Re: Associative Arrays in the data segment

2015-04-11 Thread Daniel Murphy via Digitalmars-d
"Andrei Alexandrescu"  wrote in message 

This is nice work, but sorry it is hardly conductive to warm fuzzy 
feelings. -- Andrei

It's not ideal, just better than what we have now. 

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/11/15 5:35 AM, matovitch wrote:

I am not convinced by the dip77, what about raii managed classes with
costly opAssign operator (like in w0rn example) ? The goal of passing an
object by reference is to avoid the copy and here you guess the
parameter is ref-counted and made a (pseudo-)copy ? Then any allocating
opAssign should be marked @system ?

Expensive opAssign or expensive postblit? -- Andrei

Re: if(arr) now a warning

2015-04-11 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/11/15 4:03 AM, w0rp wrote:

Having thought about it more, I think that is why we cannot put the
range primitives for slices into object.d. Because that makes it
impossible to define the primitives differently, so that no
auto-decoding occurs. At the moment, auto-decoding isn't part of the
language, it's just written in to the standard library. This would
change that.

That's where it should be. -- Andrei

Re: "make std/concurrency.test" fails but others don't... why?

2015-04-11 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/11/15 12:25 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 23:04:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Martin Nowak added recently a nice feature to the Phobos makefile: by
specifying e.g.

make std/stdio.test

only the unittests for std/stdio.d would build and run. This greatly
improves development turnaround for Phobos.

FWIW, in most cases you can also do this simply by running:

dmd -unittest -main -run stdio.d

It won't work if other modules have changed (compared to the dmd in your

The actual command line generated by is:

../dmd/src/dmd -conf= -I../druntime/import  -w -dip25 -m64  -g -debug 
-main -unittest generated/osx/debug/64/libphobos2.a -defaultlib= 
-debuglib= -L-lcurl -run std/stdio.d

So having this in the makefile:

* makes sure the library is built automatically

* links the right external libs

* makes sure command line options such as -dip25 are not omitted

* makes sure there's no interference from dmd.conf files

* links the correct library

* ...

So if your point was it can be done just worse, sure.


Re: Associative Arrays in the data segment

2015-04-11 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 4/10/15 8:45 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:

"Andrei Alexandrescu"  wrote in message

Can you make a salient argument that this is a step in the right
direction? In that case what's the vision for future steps? Thanks! --

This approach makes the common cases of AAs in the data segment work.
This enables a very useful idiom of defining a constant lookup table and
using it at runtime to map values.

The hashing and AA implementations that need to be replicated in the
compiler are trivial, and easily updated if anybody does change the
druntime implementation.  At worst it's pretty much a copy-paste from
the druntime sources.  And as I've said, I'm happy provide a matching
dmd implementation of anybody's new druntime implementation.

A future library AA implementation would not be complicated by this
patch, because the code in this patch is only reached when an AA literal
survives until codegen.  A library AA would lower the AA literal to some
other construct before codegen.

This is a step in the right direction because it will make the common
cases of this feature work.  That's it.  It doesn't hurt or help other
AA issues in a significant way.

This is nice work, but sorry it is hardly conductive to warm fuzzy 
feelings. -- Andrei

Re: Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d
Thanks for the feedback, I think I've incorporated all the 
suggested changes.

Also added a section on how D deals with object slicing.

I can't seem to get the compiler to error on dangling else. I 
tried the examples in the original PR[1], but they seem to 
compile without error with DMD 2.067. Is anyone able to make the 
compiler error on dangling else?


Re: Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 16:02:53 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:24:53 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:

*Un*signed integer overflow isn't undefined in C/C++ either.

 — David

I removed the section on undefined behaviour for now, I'm not 
familiar enough with it to really write something convincing. 
Help would be appreciated.

Re: Mitigating the attribute proliferation - attribute inference for functions

2015-04-11 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 12 April 2015 at 01:45:16 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

On 04/12/2015 12:35 AM, weaselcat wrote:

How does this differ from e.g, if the function was templated?

It doesn't, if you decide to analyze each imported function to 
attribute inference, then that's just like treating all of them 

template instances.
This approach doesn't scale to bigger projects, because the 

always has to analyze the complete source code.
That's also the reason why an optimization was added to dmd 
whereby it
doesn't instantiate templates, that are already instantiated in 

imported module.

I thought as much, that's unsettling because dmd is already 
starting to feel dog slow.

Re: STL and Phobos

2015-04-11 Thread Dennis Ritchie via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 17:14:50 UTC, w0rp wrote:
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 17:01:42 UTC, Dennis Ritchie 

Will the STL included in Phobos or is it impossible?

STL won't be included in Phobos, at least as far as I know, but 
I believe it should be possible to interface to parts of it 
with extern(C++). To do it, you need to create names for every 
part of an STL type, including the allocator. Walter discussed 
all of this in a recent talk.

It's really more for using existing C++ code which already uses 
the STL. In terms of algorithms, D is already in a better shape 
with std.algorithm. In terms of containers, you might find 
Phobos lacking for the moment, but progress will accelerate 
when Andrei's allocators are finally included in Phobos.


Re: Mitigating the attribute proliferation - attribute inference for functions

2015-04-11 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d
On 04/12/2015 12:35 AM, weaselcat wrote:
> How does this differ from e.g, if the function was templated?

It doesn't, if you decide to analyze each imported function to perform
attribute inference, then that's just like treating all of them like
template instances.
This approach doesn't scale to bigger projects, because the compiler
always has to analyze the complete source code.
That's also the reason why an optimization was added to dmd whereby it
doesn't instantiate templates, that are already instantiated in an
imported module.

Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 12 April 2015 at 01:29:53 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 22:29:58 UTC, w0rp wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:27:15 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
if you're using vim-dutyl you could just remap K to :DUjump 
or one of the split variants.
(DUddoc also shows the documentation of the symbol under your 

I'll have to try this myself. Vim has a feature for balloon 
messages, so I was wondering if there was something for that 
for D in Vim. You can see some examples if you run a Google 
image search for "vim balloonexpr."

Never seen much point in balloonexpr. What's to point of using 
Vim if I'm gonna use my mouse to do things?

balloonexpr is indeed a poor feature, but vim has a lot of those 
thanks to legacy cruft. One of the reasons I'm excited for(and 
already use) neovim, implementing something like a cursor-based 
balloonexpr would be extremely easy.

Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread Idan Arye via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 22:29:58 UTC, w0rp wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:27:15 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
if you're using vim-dutyl you could just remap K to :DUjump or 
one of the split variants.
(DUddoc also shows the documentation of the symbol under your 

I'll have to try this myself. Vim has a feature for balloon 
messages, so I was wondering if there was something for that 
for D in Vim. You can see some examples if you run a Google 
image search for "vim balloonexpr."

Never seen much point in balloonexpr. What's to point of using 
Vim if I'm gonna use my mouse to do things?

Re: Yes, you can help std.allocator!

2015-04-11 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d
On 04/05/2015 05:16 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Right now the allocator design works well as a flexible malloc/free
> implementation, but has no support for tracing-based garbage collection.
> I am evaluating whether I should add tracing capabilities to
> std.allocator, or stop here. Tracing would most definitely require new
> primitives such as embedding some sort of type information and resolving
> internal pointers.

Just to make sure we're on the same page here.
You're talking about implementing the GC in terms of std.allocator, not
about making std.allocator GCable, right?

This would be fairly interesting for us too experiment with, as we could
easily try out different allocator architectures. But then again the GC
needs to use highly optimized data structures to lookup metadata, we'll
likely only choose a single allocator architecture, and we already know
a few good ones

So while the heap layer idea is interesting and would facilitate to try
different allocators, it's a substantial amount of work, to add the
marking and metadata to std.allocator.

We already started to modularize the GC a little and can try out
different architectures by hand, so I don't think it's worth the effort.

> What would really help this evaluation and any other work on garbage
> collection would be a modularization of the tracing process.

It's already pretty much like that.

Scanning is not a range but callback based and misses GC.addRoots and
GC.addRanges, wouldn't be too much work to add that.
There is also no TypeInfo yet.


Re: Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:24:53 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
I've done some preliminary work on a wiki page that attempts to 
convince C++ programmers who are on the fence about D, who need 
to know what D provides over C++11 and C++14.

I don't know if a Coming_From page is the right place for this 
kind of information. What is the target audience for 
Coming_From - programmers who are already learning D, or 
programmers who are investigating D to decide whether or not to 
try it? If the former, where should we place information for 
the latter?

Contributions to the page are very welcome. I think D's syntax 
is intuitive enough for C++ programmers that we can use 
commented D code examples. I could need some help filling up 
the sections and proposing new sections.

Thanks for doing this.  Maybe link to Andrei's talks and articles 
(and Ali's book) on iterators and ranges.

Learning D vs investigating whether to try it is not such a 
binary choice because many people who try a language give up 
early.  Maybe start with the selling points and have a second 
section below - 'here is how to do stuff'.  Some examples, and 
links to other relevant material.

Re: ARMv7 vs x86-64: Pathfinding benchmark of C++, D, Go, Nim, Ocaml, and more.

2015-04-11 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 9 April 2015 at 14:03:33 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Thursday, 9 April 2015 at 04:30:18 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 20:59:07 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 20:40:02 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
Experimenting on my oneplusone phone running arch 
(geekbench3 2.9k) and will be back in range in a week.  How 
much RAM do you think you need?

If it is just a PKGBUILD issue - any amount will do. If 
building ldc itself will be necessary.. well, it can be a bit 
more demanding :) I hope for the former.

Mathias Lang has kindly provided me shell access to one 
Raspberry, investigating the issue.

Seems to work for me now with ldc / liblphobos packages 0.15.1-6
Actual issue was so embarassing that I'd better be silent about 
it :P

Thanks, v much Dicebot.  (I think you have earned the right to 
own up to making simple errors without embarrassment in case you 
change your mind - it might help someone else to say what it was).


Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 21:44:08 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

No one announced (to me) it's existence.  Thanks!  I'll be sure 
to check it out.

it also integrates DCD(combined with youcompleteme or similar 
plugin gives intellisense-like completion,) and dscanner.

Re: Mitigating the attribute proliferation - attribute inference for functions

2015-04-11 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 21:47:20 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Option 1 isn't really viable because it turns into a whole 

compilation model.

How does this differ from e.g, if the function was templated?

Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:27:15 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
if you're using vim-dutyl you could just remap K to :DUjump or 
one of the split variants.
(DUddoc also shows the documentation of the symbol under your 

I'll have to try this myself. Vim has a feature for balloon 
messages, so I was wondering if there was something for that for 
D in Vim. You can see some examples if you run a Google image 
search for "vim balloonexpr."

Re: Mitigating the attribute proliferation - attribute inference for functions

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d
Shouldn't the inference with analysis be possible when you have 
the source available at least? You will still have to specify the 
attributes in a .di file if you are statically or dynamically 
linking to D libraries, but for source libraries or in parts of 
your project, you should be able to perform that inference.

That would at the very least reduce attributes to the boundaries 
of APIs.

// inferred
private void bar() {}
// inferred
private void baz() {}

@ngoc @safe pure nothrow
public void foo() { bar(); baz(); }

At some point in D, @safe should probably be the default, but 
that's a whole problem in itself.

Mitigating the attribute proliferation - attribute inference for functions

2015-04-11 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d
Sorry to open yet another topic.

I'm repeatedly finding myself in situations where I write functions like

private @property bool empty() const @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return impl is null || !impl.count;

This is obviously a joke, because the compiler very well knows the
attributes and I don't need to guarantee them as part of an API.
The situation is getting somewhat out of hands and we need to find a way
to make attribute inference for functions feasible.

At the last D Meetup [¹] I had a nice chat with Dicebot about this.
We both had the same notion of how things should be. People should put
attributes on their exported API functions (or main() for apps), thereby
making API guarantees and transitively enforcing them, but the compiler
should infer attributes for internal functions.

This wouldn't help with separate compilation of modules, because the
compiler only knows the attributes of a function after semantically
analyzing it, but it works extremely well for libraries that are
compiled as batch.
And given that separate compilation is inherently inefficient anyhow,
it's well worth to look at this approach in more detail.

The main problem of attribute inference for functions presents as
follows on API borders.

/// An API function that guarantees certain attributes
public size_t foo(string a) @safe @nogc pure nothrow
// and calls an internal function
return impl(a);

/// An API template function with the same guarantees
public size_t bar(R)(R a) @safe @nogc pure nothrow
// that calls an internal function
return impl("something");

/// A function with inferred attributes
private size_t impl(string a)
return a.length;

Applying attribute inference to `impl` would work for `foo` because code
calling `foo` doesn't need to check the attributes of `impl`, except
when foo gets inlined.
This doesn't work for the template function bar, because attributes are
checked when the template is instantiated, leaving us with the following
options on how the compiler could deal with missing attributes of a

1) If that function has source code available, it gets semantically
analyzed and additional attributes are inferred.

2) The compiler errors because of missing attributes.

3) Don't inline functions when that would require to infer attributes of
a private/package function.

4) ???

Option 1 isn't really viable because it turns into a whole program
compilation model.

Option 2 is basically what we have today. Without a clear border of
where the compiler stops to analyze your implementation details, it'd
still be necessary to annotate every function.

Option 3 defines such a border which allows to use attribute inference
for internal functions. In the above example `bar` wouldn't work without
inference on `impl`, but it's possible to manually annotate the private
functions directly used by a template.

Those ideas aren't thought through too well, but it's an important issue
that requires a solution.



Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d
On 11 April 2015 at 12:27, weaselcat via Digitalmars-d
> On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:00:45 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
>> On 10 April 2015 at 21:19, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
>>  wrote:
>>> On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 19:08:13 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

 - Move a method to another class located in another module, while
 all references to it, including module imports in the new file
>>> Cut the text out of one file, paste it in the new one, compile and fix
>>> what
>>> the compiler complains about.
>>> ...ditto for the others.
>>> I admit this takes a few more minutes than an automatic ide thing might,
>>> but
>>> it isn't that big of a bother to me because the compiler errors combined
>>> with vim's "repeat last command" hotkey makes it fairly quick and
>>> painless.
>>> When I run make from inside vim, it jumps to the file and line the
>>> compiler
>>> spits out, so I can do a quick "cwnewname" then f4 (my hotkey to go to
>>> the
>>> next error) and ., repeat until done.
>> Anyone use abbreviations in vim?
>> One thing that I want to do at some point in time is remap K to goto
>> the documentation of a function/method.
>> Iain.
> if you're using vim-dutyl you could just remap K to :DUjump or one of the
> split variants.
> (DUddoc also shows the documentation of the symbol under your cursor.)

No one announced (to me) it's existence.  Thanks!  I'll be sure to check it out.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:28:46 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
It's not acceptable that it happens behind the user's back. 
Costly operations must be explicit.

Nothing is costly here.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 18:20:51 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Fri, 10 Apr 2015 14:04:39 +
schrieb "Ola Fosheim Grøstad"

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 10:28:03 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> That's what ref counting is about.

That would require pervasive ref-counting.

You make is sound like there was an alternative to ref
counting for resources. Is there?

Ownership, GC.

Re: if(arr) now a warning

2015-04-11 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d
On 04/11/2015 01:03 PM, w0rp wrote:
> At the moment, auto-decoding isn't part of the language

That won't change anytime soon.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Am Fri, 10 Apr 2015 14:04:39 +
schrieb "Ola Fosheim Grøstad"

> On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 10:28:03 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> > That's what ref counting is about.
> That would require pervasive ref-counting.

You make is sound like there was an alternative to ref
counting for resources. Is there?


Re: STL and Phobos

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 17:01:42 UTC, Dennis Ritchie wrote:

Will the STL included in Phobos or is it impossible?

STL won't be included in Phobos, at least as far as I know, but I 
believe it should be possible to interface to parts of it with 
extern(C++). To do it, you need to create names for every part of 
an STL type, including the allocator. Walter discussed all of 
this in a recent talk.

It's really more for using existing C++ code which already uses 
the STL. In terms of algorithms, D is already in a better shape 
with std.algorithm. In terms of containers, you might find Phobos 
lacking for the moment, but progress will accelerate when 
Andrei's allocators are finally included in Phobos.

Re: __attribute__((used)) and druntime

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 15:59:53 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 15:35:47 UTC, w0rp wrote:
[…] (Also LDC?) in druntime and flag all of the symbols like 
this appropriately, so that creating executables with 
gc-sections will Just Work in some cases without a linker 

LDC is shipping with --gc-sections enabled by default since a 
couple of releases, without a custom linker script.

 — David

Ah. I was also wondering if this was now essentially a solved 

STL and Phobos

2015-04-11 Thread Dennis Ritchie via Digitalmars-d

Will the STL included in Phobos or is it impossible?

Re: __attribute__((used)) and druntime

2015-04-11 Thread Jens Bauer via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 15:35:47 UTC, w0rp wrote:

From what I just read, __attribute__((used)) in GCC should do 
the job, and I think it should be usable from GDC with its 
attribute pragmas.

I wouldn't mind having this functionality.
For a long time, I've wanted it in C in those cases where I do 
not have a linker-script or do not have access to a linker-script.

In addition to the above, I think it would also be beneficial for 
those who write hardware/driver libraries for microcontrollers: 
Just drop in the files that you want to use, then they're linked 
when found. One could even just work with stand-alone object 
files marked 'used'.

Re: Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:24:53 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:

*Un*signed integer overflow isn't undefined in C/C++ either.

 — David

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d
On 04/09/2015 01:10 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

It's a very interesting proposal to tackle this specific problem.

As with all the scope/lifetime related stuff, I find it extremely
difficult to anticipate all the needs and foresee how this will
integrate with the rest of the language, or even the other scope related

At this point it might be better to make a dmd branch and throw up a
prototype for all the scope/ref-counted work. The litmus test for a
successful design would be safe, efficient, @nogc containers.

Re: __attribute__((used)) and druntime

2015-04-11 Thread David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 15:35:47 UTC, w0rp wrote:
[…] (Also LDC?) in druntime and flag all of the symbols like 
this appropriately, so that creating executables with 
gc-sections will Just Work in some cases without a linker 

LDC is shipping with --gc-sections enabled by default since a 
couple of releases, without a custom linker script.

 — David

__attribute__((used)) and druntime

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d
I've been looking into compiling smaller executables, and the 
trick I learned from watching sessions from the last DConf is to 
use the KEEP symbol in a linker script with something like 
gc-sections. So at the compilation stage, symbols are put in 
different sections, a linker script marks some symbols to be kept 
if they are not referenced, and then unreferenced symbols are 
removed, resulting in sometimes very small executables.

The problem is that if you don't KEEP some symbols for druntime, 
or in your own program, you can run into errors because symbols 
which weren't apparently referenced now get used and your program 
breaks. I was just thinking, "There must be a GCC extension for 
doing this without a linker script," I *think* there might be.

From what I just read, __attribute__((used)) in GCC should do the 
job, and I think it should be usable from GDC with its attribute 
pragmas. I believe there's also an attribute for putting symbols 
in particular sections. I'm wondering, supposing I'm not 
completely wrong and this actually works, would it behoove us to 
add some version() blocks for GDC (Also LDC?) in druntime and 
flag all of the symbols like this appropriately, so that creating 
executables with gc-sections will Just Work in some cases without 
a linker script?

What do people think? Am I on to something, or I am just making 
fanciful ideas which won't work?

Re: Context Sensitive Gui Library

2015-04-11 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 12/04/2015 12:32 a.m., jkpl wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:11:35 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 11/04/2015 8:34 p.m., jkpl wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 07:28:50 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 11/04/2015 7:24 p.m., jkpl wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 05:45:10 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 11/04/2015 5:43 p.m., Rashad Vinshy wrote:


I would like to announce the release of my beta library for D!

What is the best plan of action at this point to contribute it to
the D
community? (the library still needs debugging and optimization
I've only tested it on my machine)

For those interested the library hast he following features

1. CSGL exists on a series of overlays over the workspace - by
design one can simulate traditional gui's.

2. CSGL has context sensitive capabilities - Allows one to change
gui depending on what actions have previously taken place.

3. CSGL is intelligent and can find optimal patterns in your work
You are presented with what you need at that point. The self
gui can adapt not only visual elements but also context sensitive
hotkeys, mouse interact, and even things such as MIDI, OSC, COM,

4. CSGL has a built in fully capable scripting editor. One can not
write their on wrappers around the gui elements but also design
used macros to reduce complex gui interaction tasks. One can even do
such things as animation using the scripting language

5. CSGL has pluggable modules that can be freely used by any gui
recognizes them. One can also access them through scripting.

6. The visual template of the gui can be easily changed through the
template library. (your apps can be reskinned by a few clicks)

7. Full multi-monitor support, including automatically tracking
patterns to present the user with the best possible scenario.

8. Full User-Edit mode. By a special hotkey the user can go into
mode and configure and edit the different gui elements. The same
is used to the design the gui.

Features to come: Full GUI editor(not done yet). Something like


Next week I will be able to upload a working demo that shows off
some of
the capabilities; Some of the graphics treats such as alpha channel
tricks, along with how context sensitive gui's work.

The demo is a graphics program that essentially changes the gui
as you
change your working actions. If you use the paintbrush tool, not
only do
the other tools reorder themselves, they also can(but not
configure themselves to present to you similar choices that were
before in similar contexts. In this case(of a new user) a circular
swatch is present to the user that surrounds the canvas for easy
access that is on it's own overlay along with the right mouse button
becoming a different function(from a secondary drawing tool
function to
an eraser. This was done by scripting side to show how it can be

Also, If anyone is interested in helping with this project please
let me



Thats nice. Now where is the source code?

Same here...quite amused. I think that now he's gone in nothern Yukkon
to kill the bear whose skin just been sold.

Though i might be wrong.

I umm, not sure I understand you.

it's based on this french idiom:
(vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tué)

in a nutshell: I suspect this announce to be spam because:
1/ googlelize the OP name: nothing, except this post. For such a
framework, the guy cannot land from nowhere.
2/ he has posted in te wrong fourm section.
3/ no screenshot, no links.
4/ the concept is quite abstruse, not self-explanatory, no tech details
(e.g open-gl for this, xml for that...
5/ it's too providential.

Though i might be wrong.

Ohhh that.

Yeah I understand your pov on this.
I just don't like risking alienating somebody who could become part of
the D community.

I think that if the guy is serious he won't give up because his product
is about to be released and he would probably be clever enough to get
that my suspicion doesn't matter since i'm just a casual user (casual
poster here as well).

By the way, after a few investigations and thanks to my hypermnesia, i
think that i've spotted him, and if it's the case, the pre-announce is
honnest. He might be the author of this other topic:

it was a survey to estimate if it's worth to release a commercial D

As far as we know, this could be related to Andrei saying that he is 
expecting a large backer soon. And the fact that we don't know who he 
is, means that they are not ready to fully announce who they are. 
Assuming it is valid.

Well, will be interesting to see if I'm right in thinking its valid. 
Would be pretty awesome!

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread matovitch via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 11:33:51 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:41:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 4/11/2015 2:28 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= 
" wrote:
It's not acceptable that it happens behind the user's back. 
Costly operations

must be explicit.

Don't know of a better solution.

How about this?

Btw, I also made other changes: No implied scope for @safe 
functions, no overloading on scope (instead postblit and 
destructor are skipped), and added a terminology section 
(rather important!).

Just passing, a bit off topic and clearly not familiar enough 
with the discussed subject but in case you missed it the last 
rust blog post is an nice and motivated introduction to their 
ownership system :

I need to read about Marc's scope proposal...I am not convinced 
by the dip77, what about raii managed classes with costly 
opAssign operator (like in w0rn example) ? The goal of passing an 
object by reference is to avoid the copy and here you guess the 
parameter is ref-counted and made a (pseudo-)copy ? Then any 
allocating opAssign should be marked @system ?

Re: Context Sensitive Gui Library

2015-04-11 Thread jkpl via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:11:35 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 11/04/2015 8:34 p.m., jkpl wrote:
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 07:28:50 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 11/04/2015 7:24 p.m., jkpl wrote:
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 05:45:10 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 11/04/2015 5:43 p.m., Rashad Vinshy wrote:


I would like to announce the release of my beta library 
for D!

What is the best plan of action at this point to 
contribute it to

the D
community? (the library still needs debugging and 

I've only tested it on my machine)

For those interested the library hast he following 
features currently


1. CSGL exists on a series of overlays over the workspace 
- by simply

design one can simulate traditional gui's.

2. CSGL has context sensitive capabilities - Allows one to 
change the

gui depending on what actions have previously taken place.

3. CSGL is intelligent and can find optimal patterns in 
your work

You are presented with what you need at that point. The 
self modifying
gui can adapt not only visual elements but also context 
hotkeys, mouse interact, and even things such as MIDI, 
OSC, COM, etc.

4. CSGL has a built in fully capable scripting editor. One 
can not

write their on wrappers around the gui elements but also 

used macros to reduce complex gui interaction tasks. One 
can even do

such things as animation using the scripting language

5. CSGL has pluggable modules that can be freely used by 
any gui that
recognizes them. One can also access them through 

6. The visual template of the gui can be easily changed 
through the

template library. (your apps can be reskinned by a few 

7. Full multi-monitor support, including automatically 
tracking usage
patterns to present the user with the best possible 

8. Full User-Edit mode. By a special hotkey the user can 
go into edit
mode and configure and edit the different gui elements. 
The same

is used to the design the gui.

Features to come: Full GUI editor(not done yet). Something 
like Blend.


Next week I will be able to upload a working demo that 
shows off

some of
the capabilities; Some of the graphics treats such as 
alpha channel

tricks, along with how context sensitive gui's work.

The demo is a graphics program that essentially changes 
the gui as you
change your working actions. If you use the paintbrush 
tool, not

only do
the other tools reorder themselves, they also can(but not 
configure themselves to present to you similar choices 
that were used
before in similar contexts. In this case(of a new user) a 
swatch is present to the user that surrounds the canvas 
for easy color
access that is on it's own overlay along with the right 
mouse button

becoming a different function(from a secondary drawing tool
function to
an eraser. This was done by scripting side to show how it 
can be


Also, If anyone is interested in helping with this project 

let me



Thats nice. Now where is the source code?

Same here...quite amused. I think that now he's gone in 
nothern Yukkon

to kill the bear whose skin just been sold.

Though i might be wrong.

I umm, not sure I understand you.

it's based on this french idiom:
(vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tué)

in a nutshell: I suspect this announce to be spam because:
1/ googlelize the OP name: nothing, except this post. For such 

framework, the guy cannot land from nowhere.
2/ he has posted in te wrong fourm section.
3/ no screenshot, no links.
4/ the concept is quite abstruse, not self-explanatory, no 
tech details

(e.g open-gl for this, xml for that...
5/ it's too providential.

Though i might be wrong.

Ohhh that.

Yeah I understand your pov on this.
I just don't like risking alienating somebody who could become 
part of the D community.

I think that if the guy is serious he won't give up because his 
product is about to be released and he would probably be clever 
enough to get that my suspicion doesn't matter since i'm just a 
casual user (casual poster here as well).

By the way, after a few investigations and thanks to my 
hypermnesia, i think that i've spotted him, and if it's the case, 
the pre-announce is honnest. He might be the author of this other 

it was a survey to estimate if it's worth to release a commercial 
D library.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:41:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 4/11/2015 2:28 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= 
" wrote:
It's not acceptable that it happens behind the user's back. 
Costly operations

must be explicit.

Don't know of a better solution.

How about this?

Btw, I also made other changes: No implied scope for @safe 
functions, no overloading on scope (instead postblit and 
destructor are skipped), and added a terminology section (rather 

Re: Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 11:02:47 UTC, ponce wrote:
You should mention stack variables and members initialized by 
default. This avoids many release-only bugs.


if (cond); // D won't allow that, but C++ will

Almost every C++ programmer encounter this in its carreer.

And the improved resolution of name conflicts and the fact order
of declaration is by and large not important.

Re: Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:24:53 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
I've done some preliminary work on a wiki page that attempts to 
convince C++ programmers who are on the fence about D, who need 
to know what D provides over C++11 and C++14.

I don't know if a Coming_From page is the right place for this 
kind of information. What is the target audience for 
Coming_From - programmers who are already learning D, or 
programmers who are investigating D to decide whether or not to 
try it? If the former, where should we place information for 
the latter?

Contributions to the page are very welcome. I think D's syntax 
is intuitive enough for C++ programmers that we can use 
commented D code examples. I could need some help filling up 
the sections and proposing new sections.

You should mention stack variables and members initialized by 
default. This avoids many release-only bugs.

Re: Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread ponce via Digitalmars-d
You should mention stack variables and members initialized by 
default. This avoids many release-only bugs.


if (cond); // D won't allow that, but C++ will

Almost every C++ programmer encounter this in its carreer.

Re: if(arr) now a warning

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 18:32:39 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 4/10/15 10:28 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On 4/10/15 11:57 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/10/15 6:26 AM, Meta wrote:
On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 12:42:47 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
Plus, adding arr.empty into object is kind of redundant. 
The only

reason we have arr.empty is so that it becomes a range.


I find it extremely annoying to have to import std.array (or 
the correct module is) just to use .empty, .front and 
.popFront on

arrays. IMO they should all be in object.d.

Yah, I was about to post the same. Range semantics are 
embedded in the

language enough to warrant this.

Also empty should work for AAs.

How should "abc".front work? Do you want to move unicode 
decoding of
char and wchar arrays into object.d? Serious question, not 
because I'm not for or against it (except for the notion of 
things for the sake of changing them), I just want to point 
out what is


Should decode. Meaning there's no change of semantics, just 
where the facility is defined. -- Andrei

Having thought about it more, I think that is why we cannot put 
the range primitives for slices into object.d. Because that makes 
it impossible to define the primitives differently, so that no 
auto-decoding occurs. At the moment, auto-decoding isn't part of 
the language, it's just written in to the standard library. This 
would change that.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:14:00 UTC, w0rp wrote:

I think the one thing in the DIP I'm not sure of is the 
definition of what is a reference counted object.

I believe it's still defined by DIP74?

Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 10:00:45 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

On 10 April 2015 at 21:19, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 19:08:13 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

- Move a method to another class located in another module, 
while updating

all references to it, including module imports in the new file

Cut the text out of one file, paste it in the new one, compile 
and fix what

the compiler complains about.

...ditto for the others.

I admit this takes a few more minutes than an automatic ide 
thing might, but
it isn't that big of a bother to me because the compiler 
errors combined
with vim's "repeat last command" hotkey makes it fairly quick 
and painless.
When I run make from inside vim, it jumps to the file and line 
the compiler
spits out, so I can do a quick "cwnewname" then f4 (my hotkey 
to go to the

next error) and ., repeat until done.

Anyone use abbreviations in vim?

One thing that I want to do at some point in time is remap K to 

the documentation of a function/method.


if you're using vim-dutyl you could just remap K to :DUjump or 
one of the split variants.
(DUddoc also shows the documentation of the symbol under your 

Wiki page: Coming From C++

2015-04-11 Thread Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d
I've done some preliminary work on a wiki page that attempts to 
convince C++ programmers who are on the fence about D, who need 
to know what D provides over C++11 and C++14.

I don't know if a Coming_From page is the right place for this 
kind of information. What is the target audience for Coming_From 
- programmers who are already learning D, or programmers who are 
investigating D to decide whether or not to try it? If the 
former, where should we place information for the latter?

Contributions to the page are very welcome. I think D's syntax is 
intuitive enough for C++ programmers that we can use commented D 
code examples. I could need some help filling up the sections and 
proposing new sections.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:28:46 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 23:12:55 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 10:02:01 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 23:11:08 UTC, Walter Bright 

So someone passes an RCO via ref to avoid the inc/dec, and 
because that imposes safety issues we turn it into some sort 
of pass by value under the hood, defeating the purpose, and 
provide an opt-out via @system opAssign.

Wouldn't it more straightforward to make pass-by-ref unsafe 
(@system) for RCOs?

Then the only thing missing to make this equally powerful, 
would be an optimization opportunity for the compiler to 
elide copies of pass-by-value RCOs, e.g. it could avoid 
calling the postblit when the function retains the refcount.

Only the first pass by ref create a copy. You can then pass 
the ref down all you want without copy.

That is an acceptable cost IMO.

It's not acceptable that it happens behind the user's back. 
Costly operations must be explicit.

If we somehow know for a fact that the object really is a 
reference counted object, then the cost should be acceptable. 
Running the postblit will consist of incrementing a reference 
count and nothing else. There's no other way I can think of that 
permits passing the object safely.

I think the one thing in the DIP I'm not sure of is the 
definition of what is a reference counted object. Say you write 

struct Widget {
byte* data;
size_t length;

opAssign(ref const(Widget) other) {
length = other.length;

data = malloc(length);
memcpy(cast(void*) data, cast(void*), length);

this(this) {
auto oldData = data;

data = malloc(length);
memcpy(cast(void*) data, cast(void*) oldData, length);

~this() {

Why would you want to do this? Who knows. According to DIP77 the 
object above is defined to be a reference counted object, when it 
isn't. If we're rejecting the C++ answer of "don't write code 
that way," then the same rejection should apply here. We need to 
be able to say with 100% certainty that we are dealing with a 
reference counted object, or at least an object where we know the 
postblit is so trivial the cost of calling it will be small.

Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d
On 10 April 2015 at 21:19, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
> On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 19:08:13 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> - Move a method to another class located in another module, while updating
>> all references to it, including module imports in the new file
> Cut the text out of one file, paste it in the new one, compile and fix what
> the compiler complains about.
> ...ditto for the others.
> I admit this takes a few more minutes than an automatic ide thing might, but
> it isn't that big of a bother to me because the compiler errors combined
> with vim's "repeat last command" hotkey makes it fairly quick and painless.
> When I run make from inside vim, it jumps to the file and line the compiler
> spits out, so I can do a quick "cwnewname" then f4 (my hotkey to go to the
> next error) and ., repeat until done.

Anyone use abbreviations in vim?

One thing that I want to do at some point in time is remap K to goto
the documentation of a function/method.


Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 08:35:18 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 15:44:32 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

We hope to do better than Rust. -- Andrei

Hope does not cut it.

A design that breaks down even on a linked list (e.g. you have 
to turn to ref-counted pointers everywhere) and that makes 
findByRef(container,node) break should not have made it to a 
DIP in the first place.

a bidirectional linked list cannot be implemented in safe rust 

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 4/11/2015 2:28 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= " wrote:

It's not acceptable that it happens behind the user's back. Costly operations
must be explicit.

Don't know of a better solution.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 4/11/2015 2:18 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= " wrote:

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 21:26:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/10/2015 11:28 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= " wrote:


void foo() @safe {
RCArray!int arr = [0,1,2];
int* p = &arr[0];  // legal under new scope rules

This would be a bad design of an RCO. RCO's must be constructed to not allow
pointers to the payload other than by ref.

There is no reason for this restriction.

The reason is to prevent unsafe access of the payload.

But if this is your opinion, why did
you agree to "implement 'scope' and 'return' for arrays, classes, and pointers"?$2vbk$

It makes no sense to implement that, but not allow it to be used safely.

In your example posted upthread, it wasn't safe. Perhaps scoped pointers can't 
be made safe for RCOs, or perhaps the proposal needs more thinking. I don't know 
at the moment.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 23:12:55 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 10:02:01 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 23:11:08 UTC, Walter Bright 

So someone passes an RCO via ref to avoid the inc/dec, and 
because that imposes safety issues we turn it into some sort 
of pass by value under the hood, defeating the purpose, and 
provide an opt-out via @system opAssign.

Wouldn't it more straightforward to make pass-by-ref unsafe 
(@system) for RCOs?

Then the only thing missing to make this equally powerful, 
would be an optimization opportunity for the compiler to elide 
copies of pass-by-value RCOs, e.g. it could avoid calling the 
postblit when the function retains the refcount.

Only the first pass by ref create a copy. You can then pass the 
ref down all you want without copy.

That is an acceptable cost IMO.

It's not acceptable that it happens behind the user's back. 
Costly operations must be explicit.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 09:15:19 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 21:26:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
This would be a bad design of an RCO. RCO's must be 
constructed to not allow pointers to the payload other than by 

And taking the address of that is already unsafe.

It isn't under my proposal, which Walter has already accepted the 
most important part of.

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 21:26:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 4/10/2015 11:28 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= 
" wrote:


void foo() @safe {
RCArray!int arr = [0,1,2];
int* p = &arr[0];  // legal under new scope rules

This would be a bad design of an RCO. RCO's must be constructed 
to not allow pointers to the payload other than by ref.

There is no reason for this restriction. But if this is your 
opinion, why did you agree to "implement 'scope' and 'return' for 
arrays, classes, and pointers"?$2vbk$

It makes no sense to implement that, but not allow it to be used 

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread w0rp via Digitalmars-d
I was thinking about this again, and how the first 'ref' would 
create a copy in order to keep the object around. At first I 
thought I didn't like that, but then I realised that it's 
actually not far from what I wanted for taking r-values by 
reference. I commonly write functions which take values either by 
reference or by value in this way.

void foo(ref T value);
void foo(T value) { foo(value); }

Which obviously results in a combinatorial explosion of 
overloads, which you can write automatically some times with 
'auto ref'.

My question is, in the greater context of the language, supposing 
we had this copying behaviour for a first ref for reference 
counted objects, will it putting something in the language for 
copying r-values into functions, or will it provide a path to 
implement such a thing?

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread Martin Nowak via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 21:26:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
This would be a bad design of an RCO. RCO's must be constructed 
to not allow pointers to the payload other than by ref.

And taking the address of that is already unsafe.

Re: Context Sensitive Gui Library

2015-04-11 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 11/04/2015 8:34 p.m., jkpl wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 07:28:50 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 11/04/2015 7:24 p.m., jkpl wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 05:45:10 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 11/04/2015 5:43 p.m., Rashad Vinshy wrote:


I would like to announce the release of my beta library for D!

What is the best plan of action at this point to contribute it to
the D
community? (the library still needs debugging and optimization
I've only tested it on my machine)

For those interested the library hast he following features currently

1. CSGL exists on a series of overlays over the workspace - by simply
design one can simulate traditional gui's.

2. CSGL has context sensitive capabilities - Allows one to change the
gui depending on what actions have previously taken place.

3. CSGL is intelligent and can find optimal patterns in your work
You are presented with what you need at that point. The self modifying
gui can adapt not only visual elements but also context sensitive
hotkeys, mouse interact, and even things such as MIDI, OSC, COM, etc.

4. CSGL has a built in fully capable scripting editor. One can not
write their on wrappers around the gui elements but also design
used macros to reduce complex gui interaction tasks. One can even do
such things as animation using the scripting language

5. CSGL has pluggable modules that can be freely used by any gui that
recognizes them. One can also access them through scripting.

6. The visual template of the gui can be easily changed through the
template library. (your apps can be reskinned by a few clicks)

7. Full multi-monitor support, including automatically tracking usage
patterns to present the user with the best possible scenario.

8. Full User-Edit mode. By a special hotkey the user can go into edit
mode and configure and edit the different gui elements. The same
is used to the design the gui.

Features to come: Full GUI editor(not done yet). Something like Blend.


Next week I will be able to upload a working demo that shows off
some of
the capabilities; Some of the graphics treats such as alpha channel
tricks, along with how context sensitive gui's work.

The demo is a graphics program that essentially changes the gui as you
change your working actions. If you use the paintbrush tool, not
only do
the other tools reorder themselves, they also can(but not necessarily)
configure themselves to present to you similar choices that were used
before in similar contexts. In this case(of a new user) a circular
swatch is present to the user that surrounds the canvas for easy color
access that is on it's own overlay along with the right mouse button
becoming a different function(from a secondary drawing tool
function to
an eraser. This was done by scripting side to show how it can be

Also, If anyone is interested in helping with this project please
let me



Thats nice. Now where is the source code?

Same here...quite amused. I think that now he's gone in nothern Yukkon
to kill the bear whose skin just been sold.

Though i might be wrong.

I umm, not sure I understand you.

it's based on this french idiom:
(vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tué)

in a nutshell: I suspect this announce to be spam because:
1/ googlelize the OP name: nothing, except this post. For such a
framework, the guy cannot land from nowhere.
2/ he has posted in te wrong fourm section.
3/ no screenshot, no links.
4/ the concept is quite abstruse, not self-explanatory, no tech details
(e.g open-gl for this, xml for that...
5/ it's too providential.

Though i might be wrong.

Ohhh that.

Yeah I understand your pov on this.
I just don't like risking alienating somebody who could become part of 
the D community.

Re: Which D IDE do you use?(survey)

2015-04-11 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2015-04-10 21:02, Idan Arye wrote:

Many of these Vim users are not really Vim users - not in the sense that
Emacs users are Emacs users anyways. Sure, they use Vim - but only
because it's a default editor in Unix-like systems. If Windows Notepad
was the default text they wouldn't have installed Vim so they could use
it - they simply would have used Notepad. They just want something
that'll allow them to edit text files, and they don't care to learn
anything more advanced than the most basic stuff they need - opening it
from the shell to edit a file, typing text, saving, closing. Other
simple commands - like opening another file in the same session - might
also be basic and simple, but because they are not part of that workflow
these users won't bother to learn them.

I wouldn't call those Vim users, even I can do that. But that is only 
because sometimes I need to SSH in to a computer and edit a file that 
doesn't provide anything other than Vim.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DIP77 - Fix unsafe RC pass by 'ref'

2015-04-11 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 15:44:32 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

We hope to do better than Rust. -- Andrei

Hope does not cut it.

A design that breaks down even on a linked list (e.g. you have to 
turn to ref-counted pointers everywhere) and that makes 
findByRef(container,node) break should not have made it to a DIP 
in the first place.

D needs clean semantics on what is a value. The only sensible 
definition for a copyable value is that you cannot take the 
identity in _any way_ from a value or anything that can be 
reached from it.

D needs clean semantics on what is unique ownership. Ref counting 
is not it. Pervasive ref counting requires WPO to work out ok.

C++14 with sanitizer tooling is a lot more attractive than this 
direction you are going for.

Re: Context Sensitive Gui Library

2015-04-11 Thread jkpl via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 07:28:50 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 11/04/2015 7:24 p.m., jkpl wrote:
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 05:45:10 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 11/04/2015 5:43 p.m., Rashad Vinshy wrote:


I would like to announce the release of my beta library for 

What is the best plan of action at this point to contribute 
it to the D
community? (the library still needs debugging and 
optimization support,

I've only tested it on my machine)

For those interested the library hast he following features 


1. CSGL exists on a series of overlays over the workspace - 
by simply

design one can simulate traditional gui's.

2. CSGL has context sensitive capabilities - Allows one to 
change the

gui depending on what actions have previously taken place.

3. CSGL is intelligent and can find optimal patterns in your 
work flow.
You are presented with what you need at that point. The self 
gui can adapt not only visual elements but also context 
hotkeys, mouse interact, and even things such as MIDI, OSC, 
COM, etc.

4. CSGL has a built in fully capable scripting editor. One 
can not only
write their on wrappers around the gui elements but also 
design commonly
used macros to reduce complex gui interaction tasks. One can 
even do

such things as animation using the scripting language

5. CSGL has pluggable modules that can be freely used by any 
gui that

recognizes them. One can also access them through scripting.

6. The visual template of the gui can be easily changed 
through the gui
template library. (your apps can be reskinned by a few 

7. Full multi-monitor support, including automatically 
tracking usage

patterns to present the user with the best possible scenario.

8. Full User-Edit mode. By a special hotkey the user can go 
into edit
mode and configure and edit the different gui elements. The 
same editor

is used to the design the gui.

Features to come: Full GUI editor(not done yet). Something 
like Blend.


Next week I will be able to upload a working demo that shows 
off some of
the capabilities; Some of the graphics treats such as alpha 

tricks, along with how context sensitive gui's work.

The demo is a graphics program that essentially changes the 
gui as you
change your working actions. If you use the paintbrush tool, 
not only do
the other tools reorder themselves, they also can(but not 
configure themselves to present to you similar choices that 
were used
before in similar contexts. In this case(of a new user) a 
swatch is present to the user that surrounds the canvas for 
easy color
access that is on it's own overlay along with the right 
mouse button
becoming a different function(from a secondary drawing tool 
function to
an eraser. This was done by scripting side to show how it 
can be used).

Also, If anyone is interested in helping with this project 
please let me




Thats nice. Now where is the source code?

Same here...quite amused. I think that now he's gone in 
nothern Yukkon

to kill the bear whose skin just been sold.

Though i might be wrong.

I umm, not sure I understand you.

it's based on this french idiom:
(vendre la peau de l'ours avant de l'avoir tué)

in a nutshell: I suspect this announce to be spam because:
1/ googlelize the OP name: nothing, except this post. For such a 
framework, the guy cannot land from nowhere.

2/ he has posted in te wrong fourm section.
3/ no screenshot, no links.
4/ the concept is quite abstruse, not self-explanatory, no tech 
details (e.g open-gl for this, xml for that...

5/ it's too providential.

Though i might be wrong.

Re: Context Sensitive Gui Library

2015-04-11 Thread John Colvin via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 05:43:14 UTC, Rashad Vinshy wrote:


I would like to announce the release of my beta library for D!

What is the best plan of action at this point to contribute it 
to the D community? (the library still needs debugging and 
optimization support, I've only tested it on my machine)

For those interested the library hast he following features 
currently supported:

1. CSGL exists on a series of overlays over the workspace - by 
simply design one can simulate traditional gui's.

2. CSGL has context sensitive capabilities - Allows one to 
change the gui depending on what actions have previously taken 

3. CSGL is intelligent and can find optimal patterns in your 
work flow. You are presented with what you need at that point. 
The self modifying gui can adapt not only visual elements but 
also context sensitive hotkeys, mouse interact, and even things 
such as MIDI, OSC, COM, etc.

4. CSGL has a built in fully capable scripting editor. One can 
not only write their on wrappers around the gui elements but 
also design commonly used macros to reduce complex gui 
interaction tasks. One can even do such things as animation 
using the scripting language

5. CSGL has pluggable modules that can be freely used by any 
gui that recognizes them. One can also access them through 

6. The visual template of the gui can be easily changed through 
the gui template library. (your apps can be reskinned by a few 

7. Full multi-monitor support, including automatically tracking 
usage patterns to present the user with the best possible 

8. Full User-Edit mode. By a special hotkey the user can go 
into edit mode and configure and edit the different gui 
elements. The same editor is used to the design the gui.

Features to come: Full GUI editor(not done yet). Something like 


Next week I will be able to upload a working demo that shows 
off some of the capabilities; Some of the graphics treats such 
as alpha channel tricks, along with how context sensitive gui's 

The demo is a graphics program that essentially changes the gui 
as you change your working actions. If you use the paintbrush 
tool, not only do the other tools reorder themselves, they also 
can(but not necessarily) configure themselves to present to you 
similar choices that were used before in similar contexts. In 
this case(of a new user) a circular swatch is present to the 
user that surrounds the canvas for easy color access that is on 
it's own overlay along with the right mouse button becoming a 
different function(from a secondary drawing tool function to an 
eraser. This was done by scripting side to show how it can be 

Also, If anyone is interested in helping with this project 
please let me know.



Github +

Re: "make std/concurrency.test" fails but others don't... why?

2015-04-11 Thread Vladimir Panteleev via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 10 April 2015 at 23:04:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Martin Nowak added recently a nice feature to the Phobos 
makefile: by specifying e.g.

make std/stdio.test

only the unittests for std/stdio.d would build and run. This 
greatly improves development turnaround for Phobos.

FWIW, in most cases you can also do this simply by running:

dmd -unittest -main -run stdio.d

It won't work if other modules have changed (compared to the dmd 
in your PATH).

Re: Context Sensitive Gui Library

2015-04-11 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 11/04/2015 7:24 p.m., jkpl wrote:

On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 05:45:10 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 11/04/2015 5:43 p.m., Rashad Vinshy wrote:


I would like to announce the release of my beta library for D!

What is the best plan of action at this point to contribute it to the D
community? (the library still needs debugging and optimization support,
I've only tested it on my machine)

For those interested the library hast he following features currently

1. CSGL exists on a series of overlays over the workspace - by simply
design one can simulate traditional gui's.

2. CSGL has context sensitive capabilities - Allows one to change the
gui depending on what actions have previously taken place.

3. CSGL is intelligent and can find optimal patterns in your work flow.
You are presented with what you need at that point. The self modifying
gui can adapt not only visual elements but also context sensitive
hotkeys, mouse interact, and even things such as MIDI, OSC, COM, etc.

4. CSGL has a built in fully capable scripting editor. One can not only
write their on wrappers around the gui elements but also design commonly
used macros to reduce complex gui interaction tasks. One can even do
such things as animation using the scripting language

5. CSGL has pluggable modules that can be freely used by any gui that
recognizes them. One can also access them through scripting.

6. The visual template of the gui can be easily changed through the gui
template library. (your apps can be reskinned by a few clicks)

7. Full multi-monitor support, including automatically tracking usage
patterns to present the user with the best possible scenario.

8. Full User-Edit mode. By a special hotkey the user can go into edit
mode and configure and edit the different gui elements. The same editor
is used to the design the gui.

Features to come: Full GUI editor(not done yet). Something like Blend.


Next week I will be able to upload a working demo that shows off some of
the capabilities; Some of the graphics treats such as alpha channel
tricks, along with how context sensitive gui's work.

The demo is a graphics program that essentially changes the gui as you
change your working actions. If you use the paintbrush tool, not only do
the other tools reorder themselves, they also can(but not necessarily)
configure themselves to present to you similar choices that were used
before in similar contexts. In this case(of a new user) a circular
swatch is present to the user that surrounds the canvas for easy color
access that is on it's own overlay along with the right mouse button
becoming a different function(from a secondary drawing tool function to
an eraser. This was done by scripting side to show how it can be used).

Also, If anyone is interested in helping with this project please let me



Thats nice. Now where is the source code?

Same here...quite amused. I think that now he's gone in nothern Yukkon
to kill the bear whose skin just been sold.

Though i might be wrong.

I umm, not sure I understand you.

Re: Context Sensitive Gui Library

2015-04-11 Thread jkpl via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 11 April 2015 at 05:45:10 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 11/04/2015 5:43 p.m., Rashad Vinshy wrote:


I would like to announce the release of my beta library for D!

What is the best plan of action at this point to contribute it 
to the D
community? (the library still needs debugging and optimization 

I've only tested it on my machine)

For those interested the library hast he following features 


1. CSGL exists on a series of overlays over the workspace - by 

design one can simulate traditional gui's.

2. CSGL has context sensitive capabilities - Allows one to 
change the

gui depending on what actions have previously taken place.

3. CSGL is intelligent and can find optimal patterns in your 
work flow.
You are presented with what you need at that point. The self 
gui can adapt not only visual elements but also context 
hotkeys, mouse interact, and even things such as MIDI, OSC, 
COM, etc.

4. CSGL has a built in fully capable scripting editor. One can 
not only
write their on wrappers around the gui elements but also 
design commonly
used macros to reduce complex gui interaction tasks. One can 
even do

such things as animation using the scripting language

5. CSGL has pluggable modules that can be freely used by any 
gui that

recognizes them. One can also access them through scripting.

6. The visual template of the gui can be easily changed 
through the gui

template library. (your apps can be reskinned by a few clicks)

7. Full multi-monitor support, including automatically 
tracking usage

patterns to present the user with the best possible scenario.

8. Full User-Edit mode. By a special hotkey the user can go 
into edit
mode and configure and edit the different gui elements. The 
same editor

is used to the design the gui.

Features to come: Full GUI editor(not done yet). Something 
like Blend.


Next week I will be able to upload a working demo that shows 
off some of
the capabilities; Some of the graphics treats such as alpha 

tricks, along with how context sensitive gui's work.

The demo is a graphics program that essentially changes the 
gui as you
change your working actions. If you use the paintbrush tool, 
not only do
the other tools reorder themselves, they also can(but not 
configure themselves to present to you similar choices that 
were used
before in similar contexts. In this case(of a new user) a 
swatch is present to the user that surrounds the canvas for 
easy color
access that is on it's own overlay along with the right mouse 
becoming a different function(from a secondary drawing tool 
function to
an eraser. This was done by scripting side to show how it can 
be used).

Also, If anyone is interested in helping with this project 
please let me




Thats nice. Now where is the source code?

Same here...quite amused. I think that now he's gone in nothern 
Yukkon to kill the bear whose skin just been sold.

Though i might be wrong.