Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-14 Thread Hiram Chirino

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

On 9/10/06, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote
will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does
not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review
is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as
the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview
of how you implemented it.




Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-13 Thread Dain Sundstrom

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-13 Thread Kevan Miller

Keep the votes coming...

The vote has been active for 2 1/2 days. I'll plan on giving it 2  
more days. Unless there are objections, I'll end the vote on Friday,  
Sept 15 at 9 AM EDT.


On Sep 10, 2006, at 9:23 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any  
modifications are needed for a "branch" development process, then a  
separate vote will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let  
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the  
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold  
another vote.

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of  
this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and  
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to  
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but  
does not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the  
review is to understand the technical attributes of the change as  
well as the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties  
should then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the  
issue raised).

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon  
to settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may  
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication  
as well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as  

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA  
comments. The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions  
from the community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A  
patch is accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are  
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss  
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe  
what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an  
overview of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-13 Thread Jan Bartel

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread David Blevins

On Sep 12, 2006, at 8:06 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 12, 2006, at 4:26 AM, David Blevins wrote:

On Sep 11, 2006, at 9:27 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

On Sep 11, 2006, at 10:17 PM, David Blevins wrote:

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

And to clarify, my proposal was actual for CTR w/optional RTC  
with Lazy Consensus, where we as a community agree RTC with Lazy  
Consensus is encouraged in the following situations:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 PM, David Blevins wrote:
I'm inclined to say "at your discretion" where the following  
are encouraged:

 - Significant new functionality
 - Significant changes
 - Patches from Contributors
 - Borderline "fixes" to a stable branch

This is still my preferred verbiage.

Since this is a VOTE thread I think the vote needs to be  
unqualified.  So the +1 is for 3 as stated or it should be a -1  
with qualifications.  Otherwise the vote gets very hard to tally.

Sorry if I wasn't clear.  My vote is for 3 without  
qualifications.  Was simply adding (unsuccessfully) that my  
proposal didn't make it into the list of options.

David, Apologies if I failed to capture the proposal, properly. Was  
hoping the SUMMARY thread would iron out any mis-interpretations...

No, it's my bad.  I didn't get my feedback into the SUMMARY.  Option  
3 is a fine starting place and I think it's AOK to evolve a group  
sense of where we'd like to encourage (not require) the use of RTC w/  
lazy consensus as one possible means to communicate change (the  
documentation guidelines are also fine).


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Alan Cabrera

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Matt Hogstrom

I hadn't really thought about this issue so here is my 2c.

The only potential issue I see is that I (and others) often see and  
issue and reply to the e-mail generated from JIRA and do not  
automatically go into JIRA to add the comments.  So, those comments  
are in the e-mail and are not in the JIRA.  At best, JIRA will be a  
possibly (perhaps most likely) partial record of the activity and e- 
mail will be the full record.  I'm fine with that.

I'm against mandating the use of JIRA or chastising people for not  
following the process.  For instance, for some people who travel and  
do their e-mail on a plane they would have to wait for JIRA to be  
available to post their comments which I think puts an undo burden on  
the community member.

So, I think as a convention of mostly complete JIRA is fine, as a  
project mandate I think I would agree with Ken that its too heavy.

On Sep 12, 2006, at 3:41 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

On Sep 12, 2006, at 7:56 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.

- -1 on that last sentence.  You don't hold discussions in JIRA..

FYI, all JIRA changes turn into emails to the dev list.

And based on that fact, I don't see any reason why JIRA can or  
should not be used to facilitate vote-related comments... but when  
it comes to full blow discussion I think that JIRA comments are not  
the right place.


Matt Hogstrom

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Jason Dillon

On Sep 12, 2006, at 7:56 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.

- -1 on that last sentence.  You don't hold discussions in JIRA..

FYI, all JIRA changes turn into emails to the dev list.

And based on that fact, I don't see any reason why JIRA can or should  
not be used to facilitate vote-related comments... but when it comes  
to full blow discussion I think that JIRA comments are not the right  


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Matt Hogstrom

On Sep 12, 2006, at 4:26 AM, David Blevins wrote:

Sorry if I wasn't clear.  My vote is for 3 without qualifications.   
Was simply adding (unsuccessfully) that my proposal didn't make it  
into the list of options.

I didn't mean to come across too strongly.  I was noticing on this  
vote and others that people are +1 ing with comments.  So far its not  
an issue but I think this leaves room for confusion later on.  Thanks

Matt Hogstrom

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Hash: SHA1

Kevan Miller wrote:
> Understand your concerns about communication occurring on the mailing
> lists. I think these can be addressed in the proposals. I don't think
> they fundamentally change the nature of the proposals. Do you agree? If
> we're uncomfortable with the vote, as stands. I can respin...

No problem.

> Finally, would prefer not to turn this vote thread into a discussion.
> The proposals were discussed on the mailing list and summarized in the
> "*[SUMMARY] Proposed Geronimo Development Processes" thread. Perhaps we
> can move there?*

No problem.  My bad.
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Hash: SHA1

Sachin Patel wrote:
>> -1 on that last sentence.  You don't hold discussions in JIRA..
> Why? This to me is the ideal place to append comments.  If a contributer
> opened a JIRA and attached a patch, I'd expect comments on the patch to
> be appended to the JIRA.  This is the most ideal place to discuss
> details of a particular work item.

Those -1s are opinions, not vetoes.

Here are the reasons I feel this way:

1. It's a departure.  That's not bad in itself, but it
   can violate the Principle of Least Astonishment among
   other things.  Development discussions take place on the
   publicly accessible and archived development mailing list.
   Anyone in the least familiar with anything at Apache
   is going to look at those archives -- and probably
   be baffled by the absence of discussion.
2. It sharply compartmentalises the flow of ideas and
   participation.  Look at any discussion thread we have.
   Selective quoting is the norm, and pulling in excerpts from
   other threads is not uncommon.  Do you see that happening
   in JIRA comments?  I don't.
3. It adds an axis of complication relative to other projects.
   With the mailing list, anyone can get involved, even when
   they're not online, using the same tool they use for all
   other discussions.  They have to use a different tool -- a
   browser -- and be online in order to use JIRA.  Perhaps
   they even need to sign onto JIRA in order to not be
   anonymous (not sure).  Tracking something down is no longer
   a matter of looking at the repository and the dev list;
   it's the repository, the dev list (maybe!), and JIRA
   (or its list archive).
4. It limits the ability to fork.  So much context would be
   stored in the bowels of a proprietary package that forking
   would be made much more difficult.

But that's all IMHO.  If the project wants to go that way,
no problem -- but doing so carries the burden of proving
that it's a better/more efficient/more accessible solution
than the legacy methods.  JIRA is not a hammer, and project
interactions are not nails. :-)
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Kevan Miller
Ken,Understand your concerns about communication occurring on the mailing lists. I think these can be addressed in the proposals. I don't think they fundamentally change the nature of the proposals. Do you agree? If we're uncomfortable with the vote, as stands. I can respin...Finally, would prefer not to turn this vote thread into a discussion. The proposals were discussed on the mailing list and summarized in the "[SUMMARY] Proposed Geronimo Development Processes" thread. Perhaps we can move there?--kevanOn Sep 12, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-Hash: SHA1Kevan Miller wrote: 1. Relaxed RTCGeronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. - -1 on that last sentence.  You don't hold discussions in JIRA.. * Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should  then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue  raised). - -1 on the parenthetical clause.  It would be nice, but 'should'is too strong I think.  That's calling for someone who vetoeda change for technical reasons to help resolve his own vetowhether he likes the change or not. * If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to  settle the dispute and make a recommendation. - -1.  A veto is a veto.  The above implies that the PMC canoverride a valid veto.  It cannot. 2. RTC with Lazy ConsensusGeronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. - -1 on the JIRA means again. 3. CTR with documentation guidelines* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what  you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview  of how you implemented it. It's useful for historical reasons for most of that to bein the commit log.- --#ken	P-)}Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/"Millennium hand and shrimp!"-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.orgiQCVAwUBRQbKoprNPMCpn3XdAQJ+sQP/f2qsSKuQG3fv3YbD+x0n86J1FTU3g6EjsIX24W+VreozwE/fya+nz0vD4QI3+J2QRPUUA0IAbtVQAF7NhQ1FCrtYh8T168e4/XGgC+hd27xL3WA7eJT4b+SKCVaXjQRQnSbXMxSe0OnUj1RXumURYWOKw6+gIvhOqTKykt6U02U==rwwV-END PGP SIGNATURE- 

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Bill Dudney

Hi Ken,

General question: Why is it bad to hold a discussion in a JIRA since  
the whole of the discussion is archived in the issues mailing list.  
Seems like the JIRA is the ideal place to hold the discussion because  
its archived and organized for all to follow. If the JIRA magically  
or mysteriously disappears then we still have the issues mailing list  
log to look to.

If we hold the discussion about a JIRA in the mail list it seems to  
me we'd have two places to look at to understand the JIRA, and that  
IMO is bad.



On Sep 12, 2006, at 8:56 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Kevan Miller wrote:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.

- -1 on that last sentence.  You don't hold discussions in JIRA..

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue

- -1 on the parenthetical clause.  It would be nice, but 'should'
is too strong I think.  That's calling for someone who vetoed
a change for technical reasons to help resolve his own veto
whether he likes the change or not.

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

- -1.  A veto is a veto.  The above implies that the PMC can
override a valid veto.  It cannot.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.

- -1 on the JIRA means again.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview
of how you implemented it.

It's useful for historical reasons for most of that to be
in the commit log.
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Kevan Miller

On Sep 12, 2006, at 4:26 AM, David Blevins wrote:

On Sep 11, 2006, at 9:27 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

On Sep 11, 2006, at 10:17 PM, David Blevins wrote:

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

And to clarify, my proposal was actual for CTR w/optional RTC  
with Lazy Consensus, where we as a community agree RTC with Lazy  
Consensus is encouraged in the following situations:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 PM, David Blevins wrote:
I'm inclined to say "at your discretion" where the following are  

 - Significant new functionality
 - Significant changes
 - Patches from Contributors
 - Borderline "fixes" to a stable branch

This is still my preferred verbiage.

Since this is a VOTE thread I think the vote needs to be  
unqualified.  So the +1 is for 3 as stated or it should be a -1  
with qualifications.  Otherwise the vote gets very hard to tally.

Sorry if I wasn't clear.  My vote is for 3 without qualifications.   
Was simply adding (unsuccessfully) that my proposal didn't make it  
into the list of options.

David, Apologies if I failed to capture the proposal, properly. Was  
hoping the SUMMARY thread would iron out any mis-interpretations... I  
haven't re-read the thread, however my recollection was that the  
process wasn't being interpreted as discretionary... While there may  
have been a fuzzy line on when CTR or RTC w/ lazy consensus would be  
applied, it seemed that there would be cases where RTC w/ lazy  
consensus was expected/required...


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Sachin Patel
On Sep 12, 2006, at 10:56 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-Hash: SHA1Kevan Miller wrote: 1. Relaxed RTCGeronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. - -1 on that last sentence.  You don't hold discussions in JIRA..Why? This to me is the ideal place to append comments.  If a contributer opened a JIRA and attached a patch, I'd expect comments on the patch to be appended to the JIRA.  This is the most ideal place to discuss details of a particular work item. * Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should  then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue  raised). - -1 on the parenthetical clause.  It would be nice, but 'should'is too strong I think.  That's calling for someone who vetoeda change for technical reasons to help resolve his own vetowhether he likes the change or not. * If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to  settle the dispute and make a recommendation. - -1.  A veto is a veto.  The above implies that the PMC canoverride a valid veto.  It cannot. 2. RTC with Lazy ConsensusGeronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. - -1 on the JIRA means again. 3. CTR with documentation guidelines* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what  you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview  of how you implemented it. It's useful for historical reasons for most of that to bein the commit log.- --#ken	P-)}Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/"Millennium hand and shrimp!"-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.orgiQCVAwUBRQbKoprNPMCpn3XdAQJ+sQP/f2qsSKuQG3fv3YbD+x0n86J1FTU3g6EjsIX24W+VreozwE/fya+nz0vD4QI3+J2QRPUUA0IAbtVQAF7NhQ1FCrtYh8T168e4/XGgC+hd27xL3WA7eJT4b+SKCVaXjQRQnSbXMxSe0OnUj1RXumURYWOKw6+gIvhOqTKykt6U02U==rwwV-END PGP SIGNATURE-  -sachin 

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
Hash: SHA1

Kevan Miller wrote:
> 1. Relaxed RTC
> Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  
> function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  
> peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.

- -1 on that last sentence.  You don't hold discussions in JIRA..

> * Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should  
> then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue  
> raised).

- -1 on the parenthetical clause.  It would be nice, but 'should'
is too strong I think.  That's calling for someone who vetoed
a change for technical reasons to help resolve his own veto
whether he likes the change or not.

> * If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to  
> settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

- -1.  A veto is a veto.  The above implies that the PMC can
override a valid veto.  It cannot.

> 2. RTC with Lazy Consensus
> Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
> Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
> comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.

- -1 on the JIRA means again.

> 3. CTR with documentation guidelines
> * Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  
> should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what  
> you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview  
> of how you implemented it.

It's useful for historical reasons for most of that to be
in the commit log.
- --

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread David Blevins

On Sep 11, 2006, at 9:27 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

On Sep 11, 2006, at 10:17 PM, David Blevins wrote:

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

And to clarify, my proposal was actual for CTR w/optional RTC with  
Lazy Consensus, where we as a community agree RTC with Lazy  
Consensus is encouraged in the following situations:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 PM, David Blevins wrote:
I'm inclined to say "at your discretion" where the following are  

 - Significant new functionality
 - Significant changes
 - Patches from Contributors
 - Borderline "fixes" to a stable branch

This is still my preferred verbiage.

Since this is a VOTE thread I think the vote needs to be  
unqualified.  So the +1 is for 3 as stated or it should be a -1  
with qualifications.  Otherwise the vote gets very hard to tally.

Sorry if I wasn't clear.  My vote is for 3 without qualifications.   
Was simply adding (unsuccessfully) that my proposal didn't make it  
into the list of options.


3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing  
and persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas.  
Guidelines are not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail.  
Community communication is the key, not a process. General  
guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and  
discuss the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the  
committer should document the change on the dev list. You should  
describe what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and  
provide an overview of how you implemented it.


Matt Hogstrom

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-12 Thread John Sisson

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

I agree with Joe that we need to work hard at this for it to work and 
should review its effectiveness in a few months.


Joe Bohn wrote:

> [X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

We'll have to work extra hard to ensure that we hold each other to the 
communication standard ... but I think if we are diligent then this 
makes the most sense.

If the change is approved, I also recommend that we hold a public 
review of how we feel it is working after some reasonable amount of 
time (perhaps 2-3 months) to ensure that we're not drifting back into 
old habits.


Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any 
modifications  are needed for a "branch" development process, then a 
separate vote  will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let  
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the  
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold 
another  vote.

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of 
this  interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and  
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to  
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but 
does  not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the 
review  is to understand the technical attributes of the change as 
well as  the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties 
should  then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the 
issue  raised).

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to  
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may  
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication 
as  well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as 

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.  
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the  
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is  
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are  
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss  
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what  
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an 
overview  of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Jason Dillon

What, no write ins?

I vote Donald Duck for president.


On Sep 11, 2006, at 9:27 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

On Sep 11, 2006, at 10:17 PM, David Blevins wrote:

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

And to clarify, my proposal was actual for CTR w/optional RTC with  
Lazy Consensus, where we as a community agree RTC with Lazy  
Consensus is encouraged in the following situations:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 PM, David Blevins wrote:
I'm inclined to say "at your discretion" where the following are  

 - Significant new functionality
 - Significant changes
 - Patches from Contributors
 - Borderline "fixes" to a stable branch

This is still my preferred verbiage.

Since this is a VOTE thread I think the vote needs to be  
unqualified.  So the +1 is for 3 as stated or it should be a -1  
with qualifications.  Otherwise the vote gets very hard to tally.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing  
and persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas.  
Guidelines are not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail.  
Community communication is the key, not a process. General  
guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and  
discuss the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the  
committer should document the change on the dev list. You should  
describe what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and  
provide an overview of how you implemented it.


Matt Hogstrom

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Matt Hogstrom

On Sep 11, 2006, at 10:17 PM, David Blevins wrote:

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

And to clarify, my proposal was actual for CTR w/optional RTC with  
Lazy Consensus, where we as a community agree RTC with Lazy  
Consensus is encouraged in the following situations:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 PM, David Blevins wrote:
I'm inclined to say "at your discretion" where the following are  

 - Significant new functionality
 - Significant changes
 - Patches from Contributors
 - Borderline "fixes" to a stable branch

This is still my preferred verbiage.

Since this is a VOTE thread I think the vote needs to be  
unqualified.  So the +1 is for 3 as stated or it should be a -1 with  
qualifications.  Otherwise the vote gets very hard to tally.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines  
are not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and  
discuss the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the  
committer should document the change on the dev list. You should  
describe what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and  
provide an overview of how you implemented it.


Matt Hogstrom

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread David Blevins

On Sep 11, 2006, at 3:45 PM, David Jencks wrote:

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

I'm worried that we will not maintain enough awareness of each  
others work, and think we all need to be very vigilant.  I agree  
with Joe that we need to review how we are doing in a reasonable  
amount of time (2-3 months, less if there are obvious problems)

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

And to clarify, my proposal was actual for CTR w/optional RTC with  
Lazy Consensus, where we as a community agree RTC with Lazy Consensus  
is encouraged in the following situations:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 1:14 PM, David Blevins wrote:
I'm inclined to say "at your discretion" where the following are  

 - Significant new functionality
 - Significant changes
 - Patches from Contributors
 - Borderline "fixes" to a stable branch

This is still my preferred verbiage.


david jencks

On Sep 10, 2006, at 9:23 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any  
modifications are needed for a "branch" development process, then  
a separate vote will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please  
let your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the  
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold  
another vote.

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for  
new function are provided by developers for review and comment by  
their peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The  
goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the  
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order  
for a patch to be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but  
does not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of  
the review is to understand the technical attributes of the change  
as well as the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties  
should then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to  
the issue raised).

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon  
to settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may  
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication  
as well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as  

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA  
comments. The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions  
from the community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  
A patch is accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines  
are not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and  
discuss the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the  
committer should document the change on the dev list. You should  
describe what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and  
provide an overview of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread anita kulshreshtha
[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines
   I concur with David.


--- David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > [X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines
> I'm worried that we will not maintain enough awareness of each others
> work, and think we all need to be very vigilant.  I agree with Joe  
> that we need to review how we are doing in a reasonable amount of  
> time (2-3 months, less if there are obvious problems)
> thanks
> david jencks
> On Sep 10, 2006, at 9:23 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:
> >
> > This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
> > community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any  
> > modifications are needed for a "branch" development process, then a
> > separate vote will be held.
> >
> > All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let
> > your voice be heard...
> >
> > Choose the development process which you think will best serve the 
> > Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
> > rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
> > consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold  
> > another vote.
> >
> > [ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
> > [ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
> > [ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines
> >
> > These development processes are summarized below:
> >
> > 1. Relaxed RTC
> >
> > Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
> > function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
> > peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of  
> > this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and  
> > incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to
> > be accepted it requires the following:
> >
> > * Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
> > comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but  
> > does not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the
> > review is to understand the technical attributes of the change as  
> > well as the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.
> >
> > * 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 
> > votes.
> >
> > * Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties  
> > should then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the
> > issue raised).
> >
> > * If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon  
> > to settle the dispute and make a recommendation.
> >
> > * Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may 
> > include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
> > issues that impact the project as a whole.
> >
> > The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication 
> > as well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as  
> > innovation.
> >
> > 2. RTC with Lazy Consensus
> >
> > Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
> > Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and 
> > comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA  
> > comments. The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions  
> > from the community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A
> > patch is accepted if:
> >
> > * 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 
> > votes and no significant, ongoing discussion
> >
> > * 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
> > ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev
> list.
> >
> > 3. CTR with documentation guidelines
> >
> > Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
> > emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
> > persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are
> > not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
> > communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:
> >
> > * Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
> > changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
> > should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
> > community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss
> > the proposal.
> >
> > * Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer
> > should document the change on the dev list. You should describe  
> > what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an  
> > overview of how you implemented it.
> >
> > --kevan

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Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Gianny Damour

 +1 CTR with documentation guidelines


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread David Jencks

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

I'm worried that we will not maintain enough awareness of each others  
work, and think we all need to be very vigilant.  I agree with Joe  
that we need to review how we are doing in a reasonable amount of  
time (2-3 months, less if there are obvious problems)

david jencks

On Sep 10, 2006, at 9:23 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any  
modifications are needed for a "branch" development process, then a  
separate vote will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let  
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the  
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold  
another vote.

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of  
this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and  
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to  
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but  
does not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the  
review is to understand the technical attributes of the change as  
well as the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties  
should then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the  
issue raised).

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon  
to settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may  
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication  
as well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as  

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA  
comments. The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions  
from the community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A  
patch is accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are  
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss  
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe  
what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an  
overview of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Jason Dillon

+1 CTR with documentation guidelines


On Sep 10, 2006, at 6:23 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any  
modifications are needed for a "branch" development process, then a  
separate vote will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let  
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the  
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold  
another vote.

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of  
this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and  
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to  
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but  
does not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the  
review is to understand the technical attributes of the change as  
well as the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties  
should then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the  
issue raised).

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon  
to settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may  
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication  
as well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as  

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA  
comments. The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions  
from the community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A  
patch is accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are  
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss  
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe  
what you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an  
overview of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Prasad Kashyap

My  non-binding vote -

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines


On 9/10/06, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote
will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does
not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review
is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as
the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview
of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Jeff Genender
[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

Kevan Miller wrote:
>> This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo
>> community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications
>> are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote
>> will be held.
>> All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let
>> your voice be heard...
>> Choose the development process which you think will best serve the
>> Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,
>> rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear
>> consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another
>> vote.
>> [ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
>> [ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
>> [ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines
>> These development processes are summarized below:
>> 1. Relaxed RTC
>> Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
>> function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
>> peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this
>> interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and
>> incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to be
>> accepted it requires the following:
>> * Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may
>> comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does
>> not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review
>> is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as the
>> assess other impacts to the project as a whole.
>> * 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 votes.
>> * Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should
>> then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue
>> raised).
>> * If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to
>> settle the dispute and make a recommendation.
>> * Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may
>> include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other
>> issues that impact the project as a whole.
>> The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as
>> well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.
>> 2. RTC with Lazy Consensus
>> Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.
>> Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and
>> comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.
>> The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the
>> community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is
>> accepted if:
>> * 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1
>> votes and no significant, ongoing discussion
>> * 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,
>> ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.
>> 3. CTR with documentation guidelines
>> Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an
>> emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and
>> persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are
>> not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community
>> communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:
>> * Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial
>> changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement should
>> be well in advance of the change being committed. The community should
>> be given the opportunity to understand and discuss the proposal.
>> * Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer
>> should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what
>> you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview
>> of how you implemented it.
>> --kevan

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Hernan Cunico

> [ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
> [ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
> [X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines


Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo 
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications 
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote will 
be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let your 
voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the 
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process, rather 
than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear consensus does 
not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another vote.

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new 
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their 
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this 
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and incorporate 
their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to be accepted it 
requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may comment 
but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does not have 
to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review is to 
understand the technical attributes of the change as well as the assess 
other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 votes.

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should 
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue raised).

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to 
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may 
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other issues 
that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as 
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus. Patches 
for new function are provided by developers for review and comment by 
their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of 
this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and 
incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 votes 
and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant, ongoing 
discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an emphasis 
of community communication. Community-based policing and persuasion will 
be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are not strict dogma -- 
common sense should prevail. Community communication is the key, not a 
process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial changes) 
should be announced on the dev list. This announcement should be well in 
advance of the change being committed. The community should be given the 
opportunity to understand and discuss the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer 
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what you 
are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview of how 
you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Sachin Patel
[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines -sachin 

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Joe Bohn

> [X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

We'll have to work extra hard to ensure that we hold each other to the 
communication standard ... but I think if we are diligent then this 
makes the most sense.

If the change is approved, I also recommend that we hold a public review 
of how we feel it is working after some reasonable amount of time 
(perhaps 2-3 months) to ensure that we're not drifting back into old habits.


Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications  
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote  
will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let  
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the  
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another  

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this  
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and  
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to  be 
accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does  
not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review  
is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as  the 
assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  votes.

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should  
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue  

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to  
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may  
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as  
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.  
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the  
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is  
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are  not 
strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  communication is 
the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  changes) 
should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  should be well 
in advance of the change being committed. The  community should be given 
the opportunity to understand and discuss  the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what  
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview  
of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Paul McMahan

[ X ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Matt Hogstrom

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Bill Dudney

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[X ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines



Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Guillaume Nodet
On 9/11/06, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines-- Cheers,Guillaume Nodet

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Jacek Laskowski

[X] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines


On 9/11/06, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote
will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does
not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review
is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as
the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview
of how you implemented it.


Jacek Laskowski

Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-11 Thread Rick McGuire

[ +1] CTR with documentation guidelines

Kevan Miller wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo 
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications 
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote 
will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let 
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the 
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process, 
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear 
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another 

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new 
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their 
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this 
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and 
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to be 
accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may 
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does 
not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review 
is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as the 
assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 votes.

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should 
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue 

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to 
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may 
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other 
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as 
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus. 
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and 
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. 
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the 
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is 
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1 
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant, 
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an 
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and 
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are 
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community 
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial 
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement should 
be well in advance of the change being committed. The community should 
be given the opportunity to understand and discuss the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer 
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what 
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview 
of how you implemented it.


Re: [VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-10 Thread Davanum Srinivas

[ +1] CTR with documentation guidelines

-- dims

On 9/10/06, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote
will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does
not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review
is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as
the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview
of how you implemented it.


Davanum Srinivas : (Oxygen for Web Service Developers)

[VOTE] Geronimo Development Process

2006-09-10 Thread Kevan Miller

This is a vote to determine the development process the Geronimo  
community wishes to use for "trunk" development. If any modifications  
are needed for a "branch" development process, then a separate vote  
will be held.

All votes are important. This is a community-wide issue. Please let  
your voice be heard...

Choose the development process which you think will best serve the  
Geronimo community. I'd like to limit voting to a single process,  
rather than using a poll/ranking system (i.e. 1,2,3). If a clear  
consensus does not emerge, then we'll need to refine and hold another  

[ ] +1 Relaxed RTC
[ ] +1 RTC with Lazy Consensus
[ ] +1 CTR with documentation guidelines

These development processes are summarized below:

1. Relaxed RTC

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit (RTC) model.  Patches for new  
function are provided by developers for review and comment by their  
peers.  Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments. The goal of this  
interaction is to solicit suggestions from the community and  
incorporate their feedback as appropriate.  In order for a patch to  
be accepted it requires the following:

* Needs to be reviewed by committers on the project.  Others may  
comment but their comments are not binding.  The review may, but does  
not have to, include application and testing.  The goal of the review  
is to understand the technical attributes of the change as well as  
the assess other impacts to the project as a whole.

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  

* Any -1 votes need to be accompanied by a reason (the parties should  
then attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon solution to the issue  

* If the issues can't be resolved then the PMC can be called upon to  
settle the dispute and make a recommendation.

* Issues are generally of a technical nature.  However, issues may  
include other items like usability, project cohesiveness or other  
issues that impact the project as a whole.

The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate timely communication as  
well as the fostering of ideas and collaboration as well as innovation.

2. RTC with Lazy Consensus

Geronimo follows a Review-Then-Commit model with Lazy consensus.  
Patches for new function are provided by developers for review and  
comment by their peers. Feedback is conducted through JIRA comments.  
The goal of this interaction is to solicit suggestions from the  
community and incorporate their feedback as appropriate. A patch is  
accepted if:

* 3 +1 votes from committers on the project with no outstanding -1  
votes and no significant, ongoing discussion

* 72 hours pass with no outstanding -1 votes and no significant,  
ongoing discussion. A 24 hour warning should be sent to the dev list.

3. CTR with documentation guidelines

Geronimo follows a Commit-Then-Review model. There should be an  
emphasis of community communication. Community-based policing and  
persuasion will be used to remedy any problem areas. Guidelines are  
not strict dogma -- common sense should prevail. Community  
communication is the key, not a process. General guidelines are:

* Non-trivial changes (and certainly potentially controversial  
changes) should be announced on the dev list. This announcement  
should be well in advance of the change being committed. The  
community should be given the opportunity to understand and discuss  
the proposal.

* Concurrent with the commit of a significant change, the committer  
should document the change on the dev list. You should describe what  
you are doing, describe why you are doing it, and provide an overview  
of how you implemented it.
