How to building the xpt file from multiple idl files

2014-08-12 Thread Yonggang Luo
Now I am trying to building a xpcom components, but it have multiple
.idl file to compiled into a single xpt component, how to do that?

I am using XULRunner 31 sdk/bin
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Karl Dubost wrote:

 Le 12 août 2014 à 08:33, Jonas Sicking a écrit :
 However in some cases we can do better than that by loading a template
 page that can be used for multiple of the search results.

 This I'm not sure to understand how that would be working. Let's say be any 
 page on the Web. How do you know in advance the template for the page? I 
 might have missed something.

I think we are indeed talking past each other.

The goal of the prerendering API is to enable a webpage to include
something like

link rel=prerender url=;

This would tell the UA to load the above URL, as well as any resources
that is required to render the resulting page, and construct the DOM
and layout datastructures which are needed to display the page. All of
this is done in the hope that if the user navigates to, the UA can detect that a
prerendering has already been created and then display that page
*really* quickly.

This feature is useful in many scenarios. It's useful for the google
search page because they can use the above markup to point to whatever
search result they think the user is going to navigate to. It's useful
in a news article to point to the next page of the article. It's
useful for reddit because it can preload whatever link they think the
user is likely to click.

However, as the feature stands today, it can't be used by for example
the bugzilla search page.

After a user visits the bugzilla search page, they almost always visit
the search results page. However the exact URL of the search results
page vary greatly since it depends on the search parameters that were
entered. So the search page couldn't add a link rel=prerender in
order to prerender anything, since it would have no idea what URL to
stick in there.

This despite the fact that whichever search result page URL is loaded,
there are a lot of common parts. There's a common header and footer,
the same CSS files and JS files need to be loaded. The same styles are
applied to largely the same set of elements. Wouldn't it be great if
those pieces could be preloaded and prerendered, such that the only
thing that had to be loaded and rendered once the user pressed the
search button was the actual search results.

In this case the prerendered search results page acts as a template
page for any search result page that ends up being loaded. Of course,
if the user ends up not doing a search at all, then we'll have to drop
that prerendered page and instead do a new load from scratch. Just
like with any mispredicted link rel=prerender.

Similarly, the bugzilla search result page can't currently take
advantage of the prerender feature. Even though it's very likely that
the user is going to click a link to a bug, and even though all bug
pages share large parts of their resources and layout, there is no way
for the bugzilla search result page to load and prerender those common

Wouldn't it be great if the search result page could ask a generic bug
page to be loaded, such that if the user clicks a bug link, we could
just load the data that's specific to the clicked bug and insert that
data into the generic bug page.

I.e. the generic bug page would act as a template page for any bug
page. Of course, if the user doesn't find any of the search results
interesting, and goes somewhere different than a bug page, then the
prerendering was for naught and we will have to do a new load from

I think the solution to these problems consist of two parts:
1. Make it possible for a page that contains a link rel=prerender to
initiate a postMessage-based conversation with the prerendered page.
2. Define that the prerendered page is used if the navigation
destination URL matches the prerendered page's URL (which can be
modified using replaceState), rather than if the URL in the link
rel=prerender. Redirects might make this a bit more complicated.

This way we can even do such things as tell the prerendered page to
start loading search results, using an XHR request, even before the
user has actually clicked search. And update those search results
any time the user modifies any search parameters. If the user ends up
modifying the search parameters those results can simply be thrown
away without ever getting used, while still allowing the prerendered
search results template page to be used no matter which search ends up
being the final one.

Similarly the bugzilla serach results page could ask the prerendered
bug page to start preloading the relevant bug data as soon as a bug
link is hovered. Again, if the user ends up clicking something else,
the data can be thrown out and the correct data can be loaded.

All of this would be driven by webpage logic. The only part the
platform would provide is the prerendering feature and the two
additions listed above.

/ Jonas

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2014-08-11, 6:03 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Very exited to see this happening.

Implementation issues aside, I have two comments:

* This is something that we really need on FirefoxOS. I hope that the
implementation strategy will work there too?

Yes, the majority of the code is going to be shared between 
desktop/Android (where xul:browser is used for rendering content) and 
Firefox OS (where mozbrowser iframes are used for rendering content.)

* A use-case that we came upon pretty quickly when we were looking at
using prerendering in FirefoxOS is that we might not know the exact
URL that the user is likely to navigate to, but we have a pretty good
guess about what template page it's going to be.

Consider for example bugzilla. After the user has done a search query,
they are likely to click on one of the bug links. Each bug has a
different URL, but all bugs share much of the page UI.

It would be really awesome if bugzilla could ask to prerender a URL
Then when the user clicks a bugzilla URL like;, we would enable
webpage logic to somehow force the prerendered page to be used, even
though the URLs don't match.

One way to do this would be to enable some way for the current page to
talk to the prerendered page. The current page could then tell the
prerendered page the user just clicked bug 123456, at which point
the prerendered page could use replaceState to change its URL to;, at which point
we would see that the URLs matched.

Another solution would be to enable the prerendered page to say i'm
able to act as a prerender page for any URLs that match pattern*;.

Would be great if someone could bring up this use case with the
prerender editors and make sure it gets covered and that a specced
solution is defined.

So I've been thinking about this use case.  Here are a number of 
thoughts that I have so far:

* The page which asks the UA to prerender the document is responsible 
for telling the UA which URL patterns the prerendered page should 
handle.  As you note above, you typically want to render a different 
page (e.g., which 
knows how to handle the dynamic fetching of the resources it needs when 
it's taken out of prerendering mode.  But the controlling page also 
knows what URLs on that page may be loaded into this prerendered 
document.  So far I've been thinking of an API like this:

  var prerenderedDoc = new PrerenderedDocument(
// url to the document being loaded;,
// url scope for what it can handle;);

* The two pages need to talk to each other.  For that purpose, I think 
we should add a postMessage API to PrerenderedDocument which will allow 
the controlling document to either use it for single direction 
communication, or post a MessagePort to the prerendered page for 
bidirectional communication.

* The prerendered page needs to know when it's taken out of prerendering 
mode.  This is already possible through the visibilitychange event. 
However the page also needs to know what URL ended up being loaded in 
the controlling document.  Because the prerendered page may get 
activated as a result of a user initiated navigation, we cannot rely on 
the controlling document having an opportunity to notify the prerendered 
page.  One option would be to extend the event object for 
visibilitychange with a URL argument that is the URL that ends up being 
loaded inside the page.

* The target page's URL actually needs to change in order to avoid 
surprises as you navigate pages.  I'm going back and forth between 
expecting the prerendered page to call replaceState correctly, or 
specifying that replaceState will get called after the visibilitychange 
event gets dispatched.  I haven't yet made up my mind on which approach 
is the better one...

* Once we have the PrerenderedDocument interface, we can extend it with 
a number of useful events, such as load which tells you when the 
prerendered document's load event has been dispatched, and 
prerenderabort to notify the controlling document if prerendering was 
aborted (as a result of a call to let's say window.alert).

* The existing prerendering implementation in IE and Chrome is 
opportunistic, i.e., the UA will be able to ignore the link 
rel=prerender based on a number of heuristics (for example I think 
Chrome prerenders at most one document at a time.)  I think this is a 
nice model to make sure that the UA has the option of avoiding 
prerendering for memory consumption/responsive reasons, but I am not yet 
sure if we need to introduce this notion on PrerenderedDocument...

* In order to simplify the implementation, there will 

Re: Telemetry alerts for histograms

2014-08-12 Thread rvitillo
On Thursday, August 7, 2014 9:19:09 AM UTC+1, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 Does this filter on any cpp_guards?

No, it doesn't.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Expiration versions for Telemetry probes.

2014-08-12 Thread Roberto Agostino Vitillo

On 12 Aug 2014, at 15:33, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:

 Is it possible to email the people who added/reviewed the probe and let them 
 know Probe X which you added will be set to expire unless you take action? 
 I expect that generic announcements to dev.platform won't get the attention 
 of the right set of people in all cases.

Just using ‘hg blame’ might not be sufficient, some authors are gone and others 
are not the rightful owners of those probes, it might still be worth the shot 

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Telemetry alerts for histograms

2014-08-12 Thread rvitillo
From now on all alerts will be sent by default also to
dev-platform mailing list

Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Benjamin Smedberg
Just reading bug 1052477, and I'm wondering about what are intentions 
are for already_AddRefed.

In that bug it's proposed to change the return type of NS_NewAtom from 
already_AddRefed to nsCOMPtr. I don't think that actually saves any 
addref/release pairs if done properly, since you'd typically .forget() 
into the return value anyway. But it does make it slightly safer at 
callsites, because the compiler will guarantee that the return value is 
always released instead of us relying on every already_AddRefed being 
saved into a nsCOMPtr.

But now that nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr support proper move constructors, is 
there any reason for already_AddRefed to exist at all in our codebase? 
Could we replace every already_AddRefed return value with a nsCOMPtr?

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
 Just reading bug 1052477, and I'm wondering about what are intentions are
 for already_AddRefed.

 In that bug it's proposed to change the return type of NS_NewAtom from
 already_AddRefed to nsCOMPtr. I don't think that actually saves any
 addref/release pairs if done properly, since you'd typically .forget() into
 the return value anyway. But it does make it slightly safer at callsites,
 because the compiler will guarantee that the return value is always released
 instead of us relying on every already_AddRefed being saved into a nsCOMPtr.

Correct, it doesn't save addref/release pairs.  Some advantages of
converting already_AddRefed to just returning raw nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr

1) You can use the return value directly without assigning it to an
nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr.  For instance, pass it to a function that wants a
raw pointer, or compare it against a different value.

2) It's easier to use, as evidenced by the patches in bugs 1015114 and
1052477.  No .forget() is needed, a raw pointer can be returned
directly, even things like do_QueryInterface can be returned directly
without a temporary nsCOMPtr (since the return type creates the
temporary for you).  You can just return whatever you like and the
compiler will figure out if an addref is needed.  There's a noticeable
decrease in LoC when converting to use it.

3) We can get rid of a class, which simplifies the codebase.

4) If the callee already holds a strong reference in a local variable,
it can just return that reference instead of a raw pointer.  This
saves an addref/release if the caller puts the result in an nsCOMPtr.
Currently you could do this by returning an already_AddRefed, but
that's annoying because of (1) above, so people don't always do so.

5) Callees that don't care about the risk of an extra addref/release
can just return nsCOMPtr instead of raw pointers across the board.
This avoids a potentially sec-critical use-after-free vulnerability
that can occur if a function returns a raw pointer, then the caller
passes it to a function that takes a raw pointer, then the second
function does something to release it.  This is very easy to do by
mistake, because the bug just looks like SomeFunction(GetThing());.
Again, in theory you could already use already_AddRefed for this, but
this change makes it painless.

6) In theory, the compiler can use RVO to elide the construction of
the temporary altogether, although I'm not at all sure this is useful
in practice.

IMO, already_AddRefed is exactly the sort of use-case move
constructors are meant to solve, and it's no longer needed once we
have working move constructors for nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr.  I was planning
to write up an informational post once bug 1015114 landed explaining
the benefits and telling people how to convert everything.

 But now that nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr support proper move constructors, is there
 any reason for already_AddRefed to exist at all in our codebase? Could we
 replace every already_AddRefed return value with a nsCOMPtr?

I've put some thought into this.  Simple returns of already_AddRefed
can definitely be converted without much effort, and it reduces LoC
too.  A bit more thought will be needed to get rid of the class
entirely, I think.  For one thing, we'd need a replacement for
dont_AddRef().  Also, the move constructors themselves will need to be
rewritten, because they use .forget() (a few friend declarations
should do it).
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-08-12 10:59 -0400, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
 Just reading bug 1052477, and I'm wondering about what are
 intentions are for already_AddRefed.
 In that bug it's proposed to change the return type of NS_NewAtom
 from already_AddRefed to nsCOMPtr. I don't think that actually saves
 any addref/release pairs if done properly, since you'd typically
 .forget() into the return value anyway. But it does make it slightly
 safer at callsites, because the compiler will guarantee that the
 return value is always released instead of us relying on every
 already_AddRefed being saved into a nsCOMPtr.

Bug 967364 did already add assertions to guarantee this.

 But now that nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr support proper move constructors, is
 there any reason for already_AddRefed to exist at all in our
 codebase? Could we replace every already_AddRefed return value with
 a nsCOMPtr?

Two thoughts:

 (1) I think it introduces a somewhat major coding style risk, in
 that it makes it possible to accidentally assign the value of a
 function that returns a reference into a raw pointer, which isn't
 possible with already_AddRefed.  In other words, today, you can
   T* t = GetT()
 and know that as long as the code is following conventions
 correctly and using already_AddRefed when a reference is returned,
 this won't compile if an nsCOMPtr is required.  If we change to
 returning nsCOMPtr instead of returning already_AddRefed, this
 won't be the case, and the code will end up having a dangling
 pointer to a potentially-deleted object.

 (2) If we agree it's a good idea from a coding style perspective,
 it's probably worth having a look that the generated code is
 equally efficient, given how widely used it is in our codebase.

Because of (1), I probably lean against this change (and against bug
1052477), unless I'm missing something that makes (1) not be true.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Benoit Jacob
As far as I know, the only downside in replacing already_AddRefed by
nsCOMPtr would be to incur more useless calls to AddRef and Release. In the
case of threadsafe i.e. atomic refcounting, these use atomic
instructions, which might be expensive enough on certain ARM CPUs that this
might matter. So if you're interested, you could take a low-end ARM CPU
that we care about and see if replacing already_AddRefed by nsCOMPtr causes
any measurable performance regression.


2014-08-12 10:59 GMT-04:00 Benjamin Smedberg

 Just reading bug 1052477, and I'm wondering about what are intentions are
 for already_AddRefed.

 In that bug it's proposed to change the return type of NS_NewAtom from
 already_AddRefed to nsCOMPtr. I don't think that actually saves any
 addref/release pairs if done properly, since you'd typically .forget() into
 the return value anyway. But it does make it slightly safer at callsites,
 because the compiler will guarantee that the return value is always
 released instead of us relying on every already_AddRefed being saved into a

 But now that nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr support proper move constructors, is there
 any reason for already_AddRefed to exist at all in our codebase? Could we
 replace every already_AddRefed return value with a nsCOMPtr?

 dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:14 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
 Bug 967364 did already add assertions to guarantee this.

Yes, if I'm not mistaken, already_AddRefed these days is quite safe.

 Two thoughts:

  (1) I think it introduces a somewhat major coding style risk, in
  that it makes it possible to accidentally assign the value of a
  function that returns a reference into a raw pointer, which isn't
  possible with already_AddRefed.  In other words, today, you can
T* t = GetT()
  and know that as long as the code is following conventions
  correctly and using already_AddRefed when a reference is returned,
  this won't compile if an nsCOMPtr is required.  If we change to
  returning nsCOMPtr instead of returning already_AddRefed, this
  won't be the case, and the code will end up having a dangling
  pointer to a potentially-deleted object.

For refcounted types, isn't a raw pointer in a local variable a red
flag to reviewers to begin with?  If GetT() returns a raw pointer
today, like nsINode::GetFirstChild() or something, storing the result
in a raw pointer is a potential use-after-free, and that definitely
has happened already.  Reviewers need to make sure that refcounted
types aren't ever kept in raw pointers in local variables, unless
perhaps it's very clear from the code that nothing can possibly call
Release() (although it still makes me nervous).

  (2) If we agree it's a good idea from a coding style perspective,
  it's probably worth having a look that the generated code is
  equally efficient, given how widely used it is in our codebase.

The implementation includes a simple test-case that verifies that
there are no unexpected addrefs when relying on move constructors.
Beyond that (actual assembly instructions) I don't know.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Benoit Jacob wrote:
 As far as I know, the only downside in replacing already_AddRefed by
 nsCOMPtr would be to incur more useless calls to AddRef and Release. In the
 case of threadsafe i.e. atomic refcounting, these use atomic instructions,
 which might be expensive enough on certain ARM CPUs that this might matter.
 So if you're interested, you could take a low-end ARM CPU that we care about
 and see if replacing already_AddRefed by nsCOMPtr causes any measurable
 performance regression.

Bug 1015114 removes those extra addrefs using C++11 move semantics, so
assuming that lands, it's not an issue.  (IIRC, Boris has previously
said that excessive addref/release is a real performance problem and
needs to be avoided.)
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-08-12 18:15 +0300, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 1) You can use the return value directly without assigning it to an
 nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr.  For instance, pass it to a function that wants a
 raw pointer, or compare it against a different value.

I consider this a disadvantage, as I pointed out in my previous
post.  It removes one of the major safety features of nsCOMPtr.

 4) If the callee already holds a strong reference in a local variable,
 it can just return that reference instead of a raw pointer.  This
 saves an addref/release if the caller puts the result in an nsCOMPtr.
 Currently you could do this by returning an already_AddRefed, but
 that's annoying because of (1) above, so people don't always do so.

How does this save an addref/release?  Is the compiler allowed to
use move constructors rather than copy constructors when
constructing the return value of a function from a local variable in
that function?


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-08-12 18:22 +0300, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:14 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
  Two thoughts:
   (1) I think it introduces a somewhat major coding style risk, in
   that it makes it possible to accidentally assign the value of a
   function that returns a reference into a raw pointer, which isn't
   possible with already_AddRefed.  In other words, today, you can
 T* t = GetT()
   and know that as long as the code is following conventions
   correctly and using already_AddRefed when a reference is returned,
   this won't compile if an nsCOMPtr is required.  If we change to
   returning nsCOMPtr instead of returning already_AddRefed, this
   won't be the case, and the code will end up having a dangling
   pointer to a potentially-deleted object.
 For refcounted types, isn't a raw pointer in a local variable a red
 flag to reviewers to begin with?  If GetT() returns a raw pointer
 today, like nsINode::GetFirstChild() or something, storing the result
 in a raw pointer is a potential use-after-free, and that definitely
 has happened already.  Reviewers need to make sure that refcounted
 types aren't ever kept in raw pointers in local variables, unless
 perhaps it's very clear from the code that nothing can possibly call
 Release() (although it still makes me nervous).

This is done very commonly when we know some other data structure
(or the lifetime of |this|) owns the object, and will continue to
across the lifetime of the function.

For example, if I open content/base/src/Element.cpp, I see this
pattern 5 times in the first 325 lines of the file.  (Three
nsIDocument*, one nsIContent*, one nsIPresShell*.)


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

Re: How to building the xpt file from multiple idl files

2014-08-12 Thread Gregory Szorc

On 8/12/14 12:08 AM, Yonggang Luo wrote:

Now I am trying to building a xpcom components, but it have multiple
.idl file to compiled into a single xpt component, how to do that?

Here is the code the build system uses for XPIDLs:

The low-level code for linking XPTs (including the xpt_link function) is 

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Jesper Kristensen
This templated prerendereing sounds like a complicated API. Is there any 
advantage of this over what is possible today with a single page 
application using history.pushState?

Den 12-08-2014 kl. 00:03 skrev Jonas Sicking:

Very exited to see this happening.

Implementation issues aside, I have two comments:

* This is something that we really need on FirefoxOS. I hope that the
implementation strategy will work there too?
* A use-case that we came upon pretty quickly when we were looking at
using prerendering in FirefoxOS is that we might not know the exact
URL that the user is likely to navigate to, but we have a pretty good
guess about what template page it's going to be.

Consider for example bugzilla. After the user has done a search query,
they are likely to click on one of the bug links. Each bug has a
different URL, but all bugs share much of the page UI.

It would be really awesome if bugzilla could ask to prerender a URL
Then when the user clicks a bugzilla URL like;, we would enable
webpage logic to somehow force the prerendered page to be used, even
though the URLs don't match.

One way to do this would be to enable some way for the current page to
talk to the prerendered page. The current page could then tell the
prerendered page the user just clicked bug 123456, at which point
the prerendered page could use replaceState to change its URL to;, at which point
we would see that the URLs matched.

Another solution would be to enable the prerendered page to say i'm
able to act as a prerender page for any URLs that match pattern*;.

Would be great if someone could bring up this use case with the
prerender editors and make sure it gets covered and that a specced
solution is defined.

/ Jonas

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Roshan Vidyashankar wrote:

Summary: The Prerendering API allows the rendering engine to start loading and 
rendering a web page without any visible UI until the page needs to be 
displayed to the user. It's a gecko API that consumers can choose to use. For 
now, we're not talking about exposing this to web pages yet, or even using it 
in any of our products, we're just working on the implementation.


Link to standard: At some point we are going to be contributing to a spec but 
there are a number of unknown things which we're hoping to find out through the 
implementation - like what APIs need to be blacklisted in prerendering (audio, etc). Chrome and IE have shipped their own implementations of 

Platform coverage: All

Estimated or target release: Unknown

Preference behind which this will be implemented: dom.prerendering.enabled

Implementation Plan
There are two big parts to the implementation.

1. How do we handle the prerendering itself in a way that works both for 
desktop and b2g

For this, we're thinking about adding a boolean flag to nsDocShell which together with mIsActive will 
constitute a tri-state: active, inactive and prerendered.  As far as the 
outside code is concerned, prerendered docshells are treated as inactive ones for the most part.  This means 
that we'd basically need to not modify nsDocShell::GetIsActive, and audit all of its callers and find the 
potential consumers who would want to treat prerendered and inactive differently (I don't expect there to be 
any such consumers actually but we'll see).  We'd use the prerendered state to reflect the correct status 
reflected through the page visibility API.  The prerendered docshell masquerading as inactive will also mean 
that it won't get a rendering on b2g for example because that's how we hide mozbrowser iframes there.

In order for gaia and XUL based consumers to be able to control the prerendering, I think 
we'd need to use the nsIFrameLoader swapping facilities that we currently have for the 
xul:browser swapDocShells method and extend those to make them usable with the 
mozbrowser frameLoader as well.  That way we can expose the prerendering API through both 
mozbrowser and xul:browser while sharing hopefully most of the code between these 
different consumers, and we'd get the ability to swap the frame loaders when we need to 
actually render a prerendered document.

2. What do we do with the APIs that have undesirable side-effects in 
prerendered pages (audio, etc).

We first need to decide what we're going to do when a page calls into an API which has undesired 
side effects (and that is a blurry line -- I hope as part of this we come up with an actual list of 
what those actions are!).  Chrome basically aborts the execution of scripts on the page and throws 
out the prerendered content as soon as any such APIs are called.  IE's documentation claims that 

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:25 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
 On Tuesday 2014-08-12 18:15 +0300, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 1) You can use the return value directly without assigning it to an 4) If 
 the callee already holds a strong reference in a local variable,
 it can just return that reference instead of a raw pointer.  This
 saves an addref/release if the caller puts the result in an nsCOMPtr.
 Currently you could do this by returning an already_AddRefed, but
 that's annoying because of (1) above, so people don't always do so.

 How does this save an addref/release?  Is the compiler allowed to
 use move constructors rather than copy constructors when
 constructing the return value of a function from a local variable in
 that function?

The compiler is required to use the move constructor (if one exists)
instead of the copy constructor when constructing the return value of
a function, and also when initializing an object from the return value
of a function, or assigning the return value of a function.  So if you

  Foo GetFoo() { Foo f(1, 2, 7); /* do lots of stuff to f */ return f; }
  void MyFunction() { Foo f = GetFoo(); }

the copy constructor of Foo will not get called anywhere.  This is why
with the patch, you can just return an nsCOMPtr without the forget()
and it won't cause any extra addrefs.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:29 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
 This is done very commonly when we know some other data structure
 (or the lifetime of |this|) owns the object, and will continue to
 across the lifetime of the function.

 For example, if I open content/base/src/Element.cpp, I see this
 pattern 5 times in the first 325 lines of the file.  (Three
 nsIDocument*, one nsIContent*, one nsIPresShell*.)

If you know something else is holding a strong reference, why is it a
problem to assign the result of a function that returns
already_AddRefedT to a local variable of type T*?  If the local
variable's usage is otherwise legitimate, that assignment is perfectly
safe and there's no reason for any compiler errors.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread L. David Baron
On Tuesday 2014-08-12 18:40 +0300, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:29 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
  This is done very commonly when we know some other data structure
  (or the lifetime of |this|) owns the object, and will continue to
  across the lifetime of the function.
  For example, if I open content/base/src/Element.cpp, I see this
  pattern 5 times in the first 325 lines of the file.  (Three
  nsIDocument*, one nsIContent*, one nsIPresShell*.)
 If you know something else is holding a strong reference, why is it a
 problem to assign the result of a function that returns
 already_AddRefedT to a local variable of type T*?  If the local
 variable's usage is otherwise legitimate, that assignment is perfectly
 safe and there's no reason for any compiler errors.

In these cases we document that it's likely safe for callers to do
this by having those getters return raw pointers.  Getters that
require reference-counting return already_AddRefed.  Thus the
designer of the API makes a choice about whether the caller is
required to reference-count the result.

Our initial switch to use getters with raw pointers rather than
reference-counting getters (as part of deCOMtamination) was a
substantial performance win (probably at least 10% on general
across-the-board performance metrics).

On the other hand, getters that might return a new object must
return already_AddRefedT to ensure the caller takes ownership of
that reference.


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Description: Digital signature
dev-platform mailing list

hghooks repository merged into version-control-tools

2014-08-12 Thread Gregory Szorc
The server-side Mercurial hooks living in have been migrated to the 
hghooks/ directory of

This change will enable:

* Code/hook sharing between client and server (version-control-tools is 
already installed as part of mach mercurial-setup)
* A more unified development and testing story for everything Mercurial 
at Mozilla. This will help us move faster.

As part of the push, a number of old bugs were updated with commit URLs 
inside the version-control-tools repository. This is merely for tracking 

dev-platform mailing list

PSA: Windows builds will default to XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK=warn

2014-08-12 Thread Vladimir Vukicevic
I'm about to land bug 1046222, which changes the default behaviour of 
XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK on Windows to warn, instead of trap.  If run under the 
debugger, trap will cause the debugger to stop as if it hit a breakpoint in 
debug builds.

This would be useful behaviour if we didn't still have a whole ton of 
assertions, but as it is it's an unnecessary papercut for windows developers, 
or people doing testing/debugging on windows -- some of whom may not know that 
they should set XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK in the debugger, and are instead clicking 
continue through tons of assertions until they get to what they care about!

The change will bring Windows assertion behaviour in line with other platforms.

- Vlad
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Vladimir Vukicevic
On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:22:05 AM UTC-4, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 For refcounted types, isn't a raw pointer in a local variable a red
 flag to reviewers to begin with?  If GetT() returns a raw pointer
 today, like nsINode::GetFirstChild() or something, storing the result
 in a raw pointer is a potential use-after-free, and that definitely
 has happened already.  Reviewers need to make sure that refcounted
 types aren't ever kept in raw pointers in local variables, unless
 perhaps it's very clear from the code that nothing can possibly call
 Release() (although it still makes me nervous).

Putting the burden on reviewers when something can be automatically checked 
doesn't seem like a good idea -- it requires reviewers to know that GetT() 
*does* return a refcounted type, for example.  As dbaron pointed out, there are 
cases where we do actually return and keep things around as bare pointers.

It's unfortunate that we can't create a nsCOMPtr that will disallow 
assignment to a bare pointer without an explicit .get(), but will still allow 
conversion to a bare pointer for arg passing purposes.  (Or can we? I admit my 
C++-fu is not that strong in this area...)  It would definitely be nice to get 
rid of already_AddRefed (not least because the spelling of Refed always 
grates when I see it :).

- Vlad
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2014-08-12, 11:39 AM, Jesper Kristensen wrote:

This templated prerendereing sounds like a complicated API. Is there any
advantage of this over what is possible today with a single page
application using history.pushState?

Yes, I think so.  The idea of single page applications is nice, but it 
doesn't eliminate the need for this API because:

1) That means rewriting large existing applications, and
2) Parts of this idea (for example for providing a way to communicate 
with the prerendered content) would still be needed even fr single page 


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Joshua Cranmer 

On 8/12/2014 9:59 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
Just reading bug 1052477, and I'm wondering about what are intentions 
are for already_AddRefed.

In that bug it's proposed to change the return type of NS_NewAtom from 
already_AddRefed to nsCOMPtr. I don't think that actually saves any 
addref/release pairs if done properly, since you'd typically .forget() 
into the return value anyway. But it does make it slightly safer at 
callsites, because the compiler will guarantee that the return value 
is always released instead of us relying on every already_AddRefed 
being saved into a nsCOMPtr.

But now that nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr support proper move constructors, is 
there any reason for already_AddRefed to exist at all in our codebase? 
Could we replace every already_AddRefed return value with a nsCOMPtr?

The rationale for why we still had it was that:
nsIFoo *foobar = ReturnsACOMPtr();

silently leaks. I've pointed out before that we could fix this by adding 
a nsCOMPtrT::operator T*()  = delete; operator, but that's a gcc 
4.8.1/msvc 2013 November CTP minimum requirement.

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:46 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
 In these cases we document that it's likely safe for callers to do
 this by having those getters return raw pointers.  Getters that
 require reference-counting return already_AddRefed.  Thus the
 designer of the API makes a choice about whether the caller is
 required to reference-count the result.

How is this code safe?

  nsIContent* child = node-GetFirstChild();
  // Do some stuff with child

It compiles fine, but if any subsequent code causes the child to be
removed from its parent, it could get freed.  In particular, this can
happen if anything indirectly triggers mutation observers, and I
distinctly remember a sec-critical bug caused by exactly that.
Reviewers already have to carefully scrutinize any use of such a local
variable.  Does returning already_AddRefed really make such a
difference to the degree of review required?

Put it this way -- if we had rvalue references available when
already_AddRefed was invented, would anyone have suggested making a
whole new class that's significantly more cumbersome to use just to
avoid making an inherently dangerous usage pattern (raw pointers to
refcounted variables) a little less dangerous?  Or is this just status
quo bias?
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Benjamin Smedberg

On 8/12/2014 12:28 PM, Joshua Cranmer  wrote:

But now that nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr support proper move constructors, is 
there any reason for already_AddRefed to exist at all in our 
codebase? Could we replace every already_AddRefed return value with a 

The rationale for why we still had it was that:
nsIFoo *foobar = ReturnsACOMPtr();

silently leaks.

Really? I thought that in this case there would be no leak because the 
(temporary-returned) nsCOMPtr destructor would properly free the object. 
The problem is that `foobar` potentially points to an object which has 
already been released.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Kyle Huey
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:46 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
 In these cases we document that it's likely safe for callers to do
 this by having those getters return raw pointers.  Getters that
 require reference-counting return already_AddRefed.  Thus the
 designer of the API makes a choice about whether the caller is
 required to reference-count the result.

 How is this code safe?

   nsIContent* child = node-GetFirstChild();
   // Do some stuff with child

 It compiles fine, but if any subsequent code causes the child to be
 removed from its parent, it could get freed.  In particular, this can
 happen if anything indirectly triggers mutation observers, and I
 distinctly remember a sec-critical bug caused by exactly that.
 Reviewers already have to carefully scrutinize any use of such a local
 variable.  Does returning already_AddRefed really make such a
 difference to the degree of review required?

 Put it this way -- if we had rvalue references available when
 already_AddRefed was invented, would anyone have suggested making a
 whole new class that's significantly more cumbersome to use just to
 avoid making an inherently dangerous usage pattern (raw pointers to
 refcounted variables) a little less dangerous?  Or is this just status
 quo bias?
 dev-platform mailing list

If that function returns already_AddRefed it forces the caller to root
the return value which means you do not have to review as closely for
use-after-free issues.

We use raw pointers where we can because reference counting can be
expensive, especially in tight loops.  smaug can share some history

- Kyle
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Vladimir Vukicevic wrote:
 It's unfortunate that we can't create a nsCOMPtr that will disallow 
 assignment to a bare pointer without an explicit .get(), but will still allow 
 conversion to a bare pointer for arg passing purposes.  (Or can we? I admit 
 my C++-fu is not that strong in this area...)

We could do this if we instituted a new type and mandated that type be
used instead of raw pointers for local variables.  Call it
RawPointerT or something.  Using raw pointers like this is still
inherently dangerous for nontrivial code -- including code that's
subsequently changed to be nontrivial -- but if this bit of extra
safety is important, it would be possible to get it this way.

Of course, then review would have to check that RawPointerT is used
instead of T*, unless we can get static analysis to do it.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:

 On 8/12/2014 12:28 PM, Joshua Cranmer  wrote:
 The rationale for why we still had it was that:
 nsIFoo *foobar = ReturnsACOMPtr();

 silently leaks.

 Really? I thought that in this case there would be no leak because the
 (temporary-returned) nsCOMPtr destructor would properly free the object. The
 problem is that `foobar` potentially points to an object which has already
 been released.

Correct.  I assume that's what he meant.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Joshua Cranmer 

On 8/12/2014 11:12 AM, Vladimir Vukicevic wrote:

It's unfortunate that we can't create a nsCOMPtr that will disallow assignment to a bare 
pointer without an explicit .get(), but will still allow conversion to a bare pointer for arg passing 
purposes.  (Or can we? I admit my C++-fu is not that strong in this area...)  It would definitely be 
nice to get rid of already_AddRefed (not least because the spelling of Refed 
always grates when I see it :).

The use of a method like
  operator T*()  = delete;

causes the conversion to fail if the nsCOMPtr is an rvalue (most 
temporaries). It still allows T *foo = localVariable; (there's no easy 
way around that).

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Joshua Cranmer 

On 8/12/2014 11:40 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:

On 8/12/2014 12:28 PM, Joshua Cranmer  wrote:

The rationale for why we still had it was that:
nsIFoo *foobar = ReturnsACOMPtr();

silently leaks.

Really? I thought that in this case there would be no leak because the
(temporary-returned) nsCOMPtr destructor would properly free the object. The
problem is that `foobar` potentially points to an object which has already
been released.

Correct.  I assume that's what he meant.

Er, yes. I remembered there was a problem, I forgot the actual problem. :-[

Joshua Cranmer
Thunderbird and DXR developer
Source code archæologist

dev-platform mailing list

Upcoming changes to Mac package layout, signing

2014-08-12 Thread Ben Hearsum
Hi all,

Apple recently announced changes to how OS X applications must be packaged and 
 in order for them to function correctly on OS X 10.9.5 and 10.10. The tl;dr 
version of this is only mach-O binaries may live in .app/Contents/MacOS, and 
signing must be done on 10.9 or later. Without any changes, future versions of 
Firefox will cease to function out-of-the-box on OS X 10.9.5 and 10.10. We do 
not have a release date for either of these OS X versions yet.

Changes required:
* Move all non-mach-O files out of .app/Contents/MacOS. Most of these will move 
to .app/Contents/Resources, but files that could legitimately change at runtime 
(eg: everything in defaults/) will move to .app/MozResources (which can be 
modified without breaking the signature): 
This work is in progress, but no patches are ready yet.
* Add new features to the client side update code to allow partner repacks to 
continue to work. (
* Create and use 10.9 signing servers for these new-style apps. We still need 
to use our existing 10.6 signing servers for any builds without these changes. 
( and
* Update signing server code to support new v2 signatures.

We are intending to ship the required changes with Gecko 34, which ships on 
November 25th, 2014. The changes required are very invasive, and we don't feel 
that they can be safely backported to any earlier version quickly enough 
without major risk of regressions. We are still looking at whether or not we'll 
backport to ESR 31. To this end, we've asked that Apple whitelist Firefox and 
Thunderbird versions that will not have the necessary changes in them. We're 
still working with them to confirm whether or not this can happen.

This has been cross posted a few places - please send all follow-ups to the newsgroup.

- Ben
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2014-08-12, 12:41 PM, Joshua Cranmer  wrote:

On 8/12/2014 11:12 AM, Vladimir Vukicevic wrote:

It's unfortunate that we can't create a nsCOMPtr that will disallow
assignment to a bare pointer without an explicit .get(), but will
still allow conversion to a bare pointer for arg passing purposes.
(Or can we? I admit my C++-fu is not that strong in this area...)  It
would definitely be nice to get rid of already_AddRefed (not least
because the spelling of Refed always grates when I see it :).

The use of a method like
   operator T*()  = delete;

causes the conversion to fail if the nsCOMPtr is an rvalue (most
temporaries). It still allows T *foo = localVariable; (there's no easy
way around that).

It could also be solved with making operator T*() explicit, but neither 
of these options are something that we can use in our code base today.

dev-platform mailing list

Evaluating adding JOSE and JWS to mozilla-central

2014-08-12 Thread Gregory Szorc
The possibility of using JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) 
- specifically the verification part of the JSON Web Signature (JWS) 
component - came up as part of planning a JavaScript-based feature I'm 
working on.

We don't appear to have an implementation in mozilla-central yet. I'm 
trying to weigh whether to spend extra effort to add JWS support to the 
tree or to try to shoehorn existing signing solutions to fit my need.

First, does anyone know of an existing browser-side implementation of 
JWS used by Mozilla? I know we have Python in Marketplace doing signing. 
We /may/ have parts of Firefox OS doing client-side signing 
verification. My requirement is for chrome-privileged JS to do X509 
signing verification. I'll settle for an XPIDL interface to NSS.

Second, would having JWS support in m-c be beneficial to anyone else?

If this isn't easy to add, I'll probably be lazy and leverage an 
existing solution. Convince me it is worth doing.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2014-08-12, 11:25 AM, L. David Baron wrote:

On Tuesday 2014-08-12 18:15 +0300, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

1) You can use the return value directly without assigning it to an
nsCOMPtr/nsRefPtr.  For instance, pass it to a function that wants a
raw pointer, or compare it against a different value.

I consider this a disadvantage, as I pointed out in my previous
post.  It removes one of the major safety features of nsCOMPtr.

I am also strongly against the removal of already_AddRefed because of 
this.  I am not convinced that we can rely on reviewers to enforce this.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Evaluating adding JOSE and JWS to mozilla-central

2014-08-12 Thread Martin Thomson
+rbarnes is responsible for adding WebCrypto, which includes some JOSE features.

On 2014-08-12, at 10:22, Gregory Szorc wrote:

 The possibility of using JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) - 
 specifically the verification part of the JSON Web Signature (JWS) component 
 - came up as part of planning a JavaScript-based feature I'm working on.
 We don't appear to have an implementation in mozilla-central yet. I'm trying 
 to weigh whether to spend extra effort to add JWS support to the tree or to 
 try to shoehorn existing signing solutions to fit my need.
 First, does anyone know of an existing browser-side implementation of JWS 
 used by Mozilla? I know we have Python in Marketplace doing signing. We /may/ 
 have parts of Firefox OS doing client-side signing verification. My 
 requirement is for chrome-privileged JS to do X509 signing verification. I'll 
 settle for an XPIDL interface to NSS.
 Second, would having JWS support in m-c be beneficial to anyone else?
 If this isn't easy to add, I'll probably be lazy and leverage an existing 
 solution. Convince me it is worth doing.
 dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Evaluating adding JOSE and JWS to mozilla-central

2014-08-12 Thread rbarnes
On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 1:22:28 PM UTC-4, Gregory Szorc wrote:
 The possibility of using JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) 
 - specifically the verification part of the JSON Web Signature (JWS) 
 component - came up as part of planning a JavaScript-based feature I'm 
 working on.
 We don't appear to have an implementation in mozilla-central yet. I'm 
 trying to weigh whether to spend extra effort to add JWS support to the 
 tree or to try to shoehorn existing signing solutions to fit my need.
 First, does anyone know of an existing browser-side implementation of 
 JWS used by Mozilla? I know we have Python in Marketplace doing signing. 
 We /may/ have parts of Firefox OS doing client-side signing 
 verification. My requirement is for chrome-privileged JS to do X509 
 signing verification. I'll settle for an XPIDL interface to NSS.
 Second, would having JWS support in m-c be beneficial to anyone else?
 If this isn't easy to add, I'll probably be lazy and leverage an 
 existing solution. Convince me it is worth doing.

Once you have the right crypto, the JWS bits should be easy to do in JS.  
(X.509 only slightly harder, due to DER parsing.)  

WebCrypto *should* be accessible from privileged JS.  If you've got a window 
object, ask for window.crypto.subtle.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Ilya Grigorik
On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 8:39:11 AM UTC-7, Jesper Kristensen wrote:
 This templated prerendereing sounds like a complicated API. Is there any 
 advantage of this over what is possible today with a single page 
 application using history.pushState?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the use case, but I'm with you on this 
so far...

In order to support the proposed behavior, you would need to:
(1) implement an endpoint that returns a base template page
(2) implement page logic to receive the message, fetch right data, and render it

If you have (1) and (2) implemented, you've effectively implemented the 
single-page app model.

It seems like there are two cases to consider here:
(a) You're on a page with the same base template as destination
(b) You're navigating to a page with a different base template

For (a), you're best off reusing the current context (it's already rendered, 
after all), and issuing a fetch for updated content and rendering it in place - 
with pushState, etc. Whereas for (b) you can also do it in place by prefetching 
the template and then issuing a data request for relevant data once you know 
the exact URL... Which, of course, is exactly how single-page apps work today.

In short, seems like this is inventing a derivative single-page app model for 
building pages/apps, and that makes me wonder because it doesn't seem to make 
it any easier. Everything described here can be achieved with current tools, 
but perhaps could be made better with some smart(er) prefetch/prerender 

For example, prerender should not be limited to HTML:

In your single-page app, you should be able to inject multiple prerender hints 
for images, CSS, JS, and let the UA fetch and process those ahead of time. 
Then, when the user triggers the action, just inject them into the doc and 
update the UI as necessary.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Peter Lepeska
An alternative solution to templates for this use case is the following:

1) In the prerendered page's html, group preloaded resources (LINK 
rel=subresource currently) into base and extended hints. This can be 
accomplished by a new LINK attribute, for example.
2) The prerenderer can then fetch the html of the page and then only 
pre-download the subresources in the base group.

Given the above, the base group would include subresources associated with all 
bugs in bugzilla and so only these resources would be included in the prerender.


On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 4:04:50 PM UTC-4, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
 On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 8:39:11 AM UTC-7, Jesper Kristensen wrote:
  This templated prerendereing sounds like a complicated API. Is there any 
  advantage of this over what is possible today with a single page 
  application using history.pushState?
 I'm still trying to wrap my head around the use case, but I'm with you on 
 this so far...
 In order to support the proposed behavior, you would need to:
 (1) implement an endpoint that returns a base template page
 (2) implement page logic to receive the message, fetch right data, and render 
 If you have (1) and (2) implemented, you've effectively implemented the 
 single-page app model.
 It seems like there are two cases to consider here:
 (a) You're on a page with the same base template as destination
 (b) You're navigating to a page with a different base template
 For (a), you're best off reusing the current context (it's already rendered, 
 after all), and issuing a fetch for updated content and rendering it in place 
 - with pushState, etc. Whereas for (b) you can also do it in place by 
 prefetching the template and then issuing a data request for relevant data 
 once you know the exact URL... Which, of course, is exactly how single-page 
 apps work today.
 In short, seems like this is inventing a derivative single-page app model for 
 building pages/apps, and that makes me wonder because it doesn't seem to make 
 it any easier. Everything described here can be achieved with current tools, 
 but perhaps could be made better with some smart(er) prefetch/prerender 
 For example, prerender should not be limited to HTML:
 In your single-page app, you should be able to inject multiple prerender 
 hints for images, CSS, JS, and let the UA fetch and process those ahead of 
 time. Then, when the user triggers the action, just inject them into the doc 
 and update the UI as necessary.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

 I'm still trying to wrap my head around the use case, but I'm with you on 
 this so far...
 It seems like there are two cases to consider here:
 (a) You're on a page with the same base template as destination
 (b) You're navigating to a page with a different base template


 For (a), you're best off reusing the current context (it's already rendered, 
 after all), and issuing a fetch for updated content and rendering it in place 
 - with pushState, etc.


 Whereas for (b) you can also do it in place by prefetching the template and 
 then issuing a data request for relevant data once you know the exact URL... 
 Which, of course, is exactly how single-page apps work today.

I don't understand what you are saying here.

The point of (b) is that the different base templates. So it'd be very
hard to use pushState and DOM mutations to morph the current page into
the destination page. The fact that the destination page is template
based doesn't make it any easier.

Consider for example google search and google calendar. The google
search page is very template based. I.e. while the contents of a
search result is varies, there's a lot of template content that is
shared between all search result pages.

If Google calendar included a search the web box, which when used
would navigate the user to a google search result page. It would be
very hard for google calendar to use pushState and DOM mutations to
transform a calendar page into a search result page.

Not only would the DOM need to be replaced. You'd also need to load
any scripts that google search depends on. And unload any script state
that google calendar had created and that might interfere with the
google search scripts.

This is essentially as hard as morphing the current page into a
completely different non-template-based webpage unless I'm missing

It would be much more practically doable for calendar instead to
prerender a blank search result page, and then once the user commits
the search tell that prerendered page what the search parameters are
such that the page can load and render the appropriate search data.

/ Jonas
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Karl Dubost
thanks for the explanations so far. It helps a lot to understand and sorry for 
the naive questions. There is still something I do not get:

Le 13 août 2014 à 07:17, Jonas Sicking a écrit :
 It would be much more practically doable for calendar instead to
 prerender a blank search result page, and then once the user commits
 the search tell that prerendered page what the search parameters are
 such that the page can load and render the appropriate search data.

Here you seem to talk about partial rendering. 
I thought pre-render features were here to enable to show instantly a page when 
the user decides to follow a link. Aka the page is just ready to be shown. Here 
in your explanation you seem to say that the DOM is partially built but the 
painting is not done or at least has to be redone before displaying the page. 
Do we lose part of the benefits by doing that? Or maybe a more appropriate 
question is what is the gain in between a prefetch and a prerender in this case?

Another thought:
There is something very similar in between prefetch, prerender and the old 
next/prev values. That could revive those. 
link rel='next' href=''/
link rel='prev' href=''/

Karl Dubost, Mozilla

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Neil

Aryeh Gregor wrote:

2) It's easier to use, as evidenced by the patches in bugs 1015114 and 1052477. 
 No .forget() is needed, a raw pointer can be returned directly, even things 
like do_QueryInterface can be returned directly without a temporary nsCOMPtr 
(since the return type creates the temporary for you).  You can just return 
whatever you like and the compiler will figure out if an addref is needed.  
There's a noticeable decrease in LoC when converting to use it.

Do you have to name the temporary nsCOMPtr? For example, in the code
   nsCOMPtrnsIAtom atom = GetAtomValue()
   return atom.forget();
Can this be rewritten to
   return nsCOMPtrnsIAtom(GetAtomValue()).forget();
Or better still, if this counts as an rvalue, can we define a move 
constructor from nsCOMPtrT and write

   return nsCOMPtrnsIAtom(GetAtomValue());

Warning: May contain traces of nuts.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 4:35 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:46 PM, L. David Baron wrote:
  In these cases we document that it's likely safe for callers to do
  this by having those getters return raw pointers.  Getters that
  require reference-counting return already_AddRefed.  Thus the
  designer of the API makes a choice about whether the caller is
  required to reference-count the result.

 How is this code safe?

   nsIContent* child = node-GetFirstChild();
   // Do some stuff with child

 It compiles fine, but if any subsequent code causes the child to be
 removed from its parent, it could get freed.  In particular, this can
 happen if anything indirectly triggers mutation observers, and I
 distinctly remember a sec-critical bug caused by exactly that.

There are huge swathes of code where we know DOM mutation should not
happen. Reflow and painting for example.

oIo otoeololo oyooouo otohoaoto oaonoyooonoeo owohooo oioso oaonogoroyo
owoiotoho oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro owoiololo oboeo
osouobojoeocoto otooo ojouodogomoeonoto.o oAogoaoiono,o oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso otooo oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro,o o‘oRoaocoao,o’o
oaonosowoeoroaoboloeo otooo otohoeo ocooouoroto.o oAonodo oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso,o o‘oYooouo ofolo!o’o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Upcoming changes to Mac package layout, signing

2014-08-12 Thread Ehsan Akhgari
One thing to test heavily would be background updates which rely somewhat
on the structure of these files abd directories...

On Aug 12, 2014 1:05 PM, Ben Hearsum wrote:

 Hi all,

 Apple recently announced changes to how OS X applications must be packaged
 and signed (
 in order for them to function correctly on OS X 10.9.5 and 10.10. The tl;dr
 version of this is only mach-O binaries may live in .app/Contents/MacOS,
 and signing must be done on 10.9 or later. Without any changes, future
 versions of Firefox will cease to function out-of-the-box on OS X 10.9.5
 and 10.10. We do not have a release date for either of these OS X versions

 Changes required:
 * Move all non-mach-O files out of .app/Contents/MacOS. Most of these will
 move to .app/Contents/Resources, but files that could legitimately change
 at runtime (eg: everything in defaults/) will move to .app/MozResources
 (which can be modified without breaking the signature):
 This work is in progress, but no patches are ready yet.
 * Add new features to the client side update code to allow partner repacks
 to continue to work. (
 * Create and use 10.9 signing servers for these new-style apps. We still
 need to use our existing 10.6 signing servers for any builds without these
 changes. ( and
 * Update signing server code to support new v2 signatures.

 We are intending to ship the required changes with Gecko 34, which ships
 on November 25th, 2014. The changes required are very invasive, and we
 don't feel that they can be safely backported to any earlier version
 quickly enough without major risk of regressions. We are still looking at
 whether or not we'll backport to ESR 31. To this end, we've asked that
 Apple whitelist Firefox and Thunderbird versions that will not have the
 necessary changes in them. We're still working with them to confirm whether
 or not this can happen.

 This has been cross posted a few places - please send all follow-ups to
 the newsgroup.

 - Ben
 dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Upcoming changes to Mac package layout, signing

2014-08-12 Thread Cameron McCormack

Ben Hearsum wrote:

Apple recently announced changes to how OS X applications must be packaged and 

Does this also apply if you run .app/Contents/MacOS/firefox binary 
manually rather than opening the .app?

If developers do update their OS to 10.9.5 when it's released, is there 
a way to override this check?  Otherwise it's going to make it difficult 
to run older builds (e.g. manually testing old builds for regressions, 
or using mozregression that does Nightly build bisection).

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Karl Dubost

Le 13 août 2014 à 09:13, Jonas Sicking a écrit :
 The goal of prerender is to improve performance when navigating to a
 new page.

my understanding too.

 I'm talking about doing a full rendering of a template page. I.e. a
 normal webpage which the website can then use JavaScript to mutate
 into the page that the user wanted to navigate to.

[cut the explanation] 
So I guess I'm getting confused by the term 'prerender' and the scope. It looks 
like indeed more like a single page app (with all the caveats of client side 
generated pages) or a rel='template' more than a rel='prerender'.

What would be the markup for the scenario you are explaining?
And what would be the fallback for non JS user agents (cue accessibility and 
HTTP scripting here)?

If I do 
link rel='prerender' href=''/

How the server knows it has to send the template or the full HTML page?
What is the HTTP caching story with regards to this URI
And how does it help with in terms of 

Karl Dubost, Mozilla

dev-platform mailing list

RE: Upcoming changes to Mac package layout, signing

2014-08-12 Thread Robert Strong
Yes, this is very much on our radar.


-Original Message-
From: dev-platform
[] On
Behalf Of Ehsan Akhgari
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 5:33 PM
To: Ben Hearsum
Subject: Re: Upcoming changes to Mac package layout, signing

One thing to test heavily would be background updates which rely somewhat
on the structure of these files abd directories...

On Aug 12, 2014 1:05 PM, Ben Hearsum wrote:

 Hi all,

 Apple recently announced changes to how OS X applications must be 
 packaged and signed (
 in order for them to function correctly on OS X 10.9.5 and 10.10. The 
 tl;dr version of this is only mach-O binaries may live in 
 .app/Contents/MacOS, and signing must be done on 10.9 or later. 
 Without any changes, future versions of Firefox will cease to function 
 out-of-the-box on OS X 10.9.5 and 10.10. We do not have a release date 
 for either of these OS X versions yet.

 Changes required:
 * Move all non-mach-O files out of .app/Contents/MacOS. Most of these 
 will move to .app/Contents/Resources, but files that could 
 legitimately change at runtime (eg: everything in defaults/) will move 
 to .app/MozResources (which can be modified without breaking the
 This work is in progress, but no patches are ready yet.
 * Add new features to the client side update code to allow partner 
 repacks to continue to work. 
 * Create and use 10.9 signing servers for these new-style apps. We 
 still need to use our existing 10.6 signing servers for any builds 
 without these changes. 
 ( and
 * Update signing server code to support new v2 signatures.

 We are intending to ship the required changes with Gecko 34, which 
 ships on November 25th, 2014. The changes required are very invasive, 
 and we don't feel that they can be safely backported to any earlier 
 version quickly enough without major risk of regressions. We are still 
 looking at whether or not we'll backport to ESR 31. To this end, we've 
 asked that Apple whitelist Firefox and Thunderbird versions that will 
 not have the necessary changes in them. We're still working with them 
 to confirm whether or not this can happen.

 This has been cross posted a few places - please send all follow-ups 
 to the newsgroup.

 - Ben
 dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Andrew Sutherland

On 08/12/2014 04:04 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:

In short, seems like this is inventing a derivative single-page app model for 
building pages/apps, and that makes me wonder because it doesn't seem to make 
it any easier. Everything described here can be achieved with current tools, 
but perhaps could be made better with some smart(er) prefetch/prerender 

:vingtetun can probably speak to it better than I can, but my 
understanding was that for Firefox OS and the Haida UX effort 
( targeting mobile phones, 
there were some practical benefits foreseen:

- Consistent in-app page/card transitions.  Each Gaia app has a 
custom/ad-hoc solution right now.  The effort to make more reusable 
components will likely address this, but then a consistent platform UX 
still depends on apps effectively making themself Firefox OS specific 
by using the Firefox building blocks/etc.

- Consistent support of/use of edge gestures inside the app.

- Improved resource usage patterns by every page being an iframe with 
only a little stuff in it.  It's harder to accidentally leak memory or 
get burnt by heap fragmentation if you're only doing a few things and 
cleaned up entirely as you are superseded.  However the assumption was 
that these iframes would be talking to SharedWorkers which presumably 
would have the same problem.

While Haida apps designed for the phone form factor would never be 
usable on a desktop device as-is, it's neat that the pre-render 
mechanism makes the same underlying implementation workable for both 
cases, especially since it makes a many simple pages approach viable.  
Right now if you want a performant implementation, you are inevitably 
driven to the single-page app implementation approach.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Karl Dubost wrote:

 Le 13 août 2014 à 09:13, Jonas Sicking a écrit :
 The goal of prerender is to improve performance when navigating to a
 new page.

 my understanding too.

 I'm talking about doing a full rendering of a template page. I.e. a
 normal webpage which the website can then use JavaScript to mutate
 into the page that the user wanted to navigate to.

 [cut the explanation]
 So I guess I'm getting confused by the term 'prerender' and the scope. It 
 looks like indeed more like a single page app (with all the caveats of client 
 side generated pages) or a rel='template' more than a rel='prerender'.

I don't understand why a separate rel value would be beneficial.

 What would be the markup for the scenario you are explaining?

Exactly the same as any other time when prerendering is used. Like I
said, no magic needed. So I believe the markup would be

link rel=prerender href=...

 And what would be the fallback for non JS user agents (cue accessibility and 
 HTTP scripting here)?

The same as any other time when prerendering is used. The fallback
would simply be that the next page is loaded at normal speed, rather
than being prerendered. The only thing that the page would have to do
special here when the initial page attempts to send a message to the
prerendered page about which bug's data to load, if the API for
talking to the message channel is missing, don't do anything.

 If I do
 link rel='prerender' href=''/

 How the server knows it has to send the template or the full HTML page?

You include that information in the URL. See the examples I've used in
the explanations so far.

 What is the HTTP caching story with regards to this URI
 And how does it help with in terms of 

The same as for any other time prerendering is used.

I'm definitely getting the impression that we're still talking past
each other. I guess maybe me or you are misunderstanding how the
prerendering spec is defined.

/ Jonas
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Karl Dubost
Just to be clear I have *read*
So my understanding of pretender is based on this whitepaper. :)

Le 13 août 2014 à 10:09, Jonas Sicking a écrit :
 And what would be the fallback for non JS user agents (cue accessibility and 
 HTTP scripting here)?
 The same as any other time when prerendering is used. The fallback
 would simply be that the next page is loaded at normal speed, rather
 than being prerendered. The only thing that the page would have to do
 special here when the initial page attempts to send a message to the
 prerendered page about which bug's data to load, if the API for
 talking to the message channel is missing, don't do anything.

!doctype html
link rel='prerender' 
a href=/bug0001my next bug/a and 
a href=/bug0002my next next bug/a 

In your scenario, this would not work without scripting. I can see how useful 
it could be with Firefox OS and transitions between different states of an 
application. On the Web, it means that we get yet another dependency on JS for 
this to be working for capturing the click event and sending a XHR with Accept: 
application/json. On the other hand if no JS, the server receives the HTTP GET 
requests on the resource, but then without pre-rendering. :)
I guess it's why I'm asking questions to be sure how it would be working.

I was asking questions about the caching because once
is downloaded, rendered and cached. It could be reused for all subsequent 
requests with the same pattern. But in return it means we create an issue for 
Web developers for developing and testing, or just modifying the cache. I guess 
people can rely to cache busting techniques such as timestamp parameters in 

 I'm definitely getting the impression that we're still talking past
 each other. I guess maybe me or you are misunderstanding how the
 prerendering spec is defined.

I understand what you are saying. :) But maybe we are assuming different things 
for the Web and/or have read a different spec. It's ok.

Thanks Jonas.
No more questions. :)

Karl Dubost, Mozilla

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Intent to implement: Prerendering API

2014-08-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Karl Dubost wrote:
 Le 13 août 2014 à 10:09, Jonas Sicking a écrit :
 And what would be the fallback for non JS user agents (cue accessibility 
 and HTTP scripting here)?

 The same as any other time when prerendering is used. The fallback
 would simply be that the next page is loaded at normal speed, rather
 than being prerendered. The only thing that the page would have to do
 special here when the initial page attempts to send a message to the
 prerendered page about which bug's data to load, if the API for
 talking to the message channel is missing, don't do anything.

 !doctype html
 link rel='prerender' 
 a href=/bug0001my next bug/a and
 a href=/bug0002my next next bug/a

 In your scenario, this would not work without scripting. I can see how useful 
 it could be with Firefox OS and transitions between different states of an 

Note that the example I used was bugzilla. So this is definitely
useful outside of FirefoxOS.

But yes, this depends on scripting. It sounds like between the two of
us we have three goals

* Enable fast navigation between webpages in websites like bugzilla.
* When a search result page is loaded, avoid loading and prerendering
a separate DOM for each bug.
* Avoid relying on JS.

I can only think of solutions which fulfill two of those goals at the
same time. Which two would be left up to the bugzilla web developers.

If you have ideas for how to solve all three at the same time I'm all ears.

 I was asking questions about the caching because once
 is downloaded, rendered and cached.

Note that I don't think anyone is (yet) proposing caching of a
prerendered *page*. The individual resources that are loaded to make
up the prerendered page will be loaded through the normal http stack,
which means that those resources might get cached, or be loaded from
cache. But the only thing that's cached is the bytes coming from the
network. No parsed datastructures are cached. The parsed and rendered
DOM will either be used immediately, or thrown away completely.

 It could be reused for all subsequent requests with the same pattern.

For now the HTML resource will only be reused for other loads to Which
likely it mean it will only be used when a page is prerendered.

It will not be used if the user simply navigates to a bug page like

/ Jonas
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Upcoming changes to Mac package layout, signing

2014-08-12 Thread Stephen Pohl
On 8/12/14, 8:46 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
 Ben Hearsum wrote:
 Apple recently announced changes to how OS X applications must be
 packaged and signed

 Does this also apply if you run .app/Contents/MacOS/firefox binary
 manually rather than opening the .app?

As best as I can tell, no. You should be able to run the firefox binary
manually without a warning dialog.

 If developers do update their OS to 10.9.5 when it's released, is
 there a way to override this check?  Otherwise it's going to make it
 difficult to run older builds (e.g. manually testing old builds for
 regressions, or using mozregression that does Nightly build bisection).

The most bullet-proof way to override this behavior is to change the
Gatekeeper setting. This can be done in System Preferences  Security 
Privacy by setting Allow apps downloaded from: to Anywhere. This
obviously comes with the downside that the Gatekeeper will be disabled
for all apps.

If apps should be allowed individually, simply right-click the bundle
and select Open. The warning dialog should no longer appear on
subsequent launch attempts.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-08-12 Thread Karl Tomlinson
Aryeh Gregor writes:

 The compiler is required to use the move constructor (if one exists)
 instead of the copy constructor when constructing the return value of
 a function, and also when initializing an object from the return value
 of a function, or assigning the return value of a function.  So if you

   Foo GetFoo() { Foo f(1, 2, 7); /* do lots of stuff to f */ return f; }
   void MyFunction() { Foo f = GetFoo(); }

 the copy constructor of Foo will not get called anywhere.

I guess that means that with

  struct Bar {
Bar(Foo f) : mF(f) {}
Foo GetFoo() { return mF; }

Foo mF;

GetFoo() would give away what mF owns?

If so, can we require that be more explicit somehow?
dev-platform mailing list

Re: Telemetry alerts for histograms

2014-08-12 Thread Matthew N.
I would prefer a public list available over NNTP like so I don't have to get the large volume of 
mail in my inbox.


On 8/12/14 5:17 PM, Gavin Sharp wrote:

What does that alias point to? Seems to me a public mailman mailing
list would be a better choice, since then people can
subscribe/unsubscribe on their own.


On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:57 AM, wrote:

 From now on all alerts will be sent by default also to

dev-platform mailing list