Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-09-04 Thread Lionel Elle Romo
Im looking for some one to teach me about every thing can it be u

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-08-03 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Guys,

as I wrote personally to Mryle a few minutes ago, I’m extremely sorry for 
temporarily passing over to Myrle without asking first … I guess I 
miss-interpreted some things wrong.

But maybe as a little explanation, I had to hit the kill switch for now as I’m 
currently so over-worked and stressed-out that I’m almost not having any sleep 
at all for the last weeks and that does seem to be getting to me. 

But in order to meet the deadline and make the chasing of content easier … here 
comes the Abstract for my Apache-Day talk. 

„So ziemlich jedem Entwickler ist die Apache Software Foundation ein Begriff. 
Wenn man sich aber mal genauer unterhält, so stellt man üblicherweise schnell 
fest, dass vielmehr einige Produkte bekannt sind, nicht aber was hinter den 
Projekten steckt. In diesem Talk will ich dem interessierten Teilnehmer im 
Detail erklären wie die ASF aufgebaut ist, aus welchen Bausteinen sie aufgebaut 
ist und wie diese zusammenspielen. Projekte, PMCs, Members, Board - was sind 
die und wie hängen sie zusammen? Wie ist ein typischer Werdegang eines 
Entwicklers (oder nicht Entwicklers) innerhalb der Foundation? Wie kann man 
selbst aktiv werden?“

Hope that’s ok …

By the way. You can remove my other talk from the Ops day .. it was just a 
filler and now as we have enough to fill all 4 slots. So you can remove my 
filler talk.

And thousand times sorry Myrle for unloading this on your desk :-(
I’ll be back on Tuesday and will (hopefully) be able to step back in.


Am 02.08.17, 21:52 schrieb "Myrle Krantz" :

Hey all,

Without asking me first, Chris told Solutions.Hamburg that I would
take over the Apache coordination of the conference.  He is
over-committed.  Unfortunately, I also don't have much time.  At this
point, I see three options:

* Everyone who has volunteered to give a talk sends me their title(s)
and abstract(s) and bio(s?) by midnight on Thursday evening (timezone:
CET), thus removing the effort involved in chasing people down for
this, or
* someone else takes over the effort of chasing people down, or
* we withdraw Chris' suggestion from Solutions.Hamburg.

Let's not do this last, one, since it may make Apache look bad.

I still need titles, bios, and/or abstracts from the following people:

Greg Stein, Jacek Laskowski, Justin McLean, Mark Struberg, Lars
Francke, Christofer Dutz, Sharan Foga, and myself.  I've put together
an overview of topics and slots using the information y'all have
already given Chris and me.  Some of the information was in German.
I've translated most of that into English, and put it beside the
original German below.  Those of you who speak German are welcome to
submit in German, but the rest of you are equally welcome to submit in

I look forward to working with all of you on this,


 -- Greg Stein

Apache Dev-Day

German description:
Wir bieten euch beim Apache Dev-Day die Möglichkeit, nicht nur von den
Experten zu lernen, sondern vielmehr direkt von den Machern. Dieser
Tag ist verstärkt auf Entwickler ausgerichtet und soll einen
Querschnitt durch die aktuell heißesten Themenbereiche der Apache
Software Foundation liefern: BigData, IoT, Enterprise Java, uvm. Alle
Speaker sind Committer in den jeweiligen Projekten und können nicht
nur interessante Details über die Software, sondern auch über die
Projekte selbst und natürlich stehen diese auch Rede und Antwort für
eure Fragen.

English description:
We offer you the opportunity not only to learn from experts, but
directly from the committers.  This day is focused on developers, and
should provide an overview of the hottest topics at the Apache
Software Foundation: big data, internet-of-things, java, and more.
All speakers on committers in their projects and can not only provide
interesting details about the software but also about the projects.
They stand ready to answer your questions.


* Spark Structured Streaming   -- Jacek Laskowski

* IOT  -- Justin McLean

* “ASF Java Enterprise ecosystem” -- Mark Struberg

(Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:

TomEE as complete EE server,
Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
Tomcat as servlet container
OpenWebBeans as CDI container
Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
CXF for JAX-RS and WS
Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
BatchEE for JBatch.

Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.)

* “Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils” -- Benedikt Ritter

Apache Commons

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-08-03 Thread Justin Mclean

> Without asking me first, Chris told Solutions.Hamburg that I would
> take over the Apache coordination of the conference.  
> * Everyone who has volunteered to give a talk sends me their title(s)
> and abstract(s) and bio(s?) by midnight on Thursday evening (timezone:
> CET), thus removing the effort involved in chasing people down for
> this, or
> * someone else takes over the effort of chasing people down

I'll help out here end of the day send me the people who have not responded and 
I’ll follow up with them.

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موضوع: Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-08-02 Thread ramin.yariiii
خداب پیام اصلی از: Myrle Krantz  تاریخ: 
۰۸/۰۳/۲۰۱۷  ۰:۲۲  (GMT+03:30) گیرنده:, Greg Stein 
, Justin Mclean , Sharan Foga 
, Christofer Dutz ,,, Jacek Laskowski , 
Mark Struberg , Catherina Weiss  موضوع: 
Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent 
Hey all,

Without asking me first, Chris told Solutions.Hamburg that I would
take over the Apache coordination of the conference.  He is
over-committed.  Unfortunately, I also don't have much time.  At this
point, I see three options:

* Everyone who has volunteered to give a talk sends me their title(s)
and abstract(s) and bio(s?) by midnight on Thursday evening (timezone:
CET), thus removing the effort involved in chasing people down for
this, or
* someone else takes over the effort of chasing people down, or
* we withdraw Chris' suggestion from Solutions.Hamburg.

Let's not do this last, one, since it may make Apache look bad.

I still need titles, bios, and/or abstracts from the following people:

Greg Stein, Jacek Laskowski, Justin McLean, Mark Struberg, Lars
Francke, Christofer Dutz, Sharan Foga, and myself.  I've put together
an overview of topics and slots using the information y'all have
already given Chris and me.  Some of the information was in German.
I've translated most of that into English, and put it beside the
original German below.  Those of you who speak German are welcome to
submit in German, but the rest of you are equally welcome to submit in

I look forward to working with all of you on this,


 -- Greg Stein

Apache Dev-Day

German description:
Wir bieten euch beim Apache Dev-Day die Möglichkeit, nicht nur von den
Experten zu lernen, sondern vielmehr direkt von den Machern. Dieser
Tag ist verstärkt auf Entwickler ausgerichtet und soll einen
Querschnitt durch die aktuell heißesten Themenbereiche der Apache
Software Foundation liefern: BigData, IoT, Enterprise Java, uvm. Alle
Speaker sind Committer in den jeweiligen Projekten und können nicht
nur interessante Details über die Software, sondern auch über die
Projekte selbst und natürlich stehen diese auch Rede und Antwort für
eure Fragen.

English description:
We offer you the opportunity not only to learn from experts, but
directly from the committers.  This day is focused on developers, and
should provide an overview of the hottest topics at the Apache
Software Foundation: big data, internet-of-things, java, and more.
All speakers on committers in their projects and can not only provide
interesting details about the software but also about the projects.
They stand ready to answer your questions.


* Spark Structured Streaming   -- Jacek Laskowski

* IOT  -- Justin McLean

* “ASF Java Enterprise ecosystem” -- Mark Struberg

(Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:

TomEE as complete EE server,
Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
Tomcat as servlet container
OpenWebBeans as CDI container
Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
CXF for JAX-RS and WS
Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
BatchEE for JBatch.

Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.)

* “Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils” -- Benedikt Ritter

Apache Commons ist ein Apache Projekt mit Fokus auf wiederverwendbaren
Java Komponenten. So enthält die Commons Lang Bibliothek
beispielsweise die allbekannte StringUtils Klasse. Aber Apache Commons
hat viel mehr zu bieten als nur StringUtils. In dieser Präsentation
gibt Benedikt Ritter einen Überblick über das Apache Commons Projekt.
Darüber hinaus zeigt er Beispiele für einige der weniger bekannten
Features in Apache Commons.


Apache Ops-Day

German description:
Wir bieten euch beim Apache Dev-Day die Möglichkeit, nicht nur von den
Experten zu lernen, sondern vielmehr direkt von den Machern. Dieser
Tag ist verstärkt auf den „Ops“ Teil ausgerichtet und soll einen
Querschnitt durch die aktuell heißesten Themenbereiche der Apache
Software Foundation liefern. Alle Speaker sind Committer in den
jeweiligen Projekten und können nicht nur interessante Details über
die Software, sondern auch über die Projekte selbst und natürlich
stehen diese auch Rede und Antwort für eure Fragen.

English description:
This day is primarily focused on operations.

* BigData Storage  -- Lars Francke

* BigData Processing  -- Jacek Laskowski

* Security around the Hadoop ecosystem  -- Lars Francke

* “Developing and Releasing an Open Source Microservices architecture”
-- Myrle Krantz

Abstract: Backwards compatibility in a distributed, scalable
environment has two major components: interface compatibility, and
persistence compatibility. Components in this environment can be
integrated in two manners: statically and dyn

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-08-02 Thread Myrle Krantz
Hey all,

Without asking me first, Chris told Solutions.Hamburg that I would
take over the Apache coordination of the conference.  He is
over-committed.  Unfortunately, I also don't have much time.  At this
point, I see three options:

* Everyone who has volunteered to give a talk sends me their title(s)
and abstract(s) and bio(s?) by midnight on Thursday evening (timezone:
CET), thus removing the effort involved in chasing people down for
this, or
* someone else takes over the effort of chasing people down, or
* we withdraw Chris' suggestion from Solutions.Hamburg.

Let's not do this last, one, since it may make Apache look bad.

I still need titles, bios, and/or abstracts from the following people:

Greg Stein, Jacek Laskowski, Justin McLean, Mark Struberg, Lars
Francke, Christofer Dutz, Sharan Foga, and myself.  I've put together
an overview of topics and slots using the information y'all have
already given Chris and me.  Some of the information was in German.
I've translated most of that into English, and put it beside the
original German below.  Those of you who speak German are welcome to
submit in German, but the rest of you are equally welcome to submit in

I look forward to working with all of you on this,


 -- Greg Stein

Apache Dev-Day

German description:
Wir bieten euch beim Apache Dev-Day die Möglichkeit, nicht nur von den
Experten zu lernen, sondern vielmehr direkt von den Machern. Dieser
Tag ist verstärkt auf Entwickler ausgerichtet und soll einen
Querschnitt durch die aktuell heißesten Themenbereiche der Apache
Software Foundation liefern: BigData, IoT, Enterprise Java, uvm. Alle
Speaker sind Committer in den jeweiligen Projekten und können nicht
nur interessante Details über die Software, sondern auch über die
Projekte selbst und natürlich stehen diese auch Rede und Antwort für
eure Fragen.

English description:
We offer you the opportunity not only to learn from experts, but
directly from the committers.  This day is focused on developers, and
should provide an overview of the hottest topics at the Apache
Software Foundation: big data, internet-of-things, java, and more.
All speakers on committers in their projects and can not only provide
interesting details about the software but also about the projects.
They stand ready to answer your questions.


* Spark Structured Streaming   -- Jacek Laskowski

* IOT  -- Justin McLean

* “ASF Java Enterprise ecosystem” -- Mark Struberg

(Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:

TomEE as complete EE server,
Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
Tomcat as servlet container
OpenWebBeans as CDI container
Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
CXF for JAX-RS and WS
Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
BatchEE for JBatch.

Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.)

* “Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils” -- Benedikt Ritter

Apache Commons ist ein Apache Projekt mit Fokus auf wiederverwendbaren
Java Komponenten. So enthält die Commons Lang Bibliothek
beispielsweise die allbekannte StringUtils Klasse. Aber Apache Commons
hat viel mehr zu bieten als nur StringUtils. In dieser Präsentation
gibt Benedikt Ritter einen Überblick über das Apache Commons Projekt.
Darüber hinaus zeigt er Beispiele für einige der weniger bekannten
Features in Apache Commons.


Apache Ops-Day

German description:
Wir bieten euch beim Apache Dev-Day die Möglichkeit, nicht nur von den
Experten zu lernen, sondern vielmehr direkt von den Machern. Dieser
Tag ist verstärkt auf den „Ops“ Teil ausgerichtet und soll einen
Querschnitt durch die aktuell heißesten Themenbereiche der Apache
Software Foundation liefern. Alle Speaker sind Committer in den
jeweiligen Projekten und können nicht nur interessante Details über
die Software, sondern auch über die Projekte selbst und natürlich
stehen diese auch Rede und Antwort für eure Fragen.

English description:
This day is primarily focused on operations.

* BigData Storage  -- Lars Francke

* BigData Processing  -- Jacek Laskowski

* Security around the Hadoop ecosystem  -- Lars Francke

* “Developing and Releasing an Open Source Microservices architecture”
-- Myrle Krantz

Abstract: Backwards compatibility in a distributed, scalable
environment has two major components: interface compatibility, and
persistence compatibility. Components in this environment can be
integrated in two manners: statically and dynamically. Changes to any
given component can be backwards compatible, or backwards
incompatible. But in all these cases, your customer wants 100% uptime.
These variables, and the distributed nature of open-source development
present interesting problems for a project’s release cycle.

Myrle Krantz will propose a general set of rules for achieving a
regular release cycle within this envi

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-25 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Myrle,

the organizers have given me access to their conference planning tool. I have 
started setting up the Metadata and have submitted the Track-Names for the 
three days. I am currently waiting for them to confirm them and then I could 
start entering the schedule. 
Those people volunteering to do a talk would be great if they could provide a 
concrete talk title as well as a short abstract so I can enter them. As a start 
I would enter the “working titles”.

Also currently discussing the Key Note speaker thing with the planners.


Am 25.07.17, 08:58 schrieb "Myrle Krantz" :

Hi Sharan,

We've got just enough speaker volunteers a 3 day track.  More would be
better, but slight adjustments to the plan we have would make it
possible for the speakers we have to cover it.

Christofer? Where do we stand with the conference organizer?  Is the
plan still on the table for them? And have we made any progress on
questions like who's paying for the intercontinental flights? I'm
assuming we need to get on this soon.  Train travel can be pretty
spontaneous, but we don't want people to have to book flights at the
last minute since that can get expensive.

Best Regards,

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Sharan Foga  wrote:
> Thanks Myrle - great idea to summarise what we have in a simple way! (And 
also to Chris for the launching the initiative in the first place)
> So what is latest status with this? (as it sounds like a really great 
opportunity for Apache to showcase quite a few projects and technologies).
> Is it still a possibility or have we already cancelled being part of it?
> Thanks
> Sharan
> On 2017-07-18 11:58 (+0200), Myrle Krantz  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've charted out the suggestions we currently have in a doodle, using
>> Christofer's suggested agenda as the framework:
>> The way I see it, we'd need at least 2 more speakers to make this
>> work.  Better would be 4.  If anyone's interested in giving a talk in
>> Hamburg on a technical topic around your project, or a project you're
>> using, go to the doodle and enter yourself for the slot your talk
>> matches. If you have a suggestion which doesn't match with one of the
>> given slots, there is an "other" entry you can mark.
>> We also still need someone to talk on the Apache Way.
>> Best Regards,
>> Myrle
>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Christofer Dutz
>>  wrote:
>> > Hi Benedict,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the reply … the thing I that right now I would have about 
3-4 of 12 Tracks covered, I have no feedback at all if others agree to the 
agenda I put up. So, I think later today I’ll contact the solutions guys and 
cancel this initiative. I simply don’t have the power right now to fight yet 
another one of these conference fights on my own again.
>> >
>> > Chris
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Am 17.07.17, 08:27 schrieb "Benedikt Ritter" :
>> >
>> > Hello Christofer,
>> >
>> > I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do 
my „Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the program.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Benedikt
>> >
>> > > Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg 
>> > >
>> > > As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on 
the Dev day.
>> > > Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
>> > >
>> > > TomEE as complete EE server,
>> > > Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
>> > > Tomcat as servlet container
>> > > OpenWebBeans as CDI container
>> > > Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
>> > > MyFaces
>> > > OpenJPA
>> > > CXF for JAX-RS and WS
>> > > Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
>> > > BatchEE for JBatch.
>> > >
>> > > Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
>> > >
>> > > Just ping me if it looks interesting.
>> > >
>> > > LieGrue,
>> > > strub
>> > >
>> > >> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
>> > >>
>> > >> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I 
wrote down my ideas.
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match 
for the Ops Day (I think).
>> > >> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
>> > >>
>> > >> Chris
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>> > >>
>> > >>   I

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-25 Thread Sharan Foga

Hi Myrle

Thanks for the update. I've added myself as a potential speaker on the 
Apache Way, and maybe OFBiz.

Looking at the Solutions Hamburg site, they still have Apache listed in 
their program so will wait for Chris's update for the latest news from 
the organisers.


On 25/07/17 08:58, Myrle Krantz wrote:

Hi Sharan,

We've got just enough speaker volunteers a 3 day track.  More would be
better, but slight adjustments to the plan we have would make it
possible for the speakers we have to cover it.

Christofer? Where do we stand with the conference organizer?  Is the
plan still on the table for them? And have we made any progress on
questions like who's paying for the intercontinental flights? I'm
assuming we need to get on this soon.  Train travel can be pretty
spontaneous, but we don't want people to have to book flights at the
last minute since that can get expensive.

Best Regards,

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Sharan Foga  wrote:

Thanks Myrle - great idea to summarise what we have in a simple way! (And also 
to Chris for the launching the initiative in the first place)

So what is latest status with this? (as it sounds like a really great 
opportunity for Apache to showcase quite a few projects and technologies).

Is it still a possibility or have we already cancelled being part of it?


On 2017-07-18 11:58 (+0200), Myrle Krantz  wrote:

Hi all,

I've charted out the suggestions we currently have in a doodle, using
Christofer's suggested agenda as the framework:

The way I see it, we'd need at least 2 more speakers to make this
work.  Better would be 4.  If anyone's interested in giving a talk in
Hamburg on a technical topic around your project, or a project you're
using, go to the doodle and enter yourself for the slot your talk
matches. If you have a suggestion which doesn't match with one of the
given slots, there is an "other" entry you can mark.

We also still need someone to talk on the Apache Way.

Best Regards,

On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Christofer Dutz

Hi Benedict,

Thanks for the reply … the thing I that right now I would have about 3-4 of 12 
Tracks covered, I have no feedback at all if others agree to the agenda I put 
up. So, I think later today I’ll contact the solutions guys and cancel this 
initiative. I simply don’t have the power right now to fight yet another one of 
these conference fights on my own again.


Am 17.07.17, 08:27 schrieb "Benedikt Ritter" :

 Hello Christofer,

 I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do my 
„Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the program.


 > Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg :
 > As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on the Dev 
 > Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
 > TomEE as complete EE server,
 > Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
 > Tomcat as servlet container
 > OpenWebBeans as CDI container
 > Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
 > MyFaces
 > OpenJPA
 > CXF for JAX-RS and WS
 > Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
 > BatchEE for JBatch.
 > Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
 > Just ping me if it looks interesting.
 > LieGrue,
 > strub
 >> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
 >> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote down 
my ideas.
 >> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for the 
Ops Day (I think).
 >> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
 >> Chris
 >> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
 >>   If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence 
page, I would simply create a page for solutions …
 >>   Chris
 >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
 >>   Ok … English seems to be Ok
 >>   That opens a lot more options ;-)
 >>   Chris
 >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
  - How to make money with Open-Source?
 >>>  Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better at the conference?
 >>   I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the 
community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have some war 
stories of both.
 >>   I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with 
(some) English talks that would make things easier ;-

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-24 Thread Myrle Krantz
Hi Sharan,

We've got just enough speaker volunteers a 3 day track.  More would be
better, but slight adjustments to the plan we have would make it
possible for the speakers we have to cover it.

Christofer? Where do we stand with the conference organizer?  Is the
plan still on the table for them? And have we made any progress on
questions like who's paying for the intercontinental flights? I'm
assuming we need to get on this soon.  Train travel can be pretty
spontaneous, but we don't want people to have to book flights at the
last minute since that can get expensive.

Best Regards,

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Sharan Foga  wrote:
> Thanks Myrle - great idea to summarise what we have in a simple way! (And 
> also to Chris for the launching the initiative in the first place)
> So what is latest status with this? (as it sounds like a really great 
> opportunity for Apache to showcase quite a few projects and technologies).
> Is it still a possibility or have we already cancelled being part of it?
> Thanks
> Sharan
> On 2017-07-18 11:58 (+0200), Myrle Krantz  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've charted out the suggestions we currently have in a doodle, using
>> Christofer's suggested agenda as the framework:
>> The way I see it, we'd need at least 2 more speakers to make this
>> work.  Better would be 4.  If anyone's interested in giving a talk in
>> Hamburg on a technical topic around your project, or a project you're
>> using, go to the doodle and enter yourself for the slot your talk
>> matches. If you have a suggestion which doesn't match with one of the
>> given slots, there is an "other" entry you can mark.
>> We also still need someone to talk on the Apache Way.
>> Best Regards,
>> Myrle
>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Christofer Dutz
>>  wrote:
>> > Hi Benedict,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the reply … the thing I that right now I would have about 3-4 
>> > of 12 Tracks covered, I have no feedback at all if others agree to the 
>> > agenda I put up. So, I think later today I’ll contact the solutions guys 
>> > and cancel this initiative. I simply don’t have the power right now to 
>> > fight yet another one of these conference fights on my own again.
>> >
>> > Chris
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Am 17.07.17, 08:27 schrieb "Benedikt Ritter" :
>> >
>> > Hello Christofer,
>> >
>> > I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do my 
>> > „Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the program.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Benedikt
>> >
>> > > Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg 
>> > :
>> > >
>> > > As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on the 
>> > Dev day.
>> > > Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
>> > >
>> > > TomEE as complete EE server,
>> > > Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
>> > > Tomcat as servlet container
>> > > OpenWebBeans as CDI container
>> > > Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
>> > > MyFaces
>> > > OpenJPA
>> > > CXF for JAX-RS and WS
>> > > Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
>> > > BatchEE for JBatch.
>> > >
>> > > Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
>> > >
>> > > Just ping me if it looks interesting.
>> > >
>> > > LieGrue,
>> > > strub
>> > >
>> > >> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
>> > :
>> > >>
>> > >> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote 
>> > down my ideas.
>> > >>
>> > >> 
>> >
>> > >>
>> > >> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for 
>> > the Ops Day (I think).
>> > >> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
>> > >>
>> > >> Chris
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>> > :
>> > >>
>> > >>   If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence 
>> > page, I would simply create a page for solutions …
>> > >>
>> > >>   Chris
>> > >>
>> > >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>> > :
>> > >>
>> > >>   Ok … English seems to be Ok
>> > >>
>> > >>   That opens a lot more options ;-)
>> > >>
>> > >>   Chris
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>> > :
>> > >>
>> >  - How to make money with Open-Source?
>> > >>>
>> > >>>  Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
>> > freelance consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work 
>> > better at the conference?
>> > >>
>> > >>   I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to 
>> > the community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to 
>> > have some war stories of 

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-21 Thread Sharan Foga
Thanks Myrle - great idea to summarise what we have in a simple way! (And also 
to Chris for the launching the initiative in the first place)

So what is latest status with this? (as it sounds like a really great 
opportunity for Apache to showcase quite a few projects and technologies).

Is it still a possibility or have we already cancelled being part of it?


On 2017-07-18 11:58 (+0200), Myrle Krantz  wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I've charted out the suggestions we currently have in a doodle, using
> Christofer's suggested agenda as the framework:
> The way I see it, we'd need at least 2 more speakers to make this
> work.  Better would be 4.  If anyone's interested in giving a talk in
> Hamburg on a technical topic around your project, or a project you're
> using, go to the doodle and enter yourself for the slot your talk
> matches. If you have a suggestion which doesn't match with one of the
> given slots, there is an "other" entry you can mark.
> We also still need someone to talk on the Apache Way.
> Best Regards,
> Myrle
> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Christofer Dutz
>  wrote:
> > Hi Benedict,
> >
> > Thanks for the reply … the thing I that right now I would have about 3-4 
> > of 12 Tracks covered, I have no feedback at all if others agree to the 
> > agenda I put up. So, I think later today I’ll contact the solutions guys 
> > and cancel this initiative. I simply don’t have the power right now to 
> > fight yet another one of these conference fights on my own again.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> >
> >
> > Am 17.07.17, 08:27 schrieb "Benedikt Ritter" :
> >
> > Hello Christofer,
> >
> > I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do my 
> > „Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the 
> > program.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Benedikt
> >
> > > Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg 
> > :
> > >
> > > As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on the 
> > Dev day.
> > > Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
> > >
> > > TomEE as complete EE server,
> > > Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
> > > Tomcat as servlet container
> > > OpenWebBeans as CDI container
> > > Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
> > > MyFaces
> > > OpenJPA
> > > CXF for JAX-RS and WS
> > > Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
> > > BatchEE for JBatch.
> > >
> > > Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
> > >
> > > Just ping me if it looks interesting.
> > >
> > > LieGrue,
> > > strub
> > >
> > >> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
> > :
> > >>
> > >> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote 
> > down my ideas.
> > >>
> > >> 
> >
> > >>
> > >> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for 
> > the Ops Day (I think).
> > >> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
> > >>
> > >> Chris
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
> > :
> > >>
> > >>   If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence 
> > page, I would simply create a page for solutions …
> > >>
> > >>   Chris
> > >>
> > >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
> > :
> > >>
> > >>   Ok … English seems to be Ok
> > >>
> > >>   That opens a lot more options ;-)
> > >>
> > >>   Chris
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
> > :
> > >>
> >  - How to make money with Open-Source?
> > >>>
> > >>>  Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
> > freelance consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work 
> > better at the conference?
> > >>
> > >>   I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to 
> > the community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to 
> > have some war stories of both.
> > >>
> > >>   I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok 
> > with (some) English talks that would make things easier ;-)
> > >>
> > >>   Chris
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>   Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" 
> > :
> > >>
> > >>   Hi,
> > >>
> > >>> Dev-Day:
> > >>> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework 
> > with some examples on what you can do with it?
> > >>
> > >>   I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.
> > >>
> > >>> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)
> > >>
> > >>   As mentioned previously myself and 

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-18 Thread Myrle Krantz
Hi all,

I've charted out the suggestions we currently have in a doodle, using
Christofer's suggested agenda as the framework:

The way I see it, we'd need at least 2 more speakers to make this
work.  Better would be 4.  If anyone's interested in giving a talk in
Hamburg on a technical topic around your project, or a project you're
using, go to the doodle and enter yourself for the slot your talk
matches. If you have a suggestion which doesn't match with one of the
given slots, there is an "other" entry you can mark.

We also still need someone to talk on the Apache Way.

Best Regards,

On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Christofer Dutz
> Hi Benedict,
> Thanks for the reply … the thing I that right now I would have about 3-4 of 
> 12 Tracks covered, I have no feedback at all if others agree to the agenda I 
> put up. So, I think later today I’ll contact the solutions guys and cancel 
> this initiative. I simply don’t have the power right now to fight yet another 
> one of these conference fights on my own again.
> Chris
> Am 17.07.17, 08:27 schrieb "Benedikt Ritter" :
> Hello Christofer,
> I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do my 
> „Apache Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the program.
> Cheers,
> Benedikt
> > Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg 
> :
> >
> > As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on the Dev 
> day.
> > Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
> >
> > TomEE as complete EE server,
> > Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
> > Tomcat as servlet container
> > OpenWebBeans as CDI container
> > Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
> > MyFaces
> > OpenJPA
> > CXF for JAX-RS and WS
> > Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
> > BatchEE for JBatch.
> >
> > Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
> >
> > Just ping me if it looks interesting.
> >
> > LieGrue,
> > strub
> >
> >> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
> :
> >>
> >> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote 
> down my ideas.
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for the 
> Ops Day (I think).
> >> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
> >>
> >> Chris
> >>
> >>
> >> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
> :
> >>
> >>   If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence 
> page, I would simply create a page for solutions …
> >>
> >>   Chris
> >>
> >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
> :
> >>
> >>   Ok … English seems to be Ok
> >>
> >>   That opens a lot more options ;-)
> >>
> >>   Chris
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>   Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
> :
> >>
>  - How to make money with Open-Source?
> >>>
> >>>  Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
> freelance consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work 
> better at the conference?
> >>
> >>   I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the 
> community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have 
> some war stories of both.
> >>
> >>   I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with 
> (some) English talks that would make things easier ;-)
> >>
> >>   Chris
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>   Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" 
> :
> >>
> >>   Hi,
> >>
> >>> Dev-Day:
> >>> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with 
> some examples on what you can do with it?
> >>
> >>   I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.
> >>
> >>> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)
> >>
> >>   As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.
> >>
> >>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
> >>
> >>   Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking 
> small freelance consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would 
> work better at the conference?
> >>
> >>> And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check 
> that with the organizer of the conference right away.
> >>
> >>   A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 
> 1/2 - 3/4 of the content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this 
> will be the case because my German speaking ability is null.
> >>
> >>   Thanks,
> >>   Justin
> >>

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-16 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Benedict,

Thanks for the reply … the thing I that right now I would have about 3-4 of 12 
Tracks covered, I have no feedback at all if others agree to the agenda I put 
up. So, I think later today I’ll contact the solutions guys and cancel this 
initiative. I simply don’t have the power right now to fight yet another one of 
these conference fights on my own again.


Am 17.07.17, 08:27 schrieb "Benedikt Ritter" :

Hello Christofer,

I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do my „Apache 
Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the program.


> Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg :
> As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on the Dev 
> Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
> TomEE as complete EE server, 
> Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
> Tomcat as servlet container
> OpenWebBeans as CDI container
> Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
> MyFaces
> OpenJPA
> CXF for JAX-RS and WS
> Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
> BatchEE for JBatch.
> Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
> Just ping me if it looks interesting.
> LieGrue,
> strub
>> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz 
>> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote down 
my ideas.
>> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for the 
Ops Day (I think).
>> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
>> Chris
>> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :
>>   If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence 
page, I would simply create a page for solutions …
>>   Chris
>>   Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>>   Ok … English seems to be Ok
>>   That opens a lot more options ;-)
>>   Chris
>>   Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
 - How to make money with Open-Source?
>>>  Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 
>>   I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the 
community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have 
some war stories of both. 
>>   I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with 
(some) English talks that would make things easier ;-)
>>   Chris
>>   Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" 
>>   Hi,
>>> Dev-Day: 
>>> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with some 
examples on what you can do with it?
>>   I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.
>>> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)
>>   As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.
>>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>>   Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking 
small freelance consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work 
better at the conference?
>>> And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check that 
with the organizer of the conference right away.
>>   A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 
- 3/4 of the content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will 
be the case because my German speaking ability is null.
>>   Thanks,
>>   Justin
>>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>   For additional commands, e-mail:
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-16 Thread Benedikt Ritter
Hello Christofer,

I’m currently buried in work. Sorry for the late reply. I can do my „Apache 
Commons - Beyond StringUtils“ talk if that fits into the program.


> Am 12.07.2017 um 11:19 schrieb Mark Struberg :
> As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on the Dev day.
> Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:
> TomEE as complete EE server, 
> Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
> Tomcat as servlet container
> OpenWebBeans as CDI container
> Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
> MyFaces
> OpenJPA
> CXF for JAX-RS and WS
> Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
> BatchEE for JBatch.
> Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.
> Just ping me if it looks interesting.
> LieGrue,
> strub
>> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz :
>> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote down my 
>> ideas.
>> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for the Ops 
>> Day (I think).
>> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
>> Chris
>> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :
>>   If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence page, I 
>> would simply create a page for solutions …
>>   Chris
>>   Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :
>>   Ok … English seems to be Ok
>>   That opens a lot more options ;-)
>>   Chris
>>   Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
>> :
 - How to make money with Open-Source?
>>>  Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
>>> consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 
>>> conference?
>>   I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the 
>> community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have 
>> some war stories of both. 
>>   I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with (some) 
>> English talks that would make things easier ;-)
>>   Chris
>>   Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" 
>> :
>>   Hi,
>>> Dev-Day: 
>>> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with some 
>>> examples on what you can do with it?
>>   I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.
>>> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)
>>   As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.
>>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>>   Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
>> freelance consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work 
>> better at the conference?
>>> And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check that 
>>> with the organizer of the conference right away.
>>   A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 - 
>> 3/4 of the content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will 
>> be the case because my German speaking ability is null.
>>   Thanks,
>>   Justin
>> -
>>   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>   For additional commands, e-mail:
>> ?B�CB�?�?[��X��ܚX�K??K[XZ[?�??]�][��X��ܚX�P?��[][�]?K�\?X�?K�ܙ�B��܈?Y??]?[ۘ[??��[X[�?�??K[XZ[?�??]�Z?[???��[][�]?K�\?X�?K�ܙ�B�B
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-12 Thread Mark Struberg
As already noted: I could do a 'EE ecosystem @ Apache' talk on the Dev day.
Giving an overlook about the following projects and topics:

TomEE as complete EE server, 
Meecrowave as Minimal/Microprofile server
Tomcat as servlet container
OpenWebBeans as CDI container
Johnzon as JSON-P, JSON-B implementation
CXF for JAX-RS and WS
Geronimo for various tools like specs, TxMgr, etc
BatchEE for JBatch.

Will of course also cover JavaEE 8 and the status of Java9.

Just ping me if it looks interesting.


> Am 12.07.2017 um 09:50 schrieb Christofer Dutz :
> Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote down my 
> ideas.
> Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for the Ops 
> Day (I think).
> Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.
> Chris
> Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :
>If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence page, I 
> would simply create a page for solutions …
>Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :
>Ok … English seems to be Ok
>That opens a lot more options ;-)
>Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
> :
>>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>>   Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
>> consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 
>> conference?
>I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the 
> community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have 
> some war stories of both. 
>I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with (some) 
> English talks that would make things easier ;-)
>Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" 
> :
>> Dev-Day: 
>> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with some 
>> examples on what you can do with it?
>I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.
>> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)
>As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.
>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
> freelance consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work 
> better at the conference?
>> And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check that with 
>> the organizer of the conference right away.
>A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 - 
> 3/4 of the content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will 
> be the case because my German speaking ability is null.
> -
>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>For additional commands, e-mail:
> ?B�CB�?�?[��X��ܚX�K??K[XZ[?�??]�][��X��ܚX�P?��[][�]?K�\?X�?K�ܙ�B��܈?Y??]?[ۘ[??��[X[�?�??K[XZ[?�??]�Z?[???��[][�]?K�\?X�?K�ܙ�B�B
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-12 Thread Christofer Dutz
Ok … after Sharan gave me access, I added a new page where I wrote down my 

Last night I remembered that Brooklyn would be a perfect match for the Ops Day 
(I think).
Feedback highly appreciated and highly needed.


Am 11.07.17, 14:49 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence page, I 
would simply create a page for solutions …


Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

Ok … English seems to be Ok

That opens a lot more options ;-)


Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 

>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
freelance consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better 
at the conference?

I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the 
community can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have 
some war stories of both. 

I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with (some) 
English talks that would make things easier ;-)


Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" 


> Dev-Day: 
> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework 
with some examples on what you can do with it?

I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.

> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)

As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.

> - How to make money with Open-Source?

Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
freelance consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work better 
at the conference?

>  And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double 
check that with the organizer of the conference right away.

A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 - 
3/4 of the content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will be 
the case because my German speaking ability is null.


To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:


To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-11 Thread Christofer Dutz
If someone here could give me the karma for the Comdev confluence page, I would 
simply create a page for solutions …


Am 11.07.17, 14:30 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

Ok … English seems to be Ok

That opens a lot more options ;-)


Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
freelance consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better 
at the conference?

I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the community 
can be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have some war 
stories of both. 

I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with (some) 
English talks that would make things easier ;-)


Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :


> Dev-Day: 
> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework 
with some examples on what you can do with it?

I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.

> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)

As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.

> - How to make money with Open-Source?

Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small 
freelance consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work better 
at the conference?

>  And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double 
check that with the organizer of the conference right away.

A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 - 3/4 of 
the content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will be the 
case because my German speaking ability is null.


To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:


Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-11 Thread Christofer Dutz
Ok … English seems to be Ok

That opens a lot more options ;-)


Am 11.07.17, 14:02 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 

I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the community can 
be beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have some war stories 
of both. 

I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with (some) English 
talks that would make things easier ;-)


Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :


> Dev-Day: 
> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with 
some examples on what you can do with it?

I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.

> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)

As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.

> - How to make money with Open-Source?

Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 

>  And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check 
that with the organizer of the conference right away.

A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 - 3/4 of the 
content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will be the case 
because my German speaking ability is null.

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-11 Thread Christofer Dutz
>> - How to make money with Open-Source?
>Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
> consultant point of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 
> conference?

I was thinking about how companies … that giving back to the community can be 
beneficial or even a business model. Would be cool to have some war stories of 

I asked regarding the language thing … if they are Ok with (some) English talks 
that would make things easier ;-)


Am 11.07.17, 13:55 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :


> Dev-Day: 
> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with some 
examples on what you can do with it?

I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.

> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)

As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.

> - How to make money with Open-Source?

Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 

>  And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check that 
with the organizer of the conference right away.

A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 - 3/4 of the 
content was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will be the case 
because my German speaking ability is null.

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-11 Thread Justin Mclean

> Dev-Day: 
> - IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with some 
> examples on what you can do with it?

I can help out here if no one else puts their hand up.

> - The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)

As mentioned previously myself and Mryle can help here.

> - How to make money with Open-Source?

Wish I could help you with that ;-) Were you thinking small freelance 
consultant point  of view or something bigger? What would work better at the 

>  And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check that with 
> the organizer of the conference right away.

A couple of conference I’ve spoken at in Germany about 1/2 - 3/4 of the content 
was in German the rest in English so I’m hoping this will be the case because 
my German speaking ability is null.

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-11 Thread Christofer Dutz

So, it seems people were waiting for something to be planned on the 
back-channel. I could just sum up a proposal from my side so you could give 
your opinion to that.

First off, I would like to fill the 3 Apache Days with Apache Stuff … Ideally 
giving a wide view of the types of projects we have. Right now I would have 
suggested something down this path:

- BigData Storage (Cassandra?) – How to store, retrieve and process Data in 
- BigData Processing (Spark (Streaming)?) – An introduction on how to use one 
of the cool Stream Processing Frameworks?
- IoT (Mynewt?, Edgent?) – An Introduction into the Framework with some 
examples on what you can do with it?
- Core (Commons?) – Commons is probably the project most people have used but 
haven’t really dealt with in detail … some cool things you can do with Commons 

- BigData Storage (Hadoop?, Cassandra?) – How to setup a small Hadoop or 
Cassandra cluster?
- BigData Processing (Spark?) – How to setup a small Spark cluster and run some 
jobs in it?
- Servlet-Engines – (Tomcat?) – How to setup and configure Tomcat for 
- Big Picture – How the different parts of Apache fit together?

- The Apache Way
- The Incubator (Lifecycle of an Apache Project)
- How to make money with Open-Source?
- ….??? (Ways to get involved/How the Apache Foundation works internally/…)

But that’s just a draft and a one-man-brainstorming.

All talks should be entry-level suited to get people not yet involved with the 
topics interested and people with some experience to get to ask some questions. 
And probably the talks should be in German … but I’ll double check that with 
the organizer of the conference right away.

What do you think?


Am 10.07.17, 09:44 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :

Hi Justin,

Well there has been quite some interest to speak, but what I’m talking 
about is to sort of plan a schedule for which we would then try to get people 
from the corresponding Projects to speak. I don’t want to dictate a schedule. 
As I mentioned before, the audience there is quite entry level and I would bet 
that 90% of the ApacheCon-type talks would completely fry the brains of most 
attendees there. 

But I think it would be a great opportunity to spread the Apache word, so 
entry level talks would be great, and it would be great to cover not only the 
BigData base, but also other ones :-)


Am 10.07.17, 09:07 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :


> I am willing to do a lot of the work for this, but definitely not all 
of it. So, if there are people willing to help, please step forward. Otherwise 
I’ll just contact the guys from that conference and cancel this project.

I assume at this point is just getting enough people to put up their 
hands to volunteer to speak and have some time to organise the schedule?

Or do you have a more defined list of tasks you need help with? Having 
that may help motivate people?

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-10 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Justin,

Well there has been quite some interest to speak, but what I’m talking about is 
to sort of plan a schedule for which we would then try to get people from the 
corresponding Projects to speak. I don’t want to dictate a schedule. As I 
mentioned before, the audience there is quite entry level and I would bet that 
90% of the ApacheCon-type talks would completely fry the brains of most 
attendees there. 

But I think it would be a great opportunity to spread the Apache word, so entry 
level talks would be great, and it would be great to cover not only the BigData 
base, but also other ones :-)


Am 10.07.17, 09:07 schrieb "Justin Mclean" :


> I am willing to do a lot of the work for this, but definitely not all of 
it. So, if there are people willing to help, please step forward. Otherwise 
I’ll just contact the guys from that conference and cancel this project.

I assume at this point is just getting enough people to put up their hands 
to volunteer to speak and have some time to organise the schedule?

Or do you have a more defined list of tasks you need help with? Having that 
may help motivate people?

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-10 Thread Justin Mclean

> I am willing to do a lot of the work for this, but definitely not all of it. 
> So, if there are people willing to help, please step forward. Otherwise I’ll 
> just contact the guys from that conference and cancel this project.

I assume at this point is just getting enough people to put up their hands to 
volunteer to speak and have some time to organise the schedule?

Or do you have a more defined list of tasks you need help with? Having that may 
help motivate people?

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-07-10 Thread Christofer Dutz
Ok so this is a final mail from my side. 

I am willing to do a lot of the work for this, but definitely not all of it. 
So, if there are people willing to help, please step forward. Otherwise I’ll 
just contact the guys from that conference and cancel this project.


Am 03.06.17, 18:22 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" :


I just pinged Lars about what he thinks about our 3-day proposal and he 
just answered that he’s ok with that.
So, we will be planning and scheduling 3 days:

- Dev-Day with Developer-Centric talks on Apache projects
- Ops-Day with Operations-Centric talks on Apache projects
- Apache Day with talks on Apache itself

Regarding the kenote(s) I don’t quite know how this would be done, if there 
is a Keynote for each day/track. Right now, I would plan with one 30 minute 
keynote on the day of the Apache Day (I would try to make sure of this).

I’m really happy about the full Apache day they are giving us (

So, he said that they are planning on giving us a mid-sized room for 50-60 
people. I think that should be ok. 
And he also said, we could start with the schedule planning and casting of 
the speakers.

So how do we want to do this? Do we do it on this list or do it somewhere 
else? We need 4 Talks for each day. It would be cool if we would find a balance 
between big-data and non-big-data. I wouldn’t like people to think that Apache 
is just BigData even if I know that this I the part where you get big points in 
buzzword-bingo right now. I guess on IoT related slot would be good, but right 
now I don’t quite know how an Ops Talk on IoT would look like … For the Apache 
day, I would currently see (Just brainstorming):

- The Apache Foundation (how it works, how it is built up)
- The Apache Way (how Apache Projects work)
- Open-Source “vs” making money 

Keep in mind that a session is longer, than our usual 50-60 minutes … we 
should be able to fill 75


Am 02.06.17, 21:25 schrieb "Lars Francke" :

Hopefully not too late to the party.

I do live in Hamburg (native German speaker but English fine as well) 
would be more than happy to help/participate. I've never done any talks 
"The Apache Way" but I'd be willing to try. Maybe Isabel can help me 
out :)
And if not that I can cover almost everything from the ASF Hadoop 
at least on an introductory level but most of it also more in-depth.

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz 

> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Rich Bowen  
> > ...the primary message is 'The Apache
> > Way', and the secondary message is intros to specific projects
> In general I'm interested in helping for such events in Europe, but at
> this time September 6-8 looks difficult for me travel-wise.
> I'm happy to help review presentations before the event if people want
> to do that.
> -Bertrand
> -
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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-06-03 Thread Christofer Dutz

I just pinged Lars about what he thinks about our 3-day proposal and he just 
answered that he’s ok with that.
So, we will be planning and scheduling 3 days:

- Dev-Day with Developer-Centric talks on Apache projects
- Ops-Day with Operations-Centric talks on Apache projects
- Apache Day with talks on Apache itself

Regarding the kenote(s) I don’t quite know how this would be done, if there is 
a Keynote for each day/track. Right now, I would plan with one 30 minute 
keynote on the day of the Apache Day (I would try to make sure of this).

I’m really happy about the full Apache day they are giving us (

So, he said that they are planning on giving us a mid-sized room for 50-60 
people. I think that should be ok. 
And he also said, we could start with the schedule planning and casting of the 

So how do we want to do this? Do we do it on this list or do it somewhere else? 
We need 4 Talks for each day. It would be cool if we would find a balance 
between big-data and non-big-data. I wouldn’t like people to think that Apache 
is just BigData even if I know that this I the part where you get big points in 
buzzword-bingo right now. I guess on IoT related slot would be good, but right 
now I don’t quite know how an Ops Talk on IoT would look like … For the Apache 
day, I would currently see (Just brainstorming):

- The Apache Foundation (how it works, how it is built up)
- The Apache Way (how Apache Projects work)
- Open-Source “vs” making money 

Keep in mind that a session is longer, than our usual 50-60 minutes … we should 
be able to fill 75


Am 02.06.17, 21:25 schrieb "Lars Francke" :

Hopefully not too late to the party.

I do live in Hamburg (native German speaker but English fine as well) and
would be more than happy to help/participate. I've never done any talks on
"The Apache Way" but I'd be willing to try. Maybe Isabel can help me out :)
And if not that I can cover almost everything from the ASF Hadoop ecosystem
at least on an introductory level but most of it also more in-depth.

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz  wrote:

> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Rich Bowen  wrote:
> > ...the primary message is 'The Apache
> > Way', and the secondary message is intros to specific projects
> In general I'm interested in helping for such events in Europe, but at
> this time September 6-8 looks difficult for me travel-wise.
> I'm happy to help review presentations before the event if people want
> to do that.
> -Bertrand
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-06-02 Thread Lars Francke
Hopefully not too late to the party.

I do live in Hamburg (native German speaker but English fine as well) and
would be more than happy to help/participate. I've never done any talks on
"The Apache Way" but I'd be willing to try. Maybe Isabel can help me out :)
And if not that I can cover almost everything from the ASF Hadoop ecosystem
at least on an introductory level but most of it also more in-depth.

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz  wrote:

> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Rich Bowen  wrote:
> > ...the primary message is 'The Apache
> > Way', and the secondary message is intros to specific projects
> In general I'm interested in helping for such events in Europe, but at
> this time September 6-8 looks difficult for me travel-wise.
> I'm happy to help review presentations before the event if people want
> to do that.
> -Bertrand
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-29 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Rich Bowen  wrote:
> ...the primary message is 'The Apache
> Way', and the secondary message is intros to specific projects

In general I'm interested in helping for such events in Europe, but at
this time September 6-8 looks difficult for me travel-wise.

I'm happy to help review presentations before the event if people want
to do that.


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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-25 Thread Rich Bowen

On 05/25/2017 09:44 AM, Christofer Dutz wrote:
> Hi Rich, 
> Well I’ll contact them and ask them if they would be willing to do this. Then 
> we can decide on how we do the talk selection. 
> However, I personally would have a strong preference for the option in which 
> we create a “plot” for the conference and then ask the corresponding projects 
> to fill the slots. As the level should be rather basic, I think a normal call 
> for paper would provide us with lots of “How recent string-theory research 
> results affect quantum computers” like talk-submissions. So, if we had 
> several “Introduction to Apache project X” talks and ask the projects to send 
> someone they think would do the job nicely, we might even have less work. At 
> least my experience from the FlexJS Summit was that this resulted in less 
> work and a better overall plot (After all we are talking about 4 dev, 4 ops 
> and 4 Apache Way slots and not a three digit number of talks)

I'm *very* much in agreement with this. I look forward to working on
this with you.

> Am 25.05.17, 15:32 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :
> On 05/25/2017 09:23 AM, Christofer Dutz wrote:
> > Hi Rich,
> > 
> > Well I think we should be able to fill three days. If we fill them with 
> introductory level stuff. 
> > I think I’ll contact the Silipion guys and ask if they were willing to 
> do this: 
> > - One day Ops
> > - One day Dev
> > - One day Apache Way stuff
> > 
> > Think this would be a good compromise. Fitting in the entire Apache Way 
> stuff into a 30 minute keynote doesn’t sound too tempting ;-)
> > 
> > I’ll contact them and get back with feedback as soon as I can get it. 
> Will probably be next week as today is a public holiday and a lot of
> > People also stay home on Friday.
> Perfect.
> Question 2: Do you want to do a general CFP for the dev + ops content,
> or do you want to craft a track and then go hunting for the "right"
> speakers. The former is easier. The latter is more work but gives us
> exactly the message we're trying to send. I'd be glad to help out with
> either approach.
> --Rich
> > 
> > Chris
> > 
> > 
> > Am 25.05.17, 15:14 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :
> > 
> > So, based on the many positive responses, it looks like we could
> > definitely put together a credible track, even without doing a 
> broader CFP.
> > 
> > Christofer, what's your final take on this - do we want to try to 
> tackle
> > more than one day? Do you think we should pursue three days - one
> > "Apache Way" kind of day, and two of project/technical content? Or
> > should we stick to a single day?
> > 
> > --Rich
> > 
> > On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> > > We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> > > - providing an Apache Day. This event 
> is
> > > September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> > > 
> > > They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> > > 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can 
> manage.
> > > 
> > > It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, 
> which
> > > would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just 
> Apache
> > > Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we 
> can find
> > > the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our 
> incubating
> > > and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, 
> Today.)
> > > 
> > > So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier 
> email,
> > > and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present 
> the content.
> > > 
> > > FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> > > available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that 
> having
> > > speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option 
> than
> > > having US-based speakers anyways.
> > > 
> > > So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in 
> September,
> > > and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall 
> message
> > > that we want to present to this audience.
> > > 
> > > Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Details:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free 
> -
> > > regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, 
> We are
> > > not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> > > 
> > > The Audience w

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-25 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Rich, 

Well I’ll contact them and ask them if they would be willing to do this. Then 
we can decide on how we do the talk selection. 

However, I personally would have a strong preference for the option in which we 
create a “plot” for the conference and then ask the corresponding projects to 
fill the slots. As the level should be rather basic, I think a normal call for 
paper would provide us with lots of “How recent string-theory research results 
affect quantum computers” like talk-submissions. So, if we had several 
“Introduction to Apache project X” talks and ask the projects to send someone 
they think would do the job nicely, we might even have less work. At least my 
experience from the FlexJS Summit was that this resulted in less work and a 
better overall plot (After all we are talking about 4 dev, 4 ops and 4 Apache 
Way slots and not a three digit number of talks)


Am 25.05.17, 15:32 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :

On 05/25/2017 09:23 AM, Christofer Dutz wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> Well I think we should be able to fill three days. If we fill them with 
introductory level stuff. 
> I think I’ll contact the Silipion guys and ask if they were willing to do 
> - One day Ops
> - One day Dev
> - One day Apache Way stuff
> Think this would be a good compromise. Fitting in the entire Apache Way 
stuff into a 30 minute keynote doesn’t sound too tempting ;-)
> I’ll contact them and get back with feedback as soon as I can get it. 
Will probably be next week as today is a public holiday and a lot of
> People also stay home on Friday.


Question 2: Do you want to do a general CFP for the dev + ops content,
or do you want to craft a track and then go hunting for the "right"
speakers. The former is easier. The latter is more work but gives us
exactly the message we're trying to send. I'd be glad to help out with
either approach.


> Chris
> Am 25.05.17, 15:14 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :
> So, based on the many positive responses, it looks like we could
> definitely put together a credible track, even without doing a 
broader CFP.
> Christofer, what's your final take on this - do we want to try to 
> more than one day? Do you think we should pursue three days - one
> "Apache Way" kind of day, and two of project/technical content? Or
> should we stick to a single day?
> --Rich
> On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> > We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> > - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> > September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> > 
> > They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> > 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can 
> > 
> > It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, 
> > would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just 
> > Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can 
> > the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our 
> > and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, 
> > 
> > So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier 
> > and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the 
> > 
> > FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> > available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> > speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option 
> > having US-based speakers anyways.
> > 
> > So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in 
> > and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall 
> > that we want to present to this audience.
> > 
> > Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> > 
> > 
> > Details:
> > 
> > 
> > firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> > regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We 
> > not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> > 
> > The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> > Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> > where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> > masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the 
> > as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> > 

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-25 Thread Rich Bowen

On 05/25/2017 09:23 AM, Christofer Dutz wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> Well I think we should be able to fill three days. If we fill them with 
> introductory level stuff. 
> I think I’ll contact the Silipion guys and ask if they were willing to do 
> this: 
> - One day Ops
> - One day Dev
> - One day Apache Way stuff
> Think this would be a good compromise. Fitting in the entire Apache Way stuff 
> into a 30 minute keynote doesn’t sound too tempting ;-)
> I’ll contact them and get back with feedback as soon as I can get it. Will 
> probably be next week as today is a public holiday and a lot of
> People also stay home on Friday.


Question 2: Do you want to do a general CFP for the dev + ops content,
or do you want to craft a track and then go hunting for the "right"
speakers. The former is easier. The latter is more work but gives us
exactly the message we're trying to send. I'd be glad to help out with
either approach.


> Chris
> Am 25.05.17, 15:14 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :
> So, based on the many positive responses, it looks like we could
> definitely put together a credible track, even without doing a broader 
> CFP.
> Christofer, what's your final take on this - do we want to try to tackle
> more than one day? Do you think we should pursue three days - one
> "Apache Way" kind of day, and two of project/technical content? Or
> should we stick to a single day?
> --Rich
> On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> > We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> > - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> > September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> > 
> > They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> > 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can 
> manage.
> > 
> > It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> > would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
> > Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
> > the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> > and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> > 
> > So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
> > and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the 
> content.
> > 
> > FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> > available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> > speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> > having US-based speakers anyways.
> > 
> > So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
> > and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> > that we want to present to this audience.
> > 
> > Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> > 
> > 
> > Details:
> > 
> > 
> > firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> > regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> > not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> > 
> > The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> > Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> > where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> > masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> > as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> > 
> > We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> > Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> > to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
> > half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
> > half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
> > 
> > the timetable will be:
> > 
> > 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
> > 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
> > 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
> > 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
> > 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
> > 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
> > 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
> > 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
> > 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
> > 
> > so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
> > 
> > Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
> > Thu: DevOps Day
> > Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
> > 
> > Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
> > into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
> > 
> > pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-25 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Rich,

Well I think we should be able to fill three days. If we fill them with 
introductory level stuff. 
I think I’ll contact the Silipion guys and ask if they were willing to do this: 
- One day Ops
- One day Dev
- One day Apache Way stuff

Think this would be a good compromise. Fitting in the entire Apache Way stuff 
into a 30 minute keynote doesn’t sound too tempting ;-)

I’ll contact them and get back with feedback as soon as I can get it. Will 
probably be next week as today is a public holiday and a lot of
People also stay home on Friday.


Am 25.05.17, 15:14 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :

So, based on the many positive responses, it looks like we could
definitely put together a credible track, even without doing a broader CFP.

Christofer, what's your final take on this - do we want to try to tackle
more than one day? Do you think we should pursue three days - one
"Apache Way" kind of day, and two of project/technical content? Or
should we stick to a single day?


On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.
> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
> and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the 
> FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> having US-based speakers anyways.
> So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
> and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> that we want to present to this audience.
> Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> Details:
> firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
> half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
> half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
> the timetable will be:
> 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
> 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
> 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
> 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
> 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
> 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
> 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
> 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
> 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
> so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
> Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
> Thu: DevOps Day
> Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
> Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
> into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
> pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-25 Thread Rich Bowen
So, based on the many positive responses, it looks like we could
definitely put together a credible track, even without doing a broader CFP.

Christofer, what's your final take on this - do we want to try to tackle
more than one day? Do you think we should pursue three days - one
"Apache Way" kind of day, and two of project/technical content? Or
should we stick to a single day?


On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.
> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
> and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the content.
> FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> having US-based speakers anyways.
> So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
> and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> that we want to present to this audience.
> Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> Details:
> firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
> half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
> half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
> the timetable will be:
> 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
> 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
> 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
> 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
> 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
> 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
> 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
> 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
> 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
> so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
> Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
> Thu: DevOps Day
> Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
> Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
> into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
> pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-25 Thread Myrle Krantz

Perhaps Justin and I could give a talk together, as incubator and
recently graduated TLP to illustrate the Apache Way.


On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 11:28 PM, Justin Mclean
> Hi,
>> That said, having a top-level 'Apache Way' talk is important, and having
>> a talk about the Incubator is also greatly desired.
> I would be willing to give a talk about the incubator if needed.
> It’s a long way for me to travel (from Australia) but it’s a good excuse to 
> visit a city I’ve not been to before.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-25 Thread Piergiorgio Lucidi
Hi Rich,

as a Committer, PMC member and mentor, I have a lot of experience in
Apache, and also other Open Source communities, if you want I could take
care of the Apache Way session.

Please let me know.
Hope this helps.


2017-05-24 14:11 GMT+02:00 Rich Bowen :

> Thank you all for your willingness to participate in this. In addition
> to Christofer's comments about the target technical level of the talks,
> I want to reiterate that one of our primary goals for this opportunity
> needs to be to educate about the ASF, followed by the goal of talking
> about individual projects. That is, the primary message is 'The Apache
> Way', and the secondary message is intros to specific projects. See also
> Shane's thread 'Adding roster of community-focused talks'.
> That said, having a top-level 'Apache Way' talk is important, and having
> a talk about the Incubator is also greatly desired.
> --Rich
> On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> > We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> > - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> > September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> >
> > They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> > 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.
> >
> > It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> > would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
> > Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
> > the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> > and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> >
> > So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
> > and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the
> content.
> >
> > FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> > available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> > speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> > having US-based speakers anyways.
> >
> > So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
> > and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> > that we want to present to this audience.
> >
> > Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> >
> >
> > Details:
> > 
> >
> > firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> > regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> > not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> >
> > The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> > Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> > where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> > masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> > as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> >
> > We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> > Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> > to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
> > half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
> > half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
> >
> > the timetable will be:
> >
> > 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
> > 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
> > 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
> > 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
> > 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
> > 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
> > 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
> > 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
> > 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
> >
> > so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
> >
> > Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
> > Thu: DevOps Day
> > Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
> >
> > Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
> > into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
> >
> > pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon

Piergiorgio Lucidi
Technology Evangelist and Chief of Enterprise Information Management @
Mentor / PMC Member / Committer @ Apache Software Foundation
Community Star / Wiki Gardener / Global Forum Moderator @ Alfresco
Author and Technical Reviewer @ Packt Publishing
Technical Advisory Group Member @ Microsoft
Top Community Contributor @ Crafter
Project Leader / Committer @ JBoss

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-24 Thread Justin Mclean

> That said, having a top-level 'Apache Way' talk is important, and having
> a talk about the Incubator is also greatly desired.

I would be willing to give a talk about the incubator if needed.

It’s a long way for me to travel (from Australia) but it’s a good excuse to 
visit a city I’ve not been to before.

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-24 Thread Myrle Krantz
Hey Rich,

I'm a generalist.  With enough lead time, and some coaching from Jim
and/or Roman, I could do a talk about the Apache Way or the incubator.

Having no seniority at Apache, I'm probably not the best person for
it, but if there's no one else, hey: Why not?


On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Rich Bowen  wrote:
> Thank you all for your willingness to participate in this. In addition
> to Christofer's comments about the target technical level of the talks,
> I want to reiterate that one of our primary goals for this opportunity
> needs to be to educate about the ASF, followed by the goal of talking
> about individual projects. That is, the primary message is 'The Apache
> Way', and the secondary message is intros to specific projects. See also
> Shane's thread 'Adding roster of community-focused talks'.
> That said, having a top-level 'Apache Way' talk is important, and having
> a talk about the Incubator is also greatly desired.
> --Rich
> On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
>> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
>> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
>> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
>> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
>> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.
>> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
>> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
>> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
>> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
>> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
>> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
>> and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the content.
>> FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
>> available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
>> speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
>> having US-based speakers anyways.
>> So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
>> and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
>> that we want to present to this audience.
>> Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
>> Details:
>> firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
>> regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
>> not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
>> The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
>> Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
>> where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
>> masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
>> as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
>> We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
>> Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
>> to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
>> half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
>> half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
>> the timetable will be:
>> 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
>> 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
>> 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
>> 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
>> 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
>> 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
>> 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
>> 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
>> 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
>> so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
>> Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
>> Thu: DevOps Day
>> Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
>> Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
>> into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
>> pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)
> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-24 Thread Rich Bowen
Thank you all for your willingness to participate in this. In addition
to Christofer's comments about the target technical level of the talks,
I want to reiterate that one of our primary goals for this opportunity
needs to be to educate about the ASF, followed by the goal of talking
about individual projects. That is, the primary message is 'The Apache
Way', and the secondary message is intros to specific projects. See also
Shane's thread 'Adding roster of community-focused talks'.

That said, having a top-level 'Apache Way' talk is important, and having
a talk about the Incubator is also greatly desired.


On 05/23/2017 10:31 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.
> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
> and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the content.
> FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> having US-based speakers anyways.
> So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
> and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> that we want to present to this audience.
> Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> Details:
> firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
> half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
> half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
> the timetable will be:
> 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
> 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
> 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
> 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
> 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
> 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
> 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
> 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
> 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
> so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
> Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
> Thu: DevOps Day
> Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
> Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
> into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
> pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-24 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Guys,

Cool that so many of you seem to have interest in this (

Having spoken there last year, I’d like to give some feedback on the crowd you 
might be expecting there.

Last year I had a talk on FlexJS: “Introduction to FlexJS” … in the program it 
was marked as “expert level talk” instead of “beginner”. So, I was a little 
worried, if I needed to add a few slides about the compilers internal function 
and some abstract syntax tree optimizations we are doing. I decided against 
that because of the great committers reception ;-) … was a good thing I didn’t 
add the slides. In the web-UI related talks before mine, there were questions 
like … “I’ve never heard of this Vaadin you are talking about” or “could you 
please explain this REST? Never heard of that. Where can I download it from? Is 
it free?” … Any typical ApacheCon like talks will be too much rocket-science 
for the crowd there. However introductory talks about Apache projects should be 
a great thing.


Am 24.05.17, 10:29 schrieb "Piergiorgio Lucidi" :


I'm interested to contribute on this.
I could take a flight from Rome, just 2 hours and a half but I can speak
only in english.

I was involved in different events in different countries:

Typically I'm also involved in giving advanced training sessions for some

I'm an expert in the information management and digital transformation area
(ECM, BPM and WCM) and I'm contributing on Apache ManifoldCF.

I could talk about content migration and collaboration including topics
such as: crawling repositories (JackRabbit or CMIS), content / metadata
migration and indexing process on Apache Solr.

If I book the flight during these days it is cheaper.

Please let me know if you think that I can give a contribution here.
Hope this helps.


2017-05-23 22:43 GMT+02:00 Christofer Dutz :

> Hi Rich,
> Well I’d definitely volunteer. As I mentioned before, some colleagues of
> mine and me have been touring through Germany explaining the Apache
> Foundation to Java User Groups. Most people use Apache Software, but don’t
> know how we work. We didn’t have a stop in Hamburg … yet and that is on 
> list. The trip would be a short one for us.
> Also, I think that we would get enough people to speak for more than one
> day. Last year I held a talk on FlexJS and I remember a cool Maven talk.
> Definitely we have loads of Containers and BigData guys, if we just asked.
> I did get a lot of positive responses on my SCADA Systems with Apache
> Software talk … eventually that would be a good option.
> So, I’m totally in (
> Chris
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Best regards
> Christofer Dutz | Senior IT Consultant
> codecentric AG | Kreuznacher Straße 30 | 60486 Frankfurt am Main |
> Deutschland
> mobil: +49 (1525) 3057806  
> fax: +49 (69) 75938200 
>  | <
>> | <
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Solingen | HRB 25917| Amtsgericht Wuppertal
> Vorstand: Michael Hochgürtel . Rainer Vehns
> Aufsichtsrat: Patric Fedlmeier (Vorsitzender) . Klaus Jäger . Jürgen 
> Diese E-Mail einschließlich evtl. beigefügter Dateien enthält vertrauliche
> und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige
> Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie
> bitte sofort den Absender und löschen Sie diese E-Mail und evtl.
> beigefügter Dateien umgehend. Das unerlaubte Kopieren, Nutzen oder Öffnen
> evtl. beigefügter Dateien sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser E-Mail ist
> nicht gestattet.
> Am 23.05.17, 16:31 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :
> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can
> manage.
> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just
> Apache
> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can
> find
> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, 
> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-24 Thread Piergiorgio Lucidi

I'm interested to contribute on this.
I could take a flight from Rome, just 2 hours and a half but I can speak
only in english.

I was involved in different events in different countries:

Typically I'm also involved in giving advanced training sessions for some

I'm an expert in the information management and digital transformation area
(ECM, BPM and WCM) and I'm contributing on Apache ManifoldCF.

I could talk about content migration and collaboration including topics
such as: crawling repositories (JackRabbit or CMIS), content / metadata
migration and indexing process on Apache Solr.

If I book the flight during these days it is cheaper.

Please let me know if you think that I can give a contribution here.
Hope this helps.


2017-05-23 22:43 GMT+02:00 Christofer Dutz :

> Hi Rich,
> Well I’d definitely volunteer. As I mentioned before, some colleagues of
> mine and me have been touring through Germany explaining the Apache
> Foundation to Java User Groups. Most people use Apache Software, but don’t
> know how we work. We didn’t have a stop in Hamburg … yet and that is on our
> list. The trip would be a short one for us.
> Also, I think that we would get enough people to speak for more than one
> day. Last year I held a talk on FlexJS and I remember a cool Maven talk.
> Definitely we have loads of Containers and BigData guys, if we just asked.
> I did get a lot of positive responses on my SCADA Systems with Apache
> Software talk … eventually that would be a good option.
> So, I’m totally in (
> Chris
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Best regards
> Christofer Dutz | Senior IT Consultant
> codecentric AG | Kreuznacher Straße 30 | 60486 Frankfurt am Main |
> Deutschland
> mobil: +49 (1525) 3057806  
> fax: +49 (69) 75938200 
>  | <
>> | <
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Solingen | HRB 25917| Amtsgericht Wuppertal
> Vorstand: Michael Hochgürtel . Rainer Vehns
> Aufsichtsrat: Patric Fedlmeier (Vorsitzender) . Klaus Jäger . Jürgen Schütz
> Diese E-Mail einschließlich evtl. beigefügter Dateien enthält vertrauliche
> und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige
> Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie
> bitte sofort den Absender und löschen Sie diese E-Mail und evtl.
> beigefügter Dateien umgehend. Das unerlaubte Kopieren, Nutzen oder Öffnen
> evtl. beigefügter Dateien sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser E-Mail ist
> nicht gestattet.
> Am 23.05.17, 16:31 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :
> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can
> manage.
> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just
> Apache
> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can
> find
> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier
> email,
> and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the
> content.
> FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> having US-based speakers anyways.
> So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in
> September,
> and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> that we want to present to this audience.
> Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> Details:
> firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it 

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-23 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi Rich,

Well I’d definitely volunteer. As I mentioned before, some colleagues of mine 
and me have been touring through Germany explaining the Apache Foundation to 
Java User Groups. Most people use Apache Software, but don’t know how we work. 
We didn’t have a stop in Hamburg … yet and that is on our list. The trip would 
be a short one for us.

Also, I think that we would get enough people to speak for more than one day. 
Last year I held a talk on FlexJS and I remember a cool Maven talk. Definitely 
we have loads of Containers and BigData guys, if we just asked. I did get a lot 
of positive responses on my SCADA Systems with Apache Software talk … 
eventually that would be a good option.

So, I’m totally in (



Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Best regards
Christofer Dutz | Senior IT Consultant

codecentric AG | Kreuznacher Straße 30 | 60486 Frankfurt am Main | Deutschland 
mobil: +49 (1525) 3057806  
fax: +49 (69) 75938200  | 

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Solingen | HRB 25917| Amtsgericht Wuppertal
Vorstand: Michael Hochgürtel . Rainer Vehns
Aufsichtsrat: Patric Fedlmeier (Vorsitzender) . Klaus Jäger . Jürgen Schütz

Diese E-Mail einschließlich evtl. beigefügter Dateien enthält vertrauliche 
und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige 
Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie 
bitte sofort den Absender und löschen Sie diese E-Mail und evtl. beigefügter 
Dateien umgehend. Das unerlaubte Kopieren, Nutzen oder Öffnen evtl. beigefügter 
Dateien sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser E-Mail ist nicht gestattet.


Am 23.05.17, 16:31 schrieb "Rich Bowen" :

We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 - - providing an Apache Day. This event is
September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.

They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.

It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)

So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the content.

FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
having US-based speakers anyways.

So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
that we want to present to this audience.

Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.


firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.

The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.

We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.

the timetable will be:

10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.

so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes

Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
Thu: DevOps Day
Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)

Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.

pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)

Rich Bowen - rbo..

Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-23 Thread Mark Struberg
Hi Rich, Christofer, others!

I'm based in Vienna and would be able to give talks in German or English.

The topic would be something like "JavaEE at Apache", covering all the projects 
we have around that area:
Tomcat (Servlets), OpenWebBeans (CDI), Johnzon (JSON-P, JSON-B), BVal, CXF, 
DeltaSpike, etc

This might be interesting because of EE8 goes final a few weeks before. 
I'm involved in writing quite a few of the specs and also many of the ASF 
projects covering it. 
That would of course also cover MicroProfile containers like Meecrowave and 

I also have quite a bit of experience in giving conference talks and half-day 
lectures (must be close to 100 talks).
My talks are no-fluff but purely technical. My goal is to make people 
understand what the core aspect or 'trick' of a certain technology is to let 
the audience grow beyond copy&paste from stackoverflow but to really understand 
what they are doing.


> Am 23.05.2017 um 16:31 schrieb Rich Bowen :
> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.
> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
> and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the content.
> FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> having US-based speakers anyways.
> So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
> and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> that we want to present to this audience.
> Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> Details:
> firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
> half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
> half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
> the timetable will be:
> 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
> 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
> 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
> 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
> 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
> 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
> 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
> 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
> 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
> so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
> Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
> Thu: DevOps Day
> Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
> Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
> into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
> pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)
> -- 
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon

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Re: Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-23 Thread Myrle Krantz
Hey Rich, Hey Christofer,

I could do this.  Hamburg is about a 5 hour drive from where I live.
I can speak in English or in German.  My English is better, but my
German is good enough for a talk.

I could give a talk on Apache Fineract, or on Microservices/REST APIs,
or I could try to develop the theme of community in and out of tech
from the spontaneous lightning talk that I did for ApacheCon 2016

Best Regards from Germany,

On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Rich Bowen  wrote:
> We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 -
> - providing an Apache Day. This event is
> September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.
> They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
> 75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.
> It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
> would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
> Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
> the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
> and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)
> So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
> and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the content.
> FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
> available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
> speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
> having US-based speakers anyways.
> So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
> and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
> that we want to present to this audience.
> Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.
> Details:
> firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
> regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
> not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.
> The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
> Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the
> where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
> masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
> as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.
> We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
> Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
> to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
> half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
> half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.
> the timetable will be:
> 10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
> 10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
> 10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
> 11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
> 12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
> 13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
> 15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
> 16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
> 17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.
> so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes
> Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
> Thu: DevOps Day
> Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)
> Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
> into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.
> pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)
> --
> Rich Bowen - - @rbowen
> - @apachecon

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Solutions.Hamburg: Invitation to provide ApacheContent

2017-05-23 Thread Rich Bowen
We have been invited to participate at Solutions.Hamburg 2017 - - providing an Apache Day. This event is
September 6-8 in Hamburg. The complete invitation is copied below.

They're asking for a 30 minute keynote-style presentation, and 4
75-minute presentations. Or possibly just 2, if that's all we can manage.

It's also suggested that we could possibly do more than one day, which
would expand the scope to include project talks, rather than just Apache
Way/Community talks. I'm definitely open to this concept, if we can find
the content, and the speakers, and can feature some of our incubating
and recently-graduated projects. (Message: Tomorrow's Software, Today.)

So, for this, we need to craft the agenda, as per Shane's earlier email,
and we need to identify speakers who can be there, and present the content.

FWIW, I've done my back-to-back travel for the year, and am NOT
available to attend/speak at this event. Also, I expect that having
speakers who speak German would be a significantly better option than
having US-based speakers anyways.

So, we're looking for 2-5 volunteers who can be in Hamburg in September,
and who are willing to work with this list to craft the overall message
that we want to present to this audience.

Christofer Dutz is our primary contact with this event.


firstly: its correct, I’m inviting the Apache Foundation for free -
regular industry Partners are paying 5000 Euros for half a Day, We are
not charging OpenSource or NGO Projects.

The Audience we are targeting are Senior Field Engineers and Senior
Developers. The “experten.werkstatt” is the subpart of the where we’d like to to hardcore tech talk at
masterclass niveau. So, you can bring your A-Game and define the Format
as you like talk, workshops, sparing - you name it.

We have Rooms in the size of up to 100 people, the idea is that the
Foundation is moderating and hosting the Room as a Partner. Our Idea is
to have 3 days (dev/ops/devops - not my idea) so it is thinkable to do
half, full or all three days - if you like. Its also thinkable to do
half a day dev and half a day devops - you get the idea.

the timetable will be:

10:00 - 10:30 Keynote 30 Min.
10:30 - 10:40 Break 10 Min.
10:40 - 11:55 Talk S1-A 75 Min.
11:55 - 12:15 Break 20 Min.
12:15 - 13:30 Talk S1-B 75 Min.
13:30 - 15:15 Lunchbreak 105 Min.
15:15 - 16:30 Talk S2-A 75 Min.
16:30 - 17:00 Break 30 Min.
17:00 - 18:15 Talk S2-B 75 Min.

so one half day slot will be 2x75 Minutes

Wed: Developer Day (Legendary Speakers Event in the Evening)
Thu: DevOps Day
Friday: Operations Day (legendary Big Party in the Evening)

Regarding a Talk about the Apache Foundation: that would possibly fit
into a keynote slot - we can figure something out.

pleas see for reference (sorry, german only.)

Rich Bowen - - @rbowen - @apachecon

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