Re: Comments on the Content Security Policy specification

2009-10-22 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Gervase Markham wrote:
I think it would be good if we didn't have to invent a new header for 
each idea of ways to lock down content. I think it would be great if 
people could experiment with Content-Security-Policy: x-my-cool-idea, 
and see if it was useful before standardization. Any idea which is a 
policy for content security should be in scope for experimentation.

I've added a CSRF straw-man:

This page borrows liberally from XSSModule.  Comments are welcome!

dev-security mailing list

Re: CSRF Module (was Re: Comments on the Content Security Policy specification)

2009-10-22 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Adam Barth wrote:

2) It seems like an attacker can easily circumvent this module by
submitting a form to and then generating the forged
request (which will be sent with cookies because doesn't
enables the anti-csrf directive).

I agree.  It seems anti-csrf (as currently defined) would be most 
beneficial for defending against CSRF attacks that don't require any 
user action beyond simply viewing the page (e.g., img src=attack).

Form actions would perhaps require some additional constraints, such as 
only allowing submission to |self| or other whitelisted URIs.

Link activation is harder, because (I would assume) most websites want 
to allow links to different-origin URIs.  And as you stated, not sending 
cookies here doesn't help because the link could go to, and 
the page can contain an image based CSRF (thus the threshold for 
successful attack is still 1 click).

Thanks for the feedback,

dev-security mailing list

Re: CSRF Module (was Re: Comments on the Content Security Policy specification)

2009-10-22 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Adam Barth wrote:

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Mike Ter Louw wrote:

I agree.  It seems anti-csrf (as currently defined) would be most beneficial
for defending against CSRF attacks that don't require any user action beyond
simply viewing the page (e.g., img src=attack).

Maybe we should focus the module on this threat more specifically.  My
understanding is that this is a big source of pain for folks who
operate forums, especially for user-supplied images that point back to
the forum itself.  What if the directive was something like
cookieless-images and affected all images, regardless of where they
were loaded from?

I think this is a good start, and should be an option for sites that 
don't want CSP to provide any other CSRF restrictions.  I've added an 
additional directive to the wiki, but it needs further definition.

dev-security mailing list

Re: CSRF Module (was Re: Comments on the Content Security Policy specification)

2009-10-22 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Adam Barth wrote:

I think it might be better to focus this module on the forum poster
threat model.  Instead of assuming the attacker can inject arbitrary
content, we should limit the attacker to injecting content that is
allowed by popular form sites (e.g., bbcode).  At a first guess, I
would limit the attacker to text, hyperlinks, and images.  (And maybe
bold / italics, if that matters.)

There should be room for each directive to address slightly different 
threat scenarios.  For the forum threat you've described, the attack 
mechanics (i.e., CSRF) and basic remediation strategy (disallow sending 
cookies) are common to other threats the module aims to defend against. 
 Additionally, cookieless-images is complementary to anti-csrf because 
it defines an additional constraint to images loaded from |self|.  So 
perhaps the module needs to be better positioned and each directive 
better motivated.

I think we should assume that the attacker cannot inject form elements
because this is uncommon in forum web sites.

That is fine for motivating cookieless-images, but this assumption could 
prove inadequate for other scenarios where the threat exists.  It may be 
OK to remove the language governing form actions from CSRFModule if the 
issue is further deferred to another module (as does [1]), where this 
(currently hypothetical) module entirely blocks form submission if the 
action URI is not in a whitelist of trusted origins.  (That would target 
the form-based password theft threat, as well as the CSRF threat.)

There is a usability issue here: is it more usable (w.r.t. the web 
developer) to:

(1) support a declaration of anti-csrf and enable the widest default 
set of protections that could be offered against CSRF (without being too 
strict as to break the most common use cases), but possibly having 
multiple modules specifying (complementary) form policies, or

(2) group all form-related policies in a single module, even if the 
policies address fundamentally different attacks?

In this case, this boils down to: should CSP directives be 
threat-centric or content-type-centric?  Alternatively, this may be an 
example of CSP being too granular.


dev-security mailing list

Re: CSRF Module (was Re: Comments on the Content Security Policy specification)

2009-10-22 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Mike Ter Louw wrote:
There is a usability issue here: is it more usable (w.r.t. the web 
developer) to:

(1) support a declaration of anti-csrf and enable the widest default 
set of protections that could be offered against CSRF (without being too 
strict as to break the most common use cases), but possibly having 
multiple modules specifying (complementary) form policies, or

(2) group all form-related policies in a single module, even if the 
policies address fundamentally different attacks?

Is it acceptable (not too strict) to block all form submission to 
non-self and non-whitelisted action URIs when the anti-csrf directive is 
given?  If so, then the above usability issue may be moot: we can have 
anti-csrf imply an as-yet-undefined directive that blocks form submission.

dev-security mailing list

Re: CSRF Module (was Re: Comments on the Content Security Policy specification)

2009-10-22 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Brandon Sterne wrote:
I'd like to take a quick step back before we proceed further with the 
modularization discussion.  I think it is fine to split CSP into 
modules, but with the following caveats:

1. Splitting the modules based upon different threat models doesn't seem 
to be the right approach.  There are many areas where the threats we 
want to mitigate overlap in terms of browser functionality.  A better 
approach, IMHO, is to create the modules based upon browser 
capabilities.  With those capability building blocks, sites can then 
construct policy sets to address any given threat model (including ones 
we haven't thought of yet).

Part of the value of the threat-centric module approach is it 
facilitates analysis of the defensive efficacy of CSP directives.  This 
can point us to additional policies that are needed for more complete 
coverage, and reveal policies that are superfluous (I'm not saying any 
existing proposed policy is useless) and browser vendors need not 
implement.  However, as Lucas rightly pointed out, the correctness of 
this analysis is dependent on our awareness and understanding of threats.

If browser implementers are to pick and choose among CSP policies to 
support (besides XSS related ones, we agree), there should ideally be 
some reference that indicates the combined set of policies that are 
needed to mitigate each threat.  This can aid browser implementers in 
deciding which policies to implement.  For instance, if some browser 
vendor wants to support CSP protection against CSRF attacks, the vendor 
should know that it's of limited use to only strip cookies from form 
submissions; form action URIs must also be constrained to a set of 
trusted origins.

Perhaps the spec can have an appendix recommending sets of directives 
for several significant threats, based on some thorough analysis of each 
threat, citing known capabilities and limitations of each set.  This can 
benefit the spec writers, browser implementors and web developers.

dev-security mailing list

Re: Comments on the Content Security Policy specification

2009-10-20 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Collin Jackson wrote:

If you want to make a module that prevents history sniffing completely
against specific sites and avoids assuming the user never interacts
with a bad site, you could have a CSP module that allows a server to
specify whether its history entries can be treated as visited by other
origins. Sites concerned about user privacy would then have control
over whether other sites could detect that they've been visited. A
similar module could be used for cross-origin cache loads to address
timing attacks.

Collin Jackson wrote:

I put together a brief description of the history module proposal on the wiki:

The threat model of HistoryModule, as currently defined, seems to be 
precisely the threat model that would be addressed by a similar module 
implementing a per-origin cache partitioning scheme to defeat history 
timing attacks.

If these are to be kept as separate modules, then perhaps the threat 
model should be more tightly scoped, and directive names should be 
specific to the features they enable?

I like the idea of modularizing CSP.

dev-security mailing list

Re: Straw-main XSSModule for CSP

2009-10-20 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Adam Barth wrote:

I've taken the liberty of sketching out a straw-man XSSModule for CSP
on the Mozilla wiki:

I welcome your feedback,

Hi Adam,

I'm not sure if hacking at the straw man should occur on the list or on 
the wiki.  Please let me know if it should go to the wiki.

Threat Model:

We further assume the web developer wishes to prevent the attacker from 
achieving any of the following goals:

  * The attacker must not learn the contents of the target web site's 

A broader definition than cookie stealing that also covers integrity 
issues like defacement could be:

  * The attacker's sequence of injected bytes are interpreted as one or 
more script instructions and executed with the privileges of the 
(CSP-protected) document.

If the purpose of the threat model is to scope out the protections 
afforded by the module, then the following may be more appropriate:

  * The attacker's sequence of injected bytes are interpreted as an 
inline script (i.e., script element without |src| attribute, script 
element attribute, javascript: URI, dynamic CSS, etc.)

  * The attacker's sequence of injected bytes are interpreted as a 
reference to external script, where the external script is located at a 
different origin to the document protected by CSP

  * The attacker's sequence of injected bytes are compiled as a result 
of executing an allowed script (e.g., via eval(), setTimeout(), 
setInterval(), or Function constructor)

block-xss directive:

The effects of this directive are given in a default-allow style, which 
could lead to gaps in protection.  (Some possible gaps are commented on 
in the Open Issues section.)  Could the effects of block-xss be 
specified as exceptions to a default-deny policy?

Open Issues section:

IE's CSS behaviors and expressions could fit in the same category as XBL 
bindings, as they are non-standard features that can be used as XSS vectors

dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy feedback

2009-01-12 Thread Mike Ter Louw

Gervase Markham wrote:

Sid Stamm wrote:

What worries me is that with no assurance that they're enforced, CSP
policies won't be provided by web sites since it takes time (granted,
not much of it) to compose them.  It's likely that a profit-driven
company might rather have their engineers spend time fuzzing or bug
fixing than designing a good CSP string that may or may not ever be

It really doesn't take long - it's not a complicated spec. I'm not sure
we need to make it more attractive by promising what we can't deliver.

One concern is the time and effort required to refactor existing code to 
use only external scripts (a non-trivial task).  Development of new web 
code can take this restriction into account but still requires 
deliberate effort throughout the development cycle to maintain support 
for CSP.

I think utilizing CSP will be a very conscious decision by web site 
operators, weighing the benefits CSP offers, the cost of implementing 
and maintaining CSP support, and the risks of not adding CSP to their 
web site.  While it would be nice to have a low cost, effective, add-on 
layer of security, it seems the requirement of no inline script code 
adds significantly to the cost of CSP.  Therefore site owners should be 
able to estimate the benefit CSP will give them by measuring the level 
of browser support among the site's visitors, so it can be weighed 
against the cost of CSP deployment.

Is it correct that the rule against inline scripts is in effect for all 
CSP policies, even when script-src is not used?

dev-security mailing list

Re: IE8 security features

2008-07-08 Thread Mike Ter Louw
Gervase Markham wrote:
 Robert O'Callahan wrote in
 3) Some kind of dynamic anti-XSS filter that monitors browser traffic
 and blocks stuff. Not many details about that yet.
 This latter is an interesting idea, but it sounds to me like a recipe
 for hard-to-understand breakage and bugs, particularly if ours works
 differently to theirs. I'd be interested in closer analysis of what
 proportion of attacks this might address, and whether we can immediately
 think of ways attackers could break it.
 Does anyone have more info, or comments on their approach? The doc is here:

In the MSDN blog comments, Giorgio Maone links to documentation for a
similar feature of NoScript:


dev-security mailing list

Looking for GSoC mentor to extension security project

2007-03-21 Thread Mike Ter Louw
Hi List,

I'm going to submit an application for the Google Summer of Code program
with the hopes of working with the Mozilla Foundation.  Specifically, I
would like to enhance Mozilla Firefox's extensible architecture to make
it more secure against malicious code.  I was wondering if there is
someone on this list who would be qualified (and interested!) as a
mentor for this project, or if an individual could be recommended.

There is currently a paper in submission on the recent work I've done on
this topic with my Ph.D. advisor and another graduate student.  We have
isolated some problem areas but have not had sufficient time and
resources to address them all.  The current work spans the Firefox
Extension Manager, XUL Document loader, Spidermonkey, and more.  I would
like to extend the project to also incorporate parts of NSS and the
Component Registrar.  I am hopeful that the work can be completed in a
way that would be acceptable for incorporation into the Firefox code
base by working with over the Summer.

I'll be writing up a technical report on our initial work to accompany
my application.  Prior to that, please let me know if additional project
details would be helpful with this inquiry.


Mike Ter Louw
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago

dev-security mailing list