Re: maven vs openmake mesiter

2008-04-02 Thread Andrew Williams
This is true - but the tree was available elsewhere, I think the help  
plugin had it for a while.


On 2 Apr 2008, at 00:39, Jason Chaffee wrote:

Also, this may have been written before the dependency plugin had the
current feature set.  I know when I first started using maven2 and the
dependency plugin, it only had copy, unpack, and a couple of other
goals.  It didn't have everything it has now.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 7:56 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: maven vs openmake mesiter

Heh, it looks to me like people who have had bad experiences with
maven but not known the tools that can help.
The command "mvn dependency:tree" would have saved them a paragraph of
rant at least!


On 31 Mar 2008, at 22:59, Jason van Zyl wrote:

I have something written but it's not very nice. But we're obviously
a threat as they make comparisons to us. A victim of our own
success. I've also meant to follow up on when they started using the
term "Mojo" which definitely confuses people. For the sister Maven
project over at Codehaus called Mojo has been around quite a long
time. So I just didn't want to be disappointed and I'm hoping that
they didn't do it to confuse users. I am assuming not but I haven't
looked up the dates.

I will try to remove the barbs from my write-up, as their marketing
I frankly find distasteful. But I'll try to be objective and publish

On 31-Mar-08, at 2:18 PM, Jason Chaffee wrote:

I came across OpenMake's meister over the weekend and wondered if
on this list has any experience with or any comparison with  
Maven?  I

was just curious what the maven community's impression/response
would be
because they claim to have maven-like features, but they also claim
go "above and beyond" maven in flexibility and features.



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in.
No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise  

They know it is going to rise tomorrow. When people are fanatically
dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kind of
dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or
goals are in doubt.

-- Robert Pirzig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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Re: maven vs openmake mesiter

2008-04-01 Thread Andrew Williams
Heh, it looks to me like people who have had bad experiences with  
maven but not known the tools that can help.
The command "mvn dependency:tree" would have saved them a paragraph of  
rant at least!


On 31 Mar 2008, at 22:59, Jason van Zyl wrote:

I have something written but it's not very nice. But we're obviously  
a threat as they make comparisons to us. A victim of our own  
success. I've also meant to follow up on when they started using the  
term "Mojo" which definitely confuses people. For the sister Maven  
project over at Codehaus called Mojo has been around quite a long  
time. So I just didn't want to be disappointed and I'm hoping that  
they didn't do it to confuse users. I am assuming not but I haven't  
looked up the dates.

I will try to remove the barbs from my write-up, as their marketing  
I frankly find distasteful. But I'll try to be objective and publish  

On 31-Mar-08, at 2:18 PM, Jason Chaffee wrote:
I came across OpenMake's meister over the weekend and wondered if  

on this list has any experience with or any comparison with Maven?  I
was just curious what the maven community's impression/response  
would be
because they claim to have maven-like features, but they also claim  

go "above and beyond" maven in flexibility and features.



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in.
No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow.
They know it is going to rise tomorrow. When people are fanatically
dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kind of
dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or
goals are in doubt.

-- Robert Pirzig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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Re: [vote] Benjamin Bentmann as Maven committer

2008-02-19 Thread Andrew Williams



On 18 Feb 2008, at 17:38, Lukas Theussl wrote:

I'd like to propose giving commit access to Benjamin.

During the last few months, he has provided patches in so many areas  
of Maven that I can't list them all here (various plugins, surefire,  
doxia,...), including documentation and translations, and he has not  
been afraid to actively discuss things on the dev list. I think he  
would make a great addition to our team.



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Re: plexus classloader issue ?

2007-10-17 Thread Andrew Williams
Why are you trying to load the dependencies of another plugin instead  
of specifying them yourself?


On 17 Oct 2007, at 16:31, nicolas de loof wrote:

Not sure to understand what you would like me to see in the dependency

I get my unarchiver using plexus dependency mecanism :

 * @parameter expression="${}"
 * @required
private UnArchiver archiver;

With my other plugin defining a component in META-INF/plexus.xml :


This worked as expected when the unarchiver was defined in the  
plugin that
uses the archiver, but not if the unarchiver is defined bu another  
plugin. I

supose those plugins have separate classloaders.

Any workaround ?

2007/10/17, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Take a look at the dependency plugin for use of the unarchiver.

-Original Message-
From: nicolas de loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:33 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: plexus classloader issue ?


I've created a plugin that requires a plexus UnArchiver as  
The expected Unarchiver is declared by another plugin, configured  
as an


All works fine when unit-testing the plugin using maven-test-harness,
when I try to use it from another project (it test) I get this  
error :

Can not set org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.UnArchiver field
org.codehaus.mojo.javascript.AbstractCopyDependenciesMojo.archiver to

ZipUnArchiver implements UnArchiver ! So this seems to be a  
issue. Do you have any idea what can be wrong in my config, or any  

investigate ?


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Re: pre-configuring self written plugins

2007-09-20 Thread Andrew Williams

Then I would configure the plugin in a group-specific parent pom.
That way each team has it pre-configured the way they want.


On 20 Sep 2007, at 05:30, Jens Rapp wrote:

i'm juggling with some svn repositories and pathes inside and  
outside them so i have several similar classes inside my mojo.
because there are at least two small groups of people in my company  
which are using other repositories than the others, I need to  
configure them. But currently I don't know the svn server names.


Datum: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 16:41:08 -0500
Von: "Wayne Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: "Maven Developers List" 
Betreff: Re: RE: pre-configuring self written plugins

The defaults are in the source code, as you mentioned. Which will
require compilation to change. So it sounds like your "requirements"
cannot be met currently.

Why don't you explain what exactly you're trying to achieve, and
perhaps someone will have an alternate suggestion?


On 9/19/07, Jens Rapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

well, i did this but i couldn't find where to set them- besides the
declaration in the plugin's source code but i would have to  
recompile the

plugin if those parameters are changed..

can you tell me where to find these defaults?


Datum: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:33:01 -0400
Von: "Brian E. Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: "Maven Developers List" 
Betreff: RE: pre-configuring self written plugins

Parameters in your plugins can have defaults. Take a look at any of


maven plugins for examples.

-Original Message-
From: Jens Rapp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 8:29 AM
Subject: pre-configuring self written plugins

hi there!

is there any way to pre-configure my own maven plugin so that i am


to create and modify a standard config without re-compiling?
i don't want the users to be forced to configure some parameters by
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Re: [PROPOSAL] Local Repository Separation

2007-09-12 Thread Andrew Williams

It will most likely work in small development environments.
What jason is saying is that it is not so likely to in corporate  
environments with more than one subnet.


On 1 Sep 2007, at 17:59, Nigel Magnay wrote:

I guess ymmv, but I've never had zeroconf not work in development
environments (we use the log4j zeroconf extensions all the time). Some
services deliberately set hopcounts low if they're providing something
particularly localized.

Anyway - I wouldn't suggest it as the only mechanism (and it's  
something you
could do as in a mojo), just something that becomes easier if you  
don't have

inconsistent repository IDs.

On 01/09/07, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1 Sep 07, at 5:43 AM 1 Sep 07, Nigel Magnay wrote:

A couple of really neat features, regardless of whether guids or
some other
identifying mechanism is used, would be
1) ability to use zeroconf (/bonjour) style networking to
configure your mirror settings

In practice from experience I know that this doesn't often work very
well as multi-cast is often suppressed on corporate networks, and
multi-case DNS doesn't really work well across subnets. What does
work well is DNSSD as you just need to make the DNS server browse-
able, push SRV records into the system and then any tooling can find
your configuration mechanism. This works very well, but so does just
checking in a copy of Maven that a team uses and sharing the m2_home/
conf/settings.xml.  But the DNSSD is very handy but we had to hack up
the existing implementations to make it work probably.

For this proposal I think it boils down to the ephemeral versus non.
I think there is an easier way to do what is proposed.

2) for repositories themselves to contain a bit more metadata about
repository itself - what it does and doesn't contain for example.
In one of
our large builds, we have quite a lot of repositories, and the
daily 'ask
every repo if it has a new SNAPSHOT' was sped up considerably by
proximity to say 'no' to most paths.

On 01/09/07, Stephen Connolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jerome Lacoste wrote:

On 8/31/07, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, I meant to note that - I was thinking that this should be
accompanied by a proposal to take care of the id ambiguity  

which we've discussed a couple of times before.

I think URLs are still problematic (since you can often have
different ones for the same location), though are a bit more  
than IDs. We could hash them to generate the directory name in  


What do others think?

How are workspaces identified ? a hash of the current directory ?
Something related to the project one is working on ? Something
to the current process ?




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Would a better option be to have the repositories store a  
GUID in their root URL.  That way mirrors would pick up the same  

and be identified as the same repository.

Of course then there's the question, should an aggregating mirror
the GUIDs of all the repositories it aggregates or a unique hash.

My feeling is it should return a unique hash, but maybe it could
information about it aggregating other repositories...


The repository-id.xml for an aggregate repository could be
something like

  ACME Corp's Aggregated Proxy Repository

While could be:

  Maven Central Repository

And, say java.net2 ( could be's Maven2 Repository

The advantage I see is that existing clients will not be looking
for the
repository-id.xml file, so they won't care.  If we can't find a
repository-id.xml file for the repository, we generate a GUID on  

client and store a mapping of URLs to GUIDs in a file in ~/.m2/ so
a user can control the mapping of these autogenerated GUIDs


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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: Using alternate pom files

2007-09-11 Thread Andrew Williams
I would have thought that a combination of classifiers and profiles  
with a decent DependencyManagement should do it.
Make activating a profile at any level will change mydep-1.0 to  
mydep-1.0-jdk1.4 thoughout the tree.
Of course you would need to be sure that the depManagement covered  
every single artifact that needs this treatment...


On 10 Sep 2007, at 18:51, Paul Gier wrote:

Basically the problem with using profiles is that it really  
complicates how the transitive dependencies work.  I have to make  
sure that the correct profiles are activated throughout the  
dependency tree.

I added a comment about this to the jira issue:

Since there is an existing feature to use an alternate pom file, it  
seems to make sense to me that a multi-module project should also  
be able to use this feature.

Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 7 Sep 07, at 9:31 AM 7 Sep 07, Paul Gier wrote:

I submitted a small patch for this issue:

The basic idea of it is to be able to use alternate pom.xml files  
in a multi-module project.  Can someone with commit access take a  
look at this?  It would really help with some of our projects if  
this can be added to a future release.

Not sure this is a great idea. Why aren't you using profiles?



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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com
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Re: Doing alpha releases faster

2007-09-11 Thread Andrew Williams
Frequent, fast releases sure would help - but I am not sure they are  
always a good idea, say (as many do) that an API break is needed in  
the alpha code - I'm not sure that should pass by on the fast track,  
it could cause problems with those in the wrong time zone not being  
able to comment.


On 10 Sep 2007, at 17:59, Jason van Zyl wrote:


For 2.1 I have been trying to lock down all the versions so that  
the dependencies are stable. When I need to fix something in  
classworlds, plexus, or modello, I just make the fix, install, test  
and if everything works deploy it and lock down the versions in the  
build and continue.

I would like to do the same with maven-artifact and get a little  
more agile, and not force people to use a snapshot. For alphas I  
think it would be acceptable to get 3 +1s from PMC members and then  
push it out. For anything in beta or beyond it's the standard  
procedure, but pushing out an alpha or incremental release just  
takes too long and it is in those times of flux that the bugs in  
the snapshot mechanism bite you. I think this will also force us to  
start changing things to what they are. Doxia for example should  
probably be a beta, not an alpha.

I want to be able to fix things in maven-artifact as using  
SNAPSHOTs is not good for external dependencies, but I don't want  
to be grounded for 3 days while I wait to release maven-artifact in  
order to pick up a stable set of changes. We can use timestamps too  
I suppose, but then what's the difference really. I just want to  
get the 2.1 release out faster. Maven artifact is simply no where  
near being usable for 2.1 and it's going to change as it will be  
one of the first proposals I will put on the table after the first  
series of alphas to fix the bugs, regressions, and usability.



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: Using Maven Artifact in 2.0.x

2007-09-11 Thread Andrew Williams
Yes, I would think it is a good plan to see as much shared between  
2.0.x and 2.1 as possible, except the core codebase of course ;)


On 11 Sep 2007, at 03:40, Jason van Zyl wrote:


How do people feel about trying to use maven-artifact in 2.0.x?

The code has not changed, and backward compatibility will be  
maintained, and from Mark's trials it appears to work. Is this  
correct Mark? The ITs run using the decoupled version?

The question is what are the criteria to decide if this is viable?

1) All plugins using the old artifacts must work (we need those  
smoke test projects in plugins)

2) Code must be binary compatible (easy to check with clirr)

The only thing I can see as a problem right now is if people  
directly depend on maven-artifact-manager (would you guess that's  
the api?) then without a modification for the request of that would  
cause a problem. This needs to be fixed in 2.1 as well and I was  
just going to flip any requests for


into a request for


which containers everything required.

A little artifact filter would do the trick.

We are going to have to maintain backward compat in maven-artifact  
for a long time anyway because of plugins using it directly. We are  
going to have to support 2.0.x for a long time and having to  
maintain divergent copies of maven-artifact will very much suck  
ass. Maven 2.0.x is going to be used for a long time, and that's  
fine, but the easier to maintain the better.



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: [vote] release maven-verifier 1.1

2007-09-07 Thread Andrew Williams


On 7 Sep 2007, at 07:17, Jason van Zyl wrote:


I would like to release the maven-verifier as it's used as part of  
Maven's integration tests and would like to stop using the snapshot  
in order to prepare for the 2.1-alpha-1.

The staging area is here: 

There are no JIRA issues in the shared component, it just needs to  
be released.



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: [vote] bring shade-maven-plugin to apache

2007-09-03 Thread Andrew Williams
+1 I think anything that maven needs to bootstrap itself should be  
considered core ;)


On 3 Sep 2007, at 03:37, Brian E. Fox wrote:

The shade-maven-plugin is currently in the codehaus mojo sandbox. This
plugin is used by maven core to package the uberjar for  
distribution and

should be moved to the maven project.

Please vote {+1,0,-1], vote is open for 72 hrs.


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Re: [poll] Requiring users to specify plugin versions in Maven 2.1 or later

2007-09-03 Thread Andrew Williams

Oops, I just wrote something similar in the other vote thread.
Agree entirely, but the enforcer is not the right place for it,  
perhaps a plugin-manager plugin or such.


On 2 Sep 2007, at 19:33, Arik Kfir wrote:


As a heavy Maven **user**, what would be best for us is having some  

(could be the enforcer, or another) automatically generate this
configuration for us into the POM. Something along the lines of:

mvn enforcer:lock-plugins

This command will find the most appropriate version of relevant  
plugins and
modify my POM(s) to explicitly specify them. Later on, I can either  
modify my POM when I want to upgrade a plugin, or run another  
command, e.g:

mvn enforcer:update-all-plugins


mvn enforcer:update-plugin

Current behavior should remain, if only not to upset the many non- 

users which use Maven more "lightly".


On 9/2/07, Dan Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Totally agree with Wayne here.


On 9/2/07, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[X] (B) Retain the current behaviour, but make using the enforcer a
best practice to do the above, or some other control mechanism such
as having the repository manager handle the available plugins

I am thinking about the new user experience and winning more  
As such, I think the current behavior is best. Once they get using  
more seriously (and in corporate environments that know what  
they're doing),
I think adding the Enforcer configuration and locking versions  
down will
come naturally. But *requiring* it seems excessive -- unless we're  
that ourselves somewhere, with plugin packs or similar, then I  
feel better

about it.



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Re: [poll] Need for plugin packs / mixins for plugins

2007-09-03 Thread Andrew Williams

Specifying a a list of plugin versions in a pom snippet (better than  
plugin packs) is (as I see it) adding maintenance overhead that could  
become intrusive in some organisations.
Why can we not just have a plugin (that maven suggests running if it  
seems missing version numbers) that updates your pom to specify the  
latest version of any plugins that are not currently stipulated.
Running this on a parent pom in any organisation should eliminate the  
need for mixins or packs.

On 2 Sep 2007, at 03:53, Brett Porter wrote:

Like the other poll, I'd like to hear from as many people as  
possible their opinion this topic (even if you just want to say '0'  
so we know where you stand).

[ ] (A) Having a way to include a set of plugins in one small POM  
fragment would be a useful feature to have (if you have a use case  
other than the already stated "standard plugins", please specify)

[ ] (B) Pasting a snippet in from the web site is sufficient
[ ] (C) No opinion
[ ] (D) Undecided
[ ] (E) Other (please specify)


Brett Porter - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [vote] adopt Continuum instance on zone as part of the project infrastructure

2007-08-21 Thread Andrew Williams

+1, deploying to snapshot repo would be good too.


On 21 Aug 2007, at 03:38, Brett Porter wrote:


Continuum has been running on the zone for a while. Some people  
have been watching the results vigilantly, but others have probably  
missed them, or presumed them erroneous.

There are builds that are failing because of errors that haven't  
been caught (and it's picking up a lot more now due to the plexus  
container changes). We obviously need a CI solution. I've been  
trying off and on to fix things, but it seems every time one gets  
done, another breaks :)

With the exception of the weekend's hiccup due to SVN being down,  
I'm confident that Continuum is producing accurate results. The  
current failures all occur on my own development machine. It is  
already set up, I can add it to the infrastructure monitoring, and  
we have a couple of volunteers that will make sure it stays healthy  
and upgraded.

I'm not sure if a vote is the right measure here, but I think it'd  
be good to get some agreement that we all should take notice of the  
messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from it.

So, I vote to start paying attention to Continuum's complaints, and  
nagging people who break things :) If this carries, we can also  
start to investigate other useful things like automated snapshot  

This is a 72-hour vote, to be carried by simple majority of  
committers that vote (ie more +1's than -1's).

[ ] +1
[ ] 0
[ ] -1

- Brett

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Re: Functional tests for maven-assembly-plugin

2007-08-20 Thread Andrew Williams
It seems it was mistakenly compiled against the wrong version, I have  
corrected this in SVN, but not yet uploaded a new snapshot - the  
versions in svn and repository seem out of alignment...

Is the beta-6-SNAPSHOT being run in a branch, or are the site plugin  
developers changing the version string when they deploy?


On 20 Aug 2007, at 08:10, James William Dumay wrote:

I'm running it here on JDK 1.4. Seems maven-site-plugin
2.0-beta-6-SNAPSHOT is JDK 1.5 only?




[INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal
SNAPSHOT:attach-descriptor': Unable to find t

he mojo
SNAPSHOT:attach-descriptor' in the plugin  

org/apache/maven/plugins/site/SiteDescriptorAttachMojo (Unsupported
major.minor version 49.0)

On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 16:44 +1000, Brett Porter wrote:

They all passed for me locally.

John - how often do you want these running in CI? every commit, or a
forced nightly build?

- Brett

On 20/08/2007, at 4:41 PM, James William Dumay wrote:

Hey guys,
As far as I can tell the integration tests are failing for the

Can the IT's please get a build in ci soon?


On Fri, 2007-08-17 at 13:38 +1000, Brett Porter wrote:
Correct. Given they take about 20 minutes, I think we'd want  
this on

a less frequent schedule, though.

John? wdyt?

- Brett

On 17/08/2007, at 1:25 PM, James William Dumay wrote:

Hey Stéphane,
That worked for me! Thanks heaps :)

Are they being actively ran in Continuum ? I checked yesterday and
build seemed only to run the goals "clean install"


On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 09:29 +0200, Stephane Nicoll wrote:

Howdy Atlassian folks,

On 8/16/07, James William Dumay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey guys,
It seems that the functional tests for the maven-assembly-plugin
are not
being used. There is nothing in the pom file that gets them to
run and
they are not being compiled.

Have you double checked ;-)

mvn -Pintegration-tests integration-test


Just like to know whats happening so I can test my additional

James William Dumay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Atlassian Software Systems


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Re: [PROPOSAL] Capture all plugin-friendly APIs/facades in single maven-api artifact

2007-08-17 Thread Andrew Williams
I agree also, publicising a restricted API has got to be a useful  
thing for outside developers.
I was trying to do the same with the plexus container but clearly  
that did not go so well!


On 15 Aug 2007, at 16:13, John Casey wrote:

The only problem here is that the expression evaluator is meant to  
give access to build state, not components in the system...which is  
why the @component annotation is handled in a completely parallel  

Obviously, plugins _can_ access basically any component in the  
container (which I'm a little queasy about too, I'll admit)...but  
it's much, much harder to document a free-for-all system like this,  
rather than restricting the documentation and interfaces of  
approved components to a distinct artifact/sub-website/etc.


On Aug 15, 2007, at 10:59 AM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

expressionEvaluator already has a decent api for getting at most  

(as demonstrated in the enforcer rules...especially the
requirePluginVersionDefined rule), the trouble is you have to know  

component you want or expression is available. Currently this is only
accessible by reading the code and/or debugging maven itself.

John Casey
Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org

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Re: [vote] Move the maven-antlr-plugin to the mojo project

2007-07-16 Thread Andrew Williams



On 14 Jul 2007, at 16:33, Vincent Siveton wrote:


The last release (beta) of maven-antlr-plugin was more than two years
ago. We did some small enhancements. 

A release could be done shortly but I would like to move the
maven-antlr-plugin and maven-antlr3-plugin (in sandbox) to Mojo

During the last year, I am the main committer on this project.
Recently, David Holroyd provided a new plugin that supports Antlr v3,
and submitted some patches. Unfornately, he is not an ASF committer.
I could take care of David's patches but I think it should be good to
give a new life of this project in the Mojo land. It would be more
easy to give access to David, so he could maintain it as he wants.

Vote is open for the usual 72 hrs.

[ ] +1
[ ] 0
[ ] -1



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Re: [vote] Release Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.3

2007-07-16 Thread Andrew Williams



On 16 Jul 2007, at 19:36, Vincent Siveton wrote:


I would like to release the Maven Javadoc Plugin 2.3. The last release
has been about 6 months ago.

We solved around 30 issues: 

There are still a couple of issues left in JIRA: 


Staging repo:


Vote open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1



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Re: Maven 2.1-alpha-1?

2007-07-13 Thread Andrew Williams
+1, though perhaps finishing the Taxonomy pages first might be a plan  
as I am sure an alpha of 2.1 will draw in new faces?


On 11 Jul 2007, at 16:15, John Casey wrote:

Hi everyone,

We've been trying for quite a long time to get into a mode of  
faster, more incremental releases. However, when it comes to  
actually doing this, we seem married to the idea of pushing out  
impressive feature lists with new releases.

I'd like to call an end to that practice, and start pushing out a  
2.1-alpha-1 release of Maven. No, it's not perfect. No, it doesn't  
have even the beginnings of some of the features we'd like to have  
in 2.1 eventually. Yes, there will be some regressions. But after  
all, this would be the first alpha release of the 2.1 minor it's expected to be more of a quick sketch, and  
lacking some (perhaps important) details.

2.1-SNAPSHOT already has some interesting new capabilities. I'm  
sure I can't name them all, but I know that personally, I've  
enabled custom profile activators and the ability to preview the  
build plan before it's executed, among other things. We've  
(primarily Jason) been steadily improving the embedder support, and  
that's gotten pretty damn good at this point, too. I for one would  
like to start getting some feedback about the stuff we're working  
on out here, and I think putting together a packaged distribution  
is the best way to go about that.

What do others think?


John Casey
Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org

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Re: Resource filtering thoughts...

2007-07-10 Thread Andrew Williams
It's not just archetype - this has come up in appserver too, where  
you need some properties in a file escaped and others left.
I suspect adding escape handling to the InterpolationFilterReader  
might be a good way to go.


On 10 Jul 2007, at 11:35, Kenney Westerhof wrote:

Daniel Kulp wrote:

On Monday 09 July 2007 19:08, Kenney Westerhof wrote:

Daniel Kulp wrote:

On Monday 09 July 2007 14:42, Kenney Westerhof wrote:

Daniel Kulp wrote:
Yep.   That's the #1 issue.I've completely given up on  
trying to

get the string "${pom.version}" outputted into the file.

Ok, but why are you filtering a file with that in there? Do you need
filtering at all, or do you only want some things filtered?

You can exclude specific files from filtering; doesn't that solve  

It has to do with creating an archtype.   The pom.xml that we want  
the archtype to create needs to have certain versions pushed in,  
but other things in the pom should be left as is (or allow us to  
escape it).
The other thing we want to do is push some values INTO a resource  
that eventually is a velocity template.  (actually, that's what an  
archtype is anyway).   For those, we need the ability to not have  
some thing substituted in.

Ok, so it's archetype stuff. Well, the archetype resources
should be velocity templates anyway, and processed with velocity.
It should -not- use filtering, just pure velocity. Then you can use  
the velocity escaping mechanisms to leave certain expressions  

So for the short run I think updating archetype itself is the safest..

Maybe just adding escaping to interpolationfilterreader is much
simpler than all of this, wdyt?
Probably yes, but would you consider that backwords compatible?
I have no problems with going that route if people don't think it  
would seriously impact people.

Depends on how we'll be escaping I guess..

-- Kenney


The other thing I'd like to do is conditional filtering based on
whether the version is a SNAPSHOT or not.   Kind of like:  
(pseudocode, not sure on the velocity syntax)

#if ${pom.version}.indexOf("SNAPSHOT") != -1
version.message=Version ${pom.version} - Use at your own risk.
version.message=Version ${pom.version}

Why would you want that? :)

-- Kenney

2) The next option would be to add a filterType configuration
property onto the resources plugin itself.   You would need to
configure the plugin to use it.   Also, it would apply to all
resources with filtering=true.We could combine this with (1)
and instead of making "simple" the default if not specified in  

resource, whatever this option is set to is the default.
This is a better option. the plugin can be configured with  

sets, which are just initialized from the pom itself.
perhaps 'src/main/velocity/' could be checked by default and

The problem is the "Resource" object that the resources plugin uses
is maven-model defined.   Not something that's extensible as that
requires a schema change.I suppose what COULD work well is to
add: velocityResources = List
configuration to the resources plugin (and if list is empty, look
for the default of src/main/velocity) and use that.In that  

"regular" resources can be configured just in build/resources and
build/testResources, but the velocity based ones would need a full
plugin configuration.   A bit inconsistent, but acceptable.

After thinking about this a bit more, I wonder if it makes more
sense to just create a "maven-velocity-plugin" and ignore resources
all-together? That would be super quick to write.(I'd still  
to see the escaping issue fixed.  :-) We already have the  

VelocityComponent.   Would take very little work to wire it into a

Anyway, what are peoples thoughts on this?Any other options?
What direction do people feel is the best way to proceed? I
personally would like to go with Option #1 and require Maven  

if you want to use the advanced filtering, but I know some people
are totally against schema changes.

Well, if there's a good reason to change the schema then I'm all
for it. Maybe we should just add  again to  

and resource sets, so the resource plugin can look at the
resourceset property 'filterType' or something, if it's set.

Either way, changes to the model won't happen until 2.1.

So, what's the problem with the filtering?

Getting any of the normal pom properties outputted to the target
file seems to be impossible.

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Re: [VOTE] release maven-plugin-testing-harness 1.1

2007-07-09 Thread Andrew Williams


On 9 Jul 2007, at 00:37, Brian E. Fox wrote:

There have been tons of enhancements to the plugin testing harness  

the last release in April. Several plugins require the new version
before release.



Staged at:

Vote is open for 72hrs, please +1/+0/-1




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Re: [VOTE] Graduate maven-patch-plugin from sandbox and release version 1.0

2007-07-07 Thread Andrew Williams


On 6 Jul 2007, at 16:08, John Casey wrote:

Hi all,

Jesse and I have been working on a patch plugin that I migrated  
over from into the ASF sandbox, and we feel it's  
ready for a release. I've prepared the documentation for a code  
grant on this project, and all the appropriate information should  
be committed in the plugin directory.

The plugin is stable, has decent documentation, and even an  
integration-test suite. Therefore, I'd like to call a vote to  
graduate the patch plugin from the Maven sandbox, and do a 1.0  

Please +1/+0/-1. I'll let this go for 72 hours.

The release is staged at: (repository)  

Here's my +1.

Thanks to Jesse for helping me get the plugin to this point.


John Casey
Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org

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Re: [VOTE] Migrate ArchetypeNG to Apache & commit privs for Raphael

2007-06-29 Thread Andrew Williams

+1 good plan,


On 29 Jun 2007, at 07:28, Jason van Zyl wrote:


After a fews weeks of sorting out some niggly details the new code  
new by default will produce a functional archetype without user  
intervention, and projects can be generated with the old and new  
archetype plugins. I asked that Raphael make some additions which  
generate the old and new descriptors so that anyone who had nailed  
down versions of their plugins by turning off updates will still be  
able to use new archetypes with the plugin they have on hand. You  
can still optionally enter interactive mode and the code is working  
well from the users perspective. The code can be refactored  
incrementally but will be a big improvement for users. I think  
Raphael has done a very good job and I think it's now ready to  
bring over here. I've been using the code for the last week trying  
it out with a Maven integration test archetype and it's working well.



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: [VOTE] Release Maven 2.0.7 (take 2)

2007-06-19 Thread Andrew Williams

+1 fixes my issues

On 17 Jun 2007, at 18:47, Jason van Zyl wrote:


The release notes are here: 

The tag is here:

Staging repository:

And the distros you are interested in are here:



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Re: [VOTE] Release Maven 2.0.7

2007-06-15 Thread Andrew Williams
I just noticed that the dav deploy is still broken (as in 2.0.6 I  
think) not a new problem, just checking folk were aware.


On 15 Jun 2007, at 14:17, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 15 Jun 07, at 6:09 AM 15 Jun 07, Brett Porter wrote:

Can we restart the vote once this is sorted out? I have no idea  
which svn rev we are voting on any more, or who checked and voted  
for which.

It is sorted out, I was planning on releasing it today. What's the  

- Brett

On 15/06/2007, at 10:56 PM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Ok, the last one I tested was Wed night. In that case +1.

-Original Message-
From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 8:53 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Maven 2.0.7

On 15 Jun 07, at 5:36 AM 15 Jun 07, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Where are we on the 2.0.7 vote? It seems like there are some issues
requiring a new RC such as licenses and notices, but I've lost  

The original RC was technically ok on my builds.

I've updated them all, the licenses are fixed. This was with the
source distribution so I just remade it, I didn't rebuild. I already
fixed and closed the issues Brett was having and that I rebuilt and
redeployed on Wednesday. Everything is still fine.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Hobson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 8:01 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Maven 2.0.7

On 15/06/07, Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am I the only one getting a test failure on IT0002 with the 2.0.7

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected file was not  
found: /


(yes, I did install the maven-core-it-support - but seems that /

not exist)

Nope, I get it too - see my mail to dev regarding r546719.



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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com


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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: svn commit: r547666 - /maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration-testing-support/

2007-06-15 Thread Andrew Williams

Apologies, you are quite right.

On 15 Jun 2007, at 14:08, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 15 Jun 07, at 5:59 AM 15 Jun 07, Andrew Williams wrote:

Hmm, I think it is installing them, but under the wrong groupId.

No, the old ones are deployed in the remote repository. The invoker  
plugin is broken.


On 15 Jun 2007, at 13:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Author: jvanzyl
Date: Fri Jun 15 05:54:11 2007
New Revision: 547666

o little script to install all the support artifacts, as the  
invoker plugin doesn't seem to be doing it anymore.

support/   (with props)

Added: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 
--- maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration-testing- 
support/ (added)
+++ maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration-testing- 
support/ Fri Jun 15 05:54:11 2007

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+v="1.0 1.1 1.1-old-location 1.2 1.3 1.4"
+for i in $v
+  ( cd $i; mvn install )

Propchange: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 

svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 

svn:executable = *

Propchange: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 

svn:keywords = "Author Date Id Revision"

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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: [VOTE] Release Maven 2.0.7

2007-06-15 Thread Andrew Williams

Thanks, that script does sort it for me :)

On 15 Jun 2007, at 13:55, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 15 Jun 07, at 4:58 AM 15 Jun 07, Andrew Williams wrote:

Am I the only one getting a test failure on IT0002 with the 2.0.7  

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected file was not  
found: /Users/aje/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/its/maven-core- 

(yes, I did install the maven-core-it-support - but seems that / 
support/ does not exist)

You have to install all the support plugins and artifacts, and  
someone seems to have broke the invoker which installs the support  
artifacts. But once it's installed the ITs are fine.

I added the tiny script I used here: 

John, might you take a look? Maybe fix the invoker and release it?


On 13 Jun 2007, at 06:12, Jason van Zyl wrote:


The release notes are here: 

The tag is here:

Staging repository:

And the distros you are interested in are here:




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Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: svn commit: r547666 - /maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration-testing-support/

2007-06-15 Thread Andrew Williams

Hmm, I think it is installing them, but under the wrong groupId.


On 15 Jun 2007, at 13:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Author: jvanzyl
Date: Fri Jun 15 05:54:11 2007
New Revision: 547666

o little script to install all the support artifacts, as the  
invoker plugin doesn't seem to be doing it anymore.

support/   (with props)

Added: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 

--- maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration-testing- 
support/ (added)
+++ maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration-testing- 
support/ Fri Jun 15 05:54:11 2007

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+v="1.0 1.1 1.1-old-location 1.2 1.3 1.4"
+for i in $v
+  ( cd $i; mvn install )

Propchange: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 

svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 

svn:executable = *

Propchange: maven/core-integration-testing/trunk/core-integration- 

svn:keywords = "Author Date Id Revision"

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Re: [VOTE] Release Maven 2.0.7

2007-06-15 Thread Andrew Williams
Am I the only one getting a test failure on IT0002 with the 2.0.7  

junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Expected file was not found: / 

(yes, I did install the maven-core-it-support - but seems that /Users/ 
aje/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/its/maven-core-it-support/ does  
not exist)


On 13 Jun 2007, at 06:12, Jason van Zyl wrote:


The release notes are here: 

The tag is here:

Staging repository:

And the distros you are interested in are here:



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Re: Maven Project Website JIRA

2007-06-07 Thread Andrew Williams

Yeah, sounds like a plan

On 7 Jun 2007, at 14:59, Brian E. Fox wrote:


-Original Message-
From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 4:41 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Maven Project Website JIRA

For folks like myself, Eric, Tim and Brett who are looking at
cleaning up the website and integration with the wiki I think it
would be a good idea to create the JIRA project for now. There is
really no place for users to raise complaints about the organization
of the site and anything we have done in the past is not listed
anywhere for review.

I think a project can be made now and it would be used if only by the
four of us.



Jason van Zyl
Founder and PMC Chair, Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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Re: [VOTE] Release maven-idea-plugin 2.1

2007-06-05 Thread Andrew Williams


On 4 Jun 2007, at 23:04, Dennis Lundberg wrote:


I'd like to release maven-idea-plugin 2.1. There are 12 issues  
fixed in

this version and the last release was made over a year ago.

Release Notes: 


Staged at:

The vote will be open for 72 hours.

Here is my +1

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: Please test Surefire 2.3.1 pre-release

2007-05-26 Thread Andrew Williams

This is on OSX, on just about all projects.

I nuked the SNAP from my local just now and it pulled a new one,  
which does not fail.
My apologies if this was fixed a couple of days back, I must have not  
got the update.


On 26 May 2007, at 02:50, Brett Porter wrote:

Ok, need more info:
- Platform?
- what version of 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT do you have? Does it work with the  
latest (I fixed one windows related bug yesterday)

- does it work if you add -Dsurefire.useSystemClassLoader = false?
- Is this on a project I can test it on?


On 25/05/2007, at 10:25 PM, Andrew Williams wrote:

happens in both 2.0.x (2.0.5 to be precise) and 2.1 .

On 25 May 2007, at 00:54, Brett Porter wrote:

Looks like a conflict with plexus-utils. If you're using Maven  
2.1-SNAPSHOT, I'm going with you're fault (there's still a known  
issue with hiding there, right?); if you are using 2.0.x I'm  
going with my fault :)

- Brett

On 25/05/2007, at 2:55 AM, Andrew Williams wrote:

Well, I don't know if I did something wrong, but since this  
email went out (possibly a few hours before) my tests all fail.

I have to pin the surefire plugin to 2.3 for them to pass.

Everything seems to fail with the following message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/ 


There is no stack available.
I will try to trace this later, but right now I wondered if it  
rang any bells at your end.


On 24 May 2007, at 12:29, Brett Porter wrote:


The surefire 2.3.1 release vote is imminent, so I'd like to ask  
people to test the latest build.

I'm particularly interested in those:
- who can't use 2.3 because of a regression since 2.2
- who currently use 2.3 on Windows
- who use different types of classloading configuration in tests

To test the release, add the following to your pom:




If you want to download the snapshot, add the following  
snapshot repository to your POM: 

Alternatively, you can build from source: 

- Brett


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Re: Please test Surefire 2.3.1 pre-release

2007-05-25 Thread Andrew Williams

happens in both 2.0.x (2.0.5 to be precise) and 2.1 .

On 25 May 2007, at 00:54, Brett Porter wrote:

Looks like a conflict with plexus-utils. If you're using Maven 2.1- 
SNAPSHOT, I'm going with you're fault (there's still a known issue  
with hiding there, right?); if you are using 2.0.x I'm going with  
my fault :)

- Brett

On 25/05/2007, at 2:55 AM, Andrew Williams wrote:

Well, I don't know if I did something wrong, but since this email  
went out (possibly a few hours before) my tests all fail.

I have to pin the surefire plugin to 2.3 for them to pass.

Everything seems to fail with the following message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/ 


There is no stack available.
I will try to trace this later, but right now I wondered if it  
rang any bells at your end.


On 24 May 2007, at 12:29, Brett Porter wrote:


The surefire 2.3.1 release vote is imminent, so I'd like to ask  
people to test the latest build.

I'm particularly interested in those:
- who can't use 2.3 because of a regression since 2.2
- who currently use 2.3 on Windows
- who use different types of classloading configuration in tests

To test the release, add the following to your pom:




If you want to download the snapshot, add the following snapshot  
repository to your POM: 

Alternatively, you can build from source: 

- Brett


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Re: Please test Surefire 2.3.1 pre-release

2007-05-24 Thread Andrew Williams
Well, I don't know if I did something wrong, but since this email  
went out (possibly a few hours before) my tests all fail.

I have to pin the surefire plugin to 2.3 for them to pass.

Everything seems to fail with the following message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/ 


There is no stack available.
I will try to trace this later, but right now I wondered if it rang  
any bells at your end.


On 24 May 2007, at 12:29, Brett Porter wrote:


The surefire 2.3.1 release vote is imminent, so I'd like to ask  
people to test the latest build.

I'm particularly interested in those:
- who can't use 2.3 because of a regression since 2.2
- who currently use 2.3 on Windows
- who use different types of classloading configuration in tests

To test the release, add the following to your pom:




If you want to download the snapshot, add the following snapshot  
repository to your POM: 

Alternatively, you can build from source: 

- Brett

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Re: Dep to same artifact in different versions

2007-04-28 Thread Andrew Williams

On 26 Apr 2007, at 13:20, Jörg Schaible wrote:

Hi Jason,

Therefore the slots. The project itself can introduce them, if two  
major versions can be used at same time. Think about a hypothetical  
commons-logging 2.0 (it is discussed) that might have a different  
API. I am quite sure Jakarta folks will ensure that 2.x and 1.x  
series can be used at the same time - simply because even in the  
Maven repo itself ~ 2000 artifacts depend on it. Without something  
like the slots, you will never be able to create a new Maven-based  
project using JCL 2.x ...

Well kick me if I am wrong, but is this not where well managed  
projects use deprecation and wrappers around the new code to work  
from the old API?

I know plexus and classworlds are trying to for backwards compatibility.

What rule states that commons-logging 2.0 cannot contain the api from  
commons-logging 1.0 with deprecated marks? I doubt that everytime  
someone wants to change their API they would much rather do that than  
make a mutually exclusive, thusly cohabitable, API for the new version.

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Re: JavaOne

2007-04-25 Thread Andrew Williams
Well, I am available just about any time, so I shan't put my free  
times on the calendar, it will just take up space :)


On 25 Apr 2007, at 19:10, Jason van Zyl wrote:


John setup a calendar and if we all put available times there then  
I can propose some meeting times. With a little notice there is no  
problem getting space at the Terracotta offices. They have a big  
conference room with whiteboards we can use and they are fine with  
giving us the room for a couple days. So we can definitely do a BOF  
there and some working sessions.



On 25 Apr 07, at 12:14 PM 25 Apr 07, Carlos Sanchez wrote:

I'll be at J1 too

On 4/25/07, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


We can certainly continue any discussions from ApacheCon at JavaOne
and I have chatted with the folks at Terracotta and they would be
happy to put us up for a couple days in one of their conference  

where we can work and hold a BOF if we so choose. We can also have a
conference room for a 2-3 days in succession so we have a place to
continue discussions once things get started.

So again we might want to put up a calendar and let people slot in
their available times and I will schedule the rooms at TC. They are
not that far from Moscone centre and we can easily get there quickly
by cab, I can probably organize some transportation as well.

Thanks to the folks at Terracotta as it's generally hard to get
facilities setup where people can actually work. There's room for
10-15 people so folks should probably sign up soon, or let me  
know. I

know for sure that myself, Eric Redmond, Kenney Westerhof, Andy
Williams, John Casey, and Brett Porter will be present. If we select
a date for a BOF then I can definitely schedule that. It would be a
great opportunity for any users in the area to come out as it will
probably be the  highest concentration of core committers on  
record! :-)

Just ping me if you're interested in attending something so I can
make arrangements with Steve Harris at Terracotta.




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No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
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Re: [VOTE] Release Clover plugin v2.4 - Take 2

2007-04-16 Thread Andrew Williams

On 15 Apr 2007, at 19:55, Vincent Massol wrote:


As Mike Perham pointed out the Clover license for the release  
clover plugin (ie v2.3) has expired. Thus the urgency to release  
version 2.4.

Here's the release notes for 2.4:

** Bug
* [MCLOVER-45] - Excluded files should be added to compiled  
* [MCLOVER-53] - Clover plugin installs clover instrumented  
source in local repository
* [MCLOVER-66] - The report goal doesn't support a user- 
provided Clover license
* [MCLOVER-68] - XDoclet plugin executes before the Clover  
plugin in the lifecycle forked by the latter

** Improvement
* [MCLOVER-38] - Allow check Mojo to be overriden by a  
failOnViolation parameter in the same way PMD and Checkstyle can

* [MCLOVER-65] - Clover license has expired

** Task
* [MCLOVER-67] - Remove deprecated licenseFile configuration  

The plugin is staged at 

Here's my +1


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Re: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven 2.1

2007-04-13 Thread Andrew Williams

Actually, that is an interesting point, it could include that.
Enterprise is aimed more at the development cycle, but that could  
easily include a "known stable and compatible with this toolset"  
maven release.


On 13 Apr 2007, at 14:01, David Roussel wrote:

Hmm, that's a good idea.  A Maven distribution based on a given Maven
release.  Is this like what "Maven Enterprise" will be?

John Casey wrote:

Sure, my only point was that without this (and the standard packaging
definitions) _nothing_ will's just a gut-level  
uneasiness, not

necessarily a big problem.

On a side note, I think it'd be neat to provide a maven distro  
that has a
small internal repo with the latest releases of the plugins in the  
pom and
jar lifecycles...maybe with the packaging/super-POM in there  

could always override and get from central. That would make Maven  

offline-proof right out of the box...


On 4/12/07, Hayes, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Right I get that.  That would be pretty annoying.

Maybe instead of a parent POM, an import facility could be used  
that can

grab the same centralized POM (Multiple-inheritance almost :-).

To John's comment, I don't see this being a big offline challenge  
as this
centralized POM would be a released version that could safely be  

in a
local repository, like any other artifact, i.e. it would follow the
snapshot / release methodology.


-Original Message-
From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 10:10 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven  

Same here.

-Original Message-
From: Stephane Nicoll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:02 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from Maven  

Won't work every time.

We have a corporate pom, it's pretty much stable and it won't change
often. All our projects inherit from that one, it will be a pain to
everything every time we would want to upgrade some plug-ins.


On 4/12/07, Hayes, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to give my 2 cents on this issue.

Would it be possible to maintain a super POM on repo1 that  
contains a
vetted set of plugin versions and then version that POM  

based on new releases of core plugins?  Then it would simply be an
inclusion of a specific parent version in a project POM that would
control which plugins to take.  I think this is what people  
do internally but if it is maintained on repo1, it would save a  
lot of

work for a lot of people.


-Original Message-
From: Brian E. Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:40 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: RE: Remove auto-resolution of plugin versions from  
Maven 2.1

If I need a specific version (usual to workaround a known  
issue) then

I specify it in the the pom. Otherwise I want the latest.
This is the current problem, where builds are done with  

versions. (ie the version for dev a might not match dev b)

For snapshot builds if I will use specified, then latest.

For a released build, I want the pom to be transformed and fully
locked down so that the build is reproducible.  And I don't  
want to

do that manually.

I would expect that my snapshot builds to be exactly the same as  

eventual release build for that version. The last thing I need is
release to decide for me which versions to use. I do want to do it
manually, because I want to try out each new plugin before I  
bless it
and allow it into the build process for the rest of the team.  
I've had

too many occurrences where a plugin change breaks my build (I'm ok
with that, it's necessary for forward progress). By manually  
vetting a

plugin, it gives me a chance to make any adjustments needed.

It's no different than how we upgrade Maven itself: I have used
enforcer to lock my build to 2.0.5 until I can get all the depMgt
straightened out and then I will move everyone forward.


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View this mess

Re: [VOTE] maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.0-alpha-5

2007-04-13 Thread Andrew Williams


On 12 Apr 2007, at 18:13, Daniel Kulp wrote:

I'd like to release version 1.0-alpha-5 of the
maven-remote-resources-plugin.   This resolves one critical bug, but
also adds some new features to make it a bit more usable.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Remote Resources Plugin - Version 1.0- 

** Bug
* [MRRESOURCES-18] - Error when no 'inceptionYear' is specified in

** Improvement
* [MRRESOURCES-19] - Bundle mojo only looks for txt and vm files
* [MRRESOURCES-20] - Support for binary resources
* [MRRESOURCES-21] - Supplement the data model used by Velocity

Staging area:


J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727C: 508-380-7194

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Re: [Vote] Move plugin site.xml up to Maven or Shared

2007-04-08 Thread Andrew Williams

apart from the css glitch it seems good.


On 8 Apr 2007, at 04:12, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I moved the site stuff up to the main maven pom. I staged the maven  

site here:

I think this is pretty good. I also staged a shared component to  
see how

it looks by inheriting the info here:

The problem is that the shared component page now is setting
class="externalLink" for most of the links in the header. This  
class has

extra right padding and messes it up.

I'm not familiar enough yet with the site and related tech to know how
to fix this. It seems like changing the skin isn't what we want,  

we need to tell site not to make these externalLinks.

Also, the plugin and shared sites should have the version and  

date as they currently do. However when you add the breadcrumbs, you
can't seem to force them to be on the far left. I think the version  

published date should be to the right of the breadcrumbs to make
everything consistent.


-Original Message-
From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 10:04 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: [Vote] Move plugin site.xml up to Maven or Shared

Makes sense. Another option is to have those links in the bottom of
the left nav on every site too.

I'm not against either of those solutions, as long as the links
section isn't too bloated. I can certainly see the merits in
consistency of the header section.

- Brett

On 08/04/2007, at 11:56 AM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I agree they may be irrelevant for most plugins. However, the more
consistent the header, the more tied together everything feels. I
actually am always jumping around from section to section (almost
a page open in a tab already) and it's nice to have
those links right there all the time.

-Original Message-
From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 9:47 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: [Vote] Move plugin site.xml up to Maven or Shared

I definitely agree with the breadcrumbs on the left. I don't mind
where the publish date goes as long as it's consistent (maybe bottom
is more suitable/traditional).

For the links, I find them to be too noisy with all the subprojects.
On the main site these were put into the left nav. I think these
links are intended to be used for contextual links - how often are
you on a plugin site and decide to go to Continuum? So maybe the main
site contains those links (though I'd be happy to aggregate
frameworks under one link to a subpage), but the plugin sites just
link to the things relevant to that plugin (eg, the release site
links to the scm site, as does continuum, etc). The breadcrumbs
really look after the main navigation from there.


On 06/04/2007, at 11:03 PM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I will make the changes and stage the main site before pushing it

What are we doing with the links that are present on plugins but
not on
the main site? It seems to me that they should be the same in both
locations (either with or without).

I think it makes sense for them to be the same. What's the delta?

The plugins (not the plugins list page, but the plugins themselves)
has all the maven tech on the right (Maven 1.x |Maven 2.x | Maven  

Plugins | Continuum | SCM | Wagon | JXR | Doxia). It does not have
"cookies" or "track marks" in the top left. They have the Last
on the left.

The main maven pages do not list and of the maven tech stuff. The
Published date is on the right instead. On the left are the track
"Apache > Maven"

It would make the most sense to me is to have track marks on all
in the top left followed by the publish date. Then have the maven-
on the top right. This presents a consistent navigation experience
throughout the entire site.


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Re: [VOTE] Release maven-skins pom 3

2007-04-04 Thread Andrew Williams


On 3 Apr 2007, at 21:36, Dennis Lundberg wrote:


I'd like to release maven-skins pom 3.

This is in preparation of a patch release of maven-stylus-skin.  
Since it is not possible to use the release-plugin to release a  
parent pom like this one, I'm offering you a diff between the last  
release and the proposed new release, instead of something staged.


The vote will be open for 72 hours.

Here is my +1

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [Vote] Move plugin site.xml up to Maven or Shared

2007-04-04 Thread Andrew Williams
[X] Move to Maven Pom, with the note that extra site.xmls might be  
nice for breadcrumbs and extra links etc.


On 3 Apr 2007, at 03:39, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Currently only plugins get a nice looking skin that matches the main page because the site.xml exists in the plugin  

Other things like shared get a homely looking default skin. I see two
options here:

1.  Move the site.xml up to the maven pom. This is preferred so  

all submodules of maven can get the standard skin and override it if
they choose.

2.  Copy the site.xml over to the shared pom. This is less  

but doesn't cover all submodules that come along.


[ X ] Move to Maven Pom

[ ] Copy to shared

Vote is open for 72 hrs.

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Re: [VOTE] Release Maven Ant Tasks 2.0.6

2007-04-02 Thread Andrew Williams



On 4/1/07, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The staging repository is here:

The uber jar that people will want to try is here:

Road map:



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Re: War plugin and Overlays handling

2007-03-30 Thread Andrew Williams

On 21 Mar 2007, at 07:04, Stephane Nicoll wrote:


On 3/21/07, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Will the use of this new overlay cause the transitive dependencies  
of the overlayed wars to be resolved and included? I currently  
construct wars that I intend to be used as overlays by excluding  
all the jars. I do this to avoid conflicts but also to reduce the  
size in the repository. Unfortunately because I'm using a very old  
version of mwar, I have to manually keep my war project  
dependencies synchronized. If these transitive dependencies from  
the wars are automatically pulled in, then I think it's safe to  
also exclude WEB-INF/lib by default from the overlays. I think  
we'll have an excellent solution at that point.

The proposition sticks to a simple overlay which does not resolve the
transitive dependencies, that's a very good point. We could even put a
default exclude on WEB-INF/* for overlays that are not the current
build (?). This will also solves the issues of people having multiple
time the same dep with a different minor versions in the resulting

Erm, does that not mean that all classes from other wars will be  


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Re: [discuss] Splitting the stable and unstable repositories

2007-03-30 Thread Andrew Williams
Not entirely sure I agree with this point. Another level of  
complexity to get round this issue?

surely if folk have any problems they can use dependencyManagement  
and pluginManagement to solve

the same issue?
I know plenty of folk who barely know why to separate snapshot from  
release repositories, I think adding another split will just raise  
the bar of easy adoption...


On 29 Mar 2007, at 00:46, Brett Porter wrote:


I didn't want to pin the assembly plugin vote to this, but it  
seemed like a good opportunity to bring this up.

I'd like to propose we split the stable repository from the  
unstable repository (which would be where alphas, betas and rcs get  
deployed), and make this a documented best practice.

This would not be a concept change in Maven (at least, yet - it  
could be something to consider in the versioning in future): it's  
simply two types of release repositories. The stable one would be  
included in Maven by default, the unstable/pre-release one would  
not. You'd have to add the repository to your project.

I would suggest this for future additions to central, but leave  
anything currently there in place for backwards compat.

I think this is a good all round concept, but there is a particular  
practical problem that we should do this for: unpinned plugin  
versions. In the specific example of the assembly plugin - if you  
don't request a version (ie, use latest release), or you said  
[2.1,), then you'll get the 2.2-beta-1 release which is presumably  
less stable than 2.1. The same rationalisation would apply to  
ranges used in any dependency, but thats the biggest use case I can  
think of that affects people today. It would allow us to do more  
regular test releases of the plugins.


- Brett

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Re: [VOTE] Release Maven 2.0.6

2007-03-27 Thread Andrew Williams


I have discovered a very small issue with it to do with bad error  
messages but it is not regression, so I say go ahead too.

Issue filed in JIRA set for 2.0.7 ;)


On 27 Mar 2007, at 03:55, Jason van Zyl wrote:


The roadmap is here: 

The tag is here:

Staging repository:

And the distros you are interested in are here: 



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Re: [VOTE] maven-dependency-plugin 2.0-alpha-4 AND maven-dependency-analyzer 1.0-alpha-2

2007-03-26 Thread Andrew Williams



On 25 Mar 2007, at 06:21, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I'd like to release maven-dependency-plugin:2.0-alpha-4 and the shared
maven-dependency-analyzer 1.0-alpha-2 that it depends on.




Staged at:

Fixed several issues related to the new analyze and analyze-dep-mgt

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin - Version 2.0-alpha-4

** Bug
* [MDEP-72] - "IllegalArgumentException: Cannot accept visitor on
URL" when project contains a non-jar (e.g. zip) dependency
* [MDEP-73] - dependency:analyze in a packaging=pom project should
skip, not die or produce a redundant report
* [MDEP-74] - dependencies in test scope are not handled  
properly by

* [MDEP-77] - dependency:analyze is reporting impossible results
* [MDEP-78] - analyze-dep-mgt has the labels reversed
* [MDEP-79] - index out of bounds exception on analyze against

** Improvement
* [MDEP-76] - It would be nice to analyze dependencyManagement
exclusions as well as versions

Vote is open for 72 hours.


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Re: Test failure on trunk

2007-03-23 Thread Andrew Williams
I assumed that there was a leak or something weird and that it would  
get addressed.
I have certainly seen it compile and test fine without it before,  
recently too, so I know it is possible...


On 22 Mar 2007, at 15:46, Thierry Lach wrote:

Any reason why this couldn't just be added permanently?

On 3/22/07, Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I sometimes get that problem too, when I see it I insert the
following into the  section of continuum's root pom.xml



On 19 Mar 2007, at 22:59, Graham Leggett wrote:

> Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
>> how many memory is allocated to the build? Normally the default is
>> enough.
> No idea - checked out a pristine copy of trunk as of an hour or two
> ago, and did an mvn install.
> Is there somewhere where memory allocations are set, perhaps in a
> pom file?
> Regards,
> Graham
> --

Re: Whats wrong with Maven at the moment - maven-site-plugin fails!

2007-03-22 Thread Andrew Williams
+1 very useful for sane defaults to be around, and I think maven is  
the right context to have them set.


On 22 Mar 2007, at 14:54, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 22 Mar 07, at 10:41 AM 22 Mar 07, Daniel Kulp wrote:

On Thursday 22 March 2007 10:28, Jason van Zyl wrote:
Sure, once I'm done with some 2.0.6 stuff I finish off Doxia  
stuff. I
  might look at the Wagon permissions because it's becoming  

irritating. I have several settings.xml files for testing various
things and, of course, the one I used didn't have the perm entries.
Geronimo keeps running into this over and over as well.


Seriously, we ended up putting a cron job on our internal  
repository that

every 15 minutes goes through and resets all the permissions to
something sane.   I got too fed up with developers not setting things
correctly.   I kind of decided it was easier to let them just do the
wrong thing and have a process that automatically fixes it.

I am thinking that we leave Wagon policy agnostic and I'll just  
push the change into Maven so that it pops in some sane defaults.  
These are the policies that we want for Maven deployment. Not  
everyone using Wagon may want this set by default but I think it's  
a sensible default for Maven deployments.


J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727C: 508-380-7194

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Re: Test failure on trunk

2007-03-22 Thread Andrew Williams
I sometimes get that problem too, when I see it I insert the  
following into the  section of continuum's root pom.xml







On 19 Mar 2007, at 22:59, Graham Leggett wrote:

Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

how many memory is allocated to the build? Normally the default is  

No idea - checked out a pristine copy of trunk as of an hour or two  
ago, and did an mvn install.

Is there somewhere where memory allocations are set, perhaps in a  
pom file?


Re: maven-enforcer-plugin

2007-03-21 Thread Andrew Williams

Much better - properly extensible too :)


On 21 Mar 2007, at 18:13, Jason Dillon wrote:

Hey, this occurred to me last night...

Why not have one goal, enforcer:enforce, then abstract the things  
to enforce into rules...

public interface EnforcementRule {
void execute();

And then configure...




IIUC if have 'EnforcementRule[] rules;' in your mojo and you define  
impls of EnforcementRule like RequireJavaVersion and  
RequireMavenVersion in the same package, then plexus should inject  
the instances of the right class into the array.

Then the mojo is really simple, can execute any kind of rules from  
it... and folks can use the implementation="" stuff to inject their  
own rules too if needed.  Then the goal basically executes the  
rules and then based on if they pass/fail do something about it  
(fail the build, warn, etc.).


On Mar 20, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Personally I have not problem adding extra execution per thing
I want to enforce.  IMO that is much clearer and simplifies
the implementing mojo.

Potentially yes, but it's also a performance issue invoking the  

extra times. In my situation, I have about 100+ modules that would be
doing this. If I can figure out how to make it execute only once per
execution no matter where the build is started, then I think  

them is logical. In fact, if this is possible, I think it's a

Funny... most folks I know don't use version ranges.  We
(geronimo) tried to use them at one point for our specs, but
key plugins (like the idea plugin) don't support it.

I don't think that most folks using M2 are familiar with
ranges...  nor do they use them... and when those who do use
them... usually tend to find out they don't work so well.

Fair enough. I think I discovered why they don't work in many cases
while trying to use them.

The OS stuff falls into the same boat, why reinvent a syntax when  

already exists?

Ya, I hear ya... it was just a comment... and more about how
the range syntax hurts my brain more than anything ;-)  Just
looking at a range its not really easy to tell what it
means... where IMO the 1.0+ and 1.0* syntax is relatively
clear w/o having to go read a syntax mapping table ;-)

Although I am not a fan of the implementation, the syntax is logical
once you understand it. Not entirely covering all scenarios, but
certainly enough for this. I don't think the 1.0+, 1.0* is enough to
handle all cases.

Consider 2.1. Perhaps there is a regression in backwards  
in the first build. Someone may want to say 2.0.6 < x < 2.1 || x >  

(in otherwords greater than 2.0.6 but not 2.1.0. You can do this with
the current specification. I'm not sure that any expression  
language is
going to be completely natural and support enough use cases... If  

true, then this one is as good as any. I could be convinced otherwise
though if there are some alternatives that can be pointed out.

Does anyone else have an opinion?

(btw, I anticipated exactly this disussion, which is why I put out  


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Re: [VOTE] Release maven-plugin-plugin 2.3

2007-03-21 Thread Andrew Williams



On 19 Mar 2007, at 22:43, Dennis Lundberg wrote:


I'd like to release maven-plugin-plugin-2.3.

There is only one issue fixed for this release, but it's an  
important one. It adds support for @since tags for mojo parameters.  
This is an important improvement to our plugin documentation: 


Staged at:

A SNAPSHOT has been deployed to our snapshot-repository.

The vote will be open for 72 hours.

Here is my +1

Dennis Lundberg

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Re: [vote] Merge 2.1-lifecycle-refactor branch back to maven trunk

2007-03-21 Thread Andrew Williams

little late, but a big +1 from me too


On 16 Mar 2007, at 16:51, John Casey wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've performed a fairly significant refactoring of the lifecycle  
executor on
the 2.1-lifecycle-refactor branch. The changes allow Maven to  
construct a
build plan before execution begins in earnest, which contains all  
of the
mojos and their configurations and is then rendered to a List for  

and execution.

This opens up a whole new world of possibility for controlling  
builds, not

to mention build-process debugging and discovery.

I've run the integration tests on this branch, and it seems that  
is working well. I'd like to merge this branch back to trunk, but  
since it's
such a large refactor, I thought it appropriate to vote on it  
first, in an

effort to help us maintain a stable trunk.

I've parked binaries, javadocs (of maven-core, where the big  
changes are),

and two design PNG images out here:

Also, if you want to see the new build plan in action, install the  


and run the following command with the binaries above:

mvn lifecycle:build-plan -Dtasks=clean,install

If you'd like to see the configurations for the mojos, use this:

mvn lifecycle:build-plan -Dtasks=clean,install -DextendedInfo=true

Please peruse and let me know what you think. I'll give it 72h;  
please vote


Here's my +1.



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Re: [vote] Commit privs for Ralph Goers

2007-03-17 Thread Andrew Williams



On 17 Mar 2007, at 22:33, Jason van Zyl wrote:


As part of the massive overhaul that was MNG-1577 I wanted to also  
to ask for commit privs for Ralph. Much of my recent work has been  
with Patrick on getting MNG-1577 into the codebase, but Ralph also  
did a great deal of work and when looking at the last patch I  
committed to the documentation it reminded me of the initial  
conversation I had with Ralph at ApacheCon when he offered the  
first version of the patch. Again, this was not a trivial patch and  
though I don't typically ask for commit privs based on a patch this  
was a long drawn out effort that required a lot of work and is  
exceptional. Ralph is a committer on Cocoon and think he would make  
a fine committer here.




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Re: [Vote] Release maven-dependency-analyzer 1.0-alpha-1 shared component

2007-03-17 Thread Andrew Williams



On 17 Mar 2007, at 22:35, Jerome Lacoste wrote:

On 3/17/07, Brian E. Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to release the alpha 1 version of this shared component. The
analyzer scans through your class files and produces a list of
dependencies declared but not used, dependencies used but not  
and dependencies actually used. Maven-dependency-plugin 2.0- 
alpha-3 will

provide a mojo to expose the analyzer.

+1 (happy user)

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Re: Working toward 2.0.6

2007-03-16 Thread Andrew Williams
That would probably be helpful thanks, that will certainly get it  


On 16 Mar 2007, at 18:14, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Should we file a 2.0.6 defect for this and link it to PLX-287?
Technically something needs to happen in Maven for this to get  
fixed (ie

update the pom)

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 1:06 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: Working toward 2.0.6

This is now fixed in the latest plexus, which is being used in 2.1-
We are currently trying to figure if it is feasible to update the  

branch at this time.


On 16 Feb 2007, at 16:30, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Since this is a plexus issue, I might be grasping, but we are still
struggling with PLX-287. I haven't been able to produce a test set
because it seems to only occur in very large complicated build.

-Original Message-
From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 6:55 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Working toward 2.0.6


So that no one can accuse of resting on our laurels time to start
planning for 2.0.6. Not sure what the best way is to gather the  

to work on but it would be nice to gather them in the next week or  

and then work the next three weeks to resolve them and do another
release in 4 weeks.

We can try the voting thing like we do with the plugins, or people  

bring up issues and it's first come first serve. You can pick from

Or if you know that an issue has been the wrong fix version tell us.

Project with full test cases that can be easily absorbed will be  

before anything else anything else. If these are for fixes and you
have unit tests that's great, or if you prefer to create an
integration test then to make this easier I have created a self-
contained, fully working of example of our integration tests:


Anyone who produces an integration using this form I guarantee your
patches will go to the front of the line. I know that many people
contribute time to fix things and are frustrated when we don't apply
patches, but it also very frustrating for us to try and piece  

comments and bits of code cobbled together in JIRA. I'm hoping that
this will help. Our integration testing strategy is not fully fleshed
out but what's in that example is what we are using today and them
being all the same as we can move them all forward together when we
improve it.

Even for issue where you don't have a solution providing a test where
we can at least accurately reproduce the problem is immensely  

I will make an archetype of this example but I wanted to get this  

out to get the ball rolling for 2.0.6 so you can take the svn  

or the zip.

I have not forgotten about poor MNG-1577 :-)


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Re: [VOTE] maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.0-alpha-4

2007-03-16 Thread Andrew Williams


On 16 Mar 2007, at 17:16, Daniel Kulp wrote:

Following the "release often" mantra...  :-(

Several projects have hit "Critical" bugs that is causing builds to  

when using the remote-resources plugin.1.0-alpha-4 contains no new
functionality.  It just fixes the two critical bugs.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Remote Resources Plugin - Version 1.0- 

** Bug
* [MRRESOURCES-14] - Running the process goal fails if there is no
target directory
* [MRRESOURCES-15] - ClassCast Exception happens when depending on
the snapshot artifacts

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727C: 508-380-7194

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Re: Working toward 2.0.6

2007-03-16 Thread Andrew Williams
This is now fixed in the latest plexus, which is being used in 2.1- 
We are currently trying to figure if it is feasible to update the  
2.0.x branch at this time.


On 16 Feb 2007, at 16:30, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Since this is a plexus issue, I might be grasping, but we are still
struggling with PLX-287. I haven't been able to produce a test set
because it seems to only occur in very large complicated build.

-Original Message-
From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 6:55 PM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Working toward 2.0.6


So that no one can accuse of resting on our laurels time to start
planning for 2.0.6. Not sure what the best way is to gather the issues
to work on but it would be nice to gather them in the next week or so,
and then work the next three weeks to resolve them and do another
release in 4 weeks.

We can try the voting thing like we do with the plugins, or people can
bring up issues and it's first come first serve. You can pick from  

Or if you know that an issue has been the wrong fix version tell us.

Project with full test cases that can be easily absorbed will be taken
before anything else anything else. If these are for fixes and you  
unit tests that's great, or if you prefer to create an integration  
then to make this easier I have created a self- contained, fully  

of example of our integration tests:


Anyone who produces an integration using this form I guarantee your
patches will go to the front of the line. I know that many people
contribute time to fix things and are frustrated when we don't apply
patches, but it also very frustrating for us to try and piece together
comments and bits of code cobbled together in JIRA. I'm hoping that  
will help. Our integration testing strategy is not fully fleshed  
out but
what's in that example is what we are using today and them being  
all the

same as we can move them all forward together when we improve it.

Even for issue where you don't have a solution providing a test  
where we

can at least accurately reproduce the problem is immensely helpful. I
will make an archetype of this example but I wanted to get this  
mail out

to get the ball rolling for 2.0.6 so you can take the svn checkout or
the zip.

I have not forgotten about poor MNG-1577 :-)


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Re: [VOTE] Commit Privs for Patrick Schneider

2007-03-16 Thread Andrew Williams

Are non-binding votes allowed for priv votes?
If so +1


On 16 Mar 2007, at 14:44, Jason van Zyl wrote:


Patrick has, for at least a couple months, been working on  
MNG-1577, has written extensive tests, changed and altered patches  
for anything and everything that's been asked of him. He worked  
with Mike and Ralph discussing the problem, getting  the patches  
prepared and in for this fix, ultimately arriving at a solution  
that makes Maven a far more reliable system. He's been great to  
work with and he never relented and patched and patched and  
patched. He is now intimately familiar with Maven's dependency  
mechanism and he would be a great addition to the team in helping  
us sort out more artifact related problems :-)




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Re: [vote] MNG-1577 as the default behavior

2007-03-16 Thread Andrew Williams
+1, I agree with Kenney that folk will be able to remove a lot of  
workaround snippets from their poms,

the sooner the better.


On 16 Mar 2007, at 11:48, Kenney Westerhof wrote:

I think it won't break builds at all.
I think that people have lots of workarounds in their poms right now
to overcome this problem - specifying transitive dependencies  
which they don't directly use, but just to enforce that version  
being used. I've

done so myself quite a few times. Those builds will not fail since the
extra dependency will be redundant.

What could be a possible usecase where a build will break?

I agree with the fact that we need to test this thorougly.
Our integration tests are way too simplistic to test this so we  

need to test this against 'real life' complex builds.
The best way to do that I think is to apply it to 2.0.x and let  
people test it

on their builds for a while.
If it's breaking more than it fixes we can always roll back before  
the release.

-- Kenney

Brett Porter wrote:
-1, at this point. I'd like to look at some specific test cases to  
see how badly it might break a build - so I could be convinced.
No matter how bad the existing behaviour, it is consistent once in  
place. I think it's unacceptable to drop this into a .0.x release,  
no matter what the release notes say. Even if it makes it better  
for new builds, the people that have their current one  
mysteriously break will be rightly livid. I think we suffered this  
a little earlier when we enforced order when it wasn't  
deterministic - I think this would be more confusing than in that  
Our users must be able to trust point releases are safe upgrades.  
Let's start moving on putting out 2.1 milestone releases instead.

- Brett
On 16/03/2007, at 11:33 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:


After working with it a little this week I would like to propose  
to make MNG-1577 behavior introduced the default. Builds are  
completely and totally unpredictable without this behavior. The  
behavior in 2.0.5 is fundamentally broken. To are totally prey to  
any dependency introduced by a dependency which makes no sense  
and completely counter intuitive. I stabilized a massive build  
this week simply by using the behavior present in the 2.0.x  
branch. I don't think we're doing anyone any favors leaving the  
old behavior in. After watching a disaster be recovered by using  
this new behavior I feel that the patch should go in as is and  
become the default behavior. This puts the user in control which  
is the way it should be.

I propose we make this the default behavior. Can anyone think of  
a case where this degree of control would break an existing build?

This patch saved my bacon this week, I think this behavior makes  
a world of difference to users.



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Re: svn commit: r515406 - /maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/resources/META-INF/plexus/components.xml

2007-03-16 Thread Andrew Williams

Yes, I know this I just did not explain well :-p

On 16 Mar 2007, at 07:30, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

ok, we need it :( it is called by a component in maven deps.


Emmanuel Venisse a écrit :

I don't misunderstand.
I just say that the component declared in maven dep is with  
'maven' role-hint and we need to use it instead of re-declaring  
the component.

I'll revert your patch.
We'll use the 'default' role-hint when we'll use the latest maven- 

Andrew Williams a écrit :

You misunderstand it's purpose.
I am not defining a dependency, but rather re-declaring the  
That is a copy of the "maven" hinted component as "default". The  
latest maven-project uses "default" so this is a temporary measure.

Does that make sense?

On 15 Mar 2007, at 22:41, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:


I think this patch is wrong, we need to use this component with  
'maven' role-hint because it's this component declared in maven- 



Author: handyande
Date: Tue Mar  6 17:17:11 2007
New Revision: 515406
We need this component declaration for now, as the released  
components were on non-default role-hints, but the impl expects  
a default, so we provide it.

This can be removed once continuum gets a 2.1-SNAP maven dep
Modified: maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/ 

--- maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/resources/ 
META-INF/plexus/components.xml (original)
+++ maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/resources/ 
META-INF/plexus/components.xml Tue Mar  6 17:17:11 2007

@@ -314,6 +314,25 @@


+  default

+  org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilderrole>



Re: svn commit: r515406 - /maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/resources/META-INF/plexus/components.xml

2007-03-15 Thread Andrew Williams

You misunderstand it's purpose.
I am not defining a dependency, but rather re-declaring the component.
That is a copy of the "maven" hinted component as "default". The  
latest maven-project uses "default" so this is a temporary measure.

Does that make sense?

On 15 Mar 2007, at 22:41, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:


I think this patch is wrong, we need to use this component with  
'maven' role-hint because it's this component declared in maven- 



Author: handyande
Date: Tue Mar  6 17:17:11 2007
New Revision: 515406
We need this component declaration for now, as the released  
components were on non-default role-hints, but the impl expects a  
default, so we provide it.

This can be removed once continuum gets a 2.1-SNAP maven dep
Modified: maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/ 
--- maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/resources/ 
META-INF/plexus/components.xml (original)
+++ maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-release/src/main/resources/ 
META-INF/plexus/components.xml Tue Mar  6 17:17:11 2007

@@ -314,6 +314,25 @@


+  default

+  org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder


Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

2007-03-13 Thread Andrew Williams
I have looked at the code for the 1.0-alpha-9-stable and it is  
considerably different. In fact the bug that I fixed is not present  
(as far as I can see) in that version...

If perhaps someone could replicate it in that version then I could  
look into it.


On 13 Mar 2007, at 15:07, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 13 Mar 07, at 6:53 AM 13 Mar 07, Andrew Williams wrote:

It is possible that the error was slowing things down, as  
returning the wrong manager could cause a tree to be traversed  
rather than returning the first leaf.

Getting it into 2.0.6 is not very likely, as it is cutting edge  
container which I don't think is slated to move to the 2.0.x  
branch. I will investigate further and see what can be done.

I create a 1.0-alpha-9-stable branch so maybe we could slip it in  
there. I just wanted to use the exact same container with a  
detailed errata of what we fixed. The properties converter is the  
only thing that's different right now, any change we could wedge  
this fix in there too?



On 13 Mar 2007, at 12:58, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Thanks Andy! When you found the problem, does it make sense that  
it was
causing my builds to slow down even when I disabled the warning  

Is there any chance we can get this in 2.0.6?

-Original Message-----
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:17 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

I fixed this last week, and is now released in plexus-containers  

This fix is present in maven-2.1-SNAPSHOT also.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 14:47, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I've been seeing this forever, it's very annoying. It significantly
slows down our build when this happens, something along the lines
of 20
-> 40 minutes (100% increase). I thought it was because of all the
logging so I recompiled that jar to remove the warning but it is  
slow when it happens. I think it could be that since the object  
returned to the correct manager, it isn't able to reuse them  
and results in an explosion of object creation. The original  
issue is:

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:21 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

This is a plexus bug, registered on JIRA already.
Not sure if anyone knows what is causing it, but there is one  

related change being looked into I believe.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 02:39, Jason Dillon wrote:

Anyone know what this means?

[WARNING] Component returned which is not the same manager.



I'm seeing a tone of these in the Geronimo build... seems to  

randomly from build to build.  I ran one build and did not see
this, then I started up a new build and I see like 1000x of these?

Anyone know?



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Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

2007-03-13 Thread Andrew Williams
Hmm, yes there is a good chance I could fix it on the branch, I will  
get that sorted.


On 13 Mar 2007, at 15:07, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 13 Mar 07, at 6:53 AM 13 Mar 07, Andrew Williams wrote:

It is possible that the error was slowing things down, as  
returning the wrong manager could cause a tree to be traversed  
rather than returning the first leaf.

Getting it into 2.0.6 is not very likely, as it is cutting edge  
container which I don't think is slated to move to the 2.0.x  
branch. I will investigate further and see what can be done.

I create a 1.0-alpha-9-stable branch so maybe we could slip it in  
there. I just wanted to use the exact same container with a  
detailed errata of what we fixed. The properties converter is the  
only thing that's different right now, any change we could wedge  
this fix in there too?



On 13 Mar 2007, at 12:58, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Thanks Andy! When you found the problem, does it make sense that  
it was
causing my builds to slow down even when I disabled the warning  

Is there any chance we can get this in 2.0.6?

-Original Message-----
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:17 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

I fixed this last week, and is now released in plexus-containers  

This fix is present in maven-2.1-SNAPSHOT also.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 14:47, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I've been seeing this forever, it's very annoying. It significantly
slows down our build when this happens, something along the lines
of 20
-> 40 minutes (100% increase). I thought it was because of all the
logging so I recompiled that jar to remove the warning but it is  
slow when it happens. I think it could be that since the object  
returned to the correct manager, it isn't able to reuse them  
and results in an explosion of object creation. The original  
issue is:

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:21 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

This is a plexus bug, registered on JIRA already.
Not sure if anyone knows what is causing it, but there is one  

related change being looked into I believe.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 02:39, Jason Dillon wrote:

Anyone know what this means?

[WARNING] Component returned which is not the same manager.



I'm seeing a tone of these in the Geronimo build... seems to  

randomly from build to build.  I ran one build and did not see
this, then I started up a new build and I see like 1000x of these?

Anyone know?



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Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

2007-03-13 Thread Andrew Williams
It is possible that the error was slowing things down, as returning  
the wrong manager could cause a tree to be traversed rather than  
returning the first leaf.

Getting it into 2.0.6 is not very likely, as it is cutting edge  
container which I don't think is slated to move to the 2.0.x branch.  
I will investigate further and see what can be done.


On 13 Mar 2007, at 12:58, Brian E. Fox wrote:

Thanks Andy! When you found the problem, does it make sense that it  
causing my builds to slow down even when I disabled the warning  

Is there any chance we can get this in 2.0.6?

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:17 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

I fixed this last week, and is now released in plexus-containers 1.0-
This fix is present in maven-2.1-SNAPSHOT also.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 14:47, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I've been seeing this forever, it's very annoying. It significantly
slows down our build when this happens, something along the lines
of 20
-> 40 minutes (100% increase). I thought it was because of all the
logging so I recompiled that jar to remove the warning but it is  

slow when it happens. I think it could be that since the object isn't
returned to the correct manager, it isn't able to reuse them  
and results in an explosion of object creation. The original issue  

-----Original Message-
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:21 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

This is a plexus bug, registered on JIRA already.
Not sure if anyone knows what is causing it, but there is one  

related change being looked into I believe.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 02:39, Jason Dillon wrote:

Anyone know what this means?

[WARNING] Component returned which is not the same manager.



I'm seeing a tone of these in the Geronimo build... seems to happen
randomly from build to build.  I ran one build and did not see
this, then I started up a new build and I see like 1000x of these?

Anyone know?



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Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

2007-03-13 Thread Andrew Williams
I fixed this last week, and is now released in plexus-containers 1.0- 

This fix is present in maven-2.1-SNAPSHOT also.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 14:47, Brian E. Fox wrote:

I've been seeing this forever, it's very annoying. It significantly
slows down our build when this happens, something along the lines  
of 20

-> 40 minutes (100% increase). I thought it was because of all the
logging so I recompiled that jar to remove the warning but it is still
slow when it happens. I think it could be that since the object isn't
returned to the correct manager, it isn't able to reuse them correctly
and results in an explosion of object creation. The original issue is:

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:21 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

This is a plexus bug, registered on JIRA already.
Not sure if anyone knows what is causing it, but there is one possible
related change being looked into I believe.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 02:39, Jason Dillon wrote:

Anyone know what this means?

[WARNING] Component returned which is not the same manager.


I'm seeing a tone of these in the Geronimo build... seems to happen
randomly from build to build.  I ran one build and did not see
this, then I started up a new build and I see like 1000x of these?

Anyone know?


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Re: Trouble w/ the Plexus app and on Tomcat r516446

2007-03-12 Thread Andrew Williams
There is a mismatch of plexus component api and container-default by  
the looks of things, unless there is some code in archiva that uses  
the removed getComponentKey() method.


On 11 Mar 2007, at 20:04, Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 3/11/07, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This occurs when you use an older database that was on jpox 1.1.4,
and run it under the new stuff, unfortunately. You probably need to
start over with your users database.

Thanks.  That fixed it for Tomcat (once I figured out where the
databases were hiding-- I had set derby.system.home to keep them out
of $TOMCAT_HOME/bin.)

The Plexus runtime still won't work though:

The error with Plexus is
jvm 1| WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered an error running main:  

jvm 1| java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:  


Does that look familiar to anyone?


Re: Problems with the int / long conversion?

2007-03-07 Thread Andrew Williams
Hm, it is an error with the jdo2 snapshot release I was using, so a  
false alarm for now ;)

On 7 Mar 2007, at 01:20, Andrew Williams wrote:

Digging in to continuum I get these errors in continuum-store, is  
it related to the recent int -> long updates?


javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException: The key value passed to  
construct a SingleFieldIdentity of type  
"javax.jdo.identity.IntIdentity" for class  
"org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroup" is of an  
incorrect type ("java.lang.Long") - should be "Integer".
at org.jpox.util.AIDUtils.getNewSingleFieldIdentity 
at org.jpox.AbstractPersistenceManager.newObjectIdInstance 
at org.codehaus.plexus.jdo.PlexusJdoUtils.getObjectById 
at org.codehaus.plexus.jdo.PlexusJdoUtils.getObjectById 

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected( 

at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit.JUnitTestSet.execute 

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooter.main 

Re: Can't build continuum

2007-03-07 Thread Andrew Williams

codehaus-snapshots seems to be in the continuum pom already.
the alpha-8-SNAPSHOT should already be deployed.
I have just deployed it again in case there was a problem with the  


On 7 Mar 2007, at 01:20, Arnaud HERITIER wrote:

Hi guys,

 I can't build continuum because of a missing dependency for a  

 Is there someone who can fix it ? Must I add a repository for plexus
snapshots ?



[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

GroupId: org.codehaus.plexus
ArtifactId: plexus-appserver
Version: 2.0-alpha-8-20070305.092843-9

Reason: Downloaded file does not exist:



from the specified remote repositories: (,
 central (,
 apache.plugin.snapshots (, ( 
 codehaus.plugin.snapshots ( 

 codehaus.snapshots (,
 apache.snapshots ( 


[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch

[INFO] Total time: 8 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Mar 07 02:17:23 CET 2007
[INFO] Final Memory: 3M/6M



Re: Maven's ArtifactMetadataSource's bad role-hint

2007-03-05 Thread Andrew Williams

OK, that is done.
The change should not affect anything not using plexus-container- 
default < alpha-19-SNAPSHOT, which includes the core maven build atm,  
as I have not upgraded it. Want more testing done first :)


On 5 Mar 2007, at 01:56, Brett Porter wrote:

I agree - it's going to enable plugins that reference it  
successfully by role alone now to continue working.

However, something may reference it directly by the maven role- 
hint: I suggest a subclass with not modifications except the  
alternate role-hint be made (and deprecated) for that case.

- Brett

On 04/03/2007, at 3:18 AM, Andrew Williams wrote:

Are there an objections, or reasons not to change the role-hint of  

in maven-project from "maven" to "default".

The latest plexus code (will shortly...) be more strict on hints  
and no longer allow components
to grab "whatever is configured", if a hint exists it must be  
honoured (but "default" is the, erm, default).
This means that if switched to "default" then plugins could  
continue to use it as now  without stating

which hint they want.


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Re: Maven's ArtifactMetadataSource's bad role-hint

2007-03-05 Thread Andrew Williams
Yes, it does add "default". I think Jason was referring to the use of  
CDC irrespective if whether hints were in or not.
After all, CDC does not need a hint at all, and the container will  
fill the blanks at runtime.


On 5 Mar 2007, at 08:56, Trygve Laugstøl wrote:

Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 4 Mar 07, at 3:18 AM 4 Mar 07, Andrew Williams wrote:
Are there an objections, or reasons not to change the role-hint  
of MavenMetadataSource

in maven-project from "maven" to "default".

I think that's fine, but we should also annotating all the plexus  
components and I think we can make this work with the bootstrap in  
much the same way we get modello to work. This will save much  
aggravation, it will then all be generated and adjustments to the  
CDC where required will make this much less painful.

I'd rather not change all the source code. IMO the container should  
just add "default" as the role hint. As far as I can this will be  
required to keep compatibility with existing components.


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Re: Maven's ArtifactMetadataSource's bad role-hint

2007-03-04 Thread Andrew Williams

I had a more cunning plan...
I can just advertise it over both hints in the components.xml
(works in the tests I have done here :) ).


On 5 Mar 2007, at 01:56, Brett Porter wrote:

I agree - it's going to enable plugins that reference it  
successfully by role alone now to continue working.

However, something may reference it directly by the maven role- 
hint: I suggest a subclass with not modifications except the  
alternate role-hint be made (and deprecated) for that case.

- Brett

On 04/03/2007, at 3:18 AM, Andrew Williams wrote:

Are there an objections, or reasons not to change the role-hint of  

in maven-project from "maven" to "default".

The latest plexus code (will shortly...) be more strict on hints  
and no longer allow components
to grab "whatever is configured", if a hint exists it must be  
honoured (but "default" is the, erm, default).
This means that if switched to "default" then plugins could  
continue to use it as now  without stating

which hint they want.


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Re: svn commit: r514383 - /maven/plugins/trunk/maven-plugin-plugin/pom.xml

2007-03-04 Thread Andrew Williams

just out of interest, what part of 2.0.5 is required now?


On 4 Mar 2007, at 11:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Author: dennisl
Date: Sun Mar  4 03:27:56 2007
New Revision: 514383

o Update prerequisites to 2.0.5.


Modified: maven/plugins/trunk/maven-plugin-plugin/pom.xml

--- maven/plugins/trunk/maven-plugin-plugin/pom.xml (original)
+++ maven/plugins/trunk/maven-plugin-plugin/pom.xml Sun Mar  4  
03:27:56 2007

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@

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Maven's ArtifactMetadataSource's bad role-hint

2007-03-04 Thread Andrew Williams
Are there an objections, or reasons not to change the role-hint of  

in maven-project from "maven" to "default".

The latest plexus code (will shortly...) be more strict on hints and  
no longer allow components
to grab "whatever is configured", if a hint exists it must be  
honoured (but "default" is the, erm, default).
This means that if switched to "default" then plugins could continue  
to use it as now  without stating

which hint they want.


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Re: [VOTE] Apache parent pom 4

2007-03-02 Thread Andrew Williams


On 1 Mar 2007, at 17:22, Carlos Sanchez wrote:

anything pending to do in the apache pom? there are some mistakes in
the version 3 like organization name that propagates to all apache

I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
-- The Princess Bride

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Re: [vote] Trying to use standard versioning

2007-03-02 Thread Andrew Williams


On 2 Mar 2007, at 02:20, Jason van Zyl wrote:


The impetus for this is wanting to release the surefire plugin that  
has a tiny bug in it. We are versioning our Maven release  
major.minor.micro so why don't we do the same with our plugin and  
treat everything like we're going to do small incremental releases  
like we should be doing. I would like to change all the versions on  
plugin to follow the major.minor.micro format starting with the  
surefire plugin.



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Java5 requirement?

2007-02-27 Thread Andrew Williams

Am I the only one seeing this or is continuum now requiring Java5?

continuum/web/view/jsp/ui/[27,-1] cannot access  
bad class file: /Users/aje/.m2/repository/javax/servlet/servlet-api/ 

class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0


Re: "Component returned which is not the same manager" ?

2007-02-27 Thread Andrew Williams

This is a plexus bug, registered on JIRA already.
Not sure if anyone knows what is causing it, but there is one  
possible related change being

looked into I believe.


On 27 Feb 2007, at 02:39, Jason Dillon wrote:

Anyone know what this means?

[WARNING] Component returned which is not the same manager.  

I'm seeing a tone of these in the Geronimo build... seems to happen  
randomly from build to build.  I ran one build and did not see  
this, then I started up a new build and I see like 1000x of these?

Anyone know?


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Re: svn commit: r511667 - /maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-rpc-client/pom.xml

2007-02-26 Thread Andrew Williams
Reverted. Can someone look at fixing this the correct way then? I  
would like to use this code.


On 26 Feb 2007, at 12:53, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

This patch isn't correct because the rpc client doesn't need  
enhanced classes.
We need to generate model classes for the rpc client without  

Please, revert your patch.


Andrew Williams a écrit :

The SampleClient fails to run without it.
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jdo/spi/ 

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

at Method)
at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo 
$IsolatedClassLoader.loadClass( at  
( at  

... 23 more
On 26 Feb 2007, at 08:49, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Why? we don't use it in the rpc client.


Author: handyande
Date: Sun Feb 25 16:07:34 2007
New Revision: 511667
rpc client need jdo2 too
Modified: maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-rpc-client/pom.xml

--- maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-rpc-client/pom.xml (original)
+++ maven/continuum/trunk/continuum-rpc-client/pom.xml Sun Feb  
25 16:07:34 2007

@@ -70,5 +70,9 @@
+  org.codehaus.plexus
+  plexus-jdo2

Re: Maven banner?

2007-02-26 Thread Andrew Williams

I must admit I was very tempted to put that back in.
Perhaps not exactly the same logo, make a change in the 2.1 tree :)

I wondered also if I could tie it to some colour logging work I have  
up my sleeve so we could colour the "a" of Maven

like the official logo.

Any objections?


On 15 Feb 2007, at 04:05, Jason Dillon wrote:

What happened to the banner when executing Maven?  I'm glad its not  
there by default, but I'd like to turn it on for remote builds so  
that my logs capture what version of Maven was used.

Maybe a '--banner' flag or something?  Or maybe a new goal on the  
help plugin, to show maven version, and some settings like os and  
java version fluff?


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Re: [vote] Release Maven Surefire 2.3

2007-02-26 Thread Andrew Williams

Maybe a couple of hours too late, sorry.



On 23 Feb 2007, at 08:52, Brett Porter wrote:

Please vote for the release of Surefire 2.3. This now includes the  
API, providers, plugin and report plugin.

[ ] +1
[ ] 0
[ ] -1

Staged at:

Vote is open for 72 hours.

Release notes:

** Bug
* [SUREFIRE-49] - Surefire leaves null/$TestNGGroupName  
directories after mvn test
* [SUREFIRE-53] - context classloader not always reset to  
original values
* [SUREFIRE-54] - Remove use of parent classloader in  
surefirebooter but keep TestNG support working

* [SUREFIRE-99] - Surefire plugin fails if JUnit is not available
* [SUREFIRE-101] - Plugin not longer sets system properties  
when forking is on and debugging information is not correct
* [SUREFIRE-105] - Documentation link on website does not point  
to surefire parameter docs

* [SUREFIRE-106] - Classloading problem for getting a resource
* [SUREFIRE-113] - surefire-providers-2.0.pom contains strange  
dependencies which generate error
* [SUREFIRE-114] - Surefire plugin throws NoSuchMethodException  
when errors occur during TestSetup decorator
* [SUREFIRE-120] - When you  a JUnit TestSuite (with  
no test methods), no tests are run

* [SUREFIRE-122] - With forkmode once, XML reports are cumulative
* [SUREFIRE-123] - SurefireBooter can initialize classloader  
with badly formed URLs
* [SUREFIRE-125] - Surefire finds test classes but ignores test  
methods and configuration methods with TestNG and includes tag

* [SUREFIRE-127] - Wrong issue-site URL on website
* [SUREFIRE-263] - Source repository information on the web  
site is out of date

** Improvement
* [SUREFIRE-31] - support junit 4.0
* [SUREFIRE-134] - Display location of test failures/errors on  
* [SUREFIRE-135] - when fork is enabled, Surefire should use  
the same JVM running Maven (i.e. use java.home sysprop), rather  
than expecting java to be in the system PATH
* [SUREFIRE-138] - Add option to redirect stdout from tests to  
a file

** New Feature
* [SUREFIRE-129] - add a property to skip tests execution (but  
not tests compilation)

** Task
* [SUREFIRE-133] - Review Plugin Documentation

Note: a 2.4 release is being worked on immediately to resolve some  
issues with TestNG. This release is being made available to users  
having the above problems before that work begins.


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Continuum in Enterprise

2007-01-31 Thread Andrew Williams
I have a problem with continuum booted in Maven Enterprise (alsp  
happens with continuum-plexus-runtime).

When I try to add a m2 project by uploading the pom I get:

2007-01-31 19:02:45,283 [SocketListener0-2] INFO   
DispatcherUtils- Unable to find  
'webwork.multipart.saveDir' property setting. Defaulting to  
2007-01-31 19:02:45,292 [SocketListener0-2] ERROR  
DispatcherUtils- Error setting character encoding to  
'UTF-8' - ignoring.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: getReader() or getInputStream() called
at javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper.setCharacterEncoding 
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler 
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler 
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler 
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler.dispatch 
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle 

at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationContext.handle 

at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service 
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext 
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle 
at org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.handleConnection 
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle 
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$ 
2007-01-31 19:02:45,316 [SocketListener0-2] INFO   
Interceptor:exceptionLogging   - Error ocurred during execution

org.apache.maven.continuum.ContinuumException: Error reading POM

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke 
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke 
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke 
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke 
at com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke 
at com.

Re: proxying was: two 500 errors

2007-01-29 Thread Andrew Williams

OK, I can finally replicate it.

We are working on fixing it now - related to some recent appserver  
fixes I believe.

It should be working fine when executed as mvn jetty:run


On 29 Jan 2007, at 20:11, Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 1/29/07, Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you using bretts latest changes for archiva to use the latest  


I re-build at last changed revision 500951 (which includes brett's
plexus version number changes.)

Same thing, error 500 on any /repository url.

Here's another stack trace and list of Plexus jars:


Re: Feature request: per-module local version in profile

2007-01-29 Thread Andrew Williams

So you want to alter the versions that you rely on without altering the pom?
surely that breaks the idea of repeatable builds?


Mark Lundquist wrote:

Andrew Williams wrote:

have you tried referring to a snapshot build using it's full build 
identifier (date etc)?

that has worked for me in some situations in the past.

"Referring to"?

No touching the pom, that's my requirement :-)

I'm looking for a solution, not a kludge that might help in some 
situations.  I already know how to kludge it by swapping pom changes 
in and out (see my OP), the point here is to make that unnecessary.


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Re: Feature request: per-module local version in profile

2007-01-29 Thread Andrew Williams
have you tried referring to a snapshot build using it's full build 
identifier (date etc)?

that has worked for me in some situations in the past.


Mark Lundquist wrote:

Hi Ralph, fancy meeting you here :-)...

Ralph Goers wrote:

I have one issue with this.
Typically, at least in the environment I work in (which uses Maven 
1), the version would be something like 1.0.1 only when that version 
had been released. When doing any modifications the version should 
become 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT until the next release is performed.

No -- you're talking about versions in the poms, which are controlled 
resources.  I am talking about modifications that are *strictly local* 
to a user's personal build.  Indeed the mechanism that I'm proposing 
would apply to artifacts that already have a SNAPSHOT version from the 
repository, e.g. the local artifact version for my "foobar" build 
would become "1.0.2-SNAPSHOT-foobar" or whatever.

You aren't supposed to tack on things like a Jira number.

No, not in a published artifact... but that's not what I'm talking 
about.  I'm trying to uniquify the artifacts within my own local repo 
so that I can have multiple builds sharing a local repo and not 
interfering with each other.

SNAPSHOT should be sufficient to tell maven how to behave.

It's not.  Did you read the scenario from my original post?  I don't 
think SNAPSHOT is even in view here.

Do you think it's currently possible to build two different instances 
of a project (e.g. one w/ local modifications and one without) on the 
same machine without them stomping on each other in the repository, 
(a) without touching any other controlled resource (such as a pom :-) 
not directly related to the modification in question (i.e., that I 
would not include in a patch file), and (b) in a location-based way 
(i.e. that doesn't require me to remember to say some kind of "maven 
-Dblah.blah"?  If so, please tell me how! :-)


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Re: [vote] release maven-changelog-plugin 2.0

2007-01-24 Thread Andrew Williams


Dennis Lundberg wrote:


I'd like to release the changelog. It has not had a release since it 
moved from Codehaus, so this will be the first release at Apache.

A lot of issues have been resolved for 2.0 as can be seen in JIRA: 

There are still 2 open issues, but I don't think they should hold back 
a release: 

Revision: 497994

A snapshot has been deployed to the Apache snapshot repo: 

The one thing left to do is to decide which parent pom to use. 
Currently maven-plugins-8-SNAPSHOT is used as a parent. Either we go 
back to maven-plugins-7 or release maven-plugins-8. WDYT?

The vote will be open for 72 hours.

Here is my +1

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Re: 2.1 -X output

2007-01-24 Thread Andrew Williams

It is back now :)

Patrick Schneider wrote:

Yeah...  I saw this right after I sent that last email...


On 1/15/07, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think -X just doesn't work at all on trunk - right?

It's not deliberate, just logging changes that need fixing.

On 16/01/2007, at 9:34 AM, Patrick Schneider wrote:

> Did the indented list of dependencies in the debug output go away
> in the
> trunk?  2.0.x would give a list like:
> [DEBUG] com.test:project-a:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT (applying version: 1.0-
> ;)
> [DEBUG] com.test:project-a:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT (selected for null)
> [DEBUG]   junit:junit:jar:3.8.1:compile (applying version:
> 3.8.1;applying
> scope: test)
> [DEBUG]   junit:junit:jar:3.8.1:compile (selected for compile)
> [DEBUG]   commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.7.0:compile
> (applying
> version: 1.7.0;)
> [DEBUG]   commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.7.0:compile
> (selected
> for compile)
> [DEBUG] commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.0.3:compile
> (selected for
> compile)
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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Re: [vote] Collapse Maven permission groups

2007-01-11 Thread Andrew Williams
-0 it might be nice to have access to everything once you join, but  
it seems handy to have an acl of all those writing to the various areas.

On 8 Jan 2007, at 23:50, Brett Porter wrote:


Since there was no objection to calling a vote, as discussed in the  
proposal, I'd like to call a vote on this.

To see the proposal and discussion: 

Vote to operate as
- requiring 2/3rds of the PMC to vote (13), with a majority within  
those votes for it to pass (ie, add them all and if the result is >  
0). Other votes would be welcome with reasons as advisory, but not  

- Votes can be changed at any time before result is posted.
- Vote is open for at least 72 hours, completing once enough have  
voted after that.
- There are two different +1 options. If there is a majority for  
"collapse all groups" against both other options, then it will  
pass. If it fails, then all votes will be transferred to the  
"retain subproject access restrictions" and recounted.

The proposal is to collapse all access groups into a single ACL for  
Maven, with the following list of 37 committers: Fabrice  
Bellingard, David Blevins, John Casey, Maria Ching, Joakim Erdfelt,  
Dan Fabulich (pending), Brian Fox, Fabrizio Giustina, Arnaud  
Heritier, Jeff Jensen, Shinobu Kawai, Milos Kleint, Trygve  
Laugstol, Felipe Leme, Dennis Lundberg, Vincent Massol, Jesse  
McConnell, Stephane Nicoll, Mike Perham, Brett Porter, Edwin  
Punzalan, Daniel Rall, Allan Ramirez, Carlos Sanchez, Vincent  
Siveton, Wendy Smoak, Torbjorn Smorgrav, James Strachan, Chris  
Stevenson, Rahul Thakur, Lukas Theussl, John Tolentino, Dan Tran,  
Emmanuel Venisse, Kenney Westerhof, Andrew Williams, Henri Yandell,  
and Jason van Zyl.

The alternate proposal is to retain subproject access restrictions,  
so the groups will be (PMC members removed, as they retain access  
to all areas):
aramirez,dantran,chrisjs,brianf,bellingard,oching (/maven-1,/ 


All of the above groups will have access to: /pom, /project, / 
site, /shared in this proposal, so it is essentially to collapse  
the @maven group, making the permission groups match the existence  
of a corresponding dev lists.

[ ] +1 for the full proposal - collapse all groups (implies a vote  
for the next option if vote doesn't pass)
[ ] +1 for the partial proposal - retain subproject access  

[ ] 0 abstain from vote
[ ] -1 do not alter the current permissions


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Re: Moving site plugin webapp to another plugin

2007-01-11 Thread Andrew Williams


On 11 Jan 2007, at 04:49, Jason van Zyl wrote:

Can we put the webapp stuff that's currently in the site plugin in  
another plugin so that when you simply want to generate your site  
you don't drag down Jetty and all its dependencies? It really is  
something unexpected and isn't something most would associate with  
just generating a site. The functionality is cool, I just think it  
belong in another plugin.


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Re: calling vote for 2.0.5

2007-01-11 Thread Andrew Williams



On 10 Jan 2007, at 22:20, Jason van Zyl wrote:


I want to call a vote for 2.0.5. All the issues that are going to  
get done are done. We'll release and move on.

I would like to start building all releases from a standard machine  
with the same JDK. I would like to propose the machine  
which is monitored 24/7 running Linux. It serves as the central  
repository but can easily handle a few builds. They can be built  
from that machine and deployed to Apache. I think this is far  
better then each of us building stuff from our own machines and  

Otherwise everything for 2.0.5 is ready to go.

I will also chop up what's in JIRA into some smaller versions as I  
think some micro releases for improvements and smaller changes is  
better then waiting 7 months for another release. If we schedule  
them out them people can decide whether they want to upgrade or  
not. But I know there are several things I would like to get in and  
I know that Mike/Ralph would like to get in MNG-1577 which we can  
squeeze into a 2.0.6 in a week or two. These are micro release.


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Re: svn commit: r490254 - /maven/plugins/trunk/maven-project-info-reports-plugin/pom.xml

2007-01-06 Thread Andrew Williams

Seems to be related to
I am trying to trace through it but the tests are not behaving at all :(


On 6 Jan 2007, at 14:44, Vincent Siveton wrote:

Thanks Kenney.

I have a NPE now in MPIR for plexus-i18n:1.0-beta-7-SNAPSHOT
If I roll back to 1.0-beta-6 in MPIR, all works.

Need to investigate...



   at org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.DefaultI18N.getBundle 
   at org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.DefaultI18N.getString 


2007/1/6, Kenney Westerhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I deployed that yesterday (about 20 hours ago or so).

Are you still having problems?

Vincent Siveton wrote:
> Hi,
>> Author: jvanzyl
>> Date: Mon Dec 25 20:31:42 2006
>> New Revision: 490254
>> URL:
>> Log:
>> o updating to latest released parent
> [SNIP]
>> @@ -99,7 +98,7 @@
>>   org.codehaus.plexus
>>   plexus-i18n
>> -  1.0-beta-6
>> +  1.0-beta-7-SNAPSHOT
> It seems that 1.0-beta-7-SNAPSHOT is not deployed yet on any  

> repos.
> Back from holidays so I maybe missed something...
> Cheers,
> Vincent

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Re: Follow-up on some issues

2007-01-05 Thread Andrew Williams

I think this was fixed earlier in the week - is your checkout up to date?


Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 3 Jan 07, at 2:01 AM 3 Jan 07, Franz Allan Valencia See wrote:

Good day,

MNG-2692, MNG-2699 and MNG-2700 all refers to the same problem. That is
after building maven from trunk and using the the resulting assembly 
maven-cli), "mvn.bat" does not work (because it's looking fro 
instead of plexus-classworld-* as in "mvn" script file). It's a 
simple fix

actually and both 2692 and 2699 have patches ready for it.

Sure, push them in JIRA and assign them to myself or Andy. We have 
been pushing in new classworlds and plexus but we don't use Windows 
heavily. I only installed it a few weeks ago in Parallels so fire away!



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Re: [vote] release maven-eclipse-plugin

2006-12-11 Thread Andrew Williams

your wish is etc...
plexus-utils 1.4-alpha-1 released :)


Fabrizio Giustina wrote:

Thanks Jason,
could I ask you to take care of the plexus-utils stuff? Should be the
only non-maven dependency needed for this release, I could take care
of the rest... the plexus release should be solved independently from
this vote.


On 12/11/06, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Go for it, I will help you release and move stuff. I question is far
from settled as to integration testing but the eclipse plugin release
needs to be made. I'll be doing nothing but releases from now until
the new year it seems so I can help you with anything related to m2.


On 11 Dec 06, at 5:02 AM 11 Dec 06, Fabrizio Giustina wrote:

> I was already planning to start a vote, so a +1 from me since we
> already waited too long and added so many changes and enhancements
> lately.
> Anyway, as usual there are a couple of things that need to be done
> before:
> - license headers needs to be updated and added where missing
> - we will have to wait till the remote-resources-plugin is released
> (but this should happen soon)
> And a bigger issue (the reason why I was delaying this vote):
> - there are a few (!) shared components used for testing that need to
> be release as well:
> org.apache.maven.shared:maven-test-tools:1.0-SNAPSHOT
> org.apache.maven.shared:maven-plugin-testing-tools:1.0-SNAPSHOT
> org.apache.maven.shared:maven-plugin-testing-harness:1.0-beta-2-
> plus:
> - org.apache.maven.shared:maven-test-tools is still in the sandbox and
> it requires a release version of:
> org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:1.4-SNAPSHOT
> - org.apache.maven.shared:maven-plugin-testing-tools is in the sandbox
> too and depends on the following snapshots:
> org.apache.maven.shared:maven-repository-builder
> org.apache.maven.shared:maven-invoker
> and more:
> - maven-repository-builder is still in the sandbox too and depends on
> a snapshot version of
> org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters
> ... so, this vote should also mean moving 3 artifacts out of the
> sandbox and release other 6 artifacts (not counting the plexus one)?
> I think we really need to do this bunch of release (even marking some
> components as beta or even alpha), so for me this is an unconditional
> +1 for everything: we need a way out from this mess...
> fabrizio
> On 12/11/06, Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to propose the release of the maven-eclipse-plugin. This
>> will bring the eclipse:make-artifacts goal into a non snapshot
>> release.
>> Regards,
>> Graham
>> --
> -
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Re: [vote] maven release process ( gpg / javadoc / site / source / remote-resources ) plugins.

2006-12-11 Thread Andrew Williams

+1 to all


Fabrizio Giustina wrote:

a +1 for all of them, we really need a release at this point

there is only something left that needs to be fixed before the
release: documentation for the gpg plugin needs to be rewritten, I see
that the usage guide refers to the "Genesis Tools Plugin for Maven 2",
to a "Java Version Control" goal and so on...


On 12/10/06, Joakim Erdfelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After a chat with Jason about the new release process / staging / etc...
I feel it is time to get a release out for the following plugins.

maven-gpg-plugin 1.0
maven-javadoc-plugin 2.2
maven-site-plugin 2.0
maven-source-plugin 2.0.2
maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.0

This will allow for the following ...

* release staging.
* gpg signing of all artifacts.
* ${artifactId}-${version}-sources.jar creation
* ${artifactId}-${version}-javadoc.jar creation
* Proper inclusion of the Apache LICENSE and NOTICE files.

I would like to call a vote on getting the 5 crucial plugins released in
a non-SNAPSHOT form.

Once these plugins are in place, the top level parent poms (maven-parent
and apache) can be updated to make these processes standard for all

To kick things off ...

+1 maven-gpg-plugin
+1 maven-javadoc-plugin
+1 maven-site-plugin
+1 maven-source-plugin
+1 maven-remote-resources-plugin

- Joakim Erdfelt

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Re: Where are plug-in classpaths resolved?

2006-12-07 Thread Andrew Williams

Yup, these changes are in trunk now :)


Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 6 Dec 06, at 8:18 PM 6 Dec 06, Brett Porter wrote:

DefaultPluginManager is the place to look. You are looking for the 
creation of a child plexus container, and jar resources being added 
to that.

On the code we're about to merge into trunk the container creation is 
now gone. It's the same place in the DefaultPluginManager but we are 
now creating a Realm per component which is a Realm per plugin (maven 
plugin = plexus component). So there is no multiple container creation 
per run of Maven. This code is about to be merged to trunk if it is 
not already.


On 07/12/2006, at 10:20 AM, Wendell Beckwith wrote:

Can a dev comment on and/or since I'm pretty sure 
their one
and the same?  This is such an issue to work around that previously 
I got
around it by breaking my command invocation into 2 separate mvn 
through our build server, but now I want to conditionally activate a 
and this bug negates that capability.  I realize people are busy but 
if I
can be pointed to the code location(s) that resolves plug-in 
classpaths then

I can see about creating a patch.


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Plexus container and classworlds API in trunk

2006-12-06 Thread Andrew Williams
the branch which contained the work to get maven up to the  
latest and greatest plexus container and classworlds has been  
branched to trunk.
The tests all pass and bootstrapping works here, please bug Jason or  
I if there appears to be any problems with this substantial change.


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Re: svn commit: r482676 - in /maven/plugins/trunk/maven-changelog-plugin: pom.xml src/test/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/changelog/stubs/

2006-12-06 Thread Andrew Williams
fair point - if you are imminently making the release I suppose it makes 
sense ;)


Brett Porter wrote:
Yes, it's just a pain to change it only to change it back again when a 
release is imminent.

- Brett

On 06/12/2006, at 8:59 PM, Andrew Williams wrote:

Not really - I'm with Dan here, if we are working to a beta-4 release 
surely it should be 1.0-beta-4-SNAPSHOT.
That way there is no confusion as to what version to release. Then 
when 1.0 is ready it can be dropped up to the 1.0 level.

Is this not the behavior documented in BBwM?


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Re: svn commit: r482676 - in /maven/plugins/trunk/maven-changelog-plugin: pom.xml src/test/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/changelog/stubs/

2006-12-06 Thread Andrew Williams
Not really - I'm with Dan here, if we are working to a beta-4 release 
surely it should be 1.0-beta-4-SNAPSHOT.
That way there is no confusion as to what version to release. Then when 
1.0 is ready it can be dropped up to the 1.0 level.

Is this not the behavior documented in BBwM?


Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
the release will be beta-4, but the version is maven-scm poms is 
actually 1.0-SNAPSHOT and I won't change them before the release. When 
I'll release, I'll set the version to beta-4 and not 1.0.

The next version will be 1.0-SNAPSHOT. Hope it's clear now :)


Dan Tran a écrit :

i am confused here.   beta-4 or 1.0?


On 12/5/06, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yes, it will be 1.0-beta-4, but actually, it's 1.0-SNAPSHOT.


Dennis Lundberg a écrit :
> Did you mean for the version of Maven SCM to be 1.0-SNAPSHOT?
> Shouldn't that be 1.0-beta-4-SNAPSHOT judging by the messages on the
> scm-dev list?

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Surefire plugin merge

2006-12-05 Thread Andrew Williams

Just a note to explain:

I created the sandbox module "surefire-plugin-merge" to try merging  
the two maven surefire plugins into the surefire codebase as  
discussed before.
The reason it is not straight forward is that when the maven-surefire- 
plugin is enabled is that maven detects a circular dependency. The  
code is here to try and resolve this before it goes back to surefire  


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Re: [VOTE] Release MWAR Plugin

2006-11-30 Thread Andrew Williams



Vincent Siveton wrote:

Late, but here's my +1


2006/11/28, Stephane Nicoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:



On 11/28/06, John Tolentino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> The latest version (2.0.2-SNAPSHOT) of the maven-war-plugin is now
> deployed to the snapshot repo. We'll also have the license stuff
> resolved before doing any release.
> For your reference of features included in this release:

> I now like to call a vote for Releasing the Maven WAR Plugin.
> Here's my +1.
> Thanks,
> John
> -
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