Fwd: Time to dump NSS

2014-10-23 Thread Daniel Veditz
Forwarding to dev-tech-crypto where this is more on-topic.

-Dan Veditz
NSS was designed when physically distributed smart cards were anticipated to 
become the norm.

This didn't really happen but instead we got mobile devices with support for 
TEEs (Trusted Execution Environments):

NSS cannot deal with provisioning of TEEs because it doesn't support 
provisioning of keys in an E2ES (End-To-End-Security) fashion.  This is hardly 
surprising since keygen was designed 1995.

In addition we need entirely new key access protection models:

With a new key-system you could do things like:

There's much more to this but I wanted to hear what Mozilla are thinking 
regarding key-storage.

I'm prepared to help making this upgrade possible!

Anders Rundgren
dev-security mailing list
---End Message---
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Fwd: Time to dump NSS

2014-10-23 Thread Daniel Veditz
Your subject, time to dump NSS, intimately affects NSS developers who
will have to worry about replacing all the things NSS does for us before
they can even start to think about the additional concepts.

If you're proposing a mechanism that can live on the side without
actually dumping NSS then I suppose we can discuss it elsewhere, but if
it involves cryptography (how could it not?) then the tech.crypto group
is the one the people who know about cryptography participate in.

There are several (sometimes competing) efforts within the W3 and IETF
to create standards around concepts like key management. We're unlikely
to implement a solution that doesn't get buy-in from other browser and
server makers in that kind of forum.

-Dan Veditz

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Unable to add module, but why?

2011-01-24 Thread Daniel Veditz
Forwarding question to the mozilla.dev.tech.crypto group.

Is this a module you're creating yourself, or one you know works
fine with Firefox for other people?

On 1/21/11 6:21 PM, Lbm wrote:
 Hi, first of all I hope I'm posting this question in the right place.
 Anyway, I've been trying to add a specific PKCS#11 module to Firefox
 and keep getting the, rather uninformative,  message Unable to add
 module. What I'd like to know is how one might be able to get some
 more info on _why_ the module can't be loaded?
 Also noticed that one can debug modules using a specific environment
 variable, but since the actual module is never loaded at all that's
 pretty much a no go.
 Any info would be really appreciated!

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Alerts on TLS Renegotiation

2010-04-05 Thread Daniel Veditz
On 4/3/10 9:30 AM, johnjbarton wrote:
 If the *users* of Firefox are truly in jeopardy, then this alert should
 be provided to *users*. Since this alert is not shown to users I can
 only assume that in fact there is no practical threat here. You're
 putting this message in the Error Console because you can.

We plan on alerting users in a future update. This is fair warning
to server operators and those who are debugging their sites.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Alerts on TLS Renegotiation

2010-04-01 Thread Daniel Veditz
On 3/31/10 5:26 AM, Eddy Nigg wrote:
 I believe this to be a mistake for various reasons, but first and
 foremost because an attack on a server without compromise of the client
 data as well, is basically useless. When a attacker induces
 renegotiation at the server, the attacker must have client credentials
 in order to act as if he were the original client. Without those
 credentials, the attacker would be treated as any other unauthenticated

The client supplies the credentials. Not every server or application
is equally vulnerable, not all SSL connections use the HTTP
protocol. Sure, there may be specific attacks due to this flaw that
could be prevented in other ways (a typical anti-CSRF nonce in a web
form, say) but that is not a general defense. SSL is a
building-block and is supposed to guarantee an authenticated,
encrypted, tamper-proof connection to the application layers above.
It was broken and turns out to allow the injection of prefix content
in some situations. Whether that can lead to compromise depends on
what was built above the SSL layer.

 When a client (as in our case Firefox) implements RFC 5746, the client
 can't be compromised and no data is leaked from the client.

You don't know that! Depends on what the client is doing and what
the server is.

What if the attack is to make the client connect to an open
redirector on the target site? The client could leak all kinds of
data by sending it to the wrong site.

 SSLv2 was disabled in Firefox only a short while ago,

Three and a half years ago, October 2006 (longer if you count six
months of 2.0 pre-release builds). But the ability for users to
choose to disable it was available for years before that.

 I expect that it will take years upon years until 90% of all SSL enabled
 servers will support RFC 5746, not speaking about 99% or higher.

Then we would be foolish to toggle the default on that pref any time

 Refusing to speak to servers that don't support RFC 5746 
 [... will force] the user to accept unsafe renegotiation

Why? Those are two separate prefs. The user can easily speak to
servers without rfc 5746 and still refuse unsafe renegotiation. But
you know this because Minefield broke client-auth on your site
with precisely these settings. What's your real point?

 It also must be noted that 99% or more of all SSL enabled web sites will
 never need renegotiation to work. A server which disabled renegotiation
 is at least as secure as a server supporting the new extension.

99.9% of bank customers will never have their bank go out of
business. Why should they bother to check whether their bank is
federally insured?

-Dan Veditz
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Fix for the TLS renegotiation bug

2010-02-18 Thread Daniel Veditz
On 2/18/10 5:54 AM, Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Which reminds me that we were at this stage already in the past.
 Basically the authenticated session would have to be relayed through to
 the second server, something I rather prefer not to do. I suspect that
 there is no other way around that.

You could always patch your servers to support the new protocol.
Unfortunately this flaw is not fixed until all servers and all
clients are patched, and getting there is going to be painful.

If you use apache then patches are available for both mod_nss and
mod_ssl. If you use some other server then site admins such as
yourself should contact them and press for a solution. You'll need
one soon enough, and getting fixes from a non-open-source vendor
might take a long lead time.

I don't expect to ship a stable version of Firefox with broken SSL
client-auth any time soon but it seemed appropriate for Minefield
testing. We may revisit the Minefield choice if it's breaking too
much, but maybe we'll just release note the temporary pref --
Minefield users are supposed to be savvy consumers of alpha software
well capable of handling that kind of thing.

-Dan Veditz

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Fix for the TLS renegotiation bug

2010-02-14 Thread Daniel Veditz
I'm surprised not to see it mentioned here yet, but Firefox
nightlies implement the new TLS spec to prevent the renegotiation
flaw. The fixes in NSS can also be used to build your own patched
version of moz_nss for apache.

Huge thanks to Nelson Bolyard for implementing the spec in NSS and
Kai Engert for the client (Firefox) integration piece.

To solve the problem for real in the long run both servers and
clients need to be patched, and patched clients and servers must not
talk to unpatched servers and clients. In the short run that's
unrealistic so the Firefox settings are currently extremely
permissive, but paranoid users who only need to talk to a couple of
servers that they know are patched could make it strict if they like.

Test server at https://ssltls.de

Firefox nightlies have been patched since Feb 8 or 9

Kai's write-up on the various client options

Official RFC (released Friday)

Currently the only change in Firefox behavior is that it will not
RE-negotiate with an unpatched server--but it will complete an
initial handshake so it's still vulnerable to the flaw. This will
break client-auth in most cases so there's a global pref that allows
unsafe renegotiation, and another pref so you could whitelist a
server or two you need to do client-auth with.

Firefox will also spit out messages to the error console for each
unpatched server it encounters. Another pref will show broken-ssl
indicators for such servers and yet another will refuse connections
to unpatched servers if you really want to get hardcore (and not use
SSL at all for a while).

These are _test_ builds and don't necessarily reflect how we'll ship
a future Firefox update. For updates on the stable branches we'll
probably have to allow unsafe renegotiation for a while, it's not a
good strategy to ship a security updates and force people to choose
between security and connecting with their bank/gov't/work. Or we
might have to do some UI work so affected users can tweak this
without having to wade into about:config.

Although currently not an option, one approach might be to downgrade
EV sites to normal SSL if they aren't patched and at least put
pressure on the sites that think they have something to protect.
Later this year we can start showing broken SSL indicators for
unpatched servers, when at least some servers are patched.

-Dan Veditz
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

RSA 768 factored

2010-01-07 Thread Daniel Veditz
Just-released paper on successfully factoring RSA 768

http://eprint.iacr.org/2010/006.pdf (or http://bit.ly/8xXSgy)
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: CRMF encoding issues with window.crypto.generatedCRMFRequest()

2009-07-17 Thread Daniel Veditz
Moving discussion to mozilla.dev.tech.crypto, but do go ahead and file
bugs. I doubt 3.5 behaves any differently than 3.0 (you did mean 3.0.10,
right? If you're using Firefox 2 please stop).

nk wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am researching the window.crypto.generatedCRMFRequest() function
 available on FireFox (I am using FF 2.0.10).
 Now, if requested keys are for signing - everything looks good.
 But if requested keys are for key exchange (e.g. rsa-ex), the
 generated CRMF request structure has a number of issues.
 Here are the issues I am facing:
 1) A PKIArchiveOptions control is included (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/
 rfc4211.txt, section 6.4). The EncryptedKey structure in it is encoded
 as a SEQUENCE while it actually is a CHOICE. Our CRMF decoder is
 throwing as soon as it sees this structure. Shall I raise a bug ?
 2) The EncryptedKey is encoded as the now deprecated EncryptedValue
 structure. Is there a plan to encode the value with EnvelopedData
 structure any time soon ?
 3) Finally, the ProofOfPossession structure looks broken in this
 scenario as what we see is: A2 05 80 03 00 03 00, which does not seem
 to relate to any of the permitted options desrcibed in RFC 4211,
 section 4. FYI: If CRMF request contains cert request for a signing
 key pair the ProofOfPossession is valid (a correct instance of
 POPOSigningKey) and is correctly verified by our decoder.
 Does anyone know if these issues have been addressed in FF 3.5 and if
 not, will they be addressed in the next releases of FF ?
 Many thanks in advance,
 Nikolai Koustov.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: PositiveSSL is not valid for browsers

2009-01-06 Thread Daniel Veditz
Ian G wrote:
 SSL protects data in transit but the problem isn't eavesdropping on the
 transmission. Someone can steal the credit card on some server
 somewhere. The real risk is data in storage. SSL protects against the
 wrong problem, he said.

That's like saying No, no, mugging isn't a problem--the real money is
in bank heists.  You can't ignore one problem or the other.

 The paper is not a surprise, but at the same time it's the crispest
 demonstration for why it's necessary to remove this broken algorithm
 everywhere it is being used, he said, before adding there are bigger
 things to worry about, like browser bugs and operating security bugs.

Absolutely. Let's plan to phase out support for MD5 and move on to
bigger issues.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Proposal to split this list

2009-01-05 Thread Daniel Veditz
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 You are missing the parts where there are actual technical questions
 or assertions in the middle of threads that started as trust anchor

Requesting actual details in the middle of a long ranty thread is a good
way to get missed no matter what newsgroup or topic.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Pre- and Post- controls

2009-01-04 Thread Daniel Veditz
Eddy Nigg wrote:
 On 01/04/2009 10:20 AM, Eddy Nigg:
 On 01/04/2009 04:48 AM, Ian G:
 On the punishment side, about all we have is drop the root! which I
 earlier described as a blunt weapon. Are we being sensible when we now
 have to drop the root for the three CAs who have reported problems?
 Oh btw. where do you see three roots to drop?

The three CAs who have recently issued certs to unauthorized parties are
RapidSSL (md5 hack), Certstar/Comodo, and StartCom.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Pre- and Post- controls

2009-01-04 Thread Daniel Veditz
Florian Weimer wrote:
 EV is (also) an attempt to devalue existing infrastructure, so it's
 some form of group punishment.

It also provides browsers with a slightly less blunt weapon. If a CA
clearly violates EV guidelines the browser could remove the EV-ness of
the root without removing the root itself. Users could still get to the
sites so we're not punishing users and not putting sites out of
business, but the site owners are no longer getting what they paid for
and that will put pressure on the CA.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Full Disclosure!

2009-01-03 Thread Daniel Veditz
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 Why is this relevant to this mailing list?

Doesn't it go along with the other are CA's trustworthy? threads?

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: CABForum place in the world

2009-01-02 Thread Daniel Veditz
Kyle Hamilton wrote:
 (legitimate sites will never ask you to add an exception my ass.)

If we shorten the phrase to
  Legitimate banks and stores will not ask you to do this
would you not agree that is true enough as far as the average non-expert
user need be concerned?

The furor seems to be over the and other public sites bit, which I
believe to be an attempt to cover things like government sites,
charities and the like -- and as such that's pretty much still a true
statement as well. Public, as opposed to private sites which might
legitimately use a self-signed.

Can you suggest better wording that would help our roughly 200 million
users make the right choice?
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Security-Critical Information (i.e. Private Key) transmitted by Firefox to CA (i.e. Thawte) during X.509 key/cert generation

2008-12-31 Thread Daniel Veditz
Kaspar Brand wrote:
 Michael Ströder wrote:
 I'd love to have an option to forbid CRMFRequest calls...
 Not too difficult to achieve, actually. Just add this line to your
 user_pref(capability.policy.default.Crypto.generateCRMFRequest, noAccess);

That may work now, but capability control for individual DOM properties
is gone in Firefox 3.1 betas for performance reasons.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: MD5 broken, certs whose signatures use MD5 now vulnerable

2008-12-30 Thread Daniel Veditz
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 1:16 PM -0800 12/30/08, Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
 I should have written: digital signatures on certificates.
 The patch that I wrote only affects signatures on digital certificates.
 Good. I am quite concerned if we start affecting signatures in things like 

Why is that any different? The fake CA these guys produced could be used
to issue forged S/MIME certs too. Or authenticode certs. This problem is
NOT limited to SSL.

Or am I completely misunderstanding you?

-Dan Veditz
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: PositiveSSL is not valid for browsers

2008-12-30 Thread Daniel Veditz
Frank Hecker wrote:
 (It's not 100% clear to me how they distinguish DV certs from OV
 certs, so I'd take this last figure with a grain of salt.)
 In practice we have a de facto differentiation between EV certs and
 all other certs, as embodied in the Firefox UI.

If Firefox could reliably distinguish between DV and OV certs I'd love
to see some UI difference there, too, and so would some of the Firefox
UI folks I've talked to.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Unbelievable!

2008-12-25 Thread Daniel Veditz
Kyle Hamilton wrote:
 I then have to click at least six
 times to try to figure out what's going on, and then when I do find a
 site that's protected by an unknown CA certificate (OR that I've
 removed the trust bits on), I have to do the following:
 1) Click 'add an exception'
 2) click 'get certificate' (why I should have to do this is beyond me,
 since firefox obviously already has the certificate downloaded since
 it told me 'sec_error_untrusted_issuer', which it couldn't have known
 without the certificate in its possession ANYWAY)

Not that it changes your point any, but if you set the pref
browser.ssl_override_behavior to 2 then you won't need to get
Certificate. Firefox 3.1 will have this behavior by default.

If you set browser.xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert to true then you
won't have to click a link to reveal the add exception button, saving
a click at that step, too. Firefox 3.1 won't be adopting that default
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Unbelievable!

2008-12-24 Thread Daniel Veditz
Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 1:16 AM +0200 12/24/08, Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Select Preferences - Advanced - View Certificates - Authorities.
  Search for AddTrust AB - AddTrust External CA Root and click 
 Edit. Remove all Flags.
 Doesn't this seem like a better solution than sue Mozilla for
 theoretical future damages incurred by using their free software?
 Put more rudely, why do you expect Daddy to fix it for you when you
 can fix it yourself, more easily and more quickly, if you want to?

Isn't that a bit like an auto maker issuing a notice If you don't want
your car to explode in a fender bender you can crawl under the right
rear and remove the screw marked 34A on the following diagram.

Everyone should be able to do that so I'm sure that gets the auto maker
off the hook, right? Assuming all 200 million Firefox users even hear
about the problem.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Unbelievable!

2008-12-23 Thread Daniel Veditz
Frank Hecker wrote:
 Eddy Nigg wrote:
 Disabling the trust bits of AddTrust External CA Root could be a
 temporary measure to prevent damage to relying parties
 Also note that any suspension of a root would last at last 1-3 months,
 since that the typical interval between security updates for Firefox and
 other Mozilla-based products.

And we don't have a magic switch we can flip in the office. We'd have to
make the change, test the change, make the builds, ship the builds,
users would have to update (about a week from ship until most users have
the update).

If the sole purpose of the update was to break lots of sites (from the
user's POV) then some number of them disable updates, making them less
secure in the future.

If Comodo is acting in good faith then anything they can do would be
lightyears faster than a client update. If they're not fulfilling their
responsibilities then a permanent removal would make sense, but given
the time scales it's hard to see how a temporary month-or-so removal

Maybe we need to build in something like a CRL that pings back to
Mozilla that would let us revoke roots without having to ship a client
dev-tech-crypto mailing list