Re: [OSM-dev] Project Proposal - Waze Integration

2010-03-24 Thread Graham Jones
There have been a few good points raised while I have been away.
I had not thought of producing a live traffic info service, but I can see it
is possible.  Just needs some careful up front design.

The other is that the Waze client is actually a very nice little application
(shame about the map).  There are aspects of it that would be worth looking
at for an OSM version like Opensatnav.

I am testing waze by adding the East Coast Main Line at the moment.  I am
not sure that is helping though!

Graham Jones
(from my phone)

On Mar 24, 2010 8:32 PM, Eric Marsden wrote:

 pr == peter writes:

 pr I have proposed a student project called Incorporation of Traffic
 pr Information and OpenStreetMap data[1] , which has similar goals like
 pr the integration of waze. But deals more with the server part of the
 pr application and will be (of course) as open as openstreetmap is.

 Hi Peter,

 Your proposal is interesting, but given the technical challenges you
 will face, it seems overly optimistic to me. I'm also not convinced
 that many people would be sufficiently motivated to manually report
 transient information such as roadworks here, so I think your focus
 should be on automated extraction of information from live GPS logs.

 I expect that matching poor quality GPS logs (think smartphones) to
 OSM data (without concern for the dynamic nature of this data), and
 generating information with sufficient confidence about missing ways,
 turn restrictions, missing or incorrect oneway tags would already be a
 good challenge. Generating information about traffic conditions would
 be another possibility, but with less direct utility to OSM.

 Concerning the matching of GPS logs, I suggest you read the paper
 Hidden Markov Map Matching Through Noise and Sparseness[1] and perhaps
 prior art from the CarTel project[2].


Eric Marsden

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Re: [OSM-dev] GSoC - Travel Time Analysis

2010-03-24 Thread Graham Jones
Hi Lukas,
I am glad you are interested in contgributing to OpenStreetMap.
You will see that today there has been quite a bit of discussion on this
list about collecting and analysing traffic information.  I am sure you
could make a valuable contribution to such a project.
You are suggesting basing a project on the suggestion on the ideas list to
use the GPX files in the osm database.  The analysis method you develop
could also be used in a more real time application if someone were to
develop a service to collect and process GPX traces.
I recommend that you have a look at our application template and start to
draft an application based on your email.  The main things to develop are
the scope of the project (to judge success against), and a project
plan/timeline to convince yourself (and us) that the project is achievable.
There is a link from our ideas page to a page to store draft proposals for
comment if you would like to use it.


Graham Jones
(from my phone)

On Mar 24, 2010 10:50 PM, Lukas Kabrt wrote:


I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lukas Kabrt and I am
student at the Czech technical university in Prague. I am maping for
about a year and I'm really enjoying it. Over the past few months I
participated in import of administrative boundaries and in import of
address points in the Czech republic. These two projects gave me a lot
of experience with handling OSM data.

I would like to use the knowledge in the field of artificial
intelligence I gained during my studies and apply them in the world of
OSM. I read through the wiki article GSoC Project Ideas 2010 and I
like the Travel Time Analysis project [1].

I think this project has a great potentioal. As far as I know, routing
algorithms estimate travel time by using speed limits or curvature of
the roads. Using GPS traces from real vehicles will allow more
accurate estimation of travel time, becouse it will take into accout
other factors (traffic, condition of the road). With enought data
available it should be even possible to detect rush hours or different
traffic patterns through the week (weekdays vs. weekend) and give the
appropriate travel time estimations.

IMO the biggest challange would be to develop an algorithm which will
match GPX traces to OSM roads. The algorithm has to deal with noisy
GPS tracks, not-everywhere-accurate OSM map and it would be nice if it
can handle low-frequency GPS tracks (e.g. 1point / min).

Within the scope of GSoC '10 I'd like to create application, which
will take an OSM file and bunch of GPS traces, analyze them, try to
recognize traffic patterns and create the output file with estimated
travel times for road segments (something like last year's
Preprocessor to add altitude information to OSM data). If it prooves
well it can be extended further.


Lukas Kabrt

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Re: [OSM-dev] GSoC: POI search

2010-03-21 Thread Graham Jones
Thank you for proposing your project for GSoC.

I think that you correctly identify that fast data access is essential to
have a good user experience for an interactive map.   The interactive map
demonstrations that are currently available can feel a bit sluggish
(presumably because of XAPI response times, but I am not sure).

I think that your proposal is to develop a separate API that specialises in
Points of Interest in order to provide a faster response.
I can see that one big benefit of this is that the amount of data in the
database will be reduced, as you will be able to drop any un-tagged nodes
(again I am not sure of the proportion, but I suspect it will be quite a
large reduction).

The other potential improvement may be to avoid the use of specialised
geographical queries - if they are written in a very general way for
bounding polygons rather than simple rectangular bounding boxes, you should
be able to get better performance by doing it yourself.

What I do not understand is the benefit of using a different database engine
rather than PostgeSQL - is there a fundamental difference between the one
you propose and PostgreSQL that will make it faster?

There are plenty of people on this list that know more about big databases
than me, so I hope they will comment on the potential performance
improvements that you are aiming to achieve.

The other thing that will need to be considered (not really necessary for
the GSoC application though) is what we will do with it once this code is
produced.  If it works well I can see it being complementary to XAPI, so we
would need to think about a server (or servers) to run it on.

From a GSoC point of view, to turn your idea into a proposal it would be
good to think about your timeline for development of the project - how long
to spend on design (database schema, performance set up etc.), coding the
API and testing performance (presumably with comparisons to other data



On 20 March 2010 14:17, Mitja Kleider wrote:


 I would like to introduce my idea for GSoC. We already have many POI
 details in the database (opening hours, website/wikipedia article,
 phone, ...) that are not very accessible to the end user. There is also
 a growing demand for an easy way to display icons for rare tag
 combinations, like new OSM for the blind tags, fuel stations for
 electric cars, pubs for smokers, and so on. My experience is also that
 mappers are highly motivated if they can view their special details.

 I was inspired by the demo introduced at SOTM09 [1] and the
 OpenStreetBrowser [2] and tried to build a map with clickable POI
 overlays (no tiles, but OpenLayers markers) that would provide the
 tagged details as human readable text when the user clicks an icon.

 This is in a proof of concept state and turned out to be useful (i.e.,
 for the OpenLinkMap [3]).

 If you want to support any possible tag combination with reasonable
 performance and also be up to date (at least daily updates, aiming for
 real-time) in my opinion none of the existing API solutions is suitable.

 This is where the project idea [4] comes into play: MonetDB seems to
 have the right capabilities and can be extended with spatially ranked
 text search features.

 The project could provide the API (including text search) and usage
 examples, i.e. an OpenLayers example to build a map for end users (and
 mappers) making the existing data more accessible in terms of search and

 I would like to hear your comments and suggestions. What do you think?



 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM accepted as mentoring organization for GSoC'10.

2010-03-18 Thread Graham Jones
I would like to thank everyone that contributed suggestions to the Project
Ideas list for Google Summer of Code - the people from Google must have
liked your suggestions!.

OSM is one of 153 organisations that have been accepted onto the programme,
along with OSGeo and Mapnik.

Between now and 29th March, would be students will choose which of the
accepted organisations they are interested in, and contact them to discuss
project ideas.   I would encourage any students interested in applying to
OSM to contact us before applying to discuss their ideas if possible.
The formal application period starts on  29th March and ends on 09th April
(See the 

Students apply through the Google Summer of Code Web
Please apply formally as early as possible - you can edit your application
after submission and we can start reviewing it and make comments if you
submit it early.
Potential Mentors will review the applications and rank them to choose which
proposals are to be accepted.

Please would anyone who is interested in acting as a mentor contact me off
this list and we will sort out access to the site and discuss how to manage
the reviewing of applications.

Finally if any of you know a student that likes computer programming, please
encourage them to consider applying.

Thank you all for your support.



On 18 March 2010 19:41, Rajan Vaish wrote:

 Congratulations OSM Community,
 OSM got accepted as mentoring organization for the third time in 2010.
 Thanks to Graham for his much appreciated efforts and Ian for his valuable
 comments/suggestions. Now, this means, that OSM will get student programmers
 to work on some much needed project implementations, and Google will sponsor
 them. Few mentioned here - , please feel
 free to add/edit the same.If you are a student, consider participating the
 same by submitting your proposal. To begin with, explore Project ideas page,
 and/or create draft of your proposal here -


Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Logo vote

2010-03-17 Thread Graham Jones
If it is only open to OSMF members (300?).  I would suggest it is easier to
do it by email and collate the votes by hand on a spreadsheet the old way.
Writing, testing and debating whether it works correctly will be much more

On Mar 17, 2010 5:33 PM, SteveC wrote:

Hi all

We've narrowed down the OSMF logo's some time ago and have been waiting for
someone to write a voting script so that OSMF members can vote for the
winner. But that someone is very busy.

Does anyone here want to step up and make it happen?

Yours c.


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] GSoC'10

2010-03-16 Thread Graham Jones
 also a OpenSatNav data contributor, and have worked on some rivers,
 paths near rivers, Wokingham (a town in Berkshire), Warwick University, and
 Leamington Spa (a town in Warwickshire)

 Handling situations:
 I work well when self-governed by defined deliverables and targets, and
 when I think something is going to be used by other people. The project
 manager for OpenSatNav is another potential mentor - while unable to code
 himself, puts a good deal of work into project co-ordination.
 Through my experience of working on other projects I know how to solve
 problems myself, and know how to look things up to expand my knowledge.

 I'm a keen whitewater kayaker and do alot of that in the colder months (in
 summer the UK dries up and kayaking season stops). I'm the secretary of the
 canoe club at the university, and also help manage the website. OSM is
 another interest - I prefer outdoor mapping using OpenSatNav but have
 dabbled a bit with armchair mapping in the snowy months we've had this year.
 I'm also into climbing, swimming and cycling, and use these to keep myself

 I enjoy contributing to open source projects and have done a little for
 quite a few, spanning a few languages. I'm also a Christadelphian, so am
 involved in Church activities from time to time.

 Altogether, I hope my proposal shows my huge interest in OpenStreetMap.
 OpenSatNav has been something I've put a good deal of work into and I would
 love to be able to continue that work full-time this summer. If you do
 accept my proposal, you can be assured some very visible results at the end
 of the summer!

 I'm also putting this on the GSoC/2010 wiki, and very much welcome
 comments, requests or critism.

 Steve Brown

 On 13 March 2010 20:50, Graham Jones grahamjones...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Thanks Steve,
 I look forward to seeing your proposal.  Especially if it is to do with
 opensatnav - I am using that at the moment!
 Seems to eat batteries if you do GPS trace logging, which is a bit of a
 surprise - I suspect it must not be sleeping very much in that loop, but
 haven't checked!


 On 12 March 2010 01:23, steve brown wrote:


 I'd like to say a quick hello! I've been involved with OSM as a data
 contributor for a while (about a year and a half) and a developer for an
 Android OSM SatNav for half a year or so.
  With my background and experience (and love) for OSM I'm hoping to
 participate this year in google summer of code, hopefully working on further
 features and versions of the Android application ( I've
 seen that last year a participant developed an android client, but it seems
 to have stagnated in the SVN - I'm quite against just leaving things like
 that so whatever I do, you can be sure that it'll go live and keep being
 worked upon. My 3rd year project at Warwick University is also further
 enhancements to OpenSatNav, so I'm going to be contributing GSOC or not, but
 if I do get on the programme I will have plenty more time to spend even more
 good stuff.

 Anyway, I'll post my proposal up tomorrow after I've worked on it a
 little more. I've been watching the dev mailing list and the wiki page for a
 few weeks now, and would like to say a quick thankyou to Graham Jones - it
 looks like you've put alot of work into the proposal! Hopefully it will pay
 off and get some quality software developed by people (like me?)



 That is a great idea.
 What about making video as well, on how to use OSM/JOSM/Potlatch how to
 get started. Video Screencasts?

 On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Peteris Krisjanis 

 For one of OSM GSoC'10 projects I would like to suggest unofficial
 guide for mapping. We all know that there is a little haos in tagging
 (some says it's good, some says it bad), but so far biggest confusion
 comes from not how to tag things, but how to tag complex situations or
 how to even map complex situations (and that's without even taking
 micro mapping into account).

 What we need is nice guide where is said - basic roads are maped like
 this, crossroads created this way, this must be connected with that,
 etc. It would also create a nice little base for futher experiments
 and ideas. There's nothing wrong with seeking out alternative tags or
 ways of mapping, but this at least should be documented somewhere.

 More or less everyone who would take this task would have to go trough
 all archives, look for discusions and conlusions (and even if there is
 no conlusion, writing down all sane opinions would help greatly) and
 write it down in casual user manual style.

 Just a idea, but I think worth to explore,

 2010/3/11 Graham Jones

  Thank you for your suggestion.
  I do not know where the apache licence ref comes from.  This year's
  application says GPL with a note

Re: [OSM-dev] GSoC 2010. OpenStreetMap Mashup Generator Project

2010-03-14 Thread Graham Jones
This sounds like an interesting idea - effectively an extension to embedding
a simple OSM map on a web page to include data from another source.
While I think this is possible with existing javascript libraries such as
OpenLayers, I think the main aim of this project is to make that easy for a
more casual user, who does not speak much JavaScript.
It think this would be a useful contribution.   It is also very nice to see
suggestions coming from prospective students, thank you!

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?



On 14 March 2010 17:22, Sajjad Anwar wrote:


 I have put forward an idea into the GSoC 2010 wiki page. The link is here
 It is basically to create an easy to use mashup generator based on
 OpenLayers API,  to enable people to use OpenStreetMap data in various ways
 including presenting on a web page and taking print outs.

 I would personally love to take this project forward, if everyone thinks
 this is worth developing and feasible. Waiting for comments and suggestions.

 Sajjad Anwar | | Blog:

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Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] some guidance

2010-03-13 Thread Graham Jones
OpenLayers lets you produce vector drawings on top of raster images, so you
could store your routes as lat/lon points on your own server, and overlay
them on top of OSM tiles using OpenLayers.

Is that the sort of thing you are thinking of?


On 10 March 2010 22:35, Mike Warren wrote:

 Hello Everyone,

 I have looked into some aspects of OSM, mostly the rendering and some
 of the routing code, and I am looking for some guidance before I go

 Background: cycling routes as provided by the City in Calgary suck, so
 I would like to provide cyclists here with the opportunity to design
 our own (including suggestions for infrastructure). This would be a
 two-part thing: providing users the ability to suggest routes
 (e.g. draw an overlay on the map, following roads and paths) and
 render the current route-map like the cycle map does. Ultimately,
 I would see tagging this information into OSM data itself, but I'm
 guessing the in-flux data wouldn't be appropriate...? (i.e. lots of
 potential routes proposed by users)

 It doesn't seem that there's a solution to draw an overlay while
 following roads + paths, although there does seem to be good routing
 code. So I would see one thing that needs to be done is to hook
 openlayers together with a routing server to draw routes something
 like how google-maps does it in My Maps (i.e. click a few points and
 the shortest route between them appears as an overlay). Have I missed
 something and there's already code for this?

 The other piece would be my own tile-server covering Calgary and
 serving bikemap-like rendered tiles with the currently-best routes on
 them. I am currently trying to see how best to make this happen, and
 since the cycle map mapnik files aren't available is the
 mapnik-based rendering the way to go, or would osmarender (or
 something else?) be better? Spreadnik, maybe? Ultimately, print-ready
 output would also be generated.

 I would be thinking along the lines of having my own (up-to-date) copy
 of the OSM data on a local DB which also contains the information for
 users' routes. Is this going to be a nightmare to sync? Should I keep
 users' routes separately? (Bear in mind, ultimately I would see adding
 lcn_ref sorts of tags upstream into OSM as this matured).

 There's also the issue of the underlying OSM data: sometimes users
 will find problems with OSM, and of course it would be best to have
 any such edits go live to OSM.

 Am I totally off-base here? Or can I just put tags directly into the
 OSM servers (and hence just have a local renderer if I want to change
 the look)?

 Thanks for any thoughts,

 mike warren +

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Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GSoC'10

2010-03-11 Thread Graham Jones
Thank you for your suggestion.
I do not know where the apache licence ref comes from.  This year's
application says GPL with a note saying some is PD.


On Mar 11, 2010 7:36 AM, wrote:

My GSOC  suggestion :

Get the potlatch running without any Adobe software, use gnash.

Also why does google list OSM as being apache licensed?
*Preferred license: Apache License, 2.0
Since when?

I am putting all my new code under the affero GPL 3.0.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Rajan Vaish wrote:
  Thanks Graham,  ...
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Graham Jones
Hi Folks,

We have submitted an application for OSM to participate in this year's
Google Summer of Code, so next week the people from Google will be reviewing
the application and our project ideas list to chose which organisations to
include in the programme.

Looking at the project ideas list ( I am a bit
surprised that there are no suggestions for student projects on the 'core'
OSM databases.  The things I wondered are:

   - Are there any areas for development of API version 0.7 that could be
   turned into a project for someone to work on?
   - Would it be worth working on the XAPI server?  We had trouble last year
   with them being down, so I wondered if it would be worth developing a more
   'conventional' postgresql version of the server that we could start-up
   easily if the others fail again?  I started to look at this at the time, but
   didn't get far because I got tied up in regular expressions rather than
   writing a parser myself.
   - Without wanting to re-open the acrimonious debate again, could we turn
   development of the OSM web site into a project? (would have to check the
   GSoC rules for this, because there might not be much 'code' involved).
   - How about the main editors - JOSM and Potlatch - are there any
   potential projects there?

Please give this a bit of thought, and add any ideas to the Wiki page!   If
you don't have chance to do that, an email to me will do and I will add it.



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Graham Jones
Thank you all for your replies -  It is good to see people giving this issue
some thought.   I also see that the project ideas page has been updated
which is excellent!

There are some interesting suggestions in the above emails.  I'll try to
summarise where we are - please correct me if I am wrong.

   1. A number of suggestions for additional features for JOSM.  (A more
   visual object history presentation, reversion of specific objects to
   previous versions and a 'Mapping Anomalies' detection feature).  I don't see
   anyone disagreeing with these ideas, so I will add a 'JOSM Improvements'
   idea to the wiki and include a pointer back to this thread.
   2. A suggestion that the 'newbie editor' proposal should be removed in
   favour of encouraging students to contribute to existing editors, which are
   maintained actively.   I agree that we should encourage participation in
   existing projects - please suggest ideas!, but I think that a very simple
   editor could be achieved as a GSoC project given the very limited scope.
   It is very true though that what is on the wiki is nowhere near a project
   specification - I was kind of hoping that the proponents of the idea would
   pad it out for me!
   3. Split some of the more ambitious ideas into manageable tasks - I am
   all for that!   I think that I may be viewing this list slightly differently
   to some others - I see it as 'ideas' from which potential students can
   construct a 'proposal', taking account of the time available etc.   I see
   thinking through the proposal to decide what is achievable as an important
   part of the up-front consideration for the student - They will probably need
   some steers from people on this list to help them decide on that [see
   4. A more 'project management' oriented project where there may be more
   time spent specifying than coding.   We would need to check the rules
   carefully, but I think you can demonstrate quite easily that for User
   Interface based projects, the planning, discussing, agreeing part is more
   important than the coding - putting together a UI is not that hard - putting
   one together that the average casual user finds intuitive is difficult, so
   well worth the planning time.
   5. An interesting suggestion to improve the 'History' list, which would
   also help the rendering process - I liked the sound of this as this is one
   of the few suggestions for projects involving the 'core' of OSM.  The reply
   suggested that this was already being worked on - is the solution actually
   progressing, or would it be useful to see if a student was interested in
   looking at it?  It is an opportunity to nurture someone to understand the
   innards of OSM?
   6. A suggestion for testing an alternative web based map viewer
   (presumably against OpenLayers?).   This is an interesting idea, but I am
   struggling to turn it into a 'code' project - or is the 'code' part of it
   the development of the test suite to fire requests to the different viewer

So, thank you all for your efforts - please keep thinking to see if you can
come up with anything else, especially in the 'core' parts of OSM.

On this I did just try to look for the API 0.7 feature list, but can't find
it - is anyone thinking about what the next version of the API will do, or
do we think we are about there, and we are actually using 1.0?   If there
are features to add, then these could be potential projects?

A final point (plea?) - I would like to encourage potential students to seek
the views of more experienced contributors on their ideas using these lists,
as you will be able to make a better judgement of the amount of effort
required to do something than they will - please bear this in mind if you
see queries from new people, and be constructive in your replies!



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] First version of long way splitter for gdalcontour output

2010-03-10 Thread Graham Jones
This sounds interesting - to make sure I understand are you saying that you
can use gdalcontour to process image files and extract boundaries from
itlike forests from satellite images?   I had never thought of doing
that - what a good idea!  I thought it would only have worked with
monochrome images.

I would really like this because I am keen to add forests to the map to help
with outdoor navigation, but my eyes are not up to tracing them from
satellite images.   Is this something that could be automated into an editor
to highlight areas you might want to trace around?



On 10 March 2010 20:25, wrote:

 I have not done any monster forests, It is just in the beginning.

 Feel free to try the program on a big file, I would be interested to know
 how it works.
 any bug reports will be processed asap.

 I have updated the blog post, at the bottom you will see two features i
 extracted and the source.

 I hope to have some more results soon,


 On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:21 PM, Nic Roets wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 8:54 PM, wrote:
  Now my code works in a single pass, at least over the entire data. It
  This can be optimized further. I have exploited the following

 I process the entire planet every week (+- 5 passes, +-12 counting
 compression and decompression). I guess I'll be able to cope if the
 planet grows by 40% p.a, but you make it sound if that is too slow for

 On a less predicting the future topic: Can you please point me to
 some of these monster forests or lakes you've uploaded, so that I can
 check that my software can handle them ? What about Potlatch ?

 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Graham Jones
The process is that we (OpenStreetMap) produce a list of ideas that students
may wish to work on.  If the students like the sound of us they will make an
application describing a project proposal.
Google will (assuming we are successful) allocate us a number of student
places - we had 6 last year.

The potential mentors will review all of the applications and agree which
ones to select - this choice will be based on the quality of the
application, but will of course be influenced by the interests of the
potential mentors.  Once we know that we have been accepted I will be
contacting the potential mentors to agree how we will do this.

I completely agree that it would be best to encourage students to work on
existing active projects, but to do that we need to help them identify
aspects of those programs that would benefit from development, so that they
can be turned into specific projects - this is why I am keen for people to
identify potential improvements to existing programs!

It is quite possible that a student will work on GSoC and then go off and do
something else, but this is not necessarily the case - one of last year's
students is helping with the administration this year.

Your point on mentoring effort is interesting - I acted as a mentor last
year and fully expected it to be hard work, like training one of our new
graduates at work how to write a computer program, which would have been
very daunting by email in a foreign language.   The complete opposite was
the case - the student was very capable and my mentoring did not have to go
much further than pointers on the general approach and code design - he did
all of the testing to chose methods of parsing, data storage etc. himself.

The other thing is what you think mentoring is about - I regard it as a way
of contributing by passing my experience onto someone else, so even if you
do not hear from the student after the end of the project, you should not
regard that as 'no long-term gain' - they will be using that extra
experience for something constructive.



You mean specific GSOC ideas? We'll probably have plenty of those.
 What I was pointing out that just because something would be neat to
 do that doesn't mean that it's appropriate for being handed to a
 student for 3 months.

 Once you have those ideas how are you gong to pick one? I for one think:

  * You should try to make students work on existing /active/ projects
 instead of sending them off on their own for 3 months
  * In particular, assume that they'll be working for 3 months and
 we'll never hear from them again. I think there are some numbers on
 the % of GSOC students that stay around after the 3 months and IIRC
 they're alarmingly low
  * Try to recruit people with programming experience who're already
 contributing to the project in interesting ways that happen to be
 students (and no, I'm not eligible). This will reduce load on mentors
  * Don't underestimate the load on mentors. I've heard from people
 that did mentoring (albeit for complex projects) that spent more time
 on mentoring than it would have taken them to implement the student
 work themselves, and the student disappeared after 3 months so there
 was no long-term gain from it.

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Graham Jones
Ian, Tom,
Thanks for the pointer - I had naively thought it would be linked from the
'API' page and didn't think to search!
Would anyone have an issue with me adding the link so I can find it again?

It is an interesting list of possibilities isn't it - would anyone that
knows more about it than me fancy identifying the likely candidates on the
ideas page in case one of the students would like to look at implementing



On 10 March 2010 21:35, Ian Dees wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:

 On 10/03/10 21:14, Graham Jones wrote:

  On this I did just try to look for the API 0.7 feature list, but can't
  find it - is anyone thinking about what the next version of the API will
  do, or do we think we are about there, and we are actually using 1.0?
  If there are features to add, then these could be potential projects?

 It's in the wiki somewhere but I don't think there's anything very
 useful or helpful there. Tom said, it's full of
 ideas :).

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list


2010-03-09 Thread Graham Jones
Please do update the GSoC ideas page - the deadline for organisation
applications is the end of this week, after which Google will be looking
through all of the Organisations' ideas pages to choose which ones to accept
(and possibly decide how many student places to give them) - the more (and
more detailed) ideas the better to help that.



On 9 March 2010 18:01, peter wrote:

 On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 11:03 +0100, Diego Castronuovo wrote:
  Hi Peter,
  have you started to work to this project? I think I will start to
  design something next month...

 Hey Diego,

 yes I have started a couple of months ago. On one hand I'm still trying
 to find the right approach to such a complex topic, on the other hand I
 tested some other open source projects and looked if they would be
 suited for such a complex application (e.g. pgrouting, Asterisk,
 osmosis, OSM Ruby gems and some other gems like the spatial adapter gem,
 OpenLayers,...).  Furthermore import issues are already existing
 standards in the field of traffic information, like Datex2, TPEG, TMC.
 Of course I would prefer if I could implement all of them, at the moment
 TPEG seems to me as the most promising. Cause it contains elements for
 public transport as well (which is not the purpose of Datex2 and TMC).

 But back to the basic approach, I'm focusing on ontology driven
 architecture, which seems to me like a promising approach. But to be
 honest, I used not to work with ontology's in software development, so
 this topic is quite new to me.

 How did you think of starting with such a topic, do you have already a
 very fixed concept and what are you main goals? Are you interested in
 doing some parts, or most of it together? I would love to.

 I'm going update the GSoC Idea page soon, hope that makes my goals and
 the basic concept clear.


 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list


2010-02-28 Thread Graham Jones
These sound like interesting ideas for a Google Summer of Code project.

The application process has not started yet, but it would be good to put
your ideas down on the OSM wiki page and seek views of other members on how
this could be implemented - it will also help when you write your
application because you will have got some of it written in advance!  The
wiki page for student ideas is at:

I look for ward to reading about your proposals!



On 28 February 2010 18:14, peter wrote:

  On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 18:56 -0700, MilesTogoe wrote:

 SteveC wrote:
  Bouncing to newbies@, someone should be able to help you there

 I've been a professional traffic engineer (and engr professor) in the US
 and would be happy to be a mentor if you want to make this into a Google
 Summer of Code project ! I think it's about that time that GSoC
 proposals start up.

  On Feb 22, 2010, at 12:17 PM, Diego Castronuovo wrote:
  Hello, I'm a student of computer science at the University of Bologna. I 
  am interested in traffic engineering and for my thesis I would be 
  interested in the development of a system for sharing information on 
  traffic like this: # 
  I love the open source philosophy and I would be interested in 
  collaborating on the project open street map. What is the state of the art 
  integration of traffic information in open street map? Thank you in 
  advance. Regards,
  Diego castronuovo -


 I'm a student as well, I have started dealing with a very similar issue a
 couple of months ago: How could openstreetmap (the community and the map
 data) be used to integrate and generate open traffic information.  My goal
 is to develop a  prototype to show how such a extension could look like
 and use this topic to finish my master studies in Vienna.  I'm very
 interested to make my work into a Google Summer of Code project, even I
 think that 50% of the project will deal with creating a  sophisticated

 best regards

 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Google Summer of Code Projects

2010-02-28 Thread Graham Jones
Hi There,
It will soon be time for OpenStreetMap to apply to join the 2010 Google
Summer of Code Programme.   This gives students the opportunity to work on
open source projects during the summer, for which they receive some payment
by Google.   It costs us nothing more than providing a Mentor to guide the

It would be really useful if we could put together a list of potential
student projects to get potential applicants thinking.   The projects need
to be fairly well defined to make it easy to judge 'success', so it is good
to have specific targets.

From recent discussions on these lists I have identified the following
possibilities so far:

   - Develop a stand alone 'Newbie'/'Introductory'/'Lite' Editor - the
   priority is ease of use rather than functionality.
   - Help with the development of Potlatch 2 (maybe to include the 'lite'
   editor functionality) - we would need to help the applicants identify
   specific targets.
   - Develop a simple 'mapping tool' for mobile phones to *easily* collect
   GPX traces, geotagged images and geotagged audio clips.  Ideally it should
   be capable of running on both Android, J2ME and Iphones, so you can have the
   same simple application no matter what sort of phone you use.
   - Improve the usability of a simple mobile phone map editing application
   (such as vespucci for android).
   - Incorporation of OSM data and traffic data.

I am sure there are other things that I am not familiar with too - would it
be useful for someone to do some work on tools to process OSM data in some
way, or are there any tasks on the OSM server itself that could be turned
into projects?

Please will you give some thought to other possibilities and either add them
to the GSoC 2010 Wiki Page ( or reply by
email if you prefer.



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GSoC'10

2010-02-11 Thread Graham Jones
Hi All,
Following Rajan's prompt I have made a start on a wiki page to detail OSM's
participation in the 2010 Google Summer of Code (

The page includes a draft proposal for OSM to apply to GSoC when the
programme starts, but I think it would be worth us starting on a list of
potential projects.
I have had a look through previous GSoC pages and the 'Student Projects'
wiki page, but I am not sure which are still appropriate, and which have
been superseded by other work.

Please can you give some thought to potential projects for students and add
them to the wiki page?  The thing to remember is that the projects need to
be pretty well defined and be achievable in a relatively short time period.

Feel free to add comments to the proposals so that we get the most useful
set of potential projects.

This is an opportunity for OSM to get some help with coding, and is a useful
learning experience for students, so please give some thought to what you
would like to see worked on!



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK

On 6 February 2010 11:58, Rajan Vaish wrote:

 Hi all,

 With GSoC'10 not very far, quite a number of students are emailing me to
 know about OSM's participation in GSoC'10 and what they can expect.
 I haven't noticed any discussion or page regarding the same (sorry if I
 missed one?) . Looking forward to know/hear more about it, and ways I can

 GSoC'09 - OSM developer.

 Rajan Vaish
 ASE at Accenture Technology Labs (RD)

 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Mapnik output resolution

2010-02-09 Thread Graham Jones
Holger provided a different link to it earlier:
I just found it, it was already on my server (BSD-license, so you should be

I will update the trac entry with some of my examples, and make the change
to the link later.

This has got me wondering how many projects are using OSM data for printed
output?   There is maposmatic, plus a few on the Wiki (PDFAtlas etc.),  but
I do not know how many of these are maintained or how they deal with high
resolution output?  If there is not an existing one I will put together a
wiki page on printed output to collect examples and link to projects.



On 9 February 2010 08:01, Peter Körner wrote:  = Holger's script : isn't online anymore

 On his homepage [1] he writes
   On request I can provide a ruby script scaling any given mapnik xml
   style file by a given factor (not tested thoroughly, but here it seems
   to work).



 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Mapnik output resolution

2010-02-08 Thread Graham Jones
Thanks Dane,
I'll go and sort out a 300dpi style sheet for my printed output, and add
some info to your trac ticket.


On 8 February 2010 04:21, Dane Springmeyer wrote:

 On Feb 6, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Graham Jones wrote:

 My apologies - this is probably more of a Mapnik question than an OSM one,
 but I am using the OSM stylesheet, so I hope someone knows the answer!

 I am working on a little application to generate PDF map output with points
 of interest highlighted (ie to produce a 'restaurant guide' or 'tourist
 attractions guide' for an area) (

 If I select my map size to give 100 dpi resolution, the text size looks ok,
 but the output is a bit fuzzy (because it is only 100dpi).  If I increase
 the resolution to 300dpi by increasing the number of pixels I tell mapnik to
 use the text size reduces (or maybe it stays the same in pixels, but is
 smaller because I am printing at higher resolution) and it is no easier to
 read - it looks like mapnik uses a different zoom level because extra detail
 appears that I do not really want.
 For examples please see and for the 100 and
 300 dpi versions respectively.

 Is there a way to tell mapnik what output resolution I want so that the
 font sizes, road widths etc. come out correct at different resolutions,

 Coming soon (likely will land by the next minor release - Mapnik 0.8.0):

 or will I have to re-process the style sheet for different resolutions?.

 Yes, thats the recommended workaround for now. Holger ( had a ruby script to do this that might be

  Any pointers would be appreciated please!

 It would be great if you would attach sample images, with the bbox used to
 generate them, along with any comments to that ticket. Once it rises to a
 high enough priority to revise work on... the more examples for testing the


Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GSoC'10

2010-02-06 Thread Graham Jones
Ian, Rajan,
I am happy to help coordinate things too.

Maybe we should see how many volunteers we get, then have an off-line
discussion to agree who will do what?



On 6 February 2010 14:30, Rajan Vaish wrote:

 I can help Ian, in whatever way I can. Thanks.

 On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Ian Dees wrote:

 I would be happy to start setting this up, but I haven't had a lot of time
 in the last few months to give on following through with the GSoC 2009 year.
 If someone else is interested, let me know.

  On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 5:58 AM, Rajan Vaish vaish.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

  Hi all,

 With GSoC'10 not very far, quite a number of students are emailing me to
 know about OSM's participation in GSoC'10 and what they can expect.
 I haven't noticed any discussion or page regarding the same (sorry if I
 missed one?) . Looking forward to know/hear more about it, and ways I can

 GSoC'09 - OSM developer.

 Rajan Vaish
 ASE at Accenture Technology Labs (RD)

 dev mailing list

 Rajan Vaish
 ASE at Accenture Technology Labs (RD)

 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GSoC'10

2010-02-06 Thread Graham Jones
All offers of help welcome thank you!

I have made a start at a wiki page to collate the OSM application to Google
Summer of Code, and start to collect project ideas (   Please
feel free to add any ideas to that.

I haven't been through previous lists of suggestions yet - I think it would
be worthwhile to trawl through those and add ones that are still relevant.

As to whether it is more useful to get Mapnik registered in its own right or
not, I am afraid I do not know - I only got involved late on in last year's
GSoC so have no experience of the application process - Maybe Ian Dees or
someone with more experience of the GSoC application process can comment?
I suppose it depends on two things - (1) how likely mapnik is to be accepted
on its own and (2) what 'we' regard as the scope of OSM?   Personally I
think we should include tools that are used to process OSM data, which would
include mapnik, but others may disagree!



On 6 February 2010 18:26, Dane Springmeyer wrote:

 I'm interested in helping as well.

 I've started getting organized to have the Mapnik project participate for
 the first time:

 But to the extent there is cross-over or it is more useful for me to help
 with a project from the OpenStreetMap side, I'm interested in that as well.


  On Feb 6, 2010, at 6:38 AM, Graham Jones wrote:

 Ian, Rajan,
 I am happy to help coordinate things too.

 Maybe we should see how many volunteers we get, then have an off-line
 discussion to agree who will do what?



 On 6 February 2010 14:30, Rajan Vaish wrote:

 I can help Ian, in whatever way I can. Thanks.

 On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Ian Dees wrote:

 I would be happy to start setting this up, but I haven't had a lot of
 time in the last few months to give on following through with the GSoC 2009
 year. If someone else is interested, let me know.

   On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 5:58 AM, Rajan Vaish vaish.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

  Hi all,

 With GSoC'10 not very far, quite a number of students are emailing me to
 know about OSM's participation in GSoC'10 and what they can expect.
 I haven't noticed any discussion or page regarding the same (sorry if I
 missed one?) . Looking forward to know/hear more about it, and ways I can

 GSoC'09 - OSM developer.

 Rajan Vaish
 ASE at Accenture Technology Labs (RD)

 dev mailing list

 Rajan Vaish
 ASE at Accenture Technology Labs (RD)

 dev mailing list

 Dr. Graham Jones
 Hartlepool, UK
 dev mailing list

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Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Mapnik output resolution

2010-02-06 Thread Graham Jones
My apologies - this is probably more of a Mapnik question than an OSM one,
but I am using the OSM stylesheet, so I hope someone knows the answer!

I am working on a little application to generate PDF map output with points
of interest highlighted (ie to produce a 'restaurant guide' or 'tourist
attractions guide' for an area) (

If I select my map size to give 100 dpi resolution, the text size looks ok,
but the output is a bit fuzzy (because it is only 100dpi).  If I increase
the resolution to 300dpi by increasing the number of pixels I tell mapnik to
use the text size reduces (or maybe it stays the same in pixels, but is
smaller because I am printing at higher resolution) and it is no easier to
read - it looks like mapnik uses a different zoom level because extra detail
appears that I do not really want.
For examples please see and for the 100 and
300 dpi versions respectively.

Is there a way to tell mapnik what output resolution I want so that the font
sizes, road widths etc. come out correct at different resolutions, or will I
have to re-process the style sheet for different resolutions?.
Any pointers would be appreciated please!



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] osm2pgsql - coordinates units

2010-01-02 Thread Graham Jones
I have a little Python application that populates a posgresql database using
osm2pgsql, renders a map with mapnik and extracts information from the
database to highlight points of interest.
I am having a bit of trouble with working out what units the coordinates of
nodes are in in the postgresql database and hope it is obvious to someone:

I am using the -m option, which I think means it will use a spherical
mercator projection (+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
+lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgri...@null +no_defs
+over).  I am using the same projection in my Python code.

What I find though is that when I use the mapnik.Projection() function to
translate from lat/lon to spherical mercator y/x, my calculated values are a
factor of 100 less than those in the postgresql database - If I just divide
the postgresql database values by 100 and I plot them on my map they end up
in the correct places.

It looks to me as though osm2pgsql must be storing the x/y values as
integers in units of centimetres, but I thought that it was supposed to be
in units of metres.

Is this the case, or have I got something wrong with my projections (If the
answer is not obvious I will go and work out the maths myself to see what
order of magnitude the xy values should be - I am not used to working in
these coordinates).



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql - coordinates units

2010-01-02 Thread Graham Jones
I think I have found the problem - I was using planet_osm_nodes lat and lon
fields.  If I use the planet_osm_point way field, and extract the
coordinates using ST_X() and ST_Y() all of the numbers match up.

You can see the factor of 100 difference if you do:
  select id,lat,lon,astext(way) from planet_osm_nodes, planet_osm_point
where id=osm_id and id=27496146;

This gives:
   mapnik=# select id,lon,lat,astext(way) from planet_osm_nodes,
planet_osm_point where id=osm_id and id=27496146;

27496146 | -13446488 | 730126793 | POINT(-134464.883471724
   (1 row)


Is this a bug in osm2pgsql, or a 'feature'?   Does anything use the lat/lon


2010/1/2 Graham Jones

 I have a little Python application that populates a posgresql database
 using osm2pgsql, renders a map with mapnik and extracts information from the
 database to highlight points of interest.
 I am having a bit of trouble with working out what units the coordinates of
 nodes are in in the postgresql database and hope it is obvious to someone:

 I am using the -m option, which I think means it will use a spherical
 mercator projection (+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgri...@null +no_defs
 +over).  I am using the same projection in my Python code.

 What I find though is that when I use the mapnik.Projection() function to
 translate from lat/lon to spherical mercator y/x, my calculated values are a
 factor of 100 less than those in the postgresql database - If I just divide
 the postgresql database values by 100 and I plot them on my map they end up
 in the correct places.

 It looks to me as though osm2pgsql must be storing the x/y values as
 integers in units of centimetres, but I thought that it was supposed to be
 in units of metres.

 Is this the case, or have I got something wrong with my projections (If the
 answer is not obvious I will go and work out the maths myself to see what
 order of magnitude the xy values should be - I am not used to working in
 these coordinates).



 Dr. Graham Jones
 Hartlepool, UK

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql - coordinates units

2010-01-02 Thread Graham Jones
Thanks Jon,
I thought it might be an efficiency thing, but wasn't sure when we are using
the postgis extensions anyway.  I didn't get that far through the osm2pgsql
source code to spot it!



2010/1/2 Jon Burgess

 2010/1/2 Graham Jones
  I think I have found the problem - I was using planet_osm_nodes lat and
  fields.  If I use the planet_osm_point way field, and extract the
  coordinates using ST_X() and ST_Y() all of the numbers match up.
  You can see the factor of 100 difference if you do:
select id,lat,lon,astext(way) from planet_osm_nodes,
  where id=osm_id and id=27496146;
  This gives:
 mapnik=# select id,lon,lat,astext(way) from planet_osm_nodes,
  planet_osm_point where id=osm_id and id=27496146;
  27496146 | -13446488 | 730126793 | POINT(-134464.883471724
 (1 row)
  Is this a bug in osm2pgsql, or a 'feature'?   Does anything use the

 The factor of 100 is a feature and is setup at [1]. It allows
 osm2pgsql to store the position as a fixed point 32 it integer taking
 just 4 bytes, instead of the 8 bytes required for a double precision
 floating point value.

 osm2pgsql uses the lat/lon fields when looking up the node locations.



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] what server next?

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Jones
I would like to look into a distributed version of XAPI - I agree with Tom
that the current XAPI server is not ideal (but this may be because I can't
work out how it works).

I envisage an XAPI server utilising a 'standard' PostgreSQL database
produced by osmosis, kept up to date by the daily/hourly diffs etc, along
with a simple web server front-end to do the XAPI to SQL translation.

I made a start coding a simply python based server to do this, but haven't
got very far (made the mistake of deciding not to write my own parser but
use a parser generator - terrible mistake!).  Maybe I should give up and
write it in C - I'm sure the production version will be in C for speed

This would work for a single 'main' server, but I like the idea of it being
distributed with lots of little ones (for example the computer in my attic
could serve Northern England, someone else could do Belgium etc.).   I don't
know how to deal with re-directing the requests without a central main
server though...any ideas?

Having a nice fast XAPI system would make more dynamic maps (e.g. a vector
layer of POIs obtained from XAPI over a static mapnik background) a bit more
usable - all of the examples I have seen so far are a bit sluggish.


2009/9/8 Tom Hughes

 On 08/09/09 08:02, Patrick Petschge Kilian wrote:

  The first one would be a (decently fast) OSMXAPI server. Since the 0.6
  switch there seems to be a shortage of XAPI servers. If there was a
  stable, fast and up to date XAPI server it would help lots of people and
  it might reduce load on the main API.

 We've already given XAPI a server, and before we give it any more
 hardware I would need some serious convincing that XAPI as it currently
 exists is actually workable and scalable in some sensible way because as
 far as I can tell at the moment it isn't.

 As I understand it the database takes so long to load that if there are
 any working servers they are way out of date, and even when a server is
 working it can only serve a couple of users at a time which, when a XAPI
 query can often take minutes or hours to run is clearly not practical
 for serving a large community.

 There are also issues with the run time that the code uses - it's
 horrible ancient and crufty and requires various kernel security
 features to be turned off.


 Tom Hughes (

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Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Gosmore preferring unsealed tertiary route

2009-08-10 Thread Graham Jones
Trying to predict speeds theoretically is always going to be very error
prone - you could imagine trying to get very clever and keep track of
gradients and a sort of 'sinuosity' (or bendiness as I prefer to call it),
but I'm not convinced it will be that reliable - you will have to put some
big uncertainties on it.

I think it might be interesting to collect actual journey times by asking
people to submit GPX tracklogs (and tell us what sort of vehicle they were
using) - you could split the track log up to 'segments' between junctions,
then calculate the journey time for each road segment for different vehicle

It would take a bit of setting up to encourage people to submit the track
logs, but it would be fairly easy to automate the calculation and collect
the statistics.  You could even monitor journey times over a long period to
see if they are getting longer or shorter as the roads get busier

I imagine this dataset being something separate to the main OSM data - it
could be a relation for each road segment that could be picked up by routers
from somewhere else.   Herman Krauss has done something similar (but for
altitude profiles) for his Google Summer of Code project, so the code to
produce the relations exists, we would just need to link it to the GPX track
log database to do the calculations.


2009/8/10 John Smith

 --- On Mon, 10/8/09, Lambertus wrote:

  Yes, but as they are often represented as a node in OSM,
  giving them an average speed is meaninless. A time or point
  penalty seems more suitable.

 It works out to be 1.5s of lost time for a speed hump, traffic lights are
 harder to predict if you're lucky you'll get a good run of them, unlucky and
 you might have 3-5min per traffic light.

 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] 'Planet Manager' for osmosis?

2009-07-26 Thread Graham Jones
I am setting up a little local database to contain OSM data from a planet

I know that osmosis can update this from diff files, but want to set
something up to do this automatically - look for diff files older than the
last update, download them and apply then to the database etc.

This would be easy to write, but thought this would have been done so many
times before that it is not worth writing my own.
Is there a 'standard' version of this script that anyone has published that
I could use instead please?



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OSM APIs?

2009-07-04 Thread Graham Jones
I am trying to find a way of obtaining OSM data (read only) for use in an
application for providing additional information on top of a pre-rendered
map (e.g. display of locations of pubs, shops etc. as selected by the user).
There seem to be quite a few ways to do this:

   1. The main OSM API (but it is a shame to use that server for a read only
   2. XAPI (looks promising but I think the servers are ill at the moment -
   I like the idea of having an appeal for a new one if necessary!).
   3. TRAPI (this looks like a neat idea, but is not clear to me whether
   there are any working servers, or if this is just a concept?).
   4. ROMA (Sounds similar to TRAPI, but again I do not know if there are
   any servers)
   5. TileDataServer (I think that TRAPI is an extension of this).

Can anyone advise me on whether there are working servers for 3, 4 and 5
above please?

The other thing I was thinking about was setting up a little XAPI server to
play with myself, but I am struggling to work out how to install it on my
computer (I know nothing about GT.M...)  Can anyone point me to some
instructions please?


Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Osmosis and Postgresql

2009-06-30 Thread Graham Jones
I don't think I want a different one, I was just struggling to understand
what the differences are between all these different databases that people
use so I can choose one, and thought it would be worth documenting it once I
had worked it out!


2009/6/30 Jeffrey Warren

 I'd like to, but how does the schema you want differ from the schemas Brett
 Henderson hosts?
 And along those lines, should we remove the foreign key constraints from
 the schema, Brett, if they're not necessary and they cause Osmosis imports
 to fail?


 On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Graham Jones wrote:

 I can't help with your error, I'm afraid, but if you have an up to date
 description of the database schema I would be happy to add it ot the summary
 page I am writing.
 I think that is
 supposed to be a description of the main API DB schema, but it is labelled
 as out of date, so maybe this would be a good place for your description to
 be stored?



 2009/6/22 Jeffrey Warren

  Hi, I'm compiling a very long description of a Postgres/Rails port schema
 import, though I'm writing directly to the db. I'd be happy to share/post my
 notes on the process as I managed to get around a number of undocumented
 I'm still not done right now (i've been pinging the list here
 occasionally) and my latest problem is that I'm getting several errors like
 the following:

 ERROR:  insert or update on table current_way_nodes violates foreign
 key constraint current_way_nodes_node_id_fkey

 DETAIL:  Key (node_id)=(17704640) is not present in table

  ** Error **

  ERROR: insert or update on table current_way_nodes violates foreign
 key constraint current_way_nodes_node_id_fkey

 SQL state: 23503

 Detail: Key (node_id)=(17704640) is not present in table current_nodes.

  These are current_way_nodes which were not deleted from the current_
 table when their matching current_nodes were deleted. I'm now trying to
 delete them manually since this only occurs where nodes are visible=false,
 but it's confusing when this causes the foreign key constraint creation to

  ALTER TABLE ONLY current_way_nodes

 ADD CONSTRAINT current_way_nodes_node_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (node_id)
 REFERENCES current_nodes(id);

 Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a better way to resolve it?

 I tried following how the rails port actually deletes from current_nodes,
 but was unable to find it; is this done outside rails code? Can someone
 point to a line number where this is done so I can try to find out why the
 dependent current_way_node record wasn't deleted also? Hopefully this will
 eliminate this problem for future submitted changesets.


  history of a node with leftover current_way_node ==

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 osm version=0.6 generator=OpenStreetMap server
   node id=17704640 lat=51.5465346 lon=-2.4116768
 changeset=127793 user=southglos uid=3937 visible=true
 timestamp=2006-10-06T11:08:17Z version=1
 tag k=created_by v=JOSM/
   node id=17704640 lat=51.5465346 lon=-2.4116768
 changeset=601639 user=Strange but untrue uid=57932 visible=true
 timestamp=2009-04-16T22:28:59Z version=2/
   node id=17704640 lat=51.5465346 lon=-2.4116768
 changeset=601639 user=Strange but untrue uid=57932 visible=true
 timestamp=2009-04-16T22:31:23Z version=3/
   node id=17704640 lat=51.5465346 lon=-2.4116768
 changeset=601639 user=Strange but untrue uid=57932 visible=true
 timestamp=2009-04-16T22:32:07Z version=4/
   node id=17704640 lat=51.5465346 lon=-2.4116768
 changeset=601639 user=Strange but untrue uid=57932 visible=true
 timestamp=2009-04-16T22:32:19Z version=5/
   node id=17704640 lat=51.5465346 lon=-2.4116768
 changeset=601639 user=Strange but untrue uid=57932 visible=false
 timestamp=2009-04-16T22:32:21Z version=6/

 On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:09 PM, 80n wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Brett Henderson br...@bretth.comwrote:

 Graham Jones wrote:
  I'll have a look at --write-pgsql-dump and add some words about that
  too.  Then I'll have a go at MySQL...
  The other thing I would like to add is a write-up on choosing a
  database to use, because it is not obvious to me which would be the
  best, but I suspect this has been looked at a lot before now.  I
  the choices are:
 I'm not aware of a page summarising this, so it sounds very useful.
 Lots of people ask about it.
  * PostgreSQL/PostGIS - Can handle big datasets, and has
extensions.  What I do not know is whether these extensions are
fast or not, or if for simple things like selecting for a
bounding box it would be quicker to just select on lat/lon
directly.   Mapnik uses this database, but the schema is
optimised for rendering.
 There's actually 3

Re: [OSM-dev] Osmosis and Postgresql

2009-06-20 Thread Graham Jones
Thank you for looking at that for me - I will have a look at the other
options now I have got it working.
I know what you mean about seeing what it is doing, so dumping the SQL to a
file then importing it will make it easier to understand.

I can't remember why I included postgres-contrib - I thought I needed it to
get osmosis to compile properly, but I could be wrong!


2009/6/19 Emilie Laffray

 Graham Jones wrote:
  Hi Folks,
  I have spent a couple of evenings trying to persuade osmosis to import
  a planet dump into postgresql.
  It was quite a lot harder than I expected because of the need to set
  up the database schema, postgis etc. first (I am not used to
  postgresql, which was a lot of the problem).
  I have had a go at drafting a procedure for setting this up for the
  first time at:
  Would someone that know more about this than me mind having a look and
  pointing out my mistakes please?  Once it is right I'll add it as a
  separate wiki page rather than hiding it in the 'talk' bit.

 I have just had a look at what you have written. It looks good to me. I
 usually do not use the task to write directly into postgres and instead
 I generate the pgsql dump and import them later on. Based on experience,
 it is just faster. If you do that, you have to add an extra step which
 is found in the load script provided also with Osmosis.
 Also, because I don't like not to know what is happening, I add some
 logging to see what the program is doing.
 In addition, the import information that you have given do not take into
 account the optional columns for bboxbuilder and linestringbuilder,
 which can be useful for some people. We may want to add a comment about
 those options.
 Other than that, your instructions are a pretty good to get started.
 One quick note, you are installing postgres contrib but you are not
 making use of any of the scripts that are present inside contrib. One of
 the useful script is the admin script especially if you are using pgadmin.

 Emilie Laffray

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Osmosis and Postgresql

2009-06-19 Thread Graham Jones
Hi Folks,
I have spent a couple of evenings trying to persuade osmosis to import a
planet dump into postgresql.

It was quite a lot harder than I expected because of the need to set up the
database schema, postgis etc. first (I am not used to postgresql, which was
a lot of the problem).

I have had a go at drafting a procedure for setting this up for the first
time at:

Would someone that know more about this than me mind having a look and
pointing out my mistakes please?  Once it is right I'll add it as a separate
wiki page rather than hiding it in the 'talk' bit.



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Q. about indoor routing: Overlaying way-graphs, tags for floor, stairway, escalator, lift?

2009-05-09 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
Interesting idea.

I would be inclined to try to make it work with existing tagging schemes
rather than invent a new one (would mean you could use an existing routing
application with little, if any modification).

There is not really a significant difference between this and a multi-level
road interchange is there?  This would mean we could use 'layer=xxx' to show
the floors.
The main addition would have to be a tag for an elevator - stairs are really
just footpaths, and there is already a tag for them.

The main problem may come in editors - how to select the correct node, way
etc when there are lots on top of each other.

Therefore I think it should be achievable without too much trouble in terms
of the data analysis, but it might need a modification to an editor.


2009/5/8 Stefan Keller

 Dear all,

  On July 5th there has been a featured image of an inhouse route to FH
 Hannover Campus (c.f.

 Are there any opinions and proposals on handle indoor routing?

 Indoors means to me among others to have
 * floors (elevation/altitude is not enough!)
 * stairways, escalators
 * and lifts between floors.

  1. Is it possible to handle that many topologically only partially
 connected ways (graphs)?
 2. How to tag this? With level=2? or better with floor=2?
 3. How about several nodes (on different floors) with the 'same' coordinate
 but different elevation/altitude?


 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Cartagen - client-side vector based map renderer, dynamic maps

2009-05-09 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
 skipping parts. However, that
 might be able to be improved upon.

 In summary I would also like to add that all these
 various pre-computation and caching strategies are quite nice and
 helpful, but they are also all premature optimizations in the sense
 that I'd first get it to work at all, then toy around reducing the
 work. E.g. rendering labels on a canvas is problem that is not solved
 in all browsers, and no matter how much or little you cache, it won't
 change the fact that Opera 9.6 has no labels on the map :(

 Btw, jeffry:

 * There is a talk I proposed for State of the Map and I don't
 want to spoil everything before :)
yes, me too! so if you want to discuss off-list that's fine.
   Heh, you have a talk scheduled, too? :) That sounds like fun :)

 Will you be at the conference? :)

 All the best,


  Signed on Sat May  9 13:37:44 2009 with key 0x93B84C15.
  Get one of my photo posters:
  PGP key on or per email.

  Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire,
  and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  -- Terry Pratchett

 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Slippy Map Elevation Overlay

2009-04-29 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
Ah yes - I was lazy and didn't render all zoom levels - I only did a couple
to see what it looked like.  The blockiness goes away if you render the
The problem I had though was that some of the tiles appear half transparent
like I intended, and sometimes they look like pretty solid colour that
obscures other map features.  It's almost as though OpenLayers is displaying
the lower zoom level tiles as well as the top one.   I've never looked at
WorldWind - I might have a quick look this evening.


2009/4/29 MilesTogoe

 Graham Jones (Physics) wrote:

 I sometimes think that the main slippy map has a bit too much plain white,
 especially in undeveloped places where there are not many roads such as the
 Pennines or North Yorkshire Moors in Northern England - I keep wondering if
 this is an un-mapped area, or if there is nothing there

 The cycle map is very good with shaded elevation contours, but the main
 osmarender and mapnik maps do not include this.
 I would like this sort of shading to be available for the main map too,
 but I am not convinced that rendering it into the tiles is good, because
 sometimes those extra colours or contour lines are a distraction, so it
 would be nice for the user to be able to switch them off.

 I wondered if there is any reason why we could not create an overlay of
 elevation information (contours and or shading) that could sit on top of the
 main map as a user selectable leayer?

 I have had a quick go at  It sort of
 works - the high ground stands out, and you can see the shape of the ground,
 and you can switch the overlay off and on.  It does not work that well as an
 overlay though because it is not really transparent enough.  I find that
 sometimes the transparency works quite well and you can see the map
 underneath, and others it is practically opaque.

 pretty nice, though when zoomed in, it gets blocky - maybe this is actually
 how the parcel boundaries are, maybe you where just trying to get stuff
 prototyped.I keep thinking it would be nice to integrate OSM data with
 free satellite data like java based WorldWind NASA data as the background -
 haven't really researched this yet.

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [bug] direction of GPS traces

2009-04-28 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
This thread seemed to fizzle out without coming to a conclusion.  I would
suggest the following:

   - Many developers (never mind users) did not appreciate that the opposite
   of 'public' in this context is 'anonymous'.
   - Although the wiki does explain this, the GPX upload page does not, it
   just has a 'public' checkbox.
   - It is not unreasonable for users to think that the opposite of 'public'
   is 'private' - ie, only visible to the user who uploaded the trace.
   - We should include some text next to the 'public' checkbox to explain -
   something like Note that all GPX traces uploaded to OSM are visible to all
   users.  Selecting 'public' will associate the trace the user who uploaded
   it, otherwise it will be anonymous.

Does this sound reasonable?  I would offer to add the text myself, but I
can't find the HTML in the SVN repository.  Please will someone either make
this change (or something similar), or tell me how to do it?



2009/4/16 Johnny Rose Carlsen

 Frederik Ramm wrote:
  Karl Newman wrote:
   I've been around OSM for a few years now and I was not aware
   private GPS trackpoints were available for download.
  Firstly, the API does not talk of private GPS tracks. It only gives
  you a checkbox saying public.

 If you go to My GPS traces, then it says PRIVATE with red letters.

 Maybe indicating that the traces are anonymous would be better.

 Best Regards,
  - Johnny Carlsen

 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Slippy Map Elevation Overlay

2009-04-28 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
I sometimes think that the main slippy map has a bit too much plain white,
especially in undeveloped places where there are not many roads such as the
Pennines or North Yorkshire Moors in Northern England - I keep wondering if
this is an un-mapped area, or if there is nothing there

The cycle map is very good with shaded elevation contours, but the main
osmarender and mapnik maps do not include this.
I would like this sort of shading to be available for the main map too, but
I am not convinced that rendering it into the tiles is good, because
sometimes those extra colours or contour lines are a distraction, so it
would be nice for the user to be able to switch them off.

I wondered if there is any reason why we could not create an overlay of
elevation information (contours and or shading) that could sit on top of the
main map as a user selectable leayer?

I have had a quick go at  It sort of works
- the high ground stands out, and you can see the shape of the ground, and
you can switch the overlay off and on.  It does not work that well as an
overlay though because it is not really transparent enough.  I find that
sometimes the transparency works quite well and you can see the map
underneath, and others it is practically opaque.

I struggle a bit with javascript and openlayers and wondered if anyone could
suggest how I could sort out the opacity problem a bit better?
Maybe the main map should use a transparent background, and use the
elevation data as the base layer with the map as the overlay?



Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: Mobile Phone Audio Mapping Tool?

2009-04-10 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
I think I am making progress using GPSMid for audio mapping, but still
having a few problems if anyone can help

I have got GPSMid to record individual audio clips on demand, and produce a
GPX waypoint when you record the clip.
I can then export the GPX file and the audio files (amr format) to my PC.
A little python script puts the required link href= tags in the GPX
file, and converts them to wav format using ffmpeg.

When I import my GPX file into josm, it displays audio icons at the correct
location, but when I click on them I get an error message saying Error
Playing Sound:  filename. Where filename is the name of the file I
clicked on (without full path).  However, when you hit ok to accept the
error dialog the file plays correctly...

To make this work I had to include the full path to the .wav files in the
link tags, otherwise it wouldn't play at all.

A typical waypoint looks like:
wpt lat='54.698402' lon='-1.2252716'

Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong to generate this error please?
Also, I would prefer to be able to use relative paths rather than absolute
ones, so any pointers to what to change in josm would be appreciated.  I am
using the latest version of josm, from svn this evening.



2009/3/28 Graham Jones (Physics)

 Tim, Dave,
 Thank you for your help with this.  Dave is right that I was looking at
 doing this as a bit of a challenge, but I wanted to produce a separate audio
 recorder to the one that came with my phone to make it easier to use without
 having to select options etc., and adding the geotagging bits would be
 relatively simple to add.

 It looks like GPSMid is a fancier version of what I was thinking of writing
 (I had displaying maps as a possible future extension).
 I'll have a look at that with a view to tweaking it if necessary to make
 the audio bits work how I want.



 2009/3/28 Tim Waters (chippy)

 I think GPSMid  supports audio
 mapping. it's a J2me program - your phone would need to support it
 also (mine doesn't alas).

 Also I use mobile trails explorer (also j2me), which has an audio
 waypoint tool too. (again, not tried).

 Both programs work with bluetooth GPS and work with OSM in mind, and
 they are open source, so feel free to hack on them, see what works,
 might save you re-writing it from scratch!



 2009/3/27 Graham Jones (Physics)
  I am after a simple way of recording street names when cycling rather
  having to write them down.  There is a section on the Wiki on Audio
  Mapping, but there is no mention of using a normal mobile phone and
  bluetooth GPS receiver - the idea is to record audio clips and
  location to import into JOSM later.  The advantage of a phone over the
  methods is that it should be able to record both audio, and GPS location
  the same time, to avoid the synchronisation problems.  It is also nice
  small, and you don't look odd talking into one.   It might even be
  to use a bluetooth headset which would be even easier for cycling...
  I have had a bit of a play and I think I can make it work (the GPS
  can talk to the phone, and the phone can record sounds), but I haven't
  stitched it together in to a single application yet.
  I can't help but think that someone will have tried this before (and
  presumably failed because I can't find it anywhere?) - does anyone know
 if I
  am onto a loser before I go too far down the road of coding it?  There
 is a
  bit more information at
  Any pointers to where this is going to go wrong would be appreciated!
  Graham Jones
  Hartlepool, UK
  Dr. Graham Jones
  Hartlepool, UK
  dev mailing list

 Dr. Graham Jones
 Hartlepool, UK

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] as target for spamming?

2009-04-09 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
I am intrigued - what does the bayesian filter try to do?  bayesian
statistics has always been too hard for me to get my head around - Can you
point me to a decent explanation please?


2009/4/9 Stefan Breunig

 Don't add a captcha. They get cracked anyway and just make it harder
 for everyone. Adding a bayesian filter should be sufficient after a
 little training (it works for and requires no
 extra effort from the user.


 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 08:29, Frederik Ramm wrote:
  Stefan Keller wrote:
  Usually we try to ignore spam, but now it seems, that openstreetmap.orghas
  become some spam target (see below).
  Uh-huh. Good you noticed that. This means they actually have gone
  through the trouble of writing a script that creates OSM accounts AND
  confirms the link in the e-Mail they get... great news, we'll hit one
  million users rather quickly now ;-)
  Glad they haven't started user diaries yet ;-)
  Maye someone with Rails skills could quickly grab an existing captcha
  solution and add it to
  Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33
  dev mailing list

 Please encrypt your mail:
 FP: 2620 E737 FD50 60AB 86B6 1B9D 3BFD AFFB 5B15 6893

 dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SoC Project: Preprocessor to add altitude information to OSM data

2009-04-09 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
Andy is right that the key to getting a true representation is not to just
look at the altitude of nodes, but to integrate the SRTM data between the
nodes to give total climb (the high tech version of counting the contour

I think that is what Hermann was intending to do wasn't it?


 2009/4/9 Andy Allan

 On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:24 PM, Hermann Kraus wrote:
  I have applied for SoC to write an preprocessor that adds altitude data
  ways to allow better bicycle routing, etc.
  The complete application text is available at [1] for those of you who
  don't have access to Google's mentor interface.

  I'm also interested in some feedback on this point. What do the people
  this mailinglist think about it?

 Hi Hermann,

 Sounds like your project overlaps quite a bit with Sjors from GSoC
 2008 -

 So you can probably learn a lot from that - especially why looking at
 nodes or endpoints of ways isn't great - you miss a lot of detail
 (potentially entire hills!) along the way! I don't think Sjors work
 ever influenced routing decisions, so there's still work for you to

 I would suggest looking into his work, and looking at yours as an
 extension of what's gone before.


  dev mailing list

 Dr. Graham Jones
 Hartlepool, UK

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: Mobile Phone Audio Mapping Tool?

2009-03-28 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
Thanks for the comprehensive reply!

My idea is similar to your option (b).  What I envisage doing is pressing a
button on the phone which then records an audio clip, and associates the GPS
location with that clip.  These will be saved on the phone's memory.
It will then be necessary to export the clips and locations to JOSM - the
simplest answer sounds like the use of a GPX file with references to the
audio clips - it will effectively be like setting a waypoint on a Garmin GPS
device, but without the trouble of trying to type in the name with the silly
little joystick while avoiding traffic  Therefore if you could point me
to what the link specification needs to be for JOSM, that would be very
useful please.

The phone creates the clips in 'amr' format, but it shouldn't be difficult
to post-process these into WAV, either as a separate application or as part
of a JOSM plugin.  I'll not try to do that on the phone just yet.

I'll try to get the storage bit working, then should be able to publish
something for people to try


2009/3/27 David Earl

 On 27/03/2009 21:21, Graham Jones (Physics) wrote:

 I am after a simple way of recording street names when cycling rather than
 having to write them down.  There is a section on the Wiki on Audio
 Mapping, but there is no mention of using a normal mobile phone and
 bluetooth GPS receiver - the idea is to record audio clips and associated
 location to import into JOSM later.  The advantage of a phone over the other
 methods is that it should be able to record both audio, and GPS location at
 the same time, to avoid the synchronisation problems.  It is also nice and
 small, and you don't look odd talking into one.   It might even be possible
 to use a bluetooth headset which would be even easier for cycling...

 I have had a bit of a play and I think I can make it work (the GPS
 receiver can talk to the phone, and the phone can record sounds), but I
 haven't stitched it together in to a single application yet. I can't help
 but think that someone will have tried this before (and presumably failed
 because I can't find it anywhere?) - does anyone know if I am onto a loser
 before I go too far down the road of coding it?  There is a bit more
 information at

 Any pointers to where this is going to go wrong would be appreciated!

 Hi Graham,

 I wrote the audio bits in JOSM, so I can tell you what goes on at that end,
 and I also added a new bit recently to support something similar to this (so
 make sure you have a JOSM from the last couple of weeks - I'd have to check
 for the exact build number). Incidentally, the help in JOSM is more
 comprehensive than the help OSM wiki page.

 However, a word of caution: the fact they are on the same device doesn't
 necessarily mean you can dispense with sync or calibration. It is quite
 likely the GPS track will generate its time stamps from the GPS satellite
 time and the audio manage its sampling and time stamps from the clock on the
 phone. They may not correspond exactly (indeed you probably have to set the
 one on the phone explicitly) and may drift a small amount. I think you
 should check this first. You may be lucky, but don't take it for granted. An
 error of only second or two can make quite a big difference and even if you
 can set the phone clock to the same as the GPS a drift of only 0.1% can make
 100m difference on a long continuous recording.

 How to proceed depends on whether you're recording a continuous sound track
 or a set of snippets.

 In all cases you need WAV files. If your phone records another format
 you'll need to convert them to WAV (e.g. using Audacity).

 If many, short files then there are two approaches

 (a) have a set of WAV files whose (modified) time stamps are those of the
 original recordings (i.e. if you converted them, you'll need to use touch to
 bring the timestamps into sync with the original files).

 Tick the appropriate box in the audio preferences to say this is how you
 want to work.

 Then when you import audio for a track choose _all_ the files (using shift
 and ctrl click as appropriate in the file chooser dialog). That will
 associate the audio clips at those time points along the track. NOTE: the
 time stamps are those at the *end* of each recording (for obvious reasons, I
 hope), but JOSM will take this into account, so the point identified on the
 track will be at the *beginning* of the recording.

 (b) postprocess the GPX file to add link elements to the relevant
 trackpoints to refer to audio files. This is a manual equivalent of the
 above. If you want to try this, let me know and I'll look up the exact spec
 of the link tag for you.

 For a continuous recording, you would still need to sync, because it is
 unlikely your track and recording will start at the same moment. However, if
 you start the recording at the same moment you make

Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: Mobile Phone Audio Mapping Tool?

2009-03-28 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
Tim, Dave,
Thank you for your help with this.  Dave is right that I was looking at
doing this as a bit of a challenge, but I wanted to produce a separate audio
recorder to the one that came with my phone to make it easier to use without
having to select options etc., and adding the geotagging bits would be
relatively simple to add.

It looks like GPSMid is a fancier version of what I was thinking of writing
(I had displaying maps as a possible future extension).
I'll have a look at that with a view to tweaking it if necessary to make the
audio bits work how I want.



2009/3/28 Tim Waters (chippy)

 I think GPSMid  supports audio
 mapping. it's a J2me program - your phone would need to support it
 also (mine doesn't alas).

 Also I use mobile trails explorer (also j2me), which has an audio
 waypoint tool too. (again, not tried).

 Both programs work with bluetooth GPS and work with OSM in mind, and
 they are open source, so feel free to hack on them, see what works,
 might save you re-writing it from scratch!



 2009/3/27 Graham Jones (Physics)
  I am after a simple way of recording street names when cycling rather
  having to write them down.  There is a section on the Wiki on Audio
  Mapping, but there is no mention of using a normal mobile phone and
  bluetooth GPS receiver - the idea is to record audio clips and associated
  location to import into JOSM later.  The advantage of a phone over the
  methods is that it should be able to record both audio, and GPS location
  the same time, to avoid the synchronisation problems.  It is also nice
  small, and you don't look odd talking into one.   It might even be
  to use a bluetooth headset which would be even easier for cycling...
  I have had a bit of a play and I think I can make it work (the GPS
  can talk to the phone, and the phone can record sounds), but I haven't
  stitched it together in to a single application yet.
  I can't help but think that someone will have tried this before (and
  presumably failed because I can't find it anywhere?) - does anyone know
 if I
  am onto a loser before I go too far down the road of coding it?  There is
  bit more information at
  Any pointers to where this is going to go wrong would be appreciated!
  Graham Jones
  Hartlepool, UK
  Dr. Graham Jones
  Hartlepool, UK
  dev mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Fwd: Mobile Phone Audio Mapping Tool?

2009-03-27 Thread Graham Jones (Physics)
I am after a simple way of recording street names when cycling rather than
having to write them down.  There is a section on the Wiki on Audio
Mapping, but there is no mention of using a normal mobile phone and
bluetooth GPS receiver - the idea is to record audio clips and associated
location to import into JOSM later.  The advantage of a phone over the other
methods is that it should be able to record both audio, and GPS location at
the same time, to avoid the synchronisation problems.  It is also nice and
small, and you don't look odd talking into one.   It might even be possible
to use a bluetooth headset which would be even easier for cycling...

I have had a bit of a play and I think I can make it work (the GPS receiver
can talk to the phone, and the phone can record sounds), but I haven't
stitched it together in to a single application yet.
I can't help but think that someone will have tried this before (and
presumably failed because I can't find it anywhere?) - does anyone know if I
am onto a loser before I go too far down the road of coding it?  There is a
bit more information at

Any pointers to where this is going to go wrong would be appreciated!


Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
dev mailing list

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