Re: g++ and netscape

2000-07-23 Thread Ragga Muffin

Nianwei Xing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, Debians:
 I have two problem with my new debian.
 1. Afte I compile and link my c++ code with g++ , it
 generate a.out but I can not execute it. should I need
 to install some packages?

Do you get some error message ?
I can imagine 2 possibilities:
  1. You don't have execution permissions on the file.
 The remedy is 'chmod u+x a.out'
  2. You really generated an a.out but have no support in the kernel
 Hmm... somehow I doubt this...

 2. I can not use add bookmark in my netscape,
 however, there is the file bookmark.html exist under
 the directory ./netscape under my home directory. How
 can I handle this situation?

Check that you have write permissions on that file and directory.
Does netscape read the file if you point it to it ?


Re: Rescue Disks

2000-07-21 Thread Ragga Muffin

Richard Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have been upgrading Xfree but something obviously went wrong as when I
 boot up now it hangs at the starting Xfontserver startup and does not even
 get to the login prompt. Before I blat over and reinstall debian is there an
 easy way of creating a set of rescue disks ? I just need to edit a startup
 file on my root disk. My system is booted from floppy and mounts the SCSI

Is there  a way to pass command arguments at boot time ? In that case
you could boot with the arg 'single' into single user mode and
fix the error. 
(why do you use a boot floppy btw ?)

Another way to fix the thing would be to login remotely. AFAIK all
networking systems are started way before xfs, so just ssh or telnet
into the machine.

If these methods are not applicable then search the debian ftp site (under
for rescue.bin and root.bin. These are the install disks you'll need
to boot.


lprng errormail

2000-07-21 Thread Ragga Muffin

Hello everybody,

Printers changed in our lab and after editing printcap and restarting
lprng I get error mails (3 each time) from the daemon like:

Your printer job ((stdin)) 
was not printed because the daemon could not stat the file

However, the files print ok. The status log also shows success:

subserver pid 7920 exit status 'JSUCC' at 11:39:43.823
2000-07-22-11:39:43.823 ## [EMAIL PROTECTED] number=917 

What gives ? Suggestions anybody ?


Re: how do i get sound working?

2000-07-15 Thread Ragga Muffin


 alright i've read the sound-how-to but it didn't help me. my sound card is a
 Creative Labs Audio PCI 64V.  im not sure what sound driver i should be
 using or how to set the irq, I/o port, and DMA settings... running pnpdump
 does nothing.  

I'm not awfully familiar with that card, as I have a ISA version of it.

If your card really is PCI, there's no need to configure anything except
OSS sound modules in your kernel. You did that, didn't you ?
They maybe even precompiled, check /lib/modules/your_kernel_version/misc
for sb.o and sbawe.o. If they are there, just modprobe -ak sb.
There's additional docs in the kernel source tree for configuring awe...

If you want to get it the easier way, may I suggest ALSA. 
Search for alsa with dselect.


Re: instaling debian in HP LC 2000

2000-07-15 Thread Ragga Muffin

arnulfo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've never used an scsi hard drive, now here i am, trying to install debian 
 2.2 to a
 HP LC 2000 which has and ultra2 scsi adpater, and two hot swap 9 GB hard 
 Is there any way i can install debian to this machine?

Possibly, depends on the maker and model of your scsi card.
You can always try the bootfloppy and see if the card
is recognized at boot time.

Give it a try and post results here if you run into trouble.

Also, it's not a bad idea to see the install docs in the current/doc directory.


Re: user space nfsd?

2000-07-13 Thread Ragga Muffin

Krzys Majewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone enlighten me? The remote machines to which I have access are
 all Solaris, not Debian. What is userspace nfs and how do I set it up?
 Or, where can I get the source for Solaris nfsd and will it work if I'm not
 root? Presumably I will need to use some arbitrary non-privileged port;
 will Linux mount(8) understand this? -chris

Solaris comes with nfs (heh, nfs was sun's invention afterall).

Check tha manual pages for 'nfsd' and 'sharetab'.

And yes, you must be root to make any settings etc..
It's actually very probable that you have nfsd running, but with
blank settings...

And as I said, we have no problems here mounting those files from linux
(Don't worry about user vs kernelspace, that's for linux only)



Re: display export??

2000-07-13 Thread Ragga Muffin

 Ethan Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Im new to debian so Im not familiar with all the display settings.  When I 
 used mandrake, there were certain programs that needed to be run as root - 
 like linuxconf/mtv/xcdroast etcall I needed to do was su and run them.  
 Now in debian when I try such a move, i get a cant set display not 
 do I need to export DISPLAY localhost?  Im not sure of the I on 
 the right track?

Yes and no. What yuo need to do is temporarily permit x-connections from
your localhost if you want to start an x program with a different
user than the current session (in this case root)

Simply execute 'xhost +localhost' before doing a su.


Re: unable to unmount

2000-07-13 Thread Ragga Muffin

Suresh Kumar. R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 If I mount a cdrom and nfs mount it on some other machines, even after
 the other machine is switched off, I am unable to umount the cdrom
Please elaborate.
Do you mean you just shutdown the other machine ? Or that you umount the
cdrom ?

 from the server. I am using potato. I am forced to reboot the machine
 to get the cdrom out. I tried fuser but no use

This shouldn't be necessary. The problem is with nfs semantics and the
linux implementation (fstab + /proc).
If the cdrom is NOT mounted by ANYBODY then you should be able to umount
it on your end and get it out.

Other than that you can try to shutdown nfsd (don't count on that, I haven't
tried it)

 Any suggestions ?

Inform the other parties that they don't forget to umount the cdrom after
use ?  ;)


Re: kerneld message

2000-07-13 Thread Ragga Muffin

Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 I have just compiled my first kernel (!) on my Debian frozen box. It is
 After the reboot all seems well, except a message during boot:
   kerneld: you almost certainly don't want to be running kerneld
with = 2.2.x
 I assume that to be true. I am not sure if this just appears since the
 kernel update or that I have missed it earlier on.
 I have not done a lot of tweaking on this machine, so I have no idea
 what has caused this.

From the kerneld manpage

 kerneld is obsolete as of  Linux  kernel  2.1.90,  it  was
   replaced  by  the kmod kernel thread and cron entries.  Do
   not even think of using kerneld unless you are  running  a
   2.0 kernel.


Re: user space nfsd?

2000-07-12 Thread Ragga Muffin


 a word of warning,
 current NFS in linux is really bad. dont know if its the kernel or the
 tools or both(probably both) but i have experienced severe problems with
 it.  the last time i tried it i tried to get a debian 2.2 machine with a
 self-built 2.2.15 kernel to mount a nfs drive from a redhat and also
 another mandrake machine.  both the redhat and mandrake machines locked up
 HARD.  but both those machines could mount each other's volumes with no
 trouble at all.


knfsd has problems afaik but I find this very difficult to believe.
Userspace nfs has never crashed here since the past year on a mixture
of machines, Debian-Sparc, Solaris 7, Solaris 2.5, 
Debian x86, RH5.2, RH6, RH61..

What kind of processing/loads/transfers do you have going ?

Just an adverse pov ;)

Ragga Muffin

Re: Using Netmeeting thought a Debian Firewall

2000-07-11 Thread Ragga Muffin

Jay Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Will NetMeeting work thought a firewall or will I need to port
the box to let it out. If I reme\mber right in the past I was able to
send video out but not receive it for the other side. Anyone haveany
ideas to fix this ? And what port will I need to open if this is the case ?

I asked about this on linux-net coupla months ago and basically
you'll have to hunt down existing attempts at a module (a la icmp, ftp..)
and go from there. Because NetWeeping needs two ports, which 
differ(?) each time you just can't assume that by opening your firewall
it will work..
Check the linux-net archives.


Re: Debian 'crashes'

2000-06-06 Thread Ragga Muffin

Daniel Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Michiel,
 On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:
  It seems that a way to accomplish this is running apt-get upgrade,
  netsape and seti at the same time, in my computer (potato, PIII 500 64
 On Netscape's webpage they strongly recommend at least 64 Mb of RAM for
 use of Netscape with Linux. So if you run Netscape AND another
 resource-eating program on a 64 Mb machine, you can expect high loads, at
 least at startup.

True in a sense, but I can use Nscape 4.5 and plenty of apps including
dselect/apt on a Cyrix166 with 32Mb.
No. There's something REALLY weird if Michiel bogs his PIII-500/64Mb
with that...

 Simpler solution: Don't start Netscape if you don't really, really need

If you don't use it, it'll be swapped to disk, so that's not really
a solution, just a little band-aid.

Michiel, post some more details here, like kernel version, swap-size,
window/desktop manager etc.

I strongly suspect some hardware/driver problem here.

Give me Debian or papyrus and ink

Re: Documentation for the Xlib

2000-06-05 Thread Ragga Muffin

Sven Garbade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to port some old DOS-programs to Linux. The programs produce
 simple graphics like filled circles, moving rectangles etc. I´ve take a
 look in the xscreensaver sources, but I would find it very helpful, if
 there´s an overview about the xlib-functions. Is there any documentation
 about this?

Well, if you've installed the xmanuals (or xdocs..?) 
you have a man-page for every xlib function, but I'm under the 
impression tha's not what you are looking for...

You could always try:

But, believe me, if you REALLY want to start programming in X, the best way
is to visit your local bookstore. And there, look for stuff with Xt or
Optionally, you could try GTK+ which has a somewhat usable tutorial
with examples on

Good luck!

Give me Debian or papyrus and ink

RE: vga=ask

2000-06-03 Thread Ragga Muffin

A. Scott White wrote:

 I want to use a different vga text mode (like 80x50) on my terminal. I do
 not like to use X Windows, it is too slow. I prefer to use the standard,
 text based terminal. I want, however, to be able to see more text on the
 screen at one time.

Have you tried the svgatextmode package ?

apt-get install svgatextmode

That's what I use instead of the kernel vga settings.



Re: Modifying /etc/apt/sources.list

2000-06-02 Thread Ragga Muffin

Oliver Hingst wrote:

I currently have :
deb potato main contrib non-free

adding non-US to this, gives an error about not being able to download
the Packages.gz file.  What line must I add to get the package list from

Try adding a line like this

deb potato/non-US main contrib non-free
