Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-13 Thread Mirek M.
Hi Michel,

2013/12/13 Michel Renon


 Le 06/12/2013 19:39, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

 Hello Michel,


 Indeed. I find you quite shy in fact, and I'm serious. To me it does
 not look like you were ignored, rather that no one knows about it.
 Which is a problem since the start.

 I wouldn't say I'm shy, I'm just polite and I don't want to waste time and
 energy in endless discussion (mail or chat). And I understood that in this
 mailing list, you have to insist or even be aggressive to explain/force
 your UX ideas while I expected professional skills and democracy, at least
 meritocracy (I really miss Christoph Noack).


 What would be better is that if your proposals were communicated. I've
 never seen your name, never read any of your mails (except this thread)

 False !
 I wrote articles in my blog about LibreOffice design process in
 march/april 2013 and on 11/04/2013 sent an email :
 To:, libreoffice-ux-advise@lists.

 So, you had at least one (important !) email from me.

 And I had only 2 answers :
 - one from Emir Yāsin SARI
 - the other from Michael Meeks :
 (short version with my words)
 - we don't want to take care of your advises
 - TDF is very happy with the current design team

 and also few comments directly in the blog, but nobody from the TDF.
 So, when someone as Michael Meeks closes the door to my suggestions, what
 can I expect ? I would be foolish to insist.

 So I can return your argument :
 why only 2 person wrote answers to my articles in this ml ?
 why didn't you realized at that time that I have some expertise in UX
 design ?
 why nothing has changed in the design team workflow ? and in the way devs
 and designers work together ?

 Ans same question for my suggestion to postpone the startcenter : you ask
 my reasons to do so, but I explained it in my mail, just read it !

  I don't read everything on the design list, but  I believe that
 if you have not engaged with the design team first, nothing will happen.

 Just FYI, I started with project OOo Renaissance ! (May 2009)

 My complete proposal as a pdf file (37 pages, 630 Ko)
 (it was far from being perfect because I created it in few nights, while
 working for a diploma ; but still interesting ideas)

 BTW, you can see that there was already the dribbblization problem :
 only proposals made with screenshots had strong reviews.

 and I'm listed in the initial members of LO design team (but this page has
 been archived) :

 BTW, Mirek, there is no information about you.
 What is your *real* experience in software design ?
 Have you ever produced a professional software ?

No. I'm simply a volunteer here, nothing else. :)
As I said before, I was never appointed as a UX lead, and you're welcome to
partake in all the activities I partake in. You can act as the UX lead,
if you'd like. :)

 For my emails, just look at archive of mailing list and chat logs : I
 worked for color picker, template manager.
 From my email client stats, I wrote 77 mails in design list and 52 in
 I agree, I didn't communicated on a regular basis : I'm just a volunteer
 and also have a daily job. But when I realized that current design team
 lacks basic UX skills (while working on color picker), I lost most of my
 motivation and felt it was useless to make proposals.

 And the last emails in this mailing list really broke the last bits of
 motivation :
 - saying officially that design is and will ever be a second class citizen

It all depends on the people. If you have the skills to make design a first
class citizen here, go for it. Don't ask for my approval -- you don't need

 - saying officially that TDF will never listen to users

That's not exactly true. What was said is that user comments won't be the
primary driving force behind development, to avoid feature creep.

 - saying officially that nothing will change (no roadmap, no mid/long term
 vision, only bazaar short term changes) beacuse LO is, as Charles said, a
 libertarian project

You can propose a roadmap or a vision. If people like it, they'll follow it.

 - design team has no plans to enhance the design process

Come to the IRC chat on Saturday -- we can talk about the design process
However, it seemed to me from your blog posts that you were asking for a
paid group of professional UX designers working outside of the community,
which I don't really think has a chance of happening anytime soon.

 So I have nothing more to do for LibreOffice.
 So this is my last message before 

Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-12 Thread Michel Renon


Le 06/12/2013 19:39, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

Hello Michel,


Indeed. I find you quite shy in fact, and I'm serious. To me it does
not look like you were ignored, rather that no one knows about it.
Which is a problem since the start.

I wouldn't say I'm shy, I'm just polite and I don't want to waste time 
and energy in endless discussion (mail or chat). And I understood that 
in this mailing list, you have to insist or even be aggressive to 
explain/force your UX ideas while I expected professional skills and 
democracy, at least meritocracy (I really miss Christoph Noack).


What would be better is that if your proposals were communicated. I've
never seen your name, never read any of your mails (except this thread)

False !
I wrote articles in my blog about LibreOffice design process in 
march/april 2013 and on 11/04/2013 sent an email :


So, you had at least one (important !) email from me.

And I had only 2 answers :
- one from Emir Yâsin SARI
- the other from Michael Meeks :
(short version with my words)
- we don't want to take care of your advises
- TDF is very happy with the current design team

and also few comments directly in the blog, but nobody from the TDF.
So, when someone as Michael Meeks closes the door to my suggestions, 
what can I expect ? I would be foolish to insist.

So I can return your argument :
why only 2 person wrote answers to my articles in this ml ?
why didn't you realized at that time that I have some expertise in UX 
design ?
why nothing has changed in the design team workflow ? and in the way 
devs and designers work together ?

Ans same question for my suggestion to postpone the startcenter : you 
ask my reasons to do so, but I explained it in my mail, just read it !

I don't read everything on the design list, but  I believe that
if you have not engaged with the design team first, nothing will happen.

Just FYI, I started with project OOo Renaissance ! (May 2009)

My complete proposal as a pdf file (37 pages, 630 Ko)
(it was far from being perfect because I created it in few nights, while 
working for a diploma ; but still interesting ideas)

BTW, you can see that there was already the dribbblization problem : 
only proposals made with screenshots had strong reviews.

and I'm listed in the initial members of LO design team (but this page 
has been archived) :

BTW, Mirek, there is no information about you.
What is your *real* experience in software design ?
Have you ever produced a professional software ?

For my emails, just look at archive of mailing list and chat logs : I 
worked for color picker, template manager.
From my email client stats, I wrote 77 mails in design list and 52 in 
I agree, I didn't communicated on a regular basis : I'm just a volunteer 
and also have a daily job. But when I realized that current design team 
lacks basic UX skills (while working on color picker), I lost most of my 
motivation and felt it was useless to make proposals.

And the last emails in this mailing list really broke the last bits of 
motivation :

- saying officially that design is and will ever be a second class citizen
- saying officially that TDF will never listen to users
- saying officially that nothing will change (no roadmap, no mid/long 
term vision, only bazaar short term changes) beacuse LO is, as Charles 
said, a libertarian project

- design team has no plans to enhance the design process

So I have nothing more to do for LibreOffice.
So this is my last message before unsubscribe.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-11 Thread Mirek M.
Hi Michel,
Sorry for taking so long to respond -- I had a really busy week.

2013/12/6 Michel Renon

 Hi Mirek,

 Le 27/10/2013 02:04, Mirek M. a écrit :

  Hi Michel,
 This is a meritocracy -- if you're not happy with something, you're
 welcome to swoop in and change it. :) (Of course, the community also has
 to accept those changes.)

 As Cor Nouws already said, it's always more difficult to do something and
 then modify it again and again than taking time to design it correctly the
 first time.
 I don't even talk about users getting upset by regular changes.

Agreed on going for the best design before development.

 If you'd like to do user studies, please be my guest. Right now, designs
 are based on heuristics [1],

 Too much abstract.

They might seem abstract at a cursory glance, but they're really quite
well-defined. They seem to have been devised by Alex Faaborg and have been
used to tag FireFox UX bugs.
BTW, if you have some time, I recommend his I/O presentations [1][2].

  guidelines [2],

 It would be ok, but here is only one (unimplemented ?) widget...

We refer to the latest Gnome guidelines when we don't have guidelines of
our own.
We should expand the guidelines when we hit on topics that the Gnome HIG
does not cover or when we have important reasons to diverge from their
guidelines and create our own.

  and discussions,

 That's the problem in the design team : too much unstructured discussions !
 You should spend your time on making prototypes and user testing in a
 scientific way.

Please guide the way. :)

  but of
 course it'd be great if they were validated by other means as well.

Till today, the validation is done only with I like, I don't like, I'd
 prefer from the design lead/team.

I feel this relates to your earlier message, so I'll post a snippet:

 Then I made a proposal about entrance animations for Impress. You can see
that I followed the process I was talking in my blog but that
proposal was refused by the design lead without any valid/scientific

So, first and foremost, where does it say that I'm the design lead? I don't
recall being elected or appointed as one, nor do I recall calling myself
Secondly, I would rather opt for redesigning the current custom animation
panel than adding a new panel, especially as the task pane is overpopulated
as is. is not a rejection, it's simply me stating my opinion. Please don't
get discouraged so quickly. :)

 Creating a validation process means having a global vision, and precise
 goals with metrics (goals that can be measured ; ex: nb of clicks to
 perform a specific action, or mouse move distance).

The measurable goals you listed can have adverse affects on the UX -- they
put too much focus onto one specific UX problem without considering the
multitude of others. If we take number of clicks as an example, with the
least clicks being the most desirable, and have that as our goal, we could
easily end up with an unusable setup that could suffer from:
* Not enough space given to the document because the we put as many buttons
up front as we could
* Incomprehensible buttons because we shrank the icon size to fit as many
as we could
* Hard-to-target buttons because they've been made too small
* Being too hard to process because of the sheer volume of commands
presented at once

The principles we have take the broader situation into consideration.
For example, rather than number of clicks, the more broadly-defined
ux-efficiency principle allows for solutions like keyboard shortcuts,
contextual buttons, touch gestures, voice commands, etc., and the other
principles ensure that other important UX aspects aren't abandoned just to
support this principle.

As for the global vision, I wonder what exactly you'd imagine -- please

My take on the issue is that it'd be good to define what the purpose of
each module is and then base our design decisions on that purpose as well
as our principles and guidelines.
For example, if we say Writer is a tool for producing professional-looking
documents intended to be viewed page-by-page, then we should seriously
consider losing Web view (which goes against the page-by-page part) and
FontWork (which, ask any typographer, goes against the
profesional-looking part) -- or rather, spinning them off as extensions.
Extensions, in general, are an excellent way to provide features that are
not in the scope of the project, and they've been working excellently for
(BTW, losing the FontWork feature wouldn't mean losing rendering of
FontWork/WordArt, but rather just leaving FontWork creation and editing up
to an extension. Whatever filetypes LibreOffice chooses to support should
be rendered as precisely as possible.)
If we say Writer is a tool for editing a range of file formats with full

Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-11 Thread Mirek M.
Hi Rofolfo,

2013/12/6 Rodolfo

 Hi, Michel.

 I just want to say that I'd be glad to help on implementation of the
 Color picker once its design is done.

Given that the GSoC project didn't come through and that there's still
uncertainty as to whether themes will be implemented and when, we're taking
an evolutionary approach with the picker.
The first step would be to implement document colors: .
Having this would allow us to make broader changes to the default color
palette, which we keep the same for compatibility reasons.
It would also pave way for custom colors, making it possible to use a
consistent set of custom colors within a document.

Tell me if you'd like to work on this. :)

 I could do the Comment control on Writer ruler[1], because its
 proposal was clear enough to deploy[2].



 2013/12/5 Michel Renon
  Another example : the color picker.
  How many hours spent in designing that ? (whenever it's completed or not)
  Will it be implemented any day ?

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-06 Thread Charles-H. Schulz
Hello Michel,

Le Fri, 06 Dec 2013 01:09:37 +0100,
Michel Renon a écrit :

 Hi Charles,
 (Sorry for long delay in my answer, but busy in my daily work)
 Thanks for taking time to answer.
 I think that I should have introduced myself, in order to better
 explain my arguments :
 I'm a mechanical engineer, software engineer and teacher (in a 
 professional way : I have diplomas for all of them).
 I'm writing software since 1984, when I was teenager. Ok, it was only 
 bad basic, on an Oric Atmos (!). Then I bought my first Mac in 1987
 and I started to write scientific software form my mechanical
 studies. Then, finally, I could learn how to write code
 professionally. Since 1992, I wrote mostly scientific software
 (mechanical, also for medical), databases, then web sites, and for
 last 5 years I work with OpenERP.
 Since 1992, I listen to customer's needs and I have to translate that
 in code. And given my customer's feedback, I have some skills in
 listening to users.
 And since 1987, my goal as a dev is to write software that is really 
 easy to use, so since 1987, I've done UX design.
 My biggest project was a mechanical software for the leading european 
 aircraft manufacturer, and 12 years after, it's still a success for
 users. And another example few weeks ago : the customer wanted a new 
 functionality, and other dev started something complicated. I just 
 discussed with people, asking few questions and then identified that 
 they need not one but three answers. One answer for every context,
 every use case. Last but not least, every answer will be very easy to
 code ! So I'm not a newbie when I talk about UX Design or listening
 to users.


 (all my answers are inline)
 Le 25/10/2013 17:08, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
  Hello Michel,
  I feel I need to address some of your points without talking too
  much about the StartCenter proposal (which by the way I like very
  Comments inline.
  Le Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:37:03 +0200,
  Michel Renon a écrit :
  First, I just want to say that what happens for the start center
  is a huge fiasco for LibreOffice. It clearly shows that there is
  no design process :
  - a subject is thrown for GSOC without any initial work, studies,
  validated UX design, prototype, nothing. Just It would be useful
  to present few recently used documents there (as thumbnails), and
  do more fancy stuff. [1] And all others GSOC subjects (with UI/UX
  part) are the same.
  It seems you are expecting a professional process of people actually
  working on a regular basis for that. I don't think that's the case
  here, and it does not change all the skills and talent the team has.
  - a student starts to code, without any information about UI/UX
  - the student then wants to enhance UI/UX and makes some completely
  improvised assumptions about what users expect [2]. In this thread,
  you can read that Mirek starts a design whiteboard at the end of
  July, half time of GSOC.
  We must at least give credit to the Design/UX team for having
  enforced a proper whiteboards-based process.
 Just compare them with one test I made :
 status, schedule, use cases, technical context, metric, measure for
 each proposal...
 All of these elements are missing in the whiteboards while they are 
 minimum in any professional design process.

So my question is that how it was possible, with all your expertise,
not to include your process guidance and subprocesses in the design
process as it is documented today.

  Again: this is a community, you
  don't expect an homogeneous team to pop and start working out of the
 Devs have created a state-of-the-art process to build LO :
 repositories, code review, validations, automatic builds, automatic
 tests and so on... Why can't it be extended to the design ?
 IMHO, it indicates that UX design and graphics are considered 
 second-class citizen in open source projects : they are not directly 
 linked to the code, they are here just to make the software look
 nice, so they are not very important.
 Even Mirek (Design lead) has difficulties to have is proposals
 implemented !

Yes, and while it is not ideal, that's where community processes (not
design ones) enter into place to ensure that contributions from the
design team (or other teams) are taken into account, not necessarily in
an automatic way, but  are at least seriously evaluated. 

 My opinion is that the design process should be integrated in the
 global building process, just like other type of products (cars,
 buildings, any manufactured product...)

But your opinion is wrong, because you think a Free and Open Source
Software project works just like other type of products. It  does
not, never will, never has. 

  - he codes what he wants (because there is no roadmap, no
  Yup, on the other it's 

Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-05 Thread Michel Renon

Hi Charles,

(Sorry for long delay in my answer, but busy in my daily work)
Thanks for taking time to answer.

I think that I should have introduced myself, in order to better explain 
my arguments :
I'm a mechanical engineer, software engineer and teacher (in a 
professional way : I have diplomas for all of them).
I'm writing software since 1984, when I was teenager. Ok, it was only 
bad basic, on an Oric Atmos (!). Then I bought my first Mac in 1987 and 
I started to write scientific software form my mechanical studies. Then, 
finally, I could learn how to write code professionally.
Since 1992, I wrote mostly scientific software (mechanical, also for 
medical), databases, then web sites, and for last 5 years I work with 
Since 1992, I listen to customer's needs and I have to translate that in 
code. And given my customer's feedback, I have some skills in listening 
to users.
And since 1987, my goal as a dev is to write software that is really 
easy to use, so since 1987, I've done UX design.
My biggest project was a mechanical software for the leading european 
aircraft manufacturer, and 12 years after, it's still a success for users.
And another example few weeks ago : the customer wanted a new 
functionality, and other dev started something complicated. I just 
discussed with people, asking few questions and then identified that 
they need not one but three answers. One answer for every context, every 
use case. Last but not least, every answer will be very easy to code !

So I'm not a newbie when I talk about UX Design or listening to users.

(all my answers are inline)

Le 25/10/2013 17:08, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

Hello Michel,

I feel I need to address some of your points without talking too much
about the StartCenter proposal (which by the way I like very much).

Comments inline.

Le Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:37:03 +0200,
Michel Renon a écrit :

First, I just want to say that what happens for the start center is a
huge fiasco for LibreOffice. It clearly shows that there is no design
process :
- a subject is thrown for GSOC without any initial work, studies,
validated UX design, prototype, nothing. Just It would be useful to
present few recently used documents there (as thumbnails), and do
more fancy stuff. [1] And all others GSOC subjects (with UI/UX part)
are the same.

It seems you are expecting a professional process of people actually
working on a regular basis for that. I don't think that's the case
here, and it does not change all the skills and talent the team has.

- a student starts to code, without any information about UI/UX

- the student then wants to enhance UI/UX and makes some completely
improvised assumptions about what users expect [2]. In this thread,
you can read that Mirek starts a design whiteboard at the end of
July, half time of GSOC.

We must at least give credit to the Design/UX team for having enforced
a proper whiteboards-based process.

Just compare them with one test I made :

status, schedule, use cases, technical context, metric, measure for each 
All of these elements are missing in the whiteboards while they are 
minimum in any professional design process.

Again: this is a community, you
don't expect an homogeneous team to pop and start working out of the

Devs have created a state-of-the-art process to build LO : repositories, 
code review, validations, automatic builds, automatic tests and so on...

Why can't it be extended to the design ?

IMHO, it indicates that UX design and graphics are considered 
second-class citizen in open source projects : they are not directly 
linked to the code, they are here just to make the software look nice, 
so they are not very important.

Even Mirek (Design lead) has difficulties to have is proposals implemented !

My opinion is that the design process should be integrated in the global 
building process, just like other type of products (cars, buildings, any 
manufactured product...)

- he codes what he wants (because there is no roadmap, no

Yup, on the other it's called software freedom

So LibreOffice is the *only* software/project that has no roadmap !...

it looks like a joke !
I'm sure people from MIMO and other professional users will appreciate 
that information.

- at the end of GSOC, the start center is unfinished, the UI/UX
brings lot of regressions. Worst of all : some huge lacks in a11y.

Do we
- use the proposal Mateusz gave us?

While being a very good proposal, it is based on broken foundations.

Why are they broken?

no real studies : no goals, no roadmap, no use cases, no metrics...

However, it shows that a skilled/professionnal designer can quickly
propose very interesting mockups, even if the designer seems to be a
graphist (not a UX designer).

True. But surely we should not burn the said graphist because he's not
an UX designer?


Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-05 Thread Michel Renon

Le 27/10/2013 16:43, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Mirek M. wrote (27-10-13 02:04)

Hi Michel,
This is a meritocracy -- if you're not happy with something, you're
to swoop in and change it. :) (Of course, the community also has to
those changes.)

The problem is that a process is started, that is not always solid
enough to give the professional outcome that is needed. Despite the
enthousiasm and commitment of many people in the community.
You can diliver something that is not finished enough and say to the
ones that are affected: pls repair :)
Same with the template manager. Still broken functionality.
Thus when it's not finished in the sense that you can expect new users
to be enthusiastic (or at least not being putt-off) and exiting
(business) users to be able to work with it, there must be the option to
keep the work back to be more finihed for the next release.

That is what Michael explained in a IMO undertandable and correct way.

Thanks !
It's always pleasant to read that our opinion is well understood and 


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-12-05 Thread Rodolfo
Hi, Michel.

I just want to say that I'd be glad to help on implementation of the
Color picker once its design is done.
I could do the Comment control on Writer ruler[1], because its
proposal was clear enough to deploy[2].



2013/12/5 Michel Renon
 Another example : the color picker.
 How many hours spent in designing that ? (whenever it's completed or not)
 Will it be implemented any day ?

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-11-07 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Cor,

Cor Nouws píše v Čt 07. 11. 2013 v 00:49 +0100:

  the last .src, and convert it to .ui) so that it is much easier for
  anybody in the design team to go, and just fix anything that looks ugly
  or does not behave as it should.  Please, PLEASE, start using this power
  - just grab an .ui file and start playing.
 I would love to, but alas I'm not able to do that any time soon.

Sorry, I did not mean you directly :-) [I know you are busy] -  just
wanted to encourage all the people there.  I wanted to stress that an
extremely important part of the work that the developers are doing is to
enable much broader audience that can make the work directly, without
having to block on somebody who would turn designs into actual code.

Actually - it would be fantastic to add it as a requirement to the
Whiteboard process that in case a dialog / other interaction is
designed, it has to appear there as .ui at some (relatively early) stage
too, not only as a mockup.

All the best,

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-11-06 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Cor, Michel,

Cor Nouws píše v Ne 27. 10. 2013 v 18:00 +0100:

  I propose to mix those 2 points :
- revert the code of the new start center : LO4.2 should keep the
  LO4.1 start center
  - start a new process to design a new new start center :
 The biggest problem IMO at the moment is the appearance. It's off-puting.

I am late to the party it seems, but I'd really like to address this,
because I believe this is misunderstanding we should fix :-)

 If that cannot be fixed in time I would say: your step 1.

The thing is that now, thanks to the great Krisztian's work, the start
center is just an .ui file that _anyone_ can edit in glade to make it
nicer.  I'd really like people here to understand that we have made a
huge effort in the code base (and it is still continuing until we erase
the last .src, and convert it to .ui) so that it is much easier for
anybody in the design team to go, and just fix anything that looks ugly
or does not behave as it should.  Please, PLEASE, start using this power
- just grab an .ui file and start playing.

In the case of the start center, there is a bit of additional
development work necessary to make it look really beautiful [eg. to get
the green background for the buttons for example]; but if anybody here
provided me with .ui that has the buttons at the right places, with the
right descriptions etc. according to the Mateusz's friend's design, I
could focus on that harder pieces only, and I could even have time for
additional stuff like single click to open the document etc.

The file in question is here:



Glade (if you are not on Linux - where you most probably have it
already) is here:

BTW - you do not have to download the file from the repository, you can
just edit the startcenter.ui in your installation of the daily build,
restart LibreOffice, and see your results immediately.  No iteration
through developers necessary - you have the power to make it behaving
perfectly, and send me the resulting .ui for integration :-)

All the best,

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-11-06 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Kendy

Jan Holesovsky wrote (06-11-13 13:06)

The thing is that now, thanks to the great Krisztian's work, the start
center is just an .ui file that _anyone_ can edit in glade to make it
nicer.  I'd really like people here to understand that we have made a
huge effort in the code base (and it is still continuing until we erase

I understand the great work that has been done and that there are more/ 
relatively easy ways to improve how it looks now :)

And I'm really sorry that I did not give enough credits to all the good 
work from Krisztian and you and other.

the last .src, and convert it to .ui) so that it is much easier for
anybody in the design team to go, and just fix anything that looks ugly
or does not behave as it should.  Please, PLEASE, start using this power
- just grab an .ui file and start playing.

I would love to, but alas I'm not able to do that any time soon.


 - Cor Nouws
 - The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-11-05 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Mirek, all,

Mirek M. píše v St 30. 10. 2013 v 23:12 +0100:

 It'd be great if we could discuss this on the IRC chat this Sunday at 12:00
 UTC and reach a final destination --
 If not, please comment here on specific parts of the proposals and reasons
 why they are desirable/undesirable.
 Note that the tab bar will have the look defined by the OS, and thus the
 document area will most likely be white.
 Kendy, do you think the toolbar can be made responsive for this release? If
 not, I'd probably agree to go with a sidebar.

No; unfortunately I can spend only a very limited time on this, and it
seems to me that implementing the sidebar way (Mateusz friend's design)
will be easier - if that works for you.

Sorry for not being responsive, was traveling the last week.

 I'm also curious if it will be possible to hide the menubar in the Center
 and have wizards, the lesser-used document types, and help in a menu at the
 end of the toolbar.

Best if you try to tweak the appropriate menu.xml, and push it via
gerrit, we cannot get rid of it for good though.  It should be this one:


All the best,

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-31 Thread Samuel Mehrbrodt
Could you also discuss this Issue please:

I won't be in the Chat, but I have already given my voice in the bug report.


Am 30.10.2013 23:12, schrieb Mirek M.:

Hi guys,
It'd be great if we could discuss this on the IRC chat this Sunday at 12:00
UTC and reach a final destination --

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-30 Thread Mirek M.
Hi guys,
It'd be great if we could discuss this on the IRC chat this Sunday at 12:00
UTC and reach a final destination --

If not, please comment here on specific parts of the proposals and reasons
why they are desirable/undesirable.

Note that the tab bar will have the look defined by the OS, and thus the
document area will most likely be white.

Kendy, do you think the toolbar can be made responsive for this release? If
not, I'd probably agree to go with a sidebar.

I'm also curious if it will be possible to hide the menubar in the Center
and have wizards, the lesser-used document types, and help in a menu at the
end of the toolbar.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Sophie wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just want to remind you the deadlines here so nobody is surprised if
 they are missed ;)
 - Kendy asked for a design for alpĥa 1 which is due for week 45
 (November 4 to 10)
 - Hard feature freezed  branched libreoffice-4-2 is due for week 47
 (November 18 to 24)
 - Hard English string  UI freeze is due for week 51 (December 16 to 22)
 after this date it will be too late if any string has to be added.
 - Hard code freeze  branch libreoffice-4-2-0 is due week 2 (January 6
 to 12)
 after this date nothing is possible anymore for this release.

 So please, makes it possible as soon as you can, we will be able to test
 it and have feedback without stressing too much. Thanks in advance :)

 Kind regards

 Le 10/10/2013 11:40, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
  Maybe you have noticed in the daily builds the new Startcenter that
  LibreOffice 4.2 will come up with.  It is focused on improving the user
  experience based on the assumption that the user very probably wants to
  edit documents he/she has edited in the past.
  But there is a problem - when they open LibreOffice for the first time,
  there is no recent document, and the Startcenter looks just too empty;
  see here:
  It would be great to provide default graphics for the case there is no
  recent document yet - can you please start the call for designs  come
  up with something beautiful  helpful that we could use inside the huge
  white area? :-)
  It should be resizable, or able to survive resizing.  I believe we
  should be able to get some text into it too, but hypertext might be
  problematic I'm afraid.
  Other than that - looking forward to the designs! :-)  It would be
  awesome to have the designs for Alpha1, in case some programming is
  necessary; so the deadline is 4th November:
  Thank you in advance,

 Sophie Gautier
 Membership  Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
 The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-28 Thread Sophie
Hi all,

I just want to remind you the deadlines here so nobody is surprised if
they are missed ;)
- Kendy asked for a design for alpĥa 1 which is due for week 45
(November 4 to 10)
- Hard feature freezed  branched libreoffice-4-2 is due for week 47
(November 18 to 24)
- Hard English string  UI freeze is due for week 51 (December 16 to 22)
after this date it will be too late if any string has to be added.
- Hard code freeze  branch libreoffice-4-2-0 is due week 2 (January 6
to 12)
after this date nothing is possible anymore for this release.

So please, makes it possible as soon as you can, we will be able to test
it and have feedback without stressing too much. Thanks in advance :)

Kind regards

Le 10/10/2013 11:40, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
 Maybe you have noticed in the daily builds the new Startcenter that
 LibreOffice 4.2 will come up with.  It is focused on improving the user
 experience based on the assumption that the user very probably wants to
 edit documents he/she has edited in the past.
 But there is a problem - when they open LibreOffice for the first time,
 there is no recent document, and the Startcenter looks just too empty;
 see here:
 It would be great to provide default graphics for the case there is no
 recent document yet - can you please start the call for designs  come
 up with something beautiful  helpful that we could use inside the huge
 white area? :-)
 It should be resizable, or able to survive resizing.  I believe we
 should be able to get some text into it too, but hypertext might be
 problematic I'm afraid.
 Other than that - looking forward to the designs! :-)  It would be
 awesome to have the designs for Alpha1, in case some programming is
 necessary; so the deadline is 4th November:
 Thank you in advance,

Sophie Gautier
Membership  Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-27 Thread Cor Nouws

Cor Nouws wrote (27-10-13 16:43)

You can diliver something that is not finished enough and say to the
ones that are affected: pls repair :)

Obviously should be  You can't diliver something that is not finished 
enough and say to the ones that are affected: pls repair :) 

(You can, but it's not done IMO)

 - Cor Nouws
 - The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-26 Thread Mirek M.
Hi Michel,
This is a meritocracy -- if you're not happy with something, you're welcome
to swoop in and change it. :) (Of course, the community also has to accept
those changes.)

If you'd like to do user studies, please be my guest. Right now, designs
are based on heuristics [1], guidelines [2], and discussions, but of course
it'd be great if they were validated by other means as well.
(I don't have the time and energy to invest in user studies or user testing
right now, which is why they aren't being done. It'd be great if you could
help there.)

I understand you're not happy with the Start Center, and it would've been
ideal if you could have chimed in after the inital call for designs, but
now you can still chime in with suggestions for improvement, user research,
user testing, or propose patches.

If you'd like to chat further, come to today's IRC chat. [3]


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Michel Renon wrote:


 This thread makes me wake up from my silence for few months.
 I've already given up on working in the design team, because it's useless,
 but I wanted to express some comments and provide a clear answer to K-J.

 Thanks to Mateusz Zasuwik for his strong feedback !
 But I see that there is no real reactions.

 Le 24/10/2013 13:06, K-J LibreOffice a écrit :

  Hi Kendy, Mirek, *,
 Am 15.10.2013 10:45, schrieb Jan Holesovsky:


  Terribly sorry - best to keep me CC'd for quick turnaround :-)

 I was more looking for a wallpaper (as K-J suggests) or the 'welcome
 information' (as Cor said) - I think it gives better first time
 experience than a 'no recent documents found'...

 Sorry for not being clear in my request :-(

 What happened with the whole thing? It was somehow lost in discussion.

 First, I just want to say that what happens for the start center is a huge
 fiasco for LibreOffice. It clearly shows that there is no design process :
 - a subject is thrown for GSOC without any initial work, studies,
 validated UX design, prototype, nothing. Just It would be useful to
 present few recently used documents there (as thumbnails), and do more
 fancy stuff. [1] And all others GSOC subjects (with UI/UX part) are the

 - a student starts to code, without any information about UI/UX

 - the student then wants to enhance UI/UX and makes some completely
 improvised assumptions about what users expect [2]. In this thread, you can
 read that Mirek starts a design whiteboard at the end of July, half time of

 - he codes what he wants (because there is no roadmap, no blueprint...)

 - at the end of GSOC, the start center is unfinished, the UI/UX brings lot
 of regressions. Worst of all : some huge lacks in a11y.

 Do we
 - use the proposal Mateusz gave us?

 While being a very good proposal, it is based on broken foundations.
 However, it shows that a skilled/professionnal designer can quickly
 propose very interesting mockups, even if the designer seems to be a
 graphist (not a UX designer).

  - make any proposal of a sc-wallpaper?

 Sorry, I don't understand what you mean .
 If it is about proposals to add some background image (ie wallpaper), then
 it's just some painting on a broken wall, so it's useless.

  - announce it?

 No !

  - start other things?
 - left it all?

 I propose to mix those 2 points :
  - revert the code of the new start center : LO4.2 should keep the LO4.1
 start center
 - start a new process to design a new new start center :
- involve devs, QA team, a11y team
- ask some users (specially from MIMO [3])
- should enhance the current start center or create a new one ?
- clearly define a UI/UX design (with prototypes), validated by every
- only then, start to implement it

 It is a standard process when you want to build anything (a physical
 product, a building...).

 The way LibreOffice is developed today is the best way to shoot himself in
 the foot :
 - don't listen to users (is it the Gnome way of doing ? [4])
 - no roadmap (Charles clearly said that [5])
 - incoherent UI/UX [6][7]
 - schizophrenic behavior in design team [8]
 - ship unfinished/undesigned features (template manager for LO4.1, and
 today the start center)

 All this make me feel desperate about LibreOffice. Really. And the facts
 are here :**13/10/20/2310240/forrester-**

 As most users start switching to online and mobile version, there is no
 free office suite to compete GDocs or Office365 or Office for iOS/android.
 (where is LibreOfficeOnLine ? it would have been one answer).

 Now back to my silence for a long time.


 Michel Renon


Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-25 Thread Michel Renon


This thread makes me wake up from my silence for few months.
I've already given up on working in the design team, because it's 
useless, but I wanted to express some comments and provide a clear 
answer to K-J.

Thanks to Mateusz Zasuwik for his strong feedback !
But I see that there is no real reactions.

Le 24/10/2013 13:06, K-J LibreOffice a écrit :

Hi Kendy, Mirek, *,
Am 15.10.2013 10:45, schrieb Jan Holesovsky:


Terribly sorry - best to keep me CC'd for quick turnaround :-)

I was more looking for a wallpaper (as K-J suggests) or the 'welcome
information' (as Cor said) - I think it gives better first time
experience than a 'no recent documents found'...

Sorry for not being clear in my request :-(

What happened with the whole thing? It was somehow lost in discussion.

First, I just want to say that what happens for the start center is a 
huge fiasco for LibreOffice. It clearly shows that there is no design 
process :
- a subject is thrown for GSOC without any initial work, studies, 
validated UX design, prototype, nothing. Just It would be useful to 
present few recently used documents there (as thumbnails), and do more 
fancy stuff. [1] And all others GSOC subjects (with UI/UX part) are the 

- a student starts to code, without any information about UI/UX

- the student then wants to enhance UI/UX and makes some completely 
improvised assumptions about what users expect [2]. In this thread, you 
can read that Mirek starts a design whiteboard at the end of July, half 
time of GSOC.

- he codes what he wants (because there is no roadmap, no blueprint...)

- at the end of GSOC, the start center is unfinished, the UI/UX brings 
lot of regressions. Worst of all : some huge lacks in a11y.

Do we
- use the proposal Mateusz gave us?

While being a very good proposal, it is based on broken foundations.
However, it shows that a skilled/professionnal designer can quickly 
propose very interesting mockups, even if the designer seems to be a 
graphist (not a UX designer).

- make any proposal of a sc-wallpaper?

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean .
If it is about proposals to add some background image (ie wallpaper), 
then it's just some painting on a broken wall, so it's useless.

- announce it?

No !

- start other things?
- left it all?

I propose to mix those 2 points :
 - revert the code of the new start center : LO4.2 should keep the 
LO4.1 start center

- start a new process to design a new new start center :
   - involve devs, QA team, a11y team
   - ask some users (specially from MIMO [3])
   - should enhance the current start center or create a new one ?
   - clearly define a UI/UX design (with prototypes), validated by 
every team

   - only then, start to implement it

It is a standard process when you want to build anything (a physical 
product, a building...).

The way LibreOffice is developed today is the best way to shoot himself 
in the foot :

- don't listen to users (is it the Gnome way of doing ? [4])
- no roadmap (Charles clearly said that [5])
- incoherent UI/UX [6][7]
- schizophrenic behavior in design team [8]
- ship unfinished/undesigned features (template manager for LO4.1, and 
today the start center)

All this make me feel desperate about LibreOffice. Really. And the facts 
are here :

As most users start switching to online and mobile version, there is no 
free office suite to compete GDocs or Office365 or Office for 
iOS/android. (where is LibreOfficeOnLine ? it would have been one answer).

Now back to my silence for a long time.


Michel Renon



[3] MIMO is related to some french administrations that are users of LO.
You can ask Arnaud Versini (dev/qa team) who knows some of them.


The last paragraph is abysmal :
and since i understand why people react this way, i can smilingly fall 
back in my chair and enjoy reading mean comments with a bag of popcorn.

When it comes to the reliance of Java, there does not seem to be a 
master plan either. To be honest, we at LibreOffice do not really like 
master plans. Why? Because we know that a true Free and Open Source 
Software project works through its community, and a diverse community of 
contributors simply has a diverse set of interests otherwise known as 
“itches to scratch”. Therefore we don’t tell contributors to develop 
this or that. Patches are submitted and unless they break stuff, do not 
work with the existing codebase or simply suck, we accept them. That’s 

Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-25 Thread Charles-H. Schulz
Hello Michel,

I feel I need to address some of your points without talking too much
about the StartCenter proposal (which by the way I like very much).

Comments inline.

Le Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:37:03 +0200,
Michel Renon a écrit :

 This thread makes me wake up from my silence for few months.
 I've already given up on working in the design team, because it's 
 useless, but I wanted to express some comments and provide a clear 
 answer to K-J.
 Thanks to Mateusz Zasuwik for his strong feedback !
 But I see that there is no real reactions.
 Le 24/10/2013 13:06, K-J LibreOffice a écrit :
  Hi Kendy, Mirek, *,
  Am 15.10.2013 10:45, schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
  Terribly sorry - best to keep me CC'd for quick turnaround :-)
  I was more looking for a wallpaper (as K-J suggests) or the
  'welcome information' (as Cor said) - I think it gives better
  first time experience than a 'no recent documents found'...
  Sorry for not being clear in my request :-(
  What happened with the whole thing? It was somehow lost in
 First, I just want to say that what happens for the start center is a 
 huge fiasco for LibreOffice. It clearly shows that there is no design 
 process :
 - a subject is thrown for GSOC without any initial work, studies, 
 validated UX design, prototype, nothing. Just It would be useful to 
 present few recently used documents there (as thumbnails), and do
 more fancy stuff. [1] And all others GSOC subjects (with UI/UX part)
 are the same.

It seems you are expecting a professional process of people actually
working on a regular basis for that. I don't think that's the case
here, and it does not change all the skills and talent the team has.

 - a student starts to code, without any information about UI/UX
 - the student then wants to enhance UI/UX and makes some completely 
 improvised assumptions about what users expect [2]. In this thread,
 you can read that Mirek starts a design whiteboard at the end of
 July, half time of GSOC.

We must at least give credit to the Design/UX team for having enforced
a proper whiteboards-based process. Again: this is a community, you
don't expect an homogeneous team to pop and start working out of the

 - he codes what he wants (because there is no roadmap, no

Yup, on the other it's called software freedom
 - at the end of GSOC, the start center is unfinished, the UI/UX
 brings lot of regressions. Worst of all : some huge lacks in a11y.
  Do we
  - use the proposal Mateusz gave us?
 While being a very good proposal, it is based on broken foundations.

Why are they broken?

 However, it shows that a skilled/professionnal designer can quickly 
 propose very interesting mockups, even if the designer seems to be a 
 graphist (not a UX designer).

True. But surely we should not burn the said graphist because he's not
an UX designer? If you know about an UX designer who could contribute
his/her time here, please bring him/her here.

  - make any proposal of a sc-wallpaper?
 Sorry, I don't understand what you mean .
 If it is about proposals to add some background image (ie wallpaper), 
 then it's just some painting on a broken wall, so it's useless.

Your judgement, not everyone's. 
  - announce it?
 No !
  - start other things?
  - left it all?
 I propose to mix those 2 points :
   - revert the code of the new start center : LO4.2 should keep the 
 LO4.1 start center
 - start a new process to design a new new start center :
 - involve devs, QA team, a11y team

The Design and UX team does involve developers already

 - ask some users (specially from MIMO [3])

MIMO can join this mailing list at anytime. 

 - should enhance the current start center or create a new one ?

This is a Free Software project. You can't really stop people from
doing what they want and like, and we are a community. 

 - clearly define a UI/UX design (with prototypes), validated by 
 every team

No. It needs validation by the development team for feasibility,
marketing; perhaps NLC if they find something problematic. But asking
each and everyone will not work because you will never reach 100%
agreement. And FWIW I had my share of disagreements with this team. 

 - only then, start to implement it
 It is a standard process when you want to build anything (a physical 
 product, a building...).

We don't build a product, we build a community. If you want to build a
product, please talk to MS Office, they're pretty good at that. 

 The way LibreOffice is developed today is the best way to shoot
 himself in the foot :
 - don't listen to users (is it the Gnome way of doing ? [4])

I don't think so, but I assume you know Henry Ford's famous sentence:
if I were to listen to my customers I'd still be selling horse

 - no roadmap (Charles clearly said that [5])

Yes. This is a Free Software Project. Please learn more on how we work. 

 - incoherent 

Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-24 Thread K-J LibreOffice

Hi Kendy, Mirek, *,
Am 15.10.2013 10:45, schrieb Jan Holesovsky:


Terribly sorry - best to keep me CC'd for quick turnaround :-)

I was more looking for a wallpaper (as K-J suggests) or the 'welcome
information' (as Cor said) - I think it gives better first time
experience than a 'no recent documents found'...

Sorry for not being clear in my request :-(

What happened with the whole thing? It was somehow lost in discussion.

Do we
- use the proposal Mateusz gave us?
- make any proposal of a sc-wallpaper?
- announce it?
- start other things?
- left it all?


Member of TheDocumentFoundation

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-24 Thread Mirek M.
Hi Kendy,
Sorry for the late reply.

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

 Hi Mirek,

 Mirek M. píše v Ne 13. 10. 2013 v 18:05 +0200:

   Oh, when I noticed Kendy's mail I thought about something more like
   A jpeg which can be changed by user like the personas so that even
   companies can replace it with their logo or so.
  Given that this picture would appear only if no document has been
 opened, I
  don't see the use of allowing customization of the upfront graphic. (That
  would just encourage people NOT to open any documents -- that's not what
  want.) I'd also like to avoid fancy graphics, as it'd be a stark
  to go from no recent files with a fancy graphic to a single thumbnail of
  recent file and the rest of the window blank and, as per our minimalism
  principle, I'd like to keep our UI as simple as possible.
  As I understand it, it's not a wallpaper Kendy's looking for, but rather
  indicator that there are no recent files to display.
  Care to confirm, Kendy?

 Terribly sorry - best to keep me CC'd for quick turnaround :-)

 I was more looking for a wallpaper (as K-J suggests) or the 'welcome
 information' (as Cor said) - I think it gives better first time
 experience than a 'no recent documents found'...

What do you think about something like ?

On another note, I have some feedback about the dialog:
1) Icons should be sized based on the global icon size setting. If that's
impossible, large icons should be used. (BTW, it'd be great if it could use
icons from the cmd directory. The icons that are not in there -- I'm
thinking the icons for the individual modules, correct me if I'm wrong --
should be added there and should be adjusted to the icon size standard for
other toolbar icons in the set.)
2) Icons should have standard layout. (I ripped off the layout in my mockup
from gedit, but I'm sure there are official Gnome guidelines somewhere.)
3) It would be excellent if the dialog kept a size separate from the main
module windows (i.e. if it didn't transform into module windows). Unlike
those windows, the dialog is well-suited for small sizes.
4) Despite my wireframe, I'm now thinking that the best place for the
toolbar would be the bottom. The dialog is currently too top-heavy.
5) The tabs look messy -- the active tab has a light gray 1px line on the
bottom that shouldn't be there, and the inactive tabs should be separated
from the thumbnail area by a 1px border. This applies to the tab widget in
6) As I said to you before, it'd be great if the toolbar contents could
adapt to the window size, but I understand if that's impossible to do.
7) As I also said before, I'd love to get rid of the menu bar in that
window, possibly replacing it with a gear menu at the end of the toolbar
(or not replacing it at all).

 Sorry for not being clear in my request :-(

 Thank you in advance,

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-16 Thread Mateusz Zasuwik

Sorry, but he refused and pointed out that welcome sign is in lower left
corner. I know that is not what you exactly expected, but it's only thing
we have. Maybe he just doesn't have an idea for appropriate performance
your concept? I will try to persuade him to take part in others tasks.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-15 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Mirek,

Mirek M. píše v Ne 13. 10. 2013 v 18:05 +0200:

  Oh, when I noticed Kendy's mail I thought about something more like that:
  A jpeg which can be changed by user like the personas so that even
  companies can replace it with their logo or so.
 Given that this picture would appear only if no document has been opened, I
 don't see the use of allowing customization of the upfront graphic. (That
 would just encourage people NOT to open any documents -- that's not what we
 want.) I'd also like to avoid fancy graphics, as it'd be a stark difference
 to go from no recent files with a fancy graphic to a single thumbnail of a
 recent file and the rest of the window blank and, as per our minimalism
 principle, I'd like to keep our UI as simple as possible.
 As I understand it, it's not a wallpaper Kendy's looking for, but rather an
 indicator that there are no recent files to display.
 Care to confirm, Kendy?

Terribly sorry - best to keep me CC'd for quick turnaround :-)

I was more looking for a wallpaper (as K-J suggests) or the 'welcome
information' (as Cor said) - I think it gives better first time
experience than a 'no recent documents found'...

Sorry for not being clear in my request :-(

Thank you in advance,

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-15 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Mateusz,

Mateusz Zasuwik píše v Po 14. 10. 2013 v 23:01 +0200:

 I asked him for better mockup and he did this.

Beautiful - thanks for this.  This is of course easily possible to do,
if the Design team consensus is that it should look this way.  The best
is if you change it yourself in glade, and provide us with the
resulting .ui file - try

glade share/config/soffice.cfg/sfx/ui/startcenter.ui

do the changes, and restart LibreOffice.  You should immediately see

The next time please omit the pejorative parts of your mail - we have
provided the snapshots  merged it to master early exactly in order to
be able to have feedback in time before the feature freeze, so that we
still have time to make it perfect for 4.2 :-)

Again - thanks for the mockup, I like it.  The only missing piece (and
that was what I was searching for in the first place) was what to show
in case there are no recent documents in the left part of your mockup -
can you please provide such a mockup too?

Thank you,

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-15 Thread Michael Meeks

On Tue, 2013-10-15 at 00:33 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:
 Mateusz Zasuwik wrote (14-10-13 23:01)
  Guys, are you serious? Currently Start Center for LO 4.2 is horrible! Is

I rather imagine this was done by a GSOC student based on a design
provided by the UX team :-) if the result is horrible, I'd want to know
how closely it matches the design provided. It is rather expensive
chopping and changing this stuff around continually - drawing some new
pixels takes a few minutes, re-writing, testing, validating,
translating, delivering the new code takes man weeks.

Anyhow - this IIRC was Kendy's baby, I'd CC him on any discussion (if
you can maintain that CC) :-)



 It is when empty. Therefore the request from Kendy for something else.
  here any guy from UX Team? My friend is professional designer and when I
  showed him new LibreOffice, he ask what is purpose of these small icons?
  Please reject this awful interface and do something more attractive and
  I asked him for better mockup and he did this.
 And I think it's usefull too for a next step, the file menu!
 Michael, something intersting?

--  , Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-15 Thread Mateusz Zasuwik

 Again - thanks for the mockup, I like it.  The only missing piece (and
 that was what I was searching for in the first place) was what to show
 in case there are no recent documents in the left part of your mockup -
 can you please provide such a mockup too?

I asked him for new concept but now he is away so please be patient.

So what about with the easiest solution?

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-15 Thread Mateusz Zasuwik
2013/10/15 Mateusz Zasuwik

  Again - thanks for the mockup, I like it.  The only missing piece (and
 that was what I was searching for in the first place) was what to show
 in case there are no recent documents in the left part of your mockup -
 can you please provide such a mockup too?

 I asked him for new concept but now he is away so please be patient.

It is his work. What do you think?

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-15 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Mateusz,

Mateusz Zasuwik píše v Út 15. 10. 2013 v 13:28 +0200:

   Again - thanks for the mockup, I like it.  The only missing piece (and
  that was what I was searching for in the first place) was what to show
  in case there are no recent documents in the left part of your mockup -
  can you please provide such a mockup too?
  I asked him for new concept but now he is away so please be patient.
 It is his work. What do you think?

Looks good :-) - just I'd myself would prefer some kind of welcome
message or welcome graphics (without text is preferred, as that makes
that easier from translation point of view) that was mentioned elsewhere
in the thread, over a sterile 'No recent documents'.  Do you think your
friend could try something in that lines too?

Thanks so much,

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-14 Thread klaus-jürgen weghorn ol

Hi Mirek, Kendy, *,
Am 13.10.2013 18:05, schrieb Mirek M.:


Given that this picture would appear only if no document has been opened, I
don't see the use of allowing customization of the upfront graphic. (That
would just encourage people NOT to open any documents -- that's not what we
want.) I'd also like to avoid fancy graphics, as it'd be a stark difference
to go from no recent files with a fancy graphic to a single thumbnail of a
recent file and the rest of the window blank and, as per our minimalism
principle, I'd like to keep our UI as simple as possible.

As I understand it, it's not a wallpaper Kendy's looking for, but rather an
indicator that there are no recent files to display.

Ahh, ok, something more like that:


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-14 Thread Mateusz Zasuwik

Guys, are you serious? Currently Start Center for LO 4.2 is horrible! Is
here any guy from UX Team? My friend is professional designer and when I
showed him new LibreOffice, he ask what is purpose of these small icons?

Please reject this awful interface and do something more attractive and

I asked him for better mockup and he did this.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-14 Thread Jonathan Aquilina
I have to say i really like it and its very similar to that of microsoft
office and what microsoft works used to be.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Mateusz Zasuwik mzasu...@gmail.comwrote:


 Guys, are you serious? Currently Start Center for LO 4.2 is horrible! Is
 here any guy from UX Team? My friend is professional designer and when I
 showed him new LibreOffice, he ask what is purpose of these small icons?

 Please reject this awful interface and do something more attractive and

 I asked him for better mockup and he did this.

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Jonathan Aquilina

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-14 Thread Mateusz Zasuwik
2013/10/14 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos

 Relax, take it easy. The screenshot is OBVIOUSLY not the final look.
 Thanks for your mock-up, though: I like it :-)

Not so obvious for me. Actually I don't understand why the first version of
new Start Center is so unintuitive and ugly . There should be some
guidelines for developer programming interface.

If first alpha is coming with the beginning of month, will developers make
with it?

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-14 Thread Cor Nouws

Mateusz Zasuwik wrote (14-10-13 23:01)

Guys, are you serious? Currently Start Center for LO 4.2 is horrible! Is

It is when empty.
Therefore the request from Kendy for something else.

here any guy from UX Team? My friend is professional designer and when I
showed him new LibreOffice, he ask what is purpose of these small icons?


Please reject this awful interface and do something more attractive and

I asked him for better mockup and he did this.


And I think it's usefull too for a next step, the file menu!

Michael, something intersting?


 - Cor Nouws
 - The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-14 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure
Hi all,

Le 14/10/2013 23:01, Mateusz Zasuwik a écrit :
 Guys, are you serious? Currently Start Center for LO 4.2 is horrible! Is
 here any guy from UX Team? My friend is professional designer and when I
 showed him new LibreOffice, he ask what is purpose of these small icons?
 Please reject this awful interface and do something more attractive and

I do not dislike the current global design of the StartCenter. I think
it will be usable if several technical and UX problems are solved:

1/ keyboard navigation through recent used files should be easier:

2/ make the module icons more visible and understandable, give them a
bigger size:

3/ repair the thumbnails generator in the master :

Best regards.

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-13 Thread klaus-jürgen weghorn ol

Hi Mirek, Kendy,

Am 11.10.2013 18:54, schrieb Mirek M.:

I imagine we could just go with something simple
perhaps even a simple label  like the No label screen on
(If we go for the former, we should probably use the same icon, given that
our new icon sets will be extensions of Gnome's.)
What do you think?

Oh, when I noticed Kendy's mail I thought about something more like that:

A jpeg which can be changed by user like the personas so that even 
companies can replace it with their logo or so.

Should we start an announce on Facebook and G+?


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Welcome graphics for the Startcenter in 4.2

2013-10-13 Thread Mirek M.
Hi guys,

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 10:23 AM, klaus-jürgen weghorn ol wrote:

 Hi Mirek, Kendy,

 Am 11.10.2013 18:54, schrieb Mirek M.:

  I imagine we could just go with something simple
 perhaps even a simple label  like the No label screen on**design-team/gnome-mockups/**
 (If we go for the former, we should probably use the same icon, given that
 our new icon sets will be extensions of Gnome's.)
 What do you think?

 Oh, when I noticed Kendy's mail I thought about something more like that:

 A jpeg which can be changed by user like the personas so that even
 companies can replace it with their logo or so.

Given that this picture would appear only if no document has been opened, I
don't see the use of allowing customization of the upfront graphic. (That
would just encourage people NOT to open any documents -- that's not what we
want.) I'd also like to avoid fancy graphics, as it'd be a stark difference
to go from no recent files with a fancy graphic to a single thumbnail of a
recent file and the rest of the window blank and, as per our minimalism
principle, I'd like to keep our UI as simple as possible.

As I understand it, it's not a wallpaper Kendy's looking for, but rather an
indicator that there are no recent files to display.

Care to confirm, Kendy?

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