[SailfishDevel] Problem of Thomas Perl

2014-05-24 Thread Filip Kłębczyk

*Threats from Thomas*

So first of all look at Thomas tweets:

I don't know if it was about me, because there isn't an exact person 
mentioned (maybe it was about someone else) and I haven't been sending 
threats to Thomas (if it was the case I think Thomas should have 
reported that and _still_ can to the Austrian or Polish police). I won't 
comment threat (to whoever it was) of publishing someones all _private_ 
emails and how it aligns with ethics. You can all read about that in 
countless articles on the Internet and everyone can make their own opinion.

Few months earlier I've received threat from Thomas about discrediting 
me before Austrian Python community (in which, on the sidenote he later 
succedded). As in Poland there is 2 years data retention for 
telecommunication operators, police can examine that and I still have 
that evidence on my phone.

*The most probable reason why Thomas made me the whole hell*

Read carefully all the tweets from this thread:

Do you remember when the apkenv was made avaliable for download for the 
first time on Thomas Perl's website (thp.io)? Yes it wasn't open source 
yet at that time, so Thomas provided a binary on his website, but at 
that time there wasn't any notice/licenses of the parts he used (some 
people might remember that, I do). Because Thomas was basing his 
solution on bionic C library from Android Open Source Project he was 
*obliged* to provide the appropriate notice. I've spotted that license 
violation and contacted Thomas privately (I didn't want to do a big buzz 
about that, just to help him fix this simple issue). Guess what was 
Thomas reaction to that and what he wrote me on IM? The only thing I can 
say about that is I believe that Thomas was in fury, because someone 
dared to show him his mistake. Moreover I've discussed the issue at that 
time with one more person, who can probably be a witness if the whole 
thing will end at a courthouse, which I would say is now very probable 

I would recommend to everyone reading the lines 10-13 if anyone has doubts:

Thomas will you deny this facts about apkenv and our conversation? I 
still have it on my computer.

*Relationship with Thomas Perl*

There was a nice story in Carsten's post, but does it have much in 
common with the truth and the facts? Before Thomas started his weird 
behavior towards me we were normal colleagues (I don't know how else I 
can call that relationship, feel free to correct me Thomas) from 
international Python community. It lasted something like ~2 years or a 
bit less (before the nightmare in 2013/2014). That included Thomas 
visits in Poland and my single visit (with my old friend Peter) in 
Vienna in May 2012. During the whole time I've also received various 
gifts and experienced other friendly gestures from Thomas and I was 
trying to do the same in exchange. Thomas even helped me a bit with the 
first SmartDevCon, also mentored one BSc thesis of one of my students. 
Of course we also had some misunderstandings from time to time, like it 
happens in every healthy relationship.

Just to show you all a few examples of (let's call it) good times:

Kielce/Mąchocice, Kraków, Katowice:

Berlin, Katowice:

Thomas, feel free to delete this (probably now embarassing) photos from 
2011 and 2012 or better leave them as evidence if you have courage. 
Sorry, that I had to write it all here, but it seems you have completely 
lost your common sense (similar like your company, not believing that 
you might be the source of the problem). I hope there is someone close 
with you right now or your family knows what is happening, because I'm 
seriously scared that you might even self-harm yourself in the worst 
scenario. Remember, there is always some way out and I believe there are 
plenty of people in Austria and outside it, who know you from your 
bright side, that would be willing to help you. Anyway I feel that 
professional help from psychologist/psychotherapist would be the best 
solution, but for it to make sense, you need to first acknowledge your 
problem, be sure and feel that you want that, otherwise it probably 
won't work (forced psychotheraphy usually doesn't work).


PS. Yes I have tried many times to solve the whole thing with Thomas 
amicably, but it was hard to do it, especially that Thomas never really 
told me *what exactly has happened* that he started 

[SailfishDevel] Farewell to Jolla community!

2014-05-24 Thread Filip Kłębczyk
It was very nice experience to meet many of the people in this 
community, despite the whole harm that has happened to me from Thomas, 
Carsten and Jolla the company. I think there is nothing left and I need 
to leave, as I gave so many chances for Jolla to fix this serious issue 
and they completely blew it. The last days just confirmed my worst fears 
that Jolla is a moral bankrupt and is unable to deal properly with 
problems. I guess everyone that hasn't lost his common sense has noticed 

Now despite I'm leaving the community, I will do all the steps to spread 
the information about what happened here and how I was harmed. I see it 
as a justice, the justice I deserve to defend my good name (I'm active 
for around 10 years in various communities. I am a memeber of Polish 
Linux Users Group, OpenStreetMap Poland, Hackerspace Silesia and last 
but not least, recently founded Polish Python User Group, so my 
involvement in those relies on the trust that people in all those 
communites has given me choosing on important functions at those 
associations. Also, leaving the community doesn't mean I'm leaving my 
friends from it, but I'm happy that I've figured out who my real friends 
are and what people only pretended to be my friends.

To Jolla:
My offer of mediation lost its sense. I'm no longer interested in having 
to deal with your company at any level.

To Jolla Investors:
I hope you are reading all of this and will know what to do if you care 
about the rest of your money that haven't been pumped yet to this 

To Jolla Partners - Tieto, F-Secure, Nokia/Here and others:
I also hope someone will point you to this material and you will think 
twice with who you are partnering. It might also affect your companies 
image, especially F-Secure whose business, I would say, highly depends 
on that.

To mass media:
Feel free to contact me if you would like to make an article or 
interview about the whole problem. Reading the Sailfish-devel mailing 
list mail by mail will help you to understand a lot. If the mailing 
list, which is now a good evidence, will be deleted as someone 
suggested, then there is still a lot of evidence at individuals mailboxes.

To community members:
I don't know what will be soon left from Sailfish and Jolla (Mer and 
Nemo will probably prevail, including Glacier UI as they are open 
source, I hope qwazix and locusf, which are a great guys will still work 
on that despite everything!), but I guess there are some other 
interesting projects like Neo900, Ubuntu Touch or Tizen.

To Finns:
I know it's disappointing as Jolla is a Finnish company and you probably 
had highest hopes from all of us. Unfortunately that's how life goes, 
let's move forward, you still have Nokia and there are many other 
interesting and promising startups in Finland.

To Jolla employees:
Remember the motto of my blog?


PS. Probably I'm going offline for a few days, need to relax and spend 
the rest of the weekend with my good friends and my family.
PS2. I won't post anything more here, but I will make a thread on TMO as 
some people suggested.

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

Re: [SailfishDevel] Farewell to Jolla community!

2014-05-24 Thread Kimmo Lindholm




HAVE A NICE WEEKEND   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM 



To community members:
I don't know what will be soon left from Sailfish and Jolla (Mer and 
Nemo will probably prevail, including Glacier UI as they are open 
source, I hope qwazix and locusf, which are a great guys will still work 
on that despite everything!), but I guess there are some other 
interesting projects like Neo900, Ubuntu Touch or Tizen.

To Finns:
I know it's disappointing as Jolla is a Finnish company and you probably 
had highest hopes from all of us. Unfortunately that's how life goes, 
let's move forward, you still have Nokia and there are many other 
interesting and promising startups in Finland.

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Iekku

Zitat von Iekku Pylkka iekku.pyl...@jolla.com:


We have been pondering the idea about forum. Truth to be told, we  
are too small company to follow and contribute to that as well. We  
are following/contributing to several IRC channels,  
together.Jolla.com, this mailing list and I'm bombing our technical  
developers with developer-c...@jolla.com questions I can't answer  
and can't find easily (below 30 minutes). And we have huge amount of  
work to do :) Yes, we could have trusted community members as a  
moderators in forum, but we would love to contribute and _read_  
those posts coming to forum.

Iekku Pylkkä

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org  
[devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Martin Kolman  

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 10:39 PM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

23.5.2014 21:21, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Jarko

before we jump to splitting into multiple SF mailing lists, I wonder
has any thought been given to replacing the lists with a developer'

I fear that multiple lists would not really help - I would end up
subscribed to all of them (both those that I am very interested in,
and those that I am sometimes interested in), and thus my In-box would
be just as full as it is now.

A forum would be divided into sub-forums, and being thread oriented
(as opposed to post-oriented) I could freely choose which sub-forums
and which threads I chose to dive into, and which to ignore.

Well, roughly the same thing can (and usually is by people subscribing
to mailing list) achieved by setting up mail filters and redirecting
email to per-mailing-list folders. I can't even think about all those
email directly ending in my
main inbox...

Regarding a forum - well, talk.maemo.org is currently basically filling
the role of the main Sailfish forum and this seems to work just fine, so
I don't really see the need for yet another forum instance (anybody
still remembers forum.meego.com ?).


Zitat von Jarko Vihriala jarko.vihri...@jolla.com:

We're looking into splitting the discussions on SF mailing lists.
But, let's not make hasty moves and keep the technological part alive.

thanks, Jarko

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org
[devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Ville M. Vainio
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you

Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal;
discouraging such behavior even with absence of 'technical' moderator
tools (like you have even on barbaric environments like phpbb) is not
necessarily a bad idea.

On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM,
christopher.l...@thurweb.chmailto:christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this
forum where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt /
Open Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as
definitely better elsewhere has been refreshingly small. Many of
the threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von David Greaves

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some
people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is
such a thing
as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what
measures do we
think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that
I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.


PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific
issues out
of it.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread christopher . lamb

Ignore my last - I absentmindedly clicked Send before writing the content!

My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing  
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing  
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.

Martin points out that I could simulate the same with rules and  
filters: but that is post-fact, so if somebody starts spamming the  
list from different threads and sock-puppets, then I need to  
continually add new rules / filters. I prefer to spend my free time  
programming Sailfish apps, not rules in my mail client!

While there is talk.maemo.org, that serves a different role: it is an  
independent forum (as opposed to one owned by Jolla); and the Sailfish  
part has not divided into more focused sub-forums yet.


Zitat von christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Iekku

Zitat von Iekku Pylkka iekku.pyl...@jolla.com:


We have been pondering the idea about forum. Truth to be told, we  
are too small company to follow and contribute to that as well. We  
are following/contributing to several IRC channels,  
together.Jolla.com, this mailing list and I'm bombing our technical  
developers with developer-c...@jolla.com questions I can't answer  
and can't find easily (below 30 minutes). And we have huge amount  
of work to do :) Yes, we could have trusted community members as a  
moderators in forum, but we would love to contribute and _read_  
those posts coming to forum.

Iekku Pylkkä

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org  
[devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Martin Kolman  

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 10:39 PM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

23.5.2014 21:21, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Jarko

before we jump to splitting into multiple SF mailing lists, I wonder
has any thought been given to replacing the lists with a developer'

I fear that multiple lists would not really help - I would end up
subscribed to all of them (both those that I am very interested in,
and those that I am sometimes interested in), and thus my In-box would
be just as full as it is now.

A forum would be divided into sub-forums, and being thread oriented
(as opposed to post-oriented) I could freely choose which sub-forums
and which threads I chose to dive into, and which to ignore.

Well, roughly the same thing can (and usually is by people subscribing
to mailing list) achieved by setting up mail filters and redirecting
email to per-mailing-list folders. I can't even think about all those
email directly ending in my
main inbox...

Regarding a forum - well, talk.maemo.org is currently basically filling
the role of the main Sailfish forum and this seems to work just fine, so
I don't really see the need for yet another forum instance (anybody
still remembers forum.meego.com ?).


Zitat von Jarko Vihriala jarko.vihri...@jolla.com:

We're looking into splitting the discussions on SF mailing lists.
But, let's not make hasty moves and keep the technological part alive.

thanks, Jarko

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org
[devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Ville M. Vainio
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you

Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal;
discouraging such behavior even with absence of 'technical' moderator
tools (like you have even on barbaric environments like phpbb) is not
necessarily a bad idea.

On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM,
christopher.l...@thurweb.chmailto:christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this
forum where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt /
Open Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as
definitely better elsewhere has been refreshingly small. Many of
the threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von David Greaves

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some
people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is
such a thing
as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what
measures do we
think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that
I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.


PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific
issues out
of it.

Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Mikael Hermansson
On Saturday, May 24, 2014 12:56:01 christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
 Ignore my last - I absentmindedly clicked Send before writing the content!
 My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing
 lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing
 lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.
 Martin points out that I could simulate the same with rules and
 filters: but that is post-fact, so if somebody starts spamming the
 list from different threads and sock-puppets, then I need to
 continually add new rules / filters. I prefer to spend my free time
 programming Sailfish apps, not rules in my mail client!
 While there is talk.maemo.org, that serves a different role: it is an
 independent forum (as opposed to one owned by Jolla); and the Sailfish
 part has not divided into more focused sub-forums yet.

Agree with all especially about TMO...

I am a computer Open Source geek:

Professional experience and intrests in Qt/QML, C++, C, Python, GIT, Linux on 

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Thomas Tanghus
On Thursday 22 May 2014 15:18 David Greaves wrote:
 There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some people
 have felt they don't want to participate.
 We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is such a
 thing as under-policing too.
 How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what measures do
 we think should be taken?
 Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:
 FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that I
 would actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
 that sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.
 PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific issues
 out of it.

I think grievances about the community or Jolla should be allowed to a certain 
degree. Non-relevant personal attacks and/or trolling should not be allowed 

These things won't happen often - if they do there is something wrong that 
should solved instead. Communication is vital for a community to survive. 
Personally I've just left another community, that has been very important for 
me for 2½ years, for the lack of same.

KDEs CoC is an excellent skeleton to use btw.

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Lady Karin

Thomas Tanghus tho...@tanghus.net schrieb am 15:25 Samstag, 24.Mai 2014:

On Thursday 22 May 2014 15:18 David Greaves wrote:
 There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some people
 have felt they don't want to participate.
 We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is such a
 thing as under-policing too.
 How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what measures do
 we think should be taken?
 Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:
 FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that I
 would actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
 that sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.
 PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific issues
 out of it.

I think grievances about the community or Jolla should be allowed to a certain 
degree. Non-relevant personal attacks and/or trolling should not be allowed 

These things won't happen often - if they do there is something wrong that 
should solved instead. Communication is vital for a community to survive. 
Personally I've just left another community, that has been very important for 
me for 2½ years, for the lack of same.

KDEs CoC is an excellent skeleton to use btw.

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

[SailfishDevel] Sailfish developer planet - blog aggregator

2014-05-24 Thread Thomas B. Rücker

this one has been around for a bit, but hasn't been discussed here so
far. I'd like to push it forward now.

At Devaamo we've been involved in Sailfish from the start and have
organized some local events that garnered a lot of interest.
We also run some infrastructure, like the community image hosting
service, that is e.g hosting Nemo and Sailfish N9/N950 images. It has
been around from the MeeGo times, when it was impossible to get help for
hosting community hardware adaptations.

So without further ado, Sailfish planet is now open:

I'm soliciting input which blogs to add. So far there are only
three/four that have sailfish specific topics. I'm looking strictly for
developer and platform development topics. If there is also interest in
general topics we could consider a jolla planet for that?

To have a blog added, preferably email me directly and include BOTH the
blog URL, and a URL to the feed, if the blog covers multiple topics,
preferably a feed that filters posts and only returns those tagged e.g.
sailfish. (Most blogs offer that)

If you happen to know blogs about Mer and or Nemo, you can send me those
too. Their planets are here:



SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Thomas Tanghus
On Saturday 24 May 2014 15:25 Thomas Tanghus wrote:
  PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific issues
  out of it.

I forgot to mention that I much prefer a mailing list instead of a forum. 

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Lauri Nurmi

24.5.2014 13:56, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch kirjoitti:
My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing 
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing 
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.


Is there any forum platform whose usability is not totally terrible 
compared to mailing lists?

First of all, to be able to keep track of who has replied to whose post, 
and which post, I want to see the posts as a tree. But offering such a 
tree view seems to be very rare on forums.


SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Lauri

That is an interesting perspective: my feeling / experience was  
exactly the opposite: the chief weakness of mailing lists is that they  
have no usability whatsoever: I get just a flat list of unorganised  
mails swamping my inbox.

That of course may be down to the weaknesses of the web-mail client I  
use. I would welcome advice on best-practice tools for consuming  
mailing lists. I am (mostly) on OSX, sometimes on Windows and Linux.  
To quote Churchill give us the tools and we will do the job.

From my point-of-view, plus points for usability of forums over  
mailing lists are (in no special order):

* Stickies
* Sub forums
* Search
* Private Messages
* Edit previous posts (I could have used that today when I  
inadvertently clicked send too early)

* Thread based perspective
* Does not fill my mail file
* Visible metadata such as number of replies, date of most recent  
reply, number of posts etc.

Downsides of forums are:
* yet another user/password to manage (although a forum could be  
integrated into together.jolla.com

* yet another site to visit regularly (in addition to my mail client)
* karma: so distracting, I prefer the simple egalitarianism /  
meritocracy of mailing lists



Zitat von Lauri Nurmi lanu...@iki.fi:

24.5.2014 13:56, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch kirjoitti:
My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing  
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing  
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.


Is there any forum platform whose usability is not totally terrible  
compared to mailing lists?

First of all, to be able to keep track of who has replied to whose  
post, and which post, I want to see the posts as a tree. But  
offering such a tree view seems to be very rare on forums.


SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
To unsubscribe, please send a mail to devel-unsubscr...@lists.sailfishos.org

Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Thomas B. Rücker

On 05/24/2014 04:34 PM, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
 Hi Lauri

 That is an interesting perspective: my feeling / experience was
 exactly the opposite: the chief weakness of mailing lists is that they
 have no usability whatsoever: I get just a flat list of unorganised
 mails swamping my inbox.

That sounds like you don't have a good grip on your mailbox. But let me
pick apart your arguments below, one by one, just because I'm in the mood.

 That of course may be down to the weaknesses of the web-mail client I

Indeed. But even there web clients usually, at the very least allow
sorting into folders and bypassing the inbox.

 I would welcome advice on best-practice tools for consuming mailing
 lists. I am (mostly) on OSX, sometimes on Windows and Linux. To quote
 Churchill give us the tools and we will do the job.

I'm not going to recommend one particular MUA (Mail User Agent), that
would be like screaming Yehova at the top of my lungs.
There are clients aplenty, graphical, console, complicated, easy. Spend
an hour or two reading about mail clients and mailing lists. You'll
NEVER want to go back to forums.

In addition there are good web interfaces for reading up on mailing
lists. I use that if I'm not close to my personal MUA or not subscribed
to a list. See GMANE et al.

 From my point-of-view, plus points for usability of forums over
 mailing lists are (in no special order):
 * Stickies

That's a web-interface thing. The analogue would be a wiki page
introducing you to the mailing list, pointing out ground rules and a
link to a FAQ.

 * Sub forums
Mailing lists on mailman can have topics, but I rarely see this used
outside lkml(?).
We are currently pondering a split to several mailing lists, that's the
other possibility.

 * Search

Most of the time I'm much faster searching either my mailing list
directory or the web archive of said list through the search engine of
my least distrust. (hint: add site:lists.sailfishos.org to your search)

 * Private Messages

I'm not sure if you are serious.
Did you hear about this thing called … email?

 * Edit previous posts (I could have used that today when I
 inadvertently clicked send too early)

Yes, that's an inherent limitation. Actually the only one in this mail
that I can't and won't pick apart.

 * Thread based perspective

Beat this:
That's my Thunderbird. Other MUAs have different options. Everyone can
chose the way that fits their way of reading a list. Where as with a
forum you get ONE way or the highway.

 * Does not fill my mail file

If you are not using subdirectories, yes. Start using sub directories.
Or get an email account for mailing list usage. I see many people do that.

 * Visible metadata such as number of replies, date of most recent
 reply, number of posts etc.

Again threaded view gives you a good idea what's going on in a thread.

 Downsides of forums are:
 * yet another user/password to manage (although a forum could be
 integrated into together.jolla.com
 * yet another site to visit regularly (in addition to my mail client)

If you want a forum, TJC is already very close to it, including all the
downsides of horrible noise and impossible to find things. Even Jolla
loses track of important items there.

 * karma: so distracting, I prefer the simple egalitarianism /
 meritocracy of mailing lists

Could be folded into a mailing list feature too, just to annoy you. Just
kidding. But knowing the Intarwebz™, someone has done that already…

 Zitat von Lauri Nurmi lanu...@iki.fi:

 24.5.2014 13:56, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch kirjoitti:
 My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing
 lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing
 lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.


 Is there any forum platform whose usability is not totally terrible
 compared to mailing lists?

 First of all, to be able to keep track of who has replied to whose
 post, and which post, I want to see the posts as a tree. But offering
 such a tree view seems to be very rare on forums.

Still want to have a forum? ;-)



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[SailfishDevel] DatePickerDialog and locale

2014-05-24 Thread Kimmo Lindholm
(No actual question here but my observations)

Just noticed that depending how i start my application on the phone, 
DatePickerDialog returns different values.

If started from ssh session, dateText returns 24 May 2014
If started from launcher icon (as normally user would do) or from fingerterm, 
dateText returns 24.5.2014 (later caused my app to fail)

Also the complete datepicker is in English when started from ssh.

Setting LANG=fi_FI.utf8 env from putty gets app started in 'my' language.

Maybe i'll use this to test application in different languages.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Thomas Tanghus
On Saturday 24 May 2014 17:32 Thomas B. Rücker wrote:
 That sounds like you don't have a good grip on your mailbox. But let me
 pick apart your arguments below, one by one, just because I'm in the mood.

OK, one down-side to mailing lists: there are no Like, Thanks, +1 or the 
likes of it buttons - I would really have used that now :D

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Stefano Mosconi

On 24/05/2014 16:25, Thomas Tanghus wrote:

On Thursday 22 May 2014 15:18 David Greaves wrote:

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some people
have felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is such a
thing as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what measures do
we think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that I
would actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
that sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.


PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific issues
out of it.

I think grievances about the community or Jolla should be allowed to a certain
degree. Non-relevant personal attacks and/or trolling should not be allowed


I believe that when there is something wrong (anywhere in the world) 
it's good to point that out and discuss it as much as possible. Only by 
analyzing what went wrong and how it could have gone better we (as human 
beings, community, companies) can improve.

Discussing means (to me) trying to understand the facts, the emotions, 
and the assumptions on how it should have been and then find a way 
forward. Discussion implies an exchange of information (so it's not a I 
talk when you are done talking but a I listen while you talk and then 
I will talk back on the same topic (but stay with me please)).

Personal attacks or trolling are of course not constructive discussion 
and usually just because personal attacks and trolling are not a 
discussion at all (you need at least 2 to tango).

These things won't happen often - if they do there is something wrong that
should solved instead. Communication is vital for a community to survive.

And when they happen they are halting the whole community for a long 
amount of time and focusing the eyes of the community on that.

I refrain from proposing (even without a Jolla hat) how I would 
generally handle trolling. I let you guys figure it out, it's a pretty 
well known problem with well known solutions tested for centuries.

As per the tools I think the tools are not so relevant as long as the 
community finds its way to discuss. Personally I don't love forums but 
that is only my preference, as I don't like pizza with pineapple.

Stefano Mosconi
without a Jolla hat
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Goulagman

As per the tools I think the tools are not so relevant as long as the
 community finds its way to discuss. Personally I don't love forums but that
 is only my preference, as I don't like pizza with pineapple.

I think it's becoming too personal here. As a fervent defender of pizzas
with pineapple, this is an attack against my most innermost beliefs.

Apart from that, I think that news groups are a good alternative to forums.
People using a mailing list would be slightly disturbed by the change (as
newsgroups can be used like mailing lists) and the newsgroups interface is
very close to a forum.

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Thomas Tanghus
On Saturday 24 May 2014 21:30 Stefano Mosconi wrote:
  PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific
  out of it.
  I think grievances about the community or Jolla should be allowed to a
  certain degree. Non-relevant personal attacks and/or trolling should not
  be allowed though.
 I believe that when there is something wrong (anywhere in the world) 
 it's good to point that out and discuss it as much as possible. Only by 
 analyzing what went wrong and how it could have gone better we (as human 
 beings, community, companies) can improve.
 Discussing means (to me) trying to understand the facts, the emotions, 
 and the assumptions on how it should have been and then find a way 
 forward. Discussion implies an exchange of information (so it's not a I 
 talk when you are done talking but a I listen while you talk and then 
 I will talk back on the same topic (but stay with me please)).
 Personal attacks or trolling are of course not constructive discussion 
 and usually just because personal attacks and trolling are not a 
 discussion at all (you need at least 2 to tango).

Goes without saying.

  These things won't happen often - if they do there is something wrong that
  should solved instead. Communication is vital for a community to survive.
 And when they happen they are halting the whole community for a long 
 amount of time and focusing the eyes of the community on that.

The community gets halted even longer without proper communication, meanwhile 
drying out a barely budding ecosystem - did that nature analogy go too far? ;)

From the recent event - after reading endless emails, tweets, IRC logs etc. - 
I can only deduct, based on what was revealed, that it was personal issues. 
Still I don't think Jolla has handled it very well.
Let me give you an example of dealing with such matters. I am aware that you 
don't have the resources to be as thorough, but you should - must - have the 
resources to be as open (github may have their flaws, but non-disclosure 
doesn't seem to be one of them):


 I refrain from proposing (even without a Jolla hat) how I would 
 generally handle trolling. I let you guys figure it out, it's a pretty 
 well known problem with well known solutions tested for centuries.

As I am very new in this community I don't even know if this ml has a 
moderator, but obviously there should be one. In general moderation should be 
off, and only turned on when really needed.
In such situations it is not an easy and often not appreciated role to have. 
It should preferably be a well-trusted and of course non-partisan community 
member, but in a community with a commercial backing such a person is even 
harder to find.

 As per the tools I think the tools are not so relevant as long as the 
 community finds its way to discuss. Personally I don't love forums but 
 that is only my preference, as I don't like pizza with pineapple.

I loathe both of them ;)

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Tone Kastlunger
Pizza with Pineapple - abomination that tops even Kalakukko!

On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Thomas Tanghus tho...@tanghus.net wrote:

 On Saturday 24 May 2014 21:30 Stefano Mosconi wrote:
   PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific
   out of it.
   I think grievances about the community or Jolla should be allowed to a
   certain degree. Non-relevant personal attacks and/or trolling should
   be allowed though.
  I believe that when there is something wrong (anywhere in the world)
  it's good to point that out and discuss it as much as possible. Only by
  analyzing what went wrong and how it could have gone better we (as human
  beings, community, companies) can improve.
  Discussing means (to me) trying to understand the facts, the emotions,
  and the assumptions on how it should have been and then find a way
  forward. Discussion implies an exchange of information (so it's not a I
  talk when you are done talking but a I listen while you talk and then
  I will talk back on the same topic (but stay with me please)).
  Personal attacks or trolling are of course not constructive discussion
  and usually just because personal attacks and trolling are not a
  discussion at all (you need at least 2 to tango).

 Goes without saying.

   These things won't happen often - if they do there is something wrong
   should solved instead. Communication is vital for a community to
  And when they happen they are halting the whole community for a long
  amount of time and focusing the eyes of the community on that.

 The community gets halted even longer without proper communication,
 drying out a barely budding ecosystem - did that nature analogy go too
 far? ;)

 From the recent event - after reading endless emails, tweets, IRC logs
 etc. -
 I can only deduct, based on what was revealed, that it was personal issues.
 Still I don't think Jolla has handled it very well.
 Let me give you an example of dealing with such matters. I am aware that
 don't have the resources to be as thorough, but you should - must - have
 resources to be as open (github may have their flaws, but non-disclosure
 doesn't seem to be one of them):


  I refrain from proposing (even without a Jolla hat) how I would
  generally handle trolling. I let you guys figure it out, it's a pretty
  well known problem with well known solutions tested for centuries.

 As I am very new in this community I don't even know if this ml has a
 moderator, but obviously there should be one. In general moderation should
 off, and only turned on when really needed.
 In such situations it is not an easy and often not appreciated role to
 It should preferably be a well-trusted and of course non-partisan community
 member, but in a community with a commercial backing such a person is even
 harder to find.

  As per the tools I think the tools are not so relevant as long as the
  community finds its way to discuss. Personally I don't love forums but
  that is only my preference, as I don't like pizza with pineapple.

 I loathe both of them ;)

 Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

 Thomas Tanghus
 SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Erik Lundin

2014-05-24 12:56, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch skrev:

My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing lists,
which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing lists with
a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.

Now since a forum is suggested, I cannot resist to propose my favourite 
way of finding and sharing developer experience: a QA site (think Stack 
Overflow). Even if there is together.jolla.com, I haven't yet seen many 
concrete Sailfish development topics discussed there. Compared to forums 
and mailing lists, QA sites have the built-in advantage of distilling 
the best answers to be easily found instead of being buried in endless 

Best regards,
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Kimmo Lindholm
I give my vote for Gone Fishing QA site

hmm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sailfish-os

Now since a forum is suggested, I cannot resist to propose my favourite way of 
finding and sharing developer experience: a QA site (think Stack Overflow). 
Even if there is together.jolla.com, I haven't yet seen many concrete Sailfish 
development topics discussed there. Compared to forums and mailing lists, QA 
sites have the built-in advantage of distilling the best answers to be easily 
found instead of being buried in endless threads.

OK, one down-side to mailing lists: there are no Like, Thanks, +1 or the 
likes of it buttons - I would really have used that now :D

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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Martin Kolman

24.5.2014 19:32, Thomas B. Rücker:

* karma: so distracting, I prefer the simple egalitarianism /
meritocracy of mailing lists

Could be folded into a mailing list feature too, just to annoy you. Just
kidding. But knowing the Intarwebz™, someone has done that already…

IIRC, the new Mailman 3 web interface called HyperKitty[1] has this. :)

BTW, check it out, other than this gimmick the UI has reportedly many
interesting and useful features. :)

[1] https://fedorahosted.org/hyperkitty/
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread fasza2mobile

On Sat May 24 2014 21:01:25 GMT+0100 (BST), Kimmo Lindholm wrote:
 I give my vote for Gone Fishing QA site
 hmm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sailfish-os
 Now since a forum is suggested, I cannot resist to propose my favourite way 
 of finding and sharing developer experience: a QA site (think Stack 
 Overflow). Even if there is together.jolla.com, I haven't yet seen many 
 concrete Sailfish development topics discussed there. Compared to forums and 
 mailing lists, QA sites have the built-in advantage of distilling the best 
 answers to be easily found instead of being buried in endless threads.
 OK, one down-side to mailing lists: there are no Like, Thanks, +1 or 
 the likes of it buttons - I would really have used that now :D
 SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-24 Thread Jarko Vihriala
Ham, pineapple and aura cheese. Forever. And lots of garlic.

On the topic. I prefer ml,but it's archive should have indexer. 

On Sat May 24 2014 21:55:18 GMT+0300 (EEST), Goulagman wrote:
 As per the tools I think the tools are not so relevant as long as the 
 community finds its way to discuss. Personally I don't love forums but that 
 is only my preference, as I don't like pizza with pineapple.
 I think it's becoming too personal here. As a fervent defender of pizzas with 
 pineapple, this is an attack against my most innermost beliefs.
 Apart from that, I think that news groups are a good alternative to forums. 
 People using a mailing list would be slightly disturbed by the change (as 
 newsgroups can be used like mailing lists) and the newsgroups interface is 
 very close to a forum.

Sent from my Jolla
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Joseph Crowell

See on a forum you could have just edited the last post.

On 5/24/2014 8:56 PM, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
Ignore my last - I absentmindedly clicked Send before writing the 

My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing 
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing 
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.

Martin points out that I could simulate the same with rules and 
filters: but that is post-fact, so if somebody starts spamming the 
list from different threads and sock-puppets, then I need to 
continually add new rules / filters. I prefer to spend my free time 
programming Sailfish apps, not rules in my mail client!

While there is talk.maemo.org, that serves a different role: it is an 
independent forum (as opposed to one owned by Jolla); and the Sailfish 
part has not divided into more focused sub-forums yet.


Zitat von christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Iekku

Zitat von Iekku Pylkka iekku.pyl...@jolla.com:


We have been pondering the idea about forum. Truth to be told, we 
are too small company to follow and contribute to that as well. We 
are following/contributing to several IRC channels, 
together.Jolla.com, this mailing list and I'm bombing our technical 
developers with developer-c...@jolla.com questions I can't answer 
and can't find easily (below 30 minutes). And we have huge amount of 
work to do :) Yes, we could have trusted community members as a 
moderators in forum, but we would love to contribute and _read_ 
those posts coming to forum.

Iekku Pylkkä

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org 
[devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Martin Kolman 

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 10:39 PM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you 

23.5.2014 21:21, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Jarko

before we jump to splitting into multiple SF mailing lists, I wonder
has any thought been given to replacing the lists with a developer'

I fear that multiple lists would not really help - I would end up
subscribed to all of them (both those that I am very interested in,
and those that I am sometimes interested in), and thus my In-box would
be just as full as it is now.

A forum would be divided into sub-forums, and being thread oriented
(as opposed to post-oriented) I could freely choose which sub-forums
and which threads I chose to dive into, and which to ignore.

Well, roughly the same thing can (and usually is by people subscribing
to mailing list) achieved by setting up mail filters and redirecting
email to per-mailing-list folders. I can't even think about all those
email directly ending in my
main inbox...

Regarding a forum - well, talk.maemo.org is currently basically filling
the role of the main Sailfish forum and this seems to work just 
fine, so

I don't really see the need for yet another forum instance (anybody
still remembers forum.meego.com ?).


Zitat von Jarko Vihriala jarko.vihri...@jolla.com:

We're looking into splitting the discussions on SF mailing lists.
But, let's not make hasty moves and keep the technological part 

thanks, Jarko

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org
[devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Ville M. Vainio
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you

Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal;
discouraging such behavior even with absence of 'technical' moderator
tools (like you have even on barbaric environments like phpbb) is not
necessarily a bad idea.

On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM,

Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this
forum where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt /
Open Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as
definitely better elsewhere has been refreshingly small. Many of
the threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von David Greaves

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some
people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is
such a thing
as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what
measures do we
think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that
I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
sometimes cries for help come in strange 

Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-24 Thread Joseph Crowell

On 5/25/2014 2:34 AM, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:

Hi Lauri

That is an interesting perspective: my feeling / experience was 
exactly the opposite: the chief weakness of mailing lists is that they 
have no usability whatsoever: I get just a flat list of unorganised 
mails swamping my inbox.

That of course may be down to the weaknesses of the web-mail client I 
use. I would welcome advice on best-practice tools for consuming 
mailing lists. I am (mostly) on OSX, sometimes on Windows and Linux. 
To quote Churchill give us the tools and we will do the job.

Thunderbird allows a threaded view which works great for a threaded view 
and 'detects' mail server settings when you put in your email address. I 
filter mailing list mails from KDE, Qt and Sailfish in to their 
respective folders and then on each of those folders I [View  Sort By  
Threaded] on each of those folders.

From my point-of-view, plus points for usability of forums over 
mailing lists are (in no special order):

* Stickies
* Sub forums
* Search
* Private Messages
* Edit previous posts (I could have used that today when I 
inadvertently clicked send too early)

* Thread based perspective
* Does not fill my mail file
* Visible metadata such as number of replies, date of most recent 
reply, number of posts etc.

Downsides of forums are:
* yet another user/password to manage (although a forum could be 
integrated into together.jolla.com

* yet another site to visit regularly (in addition to my mail client)
* karma: so distracting, I prefer the simple egalitarianism / 
meritocracy of mailing lists



Zitat von Lauri Nurmi lanu...@iki.fi:

24.5.2014 13:56, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch kirjoitti:
My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing 
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing 
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.


Is there any forum platform whose usability is not totally terrible 
compared to mailing lists?

First of all, to be able to keep track of who has replied to whose 
post, and which post, I want to see the posts as a tree. But offering 
such a tree view seems to be very rare on forums.


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