[libreoffice-design] UX -> question on a new dialog

2010-12-07 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all, Christoph,

I don't know if I should post here the question/concern I have about a 
new dialog appeared in LibO in beta2 or 3 (can't remember), but at 
least, I know you're there Christoph ;-)

Under the Writer Format menu, there is a new dialog named Title Page. 
Several localizer had difficulties to understand what it really does in 
fact. I find it not precise enough and not in accordance with the Style 
name it used (First page) and should represent. Also the title of the 
first part: Make Title Pages look strange to me, I would have say Create 
or Change to Title Pages.

So you see, I don't know where to express my questioning about this 
dialog, I don't want to open an issue because I've no solution to 
propose for a better naming :) I let it up to you ;)

Kins regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] SilverStripe site progress review

2010-12-14 Thread Sophie Gautier

On 15/12/2010 00:07, David Nelson wrote:

Hi, :-)

As you know, I'm currently leading the content creation on the
SilverStripe site. I'm putting in hours of work everyday, and it's
making great progress. I had planned that it would be ready for
Tuesday, December 14, but I think it's more realistic to say that this
is going to take another 3 or 4 days. But I am not going to stop work
before all pages of the IA I have set up all have content. By
Christmas Eve, I am determined that the site will be LIVE and visible
on http://libreoffice.org.

When the basic content is up on all pages, there will be a period of
24 to 48 hours maximum for you all to make suggestions and comments,
after which I will act on the feedback. I will then request Florian to
go ahead and roll out the live site.

Right now, I am asking you to provide content for specific pages
RAPIDLY within the next 48 hours (it is currently 22:00 CET on
Tuesday, December 14 2010).

Please take a look at http://test.libreoffice.org. There is a whole
lot more content there already.

There is already a page under Features, but I am asking you to submit
me content by e-mail for the following sub-pages:

- Writer
- Draw
- Impress
- Draw
- Base
- Math
- Extensions

I'll send you some content for Draw, Base, Math and Extension at the end 
of my day. My English is far from good, so if the quality is to bad just 
send it to the trash and ask somebody else ;) In the meantime if 
somebody else is taking the task, just tell me, I'll stop.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Extensions List suggestion

2011-01-06 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi Michael,
On 06/01/2011 23:14, Michael Wheatland wrote:

The idea is to have a suggest an extension, then approval system prior to
publishing on the extensions directory. The same theory will be used for a
templates library as they also represent high value 'addons' to out
We have been avoiding a public publishing system like a wiki for these, as
extensions and templates that we suggest also reflect on the quality of our

Can you tell me where does this come from? Where this decision has been 
discussed and taken and by whom? The fact that we don't use the OOo site 
is to satisfy a request that has nothing to do with quality.

We are an open source project, why should we prevent somebody to 
contribute for whatever reason? what are the criteria for the quality 
you're talking about, where are they written, who is the person giving 
the approval? That would be funny that people could contribute to OOo 
but not to LibO...

Thanks in advance for your answer.
Kind regards
Founding member of The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-design] Urgent call for sample files for producing screenshots

2011-01-08 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi David,
On 08/01/2011 17:54, David Nelson wrote:

Hi Sophie, :-)

Truthfully, your interpretation of what that text refers to is
erroneous... they are talking of screenshots of Microsoft products
such as MS Windows or Office, but *not* of screenshots taken of other
people's products and works simply running under MS Windows... There's
no need to worry. You see screenshots of software running under
Windows *all over the Internet*... ;-) We're perfectly safe. ;-)

No, it's not my interpretation (I know I may not have a full 
understanding of another language :), we never get a firm statement but 
only different interpretations from lawyers, this is why we have decided 
to not use screen shots made using Windows. I can't remember where the 
discussions occurs on the OOo site, maybe website list, I'll point you 
to the archives otherwise.

It may sound stupid, but can you imagine that I had to declare people 
using ssh for the OOoFR site in France several years ago because the 
encryption we used was not allowed and considered as a security issue. 
I'm sure the Debian contributors never have to do so. Just to say that 
we have to be cautious.

In any case, I already took a large number of screenshots, and our
documentation is *full* of screenshots taken under Windows, so this
would involve an *enormous* amount of work to rectify.. ;-)

Yes may be, but it's not a sufficient reason to continue to take the 
risk :). The more we are visible and known, the more we are exposed.

Kind regards
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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: new features page ...

2011-01-16 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi David,
On 16/01/2011 21:56, David Nelson wrote:

Thus, it is about: [0]

Ah that's a shame... it's one of the most visually attractive of
the screenshots, and made the Suite look good...
What's actually the problem with this screenshot?

The branding is not respected. I think that Christoph means that we have 
to respect our own branding guidelines when using the logo, etc. on our 

See here what is allowed or not:

Also, this help our visitors to make sure that they are not visiting a 
fake site using our branding. There is already fake sites existing and 
there will be more and more, so it is very important to help our 
visitors to be confident in our site.

Kind regards

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[libreoffice-design] LibO ribbon UI mock-up

2011-01-16 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all,

I think that may be of interest for you ;-)

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] MimeType icons: More time for improvements...

2011-01-23 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi Bernhard, all,

Top posting for just a small word here: if you need me for the QA on a 
specific version containing the icons, don't hesitate to ping me, I'll 
be happy to help here.

Kind regards
On 23/01/2011 18:57, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

Hi all,

the MimeType icons didn't make it in RC 4, even if Christoph and
Thorsten Behrens tried very hard to make it happen.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] New names?

2011-02-02 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all,
On 01/02/2011 01:22, Barbara Duprey wrote:

On 1/31/2011 3:07 PM, Kevin Soviero wrote:

What was the reason they gave for not changing it?

The main reason is that so far, the LibreOffice product has not really
separated from OpenOffice.org, the code and documentation are
essentially being developed together. (Even the rebranding of the
documents just to go to LibreOffice is a good-sized project.) When LibO
becomes a truly separate product, the names may be changed, though the
earlier thread didn't really come to a conclusion about what the names
should be. One set of possibilities is Write, Spread or Spreadsheet,
Present, Base or Database, Draw, Formula -- but these are not all nouns
or all verbs, and it isn't easy to come up with that kind of
consistency. It's also hard to make them "catchy" without also making
them obscure; Microsoft was able to get away with obscurity because they
had such a huge market share, but LibreOffice can't start there.

I would just like to add a small note here, when thinking of changing 
the names, please keep in mind that they are not translatable. Though we 
will use them in all the languages we are offering a version (around 80 
right now).
This to say that the names need to be easy and simple to pronounce in 
almost any languages, but also easy to read and write too (think to 
complex script writings, etc). Currently all the names quite fill this 
requirements (Writer is not so easy to pronounce everywhere).

Kind regards
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[libreoffice-design] LibO icons

2011-02-05 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all

For information :

Kind regards
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[libreoffice-design] Background of the quick starter icon

2011-02-18 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all,

I have a [very, very small] request :)

Under Gnome, the quick starter icon doesn't appear to have a transparent 
background. Would it be possible to avoid the white rectangle behind our 

As said, no emergency.

Kind regards
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Re: [libreoffice-design] Located in Venezuela logo

2011-04-13 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all,
On 14/04/2011 07:17, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:

Hi Bernhard, all

Forgive my delay in responding thought I was following this list but I
think it was right

Sorry as well to jump so late, too much in my mind actually.

On 04/13/2011 09:19 AM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

Hi Daniel, all,

sorry for stepping in so late - sometimes "real life" is
more important than LibreOffice...

I crossposted this mail to the marketing list, because I think this is
a topic with some importance over there.

Please follow up on market...@libreoffice.org.

Daniel Gonzalez wrote:

On 04/10/2011 03:45 PM, Helio S. Ferreira wrote:

Hi Daniel,

wat do you need? Maybe can help you.

Thanks Helio for replying and showing our interest!

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Daniel Gonzalez

Hi Guys,

I wanted to know how I can help with a logo located to the user
group LibreOffice in Venezuela,


Thanks for answering, I need a logo approved by the members of the
design team for the community LibreOffice LibreOffice in Venezuela,
so I like that this was located in my country.

This topic is related to team interaction and marketing, even if it
looks pretty simple at the first sight.

While crossposting to marketing I'll inform projects@LibO as another
relevant mailing list about our thread.

Traditionally our community is organized on language rather than on


Therefore the Spanish language team is designed to work together on
language related issues, user support, documentation and so on,
because most resources can be shared.


The only area, where this language based approach is limited, is

Here local activities are important: Physical presence on fairs and
conferences, personal contact to journalists, business people and
administration decision makers can't be reached by community members
from other parts of the world.

exactly, and Spanish speaking community being very large, it's the 
language for which it's the most relevant to have dedicated local groups 
able to work, meet and share together.

Back to dedicated logos for different teams:

It is very reasonable to design a common logo theme consisting of the
LibreOffice logo in combination with a graphical (or textual)
representation of the dedicated team.

But as mentioned above, I don't know if the team you want to create a
logo for shares most of it's interests with the other Spanish teams -
in this case I'd like to see you share a common logo strengthening the
language based character of the LibreOffice community.

If you need a logo to represent the local marketing activities in
Venezuela, I'm fine with it.

This is what we are looking for, you can even review an example of what
we mean



Do you know about marketing activities in other areas of Spanish
speaking Middle- and South America?

At this point we are making great efforts to integrate Spanish speaking
community including Spain and all Latin American countries
http://es.libreoffice.org In it there are resources like mailing lists,
irc channel # libreoffice-is, Group Facebook, Twitter, Identi.ca and

yes, and thanks a lot for your great work on that, I hope your efforts 
will bring a lot of members in.

Can yo collaborate and use your material interactively? Should we
think of a Central American LibreOffice Marketing Logo?

The material we're using for the Hispanic community is a material
located at a neutral Spanish so that everyone can grasp the essence of
the message sent. Has not been raised to have a logo for the region, but
if an opportunity arises in having a logo located to identify the local
user groups in each country for local marketing purposes, attendance at
events, material such as shirts, hats, posters between others. This is
also required to write letters of sponsorship, organizing events, among
other things, because otherwise businesses and people would think that
this is a transnational corporation that sought to profit in any way

When I speak of localized concerns me putting the flag of Venezuela
or any particular icon of my country, can be an icon of a typical
meal or some typical musical instrument of Venezuela, clear that
these ideas should be approved by team members.

I hope I understood your points and described well enough, why it is
not "just" creating a Venezuela logo, but one of the central topics of
the international and interlingual approach of LibreOffice.

If you are uncertain about one of my thoughts, please ask for
explanation. If you disagree, just tell me. And if you can reply to
some of my questions above, it would be great to get some replies.

My single concern is that our power could become split in small and
micro teams when we don't combine our efforts wherever possible.

I think it's ok to have dedicated local marketing material. The other 
teams have also local association where they create and sometime sel

Re: [libreoffice-design] [VI] [Vote] Official LibreOffice conference logo

2011-05-28 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all,

First bravo to all for the nice designs!

On 28/05/2011 14:44, Christoph Noack wrote:

Hi Bernhard, all!

Thanks everyone for providing proposals and feedback - just great!

Am Samstag, den 28.05.2011, 01:10 +0200 schrieb Bernhard Dippold:

04 Nikash Singh 1b (conference part at the right.


To me, it is the right one, because:
   * Providing (to me) the right visual balance (other proposals
 appear too dense or non-grouped to me)
   * Colors and form respect the requirements for the use on various
 media types (e.g. banners, t-shirts, business cards, ...) - some
 thoughts at [1]
   * The conference part (right side) may be used separately (e.g. in
 the presentations, on posters) by still keeping a visual
 relationship to LibO
   * If there is still something less perfect (scaling issues, color
 use), then this might be easily adapted.

I'm sure, this will be a remarkable LibreOffice conference!

+1 :)

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] letter template

2011-07-02 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi all,
On 02/07/2011 12:07, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Hello Nikash, all,

I would need the letter template with the green "scatter"pattern to
draft the letters for Danishka. Would you or anybody else happen to
have it under .ott or .odt?

We may also need it to give invitations to those who will have to 
justify they attend to get a visa.

Kind regards
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Re: [libreoffice-design] Icon test about to start

2012-09-21 Thread Sophie Gautier

Hi Björn,
On 19/09/2012 21:13, Björn Balazs wrote:

Hi all,

long announced and finally (almost) ready...

We (Heiko and I - anyone else is invited) will start the
first test of the standard icons we use in LO. We have
decided to test the first row of icons in a normal (as
we hope) installation of writer.

You can find the preview of the study here:


Of course data and everything will be open - you just
have to register for free on www.userweave.net and look
out for the LibreOffice project on there.

What we need now from you:

Any kind of feedback for the english version.

Once the english version is fixed, we need translations
into as many languages as possible - we can only provide
German next to English...

You can count me in for French. For other translations, you should ask 
on the l10n list, or pick the existing translations in Pootle. Make a 
search on the English term and you'll have the translation in the 
corresponding language.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Testing LO Icons - translators needed!

2012-09-28 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Kévin,
On 27/09/2012 22:50, Kévin PEIGNOT wrote:
> Hy,
> I began french translation. I made everything except countries after B, 
> I don't have time know, I will continue soon. There are an AMAZING 
> number of countries on this planet !
Thanks for your translation :) I'll proof read it asap. Most of the
countries should be on Pootle already so you can use them for Userweave
Kind regards

Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Participate and spread the word: 1st LibreOffice IconTest started

2012-10-02 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Björn, all,
On 02/10/2012 10:08, Kévin PEIGNOT wrote:
> I just discovered I made a mistake in the translation (keyboard error). I
> can't correct in on userweave once survey started ?

I just wanted to proof read you translation, but can't either. Next
time, it would be good if we can activate a per language survey.

Kind regards

Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Cut/ Paste feature in Calc - is it possible to change the way it behaves?

2012-12-14 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Eric,
On 14/12/2012 17:03, eric.ficheux wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first post here.

Good to see you here and welcome :)
> I work for Nantes Métropole (French public service) as project lead on a
> LibreOffice deployment and change management project. We're currently
> waiting for top management approval of the project before proceeding.
> We've conducted a real-life test a few months ago with 75 users (non IT) to
> complete our change management plan outline and business case.
> A lot of the users involved in the test reported that they were annoyed by
> the way the cut/paste function behaves in Calc as it doesn't really cut
> selected lines or columns, but will instead erase their content, so they had
> to select the line or column again and delete it to achieve the expected
> result and didn't seem very logical.
> I also share that point of view as a Calc user.
> Changing this feature would improve the user experience as cut/paste is a
> basic feature.
> So, I submitted a bug (#54485) and got a "works as designed" answer.

You have well done. The only thing is that it's a enhancement and not a
bug as Calc is designed to work like that. To change this behavior to
act as you want, you have to maintain the Alt key (you can come on the
FR lists if you need help or confirmations on functionality). But as you
said, we always can think to change a behavior if it doesn't fit the
user understanding.
> What do you think about it, do other users share the same point of view?
> I'm willing to participate, where can I start?

To what exactly want you to participate, coding or design?

Thanks for your feedback
Kind regards
Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-design] Tango test : Wrong icon for Frame in Navigator

2013-01-07 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi all,

Working with 4.0beta2 and the new icons Tango Test, there is a confusion
for one of them.
When you create a frame using Insert > Frame, this frame appears in the
Navigator under Text Frame and should have the same icon as in the menu,
it has currently the icon used for inserting text frame from the Draw
bar (this last one doesn't appear in the Navigator).

Kind regards

Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Tango test : Wrong icon for Frame in Navigator

2013-01-11 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hash: SHA1

Hi Alex,
On 07/01/2013 14:42, Alexander Wilms wrote:
> Hi Sophie,
> thanks for the info. I'll push a corrected version and some
> additional icons today.

> Do you know whether the new Tango icons will be included in the
> final release? I guess I'd need to get some reviews in order to
> push something to the 4.0 branch, right?

They are not included in the RC1 (I was waiting for it to answer you).
May be you should include them in order to have feedback on them no ?
Kind regards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: [libreoffice-design] Rebranding result

2013-01-27 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Mirek, all,
On 27/01/2013 19:25, Mirek M. wrote:
> Hi Charles, Italo,
> The links to the proposed artwork are here:
> * TDF artwork <http://ubuntuone.com/3PVMix5hDrBtqARcYR298r>
> * Community artwork without ® <http://ubuntuone.com/5Egi8UftNSNL3jNwxncC3r>
> * Community artwork with ® <http://ubuntuone.com/5PDYO8aos1BOa8CVId8NS9>
> * sofficerc <http://ubuntuone.com/3lYToGq77OfnItEDKsAhBO>
> * SVG sources <http://ubuntuone.com/25bFNEcUwK8VAJcCK04iRx>
> Please try it out before making a judgement.

Thanks a lot for the links. I didn't participate to the communication on
your work, I usually forward everything to the FR list, but localization
has took all my time.

I agree with Italo and Charles that the design is finally less than a
refresh, but hey guys, we all make bugs :)
So to all who participated, don't be disappointed, be like all of us
when we find that finally our hard work has some imperfection that makes
it difficult to accept for others (and be sure that it happens to all of
us more than one time), take a breath and go on!

Where to go from here? Do we cancel the refresh (Pawel, your proposal is
not possible because of feature and l10n freeze), do you think there is
another one that will fit more than the proposed one? (I'm still
struggling with l10n issues so don't have time to look at your links).
Mirek, what would be your position on this?
And again to all, thanks a lot for your work on the design of our
product and project.

Kind regards
Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Rebranding result

2013-01-27 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Mirek,
On 27/01/2013 20:04, Mirek M. wrote:
> @Charles: Good to hear that you're happier with the tweaked version.
> @Sophie: As I said, I could contact Mateus and incorporate his dog ear and
> green progress indicator designs.
> It sounds as if both of you only looked at the elements in an image viewer.
> Please try them in action -- they really do look good, and, what's more,
> they feel light (which is good, as it makes the suite feel a bit less
> bloated). :)

I must admit that I don't tried them in situation, but most of the
people commenting on your work will do the same as me (but I'll test it
tomorrow). This is another discussion so I won't clutter this one, but
will come back to it when this issue is closed, you need better
ways/tools to reflect and to be able to communicate on your work.
Kind regards
Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] 4.0 Branding poll

2013-01-29 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Klaus-Jürgen,

On 29/01/2013 11:13, klaus-jürgen weghorn ol wrote:
> Hi Mirek,
> Am 29.01.2013 00:32, schrieb Mirek M.:
>> Because of disagreements over the 4.0 branding, we're setting up a
>> poll to
>> help us reach a solution.
> Maybe I loose it, but where can the vote be made? Here on ml as I
> supposed by adding my vote to the list or somewhere else?
> It seems that some do the vote in another place.

In case of projects@ and fr@ list, I'll forward the votes here myself.
Kind regards

Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] 4.0 branding - current summarize

2013-01-29 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi all,

I didn't yet give feedback, but I you want to follow the vote on the FR
list, here is the thread :
I will give a summary before the deadline.
Kind regards
On 29/01/2013 21:10, Hillar Liiv wrote:
> Hi,
> I put together current votes for 4.0 branding. (it's very unofficial
> format) I hope people will look for their votes and correct my
> mistakes. Kévin PEIGNOT please upload your votes again didn't quite
> well understand and not included on spreadsheets.
> Feel free to add your votes, everyone can edit this file:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsGS28t6YMF3dHFrTm9hMzZVNk9hNEZMN0NSbV9ZbXc
> .ods table: http://ubuntuone.com/5Cinr5KV5vU2VAggDIhej9
> Proposal are here:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Whiteboards/4.0_Branding
> Cheers,
> Medieval

Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] 4.0 branding - current summarize

2013-01-29 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Mirek,
On 29/01/2013 22:25, Mirek M. wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Maxim created another proposal based on the feedback on his first:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Whiteboards/4.0_Branding#Proposal_by_Maxim_Dar.C3.A1k
> .
> I'm adding it to the poll, so please, if you've voted, vote on this
> proposal as well.

Hum, changing the proposal when the voting has already begun is not the
the best... Should I really ask members to make a full vote again
including this proposal or do we handle it differently?
Kind regards

Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] 4.0 branding - current summarize

2013-01-29 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
On 29/01/2013 21:39, Kévin PEIGNOT wrote:
> Because he don't speak english^^ Then I think they should at least 
> read our design principles first to vote.

Because they are contributors to the project: l10n, QA, documentation,
support, marketing. And so I think it's good to be inclusive when it's
about the product we all work on on a day to day basis. More it's also
a good way to show what you're achieving.
Note: you're the one to decide, that didn't prevent them to have a
chance to express their opinion :)

Kind regards
- -- 
Sophie Gautier 
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation
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Re: [libreoffice-design] 4.0 branding - current summarize

2013-01-29 Thread Sophie Gautier
On 29/01/2013 23:00, Mirek M. wrote:
> Hi Sophie,
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Sophie Gautier
> wrote:
>> Hum, changing the proposal when the voting has already begun is not the
>> the best... Should I really ask members to make a full vote again
>> including this proposal or do we handle it differently?
> I realize that a new proposal is not ideal, but I do feel like we at least
> owe Maxim another chance after we announced his proposal as winning and
> then rejected it.

You're right, I understand your position.
> A full vote isn't needed, just a quick vote on one proposal.

ok I'll pass this to the lists.
> Or is there another solution that you'd propose?

no, nothing else, or I hope that we all be less under rush and pressure
next time :)

Thanks again to all for your work
Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Distinguishing GSoC students on the planet

2013-06-05 Thread Sophie Gautier
On 05/06/2013 13:45, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
> On 06/05/2013 04:23 AM, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> I'm thinking that showing some tag on planet.documentfoundation.org to
>> distinguish GSoC students would be nice. Gnome is already doing that for
>> their Women Outreach Program and GSoC students.
>> Could you come up with some nice idea to show the world the good things
>> they are blogging? A nice logo may be cool, but you may have better
>> ideas.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> -- 
>> Cedric
> Not to be "stupid" but the use of abbreviations for names may not be
> good if people do not know what those letters mean.
> What does "GSoC" mean?

Google Summer of Code is well known as GSoC from the developer side,
less on the user side, but it's used quite largely by the insiders ;)

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] IMPORTANT: Changing our workflow

2014-09-04 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Jean-Baptiste,

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Jean-Baptiste Faure  wrote:

> Le 04/09/2014 10:56, Mirek M. a écrit :
> [...]
> > You can get forum activity sent to your e-mail: log into Redmine, click
> > "Watch" on the forums page, and make sure that, in your Account settings,
> > you have e-mail notifications for things you watch set.
> You can't really work with that, it is just an alert by mail. The
> message is send by "The Document Foundation Redmine
> ", that is not a useful
> information to follow a discussion.

The Design team has chosen Redmine because it's not only about discussion
but a whole workflow for them.
If you plan to become part of the team I really encourage you to read the
wiki and the tickets on Redmine to get the full picture of what they want
to achieve

> >
> > We don't want to forward things to the mailing list, though, because we
> > want the conversations to happen in one place and don't want people to
> > reply on the list.
> Hmm, looks like as if you wanted to keep discussions closed and private.
> Ok, it will be easier to make decisions. Not sure that this way you can
> make decisions useful for LibreOffice and its users.
> What do you plan to make this forum discoverable ?

Lot of work is going on Redmine and even the marketing team is thinking
about a setting a similar workflow, so it's not private or separate, if a
team find it convenient to their worflow, it's only a tool.

> > We're getting rid of the list.
> Not sure if design team is legitimate to decide that.
> What do you plan to keep the list archive?
> [...]
> >> JBF who continues to think that forum is a very poor and bad
> >> communication tool.
> >>
> >
> > You should try it. :)
> Instead of suggesting that I talk without knowing what I am talking
> about, you should try to answer to my arguments against the use of forums.
> Did you ever try a decent mail client? If you use a webmail, I can
> understand why you prefer the forums. But the problem is not the use of
> mailing-lists, it is how you manage your mails.

I don't think that Mirek was suggesting that :-) It has proven that the
workflow on the mailing list was not efficient enough for the design team,
so if Redmine is better for their work, there is no problem, on the
contrary, we want their beautiful work :).
We will change the information on the right places and will help others to
reach the team, that's not a problem.


Sophie Gautier 
Co-founder - Release coordinator
Certification Committee Member
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] IMPORTANT: Changing our workflow

2014-09-04 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Jean-Baptiste

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure  wrote:

> Hi,
> Le 28/07/2014 23:11, Mirek M. a écrit :
> > Hi guys,
> > On our last IRC chat [1], we've decided to try out a different way of
> > working for a month, until the next chat. One of the major changes we've
> > decided on is to abandon this mailing list (as a trial) and move our
> > conversations to Redmine.
> Is there a bridge between the Redmine forums and that mailing-list so
> that it will be possible to read the forum offline ?
> Is there another bridge between Redmine and our Nabble forums ?

That I need to check, but as you know I'm in Bern and have not the time
right now, but promise I'll do once I'm back this week end :)

> Ok, I found the atom RSS flux but it is very hard to follow a discussion
> on a forum. No discussion tree, only a time based organization, you do
> not know to what message the message you are reading is responding.

Let us some time to check what we can enhance here, the workflow is quite

> Best regards.
> JBF who continues to think that forum is a very poor and bad
> communication tool.


Sophie Gautier 
Co-founder - Release coordinator
Certification Committee Member
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] IMPORTANT: Changing our workflow

2014-09-04 Thread Sophie Gautier

Le 4 sept. 2014 21:40, "Jean-Francois Nifenecker" <
jean-francois.nifenec...@laposte.net> a écrit :
> Le 04/09/2014 20:12, Jean-Baptiste Faure a écrit :
> > Hi Sophie,
> >
> > Le 04/09/2014 14:33, Sophie Gautier a écrit :
> > [...]
> >> Lot of work is going on Redmine and even the marketing team is thinking
> >> about a setting a similar workflow, so it's not private or separate,
if a
> >> team find it convenient to their worflow, it's only a tool.
> >
> > I agree, the problem is not the use of Redmine, the problem is removing
> > the mailing-list and having a forum as unique discussion room.
> > Forum only is a no-go for me.
> >
> I share Jean-Baptiste thoughts: the mailing list is a great visibility
> tool, redmine won't be. I too manage the mails using Thunderbird and I
> also think fora to be a poor tool for exchanging (JBF has already stated
> the drawbacks).

But the forum is only a part of the tool here, so if the whole workflow
works for the team, lets not brake it and instead try to improve it.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] I'd like to help

2014-10-28 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Igor

Le 28 oct. 2014 20:30, "Igor Bensemann"  a écrit :
> Hello!
> I'd like to help you with improving the LibreOffice - probably with the
> translation to polish.

Welcome to our project! Whzt do you want to translate? The UI and Help of
LibreOffice? The site? The documentation? Let me know and I'll give you the
first steps :-)
Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: RFE process between QA and UX

2014-12-16 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Stuart, all

Le 16 déc. 2014 21:10, "V Stuart Foote"  a écrit :
> @Sophi,  *,
> Kendy may have a different take, but Design/UX elected to not try to do
> on Redmine.

Ok, no problem, as said I'm not aware of your workflow.
> The rub comes in that when posted to Bugzilla, the actions are opened
> Unconfirmed.  But they are not issues requiring QA, although anyone should
> fell welcome to comment and get involved from a UX perspective.

Yes, I understand
> Guess issue can simply be set new on opening, and always assign to
> component.  Work flow would be to keep  these issues open (or maybe
> needinfo) in ux-advise until Design/UX-advise folks agree to move it
> for development, or close it out.

Ok, this is something I'll propose on the QA meeting tomorrow
> Having the proposal in bugzilla greatly simplifies review and discussion
> during Design Hangouts.  But understand the QA thrash having the
> bugs cluttering the stats--simple compromise as above.

Ok, thanks for your further explanation. The things is that most of the
times QA team has no clue if it's a valid enhancement or not (because of
missing info in the bug, knowledge, etc). So either they could close a
valid request or accept one which is not possible to implement. See the
example with conditional formating and contextual menu where it now applies
to a range and not a cell.
For both, the submitters and the reviewers, this is not a good workflow.
But what you proposed is a great compromise.  Thanks Stuart for all what
you do in our project and the way you do it  :-)

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[libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-27 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Rimas, all

Le 27 janv. 2015 19:32, "Rimas Kudelis"  a écrit :
> Hi Jan,
> 2015.01.26 16:43, Jan Holesovsky rašė:
> > Mihovil Stanić píše v Po 26. 01. 2015 v 10:25 +0100:
> >
> >> Cosmetic changes (~ to _ or "Status" to "Status:" or ... to … or those
> >> different quote styles I don't even have on my keyboard) and anything
> >> similliar - NOT OK if you don't script it for all languages
> >> Cosmetic changes ("Big brown fox" -> "Big Brown Fox") - NOT OK at all,
> >> change just for en_us, don't change my strings and don't even notify me
> >> you did it in en_us
> > I see 2 problems here:
> >
> > 1) There is no tool that would detect these trivial changes, and would
> >act accordingly.
> >
> >
> > Regarding 1) - I thought that Pootle is detecting the trivial changes
> > some way, and offering the original translation.  Is it not?  What can
> > be done to improve that, so that for translators it is just a matter of
> > checking; not a matter of translating?  [Or even what you suggest - that
> > it would just update the source strings without touching the
> > translations?]
> Pootle does offer the original translation, but the localizer still has
> to approve it.
> Furthermore, Pootle does not apply any automatic changes. If you had
> e.g. "Some ~string", and you change it to "Some _string", Pootle will
> show the original translation as a hint, but the user will still have to
> port this trivial change to the translation manually.
> Needless to say, sometimes these minor differences avoid being noticed
> by the localizers, which results in errors in the locale (I've seen
> incorrect access key identifiers in the menus at least once).
> However, while you are correct that there is no tool to detect these
> changes, I don't think there has to be. The person who implements the
> change knows better than anyone whether or not it can be automated,
> perhaps they even automated it themselves. For example, I seriously
> doubt that somebody went over all L10n files and changed triple dots to
> ellipses manually, this was most likely a scripted change. Same, or very
> similar, script would have probably worked with all other locales, but I
> guess that person simply didn't think about it.
> Similarly, changes in used quote characters most likely could have been
> isolated and transplanted to locales.
> Adding colons to certain strings only would probably have been slightly
> more difficult, but still scriptable.
> And none of that requires any "tool to detect trivial changes"... ;)

That's the point of this discussion, thanks Rimas to make it :-)
L10n team can always react, and earlier now, but making the scripting part
of the commit or part of the 'one making the change' is more natural in the
workflow.  In other words, our product is not en_US only.
> > 2) The texts for translations are updated in big 'code' drops, without
> >possibility for translators to affect the process in any way - for
> >them it is too late.
> >
> >
> > Regarding 2) - I'm glad that you say that the strings will be now
> > getting to Pootle immediately after the code / string changes in master.
> > I think it is important that the translators will be able to deal with
> > the changes immediately, not several months later, so that they can
> > cooperate, and not only react.
> >
> > In general, I don't think that setting extremely strict rules works,
> > unless you have means how to enforce them - like via a commit hook or so
> > (and it is extremely unpopular way to do things).
> >
> > It is always much better to communicate - if you see a developer who
> > commits a change that causes you grief, please _do_ tell _him/her_
> > immediately, and - if possible - in a friendly way.  I'm sure he/she
> > will do much better the next time.
> >
> > Unfortunately I did not see any signs of notice that this or that change
> > was problematic for localization on the development mailing list - were
> > there such warnings there?  Like "commit XY caused AB - please don't do
> > such things, unless we agree how to do that effectively / without pain"?
> > Or was it impossible so far because the strings in Pootle were not
> > synced with master?
> I fully agree with you here, and yes, so far communicating these issues
> was really difficult because these massive changes appeared in front of
> the localizers' eyes way too late in the process.

What we should take care though is to not over complicate the work of l10n
team by relying on this fact. So as I already said, it should be a shared
work and vigilance by the concerned teams.

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[libreoffice-design] Re: Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-30 Thread Sophie Gautier
Le 30 janv. 2015 12:25, "Lionel Elie Mamane"  a écrit :
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 12:14:04PM +0100, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 10:06:36AM +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> >> Interestingly, doing a web search for "pootle git synchronisation"
> >> leads me to http://weblate.org/en/features/ >:-)
> > Well, once we dont require to be self-hosted anymore,
> > https://translations.launchpad.net/ certainly would be an option too.
> > IMHO there are very good reasons to be self-hosted with
> > translations.
> From glancing at the webpage, Weblate is a software that we can host
> ourselves.

This is something the l10n team has already in his radar. But please,
before changing our tool and our workflow, let's discuss at Fosdem with
Dwayne from the Pootle team what we can achieve.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: Impress Mode Toolbar

2016-01-22 Thread Sophie Gautier
Hi Laurent,

[ top posting by design ]
And then what is the piece you bring to the impress mode toolbar analysis?
Kind regards
Le 22 janv. 2016 20:00, "Laurent Lyaudet"  a
écrit :

> Hi,
> I don't buy the argument "Go to the design hangouts if you have something
> to say or else shut up".
> This sounds like TyrannyOffice more than LibreOffice.
> No schedule for a world project can make it possible that all the people
> that want to participate can effectively participate in the design hangouts.
> Design mailing list is Libre, the design hangouts give all the powers to a
> smaller set of persons.
> It doesn't matter that they are benevolent and have a lot of good will.
> They must accept feedback from the mailing list and from users.
> I agree that complaints from users should be polite but we must accept the
> verdict when we fail to do something good.
> Nobody is perfect.
> I also know that feedback is unfair since people are much more motivated
> to give their feedback when they are unhappy.
> That's how the world works most of the time.
> Detaching yourself of the imperfections of the world is part of becoming
> adult
> (maybe "detaching yourself" is too strong, I tried to translate "prendre
> du recul".
>  It applies both to the people that gives the feedback and the people that
> recieves the feedback).
> Best regards,
>   Laurent
> Le 22/01/2016 15:38, Pedro Rosmaninho a écrit :
>> I recall seeing those discussions in the design Hangouts minutes. I
>> haven't
>> participated in them.
>> <> discussion was started about migrating search&replace in sidebar, and more
>> important, thinking about modifying the behavior of sidebar !
>> AFAIK, there was no announcement, we have no idea of any schedule (time to
>> discuss, time to make proposals, time to evaluate them, expected time of
>> coding...)
>> How can people participate without a minimum of schedule ?>>
>> Ok, I'll let in on a little known thing: the *Hangouts have a defined
>> schedule*
>> And actually here's the thing:
>> 1. people make proposals in the Hangout meetings,
>> 2. people discuss proposals in the Hangout meetings
>> 3. They evaluate proposals in the Hangout meetings!!!.
>> It's not like people are meeting in a dark basement plotting on ways to do
>> UI work without informing the users.* If you want to make proposals,
>> discuss proposal, evaluate them and participate in the development then
>> SHOW UP IN THE DESIGN HANGOUTS MEETINGS!!!* I accompany this mailing list
>> for years and since UI development picked up pace in the last year and a
>> half the devs were tireless in trying to atract new people.
>> As for that Sidebar proposal they started discussing that in that Hangout
>> meeting and it will evolve along time. The discussion about what to do
>> with
>> the Sidebar has been ongoing since it was introduced in LO. If you don't
>> know that what the hell do you want?
>> To fill the design process with so much red tape and impediments that the
>> UI is basically frozen for all eternity just because you didn't like one
>> change that was done?
>> About a feature that is going to be re-evaluated because some lazy people
>> decided to shout loud about it after the code freeze instead of providing
>> feedback early enough in the multitude of opportunities they had???
>> As for the rudeness of the feedback of real world users. If they passed
>> that feedback to you like why didn't you or Italo *simply filtered and
>> presented that feedback in a polite manner*?
>> Do you also feel the need to be rude to people that are working their
>> asses
>> off just because someone vented their frustration to you in a non-polite
>> manner?
>> If you dislike the work done in they UI then show up in the design
>> Hangouts
>> and start proposing differnt things, collaborate with who does the work,
>> try to influence their views positively and maybe submit your code or
>> alternatives. Shouting at them for doing their work is not the way.
>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Michel RENON 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Le 15/01/2016 19:28, Pedro Rosmaninho a écrit :
>>> Michel, you can't complain that people are using links not posted in a
 tdf/libreoffice website and then talk about feedback in a blog of
 someone else. Why didn't that person provide feedback to the design
 mailing list for example?

 It's not the work of the people that work in UI/UX for LibreOffice to
 dig through the Internet looking for feedback in obscure blogs.

 But that's currently the state of design documents : they are all stored
>>> in personal gdocs, gdrive, blogs...
>>> That's why I asked to upload all design documents in the official tdf
>>> wiki
>>> : it's the central and official place to find anything related to
>>> LibreOffice. And it oblige the uploader to choose a license.
>>> It brings 2 other questions about surveys and gdocs :
>>> - Where are stored the sur