Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Jarko and Juha

Right now QtCreator is deploying as RPM without a problem - whereas last 
week it was consistently giving the error. I am sure it will rear its 
ugly head soon, so I will report back then following your advice.

In the meantime, some more background info.

I am on OSX 10.8.5 on a MBA. I am running the very latest SailfishOS 
SDK, but have had this problem with previous versions to.

I have lots of applicaitons running on the MBA, including QtCreator 
Lotus Notes, MS Office, Thunderbird, Chrome, Safari, Terminal, a VPN 
etc. I almost never shutdown / restart unless forced to. . I move 
between various networks - at home, office, hotspot on Jolla, VPN to 
office etc. I do a lot of Sailfish Development mobile - on the train, 
and thus often open and shut the laptop lid during development

The problem can occur out of the blue: i.e. 30 seconds previously it 
successfully deployed - I make a small one line change to the code, try 
to redeploy, and bingo: the problem occurs. The progress bar for the 
build was at about 50 % complete or more. The timeout comes after 
seconds rather than minutes (but I need to reproduce it again to give 
more accurate timings).

During the problem I have been able to ssh into the SDK and Emulator 
with no noticeable problem.


On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
when that happens, have you tried to SSH into the MerSDK from command 
line. We have seen issues where the SSH key exchange takes long time 
for some reason , currently that's under investigation. If you want to 
help in that,
- you could do a SSH session inside MerSDK and run journalctl -fa in 

- run deploy commands from Qt Creator
- observe the output, is there a +10s timeout in the log somewhere 
(looking at timestamps)?

thanks, Jarko

[] on behalf of Tone Kastlunger 

*Sent:* Saturday, May 31, 2014 11:28 AM
*To:* Sailfish OS Developers
*Subject:* Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to 
MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

Hi I for once happen to get the issue every once in a while even 
during binary deployment.


On Thursday, May 29, 2014, Christopher Lamb wrote:

Hi All

I am still suffering from this issue, and getting more and more

Right now it is refusing to deploy as RPM to the Emulator.

Is anything I can do to better debug / understand this issue?

The timeout settings previously suggested are probably
red-herrings, as they apply to the device (phone / Emulator),
whereas the error is a timeout to the SDK.

All help greatly appreciated.



On 28.04.14 08:01, wrote:



I found a well hidden {1} timeout setting in the preferences /
devices and increased this from the default 2 secs to 10 secs.
This does seem to help, but as always with sporadic problems
only time will tell if this is a fix, or if the problem is
just dormant for a while.

What I don't understand is, given the error says Could not
connect to

MerSDK Virtual Machine why should a timeout for
connecting to a Jolla device play any role?

Is the error misleading? is the problem actually in connecting
FROM the MerSDK to the Jolla?


{1} when the preferences pane opens, at least on my OSX host
the timeout setting is offscreen in an embedded pane with
scroll bars in the middle of the preferences pane. Only if you
scroll down in the embedded pane are further settings
including the timeout revealed. Truly a wonderful bit of UI
design 8-)

Zitat von

I believe the  timeout setting can be adjusted in
QtCreator where you set up your mer device(ssh password,
etc). By increasing this value you can probably prevent
the timeout issue altogether. I don't have the SDK in
front of me to give you the exact menu you need to open,
but it isn't too hard to find once you know what you're
looking for.

On Sat Apr 26 2014 13:41:20 GMT+0100 (BST), wrote:

Hi All

I am suffering from sporadic bouts of the error:
Could not connect to
MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from

One moment I can be happily hacking and deploying code
to my Jolla
without error. Then I make a small change to the code,
try to deploy,

Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Jarko

Have got on the train, started deploying, and get the problem. Below is 
output from the SDK and QtCreator.

I am starting to wonder if the problem is related to networking in some 
way. This morning I successfully deployed at home - connected to the 
home wireless network.

Now I am on the train - when I deployed / got the error) I was not 
connected to any network. (I have just opened the Jolla hotspot to send 
this mai).


SDK journalctl -fa output

Apple-Pip:~ christopherlamb$ ssh -p  -i 
~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/root root@localhost

Last login: Wed Apr 30 07:00:35 2014
[root@SailfishSDK ~]# journalctl -fa
Logs begin at Tue, 03 Jun 2014 06:00:29 +.
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10191]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[9470]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[9447]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[9447]: syslogin_perform_logout: 
logout() returned an error

Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c36.
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c32.
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c33.
Jun 03 06:48:25 SailfishSDK sshd[10683]: Accepted publickey for root 
from port 59953 ssh2
Jun 03 06:48:25 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c37 of user 
Jun 03 06:48:25 SailfishSDK sshd[10683]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:48:54 SailfishSDK sshd[10702]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59955 ssh2
Jun 03 06:48:54 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c38 of user 
Jun 03 06:48:54 SailfishSDK sshd[10702]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:00 SailfishSDK sshd[10707]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59958 ssh2
Jun 03 06:49:00 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c39 of user 
Jun 03 06:49:00 SailfishSDK sshd[10707]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK sshd[10707]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk

Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c39.
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK sshd[11124]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59960 ssh2
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c40 of user 
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK sshd[11124]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[11124]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk

Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c40.
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[11423]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59962 ssh2
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c41 of user 
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[11423]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[10705]: dispatch_protocol_error: type 
128 seq 5
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[11426]: dispatch_protocol_error: type 
128 seq 8
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10705]: dispatch_protocol_error: type 
128 seq 6
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10705]: Received disconnect from 11:
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[11423]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10702]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk

Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c41.
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c38.

//Qt Creator Output

08:49:00: Running steps for project beertent...
08:49:00: Starting: 
-r -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=declarative_debug CONFIG+=qml_debug

Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.Abqi8B
08:49:01: The process 
exited normally.
08:49:01: Starting: 

Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.vaeuWx
mkdir -p translations  lupdate 
/home/mersdk/share/SailfishProjects/beertent/beertent/qml -ts 
Scanning directory 
Scanning directory 

Updating '../beertent/translations/beertent.ts'...
Found 7 source text(s) (0 new and 7 already existing)

Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Jarko

Still on the train, now with the Jolla Wifi Hotspot active, and I can 
build without problems.

This indicates that I get the problem when no network is connected. In 
this case I am deploying to the Emulator, so no network should be 



On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
journalctl -fa 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Saija Saarenpää
I get the same error often when developing with Windows 8 64-bit, never on Mac 
OSX 10. They are both always connected to the (same) network. It helps to close 
and open the virtual machine, the  it stays reachable for another while once it 
does the same again.

- Saija

Lähetetty iPadista

 Christopher Lamb kirjoitti 3.6.2014 kello 
 Hi Jarko
 Still on the train, now with the Jolla Wifi Hotspot active, and I can build 
 without problems.
 This indicates that I get the problem when no network is connected. In this 
 case I am deploying to the Emulator, so no network should be required 
 On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
 journalctl -fa
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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Saija

In my case restarting the VMs does not help. I think (from memory) that 
rebooting the whole laptop does help.

It is possible that the same reported error may have a number of 
different causes - in my case it seems to be when my development host 
loses its network connection (though as with all sporadic problems it is 
difficult to be sure).


On 03.06.14 09:02, Saija Saarenpää wrote:

I get the same error often when developing with Windows 8 64-bit, never on Mac 
OSX 10. They are both always connected to the (same) network. It helps to close 
and open the virtual machine, the  it stays reachable for another while once it 
does the same again.

- Saija

Lähetetty iPadista

Christopher Lamb kirjoitti 3.6.2014 kello 9.58:

Hi Jarko

Still on the train, now with the Jolla Wifi Hotspot active, and I can build 
without problems.

This indicates that I get the problem when no network is connected. In this 
case I am deploying to the Emulator, so no network should be required 



On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
journalctl -fa

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Saija Saarenpää
Oh, that sounds like a lot worse case than mine. I can live with mine since 
it's easy to fix temporarily, but I truly hope the cause is found for your case 
and fixed permanently.

- Saija

Lähetetty iPadista

 Christopher Lamb kirjoitti 3.6.2014 kello 
 Hi Saija
 In my case restarting the VMs does not help. I think (from memory) that 
 rebooting the whole laptop does help.
 It is possible that the same reported error may have a number of different 
 causes - in my case it seems to be when my development host loses its network 
 connection (though as with all sporadic problems it is difficult to be sure).
 On 03.06.14 09:02, Saija Saarenpää wrote:
 I get the same error often when developing with Windows 8 64-bit, never on 
 Mac OSX 10. They are both always connected to the (same) network. It helps 
 to close and open the virtual machine, the  it stays reachable for another 
 while once it does the same again.
 - Saija
 Lähetetty iPadista
 Christopher Lamb kirjoitti 3.6.2014 kello 
 Hi Jarko
 Still on the train, now with the Jolla Wifi Hotspot active, and I can build 
 without problems.
 This indicates that I get the problem when no network is connected. In this 
 case I am deploying to the Emulator, so no network should be required 
 On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
 journalctl -fa
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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Juha Kallioinen

Hi Christopher,

the changing networks may play a part in this problem. Did I already 
sometime earlier ask you to modify your Mac's /etc/hosts file?

It has helped in some cases to add the name for the MerSDK virtual 
machine to /etc/hosts like this: SailfishSDK

Or if you already have the there, just add the SailfishSDK to 
the end of the existing line like this: localhost SailfishSDK

Could you try this and let me know if there's any improvement? If you 
already have it there.. well then we'll have to think of something else. 
VirtualBox has some DNS related settings like these:

|--natdnsproxy1-N on|off|: This option makes the NAT engine proxy all 
guest DNS requests to the host's DNS servers|


|--natdnshostresolver1-N on|off|: This option makes the NAT engine use 
the host's resolver mechanisms to handle DNS requests

Of these we use the --natdnshostresolver1 on in MerSDK and the Emulator.

The options are documented here:

The rpmbuild command does a DNS query in the place where the failure is 
in your log. Usually it just prints out:

warning: Could not canonicalize hostname: SailfishSDK

Which is fine.. but in some networks that bit can cause a failure. In 
those cases modifying the /etc/hosts file has helped.

Best regards,

On 03.06.2014 10:24, Christopher Lamb wrote:

Hi Saija

In my case restarting the VMs does not help. I think (from memory) 
that rebooting the whole laptop does help.

It is possible that the same reported error may have a number of 
different causes - in my case it seems to be when my development host 
loses its network connection (though as with all sporadic problems it 
is difficult to be sure).


On 03.06.14 09:02, Saija Saarenpää wrote:
I get the same error often when developing with Windows 8 64-bit, 
never on Mac OSX 10. They are both always connected to the (same) 
network. It helps to close and open the virtual machine, the  it 
stays reachable for another while once it does the same again.

- Saija

Lähetetty iPadista

Christopher Lamb kirjoitti 3.6.2014 
kello 9.58:

Hi Jarko

Still on the train, now with the Jolla Wifi Hotspot active, and I 
can build without problems.

This indicates that I get the problem when no network is connected. 
In this case I am deploying to the Emulator, so no network should be 



On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
journalctl -fa

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[SailfishDevel] [Minutes] SailfishOS community meeting 03 June + planning for next one 10 June

2014-06-03 Thread Sebastian Meyer

Thanks to everyone who attended todays's meeting. Minutes/logs:

Minutes (text):

Next meeting will be on 2014-06-10 @ 15:00 UTC. Meeting Chair will be
cybette unless someone volunteers until then. Please propose discussion
topics, with some content/details at:

(add your name/nick if you suggest a topic and will present the topic at
the meeting, or name someone who should present. Indicate how much time
approximately you will need for the topic so we can timebox the meeting

NOTE: Propose your topic by Friday 06 June. Any topics added after that
will be considered for the following meeting. This is so that people
involved can prepare for the discussions before the meeting.

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Re: [SailfishDevel] [Minutes] SailfishOS community meeting 03 June + planning for next one 10 June

2014-06-03 Thread Sebastian Meyer
For those who don't want to delve into the meeting logs, here the full
description of Basil Semuonovs topic from the Pirate Pad:

Harbour  SailfishOS apps compatibility
Statement: Problem with SailfishOS fragmentation is coming.
Harbour/Store is not prepared for it.
Description: Now we have 1 device running official SailfishOS - the
Jolla Phone. And one major SailfishOS version running on devices. One
day Jolla will release another device. Also, SailfishOS targets to be on
android devices, and once SailfishOS will be ported, lots of supported
devices will appear. This will cause fragmentation in terms of 'base'
specs of devices. To make it clear, i'm not talking about 'this
smartphone have an attachable DVD-ROM, and that will have ultra-3D-touch
surface'. I'm talking about screen resolution  aspect, CPU  GPU
performance, amount of RAM. Most of devices will have 1gb+ ram, 2+
cores, 16:9/16:10 aspect.
Of course, SailfishOS versions will be different on all devices, since
there are some hardware problems, or just timeframe related
'complication' issues during new SailfishOS version release time.
Every-day apps like notes/music player/etc will probably work just fine.
Some of 3d enabled games will. But most of gorgeous apps would break the
leg here: some should not be runned on square resolultion, some require
atleast 2gb of RAM to work as expected and provide neat user experience.
Or imaging 'streaming apps', that require LTE support for fast connection.
Also, SailfishOS is rapidly developing. Dont you say that you will
always use Qt 5.2 core libs? What if Qt releases 6.x in a month with
'breaking quantum-state-processor support', and it will installed in
every 2 of 3 flagship phones. What will happen to all already published
apps, if you change some of core packages to new major version?
Possible solution:
  SailfishOS: Introduce core meta packet(s) with sfos version, which,
maybe, depend on target device(or its specs), so apps can depend on it.
  Harbour: Add target SailfishOS version/device specs for application,
while publishing.

Best regards,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Juha

I have edited my /etc/hosts to look like this:   localhost SailfishSDK broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

Now in the office, with WIFI turned off, and no ethernet plugged in, I 
can deploy as RPM successfully! So for the moment it looks like editing 
the /etc/hosts may be enough.

Later this evening on train on the way home I will try with WiFi 
activated but no proper connection (which means it will probably default 
to the SBB/Swisscom WiFi which requires a logon to properly connect).



On 03.06.14 11:24, Juha Kallioinen wrote:

Hi Christopher,

the changing networks may play a part in this problem. Did I already 
sometime earlier ask you to modify your Mac's /etc/hosts file?

It has helped in some cases to add the name for the MerSDK virtual 
machine to /etc/hosts like this: SailfishSDK

Or if you already have the there, just add the SailfishSDK 
to the end of the existing line like this: localhost SailfishSDK

Could you try this and let me know if there's any improvement? 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server.

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Juha

I am now on the train. Deployment also works with WiFi active, but not 
properly connected.

This means that - at least in my case - adding SailfishSDK to the 
/etc/hosts is a good fix for this error.

I think this is one for the Known Issues page.

I guess that (without the entry in /etc/hosts) active networking is 
required for SailfishSDK to be resolved. Of course I could SSH in, 
because I was using localhost as the machine name to connect (ssh -p 
 -i ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/root root@localhost).

Thanks for your help and forebearance,


On 03.06.14 17:15, Christopher Lamb wrote:

Hi Juha

I have edited my /etc/hosts to look like this:   localhost SailfishSDK broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

Now in the office, with WIFI turned off, and no ethernet plugged in, I 
can deploy as RPM successfully! So for the moment it looks like 
editing the /etc/hosts may be enough.

Later this evening on train on the way home I will try with WiFi 
activated but no proper connection (which means it will probably 
default to the SBB/Swisscom WiFi which requires a logon to properly 



On 03.06.14 11:24, Juha Kallioinen wrote:

Hi Christopher,

the changing networks may play a part in this problem. Did I already 
sometime earlier ask you to modify your Mac's /etc/hosts file?

It has helped in some cases to add the name for the MerSDK virtual 
machine to /etc/hosts like this: SailfishSDK

Or if you already have the there, just add the SailfishSDK 
to the end of the existing line like this: localhost SailfishSDK

Could you try this and let me know if there's any improvement? 

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[SailfishDevel] SDL2 without OpenGL, nothing but a black screen

2014-06-03 Thread Lauri Nurmi


I was coding something simple with 2D-only graphics using SDL2, and 
noticed that drawing graphics that does work in the emulator, does not 
work on the actual phone.

To demonstrate that, I copied the example code from, added a Makefile and 
hello.bmp, and placed those onto GitHub:

As also described in, the sample runs fine in the emulator, 
but fails to show anything but a black screen on the actual phone. 
Additionally, if the |SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE ||flag is used instead of 
SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED, the sample still runs on the emulator, but 
causes a segmentation fault on the phone.

The phone is running

Am I doing something wrong? (Can't imagine what that would be.)

Best Regards,
Lauri Nurmi

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