Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-17 Thread Jonathan-David SCHRODER

1) I had a long chat with James Mike about his project.
we basically have a same idea of a osm-inputoutput,
tiles-from-stored-osm-output machine image as to the outer interfaces.
a) James Mike wants osm inputoutput in git (sftp access) or later some very
light webservice (not the rails port, a custom c++ thing) accepting osm
read/write (eg. from JOSM)
b) he wants a hot rendering (in c++ with a modified mapnik build he's
started work on) of tiles outdated from new osm data. Those tiles would be
served over git or some http daemon

Below, I'm presenting my project's aims which are less demanding in terms of
required speed CPU power (James Mike told me that his solution could
possibly run in embedded devices like a mobile phone !!).

What I'll write replies namely to Emilie's comment on my 2nd e-mail in this
mail discussion.

 Well, one quick point: database performance are going to be bad. Someone is
 currently trying to do something similar in one of the mailing list. Cloud
 vendor are very good for serving content like a web page. They are extremely
 poor for database performance. The IO is usually catastrophic.
 I wouldn't expect any real good performance out of such a system especially
 for rendering. I think that using cloud technology is for the moment at
 least a bit pointless.

 Emilie Laffray

For my project (indooroutdoor mapping of small scale objects (you're able
to see the coffee machine and tables rendered as rectangles or point POIs)
rather small concentrations (eg. spots the size of a building, european-size
(wink to north america :-) ) university campus, or a small city), I just
want a working machine image that's ready to redeploy and takes :
a) josm data as input over http (the rails port fits me for this)
b) a sync between the rails port's db and mapnik's db. So the standard
implementation we don't mind using for now is : mapnik(+postgis) rendering
tiles on demand through mod_tiles,renderd,minutely or hourly change interval
osmosis technique
We don't mind:
1) having perfectly optimized instance images (eg. we'll have 5 buildings
per instance)
2) working on the cloud despite low database IO, as the cloud is
advantageous for us in that we can deploy new instances remotely with simple
scripting (eg. 1 company dedicated building indoor mapping space = 1 new
instance for them, or if we have 5 buildings on each of our instances
already and are requested to host 2 new building's maps, we run another
instance filling it with those 2...). If my project (Geopard) goes into a
start up something, having a dedicated machine instead of an EC2 instance
for indooroutdoor high precision maps hosting could be part of some
business model.

I would appreciate having either a ready to use :
- normal machine image (eg. vmware, virtualbox)
or - Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
... with easy osm inputoutput + hot rendering into tiles
Please give me contacts of people doing any of the two.

Anyway, we will release by the end of January 2010 an AMI with a vanilla
install of rails+timely change interval sync+mapnik, shipping with nice
scripts to install (maybe reconfigure) the server with your settings (eg.
for the rails port, but imagine it for mapnik and the sync part too : just
edit in a single config file your wished rails db names, login+password,
posgres memory limits and rails website login+password accounts, and some
script you run by hand will install the rails port with those settings for
We will try to release in this AMI, some default settings that you can reuse
for having indoor mapping working (ie. tiles rendering with increased max
zoom + 1 floor=1 TMS layer) possibility to disable sea limits  land zones
so that your map is full white/empty at the beginning, possibility to sync
timely only a bbox (not the planet file) from into your db).

Our scripts will be in Ruby (regular shell ruby, not rails) I think. Who
wants to collaborate on those magic deployment scripts ?
In the end, maybe we could have a vanilla OSM instance be
configured/installed from a php page filled by some enduser, a bit like
tiledrawer does (well.. the config is in JSON data passed to the AMI at
startup, but then you see installationrendering progress in status.php).

Take care,

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 6:13 PM, wrote:

 Ok, this looks great.
 So, now, that would be my suggestion to use on this amazon webservice.
 A lot of small osm files, the size of the smallest tile.

 Now, on thing did occur to me while walking the dog, we could render
 multiple zoom levels at once.
 Every time you render the smallest unit (tile) you would render the
 sections of all the zoom levels and that should prevent you from
 touching the data at the same time.


 On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Dane Springmeyer
  On Jan 8, 2010, at 7:19 AM, wrote:

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread Jonathan-David SCHRODER
Please tell me if I'm replicating any initiative or doing something the
wrong or a not-so-good way.

I've started this week from an EBS backed (or boot)  Ubuntu 8.04 image
I agree to give the .pem file for ssh connection to an instance to anyone
willing to collaborate.

My idea is to provide an EC2 EBS image with rails port(done) + tile
rendering setup(started) + rails port-tile rendering sync scripts(todo) +
easy config scripts (why not triggerable on startup with JSON config ala (todo, not sure I'll have time to it).
The list of commands to install is very long. I note down all the commands I
type so as to be able to one or more bash scripts to be able to reinstall a
similar solution on an Ubuntu N.NN later (by assuming that commands/package
names for 8.04 are similar to those for 9.04 etc..). Maybe I'll have 3 bash
scripts such as :,, And I'd need other scripts to go along :, and
What do you think of this ?

A recall on the requirements (reply to change them if you'd like to
collaborate or request something):
- postgres+osmosis+rails port (with 3 dbs : development, testing and
production) : filled with nothing for now. would
have a simple calling syntax like :
   sudo [--bz2url=
[--forceResetDB (false if omitted)]
[--guessDBLoginPassFromRailsConfig (default is true)]
- mapnik tile rendering setup. I want to have a simple script to insert a
bz2 + tell to use some style sheets + to tell to render at z=N (max zoom)
- cron'able synced file making the Mapnik setup be filled with the Rails
ports's data. I plan to get inspiration from the myanmar scripts for this.

I'm sorry to repeat this, though, please reply if you know of some linux
image (on EC2 or not) hanging somewhere which almost does what I'm trying to
achieve and that image is easy to redeploy (ex : .iso or vmware/virtual bos
EC2 ami).


On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Jonathan-David SCHRODER wrote:


 I'd like to create a platform like for indoor stuff
 easily, and more on more people on the Internet
 seem to want to setup their own openstreetmap server.
 Some tutorials exist describing the steps to obtain an OSM DB with data in
 it + a first Mapnik rendering :
 Now what I would sincerely like is a quick and easy solution providing me
 an openstreetmap server distribution/image that :
 - ships on liveCD / CD / DVD or not but preferably for me as an AMI (Amazon
 Machine Image)
 - has :
 - an OSM psgql db setup with [SomeGeoData]
 - a mapnik or other renderer
 - an HTTP Rails port so as to have something like's
 slippymap+potlatch+HTTP API (at least TMS tiling API for tiles streaming and
 v0.6 features filtering API for POIs search and display) for mobiles
 applicationsOSM editors (JOSM, Merkaartor etc..)
 ...where [SomeGeoData] is a flexible set (imported/synchronized frequently
 from other sources, or stored on machine and editable by remote over HTTP
 with a JOSM-like editor) of :
 -  layers (containing features that will be drawn but not-clickable),
 - POIs (clickable features),
 - interchangeable GeoStyleSheets or how map should be drawn-rules

 ... and that [SomeGeoData]'s flexible set of layers, POIs, stylesheets is
 remotely editable through a web interface, an HTTP interface or some shell
 scripts to run on the host.

 As far as LiveCDs / distributions are concerned, though I've seen only a
 few (one is Fedora based : ).

 I've experimented with for nearly a week on Amazon EC2.
 That server contains :
 - an openstreetmap database (postgresql + postGIS + the primary
 interfacing tools osm2pgsql / osmosis)
 - the TileCache python server which serves png tiles over http the TMS way*
 * this is's way of providing tiles for the Slippy Map
 one just needs to download each tile http://publicDNS/tilecache/x/y/z.png; 
 see also
 I need the Rails port on top of that.

 I can give free access to an amazon EC2 instance based on an Alestic Ubuntu
 EC2 image... based on's image or not.

 Who can comment on my need/request for help/proposal for collaboration ?

 Thanks in advance !

 Take care !

 Jonathan-David SCHRODER

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread Emilie Laffray
2010/1/8 Jonathan-David SCHRODER

 Please tell me if I'm replicating any initiative or doing something the
 wrong or a not-so-good way.

 I've started this week from an EBS backed (or boot)  Ubuntu 8.04 image
 I agree to give the .pem file for ssh connection to an instance to anyone
 willing to collaborate.

 My idea is to provide an EC2 EBS image with rails port(done) + tile
 rendering setup(started) + rails port-tile rendering sync scripts(todo) +
 easy config scripts (why not triggerable on startup with JSON config ala (todo, not sure I'll have time to it).
 The list of commands to install is very long. I note down all the commands
 I type so as to be able to one or more bash scripts to be able to reinstall
 a similar solution on an Ubuntu N.NN later (by assuming that
 commands/package names for 8.04 are similar to those for 9.04 etc..). Maybe
 I'll have 3 bash scripts such as :,, And I'd need other
 scripts to go along :, and
 What do you think of this ?

 A recall on the requirements (reply to change them if you'd like to
 collaborate or request something):
 - postgres+osmosis+rails port (with 3 dbs : development, testing and
 production) : filled with nothing for now. would
 have a simple calling syntax like :
sudo [--bz2url=
 [--forceResetDB (false if omitted)]
 [--guessDBLoginPassFromRailsConfig (default is true)]
 - mapnik tile rendering setup. I want to have a simple script to insert a
 bz2 + tell to use some style sheets + to tell to render at z=N (max zoom)
 - cron'able synced file making the Mapnik setup be filled with the Rails
 ports's data. I plan to get inspiration from the myanmar scripts for this.

 I'm sorry to repeat this, though, please reply if you know of some linux
 image (on EC2 or not) hanging somewhere which almost does what I'm trying to
 achieve and that image is easy to redeploy (ex : .iso or vmware/virtual bos
 EC2 ami).

Well, one quick point: database performance are going to be bad. Someone is
currently trying to do something similar in one of the mailing list. Cloud
vendor are very good for serving content like a web page. They are extremely
poor for database performance. The IO is usually catastrophic.
I wouldn't expect any real good performance out of such a system especially
for rendering. I think that using cloud technology is for the moment at
least a bit pointless.

Emilie Laffray
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread
I would like to have an account.

We could try out some ideas for replacing the database with a lot of
small files.


On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Emilie Laffray wrote:

 2010/1/8 Jonathan-David SCHRODER

 Please tell me if I'm replicating any initiative or doing something the
 wrong or a not-so-good way.

 I've started this week from an EBS backed (or boot)  Ubuntu 8.04 image
 I agree to give the .pem file for ssh connection to an instance to anyone
 willing to collaborate.

 My idea is to provide an EC2 EBS image with rails port(done) + tile
 rendering setup(started) + rails port-tile rendering sync scripts(todo) +
 easy config scripts (why not triggerable on startup with JSON config ala (todo, not sure I'll have time to it).
 The list of commands to install is very long. I note down all the commands
 I type so as to be able to one or more bash scripts to be able to reinstall
 a similar solution on an Ubuntu N.NN later (by assuming that
 commands/package names for 8.04 are similar to those for 9.04 etc..). Maybe
 I'll have 3 bash scripts such as :,, And I'd need other
 scripts to go along :, and
 What do you think of this ?

 A recall on the requirements (reply to change them if you'd like to
 collaborate or request something):
 - postgres+osmosis+rails port (with 3 dbs : development, testing and
 production) : filled with nothing for now. would
 have a simple calling syntax like :
 [--forceResetDB (false if omitted)]
 [--guessDBLoginPassFromRailsConfig (default is true)]
 - mapnik tile rendering setup. I want to have a simple script to insert a
 bz2 + tell to use some style sheets + to tell to render at z=N (max zoom)
 - cron'able synced file making the Mapnik setup be filled with the Rails
 ports's data. I plan to get inspiration from the myanmar scripts for this.

 I'm sorry to repeat this, though, please reply if you know of some linux
 image (on EC2 or not) hanging somewhere which almost does what I'm trying to
 achieve and that image is easy to redeploy (ex : .iso or vmware/virtual bos
 EC2 ami).

 Well, one quick point: database performance are going to be bad. Someone is
 currently trying to do something similar in one of the mailing list. Cloud
 vendor are very good for serving content like a web page. They are extremely
 poor for database performance. The IO is usually catastrophic.
 I wouldn't expect any real good performance out of such a system especially
 for rendering. I think that using cloud technology is for the moment at
 least a bit pointless.

 Emilie Laffray

 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread
I have been working on c++ code with rtrees and other nice things.
depending on what you want to do with it, I think it is fair to make
updates very slow if the rendering is very fast...

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Stefan de Konink wrote:
 Op 08-01-10 13:49, schreef:
 I would like to have an account.

 We could try out some ideas for replacing the database with a lot of
 small files.

 We could just switch to MonetDB get deduplication, and don't require a
 lot of space ;) other news did anyone try SphinxSearch on OSM data? Since I
 dislike PostgreSQL's geo-non-indiced functionality. Hence: an index on
 IsValid(...) is not materialised, I wonder if anyone succesfully applied
 stuff like:

 select planet_osm_point.osm_id,, from planet_osm_point, planet_osm_polygon where
 ST_Intersects(planet_osm_point.way, planet_osm_polygon.way) and  '' and  ''  and;

 sql_query = select planet_osm_roads.osm_id,, from planet_osm_roads, planet_osm_polygon where
 st_isvalid(planet_osm_roads.way) AND st_isvalid(planet_osm_polygon.way)
 AND ST_Intersects(planet_osm_roads.way, planet_osm_polygon.way) and  '' and  ''  and;

 sql_query = select p2.osm_id,, from planet_osm_polygon
 as p2, planet_osm_polygon as p1 where ST_Intersects(p1.way, p2.way) and  '' and  ''  and;


 ps. TomH thanks for the comment on IRC :D

 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread Stefan de Konink
Now both to list.

Op 08-01-10 14:53, schreef:
 On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Stefan de  wrote:
 Op 08-01-10 14:46, schreef:

 I have been working on c++ code with rtrees and other nice things.
 depending on what you want to do with it, I think it is fair to make
 updates very slow if the rendering is very fast...

 Do you mean small files as render tiles?

 something like that. I wonder if we were to store all the osm data for
 one tile and its index on a file system and just keep them all in
 synch. Anyone who edits the data would update all of them as needed.

You would have to take in to account what data is required for 
rendering. This is basically what the column wise PostgreSQL Schema 
tries to achieve.

I would find it difficult to believe that with for example a 
memorymapped file, that allocates for example 4k for a node would 
outperform a database method. I would see a better future in automatic 
analysing a stylesheet, determing enums, and using databases.

 This is already what we do on; I have modified renderd
 to render 'metatiles', but not to save them as metatiles. So on disk I have
 all seperate tiles. My webserver, based if the file exists, serves the file,
 or otherwise shoots in a render request like mod_tile would do.

 define metatile?

Metatile is basically a tile that spawns a (much) greater space than the 
invidivual tile, for example 8x8. This reduces mapnik-overhead, since 
you always have to render a bit bigger than the tile anyway.
An additional assumption has been made that it would be faster to store 
and server metatiles by extracting data, than invidivual tiles. 
Currently there is no benchmark that can confirm or deny that.

 So the main difference is that I never extract tiles, and never compress
 tiles. We still should plan some sort of benchmark to see if this method is
 better or worse then meta tiles. I think its better because the webserver is
 on less load, and the disk speed or filesystem should be tuned anyway.

 It will depend on your architecture, but I think on a distributed
 system where you have many processors,
 that lots of files , if connected to the processors will work well.
 Ideally you would have a set of processors to deal with a set of data
 and any requests would come to them and the whole thing would be in
 cache all the time...

That would assume a big disk cache. For NL, it would be theoretically 
possible to use multiple renderd instances out of the box. But that 
would require to run renderd on an TCP/IP socket, instead of a Unixsocket.

In my perspective the query time can be reduced anyway significantly if 
we want it. Mapnik is much harder to optimise, unless you want to go GPU 
accelerated rendering.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread Stefan de Konink
Op 08-01-10 15:09, schreef:
 I dont know all the details of mapnik, but from what I have seen,
 using the postgres database is not needed in all cases.
 I am thinking about

It is not required to use the database, but the overhead is in the 
rendering. I do agree that PostgreSQL will not always give you the 
fastest results ;)

 Well you mean a 4k page in memory. But you dont need to have all that
 data memory mapped.
 It could be just 4k of data on disk in an array. It could also just be
 a tiny osm file that is parsed when needed.

Tiny would have to be an osmtile in binary format, agreed?

 Well again, I have not really gotten into mapnik. But I can.

Please do so :)

 But lets try and define the problem as rendering an osm file to a
 tile. That osm file is updated , and rerendered.
 All the data needed to render is just stored in osmxml in a nice
 sorted way. You never need all the data at once because you only
 render a tile at a time.

You don't want to store it in XML, it will get huge... and requires 
again the parsing overhead. And as I pointed out before, we prefer to 
render 64 tiles at a time.

 but you dont need a full postgres database functionality, you just
 have very basic update of pages of data.

In your idea, how would you *update* the storage?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Stefan de Konink wrote:
 Op 08-01-10 15:09, schreef:
 I dont know all the details of mapnik, but from what I have seen,
 using the postgres database is not needed in all cases.
 I am thinking about

 It is not required to use the database, but the overhead is in the
 rendering. I do agree that PostgreSQL will not always give you the
 fastest results ;)

 Well you mean a 4k page in memory. But you dont need to have all that
 data memory mapped.
 It could be just 4k of data on disk in an array. It could also just be
 a tiny osm file that is parsed when needed.

 Tiny would have to be an osmtile in binary format, agreed?

Yes, well if you sort the data properly then mapnik would just render
the data in a sax callback,
It would be a single pass over the data to render it, maybe with a
second pass to do some touch ups.
But given a street you could just draw the street. It has a vector of nodes.

imagine the following sequence of events in a sax xml callback :

begin tile  :
process nodes for next street (marking intersections)
Process all the intersecting streets (there we need to preprocess the data)
process street (process intersections as they go)
next street.

So you need to look for street crossings, and need to mark the points
where they cross as such. I can imagine that might need some work.
I am just working this out right now, but I can imagine that if you
sorted the streets and knew all the intersections and marked each
intersection, storing a ref to it like in nd ref  and also had those
segments available, then you could just draw the street.

 Well again, I have not really gotten into mapnik. But I can.

 Please do so :)

Ok, well I will have to.!

 But lets try and define the problem as rendering an osm file to a
 tile. That osm file is updated , and rerendered.
 All the data needed to render is just stored in osmxml in a nice
 sorted way. You never need all the data at once because you only
 render a tile at a time.

 You don't want to store it in XML, it will get huge... and requires
 again the parsing overhead. And as I pointed out before, we prefer to
 render 64 tiles at a time.

So, you would have 64 tiles of data in one page How big is that?
the size of a city.

Well I have gotten the parsing down to very small using sax2, it is
just a bit slower than reading the file.
If you sort the xml data topologically and pack it all in, it could be
very easy to process.

 but you dont need a full postgres database functionality, you just
 have very basic update of pages of data.

 In your idea, how would you *update* the storage?

My vision of a distributed GIT repository would have the user update
the storage when they save it...
Now if you have a web user that commits the data or uploads it, then
the page of data would be updated by that process
the rendering would be triggered and the whole thing checked in.
Each tile would be checked in and older versions discarded as needed.

Now, if you just have a nice xml file that is compact  or an ASN.1
file for higher speed binary or something else, you need to update
that. but how often are we talking about update here? Most people are
using daily diff files from the main database. those would be split up
into the tiles, and the xml would be replaced by a new page, sorting
would have to take place. I need to work this all out, but it is

I will have to work through the entire pipeline of processing to see
if it fits my model, I risk having to put my foot in my mouth here


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread Stefan de Konink
Op 08-01-10 15:39, schreef:
 Tiny would have to be an osmtile in binary format, agreed?

 Yes, well if you sort the data properly then mapnik would just render
 the data in a sax callback,  right?

Jup, but you will never get better results of that storing in parts than 
having it stored in one file and having an index to it. So in that 
respect you have to mmap the file, for example a post/plane parser, 
extract the childs, send the childs to Mapnik.

I have tested this using MonetDB/XML, that wasn't really a succes ;) 
Either way you need something that stores that creates an index by a 
bounding box. You can use rtree's for that sure. But we already have 
shown that sideway cracking gives far better results. [google: sideway 
cracking databases]

 You don't want to store it in XML, it will get huge... and requires
 again the parsing overhead. And as I pointed out before, we prefer to
 render 64 tiles at a time.

 So, you would have 64 tiles of data in one page How big is that?
 the size of a city.

All depending on the zoom level :)

 Well I have gotten the parsing down to very small using sax2, it is
 just a bit slower than reading the file.
 If you sort the xml data topologically and pack it all in, it could be
 very easy to process.

But how are you going to store this, for example if we take a *perfect* 
filesystem. Will you store everything by nodeid, wayid, relationid? OR 
will you store everything that is in a tile, in a file marking the tile, 
having the same structure as the tile server uses?

 I will have to work through the entire pipeline of processing to see
 if it fits my model, I risk having to put my foot in my mouth here

Sure :) Just start with some smaller country and try to prevent 
bottlenecks. The worse thing that can happen is TomH saying you are a 
'Bonker' (whatever that may mean).


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread
Ok, well I am going to first work on making the mapnik be able to
render an osm file standalone without postgis,
will report back when that works.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Stefan de Konink wrote:
 Op 08-01-10 15:39, schreef:

 Tiny would have to be an osmtile in binary format, agreed?

 Yes, well if you sort the data properly then mapnik would just render
 the data in a sax callback,  right?

 Jup, but you will never get better results of that storing in parts than
 having it stored in one file and having an index to it. So in that respect
 you have to mmap the file, for example a post/plane parser, extract the
 childs, send the childs to Mapnik.

 I have tested this using MonetDB/XML, that wasn't really a succes ;) Either
 way you need something that stores that creates an index by a bounding box.
 You can use rtree's for that sure. But we already have shown that sideway
 cracking gives far better results. [google: sideway cracking databases]

 You don't want to store it in XML, it will get huge... and requires
 again the parsing overhead. And as I pointed out before, we prefer to
 render 64 tiles at a time.

 So, you would have 64 tiles of data in one page How big is that?
 the size of a city.

 All depending on the zoom level :)

 Well I have gotten the parsing down to very small using sax2, it is
 just a bit slower than reading the file.
 If you sort the xml data topologically and pack it all in, it could be
 very easy to process.

 But how are you going to store this, for example if we take a *perfect*
 filesystem. Will you store everything by nodeid, wayid, relationid? OR will
 you store everything that is in a tile, in a file marking the tile, having
 the same structure as the tile server uses?

 I will have to work through the entire pipeline of processing to see
 if it fits my model, I risk having to put my foot in my mouth here

 Sure :) Just start with some smaller country and try to prevent bottlenecks.
 The worse thing that can happen is TomH saying you are a 'Bonker' (whatever
 that may mean).


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread Lennard wrote:
 Ok, well I am going to first work on making the mapnik be able to
 render an osm file standalone without postgis,
 will report back when that works.


Will not work with the postgis-based stylesheet.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread
So this renderes directly from an osm file?

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Lennard wrote: wrote:
 Ok, well I am going to first work on making the mapnik be able to
 render an osm file standalone without postgis,
 will report back when that works.


 Will not work with the postgis-based stylesheet.

I have not looked into all of this, as I said. From what I know about
mapnick, it renders from the database.

Compiling now.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread
This webpage only talkes about posgis, is there any documentation that
covers the osm direct rendering?

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 4:08 PM, wrote:
 So this renderes directly from an osm file?

 On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Lennard wrote: wrote:
 Ok, well I am going to first work on making the mapnik be able to
 render an osm file standalone without postgis,
 will report back when that works.


 Will not work with the postgis-based stylesheet.

 I have not looked into all of this, as I said. From what I know about
 mapnick, it renders from the database.

 Compiling now.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread Dane Springmeyer

On Jan 8, 2010, at 7:19 AM, wrote:
 This webpage only talkes about posgis, is there any documentation that
 covers the osm direct rendering?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] amazon AMIs for a full blown server

2010-01-08 Thread
Ok, this looks great.
So, now, that would be my suggestion to use on this amazon webservice.
A lot of small osm files, the size of the smallest tile.

Now, on thing did occur to me while walking the dog, we could render
multiple zoom levels at once.
Every time you render the smallest unit (tile) you would render the
sections of all the zoom levels and that should prevent you from
touching the data at the same time.


On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Dane Springmeyer wrote:

 On Jan 8, 2010, at 7:19 AM, wrote:
 This webpage only talkes about posgis, is there any documentation that
 covers the osm direct rendering?

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