HOWTO and it is very good
kooij where it makes configuring a new kernel very easy, explains
kooij a lot about what the kernel does, how it handles devices,
kooij what modules are, where to get the source, how to patch it,
kooij etc.. But when it comes down to the final part: installing
kooij the kernel, there's not much more than a reference to the
kooij lilo manual. I would really like to see some additions made
kooij about how the kernel is (or kernels are) embedded in the
kooij filesystem.

kooij IMHO installkernel(8) and mkboot(8) and are not good enough
kooij as the only reference to the install option of the kernel
kooij make. The process of installing a new kernal is much to
kooij fundamental to linux to be documented only in the huge lilo
kooij documentation or the kernel hacking guide.

Mere complaining about lack of documentation is not going help
anybody, least of all you.  If you want something to be improved, ask
yourself: how can I help improve this?  Remember, nobody's getting
paid for the work they do here.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Cron scripts error

1997-01-18 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Luis == Luis Francisco Gonzalez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Luis Hi, after reinstalling the system recently, I have been
Luis receving this message from cron everytime it runs:


Luis Looking at the offending script, it seems that it has
Luis problems while issuing

Luis su nobody

Luis If I do this by hand, it complains that it can't run
Luis /dev/null which is the default shell for nobody. What is
Luis going on? How can I repair this? Any hints or pointers would
Luis be welcome!

Sorry for the me-too message.  I have a similar problem.  It is not
critical, though, so I have been biding my time to see if anybody
else's system exhibits similar behavior.

My cron.daily scripts are set to run at 6:42 a.m.

I often leave myself logged in overnight in X, and every morning when
I look at xconsole, the last message on it is from 6:42 a.m. and says
something to the effect of su (to nobody).  When I log myself out,
xconsole recovers and all the messages from after 6:42 a.m. suddenly

Closer examination reveals the following line in /etc/cron.daily/find:

  su nobody -c cd /  updatedb 2/dev/null

Interestingly enough, my 'locate' database doesn't seem to get updated
automatically and I have to run 'updatedb' manually every once in

I assume this is a known problem.  Other than doing a wholesale
upgrade of all my packages, is there a Debian-correct way to fix
this problem?

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Anyone know about AMD K5Pxxx processors?

1997-01-18 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Syrus == Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Syrus Hello.  I'm considering a desktop upgrade for my home, and
Syrus I'm wondering if any of you know how the AMD chips perform
Syrus under Linux.  Specifically, I'm interested in the AMD
Syrus K5P133 verses a Pentium 100 or 120.  I've read that the FPU
Syrus speed does not measure up, but that the card just rips with
Syrus integer operations.  I'm interested in fast video and fast
Syrus loading of large apps mostly.

Syrus Any opinions?

If you buy one, make sure you get a CPU fan for it, or you may not
have it very long. ;-)

But seriously, I have an AMD-K5 PR133 and am quite satisfied with it
(aside from the noise of the CPU fan).  Large apps load quickly.  Fast
video is more a function of the display card (and the quality of the
display card driver), but with my S3 Trio 64+ (cheap) video is
acceptable, but it is that with a Pentium 90 as well.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: How do access hda, fd0, etc. ?

1997-01-16 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Gieg == Alexander Gieg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In Debian linux, I have certian files that I down-loaded via. a
 terminal emulator in dos, and it is on my dos partition, which
 is hda.  How do I access this drive and my flopply drive fd0 in

Gieg You need to mount these partitions. You can use some empty
Gieg directory to use as mount point. If these directories
Gieg doesn't exist, create them with mkdir.

Since I discovered the 'mtools' package, I haven't had occasion to
mount an msdog-formatted floppy.  I highly recommend it: just insert
the floppy and go, switch floppies at will, just like on msdog.  I
even noticed not long ago that it automagically recognizes and deals
with 2m formats (e.g., 1743Kb floppies that are just as stable as the
classic 1440Kb format).  Hats off to the developers!

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: purged package base while update to Debian 1.2.2

1997-01-16 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Rick == Rick Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rick If I remember correctly, I just went into
Rick /var/lib/dpkg/status and set the status line for them to
Rick purge. I think I did the same with the old base package,
Rick so it looks like this:

RickPackage: base
RickEssential: yes
RickStatus: purge ok not-installed

Rick I didn't notice any problems, and it cleaned up the dselect
Rick sections. I didn't manually delete any files that had
Rick anything to do with base.

I did the same thing to get rid of an old kernel-source package that
wouldn't go away.  It kept telling me Danger, Package in a Severe
Unstable State, and that I needed to reinstall it to be able to get
rid of it, but since dpkg considers each new kernel-source package a
completely new and different package, and the kernel-source-2.0.0
package was no longer on, I had to do the above manual
editing process to get rid of the messages.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Is Linux much easier to install on 68k or PPC?

1997-01-16 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Hamish == Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hamish I think you're overlooking the Cyrix unfairly. A Cyrix
Hamish 6x86-P166 costs about 1/3rd of the price of a Pentium 166
Hamish here in Australia, and according to the benchmarks,
Hamish integer performance exceeds the Intel chip. 

Sorry, I did indeed overlook the Cyrix.  Nothing against it!

Hamish Intel's prices are extortion in comparison.


Hamish To date, AMD K5 chips are only available in fairly low
Hamish speeds, Pentium 100 equivalent or so. Pentium 100 seems to
Hamish be a little below entry level here now.

Yeah, I hate to admit it, but not long ago I naively purchased a
133Mhz AMD.  I wasn't too pleased when I read in my motherboard manual
that this is equivalent to a 100Mhz Intel Pentium!  Let the buyer

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Best Debian CD?

1997-01-16 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anybody who wants more information on ftpmail can send me a private
 e-mail, or if you feel its appropriate I will post it on the debain-user

As long as it's not commercial software, I think it would be appropriate
to post it to the list.  I've never heard of it, so I'm curious.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: ghostscript

1997-01-16 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Fundamental wrote:

 Is ghostscript a package? or is this a dumb question?
 I searched the debian archives, found a lot of fonts and addons for
 ghostscript, but no ghostscript:(

When searching for packages, I believe that better than browsing the ftp
archive is to get the files Packages.gz and Contents.gz and use less
or zless to browse and search them.  Thus, if the name of the software is
ghostscript and the Debian package is called gs, it's trivial to find
out by searching for the string ghostscript in Packages.gz and then
looking at the package name once you get there. 

The Contents.gz file is extremely useful when you can't find a particular
binary on your system and you want to know what package it's in.  It's a
list of all files in Debian cross-referenced to package name.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Is Linux much easier to install on 68k or PPC?

1997-01-15 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Jim == Jim Blaney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jim Can anyone give me non-emotional advice on whether Linux
Jim would install much easier on an apple system than on an
Jim intel box?

Jim If my goal is to buy a used computer that has the best shot
Jim of getting Linux up in a hurry, what should i get? I realize
Jim this could be a loaded question, but I really need to know.

Since you asked for advice, here's mine:  Buy an intel box consisting
exclusively of inexpensive components.  You're almost certain not to
have any trouble.  For example: standard no-name PCI motherboard with
256K synchronous cache, Intel or AMD Pentium-type chip (midrange Hz is
the best bang for the buck), on-board dual port IDE controller,
standard IDE hard drive or two (in the 1-2 Gb range, again, best bang
for the buck), no-name S3 Trio 64 type video card with one or two Mb
of memory, any fairly good 15 digital monitor.  It's best, if you can
hack it psychologically, to buy individual components and put your box
together yourself.  If your number one priority is to get a box up and
running as soon as possible, this is the way to go.  Don't mess with
SCSI or any brand-name products whatsoever.  If you need a CD-ROM,
insist on an IDE/ATAPI-type, not one that connects to a special card,
Soundblaster, SCSI bus, etc.  You'll only get into trouble.  You'll
most likely get it to work eventually, but is it worth the hassle?

HTH and Good Luck.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Troubleshooting (was Re: DEBIAN 1.2 DISKETTE PROBLEMS UPDATE)

1997-01-15 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Keith == Keith Leonard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Keith The only dumb question is the one not asked. Maybe a newbie
Keith list should be setup so that these questions won't bother
Keith the people that are tired of answering the same old stuff
Keith (which isn't old to the newbie trying desperately to get
Keith his (or her) system running. Or perhaps we should just let
Keith them give up and return to the greedy world of commercial
Keith software and keep all this good stuff to ourselves.

Hear, hear, Keith!  I agree we should encourage people who are just
starting out to be forthcoming with questions after making a college
attempt to find the answer in the fine manuals available.

Keith Perhaps a mailing list called debian-knowitall would be
Keith good, then that mail would be cut to nothing, since no one
Keith would (or could) admit to being baffled by the system.

Keith Sorry for getting hot under the colar (sp?) but it burns my
Keith tail feather when I see people spitting from their ivory
Keith tower.

Remember, though: the only appropriate reply to a flame is no reply at

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Best Debian CD?

1997-01-15 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Richard == Richard G Roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Richard This is a good question.  I'm looking for a 1.2.x cd as
Richard well, but I need it to look decent.  It can't be disk 26
Richard of the 43 cd internet bonanza!! and it can't be a gold
Richard CDR with Debian scribbled on it in black marker.  I need
Richard to be able to show it to other people (like my boss) ;-)
Richard Does anyone know of a CD for sale that looks presentable
Richard (i.e. has an actual screened or printed face)?

Nothing against Richard personally, but I find this message
disturbing.  Never judge a book by its cover, as the saying goes.
This applies doubly to Linux!  Aren't we attracted to it so much for
the very reason that it is the very antithesis of over-commercialized
products that look very appealing but don't work properly?  The fact
that it comes on a gold CD with something cryptic scribbled on it
speaks in its favor IMHO.  Also, it doesn't play idiotic music at you
when you boot it up!

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

This message was delayed because the list mail delivery agent was down.

Re: Where to put things to be satrted at bootup ?

1997-01-12 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Stan == Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Stan   Where is the debian correct place to put things that
Stan need to be starrted up a boot time, such as rwhod?

I believe rwhod is started by /etc/init.d/netstd_misc.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Xwindows video modes

1997-01-11 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Eric == Eric Budd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eric I have been trying to instal X on my linux box, and
Eric everythig in theinstallation went ok.  whenever I start
Eric xinit or startx, however, it rolls by some startup mgs and
Eric then gives me the following:

Eric (--) SVGA: There is no mode definition named 640x480
  (--) SVGA: Removing mode 640x480 from list of valid modes.
Eric (--) SVGA: There is no mode definition named 320x200 
  (--) SVGA: Removing mode 320x200 from list of valid modes.

Eric Then the screen blanks out for a second, comes back up,
Eric gives me a fatal server error, andgoes back to the root
Eric prompt.  Whenever I try xdm, it goes really wacko, with the
Eric screen flashing, text jumping around, and all sorts of
Eric interesting and disturbing things.

Eric I have de-installed and re-installed several times, checked
Eric my XF86Config (and several others) and everything seems to
Eric be set up right for my card (a Paradise Accelerator Value
Eric card) and my monitor.  The two modes ARE defined in
Eric XF86Config, both in /etc/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11, but
Eric it's not picking them up.  I've been pulling my hair out
Eric trying to figure out why.

Eric Help me before I go bald!

Usually, behavior of this sort is caused by faulty configuration
information in /etc/X11/XF86Config.  You claim to have checked the
file and confirmed that everything is set up right for your card and
monitor, so that would not seem to be the problem.  The second thing
to check is whether you have the proper X server installed and set as
default.  The most reliable way to do this under Debian is to simply
reinstall the X server package and answer yes when it asks you if you
want to set this server as default.

Another possibility is that you have multiple XF86Config files on your
system and X is looking at the wrong one.  'locate' can be useful in
tracking down problems of this nature.

Good luck.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-10 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Michael == Michael Harnois [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 However, when I added the contents of the following file
 to my .Xresources file and restarted X, the colors started to

Michael So is Debian X finding the app-defaults files at all?

On my system at least, there is no 'xterm-color' binary, so, if I
understand things correctly, when I run 'xterm', only the XTerm
app-defaults file is checked, not XTerm-color.  Thus, even though I am
running a color-enabled 'xterm' binary, it doesn't know I want color
and, since color is turned off by default, the display is in black and
white until I change the resources.

So, I'm not sure whether this is a Debian bug or not?  Certainly, most
people running Debian have color monitors, so perhaps it would be
reasonable to have xterm colors turned on by default.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: improvements

1997-01-10 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
Indeed, it might be worth considering doing away with the
classification of required, recommended, extra, important,
etc., because every person's needs and desires are different.
Obviously, if the system won't run without it, it is required de

This might reduce the dselect confusion.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Kernel compilation under Debia (Was Re: A few questions)

1997-01-10 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Manoj == Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Manoj Hi, There are some mis-impressions floating around about
Manoj compiling custom kernels.

Manoj  The kernel-source package is just the pure sources
Manoj from Linux in /usr/src/kernel-source-X.XXX
Manoj directory. Nothing is added to that directory tree. It does
Manoj contain pre and post install scripts to help maintain
Manoj /usr/src/linux symlink -- you can then have multiple kernel
Manoj sources on your machine, and the kernel source package
Manoj scripts make sure you don't have a dangling symlink. (I
Manoj have 2.0.27 and 2.1.20 sources on my machine)

Manoj  The point is, there is no difference in the kernel
Manoj code. The statement that the kernel source package is less
Manoj fine tuned than the original sources is a fallacy.

I apologize if I contributed to a misconception!  It was a mistake to
imply that the Debian kernel source package doesn't allow one to
compile and fine tune their own kernels, and I apologize.

However, I do maintain that the existence of a kernel source package
at all _may_ be confusing to some people (i.e. possible questions such
as what's the difference between the Debian package and the 'actual'
kernel sources?) and, more importantly, the kernel source package
will not generally be caught up with the actual kernel sources.  Maybe
for a week or two right after the package is upgraded, but otherwise

BTW, if the only reason for having the kernel-source package is
automatic maintenance of symlinks, IMHO people who can compile their
own kernel are also capable of maintaining symlinked multiple kernel
sources by hand...

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Troubleshooting (was Re: DEBIAN 1.2 DISKETTE PROBLEMS UPDATE)

1997-01-10 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Joseph == Joseph L Hartmann, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joseph I really do appreciate the
Joseph help that incompetents like me can get from more expert
Joseph individuals -- but how do we get to be able to fix stuff
Joseph for ourselves ???

That's a very interesting question.  I've often found myself getting
desperate and going to a listserv for help, only to arrive at a
solution to the problem (by troubleshooting, BTW) minutes after
sending off a desperate message to hundreds or even thousands of

Perhaps the answer is 'patience'.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-10 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Karl == Karl M Hegbloom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael So is Debian X finding the app-defaults files at all?

Karl  I don't think it is.  Does anybody know how to get it to?
Karl None of the X programs are finding their app-defaults file.

Are you quite sure?  Perhaps they're just not finding stuff that you
add to them?

I found this in /usr/doc/xbase/debian.README (it's at the very
end of the file):

Please note that this distribution expects you to leave app-defaults
files unchanged. If you want to customise X applications globally, put
your customisations in /etc/X11/Xresources.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: A few questions.

1997-01-09 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Jon ==   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jon I've switched from slackware to debian. I have a few
Jon questions that I'd appreciate any help with.

[snip -- dunno the answer]

Jon 2) I am use to directly building slackware kernals. Will
Jon something like make config; make; make zImage; make zlilo;
Jon make modules; make modules_install break any dependancy info?
Jon I noticed make-kpkg; what options would be comparable to the
Jon makes above?

I don't use the debian kernel-source package at all.  I download
Linus's kernels and install them in /usr/src/linux and compile them as
per /usr/src/linux/README.  I have never had any problems with this,
and otherwise have a full Debian system.

IMHO the kernel-source package can never give you the fine-tuned
kernel you need for your particular machine and your particular

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: xterm color

1997-01-09 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Herbert == Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Instructions for turning on recognition of the color change
 escape sequences is in the xterm man page.

Herbert Yes indeed.  And that means you need this resource line:

HerbertXTerm*customization: -color

Herbert in your /etc/X11/Xresources file or your user Xresource
Herbert file if you don't want it for the world.

I noticed after upgrading to 3.2 that xterm was not displaying color.
I tried running it with various command-line options, to no avail.
However, when I added the contents of the following file


to my .Xresources file and restarted X, the colors started to work.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: A proposal to improve dselect

1997-01-09 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Pete == Pete Templin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pete Keep in mind that we are all getting a generally fantastic
Pete product for the best price anyone could ask for.

Hear, hear.

Pete Dselect might lead you
Pete astray.  But accept what the Debian project has given each
Pete of us, and send a few thanks to each and every person who
Pete has contributed their own time to simplify your life, to
Pete make it possible for you to experience UNIX with a minimum
Pete of effort on a variety of hardware.  The project leader has
Pete managed to get a few emails onto the list while cleaning out
Pete from a devastating flood.  That's what I call dedication.

Hear, hear.

Pete How about we all take a step or two back and peek at what is
Pete in front of us?  There's a lot there.  It may not be the
Pete best it can be yet, but it's quite fine in its current form

Hear, hear.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Where is fdos?

1997-01-08 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Johann == Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Johann I have trouble in finding fdos.  I want to instal dosemu
Johann and fdos is recommend.  In more than one mirror site's
Johann ls-lr-file there is a reference to fdos in the
Johann rex/binary-386/misc directory, but there is no such file.
Try putting an 'i' before the 386
Johann Can somebody help, please?

Try looking in bo/binary-i386/misc as well.  However, I've tried
getting fdos to work and it is still fairly unstable.  You'll get much
better results if you have DOSEMU boot itself up from a regular msdog
boot diskette.

Also, be careful when giving DOSEMU access to partitions on your hard

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Setting up IP mascarading.

1997-01-08 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Shaya == Shaya Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Shaya I've finally convinced my school to set up a linux box so
Shaya that we can have all the computers in the lab be able to
Shaya access the net.  The way I plan to accomplish this is to
Shaya set up one linux box that will dial into an ISP and run
Shaya PPP.  I will then have all the Win95 machines run tcp/ip
Shaya and gateway all the tcp/ip to the linux box.  The linux box
Shaya should then forward it on to the ISP.

Shaya All my experience with linux networking has either been
Shaya plain lans or just setting up PPP.  I am sure I need to
Shaya role my own kernel with things like IP mascarading, but do
Shaya I also need firewalling and ip-forwarding.

Shaya Does anyone have any good experience with this or can point
Shaya me in the direction of some documentation.

Hi Shaya:

I just set up my box as a router for an NT box.  It was a horrible
experience until I realized that there might be a HOWTO on it.  Sure
enough, there is, and by following the directions there to the letter,
it worked on the first try!

Check out

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Where is fdos?

1997-01-08 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
I apologize for following up on my own message, but I just realized
that I could have done better.

 Nathan == Nathan L Cutler ncutler writes:

Nathan Try looking in bo/binary-i386/misc as well.  However, I've
Nathan tried getting fdos to work and it is still fairly
Nathan unstable.  You'll get much better results if you have
Nathan DOSEMU boot itself up from a regular msdog boot diskette.

Actally, both DOSEMU and FDOS are in bo/binary-i386/otherosfs, not
bo/binary-i386/misc as I implied.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Rescue Disk (was Password)

1997-01-07 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Chuma == Chuma Agbodike [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chuma But HOW does one make RESCUE disk properly. Mine surely
Chuma didn't rescue me!

I personally use CatRescue, which is an older package, but excellent.
I can't even count the number of times this thing has saved me from
the horrors of a reinstall.  In fact, I've got to the point where I
don't even worry about things like switching disks around, because I
know I can always boot CatRescue, manually mount partitions, edit
lilo.conf, etc. to get a bootable system back.

The advantages of CatRescue are (as I see them) the following:

(1) it's all on one diskette, so it doesn't take much time to load
(2) it contains many of the basic system maintenance tools that one
needs when one has to resort to booting from a rescue disk
(3) it contains man pages for most of the above tools

It's been a long time since I downloaded it, but I'm tolerably certain
that you can find it on the Linux Software Map (search by title for
'CatRescue' or by subject for 'rescue').  Basically, all it is is a
prepared diskette image and instructions for making a physical
diskette out of it.  There are also some instructions for making your
own custom-configured rescue diskettes, but I've never gotten into
this part of it.

If you know how to do Archie searches, try searching for an exact
match of CatRescue101E.tgz, perhaps it will turn up an ftp site near

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Install problems - InfoMagic LDR

1997-01-06 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Brian == Brian Sheaff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brian My interest is using Linux as a mail gateway for a
Brian Win95/Win3.11 LAN.  The setup would be like this.

Brian 1. The Linux PC would dial into local ISP. Get each users
Brian mail from the local ISP. e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc.  I presume the mail gateway software
Brian can read a userlist file ??

Brian 2. Each PC user would then check the Linux mail server by
Brian using a Windows based mail package (e.g. Eudora) or telnet
Brian to the Linux PC and use Unix Mail command from a login
Brian shell.

Brian Is it possible.


Brian What packages would you recommend for 1.  mail gateway
Brian software (e.g. fetchmail,sendmail etc) 2.  to make the dial
Brian up connection (ISP would allocate IP on login)

For 2., the latest ppp package should be just what you need.  It
contains the ppp daemon (pppd) and some useful scripts for connecting
and disconnecting (pon, poff, plog).

For 1., I personally would not recommend fetchmail.  On my system at
least, it seems to have trouble communicating properly with the POP3
server at my ISP.  I would recommend 'popclient', which used to be in
the 'netstd' package.  As of 1.2, however, I believe you have to look
for it elsewhere.  Also, if you want to use it, you can't have
fetchmail installed, because the fetchmail package contains a
'popclient' which is actually a symbolic link to 'fetchmail'.

As to whether popclient (and fetchmail, for that matter) can read a
user list, automating them to retrieve mail for any number of users
with a shell script run by 'cron' is trivial.

Good luck, sounds like you're off to a good start.  The next step is
to convince your Winblows users that they'd be better off running
Linux as well...

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: sendmail procmail troubles!

1997-01-05 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Mario == Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mario   I'm using popclient to retrieve mail from my
Mario server. It's working fine, after a reinstall it. I didn't
Mario ask to remove it.
I was mystified by this, too.  It appears that popclient has been
obsoleted.  It used to be in the netstd package but the new netstd
package doesn't provide it.  I solved this problem by installing the
new 'fetchmail' package.  I had to change my scripts, but now I've got
everything working.  I like the new 'pon' and 'poff' programs!

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: PPP Dial up help

1997-01-05 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Knight == Knight  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Knight Ok Mr Newbie here again. I have been trying to get Debian
Knight to connect to my local ISP threw an external modem. When I
Knight issue the PON command it dials the connection fine, the
Knight modems connect, but then the line drops. The PLOG stated
Knight that I was dropped by the peer.  I know I have to make a
Knight config change someplace. I know my local IP assigns a IP
Knight address to me each time I call, Where in Debian do I
Knight configure this, in the options file??? If so what do I
Knight need to change to make both systems stay connected and
Knight happy.

Make sure you have everything right in your /etc/ppp.chatscript file.
If you examine /var/log/messages, look for lines like the following:

Jan  4 22:31:55 goober chat[2710]: CONNECT 57600^M 
Jan  4 22:31:57 goober chat[2710]: ^M 
Jan  4 22:31:57 goober chat[2710]: host -- got it 
Jan  4 22:31:57 goober chat[2710]: send (ns^M) 
Jan  4 22:31:57 goober chat[2710]: expect (ogin) 
Jan  4 22:31:57 goober chat[2710]: : ns^M 
Jan  4 22:31:57 goober chat[2710]: login -- got it 
Jan  4 22:31:57 goober chat[2710]: send (ncutler^M) 
Jan  4 22:31:58 goober chat[2710]: expect (word) 
Jan  4 22:31:58 goober chat[2710]: :ncutler^M 
Jan  4 22:31:58 goober chat[2710]: Password -- got it 
Jan  4 22:31:58 goober chat[2710]: send (??) 
Jan  4 22:31:58 goober pppd[2709]: Serial connection established.
Jan  4 22:31:59 goober pppd[2709]: Using interface ppp0
Jan  4 22:31:59 goober pppd[2709]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan  4 22:32:02 goober pppd[2709]: local  IP address
Jan  4 22:32:02 goober pppd[2709]: remote IP address

Obviously, these are from a functioning system.  But the equivalent
lines on yours should help you track down the cause of the problem.


Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: PPP connect using pon / poff / plog scripts

1997-01-05 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Andrew == Andrew Martin Adrian Cater [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andrew Help, I can connect to my ISP using pon as root: when I
Andrew attempted to use this as user amacater, I got cannot read
Andrew /etc/ppp.chatscript errors: chmod 755 cured this for
Andrew /etc/ppp.chatscript and /etc/ppp.options_out but I now
Andrew get: cannot execute /usr/sbin/pppd - permission denied.
Andrew I know that pppd is suid, owned by root with group of dip
Andrew - what do I need to do next.  I am *very* unclear on suid
Andrew so would appreciate any help here - apologies for a
Andrew possible FAQ.

I remember having the exact same behavior on my system.  Here is an
'ls -l' listing for pppd:

-rwsr-x--x   1 root dip 75944 Dec  8 01:54 /usr/sbin/pppd*

Note that the group 'dip' has read and execute permissions, and other
only have execute permission.  I'm not exactly sure why (I'm not too
clear on SUID root myself), but I was able to solve the problem by
adding myself to the the group 'dip' in /etc/group.

Perhaps doing a 'chmod o+r /usr/sbin/pppd' as root would do the trick
as well?  (Haven't tried this, though.)

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: OK to install across 2 HDs?

1997-01-05 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Joseph == Joseph L Hartmann, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joseph I have two HD's.  Right now only one is hooked up -- it is
Joseph my hda, a 1.6G Western Digital, running Redhat.  I wish to
Joseph hook up in addition a 340 Meg Connor.  I would like that
Joseph to be the slave so that I can keep my WD stuff where it
Joseph is. I want to install Debian on the 340 Meg drive until I
Joseph convince myself if I want Debian on the 1.6G drive.

I was in a very similar situation once.  I had a machine with two
disks and a CD-ROM, a functional Red Hat on one disk, and a trial
Debian on the other.

Joseph would like to boot up on either one.  How do I arrange
Joseph that?  The second one would be hdb, would it not?

That depends on how your hardware is configured.  Most modern
motherboards have two IDE ports -- called primary and secondary.
Each port can handle two drives, a master and a slave.  On all the
boards I've worked with (a total of three :-), Linux sees the primary
master drive as /dev/hda, the primary slave drive as /dev/hdb, the
secondary master as /dev/hdc and the secondary slave as /dev/hdd.
Thus, if you have hda, and hdb, both drives are connected using one
cable to the primary IDE port on the motherboard (or controller
card).  If you want to boost performance, you can try moving the slave
drive to the secondary port.  Make sure you know how to set the
jumpers on the drives to let them know that they'll be alone on their
respective ports, though!

Joseph disturbing my running system.  Can I get lilo to boot
Joseph from either drive? How?

Put a kernel image somewhere on both of them and the put clauses in
your /etc/lilo.conf file for the two different drives. Something like

image = /vmlinuz-2.0.27
  root = /dev/hda1
  label = First_Drive
image = /vmlinuz-2.0.27
  root = /dev/hdb1
  label = Other_Drive

Joseph I have a controller card, el-cheapo $19.00, that controls
Joseph 2 IDE HD's, 2 Floppies, 2 Serial Ports and 1 Parallel
Joseph Printer port.

Aha! Here's perhaps the source of your confusion:  your controller
card only has one IDE port.  Thus, your dilemma is solved -- you don't
have the option of putting the second disk on the secondary port.  For
you, the master disk will be /dev/hda and the slave /dev/hdb.

Joseph Sorry for my elementary questions.  Any advice will be
Joseph appreciated.

No need to apologize.  Just try to help out others with similar
problems once you have learned the ropes.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Password

1997-01-05 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Chuma == Chuma Agbodike [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Chuma Today I booted linux and it won't let me in. I log in as
Chuma root and give it CR at password prompt. Keeps rejecting
Chuma me.

Chuma How do I get around this? I hate to think that I have to re
Chuma install from scratch after all the work I did getting it to
Chuma where I like it.

Try booting from your trusty rescue diskette (what? you don't have
one?) (which will automatically log you in as root).  Mount the root
partition under /mnt or something appropriate to your rescue diskette
and use 'vi' to edit /etc/passwd.  An entry for 'root' with no password
looks something like this:


(the space between the first and second colons should be empty).


Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Newbie question on serial ports in Linux - please help!

1997-01-04 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Mikael == Mikael Bendtsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mikael  And by which device should I call my modem which is
Mikael connected to the second serial port? /dev/cua1 or
Mikael /dev/ttyS1? Where can I find out more about this?
The Linux guru community seems to be divided on this question.  I had
always read that the cua devnames are for _dialout_ connections, and
the ttyS devices are for _dialin_ connections (or was it the other way

But recently I installed mgetty+sendfax (useful if you want to receive
faxes, but also need to dial-up capacity on the same line) and while
browsing the docs, came upon the following tidbit:

   Some guys seemingly can't resist posting misinformation to the net
all the time, don't believe 'em. The `/dev/cua*' devices are *not*
different from the `/dev/ttyS*' devices concerning data flow or modem
control lines. . . .

   We use `/dev/ttyS*' all the time for dial-in *and* for dial-out, and
believe me, it works. . . .

   I'd recommend against using `/dev/modem' as a link to the real
device, but if you do that, make it a *hard link* to the appropriate

After reading this, I switched to an all ttyS system -- i.e. I use
the ttyS device everywhere instead of the cua or /dev/modem
devices, and everything works great.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Install questions

1997-01-03 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Terrence == Terrence M Brannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Terrence - how do I allow DOS to be booted
Terrence from a LILO prompt?

I had this same question and remember having to do more than the
normal amount of manual reading to figure it out.  Since the solution
is extremely simple, this should not have been the case.  Hopefully,
this will save you from having to go through what I did.

Edit /etc/lilo.conf and add the following clause to it:

# DOS bootable partition config begins
other = /dev/hda1
  label = msdog
  table = /dev/hda
# loader = /boot/any_d.b
# DOS bootable partition config ends

Change '/dev/hda1' to the right device for your system (i.e. the
partition on which you have msdog installed).  If it doesn't work like
that, try uncommenting the load = /boot/any_d.b line.

If you have any trouble, feel free to contact me directly.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Corrupted superblock on msdog partition

1997-01-03 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Tom ==   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tom Nathan L. Cutler writes:
 By accident, I rebooted my box with an msdog partition mounted
 manually (i.e. it is not in /etc/fstab).  Now, msdog can't
 access the partition, and linux says the superblock is corrupt
 when I try to mount it with mount -t msdos.

Tom I don't know what happened, but I do this sort of thing all
Tom the time (i.e.  reboot system with manually mounted
Tom partitions). I've yet to run into this sort of problem. What
Tom release are you running?

I'm running a modified 1.1 system.  The whole question is moot now,
because I've moved the disk that contains the damaged partition to
another box.  I think one of two things happened:  (1) the msdog
partition was not synced when I rebooted and the reboot left it in an
unstable state, or (2) DOSEMU (which I was running on the partition as
well) left the partition in an unstable state when I exited.

Today I realized a long-time dream of mine -- I built myself a second
box for msdog and NT.  Hopefully, I'll never have to run two operating
systems on one machine again!  I have both boxes connected to the same
monitor, keyboard and mouse through a mechanical A/B switch (a local
firm custom makes them).  If there's anybody out there who is fed up
with continually rebooting their machine because they are forced to
run Windows software against their better judgment, I highly recommend
this solution.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Newbie X-WIndows Installation questions

1997-01-03 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Miller == Eamiller  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Miller I am brand new to the Linux operating system, and have
Miller been trying to install XFree86 on my system.  My first
Miller question is, should I get 3.2 from, or is
Miller there a specific Debian package that I can use?  Next, do
Miller I download the aout files, or the elf files?  I have tried
Miller both with no success.  When I undo all of the required
Miller files I get various errors when I try to run XF86Setup.
Miller Anything from missing library files to a missing card
Miller file.  I really need more detailed info then XFree86 gives
Miller me.  Do I untar the files in the root directory, or the
Miller /usr/X11R6 directory that I create myself.  Right now I am
Miller totally lost, and desperately seeking help.

I would recommend getting a full Debian distribution (1.2 is the current
stable one).  Then, run 'dselect' to choose which packages you want on
your system.  If 'dselect' has found the distribution correctly, it
will offer you a rich variety of packages to choose from.  There's a
whole section for X11.  As a minimum, you'll need xbase, xfntbase, and
an X server or two (xserver-vga16 and one for your particular video
card).  That should allow you to get X running, then you can install
more X packages as you see fit.

If you're a newbie, don't worry too much about which version of X
you're getting.  Get whichever version comes with the particular
distribution you are installing.  Most likely it will be 3.1.2 -- so
be it.  It's a tried and true X system and you're much less likely to
have problems with it than if you get the newest version at any cost.
Also, many many more people can help you with 3.1.2 than with 3.2,
since 3.2 is extremely new.  Let the experts get used to it first, and
then do what they do.

Hope this helps.  If it doesn't, feel free to send me a personal mail.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: select+paste does not work under X/Debian 1.2

1997-01-03 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Zenon Fortuna wrote:

 I would like to copy lines across opened xterm windows: to select a few
 lines with the left-button, then to go the another window and paste the
 selected text pressing the right button (or the left+right together).
 Why I cannot do it ? Hints ?

It isn't the _right_ mouse button that is generally set to paste, but 
rather the _middle_ button.  So, if you only have a two-button mouse (not 
so good for X in any case), it must be set up to send the code for the 
middle button when both buttons are pressed at once (the so-called chord 

I'm not exactly certain how to set this up correctly in your case, since 
I don't know what kind of mouse you have and what its capabilities are.  

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Corrupted superblock on msdog partition

1997-01-01 Thread Nathan L. Cutler

By accident, I rebooted my box with an msdog partition mounted
manually (i.e. it is not in /etc/fstab).  Now, msdog can't access the
partition, and linux says the superblock is corrupt when I try to
mount it with mount -t msdos.

Is there any way to recover from this mistake or should I kiss my data

TIA Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: Dual-Boot on a non-sys disk

1997-01-01 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 Eric == Eric Budd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eric Now I have someone that wants to install a dual-boot
Eric win'95/Linux system, but the only available hard drive space
Eric is on drive E: (a new gig drive).  Can I just set it to a
Eric boot disk in the BIOS, repartition the new drive and pray
Eric that it works?  Or do i need to install it to the C: drive?

What OS is the box running now?  If it is running Linux, and you want
to install Win-BLOWS 95, I think (but am not sure) that Win-BLOWS will
want to install itself on the first primary partition of the first
hard drive.  It rewrites the boot sector, too, so make certain you
have a Linux boot/rescue disk ready, 'cause otherwise you'll find it
difficult to get back into Linux!

On the other hand, if the box is currently running Win-BLOWS 95 and
you have an extra partition handy, installing Linux on it should be no
problem.  Linux is content to reside on any partition on any disk,
including logical partitions.


Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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Re: pgp packages, where are they?

1996-12-31 Thread Nathan L. Cutler
 * == Alexander Gieg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've looked all over and can't seem to find the pgp packages.
 Where might I find them?

* See at

I found them at  There's no .deb package there, but there
is an RPM, which I unpacked with 'alien'.  I had to install it
manually, though.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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xconsole problem

1996-12-29 Thread Nathan L. Cutler

I'm hoping somebody can help me with a problem I'm having with
xconsole.  I'm running a Debian 1.1 system and have recently upgraded
to XFree86 3.2, but I was having the exact same problem before as

When I run 'xconsole' as a non-root user, I get the following message
(inside the xconsole window):

Couldn't open console

/dev/console is linked to /dev/tty1, which I believe is the first
virtual terminal, and indeed, console messages appear there, instead
of in the xconsole window.

Anybody have any idea what to do with this conundrum?

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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