Mod_SSL in binaries

2005-03-11 Thread Jason Rigby
Hi all,
I'm just curious as to the reasons that Mod_SSL is not included in
pre-compiled versions of Apache. I presume they're legal issues as I
recall a while ago that Microsoft, due to export restrictions, could
not release their High Encryption Pack for Internet Explorer however
they did over come this restriction possibly due to some legislative
change - nevertheless they were allowed to allow downloads of this
high encryption pack. If it is a matter of which countries are alowed
access to the ssl enabled software, perhaps an IP filter could be used
to allow or deny a particular user from downloading the ssl enabled
apache. I would like to see a pre-compiled binary with mod_ssl in the
future (as I'm sure many of us would :) ).

I guess for now I will have to continue compiling the ssl enabled
version of apache from the source...


2005-01-16 Thread Jason Rigby
As far as I can see, in apache, the configuration described below is
impossible (or possible however requires a whole lot of lines of

Allow from all computers on the Internet,
Deny from the 10.x.x.x subnet,
Allow from a particular IP address within the 10.x.x.x subnet (ie

I can see this being done if you were to specify a very large amount
of deny directives after an "Allow from all" with Order allow,deny
however I do not see an easier way of doing this. If there is one I
would love to hear how (and if it is obvious, please spare me the
embarrassment and tell me nicely :P ), but if, as I suspect there is
no easier way, I would like to make the suggestion to incorporate a
method to accommodate this. I am no good at programming in C so I do
not have a clue of where to begin in this from a technical

Thank you all, and sorry if I'm being ignorant in any way,

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Re: UNIQUE_ID as an integer

2005-01-06 Thread Jason Rigby
Hey Will,
I do indeed think that this patch is useful and I would like to apply
it to my configuration! Alas I am not all that good with the
modification/patching of programs using the source code (I only know
how to program in Visual Basic... which I am hoping to ditch and learn
C++) or the use of linux in general for that matter. Therefore I ask
could you, or anyone else please provide information or a reference to
information regarding how to implement such a patch on linux for
apache. I'm sorry if I'm asking a stupid question but if someone could
push me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 17:15:32 -0800, Will Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm running a site that uses mod_unique_id to generate session IDs
> under Apache 1.3.  We'd like to later be able to use the session IDs
> as database keys, but at our volume (a hundred million sessions per
> day) using non-numerics as keys makes databases painfully slow.  We
> tried a scheme where we mapped each UNIQUE_ID to a sequental numeric
> key, but then key generation and lookup became the bottleneck.
> I put together a patch that modifies mod_unique_id to encode the ID as
> a hex string and stick it in a UNIQUE_HEX_ID environment variable.
> This has the benefit of being directly importable into a numeric field
> (128bit if you don't HAVE_MULTITHREAD) in most databases.
> In case there's some interest in this in the community, the patch is
> here:
> ap_snprintf() doesn't understand the "%hhx" format.  Linux's
> snprintf() does, but it looks like Solaris 5.8 doesn't.  Is there a
> more portable way to do this?
> --
> thanks,
> Will

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Mod_Proxy suggestion

2004-10-19 Thread Jason Rigby
Hey all,
I have a suggestion for a feature that may fall into the category of
mod_proxy. Now, I'm no apache programmer however I have attempted to
write scripts that implement this in my server to little avail. What I
propose is written into mod_proxy (or another module of similar
effect) is a usage accounting function that can assist administrators
in controling their bandwidth usage when users use the connection via
the proxy. In addition to this, a per-user usage accounting system
could be implemented.

What does the apache community think of this? Feasable?
 `6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)
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Re: Bye bye welcome page

2004-10-09 Thread Jason Rigby
With regards to this whole new welcome page thingy, I feel the
somewhat redundant need to say my lil bit-o-stuff
Maybe there should simply be a blank page that says something like:
"This page is under constuction"
And it could go out on a crazy tangent to say something like the
server version as at the very bottom... which could be... wait for
it in italic!

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 14:07:14 -0400, Manoj Kasichainula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 01:12:33PM -0400, Joshua Slive wrote:
> >My opinion is that the shorter message is better because, by the fact
> >that it gives no information at all, it is less likely to be
> >misinterpreted to mean something that the website owner doesn't intend.
> +1, as long as there's no mention of Apache anywhere on the page

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Re: httpd v2.0.50 Windows binaries with mod_ssl

2004-09-06 Thread Jason Rigby
I found that you can get mod_ssl included as a binary if you download
the binaries that include PHP and mod_perl. (That's how I got it
working for me) I think mod_ssl isn't included for some strange export
issues however I'm not sure. Anyway, let me know if you have any luck


On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 14:30:14 +0200, Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just tried to locate Win32 binaries for httpd v2.0.50, but it
> seems the only binaries available specifically exclude mod_ssl, which we
> need.
> Is there a binary release of Apache v2.0.50 anywhere for Win32 that
> includes mod_ssl?
> Is mod_ssl.dll available separately anywhere?
> Regards,
> Graham
> --

 `6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)
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