Re: My xo-1 isn't multicolor

2017-03-28 Thread Chris Leonard
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Jhon Diaz  wrote:
> The x on the faceplate is orange and so is the o is this normal? its says
> sku1

It is not abnormal.

I think that this is the collection of possible x and o plastic colors.

You just happened to get an x and an o of the same color.

Find a friend and swap colors!

Devel mailing list

Re: My xo-1 isn't multicolor

2017-03-28 Thread Chris Leonard
Here is the list of sku numbers manufactured.

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit

It is a common term used when identifying inventory and unique
manufacturing batches.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Jhon Diaz  wrote:
> The x on the faceplate is orange and so is the o is this normal? its says
> sku1
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Games for Change Festival, June 3rd

2008-05-07 Thread Chris Leonard
I stumbled across this, on the ELDIS ( community

It seemed relevant enough to cross-post to games, etoys and devel lists.  An
OLPC presence would seem perfectly logical and potentially very beneficial.


Registration for the 2008 Fifth Annual Games for Change Festival is now

Please join us at Parsons the New School for Design in NYC for our annual
event bringing together non-profits, educators, game designers and activists
of all stripes to explore the growing movement and emerging field of games
for social change.

Leading scholars Jim Gee and Henry Jenkins will open the festival with a
keynote conversation on June 3rd at 4:30pm.

We are pleased to announce our closing keynote this year will be the
Honorable Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, scheduled for 4pm on June 4th.

Featured panelists include: Jim Gasperini, creator of Hidden Agenda, and
Chris Crawford of Balance of Power and Balance of the Planet fame; Ken
Eklund, creator of World Without Oil; Michael Levine, Director of the Joan
Ganz Cooney Center; Shelley Pasnick, head of the Center for Children and
Technology, Mary Flanagan Director of the Tiltfactor Lab, Tracy Fullerton of
USC's EA Innovation Lab, and representatives from Participant Productions,
the MacArthur and Knight Foundations, PBS, and Electronic Arts, among many

You will find our usual excellent blend of provocative panels, informal
working groups, funders meetings, ample networking opportunities and the
ever-popular Expo Night where you can see - and play - the new games
firsthand, sponsored by Microsoft.

Check out the festival site here:

And don't forget the pre-festival workshop for newbies on June 2nd. We are
happy to announce that this beginners workshop for non-profits new to the
field. Let The Games Begin: A 101 Workshop for Making Social Issue Games was
a MacArthur Foundation DML Competition award-winner out of more than 1000

A separate registration for that day is now available from the festival site

We are thankful for the generous contributions of our sponsors AMD and
Microsoft, as well as Parsons the New School for Design.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Devel mailing list

Re: [Localization] [Fwd: Re: #7116 NORM Never A: Possible European G1G1 program needs appropriate keyboards]

2008-06-09 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Carlo Falciola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  What about to delivery plain intn'l machines with default keyboard and
> then set up some stocks of nationalized keyboards (FR, DE, IT, GR, etc.. )
> and offer them at a price that's commisurated to the production cost of the
> keyboard itself (and the planned numbers), not burdening at all XO
> production?

I sincerely hope the OLPC has learned some lessons from the first G1G1
program.  While it seems clear enough that the logistics of providing a
"factory-localized" laptop are very likely insurmountable, it also seems
clear that shipping only US International keyboard to an EU-focused G1G1
program will NOT be well received and will only bring accusations of
cultural and linguistic imperialism and the like to an organization that
should be earning praise for it's efforts to make computing in local
languages possible.

There must be a third path. Imagine instead a different sort of G1G1 process
that incorporates Carlo's suggestion.  The  web-site for an EU G1G1 program
clearly explains some of the XO's remarkable flexibility (both in hardware
and in software) and the immense level of control handed over to the user.

EU donors order their G1G1 in a selection of several languages (en, fr, es,
de, it, however many are relevant and feasible).  It is clearly explained
that what the donor will receive is a US International formatted XO and an
envelope containing the keyboard membrane for the language of their
choice along with a beautifully illustrated brochure explaining how to swap
keyboard membranes, the brochure to be localized in the same language as the
keyboard. The brochure will also explain how to use a newly created activity
called LocalizeMyXO.

LocalizeMyXO comes pre-installed in the EU G1G1 image.  The user changes the
keyboard membrane using the supplied hard-copy directions and then clicks on
one of the flags displayed by the LocalizeMyXO activity as described in the
brochure.  The LocalizeMyXO activity reaches out to a controlled location on
OLPC servers (or mirrors in EU) and in a scripted fashion, performs all of
the necessary steps to re-localize the laptop to the relevant language,
switches keyboard settings, downloads a fresh image with the right Pootle
strings, including activities, etc.  LocalizeMyXO does all of this without
any substantial user intervention once the language has been selected.  The
LocalizeMyXO activity stays available, and if the donor wants to switch
back, they just click on another flag.

This requires no special logistics in manufacturing, other than preparing
some additional membranes in various languages and adding the proposed
LocalizeMyXO activity to the image.  There would need to be better logistics
on the distribution end, but we knew that already.  The language choice
field have to be tracked by the hopefully much improved donor
tracking/shipping system (it should not be guessed from ship to address).
The packing and shipping operation will need to drop the correct envelope
into the correct box.  Distribution processing could be bulk sorted into
several streams (by language packet) to make it simpler.  Let's say you do a
different language every day, in rotation, for the heavy phase of the
shipping cycle to avoid slighting any one language group, or do it for
several days, whatever, just don't leave one language group to the bitter

Net result, G1G1 donors ultimately get the localized machine they want for
their Get One.  They know upfront they will have to do a little work
(keyboard membrane change), but the logistics of manufacturing runs and cost
savings have been clearly and politely explained to them in advance and they
knowingly opt in.  They gain the experience of how easily an XO keyboard is
swapped (beauty of hardware design) and how cleanly a localization change
can be performed, if executed in more-or-less one-click fashion by
LocalizeMyXO (beauty of software design).  OLPC distributes the accumulated
Give Ones to children without buying itself a totally unnecessary public
relations nightmare.

Final score:
Get One Donor, Win.
Give One Child, Win.
OLPC, Win.

Additional mfg costs:
Must factor extra membranes into cost.  Make mfg/distribution cost of
membrane explicit.  Need to create LocalizeMyXO activity, it would be a
variation on theme of scripts/procedures already existing for updating to
newer builds (Update.1 and after) and for re-installing G1G1 bundles

Additional distribution costs:
These would need to be factored in as well.  If a competent EU-savvy
distributor is selected, these should be relatively modest and can be rolled
into membrane upcharge.

I'm a North American G1G1 donor, and while it took longer than I had hoped
to get my XO, I got it and I'm very happy with it.  It got me to work on
contributing to OLPC (mostly on wiki, focused on content, not code).  That's
the sort of "fringe benefit" you want to get from a G1G1 program.  How
can OLPC exp

Re: [Server-devel] XS L10n

2009-01-12 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Martin Langhoff  wrote:

>  On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 1:32 AM, Chris Leonard 
> wrote:
> > Just out of curiousity.  Are the UI strings in the XS builds beginning to
> > stabilize to the point that it might make sense to create a POT file for
> the
> > localization community to start working on?
> (Chris - your question is very good, timely and relevant, so CC'ing
> server-devel, hope that's ok)
> There are 2 parts that may be localised...
>  - The commandline tools - low priority, only exposed to the sysadmin
> team that manages the deployment. They have to be unix/linux geeks
> anyway...
>  - The XS "UI": Moodle. This is what's worthwhile translating. We'll
> use Moodle with a couple of customisations. The customisations are
> still evolving but Moodle's strings are well established. The problem
> is that it doesn't use Pootle, it uses its own translation strings
> stuff. I've been discussing this... see
>   Some discussion on (use the login-as-guest button)
>   Discussion on server-devel
>   Look for 'pootle' in this irc meeting log
>   Googling right now, I see someone has a pootle-to-moodle
> translation tool, w00t!?

I think the magic that will be needed to address the Moodle PHP files is
going to be:

php2po (and po2php) from the Translate toolkit.

Server-devel mailing list

Language support for 11.2.0

2011-02-07 Thread Chris Leonard
Daniel Drake wrote:


Currently we are including the following languages and locales in
11.2.0 official builds:



It is important to note that while a deployment-based selection is logical,
it is not necessarily true that deployments have been keeping up with
localization.  Here are the percentage complete statistics for the list
above (and German).

  Language Code Glucose Fructose Honey  English (US) en_US 100 100 100
Spanish es 100 100 100  Arabic ar 69 39 27  Portuguese pt 66 55 59  Portuguese
(Brazil) pt_BR 69 68 97  French fr 100 100 100  Haitian; Haitian Creole ht
27 39 70  Mongolian mn 31 48 57  Marathi mr_IN 28 39 49  Amharic am_ET 10 1
1  Khmer km_KH 46 12 14  Nepali ne_NP 67 44 50  Urdu ur_PK 38 30 52
Kinyarwanda rw 26 39 52  Pashto ps 58 45 75  Dari fa_AF 56 45 78  Sinhala si
58 46 77  Chinese (China) zh_CN 40 43 57  German de 100 100 100

A number of these have completed Sugar 0.82 or Sugar 0.84 Glucose/Fructose
pairs, but these are the stats for the most recent Glucose/Fructose projects
(Sugar 0.90 which is in 11.2.0).  In some cases the word counts for Fructose
and Honey are not consistent (probably an issue with uploaded PO files or
unsynchronized templates).

It would be very helpful if OLPC would leverage it's contacts in some of
these deployment regions to recruit localization help to the Pootle server and the Localization list , of particular importance is
getting a language admin that will review and commit the PO files, in many
cases, these languages listed above do not have active lang-admins.

Devel mailing list

L10n of non-Sugar build elements

2011-03-20 Thread Chris Leonard
As current XO builds come with a boot into GNOME UI option, we should be
considering the localization process of those UI elements as well.  I am
guessing (and only guessing) that the PO/MO files are pulled from upstream
in the build process.  It would be highly desirable to develop a complete
listing of the UI elements (GNOME, Fedora or other included applications)
and where their L10n is hosted so that a completely localized build can be
provided.  This is probasbly not an issue for many European languages, but
OLPC deployments include a number of less common languages that may not be
well covered upstream and we should be pointing our L10n community to where
they need to go to do this work.

The bottom of this page lists a number of upstream projects (not hosted on
our Pootle instance) that benefit OLPC / Sugar, but I am sure the list is

Is there a developer that would collaborate with me on developing this list
of UI elements so I can hunt down their primary L10n hosting and develop
documentation on the wiki so that our more "exotic" language localizers can
easily perform the needed L10n work to provide a completely localized UI in
either Sugar or GNOME options?

Devel mailing list

Re: L10n of non-Sugar build elements

2011-03-21 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Martin Langhoff

> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Chris Leonard
>  wrote:
> > As current XO builds come with a boot into GNOME UI option, we should be
> > considering the localization process of those UI elements as well.
> Hi Chris,
> I am in agreement with your assessment of the situation -- that we
> need to ensure the gnome bits have their l10n bits.
> However... what I see is that we use the upstream i18n and l10n infra
> and output. In other words, Fedora and their upstreams. Our OS Builder
> seems to do a good job in including the right l10n bits.
> Are there specific things in the gnome world that you can report are
> not localized?
My assessment, like yours, is that we are and should use the upstream
infrastructure and therefore should point our L10n community at the right
place to do that work.  I would go further and say we should be showing some
love to the upstream by sharing our L10n community's time and talents by
letting them know which upstream strings flow down into OLPC published
builds and encouraging them to work upstream on the L10n of those strings.


1) I believe there are many more strings in the upstream than we are using,
so it would be good to have a specific listing of the packages that we use
to focus our L10n efforts on the most important strings.

As an example, Gnome 2.3.0 (stable) has about 45,000 strings and I'm
guessing that only a fraction are relevant to an XO build.

2) There are languages hosted in our Pootle server (specifically some of the
native languages from less developed regions)  that are not represented at
all in the upstream, an effort should be made to have those language
projects created in the upstream and to point our unique set of localizers
there to do that L10n work (again focused on the most relevant strings).

My specific proposal is to start by identifying the packages we pull (thus
the request for help from one of our developers) and to build a listing on
the wiki with links to the primary L10n hosting.  When that documentation is
done, I propose to advertise it on the L10n list and encourage efforts on
the upstream strings.  At the same time I would like to engage the upstream
L10n community and possibly recruit them to working on our Pootle instance
(not exactly a quid pro quo, more of a mutual assistance relationship).

 Itoo beleive our build infrastructure is doing a good job of grabbing the
upstream bits (where they exist), so I can't be really specific about a
given string that may or may not be localized in a given language, I'm not
reporting a specific "bug", just suggesting a documentation project to drive
two-way traffic.

Does that make sense?

Devel mailing list

Re: L10n of non-Sugar build elements

2011-03-21 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Martin Langhoff

> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Chris Leonard 
> wrote:
> > place to do that work.  I would go further and say we should be showing
> some
> > love to the upstream by sharing our L10n community's time and talents by
> > letting them know which upstream strings flow down into OLPC published
> > builds and encouraging them to work upstream on the L10n of those
> strings.
> Great idea -- I agree. It's a good idea to see what locales we have in
> Sugar (and where we have a strong translation team) that are weak in
> Gnome upstream, and help bring those together.

Just off the top of my head Nepali, Pashto, Tamil, Sinhala have strong L10n
efforts on our server, but are less complete in the upstream.  I'm sure
there are more.  I want to make it easy for localizers who join our
community via an interest in OLPC / Sugar or eToys to understand how making
an upstream contribution ultimately benefits Sugar (first and foremost), but
also a wider world of native language Linux experience in other distros.

Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 feature milestone ending, April 18th

2011-04-09 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:

> On 9 April 2011 17:47, Walter Bender  wrote:
> > How do I lobby to get Turtle Blocks v107 into the release? (It is in
> > testing right now.)
> I'm confused as to which one we include in the build right now -
> Turtle Art or Turtle Blocks?
> If it's an activity we already include, simply make sure the latest
> version is on (marked experimental is OK too)
> and it will be pulled into development builds at this point.
According to:

is the currently included version, one presumes that the 107 will replace it
in due course being pulled as the most current version before a final 11.2.0
build is made.

Devel mailing list

Fwd: L10n status of 11.2.0 elements

2011-05-14 Thread Chris Leonard

Attached is a spreadsheet showing the percent completion of some key
elements that will be included in the upcoming 11.2.0 build.  There are an
awful lot of yellow (incomplete) cells on this sheet.  Even the 100%
complete projects don't mean anything if the PO files are not committed to
the repo via Pootle.

We have some extra time (per dsd's earlier message), so please work on
completing, reviewing and committing the PO files needed to make 11.2.0 a
fully localized build for the deployments (languages) it is targeting.

In addition to what is on the sheet:

GNOME 2.32* (just about every language has some project that needs work
Note gedit is 2.30 (no 2.32 branch)

For example, lang-es Gnumeric incomplete

* The GNOME 2.32 elements tracked at

Some projects have the Honey ** Activities below completed, but all
languages need some work in Honey.

**  Honey activities listed as included:
Distance (acoustic-measure-activity)
Paint (colors)

Of note, the following are not set up for localization in Pootle at all.

HelloWorld (not in Pootle)
Help (not in Pootle)
Ruler (not in Pootle)


Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
Devel mailing list

Fwd: Repeated submission of translation package

2011-05-27 Thread Chris Leonard

There is a discussion going on upstream on the AbiWord dev list about
updating PO files of older versions.

What version of AbiWord are you planning to include in 11.2.0?  I've
been working on improving their Spanish L10n, but I now have concerns
about whether that effort will make it into the 11.2.0 release (on the
GNOME boot side).  Knowing with certainty which version of AbiWord you
will be packaging would be extremely important for me to know when
advocating for improved L10n on the upstream side.  Also helpful would
be a brief description of where you would be pulling the L10n from as
the workflow Urmas describes seems unreasonable to me, compared to the
simple solution of having AbiWord simply commit an updated 2.8 PO

Thanks for you assistance with this query.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Urmas 
Date: Fri, May 27, 2011 at 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: Repeated submission of translation package

From: "Pjotr" 
Subject: Re: Repeated submission of translation package

> That's not so good. Many (if not all) Linux distro's still have
> Abiword 2.8 in the repositories of their development branches. With
> the translations that come with it.
> For example: Ubuntu 11.10, due to ship in October, has Abiword 2.8 in
> it's repo's. It'll rely entirely on the upstream translations for
> Abiword.
> Therefore I strongly request that my Dutch translation of Abiword 2.8
> (stable) will be uploaded as well.

In Loonix, it's maintainer's task to conduct such minor updates.
Taking translations from trunk, pruning them with stable template and
generating strings from them can, and should, be done by maintainer.
Devel mailing list

Fwd: Status of AbiWord Pootle hosting

2011-06-02 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear OLPC-devel and localizers,

Please note that the Sugar Labs Translation Team has been reaching out
to upstream projects to enhance complete L10n of dual-boot images like
the upcoming 11.2.0 build from OLPC.

Upstream L10n tracking
This project's "strings"  are not for translation, but rather serve as
"tracking tickets" for important upstream GNOME packages (and

Upstream POT templates
Local hosting of AbiWord and GNASH PO files to enhance collaboration
on L10n of these upstream projects that do not have their own hosted
L10n tools.  It is still necessary to submit completed PO files to
their respective developer mailing lists for commit, but Pootle
provides many advantages for localizers and enhances collaboration
between Sugar Labs / OLPC and these upstream communities.

We've not forgotten the downstream either.
These are eToys-baseed lesson plans from Waveplace.

Documentation on these outreach efforts is under development on the wiki:

volunteer Sugar Labs / OLPC / eToys Poolte admin

-- Forwarded message --
From: Chris Leonard 
Date: Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:00 AM
Subject: Status of AbiWord Pootle hosting
To: abiword-dev , OLPC Localization list

Dear AbiWord devs and localizers,

The existing AbiWord PO files for the following languages have been
uploaded to the Sugar Labs Pootle server with the following (hopefully
self-explanatory) names:


They can be found under the language name at this link:

Please review your languages uploaded PO files (particularly the
msgfmt checks on the Reveiw tab).  Many strings that were
automatically transferred in version upgrades are "fuzzy" and need
work, some are badly matched/translated by the fuzzy matching
algorithm of the merge tools.

ach     Acholi  AnLoc
af      Afrikaans       AnLoc
ak      Akan (Twi:Asante)       AnLoc
sq      Albanian
am      Amharic         AnLoc
ar      Arabic
ast     Asturian
eu      Basque
be      Belarusian
be@latin        Belarusian-latin
br      Breton
bg      Bulgarian
ca      Catalan
zh_CN   Chinese (China)
zh_HK   Chinese (Hong Kong)
zh_TW   Chinese (Taiwan)
hr      Croatian
cs      Czech
da      Danish
nl      Dutch
en_GB   English (United Kingdom)
eo      Esperanto
et      Estonian
fi      Finnish
fr      French
ff      Fulah   AnLoc
gl      Galician
de      German
el      Greek
he      Hebrew
hu      Hungarian
id      Indonesian
ga      Irish
it      Italian         needs work (encoding)
ja      Japanese
kk      Kazakh
km      Khmer   2.9 only
ko      Korean  needs work (encoding)
ku      Kurdish
lv      Latvian
lt      Lithuanian
mk      Macedonian
mg      Malagasy
ml      Malay
ne      Nepali
nso     Northern Sotho  AnLoc
nb      Norwegian Bokmal
nn      Norwegian Nynorsk
ps      Pashto
pl      Polish
pt      Portuguese
pt_BR   Portuguese (Brazil)
ro      Romanian
ru      Russian
sk      Slovak
sl      Slovenian
son     Songhai languages       AnLoc
es      Spanish
sv      Swedish
ta      Tamil
tk      Turkish
uk      Ukrainian
ur      Urdu    2.9 only
vi      Vietnamese
cy      Welsh
wo      Wolof
zu      Zulu    AnLoc

AnLoc hosted AbiWord PO files will be discussed with fwolff (or other
AnLoc person) to minimize duplication of effort.

Italian and Korean need to be converted to UTF-8 before upload, I will
work on that.  For Urdu and Khmer, only 2.9 created as no strings are
translated yet (2.8 is a subset of 2.9 strings, so backfilling will be

The following need additional information to be fully resolved.  Merge
suggestions will be discussed individually with relevant locaizers.
nplural info being sought for language configuration on Poolte
includes number of plural forms and plural equation.

ay      ayc-BO, aym-BO  discussing with Amos Batto
qu      quh-BO, qul-BO  discussing with Amos Batto

bm              AnLoc, need nplural info
cgg             AnLoc, need nplural info
lg              AnLoc, need nplural info

jbo             need nplural info
mh              need nplural info
mhk             need nplural info
sc              need nplural info
yi              need nplural info

de-CH           Merge?

es_MX           Merge?

en-US   en-AU ,en-CA en-IE      Merge?

sr      sr, sr-SR       difference? Merge?
       sr@latin        create

This just a start, but I think you will agree that it is a substantial
first step.

Warmest Regards,

Devel mailing list

Dari locale

2011-06-11 Thread Chris Leonard
Does anyone know if OLPC has developed a glibc locale for Dari (Afghan
Persian)  (fa_AF).  If yes, where could I find a copy of it?  If no,
how is locale selection working for Dari?

I have been in touch with OLPC Afghanistan and Dari localizers and I
would like to work with them to submit the fa_AF locale to the GNOME
upstream.  This will be important for the GNOME side of the 11.2.0

Thanks in advance for any pointers you can provide.

Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 development build 22 released

2011-06-13 Thread Chris Leonard

You can check on Pootle and you can check in git.  Git is typically
more impotant to seeing it in the builds.

Pootle Record (lang-es)

Git Record (lang-es)

These two strings are complete in both.  If they are done in Poolte,
but not git, then the lang-admin needs to commit.

This one is a little more complex.  The git POT has the strings, but
the strings don't have proper location codes (a template issue), so
they may not be showing.

Git Paint (lang-es)

As Gonzalo mentioned, we are working though a few issues with Honey
Activity POT files and Pootle along with Rafael


On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> Gonzalo, Daniel,
> thanks a lot for all the background information.
> Let me know once a new version is out so I can verify things and whatnot:-)
> Cheers,
> Christoph
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:
>> I am working with Chris Leonard today, trying to solve issues in the
>> pootle server.
>> There are different problems in different activities, but I agree with you
>> the general situation is a mess.
>> Gonzalo
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
>>> On 13 June 2011 20:06, Christoph Derndorfer
>>>  wrote:
>>> > * Record v91: The labels "Timer" and "Duration" and the corresponding
>>> > dropdown menus in the toolbar are in English.
>>> I've been making noise about this for a while, without success. The
>>> problem is that Pootle refuses to update the translations, and instead
>>> presents translators with a series of (very) old strings taken from an
>>> old version of Record, many of which don't even appear in the
>>> activity.
>>> Daniel
>>> ___
>>> Devel mailing list
> --
> Christoph Derndorfer
> co-editor, olpcnews
> url:
> e-mail:
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 development build 22 released

2011-06-13 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> Chris,
> thanks a lot for the explanation.
> It seems like this is great information which would also help others, do you
> have suggestions for a wiki page where I could put it. (Assuming it isn't
> already out there and I simply missed it.)
> Cheers,
> Christoph

We could use some additional pages on L10n testing on the SL wiki
under Translation Team.  We still lean on the w.l.o pages for some
things, and those are getting further out-of-date.

Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 development build 22 released

2011-06-13 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> Chris,
> thanks a lot for the explanation.
> It seems like this is great information which would also help others, do you
> have suggestions for a wiki page where I could put it. (Assuming it isn't
> already out there and I simply missed it.)
> Cheers,
> Christoph

I've just created

Please add to it as you see fit.

Devel mailing list

Re: Re: 11.2.0 development build 22 released

2011-06-13 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 11:35 PM,   wrote:
> Thanks Chris
> Its a helpful resource
> Still a big learning curve though for the non technical
> Still getting my head round localization
> Maybe even better, could it give an example of one string, tracked from 
> Pootle through to build, giving url's and filenames and maybe listing who did 
> what and when to trigger its migration?


At some point I may develop a "life-cycle" of a localized string
explanation for the wiki, but at the moment I am fairly fully engaged
with wrangling L10n teams to complete their work and commit it in time
for the 11.2.0 release, working with sysadmin types like Rafael and
Gonzalo to iron out some kinks behind-the-scenes in our Pootle
instance, as well as conducting a thorough QA of newly hosted PO files
from upstream projects (GNASH and AbiWord) and downstream projects
(WavePlace) while tracking the GNOME upstream of key packages in a
large number of languages.

In the interim, I can point you at the Internationalization /
Localization chapter of James Simmon's fine FLOSSManual bpublication
for more information.

I would be happy to answer any specific questions you may have,
although it might be best to do that on the Localization list.  I'm
afraid that generating more detailed documentation of the arcana of
i18n / L10n will have to wait until I have a few more spare cycles
then the present time.


Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 development build 23 released

2011-06-15 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:49 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
>> On 15 June 2011 21:43, Christoph Derndorfer
> The only tiny thing I hadn't noticed before is that both the Browse PDF
> plugin and Read display a "Loading..." note in the top-right corner of the
> screen. Is there a way to translate that into Spanish for the final release?
> (I didn't find a read.po file on

Read (and Browse)  are cnsidered "core" enough that they are in
Fructose, not Honey.

Look for read-activity.po and web-activity.po

> Oh, and what's the point of the HelloWorld activity? :-)

As I understand it, it serves the same purpose of any other HelloWorld
program, a simple example to start people (children) looking at the
code that makes words appear on the screen.  It may alos be that it is
available via Pippy for modification.

Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 development build 23 released

2011-06-15 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> The only tiny thing I hadn't noticed before is that both the Browse PDF
> plugin and Read display a "Loading..." note in the top-right corner of the
> screen. Is there a way to translate that into Spanish for the final release?

I'm not sure exactly where this string "Loading..." is coming from, a
search of Pootle doesn't show it in Glucose, Glucose 0.92 or Fructose.
 It is either a string not properly internationalized with gettext in
Sugar (and therefore not in the PO files) or it is coming from an
upstream package that is used (and not fully localized).

Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 development build 23 released

2011-06-15 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:
>> The only tiny thing I hadn't noticed before is that both the Browse PDF
>> plugin and Read display a "Loading..." note in the top-right corner of the
>> screen. Is there a way to translate that into Spanish for the final release?
>> (I didn't find a read.po file on
> This text is part of the evince widget.

evince should be fully localized in Spanish

#. Create tree view
#: ../libview/ev-loading-window.c:76 ../shell/ev-sidebar-annotations.c:133
#: ../shell/ev-sidebar-layers.c:125 ../shell/ev-sidebar-links.c:262
msgid "Loading…"
msgstr "Cargando…"

Maybe we are not grabbing the upstream localization properly.

Devel mailing list

Re: Reminder: 11.2.0 milestone change on June 20th

2011-06-16 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear Localizers,

This is more or less the equivalent of a string freeze for 11.2.0,
even though the Glucose 0.92 strings have been frozen for a while and
Honey strings never really freeze.

Please redouble your efforts to complete, review and commit the
strings available in Pootle.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 5:02 AM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a quick reminder of the release plan:
> On Monday we move to the "regression fixes only" milestone where we
> effectively take what we have at that date and hope to treat it as
> release-quality. We'll still fix important regressions but in general
> we'll be looking to achieve a low rate of change in the final 4 weeks,
> especially towards the end, with a focus on testing rather than
> fixing.
> This does mean that bug fixes regarded as non-critical and
> non-regressive will be excluded after Monday, but we'll soon have a
> new development window open for where they can live.
> Daniel
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

i18n assistance needed - batti

2011-06-21 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear OLPC / Sugar devels,

A package called batti (batti-0.3.8-1.fc14.noarch) is included in both
the XO 1.5 and XO-1 11.2.0 builds, but unfortunately it is lacking in
internationalization and it should be a simple matter for one of our
developers to submit corrections  on behalf the Translation Team.

Batti is used to report on battery status (I think on the GNOME boot side):

I filed this bug upstream:

"Improve internationalization of batti"

If you have a handle on using gettext plurals properly, it should be
fairly simple to clone the repo on gitorious and make the needed
corrections, then submitting a merge request.  A few strings are also
not included in the POT file that probably should be made available
for localization.

Use getextplurals for i18n
Lines 184 - 195

More info on gettext plurals

Missing gettext on strings below:
Lines 45 - 57
Line 22
Line 87
Lines 27, 36, 43

Making these corrections upstream will result in improvments in the
localization status of the 11.2.0 build.  Please consider taking a few
moments to submit the needed corrections to the upstream for the
benefit of all.  I will follow up to see that the strings get
localized into more than the small handful of languages it currently
covers, but it would be best if the i18n was improved first.


Devel mailing list

Re: i18n assistance needed - batti

2011-06-22 Thread Chris Leonard
I would like to thank Walter Bender for filing a patch against my
ticket with the upstream on this.  I will follow through with the
developer of batti to push it along and release it.  Then when it is
in the PO file, I will work on getting it localized in more languages,
it is not a lot fo strings.  It's hosted in Transifex, but only a few
langs have been done.  I may host a local copy for our localizers
convenience and then see about upstreaming the PO files into


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:35 AM, Chris Leonard
> Dear OLPC / Sugar devels,
> A package called batti (batti-0.3.8-1.fc14.noarch) is included in both
> the XO 1.5 and XO-1 11.2.0 builds, but unfortunately it is lacking in
> internationalization and it should be a simple matter for one of our
> developers to submit corrections  on behalf the Translation Team.
> Batti is used to report on battery status (I think on the GNOME boot side):
> I filed this bug upstream:
> "Improve internationalization of batti"
> If you have a handle on using gettext plurals properly, it should be
> fairly simple to clone the repo on gitorious and make the needed
> corrections, then submitting a merge request.  A few strings are also
> not included in the POT file that probably should be made available
> for localization.
> Use getextplurals for i18n
> Lines 184 - 195
> More info on gettext plurals
> Missing gettext on strings below:
> Lines 45 - 57
> Line 22
> Line 87
> Lines 27, 36, 43
> Making these corrections upstream will result in improvments in the
> localization status of the 11.2.0 build.  Please consider taking a few
> moments to submit the needed corrections to the upstream for the
> benefit of all.  I will follow up to see that the strings get
> localized into more than the small handful of languages it currently
> covers, but it would be best if the i18n was improved first.
> Regards,
> cjl
Devel mailing list

Content Proposal, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2011-06-30 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear OLPC developers,

I would like to propose including the United Nation's Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the content bundles provided in
the 11.2.0 libraries.

It is translated into over 400 languages (found here)

Many deployments are apparently interested in English language
instruction and I believe that distributing English and local language
copies of the UDHR together not only provides an opportunity for a
"Rosetta Stone" type pairing of texts, but it might also serve as a
launching point for discussions in civics or social studies classes.

I have sent an e-mail to the Secretary of the Publication Board,
United Nations to specifically ask about any restrictions they might
impose on electronic redistribution of the UDHR text and translations
downloaded from their site.  However, given the following quote from
the UHDR website, the intended use seems entirely consistent with the
intent of the UN in publishing the UHDR.

"On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations
adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the
full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this
historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to
publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be
disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and
other educational institutions, without distinction based on the
political status of countries or territories."

Article 26 is of particular relevance to OLPC's efforts.

Assuming there is consensus on pedagogical value and a clear answer on
the copyright status of the UDHR, the remaining question is how to go
about packaging this content for OLPC distributions.  The material
downloads primarily as PDF files.  I haven't checked them all, but
some are text selectable "composited" PDFs, some may be scanned image
PDFs, and a few are possibly available as HTML.

I would like to do as little rework as possible on packaging these (in
part to get them ready in time for the 11.2.0 release), so I am
inclined to stick with the 8 page PDF as downloaded. One possibility
would be to include all of the languages, but this seems wasteful of
precious space.

I am not aware of any storage structure currently available for
content management by language in the way that Pootle handles strings
and the individual languages in the /po directory in git.  I'm unsure
of how this could be managed with the build process to pick up the
appropriate localized version of the UDHR.

Let's be clear that I am not really a developer, so I would be happy
to see someone take this idea and run with it. I am more than willing
to collaborate with anyone on bringing this to fruition, but I
probably can't pull it off all by myself without some assistance (at
least advice and feedback on appropriate technical issues).

Devel mailing list

Re: Content Proposal, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2011-06-30 Thread Chris Leonard
I've been downloading to get materials locally (size estimates, etc.).
 One thought that occurs to me is to leverage the "Region" field they
display on the website to create a handful of bundles (say 5-7
variants).  See attached spreadsheet.  This overcomes individual
language tracking and puts a grouping of indigenous languages together
by region (e.g. numerous African and South American indigenous
languages shared across national boundaries).  A small handful of
bundles would be easier to manage manually in the build process.  All
bundles could be sent to school server where available.  The only
overhead it should add would be the concept of creating  an index page
with links to each individual language, simple enough HTML to build as
long as local storage directory is predictable.


On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:
> +100
> I like the idea of include the UDHR and the idea of a e-Rosetta.
> The size is not a problem, I have tried with spanish:
> The pdf size is 186K, the html is 38K, but we can clean it and have a html
> version of 14K (ziped is 5K)
> We can start with a content bundle (.xol)
> We can do a better job with the content bundles we include.
> Almost all are from Wikibooks Junior
> but we continue including the same books from may be 2007.
> Gonzalo
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Chris Leonard 
> wrote:
>> Dear OLPC developers,
>> I would like to propose including the United Nation's Universal
>> Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the content bundles provided in
>> the 11.2.0 libraries.
>> It is translated into over 400 languages (found here)
>> Many deployments are apparently interested in English language
>> instruction and I believe that distributing English and local language
>> copies of the UDHR together not only provides an opportunity for a
>> "Rosetta Stone" type pairing of texts, but it might also serve as a
>> launching point for discussions in civics or social studies classes.
>> I have sent an e-mail to the Secretary of the Publication Board,
>> United Nations to specifically ask about any restrictions they might
>> impose on electronic redistribution of the UDHR text and translations
>> downloaded from their site.  However, given the following quote from
>> the UHDR website, the intended use seems entirely consistent with the
>> intent of the UN in publishing the UHDR.
>> "On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations
>> adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the
>> full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this
>> historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to
>> publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be
>> disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and
>> other educational institutions, without distinction based on the
>> political status of countries or territories."
>> Article 26 is of particular relevance to OLPC's efforts.
>> Assuming there is consensus on pedagogical value and a clear answer on
>> the copyright status of the UDHR, the remaining question is how to go
>> about packaging this content for OLPC distributions.  The material
>> downloads primarily as PDF files.  I haven't checked them all, but
>> some are text selectable "composited" PDFs, some may be scanned image
>> PDFs, and a few are possibly available as HTML.
>> I would like to do as little rework as possible on packaging these (in
>> part to get them ready in time for the 11.2.0 release), so I am
>> inclined to stick with the 8 page PDF as downloaded. One possibility
>> would be to include all of the languages, but this seems wasteful of
>> precious space.
>> I am not aware of any storage structure currently available for
>> content management by language in the way that Pootle handles strings
>> and the individual languages in the /po directory in git.  I'm unsure
>> of how this could be managed with the build process to pick up the
>> appropriate localized version of the UDHR.
>> Let's be clear that I am not really a developer, so I would be happy
>> to see someone take this idea and run with it. I am more than willing
>> to collaborate with anyone on bringing this to fruition, but I
>> probably can't pull it off all by myself without some assistance (at
>> least advice and feedback on appropriate technical issues).
>> cjl
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list

Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 successful XO-1 olpc-update, keyboard woes

2011-07-03 Thread Chris Leonard
S Page,

We had chatted about removing a content bundle(s) (to make room for
the 11.2.0 olpc-update.

It is possible this is the wiki page you were looking for;

Devel mailing list

Re: Content Proposal, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2011-07-03 Thread Chris Leonard
On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Seth Woodworth  wrote:
> There is also a series of recordings in about 35 languages, of the
> declaration by Librivox:
> ---Seth

Seth, thanks for the pointer, actually is is more like 60-something
.ogg files if you go to both of the links below:

There may actually be additional text representations in other
languages collected by the Rosetta Project on the Internet Archive,
but I am still investigating and working my way through the language
naming . file-naming and ISO coding issues.

Attached is my current "work in progress" spreadsheet, with live links
to the files.


Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
Devel mailing list

Re: * issues

2011-07-06 Thread Chris Leonard
There have been issues on a machine at OLPC (pedal) that most likely
explain all of these observations.  The guys there have been working
on it, so for now, just let them work on it and hopefully all should
resolve before long.


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Yioryos Asprobounitis
> I'm not sure this is a devel issue, so apologies for any "pollution".
> I too had problems downloading os871 and accessing all past 
> week.
> It has nothing to do with the service provider, since I was traveling and I 
> had this issue in 2 countries and 4 different locations in Europe non on 
> Vodafone/Verizon network.
> Today everything looks OK with *
> However, (and for the last week) I do not get any mails from 
> in my yahoo account that this mail is sent 
> from.
> I did check my subscription settings in the lists and look OK.
> Any idea how I could debug the yahoo mail issue?
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Fwd: ATTN: AbiWord 2.9.1 released!

2011-07-07 Thread Chris Leonard
FYI.  We are hosting PO files for AbiWord and helped improve L10n for a few
langs, hopefully more will be improved or completed for 2.9.2.


-- Forwarded message --
From: J.M. Maurer 
Date: Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:08 PM
Subject: ATTN: AbiWord 2.9.1 released!

AbiWord 2.9.1 released!

AbiWord v2.9.1 is the first public development release towards the next
stable AbiWord version, AbiWord v3.0.0. In addition to hundreds of bug
fixes, this release contains a number of exciting new features. We
invite users and developers to try and test this release. Please note
however that we do not consider it ready for production use yet.

We'd like to thank all the developers, translators, users, testers, and
everyone else who have spent so much of their free time on improving
AbiWord. Thanks for making this great release possible!

Please read the full release notes at:

Happy testing!

 The AbiWord development team
Devel mailing list

Re: ATTN: AbiWord 2.9.1 released!

2011-07-07 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 6:31 PM, Peter Robinson  wrote:

> 2.9.x are development releases so they're not yet in an upstream fedora
> release. We use the version that ships in Fedora so at the moment its not
> much use.


I guess that is one way to see it, but there are other perspectives.

As 2.9.x represents the first development release of what will become 3.0,
now is the ideal time to begin looking at it as AbiWord is OLPC's word
processor of choice on the GNOME boot side and word processing is an
important activity to deployments.  Better to engage early and have the
opportunity to shape the direction of further development than to show up
late to the party.

Some of the key features now present in the 2.9.x series represent the
culmination of work that was done collaboratively between OLPC and AbiWord
to develop the Write activity a few years ago.  These features include
support for collaboration via Telepathy (Jabber/XMPP), so it's release an
achievement in which OLPC can share some pride with it's friends from
Collabora who contributed to making this possible.  Improved support for RTL
languages like Arabic and Hebrew made substantial gains through work on
Write and is a feature of importance to some of OLPC's deployments.  The
experiemental EPUB authoring plug-in has the potential to greatly facility
sharable content creation on the XO.

Or I suppose you could ignore it until 3.0 ships and then figure this stuff
out in a rush and be too late to have any influence or further leverage the
historical ties between OLPC and AbiWord that have so far proven remarkably
beneficial to both communities, YMMV.

Devel mailing list

Re: ATTN: AbiWord 2.9.1 released!

2011-07-08 Thread Chris Leonard
On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 12:43 PM, DancesWithCars wrote:

> while the first part stated your case,
> the second felt a little below the belt...
> I don't know the workload of OLPC
> but assuming infinite resources
> is probably unwise.


I would never assume infinite resources, quite the contrary, I am arguing in
favor of OLPC leveraging upstream resources to the greatest extent possible.

Let me offer some praise to soften what you saw as a low blow.

OLPC's outreach to the Fedora upstream (as exemplified by the fine work done
by Peter Robinson) remains strong and precisely the sort of upstream
engagement that will bring Sugar / OLPC the resources it needs to leverage
the impact of their limited internal resources with a broader community
effort.  I am particularly grateful to Peter for the work he is doing on
SOAS5 and (from my personal perspective) anticipate that this will be a very
important tool for helping the localizers that I seek to recruit experience
Sugar (without XOs) and produce better localizations.

Daniel Drake is doing critical (and more importantly, timely) work on
exploring the path forward through the gtk2 > gtk3   PyGTK > PyGi changes
coming from the GNOME upstream. I won't even pretend to understand Daniel's
work on upstreaming kernel patches, but I do understand that it is of
immense importance.

Being something of a "virtual" distro producer is that challenge that OLPC
has taken on by focusing on the hardware, but the one "resource" that is
indispensable to OLPC is situational awareness of the complex and ever
shifting software environment in which it operates.  It is sadly a matter of
record that OLPC has been bitten by upstream / supplier tools that did not
necessarily work as advertised, I seem to recall wireless and touchpad
related issues.

It is my opinion that AbiWord is important, although I am aware that there
has stirrings concerning OOo4kids.  I posted the AbiWord announcement to the
devel list in the spirit of raising awareness of important changes on the
horizon in a package that OLPC should be monitoring (as well as celebrating
the culmination of work OLPC initiated some time ago).

Devel mailing list

OGG file testing

2011-07-08 Thread Chris Leonard
I've down-sampled a few OGG files for use with  the UDHR content
bundle at different rates.

They can be found at this location in a zip file.

It would be very helpful if these could be tested on both XO-1 and
XO-1.5 hardware.  It is  a judgement call balancing between file size
and sound quality.  Any feedback would be appreciated.

Devel mailing list

Content Proposal, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2011-07-11 Thread Chris Leonard

With assistance from Gonzalo on the texts and good advice from dsd and
Cerlyn on downsampling OGG files I've managed to build this content
bundle and trim it down to 17.3 MB.

The texts and the English, Simple English and Spanish OGG files are
self-contained, other voice files and the teacher's guide PDFs are
external links.

Please try out this bundle and consider it for inclusion in the
distributed OLPC content library.  Let me know if there are any

Devel mailing list

Re: Content Proposal, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2011-07-12 Thread Chris Leonard
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Do you have a list of languages with PDF versions?

My suggestion is to download the .xol, manually change extension to
.zip, unzip it, look in the /files directory, and then sort by
filetype to discover PDF versions,  I'm not saying I won't do that for
you, but if you do it, you're in a position to make the replacements
with HTML yourself, then rezip, change extension back to .xol and
overwrite the existing .xol file on the wiki.   I trust you, and I
have a back-up :-)

> These languages do not have a html version in the site?

Did not get around to checking if more PDF > HTML exchanges were
possible,  It could squeeze a few more KB out of the size.  The big
wins in size reduction (MB at a clip) came from the OGG resampling.

> Also, in a random testing I found the Guarayo page is empty, may be is my
> fault, or did not have HTML version.

I'll take a look.  Or you can when you've done the above.  The HTML of
the index page is very simple and easy to update as needed.  The only
trick is if you add or delete items in the table, you'll need to
readjust the table mark-up  to appear after every third entry.  The
repeating pattern should be visible enough in the HTML by noticing the
extra whitespace to the right wherever the row wrapping occurs.

> At last, for me would be best if the european languages apeear in the same
> table than the other languages.

I think I understand your thoughts here.  I felt that in many cases
the European languages represented the 'lingua franca" that justified
placing them at the top of the file, to make them more discoverable,
but I might be persuaded by arguments to treat all languages equally.
If you as suggesting adding them a second time in the table below, I
would have no objection.

> And may be where we have a sound version, include the player in the same
> page with the text.
> In this way you can hear and read the text at the same time.

I like that idea.

Devel mailing list

Offer from gnome-i18n team

2011-07-15 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear OLPC devel,

I have been trying to build links with upstream L10n communities that
translate the L10n bits we need and I recently sent this message to

I would like to know how OLPC thinks it can make the best use of what
seems to me a very kind offer from Claude Paroz (GNOME i18n community
leader).  Just FYI, Claude has been very helpful and even offered
assistance with developing glibc locales (something that will be
needed for OLPC Oceania projects (for instance) when they get

I know that my listing on tracking tickets on Pootle is incomplete,
whereas something like:

would be more complete.  Is there a simple link to the most current
packages in RC4 (873)?

Would GNOME's offer help OLPC to more easily pull it's packages (and
their L10n bits) or does OLPC tend to pull indirectly via Fedora
packages.  I'm afraid I do not understand the build process well
enough to judge the possible utility of this offer.  I was merely
appealing to the upstream teams to give priority to the packages we



-- Forwarded message --
From: Claude Paroz 
Date: Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: Request for consideration - OLPC
To: Chris Leonard 
Cc: gnome-i18n 

Le jeudi 14 juillet 2011 à 18:09 -0400, Chris Leonard a écrit :
> Dear GNOME-i18n teams,
> When setting priorities for your team, please consider that the One
> Laptop per Child (OLPC) project needs the packages listed below.  OLPC
> builds are now dual-boot in Sugar and GNOME user interfaces.  Having
> these packages localized in the upstream is quite important to us and
> we are tracking their progress in order to encourage our localizers to
> contribute upstream.
> Please consider giving some attention to these packages in your
> language, these strings may be going out to some of the million-plus
> laptops in the hands of children around the world.
> empathy
> eog
> evince

If noone objects and if you give us the exact branches targeted by the
upcoming OLPC release, we could create an OLPC release set on

Devel mailing list

Re: Offer from gnome-i18n team

2011-07-16 Thread Chris Leonard
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Chris Leonard
> Dear OLPC devel,
> I have been trying to build links with upstream L10n communities that
> translate the L10n bits we need and I recently sent this message to
> gnome-i18n:

The nature of GNOME's offer is much clearer to me now and it is
elegantly simple and useful.  It will have no impact on OLPC build
process, other than hopefully promoting higher rates of upstream L10n

The essence of the offer is to name a release set upstream as 'OLPC",
see it on the list here:

Claude Paroz had granted me the priv to maintain this list through a
web-admin interface on that site, What I do is to go to a module and
tag a particular build of it as belonging to the OLPC release set
through a simple pulldown web-page.

**What are the implications of this for the OLPC release manager?


will give a quick dashboard snapshot of the level of L10n coverage of
upstream packages we inherit from GNOME.  Given that OLPC is shipping
dual-boot GNOME images, the level of L10n coverage *should* be a
status that is tracked.   The release manager should engage with the
L10n community at the earliest stages to provide ample time for
increasing L10n coverage (both locally and upstream).

I'm happy to see that this is included on Daniel's planning for future releases

This release coordination with the L10n community will necessary
include maintaining a current "release set" tagging upstream (e.g.
this will change when we eventually move to gtk3+ and PyGi).

**What are the implications of this for the L10n community?

Quite simply, this is a far superior (and always up-to-date version)
of the GNOME package tracking I attempted to do at:

By going upstream to

Localizers can quickly identify the strings of interest to OLPC and
focus on those.

I think one of the critical elements of OLPC's reality is that often
the languages of most interest to us are among those that have the
smallest on-line L10n communities and so special efforts are required
(Dari, Pashto, Kreyol, Kinyarwanda, etc.).  In particular, we need to
pay attention to the upstream bits we need, and can't expect our
localizers to find their way around the upstream without a clear trail
blazed.  It's a jungle up there.

Admittedly, many deployments are happy to have English as the language
of instruction, which takes some of the urgency out of L10n into local
langs; however, I philosophically believe that our aspirations should
be higher than that.  I strongly believe that OLPC staff should strive
to do a better job of leveraging their local contacts to drive L10n in
the local languages of it's deployment areas.  It should basically be
an element of "pre-sales" preparation and planning, and not an

Devel mailing list

Re: [Health] Pulse Sensor: an Open Source Heart-rate Sensor that Rocks by Yury Gitman — Kickstarter

2011-07-19 Thread Chris Leonard
You might want to add it to this wiki page


On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Sameer Verma  wrote:
> Minus the Arduino, can this plug into the audio/mic port?
> Sameer
> ___
> Health mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Removing linux-firmware from the build

2011-07-28 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
> The question is, do any external devices used by our users pull on
> firmware from this directory? Browsing the contents, I doubt it, but I
> thought I'd ask anyway. I may also just remove it from the builds as
> an experiment, see if anything breaks.

Just guessing, but I would think the most commonly used external
devices would be projectors and external storage via USB.  There are
users that have posted about projector issues and they would be
logical candidates to approach for testing of any dependency, which I
don't expect either, but empirical testing is best.

Other external devices would be sensors and robots which are obviously
of growing importance.

Just some thoughts about where to look for issues, not a prediction
that they will occur.

Devel mailing list

Attn maintainers Re:Pootle and POT files

2011-08-07 Thread Chris Leonard

There is a widely held belief that Pootle takes care of updating the
POT files in git and updating the Templates on Poolte.  This is not
entirely accurate.

The fact is that there is nothing in the Pootle code itself that does
this automatically.  This automagical updating used to occur, but it
was handled by scripts that Sayamindu had created to make it occur.
These scripts have not been functioning for some time, probably since
the last Pootle upgrade.  We will look at re-establishing this
functionality in conjunction with an upcoming upgrade of the Pootle
version, but for now, if a developer makes UI string changes it is
necessary for them to regenerate the POT file and commit it to git and
then notify the Translation Team (me) to pull the changes up to Pootle
with a Template "Upgrade from VCS" where they can then be distributed
to languages with an "Update from templates".

In order to catch up and establish a solid baseline for the upcoming
0.94 Sugar release, we have been asking activity maintainers to
refresh and recommit their POT files.  The follow list describes those
completed and those that still need a refresh.

If you are a maintainer of an activity on the "needs refresh" list,
please regenerate the POT and commit it to git.

Fructose (refreshed)

Fructose (needs refresh)
web-activity (browse)

Honey (refreshed)
* ruler

* git updated, still working on Pootle update

Honey (needs refresh)
acoustic-measure (distance)

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Devel mailing list

Re: Attn maintainers Re:Pootle and POT files

2011-08-07 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 10:49 PM, Walter Bender  wrote:
> Should we update (at least temporarily)


Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Attn maintainers Re:Pootle and POT files

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Aleksey Lim  wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 07, 2011 at 10:40:28PM -0400, Chris Leonard wrote:
>> All,
>> There is a widely held belief that Pootle takes care of updating the
>> POT files in git and updating the Templates on Poolte.  This is not
>> entirely accurate.
>> The fact is that there is nothing in the Pootle code itself that does
>> this automatically.  This automagical updating used to occur, but it
>> was handled by scripts that Sayamindu had created to make it occur.
>> These scripts have not been functioning for some time, probably since
>> the last Pootle upgrade.  We will look at re-establishing this
>> functionality in conjunction with an upcoming upgrade of the Pootle
>> version, but for now, if a developer makes UI string changes it is
>> necessary for them to regenerate the POT file and commit it to git and
>> then notify the Translation Team (me) to pull the changes up to Pootle
>> with a Template "Upgrade from VCS" where they can then be distributed
>> to languages with an "Update from templates".
> That might be too messy..
> ie, if pootle was handling this sort of things in auto mode, then, for
> sometime, all activity devs need to take care on theirs own, then pootle
> will back to processing in auto mode..
> It sounds more problematically especially for honey (fructose is more
> centralized but even there we might have problems with in-time .pot
> updates).
> What about handling these .pot updates out-of-pootle and do not bother
> activity devs? If you give me a list of repos (I guess some kind of
> pootle config), I can setup regular .pot updates for git repos.
> --
> Aleksey


Yes, the manual process is messy, which is why we intend to
re-establish the automagical updates.  This request for a round of
updates from maintainers is intended to catch us up with UI changes
madce since the POT update process stopped work so tha localizers have
a solid baseline to work from *n the limited time until the 0.94
release.  It is an interim measure, not a proposal for a permanently
changed workflow.

Devel mailing list

Re: Attn maintainers Re:Pootle and POT files

2011-08-08 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Chris Leonard  wrote:
> All,
> There is a widely held belief that Pootle takes care of updating the
> POT files in git and updating the Templates on Poolte.  This is not
> entirely accurate.
> The fact is that there is nothing in the Pootle code itself that does
> this automatically.  This automagical updating used to occur, but it
> was handled by scripts that Sayamindu had created to make it occur.
> These scripts have not been functioning for some time, probably since
> the last Pootle upgrade.  We will look at re-establishing this
> functionality in conjunction with an upcoming upgrade of the Pootle
> version, but for now, if a developer makes UI string changes it is
> necessary for them to regenerate the POT file and commit it to git and
> then notify the Translation Team (me) to pull the changes up to Pootle
> with a Template "Upgrade from VCS" where they can then be distributed
> to languages with an "Update from templates".
> In order to catch up and establish a solid baseline for the upcoming
> 0.94 Sugar release, we have been asking activity maintainers to
> refresh and recommit their POT files.  The follow list describes those
> completed and those that still need a refresh.
> If you are a maintainer of an activity on the "needs refresh" list,
> please regenerate the POT and commit it to git.

Aleksey is going to work on putting hooks into git to regernerate the
POT when UI changes have been made, so this request for maintainers to
stay on top of POT recommits may be obsolete soon,

Devel mailing list

License files - L10n

2011-08-16 Thread Chris Leonard

I'm hoping to close a ticket in the OLPC Trac, and I wanted to float
my proposed solution past the group.

This ticket

Suggests providing translated versions of the licenses.

My answer is that we can't *replace* license files with translated
versions as only Englsih is "official" and we shouldn't add to
theworkload and confusion by adding "unofficial" versions anyway, but
we can point people to the home of "unofficial" translated versions on
an "official" site.

Does that sound like a reasonable compromise under the circumstances?
I realize anything having to do with licenses is likely to promote a
firestorm, whcih is not my intent.  I also realize that any decision
on modifying license files needs to be taken by suitable
management-level people on behalf of their projects.  I'm just hoping
to close a simple ticket here and this is the easiest and most correct
solution I could devise.

Devel mailing list

Re: License files - L10n

2011-08-16 Thread Chris Leonard
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 7:08 PM, John Gilmore  wrote:
> The theory was to provide, in flash, the unofficial license
> translations in the languages primarily used in deployments,
> e.g. Spanish.  That way the kids can actually tell what rights they
> have without having to (1) learn English, or (2) access a perhaps
> nonexistent or very slow Internet connection.
> Providing the English language license is a requirement of the
> licenses themselves; if you ship the software, you must provide them.
> Providing the unofficial translations is not a requirement of the
> licenses.  But how can you teach kids the principles of free software
> without them ever being able to read how they can apply those principles
> in their own life with the software right in front of them?

To be clear, that theory is not described in ticket #8043 or on it's
predecessors #6928 and #4265 which clearly focus on the need for
compliance and not on the educational content opportunity.

As the person who proposed

and followed through on

bundling the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights in multiple
languages (~ 100 in the LatAmCarib bundle),  I can certainly
appreciate the pedagogic value of translations of a document
enshrining the freedoms expressed in the FSF licenses.  However, that
was in no way expressed as the purpose of this or previous tickets.

As I said on the ticket #8043 (in the case that it was desired to
provide translations):

"Please provide links to the English texts that you want posted in
Pootle if you still want to pursue this approach."

>>  I'm just hoping
>> to close a simple ticket here and this is the easiest and most correct
>> solution I could devise.
> Easiest, certainly.  Most correct, no.

Most correct in the compliance sense expressed in the tickets, perhaps
not in the educational sense of the revised theory you are now
propounding, for which I have some sympathy.

Please provide the necessary links to the license texts of interest on
the ticket and I will use the txt2po function of the Translate Toolkit
to convert them into PO files to be hosted on our Pootle instance,
which can be sent upstream upon completion for review to

Unfortunately, only the GFDLv1.3 is currently available in Spanish,
and the only language(s) of the GPLv3 relevant to a deployment that I
know of are Armenian (and perhaps French).  Perhaps with time we can
improve on that coverage the way we have tried to reach out to other
upstream and downstream efforts and providing Pootle hosting (AbiWord
/ Gnash / Waveplace) or links and tracking (Gnome / Fedora /
Translation Project).

I await inclusion of the relevant relevant links on the ticket and I
will process the texts for posting on Pootle.  What OLPC or Sugar Labs
 or does with them then is a policy question for each to
determine for themselves and one that will remain a moot point until
relevant translations are performed.

Devel mailing list

Important opportunity for a Sugarization project

2011-08-26 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear Sugar and Virtaal Developers,

It would be really wonderful if an activity developer would consider
taking on the task of Sugarizing the Virtaal local PO edittng tool.

It might make a nice hackfest project.  While it is easy enough to
install Virtaal on the Gnome side of the dual boot OLPC images (sudo
yum install virtaal), this currently requires that the XO be unlocked
with a developer's key.  The Virtaal developers are the same people
that give us Pootle, and they are a great group and have been very
helpful to Sugar / OLPC L10n efforts.  While I can't promise, I
suspect that it might be possible to entice one or more of them to
collaborate on this effort.

Having a Sugarized Virtaal activity would allow it's use on SOAS and
XO's not using a dual-boot image.  The presence of such an activity is
truly complementary to the show source improvements that have been
made and would allow for small deployments (without great bandwidth)
to truly bootstrap themselves into a fully localized UI.  We've
already heard reports of kids producing their own bilingual
dictionaries on XO laptops, why not allow them to localize their own

I think this would be a huge win for Sugar as a whole (and a boost for
Virtaal as well) and I hope that someone would consider taking on this
project that has a potentially huge impact on the Sugar user
experience.  This is genuinely about making it possible to allow full
appropriation of our tools for local purposes.  I know that there are
other possible candidates for local PO editors, but I believe that
Virtaal has a number of advantages over many of the other possible

Warmest Regards,

volunteer Sugar Labs / OLPC / eToys Poolte admin
Devel mailing list

New tool for tracking L10n commits

2011-09-02 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear All,

One of the things that can be confusing is keeping track of whether a
given PO file that has been completed has been committed by the
language admin or not.

Activity developers can see this relatively easily by looking at the
commit log for their specific activity, but when you want to track
more than one activity (or an entire project of PO files or a
release), it is simply impractial to examine many individual commit

We have created a new mailing list to assist in tracking down this information.

Aleksey Lim has configured the Sugar Labs git system (Gitorious) to
send a message to this list every time that a language admin (via the
proxy git user Pootle) makes a commit of a PO file.  Please note that
because eToys is hosted in it's own repository, this system will not
report commits from eToys at the moment.  There may be one or two
Honey activities still hosted at OLPC which will also not report
Pootle commits yet.

This is not the sort of mailing list that you necessarily want to
subscribe to and it is certainly not a mailing list where you should
be posting comments.  This is basically a utility for archiving in one
place a listing of the commits made by the git user Pootle, similar to
the way that the commits list or the bugs list are archives of actions
happening in other pieces of the infrastructure.

Pootle error messages can sometimes be very obscure.  For instance,
the error message you get when trying to commit a PO file that has
already been committed (and not changed since) can be confusing.
Hopefully the archives of this new pootle-commits mailing list will be
helpful to localizers, language admins, release managers, and others
looking for a quick snapshot of current commit status of a bunch of PO
files in a given language.

Thanks to Bernie Innocenti for setting up the new mailing list and to
Aleksey Lim for configuring the Sugar Labs git to communicate with it.

Warmest Regards,

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] New tool for tracking L10n commits

2011-09-02 Thread Chris Leonard

Would it be possible to limit what gets sent to to only those
commits made by user Pootle?

I do not want to flood the list with every eToys commit, only those
from user Pootle.

In addition, Aleksey modified the subject coming from git to the format

Commit to [chat] by [anderson861.] for [mn]

The first bracketed entry is the po file name, the second is the
lang-admin using the commit priv and the third is the language code.
This makes it easy t ovisually scan the subject lines, as well as t
ocopy paste from the message list and parse it with a spreadsheet.


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Bert Freudenberg  wrote:
> On 02.09.2011, at 15:57, Chris Leonard wrote:
>>  Please note that
>> because eToys is hosted in it's own repository, this system will not
>> report commits from eToys at the moment.
> Pootle commits for Etoys are sent to
> I just added pootle-commits@l.s.o as recipient, so they should appear there, 
> too. You would have to add commits@e.s.o to the sender filter.
> - Bert -
Devel mailing list

Re: Q4B08.rom works in debricking too 1.75 B1

2011-09-03 Thread Chris Leonard
FWIW, I debricked my XO1.75 with Q4B06 as well.


On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Martin Langhoff
> On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 3:17 AM, James Cameron  wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 11:39:47PM -0700, Cherry Withers wrote:
>>> I don't know if this was verified already or not, but it seems to work
>>> so far.
>> Thanks, you've been brave.  The worst outcome would have been a brick.
> Why would this be risky? Developers who receive a B1 as shipped from
> factory (bricked) are being advised to upgrade to Q4B06 in the wiki,
> but I'll happily substitute that for the latest released OFW.
>> so I really don't recommend testing a
>> new version unless you have the electronics equipment available for
>> reprogramming of the SPI FLASH chip.
> That's bogus -- we are asking *all* recipients of B1 units to test
> with the latest version of OFW as it is released. If you brick your
> unit doing so, help us debug the situation, and don't worry about the
> hw. If you cannot unbrick it, I'll gladly send another one.
> cheers,
> m
> --
> -- Software Architect - OLPC
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  -
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Q4B08.rom works in debricking too 1.75 B1

2011-09-03 Thread Chris Leonard
I meant to say  FWIW, I debricked my XO1.75 with Q4B08 as well.  (not Q4B06).

On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Chris Leonard  wrote:
> FWIW, I debricked my XO1.75 with Q4B06 as well.
> cjl
> On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Martin Langhoff
>  wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 3:17 AM, James Cameron  wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 11:39:47PM -0700, Cherry Withers wrote:
>>>> I don't know if this was verified already or not, but it seems to work
>>>> so far.
>>> Thanks, you've been brave.  The worst outcome would have been a brick.
>> Why would this be risky? Developers who receive a B1 as shipped from
>> factory (bricked) are being advised to upgrade to Q4B06 in the wiki,
>> but I'll happily substitute that for the latest released OFW.
>>> so I really don't recommend testing a
>>> new version unless you have the electronics equipment available for
>>> reprogramming of the SPI FLASH chip.
>> That's bogus -- we are asking *all* recipients of B1 units to test
>> with the latest version of OFW as it is released. If you brick your
>> unit doing so, help us debug the situation, and don't worry about the
>> hw. If you cannot unbrick it, I'll gladly send another one.
>> cheers,
>> m
>> --
>> -- Software Architect - OLPC
>>  - ask interesting questions
>>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>>  -
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Calling all multi-lingual developers

2011-09-04 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear Developers,

The Sugar 0.94 release is rapidly approaching string freeze (starting
tomorrow Sept 5th) according to the release schedule.

A string freeze is a traditional courtesy paid by the developer
community to to the localization community in order to allow them a
chance to catch up with any new strings that have been added since the
last release and to finish their work before the final release.

I would like all of our multilingual developers to consider further
honoring that tradition by taking off their developer's hat briefly
and joining the localizers in bringing their languages to 100%
completion.  This act also pays respect to your fellow developers by
amplifying the impact of their work, allowing it to reach much wider
audiences in non-English languages.

Soon enough your efforts will turn to the n+1 release, but for a brief
period, please consider taking part in the goal of making the upcoming
release as accessible as possible by pushing the L10n work to
completion prior to final release.

Perhaps your language is already complete in our Pootle instance, in
which case, it is a fine time to examine the upstream packages that we
pull and contribute to their L10n.  We provide links to upstream
packages in this set of tracking ticket PO files (not intended for
translation themselves).

Warmest Regards,

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [ANNOUNCE] 0.94 schedule update: still on track

2011-09-08 Thread Chris Leonard
Just to emphasize that a "string freeze" is the signal for localizers
to really shift into high gear and complete the current Glucose and
Fructose string sets and for language admins to review and commit
those PO files.

If watching PO file commits roll in is your idea of a good time (I
know it gives me a thrill), please feel free to keep an eye on our new
piece of tracking infrastructure which catches all Sugar Labs and
eToys PO file commits.  There is a slim chance that one or two Honey
actviities still hosted at might not be reported (maybe
Watch&Listen), but the overwhelming majority of Pootle commits to
Sugar projects will now be reported and archived on the list below:\

Localizers, start your engines.  Developers, put on your localizer hat
for a few days.  If you don't have a second language (computer
languages don't count), recruit a friend who does.


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 2:54 AM, Simon Schampijer  wrote:
> Hi,
> we are still on track in our 0.94 development cycle [1]. The release is
> three weeks away from now, we plan to release the 28th of September!
> We have been entering string freeze now, which means: "No string changes may
> be made without confirmation from the localization team and notification to
> the release team" [2]. This freeze is meant to help the translators finish
> their work and to not provide them with a moving target. Now is the time we
> will see a lot of commits from our great translators community, Activity
> developers please watch out for those and do make releases to make that work
> available.
> There have been one interesting string change in the last week: there are
> two entries in the sugar.po that translate the same string ('Remove') but
> where the context is different. This has been marked now using pgettext.
> Chris has pulled that change to Pootle and all langs sugar.po have been
> refreshed. An example can be seen at [3][4]. Please give feedback if that
> addition was helpful to do a better translation or if anything can be
> improved.
> Manuel is currently working on polishing up the tabbing experience in
> Browse. There is one string change and a significant UI change [5]. Both
> need to be discussed following the exception process [6].
> So what's left to be done besides translating?
> Right, bug fixing and testing!
> I have been listing Features and changes on the pre-release-notes [7] which
> should give a good sense of the bigger changes that needs testing. General
> functionality testing like (networking, saving etc) are of course welcome. I
> will add a list as well of the bugs we fixed so potential regressions in
> those areas can be identified. Watch out for more details here. There are
> instructions on the page as well how to test and where to file bugs.
> Three more weeks to go, let's make this a rock-solid, innovative and
> fun-to-use release.
> Regards,
>   Simon
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] Remove - clipboard
> [4] Remove - volume
> [5]
> [6] and
> [7]
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [ANNOUNCE] 0.94 schedule update: still on track

2011-09-08 Thread Chris Leonard
Unmangled link
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Localization] [ANNOUNCE] 0.94 schedule update: still on track

2011-09-15 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 2:30 AM, Simon Schampijer  wrote:
> On 09/13/2011 11:03 PM, Markus Schlager wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
> Thanks Markus for the feedback,
>> On Thu, 8 Sep 2011, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>>> There have been one interesting string change in the last week: there
>>> are two entries in the sugar.po that translate the same string
>>> ('Remove') but where the context is different. This has been marked
>>> now using pgettext. Chris has pulled that change to Pootle and all
>>> langs sugar.po have been refreshed. An example can be seen at [3][4].
>>> Please give feedback if that addition was helpful to do a better
>>> translation or if anything can be improved.
>> Context-information is great for translation. In this example, 'volume'
>> as hint was not particularly helpful to me, since this has at least two
>> very different meanings in German. 'clipboard' on the other hand was
>> clear anyway since the source-hint says something about clipboard-menu.
> Maybe the text should be more verbose. How about: 'remove item from
> clipboard' and 'eject the external device'
>> One type of content-information I'd appreciate a lot would be about the
>> function/type of text this is: Is it e.g. a button lable, a menu entry,
>> a help text, ...
> How would that be done, as well with msgctxt using pgettext? Or are there
> other ways? In general that would be a bigger effort and would need to
> define a few guidelines for that but can be done of course if the translator
> community thinks this would help a lot.


Developer's comments can be inserted in the code itself and are
extracted by gettext and displayed in the PO file in a manner that
does not disrupt translation.

# TRANS:  Developer comment

in the code ends up in PO file as

#. Developer comment

and is displayed prominently.

Live examples of this can be seen in TamTam Suite (as one example)
where we've inserted extensive developer's comments (including wiki
links) describing the instruments tooltips.  More specific reference
to lines in git can be given if needed.

Devel mailing list

Thank you alsroot

2011-09-16 Thread Chris Leonard
Dear Translation Team Members and Developers,

Please join me in thanking Aleksey Lim (alsroot) for giving generously
of his time and expertise to work on a number of long standing issues
we've had with our Pootle infrastructure.

Among the problems that should now be resolved are:

Missing commit links in some projects and languages.  We've had a
script that fixed this for Honey, and Aleksey has modified it to cover
more projects (e.g. Fructose / eToys), so this can be much more easily
addressed in future.  language admins should check their projects and
review and commit files that previously might not have displayed
"Commit to VCS" links.

POT regeneration - This has been an important issue for activity
developers.  Again we had a script and a .ini file that was working
for Glucose, but had fallen into disrepair for other projects (e.g
.Honey).  going forward, we will follow this closely, but the changes
made should free developers of the need to manually regenerate the POT
files when they have made string changes.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Devel mailing list

Re: hardware crypto

2011-09-17 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 2:37 PM, John Gilmore  wrote:
> I haven't looked at the ARM chip in the XO-1.75. Is the spec even
> available?  The Hardware Specification 1.75 page doesn't exist in the
> wiki yet.


You can't have looked  very hard for that information.

Of course as the first link returned explains, the specification will
not be final until the CL2 and current status is B1.

Devel mailing list

Re: ARM f14 secondary mirror... down?

2011-09-19 Thread Chris Leonard
I'm getting a "network not available" error on trying to ssh into
Pootle server, may be a more general issue, no response to ping


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Martin Langhoff  wrote:
> On my test XO-1.75 machines, running OS 5, yum bails out complaining
> about not finding repomd.xml for the fedora and update repos.
> I've disabled mirrorlist, and tried with only baseurl, no difference.
> yum's --debug 10 doesn't give you much info on what mirrors URLs it's
> hitting so it's a bit hard to trac WTH is actually happening.
> The OLPC repos work fine OTOH :-)
> m
> --
> -- Software Architect - OLPC
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  -
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: [Localization] 0.94 Branching

2011-09-26 Thread Chris Leonard
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 6:03 AM, Simon Schampijer  wrote:
> Hi,
> we have been branching [1] off 'sucrose-0.94' with the Sucrose 0.93.5
> release [2].
> This is important to have the master branch available again for new
> development. The 'sucrose-0.94' will be used to host further stable
> development.
> The following branches have been created:
> - sugar (branched off at version 0.93.5)
> - sugar-toolkit (branched off at version 0.93.4)
> - sugar-artwork (branched off at version 0.93.4)
> - sugar-base (branched off at version 0.93.2)
> - sugar-datastore (branched off at version 0.93.2)
> Pootle has to be updated accordingly and branches for sucrose-0.94 have to
> be created.
> Regards,
>   Simon
> [1]
> [2]

Thanks to alsroot, Glucose branching in Pootle (freezing a glucose94
version) has been completed,


Glucose 0.94

There has a change in the Pootle project for sugar-update-control.po

It formerly lived in Glucose on Pootle, but after discussing it with
Daniel Drake this has been changed.  This is an OLPC-specific update
component, and Daniel wants it to avoid the glucose branching process
and so we've agreed to move it into the OLPC Software project which
already contains the Sugar-Gnome switching panel specific to OLPC
dual-boot builds.  We've moved any completed strings as well.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Devel mailing list

Fructose, to branch or not to branch

2011-09-26 Thread Chris Leonard

At some point over the next few Sugar builds we will probably want to
freeze a "last known good" set of Fructose Activities as there is a
growing possibility that the ongoing changes (de-hippofication, gtk3,
PyGobject introspection) will cause problems with these important

The question is when is the right time to freeze a Fructose set
(0.94?, 0.96?, 0.98?, your thoughts and insights would be welcome so
that we can take the appropriate action coordinated between Fructose
activity maintainers and L10n infrastructure at the proper time.

Devel mailing list

Re: [release]: SocialCalc-6

2011-09-27 Thread Chris Leonard

Where is localization of Social Calc hosted?


On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Manusheel Gupta  wrote:
> Dear Community Members,
> We are releasing the 6th version of SocialCalc on Sugar
> ( ) today. Nick
> Doiron has fixed key bugs and completed a feature request from Plan Ceibal
> project of Uruguay. Thanks Nick!
> Main updates of the release -
> * It's possible to save and open files with the symbol;
> * Larger icons in the Edit menu;
> * One interface for the scatter plot / plot points option;
> * It's possible to include a mini-graph over the spreadsheet.
> Please find the links on SocialCalc project below, and share your
> feedback here .
> SocialCalc on Sugar page at Sugar Activities Catalogue -
> Test URL -
> Videos -
> Training Video by Dan Bricklin
> -
> Guide for using Charting tools by Harvard University's Digital Literacy
> Project -
> Feature Training Videos -
> Localization of SocialCalc
> -
> Interoperability between SocialCalc and other spreadsheet formats
> -
> Video by OLPC France Community member -
> Plan Ceibal OLPC Deployment Project, Uruguay
> -
> Source Code -
> Installation Instructions -
> Douglas Galbi's notes
> -
> Documents -
> 1. SocialCalc on
> Sugar -
>     SocialCalcNet Collaboration
> -
> 2. SocialCalc on Sugar wiki
> page -
> 3. Download pages - the version #6 can be
> downloaded from
> 4. Guide for using Charting
> Tools -
> 5. Harvard University's Digital Literacy Project Deployment
> Page -
> Publications -
> "SocialCalc: A Spreadsheet Activity for Computer Supported Collaborative
> Learning", Manu Sheel Gupta, K.S. Preeti, Vijit Singh, Proceedings of the
> 2010 Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer
> Engineering, FECS 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., CSREA Press 2010, ISBN
> 1-60132-143-0, pp. 304-309  URL
> -
> "Implementation of Private Cloud Computing using Integration of JavaScript
> and Python", K.S. Preeti, Vijit Singh, Manu Sheel Gupta, The Python Papers
> Monograph, The PyCon Asia Pacific 2010, Singapore Management University
> Download URL
> -
> "Spreadsheet on Cloud - Framework for Learning and Health Management
> System", K.S. Preeti, Vijit Singh, Sushant Bhatia, Ekansh Preet Singh, Manu
> Sheel Gupta,  Proceedings of the EuSpRIG Conference "Spreadsheet Governance
> - Policy and Practice"  ISBN : 978-0-9566256-9-4
> SocialCalc project has also been covered in important sections of the
> following conference papers -
> "A March Towards Constructionism based on Storytelling, Gaming and
> Collaboration", Manu Sheel Gupta, Vijit Singh, Manjot Pahwa, The Fifth
> International Conference of Learning International Networks Consortium
> (LINC) 2010, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
> Massachusetts, U.S.A.
> "Collaborating Towards Learning: Using Web 2.0 for Educational Idea
> Development", Krittika Adhikary, Manu Sheel Gupta, Ekansh Preet Singh,
> Swarandeep Singh, The Fifth International Conference of Learning
> International Networks Consortium (LINC) 2010, Massachusetts Institute of
> Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
> Community work with FCC (Federal Communication Commission)
> Douglas Galbi's notes
> -
> Douglas Galbi is a Senior Commissioner at Federal Communication Commission
> (FCC).
> Regards,
> Manu
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing

2011-10-04 Thread Chris Leonard

In any refresh of the XO manual (Help Activity),  I would very much
appreciate if some structural choices could be made to facilitate the
internationalization of the text so that it can be converted into PO
files and posted on Pootle for translation into a renewed Help
Activity.  That is not to say a pretty web-version would not also be

An ideal format option would include producing a simple plain text
version with paragraphs separated by a whitespace line (easily parsed
by txt2po) and back converted with po2txt.

I have had very little success with the html2po tool from the
Translate Toolkit when  I explored parsing the current Help Activity's
html pages for i18n and L10n.  Nor have I had any great success with
parsing the FLOSSManuals version.  On the other hand, txt2po and
po2txt has been working well for the Waveplace lesson plans.

I have long considered it a great shame that the Help Activity was
only in English, and although the XO manual on FLOSSManuals has seen
translation into a few languages, I fear that the tools for long-form
content L10n are just not as functional as Pootle or as well used by
our L10n community.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Christoph Derndorfer
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Martin Langhoff 
> wrote:
>> Hi Tabs!
>> that's great! Here's an idea: I was looking at recently at the FLOSS
>> Manuals manuals for Sugar and activities... and they are a bit dated
>> -- they cover Sugar 0.86 or so. Screens have changed quite a bit :-)
>> and some procedures are much simpler (ad hoc networking for example).
>> And the FLOSS Manuals feed into the Help Activity, so work there pays
>> of many times over...
>> My 2 deflationary cents...
> +2 equally deflationary Eurocents;-)
> eKindling's Cherry (now in CC) suggested a similar Help Activity Refresh as
> one of the activities for the OLPC-SF Community Summit and some good ideas
> were thrown around as a result. So I think it makes sense to tie those two
> thread of conversation together.
> Cheers,
> Christoph
>> m
>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:51 AM, Tabitha Roder 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > If we had a volunteer (English Native language) professional technical
>> > writer, what writing would be of most use to OLPC or Sugar that we can
>> > point
>> > her in the direction of? She currently works with developers to write
>> > end
>> > user documentation.
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Tabitha - NZ volunteers
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Devel mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> -- Software Architect - OLPC
>>  - ask interesting questions
>>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>>  -
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list
> --
> Christoph Derndorfer
> editor, OLPC News []
> volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
> e-mail:
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing

2011-10-04 Thread Chris Leonard
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Martin Langhoff
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Chris Leonard  
> wrote:
>> In any refresh of the XO manual (Help Activity),  I would very much
>> appreciate if some structural choices could be made to facilitate the
>> internationalization of the text
> Agreed on the general goal. My understanding is that the Help activity
> is assembled from content from several manuals about sugar and
> activities, created and edited at FLOSS Manuals.
> I suspect that FLOSS Manuals has a means to maintain translated
> versions, not sure how well it works, but several existing manuals
> offer alternative language versions.
> Maybe the FLOSS manuals platforms is terminally borked in this regard,
> I honestly hope not. Because Pootle is not suited for this style of
> documentation -- we sure want something wiki-ish that handles
> paragraphs, tables, embedded images...

I need to spend a little bit of time on FLOSSManuals,  I'd heard
something about hem incorporating booki

but I have not investigated it extensively since then to see how much
of an improvement it is with regards to L10n.

L10n of long-form content is an area where I think there are some
excellent bits and pieces, but I'm not convinced that there is a
really nice end-to-end solution yet.  I think very highly of
FLOSSManuals as a book publishing platform, but was less than
impressed with it's L10n workflow.  I am happy that several of the
Sugar OLPC boks have been translated, but these have been time-focused
efforts requiring a lot of coordination and not amenable to the slower
accumulation of collaborative work that characterizes Poolte L10n

I like also wikislicing as a content collection method and Wikimedia's
WikiBook effort has some superb features with respect to content
collection and publishing.  To the extent that orthologous articles
exist across wikis it can also address L10n, essentially by slicing
"pre-localized" content.

Unfortunately, while the PDF output from WikiBooks is quite
beautifully formatted, it's size is large and PDFs are not that easy
to edit after the fact.

The ,odt output option from WikiBooks is easier to edit, but I think
it has real deficiencies in formatting, and IMHO, is frankly ugly.

However, both of these formats produce rather large files compared to
simple HTML and an HTML output option is not currently available.

My reasoning on requesting availability fo a plain text version is tha
tit facilitates bringing the strings to the locali
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing

2011-10-04 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Chris Leonard  wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Martin Langhoff
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Chris Leonard  
>> wrote:
>>> In any refresh of the XO manual (Help Activity),  I would very much
>>> appreciate if some structural choices could be made to facilitate the
>>> internationalization of the text
>> Agreed on the general goal. My understanding is that the Help activity
>> is assembled from content from several manuals about sugar and
>> activities, created and edited at FLOSS Manuals.
>> I suspect that FLOSS Manuals has a means to maintain translated
>> versions, not sure how well it works, but several existing manuals
>> offer alternative language versions.
>> Maybe the FLOSS manuals platforms is terminally borked in this regard,
>> I honestly hope not. Because Pootle is not suited for this style of
>> documentation -- we sure want something wiki-ish that handles
>> paragraphs, tables, embedded images...

(earlier message sent prematurely)

I need to spend a little bit of time on FLOSSManuals,  I'd heard
something about hem incorporating booki

but I have not investigated it extensively since then to see how much
of an improvement it is with regards to L10n.

L10n of long-form content is an area where I think there are some
excellent bits and pieces, but I'm not convinced that there is a
really nice end-to-end solution yet.  I think very highly of
FLOSSManuals as a book publishing platform, but was less than
impressed with it's L10n workflow.  I am happy that several of the
Sugar OLPC boks have been translated, but these have been time-focused
efforts requiring a lot of coordination and not amenable to the slower
accumulation of collaborative work that characterizes Poolte L10n

I like also wikislicing as a content collection method and Wikimedia's
WikiBook effort has some superb features with respect to content
collection and publishing.  To the extent that orthologous articles
exist across wikis it can also address L10n, essentially by slicing
"pre-localized" content.

Unfortunately, while the PDF output from WikiBooks is quite
beautifully formatted, it's size is large and PDFs are not that easy
to edit after the fact.

The ,odt output option from WikiBooks is easier to edit, but I think
it has real deficiencies in formatting, and IMHO, is frankly ugly.

However, both of these formats produce rather large files compared to
simple HTML and an HTML output option is not currently available.

My reasoning on requesting availability of a plain text version is
that facilitates bringing the strings to the localizer, instead of
forcing you to bring the localizer to the strings (and a new tool).
Admittedly, this has its; own flaws and requires more substantial
post-processing to get a nicely formatted product.

The ideal all-singing, all-dancing long-form L10n tool with content
management system features and e-publishing features may be out there,
but I haven't seen it yet.  I do welcome others to join in the
exploration of the various options and techniques for cobbling
together a workflow that optimally meets our needs, but most of all, I
encourage thinking about i18n / L10n in all aspects of our work.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Martin Langhoff
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Chris Leonard  
> wrote:
>> L10n of long-form content is an area where I think there are some
>> excellent bits and pieces, but I'm not convinced that there is a
>> really nice end-to-end solution yet.  I think very highly of
>> FLOSSManuals as a book publishing platform, but was less than
>> impressed with it's L10n workflow.
> AFAIK FLOSSManuals software infra is being worked on, and that
> involves (at least in part) Douglas Bagnall who used to work with OLPC
> on the School Server.

By no means should my *critique* of FLOSSManuals L10n be taken for
*criticism* of FLOSSManuals,  As both a community and a tool, they
have been very good to Sugar / OLPC.  The collaboration with them has
been valuable and productive and perhaps we can build on that
relationship to work with them to improve their L10n tools as they do
such an excellent job in other important areas of long-form content
creation and sharing.  I admit that I do need to look at their tools
with a fresh eye, as it has been some time since I have thoroughly
investigated the L10n workflow.

As for the use of FLOSSManuals as the source and L10n workflow for the
Help Activity, sadly, I think the more pressing challenge may be the
lack of documentation of the process employed by Seth and his
collaborators in the original Help Activity creation from FLOSSManual
sources.  I'm simply not sure that I would know exactly how to go
about taking a refreshed set of FLOSSManual chapters and convert it
into a revised Help Activity.  Better documentation of documentation
creation is a very "meta" concept, but I know from my time in a
heavily regulated industry (pharma) that SOP #1 is always the SOP on
creating SOPs.

>> I am happy that several of the
>> Sugar OLPC books have been translated, but these have been time-focused
>> efforts requiring a lot of coordination and not amenable to the slower
>> accumulation of collaborative work that characterizes Poolte L10n
>> work.
> Well... for translating something long-form, I do think you need an
> initial focussed translation effort, perhaps followed by piecemeal
> maintenance. Prose style and cohesion do need that initial translation
> to be done by one person or a small well coordinated group.

I completely agree that translation sprints are an important aspect of
content creation, but have some lingering concerns about the
"ultra-marathon" of maintaining L10n over time and versions.

Another non-technical aspect is the difficulty in creating such
focused periods of effort to tackle a large project within multiple
language communities.  We do fairly well with gathering small quanta
of discontinuous effort that accumulate over time in Pootle  (it is a
bit like the advantages that developers see in the distributed nature
of git as a source code repo), but it is a much greater challenge to
organize concerted efforts by a language team.

In any event, I am happy just to be having a conversation about the
challenges and to see people thinking carefully about the i18n / L10n
process.  There may be no single ideal solution simply waiting for us,
but it is only by considering the issues and options that will we move
towards better and more reproducible processes.

Warmest Regards,

Devel mailing list

Re: Using XO 1.0 battery to feed external circuit board

2011-10-09 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 1:04 AM, Yannis Kaskamanidis wrote:

> How can we include Greek language in every new release. Can someone help me
> by describing the process of integration? We use XO's in my classroom, but
> without Greek.
Dear Yannis,

Per Daniel Drake's e-mail of Feb 4 2011

There is a list of languages included in OLPC builds by default.  (German
was added to that list by request).

That e-mail also points out that other langs can be added by request
(although Daniel would have to make that call).

How big is the Greek deployment?  That might help influence the decision.

In any event, builds supporting additional languages can always be generated
via the OS Builder toolkit chain and even signed by OLPC for deployment on
locked XOs as a "point release" if there is sufficient justification to do

I am personally supportive of the inclusion of Greek by default, if only
because the Greek L10n team has always demonstrated exemplary diligence in
keeping up with their strings.

However, it is worth remembering that it is essential to make tradeoffs
between the set of included languages in "stock" builds (generally those
with larger deployments) and the image sizes of the builds.  It is a
testament to the success of the L10n effort that OLPC builds can no longer
afford to include all of the L10n strings that are available.

I believe that the advances made in developing the OS Builder tool chain
makes it far less important whether or not a given language is included in a
"stock" build, as custom "point release" builds are much easier to generate,
and often will be far preferable for a given deployment as tehy can be made
to include specific content as well.

Devel mailing list

Re: Using XO 1.0 battery to feed external circuit board

2011-10-09 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 1:30 AM, Chris Leonard wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 1:04 AM, Yannis Kaskamanidis 
> wrote:
>> How can we include Greek language in every new release. Can someone help
>> me by describing the process of integration? We use XO's in my classroom,
>> but without Greek.
> Dear Yannis,
> Per Daniel Drake's e-mail of Feb 4 2011
> There is a list of languages included in OLPC builds by default.  (German
> was added to that list by request).
> That e-mail also points out that other langs can be added by request
> (although Daniel would have to make that call).
> How big is the Greek deployment?  That might help influence the decision.
> In any event, builds supporting additional languages can always be
> generated via the OS Builder toolkit chain and even signed by OLPC for
> deployment on locked XOs as a "point release" if there is sufficient
> justification to do so.
> I am personally supportive of the inclusion of Greek by default, if only
> because the Greek L10n team has always demonstrated exemplary diligence in
> keeping up with their strings.
> However, it is worth remembering that it is essential to make tradeoffs
> between the set of included languages in "stock" builds (generally those
> with larger deployments) and the image sizes of the builds.  It is a
> testament to the success of the L10n effort that OLPC builds can no longer
> afford to include all of the L10n strings that are available.
> I believe that the advances made in developing the OS Builder tool chain
> makes it far less important whether or not a given language is included in a
> "stock" build, as custom "point release" builds are much easier to generate,
> and often will be far preferable for a given deployment as tehy can be made
> to include specific content as well.
> cjl
I guess the point I really want to make is that inclusion in the "stock"
image has been made far less important because OLPC (via the OS Builder tool
chain)  has made a significant technological transition from a
"one-size-fits-all" build philosophy (be in the "stock" build or lose out)
to a "mass customization" approach, where language-specific builds (which
will not include all of those languages you do not need, leaving more free
space) are much simpler to generate.

In some sense the purpose of the "stock" builds is to give large deployments
a technology baseline to test and consider for adoption, but the actually
deployed build is much more likely to be a somewhat customized OS
Builder-generated "point release" that is more specifically targeted to a
given deployment's requirements.  The Greek deployment should seek to take
advantage of this relatively newly introduced flexibility rather than being
too concerned about being included in the "stock" build.

Devel mailing list

Re: Using XO 1.0 battery to feed external circuit board

2011-10-09 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:20 AM, Yannis Kaskamanidis wrote:

> Is there anyone who can make a custom release which will include Greek
> language, or there is a tutorial for those who want to make it by their own?
> Yannis

It is pretty well documented and worth experimenting with to learn more
about it.

If you require a signed build, you should probably discuss it with Daniel

Devel mailing list

Fwd: Two new hard deps: gcrypt and redland

2011-10-12 Thread Chris Leonard
Heads up about dependencies being added to AbiWord.


-- Forwarded message --
From: J.M. Maurer 
Date: Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Two new hard deps: gcrypt and redland
To: Ben Martin 

Sounds good to me. I'll make gcrypt an official dep tomorrow for our
Win32 build, and redland soon after that I think.

Awesome hacking,

On Wed, 2011-10-12 at 10:08 +1000, Ben Martin wrote:
> Hi,
>   As new dependencies might have wider impact I thought I would write
> the list with some info from IRC.
>   Apparently the windows build already depends on gcrypt. The plan is to
> remove the HAVE_GCRYPT and make gcrypt a hard dependency. gcrypt is
> currently used to allow encrypted ODF files to be read. In the future I
> hope the use of gcrypt can extend to include other privacy and tamper
> protections.
>   The redland stack is also on the cards to become a hard dep. Redland
> is used for some RDF processing and is already shipped with the windows
> build. I have compiled redland for the n810 in the past. So smaller
> devices should also be fine with this dependency.
Devel mailing list

Re: After 11.3.0, 11.3.1 - notes

2011-10-17 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Martin Langhoff  wrote:

> The 11.3.0 cycle is coming to a close. Hopefully without distracting
> too much from it, I wanted to circulate some brief notes on what
> follows.
> The steering goals for 11.3.0 have been to have a good quality release
> for deployments using XO-1 and XO-1.5, and a known-stable stack to
> serve as scaffolding to the XO-1.75 efforts. We haven't finished
> 11.3.0 yet but I think there is ample evidence that it is working.
> On the XO-1.75 front, we are clearly a little further from finished --
> our release candidates for XO-1.75 aren't really. But that's natural
> with software changes riding on top of hardware changes.
> So our plan is to release 11.3.0 as planned; and open a second
> deep-freeze bugfix window that will lead to 11.3.1 . During this
> period we will accept
>  - XO-1.75 platform improvements -- namely drivers and kernel fixes.
>  - High importance regression bugs elsewhere in the stack, only after
> careful triaging. After the 11.3.0 cycle, we don't expect any here.
> The timeframe for this bugfix window is still unclear.

Some of the 11.2.0 targeted languages (presumably the same in 11.3.0) are
still a good way from completion.  I would like to know if I should press
for L10n of those specifically, as there is a reasonable chance we could
pick up some coverage if the L10n whip is wielded judiciously.

L10n commits will need to be checked for build-breakers (printf and terminal
newlines are the common culprits), but otherwise is not generally going to
introduce unexpected issues.



Devel mailing list

Re: After 11.3.0, 11.3.1 - notes

2011-10-17 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Martin Langhoff  wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Chris Leonard 
> wrote:
> > Some of the 11.2.0 targeted languages (presumably the same in 11.3.0) are
> > still a good way from completion.
> Which ones are some way from completion? Where do you expect progress
> to be made?

See attached spreadsheet for details.  As with many things, progress seems
to get made where attention is focused and where resources can be begged,
borrowed or stolen.  I can't do the translations myself, and attempts at
rallying the troops has differing impacts and differing rates of return on
effort depending on the language.

These are all selected as OLPC deployment langs, so I guess one question is
what can OLPC do to encourage L10n efforts in these langs by the local
deployment partners.

>  > newlines are the common culprits), but otherwise is not generally going
> to
> > introduce unexpected issues.
> In the 10.1.x series we had some fun with dialogs not resizing
> correctly, so the risk *is* there :-/
So the time for testing these issues would be now, across as many langs as
possible (not just the 11.3.0 selection).  Advanced testing by the local
deployment partners of these langs would be most critical for this subset.

> If languages progress over over time, even if they don't fit our
> cycle, deployments can pull them in for a custom build. This is right
> now fairly awkward, but perhaps we can automate it a bit with some
> improvements to OOB.
Yes, we are also working to re-establish the language pack generation script
that used to work back in the 0.82 days, this would provide another means of
picking up newer L10n bits.

I'm not suggesting the inclusion of any given L10n bits in the 11.3.0 build
as a blocker, just trying to determine if it is worth trying to make a
focused effort on that language subset (to the exclusion of the other ~110
or so) to drive L10n to the extent possible before the 11.3.1 release or
not.  It is an allocation of effort question on my part.


Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
Devel mailing list

Fwd: [Gnash-dev] rpms for OLPC XO 1.75

2011-10-18 Thread Chris Leonard

-- Forwarded message --
From: Rob Savoye 
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:58 AM
Subject: [Gnash-dev] rpms for OLPC XO 1.75
To: Development mailing list 

After much screwing around, almost bricking my XO 1.75 beta unit several
times, I managed to get build Gnash rpms for anyone that wants a recent
version. These are snapshots built from master like the rest of our
repository. Note that these will only work on the ARM based units, I'll
see about building rpms for the Via based units later.

Just as a note, as ffmpeg-gstreamer is not available for the XO, so
youtube and many other sites don't play video. There isn't an for the armv7l architecture yet, so if you want video to
work beyond OGG, you'll have to build the plugin manually from source.

To install these rpms, add this .repo file to your XO:

name=Gnash Snapshot for Fedora $releasever

   - rob -

Gnash-dev mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: skype on XO-1.75

2011-10-18 Thread Chris Leonard
It's a wiki, please feel free to add any notes you deem necessary.  XO 1.75
are only in the hands of developers at the moment, so I'm not sure this is
needed for general public, but I suppose a note on 1.75 might be needed


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 1:15 AM,  wrote:

> Installing Skype on the XO-1.75 using the instructions at
> does not work.
> I am guessing the download is for x86 and not ARM.
> Can the instructions please be amended, either pointing to a working
> download or noting that Skype is not supported on the XO-1.75?
> Tony
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Re: skype on XO-1.75

2011-10-19 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 1:59 AM, James Cameron  wrote:

> I would imagine Skype themselves might have an idea.
Feel free to ask Skype via their forums

Devel mailing list

Re: skype on XO-1.75

2011-10-20 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 6:10 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:

> > One good piece of news is that Skype isn't the only game in town.
> > Google-talk-plugin has been my friend lately, and competes with Skype
> > plenty in my personal usage (it's the plugin behind gmail/gchat voice
> > + video, g+ hangouts, and google's own int'l dialling service).
> Agreed, I think a Video Chat Activity might be out best bet. We're
> already got it on the gnome side.
Some folks from RIT have already Sugarized something (not that I've ever
tried it) I also have no idea whether it would work on an XO 1.75

Open Video Chat 1

Devel mailing list

Re: harvesting energy

2011-10-27 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 7:23 AM, Kristen Eisenberg <> wrote:

> If we're talking about kids powering their own devices, I think the
> way to go is to turn "work" into play. The merry go round/hard bar
> swing would fit in this category.
> So basically, let's look at activities where energy exerted is ambient
> anyway? What I mean is that the energy is being used up by the kids
> anyway, so why not tap into those. An example is to give them some
> variant of those "dance straps" meant to power cellphones before they
> go off to run and play during recess and lunch break.
> One way to tap into this would be to create new playground
> installation toys which can be used for harvesting energy.
> Q: how much abuse can a kinetic energy harvester withstand? A soccer
> of basketball has a lot of kinetic and impact energy bouncing around.
> I'd imagine that's too much abuse though, and whatever harvesting
> mechanism would break from the forces.
> Would piezo work there?
FYI, this is exactly the concept behind PlayPumps for water pumping.

Devel mailing list

Re: harvesting energy

2011-10-27 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Tony Anderson wrote:

> Has anyone estimated the work required to charge an XO? Mike Lee gave a
> demo some time back at the Washington D.C. Learner's Club which seemed to
> show that it would be a difficult workload for an adult athlete to charge a
> laptop.
> Tony
That equation will likely change substantially with the XO 1.75.

Devel mailing list

Re: Basic Electricity Text in French?

2011-10-29 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 1:40 PM, George Hunt  wrote:

> Thanks Xavier,
> The first reference looks best for my purposes -- but maybe more practical
> than I was hoping for.  (I ordered it online, and shipped to my NYC
> address).
> I'm really wanting to find a book that starts from the beginning:
>1. What is a conductor, an insulator?
>2. What is a circuit, DC, AC
>3. What does a battery do?
>4. What is a electromagnet? How is a magnet used to generate AC?
>5. Why does a capacitor store a charge?
>6. Why transformers? What do they do? Concepts of current, voltage,
>resistance, power.
>7. ETC. . .
> Maybe Tony Foster's idea of using the XO and turtle art is where I'll have
> to go in the end.
> At least I see real benefit in hands on experimentation.
> George

For such basic concepts, you might be able to pull together a decent
collection of Wikipedia articles to cover some theoretical ground.

If you haven't tried the Book Creator tool in wikipedia, it is very easy to
use and produces decent PDF and not quite as good ODT output from the list
fo articles you select and organize.

Devel mailing list

Re: NOW: OLPC Contributors Program Mtg (on #olpc-meeting, Fri Sep 28, 11:15AM EDT)

2011-10-30 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Yohan Sumathipala wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks so much for considering my project "Catalyst for Hope" to bring
> laptops  to Sri Lankan youth in the elephant conflict village school.  I
> have noted your points and will be contacting Mr. Battley at this e-mail (
>  If this e-mail is not correct, please let me know,
> as I would like to move on this soon.
> Thanks again for your time looking into supporting this project.  I look
> forward to working with you.
> Yohan Sumathipala
If you or your friends could help complete the translation of the Sugar UI
that runs on the XO laptop into:


or Sinhala:

It would be a very nice way of giving back in a manner that would help both
your kids and others in Sri Lanka.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Devel mailing list

Re: Announcing the development of OLPC OS 11.3.1

2011-11-04 Thread Chris Leonard

Will the 11.3.1 build include a refresh of L10n?  If yes, I'd like to make
sure the L10n list has a target date for getting their PO files committed.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Martin Langhoff  wrote:

> Hi!
> On the heels of a fantastic 11.3.0 cycle; we're now kicking off our next
> development window for an upcoming release known as 11.3.1 :)
> Focus is on making the sexy XO-1.75 work really well; and to include
> some bugfixes relevant to all platforms.
> The planned release date is December 20th. More information is available
> here:
> Initial builds will be released very soon.
> Your feedback is appreciated: we are looking to draw in testing, bug
> reports and development efforts from the community, starting now :)
> cheers,
> m
> --
> -- Software Architect - OLPC
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  -
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Announcing the development of OLPC OS 11.3.1

2011-11-09 Thread Chris Leonard
2011/11/9 Daniel Drake 

> 2011/11/7 Manuel Quiñones :
> > The case is that there are some activities, like Image Viewer and
> > Terminal, which translations did not reach the builds because of a
> > package building problem.
> >
> > I think it is critical because there are some of the main activities,
> > completly untranslated.  There is a bug report:
> >
> >
> However, these 11.3.0 issues are not regressions over 10.1.3 and
> 11.2.0 where the same activities have the same issue. Given the
> tendency for activity translations to sometimes cause layout issues
> and overflowing toolbars, and sometimes even failure to launch or use
> the activity due to mistranslated strings, I would suggest that this
> is not appropriate for 11.3.1 which should be kept as limited as
> possible.
I am sympathetic to Daniel's concerns, but I disagree about choosing not to
make the attempt to pick up additional translations, although it is clearly
the release manager's choice.

I have been making a considerable effort to perform QA review for
build-breaking  PO errors across languages (the two primary candidates are
printf and ending newlines), I hope that the incidence of translations
causing build problems will be significantly mitigated.

As for the layout issues and toolbar overflow, I don't know how you would
expect to identify those issues without putting those languages into a

Devel mailing list

Re: Announcing the development of OLPC OS 11.3.1

2011-11-09 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Daniel Drake  wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Chris Leonard 
> wrote:
> > I have been making a considerable effort to perform QA review for
> > build-breaking  PO errors across languages (the two primary candidates
> are
> > printf and ending newlines), I hope that the incidence of translations
> > causing build problems will be significantly mitigated.
> >
> > As for the layout issues and toolbar overflow, I don't know how you would
> > expect to identify those issues without putting those languages into a
> > build.
> I completely agree that they should be included in a build. The
> changes should go into 12.1.0 (in fact these fixes are probably
> already included in build 1 published a few days ago).
> I greatly appreciate your efforts but with so much work ahead of us on
> the 12.1.0 track for a small team it is important to keep 11.3.1 as
> limited scope so that we do not get distracted. Each and every change
> requires a significant amount of collaboration of a number of people
> on coding, packaging, building, releasing and testing, which (in cases
> like this, in my opinion) is better spent on 12.1.0.
> Daniel

Well, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't advocate for L10n and Daniel
wouldn't be doing his if he didn't raise caution flags about issues he has
great experience with from his extraordinary contributions as release
manager (which I greatly appreciate).

I will say that the vast improvements that have been made in the build
toolchain and the resurrection of lang-packs will do a great deal to
mitigate the impact of "missing" a build for additional L10n contributions.

I am satisfied with having raised the point and will accept the decision of
the release manager without complaint.  I am pleased that we can discuss
and even disagree cordially and with all focused on the best interests of
the project and the optimal leveraging of the limited resources available.

I think we've been making good progress on keeping the L10n community in
the loop and Daniel deserves a great deal of credit for his efforts in that
regard.  I look forward to continuing our community-building and
product-enhancing collaborative efforts as the milestones of releases come
and go.

Warmest Regards,

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Devel mailing list

Re: Announcing the development of OLPC OS 11.3.1

2011-11-09 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Martin Langhoff

> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Chris Leonard 
> wrote:
> > Well, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't advocate for L10n and Daniel
> > wouldn't be doing his if he didn't raise caution flags about issues he
> has
> :-)
> Get us some translations! Whatever happens, it won't be a wasted
> effort -- worst case, they'll go to 12.3.0!
> We'll review the delta, and discuss with the team. My position is
> that, if we have the manpower to test them...
>  - Translations in languages we ship in our build are high value, if
> we include the translation, and use that inclusion to trigger an
> explicit test of that l10n, it's a win.
>  - Translations in languages that OLPC doesn't ship are also
> worthwhile to get into Sugar. Those deployments that need them will
> use OOB to prep their image.

The work of motivating the localizers never stops :-)   If you look back,
what had prompted my original response was a question of whether there was
a target date for "inclusion".  It is just in the nature of people that
some are motivated by having a deadline to meet.  We do see bursts of
activity in some languages when we announce a string freeze, whereas other
localizers just keep on plowing through strings without reagrd to the
release schedules.

Any translated string we get is a win, if it is not a featured language for
an OLPC build, it will still go out in distro packages or an SOAS version
at some point or be available for an OLPC "point release" when needed.

Just to clue you in on what is expected in the near-ish term, we've got
Sugar Camp Lima which should be generating a solid set of strings for
Quechua and Aymara.  The Mexico team that did such fast work on Huastec
seems to be gearing up to take on Nahuatl.  There is a Thai language effort
in the planning stages to support a new deployment there and Armenian keeps
on pushing forward.  We've recently picked up a few individual localizers
in Russian and Chinese (several variants) and I continue to hope for some
splill-over effect Paiwastoon's plans to localize Ubuntu in Afghani
languages (Pashto and / or Dari).

Devel mailing list

Fwd: [Fwd: Virtaal on ARM]

2011-11-14 Thread Chris Leonard

Ignoring for the moment whether parachutes or Mars-style airbags are a
better delivery option from helicopters, if one is going to "airdrop" an XO
tablet into a remote area, one of the things that might be very useful
would be the ability to bootstrap localization right on the machine.

I'm a big fan of Virtaal (from the makers of Poolte) as an off-line PO file
editor and general L10n tool for a variety of reasons I won't go into.

In previous interations of XO-1 builds, getting Virtaal on the Gnome boot
was a simple "sudo yum install virtaal".  Unfortunately, when I tried this
on an XO-1.75 with 883, I got errors (detailed far below).  I sent the
errors to the Virtaal devs and got back the reply in-lined below.

Can anyone shed some light on how it might be possible to get Virtaal
working on the Gnome boot on an XO-1.75?

Warmest Regards,

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator

-- Forwarded message --
From: Dwayne Bailey 
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Virtaal on ARM]
To: Chris Leonard 
Cc: F Wolff 

 On 2011-11-02 16:41, Chris Leonard wrote:

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 5:17 AM, Dwayne Bailey wrote:

>  Thanks for forwarding Friedel.
> Chris, it seems the issue is fc14 not having aedion which prevent
> translate-toolkit from installing.  Where are those RPMs from? Are you
> getting them from my repo or did you build them yourself.  I've thought in
> the past of making subtitle support a different package.
> The mesa stuff is not related to Virtaal, I think its an existing error in
> your RPM DB.
> The package list used for the OLPC 883 ARM-supporting build (XO-1.75) is
> here:
> OLPC tends to pull from Fedora RPMs as our OS is in essence a specialized
> Fedora spin
 OK so let me ramble a bit

In the install: virtaal pulls in translate-toolkit which pulls in aeidon
aeidon is part of gaupol (gaupol is a subtitle editor aeidon implements the
subtitle formats)

The gaupol aeidon split happened during Fedora 14.  So in our
translate-toolkit RPM we only import aeidon when Fedora >= 14.

See ' %if 0%{?fedora} >= 14' at the top of:;a=blob;f=translate-toolkit.spec;h=6172c89bdaeceaf684c61a3750dca120ab72aa9e;hb=1e65541302d3c3bd217e4bd7b126d32be5b9c189

So from the looks of it OLPC pulls in packages from olpc-14 but also from
fedora (but I assume that is base not updates).

So my guess is this.  Our fc14 translate-toolkit relies of the fact that
aeidon is available in updates for F14.  But OLPC doesn't have those
updates either because it branched earlier or because it only uses the base
repo (not updates repo)

I'm also not sure why OLPC has not included the updates, maybe stability.

I'm wondering if there is a way to handle this in Fedora packages. I
already make package decisions depending on the Fedora version. I can make
the OLPC package even leaner if I know how to identify an OLPC branch.  If
you can help with that then I can probably build a new OLPC specific

As for the issue with mesa I have a pretty good idea that it is not so much
an "error" with the pre-existing RPM as the fact that I think OLPC has
hacked a local copy down to size to save some space on the XO.  Choices
like that get made because of the extremely limited storage of the XO
laptop.  Let's call it a "misfeature" of a compromise that was made for the
right reasons. with unintended consequences.

So lets ignore it for this discussion.


Output during Virtaa linstall:

[olpc@xo-c5-b9-b6 ~]$ sudo yum install virtaal
   | 2.9 kB 00:00
fedora   | 4.3 kB
fedora/primary_db| 9.3 MB
olpc-f14 |  951 B
olpc-f14/primary |  22 kB
olpc-f14-xo1.75  |  951 B
olpc-f14-xo1.75/primary  |  17 kB
updates/metalink | 2.7 kB
updates  | 4.3 kB
updates/primary_db   | 1.3 MB
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package virtaal.noarch 0:0.6.1-8.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: translate-toolkit >= 1.5.1 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-Levenshtein for package:
--> Processing Depen

Re: [Fwd: Virtaal on ARM]

2011-11-14 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Kevin Gordon  wrote:

>  As for the issue with mesa I have a pretty good idea that it is not so
>> much an "error" with the pre-existing RPM as the fact that I think OLPC has
>> hacked a local copy down to size to save some space on the XO.  Choices
>> like that get made because of the extremely limited storage of the XO
>> laptop.  Let's call it a "misfeature" of a compromise that was made for the
>> right reasons. with unintended consequences.
>> So lets ignore it for this discussion.
>> ** Found 1 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:
>> mesa-libGL-7.9-6.fc14.armv5tel has missing requires of
>> mesa-dri-drivers(armv5tel-32) = ('0', '7.9', '6.fc14')
> Chris:
> I believe that you can safely ignore the 'mesa' yum check error. AFAIK
> these drivers are omitted by design.  yum check will give the same errors
> on all the new XO builds, as the DRI modules are not used on the XO and are
> no longer shipped to save a large amount of space - especially on the XO-1.
>  The other messages re dependencies, perhaps Mr Robinson can more
> efficiently say if there are the necessary arm builds in the repos, or
> whether he can generate them easily..
> Kevin,

>From following the discussion on this list, I recalled something about
mesa-dri-drivers and had an inkling that the yum check error for that
package was neither unexpected or necessarily a significant issue.  I
certainly apologize if my characterization of what I understood to be a
necessary and sensible compromise for the sake of space-savings is
inaccurate in detail, but I thought I had i it right in spirit.

The history of the aeidon package details within Fedora repos that Dwayne
describes goes beyond my understanding of packaging nitty-gritty, but I
hope and imagine it would be well-understood by someone like Peter or

Devel mailing list

Fwd: ATTN: AbiWord v2.9.2 released!

2011-11-14 Thread Chris Leonard

Nice to see the gtk2 > gtk progress, it should help when the Write
port is needed.


-- Forwarded message --
From: J.M. Maurer 
Date: Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 6:10 PM
Subject: ATTN: AbiWord v2.9.2 released!

AbiWord v2.9.2 Released!

The AbiWord team joyfully announces AbiWord v2.9.2, the third snapshot
of the development that will lead to AbiWord 3.0.

This snapshot allows interested developers, testers and users a sneak
preview into the future of AbiWord.

The changes from v2.9.1 to v2.9.2 include, amongst others:

* Add double-buffering support for most of the drawing to reduce
* Implement SVG snapshots for components when possible
* Port the GTK interface to GTK+3 (GTK+2 is still supported)
* Support loading plugins in the Mac OSX port
* Allow SPARQL Query execution on RDF metadata stored in documents

The full Changelog can be found at

We are very much interested in any bug you may find. Please report these

While we encourage people to try out the new snapshot, please be aware
that is a development snapshot and is not expected to be stable in any
sort of way.


More information:

Do join us on #abiword on for the party! Enjoy!

  The AbiWord Development Team
Devel mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Virtaal on ARM]

2011-11-14 Thread Chris Leonard
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Martin Langhoff
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Chris Leonard  
> wrote:
>> In previous interations of XO-1 builds, getting Virtaal on the Gnome boot
>> was a simple "sudo yum install virtaal".  Unfortunately, when I tried this
>> on an XO-1.75 with 883, I got errors (detailed far below).  I sent the
>> errors to the Virtaal devs and got back the reply in-lined below.
> How about:
> sudo yum --enablerepo=fedora-updates install virtaal
>> Can anyone shed some light on how it might be possible to get Virtaal
>> working on the Gnome boot on an XO-1.75?
> Ahh, XO-1.75! First try it on an XO-1.5. If it works there, your
> problems may be related to some package missing in the ARM repos. Our
> coverage on ARM is good, but not 100%.

When I try your command I get  "Error getting repository data for
fedora-updates, repository not found"

When I try the suggested "sudo yum install virtaal --skip-broken" I
get the following.

[olpc@xo-c5-b9-b6 ~]$ sudo yum install virtaal --skip-broken
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package virtaal.noarch 0:0.6.1-8.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: translate-toolkit >= 1.5.1 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-Levenshtein for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libtranslate for package: virtaal-0.6.1-8.fc14.noarch
--> Processing Dependency: gnome-python2-gtkspell for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-psycopg2 for package:
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-python2-gtkspell.armv5tel 0:2.25.3-34.fc14.1 set to
be installed
--> Processing Dependency: gnome-python2-extras = 2.25.3-34.fc14.1 for
package: gnome-python2-gtkspell-2.25.3-34.fc14.1.armv5tel
---> Package libtranslate.armv5tel 0:0.99-23.fc13 set to be installed
---> Package python-Levenshtein.armv5tel 0:0.10.1-12.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package python-psycopg2.armv5tel 0:2.2.2-2.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: for package:
---> Package translate-toolkit.noarch 0:1.9.0-1.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: aeidon for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-enchant for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-vobject for package:
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-python2-extras.armv5tel 0:2.25.3-34.fc14.1 set to
be installed
---> Package postgresql-libs.armv5tel 0:8.4.5-1.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package python-enchant.armv5tel 0:1.3.1-7.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package python-vobject.noarch 0:0.8.1c-3.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package translate-toolkit.noarch 0:1.9.0-1.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: aeidon for package:
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
updates/filelists_db | 3.0 MB 00:03
fedora/filelists_db  |  14 MB 00:16

Packages skipped because of dependency problems:
   gnome-python2-extras-2.25.3-34.fc14.1.armv5tel from updates
   gnome-python2-gtkspell-2.25.3-34.fc14.1.armv5tel from updates
   libtranslate-0.99-23.fc13.armv5tel from fedora
   postgresql-libs-8.4.5-1.fc14.armv5tel from fedora
   python-Levenshtein-0.10.1-12.fc14.armv5tel from fedora
   python-enchant-1.3.1-7.fc14.armv5tel from fedora
   python-psycopg2-2.2.2-2.fc14.armv5tel from fedora
   python-vobject-0.8.1c-3.fc14.noarch from fedora
   translate-toolkit-1.9.0-1.fc14.noarch from updates
   virtaal-0.6.1-8.fc14.noarch from updates
[olpc@xo-c5-b9-b6 ~]$
Devel mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Virtaal on ARM]

2011-11-14 Thread Chris Leonard
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:03 AM, Dwayne Bailey  wrote:
> On 2011-11-15 01:34, Chris Leonard wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Martin Langhoff
>>   wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Chris Leonard
>>>  wrote:
>>>> In previous interations of XO-1 builds, getting Virtaal on the Gnome
>>>> boot
>>>> was a simple "sudo yum install virtaal".  Unfortunately, when I tried
>>>> this
>>>> on an XO-1.75 with 883, I got errors (detailed far below).  I sent the
>>>> errors to the Virtaal devs and got back the reply in-lined below.
>>> How about:
>>> sudo yum --enablerepo=fedora-updates install virtaal
> Could you try:
> sudo yum --enablerepo=updates install virtaal
> Although I would assume updates are on by default.

Same issues

[olpc@xo-c5-b9-b6 ~]$ sudo yum --enablerepo=updates install virtaal
updates/metalink | 3.1 kB 00:00
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package virtaal.noarch 0:0.6.1-8.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: translate-toolkit >= 1.5.1 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-Levenshtein for package:
--> Processing Dependency: libtranslate for package: virtaal-0.6.1-8.fc14.noarch
--> Processing Dependency: gnome-python2-gtkspell for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-psycopg2 for package:
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-python2-gtkspell.armv5tel 0:2.25.3-34.fc14.1 set to
be installed
--> Processing Dependency: gnome-python2-extras = 2.25.3-34.fc14.1 for
package: gnome-python2-gtkspell-2.25.3-34.fc14.1.armv5tel
---> Package libtranslate.armv5tel 0:0.99-23.fc13 set to be installed
---> Package python-Levenshtein.armv5tel 0:0.10.1-12.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package python-psycopg2.armv5tel 0:2.2.2-2.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: for package:
---> Package translate-toolkit.noarch 0:1.9.0-1.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: aeidon for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-enchant for package:
--> Processing Dependency: python-vobject for package:
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnome-python2-extras.armv5tel 0:2.25.3-34.fc14.1 set to
be installed
---> Package postgresql-libs.armv5tel 0:8.4.5-1.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package python-enchant.armv5tel 0:1.3.1-7.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package python-vobject.noarch 0:0.8.1c-3.fc14 set to be installed
---> Package translate-toolkit.noarch 0:1.9.0-1.fc14 set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: aeidon for package:
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: translate-toolkit-1.9.0-1.fc14.noarch (updates)
   Requires: aeidon
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
** Found 1 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:
mesa-libGL-7.9-6.fc14.armv5tel has missing requires of
mesa-dri-drivers(armv5tel-32) = ('0', '7.9', '6.fc14')
Devel mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Virtaal on ARM]

2011-11-15 Thread Chris Leonard
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 3:49 AM, Kevin Gordon  wrote:

> Based on Dwayne's insight, I also found a download site that has the rpm on
> its own:
> I downloaded that rpm from the mirror onto a blank USB stick with
> volid PATRIOT
> I then inserted the USB into the XO 1.75 and did a
> sudo yum --localinstall --nogpgcheck /media/PATRIOT/a*.rpm
> which successfully installed the aeidon package.  A subsequent
> sudo yum install virtaal
> then completed successfully.
> Not elegant, but until aeidon gets into the OLPC arm 'branch' repos, looks
> like this might at least be a workaround.  Of course, I have no idea whether
> virtaal actually works here , but at least it now installs without complaint
> on an XO 1.75. :-)
> Cheers

Slight variant

sudo yum install  /media/USB\ DISK/a*.rpm --nogpgcheck

worked and then Virtaal installed fine.  Thanks Kevin.  I really
wanted Virtaal on this XO 1.75 before I go to Sugar Camp LIma for the
Quechua / Aymara Translation Marathon, now I can get 2 hrs sleep and
catch my plane. :-)

Devel mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Virtaal on ARM]

2011-11-16 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Peter Robinson  wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 2:56 PM, Daniel Drake  wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 7:16 PM, Kevin Gordon  wrote:
>>> Chris:
>>> The package aeidon build doesn't even appear to me on the koji for arm.   My
>>> belief is that this will  therefore need some intervention by Mr. Robinson.
>> It is a strange case. The aeidon subpackage comes from the gaupol
>> package, which was built for ARM as normal.
>> However, the latest package on koji does not include the subpackage:
>> whereas the previous one does:
>> Maybe Peter knows more.
> I do... there was a problem with a script I used to import all the
> noarch packages where some packages were skipped if they were a
> subpackage with a different name to the primary package.
> This is now fixed in koji and it should be synced out to the mirrors
> shortly, so give it a day or so and the problem will be fixed in the
> mirrors.
> Peter

Thank you for the permanent fix Peter and thanks to Kevin for the
temporary workaround and the diagnostic help.

In Lima at EscueLab with Reuben (Trisquel dev) now, Pablo Flores just
arrived. expecting Bernie and Aleksey soonish.  Starting Quechua and
Aymara L10n in earnest tomorrow, I hope.  Pisco sours are good :-)


Devel mailing list

Re: XO 1.75 battery life?

2011-12-02 Thread Chris Leonard
On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Richard A. Smith  wrote:
> If you wanted to help and you have a 1.5 you can.  People with 1.5s can
> provide accurate usage info they install the latest release, make sure the
> date is set correctly, and then allow powerd to do ASR (ie don't disable
> it).  Then use the XO as you normally would but use it on battery as much as
> possible. Only charge up the battery when it gets low.  Powerd logs are kept
> in /home/olpc/power-logs .  After a few cycles of the battery send me all
> the logs in that directory.

Do you really mean XO 1.5 or did you intend to write XO 1.75 in the
paragraph above?

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Happy Holidays & fruitful break

2011-12-24 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Martin Langhoff  wrote:

>  Recharge that battery. Hug someone close to you; put the laptop aside
> and let yourself be hugged.

1) We clearly need a wet-ware powerd implementation.
2) Don't forget to hug your laptop, laptops need love too. . .

Wishing all the joys of the season.

Devel mailing list

Re: Can't upgrade to os883 official from XO 1.75

2011-12-30 Thread Chris Leonard
2011/12/30 Lionel Laské :

> To be honest my first attempt failed because I didn't see that XO 1.5 image
> (that I had already downloaded) was different from the XO 1.75 image :-(

Speaking from personal experience, this is a surprisingly common error
mode for XO 1.75 upgrades :-)

As this is currently happening among people with pre-release XO 1.75s
(i.e. people who theoretically should know better), I wonder if this
isn't giving us some subtle warning we should perhaps be listening to
for when the production models come out (and start getting upgraded).

Would it be theoretically possible to provide a more helpful error message?

Devel mailing list

Re: SugarLabs server - web page

2012-01-03 Thread Chris Leonard
I've added a column for L10n. ther are some uncertainties. = our Pootle instance
pending = awaiting upload to Pootle
gnome = Gnome Damned Lies server


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
> Hi,
> Many times, I wondered, what activities had to Sugar page SL (SugarLabs).
> But when you are
> looking for, not is easily to find the activities that are not public.
> Furthermore, when adding a
> new activity, you do not know if there is already a similar (even the same)
> on the server.
> So I started making a list of everything I had in the server:
> Is a simple system: a folder for an activity and after, in the web, with the
> same number: the
> page of the activity.
> For example:
> the activity "I know America" was in the server
> in:
> And in SugarLabs:
> When I check all the files, I encountered many interesting things..
> Activities that did not even have a page on SL... Duplicate
> activities/files..
> So we have supplemented the list with that information.
> In the first column, see the "id" that is automatically generated on the
> server. In the second column
> shows the name of the activity that is in that folder. In the spaces are
> blank, because there are no
> such folders on the server. In the column "Notes" are cases in which there
> are empty folders.
> The third column "Page" indicates the status of that activity in SL. Green
> means it is public.
> Orange means it is as "Experimental". Red means there is no page for this
> activity!
> With the same color, I try to show the duplicate files..
> Who is the maintainer of the site / server?
> File attached:
> Regards
> Alan
> ___
> Devel mailing list

SugarLabs - Complete list of activities.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
Devel mailing list

Re: [ASLO] SugarLabs server - web page

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Walter Bender  wrote:
>> Automatically?
>> No.. I make it, manually...
> Wow. A lot of work. Thank you for the effort.

Yes, thank you for the work.  We need to do this sort of quality
control checking on the consistency of our resources more frequently.
I do a lot of it on Pootle, but fortunately, it is pretty well set up
for that sort of review.

This particular listing is of great interest to me as getting more
(most) ASLO activities set up for L10n in Pootle (or pointing people
to their L10n hosting) is one of my personal goals for the Translation
Team effort in the long to medium term.

It would be a wonderful feature if the ASLO page for an Activity
offered a link to where the localization is hosted.   This would
enable users to become contributors to their favorite actitivies via
L10n.  I would be happy to work with the Activity or Platform Teams to
provide this information.  I contributed only yes or no for the L10n
column on Alan's sheet, but it would be fairly simple for me to turn
that into links.

Sugar Labs Translation Team
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [ASLO] SugarLabs server - web page

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Leonard
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Hernan Pachas  wrote:
> Sería muy positivo, agregar:
> IDIOMAS, de esa manera es más productivo saber que actividad se encuentra
> disponible para determinado país.
> Desarrollado para: indicar sobre que sugar se ejecuta la actividad.
> Saludos,
> ---hernán


Un enlace a donde se localiza dará la información más actualizada del
estado de la traducción de activiidad. mantener una lista de forma
manual sería más esfuerzo que vale la pena.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar versions - Activities

2012-01-06 Thread Chris Leonard
On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
>>Probably many of them continue working in new Sugar versions,
>>but didn't have a release in a long time.
> Yes..
>>May be a good work for a group of volunteers, is check the activities
>> marked working in old versions,
>>in a xo with 0.94, and report if they work,
>>and then the compatibility info can be updated in ASLO.
> I can test some.. I have an XO with 0.94 (in fact, any version, is
> reflahsing with another image..)
> If I test some.. Where put the results?

It would be good to record the date fo last release.  There could be
translations committed to git but not in the release if it was a long
time ago.  This could be checked against the release date and the git
log activity since.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] 883 on XO1

2012-01-06 Thread Chris Leonard
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 12:26 AM, David Leeming

> So i conclude I have just thrown USD 85 down the toilet.


David, I will happily keep you supplied with pre-tested OLPC image
downloads (by snail-mail CD-ROM) in exchange for some help recruiting
localizers for the Oceanic languages.  Consider it a standing offer.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] 883 on XO1

2012-01-06 Thread Chris Leonard
On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 8:22 PM, James Cameron  wrote:
> (we have discovered that only a tiny part of the file is corrupted ...
> so far one part in 128).

So only about 70 cents worth.

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC XO-3 on slashdot front page right now

2012-01-07 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Alexandro Colorado  wrote:
> We talked about it on the IRC chat, however there is a lot of
> missconceptions like the crank meme, and now andorid.
> Why would we want a >13yr old kid in 3rd world to go to the android
> store to buy apps, get a google account and use G+.
> Just doesnt seem right.

Please consider the very pragmatic argument that one *really* good
reason to have Android on the demo of the XO-3 tablet at an event as
well publicized as CES is that neither Sugar or Gnome have yet
implemented all that neat touch-interface, tablet stuff like virtual
keyboards, etc. whereas all of this has been present in Android for
some time.

Demo'ing Sugar on the tablet at this point would probably require
plugging in a keyboard and a mouse, which would be a little
embarrassing in front of all of the press corps.

I'm fairly sure that Sugar and most likely Gnome will have tablet
support in time for a production XO-3.0, but it is a bit much to
expect all of that to be in place right now when they are showing the
earliest of hardware prototypes.  I would guess that one reason why a
small number of "extra-special" XO-1.75 prototypes had touch screens
installed was to initiate work on tablet support for XO-3.0, but that
would be speculation on my part.

I think the level of speculation around Android is all out of
proportion to it's real significance, but if you are really worried,
you should port Angry Birds to Sugar so that the scales are balanced.

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC XO-3 on slashdot front page right now

2012-01-08 Thread Chris Leonard
On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Walter Bender  wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 1:15 AM, Chris Leonard  
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Alexandro Colorado  
>> wrote:
>>> We talked about it on the IRC chat, however there is a lot of
>>> missconceptions like the crank meme, and now andorid.
>>> Why would we want a >13yr old kid in 3rd world to go to the android
>>> store to buy apps, get a google account and use G+.
>>> Just doesnt seem right.
>> Please consider the very pragmatic argument that one *really* good
>> reason to have Android on the demo of the XO-3 tablet at an event as
>> well publicized as CES is that neither Sugar or Gnome have yet
>> implemented all that neat touch-interface, tablet stuff like virtual
>> keyboards, etc. whereas all of this has been present in Android for
>> some time.
> I agree with your "pragmatic argument", but... I am almost certain
> that what is being demoed on the XO-3.0 at CES is in fact Sugar
> running on Fedora. And it works pretty well. (OLPC did some tweaking
> for the demo.) That doesn't mean there isn't lots more work to be done
> (one of the reasons (as you note below) that we are pushing hard on
> GTK-3, since the GNOME community is also working in this problem
> space). There is a virtual keyboard for Sugar (but not in the build
> being demoed at CES) and not integrated to the point it needs be...
> but I did, for example, make a modification to Turtle Art for CES so
> that number blocks can be changes w/o a keyboard.

That is really nice to hear.  I had a feeling that the touchscreen
XO-1.75 prototypes weren't just gathering dust, but I hadn't seen
signs of the patches to support touchscreen land (or maybe I missed
them).  So we are farther along that I had imagined, that is great

I can imagine the Sugar 097 > 0.98 dev cycle will see some priority
feature additions to flesh out support for tablets (the same way that
0.95 > 0.96 has been GTK-focused).  That is as it should be, OLPC is
obviously a very important "channel partner' for the distribution of

>> Demo'ing Sugar on the tablet at this point would probably require
>> plugging in a keyboard and a mouse, which would be a little
>> embarrassing in front of all of the press corps.
> Nope. Just need to avoid a few widgets and activities that require typing.

Cool, we don't want it to look like a Raspberry Pi after all, real
cheap "computer", but you need to add monitor, keyboard and mouse to
use it.

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