Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Vladimir Panteleev
On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 09:52:24 +0200, Lars T. Kyllingstad  
public@kyllingen.nospamnet wrote:

Wow, I didn't know this existed.  I wonder if these bindings would be
suitable for inclusion in the package?  Currently, only contains a small subset of the Windows API.

That would be great. I had to use Tango, Phobos (via Tangobos), these  
bindings and dwin in the same project once, and three of those four had  
their own definitions of the basic Win32 types. Not fun.

Best regards,

map filter for AAs

2011-02-08 Thread spir


Is there map  filter for AAs? Is it useful?
Below example,

struct Pair (K,V) { K k; V v; }

V2[K2] map (K1,V1, K2,V2) (V1[K1] aa1, Pair!(K2,V2) delegate (K1,V1) f) {
V2[K2] aa2;
Pair!(K2,V2) pair;
foreach (k,v ; aa1) {
pair = f(k,v);
aa2[pair.k] = pair.v;
return aa2;

V1[K1] filter (K1,V1) (V1[K1] aa1, bool delegate (K1,V1) f) {
V1[K1] aa2;
foreach (k,v ; aa1) {
if (f(k,v))
aa2[k] = v;
return aa2;

unittest {
char[uint] aa1 = [65:'a', 66:'b', 67:'c'];

// map
Pair!(char,uint) inversed (uint u,char c) { return Pair!(char,uint)(c,u); }
auto aa2 = map!(uint,char, char,uint)(aa1, inversed);
writefln(map inversed  : [%s] -- [%s], aa1,aa2);

// filter
bool odd (uint u,char c) { return (u%2 == 1); }
auto aa3 = filter!(uint,char)(aa1, odd);
writefln(filter odd: [%s] -- [%s], aa1,aa3);
bool c (uint u,char c) { return (c == 'c'); }
auto aa4 = filter!(uint,char)(aa1, c);
writefln(filter c  : [%s] -- [%s], aa1,aa4);
void main() {}

vita es estrany

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread bearophile
Adam Ruppe:

 My implementation

Thank you for your answers and code. Your code is better.

This kind of indentations is interesting:

string positionString(int pos)
in {
out(ret) {
body {
// ...

 I don't think it helps your case at all to use such horribly
 awful code to make points. Half of your statements are the direct result of
 the source code being garbage.

The original code was not mine, and I know it's bad code. That's why I have 
suggested you to not work on it. I have used it just because it contains 
several compact constructs used in Python. My next posts I'll use a different 
strategy to explain things.

 source: 138 lines, 2420 bytes
 You can see the byte count is comparable to the python 2, but I have
 more lines.

Replacing the tabs with spaces, as in the original Python and D versions, and 
using Windows newlines, it becomes 3278 bytes.

 I usually prefer Introduction to Programming style code than
 functional code golf style, so you see that too.

Your code is not functional-style, it's procedural and contains some mutables. 
My discussion was about improving Phobos things that are especially useful if 
you write code in functional style.

Programs in ML-derived functional languages are often written in a more compact 
style. This doesn't make them significantly more bug-prone because purity, 
immutability, very strong type systems, and some other of their features avoid 
many bugs.

 I also put in a lot of contracts just because i can. I'm trying to
 get into the habit of that.

Very good, I do the same.
That code was not production code, it was an experiment focused on showing some 
possible improvements for Phobos. Adding contracts (and annotations as pure, 
const, immutable), and several other things to the code was just a way to 
distract the people that read that code from the purposes of the discussion.

D2 shows that there are three (or more) sizes of functional programming:
- Micro scale: when you use a line of code that uses array(map(filter())).
- Medium scale: when you use normal procedural code inside small 
functions/methods, but the small functions are mostly pure and use mostly 
const/immutable data.
- Large scale: when your functions are mostly procedural and sometimes use 
mutable inputs too, but the main fluxes of data in your large application are 
managed in a immutable/functional way (like from the DBMS, etc).

Large-scale functional programming is done in Java programs too, and it's not 
much influenced by Phobos, it's a matter of how your very large program is 

Medium-scale functional programming is well doable in D2 thanks to pure 
annotations and transitive const/immutable.

So a question is how much micro-scale functional programming is 
right/acceptable in a very little or very large D2 program. I don't have an 
answer yet (probably the answer is: not too much). Some Scala programmers use 
lot of micro-scale functional style (see some little examples here: ), but Scala allows to write that code 
with a significantly less noisy syntax. What I am able to say is that currently 
using a micro-scale functional programming style in D2 is awkward, there's too 
much syntax noise, making the code not so readable and maintenable. But that 
tictactoe code was an experiment, you need to perform some experiments, because 
they reveal you new things.

In production code, in larger programs written in a mostly procedural language, 
I usually write code more similar to yours, it's just better if you need to 
maintain lot of code for years. In a more functional language I use a different 
style, but I avoid golfing if the code needs to be used for a lot of time.

In script-like programs I sometimes use a little more compact style, but not as 
compact as the original Python code. In such Python/D scripts I don't write 
stuff like this:

string toString() {
string lineSeparator = -+-+-\n;
string row(int start) {
return format(%s|%s|%s\n,
positionString(start + 0),
positionString(start + 1),
positionString(start + 2));

string ret;

ret ~= row(0);
ret ~= lineSeparator;
ret ~= row(3);
ret ~= lineSeparator;
ret ~= row(6);

return ret;

Using what Python offers functional-style allows to write code about equally 
safe. Too many lines of code require more time to be written (experiments have 
shown that programmer tend to write approximately the same number of lines / 
hour. This doesn't hold up to code golfing, of course). This style of writing 
code is seen as bloated and Java-style by lot of people (by me too). This is 
why Java programs are sometimes 10+ times longer than Python ones, I prefer 
more compact Python code. On the other hand too much compact code gives 
problems. So as usual in programming you need to find a balance (the 

Re: map filter for AAs

2011-02-08 Thread bearophile

 Is there map  filter for AAs? Is it useful?

Of course it's useful to map and filter on associative arrays. But I think a 
much better solution is to turn byValue() and byKey() into ranges, and add a 
byPair() range to AAs:


Re: std.unittests/exception Update and Vote

2011-02-08 Thread Jonathan M Davis
*Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.

assertThrown, assertNotThrown, and collectExceptionMsg are clearly in, but the 
vote on assertPred is not so clear.

Brad Roberts (I appeared to be against but didn't vote outright)
David Nadlinger 
Jim? (I _think_ that he was voting no, but he didn't seem to think that he 
Michel Fortin

Andrei Alexandrescu (at least he was until the most recent discussion on 
improving assert)
Andrej Mitrovic
Andrew Wiley
Jens Mueller
Lars T. Kyllingstad (from his comments, he appears to be in favor, but he never 
outright voted)
Nick Sabalausky
Tomek Sowiński (he definitely seems to be in favor but didn't vote outright)

I _think_ that I got everyone, but most of the discussion on it has been how to 
improve it, not voting on whether it went in or not. In some cases, it's not 
entirely clear that someone actually voted even if their intent was clear. And 
there are definitely people who were involved in the discussion who never 
I think that in the future, we need to try and separate the improvement 
discussions from the votes, with a specific, relatively short time frame (as in 
more like a week than a month) for votes - rather than having them spread 
throughout the discussion. I _tried_ to get people to vote at the end, but I 
guess that I wasn't clear enough or not enough people were paying attention.

So, it's around a tie with regards to assertPred, with a definite lack of 
We have not gotten a commitment that assert will be improved, and assertPred 
does more than assert could do even if it were improved (out of the 8 overloads 
of assertPred, assert could only replace two of them at best - albeit the most 
useful two). Don asked me to open an enhancement request for improving assert, 
which I still need to do, but it's not clear that it's actually going to 
and at least some of the voting seems to be done with the idea that if we're 
going to get an improved assert, then there's no need for assertPred (which I'm 
not sure I agree with, but it could be debated).

So, it's obvious from those who voted that there is no overwhelming vote in 
favor of adding assertPred to Phobos, but it's not exactly against either - 
though there are some people on both sides who are very strongly. We got a 
fairly ambigous vote IMHO.

So, I don't know what that means we should do. Ideally, I'd prefer to have a 
second vote to make it clear, since so few people voted (and many of those who 
did weren't clear about it), and I had to scour older posts to find most of 
But it's not like we have formalized rules on all of this yet. Looking at the 
Boost page that Andrei gave previously ( ) does not make it all clear about 
what Boost does with regards to voting.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread Hamad
== Quote from Adam Ruppe ('s article
 My implementation
after your permtion i post your code in

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread bearophile

 == Quote from Adam Ruppe ('s article
  My implementation
 after your permtion i post your code in

On Rosettacode they don't want too much long lines, so I suggest you to reduce 
indents to just 4 spaces, keeping lines under 75 chars.


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Trass3r
 I wonder if these bindings would be suitable for inclusion in the package?

They definitely need to be merged.

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Trass3r
 HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotification(
   __in  LPCTSTR lpPathName,
   __in  BOOL bWatchSubtree,
   __in  DWORD dwNotifyFilter

FindFirstChangeNotification is - like any other Windows function that receives 
a string - just an alias that points to a version with suffix W or A depending 
on whether your project is configured to be Unicode or not.

Re: std.unittests/exception Update and Vote

2011-02-08 Thread Lars T. Kyllingstad
On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 03:52:30 -0800, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

 *Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.
 assertThrown, assertNotThrown, and collectExceptionMsg are clearly in,
 but the vote on assertPred is not so clear.
 Brad Roberts (I appeared to be against but didn't vote outright) David
 Jim? (I _think_ that he was voting no, but he didn't seem to think that
 he could vote)
 Michel Fortin
 Andrei Alexandrescu (at least he was until the most recent discussion on
 improving assert)
 Andrej Mitrovic
 Andrew Wiley
 Jens Mueller
 Lars T. Kyllingstad (from his comments, he appears to be in favor, but
 he never outright voted)

Sorry, forgot to place my vote.

I am definitely in favour of adding assertThrown, assertNotThrown and 
collectExceptionMsg, but as of lately I'm on the fence regarding 
assertPred.  If it turns out to be both possible and desirable to improve 
the messages produced by built-in assert, that may be better.  I'd like 
to see how that plays out before placing a definitive vote.

Also, if it turns out only the exception-related stuff goes into Phobos, 
maybe std.exception will be the best place to put it after all?


Re: Calling method by name.

2011-02-08 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2011-02-08 05:54, Robert Jacques wrote:

On Sat, 05 Feb 2011 13:14:42 -0500, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2011-02-04 05:07, Jonathan M Davis wrote:


Most of the good examples of runtime reflection that I'm aware of
require user-
defined attributes. But there are libraries in Java (and presumably
C#) that do
stuff like allow you to mark your classes with certain attributes
indicating what
type of XML elements that they should be, and then another library
which knows
_nothing_ about your classes is able to serialize them to and from
XML. Another
example would be Hibernate, which does the same sort of stuff only it
deals with
talking to databases. Full-on runtime reflection combined with
attributes can do some powerful stuff. However, I do think that
runtime reflection
without user-defined attributes doesn't tend to be anywhere near as
useful. To
really get that sort of stuff working, we'd need D to properly
support both user-
defined attributes and runtime reflection. Both are future
possibilities but
obviously aren't happening any time soon.

- Jonathan M Davis

Ruby seems to get along without any kind of attributes/annotations.
But on the other hand you can call a method in a class declaration and
this will behave much the same as a attribute.

ActiveRecord in Rails is a good example of runtime reflection. Also
the Ruby XML library builder is a good example of runtime
reflection. Maybe not acutally runtime reflection but is uses the
method_missing method, equivalent to the opDispatch method in D,

I'm still reading up on Ruby, but so far, there are two major difference
between serialization in Ruby and in D. First, Ruby isn't a systems
programming language with pointers/unions/etc, so serializing all
members of a class is generally okay in Ruby but isn't in D. This is the
major advantage of annotations: its a fast, simple way of declaring what
should and shouldn't be serialized. Second, Ruby's support for
serialization creates a back door around its variable protection
annotations (i.e. private,package,protected,public). Now, Ruby doesn't
actually have user defined annotations as far as I can tell, but methods
are always public and variables are always private. I don't believe that
a reflection system should bypass encapsulation. The advantage of
annotations is that they allow you to declare programmer intent and
possibly separate APIs (ala const(T)) for special purposes.

Ok, lets have a look at how a serialization annotation could look like in D:

class Foo
@NonSerialized int x = 3;

Now the same can be done in Ruby, without any special syntax, like this:

class Foo
@x = 3
non_serialized :x

In the Ruby example non_serialized would be a class/static method 
which recives a symbol indicating what field to skip during 
serialization. Actually since Ruby is a dynamically typed language I 
don't have declare x.

What I'm trying to say is that Ruby doesn't need a special syntax for 
annotations since you can in Ruby do all (most of) the things you can do 
with annotations but with class methods instead.

In general, serialization breaks encapsulation, not just in Ruby. You 
can break encapsulation in D as well using .tupleof and delegates to 

Ruby just has a different attitude. It allows you to

* Call private methods using send
* Add/remove/change methods on existing classes
* Change variables declared as const

It's no like Java which holds your hand all the time. It's the same with 
D, but in a different way. In D there's instead:

* Pointers
* Unions
* malloc/free/delete

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: std.unittests/exception Update and Vote

2011-02-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 06:52:30 -0500, Jonathan M Davis  

*Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.

Sorry for the lack of voting/attention, I've had barely any time to work  
with D lately, and I haven't even looked at your lib.


P.S. I'm f***ing sick of snow...

Re: basic incomplete NetBSD support

2011-02-08 Thread Thomas Klausner
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 09:23:50PM +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:
 Since it looked like I would need D for a project, I started porting
 it to NetBSD. The project has been cancelled in the meantime, but I
 don't want my patches to be lost, so I offer them here for inclusion.

Anyone interested?

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread Adam Ruppe
 This kind of indentations is interesting:

I'm still trying to find something I like for this. Currently,
I see the contracts as part of the public interface, just like
the name, so I'm indenting them like I would if the argument list
ran too long.

void doSomethingBig(
  int arg1,
  int arg2)


(Sometimes I put the { on the same line as the ) but then I often
find it hard to see the difference between the arguments and local

So, similarly, the in and out get indented. It would be messy to
shove them all on one line, but without the indent, it'd look
like it's all part of the body.

  In such Python/D scripts I don't write stuff like this:
 [snip toString ]

One practical reason for such separation is this (seen in Python
but D does it too):

   s = [1,2,3]
   print s[34], s[44]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
  IndexError: list index out of range

Error messages give a line number... but if there's still several
points of similar failure on that one line, it doesn't help as much
as it could.

This leads me to write things like this sometimes too:

auto author =

So if the data isn't what I expected, the line number in the error
message tells exactly what was missing. (This is also a good
example of why semicolons are a gift from God)

 s = ((1,2), (3,4), (5,6))
 print s[1]
(3, 4)

Ahhh, I wanted a child of it!

Now, I'm forced to do it on one monster line...

 print s[1][3]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
IndexError: tuple index out of range

Gah, which one? I guess I'll use a temp variable...

Anyway, sometimes this can be fixed in the runtime by including
the data and the index as part of the exception, but not always
(what if you did [0][0]?). Putting them on separate lines is
an easy, reliably way to get more information out of the error.

 I know, but I was suggesting something different, to turn the JSON
 creation into some kind of Phobos library that you may call at
 compile-time from normal D code. Then a compile-time JSON reader in
 Phobos will allow to perform certain kinds of static introspection,
 that later will be quite useful to create user-defined @annotations.

We could do that today with a combination of -X, -J, and a CTFE
JSON parser (it's possible that std.json would work today. I haven't
tried it specifically, but ctfe tends to surprise me with its

Of course, you'd have to run the compiler twice, but there's other
advantages to that too (like getting dependencies - my build tool
does this - and the first run is fast anyway.

I'm tempted to do it now just to prove we can... but I'm already
a bit loaded with stuff to do.

 With new Tuple!()() you need to manually specify the types of all
 the fields, while tuple() spares this need, but allocates on the
 stack. A newTuple() function allows to do both, but I don't know
 how much often it is needed.

Maybe a generic toHeap!(T) function would be good for this. It
takes an existing object and copies it to the heap if necessary.

return toHeap!(tuple(1, 2, 3));

However, it seems to me that most tuples are likely to be small
value types anyway. You had an int, char[]. When I use tuples, they
are usually small collections of ints and strings too.

Value types don't really need to be on the heap. You can just
return them and pass them to functions normally and it works fine.

 What I'd like is a way to tell the type system that I am creating a
 sequence of 8-bit chars, and not a string of chars.

Maybe try ubyte[]?

 I know, but programming life is not orthogonal :-)

That's part of the reason I said it... I'm only half serious.

Though, on the other hand, I've used the ncurses library which does
this kind of thing. The number of function names is obscene, and
the benefit is quite small. I'm not convinced the parentheses are
a big deal. (Hell, I've done lisp before... and kinda liked it. :P)

 I think to!int('1') == 1 is useful, but I am not sure if C-derived
 programmers accept/like to!int to work differtly from cast(int) in
 this case.

The way I see it is if you are working with single chars, it is
probably because you want to do some work with the char itself -
it's numeric value. Thus it fits the same general area as int.

Perhaps you want to just work with one length strings? str[0..1]
instead of str[0].

Please reply to this to vote to collectExceptionMsg in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu
Reply here to vote ONLY for the function collectExceptionMsg in Jonathan 
M Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Tue Feb 15.


Please reply to this to vote to collectExceptionMsg in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu
Reply here to vote ONLY for the function collectExceptionMsg in Jonathan 
M Davis's std.unittests.


std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Vote has closed last night at 23:59:59:99, but I accepted Lars' late vote.

Thanks Jonathan for responding to comments and suggestions, and for a 
very dedicated attitude throughout.

YES votes mean wholesale acceptance of the library. NO means either 
partial acceptance or no acceptance at all.

We have eight NOs and even YESs. (In fairness I have changed my vote 
after Don committed to improve assert(), but forgot to submit it.)


SHOO (arguments: unittest code should be easy to read without prior 
Don (arguments: assertPred is harder to read than assert, don't use if 
you don't like doesn't apply to Phobos, Phobos becomes difficult to 
read if we continue adopting clever functions, something that has any 
appearance of being complicated needs VERY strong justification. Voted 
yes for assertThrown and assertNotThrown. Asked for bugzilla enhancement 
requests to have assert obviate assertPred)

Michel Fortin
Brad Roberts
David Nadlinger (yes for assertThrown, 50/50 for assertNotThrown and 
collectExceptionMsg, no for assertPred)
spir (yes to assertThrown, abstain for assertNotThrown and 

Jim (reiterates that at best assert should be improved)
Lars T. Kyllingstad (on the fence with assertPred)


Jens Mueller
Andrej Mitrovic
Nick Sabalausky
Andrei Alexandrescu (contingent on reducing the size of examples)
Masahiro Nakagawa (with a few notes)
Andrew Wiley

Reviewer Manager's decision:

We have had an unexpected development: we can change assert() to obviate 
assertPred(), and Don all but promised he'll look into it. This means if 
we accept the library as it is, we'll look at a function on the brink of 
deprecation for the sake of a short-term benefit. Perhaps this is not 
the best course of action.

So let's not put assertPred() for now in Phobos, though Jonathan is to 
be commended for his work which is leading to a vast improvement to a 
core facility.

assertThrown seems to be liked by a vast majority - please add to 
std.exception at your earliest convenience.

assertNotThrown and collectExceptionMsg are on the fence and it's 
unclear whether some NO voters want them as isolated functions. Let us 
take a one-week vote for each. I will create one thread for each.

Thanks to everyone for participating, and special thanks to Jonathan!


Please reply to this to vote to assertNotThrown in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu
Reply here to vote ONLY for the function assertNotThrown in Jonathan M 
Davis's std.unittests.


Please reply to this to vote to assertNotThrown in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu
Reply here to vote ONLY for the function assertNotThrown in Jonathan M 
Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Feb 15.


Re: High performance XML parser

2011-02-08 Thread Piotr Szturmaj

Tomek Sowiński wrote:

I am now intensely accumulating information on how to go about creating a 
high-performance parser as it quickly became clear that my old one won't 
deliver. And if anything is clear is that memory is the key.

One way is the slicing approach mentioned on this NG, notably used by RapidXML. 
I already contacted Marcin (the author) to ensure that using solutions inspired 
by his lib is OK with him; it is. But I don't think I'll go this way. One 
reason is, surprisingly, performance. RapidXML cannot start parsing until the 
entire document is loaded and ready as a random-access string. Then it's 
blazingly fast but the time for I/O has already elapsed. Besides, as Marcin 
himself said, we need a 100% W3C-compliant implementation and RapidXML isn't 

I think a much more fertile approach is to operate on a forward range, perhaps 
assuming bufferized input. That way I can start parsing as soon as the first 
buffer gets filled. Not to mention that the end result will use much less 
memory. Plenty of the XML data stream is indents, spaces, and markup -- there's 
no reason to copy all this into memory.

To sum up, I belive memory and overlapping I/O latencies with parsing effort 
are pivotal.

Please comment on this.

Few years ago I needed to write my own parser in Delphi for my XMPP 
(Jabber) client and server. In XMPP you get socket-streamed XML document 
with xml elements as protocol messages (XMPP stanzas).
The problem I had was no Delphi parser had hybrid support of SAX/DOM, 
i.e. I wanted to parse xml nodes like SAX, but when I received whole 
message then I wanted to return it as XML Element (like in DOM). This 
way I could easily process incoming messages - now it's accomplishable 
with pull parsers.

I think std needs both SAX/pull and DOM parsers. For DOM, if whole 
document is in memory, maybe this approach could be advantageous:

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread novice2
  Wow, I didn't know this existed.  I wonder if these bindings would be
  suitable for inclusion in the package?  Currently, only contains a small subset of the 

one bad (imho) thing - functions parameters names removed :( just types 
remains. it is make self-documentation or fast-look-to-remember harder :(

Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Tuesday 08 February 2011 07:27:55 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Vote has closed last night at 23:59:59:99, but I accepted Lars' late vote.
 Thanks Jonathan for responding to comments and suggestions, and for a
 very dedicated attitude throughout.
 YES votes mean wholesale acceptance of the library. NO means either
 partial acceptance or no acceptance at all.
 We have eight NOs and even YESs. (In fairness I have changed my vote
 after Don committed to improve assert(), but forgot to submit it.)
 SHOO (arguments: unittest code should be easy to read without prior
 Don (arguments: assertPred is harder to read than assert, don't use if
 you don't like doesn't apply to Phobos, Phobos becomes difficult to
 read if we continue adopting clever functions, something that has any
 appearance of being complicated needs VERY strong justification. Voted
 yes for assertThrown and assertNotThrown. Asked for bugzilla enhancement
 requests to have assert obviate assertPred)
 Michel Fortin
 Brad Roberts
 David Nadlinger (yes for assertThrown, 50/50 for assertNotThrown and
 collectExceptionMsg, no for assertPred)
 spir (yes to assertThrown, abstain for assertNotThrown and
 Jim (reiterates that at best assert should be improved)
 Lars T. Kyllingstad (on the fence with assertPred)
 Jens Mueller
 Andrej Mitrovic
 Nick Sabalausky
 Andrei Alexandrescu (contingent on reducing the size of examples)
 Masahiro Nakagawa (with a few notes)
 Andrew Wiley
 Reviewer Manager's decision:
 We have had an unexpected development: we can change assert() to obviate
 assertPred(), and Don all but promised he'll look into it. This means if
 we accept the library as it is, we'll look at a function on the brink of
 deprecation for the sake of a short-term benefit. Perhaps this is not
 the best course of action.
 So let's not put assertPred() for now in Phobos, though Jonathan is to
 be commended for his work which is leading to a vast improvement to a
 core facility.
 assertThrown seems to be liked by a vast majority - please add to
 std.exception at your earliest convenience.
 assertNotThrown and collectExceptionMsg are on the fence and it's
 unclear whether some NO voters want them as isolated functions. Let us
 take a one-week vote for each. I will create one thread for each.
 Thanks to everyone for participating, and special thanks to Jonathan!

Enhancement request for assert:

Okay. I'll look at doing another proposal which has the functionality of 
assertPred which doesn't make sense to add to assert, though I'll probably wait 
until the voting for assertNotThrown and collectExceptionMsg is done.

I would point out, however, that it would be rather silly to include 
assertThrown and not assertNotThrown. Good unit tests should test _both_ that a 
function succeeds as it's supposed to _and_ that it fails as it's supposed to. 
So, I would hope that people vote in favor of assertNotThrown.

collectExceptionMsg isn't as critical, but it really does make it easy to test 
that exception messages are correct, since if you use collectException, you 
to worry about checking for null before you can check the message. With 
collectExceptionMsg, it can be a an easy one-liner to check exception messages. 
Without it, you end up taking several lines, because you have to save and check 
the exception for null before you can check its message.

I'll wait for the vote on assertNotThrown and collectExceptionMsg to be 
completed before putting assertThrown in Phobos. Then it can just all be taken 
care of at once.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Efficient outputting of to-string conversions

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/07/2011 11:38 PM, Tomek Sowiński wrote:

Jonathan M Davis napisał:

On Monday 07 February 2011 13:10:09 Tomek Sowiński wrote:

Looks like always allocates behind the scenes. It's a shame as
the returned string is immediately processed and discarded in my XML
writer. Are there plans to include a custom output variant, e.g.
to!string(7, outputRange)?

I know about Steven's proposal but it applies only to user types not 
primitives. Either way would need a buffered output range as 
integers are written from the right. Any chance for an abstraction analogous to 
buffered input ranges discussed recently?

I haven't read a solution like the proposal for writeTo would not apply to 
primitives. Is it really so? (If only for language consistency, I would prefere 
this big shift to apply to all types.)

vita es estrany

Re: Overloading opEquals(T)(T y)

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/08/2011 12:16 AM, bearophile wrote:

Charles McAnany:

Hi, all. So I'm trying to make a BigRational struct, to get more comfortable
with D.

I suggest to ask similar questions in the D.learn newsgroup.

bool opEquals(Tdummy = void)(BigRational y){
auto temp = this-y;
if (temp.numerator == 0)
return true;
return false;

bool opEquals(T)(T y){
return this == BigRational(y);

But this is an ambiguity error.

One possible solution:

bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (is(T == BigRational)) { ... }
bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (!is(T == BigRational)) { ... }

Another solution:

bool opEquals(T)(T y) {
 static if (is(T == BigRational)) {
 // ...
 } else {
 // ...


I just thought at this alternative between a constraint and a static if a few 
hours ago. In which case, and according to which reasoning, would one choose 
one or the other? (I chose static if only for the very bad reason I can hardly 
stand is().)

vita es estrany

Re: Efficient outputting of to-string conversions

2011-02-08 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Tuesday 08 February 2011 07:55:23 spir wrote:
 On 02/07/2011 11:38 PM, Tomek Sowiński wrote:
  Jonathan M Davis napisał:
  On Monday 07 February 2011 13:10:09 Tomek Sowiński wrote:
  Looks like always allocates behind the scenes. It's a shame
  as the returned string is immediately processed and discarded in my
  XML writer. Are there plans to include a custom output variant, e.g.
  to!string(7, outputRange)?
  I know about Steven's proposal but it applies only to user types not
  primitives. Either way would need a buffered output range as
  integers are written from the right. Any chance for an abstraction
  analogous to buffered input ranges discussed recently?
 I haven't read a solution like the proposal for writeTo would not apply to
 primitives. Is it really so? (If only for language consistency, I would
 prefere this big shift to apply to all types.)

Umm. _How_ would it apply to primitives. Does _toString_ apply to primitives? 
No. toString and writeTo apply to user-defined types that they're defined on. 
doesn't mean that we can't or shouldn't find a buffered solution for dealing 
primitives and I/O similar to writeTo, but primitives can't have writeTo 
on them any more than they can have toString defined on them.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Efficient outputting of to-string conversions

2011-02-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 10:55:23 -0500, spir wrote:

On 02/07/2011 11:38 PM, Tomek Sowiński wrote:

Jonathan M Davis napisał:

On Monday 07 February 2011 13:10:09 Tomek Sowiński wrote:
Looks like always allocates behind the scenes. It's a  
shame as

the returned string is immediately processed and discarded in my XML
writer. Are there plans to include a custom output variant, e.g.
to!string(7, outputRange)?

I know about Steven's proposal but it applies only to user types not  
primitives. Either way would need a buffered output range  
as integers are written from the right. Any chance for an abstraction  
analogous to buffered input ranges discussed recently?

I haven't read a solution like the proposal for writeTo would not apply  
to primitives. Is it really so? (If only for language consistency, I  
would prefere this big shift to apply to all types.)

writeTo does not need to apply to primitives because primitives can be  
written to streams without first converting to char[].  For instance, one  
does not write:


The whole point of writeTo is to allow easy output of custom data types  
that the standard library does not know how to output.  It was not meant  
to extend to primitives.

As far as Tomek's request, I would expect  
std.format.formattedWrite(buffer, %s, 7) to work, or  
std.format.formatValue (with associated FormatSpec, which I don't feel  
like looking up the usage of)


Re: Overloading opEquals(T)(T y)

2011-02-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 10:52:35 -0500, spir wrote:

On 02/08/2011 12:16 AM, bearophile wrote:

Charles McAnany:

Hi, all. So I'm trying to make a BigRational struct, to get more  

with D.

I suggest to ask similar questions in the D.learn newsgroup.

bool opEquals(Tdummy = void)(BigRational y){
auto temp = this-y;
if (temp.numerator == 0)
return true;
return false;

bool opEquals(T)(T y){
return this == BigRational(y);

But this is an ambiguity error.

One possible solution:

bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (is(T == BigRational)) { ... }
bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (!is(T == BigRational)) { ... }

Another solution:

bool opEquals(T)(T y) {
 static if (is(T == BigRational)) {
 // ...
 } else {
 // ...


I just thought at this alternative between a constraint and a static if  
a few hours ago. In which case, and according to which reasoning, would  
one choose one or the other? (I chose static if only for the very bad  
reason I can hardly stand is().)

The point of constraints are to intercept the compilation earlier.  For  
the discussed example, it's not as important.  Let's try a smaller example.

What is the difference between:

bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (is(T == BigRational)) {...}


bool opEquals(T)(T y)
   static if(is(T == BigRational)) {...}
   else static assert(0, invalid type);

With an example like myBigRational == 5?

The difference is, with the first, the compiler simply skips compiling  
that function due to the constraint.  With the second, the compiler still  
tries to compile the opEquals.  The difference is really in the error the  
compiler generates.  With the first, the error is no function found, the  
second is function doesn't compile.  This is all pretty much equivalent,  
until you want to overload the template.  Perhaps you want to overload it  
in different modules.  With the second method, this is impossible, all  
overloads must be in the single definition.  This also makes it somewhat  
less readable.

Plus, with the second, its really easy to forget that else static  
assert, meaning the function will compile, and simply do nothing  
(actually, it won't compile because it doesn't return a value, but still,  
that error message is going to be way more confusing than no function  

I'd say a rule of thumb is, if the entire function is going to be  
different based on the types, you should use a constraint.  If there is  
one small difference in the function, then using the static if might be a  
better approach, but you still might want to use the constraints to  
restrict to what you expect.


Re: Efficient outputting of to-string conversions

2011-02-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 11:09:44 -0500, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 10:55:23 -0500, spir wrote:

On 02/07/2011 11:38 PM, Tomek Sowiński wrote:

Jonathan M Davis napisał:

On Monday 07 February 2011 13:10:09 Tomek Sowiński wrote:
Looks like always allocates behind the scenes. It's a  
shame as

the returned string is immediately processed and discarded in my XML
writer. Are there plans to include a custom output variant, e.g.
to!string(7, outputRange)?

I know about Steven's proposal but it applies only to user types not  
primitives. Either way would need a buffered output range  
as integers are written from the right. Any chance for an abstraction  
analogous to buffered input ranges discussed recently?

I haven't read a solution like the proposal for writeTo would not apply  
to primitives. Is it really so? (If only for language consistency, I  
would prefere this big shift to apply to all types.)

writeTo does not need to apply to primitives because primitives can be  
written to streams without first converting to char[].  For instance,  
one does not write:


The whole point of writeTo is to allow easy output of custom data types  
that the standard library does not know how to output.  It was not meant  
to extend to primitives.

As far as Tomek's request, I would expect  
std.format.formattedWrite(buffer, %s, 7) to work, or  
std.format.formatValue (with associated FormatSpec, which I don't feel  
like looking up the usage of)

BTW, I think we probably should have a formatValue override like this

void formatValue(Char, Writer, T)(Writer w, T t)
   FormatSpec!Char fs; // use default options
   formatValue(w, t, fs);

Having to construct a FormatSpec when I just want the default seems like  
overkill.  Esp. since FormatSpec arg is always ref.


Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/08/2011 04:11 PM, Adam Ruppe wrote:

I know, but I was suggesting something different, to turn the JSON
  creation into some kind of Phobos library that you may call at
  compile-time from normal D code. Then a compile-time JSON reader in
  Phobos will allow to perform certain kinds of static introspection,
  that later will be quite useful to create user-defined @annotations.

We could do that today with a combination of -X, -J, and a CTFE
JSON parser (it's possible that std.json would work today. I haven't
tried it specifically, but ctfe tends to surprise me with its

Of course, you'd have to run the compiler twice, but there's other
advantages to that too (like getting dependencies - my build tool
does this - and the first run is fast anyway.

I'm tempted to do it now just to prove we can... but I'm already
a bit loaded with stuff to do.

What I dream of is something a bit different: a D decoder (lexical, 
syntactic, semantic(*) analyser) that constructs an AST as a plain D data 
structure --without any fancy stuff. And writes it out on demand as a D module 
(in static this(), since for a reason I haven't yet caught data description can 
only go there).
I can't even start to imagine all what we could then do /easily/. (we would 
even have type defs in D... would change from obscure RTTI)

import std.stdio;
a = 1;
void main () {
import AST; // Node types, mainly
Module module;

static this () {
module = Module ([
Assignment(a, Integer(1)),
/* name */  main,
/* params */[],
/* block */ [
/* name */   writeln,
/* args */   [Symbol(a)]

Too bad we're missing named args, would be highly helpful here; but we can 
probably survive that...

(Yes, Bearophile, there's certainly a bug report for this ;-)

I would enjoy writing a prototype when I have some time (not tomorrow), for a 
tiny subset of D (kind of proof of concept).


(*) As far as possible.
vita es estrany

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Kagamin
Trass3r Wrote:

  HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotification(
__in  LPCTSTR lpPathName,
__in  BOOL bWatchSubtree,
__in  DWORD dwNotifyFilter
 FindFirstChangeNotification is - like any other Windows function that 
 receives a string - just an alias that points to a version with suffix W or A 
 depending on whether your project is configured to be Unicode or not.

D string encoding is not configurable. What configuration are you talking about?

Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 2/8/11 10:54 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Enhancement request for assert:


Okay. I'll look at doing another proposal which has the functionality of
assertPred which doesn't make sense to add to assert, though I'll probably wait
until the voting for assertNotThrown and collectExceptionMsg is done.

I would point out, however, that it would be rather silly to include
assertThrown and not assertNotThrown. Good unit tests should test _both_ that a
function succeeds as it's supposed to _and_ that it fails as it's supposed to.
So, I would hope that people vote in favor of assertNotThrown.

I think many people would emulate assertNotThrown by simply calling the 
function and... well if it throws then the unittest fails.

collectExceptionMsg isn't as critical, but it really does make it easy to test
that exception messages are correct, since if you use collectException, you have
to worry about checking for null before you can check the message. With
collectExceptionMsg, it can be a an easy one-liner to check exception messages.
Without it, you end up taking several lines, because you have to save and check
the exception for null before you can check its message.

I'll wait for the vote on assertNotThrown and collectExceptionMsg to be
completed before putting assertThrown in Phobos. Then it can just all be taken
care of at once.

Sounds great. Thanks!


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Kagamin s...@here.lot wrote:
 Trass3r Wrote:

  HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotification(
    __in  LPCTSTR lpPathName,
    __in  BOOL bWatchSubtree,
    __in  DWORD dwNotifyFilter

 FindFirstChangeNotification is - like any other Windows function that 
 receives a string - just an alias that points to a version with suffix W or 
 A depending on whether your project is configured to be Unicode or not.

 D string encoding is not configurable. What configuration are you talking 

It's a setting in Visual Studio that translates into a compiler switch
for Visual C++, or such is my understanding. He was talking about
configuration on the Microsoft C/C++ side, not the D side.
In D, I just have to add a suffix to the name to choose the one I want.

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread dennis luehring

Am 08.02.2011 17:40, schrieb Kagamin:

Trass3r Wrote:

   HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotification(
 __in  LPCTSTR lpPathName,
 __in  BOOL bWatchSubtree,
 __in  DWORD dwNotifyFilter

 FindFirstChangeNotification is - like any other Windows function that receives 
a string - just an alias that points to a version with suffix W or A depending 
on whether your project is configured to be Unicode or not.

D string encoding is not configurable. What configuration are you talking about?

he talks about stuff like that (from winbase.h - vs2010)

__in LPCSTR lpFileName,
__in DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
__in DWORD dwShareMode,
__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
__in DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
__in DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
__in_opt HANDLE hTemplateFile
__in LPCWSTR lpFileName,
__in DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
__in DWORD dwShareMode,
__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
__in DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
__in DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
__in_opt HANDLE hTemplateFile
#ifdef UNICODE
#define CreateFile  CreateFileW
#define CreateFile  CreateFileA
#endif // !UNICODE

not the string itself - look at lpFileName

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread dennis luehring

Am 08.02.2011 17:40, schrieb Kagamin:

Trass3r Wrote:

   HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotification(
 __in  LPCTSTR lpPathName,
 __in  BOOL bWatchSubtree,
 __in  DWORD dwNotifyFilter

 FindFirstChangeNotification is - like any other Windows function that receives 
a string - just an alias that points to a version with suffix W or A depending 
on whether your project is configured to be Unicode or not.

D string encoding is not configurable. What configuration are you talking about?

or these typical win-api phobos constructs

from std.file

auto h = useWfuncs ?
CreateFileW(std.utf.toUTF16z(name), defaults) : 
CreateFileA(toMBSz(name), defaults);

Re: Overloading opEquals(T)(T y)

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/08/2011 05:17 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 10:52:35 -0500, spir wrote:

On 02/08/2011 12:16 AM, bearophile wrote:

Charles McAnany:

Hi, all. So I'm trying to make a BigRational struct, to get more comfortable
with D.

I just thought at this alternative between a constraint and a static if a few
hours ago. In which case, and according to which reasoning, would one choose
one or the other? (I chose static if only for the very bad reason I can
hardly stand is().)

The point of constraints are to intercept the compilation earlier. For the
discussed example, it's not as important. Let's try a smaller example.

What is the difference between:

bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (is(T == BigRational)) {...}


bool opEquals(T)(T y)
static if(is(T == BigRational)) {...}
else static assert(0, invalid type);

Thank you very much, Steven.
I'd say: in the first case, there are as many functions as constraints variants 
(provided other variants are implemented, indeed) triggered by actual calls to 
Tell me if i'm right on this: In the second case, there is a single function 
generated, and branches of static if are inserted according to actual calls. Is 
that right? If yes then I don't really care of this use of static f (I'm aware 
there are other, maybe more relevant, use cases).

With an example like myBigRational == 5?

The difference is, with the first, the compiler simply skips compiling that
function due to the constraint. With the second, the compiler still tries to
compile the opEquals. The difference is really in the error the compiler
generates. With the first, the error is no function found, the second is
function doesn't compile. This is all pretty much equivalent, until you want
to overload the template. Perhaps you want to overload it in different modules.
With the second method, this is impossible, all overloads must be in the single
definition. This also makes it somewhat less readable.

Plus, with the second, its really easy to forget that else static assert,
meaning the function will compile, and simply do nothing (actually, it won't
compile because it doesn't return a value, but still, that error message is
going to be way more confusing than no function found).


I'd say a rule of thumb is, if the entire function is going to be different
based on the types, you should use a constraint. If there is one small
difference in the function, then using the static if might be a better
approach, but you still might want to use the constraints to restrict to what
you expect.

Right again, makes full sense now.

vita es estrany

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 2/8/11, Andrew Wiley wrote:
 I'm trying to use the Windows file change notification API from D, and
 I'm having trouble translating Microsoft's macro-laden signatures into
 D. I thought I had it figured out, but optlink says otherwise:
 The original function is this:

That's odd, I was just going through its documentation yesterday
because I need it for a personal project. I've also looked at
ReadDirectoryChangesW, which should give me the exact file or folder
that was changed. Just in case you haven't found already (or if
someone else is interested), there's a few good pages describing these

FindFirstChangeNotification function:

Example C++ Code:

FindNextChangeNotification function:

ReadDirectoryChangesW function:


WaitForMultipleObjects Function:

The C++ example of FindFirstChangeNotification works great. There's no
I/O polling going on, the thread is waiting for WaitForMultipleObjects
to return and get notifications from the OS for any file/folder
changes, and they're pretty much instantaneous.

Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/08/2011 04:54 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

I would point out, however, that it would be rather silly to include
assertThrown and not assertNotThrown. Good unit tests should test_both_  that a
function succeeds as it's supposed to_and_  that it fails as it's supposed to.
So, I would hope that people vote in favor of assertNotThrown.

I do agree failure cases must be tested (maybe even more) and are very often 
neglected by programmers in unittests. But in a no-throw case the proper 
assertion is just a regular assert (at least, in my use of unittests):

// dunno the syntax
assertThrown ( 1/0, DivisionByZero );
assert ( 1/1 == 1 );
If 1/1 throws DivisionByZero, I get all the information I need. Reason for my 
question mark about including assertNotThrown. When do I need it? What new does 
it bring?

Sorry, I should have asked/commented earlier on this point (but had too 

vita es estrany

Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Daniel Gibson
Am 08.02.2011 18:00, schrieb spir:
 On 02/08/2011 04:54 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 I would point out, however, that it would be rather silly to include
 assertThrown and not assertNotThrown. Good unit tests should test_both_  
 that a
 function succeeds as it's supposed to_and_  that it fails as it's supposed 
 So, I would hope that people vote in favor of assertNotThrown.
 I do agree failure cases must be tested (maybe even more) and are very often
 neglected by programmers in unittests. But in a no-throw case the proper
 assertion is just a regular assert (at least, in my use of unittests):
 // dunno the syntax
 assertThrown ( 1/0, DivisionByZero );
 assert ( 1/1 == 1 );
 If 1/1 throws DivisionByZero, I get all the information I need. Reason for my
 question mark about including assertNotThrown. When do I need it? What new 
 it bring?
 Sorry, I should have asked/commented earlier on this point (but had too 

Maybe it can be nested like

  assertThrown!Exception( assertNotThrown!MyException( fun(42) ) );

to ensure that fun() doesn't throw a MyException, but does throws another 


- Daniel

Re: Overloading opEquals(T)(T y)

2011-02-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 11:49:47 -0500, spir wrote:

On 02/08/2011 05:17 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

What is the difference between:

bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (is(T == BigRational)) {...}


bool opEquals(T)(T y)
static if(is(T == BigRational)) {...}
else static assert(0, invalid type);

Thank you very much, Steven.
I'd say: in the first case, there are as many functions as constraints  
variants (provided other variants are implemented, indeed) triggered by  
actual calls to opEquals.
Tell me if i'm right on this: In the second case, there is a single  
function generated, and branches of static if are inserted according to  
actual calls. Is that right? If yes then I don't really care of this use  
of static f (I'm aware there are other, maybe more relevant, use cases).

No, there are multiple functions generated, and in each function, the  
correct static if branch is compiled.  It's technically no different  
code-generation wise than the constraint version.

The difference comes in the compiler decision of whether to compile a  
function or not, and who is responsible for reporting the error (in the  
first, the compiler reports the error, in the second, you are responsible  
for reporting the error via static assert).


Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Tuesday, February 08, 2011 08:36:27 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 2/8/11 10:54 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
  Enhancement request for assert:
  Okay. I'll look at doing another proposal which has the functionality of
  assertPred which doesn't make sense to add to assert, though I'll
  probably wait until the voting for assertNotThrown and
  collectExceptionMsg is done.
  I would point out, however, that it would be rather silly to include
  assertThrown and not assertNotThrown. Good unit tests should test _both_
  that a function succeeds as it's supposed to _and_ that it fails as it's
  supposed to. So, I would hope that people vote in favor of

True. But the test is clearer if you're explicitly testing that the function 
doesn't throw instead of just having a stray function call that isn't tested. 
For instance.

assertNotThrown!DateTimeException(TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59));

is clearer than

TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59);

In the first case, it's clear that you're testing that the function call does 
throw. In the second, it's a function call that seems to do nothing, since its 
result isn't saved, it takes no references, and it's not part of an assert. 
Also, the first one results in an AssertError that clearly states that the 
problem is that the function threw when it wasn't supposed to, whereas in the 
second, you just get a stray exception which is likely going to be a bit hard 
track down - even with a stack trace - because the unit test blocks get named 
with seemingly random numbers rather than real names and tracking down which 
unittest block an exception was thrown from is a royal pain (one more reason 
we really should have named unit tests).

So, I think that assertNotThrown definitely helps with clarity, and it makes it 
much easier to track down the failure.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Please reply to this to vote to assertNotThrown in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread David Nadlinger

On 2/8/11 4:30 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Reply here to vote ONLY for the function assertNotThrown in Jonathan M
Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Feb 15.

Sorry, I didn't phrase the part of my previous message concerning 
assertNotThrown and collectExceptionMsg quite clearly. What I meant is 
that I personally never felt the need for assertNotThrown and 
collectExceptionMsg, contrary to assertThrown, which I use pretty 
regularly. If others find these useful, I don't see any reasons not to 
include them, though.

Concerning assertNotThrown specifically, I usually just call the 
function in question – if it throws unexpectedly, the exception makes 
the unit test fail anyway. This approach obviously doesn't allow you to 
filter only a single exception type, but I have a hard time trying to 
imagine where you would really need something like that. Also, you can't 
specify an extra assert message, but I'd rather like to be able to use 
named unit test blocks for that (what was the result of the discussion 
on them again?).


Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
So in the most basic form assertThrown is used to check that our
functions throw on bad (user) input,
and assertNotThrown is used to check that our functions work with valid input?

Looks good to me.

Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Tuesday, February 08, 2011 09:26:23 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 So in the most basic form assertThrown is used to check that our
 functions throw on bad (user) input,
 and assertNotThrown is used to check that our functions work with valid
 Looks good to me.


- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Please reply to this to vote to collectExceptionMsg in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread David Nadlinger

On 2/8/11 4:29 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Reply here to vote ONLY for the function collectExceptionMsg in Jonathan
M Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Tue Feb 15.

As I stated in the assertNotThrown thread, I don't see any reason why 
this shouldn't be included if it's helpful for other people, even though 
I personally didn't feel the need for it so far.

Since the main use case seems to be in unit tests to check if the 
correct exception messages are produced, I'd suggest adding a short note 
about that to the documentation comment – or is this going to end up in 
a new std.unittest module anyway? I thought it would be merged into 


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Btw, how up-to-date are the import libs in windows/lib that ships with
DMD2? Can they be used with e.g. Win7?

Re: Please reply to this to vote to assertNotThrown in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Voting Yes.

Re: Please reply to this to vote to assertNotThrown in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Daniel Gibson
Am 08.02.2011 16:30, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
 Reply here to vote ONLY for the function assertNotThrown in Jonathan M Davis's
 std.unittests. Vote closes on Feb 15.

Voting YES, because (quoting my post in another Thread):

Maybe it can be nested like

  assertThrown!Exception( assertNotThrown!MyException( fun(42) ) );

to ensure that fun() doesn't throw a MyException, but does throws another
Exception [which is a super-class of the Exception that may not be thrown]?

- Daniel

Re: Writing XML

2011-02-08 Thread Ary Manzana

On 2/6/11 8:32 PM, spir wrote:

When does one need to write by hand, in source, structured data needing
to be serialised into XML (or any other format)? In my (admittedly very
limited), such data always are outputs of some processing (if only
reading from other file).


If you have a website API that exposes its data via XML, you would like 
to generate it like that. What do you mean outputs of some processing? 
As far as I know, the code that Tomek showed is some processing. :-P

Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2011-02-08 12:26:23 -0500, Andrej Mitrovic said:

So in the most basic form assertThrown is used to check that our
functions throw on bad (user) input,
and assertNotThrown is used to check that our functions work with valid input?

Most functions are said to work whey they have the desired effect, not 
when they do not throw. To make sure a function works, you should call 
it and then check the return value and/or whatever the side effects 
should be.

Michel Fortin

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Don

Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Btw, how up-to-date are the import libs in windows/lib that ships with
DMD2? Can they be used with e.g. Win7?

They are horribly outdated. But I have a vague recollection that Walter 
has explicit permission from Microsoft to redistribute updated versions.

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Don

novice2 wrote:

Wow, I didn't know this existed.  I wonder if these bindings would be
suitable for inclusion in the package?  Currently, only contains a small subset of the 

one bad (imho) thing - functions parameters names removed :( just types 
remains. it is make self-documentation or fast-look-to-remember harder :(

That's because the code is derived from MingW, not from the Microsoft 

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 2/8/11, Don wrote:
 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 Btw, how up-to-date are the import libs in windows/lib that ships with
 DMD2? Can they be used with e.g. Win7?

 They are horribly outdated. But I have a vague recollection that Walter
 has explicit permission from Microsoft to redistribute updated versions.

So, implib /s on my system DLLs, right?

Does anyone have a script to do that? I'm lazy. :p

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Trass3r

So, implib /s on my system DLLs, right?

Does anyone have a script to do that? I'm lazy. :p

Something like:
FOR %%i IN (*.dll) DO implib /system %%~ni.lib %%i

Re: Efficient outputting of to-string conversions

2011-02-08 Thread Tomek Sowiński
Andrei Alexandrescu napisał:

  I know about Steven's proposal but it applies only to user types not 
  primitives. Either way would need a buffered output range as 
  integers are written from the right. Any chance for an abstraction 
  analogous to buffered input ranges discussed recently?  
 Generally I found it more difficult to define a solid output buffer 
 abstraction. This is a great motivating example though.
 To my surprise, an API of the same form seems to be what the doctor 
 prescribed. Here's a semi-formal definition:
 A buffered output range R is defined as such:
 R.front returns the currently uncommitted buffer of type T[]
 R.moreFront(n) makes n more elements available for writing
 R.commitFront(n) writes the first n elements in front()
 R.flushFront() writes the buffer currently held in front() and makes 
 another buffer available (initially empty).

I was thinking along the same lines. There's one missing:

R.skipFront(n) skips the first n elements without outputting

Why? Look at integral conversions in It first calculates maximum 
string size, then writes numbers to the char array back to front, then returns 
result[$ - ndigits .. $] where ndigits is how long the string turned out.

Returning to Steven's DIP, I think writeTo should take the above rather than 
void delegate(char[]). With the latter you still have to allocate the pieces. 
Our buffered output range is friends with polymorphism too. If you set T=char, 
its API is devoid of generics. Such interface can be placed in object.d with an 
official blessing.


Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Jonathan M Davis wrote in message
 On Tuesday, February 08, 2011 08:36:27 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 2/8/11 10:54 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
  Enhancement request for assert:


  Okay. I'll look at doing another proposal which has the functionality 
  assertPred which doesn't make sense to add to assert, though I'll
  probably wait until the voting for assertNotThrown and
  collectExceptionMsg is done.
  I would point out, however, that it would be rather silly to include
  assertThrown and not assertNotThrown. Good unit tests should test 
  that a function succeeds as it's supposed to _and_ that it fails as 
  supposed to. So, I would hope that people vote in favor of

 True. But the test is clearer if you're explicitly testing that the 
 doesn't throw instead of just having a stray function call that isn't 
 For instance.

 assertNotThrown!DateTimeException(TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59));

 is clearer than

 TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59);

 In the first case, it's clear that you're testing that the function call 
 does not
 throw. In the second, it's a function call that seems to do nothing, since 
 result isn't saved, it takes no references, and it's not part of an 
 Also, the first one results in an AssertError that clearly states that the
 problem is that the function threw when it wasn't supposed to, whereas in 
 second, you just get a stray exception which is likely going to be a bit 
 hard to
 track down - even with a stack trace - because the unit test blocks get 
 with seemingly random numbers rather than real names and tracking down 
 unittest block an exception was thrown from is a royal pain (one more 
 reason why
 we really should have named unit tests).

 So, I think that assertNotThrown definitely helps with clarity, and it 
 makes it
 much easier to track down the failure.

This is why I've always felt that assert/assertPred/etc should always check 
whether an exception was thrown and report it accordingly. That way, the 
test to make sure the result is correct will *automatically* provide all the 
benefits of assertNotThrown, but without the developer needing to 
compulsively assertNotThrown every single function they write/test.

However, that said, I think assertNotThrown would still be useful for void 
functions since those don't have a result to assert().

Plus, AIUI, assertNotThrown lets you make sure that a *specific* type of 
exception isn't thrown for the given arguments, which I can imagine would be 
useful in certain cases (for instance, if a function had been throwing the 
wrong type of exception upon bad input and you want to prevent regressions).

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
That's exactly what I did a minute ago:

For %%a in (*.dll) do implib /s %%~na.lib %%a


Gotta hate that cryptic batch syntax though..

I am still missing these two though:

From what I can tell uuid is used with COM, but it isn't installed on
my system for some reason. Winspool is for printers, right? I don't
care about that one.

Re: Please reply to this to vote to assertNotThrown in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 
 Reply here to vote ONLY for the function assertNotThrown in Jonathan M 
 Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Feb 15.


Re: Please reply to this to vote to collectExceptionMsg in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 
 Reply here to vote ONLY for the function collectExceptionMsg in Jonathan M 
 Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Tue Feb 15.



Re: std.unittests/exception Update and Vote

2011-02-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Steven Schveighoffer wrote in message 
 On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 06:52:30 -0500, Jonathan M Davis 

 *Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.

 Sorry for the lack of voting/attention, I've had barely any time to work 
 with D lately, and I haven't even looked at your lib.


 P.S. I'm f***ing sick of snow...

I got sick of snow ten years ago. Makes me wonder why I'm still in 

Re: Efficient outputting of to-string conversions

2011-02-08 Thread Tomek Sowiński
Andrei Alexandrescu napisał:

 For the latter, Tomek's idea of passing an output range as 
 an optional second parameter seems appropriate. Please file as an 
 enhancement to bugzilla. If anyone has time to work on this, please do. 
 If not, I'll work on it as my schedule allows.


Re: std.unittests/exception Update and Vote

2011-02-08 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:36:14 -0500, Nick Sabalausky a@a.a wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote in message
On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 06:52:30 -0500, Jonathan M Davis


*Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.

Sorry for the lack of voting/attention, I've had barely any time to work
with D lately, and I haven't even looked at your lib.


P.S. I'm f***ing sick of snow...

I got sick of snow ten years ago. Makes me wonder why I'm still in

I'd wonder why you were in Cleveland for a number of reasons ;)

This is the worst winter I've ever experienced.  My whole body aches from  
battling ice dams for weeks.  There's few things worse than having to put  
on snow clothes still wet (and smelly) from yesterday to go up on a ladder  
in the rain and whack ice you cleared just yesterday because water is  
again seeping in your house...


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Nevermind, uuid isn't an import library, apparently it holds some
GUID's for COM objects(?).

Replacing those import libs now seems like a bad idea because phobos
can't find a ton of symbols. Eh, it's never easy, is it..

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Correction: Not Phobos, druntime.

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
How many corrections?

I thought snn.lib was druntime in disguise. It's Digital Mars C/C++
runtime library. I'll just put all the originals back.

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread bearophile
Adam Ruppe:

 I'm still trying to find something I like for this.

Me too.

 Error messages give a line number... but if there's still several
 points of similar failure on that one line, it doesn't help as much
 as it could.

I understand. But splitting lines too much make the code a bit too much thin. I 
think a better solution is this request (from Lewis):

 We could do that today with a combination of -X, -J, and a CTFE
 JSON parser

 (it's possible that std.json would work today. I haven't
 tried it specifically, but ctfe tends to surprise me with its

Currently the JSON data is not computed at compile-time, and it's written as 
file text on the disk, while a library is meant to not touch the disk. So the 
situation isn't good enough yet.

 Maybe try ubyte[]?

There are moments when I want an array of ubytes, other moments when I want an 
array of 8 bit chars, and other situations where I want a string of chars. An 
ubyte[] is a workaround for a type system not good enough yet.

 Though, on the other hand, I've used the ncurses library which does
 this kind of thing. The number of function names is obscene, and
 the benefit is quite small.

I agree that too many functions are going to give problems. But an a suffix 
is burden smaller than two names fully new.

 I'm not convinced the parentheses are
 a big deal. (Hell, I've done lisp before... and kinda liked it. :P)

Scala, Ruby, ML-class languages like Haskell, etc have means to reduce 
parentheses count. Reducing syntax noise in functional-style code is something 
that a lot of people wants (me too). I have used Scheme, but parentheses tire 
me after a while.

 Perhaps you want to just work with one length strings? str[0..1]
 instead of str[0].

I have done this some times. I presume I will need to use this more.

Bye and thank you,

Re: Please reply to this to vote to assertNotThrown in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Jim
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 Reply here to vote ONLY for the function assertNotThrown in Jonathan M 
 Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Feb 15.


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Stewart Gordon

On 08/02/2011 12:25, Trass3r wrote:

I wonder if these bindings would be suitable for inclusion in the package?

They definitely need to be merged.

Merged?  The whole point of the bindings project is that it will one day be complete.  As 
such, it needs to _replace_ the current* and*.


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Richard Webb
fwiw, I've had more luck using coffimplib on the libs from the Windows platform
SDK than i have using implib on the dlls.

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Matthias Pleh

Am 08.02.2011 22:37, schrieb Stewart Gordon:

On 08/02/2011 12:25, Trass3r wrote:

I wonder if these bindings would be suitable for inclusion in the package?

They definitely need to be merged.

Merged? The whole point of the bindings project is that it will one day
be complete. As such, it needs to _replace_ the current*


VisualD has some code for automated winapi-conversion:

quoteto build the necessary D translations from the Windows and Visual 
Studio SDK/quote


Re: Please reply to this to vote to collectExceptionMsg in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread Tomek Sowiński
Andrei Alexandrescu napisał:

 Reply here to vote ONLY for the function collectExceptionMsg in Jonathan 
 M Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Tue Feb 15.

I'm in two minds. Since Jonathan has improved collectException the proposed 
function is just a short-hand for:

auto e = collectException!MyException(expression);
assert (e);
assert (e.msg == ...);


assert (collectException!MyException(expression) == new MyException(msg));

I would use these because of the possibility to test properties other than 
.msg. Also, there's an ambiguity ex.msg is null vs. didn't throw.

But perhaps msg is important enough to deserve a dedicated wrapper. I'll vote 
in favour, given that the docs are shrunk to something like:

Convenience function for extracting the exception's message. Equivalent of:
auto e = collectException(mayThrow);
string msg = e ? e.msg : null;

And put a link to collectException.


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Walter Bright

Andrew Wiley wrote:

I'm trying to use the Windows file change notification API from D, and
I'm having trouble translating Microsoft's macro-laden signatures into
D. I thought I had it figured out, but optlink says otherwise:
The original function is this:

HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotification(
  __in  LPCTSTR lpPathName,
  __in  BOOL bWatchSubtree,
  __in  DWORD dwNotifyFilter

I translated it into:

extern(Windows) {
uint FindFirstChangeNotification(
const(char)* lpPathName,
bool bWatchSubtree,
uint dwNotifyFilter

Optlink is giving me undefined symbol errors, but I can't seem to
figure out what I have wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the declaration from \dm\include\win32\winbase.h:

LPCSTR lpPathName,
BOOL bWatchSubtree,
DWORD dwNotifyFilter
LPCWSTR lpPathName,
BOOL bWatchSubtree,
DWORD dwNotifyFilter
#ifdef UNICODE
#define FindFirstChangeNotification  FindFirstChangeNotificationW
#define FindFirstChangeNotification  FindFirstChangeNotificationA
#endif // !UNICODE

Note the W postfix and the LPCWSTR arg, which should be wchar* (in D).

With the Digital Mars C compiler, getting the de-macro'd version is easy:

dmc -c foo.c -e -l

and the macro expanded version will be written to foo.lst. Very handy.

Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Walter Bright

Don wrote:

Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Btw, how up-to-date are the import libs in windows/lib that ships with
DMD2? Can they be used with e.g. Win7?

They are horribly outdated.

True, but MS never changes the api's, so they work and continue to work fine.

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
 I understand. But splitting lines too much make the code a bit
 too much thin.

I like it being thin so for me, it's a win/win.
I use small and split windows as well as
8 character tab stops. (4 characters just blend into the background..)

 I think a better solution is this request (from Lewis):

That wouldn't help with runtime errors... and I don't think
it would help much for compile either, as a general rule.
Something like cannot call function foo() with args abc puts
you in the right place anyway, even on a pretty complex line.

 Currently the JSON data is not computed at compile-time, and it's
 written as file text on the disk, while a library is meant to not
 touch the disk. So the situation isn't good enough yet.

dmd -X -Xf- file.d

That dumps it to stdout, which you can pipe out to where it needs
to be. Though, getting it into the program being compiled might
be a little tricky without touching the disk. But then again,
does it really matter? The compile process writes files as
part of its normal operation anyway.

 An ubyte[] is a workaround for a type system not good enough yet.

I wouldn't say that it isn't good enough. It's just that you
and Andrei have a different philosophy about this.

 Reducing syntax noise in functional-style code is something that
 a lot of people wants (me too).

Remember, one man's noise is another's parsing anchors. For example,
I find an if without parens to just look... naked.

Re: High performance XML parser

2011-02-08 Thread Tomek Sowiński
Steven Schveighoffer napisał:

  The design I'm thinking is that the node iterator will own a buffer. One  
  consequence is that the fields of the current node will point to the  
  buffer akin to foreach(line; File.byLine), so in order to lift the input  
  the user will have to dup (or process the node in-place). As new nodes  
  will be overwritten on the same piece of memory, an important trait of  
  the design emerges: cache intensity. Because of XML namespaces I think  
  it is necessary for the buffer to contain the current node plus all its  
 That might not scale well.  For instance, if you are accessing the 1500th  
 child element of a parent, doesn't that mean that the buffer must contain  
 the full text for the previous 1499 elements in order to also contain the  
 Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

Let's talk on an example:

a name=value
Some Text 1
c2  !-- HERE --
Some text 2
Some Text 3

The buffer of the iterator positioned HERE would be:

[Node a | Node b | Node c2]

Node c2 and all its parents are available for inspection. Node a's attribute is 
stored in the buffer, but not b's Some text 1 as it is c2's sibling; Some 
text 1 was available in the previous iteration, now it's overwritten by c2. To 
get to Some text 2 let's advance the iterator in depth to get:

[Node a | Node b | Node c2 | Text node Some text 2]

Advancing it once more we get to:

[Node a | Node b | Text node Some text 3]

So Some text 3 is written where c2 and the text node 2 used to be.

The element type of the range would always be the child, parents available 
through pointers:

foreach (node; xmlRange) {
if (Node* parent = node.parent)

Having no access to siblings is quite limiting but the iterator can form an 
efficient (zero-allocation) basis on which more convenient schemes are built 
upon. It's still just brain-storming, though. I fear there's something that'll 
make the whole idea crash  burn.

 I would start out with a non-compliant parser, but one that allocates  
 nothing beyond the I/O buffer, one that simply parses lazily and can be  
 used as well as a SAX parser.  Then see how much extra allocations we need  
 to get it to be compliant.  Then, one can choose the compliancy level  
 based on what performance penalties one is willing to incur.

Yeah, 100% compliance is a long way.


Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread bearophile
Adam D. Ruppe:

 I like it being thin so for me, it's a win/win.
 I use small and split windows as well as
 8 character tab stops. (4 characters just blend into the background..)

I see. I prefer to see a chunk of code that does something, on the screen, and 
to not scroll too much.
For lot of time the common indent for Delphi code was of 2 spaces :-)

 That wouldn't help with runtime errors... and I don't think
 it would help much for compile either, as a general rule.
 Something like cannot call function foo() with args abc puts
 you in the right place anyway, even on a pretty complex line.

The column number of errors helps a little when you have lines of code like 
(and in other situations):

void main() {
int[2] f;
auto r = f[1] + f[2];

  Currently the JSON data is not computed at compile-time, and it's
  written as file text on the disk, while a library is meant to not
  touch the disk. So the situation isn't good enough yet.
 dmd -X -Xf- file.d
 That dumps it to stdout, which you can pipe out to where it needs
 to be.

I meant something different. I don't want to convert JSON tree from-to text, 
I'd like to bypass the text representation fully. So the compile-time JSON 
Phobos library returns a data structure that represents the JSON tree (created 
by the compiler) in memory. There are zero files, stdout, pipes and text 

 Though, getting it into the program being compiled might
 be a little tricky without touching the disk. But then again,
 does it really matter? The compile process writes files as
 part of its normal operation anyway.

It matters if you want to use the JSON data in a larghish program as a static 
reflection mean to implement good user defined attributes. The less you convert 
and parse data, the faster and more usable the whole game is.

  An ubyte[] is a workaround for a type system not good enough yet.
 I wouldn't say that it isn't good enough. It's just that you
 and Andrei have a different philosophy about this.

I don't remember Andrei's opinion about that idea.

  Reducing syntax noise in functional-style code is something that
  a lot of people wants (me too).
 Remember, one man's noise is another's parsing anchors. For example,
 I find an if without parens to just look... naked.

Removing some syntax noise is not a so optional thing in functional languages. 
In Haskell you often have code like:

vmoot xs = (xs++).map (zipWith (+) lxs). flip matmul r_90.
  map (flip (zipWith (-)) lxs) .reverse . init $ xs
   where lxs = last xs

If you start putting parentheses everywhere, you produce something less 
readable than Lisp.

I have never suggested to introduce optional parenthesis in D (the opposite: 
I'd like function calls to always require them in D), I have just suggested to 
replace two functions like array(map()) with amap().


Re: std.unittests vote tally

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 2/8/11 12:20 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Tuesday, February 08, 2011 08:36:27 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 2/8/11 10:54 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Enhancement request for assert:


Okay. I'll look at doing another proposal which has the functionality of
assertPred which doesn't make sense to add to assert, though I'll
probably wait until the voting for assertNotThrown and
collectExceptionMsg is done.

I would point out, however, that it would be rather silly to include
assertThrown and not assertNotThrown. Good unit tests should test _both_
that a function succeeds as it's supposed to _and_ that it fails as it's
supposed to. So, I would hope that people vote in favor of

True. But the test is clearer if you're explicitly testing that the function
doesn't throw instead of just having a stray function call that isn't tested.
For instance.

assertNotThrown!DateTimeException(TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59));

is clearer than

TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59);

In the first case, it's clear that you're testing that the function call does 
throw. In the second, it's a function call that seems to do nothing, since its
result isn't saved, it takes no references, and it's not part of an assert.
Also, the first one results in an AssertError that clearly states that the
problem is that the function threw when it wasn't supposed to, whereas in the
second, you just get a stray exception which is likely going to be a bit hard to
track down - even with a stack trace - because the unit test blocks get named
with seemingly random numbers rather than real names and tracking down which
unittest block an exception was thrown from is a royal pain (one more reason why
we really should have named unit tests).

So, I think that assertNotThrown definitely helps with clarity, and it makes it
much easier to track down the failure.

- Jonathan M Davis

I think I'd write that as

assert(!collectException(TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59));


Re: std.unittests/exception Update and Vote

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 2/8/11 3:50 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:36:14 -0500, Nick Sabalausky a@a.a wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote in message

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 06:52:30 -0500, Jonathan M Davis

*Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.

Sorry for the lack of voting/attention, I've had barely any time to work
with D lately, and I haven't even looked at your lib.


P.S. I'm f***ing sick of snow...

I got sick of snow ten years ago. Makes me wonder why I'm still in

I'd wonder why you were in Cleveland for a number of reasons ;)

This is the worst winter I've ever experienced. My whole body aches from
battling ice dams for weeks. There's few things worse than having to put
on snow clothes still wet (and smelly) from yesterday to go up on a
ladder in the rain and whack ice you cleared just yesterday because
water is again seeping in your house...


I'm completely weird I guess. I love snow and winter. I'm just back from 
a skiing day non-stop 11am to 4pm on the most difficult slopes 
(including two extreme terrain runs starting at 3963 meters). My water 
and food froze in my pockets. At times I could hardly feel my face. I 
still breathe twice the normal rate. Every cubic inch of my body aches. 
And... I'm loving every minute of it.


Re: Writing XML

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/08/2011 07:44 PM, Ary Manzana wrote:

On 2/6/11 8:32 PM, spir wrote:

When does one need to write by hand, in source, structured data needing
to be serialised into XML (or any other format)? In my (admittedly very
limited), such data always are outputs of some processing (if only
reading from other file).


If you have a website API that exposes its data via XML, you would like to
generate it like that. What do you mean outputs of some processing? As far as
I know, the code that Tomek showed is some processing. :-P

No, in his example, the data were hardcoded as plain constant in source code.

vita es estrany

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/08/2011 10:11 PM, bearophile wrote:

Adam Ruppe:

I'm still trying to find something I like for this.

Me too.

I like Adam's solution as well, but it's not perfect. The only other solution 
(like for constraints) would be a syntactic difference, but since we're limited 
by keyboard keys, this would instead certainly augment visual noise.

Error messages give a line number... but if there's still several
points of similar failure on that one line, it doesn't help as much
as it could.

I understand. But splitting lines too much make the code a bit too much thin. I 
think a better solution is this request (from Lewis):

Just done it for my parser. Once you get the line nr...

Maybe try ubyte[]?

There are moments when I want an array of ubytes, other moments when I want an 
array of 8 bit chars, and other situations where I want a string of chars. An 
ubyte[] is a workaround for a type system not good enough yet.

After some more interrogations on the topic, I think there should be 4 somewhat 
related types.
* Bytes -- processing of data at plain binary/numeric level, no link to text 
(eg pixmap)

* ByteString -- single-byte charset text (ascii, latin-X,...)
On the implementation side, there no difference in data structure (not even 
code check like for D chars). But conceptually and semantically, these types 
are unrelated. (It would be a bit strange for me to process a pixmap using a 
type that exposes tons of text-processing functionality.)

ByteString is, I guess, more or less what Steven proposed.
* D' utf-8 string for i/O of unicode text without any manipulation (except 
* A Text like what I proposed for unicode text manipulation, conceptually an 
array of univoque text-characters (an array of no-copy-slices into a normalised 
utf-8 string).

Though, on the other hand, I've used the ncurses library which does
this kind of thing. The number of function names is obscene, and
the benefit is quite small.

I agree that too many functions are going to give problems. But an a suffix 
is burden smaller than two names fully new.

I like your proposal. But -a suffixes are no good, use -Array or array- prefix 

I'm not convinced the parentheses are
a big deal. (Hell, I've done lisp before... and kinda liked it. :P)

Scala, Ruby, ML-class languages like Haskell, etc have means to reduce 
parentheses count. Reducing syntax noise in functional-style code is something 
that a lot of people wants (me too). I have used Scheme, but parentheses tire 
me after a while.

Editors do that for you, don't they? Even for languages they don't know... 
(never been annoyed by paren counts, not even in Lisp-like slangs)

vita es estrany

Filtering even numbers in various languages

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

I added a D version.


Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/09/2011 01:35 AM, bearophile wrote:

I meant something different. I don't want to convert JSON tree from-to text, 
I'd like to bypass the text representation fully. So the compile-time JSON 
Phobos library returns a data structure that represents the JSON tree (created 
by the compiler) in memory. There are zero files, stdout, pipes and text 

Just what I would like to rip from a D parser in D (which doesn't prevent to 
write it into a D source module if useful).

vita es estrany

Re: Filtering even numbers in various languages

2011-02-08 Thread bearophile
 I added a D version.

Good :-)

They have missed the lazy Python2.x version:
(x for x in xrange(1, 5) if not x % 2)


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
I don't know why I thought this would be easy. ReadDirectoryChangesW
is a b**ch to use. Someone even wrote a wrapper for it:

It clocks in at over 1500 lines. For a single API function. Yikes!

Compare this to .Net's FileSystemWatcher. Create an object, pass a
delegate, and get back some info: Console.WriteLine(File: {0} renamed
to {1}, e.OldFullPath, e.FullPath);
Your work is done.

With ReadDirectoryChangesW I have to keep count of bytes to skip
forward, use casts and keep separate pointers and length variables.
Not to mention the function is not fully documented as this long blog
post shows:

Re: Please reply to this to vote to collectExceptionMsg in std.unittests

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/08/2011 06:29 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:

On 2/8/11 4:29 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Reply here to vote ONLY for the function collectExceptionMsg in Jonathan
M Davis's std.unittests. Vote closes on Tue Feb 15.

As I stated in the assertNotThrown thread, I don't see any reason why this
shouldn't be included if it's helpful for other people, even though I
personally didn't feel the need for it so far.

Since the main use case seems to be in unit tests to check if the correct
exception messages are produced, I'd suggest adding a short note about that to
the documentation comment – or is this going to end up in a new std.unittest
module anyway? I thought it would be merged into std.exception…

This is just one use case reason why me preferred assert idiom has the form
assert ( expression, expectation)
if expectation is a string --and the outcome isn't one-- then the outcome is 
to!string'ed. just what you need. Very useful too, in several other cases of 
outcomes (I mean only when throws, just regular results that are not easily 
expressible in code).

vita es estrany

Re: Another Phobos2 test

2011-02-08 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
 I see. I prefer to see a chunk of code that does something, on the  screen, 
to not scroll too much.

That's what functions are for!

 I meant something different. I don't want to convert JSON tree
 from-to text, I'd like to bypass the text representation fully.

Yes, that would be the ideal implementation. But as a practical
matter, who's going to write that code? I don't know the compiler
well enough to do it myself, but I am confident that I could
write a little program to call and parse dmd -X; it's something
we could do ourselves without bugging Walter.

We need to look more at imperfect solutions we can do ourselves
with the existing tools than the perfect solutions that need
smart people like Walter and Don to do for us.

 It matters if you want to use the JSON data in a larghish program
 as a static reflection mean to implement good user defined
 attributes. The less you convert and parse data, the faster and
 more usable the whole game is.

If the build tool was sufficiently smart (something as simple
as plain old make is good enough for this), it could only parse
the json once.

Again not ideal, but something simple we could do ourselves.

On user defined attributes, I wish the @attrs were done differently,
but what's done is done and I don't know the compiler well enough
to write a patch.

Instead, we might look at some template ideas that define some
enums we can use to access the attributes. As I understand it,
Ruby does something similar to this too.

 I don't remember Andrei's opinion about that idea.

It's been discussed on the Phobos list pretty recently. Look
for the threads about new string types (I don't remember the
exact subject, but Steven did a lot of work on it so searching
for his name with the string keyword should find the thread.)

 If you start putting parentheses everywhere, you produce
 something less readable than Lisp.

Gah, that Haskell already is significantly less readable to Lisp!

Actually, on optional parens in D, I'm almost split on that. I
resisted dropping them from templates at first, but now I love
it. I like the property syntax just the way it is too (well,
usually. It's annoying when it calls the function when I don't
want it to though!)

Re: std.unittests/exception Update and Vote

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/09/2011 01:38 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 2/8/11 3:50 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:36:14 -0500, Nick Sabalausky a@a.a wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote in message

On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 06:52:30 -0500, Jonathan M Davis

*Sigh* I was hoping for a clearer vote than this.

Sorry for the lack of voting/attention, I've had barely any time to work
with D lately, and I haven't even looked at your lib.


P.S. I'm f***ing sick of snow...

I got sick of snow ten years ago. Makes me wonder why I'm still in

I'd wonder why you were in Cleveland for a number of reasons ;)

This is the worst winter I've ever experienced. My whole body aches from
battling ice dams for weeks. There's few things worse than having to put
on snow clothes still wet (and smelly) from yesterday to go up on a
ladder in the rain and whack ice you cleared just yesterday because
water is again seeping in your house...


I'm completely weird I guess. I love snow and winter. I'm just back from a
skiing day non-stop 11am to 4pm on the most difficult slopes (including two
extreme terrain runs starting at 3963 meters). My water and food froze in my
pockets. At times I could hardly feel my face. I still breathe twice the normal
rate. Every cubic inch of my body aches. And... I'm loving every minute of it.

Can understand you. But, by me (south-west of F) get about 15 °C these days... 
abnormal temperatures upwards, after having frozen as early as late October.

vita es estrany

Re: High performance XML parser

2011-02-08 Thread spir

On 02/09/2011 01:16 AM, Tomek Sowiński wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer napisał:

The design I'm thinking is that the node iterator will own a buffer. One
consequence is that the fields of the current node will point to the
buffer akin to foreach(line; File.byLine), so in order to lift the input
the user will have to dup (or process the node in-place). As new nodes
will be overwritten on the same piece of memory, an important trait of
the design emerges: cache intensity. Because of XML namespaces I think
it is necessary for the buffer to contain the current node plus all its

That might not scale well.  For instance, if you are accessing the 1500th
child element of a parent, doesn't that mean that the buffer must contain
the full text for the previous 1499 elements in order to also contain the

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

Let's talk on an example:

a name=value
Some Text 1
c2   !-- HERE --
Some text 2
Some Text 3

The buffer of the iterator positioned HERE would be:

[Node a | Node b | Node c2]

Node c2 and all its parents are available for inspection. Node a's attribute is stored in the buffer, but not 
b's Some text 1 as it is c2's sibling; Some text 1 was available in the previous 
iteration, now it's overwritten by c2. To get to Some text 2 let's advance the iterator in depth 
to get:

[Node a | Node b | Node c2 | Text node Some text 2]

Advancing it once more we get to:

[Node a | Node b | Text node Some text 3]

So Some text 3 is written where c2 and the text node 2 used to be.

That's very similar to what I was thinking at. What I wonder is whether, in 
your buffer representations above, 'Node x' represents an instanciated node, or 
collected data necessary to later instanciate --once the current part of the 
source is validated (proved correct). What i mean is, the whole a node will 
be validated only when /a is matched, so that if your parsing process fails 
on the way (and/or it was just following a wrong parsing path), then all nodes 
instanciated along tha way are just to throw away, aren't they (unless some 
memoisation may be useful).
Possibly all what say here is just stupid, depending on the parsing algo and 
nature of the grammar, and also how costly Node creation is. In my case, all of 
this seems relevant. Thus, I'm thinking at just collecting data along the way 
(rather easy  far cheaper than node construction), and (recursively) 
instanciate only once a section is validated. (needs to be tried concretely 
--maybe there are issues I'm not yet aware of)

vita es estrany

Re: Filtering even numbers in various languages

2011-02-08 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 2/8/11 8:02 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I added a D version.


Added a comment too (andralex).


Re: Windows API Translation

2011-02-08 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:16 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 I don't know why I thought this would be easy. ReadDirectoryChangesW
 is a b**ch to use. Someone even wrote a wrapper for it:

 It clocks in at over 1500 lines. For a single API function. Yikes!

 Compare this to .Net's FileSystemWatcher. Create an object, pass a
 delegate, and get back some info: Console.WriteLine(File: {0} renamed
 to {1}, e.OldFullPath, e.FullPath);
 Your work is done.

 With ReadDirectoryChangesW I have to keep count of bytes to skip
 forward, use casts and keep separate pointers and length variables.
 Not to mention the function is not fully documented as this long blog
 post shows:

Honestly, API-wise, it feels a lot like most of the Posix C APIs (I'm
using iNotify on Linux for this already), but less polished. That bit
about missing events though, that's pretty crappy.
And I love how their docs imply that you can somehow use it with
From reading about the performance problems, it seems that the lovely
thin layer I built on iNotify on Linux might have to have to become a
multithreaded heavy backend on Windows. Ah well.

Stupid little iota of an idea

2011-02-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky
AUIU, foreach has both of these forms:

foreach(x; 0..5)
foreach(x; someRange)

Also, we have:

auto someRange = iota(0, 5);

Little idea: How about this genralized lowering?

// iota says Gimme some sugar, baby.
// and thus it is lowered to -
iota(0, 5)

Of course, if that hinders optimization for foreach(x; 0..5), then the 
compiler could just optimize that particular case by not bothering with 
the lowering and doing as it currently does.

But the benefit is things like this:

// Stealing Andrei's filter even example:
filter!`a % 2 == 0`(iota(1, 5))
// Give iota some sugar, baby:
filter!`a % 2 == 0`(1..5)

I suppose the obnoxious float-literal definition could get in the way, but 
when is it ever legal syntax in D to have two numeric literals next to each 
other? (And foreach seems ok with it anyway)

Pardon if this has already been suggested.

Re: More on the necessity and difficulty of a package management system

2011-02-08 Thread Christopher Nicholson-Sauls
On 01/26/11 16:45, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Seems to be unduly difficult in Python:
 We need to have a good solution for D.

This seems related to a project I've been planning on:

Now if I could just find a little more spare time and get the be-damned
thing's design finished and the code written.

-- Chris N-S

Re: Writing XML

2011-02-08 Thread Russel Winder
On Wed, 2011-02-09 at 00:16 -0600, Christopher Nicholson-Sauls wrote:
[ . . . ] as sugar for xml.tag(book,...) make it xml.bookTag(...)

using xml.bookTag would ruin it for me.  I'd use something that allowed
just book, is already not enough of a DSL.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Stupid little iota of an idea

2011-02-08 Thread Peter Alexander

On 9/02/11 3:08 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

AUIU, foreach has both of these forms:

 foreach(x; 0..5)
 foreach(x; someRange)

Also, we have:

 auto someRange = iota(0, 5);

Pardon if this has already been suggested.

I have suggested it in the past, and I believe people had suggested it 
before me. I agree, it does make perfect sense to add that syntax, 
although it probably shouldn't be tied into Phobos (maybe add a druntime 
version of iota?)

Operator overloading giving encrypted error messages.

2011-02-08 Thread Charles McAnany
Hi, all. I'm playing around with a BigRational struct to get more comfortable
with D.
The plan:
Allow binary operators so that a BR (BigRational) is the lhs and one of {BR,
BigInt, int, long} is the rhs.
So BR(5) + 2 compiles just as well as BR(5)+BR(2)
Here's the opBinary code I've worked out:
BigRational opBinary(string op,T)(T arg){
BigRational y = BigRational(arg);
static if(op == +){
BigRational temp = this;
}}} /// and so on, ending with an assert(0) after all the static ifs.

So, unit testing this with
auto br1 = BigRational(25,2);
writefln(br1+1 = %s,br1+1);
works beautifully.

Now, I'd like to define the ++ to increase this by 1.
So, I write:
BigRational opUnary(string op)(){
static if(op == ++){
this = this+1;
return this;
//There are other overloads, too.
Now, when I unittest
writefln(br1++ = %s, br1++); //This is line 166.
I get a weird error message:
C:\DProjects\BigRational\srcdmd BigRational.d -unittest
BigRational.d(166): Error: template BigRational.BigRational.opBinary(string op,T
) does not match any function template declaration
BigRational.d(166): Error: template BigRational.BigRational.opBinary(string op,T
) cannot deduce template function from argument types !()()

My issue here is that I have already used the exact same syntax in the first
unit test as my code for the ++ overload has, but here it fails me. (Plus, why
is line 166 having trouble with opBinary? ++ is unary, no?
Any ideas?
begin 644 BigRational.d

Re: Operator overloading giving encrypted error messages.

2011-02-08 Thread bearophile
 It sees the post-increment fires the opBinary template too. I think this is a 
 front-end bug, for Bugzilla if confirmed and not already present.

[Issue 4092] broken memory management for COM objects derived from IUnknown

2011-02-08 Thread d-bugmail

--- Comment #4 from Rainer Schuetze 2011-02-08 00:41:49 
PST ---
The problem with allocating COM objects from the C-heap is that they cannot be
free'd inside Release() due to possible invariants being called after that.

Here's the implementation of Release in

ULONG Release()
LONG lRef = InterlockedDecrement(count);
if (lRef == 0)
// free object

// If we delete this object, then the postinvariant called upon
// return from Release() will fail.
// Just let the GC reap it.
//delete this;

return 0;
return cast(ULONG)lRef;

The comment even implies that the memory should be taken from the GC.

Also, any object that has references into other memory blocks needs to add
itself as a root to the GC, which can be very easily forgotten (e.g. if the
references are just strings).

As reported lately, the juno project
(, probably the largest project trying
to embrace COM), works similar as proposed here. (

Agreed, changing this might break some code, but probably most applications
creating COM objects have overloaded new anyway.

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[Issue 5546] Assigning and initializing structs from functions make more copies than necessary

2011-02-08 Thread d-bugmail

--- Comment #2 from 2011-02-08 00:42:20 PST ---
After thinking about the problem a bit more, I have a couple things to add.

First, I should mention my second point for assigning the return value of a
function to an existing struct applies to all temporaries.

Test testVal;
testVal = Test(str);

can benefit from the same optimizations as

Test testVal;
testVal = function();

Second, it would be very useful to be able to mark the custom assignment
operator to have the same behavior on the above two cases as if there is no
overloaded assignment operator. (aka: skip the assignment and reduce it to a
blit + post blit and destruction of the old value when assigning from a
temporary) I would suggest something like putting @ignoreIfTemp before the
opAssign definition, and would be ignored if members of the struct have custom
assignment operators without that property. This would allow one of the most
useful benefits of rvalue references from C++0x to be used without having to
add a whole new type qualifier.

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[Issue 1170] Cannot forward reference a type defined in a MixinStatement

2011-02-08 Thread d-bugmail

Don changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #8 from Don 2011-02-08 04:37:34 PST ---
The test case in comment 7 was fixed in 2.051 and 1.066. The original test case
still doesn't work.

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[Issue 4360] Allow intrinsics in core.bitop to operate as intrinsics

2011-02-08 Thread d-bugmail

Don changed:

   What|Removed |Added

   Keywords|patch   |

--- Comment #5 from Don 2011-02-08 05:00:41 PST ---
Removing patch keyword since it doesn't have a patch :o

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[Issue 5547] Improve assert to give information on values given to it when it fails

2011-02-08 Thread d-bugmail

--- Comment #2 from Steven Schveighoffer 2011-02-08 
10:57:27 PST ---
Is it too difficult for this to apply only inside unit tests?  I mean literally
within unit test blocks.  This means asserts triggered in non-unit test blocks
will not report the extra info, even if called from a unit test block.  But I
believe this is equivalent to the original proposal of assertPred (which would
only be used inside unittest blocks).

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