Adding pclmulqdq assembly instruction to dlang asm.

2015-06-14 Thread u2603 via Digitalmars-d

Thanks! Directly using opcodes does the trick.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 02:56:04 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 11:18:54 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

I think linear algebra should have the same syntax for small 
and large matrices and switch representation behind the scenes.

Switching representations behind the scenes? Sounds complicated.

You don't have much of a choice if you want it to perform. You 
have take take into consideration:

1. hardware factors such as SIMD and alignment

2. what is known at compile time and what is only known at runtime

3. common usage patterns (what elements are usually 0, 1 or a 

4. when does it pay off to encode the matrix modifications and 
layout as meta information (like transpose and scalar 
multiplication or addition)

And sometimes you might want to compute the inverse matrix when 
doing the transforms, rather than as a separate step for 
performance reasons.

I would think that if you were designing it from the ground up, 
you would have one general matrix math library. Then a graphics 
library could be built on top of that functionality. That way, 
as improvements are made to the matrix math functionality, the 
graphics library would benefit too.

Yes, but nobody wants to use a matrix library that does not 
perform close to the hardware limitations, so the representation 
should be special cased to fit the hardware for common matrix 

Re: Adding pclmulqdq assembly instruction to dlang asm.

2015-06-14 Thread Brian Schott via Digitalmars-d

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 10:35:55 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 08:45:20 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
The tiny subset of numerical linear algebra that is relevant 
for graphics (mostly very basic operations, 2,3 or 4 
dimensions) is not at all representative of the whole. The 
algorithms are different and the APIs are often necessarily 

Even just considering scale, no one sane calls in to BLAS to 
multiply a 3*3 matrix by a 3 element vector, simultaneously no 
one sane *doesn't* call in to BLAS or an equivalent to 
multiply two 500*500 matrices.

I think there is a conflict of interest with what people want. 
There seem to be people like me who only want or need simple 
matrices like glm to do basic geometric/graphics related stuff. 
Then there is the group of people who want large 500x500 
matrices to do weird crazy maths stuff. Maybe they should be 
kept separate? In which case then we are really talking about 
adding two different things. Maybe have a std.math.matrix and a 


nobody uses general purpose linear matrix libraries for 
games/graphics for a reason, many game math libraries take 
shortcuts everywhere and are extensively optimized(e.g, for cache 
lines) for the general purpose vec3/mat4 types.

many performance benefits for massive matrices see performance 
detriments for tiny graphics-oriented matrices. This is just 
shoehorning, plain and simple.

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread extrawurst via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 12:58:46 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 
std.(experimental.)logger has been in phobos for one release. 
The idea was to mature stuff in experimental for one release 
and then have a vote on inclusion into phobos as std.logger.

I would like to see this vote happen before 2.068.
Unfortunately, Dicebot is not longer the review manager.

Who wants to count yes/no/(my logger is better) votes in a 
forum thread?

Could you please update the dub-package for the std.logger update 
to the current version ? as long as I have to support D<2067 for 
ldc/gdc I need to use the dub package of the logger and this is 
not api compatible to the one bundled with dmd2067..

-- Stephan

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread extrawurst via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:36:16 UTC, extrawurst wrote:
On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 12:58:46 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 
std.(experimental.)logger has been in phobos for one release. 
The idea was to mature stuff in experimental for one release 
and then have a vote on inclusion into phobos as std.logger.

I would like to see this vote happen before 2.068.
Unfortunately, Dicebot is not longer the review manager.

Who wants to count yes/no/(my logger is better) votes in a 
forum thread?

Could you please update the dub-package for the std.logger 
update to the current version ? as long as I have to support 
D<2067 for ldc/gdc I need to use the dub package of the logger 
and this is not api compatible to the one bundled with dmd2067..

-- Stephan

Ok nevermind, the dub package does not support dmd<2067 either...

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread Dicebot via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 18:50:33 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
Yes, and it's an obvious issue. Some of the most frequently 
requested things are real tuple syntax, pattern matching, etc. 
Short of getting these into D itself(good luck,) any attempt at 
these will end up being an ugly hack.

This is neither obvious issue, not a good solution.

The fact that no one will implement custom pattern matching until 
it comes into language officially is a Good Thing (TM).

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:52:26 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 18:50:33 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
Yes, and it's an obvious issue. Some of the most frequently 
requested things are real tuple syntax, pattern matching, etc. 
Short of getting these into D itself(good luck,) any attempt 
at these will end up being an ugly hack.

This is neither obvious issue, not a good solution.

The fact that no one will implement custom pattern matching 
until it comes into language officially is a Good Thing (TM).

If you say so, nearly every reddit thread about D a top voted 
comment is about the lack of a real preprocessor/AST macros.

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2015-06-14 10:52, Dicebot wrote:

The fact that no one will implement custom pattern matching until it
comes into language officially is a Good Thing (TM).

I had plans to try and implement pattern matching as a library 
component. Although, to do that properly I need better introspection for 
templates. There's an open merge request for template introspection 
that's waiting.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:14:21 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
nobody uses general purpose linear matrix libraries for 
games/graphics for a reason,

The reason is that C++ didn't provide anything. As a result each 
framework provide their own and you get N different libraries 
that are incompatible.

There is no good reason for making small-matrix libraries 
incompatible with the rest of eco-system given the templating 
system you have in D. What you need is a library that supports 
multiple representations and can do the conversions.

Of course, you'll do better if you also have 

Re: Phobos addition formal review: std.experimental.allocator

2015-06-14 Thread Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d

On 2015-06-14 02:24, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

* 1 request to change names;
* 3 requests to wank around the directory structure;
* 0 of everything else.


These are things that are easy to see right away, without looking deep 
inside the code.

You can interpret this as:

1. Either your implementation is already good enough

2. Or people haven't started to look at the implementation yet and are 
commenting on the things that they is right away

Count me on the request to change the directory structure :)

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 09:07:19 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:14:21 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
nobody uses general purpose linear matrix libraries for 
games/graphics for a reason,

The reason is that C++ didn't provide anything. As a result 
each framework provide their own and you get N different 
libraries that are incompatible.

There is no good reason for making small-matrix libraries 
incompatible with the rest of eco-system given the templating 
system you have in D. What you need is a library that supports 
multiple representations and can do the conversions.

Of course, you'll do better if you also have 

The reason is general purpose matrixes allocated at heap, but 
small graphic matrices are plain structs. `opCast(T)` should be 

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 09:19:19 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
The reason is general purpose matrixes allocated at heap, but 
small graphic matrices are plain structs.

No, the reason is that LA-libraries are C-libraries that also 
deal with variable sized matrices.

A good generic API can support both. You cannot create a good 
generic API in C. You can in D.

Re: Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

2015-06-14 Thread Alix Pexton via Digitalmars-d

On 12/06/2015 12:48 PM, Chris wrote:

"man" is still used as a gender neutral pronoun in German, however, for
some reason it's frowned upon these days, just like "one" in English.
It's considered "arrogant" and old fashioned, but it's effin useful and
solves a lot of problems.

Mind you, decisions made by those who compile dictionaries and
"standards" are not at all based on the reality of a given language.
Double negation exists in English (and many other languages), but it's
stigmati(s|z)ed as being "incorrect". The vote was 5 to 4 when this
decision was made in England. The official reasoning behind it was that
minus + minus = plus, i.e. "I don't have no money" would mean "I do have
money", which is complete horsesh*t. Of course it means "I don't have
money". The real reason, of course, was class snobbery and elitism:
double negation was and still is commonly used in working class English
in England (and the US, I think). Ironically enough, double negation is
obligatory in standard French, while it is not used in colloquial
French. This shows you how arbitrary these standards are. Don't take
them too seriously, and don't start religious wars about some eggheads'
decisions ;)

The same goes for "ain't". There's no reason why "ain't" should be "bad
English". "I ain't got no money" is perfectly fine, although it might
make the odd Oxbridge fellow cringe and spill his tea. But what the
Dickens, old chap!

I must be rare, cos I ain't posh n' well educated but I deplore the use 
of double negatives in English. I might be heard t'say "I ain't got n' 
money" (cos it be true) but in that case the "n'" is the local dialect 
contraction of "any". Other areas of the UK can't use the same excuse, 
maybe they got it from us but didn't understand what we were say'n, 
which is very common, but am more inclined to blame ignorance.

Don't know anything about double negative usage in French, but I do know 
that they are a way making super polite requests in Japanese.

Lets all not not stop arguing the minutia.


Re: Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

2015-06-14 Thread Alix Pexton via Digitalmars-d

On 12/06/2015 10:37 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Yea, I'm fine with "ain't" being considered an actual word. Years ago, I
used to hear a lot of "'Ain't' isn't a real word", but meh, it's used as
a word, even the people who don't like it still know full-well exactly
what it means, so...I ain't got a big problem with it :)

But there was one particular argument in favor of "ain't" that I never
liked: "It's a contraction for 'are not'."

Well, no, it isn't a contraction for "are not" (maybe it originally was,
I dunno). Because "I ain't going" vs "I are not going." So no, it may be
a word, but it ain't a contraction for "are not".

It is a contraction of "are not" because it originates from a 
time/dialect where the verb to-be was conjugated differently than 
today's English. Many of the irregularities of to-be are ignored in 
international English which gives rise to dialects among ESL speakers 
that sound wrong but endearing (at least to my ears).


Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 09:25:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 09:19:19 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
The reason is general purpose matrixes allocated at heap, but 
small graphic matrices are plain structs.

No, the reason is that LA-libraries are C-libraries that also 
deal with variable sized matrices.

A good generic API can support both. You cannot create a good 
generic API in C. You can in D.

We need D own BLAS implementation to do it. Sight, DBLAS will be 
largest part of std.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 09:59:22 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We need D own BLAS implementation to do it.

Why can't you use "version" for those that want to use a BLAS 
library for the implementation?

Those who want replications of LAPACK/LINPACK APIs can use 
separate bindings? And those who want to use BLAS directly would 
not use phobos anyway, but a direct binding so they can switch 

I think a good generic higher level linear algebra library for D 
should aim to be equally useful for 2D Graphics, 3D/4D GPU 
graphics, CAD solid modelling, robotics, 3D raytracing, higher 
dimensional fractals, physics sims, image processing, signal 
processing, scientific computing (which is pretty wide) and more.

The Phobos API should be user-level, not library-level like BLAS. 
IMO. You really want an API that look like this in Phobos?

BLAS/LAPACK/LINPACK all originate in Fortran with a particular 
scientific tradition in mind, so I think one should rethink how D 
goes about this. Fortran has very primitive abstraction 
mechanisms. This stuff is stuck in the 80s…

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 08:58:12 +, weaselcat wrote:

> On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:52:26 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
>> On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 18:50:33 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
>>> Yes, and it's an obvious issue. Some of the most frequently requested
>>> things are real tuple syntax, pattern matching, etc.
>>> Short of getting these into D itself(good luck,) any attempt at these
>>> will end up being an ugly hack.
>> This is neither obvious issue, not a good solution.
>> The fact that no one will implement custom pattern matching until it
>> comes into language officially is a Good Thing (TM).
> If you say so, nearly every reddit thread about D a top voted comment is
> about the lack of a real preprocessor/AST macros.

reddit herd are mostly monkeys which didn't even know D enough.

Description: PGP signature

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 21:51:43 UTC, bitwise wrote:
On Sat, 13 Jun 2015 17:29:17 -0400, Xiaoxi  

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 21:19:28 UTC, bitwise wrote:
On Sat, 13 Jun 2015 17:16:04 -0400, weaselcat 
iirc this falls under the "walter dislikes it so we won't 
have it" category.

As Andrei said at DConf though, consensus requires at least 3 
people ;)


The current design encourages using more finegrained features 
instead of the more blunt Os level versions.

version(iOS) { version = pthread;}
version(Android) { version = pthread;}

In the rest of the file simply check for pthread instead of OS.

That _sounds_ nice, but consider this:

version (linux) {
import core.sys.linux.dlfcn;

version = use_dlopen;

else version (FreeBSD) {
import core.sys.freebsd.dlfcn;

version = use_dlopen;


version(linux || FreeBSD) {

  //version(linux || FreeBSD) {
version(use_dlopen) {


I shouldn't have to add another version just for that last 
dlopen block. It's not "finegrained" control, it's cruft.

It does require more definitions, but it's worth it.  A simple 
example like yours may seem excusable, but there's no way to 
limit such logic to just simple instances.  Walter is coming from 
long experience with this, and even with my limited experience 
with such logic, I'm grateful for it, as dealing with more 
complex versions of such logic is a royal PITA.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d
I think there might be a disconnection in this thread. D only, or 
D frontend?

There are hardware vendor and commercial libraries that are 
heavily optimized for particular hardware configurations. There 
is no way a D-only solution can beat those. As an example Apple 
provides various implementations for their own machines, so an 
old program on a new machine can run faster than a static D-only 
library solution.

What D can provide is a unifying abstraction, but to get there 
one need to analyze what exists. Like Apple's Accelerate 

That goes beyond BLAS. We also need to look at vDSP etc. You'll 
find similar things for Microsoft/Intel/AMD/ARM etc…

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 10:16:18 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 08:58:12 +, weaselcat wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:52:26 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 18:50:33 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
Yes, and it's an obvious issue. Some of the most frequently 

things are real tuple syntax, pattern matching, etc.
Short of getting these into D itself(good luck,) any attempt 
at these

will end up being an ugly hack.

This is neither obvious issue, not a good solution.

The fact that no one will implement custom pattern matching 
until it

comes into language officially is a Good Thing (TM).

If you say so, nearly every reddit thread about D a top voted 
comment is

about the lack of a real preprocessor/AST macros.

reddit herd are mostly monkeys which didn't even know D enough.

avoid success at all costs

Re: Phobos addition formal review: std.experimental.allocator

2015-06-14 Thread Brian Schott via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 00:24:51 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

So we have:

* 1 request to change names;
* 3 requests to wank around the directory structure;
* 0 of everything else.



How about this:

AllocatorList.allocate() calls AllocatorList.owns(), but only if 
you don't compile with -release. Check the assert statement. 
AllocatorList.owns() is non-const, so the for loops of these two 
functions start rearranging the root pointers and end up in an 
infinite loop in debug builds.

Re: Question about garbage collection specification

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 22:07:26 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 11:32:20 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

Do not take advantage of alignment of pointers to store bit 
flags in the low order bits:

p = cast(void*)(cast(int)p | 1);  // error: undefined behavior

if this restriction is actually imposed - why does 
std.bitmanip.tagged{ClassRef,Pointer} even exist?

That seems like an arbitrary limitation. This will create an 
interior pointer, which the GC needs to recognize anyway.

The doc need to be updated.

I see David Nadlinger already said so in the PR, but that's how I 
understand it:

AFAIU the purpose of this restriction is to allow the GC to take 
advantage of alignment: a pointer with the lowest bit set cannot 
point to a 4-byte aligned struct, for example. The GC doc [1] 
mentions alignment several times, among them:
"Do not misalign pointers if those pointers may point into the GC 

As for arbitrary pointer arithmetic being allowed, I guess that's 
because the language doesn't distinguish between GC and non-GC 
pointers. And note that it is un-@safe anyway.


Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 10:35:30 +, Joakim wrote:

> It does require more definitions, but it's worth it.  A simple example
> like yours may seem excusable, but there's no way to limit such logic to
> just simple instances.  Walter is coming from long experience with this,
> and even with my limited experience with such logic, I'm grateful for
> it, as dealing with more complex versions of such logic is a royal PITA.

honestly, if i'll want to have a limited language, i'll take Go. removing 
a power only 'cause it can be abused is not in a "spirit of D", at least 
as i see it. templates can be enormously abused, but noone claims that 
they should be removed, as code without templates sometimes easier to 
follow, and abusing templates can be a PITA.

Description: PGP signature

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
p.s. i.e. it boils down to simple thing: Walter don't like it. period. 
any rationalizing of that is pointless.

Description: PGP signature

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 10:46:27 +, weaselcat wrote:

> On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 10:16:18 UTC, ketmar wrote:
>> On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 08:58:12 +, weaselcat wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:52:26 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
 On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 18:50:33 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
> Yes, and it's an obvious issue. Some of the most frequently
> requested things are real tuple syntax, pattern matching, etc.
> Short of getting these into D itself(good luck,) any attempt at
> these will end up being an ugly hack.

 This is neither obvious issue, not a good solution.

 The fact that no one will implement custom pattern matching until it
 comes into language officially is a Good Thing (TM).
>>> If you say so, nearly every reddit thread about D a top voted comment
>>> is about the lack of a real preprocessor/AST macros.
>> reddit herd are mostly monkeys which didn't even know D enough.
> avoid success at all costs

i honestly want reddit to be burnt. the only "good" thing i've seen from 
that is "no, we don't follow #breakourcode, as some reddit retard that 
doesn't even using D will complain about that!"

Description: PGP signature

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 17:33:06 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 6/13/15 9:22 AM, weaselcat wrote:
"proper" reference counting would be trivial to implement with 
a real

macro system.

The true Scotsman, eh :o). Well we don't have a real macro 
system. -- Andrei

At the risk of sounding like a broken record:

"Proper" reference counting would also be trivial to implement 
with a working scope implementation.

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:05:36 UTC, ketmar wrote:
p.s. i.e. it boils down to simple thing: Walter don't like it. 

any rationalizing of that is pointless.

The most sensible thing to do with all these may/may not be an 
improvement and also the break/don't break my code issues is to 
create an experimental branch of DMD after the transition from 
C++ to D is finished. Then merge back the good stuff after 
several iterations of improvement.

I'm sure Walter will be much more open to changes if there is a 
proven demand for it, e.g. if people rave about certain features 
in an experimental branch. Changing the main branch with "might 
be a little bit better" changes is a hard sell when competing 
languages are going stable.

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:26:23 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:05:36 UTC, ketmar wrote:
p.s. i.e. it boils down to simple thing: Walter don't like it. 

any rationalizing of that is pointless.

The most sensible thing to do with all these may/may not be an 
improvement and also the break/don't break my code issues is to 
create an experimental branch of DMD after the transition from 
C++ to D is finished. Then merge back the good stuff after 
several iterations of improvement.

I'm sure Walter will be much more open to changes if there is a 
proven demand for it, e.g. if people rave about certain 
features in an experimental branch. Changing the main branch 
with "might be a little bit better" changes is a hard sell when 
competing languages are going stable.

Not all of them

Re: Question about garbage collection specification

2015-06-14 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:03:00 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 22:07:26 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 11:32:20 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

Do not take advantage of alignment of pointers to store bit 
flags in the low order bits:

p = cast(void*)(cast(int)p | 1);  // error: undefined behavior

if this restriction is actually imposed - why does 
std.bitmanip.tagged{ClassRef,Pointer} even exist?

That seems like an arbitrary limitation. This will create an 
interior pointer, which the GC needs to recognize anyway.

The doc need to be updated.

I see David Nadlinger already said so in the PR, but that's how 
I understand it:

AFAIU the purpose of this restriction is to allow the GC to 
take advantage of alignment: a pointer with the lowest bit set 
cannot point to a 4-byte aligned struct, for example. The GC 
doc [1] mentions alignment several times, among them:
"Do not misalign pointers if those pointers may point into the 
GC heap"

As for arbitrary pointer arithmetic being allowed, I guess 
that's because the language doesn't distinguish between GC and 
non-GC pointers. And note that it is un-@safe anyway.


Wouldn't it make sense to do so?

Active Oberon, Modula-3 and .NET make such difference in their 
pointer types.

I would imagine it could help in terms of what is possible for GC 


Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:33:52 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Not all of them

AFAIK in the discussions it becomes clear that just about 
everyone want the change,  but some want the change to be saved 
for 2.0 out of SemVer principles, not because it affects actual 
code that is in production.

I wouldn't use Rust until it hits 2.0, but then again, I also 
wait 1 year to install a new OS...

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 10:15:08 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 09:59:22 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

We need D own BLAS implementation to do it.

Why can't you use "version" for those that want to use a BLAS 
library for the implementation?

Those who want replications of LAPACK/LINPACK APIs can use 
separate bindings? And those who want to use BLAS directly 
would not use phobos anyway, but a direct binding so they can 
switch implementation?

I think a good generic higher level linear algebra library for 
D should aim to be equally useful for 2D Graphics, 3D/4D GPU 
graphics, CAD solid modelling, robotics, 3D raytracing, higher 
dimensional fractals, physics sims, image processing, signal 
processing, scientific computing (which is pretty wide) and 

The Phobos API should be user-level, not library-level like 
BLAS. IMO. You really want an API that look like this in Phobos?

BLAS/LAPACK/LINPACK all originate in Fortran with a particular 
scientific tradition in mind, so I think one should rethink how 
D goes about this. Fortran has very primitive abstraction 
mechanisms. This stuff is stuck in the 80s…

I am really don't understand what you mean with "generic" keyword.

Do you want one matrix type that includes all cases???
I hope you does not.

If not, yes it should be generic like all other Phobos. But we 
will have one module for 3D/4D geometric and 3D/4D matrix/vector 
multiplications, another module for general matrix 
(std.container.matrix) and another module with generic BLAS 
(std.numeric.blas) for general purpose matrixes. After all of 
that we can think about scripting like "m0 = m1*v*m2" features.

I think LAPACK would not be implemented in Phobos, but we can use 
SciD instead.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 10:43:24 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
I think there might be a disconnection in this thread. D only, 
or D frontend?

There are hardware vendor and commercial libraries that are 
heavily optimized for particular hardware configurations. There 
is no way a D-only solution can beat those. As an example Apple 
provides various implementations for their own machines, so an 
old program on a new machine can run faster than a static 
D-only library solution.

What D can provide is a unifying abstraction, but to get there 
one need to analyze what exists. Like Apple's Accelerate 

That goes beyond BLAS. We also need to look at vDSP etc. You'll 
find similar things for Microsoft/Intel/AMD/ARM etc…


Re: Question about garbage collection specification

2015-06-14 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:36:59 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:03:00 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 22:07:26 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 11:32:20 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

Do not take advantage of alignment of pointers to store bit 
flags in the low order bits:
p = cast(void*)(cast(int)p | 1);  // error: undefined 

if this restriction is actually imposed - why does 
std.bitmanip.tagged{ClassRef,Pointer} even exist?

That seems like an arbitrary limitation. This will create an 
interior pointer, which the GC needs to recognize anyway.

The doc need to be updated.

I see David Nadlinger already said so in the PR, but that's 
how I understand it:

AFAIU the purpose of this restriction is to allow the GC to 
take advantage of alignment: a pointer with the lowest bit set 
cannot point to a 4-byte aligned struct, for example. The GC 
doc [1] mentions alignment several times, among them:
"Do not misalign pointers if those pointers may point into the 
GC heap"

As for arbitrary pointer arithmetic being allowed, I guess 
that's because the language doesn't distinguish between GC and 
non-GC pointers. And note that it is un-@safe anyway.


Wouldn't it make sense to do so?

Active Oberon, Modula-3 and .NET make such difference in their 
pointer types.

I would imagine it could help in terms of what is possible for 
GC improvements.


But a pointer can already point to a one byte aligned part of an 
object and keep it alive because internal pointers must be 
supported. The only alignment enforced is that pointers must be 
aligned. This is an arbitrary restriction.

Re: Question about garbage collection specification

2015-06-14 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:57:35 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:36:59 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:03:00 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 22:07:26 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 11:32:20 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

Do not take advantage of alignment of pointers to store bit 
flags in the low order bits:
p = cast(void*)(cast(int)p | 1);  // error: undefined 

if this restriction is actually imposed - why does 
std.bitmanip.tagged{ClassRef,Pointer} even exist?

That seems like an arbitrary limitation. This will create an 
interior pointer, which the GC needs to recognize anyway.

The doc need to be updated.

I see David Nadlinger already said so in the PR, but that's 
how I understand it:

AFAIU the purpose of this restriction is to allow the GC to 
take advantage of alignment: a pointer with the lowest bit 
set cannot point to a 4-byte aligned struct, for example. The 
GC doc [1] mentions alignment several times, among them:
"Do not misalign pointers if those pointers may point into 
the GC heap"

As for arbitrary pointer arithmetic being allowed, I guess 
that's because the language doesn't distinguish between GC 
and non-GC pointers. And note that it is un-@safe anyway.


Wouldn't it make sense to do so?

Active Oberon, Modula-3 and .NET make such difference in their 
pointer types.

I would imagine it could help in terms of what is possible for 
GC improvements.


But a pointer can already point to a one byte aligned part of 
an object and keep it alive because internal pointers must be 
supported. The only alignment enforced is that pointers must be 
aligned. This is an arbitrary restriction.

Woops, replied to the wrong person. My bad.

And yes, you're right that the GC could improve if we went 
towards "d pointers" like Go did.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:43:46 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
I am really don't understand what you mean with "generic" 

Do you want one matrix type that includes all cases???
I hope you does not.

Yes, that is what generic programming is about. The type should 
signify the semantics, not exact representation.

Then you alias common types "float4x4" etc.

It does take a lot of abstraction design work. I've done some of 
it in C++ for sliced views over memory and arrays and I'd say you 
need many iterations to get it right.

If not, yes it should be generic like all other Phobos. But we 
will have one module for 3D/4D geometric and 3D/4D 
matrix/vector multiplications, another module for general 
matrix (std.container.matrix) and another module with generic 
BLAS (std.numeric.blas) for general purpose matrixes. After all 
of that we can think about scripting like "m0 = m1*v*m2" 

All I can say is that  I have a strong incentive to avoid using 
Phobos features if D does not automatically utilize the best 
OS/CPU vendor provided libraries in a portable manner and with 
easy-to-read high level abstractions.

D's strength compared to C++/Rust is that D can evolve to be 
easier to use than those languages. C++/Rust are hard to use by 
nature. But usability takes a lot of API design effort, so it 
won't come easy.

D's strength compared to Go is that it can better take advantage 
of hardware and provide better library abstractions, Go appears 
to deliberately avoid it. They probably want to stay nimble with 
very limited hardware-interfacing so that you can easily move it 
around in the cloud.

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:33:52 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:26:23 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:05:36 UTC, ketmar wrote:
p.s. i.e. it boils down to simple thing: Walter don't like 
it. period.

any rationalizing of that is pointless.

The most sensible thing to do with all these may/may not be an 
improvement and also the break/don't break my code issues is 
to create an experimental branch of DMD after the transition 
from C++ to D is finished. Then merge back the good stuff 
after several iterations of improvement.

I'm sure Walter will be much more open to changes if there is 
a proven demand for it, e.g. if people rave about certain 
features in an experimental branch. Changing the main branch 
with "might be a little bit better" changes is a hard sell 
when competing languages are going stable.

Not all of them

not really surprising considering rust was rushed out the door, 
there were no breaks on that hype train.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 12:01:47 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:43:46 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
I am really don't understand what you mean with "generic" 

Do you want one matrix type that includes all cases???
I hope you does not.

Yes, that is what generic programming is about. The type should 
signify the semantics, not exact representation.

Then you alias common types "float4x4" etc.

std.range has a lot of types + D arrays.
The power in unified API (structural type system).

For matrixes this API is very simple: operations like m1[] += m2, 
transposed, etc.


Re: Question about garbage collection specification

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:36:59 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:03:00 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
As for arbitrary pointer arithmetic being allowed, I guess 
that's because the language doesn't distinguish between GC and 
non-GC pointers. And note that it is un-@safe anyway.


Wouldn't it make sense to do so?

Active Oberon, Modula-3 and .NET make such difference in their 
pointer types.

I would imagine it could help in terms of what is possible for 
GC improvements.

Definitely, but I don't see how it could reasonably be added to 
the language now.

DConf 2015 Video

2015-06-14 Thread Frank Fuente via Digitalmars-d


Any news of the release date for the video from DConf 2015?

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 12:18:39 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

std.range has a lot of types + D arrays.
The power in unified API (structural type system).

Yeah, I agree that templates in C++/D more or less makes those 
type systems structural-like, even though C is using nominal 

I've also found that although the combinatorial explosion is a 
possibility, most applications I write have a "types.h" file that 
define the subset I want to use for that application. So the 
combinatorial explosion is not such a big deal after all.

But one need to be patient and add lots of static_asserts… since 
the template type system is weak.

For matrixes this API is very simple: operations like m1[] += 
m2, transposed, etc.

I think it is a bit more complicated than that. You also need to 
think about alignment, padding, strides, convolutions, identiy 
matrices, invertible matrices, windows on a stream, higher order 
matrices etc…

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread Manfred Nowak via Digitalmars-d
bitwise wrote:

> for at least adding "||" so that code can be shared between platforms?

Sureley it is a pita to write:

version( iOS) version= iOS;
else version( Android) version= Android;
else version= neither;
version( neither) version= neither;
else version=iOSorAndroid;

version( iOSorAndroid){
   // ...


Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 6/14/15 1:58 AM, weaselcat wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 08:52:26 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 18:50:33 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

Yes, and it's an obvious issue. Some of the most frequently requested
things are real tuple syntax, pattern matching, etc. Short of getting
these into D itself(good luck,) any attempt at these will end up
being an ugly hack.

This is neither obvious issue, not a good solution.

The fact that no one will implement custom pattern matching until it
comes into language officially is a Good Thing (TM).

If you say so, nearly every reddit thread about D a top voted comment is
about the lack of a real preprocessor/AST macros.

No. It's about the GC and tooling. -- Andrei

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 13:02:03 UTC, Manfred Nowak wrote:

bitwise wrote:

for at least adding "||" so that code can be shared between 

Sureley it is a pita to write:

version( iOS) version= iOS;
else version( Android) version= Android;
else version= neither;
version( neither) version= neither;
else version=iOSorAndroid;

version( iOSorAndroid){
   // ...

It is, but it is only a 0.0001% source code increase that can be 
hidden in a config file.

I really hope that the next two release will focus on bugfixes, 
transitioning to D and refactoring.

If DMD source code was lean D code, it would attract more 
developers to the compiler. So avoiding changes now would pay off 
in terms of long term evolution.

You cannot both transition to D and focus on changes. Freeze the 
feature set...

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 12:52:52 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 12:18:39 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

std.range has a lot of types + D arrays.
The power in unified API (structural type system).

Yeah, I agree that templates in C++/D more or less makes those 
type systems structural-like, even though C is using nominal 

I've also found that although the combinatorial explosion is a 
possibility, most applications I write have a "types.h" file 
that define the subset I want to use for that application. So 
the combinatorial explosion is not such a big deal after all.

But one need to be patient and add lots of static_asserts… 
since the template type system is weak.

For matrixes this API is very simple: operations like m1[] += 
m2, transposed, etc.

I think it is a bit more complicated than that. You also need 
to think about alignment, padding, strides, convolutions, 
identiy matrices, invertible matrices, windows on a stream, 
higher order matrices etc…

Alignment, strides (windows on a stream - I understand it like 
Sliding Windows) are not a problem.

Convolutions, identiy matrices, invertible matrices are stuff I 
don't want to see in Phobos. They are about "MathD" not about 
(big) standard library.

For hight order slices see

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 13:48:23 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
Alignment, strides (windows on a stream - I understand it like 
Sliding Windows) are not a problem.

It isn't a problem if you use the best possible abstraction from 
the start. It is a problem if you don't focus on it from the 

Convolutions, identiy matrices, invertible matrices are stuff I 
don't want to see in Phobos. They are about "MathD" not about 
(big) standard library.

I don't see how you can get good performance without special 
casing identity matrices, transposed matrices and so on. You 
surely need to support matrix inversion, Gauss-Jordan elimination 
(or the equivalent)  etc?

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 14:02:59 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 13:48:23 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
Alignment, strides (windows on a stream - I understand it like 
Sliding Windows) are not a problem.

It isn't a problem if you use the best possible abstraction 
from the start. It is a problem if you don't focus on it from 
the start.

I am sorry for this trolling:
Lisp is the best abstraction, thought.

Sometimes I find very cool abstract libraries, with relatively 
small number of users.
For example many programmers don't want to use Boost only because 
it's abstractions makes them crazy.

Convolutions, identiy matrices, invertible matrices are stuff 
I don't want to see in Phobos. They are about "MathD" not 
about (big) standard library.

I don't see how you can get good performance without special 
casing identity matrices, transposed matrices and so on. You 
surely need to support matrix inversion, Gauss-Jordan 
elimination (or the equivalent)  etc?

For daily scientific purposes - yes.
For R/Matlab like mathematical library - yes.
For real world application - no. Engineer can achieve best 
performance without special cases by lowering "abstraction" down. 
Simplicity and transparency ("how it works") is more important in 
this case.

Re: DConf 2015 Video

2015-06-14 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 6/14/15 5:42 AM, Frank Fuente wrote:

Any news of the release date for the video from DConf 2015?

Got word from Chuck that they've had an urgent project until now. 
They're starting working on the videos this week and will make them 
available one by one as each is ready. -- Andrei

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 11:03:49 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 10:35:30 +, Joakim wrote:

It does require more definitions, but it's worth it.  A simple 
like yours may seem excusable, but there's no way to limit 
such logic to
just simple instances.  Walter is coming from long experience 
with this,
and even with my limited experience with such logic, I'm 
grateful for
it, as dealing with more complex versions of such logic is a 
royal PITA.

honestly, if i'll want to have a limited language, i'll take 
Go. removing
a power only 'cause it can be abused is not in a "spirit of D", 
at least
as i see it. templates can be enormously abused, but noone 
claims that
they should be removed, as code without templates sometimes 
easier to

follow, and abusing templates can be a PITA.

Walter explained his thinking behind this decision in five 
comments on this PR:

I agree with him.  You shouldn't be using such logic at the point 
the code is inserted or elided.  It can get very confusing as you 
layer on logic and is extremely brittle for anything approaching 
even a medium-sized codebase.  You may be able to get away with 
it for a small codebase, but then you really can't complain about 
repetition, because there isn't much code in the first place. ;)

Of course, there's always a way out: use static if like Etienne 
did in his linked file.  But that's not a good practice and it's 
good that Walter is to discouraging it.

Re: Phobos addition formal review: std.experimental.allocator

2015-06-14 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 6/14/15 4:00 AM, Brian Schott wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 00:24:51 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

So we have:

* 1 request to change names;
* 3 requests to wank around the directory structure;
* 0 of everything else.



How about this:

AllocatorList.allocate() calls AllocatorList.owns(), but only if you
don't compile with -release. Check the assert statement.
AllocatorList.owns() is non-const, so the for loops of these two
functions start rearranging the root pointers and end up in an infinite
loop in debug builds.

Interesting. Do you have a repro for this? Thanks! -- Andrei

Re: Phobos addition formal review: std.experimental.allocator

2015-06-14 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 6/13/15 11:49 PM, Dicebot wrote:

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 00:24:51 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

So we have:

* 1 request to change names;
* 3 requests to wank around the directory structure;
* 0 of everything else.


That is to be expected and intended for formal Phobos review.
Implementation is not of much interest - it can be fixed at any point.
Most important thing is to ensure that API feels right, documentation
feels clear and people are in general comfortable with using proposed
modules as they are.

I will do more in-depth review but it will _all_ be about API and docs
and naming.

Suggestions for better names are welcome as addenda, and I will act on 
some, but they're no substitute for competent reviews.

We need as a community to learn how to do good reviews. Anyone can put a 
finger on a name of a thing and say they like another name better. 
ANYONE. Real review of a library is figuring out how well the proposed 
library's abstractions fulfill its charter and intended use cases.


Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 14:25:11 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

I am sorry for this trolling:
Lisp is the best abstraction, thought.

Even it if was, it does not provide the meta info and alignment 
type constraints that makes it possible to hardware/SIMD optimize 
it behind the scenes.

For example many programmers don't want to use Boost only 
because it's abstractions makes them crazy.

Yes, C++ templates are a hard nut to crack, if D had added 
excellent pattern matching to its meta programming repertoire the 
I think this would be enough to put D in a different league.

Application programmers should not have to deal with lots of type 
parameters, they can use the simplified version (aliases). That's 
what I do in my C++ libs, using templated aliasing to make a 
complicated type composition easy to use while still getting the 
benefits generic pattern matching and generic programming.

Convolutions, identiy matrices, invertible matrices are stuff

For daily scientific purposes - yes.
For R/Matlab like mathematical library - yes.
For real world application - no. Engineer can achieve best 
performance without special cases by lowering "abstraction" 
down. Simplicity and transparency ("how it works") is more 
important in this case.

Getting platform optimized versions of frequently used heavy 
operations is the primary reason for why I would use a builtin 
library over rolling my own. Especially if the compiler has 
builtin high-level optimizations for the algebra.

A naive basic matrix library is simple to write, I don't need 
standard library support for that + I get it to work the way I 
want by using SIMD registers directly... => I probably would not 
use it if I could implement it in less than 10 hours.

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 12:06:03 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
not really surprising considering rust was rushed out the door, 
there were no breaks on that hype train.

I dunno if it was rushed. They have slashed the feature set quite 
a lot over the years. At some point it makes a lot of sense to 
set a fixed deadline and stick to it at the expense of expanding 
the feature set and strongly encouraging bug fixing.

If anything the discussion around SemVer in the Rust community 
suggests that a lot of people there take language stability very 

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 14:46:36 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
Yes, C++ templates are a hard nut to crack, if D had added 
excellent pattern matching to its meta programming repertoire 
the I think this would be enough to put D in a different league.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d

A naive basic matrix library is simple to write, I don't need 
standard library support for that + I get it to work the way I 
want by using SIMD registers directly... => I probably would 
not use it if I could implement it in less than 10 hours.

A naive std.algorithm and std.range is easy to write too.

Re: DConf 2015 Video

2015-06-14 Thread Frank Fuente via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 14:27:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 6/14/15 5:42 AM, Frank Fuente wrote:

Any news of the release date for the video from DConf 2015?

Got word from Chuck that they've had an urgent project until 
now. They're starting working on the videos this week and will 
make them available one by one as each is ready. -- Andrei

Excellent. That's great news.

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 14:26:25 +, Joakim wrote:

> Walter explained his thinking behind this decision in five comments on
> this PR:

exactly what i told: "I don't like it, so abandon all hope".

Description: PGP signature

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 15:46:39 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:26:21 +, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

I'm sure Walter will be much more open to changes if there is 
a proven

demand for it

only if he like it. or at least indifferent to it.

"This is true IF you are trying to use version blocks in the 
same way one
does in C. However, that is the stylistically wrong way to do 
it in D."

that's all. it doesn't matter how loud people would complian, 

"syntactically wrong". period.

"a proven demand" is just a kind way of describing "an emerging 


Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
p.s. sorry, "stylistically", of course. mea maxima culpa.

Description: PGP signature

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 15:49:40 +, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

> On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 15:46:39 UTC, ketmar wrote:
>> On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:26:21 +, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
>>> I'm sure Walter will be much more open to changes if there is a proven
>>> demand for it
>> only if he like it. or at least indifferent to it.
>> "This is true IF you are trying to use version blocks in the same way
>> one does in C. However, that is the stylistically wrong way to do it in
>> D."
>> that's all. it doesn't matter how loud people would complian, it's
>> "syntactically wrong". period.
> "a proven demand" is just a kind way of describing "an emerging fork"...
> ;^)

any D fork is doomed to die. community is too small, there are simply not 
enough developers to make a split. i'm doing Aliced for my own favor, yet 
i never thought that it can be a competitor for vanilla.

Description: PGP signature

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 11:26:21 +, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

> I'm sure Walter will be much more open to changes if there is a proven
> demand for it

only if he like it. or at least indifferent to it.

"This is true IF you are trying to use version blocks in the same way one 
does in C. However, that is the stylistically wrong way to do it in D."

that's all. it doesn't matter how loud people would complian, it's 
"syntactically wrong". period.

Description: PGP signature

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d

On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 10:26:25 -0400, Joakim  wrote:

Walter explained his thinking behind this decision in five comments on  
this PR:

Thanks for the link ;)


Re: DMD memory management

2015-06-14 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 16:37:19 UTC, bitwise wrote:
I'm trying to mod dmd, and I'm totally confused about what's 
goin on.

-some things are allocated with 'new' and some are allocated 
with 'mem.malloc'

-most things don't ever seem to be freed
-no RAII is used for cleanup
-no clear ownership of pointers

How does memory get cleaned up? Is it just assumed that the 
process is short-lived, and that memory can just be left 
dangling until it terminates?


to answer all your questions at once:
it doesn't

Re: DMD memory management

2015-06-14 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 12:37:18 -0400, bitwise wrote:

> How does memory get cleaned up?

yes. by OS when process terminates.

a small quote: "DMD does memory allocation in a bit of a sneaky way. 
Since compilers are short-lived programs, and speed is of the essence, 
DMD just mallocs away, and never frees."

so it's by design.

Description: PGP signature

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 09:36:17 -0400, Ola Fosheim Grøstad  

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 13:02:03 UTC, Manfred Nowak wrote:

bitwise wrote:

for at least adding "||" so that code can be shared between platforms?

Sureley it is a pita to write:

version( iOS) version= iOS;
else version( Android) version= Android;
else version= neither;
version( neither) version= neither;
else version=iOSorAndroid;

version( iOSorAndroid){
   // ...

It is, but it is only a 0.0001% source code increase that can be hidden  
in a config file.

It's not just about the code increase though. What if I need AndroidOrWP8,  
and I also need Win32OrWin64? This can quickly become a much larger pita.

I really hope that the next two release will focus on bugfixes,  
transitioning to D and refactoring.

If DMD source code was lean D code, it would attract more developers to  
the compiler. So avoiding changes now would pay off in terms of long  
term evolution.

You cannot both transition to D and focus on changes. Freeze the feature  

True. Maybe I'm underestimating the amount of effort that is going into  
this. I admit I don't know much about whats going on with the DDMD stuff.


Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d

On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 06:35:30 -0400, Joakim  wrote:

Walter is coming from long experience with this,and even with my limited  
experience with such logic, I'm grateful for it, as dealing with more  
complex versions of such logic is a royal PITA.

He's an expert, no doubt, but I've learned not to put people on a pedestal  
because of their level of experience. Anyone can be wrong, or change their  


Re: DMD memory management

2015-06-14 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d

On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 12:52:47 -0400, ketmar  wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 12:37:18 -0400, bitwise wrote:

How does memory get cleaned up?

yes. by OS when process terminates.

a small quote: "DMD does memory allocation in a bit of a sneaky way.
Since compilers are short-lived programs, and speed is of the essence,
DMD just mallocs away, and never frees."

so it's by design.

Ok, makes sense ;)


Comparison page on wikibooks C++ Programming/Programming Languages/Comparisons/D

2015-06-14 Thread ZombineDev via Digitalmars-d
Today, as I was browsing around the C++ Programming pages on 
wikibooks looking for inspiration, I noticed that the comparison 
page between C++ and D was quite outdated:

So I decided to update it:
It's far from complete, but at least it is tolerable now :D

If you find any issues you can report them in this thread, or you 
can fix them directly in the wiki.
I am not a native English-speaker and my writing skills aren't 
good. Also this is my first (or at most second) time writing a 
wiki page, so there maybe other issues I didn't think of.

I really enjoy using D, so I decided to help with this little 
thing :)

Re: version: multiple conditions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 16:53:19 UTC, bitwise wrote:
It's not just about the code increase though. What if I need 
AndroidOrWP8, and I also need Win32OrWin64? This can quickly 
become a much larger pita.

Yes, I think this is related to person-specific experiences. Some 
people insist on keeping all OS-specific code in separate files, 
others don't… A person with this mindset would version(Windows) 
to get to a Windows file and then version on Win32 etc in that 
file… Not saying it is better, but I think that is why people 
think differently about this issue.

True. Maybe I'm underestimating the amount of effort that is 
going into this. I admit I don't know much about whats going on 
with the DDMD stuff.

Me neither. I just know that I have lost interest in the C++ 
version of DMD now that there is a move towards D. And I look 
forward to see an idiomatic D version.

I guess only people who know the codebase very well can do that 
refactoring so let's not tempt them into fixing minor language 
issues, that's my thinking.

Refactoring is kinda tedious… so I'm sure it would be easy to 
distract anyone into adding more features instead. ;-)

DMD memory management

2015-06-14 Thread bitwise via Digitalmars-d

I'm trying to mod dmd, and I'm totally confused about what's goin on.

-some things are allocated with 'new' and some are allocated with  

-most things don't ever seem to be freed
-no RAII is used for cleanup
-no clear ownership of pointers

How does memory get cleaned up? Is it just assumed that the process is  
short-lived, and that memory can just be left dangling until it terminates?


Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 15:15:38 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

A naive basic matrix library is simple to write, I don't need 
standard library support for that + I get it to work the way I 
want by using SIMD registers directly... => I probably would 
not use it if I could implement it in less than 10 hours.

A naive std.algorithm and std.range is easy to write too.

I wouldn't know. People have different needs. Builtin 
for-each-loops, threads and SIMD support are more important to me 
than iterators (ranges).

But the problem with linear algebra is that you might want to do 
SIMD optimized versions where you calculate 4 equations at the 
time, do reshuffling etc. So a library solution has to provide 
substantial benefits.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread Ilya Yaroshenko via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 18:05:33 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 15:15:38 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

A naive basic matrix library is simple to write, I don't need 
standard library support for that + I get it to work the way 
I want by using SIMD registers directly... => I probably 
would not use it if I could implement it in less than 10 

A naive std.algorithm and std.range is easy to write too.

I wouldn't know. People have different needs. Builtin 
for-each-loops, threads and SIMD support are more important to 
me than iterators (ranges).

But the problem with linear algebra is that you might want to 
do SIMD optimized versions where you calculate 4 equations at 
the time, do reshuffling etc. So a library solution has to 
provide substantial benefits.

Yes, but it would be hard to create SIMD optimised version.

What do you think about this chain of steps?

1. Create generalised (only type template and my be flags) BLAS 
algorithms (probably  slow) with CBLAS like API.
2. Allow users to use existing CBLAS libraries inside generalised 

3. Start to improve generalised BLAS with SIMD instructions.
4. And then continue discussion about type of matrixes we want...

Re: Honey, I shrunk the build times

2015-06-14 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 7 June 2015 at 10:03:06 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, 7 June 2015 at 08:59:46 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
I wouldn't have thought that not moving to 2.067 would be a 
hold-up (there
is nothing in that release that blocks building DDMD as it is 

The biggest problem is that releasing a ddmd which is compiled 
with dmd is unacceptable, because it incurs too large a 
performance hit (~20% IIRC), so we need either ldc or gdc to be 
at 2.067 so that we can use that to compile the release build 
of ddmd.

after playing around with ddmd built with ldc, it's still a solid 
30-40% slower than current dmd(with optimization flags, obv.)

after profiling, it spends most of its time swapping and handling 
page faults. Enabling the GC seems to crash it, oh well. Maybe 
20-30% of the actual time is doing non-allocation related things.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 18:49:21 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

Yes, but it would be hard to create SIMD optimised version.

Then again clang is getting better at this stuff.

What do you think about this chain of steps?

1. Create generalised (only type template and my be flags) BLAS 
algorithms (probably  slow) with CBLAS like API.
2. Allow users to use existing CBLAS libraries inside 
generalised BLAS.

3. Start to improve generalised BLAS with SIMD instructions.
4. And then continue discussion about type of matrixes we 

Hmm… I don't know. In general I think the best thing to do is to 
develop libraries with a project and then turn it into something 
more abstract.

If I had more time I think I would have made the assumption that 
we could make LDC produce whatever next version of clang can do 
with pragmas/GCC-extensions and used that assumption for building 
some prototypes. So I would:

1. protoype typical constructs in C, compile it with next version 
of llvm/clang (with e.g. 4xloop-unrolling and try different 
optimization/vectorizing options) the look at the output in LLVM 
IR and assembly mnemonic code.

2. Then write similar code with hardware optimized BLAS and 
benchmark where the overhead between pure C/LLVM and BLAS calls 
balance out to even.

Then you have a rough idea of what the limitations of the current 
infrastructure looks like, and can start modelling the template 
types in D?

I'm not sure that you should use SIMD directly, but align the 
memory for it. Like, on iOS you end up using LLVM subsets because 
of the new bitcode requirements. Ditto for PNACL.

Just a thought, but that's what I would I do.

Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d
Another thing worth noting is that I believe Intel has put some 
effort into next gen (?) LLVM/Clang for autovectorizing into 
AVX2. It might be worth looking into as it uses a mask that 
allows the CPU to skip computations that would lead to no change, 
but I think it is only available on last gen Intel CPUs.

Also worth keeping in mind is that future versions of LLVM will 
have to deal with GCC extensions and perhaps also Clang pragmas. 
So maybe take a look at:



Re: Honey, I shrunk the build times

2015-06-14 Thread Temtaime via Digitalmars-d
I think the way is fix all memory operations which cause UB and 
enable GC.

Re: RFC: Pay-as-you-go, Portable D Runtime for Microcontrollers (and maybe more)

2015-06-14 Thread Adrian Matoga via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 11 June 2015 at 00:26:39 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Wednesday, 10 June 2015 at 10:06:19 UTC, Adrian Matoga wrote:

Generally, if we stick to the pay-as-you-go approach most
features of D runtime (even exceptions and RTTI) can be ported.
They will not imply any costs when not used, but will be ready 

use out-of-the-box when they're needed.

I haven't had a pay-as-you-go experience with RTTI.  In fact 
TypeInfo has become my mortal enemy [1].  I submitted a bug 
report for now [2].

[1] TypeInfo not garbage collected (discussion) -
[2] TypeInfo not garbage collected (bug report) -

There is an implementation of an -fno-rtti switch [3], but 
unfortunately, I have found it compromises on a few things 
(slicing, postblit, and maybe others).  I think
the best way forward is to move TypeInfo to the runtime as 
described in [4].  I'm currently working on an initial pull 
request for it, but I have to admit that I don't know much 
about what I'm doing in the compiler and am struggling with it.
 But I'm afraid if I don't do it, it won't happen.  I can't 
even continue with my work without it.

[3] -fno-rtti implementation -
[4] Move TypeInfo to the D Runtime -

If there's anything I can help with, let me know. My experience 
with GDC is close to non-existent (I managed to make some 
one-line hacks to make it compile for AVR or to show the sizes of 
TypeInfos, but that was pretty easy), and I didn't even bother to 
build LDC, but I want to write stuff for STMs in D so I'm 
motivated to learn by doing.

I'll try to push this work on github later this week.

I look forward to seeing it.  It's encouraging to see more 
interest in using D for this Domain.

Here it is:
It's just a playground where I try adding different features by 
trial and error, so it's very far from being as clean and 
organized as your projects.
I wouldn't even start without your and Adam Ruppe's work, so 
thank you for that.

Apart from first steps towards formatted print and exception 
support I mentioned earlier, there's a try on running static 
constructors (which is most likely broken anyway) in the correct 
order. The machinery used to make it work wastes some text and 
data memory to do it in run time, but since we're linking 
everything statically in the end, I wonder if the linker could be 
forced to put it all together instead.

Re: Tip: unittest-only artifacts should not be version(unittest) if used across modules

2015-06-14 Thread Adrian Matoga via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 19:20:41 UTC, Jeremy Powers wrote:
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu via 
Digitalmars-d <> wrote:

Just ran into this with Phobos:

If unittest-only artifacts are not constrained to just unittest 
builds, does this not make them open to be not unittest-only?

That is to say, if there is a method or whatever that is just 
for tests, without marking it 'version(unittest)' how do you 
ensure it is not actually used in the regular, shipped code?

Not sure best way to solve the across-module problem and still 
keep test code restricted to tests... maybe instead put the 
shared test code in its own module, and import with 

I encountered a similar problem a few days ago and what Jeremy 
proposes seems the most reasonable solution for me.

Re: std.(experimental.)logger voting manager wanted

2015-06-14 Thread Erik Smith via Digitalmars-d
I've started exploring the use of std.experimental.logger for my 
std.database work.  Presumably it would get in before 

What does "finalize reference counting" mean? (discussion 
thread?)  Is it about RefCounted? I'm using that extensively.


Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d
1. Create generalised (only type template and my be flags) 
BLAS algorithms (probably  slow) with CBLAS like API.
See [1] (the Matmul benchmark) Julia Native is probably backed 
with Intel MKL or OpenBLAS. D version was optimized by Martin 
Nowak [2] and is still _much_ slower.

2. Allow users to use existing CBLAS libraries inside 
generalised BLAS.
I think a good interface is more important than speed of default 
implementation (at least for e.g large matrix multiplication). 
Just use existing code for speed...

Goto's papers about his BLAS: [3][4]
Having something a competitive in D would be great but probably a 
lot of work. Without a good D interface  dstep + openBLAS/Atlas 
header will not look that bad. Note I am not talking about small 

3. Start to improve generalised BLAS with SIMD instructions.
nice, but not really important. Good interface to existing high 
quality BLAS seems more important to me than fast D linear 
algebra implementation + CBLAS like interface.

4. And then continue discussion about type of matrixes we 


2. Then write similar code with hardware optimized BLAS and 
benchmark where the overhead between pure C/LLVM and BLAS calls 
balance out to even.
may there are more important / beneficial things to work on - 
assuming total time of contributors is fix and used for other D 


Re: DIP80: phobos additions

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 21:31:53 UTC, anonymous wrote:
2. Then write similar code with hardware optimized BLAS and 
benchmark where the overhead between pure C/LLVM and BLAS 
calls balance out to even.
may there are more important / beneficial things to work on - 
assuming total time of contributors is fix and used for other D 

Sure, but that is what I'd do if I had the time. Get a baseline 
for what kind of NxN sizes D can reasonably be expected to deal 
with in a "naive brute force" manner.

Then consider pushing anything beyond that over to something more 


Re: Scaling rdmd up: build package at a time

2015-06-14 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 6 June 2015 at 20:27:12 UTC, anonymous wrote:
The seemingly obvious thing to do: Pass the source files that 
need rebuilding and the object files of other modules to one 
dmd invocation.

I implemented this. Preliminary pull request:

Re: Phobos addition formal review: std.experimental.allocator

2015-06-14 Thread Brian Schott via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 14:30:00 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Interesting. Do you have a repro for this? Thanks! -- Andrei

Not yet, but while looking for one I found that this code 
triggers an assertion in Region.expand()

module test;

import std.experimental.allocator;
import std.stdio;

private alias AllocatorType = CAllocatorImpl!(AllocatorList!(
n => Region!Mallocator(1024 * 4), NullAllocator));

struct Big {
ubyte[1024] bytes;

void main(string[] args){
auto a = new AllocatorType;
foreach (i; 0 .. 100) {

Current D grammar

2015-06-14 Thread Manfred Nowak via Digitalmars-d
With my favorite LALR-CompilerCompiler I analyzed the current D grammar. 
After preliminary eliminating the RR-conflicts around 1800 states remained, 
from which around 100 states are still contaminated with SR-conflicts.

Two possibilities:
1) Those ambiguities are not in DMD but introduced by excerpting the 
grammar from DMD
2) Those ambiguities do exist in DMD.

Which one do you prefer? Is the grammar usable?


Re: Honey, I shrunk the build times

2015-06-14 Thread David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 19:02:59 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
after playing around with ddmd built with ldc, it's still a 
solid 30-40% slower than current dmd(with optimization flags, 

How did you build it? This is especially important given that 
DDMD straight from the repo does not build with LDC right now as 
it tries to override the druntime memory allocation functions, 
which works only due to the way DMD's -lib is implemented.

On a system with 64 GiB RAM, Daniel and I could not measure any 
performance difference to the C++ version when building the 
Phobos unittests.

 - David

Re: Comparison page on wikibooks C++ Programming/Programming Languages/Comparisons/D

2015-06-14 Thread tired_eyes via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 17:23:56 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
Today, as I was browsing around the C++ Programming pages on 
wikibooks looking for inspiration, I noticed that the 
comparison page between C++ and D was quite outdated:

So I decided to update it:
It's far from complete, but at least it is tolerable now :D

If you find any issues you can report them in this thread, or 
you can fix them directly in the wiki.
I am not a native English-speaker and my writing skills aren't 
good. Also this is my first (or at most second) time writing a 
wiki page, so there maybe other issues I didn't think of.

I really enjoy using D, so I decided to help with this little 
thing :)

Nice work! D-related wiki definitely needs some love. Do you have 
any plans on improving actual D article 

Re: Current D grammar

2015-06-14 Thread via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 15 June 2015 at 00:05:59 UTC, Manfred Nowak wrote:
With my favorite LALR-CompilerCompiler I analyzed the current D 
grammar. After preliminary eliminating the RR-conflicts around

Isn't the parser LL(*) or something? You could try ANTLR which 
generate LL(*) parsers.