Re: [OSM-dev] New contributor Rodriq

2019-01-31 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 30.01.2019 o 05:17, Jaro Rodriq pisze:
> I'm Fongang Rodrique Ngendab, a year one student in the university of
> Buea. Cameroon.
> I'm a tech lover and have been into web technologies [HTML, CSS,
> JavaScript (mostly)], PHP, beginner in python and some other
> frameworks too. I learned about this open source org from a Google
> search. So I'll like to contribute in my own little way. I'll greatly
> need help from Everyone of you to improve my skills set as we all work
> together.


You will find some basic informations for developers here:

Have a nice time in OSM!

"I see dead people" [Sixth Sense]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.19.0

2019-01-18 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.19.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before
all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Adding rendering for boundary=protected_area (#3509)
- Nature reserve boundaries revision (#3574)
- Adding support of amenity=vending_machine (#3601)
- Adding more barrier icons (#3602)
- Changing allotments color and adding outline (#3625)
- Reducing priority of tourism=attraction and rendering from z17 (#3603)
- Changing tourism outline color (#3582)
- Making country borders thicker at z8 and z9 (#3563)
- Rendering parking from z14 (#3612)
- Starting to render most patterns at z13 instead of z14 (#3610)
- Changing zoom level and text size for place=hamlet (#3626)
- Rendering airport gate refs black instead of purple (#3620)
- Updating zoom levels by height for masts, towers and telescopes (#3536)
- Hiding underground parking (#3600)
- Rendering ref of minor roads more than once (#3627)
- Adjusting width of highway=construction (#3580)
- Selecting only motorway_link to tertiary_link as link (#3567)
- Reducing tertiary-link width (#3570)
- Changing certain amenity icons to grey (#3586)
- Converting springs to use ST_PointOnSurface and reformatting SQL (#3233)
- Adding "religious-icon" as color variable for #00 (#3642)
- Adding "barrier-icon" color variable in #3f3f3f for barriers (#3643)
- Fixing inconsistency of leisure=ice_rink (#3598)
- Fixing label opacity for tourism features (#3616)
- Reverting lowzoom nobuilding test change (#3622)
- Removing trailing whitespace (#3637)

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"Excuse me, I have some growing up to do" [P. Gabriel]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Need Help to Get started to Contribute at OpenStreetMap

2019-01-10 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 10.01.2019 o 09:17, varsha kukreja pisze:
> I would like to contribute to the open source community ..I have
> majorly worked on backend on 2 college sponsored projects and working
> currently on a project by Government Organization. I have fair
> knowledge in Javascript, NodeJs, Typescript, Spring Boot, Laravel ,
> Docker and apache thrift. It woukd be great if could if someone could
> help me get started


OSM is very broad ecosystem. Have you looked at this list to see if
there's anything interesting for you?

"I see dead people" [Sixth Sense]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.18.0

2018-12-21 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 21.12.2018 o 16:49, Dave F pisze:
> What does 'later' mean:
> On 21/12/2018 15:36, Daniel Koć wrote:
>> Moving railway=tram_stop and station=subway later

We usually refer this way to higher zoom levels. In this case it was
moving from z12+ and z13+ respectively to z14+ (and "+" means "starting
from this level to all the higher ones").

"I see dead people" [Sixth Sense]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.18.0

2018-12-21 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.18.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before
all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include

- Adding rendering for healthcare tag scheme
  - Changing hospital icon
  - Changing healthcare color to red
  - Changing natural=scrub color
  - Changing landuse=allotments color and pattern
- Adding rendering for natural=cape
- Rendering leisure=ice_rink
- Adding rendering for man_made=crane
- Adding icons for shop=fabric and shop=carpet
- Updating icons for amenity=arts_centre, leisure=slipway,
amenity=restaurant/amenity=food_court and
- Using dedicated icon for artwork_type=bust
- Rendering railway pattern on z12
- Showing labels of big states (like Alaska)
- Moving railway=tram_stop and station=subway later
- Adding rendering for more private POIs
- Removing smoothing in leisure=track and attraction=water_slide
- Using subway bridge style for subway construction bridges
- Rendering wind turbines names and other tweaks
- Changing man_made gray and text color, making text-dy uniform
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release including tpetillon, a
new contributor.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"Excuse me, I have some growing up to do" [P. Gabriel]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.17.0

2018-11-22 Thread Daniel Koć
Sorry for the formatting issues - I thought sending simple text e-mail
should be easy...

Properly formatted announce can be found here:

"Excuse me, I have some growing up to do" [P. Gabriel]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.17.0

2018-11-22 Thread Daniel Koć
|Dear all,|
|Today, v4.17.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default|
|stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed |
|on the it will take couple of days before all tiles |
|show the new rendering.|
|Changes include|
|- Showing natural areas from z5|
|- Cleaning up medium zoom rendering, including:|
|  - Making societal amenities look like residential on z10-z12|
|  - Rendering motorway junction names from z13 instead of z12|
|  - Dropping buildings up to z13 instead of z13|
|  - Correctly dropping minor waterways from z13|
|  - Rendering intermittent streams/ditches/drains from z15|
|  - Reducing lightening of tramways|
|- Rendering religious landuse and place of worship lighter|
|- Adding text-repeat-distance for highway names|
|- Rendering dots for gastronomy objects on z17|
|- Adding icons for memorial subtags|
|- Rendering man_made=telescope|
|- Rendering amenity=internet_cafe|
|- Adding icon for amenity=public_bookcase|
|- Adding icons for barrier=cattle_grid and barrier=stile|
|- Adding icon for leisure=fishing|
|- Rendering entrance for underground parking|
|- Rendering basin=detention/infiltration as intermittent water|
|- Tweaking outline of swimming pools and rendering it from z17|
|- Moving danger_area into landuse-overlay|
|- Buildings code rewrite|
|Thanks to all the contributors for this release including jeisenbe, a
new contributor.|
|For a full list of commits, see|
|As always, we welcome any bug reports at|

"Excuse me, I have some growing up to do" [P. Gabriel]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.16.0

2018-10-18 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.16.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before all
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Changing societal amenities color to less intensive
- Adding rendering for natural=strait
- Adding rendering for leisure=track on lines
- Adding icon for amenity=vehicle_inspection
- Adding icon for leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming and
- Adding icon for tourism=gallery
- Changing color for aeroway=apron in aerodromes
- Moving amenity=post_box to z19+
- Moving amenity=atm to z19+
- Replacing icon for information=tactile_model
- Ordering amenity_lines by layer
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release including dryo, a new

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.15.0

2018-09-21 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.15.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before all
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Changing gastronomy objects color to orange (affects restaurant,
fast_food, ice_cream, food_court, bar, cafe, nightclub, pub and biergarten)
- Changing farmland and societal amenities (like school, hospital etc.)
colors to fit better into the overall color systematic
- Adding rendering for man_made=wastewater_plant and man_made=water_works
- Adding icon for man_made=storage_tank and man_made=silo
- Adding icon for amenity=bicycle_repair_station
- Adding icon for leisure=amusement_arcade
- Adding icon for shop=bookmaker
- Adding icon for shop=trade
- Adding rendering for attraction=water_slide
- Rendering most of the road links thinner (affects trunk_link,
primary_link, secondary_link)
- Moving manors to z16+
- Fixing missing country labels on z4 (affects Canada, Russia and Greenland)
- Small code and icon fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.14.0

2018-08-17 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Yesterday, v4.14.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released and rolled out to the servers. It might take a couple of days before all
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Added text-repeat-distance for waterways
- Added text-repeat-distance for railways
- Added icon for leisure=bowling_alley
- Added icon for leisure=outdoor_seating
- Added icon for leisure=bird_hide
- Added icon for shop=video
- Added icon for shop=paint
- Added icon for shop=massage
- Increased casing width of tertiary road on z12
- Standard text halo for fitness_centre and fitness_station
- Updated Docker images definitions
- Small documentation updates

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Developer wanted for CartoCSS

2018-08-14 Thread Daniel Koć

I recently got worried about CartoCSS project, which we use as a Mapnik
configuration parser in OSM Carto. There's only one person available for
a long time and I feel this is dangerous, because he has officially
stepped down recently and if he looses any interest in it, there would
be not even basic support, like merging code or making the release.

If there's somebody ready to look at the code (JavaScript) and join the
project even to just keep it alive in standby mode, I would be very
glad. Here is nebulon42 story and what he expects to "share the keys"
(or even pass the baton) in the project:

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.13.0

2018-07-23 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.13.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before
all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include:
- Increased shield distances on roads
- Added icon for shop=ticket
- Added icon for shop=houseware
- Added icon for shop=charity
- Added icon for shop=second_hand
- Added icon for shop=interior_decoration
- Added icon for amenity=bureau_de_change
- Added icon for amenity=casino
- Added icon for amenity=boat_rental
- Updated shop=department_store icon
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-26 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 26.06.2018 o 18:08, Sven Geggus pisze:

> This seems to completely kill my rendering performance.
> Will I need additional indexes?

We're currently investigating it:

I see two potential sources of this problem at the moment:

Could you test which one seems to be hitting your performance?

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-26 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 22.06.2018 o 17:16, Daniel Koć pisze:
> Dear all,
> Today, v4.12.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
> stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
> deployed on the it will take couple of days before
> all tiles show the new rendering.

Hi again,

The deployment is not happening yet, and one of the problems is
some performance issue on low zoom levels:

Could anybody test what's the source of the problem? I expected rather
that it would speed up the low zoom rendering due to the smaller reads
from a database together with the update of indexes:

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-23 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 23.06.2018 o 11:18, Yves pisze:
> | Mapnik and CartoCSS being essentially
> | unmaintained,
> Which is not going to change if everybody scripts its own way :)
> I did not followed the discussion around that change, but it would be
> a good idea to make changes upstream to come up with an equivalent
> style without special code.

CartoCSS is dead end now - first it has been abandoned by Mapbox, and
lately by nebulon42, who made 1.0.0 release shortly before his departure.

Mapnik is a different beast. It's still being developed by artemp
(founder) and talaj at least and has some big deployments, like
I don't remember right now if we asked about adding support for our
solution, but solving things upstream is what I try to promote.

However it always takes some coding to be done and it might be not what
maintainers are focusing on. So if there's somebody interested in the
issue, please let us know.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-23 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 23.06.2018 o 09:21, Sven Geggus pisze:

> Are you unaware of the fact that there are forks of OpenStreetMap Carto like
> German style which are keept in sync by merging them with every upstream
> release?

Hi, Sven!

I was aware that your fork is quite closely following osm-carto, unlike
many others, so I did not expect such problem.

Moreover this particular approach to surface rendering has been
developed for about a year, so I'm surprised you missed the whole

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-22 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.12.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before
all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include:

Major changes
- Dropped subpixel accuracy for areas, which includes tuning some
database indexes. When deployed, it might speed up reading data.

- Added rendering “surface” tag on roads with a pattern
- More vertical objects rendering and tuning (man_made=tower types,
man_made=chimney, man_made=communications_tower)
- tourism=information types rendering and tuning
(information=audioguide, board, guidepost, map, office, tactile_map,
tactile_model and terminal)
- Added rendering for place=quarter
- Added rendering of historic=city_gate
- Added rendering of lock_name
- Ditch and drain name labels are rendered with some offset
- Pixel aligned ford icon
- Made amenity=shelter icon brown
- Finer man_made=pier width rendering
- Rendering living street tunnels different from residential
- Added rendering of overground power=cable like power=line
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release including Adamant36 and
M1dgard, new contributors. I also like to thank nebulon42 who left our
team due to a change of his priorities for all the work on this style
and the tools we're using!

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: Error while updating svn repository

2018-05-19 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 19.05.2018 o 01:15, IMT2016050 Biswesh Mohapatra pisze:
> When I searched on the net, the only solution they gave was to delete the 
> previously checked out branch and checkout again. Is there a better solution 
> for the problem?

I know that this tool (with exactly this set of options, as seen on the
image) helps in most cases:

However it's a Windows GUI app, so you might need to find corresponding
way in CLI for example:

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.11.0

2018-05-11 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.11.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before
all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Fixed office/amenity conflict
- Brightened built-up areas on z12
- Refurbished natural=spring icon
- Added rendering for amenity=police and amenity=fire_station areas
- Added rendering of amenity=nursing_home
- Added rendering of amenity=childcare
- Added rendering of amenity=driving_school
- Added area rendering for amenity=bus_station
- Added area rendering of amenity=taxi
- Made highway=traffic_signals icon less obtrusive
- Moved barriers to higher zoom level
- Hiding railway=platform with location=underground, tunnels and covered=yes
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.10.0

2018-04-20 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.10.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before
all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Adding rendering for historic=castle and historic=manor
- Adding rendering office=* as dots + names
- Adding rendering for waterway=waterfall
- Adding place=square name rendering for nodes
- Adding rendering for big natural=bay
- Adding rendering for leisure=beach_resort
- Adding rendering for amenity=parking_space
- Adding rendering of aerialway=zip_line
- Adding rendering for shop=bed
- Adding rendering for shop=video_games
- Adding halo to roads on z6 and z7
- Extending intermittent waterbody rendering to landuse=basin
- Moving highway=mini_roundabout rendering to higher zoom level
- Dropping waterway=derelict_canal rendering
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including d3d9,
doktorpixel14 and hikemaniac, new contributors.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Generalisation

2018-04-16 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 16.04.2018 o 11:42, Christoph Hormann pisze:

> There are different definitions of what kind of operations and processes 
> you call "generalization".  

Thanks for showing the examples what can be seen as generalization, this
is quite wide subject:

On osm-carto we also use types generalization (like meadow and grassland
shown in the same way), which is very different than the one in the
original message.

> You need to keep in mind that both geometric generalization and lossy 
> vector data compression operations are largely incompatible with the 
> current goals of OSM-Carto:

I don't think this is true. For example making borders simpler increases
clarity, while previous state was creating optical illusions.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Generalisation

2018-04-15 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 15.04.2018 o 21:54, Frederik Ramm pisze:
> On 04/14/2018 11:18 AM, Tomas Straupis wrote:
>>   As OSM is mature enough to start generalisation (more than
>> "selection" operator), maybe there is some place where such topics (in
>> OSM context) are discussed in English?
> The most likely location for this to be discussed is probably within the
> openstreetmap-carto developer community as they would benefit most from
> such approaches. I don't follow their work closely though so couldn't
> say if the issues have been discussed in the past.

I remember that we in the osm-carto community were mentioning about
generalizations for some time, but it is just loosely scattered here and
there and we've never focused on this. I've heard quite interesting
things about this technique in a Paul Norman's talk from last year (the
exact section is here: ).

I think it's the best to discuss this topic on the forum, because it's
much broader than any single ticket should contain, and it might be
interesting for rendering other styles too:

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.9.0

2018-03-23 Thread Daniel Koć
Dear all,

Today, v4.9.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed on the it will take couple of days before all
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include

Major changes
- A bug where closed ways with natural=cliff or natural=tree_row were
not rendering has been fixed. This required fixing a transform bug. The
fix will apply to all objects when they are created in OSM, but there is
no migration for existing databases. Deployments will have to decide if
the effects are serious enough to require them to reload the database.

- Adding place=square name rendering
- Adding rendering for different types of towers and masts
- Making gardens to use grass color with plant nursery pattern
- Adding rendering for intermittent water bodies
- Give oceans outline and simplify shapefiles on z0-7
- Simplify (generalize) admin borders
- Move natural=grassland and landuse=meadow earlier
- Start rendering aerialway name
- Adding icons for amenity=bbq, amenity=shower, leisure=sauna and
- Adding special icons for shop=dairy, shop=medical_supply and shop=music
- Move amenity=toilets to higher zoom levels
- Fixing some SVG icons artifacts
- Make military=danger_area font dark pink and slanted
- Changing rendering for construction=steps to distinguish it from roads
- Changing label colour of private parking
- Small documentation and code fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including james2432,
Penegal and jragusa, new contributors.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.8.0

2018-02-23 Thread Daniel Koć

Dear all,

Today, v4.8.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are 
deployed on the it will take couple of days before all 
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include
- Made military area rendering less prominent
- Adding rendering for historic=wayside_shrine
- Adding rendering for historic=fort
- Adding rendering for amenity=public_bath
- Adding rendering for shop=chocolate
- Adding rendering for barrier=toll_booth (nodes)
- Adding rendering barrier=log
- Adding rendering for amenity=waste_disposal
- Moving tourism-boundary under barrier layer
- Docker: run osm2pgsql in slim mode
- Fix operator precedence for hstore queries
- Small documentation fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including jbelien, 
MKuranowski, andrzej-r and Zverik, new contributors.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.7.1

2018-01-31 Thread Daniel Koć
|Dear all, Today, v4.7.1 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the 
default stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes 
are deployed on the it will take couple of days before 
all tiles show the new rendering. This is a bugfix release, the only 
change is a code fixing this rendering problem: Thanks 
to all the contributors for this release. For a full list of commits, 
As always, we welcome any bug reports at|

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tile Rendering Queue

2017-11-18 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 15.11.2017 o 16:20, Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski pisze:

Tile CDN is highly loaded during daytime and not loaded on night.
There is a peak after each stylesheet update. Monitoring: 

Is there something wrong with Munin lately?

The newest osm-carto release has been deployed yesterday and I wanted to 
follow current changes on the OSMF servers, but I can see only network 
traffic charts on this page - the rest is just not filled with any data.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.5.0

2017-11-17 Thread Daniel Koć

Dear all,

Today, v4.5.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on has been released.

Changes include:

Major changes
- Cleaning up low zoom levels (z5-z7):
  - Rendering roads from z6 instead of z5
  - Rendering national parks from z8 instead of z7
  - Rendering railways from z8 instead of z7
- Changing parking color from yellow to gray

- Unified rendering of leisure=fitness_station and leisure=fitness_centre
- Rendering of military=bunker
- Rendering all station buildings as major buildings
- Text wrapping for station labels
- Changing windmill color from amenity brown to man_made gray
- Some other documentation and code changes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.4.0

2017-10-20 Thread Daniel Koć

Dear all,

Today, v4.4.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on has been released.

Changes include:

Major changes
- Rendering inland water areas and labels from z0
- Rendering island and islet labels earlier

- Rendering of amenity=marketplace
- Rendering of landuse=religious
- Rendering shop=pastry like shop=confectionery
- Rendering of addr:unit
- Rendering natural=bare_rock earlier
- Rendering elevation also on polygon alpine_hut and shelter
- Introducing Noto Sans Arabic
- Rendering icon for slipway ways
- Better minimal distance between housenumbers
- Moving aeroways to their own layer
- Creating amenity POI categories
- Some other documentation and code cleaning

Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including tpikonen,
a new contributor.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Advantages PostgreSQL 10.0 + PostGIS 2.4

2017-10-09 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 08.10.2017 o 21:19, Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski pisze:
PostGIS 2.4 brings support for ST_AsMVT for Mapbox Vector Tile export. 
You don't need backend anymore to connect your cool vector rendering 
Mapbox GL to your database.

According to this blog entry:

"We also found out that MVT’s are good for rendering client side, but 
not so good when you want to render tiles with a lot of features.

However, it is not all about speed. More importantly, having MVT’s in 
the database as a building block lets you build the SQL on top, which 
gives you a lot of flexibility."

[ ]

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Subutai FOSS Contribution Program

2017-10-08 Thread Daniel Koć


This should be interesting for OSM-related projects which need some 
hardware base, for example for testing or hosting purposes (I think 
about vector tiles server, which is very resource consuming task).

There's a project called Subutai, which is basically a P2P social cloud 
solution, where you can share virtual machines instead of just files:

Subutai tries to promote open projects in a really bold way (which 
should be less surprising if you know who a Jon “maddog” Hall is, but 

Does anybody here already use this solution and can share his experiences?

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Place names tagging, rendering and processing

2017-09-10 Thread Daniel Koć

Sorry for cross-posting on 3 lists, but this subject is rather wide.

There's a big discussion on osm-carto about rendering and tagging 
place=* names, especially when tagged as an area (but also in general):

It was also suggested to hear from OSM data consumers to know how they 
handle nodes and areas with place names.

"Probably it's an eternal problem - too many chiefs, too few Indians" [O. 

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Unsubscribe from mailing list

2017-09-04 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 04.09.2017 o 17:31, Shubhankit Mohan pisze:

+1 for me as well.

On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Riaan Grobler > wrote:

Good day

Please unsubscribe me from your mailing list.

On a list panel:

you have an information how to do it yourself:

"To unsubscribe from dev, get a password reminder, or change your 
subscription options enter your subscription email address:"

"Probably it's an eternal problem - too many chiefs, too few Indians" [O. 

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.2.0

2017-08-26 Thread Daniel Koć

By the way - I have also updated the "wiki key" as far as I could:

osm-carto is really huge if you look this way and I'm not even familiar 
with some of these features! If you see that something missing or not 
correct, please make an edit or let me know.

"Probably it's an eternal problem - too many chiefs, too few Indians" [O. 

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.2.0

2017-08-25 Thread Daniel Koć
|Dear all, Today, v4.2.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the 
default stylesheet on has been released. Changes 
include: Major changes - Water color and default water text color are 
changed to be more visible - Medium zoom level (z8-z12) rework: - 
Landuses colors are faded and some of them are visible earlier - Most of 
the man related landuses are combined into one color and more visible - 
More important roads are better legible Changes - Leaf type rendering in 
woods and forests |||- |Cemetery symbols are not so dense now and Muslim cemetery has its 
own symbol |||- |Rendering of amenity=ferry_terminal- ||Plaque rendering is now different and moved to z19 - Rendering 
railway labels - Smaller line spaces in labels - Junction names on areas 
- Area color for railway=station is the same as for railways - Database 
performance tuning available for Docker - Different patterns and all 
remaining icons moved to SVG - Some documentation and code cleaning 
Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including littlebtc and 
giggls, new contributors. Special thanks for rrzefox for testing major 
changes on his server. For a full list of commits, see 
As always, we welcome any bug reports at|

"Probably it's an eternal problem - too many chiefs, too few Indians" [O. 

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.1.0

2017-07-30 Thread Daniel Koć
|Dear all, Today, v4.1.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the 
default stylesheet on has been released |||and rolled out to the servers. It might take a couple 
of days before all tiles show the new rendering.| Changes include - 
Malls are no longer rendered as dots (bug fix) - Special icon for 
shop=tyres - Airports rendering changes: removing clutter on z10 and 
moving name labels under the icon - Switching forest, scrub and quarry 
patterns to SVG In this release we're also introducing Docker-based 
development environment, which makes it much easier to preview rendering 
changes before they are deployed on the servers. Be warned that there's 
a change in our release plans: |||compatibility| with v3.x series is no longer ||maintained from now on, so database reload is needed to keep up with 
current style changes. Some of them can be however backported, 
especially if you're using hstore-enabled database already. Thanks to 
all the contributors for this release. Special thanks go to ||MaestroGlanz and daganzdaanda for a new icon. For a full list of 
commits, see 
As always, we welcome any bug reports at|

"Like a halo in reverse" [M. Gore]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm-carto v3 - end of life?

2017-07-21 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 21.07.2017 o 08:58, Hartmut Holzgraefe pisze:
If it is possible to render v3, and so all the other styles that 
currently use the v3 schema (or variants with additional columns on

top that can be served by simple hstore-based VIEWs) from a v4
database I'm fine and can plan for a full re-import.

It's not working, probably because we use lua transforms for v4:

Same if v3 schema can be emulated by wrapping simple views around
a v4 schema.

I don't know.

"Like a halo in reverse" [M. Gore]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] osm-carto v3 - end of life?

2017-07-20 Thread Daniel Koć


I'm looking for the users who are deploying default OSM map style 
(openstreetmap-carto) from series v3.

There is v4 series available for few weeks already, but the problem is 
you need to reload database for this upgrade, which might be a problem. 
We've made a statement in our documentation that we will keep updating 
v3 for at least 2 "minor" releases (we use MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH numbering 
scheme) to give our users some time for a database transition:

but it looks like currently we have no code to be ported to v3, so we're 
stuck with v4 code, which waits to be merged and released, and we have 
nothing for the old series. This is a loose-loose situation for 
everybody and it's not clear to me how long it might last.

So I'd like to ask if anybody is concerned about making v3 series 
officially unsupported now and moving on only with v4?

"Like a halo in reverse" [M. Gore]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Increase Zoom Level of OSM server

2017-07-18 Thread Daniel Koć

MAX_ZOOM is defined here, you can see if changing it really works:

Maybe you could try Tirex instead?

W dniu 18.07.2017 o 10:24, amisha budhiraja pisze:

Hi all,

I want to increase the zoom level of my own OSM server to more than
20. If I set the value of the variable MAXZOOM in renderd.conf file to
more than 20.

Then, on running the following command it gives me error.

$ renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf

Specified max zoom (21) is to large. Renderd currently only supports
up to zoom level 20

Can somebody help me in it?

"Like a halo in reverse" [M. Gore]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Looking for a server for the map style testing

2017-07-12 Thread Daniel Koć


We're almost ready to change how the mid-zoom levels are displayed on 
the default map style - and at the same time to change water color to a 
different shade of blue. See discussion with rendering examples here:

It can have a big impact on how this map looks like, so it's important 
to make live test before. That's why we look for a server to render such 
tiles for some time.

What is needed:

- full planet database (strongly preferable, but some big areas, like 
continents or countries can be useful too)

- tile server with zoom levels z0-z19

- osm-carto "midzoom" git branch

It's just for testing purposes, so:

- no heavy network traffic, huge disk space usage nor heavy system load 
are expected

- it will be needed just for some time (like weeks, not years)

- it don't have to be updated (one database load would be enough)

If you can share such server or need more informations to decide, please 
contact us!

"Like a halo in reverse" [M. Gore]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Openstreetmap-carto rendering environment

2017-07-11 Thread Daniel Koć
There's no release yet (it's just in our code repository), but I want to 
inform you that openstreetmap-carto offers now easy to set up, 
Docker-based rendering environment:

You can edit style files and see the results immediately in a web 
browser without manual system configuration. It's possible to compare it 
visually with online OSM maps, use overlays and export test images out 
of the box.

If you have any comments or problems related to this, let us know. I'd 
like to make testing as easy and comfortable as possible. I hope this 
will lower the barrier to start making contributions to default OSM map 

"Like a halo in reverse" [M. Gore]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Removing functionality and giving just No as answer

2017-02-24 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 24.02.2017 16:59, Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski napisał(a):

If you look at it, it's not "community developed this", or "OSMF
developed this", or even "a private club developed this" which you
paint as a dark scenario.

It's being mostly written and deployed by the same person.
This is Bus Factor 1 scenario.

Well, for me it looks like this is not as bad as you say:

But it's not that good either:

"The club" is rather tight now, but at least one person is aware that 
more people would be needed to allow smooth operations and development. 
The main issue seems to be how to attract them?

Sadly, this is not the only fragile element in OSM ecosystem.

We had this "Bus Factor 1 scenario" with forum lately. Fortunately no 
bus was involved and no admin was harmed, but Lambertus has effectively 
"stepped down" one day and was very hard to reach. It ended up with 
saner and more balanced forum management (server migration from 
independent location into OSMF controlled one and 3 new admins), so it's 
much better now than before admin became inactive.

OSM-carto development has also its own problems, although far from being 
that serious. While there's more people on the board with merging rights 
lately, it's still no more than few people active there and agreement is 
rather hard to reach.

I have no idea how to attract more people and at the same time not 
stress the active people even more than they're now. Yet, it's a 
dangerous situation and I hope it will be resolved before some bad 
things will strike us again.

"Like a halo in reverse" [M. Gore]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v2.45.1

2016-12-03 Thread Daniel Koć

Dear all,

Today, v2.45.1 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on has been released and rolled out
to the servers. It might take a couple of days
before all tiles show the new rendering.

This is a bugfix release restoring two icons:
- memorial
- tobacco shop

Thanks to all the contributors for this release.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

"A dragon lives forever but not so little boys" [L. Lipton]

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v2.45.0

2016-11-28 Thread Daniel Koć

Dear all,

Today, v2.45.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet (the default
stylesheet on has been released.

Changes include:
- Rendering all shops without a specific icon as a dot, not just a 

- Scrub pattern change to random
- Changing pitch and track color
- Railway stations rendering as major buildings
- Rendering the name of man_made=bridge inside the polygon
- Documentation updates (including cartography design goals and icon 
design guidelines)

- Icons general code cleaning
- Various bug fixes

Thanks to all the contributors for this release, including micahcochran,
a new contributor.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

You may also like to know that this release is the first with 3 new 
maintainers on board. Please be aware that we're going to drop some 
dependencies soon (like Mapnik 2), so we're approaching a big version 

"A dragon lives forever but not so little boys" [L. Lipton]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v2.43.0

2016-09-06 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 06.09.2016 13:52, Tom Hughes napisał(a):

Well it brings the tile servers to mapnik 3 which may have a few
immediate effects like improved rendering of asian scripts but which
mostly allows future stylesheet updates to use mapnik 3 features.

That's great! This should be an improvement in itself, but also a base 
for other changes in osm-carto:

"To co ludzie zwą marskością wątroby/ Tak naprawdę jest śmiercią z 
tęsknoty" [Afro Kolektyw]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v2.43.0

2016-09-06 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 06.09.2016 10:10, Tom Hughes napisał(a):

This release will likely be deployed next weekend once the third tile
server has been upgraded.

Will this upgrade bring any interesting features and optimizations or 
it's just a typical system/security upgrade?

"To co ludzie zwą marskością wątroby/ Tak naprawdę jest śmiercią z 
tęsknoty" [Afro Kolektyw]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM-Carto style, ported to vector tiles!

2016-07-25 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 25.07.2016 16:50, Daniel Koć napisał(a):

So, I don't understand npm issues, but can work around them, but still
there are some other problems, including fonts issues, which I don't
understand. Maybe it has something to do with Ubuntu version (mine is
16.04 64-bit)?

Report after some more research:

I have removed fonts which caused the error messages and my style.mss 
file looks like this now:


Map {
  background-color: @water-color;

@book-fonts:"DejaVu Sans Book", "Padauk Regular", "Khmer OS Metal 
Chrieng Regular",

"TSCu_Paranar Regular", "Tibetan Machine Uni Regular";
@bold-fonts:"DejaVu Sans Bold", "Padauk Bold", "TSCu_Paranar Bold",
"DejaVu Sans Book", "Padauk Regular", "Khmer OS Metal 
Chrieng Regular",

"TSCu_Paranar Regular", "Tibetan Machine Uni Regular";

@oblique-fonts: "DejaVu Sans Oblique", "TSCu_Paranar Italic",
"DejaVu Sans Book", "Padauk Regular", "Khmer OS Metal 
Chrieng Regular",

"TSCu_Paranar Regular", "Tibetan Machine Uni Regular";

@water-color: #b5d0d0;
@land-color: #f2efe9;


Now when I visit http://localhost:8080/tiles/ it works - for example URL 
and console messages look like this:


GET /tiles/5/15/11.png 304 6.375 ms - -
GET /tiles/5/20/11.png 304 6.987 ms - -
GET /tiles/5/21/9.png 200 202.547 ms - 857
GET /tiles/5/15/8.png 304 3.789 ms - -
GET /tiles/5/20/8.png 304 5.073 ms - -
GET /tiles/5/15/12.png 304 4.106 ms - -
GET /tiles/5/20/12.png 304 1.947 ms - -
GET /tiles/5/14/8.png 304 1.745 ms - -
GET /tiles/5/14/12.png 304 3.728 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/5/21/8.pbf 200 195.421 ms - 73
GET /tiles/5/21/8.png 200 205.010 ms - 857
GET /pbfs/live/5/21/10.pbf 200 247.592 ms - 73
GET /tiles/5/21/10.png 200 257.135 ms - 857
GET /pbfs/live/5/21/11.pbf 200 232.449 ms - 73
GET /tiles/5/21/11.png 200 239.943 ms - 857
GET /pbfs/live/5/21/12.pbf 200 292.635 ms - 73
GET /tiles/5/21/12.png 200 301.565 ms - 857

It takes some time before the result is visible, but then it works quite 
fast (comparable to viewing standard map on-line) and is quite accurate 
(only some small circles look distorted).


However when visiting http://localhost:8080/pbfs/live/ the URL changes 
to http://localhost:8080/pbfs/live/#4/0/0 and I still get no tiles, 
console messages look like this:

GET /pngs/live/_/5/19/16.pbf 404 0.212 ms - 36

and file http://localhost:8080/pbfs/live/index.json also has real JSON 
with the option:


"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM-Carto style, ported to vector tiles!

2016-07-25 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 25.07.2016 11:24, Rory McCann napisał(a):

I presume that is the "maxzoom is deprecated" messages? You can ignore
them. Or is it something else?

Nope, only minzoom/maxzoom warnings.

What happens if you go to http://localhost:8080/tiles/index.json what 

the value of the "tiles" in that json file? It should be:


Both PNG and JSON files you asked me contain only this:

Error: Failed to find font face 'Mallige NormalItalic' in FontSet 
'fontset-0' in FontSet

   at Error (native)

But PBF file has 24935 bytes and contains strings "world", "FID", 
"admin-low-zoom" and "admin_level".


After the fresh installation:

I had to remove explicit "mapnik" string from npm install, since it also 
left me with empty node_modules directory and this error:

mapnik@3.5.13 preinstall 

npm install node-pre-gyp

npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-31-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "node-pre-gyp"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm  v3.5.2

npm ERR! Cannot read property 'target' of null

After removing it ("mapnik" implied probably by some dependency), when I 
did "make tessera" I got this message instead of suggested PNG and JSON:

Error: Failed to find font face 'Arundina Sans Italic' in FontSet 
'fontset-0' in FontSet

   at Error (native)

However file:


Contains real JSON data with:


visiting http://localhost:8080/pbfs/live results in such messages on 

GET /pngs/live/_/4/7/7...@2x.pbf 404 0.403 ms - 37


So, I don't understand npm issues, but can work around them, but still 
there are some other problems, including fonts issues, which I don't 
understand. Maybe it has something to do with Ubuntu version (mine is 
16.04 64-bit)?

"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM-Carto style, ported to vector tiles!

2016-07-24 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 24.07.2016 16:23, Rory McCann napisał(a):

Another mistake. I had forgotten to include some node packages to
install. If you update the code, and remove the node_modules directory
and re-run "make tessera" it should all work.

Thanks for the fixes! Although I have still some problems, doing what 
you said causes this error on my system:

└── UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY tilelive-vector@>=2.0.0

and leaves node_modules directory empty.

What works for me is to run this line (I don't know the how the npm 
works, but the precedence of names seems to be important, and mapnik is 
installed along the line):

npm install tilelive-tmsource tilelive-tmstyle tilejson tilelive-http 
tilelive-vector tessera

Now "make tessera" starts tessera, spits a lot of Mapnik warnings and 
when I try to visit http://localhost:8080/pbfs/live, I get only 
navigation elements and no tiles, with such messages on console:

GET /pbfs/live/index.json 200 712.733 ms - 11067
GET /pbfs/live 301 4.354 ms - 53
GET /pbfs/live/ 304 2.393 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css 304 1.362 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js 304 0.674 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/zepto/zepto.min.js 304 0.927 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/leaflet-hash/leaflet-hash.js 304 0.728 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/js/l.control.geosearch.js 304 0.523 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/js/l.geosearch.provider.nominatim.js 304 0.501 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/css/l.geosearch.css 304 0.393 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/images/transparent.png 304 0.287 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/index.json 304 3.338 ms - -
GET /pbfs/live/images/geosearch.png 304 0.527 ms - -
GET /pngs/live/_/4/7/7...@2x.pbf 404 1.683 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/8/7...@2x.pbf 404 0.418 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/7/8...@2x.pbf 404 0.244 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/8/8...@2x.pbf 404 0.203 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/7/6...@2x.pbf 404 0.254 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/8/6...@2x.pbf 404 0.249 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/6/7...@2x.pbf 404 0.128 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/9/7...@2x.pbf 404 0.139 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/6/8...@2x.pbf 404 0.163 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/9/8...@2x.pbf 404 0.292 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/7/9...@2x.pbf 404 0.471 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/8/9...@2x.pbf 404 0.159 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/6/6...@2x.pbf 404 0.370 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/9/6...@2x.pbf 404 0.365 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/6/9...@2x.pbf 404 0.151 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/9/9...@2x.pbf 404 0.181 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/5/7...@2x.pbf 404 0.170 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/10/7...@2x.pbf 404 0.518 ms - 38
GET /pngs/live/_/4/5/8...@2x.pbf 404 0.468 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/10/8...@2x.pbf 404 0.213 ms - 38
GET /pngs/live/_/4/5/6...@2x.pbf 404 0.130 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/10/6...@2x.pbf 404 0.132 ms - 38
GET /pngs/live/_/4/5/9...@2x.pbf 404 0.154 ms - 37
GET /pngs/live/_/4/10/9...@2x.pbf 404 0.325 ms - 38

and I don't know why these 404 errors are there.

"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM-Carto style, ported to vector tiles!

2016-07-22 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 22.07.2016 17:30, Rory McCann napisał(a):

Over the past while, I've been working on porting the
openstreetmap-carto style to vector tiles. I'm happy to have something
of beta quality to release to you all:

Great! I'm very interested in it.

I am open to your bug reports, complaints, gripes, philosophical
questions, compliments, etc.

I needed to launch:

make install-node-modules

before I was able to launch "make tessera".

Please add this step to documentation.


When tessera is already running and I go to URL 
http://localhost:8080/pbfs/live/ , I get:

GET /pbfs/live/index.json 500 6.836 ms - 1182
Error: Invalid tilesource protocol: tmsource:
at Object.tilelive.load 
at Object.tilelive.load 
at lock 
at Object. 
at Object.load 

at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/tessera/lib/app.js:291:21
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] 
at next 
at Route.dispatch 

Could you help me resolve this problem?

"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-22 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 22.03.2016 16:37, Daniel Koć napisał(a):

W dniu 22.03.2016 16:05, Andy Townsend napisał(a):

It's also unclear after an initial scan of the text there what OSM
data will be loaded, what OSM style will be used and whether I need
Apache externally, among other things.  That doesn't mean that there's
anything wrong with it - it just might need (depending on the
audience) a bit more wrapped around it.

Oh, you've mentioned this file too! Some informations are inside:

Import data:
  The following will import the .pbf file at `/tmp/import.pbf` into the

But the most informations are packed into a Dockerfile (= makefile for 
Docker containers):

Apache is installed in this container and the style used is OSM Bright.

In general Docker containers don't need anything other than properly 
configured base system with fresh version of Linux kernel and the Docker 
itself, because this technology is making rapid progress. On other OS-es 
Linux distribution is installed in a traditional VM box, which of course 
takes away the advantage of running with a full speed, but still helps 
making things more streamlined and automatic than manual installation 
and configuration.

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-22 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 22.03.2016 16:05, Andy Townsend napisał(a):

It looks like this is something that "can be made to work" rather than
"actually does work now" (specifically, see

Looks like this fork is now more up to date (PRs from it are waiting to 
be applied in the origin):

It's also unclear after an initial scan of the text there what OSM
data will be loaded, what OSM style will be used and whether I need
Apache externally, among other things.  That doesn't mean that there's
anything wrong with it - it just might need (depending on the
audience) a bit more wrapped around it.

Fortunately general instructions can be seen after issuing command:

docker run haroldship/openstreetmap-tiles-docker

as mentioned in the README. It needs working Docker and will download 
the image itself, which may be unexpected, but the help message itself 
is located in this file:

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-22 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 19.03.2016 15:40, Andy Townsend napisał(a):

different you tried to do.  I'd also initially use a virtual machine
of some sort, perhaps running on a desktop or laptop you have - that
way it's possible to revert to a previously working setup easily if
something goes wrong.  For small areas a couple of Gb of memory and

I would use Docker images when possible - they help to avoid system 
clutter. Think of them as of "meta-packages" with default configuration 
for a given task (but without messing with system-wide settings) and are 
kind of virtualization (but without sacrificing the speed).

I would start with those (be aware that I haven't actually use it, I 
just _would_ start if I try to render tiles myself):

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

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Re: [OSM-dev] GSOC: JOSM Plugin to assist with adding public transport routes

2016-02-15 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 15.02.2016 18:49, Vishal vijayvargiya napisał(a):

post one on josm-dev mailing list. I hope project remains in
consideration and isn't closed, especially after discovery of existing
plugin for PT in polish cities :)

This plugin needs some love (at least making it more generic) and I'm 
not sure if this code is proper form - sometimes reimplementation is 
easier than just patching. Also I'm not sure if the main developer is 
still interested in this work.

However the main idea (semi-automated routing through the known stops 
network) is a way to go - I don't remember now if it was me who have 
proposed this approach, but it's possible. =}

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GSOC: JOSM Plugin to assist with adding public transport routes

2016-02-15 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 15.02.2016 13:36, Jo napisał(a):

I don't see that plugin in the plugins list of JOSM. How does one use
it and more importantly, how does one learn about its existence? I
would like to test it, to see whether it already does most of what we
need for PT in Belgium.

I guess it was developed as a local/early project, but you have to 
contact the author directly to ask about it - I'm just a user in this 
regard. The only kind of documentation is a Wiki page in polish (but 
with images):

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GSOC: JOSM Plugin to assist with adding public transport routes

2016-02-15 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 14.02.2016 22:17, Vishal vijayvargiya napisał(a):

I am a master's student in algorithm and complexity optimization group
at Simon Fraser University Canada. After going through OpenStreetMap
wiki and project pages of OpenStreetMap, I came across GSOC project of
"JOSM Plugin to assist with adding public transport routes".

You may be interested in such a plugin we use for updating public 
transport routes in some polish cities:

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.37.0

2015-12-04 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 04.12.2015 12:17, Oleksiy Muzalyev napisał(a):

Both these colors have almost the same RGB, but the #faebd7 (also
known as Antique white) has G 92, instead of 93 [1]. There is always
someone, who does not like a new color of a road, etc. Maybe I am just
not accustomed to it yet, so I have an impression that at zoom levels
10 and 11 the farmland is too bright, to intense, as if lighted from
underground. (Antique white)

Looks like we have a problem anyway - it's too close to hospital and 
educational areas:

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.37.0

2015-12-03 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 02.12.2015 21:09, Oleksiy Muzalyev napisał(a):

In my opinion the new farmland color #FAECD6 [1] is kind of glowing
yellow. I would suggest the color #faebd7 (also known as Antique
white) [2] for the farmland. Even the name, antique, belonging to
ancient times, corresponds to farmland. It is almost the same, but a
bit less intensive.

 The old farmland color #ecddc8 was too dark.

I like your idea, but the color numbers you talk about seem to be wrong 
(the old one and the current one):

-@farmland: #EDDDC9; // Lch(89,12,80) (Also used for farm)
+@farmland: #fbecd7; // Lch(94,12,80) (Also used for farm)

according to

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.37.0

2015-12-01 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 01.12.2015 1:38, Matthijs Melissen napisał(a):

For a full list of commits, see

Of course proper URL for this release should be:

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.37.0

2015-12-01 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 01.12.2015 1:38, Matthijs Melissen napisał(a):

Changes include:

* Improved admin boundaries and labels on low zoom levels

In case anybody is interested - this one was reverted due to the serious 
performance issues:

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 27.11.2015 3:33, Daniel Koć napisał(a):

Sorry, it was just the accidential list name error.

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josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 27.11.2015 1:47, Dave F. napisał(a):

However I still think there's something wrong with a system that takes
years to render an almost universal accepted replacement tag for a
deprecated one that was previously rendered.

In my opinion there's hardly a "system" in OSM, because even core 
subprojects are rather disconnected (for example no common presets for 
JOSM and iD).

It would be impossible to render every tag (even if we just talk about 
those with Wiki page), but unfortunately we were not able to agree even 
on the most general rules:

Am I right in thinking the style file has been updated only once in
over two years & that was just to delete comments?

There's even a rough plan for so called "database reload":

however it seems it's not being worked on and Paul is not happy with 
such things, because he feels it will basically enable rendering more 
items (contrary to his view on the style):

"Завтра, завтра всё кончится!" [Ф. Достоевский]

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0

2015-10-31 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 31.10.2015 9:45, Max napisał(a):

On 2015년 10월 31일 06:01, Matthijs Melissen wrote:

* Dropped rendering of the following tags:
  - amenity=car_sharing (not relevant for the general public)

I disagree. Car sharing stations are a vital part of mobility
infrastructure and as more and more people in densely populated places
decide not to own a car but use a mixed mobility with public transport,
bike and car sharing they are becoming even more important.

I think GitHub project, especially this issue:

is better place to talk about details of amenity=car_sharing rendering, 
because it's a working space for osm-carto developers.

"The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down" [A. Cohen]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-30 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 30.10.2015 11:10, Martin Koppenhoefer napisał(a):

- vector maps are consuming more energy to display (because have to be
calculated/rendered) -> problem on mobile devices, but also generally

Mobile applications like OsmAnd show that while it really is slower, 
it's still usable.

I would not like to "migrate" to anything - including vector 
tiles - right now. I would rather like to have vector playground to test 
it and draw some conclusions myself. Yet at this moment I'm not aware of 
such experimental service.

"The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down" [A. Cohen]

dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Monuments and presets

2015-07-31 Thread Daniel Koć
I've just changed historic=monument Wiki page (after short discussion on 
Tagging list), so its more precise, however there are still some 
problems to stop tagging false monuments.

1. Monument in OSM is probably subset of what most people think monument 
is, sometimes they refer to memorial and heritage objects. We already 
have memorial preset and I think it would be good to also add heritage 
preset to avoid confusion (I guess this is what we could use by default: ).

2. It would be good to have some disambiguation system (you mean 
monument, memorial or heritage maybe?) and also aliasing system 
(field probably should be the alias for farmland). Combination of 
them both could make searching right presets easier.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Extracting data for testing low scale rendering

2015-07-14 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 13.07.2015 19:28, Paul Norman napisał(a):

Import on a more powerful machine, delete unwanted data,
re-sort/re-cluster tables, and pg_dump with -Z 9. That's what I did

Great, thanks!

1. I'm not familiar with databases, how should I restore it? I try with 

$ pg_restore --dbname=gis -O --verbose planet-lz-150202.dump

I gave -O, because it was complaining that role pnorman does not exist 
(of course), but I'm not sure if it will work and more guessing and 
repeating this import would be tedious.

2. Could you also publish exact script/commands you have used to create 
it? For low zoom levels testing this dump should be enough for some 
time, but it would be good to know how to create a newer version.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Common presets for OSM editors?

2015-06-25 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 25.06.2015 14:40, Frederik Ramm napisał(a):

In the long run, either everyone will use the github project set of
presets and we can kiss the JOSM ones with all their hand-curated
translation goodness goodbye, or everyone will keep using the JOSM
presets becasue they are simply better. Who knows what will happen.

One of my primary goals with common presets idea is a common translation 
pool, because I'd like to have consistent names across the project, as I 
wrote on the beginning of this thread - in other languages too. I feel 
we need more than just common tagging - presets make it less visible for 
average mapper, which is good and expected (BTW: without it translation 
would be impossible, because we store British English-based names 
directly in our database), but with this new level of abstraction we end 
up with unexpected naming fragmentation.

The names can be locally altered if developers need it (because there 
can be some corner cases as usual), but in general they should use the 
common naming scheme and translations. In the best case we could have 
the same naming and translations also on Wiki and in the object explorer 
on the main site (? button), so it's not just a problem with editing 
software and just English names.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Common presets for OSM editors?

2015-06-23 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 23.06.2015 9:54, Martin Koppenhoefer napisał(a):

Please do foresee the possibility to add longer descriptions /
definitions. The problem I see with current presets is that they offer
very short translations, usually one word, which often/sometimes isn't
sufficient to explain the feature, and mostly isn't sufficient to make
an educated choice between similar tags. One obvious example are

Thanks for this remark, Martin! I started using slashed translations 
when something is not clear looking just at the name and it can be 
mistaken with another item (like: 
alternative1/aletrnative2/aletrnative3). It's less elegant, of course, 
but more readable for mappers, which result in less tagging errors. 
Longer descriptions and even using inline hints (not just the links to 
Wiki pages) would be also helpful.

It would also be nice to have something like a wizard (maybe based on
an ontology?) that helps to find tags. You would answer a series of
questions which would lead to a tag (or a group of tags) being
applied. Creating something like this is a lot of hard work, I admit,
but the process of setting it up would also lead to questions and, as
a result of clarifications, better definitions in the wiki, I guess.

I support your proposition - that would be really big win for the whole 
OSM, I think!

I try to make some important changes in the way we use tagging schemes 
(which I consider to be rather a big Wiki phone book today), but I'm 
aware that in the community projects it's of no use to push anything if 
the rest doesn't accept it, no matter how good or needed I think they 
are. So I try to narrow down the scope of my ideas to make them 
acceptable. I would like to make our categorization system more flexible 
and clear, and your proposition would be great evolutionary step toward 
achieving this goal.

I also think this would be a lot of work, but I see it as a much needed 
foundation to clarify our tagging system. I guess this would be nice 
tool both for experts (most JOSM users) and novices (most iD users), 
because we have so much tagging schemes, that probably nobody really 
knows them all anymore.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Common presets for OSM editors?

2015-06-22 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 22.06.2015 17:30, Dirk Stöcker napisał(a):

On Mon, 22 Jun 2015, Daniel Koć wrote:

And I'm still curious why JOSM developers didn't like the idea and if 
there's a possibility to reconsider it?

There are many reasons, small and larger ones, but most of them result
in the fact that no editor development team wants to give up their own
infrastructure in favor of something else. We already had these

Pity. ={ While I understand everybody wants her/his own way of doing 
things, having a universal common source and maybe just transforming 
it to local destination formats could be a way to go. We have so much 
presets in JOSM today (and I speak of just the core ones), that when I 
want to translate them, I need a few minutes each time to determine if 
there's anything new - let alone to check all the options inside the 
presets - so managing it gonna be more and more problematic.

But also remember that the editors have different targets, so even if
all above could be solved, the data probably never can match fully.

I'm aware of it, but nobody said they have to use the full set - just 
like nobody is using/rendering all the tags on Wiki, but it's still very 
useful as a common source for picking what you like. The more resources 
can be shared, the less effort spent on duplicating them.

On the positive side - the problem is at least visible, so it's more 
probable it will be resolved one day.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Common presets for OSM editors?

2015-06-22 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 19.06.2015 19:39, Richard Fairhurst napisał(a):

I'd be keen to do so. Last year P2 adopted the editor-imagery-index 
Ian devised, and I don't see any reason not to do the same with tag 

The one proviso is that sharing tag presets will be a bunch more 
than sharing imagery sources, because they're typically not just 
as a simple list - there's a whole UI around them, and that UI differs 

editor to editor. But that's no reason not to give it a go.

Oh, and you are also the one who started iD development (that's what 
Wiki says =} ) - great! Common set makes sense only if there is more 
than one entity using it, so I'd like to know if you think it can be 
also used in iD?

And I'm still curious why JOSM developers didn't like the idea and if 
there's a possibility to reconsider it?

Here's why: I'm a translator of JOSM to Polish for some time and I find 
current state of presets to be kind of mess. They're very useful, 
however they have to be treated with care, because mappers tend to rely 
on the names. It is a serious task for one man to fix the translation of 
one editor and make it unambiguous and coherent - but I guess I made it 
to the level I think is sane (not perfect, though). But then we have 
also the second very important editor which I don't use, so it's harder 
for me to fix it. And we have a website with a great ? (show objects 
data) button, which uses its own set of names. It would be good to use 
common names at least in those 3 important OSM sub-projects - and 
probably on Wiki too...

I could start translating/fixing the presets in iD now if there's no way 
to start sharing the presets in the reasonable timeframe. But I don't 
want to loose my time if this common set can be deployed in the short 
(or even medium) run. There are much more things I think are worth doing 
in OSM and if we decide to share this resource, I would take care of 
just one set, which would allow to have more coherency in the whole OSM 
and give me more time to contribute to other parts of this project.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] Common presets for OSM editors?

2015-06-19 Thread Daniel Koć


I'd like to ask if it would be possible to have a common set of presets 
for OSM editors and what do you think about such idea?

I haven't asked iD developers, but I guess iD+JOSM would be the most 
important, as Potlatch is not in active development AFAIK and I don't 
know much about Vespucci or Merkaartor.

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Common presets for OSM editors?

2015-06-19 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 19.06.2015 18:18, Bryce Nesbitt napisał(a):

A while back I wrote scripts to build a _grid_ of preset support (base
on parsing the source code of each editor).  I use that on occasion to
identify and argue in favour of adding certain presets.

Cool, thanks for this work, Bryce!

But if there are no big obstacles, it'd be even easier if the set is 
common. That doesn't exclude having some local presets for example for 
testing purposes, of course; still - why not test them on all the 
platforms from day one?

I think the bigger constraint on OSM growth though is not presets, but
rendering support.  There are good communities of mappers and features
which have presets, but are rendered nowhere.

This is another very important thing IMO. I miss mappers' map (working 
map) idea and for some time I try to add at least icons for very common 
types of shops to our default map style, but even this simple thing was 
no that welcome. However the opposition never took the time to explain 
what is the problem with it.

I try to make more connections between different parts of OSM community 
and subprojects. Having common set of presets used by at least the most 
important editors and documented on Wiki with some reference working 
map (which may not be beautiful, but rather show as much different 
elements as it's possible - like all these presets) would be really 
great exercise in OSM internal coherency and interoperability!

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JCS as optional dependency

2015-06-17 Thread Daniel Koć

W dniu 17.06.2015 13:09, Vincent Privat napisał(a):
I can try to have a look but I never packaged something on Debian 

Is there a Debian packaging for dummies somewhere? :)

Short one is here:

Full documentation (I guess):

(there is also a chapter about where to get help, which might be 
interesting for you: )

The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags 
down [A. Cohen]

josm-dev mailing list