Re: [dev] [dwm] sloppy focus

2011-07-04 Thread Mate Nagy
On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 11:28:54AM +0300, Ruben Mikkonen wrote:
  I don't know about all you, but I find dwm's sloppy focus can be
  really annoying at times -- focusing a window when I accidentally
  nudge my atrophying pointer -- and would rather click-to-focus. The
  great thing about dropping dwm's sloppy focus is it saves 20 lines of
  code! So how about we make dwm less mousy and a bit simpler, too?
this is an idea so bad it's impressive


ps. btw there are lot of other wms and Desktop Environments *sparkle*
for lunix that provide click to focus, maybe you should check them out

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-17 Thread Mate Nagy
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:49:12AM -0400, Kurt H Maier wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Nick wrote:
  I haven't used it,
  so don't know it's level of suckiness, but might cairo work?
maybe check out animator:

 - i'm the author
 - i advertised it in this ml before
 - it's not suckless, that wasn't even the intention
 - but maybe the approach can be interesting... (also we used it for
   many things and it seems to be great for hacking together UIs and


Re: [dev] Microsoft considers harmful...

2011-06-17 Thread Mate Nagy
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 01:55:37PM -0400, Bryan Bennett wrote:
 Let's face it - the web is no longer focused on Gopher-like information
 presentation and gathering any longer. Live with it.

The Chrome browser source code is 155MB without libraries.

Its you and similar people who made the web to be like this. And you
seem to like it. With no irony.

Incidentally, the last version of the Web that was any good, and the
purpose and function of web pages that are still usable to some degree
in this day and age, is still the same - Gopher-like information
presentation and gathering.

The bastardization that began with HTTP 1.1, HTML 4.0 and CSS ruined the
web, and the resulting mess will be unfixable until our civilization is
wiped from the face of the earth. The only hope for a bright future in
IT is swift death.

In short, GTFO.

With friendship,

PS.  gopher owns

Re: [dev] Experimental editor

2011-06-16 Thread Mate Nagy
 Whether or not your keyboard has a page up/down key is a bit moot;
 the point is that an editor should have under 10 keybindings: up,
 down, left, right (C-hjkl), page up and down (C-uv), save and quite
 (and search  and search-and-replace (if you are feeling luxurious)).
you are wrong and/or never learnt to properly use an editor in your

with friendship,

Re: [dev] ideas on suckless file manager

2011-06-08 Thread Mate Nagy
 I like to change my background to a random color every 2-10ms; it's

Re: [dev] ideas on suckless file manager

2011-06-08 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 08:40:48PM +0200, ilf wrote:
 On 06-08 12:13, Bert Münnich wrote:
 i dont think this is a task for an image viewer. we should
 probably write an ssetroot or so linking against imlib2 and
 allowing opaque colors like xsetroot does..
I think developing another X background setter would make sense in only
one scenario: if it finally had decent support for xinerama. Because
currently there is _no_ _such_ _thing_.


Re: [dev] sbase

2011-05-23 Thread Mate Nagy
On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 03:15:43AM +0100, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 I think it's about time we started a minimalist, statically linked set
 of core utilities. The BSD family are bloated, and the GNU monstrous.
 Some of us seem to be resorting to using those from Plan 9, which were
 designed for another operating system and exist on Unix through a
 compatibility shim.
please, please don't take this as a troll - it's just a personal
feeling... but I do feel that the suckless project is at its best when
it produces fantastically useful minimalistic software like dwm.

These days it seems a moronic, unproductive crusade on features and
rewriting completely serviceable utilities to be much worse is more popular.

Best regards,

Re: [dev] Suckless UML

2011-05-10 Thread Mate Nagy
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 04:50:01PM +0200, wrote:
 On 2011-05-10, CHABOT Simon wrote:
   Could you give me some suckless softwares name to work with UML ?
honestly i'm surprised by this lack of reaction to UML + suckless in
the same sentence. Usually this mailing list is swimming in bile
regarding much more innocuous topics to the point of unreadability; so
why not now?

although I haven't seen Uriel reply to this yet.


[dev] channel construct for inter-thread communication in C programs

2010-09-09 Thread Mate Nagy
Hello all,

I guess I can't get enough of the punishment I always get in these
threads. Announcing project:

'This is a small library that implements a channel construct for
inter-thread communication in C programs. '

This is a very small and simple lib that does one thing only.
It uses mutexes and conds for synchronization; it is interfaced to the
thread API using a very thin .h file with macros. It would be probably
quite easy to port it to use other thread APIs. Currently it supports
pthreads and SDL threads.

Doesn't use C99 or gcc-specific features, hopefully.

Future development: would be nice to implement a select() operation for
listening on multiple channels at once; would probably also be very


PS. I'm fully aware that Plan 9 has this functionality built in. Not
interested in you should use plan9 and/or plan9 portability libs mails

Re: [dev] channel construct for inter-thread communication in C programs

2010-09-09 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 08:42:43AM -0400, Corey Thomasson wrote:
 I was only referring to the channels, not the entire library. I
 pointed it out more as a potential jumpstart for implementing a
 select(), etc. I wasn't trying to say cchan was redundant.
libtask is a good pointer and looks nice (i remember it being mentioned
in this ML before).

unfortunately, I believe the major difficulties with implementing
select() come from the preemptively multi-threaded nature of the


Re: [dev] Suckless design in Games

2010-08-11 Thread Mate Nagy
On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:39:24PM -0700, Robert Ransom wrote:
 This list is a subculture itself (as is the 9fans list).
 wait what? i thought this list *was* the 9fetish^wfans list


Re: [dev] plumb 1.0

2010-07-15 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 05:40:43PM -0400, David J Patrick wrote:
 how about piper ?
why not piper maru at that

srsly, nice names so far, how about comments on the ware :D


Re: [dev] plumb 1.0

2010-07-15 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 11:10:36AM +0200, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
 your »plumb« looks like the Plan 9 plumber[0] done wrong,
 whereas your »plumbnet« is a wrong done socat[1] or
 ncat[2]. Those tools do network right and allow further
 configuration, like encryption, wrappers, filters, etc.,
 which your application will only find out on purpose, if
 anyone needs it.

apparently you haven't read any of my mails or the man pages, because
what plumb does has little relation to the plan9 plumber - and it does
it on linux where these facilities are unavailable anyway.

furthermore, plumbnet's functionality is not easily reproducible with
either socat or similar tools (this is why i wrote it in the first

Best regards,

Re: [dev] plumb 1.0

2010-07-14 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 07:25:56PM +0200, Uriel wrote:

well darn, should've expected it from plan9 :)
yeah, i'll consider the name change, it's no problem at this point -
any suggestions for names? :)


Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-23 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:46:09AM +0100, Aled Gest wrote:
 I've yet to see evidence of that in Scheme's case. If you can provide
 links to practical examples, of tools that are cleanly and efficiently
 written in Scheme, that aren't purely academic in purpose, and don't
 come with 30 pages of waffle about how great Scheme is, I'd be happy
 to take a look.
sorry, but I'm not sure that the burden of proof is on him.

Furthermore, I don't think the whole I hate everything you said and I
don't care a bit, but mayyybe if you're real nice you can try to
convince me shtick takes us in a productive direction.

And as a last (and unrelated) point, I would say that embracing Lispy
things, reading SICP, (writing your own eval :), et cetera makes you
write better C programs even if you never touch Lisp again. Ignorance is
never an advantage, whatever you're ignorant of.

Being proud of it is just horrible.

Best regards,

Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-22 Thread Mate Nagy
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 03:10:27AM -0700, Robert Ransom wrote:
 Scheme *should* be used for everything because at least one good macro
 system has been designed for it.  Lisp macros can do arbitrary
 computation at compile-time, and the Scheme macro system required by
 R6RS provides all the power of Lisp macros *and* supports a
 pattern-matching macro specification syntax for simple syntactic sugar.
 this is exactly the reason scheme macros are horrible and Lisp macros
are better for your mind and health. This is one of the humongous,
indefensible warts on the scheme language (the other being #f)

hth :)

Best regards,

Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-22 Thread Mate Nagy
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 12:22:52PM +0200, Mate Nagy wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 03:10:27AM -0700, Robert Ransom wrote:
  Scheme *should* be used for everything because at least one good macro
  system has been designed for it.  Lisp macros can do arbitrary
  computation at compile-time, and the Scheme macro system required by
  R6RS provides all the power of Lisp macros *and* supports a
  pattern-matching macro specification syntax for simple syntactic sugar.
  this is exactly the reason scheme macros are horrible and Lisp macros
 are better for your mind and health. This is one of the humongous,
 indefensible warts on the scheme language (the other being #f)
 whoops... i misunderstood your post as a flame for hygienic macros against
generic lisp macros. maybe i've been reading too many uriel posts

sorry for the noise, carry on


Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-22 Thread Mate Nagy
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 03:46:16AM -0700, Robert Ransom wrote:
 It was (at least in that paragraph).  See my reply to your other message
 for three examples of useful SYNTAX-RULES macros; SYNTAX-RULES cannot
 be implemented properly without a hygienic macro system.  I don't think
 you would actually object to having a hygienic macro system and
 SYNTAX-RULES *along with* the full compilation-at-compile-time
 functionality of Common Lisp macros.
 that sounds fine, of course - but can't you implement hygienic macros
on top of the usual gensym (provided, as it is, that it won't be eq to
any other symbol)?


Re: [dev] Convert Suckless Projects Documentation to a More Simple Language

2010-06-17 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:29:36AM +0200, ⚖ Alexander Surma Surma wrote:
  English really isn't much more than bastardized Germanic [...]. A bit like 
  C++ to C,
 You made my day.
then i suggest reading this article:


Re: [dev] Convert Suckless Projects Documentation to a More Simple Language

2010-06-17 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:59:25AM +0200, pancake wrote:
 well this looks really interesting, no joke
 thanks for the link


Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

2010-06-16 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 01:28:28PM +0100, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 Vi is a modal clusterfuck. I mean, the crazy shit that thing does?
 It's different on every machine. Even Bill Joy doesn't use vi anymore.
insert ad hominem vi[m] is awesome (also most popular programmer's editor)

if you dismiss vi (and especially modeful interfaces) it's you who is
wrong, not anyone else anywhere

please get off your UX high horse and get back to using osx
insert more ad hominems


Re: [dev] Suckless operating system

2010-06-15 Thread Mate Nagy
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 07:12:54PM +0400, anonymous wrote:
 Lynx and Mozilla Firefox support Gopher.
firefox's gopher support has some catches (e.g. only port 70 is
supported, given port after : is ignored).

There is an extension for firefox called overbite:

this adds decent gopher support.

lynx used to be a terribly buggy gopher client, but in recent versions
the major problems seem to be fixed. I remember it had an issue with a
bit overzealous caching, so watch out.

There's also the gopher package in Debian, which is supposedly a
text-based (ncurses) client from the University of Minnesota.
This is an abomination that tries to connect with (the nonstandard)
gopher+ by default and if the gopher server doesn't handle this, fails
utterly. Gopher servers must contain gopher+ trampolines to work
around this problem. It has problems handling menus with more
consecutive info lines than the screen height (this is a bit unusual but
not unknown situation).

My vote: if you're firefox running anyway, use overbite; otherwise try


Re: [dev] stderr: unnecessary?

2010-06-11 Thread Mate Nagy
On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 03:03:27AM +0100, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 My point was that that is false.
not only is it false, but a few months ago we were running an
application (with nsz) where on one computer about 10 processes mmapped
a 3.5GB file all at once, perfectly happily. (They were 64 bit computers
of course.)

the same thing also worked with just 2GB of physical ram (although it
was a bit of a strain, in production systems we used 8GB).


Re: [dev] [dvtm] Fibonacci layout patch

2010-06-01 Thread Mate Nagy
On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 01:27:07PM +0200, Mate Nagy wrote:
 Using the vim splits may be cheating, but it sure is convenient.
sorry for self-reply: I thought that maybe for maximum punishment, the
fibonacci layout could support nmaster. (Also note that this is a
2560x1600 setup, that's why so much division (and nmaster) makes sense.)


Re: [dev] dmenu_path rewrite in C

2010-05-19 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:09:33PM +0200, Premysl Hruby wrote:
  Conclusion: 0.7 seconds is somewhat noticeable lag. It's another
  question whether it's worth the effort to write the C program, but
  hey, it's been done already.
 Well, I (and others possibly) have no concern about cache miss, my files
 in $PATH doesn't changes every five minutes :-)
 I have cache misses rather often, and the delay *is* annoying. I'd be a
happy user of the C rewrite.


Re: [dev] dmenu_path rewrite in C

2010-05-19 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 01:43:06PM +0300, Elmo Todurov wrote:
 On 05/19/2010 01:32 PM, pancake wrote:
 i would probably even improve the heap usage of this .c, but it's
 better solution than the shellscript one IMHO.
 I believe usability is a factor as important as general sucklessness.
If the shell script version is annoyingly slow, and there is a
comparatively simple .c version that's much faster, I'd go for the .c
version... regardless of religious issues (although if the faster
version was 5000 lines of c++, I'd think twice about it)


Re: [dev] SDL fullscreen problems in dwm

2010-05-14 Thread Mate Nagy
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 04:40:59PM -, wrote:
 Literally non resizeable, the window cannot be resized.
 hm, I can open SDL windows that are resizable easily enough,


Re: [dev] SWK: The simple widget kit

2010-05-10 Thread Mate Nagy
On Sun, May 09, 2010 at 08:42:48PM -0700, Robert Ransom wrote:
 You need a definition of 'suckless user interface' before you start
 specifying guidelines for how to produce one.
 Here's a draft:
   A suckless user interface is:
   * useful,
   * usable,
   * transparent,
   * either discoverable or well-documented,
   * reliable,
   * as simple as possible, and no simpler, and
   * customizable.

 you forget the most important point:
 you don't design suckless software for the user. You educate the user
first, then design software for the new, enlightened man.

 furthermore, as simple as possible, and no simpler and customizable
are very very arguable (in b4 shitstorm)


Re: [dev] SWK: The simple widget kit

2010-05-10 Thread Mate Nagy
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:31:29AM +0200, Gregor Best wrote:
 There are languages (such as arabic) that are not written in the latin
 left-to-right fashion but exactly the other way round (i.e. you have to
 start reading at the right end of a line and end at the left).
 indeed! let's depend on pango so we can support these issues elegantly,
out of the box! whee


Re: [dev] [sw] Suckless web-framework

2010-05-05 Thread Mate Nagy
Why do I get mail on the *suckless* mailing list that *literally*
contains 10 pages of css? (suckless web framework right)

Is this some kind of weird parallel universe or something, because
please teleport me back


Re: [dev] Care to share Xinerama Xorg.conf?

2010-04-29 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:35:31AM -0700, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
 Hey everyone,
  1. Debian Squeeze (Linux 2.6.32)
  2. Radeon HD 3600 card
  3. xserver-xorg 7.5
  4. xserver-xorg-core 1.7.6
 If you have a similar set up I'd like to try out your xorg.conf.
 incidentally, when i last saw something like this work, there was
nothing in xorg.conf; you had to set it up with xrandr during runtime
(nothing in xorg.conf worked)


Re: [dev] Care to share Xinerama Xorg.conf?

2010-04-29 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:35:31AM -0700, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
 Finally got a second monitor but can't get Xinerama to function for the
 life of me.
  2. Radeon HD 3600 card
 hahahahah sorry you're screwed


 PS. for all seriousness it's gonna be pretty difficult, i always had a
ton of trouble with xinerama radeon under linux... linux ati drivers are
an abomination

Re: [dev] [sw] Suckless web-framework

2010-04-05 Thread Mate Nagy
On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 05:52:14PM +, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
 On 5 April 2010 17:34, Charlie Kester wrote:

  As for paragraphs, separating them with blank lines always made more
  sense to me than p tags, and here again, no closing tag is required.
 no closing tags are required for p either.

 HTML is not XML. don't confuse them.


Re: [dev] GSoC 2010

2010-03-04 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 01:44:04PM +0100, pancake wrote:

 why do you need TTF? font rendering is a really complex stuff, in dwk
 we were only planning to support monospaced fonts, calculate sizes
 with changing size of fonts is really complex and cpu-intensive task and
 i dont think it matters to the user.
no, sorry

In non-uriel style, yes, font rendering is horribly complicated and an
entirely fucked up discipline, but I don't think a real widget set can
skip out on it. Bitmap fonts are fine for programming (and I even use it
for web browsing when it's dark and I switch the theme to
white-on-black), but often sub-pixel tuned ttf is just more comfortable
to read.

Actually I wrote a similar widget set that I use in frtplot
(, straight C and everything, and.. it only does
bitmap font rendering (no Unicode though). But I wouldn't want to use it
for software that isn't exclusively for programmers..


Re: [dev] GSoC 2010

2010-03-04 Thread Mate Nagy
On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 12:57:31PM +, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
 Well one design decision for the API I'm in favor with is not to
 provide any font-related functionality in the first version and leave
 font rendering up to the implementation. If someone writes an app he
 shouldn't bother about the fonts/colors etc, he should concentrate on
 the functionality -- this also enforces a consistent look among all
 programs that might use dwk.
 I agree something like this would be fantastic for small suckless GUI
projects (if that wasn't an oxymoron... but I'm not certain about this
at all, either way)


Re: [dev] [OT]: Lisp

2009-11-13 Thread Mate Nagy
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 04:22:48PM +, Aled Gest wrote:
 Please don't fallaciously assume I don't know anything just because
 I'm criticizing a Language you're fanatical about.

 I agree, no language can directly accommodate all needs, but if I find
 my self wanting to write ugly macros to do something, I find a better
 way of achieving what I need. C is far from perfect, but I find it
 nice enough to do the majority of things painlessly.

  Its primary concept is the transparency of the program's abstract
  syntax tree (due to the syntax simplicity).
 Tell me, how is that beneficial?
 please stop posting

 - Mate

Re: [dev] [OT]: Go programming language

2009-11-11 Thread Mate Nagy
 I'm officially announcing a go excercise project called: godwm (dwm
 implemented in Go)
 i'd be interested in helping with this


Re: [dev] dwm xinerama settings

2009-10-13 Thread Mate Nagy
 I'm a little uneasy with that since I'm using Xinerama all the time
 nowadays. But I wouldn't mind doing that by default.
 Any complaints?
 yes plz (although didn't we have this thread a couple of times?)
 I think Xinerama should be enable by default - most people will have
the necessary headers installed anyway.


Re: [dev] [st] goals / non-goals for st?

2009-10-07 Thread Mate Nagy
  sounds fine. Maybe with a keybinding and adding numbers to the link like 
  vimperator does.
 Lynx-cur has also the numbering link feature as an option and doesn't use
 javascript for that as vimperator does.
 the best thing about vimperator though (which makes it usable as
opposed to everything else with this approach) that you don't have to
type in the number; you can just type a few characters of the link text,
and it'll filter the suitable link candidates with each character
interactively. It'll also renumber the candidates in each step, so the
usual process is to type a few characters of the link then type in a
final 1 digit number to choose, or just press enter on the default

 The point is that typing a few characters of a link is faster than
typing a few numbers, because there's one less brain-processing step
involved - you don't actually have to read the number. This has a
perceptible time overhead.


Re: [dev] Bottom Stack

2009-10-07 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:58:39AM -0400, David Neu wrote:
 bstack.c (dwm 5.6.1) (20090908)
 bstackhoriz.c (dwm 5.6.1) (20090908)
 Can anyone advise what, if anything need to make them work with dwm 5.7.2?
 you can use nmaster+bstack, which is up to date and is included in the
patches page (I don't know what bstackhoriz is, though)


Re: [dev] Suckless word processing solution?

2009-10-04 Thread Mate Nagy
On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 08:26:08PM +0200, Antoni Grzymala wrote:
 Doesn't terrify me. I sleep quite well in fact.
 I do observe some obsession-terrification-related symptoms on this list.
 in short: everyone who hates vi was molested as a kid.
 makes sense


Re: [dev] [dwm] pertag and struct Monitor issues

2009-09-30 Thread Mate Nagy
  But the nasty thing is, layout patches like gaplessgrid need to know
  Monitor when compiled.
 I thought the same, when writing nmaster+bstack, but then nsz has
rewritten it in its current form, and it doesn't need to know Monitor.
Look at
 The trick is to use an external array indexed by monitor. This might or
might not do the trick for you.

 Would it make sense to add a
 void *aux;
 to Monitor, that patches don't need to screw around with dwm.c?
 IMHO this would be really ugly and patches mucking up dwm.c would be
preferable to this.


Re: [dev] dwm nmaster_bstack-5.7

2009-09-27 Thread Mate Nagy
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 01:21:51AM +0200, Julien Steinhauser wrote:
 nmaster_bstack patch updated for dwm-5.7.
 the nmaster patch page actually
has this patch already; actually, a stilistically improved version by nsz.
 (Yeah, I noticed after I updated the patch myself... Now I'm using
nsz's version.)


Re: [dev] [dwm] Fibonacci spiral and Movestack patches for dwm 5.6.1

2009-09-09 Thread Mate Nagy
 The Fibonacci spiral patch offers a new layout that arranges the clients in
 a spiral -
 The movestack patch allows you to swap the selected client with the client
 before or after it (a clone of the Xmonad mod-shift-j and mod-shift-k
 functionality) -
 this exists in a few instances already, apparently many people like it :)
 for instance:
 see also:


Re: [dev] A lightwieight and working typesetting system.

2009-09-05 Thread Mate Nagy
On Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 08:29:39AM -, wrote:
 But these features are non-standard and will not work the same on
 different viewers, hence the point, HTML NEVER prints the same from two
 different viewers. Generally the point of systems like TeX is you can
 garentee that a document will always look the same, regardless of if it
 was typeset now or 10 years in the future.

This is the most serious drawback of TeX. Documents should look like
how the user wants them, not how the author wants them.

There's also that pagination is annoying and obsolete now, but this is
mostly related to the former point.


Re: [dev] A lightwieight and working typesetting system.

2009-09-05 Thread Mate Nagy
On Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 11:59:39AM +0200, Antoni Grzymala wrote:
 Szabolcs Nagy dixit (2009-09-05, 10:35):
 This is purest craps of crap. A high quality book typeset by a
 knowledgeable typesetter is *incomparable* to any automatically
 generated text that you get on screen/PDA or whichever low-resolution
 display system you choose (one that will also usually lack contrast).
 Robert Bringhurst makes a parallel that a typesetter with his
 typesetting skills is interpreting text like a musician interprets music
 and gives it final shape for a reader to consume (or appreciate). This
 is somewhat poetic, but definitely strikes a very important point.
 High quality fonts, ligatures, proper hyphenation and other subtle
 typographic elements (yes, with lots of added complexity, thank you very
 much) are a *big* gain and make perfect sense when typeset at 2450 dpi;
 pretending that text set on a 90 dpi PDA display by some quicky crap
 pseudo-typesetting engine is equivalent in quality is preposterous.
 (sorry for bottom posting, but this bears quoting)
 this is all fine and dandy, now please get out of my computer,
documentation and reading material in general.

 Books on paper are great, although the interface is a bit dated; I'd
much rather have the 90dpi PDA screen that remembers my position in
multiple books, and sometimes I can even search for stuff.

 I can imagine a few uses where wasting trees and technology on 2450 dpi
technology makes sense (literature), but for the majority of stuff
(manuals, documentation, tutorials, journals, mail) this is completely

 This is the same as why you don't see those beautiful, hand-made
ironworks on buildings, bridges, etc. any more. They're all great
craftmanship, but completely uneconomical in this age. So sorry it
hurts ya.

Best regards,
 Mate Nagy

Re: [dev] mapping keyboard buttons to move the mouse?

2009-08-27 Thread Mate Nagy
 I was wondering if it was possible to map keyboard buttons to move the
 mouse cursor/ send mouse button events. For example, I was thinning of
 having alt gr and the arrow buttons move the mouse cursor, and alt gr
 + z, x and c send left, middle, right mouse button events.
have you tried this one yet:
 altho this doesn't offer random keybindings (i wouldn't be surprised if
you can tune it using xmodmap somehow, though)


Re: [dev] [dwm] New slaves

2009-08-26 Thread Mate Nagy
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 11:06:41AM +, Jacob Todd wrote:
 Are there any patches for dwm that let you spawn new clients as slaves instead
 of always making the new client master?
 maybe this


Re: [dev] [st] goals / non-goals for st?

2009-08-24 Thread Mate Nagy

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 02:17:15AM +0200, Valentin wrote:
 Isn't that what screen's there for? :P
 if only screen's interface for scrolling back wasn't ridiculously
uncomfortable. IMHO shift+pgup/pgdn, and horribile dictu mousewheel
scrolling are essential. On the other hand, regex search forward
backward etc would be convenient, also keyboard-based text selection
(connected to the X clipboard, which again screen cannot do).


Re: [dev] dwm background, UXTerm, and config.h

2009-08-18 Thread Mate Nagy
 How do I define a background-image for each monitor, individually?
 The following command produces undesirable results:
 $ feh --bg-scale ~/media/images/wallpaper/dwm-3d-bg02.png
  - scales across both monitors rather than each one individually
 well, you need a xinerama-aware wallpaper setter app. I had some
limited access with one called 'nitrogen'. I think it's actually much
easier to create a single image with both wallpapers in it, and set it
using feh.
 Also, does UXTerm have a transparency feature? The man pages for xterm and
 UXTerm fail to make any reference. If not, what alternatives if any would you
 suggest? I recall seeing a (Gentoo, I believe) thread regarding an alternative
 to UXTerm that was light-weight and offered a few more customization options,
 but I'm unable to relocate it.
 i seem to recall that urxvt supports (virtual) transparency
 Finally, can someone provide or tell me where the documentation is for the new
 monitor option defined under the rules[] in config.h? Is 0 the left
 monitor and 1 the right monitor as defined in the xorg.conf? What would -1?
 be, then?
 -1 means not to put matching clients on any particular monitor
(instead, use the current selected monitor).
 Numbering probably depends on how xinerama data is provided.

Best regards,
 Mate Nagy

Re: [dev] dwm default bindings

2009-07-23 Thread Mate Nagy
  anyway, i could agree with the change if it's just
  #define MODKEY Mod1Mask|ControlMask
 imho the best default is Mod1 - it's a lot less annoying than Ctrl+Alt,
in apps Esc+key can often be used instead. Ctrl+Alt is not a good
default, because it'll induce EMACS-fingers and scare off the userbase.

 The only reason for Mod4 not being the default is that it might not
work out of the box for everyone - although it's still an option for
people who don't actually have a Windows key, they can remap Caps-Lock
or somesuch to Mod4 using xmodmap.


Re: [dev] DWM problem

2009-07-17 Thread Mate Nagy
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 12:38:07PM +, Kupai József wrote:
 I start dwm with the dwm command after I killed twm.
 I have no ~/.xsession-errors
 Try to launch an xterm, then try launching further xterms from that
(from the same terminal command that's specified in your config.h). Try
to note the potential error messages there.
