Removing mungled packages

1998-12-27 Thread Randy Edwards
A while ago I installed the xfstt package and it wouldn't install properly. 
There has since been an update to this package and I figured the update would
clear up my problem.  No such luck.

Dpkg reports problems with this package and suggests that I should reinstall. 
Reinstalling just gives me the below errors.  I've though about removing xfstt
with the force remove-reinstreq option, but I'm hesitant to do that.  Could
someone suggest what is the accepted way of dealing with a situation like

For the curious, below is the error messages I get:

[/var/cache/apt/archives] # dpkg -i xfstt*.deb  
(Reading database ... 47400 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace xfstt 0.9.10-2 (using xfstt_0.9.10-3.deb) ...
/etc/init.d/xfstt: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `start)'
/etc/init.d/xfstt: line 18: `start)'
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
/etc/init.d/xfstt: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `start)'
/etc/init.d/xfstt: line 18: `start)'
dpkg: error processing xfstt_0.9.10-3.deb (--install):
 subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
/etc/init.d/xfstt: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `start)'
/etc/init.d/xfstt: line 18: `start)'
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

 Regards,   | Windows 98: n. minor bug-fix/patch release of 32-bit
 .  | extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to
 Randy  | an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit 
| microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't 
| stand for 1 bit of competition.

Re: Adding memory

1998-12-29 Thread Randy Edwards
> I have just purchased some more memory for my machine so that i can
> upgrade it to 64megs.  Is there anything that i need to do so that Debian
> will recognize it or should I just put it in and start the machine up???

   Put it in (carefully!:-) and start the machine up.  Linux should see it

   It's only when you go over 64 MB that you have to specifically tell Linux
about the additional memory (via a /etc/lilo.conf "append" statement).

 .   | For those old-timers like me who remember
 Randy   | with nostalgia the days of 4.77mhz 8088 PCs;
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | get that old time feeling back any time you | want -- just run Windows on your Pentium!

Web-based email for Debian

1998-12-29 Thread Randy Edwards
I'm running a slink system w/Exim as my MTA.  Does anyone know of a web-based
e-mail system that would fit into a Debian system nicely?

 Regards,| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a
 .   | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8
 Randy   | bit operating system originally coded for
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | a 4 bit microprocessor written by a 2 bit | company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

Apache, Apache-SSL

1998-12-30 Thread Randy Edwards
Here's my silly question for the day. ;-)

Does the non-us SSL version of Apache also require the non-SSL package or is
it a standalone replacement for Apache?

 Regards,   | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 .  | 
 Randy  |


1998-12-31 Thread Randy Edwards
> Could someone tell me how do I install LILO and where, in what files, do I
> configure it, and of course how ?

   LILO is installed in a default Debian setup.  If for some reason you need
to reinstall it, just download the lilo*.deb file from

   Once downloaded, just use dpkg -i lilo*.deb to install it.  The install
will ask you about whether you want to install LILO on your master boot record
or not.  To configure LILO, the main configuration file is /etc/lilo.conf.  To
reset lilo after compiling a kernel or for some other reason, just run the
command liloconfig.  Documentation is in /usr/doc/lilo.

   You can get information about any Debian package installed in the
/var/lib/dpkg/info subdirectory.  In that, just do a ls looking for .list (e.g. lilo.list).  That .list file will list out
every file that a particular software package installed on yoru system --
quite helpful sometimes.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

Re: Non US, PGP and slink

1999-01-02 Thread Randy Edwards
> Has anyone else had problems with the non US debian slink sites? The
> Packages file seems to contain pgp-us version 2.6.3a-5, but, for at
> least a month now, the pgp-us package itself is version 2.6.3a-4.

   I get the same thing about several non-existent files in non-us/slink. 
This was discussed a week or two ago and I had hoped that it'd soon be cleared
up, but it hasn't been.

 Regards,  | REDMOND, WA (API) --- MICROSOFT (MSFT) announced today
 . | the the official release date for the new operating
 Randy | system "Windows 2000" will be delayed until the second
   | quarter of 1901 due to year 2000 problems.

Re: Web-based email for Debian

1999-01-02 Thread Randy Edwards
John Goerzen wrote:
> There are quite a few.   If you go to and search for the words
> web mail, you'll find about a dozen.

   Thanks John.

I went ahead and grabbed Ivan's imp*.deb package
( that he's working on and that installed

 Regards,  | REDMOND, WA (API) --- MICROSOFT (MSFT) announced today
 . | the the official release date for the new operating
 Randy | system "Windows 2000" will be delayed until the second
   | quarter of 1901 due to year 2000 problems.

Re: consdiag v 1.0 released

1999-01-03 Thread Randy Edwards
Manuel Gutierrez Algaba wrote:
> hello,
> I've just finished my project "consdiag", it can be found in
> It's a utility that makes Rumbaugh OO boxes in LaTeX, something
> pretty useful for many computer science students.
> I do want to several things:
> - Please tell me if this utility is also useful for you
> - if so tell me how to debianize it , or much better, debianize it
> for me, although I'm not very sure of the process, because it's not
> a C program , just interpreted python code , with a bit of documentation
> - please, tell me if you can include it in the debian CDROM, I'd
> be greatly honoured !
> Please, if you know any other utility of this kind tell me, I need
> them !
> Data: I currently run RH 4.2 , with lots of libraries of Debian 2.0
> Hamm , because gimp required them. It'd be great if a REDHAT2DEBIAN-HOWTO
> existed.

   The "alien" package (which is packaged for Debian) can convert between *rpm
and *deb formats.

   I know I've seen instructions on how to convert a RedHat system to Debian,
but I just checked the web site and couldn't find them.  It's certainly
possible, and yes, I agree this is something that needs to be publicly
documented.  Perhaps someone else can contribute a URL.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

Re: News reading

1999-01-07 Thread Randy Edwards
> I would like to be able to fetch news while online and then read them and 
> answer while offline.

   IMHO the best solution would be either leafnode or suck.  Leafnode's
smaller and far easier to set up.  It also has a slick option to auto-delete
unread newsgroups.

   Suck is more powerful, requires INN or something similar, and has the power
to do crude keyword deletion of spam (i.e. kill everything with "make money",
"$$$" or "XXX" in the subject).

   They're both longtime packages for Debian, check 'em out...   

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because lockups should only be for convicts.

Help setting up a daemon

1997-06-01 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been using fetchpop to grab my mail from my ISP.  I recently got
diald up and working and now I want to run fetchpop as a daemon process.
I've set up a script (using apmd as a guide) in /etc/init.d called
fetchpop and it contains the following:

#! /bin/sh
# Start or stop fetchpop as a daemon.

test -s /usr/bin/fetchpop || exit 0

case "$1" in
echo "Starting fetchpop as a mail daemon"
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /bin/su -- redwards -l -c 
"/usr/bin/fetchpop -d -r -l ~/fetchpop.log"
echo "Stopping the fetchpop daemon process"
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --exec /usr/bin/fetchpop -- -q
rm /home/redwards/.lockfetch-golgotha
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/fetchpop {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit 0

   Then I went into each of the rc0.d through rc6.d subdirectories and
created a symbolic link called K40fetchpop.  This link simply points to

   If boot the system and log in as root, go into /etc/init.d and type
"fetchpop start" the program works perfectly.  Likewise, a similar
"fetchpop stop" works fine too.  But for some reason, the program isn't
getting started automatically at bootup.  Can anyone see an error and/or
tell me why/what I'm doing wrong?  If so, I'd greatly appreciate it along 
with any suggestions you might have.

  |  __  o
 Regards, | / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|/ /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|   // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |   ...because reboots are for upgrades...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Debian quality

1997-06-01 Thread Randy Edwards
> compared to upgrading Debian 1.2 to 1.3, it sucks.  To all the kind
> folks who've spent many long nights making Debian Linux a quality
> product, thank you.

   I have to agree.  After switching to Linux I'm constantly impressed
with everything about Debian (I ran SLS and then Slackware before).  The
only thing unimpressive about my setup is the operator/sysadmin's lack of 
knowledge. :-)

   And, speaking of that, can I ask a stupid question?  Okay.
What/where/when is Debian 1.3 going to be released?  I'm using 1.2,
getting upgrades through the net with dselect in its default setup
pointing at and the stable, non-free, and contrib

   I read a fragment of one message somewhere that 1.3 is actually in the
frozen subdirectory; is that true?  If I were to make my dselect point at
stable, non-free, contrib, and frozen would that cause the upgrade?  Or
should I wait until it's moved from frozen to stable (anyone know if/when
that'll be?)?

   As a Debian newbie who's never gone through an upgrade process, I'd
appreciate any wisdom, and details of standard procedures that anyone
could shed on this process.

  |  __  o
 Regards, | / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|/ /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|   // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |   ...because reboots are for upgrades...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: ISP connect doc.

1997-06-03 Thread Randy Edwards
>   Would someone please suggest which doc to read for ISP connection
>   for Debian/Linux?  Thanks!

   Read the ISP-HowTo (or is it ISP-Install-HowTo?!; something like that).
You'll find it in the usual documentation site (check off from  Once you get it from the documentation site,
check the author's web page from the doc and you can get the absolute
latest version.

>   What are the software packages required for ISP connection setup?

   Well, what do you want to do in the internet?  First, you'll need a
mail reader.  I like Pine, your mileage may vary. :-)  Once you get things
set up, you can add something like fetchpop to automagically grab your
mail from your ISP, but wait until you get things running to play with

   You'll need one of the newsreaders (trn is my favorite, but remember
MPG:-), and you'll need a web browser.  Lynx is a good text-only web
browser, but Mosaic or Netscape is good if you want graphics.  Of course,
an IRC client would be nice for those into chatting.

   Other than that, the big thing is that you'll need PPP compiled into
your kernel and to install the PPP stuff from dselect.  With that and
following the ISP* how-to instructions you'll be all set.  Let me know if
you have any problems, I just recently went through all of the same.

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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ifmail/ndbm compile problem

1997-06-03 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been trying to compile the FidoNet package ifmail.  Ifmail uses
ndbm for its database routines and I have gdbm installed in my 1.3 setup
which I believe satisfies the ndbm requirements (but me knowing little C
and even less about *dbm makes me real shaky:-).

   When I try to compile ifmail I get the following error message:

message.o: In function `putmessage':
message.o(.text+0x240d): undefined reference to `idlookup'
make[1]: *** [ifmail] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

   I have no idea what the problem is (other than if can't find idlookup)
but folks using RedHat tell me that ifmail compiles "out of the box" for
them.  Does anyone knowing more about *dbm than I (which should include
just about everyone:-) know what my problem might be?  If so, I'd greatly
appreciate any details; thanks.

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Cron setup

1997-06-04 Thread Randy Edwards
   I know the basics of cron and its crontab file, but have a couple of
questions about the specifics of how Debian implements cron.  In other
words, I've never seen cron divided with subdirs for daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.  I get the point of doing things daily or weekly, but I
wonder what about the specific time to do these events..

   I'm at a point to where I want to run a mirror process to fire off
daily at about 1:00 am local.  Could someone outline the best way for me
to implement this into Debian's cron setup?

   If so, I'd greatly appreciate it; and, any additional info/tips you
could shed on Debian's cron implementation would convince me to nominate
you for sainthood. :-)

   Thanks in advance.

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

YA newbie news setup question

1997-06-05 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been trying to get a news setup configured here and was wondering
if someone could give a news newbie some pointers/direction.

   I want to get a news setup configured to pull news off from my ISP's
news server ( and to eventually put FidoNet mail into
using a FidoNet-news converter ifmail.

   Because of these desires I believe I have to set up a regular server on
my system (golgotha).  So, I installed inn and innfeed, along with suck,
but haven't been able to get things working.

   Would someone be so kind as to either dump a working copy of their
inn.conf and hosts.nntp into a message or give me some guidance on how I
should be setting things up?  I've read the various man pages about the
config files but with so many different configs and with me basically not
having a clue, it gets tough as to know which is right and which needs

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Thanks in advance,   |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Netscape 3.01 128bit

1997-06-05 Thread Randy Edwards
> For the record and mailing list archive;
> The 128bit versions of Netscape 3.01 and 3.01Gold do work with 
> the currect Debian install package.

   Would you happen to know if the latest beta (communicator-v40b5*) will
work with the *.deb install shell?

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Cron setup -- thanks/summary

1997-06-05 Thread Randy Edwards
   Just a quick note of thanks to all who replied about the Debian cron
setup.  I was thrilled with the response and it's greatly appreciated.

   Rather than summarize, I'll just say that if anyone has any questions
about the cron setup that Debian uses please do not hesitate to mail this
newly educated cron guru :-) and I'll happily help out as much as I can.

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Broken nethack?

1997-06-05 Thread Randy Edwards
   I updated to 1.3 last weekend and just recently ran NetHack.  NetHack
-- which ran great before -- now gives a permission error of "No write
permission to lock /var/lib/games/nethack/perm!"

   Has anyone else gotten this or is this unique to me?

   What, no Nethack?!  Now this is a serious error!  1.3 can't be released
with this problem! :-)

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Broken nethack?

1997-06-06 Thread Randy Edwards
> This was a problem with an earlier version, but was fixed (I thought).
> I don't remember which files had wrong permissions, but here
> are the perms on the relevant files in /var/lib/games/nethack:
> drwxrwxr-x   3 root games1024 Jun  4 11:05 /var/lib/games/nethack/

   Thanks Sue.  The problem must be back (if it was ever fixed; I just
noticed this after upgrading to frozen).  The error is that the nethack
directory is missing the group write attribute.

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: SLang? Cron run-parts /etc/cron.weekly

1997-06-08 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've got a newbie-type question for anyone kind enough to answer.  This 
morning I got a message from my cron which told me the following (header cut 
down a bit for brevity):

>> From: root (Cron Daemon)
>> To: root
>> Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
>> Terminal not powerful enough for SLang.

   What's this mean?  And what is SLang?  Man and apropos doesn't seem to turn 
up anything for it and I don't have a clue.  Any information would be greatly 
appreciated, thanks.

  | Debian GNU/__  o
 Regards, |   / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|  / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy| // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

1997-06-09 Thread Randy Edwards
On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, DANIEL STRINGFIELD wrote:

> I'm not personally thrilled with the high volume, but I wouldn't wan't to
> make things not specific to debian (other than things like how to on
> Redhat or something) to stop being supported.  I think the list serves
> well as a LINUX mailing list, for Debian Users.  Not a specifically Debian
> list for Linux users.

   I second those sentiments too.  As a Linux newbie who chose to run
Debian, I have a lot of newbie-type questions which I'm not sure are
Unix-related, Linux-related, or specifically Debian-related.  I've posted
in linux-newbie for various topics but a lot of the replies I received
were RedHat or Slackware-specific.  That is simply a recipe for
frustration for newbie Debians.  I was thrilled upon finding this list,
one which dealt only with Debian.

   If it's decided to tighten things up, the powers that be should give
thought to a Debian-specific newbie list if this list isn't going to
support that function.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
 Regards, |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: netscape 4.0

1997-06-09 Thread Randy Edwards
On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Lawrence Chim wrote:

> Does netscape beta 4.0 installer support preview 5?
> It does not work for me.  I found a symlink /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape -->
> .../../lib/netscape, but there is no such file/directory.

   Well it mostly works.  It installs netscape properly into
/usr/local/netscape but the symlink in /usr/X11R6/bin is bad.

   You can fix this by su'ing to root, rm'ing the netscape symlink in
/usr/X11R6/bin, and then creating a new one by doing a "ln -s
/usr/local/netscape/netscape netscape".

   Either that or creating a script to "cd /usr/local/netscape" and then
run netscape there will fix the problem.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
 Regards, |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

1997-06-10 Thread Randy Edwards
> I've been thinking about the entire newbie/documentation thing a lot
> lately. There has to be a way for newbies to get into the
> /usr/doc/*/*gz files before they know about gzip, zcat and zless. And
> there has to be a way of saying RTFM without being rude. 

   I think it's more than simply saying RTFM.  For myself, I've found
many cases where the FM isn't decipherable.  Having seens countless
shareware programs from the DOS world I'm constantly amazed at the
documentation of unix programs.  I don't mean this to knock the
programmers, I'm just stating something that many newbies see.

   Yes, there should be a way to make sure that newbies RTFM.  But there
also has to be an outlet for newbies to get clarification and answers
after pulling their hair out from reading the FM.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
 Regards, |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: fdos, and ncftp

1997-06-10 Thread Randy Edwards
> (i.e. dosemu) that fdos is recommended, but not available.  In fact, a
> search of the Debian FTP structure shows that there *is* no fdos
> package.  What's up?

   With the new package of dosemu, fdos comes as part of dosemu and
therefore isn't used as a separate package any more.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
 Regards, |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Re: Best e-mail approach for discon. sites

1997-06-11 Thread Randy Edwards
> Do what all us poor smucks who have only part-time dial-up connections do:
> configure smail with smart_host= and queue_only, and
> run smail -q from ip-up.

   John, I've got a quick question for you.  I'm running smail with Debian
1.3 and am using a similar part-time dial-up dynamic ISP link with diald.

   I have a smart_host defined in /etc/smail/routers which was done by
Debian's smailconfig, but I'm unsure how to add the queue_only portion.
Right now, diald starts its dialing as soon as I save a message and it
amounts to a 30 second or wait until the message is sent.  I'd love to
queue outgoing messages up and have ip-up send them off with a smail -q
command but looking through the man page and /usr/doc/smail/guide/config I
cannot find anything about this queue_only option.  Where should it go and
where can I find some more info on it? 

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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xforms, offix: what are they?

1997-06-11 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've got two packages installed which dselect reports are obsolete.
They're xforms 0.81-4 and offix 2.3a1.  Does anyone know what they are and
whether it's safe to remove them?

   I also have a copy of linuxdoc-sgml 1.5-4 installed which dselects also
reports as obsolete.  Does anyone know what the status of this package is?

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: POP mail questions

1997-06-16 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, George Bonser wrote:

   If you don't mind a related question George (and to anyone else who

> Note that if you use SMTP, you should use your ISP as your smarthost. This
> is because if you have dynamic IP, your claimed hostname might not equal
> your reverse DNS lookup and many mailhosts out on the net may refuse to
> talk to you.

   This is the same setup I'm using (an ISP which issues dynamic IP
addresses and using it as a smarthost).

   What I get a problem is that some mail programs put my local machine's
hostname (golgotha) into the message header thus making the message appear
from/reply to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  Of course, since that isn't in
anyone's DNS any messages replied to will bounce.

   Would you or anyone know how I could implement a rule so that smail (or
whatever program handles this sort of thing) would rewrite any outgoing
messages to correct the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to become
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ( is of course my ISP)?

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: POP mail questions

1997-06-16 Thread Randy Edwards
> 1.2 had popclient.  I notice that dselect now shows this as obsolete and
> fetchpop is shown on the dselect list.

   Just a minor correction Bob, as I've travelled over this same road that
Stan is considering; the "fetch mail from a pop site" that 1.3 now has is
called fetchmail.

   I've played with two of these fetch mail from pop programs.  Sunsite
has "fetchpop 1.9" on it in the /pub/Linux/system/pop subdirectory (along
with several similar types of programs).  The configuration of fetchpop is
truly a no-brainer, it autocreates a file in your home directory and
stores the pop site name, along with your username and password.  The
drawback of fetchpop is that I found that it isn't as "robust" of a
program as fetchmail is.

   The fetchmail program that comes with Debian 1.3 is more flexible, and
thus a tiny bit more complicated to set up.

   Both programs can be run as daemons which when combined with diald can
fully automate grabbing your mail off from the internet.  I've found
fetchmail handles some things that fetchpop couldn't and once the
configuring is done you'll probably appreciate the flexibility.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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LAN configuration problem?

1997-06-16 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been playing around for a few days trying to get a network up
between my Debian 1.3/2.0.30 box and a Win95 machine.  I've read the Net-3
and IP-Masquerade HOWTOs and have set things up to what I think should be

   However, I can't even seem to get even a ping across the LAN.  Of course, if
I boot into Win95 on both machines it works okay so I know the cabling is
good.  I have the Win95 machine (horeb, aka set up exactly as the 
HOWTO describes, so I don't think things are a problem there.

   The Linux machine is now set up with diald and ppp to link into my ISP
( which does a typical dynamic IP assignment.  This works just
fine; it's the ethernet setup that I'm trying to tackle now.  The ethernet
card is a Realtek (sp?) model PnP NE-2000 clone.

   Could someone look over my configuration and help this newbie spot
something that I've probably overlooked? :-)  If so, I'd appreciate it.

   For my Linux machine, here's what I have in my relevant files:


/etc/hosts:   localhost golgotha golgotha.spartacus horeb horeb.spartacus

order hosts,bind
multi on


ALL: horeb, .spartacus
in.smtpd: ALL
fingerd: ALL: (finger @%h | mail -s "SECURITY!: Finger from %h" redwards)

search golgotha golgotha.spartacus

#!  /bin/sh
# Configure the loopback interface:
ifconfig lo
route add -net

# Define some of my defaults:

# Set up my ethernet card:
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}

route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

A report from "ifconfig eth0" after rebooting Linux and doing 2
commands of "ping" from the Win95 machine:
eth0  Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:26:80:1F:71
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:60 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:80 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6100 

   When ping'ed from the Win95 machine as per above, the Win95 machine
reports 4 "Request timed out." rather than a normal type of ping response.

   If anyone has any ideas of what my problem might be (the LAN problem,
not my personal ones!:-) and/or any suggestions for optimizing this setup
(all I want to do is to enable networking between the Linux and Win95 boxes
and allow the Win95 machine to eventually masquerade out to the internet)
I'd greatly appreciate it.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: Colors

1997-06-16 Thread Randy Edwards
> How do you make colors appear in a directory and BASH prompt? I played
> with the values in dircolors, but nothing happened.

   What I did was to create an alias of "alias ls="ls -p --color" (you
don't need the -p, but I like it:-) and stuck it into my ~/.bash_profile.

   If you don't like the default colors (I hated the dark blue for
subdirectories) you can change it by setting and exporting the LS_COLORS
environment variable in the same .bash_profile.  For more info, do a "man
ls" and/or see the docs in /usr/doc/fileutils/color-ls*.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: How to deliver mail over the modem

1997-06-19 Thread Randy Edwards
On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Johannes Martinez wrote:

> from my pop account.  How do i get outgoing mail to be delivered when i
> dial up?

   Run "smailconfig" as root and tell it that your ISP is your "smarthost"
when it asks.  It'll then route all mail that it doesn't know anything about
to your ISP.

   If you want to queue mail that is outgoing to your ISP, edit 
/etc/smail/config and add a "queue_only" option to it.  Then in your
/etc/ppp/ip-up file you can add a "/usr/sbin/smail -q" to send out your 
queued mail whenever you're connected to your ISP.  Works slick.

> Do i have to change anything in pines config?

   You might want to have pine put your ISP mail address into messages.  It
won't matter locally and that way everything going out to the net will look
>   Any info about the best newsfeed program for a slow link?

   You've got basically two choices with Debian.  You can set up "suck"
(love that name!:-) but it requires setting up INN and I found it a bear to
configure; never did get it figured out (let me know if you do, I'd be
interesting in seeing the configs for suck and INN).

   The other option to suck is leafnode.  Leafnode's is much better
documented and is a breeze to set up (no need for INN or other packages,
just leafnode and a newsreader).  If you have any questions about leafnode's
setup, just hollar.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: How to deliver mail over the modem

1997-06-20 Thread Randy Edwards
On Fri, 20 Jun 1997, Johannes Martinez wrote:

   Uh-oh, I'm on thin ice with some of your mail questions as I've barely
got my system running so I'll let some other chime in with their responses
there (as you can see, you've almost exhausted my puddle-deep pool of mail

> This i'd like to know more about.  Does it work well with slrn or tin?

   I'm not sure about slrn, but it works like a champ with tin.  Just invoke
tin as "tin -r" to make it read from the local nntp server.

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Logging/teeing a getty

1997-06-28 Thread Randy Edwards
   I have mgetty set up and I was wondering if it was possible to log all of
the input that one user enters or if there was a way to "tee" the data
to/from that terminal to one of the virtual terminals.  Is something like
this possible?

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setting desktops with fvwm2

1997-06-28 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been happily running fvwm2 for the past few weeks but one thing
seems a bit strange.  I've modified my Xsession file to open up the rxvt
windows and a couple of other things (e.g. xarclock, xbiff, etc.) that I
want opened when X starts.

   The problem I have is with the pager.  These things are opened up on Desk
0 while the pager is "pointing" at Desk 5 (i.e. if I click on it it goes to 
that desk).  If I run the FvwmPager program from the menu's modules section,
I can see four desktops with my auto-started programs in Desk 0.

   The man page for fvwm2 mentions something about an -xrm switch which
allows you to set the desk, but unfortunately rxvt doesn't support this.

   The question I have is A) How can I get the pager to open up so that it
is "pointing" or looking at Desk 0; OR B) how can I get my programs to open
up on Desk 5.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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news errors

1997-06-28 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been working on getting suck and inn to work.  Right now things are
going well and I can issue out a "get-news" command to grab my news

   However, at the end of the process (after it's downloaded the articles) I
get the following error messages:

441 Already got messageid
Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
441 Already got messageid
Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
441 Already got messageid
Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
240 article posted ok
Closing connection to
Error remote posting 

   Now, this 441/340/malfunction lines will repeate several times over and
over.  I've entered in test messages from my end, which appear to be okay
from my end, but given the above messages, I guess they're not getting

   Could someone with some experience with this combination tell me
exactly what those error messages mean -- and possibly what could be causing
them?  If so I'd greatly appreciate it.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: reload .bash_profile in xterm?

1997-06-28 Thread Randy Edwards
On Fri, 27 Jun 1997, Sylvain Briole wrote:

> So, xterm does not reload .bash_profile?

   I believe if you add a "-ls" (login shell) parameter to xterm when you
call it your problem will go away and it'll read .bash_profile as you want.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: USR Modem Hangs Intermittantly

1997-06-29 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sat, 28 Jun 1997, Britton wrote:

> I have heard that this is a problem with USR
> Sportsters and that there is an init string type fix.

   This isn't a fix.  USR still has the problem, the symptoms of which are
exactly as you describe.  The init string "fix" is more of a kludgy
work-around that helps the problem in some/many cases.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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1997-07-01 Thread Randy Edwards
   I wanted to play around with DuhDraw, an ANSI editor, and got the
complaint that it wanted the library which isn't on my
system.  Looking on sunsite and different places I'm unable to locate that
library.  Recompiling duhdraw just gives me a segmentation fault and a core

   Does anyone know where I can locate or any way other that I 
can make duhdraw happy?  Thanks in advance.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: LAN configuration problem?

1997-07-02 Thread Randy Edwards
   Odd, I still can't figure this one out.  After reinstalling Win95 and
triple checking its setup I'm thinking that the problem must be on Linux's
end.  Since it's been a while since I brought this issue up, I'll quote a
lot (my apologies) to refresh your memory.

> > /etc/init.d/network:
> > #!  /bin/sh
> > # Configure the loopback interface:
> > ifconfig lo
> > route add -net
> > 
> > # Define some of my defaults:
> > 
> > # Set up my ethernet card:
> > ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
> > route add -net ${NETWORK}
> > 
> > route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
> That looks fine.

   Well, FWIW, I've changed the /etc/init.d/network file to now read:

#!  /bin/sh
# Configure the loopback interface:
ifconfig lo
route add -net

# Define some of my defaults:

# Set up my ethernet card:
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK} dev eth0

> > A report from "ifconfig eth0" after rebooting Linux and doing 2
> > commands of "ping" from the Win95 machine:
> > eth0  Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:26:80:1F:71
> >   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> >   RX packets:60 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >   TX packets:80 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6100 
> try 'cat /proc/pci' and make sure that your ethernet card really is on
> IRQ 10 and I/O address 0x6100.

   Yes, the /proc/pci file reads:
  Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Realtek 8029 (rev 0).
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 10.
  I/O at 0x6100.

   Every time I reboot this comes up the same and lists the same when I
examine the card with the DOS setup program for the card.

> Put the card in Jumperless mode (turn off Plug'N'Pray) and set it to a
> specific IRQ & I/O Address by running the DOS-based config utility which
> came with the card - it'll make life MUCH easier for you if the PNP BIOS
> doesn't randomly change the settings of the card whenever it feels like
> it.

   Yes, that's my usual preference for PnP cards, unfortunately, this one
doesn't have that option.

> can your linux machine ping the win95 machine?

   Nope, when I ping the Win95 box I get a 100% loss.

> what does your routing table look like?  try 'netstat -rn'.

It shows:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface UH 1500 0  0 sl0   U  1500 0  0 eth0   U  3584 0  0 lo U  1500 0  0 sl0

> what's in your arp table on the linux machine? try 'arp -an'. You want
> to see arp entries for both machines.

   Ahh, this is something.  After trying a ping from each machine, after
running an arp -an the output is:
Address HWtype  HWaddress   Flags Mask Iface ether   00:C0:26:80:1E:73   C *eth0

   If I could ask, what does this mean?  As you can tell my knowledge of
Linux/TCP/IP networking is limited and I haven't gotten up to the chapter on
arp yet reading the NAG. :-)

> try running tcpdump on the linux machine - according to the RX & TX
> lines above, it looks like there is definitely some activity. You can
> monitor the network with tcpdump.

   Okay, here's what tcpdump puts out when I ping the Linux box from the
Win95 box:
tcpdump: listening on eth0
10:03:55.265899 arp who-has tell horeb
10:03:55.265899 arp reply is-at 0:c0:26:80:1f:71
10:03:55.265899 horeb > icmp: echo request
10:03:55.265899 > horeb: icmp: echo reply
10:03:56.705899 horeb > icmp: echo request
10:03:56.705899 > horeb: icmp: echo reply
10:03:58.185899 horeb > icmp: echo request
10:03:58.185899 > horeb: icmp: echo reply
10:03:59.225899 horeb > icmp: echo request
10:03:59.225899 > horeb: icmp: echo reply 

> Do you have any firewalling or masquerading rules yet?

   Nope, I definitely go one step at a time.  First I wanted to get a ping
across then I figured I'd play with masquerading and then firewalls. 
Trouble is that first step is a doosie! :-)

   Now, looking at the above, I see a difference in the tcpdump response and
the hardware address respo

Re: repartitioning

1997-07-02 Thread Randy Edwards
On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> installed it on,  I've decided to repartition and make seperate partitions
> for /,  /usr,  /tmp,  /usr/local,  and /var (are there any others it might
> be usefull to make seperate partitions out of?).  

   The FAQ addresses this pretty well.  I'd also recommend a /home
partition.  I also added a /home/ftp/pub for a file archive but that depends
on how many files you keep lying around.

> a) partition this empty space into a bunch of new partitions and  my
> current system onto it,  without completely reinstalling?

   Sure, it's been a long time since I did this (back years ago when I was
running SLS), but it is possible.

   As I remember (read: get someone else's opinion to be sure:-) all I did 
was to create the paritions, make file systems on them, copy the appropriate 
subdirectory trees to the various partitions, edit the fstab on the new / 
directory/partition, edit Lilo's config (make sure to be able to boot either 
Linux  setup in case one doesn't work) and run Lilo.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
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Re: LAN configuration problem?

1997-07-02 Thread Randy Edwards
On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

   First, thanks for all your info and help...

> So, this table is saying that IP address (your win95 machine?)
> is at the machine with ethernet card 00:C0:26:80:1E:73

   Yes, (horeb) is the Win95 and that is its ethernet card.

> I can't see a problem on the linux end. It looks as if it should work
> fine. Is there anything in /var/log/messages (or in the output of
> 'dmesg') which suggests a fault with either the network card or the
> cable?

   Today I booted a DOS floppy on each machine and ran the NIC's
diagnostics.  Both the network/cable and the cards themselves checked out

   Info that dmesg reports looks okay.  Relevant parts are:
Swansea University Computer Society NET3.035 for Linux 2.0
NET3: Unix domain sockets 0.13 for Linux NET3.035.
Swansea University Computer Society TCP/IP for NET3.034
tunnel: version v0.2b2
PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
TCP compression code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
PPP line discipline registered.
SLIP: version 0.8.4-NET3.019-NEWTTY (dynamic channels, max=256).
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California.
SLIP linefill/keepalive option.
ne.c: PCI BIOS reports ne2000 clone at i/o 0x6100, irq 10.
ne.c:v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x6100: 00 c0 26 80 1f 71
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x6100, using IRQ 10.
registered device ppp0
ARP: arp called for own IP address

> is the tcpdump output similar when you ping the win95 machine from
> linux? From what you said above about 100% packet loss when pinging from
> linux to win95, I'd guess that you'll see the "echo requests" in tcpdump
> but not the "echo replies"which indicates that the win95 machine
> isn't able to receive packets.

   Correct -- it echos requests but gets nothing back.  So I guess that
means the problem probably is on the Win95 machine's end.

> are there any irq conflicts with the ethernet card on the win95 machine?
> irq conflicts with network cards often manifest as being able to send but
> not receive packets.

   No, there's no IRQ problems there.  The networking also works fine if
both machines are running Win95.

   Hmm, I guess my next step is to triple-check the Win95 machine and to
double-check what protocols and features of Win95 that I need installed in
it...  Again, thanks much for your help!

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
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News error

1997-07-03 Thread Randy Edwards
   I'm running suck and INN in a local news setup off from my ISP.  This all
seems to be working fine, with this one exception.

   After running suck's "get-news" command to fetch my news, the following
error message gets repeated over and over for about five minutes:

Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
441 Already got messageid 

   During this time, the RD/SD modem lights blink and the same error
messages scroll by for literally minutes.  I can read what they say, but
I've got no idea what's causing them and/or how to fix them.

   As I said, it seems like everything on the system is working fine.  I
usually read news with "tin -r" and can post (interestingly, just using
"tin" give me an error message when I post) and have recieved some replies
to posts.

   Has anyone run into such an error message before and/or have any idea
what's causing it? 

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: A Basic Question

1997-07-04 Thread Randy Edwards
On Fri, 4 Jul 1997, Alex Fan wrote:

> Where can I find a Debian Distribution?  Is it avilable on CDs or just
> from download?

   Both.  You can find info for downloading from, you can ftp
it from or one of its mirrors, and if you want it on CD,
check out who has the official Debian 2-CD set for $4.95.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: Q: How to change icon bitmap for rxvt-xpm??

1997-07-04 Thread Randy Edwards
On Fri, 4 Jul 1997, jim wrote:

> I'd like to have a special icon bitmap for when rxvt-xpm is
> minimized.  Read the man page and nothing.  Any ideas??

   I believe this is done in your window manager.  I run fvwm2 and
accomplished this by adding a line of:

Style "rxvt"Icon xterm-linux.xpm

into my /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc file.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: mc problem - solved.

1997-07-06 Thread Randy Edwards
On 6 Jul 1997, Paul Seelig wrote:

> Note that there is an *unofficial* Debian mc-4.0 binary provided by me
> available on the regular Midnight Commander FTP sites, which can be
> installed within the regular Debian package management.

   Paul, for someone who is ignorant of the regular MC ftp sites (do you
mean sunsite or tsx-11?), could you elaborate on where this new *.deb of MC
could be located?  Thanks in advance.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: PnP ( ie: Modem )

1997-07-06 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Keith Knipschild wrote:

> Also I heard good things about Midnight Commander, Where
> can I get a Linux version ?

   Midnight Commander is a regular debian package.  You should be able to
fire up the dselect program and select it and have it installed.  The *.deb
archive of mc is always available from or one of its mirrors.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Suck's sucknewsrc disappearing

1997-07-08 Thread Randy Edwards
   Has anyone who is using suck noticed that suck's sucknewsrc file
sometimes gets deleted?  I've noticed this happening several times and of
course suck 'breaks' when it finds the file not there.

   I've "fixed" (kludge alert!) this by adding a couple of script lines to
make and restore a backup copy:
if [ -s /etc/suck/sucknewsrc ]; then
cp /etc/suck/sucknewsrc /etc/suck/sucknewsrc.backup
cp /etc/suck/sucknewsrc.backup /etc/suck/sucknewsrc
   to my /usr/sbin/get-news but I was wondering if anyone else has
experienced this or not?

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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fetchmail syslog option

1997-07-09 Thread Randy Edwards
   Does anyone have fetchmail properly set up in syslog.conf?  If so, could
you post the appropriate lines from syslog.conf here please?

   I've read the man pages for both syslog.conf and for fetchmail, have
tried the example for fetchmail that is given in its man page, but other
than redirecting all log output to a log file (which is what the fetchmail
man page example accomplishes) I haven't gotten it to work.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: upgrading with Debian

1997-07-11 Thread Randy Edwards
On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> how well does Debian upgrade?  For example from 1.2 to 1.3, etc?

   Well, I only have experience going from 1.2 to 1.3.  But as a basic Linux
newbie I didn't have any troubles at all.  I was pleasantly shocked at how
smooth it went.  I did my upgrade over ftp on a 28.8k line; I set things up
about 10 pm and when I got up in the morning things were upgraded.  Neat!

   I will caution you, however, to make sure you read the various warnings
and Read.Me's before such an upgrade.  For example, the 1.2-1.3 upgrade
specifically said you had to upgrade 3 or 4 packages by downloading them and
using dpkg to install them before you could do the "big" upgrade.  Folks who
didn't heed that warning had trouble.

   But as I said, for me, the upgrade was as smooth as a silk stocking 
gliding across a freshly shaven thigh.  :-)

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
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Re: adduser problem

1997-07-12 Thread Randy Edwards
On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> when I type "adduser username" in Debian 1.3.1, it only copies to first
> line of each of the /etc/skel files  what is wrong?

   This has been acknowledged by others as a bug (but I'm not sure if it's
been officially reported).

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: Winmodem

1997-07-12 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sat, 12 Jul 1997, Gerald V. Livingston lI wrote:

>   I still don't understand the reasoning behind moving hardware 
> functions into software.

   It's simple Gerald, it saves a few pennies on manufacturing costs.

> Maybe I'm paranoid (-; but it all seems like a plot to force consumers to
> purchase upgraded machines.  It really looks like the reasoning goes this
> way: "Well, it looks like processors are finally fast enough to do whatever
> the consumer wants at an acceptable speed  So, what can we do to slow
> them down so they'll need faster CPU's next year?"

   That sounds ominously close to something called planned obsolescence.  We
all know that U.S. companies wouldn't do anything like THAT, don't we... :-(

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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adding ipfwadm rules

1997-07-13 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been playing around with masquerading (which has been going
surprisingly smoothly -- great!:-).  Well, I've got enough confidence in
this that I want to have it come up whenever the machine is up.

   Being the Linux newbie that I am, I was wondering there the most
appropriate place to add the ipfwadm lines would be.

   I'm thinking they'd be a "natural" for adding to /etc/init.d/network, but
I was wondering if this is a good place for such commands or whether there's
a standard place for such things.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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uname -a on /etc/motd

1997-07-13 Thread Randy Edwards
   Could someone tell me what process is putting what appears to be the
output of a "uname -a" at the top of /etc/motd?

   I delete that regularly since IMHO it doesn't look very pretty, but try
as I might, Linux seems to have more patience at putting it there then I do
at removing it. :-)

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: nobody is running find at too high a priority

1997-07-14 Thread Randy Edwards
On 13 Jul 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Good idea. I also still think that the install script should offer "Dial up
> an ISP and use dynamic IP" as a separate menu item.  Selecting this would
> bring up a menu in which "Would you like to set PPP up like Win95 DUN"
> would be one of the choices.

   Yes, I agree that a dynamic IP install configuration would be a boon to
newbies getting PPP up and working smoothly (at least it would've for me:-).

   However, I think it could be worked better (read: without mentioning
Win95) than your suggestion...  :-)

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: adduser

1997-07-14 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sun, 13 Jul 1997, Matthew C. Thompson wrote:

> so what's the fix for adduser? it's not working for me at all. i am
> running 1.3.1 (installed 1.3 and update on a daily basis with dselect).

   As far as I know, the adduser in 1.3.1 hasn't been fixed for some strange
reason.  However, if you grab the adduser package out of hamm (unstable)
it'll work fine.

   Just download the hamm adduser, stick it into /tmp, and then go to /tmp as
root and do a dpkg -i adduser*.  The adduser package is a script so there's 
no worries about lib6 libraries or anything.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
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Re: Thanks (was Future debian user)

1997-07-14 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sun, 13 Jul 1997, Shaleh wrote:

> I am impressed. And most of it was civil help and questions.

   Don't worry, the hostile and rude answers are given to you later. 

> One last question --> where is the best and most inexpensive place to get
> a Debian CD distribution.

   Check out and/or  They both
have the official Debian 2-CD set for sale for less than $5.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: Netscape 3.x mail

1997-07-14 Thread Randy Edwards
On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, Curt Howland wrote:

> Downloaded and installed Netscape, excelent install, I commend
> the writer of that package.
> Anyway, it won't send mail. I get "FCC file not found".

   Did you catch the little blurb at the end of dselect's Netscape install
which explains what you need to modify in order to make Netscape do mail?

   I can't remember what it was exactly, but recall that it had something to
do with changing Netscape's default mail settings and chmod'ing the system's

   As an aside, I wish there was a way for dselect to force a "press ENTER"
after displaying those types of comments; they flash by far too quickly.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: Netscape 3.x mail

1997-07-15 Thread Randy Edwards
On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, Curt Howland wrote:

> I got the modification of the var/spool/mail directory part,
> but not this other thing. Maybe someone will remember what it was.

   You can find info like this in /var/lib/dpkg/info.  It contains a wealth
of info (fun grepping:-) on everything that's installed in your system.

   From the netscape.postinst file in that subdir:

Netscape will not be able to read user mail spool files unless you set
the \"external movemail program\" to \"/usr/lib/netscape/movemail\". 
Changing the permissions of /var/spool/mail to 1777 (as suggested by 
Netscape) will introduce a small security hole which, under some 
circumstances, could allow someone else to get access to another's mail.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: suck is so slow

1997-07-15 Thread Randy Edwards
On 15 Jul 1997, Andy Spiegl wrote:

> I am using suck (version 3.3.2-1) to download my news, but I am
> not satisfied with the speed this download takes place.

   FWIW, I've noticed the same slow transfers via suck over a 28.8k link.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: sendmail vs smail

1997-07-18 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, jr wrote:

> why Debian recomend install smail and not sendmail?

   I think it's primarily because smail is so much easier to configure.  I
originally set up smail and found it quite easy to deal with.  Just this
week, however, I had to install sendmail to get a particular application to
work -- sendmail takes the term "cryptic config file" to new heights. :-)

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: Reading news offline (Was: Using "suck" to transfer news....)

1997-07-20 Thread Randy Edwards
On 20 Jul 1997, Stig Sandbeck Mathisen wrote:

> Does anyone else use suck+inn to get news offline, in that case I
> would be happy if anyone could drop me a hint on how.

   I'm using suck and inn and things are working pretty well from what I've
seen.  I just use the /usr/bin/get-news command as root to fetch and post my

   As an aside: does anyone know if suck's suckkillfile will use multiple
words in its fields?  In other words, can I have the suckkillfile use
something like:

SUBJECT=XXX,sex site,free porn

or something similar?

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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bo-updates: integrate with dselect?

1997-07-22 Thread Randy Edwards
   I have a question about the bo-updates subdirectory.  Now, I know that bo
is supposed to be stable and relatively unchanging, but what is the purpose
of the bo-updates subdirectory?

   I take it that it contains updates to the bo packages, but how can one
integrate this into deselect, or even should one integrade bo-updates into

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
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Re: question on bo-updates: found on ldso security update

1997-07-24 Thread Randy Edwards
On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, James D. Freels wrote:

> do not show up automatically with dselect.  Apparently, bo-updates is
> not intended to be in the dselect tree unless the user incorporates it
> by hand?

   I've wondered about what exactly bo-updates is too, along with
if/when/how one should install these packages and/or integrate them into

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
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Re: samba newbie help request

1997-07-25 Thread Randy Edwards
On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Pann McCuaig wrote:

> What I'm looking for is the absolute minimum /etc/smb.conf that will
> allow me to share a directory, say /tmp, on the Linux box with the
> Windows box.

   Ahh, another person who despite RTFMing needs a good example -- sounds
like me! :-)  BTW, I found my example in the Linux Journal.

   Here's what you need to do, create a system user (see 'man adduser')
named whatever you want.  I made the user to be "network" to share my 
/home/ftp/pub subdirectories with my Windows machines.  Then edit your 
/etc/smb.conf to include something like the following:

   comment = Public directories
   path = /home/ftp/pub
   public = yes
   writable = no
   printable = no
   guest ok = yes

   Users will then just need to map this to a drive on their Windows
machines and they'll have access.  Of course, you can change some of the
parameters above if you'd like, just consult Samba's doc/man page.

   Obligatory disclaimer: if anyone sees something I overlooked and/or
shouldn't be doing, etc., please let me know! :-)

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: dosemu without dos being installed?

1997-07-28 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sat, 26 Jul 1997, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:

> Can dosemu be installed if DOS is not installed?

   Yes.  I run with nothing but ext2 partitions on this machine and have
dosemu installed.  However, as I understand it (read: not sure 'cause I
haven't messed with it much), fdos' redirection of ext2 subdirs as DOS
drives doesn't work properly (a "real" DOS supposedly does).

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: Comunicator 4.02b7 is out

1997-08-04 Thread Randy Edwards
On Sat, 2 Aug 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> Strange, when I look all I see is an empty directory at

   It's only on some ftp servers.  I found it on ftp25; others gave me the
same empty directory as what you found.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: splitting up the debian-user mailing list

1997-08-04 Thread Randy Edwards
>>> A third idea, make a debian-news.  A few debian people put together some
>>> pages each week summarizing the latest with debian.

   Couldn't debian-announce be used for this?

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: splitting up the debian-user mailing list

1997-08-04 Thread Randy Edwards
On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> It's getting kind of loud here. I've been thinking of splitting the
> debian-user list into several lists:

   I know what you mean.  Just this week I turned off a couple of other
general Linux lists I was subscribed to simply because I was dealing with
too much mail.

>   debian-user: user discussion
>   debian-install: installation problems
>   debian-novice: newbies are intimidated by other lists, so here's
>one of their own.

   Other than my worry that debian-novice would turn into a wasteland which
experienced users avoided, that seems reasonable.

   But you might give some thought to killing or renaming debian-user.  What
if you create the other two lists and no one uses them and everyone just
stays on debian-user?

   Perhaps a more topic oriented approach (he says mindlessly throwing out 
ideas) might  be better, e.g. debian-mail, debian-news, debian-networking, 
debian-install, debian-x, and debian-novice?

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
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Re: copying text files (unix to dos)

1997-08-06 Thread Randy Edwards
On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> UN*X doesn't use the ^M character at the end of each line.  How can I
> convert between formats?  And is there a way to do it automatically when
> a file is copied to/from a dos filesystem?

   I don't think there's a way to convert automatically -- thank goodness; I
can just imagine copying an exe or zip file over and having some conversion
program "fix up" the end of line characters. :-)

   There's a Debian package (I believe it's sysutils) which contains the 
programs unix2dos and dos2unix.  They'll do conversions of end of line
sequences for you.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 (FidoNet 1:325/805)  |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Green monitor functions

1997-08-26 Thread Randy Edwards
   While running X, Debian blanks my screen just fine.  However, what I'd
like to do is to convince Debian to handle the "green" power-saving
functions of my video system.  This functions well under Win95 and OS/2, but
for some reason doesn't seem to work with Debian.

   Could someone suggest the BIOS or OS settings I need to implement to make
Debian use the power-saving features of my video system?  Thanks in advance.

 Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
 .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

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Live Wiki on

2002-12-08 Thread Randy Edwards
   Just a quick note to say that the WikiWikiWeb module is now up and running 
for public use on .

   The idea behind this Wiki is for users to write up and document their 
problems/solutions, and to create some HOW-TOs, READ.MEs, and various 
documentation specifically related to Debian GNU/Linux and its associated 

   With the WikiWikiWeb format, any person can create a document and then 
others can come along later and edit the document adding clarity and/or more 
detail.  This gives a group-edit capability that can be quite powerful.

   So, got a solution to a common problem in Debian that you think others 
should know about?  Did you do something particularly clever (or even 
routine!:-) that you think others might benefit by having it clearly 
documented?  If so, why not write it up?

   You can access the Wiki either via  or more 
directly at 

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because reboots are for hardware upgrades.

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Re: Modem

2002-12-09 Thread Randy Edwards
I have to buy new modem and I have dilemma what to buy. Is there any
suggestion? What is better usb or serial modem, external or internal, and
what's more important which modem works on Debian?

   All modems are serial -- that just refers to the way they send bits to the 
computer (e.g. USB = Universal Serial Bus).  Despite the extra cost, I prefer 
external modems.  The diagnostic lights are invaluable and I'm assured that an 
external won't be a WinModem.

   The key is to avoid a WinModem or softmodem.  These are barely support in 
Linux (a few models are, but the vast majority aren't).  WinModems dump 
processing onto the OS (Windows) via a device driver and thus save some money 
on hardware/circuitry.

   When buying an internal modem you can find models that are not WinModems, 
but you have to ask and double-check (often the sales people will lie and tell 
you that it's not a WinModem just to sell something).  Sorry, can't help you 
with USB modems as I have no experience with them.

 Regards,| Need some help with Debian GNU/Linux?
 .   |
 Randy   | Look no further than 

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Re: Content Management System sought

2002-12-13 Thread Randy Edwards
Do you know any other software pieces that feature the above and are
preferably contained in Debian?

   My advice would be to look into PostNuke  with 
various modules (e.g. phpWiki).  I run it on  and I 
think you'll see all the features there that you're looking for.  PostNuke 
does exist as a Debian package, but it changes rapidly and I'm not sure how 
recent the Debian package is.

 Regards, | What's "free" software? - Free speech? Free beer?

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Re: Wireless card recommendations

2002-12-13 Thread Randy Edwards
Any recommendations as to cards that have worked with Debian?   The
Lucent Orinico cards get mentioned in my google trawls on the subject but
seem rather expensive...

   Yes, but IMHO they're worth it (did you check for 
prices?).  Mindlessly simple setup, great Linux support, and good 

(Have read the Hardware HOWTO but would like some more debian-specific

   There has been a couple of threads on  on this 
topic.  See: 

 Regards, | What's "free" software? - Free speech? Free beer?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wireless card recommendations

2002-12-13 Thread Randy Edwards
Any recommendations as to cards that have worked with Debian?   The
Lucent Orinico cards get mentioned in my google trawls on the subject but
seem rather expensive...

   Yes, but IMHO they're worth it (did you check for 
prices?).  Mindlessly simple setup, great Linux support, and good 

(Have read the Hardware HOWTO but would like some more debian-specific

   There has been a couple of threads on  on this 
topic.  See: 

 Regards, | What's "free" software? - Free speech? Free beer?

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