
2002-09-19 Thread Jon Travis

Hep pease unscripe !!

El-Kabong HTML Parser -- has m0v3d

2002-09-12 Thread Jon Travis

Aight, so since this has moved elsewhere, I thought I'd tell
the people who may have initially been interested in the

You can now grab it here: http://ekhtml.sf.net

Should be handy for creating Apache filters that want to mangle
content before shipping it to the browser.

-- Jon

E-Kabong resolution: Re: acceptance of El-Kabong into APR

2002-09-11 Thread Jon Travis


I cc'd the dev@ lists, since the original proposition was made there,
and the public following the discussion should know the resolution.

My comments at the end.

On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 07:45:21PM +, Jeff Trawick wrote:
 Hi Jon,
 As you well know, it has taken a while to reach a conclusion on the
 donation of the El-Kabong codebase.  Even after determining that it
 was a contribution worthy of a home in the ASF, it was hard to
 determine where exactly it should be placed.  Eventually, the majority
 of the APR Project Management Committee (PMC) voted for it to be 
 placed in apr-util/html.
 Another major concern was with granting you commit privileges to the
 code once it was transferred to an ASF CVS repository.  Unfortunately,
 we do not feel comfortable with granting you commit privileges at the
 present time.  We are happy for you to submit patches and we will make
 a special effort to handle them in an expeditious manner.  We hope
 that we will eventually be able to grant you commit privileges, but
 before that happens we need a stronger indication of your respect for
 the community and its processes.  Concerns were expressed about your
 ultimatum for accepting El-Kabong within a certain timeframe.  We feel 
 that any time required initially for considering the donation and where 
 to place it were important for its long-term success as part of the ASF,
 and that your ultimatum was another indication of a lack of respect or 
 understanding for the community.  We need to have a more constructive 
 relationship with you over a period of time before we can grant you 
 commit access.

 While we believe that the El-Kabong codebase is a valuable contribution 
 that we would like to pick up, we also recognize the possibility that 
 you may have a decreased incentive to work on it further if you are
 initially denied commit access to the repository when it moves to the 
 ASF.  If this is the case, we understand that it may be best for the 
 codebase to live elsewhere if it would be harmed by a lack of 
 contributions from its original author, and we look to you for further 
 guidance on this issue.
 the APR PMC
 Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've decided to host the project elsewhere.  It would be extremely 
frustrating to require you, the ASF, to review code I'm patching
to code I initially wrote, given that I know that code better than
anyone.  Moreover, I would have no review privileges for code being
committed to e-k, which seems like very irresponsible code management.  

As originally stated, I would be the initial maintainer of the code. 
Since this is not the case, it seems that the ASF has accepted part
of the deal, and discarded the rest.

I'd ask that you not include e-k, since we haven't come to a satisfactory 

-- Jon

Re: E-Kabong resolution: Re: acceptance of El-Kabong into APR

2002-09-11 Thread Jon Travis

On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 04:25:00PM -0700, Greg Stein wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 01:55:35PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
  I've decided to host the project elsewhere.  It would be extremely 
  frustrating to require you, the ASF, to review code I'm patching
  to code I initially wrote, given that I know that code better than
  anyone.  Moreover, I would have no review privileges for code being
  committed to e-k, which seems like very irresponsible code management.
 As Jeff indicated, we had hoped that you would want to work *with* us on
 moving E-K forward. Your participation on the APR development list,
 reviewing of commits, suggesting new directions, and providing patches to
 improve the system are/were quite welcome.
 Your comment about host the project elsewhere is interesting. We never
 viewed this as a way for you to host code at the ASF. Instead, this was
 about two things:
 1) a donation of code from a company (Covalent)
 2) providing an individual (Jon Travis) with commit access to apr-util

#1 is correct.  #2 is not -- rather it was about Jon Travis having 
maintainer privileges to wherever it ended up (not necessarily apr-util). 
I've repeatedly stated that moving stuff to a different project was fine.
Read over the emails -- it's all there in whatever colors your mail
reader renders it.. ;-)

 The two are separable items with different issues and requirements.
  As originally stated, I would be the initial maintainer of the code. 
  Since this is not the case, it seems that the ASF has accepted part
  of the deal, and discarded the rest.
 Again, the two issues are separate. It is unfortunate that the ASF did not
 communicate this critical piece of information to you, though. A lot of
 headache may have been avoided if we simply said, A code donation does not
 imply commit access. Each will be evaluated on their own merits.

That's fine -- but in this case I said that I would be the initial 
maintainer.  If you didn't want the one, you shouldn't have taken the 

  I'd ask that you not include e-k, since we haven't come to a satisfactory 
 We have already executed the paperwork with Covalent for the software grant.

This I know -- I filled it all out.. ;-)

 I don't have a particular read on what the PMC is going to choose to do with
 the code -- whether it will go into apr-util/html/, or whether will be
 skipped. We do have the choice, but I'm not sure which will be chosen.

You certainly do, and I hope you act responsibly in your decision.

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-10 Thread Jon Travis

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 11:21:04PM -0700, Greg Stein wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 01:33:25PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
  Ok, since I'm not seeing any activity towards getting this 
  integrated, I'd like to set a deadline.  This would help
  me out, since it gives direction as to where the project
  can go, as well as the ASF since political discussion shouldn't
  weigh down the process.  It will just save us all a lot of
  time  energy.
  Anyway, I'd like to give an additional week to the ASF
  to deal with the code.  Next Monday, if it hasn't been
  decided I'll look into other options.
 Jon --
 The HTTP Server Project, the APR Project, and the ASF will not abide by your
 threats of taking the code elsewhere. We will not be subject to coercive
 behavior, nor do we look kindly upon the attempt. The ASF is about working
 together. Your message certainly does not mesh with our concepts of
 community and respect.

The ASF is apparently not about working together, since I (and 
everyone else who is not on the PMC list) have been entirely left 
out of all this conversation which is going on behind closed doors.
I am not trying to coerce anyone -- I'm merely trying to put a limit
on the maximum amount of time that this will be debated.  That is
a perfectly valid, and responsible thing to do.

 Frankly, there is no need or driving force for us to accept code donations.
 That means it isn't possible to hold this over our heads. We can easily
 choose to ignore the whole thing, with no real loss to our fundamental
 ideals and to our communities.

It seems as though that is exactly what you've done -- ignored it.  
I am constantly probing for information as to where this stands, both
via these lists and asking on the #apr IRC channel.  You're interpretation
if holding this over your head is fairly outrageous, since Apache
exists perfectly fine without this contribution.

 As of this moment, I'm going to recommend that the ASF will work directly
 with Covalent management regarding the donation. The other members involved
 may certainly choose to continue working through you [to Covalent], as I do
 not speak for them, but I seriously doubt that will be the case. Your
 behavior does not bode well for your continued involvement in the process.

That's quite the attack (and one which fits in well with your
concepts of community and respect?) .  All decisions which have been 
made about this project (Open sourcing it, setting a deadline, etc.) have 
been dictated by management at Covalent.  

 If you want to persuade your management to publish the code through a
 different owner, or under a different license, then please feel free. If
 Covalent management chooses to not donate the code to the ASF, then so be
 it -- that is their choice. But take your coercive tactics elsewhere.
   Greg Stein
   Chairman, Apache Software Foundation

These are not coercive tactics.  These are processes which are beneficial
to both the ASF and Covalent.  I cannot continually monitor the progress
of this project for eternity.  I'm astonished that this deadline email
has caused such a response.  This sets an extremely bad precedent for
other companies (or anyone for that matter) who wants to contribute 
to the ASF.

Personally (Covalent hat off), it's a bummer that this is your response
to the donation.  I was the one who originally proposed it to management,
they agreed to it, and now I've gotten involved in all kinds of politics and
inflamatory emails.  That's a long way from being excited about
contritributing to the ASF, and sadly seems like more trouble than it's worth.

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-10 Thread Jon Travis

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:57:06AM -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
  The ASF is apparently not about working together, since I (and
  everyone else who is not on the PMC list) have been entirely left
  out of all this conversation which is going on behind closed doors.
 Which closed doors are those?  There has been discussion on the dev list
 and on the board list.  Both of which are public lists that you can
 subscribe to.

All I know of is the PMC list (which is private), but discussion on
board (which is also private) is news to me.


-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-10 Thread Jon Travis

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 09:47:01AM -0700, Scott Hess wrote:
 [I am not an Apache contributor, merely a lurker, but...]
 On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Jon Travis wrote:
  These are not coercive tactics.  These are processes which are
  beneficial to both the ASF and Covalent.  I cannot continually monitor
  the progress of this project for eternity.  I'm astonished that this
  deadline email has caused such a response.  This sets an extremely bad
  precedent for other companies (or anyone for that matter) who wants to
  contribute to the ASF.
  Personally (Covalent hat off), it's a bummer that this is your response
  to the donation.  I was the one who originally proposed it to
  management, they agreed to it, and now I've gotten involved in all kinds
  of politics and inflamatory emails.  That's a long way from being
  excited about contritributing to the ASF, and sadly seems like more
  trouble than it's worth.
 As I said earlier: if all you want is to contribute the code, put a
 compatible open source license on it and put it on a publicly accessable
 website, somewhere.

We decided to give the ASF the first shot at it if they wanted the project.
It seemed to fit in well with things they did, and we have roots in the ASF.
 From following the thread, I get the feeling you don't want to contribute
 it, you want someone to take ownership of it.  A couple points:

Untrue.  If you look at my very first email on this issue (the initial
proposal), I site that I will be the initial maintainer.  I certainly
have the most experience with the code, and certainly some amount of
passion for it, regardless of the simplicity.

  1) Everyone here has a real-life job.
  2) Many of those jobs don't involve Apache directly.
  3) Anyone who's writing code has their own pet projects they want done.
  4) Anyone without a pet project has a choice of dozens/hundreds of
 abandoned/unmaintained projects to work on.
  5) Integration work is hard work.
 If you really want the ASF to pull this project into the Apache core, your
 best bet is to volunteer to integrate it and write some example code.  
 After all, you're the one with the code, you're the one who wants to
 contribute it to the community.

This is the point they are debating.  There is no consensus that it will
be integrated.  It either would be, or it would be a seperate project,
and that has not yet been decided.  They have already agreed that the code
is good (I've already sent it to people to review ).  I'm more than happy 
to integrate it wherever they see it fit.  As I've said in other emails (to 
this list and privately to members) I would definitely be involved.

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-09 Thread Jon Travis

Time for another ping.  It's been 2 weeks.  Any word?

-- Jon

On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 08:32:16PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
 Hi all...
 Jon Travis here...
 Covalent has written a pretty keen HTML parser (called el-kabong) 
 which we'd like to offer to the ASF for inclusion in APR-util (or
 whichever other umbrella it fits under.)  It's faster than 
 anything I can find, provides a SAX stylee interface, uses
 APR for most of its operations (hash tables, etc.), and has a
 pretty nice testsuite.  We use it in our code to re-write HTML on 
 the fly.  I would be the initial maintainer of the code.
 Please voice any interest, thanks.
 -- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-09 Thread Jon Travis

Ok, since I'm not seeing any activity towards getting this 
integrated, I'd like to set a deadline.  This would help
me out, since it gives direction as to where the project
can go, as well as the ASF since political discussion shouldn't
weigh down the process.  It will just save us all a lot of
time  energy.

Anyway, I'd like to give an additional week to the ASF
to deal with the code.  Next Monday, if it hasn't been
decided I'll look into other options.

-- Jon

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 10:36:21AM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
 Time for another ping.  It's been 2 weeks.  Any word?
 -- Jon
 On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 08:32:16PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
  Hi all...
  Jon Travis here...
  Covalent has written a pretty keen HTML parser (called el-kabong) 
  which we'd like to offer to the ASF for inclusion in APR-util (or
  whichever other umbrella it fits under.)  It's faster than 
  anything I can find, provides a SAX stylee interface, uses
  APR for most of its operations (hash tables, etc.), and has a
  pretty nice testsuite.  We use it in our code to re-write HTML on 
  the fly.  I would be the initial maintainer of the code.
  Please voice any interest, thanks.
  -- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-09 Thread Jon Travis

It's possible that if it goes elsewhere that it would be under a
different license.  That's of course contingent on the decision
from the ASF.  

-- Jon

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 01:50:18PM -0700, Scott Hess wrote:
 I'm not sure I understand what your goal is, here.  The discussion seems
 to be +1 for including your parser somewhere in some Apache project in the
 future, there's just no clear concensus on where.  Is there any reason you
 can't just release your project under the ASF license and be done with it?
 On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Jon Travis wrote:
  Ok, since I'm not seeing any activity towards getting this 
  integrated, I'd like to set a deadline.  This would help
  me out, since it gives direction as to where the project
  can go, as well as the ASF since political discussion shouldn't
  weigh down the process.  It will just save us all a lot of
  time  energy.
  Anyway, I'd like to give an additional week to the ASF
  to deal with the code.  Next Monday, if it hasn't been
  decided I'll look into other options.
  -- Jon
  On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 10:36:21AM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
   Time for another ping.  It's been 2 weeks.  Any word?
   -- Jon
   On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 08:32:16PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
Hi all...
Jon Travis here...

Covalent has written a pretty keen HTML parser (called el-kabong) 
which we'd like to offer to the ASF for inclusion in APR-util (or
whichever other umbrella it fits under.)  It's faster than 
anything I can find, provides a SAX stylee interface, uses
APR for most of its operations (hash tables, etc.), and has a
pretty nice testsuite.  We use it in our code to re-write HTML on 
the fly.  I would be the initial maintainer of the code.

Please voice any interest, thanks.

-- Jon


Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-03 Thread Jon Travis

My comments inline:

On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 02:53:03PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are currently two possible avenues.
 1)  The code goes into apr-util.
 2)  The code goes into a sandbox project.
 The APR option is faster, but there is some misgivings about whether it
 belongs in apr-util.  The vote was done, and it seems to be accepted, but
 Greg was keeping tally, so I don't have the exact numbers about where it
 would go.  I _think_, and I could be wrong, that it would be put in
 apr-util/html as a separate piece of apr-util.
 The second option will take a bit longer, because the sandbox project will
 need to be created first.
 I have tried to answer without letting any of my personal opinions show in
 the message, because that has caused some problems before.  The real
 question now, is given those two options, which would you prefer.  Not
 saying that your preference is the only factor i the decision, but it
 should be taken into account.

Either one is fine to me.  Integrating the code into apr-util is probably
an easier setup, but will require more work to adapt to the build system
and change the symbols (and of course I'm quite liking the name 
'el-kabong' ;-)).

 There are also some people questioning why we are moving so quickly on
 this.  The general feeling is that we should find the best fit before
 taking the code.  If you are in a rush, then that would change things, but
 the understanding was just that you wanted to be kept in the loop about
 what is happening.
 Keep pinging, but the conversation is on-going, and very active, so there
 is little chance that it won't happen.  It is really just a matter of time

I'm not in a rush, I just like to know where things stand.  Since this
discussion is seemingly happening off-list, I can't differentiate between
no discussion or a heated one.  I'd prefer this to be on-list, as I 
think it does affect the users of APR, and it would allow me to monitor
the progress here.

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-08-29 Thread Jon Travis

Any word on this?

-- Jon

On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 08:32:16PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
 Hi all...
 Jon Travis here...
 Covalent has written a pretty keen HTML parser (called el-kabong) 
 which we'd like to offer to the ASF for inclusion in APR-util (or
 whichever other umbrella it fits under.)  It's faster than 
 anything I can find, provides a SAX stylee interface, uses
 APR for most of its operations (hash tables, etc.), and has a
 pretty nice testsuite.  We use it in our code to re-write HTML on 
 the fly.  I would be the initial maintainer of the code.
 Please voice any interest, thanks.
 -- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-08-29 Thread Jon Travis

On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 06:42:39PM +0200, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
 On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Jon Travis wrote:
  Any word on this?
 These things take time... and it pays off to do them well. There is
 absolutely no rush.

Just wanted a word.  More often than not, when something stops being
discussed on the list, it drops off the face of the earth.  I should
know, I have many patches who've taken such a fall.. ;-)

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-08-29 Thread Jon Travis

On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 11:29:24AM -0700, Aaron Bannert wrote:  On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 
at 02:24:28PM -0400, Ryan Bloom wrote:
   +1 from me, I prefer APR actually.
  I am really uncomfortable with this going under the APR project.  As
  things stand right now, it just doesn't fit with what we have stated our
  goals to be.
  If you want to change our stated goals, then go ahead and do it.  Just
  committing code that doesn't fit with our goals isn't the way to do that.
 (I will defer answering this for an apr-only discussion.)
  I will make one exception to that statement.  If it lands inside of
  APR-util, under the XML directory, and it is made to work with the XML
  parser, I can accept that landing spot.  As it fits in closer with our
  goals (I think).  Jim, I can't decide if this is what you meant or not.
 I'm +1 on integrating it into our XML stuff. I consider it to be
 equivalent to apr-util, so either we put it inside apr-util, or
 we create a new APR subproject or sub-library for it.

I'm not keen on integrating it into the APR XML layer for a few reasons:

1 - APR's XML is not SAX-stylee.  El-Kabong is.  That isn't to say that E-K
couldn't get a full object model interface, but it doesn't have it now.

2 - XML and HTML, while related, have several large differences which
won't make a nice API (IMO).

3 - El-Kabong is quite speedy, and throwing another layer of indirection
on top of it isn't particularly appealing.

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-08-29 Thread Jon Travis

On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 02:30:35PM -0700, Sander van Zoest wrote:
 On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Jon Travis wrote:
  On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 11:29:24AM -0700, Aaron Bannert wrote:  On Thu, Aug 29, 
2002 at 02:24:28PM -0400, Ryan Bloom wrote:
I will make one exception to that statement.  If it lands inside of
APR-util, under the XML directory, and it is made to work with the XML
parser, I can accept that landing spot.  As it fits in closer with our
goals (I think).  Jim, I can't decide if this is what you meant or not.
   I'm +1 on integrating it into our XML stuff. I consider it to be
   equivalent to apr-util, so either we put it inside apr-util, or
   we create a new APR subproject or sub-library for it.
  I'm not keen on integrating it into the APR XML layer for a few reasons:
  1 - APR's XML is not SAX-stylee.  El-Kabong is.  That isn't to say that E-K
  couldn't get a full object model interface, but it doesn't have it now.
 Expat is a stream based parsers that is pretty similar to SAX2. It
 isn't a DOM xml parser.

What does this have to do with anything?  Expat is uninvolved here.  I
was talking about the APR XML API, which may-or-may-not wrap Expat.  
That API is DOM style.

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-08-27 Thread Jon Travis

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 09:47:58AM -0700, daniel wrote:
 A couple of notes on the parser:
 - It is pretty lightweight and self contained
 - This HTML parser can be used for a multitude of applications, in Apache
 2.0 filter modules. The filter processes content generated by Apache or proxied
 content and can rewrite URLs embedded in HTML pages:
  a) URL rewriting on the fly for cookieless tracking and single sign-on
  b) Allow ProxyPassReverse to modify not only HTTP headers but look inside
 proxied content and rewrite hardcoded URLs
  c) Strip banners or malicious javascript before it reaches the client
 Those are some possibilities that having a fast, lightweight parser allows.
 Jon, maybe you can post the source somewhere so people can have a look and
 play with it

I can't publicly post the source under the ASF license until it has been
accepted (which is a chicken  egg issue).  I can, however, distribute
to individuals on a restricted basis for evaluation for acceptance.

-- Jon

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-08-27 Thread Jon Travis

Well, if people are agreeing to this, can we get someone involved
in the HTTPD project (non-Covalent affiliated) to review and
approve/decline?  Volunteers?

-- Jon

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 01:22:03PM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 I didn't mean in the same tree at all! :)
 But, as you said, a subproj under HTTPD
 Jon Travis wrote:
  I personally think it belongs as some kind of sub-project to httpd, but
  not in the same tree.
  -- Jon
  On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 12:43:17PM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
   Aaron Bannert wrote:

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 11:02:47AM -0400, Ryan Bloom wrote:
 I would prefer that this became it's own project either under the httpd
 project or the APR project.  I don't believe that it should be a part of
 the APR-util library however.

The functionality provided by el-kabong seems like a good fit within APR.
I think it would be fine if el-kabong became a new subproject of APR.

   Personally, I think it's very cool that E-K is being folded into the
   ASF. I think the httpd project is a better fit however, simply
   because APR should be protocol ignorant.
  Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]   http://www.jaguNET.com/
 A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
will lose both and deserve neither - T.Jefferson
Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]   http://www.jaguNET.com/
   A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
  will lose both and deserve neither - T.Jefferson

Re: Apache Worm

2002-07-01 Thread Jon Travis

On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 11:24:30PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Pier Fumagalli wrote:
  Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I assume everyone has seen this?
  Me and Fede are running through the decompiled assembly code right now...
  Will let you know what we find out (it looks kinda odd from the look of it).
 I found several. Source under private cover.

You mean apache-worm.c, posted on that URL 5 lines up from your reply?  
That's been out there for a while.

-- Jon

Re: libexpat

2002-05-20 Thread Jon Travis

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 09:54:16PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 At 09:43 PM 5/20/2002, you wrote:
 On Mon, 20 May 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 httpd links in expat, perl extension links against a different version of
 expat.  both have the same symbol names, and they are not binary
 compatible.  perl extension resolves symbols to the httpd version.
 kaboom.  its been an issue for years with 1.3, you'll find plenty in the
 modperl archives on it.
 Can we somehow draw one from the two?
 In all fairness, I'm surprized this is much of an issue on Win32... we
 don't have a flat namespace.  If you dig into libhttpd and libaprutil, you
 should discover no expat symbols exported (the depends utility should
 let you see any exports/used symbols.)
 Of course that's win32 (or OS X) ... on Unix I can imagine this is hellish,
 no matter how we try solving it.

This same stuff comes up every few months.  Python modules had the same
issue with PCRE stuff (surprised mod_perl doesn't have that issue).  

-- Jon

Pseudo-bug with PCRE Apache

2002-05-15 Thread Jon Travis

Apache uses PCRE for a few regexp operations, but external modules which
try to use other symbols (such as get_substring) el-kabong because Apache
isn't importing it.

So, should:

a) all these modules be linking in all of the PCRE symbols into themselves


b) Apache include PCRE symbols as part of the exports.c 'hack' variables.

I personally prefer 'b'.

-- Jon

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0 CHANGES

2001-11-12 Thread Jon Travis

On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 11:16:52PM -0800, Ryan Bloom wrote:
 On Monday 12 November 2001 11:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  jwoolley01/11/12 23:06:42
I was originally just going to s/commans/commas/, and then I got
carried away and rewrote half the paragraph.  sigh
 Hey, I never said I could write well.  I rely on MS Word to fix my grammer and
 spelling.  I just have to get the concepts on paper usually.  :-) |
 Ryan  |
This email apparently wasn't run through MS Word?  ;-) -+

-- Jon

Re: More Dos -- Large GETs

2001-10-31 Thread Jon Travis

I'm checking my httpd.conf file to see if there is something weird
there.  I am indeed sending a valid GET with a huge content-length.

-- Jon

On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 08:15:44PM -0500, Cliff Woolley wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Cliff Woolley wrote:
  O... I think I see the problem.  In your test, you actually did a
  real HTTP request and then had a really big request body.
  Is that right, Jon?
 I just reread the original message and I see that's not what Jon was
 doing.  But still, what happens if you do this?  I'll have to go try
Cliff Woolley
Charlottesville, VA

Re: More Dos -- Large GETs

2001-10-31 Thread Jon Travis

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 10:43:12AM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 From: Jon Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 10:18 AM
  I'm checking my httpd.conf file to see if there is something weird
  there.  I am indeed sending a valid GET with a huge content-length.
 To which handler, may we ask?  That might make a difference, thought it
 should not.

Just to '/'.

-- Jon

Re: More Dos -- Large GETs

2001-10-31 Thread Jon Travis

Ok, I've tracked it a bit further.  This may be one of those 'Doctor it
hurts when I do this' types of things, but I was using an old 2.0 config
file that I had, and that was causing this.

Anyway, I gradually picked off lines from my config file vs. the distributed
one, and it looks like if you comment out the following 2 lines:

AddHandler type-map var
DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var

Within the Directory for the htdocs, then the memory will go through the
roof with the method I described.

-- Jon

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 10:12:47AM -0500, Greg Ames wrote:
 Jon Travis wrote:
  Nope.  I just allocated 1MB of 'x's and sent that buffer a couple hundred
  times.  It was the httpd process which was growing, not my test program.
  This was with Apache 2.0 HEAD, BTW, and 100% reproducable for me.
 I think you have my fix to modules/http/http_request.c, right?  If not,
 ap_get_client_block can wreak havoc when a request body exists and we do
 an internal redirect, such as when the GET is to a directory.
 Also, do you send an empty line before the 'x's, or could this be the
 problem Aaron noticed?

Re: More Dos -- Large GETs

2001-10-30 Thread Jon Travis

On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 03:46:14PM -0500, Jeff Trawick wrote:
 Jon Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  It's possible to make Apache eat up all available memory on a system
  by sending a GET with a large Content-Length (like several hundred MB),
  and then sending that content.  This is as of HEAD about 5 minutes ago.
 Maybe the problem is your client implementation?  You didn't by any
 chance get a mongo buffer to hold the request body did you?
 I just sent a GET w/ 500,000,000-byte body and didn't suffer.
 strace showed that server process was pulling in 8K at a time...  lots
 of CPU between client and server but no swap fest.

Nope.  I just allocated 1MB of 'x's and sent that buffer a couple hundred
times.  It was the httpd process which was growing, not my test program.
This was with Apache 2.0 HEAD, BTW, and 100% reproducable for me.

-- Jon

Re: DoS on POSTS

2001-10-27 Thread Jon Travis

Like I said in my follow up post to my original, you don't even
need to post the data to actually have this occur.  I telneted
to the server, and let it sit there for like 47 minutes before
I killed it.  I never had it time out.

-- Jon

On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 11:51:59AM -0700, Ryan Bloom wrote:
 On Thursday 25 October 2001 08:52 pm, Ryan Bloom wrote:
   It seems that there is a possibility for DoS on Apache servers
   when doing a POST.  On search.apache.org, I can send the following
   PUT / HTTP/1.1
   Host: search.apache.org:80
   Content-Length: 1000
   newline here
   And just let it sit there forever.  search.apache.org is running 2.0.24,
   and I'm running out of CVS and seeing the same behaviour.  Seems bogus to
  Well, after a few weeks of meaning to look into this, I finally have.  Jon,
  you are 100% correct that this does happen.  The problem is the
  handle_map_file handler.  I have begun to track it down, but what is
  happening, is that the first request fails after the timeout is hit.  The
  error page is requested, and that gets sent back to the
  ap_internal_redirect, but the content-length is still set, so the second
  request is hosed.  Then we end up in an endless loop.
  I haven't really looked at how to fix this yet, and I have to write a part
  of my book tonight, but the first step is identifying the problem.  This
  goes away if you remove all of the .var files from the config file BTW.  I
  would suggest that if we don't fix ASAP, those lines should be removed from
  the apache.org site, and this MUST be fixed before we release the next
 Had more time to look at this.  It looks like we actually will timeout given enough
 time, but by default that time limit is like 10 minutes.  I think this can be fixed
 by setting the content-length to 0 when we go to serve error pages.  I am
 attempting this now-ish.
 Covalent Technologies [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-09-24 Thread Jon Travis

It seems that there is a possibility for DoS on Apache servers
when doing a POST.  On search.apache.org, I can send the following

PUT / HTTP/1.1
Host: search.apache.org:80
Content-Length: 1000
newline here

And just let it sit there forever.  search.apache.org is running 2.0.24,
and I'm running out of CVS and seeing the same behaviour.  Seems bogus to me.

-- Jon

Re: New post-log-transaction hook?

2001-09-19 Thread Jon Travis

On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 12:16:24PM -0700, Ryan Bloom wrote:
 On Wednesday 19 September 2001 11:37 am, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
  From: Greg Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 1:26 PM
   On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 01:52:12PM -0400, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
Greg Stein wrote:
 It isn't a bug. Cleanups are for just wrapping things up,
 not doing work.
If that's the authoritative answer, then we need to provide
a supported way for 'doing work' at cleanup time.
 You might not even be able to open and use that file if
 your pool is n the process of being destroyed.
That sounds like utter tripe.  If you can't depend on the
pool lasting at least until your cleanup routine ends,
then the whole cleanup mechanism is seriously borked.  AFAIK
it isn't, so I think the above assertion *is*.
   The problem is cross-dependency between the cleanup actions. One can
   destroy something another cleanup needs. If you restrict their actions to
   simple things, then the cross-dependencies are (hopefully!) removed.
  Really?  No.  Cleanups are run as a LIFO stack.  Anything that existed when
  something was added to the pool must exist when that something is removed
  from the pool.
  IMHO, we need to make subpool scrubbing an actual LIFO cleanup as well, so
  that will also be true of subpools.
  Considering how we use pools for dynamic libraries and the rest, it's
  absolutely vital that they are unspun from the pool in LIFO order of their
 I agree with Bill.  Having reviewed the code quite deeply yesterday, pool
 cleanups follow a very clean rule, and registering a cleanup from within
 a cleanup will always work if done correctly.  If you have data in a pool

BZzzzt.  The attached code registers a cleanup from within a cleanup, and
does so 'correctly'.  See the program attached at the bottom, which behaves 
incorrectly.  It is simple code, but not knowing that a given
function registers a cleanup can cause major problems (leaking
file descriptors, etc. eventually).  The file should contain 'Cleanup',
because the cleanup of the file should flush the buffer -- that
cleanup is never run, though.

 when the cleanup is registered, it is gauranteed to be there when the cleanup
 is run.
 Anything else is completely broken.

#include apr.h
#include apr_file_io.h

static apr_status_t my_cleanup(void *cbdata){
apr_pool_t *p = cbdata;
apr_file_t *file;

apr_file_open(file, /tmp/bonk, 
apr_file_printf(file, Cleanup);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
apr_pool_t *pool;

apr_pool_create(pool, NULL);
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, pool, my_cleanup, NULL);
return 0;

Re: New post-log-transaction hook?

2001-09-18 Thread Jon Travis

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 02:20:35PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 From: Ryan Bloom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 11:44 AM
  On Tuesday 18 September 2001 08:17 am, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
   Why not let the MPM register the lingerclose with APR_HOOK_MIDDLE in the
   post_connection hook?  That way, if Jon's (or any other author's) intent is
   to work before the lingering close, then it can be APR_HOOK_FIRST. 
   Otherwise register it APR_HOOK_LAST.
  It shouldn't be a hook.  This should just be done with a pool cleanup.  Hooks
  aren't the answer to every problem in the server.  Doing something after a
  specific action, like the close of the connection should be done by registering
  a pool cleanup.  Fix the bug that you can't register a cleanup within a cleanup,
  and Jon's problem goes away completely, because he can use the cleanup
  that he is already using.
 The pool cleanup has one disadvantage (assuming the register cleanup within cleanup
 bug is fixed), the order of cleanups is a strict LIFO.
 There _may_ be an advantage to an orderable hook.  At this point I agree, fix the
 register cleanup in cleanup bug, let Jon experiment with that solution, and then
 argue the merits for a new hook.

I've got a workaround for that right now (which seems to work fine).  I 
create a new pool within my cleanup, and destroy it before I exit.

-- Jon

New post-log-transaction hook?

2001-09-17 Thread Jon Travis

I've got a bit of code that needs to run after a connection to a client
has been closed.  Right now I can (kind of) spoof this by setting the
keepalive for the client to 0, and registering a cleanup on the 
request_req pool.  Unfortunately the code in there is somewhat bulky, 
so any subsequent cleanups that it registers will never get called 
(apparently registering a cleanup within a cleanup no workie).

I'd like to propose a new hook which gets run after connection to
the client has been closed.  (in my case, I run some cleanup code
which can take a while, and would like the client to be on its way).

Any thoughts?

-- Jon

Re: New post-log-transaction hook?

2001-09-17 Thread Jon Travis

On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 07:01:21PM -0400, Cliff Woolley wrote:
 On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Jon Travis wrote:
  I've got a bit of code that needs to run after a connection to a client
  has been closed.  Right now I can (kind of) spoof this by setting the
  keepalive for the client to 0, and registering a cleanup on the
  request_req pool.  Unfortunately the code in there is somewhat bulky,
  so any subsequent cleanups that it registers will never get called
  (apparently registering a cleanup within a cleanup no workie).
  I'd like to propose a new hook which gets run after connection to
  the client has been closed.  (in my case, I run some cleanup code
  which can take a while, and would like the client to be on its way).
 Why can't you just register a cleanup on c-pool instead of r-pool?

Well, I can register a cleanup on either pool, create a new subpool and
destroy it myself before I return from the cleanup.  That would solve
all the problems, but it does seem really hackish (and an abuse of the

-- Jon

Re: New post-log-transaction hook?

2001-09-17 Thread Jon Travis

I tried setting keepalive == 0 in the handler, and doing my ju-ju in 
the log_transaction phase.  The client was still hanging around.

-- Jon

On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 04:11:58PM -0700, Ryan Bloom wrote:
 On Monday 17 September 2001 03:52 pm, Jon Travis wrote:
 Why can't you do it in the log_transaction phase.  Assuming this is
 not a keepalive connection, the client will be gone by the time that
 phase is run.  If this is a keep-alive transaction, then you won't
 save anything by adding another phase.
  I've got a bit of code that needs to run after a connection to a client
  has been closed.  Right now I can (kind of) spoof this by setting the
  keepalive for the client to 0, and registering a cleanup on the
  request_req pool.  Unfortunately the code in there is somewhat bulky,
  so any subsequent cleanups that it registers will never get called
  (apparently registering a cleanup within a cleanup no workie).
  I'd like to propose a new hook which gets run after connection to
  the client has been closed.  (in my case, I run some cleanup code
  which can take a while, and would like the client to be on its way).
  Any thoughts?
  -- Jon
 Covalent Technologies [EMAIL PROTECTED]