Re: [OT] Music to Program Compilers To

2016-07-31 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 29 July 2016 at 22:44:04 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Yes, I listen to it while I work.

For a somewhat more...traditional genre:

Re: Overflows in Phobos

2016-07-27 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 07:59:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
"The expression assert(0) is a special case; it signifies code 
that should be unreachable. If it is reached at runtime, either 
AssertError is thrown or execution is terminated in an 
implementation-defined manner. Any code after the assert(0) is 
considered unreachable."

Let me take a stab at it:

The expression assert(0) is a special case; it signifies that the 
code which follows it (in its scope of execution) should be 
unreachable. If execution reaches an assert(0) expression at 
runtime, either AssertError is thrown, or execution is terminated 
in an implementation-defined manner.

Re: The Sparrow language

2016-04-06 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 20:48:20 UTC, Lucian Radu 
Teodorescu wrote:
Compared to CTFE, in Sparrow you can run at compile-time *any* 
algorithm you like. No restrictions apply. Not only you can do 
whatever your run-time code can do, but can also call external 
programs at compile-time.

Imagine that you are calling the D compiler from inside the 
Sparrow compiler to compile some D code that you encounter.

Interesting. I guess that's why you'd have annotations on 
variables that are set at compile time; without those 
annotations, there would be no way to tell when the value is 
calculated, and with non-pure functions, that becomes important. 
In a way, requiring annotations is almost more elegant than 
requiring functional purity...

Re: The Sparrow language

2016-04-06 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 18:25:11 UTC, BLM768 wrote:

Aside from the explicit annotations, I don't see how their 
solution is more flexible than D's CTFE, but I might be missing 

Never mind. Just saw their language embedding example. Neat!

Re: The Sparrow language

2016-04-06 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 13:15:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
On the plus side Sparrow has a smoother integration of 
compile-time vs. run-time computation, which makes it a bit 
easier to transition from one to another.

Aside from the explicit annotations, I don't see how their 
solution is more flexible than D's CTFE, but I might be missing 

What I think could be really interesting is a unification of 
functions and templates. Template argument inference aside, a 
template is basically just a memoized pure function that can take 
types as arguments and/or return them. It would be interesting to 
have a language that uses CTFE as its only "template" mechanism.

Re: Could we reserve void[T] for builtin set of T ?

2016-03-31 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 31 March 2016 at 20:51:53 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:

Wouldn't just be better to use a std.allocator backed set 
container instead over special casing the AA syntax like this?

Syntactically, that makes more sense.

Or there's always ubyte[0][T].

Re: Concatenative Programming Languages

2016-03-30 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 30 March 2016 at 22:20:02 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

import std.functional : pipe;
alias allThree = pipe!(foo, bar, baz);


Interesting, but I'd call that a concatenative sub-language at 
most. ;)

There's certainly some conceptual overlap between concatenative 
languages and D under certain conditions, but there's not much 
syntactic overlap.

Re: Concatenative Programming Languages

2016-03-30 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 30 March 2016 at 20:53:02 UTC, Shammah Chancellor 
I just stumbled on this wikipedia article:

Seems like D falls under that category?


Not really. UFCS allows the syntax "", which is 
similar to a concatenative syntax, but the existence of "x" in 
the expression means it's not purely concatenative.

In a purely concatenative language, "foo bar baz" would produce a 
function that pipelines those three functions. "" in D 
would produce a compiler error.

Re: Jai - interesting programming language

2016-03-19 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 19 March 2016 at 08:38:20 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

Otherwise there's something that's pretty in the syntax:

Very much so. My own "toy language" project uses (well, _will_ 
use once I have more than 5% of a parser) a similar syntax, so it 
could just be my own biases talking, but I like it.

However later in the function declaration:

"sum := (x: float, y: float, z: float) -> float {
return x + y + z;

I would expect the same system as for variables:

"sum : float = (x: float, y: float, z: float) {
return x + y + z;

or return type inference:

"sum := (x: float, y: float, z: float) {
return x + y + z;

As far as the second example goes, sum is a function returning 
float, not a float variable. I could be wrong, but it appears to 
me that using variable-like syntax would make the grammar (or at 
least its semantics) less context-free. Plus the () -> type {} 
syntax works nicely for lambdas. I'm sure the type-inference 
option could be supported, though.

The language has some very interesting ideas. I probably wouldn't 
use it for general-purpose programming, though. I like my OOP, at 
least when it fits the problem at hand.

Re: What are you planning for 2016?

2016-01-06 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 12:27:12 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
I wonder what kind of programming people plan or _hope_ to use 
D for in 2016?

8. or something else?

The toy language bug has bitten me, too. I'm going for maximum 
modularity in the compiler to make it easy to hook in fancy tools.

What other languages do you think you will use or toy with in 
2016 and for what purpose?

Probably a lot of C++ for my computer science classes.

What would it take for you to use D instead, or what changes 
would be needed for you to move from language X to D?

Some very forward-thinking professors. ;)

Re: DMD now does Dwarf style exception handling!

2016-01-02 Thread blm768 via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 3 January 2016 at 01:51:35 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
So, we have ELF binaries and DWARF exceptions. Are we going to 
get something related to orcs or goblins next? ;)

- Jonathan M Davis

I don't know about that, but with better C++ interop, it might be 
easier to bind to OGRE. (See

Re: Redesign of

2015-12-21 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 21 December 2015 at 15:09:06 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Dedicated pages is a good idea and can be done trivially with 
ddoc macros to avoid repetition of the content in the source.

It could also be a css :hover dropdown instead of JS, but I 
hate drop downs on hover so I'd prefer the dedicated pages.

We could use the :hover dropdowns as a fallback for the JS, 
though. It might not be ideal, but isn't that basically the 
definition of a fallback?

Re: Redesign of

2015-12-19 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 19 December 2015 at 14:33:35 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 


The template constraints being on their own line is a nice touch.

Overall, the design looks very clean-cut. The only real issue I 
see is that it could use a bit more contrast. Those light gray 
lines fade into the background just a bit too much.

Re: What is the state of D for game development?

2015-12-17 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 18 December 2015 at 00:03:06 UTC, extrawurst wrote:

What PR is that ? Link ?


It adds some __traits that would make it easier for me to 
introspect my binding modules and generate glue code. Right now, 
I'm using several stages of build tools which loop over the 
actual source files to generate the necessary code, which has 
gotten quite ugly. With the right __traits, it's possible to cut 
out some steps. Once I've refactored everything, it might 
actually be a viable method to bind all sorts of C++ libraries.

Re: Some feedback on the website.

2015-12-17 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 23:50:34 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
* "Examples:" is a historical error. All instances should be 
"Example:". Just one diff making that change throughout would 
be a meaningful contribution.

Like so?

Sed for the win! (With manual review of the changes, of course.)

I'll open a pull request in a moment.

Re: Some feedback on the website.

2015-12-17 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 19:50:40 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
If you have some time and motivation to improve the 
documentation, there's tremendous opportunity for impact. So 
much low-hanging fruit, all well before we explore switching to 
a different way of building the site. And whatever improvements 
you make won't compete with future changes. There's so much 
opportunity there it hurts. -- Andrei

As long as the main page still works, then yeah, that's first 

Is there a particular spot that stands out as needing the most 
improvement? I'm no Phobos expert, but I can at least fill any 
glaring holes.

Re: What is the state of D for game development?

2015-12-17 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 17:38:31 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I am stealing HerrDrFaust's question from the following Reddit 

Please answer here or there.

Thank you,

Well, we have some bindings to game dev libraries, but the 
ecosystem isn't nearly as rich as what's available with C++. 
Derelict has bindings to almost all the "basic" libraries, 
though. I've been working on a binding to Bullet Physics, but 
it's stalled while I wait on a DMD pull request that I put in to 
allow the kind of introspection my method requires.

Re: Some feedback on the website.

2015-12-17 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 07:51:42 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2015-12-17 00:43, BLM768 wrote:

One is to make as much of it as possible in plain old
static HTML. Stuff like the articles rarely changes, after all.

This is an horrible idea. No sane person would use raw HTML. 
The only advantage is that it's HTML so there's documentation 

Yeah. I didn't think that one through.

The idea I had in my head was to build a template in (mostly) raw 
HTML, write each article as an HTML snippet, and use either a 
framework or a build script to paste them together, so it's not 
_completely_ raw, just enough so you actually see the HTML. The 
main thing was to move away from building all the tags with 

But yeah, I didn't express that clearly enough (or think through 
it properly).

Re: Some feedback on the website.

2015-12-16 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at 23:49:52 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

But I dislike typing HTML. DDoc improves on that significantly.

Fair enough. Vibe.d has diet templates, though. They're pretty 

As long as the pages are mainly static anyway, though, it's all 
plain boring HTML to the client no matter what's used on the back 

Ironically Ddoc does exactly that, and quite nicely.

I thought about that, too. It's great for static content, but 
doesn't dynamic content become kind of tricky? Given that the 
forum sidebar operates differently from the main page sidebar 
(most noticeably in the giant image link at the top), I'd guess 
that it's not using the same DDoc template. (I haven't looked at 
the source, though.) Of course, it would need custom template 
code for the forum menu, so there's really not much to share with 
the main site...

Re: Some feedback on the website.

2015-12-16 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at 23:43:41 UTC, BLM768 wrote:


...and as I read some older posts, I see that mine is completely 
redundant. ;)

Seriously, though, I'm willing to help prototype something. I've 
got time before the next semester starts.

Re: Some feedback on the website.

2015-12-16 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at 23:01:47 UTC, Walter Bright 


We'll never get anywhere chasing people who say "I'll help only 
if you convert to my way of doing things." I've done enough of 
that in the past, and concluded they're just seeing how long 
you'll dance to their tune and have no real intention of ever 
helping - there will just be another excuse.

It's funny how much "better" one's own ideas seem until one 
realizes that implementing them usually takes just as much effort 
as with someone else's idea, and work is almost always the 
limiting factor.

On the subject of "one's own ideas", here's mine, FWIW:

First, my background thoughts. We seem to have four main 
"sections" of the site: the forums (built on DFeed), the wiki 
(built on MediaWiki), the language docs (DDoc), and the "main" 
site (in DDoc/HTML). The first three are using technologies which 
were explicitly designed for what they do, and they work quite 
nicely. The only thing left is the "main" site (the download 
page, articles, etc.), which doesn't fit into the models of the 
first two technologies and is somewhat clumsy for some people to 
edit because it's built on more than just "common" Web standards.

I can think of a couple of ideas for making the main page more 
palatable to Web developers. One is to make as much of it as 
possible in plain old static HTML. Stuff like the articles rarely 
changes, after all. Another idea is to use a Web application 
framework. There's a significant advantage there: we can have one 
master "layout" template, and almost any content we want (forums, 
DDoc-generated HTML, static HTML, and so on) can be rendered in 
that template with relatively minimal code. There are lots of 
frameworks that shouldn't be hard to use. I'm sure that someone 
has already suggested doing it in vibe.d, and that probably got 
shot down due to a technical issue or something, but it would be 
interesting from a PR standpoint.

Re: And yet another cool project: fetching multiple URLs at once

2015-12-16 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 16 December 2015 at 21:00:55 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
I should add I've argued for including some of the core vibe.d 
stuff in Phobos. Sadly nobody is championing such a project for 
the time being.


Would that include its stream stuff? We've been needing a replacement for a long time.

Re: Complexity nomenclature

2015-12-05 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 6 December 2015 at 03:30:51 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

log(x^2) = 2 log x.

Why do log rules have to make everything so simple? ;)

Re: Complexity nomenclature

2015-12-05 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 5 December 2015 at 22:56:23 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Multi-term complexities arise from trivial graph algorithms. 
They are not limited to the use of multiple containers. More 
precisely, the multiple terms arise because of the structure of 
the graph (being composed of nodes and edges); what the 
algorithms add are functions on nodes and edges.

True. I don't expect that very many people would want to specify 
an algorithmic complexity for those operations, though. It seems 
much more rigidly defined than for lists, arrays, etc. The 
question is not really about whether "complex complexities" will 
exist but whether the user has a practical reason to care about 
specifying them.

Unfortunately, once you have more than a single variable in 
your functions, the big-O expressions rapidly become 
inextricably complex, and can no longer map to nice 
abstractions like the reals + infinities + infinitesimals 
linear ordering. For example, two graph algorithms may be, 
respectively, O(V^2 + E) and O(V + E^2); it's difficult to 
judge based on that which one is "superior".

Well, if one variable is "capped" (or at least expected to be 
"small") it's easy enough to eliminate that term. Beyond that, 
there isn't necessarily a single ordering of big-O expressions, 
but many of them can be ordered relative to a single variable. 
For instance, O(n + m^2) is less complex than O(n^2 + m) with 
respect to n (and vice versa for m). It's trickier when 
expressions are more deeply nested, but if select one term (in 
this case, n), set all the others to be constant (since none of 
them depends on n), and evaluate the resulting expression tree, 
you should get something half-usable. Some simplifying rules may 
be useful. For instance, log(x^2) should approach log(x) as x 
approaches infinity, I think. (My calculus is a bit rusty.)

Re: Complexity nomenclature

2015-12-05 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 5 December 2015 at 20:48:16 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 12/04/2015 10:24 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
In fact I went through the implementation but soon I hit a 
wall: what's the _relationship_ between the two growths? It may 
be the sum O(m + n) but also the product O(m * n). So the 
operator must be encoded as well.

Then what do we do with more complex relationships like O((m + 
n) log n) etc.

Then once you get to some reasonable formula, what's the 
ordering on top of these complexities? Probably difficult.

I gave up on this for the time being. Ideas welcome.


Well, we could see how CAS libraries handle this kind of stuff 
(if there _is_ one which handles it)...

Really, though, with the more complex algorithms, you start 
running into the kinds of issues noted in the first reply to this 

Besides, is anyone actually going to specify that they need an 
algorithm that is O(log(n) + m^2) or whatever? Or would a 
function just take _two_ algorithms, assert that each is 
O(log(n)) and O(m^2), respectively, and then compose them itself? 
The complexities depend on the types of container anyway, so in 
general, you should get only multi-term big-O notation when 
you're using multiple containers (or Cartesian products of a 
container with itself or something like that). Can't we just make 
sure one container's insert() and the other container's sort() 
work within a certain complexity?

Re: Complexity nomenclature

2015-12-04 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 5 December 2015 at 00:13:02 UTC, BLM768 wrote:

list.removeWithComplexity(Complexity.linear, 3);

Uh, I mean list.removeWithComplexity!(Complexity.linear)(3).

Re: Complexity nomenclature

2015-12-04 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 4 December 2015 at 22:17:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Either of those would be better than stableLinearRemove or 
stable.linear.remove. The UDAs would be more documentation 
friendly, though being able to pass around template arguments 
could be valuable for the cases where you're trying to enforce 
specific complexity requirements.

It should be possible to unify the template and UDA forms. 
Assuming a template supportsComplexity(func, complexity) that 
determines whether a function or method has the specified 
complexity UDA (or a "faster" one), it's not hard to implement 
something like this:

void removeWithComplexity(T, complexity)(T collection, size_t 
index) if(supportsComplexity!(T.remove, complexity) {


List!int list;
list.removeWithComplexity(Complexity.linear, 3);


Of course, this implementation has issues with collection 
operations which are defined as UFCS functions (as opposed to 
methods), but it should be possible to get around that issue.

Re: Complexity nomenclature

2015-12-04 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 4 December 2015 at 18:21:41 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I suggested in the pseudo namespaces thread using template 
parameters to express characteristics, as in:

remove!(stable, linear)

with sensible defaults so most of the time the user would just 


The nice thing about this is that it can be easy to specify which 
complexities an operation supports.


void remove(complexity, T)(List!T list, size_t index) 
if(complexity >=

Complexity.linear); //or however complexity objects work...

List l;
l.remove!(Complexity.constant)(3);//fails; there's no template 
specialization for this case because complex < linear.

Re: Three people out of four dislike SDL

2015-12-01 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 at 18:25:06 UTC, Bubbasaur wrote:

Really, do really believe in what you wrote?

So if you take a look right now, the "YES" option for the 
question: "Do you like new

DUB config format?" Is somehow "magically" winning the poll 
right now!


Huh. That changed quickly. My Z-test is already out of date. ;)

Re: Three people out of four dislike SDL

2015-12-01 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 at 17:26:13 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Independent on the topic at hand - wondering what your 
reasoning is. I just took a look and there are 205 votes. Not a 
large number, but quite a lot more than any voting we saw in 
the past (when consensus was proclaimed after like 15 votes 
:o)). Intuitively I agree with you, but I wonder at what point 
numbers become large enough to capture meaning. Thx! -- Andrei

Time for a proportion Z-test! Assuming that this poll represents 
a simple random sample (which it almost certainly doesn't, but 
it's the best we have), let's test the claim that at least 50% of 
the community dislikes the SDL format.

For reference, I'm using the poll data at the time of this post: 
124 for, 145 against.

According to my calculations, at a 95% confidence level, there's 
not sufficient evidence to reject the hypothesis that at least 
50% of the community dislikes the new format.

However, FWIW, we can say with very high confidence that at least 
25% of the whole community likes the new format.

Re: I hate new DUB config format

2015-11-28 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 28 November 2015 at 18:13:51 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Then XML is clear winner, its support, spread, availability and 
tooling is unmatched.

So is its complexity. ;)

Do we even have a good standard XML parser? std.xml has been 
languishing for years...

Re: New __traits

2015-11-28 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 23:16:59 UTC, BLM768 wrote:


It lists a bunch of symbols that most certainly _aren't_ direct 
ancestors of the "std" package: "object", "core", "std", 
"KeepTerminator", "GCC_IO", "HAS_GETDELIM", "FSChar", and a 
bunch of others.

That's a bug, right?

I've tacked on a comment to the relevant issue (11595) with some 
info that may or may not help figure out what the problem is. I 
might play with it, too, but I'm only a junior-level CS student 
who has basically no familiarity with how DMD does symbol 
resolution, so I doubt that I'll be able to find exactly where 
the issue is.

Re: I hate new DUB config format

2015-11-28 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 19:29:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Just throwing it out there: CSON [1]. 
"CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for 
CoffeeScript objects". It's used by the Atom editor.


Hmm. Pretty, standardized, similar to JSON. I like it!

...but we don't have a parser yet, do we? That might be an 

Re: New __traits

2015-11-26 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 20:56:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Yes, code can forward-reference an import. e.g. this code 
compiles just fine:

void main()
writeln("Where's my import?");

import std.stdio;

Now, when the import is inside of a function, then it can't be 
forward-referenced, but that's in line with how variable 
declarations work.

- Jonathan M Davis

Oh, duh. I should have remembered that.

In any case, I my tests work when I forward-reference, too, so 
I'll probably just put an assert on it and call it good. I've got 
some unit tests on my code now, so it looks like it's almost time 
for my first PR.

I don't know if this is at all related to how top-level packages 
aren't resolving to Package objects by the time the __traits run, 
but while testing this code, I found what seems to be a bug 
related to __traits(allMembers). Specifically, this code produces 
an extremely strange output:

import std.stdio;

pragma(msg, __traits(allMembers, std));

void main() {}

It lists a bunch of symbols that most certainly _aren't_ direct 
ancestors of the "std" package: "object", "core", "std", 
"KeepTerminator", "GCC_IO", "HAS_GETDELIM", "FSChar", and a bunch 
of others.

That's a bug, right?

Re: I hate new DUB config format

2015-11-26 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 19:57:19 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
Everyone will hate me for saying this, but in that case, just 
go with Ruby (or some other similar language)

That was actually one of my first thoughts. It would be pretty, 
but we'd have another dependency then. Also, Ruby doesn't embed 
well into other applications, and if we're using another 
general-purpose programming language for our config format, what 
kind of impression does that give others about our confidence in 

That said, I found a neat language today, and it might be usable 
for config files. See

Re: New __traits

2015-11-26 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 02:20:43 UTC, Daniel Murphy 
Unfortunately I have no idea.  You'll have to have a look at 
what other code that resolves packages is doing.

If you can't find it it might be worth emailing Kenji Hara, 
since he knows everything.

Well, expression.d seems to do it this way. It's also got a check 
for "pkg == null", so maybe I should include that. Currently my 
code would just swallow the issue and report that the argument 
isn't a package. Then again, I don't even know whether it's 
possible for my code to forward-reference an import; if not, pkg 
will never be null anyway. Maybe I'll just assert it or 

Re: I hate new DUB config format

2015-11-25 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at 22:20:39 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
It's more like "Do this, no need to argue". There's really no 
need, and we're arguing too much over too little. -- Andrei

Is anyone else having flashbacks to Phobos vs. Tango?

In this case, as much as I like how the SDL syntax is more 
readable (at least to me), the history of Phobos shows that 
standardization wins in most cases. I don't know if we want to 
yank the syntax right out of DUB, but we could at least deprecate 
it until things settle out.

Or, hey, we could use XML. ;)

Re: New __traits

2015-11-25 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at 15:39:17 UTC, Daniel Murphy 
What you're seeing is just an artifact of how dmd's internals 
work. 'std' is an 'import' (call Dsymbol.kind() for the 
category of symbol) and you'll have to resolve it to work out 
which module/package is being imported.  It's possible that 
this is a bug in the symbol resolution, and that it should have 
already been resolved to a package.

It seems that I can resolve the import by using "theImport.pkg", 
but I'm not sure if it's the "correct" way. It works in my tests, 
though. Is that the right way to do it, or is there a better 

Re: New __traits

2015-11-25 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at 15:39:17 UTC, Daniel Murphy 

What you're seeing is just an artifact of how dmd's internals 
work. 'std' is an 'import' (call Dsymbol.kind() for the 
category of symbol) and you'll have to resolve it to work out 
which module/package is being imported.  It's possible that 
this is a bug in the symbol resolution, and that it should have 
already been resolved to a package.

Keep in mind also that isPackage and isModule are RTTI 
functions, and since Module inherits from Package all modules 
will appear to be packages if that's all you check.

That helps immensely! I'll play with that a bit.

As far as semantics go, if this were ever officially integrated 
into DMD, would it make sense for __traits(isModule, somePackage) 
to return false (unless it has a package.d) since the inheritance 
of Module from Package is basically a DMD implementation detail, 
or would it be better to just follow DMD's convention directly?

New __traits

2015-11-24 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d
For a project I've been working on, I found that it would be 
helpful to have a way to determine whether a symbol represents a 
module or package. Since I couldn't find an easy way to do it, I 
forked DMD and made some tweaks. ;)

Anyway, I uncovered an interesting issue. According to my test 
program (, 
these are the "types" of various packages/modules in Phobos:

std.stdio: package, module
std.algorithm: package
std.digest: package

In other words, "std" isn't a package _or_ module, and std.stdio 
is both (even though it's just a single D source file). This 
doesn't seem quite right.

There could be an error in my patch to DMD, but I don't see where 
it could be because it's so simple. The code is at if anyone wants to 
look over it.

If anyone can help me figure out what's going on, I'd greatly 
appreciate it.

Re: New __traits

2015-11-24 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 at 01:06:55 UTC, BLM768 wrote:
In other words, "std" isn't a package _or_ module, and 
std.stdio is both (even though it's just a single D source 
file). This doesn't seem quite right.

I just confirmed that this also applies to other root packages, 
i.e. "core" or any root packages from third-party libraries.

Re: Easy and efficient database usage

2015-11-02 Thread BLM768 via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 23 October 2015 at 12:42:08 UTC, w0rp wrote:

Does anyone have any thoughts on this topic?

A couple of years ago, I started playing with the idea. The basic 
concept was to dump DB records into "dumb" (i.e. representing 
just the basic aspects of the model object) structs, which can be 
stack-allocated to minimize GC usage. It's very far from complete 
and has been dormant for a while, but someone might be able to 
make use of some of the code. It would probably need to be 
rewritten to use a "standard" DB driver framework, though; right 
now, it's just got its own abstraction layer over SQLite.

Re: Improvements to std.typecons.Nullable

2013-10-09 Thread BLM768

On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 17:07:18 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
That was my point. Writting "Nullable!T == T" is the exact same 
thing: Comparison of a value with the absence of a value. It's 
neither equal nor different, it's an error.

Equality comparison is a bit different from properties such as 
emptiness. Virtually every language allows comparisons between 
null and non-null objects. In D and Java, this is the behavior 
for object references; in Ruby and Lua, this is the behavior for 
all values. Nullable!T was seemingly designed to emulate that 
sort of behavior, and overloading opEquals() would provide 
semantically correct behavior without any exceptions ever being 

My point though is that it's implicit nature makes it so that 
you forget about said state.

Adding a simple ".get()" is not that much verbose, and sticks 
out that you are calling something that can be an error. You 
should either be operating the handler (Nullable), or the Value 
itself. Not a bit of "maybe the nullable, maybe the value"

Ultimately, it seems to boil down to a personal preference: 
should Nullable!T emulate the behavior of D's existing nullable 
types, or should it use a more explicit syntax? I personally lean 
toward consistency, in part because doing otherwise would be a 
breaking change that doesn't really seem justified unless we can 
solve the issue with _all_ nullable references. I do see the 
merits of your proposal, though.

Re: Improvements to std.typecons.Nullable

2013-10-09 Thread BLM768

On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 06:48:31 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

OK, so that's two functions already. What about opCmp? What 
about toHash?

Since ordered comparisons make no sense with null values, opCmp 
would need to throw an exception when working with null values 
anyway. That's exactly what it does right now. I've considered 
the other operators, and the same logic seems to apply to them.

As for toHash, that needs to be overloaded whenever opEquals is. 
That's true for all types.

What if T is a range? Then "Nullable!T.empty" should return 
true if the Nullable is empty. IF we don't, we'll get a crash 
in foreach.

It does. Null is not an "empty" range; it's the _absence_ of a 
range. They are not the same concept, and a null range _cannot_ 
be empty because the range does not exist. Therefore, it's a 
logic error and should throw an exception.

If your range were class-based, you'd have exactly the same 
issue, except that instead of getting an exception, you'd get a 

On Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:55:34 +0200
"monarch_dodra"  wrote:
Is it though? C++ has done without it, and is still doing 
without it. It has "implicit build from" which every one says 
is mostly an abomination. Then here we are, bashing on their 
implicit constructors, yet using "implicit cast to" O_o.

A major part of the problem in C++ stems from the existence of 
two different forms of implicit conversion: the overloaded cast 
operator and copy-constructors. D does not allow implicit 
conversions with the latter, and it only allows implicit 
conversion to one type with the former, which is considered 
acceptable according to every C++ book I've read.

I draw the line when convenience gets in the way of my programs 
not crashing.

Whether you have the "alias this" or not, if you try to get a T 
out of a null Nullable!T, your program will throw an exception. 
Leaving out the "alias this" would serve only as a reminder to 
check for null, not as a solution to logic errors. When dealing 
with a Nullable!T, just like when dealing with a nullable object 
reference or a nullable pointer, you have to account for the null 

Re: Improvements to std.typecons.Nullable

2013-10-08 Thread BLM768

On Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 19:04:33 UTC, BLM768 wrote:

* Making isNull() @property

Hmm... looks like it's already @property. I guess this happened 
after the last update to the Phobos docs.

I'll still need to fix the other stuff, though.

Re: Improvements to std.typecons.Nullable

2013-10-08 Thread BLM768

On Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 20:55:35 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

Or we could just nuke the alias this. A Nullable!T isn't a T. 
It's a T handler. "alias this" allows implicit cast, which 
should only happen with a "is a" relation. Using it in a 
different context (such as nullable) is wrong, and these errors 
are the price we are paying for it. It's a bit more verbose, 
but it would solve *all* of these ambiguity and unexpected 
error problems.


An object reference can be null, but a null "Object" isn't really 
an Object but the absence of one. With "alias this", the behavior 
meshes with the behavior of object references. Whether that's 
good or bad, it does add some consistency.

I'm not sure what I'd like to see in the long term, but I'll 
leave the "alias this" in for my pull request because removing it 
would be a breaking change.

Re: Improvements to std.typecons.Nullable

2013-10-08 Thread BLM768

On Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 19:20:05 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:

The wiki has a pretty good guide of the overall process:

That answers most of my questions, but it seems a little... 
informal. I guess the formal review process doesn't really apply 
to minor API changes.

If it's really that easy, I'll just go for it.

Improvements to std.typecons.Nullable

2013-10-08 Thread BLM768
I've been working on a project that makes relatively heavy use of 
nullable values. I've been using std.typecons.Nullable, and it 
mostly works well, but there are some improvements that could be 
made to the implementation:

* A toString() method (needed to fix bug #10915)
* An opEquals for comparisons with the type that the Nullable 
  * Currently, comparing a null Nullable!T with a T produces an 

but it makes more sense to just return false.
* Making isNull() @property

get() might also make more sense as a property, but not with its 
current name; it would be better to make the name a noun such as 
"value" rather than a verb. If it were to be changed, it could be 
done in a fully backward-compatible way by making "get" an alias 
of "value".

These would all be simple changes, so if someone's willing to 
guide me through the formalities, I could make this my first 
contribution to Phobos.

Re: std.rational?

2013-09-27 Thread BLM768
On Friday, 27 September 2013 at 15:36:12 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

I bet the reason is practicality: try using full names of
denominator/numerator in some involved numeric code. It's a 
One may argue you need not access numerator and denominator 
explicitly that much but I think it happens.

I'm not sure if this fits with Phobos style, but they could be 
defined as "numerator" and "denominator" and aliased to "num" and 
"denom", respectively. That way, we get the best of both worlds.

Re: std.allocator needs your help

2013-09-23 Thread BLM768

On Monday, 23 September 2013 at 17:01:47 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
What you call safe really isn't. Allocate something on the GC, 
store a pointer on a custom allocated location, collect, enjoy 
the memory corruption. All operation are safe according to your 
proposal. Allocation can only be safe if the GRAND MASTER GC is 
aware of it.

I don't see why the GC can't be allocator-agnostic. In principle, 
it should be possible to register arbitrary allocators with the 
GC (possibly by storing a pointer to the allocator in each 
GC-managed block of memory). The GC would have a default 
allocator which would be used with the "new" operator, and 
something like the aforementioned create!() syntax could be used 
for custom allocators:

SomeClass c1 = new SomeClass("arg");
//Managed by the GC
SomeClass c2 = gcCreate!SomeClass(someAllocator, "arg");
//Another possible syntax (much prettier!):
SomeClass c3 = SomeClass("arg");

This could also integrate with DIP46; instead of pushing and 
popping a GC object, one would push and pop the GC's default 
allocator (for the current thread, of course).

There would be a bit of overhead, but that seems to be 
unavoidable in a sufficiently generic design, and I doubt that it 
would cut performance to an unacceptable level, especially 
because really performance-critical code would avoid the GC 

You proposal allocate shared memory. This is common in C/C++ 
world as memory is shared by default, but shouldn't be in D. It 
is highly desirable to allocate with different methods for 
different type qualifier. How does your design adapt to that ?

If the aforementioned thread-local GC reference is implemented, 
it should be possible to provide decent thread-local allocation. 
I'm not sure exactly how to design that, but it seems like 
thread-local GC allocation would require some work at the GC 
level; a global GC won't necessarily play nicely with 
thread-local allocators.

For non-GC thread-local allocations, I'd imagine that you could 
just create a thread-local allocator.

Re: Mixin overload sets

2013-08-16 Thread BLM768

On Friday, 16 August 2013 at 07:48:52 UTC, QAston wrote:

You can put those functions into HasOtherMixins by using alias.
struct HasOtherMixins {
alias someMixin! abc;
alias someMixin! abc;
alias someOtherMixin abc;

Actually, that syntax only works for regular templates, not 
mixins. Trying it with a mixin template gives an error. It's also 
not very useful when mixing in several methods from the same 

However, the first solution I suggested could be expanded to 
support that type of syntax:

struct HasMixins {
  alias mixin someMixin! abc;

I'm starting to lean toward the first option as the more 
"correct" solution because it's more flexible and follows the 
principle of least surprise. If it's decided that this would be 
an acceptable addition to the language, I could try to cobble a 
pull request together. I don't have any experience with the DMD 
codebase, but it might be a good introductory project for me...

Mixin overload sets

2013-08-14 Thread BLM768
The current behavior of placing identically-named functions from 
separate mixins into separate overload sets works well most of 
the time, but there are cases when the functions should be in the 
same overload set, and the aliasing required to allow overloading 
can quickly get tedious and clutter the namespace where the 
mixins are used, especially if the mixins define multiple 

mixin template someMixin(Args ...) {
  void abc(Args) {};
  void def(int, Args);

struct HasMixins {
  mixin someMixin!int mixinInt;
  alias abc;
  alias mixinInt.def def;
  mixin someMixin!float mixinFloat;
  alias abc;
  alias mixinFloat.def def;
  //and so on...

It would be nice if we had a more concise way to pull all of the 
duplicate functions into a single overload set. I can think of 
two ways to handle this:

1. Introduce a new syntax.

struct HasMixins {
  //One possible syntax:
  alias mixin someMixin!int this;
  alias mixin someMixin!float this;

HasMixins hm;; //Would call

2. Automatically place functions that come from different 
instances of the same mixin template into the same namespace.

struct HasMixins {
  mixin someMixin!int;
  mixin someMixin!float;

HasMixins hm;; //Would call

mixin template someOtherMixin {
  void abc() {};

struct HasOtherMixins {
  mixin someMixin!int;
  mixin someMixin!float;
  mixin someOtherMixin;

HasOtherMixins hm2;; //error


Re: @property - take it behind the woodshed and shoot it?

2013-08-10 Thread BLM768

On Saturday, 10 August 2013 at 17:48:34 UTC, BLM768 wrote:
On Saturday, 10 August 2013 at 10:29:51 UTC, Stian Pedersen 
To add to the mess - or maybe suggest a new approach, what 

class A
   int foo();
   void foo=(int a);
   private foo_;

Then = 42; calls the foo= method. No other conversions 
from a=b to a method invocation.

It may be suggested in one of these 46 pages which I haven't 
read. And it'll probably break a lot of stuff.

The problem with this approach is that the getter is still 
operating under the semantics of a method, but, as a property, 
it should be acting like a field. An approach like this would 

class A {
Sorry; message got cut off when I tried to insert a tab and then 
pressed space with the "Send" button focused.


class A {
@property int foo();
@property void foo=(int a);

However, it doesn't offer any significant advantage over the 
current property syntax other than providing a clearer 
distinction between getters and setters, which is only important 
when dealing with UFCS, as pointed out in an earlier post.

Re: @property - take it behind the woodshed and shoot it?

2013-08-10 Thread BLM768

On Saturday, 10 August 2013 at 10:29:51 UTC, Stian Pedersen wrote:
To add to the mess - or maybe suggest a new approach, what 

class A
int foo();
void foo=(int a);
private foo_;

Then = 42; calls the foo= method. No other conversions 
from a=b to a method invocation.

It may be suggested in one of these 46 pages which I haven't 
read. And it'll probably break a lot of stuff.

The problem with this approach is that the getter is still 
operating under the semantics of a method, but, as a property, it 
should be acting like a field. An approach like this would work:

class A {

Re: Compile time executable calling?

2013-07-12 Thread BLM768

On Saturday, 13 July 2013 at 04:23:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

A big problem with it would be the equivalent of the "SQL 
Injection Exploit". Since the compiler can now execute 
arbitrary code, someone passing around malicious source code 
could do anything to your system.

Assuming that the user is compiling the code in order to run it 
(which does seem to be the most common case, at least in my 
experience), the user is already running arbitrary code. I don't 
really see how this would create a greater security risk than 
what already exists.

That said, I'm not completely sold on this idea, either, at least 
not while there are more important issues to solve. It could be 
nice at times, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a usage 
case where this would really be much more convenient than just 
using the build system.

Re: Memory management design

2013-07-10 Thread BLM768

On Wednesday, 10 July 2013 at 07:50:17 UTC, JS wrote:

One can already choose their own memory model in their own 
code. The issue is with the core library and pre-existing code 
that forces you to use the GC model.

It's possible to use your own memory model, but that doesn't mean 
it's necessarily convenient or safe, and there's no standardized 
method of going about it. If it becomes standardized, there's a 
much higher chance of the core library using it.

@nogc has been proposed several years ago but not gotten any 
footing. By having the ability to mark stuff has @nogc phobos 
could be migrated slowly and, at least, some libraries would be 
weaned off the GC and available.

I think the use of custom allocators would be better. Plug your 
own memory management model into D.

Memory management and memory allocation are not the same issue; 
from a purely theoretical standpoint, they're nearly orthogonal, 
at least without a compacting collector. If the both the GC and 
the allocators are designed in a sufficiently flexible and 
modular manner, it would be possible to tie several 
general-purpose allocators to the GC at once. There are some 
allocators that can't be shoehorned into the GC model, but those 
would just return non-GC references.

On Wednesday, 10 July 2013 at 07:59:41 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I think merging "scope" and "owned" can be usable enough to be 
interesting without introducing any new concepts. Simply make 
it that "scope" in a variable declaration means it is a 
stack-allocated entity with unique ownership and "scope" as a 
function parameter attribute is required to accept scope data, 
verifying no references to it are taken / stored. Expecting 
mandatory deadalnix comment about lifetime definition ;)

Most of the functionality of "owned" is redundant, but there are 
still some corner cases where it could be useful. The idea behind 
it is to have it function very much like a pointer in C++ code. 
For non-reference types, you could just use a pointer, but using 
a pointer with reference types introduces an extra dereference 
operation to get to the real data.

This is something that could be implemented as a library type 
rather than an intrinsic part of the language, and that would 
probably be better because it's really sort of a low-level tool.

Only thing I have no idea about is if "scope" attribute should 
be shallow or transitive. Former is dangerous, latter severely 
harms usability.

I'm not sure how shallow "scope" would be dangerous. If a "scope" 
object contains non-scope references to GC-allocated data, it's 
perfectly safe to stash those references somewhere because the 
target of the reference won't be collected. If the object 
contains "scope" members (if the language even allows that), then 
references to those members should actually inherit the 
container's "scope" status, not the members' "scope" status, 
because "scope" would be "overloaded" in that case to mean 
"packed into a (potentially heap allocated) object". "scope" is 
all about where the objects might be allocated, which is not a 
transitive property.

Memory management design

2013-07-09 Thread BLM768
Given all of this talk about memory management, it would seem 
that it's time for people to start putting forward some ideas for 
improved memory management designs. I've got an idea or two of my 
own, but I'd like to discuss my ideas before I draft a DIP so I 
can try to get everything fleshed out and polished.

Anyway the core idea behind my design is that object lifetimes 
tend to be managed in one of three ways:

1. Tied to a stack frame
2. Tied to an "owner" object
3. Not tied to any one object (managed by the GC)

To distinguish between these types of objects, one could use a 
set of three storage classes:

1. "scope": refers to stack-allocated memory (which seems to be 
the original design behind "scope"). "scope" references may not 
be stashed anywhere where they might become invalid. Since this 
is the "safest" type of reference, any object may be passed by 
"scope ref".

2. "owned": refers to an object that is heap-allocated but 
manually managed by another object or by a stack frame. "owned" 
references may only be stashed in other "owned" references. Any 
non-scope object may be passed by "owned ref". This storage class 
might not be usable in @safe code without further restrictions.

3. GC-managed: the default storage class. Fairly 
self-explanatory. GC-managed references may not refer to "scope" 
or "owned" objects.

Besides helping with the memory management issue, this design 
could also help tame the hairy mess of "auto ref"; "scope ref" 
can safely take any stack-allocated object, including 
temporaries, so a function could have "scope auto ref" parameters 
without needing to be a template function and with greater safety 
than "auto ref" currently provides.

Re: why allocators are not discussed here

2013-06-27 Thread BLM768

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 23:59:01 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 23:02:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Maybe a type distinction akin to C++'s auto_ptr might help?

It might not be so bad if we modified D to add a lent storage 
class, or something, similar to some discussions about scope in 
the past.

These would be values you may work with, but never keep; 
assigning them to anything is not allowed and you may only pass 
them to a function or return them from a function if that is 
also marked lent. Any regular reference would be implicitly 
usable as lent.

Something along those lines would probably be a good solution.

It seems that we're working with three types of objects:

1. Objects that are "owned" by a scope (can be stack-allocated)
2. Objects that are "owned" by a another object (C/C++-like 
memory management)

3. Objects that have no single "owner" (GC memory management)

The first two would probably operate under semantics like "lent" 
or "scope", although I'd like to propose an extension to the 
rules: it should be possible to store a weak reference to these 
types (or at least to #2) once we have weak reference support.

The third type seems to be pretty much solved, seeing as we have 
a (mostly) working GC.

Something like this might be a nice way to implement it:

class Thing {}

void doSomething(scope Thing t); //Takes #1, #2, or #3 by 

void doSomethingElse(owned Thing t); //Takes only #2 or #3

void main() {
  scope Thing t1; //stack-allocated
  owned Thing t2 = new Thing; //heap-allocated but freed at end 
of scope


Re: Automatic Equation and Inequation evaluation.

2013-06-15 Thread BLM768

On Saturday, 15 June 2013 at 13:23:07 UTC, Carlos wrote:

OK but if developed it would be included in D ? Right ? It 
would be very useful I think.

It could be useful, but only in a very specific type of program, 
so it's unlikely that it would be bundled with the D compiler. It 
would almost certainly be distributed as a separate download from 
its own site.

Re: What is the current state of D for android development?

2013-03-29 Thread BLM768

On Friday, 29 March 2013 at 06:35:10 UTC, js.mdnq wrote:

I guess that means none... :/

Unfortunately, there hasn't been a lot of focus on ARM platforms; 
people are too busy improving the language and tools to work on 
standard PC hardware. The DMD compiler definitely won't work for 
Android development, but I'm pretty sure that GDC can be compiled 
for ARM output, and I think LDC has that capability as well. 
You'd probably need to write your own linkscripts, and the 
runtime would definitely have to be modified.

Re: replacement

2013-03-08 Thread BLM768

One thing to remember is that streams need to be runtime 
swappable.  For instance, I should be able to replace stdout 
with a stream of my choice.

That does make my solution a little tougher to implement. Hmmm...

It looks like a monolithic type is the easiest solution, but it 
definitely should have range support somewhere. Since that's 
already planned (at least as I understand it), I guess I don't 
really have any complaints about it.

Now, I wouldn't mind if you made the default source a 
"block-input range", since it could have very similar performance 
characteristics to an integrated source and would provide a 
useful range for other stuff, but an integrated source would be 
manageable and probably just a hair faster.

Re: replacement

2013-03-07 Thread BLM768
On Thursday, 7 March 2013 at 12:42:23 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

If the function is optimized, it can essentially bypass the 
range layer and operate directly on the buffer while using the 
same interface it would use if it were operating on the range. 
As I understand it, some of the operations in Phobos do that 
as well when given arrays.

This is the wrong track to take.

There have been quite a few people in the D community that have 
advocated for the syntax:

int[] arr;

auto p = 5 in arr;

Just like AAs.  It looks great!  Why shouldn't we have a way to 
search for data with such a concise interface?  The problem is 
then that diminishes the value of 'in'.  For AAs, this lookup 
is O(1) amortized, For an array, it's O(n).  This means any 
time a coder sees x in y, he has to consider whether that is a 
"slow lookup" or a "quick lookup".  Not only that, but generic 
code that uses the in operation has to insert caveats "this 
function is O(n) if T is an array, otherwise it's O(1)".  The 
situation is not something we want.

Maybe "takeArray" is a bad design, but it was just an example. 
The "block input"/"slice-assignable" range idea would still work 
well, though.

We could provide a "RangeStream" type which shoehorns any range 
into a stream, but I'd want it tucked in some shadowy corner of 
Phobos, not to be used except in emergencies when nothing else 
will do.  It should be discouraged.

One of my main reasons for wanting ranges as the input was to 
allow this sort of an interface. This looks like a usable 
solution for that need.

I hope my above comments have made clear that I am not against 
having ranges be forcibly changed into streams.  What I don't 
want is ranges implicitly treated as streams.

I'd say that my idea is more about having ranges implicitly 
treated as stream sources rather than as true streams, but having 
a method to explicitly make them stream sources would still be 
quite usable.

Ultimately, I think that the differences between our designs boil 
down to having a more monolithic stream interface with an 
internal stream source or having a lighter-weight but more ad-hoc 
stream interface with an external and more exposed stream source. 
At this point, I'd probably be happy with either as long as they 
have equivalent functionality.

Re: replacement

2013-03-06 Thread BLM768

That certain specific types of range can't implement a given 
operation efficiently isn't a reason to reject the idea.

If somebody tries using takeArray on a range that by its very 
nature can only pick off elements one by one, they should 
expect it to be as slow as a for loop.  OTOH, when used on a 
file, array or similar structure, it will perform much better 
than this.

But thinking about it now, maybe what we need is the concept of 
a "block input" range, which is an input range with the 
addition of the takeArray method.  Of course, standard D arrays 
would be block input ranges.  Then (for example) a library that 
reads a binary file format can be built to accept a block input 
range of bytes.


That's basically what my thinking was, but you've expressed it in 
a better way than I think I could have. I'd definitely like to 
see this idea implemented; it could be useful for just about 
anything involving a buffer.

Re: replacement

2013-03-06 Thread BLM768
On Wednesday, 6 March 2013 at 16:36:38 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
On Tue, 05 Mar 2013 18:24:22 -0500, BLM768  

Ranges aren't necessarily higher- or lower-level than streams; 
they're completely orthogonal ways of looking at a data 
source. It's completely possible to build a stream interface 
on top of a range of characters, which is what I was 
suggesting. In that situation, the range is at a lower level 
of abstraction than the stream is.

I think you misunderstand.  Ranges absolutely can be a source 
for streams, especially if they are arrays.  The point is that 
the range *interface* doesn't make a good stream interface.  So 
we need to invent new methods to access streams.

Although I probably didn't communicate it very well, my idea was 
that since we already have functions like std.conv.parse that 
essentially provide parts of a stream interface on top of ranges, 
the most convenient way to implement a stream might be to build 
it on top of a range interface so no code duplication is needed.

Create a range operation like "r.takeArray(n)". You can 
optimize it to take a slice of the buffer when possible.

This is not a good idea.  We want streams to be high 
performance.  Accepting any range, such as a dchar range that 
outputs one dchar at a time, is not going to be high 

If the function is optimized, it can essentially bypass the range 
layer and operate directly on the buffer while using the same 
interface it would use if it were operating on the range. As I 
understand it, some of the operations in Phobos do that as well 
when given arrays.

On top of that, in some cases, the result will be a slice, in 
some cases it will be a copy.  Generic code will have to figure 
out that difference if it wants to save the data for later, or 
else risk double copying.

That could definitely be an issue. It should be possible to 
enforce slicing semantics somehow, but I'd have to think about it.

Range operations like std.conv.parse implicitly progress their 
source ranges.

That's not a range operation.  Range operations are empty, 
popFront, front.  Anything built on top of ranges must use ONLY 
these three operations, otherwise you are talking about 
something else.

I guess that's not the right terminology for what I'm trying to 
express. I was thinking of "operations that act on ranges."

From what I see, at least in terms of the interface, a stream 
is basically just a generalization of a range that supports 
more than one type as input/output. There's no reason that 
such a system couldn't be built on top of a range, especially 
when the internal representation is of a single type: 

streams shouldn't have to support the front/popFront mechanism.
 empty may be the only commonality.  I think that is an awkward 
fit for ranges.  Certainly it is possible to take a *specific* 
range, such as an array, and add a stream-like interface to it.

 But not ranges in general.

I hadn't considered the case of r.front; I was only thinking 
about r.popFront. Looks like they're a little more different than 
I was thinking, but they're still very similar under certain 

Ultimately, we do need some type of a traditional stream 
interface; I was just thinking about using ranges behind the 
scenes and using existing pieces of the standard library for 
stream operations rather than putting all of the operations into 
a unified data type. I'm not sure if it could really be called an 
"ideal" design, but I do think that it could provide a good 
minimalist solution with performance that would be acceptable for 
at least many applications.

Re: replacement

2013-03-05 Thread BLM768
On Tuesday, 5 March 2013 at 16:12:24 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
On Tue, 05 Mar 2013 03:22:00 -0500, Jonathan M Davis 

In general, a stream _is_ a range, making a lot of "stream" 
stuff basically
irrelevant. What's needed then is a solid, efficient range 
interface on top of

I/O (which we're lacking at the moment).

This is not correct.  A stream is a good low-level 
representation of i/o.  A range is a good high-level 
abstraction of that i/o.

Ranges aren't necessarily higher- or lower-level than streams; 
they're completely orthogonal ways of looking at a data source. 
It's completely possible to build a stream interface on top of a 
range of characters, which is what I was suggesting. In that 
situation, the range is at a lower level of abstraction than the 
stream is.

Ranges make terrible streams for two reasons:

1. r.front does not have room for 'read n bytes'.  Making it do 
that is awkward (e.g. r.nextRead = 20; r.front; // read 20 

Create a range operation like "r.takeArray(n)". You can optimize 
it to take a slice of the buffer when possible.

2. ranges have separate operations for getting data and 
progressing data.  Streams by their very nature combine the two 
in one operation (i.e. read)

Range operations like std.conv.parse implicitly progress their 
source ranges. For example:

auto stream = file.byChars;
while(!stream.empty) {

Except for the extra ".byChars", it's just as concise as any 
other stream, and it's more flexible than something that *only* 
provides a stream interface. It also saves some duplication of 
effort; everything can lean on std.conv.parse.

Besides, streams don't necessarily progress the data; C++ 
iostreams have peek(), after all.

From what I see, at least in terms of the interface, a stream is 
basically just a generalization of a range that supports more 
than one type as input/output. There's no reason that such a 
system couldn't be built on top of a range, especially when the 
internal representation is of a single type: characters. replacement

2013-03-05 Thread BLM768
While working on a project, I've started to realize that I miss 
streams. If someone's not already working on bringing 
up to snuff, I think that we should start thinking about to do 
Of course, with ranges being so popular (with very good reason), 
the new stream interface would probably just be a range wrapper 
around a file; in fact, a decent amount of functionality could be 
implemented by just adding a byChars range to the standard File 
struct and leaving the parsing functionality to std.conv.parse. 
Of course, there's no reason to stop there; we could also add 
socket streams, compressed streams, and just about any other type 
of stream, all without an especially large amount of effort.
Unless someone already wants to tackle the project (or has 
already started), I'd be willing to work out at least a basic 
design and implementation.

Re: DIP23 draft: Fixing properties redux

2013-02-03 Thread BLM768

On Monday, 4 February 2013 at 04:00:28 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Monday, 4 February 2013 at 03:15:51 UTC, David Nadlinger 

And how often do you think you'll find yourself in the 
situation of needing to get a delegate from a property anyway? 
Can't we just make »@property getter expressions are always 
equivalent to their return value« a hard (simple!) rule and add 
something like __traits(propertyGetter, ...) for the rare cases 
where you really need to get hold of the underlying function?


I like this solution; it follows the Principle of Least Surprise
quite well. The syntax may be a bit longer, but it's immediately
obvious even to a beginning/intermediate D user what's going on
without having to worry about too many nuances.

Re: Array in array

2012-10-27 Thread BLM768
Ack! I just realized that this doesn't work because D isn't 
dynamically typed. I've had way too much Ruby on the brain 

You could use std.variant to simulate dynamic typing, but can be 
a bit of a mess.

You also could do something like this:

int[][] a = [[1], [2, 3, 4], [5]];

That's also a bit ugly, though.
In the end, you'll probably end up structuring your data in some 
other way.

Next time I answer a question, I'd better make sure I'm thinking 
of the right language.

Re: Array in array

2012-10-27 Thread BLM768

On Saturday, 27 October 2012 at 21:16:56 UTC, xfiles wrote:

Hi everybody!
I want create a multi array like python.
For example(in python):

and result is = [1,2,[1234],3,[[4],5],6]

How can I do this in D

If you want to create it with one line, you can just write 
something like this:

int[] a = [1,2,[1234],3,[[4],5],6];

To build the array by appending to it, the ~= operator appends to 
an array in place:

int[] a = [1,2];
a ~= [[1234],3];
a ~= [[[4],5], 6];

You can also use the ~ operator:

a = [1,2,3];
a = a ~ [4, 5];
//a is now [1,2,3,4,5]

However, this is less efficient because it makes a copy of the 
original array.

The ~ and ~= operators can also append individual values:

a = [1];
a ~= 2;
a ~= 3;
//a is now [1,2,3]

Re: [just talk] what if implicitly typed literals were disallowed

2012-10-25 Thread BLM768

And what about _transparent substitution_ of AA literals for a 
custom hash


That would also be an excellent way to sidestep the current 
issues with AAs. The AA code would have to be heavily refactored, 
which could clean up the mess and probably get rid of a lot of 
bugs. It could also make performance tuning easier. Hopefully, 
this would make other aspects of the compiler and runtime simpler 
as well.

I'm not sure how the optimizer would like the new system, though. 
It's likely that it would have to be beefed up, especially in the 
area of function inlining between compilation units.

Re: SQL working [ was Re: The sorry state of the D stack? ]

2012-10-08 Thread BLM768
I've been thinking about writing an interface inspired by 
ActiveRecord. It would probably be relatively simple and 
lightweight, but it should be enough for simple REST 
applications, and the interface would (hopefully) be extremely 
nice to use.
Of course, with all the other projects I want to do, I'm not sure 
how long this will live :).

Re: Rust and D

2012-09-29 Thread BLM768
Looking at Rust's concurrency model, it does have some great 

I wonder what would happen if D used thread-local heaps...

As far as syntax goes, the "shared" keyword could be used to 
distinguish between the heap types. I'm not sure how all this 
would work with "new", but I'm sure someone can think of a clean 

In all, it's an intriguing idea, and it could fit with D's 
current concurrency model extremely well. I can definitely see 
this breaking code, but not much more than the switch to TLS 
globals did. It might be something to consider eventually.

Re: getcwd behaves inconsistent?

2012-06-19 Thread BLM768
Is there any chance of this code being added to Phobos? I think 
it would get a fair bit of use.