Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-09-18 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Sep 18, 2003, at 05:12 Europe/Rome, Geoff Howard wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
All right, what the hell, you are right, let's move out of the 
I thought we'd come to some agreement that no option was without 
problems but that splitting to a separate cocoon-2.2 module was 
probably the least bad option.
Yes, this seems to be the consensus.

let's do a quick poll: who would be absolutely against using 
Subversion for the Cocoon 2.2 tree (granted that we can safely import 
the existing CVS tree into it)?
state your reasons and try to be as less inertial and defensive on 
your status quo as possible.
Did Niclas' comment about the unreleased status kill this?
Yes, it did. We will consider moving to Subversion only when they 
release a public final version that will not move under our feet. It's 
a defensive attitude, admittedly, but we don't want any more problems.


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-09-17 Thread Geoff Howard
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
All right, what the hell, you are right, let's move out of the impasse.
I thought we'd come to some agreement that no option was without 
problems but that splitting to a separate cocoon-2.2 module was probably 
the least bad option.

let's do a quick poll: who would be absolutely against using Subversion 
for the Cocoon 2.2 tree (granted that we can safely import the existing 
CVS tree into it)?

state your reasons and try to be as less inertial and defensive on your 
status quo as possible.
Did Niclas' comment about the unreleased status kill this?


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-09-13 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Friday, Aug 29, 2003, at 20:27 Europe/Rome, Jay Freeman ((saurik)) 


I totally agree on the evolution thing. To start, the process of 
moving to
Subversion would be a repository import, not starting from scratch.

As for tools:
(Subversion plugin for Eclipse, although only on Win32 currently, 
tried it as I hate Eclipse; it seems like it could be gotten to work 
on Unix
easily, just would require compiling the JNI stubs on your platform 
and dropping them in as the subclipse people are currently relying on 
precompiled binaries)
(Subversion plugin for VS.NET, a little slow at times, but usable)
They already have it integrated into ViewCVS (which is what I thought 
used, might be wrong; there was a lot of impetus to do it as the guy 
originally forked ViewCVS from CVSWeb is one of the lead Subversion
developers). I've been working with the Chora (another web interface) 
and we have it working in that as well.

What I think would be more productive, both for Cocoon and for 
is to have more than a flat out no, stick with something that works 
instead to put forward a list of requirements from a revision control 
for it to be considered an evolutionary move. Then people who work on
version control know where to apply effort and people working on 
Cocoon have
a roadmap for their evolution (rather than just getting stuck with 
systems and never moving).

It's somewhat like deciding to switch to a different underlying 
for component/block management; one wouldn't want to just say hey, 
this is
newer and has one better feature, let's do it, but if that one 
feature is
crucial enough you'd want to have a list of requirements of a new 
(one that obviously includes everything important from the old system) 
that you'd know when you _would_ be able to move to it and when it 
would be
worth it.
All right, what the hell, you are right, let's move out of the 

let's do a quick poll: who would be absolutely against using Subversion 
for the Cocoon 2.2 tree (granted that we can safely import the existing 
CVS tree into it)?

state your reasons and try to be as less inertial and defensive on your 
status quo as possible.

[as win2k-macosx/ switcher I can attest that 
sometimes changing your habits is dramatic and painful, but can help 
you a lot down the road and you never look back. This sounds another 
one of those situations]


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-09-13 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Saturday 13 September 2003 18:40, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
 let's do a quick poll: who would be absolutely against using Subversion
 for the Cocoon 2.2 tree (granted that we can safely import the existing
 CVS tree into it)?

 state your reasons and try to be as less inertial and defensive on your
 status quo as possible.

Subversion is not final. They say themselves that it is reliable, but not 
stable, i.e. there will be additional data migration issues prior to ver 1.0.


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Jay Freeman \(saurik\)
Yeah, the Win32 client used to have all kinds of / vs. \ issues and they
tended to break the build a lot. However, nowadays, the windows client (at
least the command line one, which is what I first thought you meant) works
quite well. RapidSVN (a Win32 GUI) is probably buggy as all hell still.
However! TortoiseSVN (a Win32 shell extension) works extremely well. When
I'm not using the command line client that's what I now use (and what I set
up the few other developers at Gnostic Labs with when I finally switched us
over to Subversion a week or two ago).

As for the CVS to Subversion repository importer, it seems to at least
partially support branches. BUT, it doesn't seem to support the Cocoon2
repository somehow. *Got it out of rsync earlier and let it sit for an hour
or something converting.* I'm working on looking at the input, generated
dump file, and partial output to try to figure out what's going wrong (it
has something to do with a branch where some files got added to the branch
later and then got deleted and it doesn't know they weren't int the branch
to begin with for whatever reason).

Jay Freeman (saurik)

- Original Message -
From: Berin Loritsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

 J.Pietschmann wrote:

  Timothy Larson wrote:
  I also wondered about Subversion when the repositories started
  multiplying :)
  Is this a possibility?  Is there a good CVS-Subversion repository
  What's good? The Subversion project has a converter, last time
  I checked they said it still can't convert branches, and that this
  was *the* killer for declaring SVN to be production ready. Trunk
  only CVS repositories seem to work for a long time already
  (disclaimer: gathered from various messages, I didn't try personally).

 Hmm.  Do we still have a test server available?

 The last time I played with SVN, the Windows client was a bit buggy.
 However that was roughly a year ago.  I'm sure it has gotten better
 since then.


 They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
   deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  - Benjamin Franklin

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Aug 28, 2003, at 20:00 Europe/Rome, Jay Freeman ((saurik)) 

So my eye finally caught on the Starting 2.2 thread today, it seemed
interesting, and I went to read through this... and I must say the main
reaction I ended up having to it is HUH?!?. :)
Is the reason you need a new repository because CVS doesn't support
move/copy/rename (especially so on directories?). I guess I've just 
using Subversion so long that some of the solutions people have been
proposing sound rather terrifying... making a new repository and 
copying all
of the RCS files into it in order to preserve history? But then you'd
still be maintaining the files in both versions seperately with no 
way to know this file is a copy of that one to try to help you do 
Then there was the suggestion to have the new repository copy stuff 
from the
2.1 repository during build or something...

With Subversion you could just copy the current trunk off to a 
branch (as you'd likely be doing many less fixes on that over the 
than enhancements to 2.2, so that would be considered the branch) and 
start reorganizing the directories in the trunk by just moving them 
and committing the move operations (so far with no space duplication 
on the
server as all of these copy/move operations are just references to the 
file data in the repository), files that need to be renamed could 
easily be
done so, and this entire process would be keeping track of the history
through all of the move operations... (although merging the 2.1 branch
changes into 2.2 still wouldn't be entirely automated, but I'm pretty 
the Subversion people are working on this; 0.28.0, released a few days 
has some features that is bringing it a lot closer).

Has any thought been put into the next time we have to create another 
repository should be the day we look into better version control?
Yes, you are right, CVS sucks, but the way it's integrated with the 
apache infrastructure and with tools that people use is not.

there is a huge inertia there. greatly underestimated by the subversion 
people, expecially for people used to IDEs like eclipse that hide CVS 
stuff under the hood and do things automatically.

I'm sick of this thread. It's stopping evolution.

Carsten, forget beauty of versioning and let's start working on 
cocoon-2.1 HEAD, this will:

 1) reduce effort and duplication
 2) keep people sane since every commit will have to keep the tree in 
shape (it's entirely possible to implement real blocks with what we 
have, without moving things around, even turning the current static 
blocks into real ones).

So, my vote is: cut the crap, let's work on the thing right here and 
right now, we'll think about what to do later.

Evolution is always prefered to revolution.

[believe me, I've made this mistake so many times that I learned my way 


RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
 Carsten, forget beauty of versioning and let's start working on 
 cocoon-2.1 HEAD, this will:
   1) reduce effort and duplication
   2) keep people sane since every commit will have to keep the tree in 
 shape (it's entirely possible to implement real blocks with what we 
 have, without moving things around, even turning the current static 
 blocks into real ones).
This is a very optimistic assumption, which I personally doubt. But,
ok, I can live with doing everything in cocoon-2.1 HEAD, no problem.

I'm absolutely frustrated as well: over the last months people always
said, Let's get 2.1 out, we want to start 2.2. Now that we can do it,
I'm the only one keeping to it. Great! 

Now I can already imagine what will happen. Someday someone checks in
something that is not suitable for a 2.1.x version and then a new
flame war against this person will begin. 

Ok, agreed. Let's stop the crap and work with the 2.1 repo then.

Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
with that? 


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Berin Loritsch
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
with that? 

Don't tease me...  Want I should do it?


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Berin Loritsch wrote:
  Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
  with that?

 Don't tease me...  Want I should do it?

Hey, great!

I'm definitly +5 for this! So if you want to do it, you could start a vote
and see what will happen next...


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-29 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ah, btw. I will replace ECM with fortress over the weekend. Any problems
with that? 

Yep. Aren't we supposed to use Merlin instead? I'm checking in the code 
as we speak...



RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
 Is there anybody in there?
 Just nod if you can hear me.
 Is there anyone home?

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 Pier Fumagalli wrote:
  On 13/8/03 16:37, Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ok, let's do simple steps perhaps:
   Do you think that we should start a new repository? This is
   equivalent to saying we start a new major version (2.2).
   (if the answer is yes, we can talk about the layout).
  YES! :-) As I have few [RT]s on my own! :-) :-) :-)
 Great! Combined with the recent RTs, does still someone feel that
 starting 2.2 is the right thing? Or are there still objections?

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Upayavira
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le Jeudi, 28 aoû 2003, à 09:18 Europe/Zurich, Carsten Ziegeler a écrit :

...Great! Combined with the recent RTs, does still someone feel that
starting 2.2 is the right thing? Or are there still objections?...

I'm +1 on starting 2.2 given what's going on (or planned) with blocks, 
forms, etc.


I think, as has been said before, we need to discuss _what_ it is that 
would require a new repository.

So far, we've had a number of RTs, but to my knowledge, no one is 
working on implementing any of these yet, and no one is working on code 
that cannot be placed into the 2.1 repository without breaking 
interfaces (at least ones that aren't still alpha).

I think we should consider the 2.2 repository _only_ when we've got a 
concrete proposal for code that _cannot_ be included in the 2.1 repository.

Switching repositories last time was a pain. Switching to a 2.2 
repository will also be a pain, and that pain has to be worth it, and at 
present I do not see any proposals being made (that is, people proposing 
to implement proposals) that actually require this 2.2 repository.

Therefore, at present I think we should stick with 2.1, until concrete 
proposals emerge that make it worth the effort.

Regards, Upayavira

RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Carsten Ziegeler dijo:
  Is there anybody in there?
  Just nod if you can hear me.
  Is there anyone home?

Great :)

Antonio Gallardo

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Jay Freeman \(saurik\)
So my eye finally caught on the Starting 2.2 thread today, it seemed
interesting, and I went to read through this... and I must say the main
reaction I ended up having to it is HUH?!?. :)

Is the reason you need a new repository because CVS doesn't support
move/copy/rename (especially so on directories?). I guess I've just been
using Subversion so long that some of the solutions people have been
proposing sound rather terrifying... making a new repository and copying all
of the RCS files into it in order to preserve history? But then you'd
still be maintaining the files in both versions seperately with no computer
way to know this file is a copy of that one to try to help you do that.
Then there was the suggestion to have the new repository copy stuff from the
2.1 repository during build or something...

With Subversion you could just copy the current trunk off to a cocoon-2.1
branch (as you'd likely be doing many less fixes on that over the future
than enhancements to 2.2, so that would be considered the branch) and then
start reorganizing the directories in the trunk by just moving them around
and committing the move operations (so far with no space duplication on the
server as all of these copy/move operations are just references to the same
file data in the repository), files that need to be renamed could easily be
done so, and this entire process would be keeping track of the history
through all of the move operations... (although merging the 2.1 branch
changes into 2.2 still wouldn't be entirely automated, but I'm pretty sure
the Subversion people are working on this; 0.28.0, released a few days ago,
has some features that is bringing it a lot closer).

Has any thought been put into the next time we have to create another new
repository should be the day we look into better version control?

Jay Freeman (saurik)

- Original Message -
From: Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:18 AM
Subject: RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

 Pier Fumagalli wrote:
  On 13/8/03 16:37, Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ok, let's do simple steps perhaps:
   Do you think that we should start a new repository? This is
   equivalent to saying we start a new major version (2.2).
   (if the answer is yes, we can talk about the layout).
  YES! :-) As I have few [RT]s on my own! :-) :-) :-)
 Great! Combined with the recent RTs, does still someone feel that
 starting 2.2 is the right thing? Or a there still objections?


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Tony Collen
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Maybe start 2.5, just to be in line with Linux? ;-P

Screw that, let's just skip a couple major versions, everyone's doing it now, how does Cocoon 5.0 
look? :)

Better yet, let's just change the name alltogether:

Cocoon XP
Cocoon MX
Cocoon MX 2004
I just love Macromedia, at least they admit MX doesn't mean anything:

What does MX mean?
The MX moniker is not an acronym and doesn't have a literal translation.
They add the MX, and then they realize they have to release a new version so they tack a 2004 on 
the end.

In all seriousness, I'm all for 2.2, but what sorts of loose ends are there that could be tied up 
for 2.1.x?  Howabout a push to clear out some bugs from bugzilla?



Re: [RT] Starting 2.2 (was going to be The Project Formerly KnownAs Cocoon)

2003-08-28 Thread Geoff Howard
Tony Collen wrote:
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Maybe start 2.5, just to be in line with Linux? ;-P
Screw that, let's just skip a couple major versions, everyone's doing it 
now, how does Cocoon 5.0 look? :)

Better yet, let's just change the name alltogether:

Cocoon XP
Cocoon MX
Cocoon MX 2004
I just love Macromedia, at least they admit MX doesn't mean anything:

What does MX mean?
The MX moniker is not an acronym and doesn't have a literal 
What about renaming the next release to an unpronounceable set of 
symbols, like Prince, or that Led Zepplin album?  I'd suggest !#.

In all seriousness, I'm all for 2.2, but what sorts of loose ends are 
there that could be tied up for 2.1.x?  Howabout a push to clear out 
some bugs from bugzilla?
Me too, but a push for bug fix (and I'd like to see a docs blitz) 
wouldn't need to hold up creating the repository and working out the 
best way of working two trees at once would it?

By the way, I thought we were planning on breaking from ECM in 2.2 
because it would make blocks easier among other great benefits.  Is this 
still a thought?  That would certainly make a new repo an attractive thing.


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
Jay Freeman (saurik) wrote:
Has any thought been put into the next time we have to create another new
repository should be the day we look into better version control?
Amen! Personally I'd +1 the subversion switch in any moment.


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2 (was going to be The Project Formerly KnownAs Cocoon)

2003-08-28 Thread Tony Collen
Geoff Howard wrote:

What about renaming the next release to an unpronounceable set of 
symbols, like Prince, or that Led Zepplin album?  I'd suggest !#.
How about: Cocoon Interrobang

It would be pronounced, Cocoon?!

In all seriousness, I'm all for 2.2, but what sorts of loose ends are 
there that could be tied up for 2.1.x?  Howabout a push to clear out 
some bugs from bugzilla?

Me too, but a push for bug fix (and I'd like to see a docs blitz) 
wouldn't need to hold up creating the repository and working out the 
best way of working two trees at once would it?
Hrm, actually a docs push would be more like it, since I was prodded by a few people to do up some 
nice InputModule docs, so I am guilty as charged :)  I just didn't want to see new stuff get started 
and have older issues unresolved.  I don't see why we'd need to postpone a new repository, really, 
I'd just hate to see things forgotten about.

Side note: Is a build of 2.1.x or 2.2 going to be using the new forrest-style skins for the docs 
anytime soon?  It's kind of nasty seeing the old site design when I build docs from the current CVS.

By the way, I thought we were planning on breaking from ECM in 2.2 
because it would make blocks easier among other great benefits.  Is this 
still a thought?  That would certainly make a new repo an attractive thing.
I'm not a hugely knowledgeable on Avalon, so I'm not sure about the issues surrounding it.  Just 
when I thought I'd start to learn Avalon stuff, the carpet gets pulled out from under me! :)



Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread J.Pietschmann
Timothy Larson wrote:

I also wondered about Subversion when the repositories started multiplying :)
Is this a possibility?  Is there a good CVS-Subversion repository converter?
What's good? The Subversion project has a converter, last time
I checked they said it still can't convert branches, and that this
was *the* killer for declaring SVN to be production ready. Trunk
only CVS repositories seem to work for a long time already
(disclaimer: gathered from various messages, I didn't try personally).

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Berin Loritsch
J.Pietschmann wrote:

Timothy Larson wrote:

I also wondered about Subversion when the repositories started 
multiplying :)
Is this a possibility?  Is there a good CVS-Subversion repository 

What's good? The Subversion project has a converter, last time
I checked they said it still can't convert branches, and that this
was *the* killer for declaring SVN to be production ready. Trunk
only CVS repositories seem to work for a long time already
(disclaimer: gathered from various messages, I didn't try personally).
Hmm.  Do we still have a test server available?

The last time I played with SVN, the Windows client was a bit buggy.
However that was roughly a year ago.  I'm sure it has gotten better
since then.

They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
Berin Loritsch wrote:
What's good? The Subversion project has a converter, last time
I checked they said it still can't convert branches, and that this
was *the* killer for declaring SVN to be production ready. Trunk
only CVS repositories seem to work for a long time already
(disclaimer: gathered from various messages, I didn't try personally).

Hmm.  Do we still have a test server available?

The last time I played with SVN, the Windows client was a bit buggy.
However that was roughly a year ago.  I'm sure it has gotten better
since then.
Look at:

On infrastructure@ there was an email describing how to add yourself to 
the right passwd file (with htpasswd). I don't know how sensible that 
information is, so I'd rather not write it here. Just contact me if you 
feel lik playing around. :-)


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2 (was going to be The Project Formerly KnownAs Cocoon)

2003-08-28 Thread Geoff Howard
Tony Collen wrote:
Geoff Howard wrote:

What about renaming the next release to an unpronounceable set of 
symbols, like Prince, or that Led Zepplin album?  I'd suggest !#.

How about: Cocoon Interrobang

It would be pronounced, Cocoon?!
Actually, my proposal could be pronounced bang and pound which might 
not be positive...

In all seriousness, I'm all for 2.2, but what sorts of loose ends are 
there that could be tied up for 2.1.x?  Howabout a push to clear out 
some bugs from bugzilla?
Me too, but a push for bug fix (and I'd like to see a docs blitz) 
wouldn't need to hold up creating the repository and working out the 
best way of working two trees at once would it?
Hrm, actually a docs push would be more like it, since I was prodded by 
a few people to do up some nice InputModule docs, so I am guilty as 
charged :)  I just didn't want to see new stuff get started and have 
older issues unresolved.  I don't see why we'd need to postpone a new 
repository, really, I'd just hate to see things forgotten about.

Side note: Is a build of 2.1.x or 2.2 going to be using the new 
forrest-style skins for the docs anytime soon?  It's kind of nasty 
seeing the old site design when I build docs from the current CVS.
I asked about this before and got the impression that some people are 
getting the forrest look.  Near as I can tell, it falls back to the old 
xml.apache metal look if forrest is not downloaded at ../xml-forrest 
or as specified in  So far I've been too lazy to 
confirm.  I'd much rather be able to import the stylesheets, etc. which 
would be needed but I've been too lazy for that as well.

By the way, I thought we were planning on breaking from ECM in 2.2 
because it would make blocks easier among other great benefits.  Is 
this still a thought?  That would certainly make a new repo an 
attractive thing.
I'm not a hugely knowledgeable on Avalon, so I'm not sure about the 
issues surrounding it.  Just when I thought I'd start to learn Avalon 
stuff, the carpet gets pulled out from under me! :)
Hopefully it's not as bad as that.  Avalon's not going away, just the 
implementation that's changing...


RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-26 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
 On 13/8/03 16:37, Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, let's do simple steps perhaps:
  Do you think that we should start a new repository? This is
  equivalent to saying we start a new major version (2.2).
  (if the answer is yes, we can talk about the layout).
 YES! :-) As I have few [RT]s on my own! :-) :-) :-)
Great! Combined with the recent RTs, does still someone feel that
starting 2.2 is the right thing? Or a there still objections?


RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 I don't clearly understand what you want to achieve...
It's plain simple :) Now, the usual way would be to create
a new repository (cocoon-2.2) and copy everything from 2.1
in there.
Then we have two branches which require syncing which can
be a real pita. My approach is to sync as less as possible
by only copying those parts that we will change in the
near future. And this should be the core sources, but not
the documentation or any block.

As I expect that we will end in a different structure when we
have real blocks (e.g. perhaps a blocks repository etc.) this
would be imho an easier migration strategy.

Does this make sense?


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Pier Fumagalli
On 13/8/03 16:37, Carsten Ziegeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, let's do simple steps perhaps:
 Do you think that we should start a new repository? This is
 equivalent to saying we start a new major version (2.2).
 (if the answer is yes, we can talk about the layout).

YES! :-) As I have few [RT]s on my own! :-) :-) :-)


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Hmm, yes, but we could start the 2.2 repo with the current core source,
so we have a starting point. I expect that blocks will require longer
discussions and I personally don't want to wait with 2.2 for this.
I'm wondering. What are you personally planning which requires 2.2 repo 
and can not be done in the current repo?

/me feels that you are trying to solve some problem without stating what 
the problem is


RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 Ok, let's do simple steps perhaps:
 Do you think that we should start a new repository? This is
 equivalent to saying we start a new major version (2.2).
 (if the answer is yes, we can talk about the layout).
 You ask for the solution to a problem that's not defined... Why do you 
 need the 2.2 repo to be created before writing your RTs ?

Ok, it has nothing to do with my RT's, I had the impression that blocks
required a major version changes and that we want to start with it asap.
If I'm wrong here, let's stop this RT.


RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread TREGAN Fabien
Title: RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

 /me feels that you are trying to solve some problem without 
 stating what 
 the problem is

Planning a IRC block with a mIRC log generator and all ? Great !



Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Tony Collen
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

the road to real blocks: how to build it minimizing the impact on
the existing code and with complete back compatibility (yes, it's
Here's my own Mini-RT:

If you've used a BSD, you've quite possibly run into what's known as _ports_.  Ports is really cool, 
and for anyone who doesn't know what it is, here's a little description.

Ports is a big directory skeleton which usually sits in /usr/ports.  It is organized in a hierarchy, 
so you end up with a directory structure like /usr/ports/games, /usr/ports/mail, /usr/ports/irc, 
etc.  Under each category is another directory for each program which belongs to it, so 
/usr/ports/games/fortune, etc.  Now the cool thing is that each program directory contains a 
makefile, unified diffs, and a list of repositories where the software resides. (FTP, WWW, etc)

When you run make, it automatically downloads the software from the repository, and patches the 
software specifically for BSD.  Even cooler, is that it automatically takes care of dependencies 
recursively.  Once all the dependencies are done, the software is built.  There are several other 
commands, such as make install or make clean which does the usual expected chores.

The only downfall is that you have to keep the directory skeleton up to date.  FreeBSD does this 
over CVS.   Very handy.

Now, imagine this applied to Cocoon and blocks.  If we distributed a core Cocoon, we could 
dramatically cut down the typical amount of code that gets distributed.  If we wanted the PDF block 
installed, all we would do is go to $cocoon_src/blocks/pdf/ and type build install.  It would 
download the PDFSerializer, and realize that the FOP jars are required, and download them.   We 
could also come up with some block packages that are geared towards some basic tasks, i.e. blocks 
which are grouped together to accomplish some goal.. sort of how the more popular Linux distros have 
a workstation, server, basic, everything install.

That's my RT, I hope I didn't spoil anything anybody was saving :)


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

I don't clearly understand what you want to achieve...

It's plain simple :) Now, the usual way would be to create a new repository 
(cocoon-2.2) and copy everything from 2.1 in there.
Then we have two branches which require syncing which can be a real pita. My 
approach is to sync as less as possible by only copying those parts that we will change in the 
near future. And this should be the core sources, but not the documentation or any block.
Ah, so we'll have a 2.2 repo containing only those parts whose structure 
will change, and keep the 2.1 repo as a fallback for those parts whose 
structure is the same (but who may have been upgraded since 2.1.0) ?

But how do we decide that some modifications should occur in 2.2 and not 
in 2.1 ?

As I expect that we will end in a different structure when we have real blocks (e.g. perhaps a blocks repository etc.) this would be imho an easier migration strategy.

That's right. With real blocks, we'll have several distinct CVS 
repositories. But will we have distinct kernel and core component 
blocks ? Should the kernel be really naked (in which case it may even 
contain only the block manager and the main interfaces but nothing 
else), or should it provide the common services used by every 
application (e.g. WildcardMatcher, FileGenerator, HTMLSerializer, etc) ?

Does this make sense?

Yep. But the granularity has to be found. Maybe we should wait for 
Stefano's RT so that everybody has a common understanding of the 
consequences of blocks on the Cocoon organisation.


Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -

RE: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Ok, let's do simple steps perhaps:

Do you think that we should start a new repository? This is
equivalent to saying we start a new major version (2.2).

(if the answer is yes, we can talk about the layout).


Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Tony Collen wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

the road to real blocks: how to build it minimizing the impact on
the existing code and with complete back compatibility (yes, it's

Here's my own Mini-RT:


Now, imagine this applied to Cocoon and blocks.  If we distributed a 
core Cocoon, we could dramatically cut down the typical amount of 
code that gets distributed.  If we wanted the PDF block installed, all 
we would do is go to $cocoon_src/blocks/pdf/ and type build install.  
It would download the PDFSerializer, and realize that the FOP jars are 
required, and download them.   We could also come up with some block 
packages that are geared towards some basic tasks, i.e. blocks which 
are grouped together to accomplish some goal.. sort of how the more 
popular Linux distros have a workstation, server, basic, 
everything install.

That's my RT, I hope I didn't spoil anything anybody was saving :) 

You did ;-)

The idea behind blocks uses similar concepts but goes even further by 
relying on a discovery system that can ask a server for the location of 
dependencies. This means you won't even need a local list of the 
available blocks.

But let's not steal Stefano's pleasure of explaining us the results of 
his worldwide discussions !

Stefano, seems like a lot of people are ready and waiting ;-)


Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ok, let's do simple steps perhaps:

Do you think that we should start a new repository? This is
equivalent to saying we start a new major version (2.2).
(if the answer is yes, we can talk about the layout).

You ask for the solution to a problem that's not defined... Why do you 
need the 2.2 repo to be created before writing your RTs ?


Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-14 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Hmm, yes, but we could start the 2.2 repo with the current core source,
so we have a starting point. I expect that blocks will require longer
discussions and I personally don't want to wait with 2.2 for this.

I'm wondering. What are you personally planning which requires 2.2 repo 
and can not be done in the current repo?

/me feels that you are trying to solve some problem without stating what 
the problem is


Secret plans something like world domination ... :) (just kidding)

I have several smaller RTs that require major changes in the core, so I 
think they are targetted for a 2.2 release rather than 2.1.1. And the
blocks require a major version change, so I thought about merging them.

I will write the RTs as soon as we have the repository.

Let's do the other way around -- send in RT first and let's hear about 
those major changes :)
